Delta County Independent, Oct. 7, 2015

Page 1






Airport lands in the middle of Paonia budget talks, B1

4-H empowers youth, impacts communities, C5


ON THE DIAMOND Delta Panthers clinch third 4A WSL softball title, B5

OCTOBER 7, 2015 VOL. 132, NO. 40



Another round of layoffs hits mines BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

The announcement of layoffs at Bowie Mine #2 on Sept. 29 by its wholly-owned subsidiary, Bowie Resources LLC (BRP), is expected to have lasting negative impacts on Delta County’s economy. BRP will lay off 78 fulltime positions and eliminate 19 contractors as part of its efforts to scale back production of its Bowie #2 mine at Somerset “as a result of idling its longwall while it develops a new longwall panel and continues to evaluate the market for Bowie #2 coal,” according to a press release. Development of the new longwall panel is expected to take 12 months.

in Utah. Bowie Mine #2 has been in production since 1998. According to the BPR website, from 2000 through 2007 it was ranked No. 1 or No. 2 nationwide “for efficient longwall production.” Bowie Resources eliminated 150 jobs last fall after losing a contract to sell coal to the Tennessee Valley Authority. The layoffs bring the number of local mining jobs lost since 2012 to almost 600. While exact figures weren’t available, the effects “will be significant on our Delta County families, schools and community,” said county administrator Robbie LeValley. It’s too early to tell just how the job losses will affect Delta County School District

mine currently The employs 181 full-time employees and contractors, according to the release. “Some of the affected employees will be relocated where possible to fill vacancies in other parts of the business,” stated Gene E. DiClaudio, BRP’s chief operating officer, in the release. “However, layoffs are unfortunately unavoidable.” According to the release, BRP owns and operates three underground coal mines in Utah and one in Colorado. With 15.8 million tons of coal sales in 2014, it is the leading western producer of bituminous coal — “cleanburning, low-sulfur thermal coal,” primarily for use for domestic power generators

enrollment or future budgets, said school district business manager Jim Ventrello. Since this school year’s budget reflects the 2014-15 student count, the district won’t feel the financial effects until the 2016-2017 school calen-

dar year. While final figures weren’t available, districtwide student numbers this year are down an estimated 44 students, but not nearly the 160 students the district anticipated it would lose and that MINE LAYOFFS TO A3

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Former DPD chief received $50,000 severance payment BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

After written Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) requests, the City of Delta has disclosed Robert Thomas received a $50,000 severance payment upon his retirement as police chief. The city initially refused to disclose that information, citing “personnel” issues, but city attorney David McConaughy agreed the payment is public information. Thomas was paid an additional $19,031.52, the remaining balance of accrued paid time off to which he was entitled under law. Thomas was placed on paid administrative leave in late August. Because there was indication of an internal investigation, but not a criminal inquiry, the Delta County Independent also requested “any information in Robert Thomas’s personnel file related to complaints of any kind, including harassment, discrimination or retaliation in the last 12 months.” The city responded there are no such documents in Thomas’s personnel file. A copy of Thomas’s “formal retirement letter” was also requested. In a letter dated

Sept. 21, Thomas stated, “My retirement is effective Sept. 12, 2015.” His decision was not announced until nearly two weeks later, in a brief press release issued by city manager Glen Black on Sept. 28. No reference was made to any investigation. A request for any settlement/separation agreement was the subject of a Delta District Court hearing Tuesday afternoon. While no “agreement” with Thomas was executed by any city official, the city acknowledges Thomas did sign a “release.” “This document is in the custody of city attorney David McConaughy but has been submitted to the Delta County District Court with a request for the court to determine whether it should be properly disclosed,” city clerk Jolene Nelson responded in a letter to the DCI. As city clerk, Nelson is the official records custodian for the City of Delta. In a petition to the court, McConaughy noted, “The release includes language that certain records concerning Mr. Thomas cannot be disclosed without his permission

or without a court order of disclosure under CORA. However, it is ambiguous whether the release itself can or should be disclosed. Mr. Thomas has not consented to the disclosure of the release and, through counsel, has asserted that the document should remain confidential because its release would not be in the public interest.” attached McConaughy as an exhibit a letter from Michael Grattan III, Thomas’s attorney. “While recognizing the important policies behind the Colorado Open Records Act, Mr. Thomas believes that disclosure of any information (other than his payment record) relating to his departure from employment by the City of Delta is inappropriate because such disclosure would POLICE CHIEF TO A3

Chicken barn OK’d BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The Board of County Commissioners on Monday approved the specific development application for Kurtz Chicken Ranch on Redlands Mesa. Approval came on a 3-0 vote. county planning The department will now draft an official development agreement between the county and David Kurtz, DVM, for operation of the facility. The BoCC will review and take final action on the agreement at an upcoming meeting.


Accent ........................... A4 Activities ....................... A7 Agriculture .....................C5 Back Page ................... D8 Business .........................C6 Church ............................C4 Classifieds .................. D1-2 Editorial ......................... A2 Legals ......................... D3-4 North Fork Times ........B1-3 Obituaries ..................... A6 School Zone .................. A5 Service Directory ........ D7 Sports ..........................B5-8 Surface Creek News ...C1-3 TV Listings ................. D5-6

Photo by Pat Sunderland

A taste of Colorado

Governor John Hickenlooper proclaimed Sept. 30 as Colorado Proud School Meal Day. This statewide event encourages schools to incorporate Colorado products into their meals, to celebrate Colorado agriculture and to educate students about healthy eating. At Garnet Mesa Elementary School, kitchen manager Sherry Gilmore and her staff served a menu consisting of biscuits and gravy, roasted potatoes, carrots, apples and milk — the potatoes from the San Luis Valley and the apples from Delta County orchards. Above, Brycen Montanez, Aiden Duty and Natalie Velasquez load their trays.

Deputies hailed for rescue from submerged vehicle

On Sept. 21, Delta County Sheriff ’s Office Deputies Daniel Abeyta, Kevin Ray and Travis Lackey responded to a single vehicle accident in the 2100 block of State Highway 348. The accident was reported to dispatch by Larry Proctor, who was passThe board’s vote Monday ing by and saw the vehicle came with conditions that in the ditch. Units with the planning staff had recom- Delta Fire Department and mended be included. Those Delta County Ambulance also conditions are as follows: responded to assist. • All outside lighting shall The vehicle was an SUV be hooded and/or pointed which was upside down and towards the ground so as not halfway submerged in an irrito pollute the night sky and gation canal with the driver not allow any glare onto adja- still trapped inside. cent properties. Upon arrival, all three dep• Noxious weeds shall be uties entered the canal and controlled on the property at promptly started to assess all times. possible entries into the sub• The project’s engineer merged vehicle. Throughout shall certify with his regis- that process, the vehicle was tered professional engineer filling with water. stamp that the drainage Communication was made CHICKEN BARN TO A3 with the driver, later iden-


tified as Ron Bonine, 80, a Delta County resident who advised them he was in a place that had air and was all right. Constant communication continued with the driver and he remained calm as they worked to rescue him. After failed attempts were made to get one of the doors to open, the decision was made to break out the rear window of the SUV to try and bring Bonine out to safety through the rear hatch. Once the window was broken, the deputies and fire department personnel extracted the driver from the submerged vehicle. The driver was turned over to awaiting EMS personnel and checked for injuries, which appeared to be very minor. Bonine was transported to Delta County Memorial Hospital for treatment. Deputies advised that if it were not for Larry Proctor,

who spotted the vehicle in the ditch, the outcome may have been quite different, considering the time elements and the temperature of the water. “I would like to take this opportunity to commend Deputy Abeyta, Deputy Ray and Deputy Lackey for their quick response, courage and professionalism during this incident, along with a special thank you to the Delta Fire Department and the Delta County Ambulance for their professionalism and efforts with this incident,” said Lt. William Palmer, Delta County Sheriff ’s Office. “Also I would like to recognize Larry Proctor for being an alert citizen and observing the vehicle in the ditch and calling in to report it and getting help on the way.” Bonine has fully recovered from his ordeal, but says it RESCUE TO A3

Election forums

Burns planned

Holiday closures

Two candidate forums are scheduled for school board candidates. The first takes place at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 8, at the Delta Center for Performing Arts and is hosted by the school district’s coordinating council, classified council and accountability committee. The League of Women Voters will host a second forum and will also present information on the local and state issues that appear on this year’s ballot. The meeting will take place at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 12, at Hotchkiss High School. The public is invited to either or both events.

The U.S. Forest Service plans to burn piles in the Ward Lake and Island Lake areas on Grand Mesa. The Ward Lake piles consist of slash (branches and trees) from fuels treatment within the wildland urban interface and the Island Lake piles contain slash produced from a parking lot expansion. Fire officials anticipate conditions will be suitable to burn this week, with a possibility of continuing into the fall. Burning will occur only if weather, staffing and smoke dispersal conditions are compliant. Officials advise smoke may be visible during the pile burning.

City of Delta government offices will be closed Monday, Oct. 12, in observance of Columbus Day. Bill Heddles Recreation Center and Devil’s Thumb Golf Club will be open regular hours. Refuse that is normally picked up on Mondays will be picked up on Tuesday, Oct. 13. Fall clean-up will take place the week of Oct. 19. City residents are asked to have items ready for pickup by 7 a.m. Monday, Oct. 19. Place the items next to where you normally put your trash receptacle. Bag leaves, separate metal and pile branches in lengths of 10 feet or less.

A2 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Delta County Independent

LETTERS Check the data: There’s no such thing as global warming

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Dear Editor: Concerning the letter, “We need to heed the pope’s call to action,” in the Sept. 30 DCI: The pope and President Obama are flat out wrong on global warming and climate change. Satellite temperature data taken since 1978, and satellite sea-level data since 1992 confirm no measureable global warming in the past 36 years. The sea level is rising at 3.2 mm (1/8th inch) per year (http://sealevel.colorado. edu/), but if global warming were really occurring (the earth getting hotter year by year) the rate of melting of land glaciers would increase and sea level would rise even faster than it presently is, however a second order examination

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of extremely precise sea level data shows the rate of sea level rise has actually dropped from 3.2mm to 2.76 mm per year, which can only happen if there is a recent slight global cooling! (Sorry no records since the 13th century medieval warm period when the Vikings settled Greenland.) For those of you who have a problem with “he said-she said” and know how to use Microsoft Excel, I invite you to download the actual global satellite temperature data from the Marshal Space Flight Center; they operate the satellite Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU) that measures global temperatures from space. http://vortex.nsstc.uah. edu/data/msu/t2lt/tltglhmam_5.6.txt If you plot the trend

line from 1978 to 1998 when the satellites were changed out and upgraded, and from 1998 to last month (the data is upgraded month by month) you will find no change to average temperatures either warming or cooling for either of those periods! However, the two sets of satellites have a 1⁄2 F degree calibration error between them. To avoid mistaking this error for global warming is why the two trend lines must be used, or you can just be satisfied with 1998 to present (17 years) as being flat. No global warming, no climate change! The author of “Pope’s Call to Action,” Michelle Amiott, by quoting the Quinnipiac poll, points out just how dumbed down, how gullible, how easily bought off and how easily

led astray the world is. Leaders are not exempt, even the pope. There is a way to the truth; I’m afraid it requires that you actually look at real measurements, and not “he said-she said.” It’s even worse; no global warming, but increased CO2 from power plants, cars and industry can actually double plant growth rate, and is presently used in most commercial greenhouses, including growing hot-house tomatoes! Has anyone considered the end of world hunger by doubling plant growth via increased CO2? Using the EPA to wreck the economy, actually harming the world and humanity, is flat out stupid, or if not stupid, evil. Mike Mason Cedaredge

Law enforcement blotter

From the Delta Delta was arrested and jailed for alleged speedPolice Department: ing, DUI and DUI per se. ������������������������������������������������������� Oct. 4: Sept. 28: Shawn L. Wilshire, A warrant was issued ���������������������������������������������������� for the arrest of Harlin 40, of Delta was arrest����������������������������������������������� D. Watkins, 23, of Delta ed and jailed for alleged for alleged menacing. violation of a protection ����������������������������������������������� He was later arrested in order. �������������������������������� Oct. 4: Montrose. Damien Baily Reiss, Jason W. Kuykendall, ���������������������������������������������������������� 19, of Delta was arrested 44, of Pampa, Texas, was ���������������������� issued a ticket for alleged and jailed on a warrant ������������������������������������������������������������ with a $500 bond. unreasonable noise. Citations: 16 tickets Sept. 30: ������������������������������������������ Donna L. Sorensen, for traffic violations were 75, of Hotchkiss was issued this week, 11 for ���������������������������������������� issued a ticket for alleged speeding. Please remember: All unsafe backing after ������������������������ being involved in a two- criminal charges are ��������������� vehicle crash in the 500 merely an accusation block of Palmer. No inju- and the defendant is pre�������������������������� ries were reported. Both sumed innocent until or �������������������������������������������� vehicles were driven from unless proven guilty. ������������������������������������������������� the scene. ���������������������������������������������������� From the Delta Oct. 2: Kaimi S. Weatherford, County Sheriff’s Office ������������������������������� 31, of Delta was arrested (partial list): and jailed on a warrant ��������������������� Sept. 28: with a $1,500 bond. ������������������� An Eckert woman Oct. 3: �������������������������� Albert Romero, 26, reported the theft of of Delta was issued a her German shepherd. �������������������������������������������� ticket for alleged care- Investigation revealed �������������������������������������������������� less driving and follow- the dog’s owner had left ���������������������������������������������������� ing too closely after being the dog in her care but involved in a three-vehi- always intended to pick �������������������������� cle crash on Main Street it up. The woman was at 5th Street. No inju- advised the issue is civil, ����������������������� ���������������� ries were reported. One not criminal. �������������� ��������������������� Marijuana grow operavehicle was towed from ��������������� ������������������� tions in the Crawford and the scene. Jose A. Esparza, 23, of Hotchkiss areas were reported. Delta County Sheriff Fred McKee said dispatch receives two to three similar reports every week; an investigator has been assigned to verify and educate owners about the allowable number of plants. Sept. 29: A landlord reported threats from a former renter. The landlord had ������������������������������� refused to refund the renter’s deposit because ���������������� she did not give the �������������������������������� required 30-day notice. ���������������������������������������������� Sheriff ’s deputies responded to a home on ����������������������������������� Ward Creek Road where the reporting party had �������������������������� locked herself in her car to get away from her hus����������������������������������������� band. A Crawford woman ����������������������������������������� asked deputies to check out a camp trailer that ����������� ��������������� had been left on her prop�����������������������


erty. Oct. 1: A minor accident involving an onion truck and a pickup was reported on California Mesa. Oct. 2: Geoffrey Hieb Sr. of Eckert was involved in a one-vehicle accident on Highway 65 near Eckert at about 10 a.m. His vehicle left the highway, continued onto a grassy embankment and struck several road signs and a telephone connection box. He was transported to Delta County Memorial Hospital. The Colorado State Patrol handled the investigation. At about 7:30 p.m., a house fire was reported on A Street in Crawford. The home was reportedly being remodeled by James and Joy Piburn and was not occupied at the time. Firefighters from Hotchkiss and Crawford arrived but were unable to save the home from significant damage. The sheriff ’s office has asked an investigative team from the Colorado Bureau of Investigations to assist in determining the cause. Oct. 3: At about 3 a.m., a lot of noise, music and voices were reported near Cedaredge. Deputies could find no evidence of a suspected underage drinking party.


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“Stay Close to Home & Fa mily, We Are Here for Y our Health”

401 Meeker St. Delta, CO 81416 (970) 874-4421



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DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (UPS 152-700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Second class postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416





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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Mine layoffs

Deputies Daniel Abeyta, Travis Lackey and Kevin Ray

Rescue FROM PAGE A1 was definitely “nip and tuck” for a bit. “If that water had been another inch higher, I would have drowned,” he said in a follow-up phone call. “I want to thank not only the sheriff ’s office, but also the firemen. One of the firemen, Robert Davis, actually stopped on the way to the fire department and got in the Jeep with me.” At that point, it was pitch black, Bonine had been upside down for about 30 minutes, and the water was rising around

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him. Davis helped Bonine get the seat laid down so he could come out the back with the deputies’ assistance. “I want to say thank you to all of those people, because I was very close to waking up dead.”

Police chief FROM PAGE A1 have a chilling effect on resolution of employee and employment matters. It is Mr. Thomas’s position that the public interest is best served by quick and confidental resolution of such matters.” McConaughy concludede his petition to the court: “The city requests that the court review the tendered release in camera (in private) and determine whether or not it can, in its entirety or with redactions, be disclosed in accordance with the CORA or whether disclosure of the release would do substantial injury to the public interest and thus disclosure should be prohibited.” In court, he and Judge Steven Schultz privately discussed a particular section which McConaughy believes was the focus of Grattan’s letter. At the conclusion of the short hearing, Judge

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Schultz said he would take the matter under advisement and issue a decision by Wednesday. Any updates will be posted to the DCI’s Facebook page.


$82,438, meaning that revenue, while it isn’t a huge percentage of the budget, is anticipated to drop again next year. It was also announced last week that BRP is the target of a federal lawsuit. The environmental group WildEarth Guardians announced it would sue to overturn the approval of mineral leases by the U.S. Department of the Interior in New Mexico, Wyoming and Colorado, including almost 1,800 acres of private, Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service lands in Delta County. The leases were applied for and approved in 2013. The suit challenges approval of four leases over failure of the Department of the Interior “to provide any public notice of its decisions and to account for the climate impacts of approving expanded coal mining,” according to a press release by WildEarth Guardians. BRP representatives did not return calls requesting comment.


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Want to advertise in the DCI? Contact one of our ad reps at 874-4421.

