Delta County Independent, Nov. 11, 2015

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Water line breaks highlight need for repairs to aging system, B1


Cedaredge High School play offers family-friendly entertainment, C3

Volleyball teams head to state, football teams continue quest, C7-8


NOVEMBER 11, 2015 VOL. 132, NO. 45



Math curriculum proves challenging BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

The school district’s new math curriculum is experiencing some “growing pains,” assistant superintendent Kurt Clay says, but he believes the long-term results will help the district meet its goals for student achievement. The new curriculum more closely matches state standards, which are aligned with Common Core standards, and will hopefully address gaps in student learning that have shown up on state assessments, particularly for Delta County’s middle school students. “There’s a buzz out there that we’re force feeding kids a new Common Core math,” Clay said, but as a math major and former math teacher, he sees the value behind teaching concepts, versus simply memorizing math facts. “Does there still need to be memorization? Absolutely. Kids need to know their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts, but we

or to challenge their math knowledge with more complex problems. Students who forgot to

feel if they know the concept behind those facts, they can retain the information at a much higher rate than they have in the past.” K-8 students are using the GO Math! program, which was chosen after months of research and month-long pilots at different grade levels across the district. High school algebra and geometry texts are from Glencoe. At advanced math levels, students use college and AP texts. The GO Math! program consists of a workbook for each chapter of study, plus online resources for both parents and teachers. Each school’s website contains a GO Math! link for use at home. Parents and students can go online any time and get a follow-up lesson if the student did not grasp the concept in the classroom. Individual instruction is built in with a personal math trainer, which makes it easy for students to go back a step or two to master the concept with easier problems,

Library director placed on leave BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

In a special meeting of the board of trustees for the Delta County Public Library District on Nov. 4, the trustees voted to place district director Annette Choszczyk on administrative leave, effective immediately. Board president Laura Earley declined to provide any details, saying she and fellow board members are committed to protecting employee privacy. Lea Hart, one of two regional managers for the library district, has been named interim director. The next board meeting

is Wednesday, Nov. 18, in Paonia, and it is open to the public, Earley said. At that time, the minutes of the Nov. 4 meeting are expected to be approved. They will then be posted on the library website at http://www.deltalibraries. org/board/. Earley also confirmed that John Gavan, the library’s IT director, resigned after the board’s Nov. 4 action. Earley said the library board is comprised of hardworking individuals who are passionate about the libraries. Their top priority is to protect and improve the libraries, which Earley called the “treasures of our communities.”

Four city manager finalists announced BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

The Delta City Council has announced four candidates for the city manager vacancy, selected from 46 applicants for the position. The finalists are Don Gaeddert of Larned, Kan., Dan Hamsmith of Parker, George Korthauer of Petoskey, Mich., and David Torgler of Hayden. A fifth candidate withdrew his name Monday night. An Internet research reveals that Don Gaeddert retired after serving as Larned city manager for 18 years. Dan Hamsmith has a background in economic development.


Accent ........................... A4 Activities ....................... A7 Agriculture .....................C5 Back Page ................... D8 Business .........................B7 Church ............................C4 Classifieds .................. D1-2 Editorial ......................... A2 Legals ......................... D3-4 North Fork Times ........B1-4 Obituaries ..................... A6 School Zone .................. A5 Service Directory ........ D7 Sports ..........................C7-8 Surface Creek News ...1-3C TV Listings ................. D5-6

George Korthauer retired after a 25-year stint as city manager of Petoskey. Since leaving Petoskey, he has worked as an interim city manager and economic development consultant. David Torgler is the town manager in Hayden. Interviews will be conducted Monday, Nov. 23, and Tuesday, Nov. 24. The candidates will be assessed by interview panels including city council members and city department heads. Community members will have an opportunity to meet the candidates at a reception Monday, Nov. 23, at Bill Heddles Recreation Center from 5:30 to 7 p.m.

Hunters, take care

take their workbooks home can pull up the lesson on their cell phone or home computer. Kids do their homework with

paper and pencil, Clay said; the online resources simply enhance the lesson. MATH CURRICULUM TO A3

Photo by Pat Sunderland

Although she finds the new GO! Math program very challenging, Regann Alsdorf says math is her favorite school subject. She takes her workbook home every night to complete the problems assigned in class. If she hits a roadblock, she turns back a few pages to see how she solved a similar problem in class. Online homework help is also available through GO! Math links on every Delta County school website.

Chamber launches search for new executive director BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

After just a year on the job, Leslie Workman, executive director of the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce, is moving on. She has accepted a position with Delta County Memorial Hospital, as materials manager in the purchasing department, where she’ll be putting her financial/inventory experience to work. A graduate of Delta High School, Workman obtained an accounting degree from Colorado Mesa University and moved to the Front Range to work for Lockheed-Martin. She quit that position to move back to Delta so she could raise her two young children closer to their aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. “I really enjoyed getting to serve the community in such a large capacity,” Workman said. “I was grateful to be part of Deltarado Days, bringing back the rodeo, and helping small businesses. “This is a tough job, but it’s worth it,” she said. “I’ve enjoyed a great deal of support.” Workman’s last day on the job is Nov. 27. Josh Applegate, president of the chamber’s board of directors, said the board will be looking for someone much like Workman — positive, organized and self-motivated.

Small game season for several rabbits and hares, fox, pine squirrel and beavers is underway. These animals can carry tularemia, a bacterial infection that can be fatal in humans and animals. Although it can affect all mammals, the disease is commonly found in rabbits and rodents. Hunters should avoid sick or dead animals. Do not allow your pets to consume animal carcasses — they could contract tularemia and pass it on to you. Wear rubber gloves when handling animal tissues, recommended even if the animal doesn’t appear to be sick. Visit for more precautions.

“Over the past year, Leslie’s jumped in with both feet,” Applegate said. “One of the things I really admire about her is her passion. She has taken a vested interest in her hometown.” She took on the task of bringing back the Deltarado Days rodeo and did her best to make the street fair bigger and better. Applegate said every event she organized came in under budget. “It comes back to her preparation and planning,” Applegate said. She also helped the chamber board clean up the budget.

“With a degree in accounting, I knew that would be one of her strengths and she’s done a fantastic job.” Applegate said it’s imperative the new director be a local resident with a desire to help area businesses thrive. The director must also be able to balance the interests of 12 board members, 290 members and the community at large. The position will remain open until filled. “Our ultimate goal is to fill the job with a qualified candidate as soon as possible,” Applegate said.

County faults BLM sage grouse study BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The commissioners have recently issued 17 specific comments critical of the BLM’s work on Gunnison sage grouse. In addition to the 17 specific points addressed in the BoCC’s Sept. 24 comment letter, the county commissioners have expressed their strong disappointment with the agency’s procedures in creating its Gunnison sage grouse Rangewide Resource Manage-

ment Plan Amendment/Environmental Impact Statement. In creating the EIS document, the BoCC says that BLM has shunned knowledgeable input that it should have sought out. In its comment letter to Lori Armstrong, Gunnison sage grouse project manager, the board of commissioners stated, “It was very disconcerting to the Delta BoCC that the BLM has agreed to the five-mile lek [i.e. sage grouse SAGE GROUSE TO A3

Leave the leaves

Jurca wins race

The City of Delta has wrapped up fall cleanup, but Steve Glammeyer, public works director, says city crews will continue to pick up bags of leaves that are left where you would normally place your trash receptacle. The annual fall cleanup netted 75.73 tons of junk, requiring 70 trips to the landfill. The city’s cost was $821.50 with offsetting credits from the county. Last year, the city picked up 71.39 tons of trash and made 66 trips to the Adobe Buttes Landfill. City staff and council agree the service should be continued in 2016.

Jill Jurca and Pete Blair will be sworn in as school board members at the board’s Nov. 19 meeting. In the Nov. 3 election, Jurca earned 62 percent of the votes in a contest with Genevieve Novinger. Blair was unopposed. The broadband issue passed in Delta County and in the communities of Delta, Paonia, Hotchkiss, Crawford and Cedaredge. Cedaredge voters rejected a sales tax increase, and a TABOR question from the North Fork Water Conservancy District was approved by 74 percent of the district’s voters.

A2 Wednesday, November 11, 2015



It’s time to move together toward real solutions

The house of cards is beginning to totter Dear Editor: My letter to the editor (Oct. 28) must have touched a few nerves: the following week there were five climate change denial response letters. Bill Sutton felt my comparing the tactics of the tobacco industry to the fossil fuel industry to be unfair because tobacco use was an “individual choice” and petroleum use wasn’t. Well, tobacco, proven to be addictive, was not an informed choice when people were being lied to about the health consequences by the tobacco industry and their hired

“scientists.” With hindsight, we can clearly see the tobacco industry’s history of deception and its consequences. With climate change denial we are not so fortunate: we are in it, not looking back on it, and the waters have been muddied by the hundreds of millions of dollars, used to manufacture the illusion of doubt, funneled from the fossil fuel industry into climate change denying front groups like the American Enterprise Institute, Heartland Institute and The American Legislative Exchange

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Council (ALEC), which are funded by ExxonMobil, and the Koch Foundation. William Snyer calls the statement “97 percent of scientists agree that climate change is real” an “obvious deception” and asks, “What scientists?” “When were they polled?” I looked into that and found the number is, in fact, no longer accurate: the scientific consensus has gotten stronger. According to a new study reviewed by MSNBC, the figure is now 99.9 percent. James L. Powell, director of the National Physical Sciences Consortium, reviewed more than 24,000 peer-reviewed scientific papers on global warming published in 2013 and 2014 — these are real scientists doing real research — and found only five rejected the reality of rising temperatures or the fact that human emissions are the cause. Powell, by the way, was a member of the National Science Board under presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. The good news is that climate change denial is beginning to become as transparent as the tobacco industry’s tobacco science: Recently, Shell Oil chief executive Ben van Buerden stated that “climate change is real and a threat we want to act upon. We are not aligning with skeptics.” When oil industry executives begin to acknowledge climate change, I see the climate change denial house of cards begin to totter. Steve Lyons

Dear Editor: “Human influence on the climate system is clear, and recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest in history. Recent climate changes have had widespread impacts on human and natural systems.” Headline statement from the summary of the Fifth International Panel on Climate Change assessment - 2014. In response to the multiple letters Nov. 4 from locals who reject the findings of mainstream climate science, 99 percentplus of peer-reviewed papers in the field and the agreement of 97 percent-plus of all working climate scientists. In reading over the litany of standard science denial claims I found none with any merit according to the published science. But arguing with those who rely not on science but on “bins of ignorance,” as one scientist recently termed denier sources such as those listed in several of the letters, is a waste of breath and ink since they just keep repeating the same false claims and conspiracy theories. In their world virtually every climate scientist, every nation’s science academy, and every basic physics and chemistry textbook writer, and several major oil companies is part of a giant hoax to get you to quit using coal, oil and gas and install Chinese-made solar panels on your roof. In the meantime, in the real world based on real science, the annual COP (Conference of Parties) in Paris in December will bring together the nations of the world to try once again to establish legally enforceable pledges of meaningful reductions in greenhouse gasses. There does



DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (UPS 152-700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Second class postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416 401 Meeker St. • (970) 874-4421

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Delta County Independent

MANAGEMENT Publishers .... Norman & Gladys Sunderland General Manager ........... Randy Sunderland Managing Editor ................. Pat Sunderland Advertising Manager . Roxanne McCormick Production Manager ......... Ron Sunderland

YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delta County (includes Olathe Somerset & Maher) ....$29.00 Seniors in Delta County (65 and over) ....................................$26.00 In-State ............................................$33.00 Out-of-State .....................................$37.00

appear to be some chance of a measure of some success this time around but unfortunately the nations that have pre-registered their pledges have a wide range of ways they claim will achieve their reduction goals, many of them reliant of some sort of political magic happening. The first step that needs to happen is to establish a price on fossil fuel CO2 that is released into the atmosphere, probably between $10 and $30 a ton. The price could then be collected as a tax, or a tariff on goods from countries who have not agreed to collection of a carbon tax. One of the more attractive proposals is that from the quasi-conservative Citizens Climate Lobby that puts forth a revenue neutral market solution wherein a carbon tax would be collected at the source of fossil fuels; a tax that would be passed on in the cost of goods and services produced using those fuels. Then, the tax itself would be returned to each adult individual in the U.S. in the form of a credit or payment that could then be spent to offset the higher direct and embedded energy costs. Government would not be grown significantly by such a tax administered in this way and individuals could then choose to spend the money refunded on higher-priced fossil fuel or choose alternatives that did not include

the added taxes. And we all would like to avoid paying a tax. Not a total solution to the growing problem of increasing concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere but a reasonable first step that shows respect for those who prefer market solutions rather than just top-down regulation. Yes, taking action on climate change caused by global warming caused by burning fossil fuels that add excess CO2 to the oceans and atmosphere is going to cost jobs in some industries such as coal mining. This will be a dramatic transition. But it also creates opportunities to grow new jobs in a whole range of new industries. Let’s not waste any more public sector time debating science versus denialism. Let’s come together and move towards real solutions to a very real problem. Again, as a place to start if you don’t understand the science or suspect that you have been misinformed: (very basic science) or to counter denier claims, like those in the letters, with facts: www.skeptical (advanced and in depth). And please consider supporting only political candidates who understand basic physics, chemistry and climate science and are willing to say so. Thomas Wills Hotchkiss

Climate change: There is hope Dear Editor: There is hope. That is the message being brought forth as we go forth in preparation for the upcoming Paris climate talks in December. There is a powerful global movement for change in our approach to global climate issues. Awareness of the environmental, social, and economic advantages of our transition to renewable or sustainable energy resources is becoming recognized on a global scale. There are worldwide examples of new technologies, social acceptance, and collaborative efforts. Clean energy is on the march, a low-carbon economy is becoming a reality on the ground, and many voices are now calling for action from their leaders. There is hope in all these things, including

the rapidly falling cost of renewable energy, the important global voices (like the Pope speaking of our moral imperative), greatly expanded investment opportunities, and the transition away from political polarization. With unanimity among scientists, economic interests perking up, and across-the-isle politicians waking up, we do have hope for a healthy and sustainable planet for the children of the future. Now the task is for everyone to get familiar with the need to reduce our carbon footprint, call for action from our leaders, and encourage significant leadership from our representatives at the U.N. climate talks in Paris in early December. Wayne Quade Montrose


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Sage grouse FROM PAGE A1 nesting site] buffer with no input from the cooperating agencies, including Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the 11-county group. This agreement is not what was indicated would happen when all parties signed the [memorandum of understanding] as cooperating agencies.” It is normal practice for the BLM to enlist the Delta County Commissioners as a “cooperating agency” in work on issues that affect the local jurisdiction.

The BoCC’s letter continues, “This is just one more example of the deficiencies in the entire [EIS] process and puts into question if a quality product is possible.” In closing, the commissioners urge the BLM to be more responsive and accountable to the county when seeking its official cooperation: “The Delta BoCC urges the BLM to allow for sufficient time to review the referenced buffer document and its potential incorporation in the EIS.” In response to a DCI request for comment on the commissioners’ input, Uncompahgre Field Office Manager Barb Sharrow emailed the following: “The BLM appreciates the public’s and cooperating agencies’ willingness Local businesses have to provide comments on been contacted by a sales firm soliciting advertising on posters for Delta High School. Jeremy McCormick, the school’s assis- FROM PAGE A1 tant principal, advises Video lessons can be area residents that the reviewed by teachers posters have not been beforehand or used by authorized by DHS. substitutes to continue For more information, with the math program. call DHS at 874-8031. The biggest difference parents notice is the expectation that students visually demonstrate concepts. Where older generations simply understood that 3+3+3=9, students The 2016 Voices of are expected to “model” Rural Colorado Denver the concept on graphs or legislative trip hosted by number lines. CLUB 20, Action 22 and “We want them to Progressive 15 will take understand the rationale place Thursday and Fri- behind the problem,” Clay day, Jan. 21 and 22. This said. “It expands their opportunity will allow mathematical thinking the three organization’s tenfold and when they members, representing get to eighth grade and 59 of Colorado’s 64 coun- need the concept again, it ties, the chance to engage comes easily to mind.” in productive dialogue Carol Phelps, an with legislators, cabinet early childhood instrucmembers and department tor and former kinderheads regarding issues of garten teacher, agrees. concern to rural Colorado “The more children are and to learn about poten- required to do the crititial legislation that may cal thinking, rather than impact citizens and com- just rote learning, the munities in our region. more they’ll understand Call (970) 242-3264 to and learn in a lasting RSVP for this event. way.” Some parents admit it can be challenging to ���������������� keep up with their chil������������������� dren’s lessons. “I spend �������������������������� as much time trying to check her homework as she did doing it,” said Kami Collins, the mother ��������� of a second grader. It’s not ���������������������� simply a matter of verify��������������������������� ing the student’s addi������������������������� ��������� tion, but also assessing if they correctly explained how they arrived at the � answer. The transition has also been difficult for both Kirsten Alsdorf and her daughter Regann, who is in the fourth grade. Regann’s frustration, Kirsten said, comes from switching from four years of Saxon math to a challenging new curriculum with different terminol������������������������ ogy and skill expecta������������������ tions. “I know kids in ����������������� middle school who are

Poster sales not authorized

the [GSG} EIS. These comments have led to changes in the document, and we look forward to working with our cooperators as we move forward.” The 17 specific comments that the commissioners made on the Gunnison sage grouse document include objections to the use of vague language; pointing out misstatements; outright disagreements with statements in the BLM document; statements that are not scientific, that are over-generalizations, or that lack needed caveats or qualifications; and other issues. Delta County is one of 11 counties in Colorado and Utah that will be significantly impacted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s threatened

species status for the Gunnison Sage Grouse. The 11-county group has worked for years to help improve habitat for the bird, including on private lands, in hopes of avoiding heavy federal involvement and regulation enforced on private lands and affecting local economies where populations of the Gunnison sage grouse exist, or are asserted by federal lands and wildlife managers to have existed at some time in the past. The Board of County Commissioners also recently submitted a number of comments noting deficiencies of methodology, fact finding, and conclusions in the BLM Uncompahgre Field Office’s North Delta grazing permits preliminary environmental study.

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going over math data and instructional strategies to help teachers become better teachers of math. That’s been a “huge plus,” Clay said. Teachers also report they’re seeing a higher level of student engagement. And while the words “Common Core” can evoke strong political opinions, Clay said the standards themselves are rigorous, grade-level appropriate, and designed to ensure our students can compete nationally and globally.


