Delta County Independent July 24, 2019

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Remote Area Medical clinic coming to Delta County, B1


Program has kids reading to the animals, B4

Fourteen teams golf at football fundraiser, B6


JULY 24, 2019 VOL. 136, NO. 30



DMEA will withdraw from Tri-State next spring BY KATHARHYNN HEIDELBERG Montrose Press

Delta-Montrose Electric Association will withdraw as a member of Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association next spring. The two entities, engaged in a months-long battle over DMEA’s attempt to have a buy-out figure set, last week notified the Colorado Public Utilities Commission of a pending settlement, which was signed July 19. The amount DMEA will pay is confidential. The figure is to be released once DMEA is officially withdrawn, slated for May 2020. Under the agreement, DMEA is purchasing various transmission assets, transitioning these facilities to its own metering, and has agreed not to further challenge TriState’s jurisdictional status at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), admission of new co-op members, or Tri-State’s status as a public utility under the Federal Power Act. The settlement will also help Tri-State’s recently announced pursuit of a cleaner energy portfolio, that entity said in the parties’ statement regarding the settlement.

The withdrawal process is expected to be complete May 1; the agreement allows for DMEA to purchase power from Tri-State beyond that time, if necessary. “We’ve been working on this for over 10 years,” DMEA board president Bill Patterson said Monday. “I’m just excited. This gives DMEA the flexibility to, in our eyes, properly plan for the future and be able to utilize more local generation, and do it at a better cost that we have in the past.” DMEA’s contract with TriState was valid until 2040. Last year, after negotiations for an agreeable exit fee failed, DMEA took its case to the PUC, which found it had jurisdiction to hear DMEA’s complaint. As the hearing process was underway, Tri-State’s board of directors voted to add a type of membership class that would put it under FERC’s rate-authority; the development led to further battles with DMEA, which enlisted other co-ops in its argument that Tri-State should wait on such a decision. But just a little more than a week after Tri-State voted to pursue FERC regulation, the parties notified the PUC

of a pending settlement, then formalized it July 19. Patterson said among the first and many complicated steps that come next are separating transmission assets and signing a new power purchase agreement with another power supplier. DMEA previously announced its consideration of Guzman Energy, although the board has not voted yet on such a contract and there is not a power purchase agreement with Guzman at this time. “We’ve got everything prepared. Mostly, it’s going to be the transmission assets. It’s going to take time to get all the metering changed. In the meantime, we’re under our Tri-State contract,” Patterson said. The goal is to have everything completed by May 2020. “That’s what we’re really shooting for, is that time or before. Once we do that, we will be out of the Tri-State contract. We will have negotiated another power purchase agreement, most likely with Guzman Energy,” he said. Again, such an agreement has yet to be approved. Per the agreement, DMEA’s DMEA TO A3

Shooting sports mark start of 114th Delta County Fair BY TAMIE MECK Managing Editor

There’ll be a lot of noise when the 114th annual Delta County Fair opens this Saturday morning. It’s tradition. The first event of the fair is the 4-H shooting sports competitions, which take place at the Delta County shooting range on Trap Road in Eckert. “What a lot of people don’t know is that the fair starts with shooting,” said Kathy

Welt. She and husband Terry have been active in 4-H shooting for many years. One of the newer 4-H shooting sports is the Western Heritage shoot. On July 5-6, Paonia 4-H member Dawson Morgan placed second in state at the 4-H Western Heritage Shoot in Whitewater. Morgan was invited to attend the national competition July 30Aug. 1 in Winton, Calif., but decided to wait until next year until he’s had more practice.

Photo submitted

Paonia 4-H member Dawson Morgan, second from left, competed in the 4H Western Heritage State Shoot held July 5-6 in Whitewater. Part of the 4-H Western Heritage Project, the event combines shooting skills with knowledge of Western heritage. It is one of several shooting events that will mark the opening of the Delta County Fair this Saturday at the Delta County shooting range in Eckert.


Accent ........................... A4 Activities ....................... A7 Back Page ................... D8 Business ........................ A8 Church ........................... D4 Classifieds .................. D1-2 Deltarado Days ...........C1-8 Editorial ......................... A2 Legals ............................ D3 North Fork Times ........B1-3 Obituaries ..................... A6 Service Directory .......... D7 Sports .............................B6 Surface Creek News ...B4-5 TV Listings ................. D5-6

Western Heritage combines 4-H shooting sports with the history of the western frontier from 1860-1900. More than just shooting, the sport gives 4-H members and adult leaders a chance to experience the lifestyle and culture of the American west while instilling gun safety and personal responsibility. Participants choose a persona based on a real western character who lived during that time. Think Billy the Kid or Wyatt Earp. Using single-action revolvers, level-action rifles, and doublebarreled shotguns, they shoot at round steel targets. Scoring is based on time and accuracy, knowledge of western history, and authenticity of period clothing. Started by Montana State University, Western Heritage is part of the 4-H Western Heritage Project. The sport has expanded south into Wyoming and Colorado. While about 10 counties now participate in Western Heritage shootouts, Delta County was the first in the state to offer it, said Terry Welt. Morgan portrays Reuben Dove. Featured in local history books, Dove was a recluse who lived some 30 years beneath a cliff up Hubbard Creek outside of Paonia starting in 1890. Kirk Morgan, Dawson’s dad, said Dawson wanted to portray a local COUNTY FAIR TO A4

Photo courtesy Matt Soper

Flag presentation

District 54 Rep. Matt Soper (standing right of the podium) presents U.S. and Colorado state flags to Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen during a July 19 ceremony held at the Colorado State Capitol. The event by Tsai marked the first a Taiwan president has visited Colorado.

Soper honored to present flags STAFF REPORT

Matt Soper finds himself in some surreal moments in his new role as the state representative for District 54. None has been more surreal than leading the presentation of flags that flew over the State Capitol on July 19, in the presence of Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen. Tsai was presented with both the U.S flag and Colorado flags. Joined by seven colleagues from the House and Senate. “The members of the Colorado legislature wish to welcome President Tsai and hope that these two flags will serve not only as a commemoration of this historic visit to Colorado, but a reminder to return to the Centennial State,” said Soper, who was the only one to speak at the ceremony. The visit marks the first

time a president from Taiwan has visited Colorado. Tsai was in Denver for two days on her return trip home after visiting Caribbean countries with which Taiwan has diplomatic ties. According to Soper, Taiwan is Colorado’s 10thlargest trade partner and the visit yielded good results for Colorado beef producers, traditional and alternative energy alliances, and student exchanges. “Taiwan has pledged to make Colorado beef preferred and we will be selling energy fuel and providing renewable scientists to help develop alternate energy in the future, along with expanded student exchange programs,” said Soper in an email to the DCI. “It was a very historic day for Colorado, and as the only legislator to speak, I feel honored they chose the guy from Delta.”

School district to ask for funding override BY TAMIE MECK Managing Editor

The Delta County School District will ask voters this November to approve a mill levy override to fund transportation. If approved, the district would receive annual revenues of about $525,000. That would allow the district to purchase four or five route buses per year, said district finance officer Jim Ventrello. The school board could decide in some years to purchase smaller buses. The most recent activity bus, which is more expensive than route buses, was purchased in 2016 “and it’s already got a bunch of miles on it,” said Ventrello. The 1.5 mills the district is requesting would cost property owners about $10.73 in taxes per year for every $100,000 of

real property value. A property valued at $200,000 would be taxed at about $21.46 per year, or about $1.79 per month based on an assessed value of $14,300. Commercial and vacant lands are taxed at a higher rate. A property valued at $200,000 would be taxed at about $87 per year based on an assessed value of $58,000. “We just feel it’s the right thing to do for our kids,” said district assistant superintendent Kurt Clay. “If it doesn’t pass, we’re going to get to a critical time in the next two or three years where we’re going to have to do something drastic.” The district’s bus fleet is aging, said Clay. Most of the buses were purchased between 2002-2004. To put it into perspective, said Clay, SCHOOL DISTRICT TO A3

Fair seeks singing talents

Sweitzer Lake beach remains closed

The Delta County Fair Board is looking for local talent interested in auditioning to sing the Star-Spangled Banner during the 114th annual Delta County Fair. The fair is scheduled to run Aug. 3-10 at the Delta County Fairgrounds in Hotchkiss. The fair is already a showcase for talents of the communities. Anyone interested in auditioning for one of seven opportunities to sing the national anthem during the fair should be at the fairgrounds at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 30. For more information or questions please call Teresa Burns at 970-270-4493.

The swim beach at Sweitzer Lake State Park will remain closed until unsafe levels of E. coli bacteria drop to a safe level. The beach was closed July 18 and park staff is testing the water daily. The E. coli level will drop naturally; there is nothing that can be done to influence a decline. The lake remains open to other water activities such as boating, water skiing, paddleboarding and fishing. Only the area at the swim beach is closed. Located just south of the town of Delta, Sweitzer Lake is filled with agricultural irrigation run-off water. An increase in E. coli levels can result from urban and agricultural run-off, and from concentrations of wildlife — primarily waterfowl. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment mandates testing of water at public beaches. For more information and updates on the closure, call 970-874-4258 or visit cdphe/swim-beach-monitoring.

A2 Wednesday, July 24, 2019



Still debating basic facts of climate change

An open letter to county commissioners Dear Editor: I am writing to request the Delta Board of County Commissioners (BOCC): (1) Withdraw from your arrangement with Garfield County in which you have allowed Garfield County Commissioners to submit comments to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission regarding the Senate Bill 181 regulations on behalf of Delta County residents.

Vote NO on CC!

Dear Editor: Colorado is extremely fortunate to have the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR). TABOR limits the state’s spending, helping keep our state government under control, our state taxes low, and our state economy good. Whether you’re a liberal, a conservative, or a centrist, the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights benefits you. TABOR, passed in 1992, requires the state to stay within a spending cap, modified each year by inflation and population changes, unless the voters approve changes. Any revenue taken in above that budget figure must be refunded to the people. There is a movement afoot to destroy TABOR by those who don’t realize how beneficial it is to Colorado and its taxpayers — or don’t care. They want expanded government and increased spending.

The Garfield BOCC does not represent me or any other resident of Delta County. None of the candidates for the Garfield BOCC were on my ballot in the last election; consequently, I had no right to vote for them. Likewise, Garfield BOCC does not have the right to speak for me or any resident of Delta County. You were elected to represent residents of Delta

Proposition CC, a November 2019 ballot initiative, wants to “retain revenue for education and transportation without raising taxes...,” meaning “let the state keep money it is currently required to refund to taxpayers.” Proposition CC would not designate specific amounts for specific purposes or demand accountability for use of the extra funds. The revenue would go into the general fund, so succeeding legislatures are not obligated to spend the funds in a prescribed manner. There is no ending date. If this passes, the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights is gone. If we need more education and transportation funding, let’s tap lottery funds. Please — don’t let Colorado become another California, drowning in debt. Vote NO on CC! Bruce Many Eckert

County and should submit comments on our behalf. Failure to do so is an abdication of your responsibilities. Further, your comments should represent the views of those residents of Delta County who live near oil and gas development and will be negatively affected by this development — the residents of the North Fork Valley. As you are well aware from the many past public comment periods on oil and gas development, residents of the North Fork Valley overwhelming support strong protections for our air quality, water quality, domestic and irrigation water quantities, wildlife, and wildlife habitat. Support for these protections should be reflected in your comments. (2) Initiate a moratorium on oil and gas applications in Delta County until the county complies with the law of the land, SB 181. This law establishes protection of public health, safety, the environment, and wildlife as the top priorities when it comes to reviewing applications for oil and gas development. A moratorium would allow time for Delta County to revise its oil and gas regulations to prohibit degradation of our air and water quality, and ensure no adverse impact on North Fork Valley farmers’ and ranchers’ water quantity or water rights. Robin Smith Paonia

Entering a new and challenging era at the DCI By Dennis Anderson As I stated in my last column, we have big shoes to fill when it comes to Randy and Pat Sunderland and their efforts over the years. Our team is ready for the challenge. Delta is my hometown. My family moved here in 1978 after dad retired with 21 years of military service. Not to long after arriving they purchased a home on Howard Street where both lived until their passing. My grandparents, uncles and aunts made the trek here from Washington state in 1962. I have wonderful boyhood memories of visiting their homestead in the Gunnison Valley, and we lived here the year my dad was deployed to Vietnam. My wife Melissa and I are happy to be home. I’ve had highlights in my working career, but given the responsibility to manage the Montrose Daily Press where I started in the business, and the Delta County Independent, my hometown newspaper, by far tops the list. I’ve come full circle with the DCI. I was a carrier when I was 14. For our staff at the DCI, Delta County is home. I believe I can speak for all of us when I say we are proud of the communities in which we live. Each community has its own identity, and publishing a community newspaper for each community and the county as a whole is no small task. I’m particularly excited that Tamie Meck has accepted the responsibility of managing editor for the DCI. Tamie has the one quality that can’t be

taught in any position no matter the business, and that is passion. Tamie has done an amazing job covering the North Fork area and will continue to do so. What changes are coming to the DCI? The first change we are working on is a new website with an accompanying app. News at your fingertips on a daily basis. Though we print a weekly edition — and that will not change — we will be more engaged through our digital platforms. Website, app, e-newsletters, and social media will be a strength for us. As we move into these platforms we will become a digital daily, multiplatform news agency for Delta County. Breaking news, in-depth stories, timely coverage of area municipality news, as well as local sports. We’ll take a deeper dive into decisions made by our local, state and national representatives. Our state is in a progressive mindset, particularly at the State Capital. That doesn’t always align with our way of thinking. We are a very rural area and we’ve kept a very rural identity no matter which side of the debate you fall. Our communities’ voice in the debate has never been more important. Community newspapers have a fundamental obligation not only to inform our readers but to ask questions concerning decisions that are made. It’s our jobs to ensure that every citizen has a voice. We love our community, as do those who repre-


INDEPENDENT DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (USPS 152700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Periodicals postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416. All editorial and advertising contents are ©2019 by Delta County Independent. Reproduction or use in any form of editorial, news, photo or advertising content without permission is prohibited.

Delta County Independent

sent us. We’ll brag about the good things that are happening, but we will be nobody’s PR firm. We will not be into gotcha journalism either. Good honest unbiased reporting in our stories, and our opinions will be found on the opinion page. We won’t hide behind the DCI flag. If one of us writes an opinion piece, we will attach our name to it. We will not be shy. The fundamental identity that the Sunderland’s built for the DCI will remain intact. Community information ranging from honor roll students, to announcing community events, to features on unique people in our community. These are all staples of our coverage. You’ll just see more of us on your phone, tablet or whatever device you use to consume your local news. And we relish your feedback. Feel free to contact me anytime. And as always thank you for supporting the DCI and community journalism. Dennis Anderson is group publisher for Wick Communications, Alaska and Colorado. He can be reached via email at dennisa@montrosepress. com.

Dear Editor: It is sad that some three decades after the nations of the world agreed that humancaused climate change is a serious threat, we are on the public level still debating the basic facts, usually with misinformation and tropes as was the case in two letters on the subject in the July 17 DCI. In the meantime, while such dispensers of misinformed opinion are allowed to spread toxic doubt that weakens the political will to act, the hard science is clear: Climate change is happening rapidly, it is caused by humans and is not a natural fluctuation at this time, most of the impacts are caused by the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas along with agriculture and cement manufacturing and other human activities. This is not opinion but fact as we can determine from the best peer-reviewed science. One letter refers to, and mischaracterizes, a recent IPCC report that

concludes that if we do not dramatically reduce human carbon emission in about 12 years there is no hope of keeping the planet’s average temperature rise since the industrial revolution began in the 180’s to 1.5 degrees Celsius or below, a point at which more negative impacts will result. These include the guaranteed inundation of low-lying islands and some coastal areas in the U.S. like the city of Miami. No, passing this point will not result in the extinction of the human race but will destroy the lives of many in developing nations, cause a fresh wave of climate refugees, and economically and physically challenge areas of world civilization. One writer calls some of the more dramatically expressed concerns about the impacts of climate change due to humancaused warming “scare tactics,” and they are. I agree. They are “scare tactics,” but based mostly on facts, like calling the fire department if one’s home is on fire. People

Happy Trails?

