Delia's Magazine #2

Page 1



December 2012 - February 2013


The creation process is very special.

Parlour Stories




dessert table


by Delia’s Bakery FACEBOOK/ delia’s bakery




8 | Sweetopia 10 | La Tanana 24 | FAQs 25 | The sweetofadventures Sugarbelle 26 | Maisie Parrish 28 | Kokeshis, Matryoshkas and divine hands WITH MARIAN POORIER



34 | Sweet Creations DELIA’S IN WINTERLAND





40 | Dessert Table 52 | MuyVinuesa Dulce 56Cake| Alice Shop 58 | 70 | La receta de 64 | Peggy la felicidad TUTORIALS BY DELIA’S BAKERY

Carlos Lischetti


80Cupcakes | Alma’s 84 |vainilla Sucre i VIVIANA ZERNERI



74 Sucrème | Atelier

82 | Chocolate Treats


90 | Qocook DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 3


DELIA’S MAGAZINE Delia’s Magazine, Irina Bautista When we had the thought of creating this magazine we were thinking in creating something different. We wanted to strengthen links between different parts of the world regardless of cultural or linguistic diferences bounding them with something common: creative pastry. Delia’s Magazine was created with the purpose of creating a meeting point for professionals and amateurs in this special world. Among its pages you will find exclusive interviews from different bakeries in the world, the latest trends, techniques, tips and tutorials. In this project, carried out by the team of Delia’s which is formed by Irina Bautista and Xavier Viñals, we take care of contacting bakers from any part of the world but also we want to show you new techniques developed in Delia’s Bakery. All began with our blog, but we decided to distribute the cooking in a different way. And we decided to dedicate each season of the year one different issue.


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FAC E B O O K / d e l i a ’ s bakery





It’s christ mas t ime ! Although winter is the coldest season of the year, during Christmas holidays houses are filled not only with heat but also with color making this season one of the most beautiful ones of the year. Christmas is the time of year when we must forget about all our problems and share our time with the people we love. So we want to share a piece of our Christmas through this second issue of Delia’s Magazine, specially designed so that each one of you can enjoy Christmas in a different way.


It’s time to haul off and work in order to surprise all our family and friends with creative cakes, cupcakes or cookies, because there is no greater show of love than giving small pieces of art made by ourselves. The face of a child’s surprise when seeing some cupcakes decorated with gifts made of fondant, the smile of a fellow to see that your buttercream is not too sweet and want to repeat without feeling guilty or the expression of gratitude of your grandmother when noticing how you have reproduced some of the flowers of her garden with gumpaste and now they are decorating a cake. These are some of the details which bring added value to our gifts and we should try to keep this by making original and personal gifts. Our gift to you all is this new issue devoted to Christmas, we hope to steal from you a smile and a gesture of approval. Happy Christmas!




8 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE, Marian Poirier


Sweet opia


Marian Poirier, creator Sweetopia, made his first gingerbread house during a season in which she suffered an illness that prevented her from doing physical activities that, until that moment, were something that she loved to do in her free time. Although she claims that his first gingerbread house was not spectacular, she was charmed since that moment. Though the disease was temporary, Marian took pastry as a hobby and started learning on how to decorate cookies, which now is what she really likes. Marian says that the secret to success in the world of cookie decorating probably the consistency of the icing, learning how to pipe royal icing and even tips and tricks about how to dry cookies or decorate in a humid environment. Some of these secrets are revealed in her blog, Sweetopia, created by the insistence of the people around her which wondered to know how to do what she shared with them. Although she claims that she is not one of the best in this pastry world, each of her creations is a small piece of art of and confesses: “It’s definitely an art; the possibilities are endless – different themes, colours, varying styles and ways of decorating all make cookie decorating an art form”. This art, Marian says, has to fit into the time of the year in which it is located so your cookies are decorated according to the season: Christmas themed for the holiday season, pumpkins and spider webs for Halloween, hearts for Valentine’s etc... In terms of recipes she usually uses gingerbread for the fall and Christmas season, and shortbread or sugar cookies for the rest of the year. “It’s difficult for me to chose a favourite, as it depends on my mood really,” explains

“they all taste nice and are suited to different times of the year. Nowadays many people are terrified of the large amounts of sugar -and decorated cookies are anything but healthy for those people-. We wanted to ask to Marian if she follow any rules for the quantities of sugar or if she has set a limit of it to her recipes. Marian explains that she believes in moderation and balance: “ I understand that sugar and flour aren’t healthy for the body, especially in excess, however, also understand that taste is sometimes sacrificed with too many alterations”. The creator of Sweetopia reveals that she is also always experimenting with new recipes though, such as gluten-free cookie dough, and will eventually post her results when she is happy with the recipes.

Cake for breakfast, sounds delicious, but I usually have my cake or cookies etc. in the afternoon with some tea.


Cookie Craft by Valerie Peterson & Janice Fryer is one of my favourites and it’s ideal for beginners. MARIAN




T N I tanana

.com, p hotogr aphy b y Susan a and Y ulia



“Tasty, delicate and elegant” WINNERS 1st & 3rd prize in the cookie category in Expotarta DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 11

IRINA BAUTISTA | MADRID Because they have won the first and third prize in Expotarta in the cookie catefgory and also because their wonderful cookies, La Tanana is starring one of our special Christmas cookies tutorials for Delia’s Magazine. Due to all the efforts made by their creators, Susana and Yulia, whose enthusiasm, dedication and elegance have made their cookies small treats which are elegant and tasty. Interview to La Tanana Delia’s Magazine: How was La Tanana born? What about the name? La Tanana: We always had a thing for baking, although in a more traditional way, but for about a year and a half we started to discover creative pastry and we decided to go that route, without forgetting the traditional flavour of our sweets. The story of the name is a very beautiful one. From the first moment we had it clear without saying a word, it would be called “La Tanana”. It’s how they called Susana (mom of Tanana) when she was little and that was a way of incorporating that time when she really started liking baking. DM: What is the unique feature that gives the essence of your cookies? LT: We do have clear we have to do very careful and original designs, not forgetting they can be eaten. In this world things are wonderful and amazing, but they are not always made with the idea that they are edible and we do not want that. We seek above all things that are very nice, but also very nice to taste, so I think that m a y 12 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE

be one of the things that sets us contest and we loved seeing that all our hopes and our efforts were apart. rewarded. “Cross stitch” cookies DM: We love your Scrabble coo- were what took the 1st prize genekies! What inspired you to do this rally people liked them, so we were happier than ever -if possible-. project? Get as prize a course with LT: They are actually “Crossword” cookies. We made them the Vinuesa sisters, was great. (Sufor the birthday of a friend, a very sana) “I had a great time, the place creative graphic designer, so we is great, very welcoming and Mawanted to achieve something fun riapi and Mer are very charm. Also and he could love it. We came up we all love the details and sobriety.” with the idea to use crossword and As for the course itself, we learn so he could form words, making different cookies with different let- new tricks and above all you share ters, according to the definitions a good moment in the company of that we proposed. He spent a lot people who enjoy as much as you of fun while solving the definitions to make cookies. and playing around with the cooDM: What’s better for cookie kies. decorating, royal icing or Candy DM: We know that you were the Melts? Is there any difference when winner of the 1st and 3rd prize in usine these two ingredients? LT: Cookies can be decorated Expotarta -congratulations on thisand also you have won a course with fondant or icing (royal with Muy Dulce Vinuesa. Explain icing). We do not work with us the experience and what so- Candy Melts to decorate coomething about the new techniques kies, these colorful pills are you learned. Do you still use that a substitute for chocolate, techniques? In what cookies and so it would be very unwhy to use them? Give us a few comfortable to work more details about these wonderful with them due to you shoyld be very courses with the Vinuesa sisters. LT: We won the 1st and the 3rd fast, since they prize. The truth is that it was a great cool down joy and not expected at all, it was quickly. the first time we participated in a


La Tanana was born “from the desire to con-

vey and share our passion for baking ...

We love making cakes and sweets, the recipes from all times, those we have learned from our elders and also we like to include innovate recipes.

DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 13, photography by Susana and Yulia


14 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE, photography by Susana and Yulia

LA TANANA Maybe they could be used to put some details or for a more casual, but not for a delicate and detailed decoration. DM: Do you think there is any material necessary to work with this type of pastry so elaborate in its decoration? Which one of your tools is a musthave for decorating cookies? LT: Here we should separated two groups before saying what is necessary. If there are people who want to do something just to try it and won’t do it your everyday, try to get the results with the minimum of tools, not always necessary to have a thousand things, look for items “wildcard” that can help. But always, with a few good ingredients, a sleeve with a suitable nozzle (depending on the work to be done) and if we want any dye than to have different colours. From there on you only need yout imagination.

