31 minute read
ALABAMA Membership
We initiated nine new members in the fall and had a spring associate member class for the second consecutive year. We initiated the three spring associate members at the end of the semester. The Chapter also recently had two members elected as senators in the Student Government Association, Michael Dodson and Todd Smitherman.
Alumni gather for a group photo.
This year has marked an exciting rebirth for the Chapter in many respects. In particular, alumni have again started to play an increasingly significant role in chapter affairs; whether personally attending events, interacting with the active Chapter, or shaping its growth through involvement with the Alumni Board of Trustees.
Alumni and actives alike have rediscovered their roots in Delta Chi. The Chapter is pleased to note that this mutual reawakening of fraternal spirit has gone beyond mere nostalgia and has visibly transformed the Chapter with renewed vigor in all areas, including two highly successful recruitment events and highly productive, indepth budgetary reviews. In November the Chapter hosted an unprecedented Alumni Weekend, and it was universally considered a major highlight of the year, bringing together members from the past twelve years for three days of activities. Many thanks are owed to Bennett Polack, the ABT, and the many attendees for making the weekend such an unbridled success. All in attendance expressed their appreciation for this unique opportunity to reconnect with one another.
BEHREND House Upgrade
As the spring semester unfolded, the Chapter made a huge turn under the leadership of the “A”, Bryan Muscia, and “B”, Garrett Culver. With their combined efforts and determination, the chapter house underwent major remodeling. In 1994, the house caught fire, which destroyed its once glorious appearance. Many members have since tried to improve the house, but under the guidance of our “BB”, Matthew Taylor, the Chapter is again dedicated to house maintenance. Filling the cracks in the walls, repainting the floor, and touching up the “brother wall,” which had worn with age, have repaired the basement. New trim and carpets have been placed in the upstairs hallways, while most of the upstairs, including bedrooms, has been repainted and repaired. The members are currently drawing the family trees of the Chapter dating back to the founding fathers on the upstairs hallway walls.
The 15th annual Kimball Classic was the biggest alumni event of the year for the Chapter. We rented out a local golf course for the day and had a four-man scramble. The long drive and closest to the pin challenges really brought out the winning spirit in everyone. The winners of the challenges received trophies, while the winners of the classic received their names on a plaque in our trophy case and bragging rights for the year.
We are attempting to take the national stage by setting up a philanthropy event for the record books, literally. Plans are currently under way for setting a Guinness World Record. We are looking to possibly include members from other chapters in the area to join us in playing the longest basketball game ever. The game must last 58 straight hours, and all donations will go to The V Foundation. In preliminary discussions, it appears that the entire campus will be in support. Participants must remain in the gym for the entire 58 hours, taking naps in between substitutions. Such an event has been very successful at other universities; therefore, we have high hopes for the amount of money we can raise. Donations from chapters throughout the nation would be greatly appreciated. We hope to bring home this world record and continue to improve the national image of Delta Chi.
We were proud to hold the 2007 Region VIII Regional Leadership Conference in Myrtle Beach. Being asked to host this year’s RLC meant a lot to us, because we are still a relatively young Chapter. Regent Eric Kerstetter and our “BB”, Dr. John Stamey, were big reasons the RLC was a success. Guest speaking at the conference were our Dean of Students, Dr. Lloyd Holmes; CCU Head Football Coach David Bennett; and the President of the Cape Fear Alumni Chapter, Miles Washburn. Brothers from all over the Southeast were able to meet with one another, exchange ideas and have a good time. We would like to thank all of the brothers and alumni who attended this year’s RLC.
COLORADO Keeps Growing
It has been quite an eventful year for us in Boulder. In the fall, we welcomed seven new men into membership. This strong new class was a key asset to spring recruitment, where we placed second out of 15 fraternities for the most accepted bids, with a total of 13 associate members. Brothers Joe Reidy and Nick Heguy were also voted onto the Interfraternity Council (IFC). With a rapidly growing Chapter and a new class of 13 unique gentlemen, we’re hoping to make 2007 one of the most successful years yet.
We are proud of receiving the Outstanding Campus Outreach for Region IV and are pleased to announce our first annual Sleepless 24-Hour Softball Tournament. All proceeds will benefit The V Foundation for Cancer Research. The brothers are extremely excited to support The V Foundation and add to the $15,000 already raised by Delta Chi in support of this great cause.
CONNECTICUT Pulls Together

