• Ultrasonic Leak Testing
• Eddy Current Surface Inspection
• Eddy Current for Non-Ferrous Tubing Inspection
• Pulse Eddy Current Thickness Through Insulation
• Remote Field Testing of Carbon Steel Tubing
• External Reference Remote Field Testing (Carbon Steel Fin Fan Tubes)
• Analysis Near Drum Inspection System (Ultrasonic)
• Phased Array Inspection: Gear & Corrosion Mapping and Pin Inspection
• Elios Drone Visual Inspection
• XR Spider Apex Tank Crawler & Corrosion Mapping
• Radiography/X-Ray
• Hardness, Ferrite & Holiday Testing
• Quantitative Fit Testing
• Liquid Penetrant Inspection
• Magnetic Particle Inspection
• Ultrasonic Inspection
• Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Ultrasonic/Visual Inspections (in conjunction with UTComp©)
• API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection
• API 653 Tank Inspection
• Lifting Device Inspections
• Aircraft Component Inspections: PT, ET, UT, RT, & MT at our testing facility
Message from the RCN Board of Directors Resource Connector North has utilized social media to connect with more of our members more often. We registered our website www.resourceconnector.ca where new members can register online (https://www.resourceconnector.ca/membership/becomea-member) and our current supporters can update their business information online. We have also increased our LinkedIn presence with a webpage (https://www.linkedin.com/company/resourceconnector-north/) and use of Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ResourceConnector) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/ResourceNorth) to promote RCN’s activities and broadcast resource projects to our followers.
Hallmarks of RCN Networking events for 2024 include:
• Support of Vitreo Mineral’s Angus project 100 km north of Prince George.
• Promotion of the development of Artemis’ new Vanderhoof project in Vanderhoof, Quesnel, Williams Lake, and Prince George.
We are also happy to announce RCN supports the development of people in northern B.C. and has broadened our reach to all areas within our mandate to facilitate business development for the resource sector of northern B.C. at:
• Northern Lights College
• Coast Mountain College
• College of New Caledonia, Trades programs (2)
• University of Northern BC, School of Engineering
• Thompson Rivers University, Williams Lake
The Resource Connector North Board has a new director, Heidi Booth from HubSpace. Regrettably, Garrett Turner and Norm Adams left the Board to spend time on their respective businesses.
We are excited to once again be working with DEL Communications to develop our 2024-2025 RCN Membership Directory and Magazine. You can check out the 2024 and past issues of the Resource Connector North Directory and Magazine here: https:// www.resourceconnector.ca/resources/magazine.
We wish you all the best for 2025 and we look forward to connecting with you to enable business to develop as a result of our region’s bountiful resources.
Signed on behalf of the Board, Fraser Deacon, President
2024/2025 Board of Directors Fraser Deacon President
Sydney Hall Director
Sidney Friend Director
Nolan Nicholson Director
Heidi Booth
Francois Cardin
Message from the Honourable David Eby Premier of British Columbia We must work together to respond to American tariff threats Our province is blessed with a bounty of natural resources at a critical moment. As the world moves to a clean energy future, we are well positioned to be responsible low-carbon suppliers of energy, critical minerals, and other natural resources in demand around the globe.
Natural resources are a key to prosperity for all of us.
A 25-per cent tariff, as proposed by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, would not only have severe negative consequences on B.C.’s natural resource sector but would cost American families and business, as well.
Instead of further integrating B.C. natural resource goods into U.S. supply chains, trade tariffs of this magnitude will drive up costs for Americans, while also pushing these in-demand goods towards other markets that are keen to supplant their American rivals.
Our response to this threat has two parts. First, I am working with my colleagues across Canada to convey to our friends and contacts in the U.S. – in no uncertain terms – that these tariffs will have a devastating effect on their side of the border, turning the economic advantage of US-Canada trade into a disadvantage on both sides of the border.
Second, we must prepare ourselves and our industries for these threats to become a reality. B.C.’s exports to the U.S. are relatively less than Ontario and Quebec – that is the result of expanded trade ties we have with Asian-Pacific markets. We must continue to foster and expand those trading relationships, so we are less reliant on U.S. imports.
The Government of B.C. can assist our natural resource industry in exploring and securing more diversified trade opportunities.
This is a critical moment for Canada and for British Columbia. We are working with other provinces and the federal government, as well as with labour leaders, to respond with a united voice. And we are bringing the business and labour
community together because these tariffs are a risk to us all – so we must have an all-hands-on-deck response.
I have named a dedicated team to help create the conditions for us to thrive despite the threats we face. Veteran MLA Jagrup Brar is the new Minister of Mining and Critical Minerals, while the experienced Adrian Dix is Minister of Energy and Climate Solutions. They will be assisted by Parliamentary Secretary Steve Morissette, who is responsible for rural development.
As we fight for workers and all those who benefit from the forest sector, we’re also working to build a more sustainable and prosperous industry for future generations. Leading these efforts will be Ravi Parmar, our new Minister of Forests. Ravi is a hardworking listener who has hit the ground running. He understands the enormous challenges the sector faces and was meeting with key stakeholders and local leaders within hours of being sworn in.
My entire team – a mix of veterans and newcomers – is hard at work for you. In this time of change and uncertainty, of polarization and division, we have been asked by the people of British Columbia to work together to get things done. British Columbians expect us to listen and learn from people of different perspectives – and deliver results that make a real difference in their daily lives.
The world’s transition to a clean energy and technology is a generational opportunity to be seized, not squandered. And this work will be enabled and accelerated by advancing a true, lasting and meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. By doing so, we will end uncertainty, we will benefit all communities, and we will all move forward on the path to a prosperous future for us all.
Haisla Nation is leading the development of Cedar LNG, the world’s first Indigenous majority-owned, hydro-powered, floating LNG facility. Cedar LNG is a shining example of how natural resource development should work in our province — in
full partnership with First Nations. By working together with industry and First Nations, we can build a stronger and cleaner economy that creates opportunities and benefits for all.
The construction of the LNG Canada facility at Kitimat continues. It is on schedule to begin exporting LNG by the middle of this year. At the peak of construction, LNG Canada’s workforce was more than 9,000 people, while more than 35,000 have worked on the project. The export of LNG, from Canada to Asian markets will help contribute to decarbonization in that part of the world.
Some of our greatest opportunities lie beneath our feet.
The world needs critical minerals as essential components in such products as batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, electric vehicles and electrical transmission lines. B.C. is Canada’s largest producer of copper and the only producer of molybdenum, two essential critical minerals. Our province produces 16 of the 31 critical minerals identified in the Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy.
We are committed to making permitting more efficient. Artemis Gold’s Blackwater gold and silver mine near Vanderhoof will begin operations soon. The estimated capital investment for Blackwater is $645 million and will provide more than 450 jobs when operational. From final application to green light, the mine’s owner obtained its operating permit within a year. As well, Osisko Development Corporation has recently received permits for the Cariboo Gold Mine.
British Columbia, a growing province, needs to double the power we generate by 2050 to answer the current and future demands for energy to develop these resources. BC Hydro’s $36-billion, 10-year capital plan, called “Power Pathway: Building B.C.’s Energy Future,” will twin an existing high-power transmission line between Prince George and Terrace, while also making investments in other assets across the system.
British Columbia has a growing reputation around the world as a centre for innovation and cutting-edge technology. This is a place to invest, because opportunity is everywhere.
We must not allow damaging tariffs to shut the door on this promising future. By working together, we will expand markets for B.C. resources even as we convince our American friends about the folly of turning our shared border into a barrier blocking shared prosperity.
Operating Mines, Major Exploration Projects, and Selected Smaller Projects, North-Central Region Figure 3.3. Operating mines, major exploration projects and selected smaller projects, North-Central Region, 2008.
Operating Mines, Development Projects, and Major Exploration Projects, Northeast Region Figure 2.3. Operating Mines, development projects, and major exploration projects, Northeast Region, 2008.
British Columbia
Mines & Proposed Mines, Northwest Region Figure 1.1. Mines and proposed mines, Northwest Region.
British Columbia
Northern British Columbia Mayors Burns Lake (Village of) | Henry Wiebe
PO Box 570, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-7587 | www.burnslake.ca
Chetwynd (District of) | Allen Courtoreille Box 357, 5400 Hospital Road, Chetwynd, BC V0C 1J0 Tel: 250-401-4100 | www.gochetwynd.com
Dawson Creek (City of) | Darcy Dober Box 150, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G4 Tel: 250-784-3600 | www.dawsoncreek.ca
Fort St. James (District of) | Martin Elphee PO Box 640, 477 Stuart Drive West, Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 Tel: 250-996-8233 | www.fortstjames.ca
Fort St. John (City of) | Lilia Hansen 10631 100 Street, Fort St. John, BC V1J 3Z5 Tel: 250-787-8150 | www.fortstjohn.ca
Houston (District of) | Shane Brienen 3367 12th Street, PO Box 370, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0
Tel: 250-845-2238 | www.houston.ca
Kitimat (District of) | Phil Germuth 270 City Centre, Kitimat, BC V8C 2H7 Tel: 250-632-8900 | www.kitimat.ca
Mackenzie (District of) | Joan Atkinson Bag 340, 1 Mackenzie Boulevard, Mackenzie, BC V0J 2C0 Tel: 250-997-3221 | www.districtofmackenzie.ca
McBride (Village of) | Gene Runtz PO Box 519, 100 Robson Centre, McBride, BC V0J 2E0 Tel: 250-569-2229 | www.mcbride.ca
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality | Rob Fraser Bag Service 399, 5319 50th Avenue South , Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Tel: 250-774-2541 | www.northernrockies.ca
Prince George (City of) | Simon Yu 1100 Patricia Boulevard, Prince George, BC V2L 3V9 Tel: 250-561-7600 | www.princegeorge.ca
Prince Rupert (City of) | Herb Pond 424 3 Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1L7 Tel: 250-627-1781 | www.princerupert.ca
Northern British Columbia Mayors Quesnel (City of) | Ron Paull
410 Kinchant Street, Quesnel, BC V2J 7J5
Tel: 250-992-2111 | www.quesnel.ca
Smithers (Town of) | Gladys Atrill Box 879, 1027 Aldous Street, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-1600 | www.smithers.ca
Telkwa (Village of) | Leroy Dekens 1415 Hankin Avenue, PO Box 220, Telkwa, BC V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-846-5212 | www.telkwa.ca
Terrace (City of) | Sean Bujtas 3215 Eby Street, Terrace, BC V8G 2X8
Tel: 250-635-6311 | www.terrace.ca
Tumbler Ridge (District of) | Darryl Krakowka PO Box 100, 305 Iles Way, Tumbler Ridge, BC V0C 2W0
Tel: 250-242-4242 | www.districtoftumblerridge.ca
Valemount (Village of) | Owen Torgerson Box 168, 735 Cranberry Lake Road, Valemount, BC V0E 2Z0
Tel: 250-566-4435 | www.valemount.ca
Vanderhoof (District of) | Kevin Moutray PO Box 900, 160 Connaught Street, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-4711 | www.vanderhoof.ca
Wells (District of) | Ed Coleman PO Box 219, 4243 Sanders Avenue, Wells, BC V0K 2R0
Tel: 250-994-3330 | www.wells.ca
Northern Politicians Bulkley Valley - Stikine | Sharon Hartwell, MLA Room 310, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 778-405-3094 | Fax: 250-387-9146
Constituency Office: 4345 Field Street, Box 227, Hazelton V0J 1Y0
Tel: 250-842-6338
Email: sharon.hartwell.mla@leg.bc.ca
Constituency Office: 101 1184 Main Street, PO Box 895, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-8841
Email: sharon.hartwell.mla@leg.bc.ca
Cariboo - Prince George | Todd Doherty, MP House of Commons, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Tel: 613-995-6704 | Fax: 613-996-9850
Constituency Office: 1520 3rd Avenue, Prince George V2L 3G4
Tel: 250-564-7771 | Fax: 250-564-6224
Email: todd.doherty@parl.gc.ca
Cariboo North | Heather Maahs, MLA Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-356-6171 | Fax: 250-387-9066
Constituency Office: 401 410 Kinchant Street, Quesnel V2J 7J5
Tel: 250-991-0296 | Fax: 250-992-5629
Email: heather.maahs.mla@leg.bc.ca
Cariboo-Chilcotin | Lorne Doerkson, MLA Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-356-6171 | Fax: 250-387-9066
Constituency Office: 7 530 Horse Lake Road, PO Box 95, 100 Mile House V0K 2E0
Tel: 250-395-3916 | Fax: 250-395-3973
Email: lorne.doerkson.mla@leg.bc.ca
Constituency Office: 102 383 Oliver Street, Williams Lake V2G 1M4
Tel: 250-305-3800 | Fax: 250-305-3808
Email: lorne.doerkson.mla@leg.bc.ca
Northern Politicians Kamloops - Thompson - Cariboo | Frank Caputo, MP House of Commons, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Tel: 613-995-6931 | Fax: 613-995-9897
Constituency Office: 6 275 Seymour Street, Kamloops V2C 2E7
Tel: 250-851-4991 | Fax: 250-851-4994
Email: frank.caputo@parl.gc.ca
Constituency Office: 118 475 Birch Avenue, 100 Mile House V0K 2E0 Tel: 250-395-4381 | Fax: 250-395-4389
Email: frank.caputo@parl.gc.ca
Nechako Lakes | John Rustad, MLA Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4 Tel: 250-387-3011 | Fax:
Constituency Office: 2 183 First Street, PO Box 421, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0 Tel: 250-567-6820 | Fax: 250-567-6822
Email: john.rustad.mla@leg.bc.ca
North Coast - Haida Gwaii | Hon. Tamara Davidson, MLA Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-387-3655 | Fax: 250-387-4680
Constituency Office: 290, 309 2nd Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 3T1
Tel: 250-624-7734
Email: tamara.davidson.mla@leg.bc.ca
Community Office
290-309 2nd Ave West Prince Rupert, BC, V8J 3T1
Tamara.Davidson.MLA@leg.bc.ca Toll Free:1-866-624-7734
Fax:1-250-624-7737 /tamaradavidsonbc /tamaradavidsonbc
Northern Politicians North Island | Anna Kindy, MLA
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-387-3655 | Fax: 250-356-4680
Constituency Office: 908 Island Highway, Campbell River V9W 2C3
Tel: 250-287-5100
Email: anna.kindy.mla@leg.bc.ca
Constituency Office: 7 6855 Market Street, PO Box 2479, Port Hardy V0N 2P0
Tel: 250-949-9473
Email: anna.kindy.mla@leg.bc.ca
North Island - Powell River | Rachel Blaney, MP House of Commons, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Tel: 613-992-2503 | Fax: 613-996-3306
Constituency Office: 427 10 Avenue, Campbell River V9W 4E4
Tel: 250-287-9388 | Fax: 250-287-9361
Email: rachel.blaney@parl.gc.ca
Constituency Office: 4683 Marine Avenue, Powell River V8A 2G8
Tel: 604-489-2286
Email: rachel.blaney@parl.gc.ca
Peace River North | Jordan Kealy, MLA
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-356-6171 | Fax: 250-387-9066
Constituency Office: 10104 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3Y7
Tel: 250-263-0101 | Fax: 250-263-0104
Email: jordan.kealy.mla@leg.bc.ca
Constituency Office: 103 5420 50 Avenue North, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-774-9607
Email: jordan.kealy.mla@leg.bc.ca
Peace River South | Larry Neufeld, MLA
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-356-6171 | Fax: 250-387-9066
Constituency Office: 103 1100 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek V1G 4V8
Tel: 250-782-3430 | Fax: 250-782-6454
Email: larry.neufeld.mla@leg.bc.ca
Northern Politicians Prince George - Peace River - Northern Rockies | Bob Zimmer, MP
House of Commons, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Tel: 613-947-4524 | Fax: 613-947-4527
Constituency Office: 9916 100th Street, Fort St. John V1J 1Y5
Tel: 250-787-1192 | Fax: 250-787-1195
Email: bob.zimmer@parl.gc.ca
Constituency Office: 1520 3rd Avenue, Prince George V2L 3G4
Tel: 855-767-4567 | Fax: 250-561-7983
Email: bob.zimmer@parl.gc.ca
Constituency Office: 10421 10th Street, Dawson Creek V1G 3T4
Tel: 250-719-6848 | Fax: 250-719-6838
Email: bob.zimmer@parl.gc.ca
Prince George-Mackenzie | Kiel Giddens, MLA
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-356-6171 | Fax: 250-356-9066
Constituency Office: 102 1023 Central Street West, Prince George V2M 3C9
Tel: 250-612-4194 | Fax: 250-612-4191
Email: kiel.giddens.mla@leg.bc.ca
Constituency Office: 124 403 Mackenzie Boulevard, PO Box 2125, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-5281
Email: kiel.giddens.mla@leg.bc.ca
Prince George-North Cariboo | Sheldon Clare, MLA
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-356-2178 | Fax: 250-356-2142
Email: sheldon.clare.mla@leg.bc.ca
Prince George-Valemount | Rosalyn Bird, MLA
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-356-6171 | Fax: 250-387-9066
Constituency Office: 1350 5th Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L4
Tel: 250-612-4181 | Fax: 250-612-4188
Email: rosalyn.bird.mla@leg.bc.ca
Northern Politicians Skeena | Claire Rattee, MLA
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-356-6171 | Fax: 250-387-9066
Constituency Office: 104 4710 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V5G 1T5
Tel: 250-615-4895
Email: claire.rattee.mla@leg.bc.ca
Constituency Office: 330 City Centre, PO Box 194, Kitimat V8C 2G7
Tel: 250-632-8518
Email: claire.rattee.mla@leg.bc.ca
Skeena - Bulkley Valley | Taylor Bachrach, MP House of Commons, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
Tel: 613-992-7688 | Fax: 613-993-9007
Constituency Office: 112 4716 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1T2
Tel: 250-615-5339 | Fax: 250-615-5344
Email: taylor.bachrach@parl.gc.ca
Constituency Office: 1226 Main Street, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-4140
Email: taylor.bachrach@parl.gc.ca
Constituency Office: 290, 309 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 3T1
Tel: 250-622-2413 | Fax: 250-624-7737
Email: taylor.bachrach@parl.gc.ca
Vancouver - Point Grey | Hon. David Eby, MLA, Premier
Parliament Buildings, Victoria, BC V8V 1X4
Tel: 250-387-1715 | Fax: 250-387-0087
Constituency Office: 2909 West Broadway, Vancouver V6K 2G6
Tel: 604-660-1297 | Fax: 604-660-0862
Email: david.eby.mla@leg.bc.ca
Northern British Columbia Chambers of Commerce BC Chamber of Commerce
705 750 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2T8
Tel: 250-683-0700 | Fax: 604-683-0416
Email: bccc@bcchamber.org | www.bcchamber.org
Burns Lake & District
132a Francois Lake Drive, PO Box 339, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-3773
Email: manager@burnslakechamber.com | www.burnslakechamber.com
5121 47 Avenue PO Box 870, Chetwynd, BC V0C 1J0 Tel: 250-788-3345
Email: manager@chetwyndchamber.ca | www.chetwyndchamber.ca
Dawson Creek & District
102, 1001 102 Avenue, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 2B9
Tel: 250-782-4868 | Fax: 250-782-2371
Email: info@dawsoncreekchamber.ca | www.dawsoncreekchamber.ca
Fort Nelson & District
PO Box 196, 5500 Alaska Highway , Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-774-2956 | Fax: 250-774-2958
Email: info@fortnelsonchamber.com | www.fortnelsonchamber.com
Fort St. James
161 250 Stuart Drive East, Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0 Tel: 250-996-7023
Email: fsjchamb@fsjames.com | www.fortstjameschamber.ca
Fort St. John & District
104, 9907 99th Avenue, Fort St. John, BC V1J 1V1 Tel: 250-785-6037
Email: info@fsjchamber.com | www.fsjchamber.com
Houston & District
3289 Highway 16, PO Box 396, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 Tel: 250-845-7640
Email: info@houstonchamber.ca | www.houstonchamber.ca
2109 Forest Avenue, PO Box 214, Kitimat, BC V8C 2G7 Tel: 250-632-6294
Email: info@kitimatchamber.ca | www.kitimatchamber.ca
11 600 Mackenzie Blvd., PO Box 880, Mackenzie, BC V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-5459 | Fax: 250-997-6117
Email: office@mackenziechamber.bc.ca | www.mackenziechamber.bc.ca
McBride & District
PO Box 2, McBride, BC V0J 2E0 Tel: 250-569-3366
Email: come2mcbride@telus.net | www.mcbridechamber.ca
Northern British Columbia Chambers of Commerce Prince George
890 Vancouver Street, Prince George, BC V2L 2P5
Tel: 250-562-2454
Email: admin@pgchamber.bc.ca | www.pgchamber.bc.ca
Prince Rupert & District
100 515 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1L9
Tel: 250-624-2296
Email: info@princerupertchamber.ca | www.princerupertchamber.ca
Prince Rupert Economic Development Office
424 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1L7
Tel: 250-627-5138
Email: paul.vendittelli@princerupert.ca | www.princerupert.ca
Quesnel & District
335 E Vaughan Street, Quesnel, BC V2J 2T1
Tel: 250-992-7262
Email: qchamber@quesnelbc.com | www.quesnelchamber.com
Smithers (Town of)
Box 879, 1027 Aldous Street, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-1600 | Fax: 250-857-1601
Email: ecdev@smithers.ca | www.smithers.ca
Smithers District
PO Box 2379, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-5072 | Fax: 250-847-3337
Email: info@smitherschamber.com | www.smitherschamber.com
Terrace & District
3224 Kalum Street, Terrace, BC V8G 2N1 Tel: 250-635-2063
Email: admin@terracechamber.com | www.terracechamber.com
Tumbler Ridge
PO Box 1780, Tumbler Ridge, BC V0C 2W0 Tel: 250-242-3620
Email: tumblerchamber@gmail.com | www.tumblerchamber.com
Valemount & Area
PO Box 690, Valemount, BC V0E 2Z0 Tel: 250-566-9095
Email: info@valemountchamber.com | www.valemountchamber.com
188 E. Stewart Street, PO Box 126, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 Tel: 250-567-2124
Email: manager@vanderhoofchamber.com | www.vanderhoofchamber.com
Wells & District
PO Box 123, Wells, BC V0K 2R0
Tel: 250-994-2323 | Fax: 250-994-3331
Email: info@wellschamber.ca | www.wells.ca
Membership Listings NORTH NORTH A.J. Forsyth, a division of Russel Metals
Contact: Beverley Goodlet
1154 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-563-1274 | Fax: 250-563-4605
Email: pgsales@ajforsyth.ca | www.ajforsyth.ca
Metal fabrication supplies & services. Supplier. Manufacturing.
A.L. Sims & Son Ltd.
Contact: John Irving 7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9011 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@alsims.ca | www.alsims.ca
Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Drilling Equipment & supplies. Civil construction projects.
A.S. Roach Fire Services
Contact: Albert Roach
26 53106 Range Road 14, Parkland County, Alberta T7Y 2T3
Tel: 780-719-9584 | Fax: 780-963-9722
Email: albert@asroachfire.com | www.asroachfire.com
Fire prevention and suppression. Pumps and hoses, rooftop sprinklers. Consulting services.
AAA Safety and Field Services Ltd.
Contact: Blair Scott
Unit A 10219 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1A9
Tel: 250-262-3002 | Fax: 250-262-3007
Email: blair.scott@aaasafety.ca | www.aaasafety.ca
Safety & Health Services. Occupational Health & Safety. General Equipment & Supplies.
Aberdeen Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Pete McGill
230 4245 Hangar Road, Prince George V2M 4N6
Tel: 250-962-5566 | Fax: 250-962-2556
Email: info@aberdeenheli.com | www.aberdeenheli.com
Transportation (flight). Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services. Mapping services.
Admiral Roofing Ltd.
Contact: Alex Goldie
4214 Cowart Road, Prince George V2N 6H9
Tel: 250-561-1230 | Fax: 250-561-1142
Email: info@admiralroofing.ca | www.admiralroofing.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . roofing and industrial metal cladding.
Membership Listings Advanced Industrial Group Inc.
Contact: Nikki Crawford
630 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C4
Tel: 250-564-7599 | Fax: 250-564-1246
Email: info@advancedindustrialgroup.com | www.advancedindustrialgroup.com Compressors, air. Generators & Lubricants. Solar & renewable energy supplies, services & consultants.
Advanced Millwright Services Ltd.
Contact: Krista Klose
PO Box 1743, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-5756 | Email: krista@advancedmillwrightservices.com www.advancedmillwrightservices.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Project Management. Welding.
Aero Geometrics Ltd.
Contact: Tim Daly
209 837 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6C 3N6
Tel: 604-408-8740
Email: manager@aerogeo.com | www.aerogeo.com
Mapping Services. 3D Aerial and Ground surveys. laser scanning - orthophoto.
AFX Mixing and Pumping Technologies Inc.
Contact: Shaune Mckinon Unit 702, 12835 Lilley Drive, Maple Ridge V2W 0G1
Tel: 604-380-4458
Email: contact@afxmixing.com | www.afxmixing.com
Design & manufacture of mixing & pumping equipment. Agitation/mixing systems. Peristaltic hose pumps.
AIRPLUS Industrial Corp.
Contact: Shaeesta Meade B100 5350 272 Street, Langley V4W 1S3 Tel: 604-381-3741 | Fax: 604-381-3842
Email: sales@airplusindustrial.ca | www.airplusindustrial.ca
Compressed, Air. Fire Prevention and Suppression. Industrial Supplies and Consumables.
All West Crane & Rigging Ltd.
Contact: Jerry Van Halderen 1891 Campbell Crescent, Quesnel V2J 5Z8 Tel: 833-777-7973
Email: info@allwestcrane.com | www.allwestcrane.com
Cranes & rigging - services and equipment. Hoisting equipment & accessories. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Allnorth Consultants Ltd
Contact: Don Williams 2011 Prince George Pulpmill Road, Prince George V2K 5P5
Tel: 250-614-7291
Email: dwilliams@allnorth.com | www.allnorth.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Allrite Heating & Ventilation Ltd.
Contact: John Worswick
869 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3K5
Tel: 250-612-3912 | Fax: 250-612-0094
Email: john@allriteheating.com | www.allriteheating.com
Ventilation equipment and components. Mechanical Contractors. Supply and install ventilation/mechanical systems.
Alpha Training Solutions
10123 99 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1V2
Tel: 250-787-9315 | Fax: 250-787-8839
Email: reception@alpha-training.ca | www.alpha-training.ca
Safety & Health Services. Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
Alpine Lakes Air
Contact: Russ Boyd
5130 Seaplane Base Road, Telkwa V0J 2X1
Tel: 250-846-9488
Email: info@alpinelakesair.com | www.alpinelakesair.com
Transportation (flight). Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Alpine Lakes Air
Contact: Russ Boyd
6310 Mattern Avenue, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-846-9488
Email: info@alpinelakesair.com | www.alpinelakesair.com
Transportation (flight). Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Alpine Lakes Air
Contact: Russ Boyd
Boundary Bay Airport - 7800 Alpha Way, Delta V4K 0A7
Tel: 250-846-9488
Email: info@alpinelakesair.com | www.alpinelakesair.com Transportation (flight). Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
ALS Canada Ltd.
Contact: Paul Lanthier
11007 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 6P3
Tel: 250-261-5517
Email: ALSFJClientServices@alsglobal.com | www.alsglobal.com
Analytical laboratories & supplies.
ALX Exploration Services
Contact: Currie Dixon
33 Levich Drive, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0A8
Tel: 867-668-6096
Email: administration@alx.ca | www.alx.ca
Exploration services & consultants. Analytical laboratories & supplies. Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Membership Listings AME - Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia
Contact: Keerit Jutla
800, 889 West Pender Street, Vancouver V6C 3B2
Tel: 604-689-5271
Email: info@amebc.ca | www.amebc.ca Associations.
Andrew Sheret Limited
Contact: Dennis Lalonde 1995 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X2
Tel: 250-561-2444 | Fax: 250-561-2488
Email: m4rk3ting@sheret.com | www.sheret.com
Heating and Cooling (HVAC). Pumps. Contractors.
Andrew Sheret Limited
Contact: Jason Stuart 4650 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 4K1
Tel: 250-638-8840 | Fax: 250-638-8845
Email: m4rk3ting@sheret.com | www.sheret.com
Heating and Cooling (HVAC). Pumps. Contractors.
Apex Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Bill Wookey / Bill McIntyre Box 477, 6118 Harvard Way, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4300 | Fax: 250-847-4322
Email: info@apexdrill.com | www.apexdrill.com
Drilling Contract Services. Drilling Equipment & supplies.
Applied Industrial Technologies
Contact: Mike Ryeo
1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-562-1114 | Fax: 250-562-1761
Email: 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Sales, service, engineering of hydraulic & power transmission products. Repair & service of hydraulic equipment & gearboxes. Engineering & fabrication of hydraulic power units & equipment.
Applied Industrial Technologies
205-B Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7038 | Fax: 250-992-3727
Email: 4105@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Sales, service, engineering of hydraulic & power transmission products. Repair & service of hydraulic equipment & gearboxes. Engineering & fabrication of hydraulic power units & equipment.
Applied Industrial Technologies
871 South MacKenzie Avenue, Williams Lake V2G 3X8
Tel: 250-392-2388 | Fax: 250-392-5322
Email: 4106@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Sales, service, engineering of hydraulic & power transmission products. Repair & service of hydraulic equipment & gearboxes. Engineering & fabrication of hydraulic power units & equipment.
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Frank Craig PO Box 523, 177 East Columbia Street, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-9496
Email: f.craig@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archaeological Consultants, Cultural Heritage Resources . GIS - mapping services. Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Peter Gross 100, 952 4 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3H8 Tel: 250-562-0444
Email: p.gross@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archaeological Consultants, Cultural Heritage Resources . GIS - mapping services. Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Remi Farvacque 9008 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6H4
Tel: 250-261-5584 | Fax: 250-261-5474
Email: r.farvacque@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archaeological Consultants, Cultural Heritage Resources . GIS - mapping services. Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Armtec Inc.
Contact: George Cummings 1287 Boundary Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-561-2911
Email: gcummings@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Bridge drainage solutions. Metal fabrication supplies & services.
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Lisa Marshall Mile 2 1/2 Alaska Highway, PO Box 545, Dawson Creek V1G 4H4
Tel: 250-782-8335
Email: lisa.marshall@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Bridge drainage solutions. Metal fabrication supplies & services.
Assa Abloy Entrance Systems
Contact: Trevor Erhardt
2278 South Nicholson Street, Prince George V2N 1V8
Tel: 250-563-0195
Email: info.pg.aaes@assaabloy.com | www.assaabloyentrance.ca
Doors, overhead doors and windows. MegaDoor and High Speed Rubber Door System.
AtkinsRéalis (formerly SNC Lavalin Group)
Contact: Doug McMillan
8648 Commerce Court, Burnaby V5A 4N6
Tel: 604-515-5140
Email: doug.mcmillan@atkinsrealis.com | www.atkinsrealis.com
Environmental Consultants. Engineering contractors.
Membership Listings Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL)
Contact: Mike Desautels
4155 Crozier Road, Armstrong V0E 1B6
Tel: 250-546-9479
Email: mdesautels@ail.ca | www.ail.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Bridge Builders. Closure, reclamation & remediation.
ATS Electro-Lube International Inc.
7388 Wilson Avenue, Delta V4G 1H3
Tel: 800-663-8141
Email: info@atselectrolube.com | www.atselectrolube.com Lubricants. Self-contained lubrication solutions.
Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Lee York
3364 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 888-420-1092
Email: Lee_York@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com
Auto parts - gasoline and diesel vehicles. Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd.
Contact: John Bandstra
9341 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4
Tel: 888-698-2741
Email: John_Bandstra@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com
Auto parts - gasoline and diesel vehicles. Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Jack Whalley
1600A Prince Rupert Boulevard, Prince Rupert V8J 2Z3 Tel: 250-624-5171
Email: jwhalley@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com
Auto parts - gasoline and diesel vehicles. Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Badger Daylighting Inc.
Contact: Colin Oxenham 123, 34A 2755 Lougheed Highway, Port Coquitlam V3B 5Y9 Tel: 778-874-7015
Email: coxenham@badgerinc.com | www.badgerinc.com
Hydrovac Excavation. Vacuum Truck Services - material management. Water - treatment & equipment services.
Badger Daylighting Inc.
Contact: Colin Oxenham
9630 Sikanni Road, Fort St. John V1J 4V1
Tel: 250-785-2100
Email: coxenham@badgerinc.com | www.badgerinc.com
Hydrovac Excavation. Vacuum Truck Services - material management. Water - treatment & equipment services.
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd. - HQ
Contact: Ryan Langley
PO Box 95, 3394 Hwy 16 East, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 800-571-2057 | Fax: 250-847-5042
Email: info@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Logistics Services. Moving.
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd.
9499 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 888-302-9902 | Fax: 250-562-8908
Email: dispatchprincegeorge@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Logistics Services. Moving.
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd.
3111 Blakeburn Street, Terrace V8G 3J1
Tel: 800-635-2728 | Fax: 250-635-7197
Email: dispatchterrace@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Logistics services. Moving.
Bank of Montreal
Contact: Thomas Kung
10207 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3Y8
Tel: 250-785-8356 | Fax: 250-787-0314
Email: thomas.kung@bmo.com | www.bmo.com
Financial services, accounting & wealth management.
Bank of Montreal
Contact: Ante Cirko
1445 West Central Street, Prince George V2M 5S5
Tel: 250.565.8650
Email: ante.cirko@bmo.com | www.bmo.com
Bank of Montreal
Contact: Iain Acton
4666 Lakelse Ave, Terrace V8G 1R4
Tel: 250.615.6150
Email: iain.acton@bmo.com | www.bmo.com
BAT Construction Ltd.
Contact: Dan Sims
10230 Dallas Drive, Kamloops V2C 6T4
Tel: 250-573-1222 | Fax: 250-573-1236
Email: info@batconstruction.com | www.batconstruction.com
Drilling Equipment & supplies. Civil construction projects. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
BC Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Fiona Famulak
705 750 West Pender Street, Vancouver V6C 2T8
Tel: 604-683-0700
Email: bccc@bcchamber.org | www.bcchamber.org
Chamber of Commerce. Association. Export consulting & support services.
Membership Listings BC Millwrights Ltd.
Contact: Barry Cyr
7745 West Beaverly Road, Prince George V2N 5A8
Tel: 250-617-8228
Email: jump@skydivebc.ca | www.bcmillwrights.ca Millwright. Crane Operator. Machinist.
BC Rail Company
600 221 West Esplanade, North Vancouver V7M 3J3
Tel: 604-678-4735 www.bcrco.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Benchmark Automotive Services Inc.
Contact: Chris Desrochers
3532 Massey Drive, Prince George V2N 2M4
Tel: 250-564-5000 | Fax: 250-564-3045
Email: info@benchmarkpg.ca | www.benchmarkpg.ca
Surface mobile equipment & components. Vehicle maintenance & repair. Education and training.
Bid Group Construction
Contact: Leif Norrgard
101, 1323 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L6
Tel: 250-561-0140 | Fax: 250-649-1880
Email: parts@bidgroup.ca | www.bidgroup.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Cranes & riggingservices and equipment. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
BigSteelBox Corporation
880 Dalton Road, Kelowna V1X 2P9
Tel: 250-763-9660
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
Container-based steel modular buildings. Storage. Custom enclosures.
BigSteelBox Corporation
5495 Hartway Drive, Prince George V2K 5B6
Tel: 250-962-6432
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
Container-based steel modular buildings. Storage. Custom enclosures.
BigSteelBox Corporation
2990 Highway 16 East, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 800-373-1187
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
Container-based steel modular buildings. Storage. Custom enclosures.
BigSteelBox Corporation
3550 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 5J3
Tel: 800-373-1187
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
Container-based steel modular buildings. Storage. Custom enclosures.
BigSteelBox Corporation
Mile 47 Alaska Highway, Fort St. John V1J 4M6
Tel: 250-262-1466
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
Container-based steel modular buildings. Storage. Custom enclosures.
BigSteelBox Corporation
614 Exeter Road, 100 Mile House V0K 2E1
Tel: 800-373-1187
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
Container-based steel modular buildings. Storage. Custom enclosures.
B.K. Two-Way Radio Ltd.
1195 Cariboo Highway, Quesnel V2J 2Y3
Tel: 250-992-9007 | Fax: 250-992-7490
Email: main@bktwoway.ca | www.bktwoway.ca
Automation & communications. Wireless sales, services, rentals, and installations.
B.K. Two-Way Radio Ltd.
101, 3963 15 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1A5
Tel: 250-562-4856 | Fax: 250-562-0020
Email: main@bktwoway.ca | www.bktwoway.ca
Automation & communications. Wireless sales, services, rentals, and installations.
Black Diamond Group
9203 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6K6
Tel: 250-787-0476
Camp management services & supplies. Drilling equipment & supplies. Buildings - portable, Logistics.
Black Diamond Group
Box 1629, 4505 Woods Court, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0 Tel: 250-321-0488
Camp management services & supplies. Drilling equipment & supplies. Buildings - portable, Logistics.
Black Heart Industrial Solutions
Contact: Colton MacDonald
103 Gibbon Road, Williams Lake V2G 3N1
Tel: 250-267-1134
Email: cmacdonald@blackheartindustrial.ca Mechanical contractors. Underground vehicles & repair
Blastpro Construction Ltd.
Contact: Warren Himech 2438 Pulton Avenue, Box 482, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 250-845-0044
Email: admin@blastproconstruction.ca | www.blastproconstruction.ca
Blasting equipment & services. Drilling equipment & supplies. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Membership Listings Blue Collar Group
Contact: Rita Rief
255 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-9709 | Fax: 866-230-8907
Email: r.rief@shaw.ca | www.bluecollargroup.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Cranes & riggingservices and equipment. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
Britco - Modular Buildings
Contact: Christoph Neufeld 21690 Smith Crescent , Langley V2Y 0W6
Tel: 604-888-2000
Email: info@boxxmodular.com | www.britco.com Buildings, portable. Buildings, pre-engineered. Camp management services & supplies.
Britco - Modular Buildings
6751 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 250-649-0040
Email: info@boxxmodular.com | www.britco.com
Buildings, portable. Buildings, pre-engineered. Camp management services & supplies.
B2B Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Mike Warren 3855 Lozells Avenue, Burnaby V5A 2Y9
Tel: 778-833-1171
Email: mike@b2bconsultantsltd.com
Containerized Bulk Handling. Mining Logistics. Ports and Terminals.
Bulkley Valley Economic Development Association
Contact: Allan Stroet PO Box 3243, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4355
Associations. Export consulting & support services.
Bulkley Valley Engineering Services Ltd. (BVES)
Contact: Eerik Lilles, P.Eng 3763 1 Avenue, Box 92 , Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-8795
Email: info@bves.ca | www.bves.ca Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Engineering. Surveying.
Bulkley Valley Wholesale
Contact: Amber White
3302 Highway 16, PO Box 667, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-3313 | Fax: 250-847-3906
Email: amber_white@bvwholesale.ca | www.bulkleyvalleywholesale.com
Food supplies - fresh, frozen, dry, bulk. Camp management services & supplies.
Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories
Contact: Virginie Pochard
9050 Shaughnessy Street, Vancouver V6P 6E5
Tel: 604-253-3158
Email: bvminfo@ca.bureauveritas.com | www.bvna.com
Analytical laboratories & supplies.
Burns Lake & District Chamber of Commerce
258 Highway 16 West, PO Box 339, Burns Lake V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-3773
Email: manager@burnslakechamber.com | www.burnslakechamber.com Chamber of Commerce. Association. Export consulting & support services.
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable 2400 Telkwa High Road, Telkwa V0J 2X1
Tel: 250-877-9642 | Fax: 250-846-5402
Email: info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca
Industrial electrical (Mining, Camps, Hydro, LNG). Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable
505 Brightwell Street, Stewart V0T 1W0
Tel: 250-877-9642
Email: info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca
Industrial electrical (Mining, Camps, Hydro, LNG). Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
C3 Alliance Corp.
Contact: Sarah Weber
408 688 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6B 1P1
Tel: 604-343-4847
Email: info@c3alliancecorp.ca | www.c3alliancecorp.ca Project Consulting. Community Capacity Development.
Canada Rig Mats Ltd.
Contact: Mitch Philpott
20897 Highway 16 East, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1
Tel: 250-574-6181 | Fax: 250-567-4008
Email: info@canadarigmats.ca | www.rig-mat.ca
Manufacturer of rig mats, crane mats. Manufacturer of swamp mats. Manufacturer of core boxes and timbers.
Canadian Dewatering LP
2150 Steel Road, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-2972
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Pumps, pipes, and Generators. Water - treatment & equipment services. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
Membership Listings Canadian Dewatering LP
19577 94 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4E6
Tel: 604-888-0042
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com Pumps, pipes, and Generators. Water - treatment & equipment services. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
CAT Rental Store
8712 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6V3
Tel: (800) RENT-CAT (736-8228) www.catrentalstore.com
Industrial supplies & consumables. Supplier. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
CAT Rental Store
1140 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: (800) RENT-CAT (736-8228) www.catrentalstore.com
Industrial supplies & consumables. Supplier. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
CBIG - Canadian Benefits Investments & Insurance Group Inc.
492 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2J7
Tel: 250-564-7484 | Fax: 250-564-7490
Email: info@cbiggroup.ca | www.cbiggroup.ca
Insurance products, consultants & services. Financial services, accounting & wealth management. HR services, professionals & consultants.
Capri Motor Inn
Contact: Lisa Bowd
3984 Highway 16 West, PO Box 3418, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4226
Email: caprismithers@gmail.com | www.caprimotorinnsmithers.ca Hotels, motels & inns. Leisure travel services & products. Pet-friendly accomodations.
Cariboo Chrome & Hydraulics Ltd.
Contact: Jamie Yorston
1685 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1W7 Tel: 250-562-0166 | Fax: 250-562-3855
Email: jamieyorston@cariboochrome.com | www.cariboochrome.com
Metal Fabrication and precision machining. Hydraulic components and accessories. Equipment maintenance & repair (forklift & loader booms, etc.).
Cascade Mechanical Ltd.
Contact: Jaron Sucholotosky
3863 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B1
Tel: 250-564-2883
Email: info@cascade-mechanical.ca | www.cascade-mechanical.ca
Industrial contractor - pulp and paper, gas and chemical plants. Fiberglass division - Piping systems - services and alterations. Mechanical contractors - pumps, plumbing, pipes, & valves.
CC Industries Ltd.
Contact: Lee Carter
2229 Knell Road East, Prince George V2K 4A8
Tel: 800-663-6986
Email: info@ccindustries.net | www.ccindustries.net
Metal fabrication supplies & services. Ventilation equipment & components. Welding.
Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce
5121 47 Avenue, PO Box 870, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-3345
Email: manager@chetwyndchamber.ca | www.chetwyndchamber.ca Chamber of Commerce. Association. Export consulting & support services.
CICC Camp Services
Contact: Natalie Theessen
570 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C3
Tel: 250-563-5332 | Fax: 250-563-5363
Email: cicc@cicamps.com | www.cicamps.com Camp management services & supplies. Camp catering.
558 East Kent Avenue South, Vancouver V5X 4V6
Tel: 604-263-1671
Email: sales@cgis.ca | www.cgis.ca
Valves. Automation and Controls. Mechanical - pumps, plumbing, pipes, & valves.
10, 1839 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y8
Tel: 250-562-8261
Email: sales@cgis.ca | www.cgis.ca
Valves. Automation and Controls. Mechanical - pumps, plumbing, pipes, & valves.
CH4 Systems Inc.
Contact: Peter Biederstadt
13530 West Beaverly Road, Prince George V2N 5A6
Tel: 250-964-4070 | Fax: 250-964-4024
Email: ch4sys@pgonline.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Instrumentation. Class A Natural Gas Services - Piping products & services.
CIF Construction Ltd.
Contact: Jack Fomenoff
PO Box 2159, Prince George V2N 2J6
Tel: 250-564-8174
Email: info@cifcon.com | www.cifcon.com
Concrete. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Surveying and Scaffolding.
City of Quesnel
Contact: Amy Reid, Economic Development Officer
410 Kinchant Street, Quesnel V2J 7J5
Tel: 250-992-2111 | Fax: 250-992-1512
Email: areid@quesnel.ca | www.quesnel.ca
Economic Development. Municipal operations / permitting. housing, employment, & education contact.
Membership Listings Civeo Corp.
3790 98 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 6B4
Tel: 780-463-8872
Email: civeo@civeo.com | www.civeo.com Camp management services & supplies. Buildings, portable. Buildings, pre-engineered.
Classic Life Care - Home Care Prince George 1360 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3B5
Tel: 250-563-3501
Email: princegeorge@classiclifecare.com | www.classiclifecare.com Counseling & prevention. Safety & health services, consultants. Aboriginal affairs.
Clear Blue Water Systems Ltd.
Contact: Craig Wynn PO Box 148, Montney V0C 1Y0
Tel: 250-827-3737
Email: clearblue@telus.net | www.clearbluewatersystems.ca Potable water treatment & water treatment and equipment services. Pumps supply & installation services. Cistern installation & tank cleaning.
Coast Mountain College - School of Exploration and Mining
Contact: Laurie Kallio
3966 2 Avenue, PO Box 3606, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4461 | Fax: 250-847-4568
Email: info@coastmountaincollege.ca | www.coastmountaincollege.ca Education and training.
Coast Mountain College - Workforce Training & Contract Services
Contact: Lorrie Gowen
5331 McConnell Avenue, Terrace V8G 4X2
Tel: 250-635-6511 | Fax: 250-638-5432
Email: lgowen@coastmountaincollege.ca | www.coastmountaincollege.ca Education and training.
College of New Caledonia - Fort St. James Campus
179 Douglas Street, PO Box 1557, Fort St. James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-7019
Email: cncfsj@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca Education and training. Safety & Health.
College of New Caledonia - Burns Lake
545 Highway 16 West, PO Box 5000, Burns Lake V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-1700
Email: lksdist@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca Education and training. Safety & Health.
College of New Caledonia - Vanderhoof Campus
195 1 Street East, Vanderhoof V0J 3A2
Tel: 250-567-3200
Email: nechako@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca Education and training. Safety & Health.
College of New Caledonia - Prince George 3330 22 Avenue , Prince George V2N 1P8
Tel: 250-562-2131
Email: askcnc@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca Education and training. Safety & Health.
College of the Rockies
2700 College Way, Box 8500, Cranbrook V1C 5L7
Tel: 250-489-2751
Email: info@cotr.bc.ca | www.cotr.bc.ca Education and training. Safety & Health.
Community Futures Fraser Fort George
Contact: Susan Stearns
1566 7 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3P4
Tel: 250-562-9622
Email: general@cfdc.bc.ca | www.cfdc.bc.ca
Business development. Export consulting & support services.
Concept Design
201, 1389 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3E8
Tel: 250-564-1309
Email: info@conceptdesign.ca | www.conceptdesign.ca Publishing, marketing & communication services. Software providers, consultants. Wireless sales, services, rentals, and installations.
Container West Manufacturing Ltd.
Contact: Sydney Kjellander 11660 Mitchell Road, Richmond V6V 1T7
Tel: 866-909-3027
Email: info@containerwest.com | www.containerwest.com Buildings, Portable. Custom shipping containers.
Corestock Industrial Supply Ltd.
Contact: Darcy Buryn
229 Ongman Road, Prince George V2K 4K9
Tel: 877-564-3001 | Fax: 250-564-3020
Email: sales@corestock.ca | www.corestock.ca
Mineral processing - pumps, pipes, and valves. Hydraulic components and accessories.
