Delta County Independent, Nov. 4, 2015

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Swimming pool, tennis courts will be ready for spring 2016, B4

Harmonica player lifts the spirits of nursing home residents, C1



Three county teams are in the volleyball playoffs this weekend, C6 NOVEMBER 4, 2015 VOL. 132, NO. 44



Fruit loss produces disaster declaration BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

Fruit growers in Delta County lost an estimated 70 percent of their apples, peaches, pears, apricots and sweet cherries when temperatures dropped below freezing repeatedly last spring. As a result of the frigid temperatures between April 2 and 19, Governor John Hickenlooper has approved a primary county disaster designation for Delta County. Gunnison, Montrose and Mesa counties were declared contiguous disaster counties. By his “conservative estimate,” Alan Bull, the county executive director for the Farm Service Agency, says losses totaled $9 to $10 million in Delta County. The governor’s declaration opens up an emergency loan program. The designation covers any crop affected by the freezing weather and frost damage during that time period. “The most notable impact

obtain credit elsewhere. Loans are based on physical and production losses caused by the disaster. Producers must file an application for an emergency

was to fruit crops, but the weather may have also affected early vegetables/berries and possibly stunted hay growth, which later recovered,” Bull said. The disaster declaration was deferred until after harvest, “because we didn’t want it to hurt the market for producers who did have fruit,” Bull added. Disaster areas are declared in accordance with the Colorado state executive director of the Farm Service Agency with the USDA. “USDA reviewed the loss assessment report and determined that there were sufficient production losses to warrant a secretarial natural disaster designation,” USDA Secretary Thomas Vilsack said in a letter to Gov. Hickenlooper. Relief is available through low interest emergency loans. The loans are available to operators of family-size farms/ ranches that are unable to

Pastor sentenced for child abuse BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

Although he pleaded guilty to felony child abuse with an underlying sexual basis, Jeremias Quintero maintained his innocence throughout a sentencing hearing in Delta District Court last week. Ironically, his continuous denial played a factor in the fouryear prison sentence handed down by Judge Stephen Schultz. Taking responsibility for one’s actions is one of the most important elements in sex offender treatment, deputy district attorney Seth Ryan argued. Because of that refusal, Quintero was denied placement in a community corrections facility. The judge also dismissed two other options — probation and a jail sentence. Defense attorney Vincent

Felletter pointed out Quintero entered an “Alford” plea, meaning he did not admit his guilt but recognized there was a good chance he could be convicted by a jury. The district attorney’s office accepted that plea, Felletter said, then turned around and argued he won’t accept responsibility. “Under an Alford plea he does not have to admit he committed the crime,” Felletter argued. In fact, Felletter said, Quintero was adamant about going to trial until the district attorney made the offer of child abuse resulting in serious bodily injury. Defense attorney Vincent Felletter accused the prosecutor of being “zealous” and said the criminal investigation was so badly flawed, the detective should have lost his job. PASTOR TO A3

Landfill fees are going up in 2016 BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Fees charged at the county landfill will be going up on the first business day of 2016. County administrator Robbie LeValley said the current per-ton charge of $25 for commercial and general waste disposal at the landfill is not covering actual costs, which are pegged at $31 per ton. As a result, the commissioners approved a new fee schedule on Monday that will double the current minimum fee from $5 to $10. Other changes taking effect Jan. 4 include:


Accent ........................... A4 Activities ....................... A7 Back Page ................... D8 Business .........................B8 Church ........................... D4 Classifieds .................. D1-2 Editorial ......................... A2 Legals ............................ D3 North Fork Times ........B1-6 Obituaries ......................B7 School Zone ............... A5-6 Service Directory ........ D7 Sports ..........................C5-7 Surface Creek News ...C1-4 TV Listings ................. D5-6

• General waste: includes household brush and yard clean-up, and also most construction roofing, demolition and debris including concrete and soil, $28 per ton (currently $25 per ton). • Special waste: 10 tires or fewer without rims, $3 each; 11 or more tires in a load will be charged a bulk rate of $210 per ton. Individual tires with rims, $28 per ton. Only tires from Delta County will be accepted. • Trailer houses (with prior approval and arrangements), $28 per ton plus $50 per trailer.

loan through the Farm Service Agency by June 26. Each application will be considered on its own merit, taking into account the extent of losses, security available, repayment

ability and other eligibility requirements. For more information about emergency loans contact Laurie Neilson, farm loan manager, at 242-9133, ext. 2.

Photo by Pat Sunderland

Going to the polls

Although the majority of voters in Delta County opted to return their mail-in ballots, Rosie Dowell took advantage of the voting machine in the county clerk’s office to vote Nov. 3. At about 10 a.m. Tuesday, elections supervisor Renee Loy Maas said about 37 percent of the county’s voters had turned in their ballots. Results are available on the Delta County Independent and county websites.

Region 10 receives additional $1.2 million for broadband PRESS RELEASE

Those who have been working to develop and expand broadband in western Colorado received good news this month. The Partnerships for Opportunity, Workforce, and Economic Revitalization (POWER) program awarded Region 10 — the six-county council of governments representing Delta, Montrose, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Ouray and San Miguel counties — a $1.2 million grant to go toward its continued efforts in increasing access to affordable and abundant high speed Internet services. The grant was leveraged by an existing $5.2 million agreement between the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) and several Region 10 communities involved in the early phases of the creation of a regional broadband network. “When everything comes together like this, it gets very exciting,” states Michelle Haynes, executive director of Region 10. The first phase of the regional network will focus on construction of the necessary infrastructure in all Delta County communities and extend into the City of

Montrose. The POWER funds will also be utilized for future phases extending into neighboring counties. Region 10 was uniquely qualified for this funding for several reasons. First, the funding specifically targeted communities which demonstrated a reliance upon coal mining as a primary employer. Approximately $15 million was set aside nationwide for communities which met this requirement. Though the funding cannot replace the estimated $42 million impact of the recently lost coal mining jobs, the grant will serve to broaden and diversify the economic development strategies of the region. Broadband was identified as a primary economic barrier to all of the communities served by Region 10. Region 10 also qualified because the funding was designed specifically for implementation, not planning. “There weren’t many communities who were ready for the implementation phase,” Haynes continues. “Since we had already started the planning a year ago, we were well positioned for the funding proposal.” Communities are currently mapping out the anchor

institutions (e.g., government buildings, fire departments, hospitals, etc.) so they can place carrier-neutral locations (CNL) that can optimally serve all of the necessary community institutions. Once in place, the CNLs will serve as hubs for Internet service providers to provide the “last mile” service, potentially bringing fiber to the residential households and commercial buildings. Additional redundancy measures will be built to minimize significant losses in Internet connectivity. Delta County stands out in the region based on its commitment to supporting its communities. County leadership has agreed to ensure that each of its communities will have at least one CNL. “No other county is doing that in our region,” Haynes comments. “It’s very commendable.” “Delta County believes that increasing the broadband capacity and redundancy in each part of the county will not only help the community, but will provide the infrastructure for private enterprise to deliver service direct to the business and private sectors,” states Robbie LeValley, Delta BROADBAND TO A3

Veterans Day closures

A Colorado Christmas

Slash burns planned

The Delta County Independent will go to press as usual late Tuesday, Nov. 10, but will not be delivered to postal customers until Thursday, Nov. 12, due to the Veterans Day holiday. Federal institutions, including the U.S. Post Office, will be closed along with banks, the county courthouse and many municipal offices. City of Delta government offices will be closed Wednesday, Nov. 11, but Bill Heddles Recreation Center and Devil’s Thumb Golf Club will be open regular hours. Wednesday’s trash will be picked up that day.

Show your Colorado pride in style by lighting up an entry for the Delta Parade of Lights. This year’s theme is “A Colorado Christmas.” Applications are available from the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce at 301 Main Street, Delta, or on the chamber’s website. There is no entry fee for participants, thanks to the sponsorship of Senior CommUnity Care. The parade will be held on Delta’s Main Street Friday, Dec. 4, starting at 6 p.m. Contact the chamber at 874-8616 for additional information.

The Grand Valley Ranger District of the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests plans to burn piles within the Porter Mountain and Eggleston Lake areas of the Grand Mesa, possibly beginning as soon as Nov. 4, and continuing for several weeks until the project is complete. The piles consist of slash (branches and trees) generated from past timber sales in both areas. Fire personnel will be on hand to monitor the burning as conditions warrant, but advise smoke may be seen from the valley.

A2 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


LETTERS Controversy continues Dear Editor: Steve Lyons in his Oct. 28 letter makes my point. There is controversy over global warming and climate change (he said, she said). Maslov long ago identified his priority of needs. The very first is survival. This applies to all people including governmentpaid researchers who would be fired if they didn’t find global warming or others if they were hired by industry to find no global warming. To find the truth it is futile to survey scientists because there is no unanimous consensus.

That is why I wrote the Oct. 7 letter asking those with Excel facility to go to the satellite temperature data, plot it and do two trend lines, one from 1978 to 1998 and one from 1998 to present. If Steve had done that, he would find the truth. I wish there were some other way than to look at the prime data source, but that is really the only way to truly resolve this issue. I also pointed out in the Oct. 7 letter that satellite-measured sea level rise is essentially constant which can also only happen if there is no change in global warm-

ing. No change in the trend lines, no change in the rate of sea level rise, no climate change. I invite everyone to reread the Oct. 7 letter and follow the links to the data. Get someone to download and plot the data if you are not familiar with MS Excel or contact me. If you do, you will find either there has been no global warming or it all happened in 1998 when the satellites were replaced with more advanced units, i.e., global warming is a 1⁄2 F calibration error. Mike Mason Cedaredge

The sky is falling Dear Editor: Those who question the validity of global warming are called “climate change deniers.” The same should be said about those who cling to the expert opinions of famous scientists Al Gore and Michael Moore. They should be called “fact deniers.” The letter from Steve Lyons questioning Bill Snyer

makes that point. And to demonstrate his personal research, he created a false moral equivalence between tobacco and “big oil.” So much for his argument. Somehow tobacco, which is primarily an individual choice, must be the same as petroleum products which are used to manufacture most of the stuff we all use.

Citizen juries are already in place Dear Editor: A group of individuals recently appeared before the Delta County Board of County Commissioners asking for public funds to set up what they called “citizen juries,” claiming that the Constitution provides for them. Were they better informed and intellectually astute, they would have realized that we already have citizen juries. Those are called grand juries (set up to return indictments) and trial juries (used to render verdicts). Both of those are made up of fellow citizens. Thus, we have citizen juries. Their argument therefore really had nothing to do with citizen juries but rather a claim that those now serving on those juries are not the ones who should be serving. They believe that they are either the ones who should be serving or, at the very least, be the ones to select those they deem “qualified” to serve on those panels. Whenever some of us see such occurrences, what we see is the demand, “Put me in charge and I will straighten everyone else out.” Perhaps the first ones such individuals should “straighten out” are themselves, beginning with the recognition and admission

to the fact that they, just like everyone else, are simply human beings. Such individuals all too frequently refer to the United States Constitution and perhaps even the Federalist Papers. They remind some of us of what we encountered at a university or college where, if some author or book became popular, many students would carry a copy around, all too frequently quoting from it ad nauseam, for no other purpose than to “appear” sophisticated. Robert I. Laitres Delta

Dear Editor: All the technical talk aside, references are not necessary to analyze global warming. Anyone with a lick of sense understands that it’s not happening, never mind what a conservative newspaper’s opinion page I regularly read refers to as “climate cluckers” would like to think. The sky is not falling and temperatures on earth are not trending upward. For proof, recall that eggs couldn’t be fried last summer on the sidewalks of Paonia, Hotchkiss, Cedaredge, or anywhere else in the region.


INDEPENDENT DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (UPS 152-700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Second class postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416 401 Meeker St. Delta, CO 81416 (970) 874-4421

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month finishing with the funeral of my motherin-law, Mary E. Draves, Cedaredge. Delta should be proud in what I’ve been reading in the DCI. Specifically the “below the fold” reporting of criminal cases working their way through the courts. This is severely lacking in my hometown paper here in the Price, Utah, Carbon County area. Delta County being a coal mining community and Carbon County, Utah, being a coal mining community, there are a lot of similarities and this brings to mind comparisons. Carbon County has one of the highest drug use and suicides in the state on a per capita basis. A big reason in my opinion is the historical lax law enforcement and the public eye not being on what is going on court wise. The lax law enforcement is slowly changing with new leadership at the county commission level and a new sheriff. All Republican for a previous

Paonia trustees seem to have learned nothing Dear Editor: I would like to add some details to the story of the Paonia trustees’ payments to their auditor. While quick to denigrate “past councils” for poor management decisions, the majority of the current trustees seem to have learned nothing. In a stunning breach of trust a few weeks ago, they silently approved a payment of $17,800, over and above the contract price of about $28,000 for the 2014 audit. (The next highest bid was for less than $15,000.) When spending taxpayer money, trustees are obligated to go through several steps. First is to get the most value for the taxpayers’ money. Next is to sign a contract for

the goods or services. After that they must vote to approve any changes to the contract. Finally, they approve the actual payment in what is called the “disbursements.” The audit was proposed as a fixed price contract, and the contract clearly states that any changes must be in writing, approved by both parties. Changes to contracts require a council vote. Recently this was done for a water project that, no joke, amounted to a contract change of 75 cents. Yet the board bypassed this step of contract modification and attempted to hide the $17,800 in the disbursements, approved in mass at the very end of a meeting. Was no one supposed

to notice? When questioned on this overpayment, some council members offered various rationalizations. “It is an insignificant amount of money,” as though $17,800 of taxpayer money is not worth their time. The worst excuse is that the contract allows the auditor to charge whatever they want. These individuals think they are running the town like a business! No business would ever grant such an open ended contract. Get this. The auditor next DECLINED to accept the entire amount the council had authorized! What is going on here? Bill Brunner Paonia

Check references; don’t cast slurs on half-truths Dear Editor: Once again, as usual, responders to my letter about climate and data misinformation come back with the typical slurs against both individuals and organizations that are trying to educate the populace. Both responses appeared in the DCI on Oct. 28. The Petition Project has nothing to do with hiding the facts or using tactics as stated in the tobacco reference. In fact, the entire effort was initiated by a few scientists

Climate change believers are costing us jobs

Dear Editor: Since the climate change believers, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the media have decided carbon dioxide, an essential for life, is a pollutant, coal-fired power plants and coal mines are closing. Delta County has lost hundreds of good paying jobs. Electricity will be more expensive. If you like this, don’t hesitate to vote for Bernie Sanders. I wouldn’t trust Hillary to walk my dog. Tom Anderson Paonia If you took a noon-day stroll around the block in mid-summer, did you wilt from the heat? Do you see melting icebergs floating down the North Fork causing communiFrom the Delta ties it flows through to be Police Department: inundated? Will you blow off ordering propane for Oct. 26: your furnace this winter? A 16-year-old male of This litany of fictional Delta was issued a ticket temperature measure- for alleged shoplifting. ments that the typical Nancy J. Clairday, 52, climate clucker’s fantasy of Delta was issued a requires might well be ticket for alleged unsafe continued ad infinitum. backing after being Perhaps some DCI read- involved in a two-vehicle ers could come up with a crash in the 100 block of few knee-slappers. E. 4th Street. No injuJohn Austin ries were reported or Orchard City observed. Both vehicles were driven from the scene. Elise F. Johnson, 30, of Delta was issued a ticket for alleged trespass. Democratic stronghold. Oct. 27: I also appreciate the Jeremy M. Kuzov, 36, law enforcement blotter. of Delta was arrested and The detail is good and jailed for alleged criminal to a defendant may be mischief and violation of somewhat embarrassing. a restraining order. However this is impor- Oct. 30: tant for a free press to Jennaraye B. Kuzov, keep the public informed, 27, of Crawford was to keep the public’s eye arrested and jailed for on what is going on law alleged criminal misenforcement wise. chief. The other area that I Kenneth C. Meagher, appreciated in the DCI 39, of Delta was arrested was the many, many and jailed on a warrant letters to the editor. with a $1,500 bond. We have had a change Oct. 31: of publisher. Our local Sheri L. Blanton, 34, paper has devolved to of Cedaredge was issued irrelevant drivel. Today’s a ticket for alleged shopeditorial page was dis- lifting. cussing lipstick on pigs. Nov. 1: The letters to the editors Brittnee M. Kramer, are what makes a paper 25, of Delta was issued good. Written thought a ticket for alleged child takes time and a bit of abuse – simple. education to create. The Citations: Four tickets letters to the editor in the for traffic violations were DCI show a concerned issued this week, two for committed populace and speeding. from my perspective are Please remember: very much appreciated. All criminal charges are Keep up the good work merely an accusation DCI. and the defendant is preJim Darter sumed innocent until or Spring Glen/ unless proven guilty. Helper, Utah From the Delta

Warming schmorming

Keep up the good work, DCI Dear Editor: I am a 1972 graduate of Delta High School. I have been an active coal miner nearly 30 years mostly as a state and federally certified electrician repairman with mine fire boss and mine foreman qualifications. I am now forced retired and disabled. I spent a bit of time back in Delta County this past

What he didn’t say is that the National Academy of Science issued the following statement regarding the Oregon petition: “ ...even given the considerable uncertainties in our knowledge of the relevant phenomena, greenhouse warming poses a potential threat sufficient to merit prompt responses. ... Investment in mitigation measures acts as insurance protection against the great uncertainties and the possibility of dramatic surprises.” The key words are “considerable uncertainties” and “potential threat” and “possibility.” Yes, the sky is falling, and if we don’t do something about it right now, just think how sorry we will be when it happens. And who will lose if we don’t do something about it? It’s those who feel we should, using others’ money. Perhaps Mr. Lyons should spend more time considering facts rather than embracing emotionally driven opinions. Bill Sutton Delta

Delta County Independent

and physical chemists who conduct work at several American scientific institutions. Efforts to “make the papers look like official papers from the National Academy of Sciences” is absurd. Basically this project was conceived under the direction of Dr. Arthur Robinson, co-founder of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. The other cofounder of this institute was Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize recipient for his work with Vitamin C. This project was indeed designed to give support in opposition to the infamous Kyoto Protocol. Apparently there are still many that do not understand the importance of defeating this protocol! The cover pages to the Petition Project outline the reasons for the effort. The slurs against the George C. Marshal Institute are also absurd. I know you can get such information online, most of it produced by firms like Greenpeace. That does not hold credibility and some of the comments like the defamation of the character of Dr. Jay Lehr border on libel. Of course if people wish to “just be on the safe side” and go with green energy that is their choice. They will then receive electric power on an

intermittent basis and pay several times the present rate. The obvious deception of “97 percent of scientists agree that climate change is real” should be obvious. This is another scam statement. What scientists? When were they polled? What questions were asked? There have been many articles that show this was a complete fabrication. If readers want to get truthful information, they have to devote effort and read topics generated by top scientists not the deception produced by the media and the political process which only exemplifies “follow the money.” Here are a few sources of factual information: “The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science” by Tim Ball, PhD, “The Wind Farm Scam” by John Etherington, “Climate: The Counter Consensus” by Professor Robert M. Carter, PhD. Brian Sussman, a veteran meteorologist exposes the global warming scam in a very sobering book entitled “Climategate.” There are many other excellent sources of such information that I hope the reader will read and get an understanding of the truth. William H. Snyer Cedaredge

Law enforcement blotter

County Sheriff’s Office described as 75 to 80 years in age, was headed (partial list): toward the river. Deputies were asked to conOct. 26: At 7:36 a.m., Deputy duct a welfare check. The theft of a generaBuffington responded to Stevens Gulch Road for a tor and a chainsaw was one-vehicle accident with reported from a garage reported injuries. Officer on 2600 Road near Ferguson of the Paonia Cedaredge. The generPolice Department and ator was a red Honda the North Fork Ambu- Powermate 350 valued lance were also on the at $400. The chainsaw scene. A 2005 Ford F350 was an orange Stihl 660 pickup slid off the side of with a 30-inch bar valued the road and several feet at $1,600. Anyone with down an embankment, information is asked to landing on its left side. call Crimestoppers at An unidentified female 874-8810. was transported to the Oct. 30: A man making deliverhospital. ies on Minnesota Creek Oct. 28: A Paonia area resident Road outside of Paonia reported suspicious activ- came across a male lying ity at his ranch, including in the middle of the road. a gate that was left open He was unconscious and an ATV was parked nearand an injured horse. Sheriff ’s deputies by. It was later deterresponded to a domestic mined the 74-year-old incident in Eckert. The man may have been the victim alleged Shane victim of an assault. The Hager, 38, threw a kitch- investigation is active en table at her, broke the and ongoing. phone and dragged her Oct. 31: Cedaredge fireby the hair. He had left the premises, but a war- fighters were called rant was issued for his to a home on Columarrest, charging Hager bine Lane, Cedaredge, the homewith criminal mischief, after harassment and domes- owners heard a loud pop tic violence. The female, and saw smoke pouring Jennifer Barton, 29, was out of the attic. The fire arrested on an unrelated was likely electrical in nature. There was some warrant. damage to the home. Oct. 29: Ruben Mojarro-MartiMeter tampering was alleged at a home nez, 30, of Paonia was on 3100 Road outside of charged with DUI after Hotchkiss. Electricity was he allegedly drove his turned off to the home pickup through a fence until a state inspection and into a field on Stewcould be conducted. The art Mesa Road. Mojarrosheriff ’s office reports the Martinez was located at theft appears to be relat- a neighboring residence. ed to a marijuana grow He denied he was driving operation in the neigh- the pickup, but witnesses placed him behind the borhood. A disoriented male, wheel.


