4 minute read
Councilapprovesnew CyclingMasterPlan
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
Delta council last week endorsed a final draft of a new Cycling Master Plan for the city. In the works for a couple of years, the plan intends to provide a course of action that reflects the community’s priorities related to cycling will rely on the leveraging of grant funding, partnerships with other levels of government and cost sharing opportunities. Once completed, the plan would provide a fully connected network,” the report notes. with just over $25 million worth of projects.
However, for the most part, those are lower priority facilities compared to those located in Ladner and Tsawwassen.
The document also notes various funding scenarios
LandUseContractDischarge BylawNo.8215
BylawNo 8213 (FileNo.LU009446)
The plan outlines strategies, recommends infrastructure, policies and education to help enable and encourage cycling as a practical and convenient form of transportation.
While the city may not necessarily invest at full levels directly itself, the city may be able to leverage other funding opportunities to help invest at higher levels, the plan states.
Purpose:TodischargeLandUseContractS.A 2888fromthesubjectpropertyinordertopermitconstructionofa76m2 secondarysuitewithinaportionoftheexistingdwelling.ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan.
Purpose:TodischargeLandUseContractSA 3237forthesubjectpropertyinordertopermitconstructionofa776m2 secondarysuitewithinaportionofthebasementinthedwelling ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunity Plan BylawNo.8215
Noting the development of the plan was based on public and stakeholder feedback, as well as a technical assessment of the cycling network, a report to council notes that approximately 220 km of cycling facilities have been identified. The proposed projects range from low-to-high priority.
Some of the key projects being prioritized in upcoming years include establishing a connection between Ladner Village and the Millennium Trail, a continuous biking facility along 112th Street to provide improved north-south connectivity across North Delta for access to Sungod Recreation Centre and the Social Heart, as well as improved connections between Centennial Beach, Southlands and Winskill Aquatic Centre and Park
The document notes that if the city continues to spend $700,000 per year, it will take several hundred years to complete the high priority cycling projects identified in the plan, and much longer to complete all routes.
Materialsrelatedtothedischargesuchastheproposedbylawdischarge,detailedmapsandotherinformationmaybeinspected atDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,MondaytoFriday,excludingstatutoryholidaysfrom8:30a.m.to 4:45p.m.fromThursday,February2,2023toMonday,February13,2023.
Materalsrelatedtothedischargesuchastheproposedbylaw detailedmapsandotherinformationmaybeinspectedatDeltaCity Hall, 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta BC, Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays from 8:30 am to 4:45 p.m from Thursday January12,2023toMonday January23 2023
The overall plan is estimated to cost approximately $105 million.
Ifyouhaveaquestionregardingtheproposeddischargebylaworifyouwouldliketoinspectanyrelevantmaterials,pleasecontactthe CommunityPlanningandDevelopmentDepartmentbyemailatcpd@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380. Comments?
If you have a question regarding the proposed discharge bylaw or if you would like assistance to inspect any relevant documentation,pleasecontacttheCommunityPlanningandDevelopmentDepartmentbyemailatcpd@delta.caorbyphone at604-946-3380.
Thosewishingtoprovidecommentontheproposeddischargebylawmaydosointhefollowingsways: ���� Emailmayor-councl@deltaca OR ���� Writeto: MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
Correspondence addressed to Council must include your name and full address and will form part of the public record and be published on the City’s website Correspondence must be received by the Office of the Cty Clerk no later than 10:00a.m onWednesday,January18 2023tobeincludedwiththeAgendamaterials.
CorrespondenceaddressedtoCouncilmustincludeyournameandfulladdressandwillformpartofthepublicrecordforthis bylawandbepublishedontheCity’swebsite.CorrespondencemustbereceivedbytheOfficeoftheCityClerknolaterthan 10:00a.m.onWednesday,February8,2023tobeincludedwiththeAgendamaterials.
“Although the costs are significant, this is a long-term vision and implementation would be achieved through a phased approach that
The Cycling Master Plan aims to increase bicycle use and create a culture of cycling in Delta by developing an integrated network of off-street pathways and on-street bicycle facilities that are comfortable for everyone, the master plan document states.
According to the plan, of the city’s three main communities, North Delta has the largest share of cycling projects
However, increasing annual funding levels will significantly speed up this process. For example, spending an extra $300,000 annually, including leveraging external funding sources, would complete the high priority network in 70 years. Furthermore, if the city prioritizes only the new cycling facilities rather than upgrading existing facilities, that will further accelerate the process
Redevelopment Plan Decision Likely Months Away
Sandor Gyarmati
sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
It could be a while before Delta council considers a major redevelopment application for Ladner Village.
City staff provided an update on the proposed re-development plan of the Dunbar Lumber site at Monday’s council meeting, during discussion about a number of pieces of correspondence in the agenda package, as well as a pair of petitions containing more than 200 names in opposition.
Coun Alicia Guichon brought forward the correspondence for discussion as well as a motion for council to hold a public hearing on the application if the proposal is granted preliminary approval
Guichon said in light of the feedback received at a pair of public information meetings, including the community being denied an opportunity to speak, a public hearing would be appropriate, adding that she shares a number of concerns that were raised by residents.
“In the past, developers, staff and council have benefited from suggestions made at public hearings, and this council ran on being transparent, open and inclusive I’m very proud to say that. I just want the community to feel the same way, ” she said Her motion was not seconded by anyone else on council and thus was not considered
Coun Dylan Kruger pointed out that the proposal has also received a lot of positive support and feedback including support from the Housing Be Mine Society, who are in favour of a number of the housing units being designated for people with intellectual disabilities.
Asked for a timeline on when the application could come to the council table, planning director Marcy Sangret told council that the applicant, Headwater Projects, is now reviewing its proposal after having gathered the public’s feedback
She said planning staff will be meeting with the applicant to go over the proposal in the coming weeks, so council won’t be getting a report before that process unfolds, likely not until at least April
The Dunbar Lumber site at the corner of Bridge and Elliott is proposed to be transformed into a six-storey, mixeduse project The new development proposal as it stands now is to include a courtyard-style building with commercial space with parking on the ground floor, parking on the second floor and residential on the remaining four levels
When the application was submitted last year, it required an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment, however, that is no longer the case as council since then approved major changes to the Ladner Village Area Plan It means the proposed development would adhere to the revised OCP, so a public hearing would not be required.