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really struggling. The older you are, the harder it is to catch up, because you haven’t had the foundation they would have if they’d started in kindergarten or first grade,” Kirsten said. “And it was frustrating for me because I couldn’t help her with it.” Understanding has increased for both of them, and by January Kirsten expects the curriculum will still be challenging, “but we’ll know where they’re coming from.” “If this curriculum helps her to be successful in math and science, we’re going to make it work,” Kirsten said. “Hopefully she will be a great math student.” In the meantime, she assures Regann she only expects her to do her best. “It’s a very different approach, but in my opinion it’s the correct approach,” Clay said. “During our research, we found that the better the student understands the concept, the more successful they are when they reach Algebra II and higher math classes. “When students bring their workbooks home, I hope parents are seeing that the homework is more challenging. We really encourage families to sit down and ask the questions — How? Why? What makes it that way? What does the graph represent?” To ease the transition for parents, Garnet Mesa Elementary School is hosting a parents’ night this Thursday at 6 p.m. For staff members, the school district has engaged two veteran educators. Tammy Shelton is working with K-5 teachers in the Delta community, and Ronda Pinckard is meeting with North Fork and Cedaredge teachers,

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Math curriculum

Legislative trip planned



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A4 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta County Independent

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Cherry Creek Radio and Alpine Bank are teaming up to sponsor the 2015 Sharing Ministries Toy and Food Drive for Montrose and Delta counties. Please consider donating unwrapped toys for girls and boys from ages newborn to 12 years of age or donate nonperishable food items that can contribute to a holiday dinner for a family in need. This toy and food drive will start on Friday, Nov. 13, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 14, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

at the Happy New Merry Thanksmas event at the Montrose County Fairground and Friendship Hall. After the kickoff event, donations may be dropped off at Alpine Bank in Delta, 1660 Highway 92, or Sharing Ministries in Montrose, 121 North Rio Grande Avenue. Toy donations will be collected until Dec. 4 to allow for time to sort and deliver the gifts to families in need. Food can be donated through Dec. 18. Sharing Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational, faith-based food bank in Montrose. Its mission is to obtain food from various sources and distribute it at no cost to those in need — in Montrose as well as other communities on Colora����������������������������������� do’s Western Slope. ������������ � ������������������������� ��������������������������� ���������������������������� ��������������������������������� ���� ������ ����� ������� ������ ��� �� ���������������������������������� ����������������������������������� �������������������������������� �������� ����� ������� ������� ���� ������ ����� ��� ���� ��������� ������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������ ���������� � ��������� ��� �� �������� ��� ��� �� ���������������������������������� ���������������������������� � � ����� ������ ��� ������ ��� ������ �� ���������� ����������� ����� ����� ������ ��������� ����� ��� ������������ ���� ��������� ���� �� ������� ������ ����� ��� ��� ������ ��� ������ ������ ������ ��� ���� ����� ���������� ��� ������������ ������ ���� ���� ����� ���� ��������������������

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BIRTHS Jenna and James Zeldenthuis are the parents of a daughter, Jayci Ann Zeldenthuis, born at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction at 8:18 a.m. Oct. 14, 2015. She weighed 7 pounds, 1.8 ounce and was 19.75 inches in length. She has two siblings, Laynee Zeldenthuis, 7, and Easton Zeldenthuis, 4. Jessica Rodriguez of Delta is the parent of a son, Brecken Wayne Rodriguez, born at 5:17 a.m. Oct. 14, 2015, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. He weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and was 19 inches in length. He has an 8-year-old sister, Jordyn Elyce Huff.

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DAR supports efforts of the Delta County Sheriff’s Office

With the help of Robert Ownbey, manager of the Montrose Walmart, the Uncompahgre Valley Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution successfully applied for a Walmart Community Grant. The Walmart Community Grant program is highly competitive, with the Walmart Foundation receiving over 150,000 applications every year. Last year, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation contributed over $1.3 billion in cash and in-kind donations to communities. The Uncompahgre Valley Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution decided to use the money to meet a need at the Delta County Sheriff ’s Office. After talking the matter over with his deputies, Delta County Sheriff Fred McKee decided to use the funds to purchase stop sticks. New-generation stop sticks are lightweight

Daddy/ Daughter Dance set in the Orient

and easy for just one person to deploy, but run about $500 each. Sheriff McKee said deputies are not often involved in high speed chases, but when they are, the stop sticks are a valuable tool. They cause air to slowly leak out of the tire, so the vehicle comes to a controlled stop, minimizing danger for law enforcement, the driver and the traveling public. The Uncompahgre Valley Chapter DAR is the local voice of the National Daughters of the American Revolution. Members, or daughters, share a common bond of an ancestor who helped contribute or fight to secure the founding of our nation. Ladies join to honor this heritage, to preserve our nation’s history, to serve our communities, and to support those who have served our nation and those currently serving in our armed forces. The local chapter is conducting a membership drive as part of a nationwide celebration to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the founding of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Additional information is available

The annual Daddy/ Daughter Dance will be held Saturday, Nov. 14, at Bill Heddles Recreation Center. This year’s theme is “A Journey to the Orient.” This dance is primarily for ages 3-12, but older girls are welcome. Admission is $20/couple at the door or $15 for couples who register prior to 5 p.m. Nov. 13. Each additional person will cost $5. This is a special evening of little girls in party dresses making memories with their dads and granddads. A king and princess will be crowned. There will also be lots of great music and prizes. Please bring a snack to share. The doors open at 6:30 p.m.; the dance starts at 7 p.m.



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Dance the night away Nov. 21 Come dance the night away at the next community evening dance Saturday, Nov. 21, at Bill Heddles Recreation Center. Chuck Gregory will provide the music for this fun event, which runs from 7 to 10 p.m. Bring a friend and a snack to share. Coffee and lemonade will be provided. The cost is $5 at the door. For more information, call 874-0923.

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at www.uncompahgre “Our chapter, which was organized in 1993, has members from all across the Western Slope and beyond, and we are eager to welcome new members to our chapter. We can help them research and complete their genealogy in order to apply for membership,” said chapter regent Irene Means. Uncompahgre Valley DAR meets the second Saturday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Warrior Resource Center in Montrose.


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Photo by Pat Sunderland

Delta County Sheriff Fred McKee holds a lightweight plastic stop stick, the same type that will be purchased with grant funds obtained from the Uncompahgre Valley Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Also pictured are Marsha Kirby, first vice regent; Cathy Percefull, co-chair of the chapter’s fundraising tea; Irene Means, chapter regent; Suanne Hughes, registrar and co-chair of the chapter’s fundraising tea; and Evelyn Kiser, secretary.


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Happy New Merry Thankmas! Christmas Shopping and More!!

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Alpine Bank in Delta

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Delta County Independent

Delta High School

Students of the Month Kaisa Simon

Age: 17 Parents: Erin Simon

Favorite subject: Physics Favorite teacher: Mr. Magtutu Most influential person in your life: Easily my mother. I don’t care if I don’t end up where I see myself in 10 years; I just want to be as good of a person as my mom. After graduation I plan to go to college and get a Ph.D. in physics. Favorite saying: “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and to be loved in return.” ~Nat King Cole Favorite musician/song: The Black Keys Favorite TV show: The Office Activities: I stay busy with Partners Teen Advisory Board and soccer. I’m vice president of the Fashion Club and founder and president of Women in Science and Engineering. In my spare time I like to bake, raft, read and volunteer.

Braden Atchley

Age: 17 Parents: Justin and Megan Atchley Favorite subject: AP Literature Favorite teacher: Mr. Ames Most influential person in your life: My father, because with him being a pastor I was raised a Christian and that has affected everything in my life. It makes me work hard at everything I do and try to treat others with respect and kindness. After graduation I plan to attend Evangel University in Springfield, Mo., to study youth ministry and possibly computer science. Favorite saying: Ephesians 2:10: “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Favorite musician/song: “Through All Of It” by Colton Dixon Favorite TV show: Psych Activities: I play football and baseball. I play the alto saxophone in the marching band and on my church’s worship team. In my spare time I like to read, play video games and watch TV.

Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) is now accepting applications for its 2016 academic scholarship program. Applicants must be dependents of a DMEA member and planning to enroll in or be enrolled full time in an accredited college, university or vocational school. Applications are available online through the DMEA website. The deadline to apply is Friday, Jan. 29. As a not-for-profit rural electric cooperative, DMEA operates according to seven guiding principles. One of those principles is education, training and information, which states, “Cooperatives provide education and training for members, elected representatives, managers, and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their cooperative.” DMEA’s scholarship program recognizes the importance of this principle and the role education plays in improving the lives of its members. DMEA’s 2016 scholarship opportunities include: • $1,500 to one graduate from each of these schools: Cedaredge High School, Hotchkiss High School, Olathe High School and Paonia High School; • $1,500 to two graduates of Delta High

School; • $1,500 to three graduates of Montrose High School; • $1,500 to one student in each county attending a non-traditional school, such as homeschool, VISION, VISTA and/or charter schools; • $1,500 to one student to attend Colorado Mesa University Montrose; • $1,500 to two students to attend DeltaMontrose Technical College; • $500 to two students from across the service territory, sponsored by Tri-State G&T; • $1,000 to one student from across the service territory, sponsored by Basin Electric Power Cooperative. DMEA awards all scholarships based on academic performance, extra-curricular and community activities, future goals, and an assigned essay. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Applications must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 29. Return completed applications to: DMEA Scholarship Committee, Attn: Phil Sanchez, P.O. Box 910, Montrose, CO 81402. Applications may be submitted electronically. Call DMEA for details.

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Students of the Month

Photo submitted

Garnet Mesa Elementary School recognized the fourth and fifth grade Students of the Month: (left to right) Noah Kevan, Evelyn Flores, Levity Wilkinson, Amelia Ungaro, Baylee Wilson, Lauren Angelo, Hania Garcia and Saw Blessing.

Lincoln Elementary honor roll The following students were named to the first quarter honor roll at Lincoln Elementary School:

Terrific Kids

Andrew Wilcox Fourth Grade All A’s Logan Clay Honor Roll Amberlyn Abbott Ana Asavei Isabella Beilfuss Derek Boyd Skyler Brown Landan Clay Levi Esser Bethany Farmer Wyatt Garrison Katerina Hanning Cheyenne Hatter Talan Hulet

Rylee Kelleher Abraham Martinez John Martinez Libni Mendoza-Leon Judah Neely Andrew Priestley Araceli Ramirez Villarreal Brett Sanchez Juelz Sandoval Peyton Sandoval Sage Schmaltz Rodney Sharpe Lakayla Sheets Brooke Suppes Anna Weaver

Fifth Grade All A’s Ellie Ames Jordan Johnson Honor Roll Morganne Branham Eleanor Dare Aubrey Fraser Jaylena Gibson Kyle Kincaide Connie Mock Donavan Raley Alex Ward Faith Williams Hope Williams

Photos submitted

The following Garnet Mesa students earned a Terrific Kid Award from the Kiwanis Club of Delta for their efforts to be a responsible citizen and student. Pictured above are kindergarten and first grade students Peyton Huntley, Mary Jaramillo, Larilai Wilson, Keagan Crespin, Jocee Drozdik, Kaleb Marker and Witten Atchley. Below are second and third graders Haley Stahlke-Stamper, Yuraly Arias, Lillian Sinkay, Joe Black, Christian Escarcega, Dominic Montoya, Nevaeh Roberts and Rodrigo Blanco.

GW King Office (970) 874-9300 Cell (970) 260-8781

• Focusing on retirement plan rollovers ( 401K, 403B, profit sharing, etc.) • Annuities • Life Insurance • Long Term Care Insurance • Stocks* • Bonds* • Mutual Funds* ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������

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Adrian Herrera Landen Horn Joachim Jones Paige Kehmeier Jackson Kincaide Alexander Kuta Jacob Leib Rodrigo Lopez Gavin McCurdy Rhett Miramontes Marlene NahuatFuentes Julia Nelson Morgan Ortega Ethan Toothaker David Vieyra-Romero II Zacharias Wesson


DMEA offers scholarships


Third Grade All A’s Kealy Crawford Honor Roll Mya Abeyta Lindsay Apodaca Rogers Sophia Chavez Lauren Christenson Jared Comerer Evan Eddy Aadrey Fraser Jordan Fraser Anastascia Garcia Kaitlyn Graff Estrella Grajeda Joan Harvey-Soluna

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

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A6 Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Juanita Reeder

Juanita Reeder of Delta died Friday, Nov. 6, 2015, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She was 75. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m., Friday, Nov. 13, at the Delta IOOF Lodge #116 with the Rebekahs officiating. Inurnment will be in Cedaredge Cemetery. Juanita R. Hodge was born in Cedaredge Jan. 7, 1940, to Henry and Hattie (Pierce) Hodge. She spent her childhood in Cedaredge and graduated from Cedaredge High School. She received a degree in business in Denver. On July 3, 1966, she married Clifford Reeder in Salida. Their family included one child and three stepchildren. Mrs. Reeder enjoyed family barbecues and gettogethers, pinochle, bingo, shopping and eating out, especially at C & J Café. She was a member of the Katherine Rebekah Lodge #65 and the Delta Emblem Club. She is survived by her husband of 49 years, Clifford Reeder of Delta; two daughters, Benita (Tom) McLeod of Delta and Rayvonne Reeder of Delta; a stepson, Wayne Ake and his companion Michelle Groom of Delta; a sister, Louise Green of Grand Junction; six grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a stepson, Dean Reeder. Memorial contributions may be made to HopeWest, P.O. Box 24, Delta, CO 81416. Taylor Funeral Service is handling the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor


Minnie Anderson

Delta resident Minnie Bell Anderson died Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015, at Horizons Care Center in Eckert. She was 86. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m., Friday, Nov. 13, at Delta United Methodist Church with Rev. Carol Rahn officiating. Mrs. Anderson was born in Sparenburg, Texas, March 22, 1929, to Homer and Cautaz (Berry) Haygood. She spent her childhood and attended school in West Texas. On May 30, 1971, she married Robert Anderson in Cortez. They lived in Grand Junction before moving to Delta in 1977. Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Southern Baptist Church and Emblem Club. She enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren, sewing and traveling. She visited every state west, and two east, of the Mississippi. She is survived by her husband of 44 years, Robert “Bob” Anderson of Delta; two sons, Ron (Sandy) Morgan of Valparaiso, Fla., and Raymond Morgan of Aurora; two daughters, Cheryl (Bob) Arbuckle of Palisade and Janet (Stan) Jennings of Kearns, Utah; two sisters, Ethel Head of Snyder, Texas, and Johnnie Gainey of Abilene, Texas; nine grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; and 10 great-great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her sisters, Tavia and Ina. Taylor Funeral Service is handling the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Kenneth Alfaro

Kenneth Alfaro died Nov. 5, 2015, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. He was 72. He was born in Fort Bragg, Calif., Feb. 27, 1943, to Willie and Elva Alfaro. He graduated from Fort Bragg High School in 1960. In 1963 he enlisted in the U.S. Army and was honorably discharged in 1966. Mr. Alfaro married Nancy Benedetti July 23, 1966, in Fort Bragg. He began a 37-year career in 1966, working with both woods and in the mill, first for Union Lumber Company, and retiring from Georgia Pacific in 2002. He moved to Delta in 2004. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, the San Francisco Giants and the San Francisco 49ers. Mr. Alfaro is survived by his wife, Nancy of Delta; his daughter, Amy Alfaro of Cedaredge; his granddaughter, Kennedy Godwin of Cedaredge; his parents, Willie and Elva Alfaro of Fort Bragg, Calif.; his brother, Don Alfaro of Lakeport, Calif.; his sister, Theresa Roberts of Grass Valley, Calif.; and extended family. A celebration of life will be held in Delta at a later date and in Fort Bragg, Calif., on Aug. 20, 2016. Taylor Funeral Service is handling the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Robert Gilmore

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Michelle (Mike) Davis, Lori Ann (Geoff) Atchley, all of Delta and Denise Kramer (Frank Ketcham) of San Rafael, Calif.; eight grandchildren, Jennifer Davis, Jeena (Jesse) Hebert, John (Brandi) Davis, Jake Davis, Jacen (Annie) Davis, Stacy (Bryan) Bush, Brianna (Blake) Carlquist and Garren Atchley; 15 greatgrandchildren and one on the way, Darius, Desmond, Emily, Elizabeth, Brylee, Brielle, Jaleena, Aubri, Chloee, Cole, Indie, Brooklyn, Jalissa, Jecey Jeen, Addallenn and Georgie Blueberry; one brother, Delbert Bruce; her uncle and aunts, J.C. and Vernell Sanderson and Eloise Sanderson; and special family, Donald (Dottie) Stucker of Cedar City, Utah and Dave (Sondra Stucker) Porter of Trappers Creek, Alaska. She was preceded in death by her sister and brother-in-law, Jesse and Loretta Jenkins; one brother, Horace (Sonny) Bruce; Earl and Lydia Stucker; an uncle, Bob Sanderson; and extended family. Memorial contributions may be sent to HopeWest, P.O. Box 24, Delta, CO 81416. Rosary will be recited at 7 p.m., Friday, Nov. 13, and a celebration of life will be held at 10:30 a.m., Saturday, Nov. 14, both at Taylor Funeral Service Chapel in Delta. Taylor Funeral Service is handling the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Jessie Kramer

Jessie L. Kramer died Nov. 4, 2015, at her home in Delta. She was 73. She was born in Montrose May 9, 1942, to Floyd and Rita Mae Sanderson. After her husband Michael retired, they spent the next 12 years RVing across the continental U.S., traveling to all but two states, Michigan and Wisconsin. They had previously visited Alaska and Hawaii. They spent their winters in Casa Grande, Ariz. Mrs. Kramer enjoyed being a grandmother and great-grandmother, sewing, playing Bunco, card games with Bill and Sue Seuell, and camping with the Grand Mesa camping group. She was involved with the local quilters’ guild, and did needlework with her friends in the Needlers. She founded the Delta Red Hat organization in 2004. She is survived by her husband, Michael Kramer; three daughters,

Robert “Bob” Gilmore of Delta died Nov. 9, 2015. He was 74. Services will be held at 3 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 12, at Taylor Funeral Service Chapel in Delta with Pastor Bob Hillyer officiating. Interment will follow in Mesa View Cemetery in Delta. Robert Duane Gilmore was born in Staples, Minn., April 21, 1941, to Flora (Zugachwert) and Fay Gilmore. He spent his childhood in Grand Junction and Paonia. He moved to Delta when he was in his 20s. On Dec. 21, 1962, he married Dixie Gilmore. Mr. Gilmore enjoyed raising his family, playing in the dirt and in recent years talking at the coffee shop with his buddies. He is survived by his three sons, Frank (Sherry) Gilmore, Dwaine (Traci) Gilmore and Joe (Abbey) Gilmore, all of Delta; one brother, Fred (Wilma) Gilmore of Arizona; six grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; a sister-in-law, JoAnn Dawson; and extended family. He was preceded in death by his wife, Dixie Gilmore; and his sister, Frances Williams. Memorial contributions may be sent to HopeWest, P.O. Box 24, Delta CO 81416.

