1 minute read

Areyou prepared?

Astory written by a colleague at one of the sister papers, the North Shore News has got me thinking and asking myself this question, “Am I prepared?”

If it is for a natural disaster like a flood or an earthquake the answer would be no


Sure I have a few things around my condo in North Delta that in a pinch I could throw together in a bag if I needed to vacate my home, but nothing is organized and if there is an earthquake, chances are that I won’t have access to my condo, so getting some supplies are out of the question and what if I’m at work here in my office in Ladner?

Chances are roads will likely be blocked and I won’t be able to travel.

So where would that leave me? Likely in the same spot as many others – not prepared and wondering what to do

News reporter Brent Richter in his story: Be prepared for disaster: What goes into an emergency kit?, which can be read on our website, examines what should be in an emergency kit, tips to being prepared and why it is important.

It’s a good piece, and I encourage you all to give it a read.

Closer to home, on March 29, there will be a free emergency preparedness workshop from 6 to 8 p m at Boundary Bay fire hall number four. There will be sessions on how to be prepared at home in case of a major disaster. The presentation will go into steps to make an emergency plan and what to put in your kit in the event of an emergency or disaster The workshop is free and open to all Register on the City of Delta website

I certainly could use some help in this area and some disaster prep, so I’m signing up for the workshop.

How about you?

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