DM: At Christmas seems to be more conducive to make cookies for gifts and to decorate them with Christmas themes. Could you design a Christmas cookie for Delia’s Bakery? We would be delighted to receive a cookie tutorial to add it to our magazine. LT: At Christmas everything is more suitable. People feel like giving, is happy and looking for new ideas. Cookies are an element that gives a lot to play with, are the perfect present, nice and edible and can be tailored according to the style. We are delighted to have completed this royal icing transfer tutorial to Delia’s Bakery. We wanted to show a technique that is not as widespread, but gives tremendous possibilities and also looks great. DM: What makes La Tanana different? LT: We want that when someone sees and eats our products appreciates our designs, the small details, the taste and presentation. We take care of the development and design from the first sketch, until we realize the loop to close the package. For us it is very rewarding when people realizes about all the work done.

“Cross S t i t c h” design and tea biscuits. The cross stitch ones require lots of time due to its details, but also cause the most excitement and tea biscuits are plain and simple, but very elegant. And the top are elements, detail and care. At Christmas there are some variations in our kitchen: everything is red, green and white and also we have cinnamon and ginger. The cinnamon and the ginger cookies are delicious, and they would be perfect all year, but it seems they belong to Christmas, so we give them enough prominence.

If instead you are a daily cookie decorator, it is necessary to have more elements to facilitate the task. Cutters, hoses, nozzles, bottles, colours,... As for us, we can DM: What is the top element of never miss a pastry your creations, and at Christmas, bag with a good is there is something in particular tip and a good we can never miss in a cookie reidea. cipe or when decorating them? LT: The top cookies of our collection are those with the

DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 15, photography by Susana and Yulia


16 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE, photography by Susana and Yulia

L A I R Christmas Cookies O T U



To make this cookies you’ll need: - - - - - -

A piece of cardboard Partchment paper One christmas picture Pastry bags with tip#1 with different colours of royal icing (stiff peaks) Feeding bottles with soft coloured royal icing (for the filling) Toothpick

Ingredients: -

Soft coloured royal icing Coloured Royal Icing with stiff peak consistency

Step 1

Choose or draw in a paper the desired Christmas picture which is going to be decorating your cookies, photography by Susana and Yulia DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 17, photography by Susana and Yulia


Step 2

We place our picture on a surface and we immediately put over the partchment paper. We must try to leave no irregularity and we continue by outlining drawing. Let it dry. And fill the figure., photography by Susana and Yulia 18 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE


Step 3, photography by Susana and Yulia

Allow to dry overnight. It is important to wait the hours of drying to avoid breaking later our figure., photography by Susana and Yulia DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 19

LA TANANA, photography by Susana and Yulia

Step 4

Unwrap the transfer from the partchment paper. Carefully we take partchment paper and we push with our finger across the figure until debonding, do not to pull., photography by Susana and Yulia


LA TANANA, photography by Susana and Yulia

Step 5

Once we have our transfer we turn it down and we add some royal icing to fix it to our cookie., photography by Susana and Yulia



Step 6

Fix the royal icin transfer by pressing it carefully and volila, we have our cookie decorated with a royal icing transfer.

Step 7, photography by Susana and Yulia

If wanted, you can decorate the edges of our cookie simply using tip#1 to ad some dots or lines., photography by Susana and Yulia


LA TANANA, photography by Susana and Yulia

TIPS To take into consideration: · The Royal Icing transfers are very fragile. · We must ensure ourselves that the transfer is drying out in a regular plain surface. · If the transfer has some irregularities it won’t be fix correctly to our cookie. · Let the transfer dry out overnight.


FAQs This space is dedicated exclusively to our readers, who send us their questions via our email or throught our social networks. Each issue will contain some of the questions we receive, but the rest of them will be answered through our social networks, which are continually reviewed.

Seldom I make macarons but when I I do often prepare cupcakes in advance so I can do, when removed from the oven I notice decorate them a couple days later, but when eathey are broken and their surface is not ting them they do not have a sponge texture any smooth. What am I doing wrong? more. How I can avoid this to happen? Sometimes, the committed mistake when preparing the dough for macarons is not to sift the ground almonds enough times. If you do this step properly, the problem may be located in the colouring process of the dough. For doing this you should yous powder colors instead liquid or dye colours. The problem of the breaking of the macarons is due to the crôutage (15-20 minutes drying time before baking them). If you do this properly your macarons won’t explote or break when baking.

First of all you must take into account that the average life of a cupcake is relatively short. By this we mean that we can not make some cupcakes and leave them some days in a container or in the fridge for decorating them later. Despite this, this short-life can be extend through the application of a sealing layer. This process involves the application of syrup on freshly baked cupcakes with a brush. This prevents the moisture contained in the cupcake to comes out.

How I can color the royal icing once it’s dry on a cookie? I’d love to add touches of gold and pearl on them!

I like modeling dough figures but the modeling paste often cracks and I left my finger marks on it. Is there any trick to avoid this from happening?

When we want to color the royal icing icing we have two options: we can make it befor using it or once it’s dry. When we want to opt for the second option we need to mix powder colours with a white alcohol drink (such as vodka). The amount of powder and liquid will depend on the amount of “paint” we want to obtain and / or the intensity of it. When applying on dried royal icing, we have to be careful not to over-wet it or we will lose the solid consistency.

Pese a existir la masa para modelaje, el equipo de Delia’s usa una mezcla a partes iguales de pasta de modelaje y gumpaste. Esta masa nos permite trabajar y repetir alguno de los elementos del modelado durante cierto tiempo. Si queremos que la masa se endurezca más rápido, añadiremos CMC a la misma. Además, el CMC dotará de consistencia a la masa y evitará que se marquen nuestros dedos en el modelado.

Ask us anything you want through our social networks and join our circle of readers! 24 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE

FAC E B O O K / d e l i a ’ s bakery







How and when do great ideas appear? Sometimes one discovers his own talent when going through a rough moment in life. After she lost her grandmother in 2009, Callye Alvarado began to decorate cookies: “I was very sad and needed something to keep me busy”. That hobby quickly developed into a full blown obsession and she decided to open a blog named “The sweet adventures of Sugarbelle”. Through her blog she teaches other people the techniques she uses and shares lots of tips in order to obtain a perfect result. Although she defines what she does as a hobby, she dedicates an enormous amount of time (sometimes over 40 hours a week), “which is why I call it an obsession”. For those who don’t have 40 hours a week to devote to cookie decorating, she suggests baking the cookies ahead of time and freezing and keeping the color palletes and designs simple. “We all have our own styles techniques and personal preferences”. Cookie decorating is changing rapidly because it is a fast growing hobby, kind of like the cupcake craze a few years back. She happens to meet new members of the cookie community daily and says “I cannot wait to see where things are headed”. For those being new in the cookie decorating world, Callye recommends every book and no book, “if that makes sense”. “I love cookie books and own almost every one available. However, I don’t often use them except to enjoy the photos. My suggestion would be if you have extra money try a couple of them. If not, no worries, almost anything can be found online.” She also recommends starting and moving forward slowly and searching the perfect cookie recipe through all which can be found online. “I don’t often change my recipe. I like what I like. I prefer to spend most of my time changing designs”. If she was to describe her work in words she would say heart and soul, because “ I have invested everything in this hobby of mine”.



Maisie Parrish started to work with salt dough initially, and she adored the feel of the dough in my hands: “it was magical to me”, so she started to create her own characters. One day someone saw her work and asked her to try something in sugar that was three dimentional, so she tried and succeeded. Within two years she had her first sugarcraft book out, which was Sugar Dough Magic. “At first I had no idea how to cover a cake, or how the pieces were glued together to make a figure”, so she had to educate herself in order to complete her project. Nowadays she defines her own work as “childlike, cute and charming”.

We wanted to know more about the techniques and tricks that Maisie Parrish uses to give life to her figures and the learning process that has allowed her to master her work. She admits that the most challenging part in the process is getting the movement and connections between the different parts, telling a story around them, and of course having the correct faces to go with them. Working with pure gumpaste was -at the beginning- one of the hardest tasks since she had no idea how to make it strong enough. Because she is completely self-taugh it was always trial and error but “you 26 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE

only learn by making mistakes”. When having mastered the technique she only has to look for inspiration, and she confesses to look back into her childhood a lot, working on her own family experiences, the holidays, the Christmas times, school, going to ballet and tap classes, singing in the choir,… She explains to us “I do find a lot of inspiration when I am day dreaming and not really thinking about much at all, I find it amazing what thoughts come into my head. Sometimes it can be something a person says to you, inspiration is all around us if we are just aware of it.” In October 2012 she opened her Sugarcraft Academy in Stoke on Trent, there she shall teach all her classes in the future. Currently she is appearing on TV on the Create and Craft channel in the UK where she is selling my DVDs, books and Maisie’s Amazing Kit. “Of course, I will be still travelling abroad. I have no intention to retire, so I shall just keep doing what I do best and hope that blessings keep coming my way.”