Chicken barn FROM PAGE A1 structures were constructed as specified in the drainage plan and that they will function as planned upon completion of the construction drainage system. • There shall be no egg washing conducted at the facility. • Any changes or alterations to the development shall be submitted to the Delta County Planning Department for approval. If the impacts for any changes or alterations are significant, a new application shall be submitted and full review with approval from the Delta County Board of County Commissioners and a new development agreement will be required prior to any construction or expansion of the operation. A revised drainage plan document for the facility had been submitted prior to the BoCC meeting. Kurtz’s attorney, Ben Wegener of Grand Junction, said that the term “conceptual” had been removed from the drainage plan document. In acting on the chicken ranch application, commissioners noted that the specific development application had gone through a public hearing process beginning with the Leroux Creek APC on Sept. 15 and the County Planning Commission on Sept. 23. Both advisory bodies had recommended approval of the application. Commissioner Doug Atchley made a motion for approval of the application “based on the information I have in front of me.” Commission chair Mark Roeber noted that the board had received and reviewed all of the public comments that had been submitted during the public process. “I feel the questions have been answered. It’s time to get on with it,” Roeber said before calling for the vote. Kurtz has constructed a barn to house 20,000

Correction It was erroneously

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FROM PAGE A1 was reflected in the budget for this school year. The district has a ballpark figure on the number of students attached to mining families, but it’s impossible to accurately predict how many students might leave the district without knowing which students’ family members were affected by layoffs, said Ventrello. The loss of students and the anticipated drop in coal production due to the shutdown will affect next year’s budget through loss of federal mineral lease revenues, said Ventrello. The district’s share of those dollars for this school year was $53,168, which it has already received. Last year the district received


reported that Susan Meyer, who created the artwork featured on AppleFest posters, taught art. That information is inaccurate.

Delta Elks host free senior lunch The Delta Elks Lodge will host a free meal at the Delta Senior Center Thursday, Oct. 8. Come enjoy a harvest feast at noon.

hens to lay organic eggs in a cage-free environment. Construction of the barn, as an agricultural building, required no government reviews or approvals. However, putting the barn to use housing chickens in a “confined animal feeding operation” requires county specific development application, public process, and BoCC approval. Kurtz told the commissioners that the operation will be a franchise of Fairfield Specialty Eggs. The company will purchase and market the eggs produced. Kurtz said that his two sons will be principal operations of the chicken barn and egg operation.

GW King Office (970) 874-9300 Cell (970) 260-8781

• Focusing on retirement plan rollovers ( 401K, 403B, profit sharing, etc.) • Annuities • Life Insurance • Long Term Care Insurance • Stocks* • Bonds* • Mutual Funds* ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������


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Delta Hardware would like to thank everyone for your continual support and helping us celebrate our 100th year Anniversary. �������������������������������

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Audra Penasa

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A4 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Delta County Independent

Wish granted for Delta 9-year-old and his family BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

Nine-year-old Jeremiah Hitzfelder was recently granted a dream trip to visit the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando,

Fla. Jeremiah’s trip was granted by the Sunshine Foundation, which answers the dreams of children living with lifelong chronic illnesses,

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physical challenges, or the trauma of abuse. Jeremiah’s mother, Sarah, explains Jeremiah has cerebral palsy and a rare chromosome deletion on his 16th chromosome. He is homeschooled and every week attends five therapies outside of the house. Jeremiah’s experience was shared by his mom, Sarah, his dad, David, a little brother, Josiah, and an adoptive aunt, uncle and cousin, Jen, Mark and Sancia. Jeremiah said his favorite park was Animal Kingdom and he really loved the two live shows he saw, Lion King and Finding Nemo. He tried many new rides and became friends with many characters. But best of all was sharing the experience with his family and friends, because they’re

so important to his heart. His mother adds, “My favorite moment during the trip was watching all the characters wave at Jeremiah, tell him happy birthday, and shake his hand during one of the parades. He is not usually that open with costumed characters, so they must have really made a home in his heart. “We would all like to thank Sunshine Foundation for giving Jeremiah

and our family this wish trip, for without their love and generosity, we could never have gone and fulfilled Jer’s wish to see Animal Kingdom and its sister parks.” The Sunshine Foundation is able to provide dream trips through support and donations, allowing families who are already strapped with medical bills and care costs to enjoy a brief respite without the addi-

tional financial burden a vacation can cause. It can make a huge difference for the children and their families. Since 1976, Sunshine Foundation has answered the dreams of more than 37,000 children in the United States, and it remains one of the nation’s top-rated wishgranting charities serving the terminally ill or chronically ill. For more information, please visit


�����������Fabulous array of jewelry and crafts made from beautiful natural stones and woods from africa.


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© Taste of Home

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Del-Rose Chorus prepares annual show The fall colors are in full swing so is the DelRose Chorus for its annual show. New songs are in the works and some good old favorites have made their way back to the show line up. As always the Black Canyon Chorus will join the fun, as well as a guest quartet called DeJaVu that uses comedy and great singing to entertain the audience. So put 3 p.m. Nov. 21 on your calendar, since you do not want to miss this show. If you can’t get enough of barbershop singing, then you’ll want to purchase a ticket for the afterglow for more singing and fun. The afterglow is in a more relaxed setting after the show, and will feature more quartets, more from the guest quartet and food. Tickets for the show and afterglow will go on sale the end of October, so stay tuned for more information and posters that will announce ticket outlets and prices. Tickets can also be purchased from chorus members.

The Boss Has Gone Hunting Sale! Debbie and Candis are ready to make some ��������������� AMAZING deals on in-stock inventory! Blowout prices on all clearance items and deeper discounts for all cash & carry sales. Here are just a few of the huge deals we have going on. � � �

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Jeremiah and Susan Hitzfelder

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Jeremiah, brother Josiah and his adoptive cousin Sancia pose for a photo in front of the Cinderella castle at Walt Disney World.

Medicare info sessions planned Medicare counselors from Region 10 will be presenting information and answering questions at two sessions in Delta on Monday, Oct. 12. This information comes just before the start of Medicare’s annual open enrollment period on Oct. 15. The first presentation will be at the noon lunch at the Delta Senior Center, 247 Meeker Street. That will be followed by a program at the Delta Diabetes Support Group, at 2:30 p.m., in the Crag Crest Room of

the Delta County Memorial Hospital’s Oncology and Education building, located just north of the main hospital building on E. 3rd Street and Stafford Lane. Both presentations will be free of charge; however, there will be a lunch fee for those wanting to eat at the senior center.


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Dance the night away Oct. 17 Come dance the night away at the next community evening dance Saturday, Oct. 17, at Bill Heddles Recreation Center. Chuck Gregory will provide the music for this fun event, which runs from 7 to 10 p.m. Bring a friend and a snack to share. Coffee and lemonade will be provided. The cost is $5 at the door. For more information, call 874-0923.

MOPS holds morning, evening meetings Delta MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) now has both evening and morning meetings: 9 to 11:15 a.m. or 6 to 8:15 p.m. All mothers of little ones ages 0-6 are invited to some mommy time, while their kiddos have fun socializing with other kiddos! Coffee, snacks and child care are provided. October meetings are Oct. 8 and 22 at 1250 Pioneer Road. Please call Amanda at 778-5272 for more information.

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Delta County Independent

DHS students recognized for achievement on AP exams Fifteen students at Delta High School have earned AP Scholar Awards in recognition of their exceptional achievement on AP exams. The College Board’s Advanced Placement Program® (AP) provides willing and academically prepared students with the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school, and to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both for successful performance on the AP exams. About 22 percent of the 2.2 million students worldwide who took AP exams performed at a sufficiently high level to also earn an AP Scholar Award. The College Board recognizes several levels of achievement based on students’ performance on AP exams. At Delta High School, four students qualified for the AP Scholar with Distinction Award by earning an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams. These students are Braden Atchley, Jason Husmann, Jesus Mendoza and Paula Strickland. Two students qualified for the AP Scholar with Honor Award by earning an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.

These students are Victoria Gallegos and Abbigail Nicholson. Fifteen students qualified for the AP Scholar Award by completing three or more AP exams with scores of 3 or higher. The AP Scholars are Eian Baier, Easton Byers, Tyler Dill, Cidney Fisk, Tyler Fredlund, Cade Gafford, Ryan Geddes, Nectaria Hanning, Sara Jurca, Mykayla Music, and Gabe Rodriguez, Kaisa Simon, Elizabeth Ward, Brandon Ware and Clay Wollert. Of this year’s award recipients at Delta High School, 11 were sophomores or juniors: Cidney Fisk, Nectaria Hanning, Sara Jurca, Mykayla Music, Gabriel Rodriguez, Kaisa Simon, Elizabeth Ward, Brandon Ware, Victoria Gallegos, Abbigail Nicholson and Braden Atchley. These students have at least one more year in which to complete college-level work and possibly earn a higher-level AP Scholar Award. Through 34 different college-level courses and exams, AP provides willing and academically prepared students with the opportunity to earn college credit or advanced placement and stand out in the college admission process. Each exam is developed by a committee of college and university faculty and AP teachers, ensuring that AP

In-school dental clinics provided Dr. Stacy Laiminger and skilled staff members from The Clinic at Community Dental offered full dental checkups at Lincoln and Garnet Mesa elementary schools. The service was optional and open to all students. The in-school program is called KIDZ GRINS. Community Dental brought an array of portable equipment, including a digital X-ray machine, to the schools to facilitate complete oral checkups. After X-rays and an exam by Dr. Laiminger, a dental hygienist cleaned the kids’ teeth and the kids were educated about healthy oral practices. They were given a goody bag that will make it easy for them to make brushing and flossing a regular habit. Fluoride treatments were given and sealants were applied to permanent molars, if the kids didn’t have any cavities. A letter was sent to each child’s home with the dentist’s findings and a treatment plan. Parents can seek follow-up care from their family dentist or at Community Dental, which is based in Montrose.

“If they have their own dentist, we’ll pass along the X-rays and treatment plan,” said one of Community Dental’s providers. “If they don’t have a dentist, we would love to be their dental home.”

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


St. Michael’s

exams are aligned with the same high standards expected by college faculty at some of the nation’s leading liberal arts and research institutions. More than 3600 colleges and universities annually receive AP scores. Most four-year colleges in the United States provide credit and/or advanced placement for qualifying exam scores. Research consistently shows that AP students who score a 3 or higher on AP exams (based on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest) typically experience greater academic success in college and have higher college graduation rates than students who do not participate in AP. The College Board is a mission-driven not-forprofit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College Board was created to expand access to higher education. Today, the membership association is made up of over 6,000 of the world’s leading educational institutions and is dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education. Each year, the College Board helps more than seven million students prepare for a successful transition to college through programs and services in college readiness and college success — including the SAT® and the Advanced Placement Program. The organization also serves the education community through research and advocacy on behalf of students, educators and schools.




OCTOBER 16, 17 & 18

• Cake Paddles • Snack Bar • Chinese Auction

~ CHILDREN’S CARNIVAL ~ Friday & Saturday - 6-8 p.m. ~ FAMILY BINGO ~ Friday & Saturday - 7 p.m. • Sunday - 2 p.m. ~ RAFFLE DRAWINGS ~ RAFFLE TICKETS held Sunday, November 1 at 11:45 a.m. $1 EACH 1st Prize: $1000 Homestead Meats Gift Certificate

(Donated by Pat Mangum and Delta Hardware in memory of Ralph Mangum)

2nd Prize: $500 Visa Gift Card (Donated by Hellman Motor Company)

3rd Prize: $300 Modern Appliance Gift Certificate (Donated by Jim Sukle)

4th Prize: $300 cash

(Donated by Larry and Diane Dicamillo)

Buy your tickets at Delta Hardware Modern Appliance Hellman Motors St. Michael’s Office

628 Meeker St. Tickets will be sold up to the time of the drawings.


Friday (4-7 p.m.) – Knights of Columbus Barbecue

(Adults $7, Children 12 & Under $3) GREAT & D O Saturday (2-7 p.m.) – Mexican Dinner FO THE R O F N (Adults $7, Children 12 & Under $3) FU WHOLE ! Sunday (11 a.m.- 2 p.m.) – Roast Beef Dinner FAMILY (Adults $8, Children 12 & Under $4)

Buy a weekend meal pass and SAVE$$ Adults $20, Children 12 & Under $8 for all 3 meals!

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DE LA IGLESIA DE SAN MIGUEL Viernes, Sábado, y Domingo 16, 17, y 18 de octubre


Please give the Delta County Independent 10 days notice: PO Box 809, Delta CO 81416

~ BINGO FAMILIAR ~ Viernes & Sábado - 7 p.m. • Domingo - 2 p.m. ~ La rifa se llevará ~ $1/BOLETO a cabo el domingo, 1 ro de noviembre Compre sus boletos



1er Premio: Certificado de regalo de $1000 de Homestead Meats


Donado por Pat Mangum y Delta Hardware en memoria de Ralph Mangum

2do Premio: Tarjeta Visa de $500 Donado por Hellman Motor Company


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3er Premio: Certifcado de regalo de $300 de Modern Appliance Donado por Jim Sukle

4to Premio: $300 en efectivo Donado por Larry y Diane Dicamillo)

en Delta Hardware, Modern Appliance, Hellman Motors, o en la oficina de la iglesia de San Miguel 628 Meeker St. Los boletos se venderán hasta el Domingo, 1ro de noviembre.



Viernes (4-7 p.m.) – Comida proporcionada por los Caballeros de Colon (Adultos $7, Niños 12 años o menores $3)

Sábado (2-7 p.m.) – Comida Mexicana (Adultos $7, Niños 12 años o menores $3)

Domingo (11 a.m.- 2 p.m.) – Cena de Roast Beef

(Adultos $8, Niños 12 años o menores $4) Compre un pase de comida y ahorre dinero: Adultos $20, Niños 12 años o menores $8 por los tres platillos




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Photo by Pat Sunderland

Third grader Skylar Wilson wasn’t a bit nervous about his dental exam — he’s already a patient at Community Dental. A dental assistant updated his record via the Internet as Dr. Stacy Laiminger did a comprehensive exam.


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A6 Wednesday, October 7, 2015 Glenda Bass

Glenda Evelyn Reed Sheldon Bass died of pancreatic cancer Sept. 26, 2015, at HopeWest Hospice Center in Grand Junction. She was 68. She was born Jan. 31, 1947, to Dean and Beulah Reed in Akron. She moved to Hotchkiss with her family when she was four years old. Glenda attended Hotchkiss schools and celebrated her 50-year reunion this summer. She married James Sheldon and they had two children. Mrs. Bass is survived by her children, Dolores (Less) Morris and Jayson Sheldon; two grandchildren, Ernest and Sarah Morris; three brothers, Clarence (Anita) Reed of Craig, Keith (Debbie) Reed of Dalton, Mass., and Glen (JoAnn) Reed, of Missoula, Mont.; and three sisters, Doris (Lee) Miller of Loma, Mary (Ben) McFarlin of Grand Junction and Lola (Leroy) Wold, Spokane, Wash. She worked with elders in the nursing care field. She was preceded in death by her parents, Dean and Beulah Reed; husbands James Sheldon and Don Bass; three halfbrothers; and one halfsister. A celebration of life was held Friday, Oct. 2, at Taylor Funeral Service Chapel in Hotchkiss, with James Gall officiating. Memorial contributions may be sent to HopeWest Hospice, P.O. Box 24, Delta, CO 81416. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements. View the online obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Evea Ashurst

Lifetime Colorado resident Evea Ashurst died Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015, at her home in Cedaredge. She was 75. A memorial service was held Oct. 3 at New Hope Evangelical Free Church in Cedaredge with Pastor Bill Williamson officiating. Mrs. Ashurst was born in Montrose Dec. 12, 1939, to Rascoe and Bonnie (Garrett) Hunt. She was raised in Gunnison and attended Gunnison High

OBITUARIES School. She enjoyed fishing, hunting, gardening, sewing, camping, reading, cooking and bingo. Mrs. Ashurst is survived by two sons Larry Lowell of Cedaredge and Harvey Lowell of Meeker; two daughters, Ramona Clymo of Cedaredge and Teresa Anderson of Eagle; two sisters, Bonnie Gill of Las Vegas and Carolynn Barton of Cedaredge; 20 grandchildren and 40 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Ashurst; a son, Eldon Lowell; and three sisters, Shannon Brown, Donna Richardson and Roxie Ranfelt. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements. View the online obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

of Tucson, Ariz.; a brother, Richard of Victoria, Texas; a sister, Marjorie Sullivan of Colorado Springs; a grandson, Aaron of Tucson; a granddaughter, Lauren (Tom) Satterlee of Phoenix; and two greatgrandchildren. Memorial contributions may be sent to Hotchkiss Methodist Church Food Bank, or visit Dot at 11411 Highway 65, Eckert. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements. View the online obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Donald Clay

Donald “Don” Clay, died Friday, Oct. 2, 2015, at Horizons Care Center in Eckert. He was 94. No memorial services are planned. He was born July 13, 1921, to Samuel and Gertrude Clay, in Colorado Springs, where he was raised. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1941-1945 as a radioman first class. He was wounded in the invasion of Sicily in 1943 and was awarded the Purple Heart. He married Barbara Ann Austin in 1945. They raised two children in Denver. Mr. Clay retired from the phone company after 32 years and they moved to Hotchkiss in 1976. Barbara Ann died in 2000. He married Dorothy “Dot” Wilkinson in 2002. She is 98 and living at Horizons in the room they shared. Mr. Clay was a skilled fisherman and hunter, He enjoyed the game of football, Colorado and his Hotchkiss home. He was a member of the Elks Lodge and the Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by his wife of 55 years, Barbara; a son, Bradley, in 2007; and a brother, Elmer. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy; son, Roger

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Gene Salazar

Jose Eugenio “Gene” Ruben Salazar of Grand Junction died Sept. 29, 2015, while visiting family in New Mexico. He was born May 22, 1949, in Coyote, N.M., to Lydia (Ortega) and Jose Salazar. He lived in New Mexico until the family moved to Colorado in 1956. He attended schools in Delta and joined the Army in 1969. He married Lynne Sandoval of Delta. They lived in Delta for many years until moving to Grand Junction where he lived until his death. He was a career painter and electrician. He enjoyed watching his grandchildren play sports, the outdoors, fishing, hunting, camping and spending time with family and friends. Mr. Salazar is survived by his wife, Lynne of Grand Junction; his children, Jason Salazar of Colorado Springs, Natisha Sexton and Joleen (Philip “Keko”) Espinoza, all of Grand Junction, and Jose (Laticia) of Delta; 10 grandchildren; great-grandchildren, RaeLea, Ronlee, Wednesdae, Kaylie and Jayden; three step-grandchildren; two step-great-grandchildren; eight siblings, Raymond Salazar, Rose (John) Lovato of Grand Junction, Lucy Martinez, Fito Vigil, Fay (Victor) Moralez, Theresa (Alfred) Garcia, Mary (Nick) Moralez, and sisterin-law Ruth, all of Delta, Walter (Juanita) Salazar of Farmington, N.M.; and extended family. He was preceded in death by two granddaughters, Aubrey Cockroft and Jada Espinoza; a sister, Mela and her husband Norman; a brother, Benny; two brothers-in-law, Frank and Orlando; and a sisterin-law, Corine. A memorial service will be held Friday, Oct. 9, at 11 a.m. at Jubilee Family Church, 483 30 Road in Grand Junction followed by a committal service at 1 p.m. at the Veterans Cemetery in Grand Junction.

