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Table of Contents
Communications Inc.
Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 0G5 Fax: (204) 668-4641
A Message from the Editor Index to Advertisers
President David Langstaff
Cover Your Ice: Avoid the blame in snow and ice management liability issues
Associate Publisher Jason Stefanik
Liquid Anti-Icing for Municipal Sidewalks
Editor Bonnie Winter Fedak
The Key to Low Cost and Longevity for Snow Blowers: Preventive maintenance on snow blowers . . . . . . . .
Advertising Sales Cheryl Ezinicki Jennifer Hebert Gladwyn Nickel Michelle Raike Magazine Consultant Gladwyn Nickel Production services provided by S. G. Bennett Marketing Services Art Director Kathy Cable Layout & Design Dana Jensen Advertising Art Deryn Bothe Michelle Hooey Subscription information available. Please contact DEL Communications Inc. Two issues for $12.00 © Copyright 2009, DEL Communications Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein and the reliability of the source, the publisher in no way guarantees nor warrants the information and is not responsible for errors, omissions or statements made by advertisers. Opinions and recommendations made by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher, its directors, officers or employees. Publications mail agreement #40934510 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, MB R3L 0G5 Email:
Trecan Combustion Limited Snowmelters Nordik Blades’ Ongoing Commitment
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
In the Ice Melting Arena: Let the winter profits begin!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Tiger Calcium Services – All About Total Customer Satisfaction Weldco-Beales Manufacturing Inc. – Experience
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Snow Removal Systems N.A. Inc. (SRS) Announces New Partnerships NSC Minerals Inc. – A Premiere Salt Provider Building a Better Snow Blade
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Equipment Showcase: WESTERN Launches New Products
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
New Development in the Field of Compact Weather Stations
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
SnowEx Introduces the Fleet-Friendly, 3-Cubic-Yard Capacity V-Maxx 9300 Spreader AVALANCHE® – A Story of Innovation and Quality FISHER Announces New Products
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Allstone Equipment – Pushing Forward
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Arctic Snow & Ice Control’s New Generation of Snow Plows The Last Page: Snow Trivia
. . . . 35
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
On the cover: Photo courtesy of DEL Equipment & Arctic Snowplows.
A Message from the Editor By Bonnie Winter Fedak
There’s a Good Chance
of Snow Today … elcome to the inaugural issue of Snow Manager magazine created especially for Canada’s snow and ice removal professionals. Canada is synonymous with snow, and whether you live in southern Ontario or northern Saskatchewan – not to mention the northern territories – residents, companies, and cities and towns alike can anticipate some level of snow removal activity as the fall season transitions into winter. Snow and ice management consists of more than just removal of snow and ice from residential or commercial property. It also targets the treatment of ice before and after storms, in order to protect property and to help maintain a safe environment against accidents and injuries. Equipment, planning, and professional organization make a significant difference in how snow and ice removal professionals prepare for the various situations Canadian winters blow our way. Depending on how much snow your area receives in a normal winter, snow removal needs will, invariably, dictate the type of equipment necessary and the approach to how snow and ice are
removed. Part of the snow removal professional’s service to their customers involves how quickly they can perform their service. It is, after all, all about speed. The more customers served the better for their business. Our equipment showcase – a regular department in every issue – takes a look at a variety of products that highlight what is new within the snow and ice management landscape. Browse through the pages and see some of the latest in technology that your industry has to offer. Whether or not your business offers a variety of snow removal service plans, or you operate on an “as-needed” basis, scheduling will be at the core of your operating agenda. Be prepared, be informed, and enjoy receiving your copy of Snow Manager magazine. There’s a good chance of snow today. Happy shovelling. We encourage our readership to contact the editor – – with their latest in news and information, to share within the industry. ❄
Index to Advertisers Allstone Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Arctic Snow & Ice Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Blizzard Snowplows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Carmikel Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Caytec Equipment (a Del Company) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 DEL Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 33 Fisher Plows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Fort Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Fort Garry Industries Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Horst Welding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Kleysen Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 Ledex Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Machinability Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 NSC Minerals Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OBC Ossian Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Pro-Tech Manufacturing & Distribution, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
R.P.M. Tech Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Schmidt North America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 SNI Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IFC Snow Removal Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10, 26, 35, 38 Snow Wheel System Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 The Canadian Salt Co. Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IBC Tiger Calcium Services Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Trackless Vehicles Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Traffic Technology 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Trecan Snowmelters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Usinage Pro 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Valley Blades Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 Weldco-Beales Mfg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Western Plows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Wolfgroup International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
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Cover Your Ice
Avoid the blame in snow and
ice management liability issues By Mark Hall, Director of Marketing & Sales, TrynEx International
n many parts of Canada, winter is by far the dominant season and snow and ice take over the streets, sidewalks and parking lots for several months of the year. For this reason, snow and ice management can be an extremely profitable business. If, however, these contractors neglect to cover their bases when it comes to liability issues, their dream business can quickly turn into a nightmare. Many snow and ice management contractors don’t realize that in a slip-and-fall claim, the blame can fall solely on them. With today’s rising unemployment rates, the number of slipand-fall claims can be expected to rise as well. Lawsuits can easily ruin a business, especially when gambling with liability in the high stakes of snow and ice management, and not having enough insurance can be a recipe for disaster. This is why contractors must adequately insure themselves and take steps to reduce their liability exposure.
Going under coverage Whether a contractor is just entering the snow and ice management business or is a seasoned veteran of the trade, the first factor that must be addressed to protect against liability is the insurance policy. It is important to meet with an insurance agent to discuss coverage on a new or current business plan, but it’s also imperative for the contractor to read through the insurance policy. Whether trusted or not, the agent is ultimately a salesperson and may not know all the right answers. The amount of coverage needed depends largely on the size of an operation, but other factors come into play, as well. If the contractor is working for a city, municipality, province, board of education, or any other government agency, the required coverage will be stipulated in the contract. For other clients, such as commercial facilities, the requirement will typically run between $2 million for smaller clients to approximately $5 million worth of coverage for larger clients. In some cases, larger clients may require even more coverage, with up to $10 million worth of coverage not being unheard of. As with any insurance policy, the hope is that it will never need to be used. Any snow and ice management contractor, however, is apt to receive a slip-and-fall claim if he is in the business long enough. To further protect himself in this situation, a contractor must combine his coverage with preventative measures to reduce his liability exposure. By doing so, he can help prove due diligence – not negligence – in his efforts. Choosing your words carefully Crucial to reducing liability, service agreements spell out the responsibilities of a contractor, and nothing should be left out. A 8
Some manufacturers offer features that can help increase material efficiency and lower costs. For example, a spreader with an independently controlled auger and spinner can spread de-icing material more precisely than those that utilize other distribution methods.
contractor must explain all services to his clients and then have them sign off on what they accept, what they reject and any further special instructions. For example, a client may refuse to spend extra money to de-ice a property with magnesium chloride at -12 C, an appropriate temperature for this de-icer. The client may only approve the use of sodium chloride, which is cheaper, but loses its effectiveness below -6 C. In this case, the contractor’s agreement should state that the client refused the use of magnesium chloride. Otherwise, he appears negligent for not using an appropriate product for the conditions. Contracts must also clearly identify the party responsible for de-icing, because some clients may request to de-ice their own PREMIERE ISSUE • FALL 2009 | SNOW MANAGER
sidewalks and entranceways. If this isn’t noted, the client may try to blame his own negligence on the contractor in the case of a slip-and-fall incident. Another de-icing issue often left out of contracts is freezethaw cycles. As snow piles begin to melt at the end of winter, the run-off freezes when night temperatures dip below freezing. The freeze-thaw cycles create icy spots that need to be managed. The agreement should state whether the client is responsible for notifying the contractor of these hazards or if the contractor must keep watch. Verbiage also plays a vital role in a contractor’s agreements, both in his own and the ones he signs. A legal advisor should review them, as this can help identify language in a contract that can cause trouble, even if it’s just a single word. As an example, contracts should use the word “serviced” instead of “cleared” because in an ongoing event, one may not be able to keep all properties completely cleared. Also, the word “insured” works better than “fully-insured” since nobody can say how much insurance is really enough, and attorneys will jump at the chance to find out in a lawsuit. When signing clients’ contracts, one must use caution. Many contractors, desperate for new business, sign them without considering the consequences. This may expose them to excess liability, since outside contracts are often generated by large national clients and contain generic language. As an example, a contract may state that the contractor is responsible for slip-and-fall occurrences on the client’s property. A better contract, however, would be more specific so the contractor could not be held responsible for areas on the property that he is not instructed to service, such as entranceways. Additionally, outside contracts often put the client in charge of service frequencies. This takes control away from the contractor, who may be on a busy schedule when the client calls for service. When he does arrive at the client’s property, the snow may be packed down, making it harder to plow and requiring more material to melt the ice. Putting everything in writing Other than service agreements, more paperwork is needed. For every job, a contractor should document the time he arrived at the site, how many square meters he treated, the services he provided, the products he used, and the weather conditions at the time he serviced the property. All of these factors are important, because these are the questions an attorney asks in a slip-and-fall case. If the contractor can prove the property was serviced in a timely manner, the appropriate volume and type of ice melt was used, and the service agreement was fulfilled, a court of law is likely to find he exercised due diligence and is free of liability. Furthermore, a contractor should take photos of all clients’ properties before snow starts to fall, because pictures are not only worth a thousand words, but they can also save thousands of dollars. They help identify obstacles on the lot and act as documentation of prior property damage. For example, a client may have a damaged curb he did not notice before winter began. He may notice, however, the damage after the snow melts and assume it was caused by a snowplow. If a date-stamped photo was taken of the property, the client can see the curb was damaged before service began. SNOW MANAGER |
Be sure the contract clarifies who is responsible for de-icing sidewalks and entranceways to avoid any misplaced blame in the case of a slip-and-fall incident.
