Delta County Independent, July 10, 2019

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GROWTH DOLLARRETAIL Dollar General store &ENERA[ coming to Paonia, B1



Cedaredge’s summer theatre camp showcases young talent, C1


SWIMMERS COMPETE Barracudas host five-team regional swim meet, C3

JULY 10, 2019 VOL. 136, NO. 28



Hemp growers asked to notify DCMCD BY EMY LYNN ROQUE CISNEROS Staff Writer

Delta County Mosquito Control District 1 is asking growers, processors and storers of industrial hemp to notify them. According to district manager Terry Stalcup, the pesticide used in fogging, one of the methods used to control mosquito populations, has not yet been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency for use with commercial hemp. The Colorado Department of Agriculture website has a list of 338 pesticides approved for use in cannabis production. “We can go next to everything else like avocados, peaches and lettuce but use near hemp has not been approved yet,” he said. “If you’re growing commercial hemp, storing it, or have a processing facility you need to let us know.” The main issue identified by one grower is that the permethrin appears in CBD oil. While not harmful to humans

it could impact labeling. One challenge Stalcup identified that Mosquito Control will need to manage is that those living next to areas marked for hemp will also not receive fogging treatment. The effective range for killing the mosquitoes with fogging is 300 feet, but Mosquito Control is currently unsure how far the chemicals can drift and affect the hemp plants. To be safe, they’ll fog a significant distance from hemp until the information is clarified. A list of industrial hemp registrants by county is available on the state website, but many addresses listed are for post office boxes. Stalcup said the board is planning a mass mailing. Growers are being asked to contact Mosquito Control and then submit the map they already sent to the state outlining their growing or processing area. To notify Mosquito Control, please call 970-874-4384.

Photo by Emy Lynn Roque Cisneros

District Manager Terry Stalcup outlining on their coverage map two hemp farms at Delta County Mosquito Control District 1. These areas outlined in green will not be fogged. Currently the formula used for fogging is not approved by the FDA in commercial use. Those growing, processing or storing hemp who do not wish to be fogged are being asked to notify Mosquito Control.

DMEA thinks court should delay Tri-State vote BY KATHARHYNN HEIDELBERG Montrose Press

Delta-Montrose Electric Association wants a court order blocking Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association from an action the local cooperative contends will deliberately stymie efforts to buy out its contract. The association in turn said DMEA’s filing is an “inappro-

priate attempt” to prevent it from considering policy decisions to benefit all its members. DMEA on Tuesday filed in Adams County District Court for a temporary restraining order and an accompanying complaint alleging breach of contract, lack of good faith and lack of fair dealing. It wants an emergency

order to forestall an upcoming vote of the Tri-State board to add a new type of member owner — one that is not a rural electric co-op like DMEA and more than 40 other members in three states that purchase power from Tri-State. That type of new member — as yet unnamed by TriState — would place Tri-State under the rate authority of

Delta Fire Department uses new tricks at fireworks show BY EMY LYNN ROQUE CISNEROS Staff Writer

For decades, Delta Volunteer Fire Department (DVFD) has planned an annual July 4 fireworks show. Before being held at Confluence Park, many may recall seeing the display at Cleland Park. Those watching this past July 4 may have noticed that firemen pulled out a few extra tricks. For example, volunteer firefighters Bobby Esplin and Ken Decker shot fireworks off from the island for the first time. Some of the fireworks were designed to interact with the water. The electronic system used for firing a majority of the shells, including the grand finale, was recently upgraded from the 20-year-old system. “Our new setup allows us to do better and cooler things,” said fire chief Bryce Atchley. District manager Shannon Crespin said the DVFD aims to keep the show at about 30 minutes. This year, more than 350 shells were fired, not including the 10 cake boxes. Fireman Robert Winkler designs the sequences each year, placing emphasis on the openers and finale. The fireworks show is


Accent ........................... A4 Activities ....................... A5 Back Page ................... D6 Business ........................ A6 Cherry Days ...................B5 Church ........................... D4 Classifieds .................. D1-2 Editorial ......................... A2 Legals ............................ D3 North Fork Times ........B1-2 Obituaries ......................B6 Service Directory .......... D5 Sports ..........................C3-4 Surface Creek News ...C1-2 TV Listings ..................B3-4

Photo by Emy Lynn Roque Cisneros

Firemen with the Delta Volunteer Fire Department dig trenches to setup the manual hand fires for the July 4 fireworks show at Confluence Park. Steel tubes handle the heat well and provide safety from shrapnel in case fireworks fire improperly. Wetting the dirt helps keep the heat down. funded entirely by donations raised by firemen during the month of June. Volunteers spent five days last month gathering contributions from ACE Hardware, Maverik, Walmart and City Market. The night of the show, volunteers gathered donations at the gate. Putting on a show like this

each year takes hours of setup and cleanup. Volunteers start early the morning of the show, setting up the barricades for gates and the electrical fireworks. In the evening they finish digging trenches for steel tubes that hold manual fires. After the show, cleanup takes another couple of hours. NEW TRICKS TO A3

the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Tri-State is the power wholesaler for DMEA, the latter of which wants to end its contract before a 2040 expiration date. After more than two years of negotiation resulted in a figure DMEA found “grossly” unreasonable, it asked the Colorado Public Utilities Commission to hear its petition for a “fair and nondiscriminatory” exit fee. The PUC previously handed DMEA a win, by ruling it has jurisdiction over the matter as a rate issue, although Tri-State had argued it was a contract dispute and contended the PUC did not have jurisdiction. Tri-State’s recent efforts to become FERC-regulated amount to little more than “forum shopping,” DMEA said and on Tuesday, the co-op also said the move would strip oversight from the PUC. It’s Tri-State’s third attempt to sidestep the law, DMEA’s chief executive officer, Jasen Bronec, said, in a statement calling the move “a rushed, un-vetted and secretive proposal to add a new member.” Tri-State said its board of directors’ job it is to make decisions on behalf of 43 members, such as whether to pursue FERC rate-regulation. The board “recognizes the challenges that come with being rate-regulated in several states with differing priorities and results,” spokesman Lee Boughey said. “FERC rate regulation would provide a single point of regulation for Tri-State and its members, as the association moves toward meeting the goals of becoming increasingly flexible and increasingly clean. “It provides a pragmatic response to inconsistent rate

regulation among the states in which Tri-State has operated for decades, saving the association’s members money and reduces timelines for decisions.” DMEA hopes for an emergency injunction to prevent Tri-State’s board vote, which could take place next week. The order, if granted, would also declare that under board policy, DMEA has the right to final resolution and Tri-State must therefore allow the PUC proceeding to run its course until that state body delivers a final ruling. If the Tri-State board is allowed to proceed with the FERC vote before that time, DMEA “will suffer immediate and irreparable harm,” the coop’s complaint and motion for injunction both argue: It will be deprived of its contractual right to withdraw from TriState’s “voluntary” membership and have to begin anew the expensive process of seeking an exit fee. “Tri-State’s repeated and ill-conceived efforts to strip the (PUC) of its jurisdiction over the exit charge dispute ... constitutes a violation of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing implied to every Colorado contract, including the bylaw contract at issue here,” DMEA’s complaint says. Tri-State has said previously that DMEA does not have an automatic right to have an exit fee set. It also said it has considered FERC regulation well before the PUC complaint was filed. Further, it said in June, FERC regulation won’t reduce the oversight under which Tri-State falls; instead, for the first time, the association would be fully rate-regulated, as would its wholesale contracts. COURT BATTLE TO A3

CHC withdraws lawsuit

Rep. Soper & AG Weiser town hall

A lawsuit filed by Citizens for a Healthy Community against Delta County was voluntarily withdrawn on June 28 after District Court Judge Steven Patrick denied on June 19 a temporary restraining order. Judge Patrick stated that the order “did not meet the burden of real immediate injury or irreparable harm as more fully discussed on the record,” according to a Delta County press release. CHC filed the suit claiming the county had failed to properly follow its land use process in approving a seismic exploration project for Gunnison Energy. The organization had requested the temporary restraining order to prevent the county from allowing the seismic project to proceed.

State Representative Matt Soper and Attorney General Phil Weiser will hold a joint town hall style meeting in the Delta County Commissioner Chambers, Room 236, at the County Courthouse, on Tuesday, July 16, at 2:30 p.m. Rep. Soper said, “The meeting is geared towards talking about new developments in law and we strongly encourage local attorneys and the legal community to attend, along with members of the public.” This is Attorney General Phil Weiser’s first official visit to Delta. During the legislative session, Rep. Soper worked with the attorney general on several key pieces of legislation, including bail reform and consumer protection. Rep. Soper serves on the House Judiciary Committee, the Committee on Legal Services, the Health and Insurance Committee, and the Colorado Tourism Board. He also serves during the interim on the Colorado Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice and the All Payer Claims Database Council.

A2 Wednesday, July 10, 2019


LETTERS Thanks, City of Delta, for toddler activities Dear Editor: I would like to take a moment to send out a heartfelt thank you to the City of Delta Recreation Department specifically, Tyler Schumacher (coach) and Whitnee Fraser-Lear for their efforts in creating programming for our kids that are 5 and under. We recently completed our second session of LAPS (learn and play sports), a program introducing team sports to toddler-aged children. This program has been incredibly beneficial to my son. He not only is

being introduced to fun activities, but he is learning how to work within a team environment and to be “coached” by others which is a life skill that will benefit him ongoing. Our family has also been attending Tot Time at the rec center gym. This entails a lot of free play with other kids in the same age group. My son looks forward to this with great enthusiasm and is a nice break in the monotony for all of us. The benefits aren’t just for the kids either; through these two programs I

have become acquainted with many great parents that we will be seeing on a regular basis as school age rapidly approaches. My family hopes that we can continue this type of much needed programming and that activities like this are able to grow and flourish within our very family-oriented community. To Coach Tyler, again, thank you for taking the time to put this together and spend every Monday and Wednesday evening with our family. Carrie Boyd Delta

Keep the wolves at bay Dear Editor: We have had three different groups in my almost 84 years that have used their powers to get something or someone out of business in the North Fork Valley. The fourth is on the horizon. The third are the people that don’t want drilling here because of polluting the air and water. I can never remember see-

ing or smelling fouled air in my life. They don’t like drilling even though it has brought millions into Delta County and several organizations. We have some above average county commissioners here in the valley but the radicals didn’t get their way so sue the commissioners. The second group were the anti-mines people who wanted all the

Stop the National Popular Vote law! Dear Editor: You have just a few more days to sign the petition to bring the National Popular Vote law to Colorado’s voters. In 2016, as in all the previous years of Colorado’s existence, electors voted for the presidential candidate who won the most votes in Colorado. In 2019, Colorado’s Democrat legislature passed, and the governor signed, a bill that would instead give Colorado’s electoral votes to the presidential candidate who got the most votes nationwide. (This new procedure would only occur if sufficient states agreed to adopt this method.)

This means that Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Miami and a few other cities would control the election of our presidents because they have the most votes. States’ rights and states’ power would be diminished. There is a petition circulating to bring this change of law to a vote of the people. If you would like to preserve the electoral college as it has been for over 200 years, please take the time to sign this petition. To sign a petition, please visit Coloradans or contact me as soon as possible. Angie Many Eckert

mines closed in the valley. They almost got their way. They got all of Delta County’s mines shut down but Gunnison County is still taking in money from the coal mines in their county. The first were the tree huggers who shut down a booming logging industry that was thinning the forests and taking out dying and dead trees. Thinning helps prevent large forest fires but that group didn’t care. The fourth group that is collecting signatures on the Eastern Slope to bring 1,000 wolves into our state. The trouble is, the wolves will all be coming to the Western Slope. Wolves run in packs and if they see a dog, he is an enemy and he is dead. They kill big game, sheep, cows and horses just for the fun of it. They are dangerous to hikers and bikers and anything else in their paths. They got so thick in Idaho and Wyoming they are hiring hunters to cut the numbers. If the Eastern Slope gets enough signatures, we won’t need to be counted and will have no say to the matter. John A. Hotchkiss Hotchkiss

Celebrating Randy and Pat Sunderland By Dennis Anderson The purchase of the Delta County Independent by Wick Communications may have an official date of April 30, but graciously, former owners Randy and Pat Sunderland have stayed on after the sale to allow for a smooth transition. Drawing from their own experience when the Sunderland family purchased the DCI in 1987, the importance of an amicable change of hands wasn’t lost on them. I’m very grateful. This will mark the last edition that Randy and Pat will be hands-on. Now they can begin to enjoy their retirement. What Randy, Pat and the rest of the Sunderland family have accomplished over the past 30-plus years should be admired, not only by the community but the newspaper industry. While small community newspapers across the country are struggling to produce their products, or worse yet, closing their doors, the Sunderlands week in and week out produced a quality publication.



DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (UPS 152-700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Periodicals postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416 401 Meeker St. Delta, CO 81416 (970) 874-4421

Like many owneroperated businesses, much of the day to day duties are shouldered by the owners. Randy handled the publishing duties, Pat the editorial duties, Randy’s sister Roxanne the advertising duties, and brother Ron the production duties. They all handled almost every duty in between. Talk about loyalty. The Sunderlands are a humble lot. Any praise they receive gets deflected by them and immediately credited to their employees. Working with them these past couple of months it’s not hard to understand why they have so many longtime and loyal employees. Some have been with them since the 1987 purchase. The Sunderlands and their team served their community, proudly covering every level of local government, crime, sports, and events. Their editorial strategy covering each Delta County community, no matter how small, would stretch any editorial budget past the breaking point. But they did it and they’ve done it well. As we move into a new era at the DCI, we won’t reinvent the wheel. The DCI is my hometown newspaper and I’m honored to follow in Randy’s shoes as publisher. Tamie Meck will take over the editorial duties. Meck has been covering the North Fork and will continue to do so. We’re in good hands. Buffy Zentmeyer will

take on our business office, while Roxanne McCormick will continue as advertising manager and Ron Sunderland as production manager. It’s a solid team and I’m confident the DCI will continue to provide you the reader, and you our advertising partners, a high-quality product. My confidence is high not only because of the ability of the team at the DCI, but because of the solid foundation established by the Sunderland family. Are changes coming? I’ve been asked this question by several people. The short answer is, the biggest change will come digitally. A new website, along with an accompanying app, are in the works. Details to come. At this moment I prefer to celebrate the upcoming retirement of Randy and Pat. There are not enough positive adjectives to describe their work at the DCI over the past 30-plus years. Come join us from 10 a.m – 3 p.m. Friday at 401 Meeker St., as we celebrate not only their retirement but their contributions to the Delta County community. Dennis Anderson is group publisher for Wick Communications, Alaska and Colorado. He can be reached via email at dennisa@montrosepress. com.

Delta County Independent

Beware of those who would restrict public access Dear Editor: In the July 3 issue, on the letters page, titled in smaller print at the top OPINIONS, an unsigned and unverified but obviously biased and slanted piece appeared under letters to the editor, all signed. The position of the piece suggested that it was probably another letter to the editor, but since it was not signed, it’s not a big stretch to assume it was an editorial opinion. The headline of the article immediately paints a negative picture of the president of the United States, which certainly indicated a possible anti-Trump slam would follow. Which it did. The article or opinion or whatever it was is filled with quotes from left wing environmentalist lawyers and other activists. Those quoted are: Kyle Tisdel, attor-

ney and energy program director with the Western Environmental Law Center; Natasha Leger, executive director of Citizens for a Healthy Community; Taylor McKinnon, a senior campaigner at the Center for Biological diversity; Nathaniel Shoaff, senior attorney at the Sierra Club; and Rebecca Fischer, climate and energy program attorney with WildEarth Guardians. All of the inferred facts announced by these so-called experts were in no way supported, just reported as facts. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand and realize that these are the same people who, or others with similar minds, brought you travel management some 30 years ago. Their apparent purpose is to restrict public lands for public use, including management, in any manner available. Even if it means to cut off

their noses to spite their faces. I do wonder about the new owner/publisher’s journalistic commitment to only report fair and balanced news. The placement of this un-authored piece directly under signed letters to the editor certainly raised some red flags. Someone certainly should assume full responsibility for writing anonymous pieces that give the impression they are “news.” Bill Sutton Delta (Editor’s note: The DCI’s commitment to fair and balanced news has not changed. It was assumed, apparently incorrectly, that readers would understand the origin of the content based on the individuals and organizations quoted within the piece. In the future, we will strive to label such pieces as press releases.)

Law enforcement blotter From the Delta Police Department responded to a Department (edited for report of a vehicle on fire. An officer responded to a length: residence in the 1200 block of Grand Avenue on a report of June 29: Kirk Alex Alire, 47, of Col- alleged auto theft. David Rufus Waddington, lbran was arrested and jailed on a warrant with a $750 22, of Delta was arrested and jailed on a warrant with a bond. $300 bond. June 30: An officer responded to Officers responded to a report of a theft at Western a residence in Wide Acres Mobile Home Park after a resConvenience. Officers took a report of ident returned home to find a hit and run crash involving their vehicle had been tamtwo vehicles. Both vehicles pered with and damaged. were driven from the scene. July 6: Officers responded to the No injuries were reported. Officers responded to a area of East 9th Street and report of a theft at Domino’s Bluff Street on a report of a single-vehicle crash. Syni Pizza. Albert Lujan, 19, of Delta was July 1: An officer responded to issued a ticket for alleged the 600 block of Stafford Lane careless driving and driving on a report of a two vehi- without a driver’s license. cle crash. No injuries were No injuries were reported or reported or observed. Both observed. The vehicle was vehicles were driven from the towed from the scene. Emmanuel Rodriguez Jr., scene. A theft was reported at a 67, of Cedaredge was arrested and jailed for alleged first home on Highway 92. An officer responded to degree assault, child abuse, the area of Highway 92 and harassment and disorderly Stafford Lane on a report of a conduct. While responding to a two vehicle crash. No injuries were reported or observed. report of a disturbance on Jason Micah Holiman, 18, of Highway 50 North, Roberto Austin was issued a ticket for Carlos Campos, 20, of Delta alleged following too closely. was issued a ticket for alleged Both vehicles were driven disorderly conduct, assault in the third degree, obstrucfrom the scene. Ethan James Roberts, 27, tion of a peace officer and of Delta was arrested and resisting arrest after he was jailed on a warrant with a removed from the scene. Please note: All charges $1,250 bond. Tiffany Wanda Schwinn, are merely an accusation and 27, of Delta was issued a tick- the defendant is presumed innocent until or unless provet for alleged child abuse. An officer responded to a en guilty. report of shoplifting at SafeFrom the Delta County way. Sheriff’s Office (partial list): July 3: Michele Marie Davenport, 50, of Delta was arrested and July 2: Ileen Slagg of Delta was jailed for alleged violation of arrested for criminal impera protection order. Daniel Joseph Winter, 40, sonation after assuming the of Delta was arrested and identity of a sibling. Officers responded to jailed on a warrant with a reports of a hillside on fire $750 bond. Officers responded to near Timothy Road. Upon Highway 50 at 1600 Road responding there was no on a report of a two-vehicle fire. An animal control issue crash. An officer responded to was reported on Greenwood Wal-Mart on a report of a hit Avenue near Crawford about and run two-vehicle crash. a dog at large. The reportNo injuries were reported ing party advised he did not or observed. The hit vehicle wish for law enforcement to was parked and unattended get involved at this time. Melinda Gatewood of at the time of the crash. Both vehicles were driven from the Cedaredge was arrested and jailed on a bond of $1,500. scene. A fire was reported near responding to After a report of a wanted per- P25 Road near Hotchkiss. son, Jacob Glen Jones, 34, The fire was located in a of Delta was arrested and tree, started by lightning. No jailed for alleged unlawful structures were in danger. possession of a schedule 2 July 3: Deputies responded to a controlled substance, resisting arrest and obstructing a report of a dog killing pheasants near Pheasant Rich police officer. Road in Delta. July 4: A theft was reported at Thomas William Zachary Foster, 23, of Delta was the 2000 block of 2225 Road arrested and jailed on a war- in Delta. A burglary was reported rant with a $750 bond. Thomas William Zach- on 2695 Road in Cedaredge. David Olson of Delta was ary Foster, 23, of Delta was arrested and jailed for alleged arrested and jailed on a bond violation of a protection order of $2,500. A deputy observed aerial (three counts) and unlawful possession of a schedule 2 fireworks being launched from the back porch of a controlled substance. Johnathan Andrew Lopez, residence on 1775 Court in 32, of Delta was arrested and Delta. A verbal warning was jailed for alleged displayed given to the homeowner. fictitious license plates, failed July 4: Delta County Sheriff’s to present evidence of insurance, drove a motor vehi- Office K9 Unit participated cle while license suspended in the annual Cherry Days and violation of a protection Event in Paonia. K9 Oxx and K9 Roo were on hand for order. An officer responded to meet and greets and handa residence in the 900 block ed out autographed photos. of Main Street on a report Sergeant Sanders participated in the Back the Badge of theft. Officers responded to a Dunk Tank. Deputies located two rafresidence in the 500 block of East 20th Street on a report of ters thrown out of their raft a medical emergency. Delta after hitting a tree in the area County Ambulance District of 3200 Road near Hotchkiss. responded and found the No injuries were reported person deceased. The Delta and they were transported County Coroner responded. back to their vehicle. During a traffic stop near The death is not considered Keno Road in Austin, Tamie suspicious. Hale of Cedaredge was issued July 5: Jeena Marie Hebert, 36, a summons for operating an of Delta was issued a ticket uninsured motor vehicle on for alleged fictitious license a public roadway and displaying plates expired more plates. Officers and the Delta Fire than 60 days.