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Delta County Independent

Hospice, P.O. Box 24, Delta, CO 81416. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Geraldine Vining

Longtime Delta resident Geraldine Vining died Thursday, Oct. 1, 2015, at the HopeWest Hospice Center in Grand Junction. Funeral services were held Tuesday, Oct. 6, at Taylor Funeral Service Chapel in Delta. Burial followed in Mesa View Cemetery in Delta. Geraldine M. Harris was born in Topeka, Kan., Feb. 7, 1925, to Charles and Alice (Anweiler) Harris. She grew up in Topeka and graduated from Highland Park High School in 1943. She was a charter member of the Gunnison Valley Church of the Nazarene. She started teaching Sunday school when she was 15. Mrs. Vining enjoyed making dresses for girls who lived in the Appalachian Mountains, reading her Bible and had been a foster parent to 35 babies. She married Charles B. Vining Sept. 8, 1956, in Topeka, Kan. They moved from Topeka to Delta in 1961. They shared 40 years together before his death on June 13, 1996. She is survived by her sons, David Boronda of Delta, Adrian Boronda of San Diego, Calif., and Charles Vining of Plano, Texas; her daughters, Jeri (Andy) Karsten of Riverside, Calif., Deniece Boronda and Beth Fletcher both of Delta, and Jean Rogers of Topeka, Kan.; her brother, Charles Harris of Castle Rock; 20 grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and two greatgreat-grandchildren. Geraldine was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Vining; a brother, Millard Harris; and a son, Tom Vining. Memorial contributions may be sent to HopeWest

Barbara Dickinson

Barbara Marie “Barbie” Dickinson of Crawford died Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction. She was 57. She was born in Idaho Falls, Idaho, June 21, 1958, to Betty and Ben Lunis. She is survived by her husband, Bobby Dickinson; her son, Shawn Dickinson; two daughters, Michele Hodapp and Kimberly DickinsonThorngate (Sean Thorngate); two grandchildren, Michael Hardy and Samuel Thorngate; her sister, Sharon Smith; and extended family. She was preceded in death by her parents. A celebration of life will be held at the Hotchkiss Elks Lodge at noon Sunday, Oct. 11. Please bring a dish to share. Brown’s Cremation and Funeral Service handled the arrangements.

Richard Valles

Crawford resident Richard Homer Valles died Saturday, Oct. 3, 2015, at his son’s home in Crawford. He was 87. A private family service will be held at a later date. Mr. Valles was born in Tucson, Ariz., Aug. 22, 1928, to Fred and Rosa (Hickman) Valles. He spent his childhood and attended school in Arizona. In December 1970 he married Dorothy Elaine Leonard in Fountain Val-

ley, Calif. Mr. Valles was a photographer at Columbia Studios in Los Angeles, then began a 30-year horse racing career. He was the racing secretary at Los Alamitos Race Course in Southern California for many years before his retirement in 1988. He was a member of Paonia Friends Church and the photography club in Paonia. He enjoyed going to church, fishing and spending time with his family. He is survived by two sons, Robert Fletcher and Scott Fletcher; a daughter, Elizabeth Valles; two brothers, Fred Valles and Robert Valles; a sister, Sandra Valles; nine grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. He was preceded by his wife of 42 years, Dorothy. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements. View the online obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Peggy Niemand

Peggy Ann Niemand died Sept. 26, 2015. She was 72. She was born in Paonia Sept. 25, 1943, to Tom and Ann Sandifer. She had lived in Las Vegas since 1977. A memorial service is planned Oct. 10 at the home of Kirk and Sharon Niemand in Las Vegas. Memorial contributions may be made to Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada, www.orion

Jake Accola

A celebration of life for Colonel Jacob P. “Jake” Accola will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Cedaredge United Methodist Church with Rev. Christy Tullis officiating. Inurnment and military rites by the Grand Mesa VFW Post #9221 will follow at the Cedaredge Cemetery. Memorials may be made to the WSCU Foundation. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements.

Betty Jean Koppes Jan. 10, 1932 ~ Sept. 28, 2015 Betty Jean Koppes, 83, of Greeley, formerly of Delta, passed away on Sept. 28, 2015, in Greeley. Betty Jean Radcliff was born in Oklahoma City, Okla., to Margaret (Brown) and Clarence C. Radcliff, Sr. on Jan. 10, 1932, the second of nine children. She went to school in Oklahoma City until she was 15 when the family moved to a ranch near Genoa, Colo. She finished high school in a class of eight in Genoa in 1950. She married Virgil Koppes in 1950 in Hugo, Colo. Together they had six children. They were later divorced in 1977. Betty worked as a homemaker and ran the family farm and helped her father with his ranch until her father sold the ranch and everyone related to him moved to Delta in 1959. In Delta, she joined the community and attended every event her children participated in and at the same time, she ran a small truck garden where her children learned many valuable lessons. Many of her children’s cousins and friends found their way to the family home where she made them feel like part of the family. Like many others in Delta, in addition to her full-time job as a homemaker, she worked at the canning factory during season, then at the Skyland packing plant and the Last Chance bar. When the opportunity arose to go back to school, she moved to Greeley in 1988. She graduated from Aims Community College as a certified

drug and alcohol counselor. Betty then worked at the Greeley Housing Authority for several years before she retired from paid employment. Betty always volunteered and served her community as a party official in the Democratic Party before she switched to the Republican Party. She was an election judge from the time of LBJ to George W. Bush. She trained all her children and grandchildren as to how the political system worked. Betty also volunteered as a 4-H leader for over 15 years after having been a 10-year member herself. She ran the biggest fundraiser for the Delta County clubs that served over 1,500 people at a one-day dinner for many years. Betty also took under her wing a number of young people who happened to show up at her house or in her view. She was awarded the Volunteer of the Year by the City of Delta for her work with youth. After moving to Greeley, Betty also volunteered for RSVP and United Way. She clipped coupons, embroidered baby gear for the new Weld County babies, and just about anything she was asked right up until the time of her death. Betty loved volunteering and for 15 years worked with the Greeley Stam-

pede with the group that provided security for the shows and rodeos where she worked tirelessly. Betty is survived by all her children, Rebecca Koppes Conway (Sean Conway), John Koppes (Bobbi), Joseph Koppes (Connie), Diann Suttle (Ken), Don Koppes, Jerry Koppes (Jan); and grandchildren, Kelley Gutierrez Crochet (Chad), Kathrine Gutierrez Hinds, Sara Mendenhall (Cim), Bryan Koppes (Jennifer), Amy Lawson (Adrian), Carly Koppes, Ben Koppes, Hayley Koppes, Tressa Nichols-Smalley (Matt), Evan Koppes and Drew Koppes; as well as 11 great-grandchildren and 24 nieces and nephews. Betty is survived by her sisters, Jody, Barbara and Roberta; and her brother, Clarence, Jr. Betty is preceded in death by her mother and father; and her sisters, Cleta, Patricia and Arlene; and her brother, Earl. Viewing was held Monday, Oct. 5, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Adamson Funeral Home, Greeley. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 2 p.m. at the Adamson Chapel, Greeley with Pastor Gary Meade, Bonell Chaplain officiating. Burial followed at Sunset Memorial Gardens, Greeley. Memorial gifts may be given to United Way of Weld County, Bright Beginnings in care of Adamson Funeral Home, 2000 47th Ave., Greeley, CO 80634. Friends may send condolences at www.adamsonchapels. com. Paid obituary

Delta County Independent


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

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opportunities for discussion BY LEAH MORRIS Delta County Libraries

Librarians talk about books all day, recommending new authors to patrons, discussing materials to add to collections, even investigating unpopular titles destined for the discard pile. So it would seem that at the end of the day a typical librarian would have had enough of book talking and would prefer to sit down and watch a movie or something instead. However, this proves to be completely untrue when talking to Delta County Libraries collection development coordinator Myrna Westerman, who also used to manage the Paonia Library. “I read an average of two or three books a week,” says Westerman. In addition to all that reading, she faithfully attends an evening book club every month at the Paonia Library. “This particular book club has been going on for about 15 years. I think only two of us have been in it the whole time, but it basically has just kept going.”

Titles are suggested by the book club members who put together a list for the year and meet to talk about a different title each month. Literacy manager Gail Srebnik also attends the book club regularly. “It forces me to read more than I normally would, and different things. It can really take you out of your comfort zone.” She laughs as she adds, “There have been occasions when I’ve wanted to revolt.” Put Srebnik and Westerman in the same room and they can’t stop talking about books. The two regularly banter back and forth about authors while working together downstairs in the Hotchkiss Library. The Paonia Library Evening Book Club is certainly not the only opportunity in the county to discuss books. Book clubs abound, meeting in libraries and in people’s homes, and cover all sorts of subjects, from fiction to poetry to food to themes like “books about siblings.” The Crawford Library started


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Photo submitted

Gail Srebnik [left] laughs with Myrna Westerman as they look at their next read.

Register for Rim Rock Marathon Registration is in full swing for the seventh annual US Bank Rim Rock Marathon on Saturday, Nov. 7, at 8 a.m. The marathon route has twice been voted Most Scenic Marathon by Colorado Runner and is highlighted by the beauty and magnitude of the Colorado National Monument’s monoliths, canyons and plateaus. Runners will start at Grand Junction Gem and Mineral Club, 2328 Monument Road, wind up and over the monument and descend to the finish line at its new location — Circle Park in downtown Fruita. Along with the new finish location, the Rim Rock Marathon is pairing up with Fruita Parks and Recreation to hold the “Fruita 0.038 Marathon,” a one-mile run for the community. Proceeds from Fruita’s 0.038 Marathon benefit Girls on


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the Run of Western Colorado and Cavalcade. The inaugural one-mile run kicks off at 9 a.m. with the first of five categories and the last category starts at 10:20 a.m. Participants for both events can enjoy live entertainment, vendors and a beer garden in Circle Park. This year, Colorado Mesa University and the Greater Grand Junction Sports Commission are organizing the Rim Rock Marathon. Proceeds go toward scholarships for student-athletes in CMU’s cross country and track and field programs. Runners may register to participate in either the full-length 26.2-mile marathon or as two-person relay teams with each team member running approximately a half-marathon. Register for the marathon and the one-mile run at www.rim

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Chili cook-off benefits 4-H’ers A chili cook-off is planned Saturday, Oct. 25, as a fundraiser for the Delta County 4-H program. Come sample chili at Bill Heddles Recreation Center from noon to 2 p.m. You’ll enjoy the best chili competing 4-H families have to offer. Prizes will be awarded for the best tasting, most unique, “All Fired Up,” most original and the people’s choice. The cost is $5 for samples of chili, plus hot dogs and beverages. Come enjoy the first annual 4-H on Fire Chili Cook-off.

Artists to experiment

with Yupo

Delta Fine Arts meets Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 2:15 p.m. in the Orchard City Town Hall community room on 2300 Road. After a short business meeting, Sheryl Williams will be presenting a program on using Yupo paper. She asks that everyone bring their own media to the meeting and she will provide the Yupo paper on which everyone can experiment. The public is invited; the event is free. Contact Laurae Welch at with questions.

Friends plan book sale this Thursday


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a monthly cookbook club, where attendees share recipes and meals instead of opinions about characters. Hotchkiss High School has a lunchtime book club for teenagers. The Cedaredge Men’s Literary Society, a men’s book club, has been so popular attendance has been limited to 12 members. Delta County Libraries is not affiliated with all the book clubs around the county. However, library staff members are always eager to help with providing reading suggestions, as well as copies of the books themselves. Interlibrary loan librarian Jan Ryan, who works at the Crawford Library, often orders multiple copies of books from other libraries around the state for North Fork area book clubs. The libraries require a bit of notice for this process, and Ryan encourages participants to select books that are not brand new, “because we’re not able to get books newer than six months on ILL. Then they have to buy their own copies.” Book enthusiasts looking for an opportunity to join a book club might start by visiting their local libraries. Library staff can direct patrons toward groups where new members are welcome. And librarians like Westerman will enthusiastically encourage participation. “I always get more out of a book if I discuss it with somebody,” Westerman concludes. “I think it helps to have somebody else’s point of view.”


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Friends of the Delta Library are having a book sale Thursday, Oct. 8, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The sale will be held on the lawn of the library. There will be a huge selection of books, so this is a great time to get some reading material for the long winter ahead! The Friends support the library through financial assistance and the sale of materials in their book sales and the book store downstairs in the library. The Friends are very happy to announce the appointment of a new manager of the book store. His name is Simon Driver and he is a teenager interested in mak-

ing the book store a great resource for our community. Simon recently moved from Gunnison where he did volunteer work at a local book store there. Simon, whose favorite author is George R.R. Martin and favorite book by that author is “A Game of Thrones,” loves books and strives to infect others with that love. Simon volunteers weekly, organizing and restocking the shelves of the book store. Simon invites everyone to come in and see the cleaning and rearranging he has done in the Friends’ book store. The book store is located in the basement of the library just beyond the children’s section.

Make-a-will seminar planned A short discussion on wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and living wills will be presented by local attorneys at a make-awill seminar Thursday, Oct. 8, at 6:30 p.m. Then, for $15 per document, participants will be able to make their own will, power of attorney, or living will. Forms will be provided. Proof of iden-







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tity (driver’s license, etc.) will be required, as all documents will require notarization. The seminar will take place at Westminster Hall, 135 East 4th Street, Delta. Registration is suggested but not required by calling Leah Lewis, senior coordinator, Delta County Senior Resource Council at 712-2295.

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A8 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Delta County Independent

DCED, Region 10 partner to create community hub Delta County Economic Development (DCED) and Region 10 are partnering to create a new business center and community hub for Delta. To kick off this collaboration, these two organizations moved into the former Bank of Colorado building located at 145 W. 4th Street. The goal is to create a unique space that provides an array of services from small business services to health care counseling. Hoping to tap into the entrepreneurial spirit of Delta, the building will offer small business support and economic development activities. “What we want to do is have more activities, education and resources for small businesses, entrepreneurs and startups,” stated Trish Thibodo, executive director of

Delta County Economic Development. Region 10’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will host business-oriented programming in the new space. Free business consultation is available for small business owners who are seeking assistance with their marketing, finances or other business-related issues. In addition to consultation, classes and seminars will be readily available. For October, classes regarding social media marketing and business law are already scheduled. Information about the classes is available at DCED will continue its work on countywide projects designed to create and retain jobs. The most pressing issue

championed by the organization is broadband development. Working closely with Region 10, which recently received a $5.2 million grant for broadband, DCED has been actively engaging with the county and municipal governments on planning and implementation of the recently released Broadband Blueprint (available to review at www.region10. net/broadband). In addition to business and economic development, the new space will also provide services that benefit the elderly and disabled. Two prominent Region 10 programs — the Aging and Disability Resources of Colorado (ADRC) and State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) — will be available in the new space.

ADRC specializes in providing information and access to the services that aging and disabled community members need to be self-sufficient. ADRC Options counselor Jan Waggoner, whose diverse professional background includes a significant amount of time in the health care industry, will be the resident counselor. Waggoner covers all of Delta County so she spends a significant amount of time out in the field, making house visits. “Our county is aging, and more and more people have unique needs,” Waggoner said. “I’d like to help people remain happy and independent in their home, because there is no place like home.” Waggoner is available

Montrose — initially inspired the partnership. Though the new partnership is not currently structured like a traditional co-working space, Thibodo is optimistic that this model will develop in the future as the partnership evolves and grows. “We are not going to be like The Hive,” Thibodo continued. “But if we start to be a spot where people are sharing ideas and expertise, we can be an important community asset regardless.” As both groups grow into the new location, Thibodo encourages community members to stop by, visit and share their ideas for how the space can be best utilized. Walk-ins are welcomed or interested parties can contact Thibodo at

to meet Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling the Region 10 office at 2492436. Sharing office space with ADRC, SHIP provides free counseling and support for Medicare recipients. With questions that cover a wide range of complexities — from Part D prescription drug coverage to claims appeals — Medicare counseling often necessitates the need for individual attention. SHIP counselor Anne Britton will be available on the second and fourth Monday of each month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Appointments can be made by calling 970-765-3132. The buzz about coworking spaces — like The Hive in Paonia and the Proximity Space in


HOMECOMING 2015 Thursday, October 8 Throwback Thursday Volleyball at home vs. Palisade - 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30 p.m. Soccer at home vs Glenwood Springs, 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. AP/Academic Celebration, 6:00 p.m. Bonfire after volleyball game

Friday, October 9 Panther Pride Day - wear your Panther Colors! Cross Country at Confluence Park, 10 a.m. Homecoming Festivities - 1:00-3:00 p.m. Softball at home vs Eagle Valley, 2:00 & 4:00 p.m. Tailgate Barbecue, 5:00 p.m. Football vs. Summit County - 6:00 p.m. with crowning of royalty during halftime

Saturday, October 10 Cross Country at Riverbend Park, Palisade, 10 a.m.