Jumbo Mountain, which lies on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land just northeast of Paonia, is beloved by locals and visitors alike, offering trail users 360-degree views of the pristine North Fork Valley, ample opportunities for wildlife viewing, and world-class mountain biking. Unfortunately for those of us who enjoy the Jumbo trails, the BLM, meant to manage public lands for multiple uses, seems to have one use in mind for our public lands: oil and gas development. During the draft Uncompahgre Field Office (UFO) Resource Management Plan (RMP) public comment period in 2016, many North Fork citizens, including the Town of Paonia, voiced support for designating 5000

acres of Jumbo Mountain as a Special Recreation Management Area (SRMA), a BLM land management designation where “recreation opportunities and recreation setting characteristics are recognized for their unique value, importance, and/or distinctiveness.” In the proposed RMP released on June 28, the BLM threw us a bone: a 1600-acre SRMA designation for Jumbo. The reduced acreage is disappointing, but the splinter of the bone I’m choking on is that the SRMA stipulates no additional protective measures against oil and gas development on Jumbo Mountain. Doesn’t this contradict the protections implied by the SRMA designation? What kind of “value” or “importance” is recognized by leaving

need to be scared enough to act, enough to convince their elected public officials to act, something that so far is not happening on anywhere the needed scale of response. And I agree with the writers that if we respond appropriately to the slow-moving climate emergency caused by our burning of fossil fuels one effect will be the decline of the fossil fuel industry, including in our region. And yes, environmental groups are trying to help make such science-based action happen. Science, including basic physics, tells us that we need to stop burning fossil fuels relatively quickly, within two or three decades. Either the fossil fuel industry mostly goes away or it is very possible that civilization will face extreme challenges everywhere or even collapse in much of the less developed world. Sorry if that “scares” those in the fossil fuel industry. I’m not too happy about it either. Thomas Wills Hotchkiss

Jumbo open to drilling? Who wants to hike, bike, or ride a horse amongst drilling rigs? If managed effectively, outdoor recreation can be a lucrative part of the North Fork’s diverse, sustainable economy. In 2017, Outdoor Industry Association reported the outdoor recreation industry generates $887 billion dollars nationally, creating over 7.6 million jobs. As it stands, the Jumbo Mountain SRMA has inadequate stipulations to effectively manage recreation, taking potential outdoor recreation dollars out of our pockets and putting oil and gas companies’ wishes and profits ahead of our local community. Find out more about the RMP at http:// westernslopeconserv blm-ufo-rmp-2/

Law enforcement blotter From the Delta County Sheriff’s Office (partial list): July 16: Shae Gero, of Olathe, was arrested and jailed as a fugitive of justice. Deputies responded to a potential theft on Highway 92 in Delta. A possible incident of elder abuse was reported on 1710 Lane. Deputies responded to a report of a suspicious incident on Highway 65 in Austin which changed to a burglary incident. A female party was reported vandalizing vehicles in Eckert on Oak Creek Road. July 17: Amber Simineo of Hotchkiss was arrested on no bond for a warrant of cruelty towards child. Deputies received a report of a theft on Black Bridge Road in Paonia. At approximately 6:25 p.m. an alarm went off at the Technical College of the Rockies. Deputies cleared the building and no one was inside. An unsecured door was found at the back of building three. July 18: Deputies responded to Shady Oak Avenue in Cedaredge for a report of a down power line after a semi truck collided with a pole. A TDS pole providing telephone and cable services was struck, breaking the pole and phone/cable lines. The vehicle associated was not located. Deputies assisted Adult Protective Services in Delta. After responding to a domestic violence incident, Joshua Fox was arrested for

domestic violence, harassment and child abuse. At the corner of Crawford Road and Cottonwood Creek road in Crawford a vehicle went off the corner, through a fence and into a field. Colorado State Patrol responded and arrested William Jackson, 49, of Crawford, after walking away from the accident. A burglary of a guitar valued at $2,500 was reported at Pansy Road in Delta. Deputies located a Cedaredge woman with dementia who took off in a vehicle. Sheriff Taylor would like to commend Deputy Reiner, Deputy Griffith, Sergeant Abeyta and dispatcher Ibarra for their quick thinking and service to the community for helping locate a grandmother with dementia within about an hour of it being reported. Their actions helped reunite this family and get her home safely. If you have a loved one suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s and they wander or drive away, please don’t hesitate to call dispatch and ask for help from deputies in searching for your loved one. The Sheriff’s Department is here to help 24/7, just call 970-874-2015. July 19: Deputies located three deceased cows in various stages of decay on the South side of Trap Club Road near Doughspoon Road in Austin. Jeremiah Crawford of Hotchkiss was arrested for a $2,500 warrant out of Boulder County. Deputies responded to North Road in Hotchkiss for a report of a fire. A small shed

Publisher Dennis Anderson

Staff Writer Robbie Winne

Business Manager Buffy Zentmeyer

Managing Editor Tamie Meck

Sports Editor Wayne Crick

Production Manager Ron Sunderland

Staff Writer Don Benjamin

Advertising Director Roxanne McCormick

Legals/Production Asst. Diane Webster

Staff Writer Emy Lynn Roque Cisneros

Advertising Representative Sandy Conner

Commercial Printing Manager Randy Crespin

Staff Writer Kaylee Dunham

Advertising Representative Arla Nelson

2019 Member

structure was burnt down due to the fire. Deputies assisted the Delta County Ambulance with a medical issue due to the violent tendencies of the person being treated. The patient was treated and transported to DCMH without incident. A haystack was on fire in Hotchkiss. A deputy responded with the Hotchkiss Fire Department and it was extinguished. July 20: At 2:30 a.m. deputies responded to an alarm at the Technical College of the Rockies. No evidence of criminal activity was observed. At 10:23 p.m. deputies responded to the Crawford Montessori School for a burglary alarm. The building was checked and found to be secured. A deputy responded to the adobe area on Fairview Road/ Trap Club Road, Delta County Colorado, for a report of an abandoned jeep in the area. The Jeep was located, however the driver is reported as a missing person. Deputies responded to E 3rd Street for a fire and juveniles fighting in the street. The fire was put out by the homeowner and no juveniles were found in the area. Delta Police Department handled the investigation. The Delta Police Department did not submit a report for this week. Please note: All charges are merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until or unless proven guilty.

– Office – 401 Meeker Street Delta, Colorado 81416 Phone: (970) 874-4421 Fax: (970) 874-4424 Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri.

– Annual Subscription Rates – Delta County ………………………… $32.00 (including Olathe, Montrose & Somerset)

Delta County Senior rate (65 & over) … Elsewhere in Colorado ……………… Outside Colorado ……………………… Digital only………………………………

$29.00 $36.00 $40.00 $30.00


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


School District FROM PAGE A1 the average age of the buses is 13.7 years, well above the national average of 9.2 year. A national maintenance survey shows that larger 77-passenger buses are retired after an average of 16 years, and smaller activity buses after 15 years. Of the district’s buses,

Place-Wise named Delta County tourism coordinator Delta County Tourism Cabinet recently announced that Darnell Place-Wise is the new Delta County tourism coordinator, effective July 1. Place-Wise has extensive background in community relations, marketing, tourism, and event organization. She currently serves as the Delta County public information officer and marketing coordinator for the Delta County Fairgrounds. Her duties will include social media, website, marketing of tourism, and general administration of tourism dollars. In addition, Kelli Hepler continue her work with the Tourism Cabinet as lead contact for media familiarization tours and state representation of Delta County Tourism. The Tourism Cabinet wishes to thank Hepler for her 13-plus years of service to the tourism efforts in the county and the strong program she has built.

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25 are 17 years or older, and 24 are more than 15 years old. “As you can see,” said Clay at a presentation on the proposal at the July 18 board meeting, “we’re getting to that critical point where our buses won’t be safe to drive.” A poll conducted by the district last spring showed that less than 50% of responders favored funding for school safety and counselors, while 51% favored funding for transportation. Of the three issues, buses are the most visible to the public, said board member Ron Germann. “I think it stands a pretty good chance.” District superintendent Caryn Gibson invited transportation employees most familiar with the buses to share their experiences. “Our main mission always has and always will be the safe transportation of our students,” said Cedaredge bus garage manager Ron Myers. A main safety concern, said Myers: About half of Cedaredge’s bus routes travel outside of the range of cell service. A

FROM PAGE A1 purchase includes several transmission lines: East Montrose-Peach Valley; Cimarron Substation; Garnet Mesa, Hotchkiss, Bullock, Happy Canyon, South Canal, Gunnison Valley, Doughspoon and North Mesa substations; the East Montrose and Juanita stations. Through Dec. 31, 2022, however, DMEA is not to charge Holy Cross Energy or Tri-State for use of the Juanita substation to deliver output of Vessels generation to the point at which change of ownership occurs for the North Fork-Juanita line. DMEA is not to charge MEAN or Tri-State for use of the East Montrose substation or the East Montrose-Peach Valley line to deliver the output of Drop 4 to the Tri-State transmission system at the Peach Valley substation. DMEA retains the right to continue to purchase transmission from Tri-State and Tri-State will treat its requests for expansion of transmission systems and cost responsibilities on a nondiscriminatory basis. Both parties agreed to not disparage each other and pending suits filed in Adams County are to be dismissed without


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curricular activities. The district also owns eight 14-20 passenger small activity “mini buses,” and their “SPED” special education buses with lifts are driven long distances on a daily basis, said Clay. The district currently has 25 smaller buses that are 17 years old. Most people think of wear and tear in terms of engine replacement, said district bus barn manager and lead mechanic Barry Lister. Engines seldom need major repairs or replacing, but when they fail, a new engine can cost $20,000. But wear and tear, he said, is about more than engines. Bus bodies are also under stress. Hoods are opened and closed daily for inspections and routine maintenance, causing a lot of wear and tear. Including paint and hardware, a hood replacement costs $5,000. The $25,000 cost of a new hood and engine represents about 25% of the cost of a new bus, said Lister. But those aren’t the biggest concerns when it comes to stress and age. “Metal fatigue is a big safety concern,” he said.

prejudice. The agreement functions as a full release of DMEA’s claims against Tri-State in the PUC proceedings. “While the recent history between DMEA and Tri-State has been difficult, DMEA always looks forward and we’re ready to start a new chapter,” CEO Jasen Bronec said in a Monday statement. “DMEA recognizes the importance of its continued partnership with TriState in various areas, and we know we will continue to rely upon TriState for safe and reliable transmission service.” The differential between the market rate and what DMEA currently pays Tri-State is enough to fund the buyout, Patterson said. DMEA should not have to turn to selling preferred stock, he said. Again, the settlement agreement precludes DMEA or Tri-State from making the figure public at this time. The costs apart from the agreement will be significant, Patterson acknowledged. DMEA estimates that right now, it is paying $15 million more per year to buy power from Tri-State than it would pay a different supplier, he said. “But our members have to remember we have significant costs involved in getting this separation and paying the costs of the separation contract. Right now, we have roughly 10 years it will take to pay everything off,” he said. Based on current figures, the hope is that DMEA will be able to maintain its rates, Patterson said. A rate increase is forthcoming this year. Patterson also noted electrical demand is going down as big users like coal mines shut down; plus, rooftop solar is growing. “If we set it up correctly, it should be neutral, but it reduces the net demand for outside power, which is good for the community, but it does make it more difficult for DMEA, as we get more and more people going to rooftop solar,” Patterson said. “We hope, if everything goes, and we keep our demand where we’re at right now, we can keep our rates at the level they are right now.” That is “hugely important,” he added. “ ... our estimate in looking at Tri-State financials is their rate to use would have to keep going up 1 to 3 percent a year. This (buy-out) gives us two things: We have a guaranteed rate for the next 10 years and, sec-

ond, we have more flexibility,” Patterson said. He also wished TriState and its new general manager well and, in a provided statement, thanked those who had supported DMEA’s former action with the PUC. Tri-State also announced DMEA’s withdrawal, stating additional details would not be released. “We will work closely with DMEA in the coming months to support an efficient withdrawal process,” Tri-State spokesman Lee Boughey said Monday.




new bus was assigned to one of those routes about a year ago. “And that bus has performed well,” he said. Transportation does its best to keep buses well-maintained, “But with our aging fleet that concern grows a little bit more every year.” According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, school buses are the safest vehicles on the road, said Clay. Children are 70 times more likely to arrive safely at school riding a school bus than they are riding in a passenger car. “School buses are the most regulated vehicles on the road and they are designed to be safer than passenger vehicles in preventing crashes and injuries.” But the fleet isn’t getting any younger, and that creates safety issues. Buses currently travel 2,200 miles per day carrying some 2,600 students — more than half the district’s entire student population including preschoolers — on one of 46 bus routes to and from school. An additional 185,000 per year are put on buses taking students on field trips and extra-

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Daily use stresses and fractures and wears down the nuts and bolts of the bus. Take the bolts that fasten bus seats to the bus body. They are routinely replaced, but beneath the seats “are unseen factors,” said Lister. For every visible stress fracture, there are several that can’t be seen. A metal pan provides the substructure of the bus, but is sandwiched between layers of materials and can’t be seen. With aging buses it’s assumed that the pan is compromised, he said. “But even if you took it back to the factory, they can’t make any kinds of repairs on that.” The board voted unanimously to put the measure on the ballot. Board president Pete Blair did not attend the meeting. I know that it is a burden on the taxpayer,” said board member Dan Burke voicing his support for the measure. “You’ve got to be conscious of that.” “With three open seats on the board, the dis-

trict is already spending about $10,000 of its cost share on the Nov. 5 general election, and placing the question on the ballot won’t cost extra, explained Ventrello. Montrose, Mesa and Gunnison counties will also contribute to the cost. “Transportation is a huge job that we take very seriously,” said Myers. “Any help that we can get would be greatly, greatly appreciated.” After all, Myers told the DCI after the meeting, “We transport our future.” Deadline to submit ballot language to Delta County is Sept. 6. The board anticipates putting final language to a vote at the Aug. 16 board meeting.

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A4 Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Delta County Independent

Two from Delta honored as Women of Distinction 2019

Delta veteran elected to state office Greg Jackson was elected as the 100th senior vice commander for the Department of Colorado American Legion June 22 in Colorado Springs. Jackson is a member of Harry A. White Post 65 in Delta. The last senior vice commander from Delta was John R. Charlesworth in 1926. Jackson graduated from Montrose High in 1979. He married Debra (Whisnant) and later joined the U.S. Air Force in 1980, serving until 2002. He is also a member of Lee Marts Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3571 in Delta.

This year’s American Legion theme is “ReIgniting Patriotism” and Jackson encourages everyone in our community to show their patriotism. He also encourages every veteran in the community to become engaged in veteran and community service and to join the local veteran’s service organizations. Photo submitted

Generous donation

Greg Jackson



County fair

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FROM PAGE A1 character. “Reuben Dove is an interesting character,” he said. “The kids are really into it,” said Terry Welt, a 4-H certified Western Heritage leader. “It’s fast, it’s timed.” Last year

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there were only three kids involved, but this year there are several more. Some of the competitors are very close in skills, “So it’s going to be a good competition.” Shooting sports also include archers. “Archery




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On August 9 the selected women will be honored on stage at the Montrose Pavilion. The evening will begin with a catered dinner by The Camp Robber. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. For tickets go to The event is hosted by the Montrose Daily Press and sponsored by Elevate Fiber, Montrose Memorial Hospital, and Alpine Bank.

Robbie LeValley

Amy Crick

Alpine Bank recently donated $500 to Delta County Ambulance District to purchase coloring books for all preschoolers in Delta and Cedaredge. Ambulance District manager Kirby Clock accepted the donation on behalf of the district. Also pictured, from left, Alpine Bank employees Kyle Jensen, Becky Standish and Barbara Wolf (holding the check), and JoAnne Nakano. Behind Clock are Ambulance District representatives Steve Jennings and Chad Martin.

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The 2019 Women of Distinction awards banquet in Montrose has a new twist. Nominees were sought regionally this year. Delta residents Robbie LeValley and Amy Crick have been selected into the top 25 nominees. The nominees will be treated to a photo shoot, and featured in a special publication from the Montrose Daily Press.

is big right now,” said Kathy Welt, a certified leader in archery and .22 rifles. Right now, there are more archers in the program than there are shooters. Popularity of “The Hunger Games” movies boosted the sport’s popularity. About three years ago, Delta County 4-H expanded the archery program. The Eckert course now has targets at 10, 20, 30 and 40 yards, and a popular 3-D course. All shooting sports participants must have their Colorado Hunter Safety card, have attended safety and discipline orientation classes, and have attended a specified number of practices. Saturday’s competition includes a black powder — or muzzleloader competition. “Black powder is so fun,” said Kathy Welt. Four years ago the Delta County muzzle loader team won its seventh consecutive state championship. Those 4-H members have moved on, but several kids still compete in black powder events, and they’re hoping it’ll attract more. Welt said Saturday’s event includes special presentations and a potluck lunch. CSU Extension provides chicken, and families bring side dishes and salads. Sunday is the Delta County Fair & Rodeo queen contest at Heritage Hall in Hotchkiss. On Saturday, Aug. 3, exhibit hall judging begins. This year’s fair highlights include the JC Propane team roping saddle shootout on Aug. 5, the Mountain States Ranch Rodeo presented by JC Propane on Aug. 8, and the Flower Motor Company Rodeo, saddle shoot-out finals and fair royalty coronation on Friday, Aug. 9. The Demolition Derby returns for its third consecutive year after having taken a leave of absence.

Photo submitted

At the July 2 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners thanked the Delta County Independent for its coverage of the commissioners over the years. Commissioners Mark Roeber, Mike Lane and Don Suppes celebrated Annette Brand for her thorough and accurate reporting.

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Willyn Webb named to state advisory council

Photo submitted

At the July 2 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners thanked the Delta County Independent for its coverage of the commissioners over the years. Randy and Pat Sunderland were celebrated for their many years of service being “a mainstay of this county,” said Commissioner Don Suppes.

Commissioners support grey wolf delisting BY EMY LYNN ROQUE CISNEROS Staff Writer

The Board of County Commissioners approved a request from county staff for an extension on filing the audit. The extension is intended to cover any unforeseen scheduling conflicts. Otherwise it was noted that the audit is “finished and favorable.” The commissioners also discussed comments to send to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regarding removing the grey wolf from the list of animals currently protected under the federal Endangered Species Act. The commissioners agreed with the delisting of the wolves. Comment deadline was July 15. “The scientific data supports the delisting,” said commissioner Mark Roeber. “We need to support the science.” Under other business the commissioners gave

approval for a specific development application by Emily Wassel to be processed administratively. The applicant proposed to use parts of the existing structures on the 2.09-acre property owned by Francois Pretorius for the Paonia Experiential Leadership Academy, a nonprofit, private 7-12 school. The school will host a maximum 40 students. Main concerns, noted as addressed in the application and at a neighborhood meeting, were over future expansion, student safety and ditch water easements. The commissioners couldn’t see any “real red flags” but were concerned what regulations this might impose on the neighboring areas. The commissioners also approved the continuation of four subdivisions, some of which have been inactive for several years.

Email articles and letters to the editor at:

Willyn Webb, executive director at Vision Charter Academy, was recently appointed to the Rural Education Advisory Council. Established in 2011, the Commissioner’s Rural Education Council acts as an advisory panel to the Colorado commissioner of education on rural needs, challenges, opportunities, and issues. The council is comprised of superintendents representing each of the eight regions in Colorado, a rural principal, a charter school director, a teacher, representatives from the Colorado Association of School Boards, the Colorado Association of School Executives and the Colorado BOCES Association, two rural board of education members and the Colorado

Rural Schools Alliance. Council provides feedback on Department of Education practices and policies; conveys rural perspectives on various statewide issues so the commissioner can convey that context during policy discussions with the State Board of Education and state legislature;

Staff Writer

During constituent time at the July 2 meeting for the Board of County Commissioners, two sets of complaints were brought to commissioners during constituent time. The first complaints, made by two citizens, addressed increasing traffic volume, speeding, trash, and other concerns with G Road. Two constituents told commissioners observed cars constantly speeding well over the posted 30-mph limit, which they said is especially concerning in winter when roads are icy. “This needs to be addressed in some way,” said resident Gary Fisher. Four North Fork area citizens shared concerns over the Town of Paonia’s ongoing efforts to annex

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issues facing rural communities, generate ideas and communicate information. Webb began her fouryear term on July 22, by attending the council’s annual CASE conference in Breckenridge.

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Willyn Webb

Traffic & annexation concerns voiced BY EMY LYNN ROQUE CISNEROS

provides the commissioner the opportunity to give rural communities a statewide perspective on various legal and policy considerations; and allows the commissioner the opportunity to collect feedback on critical

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Price and Clock roads in Paonia. Barry Smith, who lives on Price Road, said the road does not meet state annexation criteria, such as a onesixth contiguous border with the town boundary and community interest. Citizens said they believed they were not being told the full truth about the annexation, and the annexation involved a conflict of interest. Price Road resident Christina Patterson expressed concern over road maintenance, which is currently handled by the county. “I don’t think Paonia can take care of their roads currently, so why are they trying to annex more?” asked Patterson. Commissioners said they would look into both concerns and thanked the constituents for speaking on the issues.




