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NoticeisherebygiventhatDeltaCityCouncilwillconsidergiving first,second,andthird readingstothebylawsreferencedbelowatitsRegularMeetingat 4:00p.m.onMonday,March27,2023
FileNo LU009265
Location: 8838DelvistaDrive
Applicant: SoniaRundhawa
Telephone: 778-836-9403
Purpose: To rezone the subject property from Single Detached
Residential 2 (RS2) to Single
Detached Residential 6 (RS6) to permit subdivision into two single detached residential lots and construction of a new single detacheddwellingwithanin-ground basementandasecondarysuite A developmentvariancepermitisalso requested to reduce the minimum lot width for subdivisionin theRS6 Zone from 13 m to 129 m for proposed Lot 1 and 12 m for proposed Lot 2 This bylaw is consistent with Delta’s Official CommunityPlan
Telephone:604-952-3814 intheCouncilChamber,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC
FileNo LU009362
Location: 369740Street
Applicant: JenniferandLaurie
Telephone: 604-916-3442
Purpose: To amend the Comprehensive Development Zone No 305(CD 305)in“DeltaZoning
Bylaw No 2750, 1977” in order to allow the existing 90 m2 manufactured home in the southeastportionofthepropertyto berecommissionedand used as an additionaldwellingtosupportapet kennel operation on the subject property This bylaw is consistent with Delta’s Official Community Plan
FileNo LU009487
Location: 7655117Street
Applicant: AtinderPalSingh
Telephone: 778-318-6090
Purpose: To rezone the subject property from Duplex/Single Detached Residential 3 (RD3) to SingleDetachedResidential7(RS7) to permit subdivision into two single detached lots and construction of a new single detached dwelling with an inground basement and a secondary suite on each lot. This bylaw is consistent with Delta’s Official CommunityPlan

FileNo LU009489
Location:6291,6297,6303,6309,6315,6321,6327,6333, 6339,6345and6351RiverRoad
Purpose:ToamendtheComprehensiveDevelopmentZone No 431(CD 431)in“DeltaZoningBylawNo 2750,1977”for the11subjectpropertiesat6291RiverRoad(Lot1)to6351 RiverRoad(Lot11),asshownonthemaptitled“BylawNo 8237”inordertochangethefollowing: i Increase the minimum front setback from 18m to 7mforLots1to7andLot11; ii Decreasetheminimumrearsetbackfrom40mto37m forLots1to7andLot11; iii Decrease the minimum front setback from 25 m to 15mforLots8to10; iv. Addaprovisiontorequireonlyoneenclosedparking spaceforLot11;and v AddaprovisiontotheCD 431zonetoallowforthe transferofdensity(floorarea)fromawaterlottothe adjoininglotwithintheuplandareatoamaximumof 225m2forLots1to7andLot11
StaffContact:LukeReynolds Telephone:604-946-3381
StaffContact: PaulBelzile Telephone:604-952-3155
BylawNo 8186
BylawNo 8230
BylawNo 8237
Materialsrelatedtothebylawamendmentsuchastheproposedbylaw,detailedmapsandotherinformationmaybeinspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC, MondaytoFriday,excludingstatutoryholidaysfrom8:30am to4:45pm fromThursday,March16,2023toMonday,March27,2023
Ifyouhaveageneralinquiryregardingtheproposedbylawamendmentorifyouwouldlikeassistancetoinspectanyrelevant documentation,pleasecontacttheDevelopment Departmentbyemailatcpd@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380.
���� Emailmayor-council@delta.ca OR
���� Writeto: MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2 anewsingledetacheddwellingwithanin-groundbasementandasecondarysuite.ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficial
CorrespondenceaddressedtoCouncilmustincludeyournameandfulladdressandwillformpartofthepublicrecordforthisbylawamendmentandbepublishedontheCity’s website CorrespondencemustbereceivedbytheOfficeoftheCityClerknolaterthan10:00am onWednesday,March22,2023tobeincludedwiththeAgendamaterials.
StaffContact: JanetZazubek Telephone: 604-946-3355

