11 minute read
Chapter Luminaries
abraCaDabra Kalpit Shah ’10
Chapter: “D”, Brotherhood Chair, Historian Chair organizations: Engineering Honor Society Treasurer, Biology Scholar Program Tutor, UC Berkeley Health Worker, Cal Event Management Assistant Director Major: Engineering and Pre-Med honors: National Honor Society Varsity athletics: Crew of Lightweight Rowing Team
alberTa Tom Janiszewski ’08
Chapter: “B”, AMC, RC, “BB” organizations: Lister Hall Floor Coordinator, Students Union Councilor Major: Environmental Engineering honors: Dean’s Research Award, Jason Lang Scholarship
aMeriCan Brandon Krapf ’10
Chapter: “A”, “B”, “E” organizations: Founder of American University’s Student Veterans of America, Army Reserve Major: International Studies, Middle Eastern Area Studies
aPPalaChian sTaTe Nicholas Wilkinson ’10
Chapter: “B” organizations: Student Government Association Major: Pre-Law honors: Dean’s List
ariZona sTaTe Adrian Cottman ’10
Chapter: “”A”, AMC, Social Chair/Intramurals organizations: IFC VP of Internal Affairs Major: BIS Concentration Business and Communications Minor: Mass Communications & PR
bowling green Artie Starner ’08
Chapter: “D”, AMC organizations: Public Relations Student Society of America, University Honors Program, Club Track Major: Journalism/Public Relations Minor: Marketing honors: Dean’s List
Cal Poly Tanner Bennett ’10
Chapter: “A”, “B”, “C” organizations: Pol Reps University Ambassador, Cal Poly Ski Club, Associated Students Inc, Society of
Civil Engineers Major: Civil Engineering honors: Twice recipient of the Marge Lee Outstanding “C” Award
CenTral Missouri John Granstaff ’09
Chapter: “B”, Philanthropy Chair, Recruitment Chair, Scholastics Chair organizations: IFC President, IFC Vice President, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Student Funding Cmt, Student Government Senator Major: Criminal Justice Minor: International Studies honors: Who’s Who at UCM, Charno Award Finalist, Outstanding Criminal Justice Senior Award, Greek Man of the Year, Dean’s List, President’s List, Delta Chi Scholarship
ConneCTiCuT Troy Lipp ’09
Chapter: ”A”, “E”, RC, Philanthropy Chair and Formal Chair organizations: Order of Omega, IFC Representative, Campus Tour Guide, Greek Leadership Course Instructor, University of Connecticut Citizen Police Academy, and Huskython Coordinator Major: Political Science Minor: English honors: Pi Sigma Alpha, Dean’s List, Sigma Alpha Nu and Greek Senior of the Year
CorPus ChrisTi Gilbert Morales ’09
Chapter: “D”, Colony Philanthropy Chair, Chairman of the first Annual Jimmy V Music Festival organizations: President Honors Student Association, President of Islander Democrats and Student Government Association Major: History Minor: Political Science honors: Kennedy Memorial Scholar, Honors Officer Scholar, Community Outreach Scholar, Selected to introduce both former Senator Barack Obama and Senator Edward Kennedy during 2008 Democratic campaign.
CorTlanD Ed Reiser ’09
Chapter: “A”, “B”, Community Service Chair, Fundraising Chair, Public Relations Chair Major: Physical Education Varsity athletics: Lacrosse honors: Dean’s List, Greek Convocation
DePauw Jarrod Johnson ’08
Chapter: AMC, RC, G.E.A.R. Representative, House Manager organizations: Intervarsity Bible Study Leader, World Wide Discipleship Assn., Edge outreach Partnership Lesion Major: Psychology honors: Dean’s List, Holton Memorial Scholarship
DuQuesne Andrew D. May ’09
Chapter: “A”, “AMC”, Scholarship Chair, IFC Representative, G.A.M.M.A. Representative and Director of Carnival and Greek Sing organizations: President Pro Tempore of the Student Government Senate, Chairman of the Martin Luther King, Jr Day Committee, Constitution Chair of the Black Student Union, Multicultural Student Advisory Council, President’s Advisory Council on Diversity, President’s Advisory Council, President of G.A.M.M.A, Captain of the Civic Argumentation and Debate Team Major: School Counseling, Psychology, Sociology and Spanish Minor: Intercultural Studies and Art History honors: Order of Omega, Phi Kappa Phi, Chi Sigma Iota, Sigma Tau Delta, Psi Chi and Alpha Kappa Delta
easT sTrouDsburg Michael Kelly ’09
Chapter: “A”, “F” organizations: Secretary & Treasurer of Sociology Club Major: Criminal Justice Sociology honor: Dean’s List, Alpha Kappa Delta, International Sociology Honor Society, National Honor Society of Leadership and Success and member of Student Advisory Committee for the Dean of Arts and Sciences.