For further protection, a contractor may also consider taking pictures after a job. This proves an area was serviced at a certain time and snow piles were kept outside of drivers’ line of sight. While many contractors don’t do this and most would see it as unnecessary, digital cameras provide an inexpensive way to generate further documentation, and spending just a few minutes to take photos can pay off in the future. Putting time on your side While documentation is extremely important in snow and ice management, preventative steps must also be taken on the jobsite to reduce liability exposure. One way for contractors to do this is to put time on their side. Many snow and ice management firms focus on getting more contracts, and then fail to fulfill them in a timely manner. Instead, contractors should plan response times for clients and ensure they can provide adequate service for all. This prevents calls from impatient clients wondering when their lot will be serviced and reduces liability exposure, because the longer snow and ice remain on a property, the greater chance of a slipand-fall incident. Also, service agreements should not state that a client’s property will be serviced by a certain time of the day. In other words, contractors shouldn’t guarantee an 8 a.m. cleanup, because snow may continue to fall into the afternoon. Instead, they should offer to have the lot cleared within a certain number of hours of the snow event. This method allows greater control of the business and allows them to charge a premium rate for a quick response time or a discount rate for less urgent accounts. 9
Snow and ice management can be a lucrative business, but the proper liability coverage is imperative to avoiding slip-and-fall lawsuits.
A snow broom is ideal for use on a surface that could be damaged by heavy snow blades because it’s capable of pushing several inches of snow with little chance of damaging the surface.
Equipping for success Besides taking on too many contracts, a snow and ice management provider should be careful not to take on jobs that are inappropriate for his equipment. The temptation of a large, high paying job is tough to decline, but a contractor only increases his liability exposure by attempting to take on demanding commercial properties with only a five-foot plow. On the other hand, using equipment that’s too large or aggressive for a particular job can be detrimental, as well. For instance, decorative concrete surfaces can be caught and damaged by heavy plow blades. In this case, perhaps a snow broom attachment would provide a better option. A relatively new approach in snow removal, these brooms are capable of pushing several centimeters of snow while virtually eliminating the chance of damaging the surface below. When considering new equipment, better tools usually offer better liability protection. For example, a spreader with an independently controlled auger and spinner can spread de-icing material more precisely than those that use other distribution methods. This precision control not only provides the contractor with increased material efficiency and lowered costs, but it helps reduce potential property damage, as well. Putting the material where it’s needed, rather than flinging it into environmentally sensitive areas, passing or parked vehicles, or other property, is just one more step to keeping your cold-weather service out of hot water. Otherwise, when it comes to the plow blade, make sure it’s equipped with proper edge markers. It’s a very basic accessory, but
being able to clearly see where the edges of your plow reside helps keep it in the snow and away from any sensitive property. The key to equipment considerations is to work within its logical capabilities or to gear up for the jobs you want to address. Doing so means a more efficient operation, happier customers and the reduction of easily avoidable liability issues.
“Attn: Snow Contractors” New 70 TPH Portable Melter coming your way!!! Canada 403-872-4240 | United States 360-647-5542 10
Melting away liability exposure Another way to reduce liability exposure is to work with the storm by either pre-treating a property or by servicing it immediately. If a property is pre-treated, the de-icer product prevents bonds from forming between the pavement and ice, making an area much easier to plow later. If a few inches of snow fall before the property is serviced, the snow may have been packed down by cars and, therefore, much harder to plow. And since icy spots are more likely to remain after plowing packed snow, a slip-and-fall incident is more likely to occur. Also, contractors should offer a variety of ice melting products, rather than just sodium chloride, or salt, which is the only product used by many contractors. As mentioned earlier, sodium chloride loses its effectiveness as the temperature falls below -6 C. Consequently, if a contractor spreads it at a temperature of -12 C, and a person slips on the treated ice, a contractor may be found negligent if he did not offer a more appropriate product. To improve the effectiveness of salt, many contractors mix it with sand, which provides traction, while the salt absorbs sunlight and slowly breaks up the ice. This is a better option than using only salt, but still may not be as efficient as magnesium chloride, calcium chloride or other ice melting products that quickly melt ice at low temperatures. All this talk about liability can be overwhelming, and a bit frightening, but it shouldn’t scare potential contractors away from the lucrative business of snow and ice management. The steps listed are easy to implement, and one can rest easy knowing how to use better business practices that protect against liability exposure. Like driving a car, the associated risks are clearly understood. Seatbelts are worn for protection, should an accident occur, and safe driving tactics are exercised to minimize the risk. In snow and ice management, insurance is the seatbelt, liability-reduction methods are the safe driving tactics, and the smile on a contractor’s face is peace of mind. Photos courtesy of SnowEx, a division of TrynEx International. ❄ PREMIERE ISSUE • FALL 2009 | SNOW MANAGER
Liquid Anti-Icing
By Mike Ossian, Ossian Inc.
