The Collegian - Published Nov. 12, 2021

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Women’s soccer remains undefeated SPORTS, PAGE 7

Black Friday survival guide

The Collegian


Issue 4 • Friday, Nov. 12, 2021 •



MORE INSIDE View images celebrating Dia de Los Muertos from the Mexican Heritage Center’s street fiesta on Oct. 30. PAGE 3

A Dia De Los Muertos ofrenda was set up on the first floor of the DeRicco Building. Delta’s Puente students, along with the help of the Chicanx Latinx Faculty Task Force, the La Raza Employees Association, and the Dreamer Success Center put the display together. Students and faculty were welcome to bring in a photo memory of loved ones to place on the ofrenda, which was available to visit through Nov. 9. PHOTOS BY ANI GUTIERREZ

Stockton Scholars expanded BY ALAN SOLORIO LEON Staff Writer

Reinvent Stockton Foundation’s program “Stockton Scholars” has declared that their scholarship opportunities will stretch beyond high school seniors to all high school students in the Stockton area and nearby school districts such as Lincoln, Lodi, and Manteca planning to attend any college. It was previously limited for seniors planning to attend a UC or private colleges such as Stanford or USC. “We are opening up the scholarship. It will be available to any student attending a public high school in Stockton regardless of district, so we are very excited to expand opportunities and resources for young people here in Stockton,” said Janae Aptaker, Director of Stockton Scholars program. During the Stockton Scholars Expansion Press Conference, Delta’s Superintendent and President, Dr. Lisa Aguilera Lawrenson expressed her joy about the program

partnering with Delta. “On behalf of the college (Delta College), we are thrilled to continue the MOU (memorandum of understanding) with Stockton Scholars and expanding this opportunity for our students, it is wonderful for members of our community to expand their opportunities to be here at Delta College and other regional colleges,” Lawrenson said. The expansion guarantees students throughout the area will have the opportunities for scholarships to chase a higher education. Students who have applied and completed the process will acquire the scholarship money to use for a twoyear college, a four-year college or university in California, and even to attend Historically Black Colleges (HBCU). Delta’s Vice President of Student Services, Dr. Lonita Cordova said she supports the cause as she believes these scholarship chances can help and change lives for Delta College students.

See SCHOLARS, page 8

Using your street smarts on campus Safety reminders after more than year of isolation BY ARIANA MALLERY News Editor

With people being back on campus after being gone for so long, we might all need a refresher on how to stay safe. Did being on lockdown make people more or less vigilant of the world around them, and how has this translated to people’s behavior on campus? “The pandemic made people more aware, and that’s directly as a result of being cooped up,” said Support Services Sergeant Jim Bock of the San Joaquin Delta College District Police. “My personal house, internet usage went way up, with more people streaming on their devices, becoming engaged in the news...just by proxy that provided more opportunity to research. Honestly we see people happy to see some semblance of normalcy, and because they’re informed, they want to see the safety of themselves and others.” The dependence on smart devices during lock down has led to problems. “The biggest mistake is they’re living in their smart devices, heads buried in their phones, not paying attention around them,” Bock said. “In general

over the years, we’ve seen more accidents where people trip over something. Typically when we have a crime on campus where it involves a suspect and a victim, almost every time the victim has been wearing headphones in both ears, or doing something like looking at their smart device and were distracted.” What precautions can students take? “One of the biggest messages we want to get out is: listen to music, that’s fine. Just keep an earbud out. When you’re walking, try to keep a partner. Keep your head up so you’re not distracted. Safety is a two way street. Safety starts with individuals making good choices,” said Bock. Every year, in accordance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, San Joaquin Delta College releases a “Clery Annual Security and Fire Report.” This report details the Clery crime statistics from the year prior, with Clery crimes being separated into four categories. Category 1 is primary crimes, which

See SAFETY, page 8

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