Delta County Independent

Abstinence educator shares message with students countywide BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

A speaker who encourages students to put sex on hold until they’re married generated controversy last week — controversy that superintendent Caryn Gibson says was largely put to rest after parents were assured the speaker would not be imposing her religious

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beliefs on the students. Shelly Donahue is a former teacher turned abstinence education speaker. She previously shared her WAIT (Why Am I Tempted?) training with students at Delta High School. Superintendent Caryn Gibson said Donahue has two presentations, one that’s faith based and one that’s not. It was made clear there could be no biblical references at the school assemblies. The faith-based presentation was saved for a workshop with parents and pastors. As a former teacher/ coach, Donahue said she fully understands what can and cannot be said in the classroom. Still, the fact that her talks were supported by a faith-based organization like the Pregnancy Resource Center raised some concerns. Some parents feel conversations about sex should take place at home; others say abstinence-only education is just not a realistic option and actually leads to more teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. But handing out condoms is not the answer, Donahue said, because teens simply aren’t emotionally, intellectually or physically ready for a sexual relationship. She wants students to set the bar higher, and that’s the message she delivered at all four high schools and at Delta Opportunity School, speaking separately with boys and girls. “Ms. Donahue wants to

GW King Office (970) 874-9300 Cell (970) 260-8781

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Pastor FROM PAGE A1 “Those perceived to be sex offenders are apparently not worthy of the same due process afforded other defendants,” Felletter maintained during a lengthy argument before the court. “The justice system has not been fair to Mr. Quintero from the beginning.” Quintero has had a long, stable marriage, has raised four good children, and has ministered to hundreds of adults and children over the years without any accusations of inappropriate behavior, Felletter maintained. He also addressed the fact that the victim in this case died in a car accident last spring, depriving Quintero of one of his most fundamental rights as a defendant — to face his accuser in criminal proceedings. “Justice was sacrificed in this case,” Felletter said. “The best the court can do is come up with an appropriate sentence.” He suggested the court look to the sentence

imposed on Myrl Serra, a former district attorney who was also charged with class 4 felony sex offenses. Serra then attempted to intimidate witnesses in the case, yet was sentenced to the minimum of one year in prison. Felletter said Judge Schultz should use that case as a sentencing guideline. Several of the victim’s family members also

spoke, and his therapist provided chilling details revealed by the victim over months of work. The sentencing hearing was the final step in a criminal process that began in November 2013, when the victim was 14 years old. The victim was not a resident of Delta, but occasionally spent weekends here with the Quintero family.



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FROM PAGE A1 County administrator. The current timeline established by Region 10 and its Broadband Planning Committee estimates construction beginning in late spring or early summer 2016. “We are hoping by the end of 2016 to have the initial assets in place and some services available,” Haynes adds. To stay up to date on the local effort to expand broadband, interested parties are encouraged to follow online at www.

Bert Sargent would like to thank the young person who found an item he lost in the parking lot of City Market on Oct. 27. The young man or young lady who found the item took it to the store. Sargent says he plans to be in the DCI parking lot at 4th and Meeker every evening from 5 to 6 p.m. for the next seven days. “Please bring your parents,” he said. To get a message to Sargent, call Art Martinez at Surface Creek Auto, 835-3502.


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Grateful owner hopes to express his thanks

• Focusing on retirement plan rollovers ( 401K, 403B, profit sharing, etc.) • Annuities • Life Insurance • Long Term Care Insurance • Stocks* • Bonds* • Mutual Funds*

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help this generation reach their hopes and dreams by honoring themselves and one another,” stated a letter sent home to parents. “The goal of this program is to help students learn to make good decisions now and later in life.” Parents were given the option of returning the letter or calling their student’s school if they did not wish their children to attend Donahue’s presentation. While a number of parents phoned or emailed the district office with concerns, Gibson said she heard back from students who wish there were more classes dealing with relationships. It’s great for the kids and parents who can make those conversations happen at home, Gibson said, but the fact is sex can be a difficult — and uncomfortable — topic. A facts-based health class that encompasses established educational standards could be worth examining, Gibson said. At the end of each talk, Donahue handed out her phone number and email address and encouraged the students to check out her blog and her Facebook page. “I want to be a resource,” she said.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10th – 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM

A4 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Delta County Independent

BIRTHS Anna Edwards and Ramiro Ortega of Delta are the parents of a son, Israel Luther Ortega Peña Edwards, born Oct. 19, 2015, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 20.5 inches in length.

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All Saints Lutheran Church

& Bake SALE

Friday, November 6 �����������������

Saturday, November 7 �����������������

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Featured Artist: Marilyn Liebetrau �������������������������������������������������

LUNCH ON BOTH DAYS — 11 A.M.-1 P.M. ����������������������������������������������� �������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� �������������������������

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Like us.

C’mon. You know you do! DELTA COUNTY


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Jami Atchley and John White of Delta are the parents of a daughter, Adelynn Jean White, born Oct. 21, 2015, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds, 14.6 ounces and was 20 inches in length.

Birthday open house planned You are invited to join Phil Ellsworth, his family and friends in commemorating his 90th birthday. An open house will be held Sunday, Nov. 8, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Stolte Shed at Pioneer Town in Cedaredge. Ellsworth is a longtime Cedaredge resident who is known for writing beautiful poetry, playing harmonica tunes and his involvement in a multitude of endeavors beneficial to the community. No gifts, please.

Riding high

Witches were plentiful at the Delta Senior Center’s Halloween celebration on Friday, Oct. 30, as they cast spells of fun and laughter over the almost 60 patrons in attendance. The witches are, from left to right, Leslye Wick, Mary Kirstatter, Alietta Valdovinos, Emily Gallegos and Betty Zavadil.

Altrusans host popular Sugar Plum Nov. 13-14 Join Altrusa International of Delta in “Leading to a Better Community” by attending its annual Sugar Plum Festival Friday, Nov. 13, and Saturday, Nov. 14. This year’s theme, “A Many Splendored Thing ... A Journey to the East,” will provide an experience you won’t want to miss.

Start your holiday shopping at craft fair Delta Emblem Club’s annual craft fair is scheduled Friday and Saturday, Nov. 6 and 7, in Westminster Hall at 4th and Meeker. Come check out the many homemade items — potholders, dishcloths, kitchen towels and much more. You might find the perfect gift for that someone who is hard to buy for. Along with craft items, you’ll find the “once loved items” table. Someone else’s treasure may be just the thing you have

been looking for. You will find used books, clothes, jewelry and much more. Another table is filled with baked goods to make your holiday baking less of a chore. While shopping, take advantage of the soup luncheon. Soup, a roll and dessert are just $5. The Delta Emblem Club wants to make your holiday shopping less of a hassle, while helping local charities give a better holiday season to some deserving families.

© Taste of Home

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Operation Troop Bounty launched Lee Marts VFW Post 3571, its Auxiliary, and the Delta Library are teaming up again to help supply deployed active-duty military men and women with “goodie boxes” from home. This joint project, dubbed Operation Troop

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Aqua Studio

An Aqua Christmas Holiday Sneak Peek





Photo submitted

Bounty, provides a local way for community members to provide active-duty military personnel with such useful and appreciated things as travel-size toiletries, snacks (such as jerky, gum, individual-size packs of snack crackers and cookies, unfortunately exempting chocolate, which melts in so many environments), books, hard candy, individual packets of baby wipes, packaged individual drinks (coffee, tea, cocoa, etc.), puzzles, combs, and more. There will be a complete list at the Delta Library or you can call Jennifer Wright, Auxiliary president at 640-7720. Items donated at the Delta Library are collected, packaged and shipped overseas to deployed individuals who share the bounty with their comrades. Local GIs always take the number one priority of the local post, so if you have loved ones deployed in harm’s way overseas, call the Delta Library staff at 874-9630 or Jennifer Wright at 6407720 with a name and address.

Great appetizers, chocolate fountain, table viewing and artisan shopping along with a cash bar will be the setting on Friday from 5:30 – 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 and available at The Place I Go located at 104 Meeker Street. On Saturday, ticket holders can shop the vendors from 9 a.m. to noon, and then enjoy a scrumptious lunch followed by a dazzling fashion show, for only $30. The luncheon ticket also includes a pass to Friday night festivities. Luncheon tickets may also be purchased by calling 874-7756. Tickets are available only in advance. The proceeds from the Sugar Plum Festival go back to the community in the form of scholarships and community service projects. Altrusans help many community organizations, including the Delta Food Pantry, The Abraham Connec-

tion, Delta Opportunity School, Tri-County Resource Center, House of Promise and others. Altrusa International of Delta is an active, thriving and growing club and is currently accepting new members. Call acting president Debbie Atchley at 874-3907 for more information on club events, activities and membership information.

Petrified wood: how to preserve and polish it The Delta County Rock Wranglers will meet Thursday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. at 511 E. 10th Street in Delta. The program will be studying kinds of petrified wood and how to preserve and polish it. Everyone is welcome.

Elks honor veterans with free lunch Delta Elks will host a free luncheon for all military veterans and spouses and those currently serving our country. Please come and enjoy a great meal and be honored for your service to our country. Lunch will be served in the dining room of the Delta Elks Lodge from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 11.

Prior to lunch, at 10:30 a.m., Garnet Mesa third graders will perform songs of America upstairs in the lodge room. Delta Elks Lodge is located at 563 Main Street. An elevator is located on the south side of the building for those who have difficulty using stairs. For more information, call 874-3624.

MOPS meet Nov. 5 Delta MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) next morning meeting will be Thursday, Nov. 5, from 9 to 11:15 a.m. with coffee and a tasty potluck brunch. An evening meeting is also scheduled from 6 to 8:15 p.m., with snacks and dessert. Both meetings will have a fun craft.

This month’s theme is “Notes From the Heart.” Child care is also provided — the kiddos have a snack and do their own craft. Delta MOPS meets at the Delta First Baptist Church, 1250 Pioneer Road. Please call Amanda Perez at 778-5272 for more information.

Enjoy snacks, activities at Senior Connection Calling all seniors! If you’re looking for a new way to get out of the house and enjoy the company of other seniors, the Senior Connection at Delta United Methodist Church is for you. The next gathering is Thurs-

day, Nov. 5, at 1:30 p.m. and will include games, puzzles, conversation and companionship. Refreshments will be served. For more information call the church at 874-9501. Come and see if Senior Connection is for you.

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Clients of the Year

Amber Raoult, Amelia Steele, Valerie Mihelich, Julie Hilmes and Everett Bennett were recently recognized as Community Options’ Clients of the Year for going above and beyond for themselves and/or their communities.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


High school science students address spruce beetle epidemic On Oct. 27, the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison (GMUG) National Forests hosted a forest ecology workshop for 75 high school students enrolled in AP environmental science and AP biology from Delta and Cedaredge high schools. Resource specialists from the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Colorado State Forest Service and Western Slope Conservation Center led students in collecting field data on forest ecology specifically related to watersheds, spruce beetles, timber, recreation, wildlife and fire risk. The data students collected in the field will be used in the Photo submitted classroom as students DHS students core a young sub-alpine fir tree to develop proposals for determine the average age of different tree species how the U.S. Forest Service might respond to the in a sample study plot.

spruce beetle epidemic and create a sustainable forest ecosystem. Youth engagement will be a key focus for the upcoming Forest Plan Revision and many of these students will be encouraged to participate in the future planning efforts.

Photo submitted

Anybody can dance

1-2-3, turn...1-2-3, slide. English Language Learners (ELL) in Mrs. Muñoz’s and Mrs. Prado’s first grade class at Garnet Mesa Elementary School had a delightful time learning simple dance steps from local dance instructor Linda Dysart. The dancing lessons complemented their book study about fictional animal characters at a jungle dance. Mrs. Dysart, who’s been teaching dance for the last 43 years, taught students the steps to the waltz, the cha cha, the tango and the Scottish reel. The message students took from the story is, “We can all dance when we find music that we love.”

Photo submitted

Students use clinometers to compute the average tree height in a sample study plot.

Photos submitted

ROAR recognition

Lincoln Elementary is recognizing one student in each class every quarter who exemplifies the characteristics of ROAR. ROAR stands for Respectful, On Task, Always Safe and Responsible. Students state the ROAR pledge daily to remind them of the expectations for these characteristics. The students selected received a certificate at the school’s ROAR assembly on Oct. 23 in front of their peers and families. The ROAR certificate is the most prestigious award presented to students at Lincoln Elementary. Recipients in grades K-2 pictured above are (first row, left to right) Noah Kehmeier, Teegan McIlheron, Alexis Kirkman, Jenesis Naranjo, Madison Whitaker; (second row) Vanessa Ramirez, Titus Esser, Parker Bernard, Gemma Leib, Landen Ficklin, Jhett Ryan and Alan Asavei. Recipients in grades 3-5 were (first row, left to right) Alex Kuta, Aadrey Fraser, Ember Hatter, Ellie Ames, Hope Williams, Alex Ward; (second row) Kade Davis, Libni Mendoza, Abraham Martinez, Judah Neely and Bethany Farmer.

Photo submitted

Students from DHS examine galleries formed by brooding spruce bark beetles and larva in Engelmann-spruce living on the Uncompahgre Plateau.

DHS hosts blood drive Delta High School is hosting a blood drive through St. Mary’s Medical Center Wednesday, Nov. 4, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Walk-ins are welcome between those times. Photo IDs are required. The DHS Student Council has set a goal of 80 donors. For more information, call the Blood Center at 970-298-2555.


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Politically active student organizes voter registration assembly at DHS BY HANNAH SMITH DHS Intern

As election time rolls around there is a reminder about the importance of voting. Delta High School senior Cidney Fisk stresses this importance, especially in the youth. “It’s so important to be aware because everything you do and all the rules we follow and the societal norms we establish come from politics. It’s absolutely vital for teens and young adults to know what’s going on in our country and in our world, because the younger you become engaged the more likely you’ll be able to understand new happenings and have long-standing involvement.” Fisk has started a Young Democrats Club within the high school, and held an assembly for the 11th and 12th graders informing them on why it is important to get involved. At the end of the assembly, anybody 16 and over was able to pre-register to vote. “Watching my voter registration assembly come together and seeing my peers register was so gratifying. Through political involvement I feel like I have been able to make a real difference in my community.” This was very important because not many teens know that they can register before 18. Voting, regardless of age, is important because it weighs the opinion of the county/state/country

as a whole. Fisk states that even if a voter was on the losing side, their vote counted. If nobody voted, there would be no democracy. By giving the citizens a vote, the country is giving the citizens a voice.

“My advice to young voters is to ignore everything you’ve been told previous to Election Day. Do not let your peers affect how YOU vote. Research the candidates and ballot measures and make sure you vote in a

way that best represents you and your opinion.” Fisk emphasizes that voting is one of the most important thing a citizen of the United States can do whether on the state or local level. Every vote represents a voice.

Come out and support these fine athletes! �������������


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A6 Wednesday, November 4, 2015

SCHOOL Veterans, military invited to DMS assembly

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Veterans and active military personnel are invited to a Veterans Day assembly Wednesday, Nov. 11, in the gym at Delta Middle School. The assembly begins at 8:20 a.m. For more information, contact the school at 8748046. iT

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Saturday, November 21 • 3 p.m. at Delta Christian Church 1600 & I Roads, Delta Guest Quartet

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The Black Canyon Chorus atleD dR I d Tickets: na dR 0061 Adults - $10 advance / $12 at door Seniors/Students $8 advance / $10 at door IN THE NEWS At t he6 & UndertA- Free Children Do T ic t

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Delta County Independent


$12 h or D keetAt: s:1$ ci T r oo $Tickets 2 10:stek Available Adu Cedaredge ce The Gazibo Florist, 01$ ecnavdA Advan SAen lt A dv C h 0 iorS/ 01 d Hospice, $1 ildtrlufor Heirlooms A en oine Chi lihCDelta an$ ce avd Area Chamber r6 an eof dldCommerce $10 n r r / Delta e c C n e dnu h i l 6 d n $ derMontrose 01$ ner foru Hospice, dna Heirlooms free 8 dn 8$ f re eer

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Afterglow following the show - $7.50 More Entertainment, Soup & Sandwiches For more information call 970-596-2843 • 970-835-8873 970-256-9763

Army Staff Sgt. Casey Childress has arrived for duty as an Army recruiter with Tucson Army Recruiting Company, Casa Grande Army Recruiting Center, Arizona. He is a 1997 graduate of Hotchkiss High School.

Photo submitted

Virtuous Kids

Lincoln Elementary and the Kiwanis Club of Delta recently recognized the Virtuous Kids pictured above: (front row, left to right) Mykal Sawyer (diligence), Luciano Cota Andrade (self-discipline), Landen Ficklin (cooperation), Liliana Amaya (self-discipline), Cody Phillips (cooperation), Hayden Labrum (sharing/caring); (second row) Laura Fernandez (responsibility/enthusiasm), Addison Collins (respect), Logan Sheets (honesty), Mariana Gutierrez Valdez (patience), Pway Doh (responsibility). Not pictured: Brett Sanchez (kindness), Zachary McCullough (safety) and Jazlyn Naranjo (responsibility).

Garnet Mesa Elem. honor roll The following students were named to the first quarter honor roll at Garnet Mesa Elementary School:

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Alt��sa Inter�ational of Delta presents its annual

Sugar Plum Festival:

Third Grade Straight A’s Sydnie Atchley Satoshi Bautista Joseph Black Dawsen Drozdik Kyndahl Duran Lillian Eskam Merissa Floyd Helen GonzalezFranco Ashley Hernandez Anika Hovel Brianna Huff Tyson Hughes Ellie Magner Tommy MontoyaOrnelas Brooke Pietak Ty Reed Willon Rice Ashton Robinson Alexia Sanchez Jonathan Santonastaso Fabian Sepulveda Joseph Siennicki Lillian Sinkay Landon Spaedt Juliana Stagner Aaron Tolka Tyler Yost Rachel Young A/B Honor Roll Yuraly Arias Velma Bailey Jessica Barbich Mya Barrientos Alexcia Bloom Sadie Connally

Janeth Corral Richard Davis Corry Dunlap Kaidence Foote Damien Garcia Lazalea Harris Jordyn Huff Joseph Kurtz Illeana Leon Janet Martinez Aniston McFarland Izabella McLendon Josue Morales Amber Morrow Kali Ripper Daniel Romero Alyssa Rule D’Angelo Saenz Robert Smith Haley StahlkeStamper Addison Travis Diego Vicencio Skylar Wilson Brysin Woodson Fourth Grade Straight A’s Regann Alsdorf Lauren Angelo Aylin Bayles Saw Blessing Rylan Bynum Shayla Curtis Katelyn Edwards Carlos Gallegos Carrasco Paige GoodholmZblewski Xander Graff

Pete Herren Kylie Huff Tucker Johnson Tatem Miller Kyler Pietak Mialisoa Randria Jovanny Romero Hernandez Ava Shaball Zoey Shean Rosita Varela A/B Honor Roll Ismael Acosta Brayden Ahlberg Randee Ahlberg Emily Anderson Sanaa Ashurst Jamee Bloom Nathan Brewer Enrique Carrillo Esai Carrillo Daelen Che Sarah Clark John Dexter Jesse Dicamillo Sean Dixon Jr. Lynessia Duran Morgan Farmer Madysen Ferrell Dawson Foreman Hania Garcia Madalyn Haskins Linda Hayner Roxsy Huerta Jae Huff Ty Huff James Hufman Dakota Jessee Tristian Lackey

Brett Lahoe Ripp Lockhart Xavier Martinez Jeshua Ochoa Jazmin Peraza-Zavala Lance Porter Zackery Pruett Connor Reed Allyson Rusling Andric Sanchez Nicholas Serve Rye Truitt Kassidy Wear Baylee Wilson Joshua Wyatt Fifth Grade Straight A’s Alexi Armendariz Mikayla Camacho Kalliope Carmichael Shaun Foley Miriya Garcia Evelyn Gutierrez Nylene Gutierrez Hayley Lancaster Lendol Lawrence Caitlyn Merriman Brooklynn Mininger Clark Lillyanne Ripper Alexis Rundle Joseph Santonastaso Luke Stagner Sarah Teel Camaron Williams A/B Honor Roll Ezria Abeyta Kai Bautista Shental Bloom

Gavin Brewer Phoenix CaraveauDuran Emigdio Corral Cory Davis Courtney Edenbo Julian Escarcega Samuel Falck Albaro Felix Otto Fender Peter Germann Anastasia Gomez Moses Hager Brianna Hall Madyson Hannegrefs Ayralin Hoffbauer Cassidy Hunter Areiel Jaques Caley Kasamis Boettner Noah Kevan Hazel Lancaster Agustin MontoyaOrnelas Juan Ortiz McKenzie Proctor Toby Pruett Mariah Rhinehart Craig Richard III Angel Romero Hurtado Job Rosales Braeden Sprout Katherin Suarez Ramirez Abigail Tracey Mariah Vandegrift Levity Wilkinson Konner Workman

A Many Splendored Thing ...A Jour�ey to the East

Friday, Nov. 13, 5:30 - 8 p.m. Table Viewing ~ Hors d’oeuvres Ar�isan Shopping ~ Cash Bar ~

Sat�rday, Nov. 14, 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Book fair, luncheon & fashion show

Tickets available at The Place I Go, 228 Meeker St., Delta Friday - $10 ~ Both Days - $30 Generously Sponsored By:

Terrific Kids

Photos submitted

The following Garnet Mesa students earned a Terrific Kid Award from the Kiwanis Club of Delta for their efforts to be a responsible citizen and student. Pictured above are kindergarten and first grade students (front row) Jose Romero, Luke Curtis, Emily Segura, Drake Ripplinger, Rosabella Siennicki; (back row) Derick Curtis, Eli Wiltsie, Pacey Smith and Trinady Vance. On the right are second and third graders (front row) Haylee Vanzomeren, Ronnie Hartung, Kayden Blair, Alex Burruss; (back row) Tyler Yost, Heidi Ponce and Willon Rice.