for Municipal Sidewalks
inter can be tough, but winter maintenance doesn’t always have to be. New tools and techniques have made sidewalks and public areas, easier to maintain with significantly reduced environmental impact, while also reducing product costs and labor hours that can be more effectively distributed to other areas. The concept of anti-icing is not new and you have likely either read about it or heard about it used in a variety of settings from road and facility maintenance. But the practice is growing and expanding, as the demand for more effective practices, reduced environmental impact and cost pressure and brought the technique from the highways to the sidewalks. What it ultimately comes down to is – if you haven’t incorporated anti-icing practices into your winter program you are losing money and likely applying far more chlorides than needed to maintain a safe surface. In order to address liquids and antiicing in general, let’s first start with some ice melter basics. As confusing as it may sound, the purpose of an ice melter is not to melt ice. The purpose of an ice melter is to break the bond between the ice and your pavement surface so that it can be
easily removed by mechanical means such as a shovel or plow. There are two very key elements in that statement. First, the purpose is not to melt ice. This means that when using an ice melting product you should not keep piling it on in an attempt to simply vaporize the ice and snow. This results in a costly waste of product, damage to surrounding vegetation and contamination to water run off areas. The second key is to remove the slush after your product has broken the surface bond. If the slush is not removed it will either refreeze, resulting in a slip and fall accident, or your crew will just reapply, melting the ice back to slush again. The increased freeze thaw cycles that result from not removing the slush, can have a damaging impact on your concrete, in addition to the effects resulting from over application. Where liquids and the practice of antiicing have their biggest impact is in their ability to prevent ice from bonding with your pavement altogether. Applied ahead of a winter storm event, liquids coat your paved surface much like butter on a frying pan. The liquid mixture, often a blend of salt brine and other de-icers, acts as a barrier to that bond as your snow accumulates on your pavement. Some melting ac-
tion will occur on contact however liquids are not designed as a snow repellant. The purpose of an anti-icer is to prevent bonding. What this means to an operator is that when the storm is over and they go to remove the snow from their sidewalk, they will find a smooth clean surface underneath, rather than the layer of bonded snow and ice they are accustomed to. Much like shoveling wet snow, this clean surface does not need the costly repeated application of dry de-icers that would otherwise result. The enormous environmental benefit of anti-icing is the significant reduction of chlorides used to maintain the same area. Buying an “all-natural” de-icer that is nothing more than a bag of re-branded salt and applying it in the same manner as you’ve always applied your de-icers does nothing to reduce chloride contamination in your soil and water run off areas. Salt is used because it is cheap and effective, but there are ways to reduce their use while increasing their effectiveness. In the U.S., state departments of transportation that have driven much of the experimentation and implementation of liquids there, have reported that for every pound of salt applied in liquid form ahead of a winter PREMIERE ISSUE • FALL 2009 | SNOW MANAGER
storm, saves them roughly four pounds of salt that would be applied after the storm. The liquids themselves are for the most part fairly simple. The vast majority of them are salt brine based. Some formulas are blended with liquid versions of other well known de-icers such as calcium chloride, magnesium chloride or potassium acetate, and more and more are also blending in a bio-based additive. Like all ice melters, these blends vary in performance, price and intended application. Do the work to investigate which products are right for you and
your application. The fact of the matter is, if you are doing any level of anti-icing you are ahead of the game. If you’ve heard any of the press about people using “beet juice” on the roads, you have likely been hearing about a salt brine liquid, blended with a bio-based additive derived from sugar beets. There are a variety of these additives on the market produced from any number of sources and their primary role in the liquid mixture is extending the life of the product once it’s on the ground. They are often referred to
under a wide range of terms from simply “beet juice,” to organics, bio-based liquids, sugars or carbohydrates. Some of these actually improve the performance of the liquid de-icing chemicals while others are there to extend the application effectiveness of the product. If you were to spray straight salt brine on your sidewalk, it would work just fine as an anti-icer and is indeed used exactly like that in a lot of applications. Your primary concerns with a straight salt brine blend will be reducing the mist created by spraying so that it stays on your sidewalk and not your vegetation or corrosive surfaces. Your second drawback is that the water in the solution is subject to evaporation and can leave you with a chalky dust that blows away. If, for example, the local weather report was wrong in their prediction and your storm does not arrive on the day expected, it is entirely possible that your salt brine has simply blown away. The advantage of a product incorporating a bio-based additive is they prevent the product from drying out and dusting. With residual effect sometimes up to a week, these products are much more effective in extending the life of your liquids and freeing your crew up to apply product when it works in their schedule rather than trying to stay just an hour or two ahead of a storm. If the local weather is off by a day or two, your product is still active and ready for snow. To be clear however, liquid anti-icers are not a direct substitute or complete replacement of dry de-icing chemicals. The liquid benefit is when used ahead of a winter storm event to prevent bonding. There are environment, weather and temperature limitations to any liquid that determine their effectiveness. Where ice forms, a dry product is best suited. Where snow has fallen a blade needs to be used to remove, not more liquid. Unless your goal is to turn your pedestrian areas into hockey rink, liquids should not be used to melt existing ice or snow accumulation. What liquids are is a new too for your winter tool-kit that work in conjunction with your dry product to reduce overall product and labor costs while taking a stronger environmental leadership position without compromising pedestrian safety. Although there are a wide range of learning curves associated with incorporating liquids into an anti-icing program, the sooner your team begins the better positioned you will be with your budget, your environmental leadership. ❄ PREMIERE ISSUE • FALL 2009 | SNOW MANAGER
MAN OF STEEL You know keeping the competitive edge means never letting up. Never compromising. Especially when it comes to your equipment. And you didn’t choose the FISHER® XtremeV™ just because of its X-BRACING, or Trip-Edge Design, or Minute Mount® 2. You chose the XtremeV because FISHER knows — your reputation’s on the line.
Get the Edge
The Key to Low Cost and Longevity for Snow Blowers
Preventive maintenance on Submitted by R.P.M. Tech Inc.
s many of us already know, over 60 per cent of breakdowns are due to poor or improper maintenance. Many end users rely on Mother Nature – hoping it will not snow or assuming the unit does not need attention since it didn’t worked too many hours the previous year. This is where they make a critical error. A snow blower does not run on a regular basis but, when it does, it is an arduous and rigorous application – all the more reason it should be in good functional shape. Breakdowns occur when the unit is needed the most. Preventive maintenance eliminates breakdown threats and actually improves production and lowers operation costs.
The more you improve your knowledge about preventive maintenance, the better your chances are in getting longevity and reliability, performance and steady productivity out of your snow blower. Pre-winter season inspections and preparation are extremely important and a key factor in preventing unwanted breakdowns during operation. RPM Tech encourages its customers to properly inspect all components of their units, as there are over 115 points to be inspected. RPM Tech provides training sessions on service and preventive maintenance, as well as full-service inspection with written reports and unit evaluation. These evaluations are to serve the customer, and to make the customer aware of the con-
dition and readiness of the unit. RPM Tech provides full satisfaction and full warranty on these services. During the winter season, it is imperative the unit is in proper working order. The key to this is to have the unit checked before and after operation. Simple checks like oil levels, chain tolerances, leakage, engine, shear pins, lights, blades, etc., should never be overlooked or forgotten, as these simple checks can reveal hidden defects or unexpected breakdowns before they occur, saving once again down time and costly emergency repairs, not to mention delays in operations. This is a good habit to apply. In performing this routine, you will quickly notice a difference in the reliability of the unit and be able to capitalise on its performance. For example, the replacement of the shear pins at the beginning of every shift will increase productivity by assuring they are not fatigued from previous operation. The best time to service your blower is in the off season, right after the winter has ended. This procedure is very effective, as all of the irritants from the winter are fresh in your mind. You can repair them without being rushed and occasionally get a better pricing for parts from your supplier since it is the off season. Preventive measures should also be taken when the unit is stored for the off season to avoid supplementary repairs such as linkages, moving parts, and electronics that may seize up due to the water and calcium from the snow. This will incur extra repair costs. If the unit should be parked, an anti-rust solution should be applied to protect the components PREMIERE ISSUE • FALL 2009 | SNOW MANAGER
It Knows When To Fold 'Em Automatically. Windrow Right Position
Scoop Position
Windrow Left Position
BlizzardŽ SPEEDWING™ thinks for itself with wings that automatically fold forward or back, based on blade angle, to PD[LPL]H SORZLQJ HIÀFLHQF\ ,W¡V WKH FRVW HIIHFWLYH PXOWL SRVLWLRQ SORZ WKDW¡V DV HDV\ WR XVH DV D VWUDLJKW EODGH For straight-ahead plowing ERWK ZLQJV IROG IRUZDUG GHIDXOWLQJ WR WKH VFRRS SRVLWLRQ IRU PRUH VQRZ SXVKLQJ DQG VWDFNLQJ FDSDFLW\ When angled for windrowing, the trailing wing folds back in line with the moldboard while the leading wing retains its forward position WR FDSWXUH PRUH VQRZ UHGXFH VSLOORYHU DQG XWLOL]H WKH HQWLUH EODGH
Simply Genius.
from seizing up. Post-season preparation for storage is as important as the preventive maintenance season. If you are not prepared to do your maintenance immediately after the winter season, it is imperative that your machine be properly cleaned and lubricated before storage. Choosing the right machine for the right application Choosing the right snow blower can sometimes be a very difficult decision. Having the wrong machine for the application can incur many unnecessary costs. Most customers assume a blower is a blower. You must consider the type of snow you are working with and the different climate in your area. Thinking that any snow blower will do the job can lead to costly down time and repairs. Take into consideration what conditions you generally work in, i.e., hard packed snow, fresh powder, prepared wind rows, broken ice, etc. Here are just a few questions you should be asking your local representative before making your choice: • What type of machine do I need for municipal use? For snow dump sites? • What is the difference between a selfpropelled and a detachable snow blower?
• What is the difference between a ribbon type auger and a twin auger? • How much power do I need (approximate tons per hour to be blown)? • What type of augers are the best for ice and snow? • Do I use the side casting chute? If so, how high or far of a projection do I need? • If I get a detachable blower, what model best works with the carrier I presently own?
