3 minute read

Noeasyanswersto housingcrisis


In his letter, “The density canard” (Optimist, June 22), Malcolm Johnson notes that “[a] s one increases density, one increases land values ” and “[w]hen property assessment increases so do taxes … ” . This is not the case … association does not necessarily imply causation.


Generally speaking a municipality creates a budget based on their budgetary requirements and the needs (and wants) of the community As I feel to be the case, the City of Delta seems very adept at ensuring this overall budget is well managed and that increases are modest and kept in line

With Inflation Figures

This budget number is then divided up over the gross assessed values of properties in the area with adjustments for commercial versus residential, etc. into what is often known as the mill rate; this term being derived from the Latin “millesimum” meaning “thousandth part.” This mill rate, or charge per thousand of assessed value, varies year to year based on that total need for funding as compared to gross assessments … it is not a static multiplier that results in indiscriminate higher taxes for property owners based on a rising assessment as this would devastate the finances of a city in those occasional years where assessed values decrease.

What is clear to me is that there is no easy answer to solving our housing crisis and certainly no answer that will please everyone

While I am certainly not in favour of seeing 30 and 40- storey towers built in Tsawwassen or Ladner as we see elsewhere and including North Delta, I think that some additional, well planned, and appropriately located six to eight-storey buildings will add some vibrancy and attract and retain more restaurants, stores, and services to our community

Mark Schoeffel

Disappointed with cycling project deferral


I am writing to express my deep disappointment regarding the decision by the City of Delta to defer the cycling improvements project on 44th Avenue

The proposed project, including marked buffered on-street cycling lane that connected to the existing network, would have enhanced safety and accessibility for cyclists while promoting active transportation and reducing traffic congestion.

It is particularly disheartening that the deferral was primarily based on the opinions of a minority group of homeowners The opposition from a mere 27 homeowners out of the 32 who responded to the city’s questionnaire should not outweigh the potential benefits and long-term value of the cycling improvements It is lunacy to shelve a community enrichment project because 27 people want to reserve the curb space in front of their

Dear Community Members

On June 22, 2023, almost 200 community members participated in the Delta Police Foundation’s second Summer Solstice Run, Walk & Roll. It was heartwarming to see community members of all ages, from kids to seniors, come out to support us. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our volunteers and sponsors who helped make the event a success!

• A-1PromotionsLtd.

• Amazon

• Barnside Brewing

• Brooks Running

• Cookies Ice Cream

• DairyQueenLadner

• DeltaPolicePipe Band

• DPD Team

• Dueck Auto Group

• Eastwood & Associates, Lawyers and Notaries

• Global Container Terminals Inc

• Houwelings Green Houses

• Jansen Claims Group • Karl Morgan • Mario’s Kitchen

• McDonald’s Restaurant Ladner & Tsawwassen

• Mike Lawson • Mitch Drew

• Newmans Fine Foods

• Pork Matia • Ron Putzi • Safeway • Santevia Water

• Save on Foods Ladner • Securiguard

• Shannon Wood • Shato Holdings

• Skyy Thai • Stoilen Alston and Lang

• Tsawwassen Run Inn

• Vancouver Giants

• Westshore Terminals

• Windset Farms homes.

See you next year!

Safer cycling infrastructure encourages more people to choose bicycles as a mode of transportation, leading to a healthier and more sustainable community. The project’s deferral undermines these positive impacts and fails to prioritize the well-being and safety of all residents.

I urge the City of Delta to reconsider their decision and prioritize the interests of the entire community. It is crucial that our local government invests in sustainable infrastructure and actively promotes alternative modes of transportation

Fellow residents who share my disappointment should voice their concerns and support for the cycling improvements project. Together, we can emphasize the importance of investing in a safer and more accessible community for all

Jordon Miller



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