4 A Lifetime of Brotherhood: Attending 10 Delta Chi Conventions by Age 23
At just 23, Gil Werntz IV (Clemson ’23) reached a rare milestone—attending his 10th Delta Chi International Convention. He reflects on the lasting impact of these experiences, family memories, and shares advice for younger members attending their first convention.
Get the inside scoop on the 63rd Delta Chi International Convention in Miami, Florida—500 brothers, a luxury venue swap, legislation, education, water slides, a private concert, awards, and brotherhood.
22 From RLA to Recognition: Tri Pham’s Delta Chi Journey and the Impact of the Dale Carnegie Scholars Program
Tri Pham, Dale Carnegie Certified Senior Trainer, made history in January 2024 as Delta Chi’s first initiate of the year, at the 2024 RLA. Beginning his remarkable journey of brotherhood as a Dale Carengie Scholars Facilitator, Pham witnessed the powerful impact of Delta Chi’s brotherhood firsthand.
Brotherhood is a two-way street. If you accept its advantages, you must live up to its obligations. As your “AA”, I’ve seen firsthand the power of this truth, and I look forward to seeing how we, as brothers, continue to elevate Delta Chi over the next two years.
When I was first elected in 2022, the Board of Regents set ambitious goals to grow our manpower, enhance the membership experience, and engage our alumni more deeply. With those foundations now established, we must turn our focus to what lies ahead. The next two years will not only define who we are today but will shape who we will be for decades to come.
Our brotherhood has always been Delta Chi’s greatest strength, and it has driven significant growth over the past few years. Yet, growth is not an end in itself—it is a means to ensure that every brother is fully engaged in the Delta Chi experience. As we look to the future, we will continue to expand our membership, aiming to
surpass 6,000 undergraduates and increase our average chapter size to 55 brothers.
This growth, however, won’t just be about adding numbers. More importantly, it will be about ensuring that each new brother upholds the ideals of our Fraternity and is engaged in a positive membership experience. To achieve this, we must address challenges such as inactive membership and ensure that every chapter maintains the highest standards of recruitment and member development. New and renewed chapters at universities like Ball State, Purdue, and Utah will expand our footprint, but the true strength of Delta Chi lies in the quality of our brotherhood.
As we strengthen our membership, enhancing the Delta Chi experience will remain a top priority. Our leadership programs, including the Regional Leadership Academy (RLA), have already empowered hundreds of brothers to lead with confidence.
Over the next two years, we will build on this success, expanding the reach of these programs to ensure that more brothers benefit from the training and mentorship they need to become effective leaders in their chapters and beyond.
Similarly, the Delta Chi Dale Carnegie Scholars Program has been remarkably successful in preparing our members for life after college. This program will continue to grow, providing brothers with skill-based certifications and leadership training that will distinguish them in their professional lives. With
its recognition through the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) Laurel Wreath Award, among the most prestigious recognitions in the fraternal community, we’ve only scratched the surface of what this program can achieve. In the coming years, we will push the boundaries of what’s possible for our members.
One of the most transformative advancements we’ve made is using data to understand and improve the Delta Chi experience. Through our partnership with Dyad Strategies and the Membership Experience Survey, we’ve gained valuable insights into how our brothers experience fraternity, how they grow, and how we can further enhance their time in Delta Chi.
Going forward, we will leverage this data to make informed, datadriven decisions that ensure every chapter and brother gets the support and resources they need. The early findings from these initiatives are already promising—showing that fraternity life improves mental health, builds a strong sense of belonging, and provides a fulfilling, satisfying experience. This data will be crucial as we continue to refine our programs and showcase the true value of Delta Chi to future members, parents, and partners.
But none of this can be sustained without the continued support of our alumni. Our alumni network has always been a tremendous resource, and over the next two years, we will focus on strengthening the connections between alumni and our active chapters. Alumni mentorship, guidance, and involvement are essential to the long-term success of our chapters, and we’re just beginning to unlock their full potential.
The Alumni & Volunteer Success Task Force has already laid the groundwork for a new era of alumni engagement. By 2026, we expect to see more engaged alumni serving on boards, advising chapters, and actively supporting undergraduate brothers.
This isn’t just an aspiration; it’s a necessity for the continued success of our Fraternity. We are committed to recruiting and training alumni volunteers, equipping them with the tools they need to help today’s young men succeed.
As we embark on the next two years, I want to reaffirm a sentiment I shared at the 2024 International Convention in Miami: Brother William Jennings Bryan, Georgetown, said “Destiny is not a matter of chance—it is a matter of choice.” Brothers, we have chosen to build a stronger Delta Chi, and now we must continue to work toward that goal.
In 2026, when we gather again for the 64th International Convention, I believe we will see a Fraternity that is stronger, larger, and more engaged than ever before. We will have over 6,000 undergraduate members, chapters that are thriving, and an alumni network that is fully integrated into the success of our chapters. But to reach that future, we must each make a choice today—will we be content with where we are, or will we continue to push for greatness?
It has been an honor to lead this Fraternity over the past two years, but my focus is on what lies ahead. Together, we have laid the groundwork for growth, improvement, and success, but the next two years will determine what Delta Chi becomes for the next generation. Let’s not let this opportunity pass us by.
Thank you, brothers, for your trust and your commitment to Delta Chi. Together, we will build a Fraternity that lives up to its highest ideals, and I am honored to serve as “AA” as we journey into this new future.
In The Bond,
Patrick Alderdice, 54th “AA”
Ball State ’92
New Founder
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At just 23 years old, Gil Werntz IV (Clemson ’23) achieved a remarkable milestone that few brothers of Delta Chi can claim so early in life—attending his 10th Delta Chi International Convention. This feat speaks volumes about his deep-rooted connection to the Fraternity, a bond nurtured from his earliest years by his father’s active involvement. Now that the 2024 Convention in Miami has passed, Werntz’s story offers a unique reflection on what it means to be a lifelong Delta Chi and how the Fraternity’s influence extends far beyond the four years of college. Werntz’s journey with Delta Chi began long before he could even walk. His father, Gil Werntz III (Georgia Southern ’85), a dedicated member of the Fraternity, made it a point to involve his family in the brotherhood of a lifetime. As a result, Gil was exposed to the values, traditions, and camaraderie of the Fraternity from a very young age. His first Delta Chi Convention came at the tender age of 18 months, and while he doesn’t recall much from that initial experience, it set the stage for a lifelong connection to Delta Chi.
Growing up, Werntz and his younger brother, Clay, often accompanied their father to Delta Chi Conventions, creating a family tradition that would deeply influence their understanding of what Fraternity life truly means. “I don’t remember my first Convention very well,” Werntz recalls, “but I do remember my second vaguely. Even though I was only 5 years old, I remember the fun stuff like
Dad taking me to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I remember Steve Bossart (“AA” Emeritus, Kent State ’90) throwing out the first pitch at the Cleveland Indians game, and I remember running around the hotel with my baby brother. At the time, I didn’t understand it, but now I do.”
These early experiences laid the foundation for Werntz’s future within Delta Chi. He witnessed firsthand the power of the Fraternity’s brotherhood, observing his father’s interactions with people who, while strangers to him, were clearly close to his dad. Werntz describes
seeing “young, old, and anywhere in between” among the brothers his father connected with. “I knew one day I would be a Delta Chi, and I knew I would have lifelong friends wherever I decided to join from.”
By the time Werntz officially became a Delta Chi, he had already developed a profound understanding of the Fraternity’s values and the role it played in shaping men of character. His father’s involvement served as a blueprint for his own journey. “Dad’s involvement in the Fraternity has allowed me to have a deep understanding of what Fraternity is about from a young age,” said Werntz. He understood early on that Delta Chi would be “more than just four walls, four years, and a group of people in college.”
For Werntz, Delta Chi was never just something he did in college; it was a lifelong commitment to brotherhood, service, and personal growth. This perspective influenced his approach to Fraternity life, driving him to become actively involved from the start. His passion and dedication eventually led him to the role of Leadership Consultant from 2023-2024, where he worked to inspire and guide other brothers in their own Delta Chi journeys.
As Werntz reflects on his nine previous Conventions leading up to Miami 2024, each one holds a special place in his heart. From riding his first rollercoaster in Las Vegas in 2008 to visiting the National World War II Museum in New Orleans in 2010, these experiences have not only been fun and memorable, but have also shaped his identity as a Delta Chi.
(Georgia Southern ’86) what it takes to be in the Order of the White Carnation, have fun, and make sure it isn’t your last Convention!”
For Werntz, the true value of attending Conventions lies in the connections you make and the lessons you learn. He encourages younger members to step out of their comfort zones, to engage with brothers from different chapters, and to fully immerse themselves in the Delta Chi experience.
Now that the Miami 2024 Convention has passed, Werntz looks back on his 10th Convention with a sense of accomplishment and gratitude. Miami represented not just another milestone in his Delta Chi journey, but also an opportunity to reflect on how far he has come and how much the Fraternity has shaped his life. Werntz emphasizes that each Convention is a new adventure, and Miami was no exception.
“Dad’s involvement in the Fraternity has allowed me to have a deep understanding of what Fraternity is about from a young age.”
Some of Werntz’s fondest memories involve the time he spent with his brother and father, creating lasting family traditions within the context of the Fraternity. “Pittsburgh 2012: watching a hypnotist make Clay put his Crocs on his hands at the dinner table,” Werntz laughs. “Scottsdale 2014: getting to ride in a dune buggy out on the Arizona desert. St. Louis 2022: hanging out with 500 of my closest friends and getting to throw in the bullpen at Busch Stadium.” These moments, filled with laughter, adventure, and brotherhood, exemplify the unique experiences that Delta Chi Conventions offer.
Beyond the fun and brotherhood, Werntz also gained valuable insights from attending Conventions. He learned about the Fraternity’s rich history, met brothers from diverse backgrounds, and saw firsthand the impact that Delta Chi has on the lives of its members. Werntz reflects on how Conventions are a reminder that Delta Chi is more than just a chapter at your college institution— it’s “a community of men who are committed to supporting each other, upholding our values, and to making a positive difference in the world.”
As someone who has attended more Conventions than most brothers will in a lifetime, Werntz is eager to share his advice with younger members who may be attending their first Convention in the future. His message is simple: make the most of the experience. “Go find new people,” he urges. “You will always have your brothers at your home chapter. Make friends with the guys from Cal Poly and Arizona (or any other chapter), ask the former ‘AA’ Aaron Otto (Kansas State ’98) for his best Delta Chi story, ask Ray Galbreth (Past Executive Director, Missouri ’69) what a ‘warm fuzzy’ is, ask David Edwards
For Werntz, the Delta Chi Convention is more than just an event—it’s a celebration of brotherhood, a reaffirmation of the values that bind the Fraternity together, and a reminder of the lifelong commitment that comes with being a Delta Chi. As he continues his journey within the Fraternity, Gil’s experiences serve as an inspiration to brothers of all ages, a testament to the enduring power of brotherhood, and a reminder that the bonds we form as Delta Chis are truly for life.
As we look back on Miami 2024 and begin to anticipate the next Convention in Indianapolis in 2026, Werntz’s experiences serve as a reminder of the unique opportunities that Conventions offer—a chance to connect, to learn, and to celebrate the bonds that make Delta Chi so special. Whether you’re attending your first Convention or your 10th, the message is clear: embrace the experience, make the most of it, and carry the spirit of Delta Chi with you, wherever life may take you.
The 63rd Delta Chi International Convention, held from July 31 to August 3, 2024, at the JW Marriott Miami Turnberry, brought together over 500 brothers from 41 Alumni Chapters and 103 Undergraduate Chapters. Originally planned for another venue, the luxurious JW Marriott, with its Tidal Cove Water Park and championship golf courses, became the perfect setting, enhancing the brotherhood experience and making the Convention successful despite the last-minute change.
On Wednesday evening, brothers came together for a welcome reception inspired by the colors and theme of the Miami Convention. The official kickoff celebration began with an exciting trivia competition and an Olympic-themed introduction video before the Board of Regents entered the stage. Executive Committee Officers then made their grand entrance, each carrying their institution’s flag in a display of unity and pride. The energy in the room was palpable as International “AA” Patrick Alderdice (Ball State ’92) welcomed attendees, celebrating the core competency accomplishments of our chapters. Alderdice set a powerful tone for the days ahead as the Fraternity. Set to “honor not only the champions of the 2024 Olympic games in Paris “but also the champions of our Fraternity. As Olympians strive for excellence and unity, so do we as Delta Chis.” Photo 1
OnThursday,August1,conventionactivitiesbeganwithregionalcaucuses, wheredelegatesgatheredtodiscusslegislation,governance,andchapter health.Delegatesparticipatedincaucussessionsthatallowedthemto hearfromexecutivecandidatesanddeliberateonkeygovernancechanges, inactivemembershipstatusupdates,andFraternityFees.Tostartthefirst generalsession,DEICommitteeChairJazzRucker(Missouri’11)beautifully presentedtheanthemsacapella. Photo 2
Themorningcontinuedwiththedelegationapprovingthe63rdInternational ConventionHonoreeHamiltonHenderson(NorthwestMissouri’82) andpresentingthenewestmembersoftheOrderoftheWhiteCarnation,Bob Hendershot(Purdue’72)andChadWolett(ArizonaState’94).Photo 3
OthermembersoftheFraternitywerealsohonoredonThursdaymorning. DonLaPlante(USC’76),KevinCoyne(Connecticut’86),andthelate KenShepard(LongBeach’77),werehonoredwiththeprestigious CommitteeChairEmeritusAwardfortheirexceptionalservicetoDelta Chi. DonLaPlantewasrecognizedforhisnearly40yearsastheLaw CommitteeChairman,KevinCoyneforhis28yearsofleadershipasthe RiskManagementCommissionChairman,andKenShepardforhis15years guidingtheHousingCommittee.Thesebrothersleftalastingimpactthrough theirdedicationandleadershipwithintheFraternity.
Inaspecialmomentatthe63rdInternationalConvention,DeltaChihonored twolong-timealumni,RayGalbreth(Missouri’69),andPaulBohlman (OhioState’70),who,althoughunabletoattendinperson,joinedviaZoom toconnectwiththeattendees.Ray,theFraternity’sExecutiveDirector Emeritus,andPaul,aPastInternational“AA”,haveattended24and21
Conventions, respectively. Both brothers had the opportunity to address the attendees, sharing their reflections and reconnecting with the Fraternity. To further honor their dedication, the Convention body approved the motion to officially record them as attendees, ensuring their legacy was recognized and celebrated. Photo 4
In the afternoon, Patrick Alderdice “AA”, Matthew Gorney “CC”, and Mark Sexton “DD” were re-elected to their roles as International President (54th “AA”), International Secretary (44th “CC”), and International Treasurer (48th “DD”), respectively. The trio’s leadership was reaffirmed by the voting delegates, as they set out their vision for the Fraternity over the next two years. Later in the evening, members gathered for the ritual exemplification, giving brothers the opportunity to reconnect with the Fraternity’s core values.
Friday, August 2, 2024: Educational Sessions, Water Slides, & Brotherhood
Friday, August 2, offered a diverse mix of programming. The morning began with ritualistic legislation followed by the last few pieces of legislation to advance the Fraternity. Following the morning session, attendees spent time in the exhibit hall with some of Delta Chi’s outstanding partners and vendors. Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in the second Toss for a Cause fundraising event for the V Foundation for Cancer Research, which raised $1,400 for the fight against cancer.
The afternoon began with the Leadership Luncheon sponsored by the Delta Chi Foundation through the Ray Galbreth Leadership Fund. The luncheon featured keynote speaker Dan Faill, who delivered an inspiring address titled “The Role of Fraternity and the Power of Vulnerability in Brotherhood.” Dan has spent over 20 years working in higher education, serving as a facilitator and keynote speaker for college students nationwide. Dan has served as a fraternity/sorority advisor on campuses across the United States and, in the Fall of 2022, was hired as the Vice President of Campus Support for the North-American Interfraternity Conference. Faill’s 50-minute presentation offered insights into the importance of vulnerability and curiosity in building deeper connections and a stronger brotherhood. His keynote resonated with members, encouraging them to ask better questions and engage more meaningfully with each other.