• Do I need any optional equipment as far as productivity is concerned? These are some of the questions that should be answered before deciding which model blower would perform best for you. RPM Tech has specialists available and ready to help you with this process, using over 40 years of experience. We will help you choose the right equipment to suit your needs, saving you money and increasing productivity. ❄
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Trecan Combustion Limited
Snowmelters he name TRECAN was originally an acronym for “Thermal Research and Engineering Canada” and the company’s history and origins are steeped in combustion technology and thermal efficiency. Trecan Combustion is a Canadian company that has been designing and manufacturing Snowmelters for over 35 years and to date the company has delivered over 500 machines throughout the world with large numbers in the United States, Canada and Russia. Trecan is the only Snowmelter manufacturer that builds nine different models of Portable Snowmelters and more than 10 single/ multiple burner models of Stationary Snowmelters. Presently, conventional Snowmelters generally fall into three categories: the most efficient are the Submerged Combustion Type Snowmelters that apply a fossil-fuel (diesel or natural gas) flame either directly to the deposited snow or to a water bath which melts the snow; the less efficient Snowmelters use heat exchangers or boiler tubes, whereby deposited snow comes into contact with tubes carrying fluids heated by external boilers and melts; and the even less efficient resistance heater Snowmelters comprising resistance heaters powered by external electric generators or other electrical power source, whereby snow comes into contact with the heated plates and melts. Only Trecan Snowmelters use Submerged Combustion Technology. In 2002, Trecan Combustion became the only Snowmelter manufacturer in the
Custom Fabrication Aluminum & Steel
world to obtain the ISO 9001:2000 certification, ISO's most widely known standard. ISO 9001:2000 has become an international reference for quality assurance requirements in business-to-business dealings all over the world. ISO 9001: 2000 primarily ensures that our products and services satisfy the customer's quality requirements. What does it all mean? Having completed the ISO 9001:2000 registration, Trecan Combustion has ensured their customers that a strict quality assurance program has been formed and implemented. ISO Registered companies have had dramatic reductions in customer complaints, significant reductions in operating costs and increased demand for their products and services. ISO Registration is simply good business. All Trecan Portable and Stationary Snowmelters are available with a Remote Communications Package enabling Trecan to monitor operations and conduct diagnostic checks 24/7 on Trecan Snow-
Snow Removal Equipment
please visit our website 20
melters almost anywhere in the world. This unique capability also allows for remote trouble shooting and Snowmelter software upgrades (if required and when available). We also offer an optional integrated GPS module. With a reputation built on quality, integrity, experience and repeat customers, Trecan Combustion is the most trusted Snowmelter manufacturer in North America. Trecan is the only Snowmelter manufacturer that can produce and distribute an extensive customer referral list which is available to anyone, and that in itself speaks volumes about the company’s reputation. Experience counts; we have it! Many of the largest and most populated cities and municipalities in North America use Trecan Snowmelters. The City of New York has been using Trecan Snowmelters for many years and recently ordered nine Trecan 60-PDs and seven Trecan 135-PDs. In 2007, Trecan supplied six Trecan 60-PDs and 10 Trecan 80-PDs to Moscow, Russia. Most of the largest and busiest airports in North America use Trecan Snowmelters, including: Pearson International Airport in Ontario, Newark Airport in New Jersey, Logan International Airport in Massachusetts, Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport in Minnesota, JFK International Airport and La Guardia International Airport in New York. Trecan is the only Snowmelter manufacturer that will guarantee the capacity of its Snowmelters. Trecan Snowmelters are the most thermally efficient Snowmelters available (approximately 98 per cent efficiency). This is due to the submerged combustion, direct contact method of heating and transferring the energy from the combustion process to the water and snow in the melting tank. With over 35 years of engineering, manufacturing and practical experience Trecan Snowmelters are the most proven, tried and tested Snowmelters available with over 500 machines currently in operation throughout North America and Russia. ❄ PREMIERE ISSUE • FALL 2009 | SNOW MANAGER
Nordik Blades’ Ongoing
Commitment ordik Blades specializes in the manufacturing of
equipment all under the same roof, the company provides a va-
replacement parts – such as carbide blades, carbide
riety of needs that include: precision machining, plasma cuts and
plow shoes and carbide tips – for snowplows,
all types of welding productions.
snowblowers, loaders, etc., and is a division of Usinage pro-24 inc. that was founded in 1999. Usinage pro-24 inc. has built a solid reputation in the field of precision machining. Its new division – Nordik Blades – is part of their plan to widen and diversify its line of products and services.
Quality products, competitive pricing, and the ability to meet respectable deadlines, enables Nordik Blades to meet – and surpass – customer expectations. Nordik Blades’ commitment to precision and quality is also the company’s mission. Both their cus-
Nordik Blades is most recognized, not only for the quality of
tomers and suppliers are seen as Nordik Blades’ “partners” with
their products and the expertise of their team leaders, but also
whom continuous and constructive dialogue is essential in order
for their above-average precision. With numerous machines and
to guarantee improvement of products and services offered. ❄
Quick Release Snow Pusher for Ultra Series 55 50
5 10
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Installs In 3 Seconds!
Blades For: Skid Steers Compact Tractors Backhoes Wheel Loaders Telehandlers & Ag Tractors
Time… I$ MONEY!
The revolutionary FastTach™ is for folks who need both an angle plow and a snow pusher, all in one smooth operation (yes, from your cab!). Call or visit our website today to request a live video and to find your nearest SnowWolf Dealer.
14311 Ewing Avenue • Minneapolis, MN 55306 1-800-905-2265 •
In the Ice Melting Arena:
Let the winter profits begin! Submitted by Windsor Salt
indsor Salt’s complete line of high performance ice melters provides the opportunity for championship sales and “gold” at the cash register.
Planning is paramount Planning is essential for ensuring winter road and sidewalk safety – all the way from the buyer to the store to the consumer. This year more than ever, promoting products that are respectful to the environment is an essential part of the purchase decision. Fast-acting products that work at low temperatures and are convenient to apply are what everyone is looking for in an ice melter. Eco-friendly jugs Record breaking sales begin with Windsor’s eco-friendly, fastacting and low temperature products. New to the Windsor lineup this year and in line with respecting our planet, are new ergonomic jugs. They are convenient, easy-to-hold and made from 25 per cent recycled materials. Blue crystals show the way There’s more news this season: Windsor Salt’s Ice Melter Blend with its blue crystals de-ices faster and melts snow down to -29 C, all the while providing exceptional visibility. It’s easy to see where the blue crystals were applied, saving both product and time! Stock up on ice melting products and terminology With a heavy snowfall winter, the supply of ice melters are in demand and stock becomes very limited, so purchasing in time and abundantly is the best course of action. The choice of ice melters can be a bit of a winter wonderland and it is important to understand some of the critical elements of what makes an ice melter work in specific conditions. Here are some key terms in ice-melting terminology: MELTING TEMPERATURE: The lowest temperature at which an ice-melting product will melt ice effectively in specific weather conditions. ENDOTHERMIC PRODUCT: An ice-melting product which absorbs heat and requires an outside source of heat to generate icemelting performance. EXOTHERMIC PRODUCT: An ice melting product which generates and releases its own heat. An ice melter with a heat pro-
ducing exothermic reaction has the ability to melt at lower temperatures. Application is just as important as the products used and protecting surfaces. Some tips include: follow the instructions on label and adhere to application rates making sure to disperse over a wide area. Did you know? Typically, ice melters are used to break the bond between snow, ice and the surface. However, if you apply an ice melter while the snow is falling, it will prevent the snow from becoming hard packed and sticking to sidewalks and surfaces. All ice melters have the ability to cause damage to surfaces. Once the snow and ice turns to slush, it should be removed quickly to avoid surface damage. Applying these measures in a timely fashion helps to reduce liability and makes for a safe environment for pedestrians. Consumers like to stock up on ice melters long before the winter season. This fall, when deciding how to market for winter sales, or before making premium on-shelf placement decisions, make sure to include Windsor Salt High Performance Ice Melters as the forerunner to your winter profits. ❄
Tiger Calcium Services
All About
or 45 years Tiger Calcium is one of the only companies in North America that mines, manufactures, supplies and applies calcium chloride. We specialize in anti-icing, de-icing, dust control/stabilization, and oilfield fluids. Our head office is in Nisku, Alta., and our plant operations are in Slave Lake, Alta. We have numerous storage and rail facilities located throughout North America. Tiger Calcium offers a wide variety of products that meet or exceed industry standards, and our modern grade plant enables us to formulate products to customers’ specifications. Handling all facets of product and service enables us to provide a consistently superior quality
Customer Satisfaction
Tiger Calcium’s liquid anti-icing and de-icing products are PNS approved and competitive product in a timely manner. Tiger Calcium’s liquid anti-icing and de-icing products are PNS approved and are developed to work at extremely low temperatures, with the ability to aggressively melt snow and ice with freeze points below -45 C (-49 F). Our products are also less corrosive than salt and mag-
nesium chloride, and are more environmentally friendly. We work with an outside consultant, Dale Keep with Ice and Snow Technologies Inc., in educating our customers and their crews through seminars on how to fight ice and snow with liquids. From small businesses to distributors, cities to counties and municipalities, our customers are satisfied with the high-grade products we provide. Calcium chloride is one of the most commonly used dust control and road stabilization agents in Canada and the United States because of its low cost and high performance. Tiger Calcium offers a supply and apply dust control and road stabilization service, and our trucks are
Quality & Service is our Priority Safety is our Commitment • Specializing in Winter De-Icer & Anti-Icer PNS approved Calcium Chloride Brines. Available with or without corrosion inhibitor with freeze points from -13˚ F (-25˚ C) to -49˚ F (-45˚ C). Cuts through snow and ice more quickly than salt or magnesium chloride, plus its better for the environment.