Chapter members at the 3-on-3 basketball tournament.
We are proud of the work that all of our brothers have put into various charity events throughout the year. We are also proud to announce the success of our newest philanthropy. Partnered with The V Foundation, our threeon-three basketball tournament showed how the students at The University of Connecticut and the surrounding community could come together to support a cause that affects almost everyone. The brothers have contributed countless hours to the event and have obtained many donations from surrounding businesses and students.
Previously many of the brothers of the Chapter had very little or no exposure to cancer, but now we have all recently been touched. One of the active brothers was diagnosed with cancer in December of last year. This has affected our chapter immensely, but at the same time, this put a face to cancer for us and sparked the Chapter to take action. With one of our own being diagnosed, we banded together to raise over $30,000 to help with the expense of combating his illness. Mike Brothwell, Nick Wright and others helped
to organize the event and make it a huge success. This assistance and caring illustrates the commitment to brotherhood this Chapter and this Fraternity prides itself on. We are also proud to announce that our brother is continuing his fight against cancer and has even returned to school to finish his degree. His perseverance has inspired us all and has given us a renewed commitment to helping those in need.
While we helped to raise money for one of our own, we understood that we could not rest there. From the event’s huge success, we realized how many more people we would be able to help. Through hard work, the brothers ensured that the money raised from the basketball tournament, one of the biggest events we have organized in the last couple of years, is going to help many others battle cancer. Along with donations from businesses, we have had help from the University and many different student organizations. While our philanthropy was a great success, we know that we cannot stop there and therefore have already been planning for next year’s event. We have started to set in motion a twenty-four hour softball tournament and barbeque that looks to be even larger than our event this year. However, even with events getting bigger, we know that we cannot rest on past achievements and will always be planning for a better future. With one of our own being affected by cancer, we know that it is our responsibility to help those in need. This hardship has renewed our dedication to help others and helped us exemplify what it means to be a Delta Chi.
DAVIS COLONy Here to Stay
Throughout the last few years, we saw many rough times. Despite the hardships, we have overcome all obstacles and have established ourselves as respectable members of the Greek community. Through participation in school activities like Student Government, IFC, and other Greek organizations, we have shown that we are here to stay on campus.

Davis brothers enjoying a social event.
Recently, we have moved out of the new organization transition and are moving forward with our duties in the hope of being chartered soon. In addition, we have been increasingly active in the Greek community through philanthropy events; the most recent being Pi Beta Phi’s annual Arrow Jam, which benefits the Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts and helps promote their philanthropy, Links to Literacy. Arrow Jam is the largest Greek event on campus and is a lip-syncing competition that sells out every year. We were discouraged from participating at first because of time conflicts, but we worked hard to show that we were going to participate and do well. We practiced daily, and we went on stage with the other fraternities and sororities. Although this was our first time at this event, we proved to ourselves, as well as the Greek community, that we will be a competitor.
Brother Wallace J. Nichols ’89, President of the International Sea Turtle Society, gave a series of lectures at DePauw, co-sponsored by the Chapter, on Sea Turtles and Ocean and Coastal Ecology. In his first lecture, Nichols said the problem facing the ocean is, “We take too much out of the ocean, we put too much into the ocean, and we are living on the edge.” Nichols challenged the audience to think about the Earth’s interconnectedness. He demonstrated this point when he recalled that in 1997 he used satellite tracking to track a turtle across the Pacific Ocean from California to Japan. What happens in California affects what happens in Japan. It was also the first time an animal had been tracked across the entire ocean. Students all around the world logged on to the internet to watch the turtle’s progress across the ocean. Nichols recalled that when the idea to put the tracking on the web in 1997 was suggested to him, his first response was, “What is a webpage?” Nichols also fondly recalled his DePauw days, joking in another lecture that Bowman pond was the best snorkeling on campus in his day. Nichols challenged the audiences with a call to action to save our seas and coastal areas. “We need to put less in, take less, and protect the edge,” he implored. The brothers were thrilled to have dinner with Brother Nichols and give him a tour of the house after his lectures.
DUqUESNE Carnival Victory Repeat
The Chapter clinched its second consecutive Carnival victory this past spring semester. The Greek Carnival, benefiting the Greek Life Endowed Book Fund, features original scripts by paired fraternities and sororities. Chapter members and the sisters of Alpha Phi teamed up against nine other shows to perform “When the Nintendo Turns Off,” a fun spin on everyone’s favorite Nintendo games. Mario and Luigi squared off for the love of Princess Toadstool, a scenario that brought laughter and cheers from the audience. Featuring other popular Nintendo characters such as Link and Donkey Kong, the talented cast and crew secured the awards of “Best Scenery,” “Best Costumes,” “Best in Show” for the general category, and the “James F. O’Day Award” for overall performance, making the Chapter the victor of the event. Brother James Prosenjak received the award for “Best Actor,” an honor well deserved for his performance as Mario. The show, directed by brothers Andrew May and Mario Seneca, brought the chapter numerous compliments from students and faculty.