C R Metal Fabricators Ltd.
Contact: Rob Beetstra
1970 17 Avenue, Campbell River V9W 4L9
Tel: 250-286-6313 | Fax: 250-286-6122
Email: info@crmf.bc.ca | www.crmetalfab.com
Metal fabrication supplies & services. Ventilation equipment & components. CNC Plasma Cutting / Drafting and Design / Explosive Transport Boxes.
Crossroads C&I Distributors
Contact: Greg Kamprath
105 12 King Edward Street, Coquitlam V3K 0E7
Tel: 604-421-1221 | Fax: 604-421-1203
Email: coqsales@crossroadsci.com | www.crossroadsci.com
Commercial, Industrial & Marine Insulation. Custom Fabricated Insulation, Metal & Accessories. Anti-Corrosion Gels, PPE, Heat Tracing.
Membership Listings Crownsmen Partners
Contact: Gerrod Downey
403 Columbia Street, New Westminster V3L 1A9
Tel: 778-819-6204
Email: info@crownsmen.com | www.crownsmen.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Site construction.
CWA Engineers Inc.
Contact: Nadine Clark
380 2925 Virtual Way, Vancouver V5M 4X5
Tel: 604-637-2275 | Fax: 604-637-2276
Email: info@cwaengineers.com | www.cwaengineers.com Engineering contractors. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Inspection Services.
Datoff Bros Construction Ltd.
Contact: Tom Datoff
102 1837 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X2
Tel: 250-960-2223
Email: info@datoff.com | www.datoff.com Engineering Contractors. Concrete construction materials.
Dawson Creek (City of)
10105 12A Street, Dawson Creek V1G 3V7
Tel: 250-784-3600
Email: communications@dawsoncreek.ca | www.dawsoncreek.ca Economic Development. Municipal operations / permitting. housing, employment, & education contact.
Dawson Creek & District Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Duncan Malkinson
9, 904 102 Avenue, Dawson Creek V1G 2B7
Tel: 250-782-4868
Email: info@dawsoncreekchamber.ca | www.dawsoncreekchamber.ca Chamber of Commerce. Association. Export consulting & support services.
DEL Communications Inc.
Contact: David Langstaff
300 6 Roslyn Road, Winnipeg, MB. R3L 0G5
Tel: 866-424-6398
Email: david@delcommunications.ca | www.delcommunications.ca Publishing, marketing & communication services.
Distribution Now
Contact: Trent Schell
696 Cree Road, Kamloops V2H 1G7
Tel: 250-372-5650 | Fax: 250-372-9101
Email: trent.schell@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Mineral - processing - pumps, pipes, & valves. Industrial supplies & consumables. Compressors, air.
Distribution Now
Contact: John Sastaunik
11824 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 4H9
Tel: 250-785-5677 | Fax: 250-785-7607
Email: John.Sastaunik@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Mineral - processing - pumps, pipes, & valves. Industrial supplies & consumables. Compressors, air.
District of Chetwynd
Contact: Ellen McAvany, Economic Development Officer
5400 Hospital Road, PO Box 357, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-401-4100 | Fax: 250-401-4101
Email: Emcavany@gochetwynd.com | www.gochetwynd.com
Economic Development. Municipal operations / permitting. housing, employment, & education contact.
District of Fort St. James
Contact: Brooke Eschuk, Economic Development Officer 477 Stuart Drive West, PO Box 640, Fort St. James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8233 | Fax: 250-996-2248
Email: edo@fortstjames.ca | www.fortstjames.ca
Economic Development. Municipal operations / permitting. housing, employment, & education contact.
District of Kitimat
Contact: Cameron Orr, Business & Communications Manager
270 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 2H7
Tel: 250-632-8900 | Fax: 250-632-4995
Email: corr@kitimat.ca | www.kitimat.ca
Economic Development. Municipal operations / permitting. housing, employment, & education contact.
District of MacKenzie
Contact: Rachelle Dumoulin, Economic Development Clerk 1 MacKenzie Boulevard, Bag 340, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-3221 | Fax: 250-997-5186
Email: ecdev@districtofmackenzie.ca | www.districtofmackenzie.ca Economic Development. Municipal operations / permitting. housing, employment, & education contact.
DMC Chartered Professional Accountants Inc.
696 Brunswick Street, Prince George V2L 2C1
Tel: 250-564-2660
Email: reception@dmca.bc.ca | www.dmca.bc.ca
Financial services, accounting & wealth management. Management - consulting services.
DSL Remanufacturing
Contact: Ruth Fiddler 9359 Northern Crescent, Prince George V2N 5T7
Tel: 250-561-2169
Email: rfiddler@lumber.ca | www.lumber.ca
Lumberyard. Pulp / Paper plant products and services.
Membership Listings Don Stewart Construction Ltd.
Contact: Don Stewart PO Box 4949, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-6767
Email: don@stewartconstruction.ca | www.stewartconstruction.ca Contractors. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Drax Group (formerly Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc.)
8545 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 6Z9
Tel: 250-562-5562 www.drax.com/ca
Pellet fuel - heating and combustibles. Animal bedding and natural sorbent. Industrial supplies and consumables.
Driftwood Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Goodson PO Box 2650, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-2710
Email: info@driftwooddrilling.com | www.driftwooddrilling.com Drilling contract services. Mineral exploration. Geophysical surveys & consulting.
Drillwell Enterprises Ltd.
Contact: Shawn Slade 4994 Polkey Road, Duncan V9L 6W3
Tel: 250-746-5268 | Fax: 250-746-8404
Email: drill@drillwell.com | www.drillwell.com Drilling contract services. Large diameter Waterwells.
Dulux Paints
Contact: Joe Plamondon 1602 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1W9 Tel: 250-562-2466
Email: paf8553@ppg.com | www.dulux.ca Specialty coatings.
DuMoulin Black LLP
10 flr, 595 Howe Street, Vancouver V6C 2T5
Tel: 604-687-1224
Email: info@dumoulinblack.com | www.dumoulinblack.com General Counsel. Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Duz Cho Construction LP
Contact: Jacob Albertson 4821 South Access Road, PO Box 28, Chetwynd V0C 1J0 Tel: 250-788-3120 | Fax: 250-788-3188
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Duz Cho Logging Ltd.
Contact: Chris Hayward
5360 Ritchie Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-4420 | Fax: 250-997-5430
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
Logging and Land Clearing. Camp management services & supplies. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken
1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: pgoffice@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca Consultants – environmental, engineering, forestry, geomatics,. Sediment and erosion control, hydroseeding, jet boat services. Engineering Contractors.
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Green/Ryan Wonnacott
301, 172 2 Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 1Z6
Tel: 250-396-7208
Email: wloffice@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca Natural Resource Consulting. Environmental Consultants. Engineering Contractors.
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Youenn Wilson
1725 Beach Road, Burns Lake V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-7211 | Fax: 250-692-7282
Email: bladmin@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca Natural Resource Consulting. Environmental Consultants. Engineering Contractors.
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Jeff Beale 8130 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1W5
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: fsjoffice@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca Consultants – environmental, engineering, geomatics,. Sediment and erosion control. Engineering Contractors.
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Ramsey Austring 5028 49 Avenue, Chetwynd V0C 1J0 Tel: 250-788-7872 | Fax: 250-788-7812
Email: chetwynd@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca Natural Resource Consulting. Environmental Consultants. Engineering Contractors.
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Lisa Kinnear 203, 13 / 14 Avenue South, Cranbrook V1C 2X3 Tel: 403-632-5204
Email: cranbrook@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca Natural Resource Consulting. Environmental Consultants. Engineering Contractors.
Dynamic Avalanche Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Elaine Lajeunesse 301, 306 First Street West, PO Box 2845, Revelstoke V0E 2S0
Tel: 250-837-4466
Email: info@dynamicavalanche.com | www.dynamicavalanche.com Engineering contractors. Safety & health services, consultants. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.).
Membership Listings Dynamic Capital Equipment Finance
Contact: Erik Benson
310 Vancouver Street, Prince George V2L 2N9
Tel: 888-626-3002 | Fax: 877-521-9273
Financial services, accounting & wealth management. Insurance products, consultants & services.
Easy Build Structures Ltd.
Contact: Clayton Mickey 55, 13325 115 Avenue, Surrey V3R 0R8
Tel: 604-589-4280 | Fax: 604-589-4202
Email: sales@easybuildstructures.ca | www.easybuildstructures.ca Buildings, Pre-engineered.
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Wilson
140 Stuart Drive West, PO Box 1270, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-2151 | Fax: 250-996-2186
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca Environmental Consultants.
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Ben McFarlane
1315 Noranda Road East, Prince George V2K 5R6
Tel: 250-960-1155 | Fax: 250-960-1144
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca Environmental Consultants.
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Scott Fraser
9607 112 Street, Fort St. John V1J 7C7
Tel: 250-787-6009 | Fax: 250-787-6083
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca Environmental Consultants.
Edward Jones
Contact: Robert Hlina 130 3034 Recplace Drive, Prince George V2N 0G2
Tel: 250-964-2353 | Fax: 877-384-9267
Email: bob.hlina@edwardjones.com | www.edwardjones.com Financial services, accounting & wealth management.
Equity Plumbing and Heating Ltd.
Contact: Brad Popoff
4912 Hart Highway , Prince George V2K 3A1
Tel: 250-563-1191 | Fax: 250-563-1070
Email: info@equityplumbing.ca | www.equityplumbing.ca Pumps, pipes, and valves. Mechanical contractors. Mineral processing - Pumps, pipes, and valves.
Everguard Fire and Safety
2083 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1X2
Tel: 888-563-1799
Email: princegeorge@everguardfiresafety.com | www.everguarfiresafety.com Fire prevention and suppression.
Excel Personnel Inc.
Contact: Karen Watt
102, 1300 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y3
Tel: 250-596-3683 | Fax: 250-374-3854
Email: talent@excel.bc.ca | www.excel.bc.ca Staffing. Personnel recruitment.
Excel Personnel Inc.
Contact: Karen Watt
600, 235 1 Avenue, Kamloops V2C 3J4
Tel: 250-374-3853 | Fax: 250-374-3854
Email: hr@excel.bc.ca | www.excel.bc.ca
Staffing. Personnel recruitment.
Export Navigator - Small Business BC
Contact: Tim Thomas
550, 555 West 12 Avenue, Vancouver V5Z 3X7
Tel: 604-775-5525 | Fax: 604-775-5520
Email: askus@smallbusinessbc.ca | www.smallbusinessbc.ca
Business development. Export consulting & support services.
4 Evergreen Resources LP
Contact: Myron Snyder
PO Box 1020, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-7916
Email: msnyder@4eg.ca | www.4eg.ca
Indigenous business & governments. Management - consulting services. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Falcon Camp Services Inc.
Contact: Zane Pickering
8555 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 250-563-5609
Email: info@falconcampservices.com | www.falconcampservices.com
Camp management services & supplies. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Aboriginal affairs.
Falcon Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Keith Hillen
3549 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B8
Tel: 250-564-7786 | Fax: 250-562-5937
Email: office@falcon-drilling.com | www.falcon-drilling.com
Drilling contract services. Drilling equipment & supplies. Software expertise in MS Word and Excel.
Membership Listings Falcon Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Joel Gibson
18412 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 3P8
Tel: 604-888-5066
Email: jgibson@falconequip.com | www.falconequip.com
Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Cranes & rigging - services and equipment. Hydraulic components and accessories.
Finger Lake Wilderness Resort
Contact: Jason Madsen
400 Gold Road, PO Box 1619, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 778-785-1114
Email: info@fingerlakeresort.com | www.fingerlakeresort.com Camp management services & supplies. Hotels, motels & inns / Leisure travel services & products. Gas and Diesel Sales.
Finning Canada
8712 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6V3
Tel: 250-787-7761
Industrial supplies & consumables. Supplier. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Finning Canada
1500 Highway 16 West, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 250-845-2213
Industrial supplies & consumables. Supplier. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Finning Canada
1100 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-563-0331
Industrial supplies & consumables. Supplier. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Finning Canada
Contact: Mike Pedde 1569, 6735 11 Street NE, Calgary T2E 8S5 Tel: 403-275-3340
Email: mpedde@finning.com | www.finning.com
Industrial supplies & consumables. Supplier. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Fireweed Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Bruno Meili PO Box 26 , Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5X9
Tel: 867-668-5888 | Fax: 867-668-5110
Email: info@fireweedhelicopters.ca | www.fireweedhelicopters.ca
Transportation (flight). Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Fireweed Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Bruno Meili
PO Box 169 , Dawson YT Y0B 1G0
Tel: 867-993-5700
Email: dawson@fireweedhelicopters.ca | www.fireweedhelicopters.ca Transportation (flight). Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
First Nations LNG Alliance c/o Haisla Nation
Contact: Karen Ogen
PO Box 1101, Haisla V0T 2B0
Tel: 604-329-8712
Email: communications@fnlngalliance.com | www.fnlngalliance.com Indigenous business & governments.
FMDC Watermist Canada Ltd.
Contact: Gord Miller
108, 9295 198 Street, Langley V0R 1L4
Tel: 888-508-4419
Email: info@fogmakercanada.ca | www.fogmakercanada.ca
Water mist fire suppression systems . High-pressure fire suppression system. Safety & health services.
Foraco Canada Ltd.
Contact: George Cooper
2007 West Trans Canada Highway, Kamloops V1S 1A7
Tel: 250-374-3366 | Fax: 250-374-9212
Email: kamloops@foraco.com | www.foraco.com Core drilling. Geotechnical installations.
Foraco Canada Ltd.
Contact: Paul Tiefensee
139 Enterprise Drive, PO Box 280, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N2
Tel: 867-873-2533
Email: north-america@foraco.com | www.foraco.com Core drilling. Geotechnical installations.
Forest Technology Systems - FTS Inc.
Contact: Chris Lindsay 1065 Henry Eng Place, Victoria V9B 6B2
Tel: 800-548-4264 | Fax: 800-905-7004
Email: sales@ftsinc.com | www.ftsinc.com
Water - monitoring equipment & supplies. Environment equipment & services. Instrumentation.
Formula Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Paul Tiefensee
9988 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 7A8
Tel: 250-561-2933
Email: andrew@formulacontractors.com | www.formulacontractors.com Bridge builders. Site construction services & products. Contractors.
Membership Listings Formula Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Andrew Forbes
9157 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4
Tel: 250-561-2933
Email: andrew@formulacontractors.com | www.formulacontractors.com Bridge builders. Site construction services & products. Contractors.
Formula Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Paul Tiefensee 5201 54 Avenue, PO Box 214, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0
Tel: 877-761-2933 | Fax: 250-563-2931
Email: info@formulacontractors.com | www.formulacontractors.com
Bridge builders. Site construction services & products. Contractors.
Fort Machine Works (1986) Ltd.
Contact: Don Derksen/Jeff Davis 1180 Tachie Road, PO Box 1389, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8231 | Fax: 250-996-2298
Email: info@fortmachine.com | www.fortmachine.com
Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Hydraulic components and accessories.
Foundex Explorations Ltd.
Contact: Dave Ward
3175 Turner Street, Abbotsford V2S 7T9
Tel: 604-594-8333
Email: info@foundex.com | www.foundex.com
Drilling contract services. Drilling equipment & supplies.
Four Rivers Co-Operative (Vanderhoof & Districts)
Contact: Allan Bieganski
188 East Stewart Street, PO Box 560, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-4414 | Fax: 250-567-4355
Email: mainoffice@fourrivers.crs | www.fourriversco-op.crs/sites/fourrivers Camp management services & supplies. General equipment & supplies. Food suppliesfresh, frozen, dry, bulk.
Fox Professional Driver Training Centres Ltd.
Contact: Don Bailey
2274 Nicholson Street South, Prince George V2N 1V8
Tel: 250-596-9266 | Fax: 250-596-9267
Email: foxpro@foxpro.bc.ca | www.foxpro.bc.ca
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Education & training consultants, courses, etc. Safety & health services, consultants.
Free Spirit Ventures Inc.
Contact: Hayden Greenshields
2430 Ridgeview Place, Prince George V2K 3Z3
Tel: 250-561-3253
Email: free@safetypays.ca | www.safetypays.ca Safety & health services, consultants.
Frontier Truck Rentals
Contact: Shawn Bradford
3046 Yellowhead Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-7769
Email: rentals@frontierjeepram.ca | www.frontiertruckrentals.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Truck rentals - mine ready packages. Trailer rentals.
Frontier Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Ltd.
Contact: Jason McCrindle
3046 Yellowhead Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4266
Email: sales@frontierjeepram.ca | www.frontierjeepram.ca
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Automotive dealership / sales, service and repairs. Automotive dealership / parts.
Frost Lake Logging Ltd.
Contact: Scott Kirschke
32 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-562-2487
Email: info@frostlake.ca | www.frostlake.ca
Logging and Land Clearing. Road - building services & products. Aboriginal Affairs.
G & J Design Flooring Ltd.
Contact: Jeff Lefebvre
1295 Cariboo Hwy North, Quesnel V2J 2Y5
Tel: 250-992-2272 | Fax: 250-992-2126
Email: design@goldcity.net Buildings, portable.
GeoNorth Engineering Ltd.
Contact: Dave McDougall
3975 18th Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B2
Tel: 250-564-4304 | Fax: 250-564-9323
Email: mail@geonorth.ca | www.geonorth.ca
Engineering Contractors. Geotechnical instrumentation. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.).
Geotech Drilling Services Ltd.
Contact: Jake Ongman
5052 Hartway Drive, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-9041 | Fax: 250-962-9046
Email: info@geotechdrilling.com | www.geotechdrilling.com
Drilling contract services. Site construction services & products . Testing & sub service installations.
Contact: Geoff Hobbs
PO Box 2772, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
Tel: 867-678-0389
Email: geoff.hobbs@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Surveying. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services.
Membership Listings GeoVerra
Contact: David Gosling
Suite A, 1415 Hankin Avenue, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-342-9767
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Surveying. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services.
Contact: David Gosling
10716 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Z3
Tel: 250-787-0300
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Surveying. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services.
Global Resources For Industrial Projects (GRIP) Inc.
Contact: Doug Ballard 1686 57A Street, Delta V4L 1X8
Tel: 604-889-1855 | Fax: 866-695-9655
Email: info@grip4equipment.ca | www.grip4equipment.ca
Bulk materials - handling equipment. Minerals Processing equipment. Water treatment equipment.
Goldstream Publishing Inc.
Contact: Sean Simmons
1274 5th Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L2
Tel: 250-596-6277 | Fax: 250-596-6278
Email: sean@anglersatlas.com | www.anglersatlas.com Software providers, consultants. Mapping services.
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Russell
8023 Webster Road, Delta V4G 1E4
Tel: 604-940-1627 | Fax: 604-940-1046
Email: brianr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Hoisting Equipment & Accessories. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Industrial supplies and consumables.
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: David Russell
7775 Edgar Industrial Way, Red Deer T4P 3R2 Tel: 403-340-8856 | Fax: 403-340-0213
Email: davidr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Hoisting Equipment & Accessories. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Industrial supplies and consumables.
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Strom
5426a Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 778-764-0233
Email: brians@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com Hoisting Equipment & Accessories. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Industrial supplies and consumables.
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Petra Conniff
1505 River Street, Kamloops V2C 1Z2
Tel: 888-602-0000
Industrial supplies & consumables. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Jerry Ward
8910 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3X1
Tel: 888-602-0000
Industrial supplies & consumables. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Grainger Inc.
724 Commercial Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2H4
Tel: 888-602-0000
Industrial supplies & consumables. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jennifer Burry
106 Dickens Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-873-2081
Email: info@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Mining, Oil/Gas & Seismic exploration. Forest fire suppression. Aerial geophysics & environmental impact surveys.
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Cory Skender
4325 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-922-5258
Email: clientservices@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Mining, Oil/Gas & Seismic exploration. Forest fire suppression. Aerial geophysics & environmental impact surveys.
Green Homes - Quality Factory Built Homes
1002 Railway Road, Prince George V2N 5R9
Tel: 250-614-0136
Email: info@greenhomespg.com | www.greenhomespg.com Buildings, portable. Buildings, pre-engineered. Modular Homes.
GRIP - Global Resources for Industrial Projects Inc.
Contact: Doug Ballard
1686 57A Street, Delta V4L 1X8
Tel: 604-889-1855 | Fax: 866-695-9655
Email: info@grip4equipment.ca | www.grip4equipment.ca
Bulk materials - handling equipment. Minerals Processing equipment. Water treatment equipment.
Membership Listings Grizzly Supplies Canada
Contact: Curtis Yeats
19269 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4C4
Tel: 604-888-7311
Sealing solutions for heavy equipment. Aftermarket Seal Kits. Face Seals.
GTM Canada
2nd floor, 4910 50 Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3X8
Tel: 867-669-0242
Email: info@gtmcanada.com | www.gtmcanada.com
Information Technology. Software providers, consultants. Telecommunicationsequipment, systems and service.
Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc.
Contact: Eric Stier and Bryan Wallace
156 West Stewart Street, PO Box 398, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-2655 | Fax: 250-567-2656
Email: Eric@guardianaerospace.net | www.guardianaerospace.net
Charter Fishing, Hunting & Remote Worksites . Metal Cutting & Welding. Flight training & Aircraft maintenance.
Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc.
Contact: Eric Stier and Bryan Wallace
Aviator Road, Gate 31 , Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-567-2655 | Fax: 250-567-2656
Email: Eric@guardianaerospace.net | www.guardianaerospace.net
Charter Fishing, Hunting & Remote Worksites . Metal Cutting & Welding. Flight training & Aircraft maintenance.
Guillevin International Co.
4443 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J7
Tel: 833-948-2093
Industrial supplies & consumables. Safety & health services, consultants.
Guillevin International Co.
1, 2233 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X4
Tel: 250-960-4350
Industrial supplies & consumables. Safety & health services, consultants.
Guillevin International Co.
9604 Sikanni Road, Fort St. John V1J 4V1
Tel: 250-785-8038
Industrial supplies & consumables. Safety & health services, consultants.
Haisla Nation
Contact: Tony Brady, Director of Economic Development
500 Gitksan Avenue, Haisla V0T 2B0
Tel: 250-639-9361
Email: tbrady@haisla.ca | www.haisla.ca
Indigenous business & governments.
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone
628 Upper Bench Road North, Penticton V2A 8V2
Tel: 250-462-0076
Email: jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca
Drilling contract services. Exploration services & consultants. Closure, reclamation & remediation.
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone
5 Lorne Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S7
Tel: 250-462-0076
Email: jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca
Drilling contract services. Exploration services & consultants. Closure, reclamation & remediation.
HBH Land Surveying Inc.
Contact: Gina Hidber
203, 1300 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y3
Tel: 250-640-2287
Email: bcls@hbhlandsurveying.ca | www.hbhlandsurveying.ca Surveying. Mapping services.
HBH Land Surveying Inc.
Contact: Mark Rossmann
3750 1 Avenue, PO Box 536, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-3808
Email: bcls@hbhlandsurveying.ca | www.hbhlandsurveying.ca Surveying. Mapping services.
Heartland Steel Doors Ltd.
Contact: Brad Lechkobit
1925 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X2
Tel: 250-563-3610 | Fax: 250-563-3617
Email: sales@heartlandsteel.ca | www.heartlandsteel.ca
Specialty doors, Stainless steel, FRP, blast resistant, acoustical, impact, etc. Hollow metal frames & doors, commercial wood doors & hardware. Toilet partitions, lockers, and washroom accessories.
Heartland Steel Structures Ltd.
Contact: Ken Kruger 401 1777 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3G7
Tel: 250-649-4549
Email: kenk@heartlandsteel.ca | www.heartlandsteelstructures.ca Steelwork. Pre-engineered steel structures.
H.F. Nodes Construction
Box 373, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0
Tel: 250-786-5474 | Fax: 250-786-5807
Email: info@hfnodes.com | www.hfnodes.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Membership Listings Hill Aircraft Service Ltd.
Contact: Katherine Hill
6 3900 Grumman Road, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-963-7211
Email: kat@hillair.com | www.hillair.com
Aircraft maintenance & repair. Aircraft refurbishment. Aircraft appraisals and recovery.
Horizon Testing Inc.
Contact: Daniel Tremblay
9408 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 236-423-0447
Email: office@horizontesting.ca | www.horizontesting.ca
Non-destructive testing: Pulp & Paper, Oil & Gas, Power generation. Remote field testing. Drone Visual Inspection.
Houle Electric Ltd.
Contact: Greg McLeod
3635 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B9
Tel: 250-562-2009 | Fax: 250-562-0134
Email: hello@houle.ca | www.houle.ca
Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Electrical Contractors.
Houle Electric Ltd.
312 Railway Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2G2
Tel: 250-632-7144 | Fax: 250-632-4655
Email: hello@houle.ca | www.houle.ca
Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Electrical Contractors.
Hypower Systems (div of Applied Industrial Technologies Ltd.)
Contact: Mike Ryeo
1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-562-1114 | Fax: 250-562-1761
Email: 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com Hydraulic components and accessories. Lubricants.
Hy-Tech Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Brian Butterworth
2715 Tatlow Road, PO Box 3248, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-9301 | Fax: 250-847-5111
Email: brian.butterworth@hy-techdrilling.com | www.hy-techdrilling.com Diamond Drilling. Contractors.
IDL Projects Inc.
Contact: Sheldon Boyes
1088 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-649-0561 | Fax: 250-649-0581
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
Mining Engineering & Contracting. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Road - building services & products.
IDL Projects Inc.
335 370 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-981-0878
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
Mining Engineering & Contracting. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Road - building services & products.
IDL Projects Inc.
101, 10012 97 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 5P3
Tel: 250-981-5740
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
Mining Engineering & Contracting. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Road - building services & products.
IFS Equipment Ltd. (Innovative Foundation Solutions)
Contact: Jason Linley 10468 269 Road, Fort St. John V1J 4M7
Tel: 250-263-4555
Email: jdl@ifsequip.com | www.ifsequip.com Foundation equipment. Piling equipment. Quick-Pile helical pile system.
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC) 211 3823 Henning Drive, Burnaby V5C 6P3
Tel: 604.298.7795 | Fax: 604.298.2246
Email: mike@icba.ca
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC)
Contact: Christina Klotz
200, 1253 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L3
Tel: 250-596-8118 | Fax: 236-423-0734
Email: christina@icba.ca | www.icba.ca
Associations. Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC)
Contact: Jordan Bateman
800 13761 96 Avenue, Surrey V3V 0E8
Tel: 604-298-7795 | Fax: 604-298-2246
Email: info@icba.ca | www.icba.ca
Associations. Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
Industrial Forestry Service Ltd. (IFS)
Contact: Robert Schuetz
1595 5 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3L9
Tel: 250-564-4115 | Fax: 250-563-9679
Email: ifs@industrialforestry.ca | www.industrialforestry.ca
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services. Environmental Consultants.
Industrial Forestry Service Ltd. (IFS)
Contact: Robert Schuetz
11613 7 Street, Dawson Creek V1G 4S4
Tel: 250-784-1987 | Fax: 250-784-1986
Email: ifsdc@industrialforestry.ca | www.industrialforestry.ca
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services. Environmental Consultants.
Membership Listings Inland Kenworth
Contact: Dan Soicher
3671 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2
Tel: 236-300-8514 | Fax: 250-635-5122
Email: dsoicher@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Industrial supplies & consumables.
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Jaret Pieper
10611 Finning Frontage, PO Box 6340, Fort St. John V1J 4H8
Tel: 250-999-3708 | Fax: 250-785-4303
Email: jpieper@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Industrial supplies & consumables.
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Glen Kelly
7337 Boundary Avenue, Prince George V2N 6C9
Tel: 236-601-1571 | Fax: 250-562-2914
Email: gkelly@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Industrial supplies & consumables.
Integris Credit Union
1532 6 Avenue , Prince George V2L 5B5
Tel: 250-612-3456 | Fax: 250-612-3451
Email: welcome@integriscu.ca | www.integriscu.ca
Financial services, accounting & wealth management. Insurance products, consultants & services.
Intercoast Construction Ltd.
Contact: Danny Schwab
4032 John Hart Highway, Prince George V2K 2Z6
Tel: 250-962-4620 | Fax: 250-962-2360
Email: danny@intercoast.ca | www.intercoast.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Road - building services & products. Bridge - builders.
Interior Savings Credit Union
Contact: Kelly Zammit
879 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2K7
Tel: 250-562-5415 | Fax: 250-564-9977
Email: kzammit@sprucecu.bc.ca | www.sprucecu.bc.ca Financial services, accounting & wealth management.
Interior Warehousing Ltd.
Contact: Roy Dondale
1955 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-563-4613 | Fax: 250-563-4745
Email: roy@interiorwarehousing.com | www.interiorwarehousing.com
Warehousing. Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services. Asset liquidation consultants.
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing Ltd.
Contact: Vanessa Visona
1652 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 1X3
Tel: 250-561-7277 (PASS) | Fax: 250-561-7297
Email: admin@iwct.ca | www.iwct.ca
Analytical laboratories & supplies. HR services, professionals & consultants. Safety & health services, consultants.
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing Ltd.
Contact: Vanessa Visona
203, 4548 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1V4
Tel: 250-561-7277 (PASS) | Fax: 250-561-7297
Email: admin@iwct.ca | www.iwct.ca
Analytical laboratories & supplies. HR services, professionals & consultants. Safety & health services, consultants.
International Blasting Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Ron J. Elliott
437 Laurentian Crescent, Coquitlam V3K 1Y9
Tel: 604-936-3420 | Fax: 604-936-3632
Email: ron@blastingconsultants.com | www.blastingconsultants.com
Technical services in Drilling and Blasting. Seismic monitoring. Blaster training.
Iridia Medical Inc.
Contact: Makayla MacLeod
8703 101 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 2A5
Tel: 250-787-7764
Email: fsj@iridiamedical.com | www.iridiamedical.com
Safety & health services, consultants. Occupational health & safety.
IRL Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Steve Mayoh
610 Richard Road, Prince George V2K 4L3
Tel: 250-562-2185 | Fax: 250-562-2911
Email: inquiries@irlsupplies.com | www.irlsupplies.com
General equipment & supplies. Camp management services & supplies. Industrial supplies & consumables.
Janitors’ Warehouse
Contact: Sandra Pratt
4545 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1P7
Tel: 250-635-5501 | Fax: 250-635-4798
Email: terracejanitorswarehouse@gmail.com | www.janitorswarehouseterrace.ca
Wholesale paper products, chemicals, equipment. Camp Kitchen Vent Hood Cleaning. Camp management services & supplies.
J.R. Canadian Mapping Ltd.
Contact: John Rankin
6309 Simon Fraser Avenue, Prince George V2N 2M9
Tel: 250-561-2455
Email: rankin-j@jrcanmap.com Mapping services.
Membership Listings JSL Contracting Ltd.
Contact: Jack Parker
PO Box 208, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-7417
Email: jslcontracting@persona.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
LNG Canada - Prime Contractor JGC Fluor (JFJV)
234 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: (250) 632-JFJV (5358)
Email: info@jfjvkitimat.com | www.jfjvkitimat.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Supplier. Processing ( chemicals, minerals, petroleum products, etc.).
K2 Electric Ltd.
Contact: Conner Greenlees
9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 250-564-7885 | Fax: 250-564-7875
Email: info@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com
Industrial electrical / High voltage construction and maintenance. General civil construction & carpentry services. Power and Infrastructure.
Contact: Tom Campbell
1160 Mill Road, PO Box 686, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-6521 | Fax: 250-997-4508
Email: tom_campbell@kaltire.com | www.kaltire.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
Karma Industrial Safety Training
Contact: Jack Cook , Terrace
Tel: 250-615-3727
Email: info@karmatraining.ca | www.karmatraining.ca
Safety & health services, consultants. Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
KDL Resource Management
Contact: Nicholas Dormaar
805 4th Avenue, Prince George V2L 3H5
Tel: 250-564-3808
Email: receptionpg@merakiresources.com | www.merakiresources.com
Environmental Consultants. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Indigenous business & governments.
KDL Resource Management
Contact: Mark Pride
1200 Mill Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-3333
Email: receptionpg@merakiresources.com | www.merakiresources.com
Environmental Consultants. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Indigenous business & governments.
KDL Resource Management
Contact: Darryl Valk
561 Stuart Drive West, PO Bag 19, Fort St. James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8032
Email: receptionpg@merakiresources.com | www.merakiresources.com
Environmental Consultants. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Indigenous business & governments.
Kentron Construction
PO Box 1088 Stn Main, Kitimat V8G 4V1
Tel: 250-635-9676 | Fax: 250-635-4121
Email: kentron@ycs.bc.ca | www.kentronconstructionltd.ca
Road - building services & products. Aggregate supply. Asphalt paving.
Kemetco Research Inc.
Contact: Anca Nacu
150 13260 Delf Place, Richmond V6V 2A2
Tel: 604-273-3600 | Fax: 604-273-3609
Email: info@kemetco.com | www.kemetco.com
Analytical laboratories & supplies. Metallurgical laboratory.
Keystone Pumps
Contact: Andrew Clark
3156 Norland Avenue, Burnaby V5B 3A6
Tel: 604-227-3555 | Fax: 604-229-0494
Email: info@keystonepumps.com | www.keystonepumps.com
Pumps. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) program. Manufacturer.
Kode Contracting Ltd.
1005 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-596-5633
Email: info@kode.ca | www.kode.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Contractors. Roadcrushing & aggregate services.
Lakes District Air Services Ltd.
Contact: Nick Hawes
1810 Highway 35, Burns Lake V0J 1E2
Tel: 250-692-3229
Email: flying@LDair.ca | www.ldair.ca
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Mapping services. Transportation (flight).
Lax Kw’alaams Business Development LP
Contact: Carl Sampson
100 1 Avenue East, Prince Rupert V8J 1A6
Tel: 250-627-5733 | Fax: 250-627-5933
Email: carl.sampson@laxbdl.com | www.laxbdl.com
Management - consulting services. Indigenous business & governments. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Membership Listings Ledcor - Civil and Foundations Division
Contact: Bryan Kneller
1500 1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6E 2E9
Tel: 604-681-7500
Email: bryan.kneller@ledcor.com | www.ledcor.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Mining engineering and contracting. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.).
Ledcor - Civil and Foundations Division
4 528 Mountainview Square, Kitimat V8C 2N2
Tel: 604-681-7500
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Mining engineering and contracting. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.).
Lenmark Industries
27576 51a Avenue, Langley V4W 4A9
Tel: 604-449-1880
Email: sales@lenmark.com | www.lenmark.com
Industrial supplies & consumables. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Cranes & rigging - services and equipment.
LHI Tutl’it Services Inc.
Contact: George Lacerte
2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-562-0486 | Fax: 250-562-0227
Email: info@lhi-services.ca | www.lhi-services.ca
Aboriginal affairs - development services. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Engineering - surveying, permits.
Linde Canada
1601 Central Street West, Prince George V2N 1P6
Tel: 250-563-3641
Email: princegeorge@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Compressors, air. Industrial supplies and consumables. Specialty coatings.
Linde Canada
4751 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 5R1
Tel: 250-635-1277
Email: terrace@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Compressors, air. Industrial supplies and consumables. Specialty coatings.
Linde Canada
10331 Alaska Road, Unit 101, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-262-0047
Email: fortstjohn@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Compressors, air. Industrial supplies and consumables. Specialty coatings.
Linde Canada
1500 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek V1G 1Z7
Tel: 250-782-8280
Email: dawsoncreek@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Compressors, air. Industrial supplies and consumables. Specialty coatings.
Linden Fabricating Ltd.
9713 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 250-561-1181
Email: jum@linfab.com | www.linfab.com
Metal fabrication supplies & services.
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
2180 Robertson Road, Prince George V2N 1X6
Tel: 250-612-0010 | Fax: 250-612-0033
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Construction heating solutions. Industrial supplies & consumables.
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
4516 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J8
Tel: 250-635-4321 | Fax: 250-635-4322
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Lomak Bulk Carriers Corp
Contact: Rick Reinbolt
6555 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 800-663-3293 | Fax: 250-561-0750
Email: info@lomak.ca | www.lomak.ca
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Transportation (flight).
Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray 17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
Mining, Oil & Gas. Aggregates. Pulp and Paper, Municipal.
MacCarthy GM Terrace
Contact: Tamara Weber
5004 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 5S5
Tel: 250-635-4941 | Fax: 250-635-6915
Email: tweber@maccarthygm.com | www.maccarthygm.com
Automotive sales. Automotive service. Automotive parts, accessories, and tires.
Mackenzie Hose & Fittings
Contact: Kevin Neary
1250 Frontage Road, PO Box 1900, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-5757 | Fax: 250-997-6888
Email: admin@mackhose.ca | www.mackhose.ca
Hydraulic components & accessories. Industrial hoses and fitting. Industrial supplies & consumables.
Membership Listings Mainland Machinery Ltd.
Contact: Brian Dyck
2255 Townline Road, Abbotsford V2T 6H1
Tel: 604-854-4244 | Fax: 604-850-1796
Email: bdyck@mainlandmachinery.com | www.mainlandmachinery.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Metal fabrication supplies & services. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Maptek Canada
Contact: Cherie LeDoux
100 555 Burrard Street, Vancouver V7X 1M8
Tel: 604-299-7613
Email: info@maptek.com | www.maptek.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Drilling and Blasting. Surveying.
Matrix - Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney
214, 20171 92A Avenue, Langley V1M 3A5
Tel: 604-538-4574 | Fax: 604-538-4533
Email: michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca
Transportation (flight). Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Matrix - Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney
3310 River Drive, Terrace V8G 3P1
Tel: 250-635-0507
Email: michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca
Transportation (flight). Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Matrix - Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney
8 Yellowknife Airport, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-766-4952 | Fax: 867-766-3374
Email: michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca
Transportation (flight). Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Mayfair Gas, Plumbing and Electrical Inc.
Contact: Brett Kehler
8545 Willowcale Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-562-8590
Email: info@mayfairinc.com | www.mayfairinc.com
Water treatment equipment and services. Equipment Maintenance & Repair. Plumbing, Gas, Electrical and HVAC services.
McCue Engineering Contractors
Contact: Lynda Smithard, P.Eng. 102 7187 Progress Way, Delta V4G 1K8
Tel: 604-940-2828
Email: info@mccuecontracting.com | www.panaqua.ca
Water and Wastewater treatment systems. Supplier / Manufacturing. Waste management.
8808 Northern Lights Drive, Fort St. John V1J 6M2
Tel: 250-787-0356 | Fax: 250-787-0310
Email: fortstjohn@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Surveying.
322 323 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-3200 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: kitimat@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Surveying.
12 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-561-2229 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princegeorge@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Surveying.
729 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-4281 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princerupert@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Surveying.
1 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace V8G 4S8
Tel: 250-635-7163 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: terrace@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Surveying.
200 858 Beatty Street, Vancouver V6B 1C1
Tel: 604-683-8521 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: vancouver@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Surveying.
3907 4 Avenue, PO Box 787, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4040 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: smithers@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Surveying.
Membership Listings Meerholz Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dan Dubrule
2108 Quinn Street South, Prince George V2N 1X5
Tel: 250-562-2788 | Fax: 250-562-2782
Email: dan@meerholz.ca | www.meerholz.ca
Cranes & rigging - services and equipment. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Hoisting equipment & accessories.
Member of Parliament, Bob Zimmer, Prince George - Peace River - Northern Rockies
Contact: Bob Zimmer
9916 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 1Y5
Tel: 250-787-1192 | Fax: 250-787-1195
Email: Bob.Zimmer.C1A@parl.gc.ca | www.bobzimmer.ca
Previous Shadow Minister for Northern Affairs and Northern Economic Development Agency.
Member of Parliament, Bob Zimmer, Prince George - Peace River - Northern Rockies
Contact: Bob Zimmer
1520 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3G4
Tel: 855-767-4567 | Fax: 250-561-7983
Email: Bob.Zimmer.C1@parl.gc.ca | www.bobzimmer.ca
Previous Shadow Minister for Northern Affairs and Northern Economic Development Agency.
Member of Parliament, Bob Zimmer, Prince George - Peace River - Northern Rockies
Contact: Bob Zimmer
10421 10 Street, Dawson Creek V1G 3T4
Tel: 250-719-6848
Email: Bob.Zimmer.A3@parl.gc.ca | www.bobzimmer.ca
Previous Shadow Minister for Northern Affairs and Northern Economic Development Agency.
Mincon Canada - Western Service Centre
Contact: Hal Hinkkuri
101, 3568 191 Street, Surrey V3Z 0P6
Tel: 604-513-4292
Email: salescanada@mincon.com | www.mincon.com Drilling equipment & supplies.
MNP LLP - Accounting, Buisness Consulting and Tax Services
Contact: Cindy Thomson
800 299 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 5B8
Tel: 250-564-1111 | Fax: 250-562-4950
Email: cindy.thomson@mnp.ca | www.mnp.ca Management - consulting services. Indigenous business & governments.
MNP LLP - Accounting, Buisness Consulting and Tax Services
Contact: Ryan Hales
201 4630 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1S6
Tel: 250-635-4925 | Fax: 250-635-4975
Email: ryan.hales@mnp.ca | www.mnp.ca Management - consulting services. Indigenous business & governments.
MolyCop Canada
Contact: Jared Lewis
250 Andover Crescent, Kamloops V2C 6X2
Tel: 250-299-2412 | Fax: 250-573-7755
Email: jared.lewis@molycop.ca | www.molycop.com
Industrial supplies & consumables. Mineral - processing equipment, supplies & services.
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Jeff Roney
1155 MacKenzie Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 4P3
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: jeff@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Welding. Contractors. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Rick Hrywkiw
PO Box 1446, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: rick@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Welding. Contractors. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Jared Macinnis
5412 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 0C6
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: jared@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Welding. Contractors. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
More Core Diamond Drilling Services Ltd.
Contact: Devin Smith
2511 Highway 37A, PO Box 1039, Stewart V0T 1W0
Tel: 250-636-9156 | Fax: 250-636-9159
Email: info@morecore.ca | www.morecore.ca
Drilling contract services.
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452
Drilling equipment & supplies. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Compressors, Air.
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939
Industrial hoses & fittings . Pumps. Lubricants.
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244
Hydraulic components & accessories. Hoisting equipment & accessories. Mechanicalpumps, plumbing, pipes, & valves.
Membership Listings Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894
Industrial supplies & consumables. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
Motion Metrics International Corp.
Contact: Caitlin McKinnon
101 2389 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604-822-5842
Email: info@motionmetrics.com | www.motionmetrics.com
Supplier, service and equipment. Mineral - processing equipment, supplies & services. Drilling and blasting, and electrical equipment / lighting.
MS Analytical
Contact: Customer Service
107 4816 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 1L6
Tel: 250-631-0758
Email: contact@msalabs.com | www.msalabs.com
Geochem assay laboratory. Analytical laboratories & supplies.
MS Analytical
Contact: Customer Service
1, 20120 102 Avenue, Langley V1M 4B4
Tel: 604-888-0875
Email: contact@msalabs.com | www.msalabs.com
Geochem assay laboratory. Analytical laboratories & supplies.
MS Analytical
Contact: Customer Service
951 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 604-888-0875
Email: contact@msalabs.com | www.msalabs.com
Geochem assay laboratory. Analytical laboratories & supplies.
Mueller Electric Div II Ltd.
4495 Cattle Drive, Williams Lake V2G 5E8
Tel: 250-398-8875 | Fax: 250-398-9466
Email: theoffice@muellerelectric.ca | www.muellerelectric.ca
Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Equipment rentals - Generators.
Nahanni Construction Ltd.
100 Nahanni Drive, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P6
Tel: 867-873-2975 | Fax: 867-873-9620
Email: corporate@nahannincl.com | www.nahannincl.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Mineral - processing equipment, supplies & services. Indigenous business & governments.
National Compressed Air Inc.
11128 261 Street, Acheson, AB T7X 6C7
Tel: 780-960-6085 | Fax: 780-960-6873
Email: alberta@nationalcompressedairinc.com | www.nationalcompressedair.com Compressors, Air.Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services. Industrial supplies and consumables.
National Emergency Safety Service (NESS)
Contact: Marie Grulichova
1218 Highway 16, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-945-5944
Email: ness@nationalemergency.ca | www.nationalemergency.ca
Occupational Health and Safety. Training, Rescue. Legislation .
NATS Nursery Ltd.
Contact: Ron Jacobson
24555 32 Avenue, Langley V2Z 2J5
Tel: 604-530-9300 | Fax: 604-530-9500
Email: ron@natsnursery.com | www.natsnursery .com
Supplier. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Noot’senay Consulting LP, Kwadacha DWB LP
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken
1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: pgoffice@dwbconsulting.ca | www.dwbconsulting.ca
Consultants – environmental, engineering, forestry, geomatics,. Sediment and erosion control, hydroseeding, jet boat services. Engineering Contractors.
Noratek Solutions Inc.
Contact: Steven Findlay
200, 1840 3 Avenue, Prince George V2M 1G4
Tel: 250-564-2236 | Fax: 250-564-3325
Email: info@noratek.com | www.noratek.com
Software providers, consultants.
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Fort St. John
Contact: Mike Moroun
12623 Charlie Lake Frontage Road, Fort St. John V1J 2B0
Tel: 250-785-4223 | Fax: 250-785-4237
Email: mmouron@nors.com
Equipment - sales, rentals, maintenance & repair. Supplier. Industrial hoses & fittings.
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Prince George
Contact: Lyle Dukacz
7411 Riggs Crescent, Prince George V2N 0H1
Tel: 250-612-0255 | Fax: 250-612-0299
Email: ldukacz@nors.com
Equipment - sales, rentals, maintenance & repair. Supplier. Industrial hoses & fittings.
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Terrace
Contact: Dale Weber
3830 Sharples Road, Terrace V8G 5P8
Tel: 250-635-9033 | Fax: 250-635-0978
Email: rwatson@nors.com | wwwconstruction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Equipment - sales, rentals, maintenance & repair. Supplier. Industrial hoses & fittings.
Membership Listings Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Williams Lake
Contact: Cam Cochran
4700 Collier Place, Williams Lake V0G 5E9
Tel: 250-392-9599
Email: ccochran@nors.com | www.construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Equipment - sales, rentals, maintenance & repair. Supplier. Industrial hoses & fittings.
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Vernon
Contact: Dean Lowry
123 L & A Cross Road, Vernon V1B 3S1
Tel: 250-549-4232
Email: dlowry@nors.com | www.construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Equipment - sales, rentals, maintenance & repair. Supplier. Industrial hoses & fittings.
North Coast Modular Homes Ltd.
Contact: Carolyn Benson
102 4611 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1P9
Tel: 778-634-2325
Email: carolyn@northcoastmodularhomes.com | www.northcoastmodularhomes.com
Northern Development Initiative Trust
Contact: Joel McKay
301, 1268 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L2
Tel: 250-561-2525 | Fax: 250-561-2563
Email: info@northerndevelopment.bc.ca | www.northerndevelopment.bc.ca Management - consulting services. Export consulting and support services. Economic development.
Northern Health Regional Office
600, 299 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 5B8
Tel: 250-565-2649
Email: healthpromotions@northernhealth.ca | www.northernhealth.ca Counseling & prevention. Safety & health services, consultants.
Northern Lights College - Dawson Creek 11401 8 Street, Dawson Creek V1G 4G2
Tel: 250-782-7622 | Fax: 250-785-6250
Email: studenthelp@nlc.bc.ca | www.nlc.bc.ca Education & training. Safety & health training.
