October 2015

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October 2015

THE DELL DIRECTORY Your local community magazine & business directory. What’s On • Clubs & Classes • Prize Crossword Monthly Recipe • Book Reviews • Local Businesses

A WORD FROM THE EDITOR Welcome to the October issue of The Dell Directory. October is a great month, I always enjoy celebrating Halloween, joining in with the kids to carve our pumpkins and getting ready for trick-or-treating with friends and family! If you’re looking for something to do this month, please take a look at our What’s On, Clubs and Classes and Library Information pages for

Holyrood Park, Edinburgh Holyrood Edinburgh 11am Sun Sun 11th October 11am October2015 2015 Runfor forfitness, fitness, run run for for charity, charity, run Run run for for fun... fun...just justrun! run!

There’s no pressure, just lots of laughs. The Big Fun Run is all about getting There’s no pressure, just lots of laughs. The Big Fun Run is all about getting involved, having fun and enjoying the whole experience of the day. Get together involved, having fun and enjoying the whole experience of the day. Get together with friends & family (under 5s run for FREE) and do something healthy, raise with friends & family (under 5s run for FREE) and do something healthy, raise money for a worthwhile cause & enjoy the great outdoors! money for a worthwhile cause & enjoy the great outdoors!

something to do. There are a few Halloween events Primary School. I hope you enjoy reading through the magazine,

s! Run for fitneesss! Run for fitnRun for fun! fun! Run for Run for charity! Run for charity!

www.bigfunrun.com 2 Please mention the DELL DIRECTORY when responding to adverts www.bigfunrun.com

ARTWORK & DESIGN ENQUIRIES: Tel: Tony on 07595 711256 Email: tony.haughey@sky.com

COMMUNITY EVENTS/ COMMUNITY NEW ENQUIRIES: Email: dellcommunityevents@gmail.com

there are lots of businesses that can help with your home and garden projects. Thank you for reading The Dell Directory and supporting our local businesses.

NEXT ISSUE DATES: Copy deadline date for November issue: 15th October. Distribution Dates: 2nd, 3rd and 4th November.

Til next month. Ann, Editor.

www.thedelldirectory.co.uk or if you would like to


ADVERTISING & ACCOUNT ENQUIRIES: Tel: Ann on 07843 449 441 Email: thedelldirectoryedinburgh@gmail.com

happening and a local Nearly New Sale at Bonaly

Why not visit our website

Adult: £11.99 Concession £9.99 Under 5 - FREE! Adult: £11.99 Concession £9.99 Under 5 - FREE!


advertise Tel 07843 449 441 or via Email: thedelldirectoryedinburgh@gmail.com

DISTRIBUTION: This magazine is distributed to 4,500 homes in the Colinton and Craiglockhart areas every month. There are 10 issues a year with two joint issues in the Summer (Jul/Aug ) & Winter (Dec/Jan).

Whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsible for loss, damage oromission caused by error in the printing of an advertisement. The Dell Directory does not endorse any advertising material that appears in this publication. Adverts are accepted on the understanding that descriptions of goods and services are fair and accurate. All material is accepted for publication on the understanding that it is copyright free. The Dell Directory accepts no liability for any subsequent copyright issues. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. Publisher: The Dell Directory. Editor: Ann Brydon. Please think of the environment when you have finished reading the magazine and recycle.

The Dell Directory is distributed in the following areas:- Colinton Mains, Dreghorn, Redford, Bonaly, Campbell Park, Woodhall, Torphin, Spylaw, Pentland and Craiglockhart. Copies will also be available at our local Libraries Colinton and Oxgangs and some local shops. If you would like to receive a copy please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can also view the magazine online at www. thedelldirectory.co.uk.

To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441



Edinburgh City Council - www.edinburgh.gov.uk Local Councillors: Colinton/Fairmilehead Elaine Aitken - Conservative – 0131 529 4282 Buckstone Primary, 3rd Monday Term Time 6.30pm Jason Rust - Conservative – 0131 529 4953 Colinton Library, 1st Monday 7pm Richard Lewis - SNP – 0131 529 4974 Bonaly Primary School – 1st Monday every month at 7pm (term time) Oxgangs Library – 3rd Monday every month at 7pm (term time) Colinton Amenity Association www.colinton-amentity.org.uk Colinton Community Council - www.colintoncc.org.uk Firrhill Community Council – www.firrhillcommunitycouncil.btck.co.uk Pentland Community Centre – 0131 445 287 www.edinburgh.gov.uk LEISURE

Edinburgh Leisure – 0131 458 2100 www.edinburghleisure.co.uk MEDICAL

Colinton Pharmacy – 0131 441 2352 Mon-Fri: 9-1pm & 2-5.45pm. Sat: 9-5pm Colinton Mains Pharmacy – 0131 441 3388 Times- Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm. Saturday- 9am- 1pm. Closed daily between 1pm and 2pm. Colinton Surgery – 0131 441 4555 www.colintonsurgery.co.uk - Mon- Fri 8am- 6pm Firrhill Medical Centre – 0131 441 3119 Mon- Fri 8am- 6pm Royal Infirmary – 0131 536 1000 www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk Sick Kids Hospital – 0131 536 0000 www.nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk NHS 24 – 08454 24 24 24 - www.nhs24.com PROPERTY

ESPC – 0131 624 8000 - www.espc.co.uk SAFETY

Association of Scottish Neighbourhood Watches – 01786 450 145, www.aosnw.co.uk Crimestoppers – 0800 555 111



Colinton Post Office – 0131 441 1003 www.postoffice.co.uk Mon- Fri 9am- 5.30pm. Sat 9am- 12.30pm Colinton Mains Post Office – 0131 441 2657 www.postoffice.co.uk Mon- Fri 9am- 5.30pm. Sat 9am- 12.30pm Colinton Library – 0131 529 5603 www.edinburgh.gov.uk Mon, Wed: 1pm-8pm, Tue, Fri 10am-5pm, Sat: 10am-2pm. Sunday: Closed. Oxgangs Library – 0131 529 5549 www.edinburgh.gov.uk Mon, Tues, Wed 10am-8pm. Thurs, Fri Sat 10am- 5pm. Sun- 1-5pm SCHOOLS

Bonaly Primary School – 0131 441 7211 www.bonaly.edin.sch.uk Colinton Primary School – 0131 441 1946 www.colintonprimaryschool.wordpress.com Firrhill High School – 0131 441 4501 www.firrhillhighschool.org.uk Merchiston Castle School – 0131 312 2200 www.merchiston.co.uk Oxgangs Primary School – 0131 441 3649 www.oxgangs.edin.sch.uk St Marks RC Primary School – Tel 0131 441 2948 www.st-marks.edin.sch.uk UTILITIES

01592 800 541

www.destinationjudo.com WEDNESDAY 3.45pm - 6.00pm Craiglockhart Craiglockhart Sports Centre, 177 Colinton Road, Edinburgh Various Classes