easTern washingTon Jared De Leeuw ’10
Chapter: “B”, Recruitment Chair and By-Laws Chair Major: Computer Science Minor: Mathematics
eMbry-riDDle Lyman Cunningham ’09
Chapter: “A”, “D”, AMC and Fundraising organizations: Honors program and 4x4 Club Major: Aviation Business Administration Minor: General Management honors: Dean’s List, Honor Role, Academic Scholarship, Greg Nelli Academic Scholarship
floriDa Daniel Thompson ’10
Chapter: “C”, “D”, AMC, Campus Involvement Chairman, Region VIII Regional Leadership Conference Chairman organizations: Florida Blue Key, Student Government Election Commission, Student Government Assistant Supervisor of Elections, Blue Key Speakers Bureau Major: Political Science Minor: Communication Studies, Leadership Studies honors: President’s Honor Role, Top 5% GPA in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Congressman John Mica Scholarship Recipient, Dean’s List
georgia TeCh Michael Seelhorst ’09
Chapter: ”B”, “D” and Campus Involvement Chair Major: Aerospace Engineering honors: E. Joe Baker Outstanding President’s Scholar, George Wingfield Semmes Scholarship and Sigma Gamma Tau
gorhaM sTaTe Casey Mountain ’09
Chapter: Academic Committee, Established Academic Chair (resulting in highest) Fraternity GPA , Social Chair, Recruitment Committee,
Judicial Board organizations: Pack Leader for Student Orientation, Tutor for Mentally and Educationally Challenged Program Major: Communications Minor: Business Varsity athletics: Lacrosse
iDaho John Shirts ’09
Chapter: Recruitment Chair, Brotherhood Chair, Ritual Chair and Homecoming Chair organizations: ASUI Senator, ASUI Rules and Regulations Committee Chair, Vandal Entertainment and Student Recreation Board Member, Distinguished Sophomore Business Club Member, ASUI Finance Committee Member, Young Republicans Club Member and USAC Study Abroad Program Participant Major: Political Science honors: Lofthouse Foundation Scholarship, U of I Achievement Scholarship, Florence Summers Hollada Scholarship, Idaho Opportunity Scholarship, Dean’s List, Sophomore Academic Competitiveness Grant, Intermountain Community Bank Scholarship, Idaho Academic Scholarship, International Experience Grant, Robert Lee Promise Scholarship and CBE Study Abroad Scholarship Varsity athletics: Football and Wrestling
iowa David McNance ’09
Chapter: “F”, Webmaster and Parents Club Chair organizations: Hawkeye Football Hosts, Public Relations Student Society of America, Students to Assist Recruitment, Iowa Olympic Ambassadors Project for the 2008 Beijing Olympics and Society of Professional Journalists Major: Journalism and Sports Studies Minor: Business Administration honors: Dean’s List
JaCKsonVille sTaTe Drew Lindsey ’09
Chapter: “B”, “D”, AMC organizations: Freshman Orientation and Ambassador Major: Education honors: Order of Omega, President’s List and Dean’s List
Kansas Tyler Mertel ’09
Chapter: “B”, Recruitment Chair, Social Chair, Brotherhood Chair and New Member Educator organizations: IFC Vice President of Recruitment, IFC Recruitment Guide, Advertising Club, PRSSA and KU Student Ambassador Major: Journalism honors: Dean’s Honor Roll
Kennesaw Kevin Madden ’11
Chapter: “D”, Scholarship Chair, PR Chair organizations: Leaders in Kennesaw Member, China Trip Budget Coordinator Major: Finance
KeTTering a Scott Thach ’09
Chapter: “C”, Philanthropy Chair, Social Chair, AMC, Semi-Formal Chair and Correspondence Secretary organizations: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Chapter of Asian American Association, Chapter of Engineers Without Borders and Society of Hispanic Engineers Major: Mechanical Engineering Minor: Biomechanical honors: Dean’s List and Gamma Sigma Alpha
KeTTering b Allen Hutchison ’09
Chapter: “E”, Rush Chair, Social Chair and Public Relations Chair organizations: Off Road Club and Firebirds Car Club Major: Mechanical Engineering honors: Dean’s List and Professional Leadership Honor Society
laKe foresT College Justin E. Stenger ’10