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A6 Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Delta County Independent

Planning Commissioners review land use concerns BY TAMIE MECK Managing Editor

Community meetings regarding the future land use regulations were held in June to meet with the public to review the conceptual plan, maps and information, and speak with members of the public and answer ques-

tions about land use. At the July 10 work session planning commissioners discussed feedback they heard at these meetings and reviewed updates on the land use regulations process. About 100 people attended these community meetings, estimated

Elyse Casselberry, county community and economic development director. “We mostly heard feedback on two topics: CAFOS [Confined Animal Feeding Operations] and second homes,” she said. “The rest were questions, mainly ‘If you do this, what will this look like?’, but we haven’t

County health awarded grant for safe play spaces New play features will be installed in three Delta County parks with a grant from the Colorado Health Foundation (CHF). The grant award falls under the CHF funding opportunity of Capital Infrastructure for Intergenerational Physical Activity. The overall project goal is to assemble safe, inclusive play spaces suitable for all people regardless of age, background and abilities. These new park features will help support underserved residents in rural Colorado to recreate and take advantage of all the expansive public lands Delta County has to offer, which in turn supports the foundation’s efforts to bring health in reach for all Coloradans. The Delta County Health Department (DCHD) is helping to increase play opportunities for all ages. DCHD was recently awarded $147,674 for a one-year grant with the Colorado Health Foundation. In its application, DCHD was mindful to propose shovel-ready projects grounded in advancing health equity, and to align its partners with the capacity and enthusiasm for communitydriven engagement in project implementation. DCHD is partnering with the City of Delta;

North Fork Pool, Park, and Recreation District (NFPPRD), The Nature Connection and the Town of Cedaredge to execute the project. Proposed capital improvement infrastructure projects include Cedaredge Town Park, Confluence Park in Delta, and Crossroads Park in Hotchkiss. The conceptual ideas at each location vary, but improving accessibility and skill development for bicycling is common among them. “Each of these parks are already important hubs for our community to gather and play,” said Jolyne Young, health educator at DCHD. “The upgrades will improve the outdoor play experience and expand the opportunities for our community members to enjoy our recreational paradise.” “The time and energy put into this grant by the Delta County Health Department is inspiring, their vision to include three different projects throughout the county truly illustrates their commitment to the health of Delta County as a whole,” said Kat Fitzpatrick, executive director at The Nature Connection. It has been on the City of Delta’s wish list for some time to install a sustainable pump track

that appeals to a wide range of abilities among riders. The city will be working on the construction of a pump track and biking skills course at Confluence Park, including the installation of wayfinding signs with course and park information. The Nature Connection and the NFPPRD are collaborating to complete projects originally started at Crossroads Park in 2018. These improvements will focus on safety and navigation, as well as adding modifications that lower barriers to access and increase health equity. Project plans underway include a pump track with training area for new riders, completion of bicycle and walking trails, the installation of signage, and bike repair stations. “Thanks to the Colorado Health Foundation for making this possible through this grant award,” said NFPPRD district administrator Lenore Cambria. “Kids and residents of all ages will be able to enjoy this outdoor recreational experience, learn a new skill, and interact with family and friends.” For more information on the grants and goals of the Delta County Health Department, contact 970-874-2165.

gotten to that stage yet.” Several commissioners said they heard people “want to keep Delta County the way it is,” and that there’s a general lack of understanding in the overall process. Casselberry said the next step in the land use regulations process will be education and having conversations that tackle this issue. “There’s a big concern for ‘What can be around me?’,” said Steve Shea. Other commissioners agreed, saying they also heard comments on this concern, specifically with feedlots and hemp process/field areas. Along the same lines, Jacob Gray said comments he received showed concern that zoning will result in “subdivision explosion,” — that residential and agricultural areas will be squished against each other. “Some people fear they’ll be lumped in due to their neighbors,” he said. With CAFOs, Casselberry said a working group has been established and they’re evalu-

ating some proposals. Ideally they’re aiming to have clearer standards, increased neighbor communication and less public meeting battles. One criteria they’re evaluating is on animal units. Regarding second homes, Casselberry said it’s been difficult to address this concern since their uses are diverse. For example, one property may want a second home to house family while another is using them as rentals. The main goal of regulations with second homes would be to mitigate issues, not prevent their use. Emergency access and water are two areas that would need to be evaluated. Process update details are being put into a concept plan and the potential code is in its first draft mode. She estimated about four to five weeks for an outline to be completed and then it can be refined. “Thousands of communities have done this successfully,” she said, addressing the overall

concerns voiced from citizens. In the meantime, a work session is being held with county commissioners to further discuss comments. One point she emphasized is that with land use regulations, if a standard isn’t met there can be a process to ask for relief. “Administrative process doesn’t mean no review,” she said. After a question regarding knowing if the process will work, she suggested the planning commission “circle back” and look at zoning codes brought before the board, ones from other municipalities and counties. “Before we can see if the process works or not we need to have clear standards in place,” she said. “Thousands of communities have done this successfully; process works.” Comments on the land use regulations project can be emailed to casselberry@deltacounty. com, call 970-874-2110, or deliver or mail to, 501 Palmer, Room 115, Delta, CO 81416.

Panther history focus of new museum exhibit There’s a new exhibit on the history of the Delta High School Panther sports at the Delta County History Museum. The exhibit dates back to 1906 and includes uniforms, photos and other sports memorabilia through the mid 1900s. The exhibit is the work of Cathy Hall, a 1970 DHS alumna whose mother is one of the museum’s founders, and will be open for about six months. Located at 215 Meeker Street, the museum is open 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. The museum offers free admission on

Fridays and will be open this Saturday immediately after the Deltarado Days Parade. DHS alums

in town for their class reunion are urged to visit the museum and see the exhibit.

ing and all outdoor activities. She is survived by her husband, Norman Nation of Montrose; sons, Shane (Kara) Byers of Olathe, and Levi (Jamie) Nation of Montrose; daughter, Amy (Travis) Herrmann of Cortez; brother, Matt (Terri) Branham of Olathe; brother-in-law, Charlie Francis of Morgantown, Ind.; and four grandchildren. Mrs. Nation was preceded in death by her husband, Rob Byers; parents, Morris and Dolores Branham; brother, Mark Branham; sister, Polly Francis; granddaughter, Ella Byers; and sister-inlaw, Darlene Branham. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Pamala Nation Visit the internet obitMontrose resident, uary and sign the online Pamala Rae Nation died guest registry at www. July 20, 2019, at home. She was 62. Visitation will be held David Mooney from 5-7 p.m., WednesDavid J. Mooney day, July 24, at Taylor Funeral Service Chapel passed away suddenly July 3, 2019 in Mancos, in Delta. Funeral services will Colo. David was born in be held at 10 a.m., Thurs- Utah on Nov. 18, 1958, to day, July 25, at the First Loa Pearl Jepperson and Baptist Church in Delta. Francis Warren Mooney. Interment will follow in David loved the outdoors, especially fishing, campPea Green Cemetery. She was born Aug. ing, and riding ATVs. 18, 1956, to Morris and David worked as a truck Dolores (Pervis) Bran- driver and took pride in ham in Whiteland, Ind. his work. His family appreciated She spent her childhood in Morgantown, Ind., and his culinary skills and graduated from Indian the new recipes he would share with them. David Creek High School. She married Rob Byers was preceded in death by July 11, 1975. They had his father, brother Shirl, and wife Connie. David two children. After Mr. Byers’ death is survived by his son she married Norman Michael Martinez (Laura) Nation Sept. 24, 1988, in of Montrose; brothers Cedaredge. They had one Gary Mooney of Wyoming and Russel Mooney child. Mrs. Nation lived in (Kara) of Arizona; sister Montrose since 1988, Brenda Rogers (Alan) of after moving from Pali- Cedaredge; and several nieces and nephews. sade. She was a member Ruth Miller of the General AssemRuth M. Miller of Eckbly and Church of the ert died July 9, 2019, at Firstborn. She enjoyed Colorow Health Center in hiking, paddleboarding, Olathe. She was 91. snowshoeing, speedwalkShe was born July 5,

1928, in Wayne County, Mo., to Noah and Katie (Dinkins) Sturgeon. The family moved to Olathe shortly afterwards. She graduated from high school in Olathe. She married Jack Miller, eloping to Albuquerque, N.M. They lived in Battle Mountain, Nev. In the 1980s the Millers retired to Eckert. They tended a small orchard there and cultivated a large garden. Mrs. Miller was president of the Women in Mining in Nevada, creating and selling cookbooks to raise money for scholarships for local students. She also supported mining causes while in Nevada. She enjoyed gardening and canning. She is survived by her daughters, Judith (Terrance) Douglass; Katherine McGill of northern California, June (Lloyd) Flowers of Nevada; four grandchildren, Jack Douglass, James (Lora) Douglass, Bryan (Samantha) Flowers, and Sarah Flowers; five great-grandchildren, Ryan (Brianna) Douglass, Brookelynn (Alex) Proctor, Kadi Douglass, Rebekah Douglass, Taylor Douglass, Jackson Flowers, and Katherine Flowers; brothers, Dallas (Loraine) Sturgeon of Denver, Clarence (Vie) Sturgeon of Denver, Bob (Margie) Sturgeon of Delta; and extended family. Mrs. Miller was preceded in death by her sister, Nadine Hamblen; and brother Gene Sturgeon. Memorial contributions may be made to HopeWest online or PO Box 24, Delta, CO 81416, or to the Alzheimer’s Association. Graveside services will be held Wednesday, July 24, 2019, at 10 a.m. at Grand View Cemetery in Montrose. Arrangements are being handled by Crippin Funeral Home.

OBITUARIES Mortuary in Grand Junction handled the arrangements. Memorial services will be held at a later date.

Delbert Weatherly

Delbert A. Weatherly died July 17, 2019, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction after a short illness. He was 78. He was born Oct. 2, 1940, in Denver to Charlotte Byrant and Arlee Weatherly. He married Eleanor Miller at St. Joseph Cathedral in Santa Ana, Calif., on June 19, 1965. The couple lived in Lake Havasu, Ariz., before moving to Cedaredge. Mr. Weatherly was in the U.S. Navy. He worked in coal mining maintenance and as an electrician. He enjoyed golf and travel. Mr. Weatherly is survived by his wife, Ellie; brother, Ronald of Austin; and extended family. He was preceded in death by his parents; and a brother. Neptune and Martin

Deborah Doherty

Longtime Delta resident Deborah Ann VanDelinder Doherty died July 15, 2019, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She was 74. A memorial service was held July 20 at the Taylor Funeral Service Chapel in Delta. Interment took place in the Delta City Cemetery. She was born May 19, 1945, in Escanaba, Mich., to Lorenz and Pauline (Johnson) VanDelinder. The family moved to Albuquerque, N.M. She graduated from Sandia High School in Albuquerque in 1963. She attended the University of New Mexico and received a teaching certif-

icate from Western State College in Gunnison. She was a resident of Delta County since 1973. Mrs. Doherty worked as a teacher, freelance writer, private music teacher and a retail clerk. She was the founder of the Multi-cultural Festival for nine years and was also a part of the Valley Symphony Orchestra and chorus for many years. She enjoyed singing, teaching and reading. She played many instruments, including the piano and guitar. Mrs. Doherty is survived by her husband, William “Dick” Doherty of Delta; daughters, Sine Doherty of Delta, Elin (Dominic) Kambuga of Evanston, Ill., and Corrine Doherty of Long Beach, N.Y.; brother, John VanDelinder of Sacramento, Calif.; sisters, Marti Bitts of Littleton, Marian VanDelinder of Albuquerque, N.M.; grandchild, Jamila Kambuga; and extended family. She was preceded in death by her parents; and brother, Steven VanDelinder. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Debra Anderson


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Longtime cancer survivor, Debra Anderson, died July 11, 2019, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She was 64. A memorial service will be held Aug. 3 at 10 a.m. at the Calvary Baptist Church in Delta. She is survived by her husband, John Anderson; sons, Josh (Shelly) Anderson of Grand Junction, and Wes (Rebecca) Anderson of Grand Junction; four grandchildren; mother, Dorothy Stevens of Bremen, Ga.; and sisters, Cindy, Susan, and JoAnn.

She was preceded in death by her father, Joe Stevens. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Delta County Independent


Wednesday, July 24, 2019


������������������ The City of Delta has a new website ������������������

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The City of Delta has seen a few notable changes to its online presence since the start of July 2019. One of the biggest changes came with the hiring of Darin Hamm as the city’s new marketing coordinator. By redesigning the City of Delta website, Hamm has been able to breath fresh new life into the city’s presence, navigation, information, and search capabilities. Before hiring Hamm, the city had begun to make the required steps to improve the City of Delta’s website. It began working with Municode, a web development company that provides “integrated technology solutions designed for civic management.” In order for the City of Delta to use Municode’s web development program, funds had to be budgeted over time by the city council. A website of this scale would typically cost upwards of $25k, however, the total amount came to $8,700. The charge was

Dessert Melodrama is July 27 The Friends of the Cedaredge Public Library will host a ‘Dessert Melodrama’ on Saturday, July 27, at the Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center. The production will feature the Crawford Melodrama Players and a variety of desserts will be served. Doors open at 6 p.m. with the performance beginning at 7 p.m. A $5 per person donation is encouraged. The occasion is a fundraiser as part of the Friends’ ongoing ‘Love Your Libraries’ and ‘Passionate About Libraries (PAL)’ campaigns.


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New singing group looking for members The Arts Coalition of Delta County (AC/DC) is forming a new singing group. Called the “Delta County 12 Disciples, the vocal and instrumental group similar to a “praise band” will feature up to 12 selected vocalists and four alternates. They will perform around Delta County. Once the AC/DC’s new auditorium is built they will be one of the groups that will give pre-concert performances. They are looking for members with a good voice, who preferably can read music and have experience in singing groups. They also seek musicians with keyboard, guitar, bass guitar, violin, drum experience. Tryouts will be held the first week in August, with time and location to be announced. Call 970-640-6520 for more information.

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ACT holding auditions for ‘The Tin Woman’ ACT Theater Group is holding auditions for the second show of its premiere season, “The Tin Woman” by playwright Sean Grennan. The play is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Sept. 2728 and Aug. 4-5, at the Delta Arts Auditorium This is the first time the play will be performed in Colorado, and will be directed by Jason Atchley. The cast consists of five females and two males. A casting call for tryouts will be held starting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 7, at the Delta Middle School Band room. For more information, call 640-6520.

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specifically for hosting and development. The reason for the dramatic cut in cost was because they hired a contractor instead of Municode for the building of the infrastructure for the site. A major update was a necessity because the old website, “... Was kind of confusing, it didn’t have a lot of information, it was just very dated. It wasn’t a bad website, just dated. It needed to be made current,” Hamm said. The new website was launched on July 1 and offers a lot of the same information, but it’s “cleaner, easier, and is offered in a more concise way,” said Hamm. The new website is also more beneficial because it expands prior information. People looking to visit or live in Delta, now have the resources to learn more about our city. “You can easily find out about our school system, our school district, our libraries, all of those kinds of things. It makes it clean and easy for someone who wants to know about our city.” Hamm continued, “it also has a link to our tourism site, which is a new site that we have.” It is also beneficial to local residents. For instance, “On the Parks Page you can find out what each of our parks has to offer. If you wanted to have a party at a park you could find out which parks have a gazebo,” said Hamm. Interested in keeping up with the town council? Agendas and more professional inquiries are much easier to locate as well. These things are examples Hamm said of what the new website has to offer residents and visitors of the City of Delta, but by partnering with Municode and updating the site, management on the back end has become easier for the different parts of the City of Delta workers. “Before, the website was very technical. You had to have coding skills. There was a lot of work to update it

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and manage it. Whereas, now, departments are able to manage their own content. So it is easier for them to get the information up there in a timely fashion. For an ease-of-use for people on the back-

end, it’s like night and day.” Overall, Hamm and city officials have heard nothing but positive responses from the community. Most notably, comments on the ease of use and the new look.

KUDOS Thanks from Delta Rotary Club Dear Editor: The Delta Rotary Club gratefully acknowledges both the financial contributions and volunteer assistance made by the following hole sponsors and donors to its 19th Annual Golf Scramble, held June 8, 2019, at Devil’s Thumb Golf Course. Due to your enormous efforts, a significant amount of money can be set aside for scholarships to be awarded to Delta High School seniors, Technical College nursing students and others, and for the betterment of our community. Hole and Team Sponsors: Ahlberg Farms Mountain Fresh, LLC, Alpine Bank, Delta, Alpine Fencing & Supplies, Inc., B & T Auto Service, Bank of Colorado-Delta, Bank of Colorado -Raymond James Investments, Brent Hines Farms, Brown & Camp, LLC, Calvary Baptist Church, City of Delta, Clay, Dodson, & Huffman, PC, Clubbs Ben Franklin, Colorow Care Center, Cornerstone Home Lending, Crossroads Assisted Living, Dairy Queen, Daveto’s, David A. Lane, CPA, Delta Animal Health, Delta Building Center, Delta County Abstract Co., Delta County Historical Society, Delta County Memorial Hospital, Delta County School District, Delta Family Fun Park, Delta Hardware, Delta House, Delta Middle School, Delta United Methodist Church, Dorr Veterinary Clinic, Doughty Steel and Machine, Brian J. Eades, M.D., Edward JonesJoe Carlson, Edward Jones-Larry Jones, Farmers Insurance-Josh Applegate Agency, First Colorado National Bank, First State Bank of Colorado, Grand Mesa Commercial /Consultants, Granny Sue and Grandpa Jim, Greg & Kristi Stratman / ReMax Mountain West Realty, Guthrie’s Floor Covering, Hair Designer’s & Nails, Hartman Brothers, Hellman Motor Co-Ford & Toyota, Heritage Title, Homestead Meats, HopeWest (Hospice), Hotchkiss Ranches, Jerry Reiher State Farm Insurance Agency, Kelly Neal Scates, CPA, Ken’s Pit Stop, Kwiki Tire and Auto, Land Title Guarantee Co., Lazy M. Spear Ranch / Tie Down Trucking, Little Caesar’s Pizza, Lone Eagle Land Brokerage, Mike Hillman Insurance Agency, Mortgage Solutions Financial, Nancy Wood Real Estate, Needle Rock Brewing Company, Paonia Care and Rehabilitation Center, Peters and Company Public Accountants, Peterson’s Liquors, Pro Space Interiors, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Rocking W. Cheese and Milk, Shaun Veatch Agency, LLC, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Samuel J. Kevan, M.D., Smiling Aviation, South Main Auto Sales, Starr’s Guitars, Summers Rocky Mountain Motors, Suzanne Hamilton and Bob Page, Taylor Funeral Service & Crematory, Tayshen Automotive, Technical College of the Rockies, The Beauty Shop,The Body Shop,The Car Lot, The Sunflower Room, The Title Company of Delta, Two Rivers Vet Clinic, Upper Valley Holsteins, Varner Equipment, Volunteers of America, Whiskey’s, Yost Family Dentistry, and Young Life. Silent Auction Donors: Adobe Creek National Golf Course, The Body Shop Massage, Bookcliff Country Club, Cafe Sol, Chipeta Golf Course, Citrola’s Restaurant, Cobble Creek Golf Club, Colorado Mesa University, Delta Animal Health, Delta Ace Hardware, John and Susan Treibwasser, ProSpace Interiors, Samuel Kevan, M.D., Morris Monument, Tiara Rado/Lincoln Park Golf, Tucked Away Massage, Warehouse 2565, The Winery Restaurant. Door Prizes: Bill Heddles Rec Center, C & J Family Cafe, CB’s Tavern, Clyde’s Cafe, Daveto’s, Doghouse Espresso, Fiesta Vallarta, Glen’s Barber Shop, Hellman Motors, Homestead Natural Meats, House of Chin, James Wetzel, Jerry Reiher State Farm Insurance, Kneaded Touch Massage, Mocha Joe’s, Pablo’s Pizza, ProSpace Interiors, Rocking W Cheese & Milk, Ruby’s Floral, Starvin Arvin’s, Taco Time, Uptown Wines, Weaver’s Small Engine Repair/Lawn Mower Service. And a special thanks to: Delta County Memorial Hospital (cart sponsor), Delta County Banks of Colorado (lunch sponsor), Technical College of the Rockies (lunch sponsor), Hellman Motors Ford and Toyota and Hellman Motors Chevrolet and GM (Hole in One Prizes), Needle Rock Brewing Company, for a great lunch and for sponsoring the situation prizes, Whiskey’s (co-sponsoring the situation prizes), Walmart (Water & Ice Sponsor), Kenny Brown and his staff at Devil’s Thumb Golf Course, and the fine volunteers of the Delta Rotary Club. Delta Rotary Club