After the luncheon, attendees participated in various educational sessions designed to strengthen chapter operations and personal leadership skills. As the afternoon unfolded, delegates headed to Tidal Cove Waterpark, where they enjoyed the luxury of the water slides and pools while deepening friendships. This social experience added a fun, relaxed element to the day, blending education with brotherhood. Photos 5, 6 & 7
That evening, attendees were treated to a special Brotherhood BBQ Concert featuring Tyler Filmore, a Delta Chi alumnus from the University of Missouri. Filmore performed an acoustic set with hits like “Slower” and “USA”, blending country music with pop elements. Filmore’s performance created a perfect atmosphere of celebration and Fraternity pride, allowing brothers to bond over music and shared experiences. Photos 8 & 9
Saturday, August 3, 2024: Partnerships, Recognition, & Our Future
The convention’s final day began with Dale Carnegie Master Trainer and keynote speaker Mark Norman, who delivered an engaging presentation on “Developing Healthier Patterns in Work and Life.” Sponsored by the Delta Chi Foundation and Dale Carnegie, Norman’s talk inspired attendees to adopt healthier personal and professional routines. Following Norman’s presentation, brothers attended educational sessions focused on chapter management, leadership development, and networking. These sessions provided invaluable knowledge and insights for undergraduates and alumni alike. Photos 10 & 11
At the Partnership Luncheon, several key partnerships were honored. The luncheon highlighted Delta Chi’s successful collaboration with Dyad Strategies, Plaid LLC, Barrister Capital Corporation, PhiredUp, Dale Carnegie, and the Gift of Life Marrow Registry. Gift of Life recognized the East Stroudsburg Chapter as the Delta Chi Chapter of the Year for its exceptional contribution to the marrow registry, having added over 500 donors since 2015. Photo 12
The luncheon also recognized Delta Chi’s long-standing relationship with the V Foundation for Cancer Research, which has raised over $2 million since 2006. This year, Delta Chi introduced a new initiative supporting the Dick Vitale Pediatric Cancer Research Fund with a moving video from Dick Vitale himself, who was undergoing treatment and unable to attend in person. Daniel Wood, Associate Director of Partnerships for the V Foundation, made several impactful remarks about our partnership and proudly presented the Delta Chi Bracket Trophy to the 2024 winner, the Embry-Riddle Chapter!
The Delta Chi Fraternity also presented a check to the V Foundation for Cancer Research, celebrating the Fraternity’s long-standing partnership and its contribution of $354,359.26 raised over the past biennium. In addition, the Missouri Chapter was recognized as the top fundraising chapter for raising $42,722.67. The night continued with the presentation of several awards, including chapter composite awards, officer recognitions, and alumni distinctions. Photo 13
To close the Partnership Luncheon, former Delta Chi Foundation Chairman, Rod Arnold (Texas A&M ’85) delivered a heartfelt address, emphasizing the Foundation’s mission to assist members in the acquisition of a sound education. Arnold highlighted the importance of the Foundation’s role as a separate entity from Delta Chi headquarters, allowing it to accept tax-deductible donations that directly fund academic scholarships and educational programs. He extended deep gratitude to the generous donors who have made significant contributions, making it possible for the Foundation to provide $246,595 in grants and scholarships last year, impacting over 400 brothers.
Arnold then invited Delta Chi Foundation donors in attendance to stand and be recognized, expressing thanks for their continued support. The Convention body then celebrated the outstanding contributions of Brother John Tunila (Connecticut ’81), who was honored with the prestigious Director Emeritus award for his more than 20 years of service. Tunila’s journey with Delta Chi, which began at the University of Connecticut in 1978, has left an indelible mark on the Foundation, particularly through his leadership in legal advising, strategic planning, and fundraising efforts. Sherman’s remarks underscored the profound impact of both individual dedication and collective generosity on Delta Chi’s educational mission. In addition to Brother Tunila, Bobby Dewrell (Troy State ’95) and Bob Hendershot (Purdue ’72) were both honored with the Delta Chi Foundation Distinguished Service Award for their years of service and dedication to advancing the brotherhood of a lifetime. Photo 14
The Convention’s Closing Banquet was a night of celebration and recognition. Brothers Don LaPlante (Southern California ’76) and Boyd Boehlje (Iowa State ’61) were honored as Delta Chi Foundation New Founders for their extraordinary lifetime contributions totaling $100,000. Their generosity advances the Foundation’s mission to support educational and leadership development programs for Delta Chi members. The New Founders recognition was further elevated by the success of the Foundation’s Convention Martlet Campaign, which raised an unprecedented $55,000 through 354 martlets purchased and 74 unique donors!
A special highlight of the campaign was the “Stick it to Hauser” initiative, where Brother Greg Hauser (Michigan State ’75) generously agreed to match donations made in his honor. Attendees who purchased a “martlet” for Hauser helped raise over $17,000 in his name. In Brother Hauser’s own words, “Thank you to all the donors who ‘stuck it to me’ at Convention this year and supported the Delta Chi Foundation!” Photo 15
Travis Goff (Kansas ’02), the Director of Athletics at Kansas, was named Delta Chi of the Year. Although unable to attend due to weather conditions, Goff’s achievements in athletics administration were celebrated with a standing ovation. Cindy Stellhorn and Michael Greenberg were honored with the John J. Kuhn Award for their lifelong dedication to the fraternity community. Cindy played a pivotal role in the “Stand Up to Harvard” campaign, protecting student association rights, while also shaping risk management in the fraternity world. Michael, a former Sigma Chi Grand Consul, led efforts to combat hazing, promote mental health, and raise $1.5 million for research on the positive impact of fraternities. Both recipients have made lasting contributions to the fraternity experience.
Jud Horas, President and CEO of the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), attended the banquet to present two of the Fraternity’s highest honors. Delta Chi was awarded the Laurel Wreath Award for the Dale Carnegie Scholars Program, and both Truman State and Miami were awarded the NIC Chapter Award of Distinction for their exemplary operations and leadership.
Steve Bossart (Kent State ’90) was honored with the “AA” Emeritus Award, a rare and prestigious designation recognizing his lifetime of outstanding service to Delta Chi. His contributions include professional roles as a leadership consultant and Director of Expansion, as well as volunteer positions such as past Regent, “CC,” and “AA.” Steve’s instrumental leadership in founding the “A”s’ Academy and establishing the partnership with The V Foundation has left a lasting impact on the Fraternity. Photo 16
Additional chapter recognitions included the presentation of the President’s Most Improved Trophy to the Florida Chapter (Red Division) and the Augusta Chapter (Buff Division), recognizing their tremendous growth and community engagement. The Chicago Cup went to the Atlanta Alumni Chapter for its consistent excellence in alumni engagement and programming. Photo 17
Delta Chi’s most prestigious honor, the President’s Cup, was awarded to the top-performing chapters in both the red and buff divisions. In the buff division, the Embry-Riddle, Omaha, and Truman State chapters were recognized for their excellence in philanthropy, community service, academic achievements, and leadership. In the red division, the Cal Poly, Missouri State, and Miami chapters received the award for their outstanding growth, chapter operations, and contributions to their campuses and communities. These chapters exemplify the values of Delta Chi and have made significant impacts within the Fraternity and beyond
As the convention drew to a close, Retiring “AA” Aaron Otto (Kansas State ’98) took the stage to officially reinstall the executive committee members for the next biennium, reaffirming their leadership for the future of Delta Chi. Following this, International “AA” Patrick Alderdice shared reflections on the accomplishments of the week and looked forward to the future of Delta Chi. Alderdice spoke about the power and responsibility of brotherhood, urging members to hold each other accountable and live up to the Fraternity’s values. After his address, Alderdice unveiled the exciting news that Delta Chi is On Track to Greatness for the 64th International Convention, in Indianapolis, Indiana, from July 22-26, 2026. To close the evening, brothers stood together for the final event of the convention, singing the Bond Song, a cherished tradition symbolizing the enduring connection shared by all Delta Chi members. Photos 18 & 19
The 63rd International Convention was a resounding success, filled with moments of celebration, reflection, and inspiration. As brothers returned to their chapters and communities, they carried with them the lessons learned and the deepened bonds of fraternity. In the words of Patrick Alderdice, “Brotherhood is a privilege, and it’s also a responsibility. The highest form of brotherhood is holding each other accountable.” With the future bright, Delta Chi looks ahead to another biennium of growth, leadership, and brotherhood. Photo 20
At the 2024 Delta Chi International Convention in Miami, the Fraternity proudly received the prestigious Laurel Wreath Award from the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) for its groundbreaking Delta Chi Dale Carnegie (DXDC) Scholars program. The Laurel Wreath Award, one of the highest honors in the fraternal world, is annually bestowed upon programs that exemplify leadership, service, and a commitment to fraternal values.
The award was personally presented by Jud Horas, President and CEO of the NIC, during the convention—a testament to the significance of this recognition within the fraternal community. The DXDC Scholars program, launched in partnership with the globally renowned Dale Carnegie Training, has quickly become a cornerstone of Delta Chi’s commitment to developing “Men of Action.” Over the past two years, the program has seen 180 scholars complete the rigorous course, which emphasizes leadership, self-improvement, and empowerment— core tenets of Delta Chi’s mission. The 2024 shift to a hybrid format, combining a virtual introductory session with in-person experiences, led to a 20% increase in program graduates, further solidifying the program’s impact.
The success of the DXDC Scholars program is reflected not only in its growing number of graduates but also in the leadership roles these scholars have taken within their chapters, communities, and even within the Fraternity’s staff. At the Miami Convention, 27 scholars were registered to attend, highlighting the program’s far-reaching influence and the dedication of its participants to the Fraternity’s mission.
The recognition of the DXDC Scholars program with the Laurel Wreath Award underscores its significance in advancing Delta Chi’s core values and its profound impact on the Fraternity and the broader interfraternal community. This award is a testament to Delta Chi’s ongoing commitment to fostering personal growth, leadership, and the development of its members—ensuring that the Fraternity remains a leader in providing a transformative fraternal experience.
The North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) annually recognizes exceptional achievements in the fraternal experience through its prestigious Awards of Distinction. This year, out of hundreds of chapters, only seven were honored, and two of those chapters belong to Delta Chi—Miami University and Truman State University. These chapters have been recognized for their exemplary commitment to leadership, service, and fraternal values, setting a high standard within the fraternity community.
The Delta Chi chapter at Miami University has demonstrated outstanding dedication to expanding and strengthening their membership. This commitment earned them the Andrew Herman Memorial Chapter Excellence Award at the University’s Student Engagement, Activities, and Leadership Awards ceremony, which recognizes chapters that embody the values of their community. By achieving superior operational performance and fostering a values-based fraternal experience, the Miami Chapter has made a measurable impact on its members, campus, and community.
The Delta Chi chapter at Truman State University is known for its high academic standards, with a cumulative GPA of over 3.5 among its members. Beyond academics, the chapter is deeply involved in campus activities and community service, supporting organizations such as the Pantry for Adair County, the Salvation Army, and the Bruce Normile Juvenile Justice Center. Their fundraising efforts have benefited the V Foundation for Cancer Research, Project HAPPIE, and Kirksville Parks and Recreation. Truman State’s Delta Chi chapter consistently reflects on its values, striving to improve and positively impact both the chapter and the broader community.
These chapters exemplify the innovation, courage, and dedication necessary to create a meaningful fraternal experience. Their recognition by the NIC underscores their significant contributions to Delta Chi and the interfraternal community.
Delta Chi is proud to announce that Dr. Richard “Dick” McKaig (Ball State ’66) has been awarded the prestigious Gold Medal by the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), the highest honor in the fraternity world. Established in 1940, the NIC Gold Medal recognizes individuals who have made lifelong contributions to the interfraternal community, and Dr. McKaig’s legacy is a testament to this esteemed recognition.
Known as the “Fraternal Dean” by his peers, Dr. McKaig dedicated 38 years of service to Indiana University (IU), retiring as Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students. His commitment to advancing the fraternity experience extended far beyond his tenure at IU, where his influence continues to be felt across the university, Delta Chi, and the broader interfraternal community.
Dr. McKaig led the Center for the Study of the College Fraternity for over 30 years, advocating for research that highlighted the benefits of fraternity and sorority life. He also mentored hundreds of campus and interfraternity leaders through his 35 years of leadership at the Interfraternity Institute (IFI).
In addition to his contributions to higher education, Dr. McKaig’s service to Delta Chi is profound. He served two terms on the Fraternity’s Board of Regents, advised the Educational Foundation for 20 years, and co-chaired the President’s Anti-Hazing Task Force. His lifelong dedication to fraternity life has left an indelible mark on Delta Chi and the entire fraternal community.
The NIC Gold Medal is a rare and distinguished honor, and Delta Chi celebrates Dr. McKaig’s remarkable achievements and his unwavering commitment to enhancing the fraternal experience.
Delta Chi is excited to once again shine a spotlight on the exceptional achievements of our collegiate chapters, alumni, dedicated members, volunteers, and campus professionals from the 2023-2024 academic year. These awards, presented at the 2024 International Convention in Miami, Florida, recognize the incredible contributions and efforts that continue to elevate our Fraternity.
The President’s Cup stands as Delta Chi’s highest honor, awarded annually to chapters that exemplify unparalleled excellence in operational performance and a commitment to a values-based fraternal experience. These chapters are not only leaders within Delta Chi but also make a tangible impact on their campuses and in their communities.
In the story of Delta Chi, we’re not just marking milestones— we’re celebrating a journey fueled by passion, leadership, and a commitment to excellence. Our awards and recognition program reflects the drive and dedication of those who proudly represent Delta Chi. This is their chance to showcase the outstanding work they’ve done over the past year, turning their hard work into a source of inspiration for us all.
As we look back on this year, Delta Chi stands strong, proud of the impact our members and supporters have made. Our values guide us, and our Basic Expectations keep us grounded. Together, we’ve continued to raise the bar, setting the stage for an even brighter future.
Each year, the Fraternity recognizes the top chapters in both the red and buff divisions. The selection process is rigorous, with the “AA” choosing a minimum of two and up to four chapters from the Award of Excellence category in each division. The 2024 President’s Cup winners embody the true spirit of Delta Chi, setting the standard for what it means to lead with integrity, service, and brotherhood.
The Cal Poly Chapter has experienced remarkable growth and evolution over the past three years. Their unwavering commitment to the core pillars of Delta Chi has shaped their conduct both on campus and within the broader community. The Cal Poly Chapter has built a strong relationship with the campus community, collaborating closely with campus administration and strictly adhering to campus policies.
A hallmark of the Cal Poly Chapter is the deep, authentic bonds they foster among their members. Prioritizing the well-being of their brothers, they have implemented initiatives focused on violence prevention, mental health awareness, and providing resources for seeking help. By promoting open discussions and organizing events centered on well-being, the chapter aims to break down barriers and create a strong sense of belonging within the house and the broader Fraternity and Sorority Life community.
The Missouri State Chapter has experienced significant growth and progress, excelling in chapter functions, community relations, fraternity education, and making a lasting impact on their members and the community. Three years ago, the chapter had 70 members. Thanks to their innovative 365-recruitment strategy, they have grown to 125 members, making them the largest fraternity on campus.
Educating others about the values-based fraternity experience has been a crucial factor in their success. Their focus on building strong campus and headquarters relations, providing valuable resources, and promoting personal and professional development has made Missouri State a standout chapter. They aim to serve as a role model for others, making a positive impact on the lives of everyone they encounter.
The Embry-Riddle Chapter has consistently shown an unwavering commitment to philanthropy, mental health, academic excellence, and community engagement. Through their proactive approach to service, support, and collaboration, the Embry-Riddle chapter has truly embodied the core values of Delta Chi, setting a high standard within both the fraternity and the broader community.
This year, the chapter successfully revived and hosted ‘Martlet Madness,’ a unique week-long philanthropy event dedicated to raising awareness and funds for childhood cancer research. The event saw exceptional attendance and participation from nearly all Greek organizations on campus, resulting in over $4,000 raised from individual and organizational donations. Additionally, the chapter spearheaded the establishment of a dedicated mental health committee focused on addressing the daily stresses and challenges faced by brothers.