Register for youth basketball Little League basketball for boys and girls in grades 3-6 will soon get underway at Bill Heddles Recreation Center. Youth who wish to participate must be registered by Nov. 8. Practices start in December, with games to be played on Saturdays beginning in January. For more information, call 874-0923. The recreation center also offers a basketball program for grades K-2. Kids learn fundamental skills and play a few games from Jan. 9 to Feb. 13. The registration deadline for this program is Dec. 3.


Delta County Independent


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

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inspiring musical story

Maniacal4 is a fabulous group of four great musicians, telling one unified, inspiring musical story after another. Hailed as “a force to be reckoned with,” the trombone quartet has performed on three continents, entertaining audiences with a wide range of styles and time periods. Delta will be the next stop by this spectacular group of young men, as they take the stage here at the Delta Performing Arts Center, 822 Grand Avenue on Monday, Nov. 16, starting at 7:30 p.m. This performance is sponsored by the DeltaMontrose Community Concert Association as part of its current series of concerts. Maniacal4 is wellversed in a variety of musical styles including classical, jazz, Latin and light rock, and performs its concerts almost exclusively from memory, projecting a clear, unified, uplifting and commit-

Do you care about water in the West? Want to learn more about the past, present and future of water in Colorado? Then you are invited to a free screening of the new documentary “The Great Divide,” which showcases water’s ability to unite and divide the people of our arid state. The screening will be held at the Delta Center for Performing Arts, 822


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The annual Daddy/ Daughter Dance will be held Saturday, Nov. 14, at Bill Heddles Recreation Center. This year’s theme is “A Journey to the Orient.” This dance is primarily for ages 3-12, but older girls are welcome. Admission is $20/couple at the door or $15 for couples who register prior to 5 p.m. Nov. 13. Each additional person will cost $5. This is a special evening of little girls in party dresses making memories with their dads and granddads. A king and princess will be crowned. There will also be lots of great music and prizes. Please bring a snack to share. The doors open at 6:30 p.m.; the dance starts at 7 p.m.


Grand Avenue Thursday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. The event is co-sponsored by the Colorado River District, the Delta Conservation District and the Western Slope Conservation Center. A brief Q&A session led by a panel of local water experts will follow the film. “The Great Divide,” produced by Havey Productions, traces Colora-

do’s water history beginning with the ancestral Puebloans at Mesa Verde and the gold rush origins of Colorado water law to agriculture, dams, diversions and conservation. The film also reveals today’s critical need to cross “the great divide,” replacing conflict with cooperation. The filmmakers tell the story of water in Colo-

Chili bowl fundraiser to benefit Art Partners The annual chili bowl fundraiser benefiting Art Partners has a new location — The Lark & Sparrow historic venue at 511 Main Street in Montrose. To be held Saturday, Nov. 28, this event is a tasty, fun and unique way to support Partners kids. Purchase a bottom-

Chess tourney set for Nov. 7 All ages are invited to participate in the annual amateur chess tournament at Bill Heddles Recreation Center in Delta. The event will be held Saturday, Nov. 7, from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Registration fee is $15 for adults and $10 for kids ages 16 and under. Registration fees cover the awards. Please register in advance or by 9 a.m. the day of the event. The tournament will consist of six rounds with a limit of one hour for each game. Please bring a snack to share. For more information or to register in advance, call 874-0923.

less bowl of chili from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The bowl is yours to keep! Bowls start at $15 and vegetarian chili will be available. The chili will be donated by local restaurants, chefs and folks who are proud of their chili. Vote for your favorite! Another fun way to help is by painting a bowl at Amazing Glaze, 219 E. Main Street, Montrose,

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by Nov. 18 to donate to the fundraiser. You will receive a 15 percent discount. Non-perishable food items will be accepted, to be donated to Sharing Ministries to help meet holiday needs. For additional information on this event, visit org or call Lissette Riviere at 249-1116.

Photo walk planned Black Canyon Camera Club meets at 11 a.m. on the second Tuesday of the month at First Church of God on 11th and Howard in Delta. This month’s meeting takes place Nov. 10. The post-meeting pro-

gram starts at noon and will consist of a photo walk in Confluence Park. The public is welcome to attend free of charge. Visit blackcanyoncamera or contact for more information.

Artists, bring work for DFA critique Delta Fine Arts meets from 2 to 4 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month at Orchard City Town Hall on 2100 Road. On Nov. 10, members are asked to bring in recent art works for critique so everyone can learn from multiple viewpoints of

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This performance here in Delta is an opportunity to hear one of the really great trombone quartets in existence today. What a treat — especially if you played the trombone in your high school band! Single admission and season tickets will be available at the door. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the auditorium opening at 6:45. For further information please contact Bob Brown, 8354480, or Connie Pittenger, 249-4308, or

Daddy/ Daughter Dance set for Nov. 14

Film showcases water in the West



ted musical vision to its audiences. M4’s programs reach from Bach, Beethoven and Mozart to Roy Orbison’s Pretty Woman, Fillmore’s Lassus Trombone, Debussy’s Girl With the Flaxen Hair and The Russian Sailor’s Dance. Trained at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas — one of the premier jazz schools in the United States — these four outstanding musicians have the goods to become one of the world’s finest trombone quartets.


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their audience. Members are also requested to bring in the gift baskets they have created for the craft fair at Bill Heddles Recreation Center. Contact Linda Aubery for more information at ljaubery@gmail. com.

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rado without taking sides on various controversies surrounding water here in our home state, but they do address the major conflicts and challenges that must be overcome as water demand continues to rise while our water resources do not. After the film, a panel of local water experts will answer questions about the Gunnison Basin. Speakers will include Dave Kanzer of the Colorado River District, Dave Stiller of the Western Slope Conservation Center, Tom Alvey with the North Fork Water Conservancy District, Marc Catlin of the Uncompahgre Valley Water User’s Association, and Cary Denison of Trout Unlimited. For more information on the film, visit http://www.

Teens, learn defensive driving “Alive at 25,” a defensive driving course for young drivers, is offered to drivers ages 15-24. A Colorado State Patrol trooper will provide approximately four hours of classroom instruction designed to prevent traffic violations, collisions and/or fatalities. The focus of the program is making attendees aware of many typical driving hazards. Participants will receive a certificate for this course which enables them to test for a driving permit at age 15 1/2 or older. The next class takes place at Bill Heddles Recreation Center Monday, Nov. 9, from 4:30 to 9 p.m. Register and pay for this class online at www.aliveat25. us by Saturday, Nov. 7.

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A8 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Delta County Independent

Remembering World War II

On the home front

BY MATT SOPER Delta County Historical Society

Delta County Historical Society photo

Delta County residents donated 106,000 tons of scrap rubber during the summer of 1942, which was recycled and fitted onto 5,200 planes.

Museum exhibit, DCI features commemorate World War II On Saturday, Nov. 7, from 2 to 3:30 p.m., the Delta Museum will host the opening of a new special World War II exhibit. The event will feature stories from Delta County veterans who served in the war and a presentation will be made to

a descendant of Ensign William Bellmire of Delta, who died during a training exercise during WWII. Corresponding with the museum’s new special WWII exhibit, this newspaper will highlight several firsthand accounts of

Delta County residents who served as soldiers in the war, supported the troops on the home front, and feel the costs of war today. The first installment, written by Matt Soper, is titled “On the home front.”

County budget is available BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The county government has finished its round of department budget presentations and has completed its proposed budget for 2016. A public copy of the proposed budget is available from the Delta County administration office located in Suite 227 of the Delta County Courthouse. Any interested citizen of Delta County may inspect the proposed budget and provide comment prior to

the adoption by the Board of County Commissioners. The public hearing for the 2016 budget will be held at 10:45 a.m. Monday, Dec. 7, in Room 236 at the Delta County Courthouse. Final adoption of the budget will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Dec. 7. For more information about the budget, feel free to contact Robbie LeValley at 970-874-2102 or email at rlevalley@deltacounty. com. In other business at recent meetings the county commissioners

reviewed a jail census report for Oct. 12 showing 34 in the detention facility and 11 in work release for a total of 45. The average jail census for the week prior was 48.9 inmates. The courthouse will be closed on Veterans Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11, and also on Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday, Nov. 26 and 27. A liquor license was renewed for the Valley Lanes 5th Frame conditionally pending receipt of final paperwork.

As daylight savings time ends, Coloradans are reminded of the sacrifices of war on the home front. During the Great War, Congress established a law to “preserve daylight” and conserve energy, thus ensuring ample electricity to produce the aluminum for building airplanes. By 1919, Congress repealed the law, even overriding President Wilson’s veto. The issue of time became a matter of local law. Denver remained on summer time, and other cities, such as Delta, moved to standard time. Travelers on the railroad encountered frequent confusion. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt moved the nation onto “War Time,” which moved the clocks back an hour to save energy to contribute to the war effort. In addition to time, Delta County’s commitment to the war effort came out in other ways.

BY LEAH MORRIS Delta County Libraries

Libraries around the country observe numerous occasions which promote awareness about topics that are relevant to different age and patron groups. Programming jumps from banned books to privacy to teenagers to

Congratulations to these winners!

Girls 0-3 Abigail Salazar (Cupcake)

Girls 7-9 Addison Collins (Zombie Cheerleader)

Boys 7-9 Joachim Jones (Robot)

Boys 4-6 Ryan Scheetz

Girls 4-6 Maliya Salazar (Christmas tree)

Boy/Girl 10-12 Trevor Pike and Aubree Andre

Group Entries Winner: The Calhoun Family (Minions)

from home to soldiers in the war zones. Other industries in the county were prioritized for the war. The sugar factory, coal mines and farm/ranch workers were vital parts of the preferred industries required to logistically win the war. During the processing season, Holly Sugar factory workers were deferred when their names appeared for the draft, however, since the work was seasonal, many temporary workers were drafted during the off season. During the summer of 1943, Delta County played with the idea of establishing a prisoner of war camp in Delta to generate economic activity. Nothing came of this idea. The home front, wearied by war and depression, was ready to utilize the energies and knowledge gained by the returning troops and to set out the task of healing and building a strong county for the future.

Libraries celebrate Native American Heritage Month

Sponsored by the Delta County Independent and Presbyterian Church of Delta

Boys 0-3 Brazen Wertz (Scarecrow)

In the summer of 1942, citizens donated over 106,000 tons of scrap rubber which was recycled and fitted onto 5,200 planes. Delta County played a vital part of the war effort in terms of providing agricultural products to feed the troops. The Delta County Canning Factory provided tons of canned vegetables for soldiers. Mable Howard of Delta recalls working at the canning factory during the war. She said, “It was more than being a teenager with a job; it was about helping our country, too.” Howard went on to graduate early from Western State College and was issued an emergency wartime teaching certificate in 1945. She taught at Read, Fairview and Delta. As a service to families with loved ones serving in the war, the canning factory provided cans and sealed the lids so perishable items, such as cookies, could be sent

Adult Theleah Dawson

Business Anthony Helton - Ride the Vibe

volunteers, always with the intention of helping patrons to understand and appreciate subjects that are important to libraries and the communities they serve. In this regard, Delta County Libraries is pleased to celebrate Native American Heritage Month with programming and displays highlighting Native Americans in Delta County and beyond. The library district works year-round with the Native American Cultural Program (NACP), a group based in Montrose, and its Delta affiliate, Native American Cultural Committee (NACC), to plan events throughout the county for the education and entertainment of all residents. Jo-an Barnett chairs the NACC and is one of the main promoters of Native American Heritage Month in Delta County. She says, “It is important to honor our cultural diversity and remember the indigenous people of our area. We are fortunate to have those of Native American Heritage here, such as Roland McCook, Ute, and Alan “Stands Alone” Bryant, Cherokee, as well as Delta’s Mayor Ed Sisson, also of Cherokee heritage. They can tell us firsthand about their respective people.” In fact, both Roland McCook and Alan Bryant will be presenting this month with two very different approaches. McCook, a descendant of Chief Ouray and a charismatic speaker, will show the video, “Doctrine of Discovery.” This compelling film explores the role that historic European documents have played in U.S. laws and relations with Native Americans. McCook will host a discussion following the video. The event will take place Saturday, Nov. 14, at 3 p.m. at the Center for Spiritual Living, 658 Howard Street in Delta. The following weekend, Bryant, an actor, model and writer who has been

involved in a number of films such as “True Grit,” “Jonah Hex,” and “Mandrake,” will engage audience members of all ages with a lively performance about Cherokee families and ceremonies. Bryant’s event will be held at the Delta Library Saturday, Nov. 21, at 1:30 p.m.

Alan Bryant The library district is pleased to collaborate on these events. Delta Library staff member Sunshine Knight explains, “It is just too important for us not to lose any more of our Native American culture and we are proud to help provide a venue for these programs.” In addition to working with local Native American groups, this month all five branches of the Delta County Libraries will arrange various displays of books, movies and music focusing on Native American performers, history, writers and roles in contemporary society. Patrons interested in participating in Native American Heritage Month are encouraged to attend an event, check out a book, or visit with members of the NACC or NACP, whose information can be found on Facebook and at the Ute Indian Museum in Montrose. Delta County has a huge amount of Native American history that deserves recognition, even in recent years, from the Council Tree Pow Wow to local murals to installations at Fort Uncompahgre. The libraries hope to help continue with this tradition of remembrance, preservation, and education in Delta County.

Veterans can visit state parks for free Nov. 11 Colorado Parks and Wildlife offers all military men and women free admission to Colorado’s state parks on Veterans Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11. “CPW is proud to honor our veterans and military members this Veterans Day,” said CPW spokesman Matt Robbins. “Free access to Colorado’s state parks is our

way to say thank you and provide a special place for those who serve this great country to relax, renew and reflect.” To obtain free admission to a state park, veterans, active duty military personnel (including active duty, reserve and National Guard members) and their families must show proper identification.

NORTH FORK November 4, 2015




New stipulation approved in Chesnik case BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

At the Oct. 27 public meeting, the Paonia board of trustees voted unanimously to approve a stipulation for entry of judgment related to the civil suit filed in October 2014 against former town finance officer Kristin Chesnik, who has admitted to embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars from the town treasury between 2007 and 2011. While the town was originally seeking restitution in the amount of $647,582, the stipulation in the civil case asks that Chesnik repay $481,833, which represents the $393,110 and change she admitted to stealing in the criminal suit, plus the $88,723 in costs the town incurred since 2011 as a result of the theft, according to town attorney David Marek. The town is also entitled to judgment for $724 in filing and other fees. In October 2012, Chesnik was found guilty in the criminal case of class 3 felony theft and sentenced in 2013 to four years in prison and a mandatory five years of parole. According to a letter from the Victim Services Unit of the Colorado Department of Corrections, dated Aug. 3, 2015, and addressed to the Town of Paonia, she was considered at the time an inmate under intensive supervision and scheduled for a parole hearing in October. While the town could attempt through the courts to connect Chesnik to the full $647,582, Marek recommended that the board accept the stipulation and restitution amount, citing two reasons: the fact that it would be difficult to prove the larger amount lost is a direct result of Chesnik’s actions; and that “trying the case would be expensive and an increased judgment would most likely not be collected in full.” Because the town is unlikely to collect even the $481,833, accepting the stipulation makes sense, said mayor pro tem Charles Stewart. Marek stated that over the past several months, through the legal process known as “discovery,” he sought to determine Chesnik’s assets, how she took the money, and if she still possessed any of that money. He relied on deposition testimony from Chesnik and examination of tax returns and bank records. The town also hired an investigator. Reading from a prepared statement, Stewart said that in both the criminal and civil cases, Chesnik claims she didn’t steal all the money alleged. Rather, the balance

was used to pay the town’s expenses with cash, a policy the town no longer allows. According to the statement, Chesnik was originally hired by the town to answer phones and perform clerical work. In 2006, when town manager John Norris and finance director Karen Peterson resigned, she was appointed town finance officer, “despite no financial training, only a high school diploma, and a prior misdemeanor of theft conviction.” She was given no training, was incapable of using town financial software, and was left unsupervised, said Stewart. Stewart stated that her methods were neither sophisticated nor deceptive, and that a review of bank statements and two wastewater accounts would have revealed the thefts. More recent examination of town records revealed that Chesnik withdrew cash from the general operating account using town ATM cards, cashed checks written to herself, and used town debit cards to pay personal expenses. In 2005, she stole $20. In 2006, she took $730.82. “Her thefts began in earnest in 2006 and hit a peak in 2010 and 2011,” said Stewart. During criminal proceedings, she admitted to stealing $20,076.95 in 2007, $37,400.50 in 2008, and $47,185.33 in 2009. Between 2010 and 2011, she took $288,447.48. In the criminal case, the amounts “could be traced directly to Chesnik,” Stewart read. In the civil case, it was the town’s position that an additional $165,225.94 was unaccounted for, as it could not be traced directly to Chesnik’s actions. During the investigation, town employees admitted to paying cash to contractors as part of the sewer plant decommissioning project, but the receipts are missing. “The fact that cash was used makes it impossible to determine the exact amount of cash stolen by Chesnik,” read Stewart. In examining how the money was spent, investigations concluded that Chesnik used money to gamble, albeit on a limited basis. Other money went to remodeling of two homes, one of which was foreclosed on, and the other house, as well as the vehicles she uses, all of which are all fully encumbered. Approving the stipulation “... doesn’t mean the case is over, that doesn’t mean that we’re going to cease pursuing collection,” Marek told trustees prior to the vote. CHESNIK CASE TO B4

An elephant’s tale

Photo by Tamie Meck

This view of Jumbo Mountain and snow-capped Mount Gunnison is easily accessible by a short hike from the east end of Pan American Avenue in Paonia. In the early 20th century, Jumbo was called Elephant’s Back. The story is that after the 1952 release of the movie “The Greatest Show on Earth,” the name morphed into Jumbo Mountain after the Barnum & Bailey Circus’ beloved elephant, Jumbo, which died tragically in 1885.

Special meeting called to look at town services Paonia to hold special meeting this Thursday to look at ordinances BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

With the 2016 budget deadline fast approaching, the Town of Paonia has scheduled a special meeting to discuss proposed revisions to its water, sewer and trash ordinances, beginning at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 5 at Paonia Town Hall. While the meeting will focus on the specifics of the ordinances, current rates will be part of the discussion. In September, trustees adopted a resolution establishing amending the town’s fee schedule, which updated fees and fines, some of which hadn’t been updated in up to 40 years. It was the first official fee schedule adopted by the town. The last fee increase to trash services was in 2007. Current rates, according to the town website, are $12 monthly for weekly pickup of one 33-gallon can; $15/month for weekly pickup of up to three 33-gallon cans; $22/ month for weekly pickup of up to five 33-gallon cans. For dumpster pickup, cost is $30/

month for weekly pickup of a 2-cubic-yard dumpster, and $32/month for weekly pickup of a 3-yard dumpster. Other charges for additional trash cans, pickup more than one time per week, and additional items such as tires, electronics and appliances are extra, depending on frequency of service and items discarded. Base water rates, which were increased by $5 per tap in 2014 to cover service of mandated loans for ongoing

improvement projects, are $21 per month for in-town users, and $27 for those living out of town limits, plus additional charges based on a perthousand-gallons-used schedule. Per-thousand-gallon fees increase with usage. Sewer rates were last increased in 2005. Current rates per tap are $26 monthly for in-town residents, $44 for out-of-town residents, and $52 per month for restaurants, beauty shops and other businesses.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Workers for the Town of Paonia collect trash Monday after Halloween weekend. Town trustees will hold a special meeting on Thursday to discuss proposed revisions to the water, sewer and trash ordinances.