Foto: Maisie Parrish

“I find the creativity so wonderful, finding inspiration for the next character or cake topper,” says Maisie. However, she confesses that the most exciting thing about it is the ability to travel around the world and meet her fans: “they are all so wonderful, it really touches me,” and she adds that “when they travel from all parts of the world to be taught by me I feel very humble”.

Foto: Maisie Parrish


Winter in Wonderland

Foto: Maisie Parrish

This snow scene with penguins singing carols can perfectly be found on any christmas holiday table. Sure this penguin family draw a smiles on the faces of all your guests, especially the little ones! The modeling of these figures has one common starting point, a ball made of gumpaste. You can see how Maisie has modeled the faces of the penguins in the image below. Simple, right? This and more designs can be found in the book Bake me I’m yours...Christmas, full of ideas, tips and cakes to sweeten your holidays.

A sweet memory

“I do have a cake memory, but mine was made of ice cream, and I remember all the guest waiting around the table for it to be delivered, because then, no one had a fridge or freezer to store it. We had to tuck into it quickly before it melted.



Kokeshis, Matryoshkas and divine hands


The success of Divina’s is remarkable in Galicia and as their followers were claiming for months, they start to work to open another shop located in Barcelona, project that was launched in mid-2012.


Saturday 13 October, seven in the evening in the Cantabria street in Barcelona. Delia’s Magazine team heads to the new shop and Atelier Divina’s Cookies and Cakes. The bustle of the curious and friends invade the two floor charming corner of the main characters in the story, “Kokeshis, matryoshjas and a divine hands.”



t all began as many projects, with an idea. Three years ago, a team of four girls was created in order to do something trough which they could show the creativity they have inside. They had always believed in the possibility of setting up a company to develop and a common project but it took time to make it real. Ana and Marta (two great bakers) together with Monica and Sandra made a perfect team creating an exquisite combination of taste and creativity.


“We make custom and original designs for our customers. We always like to surprise them with our creations.” The quality of the ingredients and the constant search for the best recipes and the right tools for the design of each detail of the products of Divina’s Cookies & Cakes, are among the many things that characterize good pastries of their

of colors, the stippling of our cookies and our modeling figures from many of our creations.

“ So we set off. The most important thing was acquiring the required knowledge, and so we did: more than a year and a half of training and many hours of practice.”

in Spain some recipes are too sweet and need to be adapted. For example, for cupcakes, frostings are made with cream cheese or other ingredients fleeing typical buttercreams, although we love them, but for many customers are too sweet.

After opening its first store on 24 December of 2011 in Vigo, where Monica and Marta were living, Divina’s Cookies and Cakes celebrates this year its first Christmas in Barcelona, with a working philosophy based on excellence and quality of his creations: cookies, cupcakes, cakes. Each of their products is designed with the utmost care and affection and always with the intention of meeting the needs of its customers.

Generally our customers are left by our team advice regarding flavors and design, but it is true that

Atelier. Delia’s Magazine: How do all your products have evolved since you opened your store in Vigo? Divina’s Cookies&Cakes: Obviously our products have evolved and adapted to a greater or lesser extent to the expectations and desires of our customers, but without losing the essence and identity of Divina’s. The Divina’s mark is visible in our products for the variety DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 29

DIVINA’S COOKIES&CAKES As we joined the course of decorated cookies with fondant, in his charming atelier, Ana and Sandra introduced all of us to the delicate world of decorated cookies with the Divina’s special touch.

“Everything in the right measure for the best result.”


The combination is perfect, creative pastry is new in Spain, but we are able to exploit the full richness of the tradition of baking our country adapting to this new way of baking. DM: What trend / s you think you are beginning to emerge in the world of pastry? Divina’s: Currently, in Spain the boom is focused in creative pastry, that’s why is the moment to adapt it and create a creative Spanish trend. Are becoming to bee known cake and macaron painting, airbrush decoration technique, stencil and royal icing decorations, which allows the design to have lots of different textures, shapes and innovations.

DM: Do you consider that pastry has to be something related to tradition? How could you define this boom which is happening in Spain?

In Spain all these products may seem new, but in fact, they have a long tradition in other countries such as England or the United States. Now they have come to Spain and are being adapted and accepted by more traditional tastes.



Divina’s: For us, tradition plays an important role due to the recipes of our mothers and grandmothers are applied in our products, adjusting some of them a little bit.

The chocolate cookies are in the oven and you can smell their sweet scent around the atelier while Sandra teaches us to stamp on fondant, a technique that will be required when decorationg the matryoshka dolls cookie, a stunning design.


“The three words that could define us would design, creativity and charm, which are the acronym for Divina’s Cookies and Cakes (DCC), our brand.” The two stores of Divinas Cookies&Cakes are characterized by their proximity to their customers and their flexibility in terms of product offering, since many of the products can be only found in their stores.

Pearls, non-pareils, fondant flowers, texturizers ... everything can be found in our place and also the cookie cutters used during the master class of cookie decoration imparted by Sandra and Ana that has satisfied everyone in the atelier.

When finished, the matryoshka dolls are spectacular. The students move on to the next cookie: a shaped Kokeshi cookie. D M : ¿Cuál es What are the techniques that you most often use to decorate cakes or cookies? D i v i n a’s : Actually we use lots of techniques! We continuously make to different classes of other cake designers, allowing us to develop the techniques. We are currently working on creating icing decorations with high volume, since we believe that this technique will allow us to obtain more spectacular results in decorating cookies. In addition, we also work with cake decorating flowers which really help to obtain a spectacular result.

We admit that our pending coursework will be the one contemplating painted cakes and we are working on it to give it our special touch and essence.

Wedding cakes are planned an ordered in advance to ensure not only the availability but also the correct production process. So, for this kind of celebration the most important is to work with the couple to identify their expectations and fulfill their desires in that important day. We arranged several interviews with them in which we define the flavors, size, DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 31


DM: For what kind of events are you requested most? Divina’s: We can say that weddings are the event for which our products are most requestd. This summer in Galicia has been very intense, we had orders in all provinces of there. And in Barcelona, we have also confirmed orders for this year and for the next one.


“We advise all our customers when they have to make their own creations.”

design, colors, and make clear all doubts that arise while the preparation of the order takes place. Finally we move to the venue for the assembly of the cake and of the dessert table, when included in the order, taking care of all the details so that day is going to be perfect. DM: : At what points do you think it is important to pay special attention in order to obtain an exquisite product? Divina’s: There are two aspects that we care and that can not be worked independently of each other, and these are the flavor and design. Our main goal when developing a cake is getting a very elaborate and original design, which is also great and exquisite to the palate. All these products require creativity. To the taste we must meet the expectations of our customers and sometimes we find that the couple want different things and we must find the best combination that satisfies both. The design in the decoration is also essential, surprising our customers of a touch of originality is our target. DM: Tell us about a culinary technique that you have created or that you have borrowed from which you are very proud of. Divina’s: Finished dots in our biscuits and cake decorations with fondant and stamping flowers, are details that set us apart from other studios, but this are not own techniques. We have not yet come up with a technique that suits us (due to the time that requires) but we work every day to find innovation in everything we do. Currently, we own a flower that only can be found at Divina’s Cookies&Cakes and has been designed by Monica: our own Divine 32 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE

Peony. In addition, we also design and create our own molds for appliques and decorations, keeping our target, originality in design. The students are amazed at the results and certainly not for less, Ana and Sandra have been able to lead the class with their best decorative techniques and skills as well as making you feel in your own kitchen holding a talk between friends. In the Atelier of Divina’s Cookies & Cakes you can feel the harmony and smell chocolate cookies and strawberry cupcakes served during the course pause. DM: What is your main product for Christmas? Divina’s: At Christmas we handle many decorated cookies and cutters with Christmas motifs. It is a time of sharing and giving. Who does not like a sweet custom cookie? Another demanded product at this time are “gifts cards” with money to spend it on products from our store and “course cards”, undoubtedly an original and perfect present.

AGRADECIMIENTOS The team of Divina’s Cookies&Cakes is completed with Eva and Lorena which are the face in Vigo and in Barcelona respectively and their daily work is essential for us. We appreciate the patience and cooperation of our families in this project, husbands, our children and their grandparents and uncles are part of the project . Without them anything of this won’t exist. All our work is dedicated to them. Sandra, Ana, Marta y Mónica


American Cookies Recipe from New York City Made in Divina’s Ingredients 218g unsalted butter, at room temperature 328g chocolate chips 328g all-purpose flour 142g granulated sugar 104gr brown sugar 2 big eggs 8g salt 6g baking powder ½ tsp. vainilla Directions 1. Using a stand mixer, beat the butter with the granulated sugar for 5 minutes. 2. Add the eggs one at time and the vainilla. 3. Add the flour, salt, baking powder and the chocolate chips. 4. Let it rest and divide the dough in small amounts on a tray covered with baking paper. 5. Bake the cookies during 12-14 minutes at 191c.