Delta County Independent

Taylor Funeral Service is handling the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Virginia Goins

Paonia resident Virginia Goins died at her home Saturday, Nov. 7, 2015. She was 81. A celebration of life will be held in California at a later date. Virginia Ann Valine was born in Chico, Calif., Jan. 1, 1934, to Joaquin and Edna (McKinney) Valine. She grew up and attended school in Chico. She moved to Paonia a few years ago to live with her daughter. Mrs. Goins enjoyed her children and grandchildren, embroidery, sewing, gardening, wildlife and visiting coal mines with her daughter. She is survived by her son, Doyle (Janice) Goins of Hollister, Calif.; her daughters, Debra (Kevin) Lee of Paonia and Sherie Justice of Oakdale, Calif.; her sister, Evelyn DeVoll of Chico, Calif.; six grandchildren; and two greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by a sister, a brother and a grandson. Taylor Funeral Service is handling the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

need. Mr. Collard is survived by his wife, Marcella Collard; her two sons, Alexander and Austen and their wives; daughters, Mandy Priller and Katie Collard; his father, Charles “Dave” Collard and Mary Carsten; three grandchildren; and extended family. He was preceded in death by his mother, Barbara Collins; and his grandparents, Charles and Maxine Collard. Cremation has taken place. A memorial will be held in Dillon in May 2016. Inurnment will be at Dillon Lake Cemetery. Taylor Funeral Service is handling the arrangements. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Bob Covey

Captain Robert “Bob” Covey died Oct. 31, 2015, at his home in Hotchkiss. He was 88. He was born in Wisconsin and was orphaned at a young age. He and his younger brother lived primarily in hobo camps before they were adopted. Captain Covey worked in several areas including ranch management, logging, construction and wineries. He worked on the last of the whaling ships, ran tug boats, received his skipper’s license and was a captain on tour boats and oil recovery boats in San Francisco Bay. He wrote a book about his experiences at sea. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, Nancy; and his children and their families, Bob, Beth and Ann. At his request, no formal service will be held. A church service will be held at 11 a.m., Sunday, Nov. 15, at First Baptist Church in Hotchkiss. Memorial contributions may be made to the North Casey Collard Casey Wayne Collard Fork Ambulance District. of Cedaredge died Saturday, Oct. 31, 2015. He Paul Stewart was 55. Rose Stewart He was born in KremmPaul M. Stewart, forling May 16, 1960. He graduated from Summit merly of Delta, died of County High School in pancreatic cancer May 19, 2013, in Littleton. 1978. His wife of 66 years, Mr. Collard was a champion bull rider in Rose Marie (Dodie) Stewthe 1980s, and a cowboy. art died of heart failure He was certified in deep Sept. 29, 2015, in Littlewater rescue diving and ton. They are survived by later, welding. He worked as a heavy equipment their children, Kathy, operator for over 25 years, Scott and Susan (Daniel); including work on Delta’s two granddaughters, Lisa (Richard) and Sydne; and alternate truck route. He enjoyed hunting one great-granddaughter, and helping people in Meghan.

Richard Paul Mannon Dec. 28, 1954 ~ Nov. 2, 2015 With fond memories, Richard Paul Mannon, age 60 of Key West, Fla., passed away on Monday, Nov. 2, 2015, due to complications from cancer. Richard was born on Dec. 28, 1954, in Washington, D.C., to loving parents Lacy W. and Bridget Mannon. Rick enjoyed life in the Florida Keys as an auto mechanic, painter and body man. His favorite pastimes were fishing and socializing with friends over cookouts. He was preceded in death by his father, Lacy and nephew, Steven. Rick is survived by his mother, Bridget; and siblings, Pete, Deborah, Dianne and Rob; his daughters, Mary Virgin-

ia and Lisa; son, Richard; as well as many nieces and nephews who all loved him dearly. He lived life his way and touched people’s lives as only he could. Rick will be greatly missed. Memorials will be held in Delta, Colo., and Key West, Fla. Paid obituary

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Delta County Independent


David Primus presents “Beneath Blue Mesa: The Gunnison River before The Blue Mesa Reservoir,” a slide show of the Gunnison River Valley before Blue Mesa Reservoir was completed in 1965. You will see fishing resorts, ranches, towns and the narrow gauge railroad that now lie beneath the reservoir. David Primus has lived in Gunnison since 1978. As a thirdgeneration Coloradan, he has researched the


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Beneath Blue Mesa


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Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Quartet brings laughter to Sweet Adelines’ show The Del-Rose Chorus is proud to present De’Ja’Vu, a quartet from the Denver area. De’Ja’Vu is a fun, upbeat a cappella group that has been performing together all around Colorado (and beyond!) since 2002. Its repertoire includes classic barbershop harmonies, swing, ‘40s and ‘50s music, Broadway standards, ballads, patriotic, gospel, holiday and comedy/novelty songs. They love to present comedy sets like “Diva Showgirls”

and “Nuns on the Run,” routines, complete with full costumes, or a trip down memory lane with a Valentine’s Day-themed “Love Show.” See for yourself how funny and entertaining these four ladies are at the Del-Rose Chorus’ annual show Nov. 21 at the Delta Christian Church. A “Colorado Adventure” Sweet Adeline style begins at 3 p.m. For more ticket information, call 596-2843, 835-8873 or 256-9763.

history of the American West throughout his life. He is the chairperson of the Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission and is on the board of the Denver, South Park, and Pacific Historical Society. He will present the slide show at the next meeting of the Chipeta Archaeological Society Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. at First Methodist Church, South First and Park Avenue, Montrose. The public is invited.

Weavers’ show, sale set for Nov. 21 The San Juan Weavers Guild presents its 38th annual show and sale Saturday, Nov. 21, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Holiday Inn Express, 1391 S. Townsend Avenue, Montrose. The event includes hands-on opportunities to learn to spin and weave, and sales of gifts and accessories. Special exhibits of guild projects will be featured. Admission is free, and the public is cordially invited. As in the two previous years, the guild will sell beautiful baskets made by members of an African crafts cooperative. The San Juan Guild sponsors the efforts of the Ngurunit Basket Weavers from Kenya by paying for their

membership in Weave a Real Peace, an international organization that helps revive traditional weaving techniques and provides fair-trade marketing opportunities and income to women in many communities around the world. For more information, call 249-2981 or email

Trombone quartet is ‘a force to be reckoned with’ Maniacal4 is a fabulous group of four great musicians, telling one unified, inspiring musical story after another. Hailed as “a force to be reckoned with,” the trombone quartet has performed on three continents, entertaining audiences with a wide range of styles and time periods. Delta will be the next stop by this spectacular group of young men, as it takes the stage here at the Delta Performing Arts Center, 822 Grand Avenue on Monday, Nov. 16, starting at 7:30 p.m. This performance is sponsored by the DeltaMontrose Community Concert Association as part of its current series

of concerts. Maniacal4 is wellversed in a variety of musical styles including classical, jazz, Latin and light rock, and performs its concerts almost exclusively from memory, projecting a clear, unified, uplifting and committed musical vision to its audiences. M4’s programs reach from Bach, Beethoven and Mozart to Roy Orbison’s Pretty Woman, Fillmore’s Lassus Trombone, Debussy’s Girl With the Flaxen Hair and The Russian Sailor’s Dance. Trained at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas — one of the premier jazz schools in the United States

— these four outstanding musicians have the goods to become one of the world’s finest trombone quartets. This performance here in Delta is an opportunity to hear one of the really great trombone quartets in existence today. What a treat — especially if you played the trombone in your high school band! Single admission and season tickets will be available at the door. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. with the auditorium opening at 6:45. For further information please contact Bob Brown, 8354480, or Connie Pittenger, 249-4308, or

Documentary examines past, future of water in Colorado Do you care about water in the West? Want to learn more about the past, present and future of water in Colorado? Then you are invited to a free screening of the new documentary “The Great Divide,” which showcases water’s ability to unite and divide the people of our arid state. The screening will be held at the Delta Center for Performing Arts, 822 Grand Ave., Thursday, Nov. 12, at 7 p.m. The event is co-sponsored by the Colorado River District, the Delta Conservation District and the Western Slope Conservation Center. A brief Q&A session led by a panel of

local water experts will follow the film. “The Great Divide,” produced by Havey Productions, traces Colorado’s water history beginning with the ancestral Puebloans at Mesa Verde and the gold rush origins of Colorado water law to agriculture, dams, diversions and conservation. The film also reveals today’s critical need to cross “the great divide,” replacing conflict with cooperation. The filmmakers tell the story of water in Colorado without taking sides on various controversies surrounding water here in our home state, but they do address the major

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conflicts and challenges that must be overcome as water demand continues to rise while our water resources do not. After the film, a panel of local water experts will answer questions about the Gunnison Basin. Speakers will include Dave Kanzer of the Colorado River District, Dave Stiller of the Western Slope Conservation Center, Tom Alvey with the North Fork Water Conservancy District, Marc Catlin of the Uncompahgre Valley Water User’s Association and Cary Denison of Trout Unlimited. For more information on the film, visit http://www.


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Photo submitted

Lanette Earley spins beautiful yarn on a spindle.

Celebrate Native American Heritage Month Delta County Libraries and Native American Cultural Programs are celebrating Native American Heritage Month with displays at all Delta County Libraries and a presentation. At 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14, Roland McCook presents “Doctrine of Discovery” at the Center for Spiritual Living. Alan “Stands Alone” Bryant will talk about Cherokee families and ceremonies Saturday, Nov. 21, at 1:30 p.m. His presentation, complete with visuals, takes place at the Delta Library. In addition, the Gallery De La Luz has offered space for Native American art this month courtesy of owners Fred Honchell and Annie Barker. A grand opening will be held at 128 Palmer (formerly the Chile Pepper store), with a Native American Cultural Programs display designed by Jean Marie Stortz, NACP board member and artist.

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A8 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


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Delta County Independent

Remembering World War II

A frontline soldier’s perspective BY MATT SOPER

Delta County Historical Society

Norman Shetley had just completed his first year of college at WestONE SHOW ONLY! ern State in Gunnison when he received his at draft notice in July 1943. Shetley trained in Texas, Delta Christian Church Ohio and Kentucky prior 1600 & I Roads, Delta to landing in Marseille, Guest Quartet France, in October 1944 ets kciT ehT 449th Armored with A va ste athe G ila vA o Fl bez Artillery of the 14th alia Field oris ble at: o b l F l e t o r a i :t The Black Canyon Chorus ts Armored Division. a atleD d Delt dR I d Tickets: nd I R n a a d dR 006After landing in MarR 0 1 Adults - $10 advance / $12 at door seille, Shetley said his Seniors/Students $8 advance / $10 at door first night was spent in At t he6 & UndertA- Free Children Tick ht $12 Door a bombed-out warehouse e e D tAt: s:1$ ci T r oo $Tickets 2 10:stek Available on the harbor. One eve$ : Ad Cedaredge :stekc ce The Gazibo Florist, ec 01 Tickets iT Advan Adv navdA Chi dSAenio ult ning, Shetley was driving 0a1n $10 $ l Heirlooms for Hospice, Delta u d r l r S / o t r r ce ooD e A en oine Chi lihC Do ht tA At the avd Area Chamber r6 an eof dldCommerce $ a jeep near the harbor n r r / 1 Delta e c C 0 n e dlih na 6dnunde $8 01$ ner foru Hospice, d rMontrose Heirlooms and noticed three Frenchf r n e d e 8$ f re Moroccan soldiers runeer Afterglow following the show - $7.50 ning toward the jeep. The More Entertainment, Soup & Sandwiches soldiers were attemptFor more information call ing to kill him and steal 970-596-2843 • 970-835-8873 the jeep. Shetley said, “I 970-256-9763 hit the gas and rapidly shifted into second gear!” Shetley remembered his Email ads to: fellow soldiers saying,

Saturday, November 21 • 3 p.m.


“Welcome to life on the frontlines.” Shetley spent seven months on the frontlines, participating in the Battles of the ArdennesAlsace, Central Europe and the Rhineland. The winter of 1944-45 was one of the coldest in modern history. “We didn’t have adequate footwear or cold weather-wear and I only had one shower the entire time I was on the front,” Shetley recalled. One night, Shetley and a couple of other soldiers were ordered to take a mile and a half of wire to a village just inside the Siegfried Line for the forward observer. Shetley ran the wire into a designated house and while he was inside, the Germans began shelling the area. “The two other guys in the jeep got nervous when the artillery began shelling around us, so they drove off. I thought, ‘What am I going to do?’ I opted to run down the road. Shells began landing near me on the left, then the right, as I ran and I realized the Germans were zeroing in

Delta County Historical Society photo

Norman Shetley holds the Bronze Star he was awarded for meritorious service and devotion to duty while under enemy fire. on me! I couldn’t think why would they want to kill one little lone soldier using the artillery! There was a German zigzag trench and I dove in. Another shell landed nearby and lifted me about a foot out of the trench! I played dead and the Germans moved on to other targets,” Shetley recalled. This incident contributed to Shetley being awarded the

Bronze Star. Shetley went on to participate in the liberation of Moosburg and Hammelburg prisoners of war camps and was an early witness to view Dachau and Hitler’s retreat, known as Eagle’s Nest. Shetley returned to Delta County after the war and became a teacher and later a jobs counselor with the Department of Labor.


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Saturday, Nov. 14 • 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Twilight Hours ~ 5 to 7 p.m.

Norman Shetley stands on the Siegfried Line in 1944.

with Wine and Cheeses

Live Music by Thin Air ������ � ������������ � �������� � ��������� ����������� � ������������

Law enforcement blotter

From the Delta of Delta was arrested and jailed on four warPolice Department: rants with a total of $52,000 bond. Nov. 4: Sarah N. Davis, 26, of Nov. 6: Monique C. CoconiMontrose was issued a ticket for alleged shop- Alvarez, 33, of Montrose was issued a ticket for lifting. alleged driving motor vehiWalter E. Spor III, 22, ���������������������������� cle when license revoked of Montrose was arrested ������������ and failed to present eviand jailed on a warrant ���������������������� dence of insurance. with a $300 bond. Nov. 7: Nov. 5: Tia M. Trout, 35, of Robert L. Abeyta, 37, Grand Junction was issued a ticket for alleged reckless driving, failure to notify police of an accident and left scene of an accident without providing information ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� after being involved in a single vehicle crash ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� on Highway 50 at 1325 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Road. No injuries were �������� reported or observed. The vehicle was driven ������������������������������������������������������������������������� from the scene. Citations: Six tickets ������� ���� ������ ���� ������� ����������� ����� ��������� �������� �������� for traffic violations were �������������������������������������������������������������������������� issued this week, three ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ for speeding.


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From the Delta County Sheriff’s Office (partial list): Nov. 2: The VA suicide prevention department asked deputies to check on a Hotchkiss resident who failed to show up for an appointment. A white Ford Ranger pickup was reported stolen from a garage at the Delta County fairgrounds. Dispatch aired a description of the vehicle, which was spotted a short time later by a sheriff ’s deputy and an officer from the Cedaredge Police Department who were returning from a domestic violence call on Ward Creek Road. They stopped the vehicle without incident and took two individuals into custody. Jessica Davis, 34, of Delta was charged with second degree burglary and second degree aggravated motor vehicle theft. In addition, she was the subject of a warrant for failure to appear. Alex Hunt was released after deputies determined he

did not know he was riding in a stolen vehicle. There was no damage to the pickup. At about 9:30 p.m., Morgan Berkel, 19, of Austin struck a deer on Highway 133 near Midway. She was transported to Delta County Memorial Hospital by the North Fork Ambulance. The Colorado State Patrol arrived to handle the investigation. Nov. 3: A 58-year-old Delta woman reported the theft of seven to eight prescription pills from her residence on 2000 Road. The case is under investigation. Nov. 4: Two goats were shot to death at a farm near Crawford and a third was reported missing. There are no known suspects. Deputies were asked to check on a 12-year-old Delta boy with multiple absences from school. The theft of money was reported from a business on Highway 65 north of Cedaredge. Deputies assisted with a one-car accident on Runzel Gulch Road near Hotchkiss. The vehicle landed in the ditch. Nov. 7: Dispatch was advised of a doe being attacked by two dogs north of Cedaredge. Colorado Parks and Wildlife had no one available, so deputies were asked to assist. Deputies responded to Delta County Memorial Hospital where Jack Sharpe, 36, of Delta was being treated for injuries he suffered in a dirt bike accident earlier in the afternoon. He reported he was riding in the ‘dobies along Trap Club Road when he hit a ditch and lost control of his dirt bike. He was treated and discharged. Nov. 8: A Delta area resident reported an individual fired a shotgun at his vehicle while he was at a residence on Shirl Lane north of Cedaredge.

NORTH FORK November 11, 2015




Citizens oppose water rate hikes BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

Of the more than 60 water users who packed Paonia Town Hall Nov. 5, only about 10 percent were in-town residents. They all came to let the town know they are not happy with recently-proposed water rate increases. The roughly 20 citizens who spoke expressed concern over the size and percentage of the increases, which some said are unaffordable and will hurt families, the elderly and those on fixed incomes. They also expressed concern over a lack of fairness, since the greatest impact will be on out-of-town users and private water companies. Trustee Ross King, who sits on the town finance committee, prefaced the meeting by stating that the increases were recommended to town manager Jane Berry by the board of trustees to satisfy the needs of the proposed 2016 budget. The town identified three major components of that budget that need to be addressed: completion of state-mandated filtration upgrades; a reduction in staffing; and updating of the town’s codes and ordinances. “Mrs. Berry, at our direction, prepared this budget, and

these proposed ordinances to satisfy the needs of the budget,” said King. “I wanted everyone to understand this is not Mrs. Berry’s idea. This is the board’s direction.” The special meeting, called to address town water, sewer and trash ordinances, marks the first such discussion for both the public and the board, said Berry. More meetings and workshops are scheduled over the next four to six weeks, during which citizens have more opportunities for public input. Proposed increases mark the second water rate increase since 2005. To address debt obligations of more than $3 million, payable to the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority and associated with more than $5 million in state-mandated filtration upgrades, the town imposed an across-the-board $5 per month increase in May, 2014. That generates $90,000 annually, and leaves an annual shortfall of $107,000. Payments will average $175,000 over the next 20 years, and are now at $197,000 annually. That debt obligation alone represents $10.56 per account per month, said Berry. The loan is just one cost the town faces. The system is

Proposed water rates Current Base Rate

Proposed Base Rate

In-town residential




In-town commercial




Out-of-town residential (including water companies)




Out-of-town commercial





% Change

Crawford continues broadband discussion BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

In light of passage of the Town of Crawford Ballot Question 2D, which more than 77 percent of town voters approved in the Nov. 3 combined election, trustees continued discussion of funding of the project at the Nov. 4 town work session. Question 2D asked voters to opt out of Colorado Senate Bill 05-152, which calls for voter approval before a local government can use taxpayer money to engage in providing telecommunications services. Council members tentatively agreed to commit $20,000, payable over two years, for Crawford’s share of the cost of installation of final-mile infrastructure that will allow entities to provide high speed broadband to homes and businesses. The town itself will not be a service provider. Crawford had earlier estimated its cost at $60,000, which would allow for five possible anchor sites, including Crawford Town Hall, Crawford Library, the town shop, Crawford Volunteer Fire Department and North Fork Montessori School. The final two sites have yet to be

identified. While the town is willing to commit $20,000 for the creation of two anchor points, that number remains an estimate. “Realistically,” said trustee Mike Tiedeman, “we’re all going to be willing to discuss this as more information comes in.” In looking at how the town will recoup the cost, former town clerk Jackie Savage suggested to trustees that some of the money will come back in the form of a franchise tax. Council also voted to award the bid to remodel and upgrade the town hall kitchen to Ridgway Valley Enterprises, which submitted a low bid of $39,489, according to Friends of Crawford Town Hall representative Susan Hansen. The Friends organization also has credits of $881 with Ridgway from work it completed earlier as part of the more than $1 million town hall historical restoration and remodeling project, for a revised estimate of $38,608. The estimate includes purchase of a range, refrigerator and sinks. A dishwasher and hood system have already been purchased. Completion CRAWFORD TO B2