Northern Lights Wildlife Society
Contact: Angelika Langen 17366 Telkwa High Road, Smithers V0J 2N7
Tel: 250-847-5101
Email: info@wildlifeshelter.com | www.wildlifeshelter.com Wildlife rehabilitation, rescue, and release.
Northern Metalic
Contact: Blair Scott
10407 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-785-6655 | Fax: 250-785-9432
Email: blair.scott@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Industrial supplies & consumables. Industrial hoses & consumables. Lubricants.
Northern Metalic
Contact: Scott Zacharuk
5240 Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 250-562-7000
Email: scott.zacharuk@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Industrial supplies & consumables. Industrial hoses & consumables. Lubricants.
Northern Metalic
Contact: Greg Campbell
9708 108 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4E2
Tel: 888-539-9555
Email: GRA@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Industrial supplies & consumables. Industrial hoses & consumables. Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Kier Koponyas
1000 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-562-5000 | Fax: 250-562-9825
Email: pri.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Wes Bell
1885 Versatile Drive, Kamloops V1S 1C5
Tel: 250-828-9971 | Fax: 250-828-8212
Email: kam.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Cal Clapp
2650 Acland Road, Kelowna V1X 7J3
Tel: 250-762-6000
Email: kel.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Kevin Brucks
25 Hodgson Road, Williams Lake V2G 3P5
Tel: 250-398-8000
Email: wil.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Grant Dowdy
142 Highway 23 North, Revelstoke V0E 2S0
Tel: 250-805-1000
Email: rev.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Colin Annett
3100 Tatlow Road, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-8000
Email: smi.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Membership Listings Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Ryan Boult
3216 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4P3
Tel: 250-638-1000
Email: ter.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Kristy MacKee
65 Railway Avenue, Burns Lake V0J 1E1
Tel: 250-691-6000
Email: bur.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com Lubricants.
Northern Regional Construction Association
Contact: Nicole Bryant
3851 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B1
Tel: 250-563-1744
Email: office@nrca.ca | www.nrca.ca
Associations. Education and training. Procurement Opportunity Planrooms.
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
Contact: Scott Barry
5319 50 Avenue South, Bag Service 399 , Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-774-2541 | Fax: 250-774-2507
Email: justask@northernrockies.ca | www.northernrockies.ca Procurement Opportunity Planrooms. Economic Development.
Northern Steel Ltd.
Contact: Nav Marwaha
9588 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 250-561-1121
Email: nmarwaha@northernsteelltd.com | www.northernsteelltd.com Steel fabrication - piping. Machining - mine site construction. Sandblast/paint - equipment maintenance/repair.
Northern Thunderbird Air Inc.
100 4245 Hanger Road, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-410-3030
Transportation (flight). Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Northland Automotive & Industrial Wholesale Ltd.
Contact: Tim Dunkley
335 Stuart Drive West, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8281 | Fax: 250-996-2200
Email: northlandcounter@telus.net
Auto parts - gasoline and diesel vehicles. Industrial supplies & consumables. Hydraulic components and accessories.
Northlands Water and Sewer Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Nancy Turner
1733 Lyon Street, Prince George V2N 1T3
Tel: 250-561-1884 | Fax: 250-561-1830
Email: info@northlandswater.ca | www.northlandswater.ca
Water - treatment & equipment services. Mineral - processing - pumps, pipes, & valves. Piping products & services.
Northway Glass Inc.
Contact: Tina
2235 Nicholson Street South, Prince George V2N 1V9
Tel: 250-563-9933 | Fax: 250-563-9932
Email: tina@northwayglass.ca | www.northwayglass.ca
Doors and windows. Industrial Doors. Glass glazing.
Northwest Regional Airport - Terrace-Kitimat
Contact: Carman Hendry
103 4401 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-635-2659 | Fax: 250-638-0059
Email: chendry@yxt.ca | www.yxt.ca
Transportation (flight).
NR Motors Ltd.
Contact: Greg Nikkel
810 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3A6
Tel: 250-563-8891
Email: contact@nrmotors.ca | www.nrmotors.ca
Recreational and equipment sales, service, and parts. Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services. Surface mobile equipment and components.
Nu-Tech Systems Ltd.
Contact: Will Puckering 12200 1 Avenue, Richmond V7E 3M2
Tel: 604-271-9222
Email: info@nu-techsystems.com | www.nu-techsystems.com
Clean air systems - dust collectors. Vehcile & welding fume exhausts. Chimneys, fans, and air handlers.
O’Brien Training Ltd.
Contact: Dardo Krueger
1320 2 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3B5
Tel: 250-563-1998 | Fax: 250-563-0061
Email: training@obriengroup.ca | www.obrientraining.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
OCL Group Inc. (OCL)
1582 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 403-982-9090
Email: info@oclgroup.ca | www.oclgroup.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Metal fabrication supplies & services. Closure, reclamation & remediation.
Membership Listings OCL Group Inc. (OCL)
12069 207 Road, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0
Tel: 778-949-5023
Email: info@oclgroup.ca | www.oclgroup.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Metal fabrication supplies & services. Closure, reclamation & remediation.
Okanagan Audio Lab Ltd.
Contact: Cliff Stephens 4420 28 Street , Vernon V1T 7P5
Tel: 800-663-2884
Email: cliff@okaudiolab.com | www.okaudiolab.com
Industrial Hearing Services, consultants. Safety & health services, consultants.
Omega Communications Ltd.
Contact: Warren Saari
110 3677 Highway 97 N, Kelowna V1X 5C3
Tel: 250-860-8016 | Fax: 250-860-7477
Email: info@omegacom.ca | www.omegacom.ca
Two-way radio & wireless broadband solutions. RF modems for SCADA applications. Satellite internet & telephone solutions.
Omega Environmental Drilling Ltd.
101 12835 Lilley Drive, Maple Ridge V2W 0G1
Tel: 604-459-4567 | Fax: 604-459-5477
Email: office@omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca | www.omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca Drilling contract services. Environmental equipment and services. Drilling equipment & supplies.
Omineca Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Tony Clovis
13756 Palling Road East, Burns Lake V0J 1E1
Tel: 250-698-3745 | Fax: 250-698-7991
Email: tony@ominecadrilling.com | www.ominecadrilling.com Drilling contract services. Geotechnical Services. Drilling equipment & supplies.
Ouellette Brothers Building Supplies
Contact: Jonathan Ouellette 2880 Lot 33, Highway 27 North, Fort St James V0J 1P0 Tel: 250-996-7457 | Fax: 250-996-7157
Email: jonathan@ouellettbros.com | www.ouellettebros.com
Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Mineral - processing equipment, supplies & services. Industrial supplies & consumables.
P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
Contact: Hankin Asp
3470 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-615-6009
Email: info@pnrexploration.com | www.pnrexploration.com Exploration Services - Custom pad building. Indigenous business & governments. heliportable drilling programs.
P. G. Rental Centre Ltd.
Contact: Rob Kershaw
1669 South Lyon Street, Prince George V2N 1T3
Tel: 250-562-2626 | Fax: 250-562-3199
Email: rentals@pgrentalcentre.com | www.pgrentalcentre.com
Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Industrial supplies & consumables. Safety & health services, consultants.
Pacific Canbriam Energy - Woodfibre LNG
2100, 215 2 Street SW, Calgary, AB T2P 1M4
Tel: 403-269-2874
Email: info@pacific-canbriam.ca | www.pacific-canbriam.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Supplier.
Pacific Coastal Airlines Ltd.
Contact: Shawn Warneboldt
4980 Cowley Crescent, Richmond V7B 1C1
Tel: 800-663-2872 | Fax: 604-273-6864
Email: reserve@pacificcoastal.com | www.pacificcoastal.com
Transportation (flight). Transportation (flight) . Leisure travel services & products.
Pacific Geomatics Ltd.
Contact: Matt Tomlins
132 328 Wale Road, Victoria V9B 0J8
Tel: 604-372-3300
Email: info@pacgeo.com | www.pacgeo.com
Satellite imagery and processing. Geophysical surveys & consulting. Mapping services.
PANAQUA - McCue Engineering Contractors
Contact: Chris McCue
102 7187 Progress Way, Delta V4G 1K8
Tel: 604-940-2828
Email: info@mccuecontracting.com | www.panaqua.ca
Water and Wastewater treatment systems. Supplier. Manufacturing.
Parallel Welding, Fabrication Ltd.
Contact: Tracy Mero
1879 Brownmiller Road, Quesnel V2J 0C7
Tel: 250-992-9433 | Fax: 250-992-9424
Email: tracy.mero@parallelwelding.com | www.paralleldiv.com
Welding. Fabrication and Construction Company (pulp & paper, sawmill, OS&B, mining, energy, agriculture, engineering, industrial and commercial construction, machinery and equipment). Millwrighting.
Paxton Shuttle Service
Contact: Todd Pereversoff
1558 Quinn Street South, Prince George V2N 1X3
Tel: 250-612-1111
Email: admin@paxtonshuttle.com | www.paxtonshuttle.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Passenger shuttle services. Work crew transport.
Membership Listings PCL Constructors Westcoast Ltd.
310, 13911 Wireless Way, Richmond V6V 3B9
Tel: 604-241-5200
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Bridge - builders. Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.).
Peter Ryks Property Services Ltd.
Contact: Peter Ryks
115 2375 Burrard Avenue, PO Box 770, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0 Tel: 250-567-9158
Email: pbryks@gmail.com | www.prps.ca
Real Estate Appraisal. Property Management - consulting services.
Peterbilt Pacific Inc.
Contact: Mel Eby 6333 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3 Tel: 250-563-8866
Email: meby@peterbiltpacific.com | www.peterbiltpacific.com
Auto parts - gasoline and diesel vehicles. Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Body Shop .
Peterbilt Pacific Inc.
Contact: Allen Hampton 3104 Hampton Street, Terrace V8G 5R5 Tel: 250-638-1433
Email: ahampton@peterbiltpacific.com | www.peterbiltpacific.com Auto parts - gasoline and diesel vehicles. Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Body Shop .
Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc. (subsidiary of HF Sinclair Corporation)
385 Southdown Road, Mississauga, ON L5J 1K2
Tel: 800-668-0220 www.hfsinclair.com Lubricants.
Petrovalue Products Canada Inc.
Contact: Jennifer Chandi
102, 9930 197 Street, Langley V1M 3G5
Tel: 604-576-0004 | Fax: 604-576-0093
Email: info@petrovalue.ca | www.petrovalue.ca
Petroleum resale. Supplier - aviation fuels, diesels, gasolines. Lubricants.
PIC Consulting
Contact: Fraser Deacon 152 Parker Drive, V2M 4S8 Tel: 250-640-4742
Email: fraserdeacon@gmail.com HR services, professionals & consultants.
Polar Medical Services Inc.
Contact: Joanne Holness
2640 Shamps Road, Pritchard V0E 2P0
Tel: 250-638-0005
Email: contact@polarmedical.ca | www.polarmedical.ca
Safety & health services, consultants. Camp management services & supplies. Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie
202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
Grinding Mill Liners. Rubber and Composite Liners for Ball, AG and SAG Mills. Mineralprocessing equipment, supplies & services.
Port Edward LNG
Contact: Chris Hilliard
1650 200 Burrard Street, Vancouver V6C 3L6
Tel: 604-579-9808
Email: info@portedwardlng.com | www.portedwardlng.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Portal Installations Ltd.
Contact: Davor Drazenovic
1030 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3A9
Tel: 250-564-9596 | Fax: 250-564-2288
Email: info@portaldoors.ca | www.portalinstallations.ca
Doors, overhead doors and windows. Dock levelers. Transportation Equipment, Accessories & Services.
Precision Machinery
Contact: Josh Bergen
3521 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B8
Tel: 250-596-3222
Email: info@pgmr.ca | www.pgmr.ca
Machining. Millwrighting. Design and Engineering.
Precision Pulley & Idler - PPI Canada
Contact: Jason Heerens
3388 190 Street, Surrey V3Z 1A7
Tel: 604-499-0606 | Fax: 604-560-8199
Email: jheerens@ppi-global.com | www.ppi-global.com
Bulk materials - handling equipment. Conveyor Pulleys and Idlers.
Prestige Hotels & Resorts - Okanagan Valley
1675 Abbott Street, Kelowna V1Y 8S3
Tel: 250-860-7900 | Fax: 250-860-7997
Email: kelowna@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com
Hotels, motels & inns. Leisure travel services & products.
Membership Listings Prestige Hotels & Resorts - Hudson Bay Lodge
3251 East Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4581 | Fax: 250-847-4878
Email: smithers@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com Hotels, motels & inns.
Prestige Hotels & Resorts Treasure Cove Resort
2005 Highway 97 S., Prince George V2N 7A3
Tel: 250-614-9111 | Fax: 250-614-9101
Email: princegeorge@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com Hotels, motels & inns.
Prestige Hotels & Resorts - Prince Rupert
118 6 Street, Prince Rupert V8J 3L7
Tel: 250-624-6711 | Fax: 250-624-3288
Email: princerupert@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com Hotels, motels & inns.
Prince George Airport Authority
4141 Airport Road - 10, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-963-2400 | Fax: 250-963-3462
Email: info@pgairport.ca | www.pgairport.ca Transportation (flight). Transportation (flight) .
Prince George Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Quynlan Young
102 1584 7 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3P4
Tel: 250-562-2454
Email: admin@pgchamber.bc.ca | www.pgchamber.bc.ca Chamber of Commerce. Association. Export consulting & support services.
Prince George Citizen
505 4 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3H2
Tel: 250-562-2441
Email: news@pgcitizen.ca | www.pgcitizen.ca Publishing, marketing & communications services. Graphic & web design services & consultants.
Prince Rupert Economic Development Corporation
Contact: Paul Vendittelli
424 3 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1L7
Tel: 250-627-5138 | Fax: 250.627.5138
Email: Paul.Vendittelli@princerupert.ca | www.princerupert.ca Economic Development. Municipal operations / permitting. housing, employment, & education contact.
Prince Rupert & District Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Daphne Thomson 100 515 3 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1L9
Tel: 250-624-2296
Email: janet@princerupertchamber.ca | www.princerupertchamber.ca Chamber of Commerce. Association. Export consulting & support services.
Prolenc Manufacturing Inc.
Contact: Kevin Hodgins
1033 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-563-8899 | Fax: 250-563-6704
Email: khodgins@prolenc.com | www.prolenc.com
Drill head & down-hole parts. Manufacturer. Cargo securing equipment.
Pro-Vent Grease - Kitchen Hood & Vent Cleaning
Contact: Murray Gardy
2131 Upland Street, Prince George V2L 2V8
Tel: 250-961-2945
Email: gardy@telus.net | www.proventgrease.com
Janitorial supplies, paper, equipment and chemicals. Kitchen Hood and Vent Cleaning.
P. Scheck Industrial Electric Ltd.
Contact: Steve LaRose
205-A Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250.992.2316 | Fax: 250.992.2706
Email: pscheck@shaw.ca | www.pscheck.ca
Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Pumps.
Quality Chain Canada - QCCanada
Contact: Scott Symmes
1, 2133 191 Street, Surrey V3Z 3M3
Tel: 888-507-9734 | Fax: 888-507-9724
Email: sales@qccanada.com | www.qccanada.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Auto parts - gasoline and diesel vehicles. Hoisting equipment & accessories.
Quesnel & District Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Kathy Sommerville
335 E Vaughan Street, Quesnel V2J 2T1
Tel: 250-992-7262
Email: qchamber@quesnelbc.com | www.quesnelchamber.com Chamber of Commerce. Association. Export consulting & support services.
Quesnel Safety Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Carol Fichter
3586 Hilborn Road, Quesnel V2J 3P7
Tel: 250-255-8976
Email: cfichter@quesnelsafetysolutions.com | www.quesnelsafetysolutions.com Safety & health services, consultants.
QSP Packers, LLC
Contact: Mark Hartley / Ron Roland
PO Box 1544, Sumner, WA 98390
Tel: 253-770-0315 | Fax: 253-770-0327
Email: info@qsppackers.com | www.qsppackers.com
Infllatable grout packers and Wireline and Waterwell packers. Environment equipment & services. Mineral - processing equipment, supplies & services.
Membership Listings Ramada Plaza Hotel - Prince George
Contact: Tiffany Cranmer
444 George Street, Prince George V2L 1R6
Tel: 250-563-0055 | Fax: 250-563-6042
Email: reservations@ramadaprincegeorge.com | www.ramadaprincegeorge.com Hotels, motels & inns. Leisure travel services & products.
Ranger Mining Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Adam Purves
2847 Violet Street, North Vancouver V7H 2L7
Tel: 604-567-2777
Email: apurves@rangermining.ca | www.rangermining.ca
Mineral - processing equipment, supplies & services. Drilling equipment & supplies. Pumps.
Raven Rescue
Contact: Ron Morrison
PO Box 2017, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-2427 | Fax: 250-847-8896
Email: info@ravenrescue.com | www.ravenrescue.com
Education & training consultants, courses, etc. Safety & health services, consultants.
Rekon Solutions Inc.
Contact: Vashaun Henderson
172 Lumby-Mabel Lake Road, Lumby V0E 2G5
Tel: 604-928-3532
Email: vashaun.henderson@rekon.ca | www.rekon.ca
Drone based services; LiDAR, Photogrammetry, Inspections. Mobile LiDAR & 360 Imagery capture. 3D Printing & 3D Topographic models.
Resource Connector North Association
Contact: Tim Thomas
PO Box 452, Prince George V2L 4S6
Tel: 250-563-1744
Email: admin@resourceconnector.ca | www.resourceconnector.ca Associations.
RF Klein & Sons Ltd.
Contact: Cory Klein
180 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-961-4998
Email: cory@kleingroup.ca | www.kleingroup.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Aggregate crushing & supply. Landscape supply.
Rigid Robotics
Contact: Nick Larson
120 3605 Gilmore Way, Burnaby V5G 4X5
Tel: 888-731-0564 | Fax: 888-731-8792
Email: info@rigidrobotics.com | www.rigidrobotics.com
Software providers, consultants. Automation & communications. Wireless sales, services, rentals, and installations.
Robertson Manufacturing Ltd.
Contact: Kier Robertson
799 Athabasca Street East, Kamloops V2H 1C7
Tel: 888-578-2673
Email: rml@coreboxes.com | www.coreboxes.com
General equipment & supplies. Industrial supplies & consumables.
Rocky Mountain Energy Ltd.
455 Dene Drive, Kamloops V2H 1J1
Tel: 250-374-0614
Email: info@coolcreek.ca | www.coolcreek.ca Lubricants. Fuels. Solvents.
Roktek Services Inc.
Contact: Leonard Sims
7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9011 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@simsgroup.ca | www.roktekservices.ca
Site construction services & products. Blasting equipment & services. Drilling contract services.
Rolling Mix Concrete Ltd.
Contact: John Paolucci
105 Foothills Boulevard, Prince George V2N 2J8
Tel: 250-563-9213 | Fax: 250-563-6286
Email: reception@rollingmix.ca | www.rollingmix.ca
Rolling concrete product. Aggregate product. Precast product.
Royal Rose Limousines
Contact: Todd Pereversoff
1558 Quinn Street South, Prince George V2N 1X3
Tel: 250-563-5590
Email: admin@royalroselimo.com | www.royalroselimousines.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Passenger transportation (ground). Work crew transport.
RST Instruments Ltd.
Contact: Mike Hopson 11545 Kingston Street, Maple Ridge V2X 0Z5 Tel: 604-540-1100
Email: sales@rstinstruments.com | www.rstinstruments.com
Monitoring systems. Automated data acquisition systems (ADAS) . Automation & communications.
Ruskin Construction Ltd. (Hillcore Group)
Contact: Brian Moore
2011 P.G Pulpmill Road, PO Box 1050, Prince George V2L 4V2
Tel: 250-563-2800 | Fax: 250-563-6788
Email: bmoore@rcl.bz | www.ruskinconstruction.com
Bridges & foundations. Drilling contract services. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair.
Ruskin-Kitamaat Limited Partnership
2011 P.G Pulpmill Road, PO Box 1050, Prince George V2L 4V2
Tel: 250-563-2800 | Fax: 250-563-6788
Email: bmoore@rcl.bz | www.ruskinconstruction.com
Membership Listings Russell Transfer Ltd.
Contact: Dwain Russell
1390 Highway 27, PO Box 910, Fort St. James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8363
Email: dwainrussell1966@gmail.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Bulk materials - handling equipment. Drill moves / Log hauling.
Safety Protection Warehouse
Contact: Terry Smeader
39 Starling Street, Kitimat V8C 1K4
Tel: 888-440-4668 | Fax: 250-483-3356
Email: admin@coverallsale.ca | www.coverallsale.ca
Safety & health services, consultants. Uniform - supply & cleaning services. General equipment & supplies.
Samuel Wear Solutions
Contact: Sheldon Slugoski
1223 Derwent Way, Delta
Tel: 604-524-8000
Email: sheldon.slugoski@samuel.com | www.samuel.com
Supplier of Metal Wear Products and Wear Analysis for both Mill and Mobile equipment.
Sandman Hotel & Suites Prince George
Contact: Debie Hemich
1650 Central Street, Prince George V2M 3C2
Tel: 250-563-8131 | Fax: 250-563-8613
Email: dos_bcnorth@sandman.ca | www.sandmanhotels.com Hotels, motels & inns. Leisure travel services & products.
Sandman Signature Hotel Prince George
Contact: Karla Dizon
2990 Rec Place Drive, Prince George V2N 0B2
Tel: 250-645-7263 | Fax: 250-645-2150
Email: Sales_signaturepg@sandman.ca | www.sandmanhotels.com Corporate and Leisure Travel. Leisure travel services & products.
Saulteau First Nation
Contact: Caitlin Vince PO Box 1020, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-3955 | Fax: 250-788-7261
Email: communications@saulteau.com | www.saulteau.com Indigenous business & governments. Management - consulting services. Environmental Consultants.
Saulteau Ruskin Construction Services JV
2011 P.G Pulpmill Road, PO Box 1050, Prince George V2L 4V2
Tel: 250-563-2800 | Fax: 250-563-6788
Email: bmoore@rcl.bz | www.ruskinconstruction.com
SBS Forestry Inc.
Contact: Doug Bryce, RFT
1541 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1W7
Tel: 250-561-1140
Email: admin@sbsfor.com | www.sbsfor.com
Management - consulting services. Mapping services. Environmental Consultants.
Scouten Engineering
Contact: Dave Scouten, P.Eng.
201 1968 Queensway, Prince George V2L 1M2
Tel: 250-562-7050
Email: info@scoutenengineering.com | www.scoutenengineering.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Engineering contractors.
Service Electric Ltd.
Contact: Mike Fisher
1275 Cariboo Highway 97 North, Quesnel V2J 2Y3
Tel: 250-992-7091 | Fax: 250-992-7330
Email: mike.fisher@serviceelectric.ca | www.serviceelectric.ca
Electrical Contractors. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
SEW - Eurodrive Company of Canada Ltd.
Contact: Mike Savage
7188 Honeyman Street, Delta V4G 1G1
Tel: 604-946-5535 | Fax: 604-946-2513
Email: m.savage@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sew-eurodrive.ca
Manufacturing - Power Transmission. Gear Motors, frequency inverters, servo-technology. Industrial gears.
Sienna Networks Ltd.
102 2905 Kenney Street, Terrace V8G 3E8
Tel: 778-505-2008
Email: info@siennsnetworks.ca | www.siennanetworks.ca
Wireless sales, services, rentals, and installations. Software providers, consultants.
Silver King Helicopters Inc.
Contact: Missy Hinds
6343 Ventura Blvd., Smithers Airport, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-1989 | Fax: 866-237-0280
Email: info@silverkingheli.com | www.silverkingheli.com
Transportation (flight). Transportation (flight) . Specialing in precision long line/vertical reference.
Silverwood Natural Resource Consultants
Contact: Paul Hanna 210 4644 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1S6
Tel: 250-635-0766
Email: mail@silverwoodconsulting.ca | www.silverwoodconsulting.ca
Resource road engineering. Environmental assessment. Forestry & land use permits.
Membership Listings Sims Group
Contact: John Irving
7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9011 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@simsgroup.ca | www.simsgroup.ca Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Drilling Equipment & supplies. Civil construction projects.
Sinkut Radiator Service Inc. & Oil Cooler Remanufacturing
Contact: Rick Reimer
4786 Griffith Road, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1
Tel: 250-567-2627
Email: rick@sinkutradiator.com | www.sinkutradiatorservice.com Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Radiator repair. Aluminum Oil Cooler remanufacturing.
Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd.
Contact: Dr. David Webb 1909, 108 West Cordova Street, Vancouver V6B 0G5
Tel: 604-818-1400
Email: dave@drwgcl.com | www.sixtynorthgold.com Mining. Developing properties.
Skeena Power (a division of Highland Powerlines) 7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9032 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@skeenapower.ca | www.skeenapower.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
Smithers Exploration Group
Contact: Christine Ogryzlo 101 3423 Fulton Avenue, PO Box 3196, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-7883
Email: info@smithersexplorationgroup.com | www.smithersexplorationgroup.com Exploration services & consultants. Associations. Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
Smithers Lumber Yard Ltd.
Contact: Katie Froese 3528 Highway 16, PO Box 938, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-2246 | Fax: 250-847-2286
Email: sales@smitherslumber.com | www.smitherslumber.com Lumberyard.
SMS Equipment Inc.
8911 Northern Lights Drive, Fort St. John V1J 0B4
Tel: 250-785-8161
Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Generators. Welding.
SMS Equipment Inc.
1063 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-564-8841
Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Generators. Welding.
SpanMaster Structures Ltd.
Contact: Brian Sweet
3901 Myers Frontage Road , Tappen V0E 2X3
Tel: 866-935-4888
Email: info@spanmaster.ca | www.spanmaster.ca
Prefabricated Structures. Buildings - portable and pre-engineered.
Spectrum Resource Group Inc.
Contact: Eric Nijboer
1960 Robertson Road, Prince George V2N 1X6
Tel: 250-564-0383 | Fax: 250-562-4885
Email: srgi@srgi.ca | www.srgi.ca
Vegetation management. Forest Management. Reforestation.
SpeeDee Printing & Promotional Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Kyle Flanagan
795 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C6
Tel: 250-563-8291
Email: info@speedeesolutions.ca | www.speedeesolutions.ca
Digital offset printing - full service finishing. Printing & Promotional Solutions.
Spotless Uniform Ltd.
Contact: Shaun Heighington
3902 Kenworth Road East, Prince George V2K 1P2
Tel: 250-962-6900 | Fax: 250-962-6950
Email: support@spotlessuniform.com | www.spotlessuniform.com
Uniform - supply & cleaning services. Camp management services & supplies. Industrial supplies & consumables.
SPS Mining Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Shayne Boucher
2957 19 Avenue, PO Box 3910, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4287
Email: shayne@spsminingsupplies.ca | www.spsminingsupplies.ca
Drilling equipment & supplies.
St. John Ambulance
470 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3B9
Tel: 866-321-2651 x 1696 | Fax: 604-321-7493
Email: prince.george@sja.ca | www.sja.ca
Education & training consultants, courses, etc. Safety & health services, consultants. First Aid Supplies.
Star West Petroleum Ltd.
Contact: Dennis Riplinger
101 1024 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-563-5823 | Fax: 250-563-5824
Email: dennisr@swpetroleum.ca | www.swpetroleum.ca
Gasoline and Diesel fuel delivery. Lubricants. Storage tank provider and consultant.
Membership Listings Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
9157 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4
Tel: 250-561-1501 | Fax: 250-561-1601
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com Cranes & rigging - services and equipment. Hoisting equipment & accessories.
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
3545 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2
Tel: 250-635-6802 | Fax: 250-635-6881
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com Cranes & rigging - services and equipment. Hoisting equipment & accessories.
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
9608 81 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 6R4
Tel: 250-263-0082 | Fax: 250-263-0081
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com
Cranes & rigging - services and equipment. Hoisting equipment & accessories.
Storm Mountain Technical Services
Contact: Greg McAuley
PO Box 1746, Garibaldi Highlands V0N 1T0
Tel: 778-875-9345
Email: greg@snowavalanche.com | www.snowavalanche.com Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Environmental Consultants.
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
301 1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River V9W 5P7
Tel: 250-287-2246 | Fax: 250-287-2247
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Environmental Consultants. Indigenous business & governments.
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
931 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 778-763-0999
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services / GIS. Geophysical surveys & consulting.
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
10927 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V21J 6P3
Tel: 778-844-0634
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Engineering. Permits & regulatory consultants and services.
Structural Wear Products
Contact: Chris Kirby
521 19100 Airport Way, Pitt Meadows V3Y 0E2
Tel: 604-929-2201
Email: info@structuralwearproducts.com | www.structuralwearproducts.com
Metal fabrication supplies & services. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Manufacturing - Steel parts.
Sullivan Motor Products Ltd.
Contact: John Sullivan
2760 Yellowhead Highway 16, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 877-552-6268
Email: john@sullivangm.com | www.sullivangm.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Auto parts - gasoline and diesel vehicles. Manufacturing - Steel parts.
Synergy Engineering Ltd.
Contact: Fred Malmberg
135 Glacier Street, Coquitlam V3K 5Z1
Tel: 604-464-3663 | Fax: 604-464-9399
Email: office@synergy-eng.com | www.synergy-eng.com
Material handling - Electrical - OEM.
Tahltech Drilling Services Ltd.
5052 Hartway Drive, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-9041 | Fax: 250-962-9048
Email: info@geotechdrilling.com | www.geotechdrilling.com
Drilling contract services. Indigenous business & governments.
Taylor Professional Driving Ltd.
Contact: Dardo Krueger
1320 2 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3B5
Tel: 250-564-7624
Email: taylor@obriengroup.ca | www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com
Transportation equipment, accessories & services. Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
TC Energy Corp.
450 1 Street SW, Calgary T2P 5H1
Tel: 403-920-2000
TDB Consultants Inc.
Contact: Rob Kragt
2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-562-1828
Email: info@tdb.ca | www.tdb.ca
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services. Engineering Contractors.
Membership Listings Tenaquip Ltd.
3526 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 2P9
Tel: 250-562-4435 | Fax: 250-562-0462
Email: info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com
Hydraulic components & accessories. Industrial supplies & consumables. Safety & health services, consultants.
Tenaquip Ltd.
155 George Hills Way, Prince Rupert V8J 1A3
Tel: 250-627-8700 | Fax: 250-627-7541
Email: info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com
Hydraulic components & accessories. Industrial supplies & consumables. Safety & health services, consultants.
Tenaquip Ltd.
1125 Cariboo Highway, Quesnel V2J 2Y5
Tel: 250-992-5521 | Fax: 250-992-6718
Email: info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com
Hydraulic components & accessories. Industrial supplies & consumables. Safety & health services, consultants.
Tenaquip Ltd.
2815 Kalum Street, Terrace V8G 2M4
Tel: 250-638-0248 | Fax: 250-638-0963
Email: info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com
Hydraulic components & accessories. Industrial supplies & consumables. Safety & health services, consultants.
Terrace & District Community Services Society (TDCSS)
Contact: Michael McFetridge 200 3219 Eby Street, Terrace V8G 4R3
Tel: 250-635-3178
Email: info@tdcss.ca | www.tdcss.ca
Counseling & prevention. HR services, professionals & consultants. Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
Tetra Tech Canada Inc.
Contact: Bernie Teufele 1000 885 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver V6C 1N5
Tel: 604-685-0275 | Fax: 604-684-6241
Email: bernie.teufele@tetratech.com | www.tetratech.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Engineering contractors.
The Answer Company
Contact: Krista Magnusson 502 233 Nelson’s Crescent, New Westminster V3L 0E4
Tel: 604-473-9166 | Fax: 604-473-9155
Email: info@theanswerco.com | www.theanswerco.com
Software providers, consultants. Management - consulting services.
Timberspan Wood Products Inc.
Contact: Nicole Cvenkel
12555 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 7A8
Tel: 250-961-0146 | Fax: 250-963-7869
Email: info@timberspan.ca | www.timberspan.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Bulk materialshandling equipment. Lumberyard.
TD Bank of Canada
400 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2J7
Tel: 250-614-2950
Financial services, accounting & wealth management.
TD Bank of Canada
10155 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3Y6
Tel: 250-262-5000 www.td.com
Financial services, accounting & wealth management.
Contact: Kerry Lalonde
410 475 West Georgia Street, Vancouver V6B 4M9
Tel: 604-331-2512
Email: sales@tre-altamira.com | www.tre-altamira.com
Ground control equipment & supplies. SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) . Geophysical surveys, instrumentation & consulting.
Trico Industries Ltd.
1100 Mill Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-6610
Email: tricoind@telus.net
Triple M Housing
Contact: Gary Ballinger
PO Box 2393, Prince George V2N 2S6
Tel: 877.744.7526
Email: gballinger@mmmhousing.com http://www.triplemhousing.com
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Codey Latimer
3210 Apsley Street, Terrace V8G 0J2
Tel: 250-635-1494
Email: clatimer@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Environmental consultants. Mapping services. Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Amanda Wamsteeker
3990 22 Avenue, Prince George V2N 3A1
Tel: 250-562-9155
Email: awamsteeker@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Environmental consultants. Mapping services. Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Membership Listings Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Rachel Caira
623 B Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2E5
Tel: 778-631-2224
Email: rcaira@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Environmental consultants. Mapping services. Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Rachel Caira
727 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-3045
Email: rcaira@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Environmental consultants. Mapping services. Permits & regulatory consultants & services.
TW Industrial Group Ltd.
Contact: Kelly Sheptak
5955 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-6857 | Fax: 250-564-6837
Email: kelly@twindustrial.ca | www.twindustrial.ca
Metal fabrication supplies & services. Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Cranes & riggings.
Twin Rivers Developments Ltd.
Contact: Sheldon Mayert
5048 Banzer Drive, Prince George V2K 4H2
Tel: 250-962-6657 | Fax: 250-962-9600
Email: info@twinriversdev.com | www.twinriversdev.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) . Road - building services & products. Heavy transport, gravel hauling.
Tyrod Industries Ltd.
Contact: Tyson Kranrod
429 McAloney Road, Prince George V2K 4L2
Tel: 250-596-1640 | Fax: 866-827-6892
Email: jamie@tyrodindustries.com | www.tyrodindustries.com Welding. Piping products & services. Metal fabrication supplies & services.
Ulko Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Rios Fernandez
PO Box 1074, Station A,, Prince George V2L 4R9
Tel: 250-960-9761
Email: rfernandez@ulkocontractors.com | www.ulkocontractors.com
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
UNIGLOBE Sunburst Travel Ltd.
Contact: Tina Perison
177 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 5R8
Tel: 250-562-5444
Email: tina@uniglobepg.com | www.uniglobesunbursttravel.com Corporate and Leisure Travel.
United Rentals Inc.
Contact: Tim Kish
2073 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Z1
Tel: 250-564-3111 | Fax: 250-564-6232
Email: kisht@ur.com | www.ur.com
Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Camp management services & supply rentals. General equipment & supplies.
United Initiators Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dave Willis
2147 P.G. Pulpmill Road, PO Box 2366, Prince George V2N 2S6 Tel: 250-561-4200
Email: MLPRGCustomerService@united-in.com | www.united-initiators.com Environment equipment & services. Processing ( chemicals, minerals, petroleum products, etc.). Industrial supplies and consumables.
Univar Solutions Canada Ltd.
Contact: Chris Lee
6812 87A Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 0B4
Tel: 604-813-9996
Email: chris.lee@univarsolutions.com | www.univarsolutions.com
Chemical processing & Waste management. Technical Consulting.
Unlimited Medical Services
101, 41 7 Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 4T8
Tel: 250-392-9300
Email: admin@unlimitedmedicalservices.com | www.unlimitedmedicalservices.com Safety & health services, consultants. Occupational Health & Safety. Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc.
Contact: Jay Kryklywyj 1722 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9 Tel: 250-564-6316 | Fax: 250-564-0283
Email: jkryklywyj@vanhoutte.com | www.vhcoffeeservices.com Camp management services & supplies. General equipment & supplies.
Van Kam Freightways Ltd.
Contact: Mike Bruggen-Cate 10155 Grace Road, Surrey V3V 3V7 Tel: 604-837-1001
Email: mike.bruggen-cate@vankam.com | www.vankam.com
Logistic services. Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Van Kam Freightways Ltd.
Contact: Mike Bruggen-Cate 2100 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X1
Tel: 604-837-1001
Email: mike.bruggen-cate@vankam.com | www.vankam.com
Logistic services. Transportation equipment, accessories & services.
Membership Listings Viacore (formerly Belterra Corporation)
Contact: Russ Allen
2247 South Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X4
Tel: 250-562-1245 | Fax: 250-562-8817
Email: princegeorge@viacore.com | www.viacore.com
Conveyor maintenance & repair. Bulk materials - handling equipment. Mineral - processing equipment, supplies & services.
Victory Ace Building Centre
Contact: Sylvain & Marilyne Laferriere
200 Mackenzie Boulevard, PO Box 2605, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-3003 | Fax: 250-997-4450
Email: sales.victorybc@gmail.com | www.ace-canada.ca Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Lumber yard. Hardware Supplies.
Village of Burns Lake
Contact: Dolores Funk, Economic Development Officer 15 3 Avenue, PO Box 570, Burns Lake V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-7587 | Fax: 250-692-3059
Email: edo@burnslake.ca | www.burnslake.ca Economic Development. Municipal operations / permitting. housing, employment, & education contact.
Vitreo Minerals Ltd.
Contact: Trevor McPherson 1725 Blaeberry Road East, Golden V0A 1H1
Tel: 250-344-7171
Email: tmcpherson@vitreominerals.com | www.vitreominerals.com
Mining. Processing ( chemicals, minerals, petroleum products, etc.). Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
Waddell Environmental Inc.
Contact: Glenda Waddell 974 Ochakwin Crescent, Prince George V2M 5P6
Tel: 250-640-8088
Email: waddellenvironmental@gmail.com
Permits & regulatory consultants & services. Environmental Consultants. Enviromental compliance auditing.
Wajax Equipment
Contact: Shawna Hicks 10135 Finning Frontage, Fort St. John V1J 4J1 Tel: 250-785-4191 | Fax: 250-785-7621
Surface and underground mobile equipment & components. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Diesel engines and accessories.
Wajax Equipment
Contact: Al Gandy
4620 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-562-7321 | Fax: 250-561-1404
Surface and underground mobile equipment & components. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Diesel engines and accessories.
Wesco Distribution Canada LP
Contact: Bryan Fields
2223 Nicholson Street North, Prince George V2N 1V9
Tel: 250-562-3306 | Fax: 250-562-4832
Email: bfields@wesco.com | www.wesco.ca
Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Industrial supplies & consumables. Instrumentation.
West Fraser Electro/Mechanical Ltd.
Contact: Robert Shaw
3937 22 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B7
Tel: 250-563-4330 | Fax: 250-563-9492
Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies.
West Moberly – DWB LP Corporate Alliance
Contact: Jeff Beale
8130 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1W5
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: jbeale@dwbconsulting.ca / fsjoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
Consultants – environmental, engineering, geomatics,. Sediment and erosion control. Engineering Contractors.
West Moberly – DWB LP Corporate Alliance
Contact: Jeff Beale
7610 Crying Man Lane, Moberly Lake V0C 1X0
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: management@wmfnbusiness.com | www.wmfnbusiness.com Indigenous business & governments. Consultants – environmental, engineering, geomatics,. Engineering Contractors.
Westburne Inc. - a leading Electrical Products Distributor
Contact: David Eller
5700 Kingsland Drive, Burnaby V5B 4W6
Tel: 778-389-6229
Email: david.eller@westburne.ca | www.westburne.ca Automation. Control Systems. Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance.
Westcana Electric Inc.
Contact: Scott Sherba 1643 Ogilive Street, Prince George V2N 1W7
Tel: 250-564-5800 | Fax: 250-564-1830
Email: info@westcana.com | www.westcana.com
Electric power equipment, industrial electrical maintenance, repair & operating supplies. Industrial supplies & consumables. Instrumentation.
Westpro Machinery Inc.
202, 3317 30 Avenue, Vernon V1T 2C9
Tel: 250-549-6710
Email: sales@westpromachinery.com | www.westpromachinery.com
Mineral - processing equipment, supplies & services.
Membership Listings White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials) 20121 100A Avenue, Langley V1M 3X6
Tel: 604-888-3457
Mine site construction services & products. Ground control equipment and supplies. Concrete construction materials.
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
Contact: Paul Bryant
1706 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 250-564-1288 | Fax: 250-563-7333
Email: paul.bryant@whitecap.com | www.whitecapsupply.com
Mine site construction services & products. Ground control equipment and supplies. Concrete construction materials.
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials) 822 McCurdy Place, Kelowna V1X 8C8
Tel: 250-765-9000
Mine site construction services & products. Ground control equipment and supplies. Concrete construction materials.
Wide Sky Disposal (1989) Ltd.
PO Box 1570, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-774-6528
Email: info@widesky.ca | www.widesky.ca
Indigenous business & governments. waste & recycling removal.
Wilson M. Beck Insurance Services Inc.
Contact: David W. Beck
303 8678 Greenall Avenue, Burnaby V5J 3M6
Tel: 604-437-6200 | Fax: 604-437-5347
Email: wecare@wmbeck.com | www.wmbeck.com Insurance products, consultants & services.
Wilson M. Beck Insurance Services Inc.
Contact: Brett Nicholson
3685 Massey Drive, Prince George V2N 4E6
Tel: 778-693-2740 | Fax: 778-693-2750
Email: princegeorge@wmbeck.com | www.wmbeck.com Insurance products, consultants & services.
Wolftek Industries Inc.
Contact: Gordon Gallop
4944 Continental Way , Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 250-561-1556 | Fax: 250-561-0235
Email: gord@wolftek.ca | www.wolftek.ca
Metal fabrication supplies & services. Equipment rentals, maintenance & repair. Mineralprocessing equipment, supplies & services.
Wood Group - AMEC Foster Wheeler
Contact: Nick C. Polysou, P.Eng.
3456 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 2P9
Tel: 250-564-3243 | Fax: 250-562-7045
Email: nick.polysou@woodplc.com | www.woodplc.com Consulting Geologists & Engineers. Engineering contractors.
Woodfibre LNG
PO Box 17533 The Ritz PO, Vancouver V6E 0B2
Tel: 888-801-7929
Email: info@wlng.ca | www.woodfibrelng.ca
Site construction services & products (mining, oil, logging, LNG, etc) .
WoodPro Engineering Ltd.
Contact: John Westergard 983 Vancouver Street, Prince George V2L 2P6
Tel: 250-563-9964
Email: princegeorge@woodproengineering.com | www.woodproengineering.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Engineering contractors / project managers. Mechanical engineering contractors.
WorkBC Centre - Kitimat
562 Mountain View Square, Kitimat V8C 2N2
Tel: 250-632-6581
Email: centre-kitimat@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-kitimat.ca Education & training consultants, courses, etc.
WorkBC Center - Terrace
Contact: Lorna Sandhals
201 4622 Greig Avenue, Terrace V8G 1M9
Tel: 250-638-8108 | Fax: 250-638-7212
Email: info-terrace@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-terrace.ca Employment Services. Education & Training.
WorkBC Centre - Hazelton
4345 Field Street, Hazelton V0J 1Y0
Tel: 250-842-6110 | Fax: 250-845-2282
Email: centre-hazelton@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-hazelton.ca Employment Services. Education & Training.
Contact: Angus English
1000 840 Howe Street, Vancouver V6Z 2M1
Tel: 604-685-9381
Email: VancouverOfficeServices@wsp.com | www.wsp.com
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Environmental Consultants.
312 450 City Center, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-2387
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Environmental Consultants.
Membership Listings WSP
780 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C5
Tel: 250-561-2603
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Environmental Consultants.
1, 3772 4 Avenue, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-1913
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Environmental Consultants.
205 133 Industrial Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2V2
Tel: 867-668-2525
Consultants - geologists & engineers (environmental, forestry, mining, oil & gas, mapping, etc.). Mapping services/GIS. Environmental Consultants.
Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jacob Forman 4275 Hangar Road, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-963-9884
Email: yhl@yhl.ca | www.yhl.ca
Transportation (flight). Transportation (flight) . Leisure travel services & products.
Yellowknives Dene First Nation
Contact: Kieron Testart
PO Box 2514, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P8
Tel: 867-873-4307 | Fax: 867-873-5969
Email: kieront@ykdene.com | www.ykdene.com Indigenous business & governments.
Services & Supplies Fireweed Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Bruno Meili
AIR TRANSPORT PO Box 26 , Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5X9
Tel: 867-668-5888 | Fax: 867-668-5110
Email: info@fireweedhelicopters.ca | www.fireweedhelicopters.ca
Contact: Currie Dixon
33 Levich Drive, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0A8
Tel: 867-668-6096
Email: administration@alx.ca | www.alx.ca
BNAC Environmental Solutions Inc.
Contact: Chris Richardson
212 552A Clarke Road, Coquitlam V3J 0A3
Tel: 877-566-2622
Email: info@bnac.ca | www.bnac.ca
Bureau Veritas Mineral Laboratories
Contact: Virginie Pochard
9050 Shaughnessy Street, Vancouver V6P 6E5
Tel: 604-253-3158
Email: bvminfo@ca.bureauveritas.com | www.bvna.com
CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd.
Contact: Mitchell Wihlidal
2, 20148 102 Avenue, Langley V1M 4B4
Tel: 604-882-8422 | Fax: 604-882-8466
Email: mitchell@cdnlabs.com | www.cdnlabs.com
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing Ltd.
Contact: Vanessa Visona 1652 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 1X3
Tel: 250-561-7277 (PASS) | Fax: 250-561-7297
Email: admin@iwct.ca | www.iwct.ca
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing Ltd.
Contact: Vanessa Visona 203, 4548 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1V4
Tel: 250-561-7277 (PASS) | Fax: 250-561-7297
Email: admin@iwct.ca | www.iwct.ca
Kemetco Research Inc.
Contact: Anca Nacu
150 13260 Delf Place, Richmond V6V 2A2
Tel: 604-273-3600 | Fax: 604-273-3609
Email: info@kemetco.com | www.kemetco.com
Services & Supplies MS Analytical
Contact: Customer Service
107 4816 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 1L6
Tel: 250-631-0758
Email: contact@msalabs.com | www.msalabs.com
MS Analytical
Contact: Customer Service
1, 20120 102 Avenue, Langley V1M 4B4
Tel: 604-888-0875
Email: contact@msalabs.com | www.msalabs.com
MS Analytical
Contact: Customer Service
951 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 604-888-0875
Email: contact@msalabs.com | www.msalabs.com
Contact: Roy Dondale
1955 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-563-4613 | Fax: 250-563-4745
Email: roy@interiorwarehousing.com | www.interiorwarehousing.com
ASSOCIATIONS AME - Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia
Contact: Keerit Jutla
800, 889 West Pender Street, Vancouver V6C 3B2
Tel: 604-689-5271 | Fax: 604-681-2363
Email: info@amebc.ca | www.amebc.ca
Bulkley Valley Economic Development Association
Contact: Allan Stroet
PO Box 3243, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4355
Canadian Diamond Drilling Association (CDDA)
Contact: Louise Lowe
1, 236 Worthington Street West, North Bay, ON P1B 3B4
Tel: 705-476-6992
Email: office@cdda.ca | www.cdda.ca
Coast Tsimshian Northern Contractors Alliance
District of Houston Regional Economic Team
Contact: Andrea Newell
Tel: 250-845-2238
Email: ecdev@houston.ca | www.houston.ca
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC)
Contact: Jordan Bateman
800 13761 96 Avenue, Surrey V3V 0E8
Tel: 604-298-7795 | Fax: 604-298-2246
Email: info@icba.ca | www.icba.ca
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC)
Contact: Christina Klotz
200, 1253 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L3
Tel: 250-596-8118 | Fax: 236-423-0734
Email: christina@icba.ca | www.icba.ca
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC)
Contact: Christina Klotz
Fort St. John V2L 3L3
Tel: 250-596-8118 | Fax: 236-423-0734
Email: christina@icba.ca | www.icba.ca
Northern Regional Construction Association
Contact: Nicole Bryant
3851 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B1
Tel: 250-563-1744
Email: office@nrca.ca | www.nrca.ca
Prince Rupert Economic Development Corporation
Contact: Paul Vendittelli
424 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1L7
Tel: 250-627-5138
Email: paul.vendittelli@princerupert.ca | www.princerupert.ecdev.org
Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada - PDAC
800 170 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5H 3B3
Tel: 416-362-1969
Email: info@pdac.ca | www.pdac.ca
Resource Connector North Association
Contact: Tim Thomas PO Box 452, Prince George V2L 4S6
Tel: 250-563-1744
Email: admin@resourceconnector.ca | www.resourceconnector.ca
Smithers Exploration Group
Contact: Christine Ogryzlo
101 3423 Fulton Avenue, PO Box 3196, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-7883
Email: info@smithersexplorationgroup.com | www.smithersexplorationgroup.com
Services & Supplies AUTO PARTS - GASOLINE AND DIESEL VEHICLES Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Lee York
3364 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 888-420-1092
Email: Lee_York@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com
Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd.