July 5: Deputies assisted Delta Fire Department and Delta Police Department with a vehicle on fire at Quality Inn Hotel in Delta. Deputies responded to a reported trespassing and theft on B50 Road in Delta. A runaway male juvenile was placed into custody on an active Colorado Division of Youth Services warrant and transported to Grand Mesa Youth Services Center in Grand Junction. A deputy and Hotchkiss Fire Department responded to report of a fire on or around the Grand Mesa near Hotchkiss. It was determined no fire was present. July 6: A juvenile male was issued a summons at a traffic stop near Cedar Avenue in Crawford. Angelina Marie Maestas was jailed on a bond of $3,000. Deputies responded to urgent care for report of a dog bite that occurred at Old Hotchkiss Road in Austin. The injured party was also the owner. It is believed the incident was an accident. The Sheriff’s Office assisted the Gunnison County Sheriff’s Office on a report of a man who fell out of his canoe and was floating the North Fork of the Gunnison River near Somerset on Highway 133. Paonia Fire Department, Paonia Police Department and North Fork Ambulance also responded. Both he, and the other person in the canoe, were reported okay. No indication was made on why he fell out of the canoe. They continued their trip down the river. Deputies were advised of a one-vehicle accident in the 3000 block of 1900 Road near Delta. Daniel Calderilla of Delta was placed into custody on four counts of reckless endangerment for firing a shotgun into the air after a verbal altercation at a residence near F Road in Delta. July 7: A deputy responded to reports of possible shots fired near J Street in Crawford. The deputy patrolled on foot and did not observe anything suspicious. responded Deputies to reports of a man falling off his raft into the Gunnison River and not surfacing near the 2200 Road bridge in Austin. Shortly after the victim’s brother reported the incident he and his girlfriend found his brother walking on the road. It was later determined alcohol was involved for all three persons. Dispatch called the girlfriend and brothers’ parents to give them rides home. No injuries were reported. Deputies assisted the Montrose County Sheriff’s Office regarding a missing adult male. They visited a residence in Crawford associated with a father and stepmother and were advised the individual is still missing. A deputy responded to a possible protection order violation that occurred in Delta. Delta Police Department was notified.

Letter to the Editor Policy The Delta County Independent welcomes letters on topics of general interest. Letters must include full name, home address and telephone number (not for publication), and must be signed by the author. Letters may be edited for length, grammar and accuracy. E-mail: editor@ Fax: 874-4424 Mail: P.O. Box 809, Delta, CO 81416


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Court battle FROM PAGE A1 Additionally, FERCrate regulation would not affect state energy-related laws and regulations, Tri-State has said. On Wednesday, the Colorado Senate wrote Tri-State asking for “careful deliberation” before proceeding with the FERC vote. It said the Legislature worked

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closely with the company on a “historic and important piece of energy legislation” designed to advance the state energy policy in an environmentally-conscious way. Senate Bill 236 was a collaborative process meant to, among other things, ensure PUC “oversight of key aspects of Tri-State’s resource planning,” the letter, signed by Senate President Leroy Garcia and Senate and House leaders, states. Yet, Tri-State did not inform lawmakers during these talks that it was planning to implement changes that would shift regulatory authority to the PUC, “thereby potentially undermining critical parts of the very resource planning oversight it was negotiating.” The Senate letter said lawmakers are concerned Tri-State “was not more transparent” about the possible transition and they want to better understand what might happen to rural co-op members if the PUC and Legislature lose their roles in ensuring fair rates. “ ... we strongly urge Tri-State to delay the vote of the board for several weeks in order to meaningfully review the consequences that this impactful decision will have for Colorado ratepayers,” the letter states. On Wednesday, Boughey reiterated FERC rate regulation won’t affect resource planning or carbon reduction requirements placed on Tri-State under SB 236. The company will continue discussing the issue with legislators, as well as continue to work with the PUC to develop rules governing its integrated resource planning, he also said, and FERC rate regulation will aid Tri-State’s board has “directed pursuit of an aggressive program to continue to further green our grid, reduce our emissions and lower rates,” Boughey said. Tri-State’s consideration of the FERC matter was not prompted by the PUC complaint, Boughey also reiterated Tuesday. “Tri-State considered FERC regulation well before DMEA filed its complaint with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, in fact, DMEA itself has argued in the

past Tri-State should be regulated by FERC,” he said. DMEA was dubious, per the Tuesday filing, which says the FERC vote would be held with scant information after only a few weeks’ notice. “No reason exists for this sudden urgency other than to attempt to preempt the PUC proceeding,” the document states, going on to allege Tri-State “secretly created a framework” for the vote by “inducing” DMEA and other members to support bylaw changes, without disclosing these changes would be used in the attempt at FERC regulation. This was “an undisclosed scheme” to obtain FERC jurisdiction, even though Tri-State represented the bylaw changes would not subject it to FERC jurisdiction, and would not automatically establish new classes of membership, the complaint goes on to detail. On June 5, though, the wholesaler advised members that its board would “consider” in July whether to become rate-regulated by FERC, according to the document. The document also cites concerns expressed by other cooperatives about inadequate information pertaining to FERC oversight and the need for more time to consider how such a change would affect costs. Based on the preliminary agenda for the TriState board’s meeting July 9-10, DMEA thinks a vote could be held on the FERC question. The timing is suspicious to DMEA, given that in June, the PUC ordered Tri-State to make available for deposition witnesses who could answer further questions concerning its proposal to seek FERC jurisdiction. Yet the only dates TriState has suggested for such depositions would occur after its vote on the FERC matter, DMEA claims. “In other words, if the FERC vote goes forward and (the board) votes to accept the new member and become FERC regulated, the court should expect that Tri-State will seek to stay, dismiss, or otherwise interfere with the PUC proceeding barely a month before the scheduled final evidentiary hearing,” the complaint says.

This, the document also says, would reward Tri-State for “improper gamesmanship, forum shopping, bad faith conduct and breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing it owes DMEA.” But Tri-State has been forthright with members, per Boughey. “TriState has been open, has engaged in discussion with the membership, and continues to meet with members and other stakeholders to discuss the potential decision,” he said. In its motion for the injunction, DMEA alleges Tri-State “dug in its heels,” and refused to accept the PUC’s jurisdiction, instead maintaining it is the only entity with the right to decide the exit charge. The association, having been dealt legal defeats on the matter, is acting in bad faith to interfere with DMEA’s action before the PUC, the filing alleges, calling immediate court intervention the only way to prevent Tri-State’s attempt to divest the


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New tricks FROM PAGE A1 Crespin said some people have expressed concern over the fireworks

PUC of jurisdiction. More is at stake than just the money and time DMEA invested in seeking the exit fee, it says: “DMEA also faces the prospect of remaining a hostage member of TriState indefinitely,” and its customers will be deprived of opportunities that would stabilize rates.

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show, particularly during dry years. Shooting them off over the lake provides the main precautionary measure. Trucks brought in from neighboring departments monitor around the lake for maximum safety. “We have a great support staff,” said Crespin. Currently the DVFD has 26 volunteers and one paid staff member. Many expressed that the involvement in the fireworks show is one of the great perks that comes with serving on the department. “We love providing something for our county,” said Crespin. “This is one of those big events everyone looks forward to during the year. This is our way of saying ‘thanks for supporting us.’”



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G50 Road closure Access to G50 Road will be closed for up to five weeks to allow the Colorado Department of Transportation to work on the eastbound lanes of Highway 50 between mile points 64.3 and 65.2. Throughout the closure, eastbound and westbound traffic will both be detoured onto westbound lanes.


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For more information visit or give us a call at 970-874-8616

A4 Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Delta County Independent

Libraries offer college proctoring for online students As technology evolves, so do opportunities for residents of rural areas like Delta County to

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pursue higher education and career-oriented goals online. Universities across the country offer accredited online programs that allow people to complete most of their coursework from home. One challenge for many rural students is the cost and inconvenience of finding a qualified proctor to administer required exams for course completion. In Delta County, the library district provides college-proctoring services at no cost to the student. “Without the libraries, I’m not sure that I would’ve chosen to return to school at age 26 with almost 10 years

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© Taste of Home

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in the workforce,” says Hotchkiss resident John Moore. “I’ve never been a fan of living in cities, which is why online education was perfect for me.” In mid-June, Moore graduated from Oregon State University with a bachelor of science degree in fisheries and wildlife. During his four years at OSU, Moore says he took at least 25 exams proctored by Delta County Libraries’ staff members. Gail Srebnik, administrator of Delta County Libraries’ adult literacy program, does a majority of the testing. “Gail was always polite and genuinely interested in what I was doing,” Moore explains. “The library made it convenient for me to take classes and complete my degree online. It saved me a lot of time and money. You won’t find many places that don’t charge for proctoring.” Srebnik understands the importance of offering the service free to local students. “There are already so many expenses that can become barriers to pursuing or completing a degree. Our hope is that by providing this service, students in our communities will feel empowered to stay in Delta County and still achieve their educational goals.” In 2018, library staff proctored 33 college exams for students working toward various college certificates and degrees. Following his graduation, Moore plans to become a game warden in the Colorado Rocky Mountain region. Moore is grateful for the opportunity that Srebnik and the libraries provided in helping him achieve his goals and he hopes that others will take advantage of the service in the future.


Photo submitted

Mother’s Day, Father’s Day babies

The Black Mesa CattleWomen recently honored the mother of the first baby born closest after Mother’s Day and the father of the first baby born closest after Father’s Day by presenting them with beef-themed gift crates. Recipient of the Mother’s Day crate was Shiree Johnson. Shiree, her husband Kevin and three siblings welcomed Emma Jeanne Johnson into their family on May 13, 2019. Marcus McCoy received the Father’s Day crate as the father of Baby Boy McCoy born on June 24, 2019 to Marcus, Maddelon and big brothers Maverick and Marshall.

BIRTHS Bakers celebrate Robin Dugas and Anthony Dugas II of Delta are the parents of a daughter, Nevaeh Lailynn Dugas, born July 1, 2019, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She was 19 inches in length and weighed 5 pounds, 7.2 ounces.



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50th anniversary

Robin Dugas and Anthony Dugas II of Delta are the parents of a son, Isaiah Wade Dugas, born July 1, 2019, at Delta County MemoSandy and Jim Baker rial Hospital. He was 19.75 inches in length Jim and Sandy Baker, and weighed 6 pounds, of Delta, were mar12 ounces. ried June 17, 1969, in Golden. Over their 50 Miranda and Car- years of marriage they los Chavez of Delta are have been blessed with the parents of a daugh- three children and six ter, Azelia Manuela grandchildren. Jim and Chavez, born July 2, Sandy invite all of their 2019, at Delta County friends to drop by the Memorial Hospital. She First Baptist Church of was 18 inches in length Delta between 5-8 p.m. and weighed 6 pounds.

Join Us!

ChristiAnderson WHNP-BC, FNP-C



C hrist i joins t o us from Northe ast A rka nsas and has bee n in th e medic a l fie ld since 1999. C hrist i b eca me an RN in 1999, w o rked in Labor a nd De live ry and wa s a nurse ry nurse unti l 2008, mov e d to the Eme rg ency Departm e nt in 2017, th e n sett led do wn as a Nurse Prac t it ion e r in p rivate p ract ice in 20 19 in Me mp his. "My passio ns are w o men 's hea lth a nd p ed iatrics; how ever, I love meet ing a nd g ettin g to know a ll of my pa t ients. I strive to pro vide th e ty p e of c are I w o uld want fo r myself o r my fam ily. I enjoy p rovid ing my pa t ients w ith too ls and e nc o ura ge me nt to ove rc o me a ny he alth prob le ms th ey may e nc ount er and e mpo w e ring the m to take co ntro l of the ir hea lth and b ec o me th e b est th ey c an be ."

230 E Hotc hkissAve • 970.872.1400 • de ltahosp ia l,org

Friday, July 12, to help them celebrate, have a bite to eat, look at the old pictures and have a good time. They request no gifts, only cards, and ask everyone to bring a side dish and one or two of their favorite recipes so that Sandy can assemble a “50-year cookbook.”

Sandy and Jim Baker

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Delta County Independent




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As part of its summer 2019 tour, Deliberate Kin will perform from 68 p.m. Thursday, July 11, at Tada! Your Art Space, 459 Main, in Delta. The husband-andwife duo of Alex and Amanda Jo tour fulltime with their two young daughters. Deliberate Kin brings light and joy with them wherever they travel. Their songs are full of emotions, sweet harmonies and warm acoustic tones. A multi-instrumentalist with 21 years of guitar experience, Photo submitted Alex’s bold style offers From left to right, The Metamoocil Mountain Boys members are Paul Frazier, Larry Claxton, and George Gertz. They played for eight years together before taking a break in 2013, performing once in 2015 for the Surface Creek Animal Shelter. Their show on July 14 marks a special reuniting and they’re not scheduled to perform again.


On July 14, a trio of Western Slope musicians named “The Metamoocil Mountain Boys” will reunite to perform “Acoustic Organic Music” at the Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center. Guitar and vocals come from members George Gertz and Paul Frazier while Larry Claxton tackles the stand up bass. Together the boys have played on and off throughout Colorado in music festivals, radio stations, community benefits and brewery pubs. They formed in 2005 to “relive their glory days,” said Claxton. He estimates they’ve played over 240 gigs together, just part-time. After playing for eight years they decided to take a break in 2013. They played once in 2015 for a benefit with the Surface Creek Animal Shelter. Now they’re reuniting for a special concert in

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Bill Clark

Bill Clark performs Bill Clark, cowboy/ singer/composer, will perform at Cedaredge Chapel of the Cross on Thursday, July 11 at 7 p.m. Admission is by donation. Bill won Songwriter of the Year at the North American Country Music Association International competition in Pigeon Forge, TN. His music reflects his life and love for the Lord, his family, his country, and his friends.

Cedaredge. The group is not scheduled to perform again after this weekend. “We’ll play a real mix up of tunes,” said Claxton. The boys describe their sound as a blend of Americana, blues, “just a hint of bluegrass” and show tunes. Their concert will feature covers “barely uncovered in the first place” and a sprinkling of original tunes. Tickets for the July 14 concert are still available and can be purchased online at https://www. grandmesaartscenter. com/events or by calling Starr’s guitars at 970-8562331. General admission is $15 and the show starts at 7 p.m. About the Boys Gertz has an extensive background in blues and bluegrass music and is cofounder of the Palasade Bluegrass Roots Music Fest, the North Fork Valley Bluegrass Festival, Sunlight Ski Area Blues Festival and the Crystal Meadows Festival. He is currently on the Advisory Board of the Colorado Bluegrass Music Society and a past DJ with KVNF Public Radio,. Frazier is an accomplished musician and a teacher of the guitar and banjo. He has a strong musical background which includes touring the United States, Asia, and Europe performing diverse styles of music. He retired from the Montrose School District where he taught elementary music education. He currently teaches music at the North Fork Montessori in Crawford. Claxton has been involved in the music industry for several years. His music has been a parttime passion that allowed him to perform with several bands in California and Colorado. He is a past president of the Colorado Bluegrass Music Society, and director of the Rocky Mountain Bluegrass Festival (now called Rocky Grass). His past background includes being a DJ and board member for KVNF Public Radio.

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flat-picking run-away melodies while simultaneously holding down a driving bluegrass bass beat. Amanda Jo started singing and performing at age eight and went on to earn a fine arts degree. Equal parts charisma and power, her voice and stage presence have been described as mesmerizing. Sponsored by the KVNF Delta/Cedaredge Community Advisory Board, admission is by a suggested donation of $10-$20, which goes directly to the performers.

Trio reunites in Cedaredge




Deliberate Kin performs at Tada!

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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

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Photo submitted

The KVNF Delta/Cedaredge Community Advisory Board is excited to announce that Deliberate Kin will be including Delta on its Summer 2019 tour on Thursday, July 11 at Tada! Your ART Space, 459 Main Street from 6-8 p.m. Suggested donation is $10-$20 that goes directly to the performers.

Stars unite us Park Ranger Austin Tumas will present on “The Heart of Stars” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, at the July 16 meeting of the Black Canyon Astronomical Society (BCAS) in the Lion’s Clubhouse, 602 North Nevada Ave., Montrose. An astronomy interpreter at Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Tumas will explain how constellations unify us and asterisms celebrate our diversity. They connect us to the night sky and each other. Explore the history and cultural diversity of shapes in the night sky. The BCAS stimulates public interest in and knowledge of astronomy in Delta, Montrose and

Ouray counties. Monthly meetings are held in Montrose or Delta. The BCAS also holds public sky viewing events. More info at BlackCanyon or by calling 856-7716.

Gilder Family in concert

The Gilder Family will perform at Cedaredge Chapel of the Cross on Sunday, July 14 at 4 p.m. Admission is by donation. The parents, Keith and Martha, are members of Cedaredge Community Band and participate on the worship team at Paonia Friends Church. For this concert, the family has picked pop hits through the decades from the 1940s through the The Paonia Library’s 2010s. July 16 summer concert series features duo Beth Williams and Paul Frazier. Williams is an Americana singer-songwriter, storyteller, entertainer and yodeler. Frazier is a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist with over 40 years of musical experience. The show begins at 6:30 p.m., come rain or shine. Picnic and take-out dinners are welcome. Martha and Keith Gilder

Music at the library

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A6 Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Delta County Independent

Paonia residents abound at land use meeting of the attendees were from the Paonia area. Casselberry recapped the process to date through slides and narrative, noting that this gathering was intended to gain input from the community in creating land use regulations that are fair and predictable. Three tables were set up around the hall, one for each commissioner


The second of two community meetings regarding future Delta County land use regulations being considered by county commissioners was held July 1 at Heritage Hall in Hotchkiss. Elyse Casselberry, county community and economic development director, noted that most

district. Commissioners were present to meet with the community at their respective tables. Planning commissioners appointed from each commissioner district were near their district’s table also to discuss land use regulations with people from their districts. Casselberry and county administrator Robbie LeValley also took com-

ments. On the tables were copies of the “Delta County, Colorado, Strategic Outline” land use concept plan, which those attending were asked to review and take home if they wished. Four questions were posted at each table, with pens and post-it notes for residents to write notes in answer to the questions and/or leave comments of their own. The questions posted were: 1. Are we missing any important land uses in the list we have created? 2. Would you make any changes to what is an E (exempt from regulation); P (allowed, but a permit required); L (allowed, but subject to use-specific standards verified administratively); C (allowed only after conditional use approval)? 3. What issues do you think we need to take into consideration as we finalize zoning district and use? 4. What issues do you think we need to take into consideration as we begin developing zoning maps? Copies of Delta County


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Staff Writer


The mosquito is a tiny and bothersome insect that weighs an infinitesimal 2.5 milligrams. But it poses a very real threat to humans by transmitting West Nile Virus (WNV). Last year, the national Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recorded 96 Colorado cases of the virus and three deaths. One of the victims was Chuck Clark-Martin, a sergeant with the Denver Sheriff ’s Office. The other was long-time Paonia resident and journalist, Ed Marston. The CDC reports a total of three deaths but research has been unable to confirm the name of the third victim. Of the known victims, both 63-year-old ClarkMartin and 78-year-old Marston were in good health and at first showed no severe symptoms. The lack of definitive symptoms is a characteristic of the early stages of the virus. Early symptoms are similar to common influ-

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lighting, keep to a minimum light pollution, plus four similar comments; need system for neighbor input when uses change; access to infrastructure. 4. Issues to take into consideration as we begin to develop zoning maps: Wildlife corridors; need to regulate solar array fields and wind farms; please consider language that addresses planning commission and BoCC accountability to master plan. Casselberry said the county expects to have community meetings regarding the zoning regulations and zoning maps early this fall. Submit comments at ecasselberry@deltacounty. com, call 970-874-2110, or deliver or mail to, 501 Palmer, Room 115, Delta, CO 81416. To follow the progress of the land use regulations project on line, visit: YouTube com/channel/UCCLRfl-A-FyiSCmWfG43Zw; Facebook https://www. CountyCO/; Twitter CountyCO.

