The Delta Chi Quarterly - Fall/Winter 2009

Page 12

Chapter Luminaries ABRACADABRA


Kalpit Shah ’10

John Granstaff ’09

Chapter: “D”, Brotherhood Chair, Historian Chair

Chapter: “B”, Philanthropy Chair, Recruitment Chair, Scholastics Chair

Organizations: Engineering Honor Society Treasurer, Biology Scholar Program Tutor, UC Berkeley Health Worker, Cal Event Management Assistant Director

Organizations: IFC President, IFC Vice President, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Student Funding Cmt, Student Government Senator

Major: Engineering and Pre-Med

Major: Criminal Justice

Honors: National Honor Society

Minor: International Studies

Varsity Athletics: Crew of Lightweight Rowing Team

Honors: Who’s Who at UCM, Charno Award Finalist, Outstanding Criminal Justice Senior Award, Greek Man of the Year, Dean’s List, President’s List, Delta Chi Scholarship


Tom Janiszewski ’08 Chapter: “B”, AMC, RC, “BB” Organizations: Lister Hall Floor Coordinator, Students Union Councilor Major: Environmental Engineering Honors: Dean’s Research Award, Jason Lang Scholarship


Brandon Krapf ’10 Chapter: “A”, “B”, “E” Organizations: Founder of American University’s Student Veterans of America, Army Reserve Major: International Studies, Middle Eastern Area Studies


Nicholas Wilkinson ’10 Chapter: “B” Organizations: Student Government Association Major: Pre-Law Honors: Dean’s List


Adrian Cottman ’10 Chapter: “”A”, AMC, Social Chair/Intramurals Organizations: IFC VP of Internal Affairs Major: BIS Concentration Business and Communications Minor: Mass Communications & PR


Artie Starner ’08 Chapter: “D”, AMC Organizations: Public Relations Student Society of America, University Honors Program, Club Track Major: Journalism/Public Relations Minor: Marketing Honors: Dean’s List


Tanner Bennett ’10 Chapter: “A”, “B”, “C”

Civil Engineers

Organizations: Pol Reps University Ambassador, Cal Poly Ski Club, Associated Students Inc, Society of

Major: Civil Engineering Honors: Twice recipient of the Marge Lee Outstanding “C” Award

12 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Fall/Winter 2009 2007

Carnival and Greek Sing Organizations: President Pro Tempore of the Student Government Senate, Chairman of the Martin Luther King, Jr Day Committee, Constitution Chair of the Black Student Union, Multicultural Student Advisory Council, President’s Advisory Council on Diversity, President’s Advisory Council, President of G.A.M.M.A, Captain of the Civic Argumentation and Debate Team Major: School Counseling, Psychology, Sociology and Spanish Minor: Intercultural Studies and Art History Honors: Order of Omega, Phi Kappa Phi, Chi Sigma Iota, Sigma Tau Delta, Psi Chi and Alpha Kappa Delta



Michael Kelly ’09

Troy Lipp ’09

Chapter: “A”, “F”

Chapter: ”A”, “E”, RC, Philanthropy Chair and Formal Chair

Organizations: Secretary & Treasurer of Sociology Club

Organizations: Order of Omega, IFC Representative, Campus Tour Guide, Greek Leadership Course Instructor, University of Connecticut Citizen Police Academy, and Huskython Coordinator Major: Political Science Minor: English Honors: Pi Sigma Alpha, Dean’s List, Sigma Alpha Nu and Greek Senior of the Year


Gilbert Morales ’09 Chapter: “D”, Colony Philanthropy Chair, Chairman of the first Annual Jimmy V Music Festival Organizations: President Honors Student Association, President of Islander Democrats and Student Government Association Major: History Minor: Political Science Honors: Kennedy Memorial Scholar, Honors Officer Scholar, Community Outreach Scholar, Selected to introduce both former Senator Barack Obama and Senator Edward Kennedy during 2008 Democratic campaign.

Major: Criminal Justice Sociology Honor: Dean’s List, Alpha Kappa Delta, International Sociology Honor Society, National Honor Society of Leadership and Success and member of Student Advisory Committee for the Dean of Arts and Sciences.


Chapter: “B”, Recruitment Chair and By-Laws Chair Major: Computer Science Minor: Mathematics


Lyman Cunningham ’09 Chapter: “A”, “D”, AMC and Fundraising Organizations: Honors program and 4x4 Club Major: Aviation Business Administration Minor: General Management Honors: Dean’s List, Honor Role, Academic Scholarship, Greg Nelli Academic Scholarship



Daniel Thompson ’10

Chapter: “A”, “B”, Community Service Chair, Fundraising Chair, Public Relations Chair

Chapter: “C”, “D”, AMC, Campus Involvement Chairman, Region VIII Regional Leadership Conference Chairman

Ed Reiser ’09

Major: Physical Education Varsity Athletics: Lacrosse Honors: Dean’s List, Greek Convocation

Organizations: Florida Blue Key, Student Government Election Commission, Student Government Assistant Supervisor of Elections, Blue Key Speakers Bureau Major: Political Science


Minor: Communication Studies, Leadership Studies

Chapter: AMC, RC, G.E.A.R. Representative, House Manager

Honors: President’s Honor Role, Top 5% GPA in College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Congressman John Mica Scholarship Recipient, Dean’s List

Jarrod Johnson ’08

Organizations: Intervarsity Bible Study Leader, World Wide Discipleship Assn., Edge outreach Partnership Lesion Major: Psychology Honors: Dean’s List, Holton Memorial Scholarship


Andrew D. May ’09 Chapter: “A”, “AMC”, Scholarship Chair, IFC Representative, G.A.M.M.A. Representative and Director of


Michael Seelhorst ’09 Chapter: ”B”, “D” and Campus Involvement Chair Major: Aerospace Engineering Honors: E. Joe Baker Outstanding President’s Scholar, George Wingfield Semmes Scholarship and Sigma Gamma Tau

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The Delta Chi Quarterly - Fall/Winter 2009 by Delta Chi Fraternity - Issuu