Photo by Tamie Meck

The Paonia Public Works department crew works on a water main break on Third Street early Sunday morning. More than 80 recent breaks highlight the trouble the town is facing with its aging system. Rate increases, the subject of a special meeting last week, have been proposed to address current debt obligations. The town is facing millions of dollars of needed upgrades in the coming years. aging, as highlighted by this year’s spate of water main breaks, which have affected mostly out-of-town users. In addressing the breaks, comments toward the Public Works Department were considerate, and even commendable. Rene Atchley thanked department head Travis Loberg and his staff for their round-the-clock efforts to keep up with the breaks. Berry explained that Paonia’s system is unique in that it has two separate plants fed by more than 20 miles of water line delivering spring water to the plants. The gravity-

fed system currently services 1,005 in-town and 490 via a system that, in some places, is 80-plus years old. With no lift stations, the system literally pushes water uphill in some areas. In addition, some 60 out-of-town homes are waiting to tap into the system. Because of its unique structure, it’s hard to compare Paonia’s rates to towns of similar size, said Berry, but current rates fall slightly below state averages. The understanding that rates need to rise and repairs are desperately needed was a common theme expressed

by citizens. Lamborn Mesa resident and former town attorney Jim Briscoe said that solving the problem will take a community. “We need to come together and solve that problem, and I think that if we work together and treat each other fairly and ... reasonably, I think we’ll get it done and we’ll be friends and we’ll solve the next problem together.” Briscoe and Lamborn Mesa resident Ed Marston suggested the town impose another $5 across-the-board increase. Marston, also an in-town WATER RATE HIKE TO B2

Perseverance pays off for Crawford businesses Some projects seem like they never end, but diligence and perseverance have paid off for the Crawford Area Chamber of Commerce and its member businesses. Back in 2013 at a monthly board meeting the chamber directors were discussing ways to benefit local businesses and encourage more people to visit Crawford. A decision was made to pursue signage that would encourage travelers on Highway 50 to take Highway 92 to Crawford, with the promise that both services and amenities are available in the Crawford area. What seemed a simple goal turned into a more than two-year process. In January 2014, Debbie French, co-owner of the French Country Inn, agreed to head up the effort, with the support of then board members Lynne Watkins, president, from Don’s Directory, Cathy Cheatham, treasurer, owner of Grandview Hairport, Donna Cochran, secretary, of Amway Global, Connie Layton from First State Bank of Colorado-Crawford, Jennifer Ludwig, co-owner of Rocky Mountain Locksmith and president of the Crawford Fire Auxiliary, Gloria Crank, owner of the North Fork Visitor Guide, Donna Saunders, owner of the Boardwalk Restaurant

Photo submitted

A newly installed sign advises motorists that lodging, dining and fuel are available in Crawford. The sign is located just off Highway 50 near the Blue Mesa Dam, at the turnoff to Highway 92. and Susan Ayer, owner of the Stewart Homestead Cabin. French spent nearly two years working through the CDOT process but eventually received a denial due to the distance between the town and Highway 50. Regulations required that the services be located within three miles of the signs. Not to be deterred, French and the board continued the effort and requested a variance based on the fact that Crawford is considered the southern gateway to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park and one of Colorado’s most unique Creative Districts. In addition, a case was made that with today’s automobile navigation

systems and tourist interest in exploring “the roads less traveled” it is important to both the guests and the businesses to promote the services that are available. In August of this year, the Colorado Department of Transportation notified the chamber that the request had been granted and that signs were ordered. Today, thanks to the efforts of the Crawford Area Chamber of Commerce and the Colorado Department of Transportation, both commuters and visitors who choose to explore the “back road to the North Fork Valley” will notice lodging, dining and fuel are available in Crawford.

Thanksgiving feast planned in Hotchkiss Striking scene

Photo by Tamie Meck

The orchards below Cedar Hill Cemetery still offered some striking fall colors Monday afternoon.

The 17th annual free Thanksgiving dinner will be served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thanksgiving day at the Hotchkiss Senior Center at town hall. A complete Thanksgiving Day dinner will be served, and those planning to attend are asked to bring a dessert or salad, as the meal

does not include either. Salads and desserts can be delivered a day in advance to town hall or to Pat’s Bar and Grill, 140 West Bridge Street. Volunteers are always welcome, and are asked to show up at 10 a.m. Thanksgiving Day. For more information, call Larry Jakubiak at 872-4214.

B2 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta County Independent

Water rate hike

Photo by Tamie Meck

Pink Event helps HopeWest Kids

From right, Paonia senior volleyball players Emily Clawson, Ashley Van Vleet and Taylor Carsten present Jody Jorns, development officer with HopeWest, with a check for $2,020. Funds were raised during the annual Pink Event fundraiser held in October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Money will go to HopeWest Kids, which provides grief support and related services to children, teens and families coping with serious illness or the death of a loved one, whether or not they received hospice care, said Jorns. Services include counseling, support groups, Camp Good Grief! and the Itty Bitty Camp. It is the only one of its kind in the area, said Jorns. Since 2010 Pink events have raised more than $12,000.

FROM PAGE B1 business owner, said that would come close to meeting loan service requirements and give the town time to complete a thorough water rate study. He suggested the town then follow the recommendations of the study. Marston commended the town and current board for trying to deal with problems that have been swept under the rug year after year. “It’s up to you to figure out how to deal with it without going to extremes,” said Marston. Business owners also spoke out. Ron Rowell, owner of Paonia Cleaners & Laundry, expressed concern over doubling of business rates. Rowell said this is a problem Paonia has dealt with for more than 65 years. Once work is completed on the 1 million-gallon system and it’s back online, the system will settle down, said Rowell. That will give the town time for

Crawford FROM PAGE B1 of the kitchen’s work area and shelves is also estimated at $7,750, which brings the total cost to $48,358. Funding will come from the roughly $50,000 they have to spend, including Department of Local Affairs grant money remaining from the original project, which the group would rather spend now than lose, said Hansen. The Friends also has a small amount remaining, as well as money remaining from the town’s share of the project. The remodel is the final project scheduled for the historic Town Hall building, formerly the Crawford School. Hansen said she wanted to be transparent with the town about how tight the budget is. The Friends group met

with Ridgway representatives to ensure that every part of the project was addressed, and spoke to the state health department to ensure that health standards for a commercial kitchen were met. “We wanted to make darn sure that we weren’t going to have some change orders,” said Hansen. If any additional costs to arise, the Friends believe they could raise funds to cover them. Completion is expected by the end of the year, said Hansen, marking the end of the project, and eight years since it was first proposed. “Hopefully we’ll have a celebration,” said Hansen. In a discussion on employee health insurance, due to fast-rising insurance coverage costs and uncertainty in the

future of insurance rates, trustees approved removing the health insurance benefit for its two fulltime employees, public works director Bruce Bair and department assistant Al Boyd. The town had been purchasing Boyd’s insurance coverage, and Bair had been receiving a stipend. So as not to take away the spirit of the benefit, council voted unanimously to approve adding $750 to their monthly salary. The town’s employee handbook will be changed to reflect that full-time benefited employees will not receive insurance benefits, and that salary compensation will allow them to purchase insurance on their own. The amount will be subject to all applicable income taxes; salaries will be re-

visited annually during fall budget discussions. Since the benefit is subject to taxation, council discussed the possibility of creating a health savings account using pre-tax dollars, but that would limit employees to $3,150 per year, far short of the current insurance benefit, said Bair. Council also said goodbye to town clerk Toby Stephenson, who replaced longtime clerk Jackie Savage last June. Lee Ann Goddard will replace Stephenson effective immediately. Savage, who held her position from August, 2010, until June when family matters forced her to resign, attended the meeting and thanked town representatives for their service. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciated all of you when I was here, and I’m going to miss you all so very much,” said Savage.


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Army Pvt. Ashley J. Eakin has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises. Eakin is the daughter of Rich Eakin and Lori Teare of Crawford.

a water rate study and a way to try to look at options to trying to solve everything at once. He also said his business uses about 60,000 gallons per month, and that current and proposed increases in incremental rates are hurting his business, and are especially hard on the Paonia Care Center. “You’re going to kill them, and we don’t want to lose that place.” Citizens also asked the board if it has researched all possible funding sources and options before deciding on these increases. Dry Gulch resident Jack Young suggested the town seek a way to gradually increase fees to minimize impacts. “How can we do it $2 this year, $2 next year and so on?” said Young, adding that today’s customers are being asked to pay for past mistakes and future costs. Water company members and representatives also spoke against a proposed $100 monthly administrative fee. Berry said they are subject to negotiation and that the town is in the process of meeting with representatives to discuss options. Water company member Kerri Minerich noted that most companies already service their own lines and bill their members, and suggested that should offset any proposed administrative fees. “Don’t kill us,” said Minerich. “We can’t afford it.” Lamborn Mesa resident Jeff Wobig owns one of two houses served by the Lamborn School water company. Wobig’s family has been without water for upwards of 10 days at a time, and their basement was flooded due to blown water heater pressure valves. He said the two residences will see an increase of $90, none of which will go toward water usage. “That doesn’t make any sense to me at all...,” said Wobig. He said he doesn’t mind a small increase, “but I’m not about to pay $90 before I get a trickle of water.” The town is look-

ing at funding options, including liquidation of $100,000 in assets to go toward water fund revenues, per the 2016 draft budget, although sales are uncertain, noted mayor pro tem Charles Stewart, also a member of the finance committee. The draft budget also estimates $191,000 in water tap fees, which are based on proposed new construction projects, said Berry. Nine water upgrade projects are proposed for 2016, to be funded by the $3 million in grant money remaining from this year’s upgrades. The original plans called for construction of two additional storage tanks, and the state approved the money going toward infrastructure upgrades. To bring the system up to where it should be is estimated in the millions of dollars. Sewer and trash ordinances will be discussed at one of the upcoming budget workshop meetings. The town is looking at increases of those rates, although not on the same level as the water rates, said Berry. The town is also looking into contracting out trash services. After the meeting, King expressed disappointment that it was adjourned prior to the board having an opportunity to provide Berry with feedback, leaving her with no collective direction. Time is running out on approval of the 2016 budget, and that hinges on the ability to pass several revenue items, including rate changes, said King. He also said he was pleased with the variety of viewpoints offered and that, considering the seriousness of the issue, the meeting was both civil and productive. He added that he looks forward to completion of a water rate study and its recommendations. ”’I believe the majority of the speakers understood the necessity of the town addressing the issue,” said King. “It’s painful, but something has to be done.”

The Hive hosts home funeral discussion Come to the Hive on Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 6:30 p.m. for a movie and discussion about home funerals. The hour-long documentary, “A Family Undertaking,” explores the complex psychological, cultural, legal and financial issues surrounding an important and growing new trend: the home funeral movement. “A Family Undertaking” profiles several families who have made the decision to forego the

typical mortuary funeral and instead prepare their loved ones at home for burial or cremation. The movie will be followed by a discussion about a recent home burial in the Paonia area and home burials in general. It will be led by Carrie Lerner, a certified Home Funeral Guide and creator of Graceful Passages, a home-based death care service provider. The Hive is located at 130 Grand Avenue in Paonia.

Silent auction set for Nov. 21 On Saturday, Nov. 21, the Hotchkiss Community United Methodist Church Peace Circle women’s group will hold a silent auction at Memorial Hall. The bidding will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pick up winning bid items between 3 and 3:30 p.m. Only cash and local checks will be accepted for payment. There are many donated items to bid on, just in time for Christmas gift buyers. Look for Don Clay’s intarsia wood carvings, 1970s Cathedral Windows quilt, collectibles, home deco items, porcelain dolls and more. Some of the missions within our community are – NFAA, funding the church handicap access to Stewart Hall, Hotchkiss Wear House, Life Lines for the elderly, two $1,000 scholarships to Hotchkiss High School

and HCUMC graduating seniors, Hotchkiss Food Bank & Helping Hand Funds, Abraham Connection shelter, HCUMC Prayer Quilt Ministry, youth and children organizations and programs and more. Your donations of merchandise to the Wear House and silent auction become donation dollars to help support our outreaches. The store is solely supported by volunteers and donations since 1982. The store is open on Mondays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for shopping and receiving donations. The Peace Circle thanks all who make this possible, from those who donate items to the Wear House and auction, to those who bid or shop at the Wear House. They also say “thank you” to all the volunteers and their helping hands to make this possible.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Wild and Scenic Film Festival features a family matinee On Saturday, Nov. 14, at 2:30 p.m., the Western Slope Conservation Center is hosting a family matinee for the fifth annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival at the Paradise Theatre in Paonia. Entry for the event is by donation, and any family who donates any amount will receive an annual membership to the Conservation Center. The matinee will show an hour of films that will appeal to kids of all ages, and parents will enjoy them too. The films will balance educational themes and fun, combining environmental lessons and adventure. Among other themes, the films will swim with humpback whales in Hawaii, take viewers around the world with a soccer ball, and

get up close and personal in the life of the common garden snail. “We are excited to be able to have an event that involves local families. The Wild and Scenic Film Festival matinee is affordable, educational and fun for everyone,” says Julia Bowman, Wild and Scenic Film Festival organizer. “It really is a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon with your family.” The family matinee will be followed by the feature showing of the Wild and Scenic Film Festival at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Paradise Theatre. While the feature showing will be kid-friendly, it will be focused toward a more adult audience with stories about the Colorado River and public lands issues in the west

A good 56 years

accompanied by more lighthearted films. Feature showing attendees will receive additional door prize tickets, a Klean Kanteen cup, and drink ticket with the purchase or renewal of a Conservation Center membership. New memberships will be discounted to $20 during the event. Tickets are not required for the family matinee. Tickets for the feature showing cost $15 in advance and $20 on Nov. 14. They can be purchased at the Conservation Center office (204 Poplar Avenue, Paonia) or online at theconservation centerwsff.brownpaper Call Julia at the Conservation Center with any questions at 527-5307, ext. 204.

Photo by Tamie Meck

District Rotary President Bob Delavan, left, and Marsha Grant, president of the North Fork Rotary Club, bid farewell to outgoing Rotary member Don Foster at the Nov. 5 meeting at Paonia Town Hall. Foster has been a member of the club for 56 years. “It’s been a good 56 years. Thank you,” Foster told the roughly 30 fellow Rotarians present at his final meeting.

Funding received for local public lands initiatives Our local public lands are one of the greatest resources we have here in Delta County. That’s why the Western Slope Conservation Center is excited to announce it has been awarded a new three-year VISTA position to support a number of new collaborative environmental education and recreation projects in our area. The new VISTA will work with the U.S. Forest Service to create a Youth Forest Advisory Council, which will get Delta County high school students engaged in USFS forest planning processes and educate them about land management careers. The VISTA position will also support the new GOCOfunded local youth environmental education effort called the Nature Connection. Additionally, the position will

Forest Service auction underway The annual vehicle and equipment auction for the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests will be held Nov 11-18. Vehicles that have been replaced and/or are surplus will be auctioned off through a bid system online. The vehicles being auctioned for the U.S. Forest Service are available for viewing at the North Delta administrative site by appointment only. Information on online bidding and vehicles included in this auction during the scheduled timeframe is available at index.htm. For an appointment to view the vehicles, contact Legean Walker at 8746681.

provide support for the new Delta County outdoor recreation initiative with the goals of responsibly developing land- and water-based economies here in Delta County. All of these collaborative programs will engage our local communities in a conversation about the future of our surrounding public lands, with the goals of improving access, educational resources, and recreational experience on our public lands and river corridors. To apply to the first one-year term of the VISTA position, email a cover letter and resume to Alex Johnson, executive director of the Western Slope Conservation Center, at director@the The application window is currently open, with interviews planned for mid-November. The position will begin in early February and will be based out of the Conservation Center office

in Paonia. Learn more about the position, including requirements and benefits, by visiting the Conservation Center website at www.theconservation The position is made possible through support from the Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation (OSMRE), the U.S. Forest Service and Americorps VISTA.

Pumpkin poetry patch

Photo submitted

Paonia Elementary Student Council’s Pumpkin Poetry Patch was a hit again this year. Students from kindergarten through sixth grade were invited to carve a pumpkin and write their own poems to go with their jack-o-lanterns. Spooky, sweet, and silly creations greeted students as they enjoyed some spirited fall fun.

Concert series features chamber ensemble The Western Slope Concert Series will present two concerts with brilliant conductor Alejandro Gomez-Guillen and a 19piece chamber ensemble on Saturday, Nov. 21, at 7:30 in the recital hall at Colorado Mesa University, and on Sunday, Nov. 22 at 3 p.m. at the Montrose Pavilion. Tickets are available online at www., and at Roper Music in Grand Junction and the Montrose Pavilion. All seats are reserved, and start at $9 in advance and $12 at the door for adults. Gifted young conductor Alejandro GomezGuillen will lead a 19piece chamber ensemble of leading musicians in fascinating music for strings and wind, including Copland’s famous “Appalachian Spring” in the original chamber version; John Adams’ brilliant and driving “Son of Chamber Symphony,” and Schoenberg’s late-romantic masterpiece, “Chamber Symphony #1.” Call 970-241-4579 for more information, or buy tickets online at www.

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B4 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta County Independent

Hotchkiss K-8 presents GRIT Blazing Bulldog Awards

Photo submitted

Exceptional Eagles

Paonia Elementary School provides a SAFE and ORDERLY environment that promotes high ACHIEVEMENT and growth, individuality and RESPECT. On a spooky Oct. 30, the pictured Paonia Elementary School students were recognized for demonstrating S.O.A.R. behavior. (Left to right) Jasmine Vasquez for achievement and respect; Josiah Peters and Ashley Harding for respect; Logan Farnsworth for achievement and respect; Jace McCrain for order and respect; Elledeja Connelly for respect; and Jakob Carver for achievement and respect. Way to S.O.A.R. students!

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Hotchkiss K-8 strives to develop citizens through GRIT — growth, resiliency, integrity and tenacity. Students who demonstrate these traits academically, socially or emotionally are recognized as GRIT Blazing Bulldogs. “We are so proud of all our HK-8 students for continuously endeavoring to show their GRIT,” said principal Carrie Yantzer. The award is not grade based, but is based on the character traits that are aligned with the Hotchkiss K-8 vision/mission. Nominations are made by the teachers, who also have an eye out for Hotchkiss Pride and the Power of 3/Bulldog Bark.

Students will have their picture posted in the hallway and in the DCI. They will be treated to lunch by Horace Mann and will receive ice cream coupons for Taco Hut and certificates from Bananas Fun Park. They are also presented with a certificate and the nomination form. October recipients included: Kindergarten — Samantha Fraley, Hazel Henry, Caylee McCleland, Ryker O’Connell, Daniel Robinson and Anja Ullmann. First grade — David Duncan, Alyssa Lovelace, Colter Scriver and Wyatt Thompson. Second grade — None. Third grade — Mala-

chi Barnes, Ethan Jardon and Raney Moore. Fourth grade — Landon Brown, Tucker Houseweart, Wyatt Kendall, Hayden Moreno and Sasha Taylor. Fifth grade — Tia Moore. Sixth grade — Tel Bullard, Mikenna Carpenter, Matilda McDaniel, Parker Pene, Emily Strong and Alexis Yanish. Seventh grade — Tristan Andregg, Jaden Borgman, Robert Cochran and Kenny Drbohlav. Eighth grade — Phillip Barnes, Autumn Luginbyhl, Evan Mattison, J.D. Miller, Jerome Reed, Justin Schultz, Jason Strong and Sydnie West.