Contact: John Bandstra
9341 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4
Tel: 888-698-2741
Email: John_Bandstra@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com
Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Jack Whalley
1600A Prince Rupert Boulevard, Prince Rupert V8J 2Z3
Tel: 250-624-5171
Email: jwhalley@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com
MacCarthy GM Terrace
Contact: Tamara Weber
5004 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 5S5
Tel: 250-635-4941 | Fax: 250-635-6915
Email: tweber@maccarthygm.com | www.maccarthygm.com
Northland Automotive & Industrial Wholesale Ltd.
Contact: Tim Dunkley
335 Stuart Drive West, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8281
Email: northlandcounter@telus.net
Peterbilt Pacific Inc.
Contact: Mel Eby
6333 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-563-8866
Email: meby@peterbiltpacific.com | www.peterbiltpacific.com
Peterbilt Pacific Inc.
Contact: Allen Hampton
3104 Hampton Street, Terrace V8G 5R5
Tel: 250-638-1433
Email: ahampton@peterbiltpacific.com | www.peterbiltpacific.com
Quality Chain Canada - QCCanada
Contact: Scott Symmes
1, 2133 191 Street, Surrey V3Z 3M3
Tel: 888-507-9734 | Fax: 888-507-9724
Email: sales@qccanada.com | www.qccanada.com
Sullivan Motor Products Ltd.
Contact: John Sullivan
2760 Yellowhead Highway 16, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 877-552-6268
Email: john@sullivangm.com | www.sullivangm.com
1195 Cariboo Highway, Quesnel V2J 2Y3
Tel: 250-992-9007 | Fax: 250-992-7490
Email: main@bktwoway.ca | www.bktwoway.ca
B.K. Two-Way Radio Ltd.
101, 3963 15th Avenue, Prince George V2N 1A5
Tel: 250-562-4856 | Fax: 250-562-0020
Email: main@bktwoway.ca | www.bktwoway.ca
558 East Kent Avenue South, Vancouver V5X 4V6
Tel: 604-263-1671
Email: sales@cgis.ca | www.cgis.ca
10, 1839 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y8
Tel: 250-562-8261
Email: sales@cgis.ca | www.cgis.ca
Services & Supplies Omega Communications Ltd.
Contact: Warren Saari
110 3677 Highway 97 N, Kelowna V1X 5C3
Tel: 250-860-8016 | Fax: 250-860-7477
Email: info@omegacom.ca | www.omegacom.ca
Rigid Robotics
Contact: Nick Larson
120 3605 Gilmore Way, Burnaby V5G 4X5
Tel: 888-731-0564 | Fax: 888-731-8792
Email: info@rigidrobotics.com | www.rigidrobotics.com
RST Instruments Ltd.
Contact: Mike Hopson
11545 Kingston Street, Maple Ridge V2X 0Z5
Tel: 604-540-1100
Email: sales@rstinstruments.com | www.rstinstruments.com
Westburne Inc. - a leading Electrical Products Distributor
Contact: David Eller
5700 Kingsland Drive, Burnaby V5B 4W6
Tel: 778-389-6229
Email: david.eller@westburne.ca | www.westburne.ca
Contact: Dan Sims
10230 Dallas Drive, Kamloops V2C 6T4
Tel: 250-573-1222 | Fax: 250-573-1236
Email: info@batconstruction.com | www.batconstruction.com
RADIO SOLUTION EXPERTS IN THE RESOURCE SECTOR Omega provides a host of “Mission Critical” RF based telecommunication solutions throughout western Canada. These include Voice and DATA radio networks for the largest open pit copper mines in Canada, 911 Emergency Fire/Rescue & Ambulance radio-based dispatch networks and console systems, and RF-based SCADA systems for a number of major utilities.
Blastpro Construction Ltd.
Contact: Warren Himech
2438 Pulton Avenue, Box 482, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 250-845-0044
Email: admin@blastproconstruction.ca | www.blastproconstruction.ca
Roktek Services
Contact: Leonard Sims
7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9011 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@simsgroup.ca | www.roktekservices.ca
SpanMaster Structures Ltd.
Contact: Brian Sweet
3901 Myers Frontage Road , Tappen V0E 2X3
Tel: 866-935-4888
Email: info@spanmaster.ca | www.spanmaster.ca
Services & Supplies BRIDGE - BUILDERS Armtec Inc.
Contact: George Cummings 1287 Boundary Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-561-2911
Email: gcummings@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Lisa Marshall
Mile 2 1/2 Alaska Highway, PO Box 545, Dawson Creek V1G 4H4
Tel: 250-782-8335
Email: lisa.marshall@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL)
Contact: Mike Desautels
4155 Crozier Road, Armstrong V0E 1B6
Tel: 250-546-9479
Email: mdesautels@ail.ca | www.ail.ca
Formula Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Andrew Forbes
9988 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 7A8
Tel: 250-561-2933 | Fax: 250-563-2931
Email: info@formulacontractors.com | www.formulacontractors.com
Formula Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Paul Tiefensee 5201 54 Avenue, PO Box 214, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0
Tel: 877-761-2933 | Fax: 250-563-2931
Email: info@formulacontractors.com | www.formulacontractors.com
Intercoast Construction Ltd.
Contact: Danny Schwab 4032 John Hart Highway, Prince George V2K 2Z6
Tel: 250-962-4620 | Fax: 250-962-2360
Email: danny@intercoast.ca | www.intercoast.ca
PCL Constructors Westcoast Ltd.
310, 13911 Wireless Way, Richmond V6V 3B9
Tel: 604-241-5200 www.pcl.com
Ruskin Construction Ltd.
Contact: Brian Moore
2011 P.G Pulpmill Road, PO Box 1050, Prince George V2L 4V2
Tel: 250-563-2800 | Fax: 250-563-6788
Email: bmoore@rcl.bz | www.ruskinconstruction.com
Admiral Roofing Ltd.
Contact: Alex Goldie
BUILDINGS, PORTABLE 4214 Cowart Road, Prince George V2N 6H9
Tel: 250-561-1230 | Fax: 250-561-1142
Email: info@admiralroofing.ca | www.admiralroofing.ca
Black Diamond Group
9203 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6K6
Tel: 250-787-0476 www.blackdiamondgroup.com
Black Diamond Group
Box 1629, 4505 Woods Court, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-321-0488 www.blackdiamondgroup.com
Blue Collar Group
Contact: Kyle Ford 255 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-9709 | Fax: 866-230-8907
Email: info@bluecollarcamps.ca | www.bluecollargroup.ca
Britco - Modular Buildings
Contact: Christoph Neufeld 21690 Smith Crescent , Langley V2Y 0W6
Tel: 604-888-2000
Email: info@boxxmodular.com | www.britco.com
Britco - Modular Buildings
6751 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 250-649-0040
Email: info@boxxmodular.com | www.britco.com
Container West Manufacturing Ltd.
Contact: Sydney Kjellander 11660 Mitchell Road, Richmond V6V 1T7
Tel: 866-909-3027
Email: info@containerwest.com | www.containerwest.com
Falcon Camp Services Inc.
Contact: Zane Pickering 8555 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 250-563-5609
Email: info@falconcampservices.com | www.falconcampservices.com
G & J Design Flooring Ltd.
Contact: Jeff Lefebvre
1295 Cariboo Hwy North, Quesnel V2J 2Y5
Tel: 250-992-2272 | Fax: 250-992-2126
Email: design@goldcity.net | www.designflooringltd.net
Services & Supplies Green Homes - Quality Factory Built Homes
1002 Railway Road, Prince George V2N 5R9
Tel: 250-614-0136
Email: info@greenhomespg.com | www.greenhomespg.com
Contact: Kyle Ford
255 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-9709 | Fax: 866-230-8907
Email: info@bluecollarcamps.ca | www.bluecollargroup.ca
Britco - Modular Buildings
Contact: Christoph Neufeld
21690 Smith Crescent , Langley V2Y 0W6
Tel: 604-888-2000
Email: info@boxxmodular.com | www.britco.com
Britco - Modular Buildings
6751 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 250-649-0040
Email: info@boxxmodular.com | www.britco.com
Easy Build Structures Ltd.
Contact: Clayton Mickey
55, 13325 115 Avenue, Surrey V3R 0R8
Tel: 604-589-4280 | Fax: 604-589-4202
Email: sales@easybuildstructures.ca | www.easybuildstructures.ca
Green Homes - Quality Factory Built Homes
1002 Railway Road, Prince George V2N 5R9
Tel: 250-614-0136
Email: info@greenhomespg.com | www.greenhomespg.com
IDL Projects Inc.
Contact: Sheldon Boyes 1088 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-649-0561 | Fax: 250-649-0581
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
IDL Projects Inc.
335 370 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-981-0878
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
IDL Projects Inc.
101, 10012 97 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 5P3
Tel: 250-981-5740
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
North Coast Modular Homes Ltd.
Contact: Carolyn Benson
102 4611 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1P9
Tel: 778-634-2325
Email: carolyn@northcoastmodularhomes.com | www.northcoastmodularhomes.com
SpanMaster Structures Ltd.
Contact: Brian Sweet
3901 Myers Frontage Road , Tappen V0E 2X3
Tel: 866-935-4888
Email: info@spanmaster.ca | www.spanmaster.ca
Triple M Housing
Contact: Gary Ballinger
PO Box 2393, Prince George V2N 2S6
Tel: 877.744.7526
Email: gballinger@mmmhousing.com | http://www.triplemhousing.com
BULK MATERIALS - HANDLING EQUIPMENT Applied Industrial Technologies
Contact: Mike Ryeo
1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-562-1114 | Fax: 250-562-1761
Email: 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
205-B Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7038 | Fax: 250-992-3727
Email: 4105@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
871 S. MacKenzie Avenue, Williams Lake V2G 3X8
Tel: 250-392-2388 | Fax: 250-392-5322
Email: 4106@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Cascade Mechanical Ltd.
Contact: Jaron Sucholotosky
3863 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B1
Tel: 250-564-2883
Email: info@cascade-mechanical.ca | www.cascade-mechanical.ca
GRIP - Global Resources for Industrial Projects Inc.
Contact: Doug Ballard
1686 57A Street, Delta V4L 1X8
Tel: 604-889-1855 | Fax: 866-695-9655
Email: info@grip4equipment.ca | www.grip4equipment.ca
Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Ltd.
Contact: Sherman Shi
109, 19433 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4C4
Tel: 604-513-9930
Email: sales@iem.ca | www.iem.ca
Services & Supplies Mainland Machinery Ltd.
Contact: Brian Dyck
2255 Townline Road, Abbotsford V2T 6H1
Tel: 604-854-4244 | Fax: 604-850-1796
Email: bdyck@mainlandmachinery.com | www.mainlandmachinery.com
Precision Pulley & Idler - PPI Canada
Contact: Jason Heerens
3388 190 Street, Surrey V3Z 1A7
Tel: 604-499-0606 | Fax: 604-560-8199
Email: jheerens@ppi-global.com | www.ppi-global.com
Russell Transfer Ltd.
Contact: Dwain Russell
1390 Highway 27, PO Box 910, Fort St. James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8363
Email: dwainrussell1966@gmail.com
SEW - Eurodrive Company of Canada Ltd.
Contact: Mike Savage
7188 Honeyman Street, Delta V4G 1G1
Tel: 604-946-5535 | Fax: 604-946-2513
Email: m.savage@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sew-eurodrive.ca
Timberspan Wood Products Inc.
Contact: Nicole Cvenkel
12555 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 7A8
Tel: 250-961-0146 | Fax: 250-963-7869
Email: info@timberspan.ca | www.timberspan.ca
Viacore (formerly Belterra Corporation)
Contact: Russ Allen
2247 South Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X4
Tel: 250-562-1245 | Fax: 250-562-8817
Email: princegeorge@viacore.com | www.viacore.com
Wolftek Industries Inc.
Contact: Gordon Gallop
4944 Continental Way , Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 250-561-1556 | Fax: 250-561-0235
Email: gord@wolftek.ca | www.wolftek.ca
9203 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6K6
Tel: 250-787-0476
Black Diamond Group
Box 1629, 4505 Woods Court, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-321-0488
Blue Collar Group
Contact: Rita Rief
255 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-9709 | Fax: 866-230-8907
Email: info@bluecollarcamps.ca | www.bluecollargroup.ca
Britco - Modular Buildings
Contact: Christoph Neufeld
21690 Smith Crescent , Langley V2Y 0W6
Tel: 604-888-2000
Email: info@boxxmodular.com | www.britco.com
Britco - Modular Buildings
6751 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 250-649-0040
Email: info@boxxmodular.com | www.britco.com
Services & Supplies Bulkley Valley Wholesale
Contact: Amber White
3302 Highway 16, PO Box 667, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-3313 | Fax: 250-847-3906
Email: amber_white@bvwholesale.ca | www.bulkleyvalleywholesale.com
CICC Camp Services
Contact: Natalie Theessen
570 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C3
Tel: 250-563-5332 | Fax: 250-563-5363
Email: cicc@cicamps.com | www.cicamps.com
Civeo Corp.
3790 98 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T6E 6B4
Tel: 780-463-8872
Email: civeo@civeo.com | www.civeo.com
Clear Blue Water Systems Ltd.
Contact: Craig Wynn
PO Box 148, Montney V0C 1Y0
Tel: 250-827-3737
Email: clearblue@telus.net | www.clearbluewatersystems.ca
Duz Cho Logging Ltd.
Contact: Chris Hayward
5360 Ritchie Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-4420 | Fax: 250-997-5430
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
Falcon Camp Services Inc.
Contact: Zane Pickering
8555 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 250-563-5609
Email: info@falconcampservices.com | www.falconcampservices.com
Finger Lake Wilderness Resort (remote crew accommodation)
Contact: Jason Madsen
400 Gold Road, PO Box 1619, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 778-785-1114
Email: info@fingerlakeresort.com | www.fingerlakeresort.com
Four Rivers Co-Operative (Vanderhoof & Districts)
Contact: Allan Bieganski
188 East Stewart Street, PO Box 560, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-4414 | Fax: 250-567-4355
Email: mainoffice@fourrivers.crs | www.fourriversco-op.crs/sites/fourrivers
IRL Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Steve Mayoh
610 Richard Road, Prince George V2K 4L3
Tel: 250-562-2185 | Fax: 250-562-2911
Email: inquiries@irlsupplies.com | www.irlsupplies.com
P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
Contact: Hankin Asp
3470 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-615-6009
Email: info@pnrexploration.com | www.pnrexploration.com
Polar Medical Services Inc.
Contact: Joanne Holness
2640 Shamps Road, Pritchard V0E 2P0
Tel: 250-638-0005
Email: contact@polarmedical.ca | www.polarmedical.ca
Services & Supplies Pro-Vent Grease - Kitchen Hood & Vent Cleaning
Contact: Murray Gardy
2131 Upland Street, Prince George V2L 2V8
Tel: 250-961-2945
Email: gardy@telus.net | www.proventgrease.com
Spotless Uniform Ltd.
Contact: Shaun Heighington
3902 Kenworth Road East, Prince George V2K 1P2
Tel: 250-962-6900 | Fax: 250-962-6950
Email: support@spotlessuniform.com | www.spotlessuniform.com
United Rentals Inc.
Contact: Tim Kish
2073 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Z1
Tel: 250-564-3111 | Fax: 250-564-6232
Email: kisht@ur.com | www.ur.com
Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc.
Contact: Jay Kryklywyj
1722 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 250-564-6316 | Fax: 250-564-0283
Email: jkryklywyj@vanhoutte.com | www.vhcoffeeservices.com
Wide Sky Disposal (1989) Ltd.
PO Box 1570, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-774-6528
Email: info@widesky.ca | www.widesky.ca
Contact: Mike Desautels
4155 Crozier Road, Armstrong V0E 1B6
Tel: 250-546-9479
Email: mdesautels@ail.ca | www.ail.ca
Duz Cho Construction LP
Contact: Jacob Albertson
4821 South Access Road, PO Box 28, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-3120 | Fax: 250-788-3188
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone
628 Upper Bench Road North, Penticton V2A 8V2
Tel: 250-462-0076
Email: jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone
5 Lorne Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S7
Tel: 250-462-0076
Email: jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca
OCL Group Inc. (OCL)
1582 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 403-982-9090
Email: info@oclgroup.ca | www.oclgroup.ca
OCL Group Inc. (OCL)
12069 207 Road, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0
Tel: 778-949-5023
Email: info@oclgroup.ca | www.oclgroup.ca
Contact: Shaeesta Meade
B100 5350 272 Street, Langley V4W 1S3
Tel: 604-381-3741 | Fax: 604-381-3842
Email: sales@airplusindustrial.ca | www.airplusindustrial.ca
Distribution Now
Contact: Trent Schell
696 Cree Road, Kamloops V2H 1G7
Tel: 250-372-5650 | Fax: 250-372-9101
Email: trent.schell@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Distribution Now
Contact: John Sastaunik
11824 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 4H9
Tel: 250-785-5677 | Fax: 250-785-7607
Email: John.Sastaunik@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Linde Canada
1601 Central Street West, Prince George V2N 1P6
Tel: 250-563-3641
Email: princegeorge@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
B100 - 5350 272 St., Langley, BC V4W 1S3 info@airplusindustrial.ca www.airplusindustrial.ca
Services & Supplies Linde Canada
4751 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 5R1
Tel: 250-635-1277
Email: terrace@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Linde Canada
10331 Alaska Road, Unit 101, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-262-0047
Email: fortstjohn@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Linde Canada
1500 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek V1G 1Z7
Tel: 250-782-8280
Email: dawsoncreek@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894 www.motioncanada.ca
National Compressed Air Inc. 11128 261 Street, Acheson, AB T7X 6C7
Tel: 780-960-6085 | Fax: 780-960-6873
Email: alberta@nationalcompressedairinc.com | www.nationalcompressedair.com
United Rentals Inc.
Contact: Tim Kish 2073 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Z1
Tel: 250-564-3111 | Fax: 250-564-6232
Email: kisht@ur.com | www.ur.com
CONCRETE BAT Construction Ltd.
Contact: Dan Sims
10230 Dallas Drive, Kamloops V2C 6T4
Tel: 250-573-1222 | Fax: 250-573-1236
Email: info@batconstruction.com | www.batconstruction.com
CIF Construction Ltd.
Contact: Jack Fomenoff
PO Box 2159, Prince George V2N 2J6
Tel: 250-564-8174
Email: info@cifcon.com | www.cifcon.com
Datoff Bros Construction Ltd.
Contact: Tom Datoff
102 1837 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X2
Tel: 250-960-2223
Email: info@datoff.com | www.datoff.com
IDL Projects Inc.
Contact: Sheldon Boyes
1088 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-649-0561 | Fax: 250-649-0581
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
IDL Projects Inc.
335 370 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-981-0878
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
Services & Supplies IDL Projects Inc.
101, 10012 97 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 5P3
Tel: 250-981-5740
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
K2 Electric Ltd.
Contact: Conner Greenlees
9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 250-564-7885 | Fax: 250-564-7875
Email: info@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com
Rolling Mix Concrete Ltd.
Contact: John Paolucci
105 Foothills Boulevard, Prince George V2N 2J8
Tel: 250-563-9213 | Fax: 250-563-6286
Email: reception@rollingmix.ca | www.rollingmix.ca
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
20121 100A Avenue, Langley V1M 3X6
Tel: 604-888-3457
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
Contact: Paul Bryant
1706 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 250-564-1288 | Fax: 250-563-7333
Email: paul.bryant@whitecap.com | www.whitecapsupply.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials) 822 McCurdy Place, Kelowna V1X 8C8
Tel: 250-765-9000
Allnorth Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Don Williams
2011 Prince George Pulpmill Road, Prince George V2K 5P5
Tel: 250-614-7291
Email: dwilliams@allnorth.com | www.allnorth.com
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Frank Craig
177 East Columbia Street, PO Box 523, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-9496
Email: f.craig@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Peter Gross
100, 952 4 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3H8
Tel: 250-562-0444
Email: p.gross@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Remi Farvacque
9008 109 Street, Fort St John V1J 6H4
Tel: 250-261-5584 | Fax: 250-261-5474
Email: r.farvacque@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Bulkley Valley Engineering Services Ltd. (BVES)
Contact: Eerik Lilles, P.Eng
3763 1 Avenue, PO Box 92 , Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-8795
Email: info@bves.ca | www.bves.ca
C3 Alliance Corp.
Contact: Sarah Weber
408 688 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6B 1P1
Tel: 604-343-4847
Email: info@c3alliancecorp.ca | www.c3alliancecorp.ca
Crownsmen Partners
Contact: Gerrod Downey
403 Columbia Street, New Westminster V3L 1A9
Tel: 778-819-6204
Email: info@crownsmen.com | www.crownsmen.com
CWA Engineers Inc.
Contact: Nadine Clark
380 2925 Virtual Way, Vancouver V5M 4X5
Tel: 604-637-2275 | Fax: 604-637-2276
Email: info@cwaengineers.com | www.cwaengineers.com
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken 1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: pgoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Green/Ryan Wonnacott 301, 172 2 Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 1Z6
Tel: 250-396-7208
Email: wloffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Youenn Wilson
1725 Beach Road, Burns Lake V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-7211 | Fax: 250-692-7282
Email: bladmin@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
Services & Supplies DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Jeff Beale
8130 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1W5
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: fsjoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Ramsey Austring 5028 49 Avenue, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-7872 | Fax: 250-788-7812
Email: chetwynd@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Lisa Kinnear
203, 13 / 14 Avenue South, Cranbrook V1C 2X3
Tel: 403-632-5204
Email: cranbrook@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
Dynamic Avalanche Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Elaine Lajeunesse 301, 306 First Street West, PO Box 2845, Revelstoke V0E 2S0
Tel: 250-837-4466
Email: info@dynamicavalanche.com | www.dynamicavalanche.com
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Wilson
140 Stuart Drive West, PO Box 1270, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-2151 | Fax: 250-996-2186
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Ben McFarlane
1315 Noranda Road East, Prince George V2K 5R6
Tel: 250-960-1155 | Fax: 250-960-1144
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Scott Fraser
9607 112 Street, Fort St. John V1J 7C7
Tel: 250-787-6009 | Fax: 250-787-6083
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
GeoNorth Engineering Ltd.
Contact: Dave McDougall
3975 18th Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B2
Tel: 250-564-4304 | Fax: 250-564-9323
Email: mail@geonorth.ca | www.geonorth.ca
Contact: Geoff Hobbs
PO Box 2772, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
Tel: 867-678-0389
Email: geoff.hobbs@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
Suite A, 1415 Hankin Avenue, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-342-9767
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
10716 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Z3
Tel: 250-787-0300
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
IDL Projects Inc.
Contact: Sheldon Boyes
1088 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-649-0561 | Fax: 250-649-0581
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
IDL Projects Inc.
335 370 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-981-0878
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
IDL Projects Inc.
101, 10012 97 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 5P3
Tel: 250-981-5740
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
Industrial Forestry Service Ltd. (IFS)
Contact: Robert Schuetz
1595 5 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3L9
Tel: 250-564-4115 | Fax: 250-563-9679
Email: ifs@industrialforestry.ca | www.industrialforestry.ca
Services & Supplies Industrial Forestry Service Ltd. (IFS)
Contact: Robert Schuetz
11613 7 Street, Dawson Creek V1G 4S4
Tel: 250-784-1987 | Fax: 250-784-1986
Email: ifsdc@industrialforestry.ca | www.industrialforestry.ca
Ledcor - Civil and Foundations Division
Contact: Bryan Kneller
1500 1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6E 2E9
Tel: 604-681-7500
Email: bryan.kneller@ledcor.com | www.ledcor.com
Ledcor - Civil and Foundations Division
4 528 Mountainview Square, Kitimat V8C 2N2
Tel: 604-681-7500
LHI Tutl’it Services Inc.
Contact: George Lacerte
2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-562-0486 | Fax: 250-562-0227
Email: info@lhi-services.ca | www.lhi-services.ca
Maptek Canada
Contact: Cherie LeDoux
100 555 Burrard Street, Vancouver V7X 1M8
Tel: 604-299-7613
Email: info@maptek.com | www.maptek.com
8808 Northern Lights Drive, Fort St. John V1J 6M2
Tel: 250-787-0356 | Fax: 250-787-0310
Email: fortstjohn@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
322 323 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-3200 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: kitimat@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
12 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-561-2229 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princegeorge@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
729 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-4281 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princerupert@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
1 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace V8G 4S8
Tel: 250-635-7163 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: terrace@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
200 858 Beatty Street, Vancouver V6B 1C1
Tel: 604-683-8521 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: vancouver@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
3907 4 Avenue, PO Box 787, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4040 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: smithers@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
National Emergency Safety Service (NESS)
Contact: Marie Grulichova
1218 Highway 16, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-945-5944
Email: ness@nationalemergency.ca | www.nationalemergency.ca
Noot’senay Consulting LP, Kwadacha DWB LP
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken 1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: pgoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie
202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
SBS Forestry Inc.
Contact: Doug Bryce, RFT
1541 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1W7
Tel: 250-561-1140
Email: admin@sbsfor.com | www.sbsfor.com
Scouten Engineering
Contact: Dave Scouten, P.Eng. 201 1968 Queensway, Prince George V2L 1M2
Tel: 250-562-7050
Email: info@scoutenengineering.com | www.scoutenengineering.com
Silverwood Natural Resource Consultants
Contact: Paul Hanna 210 4644 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1S6
Tel: 250-635-0766
Email: mail@silverwoodconsulting.ca | www.silverwoodconsulting.ca
Storm Mountain Technical Services
Contact: Greg McAuley
PO Box 1746, Garibaldi Highlands V0N 1T0
Tel: 778-875-9345
Email: greg@snowavalanche.com | www.snowavalanche.com
Services & Supplies Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
301 1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River V9W 5P7
Tel: 250-287-2246 | Fax: 250-287-2247
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
931 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 778-763-0999
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
10927 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V21J 6P3
Tel: 778-844-0634
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Tetra Tech Canada Inc.
Contact: Bernie Teufele
1000 885 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver V6C 1N5
Tel: 604-685-0275 | Fax: 604-684-6241
Email: bernie.teufele@tetratech.com | www.tetratech.com
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Codey Latimer 3210 Apsley Street, Terrace V8G 0J2
Tel: 250-635-1494
Email: clatimer@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Amanda Wamsteeker 3990 22 Avenue, Prince George V2N 3A1
Tel: 250-562-9155
Email: awamsteeker@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Rachel Caira
623 B Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2E5
Tel: 778-631-2224
Email: rcaira@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Rachel Caira 727 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-3045
Email: rcaira@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
West Moberly – DWB LP Corporate Alliance
Contact: Jeff Beale
8130 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1W5
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: jbeale@dwbconsulting.ca / fsjoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
West Moberly – DWB LP Corporate Alliance
Contact: Jeff Beale
7610 Crying Man Lane, Moberly Lake V0C 1X0
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: management@wmfnbusiness.com | www.wmfnbusiness.com
Wood Group - AMEC Foster Wheeler
Contact: Nick C. Polysou, P.Eng.
3456 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 2P9
Tel: 250-564-3243 | Fax: 250-562-7045
Email: nick.polysou@woodplc.com | www.woodplc.com
WoodPro Engineering Ltd.
Contact: John Westergard 983 Vancouver Street, Prince George V2L 2P6
Tel: 250-563-9964 | Fax: 250-563-5648
Email: princegeorge@woodproengineering.com | www.woodproengineering.com
Services & Supplies Andrew Sheret Limited
Contact: Dennis Lalonde
CONTRACTORS 1995 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X2
Tel: 250-561-2444 | Fax: 250-561-2488
Email: m4rk3ting@sheret.com | www.sheret.com
Andrew Sheret Limited
Contact: Jason Stuart
4650 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 4K1
Tel: 250-638-8840 | Fax: 250-638-8845
Email: m4rk3ting@sheret.com | www.sheret.com
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable 2400 Telkwa High Road, Telkwa V0J 2X1
Tel: 250-877-9642 | Fax: 250-846-5402
Email: info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable
505 Brightwell Street, Stewart V0T 1W0
Tel: 250-877-9642
Email: info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca
Don Stewart Construction Ltd.
Contact: Don Stewart
PO Box 4949, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-6767
Email: don@stewartconstruction.ca | www.stewartconstruction.ca
Driftwood Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Goodson PO Box 2650, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-2710
Email: info@driftwooddrilling.com | www.driftwooddrilling.com
Duz Cho Construction LP
Contact: Jacob Albertson 4821 South Access Road, PO Box 28, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-3120 | Fax: 250-788-3188
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
Hy-Tech Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Brian Butterworth
2715 Tatlow Road, PO Box 3248, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-9301
Email: brian.butterworth@hy-techdrilling.com | www.hy-techdrilling.com
K2 Electric Ltd.
Contact: Conner Greenlees
9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 250-564-7885 | Fax: 250-564-7875
Email: info@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com
P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
Contact: Hankin Asp
3470 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-615-6009
Email: info@pnrexploration.com | www.pnrexploration.com
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie
202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
Services & Supplies COUNSELING & PREVENTION Classic Life Care - Home Care Prince George 1360 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3B5
Tel: 250-563-3501
Email: princegeorge@classiclifecare.com | www.classiclifecare.com
Northern Health Regional Office
600, 299 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 5B8
Tel: 250-565-2649
Email: healthpromotions@northernhealth.ca | www.northernhealth.ca
Terrace & District Community Services Society (TDCSS)
Contact: Michael McFetridge 200 3219 Eby Street, Terrace V8G 4R3
Tel: 250-635-3178
Email: info@tdcss.ca | www.tdcss.ca
Contact: Jerry Van Halderen 1891 Campbell Crescent, Quesnel V2J 5Z8
Tel: 833-777-7973
Email: info@allwestcrane.com | www.allwestcrane.com
BC Millwrights Ltd.
Contact: Barry Cyr 7745 West Beaverly Road, Prince George V2N 5A8
Tel: 250-617-8228
Email: jump@skydivebc.ca | www.bcmillwrights.ca
Bid Group Construction
Contact: Leif Norrgard 101, 1323 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L6
Tel: 250-561-0140 | Fax: 250-649-1880
Email: parts@bidgroup.ca | www.bidgroup.ca
Falcon Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Joel Gibson 18412 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 3P8 Tel: 604-888-5066
Email: jgibson@falconequip.com | www.falconequip.com
Interior Warehousing Ltd.
Contact: Roy Dondale 1955 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-563-4613 | Fax: 250-563-4745
Email: roy@interiorwarehousing.com | www.interiorwarehousing.com
Meerholz Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dan Dubrule
2108 Quinn Street South, Prince George V2N 1X5
Tel: 250-562-2788 | Fax: 250-562-2782
Email: dan@meerholz.ca | www.meerholz.ca
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
9157 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4
Tel: 250-561-1501 | Fax: 250-561-1601
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
3545 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2
Tel: 250-635-6802 | Fax: 250-635-6881
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
9608 81 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 6R4
Tel: 250-263-0082 | Fax: 250-263-0081
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com
10105 12A Street, Dawson Creek V1G 3V7
Tel: 250-784-3600
Email: communications@dawsoncreek.ca | www.dawsoncreek.ca
District of Kitimat
Contact: Cameron Orr, Business & Communications Manager
270 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 2H7
Tel: 250-632-8900 | Fax: 250-632-4995
Email: corr@kitimat.ca | www.kitimat.ca
Equity Metals Corporation
1100 1199 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6E 3T5
Tel: 604-641-2759
Email: ir@mnxltd.com | www.equitymetalscorporation.com
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
Contact: Scott Barry
5319 50 Avenue South, Bag Service 399 , Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-774-2541 | Fax: 250-774-2507
Email: justask@northernrockies.ca | www.northernrockies.ca
Services & Supplies DIESEL ENGINES AND ACCESSORIES Peterbilt Pacific Inc.
Contact: Mel Eby
6333 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-563-8866
Email: meby@peterbiltpacific.com | www.peterbiltpacific.com
Peterbilt Pacific Inc.
Contact: Allen Hampton
3104 Hampton Street, Terrace V8G 5R5
Tel: 250-638-1433
Email: ahampton@peterbiltpacific.com | www.peterbiltpacific.com
Wajax Equipment
Contact: Shawna Hicks
10135 Finning Frontage, Fort St. John V1J 4J1
Tel: 250-785-4191 | Fax: 250-785-7621 www.wajax.com
Wajax Equipment
Contact: Al Gandy
4620 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-562-7321 | Fax: 250-561-1404
DOCK LEVELER Portal Installations Ltd.
Contact: Davor Drazenovic
1030 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3A9
Tel: 250-564-9596 | Fax: 250-564-2288
Email: info@portaldoors.ca | www.portalinstallations.ca
Contact: Trevor Erhardt
2278 South Nicholson Street, Prince George V2N 1V8
Tel: 250-563-0195
Email: info.pg.aaes@assaabloy.com | www.assaabloyentrance.ca
Heartland Steel Doors Ltd.
Contact: Brad Lechkobit
1925 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X2
Tel: 250-563-3610 | Fax: 250-563-3617
Email: sales@heartlandsteel.ca | www.heartlandsteel.ca
Northway Glass Inc.
Contact: Tina
2235 Nicholson Street South, Prince George V2N 1V9
Tel: 250-563-9933 | Fax: 250-563-9932
Email: tina@northwayglass.ca | www.northwayglass.ca
Portal Installations Ltd.
Contact: Davor Drazenovic
1030 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3A9
Tel: 250-564-9596 | Fax: 250-564-2288
Email: info@portaldoors.ca | www.portalinstallations.ca
Contact: Bill Wookey / Bill McIntyre
Box 477, 6118 Harvard Way, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4300
Email: info@apexdrill.com | www.apexdrill.com
Atlas Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jamie Lyons
746 Carrier Street, Kamloops V2H 1G2
Tel: 250-828-2627
Email: jamie.lyons@atlasdrilling.ca | www.atlasdrilling.ca
BAT Construction Ltd.
Contact: Dan Sims
10230 Dallas Drive, Kamloops V2C 6T4
Tel: 250-573-1222 | Fax: 250-573-1236
Email: info@batconstruction.com | www.batconstruction.com
Driftwood Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Goodson
PO Box 2650, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-2710
Email: info@driftwooddrilling.com | www.driftwooddrilling.com
Drillwell Enterprises Ltd.
Contact: Shawn Slade
4994 Polkey Road, Duncan V9L 6W3
Tel: 250-746-5268 | Fax: 250-746-8404
Email: drill@drillwell.com | www.drillwell.com
Falcon Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Keith Hillen
3549 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B8
Tel: 250-564-7786 | Fax: 250-562-5937
Email: office@falcon-drilling.com | www.falcon-drilling.com
Foraco Canada Ltd.
Contact: George Cooper
2007 West Trans Canada Highway, Kamloops V1S 1A7
Tel: 250-374-3366 | Fax: 250-374-9212
Email: kamloops@foraco.com | www.foraco.com
Foraco Canada Ltd.
139 Enterprise Drive, PO Box 280, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N2
Tel: 867-873-2533
Email: north-america@foraco.com | www.foraco.com
Services & Supplies Foundex Explorations Ltd.
Contact: Dave Ward
3175 Turner Street, Abbotsford V2S 7T9
Tel: 604-594-8333
Email: info@foundex.com | www.foundex.com
Geotech Drilling Services Ltd.
Contact: Jake Ongman
5052 Hartway Drive, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-9041 | Fax: 250-962-9046
Email: info@geotechdrilling.com | www.geotechdrilling.com
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone
628 Upper Bench Road North, Penticton V2A 8V2
Tel: 250-462-0076
Email: jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone
5 Lorne Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S7
Tel: 250-462-0076
Email: jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca
Hy-Tech Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Brian Butterworth
2715 Tatlow Road, PO Box 3248, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-9301 | Fax: 250-847-5111
Email: brian.butterworth@hy-techdrilling.com | www.hy-techdrilling.com
More Core Diamond Drilling Services Ltd.
Contact: Devin Smith
2511 Highway 37A, PO Box 1039, Stewart V0T 1W0
Tel: 250-636-9156 | Fax: 250-636-9159
Email: info@morecore.ca | www.morecore.ca
Omega Environmental Drilling Ltd.
101 12835 Lilley Drive, Maple Ridge V2W 0G1
Tel: 604-459-4567 | Fax: 604-459-5477
Email: office@omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca | www.omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca
Omineca Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Tony Clovis
13756 Palling Road East, Burns Lake V0J 1E1
Tel: 250-698-3745 | Fax: 250-698-7991
Email: tony@ominecadrilling.com | www.ominecadrilling.com
P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
Contact: Hankin Asp
3470 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-615-6009
Email: info@pnrexploration.com | www.pnrexploration.com
Roktek Services
Contact: Leonard Sims
7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9011 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@simsgroup.ca | www.roktekservices.ca
Ruskin Construction Ltd.
Contact: Brian Moore
2011 P.G Pulpmill Road, PO Box 1050, Prince George V2L 4V2
Tel: 250-563-2800 | Fax: 250-563-6788
Email: bmoore@rcl.bz | www.ruskinconstruction.com
Tahltech Drilling Services Ltd.
5052 Hartway Drive, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-9041 | Fax: 250-962-9048
Email: info@geotechdrilling.com | www.geotechdrilling.com
Services & Supplies DRILLING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES A.L. Sims & Son Ltd.
Contact: John Irving
7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9011 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@alsims.ca | www.alsims.ca
Apex Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Bill Wookey / Bill McIntyre Box 477, 6118 Harvard Way, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4300
Email: info@apexdrill.com | www.apexdrill.com
BAT Construction Ltd.
Contact: Dan Sims
10230 Dallas Drive, Kamloops V2C 6T4
Tel: 250-573-1222 | Fax: 250-573-1236
Email: info@batconstruction.com | www.batconstruction.com
Blastpro Construction Ltd.
Contact: Warren Himech
2438 Pulton Avenue, Box 482, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 250-845-0044
Email: admin@blastproconstruction.ca | www.blastproconstruction.ca
Britco - Modular buildings
Contact: Christoph Neufeld 21690 Smith Crescent , Langley V2Y 0W6
Tel: 604-888-2000
Email: info@boxxmodular.com | www.britco.com
2438 Pulton Avenue P.O. Box 482 Houston, BC V0J 1Z0 O: 250-845-0044 C: 250-845-8290
Britco - Modular buildings
6751 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 250-649-0040
Email: info@boxxmodular.com | www.britco.com
Driftwood Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Goodson
PO Box 2650, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-2710
Email: info@driftwooddrilling.com | www.driftwooddrilling.com
Falcon Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Keith Hillen
3549 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B8
Tel: 250-564-7786 | Fax: 250-562-5937
Email: office@falcon-drilling.com | www.falcon-drilling.com
Foraco Canada Ltd.
Contact: George Cooper
2007 West Trans Canada Highway, Kamloops V1S 1A7
Tel: 250-374-3366 | Fax: 250-374-9212
Email: kamloops@foraco.com | www.foraco.com
Foraco Canada Ltd.
139 Enterprise Drive, PO Box 280, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N2
Tel: 867-873-2533
Email: north-america@foraco.com | www.foraco.com
Foundex Explorations Ltd.
Contact: Dave Ward
3175 Turner Street, Abbotsford V2S 7T9
Tel: 604-594-8333
Email: info@foundex.com | www.foundex.com
IFS Equipment Ltd. (Innovative Foundation Solutions)
Contact: Jason Linley
10468 269 Road, Fort St. John V1J 4M7
Tel: 250-263-4555
Email: jdl@ifsequip.com | www.ifsequip.com
Mincon Canada - Western Service Centre
Contact: Hal Hinkkuri 101, 3568 191 Street, Surrey V3Z 0P6
Tel: 604-513-4292
Email: salescanada@mincon.com | www.mincon.com
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939 www.motioncanada.ca
Services & Supplies Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894 www.motioncanada.ca
Northern Steel Ltd.
Contact: Nav Marwaha
9588 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 250-561-1121
Email: nmarwaha@northernsteelltd.com | www.northernsteelltd.com
Omega Environmental Drilling Ltd.
101 12835 Lilley Drive, Maple Ridge V2W 0G1
Tel: 604-459-4567 | Fax: 604-459-5477
Email: office@omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca | www.omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca
Omineca Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Tony Clovis
13756 Palling Road East, Burns Lake V0J 1E1
Tel: 250-698-3745 | Fax: 250-698-7991
Email: tony@ominecadrilling.com | www.ominecadrilling.com
Prolenc Manufacturing Inc.
Contact: Kevin Hodgins
1033 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-563-8899 | Fax: 250-563-6704
Email: khodgins@prolenc.com | www.prolenc.com
QSP Packers, LLC
Contact: Mark Hartley / Ron Roland PO Box 1544, Sumner, WA 98390
Tel: 253-770-0315 | Fax: 253-770-0327
Email: info@qsppackers.com | www.qsppackers.com
SPS Mining Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Shayne Boucher 2957 19 Avenue, PO Box 3910, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4287
Email: shayne@spsminingsupplies.ca | www.spsminingsupplies.ca
10123 99 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1V2
Tel: 250-787-9315 | Fax: 250-787-8839
Email: reception@alpha-training.ca | www.alpha-training.ca
Services & Supplies Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Frank Craig
177 East Columbia Street, PO Box 523, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-9496
Email: f.craig@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Peter Gross
100, 952 4 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3H8
Tel: 250-562-0444
Email: p.gross@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Remi Farvacque
9008 109 Street, Fort St John V1J 6H4
Tel: 250-261-5584 | Fax: 250-261-5474
Email: r.farvacque@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Benchmark Automotive Services Inc.
Contact: Chris Desrochers
3532 Massey Drive, Prince George V2N 2M4
Tel: 250-564-5000 | Fax: 250-564-3045
Email: info@benchmarkpg.ca | www.benchmarkpg.ca
Blue Collar Group - First Nations Youth Training
Contact: Rita Rief
255 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-9709 | Fax: 866-230-8907
Email: firstnationsyouthtraining@gmail.com | www.bluecollargroup.ca
Coast Mountain College - School of Exploration and Mining
Contact: Laurie Kallio
3966 2 Avenue, PO Box 3606, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4461 | Fax: 250-847-4568
Email: info@coastmountaincollege.ca | www.coastmountaincollege.ca
Coast Mountain College - Workforce Training & Contract Services
Contact: Lorrie Gowen
5331 McConnell Avenue, Terrace V8G 4X2
Tel: 250-635-6511 | Fax: 250-638-5432
Email: lgowen@coastmountaincollege.ca | www.coastmountaincollege.ca
College of New Caledonia - Burns Lake
545 Highway 16 West, PO Box 5000, Burns Lake V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-1700
Email: lksdist@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
College of New Caledonia - Fort St. James Campus Box 1557, 179 Douglas Street, Fort St. James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-7019
Email: cncfsj@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
Services & Supplies College of New Caledonia - Vanderhoof Campus
195 1 Street East, Vanderhoof V0J 3A2
Tel: 250-567-3200
Email: nechako@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
College of New Caledonia - Prince George 3330 22 Avenue , Prince George V2N 1P8
Tel: 250-562-2131
Email: askcnc@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
Dynamic Avalanche Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Elaine Lajeunesse
301, 306 First Street West, PO Box 2845, Revelstoke V0E 2S0
Tel: 250-837-4466
Email: info@dynamicavalanche.com | www.dynamicavalanche.com
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC)
Contact: Jordan Bateman
800 13761 96 Avenue, Surrey V3V 0E8
Tel: 604-298-7795 | Fax: 604-298-2246
Email: info@icba.ca | www.icba.ca
Independent Contractors and Businesses Association of BC (ICBA of BC)
Contact: Christina Klotz
200, 1253 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L3
Tel: 250-596-8118 | Fax: 236-423-0734
Email: christina@icba.ca | www.icba.ca
National Emergency Safety Service (NESS)
Contact: Marie Grulichova
1218 Highway 16, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-945-5944
Email: ness@nationalemergency.ca | www.nationalemergency.ca
Northern Regional Construction Association
Contact: Nicole Bryant
3851 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B1
Tel: 250-563-1744
Email: office@nrca.ca | www.nrca.ca
O’Brien Training Ltd.
Contact: Dardo Krueger 1320 2 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3B5
Tel: 250-563-1998 | Fax: 250-563-0061
Email: training@obriengroup.ca | www.obrientraining.com
Polar Medical Services Inc.
Contact: Joanne Holness
2640 Shamps Road, Pritchard V0E 2P0
Tel: 250-638-0005
Email: contact@polarmedical.ca | www.polarmedical.ca
Raven Rescue
Contact: Ron Morrison
PO Box 2017, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-2427 | Fax: 250-847-8896
Email: info@ravenrescue.com | www.ravenrescue.com
Small Business BC
Contact: Tom Conway
550, 555 West 12 Avenue, Vancouver V5Z 3X7
Tel: 604-775-5525 | Fax: 604-775-5520
Email: askus@smallbusinessbc.ca | www.smallbusinessbc.ca
St. John Ambulance
470 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3B9
Tel: 866-321-2651 x 1696 | Fax: 604-321-7493
Email: prince.george@sja.ca | www.sja.ca
Smithers Exploration Group
Contact: Christine Ogryzlo
101 3423 Fulton Avenue, PO Box 3196, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-7883
Email: info@smithersexplorationgroup.com | www.smithersexplorationgroup.com
Taylor Professional Driving Ltd.
Contact: Dardo Krueger
1320 2 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3B5
Tel: 250-564-7624
Email: taylor@obriengroup.ca | www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com
Terrace & District Community Services Society (TDCSS)
Contact: Michael McFetridge
200 3219 Eby Street, Terrace V8G 4R3
Tel: 250-635-3178 | Fax: 250-635-6319
Email: info@tdcss.ca | www.tdcss.ca
WorkBC Centre - Kitimat
562 Mountain View Square, Kitimat V8C 2N2
Tel: 250-632-6581
Email: centre-kitimat@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-kitimat.ca
WorkBC Center - Terrace
Contact: Lorna Sandhals
201 4622 Greig Avenue, Terrace V8G 1M9
Tel: 250-638-8108 | Fax: 250-638-7212
Email: info-terrace@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-terrace.ca
WorkBC Centre - Hazelton
4345 Field Street, Hazelton V0J 1Y0
Tel: 250-842-6110 | Fax: 250-845-2282
Email: centre-hazelton@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-hazelton.ca
Contact: Gary Huxtable
2400 Telkwa High Road, Telkwa V0J 2X1
Tel: 250-877-9642 | Fax: 250-846-5402
Email: info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable
505 Brightwell Street, Stewart V0T 1W0
Tel: 250-877-9642
Email: info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Petra Conniff
1505 River Street, Kamloops V2C 1Z2
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Jerry Ward 8910 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3X1
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
Grainger Inc.