Get ready for Crawford’s parade, tree festival BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

North Fork businesses can start thinking of a theme for their trees after the Crawford Pioneer Days committee announced that it would lead efforts to keep the annual Parade of Lights and Festival of Trees from being canceled. “We decided we don’t want to see events in Crawford dry up,” said CPD chair Tristan Pfeffer. “We’re hoping to put new energy into it.” The committee is using its Pioneer Days connections and resources to grow the parade from years past and is hoping to get more businesses to donate trees and wreaths for the festival, said Pfeffer. “We’re trying to reach out to all businesses in the North Fork area.” As it has been for years, the Parade of Lights will be held the Friday after Thanksgiving (Nov. 27) beginning at 6 p.m. Immediately afterward, the Methodist Church will host the annual chili and nachos dinner and sell cookies by the pound. Santa Claus is expected to make an appearance and is bringing goody bags.

The Fruitland Mesa Club will also hold its annual arts and crafts fair that Friday and Saturday in the Community Room at the newly-remodeled Town Hall. The fair and Festival of Trees will also be held at Town Hall. This is the third annual Festival of Trees. Trees and wreaths can be delivered Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 23 and 24, and can be decorated on site. Three of the trees will be chosen for a silent auction. Tickets are available for a drawing to win the remaining trees and wreaths. Tickets can also be used to vote for People’s Choice. Trees will be on display until Dec. 4. The community room will be open daily from 4-7 p.m. between Nov. 30Dec. 3. Activities will include ornament-making and story telling by Mrs. Claus, and a local school choir and band will each entertain one of the evenings. The schedule will be available prior to the event. Kids can also write letters to be delivered to Santa Claus on one of the evenings, and refreshments will be served nightly. The festival will culminate on Friday, Dec. 4 with the

annual community potluck and drawings for the tree giveaway and naming of the

People’s Choice award. All proceeds will benefit the North Fork Montessori School

at Crawford. For details, email or call Lynn at 921-5252.

Crawford council resets town hall rental fees BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

The Crawford Town Council reset room rates for the newly-remodeled town hall after local organizations complained that they were no longer affordable. “They came up at our last board meeting,” said Keith Nichols, a Fruitland Domestic Water Company board member. The company pays yearly for rental of the small classroom and Nichols stopped in to talk with trustees at the Oct. 21 town work session. The company has paid $15 per month for many years. Nichols said members were concerned they would be priced out of a meeting space and were considering their options, including churches and homes. “We like meeting here,” said Nichols. “It’s a nice

easy place to be.” “I have the opinion we ought to keep them back in the way they were in the old days,” said mayor Susie Steckel, “as it is community.” “I agree very much so, because those were reasonable,” said trustee Hetty Todd. “Everybody in the community helped us with (the remodeling of) this place and we need to enjoy it and not let it sit up there empty.” The new/old daily rates will now be as follows: Council room, $25; community room, $35; historical classroom, $20; cleaning/key deposit, $50; chair deposit (for offsite use), $25; table deposit (for offsite use), $80; wireless Internet access, $5 per meeting; park/ theater, $20. The small classroom is currently occupied by the Ameri-

can Legion. While rental of the commercial kitchen remains at $10/day, remodeling efforts are ongoing. “We’re going to have to up the price on the kitchen because it’s going to be a commercial kitchen,” said Steckel. The facility should be available for use in about a month, but may not be ready for Thanksgiving. Trustees spent the remaining two hours of the meeting discussing the countywide broadband Internet access project and how to budget for the estimated $60,000 the project will cost the town. Trustees are expected to vote on funding at the Nov. 4 meeting. Trustees also went line by line through the 2016 draft budget. The budget is expected to be passed in mid-December.

B2 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Delta County Independent


as Naturally-Raised, Gr & Organic Meats


Let them Graze! We only sell

Delta County Independent


Wednesday, November 4, 2015





B4 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Delta County Independent

Rec district upgrades pool, tennis courts BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

It may be fall, but the North Fork Pool, Park and Recreation District board is already planning for next spring and has made recent improvements at the pool and at the Apple Valley tennis courts. The pool and spa received a brand new coat of white paint along

with some necessary surface repairs. “When people see the pool, they often think it’s painted blue, but that’s because the water is so clear you are seeing the reflection of the beautiful blue sky,” said NFPPR executive director Lenore Cambria. Also, the old steel sand filtration system, installed in 1995 when the pool was built, has

Chesnik case FROM PAGE B1 To date the town has received $149,000 in insurance money and tax refunds it intercepted. Her final paycheck of $921.47 will be retained by the town and applied to judgment. Any payments for restitution regarding the case will also be applied to the judgment. The town has done the best it could in pursuing Chesnik’s assets, said trustee Dave Bradford. “I think we have reached

the point of diminishing returns.” “I applaud the work of our trustees and auditors to secure a criminal conviction, jail time, and a civil judgment,” said Mayor Neal Schwieterman after the meeting. “The town will also continue to pursue other remedies as they avail themselves and move forward, putting this regrettable incident behind us, but not forgetting the lessons.”

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been replaced by a new fiberglass sand filtration system. “Rust was starting to manifest, and would have started to cloud the water,” said Cambria. “As well, the new filtering system is much more efficient and easy to use. The main reason this equipment has lasted as long as it has is due to the careful maintenance by Roy Cranor, our longtime pool manager.” Before filling the pool next spring, a new “green” CO2 chlorination system, and new water chemistry controllers will be installed. These systems will help balance the PH and control the water chemistry, and are designed to be more reliable, safe and efficient, which will result in lower operating costs. “The new filter and controllers really help bring us into the modern world of monitoring our water quality,” said Cambria. “They will be much more user friendly as they have more automated technology not available 20 years ago.” Former executive director Esther Koontz and Cranor were the ones to lay the groundwork for the project, said Cambria. Both retired this summer after 14 and 17 years of service, respectively. The district also recently applied pickleball lines to the tennis courts at Apple Valley Park in Paonia, which the


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Submitted photo

Volunteer art students of Hotchkiss High School art teacher Jamie Roeber painted the new sign installed last summer at the North Fork Pool, Park and Recreation District office. NFPPR manages, bringing the total number of courts within the district to nine. Pickleball is a fast-growing sport, said Cambria, and the courts could be used for pickleball tournaments in the future. In the coming year the district plans to apply for a Great Outdoors Colorado mini grant for construction of a shelter as per its 2011 master plan.


In the Oct. 28 story on Jim Ramey leaving Citizens for a Healthy Community, the story should have stated that Ellie Goldstein is a member of the board of directors. Also, the 22 parcels nominated for lease in the North Fork were “deferred” and not “withdrawn” as reported. Writes Ramey: “It’s an important distinction, because since they were deferred (and not withdrawn), those lands are still at risk.” The DCI regrets the error.

The shelter, which will be located at the pool and soccer field, could have multiple uses, including picnics, class reunions and meetings. The Town of Hotchkiss has already committed up to $250 in funding and yet-to-bedetermined in-kind work to the project. A sign installed last spring at the entrance to Crossroads Park on Bulldog Street provides a cheery welcome to visitors of the pool and soccer field and was created with the

assistance of Hotchkiss High School art teacher Jamie Roeber. She and several volunteer art students finished the sign in May as the school year was winding down. Esther Koontz was instrumental in arranging this partnership. “Thanks to Ms. Roeber, our art students have displayed their work throughout our community and we are very proud of the work they have done for us,” said Cambria.

Gabrielle Louise performs Nov. 15 Appearing at Fresh n’ Wyld Farmhouse on Sunday, Nov. 15, at 7 p.m. is musician, songwriter and storyteller Gabrielle Louise, accompanied by David Kaye of Sandy Hook, Conn. This intimate concert marks the end of a Western Slope weekend for Gabrielle Louise and David Kaye. In addition

to their performance at Fresh n’ Wyld, they will be appearing on Friday, Nov. 13, in Fruita at Cavalcade, and on Saturday, Nov. 14, at The Lark & Sparrow in downtown Montrose. Advance tickets are available at Backcountry Bistro in Paonia, The Rose in Hotchkiss, or online at

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Hotchkiss discusses broadband on eve of election BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

The conversation regarding bringing highspeed broadband Internet services to rural Delta County has been ongoing ever since Region 10 received grant money from the Department of Local Affairs for creation of a regional broadband network within the region. For the Town of Hotchkiss, much of the focus is now on fiduciary responsibility. The town’s share of last-mile infrastructure costs is estimated to be $117,000, payable over a two-year period, although that amount could be reduced significantly. Delta County could add matching funds to cover the town’s share of “lastmile” costs. That would create carrier-neutral locations within the town, from which services can be sent to anchor institutions, and ultimately to homes and businesses.

Final-mile construction is expected to begin in 2016. Two grants now in the final stages of development by DOLA and DCED could lower that figure, said Mayor Wendell Koontz Monday at a special meeting to discuss the broadband project and the town’s draft 2016 budget. A broad spectrum of comments has been heard by trustees, from the service being absolutely necessary to attract and maintain businesses, to it being unnecessary because high-speed access is already here. The bottom line, said trustee Larry Jakubiak, is, “We still have responsibility to our citizens. If they don’t want it, then...” The town will have a better understanding of what the public wants when results of the countywide coordinated elections are known. On

the ballot, voters were asked to opt out of SB 05-152, which prohibits the use of public funds for creation of infrastructure to provide “advanced services,” including highspeed and broadband Internet service. Region 10 obtained a $5.2 million DOLA grant for the project earlier this year, which is being used for building “middle-mile” infrastructure. Election outcome will not affect middle-mile work on the project, since Region 10 is working within the confines of SB 05-152, said executive director Michelle Haynes, who attended the meeting. Even if the measure fails, the town can still invest in the last-mile project, but it would decrease its flexibility in providing services, including the option to provide wireless access in public spaces, according to Haynes. It would also allow the town to own its

Zombie run attracts 50 Hunter Thompson, age 9, won the race for the The third annual third consecutive year Zombie Run 5k run/ with a time of 23 minwalk, sponsored by the utes, 5 seconds. Hotchkiss K-8 School for Other results include: the benefit of the HelpTop female: Jeannette ing Hands program, attracted 50 participants Carey (28:07) Zombie with the most on Halloween morning, including Spider Man flags: Ava Taylor Best zombie costume pushing a stroller, Waldo, the Mummy, a balleri- under 18: Mitchell Finna, Wonder Woman, the layson Best zombie costume Grim Reaper, Rapunzel, Gray Beard the Pirate over 18: Dani and Clayand his parrot and wolf, ton Smith Best costume runner skeletons, and, of course, zombies. The course over 18: Lucas Wentzel Winners by age group: included “zombie zones,” 10 and under female: where waiting zombies would attempt to capture Loryn Thompson (34:11); male: Hunter Thompson the flags of runners.

BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

(23:05) 11-14 female: Makaylie Reed and Taelor Mills (34:25); male: Isaiah Moreno (33:19) 19-29 female: Jeannette Carey (28:07, also the overall female winner); male: Lucas Wentzel (35:34) 30-40 female: Anna Smith (28:55) 30-40 male: Aaron Mills (31:30) 41-50 female: Kristi Gieck (38:29); male: Justin Smith (23:21) 51-60 female: Lynn Callicutt (39:28); male: Wendell Koontz (60:13) 61-70 female: Cheryl Couie (64:55); male: Robert Couie (64:55)

network, although trust- that the $117,000 esti- lic entities want to be ees have taken the official mate is high. At $5,500 an anchor point, then, stand that they will not per anchor point, that theoretically, they could enter into business of pro- number could be reduced put up the $5,500, said viding Internet services. by $38,500. If other pub- Koontz. While the town has  not made a final deci sion on whether to spend taxpayer money for the  project, “I think we  need  to continue the budget, �����������  even if the town citizens rise up and say we  don’t �������� want this,” said  Mayor �����������  Wendell Koontz.  �������������� “I think they  want ������������ it,” said trustee Thomas  ����������������� Wills. “But the end of the ������������� line is, how soon is it ����������� going to happen? What’s ��������������������������� ��������������� �������������� it going to cost?” �������������������� ���������������� Haynes said that ����������� �������������� while costs for services ���������  remain somewhat uncer tain, Internet service  providers are expressing  interest in coming into the area, and others will likely follow, which will   help keep costs competi�  �������������������� tive. High-speed broad ������������������  band service is seen as a ��������������������   way to attract businesses to the area. When service    becomes available, “and you’re bringing 10  or 15 jobs into the area, that’s   a good investment,”  said  Haynes. ������������������������ Trustees present at the ���������������������������� meeting agree that they ��������������������������������� could find the money for ��������� the project. But because ���������������������� ������������ it’s in the budget doesn’t mean it has to be spent, ����������������������������������� said town clerk Marlene �������������������������������������� Searle. Koontz emphasized

 

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Competitors run through one of the “zombie zones” during the third annual Zombie Run 5K, held Saturday at Hotchkiss. The event, a fundraiser for Hotchkiss K-8 Helping Hands, attracted 50 participants, including 19 zombies.



B6 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Heck steps up to fill vacancy BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

Paonia resident Barb Heck was selected Oct. 27 to fill a vacancy on the Town of Paonia’s planning commission. The board of trustees unanimously selected Heck, who also serves on the board of the Rotary Club of the North Fork and previously held an advisory seat on the Delta County Tourism Board. Heck joins current planning commission members Doug Long and Constantine Hirschfeld. “I am very pleased to see

her step up to the plate,” said mayor pro tem Charles Stewart, who has known Heck for many years. “The government doesn’t function unless people step up and donate their time, so I’m very appreciative of what Barb is doing and encourage others to do so as well.” The town also seeks volunteers to fill seats on other boards and commissions, including four current openings on the zoning board of adjustments. With at least one major construction project and a zoning variance request

in the works, town manager Jane Berry said those seats need to be filled as soon as possible. Volunteers will be put right to work and be given the tools and information necessary to understand and fulfill the positions, including a copy of the town’s zoning ordinances. “The planning commission and zoning board play a critical role in local government,” said Berry. At least one additional application and four verbal commitments for boards and commissions were received and are expected


AT DMEA, WE LISTEN. Please join us for our fall member forums. We will discuss efficiency and conservation programs that can help you save money. There will also be efficiency demonstrations and hands-on displays.

and free dessert and coffee for members.

Monday, November 16 7:00pm, Orchard City Town Hall 9661 2100 Rd., Austin

Tuesday, November 17 7:00pm, Hotchkiss Memorial Hall 175 N. 1st St., Hotchkiss

to be addressed at the Nov. 10 meeting. Those considering a seat on the zoning board of adjustments or planning commission should be able to look at and understand town regulations, noted trustee Dave Bradford. But even those won’t cover all the seats the town is seeking to fill. Heck asked if the town can appoint people living outside of town proper as a way to attract more people to fill the positions. “The town serves other people out on the mesas with water,” said Heck. “It’s hard to find enough people to do these jobs,” said trustee Eric Goold, who urged the board to allow out-of-town residents to apply. He noted that the last election cycle for the board of trustees didn’t attract enough candidates to hold an election. ”Since that’s the case, why not let interested people participate?” “Our code requires that you need to be a registered voter and taxpayer in the Town of Paonia to sit on either the planning commission or the zoning board of adjustment,” said trustee Ross King. While the state also requires that members of the planning commission be electors and taxpayers of the community in which they serve, said Berry, the town is looking to expand membership whereby people living in the broader community could serve and participate in the discussion as non-voting, or ex-officio members. Several years ago the commission was expanded to 10 members, said Berry, with three ex-officio members. Even then, seats often went unfilled. In urging the public to get involved, trustee Suzanne Watson noted that other boards, including the tree board and beautification and recreation commissions, aren’t controlled by state statute. Mayor Neal Schwieterman suggested the rules are somewhat archaic. “I believe, had our founding fathers ever envisioned the kind of transportation we have available to us now, they might have written our documents slightly differently,” said Schwieterman. A volunteer interest form is available at Town Hall and online at townof under “News & Announcements.”

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Delta County Independent

Help plan proposed festival in Hotchkiss

The public is invited to attend an organizational meeting to discuss a proposed festival in Hotchkiss in 2016. The meeting will be held at 5:30 Tuesday, Nov. 10, in the art classroom at Hotchkiss K-8 School. The group hosting the meeting is seeking

ideas and a name for the festival. The idea is to create a downtown event with arts, crafts, music and food to complement the Delta County Fair. A major sponsor and co-sponsors are also being sought for the event. For details, email

Burlesque comes to the Paradise The uniquely talented team from Unicorn Arts Collective along with the Paonia Burlesque Society are thrilled to bring another fabulous experience to Paonia for adults only. Coming to the Paradise Theatre on Friday, Nov. 20, and Saturday, Nov. 21, “Beyond Bur-

Wild and scenic film festival is Nov. 14 The fifth annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival is set for Saturday, Nov. 14, at the Paradise Theatre in Paonia. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door, and are available online at the conservationcenterwsff. or at the Conservation Center office on 204 Poplar Avenue in Paonia.

lesque: A Kaleidoscope Klimax” is sure to tantalize your senses. Showtime both nights is 8 p.m. at The Paradise Theatre, 215 Grand Avenue, Paonia.

Crawford chamber seeks board members The Crawford Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual meeting at 4 p.m. Monday, Nov. 9, at the First State Bank Crawford Branch. The chamber is seeking volunteer board members willing to commit to a minimum of a two-year term. Election of board members will be held during the meeting. For more information, contact Misty at 778-8524 or Merri at First State Bank, 921-4122.

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Delta County Independent

Gretchen Hamlett

Gretchen Elsa Hamlett died suddenly Oct. 24, 2015, at her home in Delta. She was 82. She was born in Denison, Iowa, Dec. 19, 1932, to Hans and Gertrude (Milburn) Brodersen Sr. She grew up in Denison and graduated from high school in 1950. She attended Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She moved to Denver to be near her sister. She married Albert “Al” Davis Jr. Nov. 14, 1951, in Denison. They lived in Seattle, Wash., before moving to Bothell, Calif. They had two children. After Al’s death, she moved to Littleton. She married Jack Hamlett Oct. 7, 1971. They lived in various Midwestern states until retirment when they moved to Delta. Mrs. Hamlett collected tickets at the theater in Denision while she was in high school. She worked in the Carnegie Library and in libraries in Littleton and Delta for many years. She was an avid reader. She enjoyed oil painting, fishing, metal detecting and caring for dogs, cats and various pets. She was active in St. Luke’s Episcopal Church where she coordinated the prayer chain and was

herself one who prayed. Mrs. Hamlett is survived by a stepson, Robert Hamlett of Bremerton, Wash.; a stepdaughter, Brenda (Mark) Thomas of Memphis, Tenn.; her sister, Mary (Norman) Bohnker of Lakewood; her brother, Richard (Judy) Brodersen of Denison, Iowa; and extended family. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Albert Davis Jr.; her second husband, Jack Hamlett on April 23, 2001; her daughter, Corlene in 1986; her son, Victor in 2012; her brothers, Ken Brodersen in World War II, and Hans “Dutch” Brodersen; and her sisters, Rosanne Alcola and Barbara Lingle. A Mass of the Resurrection will be held at 11 a.m., Friday, Nov. 6, at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church with Father Tom Seibert officiating. Inurnment will be at the Cathedral of St. John in Albuquerque, with her husband, Jack, and her children. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Audrey Calhoun

Delta resident Audrey Phyllis Calhoun died Saturday, Oct. 17, 2015, at Valley Manor Care Center in Montrose. She was 88. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 8, at 511 E. 10th Street, Delta. She is survived by her daughter, Lindsey Beres of Delta; three grandDeAndrea daughters, Beres, Keisha Beres and Shanelle Beres, all

David John Gerd Oct. 3, 2015 David Gerd passed away on Oct. 3, 2015, in Delta, Colo. He was a much-loved son, brother and friend to many. He did lots more favors than he received. Quiet and somewhat reserved, Dave did have opinions based on experiences, ability and observation. In conversation, you understood this. He was self-employed most all of his life with years in construction, mining and reclamation. His reputation brought the Nature Conservancy to have him and his

family reclaim the High Creek Fen in South Park, Colo. This wetland is a unique, astonishing vestige of the last Ice Age. In memory of Dave, begin your spiritual journey. Read, as he had, Psalm 83, verse 18. Plant a tree; we all share the same air, help make it better. A memorial service took place on Oct. 17, 2015, at Confluence Park in Delta, Colo. Arrangements were handled under the direction of Sunset Mesa Funeral Directors. Paid obituary

Del-Rose Chorus plans annual show Nov. 21 The excitement is rising for members of the Del-Rose Chorus, who are preparing for their annual show Nov. 21. Props are being collected and posters made to enhance the final product. A “Colorado Adventure” or “Camping Sweet Adeline Style” is causing lots of laughter during rehearsal and the members of the chorus hope to make you laugh, too. The song lineup will be a great mix of new and old. As in many years past, the Black Canyon Chorus will participate in the

show, along with a guest quartet from the Denver area that has entertained audiences since 2005. So plan on enjoying a great afternoon of music Nov. 21 at the Delta Christian Church. Tickets can be purchased at Heirlooms for Hospice in Delta and Montrose, the Delta Chamber of Commerce, and the Gazebo Florist in Cedaredge. Tickets are $8 for seniors and students, and $10 for adults. Tickets will be slightly higher at the door. For more information, call 256-9763.


and Jacob (Juanita) Draves of Cedarege; 32 grandchildren; and 54 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ben.