Brothers James Prosenjak, Adam Weller and Justin Maffei open the show with the tune Nintendo Heroes.
This year brought many changes to the Colony, the biggest of which occurred in the fall when we had an alumni reunion event over homecoming weekend. We had several alumni come and tell old stories and give good ideas for recruitment. They all had a great time getting together with old friends and catching up with one another. It was great fun getting to know the alumni and to see that they still have a passion for Delta Chi.
EMBRy-RIDDLE Initiates Two New Alumni
We would like to announce the initiation of two prominent men as alumni. These men have been associated with the Chapter for many years and have shown us unrelenting dedication. We would first like to recognize Hewitt J. Dupont. Mr. Dupont is a CPA and has been our Chapter’s accountant since our chartering in 1972. Over the past 35 years, Mr. Dupont has done a terrific job keeping our Chapter’s financial records year after year without error. Next, we would like to recognize Mark Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds is a professor of physical sciences at Embry-Riddle, in addition to being our own Faculty Advisor. Mr. Reynolds has done an exceptional job serving as a resource for the Chapter and representing us with the faculty and administration. He is always available to any of the members who seek assistance or advice in academic matters. The initiation of Mr. Dupont and Mr. Reynolds took place in a special ceremony during our annual faculty/ alumni dinner during the spring semester. The brothers would like to thank Mr. Dupont and
Mr. Reynolds for their continued support and all the superb work they have done for the Chapter and Fraternity.

A few brothers with the Earthball Atlas Cup Champions, Delta Zeta. This spring semester was full of events for the men of the Colony. We focused our efforts on getting involved in various campus organizations and hosting our first philanthropy. The first annual Earthball tournament ran marvelously; we had over 160 participants from fourteen different sororities. At the end of the day, despite some bumps and bruises, the ladies of Delta Zeta won the physical competition, but the ladies of Phi Mu won the Delta Chi Earthball World Cup by having the most spirit points. Not only are we excited about the progress we have made in one year, we are working hard to make Florida the great Chapter it once was. This summer we will be moving back into our house and are looking forward to many promising years.