724 Commercial Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2H4
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
Houle Electric Ltd.
Contact: Greg McLeod
3635 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B9
Tel: 250-562-2009 | Fax: 250-562-0134
Email: hello@houle.ca | www.houle.ca
Houle Electric Ltd.
312 Railway Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2G2
Tel: 250-632-7144 | Fax: 250-632-4655
Email: hello@houle.ca | www.houle.ca
K2 Electric Ltd.
Contact: Conner Greenlees
9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 250-564-7885 | Fax: 250-564-7875
Email: info@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com
Lenmark Industries
27576 51a Avenue, Langley V4W 4A9
Tel: 604-449-1880
Email: sales@lenmark.com | www.lenmark.com
Mayfair Gas, Plumbing and Electrical Inc.
Contact: Brett Kehler
8545 Willowcale Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-562-8590
Email: info@mayfairinc.com | www.mayfairinc.com
Meerholz Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dan Dubrule
2108 Quinn Street South, Prince George V2N 1X5
Tel: 250-562-2788 | Fax: 250-562-2782
Email: dan@meerholz.ca | www.meerholz.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894
Mueller Electric Div II Ltd.
4495 Cattle Drive, Williams Lake V2G 5E8
Tel: 250-398-8875 | Fax: 250-398-9466
Email: theoffice@muellerelectric.ca | www.muellerelectric.ca
P. Scheck Industrial Electric Ltd.
Contact: Steve LaRose
205-A Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250.992.2316 | Fax: 250.992.2706
Email: pscheck@shaw.ca | www.pscheck.ca
Service Electric Ltd.
Contact: Mike Fisher
1275 Cariboo Highway 97 North, Quesnel V2J 2Y3
Tel: 250-992-7091 | Fax: 250-992-7330
Email: mike.fisher@serviceelectric.ca | www.serviceelectric.ca
SEW - Eurodrive Company of Canada Ltd.
Contact: Mike Savage
7188 Honeyman Street, Delta V4G 1G1
Tel: 604-946-5535 | Fax: 604-946-2513
Email: m.savage@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sew-eurodrive.ca
Services & Supplies Skeena Power (a division of Highland Powerlines)
7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9032 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@skeenapower.ca | www.skeenapower.ca
Synergy Engineering Ltd.
Contact: Fred Malmberg
135 Glacier Street, Coquitlam V3K 5Z1
Tel: 604-464-3663 | Fax: 604-464-9399
Email: office@synergy-eng.com | www.synergy-eng.com
Wesco Distribution Canada LP
Contact: Bryan Fields
2223 Nicholson Street North, Prince George V2N 1V9
Tel: 250-562-3306 | Fax: 250-562-4832
Email: bfields@wesco.com | www.wesco.ca
West Fraser Electro/Mechanical Ltd.
Contact: Robert Shaw
3937 22 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B7
Tel: 250-563-4330 | Fax: 250-563-9492 www.west-fraser.com
Westcana Electric Inc.
Contact: Scott Sherba
1643 Ogilive Street, Prince George V2N 1W7
Tel: 250-564-5800 | Fax: 250-564-1830
Email: info@westcana.com | www.westcana.com
ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS Bulkley Valley Engineering Services Ltd. (BVES)
Contact: Eerik Lilles, P.Eng 3763 1 Avenue , PO Box 92, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-8795
Email: info@bves.ca | www.bves.ca
CWA Engineers Inc.
Contact: Nadine Clark
380 2925 Virtual Way, Vancouver V5M 4X5
Tel: 604-637-2275 | Fax: 604-637-2276
Email: info@cwaengineers.com | www.cwaengineers.com
Datoff Bros Construction Ltd.
Contact: Tom Datoff
102 1837 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X2
Tel: 250-960-2223
Email: info@datoff.com | www.datoff.com
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken
1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: rgirard@dwbconsulting.ca / baitken@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
Dynamic Avalanche Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Elaine Lajeunesse
301, 306 First Street West, PO Box 2845, Revelstoke V0E 2S0
Tel: 250-837-4466
Email: info@dynamicavalanche.com | www.dynamicavalanche.com
GeoNorth Engineering Ltd.
Contact: Dave McDougall 3975 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B2
Tel: 250-564-4304 | Fax: 250-564-9323
Email: mail@geonorth.ca | www.geonorth.ca
IDL Projects Inc.
Contact: Sheldon Boyes
1088 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-649-0561 | Fax: 250-649-0581
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
IDL Projects Inc.
335 370 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-981-0878
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
IDL Projects Inc.
101, 10012 97 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 5P3
Tel: 250-981-5740
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
Ledcor - Civil and Foundations Division
Contact: Bryan Kneller
1500 1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6E 2E9
Tel: 604-681-7500
Email: bryan.kneller@ledcor.com | www.ledcor.com
Ledcor - Civil and Foundations Division 4 528 Mountainview Square, Kitimat V8C 2N2
Tel: 604-681-7500 www.ledcor.com
LHI Tutl’it Services Inc.
Contact: George Lacerte 2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-562-0486 | Fax: 250-562-0227
Email: info@lhi-services.ca | www.lhi-services.ca
Services & Supplies Mainland Machinery Ltd.
Contact: Brian Dyck
2255 Townline Road, Abbotsford V2T 6H1
Tel: 604-854-4244 | Fax: 604-850-1796
Email: bdyck@mainlandmachinery.com | www.mainlandmachinery.com
McCue Engineering Contractors
Contact: Lynda Smithard, P.Eng.
102 7187 Progress Way, Delta V4G 1K8
Tel: 604-940-2828
Email: info@mccuecontracting.com | www.mccuecontracting.com
8808 Northern Lights Drive, Fort St. John V1J 6M2
Tel: 250-787-0356 | Fax: 250-787-0310
Email: fortstjohn@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
322 323 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-3200 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: kitimat@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
12 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-561-2229 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princegeorge@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
729 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-4281 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princerupert@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
1 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace V8G 4S8
Tel: 250-635-7163 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: terrace@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
200 858 Beatty Street, Vancouver V6B 1C1
Tel: 604-683-8521 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: vancouver@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
3907 4 Avenue, PO Box 787, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4040 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: smithers@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
Omega Environmental Drilling Ltd.
101 12835 Lilley Drive, Maple Ridge V2W 0G1
Tel: 604-459-4567 | Fax: 604-459-5477
Email: office@omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca | www.omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca
Services & Supplies Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie
202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
Scouten Engineering
Contact: Dave Scouten, P.Eng.
201 1968 Queensway, Prince George V2L 1M2
Tel: 250-562-7050
Email: info@scoutenengineering.com | www.scoutenengineering.com
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
301 1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River V9W 5P7
Tel: 250-287-2246 | Fax: 250-287-2247
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
931 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 778-763-0999
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
10927 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V21J 6P3
Tel: 778-844-0634
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Synergy Engineering Ltd.
Contact: Fred Malmberg
135 Glacier Street, Coquitlam V3K 5Z1
Tel: 604-464-3663 | Fax: 604-464-9399
Email: office@synergy-eng.com | www.synergy-eng.com
TDB Consultants Inc.
Contact: Rob Kragt
2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-562-1828
Email: info@tdb.ca | www.tdb.ca
Tetra Tech Canada Inc.
Contact: Bernie Teufele
1000 885 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver V6C 1N5
Tel: 604-685-0275 | Fax: 604-684-6241
Email: bernie.teufele@tetratech.com | www.tetratech.com
West Moberly – DWB LP Corporate Alliance
Contact: Jeff Beale
8130 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1W5
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: jbeale@dwbconsulting.ca / fsjoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
West Moberly – DWB LP Corporate Alliance
Contact: Jeff Beale
7610 Crying Man Lane, Moberly Lake V0C 1X0
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: management@wmfnbusiness.com | www.wmfnbusiness.com
Wood Group - AMEC Foster Wheeler
Contact: Nick C. Polysou, P.Eng.
3456 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 2P9
Tel: 250-564-3243 | Fax: 250-562-7045
Email: nick.polysou@woodplc.com | www.woodplc.com
Contact: Angus English
1000 840 Howe Street, Vancouver V6Z 2M1
Tel: 604-685-9381
Email: VancouverOfficeServices@wsp.com | www.wsp.com
312 450 City Center, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-2387
780 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C5
Tel: 250-561-2603
1, 3772 4 Avenue, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-1913
205 133 Industrial Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2V2
Tel: 867-668-2525 www.wsp.com
ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Frank Craig
177 East Columbia Street, PO Box 523, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-9496
Email: f.craig@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Peter Gross
100, 952 4 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3H8
Tel: 250-562-0444
Email: p.gross@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Services & Supplies Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Remi Farvacque
9008 109 Street, Fort St John V1J 6H4
Tel: 250-261-5584 | Fax: 250-261-5474
Email: r.farvacque@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
AtkinsRéalis (formerly SNC Lavalin Group)
Contact: Doug McMillan
8648 Commerce Court, Burnaby V5A 4N6
Tel: 604-515-5140
Email: doug.mcmillan@atkinsrealis.com | www.atkinsrealis.com
Blue Collar Group
Contact: Kyle Ford
255 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-9709 | Fax: 866-230-8907
Email: info@bluecollarcamps.ca | www.bluecollargroup.ca
BNAC Environmental Solutions Inc.
Contact: Chris Richardson 212 552A Clarke Road, Coquitlam V3J 0A3
Tel: 877-566-2622
Email: info@bnac.ca | www.bnac.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken 1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: pgoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Green/Ryan Wonnacott 301, 172 2 Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 1Z6
Tel: 250-396-7208
Email: wloffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Youenn Wilson 1725 Beach Road, Burns Lake V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-7211 | Fax: 250-692-7282
Email: bladmin@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Jeff Beale
8130 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1W5
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: fsjoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Ramsey Austring
5028 49 Avenue, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-7872 | Fax: 250-788-7812
Email: chetwynd@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Lisa Kinnear
203, 13 / 14 Avenue South, Cranbrook V1C 2X3
Tel: 403-632-5204
Email: cranbrook@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Wilson
140 Stuart Drive West, PO Box 1270, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-2151 | Fax: 250-996-2186
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Ben McFarlane
1315 Noranda Road East, Prince George V2K 5R6
Tel: 250-960-1155 | Fax: 250-960-1144
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Scott Fraser 9607 112 Street, Fort St. John V1J 7C7
Tel: 250-787-6009 | Fax: 250-787-6083
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Industrial Forestry Service Ltd. (IFS)
Contact: Robert Schuetz
1595 5 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3L9
Tel: 250-564-4115 | Fax: 250-563-9679
Email: ifs@industrialforestry.ca | www.industrialforestry.ca
Industrial Forestry Service Ltd. (IFS)
Contact: Robert Schuetz
11613 7 Street, Dawson Creek V1G 4S4
Tel: 250-784-1987 | Fax: 250-784-1986
Email: ifsdc@industrialforestry.ca | www.industrialforestry.ca
KDL Resource Management
Contact: Nicholas Dormaar
805 4th Avenue, Prince George V2L 3H5
Tel: 250-564-3808
Email: receptionpg@merakiresources.com | www.merakiresources.com
Services & Supplies KDL Resource Management
Contact: Mark Pride
1200 Mill Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-3333
Email: receptionpg@merakiresources.com | www.merakiresources.com
KDL Resource Management
Contact: Darryl Valk
561 Stuart Drive West, PO Bag 19, Fort St. James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8032
Email: receptionpg@merakiresources.com | www.merakiresources.com
LHI Tutl’it Services Inc.
Contact: George Lacerte
2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-562-0486 | Fax: 250-562-0227
Email: info@lhi-services.ca | www.lhi-services.ca
8808 Northern Lights Drive, Fort St. John V1J 6M2
Tel: 250-787-0356 | Fax: 250-787-0310
Email: fortstjohn@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
322 323 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-3200 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: kitimat@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
12 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-561-2229 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princegeorge@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
729 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-4281 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princerupert@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
1 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace V8G 4S8
Tel: 250-635-7163 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: terrace@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
200 858 Beatty Street, Vancouver V6B 1C1
Tel: 604-683-8521 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: vancouver@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
3907 4 Avenue, PO Box 787, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4040 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: smithers@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
NATS Nursery Ltd.
Contact: Ron Jacobson
24555 32 Avenue, Langley V2Z 2J5
Tel: 604-530-9300 | Fax: 604-530-9500
Email: ron@natsnursery.com | www.natsnursery .com
Noot’senay Consulting LP, Kwadacha DWB LP
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken
1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: pgoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
Northern Lights Wildlife Society
Contact: Angelika Langen 17366 Telkwa High Road, Smithers V0J 2N7
Tel: 250-847-5101
Email: info@wildlifeshelter.com | www.wildlifeshelter.com
Omega Environmental Drilling Ltd.
101 12835 Lilley Drive, Maple Ridge V2W 0G1
Tel: 604-459-4567 | Fax: 604-459-5477
Email: office@omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca | www.omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca
Silverwood Natural Resource Consultants
Contact: Paul Hanna
210 4644 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1S6
Tel: 250-635-0766
Email: mail@silverwoodconsulting.ca | www.silverwoodconsulting.ca
Storm Mountain Technical Services
Contact: Greg McAuley
PO Box 1746, Garibaldi Highlands V0N 1T0
Tel: 778-875-9345
Email: greg@snowavalanche.com | www.snowavalanche.com
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
301 1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River V9W 5P7
Tel: 250-287-2246 | Fax: 250-287-2247
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
931 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 778-763-0999
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
10927 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V21J 6P3
Tel: 778-844-0634
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Services & Supplies Waddell Environmental Inc.
Contact: Glenda Waddell
974 Ochakwin Crescent, Prince George V2M 5P6
Tel: 250-640-8088
Email: waddellenvironmental@gmail.com
West Moberly – DWB LP
Contact: Jeff Beale
8130 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1W5
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: jbeale@dwbconsulting.ca / fsjoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
Wood Group - AMEC Foster Wheeler
Contact: Nick C. Polysou, P.Eng.
3456 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 2P9
Tel: 250-564-3243 | Fax: 250-562-7045
Email: nick.polysou@woodplc.com | www.woodplc.com
Contact: Angus English
1000 840 Howe Street, Vancouver V6Z 2M1
Tel: 604-685-9381
Email: VancouverOfficeServices@wsp.com | www.wsp.com
312 450 City Center, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-2387
780 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C5
Tel: 250-561-2603
1, 3772 4 Avenue, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-1913
205 133 Industrial Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2V2
Tel: 867-668-2525
Contact: Paul Lanthier
11007 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 6P3
Tel: 250-261-5517
Email: ALSFJClientServices@alsglobal.com | www.alsglobal.com
Services & Supplies Bi Pure Water (Canada) Inc.
2, 9790 190 Street, Surrey V4N 3M9
Tel: 604-882-6650 | Fax: 604-882-6659
BNAC Environmental Solutions Inc.
Contact: Chris Richardson
212 552A Clarke Road, Coquitlam V3J 0A3
Tel: 877-566-2622
Email: info@bnac.ca | www.bnac.ca
Canadian Dewatering LP
2150 Steel Road, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-2972
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
19577 94 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4E6
Tel: 604-888-0042
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Distribution Now
Contact: Trent Schell
696 Cree Road, Kamloops V2H 1G7
Tel: 250-372-5650 | Fax: 250-372-9101
Email: trent.schell@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Distribution Now
Contact: John Sastaunik
11824 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 4H9
Tel: 250-785-5677 | Fax: 250-785-7607
Email: John.Sastaunik@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Forest Technology Systems - FTS Inc.
Contact: Chris Lindsay
1065 Henry Eng Place, Victoria V9B 6B2
Tel: 800-548-4264 | Fax: 800-905-7004
Email: sales@ftsinc.com | www.ftsinc.com
GRIP - Global Resources for Industrial Projects Inc.
Contact: Doug Ballard 1686 57A Street, Delta V4L 1X8
Tel: 604-889-1855 | Fax: 866-695-9655
Email: info@grip4equipment.ca | www.grip4equipment.ca
NATS Nursery Ltd.
Contact: Ron Jacobson 24555 32 Avenue, Langley V2Z 2J5
Tel: 604-530-9300 | Fax: 604-530-9500
Email: ron@natsnursery.com | www.natsnursery .com
Omega Environmental Drilling Ltd.
101 12835 Lilley Drive, Maple Ridge V2W 0G1
Tel: 604-459-4567 | Fax: 604-459-5477
Email: office@omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca | www.omegaenvironmentaldrilling.ca
United Initiators Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dave Willis
2147 P.G. Pulpmill Road, PO Box 2366, Prince George V2N 2S6
Tel: 250-561-4200
Email: MLPRGCustomerService@united-in.com | www.united-initiators.com
QSP Packers, LLC
Contact: Mark Hartley / Ron Roland PO Box 1544, Sumner, WA 98390
Tel: 253-770-0315 | Fax: 253-770-0327
Email: info@qsppackers.com | www.qsppackers.com
Contact: Krista Klose
PO Box 1743, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-5756
Email: krista@advancedmillwrightservices.com | www.advancedmillwrightservices. com
A.L. Sims & Son Ltd.
Contact: John Irving
7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9011 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@alsims.ca | www.alsims.ca
Applied Industrial Technologies
Contact: Mike Ryeo
1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-562-1114 | Fax: 250-562-1761
Email: 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
205-B Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7038 | Fax: 250-992-3727
Email: 4105@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
871 S. MacKenzie Avenue, Williams Lake V2G 3X8
Tel: 250-392-2388 | Fax: 250-392-5322
Email: 4106@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Benchmark Automotive Services Inc.
Contact: Chris Desrochers
3532 Massey Drive, Prince George V2N 2M4
Tel: 250-564-5000 | Fax: 250-564-3045
Email: info@benchmarkpg.ca | www.benchmarkpg.ca
Bid Group Construction
Contact: Leif Norrgard 101, 1323 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L6
Tel: 250-561-0140 | Fax: 250-649-1880
Email: parts@bidgroup.ca | www.bidgroup.ca
Services & Supplies Canadian Dewatering LP
2150 Steel Road, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-2972
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
19577 94 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4E6
Tel: 604-888-0042
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Cariboo Chrome & Hydraulics Ltd.
Contact: Jamie Yorston
1685 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1W7
Tel: 250-562-0166 | Fax: 250-562-3855
Email: jamieyorston@cariboochrome.com | www.cariboochrome.com
CAT Rental Store
8712 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6V3
Tel: (800) RENT-CAT (736-8228) www.catrentalstore.com
CAT Rental Store
1140 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: (800) RENT-CAT (736-8228) www.catrentalstore.com
Falcon Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Joel Gibson 18412 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 3P8
Tel: 604-888-5066
Email: jgibson@falconequip.com | www.falconequip.com
Finning Canada
8712 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6V3
Tel: 250-787-7761
Finning Canada
1500 Highway 16 West, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 250-845-2213
Finning Canada
1100 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-563-0331
Finning Canada
Contact: Mike Pedde
1569, 6735 11 Street NE, Calgary T2E 8S5
Tel: 403-275-3340
Email: mpedde@finning.com | www.finning.com
Fort Machine Works (1986) Ltd.
Contact: Don Derksen/Jeff Davis
1180 Tachie Road, PO Box 1389, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8231 | Fax: 250-996-2298
Email: info@fortmachine.com | www.fortmachine.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Russell
8023 Webster Road, Delta V4G 1E4
Tel: 604-940-1627 | Fax: 604-940-1046
Email: brianr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: David Russell 7775 Edgar Industrial Way, Red Deer T4P 3R2
Tel: 403-340-8856 | Fax: 403-340-0213
Email: davidr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Strom 5426a Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 778-764-0233
Email: brians@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
IFS Equipment Ltd. (Innovative Foundation Solutions)
Contact: Jason Linley
10468 269 Road, Fort St. John V1J 4M7
Tel: 250-263-4555
Email: jdl@ifsequip.com | www.ifsequip.com
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Dan Soicher
3671 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2
Tel: 236-300-8514 | Fax: 250-635-5122
Email: dsoicher@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Jaret Pieper
10611 Finning Frontage, PO Box 6340, Fort St. John V1J 4H8
Tel: 250-999-3708 | Fax: 250-785-4303
Email: jpieper@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Glen Kelly
7337 Boundary Avenue, Prince George V2N 6C9
Tel: 236-601-1571 | Fax: 250-562-2914
Email: gkelly@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
K2 Electric Ltd.
Contact: Conner Greenlees
9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 250-564-7885 | Fax: 250-564-7875
Email: info@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com
Services & Supplies KAL TIRE
Contact: Tom Campbell
1160 Mill Road, P.O. Box 686, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-6521 | Fax: 250-997-4508
Email: tom_campbell@kaltire.com | www.kaltire.com
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
2180 Robertson Road, Prince George V2N 1X6
Tel: 250-612-0010 | Fax: 250-612-0033
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
4516 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J8
Tel: 250-635-4321 | Fax: 250-635-4322
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Meerholz Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dan Dubrule
2108 Quinn Street South, Prince George V2N 1X5
Tel: 250-562-2788 | Fax: 250-562-2782
Email: dan@meerholz.ca | www.meerholz.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894 www.motioncanada.ca
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Fort St. John
Contact: Mike Moroun
12623 Charlie Lake Frontage Road, Fort St. John V1J 2B0
Tel: 250-785-4223 | Fax: 250-785-4237
Email: mmouron@nors.com | https://construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Prince George
Contact: Lyle Dukacz
7411 Riggs Crescent, Prince George V2N 0H1
Tel: 250-612-0255 | Fax: 250-612-0299
Email: ldukacz@nors.com | https://construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Terrace
Contact: Dale Weber
3830 Sharples Road, Terrace V8G 5P8
Tel: 250-635-9033 | Fax: 250-635-0978
Email: rwatson@nors.com | https://construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Williams Lake
Contact: Cam Cochran
4700 Collier Place, Williams Lake V0G 5E9
Tel: 250-392-9599
Email: ccochran@nors.com | https://construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Vernon
Contact: Dean Lowry
123 L & A Cross Road, Vernon V1B 3S1
Tel: 250-549-4232
Email: dlowry@nors.com | https://construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Northern Steel Ltd.
Contact: Nav Marwaha
9588 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 250-561-1121
Email: nmarwaha@northernsteelltd.com | www.northernsteelltd.com
Services & Supplies Northland Automotive & Industrial Wholesale Ltd.
Contact: Tim Dunkley
335 Stuart Drive West, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8281
Email: northlandcounter@telus.net
Ouellette Brothers Building Supplies
Contact: Jonathan Ouellette
2880 Lot 33, Highway 27 North, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-7457 | Fax: 250-996-7157
Email: jonathan@ouellettbros.com | www.ouellettebros.com
P. G. Rental Centre Ltd.
Contact: Rob Kershaw
1669 South Lyon Street, Prince George V2N 1T3
Tel: 250-562-2626 | Fax: 250-562-3199
Email: rentals@pgrentalcentre.com | www.pgrentalcentre.com
SMS Equipment Inc.
8911 Northern Lights Drive, Fort St. John V1J 0B4
Tel: 250-785-8161
SMS Equipment Inc.
1063 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-564-8841
United Rentals Inc.
Contact: Tim Kish
2073 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Z1
Tel: 250-564-3111 | Fax: 250-564-6232
Email: kisht@ur.com | www.ur.com
Victory Ace Building Centre
Contact: Sylvain & Marilyne Laferriere
200 Mackenzie Boulevard, PO Box 2605, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-3003 | Fax: 250-997-4450
Email: sales.victorybc@gmail.com | www.ace-canada.ca
Westpro Machinery Inc.
202, 3317 30 Avenue, Vernon V1T 2C9
Tel: 250-549-6710
Email: sales@westpromachinery.com | www.westpromachinery.com
Contact: Shaeesta Meade
B100 5350 272 Street, Langley V4W 1S3
Tel: 604-381-3741 | Fax: 604-381-3842
Email: sales@airplusindustrial.ca | www.airplusindustrial.ca
Contact: Fiona Famulak
705 750 West Pender Street, Vancouver V6C 2T8
Tel: 604-683-0700
Email: bccc@bcchamber.org | www.bcchamber.org
Burns Lake & District Chamber of Commerce
258 Highway 16 West, PO Box 339, Burns Lake V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-3773
Email: manager@burnslakechamber.com | www.burnslakechamber.com
Chetwynd Chamber of Commerce 5121 47 Avenue, PO Box 870, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-3345
Email: manager@chetwyndchamber.ca | www.chetwyndchamber.ca
Community Futures Fraser Fort George
Contact: Susan Stearns
1566 7 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3P4
Tel: 250-562-9622
Email: general@cfdc.bc.ca | www.cfdc.bc.ca
Dawson Creek & District Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Duncan Malkinson 9, 904 102 Avenue, Dawson Creek V1G 2B7
Tel: 250-782-4868
Email: info@dawsoncreekchamber.ca | www.dawsoncreekchamber.ca
Export Navigator - Small Business BC
Contact: Tim Thomas 550, 555 West 12 Avenue, Vancouver V5Z 3X7
Tel: 604-775-5525 | Fax: 604-775-5520
Email: askus@smallbusinessbc.ca | www.smallbusinessbc.ca
Northern Development Initiative Trust
Contact: Joel McKay 301, 1268 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L2
Tel: 250-561-2525 | Fax: 250-561-2563
Email: info@northerndevelopment.bc.ca | www.northerndevelopment.bc.ca
Prince George Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Quynlan Young
102 1584 7 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3P4
Tel: 250-562-2454
Email: admin@pgchamber.bc.ca | www.pgchamber.bc.ca
Prince Rupert Economic Development Corporation
Contact: Paul Vendittelli
424 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1L7
Tel: 250-627-5138
Email: paul.vendittelli@princerupert.ca | www.princerupert.ecdev.org
Services & Supplies Prince Rupert & District Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Daphne Thomson
100 515 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1L9
Tel: 250-624-2296
Email: janet@princerupertchamber.ca | www.princerupertchamber.ca
Quesnel & District Chamber of Commerce
Contact: Kathy Sommerville
335 E Vaughan Street, Quesnel V2J 2T1
Tel: 250-992-7262
Email: qchamber@quesnelbc.com | www.quesnelchamber.com
Contact: Currie Dixon
33 Levich Drive, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0A8
Tel: 867-668-6096
Email: administration@alx.ca | www.alx.ca
Apex Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Bill Wookey / Bill McIntyre Box 477, 6118 Harvard Way, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4300
Email: info@apexdrill.com | www.apexdrill.com
Driftwood Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Goodson
PO Box 2650, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-2710
Email: info@driftwooddrilling.com | www.driftwooddrilling.com
Eagle Bay Resources Corp.
Contact: Steve Mynott
1450 789 West Pender Street, Vancouver V6C 1H2
Tel: 604-910-2607
Email: info@eaglebayresources.com | info@eaglebayresources.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jennifer Burry 106 Dickens Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-873-2081
Email: info@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Cory Skender 4325 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-922-5258
Email: clientservices@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone
628 Upper Bench Road North, Penticton V2A 8V2
Tel: 250-462-0076
Email: jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone
5 Lorne Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S7
Tel: 867-393-2523
Email: jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca
P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
Contact: Hankin Asp
3470 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-615-6009
Email: info@pnrexploration.com | www.pnrexploration.com
Smithers Exploration Group
Contact: Christine Ogryzlo
101 3423 Fulton Avenue, PO Box 3196, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-7883
Email: info@smithersexplorationgroup.com | www.smithersexplorationgroup.com
Contact: Thomas Kung
10207 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3Y8
Tel: 250-785-8356 | Fax: 250-787-0314
Email: thomas.kung@bmo.com | www.bmo.com
BC Securities Commission
Contact: Victoria Yehl
701 West Georgia Street, PO Box 10142, Pacific Centre, Vancouver V7Y 1L2
Tel: 604-889-6854 | Fax: 604-889-6506
Email: inquiries@bcsc.bc.ca | www.bcsc.bc.ca
CBIG - Canadian Benefits Investments & Insurance Group Inc.
492 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2J7
Tel: 250-564-7484 | Fax: 250-564-7490
Email: info@cbiggroup.ca | www.cbiggroup.ca
DMC Chartered Professional Accountants Inc.
696 Brunswick Street, Prince George V2L 2C1
Tel: 250-564-2660
Email: reception@dmca.bc.ca | www.dmca.bc.ca
Dynamic Capital Equipment Finance
Contact: Erik Benson
310 Vancouver Street, Prince George V2L 2N9
Tel: 888-626-3002 | Fax: 877-521-9273
Services & Supplies Edward Jones
Contact: Robert Hlina
130 3034 Recplace Drive, Prince George V2N 0G2
Tel: 250-964-2353 | Fax: 877-384-9267
Email: bob.hlina@edwardjones.com | www.edwardjones.com
Integris Credit Union
1532 6 Avenue , Prince George V2L 5B5
Tel: 250-612-3456 | Fax: 250-612-3451
Email: welcome@integriscu.ca | www.integriscu.ca
Interior Savings Credit Union
Contact: Kelly Zammit
879 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2K7
Tel: 250-562-5415 | Fax: 250-564-9977
Email: kzammit@sprucecu.bc.ca | www.sprucecu.bc.ca
TD Bank of Canada
400 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2J7
Tel: 250-614-2950
TD Bank of Canada
10155 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3Y6
Tel: 250-262-5000
Contact: Shaeesta Meade
B100 5350 272 Street, Langley V4W 1S3
Tel: 604-381-3741 | Fax: 604-381-3842
Email: sales@airplusindustrial.ca | www.airplusindustrial.ca
A.S. Roach Fire Services
Contact: Albert Roach
26 53106 Range Road 14, Parkland County, Alberta T7Y 2T3
Tel: 780-719-9584 | Fax: 780-963-9722
Email: albert@asroachfire.com | www.asroachfire.com
Blue Collar Group
Contact: Rita Rief
255 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-9709 | Fax: 866-230-8907
Email: r.rief@shaw.ca | www.bluecollargroup.ca
Canadian Dewatering LP
2150 Steel Road, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-2972
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
19577 94 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4E6
Tel: 604-888-0042
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Everguard Fire and Safety
2083 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1X2
Tel: 888-563-1799
Email: princegeorge@everguardfiresafety.com | www.everguarfiresafety.com
FMDC Watermist Canada Ltd.
Contact: Gord Miller
108, 9295 198 Street, Langley V0R 1L4
Tel: 888-508-4419
Email: info@fogmakercanada.ca | www.fogmakercanada.ca
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jennifer Burry
106 Dickens Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-873-2081
Email: info@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Cory Skender
4325 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-922-5258
Email: clientservices@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Contact: Amber White
3302 Highway 16, PO Box 667, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-3313 | Fax: 250-847-3906
Email: amber_white@bvwholesale.ca | www.bulkleyvalleywholesale.com
Four Rivers Co-Operative (Vanderhoof & Districts)
Contact: Allan Bieganski
188 East Stewart Street, PO Box 560, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-4414 | Fax: 250-567-4355
Email: mainoffice@fourrivers.crs | www.fourriversco-op.crs/sites/fourrivers
GENERAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES AAA Safety and Field Services Ltd.
Contact: Blair Scott Unit A, 10219 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1A9
Tel: 250-262-3002 | Fax: 250-262-3007
Email: blair.scott@aaasafety.ca | www.aaasafety.ca
Services & Supplies ALX Exploration Services
Contact: Currie Dixon
33 Levich Drive, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0A8
Tel: 867-668-6096
Email: administration@alx.ca | www.alx.ca
Four Rivers Co-Operative (Vanderhoof & Districts)
Contact: Allan Bieganski
188 East Stewart Street, PO Box 560, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-4414 | Fax: 250-567-4355
Email: mainoffice@fourrivers.crs | www.fourriversco-op.crs/sites/fourrivers
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Petra Conniff
1505 River Street, Kamloops V2C 1Z2
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Jerry Ward
8910 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3X1
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
Grainger Inc.
724 Commercial Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2H4
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
IRL Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Steve Mayoh
610 Richard Road, Prince George V2K 4L3
Tel: 250-562-2185 | Fax: 250-562-2911
Email: inquiries@irlsupplies.com | www.irlsupplies.com
Lenmark Industries
27576 51a Avenue, Langley V4W 4A9
Tel: 604-449-1880
Email: sales@lenmark.com | www.lenmark.com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Blair Scott
10407 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-785-6655 | Fax: 250-785-9432
Email: blair.scott@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Scott Zacharuk
5240 Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 250-562-7000
Email: scott.zacharuk@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie
202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
Pro-Vent Grease - Kitchen Hood & Vent Cleaning
Contact: Murray Gardy
2131 Upland Street, Prince George V2L 2V8
Tel: 250-961-2945
Email: gardy@telus.net | www.proventgrease.com
Robertson Manufacturing Ltd.
Contact: Kier Robertson
799 Athabasca Street East, Kamloops V2H 1C7
Tel: 888-578-2673
Email: rml@coreboxes.com | www.coreboxes.com
Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc.
Contact: Jay Kryklywyj 1722 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 250-564-6316 | Fax: 250-564-0283
Email: jkryklywyj@vanhoutte.com | www.vhcoffeeservices.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials) 20121 100A Avenue, Langley V1M 3X6
Tel: 604-888-3457 www.whitecapsupply.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
Contact: Paul Bryant
1706 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 250-564-1288 | Fax: 250-563-7333
Email: paul.bryant@whitecap.com | www.whitecapsupply.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials) 822 McCurdy Place, Kelowna V1X 8C8
Tel: 250-765-9000 www.whitecapsupply.com
GENERATORS Canadian Dewatering LP
2150 Steel Road, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-2972
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
19577 94 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4E6
Tel: 604-888-0042
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Services & Supplies K2 Electric Ltd.
Contact: Conner Greenlees
9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 250-564-7885 | Fax: 250-564-7875
Email: info@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
2180 Robertson Road, Prince George V2N 1X6
Tel: 250-612-0010 | Fax: 250-612-0033
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
4516 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J8
Tel: 250-635-4321 | Fax: 250-635-4322
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Contact: Kerry Lalonde
410 475 West Georgia Street, Vancouver V6B 4M9
Tel: 604-331-2512
Email: sales@tre-altamira.com | www.tre-altamira.com
Contact: Kevin Wilson
140 Stuart Drive West, PO Box 1270, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-2151 | Fax: 250-996-2186
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Ben McFarlane 1315 Noranda Road East, Prince George V2K 5R6
Tel: 250-960-1155 | Fax: 250-960-1144
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Scott Fraser
9607 112 Street, Fort St. John V1J 7C7
Tel: 250-787-6009 | Fax: 250-787-6083
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Dias Ground and Airborne Geophysical
Contact: Vasco Nunes
2131 Airport Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7L 7E1
Tel: 306-700-6442
Email: sales@diasgeo.com | www.diasgeo.com
Dias Ground and Airborne Geophysical
Contact: Vasco Nunes
888 609 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6B 4W4
Tel: 604-334-6417
Email: sales@diasgeo.com | www.diasgeo.com
Driftwood Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Goodson
PO Box 2650, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-2710
Email: info@driftwooddrilling.com | www.driftwooddrilling.com
Contact: Geoff Hobbs
PO Box 2772, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
Tel: 867-678-0389
Email: geoff.hobbs@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
Suite A, 1415 Hankin Avenue, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-342-9767
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
10716 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Z3
Tel: 250-787-0300
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jennifer Burry
106 Dickens Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-873-2081
Email: info@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Cory Skender
4325 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-922-5258
Email: clientservices@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
LHI Tutl’it Services Inc.
Contact: George Lacerte
2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-562-0486 | Fax: 250-562-0227
Email: info@lhi-services.ca | www.lhi-services.ca
8808 Northern Lights Drive, Fort St. John V1J 6M2
Tel: 250-787-0356 | Fax: 250-787-0310
Email: fortstjohn@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
Services & Supplies McElhanney
322 323 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-3200 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: kitimat@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
12 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-561-2229 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princegeorge@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
729 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-4281 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princerupert@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
1 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace V8G 4S8
Tel: 250-635-7163 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: terrace@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
200 858 Beatty Street, Vancouver V6B 1C1
Tel: 604-683-8521 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: vancouver@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
3907 4 Avenue, PO Box 787, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4040 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: smithers@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
Pacific Geomatics Ltd.
Contact: Matt Tomlins
132 328 Wale Road, Victoria V9B 0J8
Tel: 604-372-3300
Email: info@pacgeo.com | www.pacgeo.com
Silverwood Natural Resource Consultants
Contact: Paul Hanna
210 4644 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1S6
Tel: 250-635-0766
Email: mail@silverwoodconsulting.ca | www.silverwoodconsulting.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
301 1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River V9W 5P7
Tel: 250-287-2246 | Fax: 250-287-2247
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
931 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 778-763-0999
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
10927 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V21J 6P3
Tel: 778-844-0634
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Contact: Kerry Lalonde
410 475 West Georgia Street, Vancouver V6B 4M9
Tel: 604-331-2512
Email: sales@tre-altamira.com | www.tre-altamira.com
Contact: Angus English
1000 840 Howe Street, Vancouver V6Z 2M1
Tel: 604-685-9381
Email: VancouverOfficeServices@wsp.com | www.wsp.com
312 450 City Center, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-2387 www.wsp.com
780 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C5
Tel: 250-561-2603 www.wsp.com
1, 3772 4 Avenue, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-1913 www.wsp.com
205 133 Industrial Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2V2
Tel: 867-668-2525 www.wsp.com
Contact: Kevin Goodson
PO Box 2650, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-2710
Email: info@driftwooddrilling.com | www.driftwooddrilling.com
Foraco Canada Ltd.
Contact: George Cooper
2007 West Trans Canada Highway, Kamloops V1S 1A7
Tel: 250-374-3366 | Fax: 250-374-9212
Email: kamloops@foraco.com | www.foraco.com
Services & Supplies Foraco Canada Ltd.
139 Enterprise Drive, PO Box 280, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N2
Tel: 867-873-2533
Email: north-america@foraco.com | www.foraco.com
GeoNorth Engineering Ltd.
Contact: Dave McDougall
3975 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B2
Tel: 250-564-4304 | Fax: 250-564-9323
Email: mail@geonorth.ca | www.geonorth.ca
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone
628 Upper Bench Road North, Penticton V2A 8V2
Tel: 250-462-0076
Email: jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca
Hardrock Diamond Drilling Ltd.
Contact: Jordan Iannone
5 Lorne Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5S7
Tel: 250-462-0076
Email: jordan@hardrockdrilling.ca | www.hardrockdrilling.ca
Contact: Kerry Lalonde
410 475 West Georgia Street, Vancouver V6B 4M9
Tel: 604-331-2512
Email: sales@tre-altamira.com | www.tre-altamira.com
Contact: Gerrod Downey
403 Columbia Street, New Westminster V3L 1A9
Tel: 778-819-6204
Email: info@crownsmen.com | www.crownsmen.com
Prince George Citizen
505 4 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3H2
Tel: 250-562-2441
Email: news@pgcitizen.ca | www.pgcitizen.ca
Contact: George Cummings 1287 Boundary Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-561-2911
Email: gcummings@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Lisa Marshall
Mile 2 1/2 Alaska Highway, PO Box 545, Dawson Creek V1G 4H4
Tel: 250-782-8335
Email: lisa.marshall@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
2150 Steel Road, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-2972
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
19577 94 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4E6
Tel: 604-888-0042
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Quality Chain Canada - QCCanada
Contact: Scott Symmes 1, 2133 191 Street, Surrey V3Z 3M3
Tel: 888-507-9734 | Fax: 888-507-9724
Email: sales@qccanada.com | www.qccanada.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials) 20121 100A Avenue, Langley V1M 3X6
Tel: 604-888-3457 www.whitecapsupply.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
Contact: Paul Bryant 1706 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 250-564-1288 | Fax: 250-563-7333
Email: paul.bryant@whitecap.com | www.whitecapsupply.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials) 822 McCurdy Place, Kelowna V1X 8C8
Tel: 250-765-9000 www.whitecapsupply.com
HEATING & COOLING (HVAC) Allrite Heating & Ventilation Ltd.
Contact: John Worswick 869 5th Avenue, Prince George V2L 3K5
Tel: 250-612-3912 | Fax: 250-612-0094
Email: john@allriteheating.com | www.allriteheating.com
Andrew Sheret Limited
Contact: Dennis Lalonde 1995 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X2
Tel: 250-561-2444 | Fax: 250-561-2488
Email: m4rk3ting@sheret.com | www.sheret.com
Services & Supplies Andrew Sheret Limited
Contact: Jason Stuart
4650 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 4K1
Tel: 250-638-8840 | Fax: 250-638-8845
Email: m4rk3ting@sheret.com | www.sheret.com
CC Industries Ltd.
Contact: Lee Carter
2229 Knell Road East, Prince George V2K 4A8
Tel: 800-663-6986
Email: info@ccindustries.net | www.ccindustries.net
Drax Group (formerly Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc.)
8545 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 6Z9
Tel: 250-562-5562
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
2180 Robertson Road, Prince George V2N 1X6
Tel: 250-612-0010 | Fax: 250-612-0033
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
4516 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J8
Tel: 250-635-4321 | Fax: 250-635-4322
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Mayfair Gas, Plumbing and Electrical Inc.
Contact: Brett Kehler
8545 Willowcale Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-562-8590
Email: info@mayfairinc.com | www.mayfairinc.com
Nu-Tech Systems Ltd.
Contact: Will Puckering 12200 1 Avenue, Richmond V7E 3M2
Tel: 604-271-9222
Email: info@nu-techsystems.com | www.nu-techsystems.com
Contact: Jerry Van Halderen
1891 Campbell Crescent, Quesnel V2J 5Z8
Tel: 833-777-7973
Email: info@allwestcrane.com | www.allwestcrane.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
Contact: Mike Ryeo
1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-562-1114 | Fax: 250-562-1761
Email: 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
205-B Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7038 | Fax: 250-992-3727
Email: 4105@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
871 S. MacKenzie Avenue, Williams Lake V2G 3X8
Tel: 250-392-2388 | Fax: 250-392-5322
Email: 4106@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Falcon Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Joel Gibson
18412 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 3P8
Tel: 604-888-5066
Email: jgibson@falconequip.com | www.falconequip.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Russell
8023 Webster Road, Delta V4G 1E4
Tel: 604-940-1627 | Fax: 604-940-1046
Email: brianr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: David Russell 7775 Edgar Industrial Way, Red Deer T4P 3R2
Tel: 403-340-8856 | Fax: 403-340-0213
Email: davidr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Strom 5426a Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5 Tel: 778-764-0233
Email: brians@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Meerholz Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dan Dubrule
2108 Quinn Street South, Prince George V2N 1X5
Tel: 250-562-2788 | Fax: 250-562-2782
Email: dan@meerholz.ca | www.meerholz.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244 www.motioncanada.ca
Services & Supplies Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894
Quality Chain Canada - QCCanada
Contact: Scott Symmes
1, 2133 191 Street, Surrey V3Z 3M3
Tel: 888-507-9734 | Fax: 888-507-9724
Email: sales@qccanada.com | www.qccanada.com
SEW - Eurodrive Company of Canada Ltd.
Contact: Mike Savage
7188 Honeyman Street, Delta V4G 1G1
Tel: 604-946-5535 | Fax: 604-946-2513
Email: m.savage@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sew-eurodrive.ca
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
9157 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4
Tel: 250-561-1501 | Fax: 250-561-1601
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
3545 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2
Tel: 250-635-6802 | Fax: 250-635-6881
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
9608 81 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 6R4
Tel: 250-263-0082 | Fax: 250-263-0081
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com
Contact: Lisa Bowd
3984 Highway 16 West, PO Box 3418, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4226
Email: caprismithers@gmail.com | www.caprimotorinnsmithers.ca
Finger Lake Wilderness Resort (remote crew accommodation)
Contact: Jason Madsen
400 Gold Road, PO Box 1619, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 778-785-1114
Email: info@fingerlakeresort.com | www.fingerlakeresort.com
Prestige Hotels & Resorts - Okanagan Valley
1675 Abbott Street, Kelowna V1Y 8S3
Tel: 250-860-7900 | Fax: 250-860-7997
Email: kelowna@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com
Services & Supplies Prestige Hotels & Resorts - Hudson Bay Lodge
3251 East Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4581 | Fax: 250-847-4878
Email: smithers@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com
Prestige Hotels & Resorts Treasure Cove Resort
2005 Highway 97 S., Prince George V2N 7A3
Tel: 250-614-9111 | Fax: 250-614-9101
Email: princegeorge@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com
Prestige Hotels & Resorts - Prince Rupert
118 6 Street, Prince Rupert V8J 3L7
Tel: 250-624-6711 | Fax: 250-624-3288
Email: princerupert@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com
Ramada Plaza Hotel - Prince George
Contact: Tiffany Cranmer
444 George Street, Prince George V2L 1R6
Tel: 250-563-0055 | Fax: 250-563-6042
Email: reservations@ramadaprincegeorge.com | www.ramadaprincegeorge.com
Sandman Hotel & Suites Prince George
Contact: Debie Hemich
1650 Central Street, Prince George V2M 3C2
Tel: 250-563-8131 | Fax: 250-563-8613
Email: dos_bcnorth@sandman.ca | www.sandmanhotels.com
Sandman Signature Hotel Prince George
Contact: Karla Dizon
2990 Rec Place Drive, Prince George V2N 0B2
Tel: 250-645-7263 | Fax: 250-645-2150
Email: Sales_signaturepg@sandman.ca | www.sandmanhotels.com
UNIGLOBE Sunburst Travel Ltd.
Contact: Tina Perison
177 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 5R8
Tel: 250-562-5444
Email: tina@uniglobepg.com | www.uniglobesunbursttravel.com
HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS & ACCESSORIES Applied Industrial Technologies
Contact: Mike Ryeo
1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-562-1114 | Fax: 250-562-1761
Email: 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
205-B Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7038 | Fax: 250-992-3727
Email: 4105@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
871 S. MacKenzie Avenue, Williams Lake V2G 3X8
Tel: 250-392-2388 | Fax: 250-392-5322
Email: 4106@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Cariboo Chrome & Hydraulics Ltd.
Contact: Jamie Yorston
1685 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1W7
Tel: 250-562-0166 | Fax: 250-562-3855
Email: jamieyorston@cariboochrome.com | www.cariboochrome.com
Corestock Industrial Supply Ltd.
Contact: Darcy Buryn
229 Ongman Road, Prince George V2K 4K9
Tel: 877-564-3001 | Fax: 250-564-3020
Email: sales@corestock.ca | www.corestock.ca
Falcon Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Joel Gibson
18412 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 3P8
Tel: 604-888-5066
Email: jgibson@falconequip.com | www.falconequip.com
Fort Machine Works (1986) Ltd.
Contact: Don Derksen/Jeff Davis
1180 Tachie Road, PO Box 1389, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8231 | Fax: 250-996-2298
Email: info@fortmachine.com | www.fortmachine.com
Services & Supplies Grizzly Supplies Canada
Contact: Curtis Yeats
19269 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4C4
Tel: 604-888-7311 | Fax: 855-505-0140
Hypower Systems (div of Applied Industrial Technologies Ltd.)
