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Secrétariat 845, rue Sherbrooke ouest, Bureau 313 Montréal, Québec H3A 0G4 Tel.: (514) 398-3948 / Téléc.: (514) 398-4758

14 août 2018 Monsieur Sébastien Oudin-Filipecki seb.oudin-filipecki@mail.mcgill.ca Objet:

Par courriel

Demande d’accès aux documents – Réponse

Monsieur, Par la présente, je donne suite à votre demande reçue le 12 juillet 2018, formulée comme suit: Tous les documents relatifs : 1. À l'article de www.cbc.ca intitulé « McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K » et publié le 5 juillet 2018 2. À l'article de lapresse.ca intitulé « Dépeint comme un «prédateur», un professeur poursuit une étudiante » et publié le 6 juillet 2018 3. Au courriel envoyé par « mcgillstaff.mro@mcgill.ca» le 10 Avril 2018, intitulé « Traitement des plaintes d'inconduite sexuelle» et signé par le Pr. Christopher Manfredi. 4. Au courriel envoyé par « mcgillstaff.mro@mcgill.ca» le 10 Mai 2018, intitulé « Message important du Vice-principal exécutif et vice-principal aux études» et signé par le Pr. Christopher Manfredi. Détenues par les bureaux suivants. − − − − − − − − − − −

Principale et vice-chancelière Vice-principal exécutif et vice-principal aux études Premier vice-principal exécutif adjoint (études et vie étudiante) Vice-principal adjoint (communications) Doyen à la vie étudiante Doyenne des arts Département de science politiques The Institute of Islamic Studies Secrétariat Audit interne Bureau d’intervention, de prévention et d’éducation en matière de violence sexuelle

Nous sommes en mesure de vous fournir des documents répondant à votre demande. Vous trouverez les documents joint au courriel contenant la présente. Veuillez noter que les documents sous-mentionné ont été caviardés afin de protéger : des brouillons en vertu de l’article 9 de la Loi sur l'accès aux documents des organismes publics et sur la protection des renseignements personnels (la Loi); des renseignements dont la divulgation aurait pour effet de réduire l’efficacité d’un programme, d’un plan d’action ou d’un dispositif de sécurité destiné à la protection d’un bien ou d’une personne en vertu de l’article 29 de la loi; les avis ou recommandations faits par les employés de l’Université dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions en vertu de l’article 37 de la Loi; et les renseignements personnels en vertu des articles 53, 54, et 59 de la Loi. Veuillez noter également que certains documents ont été retenus conformément à

l’article 9 de la Charte des droits et libertés de la personne du Québec (la Charte) et en vertu de l’article 37 de la Loi. Vous trouverez ces articles de la Loi et la Charte reproduits en annexe. Pour toute question, n’hésitez pas à contacter M. David Schaffer, au 514-398-4719, ou par courriel à david.schaffer@mcgill.ca. En vertu de l’article 135 de la Loi, vous pouvez adresser une demande de révision à la Commission d’accès à l’information dans les trente jours de la présente.

Je vous prie d’agréer, Monsieur, mes salutations distinguées.

Edyta Rogowska Secrétaire générale

LOI SUR L’ACCÈS AUX DOCUMENTS DES ORGANISMES PUBLICS ET SUR LA PROTECTION DES RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS 9. Toute personne qui en fait la demande a droit d’accès aux documents d’un organisme public. Ce droit ne s’étend pas aux notes personnelles inscrites sur un document, ni aux esquisses, ébauches, brouillons, notes préparatoires ou autres documents de même nature. 1982, c. 30, a. 9.

29. Un organisme public doit refuser de confirmer l’existence ou de donner communication d’un renseignement portant sur une méthode ou une arme susceptible d’être utilisée pour commettre un crime ou une infraction à une loi. Il doit aussi refuser de confirmer l’existence ou de donner communication d’un renseignement dont la divulgation aurait pour effet de réduire l’efficacité d’un programme, d’un plan d’action ou d’un dispositif de sécurité destiné à la protection d’un bien ou d’une personne. 1982, c. 30, a. 29; 2006, c. 22, a. 16.

37. Un organisme public peut refuser de communiquer un avis ou une recommandation faits depuis moins de dix ans, par un de ses membres, un membre de son personnel, un membre d’un autre organisme public ou un membre du personnel de cet autre organisme, dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions. Il peut également refuser de communiquer un avis ou une recommandation qui lui ont été faits, à sa demande, depuis moins de dix ans, par un consultant ou par un conseiller sur une matière de sa compétence. 1982, c. 30, a. 37

53. Les renseignements personnels sont confidentiels sauf dans les cas suivants: 1° la personne concernée par ces renseignements consent à leur divulgation; si cette personne est mineure, le consentement peut également être donné par le titulaire de l’autorité parentale; 2° ils portent sur un renseignement obtenu par un organisme public dans l’exercice d’une fonction juridictionnelle; ils demeurent cependant confidentiels si l’organisme les a obtenus alors qu’il siégeait à huis-clos ou s’ils sont visés par une ordonnance de non-divulgation, de nonpublication ou de non-diffusion. 1982, c. 30, a. 53; 1985, c. 30, a. 3; 1989, c. 54, a. 150; 1990, c. 57, a. 11; 2006, c. 22, a. 29.

54. Dans un document, sont personnels les renseignements qui concernent une personne physique et permettent de l’identifier. 1982, c. 30, a. 54; 2006, c. 22, a. 110.

59. Un organisme public ne peut communiquer un renseignement personnel sans le consentement de la personne concernée. Toutefois, il peut communiquer un tel renseignement sans le consentement de cette personne, dans les cas et aux strictes conditions qui suivent: 1° au procureur de cet organisme si le renseignement est nécessaire aux fins d’une poursuite pour infraction à une loi que cet organisme est chargé d’appliquer, ou au Directeur des poursuites

criminelles et pénales si le renseignement est nécessaire aux fins d’une poursuite pour infraction à une loi applicable au Québec; 2° au procureur de cet organisme, ou au procureur général lorsqu’il agit comme procureur de cet organisme, si le renseignement est nécessaire aux fins d’une procédure judiciaire autre qu’une procédure visée dans le paragraphe 1°; 3° à un organisme qui, en vertu de la loi, est chargé de prévenir, détecter ou réprimer le crime ou les infractions aux lois, si le renseignement est nécessaire aux fins d’une poursuite pour infraction à une loi applicable au Québec; 4° à une personne à qui cette communication doit être faite en raison d’une situation d’urgence mettant en danger la vie, la santé ou la sécurité de la personne concernée; 5° à une personne qui est autorisée par la Commission d’accès à l’information, conformément à l’article 125, à utiliser ce renseignement à des fins d’étude, de recherche ou de statistique; 6° (paragraphe abrogé); 7° (paragraphe abrogé); 8° à une personne ou 61, 66, 67, 67.1, 67.2, 68 et 68.1;





aux articles

9° à une personne impliquée dans un événement ayant fait l’objet d’un rapport par un corps de police ou par une personne ou un organisme agissant en application d’une loi qui exige un rapport de même nature, lorsqu’il s’agit d’un renseignement sur l’identité de toute autre personne qui a été impliquée dans cet événement, sauf s’il s’agit d’un témoin, d’un dénonciateur ou d’une personne dont la santé ou la sécurité serait susceptible d’être mise en péril par la communication d’un tel renseignement. 1982, c. 30, a. 59; 1983, c. 38, a. 55; 1984, c. 27, a. 1; 1985, c. 30, a. 5; 1987, c. 68, a. 5; 1990, c. 57, a. 13; 2006, c. 22, a. 32; 2005, c. 34, a. 37.

135. Une personne dont la demande écrite a été refusée en tout ou en partie par le responsable de l’accès aux documents ou de la protection des renseignements personnels peut demander à la Commission de réviser cette décision. Une personne qui a fait une demande en vertu de la présente loi peut demander à la Commission de réviser toute décision du responsable sur le délai de traitement de la demande, sur le mode d’accès à un document ou à un renseignement, sur l’application de l’article 9 ou sur les frais exigibles. Ces demandes doivent être faites dans les trente jours qui suivent la date de la décision ou de l’expiration du délai accordé par la présente loi au responsable pour répondre à une demande. La Commission peut toutefois, pour un motif raisonnable, relever le requérant du défaut de respecter ce délai. 1982, c. 30, a. 135.

CHARTE DES DROITS ET LIBERTÉS DE LA PERSONNE 9. Chacun a droit au respect du secret professionnel. Toute personne tenue par la loi au secret professionnel et tout prêtre ou autre ministre du culte ne peuvent, même en justice, divulguer les renseignements confidentiels qui leur ont été révélés

en raison de leur état ou profession, à moins qu’ils n’y soient autorisés par celui qui leur a fait ces confidences ou par une disposition expresse de la loi. Le tribunal doit, d’office, assurer le respect du secret professionnel. 1975, c. 6, a. 9.

RE: here's a crack at a draft

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Subject: RE: here's a crack at a dra� From: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." </O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=519C29ABBAD840B099F68583830B8E10-LEIGH.YETTE> Date: 06/04/2018 10:57 AM To: "Angela Campbell, Prof." <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Hi Angela,

Notes attached.


Leigh Yetter, PhD | Senior Director, Strategy and Operations | Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) | McGill University | James Administration Building 505 | 845 Sherbrooke St. W. | Montreal, QC, H3A0G4 Leigh.Yetter@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (o) | http://www.mcgill.ca/provost

(c) |

Leigh Yetter, PhD | Directrice principale, stratégie et opérations | Bureau du vice-principal exécutif et vice-principal aux études | Université McGill | Pavillon d’administration James 505 | 845, rue Sherbrooke o. | Montréal (QC) H3A0G4 Leigh.Yetter@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (b) | http://www.mcgill.ca/provost

(c) |

From: Angela Campbell, Prof. Sent: April-06-18 10:05 AM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Leigh Yetter, Dr. <leigh.yetter@mcgill.ca> Subject: here's a crack at a draft

Angela Campbell Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies)

01/08/2018 5:07 PM

Draft statement

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Subject: Dra� statement From: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." </O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=519C29ABBAD840B099F68583830B8E10-LEIGH.YETTE> Date: 06/04/2018 11:11 AM To: "Doug Sweet, Mr." <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>, Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Buddle, Professor" <chris.buddle@mcgill.ca>, "Angela Campbell, Prof." <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca>, "Ollivier Dyens, Prof." <ollivier.dyens@mcgill.ca>, Marc Weinstein <marc.weinstein@mcgill.ca>, Mark Ordonselli <mark.ordonselli@mcgill.ca>, "Carole Graveline, Ms" <carole.graveline@mcgill.ca>, Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca> Dear all,

Please find attached a draft statement for discussion at this afternoon’s meeting.


Leigh Yetter, PhD | Senior Director, Strategy and Operations | Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) | McGill University | James Administration Building 505 | 845 Sherbrooke St. W. | Montreal, QC, H3A0G4 Leigh.Yetter@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (o) | http://www.mcgill.ca/provost

(c) |

Leigh Yetter, PhD | Directrice principale, stratégie et opérations | Bureau du vice-principal exécutif et vice-principal aux études | Université McGill | Pavillon d’administration James 505 | 845, rue Sherbrooke o. | Montréal (QC) H3A0G4 Leigh.Yetter@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (b) | http://www.mcgill.ca/provost

(c) |

-----Original Appointment----From: Doug Sweet, Mr. Sent: April-06-18 9:33 AM To: Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Buddle, Professor; Angela Campbell, Prof.; Ollivier Dyens, Prof.; Marc Weinstein; Mark Ordonselli; Carole Graveline, Ms; Line Thibault Subject: IMG meeting When: April-06-18 1:00 PM-2:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).

01/08/2018 5:07 PM

RE: Draft statement

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Subject: RE: Dra� statement From: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." </O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=519C29ABBAD840B099F68583830B8E10-LEIGH.YETTE> Date: 06/04/2018 11:57 AM To: "Angela Campbell, Prof." <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca> Before I sent to all again, does the addi�on to the a�ached capture the inten�on? Leigh Ye�er, PhD | Senior Director, Strategy and Opera�ons | Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) | McGill University | James Administra�on Building 505 | 845 Sherbrooke St. W. | Montreal, QC, H3A0G4 Leigh.Ye�er@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (o) | (c) | h�p://www.mcgill.ca/provost Leigh Ye�er, PhD | Directrice principale, stratégie et opéra�ons | Bureau du vice-principal exécu�f et vice-principal aux études | Université McGill | Pavillon d’administra�on James 505 | 845, rue Sherbrooke o. | Montréal (QC) H3A0G4 Leigh.Ye�er@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (b) | (c) | h�p://www.mcgill.ca/provost

From: Angela Campbell, Prof. Sent: April-06-18 11:34 AM To: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>; Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Buddle, Professor <chris.buddle@mcgill.ca>; Ollivier Dyens, Prof. <ollivier.dyens@mcgill.ca>; Marc Weinstein <marc.weinstein@mcgill.ca>; Mark Ordonselli <mark.ordonselli@mcgill.ca>; Carole Graveline, Ms <carole.graveline@mcgill.ca>; Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca> Subject: Re: Dra� statement Dear all, I've been a call this morning with Shaheen Shariff, Lucy Lach and Bianca Tétrault who feel strongly that any communica�ons include:

I'm inclined to agree with all of the above. Angela

Angela Campbell Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies) Professor, Faculty of Law

01/08/2018 5:07 PM

RE: Draft statement

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To: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>; Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Buddle, Professor <chris.buddle@mcgill.ca>; Ollivier Dyens, Prof. <ollivier.dyens@mcgill.ca>; Marc Weinstein <marc.weinstein@mcgill.ca>; Mark Ordonselli <mark.ordonselli@mcgill.ca>; Carole Graveline, Ms <carole.graveline@mcgill.ca>; Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca> Subject: Re: Dra� statement Dear all, I've been a call this morning with Shaheen Shariff, Lucy Lach and Bianca Tétrault who feel strongly that any communica�ons include:

I'm inclined to agree with all of the above. Angela

Angela Campbell Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies) Professor, Faculty of Law McGill University 514.398.1660 McGill University is on land which long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous people whose footsteps have marked this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. L'Université McGill est sur un emplacement qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d'échange entre les peuples autochtones, y compris les nations Haudenosaunee et Anishinabeg. Nous reconnaissons et remercions les divers peuples autochtones dont les pas ont marqué ce territoire sur lequel les peuples du monde entier se réunissent maintenant.