Thank You

Hollie Todd

Jim Larreau

Cedaredge resident James “Jim” Lee Larreau died Monday, Oct. 26, 2015, at Horizons Care Center in Eckert. He was 83. A graveside service was held Monday, Nov. 2, at Mesa View Cemetery in Delta. Mr. Larreau was born in Oberlin, Kan., April 25, 1932, to Joseph and Iva (Wallace) Larreau. He was raised by his stepmother, Mary Elna, after his mother died in 1940. He spent his childhood in Kansas, Cedaredge and Cope. He attended Cope High School. He worked as a farmer all his life. He enjoyed helping his neighbors with cattle, woodworking, gardening, fishing and spending time with his family. Mr. Larreau is survived by a son, James (Kim) Larreau Jr. of Windsor; five daughters, Roberta Larreau of Windsor, Colleen (Vince) Trujillo of Loveland, Sheryl (David) Larreau-Roam of Yachats, Ore., Beth (Pat) Clinton and Lorelei Larreau (Dan), all of Newport, Ore.; a brother, Buzz (Shiela) Larreau of Minatare, Neb.; four sisters, Dee (Buck) Wilson of Wray, Polly (Loren) Penton of Eckley, Carol Mahar of Fletcher, N.C., and Sue Larreau of Lutz, Fla.; a sister-in-law, Corkie Larreau of Texas; five grandchildren, Tony, Ehren, Mindy, Nicole and Kyrie; and one greatgrandchild, Isobelle. He was preceded in death by longtime friend, Patricia Martin; two sisters, Ellen and Kathy; and four brothers, Don, Joe, Boyd and Hank. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Hotchkiss Emblem Club honors past presidents penter. After the meal, we all went back to the Hotchkiss Elks Lodge for our regular meeting. The club is active in helping our lodge whenever asked. We do a monthly Navajo taco dinner on the third Friday of each month. They have been well attended but we would like to see more. The club is busy with community service for September and October — 449 hours, 478 miles, volunteered with soccer

Utah, Edward (Fran) Draves of Alamosa, Joseph (Francine) Draves of Goodman, Mo., Benjamin Draves Jr. of Aransas Pass, Texas, Paul (Essie) Draves of Rawlins, Wyo.,

of Delta; and one greatgranddaughter, Makenzie Beres of Delta. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements.


Hotchkiss Emblem Club #306 meets the first Monday of each month unless the meeting date falls on a holiday. The most recent meeting was held Oct. 5 at Hightower Café in Hotchkiss. We honored our past presidents by buying their meal and presented each one with glow-in-the-dark critter stickers. Past presidents present were Ruth Carson, Donna Cochran, Karen Martin, Karen Emmons and Gwen Car-

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

teams, 4-H kids, senior citizens, taking patients to medical appointments, distributing mints, at the Hotchkiss-Crawford Museum ... the list goes on. We collected 45 box tops, 52 soup labels for education, 183 card fronts, 18 calendars for St. Jude’s, 1,846 cancelled stamps for Stamp Camp USA, 5,737 (4.5 pounds) of pull tabs for kidney dialysis, 23 pairs of glasses and 11 glass cases for Eyes for the Needy. We helped with Red Ribbon Week at Hotchkiss K-8 and donated to HopeWest. We are trying to complete our history of yearbooks, but are missing four. If you have one and don’t mind parting with it, we would love to have yearbooks for 1971-72, 2006-07, 2009-10 and 2011-12. We are making plans to help the lodge with the charity ball. We are small in number and would love to have you join us. If you would like to attend but need a ride, please call us and we can make arrangements to get you. Gwen Carpenter Press correspondent

Hollie Ray Todd of Crawford died of cancer Monday, Oct. 26, 2015, at her home. She was 46. A celebration of life was held Saturday, Oct. 31, at the Boardwalk Restaurant in Crawford. Mrs. Todd was born in Kremmling March 24, 1969, to Clardon Todd and Deborah Guyer. She spent her childhood in Craig and Cañon City, graduating from Cañon City High School in 1987. She graduated from WyoTech and moved to Crawford. She worked as an underground coal miner. She enjoyed reading, crocheting, boating, snowmobiling and spending time with her grandchildren. Mrs. Todd is survived by two sons, Stephen Mann and Robbert Todd of Crawford; her daughter, Tiffany Toothaker of Hotchkiss; her father, Ray Todd of Lander, Wyo.; her mother, Debbie Guyer of Paonia; two sisters, Brenda Graham of Dotsero and Tracy Hammond of Chatsworth, Ga.; and three grandchildren. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

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The family of Heather Albrecht

Mary Draves

Mary Ettie Draves died Oct. 9, 2015. She was 73. She was born in Sawpit May 28, 1942, to Lymon Foster and Frances Spor. She married Benjamin Oscar Draves on Feb. 23, 1958. Mrs. Draves enjoyed serving others. She is survived by her six children, Frances (Jim) Darter of Price,




B8 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Delta County Independent

DCMH opens Hotchkiss clinic Delta County Memorial Hospital is meeting the demand for primary care by opening its DCMH Family Medicine – Hotchkiss clinic on Nov. 2. The clinic is located at 365 Bridge Street in Hotchkiss. “DCMH is responding to the need for a family medicine clinic requested by Hotchkiss area families,” commented hospital CEO Jason Cleckler. Dr. Ryan Marlin, a Photo by Tamie Meck

Support for DCED

Brad Harding, president of First Colorado National Bank in Paonia and board president of the nonprofit Delta County Economic Development, accepts a check for $5,000 from Betsy Marston, local advisor to the El Pomar Foundation based in Colorado Springs. The check is for a merit grant that recognizes the work DCED continues to do to further Internet connectivity throughout Delta County.

board-certified family medicine physician who has been with DCMH Family Medicine (formerly Delta Family Physicians) for the past seven years, and is a resident of Hotchkiss, is one of two providers. The other provider is Adam Zerr - certified family nurse practitioner who was with the previous Hotchkiss clinic, and most recently has been practicing out of DCMH Family Medicine

in Delta. Zerr is also a North Fork resident. DCMH Family Medicine – Hotchkiss will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 872-3800 for appointments. A grand opening is planned for Wednesday, Nov. 11, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with an opportunity to meet Dr. Marlin, Adam Zerr and the clinic staff over coffee, cookies and apple cider at the new

clinic location. Delta County Memorial Hospital currently offers physical therapy, occupational therapy and home health services at the Bridge Street location. DCMH will be offering laboratory blood draws at the Hotchkiss clinic Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to noon and at the Paonia campus of Delta-Montrose Technical College Monday through Friday from 7 to 8:30 a.m.

Farm improvements yield rebate Delta-Montrose Electric Association recently issued its first ever variable speed drive rebate. Randy Meaker of Montrose installed a 50horsepower variable speed drive pump on his irrigation system, which resulted in a $2,350 rebate from

Offering business solutions

DMEA. Pumping water is often a major expense for area farms and ranches. Traditional irrigation pumping systems are designed to meet the maximum demands of flow and pressure. This means the pumps run at one speed

and require a set capacity of energy to operate. As the name implies, variable speed drives can adjust speed, and therefore electricity consumption, to match the required workload. “Variable speed drives control the speed of a motor, and ultimately, the amount of electricity used by that motor. You don’t always need to run a motor on full throttle, which means that motor doesn’t always require the maximum amount of energy to power it. Unlike traditional motors, variable speed drives provide the flexibility to adjust and save,” said DMEA energy services supervisor Phil Zimmer.

“There is such a high demand on water, that I believe it is our job as a community to be more resourceful and efficient. I also hope this method of irrigation will inspire others to join me in preserving soil health for generations to come,” said Meaker. Meaker coupled his variable speed drive installation with a new premium efficient motor for an additional $525 rebate. In total, DMEA paid back $2,875 to Meaker for his efficiency efforts. For more information on this and other DMEA rebate programs, contact the energy services department at 240-1217 or 240-1258.

Photo submitted

Spectrum Business held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Delta’s Main Street last week. Pictured are Paul Kugler, director of field operations - Spectrum; Bruce Stanley; GW King, chamber ambassador/ King Retirement Solutions; Nancy Wood, director/ReMax Today; Jaime Fisher, chamber ambassador/ Senior CommUnity Care; Scharee Atchison, chamber ambassador/Western Slope Long Term Care Solutions; Brittany Stanley; Tina Oeltjenbruns, chamber ambassador/JC Propane; Josh Applegate, chamber board president/Farmers Insurance; Kira Pierce, chamber director/Pierce Construction; Doug Thomason, sales manager - Spectrum; Michael Ehlers, account executive - Spectrum; Lisa Martinez, chamber staff; Jeng Won, sales/marketing - Spectrum; Mike Thompson, tech ops supervisor - Spectrum; Linette Gerlach, chamber ambassador/Heaven’s View Apartments; Wendy Moser, government relations - Spectrum; and Kylynn Wilson, chamber director/Crossroads Assisted Living.

Photo submitted

Rod Geiger, right, DMEA energy services specialist, and valley ag producer Randy Meaker illustrate the point with a big $2,875 rebate check. Meaker installed energy-saving equipment on his operation that qualified him for the “cash back” from DMEA.

Know Your Neighbor

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Regain strength, mobility with the support of In Motion Therapy’s professional staff

Gary Krabbe, a fourth-generation resident of the Montrose-OlatheDelta area, recently began offering a full range of physical therapy and rehabilitation services in Delta. Gary obtained a degree in occupational therapy from Colorado State University in 1989 and began his career in Oregon while receiving additional training in hand therapy. He and his wife wanted to move back to Colorado to be closer to their families, and in 1994 he established a satellite clinic in Delta. After 10 years he closed the clinic and shifted his focus to the In Motion Clinic in Montrose. He recently added two new locations — one in Ridgway and the Delta location at 240C North Palmer Street, just a few doors down from Dairy Queen. “I’m excited to come back to Delta, to provide a positive, upbeat environment that will support patients in their recovery,” he said. Gary specializes in hand therapy, working with patients with a variety of upper extremity disorders, including tendon, nerve disorders, lacerations, fractures, dislocations, inflammatory disorders, chronic pain syndrome and nerve compression injuries. Many patients seeking hand therapy also suffer from chronic problems such as arthritis or neurological conditions. Chip Martin is a physical therapist who treats patients who have sustained disabilities, impairments or limitations in their overall physical

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function. He develops treatment plans to help patients gain strength, balance, range of motion, coordination and endurance. In Motion Therapy also has a very unique sports medicine program. Whether you’re a competitive or recreational athlete, Gary and Chip can help you resume your favorite sport or activity. They also recommend exercises that will reduce the likelihood of reinjury.

“The funny thing about therapy is that return business is not always a measure of success,” Gary said. “The better we are, the less time people spend in therapy.” Come see why In Motion Therapy has evolved into the premier sports medicine, physical therapy and hand rehabilitation center in western Colorado. To schedule an appointment, call 874-1646.

You’ll find yourself in excellent hands with In Motion Therapy’s staff — Jordan Inda, office coordinator; Gary Krabbe, certified hand therapist; and Chip Martin, physical therapist.

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SURFACE CREEK November 4, 2015




Veterans Day events planned in Cedaredge BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Wednesday, Nov. 11, is Veterans Day, and on the days leading up to the observance Veterans of Foreign Wars Grand Post #9221 and Ladies Auxiliary will be involved in several activities. The public is invited to attend one or all of these events.. •Saturday, Nov. 7 — Stars and Stripes Military Ball at the Stolte Shed. Stars and Stripes Military Ball is scheduled for 6 to 10 p.m. The event will include a POW/MIA Dinner Ceremony by VFW POST 9221. Veterans are urged to wear their uniforms. Call Cathy Meskel at 856-7522 • Tuesday, November 10 — Bank of Colorado, Cedaredge, coffee and cookies served in the bank lobby from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. • Wednesday, Nov. 11, 7-10 a.m. — VFW Post 9221 Veterans Day pancake breakfast at the Stolte Shed in Cedaredge. This is the buttermilk “made

from scratch” pancake breakfast served with sliced ham and scrambled eggs. All you can eat — you will not leave hungry — the post members guarantee it. • Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1 p.m. — Cedaredge High School will honor all veterans with a program to include patriotic music and video, Patriotic Pen Essay winners and a speech by Dick Wellington on the 10th Mountain Division. Wednesday Nov. 11, 2:30 p.m. — Horizons Care Center, Eckert, recognizing the veterans who reside there. Colors posted by Cadets of the Civil Air Patrol. Recognition and presentation of Certificates to the veterans. Cake and juice by Horizons. The Armed Forces of the United States have protected this country for the past 240 years from her enemies. Delta County is home to many of these military veterans. Take time to thank them for their service.

Happy Hollow in autumn

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Changing colors beneath bright sun and blue skies set the seasonal scene for a view of Happy Hollow Draw looking north toward Grand Mesa from atop Hamilton Grade.

His music lifts their loneliness BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The idea that anyone in this world would feel alone is an idea that Phil Ellsworth has not become reconciled to. Phil is the affable man whose gentle strains of sweet harmonica music are heard at the doorway of FoodTown whenever Cedaredge Rotary Club stages a fundraiser raffle ticket sale there. But a lot of people who know Phil might be surprised to learn that his seven years of self-taught musical skill playing the harmonica has since last April been enjoyed also by local nursing home residents every Friday afternoon. “I do it for the people who think they’re all alone in the world, and I don’t want them to feel that way,” Phil says of his personal musical ministry to local nursing home residents. The melodies of “Let me Call You Sweetheart” and other favorites begin wafting through the wings and commons areas as nursing home residents gather round at 2 p.m. Phil’s concerts continue

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Phil Ellsworth shares his self-taught musical skills on the harmonica with nursing home residents every week. for about an hour. One staff aide said, “He comes in here every Friday like clockwork, I just adore the man for doing it.” As he paused between songs last Friday, he noted one of his listeners by name: “She sometimes likes to strum with her fingers on the edge of the table as she listens to the music,” he said. Then,

another one: “She will sometimes remember words to a song and sing along.” Another resident sat silently in her wheelchair nearby. Phil recalled the time he played “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning,” a show tune from Oklahoma that ends with the lyric “Everything’s going my way.” At the conclusion of the musical piece the resident

looked up and said, “Wouldn’t that be nice if it was really so.” A fan of Phil’s performances named Joan, who lives in the memory support unit, rolled her chair up close and listened with rapt attention as Phil serenaded her, caught up, perhaps, in memories of a happier time in her life. Then he read a poem from one of the several slim volumes he had brought in with him. The poem he read for Joan was by Emily Dickinson titled “Hope.” Phil said, “I think, really, that I get more out of this than they do.” Another of the staff aides at the facility said, “It’s a good thing. They like it. They just all gather around and listen until he’s finished playing.” There is hardly time in an hour for Phil to even begin digging into the extensive catalogue of popular favorite melodies that he has learned by heart. His song list contains dozens and dozens of titles that he can choose from among, or almost certainly play in response to any request should he get one.

His concert last Friday included songs that everyone will recognize: Somewhere Over the Rainbow, What Now My Love, Yesterday, Beautiful Dreamer, Amazing Grace, You Are My Sunshine, Let Me Call You Sweetheart, America the Beautiful, and others. Phil, a man who doesn’t want anyone to feel they are alone in this world, certainly will not be feeling alone this Sunday, Nov. 8, from 1-4 p.m. That is when his many friends will gather with him to mark the occasion of his 90th birthday. His friends request that no gifts of any physical nature be brought to the event for Phil. That is an entirely appropriate way to honor the man who many consider Cedaredge’s poet laureate and who has written the following lines titled “Legacy:” “Days of Joy and none of sorrow, No power of mine can will these things. My gift to you if love were power, In joy or sorrow a heart that sings.”

Spirit of fun comes with Halloween BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Surface Creek Valley last weekend took special note of the fall season fun and dressup holiday that’s traditionally been known as Halloween. Schools, community organizations, churches, businesses, and, of course, families were all part of the community’s observances of a candy-coated Oct. 31 this year. Safe trick-or-treat experiences were provided by Little Sprouts Preschool, and at the Cedaredge Assembly of God. The Cedaredge Assembly

of God hosted a safe trickor-treat event on Saturday afternoon. It was a hugely popular, family-friendly event that drew the participation of, easily, a hundred kids, parents and grandparents. Church members turned tables on the spooks and scary spirits of some Halloween events and staged instead a community outreach that in every way expressed the gentle kindness and generosity of the true Christian spirit. Santa even made an early season appearance for the event with free train rides

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Moms and dads of Little Sprouts Preschool students set up a trick-or-treat tailgate party in the family SUVs at the school parking lot for the school’s safe costumes and candy celebration.

for the little ones. Costumed kids visited the SUV candy vending booths lined up in the church parking lot, and there was even a free dinner offered for the families by church members who manned a serving line. Moms and dads joined with staff members at Little Sprouts last Thursday to provide a safe and fun trickor-treat experience for the school’s students and some of their younger siblings. The event took place in the school’s parking lot where the parents’ SUVs were lined up and turned into candy dispensing outlets, all decked out with decorations appropriate for the season. The youngsters were attired as just about every creature and character imaginable, from a dinosaur-riding wrangler to a princess, a Denver Broncos player, and, of course, Spidey. They made their ways in an orderly single file along their parents’ sweet-as-sugar tailgate party, filling their containers with sweet treats. Most of the moms came in various costumes and black seemed to be a favored color. The dads came dressed in their favorite costume garb, too: blue jeans, rough-wear jackets, ball caps, and work boots — all of them going as the hard-working young breadwinners they are, with supporting families always topmost on their minds. Big smiles were in display

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Good girls and boys got rides on a Santa’s sleigh during the Cedaredge Assembly of God’s trick-or-treat event on Saturday. all around. Students at Cedaredge High School were also planning a Halloween-style event on Thursday for kids and families. Local businesses got in the spirit with the fun themes of Halloween, too. The Pondy hosted a haunted house event, and Red Mountain Ranches just north of Cedaredge pulled out all the stops with a fully decorated Halloween attraction that was the best harvest fest display in the valley for the traditional haunted house-themed evening of fun event. And never to be outdone when it comes to knowing how to enjoy life to the hilt, the Surface Creek Senior Citizens did not miss an oppor-

tunity and threw a partylike noontime meal event with Halloween candy and a costume contest judged by members of the Cedaredge Police department (see story on C2).