We assure you that the recipe is simple but the result is amazing, we can add different chocolates, nuts or raisins.



Sweet Creations by Delia’s Bakery

Space sponsored by

Delia’s in Winterland Cake All tools and ingredients used to prepare the Delia’s in Winterland Cake, can be found in the kitchenware shop Qocook. In this case the main tool are the Magic Decor pad and the Magic Decor Powder of Pavoni. In the next pages we will show you step by step how we had decorated our Delia’s in Winterland Cake.

Sugar Laces


Magic Decor is the incredible news from Pavoni which allows us to realize amazing decorations which give a special touch of originality to our cupcakes, cakes and cookies. The result is a kind of royal icing that it’s elastic when dried, that can be adapted to many surfaces. To make these laces we’ll need: 100gr. Magic Decor Pavoni powder, 85g of warm water, spatula, Magic Decor pad, silver powder, white alcohol (vodka) and stand mixer.


To start, pour in the Magic Decor with warm water and spin at medium speed for 2 minutes. You’ll



get a creamy mixture, like royal icing. With the help of a spatula place a quantity of product on the magic decor pad. Let the product dry until the ideal consistency. You can let it dry overnight or at the oven during 15 minutes at 180º.




Once dried and starting from the corner’s pad, remove the obtained decoration. Stir the pad on the work surface and remove gently the decoration with the help of a scraper. To colour it, place the lace in a parchment paper. Combine a little quantity of white alcohol with silver dust powder and paint the laces using a brush. Once painted, let them dry in a different parchment paper.















Filling Flowers


To make the filling flowers we start doing the center. For this purpose, a small ball of white gumpaste will be inserted at the end of a 24G wire moistened with a small amount of edible glue. Using the thumb and the forefinger we’ll shape the gumpaste along the wire end and withdraw the excess gumpaste. We will make a few centers and let them dry before continuing. MAKING THE FLOWER

To make the flowers we’ll make a ball with white gum paste and with the help of a roller we’ll roll it out on a mat with holes (choosing the smaller hole). Thus, when the gumpaste is retired, we can easy notice that we have made the “body” of the flower. We turn face down the gumpaste in a nonstick surface so we can see the “body” we’ve just made. Using a cutter, we’ll cut the flower petals. Before inserting the wire, we can give some concavity to the petals with the help of a small ball tip. Moisten poorly the center of the flower before nailing it to the wiew. Let them dry upside down. When designing the cake we were looking for a silver effect on 38 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE

the flowers and we did not like the result we obtained when simply brushing them with silver powders. So we mixed a little quantity of white alcohol (vodka) with silver dust powder. We painted them once they were dry. We should note that, when applying the paint we are moistening the dough again and we’ll have to set them aside to let them dry before putting them in our bouquet.

4 5

1 2

6 3


Filling flowers are very helpful when we make a bouquet and we want to cover small holes that naturally appear. To make these flowers we’ll need: a small flower cutter, a silver 24G flower wire, mat with holes, white gum paste, small ball tip, edible glue, brushes, silver dust and white alcohol (vodka).




We chose these flowers because we were looking for an intermediate size between the filling flowers and roses of the cake and petunias seemed to have the ideal size. To make these petunias need: a petunia cutter and a silicon veiner to shape the flower, blue gumpaste (Sky Blue), edible glue or royal icing, silver dust and a large brush. MAKING THE FLOWER

To make the flower we’ll have to roll out the red gumpaste with a roller on a non-stick surface. The, we’ll cut the flower using the petunia cutter and we’ll shape it with the silicon veiner. We are going to place it in a convex surface and let it dry overnight.


How to give it a special touch...



Once fully dried we are going to apply silver dust to obtain the desired effect with a large brush. We made the center with silver nonpareils fixed to the gumpaste with royal icing or edible glue. As this flower has no wire, we have placed them into the cake using royal icing.

Space sponsored by DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 39




Dessert TABLE






ia v a s e z s si u o i n r e a v n f o as c Jars o s o C n o e l b a l canto om to.c n a c n e con s a s o c . www







2 cegg whites 5 tbsp. granulated sugar 1 cup icin sugar 1/2 cup ground almonds The technique for making macarons or macaronage is simple but there are some critical points that must be known in order to get a perfect result. These little sweets are made from egg whites, granulated regular sugar, icing sugar and ground almonds.


Whisk the egg whites in a bowl of a stand mixer making sure that there is no grease in the bowl and no egg yolk in the whites adding 1 tbsp of granulated sugar at a time. After 1-2 minutes your egg whites should be nice and frothy. Sift the icing sugar into the same bowl as your ground almonds and add the whisked egg whites. Using a spatula we’ll mix the whisked eggs and the mixture of almonds and icing sugar carefully in order to not remove air volume of the mixture. It is important to know when to stop mixing with the spatula as over mixing won’t help us to obtain a goodult. Stop mixing when you see that all elements are integrated and the dough is still consistent (with the spatula dropping some batter should note that is fluid but not in excess). Transfer your batter into a icing bag with a plain nozzle and distribute it over a macaron mold or over a parchment paper with circles drawn on the back of it.

Before baking the macarons, you have to let them sit for at least half an hour and after this time we will see that its surface will have dried (crôutage). Once dried, we’ll bake them at at 150c for about 20 minutes. The dried surface will ensure us that, when baking them, they won’t break themselves. DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 43


P etuni as

To make these petunias we need: a petunia cutter and a silicon veiner to shape the flower, silver 24G flower wire, Claret food powder colour, gum paste stained with Extra Red coloring paste, edible glue and a brush. gumpaste we’ll moisten the wire with edible glue. We must make sure if the peak of the tear is secure to the wire (do pressure and remove the excess of gumpaste). We will make a few centers and let them dry before putting the flower. To make the flower we’ll have to roll out the red gumpaste with a roller on a non-stick surface. The, we’ll cut the flower using the petunia cutter and we’ll shape it with the silicon veiner. Finally, we’ll nail the wire in the center of the flower and let it dry upside down. Once dried we can give it a touch of color with the Claret food powder colour. We like to paint only the petal tips. This flowers are useful when we have to put them in a cake and do not want them to move but if we want to decorate cupcakes or cookies, the wire can be omitted.



To make petunias we start doing the center. To do this, we will double the end of a silver 24G flower in a half loop and will nail a ball of red gum paste, which will have the shape of an inverted teardrop and we’ll mark a cross on the visible part. In order to place correctly the




in d e s u s l ci n e e t h s t e f h o t All eparation ound the pr kies can be f se coo in: 46 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE



Stenci ling on cooki es


2 3 4

To stamp on fondant cookies, the first thing to do is stretch the fondant and cut it with the same cookie cutter as the one used for the cookie dough. Once done, stick the fondant to the cookie using edible glue and smooth both the surface and the edges of the fondant to get a perfect result. Then we will take our stencil and see that the size is right for the cookie we decorate. If so, place it in the desired position without pressing too much (so we do not mark our fingers on the fondant). With a spatula, we’ll distribute a small amount of royal icing on the stencil in one direction removing all the excess. If we remove the stencil at this point we’ll notice, that our design has been stamped on the fondant. If we want to add a touch of colour, before removing the stencil we can apply glitter with a brush.


6 7 8

Now, they are ready to serve!




By using stencils we can obtain beautiful results on cookies, cupcakes and pastries as they can be found in many sizes. The stencils are made of plastic having in them a cut figure so you are able to trace the picture on any surface. Talking about cookies stencils can be used directly on the cookie surface or over an area of dried royal icing or fondant, everything depends on the result you want to obtain.



look c ’s r a e ew Y N e h t Find in: stencil

com . l i c n e t o-s d o t . w ww 48 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE



oo c r ou pley ate e com k r o in c h De ith t ape P com s w of T ink. e i p k nts .tape e m ww w

ro p een on: r g nd cakes a d e re or cup h t f d Fin bowls le ty m in o c . cela ome S e ty l H s y e M om


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of n o i t a r o b a coll e h ng t i r a h p t i e r W p tti in e h c s i L s Carlo our r o f e r u g this fi cake s u a l C a t San


Fotos: Muy Dulce Vinuesa




Dear San ta,




This year I ask for a cookie want to decoratin learn ho g course w t o in Muy master t you som h Dulce Vi e royal e cookies nuesa du i c i n d g e c techniqu orated w e to I not good e ... This ith fond with icin a y nt next ear I ha g-, but y ve left to the c I make o u k n h ow that imney the cour because I can m se... By t I am ake you garde - i he way, some for f thirsty the reind next yea due to su eer have a course r if a c h b u a c l k ong jour et with w in Muy n Dulce Vi ey-. I ho ater in t nuesa w he pe you h ould be ave in m awesome ind, tha . Moreover, t Santa, it ’s been t courses. T old that hey live their stu special m dents ha “A very n oments l ve a gre ice story ike this at time o n o f e in their : our cour when w ses happe e ended ned onc a studen e we we from the t wept w re doing re.” ith emot a course ion and and said she Dear San did not ta, this y want to ear will he won’t go be born probable my cous e a i n and I t it- a ve Vinuesa ry specia want to have tol give him l cookie. M d me th –though er and M ths and at they aripi fro baptisms love to m m Muy . “It’s am ake cook Dulce their bab azing see ies for ch ies.” ing mom i l d ren’s even s facse w ts, birhen they see the c ookies fo Santa, I r know yo u have a like this lot of w one, so I ork and d o you will not keep happy n read mil you any ight deli lions of l o v e n r g i n e r g r letters all the p eading th world. resents a i s a n d I wish nd enthu you a siasm to I look fo rward w every ho use in th ith great is enthusias m to my DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 53 requests come tru e...