�������� West Nile killed three ���� Coloradans in 2018

The helpful place. ����

land use maps were posted on the walls, indicating subdivisions by number of parcels; residential use by number of units; and non-residential properties with improvements, by classifications. Heritage Hall was alive with conversations. A sampling of notes left for each of the four questions follows. 1. Missing land uses: Zipline Park; mountain bike park/trail; need some specifics on vineyards and wineries, possibilities of events, tastings, tasting room, commercial distribution versus the hobby; conservation easements; short-term rentals, Air BnB, which should not fit in with commercial. 2. Changes to planned zoning: gun repair shop; kennel; cemetery; restaurant; truck wash; hazardous waste, not allowed; be more clear with E, P and L definitions — 19 people mentioned this; CAFO and IAFO highly impactful, need full public review. 3. Issues to take into consideration as zoning districts and uses are finalized: Dark skies, hooded



enza including headaches and fever and fatigue. A physician can order tests which are sometimes, but not always, decisive in diagnosing WNV. The majority of those infected show no symptoms. So far this year (as of June 25, 2019), the CDC website has recorded zero cases of WNV in Colorado, however nearby states have reported cases of human and non-human infections including Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Oklahoma and Texas. Non-human infections are detected in trapped mosquitoes and in so-called ‘sentinel animals,’ such as research chickens which are caged and exposed to mosquitoes in order to monitor the presence of WNV. Wild birds and sometimes domestic horses are also considered sentinel animals. In 2018, a countyby-county count by the CDC showed that the neighboring counties of Delta, Mesa, Garfield, Montrose and San Miguel each reported from 1-10 human cases of WNV. Other nearby western slope counties reported zero human cases in 2018 whereas the counties of Larimer, Weld and Boulder in northeastern Colorado reported higher numbers of between 1120 cases. As the name suggests, West Nile Virus appears to have originated in Africa. By 1999, it had been detected in New York State and it was first recorded in Colorado in 2002. By 2003, when


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Artist’s journey Adults are invited to the Hotchkiss Library for a journey through time and space with Tracy Ihnot. From microscopic atoms and DNA to Pluto, the Kuiper Belt, and beyond, this artistic portrayal of our galaxy and all of its emotions will transport attendees to another place. Following the presentation, Ihnot will lead the group in a space-themed writing exercise with time for a group share on Wednesday, July 10 at 3 p.m.

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a national high of 9,862 cases were recorded by the CDC, WNV was being detected in all 48 contiguous states. Of the nearly 10,000 cases reported nationwide in 2003, 264 people died. That same year 2,947 Coloradoans were sickened with 63 deaths reported. Last year, national cases of WNV had fallen to 2,544 with 137 deaths. WNV cases fall into two categories: neuroinvasive and non-neuroinvasive. Of the over two-thousand cases reported nationally in 2018, 63% were neuroinvasive infections which include meningitis and encephalitis — serious diseases which impact the brain or spinal cord. Only a small percentage of human fatalities occur in either category but either type of infection can lead to long-term complications.

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NORTH FORK July 10, 2019




Dollar General is coming to Paonia BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

Rumblings of a Dollar General coming to Paonia are no longer rumor. Paonia town administrator Ken Knight confirmed Wednesday that on June 10 the town received a petition for annexation from Vaquero Paonia Partners, LP. “Coopendata,” a database of companies registered in Colorado, lists a Fort Worth, Texas, address for Vaquero. Earlier this week a request bid from the “Western Colorado Contractors Association Weekly Project Listing” for a 9,100-square-foot “ground up Dollar General” ended up on the Facebook Paonia Message Board. The post drew immediate responses lamenting the proposal, concern for local businesses that could be affected, and anger toward the town and Delta County for what some perceive as a done deal made behind closed doors. The accusations of closeddoor dealings are without merit, said Knight. “Yes, I have been in contact with Vaquero. That’s my job.” But to present anything to the public prior the petition coming before the town board of trustees would be inappropriate for this or any other development proposal. Vaquero is requesting a “C2 Community Commercial District” zone for the parcel. The zoning is different from the C-1 Core Commercial District zoning, which supports businesses and facilities in line with the characteristics of the town, and that they be located in the downtown core. The zoning designation requested by Vaquero is intended to “augment the commercial and business needs of the community” for developments requiring close

access to main traffic arteries or immediate access to large parking areas, or that require generally larger ground-level floor areas than smaller retail shops. And while Vaquero is petitioning for annexation and zoning for a parcel located east of the intersection of Price and Samuel Wade roads adjacent to West Elk Wine & Spirits, “At this stage, they’re not talking about Dollar General,” said Knight. “They are talking about annexing a piece of property with a C-2 zone. Anything allowed under that zoning law can be built on that property.” Knight explained the annexation process. First, he said, current property owner Arvin Stahl gave permission for Vaquero to submit the petition, which went before the Paonia Board of Trustees at the Tuesday, July 9 meeting. Per Colorado statute, the board must accept the petition, said Knight. “That, or they have to have a very particular legal reason to not accept the petition. At this point there is nothing that either the town or the town attorney or myself feel would allow them to deny accepting the petition.” The lot meets state and local criteria for annexing. Samuel Wade Road, which has already been annexed, is identified in the 2010 “Highway 133 Corridor Master Plan,” an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) between the Town of Paonia and Delta County, as having “a direct influence on future growth, economic vitality, and Paonia’s small-town character,” and urges the town to direct that growth outward from the downtown core. The document was adopted in 2010 to address Paonia’s DOLLAR GENERAL TO B2

Photo by Tamie Meck

A vacant parcel of unincorporated land adjacent to West Elk Wine & Spirits west of Paonia on Samuel Wade Road is slated for a Dollar General store. The annexation and zoning process began Tuesday night and will provide numerous opportunities for the public to comment.

Coal dust flies at Cherry Days

Photo by Tamie Meck

Jorge Carrillo, left, and Bruno Carrillo shoveled a half ton of coal into a bin in 41.32 seconds to win the annual Cherry Days coal shoveling contest. The Carrillos won on their second attempt due to an equipment malfunction. They upset two-time defending champions Edgar Martinez and Antoni Mora, who placed second with a time of 42.73 seconds. For more Cherry Days photos and contest results, see page B5.

PES getting a new mural BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

A month before last Friday’s Cherry Days 5k Run, Paonia Elementary School’s Paonia Parent Organization (PPO) wasn’t planning on organizing the event. But when the Paonia High School cross country team announced that after several years it would no longer take on the fundraising event, Cherry Days committee president Bob Bushta called the organization’s president, Carrie Johnson. “He said please, please, please,” said Johnson. The PPO had already put on the Mountain Harvest Festival last September and knew what it needed to do, so it said yes. Organizers got Scott Siettmann with ScottMeets, a timing and meet management company, to commit to the date, marking the first time in the race’s roughly 11-year history that it was professionally timed. “We wanted to make it feel a bit more professional,” said Johnson. As for getting enough entries to pay for the event and have a little left over for the school, “We weren’t sure what to expect,” said Johnson. But by race day, 74 had preregistered and several more registered the morning of the race. Everything was “awesome,” said Johnson after the start of the race. She estimated the PPO will make a little money to help fund a mural project

Photo by Tamie Meck

Paonia artist Seth Weber recently began work on a new mural at Paonia Elementary School. The mural is part of an overall campus improvement project by the school’s Paonia Parent Organization. planned for the big blank gray larger campus improvement wall located on the northeast project. This year the PPO corner of the school. Paonia was awarded a $5,000 “Toolartist Seth Weber started out- box for Education” grant from lining the mural about a week Lowe’s to build raised garden ago. Any remaining funds will beds and a new greenhouse go toward fun things for kids, for growing fruits and vegetables. said Johnson. An outdoor classroom is The PPO was established about 15 years by a core group also in the works. Students of about a half dozen “super- will learn lessons indoors, engaged moms,” said John- then put them to practical use son. In recent years it has outdoors. “The biggest goal is funded buses for field trips, to incorporate those foods into cooking and Spanish classes, healthy snacks,” and into the and math, reading and other cooking classes. “It’s a way recognition awards. They also to incorporate healthy eating provide weekly snacks for skills,” said Johnson. As for the mural, Weber teachers. The current group of moms is documenting the process is working to provide more through time-lapse photograoutdoor learning opportuni- phy. Johnson said he will be ties for students, said John- working on it at least through son. The mural is part of a July.

A new era for the North Fork Ambulance Dist. BY ROBBIE WINNE Staff Writer

Don Suppes, chairman of the Delta County Board of Commissioners, was on hand to lead the audience in acknowledging the 50 years of service of the North Fork Ambulance Health Service District in Hotchkiss at Memorial Hall June 30. Also in attendance were health professionals, citizens, crew members of the district and key figures who have shaped

this crucial service over the years. Suppes introduced the new board members of the newly named North Fork EMS in the valley, Bonnie Eisenberg, Marcus Roeder and Greg Angelovich. Dan Miller and Larry Hughes are also new to the board but were not present at the event. The organization’s transition from a memberbased organization to a special taxing district went into

effect July 1. The non-profit arm of the group, the North Fork Auxiliary was also present at the event. Mara Derryberry, the president of the auxiliary, Sue Whittlesey and Carol Dawson will continue to support the district’s goals through financial aid, injury prevention education, training and the installation of a new radio tower on C Hill in Crawford. The auxiliary is looking for two new members to help achieve its goals. Photo by Robbie Winne

Auxiliary board members Mara Derryberry, Sue Whittlesey and Carol Dawson are looking for two new members to help achieve their goals.

Photo by Robbie Winne

Crew members were presented with commemorative coins thanking them for their service to the ambulance district.

Photo by Robbie Winne

Pictured are board members Bonnie Eisenberg, Marcus Roeder and Greg Angelovich.

B2 Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Delta County Independent

Four escape injury in close calls EMY LYNN ROQUE CISNEROS near 3200 Road. They Fire Department, Paonia citizens to be extra cauStaff Writer

Over the July 4 holiday, several incidents occurring on area rivers provided stark reminders that water levels remain at above-average flow levels. The first incident occurred on July 4 when two individuals hit a downed tree at approximately 5:46 p.m. while rafting on the North Fork of the Gunnison River

were transported back to their vehicle by the Hotchkiss Fire Department. USGS reported discharge at that time was 1,980 cfs. The second incident occurred at 5:16 p.m. Saturday, July 6 on the North Fork of the Gunnison River near Somerset. Delta and Gunnison County sheriff ’s offices, the Paonia Volunteer

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������������������������������ �������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������


y MF

Raffle llenelitting YOURCo-unity

Radia Station

Police Department and North Fork Ambulance responded. The individuals were canoeing when one fell out. USGS reported discharge at that time was 1,750 cfs. No indication was given as to why the man fell out. The two continued their trip down the river. On Sunday, July 7, the Delta County Sheriff ’s Office received a report at 7:38 p.m. that a man had fallen off his raft into the Gunnison River near the 2200 Road bridge at Austin and had not resurfaced. Shortly after, and before the deputy could arrive on the scene, the victim’s brother reported to dispatch that he and his girlfriend found his brother walking on the road. Once on the scene a deputy determined alcohol was involved for all three persons. Dispatch called the girlfriend and brothers’ parents to give them rides home. USGS reported discharge at the time of the incident was 3,430 cfs. Delta County emergency management coordiantor Kris Stewart reminds

tious when making trips down the rivers. Flow is still high, and waters are fast-moving. The Gunnison River will be rising again as water is released to keep Blue Mesa Reservoir from spilling. Stewart recommends those planning to raft, canoe or kayak area rivers hire a licensed guide service or go with experienced guides. Without proper equipment or experience a fun river ride can turn deadly. Paonia resident and seasoned boater Bill Brunner witnessed the incident at Somerset. He urges extreme caution in areas like the White Buffalo Dam about a mile upstream from Black Bridge Winery, where numerous rescues and near drownings have occurred. As flows drop, said Brunner, concrete, re-bar, fence posts and other jagged items surface. “Enjoy the water, but have respect,” said Brunner. River runners should know what’s ahead regardless of the section they’re running, seek experienced advice on runs and conditions, and dress for the cold water, not the hot sunshine.

Paonia’s 1996 Comprehensive Plan, a policy document for Paonia and Delta County to use in considering specific land use and development proposals to address future growth and development outside of existing town boundaries while maintaining the area’s rural agricultural setting. The town is currently working to update the plan and obtained a grant to hire a summer VISTA intern to work on it. Once the petition is

accepted, under a separate agenda item the board will pass a resolution initiating the process. At that point, the petition will go before the Paonia Planning Commission for a full review and a public hearing. That hearing is currently scheduled for Wednesday, July 31, unless the planning commission finds a reason to continue the hearing, said Knight. The petition would come back to the Board of Trustees for a public hearing and decision,




or call 970-527-4866


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Comfort Studio

Photo by Robbie Winne

Dan Stucker (left) and Mike Sparks (right) shake on the passing of the wrench, so to speak. Sue Alquist (Dan’s wife) is on the far left, MacKenzie Sparks (right), and sons, Cooper and Barrett share the moment.

Sparks are new owners of Hotchkiss Rentals Mike and Mackenzie Sparks are the new owners of Western Rentals, previously known as Hotchkiss Rentals. After owning Crane Services in Denver for four years the Delta County natives moved back to Delta County with their sons, Cooper and Barrett. Mike graduated from Hotchkiss High School and MacKenzie from Delta High. The opportunity to share the lifestyle they enjoy in Delta County in tandem

with owning a business the family can all take part in was a big factor in their move to Hotchkiss. The Sparks bought the business from Dan Stucker and his wife, Sue Alquist, who have been in the rental business for 23 years, first in Cedaredge and then in Hotchkiss. The retiring couple plans to enjoy flying, travel and “spoiling the grandkids.” Business hours are 85, Monday through Friday. For more information call Western Rentals at 970-872-2626.

which could occur as early as the Aug. 13 board meeting. The annexation would require approval by the Delta County Board of County Commissioners, and adoption of a town annexation ordinance, and would undergo two readings and be published twice in the Delta County Independent before taking effect. The town is going through the same process now with another parcel on Stahl Road, said Knight. The Green

Belt subdivision application has been reviewed by the planning commission and recommended for approval by the board. It is scheduled to come before the board for consideration at the July 23 board meeting. If the Vaquero petition is approved by the board, “At that point they can apply for a building permit,” said Knight. Absent anything outside of what’s allowed in C-2 zoning, the permit can be issued and the project can move forward.


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Delta County Independent ������ ������������ � ����� ����������������� � ��������� �������������� ��������������� ������������ � ���������� ����������������� � ������������ ��������������� ������������� ������� � ������������� � ������������

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Wednesday, July 10, 2019


� ��������� ������������� � ������������� ����������


We Have Beautiful Furniture For Your Home




������������������������������������� �����������������������


·a; 1••:::l~II~

�� �� �� ��


ll•·a ■ II





��� ��

� News


��� �


��� �


��� �

� The Now Denver @


��� �

�� �� Judge Judy Judge Judy News









Big Bang

Big Bang

� Dr . Phil (In Stereo) i«l


CBS News


CBS4 News Love Island (N) l«l

� Wild Kratts

World News Business

Odd Squad



Channel 2 News

PBS NewsHour (N) @

NOVA (N) (In Stereo) @


Big Brother (N) l«l

S.W.A.T. "Encore " i«l


The List (N) The 2019 ESPYS (N Same-day Tape) (In Stereo)@




CBS News

Love Island (N) @

First Responders



��� �

� Ellen DeGeneres Show


Big Bang

��� �

� Judge Judy Judge Judy World News NEWS8

Inside Ed,

Ent. Tonight : The 2019 ESPYS (N Same-day Tape) (In Stereo )@


��� �

� Jeopardy



NBC News




��� �

� Millionaire





Fox 4 News MasterChef


��� � ��� ��� Storage







��� ��� ��� ��� The Dan Patrick Show

BRAVO ��� � ��� ��� Southern Charm @ CINE

��� �� ��� ��� About Mary (4:45)

(N) @

(8:01) The Employables


The Rich Eisen Show

Southern Charm @

Southern Charm @

Southern Charm (N) @


��� �� ��� ��� Homestead Rescue @

Homestead Rescue

��� ��� ��� ��� Big City



��� �� ��� ��� SportsCenter


��� ��� ��� ��� Around



Special (N) The ESPYS Red Carpet Question

* * " Warcraft " (2016) Travis


��� �� ��� ��� (3:30)

��� � ��� ��� Guy's Grocery Games


��� � ��� ��� "A Winter Princess" (2019) Natalie Hall. @


��� ��� ��� ��� (3:40)

** " The Grudge "



Late Show-Colbert



Jimmy Kimmel Live @


11 News

Tonight Show-J. Fallon


Big Bang

Mod Fam


(9:04) Wahlburgers

Below Deck

** * " 127 Hours " (2010) 'R' @


Homestead Rescue "Ep isode 1O" (N) l«l Roll With It Roll With It

IRoll With


2019 World Series of Poker : Ma in Event. From Las Vegas . (N) (Live)


(10:03) Wahlburgers

Watch What [ Southern Charm @





Mod Fam

(11 :03) Wahlburgers


World Poker

Homestead Rescue (N)

(N) @



** "Daylight

"(1996) 'PG- 13'

Homestead Rescue @

Homestead Rescue @




Sydney (N) TIJ

Big City


(N) @

NBA Summer League Basketball : Lakers vs Knicks [ 2019 World Series of Poker: Main Event. From Las Vegas. (N)


Wor/d"( 20 15) Chris Pratt. (In Stereo)@


Guy's Grocery Games

Grocery Games

"From Friend to Fiance" (2019) Joce lyn Hud on,

* * "Rush Hour 2" (200 1) Jackie Chan. @


Guy's Grocery Games

Gold Girls

Gold Girls

Gold Girls


I Love You, Now Die (N) @

* * * " Thoroughbreds " (20 17}


"Deadpool" (2016, Action) Rya n Reyno lds, (In Ste reo)@

Guy 's Grocery Games


��� ��� ��� ��� Property Brothers

Property Brothers @

Property Brothers @


��� ��� ��� ��� Top 10 Police Vehicles

Norris ' Military Vehicles

Battle of the 80s Supercars With David Hasselhoff



��� � ��� ��� Married at First Sight

Married at First Sight


Marrying Millions @


��� �� ��� ��� SpongeBob



"Encore" @

Bunk'd @

** "Jurassic

Fimm eL @

Guy's Grocery Games

Nightline Friends

Homestead Rescue Andi Mack


Jimmy Kimmel Live @


NBA Summer League Basketball


Southern Charm

** * "Frantic " (1988) Harr ison Ford, 'R'@

Late Show-Colbert Experience @ (DVS)


Fox 4 News Fox 31 News at


Mod Fam


First Responders


11 :30



The lnBetween (N) @


Two Men

11 :00

[ News

Song land "w"@

World Poker



(N) @

Two Men


News S.WAT.

Pro Footvolley Tour

** "Spanglish "(2004) Adam Sandler. 'PG-13' Til

Big City

Big Brother (N) @



Experience (N) @ (DVS)


Ellen ' s Game of Games


Jane The Virgin (N) l<oJ




Penn & Teller: Fool Us

World News News

(N) @




Hunters lnt'I Property Brothers


Married at First Sight (N) @



Loud House Loud House Loud House l Loud House Loud House SpongeBob



Snowfall (In Stereo)@

Guy's Grocery Games

Guy 's Grocery Games

Gold Girls

Frasier @

Gold Girls (10 :20)

Frasier @

* "Wild Hogs " (2007) @

Property Brothers


Hunters lnt'I

Battle of the 80s Supercars With David Hasselhoff


(9:1 0) Marrying Millions


(10 :3 1) Married at First Sight @

"The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water"



Yellowstone (N) @ ** "Red 2" (2013 , Action) Bruce Willis, Jo hn Malkovi ch, (In Stereo) ITTl (9:04) ** "Red2 "(20 13) Bruce Willis , John Malkovich , (In Stereo) :ccJ ** " Red" ** "The Soloist " (2009) Jami e Foxx, 'PG -13' (5:55) * * "Sicario: Day of the So/dado " (2018) ** * "Definitely, Maybe" (2008 ) Ryan Reynolds, STARZ ��� �� ��� ��� (4:09) ** "The Wedding Planner "(2001) 'PG-13' (7:45) ** " The Man in the Iron Mask "(1998) 'PG-13'@ Sweetbitter Sweetbitter (5:22 ) * * * "Excalibur " (1981) 'R ' @ *** "Parenthood " STZENC ��� � ��� ��� (3:50) ** "Alien Nation " (1988) Conan @ ��� � ��� ��� Family Guy Family Guy Burgers New Girl New Girl Burgers Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Conan (N) IFull Frontal Seinfeld TBS "The Godfathers of Hardcore" (2017) (7:40) "SuperGrid " (20 18) Leo Fafard. *** "TheDeathofStalin "(20 17) 'R' @ ��� ��� ��� ��� * * "An Unfinished Life " (2005) 'PG -13' @ ** "Extract" (2009) TMC Bones (In Ste reo)@ * * "Contraband " (2012 , Action) Mark Wahlberg, @ (DVS) ** "Shooter " (2007 , Suspense) Mark Wahlberg, @ (DVS) ��� �� ��� ��� (3:30) ** "Shooter " (2007) Mark W ahlberg. TNT PARMT ��� �� ��� ��� (2:30)


��� �� ��� ��� Law & Order: SVU

Law & Order: SVU


Law & Order: SVU

& Order : SVU

Mod Fam

Mod Fam

Mod Fam

[ Mod Fam





Mod Fam

Mod Fam

NCIS "After Hours "

-1:11 ,:.:: IJ••·•;;a.•J::::l~m, �� �� �� ��

•••·• ■■







Colorado ' s Goldbergs


Big Bang

Big Bang

CBS News


CBS4 News Love Isl and (N) @


��� ��

� News


��� �

� Dr . Phil (In Stereo) @



��� �

� Wild Kratts

World News Business


��� �

� T he Now Denver @


��� �

�� �� Judge Judy Judge Judy News


��� �

� Ellen DeGeneres Show


��� �

� Judge Judy Judge Judy World News NEWS8


��� �

� Jeopardy



� Millionaire



Odd Squad





iZombie (N) @

Channel 2 News

PBS NewsHour (N) @

Arts District [ Colorado

World News News

The List (N) Holey Moley (N)





CBS News


Big Bang

Love Island (N) @

Inside Ed ,

Ent. Tonight : Holey Moley (N)

NBC News





Fox 4 News MasterChef


The Wall (In St ereo)


��� �


��� � ��� ��� (3:00) Live PD Riding along w ith law enforcemen t.