Contact: Mike Ryeo
1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-562-1114 | Fax: 250-562-1761
Email: 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Lenmark Industries
27576 51a Avenue, Langley V4W 4A9
Tel: 604-449-1880
Email: sales@lenmark.com | www.lenmark.com
Mackenzie Hose & Fittings
Contact: Kevin Neary
1250 Frontage Road, PO Box 1900, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-5757 | Fax: 250-997-6888
Email: admin@mackhose.ca | www.mackhose.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894
Northern Metalic
Contact: Greg Campbell
9708 108 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4E2
Tel: 888-539-9555
Email: GRA@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Contact: Jack Fasoli
220 Lafleaur Ave, La Salle, QC H8R 4C9
Tel: 438-828-1637
Email: jack.fasoli@totalenergies.com | www.totalenergies.ca
Northland Automotive & Industrial Wholesale Ltd.
Contact: Tim Dunkley 335 Stuart Drive West, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8281 | Fax: 250-996-2200
Email: northlandcounter@telus.net
HYDROVAC EXCAVATION Badger Daylighting Inc.
Contact: Colin Oxenham 123, 34A 2755 Lougheed Highway, Port Coquitlam V3B 5Y9
Tel: 778-874-7015
Email: coxenham@badgerinc.com | www.badgerinc.com
Badger Daylighting Inc.
Contact: Colin Oxenham 9630 Sikanni Road, Fort St. John V1J 4V1
Tel: 250-785-2100
Email: coxenham@badgerinc.com | www.badgerinc.com
HR SERVICES, PROFESSIONALS & CONSULTANTS CBIG - Canadian Benefits Investments & Insurance Group Inc. 492 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2J7
Tel: 250-564-7484 | Fax: 250-564-7490
Email: info@cbiggroup.ca | www.cbiggroup.ca
Excel Personnel Inc.
Contact: Karen Watt 102, 1300 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y3
Tel: 250-596-3683 | Fax: 250-374-3854
Email: talent@excel.bc.ca | www.excel.bc.ca
Services & Supplies Excel Personnel Inc.
Contact: Karen Watt
600, 235 1 Avenue, Kamloops V2C 3J4
Tel: 250-374-3853 | Fax: 250-374-3854
Email: hr@excel.bc.ca | www.excel.bc.ca
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing Ltd.
Contact: Vanessa Visona
1652 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 1X3
Tel: 250-561-7277 (PASS) | Fax: 250-561-7297
Email: admin@iwct.ca | www.iwct.ca
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing Ltd.
Contact: Vanessa Visona
203, 4548 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1V4
Tel: 250-561-7277 (PASS) | Fax: 250-561-7297
Email: admin@iwct.ca | www.iwct.ca
National Emergency Safety Service (NESS)
Contact: Marie Grulichova
1218 Highway 16, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-945-5944
Email: ness@nationalemergency.ca | www.nationalemergency.ca
PIC Consulting
Contact: Fraser Deacon
152 Parker Drive, V2M 4S8
Tel: 250-640-4742
Email: fraserdeacon@gmail.com
Terrace & District Community Services Society (TDCSS)
Contact: Michael McFetridge 200 3219 Eby Street, Terrace V8G 4R3
Tel: 250-635-3178
Email: info@tdcss.ca | www.tdcss.ca
INDIGENOUS BUSINESS & GOVERNMENTS Arbios Biotech Chuntoh Ghuna biofuels plant
2533` Prince George Pulpmill Road, Prince George V2N 2K3
Tel: 250-661-5241
Email: info@arbiosbiotech.com | www.arbiosbiotech.com
Blueberry River First Nation
PO Box 3009, Buick V0C 2R0
Tel: 250-630-2800
Email: reception@blueberryfn.ca | www.blueberryfn.ca
Blue Collar Group
Contact: Rita Rief
255 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-9709 | Fax: 866-230-8907
Email: r.rief@shaw.ca | www.bluecollargroup.ca
CIF Construction Ltd.
Contact: Jack Fomenoff
PO Box 2159, Prince George V2N 2J6
Tel: 250-564-8174
Email: info@cifcon.com | www.cifcon.com
Classic Life Care - Home Care Prince George 1360 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3B5
Tel: 250-563-3501
Email: princegeorge@classiclifecare.com | www.classiclifecare.com
Deninu K’ue First Nation
PO Box 306, Fort Smith, NT X0E 0P0
Tel: 867-394-5413 | Fax: 867-394-5402
Email: admin@dkfn.ca | www.akaitcho.ca
Det’on Cho Management LP
PO Box 1287, 3rd Floor 901 Sikyea Tili, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N9
Tel: 867-873-6533 | Fax: 867-873-5308
Email: info@detoncho.com | www.detoncho.com
Doig River First Nation
PO Box 56, Rose Prairie V0C 2H0
Tel: 250-827-3776 | Fax: 250-827-3778
Duz Cho Construction LP
Contact: Jacob Albertson
4821 South Access Road, PO Box 28, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-3120 | Fax: 250-788-3188
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
Duz Cho Logging Ltd.
Contact: Chris Hayward
5360 Ritchie Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-4420 | Fax: 250-997-5430
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
4 Evergreen Resources LP
Contact: Myron Snyder
PO Box 1020, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-7916
Email: msnyder@4eg.ca | www.4eg.ca
Falcon Camp Services Inc.
Contact: Zane Pickering
8555 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 250-563-5609
Email: info@falconcampservices.com | www.falconcampservices.com
First Nations LNG Alliance c/o Haisla Nation
Contact: Karen Ogen
PO Box 1101, Haisla V0T 2B0
Tel: 604-329-8712
Email: communications@fnlngalliance.com | www.fnlngalliance.com
Services & Supplies Fort Nelson First Nation
Contact: Liz Logan
RR1, Mile 295 Alaska Highway, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-774-7257 | Fax: 250-774-7260
Frost Lake Logging Ltd.
Contact: Scott Kirschke
32 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-562-2487 | Fax: 250-562-8540
Email: info@frostlake.ca | www.frostlake.ca
Haisla Nation
Contact: Tony Brady, Director of Economic Development
500 Gitksan Avenue, Haisla V0T 2B0
Tel: 250-639-9361
Email: tbrady@haisla.ca | www.haisla.ca
Halfway River First Nation
PO Box 59, Wonowon V0C 2N0
Tel: 250-772-5058
Email: reception@hrfn.ca
K’atl’odeeche First Nation
Contact: Peter Redvers
PO Box 3060, Hay River, NT X0E 1G4
Tel: 867-874-6701 | Fax: 867-874-3229
Email: kfnceo@katlodeeche.com | www.katlodeeche.com
Lax Kw’alaams Business Development LP
Contact: Carl Sampson
100 1 Avenue East, Prince Rupert V8J 1A6
Tel: 250-627-5733 | Fax: 250-627-5933
Email: carl.sampson@laxbdl.com | www.laxbdl.com
Lheidli T’enneh First Nation
Contact: Joe Gosnell
1041 Whenun Road, Prince George V2K 5X8
Tel: 250-963-8451 | Fax: 250-963-6954
Email: executivedirector@lheidli.ca | www.lheidli.ca
LHI Tutl’it Services Inc.
Contact: George Lacerte 2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-562-0486 | Fax: 250-562-0227
Email: info@lhi-services.ca | www.lhi-services.ca
Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation
PO Box 28, Lutsel K’e, NT X0E 1A0
Tel: 867-370-7004
Email: sao.lkdfn@gmail.com | www.lkdfn.com
Nahanni Construction Ltd.
100 Nahanni Drive, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P6
Tel: 867-873-2975 | Fax: 867-873-9620
Email: corporate@nahannincl.com | www.nahannincl.com
Nisga Lisims Nation
PO Box 231, 2000 Lisims Drive, Gitlaxt’aamiks V0J 1A0
Tel: 250-633-3000 | Fax: 250-633-2367
Email: info@nisgaa.net | www.nisgaanation.ca
North Slave Metis Alliance
32 Melville Drive, PO Box 2301, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P7
Tel: 867-873-NSMA (6762) | Fax: 867-669-7442
Email: general@nsma.net | www.nsma.net
Northwest Territory Metis Nation
25 Camsell Street, PO Box 720, Fort Smith, NT X0E 0P0
Tel: 867-872-2770 | Fax: 867-872-8772
Email: info@nwtmetis.ca | www.nwtmetisnation.ca
P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
Contact: Hankin Asp 3470 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-615-6009
Email: info@pnrexploration.com | www.pnrexploration.com
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie 202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
Prophet River First Nation
PO Box 3250, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-773-6555 | Fax: 250-773-6556
Ruskin-Kitamaat Limited Partnership
2011 P.G Pulpmill Road, PO Box 1050, Prince George V2L 4V2
Tel: 250-563-2800 | Fax: 250-563-6788
Email: bmoore@rcl.bz | www.ruskinconstruction.com
Saulteau First Nation
Contact: Caitlin Vince PO Box 1020, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-3955 | Fax: 250-788-7261
Email: communications@saulteau.com | www.saulteau.com
Saulteau Ruskin Construction Services JV
2011 P.G Pulpmill Road, PO Box 1050, Prince George V2L 4V2
Tel: 250-563-2800 | Fax: 250-563-6788
Email: bmoore@rcl.bz | www.ruskinconstruction.com
Services & Supplies Silverwood Natural Resource Consultants
Contact: Paul Hanna
210 4644 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1S6
Tel: 250-635-0766
Email: mail@silverwoodconsulting.ca | www.silverwoodconsulting.ca
Squamish Nation
PO Box 86131, North Vancouver V7L 4J5
Tel: 604-980-4553 | Fax: 604-980-4523
Email: communications@squamish.net | www.squamish.net
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
301 1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River V9W 5P7
Tel: 250-287-2246 | Fax: 250-287-2247
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
931 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 778-763-0999
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
10927 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V21J 6P3
Tel: 778-844-0634
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Tahltech Drilling Services Ltd.
Contact: Brant Jackson
5052 Hartway Drive, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-9041 | Fax: 250-962-9048
Email: info@geotechdrilling.com | www.geotechdrilling.com
Tahltan Nation Development Corporation (TNDC)
PO Box 250, IR 9, Dease Lake V0C 1L0
Tel: 250-771-5482 | Fax: 250-771-5454
Email: communications@tndc.ca | www.tndc.ca
Tlicho Investment Corporation & Group of Companies
Contact: Mark Brajer
PO Box 1567, Bay 25, 100 Borden Drive, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P2
Tel: 867-766-4909 | Fax: 867-766-4919
Email: mbrajer@tlichoic.com | www.tlichoic.com
Tlicho Government
PO Box 412, Behcoko, NT X0E 0Y0
Tel: 867-392-6381 | Fax: 867-392-6389
Email: info@tlicho.ca | www.tlicho.ca
Treaty 8 Tribal Association
10233 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Y8
Tel: 250-785-0612 | Fax: 250-785-2021
Email: reception@treaty8.bc.ca | www.treaty8.bc.ca
West Moberly First Nation
PO Box 90, Moberly Lake V0C 1X0
Tel: 250-788-3663 | Fax: 250-788-9792
West Moberly – DWB LP Corporate Alliance
Contact: Jeff Beale
8130 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1W5
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: jbeale@dwbconsulting.ca / fsjoffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
West Moberly – DWB LP Corporate Alliance
Contact: Jeff Beale
7610 Crying Man Lane, Moberly Lake V0C 1X0
Tel: 250-785-1570
Email: management@wmfnbusiness.com | www.wmfnbusiness.com
Wide Sky Disposal (1989) Ltd.
PO Box 1570, Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-774-6528
Email: info@widesky.ca | www.widesky.ca
Yellowknives Dene First Nation
Contact: Kieron Testart
PO Box 2514, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P8
Tel: 867-873-4307 | Fax: 867-873-5969
Email: kieront@ykdene.com | www.ykdene.com
INDUSTRIAL HOSES & FITTINGS Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray 17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
Mackenzie Hose & Fittings
Contact: Kevin Neary
1250 Frontage Road, PO Box 1900, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-5757 | Fax: 250-997-6888
Email: admin@mackhose.ca | www.mackhose.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939 www.motioncanada.ca
Services & Supplies Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894 www.motioncanada.ca
Northern Metalic
Contact: Greg Campbell
9708 108 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4E2
Tel: 888-539-9555
Email: GRA@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Blair Scott
10407 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-785-6655 | Fax: 250-785-9432
Email: blair.scott@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Scott Zacharuk
5240 Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 250-562-7000
Email: scott.zacharuk@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Contact: Blair Scott
Unit A, 10219 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1A9
Tel: 250-262-3002 | Fax: 250-262-3007
Email: blair.scott@aaasafety.ca | www.aaasafety.ca
AIRPLUS Industrial Corp.
Contact: Shaeesta Meade
B100 5350 272 Street, Langley V4W 1S3
Tel: 604-381-3741 | Fax: 604-381-3842
Email: sales@airplusindustrial.ca | www.airplusindustrial.ca
Andrew Sheret Limited
Contact: Dennis Lalonde
1995 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X2
Tel: 250-561-2444 | Fax: 250-561-2488
Email: m4rk3ting@sheret.com | www.sheret.com
Andrew Sheret Limited
Contact: Jason Stuart
4650 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 4K1
Tel: 250-638-8840 | Fax: 250-638-8845
Email: m4rk3ting@sheret.com | www.sheret.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
Contact: Mike Ryeo
1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-562-1114 | Fax: 250-562-1761
Email: 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
205-B Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7038 | Fax: 250-992-3727
Email: 4105@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Applied Industrial Technologies
871 S. MacKenzie Avenue, Williams Lake V2G 3X8
Tel: 250-392-2388 | Fax: 250-392-5322
Email: 4106@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
CAT Rental Store
8712 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6V3
Tel: (800) RENT-CAT (736-8228) www.catrentalstore.com
CAT Rental Store
1140 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: (800) RENT-CAT (736-8228)
Distribution Now
Contact: Trent Schell
696 Cree Road, Kamloops V2H 1G7
Tel: 250-372-5650 | Fax: 250-372-9101
Email: trent.schell@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Distribution Now
Contact: John Sastaunik
11824 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 4H9
Tel: 250-785-5677 | Fax: 250-785-7607
Email: John.Sastaunik@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Drax Group (formerly Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc.)
8545 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 6Z9
Tel: 250-562-5562
Finning Canada
8712 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6V3
Tel: 250-787-7761 www.finning.com
Finning Canada
1500 Highway 16 West, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 250-845-2213 www.finning.com
Services & Supplies Finning Canada
1100 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-563-0331
Finning Canada
Contact: Mike Pedde
1569, 6735 11 Street NE, Calgary T2E 8S5
Tel: 403-275-3340
Email: mpedde@finning.com | www.finning.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Russell
8023 Webster Road, Delta V4G 1E4
Tel: 604-940-1627 | Fax: 604-940-1046
Email: brianr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: David Russell
7775 Edgar Industrial Way, Red Deer T4P 3R2
Tel: 403-340-8856 | Fax: 403-340-0213
Email: davidr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Strom
5426a Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 778-764-0233
Email: brians@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Petra Conniff
1505 River Street, Kamloops V2C 1Z2
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Jerry Ward 8910 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3X1 Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
Grainger Inc.
724 Commercial Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2H4
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
GRIP - Global Resources for Industrial Projects Inc.
Contact: Doug Ballard 1686 57A Street, Delta V4L 1X8
Tel: 604-889-1855 | Fax: 866-695-9655
Email: info@grip4equipment.ca | www.grip4equipment.ca
Guillevin International Co.
4443 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J7
Tel: 833-948-2093 www.guillevin.com
Guillevin International Co.
1, 2233 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X4
Tel: 250-960-4350 www.guillevin.com
Guillevin International Co.
9604 Sikanni Road, Fort St. John V1J 4V1
Tel: 250-785-8038 www.guillevin.com
Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Ltd.
Contact: Sherman Shi
109, 19433 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4C4
Tel: 604-513-9930
Email: sales@iem.ca | www.iem.ca
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Dan Soicher
3671 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2
Tel: 236-300-8514 | Fax: 250-635-5122
Email: dsoicher@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Jaret Pieper
10611 Finning Frontage, PO Box 6340, Fort St. John V1J 4H8
Tel: 250-999-3708 | Fax: 250-785-4303
Email: jpieper@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Glen Kelly
7337 Boundary Avenue, Prince George V2N 6C9
Tel: 236-601-1571 | Fax: 250-562-2914
Email: gkelly@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
International Blasting Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Ron J. Elliott
437 Laurentian Crescent, Coquitlam V3K 1Y9
Tel: 604-936-3420 | Fax: 604-936-3632
Email: ron@blastingconsultants.com | www.blastingconsultants.com
Janitors’ Warehouse
Contact: Sandra Pratt
4545 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1P7
Tel: 250-635-5501 | Fax: 250-635-4798
Email: terracejanitorswarehouse@gmail.com | www.janitorswarehouseterrace.ca
Linde Canada
1601 Central Street West, Prince George V2N 1P6
Tel: 250-563-3641
Email: princegeorge@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Services & Supplies Linde Canada
4751 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 5R1
Tel: 250-635-1277
Email: terrace@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Linde Canada
101, 10331 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-262-0047
Email: fortstjohn@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Linde Canada
1500 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek V1G 1Z7
Tel: 250-782-8280
Email: dawsoncreek@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
2180 Robertson Road, Prince George V2N 1X6
Tel: 250-612-0010 | Fax: 250-612-0033
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
4516 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J8
Tel: 250-635-4321 | Fax: 250-635-4322
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray
17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
Mackenzie Hose & Fittings
Contact: Kevin Neary
1250 Frontage Road, PO Box 1900, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-5757 | Fax: 250-997-6888
Email: admin@mackhose.ca | www.mackhose.ca
MolyCop Canada
Contact: Jared Lewis
250 Andover Crescent, Kamloops V2C 6X2
Tel: 250-299-2412 | Fax: 250-573-7755
Email: jared.lewis@molycop.ca | www.molycop.com
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894 www.motioncanada.ca
National Compressed Air Inc.
11128 261 Street, Acheson, AB T7X 6C7
Tel: 780-960-6085 | Fax: 780-960-6873
Email: alberta@nationalcompressedairinc.com | www.nationalcompressedair.com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Greg Campbell
9708 108 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4E2
Tel: 888-539-9555
Email: GRA@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Blair Scott
10407 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-785-6655 | Fax: 250-785-9432
Email: blair.scott@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Scott Zacharuk
5240 Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 250-562-7000
Email: scott.zacharuk@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Ouellette Brothers Building Supplies
Contact: Jonathan Ouellette
2880 Lot 33, Highway 27 North, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-7457 | Fax: 250-996-7157
Email: jonathan@ouellettbros.com | www.ouellettebros.com
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie 202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
United Initiators Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dave Willis
2147 P.G. Pulpmill Road, PO Box 2366, Prince George V2N 2S6
Tel: 250-561-4200
Email: MLPRGCustomerService@united-in.com | www.united-initiators.com
Services & Supplies Robertson Manufacturing Ltd.
Contact: Kier Robertson
799 Athabasca Street East, Kamloops V2H 1C7
Tel: 888-578-2673
Email: rml@coreboxes.com | www.coreboxes.com
SEW - Eurodrive Company of Canada Ltd.
Contact: Mike Savage
7188 Honeyman Street, Delta V4G 1G1
Tel: 604-946-5535 | Fax: 604-946-2513
Email: m.savage@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sew-eurodrive.ca
Tenaquip Ltd.
3526 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 2P9
Tel: 250-562-4435 | Fax: 250-562-0462
Email: info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com
Tenaquip Ltd.
155 George Hills Way, Prince Rupert V8J 1A3
Tel: 250-627-8700 | Fax: 250-627-7541
Email: info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com
Tenaquip Ltd.
1125 Cariboo Highway, Quesnel V2J 2Y5
Tel: 250-992-5521 | Fax: 250-992-6718
Email: info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com
Tenaquip Ltd.
2815 Kalum Street, Terrace V8G 2M4
Tel: 250-638-0248 | Fax: 250-638-0963
Email: info@tenaquip.com | www.tenaquip.com
Contact: Jack Fasoli
220 Lafleaur Ave, La Salle, QC H8R 4C9
Tel: 438-828-1637
Email: jack.fasoli@totalenergies.com | www.totalenergies.ca
Trico Industries Ltd.
1100 Mill Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-6610
Email: tricoind@telus.net
Wesco Distribution Canada LP
Contact: Bryan Fields
2223 Nicholson Street North, Prince George V2N 1V9
Tel: 250-562-3306 | Fax: 250-562-4832
Email: bfields@wesco.com | www.wesco.ca
Westcana Electric Inc.
Contact: Scott Sherba
1643 Ogilive Street, Prince George V2N 1W7
Tel: 250-564-5800 | Fax: 250-564-1830
Email: info@westcana.com | www.westcana.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials) 20121 100A Avenue, Langley V1M 3X6
Tel: 604-888-3457
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
Contact: Paul Bryant
1706 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 250-564-1288 | Fax: 250-563-7333
Email: paul.bryant@whitecap.com | www.whitecapsupply.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
822 McCurdy Place, Kelowna V1X 8C8
Tel: 250-765-9000 www.whitecapsupply.com
Contact: Nadine Clark
380 2925 Virtual Way, Vancouver V5M 4X5
Tel: 604-637-2275 | Fax: 604-637-2276
Email: info@cwaengineers.com | www.cwaengineers.com
Contact: Geoff Hobbs
PO Box 2772, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
Tel: 867-678-0389
Email: geoff.hobbs@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
Suite A, 1415 Hankin Avenue, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-342-9767
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
10716 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Z3
Tel: 250-787-0300
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Horizon Testing Inc.
Contact: Daniel Tremblay
9408 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 236-423-0447
Email: office@horizontesting.ca | www.horizontesting.ca
Services & Supplies BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable
INSTRUMENTATION 2400 Telkwa High Road, Telkwa V0J 2X1
Tel: 250-877-9642 | Fax: 250-846-5402
Email: info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable
505 Brightwell Street, Stewart V0T 1W0
Tel: 250-877-9642
Email: info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca
CH4 Systems Inc.
Contact: Peter Biederstadt
13530 West Beaverly Road, Prince George V2N 5A6
Tel: 250-964-4070 | Fax: 250-964-4024
Email: ch4sys@pgonline.com
Distribution Now
Contact: Trent Schell
696 Cree Road, Kamloops V2H 1G7
Tel: 250-372-5650 | Fax: 250-372-9101
Email: trent.schell@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Distribution Now
Contact: John Sastaunik
11824 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 4H9
Tel: 250-785-5677 | Fax: 250-785-7607
Email: John.Sastaunik@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Forest Technology Systems - FTS Inc.
Contact: Chris Lindsay
1065 Henry Eng Place, Victoria V9B 6B2
Tel: 800-548-4264 | Fax: 800-905-7004
Email: sales@ftsinc.com | www.ftsinc.com
GTM Canada
2nd floor, 4910 50 Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3X8
Tel: 867-669-0242
Email: info@gtmcanada.com | www.gtmcanada.com
Wesco Distribution Canada LP
Contact: Bryan Fields
2223 Nicholson Street North, Prince George V2N 1V9
Tel: 250-562-3306 | Fax: 250-562-4832
Email: bfields@wesco.com | www.wesco.ca
Westcana Electric Inc.
Contact: Scott Sherba
1643 Ogilive Street, Prince George V2N 1W7
Tel: 250-564-5800 | Fax: 250-564-1830
Email: info@westcana.com | www.westcana.com
INSURANCE PRODUCTS, CONSULTANTS & SERVICES CBIG - Canadian Benefits Investments & Insurance Group Inc.
492 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 2J7
Tel: 250-564-7484 | Fax: 250-564-7490
Email: info@cbiggroup.ca | www.cbiggroup.ca
Dynamic Capital Equipment Finance
Contact: Erik Benson
310 Vancouver Street, Prince George V2L 2N9
Tel: 888-626-3002 | Fax: 877-521-9273
Integris Credit Union
1532 6 Avenue , Prince George V2L 5B5
Tel: 250-612-3456 | Fax: 250-612-3451
Email: welcome@integriscu.ca | www.integriscu.ca
Wilson M. Beck Insurance Services Inc.
Contact: David W. Beck
303 - 8678 Greenall Avenue, Burnaby V5J 3M6
Tel: 604-437-6200 | Fax: 604-437-5347
Email: wecare@wmbeck.com | www.wmbeck.com
Wilson M. Beck Insurance Services Inc.
Contact: Brett Nicholson
3685 Massey Drive, Prince George V2N 4E6
Tel: 778-693-2740 | Fax: 778-693-2750
Email: princegeorge@wmbeck.com | www.wmbeck.com
LAND CLEARING Duz Cho Logging Ltd.
Contact: Chris Hayward
5360 Ritchie Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-4420 | Fax: 250-997-5430
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
Services & Supplies Frost Lake Logging Ltd.
Contact: Scott Kirschke
32 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-562-2487
Email: info@frostlake.ca | www.frostlake.ca
Contact: Geoff Hobbs
PO Box 2772, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
Tel: 867-678-0389
Email: geoff.hobbs@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
Suite A, 1415 Hankin Avenue, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-342-9767
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
10716 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Z3
Tel: 250-787-0300
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
RF Klein & Sons Ltd.
Contact: Cory Klein
180 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-961-4998
Email: cory@kleingroup.ca | www.kleingroup.ca
Twin Rivers Developments Ltd.
Contact: Sheldon Mayert
5048 Banzer Drive, Prince George V2K 4H2
Tel: 250-962-6657 | Fax: 250-962-9600
Email: info@twinriversdev.com | www.twinriversdev.com
Contact: Lisa Bowd
3984 Highway 16 West, PO Box 3418, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4226
Email: caprismithers@gmail.com | www.caprimotorinnsmithers.ca
Finger Lake Wilderness Resort (remote crew accommodation)
Contact: Jason Madsen
400 Gold Road, PO Box 1619, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 778-785-1114
Email: info@fingerlakeresort.com | www.fingerlakeresort.com
Fireweed Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Bruno Meili
PO Box 26 , Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5X9
Tel: 867-668-5888 | Fax: 867-668-5110
Email: info@fireweedhelicopters.ca | www.fireweedhelicopters.ca
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jennifer Burry
106 Dickens Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-873-2081
Email: info@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Cory Skender
4325 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-922-5258
Email: clientservices@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc.
Contact: Eric Stier and Bryan Wallace
156 West Stewart Street, PO Box 398, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-2655 | Fax: 250-567-2656
Email: Eric@guardianaerospace.net | www.guardianaerospace.net
Services & Supplies Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc.
Contact: Eric Stier and Bryan Wallace
Aviator Road, Gate 31 , Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-567-2655 | Fax: 250-567-2656
Email: Eric@guardianaerospace.net | www.guardianaerospace.net
Northwest Regional Airport - Terrace-Kitimat
Contact: Carman Hendry 103 4401 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-635-2659 | Fax: 250-638-0059
Email: chendry@yxt.ca | www.yxt.ca
NR Motors Ltd.
Contact: Greg Nikkel 810 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3A6
Tel: 250-563-8891
Email: contact@nrmotors.ca | www.nrmotors.ca
Pacific Coastal Airlines Ltd.
Contact: Shawn Warneboldt 4980 Cowley Crescent, Richmond V7B 1C1
Tel: 800-663-2872 | Fax: 604-273-6864
Email: reserve@pacificcoastal.com | www.pacificcoastal.com
Prestige Hotels & Resorts - Okanagan Valley
1675 Abbott Street, Kelowna V1Y 8S3
Tel: 250-860-7900 | Fax: 250-860-7997
Email: kelowna@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com
Prestige Hotels & Resorts - Hudson Bay Lodge
3251 East Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4581 | Fax: 250-847-4878
Email: smithers@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com
Prestige Hotels & Resorts Treasure Cove Resort
2005 Highway 97 S., Prince George V2N 7A3
Tel: 250-614-9111 | Fax: 250-614-9101
Email: princegeorge@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com
Prestige Hotels & Resorts - Prince Rupert
118 6 Street, Prince Rupert V8J 3L7
Tel: 250-624-6711 | Fax: 250-624-3288
Email: princerupert@prestigehotels.ca | www.prestigehotelsandresorts.com
Ramada Plaza Hotel - Prince George
Contact: Tiffany Cranmer 444 George Street, Prince George V2L 1R6
Tel: 250-563-0055 | Fax: 250-563-6042
Email: reservations@ramadaprincegeorge.com | www.ramadaprincegeorge.com
Sandman Hotel & Suites Prince George
Contact: Debie Hemich
1650 Central Street, Prince George V2M 3C2
Tel: 250-563-8131 | Fax: 250-563-8613
Email: dos_bcnorth@sandman.ca | www.sandmanhotels.com
Sandman Signature Hotel Prince George
Contact: Karla Dizon
2990 Rec Place Drive, Prince George V2N 0B2
Tel: 250-645-7263 | Fax: 250-645-2150
Email: Sales_signaturepg@sandman.ca | www.sandmanhotels.com
UNIGLOBE Sunburst Travel Ltd.
Contact: Tina Perison
177 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 5R8
Tel: 250-562-5444
Email: tina@uniglobepg.com | www.uniglobesunbursttravel.com
Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jacob Forman
4275 Hangar Road, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-963-9884
Email: yhl@yhl.ca | www.yhl.ca
Contact: Chris Hayward
5360 Ritchie Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-4420 | Fax: 250-997-5430
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
Frost Lake Logging Ltd.
Contact: Scott Kirschke
32 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-562-2487
Email: info@frostlake.ca | www.frostlake.ca
Silverwood Natural Resource Consultants
Contact: Paul Hanna
210 4644 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1S6
Tel: 250-635-0766
Email: mail@silverwoodconsulting.ca | www.silverwoodconsulting.ca
LOGISTICS Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd. - HQ
Contact: Ryan Langley
PO Box 95, 3394 Hwy 16 East, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 800-571-2057 | Fax: 250-847-5042
Email: info@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd.
9499 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 888-302-9902 | Fax: 250-562-8908
Email: dispatchprincegeorge@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
Services & Supplies Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd.
3111 Blakeburn Street, Terrace V8G 3J1
Tel: 800-635-2728 | Fax: 250-635-7197
Email: dispatchterrace@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
B2B Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Mike Warren
3855 Lozells Avenue, Burnaby V5A 2Y9
Tel: 778-833-1171
Email: mike@b2bconsultantsltd.com
P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
Contact: Hankin Asp
3470 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-615-6009
Email: info@pnrexploration.com | www.pnrexploration.com
Silver King Helicopters Inc.
Contact: Missy Hinds
6343 Ventura Blvd., Smithers Airport, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-1989 | Fax: 866-237-0280
Email: info@silverkingheli.com | www.silverkingheli.com
Van Kam Freightways Ltd.
Contact: Mike Bruggen-Cate 10155 Grace Road, Surrey V3V 3V7
Tel: 604-837-1001
Email: mike.bruggen-cate@vankam.com | www.vankam.com
Van Kam Freightways Ltd.
Contact: Mike Bruggen-Cate
2100 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X1
Tel: 604-837-1001
Email: mike.bruggen-cate@vankam.com | www.vankam.com
LUBRICANTS Advanced Industrial Group Inc.
Contact: Nikki Crawford
630 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C4
Tel: 250-564-7599 | Fax: 250-564-1246
Email: info@advancedindustrialgroup.com | www.advancedindustrialgroup.com
ATS Electro-Lube International Inc.
7388 Wilson Avenue, Delta V4G 1H3
Tel: 800-663-8141
Email: info@atselectrolube.com | www.atselectrolube.com
BNAC Environmental Solutions Inc.
Contact: Chris Richardson
212 552A Clarke Road, Coquitlam V3J 0A3
Tel: 877-566-2622
Email: info@bnac.ca | www.bnac.ca
Hypower Systems (div of Applied Industrial Technologies Ltd.)
Contact: Mike Ryeo
1084 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-562-1114 | Fax: 250-562-1761
Email: 4104@applied.com | www.appliedcanada.com
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244 www.motioncanada.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894
Northern Metalic
Contact: Greg Campbell
9708 108 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4E2
Tel: 888-539-9555
Email: GRA@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Blair Scott
10407 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-785-6655 | Fax: 250-785-9432
Email: blair.scott@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Scott Zacharuk
5240 Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 250-562-7000
Email: scott.zacharuk@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Kier Koponyas
1000 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-562-5000 | Fax: 250-562-9825
Email: pri.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Wes Bell
1885 Versatile Drive, Kamloops V1S 1C5
Tel: 250-828-9971 | Fax: 250-828-8212
Email: kam.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Services & Supplies Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Cal Clapp
2650 Acland Road, Kelowna V1X 7J3
Tel: 250-762-6000
Email: kel.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Kevin Brucks
25 Hodgson Road, Williams Lake V2G 3P5
Tel: 250-398-8000
Email: wil.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Grant Dowdy
142 Highway 23 N., Revelstoke V0E 2S0
Tel: 250-805-1000
Email: rev.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Colin Annett
3100 Tatlow Road, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-8000
Email: smi.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Ryan Boult
3216 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4P3
Tel: 250-638-1000
Email: ter.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic Lubricants
Contact: Kristy MacKee
65 Railway Avenue, Burns Lake V0J 1E1
Tel: 250-691-6000
Email: bur.lubes@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc. (subsidiary of HF Sinclair Corporation)
385 Southdown Road, Mississauga, ON L5J 1K2
Tel: 800-668-0220
Rocky Mountain Energy Ltd.
455 Dene Drive, Kamloops V2H 1J1
Tel: 250-374-0614
Email: info@coolcreek.ca | www.coolcreek.ca
Star West Petroleum Ltd.
Contact: Dennis Riplinger
101 1024 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-563-5823 | Fax: 250-563-5824
Email: dennisr@swpetroleum.ca | www.swpetroleum.ca
Contact: Jack Fasoli
220 Lafleaur Ave, La Salle, QC H8R 4C9
Tel: 438-828-1637
Email: jack.fasoli@totalenergies.com | www.totalenergies.ca
LUMBERYARD Canada Rig Mats Ltd.
Contact: Mitch Philpott
20897 Highway 16 E, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1
Tel: 250-574-6181 | Fax: 250-567-4008
Email: info@canadarigmats.ca | www.rig-mat.ca
DSL Remanufacturing
Contact: Ruth Fiddler
9359 Northern Crescent, Prince George V2N 5T7
Tel: 250-561-2169
Email: rfiddler@lumber.ca | www.lumber.ca
Smithers Lumber Yard Ltd.
Contact: Katie Froese
3528 Highway 16, PO Box 938, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-2246 | Fax: 250-847-2286
Email: sales@smitherslumber.com | www.smitherslumber.com
Timberspan Wood Products Inc.
Contact: Nicole Cvenkel
12555 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 7A8
Tel: 250-961-0146 | Fax: 250-963-7869
Email: info@timberspan.ca | www.timberspan.ca
Victory Ace Building Center
Contact: Sylvain & Marilyne Laferriere
200 Mackenzie Boulevard, PO Box 2605, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-3003 | Fax: 250-997-4450
Email: sales.victorybc@gmail.com | www.ace-canada.ca
Contact: Chris Richardson
212 552A Clarke Road, Coquitlam V3J 0A3
Tel: 877-566-2622
Email: info@bnac.ca | www.bnac.ca
DMC Chartered Professional Accountants Inc.
696 Brunswick Street, Prince George V2L 2C1
Tel: 250-564-2660
Email: reception@dmca.bc.ca | www.dmca.bc.ca
Services & Supplies DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken
1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: rgirard@dwbconsulting.ca / baitken@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
4 Evergreen Resources LP
Contact: Myron Snyder
PO Box 1020, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-7916
Email: msnyder@4eg.ca | www.4eg.ca
K2 Electric Ltd.
Contact: Conner Greenlees
9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 250-564-7885 | Fax: 250-564-7875
Email: info@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com
Lax Kw’alaams Business Development LP
Contact: Carl Sampson
100 1 Avenue East, Prince Rupert V8J 1A6
Tel: 250-627-5733 | Fax: 250-627-5933
Email: carl.sampson@laxbdl.com | www.laxbdl.com
MNP LLP - Accounting, Buisness Consulting and Tax Services
Contact: Cindy Thomson
800 299 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 5B8
Tel: 250-564-1111 | Fax: 250-562-4950
Email: cindy.thomson@mnp.ca | www.mnp.ca
Northern Development Initiative Trust
Contact: Joel McKay
301, 1268 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L2
Tel: 250-561-2525 | Fax: 250-561-2563
Email: info@northerndevelopment.bc.ca | www.northerndevelopment.bc.ca
Peter Ryks Property Services Ltd
Contact: Peter Ryks
115 2375 Burrard Avenue, PO Box 770, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-9158
Email: pbryks@gmail.com | www.prps.ca
Spectrum Resource Group Inc.
Contact: Eric Nijboer
1960 Robertson Road, Prince George V2N 1X6
Tel: 250-564-0383 | Fax: 250-562-4885
Email: srgi@srgi.ca | www.srgi.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
301 1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River V9W 5P7
Tel: 250-287-2246 | Fax: 250-287-2247
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
931 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 778-763-0999
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
10927 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V21J 6P3
Tel: 778-844-0634
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
MAPPING SERVICES / GIS Aero Geometrics Ltd.
Contact: Tim Daly
209 837 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6C 3N6
Tel: 604-408-8740 | Fax: 604-408-8747
Email: manager@aerogeo.com | www.aerogeo.com
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Frank Craig
177 East Columbia Street, PO Box 523, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-9496
Email: f.craig@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Peter Gross
100, 952 4 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3H8
Tel: 250-562-0444
Email: p.gross@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Remi Farvacque
9008 109 Street, Fort St John V1J 6H4
Tel: 250-261-5584 | Fax: 250-261-5474
Email: r.farvacque@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Kevin Wilson
140 Stuart Drive West, PO Box 1270, Fort St James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-2151 | Fax: 250-996-2186
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Ben McFarlane
1315 Noranda Road East, Prince George V2K 5R6
Tel: 250-960-1155 | Fax: 250-960-1144
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Scott Fraser
9607 112 Street, Fort St. John V1J 7C7
Tel: 250-787-6009 | Fax: 250-787-6083
Email: inform@ecofor.ca | www.ecofor.ca
Services & Supplies DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken
1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: rgirard@dwbconsulting.ca / baitken@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Green/Ryan Wonnacott 301, 172 2 Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 1Z6
Tel: 250-396-7208 | Fax: 250-396-7222
Email: wloffice@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
Fireweed Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Bruno Meili
PO Box 26 , Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5X9
Tel: 867-668-5888 | Fax: 867-668-5110
Email: info@fireweedhelicopters.ca | www.fireweedhelicopters.ca
Contact: Geoff Hobbs
PO Box 2772, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
Tel: 867-678-0389
Email: geoff.hobbs@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
Suite A, 1415 Hankin Avenue, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-342-9767
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
10716 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Z3
Tel: 250-787-0300
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jennifer Burry
106 Dickens Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-873-2081
Email: info@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Cory Skender
4325 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-922-5258
Email: clientservices@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
HBH Land Surveying Inc.
Contact: Gina Hidber
203, 1300 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y3
Tel: 250-640-2287
Email: bcls@hbhlandsurveying.ca | www.hbhlandsurveying.ca
HBH Land Surveying Inc.
Contact: Mark Rossmann
3750 1 Avenue, PO Box 536, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-3808
Email: bcls@hbhlandsurveying.ca | www.hbhlandsurveying.ca
J.R. Canadian Mapping Ltd.
Contact: John Rankin
6309 Simon Fraser Avenue, Prince George V2N 2M9
Tel: 250-561-2455
Email: rankin-j@jrcanmap.com
Lakes District Air Services Ltd.
Contact: Nick Hawes
1810 Highway 35, Burns Lake V0J 1E2
Tel: 250-692-3229
Email: flying@LDair.ca | www.ldair.ca
Maptek Canada
Contact: Cherie LeDoux
100 555 Burrard Street, Vancouver V7X 1M8
Tel: 604-299-7613
Email: info@maptek.com | www.maptek.com
8808 Northern Lights Drive, Fort St. John V1J 6M2
Tel: 250-787-0356 | Fax: 250-787-0310
Email: fortstjohn@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
322 323 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-3200 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: kitimat@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
12 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-561-2229 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princegeorge@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
729 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-4281 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princerupert@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
1 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace V8G 4S8
Tel: 250-635-7163 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: terrace@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
Services & Supplies McElhanney
200 858 Beatty Street, Vancouver V6B 1C1
Tel: 604-683-8521 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: vancouver@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
3907 4 Avenue, PO Box 787, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4040 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: smithers@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
Pacific Geomatics Ltd.
Contact: Matt Tomlins
132 328 Wale Road, Victoria V9B 0J8
Tel: 604-372-3300
Email: info@pacgeo.com | www.pacgeo.com
Rekon Solutions Inc.
Contact: Vashaun Henderson
172 Lumby-Mabel Lake Road, Lumby V0E 2G5
Tel: 604-928-3532
Email: vashaun.henderson@rekon.ca | www.rekon.ca
Silverwood Natural Resource Consultants
Contact: Paul Hanna
210 4644 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1S6
Tel: 250-635-0766
Email: mail@silverwoodconsulting.ca | www.silverwoodconsulting.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
301 1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River V9W 5P7
Tel: 250-287-2246 | Fax: 250-287-2247
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
931 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 778-763-0999
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
10927 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V21J 6P3
Tel: 778-844-0634
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
TDB Consultants Inc.
Contact: Rob Kragt
2032 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-562-1828
Email: info@tdb.ca | www.tdb.ca
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Codey Latimer
3210 Apsley Street, Terrace V8G 0J2
Tel: 250-635-1494
Email: clatimer@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Amanda Wamsteeker
3990 22 Avenue, Prince George V2N 3A1
Tel: 250-562-9155
Email: awamsteeker@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Rachel Caira
623 B Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2E5
Tel: 778-631-2224
Email: rcaira@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Rachel Caira
727 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-3045
Email: rcaira@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Contact: Angus English
1000 840 Howe Street, Vancouver V6Z 2M1
Tel: 604-685-9381
Email: VancouverOfficeServices@wsp.com | www.wsp.com
312 450 City Center, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-2387 www.wsp.com
780 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C5
Tel: 250-561-2603 www.wsp.com
1, 3772 4 Avenue, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-1913 www.wsp.com
205 133 Industrial Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2V2
Tel: 867-668-2525 www.wsp.com
Contact: Mitch Philpott 20897 Highway 16 E, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1
Tel: 250-574-6181 | Fax: 250-567-4008
Email: info@canadarigmats.ca | www.rig-mat.ca
Services & Supplies MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Allrite Heating & Ventilation Ltd.
Contact: John Worswick
869 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3K5
Tel: 250-612-3912 | Fax: 250-612-0094
Email: john@allriteheating.com | www.allriteheating.com
Equity Plumbing and Heating Ltd.
Contact: Brad Popoff
4912 Hart Highway , Prince George V2K 3A1
Tel: 250-563-1191 | Fax: 250-563-1070
Email: info@equityplumbing.ca | www.equityplumbing.ca
Mainland Machinery Ltd.
Contact: Brian Dyck
2255 Townline Road, Abbotsford V2T 6H1
Tel: 604-854-4244 | Fax: 604-850-1796
Email: bdyck@mainlandmachinery.com | www.mainlandmachinery.com
Mayfair Gas, Plumbing and Electrical Inc.
Contact: Brett Kehler
2291 Nicholson Street South, Prince George V2N 1V9
Tel: 250-562-8590
Email: info@mayfairinc.com | www.mayfairinc.com
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Jeff Roney
1155 MacKenzie Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 4P3
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: jeff@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Rick Hrywkiw
PO Box 1446, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: rick@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Jared Macinnis
5412 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 0C6
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: jared@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Precision Machinery
Contact: Josh Bergen
3521 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B8
Tel: 250-596-3222
Email: info@pgmr.ca | www.pgmr.ca
WoodPro Engineering Ltd.
Contact: John Westergard
983 Vancouver Street, Prince George V2L 2P6
Tel: 250-563-9964 | Fax: 250-563-5648
Email: princegeorge@woodproengineering.com | www.woodproengineering.com
Contact: Jaron Sucholotosky
3863 18th Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B1
Tel: 250-564-2883
Email: info@cascade-mechanical.ca | www.cascade-mechanical.ca
Corestock Industrial Supply Ltd.
Contact: Darcy Buryn
229 Ongman Road, Prince George V2K 4K9
Tel: 877-564-3001 | Fax: 250-564-3020
Email: sales@corestock.ca | www.corestock.ca
Distribution Now
Contact: Trent Schell
696 Cree Road, Kamloops V2H 1G7
Tel: 250-372-5650 | Fax: 250-372-9101
Email: trent.schell@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Distribution Now
Contact: John Sastaunik
11824 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 4H9
Tel: 250-785-5677 | Fax: 250-785-7607
Email: John.Sastaunik@dnow.com | www.dnow.com
Equity Plumbing and Heating Ltd.
Contact: Brad Popoff
4912 Hart Highway , Prince George V2K 3A1
Tel: 250-563-1191 | Fax: 250-563-1070
Email: info@equityplumbing.ca | www.equityplumbing.ca
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894
Services & Supplies Northlands Water and Sewer Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Nancy Turner
1733 Lyon Street, Prince George V2N 1T3
Tel: 250-561-1884 | Fax: 250-561-1830
Email: info@northlandswater.ca | www.northlandswater.ca
SEW - Eurodrive Company of Canada Ltd.
Contact: Mike Savage
7188 Honeyman Street, Delta V4G 1G1
Tel: 604-946-5535 | Fax: 604-946-2513
Email: m.savage@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sew-eurodrive.ca
Contact: George Cummings
1287 Boundary Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-561-2911
Email: gcummings@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Lisa Marshall Mile 2 1/2 Alaska Highway, PO Box 545, Dawson Creek V1G 4H4
Tel: 250-782-8335
Email: lisa.marshall@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL)
Contact: Mike Desautels
4155 Crozier Road, Armstrong V0E 1B6
Tel: 250-546-9479
Email: mdesautels@ail.ca | www.ail.ca
CC Industries Ltd.
Contact: Lee Carter
2229 Knell Road East, Prince George V2K 4A8
Tel: 800-663-6986
Email: info@ccindustries.net | www.ccindustries.net
C R Metal Fabricators Ltd
Contact: Rob Beetstra 1970 17 Avenue, Campbell River V9W 4L9
Tel: 250-286-6313 | Fax: 250-286-6122
Email: info@crmf.bc.ca | www.crmetalfab.com
Canada Rig Mats Ltd.
Contact: Mitch Philpott
20897 Highway 16 E, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1
Tel: 250-574-6181 | Fax: 250-567-4008
Email: info@canadarigmats.ca | www.rig-mat.ca
Cariboo Chrome & Hydraulics Ltd.
Contact: Jamie Yorston
1685 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1W7
Tel: 250-562-0166 | Fax: 250-562-3855
Email: jamieyorston@cariboochrome.com | www.cariboochrome.com
GRIP - Global Resources for Industrial Projects Inc.
Contact: Doug Ballard
1686 57A Street, Delta V4L 1X8
Tel: 604-889-1855 | Fax: 866-695-9655
Email: info@grip4equipment.ca | www.grip4equipment.ca
Heartland Steel Doors Ltd.
Contact: Brad Lechkobit
1925 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1X2
Tel: 250-563-3610 | Fax: 250-563-3617
Email: sales@heartlandsteel.ca | www.heartlandsteel.ca
Heartland Steel Structures Ltd.