MUY DULCE VINUESA “Everything started as a hobby. It was somethin g we enjoyed. Our team is formed by: Mer, who is a pharmacist and has a phar macy, where she currently works, and Mariapi Artworks restorer. We never thought we’d get to be part of the same project so cute together.

inuesa y Dulce V u M : s to o F

We have in common that we both like things very well made and we are perfectionists. Our name at first was “Muy Dulce” but our last name is Garcia de Vinuesa and people started calling us “Muy Dulc e Vinuesa.”


Fotos: Muy Dulce Vinuesa


ement ac r u s a e m s. The cial for u g. u r c d n a royal icin ant t h r it o w p it im e y prov y is a ver er way to t t e b a “Creativit t a d wh .“ baking an o master t in lt u ic c s a iffi b most d curacy is ue is the iq n h c e t This ur tion of o a r o c e d n the e based o r a want s e s r u how we r co u k o in h in t e e en w s we tak nt and th a w nd the “The step e w okie ves arou o o c m e h g t in e s eryth We choo odels, ev m “ e cookies. h t g osin students. o e h h c t r r e o f ft ssiers ate it. A of the do n to decor io t a r a p n and pre decoratio DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 55


IRINA BAUTISTA | SANT CUGAT DEL VALLÈS Alice Cake Shop was born from the idea of creating a dream shop. Sandra and Laura, business owners, have always been the family bakers and have tested their culinary skills at any event or family celebration. “We knew the creative pastry because Laura had lived for a while in the UK, the country were actually is found the origin on sugarcraft and came up with the idea of ​​incorporating this type of creativity pastries, without giving up our traditional flavors.” To these two vocation bakers we found a third one, named Sandra too, who with enormous creativity and enthusiasm, was thrilled with the idea of Alice Cake Shop and lived as his own from the first minute. Their goal is to break stereotypes under a working philosophy: quality and customer service are always first.

Enjoying eating and baking

“The most important when designing of a cake is to listen the customer. ALICE CAKE SHOP






“The creation process is very special. CARLOS LISCHETTI

Photos are from Animation in Sugar, published by B. Dutton Publishing Ltd

IRINA BAUTISTA| BARCELONA Carlos Lischetti received Delia’s Magazine team in an intimate meal. After a busy but fantastic modeling course of a Santa Claus, Carlos was about to open the doors of his life and his passion for his work: the art modeling sugar. But what lies behind those marvelous hands? Four hours of modeling in two consecutive days in a meeting that only a few were able to witness. His agenda is always too tight, his fans are always willing to accommodate their comings and goings but his imagination has no limits. For Carlos there is no figure, person, animal or situation impossible to model with modelling paste. His skills have left astonished thousands of professionals and his unmistakable technique makes it him unique, inimitable. He admits that, without his twin brother, he could not carry out his impeccable work: “Without the vision of my brother, animation would not be possible,” according to Carlos.


My twin brother is a graphic designer and animator. He is who first see moving figures, gives them life in their imaginations and then he draws a wonderful design. He always asks me: “Carlos, what is the figure doing? Is he jumping, laughing, getting up up, walking?” And he always say, “I do not know, we can improvise”. But the graphics and animation do not contemplate improvisation, and his brother always answer: “Carlos, how can we improvise? We must have a planned design to shape!” In that they are like pieces of one puzzle, they both need to complete, they are a team and they are both essential. “I come from the world of cooking” says Carlos, “Many years ago, I made cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and modeling figures for my cakes ... And so it began. I never thought I would devote exclusively to modeling.” “So, I come from the world of the kitchen where everything is instant, everything must be done at one precise moment, I had to improvise some times. And my brother comes from the design world, where everything is planned, and planning requires a prior process of creation and reflection.” That’s why they need each other, and because they are twin brothers sure they have a special bond. “So, when he hands me the design of the figure, I got to imagine it in 3D in my head and cutting up the image into pieces to compose the

CARLOS LISCHETTI Photos are from Animation in Sugar, published by B. Dutton Publishing Ltd

figure with which I will be working my brother and me. I love this fiduring the next hours. gure and I loved creating it, despite the moments of despair that came Delia’s Magazine: How is Carlos out as when I was working with Lischetti in his intimacy? it. For me it’s a very tender and loCarlos Lischetti: I love that you’ve vely composition, very warm and asked me that, since nobody has ne- friendly. Actually, even though ver ask me that, maybe nobody was I travel a lot, I like to feel part of interested before. Carlos Lischetti is my family, a place where you know temperamental when creating but that you are always expected and also sensitive and irritable. Let’s say where you always are receive with I get nervous easily when I try to open arms (that is why my father make a figure exactly as I imagine has its arms opened). I have very it. I guess I feel like everyone when fond memories of this modelling, trying to do something and I want perhaps because it met all of my fait perfect, and sometimes all my mily memories to make just what I efforts are in vain so I get irritated. wanted, love and family protection. When I’m creating I need to isolate myself, going through a state of DM: At what stage of your life are concentration that I can only reach you now? if I’m alone. I do not talk to anyoCL: I’m in a very beautiful and ne, I do not like to hear anyone or unforgettable stage. I’m right wheanything else that make me thing re I want to be, everywhere teaabout everything but in my mode- ching what I like. I have been given ling. Yes, I like listening to music, the opportunity to travel to make I love listening to music when I’m courses wherever I go and sure it creating: all kinds of music. is a beautiful and an unique experience opportunity to live special moments. DM: Could you choose one professional moment of your life? CL: TEvery moment in my life has been special. Every moment lived has its charm and if you work for what you like and you’re passionate about it, it’s even better. Actually, I’ll take all the good this profession has given to me, I could not pick a single moment in which to stay. But, yes, I’m living one of the best times of my life. Photos are from Animation in Sugar, published by B. Dutton Publishing Ltd

Later, we witnessed the presentation of his book, Animation in Sugar, which actually is preparing its second edition. In April next year 2013 we will be able to find the Spanish edition of the book.

It’s difficult to translate some of the technical terms from one language to another. CARLOS LISCHETTI

In English there are verbs like “to tip” which means making some decorations with the pastry bag, but there is no verb in Spanish refering to this action.

DM: ¿Is there a special story that inspired one of your designs? CL: Actually, all the figures have a special story behind them and behind many hours of modelling. I like to place them in context, that gives a reason for and what story we want to express through it. Among all the figures I have made my favourite one is the composition of the father with his daughter and his twin sons… ring a bell?. It’s my dad with my sister and with DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 59



60 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE Photos are from Animation in Sugar, published by B. Dutton Publishing Ltd

Photos are from Animation in Sugar, published by B. Dutton Publishing Ltd

As for acceptance, I did not expect that the public was going to recieve my book, Animation in Sugar, as they did. I did not expect that in less than a month they had exhausted all the copies of the first edition in English. No more physical books to sell, I only have this one I used for the presentation indeed, it’s booked for a person who lives far away. In mid-December the second edition will come out in English and in April next year the Spanish version will be available. I never imagined a reception for my work this way, not in this excess, I’m living a dream and I have to time enough in my life to thank all the people who read my posts in the Squires Kitchen magazine, to all who read my book, and to those who attend my courses and believe in me. Really, thank you, this is a dream.



Photos are from Animation in Sugar, published by B. Dutton Publishing Ltd


Sweet y,

It’s t ime t o ce


elebrate love!




