3 minute read
From the “AA”
2009 Founders’ Day Message
Inside The Quarterly
Volume 106 Number 3 Fall/Winter 2009
2 From the “AA” 3 The V Foundation 4-5 Cover Story 6 Donor List 7 State of the Chapters 8-9 Risk Management 9 Chapter Situations 10-11 Cover Story Continued 12-14 Chapter Luminaries 15 Delta Chis at War 15 Keeping in Touch 15 Farewell & Parting 16 Call to Convention
Delta Chi Quarterly
(USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc. Fulton, MO. Three-year subscription $35 Five-year subscription $50
Address Changes
Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529 Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69 Assistant Editor: Zac Cole, NIU ’03 E-mail: rayg@deltachi.org Visit our website at www.deltachi.org
Layout and Design
Drew Dallet, Kent State ’93 Boom Creative, Inc. E-mail: info@boom-creative.com www.boom-creative.com
Please Help Delta Chi Save Money!
If you would like to receive the Quarterly electronically instead of in paper format, email HQ@deltachi.org and let us know. This will save Delta Chi both printing and postage costs. What a great time of year to celebrate the founding of Delta Chi! The cooler fall temperatures, football season and homecoming celebrations across the country are bringing our alumni back to campus. It is an opportunity to reflect on the year that will soon come to a close as we look forward to the coming year. I think about so many experiences we all have throughout our lives as Delta Chis, with some of the best memories being those late night talks with chapter brothers, when we realized they became more than our friends, they became family.
Delta Chi celebrates 119 years since its founding in Ithaca, New York, and it is great to hear about so many Founders’ Day celebrations going on throughout the country. A few weeks ago I traveled to Montana for a Delta Chi brother’s wedding and found out I would be near the burial site of Founder Alphonse Derwin Stillman. Heading to Glacier National Park on an early morning with another brother who was also attending the wedding, we stopped at the cemetery to visit Founder Stillman’s grave. The view of the mountains in the background was a spectacular setting, and we reflected on how far Delta Chi has come since its founding. At some point this fall we will reach our 100,000th initiate - a truly exciting and historic milestone. The fraternity continues to grow and is bringing the Delta Chi experience to campuses throughout the country. When I thought about the weekend and the life events experienced, I realized not one of the wedding guests was my chapter brother. They were brothers I met after graduation through my travels and involvement in the fraternity. It really put some perspective on how our brotherhood can impact our lives and how important these relationships can be after college life.
Fraternity is still relevant today, and Delta Chi is working hard to meet the challenges in today’s ever changing world. Delta Chi remains true to our Founders’ principles of Friendship, Character, Justice and Education, and it is our responsibility to apply these principles in our daily lives. We must diligently teach the core values in our ritual to the current and next generation of brothers. The future of our brotherhood depends on it, and there are many to thank for their donations of time and money to the Fraternity and our Educational Foundation. I hope the coming year is one that affords every member the ability to consider an effort of support to Delta Chi in some way.
As technology and social media continue to develop, it is opening up a whole new channel for Delta Chis to communicate. In fact you may have been alerted to this message from a Tweet or Facebook posting!
Demographics are changing so rapidly that what was just recently for children or college students now engages multiple generations - an exciting development in connecting our brotherhood in ways we never imagined.
I hope you will stay informed by checking our website, subscribing to the monthly In-Brief newsletter and other forms of communication as you adopt them. I hope you will consider joining your fellow brothers this spring at a Regional Leadership Conference, as well as making your plans for Convention in New Orleans in August 2010. Delta Chi is making a difference in our lives, and I wish every brother a Happy Founders’ Day!
In the Bond,