Live PD : Rewind (N) @


��� ��� ��� ��� The Dan Patrick Show

World Poker


Hous ewiv es/NYC

Hous ewiv es /NY C

BRAVO ��� � ��� ��� Hous e wiv es/NYC



Hou sewives/NYC

* ** "Defending




Two Men

Two Men

Late Show -Colb ert

Big Brother @

Elementary (N) @


Margaret -Rebel

Margaret -Rebel News

Jimmy Kimmel Live @



[ News




Big Brother @

Elementary (N) @


Late Show-Colbert

Family Food Fi ght (N)

Reef Break (N)


Jimmy Kimmel Live @

Nightlin e


Law & Order: SVU

11 News

Tonight Show-J. Fallon


Big Bang

Mod Fam

Game Night


Fox 4 News Fox 31 News at

Live Rescue: Rewind (N) Hero Ink (N)[ Hero Ink (N) (10:03) Live PD: Rewind Tennis : Invesco Series: Hawa ii Champ ions Cup . Hous ewiv es/NYC

��� ��� ��� ��� Big Cifyl

Roll With It


��� �� ��� ��� SportsCenter


��� ��� ��� ��� Around


��� �� ��� ���


��� � ��� ��� Beat Bobby


��� � ��� ��� "Portrait of Love " (2014) Jaso n Dohring, @


��� ��� ��� ��� Entrapment (4:20 )



��� ��� ��� ��� Hunt ers

Hunt ers lnt'I Hunters


��� ��� ��� ��� Mountain Men @ (DVS)

Mountain Men @ (DVS)

Mountain Men (N)


��� � ��� ��� Wif eS w ap ITTI

Littl e Wom en: Atl ant a

Little Wom en : AUanta (N)i Littl e Wom en: Atlant a (N) (8 :03) Littl e Wom en : LA


��� �� ��� ��� Spong e Bob Spong eBob SpongeBob


��� ��

Sunday Night Countdown

Beat Bobby Chopped !«:




With It IBunk 'd @



* * * "Deadpoo/" (2016, Action) Ryan Reynolds, (In Stereo ) @ IChopped

Chopped @

(N) @

"Love Unleashed " (2019, Romance ) Jen Lilley , @


Naked and Afraid XL Bunk 'd (N)

IBunk 'd @


(N) @

Coop SportsCenter

Beat Bobby

Beat Bobby

Gold Girls

Gold Girls

(8:03) Alone "Th e Kill"

Men @ (DVS)

Lo ud House Loud House Loud Hous e l Loud Hous e [ Loud Hous e SpongeBob


lsydney (N) Ill


��� �� ��� ��� Bones (In Stereo)@


��� �� ��� ���

Unspous e


*** "Thank You for Your Service" (20 17) 'R' Bones (In Stereo) @

* * "The Fast and the Furiou s" (2001 , Act ion) 4:30


��� ��

� New s


��� �


��� �


��� �

� The Now Denver @


��� �

�� �� Judg e Judy Judge Judy News


��� �

� Ell en DeGe neres Show


Beat Bobby Be at Bobby Frasier @

Frasier @


Big, Lies

Hunt ers

Hunt ers lnt'I

(9:05) Mountain Men

(1 0:03) Mountain Men

(11 :03) Ax Men

(9 :03) Mar rying Millions

Little Wom e n: Atl ant a

Little Wom e n: Atl ant a

* * ''Tooth Fairy " (2010) Dwayne Johnson . (In Stereo) @

Seinf eld





Big Bang

Big Bang

Con an (N)

[ Seinfeld


Conan @

* "Show Dogs " (2018) Will Arnett, [ "Beavis and Butt -head Do Americ a " ** * "Into the Wild " (2007} Emi le Hir sch, 'R' @ ** "Oblivion "(2013 ) Torn Cruise. Premiere.@ (DVS) *** "Edge ofTomorrow "(2014) Tom Cruise.@ (□VS) Queen of the South @ ** "Fast & Furious " (2009) Vin Diese l. @ (DVS) Queen of th e South (N) Law & Ord er: svu

Color ado 's






Go ldb erg s

Go ldb erg s

B ig Bang

Big Bang

� Dr . Phil (In Ste reo)@

Ne w s

CBS News

Ne w s

Karen Leigh : Lov e Is la nd (N) @

� Wild Kratts

World News Busines s

Odd Squad

Ne w s


PBS NewsHour (N) @

Channel 2 New s

Was h

[ Hoover




Big Stage

[Bi g St age

Haw a ii Five -0 @

Blu e Bl ood s "Blackout"


District Big Pacific "Voracious"


World New s Ne ws

Th e List (N) Ag e nts of S. H.I.E.LD,

20/20 (In Stereo) @


J eopardy!


First Responders

MasterChef @ (DVS)


CBS News

Ne ws

Big Ba ng

Lov e Is la nd (N)

Haw a ii Five-0 @

Blu e Bloods "Blacko ut"




��� �

� Judg e Judy Judge Judy World News NEWS8

Insid e Ed,

Ent. To night l Agents of S.H.I.E.LD .

��� �

� Jeopardy



NBC News


Wh ee l


��� �

� Million aire

FamF eud




Fox 4 New s Fi rst Responder s Live


��� � ��� ��� (3:00) Live PD Riding along with law enforcemen t.

(6 :06) Live PD : Re wind


��� ��� ��� ��� T he Dan Patrick Show

Prega m e

Foc use d

8:00 The Outpost @


Rocki es

[ News

20/20 (In Stereo) @

Ameri can Ninja Warr ior "Cincinnati City Q ualifiers" Maste rChef @ (DVS)

Dateline NBC (N) @


Fri ends



The Core Castle @ (DVS) Queen of th e South @

Two Me n


Lal e Show -Colbert

Great Yellowstone

* * " Phat Girlz " (2006) 'PG- 13'

��� �� ��� ��� (3 :55)


��� �� ��� ��� Battl eBot s (N) @

Battl e Bots (N) @


��� ��� ��� ��� Big City

Bunk 'd @


��� �� ��� ��� Spo rt sCe nt e r (N) @

MLSSocce r

Big City

Bunk 'd @

Ra ven

Andi Mac k

ISydn ey

IRoll With

Sa vage Build s (N) @ It Bunk 'd @


Mac k

1201 9 World Ser ies of Po ker : Main Event. (N) (Live )


��� ��� ��� ��� Around

Inte rruption

NFL Liv e @


��� �� ��� ��� Mike


** "Daddy 's Home " (2 015) Will Fer rell. (In Stereo ) ** "Snatched " (2017) Amy Schumer. (In Stereo)


��� � ��� ��� Din e rs

Din ers

Diner s


��� � ��� ��� "Reunit ed at Christmas " (2018) Beve rley Breuer.


��� ��� ��� ��� Geos torm


��� ��� ��� ��� Fixer Upp er @

Fixer Upp er @ (DVS)



��� ��� ��� ��� (3 :00) Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens @

Ancient Aliens (In Ste reo)! (7:02) Ancient Aliens


��� � ��� ��� Wif e Sw ap @

Mar rying Million s @

* * "Tyler Perry 's Madea's Big Happy Family " (2011) @


��� �� ��� ��� Sp ong e Bob SpongeBob


PARMT ��� �� ��� ��� (3:00)


Sport sCe nt e r @

WN BA Bas ketb all: Mercury at Sun

Diner s

Din er s


IDin er s

IDin ers

"Mingle All the Way " (20 18) Jen Lilley, @

** "The Meg " (2018) Jason Statha m . 'PG - 13' lo.:

Din ers


[ Dream

Hunt ers

[VIC E Ne ws

Mysteries -Ab a ndon ed Andi Mack

IRave n

SportsCe nt er (N) [«;

J imm y Kimm el Live @



New s

Lat e Show -Colb ert

Cor de n


Jimmy Kimm el Live @

Nighllin e

11 News

Tonight Show-J. Fallon


Big Bang

Mod Fam

Roc ki es

IBe ll ator

Mod Fam

ML B Base ball : Reds at Rock ies Hou se wiv es /QC Jett "Benn ie" (N) @


Roll With It Amphibi a

Sport sCe nt er (N) :o<i

Big City

SportsC ent er (N) @

* * "Ghostbu sters " (20 16, Comedy ) Melissa McCarthy , (In Stereo) ~ Din ers

[Di ne rs [«;

Din er s

Din e rs

IHunt ers lnt ' I Dream

(9 :05) Ancient Aliens

(9: 15)


Din er s

Din ers

"A Gift to Remember" (20 17) Pete r Porte . ~

** "The Ring Two" (200 5) Naom i Watts. 'PG - 13'

I(8:33) "Twist of Faith " (2013) @

MMA Liv e (N) (In St ereo) (Liv e) @

Fri ends

Battl eB ots " Episode 6" (In Stereo) @


(10:03) Ancient Aliens

Euph or ia (In Stereo) @ Hunt ers

Hunt ers lnt 'I

(11 :05) Ancient Aliens

(10:01) " Tyler Perry 's Madea's Big Happy Famil y "

Spong eBob Spong eB ob Spong eBo b Spon geBo b [ Spong e Bob Spo ngeBob Sq uarePa nl s Sp o ngeBo b Square Pant s All That

"Django Unchained " (2012) Jamie Foxx . (In Ste reo) @

Nightlin e


20 19 World Se ri es of Poker: Main Event. From La s Vegas, (N) (Live)

IHunt er s lnt ' I Hunt ers

(8:05) Ancient Aliens

Cord e n

Live PD "L ive PD -- 07. 12.19" (In Stereo ) @

IRocki es

"A Royal Christmas " (2014) Lacey Chaber t

** "J ustice League" (2017) Ben Affl eck. @ Dream

[Din ers

Mod Fam

New s


MLB Ba se ball : Cincinnati Reds at Colo rado Rockies, (N) (Live)

Batt leB ot s ' Episode 6" (N) (In Stereo) @

11 :30

New s

Thaw Amanpour and Company

* "Something Borr owed" (20 11) Ginnifer Goodw in, Til I* "Something Borrowed " (2011) Ginnifer Good win, @ (5:3 5) * * "One Fine Day" (1996) 'PG'@ I(7:2 5) * * * "The Lost Boys" (1987) (9:05) ** "Pacific Rim Uprising "( 2018) 'PG-13'



Two Men

Fox 4 New s Fox 31 Ne w s at

Live PD "Live PD -- 07. 12.19" (N) (In Stereo) @


BRAVO ��� � ��� ��� Rea l Hou sewiv es/ Beverly Real Hou se wiv es/ Bev erly

Smarte r

Fri end s

Fri end s

"Django Unchained"( 2012) Jamie Foxx , (In St ereo) @

Mothe rF ath erSon (N) (10:07) Th e Rook (5 :56) * * * "Only the Brave" (2017) Jo sh Brolin , (8: 13) ** " White Boy Ri ck "( 2018) 'R' @ * "Max Payne" (2008) @ (6:33) * * "Phone Booth" (200 2) (7:5 6) *** "Liv e and Let Die" (1973) ' PG' @ ** * * "Jaws" (1975) Roy Scheide r. 'PG' @ (DVS) Th e Detour IThe Detour The Detour IT he Detour * "Coyote Ugly " (2000) Pipe r Perabo , ��� � ��� ��� Family Guy Fam ily Guy Family Guy *** "Beauty and the Beas t " (2017) Emma Watson. @ (DVS) "Bad Grandmas " (20 17) 'NR' ~ (5:3 5) * " The Spirit " (2008) Gabri el Ma cht ~ ��� ��� ��� ��� * "The Cold Light of Day " (20 12) I(7:2 0) * " Winchester " (20 18) ~ * * "Diary of a Mad Black Woman " Arrow 'Th e Sc ientist" Bone s (In Stereo) @ ��� �� ��� ��� Bon es (In Ste reo) @ ** "Miss ion : lmp ossibl e"(199 6, Acti on) Tom Cruise . @ I*** "Miss ion : Impossibl e II" (2000 , Action) Tom Cruise. ,~ ��� �� ��� ��� * * "Fast & Furiou s" (2 009) Vin Diese l. [«; (DVS) ** "Fast Fiv e" (2011 , Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker . @ (DVS) Mod Fam [ Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Th e Radk es Chri s ley

��� �� ��� ��� "Spider 's Web"

STZENC ��� � ��� ���


Bask ets (N) Baskets






The 2019 ESPY$ (N) @

.•.41: ~II •

�� �� �� ��


IBig City


Conv er.


(In Stereo) @


Mom @

��� ��� ��� ���


(10:50) " The Getaway "

* * " The Mummy " (1999) Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz. ( In Stereo) @ ** " The Mummy Returns " (2001) Bre ndan Frase r. (In Stereo ) @ The Office (6:01) "Prince of Persia : The Sands of Time" (2010) * * "Superfly" (2018) Trevo r Jack son, 'R'@ ��� ��� (3:34) * * * " Carlita 's Way " (1993) Al Pacino, ** * "Jumanji: Welcom e to the Jungl e" (2017) View to Kill (6 :12) * * * "Parenthood " (1989) Steve Ma rtin, 'PG-13'@ (8:18) * " Max Payne " (2008 )@ ** "Another 48 HRS." (1990) 'R' ��� ��� (4:05) * * "Fallen " (1998) Denzel Washingt on, ' R' Mom @

��� � ��� ��� Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld


(11 :03) Live PD: Rewind World Poker

** "Snatched " (201 7) Amy Sch umer. @ Beat Bobby IBeat Bobby Chopped @ Gold Girls IGold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls ** * "Bohemian Rhapsody " (2018) 'PG-13' [Hunt ers


Mod Fam

Naked and Afraid: Redemption

NBA Summ er Leag ue Bas ket b all

*** "Deja Vu" (2006) Denzel Washington . * * "Robin Hood " (201 0) Russe ll Crowe.@ Hunters Hunters Hunt ers Beach Beach Christina IUnspouse Hunter s


■ ;;i


MLB Baseball : Ho uston Astros at Texas Rangers. (N ) (Live)

NBA Summ er Leagu e Bas ketb all


• 11'•1


** "Keeping Up With the Joneses " (2016) Zac h Galifianak is.

PARMT ��� �� ��� ��� Mom @ STZENC ��� �


With It Raven

~~ and Afraid "Episode 14" (N) (In Stereo) @


Real Hou se wiv es/B everly Hollywood

* "Fifty Shades Freed " (2018) Dakot a Johnson,

* * "Freeheld " (201 5) Julianne Moore.



Fight Sports MMA

Wat ch What [ Hou se w iv es/NYC

Naked and Afraid @

Big City


Amanpour and Company

Reef Break (N)

��� �� ��� ��� Naked and Afr a id @


Mod Fam

Family Food Fight (N)

��� �� ��� ��� " Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael"

Your Life "

11 :30


Spin the Wheel (N)


Naked and Afraid @


The Outpost @


(5:2 0)


The Queen Mother @

Spin the Wheel (N)

Live PD: Rewind (N) @


* "Jaws the Revenge"

(5:03) The Rook @




B4 Wednesday, July 10, 2019 ........111111:,,.

1 ■ 1-







Mod Fam

Mod Fam

Last Man

Last Man

Big Bang

Big Bang

CBS News

CBS4 News at 5 (N) Im

Paid Prog .

Paid Prog.

KCNC ��� �

Paid Prog.

KRMA ��� �

Rick Steves The This Old House Hour Weekend

��� �

� ThisMinute

�� �� TMZ (N) (In Stereo ) [cl


Delta County Independent


�� �� �� ��

KWGN ��� ��


World News Denver 7 News at 5PM





Channel 2 News

Paid Prog .

Paid Prog .


The List

Shark Tank


Million Dollar Mile (N)

48 Hours (N) l«I

48 Hours "Defending DJ"

Shark Tank

The Good Doctor loll

The Rookie

��� � ��� �

Into Wild




��� �

Paid Prog.

Paid Prog .

World News NEWS8

Entertainment Inside Ed .

The Good Doctor

MLB Baseball (N) (In Stereo ) (Live) [cl

KKCO ��� �

Wipeout (In Stere o) loll


KFQX ��� �

Mod Fam

MLB Baseball (N) (In Stere o) (Live) @


��� � ��� ��� (3:00 ) Live PD Riding along w ith law enforcement.


��� ��� ��� ��� Focused



BRAVO ��� � ��� ��� Southern Charm ~






Last Man

Big Bang

I (9:45) Midsomer Murders Bluegrass

The Rookie



I News

(DVS )

(DVS )


Fox 31 News al

Live PD "Live PD --07.1 3 .19" (N) (In Stereo ) (Live)@

MLB Baseball: Cincinnati Reds at Colo rado Rockies. (N) (Live) Southern Charm ~


Paid Prog.


* * * "Furious 7" (2015 , Action ) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. (In Stereo) loll


(6:06 ) Live PD: Rewind


Southern Charm



NBC News


Death in Paradise (DVS)

11 :00

48 Hours "Defending DJ"

48 Hours (N) Im



Person of Interest ".exe " Elementary




Person of Interest Im

Million Dollar Mile (N)


Mod Fam


Lawrence Welk


CBS News


11 :30 ~

NCIS : New Orleans Austin City Limits




(11 :05) Wipeout


What Just

What Just



Big Bang


(10:35) Rizzoli & Isles


Saturday Night Live (In Stere o) @

Whal Just

Whal Just


Friends Big Bang Paid Prog .

The Listener "Je richo"

Live PD "Live PD -- 0 7.13.19" (In Stereo) @ Rockies

* * "Boo! A Madea Halloween " (201 6) Tyler Perry. ~

I Rockies

MLB Baseball: Cincinn ati Reds at Co lorado Rockies.

"Boo! A Madea Halloween " (201 6) Tyler Perry .~

I **


" The Great White Hype" Jett "Bennie " Im (5:35) ** "Maze Runner: The Death Cure" (20 18) 'PG-13' * * "Against the Ropes" (2004) Meg Ryan. Im ��� �� ��� ��� (2:50 ) * * * "Blade Runner 2049" ��� �� ��� ��� Expedition Unknown Im Expedition Unknown Im Expedition Unknown Im Expedition Unknown : Rediscovered (In Ste reo) Im Expedition Unknown Im Expedition Unknown (In Ster eo) Im Sydney Bunk'd :ocJ Raven Raven Sydney "Zootopia" (2016) 'PG' 1cc1 IRoll With It Andi Mack Bunk 'd lccl Amphibia Big City Coop (6:40) *** ��� ��� ��� ��� Raven


��� �� ��� ��� Basketball


NBA Summer League Basketball

ESPN2 ��� ��� ��� ��� CFL Football

NBA Summer League Basketball E:60 Im

CFL Football: Ca lgary Stamped e rs at Ham ilton Tiger- Cats. (N) (Live)


(N) Im

Box ing : Shakur Stevenson vs. Franklin Manz anilla.


NBA Summer League Basketball

Best of PFL UFC 25 Greatest Fights


��� �� ��� ��� (3:30) * * " Why Him? " (2016) James Franco. Im

* * "Ghostbusters " (2016 , Comedy) Melissa McCarthy. (In Stereo) Im

* * * "Deadpool " (2016 , Actio n) Ryan Reynolds. (In Ster eo) [cl


Diners , Drive

Diners, Dr ive

Diners, Drive


Diners Diners Diners ��� � ��� ��� Diners ��� � ��� ��� "Coming Home for Christmas" (201 7) loll


" Christmas Getaway" (201 7) Bridget Regan. @

"Sharing Christmas"


��� ��� ��� ��� HateUGive

" Fantastic Beasts : The Crimes of Grindelwald "

(11 :15) Euphoria @


��� ��� ��� ��� Love It or List It @ ��� ��� ��� ��� (3 :00) Ancient Aliens


��� � ��� ��� "Sleepwalking in Suburbia " (20 17) Lucie Guest.


��� �� ��� ��� SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBob

(4 :45) **

"Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe " (201 8) :..i

"I, Robot " (2004) Will Smith. 'PG- 13' Love It or List It @

(6:4 5) * * "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom " (2018) 'PG-13'

Pool Kings (N) @


Ancient Aliens (In Stereo) Ancient Aliens: Declassified

��� �� ��� ��� " The Possession of Hannah Grace"

STZENC ��� � ��� ��� (3:13 ) * * * "Erin Brockovich " (2000 )

(5:22) SpongeBob

Best. Pool.

SquarePants @

Hunters lnt 'I Hunters

SpongeBob l SpongeBob

SpongeBob SquarePants

(6:28) * * '7he Lone Ranger " (20 13) John ny Depp . 'PG - 13' 1cc1


��� �� ��� ��� (3 :05) * * "Fast Five " (2011 , Act ion) Vin Diesel.


��� ��

IAII That (N) All That


" Venom"(2 018) Tom Hardy . 'PG-1 3' 1cc1


Big Bang

Full Frontal I The Detour

" The Dark Tower" (201 7)

(In Stereo ) @

"Stalked by My Doctor : Sleepwalker " Friends


The Office

The Office

(10:5 5) The Rook 1cc1 Spartacus: Blood & Sand

Claws Im (DVS)

"Greek Wedding "

" Texas Chainsaw-Next Gen."