Contact: Ken Kruger
401 1777 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3G7
Tel: 250-649-4549
Email: kenk@heartlandsteel.ca | www.heartlandsteelstructures.ca
Linden Fabricating Ltd.
9713 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 250-561-1181
Email: jum@linfab.com | www.linfab.com
Mackenzie Hose & Fittings
Contact: Kevin Neary
1250 Frontage Road, PO Box 1900, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-5757 | Fax: 250-997-6888
Email: admin@mackhose.ca | www.mackhose.ca
Mainland Machinery Ltd.
Contact: Brian Dyck
2255 Townline Road, Abbotsford V2T 6H1
Tel: 604-854-4244 | Fax: 604-850-1796
Email: bdyck@mainlandmachinery.com | www.mainlandmachinery.com
Northern Steel Ltd.
Contact: Nav Marwaha
9588 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 250-561-1121
Email: nmarwaha@northernsteelltd.com | www.northernsteelltd.com
Precision Machinery
Contact: Josh Bergen
3521 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B8
Tel: 250-596-3222
Email: info@pgmr.ca | www.pgmr.ca
Services & Supplies Samuel Wear Solutions
Contact: Sheldon Slugoski 1223 Derwent Way, Delta
Tel: 604-524-8000
Email: sheldon.slugoski@samuel.com | www.samuel.com
SEW - Eurodrive Company of Canada Ltd.
Contact: Mike Savage
7188 Honeyman Street, Delta V4G 1G1
Tel: 604-946-5535 | Fax: 604-946-2513
Email: m.savage@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sew-eurodrive.ca
SpanMaster Structures Ltd.
Contact: Brian Sweet
3901 Myers Frontage Road , Tappen V0E 2X3
Tel: 866-935-4888
Email: info@spanmaster.ca | www.spanmaster.ca
Structural Wear Products
Contact: Chris Kirby
521 19100 Airport Way, Pitt Meadows V3Y 0E2
Tel: 604-929-2201
Email: info@structuralwearproducts.com | www.structuralwearproducts.com
TW Industrial Group Ltd.
Contact: Kelly Sheptak
5955 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-6857 | Fax: 250-564-6837
Email: kelly@twindustrial.ca | www.twindustrial.ca
Tyrod Industries Ltd.
Contact: Tyson Kranrod
429 McAloney Road, Prince George V2K 4L2
Tel: 250-596-1640 | Fax: 866-827-6892
Email: jamie@tyrodindustries.com | www.tyrodindustries.com
Wolftek Industries Inc.
Contact: Gordon Gallop
4944 Continental Way , Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 250-561-1556 | Fax: 250-561-0235
Email: gord@wolftek.ca | www.wolftek.ca
Contact: Shaune Mckinon
702, 12835 Lilley Drive, Maple Ridge V2W 0G1
Tel: 604-380-4458
Email: contact@afxmixing.com | www.afxmixing.com
Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL)
Contact: Mike Desautels
4155 Crozier Road, Armstrong V0E 1B6
Tel: 250-546-9479
Email: mdesautels@ail.ca | www.ail.ca
BAT Construction Ltd.
Contact: Dan Sims
10230 Dallas Drive, Kamloops V2C 6T4
Tel: 250-573-1222 | Fax: 250-573-1236
Email: info@batconstruction.com | www.batconstruction.com
GRIP - Global Resources for Industrial Projects Inc.
Contact: Doug Ballard 1686 57A Street, Delta V4L 1X8
Tel: 604-889-1855 | Fax: 866-695-9655
Email: info@grip4equipment.ca | www.grip4equipment.ca
Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Ltd.
Contact: Sherman Shi 109, 19433 96 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4C4
Tel: 604-513-9930
Email: sales@iem.ca | www.iem.ca
Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray
17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
MolyCop Canada
Contact: Jared Lewis
250 Andover Crescent, Kamloops V2C 6X2
Tel: 250-299-2412 | Fax: 250-573-7755
Email: jared.lewis@molycop.ca | www.molycop.com
Motion Metrics International Corp.
Contact: Caitlin McKinnon
101 2389 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604-822-5842 | Fax: 604-677-5191
Email: info@motionmetrics.com | www.motionmetrics.com
Nahanni Construction Ltd.
100 Nahanni Drive, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P6
Tel: 867-873-2975 | Fax: 867-873-9620
Email: corporate@nahannincl.com | www.nahannincl.com
Northern Steel Ltd.
Contact: Nav Marwaha
9588 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 250-561-1121
Email: nmarwaha@northernsteelltd.com | www.northernsteelltd.com
Services & Supplies P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
Contact: Hankin Asp
3470 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-615-6009
Email: info@pnrexploration.com | www.pnrexploration.com
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie
202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
Ranger Mining Equipment Ltd.
Contact: Adam Purves
2847 Violet Street, North Vancouver V7H 2L7
Tel: 604-567-2777
Email: apurves@rangermining.ca | www.rangermining.ca
Vitreo Minerals Ltd.
Contact: Trevor McPherson
1725 Blaeberry Road East, Golden V0A 1H1
Tel: 250-344-7171
Email: tmcpherson@vitreominerals.com | www.vitreominerals.com
ANGUS PROJECT • The proposed project would mine quartz arenite rocks in a pit/quarry then crush and transport those rocks to a raw sand plant
• Simple processing will liberate high-purity silica sand grains naturally occurring in frac sand (proppant) sizes
• Proppants are used in the development of shale gas resources such as BC’s Montney Basin
• Located approximately 60 km north of Prince George, BC and 10 km east of Bear Lake, BC and 250 km south of Chetwynd, BC 1725 Blaeberry River Road East, Golden, BC V0A 1H1 angus@vitreominerals.com vitreominerals.com
Wolftek Industries Inc.
Contact: Gordon Gallop
4944 Continental Way , Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 250-561-1556 | Fax: 250-561-0235
Email: gord@wolftek.ca | www.wolftek.ca
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY AAA Safety and Field Services Ltd.
Contact: Blair Scott
Unit A, 10219 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1A9
Tel: 250-262-3002 | Fax: 250-262-3007
Email: blair.scott@aaasafety.ca | www.aaasafety.ca
Northern Metalic
Contact: Greg Campbell
9708 108 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4E2
Tel: 888-539-9555
Email: GRA@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Contact: Don Williams
2011 Prince George Pulpmill Road, Prince George V2K 5P5
Tel: 250-614-7291
Email: dwilliams@allnorth.com | www.allnorth.com
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Frank Craig
Box 523, 177 East Columbia Street, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0 Tel: 250-567-9496
Email: f.craig@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Peter Gross 100, 952 4 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3H8
Tel: 250-562-0444
Email: p.gross@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
Archer Cultural Resource Management Corp.
Contact: Remi Farvacque 9008 109 Street, Fort St John V1J 6H4
Tel: 250-261-5584 | Fax: 250-261-5474
Email: r.farvacque@archercrm.ca | www.archercrm.ca
City of Quesnel
Contact: Amy Reid, Economic Development Officer 410 Kinchant Street, Quesnel V2J 7J5
Tel: 250-992-2111 | Fax: 250-992-1512
Email: areid@quesnel.ca | www.quesnel.ca
Services & Supplies Dawson Creek (City of)
10105 12A Street, Dawson Creek V1G 3V7
Tel: 250-784-3600
Email: communications@dawsoncreek.ca | www.dawsoncreek.ca
District of Chetwynd
Contact: Ellen McAvany, Economic Development Officer
5400 Hospital Road, PO Box 357, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-401-4100 | Fax: 250-401-4101
Email: Emcavany@gochetwynd.com | www.gochetwynd.com
District of Fort St. James
Contact: Brooke Eschuk, Economic Development Officer 477 Stuart Drive West, PO Box 640, Fort St. James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8233 | Fax: 250-996-2248
Email: edo@fortstjames.ca | www.fortstjames.ca
District of Kitimat
Contact: Cameron Orr, Business & Communications Manager 270 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 2H7
Tel: 250-632-8900 | Fax: 250-632-4995
Email: corr@kitimat.ca | www.kitimat.ca
District of MacKenzie
Contact: Rachelle Dumoulin, Economic Development Clerk 1 MacKenzie Boulevard, Bag 340, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-3221 | Fax: 250-997-5186
Email: ecdev@districtofmackenzie.ca | www.districtofmackenzie.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken 1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: rgirard@dwbconsulting.ca / baitken@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Green/Ryan Wonnacott 301, 172 2 Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 1Z6 Tel: 250-396-7208 | Fax: 250-396-7222
Email: rgreen@dwbconsulting.ca / rwonnacott@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
K2 Electric Ltd.
Contact: Conner Greenlees
9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 250-564-7885 | Fax: 250-564-7875
Email: info@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com
McCue Engineering Contractors
Contact: Lynda Smithard, P.Eng. 102 7187 Progress Way, Delta V4G 1K8
Tel: 604-940-2828
Email: info@mccuecontracting.com | www.mccuecontracting.com
National Emergency Safety Service (NESS)
Contact: Marie Grulichova
1218 Highway 16, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-945-5944
Email: ness@nationalemergency.ca | www.nationalemergency.ca
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
Contact: Scott Barry
5319 50 Avenue South, Bag Service 399 , Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-774-2541 | Fax: 250-774-2507
Email: justask@northernrockies.ca | www.northernrockies.ca
Prince Rupert Economic Development Office
Contact: Paul Vendittelli
424 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1L7
Tel: 250-627-5138
Email: paul.vendittelli@princerupert.ca | www.princerupert.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
301 1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River V9W 5P7
Tel: 250-287-2246 | Fax: 250-287-2247
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
931 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 778-763-0999
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
10927 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V21J 6P3
Tel: 778-844-0634
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Codey Latimer
3210 Apsley Street, Terrace V8G 0J2
Tel: 250-635-1494
Email: clatimer@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Amanda Wamsteeker 3990 22 Avenue, Prince George V2N 3A1
Tel: 250-562-9155
Email: awamsteeker@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Rachel Caira
623 B Enterprise Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2E5
Tel: 778-631-2224
Email: rcaira@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Services & Supplies Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Contact: Rachel Caira
727 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-3045
Email: rcaira@triton-env.com | www.triton-env.com
Village of Burns Lake
Contact: Dolores Funk, Economic Development Officer 15 3 Avenue, PO Box 570, Burns Lake V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-7587 | Fax: 250-692-3059
Email: edo@burnslake.ca | www.burnslake.ca
Waddell Environmental Inc.
Contact: Glenda Waddell 974 Ochakwin Crescent, Prince George V2M 5P6
Tel: 250-640-8088
Email: waddellenvironmental@gmail.com
PIPING PRODUCTS & SERVICES Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL)
Contact: Mike Desautels
4155 Crozier Road, Armstrong V0E 1B6
Tel: 250-546-9479
Email: mdesautels@ail.ca | www.ail.ca
Armtec Inc.
Contact: George Cummings 1287 Boundary Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-561-2911
Email: gcummings@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Lisa Marshall Mile 2 1/2 Alaska Highway, PO Box 545, Dawson Creek V1G 4H4
Tel: 250-782-8335
Email: lisa.marshall@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Canada Rig Mats Ltd.
Contact: Mitch Philpott 20897 Highway 16 E, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1
Tel: 250-574-6181 | Fax: 250-567-4008
Email: info@canadarigmats.ca | www.rig-mat.ca
Cariboo Chrome & Hydraulics Ltd.
Contact: Jamie Yorston 1685 Ogilvie Street South, Prince George V2N 1W7
Tel: 250-562-0166 | Fax: 250-562-3855
Email: jamieyorston@cariboochrome.com | www.cariboochrome.com
Cascade Mechanical Ltd.
Contact: Jaron Sucholotosky
3863 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B1
Tel: 250-564-2883
Email: info@cascade-mechanical.ca | www.cascade-mechanical.ca
CH4 Systems Inc.
Contact: Peter Biederstadt
13530 West Beaverly Road, Prince George V2N 5A6
Tel: 250-964-4070 | Fax: 250-964-4024
Email: ch4sys@pgonline.com | n/a
Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray 17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
Mackenzie Hose & Fittings
Contact: Kevin Neary
1250 Frontage Road, PO Box 1900, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-5757 | Fax: 250-997-6888
Email: admin@mackhose.ca | www.mackhose.ca
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Jeff Roney
1155 MacKenzie Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 4P3
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: jeff@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Rick Hrywkiw PO Box 1446, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: rick@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Jared Macinnis
5412 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 0C6
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: jared@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Northern Steel Ltd.
Contact: Nav Marwaha
9588 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 250-561-1121
Email: nmarwaha@northernsteelltd.com | www.northernsteelltd.com
Northlands Water and Sewer Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Nancy Turner
1733 Lyon Street, Prince George V2N 1T3
Tel: 250-561-1884 | Fax: 250-561-1830
Email: info@northlandswater.ca | www.northlandswater.ca
Services & Supplies Pembina Pipeline Corporation
4000, 585 8 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2p 1G1
Tel: 403-231-7500 | Fax: 403-237-0254
Email: community@pembina.com | www.pembina.com
Tyrod Industries Ltd.
Contact: Tyson Kranrod
429 McAloney Road, Prince George V2K 4L2
Tel: 250-596-1640 | Fax: 866-827-6892
Email: jamie@tyrodindustries.com | www.tyrodindustries.com
Contact: Katherine Ray 17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie 202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2 Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
United Initiators Canada Ltd.
Contact: Dave Willis 2147 P.G. Pulpmill Road, PO Box 2366, Prince George V2N 2S6 Tel: 250-561-4200
Email: MLPRGCustomerService@united-in.com | www.united-initiators.com
Univar Solutions Canada Ltd.
Contact: Chris Lee 6812 87A Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 0B4
Tel: 604-813-9996
Email: chris.lee@univarsolutions.com | www.univarsolutions.com
Vitreo Minerals Ltd.
Contact: Trevor McPherson 1725 Blaeberry Road East, Golden V0A 1H1
Tel: 250-344-7171
Email: tmcpherson@vitreominerals.com | www.vitreominerals.com
Contact: Conner Greenlees 9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 250-564-7885 | Fax: 250-564-7875
Email: info@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com
Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray
17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
Northern Regional Construction Association
Contact: Nicole Bryant
3851 18 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1B1
Tel: 250-563-1744
Email: office@nrca.ca | www.nrca.ca
Northern Rockies Regional Municipality
Contact: Scott Barry
5319 50 Avenue South, Bag Service 399 , Fort Nelson V0C 1R0
Tel: 250-774-2541 | Fax: 250-774-2507
Email: justask@northernrockies.ca | www.northernrockies.ca
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie
202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
SEW - Eurodrive Company of Canada Ltd.
Contact: Mike Savage
7188 Honeyman Street, Delta V4G 1G1
Tel: 604-946-5535 | Fax: 604-946-2513
Email: m.savage@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sew-eurodrive.ca
201, 1389 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3E8
Tel: 250-564-1309
Email: info@conceptdesign.ca | www.conceptdesign.ca
DEL Communications Inc.
Contact: David Langstaff
300 6 Roslyn Road, Winnipeg, MB. R3L 0G5
Tel: 866-424-6398
Email: david@delcommunications.ca | www.delcommunications.ca
Goldstream Publishing Inc.
Contact: Sean Simmons
1274 5th Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L2
Tel: 250-596-6277 | Fax: 250-596-6278
Email: sean@anglersatlas.com | www.anglersatlas.com
Prince George Citizen
505 4 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3H2
Tel: 250-562-2441
Email: news@pgcitizen.ca | www.pgcitizen.ca
Services & Supplies SpeeDee Printing & Promotional Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Kyle Flanagan
795 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C6
Tel: 250-563-8291
Email: info@speedeesolutions.ca | www.speedeesolutions.ca
Contact: Ruth Fiddler
9359 Northern Crescent, Prince George V2N 5T7
Tel: 250-561-2169
Email: rfiddler@lumber.ca | www.lumber.ca
GRIP - Global Resources for Industrial Projects Inc.
Contact: Doug Ballard
1686 57A Street, Delta V4L 1X8
Tel: 604-889-1855 | Fax: 866-695-9655
Email: info@grip4equipment.ca | www.grip4equipment.ca
IDL Projects Inc.
Contact: Sheldon Boyes
1088 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-649-0561 | Fax: 250-649-0581
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray
17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
Precision Machinery
Contact: Josh Bergen
3521 Opie Crescent, Prince George V2N 1B8
Tel: 250-596-3222
Email: info@pgmr.ca | www.pgmr.ca
PUMPS A.S. Roach Fire Services
Contact: Albert Roach
26 53106 Range Road 14, Parkland County, AB T7Y 2T3
Tel: 780-719-9584 | Fax: 780-963-9722
Email: albert@asroachfire.com | www.asroachfire.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
2150 Steel Road, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-2972
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
19577 94 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4E6
Tel: 604-888-0042
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Clear Blue Water Systems Ltd.
Contact: Craig Wynn
PO Box 148, Montney V0C 1Y0
Tel: 250-827-3737
Email: clearblue@telus.net | www.clearbluewatersystems.ca
Keystone Pumps
Contact: Andrew Clark
3156 Norland Avenue, Burnaby V5B 3A6
Tel: 604-227-3555 | Fax: 604-229-0494
Email: info@keystonepumps.com | www.keystonepumps.com
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
2180 Robertson Road, Prince George V2N 1X6
Tel: 250-612-0010 | Fax: 250-612-0033
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
4516 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J8
Tel: 250-635-4321 | Fax: 250-635-4322
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray
17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
101 880 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 250-563-0452
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
235 Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250-992-7935 | Fax: 250-992-7939
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
10123 95 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1H9
Tel: 250-787-0656 | Fax: 250-787-0244
Motion Industries (Canada) Inc.
162 3 Street, Kitimat V8C 2H5
Tel: 250-632-7107 | Fax: 250-632-6894
Services & Supplies P. Scheck Industrial Electric Ltd.
Contact: Steve LaRose
205-A Lear Road, Quesnel V2J 5V5
Tel: 250.992.2316 | Fax: 250.992.2706
Email: pscheck@shaw.ca | www.pscheck.ca
RADIATORS Sinkut Radiator Service Inc. & Oil Cooler Remanufacturing
Contact: Rick Reimer
4786 Griffith Road, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1
Tel: 250-567-2627
Email: rick@sinkutradiator.com | www.sinkutradiatorservice.com
RARE EARTH MINING Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp.
Contact: Tom Crivas
500, 2 Toronto Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2B6
Tel: 416-546-2707 | Fax: 416-218-9772
Email: appia@appiaenergy.ca | www.appiareu.com
Avalon Advanced Materials Inc. (Avalon Rare Metals)
Contact: Don Bubar
1901, 130 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 3P5
Tel: 416-364-4938 | Fax: 416-364-5162
Email: office@avalonam.com | www.avalonadancedmaterials.com
Cheetah Resources - Vital Metals Limited
Contact: Geoff Atkins
PO Box 1919, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P4
Tel: 867-920-7273
Email: info@cheetahresources.com | www.cheetahresources.com
Neo Lithium Corp.
2702, 401 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5H 2Y4
Tel: 416-962-3300
Email: info@neolithium.ca | www.neolithium.ca
Uranium Energy Corp.
Contact: Bruce Nicholson 1830, 1030 West Georgia Street, Vancouver V6E 2Y3
Tel: 604-682-9775
Email: bnicholson@uraniumenergy.com | www.uraniumenergy.com
Vital Metals Canada Ltd.
Contact: Geoff Atkins
201, 4912 49 Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 1P3
Tel: 867-920-7273
Email: vital@vitalmetals.com.au | www.vitalmetals.com.au
Services & Supplies Vital Metals Canada Ltd.
Contact: Geoff Atkins
2950 Miners Avenue, Saskatoon S7K 4Z7
Email: vital@vitalmetals.com.au | www.vitalmetals.com.au
Contact: George Cummings
1287 Boundary Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-561-2911
Email: gcummings@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Lisa Marshall
Mile 2 1/2 Alaska Highway, PO Box 545, Dawson Creek V1G 4H4
Tel: 250-782-8335
Email: lisa.marshall@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL)
Contact: Mike Desautels
4155 Crozier Road, Armstrong V0E 1B6
Tel: 250-546-9479
Email: mdesautels@ail.ca | www.ail.ca
Canada Rig Mats Ltd.
Contact: Mitch Philpott
20897 Highway 16 E, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1
Tel: 250-574-6181 | Fax: 250-567-4008
Email: info@canadarigmats.ca | www.rig-mat.ca
Frost Lake Logging Ltd.
Contact: Scott Kirschke
32 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-562-2487
Email: info@frostlake.ca | www.frostlake.ca
H.F. Nodes Construction
Box 373, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0
Tel: 250-786-5474 | Fax: 250-786-5807
Email: info@hfnodes.com | www.hfnodes.com
IDL Projects Inc.
Contact: Sheldon Boyes
1088 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-649-0561 | Fax: 250-649-0581
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
Intercoast Construction Ltd.
Contact: Danny Schwab
4032 John Hart Highway, Prince George V2K 2Z6
Tel: 250-962-4620 | Fax: 250-962-2360
Email: danny@intercoast.ca | www.intercoast.ca
Services & Supplies Kentron Construction
PO Box 1088 Stn Main, Kitimat V8G 4V1
Tel: 250-635-9676 | Fax: 250-635-4121
Email: kentron@ycs.bc.ca | www.kentronconstructionltd.ca
P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
Contact: Hankin Asp
3470 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-615-6009
Email: info@pnrexploration.com | www.pnrexploration.com
RF Klein & Sons Ltd.
Contact: Cory Klein
180 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-961-4998
Email: cory@kleingroup.ca | www.kleingroup.ca
Rolling Mix Concrete Ltd.
Contact: John Paolucci
105 Foothills Boulevard, Prince George V2N 2J8
Tel: 250-563-9213 | Fax: 250-563-6286
Email: reception@rollingmix.ca | www.rollingmix.ca
Twin Rivers Developments Ltd.
Contact: Sheldon Mayert
5048 Banzer Drive, Prince George V2K 4H2
Tel: 250-962-6657 | Fax: 250-962-9600
Email: info@twinriversdev.com | www.twinriversdev.com
Contact: Blair Scott
Unit A, 10219 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1A9
Tel: 250-262-3002 | Fax: 250-262-3007
Email: blair.scott@aaasafety.ca | www.aaasafety.ca
Advanced Millwright Services Ltd.
Contact: Krista Klose
PO Box 1743, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-5756
Email: krista@advancedmillwrightservices.com | www.advancedmillwrightservices. com
Alpha Training Solutions
10123 99 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1V2
Tel: 250-787-9315 | Fax: 250-787-8839
Email: reception@alpha-training.ca | www.alpha-training.ca
Classic Life Care - Home Care Prince George
1360 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3B5
Tel: 250-563-3501
Email: princegeorge@classiclifecare.com | www.classiclifecare.com
Services & Supplies College of New Caledonia - Nechako Region (Fort St. James Campus)
179 Douglas Street, PO Box 1557, Fort St. James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-7019
Email: cncfsj@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
College of New Caledonia - (Burns Lake)
545 Highway 16 West, PO Box 5000, Burns Lake V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-1700
Email: lksdist@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
College of New Caledonia - Nechako Region (Vanderhoof Campus) 3231 Hospital Road, Vanderhoof V0J 3A2
Tel: 250-567-3200
Email: nechako@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
College of New Caledonia - Prince George 3330 22 Avenue , Prince George V2N 1P8
Tel: 250-562-2131 | Fax: 250-561-5867
Email: askcnc@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
Dynamic Avalanche Consulting Ltd.
Contact: Elaine Lajeunesse
301, 306 First Street West, PO Box 2845, Revelstoke V0E 2S0
Tel: 250-837-4466
Email: info@dynamicavalanche.com | www.dynamicavalanche.com
Free Spirit Ventures Inc.
Contact: Hayden Greenshields 2430 Ridgeview Place, Prince George V2K 3Z3
Tel: 250-561-3253
Email: free@safetypays.ca | www.safetypays.ca
Guillevin International Co.
4443 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J7
Tel: 833-948-2093 www.guillevin.com
Guillevin International Co. 1, 2233 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 2X4
Tel: 250-960-4350
Guillevin International Co. 9604 Sikanni Road, Fort St. John V1J 4V1
Tel: 250-785-8038
IDL Projects Inc.
Contact: Sheldon Boyes 1088 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-649-0561 | Fax: 250-649-0581
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing Ltd.
Contact: Vanessa Visona
1652 Quinn Street, Prince George V2N 1X3
Tel: 250-561-7277 (PASS) | Fax: 250-561-7297
Email: admin@iwct.ca | www.iwct.ca
Interior Workplace Compliance Testing Ltd.
Contact: Vanessa Visona
203, 4548 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1V4
Tel: 250-561-7277 (PASS) | Fax: 250-561-7297
Email: admin@iwct.ca | www.iwct.ca
Iridia Medical Inc.
Contact: Makayla MacLeod
8703 101 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 2A5
Tel: 250-787-7764
Email: fsj@iridiamedical.com | www.iridiamedical.com
Janitors’ Warehouse
Contact: Sandra Pratt
4545 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1P7
Tel: 250-635-5501 | Fax: 250-635-4798
Email: terracejanitorswarehouse@gmail.com | www.janitorswarehouseterrace.ca
K2 Electric Ltd.
Contact: Conner Greenlees
9629 Penn Road, Prince George V2N 5T6
Tel: 250-564-7885 | Fax: 250-564-7875
Email: info@k2electric.com | www.k2electric.com
National Emergency Safety Service (NESS)
Contact: Marie Grulichova 1218 Highway 16, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-945-5944
Email: ness@nationalemergency.ca | www.nationalemergency.ca
Northern Health Regional Office
600, 299 Victoria Street, Prince George V2L 5B8
Tel: 250-565-2649
Email: healthpromotions@northernhealth.ca | www.northernhealth.ca
Northern Metalic
Contact: Greg Campbell 9708 108 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4E2
Tel: 888-539-9555
Email: GRA@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Okanagan Audio Lab Ltd.
Contact: Cliff Stephens
4420 28 Street , Vernon V1T 7P5
Tel: 800-663-2884
Email: cliff@okaudiolab.com | www.okaudiolab.com
Services & Supplies Polar Medical Services Inc.
Contact: Joanne Holness
2640 Shamps Road, Pritchard V0E 2P0
Tel: 250-638-0005
Email: contact@polarmedical.ca | www.polarmedical.ca
Pro-Vent Grease
Contact: Murray Gardy
2131 Upland Street, Prince George V2L 2V8
Tel: 250-961-2945
Email: gardy@telus.net | www.proventgrease.com
Quesnel Safety Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Carol Fichter
3586 Hilborn Road, Quesnel V2J 3P7
Tel: 250-255-8976
Email: cfichter@quesnelsafetysolutions.com | www.quesnelsafetysolutions.com
Raven Rescue
Contact: Ron Morrison
PO Box 2017, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-2427 | Fax: 250-847-8896
Email: info@ravenrescue.com | www.ravenrescue.com
Safety Protection Warehouse
Contact: Terry Smeader
39 Starling Street, Kitimat V8C 1K4
Tel: 888-440-4668 | Fax: 250-483-3356
Email: admin@coverallsale.ca | www.coverallsale.ca
St. John Ambulance
470 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3B9
Tel: 866-321-2651 x 1696 | Fax: 604-321-7493
Email: prince.george@sja.ca | www.sja.ca
Unlimited Medical Services
101, 41 7 Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 4T8
Tel: 250-392-9300
Email: admin@unlimitedmedicalservices.com | www.unlimitedmedicalservices.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
20121 100A Avenue, Langley V1M 3X6
Tel: 604-888-3457
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
Contact: Paul Bryant
1706 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 250-564-1288 | Fax: 250-563-7333
Email: paul.bryant@whitecap.com | www.whitecapsupply.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
822 McCurdy Place, Kelowna V1X 8C8
Tel: 250-765-9000
Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jacob Forman
4275 Hangar Road, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-963-9884
Email: yhl@yhl.ca | www.yhl.ca
Contact: Alex Goldie
4214 Cowart Road, Prince George V2N 6H9
Tel: 250-561-1230 | Fax: 250-561-1142
Email: info@admiralroofing.ca | www.admiralroofing.ca
Advanced Millwright Services Ltd.
Contact: Krista Klose
PO Box 1743, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-5756
Email: krista@advancedmillwrightservices.com | www.advancedmillwrightservices. com
Allnorth Consultants Ltd
Contact: Don Williams
2011 Prince George Pulpmill Road, Prince George V2K 5P5
Tel: 250-614-7291
Email: dwilliams@allnorth.com | www.allnorth.com
All West Crane & Rigging Ltd.
Contact: Jerry Van Halderen
1891 Campbell Crescent, Quesnel V2J 5Z8
Tel: 833-777-7973
Email: info@allwestcrane.com | www.allwestcrane.com
Armtec Inc.
Contact: George Cummings 1287 Boundary Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-561-2911
Email: gcummings@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Lisa Marshall
Mile 2 1/2 Alaska Highway, PO Box 545, Dawson Creek V1G 4H4
Tel: 250-782-8335
Email: lisa.marshall@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Services & Supplies Atlantic Industries Limited (AIL)
Contact: Mike Desautels
4155 Crozier Road, Armstrong V0E 1B6
Tel: 250-546-9479
Email: mdesautels@ail.ca | www.ail.ca
BAT Construction Ltd.
Contact: Dan Sims
10230 Dallas Drive, Kamloops V2C 6T4
Tel: 250-573-1222 | Fax: 250-573-1236
Email: info@batconstruction.com | www.batconstruction.com
Bid Group Construction
Contact: Leif Norrgard
101, 1323 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3L6
Tel: 250-561-0140 | Fax: 250-649-1880
Email: parts@bidgroup.ca | www.bidgroup.ca
Blastpro Construction Ltd.
Contact: Warren Himech
2438 Pulton Avenue, Box 482, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 250-845-0044
Email: admin@blastproconstruction.ca | www.blastproconstruction.ca
Bulkley Valley Engineering Services Ltd. (BVES)
Contact: Eerik Lilles, P.Eng 3763 1 Avenue, PO Box 92 , Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-8795
Email: info@bves.ca | www.bves.ca
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable 2400 Telkwa High Road, Telkwa V0J 2X1
Tel: 250-877-9642 | Fax: 250-846-5402
Email: info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca
BV Electric Ltd.
Contact: Gary Huxtable 505 Brightwell Street, Stewart V0T 1W0 Tel: 250-877-9642
Email: info@bvelectric.ca | www.bvelectric.ca
CH4 Systems Inc.
Contact: Peter Biederstadt 13530 West Beaverly Road, Prince George V2N 5A6
Tel: 250-964-4070 | Fax: 250-964-4024
Email: ch4sys@pgonline.com | n/a
CIF Construction Ltd.
Contact: Jack Fomenoff
PO Box 2159, Prince George V2N 2J6
Tel: 250-564-8174
Email: info@cifcon.com | www.cifcon.com
Services & Supplies Crownsmen Partners
Contact: Gerrod Downey
403 Columbia Street, New Westminster V3L 1A9
Tel: 778-819-6204
Email: info@crownsmen.com | www.crownsmen.com
Don Stewart Construction Ltd.
Contact: Don Stewart
PO Box 4949, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-6767
Email: don@stewartconstruction.ca | www.stewartconstruction.ca
Duz Cho Construction LP
Contact: Jacob Albertson
4821 South Access Road, PO Box 28, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-3120 | Fax: 250-788-3188
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
Duz Cho Logging Ltd.
Contact: Chris Hayward
5360 Ritchie Road, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-4420 | Fax: 250-997-5430
Email: reception@dcclp.com | www.duzcho.com
4 Evergreen Resources LP
Contact: Myron Snyder
PO Box 1020, Chetwynd V0C 1J0
Tel: 250-788-7916
Email: msnyder@4eg.ca | www.4eg.ca
Falcon Camp Services Inc.
Contact: Zane Pickering
8555 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 250-563-5609
Email: info@falconcampservices.com | www.falconcampservices.com
Formula Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Andrew Forbes
9988 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 7A8
Tel: 250-561-2933 | Fax: 250-563-2931
Email: info@formulacontractors.com | www.formulacontractors.com
Formula Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Andrew Forbes
9157 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4
Tel: 250-561-2933
Email: andrew@formulacontractors.com | www.formulacontractors.com
Formula Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Paul Tiefensee
5201 54 Avenue, PO Box 214, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0
Tel: 877-761-2933 | Fax: 250-563-2931
Email: info@formulacontractors.com | www.formulacontractors.com
Contact: Geoff Hobbs
PO Box 2772, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
Tel: 867-678-0389
Email: geoff.hobbs@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
Suite A, 1415 Hankin Avenue, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-342-9767
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
10716 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Z3
Tel: 250-787-0300
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Petra Conniff
1505 River Street, Kamloops V2C 1Z2
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
Grainger Inc.
Contact: Jerry Ward
8910 100 Street, Fort St. John V1J 3X1
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
Grainger Inc.
724 Commercial Avenue, Kitimat V8C 2H4
Tel: 888-602-0000 www.grainger.ca
H.F. Nodes Construction
Box 373, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0
Tel: 250-786-5474 | Fax: 250-786-5807
Email: info@hfnodes.com | www.hfnodes.com
IDL Projects Inc.
Contact: Sheldon Boyes 1088 Great Street, Prince George V2N 2K8
Tel: 250-649-0561 | Fax: 250-649-0581
Email: info@idlprojects.com | www.idlprojects.com
IFS Equipment Ltd. (Innovative Foundation Solutions)
Contact: Jason Linley 10468 269 Road, Fort St. John V1J 4M7
Tel: 250-263-4555
Email: jdl@ifsequip.com | www.ifsequip.com
Services & Supplies Intercoast Construction Ltd.
Contact: Danny Schwab
4032 John Hart Highway, Prince George V2K 2Z6
Tel: 250-962-4620 | Fax: 250-962-2360
Email: danny@intercoast.ca | www.intercoast.ca
JSL Contracting Ltd.
Contact: Jack Parker
PO Box 208, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-7417
Email: jslcontracting@persona.ca
Kode Contracting Ltd.
1005 Eastern Street, Prince George V2N 5R8
Tel: 250-596-5633
Email: info@kode.ca | www.kode.ca
Ledcor - Civil and Foundations Division
Contact: Bryan Kneller
1500 1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver V6E 2E9
Tel: 604-681-7500
Email: bryan.kneller@ledcor.com | www.ledcor.com
Ledcor - Civil and Foundations Division
4 528 Mountainview Square, Kitimat V8C 2N2
Tel: 604-681-7500
LNG Canada - Prime Contractor JGC Fluor (JFJV)
234 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: (250) 632-JFJV (5358)
Email: info@jfjvkitimat.com | www.jfjvkitimat.com
Mainland Machinery Ltd.
Contact: Brian Dyck
2255 Townline Road, Abbotsford V2T 6H1
Tel: 604-854-4244 | Fax: 604-850-1796
Email: bdyck@mainlandmachinery.com | www.mainlandmachinery.com
McCue Engineering Contractors
Contact: Lynda Smithard, P.Eng. 102 7187 Progress Way, Delta V4G 1K8
Tel: 604-940-2828
Email: info@mccuecontracting.com | www.mccuecontracting.com
Nahanni Construction Ltd.
100 Nahanni Drive, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P6
Tel: 867-873-2975 | Fax: 867-873-9620
Email: corporate@nahannincl.com | www.nahannincl.com
NATS Nursery Ltd.
Contact: Ron Jacobson
24555 32 Avenue, Langley V2Z 2J5
Tel: 604-530-9300 | Fax: 604-530-9500
Email: ron@natsnursery.com | www.natsnursery .com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Greg Campbell
9708 108 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 4E2
Tel: 888-539-9555
Email: GRA@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Steel Ltd.
Contact: Nav Marwaha
9588 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 250-561-1121
Email: nmarwaha@northernsteelltd.com | www.northernsteelltd.com
NR Motors Ltd.
Contact: Greg Nikkel
810 2 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3A6
Tel: 250-563-8891
Email: contact@nrmotors.ca | www.nrmotors.ca
OCL Group Inc. (OCL)
1582 South Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 403-982-9090
Email: info@oclgroup.ca | www.oclgroup.ca
OCL Group Inc. (OCL)
12069 207 Road, Pouce Coupe V0C 2C0
Tel: 778-949-5023
Email: info@oclgroup.ca | www.oclgroup.ca
P&R Exploration Services Ltd.
Contact: Hankin Asp
3470 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-615-6009
Email: info@pnrexploration.com | www.pnrexploration.com
RF Klein & Sons Ltd.
Contact: Cory Klein
180 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-961-4998
Email: cory@kleingroup.ca | www.kleingroup.ca
Roktek Services
Contact: Leonard Sims
7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9011 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@simsgroup.ca | www.roktekservices.ca
Skeena Power (a division of Highland Powerlines)
7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9032 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@skeenapower.ca | www.skeenapower.ca
Services & Supplies Tetra Tech Canada Inc.
Contact: Bernie Teufele
1000 885 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver V6C 1N5
Tel: 604-685-0275 | Fax: 604-684-6241
Email: bernie.teufele@tetratech.com | www.tetratech.com
Timberspan Wood Products Inc.
Contact: Nicole Cvenkel
12555 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 7A8
Tel: 250-961-0146 | Fax: 250-963-7869
Email: info@timberspan.ca | www.timberspan.ca
Twin Rivers Developments Ltd.
Contact: Sheldon Mayert
5048 Banzer Drive, Prince George V2K 4H2
Tel: 250-962-6657 | Fax: 250-962-9600
Email: info@twinriversdev.com | www.twinriversdev.com
Ulko Contractors Ltd.
Contact: Rios Fernandez
PO Box 1074, Station A,, Prince George V2L 4R9
Tel: 250-960-9761
Email: rfernandez@ulkocontractors.com | www.ulkocontractors.com
Vitreo Minerals Ltd.
Contact: Trevor McPherson 1725 Blaeberry Road East, Golden V0A 1H1
Tel: 250-344-7171
Email: tmcpherson@vitreominerals.com | www.vitreominerals.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials) 20121 100A Avenue, Langley V1M 3X6
Tel: 604-888-3457
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials)
Contact: Paul Bryant 1706 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9 Tel: 250-564-1288 | Fax: 250-563-7333
Email: paul.bryant@whitecap.com | www.whitecapsupply.com
White Cap (formerly Brock White Construction Materials) 822 McCurdy Place, Kelowna V1X 8C8
Tel: 250-765-9000
Contact: Katherine Ray 17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie
202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
Contact: Cherie LeDoux
100 555 Burrard Street, Vancouver V7X 1M8
Tel: 604-299-7613
Email: info@maptek.com | www.maptek.com
Noratek Solutions Inc.
Contact: Steven Findlay
200, 1840 3 Avenue, Prince George V2M 1G4
Tel: 250-564-2236 | Fax: 250-564-3325
Email: info@noratek.com | www.noratek.com
Rigid Robotics
Contact: Nick Larson
120 3605 Gilmore Way, Burnaby V5G 4X5
Tel: 888-731-0564 | Fax: 888-731-8792
Email: info@rigidrobotics.com | www.rigidrobotics.com
The Answer Company
Contact: Krista Magnusson
502 233 Nelson’s Crescent, New Westminster V3L 0E4
Tel: 604-473-9166 | Fax: 604-473-9155
Email: info@theanswerco.com | www.theanswerco.com
SOLAR & RENEWABLE ENERGY SUPPLIES, SERVICES & CONSULTANTS Drax Group (formerly Pinnacle Renewable Energy Inc.)
8545 Willow Cale Road, Prince George V2N 6Z9
Tel: 250-562-5562 www.drax.com/ca
Contact: Joe Plamondon 1602 Ogilvie Street, Prince George V2N 1W9
Tel: 250-562-2466
Email: paf8553@ppg.com | www.dulux.ca
Linde Canada
1601 Central Street West, Prince George V2N 1P6
Tel: 250-563-3641
Email: princegeorge@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Services & Supplies Linde Canada
4751 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 5R1
Tel: 250-635-1277
Email: terrace@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Linde Canada
10331 Alaska Road, Unit 101, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-262-0047
Email: fortstjohn@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Linde Canada
1500 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek V1G 1Z7
Tel: 250-782-8280
Email: dawsoncreek@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray
17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
SUPPLIER BigSteelBox Corporation
880 Dalton Road, Kelowna V1X 2P9
Tel: 250-763-9660
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
BigSteelBox Corporation
5495 Hartway Drive, Prince George V2K 5B6
Tel: 250-962-6432
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
BigSteelBox Corporation
2990 Highway 16 East, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 800-373-1187
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
BigSteelBox Corporation
3550 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 5J3
Tel: 800-373-1187
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
BigSteelBox Corporation
Mile 47 Alaska Highway, Fort St. John V1J 4M6
Tel: 250-262-1466
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
BigSteelBox Corporation
614 Exeter Road, 100 Mile House V0K 2E1
Tel: 800-373-1187
Email: info@bigsteelbox.com | www.bigsteelbox.com
CAT Rental Store
8712 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6V3
Tel: (800) RENT-CAT (736-8228) www.catrentalstore.com
CAT Rental Store
1140 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: (800) RENT-CAT (736-8228) www.catrentalstore.com
CDN Resource Laboratories Ltd.
Contact: Mitchell Wihlidal
2, 20148 102 Avenue, Langley V1M 4B4
Tel: 604-882-8422 | Fax: 604-882-8466
Email: mitchell@cdnlabs.com | www.cdnlabs.com
Crossroads C&I Distributors
Contact: Greg Kamprath
105 12 King Edward Street, Coquitlam V3K 0E7
Tel: 604-421-1221 | Fax: 604-421-1203
Email: coqsales@crossroadsci.com | www.crossroadsci.com
Excel Personnel Inc.
Contact: Karen Watt
102, 1300 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y3
Tel: 250-596-3683 | Fax: 250-374-3854
Email: talent@excel.bc.ca | www.excel.bc.ca
Excel Personnel Inc.
Contact: Karen Watt
600, 235 1 Avenue, Kamloops V2C 3J4
Tel: 250-374-3853 | Fax: 250-374-3854
Email: hr@excel.bc.ca | www.excel.bc.ca
Finning Canada
8712 109 Street, Fort St. John V1J 6V3
Tel: 250-787-7761 www.finning.com
Finning Canada
1500 Highway 16 West, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 250-845-2213 www.finning.com
Finning Canada
1100 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-563-0331 www.finning.com
Finning Canada
Contact: Mike Pedde
1569, 6735 11 Street NE, Calgary T2E 8S5
Tel: 403-275-3340
Email: mpedde@finning.com | www.finning.com
Services & Supplies Four Rivers Co-Operative (Vanderhoof & Districts)
Contact: Allan Bieganski
188 East Stewart Street, PO Box 560, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-4414 | Fax: 250-567-4355
Email: mainoffice@fourrivers.crs | www.fourriversco-op.crs/sites/fourrivers
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Russell
8023 Webster Road, Delta V4G 1E4
Tel: 604-940-1627 | Fax: 604-940-1046
Email: brianr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: David Russell
7775 Edgar Industrial Way, Red Deer T4P 3R2
Tel: 403-340-8856 | Fax: 403-340-0213
Email: davidr@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Gordon Russell Ltd.
Contact: Brian Strom
5426a Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 778-764-0233
Email: brians@gordonrussell.com | www.gordonrussell.com
Janitors’ Warehouse
Contact: Sandra Pratt
4545 Lakelse Avenue, Terrace V8G 1P7
Tel: 250-635-5501 | Fax: 250-635-4798
Email: terracejanitorswarehouse@gmail.com | www.janitorswarehouseterrace.ca
Linde Canada
1601 Central Street West, Prince George V2N 1P6
Tel: 250-563-3641
Email: princegeorge@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Linde Canada
4751 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 5R1
Tel: 250-635-1277
Email: terrace@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Linde Canada
10331 Alaska Road, Unit 101, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-262-0047
Email: fortstjohn@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Linde Canada
1500 Alaska Avenue, Dawson Creek V1G 1Z7
Tel: 250-782-8280
Email: dawsoncreek@linde.com | www.lindecanada.ca
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
2180 Robertson Road, Prince George V2N 1X6
Tel: 250-612-0010 | Fax: 250-612-0033
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
4516 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J8
Tel: 250-635-4321 | Fax: 250-635-4322
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray
17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
Motion Metrics International Corp.
Contact: Caitlin McKinnon
101 2389 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604-822-5842 | Fax: 604-677-5191
Email: info@motionmetrics.com | www.motionmetrics.com
NATS Nursery Ltd.
Contact: Ron Jacobson 24555 32 Avenue, Langley V2Z 2J5
Tel: 604-530-9300 | Fax: 604-530-9500
Email: ron@natsnursery.com | www.natsnursery .com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Blair Scott
10407 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V1J 1B1
Tel: 250-785-6655 | Fax: 250-785-9432
Email: blair.scott@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
Northern Metalic
Contact: Scott Zacharuk
5240 Continental Way, Prince George V2N 5S5
Tel: 250-562-7000
Email: scott.zacharuk@northernmetalic.com | www.northernmetalic.com
PANAQUA - McCue Engineering Contractors
Contact: Chris McCue
102 7187 Progress Way, Delta V4G 1K8
Tel: 604-940-2828
Email: info@mccuecontracting.com | www.panaqua.ca
Petrovalue Products Canada Inc.
Contact: Jennifer Chandi
102, 9930 197 Street, Langley V1M 3G5
Tel: 604-576-0004 | Fax: 604-576-0093
Email: info@petrovalue.ca | www.petrovalue.ca
Polycorp Ltd.
Contact: Steve Prystie
202 15388 24 Avenue, Surrey V4A 2J2
Tel: 604-202-1560
Email: sprystie@poly-corp.com | www.poly-corp.com
Services & Supplies SEW - Eurodrive Company of Canada Ltd.
Contact: Mike Savage
7188 Honeyman Street, Delta V4G 1G1
Tel: 604-946-5535 | Fax: 604-946-2513
Email: m.savage@sew-eurodrive.ca | www.sew-eurodrive.ca
Contact: Jack Fasoli
220 Lafleaur Ave, La Salle, QC H8R 4C9
Tel: 438-828-1637
Email: jack.fasoli@totalenergies.com | www.totalenergies.ca
Vitreo Minerals Ltd.
Contact: Trevor McPherson
1725 Blaeberry Road East, Golden V0A 1H1
Tel: 250-344-7171
Email: tmcpherson@vitreominerals.com | www.vitreominerals.com
SURFACE MOBILE EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS Benchmark Automotive Services Inc.
