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Wicehtowak Limnos Consulting Services: A 100-per cent Indigenous-owned company
Wicehtowak Limnos Consulting Services (WLCS) is wholly owned by George Gordon Developments (GGDL) and ultimately owned by the George Gordon First Nation (100-per cent Indigenously owned company), which is one of the largest nations within the Treaty 4 territory.
WLCS has worked with various crown corporations, proponents and worldwide companies within the pipeline, potash and oil and gas sectors completing security, labour, environmental/Indigenous monitoring and elder services. One of our more interesting and recent scopes of services has been advice to government and proponent in the service of creating Indigenous engagement policies and procedures, as well as creating Indigenous benefits plans for large capital projects.
WLCS will bring diversity to your project with a traditional lens while successfully completing projects safely, on budget and on time. We pride ourselves on being a Saskatchewan get it done company who is accountable, reliable, hard working, and authentic. v