* • * "Pacific Rim" (2013) Charlie Hu nnam , Diego Klattenhoff. Im (DVS)

* * "San Andreas" (2015) Dwayne Johnson .@ ( DVS)

"London Has Fal/en" (2016) Ge rar d Butle r.


Chicago P.D. @ (DVS)



au~::::i1,1 1,1

�� �� �� �� KWGN

Best. Pool . Hunters lnt 'I

Pool Hunt.

(10 :0 3) Ancient Aliens: Declassified

(9:07) * * " The Kingdom " (200 7) Jamie Foxx.

"The GreatOutdoors '" PG' (7:01) * * * * "Jaws " (1975) Roy Scheider. 'PG' (8:25) **

......... , ,.,.,a




Diners , Drive

(8:15) * * * "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade " (1989 ) Ha rrison Fo rd .

Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang I Big Bang ��� � ��� ��� * * * "Beauty and the Beast" (2017) Emma Watso n. Im (DVS) (6:45) "Assassination Games " (20 11) 'R'@ ��� ��� ��� ��� (3:25 ) "Pork Pie" (2017) (5:15 ) "Gangster Land" (2017) 'N R' * ** "Kong: Skull Island " (2017) To m Hiddleston. Im (DV S) ��� �� ��� ��� (2:30) " The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug "


I Beach

(8:03 ) "Suburban Swingers Club " (2019) @

"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" (1984)

(5:35) The Rook 1cc1 (5:27) **

I Pool Hunt.

Diners, Drive

"Exploring Alie n Pheno mena" Alien s· leg acy o n Earth. (In Stereo ) @

"Stalked by My Doctor: Sleepwalker "

PARMT ��� �� ��� ��� (3:05) "Raiders of the Lost Ark" (198 1) (5:40) *** STARZ

Diners, Drive




Pawn Stars

Pawn Stars

Paid Prog.

CBS News

Gold bergs


��� �


��� �

� The Queen Mother loll


��� �


��� �

�� �� Judge Judy Judge Judy News


��� �






Big Bang

I Big Bang




11 :00

11 :30

Two Men

Mod Fam

The Good Fight (N) @


All Access

Joel Osteen NCIS: N.0.

Big Brother (N) Im

Instinct (N) Im

Poldark on Masterpiece


Funniest Home Videos

Celebrity Family Feud (N) The $100 ,000 Pyramid


Last Man


CBS News

60 Minutes (N) Im

! Last Man


Two Men

Father Brown Im



The 100 (In Stereo) @

60 Minutes (N) Im



Burden of Truth (N)

CBS4 News at 5 (N) Im Weekend


Channel 2 News


World News Denver 7 News al 5PM



on Masterpiece

Family Guy l~hat

J~ urgers

Big Brother (N) Im


Instinct (N) Im

(In Stereo) Im (DVS)


Professor T . @

Professor T. Im

To Tell the Truth (N)



Wipeout (In Ste reo)@







Madam Secretary @

I News

The Good Fight (N) @

_I Matter _


��� �

Paid Prog.

Raw Travel

World News NEWS8

Funniest Home Videos

Celebrity Family Feud (N) The $100 ,000 Pyramid

To Tell the Truth (N)


(10:35) Castle "Demons"

Mad Dog


��� �


Paid Prog .


NBC News


Game Night

Am erica 's Got Talent "A uditions 6" (In Stereo) Im

New Amsterd am


Two Men

Two Men


" The Virgin Suicides"

Mod Fam

Mod Fam

Last Man

I Last Man

Fox 31 News at



Mom @

Mom irn

Live Rescue: Rewind

(10 :03) * * "Armageddon " (1998) Bruce Wil lis.


��� �


��� � ��� ��� (3:00) * * * "Hacksaw Ridge " (2016, War) @


��� ��� ��� ��� Rockies


BRAVO ��� � ��� ��� Housewives/Potomac


I Family Guy What Just

Tennis : Invesco Series: Hawa ii Champions Cup .



Southern Charm




��� �� ��� ��� (3:30) " The Day After Tomorrow " @


��� �� ��� ��� Naked and Afraid @


��� ��� ��� ��� Raven


��� �� ��� ��� Sunday Night Countdown MLB Baseball: Los Angeles Dodge rs at Boston Red Sox . (N) (Live)

(5:35) * "My Soul to Take" (2010) Max Thieriot. 'R'

Naked and Afraid XL

Red Bull Series

ESPN2 ��� ��� ��� ��� NBA Summer League Basketball

I(7:25) *


With It



��� � ��� ��� Food Truck Race


��� � ��� ��� "Christmas at the Palace" (20 18) Me rritt Patterson.

" Christmas Under Wraps" (2014 , Children's)@


��� ��� ��� ��� 50 Dates

Yea rs and Years Im



��� ��� ��� ��� Property Brothers

Property Brothers



��� ��� ��� ��� UFO Conspiracy:

��� � ��� ��� "Stalked by My Doctor: Sleepwalker " ��� �� ��� ��� SpongeBob


��� �� ��� ��� (3:06) * * " Venom"lctl (4:28) **


��� � ��� ��� Big Bang


��� ��� ��� ��� (4:05) **


��� �� ��� ��� Godzilla


��� �� ��� ��� Law & Order: SVU



...... I :;ay


��� ��


Food Truck Race

"Rush Hour 2 "(200 1) 'PG- 13' Encounters

Sydn ey

( N) Im

Beat Bobby I Beat Bobby

Moon Landing

I AII Th at



Dr . Phil (In Stereo) Im

Colorado 's

��� �

� Wild Kratts

Beat Bobby

"Christmas in Evergr een: Letters to Santa " (2018) Euphoria (N) Im

Mexico Life Mexico Life Island Life

Island Life

Moon Landing

(10:03) UFOs : Dangerous Encounters

Exposed l«I

(10:01 ) "In Bed With a Killer " (20 19) Jenni fe r Taylor.

" The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water"



(9:0 1) Bar Rescue @

Bar Rescue @

Bar Rescue @




(8:06 ) The Rook lctl

The Rook (N) :..i


(10 :53) The Rook lctl

Big Bang

Sweetb itter

I Sweetbitter

I Sweetbitter

(6: 13) * * " The Kingdom " (2007) Jamie Foxx.

Big Bang

Big Bang

I Big Bang

(8:07 ) " The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen "

Claws (N) Im (DVS)

Law & Order : SVU


* * "Fallen " (1998) Denzel W ashingt on . 'R' @

(9:02) * " Tammy" (20 14) Melissa McCart hy.

(8:01) Cla w s Im (DVS)

"Into the Wild " (20 07) Emi le Hirsch. ' R' @

I* *•

* * "Miss Congeniality "

* * "Nine" (2009) Daniel Day -Lewis. 'PG- 13'

* * * " The Help "

Claws (N) Im (DVS)

(8:01) Claws Im (DVS)

(9:02) * * "Edge of Darkness " (2010) @

(11 :02) **

Law & Order : SVU

Law & Order: SVU

Mod Fam

! Mod Fam

The Radkes Chrisley



� The Now Den ver Im

Odd Squad







Big Bang

Big Bang


CBS News


CBS 4 News Love Island (N) @

��� �

�� �� Judge Judy Judge Judy News

World News News




��� �


��� �

� Judg e Judy Judge Judy World News NEWS8

Ellen DeGeneres Show

PBS NewsHour (N) @

World News Busin ess

��� �


CBS News




Channel 2 News


Penn & Teller : Fool Us

Mod Fam

Mod Fam

The Cod e (N) Im

Antiqu es Roadshow (N) Antiqu e s Road s how @

The List (N) The Bachelorette

"Immortals "

"1509" (N) (In Stereo ) @

Late Show-Colbert

(9:0 1) Gr and Hotel (N)

Beat Shaza m (N)

So You Think-Can Dance News

Love Isl and (N) Im

The Cod e (N) @

Big Bang

Ent. Tonight Th e Bach elore tte "1509" (N) (In Stereo ) lctl

Cord e n Nightlin e

Dateline NBC (N)@

11 News

Tonight Show-J. Fallon


Big Bang

Mod Fam

Mod Fam

(11 :03) Live Rescue Im

� Jeopardy



NBC News



Fam Feud

Fam Feud



Fox 4 News Beat Shazam (N)


��� � ��� ��� Live PD

Live PD

Live PD

Live PD

Live PD

Live PD


��� ��� ��� ��� The Dan Patrick Show



Pregam e

MLB Baseball : San Franc isco Gianls at Co lorado Rockies . (N) (Live)

��� �� ��� ��� (3:50) * "Hope Floats " (1998) @

So You Think -Can Dance Fox 4 News I Fox 31 News at

Be low Deck

(5:45) * * "Bad Girls " (1994) Made leine St owe . 'R'

Be low Dec k

��� �� ��� ��� Fast N' Loud: Mas ter

Fast N' Loud: Revv e d Up Fast N' Loud : Revved Up Fast N' Loud "Episode 1" (N) (In Stereo) @

��� ��� ��� ��� Big City

Rave n


��� �� ��� ��� SportsCent e r (N) loll

MLB Bas e ball : Los Ang eles Dodge rs at Philadel phia Phillies. (N) (Live) @ NFL Liv e @


A nd i Mack

Sydn ey

IRoll With

It Bunk 'd @


��� ��� ��� ��� Around

��� �� ��� ��� "Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation " * * " The Equalizer " (2014 , Action) Denzel Wash ington. (In Stereo) @


��� � ��� ��� Cake Wars @

NBA : The Jump (N) Im

Ca ke War s @

Chopp ed (N) Im

Old Man


��� ��� ��� ��� Lov e It or Li st It r..i

Lov e It or Lis t It


��� ��� ��� ��� American Pickers Im

American Pickers

American Pickers


��� � ��� ��� Wif e Sw ap @

Wif e Sw ap @

* * "Madea's Witness Protection" (20 12) Ty ler Perry, Eugene Levy . Im


��� �� ��� ��� Sp o ng e Bob Spong eBo b LEGO C ity ��� �� ��� ��� **


"A Christm as Detour " (20 15) Pa ul Gree ne loll Lov e It or Lis t It


Hunt e rs lnt 'I Hunt ers

Hidd en Pot. I Hidd e n Pot. Hunt ers

(8:03 ) Pawn Stars (N)

Amphibi a

UFC Relo ad ed (N) Legion "Chap ter 23" (N)

Years and Years (NJ ~

Divorce (N) Years and

I Hun te rs lnt'I Hidd en Po t. Hidd e n Pot. Hunt ers To Be Announced

(11 :06) Pawn Stars

Littl e Wom e n : Atl a nt a

(10 :01) * * "Madea's Witness Prot ection " (2012) Sm art e r

Fri end s

Fri end s

Cops @

Cops @

Cops @

Cops @

Cops @

! Cops @

Cops (N)

(6:46) * * * "Frailty " (200 2) 'R' @

(6:25 ) * * "Fallen " (1998) Denzel Washington. 'R'

��� ��� ��� ��� (3:30)

* * * "Thank You for

Your Servi ce" (2017)


��� �� ��� ��� * * "300: Rise of a11Empire " (2014) @ (DV S)

** * "Kong: Skul/lsl and " (2017) To m Hiddleston. @ (DVS)


��� �� ��� ��� Mod Fam

WW E Mond ay Nig ht RA W (N) (In Stereo) (Live) Im

Mod Fam

Mo d Fam




! Cops @

Cops @

I Swee tbitt er Sweetbitt er "Jum anji: Welcome to the Jungl e"

(8:32) * * " The Strangers" (2008)

* * * "Never Say Never Again " (1983) ' PG' Im

Fin al Space Con an @

Se in feld

** * "Baby Boom " (1987) Diane Keaton .


Mod Fam

Cops @

(8:29 ) Th e Rook @


! Seinfe ld

* "MidnightSun " (2018) 'PG-13'

Con an @

I Mod Fam



Mod Fam

Mod Fam

NCIS : Los An geles



� News

Colorado's Goldbergs

Goldb erg s

KCNC ��� �

� Dr . Phil (In Ste reo) loll


KRMA ��� �

� Wild Kratts Od d Squad

World News Busines s

KMGH ��� � KDVR ��� �

� The Now Denv e r Im

New s

�� �� Judg e Judy Judg e Judy News


��� �


Ell en DeGe neres Show


CB S New s



B ig Ba ng

Big Bang


CBS4 News Lov e Is land (N) Im

PBS NewsHour (N) [cl


Chann el 2 New s



Pandor a (In Ste reo ) @ Blo o d & Tr eas ur e (N)

Americ an Experience Im (DVS)

Late Show -Colb ert

Man on t he Moon -CBS



Behind the Wings Im


Mo d Fam

l blac k-ish


Jimmy Kimm e l Liv e Im


I News


Se inf eld

CBS New s


B ig Ba ng

L ove Is land (N) @

B loo d & Treas ur e (N)

Man on t he Moon -CBS


Late Sh o w -Colb ert

FamFe ud

Insid e Ed .

Ent. Toni g ht The Li on Kin g

NBC News


Wh ee l

FamF eud





��� �


��� � ��� ��� (12:30) Movi e

Farr ah Faw cett Fore ver (In Stereo) @


��� ��� ��� ��� Jun cti o n




IGo ldb ergs

Mod Fam

Mod Fam

IG oldb ergs

Am eric a 's Got Talent "Judg e Cuts 1" (N) Im Sp in t he W hee l

9-1-1 "Hen Beg ins"

"Anchorman: Legend of Ron "


��� �� ��� ��� Dea dli est Cat ch @

Dea dli est Cat ch @

Dea dli es t Catc h


��� ��� ��� ��� Bi g City

Rave n



��� �� ��� ��� SportsC ente r (N) Im


Ungua rd ed

Interruption NFL Liv e @ ESPN2 ��� ��� ��� ��� Around ��� �� ��� ��� (3:00) * * * "Star Trek Into Darkness" (2013) @


Chopp ed @


Ni g htlin e


B ig Ba ng

Mod Fam


Mod Fam

JFK Jr : The Fin al Yea r

ML B Base ba ll : Giants at Rockies

Dead li es t Cat c h @

Deadli est Cat ch @

Deadli est Cat c h @

Rave n

Sy dn ey

Co op

! Syd ney

Sydn ey

Mysteries-Abandoned Am p hibi a

Bi g Cit y

2019 W or ld Series of Pok er : Final Table. (N) (Live)

Sp ortsCe nt er (N) Im

SportsCe nt er (N) Im

SporlsC ent er (N) Im

ES PN FC (N) (Live) l<ll

Int ern at ion al Champion s Cup Soc ce r


Ung ua rd e d irn

Th e Firs t Day Im

* * "Ali en: Covenant " (2017) Michael Fassbende r. (In Stereo ) Chop p ed Junior IN) Im


��� � ��� ��� "A December Bride" (2016) Jessica Lowndes. Im ��� ��� ��� ��� (3:15) * * * "The Hate U Give"


��� ��� ��� ��� Fixe r Upper l<ll

Fixe r Up pe r @ (DVS)

Fixe r Upper irn (DVS)


��� ��� ��� ��� Am eri ca n Pic kers @

Ame r ica n Pic ker s


��� � ��� ��� Wif e Sw ap @

Dan ce Mo m s l<l:


��� �� ��� ��� Spon ge Bob Spon ge Bo b LEGO City


"Passengers " (2016) Jennifer Lawr ence. (In Stereo)

Chopp e d (N) Im

Chopp ed "Hot Dogg in'"

"Christm as at Holly Lodg e" (20 17) Alison Swee ney . " Christmas Next Door " (201 7) Jesse Metcalfe . Im "Bad Times at the El Royale" (20 18) Jeff Bridge s.


Cho pped Junior Im

Pose (N) (In Stereo ) @ Cho ppe d @

"Chris tmas at the Palace" (2018) Merritt Patte rson.

Be hind Clo se d Doo rs "Pa rt 1" (N)

(10:20) **

"Hall oween " (20 18) 'R'

Es po o ky s

I VIC E News

Good Bo n es (N) irn


I Hunte rs lnt 'I Hunt ers

A m er ica n Pic ker s

A m eri ca n Pic ker s Im

(8:03) A me rica n Pic kers

(9:05 ) Am eri ca n Pic kers

(10:03) A merica n Pic kers (11 :04) A me rica n Pic kers

Da nce Mom s (N) @

Dan ce Mo m s (N) @

Chee r lead er Gene rati on

(9:03) Marry in g Milli on s

(10:01) Da nce Mo ms@

I Hunte rs lnt 'I Goo d Bo n es irn

Hun te rs

* * * "Comi ng to America" (1988 ) Eddie Murphy . (In Stereo )


STARZ ��� �� ��� ��� Sweetbitter (4:28) * * "Spider-Man: Homecomi ng " (2017) (6:04) *** STZENC ��� � ��� ��� (4 :13) ** " The Last Song " (20 10) Miley Cyrus. B ig Ba ng

Ink Master @

Spider Man (6:55) The Ro ok @

Ink Mas t er "Art of W ar" (7:49)


"Al/ the Money in the Wor ld"( 20 17) 'R ' ll<l Big Ba ng


��� ��� ��� ��� (3:15) " The Cured '" R'


��� �� ��� ��� Edge

* * * "Kong: Skull Island " (20 17) To m Hiddleston. ~ (DVS)


��� �� ��� ��� Mod Fa m

Mo d Fam

* * " The Exorcism of Emily Rose " (200 5) ~

B ig Ba ng

I Big Ba ng

B ig Bang


"Coming to America "( 1988) Eddie Murphy . ( In Stereo)

* "Li ve Free or Die Hard " (2007) 'PG -13' I (8 :19) **

"Fletch "(1 985) 'PG'

I Th e Det o ur Co nan l<ll

''The Pirates of Somalia " (201 7) Evan Peters. 'R'


The Rook (In Stereo) loll

Con an irn

New Girl

''The English Pa li ent " (1996) Ra lph Fiennes. 'R' ~

Anim a l Kingdom "Ambo" Anim a l Kin gd o m "A mbo" * * ''Tomorr ow/and " (2015) Geo rge Clooney . ~ (DVS)

WW E Smac kDown ! (N) (In St e reo) (Live) Im

Chri sley

I Gro win g Up Mo d Fam

I Mod Fam

Mo d Fam

Mod Fam

Fri end s


(10 :55) "Stan & Olli e "

* * "Fletch Li ves" (1989) 'PG'

I The Deto u r Seinf eld

Hunt e rs lnt 'I

(11 :01) Dance Mo m s@

Loud Ho use Loud Hou se Loud House Loud Ho use l Loud House Spo ng e Bob lS po ng eB ob * "Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwr ecked " (20 11) Fri end s

Mo d Fa m

Ho ll y w oo d

* * " Phat Girlz " (200 6)

The First Day (N)


Big Ba ng

Fri end s Ca rde n

Jimm y Kimm e l Li ve @

* * * "There 's Something Ab out Mary" (1998) 'R'

! Sydn ey

Ni gh tl ine

Ton ight Show -J . Fallon

Watc h Wh at ! Real Housewiv es/B ev erly Hou sew ives/ NY C

"Pitch Perf ect 3" (20 17)

Deadli est Catc h (N) @

Andi Mack Ro ll Wit h It I Bunk 'd

Chopp ed @

(5:35 ) **

I(7:25 ) **

I Roc ki es

Seinf eld


(9:04) Fa rr ah Fawc ett For ev er (In St ereo) Im

MLB Base ba ll : San Francisco Giants at Co lorado Rockies . (N) (Live)

Card e n

11 News

Fox 4 New s I Fox 31 News at

JFK Jr : Th e Fin a l Year (N) (In Stereo) @

BRAVO ��� � ��� ��� Real Hous ewiv es/ Beverly Rea l Hou se wiv es/Beverly Real Ho usewiv es/B everly Real House wiv es/ B everly Ho use wiv es/P oto m ac

"Defending Your Life" (1991) 'PG'

l bl ack -is h

(9:01) Br ing th e Funny

11 :30 Mod Fam

Am anpour and Company

Mo d Fam


Mod Fam

Two Men

9-1-1 "Hen Beg ins"

Jeop ardy!

��� � ��� ��� Family Guy Family Guy Big Ba ng

Two Men

Spin th e Wheel

� Judg e Judy Judg e Jud y World News NEWS 8

PA RMT ��� �� ��� ��� Mom @

The 100 ' Matryoshka"

Wh ee l

� Jeop ardy

��� � ��� ��� Chopp ed @

11 :00

Th e Lis t (N) Th e Lio n Kin g

Big C ity



��� �� ��� ��� (3:55) ***



��� �



Wo rl d News News

KKCO ��� �

Milli o naire

Se inf eld

Castl e "Deep in Death"

* * " God zi l/a " (20 14) Aaro n Tay lor-Jo hnso n. @ (DVS) Mo d Fam

Se inf eld

(10:35) "Some Kind of Wonderf ul "

~,·, 1::::11 J::::11Ill~

KWGN ��� ��

Hunt e rs lnt'I

(9:05) Pawn Stars

Cops @

Cops @

��� � ��� ��� Family Guy Family Guy Fam ily Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy I Family Guy Am er. Dad

�� �� �� ��

Big City

SporlsC ent er (N) @

Cops @

STZENC ��� � ��� ��� (3:50) * * * "Ray" (2004) Jamie Foxx . 'PG-13' l<l:



Spo ng eB ob " LEGO Batman: The Movie "


* " The Spirit "


SportsC e nt er (N) loll

"A Shoe Addict 's Christmas " (2018, Romance ) @

* "Bohemian Rhapsody " (20 18) Ram i Male k.~

To Be Announced

Fast N' Loud "Ep isode 1" (In Ste reo) Im

Wor st Bakers in Am erica Cupc a ke Cha m p ion ship

"Finding Santa " (2017) Jod ie Sweet in. Im

I (7:45) * *


Lo ud Hous e Loud Hou se Loud House S pon geB ob Squ ar ePants Sma rter

" The Possess ion of Hannah Grace"

(4 :22) The Rook ,@


Wor st Ba ke rs in Am e rica Cup ca ke Cha mpion sh ip Chopp ed Im

* * " Wall Street : Money Never Sleeps " (20 10)

(10:3 1) South e rn Cha rm

* * * " True Lie s "( 1994) A rno ld Schwarzenegge r.