NPS to conduct pile burns The National Park Service will soon begin conducting pile burns near the Grizzly Gulch area on the North Rim of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Pile burning is a type of maintenance burn whereby wildland fuels are cut through the year, piled, allowed to dry, and then burned during the winter when there is snow on the ground. The piles are the result of fuels reduction efforts undertaken in the past few years to reduce wildfire risk and improve wildlife habitat in these sites. As with all prescribed burns, each of the proposed pile burns has gone through an environmental analysis and has a detailed burn plan. Each burn plan contains specific criteria regarding weather conditions and air quality standards that must be met to ensure control of the burn as well as minimizing the potential smoke impacts on local communities. Smoke may be visible to park visitors and nearby residents during the burn operation.

Grades K-5

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Grades 6-8

Hotchkiss K-8 honor roll The following students were named to the first quarter honor roll at Hotchkiss K-8 School: Third Grade 3.7-4.0 Jesalynn Borgman* Reyna Broadbent* Gabriel Garcia* Kenaniah McDaniel Charlie Miller Lola Mitchell Raney Moore* Payson Pene* 3.0-3.699 Malachi Barnes Jacob Cortez Kayli Jo Dagnan Jack Danielson Mitchell Finlayson Haley McMillan Emily Morales-Rodriguez Ayla Reed Kaylee Simpson Treyven Stevens Lane Stroh Jenaya Tracy London West Fourth Grade 3.7-4.0 Brailey Angelovich Madeline Brezonick* Henry Hollembeak Cecelia Houseweart* Tucker Houseweart* Myea Morales Hayden Moreno Piper Smith* Aizlyn Sommer* Sasha Taylor* Hunter Thompson 3.0-3.699 Breanna Beall Landon Brown Joshua Bryant Tyler Carlquist Dylan Kasper Isa Lindberg Zachary Luginbyhl Brooklyn Matus Wyatt McArtor Liam McCollum Jasmine Moore Hunter Moreno Quintin Morlang Kaylynn O’Connell Daniel Owens Cody Pagone Nick Poutre Joel Rodriguez Elijah Rung

Isabella Sparks Cali Ware Allen Washburn Fifth Grade 3.7-4.0 Marcus Broadbent Annika Knehs Tia Moore* Mac Turnbull* Claudia Verdeja 3.0-3.699 Carter Ballard Acacia Compher Lillian Jardon Ciara Lutz Victoria Marquez Lexton Short Rylee Spencer Lexi Todd Zaid Vazquez Mendoza Paris West Sixth Grade 3.7-4.0 Audren Borgman William Bullard Kailynn Carpenter Emily Davidovich Damon Fausett Sawyer Handy Lottie Hollembeak Isabelle Houseweart* Matthew Kasper Justin Mattison Indigo Miller-Barnes Parker Pene Benjamin Rodriguez Drayden Taylor 3.0-3.699 Mikenna Carpenter Larissa Cotten Esmeralda Lozano Tyler Marks Matilda McDaniel Vianney Mendoza Bailey Miller Sara Morris Addison Neal Matthew Pachl William Poutre Dalton Rodman Jordyn Vodopich Alexis Yanish Seventh Grade 3.7-4.0 Isabella Brezonick* Kenny Drbohlav Adair Ela*

Traycer Hall* Amelia Hickam* Tawny Roberts* Adam Smith* Isabella Spano Ian Van Horn* Abigail Vespia 3.0-3.699 Tristan Andregg Carson Beck Jaden Borgman Connor Bronkan Micah Cooper-Sponseller Emily Graham Tessa Griffith Morgan Hackett Lauryn Kiefer Ivy Kirk Electra Lovato Ellieyana Lowe Teresa Martinez Nathaniel Mattler Christian Matus Boston Sommer Kyra Stevens Ava Taylor Regan Todd Jude Wick Eighth Grade 3.7-4.0 Natashia Brown Ethan Guy* Autumn Luginbyhl J.D. Miller* Grey Neal* Jace Peebles Elsie Vazquez-Mendoza Sydnie West* 3.0-3.699 Tristen Allen Shayne Bayles Kristal Camacho Cooper Caudle Jaycie Duncan Shay Glaser Brian Gonzalez Dana Keil Malykai Klaseen Kyle Luginbyhl Evan Mattison Jacob Palecki Jerome Reed Allyson Regelman Grady Simpson Tycee Taylor Zachary Ziemer *Denotes Straight A’s


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Writers gather in the Delta County Libraries BY LEAH MORRIS Delta County Libraries

Early darkness has arrived and the wind is picking up, but on a Tuesday evening in November, the Paonia Library glows invitingly, welcoming people who arrive to participate in an after-hours write-in. This event, designed to coincide with National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), provides a venue for writers to gather for inspiration, motivation and a quiet place to put words together. A similar gathering takes place in the Delta Library the same night, and both libraries have more write-ins scheduled throughout November. NaNoWriMo is an Photo submitted internationally accepted Gathered at the Delta Library for a write in are, from left, Marne Kirstatter, promotion in which writers challenge themselves Vicki Law and Jessica Woods.

LEAP kicks off enrollment season

Colorado’s Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) began accepting applications for its 2015-16 season on Monday, Nov. 2. With an increase in applicant income qualification this season, more Coloradans will qualify for assistance with paying their home heating costs. LEAP is a 100-percent federally funded program administered by the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) that provides cash assistance to help Coloradans pay a portion of home heating costs during the winter months. The program pays the highest benefits to those with the highest heating bills and the lowest incomes by family size. This year, applicant income was

raised from 150 percent to 165 percent of the federal poverty level, which equates to $3,334 per month for a family of four. “With the increase in income qualification this year, we hope to provide the opportunity for even more Colorado families to receive assistance in paying their home heating costs this winter,” said Aggie Berens, LEAP manager. “Last year, nearly 103,000 Coloradans applied for LEAP, receiving an average benefit of $458 per household.” To qualify for LEAP, applicants must be responsible for paying heating costs directly to an energy provider, fuel dealer or as part of their rent; and be permanent

legal residents of the United States and Colorado, or have household members who are U.S. citizens. LEAP-eligible households may also qualify for programs that inspect a home’s primary heating source, such as a furnace or wood�burning stove, and weatherization upgrades that improve a home’s energy efficiency. The State of Colorado also offers a rebate of property tax, rent and heat expenses to lowincome seniors and disabled persons. Please visit the Colorado Department of Revenue’s website at https://www. property-tax-rent-heatcredit-ptc-rebate-file for more information and the rebate application

booklet. To find out if you qualify for LEAP, call toll-free at 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1866-432-8435) or visit leap to view the most current program application requirements and to download an application. Applications will be accepted until April 30, 2016.

and inspire each other to complete a 50,000-word novel during the course of the month. Social media has helped enormously to connect writers worldwide in recent years, and now the Delta County libraries are becoming part of the excitement. After a quick chat, participants disperse to various locations in the library. This arrangement allows for undisturbed contemplation, although it makes for a long walk when a patron summons staff member Laura Lee Yates to take a look at something on his computer. Yates, a writer herself, sets aside her own writing goals on this night to simply encourage everyone else, offering books and enthusiasm. Once the group has settled, the only sound is the occasional gust of wind or passing motor noise from outside the building, and the huge library space narrows to words on a computer screen. The Delta Library event follows a similar course, although the writers sit more closely together. Delta staff member Sunshine Knight explains, “The authors who come to write want to use that time to write,” which means there is no discussion or instruction. Knight would not be opposed to offering a

more interactive writing program at a later date, but these nights are for writing. “Thank you for hosting NaNoWriMo. I’ve told my family I’m not available on Tuesday nights in November so I can be here,” says 16-year-old Jessica Woods. Knight herself has enjoyed writing under the guidelines of NaNoWriMo in the past and is happy that Delta County Libraries can provide a venue. “I’ve never made the 50,000 word count of NaNo, but I have participated for the past four years. I’ve met wonderful friends and writers who have been a continued support. Because of NaNo, I’ve been able to complete my first novel.” Because of the introspective nature of these events, writers of all talents and ages should feel comfortable attending a library write-in. No one will ask to read their writing, there is no criticism, and even though the convention is to write a novel during the month, that, too, is flexible. Upcoming write-ins will be held at the Delta and Paonia libraries the last two Tuesdays in November, at 5:30 p.m. in Delta and 6:30 p.m. in Paonia. Computers are available, along with plenty of encouragement.

Great American Smokeout is a great chance to quit tobacco If you smoke, chances are you’ve thought about quitting. In fact, roughly 70 percent of smokers say they want to quit. You’ve probably thought about several important reasons to quit: for your health, for your finances, for your family and friends. Still, a tobacco addiction is powerful, and quitting successfully can take multiple attempts. The good news is there are a variety of free services and resources that can help. Nov. 19 marks the “Great American Smokeout.” Getting started is easy, just visit TobaccoFreeCO.

org. This site provides you with information and free resources you can use, including a free mobile app — the Quit and $ave app. While improved health is a great benefit to quitting, there are many others — including financial benefits. Did you know a pack-a-day smoker in Colorado spends about $35 a week on cigarettes? The Colorado QuitLine at 1-800-QUIT-NOW is another great resource. The QuitLine offers free patches and personalized, confidential telephone and web-based support for smokers and

Bunco madness hits Montrose Nov. 13 will be a night of Bunco madness in Montrose with the first Western Slope Bunco tournament. It will be held at the Holiday Inn Express Montrose from 6 to 9:30 p.m. Players’ tickets are $20 each. Bunco is a social dice game involving 100 percent luck and no skill (there are no decisions to be made), simple scoring and a very simple set of rules. The object of the game is to accumulate points and to roll certain number combinations with the dice. The winners get prizes (provided by local businesses) for accomplishments such as the highest score, the lowest score, and the most buncos. Vicious Victoria will be hosting pre-event dice throwing and game practice starting at 5 p.m. She’ll demonstrate her famous left-handed, underhand throw. Prizes will also include best team theme costumes and wildest hairstyle. There will also be a silent auction to begin your holiday shopping. Silent auction items will be available for viewing beginning at 5 p.m.

Snacks will be provided at each table and there will be a cash bar and other refreshments, food and desserts from area restaurants available for purchase. This event is a benefit for the nonprofit Community Heart & Hands. Community Heart & Hands (CHH) mission is to “empower stewardship through programs designed to support personal independence, improve quality of life, and enhancing community engagement.” CHH is a registered nonprofit. It operates on very low overhead, rents a small office and operates primarily with volunteer staff. CHH runs several programs including the handyman program which provides simple handyman services to low-income and disabled, the Montrose middle school students’ Innovation After School Program and the Montrose Main in Motion summer downtown festivals. For more information, call 249-9639 or stop by the office at 121 N. Park Avenue, Suite C, Montrose.

their families. For those who want help quitting via their phones, http://smokefree. gov is a text messagebased program that gives you instant support and coaching when you feel the urge to use tobacco, and for help close to home, talk to your health care provider or contact the Delta County Health Department at 874-2517. The “Great American Smokeout” offers a great chance to make a plan, or begin an attempt, to quit. Quitting tobacco is the single biggest thing you can do to improve your health.

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B6 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta County Independent

Major changes are coming to I-70 this winter CDOT to implement Passenger Vehicle Traction Law and launch Mountain Express Lane Last year, the Colorado Department of Transportation’s (CDOT) improved operations and Change Your Peak Drive campaign helped achieve a 35 percent decrease in

fatal and injury crashes and a 46 percent decrease in weather-related crashes along the I-70 Mountain Corridor. Working to build upon last year’s success, CDOT, the Colorado State Patrol (CSP), I-70 Coalition and Colorado Motor Carriers Association (CMCA) are joining forces to decrease congestion and increase safety and reliability along the

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Mountain Corridor. Two major changes coming to the Mountain Corridor include the implementation of Passenger Vehicle Traction and Chain Laws and the launch of the I-70 Mountain Express Lane. CDOT will continue to implement a variety of different operational strategies in the corridor, including safety metering at the Eisenhower/ Johnson Memorial Tunnel, safety metering and snow plow escorts from Silverthorne, Frisco and Copper Mountain and improved incident management response. If weather conditions require, CDOT will implement a Traction Law, also known as a Code 15. Under a Traction Law, all passenger vehicles will need to have either snow tires, tires with the mud/snow (M/S) designation, or a four-wheel drive vehicle — all tires must have a minimum oneeighth inch tread. During severe winter storms, CDOT will implement a Passenger Vehicle Chain Law, also known as a Code 16 — this is the final safety measure before the highway is closed. Under a Passenger Vehicle Chain Law, every vehicle on the roadway is required to have chains or an alternative traction device (like AutoSock). When either of these laws are in effect, motorists can be fined more than $130 for not having proper equipment or more than $650 if they block the roadway. Colorado State Patrol will not be proactively checking for proper equipment, but instead have the option of issuing a ticket when they respond to an incident. “We spent last year educating the public about the need for good tires and they listened, with more than 70 percent saying they checked their tires before traveling

in the I-70 corridor,” said Amy Ford, CDOT Director of Communications. “Drivers should expect in general when they see a chain law required for truckers that the traction law will likely be required for passenger vehicles.” To encourage motorists to invest in the proper equipment, CDOT is again partnering with tire companies across the state to provide discounts on winter tires. CDOT and tire partners will lead tire checks at resorts and major events, letting Coloradans know if their tires meet the requirements of the Traction Law. To find the nearest tire partner, Coloradans can visit tires. In addition to traction laws, CSP will again be focusing on educating the public about the Move It Law, which requires motorists to move their vehicles off the roadway and to a safe location if the vehicle is drivable, there are no injuries and no drugs or alcohol are involved. “Traffic crashes — not volume — account for 60 percent of all traffic delays,” said Major Steve

Garcia with the Colorado State Patrol. “Law enforcement and insurance companies will not penalize motorists for moving their vehicle off the roadway after a crash. Moving your crash is the simplest and safest way to keep traffic flowing along one of the most traveled corridors in the state.” Other major aspects of the Change Your Peak Drive campaign include a partnership between CDOT and the Colorado Motor Carriers Association (CMCA) to continue to educate truckers about how to travel through the I-70 Mountain Corridor and the requirements and fines associated with Colorado chain laws. CDOT will also expand its live streaming Mountain Travel Radio on, providing motorists with the most accurate and up-to-date travel information, special Peak Time deals and mountain event information, now airing on Friday afternoons, Saturday and Sunday mornings/afternoons, and on holidays. The I-70 Coalition, a consortium representing the mountain communi-

ties and resorts, will continue to give travel tips and travel forecasts, and to offer discounts, deals and incentives for travelers interested in avoiding traffic by staying in the mountains for an extra hour or two. Peak Time Deals at are updated regularly, and list locations of restaurants, entertainment options and retailers along the I-70 Mountain Corridor offering weekend discounts. Lastly, another major change that motorists will notice is the new I-70 Mountain Express Lane, a 13-mile toll lane that runs between Empire and Idaho Springs and operates only during peak travel times. The lane will use dynamic pricing to keep travel reliable and save motorists an average of 30 minutes. All drivers (including HOV) will pay a toll to use the lane and travelers can save by getting a switchable transponder or ExpressToll sticker. To learn more about the Change Your Peak Drive campaign and the strategies CDOT implements along the corridor, visit

Children’s Grief Awareness Day highlights need for support In honor of Children’s Grief Awareness Day on Thursday, Nov. 19, HopeWest is encouraging community members across western Colorado to wear blue to demonstrate support for children and teens who have lost someone they love. “Children’s Grief Awareness Day is focused on bringing to mind the children all around us who have experienced the death of a loved one — children who typically feel very alone in the journey of grief they travel,” said Cathy DiPaola, director of HopeWest

Kids, a child and teen grief support program at HopeWest. The day is an opportunity to let grieving children know that they’re not forgotten in the midst of their grief. According to Childrens, there are more grieving children than most realize — one out of 20 children will experience the death of a parent before graduating from high school, while one out of every five children will face the death of someone close to them. Many people don’t realize it takes most children much longer to deal with their grief than community members expect, and that the amount of inner turmoil, invisible to most, is much more intense than what would be expected. Below is a list of things community members should know about grief in order to better understand and support grieving children and teens in the community: • Grief is a natural and normal response to death.

• Every person’s grief is unique. • Grief is not a disease. • Grief is a lifelong process that changes with time. • Children grieve differently than adults. • Children of different ages grieve differently. • Many adults who lost a parent when they were young describe the death as the defining moment of their lives. • Grieving children and adults need support. • We grieve because we love. • Grieving children and adults don’t “just get over it” but they can learn to integrate the death (the absence of the one they love) into their lives. HopeWest is raising awareness in order to help people learn ways they might help a grieving child they happen to know, now or in the future. For more resources on how to help a grieving child please contact HopeWest Kids at 970-254-5377 or visit

Methodists host Down Home Country Bazaar The Down Home Country Bazaar sponsored by the Montrose United Methodist Women will be Saturday, Nov. 14, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The coffee shop will be serving all day and the delicious



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hot lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for $5. There will be tables of wonderful crafts, great bargains in Granny’s Attic, and a chance to buy homemade goodies and fresh pecans.

Grant provides well water testing A $547,000 grant will enable local environmental health personnel to assist residents in learning more about the risks that threaten the safety of drinking water from area private wells and will provide well water testing for local property owners. Ken Nordstrom, Delta County director of environmental health, is a member of the six-county West Central Public Health Partnership that applied for and secured a five-year grant from the Centers for Disease Control to help address private well water concerns in Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Ouray and San Miguel counties. Public health agencies in the six counties had identified private well water quality as a high priority during the last regional health assessment. Now the group of public health leaders will have funding to address those concerns.