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A8 Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Delta County Independent

City unveils new banners, efforts to boost tourism BY EMY LYNN ROQUE CISNEROS Managing Editor

Banners, brochures, improved events — these are a few of the items the City of Delta revealed they’ve been working on the last few months to “brand” the city with the long term goal of increasing tourism and expanding the city’s economic base. New marketing coordinator Darrin Hamm was hired to work on the project and draft 60- , 90- and 180-day goal plans. The 80-day goal plan is almost complete, said Parks, Recreation and Golf director Wilma Erven at a July 18 reveal gathering hosted by the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce. Prior to Hamm, Erven collaborated with city council, a consultant through a CRAFT grant, and a 10-person steering committee to identify what was needed for marketing the city. “I feel like we have a passion and synergy going on in this community we haven’t seen since 1992,” she said, referring to when Delta set the goal of being an All-America City. “When we get started on a project there’s no backing down.” Topping Thursday evening’s reveal were the new banners Hamm said are to be placed on the street corners downtown. Encouraging visitors to “Eat Drink” and “Shop

and Enjoy,” the blue, yellow and red banners are visually consistent with the city’s new brand, “Fiercely Colorado.” Also part of the new marketing materials revealed were brochures and informational handouts for visitors. Currently they’re made inhouse. “When someone sees something from Delta, they’ll know exactly where it comes from,” said Hamm. To attract tourists, 5,000 of the large brochures on Delta will go to visitor centers all over the state. Hamm also said they’re gathering information on why people visit Delta to better understand and market the city. Recently the city unveiled a new brand statement, logo, and website. Hamm said they’ve also been boosting the city’s social media effort. For example, a video published through the city’s Facebook on the Vietnam Memorial Wall received 300 shares and 9,000 views. Looking to the future, Hamm said they’re working to improve upon what’s here, such as the Parade of Lights. For Halloween, the city plans to close down Main Street for trick-or-treating in collaboration with the police department. “We’re trying to take things we’re doing and elevating them,” said

Hamm. Also hinted at for next year’s plans are to obtain a grant to expand the city’s mural program. They also plan to boost attention to attractions including the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area, Devil’s Thumb Golf Course and Gunnison Edge disc golf course. Hamm said they’re aiming to brand the disc golf course as the best in the region and host national tournaments. New signage consistent with other Delta-related materials is planned for all town parks. Hamm said he thinks Delta is at a “tipping point... Here’s the key: as a city, a business, I hope you can see we’re trying to do our part to support you,” he said. “We need to make sure we’re all fiercely Colorado, that we’re all on board. We have to all be pushing in that same direction.”

Photo by Emy Lynn Roque Cisneros

At the July Delta Chamber of Commerce business after hour, mayor protem Chris Ryan, city manager David Torgler, councilman Nathan Clay, Delta director of parks, recreation and golf Wilma Erven, marketing coordinator Darrin Hamm, customer service coordinator Enancia Hilling, and Mayor Ron Austin hold up some of the new materials set to “brand” Delta as “Fiercely Colorado.” The event was hosted by the chamber and held at the Bill Heddles Recreation Center.

Reclamation seeks public input to reduce salinity on Gould Canal The Bureau of Reclamation is seeking public input to reduce salinity and improve water quality along the Gould Canal in Delta and Montrose counties. Naturally-occurring salts in the sediment along the canal are picked up by the water and transported into the Colorado River system. The resulting reduction in water quality creates a negative economic impact to downstream infrastructure and crops. Reclamation proposes a salinity control project to improve 12.4 miles of Fruitland Irrigation Company’s open, unlined Gould Canal in Delta and Montrose counties. Proposed improvements include converting parts of the canal to pipeline and lining other sections. Those improvements will reduce seepage along the canal, enhance water supply and improve water quality by preventing approximately 5,697 tons of salt per year from entering the Colorado River. “Reducing salt along the Gould Canal will help improve the water quality, crop production and wildlife habitat in the Colorado River Basin,” said Ed Warner, area manager for Rec-

lamation’s Western Colorado Area Office. “We look forward to receiving input from the public and our partners about this salinity project and how we can improve the Colorado River Basin water system.” The draft Finding of


New play features will be installed in three Delta County parks with a grant from the Colorado Health Foundation (CHF). The overall project goal is to assemble safe, inclusive play spaces suitable for all people regardless of age, background and abilities. Park features will help support underserved residents in rural Colorado to recreate and take advantage of all the expansive public lands Delta County has to offer, which in turn supports the foundation’s efforts to bring health in reach for all Coloradans. The Delta County Health Department (DCHD) was recently awarded $147,674 for a one-year grant with the

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received by Wednesday, August 21, 2019. Those interested may submit comments by email to or to: Ed Warner, Area Manager, Bureau of Reclamation, 445 West Gunnison Ave., Suite 221, Grand Junction, CO 81501.

County health awarded grant for safe play spaces

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No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment are available online at www.usbr. gov/uc/envdocs/index. html or a copy can be requested by contacting Reclamation. Reclamation will consider all comments

Colorado Health Foundation. In its application, DCHD proposed shovelready projects grounded in advancing health equity, and to align its partners with the capacity and enthusiasm for community-driven engagement in project implementation. DCHD is partnering with the City of Delta; North Fork Pool, Park, and Recreation District (NFPPRD), The Nature Connection and the Town of Cedaredge to execute the project. Capital improvement infrastructure projects are proposed for Cedaredge Town Park, Confluence Park in Delta, and Crossroads Park in Hotchkiss, with a common theme of developing bicycle skills. “Each of these parks are already important hubs for our community to gather and play,” said Jolyne Young, health educator at DCHD. “The upgrades will improve the outdoor play experience and expand the opportunities for our community members to enjoy our recreational paradise.” “The time and energy put into this grant by the Delta County Health Department is inspiring, their vision to include three different projects throughout the county

truly illustrates their commitment to the health of Delta County as a whole,” said Kat Fitzpatrick, executive director at The Nature Connection. The city plans to construct a pump track and biking skills course at Confluence Park, as well as signage. The Nature Connection and the NFPPRD are collaborating on projects started at Crossroads Park in 2018. These improvements will focus on safety and navigation and access and increase health equity. Project plans underway include a pump track with training area for new riders, completion of bicycle and walking trails, the installation of signage, and bike repair stations. “Thanks to the Colorado Health Foundation for making this possible through this grant award,” said NFPPRD district administrator Lenore Cambria. “Kids and residents of all ages will be able to enjoy this outdoor recreational experience, learn a new skill, and interact with family and friends.” For more information on the grants and goals of the Delta County Health Department, contact 970874-2165.

American Legion will celebrate 100 years Members of the Harry A. White American Legion Post 65, its Ladies Auxiliary, and its Sons of the Legion Squadron invite members of the community to join them at 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 19, at Cleland Park to celebrate the 100th birthday of both the American Legion and the local post. All veterans and their families are especially invited to join with the members for hot dogs and hamburgers and fixins’. The American Legion was formed in 1919, first meeting in Paris in

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March, then in St. Louis in May. It was chartered Sept. 16, 1919 by Congress as a “patriotic veteran’s organization.” The Legion has evolved from a group of war-weary veterans of World War I into one of the most influential veteran’s service organizations in the United States. The Harry A. White Post 65 was founded Dec. 13, 1919 and formally chartered the following August in time for the American Legion National Convention. One of the charter members of the Post, John R. Charlesworth, was elected as the State of Colorado Commander in 1927. Charlesworth was the first state commander from the Western Slope. The local Harry A. White American Legion Post 65 is one of 28 remaining original posts in the state of Colorado founded in 1919.

NORTH FORK July 24, 2019




Town administrator reported for alleged harassment BY TAMIE MECK Managing Editor

The Delta County Sheriff ’s Office responded last week to a report of a woman being harassed in unincorporated Delta County by an official with the Town of Paonia. Just before 8 p.m. Friday, July 19, Christina Patterson, who lives on Price Road just east of Paonia town limits, alleges that she was verbally accosted by town administrator Kenneth Knight while standing on the road near her property at 396 Price Road.

Kenneth Knight Patterson first contacted the Paonia Police Department, which assisted in the call. An officer waited with Patterson until a sheriff ’s deputy arrived and took over the incident. According to a report filed with the sheriff ’s office, Patterson was standing in front of her property when she saw Knight, who lives at 461 Price Road, walking along the road. When she said hello, she told the officer, Knight started yelling at her and telling her not to talk to him. Patterson alleged that Knight was “in my face,” and pointing his finger at her “in an aggressive manner.” She alleges that Knight said to her, “I wish you would get in an accident and f___ing die.” Patterson said the alleged incident stems from a letter she, husband Barry Smith, and another neighbor submitted to the Delta County Board of County Commissioners. At the July 2 board of county commissioners meeting, Patterson, Smith and the neighbor complained to commissioners about Knight’s involvement with the town’s efforts to annex Price Road, stating they didn’t trust Knight. According to the report, a deputy found Knight at

a local brewery. When contacted, Knight stated, “Let me guess, Christina Patterson made a complaint against me.” The officer took a statement from Knight, who was unapologetic about the incident. Knight said he’d had a couple of drinks, but had not had anything to drink before the altercation. Knight indicated to the officer that he was standing about two feet from Patterson and speaking “in a possible raised voice.” Knight told the officer, “I said well, I hope you turn your truck over and die.” In a police body cam video, the officer suggested that as a public figure, he should be pleasant to Patterson, to which Knight said he told her, “Why should I be pleasant to you after the lies you told about me.” When asked by the deputy if his words were a little strong, he replied, “Frankly, it wouldn’t break my heart if she did.” Knight said Patterson accused him of “self-dealing.” He told the officer, “That means that I’ve accepted bribes.” He said the letter to commissioners contains lies, and that self-dealing “is the worst thing I can be accused of,” and would affect his career. Deputies talked with both parties and advised them not to contact one another. No criminal charges were filed due to there being no physical contact. Patterson said there were no witnesses, and that she was unable to capture the incident on her cell phone. Knight was hired as town administrator in January 2017. In June the board of trustees renewed Knight’s contract through August 2020. The board gave Knight a list of four goals and objectives, one requesting Knight to work on communication skills with an emphasis on collaborative public relations and conflict resolution and a focus on reducing reactivity. In a phone call to Knight, he said the situation had nothing to do with the town, did not happen during business hours, and did not happen within the town. “I can’t talk about it while I’m at work,” said Knight. “It’s a situation between two neighbors.” Calls to Paonia mayor Charles Stewart requesting comment were not returned.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Visitors to Paonia Town Park check out the bikes at the annual BMW Motorcycle Club of Colorado’s annual Top O’ the Rockies Rally Saturday. A total of 545 riders registered for the three-day rally. Both Friday night’s Kids’ Pasta Project homemade pasta dinner and Saturday night’s vegan meal made by Kris Bailey and volunteers, were sold out. The rally was first held in Paonia in 1976. Paonia resident Scott Kellogg, who has manned the rally registration table for 15 years, said it’s the food that brings rally-goers back year after year.

RAM Clinic to provide free medical services BY TAMIE MECK Managing Editor

A Remote Area Medical Clinic (RAM) is coming to Paonia Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 3 and 4. For those who have never heard of RAM clinics, the first clinic was held in 1985 to provide free, quality healthcare services to the under-served and uninsured. Patients receive free, professional dental, vision and medical services on a first-come, first-served basis. The clinic is open to anyone, regardless of where they live. Participants do not need to provide proof of insurance or financial information. “The success of the clinic depends on volunteers,” said event coordinator and former Paonia resident Connie Emmons. Response to the clinic has, for the most part,

been strong. All services will be provided by professionals, with the assistance of volunteers. Local Lions Clubs are assisting with all stages of the clinic. This will be the first RAM clinic held in Colorado, said Emmons, who now lives in New Jersey. Last year she coordinated 16 clinics, including one in Hazard, Ky. Like the North Fork area, she said, it’s a coal mining town with an economy hit hard by mine closures. Since closures began in the North Fork area she has wanted to bring a clinic here. “I could see a need,” she said. All patients will go through triage, including blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar screenings, prior to seeing a doctor. Dental services include oral exams, X-rays, extractions, fillings and clean-

ings. However, due to anticipated heavy attendance and time constraints, patients are asked to choose each day between dental or eye exams. Professional eye exams and prescription eyeglasses are available. The eyeglasses are brand new, said Emmons. While some prescriptions will be filled on-site, those whose prescriptions can’t be filled will receive their glasses through the U.S. Postal Service within two to three weeks and at no charge. Pelvic exams and pap smears are available for women. The clinic will also provide student sports physicals. Required for participation in high school sports, “We can’t stress this enough,” said Emmons. RAM CLINIC TO B3

Crawford council addresses feral cats, weeds and more BY ROBBIE WINNE Staff Writer

At the July 17 council meeting, a Crawford resident complained about the feral cat population that seems to originate at her neighbor’s property. The woman estimates that about 40 cats come and go in the neighborhood. The feline overpopulation, she said, limits her family’s ability to enjoy their backyard. She has tried to reach out to her neighbors to see if they can tackle the problem together, but has had no response. She said she has called the Delta County Health Department with no results. The woman came before the board to ask if any of the trustees had any ideas as to her next step. Council agreed that animal control was limited outside of town and that the basic rule of thumb pivots on a “fence-out” philosophy. In other words the burden lies with the property owner to keep out unwanted domestic animals. Council wondered if perhaps animal hoarding was part of the problem. In this case, the aggrieved neighbor could start the paperwork with the county for a welfare check, which could show that the inside of the house next door might well pose a risk to both the resident and the neighborhood. Trustees discussed addressing the problem under the rubric of the

town’s nuisance ordinance. They agreed to reach out as a body to the health department to see if they could move toward a solution. Trustees agreed to provide a letter of support for a Great Outdoors Colorado grant proposal by Crawford Montessori teacher, Cami Bair. The grant would fund a project to rework a slope behind the school to make the hill suitable for winter sledding. Bair has consulted an engineer, who approved the viability of the project. The school has to come up with a 25% match for the $60,000 grant. Bair is confident that the school can meet that match. She requested a letter of support once she’s completed the necessary paperwork. Trustees agreed to support the project when the grant proposal was complete. Bruce Bair, the public works director, reported that the fencing for the front rock wall and sidewalk was due to arrive last Friday. He also reported on a water leak, and on the outcomes of recent state-mandated sample testing for lead and copper. One site showed discernible levels of copper. More water testing for organic and inorganic materials is scheduled for August. Bair also reported that work continues on lift station CRAWFORD TO B2

Photo by Ben Lehman at

Lamborn and Landsend mountains are visible beneath the Milky Way in this image by Paonia photographer Ben Lehman. Dark Skies Paonia, a chapter of the International Dark Sky Association, is working toward getting the town designated a Dark Sky community, with an ultimate goal of getting dark sky designation for the entire county.

Dark sky movement grows BY TAMIE MECK Managing Editor

Growing up in Rhode Island, Aaron Watson loved sitting on the beach and gazing up at the Milky Way. “It was one of the most amazing views looking over the ocean,” said the Paonia resident. But last year he returned to that beach and counted just 10 stars. The reason: light pollution. Also known as sky glow, light pollution results from artificial light shining brightly at night. As populations grow, the night skies become less visible. A century ago, the Milky Way was visible across the world. Today, 80 percent of the world’s population can’t see the Milky Way. That worries Watson, an astronomy buff who majored in physics in college. “We’re

lucky here,” he said. The night sky is still clear, even in town. “It’s actually way worse everywhere else in the United States. We can go just outside of town and see the Milky Way.” It’s not just about seeing the stars, said Watson. There is strong evidence that light pollution is unhealthy for humans by disrupting natural circadian rhythms, resulting in insomnia, depression, cancer and heart disease. The lives of several people in the community are already impacted by street lights shining into their homes and bedrooms. It also disrupts the natural sleep cycles of animals and adversely affects insects which are experiencing a global collapse. “There are connections there.” He, and others, would like

to protect those views. Last spring Watson founded the nonprofit Dark Skies Paonia chapter of the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) which was founded to “create a world without light pollution.” Watson is now working toward get Paonia designated as an International Dark Sky Community by the IDA. That requires passage of a town ordinance limiting the amount of lighting within the town, something town officials he’s spoken with have expressed an interested in and the IDS can help with. A first step is in creating a data base of all publiclyowned in-town street lights and bringing them into dark sky compliance. There’s a global movement on to change out all street lights, said WatDARK SKIES TO B2

B2 Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Delta County Independent

Melodrama costs a few cents, makes a point

Photo by Tamie Meck

Music under the trees

A small turnout showed up to enjoy the cool of the park at the fairgrounds in Hotchkiss Friday, July 18. A beer and wine table and a bouncy castle added to the laid back event. Spectators enjoyed the tuneful sounds of Avalanche Creek, a three piece band. The Fairground Utilization Committee plans to offer another evening of music sometime in September, the date yet to be determined. The committee’s goal is to take advantage of the outdoor amenities of the fairground park and introduce more people to Hotchkiss’ small town charm.

