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The ‘last mile’ being installed on Westham Island




sgyarmati@delta-optimist com

They celebrated the installation of a milestone “last mile” on Westham Island last week.

Delta Mayor George Harvie joined Lisa Beare, BC Minister of Citizens’ Services, representatives with Telus and others on March 13 at Westham Island for an announcement that high-speed Internet fibre connectivity is now being installed for the final 21 homes of 136 for the community


OWNER: SunshineWestRealEstateLtd #7-8760RiverRoad

Delta,BC V4G1B5

APPLICANT: SunshineWestRealEstateLtd



Delta,BC V4G1B5

LOCATION: 8662 River Road (as shown on the enclosed map and marked “Subject Property”)

PURPOSE: ThisapplicationisforaTemporaryUsePermittoallowanoutsideshipping container storage yard on a portion of the subject property until September23,2025

The enhanced access to high-speed internet services surpasses 50 megabits per second (Mbps) for downloads and 10 Mbps for uploads

Harvie said it is great news as business in the farming community as well as children with their schooling had been at a disadvantage with the lack of quality, highspeed Internet service.

A news release notes that the total cost of the project is approximately $529,000 with the province investing as much as $320,000 through the Connecting British Columbia program, administered by Northern Development Initiative Trust. Telus will contribute approximately $209,000 towards the project

In March 2022, the province entered into a historic agreement with the federal government to invest $830 million to finish the job of connecting all households in B C to high-speed internet services by 2027

“Our commitment to connect every rural, remote and Indigenous community in B C by 2027 ensures the benefits of high-speed internet are shared by everyone in B C , ” said Beare


MaterialsrelatedtotheTemporaryUsePermits,drawingsandotherrelevantinformationandregulations maybeinspectedattheDevelopmentDepartment,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC, Mondayto Fridayexcludingstatutoryholidaysfrom8:30am to4:45pm,fromMarch23,2023toApril3,2023

If you have a question regarding the proposed Temporary Use Permits, please contact the DevelopmentDepartmentbyemailatcpd@deltacaorbyphoneat604-946-3380


Those wishing to provide comment on the proposed Temporary Use Permits may do so in the followingways:

���� Emailmayor-council@deltaca OR

���� Writeto:

MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2

CorrespondenceaddressedtoCouncilmustincludeyournameandfulladdressandwillformpart of the public record for the Temporary Use Permit and be published on the City’s website Correspondence must be received by the Office of the City Clerk no later than 10:00 am on Wednesday,March29,2023tobeincludedwiththeAgendamaterials

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