• Sandpile Freezeproofing • Dust Control & Road Stabilization Products • Supply Oilfield Drilling & Well Kill Chemicals • Application Services • Tank Truck Services • Vast network of terminal, storage and rail facilities throughout North America P: 780.955.5004 | F: 780.955.0278 | Toll Free: 1.800.661.4298
specially designed with a state of the art radar technology that will accurately and evenly spread our product onto your roadway. As an additional service, we will educate your company on proper road preparation for calcium chloride application. By using our products, road conditions like potholes and washboard can be eliminated, resulting in reduced overall costs. Users of Tiger’s Calcium Chloride consistently report that the total unpaved road maintenance cost is reduced by 30 to 35 per cent. Located in Alberta, we are in the heart of oil country, and manufacture the everimportant well kill fluids. Our experienced engineering team and flexible production facility can supply and modify oilfield chemicals, including calcium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium nitrate. Calcium chloride brines can be customized and filtered by Tiger Calcium to create specific well kill fluids for customers. In stock at all times, the densities of the well kill fluids range from 1000kg/m3 to 1650kg/m3.
At Tiger Calcium Services, we believe in TOTAL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. Quality and service is our priority, safety is our commitment. We offer free consultation and quotes.
Nordik Blades is a division specialized in the manufacturing of replacement parts for snowplows, snowblowers, loaders, etc. Such parts as carbide blades, carbide plow shoes and carbide tips. Among the many strengths of the company, they’re most recognized for their above average precision, the quality of their products and the expertise of their team leaders. Gathering under the same roof, several machines and equipment, the company is able to meet a multitude of needs, such as the precision machining, plasma cuts and all types of welding productions.
For more information, visit And if you want to try calcium chloride for your company, give us a call toll free at 1-800-661-4298. ❄
PRODUCTS Snow Plow Carbide Blades Snow Plow Hi-Wear Block Blades Sacrifier Teeth Tool Holder Blades Carbide Sacrifier Teeth Steel Carbide Shoes Cast Iron Shoes Parts Nose & End Tips SNOW MANAGER |
Weldco-Beales Manufacturing Inc.
Experience ith over 50 years experience designing and building heavy equipment attachments, Weldco-Beales Manufacturing’s comprehensive line of products have earned a reputation for providing unparalleled performance and durability. Weldco-Beales offers a complete selection of snow removal attachments for all popular machine types and models. For example, attachments designed and manufactured for motor graders include snow wings (mastless and mast), blades and plows. Snow wings, power brooms, snow baskets, snow buckets, angle blades, and plows are available for Wheel Loaders. There is a complete line of attachments for large trucks too, including snow wings, blades, plows, and sander packages. The WeldcoBeales plow line includes straight, manual angle, hydraulic angle, one-way or “V.”
“Attn: Contractors and Purchasing Dept.” New 70 TPH Tow-Behind Melter Available Oct. 1 Canada 403-872-4240 | United States 360-647-5542 26
Weldco-Beales is committed to working with their dealers and end-users, seeking input that inspires design changes and product enhancements. Recently, Weldco-Beales put their mastless snow wing in front of a group of Alberta-based road maintenance contractors. The resulting feedback generated a new design that improved visibility from the cab, enhanced operator safety, and increased the overall performance of the attachment.
All products built by Weldco-Beales are backed by the best warranty in the industry. Weldco-Beales is a geographically diverse company with design and manufacturing facilities in Edmonton, Alta.; Langley, B.C.; Barrie, Ont.; and Tacoma, Wash. As a result, Weldco’s product designers have first-hand knowledge of the regional snow conditions their customers face, as well as the types of equipment preferred by local operators and contractors. The use of the new technologies of 3-D parametric solid modeling and Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to execute a variety of stress calculations has become an important tool not only for design optimization, but also to ensure the durability and safety of the products manufactured. All products built by Weldco-Beales are backed by the best warranty in the industry. Manufactured products are covered for unlimited usage hours for one year from the date the product enters service. Customers who order snow attachments in advance of the winter season really appreciate the fact that their warranty does not begin until the product goes to work. PREMIERE ISSUE • FALL 2009 | SNOW MANAGER
Weldco-Beales is a member of Weldco Companies, which also includes Weldco Hydra-Lift, a manufacturer of Truck Mounted picker cranes, and Weldco Heavy Industries, a heavy steel fabrication company located in the Alberta Oil Sands. Looking forward, Weldco-Beales will continue their tradition of working directly with end users and equipment dealers to en-
sure the products they design and build maximize the customer’s efficiency. Whether it is a grader using a snow wing, a truck equipped with a sander and plow, or a wheel loader equipped with a snow blade, Weldco-Beales is confident they have the snow removal equipment you need. To find out more, please visit �
Snow Removal Systems N.A. Inc. (SRS)
Announces New Partnerships RS is pleased to inform the marketplace of the formation of a new partnership with Larry Cunningham, Red Deer, Alta., and the establishment of Snow Removal Systems Canada (SRSC). The Red Deer facility is producing smaller tow-behind portable snow melters for the independent snow contactors and municipal markets. Cunningham has a lifetime of experience
working with similar applications in the petroleum business, and will bring his expertise to the development of new products for annual winter maintenance problems. In addition, SRS is pleased to announce the appointment of Glory Road Engineering, Consultancy and Solutions, (GR) Lisbon, as the new distributor for all the snow melting products from SRS and SRSC into the
European marketplace. Trasco Products, parent company of GR, has a long and successful background with heat related products within the European market, and are highly recognized for their expertise in their field. The coupling with GR and SRS/SRSC will expand their offering across the European marketplace and to their customers. More to follow in up-coming issues. â?„
NSC Minerals Inc. Vanscoy Plant
A Premiere Salt Provider stablished in 1988, NSC Minerals has grown to become one of Canada’s premier salt suppliers. While the company’s core business is de-icing salt, it is also a major provider of salt to the feed and hide industry, as well as to industrial users. The growth of NSC Minerals is a result of three key factors: (1) a commitment to provide high quality products at competitive prices, (2) excellent and reliable service, and (3) strategically located bulk storage facilities. The company operates two salt production facilities located in Saskatchewan, Canada. The Rocanville mine site and plant is located in southeast Saskatchewan along the Manitoba border, and the Vanscoy mine site and plant is located 25 miles southwest of Saskatoon. NSC Minerals has a private railcar fleet of 230 cars and operates rail car trans-loading facilities near each plant, as well as facilities in Calgary, Alta., and Fort Saskatchewan, Alta. The company has offices located in Saskatoon, Calgary, and Fort Saskatchewan. One of the major benefits of the rock salt crystals produced by NSC is that they include numerous trace minerals, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, allowing the crystals to continue melting to -18 C (0 F). The pinkish color in the salt crystal is simply due to the combination of various trace elements encapsulated in the crystal itself. Bulk customers for de-icing salt include governmental “departments of transportation,� cities, municipalities, private road maintenance contractors, and parking lot/landscape contractors. Feed customers include feed mills and feed manufacturers. Hide salt customers include hide curing facilities and meatpacking plants. Industrial users include water softener customers involved in heavy oil operations and steam generating facilities.
E .$<:$<
Fort SK – Trans-loading & Storage Facility
The unique combination of high soluble chloride and enhancing trace minerals encapsulated in a single pinkish crystal is what makes our product truly distinctive.