“Private well water is unregulated,” Nordstrom said. “We needed funding to gather data, documenting potential problems that may be affecting drinking water in private wells. This will help us address issues and make good recommendations to the public.” In year two, grant funding will allow for sampling and testing of well water across the region, as well as an educational campaign about private well management and upkeep aimed at approximately 10,000 private well owners in the six-county region. The West Central Public Health Partnership was formed in 2006 to strengthen the public health infrastructure in the region through collaboration and shared services. For more information contact Ken Nordstrom at 874-2169 or email knordstrom@deltacounty. com.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


End sought to 35-year wilderness status BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The Board of County Commissioners has issued position statements recently on various local issues. They include ending the long-running wilderness study area (WSA) status for local public lands, and ideas for inclusion in Colorado’s Water Plan. In a recent letter, the BoCC asked Rep. Scott Tipton’s office to consider beginning work to remove WSA status from the Adobe Badlands area north of Delta, and also from the Camel Back area in Montrose County. Adobe Badlands was designated a WSA in 1980 — 35 years ago. The area comprises 10,337 acres, according to the BLM’s Uncompahgre Field Office website. County commissioners explained at a recent meeting that the WSA designation was never

intended to be permanent. If the area is not suitable as wilderness, then it should revert back to public lands management, the commissioners believe. The UFO has studied Adobe Badlands and recommended it for non-wilderness. In their letter to Tipton’s office, the commissioners ask “that the Adobe Badlands WSA north of the Blake Field outside of Delta also be released. This area is already being used extensively by recreation and it should be managed as such. “The Adobe Badlands WSA should be put back into the BLM system as an SRMA (special recreation management area) to specifically allow for the motorized and nonmotorized uses in that area. This would help Delta County attain its goal of increasing the

area where mountain bikers and ATV users can utilize public lands.” The issue of Adobe Badlands’ WSA status became an important matter in 2011. That is when new power lines erected by Tri-State Generation and Transmission near Blake Field drew strong objections from the commissioners and Blake Field’s general aviation community. The problem of the power lines towering in the airspace over Blake Field could have been solved easily by moving them off a ridge and to a lower position to the west. But that solution was not available because the land west was a federally protected area — the Adobe Badlands WSA. In addition, the BoCC would like to see other WSAs in the area revert back to multiple-use management. Their letter to Tipton continues,

“The Delta BoCC encourages Congressman Tipton to continue to push for all of the existing WSAs to be finalized and designated as either wilderness or revert to the BLM management as a multiple-use area.” That includes some WSA areas that were “left over” from the Dominguez-Escalante NCA/Wilderness decision, said commissioner Doug Atchley. And it also includes the Camel Back area located south of Delta. “Additionally,” the commissioners state, “we ask that you consider initiating congressional action to remove WSA status” from the Camel Back WSA. “This area has remained in regulatory limbo since being identified as a WSA in 1980.” According to the BLM, the Camel Back area is 10,735 acres and is located nine miles south of Delta. “The Camel Back WSA is located in Montrose coun-

ty; however, it is accessed through Delta County,” states the commissioners’ letter. Local public lands wilderness advocates pushed hard to have the Camel Back area included in the Dominguez-Escalante National Conservation Area. But the BLM had already done an extensive study of the area’s wilderness characteristics and also recommended it for non-wilderness. On another issue of local interest, the BoCC has issued its positions for inclusion in the final draft of Colorado’s Water Plan. In an eight-point document also finalized in September, the commissioners noted the following points: • Any new transmountain diversions “must fully protect the priority of existing water rights decrees.” • Water use plans for the Front Range should

not override plans for that water use on the West Slope. • The state water plan should provide for population growth “based upon the unused native flows in each river basin.” • The plan “should include local solutions and compact curtailment to meet Colorado’s future water needs without a major state water project or related “placeholder” water right. • Basin Roundtable input must be part of any proposal for new state mandates, legislation, fees, and/or taxes. • And the final three points in the county commissioners’ comments involve the importance of consumptive rights, return flow activities and irrigation; the principal of each river basin developing its own natural supplies first; and continuation of the basin roundtable process at all levels.

Commissioners name Fair Board members BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Ribbon-cutting ceremony

Photo submitted

The Delta Area Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for X106.9-FM KMZK out of Fruita. Pictured are Scharee Atchison, ambassador/Western Slope Long Term Care Solutions; Kylynn Wilson, director/Crossroads Assisted Living; Mayor Ed Sisson; Kira Pierce, director/Pierce Construction; Christian Herrera, X106.9-FM sales manager; Josh Applegate, chamber board president/Farmers Insurance; Cheri Trout, X106.9-FM account executive; Jesse Messenger, ambassador/All Windows & Doors Plus; Nancy Wood, director/ReMax Today; Linette Gerlach, ambassador/Heaven’s View Apartments; and GW King, ambassador/King Retirement Solutions.

Two new members were appointed to the Delta County Fair Board by the county commissioners last week. In addition, three present members were appointed to new terms. Kirby Clock of Paonia and Amy Miller of Hotchkiss were named as new members of the board with terms that will run to October 2018. Named to renewed terms were Gary Peebles of Crawford, Jarod Keller of Delta and Kelly Korth of Hotchkiss. Their terms will also run to October 2018. Other members of the county fair board

In other business at their Monday, Nov. 2, the commissioners received a sales tax report showing a -0.4 percent year-todate decline in sales tax receipts through August. They also approved a five-year deal with Blair and Associates CPA for the annual county audit. Cost is $29,500 per year.

are Andrew Braslin of Delta, Kristi St. Clair of Delta, Ryan Bates of Cedaredge, Lance Kappel of Austin, Teresa Burns of Hotchkiss, Marci Germann of Delta, Angel Sharpe of Delta, Kay Barker Adams of Hotchkiss, Sheila Maki of Hotchkiss and Jennifer Craig of Cedaredge.

Pediatric Associates launches coat drive Pediatric Associaties is teaming up with the Abraham Connection to collect warm clothing for the less fortunate. Drop off your gently used coats, gloves and

hats at the Pediatric Associates, 242 Cottonwood Street, Suite 101, in Delta. For more information, call the Pediatric Associates at 874-7552.

Know Your Neighbor

Columbine Wellness Center welcomes you

Massage therapy, yoga, dance and medicine come together under one roof at Columbine Wellness Center, located in Columbine Mall on Delta’s Main Street. Adults and children alike delight in stretching and strengthening their muscles with the support of an amazing staff. “Everything here is geared toward health and wellness,” said owner Colleen Irmiter. Originally from Chicago, Ill., Colleen moved to Delta for nursing classes and to enroll her daughter in the first grade. Last Christmas she decided to open a massage business. A close friend heard about her decision and bought her the website expressing that she was more than just a massage therapist. “I would sum up the business as a way to seek alternative medicine. I struggled with depression as a teenager and was fortunate to have found a Naturopathic Doctor that to this day I believe saved my life. Her goal was not

for a quick fix but to teach me to ‘balance my chemicals’ naturally through the lifelong practice of herbal medicines, exercise and proper nutrition.” Colleen graduated from the Chicago School of Massage Therapy in 2004. She had the opportunity to intern at one of the top orthopedic surgery centers in the nation and has exceptional knowledge of the human anatomy. “The list of massage benefits is endless, some of the main benefits being increased circulation, decreased muscle soreness and decreased stress,” she says. There are multiple therapists on staff, one of whom is Tonya Geertz, a Delta Montrose Tech graduate. “We have three massage rooms available and even offer couples massages which has been a fun selling point.” The Yoga Studio opened in March. “One reason that I love Yoga is that it is the answer to being healthy and active at 82. Strengthening and stretching muscles may be the key to healthy bones and yoga offers both,” says Colleen. A

Columbine Wellness has enjoyed tremendous support since opening just a year ago. Lainie, Lyndall, Sandy, Kayln, Colleen and Tonya feel blessed to have a place where so many people are coming together to feel good about themselves.

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variety of classes are offered by various instructors throughout the week. Lyndall Young, a Delta native who has been involved in the fitness industry for the past 12 years, offers power classes for the more intermediate group. Sandy Davies, who began teaching yoga in the ‘90s, is more geared toward people looking for a gentler, slower pace. The Dance Studio opened in June and is currently offering a variety of classes for every age. “Our goal right now is to form a kid’s dance team. We are hoping to teach them work ethic by raising money through car washes, bake sales, etc., for performances and eventually competitions,” Colleen said. “And our instructor, Kayln Bruington, is very knowledgeable and capable of bringing this vision to life! She knows how to take dance to the next level. Seeing a child with a dream is a beautiful thing and we believe in every one of them.” Low impact Cardio Dance classes are available with Lainie Boyden who has worked as a personal trainer and dance instructor in Delta for over 20 years. She also does personal training for those who may want private sessions without the crowds. “The enthusiasm of the staff is contagious, which gives Columbine Wellness a comfortable atmosphere welcoming to all,” Colleen said. Columbine Wellness also features locally sourced merchandise such as honey, lotions, oils, jewelry, pottery and Colleen’s handcrafted teas, which make the perfect gift. Gift certificates are also available for any of the services at Columbine Wellness Center, and new clients are always welcome. Stop by 326 Main Street or call 399-3500 for details. Be sure to ask about upcoming canning, cooking and nutrition classes!

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B8 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta County Independent

Congratulations to all our area High School Sports Teams for a Great Fall Season! Good luck to the following as they continue on in the playoffs:




at State Tournament

at State Tournament

at State Tournament

November 13 & 14

November 13 & 14

November 13 & 14

First Match Friday vs. Yuma at Denver Coliseum

First Match Friday vs. Cheyenne Mountain at Denver Coliseum

First Match Friday vs. Rye at Denver Coliseum



Saturday, November 14

Saturday, November 14

vs. Burlington 1:00 p.m. in Paonia

vs. Harrison 1:00 p.m. in Delta

Good luck in the football playoffs and at state volleyball!

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SURFACE CREEK November 11, 2015




Events today to honor veterans Several events are scheduled for today, Wednesday, Nov. 11, in observance of Veterans say. The events are as follows:

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Members of VFW Post 9221 conduct a POW/MIA remembrance service during the 4th Annual Stars and Stripes Military Ball held on Nov. 7 at the Stolte Shed.

• From 7 to 10:30 a.m. – VFW Post 9221 Memorial Day pancake breakfast at the Stolte Shed in Cedaredge. This is the buttermilk “made from scratch” pancake breakfast served with sliced ham and scrambled eggs. All you can eat — you will not leave hungry — the post members guarantee it. • Cedaredge High School will honor all veterans with a program at 1 p.m. to include patriotic music and video, Patriotic Pen Essay winners and a speech by Dick Wellington on the 10th Mountain Division. • At 2:30 p.m. — Horizons Care Center, Eckert, Recognizing the veterans who reside there. Colors posted by Cadets of the Civil Air Patrol. Recognition and presentation of certificates to the veterans. Cake and juice by Horizons staff.

Study in contrast

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Fall-turning foliage stands out in contrast with the gray escarpments that flank the Tongue Creek Valley.

County decides on gravel haul route BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The county’s choice for a haul route from its yet-to-beopened North Road gravel pit has been decided. The county intends to send its ten-wheel end-dump trucks and its 18-wheel belly-dump trucks through Eckert’s congested SH65-at-North Road intersection. But businesses that operate at the intersection and residents who live there are against the decision. They voiced their opposition at a work session meeting with the Orchard City Town Board on Nov. 4. The county is faced with developing a replacement source of gravel for local roads when the Antelope Hill gravel pit is finally closed. Estimates for that closure happening have ranged from four to ten years in the future. When that does happen, county gravel trucks will need to make their ways to various points in the county from the North Road pit. There are only two options for direct travel from the pit to Highway 65. One option is for trucks to travel west on North Road and then take a cutoff along 2190 Road and Myers Road to Highway 65. The other option is to run straight west from the North Road pit to the intersection at Eckert. Both of the travel options have problems. The work session meeting had been called to explain to the Eckert neighbors why their intersection had been the one chosen for the primary haul route, and to try to get them to offer suggestions for improvements to the Eckert intersection plan. Orchard City Mayor Don Suppes told the group, “We brought you residents here to get suggestions of what we can do to improve the plan.” The town endorses the county’s haul route decision, in part, because it is the shortest on town roads. “We want to get the heavy trucks off of town roads as quickly as possible,” he said. The heavy, loaded gravel trucks cause considerable wear and tear on the town’s

Illustration: Delta County

Aerial view of the SH65-North Road intersection showing road rights-of-way (white dashed lines), the county’s proposed lane striping plan (solid white lines), and the shadow of an 18-wheel gravel truck (black line figures) making the turn from southbound Highway 65 onto eastbound North Road. roads. North Road is maintained by the town for a short distance east of the highway. The 2190-to-Myers Road route would keep the gravel trucks running on town roads for a much greater distance. The county was represented by District 2 Commissioner Bruce Hovde and by Dan Sickles, roads superintendent. Hovde handed out full-color maps showing the lane striping plan that the county has devised for making the intersection’s tight turning radiuses negotiable by the big, belly-dump semitrailer gravel haulers. “We looked at Myers Road extensively,” Hovde explained. “The speed limit on Highway 65 there is 45 while it is only 30 at North Road.” Residents asked why the highway speed limit at Myers Road couldn’t be lowered. Suppes explained that a CDOT traffic study could result in the speed limit there actually being raised. Myers Road also offers the advantage of much less congestion than the North Road intersection is. The drawbacks to using Myers Road include the cost of required turn lanes the county would have to construct. And the connecting 2190 Road would have to be

completely rebuilt to accommodate loaded gravel trucks. Suppes explained also, “To rebuild 2190 Road and Myers Road would cost millions. And if we chose that route, we would only be sitting here tonight with a different group of residents complaining about it to us.” Suppes also noted that the Eckert intersection has been determined to be “one of the safest in Orchard City.” That was a statement the residents quickly disagreed with. The owners of Drost’s Chocolates and the Big E cited numerous events they have witnessed involving traffic confusion, parking violations that created obvious hazards, near-miss incidents, and even actual accidents in just the past two years. The business owners also see more problems in the road ahead. The county’s preferred haul route will hurt Drost’s business, the owners say, and the Big E building which is built directly on the county’s road right-of-way line could

Staff Writer

Six bucks

A group of six nice young bucks found a place to bed down out of the bright autumn sun in a Cedaredge homeowner’s yard and really had it made in the shade.

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Blue marker in the foreground designates a feature that residents of the Eckert intersection at North Road say is a sink hole that could grow to eventually threaten heavy truck traffic. The feature is east of the SH65North Road intersection just off of the westbound lane of North Road. North Road right-of-way. Residents asserted that the sink hole presents a threat to heavy truck traffic. Suppes noted that the public complaints and opposition were being taken into consideration. “We hear that,” he said. In the end, Hovde and district 2 road superintendent Sickles left the meeting with about four specific suggestions they will be able to implement and show as due diligence in making the decision for the North Road haul route. The suggestions include striping on the intersection’s southeast corner; moving a stop stripe to improve visibility; and placing additional signage in front of the Eckert Presbyterian Church and on North Road eastbound.

Cedaredge voters like Internet, not more tax BY HANK LOHMEYER

Photo courtesy of Tammy Blanchette

suffer damage from vibration, and that concerns owners Gary and Lisa Espinoza. Nevertheless, Hovde and Suppes noted several points in the Eckert route’s favor including the following ones: • Large trucks and semis are already using the intersection now. • Actual volume of truck traffic will be relatively low, except when there is a road project using gravel from the pit. • The Town of Orchard City gets complaints from residents about the traffic on every road in Orchard City in any event. • And the cost and safety issues count heavily in the Eckert route’s favor. In response, the seven local residents who attended the session were not deterred and did not waver in their opposition. They countered the county and town points with arguments of their own including the following ones: • The North Road intersection is already congested and unsafe. • There are no guarantees that heavy truck traffic won’t keep growing and growing. • The truck traffic there now causes vibrations that rattle windows. • The heavy traffic disrupts day sleeping. • Children and handicapped people who live at the intersection are endangered by the traffic which is already there. • Limited parking in front of the Big E can be an issue when customers ignore parking signs. “People don’t even know what ‘parallel parking’ means,” said Big E owner Gary Espinoza. • Drivers just ignore lane striping and advisory traffic signage. The county and town officials were also apprised of a traffic-endangering “sink hole” that exists in the town’s

Cedaredge voters casting ballots in the Nov. 3 election expressed strong hope for improved Internet service, but little desire for higher taxes. The county elections department reported there were 671 votes cast on the town’s healthy living lifestyles tax proposal. Of those, 377 voted “no” and 294 voted “for,” and the question lost by 83 votes; or, by 12.36 percent (56.18 percent opposed to 43.82 in favor). The town’s voters approved the “opt-out” ballot measure by a wide margin, as did other voters across the county. The Cedaredge totals were 74.59 percent for, and 25.41 against.

The opt-out measure is seen as a step in a lengthy process that has promised voters it will eventually bring inexpensive broadband Internet access to homes and businesses. Opt-out measures were on the ballots of four other county municipalities, and the questions appeared as a referred measure on a countywide question also. The measures passed by big percentages elsewhere in the county, similar to those registered by Cedaredge voters. There were no election returns separated out for Orchard City. That is because the town did not have any questions on the ballot. Therefore, all of the vote totals for

Orchard City are included in the overall county totals. According to the county elections department, there were 1,328 ballots mailed to active voters who are Cedaredge residents. Of those, 679 were returned and another three Cedaredge residents cast their votes in person at the county’s early voting terminals. That’s a total of 682 votes cast out of 1,328 ballots mailed, or a voter participation rate of 51.3 percent for Cedaredge’s voters. This is much higher than for the countywide election. There were 20,664 registered voters countywide; with 7,964 ballots cast; which is a voter response rate of 38.54 percent.

C2 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta County Independent

Zero Gravity youth look forward to making a difference BY MCKENZIE MOORE CHS Intern

The Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church houses the Zero Gravity Youth Group. Recently, the small organization combined with Delta’s United Methodist Church to create new connections and formulate new ideas. They also

collaborate with Grand Junction’s Methodist youth group regarding West Side Weekend and future activities. West Side Weekend takes place at Camp Cedaredge every year. It welcomes youth groups from the entire Western Slope in addition to groups from the Front Range and Utah. “It’s

a great place to meet friends that you otherwise wouldn’t have gotten the chance to meet. There’s a lot of diversity and everyone is very accepting of each other,” member Megan Toothaker describes. In addition to discussing West Side Weekend, Zero Gravity plans to participate in a Hunger Games-themed lock-in Nov. 14 and 15 in Grand Junction. All three groups will combine for a night of friendship and learning experiences. Zero Gravity sold caramel apples at AppleFest in early October, making around $1,200 to help fund future activities, including a mission trip out of the country next summer. Senior member Jacob Small anticipates the experience taking place in Costa Rica, or San Diego if they decide to stay in the U.S. President Hannah Hatheway expresses her excitement

Photo submitted

Members of Zero Gravity connect with youth in Delta and Grand Junction at Camp Cedaredge. for the trip. “I’m looking forward to serving others and seeing parts of the country, and possibly world, that I’ve never been to before. It’s also a great bonding experience.” The group will volunteer at food banks

and orphanages during the trip. The Zero Gravity Youth Group holds a reputation for helping others and making differences in Delta County. All members of the Zero Gravity Youth Group excitedly

prepare for short-term activities, such as bowling and routine meetings, and anticipate the coming of a mission trip that will provide the students with priceless experiences and the people they help with a priceless gift.

Talented artists, bakers offer an unusual assortment of gifts This year marks the 10th anniversary of the annual Craft and Gift Festival in Cedaredge. The event showcases the best of area craftpersons, bakers and artists. With an abundance of talent, this group has proudly displayed its best efforts for the benefit of its customers. The festival began as a fundraiser for the Order of Eastern Star

and was passed on to the Cedaredge United Methodist Church, which has sponsored the festival the last several years. The festival is held in the Stolte Shed, near the Welcome Center at Pioneer Town, on Saturday, Nov. 14, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A biscuit and gravy breakfast is served during the morning hours, followed by

Food bank plans Christmas drive ��������������� ��������������� ���������������� ��������������� ����������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������������������� ������������������

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As we approach the holidays of thankfulness, blessings and renewed hope, we remember families who are still challenged in meeting increased demand during these times. The Surface Creek Community Services Food Bank in Cedaredge is seeking your monetary donation to help cover the costs of a generous Christmas Box dinner for families. With the aid of wonderful volunteers, the food bank serves over 200 families per month. The unselfish donation you make today will bless someone who may be your neighbor during

the holiday season. The food bank is open Mondays from 9 to 11 a.m., and Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m. This year’s annual Christmas Box distribution will take place on Saturday, Dec. 19. To participate in the distribution, sign up at the food bank.

an Italian meatball sub with chips and drink beginning at 11 a.m. The proceeds from the festival are used for the church’s various mission projects. Look for Sue Skelton’s Designs in Fabric, crafts and toffee by Terry Young, jewelry and leatherworks from newcomer Terry Shafer, stained glass and jewelry from Betty Jo Ness, local honey and dry salad dressing mixes by Carolyn Luark, Kathie Johnson with her beeswax candles and soap products, and fabric and yarn creations by Melis-

sa Produce. The Meisingers, Natalie and Dennis, have new, beautiful handturned wood products. Karen Debnam creates porcelain dolls, ornaments and tapestry items, and Robert Lawrence returns with his rope art and framed western memorabilia. The Methodist Crafty Club members show off fall and Christmas floral decor. It all adds up with a well-rounded and unusual assortment of gifts for all tastes and occasions. For more information, contact Jo Ann Price at 835-3065.

