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Green bike lanes brighten Historic Del Ida Park District By: David DiPino Contributing Writer A new half-mile stretch of Seacrest Boulevard between Northeast Second Avenue and George Bush Boulevard is radiantly bright with bike lanes, safer for pedestrians with new sidewalks, and smoother for motorists thanks to a $1.3 million beautification project.
“Data suggests even if people aren’t riding in the bike lanes vehicle traffic slowed down. The green was very jarring at first but most people have come around to it because the bike lanes and narrower streets slow cars down,” Mayor Cary Glickstein said. A large group of Seacrest and Del Ida
residents celebrated the completion of the project at a ribbon cutting with local, city and state officials. Some of the roots for the beautification project ideas took some shape over five years ago when neighbors and friends met in Del Ida resident Bonnie Altenheim’s living room for coffee and snacks.
“We got together that first night and talked about common goals, our community concerns, ideas to make our homes and our neighborhoods more attractive and above all safe,” Altenheim said. Over the next five years, Del Ida residents worked closely with the Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) who Altenheim said, “kept us go[CONT. PG 2] ing in the right direction
Commissioners postpone discussion on proposed Atlantic Crossing settlement agreement By: Marisa Gottesman Associate Editor Seeing new apartments, restaurants, offices and shops on 9-acres of East Atlantic Avenue looked like it was going to become a reality after more than a decade of planning for Atlantic Crossing. But commissioners postponed taking a vote on a settlement agreement with the developers Edwards Cos. last month that would end all litigation between the city and the developers and get the project moving forward. The deal would incorporate a two-way road back into the project and the legal battle would end. But when it came time to discuss a way to end the federal and state lawsuits the developers have filed against the city alleging improper delays, commissioners said they had outstanding questions on what the city would receive under the proposed settlement terms. Outside counsel Jamie Cole said the conditions from the 2013 site plan approval and 2011 developer’s agreement remained in place. But so many discussions have taken place regarding the project since then that commissioners wanted clarification on what those conditions included or didn’t include. For certain, the city would be getting a two-way road in-
gress, egress drive from the project’s central core at NE 7th Ave. to US-1 that residents and commissioners asked for. Commissioners had no qualms over that part of the deal even though the proposed road is not the recommended option by city staff and outside traffic experts. “The road improvements are adequate,” Mayor Cary Glickstein said.
Of concern to residents and commissioners was a proposed donation to spiff up Veterans Park and a proffer by the developers to implement traffic calming measures in the Marina Historic District and Palm Trail neighborhood, which are both posed to be affected by traffic from the project. “Like many, I came in here very excited,” Commissioner Shelly Petrolia said over the proposed settlement agreement. “I am starting to feel uncomfort[CONT. PG 2]