Rocanville Plant
Snowlutions... Authorized Sales/ Service Centres: Thunder Bay: (807) 577-5724
1-800-465-5044 Winnipeg: (204) 632-8261
1-800-282-8044 Regina: (306) 757-5606
1-800-552-8044 Salt is transported to the customer by truck or railcar via the Canadian National Railway network. In Canada, the geographical trading area stretches from Ontario to British Columbia, as well as the Yukon and Northwest Territories. NSC also distributes salt to customers in the Northern, Midwestern, and Central United States. The key to the success of NSC Minerals is its Customer Focus. Innovative and professional staff is committed to working with the customer to provide the ultimate in service. The customer’s requirements and goals are the company’s challenges and commitments. To ensure continued success it is imperative that NSC Minerals excels in the areas of customer service, personnel development and process improvement. Customers of NSC can place salt orders online 24/7 via the company website: ❄ SNOW MANAGER |
Saskatoon: (306) 242-3465
1-800-772-4599 Calgary: (403) 236-5502
1-800-661-3126 Red Deer: (403) 343-1383
1-866-297-0022 Edmonton: (780) 454-4880
1-800-663-9366 Surrey: Equipment (604) 888-5522
1-800-663-4115 EMAIL: We are proud to hold and promote the use of the National Safety Mark. This mark is your assurance that our completed vehicles conform to all Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. 31
Building A Better Snow Blade alley Blades Limited in Waterloo, Ont., has been making snowplow blades for over 40 years. In those 40 years, they have led the way with technological innovations, such as heat treated and carbide tipped blades. Recently, a new product, PolarFlex, again changes the rules in the blade business. PolarFlex replaces the rigid cutting edge of a standard blade setup with independent 12-inch-long carbide tipped steel segments. These segments are mounted inside a system of synthetic rubber components, which completely isolate the segments from the plow. The rubber mounted segments are free to move vertically and axially (float), allowing them to conform to the uneven contours of most roads. Free floating segments have many advantages over standard blades. Cutting edges conform closely to the uneven surface of the road and, therefore, remove more snow. If more snow is removed, fewer trips with the plow and less salt use can be expected. Also, the 12-inch segments will wear more evenly, as they
will all be in contact with the road. If a few segments wear prematurely or are damaged by road obstructions, these segments can be replaced individually. With no metal-to-metal contact between the truck and the road, vibration is significantly reduced, leading to other benefits. Unlike traditional blades, the unique design of PolarFlex reduces the blades’ tendency to chatter or bounce. Eliminating the chatter leads to much longer wear life as the chipping and cracking of the carbide edge is all but eliminated. A reduction in vibration also has a positive effect on driver fatigue, plow damage and truck maintenance. The design allows for the reuse of all flexible elements. Wear segments and flexible elements can be easily separated to allow recycling. Contact Valley Blades Limited to find the dealer nearest you. ❄
A Quality Product for Over 29 Years! Model 6006 Dual Snow Wheel w/ 6511A Dual Adjuster
The snow blade you’ve been asking for. Better s Reduces Salt Use s Cleans Lasts Longer s s Quieter s Recyclable Parts
Model 6509 Swivel Snow Wheel w/ Adjuster
Extra Heavy-Duty Snow-Wheels for all types Snow Removal Equipment for Highways & Airports This system was designed to replace the conventional Shoe. It eliminates the cost of frequent replacement and extends the life of cutting edges by four or five times. • No more Shoes to buy! • Cutting edges last for months NOT days! • Cuts down time significantly! • Saves Fuel!
For over 40 years Valley Blades Limited has manufactured high quality cutting edges for snow plows and heavy equipment.
Waterloo 1-800-461-1824 Edmonton 1-877-452-1430
• Keeps Gravel on the road, not in the ditch! • Built to Last! • Adaptable to Loader & Truck mounted blowers!
Snow Wheel System P.O. Box 528 - 212 Home Street - Fairmont, MN 56031 Phone AND Fax - (507) 238-1980 Email - wheel Website -
Serving Vancouver BC & Canada’s
Truck Body Equipment & Part Needs DEL BRITISH COLUMBIA IS AN AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING • Unicell Van Bodies • Maxilift Cranes • Stahl Service Bodies • Arbortech Chipper Bodies • Ultron Lift Gates • DEL Truck Bodies • Everest Equipment • Elliott Equipment
• Effer Articulating Cranes • Reading Service Bodies • Arctic Snow Plows • Swaploader Hookloaders • Beauroc Dump Bodies • Swenson Sand/Salt Spreaders • Root Snow Plows
CUSTOM AND STANDARD HEAVY DUTY TRUCK BODIES & TRUCK BODY PARTS FOR • Construction • Industrial • Military • Salt Spreading
DEL British Columbia | 1963 Kingsway Ave. | Port Coquitlam, BC | V3C 1S9
• Landscaping • Commercial • Snow & Ice Removal | 1.604.941.6241
Equipment Showcase WESTERN Launches New Products ESTERN® Snowplows, the leader in snowplows and snow and ice removal equipment, announced the launch of two new products – the WESTERN HTS™ snowplow and a new line of WESTERN TORNADO™ poly electric hopper spreaders. “WESTERN is proud to add these new products to our line of snow and ice removal equipment,” says Patrick Dietz, senior product manager for WESTERN Snowplows. “WESTERN customers expect rugged performance and superior engineering design; the HTS and TORNADO will not disappoint.” The new WESTERN HTS snowplow is specifically designed for half-ton, four-wheel-drive pickup owners, giving them a full-size, full-featured plow that meets the weight specifications of today’s half-tons. The rugged HTS handles standard-duty commercial and extended-use homeowner applications. It features a hydraulic scrape lock for enhanced scraping and clean back-dragging
performance, a simplified UltraMount® mounting system for fast and easy hook-up or removal, and industry-leading NIGHTHAWK™ halogen headlamps to illuminate the entire plowing area. The new WESTERN TORNADO poly electric hopper spreader line features one-piece, rust-proof poly hoppers and dual electric conveyor and spinner motors with a variable speed controller for complete material application control. Delivering CONTRACTOR GRADE® performance, the TORNADO spreader is available in 7- or 8-foot lengths and 1.5-, 1.8-, and 2.5-cubic yard capacities. To learn more about the WESTERN HTS, the WESTERN TORNADO, or WESTERN’s full line of snow and ice removal equipment, or to find a WESTERN dealer, visit ❄
New Developments in the Field of Compact Weather Stations Road Weather Information System A Passion for Precision
a passion for precision . passion pour la précision . pasión por la precisión . passione per la precisione
Phone 1-800-363-6224 Ext.2 Fax 1-800-599-2445 Email
he WS-series made by G.Lufft Mess-und Regeltechnik GmbH (Germany) represents the newest development in the field of Compact Weather Stations. Its professional intelligent sensor technology is equipped with an interface for Environmental Monitoring Systems. The maintenance-free technology in combination with a multifunctional measurement approach sets new standards for application-oriented professional weather solutions. Based on Lufft's UMB-system (Universal Measurement Bus) environmental measurements are as flexible as never before, be it in stand alone solutions or in whole networks. The WS600-UMB represents a compact-meteo-station with integrated sensors measuring temperature, humidity, precipitation, air pressure, wind speed and wind direction in one system and with one digital interface (UMB protocol made by Lufft). The new WS600 with UMB technology stand for: Easy installation – due to a modular system, free firmware installation is as easy as never before (updates and data transmission via RS232, RS 485 or GPRS modem); Easy access – Lufft's UMB-Config-Tool makes configurations on sensors or the whole station an easy process; Maintenance-free application – Lufft's radar technology for precipitation measurement is not dependent on costly maintenance procedures. Flexibility with regards to a web-based visualisation and monitoring software (Smart-View3) make the WS600-UMB by Lufft a trendsetter in meteo applications. ❄
SnowEx Introduces the Fleet-Friendly, 3-Cubic-Yard Capacity V-Maxx 9300 Spreader nowEx, a product division of TrynEx International, offers the new 3-cubic-yard capacity V-Maxx 9300 V-box-style spreader. Compatible with 1-ton dump-bed and flatbed trucks, the VMaxx 9300 is ideal for winter maintenance contractors looking for more capacity than the V-Maxx 8500 model without the vehicle requirements of the larger V-Maxx 9500 unit – maximizing a fleet’s capabilities and productivity. The V-Maxx 9300 features the patented SnowEx Material Feed System – a multi-angle hopper with a built-in, inverted “V” baffle configuration. Also included is an attached vibrator to reduce clumping and allow continuous material flow, regardless of what is being spread. The unit is able to spread 100 per cent sand, 100 per cent salt or any combination in between. And because it’s designed for use with larger vehicles, the spinner assembly features an extended drop chute to ensure material is spread closer to the ground and with better accuracy. Featuring a hopper constructed entirely of heavyduty polyethylene, the VMaxx 9300 eliminates common corrosion and maintenance concerns associated with steel V-box alternatives. The unit also weighs up to 40 per cent less than similar capacity steel-built alternatives, yet still boasts 0.375-millimeter thick-walled construction. The lightweight design makes the unit easier to install or remove, frees up vehicle payload and increases gas mileage. Maintenance concerns are further reduced thanks to the VMaxx 9300’s fully electric-powered design. Featuring a ¾-horsepower, heavy-duty 12-volt electric drive/transmission sealed system, there are no engines, pulleys, sprockets, belts or chains to maintain. To further enhance durability and ease of maintenance, the electric drive system is completely weather-resistant sealed and includes two grease Zirk fittings. The innovative cab-mounted spinner/auger control is designed to minimize material waste by allowing independent spinner speed and auger speed adjustment. Spread width is infinitely variable from 10 feet to 40 feet. A digital LED display with status monitoring and system protection is standard, as well as an auto-reverse function in the event of auger jams. Like all SnowEx V-box-style spreaders, the V-Maxx 9300 is built with a Quick-Connect spinner assembly. Compared with compet-