JV Softball Tournament at Rifle Homecoming Dance - 9:00 p.m.-Midnight ����������������



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NORTH FORK October 7, 2015




Paonia faces ‘cash crunch’ BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

The Town of Paonia may not be headed for bankruptcy, but it is experiencing dwindling cash reserves and a “cash crunch” that needs to be addressed. That’s according to town manager Jane Berry, mayor pro tem Charles Stewart and trustee Ross King. King and Stewart serve on the town’s finance committee and have been following the town’s financial situation closely. A lot of cash went out the door in the last seven years, including $647,000 traced to theft by the town’s former finance officer. Of that money, the town was reimbursed $149,000 through insurance. The town also owed tax penalties due to errors in filing taxes, paid double overtime to employees who were exempt from receiving overtime, paid cash bonuses, and is making pension payments to one former employee. The town is paying for what Stewart referred to as “... a lack of financial control.” For years, beginning in about 2007, the town spent money at an alarming rate, said Stewart. The town does have $1.2 million in cash, plus its operating funds, explained Stewart, an attorney with experience in finances. But the cash, for the most part, is restricted or allocated — a percentage of sales tax must go to capital improvements, money must be set aside for capital improvements to the North Fork Airport, in which the town has 75 percent ownership, and there is money from grants and low-interest loans to pay for projects, most notably the $6 million, statemandated water treatment upgrade project currently underway. In short, the cash the town does have isn’t readily available. And while grants are pay-

ing for the majority of water upgrades, they are reimbursement grants, said Stewart. The town must come up with cash to cover project costs up front before receiving reimbursements, which can take 30-90 days. Those bills have run as high as $250,000. The town was also overstaffed after adding about seven positions over the last few years. Unfortunately, said Berry, the financial numbers didn’t justify their hiring. Many of the town’s financial problems came to public light recently with the release of the 2014 audit, along with “Town Auditor Viewpoints” submitted by the town’s auditing firm, RubinBrown. While audits are always available to the public, the decision to release the viewpoints was made by the board of trustees to provide transparency as they work their way through the process of correcting years of what King described as “benign neglect.” “Previous boards never released this type of information before,” said King. Last fall, prior to Berry’s hiring, the town’s 2015 draft budget reflected $410,000 in over-expenses. Revenues were over-inflated, too, said Berry, who was hired to help guide the town out of its financial troubles. Berry’s salary is paid in part by a grant from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. In order to balance the budget, as required by law, three full-time positions were eliminated, and more layoffs may be imminent, said Berry. Fortunately, said Stewart, the town does have sufficient income flow to cover costs of operation. Should citizens and taxpayers be concerned that the town will go bankrupt? No, said Stewart. “The only reason thee town should be concerned is if this were not being addressed.”

Photo by Tamie Meck

Paonia-based pilot Ethel Leslie greets Don Geddes, who flew in from Crawford Airport Saturday during a fly-in/pancake breakfast hosted by the North Fork Valley Airport near Paonia. The Town of Paonia owns 75 percent of the Paonia airport, which is among assets being considered for liquidation. Airport supporters see it as a valuable asset to the town that should not be sold.

Airport lands in middle of Paonia budget talks BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

As the Town of Paonia grapples with cash shortages caused by years of overspending and theft of more than a half million dollars in cash, the board of trustees is considering ways to raise capital. Under consideration is liquidation of assets, including the town’s 75 percent ownership in the North Fork Valley Airport. During a Sept. 8 public discussion on the 2014 audit, the airport was described as a big asset that produces no revenue, is subsidized by taxpayers, and is used by only a few citizens. “It is hard to understand why we would have such a significant asset that does not produce decent income,” said mayor pro tem Charles Stewart, who called it “a pretty unique asset of the town.” A dollar figure has yet to be determined, but the value of the airport isn’t seen just in dollars by its proponents. “I believe the airport is a

valuable asset to the community,” said Paonia resident Neil Schwieterman, a pilot, plane owner and member of the Colorado Pilots Association. Schwieterman is also the mayor of Paonia. “I have a vested interest” in the airport, said Schwieterman. “I can’t vote, but I can be part of the discussion.” Schwieterman called his interest in flying a lifestyle choice and that like himself, many of the airport’s users aren’t wealthy. They simply choose to spend their disposable income on aviationrelated activities rather than on other toys or expensive vehicles. He said his plane, which he co-owns, cost less than most new cars. He also maintains that the airport benefits the local economy. The Colorado Department of Transportation’s Division of Aeronautics estimates its annual economic impact to the local economy at about $54,000; when the multiplier effect — which posits that injections of extra income

into communities leads to increased spending — is factored in, that impact comes closer to $239,000. “There are a lot of people who would not be here if it weren’t for the airport,” said Larry Garrett, a retired U.S. Air Force pilot, commercial pilot, flight instructor, mechanic and aircraft inspector who found Paonia after landing at the airport five years ago and spending a day in town. A year later he bought a home in Paonia. His wife, Ethel Leslie, is also a pilot. “This is a sanctuary for a lot of people,” said Garrett. The airport averages about 77 flights a week, half of which are generated locally, according to the website AirNav. In 2012 the airport was designated as the outstanding general aviation airport in the state by the Colorado Pilots Association. The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association estimates that 65 percent of general aviation flights involve business and public AIRPORT TO B3

Effort underway to renovate the ‘H’ BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

Today is the day Hotchkiss freshmen will whitewash “H” as part of traditional Homecoming festivities. At 9 a.m., prior to painting, a group of volunteers and Hotchkiss alumni will begin efforts to reconstruct the hillside letter, which measures roughly 25 feet in width and 100 feet in length. Over the years the emblem of Bulldog pride has undergone a patchwork of repairs, but time, weather and dynamiting have left it in rather sad shape. Carl Clay, a 1961 HHS graduate, recently formed a task force to rebuild the H. He and others met with some of the project’s stake-

holders, including the Town of Hotchkiss, the HotchkissCrawford Historical Society and the Hotchkiss Booster Club. All of the partners are very supportive of the efforts, said Clay. According to a website on mountain monograms, the “Big C” constructed at the University of California, Berkley, in 1905 was the first mountain monogram. Seen as a symbol of school pride, colleges began vying for the biggest monogram, and annual whitewashings have become a tradition. Monograms are now found throughout the country. A history of the H was published in a 2014 DCI article by Kathy Browning. Clay

recalled that the “mountain monogram” or “hillside letter,” started in 1951 as a trench dug in the steep hillside of what has been dubbed “H Hill” as an initiation of freshmen Johnny Hotchkiss, Ed Ramey and Dan MacKendrick into the lettermen’s club, the “H Club.” In 1954, white rocks from Raymond White orchards on Rogers Mesa were hauled chain-gang style and placed into the trenches. In 1959 an effort by H Club members to pour concrete into the trenches was unsuccessful, as the concrete “oozed” downhill. In 1960 a more structured effort involved pouring cement from trucks parked atop the hill and “all means possible” were used to

Hotchkiss trustee recalls mine layoff for the 1980s BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

The North Fork area has a rich history of coal mining. Unfortunately, mining is a boom-and-bust industry that includes a long history of layoffs. James Roberts knows what it’s like to lose a good-paying mining job. Roberts, who serves on the Hotchkiss Board of Trustees, worked for Hawk’s Nest Mine when it and other mines closed during the early 1980s. “I wasn’t fond of the mines, but the money was great,” said Roberts, who is now retired. Roberts, who was also a farmer, was one of about 300 mine workers to be laid off from Hawk’s Nest. “It was devastating to us,” he said. “It cost me a fortune.” Fortunately, a friend and former co-worker told him jobs were plentiful in California, and assured him he could

find a job within 24 hours. It was right after Christmas, recalled Roberts. He headed for California and the Los Angeles area and immediately hired on with a Home Depotstyle company, where he was known as the “old farm boy.” He didn’t particularly care for the work, and soon picked up a job driving a cement truck. “I had to learn how to drive,” said Roberts, “but I really enjoyed it.” His wife, Barbara, and their two children followed him to California. On their way out of town, he said, they handed the keys to the family house in Hotchkiss to the finance company. Things got rough in California in the early 1990s due to the Rodney King beating and subsequent Los Angeles riots, said Roberts. The family returned to Colorado and never looked back. “We decided we’re going home,” said

Roberts. He decided to continue driving trucks rather than go back to the mines because, “I kind of like to watch the sun come up.” Roberts said he feels for the 78 Bowie Mine #2 employees and 19 contractors who received notice of layoffs last week and are facing the loss of all they have worked so hard to gain. He also worries about the community as it faces the loss of more jobs and the declining tax base, and the possible loss of students from the already shrinking school district. Layoffs over the last three years, now reaching close to 600, also resulted in the closure of businesses, including Farmer Frank’s, a clothing and shoe retailer that had been in business more than 50 years. “It affects more than just the miners,” said Roberts. “It’s going to affect Hotchkiss big-time.”

keep it in place. In 1962 the lower portion of the north leg was dynamited by two students from rival Paonia. To this day that section is crooked. For a number of years the H was whitewashed by students each spring on “Red and White Day.” That tradition now belongs to incoming freshmen and is performed during Homecoming week festivities. Clay said that the earliest whitewashings of the H were done with alkali pigment, which is considered caustic. These days they use paint. Fixing the structure will involve more than just a good paint job. Clay said the concrete has slowly disintegrated over the years, held together by a few patch jobs and roof bolts. Clay said the task force is considering fundraising for a full-on restoration project, While they don’t yet have a plan in place or cost estimates, one idea under con-

sideration is construction of a frame which can be filled with crushed rock. A more immediate project to preserve the structure and prepare for a more permanent project involves directing water away from the concrete to control erosion. The group meeting today will shore up some of the concrete pieces and replace soil where it has eroded from under concrete. When that’s done, freshmen will do the honor of putting on a coat of whitewash. Carl, who is chair of the Hotchkiss School Alumni Fund, said the group welcomes volunteers. Bring shovels, pry bars and good work gloves. In the event of rain the project will be moved to Thursday morning Clay said he wants the H to remain a source of school and community pride well into the future. But, he said, “If we’re going to have it there, we’d better display it properly.”

Photo by Tamie Meck

The H, as seen from Highway 133. A task force has been formed to rebuild the hillside letter, which dates back to 1951.

B2 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Delta County Independent

Hotchkiss Homecoming pays homage to Super Heroes with week of fun BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

Hotchkiss High School is a flurry of activities this week as the Bulldogs celebrate Homecoming week. This year’s theme is “Super Heroes.” Each day of the week students dress for a new theme. On Monday, the school went tropical for Hawaiian Days. Tuesday’s theme was the Decades, where students dressed in attire reflecting their favorite decade. Today’s (Wednesday’s) dress-up theme is the Tacky Tourist. Beginning at 9 a.m., freshmen and a group

of dedicated volunteers and alumni will spruce up the “H” (see related story on page B1) Thursday, Oct. 8, is designated Super Heroes day. Each class will reflect a different super hero: freshmen have the Thing, sophomores will bulk up for the Hulk, the junior class will fly with the Superman theme, and seniors will mask as Batman. Thursday the girls take to the gridiron at 6 p.m. for powder puff football. During the games parents and students will have the grill going for the annual student/parent barbecue, and after the games,

everyone will gather for the bonfire. Friday is Red and White Day in honor of school colors. Classes will decorate their respective floats throughout the morning for the annual Homecoming parade, which begins at 1 p.m. at Bridge and First streets and ends at the K-8 School. Kickoff for the Homecoming football game against Lake County (Leadville) is at 7 p.m. Homecoming royalty will be crowned at halftime. The Hotchkiss Photo by Tamie Meck Dance Team will per- Hotchkiss High School students dressed up for Hawaiian Day Monday as part form following the of Homecoming week festivities. Each day offers a different theme, with the crowning. overall theme being “Super Heroes.”

Welcome to

HOTCHKISS HOMECOMING 2015 SUPERHEROES WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 Tacky Tourist Day Freshmen Paint the H, Sophomores & Juniors Paint Paws, Seniors Paint Bricks Float Building, 1-3:30 p.m.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 Superheroes Day: Freshmen-The Thing, Sophomores-The Hunk, Juniors -Superman, Seniors-Batman Student/ Parent Barbecue, 6:00 p.m. Powderpuff Football, 7:00 p.m. Bonfire, 8:00 p.m.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 Red & White Day Cross Country at Delta, 9:00 a.m. Pep Rally, 12:30 p.m. Homecoming Parade, 1:30 p.m. Volleyball at home vs. Rangely, 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m. Football at home vs. Lake County, 7 p.m. Dance, 9 p.m.

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Airport FROM PAGE B1 service matters that can’t be accommodated by commercial flight. The facility offers 24hour fuel, hangars and tie downs, flight instruction, annual aircraft inspection, mechanical services, glider and banner tow services and more. Visitors flying in can drive the courtesy car to town for meals, and purchase cases of wine or boxes of locally-grown produce. “The courtesy car is a real magnet for pilots,” said Garrett. Delta County owns the remaining 25 percent of the airport. In the 1980s, said Schwieterman, the town owned and operated the airport and offered a share to local towns and the county. The county was the only one to accept the offer, and now oversees management of the facility and pays for maintenance and insurance. The facility is also utilized by Flight for Life and West Elk Mountain Rescue, and as a staging ground for fighting fires. The mines and local

ranchers lease hangars and use the airport to help support their businesses. Some of its lesserknown uses include seismic monitoring, oil and gas exploration, and LiDAR surveys. The airport was established in May 1947, on the roughly 160-acre mesa with 360-degree views of Grand Mesa, the Gunnison River canyons and the West Elks. “It’s a priceless asset for the community,” said manager Mike Clawson, whose parents managed the airport for 30 years before him. He compares it to having a “big fire truck. If it never moves, that’s great, but if we need it, we have it.” Because it lacks water, the mesa can’t support agriculture, but its northsouth orientation and other factors make it ideal for an airport, say pilots, who compare landing on the narrow mesa to landing on an aircraft carrier, especially at night when only runway lights are visible. About 20 planes, one

Hotchkiss asked for money for broadband BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

At a work session on Sept. 29 Hotchkiss trustees were informed that the town is being asked to commit money toward building middle-mile broadband infrastructure. The Delta-Montrose Electric Association, which is partnering with Region 10 on a grant to build that infrastructure, originally asked the town for a letter of support. DMEA has not made a final decision to be an Internet service provider. This represents “a big jump” in DMEA’s position from its original request of a letter of support, said trustee Tom Wills. Initial estimates put the town’s share at $171,000, but that would likely go down, said trustee Dustyn Foster, who represented Hotchkiss at an informational meeting hosted by Delta County on Sept. 24 and attended by municipality representatives and partners in the project. The money would allow fiber to be connected to carrier-neutral locations (CNL) designated by the town, which must commit to those anchor

locations by Oct. 9. The estimated cost to the town to install fiber is $11 per foot for cable plus $5,500 equipment cost for each anchor point, which is estimated to cost $27,000 for two CNLs. The project is expected to take up to two years, and the town must commit those costs for the 2016 and 2017 budgets, said Foster; the final draft of the 2016 budget is due to the state on Dec. 15. Per an email from Delta County administrator Robbie LeValley, the Board of County Commissioners is committing to $293,151 for build-out to municipalities, including $54,090 for Hotchkiss. Trustees expressed concern at an Oct. 1 public work session that there are too many unknowns and question if this is a wise use of taxpayer money. Voters must first pass a ballot measure to opt out of State Senate Bill 05-152, which will be on the ballot for the Nov. 4 general election. Mayor Wendell Koontz suggested the issue be placed on the agenda for the Oct. 8 council meeting.

helicopter and two Ultralight planes are currently based at the facility. The county owns one of the 13 existing hangars. The rest are leased and generating property taxes, said Clawson. The few remaining vacant hangar lots are already spoken for. Under a 2009 agreement, the town and the county are obligated to pay their respective cost share of capital improvements remaining after grants, which the county oversees, and other funding contributions. A $400,000 state grant and $44,000 matching funds from the county paid for recent paving of the 4,500-foot-long, 60-footwide runway and associated lighting project that allows pilots flying after dark to activate the lights on approach. The county and the town share $10,000 annual revenue from the lease

of a private cell tower. The town has on reserve $33,000 from that income set aside for its share of a repaving project for the taxiway and parking area, scheduled for 2016. The $500,000 project will be mostly funded by a state aeronautics grant, said Clawson. The town has stated that a decision isn’t likely to be made in the near future and that any public discussion will likely be lengthy. Garrett, who also chairs the Delta County Airport Advisory Board that keeps county commissioners informed of its status, said some of the trustees have never been to the airport, and some of the town’s residents don’t even know it exists. They need to come out for a visit, said Garrett. “If they don’t know what’s here, they don’t understand the value.”


Saturday, Oct. 10 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

at Paonia Library Community Room and Book Barns

WE HAVE TOO MANY BOOKS! �*Up to 12 hardbacks or 20 paperbacks per bag/box. $4 flat fee, no discounts for partial fill.

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B4 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


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Delta County Independent

PHS hosts Pink Night Oct. 9 The Paonia Booster Club is sponsoring its annual fundraising buffet on Friday, Oct. 9, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the high school commons. The cost is $7/adults and $5/children under the age of 10. Senior high school athletes who have a competition on Friday (including Meeker players) eat for free. Assignments have been made to all athletes and their families to ensure

Learn to save a life Hands-only CPR can save lives. Learn the two steps to help save a life at a free presentation sponsored by North Fork Ambulance volunteers. Two sessions are being offered, at 10 a.m. and again at 11 a.m., at the Hotchkiss Community Center, 276 W. Main, Saturday, Oct. 17. An American Heart Association health care provider class will be offered Saturday, Oct. 17, from 1 to 5 p.m. This class will also be held at Hotchkiss Community Center, 276 W. Main, at a cost of $45. Please contact Dawnette Simpson at 872-4688 to register for the classes.

there are plenty of main dishes, side dishes and salads. Dessert will be provided by senior high volleyball players at the Pink Night bake sale. Pink Night is hosted annually by the PHS volleyball players. This year, they’re hosting the Meeker Cowboys for C team, junior varsity and varsity matchups at 3, 4 and 5 p.m. In support of October Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the PHS Eagles

will again be donating, after costs for the event, the gate and all funds raised throughout the evening to HopeWest, an organization that supports the health needs of our local community. Team members hope to create another memorable event, support our community’s needs, and continue to raise awareness for cancer. To make donations for Pink Night, either monetary donations or prizes

to be awarded between games, contact Kitty Burns at 234-1863. And plan on attending the games. Your admission and presence in the stands will support the cause and add to the fun. At 5 p.m., the winning ticket for the fundraising raffle for the $500 Homestead meat package will be drawn. Tickets are available until the drawing. The raffle was sponsored by American Legion Post 97.

