Ideas for last-minute Halloween costumes FEATURED, PAGE 5
The Collegian Th ian Issue 3 • Friday, Oct. 22, 2021 •
Students encouraged to take online course amid exemption delay
Athletes returned to competition with safety precautions a big part of stepping onto the mat
e are in a very strange time right now. Yes, students are back on campus, but there’s been plenty of changes to come about in response to the pandemic. We wear masks. We fill out Covid-related questionnaires in each class. We wipe down desks. One aspect of college that has seen the ripple effects of Covid restrictions has been student sports. As happy as many of us are to be back on campus and competing again, it’s hard to ignore these changes. One sport in particular feeling these changes drastically is wrestling. As a wrestler, I have come across strong opponents and great challengers, but none of them compare to the global pandemic we’re experiencing. The coronavirus has been a mean opponent, yet still we’re back on the mat. As wrestlers, we are taught how to deal with adversity and overcome obstacles. As an indoor sport, the wrestling community was having some challenges as to how to hold our events and meets. The solution has been to withhold spectators from filling up school gyms. Consider the scenario on our end: there we are, in places once filled with people watching, cheering us on, instead now filled with silence. There’s a new mental challenge to being on the mat, looking up at the stands and not seeing the usual supporters. Wrestling is already an individual sport. The pandemic audience ravages have made us truly feel as though we are alone out there. It’s more than the crowds playing with our psyches though. Our partners can’t be on the sidelines unless they’re up next. This can be nerve-wracking. Student athletes are already faced with balancing full-time school loads, long practice hours, and jobs. It is challenging to not have that support system front and center. However, it’s also an opportunity to
See OPPONENT, page 8 Santino Martinez contemplates his next opponent. PHOTO BY ARIANA MALLERY
While fully vaccinated students won't encounter difficulties registering for Spring 2022 courses, students seeking to get approved exemptions are being encouraged to register for online Spring 2022 courses after the exemption form options for them were delayed. Delta College published exemptions forms on its website for employees to submit in late September. The student option wasn’t made available CAMPUS READY to students until Oct. Delta College has pub14, one day before lished new information the Oct. 15 deadline regarding mandated vacfor students and em- cines (including statistiployees to show proof cal data), contact tracing, of vaccination or ap- and Covid-19 testing on a new landing page on its proved exemptions. “Unfortunately it website. Visit deltacollege. for took more time than edu/campus-ready more information. expected for the process to go through legal review, which was a necessary step to launch the student exemptions,” Director of Communications and Outreach Alex Brietler said in an email response to The Collegian. Students who haven’t uploaded vaccination status or have an approved exemption by the deadline are subject to registration delays. While the Oct. 15 deadline has passed, the college assures registration is still open to all students regardless of vaccination status. Students are still be able to upload proof of vaccination or apply for an exemption. “We certainly understand that this can cause stress and anxiety as students are planning for spring registration. It’s important to remember that all students will be able to register for online classes regardless of their vaccination status,” said Brietler. Even though priority registration has already begun, students can still complete the vaccination/exemption process before the beginning of the Spring 2022 semester in January. Students wanting an exemption, however, are likely to face delays as the process is lengthy and approval is an uncertainty. “It could take up to 14 days for an exemption to be approved. Please be advised that making an exemption request is not a guarantee of approval, and the college reserves the right to request additional information,” said Breitler.
Contact tracing badges handed out to students BY SANTINO MARTINEZ Staff Writer
Delta College has implemented a new requirement for students and employees on campus as part of its ongoing rollout of Covid-19 safety measures. Students attending classes on campus are now required to wear Covid-19 -tracing badges while on campus. These badges are used to speed up the contact tracing process should someone become exposed or be diagnosed with Covid. Previous contact tracing was done manually.
“This is not a Delta College thing; this has been done all over the country,” said Delta College Director of Marketing and Communications Alex Breitler. Using Bluetooth technology, the badges conduct an information technology process where it connects to nearby badges throughout the student’s time on campus, according to Breitler. This data is relevant in case a student makes close contact with a student or employee detected to have COVID. It has been made clear the badges aren’t used as a location tracking device whatsoever. The only information collected is the close contact
of other badges. Moreover, the badges are only active when on campus. They don’t work at any other location. On-campus students had an opportunity to pick up a contact-tracing badge and identification card during a four-day stint from Oct. 11 to Oct. 14 in Danner Hall. “The sooner we get people badges, the safer our campus will be,” said Breitler. “It’s new and different, but it’s important for the safety on campus.”
See BADGES, page 8
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