Materials related to the discharge such as the proposed discharge bylaw, detailed maps and other information may be nspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,MondaytoFriday,excludingstatutoryholidaysfrom 8:30am to4:45p.m fromThursday,March16,2023toMonday,March27,2023

If you have a question regarding the proposed discharge bylaw or if you would like assistance to inspect any relevant documentation pleasecontacttheDevelopmentDepartmentbyemailatcpd@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380

���� Emailmayor-councl@deltaca OR
���� Writeto MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2

Correspondence addressed to Council must includeyournameandfulladdressandwill form partofthepublicrecordforthisbylaw and be published on the City’s website. Correspondence must be received by the OfficeoftheCityClerknolaterthan10:00a.m onWednesday,March22,2023tobeincluded withtheAgendamaterials
BylawNo 8178
To support the growth and value of the Delta Gymnastics seniors’ program for the entire community and the service above self of the 113 members in the Ladner Rotary sponsored Interact Club at Delta Secondary, the Rotary Club of Ladner is holding its spring shred-a-thon.
The fundraiser is Saturday, April 1 from 10 a m to noon at 5300 Ladner Trunk Road, behind Eastlink (Delta Cable).

Any individual, company or organization can bring their old tax returns, credit card bills, business records, bank statements, and personal information documents so a shredding company can safely and securely shred the paper on the spot. A donation of $15 per banker’s box of paper will go entirely to support the programs for seniors’ wellness and youth achievement in community service
Delta and area residents and business owners or managers can show up in their vehicles, supervise volunteers who will unload the shredding material from their vehicles and dump it into a shredding bin, which will then be loaded by a Shred-Wise company operator into the shredding truck on site
“I have been involved in learning for seniors in our community for a number of years, ” said
Ladner Rotary Club president Guillermo Bustos. “With that perspective of how important that opportunity is for our community, I appreciate as well how important physical activity for seniors is and the great value to all of us of the Delta Gymnastics seniors’ program we are supporting Our club is happy to support further growth of this program
“At the other end of the age range, there are the productive Delta Secondary students in the Interact Club which we sponsor It’s amazing what they continue to do for our community and our world”
-Submitted by Ladner Rotary Club
our Foster Caregiver Community!
There are children and youth in your community who need temporary, nurturing homes
We have an urgent need for foster caregivers who are:
• First Nations, Metis, Inuit
• Interested in providing care for sibling groups
• Passionate about engaging and caring for youth

• Interested in supporting children and youth who identify as LGBTQ2S+
• Skilled in caring for children and youth with complex support needs

Interested in providing weekend respite care for children and youth
To learn more about becoming a foster caregiver visit FosterNow ca
Grade 11 South Delta Secondary student Luis de la Haza is working on an impressive science project aimed at addressing climate change.
“Carbon dioxide is the major contributor to climate change however, we can change this by using particular saltwater organisms (cyanobacteria) that excel in absorbing carbon dioxide through photosynthesis,” he said “The Synech Project involves designing equipment that will provide the optimal conditions to grow these organisms in a way that the carbon dioxide levels that they can absorb are exponentially increased If successful, I envisage this equipment being a game-changer for tackling climate change as it would be a scalable and affordable solution applicable across the world”
His project is based on a scientific thesis developed by a chemical engineer in 2008; however, he believes the results of the original study could be significantly improved Consequently, he is keen to prove that this technology can provide a legitimate solution to the excessive levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
After two years, he has completed his initial research and is ready to start building pioneering equipment at the school that will be able to col- lect carbon dioxide and release oxygen, generating biomass that can be used for other purposes such as biofuels or bioplastics To be able to take the next step, de la Haza is currently looking for ways to fund the equipment, estimated at approximately $5,000.
“My goal is to create the equipment that results in the first carbon-negative person – meaning that the set of organisms will absorb more carbon dioxide than one person pollutes on average in a day,” he adds “I also want to influence and inspire other people around me – students, teachers, and the local community with this project - creating an opportunity to put SDSS and Tsawwassen on the map as the place where cutting-edge research on climate change is happening”
-Submitted by Delta School District