XAVIER VIÑALS | LONDON Over the years Peggy Porschen has created a sophisticated and highly personal style that has allowed ger to travel around the world with each of her designs. Consolidating and mastering her technique has allowed her to create unique cake that for any kind of events. We went directly to Peggy Porschens Parlour to find out how it all started and to discover some of her stories. sign and finally, her first job as a cake decorator was at Konditor & Cook where she worked for Gerhard Jenne, a German Konditor master and owner of the cake shop. After working as a pastry chef for a number of different companies she was personally commissioned by Elton John to create 550 individually-handcrafted chocolate Faberge eggs for his White Tie & Tiara ball –. “That was the turning point for Since that moment, she started her which inspired her to set up out looking for a German appren- business on her own”, says. ticeship which would have taken 3 It was always a dream to have years to complete, she quickly realised that by studying at Le Cordon her own shop and the Peggy PorsBleu she could learn the same amou- chen Parlour has allowed her to nt but at a more intensive level and make cakes that are affordable to complete her diploma within a year. all. She previously offered a madeShe says she chose London as the to-order only service; however, her UK is famous for expert sugar craft layer cakes, cupcakes, mini cakes and she knew that it was an area she and cookies are now available to all on an everyday basis from the wanted to focus on. Parlour in London’s Belgravia. She After graduation, Peggy Porschen have also been able to develop her started working as a pastry chef at own range of home wares and cake the Lanesborough hotel, followed accoutrements which are also avaiby a position at Rhubarb Food De- lable from the Parlour or online. “I was always given a fabulous cake every year on my birthday as a child growing up in Germany which is a nation that loves cake! The cake was always the highlight for me and even then I was incredibly passionate about both the taste and the look. When I was 14 yrs. old I decided to make my own and it really just started from there”, explains Peggy Porschen.



DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 65, photography by Georgia Glynn Smith


66 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE, photography by Georgia Glynn Smith


Sugar flowers are my specialty, my mother and grandmother were florists and I think I must have got it from them. It’s just a natural talent. PEGGY PORSCHEN

Wedding Cakes designing a cake without knowing what techniques are going to be needed and used, so we end up changing our first idea to make it possible. Peggy Porschen says to get inspired by the world that sorrunds us and makes sketches on that basis. She confesses that “sometimes the outline changes must be made if the cake is not structurally correct, but usually I do anything to Peggy Porshen explains “we in- bring that design to reality. “ vite our clients to a personal tasting and consultation at our Bridal Boutique in Belgravia, London. This service is complementary and will give you an opportunity to sample Peggy’s delicious flavours, view the beautiful cakes on display The end result of a work desigand browse through our extensive ned by Peggy Porschen is nothing portfolio”. To help them guide you but breathtaking away because you in finding the perfect design for realize how pastry can become art. your occasion, they ask the bride But even for Peggy Porschen there to bring along anything that might are some quite complicated orders. inspire their cake, such as a swatch “A particularly complex commisof lace from the dress, a picture of sion was for a secret wedding, a the flowers and colour samples. client had decided to get married but had simply invited his guests Once the design is approved they to a ‘Christmas’ party. I was asked will then stay in touch with the Bri- to create a large gift box shaped hode and liaise with the florist in the llow cake, with the wedding cake lead up to the wedding to ensure concealed within. When the client that the cake is delivered at the per- went to cut the cake all was reveafect moment on the day. led and the guests were all very excited to discover they were actually Many times we make a mental there to celebrate a wedding.”, photography by Georgia Glynn Smith

Her stunning designs are born from a special book which has to be made between a year and 6 months before the wedding, especially when the wedding is scheduled during the peak season summer months. They believe in a truly personal approach and recognise that such an important celebration deserves a very special cake.



“My own wedding cake was perfect. It was absolutely beautiful, elegant and incredibly pretty, intricate without being over the top, the classic and traditional was softened with a satin bow. I designed it and one of my team made it for me. It tied in perfectly with the wedding and was actually inspired by my laser cut wedding stationary and flowers”, explains Peggy Porschen.

When I was young I always made birthday cakes for friends and baked Christmas cookies with my mum each year – some of my fondest memories! PEGGY PORSCHEN


About Her Books All her books are a true reflection of her work and the cake maker she set out to become. The Peggy Porschen Parlour inspired her to write Boutique Baking, a book filled with the delicious cakes, cookies and cupcakes that they serve there. It is certainly more accessible than any of her other books, there is something in there for cake makers of any skill level.

Peggy Porschen Parlour 116 Ebury Street Belgravia, London SW1W 9QQ


Sugar Paste is my favourite medium to work with, it allows me to be creative and get colours perfect. It works best for large cakes and offers the best finish for a wedding cake.

Photography by Georgia Glynn Smith

Photography by Georgia Glynn Smith

Her Wedding Cake


DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 69, photography by Georgia Glynn Smith



Surely that October morning in 2008 -du the sofa after feeding her dog and her baby she would begin a special cookbook with w would have imagine that she would inspire “Blogger by being bored”, that’s how Sand blogger in her little free time during the da . Failing to have a conversation, an exchan cuisine, she decided to open a blog in secre ne,” according SandeeA (pronounced like t was her name on the net. There, she found accompanied by stories that recreate the e her inspirations. A blog created as a cousin inspiration and special recipes for special m

Excited about the idea of being able to wri Receta de la Felicidad” reveals some of her



uring her maternity leave sitting bored on y- Sandra could have never imagined that what she calls “hapiness recipes” nor she e nearly 18 thousand followers on the net. dra describes herself, her beginnings as a ay -when she is without her dog an babynge of ideas or any opinions on inspiring et, “I made my dog promise not tell anyothe fruit, watermelon, in Spanish), which d the place to tell her stories and recipes essence of her creations and especially of ne playground in which you can find some moments.

ite and publish a cookbook, Sandra of “La tips to find the secret recipe.


LA RECETA DE LA FELICIDAD Delia’s Magazine: What inspires you when making a recipe? La Receta de la Felicidad: The idea is that anyone seeing the blog leaves it with a smile. For the recipe, for the introduction ... I prepare special recipes for happy moments and present them with funny stories. Easy recipes that are spectacular, and surprises your family. I like to offer original content.

ting to fondant or icings. Although using them for a special occasion doesn’t seem wrong to me.

Sweet Christmas… At Christmas, traditions emerge, the kitchen is grateful for the feast of hot ovens, crackers and ginger.

Original recipes, well presented which work out.

Many of the ideas of Sandra are not shown. In many cases her recipes are inspired by others, in that case, she says, always mentions the blog where she founds the,. “There is usually an inspiration that can come from another blog, of something you are told by your kids ... Then I do several tests of each recipe to find improvements, try different presentations and ensure that each post is perfect.” Says our blogger, which a part from cooking works as a teacher, and that’s how she defines herself.


But in Sandra’s kitchen, the recipe for happiness during this period is undoubtedly the Panettone and cakes such as Pandoro and Kugelhopf -so typical for this time!-. DM: Do you have any special dessert from your childhood? LRF: I remember some madeleines from the bakery next to my grandmother’s house, and milk dumplings that my grandmother prepared (called repápalos, but have always been scones in my house).

Actually, I’m in love with my zucchini cake recipe but I think most people have made the lined cake. LA RECETA DE LA FELICIDAD DM: We haven’t seen any fondant or buttercream recipes. What’s your opinion on them? LRF: I do not like fondant or icings, I think that they do not add much flavor to a cake itself, so I do not use them much. When I do use them, I try combine them with bitter or sour flavors to counter the excessive sweetness. I do not like to use artificial colors. I think aesthetics is important, but can not be the main thing, and must be accompanied by a great recipe. Beautiful recipes can be made without resor72 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE

They probably unrepeatable flavors due to they are magnified in the memories and they are associated with moments that have passed and unrecoverable. DM: Have you found the recipe for hapiness? LRF: I appreciate that you asked me that, due to I only have been ask that a hundred times before (laughing). I still do not know the answer. I guess the secret is related to focus more on your strengths on what you have.

La Receta de la Felicidad


I would love to have the chance of publishing a book with my recipes. LA RECETA DE LA FELICIDAD

TaKE NoTE La Receta de la Felicidad

QUICK-EFFECTIVE RECIPE 1. Mix 200 g of sugar with a tablespoon of water. 2. Pour the mixture into ice or chocolate molds to shape it. 3. Let it dry over a partchment paper (without the mold). 4. We have or own sugar dosis made by ourselves.

La Receta de la Felicidad

La Receta de la Felicidad


Atelier Sucrème


Warmth, quality and a touch of PINK!

IRINA BAUTISTA | RUBÍ Three sisters, three aprons and the same style, all in a group that comes together to form the perfect harmony that conveys their precious place Atelier Sucrème. In the past 2011 began their journey through the fantastic world of creative pastry as bloggers, and since then, their development has been steady and visible for all their followers. Despite that, the essence of their designs has always remained in the same balance, always focused on pink and pastel colors. After the needed push given by the wonderful cake designer Patricia Arribálzaga, Mónica, Marta and María, started to work seriously and hard with their delicate pink-based technique and with the joy and enthusiasm that characterizes them.

A special dessert, macarons and a culinary station, the winter.