Electricity Power Loss – 0845 27 27 999 www.sppowersystems.co.uk Gas Emergency – 0800 111 999 www.nationalgrid.com/uk/gas Scottish Water 24 hours – 0845 600 8855 www.scottishwater.co.uk Cleansing & Special Uplifts – 0131 666 2623 www.edinburgh.gov.uk (environmental health) TRAVEL & TRANSPORT

Train Times and Enquiries – 0845 748 49 50 www.networkrail.co.uk Edinburgh Airport – 0870 040 0007 www.edinburghairport.com Traveline Scotland – 0871 200 22 33 www.travelinescotland.com Lothian Buses – 0131 555 6363 www.lothianbuses.com

Please mention the DELL DIRECTORY when responding to adverts

To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441






Colinton Community Council (Public Meeting) Our next public meeting will be on Tuesday 13th October at 7.00pm in Colinton Bowling Club. All Colinton residents are very welcome to attend. The Agenda and minutes of September meeting can be found at www. colintoncc.org.uk

Botanic Lights – Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh 29 October - 22 November 2015. Experience Four Seasons in Just One Night. The award-winning Botanic Lights is returning this October and November, with a month of magical nights at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh. To book by phone call 0844 573 8455 (open 10am-6pm Mon-Sat, closed Sunday). Tickets are priced £14.00 for adults, £7.00 for children under 16. Family tickets are available from a starting price of £38.00 (available for 5pm -7.30pm sessions).

Baby & Toddler Nearly New Sale – Bonaly Primary School Saturday 24th October from 10am to 12 noon. Bag a bargain, or free your house of all those pre-loved baby and toddler clothes, toys,books and equipment! Refreshments will be available. Pentland Hills Regional Park – Pentlands Archaeology 29 October 2015 meet at Castlelaw Car Park for 10:00am, ends 2pm. A Historical walk, discover the evidence left behind and the stories they tell of life in the Pentlands. Remember to bring sturdy footwear, lunch and waterproofs. Booking is essential and suitable for over 16 year olds. Cost is FREE, for more information visit http://www.pentlandhills.org.

FURTHER A FIELD Alfred Dunhill Links Golf Championships 1st – 4th October, visit The Old Course, St Andrews to see professional golfers compete in the Dunhill Championships. Tickets available on entry or if you prefer to book in advance tickets are available online visit www. europeantour.com

Fairmile Roofing


HALLOWEEN EVENTS Lauriston Castle Sunday 25th October, £6 per person all families welcome all children must be accompanied by an adult. Arrive dressed up for Halloween and explore the castle a host of dastardly experiences await you! To book call 0131 228 1155. Edinburgh Dungeons 9th October – 1st November, known as “The Home of Halloween”, lots of scary fun, storytelling, tricks and treats. To book online visit http://www.thedungeons.com or call 0871 423 2250. Palace of Holyrood House, Canongate EH8 8DX Get ready for Halloween at the Palace of Holyroodhouse. uncover terrifying tales as you go in search of ghoulish gargoyles in the Abbey, investigate a tragic murder, and unearth the mystery behind our resident ghost - former witch, Agnes Sampson. To book call the learning team on 0131 556 5100 or 0131 557 2500.

Traditional & Heritage Roofing Specialists

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0131 445 7787

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Fairmile Roofing


Office: 108/9 Biggar Road, Fairmilehead, EH10 7DU


Do you run a business and are looking to reach new customers? Tell local residents all about you! Advertise with The Dell Directory from only £65.00 for a half page colour or £45.00 mono per issue. Other advert sizes are also available. Delivered monthly to 4,800 homes in the Colinton & Craiglockhart areas. For more information contact: Ann on 07843 449 441 or email thedelldirectoryedinburgh@gmail.com

These details were correct at the time of printing but are subject to change. Please check directly with libraries.


Please mention the DELL DIRECTORY when responding to adverts

To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


Finance What are Your Options when You’re Struggling with Debt? By Ann Haldon Knowing how to deal with debt, and understanding the options available, can relieve some of the pressure when creditors are relentlessly pursuing you for money. A range of formal debt solutions exists in England and Wales that consolidate your debt down to a single monthly payment. Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) An IVA is legally binding and usually lasts for around five years. Your appointed IP will negotiate terms with all unsecured creditors, 75% of whom have to agree to the IVA before it can go ahead. Advantages • Interest and charges are frozen • Creditors cannot chase you for payment • No legal action can be taken against you • Once repaid, your remaining debts are written off Disadvantages • An IVA remains on your credit file for six years from its start date • Your job may be affected • If you miss payments, your creditors may enforce bankruptcy • Costs for an IVA can be high, often around £4,000, and form part of your monthly instalment Debt Relief Order (DRO) Debt Relief Orders are intended for people with minimal assets and a low income. They offer relief from creditor pressure for a period of time, generally 12


months, and are negotiated on your behalf by a licensed IP. Advantages • You do not have to make any repayments to the debts included in the Debt Relief Order for a fixed period of time – usually one year • Your creditors cannot pursue you for debt during this time • All debts included in the DRO are written off if your circumstances have not improved at the end of the term Disadvantages • Interest and charges continue to be added • A Debt Relief Order remains on your credit file for six years • It may affect your job if you work in the legal or financial sectors, the police or prison service Debt Management Plan (DMP) A Debt Management Plan is not legally binding and involves paying back all of your debt, but over a longer period of time. None of the debt will be written off at the end of the term, and your DMP provider will deal with creditors on your behalf. Advantages • Your DMP provider will deal with creditors on your behalf • You are able to repay your debts in full, which may have less impact on your credit file • You make a single consolidated payment to cover the debts included in the plan

Disadvantages • Interest and charges may be added • It still has an effect on your credit file, even though you are not writing off any debt • If you don’t keep up repayments, you may be forced into bankruptcy Bankruptcy As a measure of last resort, bankruptcy writes off your debt and allows you to start again. It usually lasts for one year, after which time you will be discharged and can begin to rebuild your credit rating. Advantages • All debts are written off • There is no more creditor pressure • You can start afresh financially Disadvantages • You will lose your home and other assets • Your job may be affected • Bankruptcy will have a serious adverse effect on your credit file Factors including whether you have a regular income, your line of work, total level of debt and assets, all have an influence on which of these solutions would be most appropriate. https://www.gov.uk/options-forpaying-off-your-debts/individualvoluntary-arrangements http://www.stepchange.org/ Debtinformationandadvice/ Debtsolutions/Individualvoluntary arrangement.aspx

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HAVING TROUBLE SAVING? NEED TO BUDGET FOR THAT CAR REPAIR? WANT BETTER CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCES? Free money management course at Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre, Thursday 8th, 15th & 22nd October 2015. 7.30pm – 9pm WHAT IS IT? The money management course is for everyone; a three session free course to allow you to control your money. Learn a simple system to allow you to budget, save and plan for the future. To register on a course or for further information email – cap@stjohnscolintonmains.co.uk or phone – 07968 546371

HOW CAP CAN HELP... BUILDING A BALANCED BUDGET: Building a workable budget is vital in taking control of your money. It will help you see exactly what you are spending, how you could save money and prioritise your spending to include the things you really need to want to do. THE CAP MONEY SYSTEM: The CAP Money System will give you a practical way of sticking to your budget.