"Benn ie" @

Sport s Cent er (N) @

��� � ��� ��� "Snow Bride " (2013) Kat rina Law, Jordan Belfi. @

Cops @

MLB Baseball : Giants at Rockies

* * "Alien : Covenant " (20 17) Michae l Fass bend er. @

��� ��� ��� ��� "Old Man-Gun "

Cops @

Rock ies

Rave n

NBA Summ e r Lea gu e Ba sk etb all


PARMT ��� �� ��� ��� Cops @

IRoc kies

(9:0 1) Fast N' Loud @

Rav en



Live PD

2019 World Series of Poker : Fina l Tab le. (N) (Live)


Int erruption

Live PD

I(7:25) " Resident Evil : Apocalypse '" R' Jett



Live Rescue: Rewind

Watc h Wh at l Below Dec k


Big C ity

Nig hlline Friends


Late Show-Colbert

Be low Dec k

Jimmy Kim mel Live loll Seinfeld

Jimmy Kimm e l Liv e Im

Be low Deck

News News News

Live Rescue "Live Resc ue -- 0 5.13.19 " Im


Am anpour and Company


��� �

Americ an Ninja Warrior "Los Ang e les City Fina ls"

I News

11 :30 Mod Fam

Bull "Leave It All Beh ind"

��� �

BRAVO ��� � ��� ��� Below Dec k lccl



(9:0 1) Gr and Hot e l (N)



11 :00

Bull "Leave It All Beh ind"

POV Anniversary of the Bisbee Deportation. (N) @



10:30 Two Men


Insid e Ed .


Whose Line I Whose Line Two Men



The Weekly

Beat Bobby

Bar Rescue (N) @



The Weekly

Bar Rescue @



Food Truck Race

■ i-m



The 2019 ESPYS Im

UFC Main Event

Bar Rescue @

Law & Order: SVU

��� �


Big City


Hawaii Life I Hawaii Life

(8:03 ) " Trapped Model" (20 19) Lucy Loken. r..i

SpongeBob SquareP ants Henry

Amphibi a


I (7:40) * * "Fantastic Beasts : The Crimes of Grindelwald " (2018) Big Little Li es (N) loll I Island Life

Naked and Afraid Im

Bunk 'd lccl

Bar Rescue @

* * * "Kong : Skull Island " (20 17) To m Hiddleston. @ (DV S)



(N) (Live)@

"Christmas at Pemberley Manor " (2018) @

"In Bed With a Killer " (20 19) Jennife r Tay lor. ~

" The Core" (2003, Act ion) Aaron Eckha rt. 'PG-13' @



! Roll With It Andi Mack


Beat Bobby I Beat Bobby

Exposed (NJ @

(10 :55 ) "Seventh Son "

Naked and Afraid XL

"The Equalizer " (2014 , Action ) Denze l Was hington. (In Ste reo) Im

Mexico Life I Mexico Life Island Life

I Beach

SpongeBob Squ arePants l SpongeBob

" The Rocker " (2008)

Big Bang


Southern Charm


�� �� �� �� KWGN

Guy ' s Grocery Games

Hunt for the Truth (In Ste reo) loll UFOs: Dangerous


STZENC ��� � ��� ��� Dragon

* * * "Deadpool" (20 16, Acti on) Ryan Reynolds. (In Stereo) Im

Guy's Grocery Games



of Potomac

* * "Unlawful Entry " (1992) Kurt Russe ll. 'R'

2019 World Series of Poker : Final Tab le. (N) (Live)


PARMT ��� �� ��� ��� Bar Rescue @


NBA Summer League Basketball

��� �� ��� ��� (3:00) * * "Men in Black 3" (20 12)


"The Darkness " (20 16)




MLB Baseball : Cincinnati Reds at Co lo rado Rockies.

watch What l watch What Watch What l The Real Housewives

Naked and Afraid XL (N) Naked and Afraid XL (N) Naked and Afraid "Stom ping Grou nds" Im

** * "Zootopi a" (2016) (In Stereo) 'PG' lccl

Divor ce

I What Just

* * "Armageddon " (1998 , Science Fiction) Bruce Will is. (In Stereo) l«I

Chri sley

Moon raker New Girl

Shelley Th e Det our Gro win g Up


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


2019 Cherry Days Small Town Living Paonia, Colorado

Yael Fink, 8, won the Cherry Days costume contest and $50 with her Betsy Ross costume. Yael Jan Tuin conducts more than 30 members of the Tuin family in singing the Star-Spangled Banner dur- also wore the costume last year. ing opening ceremonies of the 73rd annual Cherry Days festival.

Kathy Welt, center, was among the more than 100 people to attend the July 4 dedication of the new Miner’s Plaza memorial wall at Paonia Town Park. The Paonia High School graduating class of 1969 honors all its late fellow As the senior environmental engineer at Mountain Coal Company’s West Elk classmates during the Cherry Days parade. A popular time for class reunions, Mine, Welt has more than 35 years of experience in the coal mining industry. the PHS classes of 1979, 1989 and 2009 were also represented in the parade.

Jesse Burns and Poppy Lightfoot were named king and queen of the 2019 Cherry Days festival. The honor includes a $1,000 scholarship from the Cherry Days committee.

Western Slope Patriot Guard Riders of Colorado member Dave Hiney gives a thumbs up during the July 4 Cherry Days parade. A group of veterans and civilians along with formal military rides Dressed for Fourth of July fun, Coy Ellenberger, for its fallen brothers and sisters in parades and 9, of Crawford performs a front flip off of a Wow events that honor them. Attractions slide at Paonia Town Park.

CONTEST WINNERS Cherry Days Parade 1st: Arts for All 2nd: USDA Forest Service 3rd: Delta County Libraries

Kids marching in the Arts for All Cherry Days parade entry make it look so easy. Judges selected the entry as this year’s parade winner. Sponsored by the Blue Sage Center for the Arts and The Learning Council, Arts for All offers after-school and summer art classes under the gift model.

Photos by Tamie Meck

Coal Shoveling 1st: Jorge Carrillo and Bruno Carrillo 2nd: Edgar Martinez and Antoni Mora 3rd: Aren Henry and Tanner Ellenberger

Baking Contest 1st: Laura Northrop (cherry pie) 2nd: Ashley Trego (cherry walnut cupcakes) 3rd: Taryn Hedrick (blueberry cherry flag pie) 4th: Jasmine Holthausen (adventure of the macaroon) Costume Contest 1st: Yael Fink for her Betsy Ross costume 2nd: Bernie Canape 3rd: Patty Naft

Kids always get a kick out of riding the train in the Cherry Days parade, courtesy of engineer Don Geddes and the North Fork Ambulance.

Paonia Police Chief Neil Ferguson responds to his initial “Dunk a Deputy” swim. All Delta County law enforcement agencies participated in the Kids chase after calves Saturday during the Bulls n Broncs War at dunk tank, which raised $548 for the Back the the North Fork Horse Patrol. About 40 kids chased calves through Badge one-percent sales tax initiative. A dollar the area in hopes of snagging one of the green ribbons tied to got participants three tries to dunk their favorite law enforcement officer, but several paid a higher their tails, which they could exchange for prizes. price for the honor of dunking agency heads like Ferguson and Delta County Sheriff Mark Taylor.

B6 Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Paul Minerich

Paonia resident Paul Willard Minerich died in his home June 28, 2019. He was 83. There will be no services held at this time. He was born to John and Hilda (Erickson) Minerich Dec. 1, 1935, in Somerset. When he was nine months old, his family moved to Paonia,where he lived until his death. He spent most of his life on Lamborn Mesa. Mr. Minerich joined the Air Force when he was 17. He served for four years. He was a longtime coal miner, spending close to 20 years working underground. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, tending to his yard, trees, rose and vegtable gardens and old western movies. He is survived by his wife, Rebecca Minerich of

five cons:iJer a


2. 3.



OBITUARIES Paonia; sons, Allen Minerich of Rifle, Paul (Kathie) Minerich of Montrose, Danny Minerich of Delta, and Archie (Kerri) Minerich of Hot Springs, S.D.; daughters, Tammy (Berry) Speicher of Moab, Utah, Lorri (Randy) West of Hotchkiss; step-daughters, Aricia (John) Long of Paonia, and Sharon Webb of Austin, Texas; 18 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Karen Wetherington

Delta resident, Karen Michelle Wetherington died July 4, 2019, at her home. She was 58. A private family service will be held at a later date. She was born Oct. 14, 1960, to Archie and Myra Edwards in Pensacola, Fla. She spent her childhood and attended schools in Florida, graduating from Choctawhatchee High School in 1978. On July 3, 1986, she married Robert Wetherington in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. The couple


Weworkharderto earnyourbusiness. We can'taffordto provideanythinglessthan impea:ableservice,or to leaveyouwith less than the best impressionpossible.

You're notjustourclient,you'reourboss. We don'tlosesightofwho we'reworkingfor. Afterall,you'rethe one we answerto.

Wearrangefunerals, we don'tsellthem. It is our responsibilityto honoryour wishesand respectyourbudget.

Welikemeetingfamilies, not goals. like you, we are a part ofthis community supportingour neighborswhen they need us.

Wespendtimewithyou. Arranging a fittingtributeis importantto you, and you don'tdeserveto be rushed. ��������������������� �������������������������� ���������

TAYLOR FuneralService• Crematory• Cemetery

';!' '

sister, Phyllis Bailey of Albany, Ga., stepson, Rick (Debby) Davis of Cory; granddaughter, Katie Quine of Nashville, Tenn.; grandsons, Andrew and Alex Quine of Raleigh, N.Car.; and extended family. He was preceded in death by brothers, Calvin, Milton and Dan Mathias; sisters, Elveda, LaVerne, Winnie, Maxine, Leona and baby girl. Services took place at the Gavilan, N.M. private family cemetery July 4.

Lorena Gillespie

Austin resident, Lorena Gillespie died July 3, 2019, at her home. She was 78. No services will be held. She is survived by her husband, Roy Gillespie; sisters, Susie Merritt, Jackie Thompson; and extended family. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

big reasons lo


f) ~

just celebrated their 33rd anniversary. They lived in Florida for over 30 years, then moved to Colorado to be closer to family in 2016. Wetherington Mrs. worked for Allstate as a teacher for 27 years, teaching the final agent licensing class. She enjoyed gardening, sunbathing, sewing, crocheting, creating and painting decorative items, and spending time with family. She is survived by her husband, Robert Wetherington; son, Guy (Jessica) Wetherington; daughters, Lisa (Scott) Skeate, Brittany Wetherington; grandchildren, Christian Reese, Guy Wetherington IV, and Jenna Wetherington. Mrs. Wetherington was preceded in death by her parents. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

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Ivan Davis

Ivan Keith Davis died in his daughter’s home June 27, 2019, in Olathe from a lengthy illness. He was 86. He was born in Sheridan, Ind. May 3, 1933, to Clifford and Dortha (Leap) Davis. He grew up at the family homestead in Gavilan, N.M. until he was severely burned in a house fire at the age of 11. The family then moved to Albuquerque. Mr. Davis and his family moved to Colorado to begin his business building campers in 1970. He then got into the insulation and drywall business, Davis Manufacturing, in Olathe. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, the outdoors and spending time with his family. Mr. Davis is survived by his companion, Wini Tappan; daughters, Meschelle Quine of Charlotte, N.Car., and Sheryl (Jim) Wardlaw of Olathe;

Alice Else

Alice B. Else died July 7, 2019, in Eckert. She was 98. Services will be held at 10 a.m., Wednesday, July 17, at the First Christian Church, 1326 N 1st St., Grand Junction. Interment will follow at Orchard Mesa Cemetery in Grand Junction. She was born May 10, 1921, to Earl and Bertha (Mead) Binkley in Grand Junction. She spent her childhood there and graduated from Grand Junction High School in 1939. After graduation she received her business degree from Ross Business College. She went to work afterwards for C.D. Smith Drug Company in Grand Junction. She married Delos Else in Madison, Wis. May 27, 1943, where Mr. Else was stationed with the United States Army during WWII. They


.,, Voluntee rs of America ®

Delta County Independent

returned to Grand Junction after he was honorably discharged to raise their family. Mrs. Else enjoyed bowling on a family league, watching her sons and the Rockies play baseball, playing pinochle and embroidery. She was in a card club for 40 years. She was a member of the Christian Church and the Riverside Women’s Club. Mrs. Else also volunteered for several years driving cancer patients to chemotherapy appointments and with her husband delivered meals-onwheels until his death. She is survived by her son, Robert (Sue) Else of Denver; grandson, Matt (Shannon) Else of Centennial; granddaughters, Sara (Jaime) Beckley of Englewood, Heather Else (Sean Calhoun) of Aurora, Christine (Brad) Peregrin of Tacoma, Wash., and Laura Else of Denver; eight greatgrandchildren, Lincoln and Anna Else, Mallory, Mason, and Emery Beckley, and Lucy, Jack and Ivy Peregrin; and extended family. She was preceded in death by her husband, Delos Else; son, Dennis; brothers, Howard, Jack and Marvin Binkley; and sisters, Doris Moore and Muriel Kennedy. Memorial contributions may be made to research for macular degeneration through the American Macular Degeneration Foundation, PO Box 515, Northampton, MA 01061-0515, or to HopeWest, PO Box 24, Delta, CO, 81416. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Rifle. She was 94. She was born Oct. 12, 1924, in Flint, Mich. to Willis James and Marguerite Baird. On Oct. 28, 1944, she married Charles Sampson in Royal Oak, Mich. She is survived by her son, Mark (Carol) Sampson of Mesquite, Nev., grandchildren, Greg (Dawn) Sampson of Thornton, Jenna (Kelly) Hemphill of Coos Bay, Ore., and Jodi (Jamie) Schnell of Denver; greatgrandchildren, Brennen, Christopher and Abbie Sampson, Jack Hemphill, and Kendall, and Holden Schnell. She was preceded in death by her husband of 51 years, Charles Sampson. No services are planned. Inurnment will be at the Cedaredge Cemetery Columbarium. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Maxine Sampson

Rick McCollough died June 24, 2019. He was 56. A celebration of life will be held at Devils Thumb Golf Club July 13 from 2-5 p.m.

Maxine Ella Sampson, a former resident of Cedaredge died June 14, 2019, at the E. Dene Moore Care Center in

Paul Call

Paul Kenneth Call died from cancer June 26, 2019. A memorial will be held Tuesday, July 16, at 2 p.m. at Heaven’s View Apartments, 1445 Porter Court, Delta.

Rick McCollough

New chapter begins for A Little Help The leadership team of A Little Help North Fork Valley announces its decision to separate from the Denver office and establish an independent local organization to carry on the mission of connecting neighbors to help seniors thrive. This decision follows extended and thoughtful deliberation and amicable negotiations with staff and board members of A Little Help in Denver. The separation is effective Aug. 1. The new organization is called North Fork Senior Connections. Its tag line is “Finding Solutions to Help Seniors Age in Place.” The email address for the new organization is nfseniorconne The board of directors for the new organization consists of Randy Campbell, chair; James Schott,

vice chair; Dave Knutson, treasurer; Betsy Topper, secretary; Jenn Lukesh, board member; Bruce Woodside, board member; Linda McCone, ex officio. “As we navigate the transition to independence, we want to assure our senior members that your requests for services may still be made by calling 970-527-3482, and that you will experience no interruption in those services,” Campbell said. Memberships in A Little Help will be honored and continued by North Fork Senior Connections. “We are grateful to staff and volunteers in the Denver office of A Little Help for their support of our activities for the last three years, and wish them continued success,” he said. For more information, please call 527-9221.



GOLF TOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER SUNDAY, JULY 21ST 8:30 AM- SHOTGUN START 2-PERSON TEAMS BLACK CANYON GOLF COURSE MONTROSE, COLORADO 8 Hole - Scramble Format - Handicapped & Flighted $60 per player Oncludes Green Fee, Cart & Lunch!) For entry form: Contact Denise at (970) 964-3400 or email or call Black Canyon Golf Course at (970) 249-4653

Photo submitted

Detectives praised

Delta County Sheriff Mark Taylor and Undersheriff Quinn Archibeque awarded letters of commendation to two detectives, Matt Brewer (second from left) and Tyler Becker, for thwarting an effort to introduce methamphetamine, heroin and tobacco into the county jail. Their investigation resulted in three arrests. During the course of a two-month-long investigation, they obtained search warrants for a residence and cell phone. Their letter of commendation recognizes their initiative, perseverance and thoroughness.

SURFACE CREEK July 10, 2019




Temporary homes needed for kittens BY EMY LYNN ROQUE CISNEROS Staff Writer

Do you have a little extra space in your home and some love to share? Surface Creek Animal Shelter is looking for four foster homes for 15 kittens. The length of time needed for fostering varies — some kittens only need a week, others need a home for a month. Any length of time though would help, said Jacki Dapkus of the Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control (FCAC) board. A foster home could house a kitten, or two, for a couple weeks before heading out of town on vacation. SCAS provides everything needed for foster families, including a pop-up kennel to contain the curious felines. In general it’s okay if a foster home has other animals. What’s most important is the

ability to provide a safe space and some playtime. No bottle feeding is required, as these little furballs are weaned and simply awaiting spay/neuter. Kittens aren’t spayed/neutered until they’re three pounds. This means many of these little felines at SCAS have to wait a month or more from intake until they’re adoption ready. When kittens stay in a shelter for an extended period of time, their overall risk of getting sick, often in the form of gunky eyes and a cough, rises. Then their length of stay is increased as they wait to get well. Tootsie and Roll are two kittens recently neutered and were adoption ready. Then they caught a kitten cold. “If they could go to a foster home, they’d be better in a week,

much faster than trying to recover here,” said Dapkus. Most of the kittens awaiting spay/neuter aren’t sick. And Dupkus wants to keep it that way. Even if a family could only take a kitten for a few days, being in a home and played with could make all the difference. Sugar and Boo Boo are ready to be spayed/neutered, but they’re not tame enough for SCAS adoption standards. In this case a foster may only be needed for a few days until the kittens are ready. The more tame a kitten, the better their odds for adoption. Fostering is a great opportunity for kids and these kittens are a good short term project before school, said Dapkus. If a child has trouble letting the kitten go after fos-

tering, SCAS can even come and get them. SCAS is not predominantly foster-based since it has a building, but foster homes provide kittens the best chance at success in life and help them start life on the right paw. “Every day they’re not here and playing with people, the

better their chances in life overall,” said Dapkus. Those interested in fostering can contact the shelter by calling 970-856-2346 or email surfacecreekanimalshelter@ The process is easy, only requiring a home inspection for safety and some contact information.

Women serve Cedaredge BY EMY LYNN ROQUE CISNEROS Staff Writer

On June 22 the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sponsored a women’s community service day and potluck. They invited other women in the community to join and tackled several projects. These projects included a food drive for the Surface Creek Food Bank, quilt tying for quilts to be donated to local needy families or causes, card making to give cards to local firefighters, police officers, and military personnel and weeding areas for the Town of Cedaredge. Some women also decorated “Blessing Bags” where each woman who decorated

a bag will take it home, fill it with inexpensive items she chooses and pass it onto another woman who could use a bit of light in her life. She then encourages that woman to do the same. Clothing and resources foster families need when they have children arrive without items were previously donated and on Saturday these items were sorted. Titled, “Foster Family Clothing Project,” they moved items from bags and boxes into sizes/gender and put them in labeled bins for easy access. When asked what the goals of this project were, Tanya Simler, one of the leaders for the service day, responded the group hoped

to give support and service to organizations in our area who help others, build a greater sense of community and build understanding and friendships among the women of our community. The idea for a day of service stemmed from conversations amongst the women participating in World Day of Prayer. “As we have talked there, a few of us decided it would be nice to have a community service day where we could continue our friendships and make a difference in our own community,” said Simler. She then worked alongside the leadership of the women’s group, Relief Society, to make this dream a reality.

Photo by Emy Lynn Roque Cisneros

Kittens Charlie, Curly, Moseha and Larry smoosh together for a photo at Surface Creek Animal Shelter in Cedaredge on July 5. These kittens came to the shelter on June 10 and are almost big enough to be spayed/neutered. They need a foster home for about a month, which will minimize their risk of getting sick and increasing their length of stay.