C2 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Delta County Independent

Cedar Mesa soup supper set for Nov. 7 On Saturday, Nov. 7, everyone is invited to join their friends and neighbors at the Cedar Mesa Clubhouse for a soup supper between 5 and 7 p.m. The clubhouse is located at 15637 Peach Road on Cedar Mesa, approximately 3 miles east of Cedaredge. There will be a wonderful variety of homemade soups to choose from. The Cedar Mesa Community Club is a 501(c)(3)

charitable organization that has been a presence in the Cedar Mesa and Cedaredge community for 107 years, supporting local charities such as the Surface Creek Community Services Food Bank, the Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control, the Christmastime Angel Giving Tree, Christmas dinner food baskets, and the community Christmas dinner. Its charitable activity also reaches out

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to countywide organizations such as Tri-County Resource Center, Delta Opportunity School’s Backpack Program and House of Promise. The proceeds from this annual fall fundraiser soup supper, along with the profit from the annual spring gourmet dinner, are earmarked for the club’s scholarship fund. Each year the club members present scholarships to deserving high school seniors who reside on Cedar Mesa. Thanks to generous support from the community at these Photo submitted events, the club has been able to fund many sizeable scholarships in the Cedaredge Middle School is proud to recognize the September Students past several years. of the Month: (back row, left to right) Isabella Vasquez, Dani Painter, Tickets or reservations Ashton Cohick, Courtney Brown, Savannah Baldozier, Hunter Kissner, are not necessary for the Hayden Moon, Tanner Lawrence, Lucas Hoerr, Lane Hunsberger; (middle Nov. 7 soup supper. Club row) Olivia Wick, Sierra Findley, Sophie Andrews, Kiele Rains, Sophia members simply request McCracken, Jackie Rivera, Natalie Barnard, Camarae Harless, Summer a donation in exchange Young, Kaitlyn Toothaker; (front row) Brady Healy, Danial Valpando, Tori for your tastings. SeatFowler, William Parker, Zach McMillian and Joshua Jenkins. Not pictured: ing may be limited at Hailey Parker. times in the little Cedar Mesa Clubhouse, but the ladies of the club promise you warm hospitality and some delicious soups, plus drinks and dessert. Last year’s event offered 14 different kinds of soup to sample. For more information BY HANK LOHMEYER about the soup supper, Staff Writer or about the Cedar Mesa About 50 people turned Community Club, call out for the Halloween856-6042 or 856-4165. themed noontime meal and social event hosted by Surface Creek Senior Citizens on Oct. 29. It was a day of friendship and fun as a costume day had been planned. A dozen of the seniors joined in the spirit of the event with attire fit for the fun of the season. There was a grand entry of all the costumed guests who donned outfits Photo by Hank Lohmeyer mimicking cats, witches, Great creativity and sportsmanship resulted in a lot fairies and other characters of daily life and lore. of fellowship and fun at the Surface Creek Senior The difficult task Citizens annual costume event held last Thursday. of judging among the Top costume creators as judged by the Cedaredge entries for three prize PD shown above from left are Diane Grudt, Maria winners fell to two good- Jackson and Rose Cox. natured members of the those bulky utility belts of the event and showCedaredge Police Departthey had on were the ing, once again, that the ment who volunteered to real thing. The answer local lawmen know what review all the costume — those sharp-looking community-service police entries. uniforms are a display work is all about. Officers Lovera and of professional pride and In any case, no one got Curtis had a bit of goodcommunity service and a ticket for getting out of natured kidding around not a joke of any kind. line and the two officers with the seniors who The pair of policemen were fully in the spirit wondered in jest if the were given a warm round of the event judging. As pair of policemen were of applause for being part things turned out, the wearing costumes, or if winning costume entry was one sure to catch the eye of a law enforcement professional. Rose Cox won first prize in the contest with a get-up comprised of several empty, single-serving breakfast cereal boxes taped to her jacket. The punch line was displayed on a placard attached to her straw cowboy hat — “Cereal Killer.” If Rose had killed that many boxes of cereal for breakfast, it’s amazing that she was still hungry at all for the hearty luncheon meal featuring spaghetti with a super-tasty Photo by Hank Lohmeyer meat sauce that had been Enjoying life is the goal of Surface Creek Senior Citprepared for the seniors izens, and that goal was attained with style during by Volunteers of America the grand entry at the seniors’ Halloween costume to enjoy that day. day event last Thursday.

Students of the Month

Seniors enjoy dressing up for Halloween meal


Good News Club meets Tuesdays




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The Good News Club for Cedaredge Elementary School’s K5th graders, including homeschoolers is underway. Meetings are held after school, Tuesday afternoons from 3:134:45 p.m. in the community room across Cedar Avenue from the school. Children should meet at the back door of the school, and a leader will bring them across to the the community room for the Good News Club. There are games, songs, Bible stories, memory verses, prizes and fun. The program is free and non-denominational. are Applications available in the Cedaredge Elementary office. For more infor-

mation contact Mary Meehan at 856-6123 or Jan Peterson at 8563856. Most other elementary schools in the county are offering Good News Clubs; check with other elementary school offices to find if the club is offered in your area.

Don’t miss ‘Overtime’ on Fridays Every Friday night, Cedaredge United Methodist Church hosts “Overtime.” Youth are invited to enjoy games, music, food and fun. The free event runs from 8 to 11 p.m. at the church at 210 NW 3rd Street.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


AppleShed’s holiday art show opens Saturday The AppleShed is hosting a holiday art show featuring the works of Pat Stelter, Lian Canty, Lee Johnson and Roy and Jeff Kastning. An opening reception is planned Saturday, Nov. 7, from 2 to 5 p.m. The art will be on display through December. Pat Stelter, a resident of Grand Junction, is known for her sensitive landscapes of the Rocky Mountain West. As a fourth-generation native of Colorado, her appreciation of the area comes naturally. Expansive skies, southwestern vistas and aspen scenes are favorite subjects. Acrylic, her primary medium, is applied in thin, transparent glass to achieve a watercolor

effect. Her representational style creates quiet scenes, which include both detail and indistinct areas, inviting the viewer’s imagination. Stelter has earned signature membership in the Colorado Watercolor Society, The Western Colorado Watercolor Society and the Rocky Mountain National Watermedia Society. Lian Canty lives in Crested Butte and has loved creating art since she was a young child. “My father was a taxidermist, specializing in fish. While watching him, I became fascinated with the process where he would delicately restore the colorful fish to their living splendor. My artistic abilities were appar-

ent to my family, so they encouraged me to pursue my passion. I enrolled at Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design in Denver, graduating with a degree in illustration and design. The following year I moved to Crested Butte and opened Rendezvous Gallery & Framing,” she said. In search of elegant, personal ways to express herself, she has created detailed botanicals, elegant calligraphy, stylized posters, spontaneous plein aire paintings and sensual figurative work. “I am always evolving as an artist, striving to express myself and communicate through my paintings,” she said. Lee Johnson is a Delta resident who has had a

long and successful career in the field of art. He was a museum assistant director/curator, director of an artist-in-residence program, a university art professor and more recently, emeritus professor of art. Throughout his career he has been a highly productive artist. His dedication has translated into the investigation and experimentation of painting, sculpture and photography in many forms. “I have found that a large format view camera works best for me when photographing architecture,” he said. “The overall picture quality is outstanding, with exacting fidelity in line and tone. When using black and white film, the need-

Cedaredge drama students put finishing touches on production BY McKENZIE MOORE CHS Intern

Backstage at Cedaredge High School, the theatre program bustles with activity. Director Nick Parsons helps students with lines and stage movement as he jots notes down on his yellow legal pad. Students handle costumes, props, advertising and budgeting in addition to acting on stage. The fall play at CHS is called “She Was Only Marginally Modest,” which was written by Vern Harden and originally presented at the AppleShed by the Apple Valley Players Community Theater. Drama students spend after-school hours at set building sessions and night rehearsals. “Theatre is an intracurricular activity, meaning we spend an hour during class on the show and then come back after school and work on it

Photo by McKenzie Moore

CHS students enjoy a laugh during rehearsal of their fall play, “She Was Only Marginally Modest.” some more,” Mr. Parsons explains. Night rehearsals often last until 11 p.m. or later. CHS theatre is a unique activity at Cedaredge High School due to the fact that it is almost completely run by the students. Each actor contributes to a “production team,” which includes everything from drilling set platforms to printing

flyers. “It’s important for the kids to get the experience of both being on stage and working on the quieter stuff that makes the play happen.” Each student is required to learn lines and work on production teams outside of class. Mr. Parsons spends each rehearsal solely on running acts and fixing small details like “cheating out,” which

is the angle an actor must hold his body to open the interaction up to the audience. At the beginning of the semester, Mr. Parsons held exercises with the group on being aware of their bodies while on stage, and those skills transferred into the play. CHS Theatre is often referred to as the best drama department in Delta County due to the professionalism and countless hours put into each show by both the students and the director. Residents of Cedaredge and community members from all of Delta County are invited to attend the performances. “She Was Only Marginally Modest” opens Friday, Nov. 13, at 7 p.m. in the CHS commons. It closes on Nov. 14 at the same time. Adult admittance costs $5 while students and seniors cost $4.

ed contrast helps create the perfect balance in the composition.” Roy and Jeff Kastning collaborate under the name Colorado West Photography. They have been involved in photography and the arts, both casually and professionally, for most of their lives. “Photography has been a big part of our family both in the military and later on with a portrait business and pro color lab,” Roy said. “We were early adopters of digital imaging and have continued to upgrade our equipment and skills as the technology constantly improves and matures. “We have recently rediscovered an old passion of shooting large format 4x5 film, except now we scan the film after processing to be printed on a large Epson Pro printer,” Roy

said. “While we are still painting, mostly in watercolor, we find we are using the paintings more and more as a starting point for digital printmaking. We love the fluid nature of digital imaging and the possibilities that emerge from combining the traditional with digital. We are constantly learning and experimenting with the unlimited potential of digital printmaking. Our show features the range of what we are doing now — from traditional to digital and in between. We are thoroughly enjoying the process, the experimenting and learning. It is a lot of fun for us and we hope you enjoy seeing what we are doing and our show!” The AppleShed Gallery is located at 250 S. Grand Mesa Drive in Cedaredge and is open seven days a week.

C4 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Delta County Independent

Birds of the Western Slope A look at local birds with Evelyn Horn Quail I’m driving along this county road that I’ve dubbed the “low road.” It runs down this valley, paralleling Highway 65 that goes from Cedaredge to Delta. I like this back road because I avoid the heavy traffic on 65, and I often get to see wildlife. On this sunny autumn day, I’ve seen Magpies, four deer, a soaring Turkey Vulture, Rabbit Brush in full bloom, a small unidentifiable animal scurrying into the irrigation ditch and two cottontail rabbits. I always drive

Male quail slowly to enjoy these brief moments. I sense movement

Photo from Dollar Photo

along the roadside ahead … I check the rearview mirror for traffic … the road’s empty. I come to a quiet stop. A handsome male quail appears from the right side of the road. He walks very slowly, watching intently in every direction. My, but he is a pretty bird! They’re best known for the “top knot” or feathered appendage on top of the head. I admire the white outlines between the red head-patch and the black chin. The wings look russet with white barring. The breast is light colored with a black belly patch.

He moves two steps out onto a sandy stretch of ground. Quail are usually found in groups (called a “covey”), so if I’m quiet maybe more birds will appear. No traffic — how fortunate am I! There’s movement behind my bird … there’s another quail! It’s crouched down, mincing forward toward my male quail. Watch … it’s a female! No red crown and no black belly patch. These native eightinch-long birds are the most adapted to desert conditions of all the quail. Their ground nest is situated to be shaded by vegetation at midday, and they forage in the cool of morning and evening. They walk or scurry through the brush rather than fly when frightened. There’s greater safety in being gregarious: a covey of running quail would confuse predators. My time’s suddenly up! Both birds dash across the road and vanish into the weeds on the other side. I don’t see what the danger is … but I’ve had my fun!

All Saints hosts annual craft and bake sale All Saints Lutheran Church in Cory will be holding its popular craft and bake sale Friday, Nov. 6, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 7, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. On both days, lunch will be served from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. for $7.


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Saturday, Nov. 14 • 9 a.m.-7 p.m.


It was a day for the doggies, and also for their owners last Saturday at the fourth annual Dog Jog and Pet Palooza hosted by Surface Creek Veterinary Center at the Aspen Trails Campground. The event, which filled the morning with fun and fido-ish friendship, is organized by veterinarians Jeff and Susie Hirsch and their staff at the Center. The Hirsches set up a number of activities for the pets and their owners to enjoy. There was an actual dog jog, with participating pets and their owners panting their ways along two miles of marked route. Shorter distances were available for any K9s considered challenged for one reason or another — age, short legs, or whatever. There were even less demanding routes — a nice walk through the campground that has been greatly improved the past year by owners Bill and Kim Vezzoso. There were at least 60 people and their pooch pals attending the event, and 26 of them also registered for activities that included a maze course. All the registered owners got a ticket for a lunch at Aspen Trails following the fun. There was a most appropriate Halloween Day costume contest

with six awards handed for dress-up creativity, including one for best pet owner look-alike. When it came to costumes, there were several clowns and fairies. One yellow Labrador came in a Red Baron outfit complete with a WWIstyle flying ace leatherlike helmet with sheepskin-lined ear flaps and a pair of goggles. No one thought of having their Chihuahua come as a St. Bernard. The Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control was on hand, as would be expected. The big-hearted volunteers from FCAC were happy to tell everyone about plans for the improved main building the group is working to help raise money for at the Surface Creek Animal Shelter. The Dog Jog has become an event to look forward to by local folks who love their fun and their pets. The dogs were well behaved and enjoyed the day as much as their owners did. Local sponsors lined up to be a part of the fun. According to the logos printed on the backs of the official Bruin-blue T-shirts, sponsors were Starr’s Guitars, Creekside Café, Benson Brothers, Cedaredge Land Company and Debbie Laity, StitchWorks, Aspen Trails, Kissner General Contractors and Surface Creek Veterinary Center.

The following students were named to the first quarter honor roll at Cedaredge Middle School:

with Wine and Cheeses

Live Music by Thin Air


Dog Jog keeps getting better

Cedaredge Middle honor roll

Twilight Hours ~ 5 to 7 p.m.

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Lunch will include a chicken salad with a cup of creamy wild rice soup or a bowl of creamy wild rice soup with chicken. Both menus include a roll and beverage. Marilyn Liebetrau is the featured artist this year. She has a beautiful talent for painting pictures and designing jewelry. Also available are all-season and Christmas gifts, quilts, handmade cards, knit and crocheted items, placemats and more. Plus this year, Penny Morton will be demonstrating Lefsa preparations and have some to sample and buy. The bake sale is always a popular place to buy delicious homemade items to take home and/ or a dessert to go with your lunch. All Saints Lutheran is located on Highway 65 one mile north of the Cory General Store. The church’s phone number is 835-3667.

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Stirling, 2, and his sister, fifth grader Shanda, were among participants at the fourth annual Dog Jog and Pet Palooza hosted at Aspen Trails Campground by the Surface Creek Veterinary Center on Saturday. Their pets are Cloe, a 7-year-old miniature poodle, and Josie, a 7-month-old border collie. Shanda said she won reserve champion at the county fair this year showing Cloe.

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Straight A’s Elisabeth Cole Owen Craig Joshua Deal Grace Hatheway Joshua Jenkins Elle Lewis Kaitlyn Toothaker Isaac Blair Conner Brooks Kammie Henderson Colby Rupp Olivia Wick Savannah Baldozier Madison Bowen Billy Finn Karlie Hanson Jory Hoerr Lucas Hoerr Olivia Hohenstein Lane Hunsberger Megan Jenkins

Tristy Keller Hunter Kissner Mackenzie Lee Lexy Loy Paige McGovern Kacey McIntire Hayden Moon Leila Morton Lauren Pierce Faith Vader Isabella Vasquez Ty Walck Honor Roll Sean Dale Hannah Hohenstein Reganne McIntire Katelin Lindley Sophie Andrews Jason Chyc Aubree Hamblin Sophia McCrackin Emma Stumpf

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Delta County Independent

SPORTS November 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Seniors lead Eagles to win Paonia. “The difference in the game was not tackIt was a numbers ling anybody on defense game last Friday night very well,” Bruins coach when the Eagles defeated Brandon Milholland said. Cedaredge 48-7 at Paonia “We kind of got pushed Town Park in the last around in the trenches, football contest of the 1A and then they’re just bigregular season. ger and stronger than we Six seniors, 15 Westare. They moved the ball ern Slope Conference at will.” wins. Two state titles, Walters came right three straight conference back on the Eagles’ secchampionships. ond snap of the game, Taylor Walters and the this time with an 85five other Eagles seniors yard touchdown that put were honored before the Paonia ahead 14-7. game, the last they will After a turnover, Walplay under the Friday ters threw a 10-yard Night Lights in Paonia. scoring strike to Dagan “It’s our hometown. Rienks, and then Walters We’ll always love it, playran in a 28-yard touching under these lights, down. Senior Trevor bringing the town togethPlymale caught the 2er,” Walters said. “With point conversion pass to everyone supporting us, make it 28-7 Eagles. “It feels good to dominate Cedaredge, to win the conference,” Plymale said. “We’re proud of that, and hopefully we can carry that into the playoffs. With the town and the community coming together it’s really something special.” Walters’ 2-yard TD run made it 34-7 at halftime. Senior Austin Katzer joined Eagles football just this year and is a contributor on both lines. “I’m ecstatic. This is so much fun, everyone is just so close,” Katzer said. “Being in my first year, it means a lot because I’ve been working hard to be here.” Paonia scored a touchdown in the third and fourth quarters to secure the win against Cedaredge. Walters connected with Rienks on another touchdown pass, Photo by Eric Goold this one 51 yards, and Cedaredge ball carrier Tristan Waddell runs to the sideline while Paonia senior Paonia led 41-7. Senior Tyler Dennison, Taylor Walters closes in for a tackle. Paonia beat the Bruins 48-7 to win its also a player on the lines, third straight Western Slope Conference title.


DCI Sports Writer

it’s a great thing. Not a lot of people get to experience this.” Walters ran for three scores and threw two touchdown passes in the win that wrapped up a third consecutive Western Slope Conference crown for the Eagles. This group of seniors went 150 in conference games the last three seasons. “It feels great knowing we were the best conference team the last three years,” Walters said. “We were good enough to do it.” The seniors showed from the beginning that Cedaredge was in for a long day. Jeramiah Hillman started things off with an 80-yard touchdown run on the very

first snap of the game, speeding down the sideline untouched. Hillman is best friends with Walters, and his thoughts after the game were about the many times they’ve played at Paonia Town Park. “We’ve accomplished a lot as a class and as a team as a whole. It’s been great,” said Hillman. “We’ve played under these lights forever, since fifth grade. We share a lot of good memories on this field.” Cedaredge responded with a score on its opening drive. Jake Ostrom threw a 5-yard touchdown pass to Christian Reynolds, and Bryce Klaseen’s kick made it 7-7. After that, it was all

had mixed emotions after the win. “It’s our last game, so it’s bittersweet,” Dennison said. “I know I’ll miss it for sure. It’s fun, but being the last one ever on this field under the lights, it’s kind of sad.” Hillman completed the victory over the Bruins with his 17-yard TD run midway through the fourth quarter. Colby Simpson finished 5-for-6 kicking extra points. Senior Willy Darling, much like his brother Tony Darling two years ago, was a man of few words in the postgame interview. “I feel fantastic,” he said. “It’s a little sad that it’s our last game under the lights, but I’m happy that we won.”

Paonia head coach Brent McRae directed the seniors through their dominant three-year run. “I tell them every day my job is to love them, and I truly do,” McRae said. “It’s bittersweet. You love to see the success, but it’s sad because they’ll be gone. We just keep enjoying the ride together.” Walters, the Player of the Year and perhaps the most talented athlete ever to play at Paonia High School, had the last word on the Eagles seniors. “These are my boys. This is my family,” Walters said. “I’ve been with them for four years now. I love them and we worked together as a family tonight.”

Photo by Eric Goold

Paonia senior Jeramiah Hillman spins out of the tackle of Cedaredge senior Tristan Waddell during last Friday night’s 48-7 victory for the Eagles.

Bruins win VB tournament BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Photo by Wayne Crick

In this file photo, Paonia’s Ashley Van Vleet hits the ball past the defense of Cedaredge’s Hannah Gilmore (33). The Bruins won the Oct. 1 meeting, 3-1, but lost 3-1 in Paonia on Oct. 20. Cedaredge defeated the Eagles 3-2 last week in tourney play.

Thanks to a four-win weekend, in tournament play, Cedaredge High School earned first-place honors in Class 2A District 5 tournament play in Parachute. The Bruins faced tough competition on both days (Friday and Saturday) and scored wins in each match. Against Meeker, on Friday, the Bruins scored a 3-0 win with scores of 25-18, 25-17 and 2519. Later on Friday Cedaredge disposed of Soroco with scores of 257, 25-12 and 25-12. Saturday morning began with Cedaredge facing its number one nemesis, Paonia, for the third time this season. The two teams’ matches at their home sites took 1-1 records against each other into tournament

play. The Bruins had big play stretches and were able to win the series with a 3-2 victory, 25-20, 25-23, 18-25, 13-25 and 18-16. In a match for the tourney title, Cedaredge earned a 3-1 win, 25-23, 26-24, 25-20 and 25-20. When asked for specific players who had outstanding matches, Bruins coach Heather Dunbar found plenty to say. “I think our win this weekend was huge. There are some shout outs … Kenzie Henderson had 22 kills against Paonia. It was something to see. I don’t know if she even knew she had it in her to hit the ball like she did. Kendall McHugh set 77 outside sets alone, with 45 percent for kills (which is really good). And Amber Jenkins led

us with 45 kills (against Paonia), again incredible. “Lydia Knutson really stepped up and had a huge net-presence for us in the middle. Nellie Freeman reads hitters better than any kid I have ever coached and really saves us. She is all over the place. She was very consistent offensively and her serve was a weapon. “West Grand was a great team and they were fighters. We would get them down by eight or nine and they would fight right back into it. However, overall, I would have to commend the entire team for a great effort. Every person had a role and performed in a top-caliber way.” Paonia had several

players who made major contributions in several categories. Four Eagles contributed double-digit kills, led by Mackenna Hartigan’s 14. Emily Pieper, Taylor Carsten and McKenna Palmer all finished with 11 kills. Carsten paced Paonia’s ace production with seven, while Ashley Van Vleet and Emily Pieper had four each. Ashley Van Vleet had four blocks and Palmer another three to lead Paonia in that category. Five Eagles recorded double-digit digs in the game. Leading the way was Pieper with 17. Hartigan, Carsten and Ashley Van Vleet added 16 each and Sophie Anderson finished with 11. The Bruins host regional play Saturday.