The system uses three accounts, so you can make sure your money is going towards the things you planned for in your budget. USING CASH: Using cash for your everyday living expenses is counter-cultural, but has many advantages. It’s a powerful tool to enable you to stick to your weekly budget for food and living costs. After all – when it’s gone, it’s gone! Cash enables you to see exactly where you are with your money at all times and adds more value to what you buy.

Courses will be available throughout the year so please contact us if the advertised dates are not suitable or look online at www.capmoney.org for other courses in the city. This course is run by St Johns Colinton Mains Church in conjunction with Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre.

www.capmoney.org To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


For all your exterior pressure washing requirements Please visit the Gallery page on our website for some recent local before and after pictures of our work. FREE full site survey with detailed, no obligation, written quotation. Gavin Cowan

07970 845 909 (0131) 316 4395



24 Bridge Road Colinton EH13 0LQ

The Importance of your Hearing 865,500 people in Scotland have a hearing loss, which is 16% of the population. On average it takes someone with a hearing loss around 10 years to do something about it Katie and Martin know a lot about ears, with over 35 years’ experience between them. They run their own private hearing practice in Corstorphine, and are available to give you the very best independent advice on your hearing. You can rest assured that you will receive a five star service.

The invisible solution

“People tend to forget about getting their hearing checked, it’s a poor third behind eyes and teeth! Hearing loss happens in our ears, but affects many different aspects of our lives, for instance statistics show that people with a hearing loss tend to retire earlier. There is also a lot of discussion around new evidence which suggests that untreated hearing loss increases a person’s likelihood to develop dementia. We hear with our ears, but our brains understand speech, so to get a clear picture of a person’s complete auditory system, we include speech testing in our comprehensive assessments."

Our Services

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Tel: 0131 477 7447 or Freephone: 0800 953 0356 Fax: 0131 477 7448 Email: info@dsykeselectrical.co.uk Web: www.dsykeselectrical.co.uk

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Complimentary, comprehensive hearing assessments Professional wax removal using microsuction 30 day, home trials of the most advanced, discreet hearing solutions Informative talks to community groups

Trust your hearing to us call...

0131 629 1819 www.edinburghhearingpractice.co.uk

201 St John’s Road, Corstorphine, Edinburgh EH12 7UU

To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


The door is now open to a very personal and pro-active property letting service Edinburgh’s Best Letting Agent derekgibb.co.uk | info@derekgibb.co.uk | 0131 662 1883

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We offer a complete decorating service. All our tradesmen have City & Guilds and are fully insured.

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Maccabe Ltd, 30 Kekewich Avenue EH7 6TY. www.scottfindlay.co.uk


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To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


LIBRARY INFORMATION OXGANGS LIBRARY 343 Oxgangs Road North, Edinburgh, EH13 9LY. Tel: 0131 529 5549 OUR OPENING TIMES: Mon-Wed 10am to 8pm Thurs-Sat 10am to 5pm

LIBRARY EVENTS: SHARE A-STORY For ages 3 – 5. Mondays 10.30 – 11am LearnIT computer course for beginners Mondays 2pm- 4pm(Contact library for more info) BASIC COMPUTING HELP DROP-IN Thursdays at 4pm GLITZLIT TEEN GIRLS GROUP Mondays 6pm- 7pm (phone for details) CHATTERBOOKS books, fun and snacks for ages 8 – 11, fortnightly. Tuesdays 4 - 5 (phone for details) LEVELUP gaming and reading for teen boys, fortnightly Tuesdays 6 – 7pm BOOK GROUPS 1st Wed of the month 10.15 – 11.00am and 6.30 – 7.30pm (contact library for details) VISUALLY IMPAIRED BOOKGROUP 1st Tuesday of the month (contact the library for details) BOOKBUG RHYMETIME SESSIONS 0 – 3 years plus parents/carers, alternate Wednesdays as follows: 20th June, 3rd and 17th July 1st, 15th and Friday and Saturday YAP ‘N’ YARN Tuesdays 10.30am – 12.00noon CRAFTY FRIDAYS ages 4 – 11 plus parents/carers 2.30 – 3.30pm

TIGER TALES STORY AND CRAFT SESSIONS ages 4 – 8 and their parents/carers – every 2nd Saturday 2.30 – 3.15

COMMUNITY EVENTS: SCOTTISH SLIMMERS Mondays 5.30pm-7pm and Tuesdays 10.30am-12.00noon SMOKING CESSATION GROUP Wednesdays 6.15pm-7.45pm BREASTFEEDING CAFÉ Wednesdays 1.30pm - 2.30pm BABY MASSAGE Thursdays 10.30am - 12.00noon MONEY ADVICE SURGERY (CHAI) Fortnightly on Thursdays 10.00 – 11.00 drop-in 11.00am - 12.00noon appointments

COLINTON LIBRARY 14 Thorburn Road, Edinburgh, EH13 0BQ. Tel: 0131 529 5603 OUR OPENING TIMES: Monday 1pm - 8pm Tuesday 10am - 5pm Friday 10am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 2pm

LIBRARY EVENTS: BOOKBUGS Three times a week Tuesday 14:15-14:45 Friday 10:30-11:00 and Saturday 10:30-11:00. TIGERTALES Starting on Sat 6th June at 11:00-11:30 story and crafts for 4-8yr olds. It will be on the first Sat of the month. LEARN IT every Wednesday afternoon 14:00-15:30.

Wednesday 1pm - 8pm

Thursday closed

ADULT BOOKGROUPS Last Tuesday of the month 14:00-15:00 and the last Wednesday of the month 18:3019:30. JUNIOR BOOKGROUP Over 10s on the first Tuesday of the month at 15:45-16:30 CHATTERBOOKS Reading group for 8-12 yr olds on the third Tuesday of the Month. CRAFTS EVERY FRIDAY 5-12yr olds 15:30-16:30.

RENT SURGERY Thursdays 2pm - 4pm by appointment POLICE SCOTLAND DROP-IN SERVICE Wednesdays 5 -6pm COUNCILLORS SURGERIES: JASON RUST 1st Monday of the month 6.30 pm RICHARD LEWIS 3rd Monday of the month 6.30pm ELAINE AITKEN JOINT SURGERY WITH LOCAL POLICE 1st Tuesday of the month 6.15pm LOOPS (LOCAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR OLDER PEOPLE) Tuesdays 10am – 12.00noon HOUSEBOUND AND LIBRARY SERVICES AVAILABLE - contact library for details

These details were correct at the time of printing but are subject to change. Please check directly with libraries.


