7 minute read
Desert Storm
from Liberating Kuwait
by Dellvzla
Selected Terms and Abbreviations from Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm
AAA—Antiaircraft Artillery AAFS—Amphibious Assault Fuel System AAV—Amphibious Assault Vehicle AB—Air Base ABCCC—Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center A-Box—Fire Support Box ACE—(1) Aviation Combat Element, or (2) Armored Combat Earthmover ACR—Armored Calvary Regiment AFCent—U.S. Air Forces Central Command AI—Air Interdiction AMALs—Authorized Medical Allowance Lists ANGLICO—Air-Naval Gunfire Liaison Company AO—Air Officer AOR—Area of Responsibility APC—Armored Personnel Carrier APOD—Aerial Port of Debarkation APS—Afloat Prepositioning Ships ArCent—U.S. Army Forces Central Command ASE—Air Support Element ASOC—Air Support Operations Center ASP—Ammunition Supply Point ATACC—Advanced Tactical Air Command Center ATC—Air Traffic Control ATDL—Army Tactical Data Link ATF—Amphibious Task Force ATO—Air Tasking Order AVLB—Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge AWACS—Airborne Warning and Control System AWC—Assistant Wing Commander
BAT—Battlefield Air Interdiction BARCAP—Barrier Combat Air Patrol BCP—Battery Command Post BDA—Battle Damage Assessment BDF—Bahrain Defense Force BFV—Bradley Fighting Vehicle BGen—Brigadier General BSSG—Brigade Service Support Group BW—Biological Warfare
C2—Command and Control C3I—Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence CAAT—Combined Antiarmor Team CAFMS—Computer-Assisted Force Management System CAP—Combat Air Patrol CAS—Close Air Support CATF—Commander Amphibious Task Force CAX—Combined Area Exercises CE—Command Element CEC—Civil Engineer Corps CentCom—U.S. Central Command CFR—Crash Fire and Rescue CG—Commanding General CIFS—Close-In Fire Support CinC—Commander in Chief CinCCent—Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command CJCS—Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff CLF—Commander Landing Force CMC—Commandant of the Marine Corps CNO—Chief of Naval Operations CO—Commanding Officer COC—Combat Operations Center ComCBPac—Commander, Naval Construction Battalions Pacific Fleet CommEx—Communications Exercise ComUSNavCent—Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command CONUS—Continental United States CP—(1) Control Point, or (2) Command Post CRAF—Civil Reserve Air Fleet CRC—Control and Reporting Center CSAR—Combat Search and Rescue CSP—Contingency Support Package CSS—Combat Service Support CSSA—Combat Service Support Area CSSD—Combat Service Support Detachment CSSE—Combat Service Support Element CSSOC—Combat Service Support Operations Center CUCV—Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle CV—Aircraft Carrier CVN—Aircraft Carrier, Nuclear
CVW—Carrier Air Wing CVWR—Reserve Carrier Air Wing CWAR—Continuous Warning/Wave Acquisition Radar
DAS—Deep Air Strike DASC(A)—Direct Air Support Center (Airborne) DASC—Direct Air Support Center DMAC—Division Mechanized Assault Course DOD—Department of Defense DOS—Days of Supply DPICM—Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions DSC—Direct Support Command DSG—Direct Support Group
EAF—Expeditionary Airfield ECM—Electronic Countermeasures EDM—Engineering Development Module or Model ELINT—Electronics Intelligence EMCON—Emission Control EOD—Explosive Ordinance Disposal EPAC—Eastern Province Area Command EPW—Enemy Prisoner of War EW—Electronic Warfare EW/C—Early Warning and Control
FAC—Forward Air Controller FAC(A)—Forward Air Controller (Airborne) FAE—Fuel Air Explosive FARP—Forward Arming and Refueling Point FASP—Forward Ammunition Storage Point Fast FAC(A)—Fast Forward Air Controller (Airborne), F/A-18D FAST—Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team FEBA—Forward Edge of the Battle Area FIE—Fly-In Echelon FLIR—Forward Looking Infrared Radar FMF—Fleet Marine Force FMFLant—Fleet Marine Force Atlantic FMFPac—Fleet Marine Force Pacific FOB—Forward Operating Base FOD—Foreign Object Damage FRAGO—Fragmentary Order FROG—Free Rocket Over Ground (missile) FSCC—Fire Support Coordination Center FSCL—Fire Support Coordination Line FSSG—Force Service Support Group
GCE—Ground Combat Element GPS—Global Positioning System GSG—General Support Group