DELIA’S MAGAZINE María, Marta y Mónica. Three sisters, three aprons and the same style, all in a group that comes together to form the perfect harmony that conveys their precious place Atelier Sucrème. Over the years they have managed to consolidate their technique and can now be regarded as professionals in many branches of creative pastry. the essence of their designs has always remained in the same balance, always focused on pink and pastel colors. Delia’s Magazine: When did the idea of your business came out and how did you star? Atelier Sucrème: It all started when one day, a colleague told us that everything we bought and order for our parties could be done by ourselves because we always liked baking cakes and cookies. At first we were doing small works for people that came to us and we were posting our cakes and cookies in our social networks. Little by little, we were getting friend requests from people completely unknown and we realized that it was not ap-

propriate to add strangers to the and kitchen where you can work personal page of our social net- comfortably. work and decided to create a blog where everyone could see what we were doing. At the beginning of our journey we were fortunate to be, thanks to a raffle, on a course of decorated cookies with Patricia Arribálzaga of Cakes Haute Couture, who encouraged us to keep practicing and try new goals. On our own, we refine our techniques and we formed us until one day we decided to open Atelier SucrèATELIER SUCRÈME me, creating a space that included a workshop, warehouse, office

We have a working philosophy based on highquality natural products. DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 75


In Atelier Sucrème

each one has its specialty ...

h e delicat T e fl o

s r we


n ic a o M of


Mar ta



d e n r f ul c o w r e oo h k nd



T h e sw eet

c her in


i a s i r refle a M cte f o d ss


ATELIER SUCRÈME to design a cake? For what occasion is there more demand of your designs? AS: We always try to have continuous communication with the customer, especially if they are not sure the design they want. We are asked for many anniversary cakes (not only children but also for young people and wedding anniversaries). We love doing things in black, blue and pink with flowers and modeling designs. DM: In spite of your blog, what books or resources do you look for to design a decorated cake? AS: We have few books and we have some because we like them, we do not like to copy designs or make things too similar to those already seen. To design a cake, internet is a good source of ideas, it is also a very useful tool to find out if a design is unique and not what someone else has done yet. DM: What kind of courses do you offer and what is the target audience? Tell us some advantages of taking courses in your local? AS: We offer courses made to fulfill the needs of our customers and customized courses where it is the customer who decides what he wants to learn. But our main focus is the personal attention and the student to leave our Atelier with the technique learned and having acquired specific knowledge.

DM: At what point do you think creativity is required to obtain an exquisite product? AS: An exquisite product is given by the cleaned finish and by the use of warm colors. Good design does not always mean you’re going to get an excellent product, since the vast majority of times, you have to make modifications of the initial sketch. The final touch is given when you just decorate as you seek the perfect balance once you have assembled the cake.

be found: as the leaves, colors and sizes change. And finally we choose the one we like the most to then face the most difficult part: find the cutter that best fits the flower that we want to create. The vast majority of these are often abroad.

We have made lots of cakes with beautiful stories behind. ATELIER SUCRÈME

DM: Three women in a kitchen cooking, how is your day to day in Atelier Sucrème? Are each of you specialized in some field of pastry? AS: All we do everything when it comes to work, but usually we split as follows: Maria makes the biscuits and the creams, Marta makes the cookies and Monica makes sugar flowers.

Less decorations are better, not by charging too much decoration on the cake makes it pretty. Your product is your business card, so the presentation is the first thing people see and Atelier Sucrème do takes care of that.

We like doing delicate things.


DM: We love your sugar flowers. What is the secret you have to make them? Wich one of your flowers is your favourite? AS: We always look to the natural flower, if we have one in our atelier we photograph it from every angle, we care about every single detail, textures, volumes. If we do not DM: Could you explain what have that flower we search it on the process you follow when you want internet where all the varieties can After a course of gumpaste orchids and peonies teached by Monica, the team of Delia’s Magazine, is totally convinced that the rigor and care in teaching is present throughout the course and becomes even more visible in the result.




Cornstarch with milk and sugar Ingredients 30g de cornstarch ½ litter of milk Sugar 1. 2. 3. 4.

Directions Mix the cornstarch and the milk. Heat the mixture and move it as if we were drawing an 8. When it thickens and begins to boil, remove and add as many sugar as you want Serve in individual bowls with some cinnamon.

DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 79, photography by Atelier Sucrème




dreamed of doing a book with lots of cupcake recipes. It is a book for all ages: both those who have never made a cupcake and want to start, and those who have done a lot and want to try new flavors. It is a book focused on the taste (which is most important for Alma, much more than decorations) whose purpose is to ensure that everyone learn to do cupcakes. For those who have not yet acquired Alma’s book, some of the recipes are accompanied with digital content, one of Everybody knows that designing a cupcake (for the special points which is a plus because it makes it more interesting as embedded videos make it easier to example) needs a process which requires lots of con- understand some of the techniques that are difficult to centration and creativity. In the cupcakes, she expla- be explain using only photos. ins, starts thinking about a flavour and from that she manages herself to make it possible. Finally she thinks on the decoration, if there are going to be fondant decorations or not... “When making cakes I usually have a general idea about what I want to do and then I slowly think on every detail, color range, etc.. for make it as beautiful as possible. “ Creative pastry needs patience and time, which is not easy if you make courses and have a blog. Alma Obregón, creator of Objetivo: Cupcake Perfecto, says she uses baking and cooling timeouts to prepare the filling creams, “though mostly I use that time to do other things that are also related to pastry” (referring to tasks such as collecting, sorting and cleaning).

I’ve tried to make juicier cupcakes that fits closer to the Spanish palate. That has been my main target and I think I have succeeded. ALMA OBREGÓN

Currently she offers courses of decorating cupcakes, cakes and cookies, all suitable for all audiences. There are courses for beginners, for those who have never turn on an oven; courses for people who already have some experience but want to improve, and also more advanced courses for those who have mastered many techniques and want to learn some new.

In order to obtain cupcakes with her own style, she admits there is one tool she won’t live without it: the pastry bag. “I use it not only with royal icing but also with meringue icing and buttercream” she explains, adding that she loves to test the effects of different nozzles. For those who think that doing and decorating a cupcake are the best parts, for Alma Obregón What characterizes them is that she and her mother the best part comes when you eat them and see how make the students to feel like home. “In all courses we others react to it. “Making people happy through food try to teach all the techniques in a plain way, not bois great!” ring the audience.” Alma (as a teacher) and his mother (as an assistant) make everything they can to help each student to obtain a perfect result, encouraging them The creator of one of the most popular blogs in with love when something is really hard and trying to Spain confesses that since she started the blog she make the best of each student.



DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 81, photography by LighUp Estudios fotográficos




Chocolate t reat s


by Delia’s Bakery Crispy chocolate on the outside and delicious cream inside. This is the concept that we want to express with these chocolate treats. It’s possibilities are endless as you can make the combination of flavors you want very simply. To make these delicious chocolate treats you’ll need: candy melts (of the desired color), round silicone mold (candy, cake pops, ...), silicone brush, whipping cream, icing sugar, stand mixer and lyophilized raspberry (or chocolate chips or the filling desired). Start melting the candy melts in a double boiler and prepare your silicone molds. Once the chocolate is melted completely and with the help of a brush, fill the semi-spheres of the mold carefully so there are no holes. Let it dry overnight or in the fridge for a few hours, until the chocolate is solidified and ready to unmold. While takes place, we can prepare the whipping cream

with the icing sugar. Divide the whipped cream in different bowls to make different fillings. Some of the suggestions are: lyophilized fruit pieces, chopped chocolate, cookie cut, ... Each of these elements is added to the corresponding container and fill a disposable bag with each one of the mixtures. We will not use any type of nozzle. We take one semi-sphere of chocolate and we fill it up a little more than half, in this way, when we place the other side of the sphere they will be matched perfectly. To distinguishing the different flavors of our chocolate treats, we can paint the surface with candy melt and sprinkle remaining cookies, chocolate, raspberry or what we like. Putting some of these chocolate treats of different flavors in a cellophane envelope with a nice loop is a great idea to give to our loved ones to celebrate special occasions.






DELIA’S MAGAZINE| CASTELLDEFELS The sun comes through the window and a vanilla scent invades the workshop. Freshly baked muffins lay in the table and as if we were in a museum, lots of cakes decorate the different tables. But the prominence of Sucre i Vainilla goes to the hospitality and taste of a good white chocolate muffin accompanied by a long talk about sweet wedding cakes and harboring illusions courses for those who want to learn the impeccable technique of Viviana Zerneri in her Atelier, Sucre i Vainilla. It all began back in 2005 when she was making a cake for the christening of her daughter, when Viviana realized how little was known about sugarcraft techniques and creative cakes in Spain. Two years later she decided, with his eldest daughter, Gabriela, to create a blog named Sucre i Vainilla as a creativity meeting point where some of her cakes were showed. It was not until 2010 when, with her husband and daughter decided to phisicaly create a creative (space under the same name as the one choosed for the blog), “where quality education is our mainstay, with the philosophy of using fresh and natural ingredients that together with a with polished décor, are what make a cake to be a total success”.