itive models that require the spreader assembly to be unbolted or for the entire spreader to be removed from the truck’s bed before being able to tow, the Quick-Connect system allows the drop chute spinner assembly to be detached in seconds by removing one pin. This feature makes the service vehicle more useful by not having to be dedicated to one function, while also simplifying off-season spreader storage. Other standard features include an auxiliary LED brake light, a non-combustible heavy-duty automotive wiring harness, top screen, and fitted tarp. Optional accessories include an auxiliary light kit and the SnowEx AccuSpray material pre-wetting system. In addition to the electric-powered model, a hydraulic-powered V-Maxx 9300 is available. All SnowEx spreaders include a two-year parts and labour warranty. SnowEx is a product division of TrynEx International. Other TrynEx brands include TurfEx, which is a line of fertilizer spreaders and other turf care equipment, and SweepEx, which is a line of broom attachments for compact equipment. For more information regarding SnowEx’s complete line of winter maintenance equipment, as well as the TurfEx and SweepEx product lines, contact TrynEx International, 23455 Regency Park Drive, Warren, MI 48089; call: 1-800-725-8377 or 586-756-6555; fax: 586-755-0338; email: or visit ❄
New 70 TPH ECO-MELTER Built in Canada Canada 403-872-4240 | United States 360-647-5542 35
Equipment Showcase AVALANCHE® – A Story of Innovation and Quality ichael just spent four hours plowing a mall parking lot, but he’s still not done. In the places where cars have driven the snow is too hard-packed for his rubber edge to clear. Now he’s got to unhook the plow and scrape those areas with the bucket edge. That could take another two hours. If only he had used the Avalanche® steel trip edge box plow instead. He would be finished and heading home. Why? Because it clears to the pavement the first time – no matter how tough the snow conditions. The high-strength torsion springs give the Avalanche® blade exceptional stiffness for cutting through hard-packed and icy snow while allowing it to trip back if it hits something solid. Some low-tech “steel trip edge” pushers have a steel blade bolted to a rubber edge, which gives neither the stiffness of attack nor the durability that you get from the Avalanche®. Our steel trip edge box plow is just one example of the dedication to quality and innovative design for which Avalanche® is known. Before we began manufacturing equipment, we had 16 years of experience in snow removal through some hard Canadian winters. That experience has led us to design
products with two objectives in mind: One, to make equipment tough enough to stand up to the inevitable knocks and keep going and, two, to last a long time. Our box plows are the only ones built strong enough to take an accidental hit and let you finish the job; they’re also the only ones with a lifetime guarantee. The same focus on build quality has gone into our electric salt spreaders. For a guy clearing snow at night in a big storm, that dependability is priceless. We know what it’s like to have equipment fail on you – just when you need it most. Our goal is to make sure that our customers never experience that. That’s why, when designing our salt spreader, we chose the highest quality components available. From the Americanmade motors with extra waterproofing, to the high-end, fully sealed, wiring harness, every part of our spreader is built to take whatever nature throws at it. Our in-line gearbox is way more efficient than the rightangled boxes some spreaders use. That allows us to make a longer unit, which lets you carry and move more salt, which means fewer trips back to base. Available in stainless steel and painted carbon steel, every unit comes – as standard – with a high-performance in-cab speed control and a vibrator motor to ensure constant flow.
Along with the build quality of our products, we pride ourselves on their innovative features. For example, new this year, the Avalanche® Steel Trip Edge features a lock key that enables the user to quickly lock the edge solid. That is tremendously helpful when plowing on gravel surfaces or scraping stubborn ice. Also, every Avalanche® plow comes – as standard – with a level indicator that shows the operator when the plow is held level; that helps prevent premature wearing of the skid shoes and allows for more efficient plowing. At Avalanche® we’re working hard to make your job a little easier. ❄
FISHER Announces New Products ISHER® Engineering, a leading manufacturer of snowplows and ice control equipment, announced the launch of two new products – the FISHER HT Series™ snowplow and the second generation FISHER POLY-CASTER™ poly electric hopper spreader. “These products were designed to fit specific snow and ice removal needs,” says Andy McArdle, product marketing manager for FISHER Engineering. “FISHER continues to listen to our customers and bring them the tools and equipment they need to make their jobs easier.” The new FISHER HT Series snowplow is designed to fit today’s lighter half-ton four-wheel-drive pick-up trucks for standard-duty commercial, institutional and extended-use homeowner applications. The full-featured HT Series boasts many of the same features of larger FISHER plows, including INTENSIFIRE™ lights,
the fast Minute Mount® 2 on/off system and FISHER’s original trip edge. It also incorporates a hydraulic scrape lock for clean scraping and back dragging. The new generation FISHER POLY-CASTER combines a lowmaintenance, rustproof, double-wall poly design with a smooth electric-drive system to effectively spread a variety of de-icing materials. Dual independent electric motors provide individual control of the conveyor and spinner, while a proven pintle chain conveyor delivers smooth consistent material flow. The POLYCASTER is available in 7- and 8-foot lengths, with 1.5-, 1.8-, and 2.5-cubic yard capacities. To learn more about the FISHER HT Series, the FISHER POLYCASTER, or FISHER’s full line of snow and ice removal equipment, or to find a FISHER dealer, visit ❄
YOU NEVER REGRET BUYING QUALITY • Solid steel plate receiver • Reinforced push plates • Double side bracing • Lifetime warranty
• Patented Steel Trip Edge • Cut right to the pavement first time • Torsion springs give exceptional attack • Rides back fully over obstacles
• All electric v-box and under tailgate spreaders • North American Motors and gearbox • In-cab variable speed control
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Equipment Showcase Allstone Equipment – Pushing Forward By Spencer E.V. Shand
ince going into business in 2002, Allstone Equipment has always understood that service sells. Anyone can sell parts and components and what makes the difference is the company behind the product. Becoming a distributor for Monroe Truck Equipment’s snow and ice product line gave the company a strong product to represent and expand in southern Ontario. Monroe was a great choice. They are the only company that had a complete line of products we could offer to our customers, and an ever-expanding dealer network which the company continues to expand. Being a snow and ice equipment dealer alone, it naturally progressed to become a registered truck upfitter with Transport Canada. “It was a logical step forward to go from an equipment supplier to installer and builder,” says president Jim Melo. “It gave us the ability to increase our sales by becoming a start-to-finish supplier.” Starting with simple installations of 8-foot pickup truck salters, the company has progressed to large scale projects like highway combination spreader/plow and wing trucks and airport sweepers with the capability to also apply anti-ice liquids. As a snow contractor, Melo has an intimate understanding of what he is selling, and how it relates to the environment in which
his customers operate. Selling to an industry that works 24/7 means that Allstone Equipment has to do the same – with a parts and service department available even after regular business hours – another feature that keeps customers coming back. The company is constantly looking to supply new and innovative products, which can then save our customers time and money, creating loyal and long-lasting relationships. On several occasions customers were brought out to see Melo’s snow removal operations in action. Products could be seen and their performance judged in real-world conditions, all going back to the company’s attitude on service. Their newest product, which is causing some real excitement, is the Monroe Salt Slurry Generator. Looking at European snow and ice management techniques, Monroe was led to a simple conclusion: smaller and wetter is better. The process: 1. Rock salt or other free-flowing materials are conveyed or auger fed to the Salt Slurry Generator. 2. Material is then ground into fine particles (size can be adjusted) that closely resemble flakes. Rollers can open and clear any items that are too hard to be ground. 3. Grinding the material into smaller particles and adding liquid, eliminates rock salt bouncing off the road surface. 4. A liquid brine is sprayed on the refined particles to create a “slurry” mixture. The smaller particle size allows the brine to more efficiently cover and fully encapsulate the granular material. 5. The salt/brine slurry solution will be dispersed in a variable pattern on the road surface.