From: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca> Date: Friday, April 6, 2018 11:11 AM To: "Doug Sweet, Mr." <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>, Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Buddle, Professor" <chris.buddle@mcgill.ca>, Angela Campbell <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca>, "Ollivier Dyens, Prof." <ollivier.dyens@mcgill.ca>, Marc Weinstein <marc.weinstein@mcgill.ca>, Mark Ordonselli <mark.ordonselli@mcgill.ca>, "Carole Graveline, Ms" <carole.graveline@mcgill.ca>, Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca> Subject: Dra� statement Dear all,

01/08/2018 5:07 PM

Re: draft statement 3

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Subject: Re: dra� statement 3 From: "Angela Campbell, Prof." <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca> Date: 06/04/2018 8:14 PM To: "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>, "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca> With the amendment Chris proposes, it would look like the a�ached. Does this look ok to go? Angela Campbell Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies) Professor, Faculty of Law McGill University 514.398.1660 McGill University is on land which has long served as a site of mee�ng and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg na�ons. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous people whose footsteps have marked this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. L'Université McGill est sur un emplacement qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d'échange entre les peuples autochtones, y compris les na�ons Haudenosaunee et Anishinabeg. Nous reconnaissons et remercions les divers peuples autochtones dont les pas ont marqué ce territoire sur lequel les peuples du monde en�er se réunissent maintenant.

From: "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Date: Friday, April 6, 2018 at 8:06 PM To: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca> Cc: "Angela Prof." <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca> Subject: Re: dra� statement 3 Generally looks good,


Christopher P. Manfredi | Provost & Vice-Principal Academic | McGill University | James Administra�on Building, 845 Sherbrooke Street West, Room 504, Montreal, QC H3A 0G4 | P 514.398.4177 | F 514.398.4768 | christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca Christopher P. Manfredi | Vice-principal exécu�f et vice-principal aux études | Université McGill | Pavillon de l’administra�on James, bureau 504, 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, QC H3A 0G4 | T 514.398.4177 | F 514.398.4768 |christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca McGill University is on land which long served as a site of mee�ng and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg na�ons. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous people whose footsteps have marked this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. L'Université McGill est sur un emplacement qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d'échange entre les peuples

01/08/2018 5:07 PM

Re: draft statement 3

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autochtones, y compris les na�ons Haudenosaunee et Anishinabeg. Nous reconnaissons et remercions les divers peuples autochtones dont les pas ont marqué ce territoire sur lequel les peuples du monde en�er se réunissent maintenant. From: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 5:56:20 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. Cc: Angela Campbell, Prof. Subject: Fwd: dra� statement 3 Hi Chris, Revised, a�ached. We will share with the rest if you’re ok with it. Leigh Leigh Ye�er Senior Director, Strategy and Opera�ons Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) McGill University 514-398-1438 (o) 514-576-0024 (c) _____________________________ From: Angela Campbell, Prof. <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca> Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 5:32 PM Subject: Re: dra� statement 3 To: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>

It's good. Take a look – I moved the support resources to the bo�om of the msg like a footnote. If you're ok with this it can go to CPM for final approval. Angela Campbell Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies) Professor, Faculty of Law McGill University 514.398.1660 McGill University is on land which long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous people whose footsteps have marked this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. L'Université McGill est sur un emplacement qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d'échange entre les peuples autochtones, y compris les nations Haudenosaunee et Anishinabeg. Nous reconnaissons et remercions les divers peuples autochtones dont les pas ont marqué ce territoire sur lequel les peuples du monde entier se réunissent maintenant.

From: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca> Date: Friday, April 6, 2018 3:04 PM To: Angela Campbell <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca> Subject: dra� statement 3

01/08/2018 5:07 PM

FW: statement

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Subject: FW: statement From: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." </O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=519C29ABBAD840B099F68583830B8E10-LEIGH.YETTE> Date: 09/04/2018 4:34 PM To: Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca>, "Doug Sweet, Mr." <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>, James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca> Hello,

The Principal has requested a few changes.


Leigh Yetter, PhD | Senior Director, Strategy and Operations | Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) | McGill University | James Administration Building 505 | 845 Sherbrooke St. W. | Montreal, QC, H3A0G4 Leigh.Yetter@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (o) | http://www.mcgill.ca/provost

(c) |

Leigh Yetter, PhD | Directrice principale, stratégie et opérations | Bureau du vice-principal exécutif et vice-principal aux études | Université McGill | Pavillon d’administration James 505 | 845, rue Sherbrooke o. | Montréal (QC) H3A0G4 Leigh.Yetter@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (b) | http://www.mcgill.ca/provost

(c) |

From: Leigh Yetter, Dr. Sent: April-09-18 3:26 PM To: Angela Campbell, Prof. <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca> Subject: statement

Principal requested changes (attached).


01/08/2018 5:06 PM

Possible on-campus demonstration Wednesday

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Subject: Possible on-campus demonstra�on Wednesday From: "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Date: 10/04/2018 12:31 PM To: "S. For�er" >, YB <yb@mcgill.ca>, Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca>, Marc Weinstein <marc.weinstein@mcgill.ca>, "Martha Crago, Dr" <martha.crago@mcgill.ca>, Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca>, "Edyta Rogowska, Ms." <edyta.rogowska@mcgill.ca> CC: "Angela Campbell, Prof." <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca>, "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Buddle, Professor" <chris.buddle@mcgill.ca>, "Ollivier Dyens, Prof." <ollivier.dyens@mcgill.ca>

Dear colleagues,

As some of you may be aware, following last week’s open letter from SSMU to the University administration, we have learned that McGill and Concordia students are planning a walk-out tomorrow afternoon. Participating students will gather in front of the James Administration Building at 2pm. Information on the planned demonstration has been posted to Facebook: <https://www.facebook.com/events/1701049166655125/> https://www.facebook.com/events/1701049166655125/. McGill Security is aware and will be vigilant, but we expect this demonstration to be peaceful and University administration will not interfere so long as it remains so.

If we learn anything new in the interim we will send an update, and will keep you informed of any actions by demonstrators and/or the University Wednesday afternoon. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly, or the Dean of Students, Chris Buddle.

You may wish to inform your staff of the intended demonstration, particularly those whose offices are in the James Building. We don’t expect demonstrators to enter the building itself

I have attached here a message that will be sent to all staff and students later today. The University remains committed to ensuring a safe, respectful environment for all of its members. As part of that commitment, we do not tolerate sexual misconduct in any form.

With best wishes,

01/08/2018 5:06 PM

Possible on-campus demonstration Wednesday

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Subject: Possible on-campus demonstra�on Wednesday From: "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Date: 10/04/2018 12:33 PM To: x-All-Deans <All-deans@campus.mcgill.ca> CC: "Angela Campbell, Prof." <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca>, "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Buddle, Professor" <chris.buddle@mcgill.ca>, "Ollivier Dyens, Prof." <ollivier.dyens@mcgill.ca> Dear colleagues,

Following last week’s open letter from SSMU to the University administration, we have learned that McGill and Concordia students are planning a walk-out tomorrow afternoon. Participating students will gather in front of the James Administration Building at 2pm. Information on the planned demonstration has been posted to Facebook: <https://www.facebook.com/events/1701049166655125/> https://www.facebook.com/events /1701049166655125/. McGill Security is aware and will be vigilant, but we expect this demonstration to be peaceful and University administration will not interfere so long as it remains so.

If we learn anything new in the interim we will send an update, and will keep you informed of any actions by demonstrators and/or the University Wednesday afternoon. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly, or the Dean of Students, Chris Buddle.

I have attached here a message that will be sent to all staff and students later today. The University remains committed to ensuring a safe, respectful environment for all of its members. As part of that commitment, we do not tolerate sexual misconduct in any form.

With best wishes,


Christopher P. Manfredi | Provost & Vice-Principal Academic | McGill University | James Administration Building, 845 Sherbrooke Street West, Room 504, Montreal, QC H3A 0G4 | P 514.398.4177 | F 514.398.4768 | <mailto:christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca Christopher P. Manfredi | Vice-principal exécutif et vice-principal aux études | Université McGill | Pavillon de l’administration James, bureau 504, 845 rue Sherbrooke

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RE: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Unive...

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Subject: RE: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle From: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." </O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=519C29ABBAD840B099F68583830B8E10-LEIGH.YETTE> Date: 10/04/2018 2:18 PM To: James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> CC: "Doug Sweet, Mr." <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Thank you, James.

Leigh Leigh Ye�er, PhD | Senior Director, Strategy and Opera�ons | Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) | McGill University | James Administra�on Building 505 | 845 Sherbrooke St. W. | Montreal, QC, H3A0G4 Leigh.Ye�er@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (o) | (c) | h�p://www.mcgill.ca/provost Leigh Ye�er, PhD | Directrice principale, stratégie et opéra�ons | Bureau du vice-principal exécu�f et vice-principal aux études | Université McGill | Pavillon d’administra�on James 505 | 845, rue Sherbrooke o. | Montréal (QC) H3A0G4 Leigh.Ye�er@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (b) | (c) | h�p://www.mcgill.ca/provost

From: James Mar�n Sent: April-10-18 1:24 PM To: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: FW: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle Hello, everyone. Here is a proof of this a�ernoon’s alnote. This dra� includes the Principal’s changes from yesterday. I have also added a link to the Policy Against Sexual Violence (French and English). Standing by for revisions and/or the greenlight to send. Best, -James. From: James Mar�n Sent: April-10-18 1:21 PM To: James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca> Subject: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle

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Subject: RE: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle From: James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca> Date: 10/04/2018 2:30 PM To: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> CC: "Doug Sweet, Mr." <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> OK. I’ve asked for a revised transla�on. From: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Sent: April-10-18 2:26 PM To: James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle

Leigh Ye�er, PhD | Senior Director, Strategy and Opera�ons | Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) | McGill University | James Administra�on Building 505 | 845 Sherbrooke St. W. | Montreal, QC, H3A0G4 Leigh.Ye�er@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (o) | (c) | h�p://www.mcgill.ca/provost Leigh Ye�er, PhD | Directrice principale, stratégie et opéra�ons | Bureau du vice-principal exécu�f et vice-principal aux études | Université McGill | Pavillon d’administra�on James 505 | 845, rue Sherbrooke o. | Montréal (QC) H3A0G4 Leigh.Ye�er@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (b) | (c) | h�p://www.mcgill.ca/provost

From: James Mar�n Sent: April-10-18 1:24 PM To: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: FW: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle Hello, everyone. Here is a proof of this a�ernoon’s alnote. This dra� includes the Principal’s changes from yesterday. I have also added a link to the Policy Against Sexual Violence (French and English). Standing by for revisions and/or the greenlight to send. Best, -James. From: James Mar�n Sent: April-10-18 1:21 PM To: James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca>

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Subject: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle

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Subject: RE: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle From: James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca> Date: 10/04/2018 3:16 PM To: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> CC: "Doug Sweet, Mr." <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Thank you, everyone. The message has been sent. It takes a few minutes to fully roll-out, but will be arriving in inboxes shortly. -JM From: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Sent: April-10-18 3:07 PM To: James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle Yes, thank you. From: James Mar�n Sent: April-10-18 3:07 PM To: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle Yes, it was Karine’s sugges�on. So, we’re clear to send the message to all-staff, all-students? -JM From: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Sent: April-10-18 3:06 PM To: James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle

From: James Mar�n Sent: April-10-18 2:52 PM To: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>

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Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle

-JM From: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Sent: April-10-18 2:26 PM To: James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle

Leigh Ye�er, PhD | Senior Director, Strategy and Opera�ons | Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) | McGill University | James Administra�on Building 505 | 845 Sherbrooke St. W. | Montreal, QC, H3A0G4 Leigh.Ye�er@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (o) | (c) | h�p://www.mcgill.ca/provost Leigh Ye�er, PhD | Directrice principale, stratégie et opéra�ons | Bureau du vice-principal exécu�f et vice-principal aux études | Université McGill | Pavillon d’administra�on James 505 | 845, rue Sherbrooke o. | Montréal (QC) H3A0G4 Leigh.Ye�er@McGill.ca | 514-398-1438 (b) | (c) | h�p://www.mcgill.ca/provost

From: James Mar�n Sent: April-10-18 1:24 PM To: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Cc: Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: FW: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle Hello, everyone. Here is a proof of this a�ernoon’s alnote. This dra� includes the Principal’s changes from yesterday. I have also added a link to the Policy Against Sexual Violence (French and English). Standing by for revisions and/or the greenlight to send. Best, -James. From: James Mar�n Sent: April-10-18 1:21 PM To: James Mar�n <james.c.mar�n@mcgill.ca> Subject: TEST 3: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / L’Université McGill répond aux plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle

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Subject: radar From: Cynthia Lee <cynthia.lee@mcgill.ca> Date: 10/04/2018 4:12 PM To: "Vincent Campbell Allaire, M" <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> The statement responding to complaints of sexual misconduct was sent to CBC Daybreak.

Cynthia Lee Senior Communications Officer Media Relations Office/ Relations mĂŠdias Communications and External Relations McGill University/ UniversitĂŠ McGill 514-398-6754

@cynthialee514 <mailto:cynthia.lee@mcgill.ca> cynthia.lee@mcgill.ca

01/08/2018 5:05 PM

FW: Good Speaking with You Today

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Subject: FW: Good Speaking with You Today From: "Angela Campbell, Prof." <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca> Date: 10/04/2018 5:18 PM To: "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> FYI. Apprecia�on of your message. Angela Campbell Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies) Professor, Faculty of Law McGill University 514.398.1660 McGill University is on land which has long served as a site of mee�ng and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg na�ons. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous people whose footsteps have marked this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. L'Université McGill est sur un emplacement qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d'échange entre les peuples autochtones, y compris les na�ons Haudenosaunee et Anishinabeg. Nous reconnaissons et remercions les divers peuples autochtones dont les pas ont marqué ce territoire sur lequel les peuples du monde en�er se réunissent maintenant.

From: Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2018 at 5:02 PM To: "Angela Prof." <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca> Subject: Good Speaking with You Today Dear Angela, It was very nice speaking to you today. I want to sincerely thank you for the �me you gave. It’s great to the university coming out with a statement and referral resources on sexual misconduct, given that this is a university-wide conversa�on. Wishing you the best in your work. Be in touch soon.

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orientation training for all students, faculty and academic leaders; conducting campus-wide surveys, focus groups, and interviews; enhanced communications and education about sexual violence and its prevention; the creation of a Toolkit for faculty members; and developing proposals for reforms to existing University policies and regulations.

These efforts will allow us to develop simplified reporting channels, and to review University regulations and procedures related to disciplinary investigations and outcomes.

The work needed to maintain a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning and work environment for all is ongoing. McGill will continue to build strong resources and policies to support survivors, respond to disclosures and reports, and educate our community about sexual violence.

*** Sources for support: The Office for Sexual Violence Response Support & Education (students, faculty, staff) The Senior Equity and Inclusion Officer (students, faculty, staff) Counseling Services (students)

Message aux membres de la communauté mcgilloise Plusieurs d’entre vous ont été informés de la lettre ouverte que l’Association étudiante de l’Université McGill a fait parvenir aux membres de la haute direction de l’Université, et dans laquelle il était question des mesures déployées par McGill relativement à la gestion de plaintes pour inconduite sexuelle, qui peut inclure la violence sexuelle, le harcèlement sexuel et les conflits d’intérêts.