Movies coming to Arts Center BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

The Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center (GMAEC) will launch its first feature film on July 17 with a classic western adventure. The historic building housing the center will be returning to its roots since the site was once a movie theater. And the first feature will be a movie which entertained audiences there in 1953. Although the center’s initial contract with its movie distributor prohibits it from advertising the title or actors in newsprint, readers of a certain age are sure to recognize the plot. Homesteaders are being forced off their land by a ruthless cattle baron and his gang of henchmen until one day a stranger arrives clad in a buckskin jacket. The stranger goes to work for a family and soon their young son is enamored with the mysterious man. Only a showdown

can resolve this memorable classic with a one word title. If you’re still not sure of the title, call the center at 970-856-9195 or visit its website: The western will be shown in a free evening performance on Wednesday, July 17. Doors open at 6 p.m. with show time at 6:30 p.m. Popcorn, candy and beverages will be available for sale. Future midweek evening performances and Saturday matinees are in the planning stages with the most current information available on the GMAEC website. The films are made possible by a generous grant from The Colorado Grand, an annual tour of classic cars which travels through the Surface Creek area every September. The Colorado Grand donates funds to support a wide variety of projects in communities along its route.

Photo by Don Benjamin

London Summers portrays lightning in last week’s production of ‘Spring: Nature Explains’ as Winnie Hirsch (playing narrator ‘Belinda Nature’) and Hunter Voss (playing ‘Weatherman’) look on. The kids are Cedaredge residents. Children taking part in a theatre camp helped design costumes, props and stage settings for the musical play.

Summer theatre camp shines BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

Last Friday marked the inaugural performance by young thespians from Cedaredge’s summer theatre camp and the show was a memorable one. A capacity crowd of all ages packed into the Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center’s Bank of Colorado Theater to enjoy an original musical play entitled, ‘Spring: Nature Explains.’ The play was written by Cedaredge residents Nancy and Gary Sturgil. Nancy and fellow Cedaredge resident, Brenda Anderson co-directed the performance. Brenda also served as song director with lyrics by herself and Gary Sturgil. The pianist was Mary Locke of Cedaredge. Over two dozen children and young people were involved in the production. The acting cast members included Winnie Hirsch of Cedaredge who portrayed ‘Belinda Nature.’ Winnie served as the chief narrator of the play. She introduced a variety of weather-related characters and received knowing applause when she reminded the audience that anything from sunshine to snow can happen on any given day in Colorado.

Other Cedaredge players included Cambree Hanson (Butterfly); Hunter Voss (Weatherman); Izzy and Maya Cerise and Kelsea Kissner (Farmers); London Summers (Cloud); Gus Hirsch (Earth); Mary Locke (Sun); Ava Cooper (Lightning); Colt Camp (Rain) and Emmanuel Barajas (Wind). Other cast members included Eckert residents Zander Gonzales (Snow) and brothers Jack (Munchie the Caterpillar) and Benji Jordan (who helped sing the Weather and Metamorphosis Songs). For a finale, the entire cast, along with camp counselors, sported red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet outfits as they assembled on stage and invited the audience to join them in singing the Rainbow Song. The backstage and stagecraft crew included Cedaredge residents Keaton Sanders (production manager); Logan Locke (props & T-shirt design); Isaak Kuzov and Issac Tullis (sound effects); and Nolan Hanson (technician). Quinnton Flores of Austin took care of the production’s business matters and Addie Collins of Delta provided makeup.

Four Cedaredge High School students served as junior camp counselors: Adison Arnett, Emaleigh Moorehead, Winnie Hirsch and Hunter Campbell. Adult counselors were Cedaredge residents Karen Locke, Richard Udd, Ginny Stohler and Karen Cline as well as Nancy Carlson of Eckert. Dale Russell Smith helped with props and T-shirts and Terry Hotz coordinated camp registration and snacks. Both Smith and Hotz live in Cedaredge. Business and individual sponsors supported the camp including Cristee-Meade Building Company, Bank of Colorado, Cedaredge Land Company, Benson Brothers of Austin, Nancy Carlson, Karen Locke and the Hirsch Family. Activities for children continue this summer at the Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center (GMAEC) with classes offered every Tuesday from 1-3 p.m. through August 6. Topics include soap making, hand building with clay, and painting with alcohol ink. Students can sign up for classes at the GMAEC in downtown Cedaredge at 195 West Main Street or online at grand . For information call 970856-9195.

Photos by Don Benjamin

4th of July in Cedaredge

Above, the Cedaredge Fourth of July parade included out-of-this-world marchers promoting the Delta County Libraries’ summer reading program, “A Universe of Stories.” Below, as the parade countdown begins, Cedaredge Library volunteer ShareOn Lashe (left) hoists her planet as astronaut and library staff member Mari-Emilie Sweigart prepares to launch.

C2 Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Delta County Independent

Plant & Dig Garden Club holds June meeting

A sunny summer day greeted the members of the Plant & Dig Garden Club as it gathered at the home of Joan Chambers for its June meeting. After the “necessities of the day,” (greetings between members, refreshments and the meeting), Joan gave a brief talk on the origins

of the rose and its care and uses throughout the modern-day garden. A summary of her information was handed out to the members for future reference. One thing of interest to the members is that noted English garden expert and author Catherine Horwood in her book, “Rose,” stated

that “Rose fossils dating to 40 million years ago have been found in Colorado.” This may give our state the distinction of being the birthplace in a round-about way of every rose variety that we now enjoy. Pretty awesome!! After a question and answer session, members toured Joan’s garden and saw how she has utilized this versatile and beautiful plant. July’s meeting takes our members to Grand Mesa for our annual wildflower tour. This is an activity we all look forward to every year. And this year, with more than adequate amounts of precipitation, we expect the viewing to be spectacular. We will be lunching afterward at Alexander Lake Lodge. We will be viewing Mother Nature at her best with her wildflower display and enjoying local cuisine to top off another wonderful day in our awesome countryside. Pioneer Town activity is at fever pitch with our maintenance of the two beds outside the west entrance to the welcome center. Members take a week, sometimes one in each month, to volunteer their time for weeding and deadheading plants so that the beds here always look their best. It is our way of giving back to our community and helping to maintain this historic site along with all the other volunteers who keep it running smoothly for the enjoyment of all who

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wish to learn about pioneer life in this region. Please note: head volunteer groundskeeper Greg Hart has made known the urgent need for volunteers who are willing to help maintain some of the other flower beds within the grounds. If you would like to help, you may call the welcome center, 856-7554, and your information will be passed on to Greg. Our club’s activity at Horizons Care Center is on hold. Other garden clubs in the area are doing the maintenance chores there at the pres-

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Photo by Don Benjamin

Final days

Since 2007 Leisure Time Sports has provided Cedaredge with movies and sporting goods. But that 12-year run ended June 30 when co-owners Barb and Gregg Burnett closed their doors. According to Barb the couple is ready for a change, and they plan to devote more time to their own camping and fishing.

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tion for eight weeks during January and February. The scholarship includes tuition and some money toward supplies needed for the class. If you are interested in submitting an application for club approval, please contact Patt Jones, president, at 970-319-6254 or Joan Chambers at 970901-9360. July brings out the best in everyone’s garden, for hot summer days are “growing days.” And whatever your garden contains, enjoy it to the fullest as we do ours. Joan Chambers


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ent time. It is a special treat for all the clubs in the area to participate in this worthwhile activity, giving all of us a sense of camaraderie as we work together, each club taking its turn. Our members will be taking over next month and look forward to doing our share. Our club sponsors a scholarship for anyone interested in enhancing his/her knowledge and ability in the art of gardening through the master gardener program sponsored by Colorado State University. Classes are held in Grand Junc-

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Partners golf tournament moved to September The very popular Partners Golf Tournament held annually at the Cedaredge Golf Course has changed the date from mid-July to Sept. 14. “We changed the date early in the year when we were unsure if the back nine would be open,” said tournament volunteer manager Bob Page. “After the wet spring we’ve had, the course is coming along fine. We are betting a

fall tournament in cooler weather will be just as popular as our summer event.” This tournament is a four-person scramble and usually fills up fast. Players and sponsors are happy to support Partners, a mentoring program for youth in Delta, Montrose and Ouray counties. The golf tournament has for many years been the largest fundraiser for this vital organization.

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The County Independent '11wDelta <IJeEta CCountty Independentpublishes pu1bEwhes engagements, anniversaries and engagem,entts~ annir;eroarws a-ndwedding wedding stories free of storiesfree of charge. cha,rgeo Photo by Phyllis Hoffman

District visitors


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The Cedaredge Rotary Club recently hosted district visitors at its weekly meeting. On the left is David Frank, incoming assistant governor for Rotary District 5470-Area 12. Frank is a member and immediate past president of the Montrose Rotary Club #1176. On the right is Sam Kevan who has served as assistant governor of Area 12 for the last six years and who will soon begin his role as the new district governor. Kevan is a member of the Delta Rotary Club.

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Lions officers installed

Photo submitted

On June 4 the Surface Creek Lions held the installation of officers and barbecue at Jeannie Pippin’s home. Officers include Ray Hansen, president; Judy Welch, vice president; Patti Michael, secretary; John Loring, treasurer (not pictured); and Jeannie Pippin, bell ringer and tail twister.


Delta County Independent

SPORTS July 10, 2019

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Barracudas host meet BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Last week’s Delta Barracuda Mini Meet #2 featured 17 events with five teams participating; Delta (Barracudas), Gunnison (Stingrays), Ouray, Grand Junction (Maverick Aquatics) and Rifle (Polar Bears). The Barracudas were paced by Doyle Young and Jacob Merriman, who finished the meet, with three first-place finishes each. Delta placed three swimmers in the top five of event 1, the mixed 10 & under 25 yard backstroke; 1. Danika Queen (age 10) - 24.69, 2. Owen Clay (age 10) - 25.93, 4. Sloan Queen (age 8) - 31.44 and 5. Junah Radosevich (age 8) - 38.65. Event 2 was the 12 & under 50 yard backstroke with seven Delta swimmers posting top 16 times; 2. Walden LangillHoppe (age 10) - 38.09, 5. Charlie Hellman (age 8) - 45.20, 9. Adalynn Hannegrefs (age 8) - 50.84, 12. Gwyneth Hasto (age 10) - 54.06, 13. Atticus Langille-Hoppe (age 8) - 55.34, 14. Owen Beilfuss (age 10) - 55.76 and Radosevich - 1:24.64. The Barracudas posted nine times in event 3, mixed 100 yard backstroke; 2. Brooklynn Mininger (age 14) - 1:20.17, 3. Grady Hellman (age 10) - 1:21.82, 4. Walden Lagille-Hoppe (age 10) - 1:22.97, 5. Ashleigh Richards (age 14) - 1:23.22, 6. Jaylena Gibson (age 14) - 1:24.21, 10. Bella Beilfuss (age 13) 1:31.00, 12. Camren Reed (age 16) - 1:36.46, 13. Peyton Huntley (age 9) 1:42.90 and 15. Gwyneth Hasto (age 10) - 1:51.28. Jacob Merriman (age 15) - 2:32.95 and Madyson Hannegrefs (age 14) 3:05.52 finished first and second in the mixed 13

and over 200 yard backstroke in event 4. There were five swimmers in event 5 (mixed 10 & under 25 yard freestyle). Delta had three of the five times beginning with Owen Beilfuss (age 10) in third place - 23.79, number four Sloan Queen - 24.86 and fifth place Radosevich - 38.35. Delta’s Doyle Young (age 16) won the mixed 100 yard freestyle race with a time of 1:00.01. Grady Hellman was fifth - 1:09.92, Ashleigh Richards seventh - 1:16.85, Brooklynn Mininger ninth - 1:18.02, Walden Lagille-Hoppe 10th 1:19.86, Camren Reed - 1:23.28, Liam Asche (age 10) 15th - 1:30.95, Hasto 18th - 1:41.39, Atticus Langille-Hoppe 20th - 1:42.86, Nathaniel Quammen (age 8) 21st - 1:43.59, Owen Clay 23rd - 1:53.49 and Adalynn Hannegrefs 24th 1:55.75. Merriman was the winner in the mixed 13 & over 200 yard freestyle with his 2:16.65. Other finishers in the race for Delta included Gibson, third - 2:43.62, Madyson Hannegrefs (age 14), fifth - 2:47.35, Bella Beilfuss, seventh - 3:07.28 and Reed eighth - 3:08.62. Event 8, mixed 10 and under 25 yard breaststroke, failed to produce placers with Sloan Queen and Owen Beilfuss disqualified with no times available. The Barracudas had nearly a handful of placers in the mixed 12 & under 50 yard breaststroke with Lella Young’s (age 11) third-place finish (52.94) leading the way, followed by Quammen’s seventh-place (1:03.00) and Atticus LangilleHoppe’s eighth-place finish (1:06.86). Doyle Young earned his second first-place

finish in the mixed 100 yard breaststroke with a time of 1:23.24. Other Delta swimmers posting times in the event included Brooklynn Mininger, fourth - 1:37.36; Richards, sixth - 1:40.95; Lella Young, ninth - 1:49.01; Charlie Hellman, 11th - 1:53.53 and Bella Beilfuss, 14th - 2:09.66. Quammen picked up a first-place finish in the mixed 10 & under 25 yard butterfly with a 27.59. Huntley was second for the Barracudas (28.01) and Sloan Queen fourth with a 35.37. Delta had a pair of finishers in the mixed 12 & under 50 yard butterfly with Lella Young placing third (47.16) and Charlie Hellman sixth (1:04.02). Doyle Young was chasing another first-place finish in the mixed 100 yard butterfly but had to settle for second with a 1:16.06 behind Maverick Aquatics’ Elisa Elsberry who won the event with a time of 1:13.01. Other Barracudas to finish the race included Grady Hellman (fourth - 1:22.56), Madyson Hannegrefs (fifth - 1:24.65) and Reed (10th - 1:48.93). There were four top10 finishes for Delta in the mixed 12 & under 100 yard IM, including, Walden Lagille-Hoppe (3rd - 1:31.44), Lella Young (fourth - 1:32.12), Huntley (eighth - 2:01.66) and Asche (ninth - 2:01.73). Merriman’s third top finish came in the mixed 13 & over 200 yard IM when he posted a 2:33.59 to best the field. Gibson’s 3:00.34 was good for a fifth-place finish. Doyle Young’s third win came in the meet’s final event, the mixed 50 yard freestyle. Doyle swam the distance in 27.53 to beat teammates Merriman (28.33) and Grady Hellman (31.08) to sweep

the top three places. Madyson Hannegrefs was fifth in the race (31.42) followed by Richards in eighth - 34.03, Mininger in ninth - 34.66, Gibson 12th - 35.30, Bella Beilfuss 13th - 38.38, Huntley 15th - 40.13, Asche (tied for 17th with Maverick Aquatics’ Chloe Sutton) - 41.84, Charlie Hellman 19th - 42.41, Atticus Langille-Hoppe 20th - 43.63, Hasto 23rd - 44.35, Owen Clay 27th - 51.66, Adalynn Hannegrefs 28th 51.76, Owen Beilfuss 29th - 52.31, Cash Avaritte (age 11) 31st - 1:19.25 and Rodasovech 32nd 1:25.41. As the summer season nears completion a list of those swimmers who have already qualified for state competition includes Nathaniel Quammen, Charlie and Grady Hellman, Adelynn and Madyson Hannegref, Walden Langille-Hoppe, Alex and Megan Waxler, Jacob Merriman, Lella and Doyle Young, Nathaniel Waxler, Zeke Waxler, Brooklynn Mininger, Peyton Huntley and Gwyneth Hasto. The Barracudas have had a long season of swimming with athletes having opportunities to qualify in a number of meets. Meets Delta has attended this season include, Cortez Swim Meet, Salida Invitational, Gunnison Invitational, Montrose Mini Meet, Grand Invitational, Delta Mini Meets, 1 and 2, and the Montrose Summer Open. The Western Slope League Championships are coming this week at CMU (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). The Barracudas will have this meet, and the last home meet on July 20, to earn or better qualifying times for state.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Charlie Hellman swims in the third heat of the mixed 100 yard breaststroke in last Thursday’s Delta Mini Meet 2 at Bill Heddles Recreation Center. Hellman’s finished with a time of 1:53.53 to finish 11th in the event.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta’s Lella Young takes a quick breath during the second heat of the mixed 12 & under 50 yard breaststroke. Young placed third in the event with her 52.94.

Eighth year for racquetball and golf tournament

Bill Heddles Recreation Center fitness coordinator Gary West organized his eighth Delta Doubles Duel Racquetball/Golf Tournament with competition being held on June 29 at Bill Heddles Recreation Center and the Cedaredge Golf Club. Twenty-four participants, from Rangely to Montrose, gathered to test their skill in doubles racquetball and best ball golf formats. Racquetball players were partnered for tournament play at BHRC and then arranged in foursomes for nine holes of golf at Cedaredge Golf Club. Overall winners (combined racquetball and golf scores) were Grand Junction’s Ed Roffey and Kim Clemens of Delta. Their combined score for Photo submitted the day was 60, 30-racPictured in this photo are the 24 participants of the 8th annual Doubles Duel Racquetball/Golf Tourna- quetball and 30-golf. Secment hosted jointly by Bill Heddles Recreation Center and Cedaredge Golf Club. Scores from racquetball ond place winners were play and nine holes of golf were tabulated to determine competition winners. Delta’s Brad Kolman and

Montrose’s Rob Hauck with a score of 58. Kolman and Hauck had to win a playoff with Hotchkiss’ Phil Scmidt and Grand Junction’s Gave Perez to claim their second place finish. The event had special scoring to determine the winners. Racquetball scoring was one game to 11 points with eight points minimum awarded. Golf points were accumulated with the following format; Eagles - five points, birdies - four points, pars three points and a bogey - two points. Lunch was catered by Creekside Italian Cuisine prior to playing nine holes of golf. West, and BHRC, will host a Billiards and Bags (Cornhole) Tournament on Aug. 24, with a limited number of teams. Information for the tournament will come in a later DCI edition.

Photo submitted

Second place winners (posing with BHRC fitness director Gary West, (middle) Photo submitted of the Doubles Duel Racquetball/Golf Tournament are, on the left, Brad KolFirst-place winners of the 8th annual Doubles Duel Racquetball/Golf Tourna- man (Delta) and Rob Hauck (Montrose). Kolman and Hauck won a playoff with ment were, from the left, Ed Roffey (Grand Junction), BHRC fitness director Hotchkiss’ Phil Scmidt and Grand Junction’s Gave Perez to earn second place Gary West, and Kim Clements (Delta). in the tournament.

C4 Wednesday, July 10, 2019


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Delta County Independent

61 run at 5k run/walk BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

The 3rd annual Cherry Days 5k Run/Walk attracted competitors of all ages ranging from 6 to 70 years old. In all, 61 runners took to the trails for this year’s event. The largest division of runners was the women, who boasted a total of 40 competitors between the ages 6-67. On the men’s side, 21 harriers, 7-70, took part in the race. This year’s over-

all winner was former Paonia High School track and cross country runner Caden Meilner who crossed the finish line in 19:37.56. The top women’s runner, also a Paonia High School track and cross country athlete, Katya Schwieterman won the women’s division in 22:31.20. Of note in this year’s race, Brooke Harding (age 12) finished second in the women’s race with a time of 23:32.77. Karen Helleckson

topped the field in women’s Masters competition with a 24:48.52 and Mark Vaniman won the men’s Masters division in 25:30.12. Younger adults were divided into two divisions, Adult 1 and Adult 2. Adult 1 covered competitors 20-29 and Adult 2 runners 30-49. Shauna Meilner won the women’s Adult 2 division in 25:44.87 and Chris Caskey won the men’s race with a 26:28.21. Adult

1 winners were Nicole Hanson (23:40.97) and Caden Meilner in the women’s and men’s divisions, respectively. The under 18 division belonged to Schwieterman in the women’s division and Birk Alyster (age 15) won the men’s division. For all the times and places that have not been mentioned, please visit to acquire all times and final places.

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Photo by Tamie Meck

This year’s Cherry Days 5k run/walk overall winner, Caden Meilner, cruises to the finish line for a time of 19:37.56. Meilner, a former Paonia High School track and cross country runner, outdistanced 60 other competitors to win the event.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Katya Schwieterman nears the finish line on her way to winning the women’s division of the 2019 Cherry Days 5k run/walk. Schwieterman’s winning time was 22:31.20.

Amber Angles,MD FAMILYMEDICINE You're proud to call Coloradohome.Soare we. Since1973,we've been giving backto the communities where we Iive,work and play acrossour great state,and we're hereto stay.If you are looking for an independent, locally managedcommunity bank,where the employees are alsothe owners,we would like to be your bank.