New 70 TPH ECO-MELTER “Automated Clean-out Process” Canada 403-872-4240 | United States 360-647-5542 38
Using this system will increase salt volume by 25 per cent, which means more grains per square foot. By increasing liquid usage from 10 or 12 gallons per ton to over 60 gallons, you get better and faster results and use less salt, as well. With the salt shortages and price fluctuations experienced year after year, the company sees the value of Monroe’s newest product. “The greatest aspect of the slurry generator is that it can be added to a large portion of my customers’ existing trucks and salters so there isn’t the problem upgrading the entire truck,” adds Melo. “The system is a genius!” When asked what’s in the works for Allstone Equipment, Melo replied, “We are going to continue to push forward with aggressive pricing on quality products, innovations to improve our customers’ business and an ever bettering level of service.” ❄ PREMIERE ISSUE • FALL 2009 | SNOW MANAGER
Equipment Showcase Arctic Snow & Ice Control’s New Generation of Snow Plows eff Stewart can’t wait for winter! As sales manager at Ed Stewarts Equipment Inc. in Erin, Ont., Stewart’s enthusiasm is hard to contain about the full inventory of Arctic Snow & Ice Control’s new Sectional Sno-Plows™ that arrived over the summer. “They are clearly the new generation of snow plows,” he says. Even with the snow not here (yet), Stewart says his customers can see the advantage. “Its easy-to-use drop-and-go feature reduces costly repairs, scrapes down to the pavement and levels on its own.” He also adds that the plow saves time which means less fuel. Invented by Randy Strait, founder of Arctic Snow & Ice Control in Frankfort, Ill., Strait is adamant that the Sectional Sno-Plow™ is “the only plow you will ever need.” The Sectional Sno-Plow’s™ unique design equips the user for simple and efficient plowing on any uneven surface. The moldboards are no more than 32 inches wide, and narrow enough to scrape snow out of dips in the pavement. Moving up and down independently and contouring to uneven surfaces, the plow will clear virtually all snow from the pavement in just one pass; no need for follow plowing. “The Sectional Sno-Plow™ eliminates the expense to own and operate pickup trucks and greatly reduces the need to hire subcontractors, and will pay for itself within the first winter of average use,” says Strait.
Easy-to-use Drop-’n-Go The company’s “unique” and patented Slip-Hitch™ enables the operator to lower the Sectional Sno-Plow™ and go! The Slip-Hitch™ automatically adjusts the Sectional Sno-Plow™ to the pavement and enables the Sectional SnoPlow™ to float up and down freely from the machine while continuously adjusting to the pavement. The Slip-Hitch™ assures that all four tires remain on the pavement, providing the machine full traction and no drag. “With no additional drag, the Sectional Sno-Plow™ can quickly push snow across large parking lots. Our mechanical side panels rest flat on the surface automatically every time,” says Strait. Trips over obstacles The Sectional Sno-Plow’s™ patented design includes a spring loaded tripcutting edge and four polyurethane mounting blocks, and enables each moldboard section to travel upward and downward to easily trip over obstacles up to nine inches high. The mechanical side panels move upward and downward upon impact to clear obstacles hidden beneath snow. Reduces costly repairs Another advantage, according to Strait, is that the Sectional Sno-Plow™ reduces costly repairs. “Snow pushers with fixed side panels are difficult for an operator to adjust the wear shoes to lay flat on the pavement. This constant incorrect alignment results in premature shoe wear and greatly reduces plowing efficiencies.” Should a steel cutting edge get damaged you need only to replace one edge. “No longer do you need to replace several feet of costly steel or rubber cutting edge,” says Strait. As for Stewart, he is anxious to see the plows in action battling the snowy Canadian winters. The available sizes are Light Duty (32 inches high) up to 14 feet wide and Heavy Duty (46 inches high) up to 26 feet wide. To see this plow in action visit ❄ 40
We are a 31-yearold large commercial snow removal contractor ranked in the Top 5 snow removal companies in North America that perform their own work. We own and operate in excess of 500 pieces of snow removal equipment in a given snow event. The Sectional Sno-Plow™ has given a tremendous edge over our competition. We plow faster and far more efficient. In fact, operationally speaking we have reduced our salt usage by at least 25 per cent or greater in some cases. This is far better for the environment and a very good selling point to property mangers, as we will not harm landscaping. Seal coating costs and asphalt damage will be less as result of this plow, not to mention the elimination of curb damage and property damage, in general. We had a customer tell us the fatigue on his operators was reduced, as well. In fact, he stated he had operators who would show up early to plow with the equipment that had the Sectional SnoPlows™ on them. He also said they didn't want to plow with the traditional rigid box plows with the rubber edges. This plow came from years of frustration of needing to find a better "mousetrap" and we clearly have. The plow, being modular, allows for replacement of parts if needed, rather than complete replacement of the entire unit. Should you hit an obstacle with a rigid unit you will most likely bend the unit and therefore need to replace the entire unit – at several thousand dollars. With our Sectional Sno-Plow™ (should you somehow damage a section) you simply replace that section. This plow has changed the way we do business. We can be far more aggressive in our pricing plans, and in heavy snow events it gives us the rapid mass production needed to get the job done efficiently and profitably. David Blair is VP and Director of Sales for Arctic Snow and Ice Control, Inc. Sectional Sno-Plow™. Email him at
The Last Page Editor’s note: Do you have an interesting “snow fact” to share with our readership? Send it to along with your name, province, and information source, if applicable. You could be published on our “Snow Trivia” page in an upcoming issue of Snow Manager Magazine.
Snow Trivia In the early 1900s, skiers created their own terminology to describe types of snow, including the terms "fluffy snow," "powder snow," and "sticky snow." Later, the terminology expanded to include descriptive terms such as "champagne powder," "corduroy," and "mashed potatoes."
How big can snowflakes get? Snowflakes are agglomerates of many snow crystals. Most snowflakes are less than one-half inch across. Under certain conditions, usually requiring near-freezing temperatures, light winds, and unstable, convective atmospheric conditions, much larger and irregular flakes close to two inches across in the longest dimension, can form. No routine measure of snowflake dimensions are taken, so the exact answer is not known.
Is snow edible? Clean snow is certainly edible. Snow in urban areas may contain pollutants that one should not eat, but they would probably be in such low concentrations that it might not matter. Still, eating snow should be restricted to wilderness areas. Sometimes snow contains algae, which gives it a red color. This snow can be eaten and some say it actually tastes good, but we have never tried it.
Why is snow white? Visible sunlight is white. Most natural materials absorb some sunlight which gives them their color. Snow, however, reflects most of the sunlight. The complex structure of snow crystals results in countless tiny surfaces from which visible light is efficiently reflected. What little sunlight is absorbed by snow is absorbed uniformly over the wavelengths of visible light thus giving snow its white appearance. Is it ever too cold to snow? No, it can snow even at incredibly cold temperatures as long as there is some source of moisture and some way to lift or cool the air. It is true, however, that most heavy snowfalls occur with relatively warm air temperatures near the ground – typically -9 C (15 F) or warmer – since air can hold more water vapour at warmer temperatures. Why is snow a good insulator? Fresh, undisturbed snow is composed of a high percentage of air trapped among the lattice structure of the accumulated snow crystals. Since the air can barely move, heat transfer is greatly reduced. Fresh, non-compacted snow typically is 90 to 95 percent trapped air.
The above information is from the National Snow and Ice Data Center website:
Acurate dosage all the time! No wear parts in the delivery system
The right amount at the right place! Independant left and right spread control
Innovative Winter Maintenance Solutions Stainless steel hopper and wheel hub Rotopower options available
Ontario Amaco 5804 Datsun Road Mississauga ON L4W 1H2 Jeff MacDonald Phone 905 670 3440
Quebec SMS Equipment 1945, 55e Avenue Dorval - Montreal QC H9P 1G9 Alexandre Zalzal Phone 514 943 3727
Alberta, British Columbia Prairie Hydraulics Equipment 7824, 56th Street SE Calgary AB T2C 4S9 Earl Farmer Phone 403 279 2070
Ask dealer for various types of mounting options such as Roro.
New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Saunders Equipment 57 Pepin Road Fredericton NB E3B 8J9 Harry Smith Phone 506 459 5888
For all other provincies, United States and dealer opportunities: Schmidt North America 26 S. Main Street, #192 Concord - NH Lucas Hooijenga Phone 845 323 9233
Windsor® Salt, Canada’s salt leader, is the brand Canadians have trusted for generations. Specially formulated for commercial use, Windsor® Salt’s line of ice melters meets every ice melting need your customers have this winter. Whether it be eco-friendly, fast acting or low temperature products, working with Windsor® Salt’s industry leading brands looks good on your business!