L’Université McGill ne tolère aucune forme d’inconduite sexuelle.

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La direction de l’Université tient compte des rapports d’inconduite sexuelle déposés par les membres de sa communauté. Tout rapport officiel, toute plainte officielle et toute allégation présentant un nombre suffisant de faits font l’objet d’enquêtes rigoureuses. Dans le cas où des preuves d’inconduite sont établies, les mesures appropriées – lesquelles comprennent notamment des mesures disciplinaires – sont prises.

Nous reconnaissons qu’il peut être extrêmement difficile de dénoncer une situation d’inconduite sexuelle, et, plus particulièrement, de violence sexuelle, ou de soumettre une plainte officielle à cet égard. C’est pourquoi nous nous employons à mettre sur pied des ressources de soutien efficaces, notamment par l’entremise du Bureau d’intervention, de soutien et d’éducation contre la violence sexuelle de l’Université McGill, lequel offre des services à l’ensemble des étudiants, des membres du corps professoral et du personnel de l’Université. Par ailleurs, au cours de la dernière année, les membres du Comité de mise en œuvre de la Politique contre la violence sexuelle, lequel est présidé par la professeure Lucy Lach, et du Groupe d’étude sur la violence sexuelle sur les campus, présidé par la professeure Shaheen Shariff, se sont employés à améliorer les réactions, sur les campus, à la violence sexuelle. Chaque groupe est formé d’un nombre égal d’étudiants ou de membres du corps professoral et d’employés et a pour mandat de soumettre au vice-principal exécutif un rapport d’ici l’automne 2018. Durant l’année qui vient de s’écouler, les membres ont déjà franchi de nombreuses étapes importantes, dont :

la prestation de séances d’orientation et de formation à l’intention de tous les étudiants, les membres du corps professoral et les dirigeants universitaires; la réalisation d’entrevues et de sondages auprès de l’ensemble des membres des campus et la mise sur pied de groupes de discussion; la diffusion de communications ciblées et de données informatives en matière de violence sexuelle et de prévention; la création d’un ensemble d’outils destinés aux membres du corps professoral et la mise au point de propositions visant à modifier les politiques et les règlements en vigueur à l’Université.

Ces démarches nous permettront de concevoir des dispositions de signalement simplifiées et de passer en revue les règlements et les procédures de l’Université en ce qui a trait aux enquêtes disciplinaires et aux conséquences qui en découlent.

Nous poursuivons le travail grâce auquel nous pourrons assurer à tous un environnement d’étude et de

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travail sécuritaire, respectueux et solidaire. L’Université McGill continuera de mettre au point des ressources et des politiques solides afin de soutenir les survivants, de réagir aux signalements et aux rapports et d’éduquer les membres de la communauté mcgilloise sur la violence sexuelle.

*** Sources de soutien : Bureau d’intervention, de soutien et d’éducation contre la violence sexuelle (corps étudiant et professoral et personnel) Agent principal (équité et inclusion) (corps étudiant et professoral et personnel) Services de consultations psychologiques (corps étudiant)

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Subject: [RADAR] NEWS RADAR FOR TUESDAY, APRIL 10 From: "Vincent Campbell Allaire, M" <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> Date: 10/04/2018 6:00 PM To: "Carole Graveline, Ms" <carole.graveline@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Chipello, Mr." <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>, Cynthia Lee <cynthia.lee@mcgill.ca>, "David Eidelman, Dr." <david.h.eidelman@mcgill.ca>, "Doug Sweet, Mr." <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>, Laurie Devine <laurie.devine@mcgill.ca>, "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>, Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca>, Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca>, Maria Naso <maria.naso@mcgill.ca>, "Martha Crago, Dr" <martha.crago@mcgill.ca>, "Royal Govain, Mr." <royal.govain@mcgill.ca>, Susan Murley <susan.murley@mcgill.ca>, "Vincent Campbell Allaire, M" <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca>, "Jus�n Dupuis, Mr" <jus�n.dupuis@mcgill.ca>, "Katherine Gombay, Ms." <katherine.gombay@mcgill.ca> Here are the top items on the News Radar from the Media Relations team for Tuesday, April 10.

Ken Lester, Desautels, will chat with La Facture tomorrow about RRSp and ethical/sustainable investing.

Christopher Ragan, Max Bell School of Public Policy, was interviewed by Les Affaires about the Bank of Canada's spring Business Outlook Survey.

The statement responding to complaints of sexual misconduct was sent to CBC Daybreak.

01/08/2018 5:05 PM

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McGill University is on land which long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous people whose footsteps have marked this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. L'Université McGill est sur un emplacement qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d'échange entre les peuples autochtones, y compris les nations Haudenosaunee et Anishinabeg. Nous reconnaissons et remercions les divers peuples autochtones dont les pas ont marqué ce territoire sur lequel les peuples du monde entier se réunissent maintenant.

From: Angela Campbell <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca> Date: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 9:52 AM To: Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca> Cc: Douglas Sweet <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>, Christopher Manfredi <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Subject: Re: For dra� response: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / Traitement des plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle

Sent from my iPhone On Apr 11, 2018, at 9:15 AM, Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca> wrote: Hello, Here is another one. Thanks. Louis

Louis Arseneault

Vice-principal (Communica�ons et rela�ons externes) Vice-Principal (Communica�ons and External Rela�ons) Université McGill 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Pavillon James de l'administra�on, bureau 519 Montréal, Québec, Canada H3A 2T5 Tél: 514-398-2612 louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca Begin forwarded message: From: Nadia Romvary <nadia.romvary@mcgill.ca> Date: April 11, 2018 at 08:41:57 GMT-4

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To: Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca> Cc: "Royal Govain, Mr." <royal.govain@mcgill.ca>, Susy Ricciardelli <susy.ricciardelli@mcgill.ca> Subject: For dra� response: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / Traitement des plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle Good morning Louis, We would appreciate your office preparing a dra� response for another email received by the Principal (see below) re: responding to complaints of sexual misconduct.

Many thanks, Nadia

Nadia Romvary Project Administrator / Administratrice de projets Office of the Principal and Vice Chancellor / Bureau de la principale et vice-chancelière

McGill University / Université McGill James Administra�on Building / Pavillon de l’administra�on James 845 Sherbrooke St. West, Suite 506 / 845, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, bureau 506 Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-8082


From: Sent: April 10, 2018 7:28 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Suzanne For�er <suzanne.for�er@mcgill.ca> Cc: frontctr@ssmu.ca Subject: RE: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / Traitement des plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle To diffuse the situa�on, why doesn’t McGill simply DO something rather than to con�nue working so hard at appearing as if something may, might possibly theore�cally happen? A significant step forward would be, if students were [really, actually and ac�vely] protected by McGill, from having to maintain regular contact with their reported aggressor. If McGill would just ensure that one first step, a great deal of pent up fear, anxiety and frustra�on, which has now boiled into anger might be quelled. McGill has already wri�en too many placa�ng emails; created too many offices that have no power [or choose not] to take any meaningful ac�on. The exact same situa�ons that existed 15 years ago, exists today, but with a new group of students. What has changed?

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Most sincerely I ask that we consider, who has really benefited from McGill’s “ini�a�ves” against sexual assault, our students or our reputa�on? And at what cost? The rippling effects of McGill’s “silent casual�es” haven’t even begun to surface…

From: MRO McGill Staff Sent: April-10-18 3:15 PM To: x-All McGill Staff <x-AllMcGillStaff@campus.mcgill.ca>; 000-All McGill Students <x-000-AllMcGillStudents@campus.mcgill.ca> Subject: Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / Traitement des plaintes d’inconduite sexuelle

Sent on behalf of Professor Christopher Manfredi, Provost and Vice-Principal Academic Message du professeur Christopher Manfredi, vice-principal exécutif et vice-principal aux études La version française suit. To members of the McGill community: Many of you will be aware of the open letter from the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) to members of McGill’s senior leadership regarding McGill’s process for handling complaints of sexual misconduct, which may include sexual violence, sexual harassment and conflicts of interest.

Our University does not tolerate sexual misconduct in any form.

It is not the case that McGill’s leadership ignores reports of sexual misconduct by members of our community. Every formal report or complaint, and every allegation that contains sufficient facts, is duly investigated. Where investigations lead to findings of misconduct, appropriate measures – including disciplinary sanctions – are taken.

We understand that coming forward to disclose or formally report experiences of sexual misconduct, and in particular sexual violence, can be extremely difficult. We have therefore been working to

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The Office for Sexual Violence Response Support & Education (students, faculty, staff) The Senior Equity and Inclusion Officer (students, faculty, staff) Counseling Services (students)

Message aux membres de la communauté mcgilloise Plusieurs d’entre vous ont été informés de la lettre ouverte que l’Association étudiante de l’Université McGill a fait parvenir aux membres de la haute direction de l’Université, et dans laquelle il était question des mesures déployées par McGill relativement à la gestion de plaintes pour inconduite sexuelle, qui peut inclure la violence sexuelle, le harcèlement sexuel et les conflits d’intérêts.

L’Université McGill ne tolère aucune forme d’inconduite sexuelle.

La direction de l’Université tient compte des rapports d’inconduite sexuelle déposés par les membres de sa communauté. Tout rapport officiel, toute plainte officielle et toute allégation présentant un nombre suffisant de faits font l’objet d’enquêtes rigoureuses. Dans le cas où des preuves d’inconduite sont établies, les mesures appropriées – lesquelles comprennent notamment des mesures disciplinaires – sont prises.

Nous reconnaissons qu’il peut être extrêmement difficile de dénoncer une situation d’inconduite sexuelle, et, plus particulièrement, de violence sexuelle, ou de soumettre une plainte officielle à cet égard. C’est pourquoi nous nous employons à mettre sur pied des ressources de soutien efficaces, notamment par l’entremise du Bureau d’intervention, de soutien et d’éducation contre la violence sexuelle de l’Université McGill, lequel offre des

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services à l’ensemble des étudiants, des membres du corps professoral et du personnel de l’Université. Par ailleurs, au cours de la dernière année, les membres du Comité de mise en œuvre de la Politique contre la violence sexuelle, lequel est présidé par la professeure Lucy Lach, et du Groupe d’étude sur la violence sexuelle sur les campus, présidé par la professeure Shaheen Shariff, se sont employés à améliorer les réactions, sur les campus, à la violence sexuelle. Chaque groupe est formé d’un nombre égal d’étudiants ou de membres du corps professoral et d’employés et a pour mandat de soumettre au vice-principal exécutif un rapport d’ici l’automne 2018. Durant l’année qui vient de s’écouler, les membres ont déjà franchi de nombreuses étapes importantes, dont :

la prestation de séances d’orientation et de formation à l’intention de tous les étudiants, les membres du corps professoral et les dirigeants universitaires; la réalisation d’entrevues et de sondages auprès de l’ensemble des membres des campus et la mise sur pied de groupes de discussion; la diffusion de communications ciblées et de données informatives en matière de violence sexuelle et de prévention; la création d’un ensemble d’outils destinés aux membres du corps professoral et la mise au point de propositions visant à modifier les politiques et les règlements en vigueur à l’Université.

Ces démarches nous permettront de concevoir des dispositions de signalement simplifiées et de passer en revue les règlements et les procédures de l’Université en ce qui a trait aux enquêtes disciplinaires et aux conséquences qui en découlent.

Nous poursuivons le travail grâce auquel nous pourrons assurer à tous un environnement d’étude et de travail sécuritaire, respectueux et solidaire. L’Université McGill continuera de mettre au point des ressources et des politiques solides afin de soutenir les survivants, de réagir aux signalements et aux rapports et d’éduquer les membres de la communauté mcgilloise sur la violence sexuelle.

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Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / Traitement des pla...

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orientation training for all students, faculty and academic leaders;


conducting campus-wide surveys, focus groups, and interviews;


enhanced communications and education about sexual violence and its prevention;


the creation of a Toolkit for faculty members; and


developing proposals for reforms to existing University policies and regulations.

These efforts will allow us to develop simplified reporting channels, and to review University regulations and procedures related to disciplinary investigations and outcomes.

The work needed to maintain a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning and work environment for all is ongoing. McGill will continue to build strong resources and policies to support survivors, respond to disclosures and reports, and educate our community about sexual violence.

*** Sources for support:


The Office for Sexual Violence Response Support & Education (students, faculty, staff)


The Senior Equity and Inclusion Officer (students, faculty, staff)


Counseling Services (students)

Message aux membres de la communauté mcgilloise Plusieurs d’entre vous ont été informés de la lettre ouverte que l’Association étudiante de l’Université McGill a fait parvenir aux membres de la haute direction de l’Université, et dans laquelle il était question des mesures déployées par McGill relativement à la gestion de plaintes pour inconduite sexuelle, qui peut inclure la violence sexuelle, le harcèlement sexuel et les conflits d’intérêts.

L’Université McGill ne tolère aucune forme d’inconduite sexuelle.

01/08/2018 5:05 PM

Responding to complaints of sexual misconduct / Traitement des pla...

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La direction de l’Université tient compte des rapports d’inconduite sexuelle déposés par les membres de sa communauté. Tout rapport officiel, toute plainte officielle et toute allégation présentant un nombre suffisant de faits font l’objet d’enquêtes rigoureuses. Dans le cas où des preuves d’inconduite sont établies, les mesures appropriées – lesquelles comprennent notamment des mesures disciplinaires – sont prises.

Nous reconnaissons qu’il peut être extrêmement difficile de dénoncer une situation d’inconduite sexuelle, et, plus particulièrement, de violence sexuelle, ou de soumettre une plainte officielle à cet égard. C’est pourquoi nous nous employons à mettre sur pied des ressources de soutien efficaces, notamment par l’entremise du Bureau d’intervention, de soutien et d’éducation contre la violence sexuelle de l’Université McGill, lequel offre des services à l’ensemble des étudiants, des membres du corps professoral et du personnel de l’Université. Par ailleurs, au cours de la dernière année, les membres du Comité de mise en œuvre de la Politique contre la violence sexuelle, lequel est présidé par la professeure Lucy Lach, et du Groupe d’étude sur la violence sexuelle sur les campus, présidé par la professeure Shaheen Shariff, se sont employés à améliorer les réactions, sur les campus, à la violence sexuelle. Chaque groupe est formé d’un nombre égal d’étudiants ou de membres du corps professoral et d’employés et a pour mandat de soumettre au vice-principal exécutif un rapport d’ici l’automne 2018. Durant l’année qui vient de s’écouler, les membres ont déjà franchi de nombreuses étapes importantes, dont :


la prestation de séances d’orientation et de formation à l’intention de tous les étudiants, les membres du corps professoral et les dirigeants universitaires;


la réalisation d’entrevues et de sondages auprès de l’ensemble des membres des campus et la mise sur pied de groupes de discussion;


la diffusion de communications ciblées et de données informatives en matière de violence sexuelle et de prévention;


la création d’un ensemble d’outils destinés aux membres du corps professoral et


la mise au point de propositions visant à modifier les politiques et les règlements en vigueur à l’Université.