Hotchkiss K-8 presents GRIT Blazing Bulldog Awards

Hotchkiss K-8 strives to develop citizens through GRIT — growth, resiliency, integrity and tenacity. Students who demonstrate these traits academically, socially or emotionally are recognized as GRIT Blazing Bulldogs. “We are so proud of all our HK8 students for continuously showing their GRIT,” said principal Carrie Yantzer. The award is not grade based, but is based on the character traits that are aligned with the Hotchkiss K-8 vision/mission. Nominations are made by the teachers, who also have an eye out for Hotchkiss Pride and the Power of

3/Bulldog Bark. Students will have their picture posted in the hallway and in the DCI. They will be treated to lunch by Horace Mann and will receive ice cream coupons for Taco Hut and certificates from Bananas Fun Park. They are also presented with a certificate and the nomination form. September recipients included: Kindergarten — Aliza Beveridge, Gabe Gomez, Avery Flores and Jaidin Smith. First grade — Kelty Andregg and Kiera Stroh. Second grade —none. Third grade — Jesa-

lynn Borgman, Reyna Broadbent, Gabe Garcia and Payson Pene. Fourth grade — Tyler Carlquist, Elizabeth Galley, Destany Garverick, Isa Lindberg and Quintin Morlang. Fifth grade — Acacia Compher, Annika Knehs and Tia Moore. Sixth grade — Audren Borgman, Bailey Miller, Julia Pinon, Isaac Rung and Drayden Taylor. Seventh grade — Adair Ela, Ellieyana Lowe, Derek Sanchez, Kyra Stevens and Ava Taylor. Eighth grade — Phillip Barnes, Preston Davidovich, Brian Gonzalez, Gilly Knott and Rebeka Scheiderer.

Bike tire repair clinic is today A “Goat Head Clinic” to repair a flat bicycle tire and to deal with goat heads (also known as puncturevine) that get caught in bike tires will be held Wednesday, Oct. 7 (today), from 3:30-4:30 p.m., at the new bike repair station at Paonia Elementary School. The event, held in conjunction with International Walk to School Day, will include giveaways, prizes and more.

Grades K-5

Open house for older adults, caregivers Region 10’s Aging and Disability Resource Centers will host an open house from 3-5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 14, at the Paonia Library. The event is geared toward older adults, the disabled and caregivers. Call Region 10 at 249-2436 for details.

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Grades 6-8

Creamery holding after-school classes BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

After announcing last July that the iconic Creamer Arts Center in Hotchkiss would close its doors in August and end classes due to a lack of funding, a lot of calls came in regarding afterschool classes, said program administrator Gail Smith. “So many parents

were really upset. So we thought, what can we do to keep classes going?” Turns out they could do plenty. The Creamery is now offering art classes Mondays and Tuesdays with Linda McVeihl, clay classes with David Strong on Wednesdays, and art classes with Suki Strong Wednesdays and Thursdays. Prices remain at

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$10 per class, or $36 for four classes. Classes follow the Delta County School District schedule and aren’t held during school breaks. To help support the classes, the gift shop is open Wednesday through Saturday, and the clay studio is also available for rental. The center has selected a new board of directors and is reorganizing with plans to re-open the gallery in 2016. While the artists’ coop no longer exists, limited works by local artists are currently on exhibit, and there are plans to hold the annual Christmas Boutique, said Smith. During October the Creamery will host a sculpture show and art market, as well as offer artist demonstrations, jack-o-lantern and Cinderella’s Coach competitions. The board, in partnership with a dozen local businesses, is also seeking approval from the Hotchkiss Town Council to host Shop Hotchkiss Day the second Saturday of each month. For details, call 8724848 or email information


Delta County Independent

SPORTS October 7, 2015

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Panthers rumble past Rifle BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Despite knocking off one of the state’s top 3A football teams, Delta’s Panthers are listed in third place in the 3A WSL, behind Palisade, 2-0 and 5-0, and Grand Junction Central, 2-0 and 4-1. The Panthers are 2-0 and 4-1 as well and have both Central and Palisade left on their regular season schedule. Last Friday’s huge win, 35-21, over the fourthranked Rifle Bears was a

big step for Delta as the Panthers work their way toward a league title. The win marked the first time since the 2008-09 season that the Panthers have defeated Rifle in football. MaxPreps, interestingly enough, has Palisade, third, and Rifle, sixth, listed ahead of the Panthers, which are listed 12th. Eagle Valley, 1-1 and 4-1, is listed fifth. Delta will face the Devils on Oct. 23 in Delta. Last Friday’s contest against Rifle got off to

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta junior Ethan Keller found running room against Rifle last Friday night. Keller replaced Jonny Ponce in the second quarter of the 3A WSL contest and contributed to the Panthers’ win with 13 carries and 68 yards.

a rousing start for the Panthers as they powered their way to a 21-0 first-quarter lead before Rifle could score its first touchdown in the second quarter. Delta used scores from Tristan Brown, a oneyard run, and two Jonny Ponce runs of 40 and 71 yards to stun the highly touted Bears with 21 points. After Ponce’s second score, a second personal foul on the talented senior running back was called resulting in his ejection from the game. With Ethan Keller filling in for Ponce, Delta was able to hold on for the important 3A WSL win with Kory Mills and Beau Byers scoring on pass plays of 12 and nine yards, respectively, from Kole Roberts. Those scores came in the third quarter. A.B. Ontiveros hit all five of the PAT kicks for the 35 points scored by Delta. Ethan Strouse scored Rifle’s first touchdown in the opening minute of the second quarter. Freshman Eduardo Ruiz kicked the extra point. Blaine Vance scored Rifle’s second touchdown from 48 yards out with 6:18 left in the third quarter. Ruiz’s kick was wide right leaving the Panthers ahead 28-13. Tyler Bosshardt raced 79 yards to score Rifle’s

Panthers clinch 3rd 4A WSL softball title BY WAYNE CRICK

ond inning after junior Megan Sandoval reached base on a double and then came home on Rachel Huerkamp’s double. The Bruins answered with a run of their own when Lacey Rodriguez reached base on an error and scored on Mykayla Wilkerson’s single. In the third frame Delta freshman Jenna Sutliff reached base on a single and later scored on a passed ball that moved Keilee Womack’s courtesy runner after a walk, Sarah Parker, to third. A fielder’s choice plated Parker giving the Panthers a 2-1 lead. Samantha Galley grounded into a fielder’s choice and was safe at first. Galley scored on a throw-in from the outfield on a single by Brittany Kendall leaving the Panthers ahead 2-1 going to the third. Galley made a diving catch of a Nadia Hall line drive to center field to save extra bases, and eventually enabled

the Bruins to hold Delta scoreless in the inning. The Bruins had a With a 5-0 4A WSL pair of base runnners on record, and 14-4 overall when Galley came to the season mark, the Delta plate in the bottom of the Panthers won their third fourth. Her long homer straight softball title over the centerfield fence after defeating Palisade accounted for three runs 12-2 in Delta last Friand pushed the Bruins to day. a 5-3 advantage. Prior to that win for a Neither team scored in league title, Delta faced the fifth inning. Cedaredge on Sept. 28 Delta found its bats, at the Field of Dreams. and some offense, in the The Bruins had Delta on fifth. When the dust had the ropes with a 5-3 lead settled, the Panthers late in the game before had scored six times and a rally by the Panthers owned a 9-6 lead followproduced an 11-6 noning a single run by the conference win. Bruins in the bottom of Delta 11, Cedaredge 6 the inning. In a game for Delta Another two runs by County bragging rights, Delta in the seventh comthe Class 4A Delta Panpleted game-scoring with thers and 3A District 5 Delta claiming an 11-6 Cedaredge met at the decision. Field of Dreams for a From the fifth inning rematch of a 7-6 Delta on, Delta managed to hit win on Sept. 19. three home runs on its The Bruins were more way to the victory. Sutthan up to the task and liff, Lily Lockhart and worked their way to a 5Sandoval all had home 3 lead after four innings runs for Delta in that of play. time span. Delta took the lead in Keilee Womack picked the top half of the secup the win for Delta while Rodriguez took the loss for Cedaredge. Batting leaders in the game for Delta included Huerkamp, three for five with an RBI; Sandoval, three for four with five RBIs, including a home run and a double; Lily Lockhart, three for four with a double and a home run and an RBI, and Sutliff with two hits in three at bats with a home run. Galley led the Bruins with her two for four plate performance with three RBIs and a home run. Kendall was two for four and an RBI. Delta 12, Palisade 2 Last Friday’s contest against Palisade started well for the Panthers as they scored three times in the first inning and Photo by Wayne Crick added another run in the Delta senior Keilee Womack throws out a Cedaredge second to take a 3-2 lead runner as the Panthers’ second baseman, Saydee to the third. Culver, covers first base and waits for the throw. DELTA SB TO B6 DCI Sports Editor

last touchdown with 4:55 left in the game. The Bears converted on a two-point conversion try with Strouse throwing a pass to Bosshardt for a final score of 35-21. The Panthers had 77 yards through the air on eight of 13 passing by Kole Roberts. Roberts’ favorite receiver was Beau Byers, who had six catches for 61 yards and a nine-yard acrobatic reception in the third period. Ponce, before leaving the game, rushed nine times for 147 yards and a pair of touchdowns. Keller carried the ball 13 times, as Ponce’s replacement, for 64 yards. Roberts had 28 yards on four carries and Brown ran for 25 yards on eight carries and a touchdown. Rifle’s Tyler Bosshardt

was the top groundgainer for Rifle with 146 yards on 13 carries. Defensively, Mills’ 15 tackles led a stingy Delta defense with Brown and Cameron Schaal contributing 11 and 10 tackles each. Josh Reeder and Stephen Davignon added nine tackles apiece for the winners. Reeder also had two sacks in the game. Byers, Sam Komives, Brown and Schaal had interceptions that stopped Rifle drives. When asked his thoughts on the big win in Rifle, head coach Ben Johnson had this response. “I thought it was a great team effort. At halftime we talked about what adjustments we needed to make with Keller filling in for Ponce and setting an offense

that would include his best running plays.” The effort and quick start to games has been a topic of concern for some time for Johnson. “I thought the kids played hard and we started fast like we talked about all week.” Delta’s defensive play was stellar with key stops negating a solid running attack by the Bears. “I thought the defensive line played very well,” noted Johnson. “Our linebacker play was outstanding. The offense executed very well throughout the game and we made a bunch of big plays.” The Panthers will celebrate Homecoming this week and face Summit’s Tigers Friday night, Oct. 9. Kickoff has been set for 6 p.m.

CHS, HHS grid rivalry plays down to wire BY ERIC GOOLD DCI Sports Writer

Action began in the 1A Western Slope Conference last Friday night in Cedaredge, and Delta County fans can anticipate great football games as local teams make their push for the playoffs. Perennial rivals kicked off against each other when Cedaredge hosted Hotchkiss. It was a typical rivalry game that wasn’t decided until the fourth quarter, when the Bruins rallied for two scores and defeated the Bulldogs 19-12. “My hat’s off to Hotchkiss,” Bruins coach Brandon Milholland said. “They’re very well coached. I have a whole lot of respect for that coaching staff and Coach Sirko and what he does there. It was toe to toe and just a lot of fun.” Cedaredge (5-0, 1-0) had to overcome some nerves and sloppy play early as the Bruins fumbled away two of their first possessions and punted on a third. Hotchkiss (1-4, 0-1) took advantage of the resulting good field position. Colton Peebles set up the Bulldogs with a strong punt return, then Julian Smith took a handoff from Colton DeLuzio and ran a reverse eight yards into the end zone for the game’s first touchdown late in the first quarter. A bad snap derailed the Bulldogs’ extra point attempt and Hotchkiss settled for a 6-0 lead. Another bad snap on a punt attempt later on set up Cedaredge on the 19-yard line. Isaac Swoffer put the Bruins on the board with his 14-yard scoring run and the home team took a 7-6 lead into halftime. “Cedaredge is a good football team, give them credit,” Hotchkiss coach Mike Sirko said. “They’re gonna do good things this year, and Coach Milholland and his staff did a great job preparing. It was just a great football game between two good clubs.”

The Bulldogs refused to roll over and put together an old school, ground and pound 19-play drive to open the second half. Kale Litzelman scored from two yards out to cap the drive and Hotchkiss took the lead back, 127, going into the fourth quarter. The Bulldogs had seven sophomores either starting or playing significant roles in the contest. “Some of them played like seniors, and I was so proud of that,” Sirko said. “I felt really good about how well they played. The few seniors that we have battled and led by example and our young kids followed. That’s the third straight top 10 team we’ve played and our kids kept battling.” Cedaredge put together a nine-play drive that ended in Tyler Cooper’s blast up the middle for a 21-yard touchdown. The Bruins reclaimed the lead at 13-12 with a little over 11 minutes left in the game. Hotchkiss got bogged down on its next two pos-

sessions, and a bad snap on a punt attempt again set the Bruins up in Bulldogs territory. Cedaredge scored one final time in dramatic fashion to claim the victory. On fourth and 26 with a little over a minute and a half left, Milholland called a creative fake punt that saw freshman Jared Reynolds collect a pitch, roll to his right, and pass to a wide open Tristen Waddell for a 34yard touchdown. “Jared Reynolds doesn’t even know that he’s a freshman,” Milholland said. “He doesn’t even know that he’s a varsity football player right now. He’s a great kid and all my kids are great kids. They’re an awesome group to be around, win or lose. And right now it’s been a whole lot of fun because we’re 5-0.” Hotchkiss had one last drive to try to tie the game, but Cedaredge sophomore Pedro Madaleno snagged an interception to stymie the BullBRUINS FB TO B6

Photo by Eric Goold

Bruins running back Christian Reynolds lunges for more yards as Hotchkiss linebacker Devan Curtis (45) drags him down. Cedaredge beat Hotchkiss 1912 in the most recent rekindling of a long rivalry.

Cedaredge wins 3A District 5 softball title BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

The Cedaredge High School softball team won three of its five softball games played last week. Action began for the Bruins on Monday, Sept. 28, against Delta (see related

story in today’s paper). That game resulted in an 11-6 loss. On Sept. 30, Cedaredge battled Palisade in a game played on the campus of CMU. The Bulldogs won that contest 12-11, and won the season’s series,

2-1. Both Delta and Palisade are Class 4A schools which are on top of the 4A WSL. Rifle, the Bruins’ third opponent of the week, is also a member of the 4A WSL. Cedaredge won BRUINS SB TO B6

B6 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Delta County Independent

Bruins beat Eagles in VB BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

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C’mon. You know you do! DELTA COUNTY


Cedaredge High School has taken a step in the right direction toward laying claim to the 2A/1A Western Slope Grand Mesa League title. The Bruins continued their winning ways with wins over rival Paonia and Rangely this past week. Paonia traveled to Cedaredge on Oct. 1 for a showdown that looked to be a battle royale as the two teams began play in set one. Paonia jumped to a 4-0 lead on the service of Taylor Carsten. Nellie Freeman served safely five straight times to give the Bruins a 7-6 lead, and the race was on. The lead changed hands many times with each team going on runs to regain the lead. Eventually, Paonia held on for a 25-23 win in the opening set. Set two was equally challenging. A seven service run from Kenzie Henderson brought Cedaredge from a 20-16 deficit to a 23-20 lead.

The Bruins held on to score a 25-22 win and tied the match at 1-1. Cedaredge seemed to be more in control in the third set and won by a 25-18 score. The Bruins led from start to finish in set four to post a 25-12 decision. Henderson had 17 kills to lead Cedaredge’s attack at the net and Lydia Knutson followed with 10. Paonia got 12 kills from Emily Pieper. Ashley Van Vleet and McKenna Hartigan had four blocks for Paonia to lead stats in that category. Paonia put up plenty of attempts as the Bruins had double-digit digs from Freeman (30), Amber Jenkins (24) and Henderson (19). Taylor Carsten had 19 digs for Paonia. In Rangely, the Bruins had a couple of tough sets but managed to finish the match with a 3-1 win. Knutson and Hannah Gilmore finished play with 20 and 16 kills, respectively for the Bru-

ins. Freeman stayed hot from the service line with four aces and Kendall McHugh had 38 assists. Jenkins led a group of five players who had double-digit digs with 30.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Cedaredge senior Kenzie Henderson (6) attempts to hit the ball past Paonia freshman McKenna Hartigan.

Paonia coach Krista Carsten was not totally disappointed in her team’s physical and emotional play. The thought process was just not there at times when it was needed most. “We had more hitting errors than kills tonight. We need to figure things out. At times we had no fight, and that comes from not being challenged enough in the last three years. We didn’t know how to respond in some instances.” Bruins’ coach Heather Dunbar noted there was a change her players wanted to try for the game with Paonia. “They wanted to switch some things around and I trusted them. One of the things we want to be known as is scrappers,” stated Dunbar. Scrap they did. Cedaredge plays Meeker on Oct. 10 in Cedaredge at 3 p.m. The following week, on Oct. 16, Cedaredge travels to Meeker for a 5 p.m. contest.

Bruins SB

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CONTINUED FROM B5 this game, 10-4. The Bruins played a doubleheader against 3A District 5 league member Basalt last Saturday. Cedaredge won both games with scores of 14-4 and 13-2. Cedaredge finished play last week with records of 7-0 and 106. Five of the six losses came at the hands of upper division schools. The Bruins are in control of the 3A District 5 standings with Meeker second with 4-2 and 9-6 records. Basalt is third at 3-4 and 7-10. PHS 12, Bruins 11 Palisade scored the game’s first four runs and held a 4-0 lead heading to the sixth inning. The Bruins put together an eight-run inning in the sixth and led 8-6. A three-run seventh inning had the Bruins leading 11-6 with the outlook in favor of Cedaredge. The Bulldogs had other plans however, as they put together a six-run surge in the bottom of the seventh to steal a 12-11 victory. Hailey Lofley was Cedaredge’s leading hitter with three hits in four at bats that included two runs and two RBIs. Teammate Samantha Galley was one for four with two runs scored, a home run and four RBIs. Palisade’s Paige Orman had three RBIs with two hits while Caitlyn Charlesworth generated three RBIs on a double. Orman, 10-5, was the winning pitcher for Palisade and Lacey Rodriguez, 5-3, took the loss. Bruins 10, Bears 4 Cedaredge trailed 4-3 going to the sixth inning. A Bruins’ seven-run burst

in the top of the seventh inning turned the game around for Cedaredge enabling Bruins to win by a score of 10-4. Chey Christian, Cedaredge coach Matt Hall’s Player of the Game, finished the game with three hits, including a double and an RBI. Brittney Thliveris was one for two with two RBIs. Rifle’s leading hitters were Claudia Abbott and McKenzie Diaz with two hits apiece. Rodriguez was the winning pitcher for Cedaredge. DH versus Basalt Game 1 Bruins 14, Basalt 4 Chey Christian was coach Hall’s Player of the Game once again in game one of the Bruins’ doubleheader against Basalt’s Longhorns. Christian had two hits in four at bats with a pair of RBIs. Shayna Dale led Cedaredge’s offense with three hits, including a double, and she scored three runs. Lofley and Galley had four RBIs on two hits apiece. Basalt finished the game with just three hits, including a Kaity Johnson home run. A note from Coach Hall related an interesting story about the kind of character his players have. In the Bruins’ first game, Basalt’s centerfielder had a deep hit to left field. It was originally ruled a ground rule double by the home plate umpire. “However, my left fielder (Chey Christian), without hesitation, informed the umpires that the ball actually went over the fence in the air,” stated Hall. The call was reversed and Basalt was awarded the home run.