Please mention the DELL DIRECTORY when responding to adverts

To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441




We are proud to be Scotland’s 1st Which? Trusted Trader! At the heart of Which? Trusted Traders is an endorsement scheme. It recognises reputable and trustworthy traders who successfully pass the Which? assessment process.

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We achieved our prestigious reputation as one of Scotland’s premier roofing companies who always completes the job on time, to the highest standards possible, with the best materials supplied and to within the client’s estimated budget. We work daily throughout the city with customers ranging from private homeowners to big businesses and large housing associations. Call us today for your free estimate. No job is too big or too small.

0131 6 67 0 6 0 9 info@edinburghroofingservices.com www.edinburghroofingservices.com 58 Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 2NH



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To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


Vision On


The best tech for watching TV

!! RECOMMENDED BY SONY CENTER EDINBURGH !! It’s hard to imagine now, but a twelve-inch TV with four channels was pretty hot stuff not so long ago. Today, of course, we have TVs as big as some houses’ walls, and more things to watch on them than ever before. But what tech actually makes your viewing better? There are two kinds of technology to think about here. There’s the technology in the screen and the speakers, and there’s the technology that you can connect to a TV to add more options. Despite the hype it seems that 3D TV is dead: the technology never took off, probably because nobody wanted to wear daft glasses all the time. Manufacturers still want to sell us stuff, though, so their latest wheeze is 4K TV, also known as Ultra HD. 4K TVs can display four times more pixels than HD TVs, and the result should be a dramatically improved picture. That’s the theory, but what the manufacturers don’t tell you is that in a typical home, you won’t get the benefit: on screens smaller than about 55 inches, unless you sit with your nose on the screen you’ll be hard pushed to see any difference. There’s also precious little 4K content available just now: none


of the UK broadcasters offer 4K programming. Manufacturers are also experimenting with shapes, and some firms are now offering curved TVs. The intention is to deliver a more involving experience - like IMAX does compared to normal cinemas - but curved screens need you to sit right in the middle to get the full effect, which means they aren’t ideal for family viewing unless you’ll all sit in each other’s laps. The best TVs around just now are LED HD TVs. The LED bit refers to the way they’re lit: by using ultra-low power LED lights, LED TVs use much less energy than other flat screens. If you’re in the market for a new TV, don’t forget about sound. Modern TVs’ ultra-slim cases don’t have enough room for good speakers, so most flatscreen TVs sound awfully tinny: many of them sound like you’re watching TV on a laptop. It’s worth investing in a soundbar - a long speaker bar that’s designed to sit under the TV and add oomph - or an audiovisual amplifier and speakers if you like your programmes loud. You’ll find that many TVs today are “smart TVs”, which means

they can connect to the internet and access services such as Netflix or Amazon Prime Instant Video (at a cost: Netflix and Amazon are subscription services) plus YouTube and catch-up services such as BBC iPlayer. If you’d like to have the same services on an existing TV there are several inexpensive ways to do it, provided your TV has a spare HDMI socket (most relatively recent ones should do) and you have a Wi-Fi network to connect to. Google’s £30 Chromecast and Amazon’s £35 Fire TV Stick both deliver catch-up TV and Netflix over the internet (Amazon’s box also offers Amazon video), while Sky’s Now TV (£20) doesn’t have Netflix but does deliver catch-up services such as iPlayer. And if you’re an Apple fan, the £57 Apple TV adds Netflix, YouTube, Apple Music and iTunes videos and video rentals - although be careful if you’re considering buying one, as we’re expecting a brand new version to be released any day now. Images left to right: Samsung curved Smart TV; Hitachi soundbar; Google Chromecast TV adaptor; Amazon Fire TV Stick

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KINNEAR AERIALS 0131 441 4618 TEXT 07779 068258 E: kinnear.aerials@blueyonder.co.uk 51 Bonaly Crescent Edinburgh

Computer Help!

Your Local Friendly Computer Expert        

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Please call for info on Web design and Tutoring

Call Colin on: 0131 441 7764 or 07948 350 577 www.colintonpcs.co.uk To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441



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COLINTON HAIR DESIGN LADIES, GENTS & CHILDREN WELCOME Now specialising in the latest technology of 100% human hair extensions. Fusion, Micro ring & Nano ring. Free consultations available. 4a Bridge Road, Colinton Village, Edinburgh EH13 0LF. 0131 441 4471


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We provide regular vetted cleaners and other domestic services

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Ovensmartz Specialist Oven Cleaning Residential & Commercial Your Local Independant Oven Cleaning Specialist Ovensmartz provides a first class service at realistic prices and no VAT. We only use non-toxic, environmentally safe solutions. We also clean Hobs, Aga’s, Ranges, Cooker Hoods/Extractors, Microwaves, and Fridge/Freezers.

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www.ovensmartz.co.uk info@ovensmartz.co.uk To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


ABSOLUTE UPHOLSTERY How do you choose to travel?

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50 Relugas Place, Edinburgh, EH9 2PY



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Have you ever noticed there’s always at least one person at a wedding with plenty to say, even if they’re not making a speech? Unless the wedding present list included ‘snarky’, avoid these shockers... “Some people can’t get away with wearing ‘off white’, but it really suits her.” “It’s lovely to see those young children letting off steam...without supervision...and with no concept of personal boundaries.” “It’s only natural that the bride’s mother has shed a few tears - after all, she’s paying for all this because his family are potless.”

“Here comes the blushing bride - and the way I heard it she’s got plenty to blush about.” “I think it’s his family that are trying to empty the free bar, while her family are the ones putting food in their bags. Or it could be the other way around.” “I didn’t go the traditional route with wedding presents. I pre-booked them six sessions of marriage guidance counselling.” “Apparently they chose this church because they’re both very religious. Plus they had the christening of the twins and their eldest here last year.” “They don’t usually let dogs into a church, but this is a police sniffer dog. And he’s working.” “Something old - the groom’s suit; something new - fidelity; something borrowed - the overdraft for the honeymoon; something blue - the best man’s speech.” “The best man’s speech was a tour-de-false.” “I said to one of the bridesmaids, ‘It’ll be your turn next,’ and she burst into tears. Turns out she’s the one that he dumped for the bride.” By Derek Thompson www.alongthewritelines.blogspot.co.uk

To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


CLUBS & CLASSES EXERCISE & FITNESS AND CHILDRENS GROUPS Colinton Lawn Tennis Club 10 Westgarth Avenue. Tel: 0131 441 1052 or 07779 010577 www.colintonltc.org.uk Colinton Bowling Club 49a Redford Road. Contact: 0131 441 2964 www.colintonbowlingclub.org.uk Colinton Mains Bowling Club 221 Oxgangs Road North (next to Colinton Mains Park). Outdoor bowling, adults and juniors (age 9-16), April-September. Dominoes and Whist off-season. Contact: 0131-477 4400 Gentle yoga For people living with health conditions Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre, Thursdays 3.30-4.30pm. Contact Joanna on 07436102726 or Joanna@kiccactive.org.uk Badminton Club Monday 8pm-10pm. Sept- March. Contact: Archie Clark on 0131 449 4703. Location: St Cuthberts Church Hall. Westgarth Av. Scottish Dancing Alternate Thursdays. 7.45pm- 9.15pm Sept- March. Contact: Ann Dean on 0131 441 3729. Location: St Cuthberts Church Hall. Westgarth Av. StableRoom Playgroups Happy and stimulating playgroups from 2-5 years old. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Colinton Parish Church. 9.15am- 11.45am. Term Time. Contact: 0131 477 9494 Email: stableroom@hotmail.co.uk StableRoom Baby and Toddler Group Thursdays 9.30 - 11.30am (during term time) at Colinton Parish Church, Dell Rd. Contact Tracey on 07813 123803 or Joanne on 07880 708706 Zumba Fitness Classes For details go to: www.progressfitness.co.uk Fitness classes in Colinton Including Zumba, Yoga and Pilates Please go to www.progressfitness.co.uk for more information.