Ces démarches nous permettront de concevoir des dispositions de signalement simplifiées et de passer en revue les règlements et les procédures de l’Université en ce qui a trait aux enquêtes disciplinaires et aux conséquences qui en découlent.

01/08/2018 5:05 PM

your message to the community - praise

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Subject: your message to the community - praise From: "Robert Leckey, Prof." <robert.leckey@mcgill.ca> Date: 10/05/2018 2:56 PM To: "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> CC: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>, "Angela Campbell, Prof." <angela.campbell@mcgill.ca> Dear Chris,

Best, Robert From: McGill Provost Sent: May-10-18 2:10 PM To: x-All McGill Staff <x-AllMcGillStaff@campus.mcgill.ca>; 000-All McGill Students <x-000AllMcGillStudents@campus.mcgill.ca> Subject: Important Message from the Provost & Vice-Principal (Academic) / Message important du Vice-principal exécu�f et vice-principal aux études

Dear McGill students, faculty and staff, Since my message of 10 April 2018, I – along with many other members of McGill’s senior administra�on – have had numerous discussions with members of our community about campus sexual violence and sexual misconduct. While these conversa�ons have not been easy, they have been cri�cal to deepening our understanding of this ma�er, and to our growth as a community commi�ed to a safe, respec�ul and inclusive environment for all. Concerns expressed in recent weeks have focused on the importance of establishing a clearly iden�fied site, outside of any Faculty, for repor�ng incidents of sexual misconduct and sexual violence. They have also centred on ques�ons concerning in�mate rela�onships between teaching staff and students. To address these concerns, we will take the following immediate steps: First, McGill will appoint a special inves�gator responsible for receiving and inves�ga�ng all reports of sexual violence or sexual misconduct. The special inves�gator will be at arm’s length from the relevant disciplinary authority in any given case (e.g., Faculty Dean or Dean of Students). The special inves�gator will be in office by Fall 2018. Second, an ad hoc commi�ee will be struck to examine and make policy recommenda�ons on the issue of in�mate rela�onships between teaching staff and students. This commi�ee’s mandate and composi�on – which will include strong student representa�on – will be presented for approval at the May 2018 Senate mee�ng. It will begin its work immediately therea�er and report to Senate within 6 months.

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Third, as requested by the Principal at Senate’s April 2018 mee�ng, I have developed Guidelines on In�mate Rela�onships between Teaching Staff and Students. These Guidelines clarify exis�ng regula�ons and policies, which will remain in place at least un�l the work of the ad hoc commi�ee is complete. They remind us of the standards and expecta�ons to which teaching staff are held in their rela�onships with students. Everyone is urged to read these Guidelines carefully. Moving forward, we will update the McGill community regularly about our progress on these and other measures to address campus sexual violence and sexual misconduct. I close with a reminder that, as recognized when McGill adopted its Policy against Sexual Violence in November 2016, the work required to address campus sexual violence and sexual misconduct is necessarily ongoing and itera�ve. My message then was that we can and must do be�er. We’ve since worked hard, and taken some important, posi�ve steps. I am especially apprecia�ve of the work of students and of the cri�cal contribu�ons and exper�se within the Office for Sexual Violence Response, Support and Educa�on (O-SVRSE). Just the same, we can s�ll do more, and we can s�ll do be�er. I thank you for your though�ul and commi�ed engagement with these efforts. Sincerely,

Professor Christopher P. Manfredi Provost & Vice-Principal (Academic) Sources for support: · The Office for Sexual Violence Response Support & Educa�on (students, faculty, staff) · The Senior Equity and Inclusion Officer (students, faculty, staff) · Counseling Services (students) --------------------------------------------------À tous les étudiants, membres du personnel enseignant et employés de l’Université McGill, Depuis mon message du 10 avril dernier, j’ai discuté de la violence et de l’inconduite sexuelles sur les campus avec de nombreuses personnes au sein de notre communauté, tout comme d’ailleurs plusieurs autres membres de la haute direc�on de l’Université. Ce n’étaient pas là des conversa�ons faciles, mais elles se sont révélées essen�elles à une meilleure compréhension de la ques�on et à notre capacité d’offrir à notre communauté un milieu sûr et respectueux, où tous se sentent les bienvenus. Les échanges des dernières semaines ont notamment porté sur l’importance de la désigna�on d’un lieu clairement iden�fié, indépendant de toute faculté, pour la dénoncia�on des cas d’inconduite et de violence sexuelles. Il a également été ques�on des rela�ons in�mes entre des membres du personnel enseignant et des étudiants. Comme suite à ces discussions, nous prenons immédiatement les mesures que voici : Premièrement, l’Université McGill nommera un enquêteur responsable de la récep�on des dénoncia�ons de violence ou d’inconduite sexuelle, puis de l’enquête subséquente dont fera l’objet chacune de ces dénoncia�ons. Cet enquêteur sera indépendant de l’autorité disciplinaire compétente dans un dossier donné (par exemple, le doyen de la faculté ou le doyen à la vie étudiante). Ce�e personne entrera en fonc�on d’ici l’automne 2018. Deuxièmement, nous formerons un comité ad hoc chargé d’étudier les poli�ques sur les rela�ons in�mes entre des

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membres du personnel enseignant et des étudiants, puis de formuler des recommanda�ons. Le mandat et la composi�on de ce comité – au sein duquel les étudiants seront largement représentés – seront soumis à l’approba�on du Sénat lors de la réunion de mai 2018. Le comité se me�ra au travail au lendemain de ce�e approba�on et rendra des comptes au Sénat dans un délai de six mois. Troisièmement, conformément à la demande formulée par la principale devant le Sénat lors de la réunion d’avril 2018, j’ai édicté des Lignes directrices sur les rela�ons in�mes entre des membres du personnel enseignant et des étudiants. Elles clarifient les règlements et les poli�ques actuels, qui demeureront en vigueur au moins jusqu’à la fin des travaux du comité ad hoc. Ces lignes directrices nous rappellent le comportement a�endu du personnel enseignant dans ses rapports avec les étudiants. Je vous recommande instamment de les lire a�en�vement. Nous �endrons la communauté mcgilloise au fait de nos progrès dans la mise en place des mesures ci-dessus et l’informerons des autres mesures prises pour contrer la violence et l’inconduite sexuelles sur nos campus. En terminant, je rappelle à tous que, comme nous l’avons souligné lors de l’adop�on de notre Poli�que contre la violence sexuelle en novembre 2016, la préven�on de la violence et de l’inconduite sexuelles sur nos campus est un travail de tous les instants. J’affirmais alors que nous pouvions et que nous devions faire mieux. Depuis, nous n’avons pas ménagé nos efforts et avons fait de grands pas dans la bonne direc�on. Je �ens à souligner ici la contribu�on des étudiants ainsi que le savoir-faire et l’apport indispensable du Bureau d’interven�on, de préven�on et d’éduca�on en ma�ère de violence sexuelle. Cela dit, ce n’est qu’un début. Nous sommes fermement résolus à con�nuer sur notre lancée. Je vous remercie de votre sollicitude et de votre appui. Bien cordialement,

Professeur Christopher P. Manfredi Vice-principal exécu�f et vice-principal aux études Ressources : · Bureau d’interven�on, de préven�on et d’éduca�on en ma�ère de violence sexuelle (étudiants, membres du personnel enseignant et employés) · Agent principal – Équité et inclusion (étudiants, membres du personnel enseignant et employés) · Service d’orienta�on et de consulta�on psychologiques (étudiants)

01/08/2018 5:05 PM

RE: Poursuite en diffamation - inconduites sexuelles

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Subject: RE: Poursuite en diffama�on - inconduites sexuelles From: " Date: 03/07/2018 5:24 PM To: "Christopher Chipello, Mr." <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca> Parfait, merci!

De : Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca> Envoyé : mardi 3 juillet 2018 17:06:49 À: Objet : RE: Poursuite en diffama�on - inconduites sexuelles Oui. Divers membres de la communauté mcgilloise nous demandaient depuis un certain temps de clarifier les règles existantes et de les communiquer clairement à tous les membres de la communauté universitaire. From: Sent: July-03-18 4:25 PM To: Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: Poursuite en diffama�on - inconduites sexuelles

Merci. Pe�te précision: ces lignes directrices ont-elles été rédigées en réac�on à la le�re ouverte de l'Associa�on étudiante en avril? Merci,

De : Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca> Envoyé : mardi 3 juillet 2018 16:17:31 À: Objet : RE: Poursuite en diffama�on - inconduites sexuelles Bonjour Nous n'avons pas vu la plainte, et nous ne ferons aucun commentaire sur une ques�on qui est maintenant devant la Cour.

01/08/2018 5:04 PM

RE: Poursuite en diffamation - inconduites sexuelles

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À: Objet : RE: Poursuite en diffama�on - inconduites sexuelles Merci, bien reçu. Je vous reviens dès que possible. Avez-vous un échéancier précis? Chris From: Sent: July-03-18 11:26 AM To: Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: Poursuite en diffama�on - inconduites sexuelles

Re-bonjour, Une dernière précision SVP: D'après ce que j'ai lu, l'Université n'interdit pas spécifiquement les rela�ons consentantes entre professeurs et étudiants. Est-ce bien le cas? Ce�e poli�que pourrait-elle être révisée? Merci,

De : Envoyé : mardi 3 juillet 2018 10:43:49 À : chris.chipello@mcgill.ca Objet : Poursuite en diffama�on - inconduites sexuelles

Bonjour M. Chipello, Comme expliqué au téléphone, j'aimerais savoir si l'Université McGill désire réagir à la poursuite en diffama�on déposée la semaine dernière par le professeur Ahmed F. Ibrahim contre son collègue Pashan Kahn ainsi que contre l'étudiante Sarah Abdelshamy. M. Ibrahim considère que ces personnes ont contribué à répandre de fausses rumeurs à son endroit (notamment en posant des autocollants dans le campus affirmant qu'il était un prédateur sexuel), ce qui l'a empêché d'obtenir sa permanence à l'Ins�tut des Études islamiques. J'aimerais savoir: - Si l'Université McGill a fait enquête sur le comportement de M. Ibrahim? - Si l'Université a reçu des plaintes par rapport à M. Ibrahim?

01/08/2018 5:04 PM

RE: Poursuite en diffamation - inconduites sexuelles

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- Si la décision de ne pas lui accorder une permanence est liée à ces alléga�ons d'inconduites sexuelles? - De façon plus générale, si des ac�ons ont été prises à la suite de la le�re ouverte signée par l'Associa�on des étudiants de l'Université McGill en avril, qui dénonçait l'«inac�on» de l'administra�on de l'Université dans la ges�on des plaintes? - Ce que l'administra�on répond à ces cri�ques de l'AEUM? Merci et au plaisir,

01/08/2018 5:04 PM

Re: lawsuit - CBC request

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Subject: Re: lawsuit - CBC request From: "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca> Date: 04/07/2018 10:41 AM To: "Vincent Campbell Allaire, M" <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Chipello, Mr." <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>, "Antonia Maioni, Prof." <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>, "Victoria Meikle, Ms." <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca>, Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca> CC: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>, "Doug Sweet, Mr." <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>

Christopher P. Manfredi | Provost & Vice-Principal Academic | McGill University | James Administration Building, 845 Sherbrooke Street West, Room 504, Montreal, QC H3A 0G4 | P 514.398.4177 | F 514.398.4768 | christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca Christopher P. Manfredi | Vice-principal exécutif et vice-principal aux études | Université McGill | Pavillon de l’administration James, bureau 504, 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, QC H3A 0G4 | T 514.398.4177 | F 514.398.4768 |christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca McGill University is on land which long served as a site of meeting and exchange amongst Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee and Anishinabeg nations. We acknowledge and thank the diverse Indigenous people whose footsteps have marked this territory on which peoples of the world now gather. L'Université McGill est sur un emplacement qui a longtemps servi de lieu de rencontre et d'échange entre les peuples autochtones, y compris les nations Haudenosaunee et Anishinabeg. Nous reconnaissons et remercions les divers peuples autochtones dont les pas ont marqué ce territoire sur lequel les peuples du monde entier se réunissent maintenant.

From: "Vincent Campbell Allaire, M" <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> Date: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 10:38 AM To: "Christopher Chipello, Mr." <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>, Antonia Maioni <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>, Christopher Manfredi <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>, "Victoria Meikle, Ms." <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca>, Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca> Cc: Leigh Ye�er <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>, Douglas Sweet <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: Fwd: lawsuit - CBC request Hi, We just received a second media request about the lawsuit, this �me from CBC News inves�ga�ve reporter She’s asking the following: « I would like to get comment from the university about this lawsuit. I believe Antonia Maioni is well aware of some of the issues that have been at play. I'd also like to find out if Professor Ibrahim was granted tenure. I understand he was up for tenure in the spring. » Do you want us to reply, « We have not seen the claim, and will not comment on a ma�er that is now in front of the Court. »? Please advise. Thanks, Vincent Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate

01/08/2018 5:04 PM

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Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: 514-704-6693 www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity De : Vincent Campbell Allaire, M <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> Envoyé : mercredi, juillet 4, 2018 10:23 À: Objet : Re: lawsuit - CBC request Got it, thanks for the email. Will get back to you as soon as possible. Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 10:22:04 AM To: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Subject: lawsuit - CBC request Hi Vincent, There is a lawsuit that was filed last month by Professor Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim. He is a professor in Islamic studies at McGill. The lawsuit is against another professor in the same department, Pasha Khan and a McGill student, Sarah Abdelshamy. The lawsuit is for $600,000 and claims defama�on. I would like to get comment from the university about this lawsuit. I believe Antonia Maioni is well aware of some of the issues that have been at play. I'd also like to find out if Professor Ibrahim was granted tenure. I understand he was up for tenure in the spring. Many thanks. If possible, I need comment back as soon as possible - no later than 3 p.m. today please.

01/08/2018 5:04 PM

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FYI, here’s a follow-up ques�on from CBC Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity De : Envoyé : mercredi, juillet 4, 2018 10:58 À : Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Objet : Re: lawsuit - CBC request

Hi Vincent, The court filing says Mr. Ibrahim found out on May 1, 2018 that his tenure applica�on was being denied. He said this decision was heavily influenced by a ruthless campaign against him by professors and students, who claimed he was a sexual predator and behaved inappropriately with students. Is the university able to tell us why Ibrahim's tenure was denied? Thanks.

On 4 July 2018 at 10:23, Vincent Campbell Allaire, M <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> wrote: Got it, thanks for the email. Will get back to you as soon as possible. Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest 01/08/2018 5:04 PM

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www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity De : Envoyé : mercredi, juillet 4, 2018 11:47 À : Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Objet : Re: lawsuit - CBC request Also, is Mr. Ibrahim s�ll with McGill? If so, when does he leave? In his filing, it says that once his tenure was rejected, he needs to leave the university. Just trying to get some exac�tude to things. Thanks.