The past fall saw the Chapter have a great change in our grade rankings. Our associate member class jumped to the number one spot out of all of the fraternities on campus. The Chapter, as a whole, placed number four out of over twenty-five fraternities on campus. The required study hours for our associate members and the involvement of our brothers with the library have no doubt helped our overall GPA.
As the semester came to a close, we were close to obtaining more potential members due to our grades. This is an important selling point when it comes to the Chapter. We will continue study hours for our associate members and encourage interested men to come study with us as well.
GEORGIA SOUTHERN Huge Steps in Service
So far this spring, we have been heavily involved in fundraising, philanthropy, and service hours. Due to the efforts of the brothers and our new Philanthropy Chairman, Christian Craig, we raised $288 in only one week of selling The V Foundation wristbands. We have also completed more then 140 community service hours since January; this is more than we did all of 2006. Lastly, we are updating our “Statesboro Nightlights” shirts, which have raised over $3,000 for our local philanthropy and our housing fund in the past year.
Making a stir lately at the Chapter is the recently created and newly invigorated Parents Relations Program. former “E”, Eric Southard, has taken over as the Chairman of the Parents Relations Committee and has started a lot of interesting programs to endear parents to our Chapter. Besides communicating the activities of the Chapter to parents, the Parent Relations Program has had multiple outings inviting parents to come and spend time with the brothers, ranging from Chili-making and eating contests to Skeet Shooting. As we continue to grow, we look forward to keeping parents involved in what we do to further build our uncommon Bond.
One of the few days members actually saw snow in Alabama, so they decided to build a snowman. Following one of the busiest semesters in the Chapter’s history, we settled into the new house and started to concentrate our efforts on more outward goals. United behind the newly elected officers, we plan to build the Chapter into something great. Fresh off another very successful brotherhood retreat, we set out to win the UAH President’s Cup for the third year in a row. However, our main focus is to pull closer together as a growing Chapter and address the recurring complacency to become the best chapter in the region. We implemented stricter standards for incoming associate members to achieve our goals. Although our associate member class is only seven men strong, these seven men are the cream of the crop, and we foresee them doing wonders.
Early in the spring semester, we took a trip to Spokane for a brotherhood event. We normally attend a Spokane Chiefs Hockey game, but this year we decided to see the Spokane Shock, last year’s Arena Cup Champions in the arena football league. It was the Shock’s home opener and after an enjoyable bus ride to Spokane, we were able to witness a great football game. Following the game we hung out in Spokane for a while before heading back to Moscow. All of our in-house guys attended the event, as well as a majority of the out-of-house guys. Overall it was a very fun and successful brotherhood event, and we all look forward to next year’s trip!
This has been a banner year for the Chapter. We had the fortunate opportunity to host the Region V Regional Leadership Conference. The festivities were from February 23 to February 25, and we had a great showing, with over 100 attendees. Everything went well and we enjoyed conversing with our fellow brothers, old and young. We would like to give special thanks to Brett Olson and Regent Mark Schramka for organizing the event and to Ray Galbreth, R.C. Damle, and Tom Horowitz for attending. Hopefully everyone benefited from the conference and enjoyed the Chapter and campus.
IOWA Forging Partnership with Alumni
While it is common for fraternities to speak of the importance of alumni relations, we are trying to take the concept to another level. On February 3, the Chapter’s executive board and 11 alumni from the Alumni Board of Trustees and House Corporation met to develop plans and objectives for 2007. Sharing common goals and interests is the foundation of any partnership, and the planning meeting was an important step in building a stronger relationship. Specific goals were established, and alumni/member teams were formed to take actions in the areas of recruitment and alumni communications and involvement.
One team is developing a new scholarship program that can be an effective recruiting tool. Alumni will be involved in hosting summer recruitment events, facilitating a recruitment workshop and participating in formal recruitment. They will demonstrate to potential members that the Chapter has the support of its alumni and that brotherhood is a lifelong experience. Another team is focused on re-engaging alumni and rekindling their interest in the success of the Chapter. E-mail updates to alumni and a current newsletter will keep alumni better informed. Open houses before home football games will give alumni a chance to reconnect with one another and meet current undergraduate members. A mentoring program is matching alumni with current members and working on an alumni speakers’ series. There is an old saying that you are more committed to the success of something you helped create. Through discussions, such
as those held at the February planning meeting, the alumni are helping to create the Chapter’s future, a future that looks bright and promising.
We spent many hours working the Alabama High School Basketball Regional Tournament held at Pete Mathews Coliseum on the campus of Jacksonville State University in an effort to raise money for The V Foundation for Cancer Research. The teams and their fans attending throughout the week were respectful and courteous towards the cause.
All the members of the chapter volunteered three or more hours of their time towards raising money. It was a good experience for not only the new members but also potential new members to see our involvement in the community and university.