H2S—Hydrogen Sulfide Gas H&HS—Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron H&SG—Headquarters and Support Group HARM—High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile HAWK—Homing All the Way Killer (MIM-23B surface-to-air missile) HC—Helicopter Combat Support Squadron HCS—Helicopter Combat Search and Rescue/Special Warfare Support Squadron HDC—Helicopter Direction Center HEAT—High Explosive Anti-Tank (munition) HEFS—Helicopter Expeditionary Fuel System HEMTT—Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck HIDACZ—High Density Airspace Control Zone HM—Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron HMA—Marine Attack Helicopter Squadron HMH—Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron HMLA—Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron HMM—Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron HMMWV—High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle HMX—Marine Helicopter Squadron HPIR—High Power Illuminator Radar HQMC—Headquarters Marine Corps HS—Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron HSL—Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Light HST—Helicopter Support Team HT—Helicopter Training Squadron HTACC—Helicopter Tactical Air Command Center HUD—Head-Up Display HUMINT—Human Intelligence HVA—High Value Asset HVU—High Value Unit
IADS—Integrated Air Defense System ICM—Improved Conventional Munitions IDASC—Improved Direct Air Support Center IFASC—Interim Forward Automated Services Center IFF—Identification, Friend or Foe IMINT—Imagery Intelligence INTEL—Intelligence IOC—Initial Operational Capability IR—Infra-Red
IRT—In Response To ISO—In Support Of
JCS—Joint Chiefs of Staff JFACC—Joint Force Air Component Commander JFC—Joint Force Commander JFC-E—Joint Forces Command–East JFC-N—Joint Forces Command–North JNAF—al-Jubayl Naval Air Facility Joint STARS—Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
KAANB—King Abdul Aziz Naval Base KIA—Killed In Action KTO—Kuwait Theater of Operations
LAAD—Low Altitude Air Defense LAAM—Light Antiaircraft Missile LAI—Light Armored Infantry LAN—Local Area Network LAV—Light Armored Vehicle LCU—Landing Craft, Utility LD—Line of Departure LDT—Laser Detector Tracker LGB—Laser-Guided Bomb LLL—Low Light Level LNO—Liaison Officer LREOS—Long Range Electro Optical System LRI—Long-Range International (passenger aircraft) LSB—Landing Support Battalion LtGen—Lieutenant General
MAC—Military Airlift Command MACCS—Marine Air Command and Control System MACG—Marine Air Control Group MACS—Marine Air Control Squadron MAG—Marine Aircraft Group MAGTF—Marine Air-Ground Task Force MajGen—Major General MALS—Marine Air Logistics Squadron MANPADS—Man Portable Air Defense System MarCent—U.S. Marine Forces Central Command MarDiv—Marine Division MARFORSWA—Marine Forces, Southwest Asia MASS—Marine Air Support Squadron MATCS—Marine Air Traffic Control Squadron MAW—Marine Aircraft Wing M-Box—Maneuver Box MCAS—Marine Corps Air Station MCB—Marine Corps Base MCCDC—Marine Corps Combat Development Command MCLC—Mine Clearing Line Charge MCSSD—Mobile Combat Service Support Detachment MEB—Marine Expeditionary Brigade MedEvac—Medical Evacuation MedLog—Medical Logistics MEF—Marine Expeditionary Force MEU—Marine Expeditionary Unit MEU (SOC)—Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) MHE—Materials Handling Equipment MLRS—Multiple Launch Rocket System MOPP—Mission Oriented Protective Posture. Protective equipment for chemical attack consists of a suit made of charcoal-activated cloth, overboots, gloves, and a gas mask with hood. There are four MOPP levels, depending upon the threat of a chemical attack, and each prescribes which items are to be worn. Level 1 consists of wearing the suit (trousers and jacket) and carrying the boots, gloves, and mask with hood. Level 2 involves wearing the overboots in addition to the suit, with the gloves and mask with hood still carried. At level 3 the mask with hood is worn. Level 4 requires the wearing of the entire outfit, including the gloves. MP—Military Police MPF—Maritime Prepositioning Force MPS—Maritime Prepositioning Ship MPSRON—Maritime Prepositioning Ship Squadron MRE—Meal, Ready-To-Eat MRL—Multiple Rocket Launcher MRR—Minimum Risk Route MSC—Major Subordinate Command MSSG—Marine Expeditionary Unit Service Support Group MULE—Modular Universal Laser Equipment MV—(1) Merchant Vessel, or (2) Motor Vessel MWCS—Marine Wing Control Squadron MWHS—Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron MWSG—Marine Wing Support Group MWSS—Marine Wing Support Squadron