On 4 July 2018 at 10:58,


Hi Vincent, The court filing says Mr. Ibrahim found out on May 1, 2018 that his tenure applica�on was being denied. He said this decision was heavily influenced by a ruthless campaign against him by professors and students, who claimed he was a sexual predator and behaved inappropriately with students. Is the university able to tell us why Ibrahim's tenure was denied? Thanks.

On 4 July 2018 at 10:23, Vincent Campbell Allaire, M <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> wrote: Got it, thanks for the email. Will get back to you as soon as possible. Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 10:22:04 AM To: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Subject: lawsuit - CBC request Hi Vincent, There is a lawsuit that was filed last month by Professor Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim.

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He is a professor in Islamic studies at McGill. The lawsuit is against another professor in the same department, Pasha Khan and a McGill student, Sarah Abdelshamy. The lawsuit is for $600,000 and claims defamaďż˝on. I would like to get comment from the university about this lawsuit. I believe Antonia Maioni is well aware of some of the issues that have been at play. I'd also like to ďŹ nd out if Professor Ibrahim was granted tenure. I understand he was up for tenure in the spring. Many thanks. If possible, I need comment back as soon as possible - no later than 3 p.m. today please.

01/08/2018 5:04 PM

RE: lawsuit - CBC request

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From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: July-04-18 11:09 AM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>; Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca>; Antonia Maioni, Prof. <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>; Victoria Meikle, Ms. <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca> Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: Fwd: lawsuit - CBC request

Hi, FYI, here’s a follow-up question from CBC Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communications / Communications Associate Service des relations avec les médias / Media Relations Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administration Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity De : Envoyé : mercredi, juillet 4, 2018 10:58 À : Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Objet : Re: lawsuit - CBC request

Hi Vincent, The court filing says Mr. Ibrahim found out on May 1, 2018 that his tenure application was being denied. He said this decision was heavily influenced by a ruthless campaign against him by professors and students,

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who claimed he was a sexual predator and behaved inappropriately with students. Is the university able to tell us why Ibrahim's tenure was denied? Thanks.

On 4 July 2018 at 10:23, Vincent Campbell Allaire, M <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> wrote: Got it, thanks for the email. Will get back to you as soon as possible. Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communications / Communications Associate Service des relations avec les médias / Media Relations Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administration Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 10:22:04 AM To: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Subject: lawsuit - CBC request

Hi Vincent, There is a lawsuit that was filed last month by Professor Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim. He is a professor in Islamic studies at McGill. The lawsuit is against another professor in the same department, Pasha Khan and a McGill student, Sarah Abdelshamy. The lawsuit is for $600,000 and claims defamation. I would like to get comment from the university about this lawsuit. I believe Antonia Maioni is well aware of some of the issues that have been at play. I'd also like to find out if Professor Ibrahim was granted tenure. I understand he was up for tenure in the spring. Many thanks. If possible, I need comment back as soon as possible - no later than 3 p.m. today please.

01/08/2018 5:04 PM

Fwd: FYI - CBC article: McGill University professor sues student and c...

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Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity


From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: 5-Jul-18 8:26 AM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>; Antonia Maioni, Prof. <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>; Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca>; Victoria Meikle, Ms. <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca> Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K

Hi, FYI It also has been posted on Reddit one hour ago. At this �me, there is 3 comments. h�ps://www.reddit.com/r/mcgill/comments/8w9kr0/mcgill university professor sues student and/

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom

01/08/2018 5:03 PM

Fwd: FYI - CBC article: McGill University professor sues student and c...

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De : Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Envoyé : 5 juillet 2018 08:15:49 À : Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms. Cc : Leigh Ye�er, Dr.; Doug Sweet, Mr. Objet : FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K

Link: h�ps://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/mcgill-university-professor-sues-studentand-colleague-for-600k-1.4733954

McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, an Islamic Studies professor, claims he is the vic�m of a 'smear campaign' A McGill University professor has filed a $600,000 lawsuit against a student and a fellow professor for what he calls a "ruthless campaign" that destroyed his reputa�on and his right to privacy. In a court filing obtained by CBC News, Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, an assistant professor in the Ins�tute for Islamic Studies, says the allega�ons have made him a "pariah" in his academic field, ruining his job prospects at McGill and other universi�es in North America. Ibrahim, who specializes in Islamic law, says he engaged in a consensual rela�onship with a McGill student between the spring of 2014 and April 2015. He says a�er the rela�onship ended, rumours about his alleged behaviour spread. Nearly a year later, the lawsuit claims Ibrahim became aware that students were organizing so he would not get tenure. The lawsuit alleges student Sarah Abdelshamy and assistant professor Pasha Khan, who also works at the Ins�tute of Islamic Studies, had a "vende�a" against him, and were behind a "smear campaign" to have him fired. Ibrahim is suing Abdelshamy and Khan for defama�on. "He is now considered a sexual abuser, a harasser, a rapist and a shady individual when, in fact, all he ever did was have a consensual rela�onship with a student," the lawsuit says. None of the allega�ons contained in the lawsuit have been proven in court.

01/08/2018 5:03 PM

Fwd: FYI - CBC article: McGill University professor sues student and c...

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Alleged campaign to get him fired According to the court filing, Ibrahim taught Abdelshamy in the winter of 2017. While the lawsuit says she is not the student Ibrahim had a rela�onship with, it claims Abdelshamy was upset during one of his classes about a debate on Islamophobia following the Quebec City mosque shoo�ng in January 2017, which le� six men dead. Following that, Abdelshamy wrote an ar�cle in the student newspaper about the incident and started a pe��on to get Ibrahim fired, the lawsuits alleges. The lawsuit also claims Abdelshamy allegedly made defamatory remarks about Ibrahim at a mee�ng about McGill's new sexual violence policy. That fall, s�ckers started appearing in McGill bathrooms alleging that Ibrahim was a sexual predator. Similar allega�ons were also made in McGill's student newspaper. Although the messages were posted by an anonymous group on campus called ZeroTolerance McGill, the lawsuit claims "there is a very high probability" that Abdelshamy was behind them. The court filing claims another student informed Ibrahim that Khan had accused him of inappropriate behaviour. The student provided Ibrahim with defamatory emails and detailed notes following a mee�ng with Khan. The lawsuit alleges Khan repeatedly warned female students to stay away from Ibrahim to avoid being subjected to sexually inappropriate behaviour. It also states Ibrahim "was depicted as someone who manipulated young women into sleeping with him." Unable to defend himself, lawsuit alleges Although Ibrahim was aware rumours were circula�ng about him, he ini�ally did not know who was behind them, the lawsuit states. Ibrahim says he saw the defendants "spla�er his private life all over the public sphere by ques�oning his sexual conduct and his sexual behaviour." The lawsuit says Ibrahim's personal rela�onships are no one's business and should not been brought into his place of employment or affect his tenure review process. In May, Ibrahim learned his tenure applica�on was denied and he'd have to leave McGill at the end of his contract. He believes this decision was heavily influenced by what he claims are "baseless" allega�ons.

01/08/2018 5:03 PM

Fwd: FYI - CBC article: McGill University professor sues student and c...

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The lawsuit claims both Abdelshamy and Khan set out to destroy his career and future employment in his field. "This was the admi�ed goal of their vende�a," the court filing says. Epidemic of #metoo complaints, Ibrahim's lawyer says Ibrahim is being represented by lawyer Julius Grey. Grey wouldn't comment on the case specifically, but he said an epidemic of #metoo complaints has gone too far. He said people are being tried and convicted in the court of public opinion with li�le to no evidence and without a hearing. "It means people, their careers, [and the] whole essence of what they've achieved is snuffed out very quickly," said Grey, who also pointed out that these accusa�ons can then live online forever. He said ins�tu�ons need to do a be�er job at se�ng out a code of conduct on how professors should behave, including avoiding in�mate rela�onships with students, or at the very least, repor�ng them. This set of guidelines should also detail how professors should act at faculty events, like par�es, Grey said. Defendants decline to comment CBC News was unable to reach Khan or his lawyer on Wednesday. Abdelshamy declined to be interviewed, referring CBC to her lawyer, Audrey Boctor. Boctor did not want to comment on the specific allega�ons, but said: "We will defend our client's right to denounce conduct she deems inappropriate in a university se�ng." She said they would also be figh�ng for other students' rights. Boctor said she is concerned a case like this can have a chilling effect on other students who may now be too scared to speak up for fear of legal repercussions. In an email to CBC News, a McGill spokesperson said the university does not comment on ma�ers that are before the courts.

01/08/2018 5:03 PM

Fwd: Media request: Montreal Gazette / Lawsuit

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Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: 514-704-6693 www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 3:25:45 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Subject: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit Hi, We just received a phone call from Montreal Gaze�e reporter She asked if the University could confirm that Ahmed Ibrahim’s tenure applica�on was denied. I told her that we are not commen�ng on ma�ers that are before the court. Thanks, Vincent

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity


From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: 5-Jul-18 2:03 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>; Antonia Maioni, Prof. <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>; Line Thibault 01/08/2018 5:03 PM

Fwd: Media request: Montreal Gazette / Lawsuit

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<line.thibault@mcgill.ca>; Victoria Meikle, Ms. <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca>; Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>; Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca> Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K Hi, Here’s a follow-up on the coverage of the CBC ar�cle: • University Affairs included the CBC ar�cle in their Headlines for July 5, 2018 (link) • One tweet by a McGill student with hashtag #ImWithSarah of the ar�cle was retweeted 11 �mes (link) • The new SSMU VP External affairs (Marina Cupido) tweeted from the SSMU External Affairs twi�er account (link) • Marina Cupido also posted twice on her personal Facebook page: · This 550-word post was posted 2 hours ago, got 60 likes, and was shared 28 �mes. Also ends with #ImWithSarah (link) · She changed her profile picture 50 minutes ago and added the tagline: “Community accountability is not defama�on #WeBelieveSurvivors. #ImWithSarah because when ins�tu�ons fail to protect us, we must be able to protect each other.” (link) • The reddit thread is now at 23 comments Thanks, Vincent

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity


From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: 5-Jul-18 8:26 AM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>; Antonia Maioni, Prof. <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>; Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca>; Victoria Meikle, Ms. <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca> Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K


01/08/2018 5:03 PM

Fwd: Media request: Montreal Gazette / Lawsuit

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FYI It also has been posted on Reddit one hour ago. At this �me, there is 3 comments. h�ps://www.reddit.com/r/mcgill/comments/8w9kr0/mcgill university professor sues student and/

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity


De : Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Envoyé : 5 juillet 2018 08:15:49 À : Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms. Cc : Leigh Ye�er, Dr.; Doug Sweet, Mr. Objet : FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K

Link: h�ps://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/mcgill-university-professor-sues-studentand-colleague-for-600k-1.4733954

McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, an Islamic Studies professor, claims he is the vic�m of a 'smear campaign' A McGill University professor has filed a $600,000 lawsuit against a student and a fellow professor for what he calls a "ruthless campaign" that destroyed his reputa�on and his right to privacy. In a court filing obtained by CBC News, Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, an assistant professor in the Ins�tute for Islamic Studies, says the allega�ons have made him a "pariah" in his academic field, ruining his job prospects at McGill and other universi�es in North America.

01/08/2018 5:03 PM

Fwd: Media request: Montreal Gazette / Lawsuit

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Ibrahim, who specializes in Islamic law, says he engaged in a consensual rela�onship with a McGill student between the spring of 2014 and April 2015. He says a�er the rela�onship ended, rumours about his alleged behaviour spread. Nearly a year later, the lawsuit claims Ibrahim became aware that students were organizing so he would not get tenure. The lawsuit alleges student Sarah Abdelshamy and assistant professor Pasha Khan, who also works at the Ins�tute of Islamic Studies, had a "vende�a" against him, and were behind a "smear campaign" to have him fired. Ibrahim is suing Abdelshamy and Khan for defama�on. "He is now considered a sexual abuser, a harasser, a rapist and a shady individual when, in fact, all he ever did was have a consensual rela�onship with a student," the lawsuit says. None of the allega�ons contained in the lawsuit have been proven in court. Alleged campaign to get him fired According to the court filing, Ibrahim taught Abdelshamy in the winter of 2017. While the lawsuit says she is not the student Ibrahim had a rela�onship with, it claims Abdelshamy was upset during one of his classes about a debate on Islamophobia following the Quebec City mosque shoo�ng in January 2017, which le� six men dead. Following that, Abdelshamy wrote an ar�cle in the student newspaper about the incident and started a pe��on to get Ibrahim fired, the lawsuits alleges. The lawsuit also claims Abdelshamy allegedly made defamatory remarks about Ibrahim at a mee�ng about McGill's new sexual violence policy. That fall, s�ckers started appearing in McGill bathrooms alleging that Ibrahim was a sexual predator. Similar allega�ons were also made in McGill's student newspaper. Although the messages were posted by an anonymous group on campus called ZeroTolerance McGill, the lawsuit claims "there is a very high probability" that Abdelshamy was behind them. The court filing claims another student informed Ibrahim that Khan had accused him of inappropriate behaviour. The student provided Ibrahim with defamatory emails and detailed notes following a mee�ng with Khan. The lawsuit alleges Khan repeatedly warned female students to stay away from Ibrahim to avoid being subjected to sexually inappropriate behaviour. It also states Ibrahim "was depicted as someone who manipulated young women into sleeping with 01/08/2018 5:03 PM

Fwd: Media request: Montreal Gazette / Lawsuit

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him." Unable to defend himself, lawsuit alleges Although Ibrahim was aware rumours were circula�ng about him, he ini�ally did not know who was behind them, the lawsuit states. Ibrahim says he saw the defendants "spla�er his private life all over the public sphere by ques�oning his sexual conduct and his sexual behaviour." The lawsuit says Ibrahim's personal rela�onships are no one's business and should not been brought into his place of employment or affect his tenure review process. In May, Ibrahim learned his tenure applica�on was denied and he'd have to leave McGill at the end of his contract. He believes this decision was heavily influenced by what he claims are "baseless" allega�ons. The lawsuit claims both Abdelshamy and Khan set out to destroy his career and future employment in his field. "This was the admi�ed goal of their vende�a," the court filing says. Epidemic of #metoo complaints, Ibrahim's lawyer says Ibrahim is being represented by lawyer Julius Grey. Grey wouldn't comment on the case specifically, but he said an epidemic of #metoo complaints has gone too far. He said people are being tried and convicted in the court of public opinion with li�le to no evidence and without a hearing. "It means people, their careers, [and the] whole essence of what they've achieved is snuffed out very quickly," said Grey, who also pointed out that these accusa�ons can then live online forever. He said ins�tu�ons need to do a be�er job at se�ng out a code of conduct on how professors should behave, including avoiding in�mate rela�onships with students, or at the very least, repor�ng them. This set of guidelines should also detail how professors should act at faculty events, like par�es, Grey said. Defendants decline to comment CBC News was unable to reach Khan or his lawyer on Wednesday.