The Crawford Players present the melodrama, “Literary Cents or Dewey Decimal makes his Point,” at 7 p.m. Saturday, July 27 at the Cedaredge Art Center and on Sunday, July 28, at Hotchkiss Memorial Hall. Our Hero, Dewey Decimal is sent to the town of Readwell to present the prestigious L.O.U.D. (Library of Unique Distinction) award, and discovers something is not properly shelved in the little town. Enter Mr. Mildew Smudge, a professional fundraiser. His dastardly plan could split the town to its bindings. Will the town be saved? Will our heroine, the sweet Ivory Vellum, become yet another victim in the vicious hands of Mildew Smudge? Will Dewey Decimal make his point? This melodrama was written by Rick an Kathy Steckel in 2003 to engage their own children in a creative endeavor that would encompass the concepts of community. Their discussions created the setting for a melodrama, the town of Readwell, a small community, where everyone was well read, children were extremely intelligent, cross-generational education was taking place, and the

library was the center of the community. Part of the fun was seeing their children’s onstage debut. Their 4 year old had one line, in answer to a question about the longest word in the English dictionary, saying, “Antidisestablishmentarianism, Sir.” And the 6-year-old correcting her with, “Sir, I believe it’s: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconeosis.” Correct! The Crawford Melodrama Players are a loose, ever-evolving group of fun-loving folks. The cast for this performance includes Rick Steckel and Drew & Cindy Felix who have been on stage with melodrama since the early 1980’s. Kathy serves as director of the production. Other veteran actors include, Dee and Justin Holt from Paonia, Tanya Gallob Applegate, Davy Gallob, Beth Skelton, Cally Gallegos, and a new to melodrama this year, Kimber Hendrix from Hotchkiss and Moni Slater from Paonia. It’s a labor of love for the entire cast. The ticket cost is $5 and as always with the Crawford Melodrama Players the cost is donated back into the community. Both performances benefit PAL, Passionate About Libraries.

Crawford FROM PAGE B1 project, which is coming in under budget. Town clerk Cally Gallegos reported that a total of $1,716 has been raised to replace the general fund outlay for the

renovation work in front of town hall. Gallegos said she will reach out to the Friends of Crawford Town Hall to organize more fundraising. Bair and Gallegos reported that they sent out annual letters to homeowners requesting that they eradicate weeds in their yards. Those who aren’t in compliance will ����������������������������� get an “assist” from the ��������������������������� town, and receive a bill �������������� for the service.


Photo submitted

Beloved teacher, fiddler, guitarist and singer Fran Stein will close out the Paonia Library Summer Concert Series at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 30. A special finale is planned, along with a retirement celebration for long-time library employee Laura Lee Yates.

Final Paonia Library summer concert honors Laura Lee Yates The Delta County Libraries staff, board members, and patrons will celebrate long-time employee Laura Lee Yates’ retirement from the library district during the Tuesday, July 30 final summer concert at the Paonia Library. “Celebrating Laura Lee’s retirement during the concert seems very appropriate,” said district director Lea Hart. “Laura Lee’s passion for music and community has been the driving force behind the summer concert series for many years.” Yates’ career with the library district began in 2005. She has played an integral part in developing Paonia Library’s adult programs, including the summer concert series, the winter Arm-

chair Travel series, and literary programs with Blue Sage Center for the Arts and the Paradise Theatre. The July 30 celebration features Fran & Friends in concert. Fran Stein, beloved teacher, fiddler, guitarist, and singer will share her musical talents at the concert. In addition, other featured local performers will provide a unique conclusion to the concert series. The concert celebration starts a 6:30 p.m. at the Paonia Library. Prior to the concert a library open house will be held from 1-6 p.m. Picnic and take-out dinners are welcome at the concert. The party will move indoors if necessary, so come rain or shine. Contact the library at 399-7881 for more information.

Polis recently proclaimed June as Colorado’s first ever Dark Sky Month. A popular place for star-gazing, Black Canyon of the Gunnison was designated a Dark Sky national park in 2015. It’s motto: Half of the park is after dark.”

A long-term goal for the chapter is a county-wide dark skies designation. Delta County has shown support for reducing light pollution and has included wording on lighting in the county’s new master plan and county development regulations. “The county is already is wanting to reduce pollution and protect the valuable night sky resource we have,” said Watson. For now, DSP is focusing on education. A lot of people aren’t even aware that their porch lights can negatively affect their neighbors, he said. But there are many steps individuals and business owners can do to reduce sky glow. Dark Skies Paonia and the IDA websites offers numerous solutions, such as shielding outdoor lighting and pointing lighting downward. Even something so simple as closing curtains in the evening can make a difference, he said. As growth occurs, DSP hopes to make it easier for new development to be dark skies compliant and friendly by providing solutions during the planning process. They’re also working with DMEA on how to move forward on street light changing street lights. Hemp growers light their greenhouses late into the night or all night and people are complaining. This is a big industry coming in,” said Watson, and more and more people are being impacted. Just making them conscious of the light they are emitting gets their attention. I’m hoping the hemp industry can get behind Dark Skies and be an advocate for it.”


Dark skies


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son. It requires switch������������������������������ ing them to LED bulbs �������������������������������������������� and shielding them to direct light downward, at ���������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� a cost of about $500 per ���������������������������������������������������������������� light. ���������������������������������������������������� There’s also a lot of ��������������������������������������������������������� support for reducing light ����������������������������������������� pollution. Governor Jared ���������������������������������������������������������������������

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


RAM Clinic FROM PAGE B1 The Delta County Health Services department will provide information on public health services available in the county. No immunizations will be given at the clinic, said Emmons, “But we hope to provide them next year.” The success of the clinic relies heavily on volunteers, said Emmons. Dental is one area where volunteers are lacking. The more dental professionals on hand, the higher the number of patients that can receive care. They also need licensed vision professionals, as well as volunteers to perform preliminary screenings and hand out glasses. Volunteers are also needed to unload the 27foot trucks that will bring the clinic to town beginning Thursday, Aug. 1, and to load them back up when the clinic closes on Sunday, Aug. 4. Trucks will be hauling dental chairs, generators, exam room

curtains and food and water. “It’s heavy stuff,” said Emmons. “Trucks are stacked, packed and racked to the gills.” They also need help with set-up and takedown, directing traffic, selling T-shirts, providing general information and other tasks, said Emmons. “Teardown is really crucial,” she said. By that time, everyone is tired. Spanish and American Sign Language interpreters are also needed. RAM clinics are not government funded, said Emmons. She reiterates that patients will not be asked for health insurance or financial information. Services are provided free of charge. “The only cost is time, because you have to sit and wait your turn,” said Emmons. RAM clinics also do not accept appointments. Participants are asked to park at Paonia JuniorSenior High School, 846 Grand Avenue. Beginning at 12 a.m. Saturday, Aug.

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This reclining sofa has all the bells & whistles for todays lifestyle


3, and throughout the two-day clinic. Volunteers will assign numbers at the parking lot on a firstcome, first-served basis. Starting at about 6 a.m., patients will be shuttled to the Energy Tech campus and admitted to the clinic based on their number. Success of the clinic is measured in volunteer hours and the number of patients the clinic admits. If it’s a success, Emmons said she’d like to return next year. She urges people to volunteer. “Volunteering at a clinic can be a life-changing experience,” she said. Many people who use them haven’t seen a doctor or dentist in years and are in pain, or are squinting because they can’t afford new glasses. Many of their patients are children. “They’re struggling,” she said. “And they are very grateful. Many of the patients are in tears... Once you do a clinic, you see things in a whole new light.” Those wanting to volunteer or provide services can call Emmons at 865456-0127. For more information, visit www.ram

NFAA to publish book The Neighbors Helping Neighbors – North Fork Ambulance Auxiliary is asking for help in creating a new book. They are seeking stories, photographs, documents and anything related to North Fork Ambulance service since it was formed in 1969. Deadline to submit information is Oct. 1. Contact Jill at network@northfor or 970783-1335 for more information.

Photo submitted

Girls on the hike

A group of 10 middle-school aged girls with Girls on the Run recently spent four days and three nights backpacking in the Ruby Range in the Elk Mountains with The Nature Connection. Under the supervision of interns and outdoor leader, the girls backpacked through Horse Ranch Park, Gold and Silver basin, Devil’s Staircase, the forks of the Anthracite and Dark Canyon, ending the trip at Erickson Springs. Another backpack trip is scheduled for August 5-8. For registration information, visit The deadline for registration has been extended to July 28.

Grant will help fund bench project in Hotchkiss BY ROBBIE WINNE Staff Writer

A series of “art benches” made by local artists and crafters is coming to Hotchkiss this fall. The benches will provide a blend form and function and will be crafted by local artists and artisans. Last spring representatives from Community Builders, the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Colorado Department of Health and Environment, Colorado Department of Transportation and Charlier Associates held a half-day workshop in Hotchkiss. Supporters of healthy economies for Colorado towns and cities, they brought together retail business owners, DOLA Region 10 and DCED represen-

tatives, area chambers of commerce, mayors, trustees and interested citizens to talk economic development hosting the For workshop the Town of Hotchkiss was awarded a $3,500 project grant from the CDPHE. CDPHE also committed an additional $1,500 toward the project, if needed. A roundtable session identified possible projects that would fall within the grant budget and that would show tangible results for downtown. Participants identified the need for sturdy but attractive benches that would serve the dual purpose of providing resting stations in town for seniors, shoppers and walkers, and would also reflect the unique

spirit of Hotchkiss. The result was a pilot art bench program. Four art benches will be installed this year, with the remaining funds going toward ready-made park benches. Each bench maker will receive $1,250 per bench — $750 from the town grant, and an additional $500 from a business or individual sponsor. Each bench will include a plaque acknowledging its sponsor. The committee plans to add more benches in the coming year. The first bench is in the works, with delivery anticipated by Sept. 15. Interested artists and artidans can contact Mary Hockenbery at 970-314-3373 for details.


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12 Months – 0% Interest

SURFACE CREEK July 24, 2019


Summer Reading goes to the dogs (and cats) BY KAYLEE DUNHAM Staff Writer

At Surface Creek Animal Shelter, dogs are typically brought in from their outdoor kennels for a mid-day nap. It’s usually quiet time at the shelter, with an occasional stir from one of the critters. The shelter usually closes from midday. But if you happen to venture into the shelter between 11 a.m. and noon Wednesdays, you may find yourself captivated by a story. As part of the Delta Libraries Summer Reading Program, children of all ages are welcome to visit the shelter and read to the dogs and cats. Jacki Dapkus, volunteer secretary for the shelter’s allvolunteer board, hopes that by reading to the animals and “simply hearing a gen-

tle voice,” children can help bring these shy animals out of their shell. Not many children have participated but those who have think it is a perfect summer activity, said Dapkus. In the program’s first year, one group of about five kids has come in to read several times. The five kids are part of the Simler family. The children love the event, and so does their mom. “This is a great activity for her kids because they all are homeschooled and this gives them a chance to practice their reading and spend some time with the animals,” said Tanya Simler. In most cases the children read to the animals from outside of the cages. “Usually if we are in the hallway we are able to read to several dogs at

Photo by Kaylee Dunham

Kassie Simler, 10, enjoys reading to all the animals at the Surface Creek Animal Shelter, even though she’s “more of a dog person.”

the same time,” said Dapkus. But in the cat room the goal is to get the shy cats to come out of their hiding places to be around the children. While the program is in its first year, it will likely not be the last. “I think we’re going to continue this program next year it doesn’t take much preparation and it doesn’t take any money,” said Dapkus. “It just takes a volunteer to be here during the quiet times. This program just needs to catch on.” For more information call Jacki at 856-4611 or email surfacecreekanimalshelter@ Jacki Dapkus, secretary of the Surface Creek Animal Shelter Board, has put together an event for children of all ages to come and read to the animals. The Summer Reading Program happens every Wednesday from 11-12. Here, she is reading Michael Chabon’s book “The Final Solution: A Story of Detection” to Ethel. Ethel came to the shelter May 28, 2019 and loves to be read to. Kassie Simler, 10, enjoys reading to all the animals at the Surface Creek Animal Shelter, even though she’s “more of a dog person.” Rebecca Simer, age 15, and Bridgette Simler, age 13, entertain the new puppy at the Surface Creek Animal Shelter, on Wednesday, July 17 by reading a book filled with Dr. Seuss stories. The sisters love going to the shelter for the weekly Summer Reading Program and spending time with the animals.

Photo by Don Benjamin

A new home

Cedaredge’s famous trout was displayed for more than a decade on the wall of Leisure Time Sports. When co-owners Barb and Gregg Burnett closed the doors of Leisure Time on June 30, the giant splake (a crossbreed of brook and lake trout) traveled 25 miles up Hwy 65 to the Grand Mesa Lodge where it found a new home in a spacious dining room overlooking Island Lake. The journey seems appropriate since the monster was caught in that picturesque lake in 1976 by Cedaredge resident, Robin Perkins. The trout’s record size — recorded by Colorado Parks & Wildlife as weighing 18 pounds and 15 ounces with a length of 32 inches — has remained the state record for 43 years.

Photo by Don Benjamin

Only in the movies

Mike Mills, left, and Richard Udd, who served as projectionists at the old Mesa Movie Theater in downtown Cedaredge more than 50 years ago were reunited at their old projection booth last week. The two met last week at the screening of the first of many planned films at the new Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center, now housed in the former theater building. They also met up with Richard Palmer (not pictured), who worked at the theater in the 1950s. More than 50 film buffs laughed and cheered at the free showing of a vintage newsreel, cartoon and the classic western movie “Shane.” Going forward, the men will be called upon to run a program of diverse films with sound assistance from John Anderson of Mesa and Wayne McKinzie of Cedaredge. For information on upcoming films visit

Police Department fundraiser on tap The Cedaredge Rotary Club is sponsoring a ‘Back the Badge’ fundraiser to benefit the Cedaredge Police Department. Featuring beer, music and socializing, the event will take place from 4-7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 3 at the 4B’s Brewery, 215 W. Main Street. David and Tamara Hauze, a popular musical duo from Crawford, will provide the entertainment. A police department spokesperson will be on hand to give a brief presentation. The cost is $10 at the door which entitles a participant of age to one beer. Additional beers will cost $5 each. Nonalcoholic beverages will also be available along with light munchies. The Rotary Foundation has established a fund to support the police department and all proceeds from the evening will go to benefit local law enforcement. Rotarian Phil Ellsworth is heading the committee. To complement Saturday’s fundraiser, the foundation is also seeking ongoing pledges of monthly support from individuals and local merchants. Cedaredge Tire & Auto is the first business to contribute and owner Cassandra Kelton

encourages others to follow suit. In a separate effort to support public safety, the Cedaredge Police Department has joined in a collaborative effort with the Delta County Sheriff and the police departments of Hotchkiss and Paonia to ask county voters to approve a 1% sales tax increase earmarked for law enforcement. Voters will see the sales tax increase question on the November ballot. The Rotary Foundation will continue to support the Cedaredge Police Department regardless of the outcome of the ballot initiative. For the Saturday event, John and Barbara Breitnauer, owners of the 4B’s are donating the beer and the use of their pub. Earlier this year the Breitnauer’s hosted a similar fundraiser for the Surface Creek Animal Shelter. The 4B’s closed its doors last Oct. after 3 1⁄2 years of operation. Although the 4B’s has continued to host community activities, the building, which includes the Cedaredge Pharmacy, is currently for sale. According to its real estate listing, the pharmacy will probably relocate when the building sells.

Annual Grand Mesa Moose Day July 27

Those looking to learn more about the charismatic moose can visit Grand Mesa for the 10th annual Grand Mesa Moose Day. The free event will take place at the U.S. Forest Service Visitor Center on Grand Mesa Saturday, July 27, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Almost every day, moose make headlines across Colorado. Videos and photographs of moose walking through town, on popular hiking trails or ski slopes are numerous and recorded almost daily. The lumbering beasts are one of Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s most successful management projects and along with a growing population, the public’s curiosity about the largest member of the deer family is growing as well. “They are fascinating animals and it’s great they are doing well in Colorado,” said CPW’s Northwest Region Watchable Wildlife Coordinator Trina Romero. “Our management efforts have led to one of the healthiest moose populations in the country and we are very proud of that. This is a great opportunity

for everyone to learn more about how moose are doing in Colorado.” Grand Mesa Moose Day features various kid-friendly activities, including arts and crafts activities and prize giveaways throughout the day. Kids can earn a prize for going on a hike with a wildlife officer to look for signs of moose activity. Throughout the day, experts will present moose biology and history presentations and demonstrate how biologists transplant and track moose. “One fantastic feature this year is the screening of a wonderful documentary by filmmaker Sean Ender,” said Romero. “He put together a beautiful film about moose in Colorado, their history and CPW’s involvement in their management. We invite folks to come up, meet Sean and see his fascinating film.” Additional activities include a fishing pole casting lesson taught by Cabela’s staff. Romero adds that several popular fishing holes on the Grand Mesa provide an opportunity to see moose.

“Most people see moose by accident while hiking, fishing or camping,” said Romero. “If you suddenly see one, be sure to keep your distance. If you are searching for moose, be prepared with a camera, binoculars or a viewing scope. Perhaps the most important thing to remember is to keep dogs on a leash and far away from moose.” CPW reminds the public that moose do not fear humans and instinctively react to a curious dog as if it was a predator and will attack it aggressively. Several people have been seriously injured by moose in Colorado over the past several years. The vast majority of the conflicts were precipitated by a barking dog that got too close. To reach the visitor center, take Highway 65 from Interstate 70 by Plateau Creek, Exit 49, or drive up Highway 50 from nearby Delta and follow it up to the USFS Visitor’s Center. Visitors are reminded to be attentive as it is increasingly likely to catch a glimpse of a moose.

Photo submitted

Blasting off at the libraries

On Tuesday, July 16, patrons of all ages came to Cedaredge Library to create and launch small rockets in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. All summer, library-goers in Delta County have been enjoying space-themed activities, games, and presentations to go along with the theme, “A Universe of Stories.” There’s still time for participants to turn in their completed reading logs at the library for a T-shirt or other prize. The week of July 22, all five libraries host a final party with more space-themed fun. Visit the events calendar at for a full listing of events.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


WNV abatement efforts require community action BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

robust. Now there are holes in the window screen. Without federal, state, or countywide funding, the burden of mosquito abatement has fallen on local entities. There are two special districts in Delta County that conduct localized abatement procedures. The Delta County Mosquito Control District #1 focuses on the City of Delta and its proximity. The North Fork Mosquito Abatement District (NFMAD) concentrates on Paonia, Hotchkiss and other regions adjacent to the North Fork of the Gunnison River. The county’s “window screen” is relatively solid in two sizable areas, but significant gaps exist in about one-third of the county that fall outside the special district boundaries.