Chapter members celebrate bid extension with the James Madison statue.
Chapter of the Year, Best New Member, and Fraternity Man of the Year are just some of the awards we received this year. The Chapter is on the rise after celebrating its fifth chartering anniversary, and we look forward to hosting the Region IX Regional Leadership Conference in 2008. We planned an entire week dedicated to raising money for The V Foundation, held a pig roast, and had an alumni vs. brothers football game that had incredible alumni participation. The Chapter did well in recruitment too and saw seven new members join.
JOHNSTOWN Striving for Excellence
The Chapter recognizes six philanthropy projects in the area that involve the environment, youth, elderly, health issues, women’s needs and the disadvantaged. We have set a goal to complete projects benefiting all six areas. So far we have completed three and are currently working on the fourth. These projects include a canned food drive (disadvantaged), a “Light the Night” event for Cerebral Palsy (health issues), a Dance Competition to raise money for and promote Breast Cancer Awareness (women’s needs), and we are currently conducting a raffle ticket fundraiser to contribute a portion of the proceeds to the Boys and Girls Club of Johnstown (youth).
This spring we hosted the Region IV Regional Leadership Conference. The Conference was a great success. Regent Aaron Otto and Josh Stewart, former “A”, did an excellent job in coordinating the Conference, and all those involved had an excellent time and learned a lot. Speakers at the conference included Judge Joe Johnson, State Representative Barbara Ballard, and former Chapter Advisor Bart Eisfelder.

Chapter members during the February lock-in. In February, we began a new tradition of brotherhood through an all-chapter lock-in. The lock-in came from the idea of a chapter retreat we held the previous year when all members spent a Friday night out in a country camp. This year we began the night by hosting a threeon-three basketball tournament, followed by an outdoor cookout. The rest of the evening we played games of pool, Halo, and poker. The purpose of this event was to strengthen our brotherhood, recruit new members, and raise our members’ spirits, all of which were accomplished. The members had a great time hanging out and getting to know old and new members. A positive change in attitudes has been seen throughout the Chapter. Due to this event’s success, we will be planning a high school lock-in in the future.
Earlier this spring, we had our first annual kickball tournament to help raise money for The V Foundation. The kickball tournament was on April 14, and we had a great turnout from other Greeks as well as other students on campus.
Our chapter hosted the 2007 Region III Leadership Conference this year, and we proudly received some awards and nominations. Our “A”, Kyle Culver, was nominated for the Fraternity’s Ritual Committee. Alan Katzenmeyer was nominated for the Delta Chi Housing Committee, and Brother Robert Waterwall was nominated for the Delta Chi Law Committee. Also at the Region III RLC, our Chapter received the Outstanding Scholastics Award with a 2.814 GPA (which is above the all-men’s average).
The Chapter will be having its 20th Anniversary and Founders’ Day celebration on October 13, 2007 at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D.C. The Chapter has managed to survive and prosper over the years despite some difficult times. After many attempts throughout the years, the Chapter finally obtained an on-campus fraternity house located at 6 Fraternity Row. We are set to move in this summer.

Scholarship winners clockwise from top right: Pete Busciglio, Ryo Fujiwara, Kevin King, Frank Wozny, and David Sargent.
On February 13, the Chapter held its annual Scholarship Dinner. On that night, five members were recognized for their dedication shown to the Chapter throughout their college careers. The first scholarship handed out was the Jeffares Scholarship in Business, worth $1,200 over two semesters, awarded to Kevin King. The next scholarships awarded were the Lacchia Merit Scholarships. This scholarship is awarded to those who excel academically and are actively involved in both the Chapter and the community. The Lacchia Merit Scholarship winners are selected by the Building Corporation Board and are worth $1,000 each. This year there were four members who received the award: Ryo Fujiwara, Frank Wozny, David Sargent, and Pete Busciglio. The Scholarship Dinner is a great way to acknowledge the people in the Chapter who have continued to give back year after year.
MINNESOTA Our Largest AM Class