Colinton Baby & Toddler Group St Cuthberts Church Hall, Westgarth Avenue. Mon 9.30-11.15am during term time. www.colintontoddlers.co.uk or contact colintonbabyandtoddlergroup@yahoo.co.uk Happy Faces Toddler Group Every Tuesday morning during term time – 9.30-11.30am. £1 admission. Drop in. Colinton Parish Church. Contact Stephanie Miller on 07731 001 018. COMPLEMENTARY FITNESS CLASSES www.complementaryfitness.co.uk Fitness Pilates – Tuesdays 7.30PM Join us if you’re ready to/continue to strengthen your core, improve strength and posture. Classes in Craiglockhart Parish Church Hall, Craiglockhart Drive North, Edinburgh Resistance Training Workout – Wednesdays 9.30AM Classes in Dreghorn Loan Church Hall, Dreghorn Loan, Colinton, Edinburgh. Wear trainers, bring your resistance band, hand weights, mat and water, work out with us and improve your fitness, strength, metabolism etc. New! Fitness Yoga Classes – Thursdays 6.35PM Improve core, strength, balance and flexibility. Fitness Pilates – Thursdays 7.30PM A 6 week block to help you firm up, tone, strengthen, lengthen and improve core muscles, book your place/ come and join us. Freestyle Fitness Yoga Stretch – Friday 9.30AM To help you improve your core, strength, posture, balance + flexibility. Stretch, improve and enjoy. Pentland Kindergym Mon-Thurs: 1st class 9.30am-10.15, 2nd class 10.30-11.15. Ages, birth to pre- school. £2.50 (siblings) £1.25. Soft play with parents and sing song time! Contact: adelebrownless@blueyonder.co.uk. Or Pentland community centre tel: 0131 445 2871

SOCIAL, LOCAL INTEREST & OTHER Friendly Bridge Colinton Cottage Homes. Every Tuesday. 2-4pm. Contact: Ken McLeod on Tel 0131 466 0888 Colinton Garden Club Meets 4th Monday of every month. Dreghorn Loan Hall 8.00pm. September to April. Email: membership@colintongardens.org.uk www.colintongardens.org.uk Colinton Amateur Orchestral Society Meets Tuesday 7.30pm- 9.30pm. Location: St Cuthberts Church Hall. Westgarth Av. Email: secretary@colintonorchestra.org.uk Colinton Townswomen Meets 2nd Thursday of every month from 2-4pm Location: St. Cuthberts Church, Westgarth Avenue. Contact: Ann Gordon Tel: 0131 441 1600.

Morningside & Newington Floral Art Club Looking to do something new for autumn/winter? Come along & enjoy relaxing evenings watching a floral demonstration with lively & interesting chat. You might even win one of the arrangements.Boroughmuir Rugby Football Club, Meggetland off Colinton Road EH14 1AS, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm approx on the 1st Monday of each month. Wine/tea/coffee available. Colinton Literary Society The “Lit” meet Wednesdays (Oct-Mar) at 8pm. Location: Dreghorn Loan Hall Contact: A nn-Marie West 0131 446 0150 Crafty Cooks Cooking Lessons for Children Classes held in Pentland Community Centre, Oxgangs Brae, Edinburgh. Mondays at 2.30pm (and 3.45pm after school class for primary aged school children), Thursdays at 10.15am (45 mins – 1 hour for per class). For more information contact Judith on 07891 743684 or visit our website on www.craftycooks.co.uk Morningside & Newington Floral Art Meet 1st Monday of the month 7.30pm-9.15pm. Boroughmuir Rugby Club (off Colinton Road.) Contact Joyce Rutherford on 0131 443 2536

Colinton Local History Society Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 8pm. Amusing and Educational Speaker Programme. Location: Dreghorn Loan Hall Contact: Bob Bell on 0131 441 4915

Military Wives Choir April - June. Free- no audition! Tues 6pm - 7.30pm. Dreghorn Barracks Band Block. Tel 0131 310 2876 or email: edinburghmwc@gmail.com

Colinton Singing Group “MOSTLY MADRIGALS” We are a small group who sing for pleasure fortnightly on Wednesday evenings. We currently have vacancies for Sopranos. Contact Sonia Duffy on 0131 441 7434.

Edinburgh Popular Music Choir - Now Recruiting! No experience needed. Need both men and women ages 18-80! Choir office Morningside School of Music 138 Comiston Road. Tel 0131 447 1117 Email: linda@polarflamemusic.com

DO YOU RUN A CLUB OR A CLASS? AND WOULD YOU LIKE TO LET MORE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT IT? Send the details of your club or class to Ann at thedelldirectoryedinburgh@gmail.com Remember to put what the Club or Class is, dates and times and where it can be found and off course any contact details. The Dell Directory is delivered monthly to 4,800 homes in the Colinton & Craiglockhart areas.

For more information contact: Ann on 07843 449 441 or email thedelldirectoryedinburgh@gmail.com 24

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PLUMBING REPAIRS Showers New Taps Storage Tanks Leaking Toilets Burst Pipes Outside Taps Fitted New Installations

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Colinton Building Services carries out all aspects of general building and renovation work OUR SERVICES Our company provides the following services. • House Extensions • Conservatories • Brick and Stone Walls • Attic Conversions • Garages • Driveways • Renovation work • Kitchens • Slabbing • Landscaping • Decking • Decoration Quality work at a Reasonable Price

Call for a FREE estimate or advice 0131 478 9359, 07714 951 810


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Plastering & Roofing By Martin Scott

Plastering & Tiling


Water damaged ceilings Walls renewed All cement work Harling & Roughcast Tiling - walls and floors

Flat roof specialists Slating, tiling, rones & gutters Chimney work Ridges renewed VELUX Windows

Insurance work welcome 24hr Service for Emergencies Mobile: 07709 469 465 Tel: 01383 841 366/ 0131 653 2043 www.martin-scott.org.uk M&M PLUMBING

217 Colinton Mains Road, Edinburgh EH13 9BT HIGH STANDARD WORK - bathroom and kitchen installation - heating installation and service - unvented cylinders and boilers - service new and existing plumbing work SMALL WORK WELCOME,FREE ADVICE Tel: 0131 478 6472 Mob: 07830497117 E-mail: mm03plumbing@gmail.com

THE ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE A self help method to restore natrual balance/ease of movement and improve posture. Effective in relieving back pain, neck/shoulder tension and headaches, stress related problems and general fatigue. Also eases movement after replacement hip/knee operations Lessons with STAT qualified teacher. Introductory lessons cost only £15.00. For futher information or to book an apointment telephone: 0131 441 7401. 8 Bonaly Avenue, Colinton, Edinburgh EH13 0ET


LOOKING FOR A SMALLER ADVERT? Advertise here from only £36.00 for 2 months. Mono and Colour options available.