Among those areas, Surface Creek, Rogers Mesa, Redlands Mesa, Cedar Mesa, and Crawford, are not included in the existing special districts. Some communities outside the special districts conduct periodic abatement efforts. For example the Town of Cedaredge hired a contractor to fog in town on July 1. But Nordstrom cautions that fogging alone is an “adulticide” exercise targeting mature insects and needs to be complemented with a more comprehensive pest management system that includes attacking mosquitoes at pre-adult stages. This means systematically draining stagnant stands of water and using “larvicide” chemicals and other techniques to treat breed-

ing sites. The county’s two special districts employ a full range of mosquito abatement techniques. The non-district areas of the county may not be so thorough. For non-district areas to become special districts, said Nordstrom, “It will take a champion.” He maintains that individuals, organizations and municipalities within the regions not included in the county’s two special districts need to step up and explore the option of creating their own special taxing district. Colorado statute allows for the formation of special districts to fund such services as fire and rescue, hospitals, parks and recreation, and cemeteries. Mosquito control districts can also

Delta County Health Department director Ken Nordstrom knows his mosquitoes. Nordstrom, who serves as the county’s environmental health director, readily shares an “info-graphic” distributed by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment which neatly sums up the current situation with West Nile virus. The single-page sheet poses three succinct questions about West Nile Virus (WNV): How do you get it? How do you fight it? Do you think you have it? It also provides answers. Among the images under the heading “Mosquito-proof your home” is a window screen with a hole in it, along with a suggestion to install or repair the barrier. The graphic depicts one of the challenges faced by Delta County. West Nile Virus disease is transmitted by infected mosquito bites. In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recorded 9,862 WNV cases nationally, and 264 deaths. That same year 2,947 Coloradans were sickened, resulting in 63 deaths. At the height of the national epidemic, federal funding flowed into Colorado and mosquito abatement efforts increased. That funding continued for a time, but as instances of the disease peaked, it slowed to a trickle. Nationally, cases declined from 2013-18, and Colorado followed suit, declining from a high of 322 in 2013 to 96 in 2018. There were three Colorado deaths last year. When federal funds Image submitted were available, Delta This info-graphic from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment County mosquito abate- can be obtained from the Delta County Department of Health at 255 W. 6th ment efforts were more Avenue in Delta or online at

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Scones to play at the chapel The Scones will perform at Cedaredge Chapel of the Cross at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1 Admission is by donation. The band includes Rick Stockton on guitar/ banjo, Helen Highwater on bass, Harry Knipe on percussion, and Tim Veazey on keyboards. The Scones will be playing a selection of their upbeat, melodic original songs along with some covers of favorites from the golden age of rock and roll. Featuring singable melodies, thoughtful lyrics, and beautiful harmonies, the San Antonio Express News calls their music “Americana for adults featuring top notch songwriting.” Vintage Guitar Magazine praises their recordings as having “glorious harmonies and first rate guitar work.” Touring throughout the Western U.S., The Scones have shared the stage with Joe Cocker (his final stadium show in Colorado), The Subdudes, David Lindley, John Cowan (New Grass Revival),

Lyle Lovett, Otis Taylor, Ramblin’ Jack Elliot, Brewer & Shipley, and many more. The band’s instrumentation includes Rick Stockton on guitar/ banjo, Helen Highwater on bass, Harry Knipe on percussion, and Tim Veazey on keyboards.

Harp group to perform Robin Freed Harp Ensemble will perform at Cedaredge Chapel of the Cross on Sunday, July 28 at 4 p.m. She will bring a variety of harps for “show and tell” and demonstration. Joining her will be a few of her best students. You will hear Celtic, light classical, and traditional folk songs along with hymns. Come join us for an informative and fun program with “all things Harp.” Admission is by donation.

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be formed. Special districts rely on property tax assessments for funding. Creating a special district will require the services of an attorney to interpret the law, and voters included in the boundaries of the proposed district must approve a property tax mill levy. Forming a district is a good start, but without adequate funding even this effort can falter. On its webpage, NFMAD describes itself as “severely underfunded.” Despite a 2019 budget of more

the $113,000 in property tax revenue the district anticipates that abatement expenses will result in a deficit of more than $20,000. One solution to Delta County’s piecemeal approach to mosquito control may be establishing a countywide special district funded by a countywide property tax levy. This is the case in nearby Mesa County where voters have approved a mill levy that supports a countywide mosquito abatement district.



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B6 Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Delta County Independent

SPORTS July 24, 2019

14 teams support Hotchkiss fundraiser BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

The 2019 Hotchkiss Football Golf Scramble included 14 teams registered, and playing in this year’s fundraising event held at Devil’s Thumb Golf Course, July 20. Event organizer, and head Hotchkiss High School football coach, Curtis Hintz indicated the 18-hole golf tournament was a success for the fourth straight year. “It was the best in four years.” This year’s winning foursome included Gary and Mike Brezonick, Rob Clements and Rusty Atwood. Placing second was the team of Marty and Lisa Rover and Kurt

and Janelle Clay. Special event winners included Kory Mills with the men’s longest drive; Crystal Lambrakos with the longest women’s drive and George Bock was closest to the pin in the tournament. A special thank you goes to Devil’s Thumb golf pro Ken Brown and his staff for “putting on a great event and to the Needle Rock Brewing Company for an excellent lunch after the tournament.” Hintz sends a big thank you to all the hole sponsors and companies who donated a raffle or prize item. That list is lengthy and includes Bolinger and Queen,

Homestead Meats, Lasting Impressions, Weekender Sports, Tribble and Sons Construction, KC’s Kettle Corn, Texas Roadhouse, Hotchkiss Automotive, Watson and Harper Inc., Northeast Chiropractic Center in Colorado Springs, Aspen Golf Club, BSN Sports, Ross Reels, Law Office of Steven K. Harper, LLC, Hotchkiss FFA Chapter, Sullivan Land and Cattle, Hotchkiss City Market, Loud Organic Photo by Yahir Chavez Farm, State Farm-Kevin From the left, Rusty Atwood, Mike Brezonick, Rob Clements and Gary BrezoParks, Cedaredge Food- nick are the 2019 Hotchkiss Football Golf Scramble Champions. town, Hellman Motor Co., Needlerock Realty, CradleGear USA, Cornerstone Home Lending-The Ledesma Team and Iron Mountain Hot Springs.

Area volleyball teams scrimmage for skills One week ago, Delta hosted a night of volleyball scrimmages. Cedaredge, Delta, Hotchkiss and Montrose brought teams to Delta High School and gained some valuable experience. The gym was filled with high school athletes of all levels, C-Team, junior varsity, and varsity. The setup was not

your typical scrimmage, as it was more of a serve and receive practice. One team would get several opportunities to work on its serving while the other team would develop its serve receiving skills. Each team was given opportunities to work on both. The night was a chance for the athletes

to build skills and compete. Coaches were able to get kids on the court and grow as a team. Cedaredge High School has extended its commitment to allowing its athletes to participate in such events and will be host to another such volleyball scrimmage-night today Wednesday, July 24.

Photo by Kirby Henderson

Cedaredge High School won a title in volleyball this past week in Durango with six players, left to right, Hannah Carlson, Kimberley Milholland, Makayla Kehmeier, Kammie Henderson and Baylee Harris with head coach Heather Dunbar.


Bruins’ volleyball team working, playing hard BY KIRBY HENDERSON DCI Sports Writer

Cedaredge High School’s volleyball coach, Heather Dunbar, and her athletes have been working hard all summer. They’ve been hitting the weight room consistently before every open-gym session. Turnout has been high, which has led to success this summer. Coach Dunbar has been pleased with the solid conditioning the girls have come in with and is coupling the necessary volleyball skills with that conditioning. Two weeks ago, 28 girls attended the Adams State volleyball camp in Alamosa with hopes of improving their skills and as a team. The younger girls improved immensely, and the varsity earned runner-up honors in the Silver Division losing to Farmington, NM. Last Wednesday, a load of CHS girls headed down to Delta for scrimmages as a tune-up opportunity before heading to another team camp at Fort Lewis in Durango. There were 22 girls who attended the Fort Lewis team camp. The persistence of working hard and trying to improve paid off. The freshman/C-Team squad played with heart and tenacity. Many of the young group were learning new positions. The junior varsity team came

back home as winners of its bracket. In fact, the team ran right through the bracket without a loss, not even a set. The varsity girls had no substitutes for the weekend, so conditioning was key. In pool play, the six girls found themselves squared off against the team which had defeated them the prior week, Farmington, NM. The girls stepped up and defeated them in two sets. Cedaredge beat Ignacio in cross-over pool play to earn the #1 seed for Saturday’s tournament action. The Bruins defeated two teams to begin the tournament but met

defeat at the hands of Ignacio. The loss sent CHS to the consolation bracket. Persistence, confidence, and teamwork helped them take out Bloomfield, NM in the consolation bracket and get a shot at the tournament championship where they faced Ignacio for the third time in the tournament. With Ignacio remaining undefeated on Saturday, Cedaredge knew they needed to defeat them twice in order to earn the camp championship. They did just that. Coach Dunbar, the coaching staff, and the athletes have set themselves up to have a fun, competitive fall season.

Photo by Kaylee Dunham

In the 25 yard butterfly, Nathaniel Quammen, age 8, placed first this past Saturday in Delta’s Last Chance Meet at Bill Heddles Recreation Center. Results from the Delta Barracuda’s last three meets will be part of next week’s sports coverage.


Deltarado Days


July 25-28, 2019


Celebrate Delta’s rich agricultural heritage The annual farmerrancher luncheon this Thursday kicks off four days of Deltarado Days festivities. Deltarado Days was first observed in 1935 as a harvest celebration. Years later, we still come together to celebrate our rich agricultural and ranching heritage! Thursday The farmer rancher luncheon at noon Thursday, July 25, at the Delta Sales Yard. Anyone working in the agricultural industry is invited to enjoy the free lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Meet the Deltarado Days king and queen, Blake Naranjo and Jaspe Arias, and enjoy music by Remi Baldwin. That evening from 5 to 7 p.m., Altrusa International hosts a kickoff barbecue at Confluence Park. Come hungry — the Altrusans will fill your plate with smoked brisket, pulled pork, cowboy beans, corn salad, rolls and bar cookies. Tickets are $12 for adults and $4 for children 10 and under and can be purchased at the event or in advance at Ruby’s Floral, 755 Main St., or the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce office, 301 Main St. The Altrusans are longtime supporters of the Delta Food Pantry, and they encourage everyone to bring a can of food to be shared with the hungry

of Delta. You’ll also have an opportunity to enjoy a cool beverage in the 4B’s Brewery beer garden and admire the classic cars displayed by members of the Ute Trails Car Club. As the sun sets, Grace Community Church will present a free movie in the powwow arbor. Bring a lawn chair or a blanket to enjoy the movie “Ralph Breaks the Internet” with your family and friends. Free drinks and popcorn will be provided. Friday On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, kids can enjoy an inflatable playground at Confluence Park. Delta Lions Club is partnering with Waldon Inflatables to bring a 50foot water slide, obstacle courses, bounce houses, toddler playgrounds and more to Deltarado Days. Advance tickets are available at the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce and Delta City Market, with all proceeds from advance sales going to the Delta Lions Club. Advance tickets are $12 each day, or $30 per person for all three days. At the park, tickets will be $15 for all day riding and $39 for three days of unlimited fun. The Delta Street Rodders will host a pre-registration kick-off party in advance of the huge car show in Confluence Park Saturday. Owners

of classics, antiques, rods and pickups are invited to gather at Butch’s Cafe, 1560 S. Main Street, at 5:30 p.m. Friday night. Registration information can also be obtained by calling 874-8130. The Deltarado Days rodeo this year will take place Friday, July 26. Action begins at the Delta Roundup Club arena with mutton bustin’ at 7 p.m. and the main event begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults (13 and over), $5 for kids ages 5-12, seniors and veterans. Kids 5 and under are free. Tickets can be purchased at the gate or in advance at the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce, 301 Main Street. The Roundup Club Arena is located on 1800 Road east of Delta. Look for the signs off Highway 92. Saturday Pediatric Associates is sponsoring a 5k color run beginning at 7 a.m. This one-mile run is free and fun for the entire family. Registration is at 6:30 a.m.; the run starts at 7 a.m. and will follow trails in Confluence Park. If you prefer, register in advance at www. thepediatricassociates. com. All participants are asked to bring protective eyewear. In the Lions Club Pavilion, pancakes go on the grill beginning at 7 a.m. Proceeds from

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the Vendor Village. The inflatable playground will be open until 11 p.m. Saturday, and again on Sunday from 11 a.m. until the crowd dies down. In the arbor, live music includes performances by Emily Paige Wray from noon to 2 p.m., and Solar Brothers, 2 to 4 p.m. Pickleball and cornhole tournaments will be held at Confluence Park. Only the horseshoe tournament will take place at Cleland Park. Stop by CELEBRATE TO C2

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On Saturday, Confluence Park will be filled with booths offering food, ice-cold beverages, merchandise and information about products and services.


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After the parade, head to Confluence Park, where the Elks will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. The Kiwanis Club of Delta is serving pulled pork sandwiches beginning at 11 a.m. Sandwiches will be served with coleslaw, cowboy beans, corn on the cob and a beverage, all for $10 for adults and $5 for children under the age of 12. Booths offering food, refreshing beverages and a wide variety of merchandise will line


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this breakfast benefit the junior class at Delta High School. Classics, antiques, rods and pickups will be lining up for the Delta Street Rodders’ annual car show, which begins at 10 a.m. in the parking lot of Bill Heddles Recreation Center. Vendors will be setting up in the park, while downtown entries will be lining up for the parade. The Deltarado Days parade will run its usual route from 9th to 2nd, beginning at 10 a.m.


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C2 Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Delta County Independent

Teens proud to be from Delta

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The Delta Area Chamber of Commerce has established the tradition of awarding scholarships to two Delta High School graduates who are then named Deltarado Days king and queen. This year’s recipients are Blake Naranjo and Jaspe Arias. Arias plans to study engineering at the University of Colorado; Blake will attend Colorado Mesa University to major in business, with elective studies in music. During her four years at Delta High School,

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Arias was involved in Key Club, ASTRA, Student Council, National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, Health Occupations Student Association, Young Democrats, and Women in Science and Engineering. With a desire to make a positive impact on others, she became involved with the Youth City Council and with the Partners Mentoring Youth Program. The Youth City Council put together a countywide youth summit and developed a districtwide

Community worship service, barbecue scheduled on Sunday

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Deltarado Days concludes with a communitywide non-denominational church service at 10 a.m. Sunday, July 28, in Confluence Park. Come hear an inspiring message and enjoy both contemporary and traditional music. After the worship service, the Abraham Connection homeless shelter will be barbecuing hamburgers and hot dogs as a fundraiser for shelter operations. The cost is $7 per plate. Stop by to learn about volunteer opportunities with this community mission.

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Email articles and letters to the editor at:

Jaspe Arias mental health campaign. In Partners, Arias served as an administrative assistant and was a member of the Teen Advisory Board. Astronomy is a personal interest. As an active member of the Black Canyon Astronomical Society, Arias has enjoyed stargazing events and presentations. “Throughout my high school career I have been involved in multiple

Honor Society to boost community involvement at DHS. “As I am now emerging into the world that surrounds us, I leave these groups with a proud acceptance that they have driven me to be the man I am today. I know that through their

of parking in and around the park, including the dirt lot adjoining Palmer Street. Y Bar Hitch will be circulating the park with a horsedrawn carriage, conveying folks from one end of the park to the other in style. Park activities wrap up about 4 p.m., leaving time to cool down and get ready for the street dance featuring country rock band Derringer. A portion of East 4th Street between Meeker and Main will be closed for the dance and beer garden, which run from 6 to 11 p.m. Sunday Delta Street Rodders is sponsoring an automo-

tive swap meet in Confluence Park from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. This event is free to the public. A community worship service takes place in the Lions Pavilion at Confluence Park at 10 a.m. Deltarado Days events end with this coming together of our community in worship and prayer. The Lions Pavilion is located across from Bill Heddles Recreation Center. Immediately following worship, hamburgers and hot dogs will be served by the Abraham Connection. A $7 donation is suggested for each meal. All proceeds will benefit the homeless and hungry of Delta County.

Blake Naranjo assistance I will achieve my goals.” Scholarship applicants were asked how they would make Delta a more vibrant place to live and work, if they were to move back to Delta after college graduation. “Leaving a positive impact in my community is one of the most important things I value and hope to achieve,” Arias said, adding that she hopes to create her own nonprofit, philanthropic organization to boost the local economy. Naranjo vowed to give back to the community that has so proudly given to him, by staying true to helping others. “Together we will grow as one,” he said.


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FROM PAGE C1 the chamber office at 301 Main Street for registration information. Kiwanis Club of Delta is sponsoring the third annual Deltarado Days disc golf tournament in Confluence Park. Registration is from 8 to 9 a.m., with play beginning at 9:30 a.m. In addition to all of the fabulous events taking place at Confluence Park on Saturday, historic Fort Uncompahgre will be open and free to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. July 27 is a Saturday Trade Day at the fort — an open air market with art, jewelry, handmade items and food. There will be plenty

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July 25-28

extracurricular activities and have worked in a nonprofit clinic in Delta,” she wrote in an essay accompanying her scholarship application. “By being involved with these organizations a passion ignited in me to help others and to give back to my community in any way. I have learned that a great leader is one who is willing to take on the responsibility of being the first one to do what no one has done or is afraid to do. A leader will encourage others and give them a sense of empowerment.” Blake Naranjo was also involved in numerous clubs and activities at Delta High School, including concert band, marching band, jazz band and show choir. He tallies 44 band performances over seven years, and has helped organize fundraising efforts and special events for those organizations. He played football, and competed in multiple track and field events. As a member of JROTC, he learned teamwork and gained valuable leadership skills. He holds high the Army’s core values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, integrity and personal courage, and believes them to be critical to our great society. He also values the bond between the school and the community, and cites a number of outreach projects undertaken by JROTC, Student Council and National

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Deltarado Days is an opportunity to engage in some friendly competition, from cornhole and pickleball, to horseshoes and disc golf.