Chapter: “A”, “E”, Newsletter Editor, Philanthropy Chair, Member of Anchor Splash ’08 Team, Pep Squad ’08, Relay for Life ’09 and Intramural Soccer organizations: Roberts Hall Member of Student Government, Junior Class Student Senator, Advisory Board to the President, Director of Public Safety Search Committee, Greek Council, Greek Life All Men’s Council, Habitat for Humanity and Student Alumni Association Major: Politics and American Studies Minor: Religion honors: President Scholarship Varsity athletics: Swim and Diving Team
long beaCh Justin Downes ’10
Chapter: “B”, “C”, Social Chair, Housing Chair, Fundraising Chair, Junior IFC Delegate, Public Relations Chair, Marketing Chair, Rush Chair, Vice President of Pledge Class and Voted Most Athletic Delta Chi organizations: Executive Vice President of Inter Fraternity Council, Team Leader of The American Cancer Association, Western Region Greek Association Leadership Conference, CSU Alcohol Advisory Council and Department of Communications Member Major: Communications Studies
louisiana TeCh Will Baker ’10
Chapter: Rush Chair, Pledge Class Leader, Brotherhood Chair and Reverend organizations: SGA Major: Biology Minor: Chemistry
MiChigan Charles Wineland III ’09
Chapter: “C” and “E” organizations: College of Engineering Peer Mentoring Program Coordinator, American Society of Engineers Webmaster Major: Mechanical Engineering Minor: Mathematics honors: Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society (Officer), Pi Tau Sigma Mechanical Engineering Honor Society (Officer), Dean’s List, University Honors, AOSS Department REU Grant, Eli Lilly Scholarship, Tau Beta Pi Outstanding Electee Award, ASME Active Member Award, BP Engineering Scholarship, MESLB Outstanding Service Award, Borelli Family Outstanding Service Award
MiChigan sTaTe Patrick L. Rawsthorne ’09
Chapter: “A”, Rush Chair, Games Chair, Songs Chair and Social Chair organizations: NRA and German Club Major: International Relations Minor: Infant and Development Studies
Missouri Jazz Rucker ’11
Chapter: “A”, “C”, Philanthropy Chair and Interfraternity Council Delegate organizations: Add 9 Director, National Residence Hall Honorary, Residential Life-Community Advisor and Training Leader Major: Music Education
Missouri sTaTe Danny Pape ’10
Chapter: “A”, “C”, Social Chair, Intramural Chair and Programming Committee Head organizations: Interfraternity Council Director of Administration Major: Business- Finance honors: 3.2 GPA, Order of Omega and National Society of Collegiate Scholars
norTh alabaMa Ahmet Tamkoc ’08
Chapter: “F” organizations: International Student Organization Major: Accounting
norThwesTern Richard Oleszczuk ’09
Chapter: Acting “A”, “B”, “E”, RC, Region V RLC Attendee, National Convention Attendee, IM Football Team Captain, IM Basketball Team Captain organizations: Varsity Marching Band Drum line Captain, Northwestern University Club Golf Team Major: Industrial Engineering and Economics honors: 3.75 GPA, Dean’s List and Ford Dean’s Scholar
oKlahoMa Preston Seaburg ’11
Chapter: “B” and Community Service Chairman organizations: Pre-Med Club Member, National Society for Collegiate Scholars Member, Big Brothers/Big Sister “Big” and Full Circle Senior Adult Day Care Volunteer Major: Physics/Pre-Med Minor: Spanish honors: Member of the Oklahoma Academic All State Class of 2007, Oklahoma Regent Scholar
oregon sTaTe Patrick Ostrom ’09
Chapter: “A”, “F”, Philanthropy and Recruitment organizations: OSU Sports Marketing, Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Fraternity
Major: Business
PiTTsburgh Robert Gaunt ’09
Chapter: “E”, Philanthropy Chair, Scholarship Chair and Housing Chair organizations: Men’s Club Soccer President and Business Manager, Pre-Veterinary Club and National Society of Collegiate Scholars Major: Biology Minor: Chemistry and Classics honors: Dean’s List
PurDue Gerald Michael Sims ’10
Chapter: “A”, “F”, Brotherhood Chairman, Favors Chairman, BSD Chairman, “A”s’ Academy, Convention Delegate organizations: Purdue Foundation Student Board, President of School of Management Employers Forum, University Ambassador, IFC, Old Masters Major: Business Management honors: Dean’s List, Greek Senior of the Year, Krannert School of Business Outstanding Senior Scholarship, Barbara Doster Positive Attitude Scholarship