Kendall, 4-2, was the winning pitcher for Cedaredge. Game 2 Bruins 13, Basalt 2 Cedaredge’s offense was too much for the Longhorns in game two of doubleheader play in Cedaredge. The Bruins wasted little time in establishing who was in control of this contest as Cedaredge vaulted to a 62 lead after two innings. Another four runs in the fourth and three more in the fifth was all it took to end the game in five innings, 13-2. Kendall was the Bruins’ top hitter with three safeties in three at bats. Cedaredge’s top RBI-producer was Galley with six, including her sixth home run of the season. Chris-

tian, Dale and Thliveris had two hits each in the game for Cedaredge. Christian’s two hits were doubles. Rodriguez was the winning pitcher. According to Hall, with the wins against Basalt, the Bruins have clinched a 3A District 5 league title and will host games in the first round of playoffs. The Bruins host Gunnison at the Field of Dreams on Oct. 8 for a game scheduled for 3 p.m. Cedaredge will complete its regular season with a scheduled doubleheader against Class 4A Eagle Valley on Oct. 10 at the Field of Dreams. Game times are set for 9 and 11 a.m.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Cedaredge pitcher Lacey Rodriguez gets the tag down too late to keep the Panthers’ second baseman, Jenna Sutliff, from scoring a run in a nonconference game played between the two schools. Delta came from a 5-3 deficit for an 11-6 victory.

Delta SB CONTINUED FROM B6 inning, Delta took control of the game with a fiverun explosion in the fifth. The Panthers ended the game with a three-run fifth inning that made the final score 12-2. Lockhart was four for four with three runs scored, two doubles, her

13th home run and three RBIs. Womack went two for three at the plate with two doubles, her seventh home run and three RBIs. Huerkamp also had a two-hit game in three at bats that produced two runs scored, a double and

an RBI. Womack was the winning pitcher and leads the Panthers pitching staff with an 8-2 record. The Panthers will play their last regular season game, on homecoming, in Delta against Eagle Valley’s Devils on Oct. 9 at 2 p.m.

Bruins FB CONTINUED FROM B5 dogs final effort. With the team undefeated and ranked fourth, Cedaredge fans are starting to recall the 2012 season when the Bruins defeated Hotchkiss twice in close games en route to the 1A state championship. “I don’t want to speak

too soon. We’re in a really tough league,” Milholland said. “I do have a very special feeling about these kids. But there’s some comparisons there for sure, absolutely.” Other Games Paonia (4-1, 1-0) won its conference opener and recovered from its first loss in over two years,

beating Grand Valley 65-0. The Eagles scored on three interception returns in the rout. Meeker (3-2, 1-0) beat Lake County 45-14. The Cowboys are ranked ninth in a state poll and are scheduled to face the third ranked Eagles on Friday at Paonia Town Park.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Delta loses 3-1 in net play BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Delta’s Panthers split matches played in volleyball this past week. A win was recorded on Oct. 1 against Glenwood Springs, 3-1. A road trip to Gypsum resulted in a 3-1 loss to Eagle Valley. Both contests were 4A WSL matchups. The only other loss on Delta’s schedule came at home against Steamboat Springs, 3-1. Delta has the league’s best overall record at 122 but is 4-2 in league play and is fourth in 4A WSL

standings. Eagle Valley is listed first at 5-1 and 8-5, Steamboat Springs is second at 4-1 and 11-2, and Battle Mountain is third at 4-1 and 5-4. Delta 3, GS 1 Ashton Reese and Emily Baier posted 21 and 17 kills, respectively, as the two juniors compete to provide the Panthers with as much offense as they can. Reese also posted three blocks, 14 digs and 10 service receptions. Baier finished with 19 digs and 27 service receptions. Shelbi Ledesma and

Shanan Davey had three aces each with Davey collecting 16 digs and 28 service receptions. Emily Nortnik had 13 digs and 43 assists for the Panthers. Delta won the first two sets, 26-24 and 2514 before losing 29-31 in set three. The Panthers claimed the match victory with a 25-19 fourthset win. EV 3, Delta 1 In Gypsum, Delta fell behind early with a 13-25 loss in set one. The Panthers won, 25-23, in the second set only to drop

Hotchkiss continues VB growth as a team BY ERIC GOOLD DCI Sports Writer

The Hotchkiss Bulldogs are still seeking their first win in high school volleyball this season, but their play in recent matches shows that victory is right around the corner. The Bulldogs went to Cedaredge and played the red hot Bruins last Friday and while they fell in three sets, Hotchkiss showed that it has all the pieces for a solid team and the foundation for the future is strong. “We get better and better each day,” Hotchkiss coach Taralee Williams said after the Cedaredge match. “I’m just focused on getting us ready for the next couple seasons.” The Bulldogs face tough competition in every match. Regional teams like Paonia, Cedaredge, Meeker and Rangely all offer different kinds of challenges for a

young team to face. “We do have some good teams in our league,” Williams said. “We’re young, and we can hang around with these teams now. So I have confidence we’re going to be doing good things in the future.” In the first set against Cedaredge, Hotchkiss allowed a long service run that put them behind early. The Bruins capitalized on that momentum and won 25-8. Cedaredge (9-3) was coming off its huge win over rival Paonia last Thursday. “I think we were kind of riding a high from last night and it was hard to come back and play again right away,” said Bruins coach Heather Dunbar. “I wouldn’t say that this was one of our best games, definitely not, but we persevered. Hotchkiss is a scrappy team.” Hotchkiss recovered from the quick loss in the first set and played

Photo by Eric Goold

Hotchkiss senior Maddie Gutherie just gets a kill past Cedaredge blocker Lydia Knutson in last Friday’s volleyball match at Cedaredge. The Bruins continued to win and beat the scrappy Bulldogs in three sets.

some of its best volleyball in the second set. Carson Collins knocked home a kill to win sideout, then Ana Taboada served three winners in a row as the Bulldogs tied the set 14-14. “That second game we really serve/received well, we passed well and we put up some blocks,” Williams said. “That was the difference there.” Tyra Jaramillo, Sophia Fisher and Maddie Gutherie played well for Hotchkiss at the net in the second set, avoiding the net calls that plagued them earlier. But then Lydia Knutson, one of seven seniors on the veteran Bruins roster, started heating up. Consecutive kills put them ahead 18-16, and Nellie Freeman hit home the last kill as Cedaredge took the second set 2519. “Those seniors are players that have been heavily relied on since they were sophomores,” Dunbar said. “They have experience as well as talent.” It was all Cedaredge in the third set. Hannah Gilmore served a long run that put the Bruins in front 11-3, and she had some booming kills that upped their advantage. Freeman again had the honor of the last kill and the Bruins won 25-9. “We improved since the first time we saw Cedaredge,” Williams said. “We play together as a team, we don’t get upset with each other and that makes a big difference, especially when we’re down a little bit. That’s the key there, to stand as one team, not individually.” Hotchkiss plays at DeBeque tonight and then is home on Friday night for homecoming against Rangely.

Paonia VB recovers from rare dual losses BY ERIC GOOLD DCI Sports Writer

The Paonia High School volleyball team found itself in very unfamiliar territory last week after suffering its first consecutive defeats during the regular season in many years. “Our last league loss was in 2011,” Eagles coach Krista Carsten said. “And although we lost two in a row at the state tournament two years ago, it hasn’t happened during the regular season in quite some time.” Coal Ridge was 75 going into its home match with Paonia last Tuesday. “We knew they would be a solid team for us since we played them last year and they were also at the state tournament,” Carsten said. “We did not perform well offensively and basically fell apart in game four. We didn’t battle like we had in the match against Grand Junction, which was defi-

nitely a disappointment.” Coal Ridge won the match 26-24, 16-25, 2521, 25-15. “I think some of our starters are still trying to find confidence and believe in their own abilities,” Carsten said. “Definitely a disappointing loss but hopefully an opportunity to identify some weaknesses and get things fixed before postseason gets here.” Ashley Van Vleet and McKenna Hartigan each had 10 kills in the loss, Emily Pieper recorded four aces and Taylor Carsten put up 19 assists for the Eagles. Paonia had little time to recover, going to Cedaredge last Thursday night to face the veteran Bruins. Paonia lost a close match 3-1. The Eagles (8-2) were able to right the ship last Friday, going to Grand Valley and winning 2514, 25-21, 25-15. “After we struggled both on Tuesday and Thursday, it was a nice

match for the girls to get back on their feet and into the rhythm they are used to,” Carsten said. “As a team we hit .378, which is back where we PAONIA VB TO B8

the next two sets, 22-25 scheduled to return to Devils. That match will and 19-25. Gypsum, where it will have a 6:30 p.m. starting Baier led the Panthers play a rematch with the time. in kills with 15 and had 15 digs. Davey had 17 digs to lead Delta in that �� category while Reese had ��� 14 kills and Mykayla Mills had three kills and ������������� two blocks. Harlee Roberts fin�������������������������������� ished with three aces while Nortnik’s 30 assists were tops and Dani Saka- ������������������������������������� la had two blocks. ������������������������������������� Delta is scheduled to host Palisade on Oct. 8 ������������������������������������ with a 6:30 p.m. starting ������������������������������������ time for varsity play. The Panthers will take ����������������������������������� on Summit’s Tigers in Frisco on Oct. 12. That �������������������� ����� 4A WSL contest is sched����������������� ������������������������ �������������� uled to start at 5 p.m. �������������������� ������������� On Oct. 13, Delta is ��������������������������������������������������

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B8 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Delta County Independent

Sweitzer XC course fast BY ERIC GOOLD DCI Sports Writer

Personal records were set in droves last Friday as runners got a chance to race on an almost perfectly flat 5k course around Sweitzer Lake at the Pantherfest Cross

Photo by Wayne Crick

Paonia’s Chelsea Meilner was second in last weekend’s cross country race, and the first county runner to finish the race.

Country Invitational. Conditions were even better for the girls squads, who ran their race under brilliant blue sky with a late morning breeze as escort. “It was really a great race,” Paonia senior Chel-

Photo by Wayne Crick

Mykayla Music shows the agony of a 5k race as she nears the finish line to take third place on a fast course.



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sea Meilner said after finishing second overall. “Our whole girls’ team put PRs on the board so I couldn’t be more proud of them.” Meilner’s time of 19 minutes, 40.59 seconds marked not only a personal best but was also the first time she broke the 20-minute mark in her career. All of the runners were energized by the newness of the course. “This is the first time we’ve ever run this course so it was something new and exciting, and it was a really good day to run,” Meilner said. “It was a new challenge and that’s what made it exciting.” Brooke Hillman was the next Eagle across the finish line at 21:05.11. Then Nora Dransfield came in at 21:56.30, good for a top 20 finish. Courtney Van Vleet (24:31.86) and Megan Limone (27:51.74) completed the Paonia team score. “We’re just starting to see all of the Paonia girls getting to where we need to be,” Meilner said. “We’re definitely going to put a challenge on the table.” Telluride senior Soleil Gaylord won her second race in Delta County this season when she finished first overall in 19:25.70. Delta’s Mykayla Music posted her best finish so far this year with her third place time of 20:00.76. The senior ran the lake course for the Deltarado Days 5k, so she had a bit of a homefield advantage. “The first mile felt good,” Music said, a little

out of breath after the finish. “I always struggle on the second mile, but Mae Anderson was actually there to push me all the way through the second mile. Then into the third mile I felt good, so I went with it.” Abbi Beckwith and Beki Atchley finished next for Delta with their times of 22:15.64 and 22:15.70, respectively, good for 20th and 21st place. Anha Richards was fourth for Delta at 24:03.88. Summer Hood (27:15.08), Melanie Osteen (29:08.05), Karina Bedoy (29:56.66) and Amanda Fuller (31:23.76) rounded out the team scores for Delta. “Our girls’ team is still

kind of young, and we’re getting better,” Music said. “We’re going to be there for regionals.” Music was paced through part of the race by Hotchkiss senior Mae Anderson, who finished fourth overall in the run with her time of 20:06.47. The Bulldogs, who finished fourth in state last year, have a strong core led by Anderson that is finding its stride as regionals approach at the end of the month. Kaiya Firor was the second Hotchkiss runner across the finish line after she completed the course in 21:07.03. Teammate Sophia Schelle was right behind her at 21:30.05, good for 12th and 14th place finishes,

Photo by Wayne Crick

Hotchkiss’ stellar runner Mae Anderson focuses on the finish line on her way to a third-place finish at Sweitzer Lake.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Wrong identity

Delta County runners Chelsea Meilner, Paonia, second from left, Mykayla Music, Delta, in front, and Hotchkiss’ Mae Anderson, fifth from left, get good Last week’s sports starts for last week’s cross country race held at department inadvertentSweitzer Lake. ly identified Cedaredge golf coach as Jack Murphy. Murphy’s first name is Larry. We apologize for the highlight of the volleyball error. assists. Friday night at 5 p.m. season. the Eagles host Meeker All of the proceeds in the annual Pink Night. from Friday night’s The breast cancer aware- match go to HopeWest, ness program has raised which provides hospice over $10,000 over the care, grief counseling and last three years and the other vital services to the event has been a popular local community.

Paonia VB CONTINUED FROM B7 want to be offensively.” In the win against Grand Valley, Ashley Van Vleet led the way with 15 kills. Pieper knocked home five aces and Taylor Carsten put up 19

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respectively. Mariah Griffith (24:20.90) and Ashley Ziemer (27:42.92) completed the Hotchkiss team results, which put the Bulldogs at third place for the invitational. Telluride won the team contest, Paonia was fifth and Delta was sixth in the team standings. Coverage for the boys race at Sweitzer will appear in next week’s paper.

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Devils defeat Panthers in soccer

The Delta High School soccer team was shut out in a soccer match against Eagle Valley, 6-0, on Oct. 3 in Gypsum. Eagle Valley scored twice in the opening half and netted another four goals in the second half of play. Aaron Ledezma scored three times for Eagle Valley while teammate Paco Serna scored twice. Noel Ruiz finished with three assists for the Devils. Eagle Valley, 7-2 and 10-2, is third in the 4A WSL with Battle Mountain sitting atop the standings at 6-1 and 7-2. Steamboat Springs is second at 5-1 and 7-1. In fourth place is Glenwood Springs with records of 3-2 and 5-3. Delta is fifth at 2-6 and 2-8. Later this week, Oct. 8, the Panthers are scheduled to play Glenwood Springs in a contest scheduled at the old Cottonwood Golf Course site with a 4 p.m. starting time.

SURFACE CREEK October 7, 2015




Great weather brings record AppleFest crowds BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The story of AppleFest 2015 was the weather. Everywhere were heard comments on the superb, perfect day that welcomed visitors to 2015 AppleFest last Saturday. In case there is anyone who hasn’t been keeping track, Saturday, Oct. 5, was absolutely one of the most perfect weather days the Surface Creek Valley has enjoyed this year. Autumn really put on its finest for the thousands of people who hopped in the car and headed for Cedaredge to bask in the fall sunshine and take in the variety of vendors and entertainment. They absolutely jammed the Main Street arcade and Town Park last weekend. The Cedaredge Area Chamber of Commerce is the main sponsor for AppleFest. Organizers said that a record number of vendor booths surrounded Town Park, laced their way through it, and then lined both sides of Main Street from NW 5th for five blocks, all the way down to Grand Mesa Drive. The variety of attractions and distractions was immense. People checked out the booths and then also provided a busy day of business for Main Street restaurants especially. Various scheduled activities took place, and the DCI was still working to gather some results as deadline approached for this week. Every square inch of available shade was occupied in Town Park as music lovers set themselves to enjoy two full days of musical entertain-

ment that took to the Centennial Bandstand stage. There was food for every taste, and this year some electrical upgrades made to the Town Park grid system helped ensure that vendors got the electricity they needed to serve all the hungry people. There was everything from sno cones to beef brats and Lionburgers offered up as part of a big annual fundraiser by the Surface Creek Valley Lions Club. The second official day of the festival on Sunday, Oct. 4, was just as wonderful, with plenty of good music, food, arts and crafts and warm sunshine. For photos of 2015 AppleFest, please turn to page C3.

Staff Writer

The bonds of respect and of love that exist between the Surface Creek Valley community and the Cedaredge Volunteer Fire Department came out in full display again at the annual chili cook-off last Thursday, Oct. 1. Event organizers estimated that 700 people were served during the three-hour-long event. They enjoyed chili samplings offered by themselves and their neighbors from 92 different crocks and cookers donated by community members. In the chili judging part

Fall foliage

The high country doesn’t provide all the kaleidoscopic color display of the season. A stand of cattails spotted in a ‘dobie draw offers an autumnal delight to the eyes as well.