Eckert Presbyterian hosts dinner on Nov. 11 Eckert Presbyterian Church is planning its annual roast beef dinner Wednesday, Nov. 11, from 4 to 7 p.m. The menu includes

roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables, a roll and your choice of dessert, all for just $10 for adults and $5 for children 6-12.

McEuen show here to be a musical reunion BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Country Music Hall of Fame songwriter, singer, and banjo picker John McEuen is coming to Cedaredge for a concert. McEuen has been featured in previous performances at Cedaredge. His upcoming concert at the AppleShed on Saturday, Nov. 21, will be a reunion of McEuen with with Jimmy Ibbotson. Ibbotson is a Nitty Gritty Dirt Band alum, and McEuen is a founding member and current member of the group. The two musical colleagues haven’t done a duo show in over a dozen years, and their first one since then will be in Cedaredge. “They will be performing songs and telling stories from the nearly 50

years the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band has been making music together. Pretty cool stuff!” noted David Starr of Starr’s Guitars in Cedaredge who has arranged the performance and is glad to be able to bring a Country Music Hall of Fame performance to town. McEuen is also performing a solo concert in Rifle the following night. McEuen told the DCI in an email, “Jimmy Ibbotson will be joining me on Nov. 21 in Cedaredge for the first show together with just the two of us in 15 years. Jim, the main voice of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, left the group about 10 years ago, and after not speaking for most of that time, well … much water under several bridges, and none were burned … or the water

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Photo public domain

John McEuen

under the bridge put the fire out. Let’s say a lot of water under the bridge put the fire out before it burned. “We are planning on a long night of Nitty Grittyknown songs (Jim wrote many of the hits, and sang many) and the stories behind them, bluegrass favorites, jamming, and audience involvement in a way that will keep people asking for more,” McEuen told the DCI. “It will be a great experience for both of us. I have missed his songs, voice, and performing. And so have a huge number of people. Together we have probably done 250 duo shows on top of 6,000 NGDB shows. The DVD I produced, ‘Nitty Gritty Surround - John McEuen and Jim Ibbotson,’ won four awards,” McEuen said. No paper tickets will be issued. Names of paid reservation-holders will be on a list at the door. Prices are $22 in advance; $25 day of the show. Reserve in person or by phone: Starr’s Guitars, 250 W. Main Street, 856-2331; or online at


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


David Starr has a new project

Photo submitted

Using a defibrillator

Delta County Ambulance District paramedics Joanne Nakano, Charles Hufman, EMT Erin Parham and CPR instructor Kimberly Cormier taught 30 local Cedaredge residents how to perform chest compressions and how to use a defibrillator at the Stolte Shed on Oct. 29. Attendees learned the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and a stroke, the importance of advance directives and what Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) means.

CHS fall play offers family friendly fun this weekend BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The area’s families will find an evening of entertainment well suited to them when the Cedaredge High School drama department presents “She Was Only Marginally Modest” at the school on Nov. 13 and 14. Performances begin at 7 p.m. Director Nick Parsons promises lots of comedy and plenty of laugh lines from the script of his department’s fall theater offering. The student’ performances of the play’s outlandish characters will keep audiences engaged and entertained as they unravel twists and turns in the plot to what is sure to be a surprising ending. “The play is a comedic melodrama,” said director Parsons. “There will even be a couple of ‘Curses, foiled again!’ lines” that are sure to elicit a chuckle from audiences at key turns in the action. During a rehearsal session after school last week, a scene opens with Marginally Modest (Kenna Signs), Hattie Hogge (Angela Saenz), Granny Fanny (Riana Fuller), and Prunehilda Pincher (Mackenzie Moore), bemoaning the various trials and tribulations they have suffered because of men in their several failed attempts

at establishing relationships with them. The plot action is set in motion when Monopoly (Ma) Belle (Lynzie Stratman), who owns the Dead Moose Lodge, has fallen on hard business fortunes. A crooked judge arranges a sale of the property to Brad Apple (Kaden Schulz). To keep the plot wheels turning in a theatrical production, it usually helps to have a love interest involved somehow. Well, sure enough, the play’s author, Vern Harden, has provided one. Apple has hatched a plot using the situation as a way to manipulate Marge Modest into marrying him. One thing leads to another, and audiences will journey the course of events with the local high school thespians to the conclusion of the play which, Parsons said, is about 90 minutes long. Also performing in the play and aiding in its production are the following: Kerry Ribbens as Seymore Stoutfellow; Olivia McCrackin as Gladiola; Devin Glidden as Judge Jury McBribe; Callie Wasser as Willimena Worm; Xander Purcell as Turkey O’Trot; Elle Hockersmith as the poster girl; and, Michael Baugh as Ruben Z Patsy. The hotel guests are

played by: #1 Jessica Bowler, #2 Rikke Klausen, #3 Elizabeth Wood, #4 Faith Esquibel. Stage crew duties are

Cedaredge’s David Starr announced last week that a new music project of his is nearing completion. In an email, Starr says that he is “just back from a successful fall minitour of Texas and a quick trip to Arkansas, and I’m pleased to share with you that my new CD, “Love and Sabotage,” is nearing completion. “This project has been a real labor of love for me and those involved. It will feature lots of new material written by myself and several other co-writers including John Oates, Kevin Fisher, Dana Cooper, Tia McGraff, Tommy Parham and Cindy Starr, as well as a beautiful song by the late Kenny Edwards. “The project also features vocal cameos by Oates (Hall and Oates) and Richie Furay (Buffalo Springfield, Poco and The Souther-HillmanFuray Band) and Dana

handled by Jaelyn Rains and Michelle Varanai. The play’s assistant director is DaizyAnn McCarty.

Cooper. Much of the project was recorded in Nashville with some great session players and singers, but tracks were also cut with pros in Denver and at my home studio in Cedaredge. I’m very excited about this project on a lot of levels and can’t wait to put the finishing touches on it! “I’ve added my performance schedule to the homepage of my website to make it easier to follow where I’m playing.”

Don’t miss ‘Overtime’ on Fridays Every Friday night, Cedaredge United Methodist Church hosts “Overtime.” Youth are invited to enjoy games, music, food and fun. The free event runs from 8 to 11 p.m. at the church at 210 NW 3rd Street.


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CHS fall play cast members, from left, Riana Fuller (Granny Fanny), Mackenzie Moore (Prunehilda Pincher), and Kenna Signs (Marginally Modest), carefully consider their various problems with relationships during a rehearsal last week of the school’s production of “She Was Only Marginally Modest” to be presented Nov. 13 and 14.

Fruit sale benefits Tyler Clymo fund BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The annual end-ofthe-season fruit sale at Fritchman Orchards netted a total of $2,693.65 this year. Proceeds from the annual event will go toward a fund estab-

lished for Tyler Clymo, a youth in the community who is undergoing treatments for a type of cancer. Members of the New Hope Evangelical Free Church helped with the work of staging the annual benefit sale.

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C4 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta County Independent

Gleaners support Haven House A special offering conducted by the Gleaners at Delta Christian Church went to Haven House this year. During the month of October, members of the church were invited to drop donations in a handmade pink pig. The coins and bills added up to $500. “We would like to express our appreciation to the ladies of Gleaners and to Delta Christian Church for their support,” said Larry Fredericksen, one of the founding members of Haven House. Haven House is a faith-based organization that assists families and Photo by Pat Sunderland individuals in adjusting On behalf of the Delta Christian Church Gleaners, from homelessness to a Barb VanTassel presents a $500 check to Rose Ver- self-sustaining lifestyle. heul and Derek Hilburger of Haven House. The organization pro-


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vides transitional shelter, guidance, counseling and support programs for homeless families with children. Support programs include tutoring and mentoring for kids, parenting skills, conflict (anger) management, budgeting, nutrition, cooking and programs to improve parent-child relationships. Haven House is not a short-term or emergency shelter; the ultimate goal is to help residents into permanent housing with confidence and the tools needed to become productive community members. Haven House is located on North River Road between Olathe and Delta. The facility was once used for migrant


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The program is free and non-denominational. Applications are available in the Cedaredge Elementary office. For more information contact Mary Meehan at 8566123 or Jan Peterson at 856-3856. Most other elementary schools in the county are offering Good News Clubs; check with other elementary school offices for availability.

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The Good News Club for Cedaredge K-fifth graders, including homeschoolers, is underway. Meetings are held Tuesday afternoons from 3:13-4:45 p.m. in the community room across Cedar Avenue from the school. Children should meet at the back door of the school and a leader will bring them across to the community room for the Good News Club.


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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Water issues dominate Farm Bureau meeting BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Presentations on two important pending water issues were featured as the Delta County Farm and Livestock Bureau held its annual meeting and banquet at Bill Heddles Recreation Center on Nov. 6. Area ag producer and Colorado Farm Bureau board member Hugh Sanburg updated members on the EPA’s Waters of the U.S. rule. And attorney John McClow gave a presentation on Colorado’s Water Plan, now in its final draft form. The Environmental Protection Agency’s Waters of the U.S. rule was to have taken effect earlier this year. However, opponents to the sweeping set of federal regulations, opponents that include many in Congress, succeeded in having a temporary injunction issued against the rule’s implementation. The court-ordered temporary injunction will remain until issues have been resolved in court. According to an article that appeared in the Washington Post last month, opponents to the rule see it as “a threat to state sovereignty because it asserts federal jurisdic-

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

John McClow, Gunnison Basin representative on the Colorado Water Conservation Board, standing, gave a presentation on the final draft of Colorado’s Water Plan to about 70 members and guests during the annual meeting of the Delta County Farm and Livestock Bureau at Bill Heddles Recreation Center on Nov. 6. tion over wetlands and waters (and even some relatively dry land) that should be subject to state government control.” The article notes that land use issues have been found by the U.S. Supreme Court to be matters outside the jurisdiction of federal government. The article also says, “In this [temporary injunction] case, the district court concluded that the states were likely to

succeed on the merits as the EPA had adopted an ‘exceptionally expansive’ view of its own jurisdiction under the [Clean Water Act].” The lawsuit which led to the temporary injunction was joined by 13 states, including Colorado. Among the most onerous aspects of the EPA rule is a stipulation that allows private party lawsuits against ag producers for alleged violations.

Livestock association banquet set for Dec. 5 The Delta County Livestock Association will hold its annual banquet on Saturday, Dec. 5, at the Hotchkiss Elks Lodge. Enjoy cocktails at 5:30 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. There will be a prime rib dinner catered by the Hightower Cafe, followed by music and dancing by North Fork Country. In addition, there will be a

raffle as well as live and silent auction items. Auction items include two rifles, .22 ammunition, paintings and more. Dinner is $27.50 if you RSVP and pay by Nov. 30. It will be $35 at the door. Please RSVP and pay to Delta County Livestock Association, P.O. Box 2071, Hotchkiss, CO 81419.

The banquet helps support the DCLA scholarship fund. This year the association gave $6,000 in scholarships to four high school seniors from all four high schools in Delta County. Come out and help support agriculture in Delta County while enjoying an evening of good food and music.

Sanburg noted that the proposed rule extends direct federal regulatory deep into private property rights and family farm ag operations. Using computer-generated map layers as an illustration, Sanburg showed how the new rules taken to their allowed limits could impose direct EPA jurisdiction over private ag operations on a regional and even statewide scale. Sanburg reminded the gathering of local Farm Bureau members that it is their annual dues that help carry the costs of advocating for family farm interests against threats like the Waters of the U.S. rule. When Waters of the U.S. was first proposed earlier this year, the Delta County Commissioners went on record strongly opposing it. A second presentation

at the Farm Bureau meeting was by John McClow, an attorney who has done extensive work on behalf of Western Slope water interests and who serves on the Colorado Water Conservation Board. His presentation was on the final draft of Colorado’s Water Plan. Prescriptions in the plan for the state’s allbasins water development, storage, transportation, conservation and use through the year 2050 will cost an estimated $20 billion, he said. State lawmakers will try to come up with $100 million by 2020 to use as “seed money” to begin funding projects. The plan includes 33 measurable action items for annual evaluation of progress. Specific goals include closing the supply/ demand gap of 560,000 acre feet between West

Slope and Front Range by 2030, and conservation measures amounting to saving of 400,000 acrefeet by 2050. The complete final draft document is 481 pages long, McClow said. In other business: • Four directors were elected. They are David Kuntz, Chan Fogg, Glenn Austin and Olen Lund. • The Delta County Farm and Livestock Bureau achieved the highest percentage gains in new members and in new production members of any other Farm Bureau chapter in the state. • The Delta County Farm and Livestock Bureau led the effort to raise over $34,000 to help with legal costs in the Powell Mesa chicken barn lawsuit that has apparently been resolved by the state Supreme Court in favor of Hostetlers and the county.

Issues to watch with Colorado’s Water Plan The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) is set to deliver Colorado’s Water Plan to the governor on or before Dec. 19. At the October meeting of the Colorado River District board, general manager Eric Kuhn said that the major policy question is “what happens next?” He identified a list a major issues going forward: Resources: With a cash-strapped, initiativehandcuffed state budget (even in boom times), how do we finance and pay for the needed infrastructure and environmental improvements? Conservation: The Interbasin Compact Committee (IBCC) left a number of important issues

related to the implementation of conservation unresolved. Many of the Front Range municipal providers are not comfortable with the “stretch” goal that calls for 400,000 acre feet of annual savings. Follow through on the framework on how to discuss a transmountain diversion: “Getting a loose ‘consensus’ on the framework (seven principles) was a major accomplishment. However, we need to follow through and have the conversations that were contemplated by the framework. I view it as a primary River District role to work with the four Western Slope roundtables and ultimately the three East Slope roundtables to provide the technical

analyses needed to have fruitful conversations,” Kuhn said. “Hopefully, the roundtables will continue to have a significant future role to implement the Basin Plans and have the dialogue contemplated by the framework.” Legislative changes: “I expect that there will be a continuation to ‘streamline’ water rights administration and implement structural changes to water law to make it easier to implement the water plan,” Kuhn said. “Any legislative change will be slow and incremental. It has been pointed out that in some cases, changes can be made through management/cultural action by the State Engineer, Attorney General and CWCB.”

C6 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta County Independent

Birds of the Western Slope A look at local birds with Evelyn Horn Where are the Cranes? I wish I knew! The senior biologist for our Rocky Mountain Flock of Greater Sandhill Cranes, Rod Drewien, shared with me that the number of cranes at the Monte Vista Wildlife Refuge was much lower than it has been in the past. And at the Bosque del Apache in New Mexico (the wintering grounds) the numbers were also down. Speculation includes poor water supply for the summer food crops, longer growing season of weeds, and warmer summer and autumn days. As I find further information, I’ll include it in my future columns. But winter arrived last night, and the birds are on the move, who knows where! It’s been a long time since I’ve seen crane silhouettes against the evening sky, but I thrill at the mere memory of it!

Maybe next spring? In the spring migration they come to Hart’s Basin by the thousands: safety is in numbers as the birds make their way to the nesting grounds to our north. After they leave Hart’s Basin, they

begin to leave the huge flock, and the pairs move on to their nesting site. So we think of cranes in terms of the gregarious birds that we see in spring. But they soon become solitary, with each pair claiming a territory to sustain them and their chicks for the summer. So our cranes have two distinct life-styles. During the spring migration, when the reservoir is filled, the water’s depth is just right for roosting (six to twelve inches). The birds stand in the water, often on one leg to sleep, with their favored spots in

the shallow ponds along the north shores. This is where we can see huge flocks as they prepare to take off, usually between 9:30 and noon. But now in autumn, the water has been drawn down for irrigation (the basic purpose of the reservoir). So no roosting water and few cranes. In the past we’ve had fewer than 500 during fall migration and so far this year we’ve had about 200. But some of these birds will become our wintering flock. If you see or hear them, please leave a message on my phone, 835-8391. Thanks!

Plant & Dig Garden Club hears from beekeepers The Plant & Dig Garden Club of Cedaredge held its October meeting on Oct. 18. There was a full house

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including five guests (two of whom were spouses) who came to hear Arnie and Cathy Ogden’s adventures as beekeepers. They relayed their many experiences, handed out packets filled with bee-related information as well as a packet of wild seeds, and helped us understand how we can, as gardeners, help protect these most vital insects. We had all looked forward to their presentation and were not disappointed. Our November meeting will have us making Christmas centerpieces under the talented direction of Plant & Dig Garden Club member Barb Klein. Certainly, our homes will have wonderful new decorations for the holiday sea-

son this year. Our annual Christmas party and potluck will be held Dec. 18. We will also have a “numbered” gift exchange which we all enjoy heartily. It is always full of laughs and surprises. We have a new member, Barbara Rhoads, who found our club through the newspaper articles. We welcome her, as we welcome all women who are interested in increasing knowledge and skills pertaining to gardening. Our club is also dedicated to friendship and community service. If you wish to learn more, please call 856-3897 or 970-901-9350. We wish everyone a happy and blessed Thanksgiving holiday.

Fall splendor

Photo by H. Lohmeyer

A local favorite among the many trees in Pioneer Town’s Arboretum is the tall maple that turns a crimson red each fall, and which has put on another stunning autumn display this year. Unfortunately, seasons change and a storm system this week has blown most of the leaves away and left a coating of snow.

Rose Garden Club will meet Nov. 20 Fascinating Grand Mesa History and Fantastic Back Yards are just a few of the programs that make the monthly Cedaredge Rose Garden Club meetings not only educational, but fun and inspirational as well. Every month the club features a program to educate and motivate its members and guests. Toward the end of our meetings, we share garden ideas and how to solve gardening problems. In July, the club met at Master Gardener and alcohol ink artist Sheryl Williams’ studio for demos and participation in alcohol ink painting. Williams led us through some basics of alcohol inks, and many of us discovered a creative nature within ourselves that we were not aware of before! She then took us on a tour through her meandering gardens and taught us about her natural and environmentally friendly and diverse groups of plants. The September meeting was held on the Grand Mesa at the Vela “Cow Camp,” where we learned a great deal of history about homesteading in the late 19th century and how the homesteaders claimed their land and water rights. They had to be hardy and savvy farm and ranch families

in order to survive the great hardships they encountered. The Nov. 20 meeting will bring us together to share and discuss our own household plants, including an African Milk Plant, several different African violets, a cyclamen, an aloe, and a bromeliad. We will learn how to transplant the Bromeliad’s “pups.” Of course we enjoy a Christmas luncheon every year, with a delicious meal and seasonal musical entertainment. Club members are donating packaged and canned goods to the Surface Creek Food Bank in lieu of a gift exchange. Several of the programs we have planned for 2016 include learning about drought- and deer-resistant plants, growing heirloom tomatoes, a picnic and herb garden tour, and a tour of a sunflower farm! We hold our meetings on the third Friday afternoon of every month. Presently, we have eighteen members, so we would love to welcome more visitors and new members. If you are interested in learning more about high country gardening and the many garden treasures we have in our community, please feel free to call 399-7388 or 856-3187. Submitted by Deborah Peterson

Gingerbread house event returns Dec. 5 The third annual family gingerbread house decorating event will be held Saturday, Dec. 5, at the Cedaredge Community Center. It has been very successful as a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity, but more importantly as a community event that gives families and friends a few hours to “build their house” and just enjoy being together. The tickets are $30 per family. Previously, some tickets

have been purchased by individuals that are then given to the elementary school principals who pass them on to families that would benefit from the experience and cannot afford the cost. If you would like to donate your time, items for the silent auction, or money to help defray costs, it would be greatly appreciated. Contact Terry Hotz if you can help. Email terryhotz@gmail. com or call 216-7446.