For further information on prices call Ann on 07843 449 441

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Dog Coats: Necessity, Not a Fashion Statement. When it comes to fashion for dogs, you may scoff at the thought of your pet wearing the latest designer polo neck or woolly jumper. Traditional dog coats have been around for a long time, however, and are an essential item in a dog’s wardrobe. When your dog gets wet, although its

coat has some waterrepellent qualities,


it still takes a long time to dry, which makes the dog susceptible to colds and chills and puts a strain on its immune system. The right choice of dog coat will depend on a number of factors, including: • The size of your dog

of its tail will help you decide on the right size, although most coats of this type are adjustable. Fleece linings will keep your dog cosy, with some having a ‘hood’ or a collar that is lifted over the dog’s head and neck, offering extra protection from the elements.

• Your budget

As far as material goes, microfibre has become a popular choice for dog owners as it offers their pet • Whether the dog jumps into warmth, water-resistance and windproofing. Quilted and water, or if it is a hunting padded coats are often bulky, dog and although they are warm, Measuring from the base of may be restrictive to wear. the dog’s neck to the base By Ann Haldon • Whether you want a single waterproof coat or one with a separate fleece

To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


Professional Haircare Shop

Tues Students & Seniors Discount 20% Free on Street Parking Available Ladies, Gents and Kids Welcome Free WIFI Online booking


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Special Offer

Colinton Private Nursery for children aged 3 months to 5 years

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Part and full-time places available Experienced and Qualified staff Private garden and secure outdoor play area, well equiped to provide a stimulating and play learning environment For further information or to arrange a visit please telephone Judith McGuigan on 0131 477 7330

22 Dreghorn Loan, Edinburgh EH13 0DE

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Fun Weekend for boys aged 6-12 Saturday 7 November and Sunday 8 November 2015 0131 312 2201 www.merchiston.co.uk A Boarding and Day School for Boys aged 7-18 Merchiston Castle School, Colinton Road, Edinburgh, EH13 0PU, Scotland Recognised by the Inland Revenue as a Charity, number SC016580

To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


Leaf Litter by Pippa Greenwood

Are you surrounded, engulfed and swamped with huge quantities of fallen leaves? Whether they come from trees in your own garden or from a neighbour, the deluge of leaves that falls in autumn is often enough to get level headed, tree-loving gardeners eyeing up chainsaws! Leaves that are allowed to build up can cause problems - on the lawn they smother the turf grasses, often causing patches of die back, largely due to lack of light and oxygen. If the crowns of the less tough herbaceous perennials or alpines are covered in leaves, they too start to deteriorate. So, like it or not, you need to do something - the sooner the better! A spring-tined rake is perfect for raking leaves off the lawn, and can even work quite well on a gravel drive. If you have a lot of lawn or a lot of leaves then the easiest way to deal with them is to mow the lawn. Provided you keep the hopper or grass-collector on the mower, when you empty it out you’ll have a fantastic mix of grass clippings and chopped leaves. On beds and borders you can pick by hand, or you could invest in a leaf vacuum or a leaf blower (and this can be


used on most drives and paths, and lawns too). After collecting the leaves, make leaf mould. It is easy and makes a fantastic soil mulch or conditioner…for free! Leaves are best rotted down on their own (they take longer to decompose than the rest of the stuff in your compost heap and need less air and warmth), so make yourself a simple and inexpensive leaf mould bin. Just drive four stakes into the ground to make the corners of a square, and then attach chicken mesh around the outside to make a cage. Stack the leaves in, tread or firm them, add some water if they are dry, then more water if the weather remains dry…and then leave them be. Chop up larger or tougher leaves (like horse chestnut) first so they rot down much faster - either mow them with the lawnmower or ‘chop’ them with a sharp spade. Avoid very spiky leaves, and those that are very leathery and tough - mainly evergreens such as holly, laurel and camellia, or those from sycamore and plane. You can speed the process up by adding a leaf mould activator, which is available from garden centres.

You can also make leaf mould in a bin liner or other bag. Choose a good quality bin liner and cram it full of leaves, again adding water and/or activator if you wish. Then stab a few holes in the bag with a garden fork, loosely fold over the top and weigh it down with a brick. Bin liners full of leaves can be hidden anywhere that you have the space - perhaps behind the shed, garage or greenhouse. If you don’t like the idea of black plastic, then there are now some lovely jute mesh bags which can be crammed full of leaves and act as a perfect container whilst the leaf mould is forming, but will eventually rot down and add to the useful material you produce. You can see these on my website www.pippagreenwood.com/ products. Whichever method you use you should have a useable product in 12-18 months, but leave it a bit longer and it will be even better! Visit Pippa’s website www. pippagreenwood.com for gorgeous gardening things including the unique ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ - you choose the vegetables you’d like to grow and Pippa sends garden-ready plants as well as weekly advice and tips emails to you. Plus Nemaslug, signed books, jute composting bags and lots more besides.

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RKB Home & Garden All internal & external work carried out, Including

We currently look after 450 gardens. We’d love to look after yours.

Painting & Decorating Plumbing, Electrical & Joinery repairs Silicon showers & worktops etc Fencing, Decking & Garden Maintenance and more... Free Estimates Based in Colinton over 10 years

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Call Ross Thomson Mobile: 07732 183 461 Tel: 0131 441 5971

To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


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ENTER THE PRIZE CROSSWORD £20 Closing date 1st November 2015. Please complete and send your full name, address and telephone number to: The Dell Directory, 7 Firrhill Crescent, Edinburgh EH13 9DT or email your answers to thedelldirectoryedinburgh@gmail.com

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To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441




CVE Group’s annual winter fair, Christmas on the Corner, is scheduled to take place on the evening of Wednesday, December 9th and for the first time it will (mostly) be held indoors in The Swing Café of Colinton Parish Church, Dell Road. WE WILL BE CELEBRATING THE EVENT’S 5TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY!