Lions Club on a mission to help kids see better BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Among the almost countless community services contributed by Lions Clubs internationally and in local communities at home is something that many people consider to be the clubs’ signature cause. That is caring for and promoting proper vision. Members of the Surface Creek Valley Lions Club in conjunction with the Delta Lions Club continued that tradition last week at the Little Sprouts Preschool in Cedaredge. At least 40 three- and fouryear-old students of the pre-

Firemen share evening with those they serve BY HANK LOHMEYER

of the event, Marcy Peterson took first place for two of her recipes — first in the hot chili category, and first in the green chili category. Judges’ opinions also determined that Beth Meyers had cooked up the best pot of red chili at this year’s event. The event benefits the firefighters of the volunteer department. The members of the volunteer fire department comprise a separate organization from the tax funded Fire District #3. This year’s event raised money that will be used to purchase rescue equipment, needed for extraction FIREMEN TO C2

school received a free vision screening with results delivered to their parents. The service was also offered to all other parents in the community. The results of the high-tech eye scans can be used by the parents to consult with an eye care professional of their choice on the state of their child’s vision health. “We used to do this project for the kids in February,” said club member Ray Hanson. “Now we are doing it earlier in the school year which helps catch anything with the eye before it could start to cause problems during the school year.” The free eye exams are a tradition of some 20 years for the Surface Creek Valley Club, explained Hanson and other members. The scanning process takes place without applying any medication such as eye drops. No physical contact is made with the child. Using a high-technology device called a Welch Allyn SureSight, members of the clubs prepared last week to screen for possible eye or vision abnormalities in some 40 local preschoolers. The hand-held SureSight scanner is about the size of a camcorder and is used in the same way. The lens is fitted with small, flashing green lights around its circumference that help keep the child’s eye focused in the proper direction for examination. A computer chip in the device scans the eye for at least five possible conditions that might need attention by an eye care professional. The conditions scanned for are strabismus, a condition in where the eyes do

Car show attracts many exhibitors, admirers BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The annual Pioneer Town car show brought another turnout of fine automotive projects and antique tractor restorations this year. This was also the first year that the AppleFest motorcycle display joined the Pioneer Town exhibit, bringing even more motor admiring variety to one location. The many fine automobiles that participated this year were at least in part another testament to the beautiful weather that accompanied the AppleFest Saturday. Car show organizer Chuck Harrington said there were only 43 pre-registered entrants. But as Saturday dawned perfectly clear, car show entrants began showing up at the Arboretum gate. As a result, dozens of fine local entries filled the Pioneer Town Arboretum grounds. Along with those came seven vintage tractors and 50 motor-

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

cycles on display. Large numbers of people made their ways over from Town Park and Main Street to Pioneer Town’s “back yard” to enjoy the impressive display. Organizers estimated at least 1,300 viewed the outstanding collection of autos, tractors and motorcycles. Trophies were awarded in six categories of car and pickup truck entries. The winners were: • People’s Choice – 1968 Camaro by Mike Pesce of Cedaredge. • Antique – 1926 Cadillac by Keith and Gail Butler of Cedaredge. • Classic – 1952 Packard convertible by Bob Byers of Olathe. • Sports – 1960 Corvette by D. Ann Schwietert of Cedaredge. • Rod – 1933 Ford fivewindow coupe by Beri Blair of Hotchkiss. • Pickup – 1955 Ford F100 by Clyde Dennen of

Montrose. Pioneer Town provides a perfect venue for the annual car show event, a fact which also contributes to its ongoing popularity and success. Harrington contrasted the shady, grassy confines of the Arboretum and Chapel of the Cross grounds to a sunny, hot day on an asphalt parking lot in a high desert venue like Moab. Attendees and entrants alike simply raved about the show, the entries and the comfortable enjoyable experience the show afforded them. There were plenty of delicious meal and treat offerings from the Cedar Mesa Club during the day, also. Proceeds for the event are used for the ongoing upkeep and improvement of the remarkable and fascinating Pioneer Town Museum and its displays that record a true legacy of community pride and accomplishment.

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Three-year-old Hudson, a student at Little Sprouts Preschool, receives a simple eye scan examination last week compliments of the Surface Creek Valley and Delta Lions Clubs. Shown seated and performing the SureSight scan procedure is Lion Patty Michael. Assisting her in keeping Hudson’s attention properly directed with the Mr. Frog sock puppet is Lion Norma Miller. Overseeing the procedure is Delta Lion Don Chapman, caretaker of the SureSight device and who aids in training Lions members to use the scanner with kids in other local communities. not align with each other properly; astigmatism, a condition that causes blurred vision; high myopia, often known as short sightedness; anisometropia, a condition where two eyes have differing refractive power; and high far sightedness. According to the parental information provided, the screening is “85-90 percent effective in detecting the vision problems that could lead to lazy eye,” a condition in children in which vision does not develop as it should. The SureSight doesn’t actually diagnose eye conditions. Rather, it gives a printed report showing numerical values for each eye. The numbers generated by the computer scan are then given to parents who then may decide whether to have the screening followed up with a visit to an eye care professional. The mini-clinic at Little Sprouts last week was being conducted by Patty Michael, Norma Miller and Pat Means of the Surface Creek Valley Lions Club, with oversight and assis-

tance provided by Don Chapman of the Delta Lions Club. Chapman is local caretaker of the SureSight scanner. It is available for use countywide and has screened as many as 670 local children in a year, he said. He explained that mostly children ages six years and under are screened. A child as young as six months was screened by a local club, he said. The Lions Clubs’ service proved itself an invaluable benefit in one instance particularly. That was when a screening was able to help provide early detection in the case of the unusual and rare condition called early childhood glaucoma, Chapman explained. According to an online medical authority, glaucoma developing at an early age will likely lead to more permanent vision loss, and even blindness if not detected and treated. The screenings are done under auspices of the Colorado Lions KidSight Program with support from the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute.

Dog vaccination clinic on Saturday There will be a low cost dog vaccination clinic in Cedaredge on Saturday, Oct. 10, from 1-4 p.m. at the Cedaredge Town Park pavilion. Cost is $10 for a rabies shot. Please bring previous rabies certificate if you have one. Please, no puppies under four months of age. Obtain a Cedaredge town dog license for $10 for a spayed

or neutered dog, or $50 for an intact dog. Please bring proof of spay/neuter from your vet. All dogs must be on a leash. The clinic is sponsored by the Town of Cedaredge, Cedaredge Police Department and the Surface Creek Veterinary Center. Call Michelle Anderson at 856-4301 for more information.

C2 Wednesday, October 7, 2015 ���������� ������������ ���������� ��������������

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Delta County Independent

Plants of the Western Slope A look at local flora with Evelyn Horn Maximilian’s Daisy We turn off of Highway 65 onto Myers Road. There’s a lovely home right at the corner and just beyond it is a driveway into an adjacent field. I checked the driveway this morning to be sure that I could stop there. Now I step out of the car and walk to the spectacular plant. Of all the Maximilians that Lola and I have seen in bloom in Cedaredge and Eckert, this plant shows the height and breadth of this species. It’s taller than the fence (more


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at the name: “daisies” are small, low-growing plants that come in lavender, pink and purple. Maximilian’s “Daisy” didn’t fit! But now I have the Internet and I am amazed to find that the plant is native to the Photo by Evelyn Horn central United States, from Ontario to MichiMaximillian’s Daisy gan and Ohio, then west to Alberta, Montana, than eight feet tall) and Wyoming and Colorado the width of the pipes and south to Texas. And in the fence gives me a it may occur as a garden comparison to show the introduction east and width of the plant as well west of its native range. as the size of the individ- Common names include ual flower stalks. Sev- Maximilian sunflower, eral years ago, I met this Maximillian sunflower, stunning plant in New Maximilian’s sunflower, Mexico as “Maximilian’s Michaelmas-daisy. The Daisy” and chuckled botanical names are

Helianthus dalyi and Helianthus maximilianii. The USDA website states that Native Americans used parts of this plant as sources of food, oil, dye and thread while the pioneers planted Maximilian sunflowers near their homes to repel mosquitoes. They also used the blossoms in bathwater to relieve arthritis pain and of course the sunflower seeds were eaten and sprinkled on salads and other foods. I believe that autumn has finally arrived, but this spectacular plant is a fall bloomer, so watch for it from now until the snow flies.

Saturday 5k got AppleFest off to a running start table full of bagels for finishers to restock their The excitement start- carbs energy stores foled early on Saturday at lowing the run/walk. Participants received AppleFest as the annual 5k AppleFest Fitness Run/Walk left the starting line promptly on time at 7:30 a.m. Runners and walkers made their ways along a course designed, appropriately, to provide a flaThe next meeting of vor of the apple orchards the Friends of Cedaredge surrounding Cedaredge. Library will be ThursThere were 149 reg- day, Oct. 8. The program, istered participants in presented by Dr. Robert this year’s AppleFest Halley begins at 2 p.m., 5k Fitness run walk, followed by a business according to event orga- meeting. nizers. Dr. Halley will presCrossing the finish ent a program on coral line first this year was reefs. He has spent 40 Carl Wicklund with a time of 22:26. The Wicklund family’s success in the event proved that the family which runs together has fun together as Carl’s wife, Lauren, was the first It’s time for Eckert finisher among the female runners in the Presbyterian’s annual country store and craft event. Second to cross the sale. The event will be finish line in this year’s held Friday, Oct. 9, from event was Logan Har- 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Satrington in 23:39. Third- urday, Oct. 10, from 9 place finisher was Jus- a.m. to 2 p.m. A soup lunch featuring tin Smith in 25:58. The 5k is a fundrais- soup, bread, dessert and er for local Boy Scout beverage will be served Troop 482. A long lineup Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 of sponsors helped with p.m. The cost is $5. Saturday’s lunch feathe event, one of which donated an appetizing tures a sloppy Joe sand-


recognition and unique medallions that commemorated their personal success and achievement.

Library program about coral reefs years studying coral reefs around the world. His work was centered in Florida for a number of years under a joint appointment between the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of South Florida. The public is welcome to attend.

Country store opens Oct. 9-10 wich, chips, dessert and beverages. Again, lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at a cost of $5. On both days, the country store will feature handmade items, Christmas decor and a bake sale. More information is available from Bobbie Jones at 835-8112 or Marilyn Colbaugh at 8743792.

Firemen FROM PAGE C1 situations, and for communications upgrades, according to organizer Robin Melson. Technology is constantly moving forward, and communications is an area where upgrades always need to be made. The 2015 chili cook-off contributed $6,521 to the fund that will be used to make the fire department even more effective in its mission of protecting the community’s people and

property. Chili cook-off organizers acknowledged they could not have staged the successful event again this year without the amazing and much appreciated support of the sponsors who contributed, to the chili chefs who cooked and donated chili with their considerable skills, and to the entire community for coming out to support the local fire department.

Delta County Independent


Wednesday, October 7, 2015


There were 149 registered participants, organizers said, taking off through the balloonlaced archway at the start of the AppleFest 5k.

The Main Street arcade ran on both sides of the street for five blocks, all the way from NW 5th to Grand Mesa Drive.

Fun in the sun: a young girl, safely secured in the harness, enjoys a bit of thrilling flight in the bungee ride attraction. Through the finish line of the AppleFest 5k Fitness Run/Walk come, from left, Delaney Signs, 8; Madison Signs and Addie Roeling, 8.

Photos by Hank Lohmeyer

Happy days have never really ended as visitors to the Pioneer Town motor displays relive thrills of riding a bike, like the nowvintage ones on display, when they were “a kid.”

Kids of all ages tried their skills at walking on water — not nearly so easy as it may seem.

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Valley residents weren’t disappointed when they lined up to sample the skills of so many great, local chili chefs as they and their neighbors generously donated pots of chili for the firemen’s fundraiser.

There were many, many faces in the huge crowds, including vendor Anthony Fronczek, who offered honey from his Horsethief Mesa Apiaries for sale.

“Ooh, let’s look inside.” A Main Street vendor shows his masterly merchandising with an enticing, cavern-like entry way to his booth.

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Photo courtesy Rachel Leonard

The winning team in the third annual AppleFest outhouse stuffing contest was the team sponsored by the Pondy, site of the competition. A new record was established with 15 occupants inside the closed-door standard porta unit for 10 full seconds. The second place team, Stragglers, managed 14. The Colorado Wild Bunch got third place. The contest is sponsored during AppleFest in the spirit of a little good, clean fun by Double J Disposal and Recycling of Austin.

AppleFest visitors shared their space with more than a dozen friendly scarecrows set around town. They wore poetic notes encouraging others to share a scarecrow with a friend. The life-sized dolls were constructed by local businesswoman Cathy Meskel and were nattily attired with donations from thrift shops.

C4 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Delta County Independent

St. Luke’s hosts potato bar, crafts On Saturday, Oct. 10, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5th & Palmer in Delta, invites the entire fam-

ily to a delicious potato bar with all the fixings, salad and dessert. Donations of $7 for adults and $4 for children under the

Blessing of the animals to take place Oct. 11 On Sunday, Oct. 11, at 4 p.m., the ninth annual blessing of the animals will take place at the Lions Pavilion in Cedaredge Town Park. This is an interdenominational service conducted by All Saints Lutheran Church and open to everyone. October is the traditional month for the blessing of the animals in memory of St. Francis of Assisi. St.

Francis is remembered for his love of animals; he even preached the gospel to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field. Animals enrich our lives in so many ways. Please bring your animals (must be controlled with a leash, carrier, halter, etc.) to be blessed and thank God for the marvel of His creations. For further information, call 835-3667.

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Warrior at Heart Ministry hosts its annual breakfast gathering Saturday, Oct. 17, at First Presbyterian Church, 3940 27.5 Road, Grand Junction. All men seeking a relationship with God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ are welcome


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to attend this free breakfast. The doors open at 7 a.m., with breakfast to follow at 8 a.m. Special guest speaker will be Michael Thompson, author of “The HE Art Warrior of a Warrior.” Please register at www.


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Think pink

Picture Charles Hufman dressed in a bright pink Tshirt in observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As in years past, the Delta County Ambulance District is offering the T-shirts for a suggested donation of $20 to help fund mammograms at Delta County Memorial Hospital. To get yours, call 874-7001 or at Station 1, 60 Heinz Street, Delta.


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natural stones and woods and offered at affordable prices. This sale will be going on for two Saturdays, Oct. 10 and Oct. 17, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For further information, contact Eve Owens at 210-3177 or Ginny Warner at 424-1662.

Men invited to Warrior at Heart Ministry event



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age of 12 are suggested. Proceeds will go to the church building fund. While at the church for lunch, take advantage of a craft and jewelry sale in Muller Hall to benefit African Team Ministries. All artifacts are made by Africans from

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Join the celebration of 4-H Week Join over 102,000 young people in Colorado in celebrating the 4-H program during National 4-H Week Oct. 4-10. 4-H is in all Colorado counties, in all 50 states, and in more than 50 countries worldwide. The 4-H program reaches seven million young people throughout the world! 4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization,

growing confident young people who are empowered for life today and prepared for career tomorrow.

4-H follows the philosophy of learning by doing. Youth develop life skills through projects that range from citizen-

ship to expressive arts, communication to foods and nutrition, livestock to wildlife and forestry, and leadership to science and technology. Young people are the drivers of change. All you have to do is look at your local 4-H program to find youth taking the lead and addressing today’s challenges. 4-H is where young people explore, learn and discover in a safe envi-

County Council says ‘thanks’

ronment. In 4-H, youth find their true passions, gain confidence and give back to their community. Join this week of celebration and help 4-

H members step up and take responsibility for their future and ours. For more information regarding the 4-H program, call 874-2195.

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As part of traditional observances for National 4-H Week locally, the Board of County Commissioners was paid a courtesy visit from Delta County 4-H County Council officers, parent advisors, and Tri-River Area Extension agent - youth Jackie Shea. “We really, really do appreciate the support from the county commissioners,” Shea told the BoCC during its regular business meeting on Monday. The more than 300 participants in local 4-H programs and over 100 parent advisors appreciate especially the commissioners’ support of the shooting sports range and the county fair, Shea said. The county’s 4-H members are also active in other activities including FFA, school sports and church, “I am lucky,” Shea said, being able to work with motivated youth, their parents and

4-H Builds Leaders for the Future ���������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� �������������

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Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

The Board of County Commissioners devoted part of their business day on Monday to meet with representatives from one of their favorite programs – the Delta County 4-H Council. Few of the programs or projects the commissioners are involved with return such consistent benefits or positive returns. Shown above during their Monday session with County Council officers and adult advisors are, back from left, Heidi Simpson, parent advisor; Jackie Shea, Tri-River youth extension agent; commissioners Mark Roeber, Doug Atchley and Bruce Hovde; and, parent advisor Jodi Black. 4-H County Council officers on front row are, from left, Trey Hunt, reporter, Ellison Black, secretary, Charley Perkins, treasurer, and Derrek Johnson, president. such good families. County administrator Robbie LeValley noted the economic contribu-

It’s the beginning of an exciting new year It’s the beginning of an exciting new year of 4-H fun with all of Delta County’s new and returning 4-H members and leaders. Enrollments and reenrollments will tentatively begin in the middle of October. Enrollment fees for members 8-18 in the Tri-River area are $50 for the first two

projects and $5 for each additional project after the first two. Cloverbuds (ages 5-7) can enroll for $30. (All ages are based on Dec. 31, 2015.) Enrollment for club and project leaders is free. Contact the Delta County 4-H Office at 874-2195 or stop by 525 Dodge Street in Delta for more information.

tion that 4-H youth make to the county with their participation and business management of annual projects. “It sends a real message about the character” of the young people “and the importance of their programs to the community,” Le-Valley stated. An analysis released recently shows that 4H’ers and their projects contributed over $1.24 million in economic impact to the county this past year. In addition to Shea, attending the appreciation session were County Council president Derrek Johnson, secretary

Achievement awards

Ellison Black was named the Outstanding Junior 4-H Member in Delta County.

Pictured are Dalton Raley and Abigail Conley, selected as Senior Outstanding 4-Members, and Kaylee Dunham, Outstanding Citizenship.

Kaitlin Sharpe was the recipient of the “I Dare You” Award.

Becky and Steve Shea of Shea Feedlot were recognized for being the Business Friends of 4-H. They are pictured with 4-H Extension agent Jackie Shea during the annual Achievement Night last Saturday.

Ellison Black, treasurer Charley Perkins and reporter Trey Hunt. Two parent advisors, Heidi Simpson and Jodi Black, also attended. As part of the annual commissioner visit, the 4-H contingent brought a cake and presented commissioners with tokens of appreciation. The commissioners took almost a half hour from their business routines to visit with the council officers about their activities in 4-H and other areas of interest in their lives.