Paonia, Cedaredge go five sets in tourney, Bruins win, claim title BY ERIC GOOLD DCI Sports Writer

Volleyball rivals Paonia and Cedaredge met in the finals of the 2A District 5 Tournament last Saturday, and just like the regular season matches between the Eagles and Bruins, fans at neutral Grand Valley High School were treated to an outstanding match that needed extra points to decide the victor. In a fiercely competitive match, Cedaredge

(19-4) won the five-set nailbiter 25-20, 25-23, 18-25, 13-25, 18-16. Paonia fell behind after two sets and then rallied to force the fifth set finale. Morgan Hartigan recorded 14 kills and 16 digs in the loss while Emily Pieper posted 11 kills and 17 digs for the Eagles. In the end, Cedaredge’s experienced squad featuring seven seniors prevailed and will host this weekend’s regional

tournament looking to qualify for the state tournament for the second year in a row. Paonia must go on the road in its attempt to return to the state tournament in Denver. The Eagles started the district tournament with wins over Hotchkiss and Vail Christian on Friday, then beat West Grand 2518, 25-19, 25-27, 25-11 early Saturday morning to set up the showdown with the Bruins.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Cedaredge senior setter Kendall McHugh sets the ball during non-conference volleyball action against Olathe earlier in the season. McHugh ranks sixth in Class 2A assists with 567 and is eighth in scoring aces with 63. Paonia senior Taylor Carsten is fourth in aces with 71.

C6 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Delta County Independent

Delta rolls, 56-32, over Central in wild grid battle BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

In a wild and bizzare game at Stocker Stadium, Delta’s Panthers managed to rally from a 20point deficit to score a 56-32 win over Central’s Warriors last Thursday night. The Panthers spotted Central three scores off three straight miscues to start the game. Delta coughed up the football on two fumbles and did not complete a fake punt for a first down to account for the Warrior’s first three scores. Noah Gaylon scored Central’s first touchdown on a 3-yard pass from E.J. Barrera. Cade Balleweg scored a two-point conversion with a run into the end zone. Alex Marquez scooted 11 yards to paydirt for Central’s second score. The Warriors led 14-0 after a failed extra point try. Barrera pushed his way into the end zone from 1 yard out for Central’s third score, with a failed PAT leaving the score 20-0 late in the first quarter. Delta scored its first TD on a 32-yard pass play

from Kole Roberts to wide receiver A.B. Ontiveros. An Ontiveros kick for the point after narrowed Delta’s deficit to 20-7. The Warriors used a big-play pass of 75 yards to Gaylon for their next score, adding more pressure to Delta’s game plans, to take a 26-7 lead early in the second period. From there the Panthers took control of the game and erased a 19point Central lead by outscoring the Warriors 35-6 and taking a 42-26 halftime lead. During the lead-swapping time span, Delta used four players to score 35 straight points. The first Delta score in the second quarter was a 6-yard run by Tristan Brown. Beau Byers scored on an 11-yard pass from Roberts, Ontiveros caught a 45-yard pass from Roberts and Jonny Ponce scored on runs of 1 and 3 yards. Ontiveros kicked all seven extra points for the Panthers. In the second half of play, Kory Mills hauled in a 4-yard pass from Roberts to make the score 4926 after Ontiveros’ boot for the extra point. Central’s Darrion Alton

was on the receiving end of a 50-yard scoring strike from Barrera late in the third quarter. The extra point attempt failed, leaving Delta ahead 49-32. Brown’s 42-yard jaunt in the fourth quarter closed out the game’s scoring when Ontiveros kicked the extra point for a 56-32 score. Roberts was 15 of 30 passing attempts for 365 yards and three touchdowns. Byers had seven catches for 157 yards, Ontiveros was good for 88 yards on three receptions, Brown one catch for 42 yards, Braden Atchley one for 31 yards, Mills two for 25 and Ponce one for 22 yards. Ponce led Delta in the rushing department with 148 yards on 23 carries. Brown was good for 60 yards on five totes. In all, Delta rushed the ball 42 times and piled up 212 yards. Added to the passing yardage, Delta’s total offensive yardage totaled 577. Central got 161 yards from Gaylon on five catches and two touchdowns. Darrion Alton hauled in four passes for 93 yards and a touchdown. The Warriors picked

up 37 yards from Cade Balleweg on 12 carries while Alex Marquez ran for 23 yards, and a touchdown, on two carries. Central quarterback E.J. Barrera also scored a rushing touchdown. Barrera threw 31 passes and completed 15 for a total of 279 yards for Central. This week’s key matchup is in Delta as the Panthers host Palisade on Friday at 7 p.m. A win by Delta will ensure the Panthers of a league title. Should Palisade win, there will be a threeway tie at the top with Rifle, Delta and Palisade all having 6-1 league records. All that depends on whether or not the 8-1 Bears get by 1-8 Summit this week.

Photo by Wayne Crick

A.B. Ontiveros is tangled up and brought down by Central’s Ethan Hill (55). Dakota Dunham (99) and Triston Dorrington (20) move in to help make the play.

Delta survived net loss; to host VB play BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Last week’s loss to Palisade could have cost the Panthers a chance to host this week’s round of volleyball playoffs. The Bulldogs played aggressively and determined in a 3-0 win against the Panthers. Even with the loss, Delta owns a top-10 record at 19-4 and is ranked eighth in the most recent postings. Cheyenne Mountain leads the way at 21-1 and is followed by Evergreen (212), Lewis-Palmer (20-3), Montrose (20-3), Holy Family (20-3), Steamboat Springs (19-3), Elizabeth (19-4) and Delta (19-4). Longmont (19-4) and

Thomas Jefferson (18-4) are the last two listed in the top 10 of Class 4A volleyball rankings. The Panthers will finish third in the 4A WSL with Steamboat Springs in first place with its 122 and 19-3 records and Eagle Valley second at 11-3 and 16-7 marks. The Panthers were 10-4 and 19-4. Against Palisade, the Panthers were unable to keep up with the Bulldogs intensity in three straight losses, 23-25, 2225 and 16-25. Emily Baier and Ashton Reese had 15 and 14 kills, respectively. Shanan Davey was solid in the loss with 21 service receptions, eight

digs and two aces. Shelbi Ledesma finished with six digs, with Baier and Reese collecting five digs each. Emily Nortnik doled out 32 assists for the Panthers in the loss. Delta coach Beth Nelson’s hopes of having enough wins and good fortune to host a regional playoff came through after Class 4A volleyball regional assignments were released. The Panthers drew one of 12 hosts for this weekend’s qualifying round. Joining the #9-seed Panthers is #16 Roosevelt and #26 D’Evelyn. See the related volleyball story below for more playoff pairings.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta’s Tristan Brown (6) has an escort from Kory Mills (45) as he gains a head of steam on a 42-yard catch and run play against Central last Thursday night. Wide receiver Beau Byers (11) makes a block to help spring Brown. The Panthers spotted Central 20 points before taking their offense on a 56-12 run and a huge 56-32 WSL win.

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Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta junior Ashton Reese (23) manages to hit the ball over the double block of Palisade’s Emily Tucker (3) and Amelia Hawkins (10). The Panthers were unable to avoid all the blocks engineered by Palisade and fell to the Bulldogs in three sets, 23-25, 22-25 and 16-25. Delta finished the regular season with a 19-4 record and will host the Region 9 tournament on Saturday.

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Three county schools in volleyball playoffs

Had Delta junior Beau Byers made this catch Good news for volleyhe would have had eight ball fans in Delta Councatches in a 56-32 win ty. Two teams will host over Central last week. regional play beginning

Saturday, Nov. 7. Paonia’s Eagles must begin their quest for a state title in Ridgway where they take on the Demons and Ignacio’s Bobcats in Region G play. Please contact Paonia High School for cost and starting times In Class 2A play, the Cedaredge Bruins will host Region C, which includes teams from Cedaredge, Dolores and West Grand. Cedaredge and West Grand take the court to begin play at 10 a.m. Dolores and West Grand play the second contest and Cedaredge plays Dolores in the tournament’s final match. Times for match-play in Cedaredge have not been released. Contact Cedaredge High School for those starting times. Delta’s Panthers are the Region 9 host in Class 4A with teams from Delta, Roosevelt and D’Evelyn competing for

state playoff spots. Winners from the 12 regional sites will automatically advance to state championship play. Cost for admission is $8 adults, $2 students. Saturday’s play gets underway at 10 a.m. with #9 Delta facing #26 D’Evelyn. #16 Roosevelt and D’Evelyn follow shortly afterward, with Delta and Roosevelt playing the final contest of the day. Montrose, the #5 seed, will host #20 Discovery Canyon and #32 Pueblo County. The number eight seed Steamboat Springs will host #17 Erie and #29 Silver Creek. Number 15 Eagle Valley is in Region 10 with #10 Evergreen and #27 Mesa Ridge. Battle Mountain is #21 and plays in Region 4 with #4 Holy Family and #33 Niwot. Palisade’s Bulldogs are #30 and face #7 Windsor and #18 Mountain View in Region 7.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Whitings run XC at Penn U. The University of Pennsylvania women’s cross country team split its squad for recent competition. Both turned in solid performances at both the Notre Dame and Paul Short Invitational Cross Country Meets in October. Penn’s contingent competing at the Notre Dame Blue Race included former Delta High School track and cross country stars, Cleo and Clarissa Whiting. Ashley Montgomery paced the Quakers with

an 11th-place finish out of 174 runners. Montgomery’s 5k time was 16:50. The next two finishers for Penn were Cleo Whiting, who finished 29th with a time of 17:10 and Clarissa Whiting, who posted a time of 17:30.2 to finish 58th. On Saturday, Oct. 17, the University of Pennsylvania women’s cross country team earned the team title at the Princeton Invitational. In earning the team title, Penn finished with 71 points, which was 11

better than the nearest competition in a field of 24 teams. Montgomery was, again, the top Penn runner with a fourth-place finish with a time of 21:02.6. The Whitings, Cleo and Clarissa, finished back-to-back at eighth and ninth place respectively. Cleo’s time was 21:23.5 while Clarissa had a time of 21:26.1. The Quakers were scheduled to return to the Princeton course on Oct. 30 for the Ivy League Championships.

Prep cross country ends with state races BY ERIC GOOLD DCI Sports Writer

The Hotchkiss girls’ cross country team capped a great season of running with a fourth place finish at the state meet last Saturday morning. The Bulldogs finished fourth for the second straight year and were led by two seniors and two freshman. Mae Anderson concluded her outstanding high school career by finishing the course in Colorado Springs in 21 minutes, 7.4 seconds, which was good for a 13th place overall individual finish. Hotchkiss freshman Kaiya Firor was right behind Anderson and finished 15th with her time

of 21:13.5. Senior Sophia Schelle (22:22.2) and freshman Mariah Griffith (24:17.9) rounded out the team times for the Bulldogs, who finished second in the regional race to make it to state. Telluride, led by outstanding senior and regional champ Soleil Gaylord, won the girls’ 2A team title. Heritage Christian Academy, which placed the top two individual finishers at state (Rachel Rairdon, Rebekah Rairdon) was second in the team standings, and Lyons finished third. The Paonia girls were represented by four-time state qualifier Chelsea

Photo courtesy University of Pennsylvania

Former Delta standout track and cross country runners Cleo and Clarissa Whiting, (on right, numbers 903 and 902), are shown beginning a cross country run for the University of Pennsylvania. The twins are performing well and keep Delta track and corss country coach JB Lopez informed of their progress.

Meilner, who finished her high school career with a 17th place showing at state (21:17.0). Brooke Hillman completed her sophomore season and first state meet by placing 32nd with her time of 22:16.9. On the 2A boys’ side, Lyons won the team title after placing Paul Roberts (15:33.7) and Joel Such (16:33.2) first and second, respectively. Ouray was second and Mancos finished third in the team standings. Individually, Paonia sophomore Caden Meilner completed his first cross country showing at state in 19:09.2, which put him at 52nd in the race. Photo by Wayne Crick

Paonia’s Emily Pieper gets a good swing on the ball against Cedaredge in the first contest played between the two teams in 2015. The match featured lead changes and excellent volleyball from two powerful Class 2A teams. Both teams have made the playoffs, with the Bruins hosting play on Saturday morning and the Eagles traveling to Ridgway to play on Saturday as well.

Three WSC football teams in grid playoffs BY ERIC GOOLD DCI Sports Writer

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta’s Makayla Mills, lower left, watches as setter Emily Nortnik (18) sweeps the ball over the net for a point against Palisade’s Bulldogs last week. Palisade was prepared for the match and outplayed the Panthers, 3-0, to deal Delta its fourth loss of the season. Both teams made the playoffs, with Delta hosting the Region 9 segment and Palisade traveling to Windsor for first-round action.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Senior Nellie Freeman goes for a passing shot as two Olathe Pirates are set to defend if the ball comes their way. Cedaredge has played its way to a postseason playoff spot and will host West Grand and Dolores on Saturday in an attempt to advance to this year’s Class 2A state volleyball championships scheduled for next week.

Delta soccer team ends year BY ERIC GOOLD DCI Sports Writer

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta junior Emily Baier concentrates on the ball as she prepares to serve against Palisade last week.

Delta’s final soccer match of the season was a 1-0 win over Palisade, in a contest played on the campus of CMU. Sophomore Ian Downey scored the match’s only goal at the 27:05 mark of the first half. Nathaniel Gomez was credited with an assist. Delta had five shots on goal, and the Bulldogs took four shots. Battle Mountain won the league title with an 11-1 league record and 13-2 overall. Steamboat Springs was second, 93 and 12-3, Eagle Valley finished third, 9-3 and

12-3, Glenwood Springs was fourth at 7-5 and 9-6, with Delta finishing fifth with marks of 4-9 and 4-11. The 4A State Soccer Championships are underway this week, with four teams from the western slope making the field. Number three Battle Mountain hosted No. 30 Mitchell, No. 13 Eagle Valley took on No. 20 Palmer Ridge, Steamboat Springs was slated to face 17th-seed D’Evelyn and No. 22 Montrose was at No. 11 Standley Lake. All games began on Oct. 28 with times being set by hosting sites.

The top three teams in 1A football stayed the same most of the year and each squad found out its playoff matchups when the brackets were released last Sunday morning. Two-time defending state champion and threetime defending Western Slope Conference Champion Paonia (8-1) will play 14th-seeded Ellicott at Paonia Town Park on Saturday. “We had a guess we might end up facing them,” Paonia coach Brent McRae said. This is McRae’s third season at the Eagles helm and third straight appearance in the playoffs. The Thunderhawks finished 6-3 in the Tri Peaks Conference, the same one that produced overall No. 1-seed Buena Vista (9-0), which opens the playoffs against Centauri. “We know Ellicott throws the ball around a lot, they spread it out and use the pistol formation. They’ve got a nice junior quarterback,” McRae said. “They’re very aggressive on defense, play tight on the line. They make big plays, get some big tackles, but they give up some big plays, too.” Cedaredge (7-2) earned the 12th seed in the brackets and will go on the road to face Crowley County in Ordway this weekend. The Chargers are 8-1. “If we get another chance to play this game, we’re going to give it all we have,” said Bruins coach Brandon Milholland. “We don’t care who it’s against, we’re just going to play as hard as we can with what we’ve got.” Meeker (6-3) made it three teams from the Western Slope Conference to get into the brackets when the Cowboys claimed the 10th seed. They will open on

the road this weekend in Bailey against Platte Canyon (7-1). The Huskies’ sole loss of the season came against overall No. 2seed Resurrection Christian (9-0), which looms as a potential semifinal matchup for Paonia. Unlike last season, there will not be four

Western Slope Conference teams in the playoffs, as Hotchkiss lost to Meeker last weekend 3614 to finish its season at 3-6. A win in that game probably would have gotten the Bulldogs into the 16-team field, but the Cowboys were just too strong for Hotchkiss to secure a win at home.

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C8 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Delta County Independent

What’s happening at your library? The Delta County Libraries offer many educational and entertaining activities and events for you and your family to enjoy. If you want to know what else your library is offering, please contact the library or visit the Delta County Libraries website at Check out these programs: Cedaredge Storytime for Babies, Tots and Preschoolers at the Cedaredge Library. Thursdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Parents and tots are invited to participate in a reading time together. Maker Space Special. Pasta Maker Madness! Come in any day we are open in November and try your skills at making the perfect pasta noodles. We have the machine and the dough. If you have never tried making your own pasta, this is your chance! We don’t recommend eating any of your creations — this is more of a chance to play and

have fun with the process. Any age is welcome; small children (under 7) should be supervised by a parent. Genealogy. Who’s Who in Whoville.....find out who you really are. Friday, Nov. 6, at 10:30 a.m. Teen Scene. Theme: T-Shirt to Tote Bag. Bring your old favorite Tshirt and grab a friend while you’re at it! No sewing necessary. Snacks provided. Friday, Nov. 6, at 4 p.m. Cedaredge Friends Program. Richard Numamaker presents “The Plight of the Honey Bee.” An entomologist and local vineyard owner speaks to us about pollination, bees, the importance of bees to agriculture, and what we can do to help honey bees and other insect pollinators. Thursday, Nov. 12, at 2 p.m. Cedaredge Friends Meeting. Public is welcome! Thursday, Nov. 12, at 3 p.m. Computer Class.

Internet 101. Learn the basics on using the Internet — how to search, save, copy, paste, navigate and stay safe on the Internet. Friday, Nov. 13, at 10:30 a.m. Movie Matinee. After School Early Release Day Movie! Come join us for a great movie (102 minutes, rated PG). Emotions run wild in the mind of a little girl who is uprooted from her peaceful life in the Midwest and forced to move to San Francisco in this Pixar adventure from director Pete Docter (Up, Monsters Inc.). We provide popcorn and drinks. Children under 7 must have an adult accompany them somewhere in the building. Don’t miss this chance to hang out with friends and have fun! Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 2 p.m. Crafts Group. Crafters meet each Tuesday at 10 a.m. to share ideas and show and tell. Contact the library at 399-7674 for details. Tech Soup Saturday.

Bring your devices and your questions. Our expert “techies” will do their best to answer your questions. Saturdays, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Crawford Storytime for Babies, Tots and Preschoolers at the Crawford Library. Stories, games, songs, activities and crafts for kids 0-5 and their parents or caretakers. Thursdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the library at 399-7783 for details. Cookbook Club. Discover new recipes, sample new foods, and enjoy eating and chatting with a fun group. This month’s theme will be pumpkins — you decide what to do with them! Thursday, Nov. 5, at 12:30 p.m. Wii and Waffles. Join the fun on early release day! Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 1 p.m. Craft Day. Don’t miss a chance to get crafty in your community! Check with the library for details. Friday, Nov. 20, at 1 p.m.

Photos submitted

Student, community leaders

Cedaredge Middle School’s National Junior Honor Society was given the honor of sitting with the Delta School Board at the board’s monthly meeting in October. They helped lead the pledge and participated in the “Good News” portion of the meeting. Pictured on the right are (back row) school board members Kathy Svenson, Ron Germann, Jan Tuin, Pete Blair, Tammy Smith and superintendent Caryn Gibson; (front row) CMS students Skyler Walker, Reganne McIntire, Owen Craig and Kaitlyn Toothaker.

