1 minute read

Nordic open sandwich

ingreDients (for 4 open sandwiches)

1 Délifrance héritage malted wheat and seeds country loaf I 120g seaweed tartare 100g smoked haddock I 4 pink radishes I 1 yellow chicory I 1 Granny Smith apple 4 black grapes I Olive oil I Pepper


Preparation Bake the bread 18-20 min. at 200°C. Slice the radish and apple finely. Cut the black grapes into pieces.

Assembly Cut slices of bread 3 to 4cm thick. Spread the bread with seaweed tartare. Chop the haddock and add 25g to each slice of bread, together with the pink radish slices. Add the apple and a few petals of yellow chicory. Top with a few black grape pieces. To finish, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with pepper.


ingreDients (for 4 open sandwiches)

1 Délifrance héritage country loaf I 3 red tomatoes I 3 yellow tomatoes I 1 red onion 40g black olive tapenade I 6-8g pine nuts I 20 basil leaves I Olive oil I Salt I Pepper

Preparation Bake the bread 18-20 min. at 200°C. Roast the pine nuts in the oven (5 minutes at 180°C). Slice the red onion. Tomato tartare: dice the red and yellow tomatoes finely and season with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Assembly Cut slices of bread 3 to 4cm thick. Spread the tartare onto the slices of bread, use a teaspoon to add two quenelles of black olive tapenade and top with four red onion pieces and the roasted pine nuts. Finish with five basil leaves.

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