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C6 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Delta County Independent

DCMH clinics restructured Due to increased appointments. patient demand for primaSusan Brown, FNP-BC, ry care services, DCMH has been a board certified Primary Care Family family nurse practitioner Medicine located at 311 for three years. She gradPalmer in Delta will now uated from Johns Hopbe the central location for kins School of Nursing Dr. Jesus Ochoa, board- with her BSN and then certified family medicine completed her MSN at the and a newly employed University of Indianapoboard-certified family lis. She has been practicnurse practitioner, Susan ing primarily in urgent Brown. care and primary care setColorow Family Medi- tings since graduating as cal Care in Olathe closed a nurse practitioner. For Sept. 29 to provide time the last two years, she for the staff to move to has also been adjunct facthe Delta clinic location. ulty at the University of Starting Tuesday, Oct. 6, Indianapolis in the graduDCMH Primary Care - ate nursing program. Family Medicine As a floor is open Monday, nurse, Brown Tuesday, Wednesworked in pediday and Fridays atrics, oncology, from 8 a.m. to 5 general medicalp.m. The clinic is surgical, PCU closed for lunch and case manfrom noon to 1 agement. Prior p.m. daily and to becoming a on Thursdays. nurse, Brown Call 874-6158 for Susan Brown practiced as

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a chemical engineer for five years in the pharmaceutical industry after graduating from Purdue University School of Engineering. Brown is from Indianapolis, Ind., but lived in Baltimore and Denver prior to moving to Delta. She and her husband Peter enjoy any and all outdoor activities, especially hiking, skiing, camping, snowshoeing and anything that includes their two dogs. Families seeking pediatric care for their children may call DCMH Primary Care Family Medicine with Dr. Ochoa and Susan Brown, FNP. Families have additional options for care with Pediatric Associates in Delta and Montrose, or they may reach out to other offices in the community to see if they are accepting new patients. If immunizations are required, the Delta County Health Department offers immunizations. A KidZ Clinic, associated with the Delta County School District, also offers health services for children. For immediate medical attention, families may also select the DCMH Urgent Care Clinic, open 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. daily and 10 a.m.- 8 p.m. on weekends, or the Delta County Memorial Hospital Emergency Department which is open 24 hours a day. There is also a plan by the Delta hospital to open a new primary care clinic in Hotchkiss in November with two providers offering access to medical services to North Fork families. “In an ever-changing environment in health care reform, Delta County Memorial Hospital is constantly seeking ways to help our patients with access to primary care providers and still keep the hospital and clinics financially viable,” stated hospital CEO Jason Cleckler.

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Photo by Pat Sunderland

Behavioral health has been integrated into DCMH Family Medicine at 555 Meeker in Delta. Betsy Nordstrom and Susan Simianer will offer professional counseling through a partnership between Families Plus and the hospitalowned clinic. Cutting the ribbon with Simianer above are Brenda Holland, Ph.D., of Families Plus and Jason Cleckler, Delta County Memorial Hospital CEO. Joining the celebration are Families Plus board members Dennis Bollig, Dave Armlovich and Connie Barry; Mary Bauer, Families Plus administrative director; Diane Dockter, DCMH Family Medicine manager; Jan McCracken, DCMH clinics manager; and two physicians from the practice, Dr. Gina Martin and Dr. Bruce Mixter.

Clinic blends medical, behavioral health care Health care delivery is changing fast! To keep up with rapid changes, Families Plus has embarked on a project to develop a rural model for integrating behavioral health care and medical care. Families Plus employs eight behavioral health care professionals, some full-time and some parttime. Starting in October 2015, two of these professionals will be working alongside physicians and mid-level medical providers at DCMH Family Medicine in Delta to address behavioral health concerns of the patients. Brief behavioral treatment will be offered in this clinic along with referral assistance for patients choosing longer

The goal of Options counseling is to connect those in need — specifically the elderly and disabled — with the services and benefits that will make them self-sufficient. Region 10 and Aging and Disability Resources for

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itt Schmalz, certified nurse practitioner, and Adam Truitt, physician’s assistant. Patients can expect that DCMH Family Medicine will be alert to behavioral health situations that might affect the patient’s overall health and helping develop plans for creating maximal overall health. The model of health care delivery developed will be used at Stoney Mesa Family Practice also in 2016. Under the Rural Health Services Outreach grant, the federal government is hoping to use lessons learned during integration in Delta County to help other rural communities to also achieve integrated health care.

Region 10, ADRC expand Options counseling services

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treatments or community behavioral providers. Preparations under the leadership of Diane Dockter, clinic manager, and Brenda Holland, Ph.D. psychologist of Families Plus, have been underway since May to develop integrated health records and integrated billing systems as far as possible. To develop smoothly operating coordinated systems, Susan Simianer M.A., professional counselor, and Betsy Nordstrom, M.A., licensed professional counselor, both of Families Plus, are working alongside Ryan Marlin, MD, Mandy Swanson, MD, Julie Mixter, MD, Bruce Mixter, MD, Gina Martin, MD, Susan Bright, MD, Birg-


Colorado (ADRC) have provided Options counseling for Montrose residents for years, but will soon be expanding into neighboring counties. To celebrate this expansion, Region 10 and ADRC will host “meet ‘n greets” in each county, introducing the new Options counselors to local residents. “To honor our mission, Region 10 needed to put boots on the ground in each of our counties,” states Amy Rowan, the current Options counselor based in Montrose. “The goal was to hire other Options counselors that live in the communities we serve, who understand the resources and the culture of their community.” The counselors and the county they serve are as follows: Amy Rowan (Montrose), Claudette Nicolas (Montrose), Jan Waggoner (Delta), Lee Eakin (Gunnison), Jacqi Kambrish (Hinsdale), Mary Cockle (Ouray), Deb Houts (Ouray), and Deon Tempfer (San Miguel). Each counselor attended an intensive two-day boot camp and the ADRC Summit, which took place in Denver recently. In addition, the counselors will undergo ongoing training each month to stay up-todate on new services as they become available.

Several community organizations stepped forward to provide inkind support to aid this expansion. To introduce these counselors and partner organizations, several “meet ‘n greets” have been scheduled throughout the six-county region. • On Oct. 14, Amy Rowan and Jan Waggoner will present at the Paonia Library (2 3rd Street), from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Free snacks will be provided by Lizzy’s Market and the Coaltrain Coffee House. • On Oct. 22, Amy Rowan and Jan Waggoner will present at Delta County Senior Resource Fair at Bill Heddles Recreation Center, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The missions of ADRC and Region 10 converge to provide a coordinated and streamlined access point to long-term services and support for adults age 60 and older, adults living with a disability age 18 and older, and their caregivers. ADRC empowers older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers to navigate health and longterm care options by providing Options counseling in a person-centered manner. More information is available at www.


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A World of Products and Services At Your Fingertips...

October 7, 2015


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CARD OF THANKS OCT. 4 AT STARVIN' Arvin's, having lunch, and our lunch was paid for by someone else. Thank you from K&M. (1x40)

FOR SALE 47 CLASS 2 SHARES OF Fire Mountain Canal Co. Make offer! (970) 349-5625. (1x40)

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RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 26 FT. ITASCA CLASS C motor home. Very good shape, runs well. Lots of extras and improvements. (970) 856-3095. (3x39) DO YOU HAVE AN UNwanted item that is taking up space in your closet? Sell it through the DCI Classifieds! Call 874-4421. SELL THAT BOAT FAST in the DCI Classifieds. Call 874-4421. ADVERTISE TODAY!


ORCHARD CITY MAYOR Don Suppes will be auctioning off approximately 468 pounds of unclean brass on October 14th at 6:30 p.m. at 21014 Austin Rd. Minimum bidding will start at 35¢ per pound. An affidavit will need to be signed by the buyer stating that the material will not be used for any type of potable water system. (2x39)

ADVERTISE 874-4421


PIANO LESSONS FOR beginners to intermediate level, students or adults. Learning the language of music enhances the brain and adds enjoyment to your life. $15/30 minute weekly lesson. Call Buffy at (970) 874-3562. (3x38) LET THEM KNOW WHAT you have to sell through the DCI Classifieds. 874-4421



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D2 Wednesday, October 7, 2015 HELP WANTED




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Delta County Independent


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For a quote on all your printing needs call Randy Crespin at 874-4421.




874-4421 �������� ���� ������������������������������ ���������������������������������� �������������������������������� ��������������� ���������������������������� ���� ���������� ������ ������� ����� ��� ���� ������ ���������� �������� ������� ��� ��� ���� ������ ����� ������� ���� ����� ����� ����� �������� ��������� ���� ���������������������������������������������������� ��� ���� ��� ���� �������� ��� ���� ��������� ���� ������ ����������������������������������������������������� ���������� ����� ������� ����� ����������� ������ ���� ����� ��� ���� ������� �������� ���� ������ ���� ��������� ��������� ��������������������������������������������� ��� ������� ���� ���� ������ ������ ����� ������������� ���� ���� ����� �������� ������ ��� ��������� ���� ���� ��������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ����� ��� ������� ��� ���� �������� ��� ���� ����� ���� ���� ���������������������������������������� ����� ���� ����������� ��� ���������� �������� ������� ��������������������������������������������������� �������������������

CUSTOMER SERVICE Representative. DeltaMontrose Electric Association is seeking a Customer Service Representative. High school diploma or equivalent required; college degree preferred. Must have experience working with the public and verifiable customer service skills. Must have proven written and oral communications skills. Must have basic math skills, cash handling and cash drawer management experience. Must have personal computer experience, including word processing, spreadsheets and databases. Requires verifiable data entry and 10-key skills; 10-key by touch preferred. Must have experience operating general office machines. Must have legible handwriting. Bilingual language skills (English/Spanish) a plus. Accounting skills a plus. To apply, contact the Colorado Workforce Center in Delta or Montrose, Colorado, phone: (970) 249-7783 or (970) 874-5781. Applicants must be registered with the Colorado Workforce Center online through www.con Application packets are available from the Workforce Center. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 14, 2015. DMEA is an EOE/ Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, or any other status protected by law. (1x40)


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JOURNEYMAN LINEMAN Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) is seeking a Journeyman Lineman. Applicants must have a valid IBEW Journeyman Lineman Certificate. Must have and maintain a valid Colorado Class A Commercial Driver License (CDL). Must have recent experience performing electrical line construction and maintenance work. High school diploma or equivalent required. Must have basic computer skills and legible handwriting. Must reside within a 30-minute response time of DMEA's service area center. To apply, contact the Colorado Workforce Center in Delta or Montrose, Colorado, phone: (970) 874-5781 or (970) 249-7783. Applicants must be registered with the Colorado Workforce Center online through www.con Application packets are available from the Workforce Center. Applications will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 20, 2015. DMEA is an equal opportunity employer and provider. DMEA is an EOE/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or veteran status, or any other status protected by law. (2x40)


2BR, 1BA HOUSE, fenced yard, washer/dryer ADVERTISING SALES hookup, $550/mo. plus Representative: High security deposit. Call (970) Country News (HCN), a non- 250-0912. (2x40) profit multimedia news outlet, seeks a salesperson to sell print and digital advertising programs. Candidates should have excellent communication skills (written, Classified Line Ad Rates phone and digital), two $6.00 for first issue years of sales experience, (20 words or less) preferably in newspaper or 12¢ per additional word related field (or any other combination of education 1/2 off each consecutive issue. and experience). This fullCustomers must pay when time position includes comthey drop off the ad, mail petitive salary and benefits. in a check so it arrives at To apply, send cover letter least by Wednesday, put and resume to jobs@hcn. the ad on their debit or org. HCN is an Equal credit card, or charge the Opportunity Employer comad to their mitted to a diverse work established account. force. (3x40)

YOUR LISTING HERE! call now... 874-4421 and talk with an Ad Rep.

���������� ������ ����� �������


PEOPLE LOOK FOR JOBS in the classifieds. 874-4421



10:00 a.m. Monday for Wednesday edition. Noon Monday for "Too Late to Classify."

MISC. Colorado Statewide Classified Advertising Network

To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 81 Colorado newspapers for only $350, contact your local newspaper or call SYNC2 Media at 303-571-5117. MISCELLANEOUS SYNC2 MEDIA Buy a 25-word statewide SAWMILLS from only $4397.00classified line ad in newspapers MAKE & SAVE MONEY with across the state of Colorado your own bandmill- Cut lumber any for just $350 per week. Ask dimension. In stock ready to ship! about our Frequency Discounts. FREE Info/DVD: Contact this newspaper or call SYNC2 Media, 303-571-5117 1-800-578-1363 ext.300N

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


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D8 Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Delta County Independent


Drones give the economy a lift



Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

The drone, shown above at take-off, that was used to gather images for the Alexander Lake Lodge project is no bigger than a small, radio-controlled model airplane.

Staff Writer

rones have arrived in Delta County — but they aren’t the spying, harassing kind of drones that are reported on the national newscasts. A Cedaredge company is helping bring the high-tech surveillance craft here for economic development uses that range from marketing promotion to improving agricultural yields. DroneMapper is an enterprise of Jon-Pierre Stoermer and his dad, Pierre. They located their high-tech business north of Cedaredge in 2013. Jon-Pierre is the company’s founder. Pierre tells the DCI that his own role “is in the areas of new business and marketing.” Simply put, DroneMapper uses proprietary software technology that processes visual information provided by drone-mounted camera images. From those images, the DroneMapper software creates a variety of economically valuable 3-D map models. Jon-Pierre developed the software the company uses and implemented it initially over a nine- to 12-month period with continuous processing improvements over the last three years. An example of the kind of

work DroneMapper does is a project done late September for Jan and Anna Chyc, owners of Alexander Lake Lodge. Jon-Pierre and his dad were working with a company from Centennial, CompassData and Jeff Southard, on the project. The two companies have partnered on other projects also. As Southard flew a small, four-rotor drone 200 feet above the lodge with a familiar looking joystick controller, he collected images of the lodge grounds and terrain of a 15-acre-wide area. The images were displayed in real time and stored on Southard’s iPad-like control panel. The drone he used was a Chinesemade model that costs around $3,000. With the images then downloaded from the Southard’s drone controller onto Jon-Pierre’s UNIX-based computer, the DroneMapper software was put to work. It created 3-D maps of the lodge and surrounding area. Jan said he will use the maps in his online marketing to show potential customers exactly from ground level and in 3-D what kind of terrain and recreational opportunities Alexander Lake Lodge offers. Pierre Stoermer explained that their map-making technique is termed “photogram-

Image courtesy of DroneMapper

Shown is a screenshot image overlaid on Google Earth that is being developed from a drone photographic survey done on Sept. 22. The image represents a step in the 3-D image processing that DroneMapper can do.

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Southard displays his super eye in the sky — a Trimble UX5 drone. During work with DroneMapper in Delta County last month, the $50,000 high-tech craft was used for image gathering that will provide economic managers with important information about natural resources in the county.

metry.” He describes it as “the science and art of converting 2-D photos into 3-D maps that are used for precision measurement of length, area and volume, amongst other uses.” DroneMapper technology is highly useful in various types of land projects and terrain analysis, he added. Jon-Pierre explained that DroneMapper technology has “huge uses” in various agriculture applications. For example, Pierre explained, “using near-infrared images, any crop can be evaluated for health or stress factors by computing the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). A digital elevation model (DEM) is also produced that may be used for topography, watershed and above ground biomass analysis,” i.e. measuring the amount of growth in a stand of vegetation. The technology can actually produce a map that gives a picture of health of individual plants. DroneMapper is doing just that now on a mapping project for a 10,000hectar palm oil plantation in Guatemala. Pierre explained, “The technology is capable of automated counting of plants (using computer vision) within a field and identification and geo-location of the plant with any health issues.” DroneMapper can also help predict yields. Over large areas, the technology can help determine how water resources are being utilized. “The technology provides a snapshot in time of the topography of the area to determine how water sheds at that time. Imagery collection at a later time can provide how that topography has changed to characterize erosion, new water shed paths, and earth subsidence,” Pierre explained. That kind of information is of vital importance for construction projects in areas where weather conditions or soil types make infrastructure development and maintenance difficult. DroneMapper is helping with a project like that now, the Stoermers said. In Equador they are working on a survey along 85 kilometers of highway looking for developing threats from soils erosion. “The digital elevation model (DEM) provides topography where one can determine the highest risk areas for land or mud slide based on slope and other environmental factors,” Pierre explained. The drones used by DroneMapper and flown by CompassData operate no higher than 200 feet, per FAA regulations, as a matter of aviation safety, Pierre notes. According to the recent edition of Air & Space magazine, the FAA has allowed certain exemptions for higher drone flights, and those exemptions have allowed drones to play important roles in surveying various types of tower structures; in botany surveys; and in assisting search and rescue operations. CompassData’s Southard piloted two drones during work with DroneMapper here

last month. Following the survey of Alexander Lake Lodge, he and the DroneMapper team traveled to another location in the county. There, Southard put his really high tech tool kit to work — a $50,000 Trimble UX5 drone. It was used for gathering images that DroneMapper would then turn into a 3-D map analysis of natural resources. Such information is critically important for economic managers in allocating available resources and matching them to economic conditions, and for other uses also.

Southard’s rail-launched Trimble UX5 craft is constructed of a rigid polyurethane foam air frame that incorporates elements of carbon fiber at various stress points. It takes only a short, clear area to launch the UX5. It weighs just 5.5 pounds and lands on its skid plate Drones will continue to serve other economically valuable uses here and in other areas when used with the computing imaging analysis and economic insights provided by the DroneMapper software technology.

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

As Jeff Southard pilots CompassData’s DJI Inspire drone 200 feet above Alexander Lake Lodge, he controls it with a familiar hand held joystick and monitors flight and camera information in real time via the controller mounted pad device (below).

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Following the drone overflight and photo survey of Alexander Lake Lodge, images are downloaded via memory chip to DroneMapper’s UNIX-based computer. Shown inside the lodge during initial processing of the visual images are, from left, DroneMapper software developer and principal Jon-Pierre Stoermer of Cedaredge; Jan Chyc, Alexander Lake Lodge co-owner; and Jeff Southard, drone pilot, with CompassData of Centennial. Image processing is further enhanced at the DroneMapper headquarters.

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