Their commitment to making a positive impact, both within their community and across the larger Delta Chi membership, is truly outstanding. The Embry-Riddle Chapter has not only met the expectations set by the fraternity but has also surpassed them, exemplifying what it means to be a leader in service and brotherhood.
The Omaha Chapter has shown exceptional resilience and leadership, successfully navigating a transition phase marked by the graduation of older members and the arrival of an enthusiastic new generation. Their current leadership, from executive board members to committee chairmen, is deeply committed to fostering growth and making a positive impact.
The Miami Chapter has experienced exponential growth over the past five years, consistently going above and beyond in numerous ways. With a remarkable cumulative GPA of 3.5, they have set a high academic standard for all. Their commitment to community service is evident through their partnerships with organizations like TOPSS Food Pantry, The Animal Adoption Foundation, and the Oxford Senior Center.
In addition to their strong partnership with the V Foundation, the Miami Chapter also raises funds for the Jacob Butze Memorial Foundation, in honor of their former brother who passed away after battling leukemia. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed; the chapter received the Andrew Herman Memorial Chapter Excellence Award on campus, which highlights their dedication to Miami University IFC’s five pillars: scholarship and learning, service and philanthropy, leadership and values, community, and brotherhood.
Moreover, the Miami Chapter was honored with this year’s NIC Chapter Award of Distinction, recognizing their excellence within the fraternity community. The Miami Chapter is not only a role model within their local community but also sets a standard of excellence for the International Fraternity.
Over the past year, the chapter raised more than $10,000 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research and the Ronald McDonald House through events such as a golf scramble, pie-a-brother, and a dunk tank. They also excelled in community service, routinely volunteering at a local food pantry, cleaning up parks, and raising awareness for local injustices. Academically, they achieved the second-highest GPA in their Greek Life community.
These accomplishments have not gone unnoticed. The chapter’s efforts have earned them significant recognition, including two Presidents’ Cups and the Award of Distinction from the North American Interfraternity Council in 2022. The Omaha Chapter embodies the values of Delta Chi and remains dedicated to innovation and growth.
The Truman State Chapter has consistently demonstrated the qualities of a high-functioning fraternity chapter. For eight consecutive semesters, the chapter has achieved the highest GPA among all Interfraternity Council (IFC) chapters, with a cumulative GPA of 3.53, significantly surpassing the all-men’s GPA of 3.23 at Truman State. The chapter’s commitment to academic success extends beyond the classroom, with many members securing internships, acceptance into prestigious graduate programs, and job opportunities across the country.
This year, several brothers were accepted into esteemed law and medical programs, and others secured internships and job offers with reputable companies and government agencies. The chapter also emphasizes the importance of giving back to both the Truman and Kirksville communities. Over the past academic year, they devoted more than 1,200 hours to community service and raised substantial funds for charitable organizations, including the V Foundation for Cancer Research and local charities.
Despite the challenges of declining interest in fraternity membership, the chapter has maintained a strong brotherhood with 58 active members, surpassing the average fraternity size at Truman by a significant margin. In addition, the Truman State chapter was honored with this year’s NIC Chapter Award of Distinction, recognizing their excellence within the fraternity community. The Truman State brotherhood exemplifies the true essence of Delta Chi, forming strong bonds and creating lifetime memories, while continuing to represent the legacy of Delta Chi.
Delta Chi honors the top-performing chapters and provisional chapters in the red and buff divisions with the Award of Excellence. These chapters have shown exceptional achievement in Delta Chi’s fundamental values—Promote Friendship, Develop Character, Advance Justice, and Assist in the Acquisition of a Sound Education—earning the highest overall scores for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Virginia Tech
Georgia Tech Omaha
Missouri State Truman State
Miami Huntsville
Cal Poly
The Raymond D. Galbreth Certificate of Achievement is awarded to chapters and provisional chapters that have excelled in various operational standards aligned with Delta Chi’s core principles—Promote Friendship, Develop Character, Advance Justice, and Assist in the Acquisition of a Sound Education.
Iowa State Tarleton
Mississippi State Kingsville
Wisconsin Northern Illinois
Creighton Marquette
Arizona Augusta
The President’s Most Improved Trophy honors chapters and provisional chapters that have shown significant operational progress compared to the previous academic year. These chapters have put in considerable effort to elevate their operational standards, enhance their involvement on campus and within the community, and make a greater positive impact on the Delta Chi Fraternity. This prestigious award is given to only one chapter or provisional chapter in each division.
Florida Augusta
The Outstanding Chapter Program Award honors the remarkable initiatives developed and executed by our undergraduate chapters in two key areas: Member Safety & Wellness and Member Education. This award highlights Delta Chi chapter programs that have significantly enriched the fraternal experience and bolstered the positive image of the Delta Chi International Fraternity.
Miami Marquette
Georgia Tech
Syracuse Kettering A
The Outstanding Growth Award honors chapters and provisional chapters that have implemented recruitment programs aligned with Delta Chi’s values and basic expectations, resulting in impressive membership growth during this academic year.
Florida Hayward
Kansas State Kingsville
Southern Arkansas
The Most Improved Growth Award celebrates chapters and provisional chapters that have shown significant enhancement in their growth strategies and a strong upward trajectory toward achieving their membership goals. These chapters are dedicated to enriching the Delta Chi experience by adding new members through tailored, ongoing recruitment efforts.
Arizona Augusta
Kansas State
Virginia Tech
Southern Arkansas
New to Delta Chi awards last year, the Academic Excellence award recognizes the highest-performing chapters in each division.
Georgia Tech North Alabama
The Community Impact Award honors chapters and provisional chapters that have excelled in their philanthropic and community service efforts. These chapters have made a significant difference in their communities through their commitment to civic engagement and exemplifying “doing fraternity right” by making a direct impact on the lives of others.
Florida Marquette
Georgia Tech Embry-Riddle
The Outstanding Collegiate Leadership Award recognizes any Delta Chi officer or chairs, not in the position of the “C” or “E”, who have gone above and beyond to not only deliver on their required position responsibilities but have also demonstrated proactive leadership while exceeding expectations.
John Blalock (Augusta “B”) Aidan Lay (Huntsville, Mem. at Large)
Kevin Arndt (Case Western “A”) Eduardo Manuitt (Lake Forest, “A”)
Jackson Matyczyk (Florida, “A”) Patrick Cengia (Miami “A”)
Jacob Veeder (Florida, “B”) Jack Griesman (Kansas State “A”)
Each chapter selects one Chapter Luminary every year to be recognized due to the member’s exemplification of Delta Chi’s ideals and for their overall involvement with the Fraternity, campus and community.
Adrianus Plazier (Alberta) Andrew Thomas (Massachusetts)
Lawrence Johnson (Augusta) Chase Hodkiewicz (Minnesota)
Kevin Arndt (Case Western Reserve) Jack Bauer (Mississippi State)
Carver Doehne (Eastern Washington) James Galli (Missouri)
Owen Pittman (Georgia Tech) Nicholas Johnson (Ohio State)
Johnny Steven (Kansas) Hatcher Heavyside (Tarleton St.)
Jack Griesman (Kansas State) Dominic Nguyen (Temple)
Chad Harnage (Kennesaw State) Sam Myers (Truman State)
Adam Jaycox (Kettering A) Ryan Logan (Wilmington)
Peter Rekus (Marquette)
The Marge Lee Outstanding “C” Award recognizes chapter “C”s who exhibit exceptional performance in all their required and recommended duties.
Daniel Hubert (Augusta)
Camden Russell (Georgia Southern)
Joseph Griffiths (Marquette)
Ethan Stephens (Southeast Missouri State)
Ryan Hirsch (Syracuse)
Diego Rodriguez (Truman State)
Shane Buckler (Wilmington)
The “E” Key Award is the oldest award given by the Fraternity and seeks to recognize chapter “E”s for their exceptional performance of all communicative duties.
Jordan Mitchell (Eastern Washington)
John Currier (Georgia Tech)
Kyle Leathers (Kansas)
Matthew Long (Kansas State)
Nathaniel Shanks (Kennesaw
Nate Stevens (Kettering A)
Parker Shearer (Kingsville)
Carson Latham (Mississippi State)
Hanks Edwards (Missouri)
Brendan Knepper (Montclair)
Dayne Kubat (Tarleton)
William Wells (Truman State)
Delta Chi’s core competency awards recognize chapters and provisional chapters that demonstrate operational accomplishments within four key fraternal standards:
Promote Friendship | Develop Character | Advance Justice | Assist in the Acquisition of a Sound Education
Within each standard, chapters are recognized in three differing operational levels: achievement, excellence, or excellence with distinction. Those that receive the achievement award are recognized for their significant improvements and are approaching standards in fraternity operations. Chapters that receive the excellence award are recognized for meeting the Fraternity’s standards of operational excellence. Chapters that receive the excellence with distinction award are recognized for exceeding standards and demonstrating mastery of the Fraternity’s standards of operational excellence.
Promote Friendship
Recruitment & Retention, Brotherhood, Alumni & Family Engagement, Ritual
RED Division
Excellence with Distinction Excellence Achievement
Missouri State Missouri Iowa State
LSU Mississippi State Georgia Southern
Cal Poly Georgia Tech Creighton
Florida Clemson William & Mary
Arizona Miami Wisconsin
BUFF Division
Excellence with Distinction Excellence Achievement
Truman State Huntsville Marquette
Long Beach Montclair Embry-Riddle
Central Missouri Louisiana Tech Omaha
Augusta Kennesaw Tri-State Kingsville East Stroudsburg Temple
Develop Character
Philanthropy, Service, Public Relations, Community Engagement, International Fraternity Involvement
RED Division
Excellence with Distinction Excellence Achievement
Arizona LSU Missouri State
Ohio State Cal Poly Creighton
Missouri Georgia Tech Virginia Tech
Mississippi State Auburn Texas Tech
Miami Lehigh Villanova
BUFF Division
Excellence with Distinction Excellence Achievement
Augusta Omaha Eastern Illinois
Truman State Kennesaw Montclair
East Stroudsburg Embry-Riddle North Alabama
Kingsville Hayward San Antonio
Huntsville Southern Arkansas Edwardsville
Advance Justice Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, Health & Safety, Governance, Accountability, Financial Management, Housing (if applicable)
RED Division
Excellence with Distinction Excellence Achievement Missouri Creighton Florida LSU Ohio State Iowa State Mississippi State Georgia Tech Virginia Tech
BUFF Division
Excellence with Distinction Excellence Achievement Augusta Louisiana Tech Syracuse
Central Missouri Northern Illinois San Antonio Truman State Huntsville Marquette
Kingsville East Stroudsburg Long Beach
Embry-Riddle Temple Hayward
Assist in the Acquisition of a Sound Education Scholarship, Associate Member Education, Member Development
RED Division
Excellence with Distinction Excellence Achievement Missouri Wisconsin Iowa State LSU Cal Poly Missouri State Arizona Auburn Texas Tech Creighton Florida Case Western Reserve Georgia Tech Ohio State
BUFF Division
Excellence with Distinction Excellence Achievement Truman State Louisiana Tech Kennesaw
Huntsville Temple East Stroudsburg
Central Missouri San Antonio Whitewater
Edwardsville Tarleton Gannon
Wilmington Appalachian State
The Alumni Chapter must be in good standing with Delta Chi Headquarters to be eligible to receive any award. Eligibility is based upon an Alumni Chapter’s submission of fees and annual reports.
The Chicago Cup recognizes an alumni chapter with excellence in programming, communication, and meeting the needs of its members.
The Outstanding Alumni Chapter Communication award recognizes an alumni chapter with exceptional communication with its members.
Northeast Ohio
The Outstanding Alumni Chapter Programming Award recognizes an alumni chapter for an exceptional programming event that makes a positive image of themselves while being looked upon by the community, nearby college campuses, and Delta Chi Chapters/ provisional chapters.
Northeast Ohio
The Outstanding Alumni Chapter Member award recognizes an outstanding member of an alumni chapter.
Dan Russel ’03, Northeast Ohio
The Outstanding Chapter Advisor award recognizes an outstanding advisor for a chapter or colony for a specific, exceptional act of service during the previous academic year.
Bill Glaser - Lehigh ’89 for exemplary service to the Lehigh Chapter
Aaron Colley - Auburn ’92 for exemplary service to the Auburn Chapter
The Outstanding Chapter Alumni Board of Trustees Award recognizes an outstanding chapter or colony advisory board that has gone above and beyond to guide and support a chapter/colony during the academic year.
Mississippi State Alumni Board of Trustees
Iowa State Alumni Board of Trustees
Embry-Riddle Alumni Board of Trustees
The Meritorious Service Award recognizes an alumnus who makes significant contributions to Delta Chi as a “BB”, ABT member, House Corporation member, general Fraternity committee member, Regent, Vice-Regent, or staff member.
Buckley Shoaf
Western Carolina ’97 for service to the Wilmington Chapter
Nicholas Edwards Kansas State ’18 for service to the Kansas State Chapter
Michael Gnagi Central Missouri ’79 for service to the Missouri Chapter
Mark Bremer Missouri ’20 for service to the Missouri Chapter
Jeffrey Wolcowitz Case Western ’14 for service to the Case Western Chapter
Harrison Bartlett Georgia Tech ’14 for service to the Georgia Tech Chapter
Christopher Kilroy Huntsville ’99 for service to the Huntsville Chapter
Glen Vondrick Arizona ’78 for service to the Arizona Chapter
Reed Davis
Appalachian State ’02 for service to the Appalachian State Chapter
Sean Conrad Gorham State ’97 for service to the Atlanta Alumni Chapter
Russ Gunther
Iowa State ’89 for service to the Iowa State Chapter
Dr. Richard McKaig Ball State ’66 for service to the General Fraternity
Josh Klein
Massachusetts ’11 for service on the Board of Regents
John Hess Creighton ’75 for service to the Missouri Chapter
David Bash
Augusta ’17 for service to the Augusta Chapter
Corbin Lunger
Alberta ’17 for service to the Alberta Chapter
Christopher Brady
Iowa State ’15 for service to the Iowa State Chapter
Andrew Ritosa
Case Western ’15 for service to the Kent State Chapter
Nikolaus Kern
Southern Illinois ’06 for service on the Board of Regents
The Richard N. McKaig Outstanding Greek Professional Award recognizes one student affairs professional each year for their exceptional service to the Greek Community.
Lindsey Hopkins Hall, Penn State Behrend Director, Educational Equity and Diversity Programs Associate Director, Student Leadership and Involvement
Lindsey Hopkins Hall, Director of Educational Equity and Diversity Programs and Associate Director of Student Leadership and Involvement at Penn State Behrend, has been named the 2024 recipient of the Richard N. McKaig Outstanding Greek Professional Award. This prestigious award recognizes her exceptional contributions to the Behrend Fraternity & Sorority Life community and the broader fraternal industry. As the Fraternity/Sorority Life Advisor at Behrend, Hall has been a tireless advocate for the Greek community. Known for her empathy, unwavering support of students and fraternity staff, and her commitment to fostering a culture of understanding and collaboration, Hall’s dedication has set a new standard in professional service.
The John J. Kuhn award is a recognition bestowed upon individuals who have dedicated their lives to advancing and enriching the fraternity community. Named after former AA” and NIC Chairman, John J. Kuhn, Cornell 1890, this award celebrates unwavering commitment and significant impact on the fraternity experience and recognizes individual accomplishments and contributions within the fraternity and sorority world regardless of affiliation.
Cindy Stellhorn
Cindy Stellhorn has spent her life enhancing the fraternity and sorority community through her remarkable contributions and unwavering commitment.
A 1977 graduate of Indiana University and Kappa Alpha Theta member, Cindy’s passion for fraternity life shaped her future. With over four decades in the insurance industry, she currently serves as Executive Vice President of MJ’s Sorority practice group, where her expertise has significantly influenced the fraternity insurance landscape.
Beyond her professional role, Cindy has held leadership positions, including Past President of the Fraternity & Sorority Political Action Committee and co-founder of the Fraternity & Sorority Action Fund. She played a crucial role in the “Stand Up to Harvard” campaign, raising funds to challenge and overturn Harvard’s policy against single-sex organizations. Cindy’s dedication, leadership, and passion have made a lasting impact on the fraternity and sorority community, enriching countless lives.