Santa will of course be visiting Colinton. We will witness his arrival by sleigh, accompanied by REAL, LIVE REINDEER (of course!) as they make their special journey along Spylaw Street. Please attend this event and help us spread both Christmas and community cheer – you can expect live musical performances with mulled wine, hot cider and tasty refreshments. You might even win a prize at CVE’s tombola! Remember to be good so that you can enjoy a not-to-be missed opportunity to meet and greet Santa, Mrs. Claus, their elf helpers and a wee HERD OF REINDEER!

For further details on this event and CVE Group’s various projects, please visit our website:

www.colintonvillage.com 38

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Dell Directory



In October, nature puts on a magnificent show for us to wonder at, as the trees shed their leaves in glorious Technicolor. As the nights draw in and the ‘Fall’ is upon us, snuggle up with a good book about those silent giants standing guard in the garden. Eucalyptus - Murray Bail Written by an Australian author this is a modern fairy tale about the widower Holland and his beautiful daughter, Ellen. She, along with his vast collection of eucalyptus trees are his two most prized possessions and when Ellen turns nineteen, Holland reveals that he will permit her to marry the man who can successfully identify all the varieties of gum trees on his property. Of course, Ellen’s not too pleased with the plan, and doesn’t think much of all the suitors who show up at the estate. That is, until a mysterious stranger appears and her curiosity suddenly gets the better of her. The Lie Tree - Frances Hardinge Faith’s father is found dead, and under mysterious circumstances, leaving Faith determined to get to the bottom of what happened. What she finds is a set of drawings that lead her to a strange tree that seems to flourish and grow when lies are whispered to it, and there are plenty of mistruths to go around in this tiny island community. The Lie Tree’s fruits bear hidden secrets and Faith will have her work cut out to try and separate the truth from the poisonous fiction. Just don’t believe everything you read.


Snow Falling on Cedars David Guterson Set in the remote and isolated Puget Sound in America’s Pacific Northwest, Snow Falling on Cedars is the story of a remote community rocked by the murder of a local fisherman. San Piedro Island is not the sort of place you want to make enemies, and when JapaneseAmerican, Kabuo Miyamoto is accused, it becomes clear that among the beautiful and dense cedars lies a painful history. It’s a wonderfully atmospheric book that’s full of suspense and tragedy. A great read for a wet autumnal day. Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation - Lynne Truss This might be cheating a little, and it’s not strictly about trees or leaves, but it is about branches of English grammar and the panda of the title that’s getting a bad rap because of some dodgy punctuation. Never again will we be afraid to use colons and semicolons but thanks to Truss, we will embrace them. This book is a mustread for anyone who has ever felt frustrated by unnecessary commas on menus; for anyone who has shuddered when the incorrect ‘your’ is used by a friend or colleague in an email; for anyone for whom standing in the queue at the ‘ten items or



Covering Clackmannanshire, Edinburgh, Fife, the Lothian's and Perth & Kinross

New Name, same great service! Alba Oven Cleaning is now part of The Clean Team

A small family run business with an established customer base. • House Cleaning • Commercial Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning

The Giving Tree - Shel Silverstein A boy grows up and the Giving Tree gives all that she has to help raise him. At first he climbs and plays on her trunk. When he, known only as ‘Boy’ turns into a teenager he needs some money and so the tree suggests that he pick and sell her apples. And so this relationship between the two of them continues, right into the old man’s dotage. Each time the tree helps Boy we are told, “And the tree was happy”. It’s an enchanting story to read to children, or simply to treasure for yourself.

Regular cleaning & special occassions catered for.

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We offer a professional cleaning service for your oven, range cooker, hob, BBQ, microwave oven or extractor unit. Our process removes all traces of grease and burnt on carbon from the interior and exterior including all stainless steel racks and doors.

• Ironing

less’ (FEWER!) checkout in the supermarket is simply torture. Read, digest and enjoy.

The Faraway Tree - Enid Blyton The Magic Faraway Tree is actually the second story in Enid Blyton’s series, coming after The Enchanted Wood, and is much-loved by children and adults the world over. Joe, Beth and Frannie have moved into to a new house and they discover this fantastic place that is right on their doorstep. They quickly make friends with Moonface, Saucepan Man and Silky the fairy and are transported to different lands and places. The series is a cult classic and it’s like a big bear hug on a chilly October evening.

Home Oven Cleaning Service

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We use low odour, water based products that achieve a deep clean simply not obtainable with high street products.

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Covering Clackmannanshire, Edinburgh, Fife, the Lothian's and Perth & Kinross

Spring Cleaning time! The bad news is its that time of year again. The good news is we can help! We offer a professional cleaning service for your oven, range cooker, hob, BBQ, microwave oven or extractor unit. Our process removes all traces of grease and burnt on carbon from the interior and exterior including all stainless steel racks and doors. Give us a call and leave the rest to us.

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To this 41

Recipes/Food Notes

Cake and Bake Makes 16

Ready in 1hr plus cooling

Chinese Roast Pork Ready in 1hr 30 minutes, plus marinating

Serves 4

Halloween Macaroons

Chinese Roast Pork With Vegetable Fried Rice

For the ultimate Halloween sweet treat why not have a go at making a batch of French Macaroons?.



• 230g icing sugar, sifted • 75g ground almonds • 2 large egg whites


• 50g caster sugar • Orange and black food colouring gel


• 55g unsalted butter, softened • � tsp vanilla extract


Makes 16 Ready in 1 hour, plus cooling

TIP The filled macaroons will keep in an airtight box in the fridge for 2-3 days. Stand at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving.





Place half the icing sugar and all the ground almonds in a food processor and process for 30 seconds, or until fine and powdery. Sift the mixture into a mixing bowl, discarding any tiny pieces of almonds left in the sieve. Set aside. Whisk the egg whites in a large bowl until softly peaking. Gradually whisk in the caster sugar, to make a firm and glossy meringue. Whisk in enough of the orange food colouring gel to colour the meringue deep orange. Fold one third of the icing sugar mixture into the meringue using a spatula. Repeat with another third of the mixture. Finally add the last third and continue to cut and fold the mixture until it forms a shiny and thick batter that falls in a slow ribbon when the spatula is lifted. Line 2 large baking sheets with baking paper. Spoon the mixture into a large piping bag fitted with a 1cm plain piping nozzle. Pipe 32 discs of the mixture onto the baking sheets, each with a diameter of 3cm. Lift the nozzle at the top of half the piped discs to create a small point. Leave for 30 minutes to allow the macaroons to dry and form a slight crust. Preheat the oven to 160°C / Fan 140°C / Gas Mark 3. Bake, one sheet at a time for 10-15 minutes, or until the macaroons have a crisp shell and the frilly bases don’t stick when gently lifted from the paper. Leave on the baking sheets for 10 minutes, then carefully transfer to a wire cooling rack to cool completely. To decorate, dip the tip of a fine paintbrush into the black food colouring gel and paint pumpkin faces on the 16 pointed macaroons. To make the filling, beat the butter, remaining icing sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl until smooth and creamy. Place all the undecorated macaroon shells flat-side up on a board. Pipe a small mound of the buttercream onto each shell then gently sandwich together with a decorated shell, pressing down gently.