01/08/2018 5:03 PM

FW: Today's Top Ten in Higher Ed

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Subject: FW: Today's Top Ten in Higher Ed From: Communica�ons and External Rela�ons Info <info.communica�ons@mcgill.ca> Date: 06/07/2018 3:31 AM To: Laurie Devine <laurie.devine@mcgill.ca>, "Vincent Campbell Allaire, M" <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca>

From: Academica Group Sent: July 6, 2018 3:31:26 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) To: Communications and External Relations Info Subject: Today's Top Ten in Higher Ed

Here are today's Top Ten stories in higher ed

R E S E A R C H | C O N S U LT I N G | C O N T E N T | C A R E E R S

Top Te n: Friday, Jul 6, 2018

UBC’s Museum of Anthropology receives $1.1M collection of unique Northwest Coast art The Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia will now be home to a diverse new collection of Northwest Coast art valued at $1.1M. The significant collection of Northwest Coast metalwork, carved masks, weavings, totem poles, and other unique items comes from the estate of late Calgary philanthropist Margaret Perkins Hess. “UBC is honoured and delighted that Margaret Hess has entrusted MOA with this remarkable collection of Indigenous art,” said UBC President Santa J Ono. “These works will not only enhance MOA’s collection of Northwest Coast art, but will foster greater awareness and understanding of Indigenous cultures for our campus community, museum visitors and the wider B.C. community.” UBC

McGill prof sues student and colleague for $600K A professor at McGill university has leveled a $600K lawsuit against a student and colleague for defamation, reports CBC. Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, a contract professor in McGill’s Institute for Islamic Studies, has stated that a student and a colleague set out to destroy his career after he engaged in a consensual relationship with another student. “He is now considered a

01/08/2018 5:03 PM

FW: Today's Top Ten in Higher Ed

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sexual abuser, a harasser, a rapist and a shady individual,” the lawsuit says. Ibrahim’s lawyer told CBC that institutions need to establish a clear code of conduct for professors. CBC adds that neither of the accused were available for comment. CBC

Financial aid is about creating space for deep thought: Johnson Those who work in higher ed’s financial aid field understand that for many, deep thought is a luxury good, writes Eric Johnson. The author notes that while having extra money does not necessarily make a person smarter, it does give them the space to think about things other than money and the immediate needs of survival. It is this crucial point that forms the true basis of financial aid, Johnson notes, concluding that, “the goal of effective aid isn’t just to cover the bare minimum college costs, but to give low-income students the freedom to be students.” Chronicle of Higher Education

UoGuelph receives $1.5M in federal grants The University of Guelph has received $1.5M from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to support research projects that focus on water arrangements between First Nations and Ontario municipalities, the history of oral health, urban social interactions, connections between language and sexism, and the relationship between voice tone and national identity. The water arrangement project, which was awarded $371K, will assess the viability of water sharing as a possible solution to drinking water issues on reserves. “On many First Nations reserves across Canada, lack of safe drinking water is a chronic problem,” said Brady Deaton, a professor in UoGuelph's Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics. Nation Talk

NLC, Keyano introduce Early Learning and Child Care Diploma program Northern Lakes College and Keyano College have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to offer an Early Learning and Child Care Diploma program to the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, Alberta. Education News Canada states that the program will be offered online through Northern Lakes, although it will be delivered in Keyano’s service region. Students will receive

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FW: Today's Top Ten in Higher Ed

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campus supports and services from Keyano. “We are very pleased to work in partnership with Northern Lakes College to offer the option of a diploma program for our learners in the Wood Buffalo region,” said Vincella Thompson, Dean of the School of University Studies, Career Programs and Academic Upgrading at Keyano. Education News Canada

Law societies must deny TWU accreditation: Shefman Now that Canada’s Supreme Court has ruled that the law societies of British Columbia and Ontario can deny accreditation to Trinity Western University’s proposed law school, other law societies must follow suit as a matter of ethical principle, writes Corey Shefman. The author goes on to recount his experience at the Law Society of Manitoba’s Annual General Meeting, at which he stated that “approving and accrediting TWU's law school demeans our profession and will diminish public confidence in the administration of justice.” The MB society’s refusal to intervene in the accreditation process, argues Shefman, was tantamount to denying the right of legal representation to LGBTQ people. CBC

VIU introduces resource management program for First Nations Vancouver Island University has partnered with local First Nations communities to introduce the First Nations Stewardship Technicians Training Program. A VIU release explains that the program provides specialized training in resource management. “[The Program] is another step in the Nations being able to assert their rights and title in their territories, having a better idea of what’s going on as well as being able to educate the public on whose territory they are in,” stated Greg Johnson, former Community Co-ordinator of the Stewardship Technician Training Program with Nanwakolas Council. The program’s credits can be applied to an undergraduate degree or the BC Parks Administration Certificate. VIU

Centennial collaborates with Restaurants Canada to help foster more inclusive workplaces Centennial College and Restaurants Canada have collaborated for over a

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year to create a guide that will help foodservice employers foster a more respectful work environment. Titled “How to Create a Positive and Inclusive Workplace,” the guide will help operators recognize opportunities within their organizations to make positive change, with practical tips and best-in-class examples from some of the industry’s leaders. “Creating a positive and inclusive workplace isn’t just the right thing,” said Restaurants Canada President and CEO Shanna Munro. “It creates a culture of trust, transparency and establishes a positive and engaging workplace, which is a great way to attract and retain talent. In today’s market, positive word of mouth is crucial to business growth and success.” Globe Newswire

Law firm launches class action suit against medical doctor, UOttawa CBC reports that Flaherty McCarthy LLP has announced a class action lawsuit against the University of Ottawa and Vincent Nadon, a doctor at UOttawa Health Services. According to the statement of claim, Nadon allegedly filmed patients without their consent during medical procedures. Candace Mak, a lawyer with Flaherty McCarthy, told CBC that the firm named UOttawa in the suit because students should have felt safe going to a clinic at the university. UOttawa has responded that it is not directly connected to UOttawa Health Services. “The university intends to defend this action,” said UOttawa spokesperson Isabelle Mailloux Pulkinghorn. CBC | Ottawa Citizen

Bringing your children on an overseas sabbatical “Without question, and I mean without question, I would have been far more productive without children,” writes Yasmine Kalkstein of her experience bringing her family with her on a sabbatical to Israel. However, the author adds that doing so provided her the opportunity to fully immerse herself in the culture of her destination country. “The truth is that nothing tells you about a country’s culture as much as learning how children are raised in it,” Kalkstein notes before offering tips on how to go about the process. First, she recommends preparing children for what to expect prior to departure for the new country, and second, she recommends making an extra effort to do fun things with one’s children to help them learn to love their new surroundings. Inside Higher Ed

01/08/2018 5:03 PM

FW: Today's Top Ten in Higher Ed

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W here higher ed meets top talent. Visit Academica Careers now →


Chie f Ope rating Office r The Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute (UBC), Vancouv er, British Columbia, Canada

M anage r, Industry Liaison and Busine ss De v e lopme nt George Brown College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Associate Vice Principal, Community Partne rships Huron Univ ersity College, London, Ontario, Canada

Dire ctor, Cybe r Se curity and Busine ss Se rv ice s Western Univ ersity, London, Ontario, Canada


Nik Nanos has been appointed Chair of the Board of Governors at Carleton University. Nanos currently serves as Chief Data Scientist and Founder of Nanos Research.

Don Lovisa has been appointed Chair of Colleges Ontario. Lovisa currently serves as President at Durham College.

Kerry Godfrey has been appointed Dean of the Dhillon School of Business at the University of Lethbridge. Godfrey has previously served at the University of Guelph’s College of Business and Economics.

Normand Labrie has been appointed Interim President for Université de l'Ontario français. Labrie has previously served as Director of the Centre de recherches en études franco-ontariennes of the University of Toronto's Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.

Heather McCaw has been appointed Vice-President, Development and Alumni Engagement at the University of British Columbia. McCaw has previously served as Vice-President, Advancement at the University of Alberta.

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FW: Today's Top Ten in Higher Ed

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Ian Gates has been re-appointed director of the Global Research Initiative in Sustainable Low Carbon Unconventional Resources at the University of Calgary. Gates has served in the role for the past year.

Adve rtis e in the Top Te n Academica Advertise puts your brand or event in f ront of the entire higher ed sector in every campus, every day. Instantly get your brand noticed. Guaranteed. Learn How →

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Acade m ica Top Te n is a daily digest of top new s and opinion aff ecting postsecondary education in Canada, published as a f ree service to our clients and f riends. This digest w as w ritten and edited by Philip Glennie, Rachel Dengate, and Jason Sunder based on publicly available inf ormation. Neither the editors nor Academica Group assume liability f or comments or inf ormation posted by others. Please send your comments, new s releases, or submissions to today@academica.ca.

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01/08/2018 5:03 PM

Re: McGill professor launches a lawsuit against undergrad student fo...

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Begin forwarded message: From: " Date: July 5, 2018 at 6:39:01 PM EDT To: Subject: Re: McGill professor launches a lawsuit against undergrad student for speaking publicly Hi Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately I dont have all the facts on what happened so I can’t assume anything or take sides on this especially because of our research i have to consider all sides and then make a recommenda�on generally about the poten�al impact of defama�on cases. The court should be able to get to the bo�om of it if there is clear evidence that the rela�onship was non consensual and that he harassed others. Then they would support the survivors. . Under Quebec law and the Charter he has rights to due process and protec�on of privacy the court will have to balance these against those of the student and other prof. If there is insufficient evidence he may be successful but other survivors shouldn't be deterred from coming forward. Every court case is different and I don't think it will set a precedent that will orevent repor�ng — but may adjust the balance between survivor and alleged perpetrator rights. So

you know me and that I would publicly comment if I was 100 percent sure I was right.

But I cant insist on McGill taking a stand because I don't know the facts well enough and these issues are highly complex and nuanced. Thanks for aler�ng me to this though. Lets chat some more soon.


Sent from my iPhone On Jul 5, 2018, at 5:24 PM,


Dear It's been awhile since we spoke, and I hope this email finds you well. I'm not sure if you've been following this story; recently, CBC broke a story about a McGill Professor, Ahmed Ibrahim, who filed a $600 000 defama�on lawsuit against two individuals: a student and a professor from the Islamic Studies Ins�tute for an alleged "smear campaign" concerning allega�ons of sexual assault. Here's the CBC story: h�p://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/mcgill-universityprofessor-lawsuit-student-colleague-1.4733954 McGill has remained silent on this issue. This a�ernoon, SSMU came out with a statement

01/08/2018 5:03 PM

Re: McGill professor launches a lawsuit against undergrad student fo...

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condemning this lawsuit. Here is the link: h�ps://ssmu.ca/blog/2018/07/ssmu-statementregarding-the-ibrahim-lawsuit/ Given your area of research exper�se as well as your high profile within the university, I think it would be really powerful if you would make a statement urging McGill to take a stand against this in�mida�on tac�c clearly meant to silence the student and professor. Please consider. Respec�ully Yours,

01/08/2018 5:03 PM

RE: Poursuite d'un professeur envers une é tudiante

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Subject: RE: Poursuite d'un professeur envers une étudiante From: "Victoria Meikle, Ms." </O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=6DCE909A667F42ECA52AE5517C0257AE-VICTORIA.ME> Date: 06/07/2018 10:22 AM To: Catherine Savard <Catherine.Savard@educa�on.gouv.qc.ca> Bonjour Madame Savard, Ci-joint le courriel du 10 May du vice-principal exécutif de McGill, le professeur Christopher Manfredi, qui donne les détails des démarches de l’Université McGill en ce qui concerne la lutte contre les violences à caractère sexuel. Vous trouverez dans le courriel un lien vers notre politique pour lutter contre les violences à caractère sexuel. N’hésitez pas si vous avez besoin de plus amples renseignements. Cordiales salutations, Victoria Meikle Directrice principale, relations gouvernementales Université McGill University (514) 398-4629

From: Catherine Savard <Catherine.Savard@educa�on.gouv.qc.ca> Sent: July-06-18 9:25 AM To: Victoria Meikle, Ms. <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca> Subject: Poursuite d'un professeur envers une étudiante

Image removed by sender.

Bonjour, J’espère que vous allez bien. J’aimerais voir avec vous s’il serait possible d’avoir des informations et des lignes de communication en lien avec l’article dans La Presse ce matin concernant la poursuite d’un enseignant envers une étudiante pour cause de diffamation. Je vous remercie grandement pour voter collaboration ! Au plaisir,

Catherine Savard

01/08/2018 5:02 PM

Un prof de McGill poursuit une é tudiante - La Presse+

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Subject: Un prof de McGill poursuit une étudiante - La Presse+ From: Sylvie Barcelo <Sylvie.Barcelo@educa�on.gouv.qc.ca> Date: 06/07/2018 10:37 AM To: Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca> CC: Danielle Pelle�er <Danielle.Pelle�er2@educa�on.gouv.qc.ca>, Stéphanie Jourdain <Stephanie.Jourdain@educa�on.gouv.qc.ca>

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01/08/2018 5:02 PM

Un prof de McGill poursuit une é tudiante - La Presse+

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01/08/2018 5:02 PM

Article de La Presse sur une poursuite en diffamation impliquant de...