Michael A Greenberg
For over 40 years, Michael Greenberg has devoted himself to volunteering with Sigma Chi, working tirelessly to elevate chapters, improve recruitment, and develop leadership programs. His unwavering commitment has significantly impacted the fraternity world.
Throughout his career, Greenberg has held various leadership roles, mentoring undergraduates, leading workshops, and developing an alumni ambassador program. His dedication culminated in his election as Sigma Chi’s 68th Grand Consul from 2013 to 2015, where he boldly declared a zero-tolerance policy on hazing and introduced the awardwinning Preparation for Brotherhood program.
Greenberg also spearheaded wellness initiatives focused on mental health, suicide prevention, and substance abuse, fostering a positive approach to leadership development. Recognizing the need to prove the continued relevance of fraternities, he played a critical role in the 2021 Fraternity Matters Campaign, which raised over $1.5 million to fund research on the fraternity experience. This research has shown that fraternity members report higher levels of mental health and well-being than their unaffiliated peers, with nearly 80% reporting excellent mental health.
In addition, Greenberg was a key fundraiser for the Stand Up to Harvard campaign, alongside Cindy Stellhorn, helping to restore students’ freedom of association rights. Greenbergl’s relentless dedication to improving fraternity life and developing strong leaders has left a lasting impact on Sigma Chi and the entire fraternity community.
The Delta Chi of the Year recognizes alumni who have distinguished themselves in such a manner that their peers recognize them across the United States, Canada and/or the world. Their contributions to Delta Chi are not a criteria of this award.
Brother Travis Goff, a proud University of Kansas alumnus, has built an impressive career in athletics administration while embodying Delta Chi’s core values. After graduating in 2002, he began his journey at KU before making a significant impact at Tulane University, where he led a $70 million campaign to build Yulman Stadium.
At Northwestern University, Travis helped raise over $440 million, transforming the school’s athletic facilities. His leadership earned him spots on Sports Business Journal’s “Power Players in College Sports” list and as a College AD “Next Up” honoree.
In 2021, Travis returned to KU as the 16th Director of Athletics, quickly making his mark by appointing a new football coach and launching a $335 million stadium campaign. Throughout his career, Travis has exemplified the values of Delta Chi, making a lasting impact on the communities he serves.
The Distinguished Delta Chi award recognizes significant achievement in an alumnus’ profession or outstanding civic service while upholding the values and ideals of the Fraternity.
Stephen Blank, East Stroudsburg ’07
Brother Blank is a prominent figure in the gaming industry, known for revitalizing casinos worldwide. Starting at Mount Airy Casino, he became the youngest industry executive and VP of Marketing by age 24, securing the Triple A 4-Diamond Award and overseeing significant growth. He introduced Table Games in 2010 and integrated a major competitor, the Las Vegas Sands.
At Casino Miami, he led it out of bankruptcy, overseeing a $20 million renovation, and sold it for $255 million to the Treasure Island Casino Group in 2018. Currently, he is the COO and GM at Victoria Gate Casino in the UK, Managing Partner at Florida Casino Management Group, and Owner of Point Blank Analytics, solidifying his leadership in casino management and analytics.
Larry Gies, Illinois ’88
Brother Gies is the Founder and CEO of Madison Industries, a global leader in safety, health, and productivity solutions. He is dedicated to philanthropy and education through The Gies Foundation, including founding The Gies Campus of Chicago Jesuit Academy. His $150 million donation to the University of Illinois led to the renaming of its business school as the Gies College of Business.
Brother Mazur is a distinguished figure in aviation, retiring from American Airlines in 2020 after 44 years. His final flight was honored with a water cannon salute. Now an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner, he certifies pilots for various aircraft. John is featured in a permanent exhibit at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum for his contributions to air travel history.
Travis Covey, New Mexico State ’03
Brother Covey is a highly accomplished legal professional with extensive experience in military law. He holds degrees in Criminal Justice and Government and attended Oklahoma City University School of Law. As a Marine Corps JAG officer, he served as a Defense Counsel and Operational Law Officer in Afghanistan, earning numerous awards, including the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal and the NATO Medal.
Travis furthered his education with a Master of Law degree and served as Staff Judge Advocate with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit. He currently leads the Judge Advocates office in Quantico, Virginia, managing legal affairs for the National Capital Region and beyond, including the Supreme Court Bar.
In addition to his professional achievements, Brother Covey has served Delta Chi as a Foundation Director, Vice Regent, ABT member, regional leadership academy presenter, and member of the Rio Grande and Capital Area Alumni Chapters. Brother Covey’s dedication to both his profession and his fraternity exemplifies the values of Delta Chi.
The Committee Chair Emeritus Award is a prestigious designation reserved for outstanding Committee Chairs who have demonstrated meritorious and conspicuous service to Delta Chi. To be considered, a candidate must have been involved with Delta Chi in various official capacities and must be retired from the position. Their service must be deserving of honor and esteem, with a notable presence at International Conventions, Regional Leadership Academies, and other Fraternity events.
Don LaPlante, USC ’76
For nearly 40 years, Brother LaPlante played a key role in the Delta Chi Law Committee, chairing or contributing to its work until his retirement in summer 2023. During this time, he also served as Parliamentarian at most Conventions, helping to guide the Fraternity through crucial legislation that has shaped the International Fraternity.
Kevin Coyne, Connecticut ’86
Since 1995, Brother Coyne has served as chairman of the Risk Management Commission, providing nearly 30 years of invaluable guidance and support to chapters facing serious challenges. His approach—rooted in support, opportunity, and accountability—has strengthened the International brotherhood and ensured a more resilient future for Delta Chi.
Ken Shepard, Long Beach ’77
Ken’s passing in 2022, just before the 62nd International Convention, marked a profound loss for Delta Chi. His impact, particularly through his leadership of the Housing Committee, continues to be felt today. Over the course of nearly 15 years, Ken served as Chairman of the Housing Committee on four separate occasions, demonstrating unparalleled commitment to assisting chapters.
The Director Emeritus Award honors those who have made significant and lasting contributions to Delta Chi’s mission through their leadership and service on the Delta Chi Foundation Board.
John Tunila, Connecticut ’81
The Delta Chi Foundation proudly recognizes John Tunila for over two decades of dedicated service. John became a key leader on the Foundation’s Board, serving in roles such as legal advisor, Board member, and chair of both the Fundraising and Strategic Planning Committees. John’s leadership helped improve financial transparency, operational practices, and the Foundation’s collaboration with the Fraternity. His unwavering commitment and guidance have left a profound impact on Delta Chi’s educational mission.
The “AA” Emeritus Award is a prestigious honor reserved for exceptional former “AAs” who have demonstrated outstanding service to Delta Chi.
2024 Recipients: Steve Bossart, 49th
“AA”, Kent State ’90
This year, the Fraternity proudly recognizes Steve Bossart, Kent State ’90, for his remarkable contributions, which have left a lasting impact on Delta Chi. Brother Bossart’s extensive service has included roles as a leadership consultant, Director of Expansion, and Director of Alumni Affairs, among others. His volunteer work is equally impressive, with notable positions such as past Regent for Region VI, past “CC”, and past “AA”. Steve was instrumental in launching the first “A”s’ Academy and establishing Delta Chi’s partnership with The V Foundation in 2006. The Fraternity was honored to bestow the “AA” Emeritus status upon Steve Bossart at the 2024 International Convention, celebrating a lifetime of dedication to Delta Chi.
The Delta Chi Foundation Distinguished Service Award is given to a volunteer or employee who has gone above and beyond to support our organization. These individuals’ unwavering commitment and exceptional service have been instrumental in our Foundation’s growth and success. Their contributions have not only helped us flourish over the years but have also significantly advanced our mission to assist in the acquisition of a sound education.
Bobby Dewrell, Troy State ’95
Bob Hendershot, Purdue ’72
The Delta Chi Foundation honors brothers who have become New Founders is a recognition given to brothers who have demonstrated extraordinary financial commitment to the Fraternity by achieving a specific lifetime giving level. These individuals contribute significantly to Delta Chi’s mission through donations that support educational and leadership development programs.
Recipients of the New Founder Award have typically contributed at least $100,000 in lifetime donations to the Delta Chi Foundation. In recognition of their generosity, they are honored with the New Founder Medallion and a key-shaped lapel pin. Additionally, three identical charcoal portraits are commissioned: one for the recipient, one for their chapter, and one displayed at Delta Chi’s International Headquarters. This award symbolizes the recipient’s profound impact on the Fraternity and their commitment to supporting future generations of Delta Chi brothers.
Donald La Plante, Southern California ’76
Boyd Boehlje, Iowa State ’61
The Order of the White Carnation was created by a unanimous vote at the 1975 Convention to recognize members of Delta Chi who give meritorious and inconspicuous service to the Fraternity. It is of the highest honors a member can receive To be inducted into the Order of the White Carnation, the members of the Order must meet prior to Convention and collectively decide on who is a deserving recipient.
Bob Hendershot, Purdue ’72
Bob Hendershot (Purdue ’72) was honored with the Order of the White Carnation for his decades of service to Delta Chi. After helping revitalize his chapter in the late 1960s, he served two terms as treasurer and eight years as “BB.” When plans for a new house fell through, Hendershot led the successful effort to purchase a sorority house, ensuring the chapter’s growth.
In his 90s, he joined the Delta Chi Foundation Board and helped secure $1.8 million for the Cornell Chapter House renovation. His lifelong dedication, leadership, and generosity make him a deserving recipient of this prestigious award.
Chad Wolett, Arizona State ’
Chad Wolett (Arizona State ’94) was honored with the Order of the White Carnation for his outstanding dedication to Delta Chi. He served as “C” and “E” for his chapter, attended 12 conventions, and was “BB” for eight years. His international contributions include roles as Regent, Vice Regent, and member of the Delta Chi Law Committee.
His most impactful work has been with the Delta Chi Foundation, where he served on the Board of Directors for 19 years, including two terms as president. Wolett’s leadership from 2008 to 2011 transformed the Foundation, and his lifetime contributions of over $100,000 earned him New Founder recognition.
Tri Pham made history in January 2024 as Delta Chi’s first initiate of the year, and his journey since then has been nothing short of inspiring. During the Regional Leadership Academy (RLA) in Kansas City earlier this year, Pham served as a facilitator for the Delta Chi Dale Carnegie (DXDC) Scholars program. Stepping into this role for the second time, Pham brought with him a wealth of experience and enthusiasm. Unlike his first year training DXDC Scholars virtually, 2024 saw a hybrid approach with both virtual and in-person elements, giving Pham the chance to witness firsthand the profound impact of Delta Chi’s brotherhood. After thoughtful consideration and engaging discussions about the commitments of membership, Pham was initiated into the Central Missouri chapter,
Born in Vietnam, Pham moved to the United States to pursue the American dream. He earned a degree in International Business and French from Nebraska Wesleyan University, which included a lifechanging study abroad experience in France. His career journey has been equally impressive, with roles such as Youth Mentor Coordinator for the Asian Community and Cultural Center and Teller Supervisor for West Gate Bank in Lincoln, Nebraska. Pham later advanced his education by earning a master’s degree in industrial organizational psychology, focusing on organizational development, from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. His passion for leadership and professional development led him to Dale Carnegie of Missouri in late 2020, where he has since become a Certified Senior Trainer and Client Delivery Specialist, helping to shape future leaders and future Dale Carnegie Trainers.
When asked how he connected with Dale Carnegie, Pham explained that the organization shares many similarities with Delta Chi. Just as Delta Chi has undergraduate and alumni chapters across North America, Dale Carnegie operates through franchises across the globe, allowing for a broad and impactful reach. In addition to his role as a Senior Trainer, Pham co-hosts the podcast “Hey Don’t Do That,” where he offers tips on motivation, effectiveness, and success—a reflection of his commitment to helping others grow.
Pham’s natural ability to connect with and inspire young adults made him an ideal facilitator for Delta Chi’s Dale Carnegie Scholars program. Known for his infectious energy, Pham embodies the spirit of unity and brotherhood that Delta Chi fosters—focusing on making a positive impact on everyone he meets and finding strength and purpose in the shared journey with his brothers, just as Delta Chi Founder Monroe Marsh Sweetland envisioned for the fraternity’s members.
Since his initiation in January, Pham has continued to immerse himself in the Delta Chi experience. He has actively engaged with the St. Louis Alumni Chapter, attending events, and seeking out opportunities to contribute to the Fraternity’s mission. Pham’s decision to join Delta Chi as an alumnus stems from a desire to live out the principles he shared during his keynote at RLA in Kansas City. During his address, Pham emphasized the importance of flexibility, stepping out of your comfort zone, and taking positive risks.
For him, saying “yes” to Delta Chi was about more than just joining a fraternity—it was about committing to personal growth, expanding his ability to mentor others, and living out the principles he shares through Dale Carnegie and now, Delta Chi. Pham’s ongoing involvement with the Fraternity has only strengthened his connection to the Dale Carnegie Scholars program, enriching both his work and the experiences of those he mentors.
Many Dale Carnegie Scholars who learned under Pham attended the 2024 International Convention in Miami, Florida, to continue their personal and professional
“ Through unity and brotherhood, we find strength and purpose in our shared journey. ”
development journeys. Although Pham couldn’t attend the 2024 Delta Chi International Convention, his influence was felt through those who were present, embodying the leadership and brotherhood he helped cultivate. The Fraternity’s recognition of the Dale Carnegie Scholars program with an award at the convention further underscores the impact of the initiative—an impact that Pham has been instrumental in shaping.
To extend the reach of Dale Carnegie training beyond the DXDC Scholars, all 2024 Convention attendees had an opportunity to embrace Dale Carnegie’s principles through educational sessions and an engaging keynote, sponsored by the Delta Chi Foundation. Presented by Mark Norman, a seasoned expert in training and development, the keynote captivated attendees with insights into enhancing personal and professional effectiveness through his presentation, “Developing Healthier Patterns in Work and Life.” As part of this special session, the Fraternity recognized the dedication of the Dale Carnegie Scholars present, inviting them to stand and be acknowledged for their commitment to personal growth and leadership within Delta Chi. Norman’s keynote was followed by interactive sessions, allowing attendees to further engage with the principles of Dale Carnegie training—a testament to the program’s integration into the very fabric of Delta Chi’s professional development initiatives.
Beyond Delta Chi, Pham has continued to lead a dynamic and adventurous life. Following the Kansas City RLA, he returned to Vietnam to celebrate his father’s 60th birthday—a meaningful trip that highlighted his deep connection to his heritage. His travel itinerary for 2024 has been nothing short of impressive, including visits to Japan, San Antonio, and Nashville. A man of many talents, Pham is also an avid pickleball player, a singer who has auditioned for American Idol and The Voice, and is now exploring new creative outlets, like learning to play the guitar and considering a stint on Netflix’s reality series, The Circle.
As Pham looks back on the year so far, he feels honored to have been welcomed into Delta Chi and grateful for the brotherhood that has embraced him. The Fraternity has made a lasting impact on him, and in return, Pham continues to bring his energy, enthusiasm, and dedication to everything he does within Delta Chi. His story is a testament to the power of saying “yes” to new opportunities and to the lifelong bonds that Delta Chi fosters among its members.
As we move into the latter half of 2024, Pham’s journey serves as a reminder of the lasting impact of Delta Chi’s brotherhood— a connection that transcends time, geography, and even the circumstances of when and how one becomes a brother.
Congratulations to the second Dale Carnegie Scholars graduating class who successfully completed the full Dale Carnegie Course during the spring 2024 Regional Leadership Academies! These dedicated Delta Chis embraced the opportunity to invest in their personal growth, just as their Fraternity invested in them. As Dale Carnegie wisely put it, “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” We’re excited to see the incredible impact these emerging leaders will make on Delta Chi and the world.