rhoDe islanD Phil Bowers ’09
Chapter: “A”, “E”, Philanthropy Chairman, Recruitment Chairman, IFC Representative, Special Events Chairman organizations: President of Inter Fraternity Council, URI Alumni Association Student Homecoming Chair, IFC Student Involvement Chair, Order of Omega Vice-President, Omicron Delta Kappa, Student Body Representative for URI and Narragansett Coalition Major: Communication Studies honors: Dean’s List
ruTgers Christopher Keating ’09
Chapter: “A”, Community Service Chair organizations: Rutgers University Student Assembly Chair, Rutgers Man of the Year, Appointed by the Governor to Commission on Higher Education Major: Political Science Minor: Journalism and Media Studies honors: Edgar Bacon Scholarship, Gamma Sigma Alpha and Cap and Skull
souTheasT Missouri John Howell ’09
Chapter: Greek Week Chair, Homecoming Co-Chair and Family Relations Chair organizations: Agriculture Future of America, AFA Student Advisory Team and Monroe County Beef Chairman Major: Agriculture Business Minor: Animal Science honors: Dean’s List
Tri-sTaTe Brian Detweiler ’09
Chapter: “A”, “B”, “C”, AMC, Assistant AMC, Banquet, Chaplain and Steward organizations: Secretary of IFC, VP membership of Order of Omega, VP programming of Order of Omega and Undergraduate Representative on Ritual Committee Major: Social Studies Education honors: Alpha Chi, Phi Eta Sigma, PI Lambda Theta, President’s List, Golden Key, Who’s Who and Skull and Bones
TruMan sTaTe Mathew Wright ’09
Chapter: “E”, AMC, Website Chair and Brotherhood Chair organizations: President of Rotaract, Alumni Relations Chair of Alpha Chi Sigma and American Chemical Society Major: Biology Minor: Chemistry
Virginia CoMMonwealTh Omer Bokhari ’09
Chapter: “A”, “B”, Social Chairman, Philanthropy Chairman, Fundraising Chairman and Monster Energy Drink Representative (Fraternity Sponsor) organizations: VCU Pre-Law Society, Afghan Student Association, Campus Tutoring, Habitat for Humanity, IFC Representative and IFC Judicial Board Representative Major: Political Science Minor: Religious Studies honors: Dean’s List, Honor Society, Order of Omega, Multiple Language Exemption
souTh floriDa Frank Malatesta ’09
Chapter: ”C”, AMC organizations: Director of Community Relations and Government Affairs, Student Government Senator Major: Political Science honors: Honors College, 3.5 GPA
washburn Chris Marshall ’09
Chapter: “C” and “E” organizations: Campus Activities Board (Marketing and Varieties Director), Washburn Review sports editor and Society of Collegiate Journalists Major: Mass Media with an emphasis in media writing and publishing Minor: Art honors: Dean’s List, President’s List and Who’s Who of College Students
wesTern MiChigan Joey Cekola ’10
Chapter: “E”, House Manager, Brotherhood Chair and Recruitment Chair organizations: President and Standards of Excellence Chair of the Order of Omega Major: Business Management Minor: General Business honors: Dean’s List
williaM & Mary Jonathan DeLong ’09
Chapter: “A”. “C”, AMC and Philanthropy Chair organizations: President Health Careers Club, Medical Outreach, Membership Co-Chair Mortar Board Honor Society, Peru International service trip Team Member, Emergency Department Scribe, Free Clinic Volunteer, Summer Program for Undergraduate Research at Medical College of Wisconsin, Orientation Aide, Counselor at Phantom Lake YMCA Camp and GermanFest Milwaukee VIP Attendant. Major: Government Minor: Biochemistry-Pre Medicine emphasis honors: Order of Omega, Mortar Board, Dean’s List, and Early Acceptance to Eastern Virginia Medical School
wilMingTon Eric Sneeden ’09
Chapter: AMC, Philanthropy Chair and AM Class “C” organizations: Orientation Leader, Seahawk Link and Building Manager, Orientation Office Manager Major: Communication Studies Minor: Leadership honors: Campus Life Employee of the Year
winDsor Michael Tome ’10
Chapter: “B”, Awards Committee, Spring Rush Committee, AMC, Social Chairman and House Manager organizations: Inter Greek Council Representative, History Club and Anthropology Club Major: History Minor: Anthropology