Wf/.,,(/ ~~

555 Meeker St • Delta, CO 970,874.5777 • Delta County Memorial Hospital is excited to announce that Amber Ang les, MD has joined our team of health care providers!! Dr. Ang les is a Family Medicine provider with a specialized emp hasisin obstetrics. She isspecially trained to care for pat ients of all ages, prov ing service including:

• We ll Woman Exams • Obstetr ics • Labor & Delivery • Men 's Health • Menopa use Care • Birth Co ntrol

• Pediatric Care • Skin Condit ions • Allergies • Back Pain • Common Cold • AND SO MUCH MOREi



July 10, 2019

Real Estate



Delta County Independent


Real Estate



Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Katie Chapman Schmalz www.Cha


Rf / MAx ·,r




��������������������� ���������������������� �������������� �����������������

������������ ������������ ������������ ������������������� ��������������

1/2 ACRE LOT! 780 WillowWoodLane,Delta Gorgeous custom home on 30+ private acres! Nestled at the base of the Grand Mesa with jaw-dropping views! 4,814

sq. ft- 3B/3.5BA Chefs kitchen, huge windows, & morel

Large 3B/2BA home on a 1/2 acre lot! 2 irrigated acres serviced by Durkee ditch (20 shares) and Redlands Mesa

living spaces, a kitchen with tons of cabinets, and a backyard complete

(7 class B-1 and 100 class B-2 shares) Well-built 3B/2.5BA home + garage.

with fire pit garden space, & irrigation water! 3 car garage! MLS#757235 $329,000

750 000



Servin Delta & tv1ontrose Counties


Local Native- Born & Raised

�������������������������� ���������������

Energy + Integrity


Rf / MAx ·;,, �������������





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Lease COMMERCIAL BUILDings for lease. Various sizes. 16367 S. Townsend, Montrose (off Hwy. 550 across from South City Market) Contact: 970-2751854 or 970-641-1729. (5x27)

Autos FOR SALE 1996 MUStang GT convertible. Excellent condition. Red with a black top and interior. Sheepskin covered front seats. AC, cruise, 5speed, 4.7 liter V8. Always garaged. Original owner. 128,000 miles. 303-618-5839 or 970-323-5555. (4x25)

Wanted To Rent Trailers WANT TO RENT: 1 BEDroom apt. Low income. 1970-209-1305. (1x28)

����������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����� ��������� ��� �� ������ ������� �������� ������� ���� ������� ����� ���� ������� ��������� ������������������������������������������������������������������

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1075 PIONEER RD., DELta. Fri. & Sat. 8:00 a.m. to Noon. Bike rack, boxes of nails & screws, lawn mower, clothes, some kid stuff, misc. stuff. (1x28) YARD SALE, JULY 12-13, Friday and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 19850 2325 Rd. 1959 Glastron fiberglass fishing boat, 15ft, motor and fish finder. $2,995; Rigid drill press 1/2 hp, $200; Cannalilies, $10 each; antique roll-top desk w/ chair, oak, $250; wood work bench, $145; pair of Mid Century Modern chairs, super comfy, $185 for pair; small antique trunk, primitive? $165; 4 single bed mattresses, no need for box springs, $25 each. (1x28)

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������������ Classified Ads get results. Call 874-4421.

DCI DEADLINES Space Reservation for ALL Display Advertising Fridays (5 p.m.) Copy for Display Advertising Mondays (noon) Legal Notices Mondays (10 a.m.) Classified Ads Mondays (10 a.m.) Too Late To Classify Mondays (noon) Calendar Of Events Items Tuesdays (10 a.m.)

Thank you for your cooperation

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oun -ry ~~=-""1\c-----~

Brokers ������������ Colorado

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& Auctioneers

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

����������������������������� ������ ��������������������������������������������� �������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ���������� ��� ����� ��� ��� ���� ������ ����� ������ ������� ������������������������������������������� �����������������������

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Yard Sales

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Real Estate

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Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

~~™ MountainCoalCompany ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ���������� � ����������������������� ������������������ � ������������������������������ � ����������������������������� ������������������������������������������ ���������������������������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������������

ROGERS MESA FRUIT Packing Co. is now taking applications for seasonal packers and sorters for the 2019 packing season. Come in to fill out an application M-F 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 9981 3100 Road, Hotchkiss, CO 81419. We are located on the corner of Hwy 92 & 3100 Rd. (10x22) EXPERIENCED ROOFERS, window & siding installers. Year-round work in Delta & Montrose Counties. Must have transportation. Call 970-874-3665. (5x27) YOUR LISTING HERE! call now... 874-4421 and talk with an Ad Rep.

Do you enjoy decorating or designing? ������������

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Classified Advertising Makes Sense!

Call 874-4421

to reserve your space now!

D2 Wednesday, July 10, 2019 Help Wanted �������������������������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������� ����� ���� ������ ����������� ������ ��� ���� ����������� ������������������������� ���������� ����� �������� ��� ������������� �������� ��� ���� ������ ���� ������������� �������������������������� ������������� ���� ��������� ��������������������������� ��������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������ �������������� ����� ������������������������ ����������������������������� ����� ����������� ��� ������ ��������������������������� ���������� ��������������� ����� ��� ���� ������� ����� ������� ��� ���� ������ ���� ������ ������ ���� ����������� ���������� ����� ����� ��� ������������������������� ���������������������������� ����������� ��� ��� ������� ����� ������� ��� ���������� ������������������������� ������������ �������� ����� ���� ����������� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ����� ��� ��������� ������������������������� ������������� ������������� ������ ����� ����� ����������� ����������� ��������������������������� �������� ��� ������������ ���������������������������� ��������������������������� ���� ����������� ��� ������� �������������������������� ������ ��������� ������� ����� ������������������������ �������������������� ����������� �������� ���� ������� �� ������� ������ ������� ��� ������ ������� ������ ���������� ��� ��� ������� �������� ����� ���� ������������������������� �������� ���� ��� ��������� �������������������������� ������� ���� �������� ������ ����� ������� ��� ������ ��� ��� �������� �������� ������ ��� ������������ ���� ��������� ������������ ���� ����� ��� ��������� ��� ���� �������� ��� ��������� ����������������� �� ��� ����� ���� ��� ��������� ��� ������������������������ ����������� ������ ������� ��� ��������������������


Help Wanted HELP WANTED: THE City of Delta is now accepting applications for the position of Custodian. Position is Part-Time; $13.35/hour. Custodian will perform duties that involve keeping assigned buildings and grounds clean and orderly; prepare rooms for meetings; may be required to make minor repairs and perform other assigned duties. Experience and training requires High School graduate or equivalent, and one year of janitorial experience; related vocational or trade school training is desirable. Must be available to work a minimum of 15 hours per week. Working schedule includes evenings and weekends. Must possess a valid Colorado driver’s license. Selected applicant will be required to successfully pass a preemployment drug screen, and background check. Submit completed City of Delta employment application to City of Delta, Attn: Human Resources, 360 Main St., Delta, CO 81416 by 4:30 p.m., July 19, 2019. Applications and a complete job description are available at the above address or online at www. Incomplete applications or applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered. EOE. (1x28)

Public Service

Public Service

WHAT TYPES OF Cottage Foods Can I Produce? Whole eggs, spices, teas, dehydrated produce, nuts, seeds, Honey, jams, jellies, and preserves, fruit butter, candies, certain bake goods If you have any questions, please call: 8742165. Delta County Health Department. (4x24)

Delta County Independent

Public Service

THE DELTA COUNTY Independent runs these items as a public service free of charge for non-profit organizations, if no fees are charged. However, each group is asked to please keep them current by calling 874-4421.

Public Service

THE DELTA FOOD Pantry announces extended evening hours. Every 4th Tuesday of each month, 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Alley door behind St. Michael’s Catholic Church, 6th & Meeker. Bring proof of Delta area residency. Regular daytime hours are still M-F 10:30-11:30 a.m.

WOMEN ONLY AA MEETings, Delta, Saturdays, 11:00 HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS a.m., at St. Luke's Episcopal ALCOHOLICS ANONYWanted! Delta County Church, 5th & Palmer (back mous meets Thursdays at 7 Memorial Hospital needs door). p.m. Friends of Bill W. Club. hospital volunteers. Days 897 Palmer Street, Delta. KEEP THE and hours are flexible. There HELP!!! are currently openings animal population under FREE EGG CARTONS in the ER, Oncology, Gift control, and SAVE an ani- needed to give hundreds Shop and some additional mal's life. Adopt your new of dozens of eggs away to areas. If you are interested, cat or dog from the Delta folks who need them. If you please contact Volunteer County Humane Society. have any cartons you can Coordinator, Barbara Hall at Adoption fee is minimal. donate please call 250-6637. Kings Table. 250-2105 for an application. Call 874-2149. LEGACY OUTFITTERS IS an outdoor group for men ages 16 and up that meets monthly each second Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Monday at the Delta Trap Club for dinner and a speaker. Meetings are free with no membership fees. Call or Colorado Statewide text 970-463-73355. ���������������������� colorado aress Network DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ASSOC IAT IO N INETWO RK Support Group for Adults To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 91 Colorado newspapers for only $300, contact your local newspaper or and Children: Every call Colorado Press Association Network at 303-571-5117. Wednesday in Delta from �������������� 5-7 p.m. there will be a free ������ �������������������� support group for adults Cash for Mineral Rights ���������������������������������� whose lives have been �������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� impacted by domestic vio����������������� ������������������������������������� lence and a separate group Call: 720-988-5617 ����������������������������������� Write: ����������������������� for children at the same ������������������������������� ������������������� ����������������������������������� time. Please call 970-874Email: 303-571-5117 4941 to sign up. �������������������������������


11 r"


Public Service

WANNA PLAY A ROUND? Golf with a fun group of ladies. Two membership options available. Sign up at www.cedaredgeladies Get to know us on Facebook at “cedar edgeladiesgolfclub”

THE SURFACE CREEK Community Services food pantry in Cedarege is accepting all generous surplus from your vegetable garden, fruit trees and farm chicken eggs. The pantry is located at 245 West Main Street. Phone number: 970CO FATHER’S NETWORK- 856-1125 dedicated to providing community and education THE ABRAHAM CONNECto fathers of special needs tion homeless shelter, kids. Meets twice monthly located at 480 Silver St., on the 1st Saturday at 11 Delta, offers emergency a.m. and the 3rd Monday overnight shelter and food at 6:30 p.m. - 511 E. 10th St, to men, women and famiDelta. See our website for lies in the Delta area midmore details: www.codads. October- April. Call us at org 970-773-8290 to make a referral, or for informaAL-ANON AND ALATEEN: tion on how to volunteer Hope and help for families or donate. www.Delta and friends of alcoholics A b r a h a m C o n n e c t i o n . meets in Delta: Al-Anon and org. Alateen, Tuesdays at 7:30 pm, St. Luke’s Episcopal FREE DIAPERS FOR UP Church, 145 W. 5th St., con- to one year! Pregnant tact Elizabeth 970-874-9832 women in Delta County can or Shirley 970-323-5067. now get help to quit smoking and get something they CARING FOR CARE- can really use after their givers, C4C - support- baby arrives — free diapers. ing hearts that care. Open Healthy moms have healthy to ANY caregiver. Meets babies. Enroll in the Baby & monthly in Delta, 2nd Me Tobacco Free program Tuesday at 11 a.m. - 511 E. today. Contact the Delta 10th St, Delta. County Health Department HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD at 874-2165 or your local Historical Museum. Winter physician. hours, Saturdays 1-4 p.m. CHECK OUT THE BOOK $3 admission or free to store at the Delta Library. members. Come see our You'll find a great selection museum at 2nd & Hotchkiss of paperbacks at reasonable Streets in Hotchkiss. 872- prices. 3780.


;.' / #J//. /,, ... : ; , -;,


3Day Tackle FOOrBAU CAMP! ForAllAreaFootball Players

entering 5111, 8111,JIii ·and8°'Grades. '





Comeand leamtheproperskills and techniques from areahighschool coaches with demonstrations andassistancefromhighschoolplayers.


ReglSlrallonand EquipmentCheckoutIs Sunday,July 281hfl'llm 2pm ID 3:30pmal Ille Della HighSchoolWeigh! Room,next lo lhe OHSGymnasium.

campprovid9BHslmst,Shouldsr Pads, anda MouthpiBCS.camper ntJBd8 to bringshorts, shoBsorc/lJlliB.

Wise Shoppers Look in the Classifieds.

Monday, July 29th, Tuesday, July 30th and Wednesday, July 31st 5:30pm to 8:30pm at the Delta High School Football Fleld. Each Csmper will recelwl s Csmp T-shirt.








For more Inform ation , cal l Greg Pope at (970) 276-0717.

Shoppers who know a bargain when they see one use the Classifieds. You can track down deals on everything from out-of-town excursions to ottomans. It’s easy to place an ad or find the items you want.

Quality Color Printing • • • • • • • • •



buys 25 words or less.

Go with your instincts and use the Classifieds today. ������������

����������� 401 Meeker St. Delta • 874-4421


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Communicate in color with our high-quality and highly affordable, four-color printing services. Whether it’s a business presentation or a personal project, our friendly, helpful staff gets your job done quickly and easily. DELTA COUNTY


401 Meeker St. Delta


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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

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D4 Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Delta County Independent

Workshop to be held at Methodist Church Community United Methodist Church (CUMC) in Cedaredge will be host to a workshop on raising white children in racially unjust America Sunday, July 14. The Rev. Jennifer Harvey, PhD, professor of religion at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, will preach at the church’s 10 a.m. worship service then lead the workshop from noon to 3 p.m. The workshop at CUMC — “Raising White Kids: An Anti-Racism Conversation for All of Us” — will help partici-

pants answer tough questions that arise when raising white children in an increasingly racially diverse society where there are racial tensions and inequity. The conversation will ask: • Should we teach white children to be “colorblind” or should we teach them to notice race? • What roles do we want our children to play in addressing racism when they encounter it? • How do we talk to our children about white privilege and racial

injustice? • How do we teach them honestly about race without making them feel bad about being white? Workshop participants will identify strategies for raising healthy, antiracist white kids — critical work for the church and community to do as an investment in the well-being and futures of all of our children. This conversation is for you if you’ve been a white kid, are helping raise white kids, have relationships with people who used to

be white kids, or have children in your life who are friends with white kids. In other words, everyone has a place in this discussion. Harvey is nationally known as a writer, speaker and workshop leader for her work on racial justice with a focus on white anti-racism. She is author of two books: Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America and Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation. She has

Yo'//Jtr c'/hJ'//Jtrc'/hJ Your church or OffErUJ,'l!ll,IZrUJ,'/HO'l!ll, organization '/hJrUJ,fl)l'l!ll,g having rUJ, a iped!J$ special event? event? (rUJ,/j/J 4442 Jl. Call t'/hJt the OCJl DCI 87 874-4421. 0



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gubkin@cedaredgecumc. com or 970-856-3696, or Community United Methodist Church’s Pastor Joe Agne, revagne@gmail. com or 720-891-5233.

Rev. Dr. Jennifer Harvey


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contributed to The New York Times and CNN and has been a guest on Iowa and National Public Radio. She is ordained in the American Baptist Churches (USA) and a native of Colorado. Harvey’s book on raising white kids is available now at CUMC for $10 and will also be available at the workshop. Plan now to attend the service and/or workshop. Lunch will be served between the two events. Community United Methodist Church is at the corner of NW 3rd Street and Aspen Avenue in Cedaredge. For information, contact Pamela Gubkin weekday mornings at CUMC at

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Delta County Independent


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

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D6 Wednesday, July 10, 2019



Delta County Independent

A creative couple with a heart for the community Judy and Don Chapman give freely of their time to their church and their hometown of Delta.


To many Delta County residents, Don Chapman is the pharmacist in the white coat who not only fills prescriptions, but also offers helpful advice about possible side effects and how a new prescription might interact with other medicatons. To members of Delta Christian Church, he is an elder, youth group leader and occasional preacher. Judy, his wife of nearly 43 years, is active in the women’s ministry team and with daughter Cheryl organizes an annual Christmas tea that has drawn as many as 200 women. Both are members of the Delta Lions Club — Don since he was 21 years old, and Judy

As she has honed her talent as a watercolor artist, Judy has also taken on the role of chairman of the Rockies West Watercolor Exhibition, held in Grand Junction every spring.

more recently. Both are also members of Delta Fine Arts, a guild dedicated to promoting the arts in Delta County. Photography is Don’s creative outlet. While he’s taken just one class, he’s carried a camera for most of his life and has developed an eye for framing the perfect shot. He’s won some awards for his photography, but primarily takes photos for his own personal enjoyment. Landscapes are a favorite subject. Judy is a painter who picked up the basics of drawing and painting in elective classes at Mesa Junior College. After she received her associate degree, she returned to her hometown of Paonia and began taking oil painting classes from Parma Tyson, who operated the Sage Dome Gallery in Hotchkiss. She also dabbled in acrylics, pastels and tole painting, but said she never took herself seriously as an artist, even when she was asked to teach art at the Delta Academy for Applied Learning. “What really got me going,” she said, “was when I was asked to do the hall murals when we built our church. Still, I was really hesitant to call myself an artist.” Then she was commissioned to do wall murals to complete a remodeling project at Daveto’s Italian Restaurant. “The Montrose Daily Press had an article about those murals, and when they called me an artist, I was floored — they had called me an artist! From there I started taking it more seriously.” To get a better feel for color, and how to mix pigments for the best results, she began taking classes from Dani Tupper, a well-known watercolor artist in Delta. “I figured colors are colors, but Dani is an amazing teacher and I really fell in love with watercolors.” Her favorite subjects are scenery, animals (especially dogs) and her granddaughters. “I really enjoy doing por-

Watercolors have become Judy’s favorite method of artistic expression.

traits, but I don’t have a lot of confidence in that,” she said. She also struggles with pricing, and relies on experts like Dani Tupper and Ann Honchell, owner of TADA! Your Art Space, for guidance. “But mainly I paint because I love it. Whether it sells or not, I like to make it,” Judy said. In addition to the gallery at TADA!, Judy’s paintings are on exhibit at the Creamery Arts Center in Hotchkiss and Bill Heddles Recreation Center in Delta. She says her finished artwork is a team effort; Don cuts the mats and frames the artwork so it’s ready to hang. Don and Judy were a year apart at Paonia High School, and the only class they had together was band. They didn’t start dating until several years after high school graduation. Don was at the University of Colorado Boulder, and Judy was at Mesa in Grand Junction with his sister. Don recalls seeing Judy at college graduation and wondering if she would go out with him. But it took several months for him to work up his courage, and they didn’t go on their first date — to a rodeo — until August. Three years later, after Don had graduated from pharmacy school, they were married. Don said his decision to become a pharmacist arose from a freshman civics class, where the teacher showed a film highlighting the profession. His grades in science and math were “adequate,” and he had to sit through a lot of chemistry classes, but he accomplished his goal. After completing his internships, he went to work for Mesa Memorial Hospital in Grand Junction (which is no longer in existence). When he and Judy were married, they moved to Delta and Don went to work at Kellogg Drug, a Walgreen agency. Delta boasted three independent pharmacies at that time, Don recalls. In the early 1980s, Don bought the store from Kelly Kellogg and converted it to a Medicine Shoppe franchise. That store shared a building with Moonshine Liquors, along Highway 92. In 2000, Don sold the Medicine Shoppe to Safeway, and the liquor store expanded into the other half of the building. Due to a non-compete clause with the Medicine Shoppe franchise, Don could not work as a pharmacist in Delta so he became a “floater” for Safeway. “They moved me wherever they needed me, but staying in motels and eating at restaurants got old really quick,” he said. Judy was working as a preschool teacher at Great Beginnings, so she wasn’t able

Photo by Pat Sunderland

to join him on the road. When he expressed a desire for a change, Safeway moved him to a store in Grand Junction and then to Montrose. His commute was shorter, but still he jumped at the chance to work closer to home when he was offered a job at the City Market in Delta. Although mostly retired, he occasionally fills in at Cedaredge Pharmacy and at Hays Drug Store in Paonia. He has high praise for Dick McGaughey, the father of the current owner, Rick, who was a “marvelous mentor” during his college internship. Judy no longer teaches preschool, and is instead a Mary Kay consultant. To her surprise, sales really took off and she was named “queen of sales” the first year she sold cosmetics. “I enjoy meeting with other women and helping them find what works for them, what makes them feel beautiful about themselves,” she said. Deliveries require frequent trips to Paonia, Cedaredge, Hotchkiss and Crawford, but she also has customers as far away as Idaho, and those orders have to be boxed up and shipped off. Once the orders are on their way, she picks up her paintbrush or sets out on a bike ride with Don. They try to get in a

Photo by Pat Sunderland

couple of 20- to 30-mile rides every week. ATVing is another shared interest. Don’s calendar is filled with church and community activities. He is a 55-year member of the Delta Lions Club and the county chairman for the Lions’ KidSight program. He serves on the Delta County Board of Health and the board of Families Plus, and is the president of the governing body of Rocky Mountain Tres Dias West. This very active group is described online as “an ecumenical movement open to any Christians who are interested in deepening their Walk with the Lord.” His unwavering faith is a motivating factor for his commitment to his church and the community, but he also holds dear the words of his grandfather, who said, “If a community is good enough to live in, it’s good enough to give back to.” “To do that, he said you needed to volunteer as much as possible. That philosophy, as well as a strong work ethic, were ingrained into my father and then into me,” Don said. Those values are clearly also shared by Judy. The Chapmans have not just made Delta their home, but they’ve done their part to make it a better place for all to live in.

A love of travel is evident in this photograph by Don titled “Irish Moorings.”

This photo of the Monastery of Saint Naum was taken by Don during a trip to Macedonia.

Photo by Pat Sunderland

Judy Chapman’s murals add a taste of Italy to the walls at Daveto’s on Main Street in Delta. Judy’s art studio also serves as a guest bedroom for her She also painted a number of murals at Great Beginnings Early Childhood Center, which is visiting granddaughters and an office for processing her housed in Delta Christian Church. Mary Kay orders.

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