Jonathan Aber
Walker Aldridge
Central Missouri
Carson Aycock
Georgia Tech
Omar Barghout
Jacob Barnes
Chris Barwick
Alexander Battle
Romain Baudry
North Alabama
Daniel Beattie
Truman State
Andy Beck
William & Mary
Louis Berman
Ohio State
Aidan Boris
High Point
Brendan Bouchie
Creighton Provisional
Nico Bruni
Tennessee Provisional
Stev Card
Matthew Carey
Lake Forest
Hunter Carrell
S. Arkansas Provisional
Sam Chacon
Cal Poly
Robert Cobb
San Antonio
Zander Cohn
Colorado State
Aidan Conrad
Sean Crawford
Christopher DeDonato
Kent State
Cole Deems
Jacksonville State
Chris Dickson
Charlie Drake
Sean Dsouza
Hayden Eaton
South Dakota State
Mack Edmunds
Henry Egbers
Oregon State
Braiden Elsea
Truman State
Danny Fragoso
Northern Illinois
Codey Geis
Matt Gilmore
Ethan Greiner
Eastern Washington
Shae Griffin
East Stroudsburg
David Hadden
Anderson Hartwick
Washington Provisional
Charlie Higgins
Virginia Tech
Barry Hirshfeld
Ashton Huxford
Arjun Joshi
Kansas State
Sony Juarez Hayward
Anthony Karagianes
Justin Kim
West Chester
Hayden King
Michael Ledyard
Jack Mullane Quinnipiac Provisional
Jack Mura
David Nudelman Rutgers
Branden Polekoff
James Pugh Southeast Missouri
Max Quirk Illinois St. Provisional
Dylan Rasmason Missouri
John Reina
Nathan Rich Duquesne
Markus RodriguezIntulaksana Northern Colorado
Tommy Ryken
Jake Sartwell Missouri State Nate Schmerker
Western Reserve Dylan Sinthasomphone
Devyn Turner
State Aidan Van Zanten
Tony Vitale Villanova Provisional
Christian Vulgamore
Nicholas Watts
Justin Wegard Georgia Southern
Kevin Willetts-Johnson Bryant
Clay Wrisley Wilmington
This spring semester proved to be a great success for the Alabama Chapter. Over the course of spring ’24, we were able to raise over $5,000 for charity. Our annual V for Valentine’s event raised over $4,000 for The V Foundation for Cancer Research. Additionally, over $1,000 was raised for the Sgt. Nicole Gee Memorial Foundation in a “Cups For Cause” event at Innisfree. Throughout this semester, our members proved successful in maintaining campus involvement. Brothers Hayden DeLisi, Ethan Abbott, and Matt Savas were inducted into the Order of Omega, and Carter Rawson earned the Outstanding Freshman Award. House Director Debbie Kober received the Order of Omega House Director of the Year award for her tremendous contributions to this chapter. Ethan Abbott also joined the 111th Class of the Jason’s Senior Men’s Honorary. Brothers Matt Savas, Hayden DeLisi, and Christian Ladner all earned SGA executive cabinet positions. We look to continue finding success in campus involvement over the subsequent semesters. Our recruitment chairs for the fall, Hunter Stuart and Evan Ellison, have begun tirelessly working to ensure the recruitment of an outstanding group of young men for our next Associate Member class. Over the upcoming summer, our members are pursuing a very diverse set of professional opportunities. These include internships with Congressman Robert Aderholt and Boeing, along with studying abroad in Croatia, Prague, and Berlin. Spring ’24 was a semester defined by chapter growth and personal development, and we are excited to continue making impactful contributions in the future.
This semester has been monumental for the Delta Chi Chapter at the University of Arizona. We are thrilled to announce that we have officially received our charter and are now a recognized chapter on campus. The dedication and hard work of the entire Fraternity, especially our founding fathers, have truly come to fruition. It is particularly rewarding as some of our founding members are graduating this semester, witnessing the realization of their vision. Our chapter now boasts an incredible property at The Graymont, where we have hosted registered events and well-organized philanthropy initiatives that really showcased our chapter’s spirit and commitment. This semester’s achievements have set a new standard for our operations, and everything is running smoothly. We’ve also made significant strides in connecting with our alumni and establishing a network that supports our current members and will pave the way for future successes. The progress we’ve made this semester is a testament to how far we’ve come, and we’re excited about the future of Delta Chi at the University of Arizona.
After hosting our largest Holiday Party to date in December, the Atlanta Area Alumni Chapter steamrolled into 2024. The Chapter held three of our monthly Brothers’ Night Out events, sponsored and participated in our 5th annual Fly High Max Stop the Hazing 5K raising over $2,000 for the Gruver Foundation, and conducted two Alumni Rededication Ceremonies. To top the 1st Quarter off, we raised a record $2,050 for our local Philanthropy, the Midtown Assistance Center. We’re very excited about what the rest of the year holds and can’t wait to meet up with Brothers both old and new at Convention!
The Auburn chapter had a great and successful spring 2024 semester! We started the semester strong with our annual New Orleans Formal where brothers and their dates enjoyed the weekend visiting and touring New Orleans. We had brothers participate in several philanthropy events such as Kappa Delta’s 30th annual Shamrock 5K and the Auburn-led Big Event 2024. The Big Event is an annual event in which students at Auburn come together to serve and connect with the people in their nearby community. We had the honor of initiating the five members of the Gamma Rho pledge class into our brotherhood. We had a very successful Casino Night and Crawfish Boil where parents, alumni, and active brothers gathered at the house to play casino games and bond with one another. This event was a great fundraiser for the chapter as we were able to raise over $6,800 which will go towards house improvement projects. Our intramural softball team capped off the semester by continuing their dominance as they claimed their third consecutive IM championship!
This semester marked a significant milestone for our chapter as we welcomed seven exceptional new members into our Fraternity, each of whom we are genuinely thrilled to have as part of our brotherhood. Their enthusiasm and dedication have already begun to enrich our Fraternity’s culture, and we eagerly anticipate the contributions they will make in the years to come. Our recent participation in Greek Week was a testament to the collective spirit and generosity of the Greek community on campus. Through a week-long series of spirited competitions, we joined forces with fellow fraternities and sororities to give back to those in need. Together, we rallied to donate over 10,000 much-needed items of clothing and toiletries, an accomplishment that underscores the depth of our commitment to serving the broader community. It’s a source of immense pride for us to see the impact we can make when we come together for a common cause. In addition to our philanthropic endeavors, we also showcased our competitive spirit on the ice during the IFC hockey tournament. Despite the stiff competition, our Fraternity distinguished itself by clinching the second-place position, a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team. We couldn’t be prouder of their performance and the sportsmanship they exhibited throughout the tournament. Looking ahead, we’re excited to embark on a new partnership with Chipotle as we strive to further support our philanthropic initiatives. Through creative fundraising efforts, we aim to raise vital funds to support causes that align with our fraternity’s values and mission. This collaboration not only presents an opportunity to make a meaningful impact but also reinforces the importance of forging connections within the broader community.
This semester has been great for the chapter. We are proud to announce that we have initiated two great brothers, Justin Lewandowski, and Alex Sirvent Suarez, along with an additional associate member, Damien Heller, ready to join next semester. Some fun activities we enjoyed were our Fraternity getaway to New York and our initiation dinner of all-you-can-eat sushi at Kintaro. Justin proved to be the best at eating the most sushi- or so he claims. Our executive board also attended the new RLA in Philadelphia where we learned helpful leadership skills and bonded over watching Adult Swim. This semester has also marked a historic turnaround in alumni engagement and service. We are proud to announce that we successfully cosponsored a Red Cross blood drive as well as co-hosted a philanthropic photoshoot with the NEO Alumni Chapter. Next time, we will continue this record of success with larger and more ambitious service and alumni events. Our chapter is stronger than ever and we are excited to continue to grow, both as a chapter and as individuals.
The Central Missouri Chapter has had a great spring semester for the year 2024. We started the year off with a huge community service event, cleaning and helping restore the 19th-century building of Sweet Springs working with the Sweet Springs Restoration Foundations. Other community service events include a canned food drive, highway clean-up, Pertile Springs trail clean-up, blood drive, and 5k for the Make a Wish Walk for Wishes. We also held our semesterly car wash and took third place in Greek Week. The chapter will be making housing improvements and we are excited for fall recruitment.
Coastal Carolina had an incredible year, hitting big milestones that truly reflect our commitment to service and excellence. We smashed our $10,000 fundraising goal, teaming up with Chi Omega in the fight against cancer and strengthening bonds across campus. In the spring, we welcomed ten outstanding new members, each bringing their own unique talents to the brotherhood. On top of that, we took home the intramural basketball championship, proving that Delta Chi dominates on and off the court. Huge shout out to President Andrew Majernik for his induction into the Order of Omega and to Kevin Spence for winning ADPi’s Sweetheart Pageant as their Diamond Boy. It’s been a year of teamwork, leadership, and making a real impact on campus!
This semester was a bit of a challenge for us as we faced a cease and desist order followed by social probation. Despite that, we pulled off a successful open mic night, raising over $500 for philanthropy once we were back in action. We’re proud of how the event turned out and are looking forward to a fresh start next year, ready to move forward and make an even bigger impact
This quarter marked a big step forward for our alumni relations for the University of Denver Delta Chi Chapter. Historically, we hadn’t hosted any alumni events, but that’s changing. We had our first alumni gathering at Great Divide Brewing, with around 50 Delta Chi alumni attending. It was an incredible experience, and we even met a potential future advisor. The alumni showed great interest in organizing a golf event, which we’re excited to explore as part of strengthening our connection with them. We’re making real progress toward building a strong relationship with our alumni community here in Denver!
The Duquesne Chapter has continued its mission of promoting friendship, developing character, advancing justice, and assisting in the acquisition of a sound education through philanthropic means as well as demonstrating what true brotherhood is. This semester, our chapter was able to donate over $2,000 dollars to the V Foundation for Cancer Research! More impressively, we welcomed twenty-six new brothers, which increased the size of our chapter by 50% and far exceeded our recruitment goal. This addition ensures the future and continued growth of our Fraternity here at Duquesne. Our commitment to academic excellence was shown by our GPA being the highest of all Duquesne Greek life organizations with an average GPA of 3.5. Our Brother Andy Barba and the Duquesne Basketball team won the A-10 Basketball Championship which led to their first March Madness appearance since 1977! Finally, we would like to give a big shout-out to our VP of Recruitment, Sam Orecchio ’25, as he played an instrumental role in our chapter growth this semester. We are further celebrating the graduation of fifteen brothers and are grateful for what they have contributed to the chapter so far!
The members of the Eastern Washington Chapter have obtained many accomplishments throughout the 2023-2024 school year. To start the year, an associate member class of 13 new members was achieved. We hosted homecoming at our chapter house along with a breakfast with the alumni homecoming morning. The new members allowed for our chapter to move into our original chapter house in Cheney known as the Delta 1 going from eight living spots to 15. From much time used towards shaping our new brothers to continuing events such as community service through trail cleanups and campus involvement with socials, our chapter has grown into a new and growing phase of our chapter. For the winter quarter, our chapter achieved a satisfactory average GPA with the composition of the majors being primarily Biology, Engineering, and Psychology/Criminal Justice with a clear improvement in new members adjusting to the new school year. Our academics chair split the members into five groups to divide up the responsibilities ensuring that grades are met. Entering into the spring quarter, our chapter has many other Greek chapters on campus hoping to host socials.
The 2024 spring semester was a great time full of hard work and dedication. We strived to improve our chapter size by having small events to influence more guys to join Delta Chi. We had a lot of community service events such as helping the local area by walking dogs at shelters, donating food to pantries, and even raising money for the V Foundation with our annual Puppies and Pies Campus Fundraiser. We also improved our hard work and dedication to have hope that we can soon boost our numbers and events that our Executive Board can put on and get our chairmen to work into action to fundraise and plan events that cater to everyone and be more inclusive. Grades this term are at a great pace with a majority of our members staying on top of homework and submitting grade checks when needed. In addition, we have worked hard to ensure our alumni are engaged with our brilliant Fraternity. Last March, we hosted a 5-Year Chartering Anniversary where we raffled off nice gifts and invited all alumni who could make it there that day. We’ve been making sure our newsletters are out on time to update our alumni and even parents about our accomplishments and honors making every semester great!
The Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Chapter of Delta Chi had an incredibly successful semester. Our Executive Board, along with our Dale Carnegie Scholars, kicked off the semester by attending the Delta Chi Regional Leadership Academy in New Orleans, where they honed their skills and applied them throughout the semester. We proudly welcomed 10 new members to the Fraternity during the spring, exceeding our typical enrollment for this time of year. On the philanthropy front, we revitalized “Martlet Madness,” an on-campus philanthropy event not seen in over a decade. Additionally, our commitment to charitable causes was recognized as we became the top fundraising chapter in the Bracket Challenge, raising an impressive $9,193. Our successes extended beyond philanthropy. Within the Interfraternity Council (IFC), Brother Jadyn Fulcher was elected IFC President, while Brother Jacob Snyder earned the role of Vice President of Public Relations. Both received notable accolades: Jadyn Fulcher was honored with the “Leading with Lollipops Leadership Award,” and Jacob Snyder was awarded the prestigious “Hayden M. Ritchhart Memento Vivere Award.” This semester, our chapter achieved significant milestones, from membership growth and philanthropy to leadership recognition within the IFC, making it a standout period for the Delta Chi Chapter at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
The Delta Chi Florida Chapter has been thriving recently. This semester, we achieved our recruitment goal of initiating 10 new quality members. Along with our fall recruitment class, this has doubled our chapter size, and we now stand strong at 85 active brothers. Our members have made a significant impact across campus. Two brothers were selected as preview staffers, serving as orientation leaders for incoming freshmen. Several other Delta Chis were chosen as Florida Cicerones, the prestigious official student ambassadors of the university. Additionally, many of our brothers hold prominent positions
in UF Student Government, ranging from senators to assistant treasurer to class president. We’ve also made great strides in philanthropy. Our main event, Delta Chi Capture the Flag, raised around $5,000 for the V Foundation for Cancer Research. Furthermore, our participation in UF Dance Marathon earned the chapter multiple fundraising awards. Most importantly, the strong bond of brotherhood has united us and driven us forward. Big things are in store for the Florida Chapter next year!
This semester, the Delta Chi Fredonia Chapter had great success with charity events, fundraising, and community service. In February, we sold Super Bowl squares to raise funds for our chapter, bringing in a total of $495. Many brothers were actively involved in community service throughout the semester, volunteering weekly at Aspire of Western New York, where they assisted direct care aides with various tasks. Additionally, brothers participated in our Police Benevolent Association’s Community Clean-Up Day, picking up trash around the village to help keep the town clean. The Fredonia Chapter also held three successful charity events. Two of these benefited the Jimmy V Foundation, raising around $500 in total, and we hosted a special event for a boy whose family is stuck in Gaza, raising around $200 to help them flee the war. Overall, the Delta Chi Fredonia Chapter worked hard this semester to raise money for both the chapter and charitable causes, giving back to those in need.
Delta Chi has become synonymous with hard-working men at George Mason University. This past semester we have proved that fact with our highest average GPA of any fraternity on campus and our continued dedication to our DC area alumni. Our chapter prides itself on developing our members into men with skills that will further their educational, career, and personal goals through taking on responsibilities. This term, our chapter enjoyed a series of successful events, including mixers with Theta Chi and Kappa Delta. These mixers were excellent opportunities to strengthen ties within the Greek community and foster new friendships. Additionally, our 15th Anniversary Celebration was a significant milestone, reflecting the enduring spirit and unity of our chapter. It was a great success, with many alumni returning to join in the festivities, showcasing the strong bond that continues to connect us across the years. To top it all off, we welcomed four new members into our brotherhood. Their enthusiasm and commitment are a testament to the vibrant future ahead. We look forward to watching them grow and contribute to the chapter’s success. These events and milestones highlight the thriving culture and camaraderie within our chapter.
This spring we hosted a variety of successful social, brotherhood, philanthropy, and community service events. Some of the most notable events included our spring formal in New Orleans, our new Delta Carnival philanthropy event, and our brotherhood retreat in North Georgia. We also won multiple GT IFC awards as a chapter and individually including our former CSCI and “C” Sam Auborn winning the Fraternity Man of the Year.