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Computer Tutor. Librarians will be available to help you with questions and problems about computers or mobile devices. Just drop in during regular library hours or call ahead for a specific time. Contact the library at 399-7783 for details. Delta Storytimes. Storytimes for babies, tots and preschoolers are Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. NaNoWriMo Write In. Writing a novel? Need dedicated time and space to meet the NaNoWriMo goal of 50,000 words? Join other writers in the Delta area for a write-in at the Delta Library every Tuesday in November. Bring a light snack to share. Tuesdays in November at 5:30 p.m. Minecraft Edu Club. Mine, craft, survive (and maybe learn a little) in this fun and educational version of the popular game! Limited spaces are available for this program. Saturday, Nov. 7 and 21, at 11 a.m. Magic the Gathering Tournament. Come play Magic with your friends the first Saturday of every month. Saturday, Nov. 7, at 10 a.m. Book Sale. Join us at the Altrusa Sugar Plum Festival Book Sale. Friends of the Delta Library will be selling gently used books for the holidays! Friday, Nov. 13, at 5:30-8 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 14, 9 a.m. to noon. Movie. Enjoy the classic movie based on her first novel before a discussion about Harper Lee. Light refreshments will be provided. Saturday, Nov. 14, at 10 a.m. Discussion at 1:30 p.m. Mini Golf at the Library. Come test your skills on our mini golf course on early release day! The course will be made up of books and other library materials/ props. Snacks and prizes will be provided. Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 1:30 p.m. Alan “Stands Alone” Bryant: Cherokee Families and Ceremonies. In recognition of Native American Heritage Month, the libraries are working with Native American Cultural Programs and the Native American Cultural Committee of Delta County to bring this special presentation to the Delta Library. All ages are welcome to attend. Saturday, Nov. 21, at 1:30 p.m. Talk & Tangle Yarn. This is a group of knit and crochet enthusiasts who get together to talk and work on their individual projects. Anyone is welcome to join. Mondays starting at 5:30 p.m. Tech Talk. Bring in your devices and get help from our tech-savvy staff! Every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Call the library to find out about this week’s class at 874-9630. Hotchkiss Storytimes. Baby, tot and preschooler storytimes are Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Join us for stories, activities and crafts downstairs. Contact the library at 399-7781 for details. Seed Sorting Party. Calling all volunteers, seed library supporters, and seed sorting enthusiasts. Come help the seed library get ready for the 2016 spring season. We need your help sorting, organizing and labeling seeds for this coming gardening season. Join us at Memorial Hall for an evening of seed organizing, good company and tasty treats. Tuesday, Nov. 10. Open house from 4-6 p.m. Nature Awareness: Learning to See Through Native Eyes. Local naturalist David Smuin will offer an interactive program where participants will learn tools to tune in to their senses and develop a relationship to their local ecosystem. An afternoon of fun perfect for ages 6 to

99. Thursday, Nov. 12, at 4 p.m. Holiday Card Making. All supplies are provided including lots of creative ideas to help you make your own unique cards. Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 3 p.m. After School Movie for Early Release. Come join us for a great movie (102 minutes, rated PG). Emotions run wild in the mind of a little girl who is uprooted from her peaceful life in the Midwest and forced to move to San Francisco in this Pixar adventure from director Pete Docter (Up, Monsters Inc.). Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 2 p.m. Hotchkiss Book Club. This month’s selection is “Mister Owita’s Guide to Gardening: How I Learned the Unexpected Joy of a Green Thumb and an Open Heart” by Carol Wall. Hotchkiss Book Club meets on the third Wednesday of each month (September through June) at 7 p.m. at the Hotchkiss Public Library. For more information, contact Diane Winchester at 872-3745. Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. Knitting Group. Do you knit or crochet? Join us for ideas, help and good company. Anyone is welcome to join. Call the Hotchkiss Library to get more information on this group. Wednesdays at 4 p.m. Tech Help. Librarians will be available to help you with questions and problems about computers or mobile devices. Tuesday–Thursday by appointment. Contact the library at 399-7781 for details. Paonia Storytimes. Baby, tot and preschooler storytimes are Tuesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact Paonia Library at 3997881 for information. NaNoWriMo Write In. Writing a novel? Need dedicated time and space to meet the NaNoWriMo goal of 50,000 words? Join other writers for a writein at the Paonia Library this month. Tuesdays Nov. 17 and 24, at 6:30 p.m. Teen Advisory Board. Calling all tweens and teens. Join our Teen Advisory Board. Help us make decisions about the teen department of Paonia Library. It’s your chance to tell the adults what you want! Friday, Nov. 6, at 3:15 p.m. Teen and Tween Program. Fall games and a craft. Friday, Nov. 6, at 4 p.m. Evening Book Club. This month’s book club selection is “Round House” by Louise Erdrich. Copies of the book are available for checkout from the library. Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 6:30 p.m. Storytelling: Home for the Holidays. Paonia Library hosts another great evening of storytelling in the North Fork Valley (carrying on the tradition of events previously held at the Blue Sage). Local raconteurs, including ex-pat Marty Durlin, will relate experiences comic/tragic centered on the joys and disasters that make this time of the year so special — and emotional. Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 7 p. m. Early Release Movie Matinee. Come join us for a great movie (102 minutes, rated PG). Emotions run wild in the mind of a little girl who is uprooted from her peaceful life in the Midwest and forced to move to San Francisco in this Pixar adventure from director Pete Docter (Up, Monsters Inc.). We provide popcorn and drinks. Children under 7 must have an adult accompany them somewhere in the building. Don’t miss this chance to hang out with friends and have fun! Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 2 p.m. BeyBlades. Teens and tweens, join us for some serious competition and a lot of fun! Friday, Nov. 20, at 4 p.m.


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November 4, 2015


874-4421 • Fax: 874-4424 E-mail:



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Classified Ads can fit any budget. Call 874-4421 for one of our ad representatives to help with your advertising needs.




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1 BR, 1 BA APT. WITH garage at 341 W. 6th in Delta. No smoking, no pets. Water included. $500/month; $500/deposit. Available Nov. 1. Phone (970) 323-5555 or (303) 6185839. (3x42) 2ND STORY APT. FOR rent in Delta. 1 BR, 1 BA. Individual Storage Unit. Laundry facility, deck on roof. All utilities except electric paid. Contact Cathy at CB's Tavern. (970) 3993292. (2x43) 2 BR, 2 BA – DOWNTOWN Delta, attached garage, $600 per month plus utilities. $500 security deposit. References checked with written application. (970) 874-7485. (2x44) DO YOU HAVE A HOUSE or apartment for rent? Get results through the DCI Classifieds.


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today in the DCI! Call 874-4421

for your personal ad rep.

HELP WANTED MARKETING GRAPHIC Designer. High Country News (HCN), a non-profit multimedia news outlet, seeks a part-time marketing graphic designer to create marketing, advertising and development department marketing materials for both print and digital platforms. Candidates should have a background in both marketing and graphic design, experience working on teams and the ability to work across digital and print platforms. This part-time position works out of HCN's office in Paonia, Colorado. To apply, send cover letter and resume jobs@hcn. org. HCN is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse work force. (3x42) YOUR LISTING HERE! call now... 874-4421

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For all your advertising needs call 874-4421.

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FULL TIME LIBRARY Assistant – Delta Library and Paonia Library –36 hours/week – technology emphasis. We are seeking friendly, outgoing, customer-service oriented individuals. Hours include evenings and Saturdays and occasional special events. Must have proficiency in technology, computers, iPads and devices, Microsoft and Mac software, the internet and other office equipment; be willing to work with patrons of all ages and assist with program delivery, technology help sessions and programs and outreach activities. Public library or school experience preferred. Technology teaching experience required. Applications are available on the Library District website: Apply online or send letter of interest and resume to: Delta Library, Lea Hart, West End Regional Library Manager, 211 W. 6th St., Delta, CO 81416. For more information, call (970) 3997675. (2x44) L & D CONTRACTORS, LLC is looking for 50 underground miners with continuous mining experience. The successful applicants will be working at Twentymile Coal Co., in Oak Creek, Colorado. The job is scheduled to start in October and be completed in July of 2016. Contact (970) 875-2155 for information. (4x41)

D2 Wednesday, November 4, 2015 HELP WANTED ���� ������ ������� ���� �������� ������������ ���� ����� ����������� ������ ��� ��������������������������� �� ���� �������� ��������� ����������������� ���������� ��������� �������� ���� ������������������������� �������������������������� �������� ���� ����� ������� �������� ���������� ����� ������ ���������� ���� ����� ������ � ��������� ���� ��� ����� ���� ��������� �������� ���������������������������� ���� �������� ���������� ��� �������� ��� �������� ��� ������������������ ������� ���� ������ ���� ���� ��������� �������� �������� ���������� ��������������������������� �������������� �������������������������� �������������������������� �������������������������� �������������������������� �������� ������ ����� ��������� ������������������������� ����� ��� ����� ������������ ����������� ������������ �������� ������� � ������ �������������������������� �������� ����� ��� ���� ������ ����������� ������������ ��� ��������� ��� �� ������� ������ ��� �������� ����������� ����������� ������������ �������� � ����� ����� ����� ������� ����� ������������ ������� ���� ������������� ���������� ��� ������� ��������� ���� ������� ����� ��������� ���� ������ ������ ���� �������� ��� ������ �������������������������� �������������������������� ����� ������������ � ������ ������� ��� ���������� ���� ����������� ������ ������ ��������������������� �������� ����������� ��� ����������� ���� ����� ���� ����������� �������� ���� ������� �� ������� ������ ������� ��� ������ ������� ������ ���������� ��� ��� ������������������������ ����������������������� ������������� ���� ��� ��� ��������������������������� ������������ ���� ������� ����� ���� ����� ������� ��� ������������������������ ���������� ��� �������� �������������������������� ����� ���� ��� ��������� ��� ���� �������� ��� ��������� ����������������� � � �� ��� ����� ���� ��� ��������� ��� ������������������������ ����������� ������ ������� ��� ��������������������





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EXPERIENCED WINDOW, Roofing and Siding Installers wanted. Year-round work in Delta & Montrose Counties. Call (970) 874-3665. (2x43) YOUR LISTING HERE! call now... 874-4421 and talk with an Ad Rep.

Subscribe to the DCI. Call


for the rates.

Think Local. Buy Local.

ADVERTISE LOCAL. local advertisers, attracting local buyers!

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Delta County Independent

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HAVEN HOUSE IS SEEKing a Case Manager and a Youth Director/Leader. Haven House is a faith-based non-profit that provides a Transitional Housing program for those that might otherwise be homeless, with a focus on families and a Child Development program for their children. The Case Manager is part of a team that runs the Transitional program that is designed to guide those we serve towards self-sufficiency. The Youth Director manages the Child Development program for their children designed to keep them in school, motivate them to excel and address behavioral issues. It is possible that one person could fill both roles, with an assistant. For more information and job descriptions please go to w w w. h a v e n h o u s e h o m e Qualifications: Degree in social work (Masters preferred), counseling, education or ministry (Youth Director position only) or a related profession, plus experience working with disadvantaged children and adults in a homeless shelter or the field of human services. A strong candidate is one that loves working with families to motivate and lead them to make a better life for themselves. Please send resumes or expressions of interest to havenhousejobs@gmail. com. (3x42)

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D4 Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Delta County Independent

Conference will refresh, challenge women Delta First Baptist Church is hosting “Survive, Revive, and Thrive,” a women’s fall spiritual renewal conference this Saturday, Nov. 7, from 10 a.m. to noon at the campus located at 1250 Pioneer Road. This conference is for any woman who needs to be refreshed and challenged in her spiritual journey with the Lord. Kristi Ross, a Delta

County native is coming to share her journey with Jesus as she shares her life with the ladies who attend. Ross is a writer, blogger, author and communicator. She has lived in survival mode, and with God’s help she has enjoyed revival. She is stepping out in faith at this conference with her friends, Sherry Ruble and Jackie Schneider. Sherry Ruble of Delta

Eckert Presbyterian plans annual fall events Eckert Presbyterian Church is planning its annual roast beef dinner Wednesday, Nov. 11, from 4 to 7 p.m. The menu includes

roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, a roll and your choice of dessert, all for just $10 for adults and $5 for children 6-12.

Bluegrass services return Nov. 7 Bluegrass services have returned to Crawford Community United Methodist Church. Enjoy this unique style of worship Saturday, Nov. 7, at 6 p.m. A potluck dinner follows the service.


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is a spirit-led worship leader. She seeks to bring others into the sphere of worship by landing there herself. Sherry has led worship and gatherings for several churches in the area. She is gifted as a worshipper who brings others to the heart of God. In addition to lead-

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ing worship, Sherry will invite ladies to step into the life that God desires for His daughters to experience. Jackie Schneider of Montrose is a middle school teacher, a veteran in the classroom. She

Buyer beware: Who and what do you believe? Inspirational speaker Gaye Taylor will let you in on some of the persuasive methods used by advertisers. She will speak at the next Delta County Women’s Connection gathering. The program and dinner are scheduled Thurs-

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Free child care will be provided for those who make reservations. Delta County Women’s Connection is part of the worldwide Stonecroft Ministries movement, a network of more than 25,000 women who train, equip and support each other to effectively share the Gospel.

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day, Nov. 12, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at Delta Christian Church, 795 1600 Road. Dinner will be catered by Daveto’s at a cost of $10. Anna St. Peter will provide the music. Please reserve your spot before Nov. 9 by calling 856-4650 or 2600526. You can also email


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charge and lunch will be provided by the ladies of First Baptist. A freewill love offering will be taken up for this event. To register or get more information contact Terri in the church office at 874-3847.

Delta County Women’s Connection extends invitation to dinner, program


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has a testimony of God’s faithfulness that does not quit. Her southern accent will endear her audience as she shares from the heart hurts that she has overcome with the aid of the Lord Jesus Christ. This event is free of


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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


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D8 Wednesday, November 4, 2015



Celebrating fruit growers past and present

Photo by Tamie Meck

Fruit boxes, company labels, a 1910 trophy (left), awarded to the McVee Bros for the “BEST Standard Box of Apples - Individual display from any state,” by the National Horticultural Congress in Iowa; bunting, and a banner were a central part of the display at First Colorado National Bank in Paonia.



Delta County Independent

Staff Writer

efore the trains arrived, before highpaying mining jobs, and long before construction of the Paonia Project, the industrious new arrivals to the North Fork area planted fruit trees in the rich soil. “We have such an amazing and rich history when it comes to fruit-growing in the area,” said Jaylene Park, a native Paonian whose grandfather was part of that history. Fruit orchards once lined the valley floor, from current day Bowie to the south end of Rogers Mesa. It’s those early arrivers, and the world-class fruit they marketed, that put Paonia on the map and helped usher in the railroad. What began as a search for the iconic lithograph fruit labels from those early days — Tom Tom, Grizzly, Gem of the Mountains, Stag and Tomahawk, to name a few — for inclusion in the annual Mountain Harvest Festival Art Walk led Park to dusty, cobweb-lined barns, sheds and attics on a hunt for artifacts relating to Paonia’s once world-famous cherries, apples, pears and peaches. What she found, with the generosity of the community, was displayed in a monthlong exhibit at First Colorado National Bank. The bank itself, in which Park and husband Stan are majority owners, was chartered in 1903 and remains family-owned. It was the only Paonia bank to survive the Great Depression and its current location was once itself the site of a packing shed. “To me, these old lithographs, these old fruit labels, are just works of art,” said Park, whose Quaker grandfather, Shyrl Knight, arrived in Paonia in 1919 to work on Earnest Allen’s fruit farm. He eventually formed his own company, and she was already searching for his grower number and a “Tutti-Fruitti” label that he may have used. Early on she contacted Marilyn Bruce Tate, daughter of Ray Bruce. Tate grew up in the historic Bruce home located on Highway 133 near what is now Delicious Orchards. “Marilyn has spent a lifetime accumu-

Photo by Tamie Meck

A 1913 oil painting of Elberta peaches by Anna Beezley was one of the more unique items displayed. Anna and husband John Beezley were pioneer fruit growers in Paonia. lating pieces of history,” said Park. “This would not have been possible without Marilyn.” Tate shared numerous notebooks filled with historic photos and documents, including labels Park had never seen before. “It’s just amazing what she’s compiled,” said Park. Among her photos are “then and now” images of packing sheds. Park said that while some of today’s old buildings were obviously packing sheds, she had overlooked many others. Park took the search to another level, seeking out the actual boxes, labels and tools in the pictures through the descendants of those who once used them. Eventually, “It took on a life of its own and really got fun,” said Park, who can hardly contain her exuberance for local history. She also contacted many of today’s growers as a way to honor both past and present during Harvest Festival — Austin Family Farms, Berg Harvest, Orchard Valley Farms, Delicious Orchards, First Fruits. They contributed a great deal, including stories and artifacts. She also contacted Connie

Photo by Tamie Meck

From left, Connie Johnson, Claudia King and Jaylene Park search for familiar and family names in a phone book listing all the local names and numbers from 1903-1950. All three have ties to the area’s fruit-growing history.

Johnson, the granddaughter of farmers Ward and Anna Beezley, who arrived shortly after Samuel Wade and William Clark established Paonia. Park would mention an item she saw in a Tate photo, and Johnson would pull it from a shed and ask, “You mean like this?” When Park asked about a pair of stilts shown in a Beezley photograph, Johnson disappeared into a building and emerged with one in each hand. Johnson believes the stilts, used in pruning, were made by the Beezleys in the 1920s. A grafting knife owned by her great uncle, Ward Beezley, was used to attach bing cherry branches to hearty bitter almond root stock. He was a true craftsman, said Johnson. The Beezleys grew cherries that were boxed 10 to a foot and had photos to prove it. “Those were the real bings,” she said. A rare 1900s pamphlet, once mass-produced, touts the area’s fruit, and a special edition 50th anniversary phone book lists all the names and numbers from 1903-1953. “Think of any name,” said Park, “and it’s there. It’s kind of a great historical document without even trying to be.” Johnson also loaned a ledger of Anna Beezley’s documenting cherry shipments beginning in 1923. It lists shipments to almost every state, and customers from state dignitaries to post-World War II Aspen skiing icon D.R.C. Brown. Those early harvests are hard to imagine. The largest, the 1912 harvest, required 3,000 workers to process. (That was also the year John and Anna Beezley were married, said Johnson.) The fruit trees were huge, said Glenn and Tony Austin, of Austin Family Farms, during the October Chamber Mixer held at the bank. Today they plant 800 trees per acre. “It used to be 40 trees per acre,” said Tony Austin. In 1910, a single peach tree yielded 71 boxes of 80 peaches. Stina Frazier, a member of the Lund family, said at the mixer that her grandfather, Christian Lund, came to Paonia after hearing of that tree. Much of this history is included in numerous locally-authored books, including “Images of America: North Fork Valley,” co-written by Claudia King and Kathy Addams McKee. King is a lifelong Paonia resident whose dad operated Palmer & Company packing plant. She began picking fruit in the 1940s at age 10, long before child labor laws. “My family had strong work ethics,” said King, who worked her way up in the packing shed to pasting labels on boxes and “gate girl,” opening certain gates in order to sort fruit by size. The pioneers were quite self-sufficient, said King. Using a simple tool that was part hatchet, part hammer, also on display, King said a good boxmaker could make 800-1,000 boxes a day. Almost everything requiring industry was made in-house,

both out of necessity and due to lack of transportation, said King. “They built the ladders, they built the stilts, they built the smudge pots.” The entire town was quite self-sufficient and boasted a power plant, cannery and evaporator, all cooperatively owned. The collection grew throughout the month as locals brought in treasures from their own families’ past. One woman let Park pick through some 400 fruit boxes stored in a barn, which led to other connections, and yet more artifacts for the display. Among the items were stencils, saws, hand carts, buckets, canning jars, apple peelers, pruning loppers, ladders, scales, picking sacks, baskets, original photos including two turn-of-the-century panoramic images of town touting Paonia as “The Great Fruit District of the West,” and sets of ice tongs and an awl used by the Beezleys to harvest ice from the river, which was packed in sawdust and stored in packing sheds to await harvest season and the long process of transporting tons of fruit across the country. With most tools made by hand, right down to the forging of parts, few items were ever exactly duplicated. “This has been fun because everyone’s wanted to get in on this,” said Park. Park gave several talks on the display, and at times everyone in the room was somehow connected to the local history. People came to the bank just to see if their own families were represented. They called and texted and stopped her at Eagles football games. Bank employees also told of connections to the exhibit. Vice president Brad Harding is the great-great-nephew of John Bruce, who served on the first board of directors in 1903, and whose image was among Tate’s photos, and the great-great-grandson of Angus Bruce and nephew of Marilyn Bruce Tate. Teresa Menzel said she’s from Oklahoma, but grew up on Tom Tom apples. “Learning about Paonia history has been so interesting,” she said.

One of the oldest items is an undated Underhill box. Park said she was unable to get Samuel Wade’s Bible, which would have made it the oldest item. Local kindergartners were the first to experience the display during the Sept. 25 Art Walk. Lee Bradley brought a 1920s model truck used in hauling fruit, and the Austin family pressed cider in their antique press. Teacher Tammy Benson told Park the history lesson fit perfectly into her curriculum, and their thankyou notes became the most recent items on display. People suggested that Park leave the display, or at least move it to a permanent home. But everything must be returned to its owner. “It’s kind of sad,” said Park. But the search isn’t over. She plans to continue looking for the Shryl Knight family growing number and label, along with an elusive “Red Robin” fruit label and “Gold Buckle” labels from Malcomb Drake’s Gold Buckle Cannery once located east of downtown.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Jaylene Park enthusiastically shares stories about a collection of artifacts she put on display throughout October at First Colorado National Bank in Paonia. (The items were scheduled to be returned to their rightful owners at the end of October, but takedown of the temporary display was put on hold. If you hurry, you might still be able to catch it.)

Photo by Tamie Meck

A No. 13 box sits among other boxes and artifacts. Thirteen was the grower number for Phil Rule. The boy in the photo is son Bill Rule, sitting in the same box. The display case (right) holds numerous historical items.

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