Contact: Chris Desrochers
3532 Massey Drive, Prince George V2N 2M4
Tel: 250-564-5000 | Fax: 250-564-3045
Email: info@benchmarkpg.ca | www.benchmarkpg.ca
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Dan Soicher
3671 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2
Tel: 236-300-8514 | Fax: 250-635-5122
Email: dsoicher@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Jaret Pieper
10611 Finning Frontage, PO Box 6340, Fort St. John V1J 4H8
Tel: 250-999-3708 | Fax: 250-785-4303
Email: jpieper@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Glen Kelly
7337 Boundary Avenue, Prince George V2N 6C9
Tel: 236-601-1571 | Fax: 250-562-2914
Email: gkelly@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Fort St. John
Contact: Mike Moroun
12623 Charlie Lake Frontage Road, Fort St. John V1J 2B0
Tel: 250-785-4223 | Fax: 250-785-4237
Email: mmouron@nors.com | https://construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Prince George
Contact: Lyle Dukacz
7411 Riggs Crescent, Prince George V2N 0H1
Tel: 250-612-0255 | Fax: 250-612-0299
Email: ldukacz@nors.com | https://construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Terrace
Contact: Dale Weber
3830 Sharples Road, Terrace V8G 5P8
Tel: 250-635-9033 | Fax: 250-635-0978
Email: rwatson@nors.com | https://construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Williams Lake
Contact: Cam Cochran
4700 Collier Place, Williams Lake V0G 5E9
Tel: 250-392-9599
Email: ccochran@nors.com | https://construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Nors Construction Equipment Canada GW - Vernon
Contact: Dean Lowry
123 L & A Cross Road, Vernon V1B 3S1
Tel: 250-549-4232
Email: dlowry@nors.com | https://construction-equipment-gw.nors.com
Wajax Equipment
Contact: Shawna Hicks
10135 Finning Frontage, Fort St. John V1J 4J1
Tel: 250-785-4191 | Fax: 250-785-7621 www.wajax.com
Wajax Equipment
Contact: Al Gandy
4620 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-562-7321 | Fax: 250-561-1404 www.wajax.com
SURVEYING Bulkley Valley Engineering Services Ltd. (BVES)
Contact: Eerik Lilles, P.Eng
3763 1 Avenue, PO Box 92 , Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-8795
Email: info@bves.ca | www.bves.ca
CIF Construction Ltd.
Contact: Jack Fomenoff
PO Box 2159, Prince George V2N 2J6
Tel: 250-564-8174
Email: info@cifcon.com | www.cifcon.com
Services & Supplies DWB Consulting Services Ltd.
Contact: Rick Girard/Brian Aitken
1579 9 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3R8
Tel: 250-562-5541 | Fax: 250-562-5561
Email: rgirard@dwbconsulting.ca / baitken@dwbconsulting.ca www.dwbconsulting.ca
Contact: Geoff Hobbs
PO Box 2772, Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
Tel: 867-678-0389
Email: geoff.hobbs@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
Suite A, 1415 Hankin Avenue, Telkwa V0J 2X0
Tel: 250-342-9767
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Contact: David Gosling
10716 100 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 1Z3
Tel: 250-787-0300
Email: bcinfo@geoverra.com | www.geoverra.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jennifer Burry
106 Dickens Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-873-2081
Email: info@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Cory Skender
4325 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-922-5258
Email: clientservices@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
HBH Land Surveying Inc.
Contact: Gina Hidber
203, 1300 1 Avenue, Prince George V2L 2Y3
Tel: 250-640-2287
Email: bcls@hbhlandsurveying.ca | www.hbhlandsurveying.ca
HBH Land Surveying Inc.
Contact: Mark Rossmann
3750 1 Avenue, PO Box 536, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-3808
Email: bcls@hbhlandsurveying.ca | www.hbhlandsurveying.ca
8808 Northern Lights Drive, Fort St. John V1J 6M2
Tel: 250-787-0356 | Fax: 250-787-0310
Email: fortstjohn@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
322 323 City Centre, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-3200 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: kitimat@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
12 556 North Nechako Road, Prince George V2K 1A1
Tel: 250-561-2229 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princegeorge@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
729 2 Avenue West, Prince Rupert V8J 1H4
Tel: 250-624-4281 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: princerupert@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
1 5008 Pohle Avenue, Terrace V8G 4S8
Tel: 250-635-7163 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: terrace@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
200 858 Beatty Street, Vancouver V6B 1C1
Tel: 604-683-8521 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: vancouver@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
3907 4 Avenue, PO Box 787, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4040 | Fax: 855-407-3895
Email: smithers@mcelhanney.com | www.mcelhanney.com
Silverwood Natural Resource Consultants
Contact: Paul Hanna
210 4644 Lazelle Avenue, Terrace V8G 1S6
Tel: 250-635-0766
Email: mail@silverwoodconsulting.ca | www.silverwoodconsulting.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
301 1180 Ironwood Street, Campbell River V9W 5P7
Tel: 250-287-2246 | Fax: 250-287-2247
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
931 Great Street, Prince George V2N 5R7
Tel: 778-763-0999
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Strategic Natural Resource Consultants
10927 Alaska Road, Fort St. John V21J 6P3
Tel: 778-844-0634
Email: business.development@snrc.ca | www.snrc.ca
Services & Supplies WSP
Contact: Angus English
1000 840 Howe Street, Vancouver V6Z 2M1
Tel: 604-685-9381
Email: VancouverOfficeServices@wsp.com | www.wsp.com
312 450 City Center, Kitimat V8C 1T6
Tel: 250-632-2387 www.wsp.com
780 3 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3C5
Tel: 250-561-2603
1, 3772 4 Avenue, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-1913
205 133 Industrial Road, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2V2
Tel: 867-668-2525
Yukon Geological Survey
Contact: Jeff Bond
300 Main Street, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2B5
Tel: 867-667-8508 | Fax: 867-667-3198
Email: geology@yukon.ca | www.yukon.ca
B.K. Two-Way Radio Ltd.
1195 Cariboo Highway, Quesnel V2J 2Y3
Tel: 250-992-9007 | Fax: 250-992-7490
Email: main@bktwoway.ca | www.bktwoway.ca
B.K. Two-Way Radio Ltd.
101, 3963 15th Avenue, Prince George V2N 1A5
Tel: 250-562-4856 | Fax: 250-562-0020
Email: main@bktwoway.ca | www.bktwoway.ca
Omega Communications Ltd.
Contact: Warren Saari
110 3677 Highway 97 N, Kelowna V1X 5C3
Tel: 250-860-8016 | Fax: 250-860-7477
Email: info@omegacom.ca | www.omegacom.ca
Redline Communications Ltd.
Contact: Carli Yim
400 302 Town Centre Blvd., Makham, ON L3R 0E8
Tel: 416-553-4402
Email: info@rdlcom.com | www.rdlcom.com
Contact: Russ Boyd
5130 Seaplane Base Road, Telkwa V0J 2X1
Tel: 250-846-9488
Email: info@alpinelakesair.com | www.alpinelakesair.com
Alpine Lakes Air
Contact: Russ Boyd
6310 Mattern Avenue, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-846-9488
Email: info@alpinelakesair.com | www.alpinelakesair.com
Alpine Lakes Air
Contact: Russ Boyd
Boundary Bay Airport - 7800 Alpha Way, Delta V4K 0A7
Tel: 250-846-9488
Email: info@alpinelakesair.com | www.alpinelakesair.com
ALX Exploration Services
Contact: Currie Dixon
33 Levich Drive, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0A8
Tel: 867-668-6096
Email: administration@alx.ca | www.alx.ca
Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd
Contact: Lee York
3364 Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 888-420-1092
Email: Lee_York@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com
Services & Supplies Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd
Contact: John Bandstra
9341 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4
Tel: 888-698-2741
Email: John_Bandstra@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com
Babine Truck & Equipment Ltd
Contact: Jack Whalley
1600A Prince Rupert Boulevard, Prince Rupert V8J 2Z3
Tel: 250-624-5171
Email: jwhalley@babinetruck.com | www.babinetruck.com
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd. - HQ
Contact: Ryan Langley
PO Box 95, 3394 Hwy 16 East, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 800-571-2057 | Fax: 250-847-5042
Email: info@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd.
9499 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 888-302-9902 | Fax: 250-562-8908
Email: dispatchprincegeorge@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd.
3111 Blakeburn Street, Terrace V8G 3J1
Tel: 800-635-2728 | Fax: 250-635-7197
Email: dispatchterrace@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
BC Rail Company
600 221 West Esplanade, North Vancouver V7M 3J3
Tel: 604-678-4735
Services & Supplies Frontier Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Ltd.
Contact: Jason McCrindle
3046 Yellowhead Highway 16, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4266
Email: sales@frontierjeepram.ca | www.frontierjeepram.ca
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jennifer Burry
106 Dickens Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-873-2081
Email: info@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Cory Skender
4325 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-922-5258
Email: clientservices@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc.
Contact: Eric Stier and Bryan Wallace
156 West Stewart Street, PO Box 398, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-2655 | Fax: 250-567-2656
Email: Eric@guardianaerospace.net | www.guardianaerospace.net
Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc.
Contact: Eric Stier and Bryan Wallace
Aviator Road, Gate 31 , Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-567-2655 | Fax: 250-567-2656
Email: Eric@guardianaerospace.net | www.guardianaerospace.net
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Dan Soicher
3671 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2
Tel: 236-300-8514 | Fax: 250-635-5122
Email: dsoicher@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Jaret Pieper
10611 Finning Frontage, PO Box 6340, Fort St. John V1J 4H8
Tel: 250-999-3708 | Fax: 250-785-4303
Email: jpieper@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Inland Kenworth
Contact: Glen Kelly
7337 Boundary Avenue, Prince George V2N 6C9
Tel: 236-601-1571 | Fax: 250-562-2914
Email: gkelly@inland-group.com | www.inland-group.com
Interior Warehousing Ltd.
Contact: Roy Dondale
1955 River Road, Prince George V2L 5S8
Tel: 250-563-4613 | Fax: 250-563-4745
Email: roy@interiorwarehousing.com | www.interiorwarehousing.com
Contact: Tom Campbell
1160 Mill Road, P.O. Box 686, Mackenzie V0J 2C0
Tel: 250-997-6521 | Fax: 250-997-4508
Email: tom_campbell@kaltire.com | www.kaltire.com
Lakes District Air Services Ltd.
Contact: Nick Hawes
1810 Highway 35, Burns Lake V0J 1E2
Tel: 250-692-3229
Email: flying@LDair.ca | www.ldair.ca
Lomak Bulk Carriers Corp
Contact: Rick Reinbolt
6555 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S4
Tel: 800-663-3293 | Fax: 250-561-0750
Email: info@lomak.ca | www.lomak.ca
Matrix - Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney
214, 20171 92A Avenue, Langley V1M 3A5
Tel: 604-538-4574 | Fax: 604-538-4533
Email: michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca
Matrix - Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney
3310 River Drive, Terrace V8G 3P1
Tel: 250-635-0507
Email: michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca
Services & Supplies Matrix - Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney
8 Yellowknife Airport, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-766-4952 | Fax: 867-766-3374
Email: michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca
National Compressed Air Inc.
11128 261 Street, Acheson, AB T7X 6C7
Tel: 780-960-6085 | Fax: 780-960-6873
Email: alberta@nationalcompressedairinc.com | www.nationalcompressedair.com
Northern Thunderbird Air Inc.
100 4245 Hanger Road, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-410-3030 www.ntair.ca
Northwest Regional Airport - Terrace-Kitimat
Contact: Carman Hendry 103 4401 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-635-2659 | Fax: 250-638-0059
Email: chendry@yxt.ca | www.yxt.ca
O’Brien Training Ltd.
Contact: Dardo Krueger
1320 2 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3B5
Tel: 250-563-1998 | Fax: 250-563-0061
Email: training@obriengroup.ca | www.obrientraining.com
Pacific Coastal Airlines Ltd.
Contact: Shawn Warneboldt 4980 Cowley Crescent, Richmond V7B 1C1
Tel: 800-663-2872 | Fax: 604-273-6864
Email: reserve@pacificcoastal.com | www.pacificcoastal.com
Paxton Shuttle Service
Contact: Todd Pereversoff
1558 Quinn Street South, Prince George V2N 1X3
Tel: 250-612-1111
Email: admin@paxtonshuttle.com | www.paxtonshuttle.com
Peterbilt Pacific Inc.
Contact: Mel Eby 6333 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-563-8866
Email: meby@peterbiltpacific.com | www.peterbiltpacific.com
Peterbilt Pacific Inc.
Contact: Allen Hampton 3104 Hampton Street, Terrace V8G 5R5
Tel: 250-638-1433
Email: ahampton@peterbiltpacific.com | www.peterbiltpacific.com
Prince George Airport Authority
4141 Airport Road - 10, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-963-2400 | Fax: 250-963-3462
Email: info@pgairport.ca | www.pgairport.ca
Royal Rose Limousines
Contact: Todd Pereversoff
1558 Quinn Street South, Prince George V2N 1X3
Tel: 250-563-5590
Email: admin@royalroselimo.com | www.royalroselimousines.com
Russell Transfer Ltd.
Contact: Dwain Russell 1390 Highway 27, PO Box 910, Fort St. James V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-8363
Email: dwainrussell1966@gmail.com
Silver King Helicopters Inc.
Contact: Missy Hinds
6343 Ventura Blvd., Smithers Airport, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-1989 | Fax: 866-237-0280
Email: info@silverkingheli.com | www.silverkingheli.com
Services & Supplies Sinkut Radiator Service Inc. & Oil Cooler Remanufacturing
Contact: Rick Reimer
4786 Griffith Road, Vanderhoof V0J 3A1
Tel: 250-567-2627
Email: rick@sinkutradiator.com | www.sinkutradiatorservice.com
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
9157 Rock Island Road, Prince George V2N 5T4
Tel: 250-561-1501 | Fax: 250-561-1601
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
3545 Highway 16 East, Terrace V8G 4M2
Tel: 250-635-6802 | Fax: 250-635-6881
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com
Sterling Crane
Contact: Jeff Walter
9608 81 Avenue, Fort St. John V1J 6R4
Tel: 250-263-0082 | Fax: 250-263-0081
Email: jwalter@sterlingcrane.com | www.sterlingcrane.com
Sullivan Motor Products Ltd.
Contact: John Sullivan
2760 Yellowhead Highway 16, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 877-552-6268
Email: john@sullivangm.com | www.sullivangm.com
Taylor Professional Driving Ltd.
Contact: Dardo Krueger 1320 2 Avenue , Prince George V2L 3B5
Tel: 250-564-7624
Email: taylor@obriengroup.ca | www.taylorprofessionaldriving.com
Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jacob Forman
4275 Hangar Road, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-963-9884
Email: yhl@yhl.ca | www.yhl.ca
Contact: Pete McGill
230 4245 Hangar Road, Prince George V2M 4N6
Tel: 250-962-5566 | Fax: 250-962-2556
Email: info@aberdeenheli.com | www.aberdeenheli.com
Alpine Lakes Air
Contact: Russ Boyd
5130 Seaplane Base Road, Telkwa V0J 2X1
Tel: 250-846-9488
Email: info@alpinelakesair.com | www.alpinelakesair.com
Alpine Lakes Air
Contact: Russ Boyd
6310 Mattern Avenue, Smithers V0J 2N2
Tel: 250-846-9488
Email: info@alpinelakesair.com | www.alpinelakesair.com
Alpine Lakes Air
Contact: Russ Boyd
Boundary Bay Airport - 7800 Alpha Way, Delta V4K 0A7
Tel: 250-846-9488
Email: info@alpinelakesair.com | www.alpinelakesair.com
Fireweed Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Bruno Meili
PO Box 26 , Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5X9
Tel: 867-668-5888 | Fax: 867-668-5110
Email: info@fireweedhelicopters.ca | www.fireweedhelicopters.ca
Fireweed Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Bruno Meili
PO Box 169 , Dawson YT Y0B 1G0
Tel: 867-993-5700
Email: dawson@fireweedhelicopters.ca | www.fireweedhelicopters.ca
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jennifer Burry
106 Dickens Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-873-2081
Email: info@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Great Slave Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Cory Skender
4325 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-922-5258
Email: clientservices@gsheli.com | www.gsheli.com
Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc.
Contact: Eric Stier and Bryan Wallace
156 West Stewart Street, PO Box 398, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-2655 | Fax: 250-567-2656
Email: Eric@guardianaerospace.net | www.guardianaerospace.net
Guardian Aerospace Holdings Inc.
Contact: Eric Stier and Bryan Wallace
Aviator Road, Gate 31 , Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-567-2655 | Fax: 250-567-2656
Email: Eric@guardianaerospace.net | www.guardianaerospace.net
Services & Supplies Hill Aircraft Service Ltd.
Contact: Katherine Hill
6 3900 Grumman Road, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-963-7211 | Fax: 250-963-7218
Email: kat@hillair.com | www.hillair.com
Lakes District Air Services Ltd.
Contact: Nick Hawes
1810 Highway 35, Burns Lake V0J 1E2
Tel: 250-692-3229
Email: flying@LDair.ca | www.ldair.ca
Matrix - Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney
214, 20171 92A Avenue, Langley V1M 3A5
Tel: 604-538-4574 | Fax: 604-538-4533
Email: michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca
Matrix - Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney
3310 River Drive, Terrace V8G 3P1
Tel: 250-635-0507
Email: michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca
Matrix - Camps, Logistics & Aviation Management
Contact: Michael Kenney
8 Yellowknife Airport, Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2
Tel: 867-766-4952 | Fax: 867-766-3374
Email: michael.kenney@matrixco.ca | www.matrixco.ca
Northern Thunderbird Air Inc
100 4245 Hanger Road, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-410-3030
Northwest Regional Airport - Terrace-Kitimat
Contact: Carman Hendry
103 4401 Bristol Road, Terrace V8G 0E9
Tel: 250-635-2659 | Fax: 250-638-0059
Email: chendry@yxt.ca | www.yxt.ca
Pacific Coastal Airlines Ltd.
Contact: Shawn Warneboldt 4980 Cowley Crescent, Richmond V7B 1C1
Tel: 800-663-2872 | Fax: 604-273-6864
Email: reserve@pacificcoastal.com | www.pacificcoastal.com
Prince George Airport Authority
4141 Airport Road 10, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-963-2400 | Fax: 250-963-3462
Email: info@pgairport.ca | www.pgairport.ca
Silver King Helicopters Inc.
Contact: Missy Hinds
6343 Ventura Blvd., Smithers Airport, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-877-1989 | Fax: 866-237-0280
Email: info@silverkingheli.com | www.silverkingheli.com
Yellowhead Helicopters Ltd.
Contact: Jacob Forman
4275 Hangar Road, Prince George V2N 4M6
Tel: 250-963-9884
Email: yhl@yhl.ca | www.yhl.ca
TRANSPORTATION (GROUND) Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd. - HQ
Contact: Ryan Langley
PO Box 95, 3394 Hwy 16 East, Smithers V0J 2N0
Tel: 800-571-2057 | Fax: 250-847-5042
Email: info@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd.
9499 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 888-302-9902 | Fax: 250-562-8908
Email: dispatchprincegeorge@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
Bandstra Transportation Systems Ltd.
3111 Blakeburn Street, Terrace V8G 3J1
Tel: 800-635-2728 | Fax: 250-635-7197
Email: dispatchterrace@bandstra.com | www.bandstra.com
Contact: John Irving
7961 Otway Road, Prince George V2M 7B4
Tel: 250-564-9011 | Fax: 250-561-1538
Email: info@batconstruction.com | www.batconstruction.com
Black Heart Industrial Solutions
Contact: Colton MacDonald
103 Gibbon Road, Williams Lake V2G 3N1
Tel: 250-267-1134
Email: cmacdonald@blackheartindustrial.ca
Quality Chain Canada - QCCanada
Contact: Scott Symmes
1, 2133 191 Street, Surrey V3Z 3M3
Tel: 888-507-9734 | Fax: 888-507-9724
Email: sales@qccanada.com | www.qccanada.com
Services & Supplies Wajax Equipment
Contact: Shawna Hicks
10135 Finning Frontage, Fort St. John V1J 4J1
Tel: 250-785-4191 | Fax: 250-785-7621 www.wajax.com
Wajax Equipment
Contact: Al Gandy
4620 Pacific Street, Prince George V2N 5S3
Tel: 250-562-7321 | Fax: 250-561-1404 www.wajax.com
UNIFORM - SUPPLY & CLEANING SERVICES Safety Protection Warehouse
Contact: Terry Smeader
39 Starling Street, Kitimat V8C 1K4
Tel: 888-440-4668 | Fax: 250-483-3356
Email: admin@coverallsale.ca | www.coverallsale.ca
Spotless Uniform Ltd.
Contact: Shaun Heighington
3902 Kenworth Road East, Prince George V2K 1P2
Tel: 250-962-6900 | Fax: 250-962-6950
Email: support@spotlessuniform.com | www.spotlessuniform.com
VENTILATION EQUIPMENT & COMPONENTS Allrite Heating & Ventilation Ltd.
Contact: John Worswick
869 5 Avenue, Prince George V2L 3K5
Tel: 250-612-3912 | Fax: 250-612-0094
Email: john@allriteheating.com | www.allriteheating.com
CC Industries Ltd.
Contact: Lee Carter
2229 Knell Road East, Prince George V2K 4A8
Tel: 800-663-6986
Email: info@ccindustries.net | www.ccindustries.net
C R Metal Fabricators Ltd
Contact: Rob Beetstra
1970 17 Avenue, Campbell River V9W 4L9
Tel: 250-286-6313 | Fax: 250-286-6122
Email: info@crmf.bc.ca | www.crmetalfab.com
Lynum-Progressive Industries
Contact: Katherine Ray 17, 8456 129A Street, Surrey V3W 1A2
Tel: 604-594-0100 | Fax: 604-594-0105
Email: sales@lynum.com | www.lynum.com
2, 9790 190 Street, Surrey V4N 3M9
Tel: 604-882-6650 | Fax: 604-882-6659 www.bipurewater.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
2150 Steel Road, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-2972
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
19577 94 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4E6
Tel: 604-888-0042
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Services & Supplies Clear Blue Water Systems Ltd.
Contact: Craig Wynn
PO Box 148, Montney V0C 1Y0
Tel: 250-827-3737
Email: clearblue@telus.net | www.clearbluewatersystems.ca
Forest Technology Systems - FTS Inc.
Contact: Chris Lindsay
1065 Henry Eng Place, Victoria V9B 6B2
Tel: 800-548-4264 | Fax: 800-905-7004
Email: sales@ftsinc.com | www.ftsinc.com
Northlands Water and Sewer Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Nancy Turner 1733 Lyon Street, Prince George V2N 1T3
Tel: 250-561-1884 | Fax: 250-561-1830
Email: info@northlandswater.ca | www.northlandswater.ca
QSP Packers, LLC
Contact: Mark Hartley / Ron Roland PO Box 1544, Sumner, WA 98390
Tel: 253-770-0315 | Fax: 253-770-0327
Email: info@qsppackers.com | www.qsppackers.com
Contact: George Cummings 1287 Boundary Road, Prince George V2N 5T2
Tel: 250-561-2911
Email: gcummings@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Armtec Inc.
Contact: Lisa Marshall Mile 2 1/2 Alaska Highway, PO Box 545, Dawson Creek V1G 4H4 Tel: 250-782-8335
Email: lisa.marshall@armtec.com | www.armtec.com
Bi Pure Water (Canada) Inc.
2, 9790 190 Street, Surrey V4N 3M9
Tel: 604-882-6650 | Fax: 604-882-6659 www.bipurewater.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
2150 Steel Road, Prince George V2K 5B7
Tel: 250-962-2972
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Canadian Dewatering LP
19577 94 Avenue, Surrey V4N 4E6
Tel: 604-888-0042
Email: info@canadiandewatering.com | www.canadiandewatering.com
Clear Blue Water Systems Ltd.
Contact: Craig Wynn
PO Box 148, Montney V0C 1Y0
Tel: 250-827-3737
Email: clearblue@telus.net | www.clearbluewatersystems.ca
GRIP - Global Resources for Industrial Projects Inc.
Contact: Doug Ballard
1686 57A Street, Delta V4L 1X8
Tel: 604-889-1855 | Fax: 866-695-9655
Email: info@grip4equipment.ca | www.grip4equipment.ca
McCue Engineering Contractors
Contact: Lynda Smithard, P.Eng.
102 7187 Progress Way, Delta V4G 1K8
Tel: 604-940-2828
Email: info@mccuecontracting.com | www.mccuecontracting.com
Northlands Water and Sewer Supplies Ltd.
Contact: Nancy Turner 1733 Lyon Street, Prince George V2N 1T3
Tel: 250-561-1884 | Fax: 250-561-1830
Email: info@northlandswater.ca | www.northlandswater.ca
PANAQUA - McCue Engineering Contractors
Contact: Chris McCue
102 7187 Progress Way, Delta V4G 1K8
Tel: 604-940-2828
Email: info@mccuecontracting.com | www.panaqua.ca
WELDING Advanced Millwright Services Ltd.
Contact: Krista Klose
PO Box 1743, Vanderhoof V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-5756
Email: krista@advancedmillwrightservices.com | www.advancedmillwrightservices. com
CC Industries Ltd.
Contact: Lee Carter
2229 Knell Road East, Prince George V2K 4A8
Tel: 800-663-6986
Email: info@ccindustries.net | www.ccindustries.net
Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
2180 Robertson Road, Prince George V2N 1X6
Tel: 250-612-0010 | Fax: 250-612-0033
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Services & Supplies Local Rental Solutions Ltd.
Contact: Dustin Graham
4516 Keith Avenue, Terrace V8G 1J8
Tel: 250-635-4321 | Fax: 250-635-4322
Email: rentals@localrentalsolutions.com | www.localrentalsolutions.com
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Jeff Roney
1155 MacKenzie Avenue North, Williams Lake V2G 4P3
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: jeff@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Rick Hrywkiw
PO Box 1446, Houston V0J 1Z0
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: rick@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Monster Industries Ltd.
Contact: Jared Macinnis
5412 Highway 16 West, Terrace V8G 0C6
Tel: 877-845-3240 | Fax: 250-845-3245
Email: jared@monsterindustries.ca | www.monsterindustries.ca
Northern Steel Ltd.
Contact: Nav Marwaha
9588 Milwaukee Way, Prince George V2N 5T3
Tel: 250-561-1121
Email: nmarwaha@northernsteelltd.com | www.northernsteelltd.com
Parallel Welding, Fabrication Ltd.
Contact: Tracy Mero
1879 Brownmiller Road, Quesnel V2J 0C7
Tel: 250-992-9433 | Fax: 250-992-9424
Email: tracy.mero@parallelwelding.com | www.paralleldiv.com
Tyrod Industries Ltd.
Contact: Tyson Kranrod 429 McAloney Road, Prince George V2K 4L2
Tel: 250-596-1640 | Fax: 866-827-6892
Email: jamie@tyrodindustries.com | www.tyrodindustries.com
1195 Cariboo Highway, Quesnel V2J 2Y3
Tel: 250-992-9007 | Fax: 250-992-7490
Email: main@bktwoway.ca | www.bktwoway.ca
B.K. Two-Way Radio Ltd.
101, 3963 15 Avenue, Prince George V2N 1A5
Tel: 250-562-4856 | Fax: 250-562-0020
Email: main@bktwoway.ca | www.bktwoway.ca
Omega Communications Ltd.
Contact: Warren Saari
110 3677 Highway 97 N, Kelowna V1X 5C3
Tel: 250-860-8016 | Fax: 250-860-7477
Email: info@omegacom.ca | www.omegacom.ca
Rigid Robotics
Contact: Nick Larson
120 3605 Gilmore Way, Burnaby V5G 4X5
Tel: 888-731-0564 | Fax: 888-731-8792
Email: info@rigidrobotics.com | www.rigidrobotics.com
Sienna Networks Ltd.
102 2905 Kenney Street, Terrace V8G 3E8
Tel: 778-505-2008
Email: info@siennsnetworks.ca | www.siennanetworks.ca
Educational Facility Listings BCIT Centre for Workplace Education (Co-Op Program)
Contact: Jennifer Weintraub
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Building NW5, Room 101, Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2
Tel: 604-451-7077 | Fax: 604-434-5192
Email: cwe@bcit.ca | www.bcit.ca/workplace-education
BCIT Mineral Exploration and Mining Technology Program
Contact: Elisa Loaisiga
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5G 3H2
Tel: 604-432-8683
Email: eloaisiga@bcit.ca | www.bcit.ca/programs/mineral-exploration-and-mining
Coast Mountain College – School of Exploration and Mining
Contact: Laurie Kallio
3966 2 Avenue, PO Box 3606, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4461 | Fax: 250-847-4568
Email: info@coastmountaincollege.ca | www.coastmountaincollege.ca
Coast Mountain College – Workforce Training & Contract Services
Contact: Lorrie Gowen
5331 McConnell Avenue, Terrace, BC V8G 4X2
Tel: 250-635-6511 | Fax: 250-638-5432
Email: lgowen@coastmountaincollege.ca | www.coastmountaincollege.ca
College of New Caledonia – (Burns Lake)
545 Highway 16 West, PO Box 5000, Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0
Tel: 250-692-1700
Email: lksdist@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
College of New Caledonia – Nechako Region (Fort St. James Campus) Box 1557, 179 Douglas Street, Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0
Tel: 250-996-7019
Email: cncfsj@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
College of New Caledonia – Nechako Region (Vanderhoof Campus) 3231 Hospital Road, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A2
Tel: 250-567-3200
Email: nechako@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
College of New Caledonia – Prince George 3330 22nd Avenue , Prince George, BC V2N 1P8
Tel: 250-562-2131 | Fax: 250-561-5867
Email: askcnc@cnc.bc.ca | www.cnc.bc.ca
College of the Rockies
2700 College Way, Box 8500, Cranbrook, BC V1C 5L7
Tel: 250-489-2751 | Fax: 250-489-1790
Email: info@cotr.bc.ca | www.cotr.bc.ca
Educational Facility Listing Karma Industrial Safety Training
Contact: Jack Cook
Terrace, BC
Tel: 250-615-3727
Email: info@karmatraining.ca | www.karmatraining.ca
Kwantlen Polytechnic University – Faculty of Trades and Technology
Contact: Laura McDonald,Pro Tem Dean 12666 72nd Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 2M8
Tel: 604-598-6112
Email: laura.mcdonald@kpu.ca | www.kpu.ca
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
4155 Belshaw Street, Merritt, BC V1K 1R1
Tel: 250-378-3300 | Fax: 250-315-0107
Email: info@nvit.bc.ca | www.nvit.ca
Northern Lights College
11401 8 Street, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G2
Tel: 250-782-5251
Email: registrar@nlc.bc.ca | www.nlc.bc.ca
Northern Lights College – Dawson Creek
Contact: Rhonda Dayus
11401 8 Street, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4G2
Tel: 250-782-7622 | Fax: 250-785-6250
Email: rdayus@nlc.bc.ca | www.nlc.bc.ca
Educational Facility Listing SkilledTradesBC
800 8100 Granville Avenue, Richmond, BC V6Y 3T6
Tel: 866-660-6011
Email: customerservice@skilledtradesbc.ca | www.skilledtradesbc.ca
Small Business BC – Export Navigator
Contact: Tom Conway
550, 555 West 12 Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 3X7
Tel: 604-775-5525 | Fax: 604-775-5520
Email: askus@smallbusinessbc.ca | www.smallbusinessbc.ca
St. John Ambulance
470 3 Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 3B9
Tel: 250-561-1696 | Fax: 250-564-7552
Email: princegeorge@bc.sja.ca | www.sja.ca
Thompson Rivers University – School of Trades and Technology
Contact: Dwayne Gieger
805 TRU Way, Kamloops, BC V2C 0C8
Tel: 250-371-5797
Email: trades@tru.ca | www.tru.ca
Trades Training Consortium of BC
Tel: 778-328-8700
UBC – Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering
517 6350 Stores Road, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604-822-2540 | Fax: 604-822-5599
Email: info@mining.ubc.ca | www.mining.ubc.ca
UBC Mining Engineering – Coal & Mineral Processing Laboratory
2332 West Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604-822-2540 | Fax: 604-822-5599
Email: info@mining.ubc.ca | www.mining.ubc.ca
University of Northern British Columbia – UNBC Continuing Studies
Contact: Laurel Bai
3333 University Way, Prince George, BC V2N 4Z9
Tel: 250-960-5980 | Fax: 250-960-5984
Email: cstudies@unbc.ca | www.unbc.ca/continuing-studies
Vancouver Island University – Natural Resources Extension Program
Contact: NREP Main Office
900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5
Tel: 250-740-6492 | Fax: 250-740-6480
Email: nrep@viu.ca | www.viu.ca
WorkBC Center – Terrace
Contact: Lorna Sandhals
201 4622 Greig Avenue, Terrace, BC V8G 1M9
Tel: 250-638-8108 | Fax: 250-638-7212
Email: info-terrace@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-terrace.ca
WorkBC Centre – Hazelton
4345 Field Street, Hazelton, BC V0J 1Y0
Tel: 250-842-6110 | Fax: 250-845-2282
Email: centre-hazelton@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-hazelton.ca
WorkBC Centre – Kitimat
Contact: Cyndi McIntosh
562 Mountain View Square, Kitimat, BC V8C 2N2
Tel: 250-632-6581
Email: centre-kitimat@workbc.ca | www.kitimatcommunityservices.ca
WorkBC Kitimat – Employment Services Centre
Contact: Cyndi McIntosh
562 Mountain View Square, Kitimat, BC V8C 2N2
Tel: 250-632-6581
Email: centre-kitimat@workbc.ca | www.kitimatcommunityservices.ca
WorkBC Services Center – Smithers
Contact: Andrea Newell
3851 First Avenue, Smithers, BC V0J 2N3
Tel: 877-564-3545
Email: centre-smithers@workbc.ca | www.workbccentre-smithers.ca
January 14 -16, 2025
2025 Conferences BC Natural Resources Forum
Prince George, British Columbia
January 19 - 20, 2025
Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
Vancouver, British Columbia
January 20 - 23, 2025
AME Roundup 2025
Vancouver, British Columbia
January 21 - 23, 2025
57th Annual Canadian Mineral Processors Conference Ottawa, Ontario
March 2 - 5, 2025
PDAC 2025 International Convention, Trade Show and Investors Exchange –Mineral Exploration & Mining Convention Toronto, Ontario
April 8 - 9, 2025
KEG - Kamloops Exploration Group Conference and Trade Show
Kamloops, British Columbia
May 4 - 7, 2025
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum (CIM) Convention and Expo 2025
Montreal, Quebec
May 6 - 8, 2025
Canada Gas Exhibition & Conference
Vancouver, British Columbia
May , 2025 (TBD)
Minerals North 2025 Conference
Kitimat, British Columbia
June 18 - 20, 2025
Indigenous Resource Opportunities Conference
Nanaimo, British Columbia
July 7 - 10, 2025
64th Annual Conference of Metallurgists
Montreal, Quebec
October 2025 TBD
Coal Association of Canada 2025 Conference
Vancouver, British Columbia
October 27 - 30, 2025
XPLOR 2025 - Quebec Mineral Exploration Convention –Quebec Mineral Exploration Association (QMEA) Montreal, Quebec
November 2 - 5, 2025
Tailings and Mine Waste 2025 Banff, Alberta
Mining / Coal NORTH NORTH Aben Resources Ltd. – Forrest Kerr 1610, 777 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver, BC V7Y 1K4
Tel: 604-687-3376 | Fax: 604-687-3119
Email: info@abenresources.com | www.abenresources.com
Alamos Gold Inc. – Corporate Office
3910, 181 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5J 2T3
Tel: 416-368-9932 | Fax: 416-368-2934
Email: info@alamosgold.com | www.alamosgold.com
Avanti Kitsault Mine Ltd. – Avanti Kitsault Mine 2600, 595 Burrard Street, PO Box 49314, Vancouver, ON V7X 1L3
Tel: 416-847-0376
Email: info@avantikitsault.com | www.avantikitsault.com
AMI Resources Inc.
888 609 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 4W4
Tel: 604-669-2901 | Fax: 604-669-8922
Email: ami@mininggroup.com | www.mininggroup.com
Anglo American Inc. – Coal Operations
Suite 800 700 West Pender Street, Vancouver, V6C 1G8
Tel: 604-684-1454 | Fax: 604-689-3480 www.angloamerican.ca
Artemis Gold Inc. – Corporate Office
3083 595 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V7X 1L3
Tel: 604-558-1107
Email: info@artemisgoldinc.com | www.artemisgoldinc.com
Artemis Gold Inc. – Blackwater Project
139 1st Street East, PO Box 440, Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0
Tel: 250-567-3276
Email: office.blackwater@artemisgoldinc.com | www.artemisgoldinc.com
Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. – Cariboo Gold Project
4270 Sanders Avenue, PO Box 250, Wells, BC V0K 2R0
Tel: 778-414-8493
Email: feedback@osiskodev.cominfo@barkervillegold.com | www.osiskodev.com
Barrick Gold Corporation
Suite 3700 161 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5J 2S1
Tel: 416-861-9911 www.barrick.com
Mining / Coal BC Rail Company – Corporate Office
600 221 West Esplanade, North Vancouver, V7M 3J3
Tel: 604-678-4735 | Fax: 604-678-4736
Blue Lagoon Resources Inc. – Dome Mountain
1200 750 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2T8
Tel: 604-218-4766
Email: info@bluelagoonresources.com | www.bluelagoonresources.com
Capstone Mining Corp. – Corporate Office
2100 510 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 0M3
Tel: 604-684-8894 | Fax: 604-688-2180
Email: info@capstonemining.com | www.capstonemining.com
Cardero Resource Corp. – Corporate Office
2300 1177 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3
Tel: 604-408-7488
Email: info@cardero.com | www.cardero.com
Centarra Gold Inc.
1 University Avenue, Suite 1500, Toronto, ON M5J 2P1
Tel: 416-204-1953 | Fax: 416-204-1954
Email: info@centerragold.com | www.centarragold.com
Centarra Gold Inc. – Mount Milligan Mine
132 250 Stuart Drive East, Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0
Tel: www.centarragold.com
CKD Mines Co. Ltd.
3800 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6S 2L9
Tel: 604-697-9212
Email: info@ckdmines.com | www.ckdmines.com
Coeur Mining Inc. – Silvertip Mine
900 104 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60603
Tel: 312-489-5800
Conuma Coal Resources Limited – Tumbler Ridge Head Office
220 235 Front Street, PO Box 2140, Tumbler Ridge, BC V0C 2W0
Tel: 250-242-3764
Email: contact@conumacoal.com | www.conumacoal.com
Conuma Coal Resources Limited – Corporate Office
2210 1177 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 2K3
Tel: 604-900-3747 | Fax: 250-984-0749
Email: contact@conumacoal.com | www.conumacoal.com
Copper Fox Metals Inc. – Corporate Office
650, 340 12th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB T2R 1L5
Tel: 403-264-2820 | Fax: 403-264-2920
Email: info@copperfoxmetals.com | www.copperfoxmetals.com
Equinox Gold Corp. – Corporate Office
1501 700 West Pender Street, Vancouver, V6C 1G8
Tel: 604-558-0560
Email: info@equinoxgold.com | www.equinoxgold.com
Equity Metals Corporation – Corporate Office
1100 1199 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3T5
Tel: 604-641-2759
Email: ir@mnxltd.com | www.equitymetalscorporation.com
Eskay Mining Corp.
82 Richmond Street East, Toronto, ON M5C 1P1
Tel: 416-907-4605
Email: info@eskaymining.com | www.eskaymining.com
Fireside Minerals Ltd. – Corporate Office and mine
Box 32069, Westbank, BC V4T 3G2
Tel: 778-755-1389 | Fax: 250-769-8598
Email: info@firesideminerals.com | www.firesideminerals.com
Fortune Minerals Limited – Corporate Office
617 Wellington Street, London, ON N6A 3R6
Tel: 519-858-8188 | Fax: 519-858-8155
Email: info@fortuneminerals.com | www.fortuneminerals.com
Galore Creek Mining Corporation – Nova Gold / Teck 788, 550 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 0B3
Tel: 877-717-GCMC (4262)
Email: info@gcmc.ca | www.gcmc.ca
Garibaldi Resources Corp. – Eskay Camp
1150, 409 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2
Tel: 604-488-8851 | Fax: 604-488-8871
Email: info@garibaldiresources.com | www.garibaldiresources.com
Gigametals Corporation – Corporate Office
203 700 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1G8
Tel: 604-681-2300
Email: info@gigametals.com | www.gigametals.com
Glencore International AGCoal Assets – Sukunka Project 710 650 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 4N7
Tel: 888-744-3551
Email: info@glencore.com | www.sukunkaproject.ca
Graymont Inc. – Corporate Office
200 10991 Shellbridge Way, Richmond, BC V6X 3C6
Tel: 604-207-4292 | Fax: 604-207-9014 www.graymont.com
Graymont Western Canada Inc. – Summit lime plant
PO Box 40, Coleman, AB T0K 0M0
Tel: 403-563-3374 www.graymont.com
Mining / Coal Graymont Western Canada Inc. – Pavilion Plant
PO Box 187, Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0
Tel: 250-457-6291
GT Gold Corp. – Tatogga Project
610 1100 Melville Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 4A6
Tel: 236-427-5744
Email: info@gtgoldcorp.ca | www.gtgoldcorp.ca
HD Mining International Ltd.
705 1155 Robson Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 1B5
Tel: 604-689-8669 | Fax: 604-689-0969
Email: info@hdminingintl.com | www.hdminingintl.com
Imperial Metals Corporation – Corporate Office
Suite 200 580 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3B6
Tel: 604-669-8959
Email: inquiries@imperialmetals.com | www.imperialmetals.com
Imperial Metals Corporation - Huckleberry Mine
PO Box 3000, Houston, BC V0J 1Z0
Tel: 604.517.4700
Email: inquiries@imperialmetals.com | www.imperialmetals.com
Imperial Metals Corporation - Mount Polley Mine
PO Box 12, Likely, BC V0L 1N0
Tel: 250.790.2215
Email: inquiries@imperialmetals.com | www.imperialmetals.com
Imperial Metals Corporation - Red Chris Mine
580 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3B6
Tel: 604.800.9200
Email: inquiries@imperialmetals.com | www.imperialmetals.com
ITOCHU Canada Ltd. – Vancouver Branch
World Trade Centre, Suite 590 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, BC V6C 3E1
Tel: 604-331-5800 | Fax: 604-688-9292 www.itochu.co.jp/en
JDS Energy and Mining Inc.
900 999 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2W2
Tel: 604-558-6300 | Fax: 604-558-6301
JDS Energy and Mining Inc.
217 3030 Pandosy Street, Kelowna, BC V1Y 1W2
Tel: 250-763-6369 | Fax: 250-763-6302
Metallis Resources Inc. – Kirkham property
604 850 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 1E1
Tel: 604-688-5077 | Fax: 604-688-5017
Email: info@metallisresources.com | www.metallisresources.com
Nechalacho Rare Earth Mine - Vital Metals – Thor Lake - Cheetah Resources 201, 4912 49 Street, Yellowknife, NT X1A 1P3
Tel: 867-920-7273 www.vitalmetals.com
New Gold Inc. – Corporate Office
3320 181 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5J 2T3
Tel: 416-324-6015
Email: invest@newgold.com | www.newgold.com
Newmont Goldcorp – Coffee site
201 208 Main Street, Whitehorse, YK Y1A 2A9
Tel: 867-663-4653 www.newmont.com
Newmont Goldcorp – Canadian Office
3260, 666 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8
Tel: 604-696-3000 www.newmont.com
Norsemont Mining – Corporate Office
610 700 West Pender Street, Vancouver, V6C 1G8
Email: info@norsemont.com | www.norsemont.com
NovaGold Resources Inc. – Corporate Office
1860 400 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3A6
Tel: 604-669-6227 | Fax: 604-669-6272
Email: info@novagold.com | www.novagold.com
Orogen Royalties Inc. – Corporate Office
1201 510 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 1L8
Tel: 604-248-8648
Email: info@orogenroyalties.com | www.orogenroyalties.com
Osisko Gold Royalties – Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd.
300, 1100 av. des Canadiens-de-Montreal, PO Box 211, Montreal, QC H3B 2S2
Tel: 514-940-0670 | Fax: 514-940-0669
Email: info@osiskogr.com | www.osiskogr.com
Pacific Booker Minerals Inc. – Corporate Office
1103 1166 Alberni Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3Z3
Tel: 604-681-8556 | Fax: 604-687-5995
Email: info@pacificbooker.bc.ca | www.pacificbooker.com
POSCO Canada Limited
2350 650 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, V6B 4N9
Tel: 604-669-6689 | Fax: 604-669-5805
Mining / Coal Pretium Resources Inc. – Corporate Office
2300 1055 Dunsmuir Street, Four Bentall Centre, PO Box 49334, Vancouver, BC V7X 1L4
Tel: 604-558-1784
Pretium Resources Inc. – Smithers Office
PO Box 10, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0
Tel: 866-214-9772
QuestEx Gold & Copper Ltd.
500, 666 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3P6
Tel: 250-768-1511
Email: info@questex.ca | www.questex.ca
Roca Mines Inc. – Corporate Office
490 1122 Mainland Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 5L1
Tel: 604.684.2900 | Fax: 604.684.2902
Email: info@rocamines.com | www.rocamines.com
Roca Mines Inc. – MAX Molybdenum Mine
42 Westside Road, Trout Lake, BC V0G 1R0
Tel: 250.369.6833 | Fax: 250.369.2250
Email: info@rocamines.com | www.rocamines.com
Romios Gold Resources Inc.
500, 2 Toronto Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2B6
Tel: 416-221-4124 | Fax: 416-218-9772
Email: romios@romios.com | www.romios.com
Royal Gold Corporation – Regional Office
1900, 1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 2E9 Tel: 778-382-7479 | Fax: 303-747-6244 www.royalgold.com
Sable Resources Ltd. – Corporate Office
900 999 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2W2 Tel: 520-488-2520 www.sableresources.com
Seabridge Gold – Corporate Office
400 196 Front Street, Toronto, ON M5A 1E1
Tel: 416-367-9292 | Fax: 416-367-2711
Email: info@seabridgegold.net | www.ksmproject.com
Seabridge Gold – Western Office
202 1245 Main Street, PO Box 2536, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0
Tel: 250-847-4704 | Fax: 416-367-2711
Email: ksm_community@seabridgegold.net | www.ksmproject.com
Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd. – Mon Gold Property 1909, 108 West Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 0G5
Tel: 604-818-1400
Email: dave@drwgcl.com | www.sixtynorthgold.com
Skeena Resources Ltd. – Eskay Creek 650, 1021 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 0C3
Tel: 604-684-8725 | Fax: 604-558-7695
Email: info@skeenaresources.com | www.skeenaresources.com
Taseko Mines Ltd. – Corporate Office 15th Floor, 1040 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 4H1
Tel: 778-373-4533 | Fax: 778-373-4534 www.tasekomines.com
Teck Resources Ltd. – Corporate Office
Suite 3300, Bentall 5, 550 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 0B3
Tel: 604-699-4000 | Fax: 604-699-4750 www.teck.com
Teck Resources Ltd. – Quintette Project
PO Box 1500, Tumbler Ridge, BC V0C 2W0
Tel: 250-242-6329 | Fax: 250-242-3580 www.teck.com
Teck Resources Ltd. – Fording River Operations
PO Box 100, Elkford, BC V0B 1H0
Tel: 250-865-2271 | Fax: 250-865-5035 www.teck.com
Teck Resources Ltd. – Elkview Operations
RR 1, Highway 3, Sparwood, BC V0B 2G1
Tel: 250-425-8325 | Fax: 250-425-8763 www.teck.com
Teck Resources Ltd. – Teck Highland Valley Copper Partnership PO Box 1500, Logan Lake, V0K 1W0
Tel: 250-523-2443 | Fax: 250-523-3242 www.teck.com
Teck Resources Ltd. – Technology Group, CESL Limited 12380 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, V7A 4Z1
Tel: 778-296-4900 | Fax: 778-296-4908
Email: info@cesl.com | www.cesl.com
Teck Resources Ltd. – Exploration
Suite 3300, Bentall 5, 550 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 0B3
Tel: 604-699-4000 | Fax: 604-699-4750
Email: exploration@teck.com | www.teck.com
Vitreo Minerals Ltd. – Moberly Silica Sand Mine & Plant
1725 Blaeberry Road East, Golden, BC V0A 1H1
Tel: 250-344-7171
Wildsky Resources Inc. – Corporate Office
890 580 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 3B6
Tel: 778-889-4966