New associate member class.
Despite a large number of recent graduates, the Chapter has recovered quite well, with its largest associate member class in recent
history. We have used a combination of informal recruitment and a formal recruitment week to cap off the process, with some fun events and a nice catered dinner. We have a total of ten associate members for our spring class. With this large boost, and plans for an even more successful fall recruitment, we will soon be larger and stronger than ever.
We are about to begin construction on our first custom-built fraternity house. In addition to the house we already have, we will be adding on five more bedrooms, a social room and renovating the existing house. Not only will we have the nicest fraternity house on campus, we will have the nicest house in Montevallo! We would like to thank our alumni for their help with this project, which will be under way very soon.
NEW HAVEN Plays Softball
The Chapter held its annual Active vs. Alumni softball game in April. We had a large number of alumni come from all over the area for the event. This year we held it in Milford, Connecticut. We hope to return to the tradition of using the park in West Haven next year after construction is complete. After the game, we had a BBQ in the park. We enjoyed talking and reconnecting with those brothers who came before us. It also gave the new brothers the chance to meet a large group of our alumni, so they can keep in touch through their college and professional careers.
The Chapter is happy to report that it finally paid off its debt to the Fraternity. This debt has made it difficult for the Chapter to function over the past few years. The older members have seen the Chapter at its all-time low and have fought tenaciously to bring it back to its current standing. We would like to thank the alumni who gave their support over the years to help us resolve our debt. Our Chapter is now more prosperous than ever thanks to everyone who pitched in. Funds are now being allocated towards events that keep recruitment high and also towards events that improve our reputation on campus. Stagnation is no longer a fear of this Chapter, and we hope to constantly improve our situation in the community.
In April, the Chapter held its annual Delta Days, an event that included alumni, actives, and parents in the activities. It consisted of a barbeque, softball tournament, chili cook-off, silent auction, and a video yearbook for all to enjoy. This event has had huge success in the past, and the alumni and parents look forward to it every year.

Alumni at the annual golf tournament.
Every summer, alumni from Kansas City host a golf tournament that brings members from all over together again. Last year, the tournament attracted over 140 alumni and raised over $8,000 for improvements on the chapter house. This year, the 27th annual Kimball-Penton Golf Tournament was held on June 2nd and was bigger than ever. As always, the weekend started off on Friday at the Levee in Kansas City, where food and drinks were served, and the big event took place at the Royal Meadows Golf Course. This event has consistently been a great chance for alumni to catch up with old buddies and meet younger brothers.
This year the Chapter held a brotherhood retreat at Illinois State Park. While there, the members spoke about their favorite moments in the Chapter and reasons why they joined. Additionally, the Chapter set goals for the coming year. The members grew much closer through the retreat and realized what makes the brotherhood so special. It also gave the Chapter a unified vision for the future. We fully intend to have this experience every year so that we will continue to succeed.

The chapter house decorated for the holiday.
One of our favorite events of the year has become the Christmas Dinner Date Party. We celebrated the dinner for the fourth year, and it was agreed that this year was the best yet. All of the brothers worked extremely hard decorating and making sure the house was spotless. A special group of brothers (who can only be described as culinary geniuses) came up with an amazing menu. We are proud of the event because it gives us a chance to do something different on our campus, and our guests often leave commenting on how we are gentlemen. A special thank you to all alumni who were able to attend!

The Alpha Beta Pledge Class. The Chapter has recently completed its best recruitment in its history. We have successfully recruited sixteen new associate members. Our Chapter completely reworked the recruitment process, and the result is an associate member class for which we have great expectations.
SOUTH DAKOTA STATE Six years in a Row
Brother Alex Brown was recently elected Student Body President here at SDSU. This will be the sixth year for Delta Chi to hold an executive leadership position within the University’s Students’ Association. In response to his new position, Brown, a two-year student senator and political science senior, said, “I want to continue on, and try to give back a little bit for what this University has given me.”
One of the most memorable events of this spring semester was the Polar Bear Plunge. On a frigid day in January, there were a few brave souls who jumped into below freezing water to raise money for the Special Olympics of Southeast Missouri. We were able to raise over $225 for the Special Olympics, being one of two Greek organizations to participate, and it entitled us to send some jumpers. Even those who went to watch and support were freezing, as they got a good laugh out of those who took the plunge.
This spring, the Chapter turned over a new leaf. With the election of a young, energetic, and ambitious new executive board, rapid progress has been made within the Chapter.

