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Mosaic’s legacy of bringing state-of-the-art health care equipment and enhancing services in Moose Jaw continues
moSaiC’S lEgaCy of bringing STaTE-of-THE-arTHEalTHCarEEquiPmEnT anD EnHanCing SErviCES in mooSE JaWConTinuES
the Mosaic Company announced in May 2021 an additional fiveyear commitment to the Moose Jaw Health Foundation, bringing state-of-the-art diagnostic and surgical equipment to Moose Jaw.
“Our long-standing partnership with the Moose Jaw Health Foundation continues today with new funding to enhance local surgical and diagnostic imaging capabilities,” shares Sarah Fedorchuk, vice-president government and public affairs – North America with The Mosaic Company. “We are proud to support the Health Foundation’s important work to deliver the best possible care to its patients, including hundreds of our Mosaic employees and their families that call Moose Jaw home.”
Mosaic is the Moose Jaw Health Foundation’s largest annual donor and their extended commitment of $750,000 over the next five years adds to the nearly $1.6 million the company has invested in health care in Moose Jaw to date.
The Moose Jaw Health Foundation expressed their gratitude for the continuation of Mosaic’s decade of generous support.
“No matter what the foundation does, Mosaic is always there to support us with the shared goal of enhancing patient care,” said Kelly McElree, executive director at Moose Jaw Health Foundation. “Thanks to their investment, we can bring the best surgical and diagnostic imaging equipment in Canada to the people of Moose Jaw and surrounding areas, while also attracting and retaining top medical talent.” Each year, an average of 1,000 urological procedures are performed at the Dr. F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital. The new Mosaic-funded equipment includes the BK-series of ultrasound displays and transducers that will now offer live imaging and identification of masses and tumours often hidden from direct view, putting some of the most modern intra-operative image guidance tools available in the hands of local surgeons like urologist, Dr. Chun Huang.
“The equipment provides a modern approach to health care. It allows doctors, like me, to ensure we can access superior treatment options close to home, dramatically increasing quality of care,” says Dr. Huang. “When using the new equipment, patients can expect a more comfortable experience, shorter recovery time, reduced risks and better treatment outcomes.”
“Thank you to Mosaic and their employees who continue to help the foundation provide enhanced services and care that save lives every day,” said McElree.
ABOut thE MOsAic cOMPANy
The Mosaic Company is one of the world’s leading producers and marketers of concentrated phosphate and potash crop nutrients. Mosaic is a single source provider of phosphate and potash fertilizers and feed ingredients for the global agriculture industry. To learn more, visit www.mosaicincanada.com.
The Moose Jaw Health Foundation is the official registered charitable organization of the Dr. F.H. Wigmore Regional Hospital. The foundation works with donors, volunteers, medical professionals and the community to raise money for state-of-the-art medical equipment and services. To learn more, visit www.mjhf.org. l

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