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Subject: Ar�cle de La Presse sur une poursuite en diffama�on impliquant des membres de la communauté mcgilloise From: "Victoria Meikle, Ms." </O=EXCHANGELABS/OU=EXCHANGE ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=6DCE909A667F42ECA52AE5517C0257AE-VICTORIA.ME> Date: 06/07/2018 11:36 AM To: Sylvie Barcelo <Sylvie.Barcelo@educa�on.gouv.qc.ca> CC: <Danielle.Pelle�er2@educa�on.gouv.qc.ca>, <stephanie.jourdain@educa�on.gouv.ac.ca>, Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca> Madame la Sous-Ministre, Louis Arseneault m’a demandé de vous communiquer la position de l’Université en ce qui concerne la poursuite en diffamation par M. Ahmed Ibrahim contre Sarah Abdelshamy, étudiante à McGill, et Pasha Khan, professeur adjoint au département d’études islamiques. L’Université McGill ne commente pas un dossier devant la cour. La direction de l’Université travaille avec la communauté mcgilloise pour sensibiliser les membres de notre communauté aux enjeux liés aux inconduites sexuelles, pour améliorer l’appui aux victimes de ces inconduites et pour améliorer nos procédures en cas de dénonciation ou de plainte. Le vice-principal exécutif, Christopher Manfredi, a récemment édicté des lignes directrices sur les relations à caractère intime entre un membre du personnel enseignant et un étudiant ou une étudiante. Ces lignes directrices visaient à clarifier une politique existante de l’Université. À l’automne 2018, un comité ad hoc du Sénat de McGill fera des recommandations sur l’encadrement des relations entre un membre du personnel enseignant et un étudiant ou une étudiante. À la suite du rapport de ce comité, nous reverrons notre politique actuelle. Je joins la communication à notre communauté du 10 mai du vice-principal exécutif. Vous y trouverez un lien vers notre politique pour contrer les violences à caractère sexuel. J’espère que vous n’hésiterez pas à recommuniquer avec nous si vous avez besoin de plus amples renseignements. Je vous prie d’agréer, Madame la Sous-Ministre, mes salutations distinguées. Victoria Meikle Senior Director, Government Rela�ons/ Directrice principale, rela�ons gouvernementales Office of the Vice-Principal (Communica�ons and External Rela�ons)/ Bureau du vice-principal (communica�ons et rela�ons externes) Bureau: (514) 398-4629 Victoria.Meikle@McGill.ca

01/08/2018 5:02 PM

FYI: Droit-Inc / Lawsuit

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Subject: FYI: Droit-Inc / Lawsuit From: "Vincent Campbell Allaire, M" <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> Date: 06/07/2018 12:10 PM To: "Christopher Manfredi, Prof." <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Chipello, Mr." <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>, "Antonia Maioni, Prof." <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>, Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca>, "Victoria Meikle, Ms." <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca>, "Doug Sweet, Mr." <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>, Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca>, "Christopher Buddle, Professor" <chris.buddle@mcgill.ca> CC: "Leigh Ye�er, Dr." <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca> Hi, FYI: -Droit-Inc just published an ar�cle that summarize the La Presse ar�cle: h�p://www.droit-inc.com/ar�cle22845--metoo-un-prof-poursuit-une-etudiante -At 11:50 AM, the La Presse ar�cle is #5 in their most read ar�cle ranking for the day. -There are now dozens of tweets using the #ImWithSarah hashtag. However, that hashtag was also used recently by some Americans in support of Sarak Huckabee-Sanders, the spokesperson of the Trump admin, so there’s a bit of a mix-up following that hashtag. -Finally, an op-ed by Julius Grey published on January 3, 2018 in The Montreal Gaze�e («Opinion: Denuncia�ons, dismissals and the excesses of revolu�ons») was also shared on Twi�er today: h�ps://montrealgaze�e.com/opinion/opinion-denuncia�ons-dismissals-and-the-excessesof-revolu�ons Thanks, Vincent

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: 01/08/2018 5:02 PM

FYI: Droit-Inc / Lawsuit

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www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity De : Vincent Campbell Allaire, M <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> Envoyé : vendredi, juillet 6, 2018 07:33 À : Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc : Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Objet : Re: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit

Hi, Here’s an update on social media ac�vity: Marina Cupido’s Facebook post has now been shared 101 �mes with 183 likes and 20 comments: h�ps://www.facebook.com/100005834796548/posts/839706629567156/ On Twi�er, one addi�onal post is gaining a bit of trac�on with 5 retweets: h�ps://twi�er.com/femnistmechanic/status/1015079873809809409?s=21 The first reddit thread about the CBC so ar�cle is now at 47 comments: h�ps://www.reddit.com/r/mcgill/comments/8w9kr0/mcgill_university_professor_sues_student_and /?st=JJ9W1QO8&sh=591df013 A second reddit thread about the SSMU blog post is now at 9 comments: h�ps://www.reddit.com/r/mcgill/comments/8we0wj /ssmu_statement_regarding_lawsuit_against_a_ssmu/?st=JJ9W12NA&sh=70a9185d Finally, the La Presse ar�cle is now the most read on ar�cle on their website in the last hour. Thanks, Vincent Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C:

01/08/2018 5:02 PM

FYI: Droit-Inc / Lawsuit

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www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 6:55:24 AM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Subject: Re: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit

Good morning, La Presse reporter Isabelle Hachey published her ar�cle: h�p://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/201807/05/01-5188477-depeint-comme-un-predateurun-professeur-poursuit-une-etudiante.php Thanks, Vincent Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 9:43:02 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Subject: Re: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit

Hi, The Montreal Gaze�e published their ar�cle: h�ps://montrealgaze�e.com/news/local-news/mcgill-university-professor-sues-former-studentcolleague-for-600000 Thanks, Vincent Campbell Allaire

01/08/2018 5:02 PM

FYI: Droit-Inc / Lawsuit

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Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 5:00:43 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Subject: Re: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit

Hi, SSMU just published this blog post: h�ps://ssmu.ca/blog/2018/07/ssmu-statement-regarding-the-ibrahim-lawsuit/ Also, SSMU external affairs just tweeted: "SSMU will not remain silent while one of our members is a�acked for trying to hold McGill accountable to its students. We stand with the individuals named in the lawsuit, and call on the administra�on and campus community to do the same." #ImWithSarah h�ps://twi�er.com/ssmuexternal/status/1014975987187113984?s=21 Thanks, Vincent

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom

01/08/2018 5:02 PM

FYI: Droit-Inc / Lawsuit

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www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 3:25:45 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Subject: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit Hi, We just received a phone call from Montreal Gaze�e reporter She asked if the University could confirm that Ahmed Ibrahim’s tenure applica�on was denied. I told her that we are not commen�ng on ma�ers that are before the court. Thanks, Vincent

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity


From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: 5-Jul-18 2:03 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>; Antonia Maioni, Prof. <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>; Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca>; Victoria Meikle, Ms. <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca>; Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>; Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca> Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K Hi, Here’s a follow-up on the coverage of the CBC ar�cle: • University Affairs included the CBC ar�cle in theirHeadlines for July 5, 2018 (link) • One tweet by a McGill student with hashtag #ImWithSarah of the ar�cle was retweeted 11 �mes (link) • The new SSMU VP External affairs (Marina Cupido) tweeted from the SSMU External Affairs twi�er account (link) 01/08/2018 5:02 PM

FYI: Droit-Inc / Lawsuit

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• Thanks, Vincent

Marina Cupido also posted twice on her personal Facebook page: · This 550-word post was posted 2 hours ago, got 60 likes, and was shared 28 �mes. Also ends with #ImWithSarah (link) · She changed her profile picture 50 minutes ago and added the tagline: “Community accountability is not defama�on #WeBelieveSurvivors. #ImWithSarah because when ins�tu�ons fail to protect us, we must be able to protect each other.” (link) The reddit thread is now at 23 comments

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity


From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: 5-Jul-18 8:26 AM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>; Antonia Maioni, Prof. <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>; Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca>; Victoria Meikle, Ms. <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca> Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K

Hi, FYI It also has been posted on Reddit one hour ago. At this �me, there is 3 comments. h�ps://www.reddit.com/r/mcgill/comments/8w9kr0/mcgill university professor sues student and/

Vincent Campbell Allaire 01/08/2018 5:02 PM

FYI: Droit-Inc / Lawsuit

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Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity


De : Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Envoyé : 5 juillet 2018 08:15:49 À : Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms. Cc : Leigh Ye�er, Dr.; Doug Sweet, Mr. Objet : FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K

Link: h�ps://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/mcgill-university-professor-sues-student-and-colleaguefor-600k-1.4733954

McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, an Islamic Studies professor, claims he is the vic�m of a 'smear campaign' A McGill University professor has filed a $600,000 lawsuit against a student and a fellow professor for what he calls a "ruthless campaign" that destroyed his reputa�on and his right to privacy. In a court filing obtained by CBC News, Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, an assistant professor in the Ins�tute for Islamic Studies, says the allega�ons have made him a "pariah" in his academic field, ruining his job prospects at McGill and other universi�es in North America. Ibrahim, who specializes in Islamic law, says he engaged in a consensual rela�onship with a McGill student between the spring of 2014 and April 2015. He says a�er the rela�onship ended, rumours about his alleged behaviour spread. Nearly a year later, the lawsuit claims Ibrahim became aware that students were organizing so he would not get tenure. The lawsuit alleges student Sarah Abdelshamy and assistant professor Pasha Khan, who also works at the Ins�tute of Islamic Studies, had a "vende�a" against him, and were behind a "smear campaign" to have him fired. Ibrahim is suing Abdelshamy and Khan for defama�on.

01/08/2018 5:02 PM

FYI: Droit-Inc / Lawsuit

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"He is now considered a sexual abuser, a harasser, a rapist and a shady individual when, in fact, all he ever did was have a consensual rela�onship with a student," the lawsuit says. None of the allega�ons contained in the lawsuit have been proven in court. Alleged campaign to get him fired According to the court filing, Ibrahim taught Abdelshamy in the winter of 2017. While the lawsuit says she is not the student Ibrahim had a rela�onship with, it claims Abdelshamy was upset during one of his classes about a debate on Islamophobia following the Quebec City mosque shoo�ng in January 2017, which le� six men dead. Following that, Abdelshamy wrote an ar�cle in the student newspaper about the incident and started a pe��on to get Ibrahim fired, the lawsuits alleges. The lawsuit also claims Abdelshamy allegedly made defamatory remarks about Ibrahim at a mee�ng about McGill's new sexual violence policy. That fall, s�ckers started appearing in McGill bathrooms alleging that Ibrahim was a sexual predator. Similar allega�ons were also made in McGill's student newspaper. Although the messages were posted by an anonymous group on campus called ZeroTolerance McGill, the lawsuit claims "there is a very high probability" that Abdelshamy was behind them. The court filing claims another student informed Ibrahim that Khan had accused him of inappropriate behaviour. The student provided Ibrahim with defamatory emails and detailed notes following a mee�ng with Khan. The lawsuit alleges Khan repeatedly warned female students to stay away from Ibrahim to avoid being subjected to sexually inappropriate behaviour. It also states Ibrahim "was depicted as someone who manipulated young women into sleeping with him." Unable to defend himself, lawsuit alleges Although Ibrahim was aware rumours were circula�ng about him, he ini�ally did not know who was behind them, the lawsuit states. Ibrahim says he saw the defendants "spla�er his private life all over the public sphere by ques�oning his sexual conduct and his sexual behaviour." The lawsuit says Ibrahim's personal rela�onships are no one's business and should not been brought into his place of employment or affect his tenure review process. 01/08/2018 5:02 PM

FYI: Droit-Inc / Lawsuit

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In May, Ibrahim learned his tenure applica�on was denied and he'd have to leave McGill at the end of his contract. He believes this decision was heavily influenced by what he claims are "baseless" allega�ons. The lawsuit claims both Abdelshamy and Khan set out to destroy his career and future employment in his field. "This was the admi�ed goal of their vende�a," the court filing says. Epidemic of #metoo complaints, Ibrahim's lawyer says Ibrahim is being represented by lawyer Julius Grey. Grey wouldn't comment on the case specifically, but he said an epidemic of #metoo complaints has gone too far. He said people are being tried and convicted in the court of public opinion with li�le to no evidence and without a hearing. "It means people, their careers, [and the] whole essence of what they've achieved is snuffed out very quickly," said Grey, who also pointed out that these accusa�ons can then live online forever. He said ins�tu�ons need to do a be�er job at se�ng out a code of conduct on how professors should behave, including avoiding in�mate rela�onships with students, or at the very least, repor�ng them. This set of guidelines should also detail how professors should act at faculty events, like par�es, Grey said. Defendants decline to comment CBC News was unable to reach Khan or his lawyer on Wednesday. Abdelshamy declined to be interviewed, referring CBC to her lawyer, Audrey Boctor. Boctor did not want to comment on the specific allega�ons, but said: "We will defend our client's right to denounce conduct she deems inappropriate in a university se�ng." She said they would also be figh�ng for other students' rights. Boctor said she is concerned a case like this can have a chilling effect on other students who may now be too scared to speak up for fear of legal repercussions. In an email to CBC News, a McGill spokesperson said the university does not comment on ma�ers that are before the courts.

01/08/2018 5:02 PM

FW: Media request: Montreal Gazette / Lawsuit

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Subject: FW: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit From: Communica�ons and External Rela�ons Info <info.communica�ons@mcgill.ca> Date: 09/07/2018 9:04 AM To: Laurie Devine <laurie.devine@mcgill.ca>

From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: July 9, 2018 9:04:01 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) To: Laurie Devine; Communications and External Relations Info Subject: Fwd: Media request: Montreal Gazette / Lawsuit

Fyi Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 7:33:57 AM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Subject: Re: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit

Hi, Here’s an update on social media ac�vity: Marina Cupido’s Facebook post has now been shared 101 �mes with 183 likes and 20 comments: h�ps://www.facebook.com/100005834796548/posts/839706629567156/ On Twi�er, one addi�onal post is gaining a bit of trac�on with 5 retweets: h�ps://twi�er.com/femnistmechanic/status/1015079873809809409?s=21

01/08/2018 5:01 PM

FW: Media request: Montreal Gazette / Lawsuit

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The first reddit thread about the CBC so ar�cle is now at 47 comments: h�ps://www.reddit.com/r/mcgill/comments/8w9kr0/mcgill_university_professor_sues_student_and /?st=JJ9W1QO8&sh=591df013 A second reddit thread about the SSMU blog post is now at 9 comments: h�ps://www.reddit.com/r/mcgill/comments/8we0wj /ssmu_statement_regarding_lawsuit_against_a_ssmu/?st=JJ9W12NA&sh=70a9185d Finally, the La Presse ar�cle is now the most read on ar�cle on their website in the last hour. Thanks, Vincent Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 6:55:24 AM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Subject: Re: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit

Good morning, La Presse reporter Isabelle Hachey published her ar�cle: h�p://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/201807/05/01-5188477-depeint-comme-un-predateurun-professeur-poursuit-une-etudiante.php Thanks, Vincent Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate

01/08/2018 5:01 PM

FW: Media request: Montreal Gazette / Lawsuit

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Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 9:43:02 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Subject: Re: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit

Hi, The Montreal Gaze�e published their ar�cle: h�ps://montrealgaze�e.com/news/local-news/mcgill-university-professor-sues-former-studentcolleague-for-600000 Thanks, Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 5:00:43 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Subject: Re: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit

Hi, SSMU just published this blog post:

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h�ps://ssmu.ca/blog/2018/07/ssmu-statement-regarding-the-ibrahim-lawsuit/ Also, SSMU external affairs just tweeted: "SSMU will not remain silent while one of our members is a�acked for trying to hold McGill accountable to its students. We stand with the individuals named in the lawsuit, and call on the administra�on and campus community to do the same." #ImWithSarah h�ps://twi�er.com/ssmuexternal/status/1014975987187113984?s=21 Thanks, Vincent

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 3:25:45 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms.; Doug Sweet, Mr.; Louis Arseneault; Christopher Buddle, Professor Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. Subject: Media request: Montreal Gaze�e / Lawsuit Hi, We just received a phone call from Montreal Gaze�e reporter She asked if the University could confirm that Ahmed Ibrahim’s tenure applica�on was denied. I told her that we are not commen�ng on ma�ers that are before the court. Thanks, Vincent

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University

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Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity

From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: 5-Jul-18 2:03 PM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>; Antonia Maioni, Prof. <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>; Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca>; Victoria Meikle, Ms. <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca>; Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca>; Louis Arseneault <louis.arseneault@mcgill.ca> Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K Hi, Here’s a follow-up on the coverage of the CBC ar�cle: • University Affairs included the CBC ar�cle in their Headlines for July 5, 2018 (link) • One tweet by a McGill student with hashtag #ImWithSarah of the ar�cle was retweeted 11 �mes (link) • The new SSMU VP External affairs (Marina Cupido) tweeted from the SSMU External Affairs twi�er account (link) • Marina Cupido also posted twice on her personal Facebook page: · This 550-word post was posted 2 hours ago, got 60 likes, and was shared 28 �mes. Also ends with #ImWithSarah (link) · She changed her profile picture 50 minutes ago and added the tagline: “Community accountability is not defama�on #WeBelieveSurvivors. #ImWithSarah because when ins�tu�ons fail to protect us, we must be able to protect each other.” (link) • The reddit thread is now at 23 comments Thanks, Vincent

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity

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From: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Sent: 5-Jul-18 8:26 AM To: Christopher Manfredi, Prof. <christopher.manfredi@mcgill.ca>; Christopher Chipello, Mr. <chris.chipello@mcgill.ca>; Antonia Maioni, Prof. <antonia.maioni@mcgill.ca>; Line Thibault <line.thibault@mcgill.ca>; Victoria Meikle, Ms. <victoria.meikle@mcgill.ca> Cc: Leigh Ye�er, Dr. <leigh.ye�er@mcgill.ca>; Doug Sweet, Mr. <doug.sweet@mcgill.ca> Subject: RE: FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K

Hi, FYI It also has been posted on Reddit one hour ago. At this �me, there is 3 comments. h�ps://www.reddit.com/r/mcgill/comments/8w9kr0/mcgill university professor sues student and/

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity


De : Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Envoyé : 5 juillet 2018 08:15:49 À : Christopher Manfredi, Prof.; Christopher Chipello, Mr.; Antonia Maioni, Prof.; Line Thibault; Victoria Meikle, Ms. Cc : Leigh Ye�er, Dr.; Doug Sweet, Mr. Objet : FYI - CBC ar�cle: McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K

Link: h�ps://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/mcgill-university-professor-sues-student-and-colleague-

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McGill University professor sues student and colleague for $600K Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, an Islamic Studies professor, claims he is the vic�m of a 'smear campaign' A McGill University professor has filed a $600,000 lawsuit against a student and a fellow professor for what he calls a "ruthless campaign" that destroyed his reputa�on and his right to privacy. In a court filing obtained by CBC News, Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim, an assistant professor in the Ins�tute for Islamic Studies, says the allega�ons have made him a "pariah" in his academic field, ruining his job prospects at McGill and other universi�es in North America. Ibrahim, who specializes in Islamic law, says he engaged in a consensual rela�onship with a McGill student between the spring of 2014 and April 2015. He says a�er the rela�onship ended, rumours about his alleged behaviour spread. Nearly a year later, the lawsuit claims Ibrahim became aware that students were organizing so he would not get tenure. The lawsuit alleges student Sarah Abdelshamy and assistant professor Pasha Khan, who also works at the Ins�tute of Islamic Studies, had a "vende�a" against him, and were behind a "smear campaign" to have him fired. Ibrahim is suing Abdelshamy and Khan for defama�on. "He is now considered a sexual abuser, a harasser, a rapist and a shady individual when, in fact, all he ever did was have a consensual rela�onship with a student," the lawsuit says. None of the allega�ons contained in the lawsuit have been proven in court. Alleged campaign to get him fired According to the court filing, Ibrahim taught Abdelshamy in the winter of 2017. While the lawsuit says she is not the student Ibrahim had a rela�onship with, it claims Abdelshamy was upset during one of his classes about a debate on Islamophobia following the Quebec City mosque shoo�ng in January 2017, which le� six men dead. Following that, Abdelshamy wrote an ar�cle in the student newspaper about the incident and started a pe��on to get Ibrahim fired, the lawsuits alleges. The lawsuit also claims Abdelshamy allegedly made defamatory remarks about Ibrahim at a mee�ng about McGill's new sexual violence policy.

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That fall, s�ckers started appearing in McGill bathrooms alleging that Ibrahim was a sexual predator. Similar allega�ons were also made in McGill's student newspaper. Although the messages were posted by an anonymous group on campus called ZeroTolerance McGill, the lawsuit claims "there is a very high probability" that Abdelshamy was behind them. The court filing claims another student informed Ibrahim that Khan had accused him of inappropriate behaviour. The student provided Ibrahim with defamatory emails and detailed notes following a mee�ng with Khan. The lawsuit alleges Khan repeatedly warned female students to stay away from Ibrahim to avoid being subjected to sexually inappropriate behaviour. It also states Ibrahim "was depicted as someone who manipulated young women into sleeping with him." Unable to defend himself, lawsuit alleges Although Ibrahim was aware rumours were circula�ng about him, he ini�ally did not know who was behind them, the lawsuit states. Ibrahim says he saw the defendants "spla�er his private life all over the public sphere by ques�oning his sexual conduct and his sexual behaviour." The lawsuit says Ibrahim's personal rela�onships are no one's business and should not been brought into his place of employment or affect his tenure review process. In May, Ibrahim learned his tenure applica�on was denied and he'd have to leave McGill at the end of his contract. He believes this decision was heavily influenced by what he claims are "baseless" allega�ons. The lawsuit claims both Abdelshamy and Khan set out to destroy his career and future employment in his field. "This was the admi�ed goal of their vende�a," the court filing says. Epidemic of #metoo complaints, Ibrahim's lawyer says Ibrahim is being represented by lawyer Julius Grey. Grey wouldn't comment on the case specifically, but he said an epidemic of #metoo complaints has gone too far. He said people are being tried and convicted in the court of public opinion with li�le to no evidence and without a hearing.

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"It means people, their careers, [and the] whole essence of what they've achieved is snuffed out very quickly," said Grey, who also pointed out that these accusa�ons can then live online forever. He said ins�tu�ons need to do a be�er job at se�ng out a code of conduct on how professors should behave, including avoiding in�mate rela�onships with students, or at the very least, repor�ng them. This set of guidelines should also detail how professors should act at faculty events, like par�es, Grey said. Defendants decline to comment CBC News was unable to reach Khan or his lawyer on Wednesday. Abdelshamy declined to be interviewed, referring CBC to her lawyer, Audrey Boctor. Boctor did not want to comment on the specific allega�ons, but said: "We will defend our client's right to denounce conduct she deems inappropriate in a university se�ng." She said they would also be figh�ng for other students' rights. Boctor said she is concerned a case like this can have a chilling effect on other students who may now be too scared to speak up for fear of legal repercussions. In an email to CBC News, a McGill spokesperson said the university does not comment on ma�ers that are before the courts.

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communica�ons / Communica�ons Associate Service des rela�ons avec les médias / Media Rela�ons Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administra�on Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montréal (Québec) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom

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Sent: 4-Jul-18 11:47 AM To: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca <mailto:vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> > Subject: Re: lawsuit - CBC request

Also, is Mr. Ibrahim still with McGill? If so, when does he leave? In his filing, it says that once his tenure was rejected, he needs to leave the university. Just trying to get some exactitude to things. Thanks.

On 4 July 2018 at 10:58, wrote: Hi Vincent,

The court filing says Mr. Ibrahim found out on May 1, 2018 that his tenure application was being denied. He said this decision was heavily influenced by a ruthless campaign against him by professors and students, who claimed he was a sexual predator and behaved inappropriately with students. Is the university able to tell us why Ibrahim's tenure was denied? Thanks.

On 4 July 2018 at 10:23, Vincent Campbell Allaire, M <vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca <mailto:vincent.allaire@mcgill.ca> > wrote: Got it, thanks for the email. Will get back to you as soon as possible.

Vincent Campbell Allaire Agent de communications / Communications Associate

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Service des relations avec les médias / Media Relations Office

Université McGill / McGill University Pavillon James / James Administration Building 845 rue Sherbrooke Ouest <https://maps.google.com/?q=845+rue+Sherbrooke+Ouest+ %0D%0A+Montr%C3%A9al+(Qu%C3%A9bec&entry=gmail&source=g> Montréal (Québec <https://maps.google.com/?q=845+rue+Sherbrooke+Ouest+%0D%0A+Montr %C3%A9al+(Qu%C3%A9bec&entry=gmail&source=g> ) H3A 0G4 T: 514-398-6693 / C: www.mcgill.ca/newsroom <http://www.mcgill.ca/newsroom> www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity <http://www.facebook.com/McGillUniversity> _____ From: Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 10:22:04 AM To: Vincent Campbell Allaire, M Subject: lawsuit - CBC request

Hi Vincent,

There is a lawsuit that was filed last month by Professor Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim. He is a professor in Islamic studies at McGill. The lawsuit is against another professor in the same department, Pasha Khan and a McGill student, Sarah Abdelshamy. The lawsuit is for $600,000 and claims defamation. I would like to get comment from the university about this lawsuit. I believe Antonia Maioni is well aware of some of the issues that have been at play. I'd also like to find out if Professor Ibrahim was granted tenure. I understand he was up for tenure in the spring. Many thanks. If possible, I need comment back as soon as possible - no later than 3 p.m. today please.

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Violence, chaired by Professor Lucy Lach, and the Ad Hoc Panel to Conduct a Campus Study of Sexual Violence, chaired by Professor Shaheen Shariff, have worked to improve campus responses to sexual violence. Each group has equal student-faculty/staff representation and a mandate to report to the Provost by Fall 2018. In the course of the past year they have already undertaken multiple important steps, including:

orientation training for all students, faculty and academic leaders; conducting campus-wide surveys, focus groups, and interviews; enhanced communications and education about sexual violence and its prevention; the creation of a Toolkit for faculty members; and developing proposals for reforms to existing University policies and regulations.

These efforts will allow us to develop simplified reporting channels, and to review University regulations and procedures related to disciplinary investigations and outcomes.

The work needed to maintain a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning and work environment for all is ongoing. McGill will continue to build strong resources and policies to support survivors, respond to disclosures and reports, and educate our community about sexual violence.

*** Sources for support:

The Office for Sexual Violence Response Support & Education (students, faculty, staff) The Senior Equity and Inclusion Officer (students, faculty, staff) Counseling Services (students)

Message aux membres de la communauté mcgilloise Plusieurs d’entre vous ont été informés de la lettre ouverte que l’Association étudiante de l’Université McGill

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a fait parvenir aux membres de la haute direction de l’Université, et dans laquelle il était question des mesures déployées par McGill relativement à la gestion de plaintes pour inconduite sexuelle, qui peut inclure la violence sexuelle, le harcèlement sexuel et les conflits d’intérêts.

L’Université McGill ne tolère aucune forme d’inconduite sexuelle.

La direction de l’Université tient compte des rapports d’inconduite sexuelle déposés par les membres de sa communauté. Tout rapport officiel, toute plainte officielle et toute allégation présentant un nombre suffisant de faits font l’objet d’enquêtes rigoureuses. Dans le cas où des preuves d’inconduite sont établies, les mesures appropriées – lesquelles comprennent notamment des mesures disciplinaires – sont prises.

Nous reconnaissons qu’il peut être extrêmement difficile de dénoncer une situation d’inconduite sexuelle, et, plus particulièrement, de violence sexuelle, ou de soumettre une plainte officielle à cet égard. C’est pourquoi nous nous employons à mettre sur pied des ressources de soutien efficaces, notamment par l’entremise du Bureau d’intervention, de soutien et d’éducation contre la violence sexuelle de l’Université McGill, lequel offre des services à l’ensemble des étudiants, des membres du corps professoral et du personnel de l’Université. Par ailleurs, au cours de la dernière année, les membres du Comité de mise en œuvre de la Politique contre la violence sexuelle, lequel est présidé par la professeure Lucy Lach, et du Groupe d’étude sur la violence sexuelle sur les campus, présidé par la professeure Shaheen Shariff, se sont employés à améliorer les réactions, sur les campus, à la violence sexuelle. Chaque groupe est formé d’un nombre égal d’étudiants ou de membres du corps professoral et d’employés et a pour mandat de soumettre au vice-principal exécutif un rapport d’ici l’automne 2018. Durant l’année qui vient de s’écouler, les membres ont déjà franchi de nombreuses étapes importantes, dont :

la prestation de séances d’orientation et de formation à l’intention de tous les étudiants, les membres du corps professoral et les dirigeants universitaires; la réalisation d’entrevues et de sondages auprès de l’ensemble des membres des campus et la mise sur pied de groupes de discussion; la diffusion de communications ciblées et de données informatives en matière de violence sexuelle et de prévention; la création d’un ensemble d’outils destinés aux membres du corps professoral et la mise au point de propositions visant à modifier les politiques et les règlements en vigueur à l’Université.

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Ces démarches nous permettront de concevoir des dispositions de signalement simplifiées et de passer en revue les règlements et les procédures de l’Université en ce qui a trait aux enquêtes disciplinaires et aux conséquences qui en découlent.

Nous poursuivons le travail grâce auquel nous pourrons assurer à tous un environnement d’étude et de travail sécuritaire, respectueux et solidaire. L’Université McGill continuera de mettre au point des ressources et des politiques solides afin de soutenir les survivants, de réagir aux signalements et aux rapports et d’éduquer les membres de la communauté mcgilloise sur la violence sexuelle.

*** Sources de soutien :

Bureau d’intervention, de soutien et d’éducation contre la violence sexuelle (corps étudiant et professoral et personnel) Agent principal (équité et inclusion) (corps étudiant et professoral et personnel) Services de consultations psychologiques (corps étudiant)

01/08/2018 5:01 PM

From: To: Cc: Subject:

Fernando Nunez-Mietz, Prof. Yves Winter, Professor; Megan Bradley, Prof.; Dietlind Stolle, Prof. Juan Wang, Prof.; Kelly Gordon, Prof.; Aengus Bridgman; Alice Chessé; Mary-Lynne Loftus; academic@mcgillpssa.ca Re: Committee on Norms and Practices: Meeting July 3, @ 1.30pm

Thanks, Yves. Dietlind: Which group?

Best, Fernando

Fernando G. Nuñez-Mietz Assistant Professor Faculty of Arts – Department of Political Science 414 Leacock Building, 855 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2T7 (514) 398-4400 ext. 0763 From: Dietlind Stolle Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2018 11:12 AM To: Yves Winter, Professor ; Megan Bradley, Prof. Cc: Juan Wang, Prof. ; Fernando Nunez-Mietz, Prof. ; Kelly Gordon, Prof. ; Aengus Bridgman ; Alice Chessé ; Mary-Lynne Loftus ; academic@mcgillpssa.ca Subject: Re: Committee on Norms and Practices: Meeting July 3, @ 1.30pm

Should we send it to the group? Dietlind On 05/07/2018 10:30 AM, Yves Winter, Professor wrote: FYI, in case you haven’t seen this: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/mcgill-university-professor-lawsuit-student-colleague1.4733954

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