NAF—Naval Airfield NAS—Naval Air Station
NATO—North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATOPS—Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization NAVCENT—Navy Component Central Command NAVCHAPGRU—Naval Cargo Handling and Port Group NBC—Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical NBCB—Naval Base Construction Battalion NM—Nautical Mile NMCB—Naval Mobile Construction Battalion NNOR—Non-Nuclear Ordnance Requirements NSE—Navy Support Element NVG—Night-Vision Goggles
OAS—Offensive Air Support OP—Observation Post OPEC—Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OpCon—Operational Control OPP—Off-Load Preparation Party OpRdy—Operational Readiness ORF—Operational Readiness Float
PacFlt—Pacific Fleet PACOM—Pacific Command Pax—Personnel PL—Phase Line PLRS—Position Location Reporting System PMO—Provost Marshal’s Office; Military Police POET—Primed Oscillator Expendable Transponder POG—Port Operations Group PTO—Pilot Training Officer
QEP—Quick Exchange Program
RAF—Royal Air Force (United Kingdom) RAP—Rocket Assisted Projectile RAS—Rear Area Security RCT—Regimental Combat Team RGFC—Republican Guard Forces Command ROE—Rules of Engagement ROWPU—Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit RPG—Rocket-Propelled Grenade RPV—Remotely Piloted Vehicle RSAF—Royal Saudi Air Force RTB—Return to Base RTCH—Rough Terrain Container Hauler RWR—Radar Warning Receiver
SAAWC—Sector Antiair Warfare Coordinator SAM—Surface-to-Air Missile SAR—Search and Rescue SASSY—Marine Corps Automated Supply Support System SBT—Support Breach Team SCUD—Soviet surface-to-surface missile SEAD—Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses SEAL—Sea, Air, and Land (Naval Special Warfare Team) SecDef—Secretary of Defense SecNav—Secretary of the Navy SIGINT—Signals Intelligence SIM—Simulated SIMCAS—Simulated Close Air Support SLEP—Service Life Extension Program SLRP—Surveillance, Liaison, and Reconnaissance Party SMCR—Selected Marine Corps Reserve SOC—Special Operations Capable SOP—Standard Operating Procedure SPCC—Ships Parts Control Center SRI—Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Intelligence SRIG—Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Intelligence Group SRISG—Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Intelligence Support Group SSM—Surface-to-Surface Missile STOVL—Short Take-Off Vertical Landing STT—Single Target Track SWA—Southwest Asia SWATG—Southwest Asia Training Group
TAC (A)—Tactical Air Coordinator (Airborne) TACAIR—Tactical Air TACAN—Tactical Air Navigation System TACC—Tactical Air Command Center TacEx—Tactical Exercise TACP—Tactical Air Control Party TADIL—Tactical Digital Information Link TAFDS—Tactical Airfield Fuel Dispensing System TALD—Tactical Air-Launched Decoy TAMPS—Tactical Aircraft Mission Planning System TAOC—Tactical Air Operations Center TAOM—Tactical Air Operations Module
TAOR—Tactical Area of Responsibility TAR—Tactical Air Response TAVB—Aviation Logistics Support Ship TERPES—Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Processing and Evaluation System TEWT—Tactical Exercise without Troops TF—Task Force TFW—Tactical Fighter Wing T/O—Table of Organization TOO—Target of Opportunity TOS—Time on Station TOT—Time on Target TOW—Tube-launched, Optically-tracked, Wireguided missile TPFDL—Timed-Phase Force Deployment List TWMP—Track Width Mine Plow TWSEAS—Tactical Warfare Simulation Evaluation and Analysis System
UAV—Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UDP—Unit Deployment Program USNS—United States Naval Ship (civilian manned) UW—Urban Warfare
VA—Attack Squadron VAW—Carrier Airborne Early Warning System VC—Fleet Composite Squadron VF—Fighter Squadron VFA—Strike Fighter Squadron VFC—Fighter Composite Squadron V/STOL—Vertical/Short Take-Off and Landing VMA—Marine Attack Squadron VMA(AW)—Marine All-Weather Attack Squadron VMAQ—Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron VMFA—Marine Fighter Attack Squadron VMFA(AW) Marine All-Weather Fighter Attack Squadron VMGR—Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron VMO—Marine Observation Squadron VP—Patrol Squadron VPU—Patrol Squadron Special Projects Unit
WIA—Wounded In Action WTI—Weapons Tactics Instructor WP—White Phosphorus
XO—Executive Officer