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Lean and tender pork fillet (also called tenderloin) is a great cut of meat for family suppers as it cooks fairly quickly and slices beautifully.

Ingredients: • 500g pork fillet (also called pork tenderloin) • 3 tbsp hoi sin sauce • 3 tbsp soy sauce • 225g easy cook long grain rice • 2 tsp vegetable oil • 2 carrots, peeled and diced • � red pepper, deseeded and diced • 6 spring onions, trimmed and chopped • 4 tbsp tinned sweetcorn kernels, drained • 50g frozen peas, thawed • 1 large egg, beaten

TIP You can add a bit of extra heat to the marinade with a finely chopped red chilli pepper or a few crushed dried chilli flakes, if liked.

Place the pork fillet in a shallow dish. Mix together the hoi sin sauce and 1 tbsp of the soy sauce and spread over the pork fillet. Cover and leave to marinate in the fridge for 1-2 hours. Remove from the fridge and stand at room temperature for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200°C / Fan 180°C / Gas Mark 6. Place the pork fillet on a rack set over a roasting tin. Pour 600ml water into the base of the tin (this helps to keep the pork moist during cooking). Roast in the oven for 35-40 minutes until just cooked through. Cover with foil and leave to rest in a warm place for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the rice in a large pan of boiling, salted water for 8-10 minutes until just tender. Drain well. Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok and fry the carrots for 5 minutes. Add the pepper, spring onions, peas and sweetcorn and cook for a further 2-3 minutes. Stir in the cooked rice and beaten egg and cook over a high heat, stirring all the time, for 1-2 minutes, or until the rice is piping hot and the egg has just set. Stir in the remaining soy sauce and season with freshly ground black pepper. Use a sharp knife to slice the pork fillet and serve on a bed of the hot vegetable rice.

To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441


Bonaly Primary School presents…


Bag a bargain, or free your house of all those pre-loved baby and toddler clothes, toys, books and equipment!

Saturday 24th October 10:00 – 12:00 Bonaly Primary School Refreshments will be available Tables cost £20, and you then keep all the money you make. If you would like a table, please contact lindsayblakemore@gmail.com 44

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SMC Joinery 07884203957

smcjoinery@hotmail.co.uk Telephone 0131 466 3494 ...............................................................................

Supply and fit kitchens Maintenance/ letting work All joinery work undertaken ●Kitchens ●Windows ●Doors ●Skirting ●Facings ●Ceilings ●Roofs ●Decking ●Fencing ●Double Glazing ........................................................ Free estimate All trades supplied Fully Insured Oxgangs Farm Loan Edinburgh EH13 9QD

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INDEX OF ADVERTISERS A quick and easy reference guide to all services in The Dell Directory ARIEL & SATELLITE SERVICES Kinnear Aerials Douglas S Mackay

19 19


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BUILDING SERVICES Colinton Building Services J M Builders

27 32





CHIROPODIST/PODIATRIST Colinton Chiropody Pentland Foot Care

46 21

HEARING SERVICES Edinburgh Hearing Practice


GAS HEATING & SERVICING Scott Findlay Geoff Lennie

40 45

HAIRDRESSERS Kim O’Donnell Hairdressing Colinton Hair Design

24 26

INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS Merchiston Edinburgh for Boys




JUDO Destination Judo


MSP Gordon MacDonald MSP


CLEANING SERVICES The Home Agency Fiona’s House Cleaning

21 42

NURSERY Colinton Private Nursery



COMPUTER HELP/REPAIRS Capital PC Repairs Colinton PC Solutions

OVEN CLEANING Ovensmartz 21 The Clean Team 41

20 19



DECORATORS Ian Hodgson & Co


PLASTERING SERVICES Martin Scott Plastering


DENTISTS Colinton Dental Practice


DRIVEWAY CLEANING Edinburgh Driveway Cleaning


PLUMBERS Currievale Plumbing and Drainage Shandon Plumbing M&M Plumbing Alex Hunter Plumbing

31 21 28 27 12 10



22 31

ELECTRICIANS Bryter Electrical Ltd D Sykes Electrical

PROPERTY LETTINGS Derek Gibb & Partners Colinton Lettings

13 10

RESIDENTIAL ELDERLY CARE Thorburn Manor (Lindemann Healthcare)




GARDENERS Capital Gardening RKB Home & Garden Taurus Gardening Ltd

RE-UPHOLSTERERS Absolute Upholstery James Erskine

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ROOFING SERVICES Edinburgh Roofing Services Fairmile Roofing


ith over 25 years experience caring for older people across Scotland, Lindemann Healthcare was established in 1995, with the aim to deliver care services to older people with the highest quality, which we all deserve. We believe that individuality should be the main basis of the care given within our Care Homes. In a nursing environment great attention is paid to activities of daily living. Each resident receives a careful assessment to identify what his or her individualised care should be. This allows care plans to be constructed to meet their specific needs. Our dedicated team aim to provide specialized care in a safe homely atmosphere where the residents are cared for with dignity and respect. This allows each resident to function at their optimum level where they can feel contented and “at home”.

Contact us:

Struan Lodge Nursing Home 54 Balgreen Avenue, Edinburgh EH12 5SU T: 0131 337 7477 F: 0131 337 8886 email:struan@lindemann-healthcare.co.uk website:www.lindemann-healthcare.co.uk

Thorburn Manor Nursing Home 2a Thorburn Road, Edinburgh EH13 0BQ T: 0131 441 6984 F: 0131 629 2298 email: thorburn@lindemann-healthcare.co.uk website: www.lindemann-healthcare.co.uk

We offer every resident, and their loved ones, the opportunity to participate in their care to a level of involvement that they choose. We believe that our Care Homes should be therapeutic yet homelike environments where the resident can feel their individual needs are met with priority.

Lorimer House Nursing Home 491 Lanark Roadm, Juniper Green, Edinburgh EH14 5DQ T: 0131 442 2123 F: 0131 453 4466 email: lorimer@lindemann-healthcare.co.uk website: www.lindemann-healthcare.co.uk

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To advertise call Ann on 07843 449441




2 adults and 2 children (under 2s free)




FIREWORKS EXTRAVAGANZAS SUNDAY 1ST NOVEMBER 2015 George Watson’s College Rugby Ground, Myreside Road, Edinburgh, EH10 5DB



Hot food, drinks and Halloween tuck

BLUE SHOW – Gates open 4pm Show Time 4.30pm – 5.15pm RED SHOW – Gates open 6.30pm Show Time 7.00pm – 7.45pm Delighters Fire Circus Theatre | The Rock Choir | Pipe Bands Fireworks Display by Pyromancer Fireworks VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR FULL DETAILS OF OUR FUN, FAMILY EVENT

Tickets only available online at www.sla-india.org from noon 22nd September 2015 Number of tickets limited, book early to avoid disappointment Event enquiries: 0131 629 9112 A Registered Scottish Charity, Charity Number SC030516


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