The brothers of the Iowa State Chapter have been busy this semester. We hosted our Delta Chi philanthropy, and it was very successful. We collected donations and sold coffee and donuts to raise money for the V Foundation We have started a couple of house improvement projects recently. Brothers will be building new furniture for our lounge. We’ve been more involved in community service this year; most recently, we conducted a highway cleanup. A chapter retreat is scheduled soon for us to set goals and find ways to improve as a chapter. We were able to host a very successful Moms’ Weekend with a great turnout and have had a variety of good brotherhood events Overall, this semester has been filled with many accomplishments and memories, and we hope for many more in the future.
As the school year of 2024 comes to an end, our brothers can look back smiling. With numerous renovations this year we have been able to update the flooring on two floors, as well as update our Rec room. Recruitment was successful this year as we initiated 26 new brothers into our chapter. On campus, many of our brothers strive to stay active within the community being a part of organizations such as Illinois Business Consulting, Student Alumni Ambassadors, and Illinois Space Society. Moving past campus life, our brothers stay committed to striving for excellence boasting a 3.56 average GPA beating the university’s average. This extraordinary accomplishment assists in our brothers securing internships at companies such as SpaceX, Northrop Grumman, and Ford. We aim to keep this momentum going and host an extraordinary 101st Anniversary at this upcoming homecoming!
As this semester comes to an end, we as a chapter realize all of the invaluable memories we have made with each other throughout the semester. Through regular chapter meetings, brotherhood events, social events, and philanthropy events, our members have grown stronger bonds with each other than ever before. We started off the spring semester by having our new executive members attend the Regional Leadership Academy. Here, they collaborated with Delta Chi chapters from all over the country learning about leadership roles and filling their positions. This event was extremely helpful as our turnover date was in April of this year and it allowed our new executive members to learn and
strive to better our chapter. Additionally, this semester, we hosted our Mom’s Weekend. Greeting all of our brother’s moms, some for the first time, was truly a heartwarming experience that we were blessed to be a part of. Our bonds as brothers grew stronger as we held events with our mothers and had a great time socializing with each other’s families. Finally, we had our Tom Jones formal. As a cherished tradition every year, the long-awaited Tom Jones formal was held at Kane’s Family Farm. Traditions like these are truly valued within our chapter and will continue to be for the years to come.
Delta Chi has grown significantly in the past year at Kansas State University. This fall, we initiated twenty-seven new brothers into the chapter, our largest new member class in over thirty years! Recruitment continued to thrive in the spring as we welcomed thirteen new members into the Brotherhood of a Lifetime, our largest spring class in a decade. Our brothers have also continued to work diligently to succeed in the classroom. We had an average GPA of 3.49 in the fall, which was top five among fraternities at K-State for the fourth straight semester. It also greatly exceeded the IFC and university averages. To top it all off, our intramural teams enjoyed tremendous success. This winter, our darts team consisting of brothers Nick Swyden and Jackson Moorehead took home the championship with ease. Our indoor soccer team also went undefeated in both the regular season and playoffs to take home the championship! We continued to succeed this spring when the pickleball team won the intramural championship. Many of our brothers are looking forward to prestigious internships this summer, and we can’t wait until we get back in the fall to host our first annual alumni golf tournament!
The Delta Chi Fraternity at Kennesaw State University is buzzing with excitement and brotherhood as we dive into this year’s campus scene update! One of the highlights of the past year was our spectacular alumni event hosted at Jekyll Brewing. This gathering was more than just a meet-up; it was a reunion of brothers who had walked the halls and shared the bond of Delta Chi more than a decade ago. The venue echoed with laughter and reminiscence as tales of past escapades were shared over craft beers. The event not only celebrated our rich history but also strengthened the ties between generations of Delta Chi members. Looking ahead, we are thrilled to announce another upcoming alumnus gathering that promises to be equally memorable—a Braves baseball game! This isn’t just an outing; we are expecting around sixty alumni to join us, creating an excellent opportunity for networking, fun, and cheering on our favorite team. Such events are pivotal in fostering a continued connection to our fraternity’s legacy and values. In addition to these fantastic alumni events, our chapter has proudly welcomed three new brothers into our fold. Their induction marks not just an increase in numbers but a vibrant addition to our diverse and dynamic brotherhood. These young men have already started to make their mark, participating actively in various fraternity activities. Over the past semester, our calendar has been packed with over a dozen events ranging from mixers
and date nights to fundraising activities. Each event was designed to not only strengthen the bonds among our members but also to make a positive impact on our community. These gatherings have been instrumental in creating unforgettable college experiences while also supporting worthy causes. The Delta Chi fraternity at KSU continues to embody the spirit of brotherhood, community service, and lifelong connections, making every moment on campus significant and every gathering a celebration of unity.
The Kent State Chapter of Delta Chi has experienced many things this year. This includes recruitment, kickbacks, philanthropy, and an alumni event. For our effort in recruitment, we held a Smash Bros tournament, played outdoor games in the park, and went to hockey games. For our alumni event, the Fraternity rented out a local park named Plum Creek at Shelter 3. We all ate burgers and played outdoor games with the alumni and their kids. For our upcoming philanthropy event, we are doing a car smash at the Kent State campus. We will have people pay in order to smash the car.
We’ve hosted a few events, to name a few; there is Root Beer Kegger (Serving fried food and root beer to guests), LAN Party (video games within the chapter house), and Steak & Casino (serving steak and playing casino games such as poker). Our chapter also hosted two charity events, Hot Wings and PI-aDelta Chi, raising $308 for Jimmy V and $318 for Jimmy V, respectively, raising $626 in total. This time of year, we prepare our associate members to become members, recently performing initiation for five new initiates: Grayson Whaley, Patrick Boza, Thomas Oliver, Peter Hoffmann, and Caden Tucker. Finally, two brothers, Dave Hadden and Michael Spreng were accepted into AXE, or Alpha Chi Sigma, an academic society.
During the spring semester, the Kingsville Chapter has had many successes and has had a very eventful semester. We have had an increased amount of community service opportunities and were very involved in our community. This semester we got our President’s Cup in the mail; this was the first President’s Cup we have earned, and it is a reminder to keep improving. In early March, a Parent/Family BBQ was held in Kleberg Park to bring the families together during the semester. Toward the end of April, we held a Fish Fry for the Alum and the Chapter to enjoy. This semester, we hosted our annual “Walk-a-Mile” where we walked a mile in heels to show awareness for sexual abuse. For fundraising, we sold pretzel sticks, and during the annual Spring Fling, we sold sausage wraps. We also helped with the annual Dance Marathon; the event raised $9,198 which was contributed to Driscoll Children’s Hospital. This semester, we initiated 3 new brothers into the brotherhood of a lifetime.
This semester, the Brothers of Lake Forest College were deeply involved in our campus, local, and digital communities. Following our return from RLA in January, our Executive and Recruitment teams diligently worked to enhance our campus presence. Recognizing the significant number of graduates this spring, our recruitment team successfully onboarded six new members who were initiated in late April. This work could not have been done without the high engagement and hard work of our Public Relations and Social Media, who organized with groups across campus to remain involved with our campus. Moreover, we organized three impactful events to support the V Foundation. Early in the semester, we collaborated with the Sisters of Delta Delta Delta to host the Pie a Delta fundraiser, which raised over $700. Additionally, we held a bracket party, inviting the campus community to participate in the Jimmy V Bracket Challenge. Our philanthropic efforts culminated in a trivia night hosted by our associate members, attracting eight teams from across campus.
This semester, the Livingston Chapter of Delta Chi focused on the city of Livingston. Throughout the semester, we took on a project many deemed impossible. We started a cleanup project called “Project Livingston.” This project included cleaning the streets of Livingston from Exit 17 to the Sucarnoochee River as well as downtown Livingston. While doing this, Livingston Nutrition, a local business, made us the “Delta Chi” tea to push us to keep going. Showing support to small businesses is one of the main components our chapter strives for. After months of hard work, we are proud to say that Livingston has never looked better! We are also proud to announce the initiation of four new brothers in our chapter: Aiden Mitchell, Ben Sailors, Caden Cramer, and Zacc Snelson. We are also bittersweet to announce the graduation of Brother Hunter Burton. Hunter has been a member of our Executive Counsel for many years and his hard work and dedication to our chapter will be deeply missed.
This spring, the Long Beach Chapter consistently had a class of 12 associate members throughout the entire process. We ended the process with 12 new members of the chapter being initiated. Across the entire semester, we had the highest average attendance at all events including but not limited to, meetings, sorority philanthropy donations and events, our philanthropy, and brotherhood events. This semester we also had pref, which had a very successful showing and was a great night. We also raised over two thousand dollars for the V Foundation through our philanthropy week this semester. For the first time in years, we have also planned an alumni/parents day. We also just started a mentorship program that involves connecting alumni to active members to help them with their future careers. Overall we’ve had a great semester and look forward to the next!
The Miami University Delta Chi Chapter has been blazing a trail of triumph year after year. This semester, our journey escalates with a newly anointed executive board leading the charge: “A” - Patrick Cengia ’26, “B” - Hayden Wiley ’25, “C” - Ryan Mitchell, “D” - Jack Pleiman ’25, “E” - Trent Irwin ’25, and “F” - Alec Rahlfs ’26. This formidable team recently ushered in 40 associate members during our spring rush, marking the grandest influx among all Miami IFC Chapters, and cementing our reign as the largest chapter on campus. Moreover, we clinched second place in donations for the Delta Chi March Madness Jimmy V Challenge, amassing over 11k for the Jimmy V Foundation. Our crowning glory? Snagging the coveted “Chapter Excellence Award” from Miami University, an accolade honoring our Fraternity’s unparalleled influence and positive impact on campus. We have also created a community for brothers to feel comfortable addressing their mental health with our semesterly retreat. This semester’s retreat was in Red River Gorge. The brothers were able to take a weekend in the woods to regroup, go hiking, spend quality time with brothers, and hopefully gain a positive mind from this trip.
The spring semester was an eventful one for the men of the Minnesota Chapter. We have focused on success in philanthropy, growing our campus involvement, and building stronger relationships within our community of brothers, alumni, family, and friends. A highlight of our semester was our Founders Day event on April 13th. It was an open house-style event, and our alumni association catered food and drinks for everyone. Everyone had a great time seeing old friends or meeting new ones, and our alumni scholarship committee awarded over $7,250 in scholarships to various active members. Congratulations to Chase Hodkiewicz for winning the foundational scholarship, and for being voted as the chapter Luminary. Another highlight of the semester was the Kimball Classic, a philanthropy golf tournament that we held on April 20th. It was a scramble format, with teams consisting of actives, alumni, family, and friends. Just under 60 people were able to participate,
and we were able to raise around $3,800 for the Jimmy V Foundation. As we wrap up the year we are excited for fall recruitment, continuing to grow our chapter in membership and brotherhood, and bringing in members that reflect our values of friendship, character, justice, and education.
In the pictures I have attached, we have achieved hosting Parents & Alumni weekend, attending Swinging for St. Jude for Tri Delta, attending the IFC seminars at Mississippi State, going to New Orleans, LA for our annual formal event, donating and assisting in helping Habitat for Humanity, and also holding our chapter’s 60th Anniversary Reunion and having a major turnout. Parents & Alumni Weekend was a big success by bringing current brothers, parents, and alumni together and forming lifelong connections. In Swinging for St. Jude for Tri Delta’s philanthropy, we competed hard and played against various fraternities and brought out a big crowd to help raise money for St. Jude. At the IFC seminar, we gathered executive and general members to come and learn how to be a better person and brother and also how to help people seeking physical and mental help, and how to be excellent leaders. For our Formal, we gathered every brother and went to New Orleans to enjoy a weekend away from school and also brought our girlfriends and went out to Bourbon Street for endless fun, and on the last night, we rented a bar and had a date night where we dressed up, danced, and ate. We helped Habitat for Humanity by donating many clothes and useful items for people in need and also dedicated hours to helping them organize and stock new items that haven’t been put out on display yet. Last but certainly not least we held our 60th Anniversary Reunion and had a major turnout. We were able to bring back together lost brothers and reconnect their lost connections. Also on top of that, our chapter raised very good money because of how well the event went, and on the last day, we rented out a restaurant by the name of Georgia Blue in Starkville, MS, and held a banquette in the private event room and got to hear funny stories all night and eat well.
In the 2023-2024 school year, the Delta Chi Missouri Chapter initiated its biggest class in recent years with 53 members, and we are proud to announce that we raised over $30,000 for the Jimmy V Foundation. We placed second in Mizzou’s 113th Homecoming along with a second place finish in the annual campus-wide Greek Week. In addition, our chapter competed against over 50 other greek organizations across Mizzou’s fraternity and sorority life and was deemed a Missouri Honors Chapter, an award given only to the top ten organizations on campus. We are thankful for our hardworking active chapter and dedicated alumni base, and we are eager to see what the future has in store for the Missouri Chapter.
As the chapter “E”, I had the privilege to host the annual White Carnation Banquet! After 3 months of planning, I’m happy to say it was a huge success, having the highest attendance in chapter history! I had a lot of fun and met some very amazing people. We raised over $1,000 with donations, tickets, and the silent auction!
This semester, the Montclair Chapter orchestrated a highly successful brotherhood and alumni event. Through strong efforts of planning and enthusiastic teamwork, the chapter was successful in creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and celebration. The event served as a platform for current members and alumni to reconnect, reminisce, and forge new bonds. Attendees cheered passionately for the team, uniting under a common love for baseball and the Fraternity in itself. The occasion not only strengthened the Fraternity’s sense of brotherhood but also emphasized the enduring connections between past and present members. From coordinating and organizing to ensuring a memorable experience for all, the Montclair Chapter demonstrated exceptional leadership and dedication. The event’s success speaks volumes about the chapter’s commitment to fostering a vibrant community and creating lasting memories for its members.
Our chapter has had a lot of personal growth this spring. We improved our communication and relations with our alumni and ABT. We hosted our annual alumni vs. active softball game in April and had a blast. We also have high hopes for summer recruitment as we have already begun speaking to potential new members. Our recruitment chair and president have started a new recruitment plan in fall to better fit the changing regulations by our IFC on campus.
Over the past semester, our chapter made it one of our major goals to commit to more community service and improving our relations. Our brothers spent time at RLA in Missouri and really garnered a great idea. Essentially our Fraternity would write letters with a sorority in a joint community service effort and then deliver those letters to a local retirement home. We asked a sorority that we were struggling with relations-wise to do this event and they said yes. The ladies of Alpha Phi spent two days working with us to get these letters to our elders. The event was a major success and both our chapters garnered a bond that was previously not there through community service.
Over the spring semester, the Omaha chapter has accomplished many of its goals that were set out at RLA. We initiated nine new members into the brotherhood of a lifetime in our Kappa class. We had multiple outstanding philanthropy events including our drive for Gift of Life, Pie a Chi, Omathon benefiting Children’s Hospital with Dance Marathon, and our service with the Heartland Hope Mission. As a chapter, we raised $5000 for philanthropy in total. Our chapter’s GPA continues to be outstanding, as we posted an average of 3.5 in the fall. We caught up with our alumni at a baseball game versus Creighton and had a few attend our new class’s initiation. The chapter will be heading to Kansas Speedway in May for some brotherhood bonding at the NASCAR race.
Over the past term and a half, our brothers here at Oregon State University have enjoyed recruiting new members, participating in philanthropy, competing in intramural sports leagues, achieving well in our academics, contributing in school-led activities for Greek Life, and enjoying time with one another. Come rain, shine, or snow, you can always find our brothers walking to class with each other or playing games on our beloved sundeck. A severe snowstorm at the beginning of the winter term did not deter our newly elected executive committee from driving to Reno, Nevada to indulge in a weekend of learning, bonding, and character-building with other brothers from schools across the West-coast regions in the RLA summit. While our executive team was away, and our school was shut down for an entire week due to severe winter weather, our brothers at our chapter house enjoyed time outside building campfires, playing cards, and watching football. This is what being a Delta Chi means to us; being able to find joy and bonding through any circumstance. As the winter term progressed, many of our brothers went to watch our Oregon State men’s and women’s basketball teams fight for a spot in the March Madness tournament. Soon the weather started to get a little warmer and the days a little longer, and thus you could find us enjoying Beaver baseball games and playing yard games on our sundeck. Our chapter has made many memories competing in philanthropies hosted by other houses here on campus including Dancing with the Alpha Phi’s! and the famous Delta Gamma Dodgeball tournament. Contributing to our local Greek life is important to sustain the relationships of our houses and to continue the legacy of this great student-led organization going into the future. As well as philanthropies, our brothers competed fiercely in the all Greek Life Greek Week hosted by the school alongside the sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta and the brothers from Theta Chi. We ended up coming in third place which is an impressive feat considering that we took first last year and how competitive this initiative has become. Spring break found our brothers going home to visit family and to work, traveling to new places, or just staying in Corvallis at the chapter house to catch up on some well-needed sleep following finals. After spring break, we were all feeling revived and eager to begin recruitment
again. Though this spring saw a very small amount of potential new members rush, our chapter was able to bid 5 new guys to take part in becoming a member of our brotherhood. So far this term we have been competing in IM softball and soccer, enjoying more and more time outside as the weather gets even warmer, and executing our philanthropy to which we partnered with Death by Donuts to raise money for the Jimmy V Foundation. For now, we look forward to continuing the initiation process for our new associate members and look forward to the many more exciting activities that will take place as the weather continues to get better. Go Beavs!
