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Division of Academic Affairs
The Division of Academic Affairs is responsible for all academic programming and academic student support services delivered through the University’s departments and colleges. Colleges of Agriculture, Science and Technology College of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences College of Business College of Health and Behavioral Sciences Honors, Undergraduate Research and Experiential Learning Programs Office of Student Success including advising, student support Research and Sponsored Programs School of Graduate, Adult and Extended Studies William C. Jason Library
Protocol for Addressing Student Issues
Students may raise issues of concern which can include, but may not be limited to grades, academic performance, advisement, technology, and mental and physical health. Initially the process for escalating issues of concern should be:
1. 2.
Students should initially address issues of concern with faculty members. If after addressing the issue with a faculty member, the issue is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student may escalate the issue and address it with the requisite department chair. If after addressing the issue with the department chair, the issue is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student may escalate the issue and address it with the Dean’s office.
The Dean’s office is responsible for resolving all student complaint matters in concert with the Provost’s Office through the Associate Provost for Academic and Student Services.
Students are to seek advisement from their assigned advisor in the Office of Student Success.
If you have questions about classes, schedules or matriculation, reach out to your assigned advisor. If the advisor is unavailable or not able to assist you, please reach out to your assigned faculty mentor. If the faculty mentor is unavailable or not able to assist you, please reach out to your Department Chair. If the Department Chair is unavailable or not able to assist you, please reach out to your Associate Dean. If the Associate Dean is unavailable or not able to assist you, please reach out to the Associate Provost, Dr. Clytrice Watson.
Office Leadership and Contact Information
Dr. Saundra F. DeLauder
Provost and Chief Academic Officer acadaffairs@desu.edu 302.867.6100 • Accountable for overall management and oversight of academic programs, faculty and operations within the
Division managed through the respective Deans. • Academic policies managed through the Faculty Senate • Office of Institutional Effectiveness • Academic budgets
Dr. Clytrice Watson
Associate Provost for Academic and Student Services cawatson@desu.edu 302.857.6100 • Accountable for all academic student support services through the Office of
Student Success, Honors,
Undergraduate Research and
Experiential Programs, General
Education • Management of the Office of
Sponsored Programs and Research and Restricted Funds Accounting
Marquita Thomas Brown
Special Assistant to the Provost mthomasbrown@desu.edu 302.857.6100 • Point of contact for the
Provost, all office operations