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Esplins are grand marshals of the parade Longtime Delta residents Bob and Laurie Esplin have the rare honor of being named grand marshals of the Deltarado Days parade, as well as grand marshals of the Delta County Fair parade. Recognition follows the recent sale of their longstanding business, the Delta Elevator, after “a wonderfully blessed run of 46 years.” “Our customers have been like family to us and I appreciate you all,” Bob wrote in announcing the sale of the business to David and Michelle Livingston. “I look forward to spending more time with Laurie, my children and ever-expanding number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.” Bob and Laurie are the parents of 12 children, 10 of whom are still living. They have

39 grandchildren and 38 great-grandchildren, to date. They were married in 1960 in the Idaho Falls Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and first lived in Provo, Utah, while Bob was in college. He graduated from BYU with a major in animal sciences and double minors in chemistry and zoology. A job with Morton Salt Company brought the Esplins to Grand Junction. After three years with Morton Salt Bob went into business for himself. He later purchased the Mesa Flour Mill, formerly Mesa Feed, in Grand Junction. He recalls he and a partner were poised to open a new feed mill when the business burned to the ground on April 9, 1974. Fortunate-

ly, the business was fully insured. “I sold my ashes there and bought the elevators in Delta and Montrose,” he recalls. He sold the elevator in Montrose several years later and focused on performance horse and show livestock feed at the Delta location. The elevator caters to small customers, offering feeds without medications or steroids, as well as a market for locally grown oats, wheat, barley and non-GMO corn. After helping her husband through college, Laurie was a stayat-home mom for many years. Although she devoted many hours to her children’s activities, she found time to sell Avon and attend the beauty school at DeltaMontrose Technical College. She also took some

Laurie and Bob Esplin are pictured with nine of their surviving 10 children.

accounting classes. She opened her own hair, nail and tanning salon in her home, and did bookkeeping for the Delta Elevator. Both Bob and Laurie are very active in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Bob served as bishop, stake president and stake patriarch, and is a counselor in the Sunday school presidency. Laurie has served in the primary, young women’s and Sunday school organizations. She loves music and is a talented vocalist who sings at funerals and at church. They’ve had their share of trials, including the fire at the mill shortly after Bob purchased it. With the community’s help, he was able to re-open the elevator in about a month. The community was also a great blessing to the family when the Esplins’ son died in a tragic accident in 1986. “When our son was killed, people were so good to love us and take care of us,” Bob said. More pleasant memories include closing the elevator on Saturday morning and walking up to Main Street to watch the Deltarado Days parade with employees and family members. The most memorable parade was in 2010, when Bob and Laurie

Kiwanis Club of Delta will host disc golf tournament The Kiwanis Club a myriad of additional organization which proof Delta is hosting the worthwhile causes. vides its members with third annual Deltarado Key Club is an inter- opportunities to be of Days disc golf tourna- national student-led service, build characment Saturday, July 27. Open registration is from 8 to 9 a.m. — look for the booth on the red rock trail, just before the first tee box. The tournament begins at 9:30. The course at Confluence Park has earned the praise of many disc golfers, and this year new tee boxes have been installed. The tournament will be officiated by Delta County Disc Golf Revolution. Entry is open to players of all skill levels. The 18-hole entrance fee is $20 per person, plus $5 per person for the ace pot. Unlimited mulligans are $1 each. Prizes will be awarded to the first, second and third place winners ����� �� �������� overall, and to the win����������������������������������� ners of the random draw doubles team. �������������������� Kiwanis is a service � organization focused on ������ ����������������� �� � changing the world by ������������������������� serving children, one child and one communi������������������������������������������� ty at a time. The Kiwanis Club sponsors the Delta High School Key Club, provides scholarships to active Key Club members, and sponsors the library’s summer ��������������������������������� reading program and

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ter and develop leadership. Look for students from the Delta High School chapter near the Lions Club Pavilion, where they’ll be running a silent auction in conjunction with the Kiwanis barbecue.

celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with an award-winning entry in the Deltarado Days parade. “Ten of our children were there for that parade, so it was really a special time.” The Esplin family is

sure to be well-represented again this year, joining the community in honoring Bob and Laurie for their dedication to their family, their commitment to local agriculture, and their service to the community.

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C4 Wednesday, July 24, 2019



Car Show

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Delta County Independent

Delta Street Rodders sponsor 16th annual car show Saturday

On Saturday, the grassy area near the Lions Pavilion in Confluence Park will be filled with classics, antiques, rods and pickups for the Delta Street Rodders’ 16th annual car show. There’s a $20 registration fee for show participants, but spectators are free to wander among the vehicles at no charge. The event begins with a pancake breakfast at 7 a.m. Saturday, July 27, to benefit the junior class of Delta High School. Sameday registration for the car show runs from 7 to 10 a.m. An amazing collection of vehicles will be on display from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is a $20 registration fee, with proceeds going to local nonprofit organizations. Proceeds from the 2018 show went to the Delta Food Bank and the Pregnancy Resource Center. Entrants will be eligible for raffles, trophies

and cash prizes. The club is raffling off a $250 gift certificate from Big O Tires and a Holly Fuel injection system donated by Mile High Music. In addition, a $100 prize will be awarded to the club with the most cars. A pre-registration kick-

off party will begin at 5:30 p.m. at Butch’s Café, 1560 S. Main St., the night before the event. Delta Street Rodders is a for-fun car club, open to all motor vehicle types. They consider themselves a “classics, antiques, rods, pickups and motorcycles”

club. There are no dues; membership is open to all. All that is required is an interest in things automotive. Learn more on the Delta Street Rodders’ Facebook page or contact Sam Vasico at 874-8130 at

Support the homeless shelter at Sunday barbecue

We’re Havin’a BAR-B-Q!




Thursday, July 25 • 5-7 p.m.

ATION! Confluence Lions Pavilion NEW LOC Smoked Brisket • Pulled Pork Cowboy Beans • Corn Salad • Rolls Bar Cookies

ADULTS $12 / CHILDREN 10 & UNDER $4 Tickets available at Ruby’s Flowers, 755 Main St. or Delta Chamber, 301 Main St.

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Following the community worship service in Confluence Park Sunday morning, volunteers from the Abraham Connection will be barbecuing hamburgers and hot dogs as a fundraiser for the homeless shelter. A donation of $7 per plate is suggested, but additional contributions will be welcomed to support the shelter, which is located at the intersection of 5th and Silver streets in Delta. During the 2018-19 season, the shelter provided 2,615 bed nights to 144 different individuals, reports board president Cheryl Oeltjenbruns. “The youngest was a month old and the oldest was 68,” she said. With assistance from an amazing number of volunteers, each guest was served dinner and breakfast. An additional 433 meals were provided for people who had a place to stay during the cold winter months, but not enough money for a nutritious meal. The shelter operates seasonally, from Nov. 1 to April 30, but is open year-round providing case management for shelter guests. Each Monday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., guests can collect their mail, do laundry, take a shower, get lunch and obtain assistance from knowledgeable volunteers with a vast network of resources.

These volunteers help guests track down birth certificates, manage cell phones, obtain IDs, and apply for housing, food stamps and Social Security disability. The volunteers share leads on jobs and help complete job applications and resumés, as needed. “Our goal is to help people get a leg up and be more self-sufficient, so they’re not as dependent on homeless services,” Oeltjenbruns said. Housing is a huge hurdle, as it’s difficult to find affordable rentals in the area. For individuals with mental health issues, ongoing mental health treatment can also be a challenge. While the services provided every Monday have proven valuable, Oeltjenbruns said she would like to expand day services at least one day a week. “What I’m seeing is that people are hungry and our one day a week is not adequate. A big goal is to find someone who’s willing to open the shelter doors one day a week — any day, as long as it’s consistent — to serve breakfast, lunch or dinner. It doesn’t matter, as long as it’s another day beyond what we’re doing on Mondays,” she said. This summer, in addition to case management, the shelter is doing some remodeling. A commercial freezer and a large

pantry have been added, and windows will be installed in the dormitories to let in light and ventilation. Having seen an uptick in the number of homeless families, the shelter is also adding a crib and bunkbeds to the family room. The homeless shelter is completely reliant on grants, donations and volunteers for continued operations. During seasonal operations, the shelter requires 15 to 20 volunteers a day — on top of the handful of paid employees who handle intake and cover shifts from midnight to 8 a.m. Volunteer training won’t resume until the fall, but Oeltjenbruns said there’s no shortage of volunteer opportunities throughout the summer. “There’s always something to be done,” Oeltjenbruns said. The shelter’s 11 board members are all very “handson,” but she would particularly love to find somebody with a desire to help with fundraising. Donations of snack items, toiletries, bottled water and clothing (Tshirts, jeans and socks in good condition) are always welcome and can be dropped off at the shelter between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Mondays. Please do not leave donations when the shelter is closed.

Inflatables offer family fun Delta Lions Club and Delta Area Chamber of Commerce are partnering with Waldon Inflatables of Albuquerque, N.M., to add a fun new event to Deltarado Days — an inflatable playground. A giant fivestory inflatable water slide will be among the many games and attractions coming to Conflu-

ence Park July 26, 27 and 28. In addition to the giant 50-foot slide, other inflatable attractions include obstacle courses, bounce houses, toddler playgrounds and more. The team at Waldon Inflatables has been providing years of smiles all over the country. Fun is serious business for Tony Waldon, president, who formerly worked for Ringling Brothers Circus. Tony and his family have provided fun and games for the whole family for over 50 years.

Waldon Inflatables will sell armbands for all-day riding for $15. Three full days of unlimited fun are $39. Advance tickets are available for $12 per person (one day) and $30 per person (three days). Pick up these tickets at the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce or the City Market store in Delta. The inflatables playground will be open Friday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Fort Uncompahgre hosts Trade Day Saturday Saturday Trade Day, to be held at historic Fort Uncompahgre on July 27, features a giant open air market on the fourth Saturday of each month through September.

There’s something for everyone — quality art, crafts, jewelry, clothing, antiques and collectibles, new and used merchandise, custom and handmade items, food and a

baking bread in the horno and music. The fort is located at 440 N. Palmer Street, in the heart of Deltarado Days activities. Trade Day runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. At Fort Uncompahgre on the Old Spanish Trail (a replica of the original fort) everything is authentic from the dirt floors to the piles of furs and animal hides on display. You feel like you stepped back in time standing in the same space where tribes and trappers exchanged furs for guns, knives, beads and other prizes of the sprawling frontier. Your history lesson begins when you get out of your car. Antione Robidoux established the trading outpost in the late 1820s in an area known as Robidoux Bottoms near the junction of the Gunnison and Uncompahgre Rivers just west of Delta. This area was a hub for Photo by Pat Sunderland trails coming north out A volunteer blacksmith demonstrates the use of tools that would have been of the San Juan River Basin in southwestern found at Fort Uncompahgre in the late 1820s. Colorado and northwestern New Mexico, meeting the North Branch of the Old Spanish Trail (a pack route traveling east and west from Santa Fe to Los Angeles). The fort remained in operation until the mid 1840s before being attacked by a band of Ute Indians. It has been speculated that the attack on Fort Uncompahgre was the result of built up Ute hostility stemming from the introduction of “Taos lightning” in the 1840s. farmers market. Admission is free on Trade Day, and re-enactors will be on hand. The entire family will enjoy live demonstrations, spinners, flintknapping,

Photo by Pat Sunderland

Fort Uncompahgre is a replica of an 1820s era historic fur trading center where visitors can learn about the history of the earliest days of commerce on Colorado’s Western Slope.

Grace to host movie in the park Join Grace Community Church for the third annual Deltarado Days movie in the park. “Ralph Breaks the Internet” will begin around 8:45 p.m. Bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on. Free popcorn and drinks will be served. This year, Grace will have some lawn games like volleyball and cornhole set up before the movie, so come by early and have some fun with the whole family.

Swap meet planned Delta Street Rodders is sponsoring an automotive swap meet in Confluence Park Sunday, July 28. This event is free to the public and will run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call Lynn Krebs at 970323-0279 or email l-m

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The decline of the beaver population in the inter-mountain west, compounded by changes in clothing styles, the days of the mountain men were numbered. In 1846, Antione Robidoux joined General Steven Watts Kearny as an interpreter in Kearny’s campaign to the West

in the War with Mexico. Later expeditions through the area would note time taking its toll on the structure. The fort is open yearround from 8-5 MondaySaturday. For more information, call 874-8349 or 640-7076 or check out fortuncompahgre. org.


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C6 Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Delta County Independent

Saddle up for rodeo action Friday evening The Deltarado Days 26. Action begins at the tin’ at 7 p.m. The numrodeo this year will Delta Roundup Club ber of participants isn’t take place Friday, July arena with mutton bus- capped; kids are just asked to show up by 6:45, with their parents, to sign up. The main event begins at 8 p.m. and will include bronc riding, team roping, steer wrestling, tie-down calf wrestling,

breakaway roping, barrel racing and bull riding. The Delta Area Chamber of Commerce has contracted with Berentis Rodeo Company to provide stock and personnel for this Deltarado Days tradition. Contestant information is available

from Jerry Berentis, 970434-4843. Tickets are $10 for adults (13 and over), $5 for kids ages 5-12, seniors and veterans. Kids 5 and under are free. Tickets can be purchased at the gate or in advance at the Delta Area Chamber of

Commerce, 301 Main Street. Food vendors and a beer garden will be on the premises. The Roundup Club Arena is located on 1800 Road east of Delta. Look for the signs off Highway 92.

Back to School Now’s the Time to Call for DHS class of Physicals and 1979 reunion Immunizations

for the new school year! ��������������������������������

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Delta High School class of 1979 is planning a day of fun and activities for its 40th class reunion. Catch up with old friends and create new memories. The fun will begin with the parade. Line up begins at 8 a.m. Saturday, July 27, on 9th Street. Parade is from 9th Street to 2nd Street. Classmates will be riding on a trailer, some may walk if they wish. Parade begins at 10 a.m. Bring

a chair if you want it for the trailer. Suzann Morgan has graciously volunteered her home for the reunion. The address is 1326 H25 Road. The plan is to meet at 4:30. Dinner will start about 5 or 5:30. Food will be catered by El Tapatio. The cost is $11.50 a plate. Dessert is also being provided. Hope to see you all there! Shirts will also be available for $10. For more information or to confirm dinner and shirt orders, contact Roberta (Shrader) Bruhm at 970-876-2433 or 970948-6881.

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In appreciation

DCI file photo

This year marks the 100th year since the celebration of our annual harvest began under the name Farmer’s Spree. It wasn’t until 1936 when the name Deltarado Days was selected in a “re-name the event” contest. The annual event continues to honor and thank our agricultural producers for the hard work they put in every year. That’s the focus of the farmerrancher appreciation luncheon, to be held Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at the Delta Sales Yard. This event is sponsored by the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce and its member businesses. Remi Baldwin will provide music for the event.

Horseshoe tourney benefits Naomi’s Hope



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Cleland Park will be the site of a Deltarado Days horseshoe tournament to benefit Naomi’s Hope Project. The double elimination tournament begins at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 27. You can register online at www.naomis, or the day of the tournament beginning at 9:30 a.m. Registration is $25 and includes a T-shirt, although your size can not be guaranteed if you register the morning of the tournament. Don’t be late — the tournament will start at 10:30 a.m. sharp. Cash prizes and trophies will be awarded to the top three teams.

Naomi’s Hope Project was established after founder Naomi Sutliff encountered a lack of resources in her fight against cancer. Friends and family members have joined with Naomi to provide support to local families battling cancer. The nonprofit hosts golf, cornhole and horseshoe tournaments. Naomi’s Hope Project has funded chemo care packages for Grand Mesa Oncology patients, meals, an XBox 1, and a memorial stone in memory of an 8-year-old girl. The Hope Project also offers advice, a listening ear and gift cards to help patients traveling to and from treatment.

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Do you know how old Deltarado Days is? BY JIM WETZEL City of Delta Historian

I have never met anyone who did not know how old they were. That’s an easy one to figure simply because we all know our birth date, and simple math gives us the answer, not that anyone has to do the math to determine it. It’s just something we keep track of. But how do we determine the age of a building? Do we use the date that ground was broken, or the date that the building construction was completed? In most cases, there could be a one-year difference. Even more confusing could be the tracking of an annual event, such as our local celebration of Deltarado Days. This year marks 100 years since the celebration of our annual harvest began under the name — Farmer’s Spree — first celebrated in 1920. It wasn’t until 1936 when the current name Deltarado Days was selected in a “rename the event” contest. The name has carried ever since. So you will see in print that we are now in our 84th year

of celebrating Deltarado Days 1936-2019, but is that accurate? To muddy the situation even more, the city did not celebrate Deltarado Days from 1938 through 1946. Do we subtract nine years? I suppose technically we should, but I guess it depends on how we describe the event. It has been 84 years since Deltarado Days originated. But we are about to celebrate the 75th actual event under that name, or we could add the first 16 years and call it the 91st year of celebration. Want some more confusion? When the event was called Farmer’s Spree, for 16 consecutive years, a parade was not included in the celebration. In these early years, the celebration consisted of a huge banquet, during which there was entertainment. Then, in 1936, when the event was referred to as Deltarado Days for the first time, it became a three-day celebration, with a parade each day. That’s right — three parades, and each parade was different. By 1937, planners eliminated two of the parades,

and only that one parade has been held consistently from year to year. Then, beginning in 1938, no event at all was held for nine consecutive years. In my research, I have been unable to find any mention as to why the event was cancelled in the late 1930s, though I can understand why there was no event held during the World War II years. So here we are in 2019, looking forward, once again, to a great farmer and rancher celebration, planned and conducted by our Delta Area Cham-

ber of Commerce. It is an enormous job to plan and run such an event, and takes a great number of volunteers to pull it off. Perhaps it doesn’t matter which celebration year we are in; what does matter is that we honor, and thank, our farmers and ranchers, once again, for the hard work they put in every year so that we have good, nutritious food available. There was a time in our past when Delta County food products were shipped throughout the country, and even to Europe. Perhaps that

Library book sale scheduled The Friends of the Delta Library present a “round ‘em up” book sale Wednesday, July 24, and Thursday, July 25, on the lawn of the Delta Library. Stop by the library at 211 6th Street to browse through a diverse array of books and other materials from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Proceeds of the sale benefit Delta Library. For more information or to volunteer to help with the sale, please contact the library at 874-9630.

ringer members are Sean Paxson, lead vocals and lead guitar; Jeff Huff, keyboards, guitar and backup vocals; Dave Watson, drums and bass gui-

We are at the source! What more could you ask for. This article is reprinted from a Delta County Historical Society newsletter.

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Photos courtesy of the Delta County Museum

Agriculture has long been showcased during Deltarado Days as evidenced in this photo of the parade, circa 1955 to 1958.

Derringer brings a unique country rock sound Derringer, a group of talented and dedicated musicians from Colorado’s Western Slope, is bringing a spectacular show to Deltarado Days. On Saturday from 7 to 11 p.m., the band will perform at the street dance on 4th Street, between Main and Meeker. Sean Paxson formed Derringer in the spring of 1993 with the goal of creating a unique country-rock sound focusing on three-part harmonies, solid song writing and energetic stage presence. Drawing on influences ranging from Brooks and Dunn and The Eagles, to classic country, Derringer combines familiar sounds to create a style that is all its own. Derringer’s sound and show have made it a favorite across Colorado, playing festivals, rodeos and bars such as the famous Grizzly Rose in Denver and Whiskey River in Grand Junction. Derringer has opened for national acts including The Pirates of the Mississippi, Doug Supernaw, Rick Trevino, Big House, Dan Seals, Michelle Wright, Ricky Lynn Gregg, The Smokin’ Armadillos, Ricochet, Kenny Chesney, STYX, Dwight Yoakam, Country Jam (1999 and 2000), Chris Ledoux, The Little River Band, Black Hawk, Tracy Byrd, Highway 101 and Collin Raye. In 1994 Derringer wrote and produced a ten song CD titled “Put A Little Kick in Your Country.” The band released its second CD, “Rocky Mountain Rain,” in 2011. All 12 songs are originals written by Sean Paxson and arranged by the band. Derringer performs several of the songs in its live performances. Alive and well after 20 years, Derringer is booking shows regularly. Der-

is still done, but I also know that a big draw to this Western Slope county is our farm industry, and that, along with our good soil, is plenty of reason to settle here.

tar; and Emily Kingston, lead and backup vocals. Whatever the venue, Derringer brings in the crowd for a guaranteed good time.

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DCI file photo

All aboard!

Suffolk Punch horses from Y Bar Hitch will be providing transportation in Confluence Park Saturday. Ken Spann and Valorie Barnica, owners of the Y Bar Hitch, have a number of the rare chestnut-colored Suffolk Punch draft horses.

The Tradition Continues...