This semester, the Quinnipiac Chapter of Delta Chi had many accomplishments. First off, we recently initiated 6 new brothers into the fraternity. Throughout the semester, we participated in many philanthropic and community service events. These included Quinnipiac’s “Big Event” day of service, a polar plunge to support cancer, and cleaning up local beaches We thrived as a Fraternity this semester and have never been stronger. Our biggest accomplishment this semester was recently winning Quinnipiac’s Fraternity of the Year. This is our first time winning this award in our 3 years on campus and it is a massive achievement for us.
This spring, the San Antonio Chapter of Delta Chi has worked to help achieve many goals set by our incoming e-board. Over the course of the semester, our “D” worked with other members of the financial committee to set up a schedule for dues to make sure that they were paid on time and in full. We also had our new risk management work through many new “F” talks which helped improve our Fraternity and help us better understand Delta Chi IHQ’s expectations of us as fraternity men. As the E I have personally worked to set up multiple new events this semester including a brotherhood cookout with a spectacular turnout, and a partnered event with a club called Burnhouse which aimed to raise awareness for alcohol prevention. Another amazing accomplishment was winning TAMUSA’s Greek Week trophy for all of our efforts in all of the events including raising the most money in an event that helps provide clothes and other necessities to kids in need.
This last year has been great for our chapter here at San Diego State. We continue to be one of the highest recruiting chapters and welcomed over 40 new members to our brotherhood. Along with this, we had some successful philanthropy events including our staple battle of the bands where we raised over $1700 from a live band performance to support the Jimmy V Foundation. Also, our Brotherhood Chairman planned some great events for us like beach days, paintball, and a very popular March Madness Bracket Challenge. Our brothers and recent alumni also just had a formal in Las Vegas which was a great way to celebrate the end of the school year and all of our hard work, as well as served as a great way to bond with each other. We have some great things planned for next year and are excited to continue to grow our chapter and presence here on campus.
This past semester was a busy one for the South Carolina Provisional Chapter! The semester started with the help of the amazing team from IHQ (Joey, Gil, and Jackson). We started by recruiting an exceptional group of founding fathers to start our chapter. Bringing a new chapter to campus is challenging, especially at a school as large as USC. Everything our chapter accomplished this semester was nothing less than impressive. Our class of founding fathers totaled around 50, which is well above the average for founding father classes, and met our goal. The men of the USC provisional chapter represent the values of Delta Chi and are already making an impact through their involvement in the chapter. This semester, our chapter had the opportunity to participate in Greek Week, an excellent way to start building relationships with other Greek chapters on campus. During Greek week, we won the Greek Olympics! Additionally, many brothers from our chapter participated in Alpha Gamma Delta’s Lip-Sync philanthropy event, where we came in second place! In addition to participating in that event, we also participated in Delta Chi’s March Madness bracket challenge, with the proceeds going toward the V Foundation. Our executive board is excited to continue the chapter’s growth in the fall and is proud of all our accomplishments this past semester!
If I had to choose a word to represent this semester for us I would say adversity. We had to overcome so much adversity and challenges just to make sure the last semester ran smoothly in our favor. We helped so much in our community with different events like the Emerson Basketball tournaments, Wagons for Veterans, and helping local churches. Those were just the biggest events we helped with. This semester after initiating sixteen members for the year our chapter size has more than doubled. Standing now with twenty-six active members I can proudly say we have put in the work. We have earned our spot on this campus as one of the biggest fraternities on the Southern Arkansas campus. We were fortunate enough to win Organization of the Year, Fraternity of the Year, and many other members getting separate awards. Brady Jackson earned the Vice President award, Cody James earned Member of the Year, and Jordan Vail earned New Member of the Year. We all told the guys not to get too comfortable because we’ll be working as hard next year as well!
The brothers of Delta Chi Syracuse had a very eventful semester. Firstly, we welcomed 3 new members into our chapter, all of whom are passionate and ready to contribute to the house’s flourishing. We also had a great formal in Toronto, Canada where many of us brought dates to celebrate. We also donated about 1500 dollars to the Jimmy V Foundation over the course of the year, a good number for a chapter of our size. Additionally, we attended multiple philanthropies of other Fraternities and Sororities on campus. Finally we will be celebrating our graduating seniors as they leave Syracuse by hosting a barbecue with members and their families. We look back at their time in the house with warm hearts and hope that they lead successful lives as men of the Delta Chi Fraternity.
We have been staying busy this semester from socials, to intramurals, to philanthropy and our upcoming Fundraiser as well as a golf tournament. But with that being said our chapter has increased our campaign involvement and relations as well and we are growing slowly but steadily. Also, we have our upcoming social with the campus’s top sorority Delta Zeta. With that though the chapter has been staying involved and is making a lot of leaps and bonds. Moreover, we have also even had brothers getting ready to graduate this semester and continue their journey. Finally, to wrap everything up the chapter has had great success in planning and getting everything ready for the fall semester and we are looking forward to growing and developing as brothers.
This term, the Texas Tech Chapter has celebrated numerous achievements, including the initiation of all eight of our spring associate members, active involvement in community service, and consistent, dedicated philanthropic efforts. Witnessing the growth and development of our Alpha Sigma class into exemplary Delta Chi men has been inspiring. Moreover, our chapter enthusiastically participated in our biannual highway cleanup initiative, where we contribute to our local community by removing trash from the roadside. Additionally, we successfully raised $3,100 for the Jimmy V Bracket Challenge, securing a notable 6th-place finish in the competition. These accomplishments reflect our dedication to excellence and service, embodying the spirit of Delta Chi.
The Truman State Chapter has continued its strong tradition of success and excellence. We have just won our fourth consecutive President’s Cup from 2020-2023 and continue to excel in our university’s FSL community as well. We have just won the Brotherhood of the Year, Excellence in Risk Management, Emerging Greek Leader, Living Our Values, and the IFC Man of the Year awards. The chapter has also continued its excellence in recruitment and retention. We have initiated 14 new members this year and our brotherhood remains strong with 58 members in our chapter. We have recently won our FSL’s annual Greek Week for IFC and raised over $6,000 for the various philanthropic organizations that benefited from the fundraising. In the fall, we held our annual Rave To Save, benefiting the Jimmy V Foundation where we managed to raise over $3000 for cancer research. The overall GPA of the chapter remains strong at 3.53, which is the highest among the other fraternities at Truman State. We recently celebrated our 46th anniversary with our Alumni Reunion where we celebrated paying off the mortgage on our chapter’s house. The Truman State Chapter remains involved in all aspects of the university and strives to continue to be an outstanding example for the FSL community and exemplify the values of Delta Chi.
Our chapter has been dedicated to driving meaningful progress and upholding a standard of excellence this term. Our commitment to service has been steadfast as we collaborated closely with Cradles to Crayons, extending our support to vulnerable children in our region. Through meticulous planning and concerted efforts, our Super Bowl Box fundraiser yielded $2,000 for the Jimmy V Foundation, reinforcing our dedication to combating cancer. Additionally, our fundraising initiatives at NOVADance resulted in a $6,000 contribution, furthering our impact on those in need. We orchestrated a successful Pickleball event for PanCan, to raise both awareness and funds for Pancreatic cancer. Our commitment to academic excellence was highlighted by our recognition as the recipient of the Best Academic Development award among Villanova chapters. Fantastic brotherhood remains crucial. Through purpose-driven events such as barbeques, Phillies games, and Buffalo Wild Wing nights, we cultivated connections and strengthened camaraderie among our members. Furthermore, our collective participation in group skiing and intramural teams exemplifies our commitment to building a strong brotherhood. As we reflect on the past term, we do so with a profound sense of accomplishment for the impact we’ve achieved and the standards we’ve upheld.
Amidst the bustling campus life, the Washington Chapter of Delta Chi Fraternity has been making waves with a myriad of successes this quarter. From fostering strong alumni relations to spearheading innovative programs, our chapter has been at the forefront of creating a vibrant and supportive community. One of our standout achievements this term has been the establishment of a robust mentorship program, restarting the chapter from scratch and connecting active members with our esteemed alumni network. This initiative has provided invaluable guidance and support to our brothers, helping them navigate academic challenges and career decisions with confidence. Additionally, our chapter has undertaken ambitious projects to restore our beloved chapter house to its former glory. Through dedicated work parties and fundraising efforts, we are making significant strides toward revitalizing our living space and preserving our fraternity’s legacy for future generations. Furthermore, our commitment to academic excellence has been recognized through the awarding of scholarships to deserving members, enabling them to pursue their educational goals with financial assistance and support. As we look ahead to the future, we remain dedicated to fostering brotherhood, academic achievement, and community service within our chapter. With each success, we strengthen our bonds and lay the foundation for continued growth and prosperity.
The end of the Spring 2024 semester capped off what was a great year for the William & Mary Chapter. Building on our strong dedication to community service, the brothers contributed a total of 1285.5 volunteer hours to various organizations throughout fall ’23, including a joint event with our Homecoming pair Chi Omega. This was part of a wonderful week of Homecoming activities in which we welcomed numerous alumni back to campus. We also celebrated the mothers of the chapter with our annual Moms’ Weekend. The semester ended with the initiation of 14 new members who thoroughly encapsulated what it means to be a Delta Chi. Over Winter Break, several members of our newly elected Executive Board attended the first annual Regional Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, where they gained invaluable skills and insight into effective chapter operation. Upon arrival back to campus, we received the award for highest cumulative GPA among Fraternity & Sorority Life organizations for F ’23. The Chapter also saw several athletic successes, as the William & Mary Ice Hockey team—which rostered 10 active members—won its League Championship and qualified for its first National Championship. To counter the fall, we celebrated the fathers of the chapter with our Dads’ Weekend events, including a cornhole tournament and grill-off which raised over $600, raising our yearly total to almost $3000 for the Jimmy V Foundation! Our regional ABT President was able to attend our Spring Ritual as we initiated 13 new members. Finally, we would like to extend wishes for the best for our 16 departing seniors. We look forward to seeing them continue to excel as they begin their careers and look forward to welcoming them back on campus this fall.
The Wilmington Chapter reflects on a year of notable achievements. With the addition of 5 new members, a significant GPA enhancement, and increased engagement among brothers, our journey toward fostering a lasting brotherhood at UNCW continues. Newly initiated members have already assumed leadership roles, indicating promising contributions to come. Noteworthy strides have been made in academic performance, elevating our standing within the IFC at UNCW. Credit is owed to the concerted efforts of both brothers and Alumni, emphasizing the importance of academic excellence. As we celebrate our successes this year, we eagerly anticipate the continued growth and prosperity of our chapter in the forthcoming years.
The Wisconsin Chapter had a remarkably successful semester. We kicked off the year by winning the Academic Excellence Award for Region Five at this year’s conference, a testament to the ongoing exceptional academic performance of our members. Notably, we achieved the third highest GPA among all fraternities on campus with a chapter average of 3.468. Our chapter also expanded significantly, welcoming 22 new members this academic year who embody the Delta Chi ideals. Additionally, we made a significant impact in our community through our philanthropy efforts. One highlight was hosting the “Polar Plunge,” a fundraiser for the Jimmy V Foundation, which once again proved to be a successful event that united our community for a vital cause. We were also glad to meet with our alumni at multiple events including the parent’s weekend social. Ultimately, it’s been an incredibly active semester, and we are excited for what lies ahead!
The 2024 Delta Chi International Convention, held at the JW Marriott Turnberry in Miami, Florida, brought about critical changes to Delta Chi Law, focusing on Fraternity governance, inactive status, dues, and qualifications for leadership.
One of the most notable changes approved during the convention is the restructuring of Delta Chi’s regional framework. By 2025, the Fraternity will move from nine regions to six, streamlining the governance structure and ensuring more effective oversight of chapters.
Here is the breakdown of the new regions:
• Western Region: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and the territories of the Northwest, Nunavut, and Yukon.
• Central Region: Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and the province of Manitoba.
• Southeastern Region: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
• Northeastern Region: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the provinces of Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec.
• Midwest Region: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and the provinces of Manitoba and Ontario.
• Mid-Atlantic Region: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.
Additionally, the position of the Retiring “AA” was revised to serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board of Regents. This change ensures continuity and allows for advisory participation without direct influence on governance decisions.
Another significant update is the rebranding of the Regional Leadership Conferences (RLC), which are now officially known as Regional Leadership Academies (RLA). This rebranding is more than just a change in name; it includes updates to the organization, attendance requirements, and voting procedures at these important events. Chapters are expected to attend the RLAs annually, and non-compliance may result in financial penalties. This change reflects the Fraternity’s commitment to leadership development and streamlined regional operations.
Clarifications were made to Delta Chi’s inactive status guidelines. Members may now apply for inactive status for a maximum of one academic term per request, with a limit of two terms over their membership. This change provides clearer boundaries for members while encouraging greater involvement and engagement.
The qualifications for serving as a Regent or Executive Officer have been increased, emphasizing the need for substantial experience within the Fraternity. These roles now require specific terms of service, such as experience as a “BB,” on the Alumni Board of Trustees, or as a Delta Chi employee. These new criteria aim to ensure that only highly experienced and dedicated alumni take on critical leadership roles.
A significant update was made regarding closed meetings within Delta Chi. Meetings of the Board of Regents will now be open to Fraternity members, with the exception of certain confidential matters. These exceptions include discussions with legal counsel, personnel issues, member or chapter discipline matters, and any other sensitive topics deemed confidential by the Board. However, all final votes on such matters must be made in open session. Notice of all meetings, including emergency sessions, must be posted in advance to keep the brotherhood informed.
The role of the “BB” was clarified during the convention and will now officially be referred to as “BB”-Chapter Advisor. This title change reflects the advisory role of the “BB” in relation to the chapter while clearly distinguishing that the “BB” does not serve as an agent of the Fraternity or hold authority on behalf of Delta Chi’s Executive Committee or Board of Regents.
To foster a culture of academic excellence, the minimum GPA requirement for chapters has been raised to 3.0 or the all-men’s or all-fraternity GPA at the host institution, whichever is lower. This change reflects Delta Chi’s ongoing commitment to academic success within its chapters.
The Risk Management Commission’s structure and authority have been revised. Key changes include term limits for the chairman and clearer guidelines for handling appeals. These adjustments will help maintain accountability and transparency in the Fraternity’s risk management policies.
Significant changes were approved regarding Fraternity dues and fees, ensuring Delta Chi’s financial stability while continuing to provide valuable programs and services to members. The updates will be phased in over the next several years, as follows:
The Risk Management Policy of The Delta Chi Fraternity includes the provisions that follow and all members are expected to comply. Compliance to the following will likely result in a safer fraternity experience. If any chapter or member chooses not to comply with these policies, the Fraternity may impose sanctions per Delta Chi Law, the By-Laws, Article V, Section 4, 2(h).
1. The presence, consumption and use of any alcohol product containing more than 15% alcohol by volume (ABV) is prohibited at any chapter facility or chapter event, except when served by a licensed and insured third party vendor. The presence, possession or consumption of an alcohol product at or below 15% ABV at a chapter facility or chapter event shall be in compliance with all of the provisions of this Policy and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher learning.