Members at a brotherhood dinner. One sign of progress is our new website, www.deltachisyracuse.org. The Chapter also prides itself on its new associate member class of ten. This is astounding considering the Chapter’s past circumstances. The new associate members are quality men and will be the future leaders. The Chapter focused on personal recruitment through friendship and campus leadership organizations and it paid off. The Chapter is also asking for support in funding its “Restoring the Past” project to help reframe and restore composites from the 1960s and early 1970s so that they can be displayed properly and respectfully in the Chapter house.

Brothers volunteer time at the Children’s Foster Home in Stephenville. This semester we had our annual Easter Egg Hunt, held for the past ten years, with Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority. It is held at the Children’s Foster Home in Stephenville. We set up a big Easter egg hunt for the children, and it is a wonderful event for them. The children always get excited when we come out and spend the day with them. They really get excited to meet new people and make new friends.

The Chapter’s newly renovated game room. This past spring, the Chapter worked hard on renovations to its lodge. We have completed the upstairs and are currently working on a study room. We received gracious donations from alumni and fathers, which funded our construction, pool table and TVs. For the game room we textured the walls and repainted them billiard green, took down the recessed ceiling and clear coated the rafters, hung hand cut tin with custom flame burnet hand rails, replaced the old table, custom wired the pool table light and surrounding lighting, ran satellite cable and replaced the old flooring with a wood floor. For the study, we plan on retexturing the walls, hanging shelving for the library, adding tables, adding wireless connections and adding some wood flooring. We take great pride in doing these remodeling projects ourselves.

Newly initiated fathers in front of the house.
Last semester, our Chapter held its first Parents’ Weekend, where lunch was provided, a barbeque was enjoyed in the evening and an initiation was held. This was no ordinary initiation though, because that evening six fathers of active brothers joined the bond. Gregory Anderson, Robert DiGerolamo, Dennis Pogue, Dennis Dail, Randy Kempf and Steven Clark can all now call their sons brothers as well.
The V Foundation has been a great charity with which to work; it has helped us put together an annual philanthropy event of which we can be proud. In return, we will be able to provide a large donation every spring semester. The annual event is called Bowl-for-the-Cure. We are expecting attendance from the majority of Greeks and some student organizations as well.
WEST GEORGIA Academic Excellence
Last semester we put great effort into our scholarship program. We went from having one of the lowest GPAs on campus to having the second highest out of all the fraternities, beaten only by two one hundredths of a point. We would like to congratulate our brothers for all of their hard work.
WILMINGTON The Library Project
The Colony has recently centered a great deal of its community service hours on a project with the University. The large flowerbeds outside of Randall Library had become desolate and very depleted in color and life. We have taken on a project to revive them by adding new plants, topsoil, and mulch. To finalize this project, we plan on having a plaque made with our Colony name on it and the date the project was completed. The library project is just one of the many tasks we have set in motion to help us continue to have the most community service hours of all the fraternities on campus.

Actives and alumni at our local founder’s day reunion.
We held our local Founders’ Day on February 27, and the night was a tribute to those men who got together and started our Chapter. There was a good turnout of alumni, representing the classes throughout our Chapter’s existence from the early 1970s until the present. Together we shared stories, and alumni were able to reminisce about their undergraduate years. It was also good for the active members to meet many alumni who they normally wouldn’t meet. The entire event was a great success and we are looking forward to building on this for next year.

Chapter members in front of their house. Our chapter acquired 12 new brothers from the fall semester and has eight more new members from the spring. The initiation of these new members into our bond has brought our numbers to almost double what they were a year ago. Slowly, but with a steady pace, the Chapter has picked up momentum and is beginning to realize its full potential. The Chapter has used the new chapter house as motivation to turn things around. With proper planning and a new energy from members, the Chapter has been able to overcome the issues it once had and focus on what is important. It no longer has to succumb to the reputation of past years but can now make its own future.