While we are still enjoying the fantastic muffins made by Gabriela Viviana Zerneri moves on to explain the finest techniques to obtain a perfect covered cake. In a short break we have the opportunity to ask… DM: What role does tradition have in the current world of pastry? SiV: In Spain there is no tradition of this type of creative pastry. This type of cake decoration came from Latin immigration and was latter popularized in Spain DM: What trends do you think are beginning to emerge in the world of pastry? SiV: Nowadays, 3D cakes are becoming to be popular and the vintage style is on top


Zerneri Viviana was born in Argentina but now lives in Spain

Delia’s Magazine is currently witnessing a course of tiered decorated cakes, in which three advantaged students are covering their dummies with a home-made fondant, with an exceptional flavor that cannot be matched to any other fondant you have probably tasted. 86 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE


DM: What kind of courses do you offer in your Atelier and what is the target audience? SiV: En Sucre i Vainilla ofrecemos toIn Sucre i Vainilla we offer all kinds of courses related to sugarcraft and are directed by Viviana Zerneri, who discovers this whole world to amateur and professional bakers who want to incorporate these fabulous creations to their catalogs.

SUCRE I VAINILLA DM: What characterizes your work that sets you apart from the rest? SiV: We are known by our painting on fondant and 3D cakes. We were one of the ones who first incorporated structures in our cakes, with an American system, and that is where we make the difference.


i Vainilla “isSucreovercoming,

constanc y and enjoyment when teaching.


While Viviana reveals some of her secrest about her personal techniques, the students put their decorative elements in their wonder-

DM: How do you reconcile creativity, precision measurements and art in the world of pastry? SiV: I could not express it as a whole, there are times where creativity springs alone and if decreases when designing a cake, art finally appears to complete our design. DELIA’S MAGAZINE | 87


and has her studio in Castelldefels, Catalonia. She was in charge of cooking pies for important family events and for special dates for her friends and co-workers, who reminded her that her cakes had a vital presence in those parties. So, with practice, Viviana increases her knowledge in pastry techniques and gathers the strength to devote herself to what really was her passion, baking.

SUCRE I VAINILLA ful tiered cakes. Some of the details in decoration such as textured fondant boards, gold-painted fondant and pearled roses, make their cakes really look as masterpieces. Actually, it seems that the students have learned to embroider the fondant with silver threads, gold and bronze around all sides of the cake. DM: What is the technique that you use most often to decorate cakes? SiV: The techniques we like the most in Sucre i Vainilla are those used to add volume to 2D cakes and also modeling. Actually, people start to ask more often for handpainted cakes. DM: Do you consider that a limit exist when we are decorating a cake? SiV: When decorating cakes, I personally believe that we have to offer not only a balanced decorated product but also it must have a perfect taste. Don’t let yourself get caught up with the decoration due to the smell and the taste it’s what really matters and closes the circle. If all this is not balanced, your design won’t meet success.

SiV: Nos encantan las especias como la vainilla, el jengibre, la canela, el limón y la nuez moscada, el turrón si bien nos encanta solemos utilizarlo para cosas muy puntuales por su predominante sabor. Viviana’s students, though being happy with their results, are feeling a little bit sad because that means that the course is over. When leaving the Atelier, a smile was drawn in their faces and all said they are going to repeat. Alone with Viviana we ask her some more questions in order to finish our interview… DM: Having achieved some of your goals, is there any project you would like to start? SiV: What excites us the most at this time is to be recognized as one of the sugarcraft schools with its own system of education. We work with two other people so that everything is fluid and dynamic. We have an upcoming project that we cannot reveal yet.

DM: Tell us about a culinary technique that you have created or borrowed which you are very proud of. SiV: I am very pleased with the synthesis in the design, this is the result of the 24 years I’ve experienced in the art of sugarcraft. DM: Do you have a flavor that you only like to use in Christmas products such as nougat? 88 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE

Av. Constitució 207, esc. C/ entlo. 4ª, Castelldefels, Barcelona.


And we part wishing the best to Viviana and her fantastic team, Her students are placing the lo- from whom we get the hospitality, vely peonies on the top of their good pastry when working with cakes that previously, a day before, enthusiasm and quality and we will had made and pinted. The autum- remember the wonderful smell of nal colors that give off the cakes white chocolate muffins made by mixed with the satisfaction of her Gabriela. students with the results makes it worth it. DM: Is anything more you want As we witness the final touches to share with us? and photographs of the cakes, we SiV: I want to thank you for cocontinue asking Viviana... ming here. Is a pleassure to having met you.








A special sweet place...

Mascarpone cream filling recipe Ingredientes 50 g butter, at room temperature 50 gr of sifted icing sugar 150 g Mascarpone. at room temperature. Elaboración 1. Beat the butter with the icing sugar about 5-8 minutes, until a smooth. 2. Add mascarpone cheese, which we have previously removed from the refrigerator to warm to room temperature and mix gently. You can add poppy seeds, which gives a special texture when combined with carrot cake. 3. We can make a very sophisticated filling adding chopped dried cranberries and lemon or lime zest, this combination is very fresh for summer citrus cakes. We can also add cherry flakes, ideal to surprise your guests!



IRINA BAUTISTA | ALICANTE Many years ago in a small town in Valencia, our origins go back more than a century ago, five generations of artisans and traders, producers of pots, pans and cooking pots towards for village markets. It was later in the 60s when they decided to open its first store, over the years we have grown, expanding the range of products, the offer has growing too and the cooking world is increasingly evolving so we have put it all together in our physical store called VAELLO, due to our name has somehow been linked to the world of cooking. Now in the twenty-first century when the last generation of the family has decided that the tradition will continue with adapting it to the new tendencies and to the reality of the market, creating an online store called Delia’s Magazine: What meant to you starting this project? Qoocok: With the online world we faced serving our customers in a different way from the one we knew and with whom we he had to keep the same human quality with which we like to work: security and confidence to our customers. We strive to maintain transparency and full satisfaction in each of the shopping, offering the highest quality in our wide range of products and fast delivery, this is what we like to call “the QOCOOK experience”. We knew our purpose and we do not forget about our love towards cooking pots and we needed to share with more people what we feel. Starting this project was a new challenge for us and we look forward to keep it real and improving ourselves everyday. DM: Where does the name came from? Q: Although apparently are only six letters, three vowels and three consonants that phonetically sound equally the origin of the name is a story QOCOOK much longer to explain. Also, if you collate them together you can create an onomatopoeia that also sounds like a rooster, our logo. DM: What direction will take over the next years your company? Q: QOCOOK will offer something different each year for its customers, we will create experiences and sharing what we love, we will expand our product offerings and shipments. Always offering the highest quality possible . 90 | DELIA’S MAGAZINE

DM: Have you always work with kitchen related things? Q: Yes, I have always been linked to the world of cooking, I have grown between pots and watching those in the kitchen, learning how to distinguish many things such as the quality of porcelain and glass before others. When I go to a restaurant, I have a usual default -or perhaps a normal professional default- to observe the quality and brands of plates, cutlery ... I love to cook, appreciate the uniqueness of each tool, set the table with all its details and ready to receive my guests.

as a delicious red velvet or devil food.

DM: Do you follow any special Cake Designer? Q: We do not follow any particular cake designer. Obviously we think that the work of Peggy Porschen is poetic and romantic, the style of Patricia Arribalzagais delicate and the work of Tartarte Juanita is soo fun and edgy. We love Facebook to discover new people with the most excitement with every thing that creates in Spain there is a very good level of bloggers and people dedicated to baking, just as you Irna and Xavier. DM: The new type of pastry has Thank you for spreading and sharequired the incorporation of many ring your sweetest part, informing gadgets, whish is the one that has and educating ourselves. been more demanded? Q: Yes, in recent years there have DM: In the kitchen, do you prefer appeared unimaginable thousands sweet things or salty ones? of products for the kitchen and Q: With the current wave of creaclearly the world of baking has su- tive pastry,sweet things are a safe ffered a rapid growth in our coun- bet. Besides, who does not like sutry: first came silicone utensils and gar? suddenly came the cupcakes boom. The most demanded things are DM: What role do you think holds cupcake capsules, all type of cutters tradition in the current world of and some peculiar flavor essences pastry? such as the chewing gum flavour. Q: It is the basis, the most primary origin. However I believe DM: Does the demand of some that products such as almond or products change depending on the yolk that are linked to the bakery season of the year? “traditional” should remain key inQ: Of course, we all change our gredients in our country. clothes and our wardrobe every season and so does our palate and DM: What makes QOCOOK diffeour view, claiming freshest sum- rent? mer, scents with citrus flavors and Q: The happiness with which we acids, utensils with vibrant colors, approach our work and our comhowever in winter is totally diffe- mitment to achieve our purpose, rent, so Christmas is time to silver generating as many QOCOOK expearls, gold dust, and cake fillings periences as possible.

QOCOOK qocook





DELIA’S invites you to a very special wedding Delia’s Bakery Twitter: @deliasmagazine

Coming in the next issue...


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