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We are a family owned and operated business offering friendly, highquality service and repairs. Our technicians are ASE CERTIFIED offering the best technical expertise available for your domestic, import or diesel vehicle. ������������������� ��������������� ������������

C8 Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Delta County Independent


July 24, 2019

Real Estate


Delta County Independent


Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

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Yard Sales

COMMERCIAL BUILDings for lease. Various sizes. 16367 S. Townsend, Montrose (off Hwy. 550 across from South City Market) Contact: 970-2751854 or 970-641-1729. (5x27)

ST. MICHAEL CHURCH annual yard sale. Three days! Thursday & Friday, August 1 and 2 , 9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. and Saturday, August 3, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. 628 Meeker St., Delta. (2x30)

NEW ADDRESS? PLEASE notify the Delta County Independent 10 days prior to moving. PO Box 809, Delta, CO 81416 or 970-8744421.

ESTATE SALE - FRIDAY, July 26 & Saturday, July 27, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 490 SE Koehler, Apt. 4, Cedaredge. (1x30)

WANT TO MAKE A QUICK GET QUICK RESULTS, sale, advertise in the Delta advertise in the DCI Clas- County Independent's Classifieds. Call today 874- sifieds. Call 874-4421 4421.

Help Wanted

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Help Wanted

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Connecting Your Neighborhood

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INDEPENDENT 401 Meeker St., Delta • 874-4421

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

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Help Wanted

Do you enjoy decorating or designing? ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������� � ����������������������� ������������������ � ������������������������������ � �����������������������������


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Space Reservation for ALL Display Advertising Fridays (5 p.m.) Copy for Display Advertising Mondays (noon) Legal Notices Mondays (10 a.m.) Classified Ads Mondays (10 a.m.) Too Late To Classify Mondays (noon) Calendar Of Events Items Tuesdays (10 a.m.)


Thank you for your cooperation

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

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Classified Advertising Makes Sense!

Call 874-4421

to reserve your space now!

D2 Wednesday, July 24, 2019 Help Wanted


Help Wanted

Public Service

Help Wanted BOLINGER AND QUEEN is accepting applications for a full-time bookkeeper in Hotchkiss. Must have experience with all aspects of bookkeeping including payroll, receivables, payables and general ledger. Experience with point of sale and accounting software outside of QuickBooks would be preferable. Competitive salary, vacation and benefits package available with off-season flexible hours. Please submit application and resume to 32874 J Road, Hotchkiss, CO 81419. Applications may be obtained at www. or the above address. 8723371. (3x29)

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FURNITURE INSTALLER/ Warehouse Position - Delta based company looking for the right person to join our install team. Duties include receiving, warehousing, loading and unloading furniture, driving for furniture transport, furniture installation, modification, and repair of furniture. This full time permanent position is a highly visible customer service position, good grooming and appropriate apparel required. Pay negotiable based upon experience. Clean driving record, and pre-employment drug test mandatory. Ability to safely lift up to 100 lbs. Send resume and references (2x30) ROGERS MESA FRUIT Packing Co. is now taking applications for seasonal packers and sorters for the 2019 packing season. Come in to fill out an application M-F 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 9981 3100 Road, Hotchkiss, CO 81419. We are located on the corner of Hwy 92 & 3100 Rd. (10x22)

Clean Out Your Bedroom and Turn the Furniture You’ve Outgrown Into Cash. That old furniture might not be the right fit for you anymore, but someone out there would love it. By using the DCI Classifieds, you’ll make it easier for them to find, and easier for you to sell. So try it today!

25 words or less



12¢ each additional word

To place an ad, simply call


Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. DELTA COUNTY


EXPERIENCED ROOFERS, window & siding installers. Year-round work in Delta & Montrose Counties. Must have transportation. Call 970-874-3665. (5x27) DELTA COUNTY LIBRARies—Paonia. Library Assistant. DCL has a full-time position opening at the Paonia Library for a library assistant with an emphasis in adult programming. Applications and complete job descriptions are available at www.deltalibraries. org. (3x30)

Delta County Independent

Public Service

HOW DO I SELL MY Cottage Food products? You may sell your products directly to the consumer from your residence, roadside stand, Farmers’ market, community supported agricultural organizations, or other similar venue. If you have any questions, please call: 874-2165. Delta County Health Department. (4X28) THE DELTA COUNTY Independent runs these items as a public service free of charge for non-profit organizations, if no fees are charged. However, each group is asked to please keep them current by calling 874-4421. THE DELTA FOOD Pantry announces extended evening hours. Every 4th Tuesday of each month, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Alley door behind St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 6th & Meeker. Bring proof of Delta area residency. Regular daytime hours are still M-F 10:30-11:30 a.m. WANTED: OVERABUNDance farm eggs for the Surface Creek Community Services food pantry in Cedarege. 856-1125. LEGACY OUTFITTERS IS an outdoor group for men ages 16 and up that meets monthly each second Monday at the Delta Trap Club for dinner and a speaker. Meetings are free with no membership fees. Call or text 970-463-73355.


Public Service

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Support Group for Adults and Children: Every Wednesday in Delta from 5-7 p.m. there will be a free support group for adults whose lives have been impacted by domestic violence and a separate group for children at the same time. Please call 970-8744941 to sign up.

CARING FOR CAREgivers, C4C - supporting hearts that care. Open WANNA PLAY A ROUND? to ANY caregiver. Meets Golf with a fun group of monthly in Delta, 2nd ladies. Two membership Tuesday at 11 a.m. - 511 E. options available. Sign up 10th St, Delta. at www.cedaredgeladies Get to know us THE SURFACE CREEK on Facebook at “cedar Community Services food pantry in Cedarege is edgeladiesgolfclub” accepting all generous surFREE EGG CARTONS plus from your vegetable needed to give hundreds garden, fruit trees and farm of dozens of eggs away to chicken eggs. The pantry is folks who need them. If you located at 245 West Main have any cartons you can Street. Phone number: 970donate please call 250-6637. 856-1125 Kings Table. THE ABRAHAM CONNECALCOHOLICS ANONY- tion homeless shelter, mous meets Thursdays at 7 located at 480 Silver St., p.m. Friends of Bill W. Club. Delta, offers emergency 897 Palmer Street, Delta. overnight shelter and food to men, women and famiCO FATHER’S NETWORK- lies in the Delta area middedicated to providing October- April. Call us at community and education 970-773-8290 to make a to fathers of special needs referral, or for informakids. Meets twice monthly tion on how to volunteer on the 1st Saturday at 11 or donate. www.Delta a.m. and the 3rd Monday A b r a h a m C o n n e c t i o n . at 6:30 p.m. - 511 E. 10th St, org. Delta. See our website for more details: www.codads. HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS org Wanted! Delta County Memorial Hospital needs IF YOU LOVE BOOKS, hospital volunteers. Days you will love the Downstairs and hours are flexible. There Bookstore in the basement are currently openings of the Delta Library. in the ER, Oncology, Gift Shop and some additional areas. If you are interested, please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Barbara Hall at 250-2105 for an application.

Miscellaneous Colorado Statewide ���������������������� Network

To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 91 Colorado newspapers for only $300, contact your local newspaper or call Colorado Press Association Network at 720-274-7174. �������� ������ ����������������������������������� Cash for Mineral Rights ������������������������������ �������������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ����������������� ������������������������������������ Call: 720-988-5617 ����������������������������������� Write: ����������������������� ������������������� ������������������� Email: ��������������������������������� �������������������������������� �������������������� �����������


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Be a Know-It-All Delta


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AL-ANON AND ALATEEN: Hope and help for families and friends of alcoholics meets in Delta: Al-Anon and Alateen, Tuesdays at 7:30 pm, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 145 W. 5th St., contact Elizabeth 970-874-9832 or Shirley 970-323-5067.

Public Service AARP DRIVER SAFETY Course. Save on insurance, keep up on newer traffic laws, learn defensive driving techniques. For details and schedule contact John Loring (970) 856-6924 or (970) 424-1778. AL-ANON: HOPE AND help for families and friends of alcoholics meets in Cedaredge: Al-Anon, Thursdays, 8 pm, Wick Hall behind First Baptist Church, 370 W. Main St., contact Mary M. 970-856-6123 or Jim 970-874-7855. HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD Historical Museum. Winter hours, Saturdays 1-4 p.m. $3 admission or free to members. Come see our museum at 2nd & Hotchkiss Streets in Hotchkiss. 8723780. NARCOTICS ANONYmous meets at 9th and Palmer, Delta, Mondays and Fridays at 8 p.m. DELTA FOOD PANTRY needs meals for Delta families who are temporarily in need. Donations of nonperishable food may be brought to 628 Meeker. HELP!!! KEEP THE animal population under control, and SAVE an animal's life. Adopt your new cat or dog from the Delta County Humane Society. Adoption fee is minimal. Call 874-2149.

THERE IS A VFW MEETING on the first Monday of each month. At 6 p.m. there is a potluck and the meeting is at 7 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, 1250 Pioneer Rd., Delta. For further information, call 874-8172 Jim WOMEN ONLY AA MEET- Baker, Quartermaster. ings, Delta, Saturdays, 11:00 HILLTOP COMMUNITY a.m., at St. Luke's Episcopal Resources offers free serChurch, 5th & Palmer (back vices and support to vicdoor). tims of Domestic Violence CHECK OUT THE BOOK and Sexual Assault. There store at the Delta Library. are also ongoing support You'll find a great selection groups. Please call our office of paperbacks at reasonable at 970-773-2251 for more information or if you are in prices. crisis please call our 24 hour WELCOME RETURNING crisis line at 1-844-990-5500. Veterans, Post 9221 VFW meets at 5:00 p.m. on the AL-ANON: HOPE AND 4th Thursday of each month help for families and of alcoholics in Cedaredge. To find out friends how to participate in pro- meets in Hotchkiss: Almoting patriotism and Anon, Mondays at Noon, assisting veterans, contact Methodist Church 285 N. Wayne Hamrick, (970) 250- 2nd, contact Elsie 970-2108090 or Marjorie 970-4331180. 1856.

Subscribe Today! Starting at just $26 per year (in-county senior rate)



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401 Meeker St. | Delta 970-874-4421

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

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D4 Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Delta County Independent

What’s happening at your library?

Cedaredge Race to Mars Pizza Party for Teens. Teens are invited to Cedaredge Library to celebrate the end of summer with a pizza party and a journey to Mars! After pizza we will play the game, “Race to Mars.” There will be prizes, with the grand prize going to the “Race to Mars” winner. Thursday, July 25 from 3 to 4 p.m. at Cedaredge Library. Fly Fishing on Grand Mesa. Cedaredge Library is teaming up with The Nature Connection again this summer season to bring outdoor programs to youth in our community! Youth ages 10 to 14 are invited to register for Fly Fishing on Grand Mesa

with instructor David Holt. Space is limited. Register at Cedaredge Library by July 27. Crawford Pinata Party. The entire family is invited to Crawford Library to celebrate the end of summer reading. Bring completed reading logs and pick up a prize. Friday, July 26 at 2 p.m. Tech Café. Bring your devices! Bring your questions! Board trustee, Jess Deegan, will help you clear up your confusion with technology. From smartphones and laptops to tablets and computers, our resident techies will do their best to get you going! The first four Wednesdays of every month from 4 to 5 p.m.


Trustee Talk Time Do you like your library or have suggestions for improvement? Talk to Jess Deegan, the Crawford representative to the Delta County Libraries Board of Trustees, is available every second and fourth Wednesday at Crawford Library from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Contact Deegan at or 970-510-0724. Delta StoryStorytimes. times for babies, tots and preschoolers are Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the library at 8749630 for details. Round ‘Em Up Book Sale. The Friends of the Delta Library present their summer “Round ‘Em Up”


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Book Sale. Wednesday, July 24 and Thursday, July 25 from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the library lawn. Delta Library Closed for Deltarado Days. Delta Library will be closed on Saturday, July 27 for Deltarado Days. Water Balloon Party. Kids are invited to Delta Library to celebrate the end of Summer Reading Program with fun water balloon activities. Participants might get wet, so bring a towel and extra clothes. Thursday, July 25 at 10:30 a.m. Summer Book Review. Write a review on a book you’ve read this summer and share it with others! Review slips will be provided at the library during

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you knit or crochet? Join us for ideas, help, and good company the second and fourth Thursday of every month at 10:30 a.m. Call 399-7781 for details. Paonia Space-Themed Art Display. Visit the Paonia Library in July to view space-themed artwork by Paonia High School students. College Exam Proctoring. Contact Gail at 970-234-7175 or gsrebnik@deltalibraries. org. Para obtener más información en español, por favor llame a Adriana al 970.874.9630 o por correo electrónico a achavira@deltalibraries. org.

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open hours. All month in July. Hotchkiss Storytimes. Baby, tot and preschooler storytimes are Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the library at 399-7781 for details. Interstellar Cookout. Teens are invited to Hotchkiss Library for a space-themed party on the patio! Celebrate the end of summer reading. We will be grilling hot dogs and veggie dogs with all the fixings. Wednesday, July 24 at 3 p.m. Quilt Display. Stop by Hotchkiss Library and see the new quilt display with rotating quilts provided by S & B Quilters. Knitting Group. Do

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

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Delta County Independent


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

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D8 Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Delta County Independent


Delta residents cherish the traditions of their native Scotland Photo by Pat Sunderland

Sandra Barrie’s love of design is evident in the impeccably decorated home she shares with husband George. As a volunteer at the Heirlooms for Hospice store in Delta, one of her favorite jobs is dressing the mannequins.

BY PAT SUNDERLAND Contributing Writer

George and Sandra Barrie share distinctive Scottish accents, as well as a love of music, but their forms of expression are wildly disparate. Sandra is a vocalist who sang with the Del-Rose Chorus of Sweet Adelines International for 25 years. When the local female a cappella group joined forces with the Grand Valley Sweet Adelines in Grand Junction, Sandra opted to forego the long drive to rehearsals and became a member of the Valley Symphony Chorus. While she harmonizes with other vocalists, George goes his own way on the bagpipes. There are few pipers in the area, but George’s choice of instrument meshes perfectly with his Scottish accent. Both he and Sandra were born and raised in Scotland, and emigrated to the U.S. after visiting Sandra’s sister Sheila, and husband Lester Page in Paonia. “We came over on a holiday in 1980 and just loved it,” said Sandra. They decided to start the immigration process, which took five years to complete. In May 1985 they moved to the U.S., first to Paonia and then to Delta. George recalls, “When we were over here on vacation in 1980, everybody was hiring and then when we moved here in 1985 most of the stores were boarded up. We thought to ourselves, ‘Oh geez, what have we done?’ ” George worked in a packing shed, a dairy and Len Johnson’s tire store before he was hired by the City of Delta as a maintenance technician, or in his words, a “public works dogsbody.” He retired in 2017 after 22 years with the city. He had no interest in learning to play the bagpipes when he was in Scotland. It wasn’t until he was crossing the parking lot at Gibson’s (the building now occupied by Delta Ace Hardware) that a guy sitting in a parked car spotted a tattoo of bagpipes on his arm. “Hey, do you play

the bagpipes?” the guy asked. The answer was no. When George finished his shopping, the guy was still sitting in the parking lot. “Hey, do you want to learn to play the bagpipes?” “Not really,” was George’s response. Still, he took the guy’s name and phone number. It turned out he was a bagpiper by the name of Mike MacPetrie, and was willing to teach George how to pipe. “So in my late 40s, I started lessons,” said George. “That’s really old for learning to play the bagpipes.” He jokes that the key to piping is “lots of hot air.” But kidding aside, it’s critical to understand how to breathe properly. “Bagpipe music doesn’t give you any breathing space like normal wind instruments,” George explains. “You’ve got to breathe from the diaphragm. For lots of people, that’s the hardest thing to get a handle on.” When George became an instructor himself, he had a struggling student stretch out face-up on the floor. He stacked a few books on the guy’s stomach. The student learned to breathe properly by concentrating on making the books rise up and down. In addition to teaching, George was involved with the Thunder Mountain Pipe Band based in Grand Junction. The members of the band eventually drifted apart, and George became a soloist. Although he’s played for weddings and funerals in the past, he now pipes solely for his own enjoyment. Playing for special events is very difficult, he says. “You can tune your bagpipe beforehand, but the instrument is very susceptible to temperature and moisture. Time passes and the reeds start drying out, and when it comes time to perform they play up on you. It’s awkward,” he says, because the harder the reed, the higher the volume. He confines piping to the summer, when he can practice outdoors, often at Confluence Park. There’s no volume control on a set of bagpipes,

which originated as military instruments, so they’re just too loud to play in the house. George generally lays off over the winter, then picks up the pipes again in the spring — although some years the layoff has stretched into a year or two. Just last year he purchased a set of electronic pipes that he uses for practice. The practice chanter has finger spacing similar to the bagpipe chanter, plus a mouthpiece and a blowstick. The website Historic-uk describes the chanter as the melody pipe, usually played by one or two hands. Drones — long tubes with single reeds — emit a continuous sound that the melody is played over with the chanter. “I can sit here for hours and play my practice chanter,” George says. George owns a Great Highland Bagpipe which has one bass drone and two tenor drones. That’s how you can tell it’s a Scottish bagpipe, he explains. Irish bagpipes have just two drones. There are also smaller versions, like parlor pipes. While the size and number of drones can vary, all bagpipes have a chanter and a mouthpiece or blow stick. The unique sound of the bagpipe conjures up images of Scotland — heather-clad highlands, jaw-dropping cliffs and majestic castles. For George and Sandra, thoughts of Scotland also bring back memories of favorite foods and family traditions. One Scottish tradition known as “first foot” can bring a year’s worth of good luck to a household. According to historic-uk, the “first foot” through the door in the new year should be a dark male, and he should bring with him symbolic pieces of coal, shortbread, salt, black bun and a wee dram of whisky. George pays homage to this tradition by going out the back door of his house and coming back through the front with special treats to share with Sandra. Another New Year’s tradition is to clean one’s house from top to bottom. “They say

your house, however it starts the new year, is how it’s going to be for the new year,” Sandra said. “So we put a big scrub on everything.” The Barries stay in contact with family members in Scotland via Facebook and with occasional trips across the pond.On their next trip abroad, they plan to tour Lon-

don and York before driving to Scotland to spend time with family members. After a few weeks, they’ll be more than ready to leave the cool, rainy weather of Scotland and return to the high desert community they now call home. “I love Delta; I think it’s a beautiful little town,” Sandra says.

Photo by Pat Sunderland

Practice chanter in hand, George listens closely to an audio accompaniment before joining in. With the electronic chanter, George can practice new tunes and master complex fingering when it’s not possible to play the full pipe.

Photo by Sheri Weaver

Photo submitted

Sandra Barrie is pictured second from the left in the front row of this photo of the Del-Rose Chorus of the Sweet Adelines. She sang harmony with the group for 25 years.

Attired in the traditional dress of Scotland, with a bagpipe on his shoulder, George Barrie looks every bit the Scot he is. He and his wife Sandra emigrated to the U.S. in 1985.

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