2. No alcoholic beverages shall be purchased through or with chapter funds nor shall the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of or on behalf of the chapter. The purchase or use of bulk quantity or common source(s) of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
3. No chapter or member(s) at an event that would be associated with the chapter to a reasonable observer may provide alcohol to other member(s) or guests. Alcohol consumed at chapter events must be legally aquired by the individual for individual consumption and is expected to follow all provisions of this policy.
4. SOCIAL EVENTS, meaning those with unrestricted access by nonmembers of the chapter, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present, are prohibited regardless of the occassion and includes, but is not limited to family and friends of members. Any event with alcohol present that can or will be associated with the chapter to a reasonable observer requires a guest list prepared twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the event and is expected to comply with either the Bring Your Own Beverage (BYOB) or Third-Party Vendor Guidelines as set forth in the Social Event Planning Guide.
5. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any person under the legal drinking age..
6. The possession, sale or use of any ILLEGAL DRUGS or CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES while on chapter premises or during a fraternity event or at any event that would be associated with chapter to a reasonable observer is prohibited.
7. No chapter shall co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor or any commercial establishment with alcohol, at which alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of a tavern as defined above for purposes of fundraising. However, a chapter may rent or use a room or area in a tavern as defined above for a closed event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third-party vendor and guest list. An event at which alcohol is present could be conducted or co-sponsored with a charitable organization if the event is held within the provisions of the organization and college or university policy.
8. No chapter shall co-sponsor, co-finance or attend or participate in a function at which alcohol is purchased or provided by any of the host chapters, groups, organizations, or individual(s).
9. Alcohol or any illegal substance shall be prohibited during any recruitment or rush activities. No recruitment or rush activities associated shall be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy.
10. No chapter or member shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games.” The definition of drinking games includes, but is not limited to, “beer pong,” “beer die,” “power hours,” “flip cup,” “king’s corner,” or any other activity involving the consumption of alcohol which involves or could involve duress or encouragement related to the consumption of alcohol.
11. No alcohol may be consumed by participants during or within twelve (12) hours before or after any associate member activity, event, or after the ritual of the Fraternity by any member participating in any such activity or event. This includes but is not limited to activities associated with “bid night,” “big brother - little brother” events or activities, “family” events or activities, traditions, ceremonies, and initiation.
12. No chapter shall permit the use of “family” drinks or “family” gifts that violate the Risk Management Policies of the Fraternity related to alcohol. This applies to the “big/little” relationship, family names or the use of Fraternity Trademarks in the perpetuation of alcohol as an identifier and/or tradition once a member and associate member are introduced to this relationship.
No chapter, member, associate member or alumnus shall conduct, participate in, or condone hazing activities. Knowledge of hazing and failure to take timely and appropriate action is condoning hazing. Permission or approval, whether expressed or implied, by a person being hazed is not a defense.
Hazing is defined as:
“Any action taken, or situation created to cause or reasonably cause mental or physical discomfort or harm, intimidation, harassment, or embarrassment for the purpose of gaining or continuing membership of any kind in the Fraternity. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: forced or implied consumption of alcohol or drugs, confining individuals to a space for any period of time, subjecting individuals to excessively loud environments to disorient or make uncomfortable, calisthenics as a means of punishment, depriving of sleep or displacing someone from their normal sleep schedule or location, forced or implied sexual activity, lineups of any kind for the purpose of questioning/quizzing or demeaning, threats of any kind including withholding initiation into the Fraternity, wearing of similar attire which separates by membership status, personal servitude or running errands of any kind with or without reimbursement, required carrying of certain items, restriction of communication, and any other activities which are not consistent with academic achievement, fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution or applicable state law.”
1. The Delta Chi Fraternity does not tolerate or condone sexual harassment, stalking, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or sexual violence as defined by Delta Chi Law. This is to include any actions, activities, or events, whether on chapter premises or an off-site location which are demeaning to a person.
2. No chapter shall hire, use, or allow the use of strippers, erotic dancers, sex workers, or similar at a chapter event or an event a reasonable observer would associate with the chapter.
3. No chapter or member shall engage in or tolerate retaliation against any person lodging any allegation or reporting any alleged conduct against the chapter or any individual associated with the chapter.
1. All chapter facilities shall meet all local fire and health codes and standards.
2. All chapters shall post, within common areas, emergency numbers for fire, police and ambulance and will have posted evacuation routes on the back of the door of each sleeping room.
3. All chapters shall comply with engineering recommendations as reported by the insurance company or municipal authorities.
4. FIREARMS AND EXPLOSIVES. No firearms or ammunition, including airpowered weapons, or explosive or incendiary devices, including fireworks, shall be possessed, stored, or used in any chapter facility or at any chapter sponsored event, except as authorized by law enforcement officers.
5. Candles will not be used in chapter facilities or individual rooms except under controlled circumstances such as initiations.
6. No swimming pools, hot tubs, slip and slides or other similar water related activities shall be installed or used at any chapter facility or chapter sponsored event, except that a swimming pool or hot tub that exists at a chapter facility prior to August 1, 2018, may continue to be used.
Gambling or games of chance in any form whatsoever shall not be permitted in any chapter facility or at any chapter event except as permitted by all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher education.
1. Each chapter shall annually instruct its students and alumni in its risk management policies and practices of both the Fraternity and higher education institution. The undergraduates and key volunteers will receive a copy of the Fraternity’s risk management policy annually and copy of the policy will be accessible on the Fraternity’s website. Each chapter is expected to submit a signed copy of these policies, signed by 80% of the members following the first chapter meeting of each fall semester/quarter.
2. Each chapter is expected to attend/participate in a total of 50%, or five (5), whichever is less, prevention education opportunities provided by the fraternity on a yearly basis. Attending is defined as two or more members of the chapter eadership, or 30% of all chapter members. Attendance will be confirmed by submission of opportunities attended by the chapter. Failure to meet this expectation may result in sanctions per Delta Chi Law, the By-Laws, Article V, Section 4, 2(h).
3. Annually, the Fraternity will deliver educational content on topics related to risk management. Each chapter is expected to send the following officers/chairmen, at minimum, to the corresponding topic of education:
• Hazing Prevention (“F” - Risk Manager/Sergeant in Arms, Associate Member Counselor)
• Alcohol and Substance Use (“A” - President, “B” - Vice President)
• Social Event Planning (Social Chairman, “E”- Alumni Relations Officer)
• Sexual Misconduct Prevention (“C” - Secretary, “D” - Treasurer”
4. Each chapter is expected to fully adopt and use the 4-week, 6-week, or 8-week Associate Member Program, written and designed by the Fraternity. The program can be accessed, including all digital presentations, participant workbooks, and facilitator guides on the fraternity’s website.
If the chapter wishes to facilitate an associate member activity that is not included in the Associate Member Program as adopted, a detailed plan of the activity is expected to be submitted to the chapter Alumni Board of Trustees for review and approval.
Each chapter is expected to maintain and utilize a Judicial or Standards Board which exists to hold members accountable to the expectations of membership in the Fraternity. The Judicial Board is chaired by the “F”Risk Manager/Sergeant in Arms and is expected to consist of a minimum of three (3) additional members.
The Judicial/Standards board is expected to attend the Judicial Board Training, delivered by the Fraternity on a yearly basis, or review the recorded training, and utilize all resources provided by the Fraternity.
Chapters are expected to notify the International Headquarters within twenty-four (24) hours of becoming aware of the following:
1. Any injury to a member or guest that occurred as a result of a fraternityrelated activity or an event a reasonable observer could associate with the Fraternity.
2. Allegations of sexual assault, abuse, harassment, or misconduct connected with a member or guest,
3. Any inquiries by authorities or legal counsel regarding an incident related to the chapter.
1. INDIVIDUAL: If a member assists another person in obtaining immediate and appropriate medical care related to the use or consumption of alcohol, drugs, or to another medical emergency, then that member, as well as those who are assisted, will not be subject to individual disciplinary action by the Fra-ternity with respect to the incident. This is the case even if the member who is assisting was a contribut-ing factor to the emergency, so long as the member did not intentionally cause any physical injury. To be eligible for the benefit of this policy the member must fully and truthfully cooperate with any Fraternity investigation regarding the incident. An individual may benefit from this policy more than once, though repeated use of the policy may recieve stricter scrutiny.
2. CHAPTER: A chapter that seeks immediate and appropriate medical assistance for a person in need related to the use or consumption of alcohol, drugs, or to another medical emergency, may be eligible for mitigation of the level of corrective action imposed for violations of Delta Chi law and this Risk Man-agement Policy. To be eligible for this potential mitigation, the chapter and its leadership must fully and truthfully cooperate with any Fraternity investigation regarding the incident. A chapter may benefit from this policy more than once, though repeated use of the policy may receive stricter scrutiny.
No chapter or member shall conduct, participate in, or condone organized combat sports which means any sport included but not limited to boxing; kickboxing; wrestling of any kind; fencing; mixed martial arts; muay thai; Brazilian jui-jitsu; judo; karate; krav maga; taekwondo; aikido; sambo; kung fu; or martial arts of any other kind that are organized on behalf of the chapter in advance and take place in an amateur practice or competition setting. Examples of such activities include “fight nights,” “tough man competitions,” or other similar competitions whether related to charities or not.
These men have lived among us for a time, and we have been honored to call them brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting.
Othel A. Kilpatric ’38, Unknown
Homer Hinckley ’36, May 22, 1951
Wayne Clark ’52, September 18, 2018
Fred D. Harrison ’53, December 2, 2023
Ball State
Bill Berglin ’63, April 17 2024
John Peckinpaugh ’80, February 2, 2024
Lyle Hatton ’79, November 29, 2023
California Univ-PA
Timothy Wilson ’83, April 28, 2024
Matthew Stimple ’98, May 27, 2024
Central Michigan
Edward Little ’89, December 17, 2023
Andrew Little ’89, June 18, 2024
Central Missouri
Bradley Tunnell ’89, June 18, 2024
Dennis Torrey ’74, January 25, 2024
Samuel Pleasants ’40, June 6, 1997
Adolph Fischer ’34, February 23, 1940
William J. Stokes ’65, June 23, 2024
Stanley Durbas ’59, October 9th, 2020
David Curtis ’00, March 16, 2023
John Ensweiler ’71, August 24, 2014
Dr. James J. Baldwin ’47, January 31, 2019
Charles Ray ’58, April 12, 2024
John Throckmorton ’63, January 1, 2024
East Stroudsburg
Xander Felix ’21, November 12, 2022
Torin Myer ’11, May 25, 2024
James P. Hunter ’75, July 18, 2024
Craig Flormann ’74, April 5, 2024
Myron Petruska ’84, May 23, 2024
Robert Dukes ’92, November 23, 2019
Richard Scott ’71, May 25, 2017
Thomas Rymer ’70, March 24, 2022
Gorham State
Kenneth Marston ’78, March 30, 2024
Harry Desjardins ’71, February 17, 2024
Everett Brazie ’52, July 31, 2015
Jordan “JPat” Patterson ’23, May 6, 2023
Herbert Malany ’63, May 7, 2024
Illinois State
Leon Mentzer ’04, March 5, 2024
Indiana University
Robert Rosenbush ’44, January 27, 1945
Randall “Randy” Girod ’81, September 22, 2023
Jay Shinkle ’86, April 4, 2023
Frank H. Zigrang ’61, February 3, 2023
Iowa State
Verne E. Harms ’49, March 26, 2024
Jacksonville State
Terry F. Farmer ’74, September 29, 2023
James Madison
Ryan Kokoszka ’11, April 26th, 2024
Scott Lewis ’92, January 30, 2024
Stephen Fitzgerald ’66, February 17, 2024
Kansas City
Ramsey Davis ’61, January 6, 2024
Kent State
Neal Donnelly ’99, December 17, 2023
Alan Gilchrist ’62, December 9, 2023
Robert Roberts ’70, April 19 2024
Louisiana Tech
Larry Alesi ’96, May 16, 2024
Aaron Smith ’09, December 18, 2023
D. Wade Shemwell ’92, March 7, 2024
Stephen Capos ’87, January 9, 2024
Gregory Campisano ’88, July 19, 2024
Sam Spataro ’53, January 3, 2008
Robert Knowlton ’52, November 18, 2023
Michigan State
David E. Wilson ’74, November 12, 2017
R. Eric Reickel ’58, July 2, 2022
Stephen Grages ’08, December 8, 2023
Minnesota State
Jake Helgestad ’97, May 17, 2024
John Amery ’60, December 16, 2023
Riley Strain ’24, March 22, 2024
Missouri State
Charles LaGarce IV ’87, July 13, 2024
North Alabama
Brandon Stewart ’21, March 23, 2024
Northern Arizona
Robert Connelly Jr. ’69, July 7, 2022
Northern Iowa
Sidney J. Sampson ’78, May 19, 2024
Northwest Missouri
John Zimmer ’96, February 28, 2024
Ohio State
Frank Schnorrenberg ’59, October 20, 2023
Oklahoma State
Jason Razien ’97, June 7, 2024
James Joyce ’75, February 2, 2024
Harvey E. Brown ’63, July 16, 2024
Oregon State
David Krueger ’52, May 29, 2012
Keith Krumbein ’71, March 9, 2009
Miles Dewar O’Reilly ’60, July 8, 2024
Russell Allgood ’38, March 6, 2024
Michael Lackas ’70, December 1, 2023
Penn State
John C. Johnson ’61, September 30, 2021
Alan Rowland ’53, June 26, 2009
Thomas Morris ’58, January 2, 2023
Lionel H. “Bud” Fuller Jr. ’54, June 16, 2024
Larry Don Barr ’62, December 3, 2023
Southern California
William Lewis Doyle Jr. ’58, August 1, 2024
J. Scofield Hage ’69, March 12, 2024
Bruce Miller ’66, July 21, 2024
Roderick Parker ’40, November 13, 2020
Gary Mayer ’61, March 18, 2024
Texas Tech
Brett Greble ’95, July 18, 2024
Greg Winzig ’06, January 19, 2024
Robert Edds ’72, January 10, 2024
UC Riverside
Alexander Frobe ’16, December 18, 2023
Bruce Bevan ’56, January 7, 2015
Jeron Gallimore ’24, November 17, 2024
William L. Doyle ’55, August 1, 2024
Tod Anton ’51, April 17, 2024
Frederick Smith ’60, June 8, 2024
William Belcher ’59, May 9, 2024
Mark Weigardt ’78, January 16, 2024
Western Michigan
Robert Popaditch ’65, December 23, 2023
John Piotter ’58, November 28, 2023
Youngstown State
Douglas Dobozy ’73, June 1, 2024
JANUARY 24-26, 2025
Reno, Nevada
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
JANUARY 17-19, 2025
St. Louis, Missouri
Atlanta, Georgia
Brother John “Alex” Polidan ’17 selected as one of five in the summer associate intern program at Henderson, Franklin, Starnes & Holt, P.A.
Florida State
Brother Chuck Mancuso ’84 inducted as a Fellow in the American College of Civil Trial Mediators, an achievement less than 1% of Mediators reach.
Georgia Tech
Brother Steven Smith ’92 appointed to the Senior Executive Service by the Deputy Undersecretary of the Army. Brother Smith will serve as the U.S. Army’s Director of Special Programs (Aviation) and Special Operations Command’s Program Executive Officer for Rotary Wing.
Brother Nicholas Chambers ’13 was recognized as the 2024 Educator of the Year by The Rocky Mountain Section of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).
Born to Brother Bradley Guin ’12, a son, Rowan Christopher Guin, on July 17, 2024.
Brother David Jenks ’86 retiring after 38 years as an engineer in the aerospace/defense sector. Brother Jenks looks forward to continuing his service as BB of the Denver Chapter, building his leathercraft business, as well as his non-profit Hope Rising For India.
Mississippi State
Brother Stephen Sansing ’01 celebrates his 500th career win as a volleyball coach with his team at North Cobb High School, which went on to win the Class 7A State Championship. Additionally, Brother Sansing was named the Class 7A State Coach of the Year.
Born to Brother Patrick Bell ’08, a daughter, Cameron Elizabeth Bell, on April 9, 2024.
Western Carolina
Brother Tony Corbin ’00 was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the town of Manteo after 23 years of service in law enforcement.