Delta County Independent

SPORTS November 11, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta sweeps net regionals BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

The goal of a team title in volleyball eluded Delta’s Panthers in 2015. Now that Delta is in the field of 12 for this year’s state volleyball championship, there’s hope for more than just a league title. Thoughts changed last weekend, when regional playoffs concluded. Now that post-season play has begun, Delta is asserting its athleticism and convincingly proved it is worthy of playing in this year’s state volleyball tournament in Denver. Many of the teams Delta trailed for much of the current season have fallen by the wayside after losses in regional play. Steamboat Springs, Eagle Valley, Battle Mountain and Palisade all lost their playoff bids last weekend, leaving the Panthers as the lone WSL team left in the running. Delta 3, D’Evelyn 0 There were very few bumps in the road for Delta in its first regional playoff against number 28 D’Evelyn. The Panthers won the first set 25-20 and were in control for much of the way. After falling behind 10-2 in the second set, Delta rallied for a 25-19

win. Set three went to Delta in an identical 2519 decision. Junior outside hitters Ashton Reese and Emily Baier continue to lead the Panthers at the net. Reese had 21 kills and had eight digs on

defense. Baier was good for 14 kills, eight digs and served up four aces against D’Evelyn. Emily Nortnik was stellar in her assist numbers with 39 against D’Evelyn. Delta 3, Roosevelt 0

Against the Roughriders, Delta was deadly on offense in its 3-0 win. The Panthers won sets one and two by scores of 2516 and closed the match with a 25-20 third-set win. Reese had 20 kills in

this match and added a pair of aces for good measure. Baier had 12 kills to go with her 16 digs against Roosevelt. Nortnik’s 36 assists against Roosevelt gave her 75 dishes for the two matches played on Sat-

Photo by Wayne Crick

It’s been more years than most memories recollect that Delta High School’s volleyball team has won a league volleyball championship. Last weekend Delta gave fans and players something to remember when it defeated number 28 D’Evelyn and number 16 Roosevelt by identical 3-0 scores. The Panthers hosted the Region 9 tournament and with the win will advance to this weekend’s Class 3A State Volleyball Tournament in Denver.

urday. Delta didn’t always have the outside lanes to score on big swings from Reese and Baier. Play in the middle was more than adequate at times with Makayla Mills and Dani Sakala powering home kills to earn points at a time when things weren’t working well on the outside. The benefit for the outside game was much appreciated by Reese and Baier. “It’s great when we score in the middle. It takes pressure off us (Reese and Baier) and opens things up again.” Reese, on explaining her ability to hit the ball down … “I don’t know how I do it (get so high). It just happens.” Not having to think about it is a good thing. Delta coach Beth Nelson was extremely excited after the win. When asked about her feelings, Nelson expressed high praise for her team. “It’s awesome. I’m just trying to compose myself right now. The girls have worked hard all season. We played as a team.” The number nine Panthers take on top-seed Cheyenne Mountain on Friday and face number 12 Silver Creek on Saturday in Pool 1 play. The winner is in the final round on Saturday.

Panthers 3A WSL grid titlist BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

The Jonny Ponce show was a big hit last week when Palisade’s Bulldogs visited Panther Stadium for a battle for the 3A WSL championship. Ponce ran for 246 yards and a couple of touchdowns, enabling Delta’s Panthers to score a 27-21 decision over the Bulldogs. The win marks the first time in more than a

decade Delta has claimed a league title in football outright. The past several seasons Delta has been a part of sharing the league title with either Palisade or Rifle or both. Ponce’s rushing totals have reached, or gone over, the 240 mark twice this season. He gained 240 yards against Glenwood Springs and his 246 marked his best effort

this season. Last year Ponce had three games in which he surpassed the 240 mark; 288 against The Classical Academy, 250 against Steamboat Springs and 242 in a playoff game against Conifer. Delta finished the season 7-0 in a tough 3A WSL and was 9-1 overall. The 9-1 record, and wild card points, earned the Panthers a number three seed, and the right to

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta’s defense made this running play for a Palisade ball carrier a miserable experience. The Panthers were involved in many such tackles last Friday with Delta winning the 3A WSL title, 27-21. Six players, Sam Komives (5), Logan Church (55), Cameron Schaal (9), Stephen Davignon (66) and Livan Santander (56) had a hand in making the tackle. An unidentified player has a foot.

Eagles dominate, fly by Thunderhawks in quest for three-peat BY ERIC GOOLD

DCI Sports Writer

Paonia began its quest for a third consecutive 1A state football championship last Saturday with a 49-6 domination of Ellicott that was in doubt for exactly 14 seconds. That’s how long it took Jeramiah Hillman to take the opening kickoff 80 yards for a touchdown, and the Eagles just poured it on after that.

Taylor Walters scored the first time he touched the ball as well, a 74yard jaunt that saw him run over half the Thunderhawks’ defense on his way to the house. It was the second game in a row that the fellow seniors and best friends opened the contest by scoring on back-to-back plays. “In the playoffs you have to step up your game

host a first-round game in this year’s 3A State Football Championships. The Panthers will host number 14 Harrison (7-3) in a 1 p.m. contest Saturday at Panther Stadium. Number nine Rifle (9-1) travels to number eight Discovery Canyon (6-4). Palisade, number five (8-2), will host 12thseeded D’Evelyn (7-3), and Eagle Valley, 15thseeded (7-3), will travel to number two Roosevelt (9-1) for its first-round playoff games. Delta 27, Palisade 21 The Panthers had the ball to begin last Friday’s title game with Palisade. A steady diet of Ponce in the opening drive provided the Panthers with 37 of the drives’ 68 yards. A 24-yard pass from Kole Roberts to Kory Mills provided another big chunk of yardage to set up Roberts’ 5-yard run for six points. A.B. Ontiveros kicked the extra point and Delta led 7-0 with 6:51 left in the first period. Palisade scored the game’s second touchdown on an Isaac Maestas 5yard run. Maestas kicked the extra point to tie the game at 7-7 with 7:57 left before halftime. Delta’s next possession produced a fumble that set the Bulldogs up with their next possession at

Delta’s 14-yard line. Palisade took a 14-7 lead following a 4-yard run by quarterback P.D. Riddle. Maestas’ kick lifted the Bulldogs to a 14-7 halftime lead. Ponce’s rushing efforts accounted for 106 yards in the first period and another 43 in the second quarter for the Panthers. The Bulldogs weren’t able to produce a score on their first possession following halftime and turned the ball over on downs at Delta’s 19-yard line. Thirteen plays, and 81 yards later, Ponce motored 21 yards for the first of his two touchdown runs. Ontiveros’ kick tied the game at 14-14 with 2:21 left in the third quarter. Palisade’s next possession was rare in that the Bulldogs had to punt after three plays. The Panthers took possession on their own 46 with Ponce pounding his way for 10 yards to end the third quarter with the game tied at 14-14. A penalty against Palisade spotted the ball on the Bulldogs’ 29. Ponce had runs of 11 and 7 yards to reach the 11yard line to set up his 11-yard scoring run with 10:49 left in the game. Ontiveros made it 21-14 with his PAT kick. Palisade was stymied

once again by Delta’s defense and after four plays punted the ball back to the Panthers. Delta had a four-down possession and kicked the ball right back to the Bulldogs where they started their next drive on their own 39. Palisade put together a 61-yard scoring drive that culminated with Tanner Pratt’s 4-yard run with 2:34 left in the game. Maestas’ kick tied the game at 21-21. With its next possession beginning on its own 36, Delta was feeding the Bulldogs another steady diet of Ponce when a personal foul on the Bulldogs moved the ball to Palisade’s 23. Ponce exploded off the right side for 21 yards to the 2-yard line before finally being stopped. Tristan Brown gave Ponce a rest on the next play and toted the ball the final 2 yards for the winning score, 27-21. Ponce’s run to the 2 was epic in that the Bulldogs had players hitting him for most of the 21 yards. When asked what he was thinking during that run, Ponce replied, “I was thinking this is for a league title.” Ponce’s 246 yards led all rushers in the game. Pratt finished with 69 yards to lead Palisade’s running game.

just a little bit more, you have to make sure you beat these teams,” Walters said. “Everybody is good in the playoffs, you never know what can happen.” Hillman plowed in for an 11-yard touchdown on the Eagles third possession. Kicker Colby Photo by Eric Goold Simpson tossed a 2-point conversion pass to Jaden Paonia senior Willy Darling (right) looks to collect his fumble while Trevor Miller and the Eagles Smith (2) blocks Ellicott defensive lineman Kaleb Raven (99) on the goal line. EAGLES TO C8 Darling recovered the ball for his first career touchdown.

C8 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta County Independent

Eagles off to fourth straight state VB trip BY ERIC GOOLD DCI Sports Writer

The Eagles are going back to state. Rebounding from a tough loss to Cedaredge in the District championship, Paonia rallied on the road last Saturday at Regionals to beat Ignacio in three sets, and defeated Ridgway in four sets to earn a fourth consecutive trip to the 2A state championship tournament this weekend in Denver. “It was a great overall team effort,” Paonia coach Krista Carsten said. “We had a solid offense, and we had to play some pretty tough defense against Ridgway.” The Eagles beat Ignacio handily in the first match, winning 25-21, 25-20, 25-21. That set them up for the Regional final against Ridgway (22-2) and the Demons’ standout hitter Kaitlyn Rutherford. “She is a solid hitter, but we put up a pretty big block on her,” Carsten said. “She was able to swing around us at times, but she definitely had to

change her game. I think the girls responded well to playing against that type of hitter, which is the type of player we will be seeing at state.” Paonia beat the Demons 25-15, 25-13, 2729, 25-21. Senior Ashley Van Vleet led the way with 14 kills, 6 blocks and 14 digs in the win. Emily Pieper had a strong match with 13 kills, 14 digs and 16 assists. Morgan Hartigan nailed 13 kills, Sophie Anderson had 14 digs, and Taylor Carsten posted 28 assists for the Eagles. The big win was just what the doctor ordered for the Eagles (20-4) after a staggering fiveset loss to Cedaredge in Districts. “We had opportunities to win the match in five, but Cedaredge just kept battling,” Carsten said. “We realized that the match could easily have gone the other way, and we all felt good about how we played. Being able to come away as the Regional Champ was awesome. It was a great confidence

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builder for us.” Brackets for the state tournament were released late Monday morning. “It is great to have the opportunity to be back at the State Tournament,” Carsten said. “The team is happy to have the opportunity once again. We just want to have the chance to play one more day and one more game.” The 2A championship is wide open this year. “Last year we had a lot of teams that were undefeated going into State,” Carsten said. “This year all teams in our division have at least one loss. That just goes to show that anyone is beatable, and this group of girls just needs to believe that they can take it all.”

Photo by Wayne Crick

West Grand’s Ralin Corrales (4) tried to get the ball past a double block made up of Makayla McKinney (12) and Hannah Gilmore (33) in first-game action of Region C 2A volleyball play in Cedaredge. McKinney blocked the ball for a point, and the Bruins went on to win the match, 3-0. A 3-0 win over Dolores in game two has Cedaredge on its way to Denver for state competition.

CHS wins region, on to state for volleyball title run BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Last weekend’s volleyball regionals produced some exciting matches for local teams. Cedaredge High School won in Region C with victories over West Grand, 25-17, 25-21 and 25-19 and Dolores, 25-16, 25-17 and 25-13. Dolores eliminated the Bruins last season in regional play. Paonia was also a winner with a three-set win over Ignacio, 25-21, 25-20 and 25-21 and an upset decision over host school Ridgway, 25-15, 25-13, 27-29 and 25- 21. Both Cedaredge and Paonia will attend this year’s state volleyball championships in Denver at the Denver Coliseum on Nov. 13-14. Bruins 3, Mustangs 0 Region C regional play began with Cedaredge facing West Grand in a 10

a.m. match. Set one was close until Nellie Freeman began her service with the match tied, 6-6. Freeman ended her service with a four-point run that left Cedaredge ahead 10-7. The Bruins never trailed after that and won the set, 25-17. Set two was back and forth until Amber Jenkins’ service produced three straight points before losing her serve. A 14-14 game quickly changed to a 17-14 lead for the Bruins that was not relinquished. Cedaredge eventually claimed a 25-21 decision for a 2-0 lead. A 4-3 lead early in the third set grew to a 7-4 advantage, and the Bruins stayed in front the rest of the way for a 25-19 finish. Four Bruins had strong performances at the net against West Grand. Freeman finished with 11 kills, Hannah Gilm-

ore had nine, with Kenzie Henderson and Lydia Knutson picking up seven and six kills respectively. Knutson topped the Bruins with four kills, with Gilmore and Kendall McHugh adding two each. Four Bruins finished with double-digit digs. Amber Jenkins and Henderson had 23, Freeman 21 and McHugh added another 11. McHugh also finished the match with 23 assists. Bruins 3, Bears 0 Dolores qualified out of the 2A/1A San Juan Basin League as a number three seed in Region C. Cedaredge was too much for the Bears and ran away with the match in three sets. Kills’ leaders for the Bruins included Henderson with 12, Knutson eight and Freeman with seven. Knutson and Gilm-

ore had two blocks each against Dolores. Jenkins finished with 26 digs to lead in that department. Other digs’ leaders were Freeman with 11, Gilmore with 10 and Henderson with eight. McHugh’s 32 assists gave her a total of 55 for the two matches played on Saturday. The Bruins enter this weekend’s 2A state volleyball tournament as the number seven seed. Number 11 Kiowa and number three Lyons will attempt to stop the Bruins from advancing to semifinal action at the Denver Coliseum Nov. 13-14. Play begins at 8 a.m. each day. Cedaredge and Lyons square off on Friday and it’s Kiowa and Cedaredge on Saturday. Winners of each of the four Pools enter into the championship-round play on Saturday.

Paonia, Meeker seek title Two Western Slope ball teams are still alive Conference Class 1A foot- in the playoffs as the 1A quarterfinals kick off this weekend. No. 3 Paonia (9-1) will host perennial playoff contender Burlington (91) on Saturday at 1 p.m. at Paonia Town Park. The Cougars beat Colorado Springs Christian School 21-9 in the first


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round last Saturday. Fellow WSC contender Meeker (7-3) upset Platte Valley (7-2) 32-20 last Saturday in Bailey. Since the Cowboys beat a higher seed on the road, they earned the right to host No. 2 Resurrection Christian (10-0) in Meeker on Saturday. On the other side of the

1A bracket, Cedaredge (73) concluded its fine season when the Bruins fell 26-0 on the road at Crowley County (9-1). Crowley County plays Limon, a 15-14 winner over Monte Vista. Number 1 Buena Vista beat Centauri, 48-6, and takes on number eight Wiggins in quarterfinals.

pretty much,” Smith said. “It’s the playoffs. You get more intense, you have more fun out here.” Paonia got back on the scoreboard with senior Willy Darling’s first career touchdown, but he didn’t make it easy on himself. He recovered his own fumble on the goal line for the score. “It popped up out of my arm, then fell right back into my chest, and I just fell over and it was a touchdown,” Darling said. “That was my first touchdown, so I had to make sure I got the fumble back so I can get a chance to do it again. It was great, something I’ve never experienced.” Walters then made it 35-0 for the home team with his 29-yard touchdown run. The Thunderhawks avoided the shutout on the ensuing kickoff, which was a live ball when Stewart collected it in his own end zone, then raced 102 yards down the Paonia sideline for an electric touchdown. Smith completed the scoring in a long first half after he caught a 45-yard touchdown pass from Walters that sent the Eagles to intermission leading 42-6. “When you play teams like that you’ve got to get up early,” McRae said. “The longer you leave

them in the game the more belief they have. The more belief, the scarier it is so it was real important to jump on them early. It was a little bummer that once we did get up we kind of let down a little bit.” Dagan Rienks set the running clock with his 10-yard touchdown run right up the gut midway through the third quarter. Simpson provided the final point in the contest and finished 6-for-7 on extra points kicks. The Eagles defense did what it has done now for three years in the playoffs: physically beat opponents on every play. Paonia held Ellicott’s offense to 67 total yards. “We were a lot more physical than they were and that helped us out a lot,” Walters said. “They just didn’t want to get hit anymore.” Some may love the Friday Night Lights, but there’s something to be said for Saturday playoff wins, too. “I love playing in the playoffs,” Darling said. “There’s something about Saturday afternoons, daylight, there’s a different atmosphere.” One down, three to go. Paonia is attempting to become the 20th team in Colorado prep history to 3-peat.

Eagles CONTINUED FROM C7 were quickly ahead 21-0. After that the Eagles (9-1) were afflicted with a rare case of turnovers. Paonia fumbled three times and threw an interception in the game. In all of the regular season Paonia had seven turnovers, but in this first playoff game it had four. “Post-season nerves, I think maybe kids try to do too much,” Paonia coach Brent McRae said. “But I also think because we got up so quick, we lost focus. It’s when you lose focus that those things happen.” Starting quarterback Matthew Davidson, banged up at the end of the regular season, watched from the Ellicott (6-4) sideline. Backup sophomore Chiante Stewart did the best he could under constant pressure, but a physical Eagles defense held the Thunderhawks to four passing yards in the game. “Today we just decided to be more physical,” Eagles junior Trevor Smith said. Smith was all over the field, and he seemed to be in on every tackle, reminding many fans of former Eagle Joel Simianer. “We had to be more physical than them and knock them in the mouth

Classified November 11, 2015

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Search the classifieds for Jobs! FULL TIME LIBRARY Assistant – Delta Library and Paonia Library –36 hours/week – technology emphasis. We are seeking friendly, outgoing, customer-service oriented individuals. Hours include evenings and Saturdays and occasional special events. Must have proficiency in technology, computers, iPads and devices, Microsoft and Mac software, the internet and other office equipment; be willing to work with patrons of all ages and assist with program delivery, technology help sessions and programs and outreach activities. Public library or school experience preferred. Technology teaching experience required. Applications are available on the Library District website: Apply online or send letter of interest and resume to: Delta Library, Lea Hart, West End Regional Library Manager, 211 W. 6th St., Delta, CO 81416. For more information, call (970) 3997675. (2x44) PART-TIME DRIVER. Foster Farms, LLC has an immediate opening for a part-time Class A CDL Driver. One-two days per week. Apply at the Foster Farms office 437 Palmer St., Delta. (1x45) YOUR LISTING HERE! call now... 874-4421 and talk with an Ad Rep.

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IT MANAGER – DELTA County Libraries, salaried, 32-40 hour exempt position. We are seeking a dedicated leader and team player to provide management, planning and oversight of the District's information technology and security systems. Requirements: Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology or related field required, Master's Degree preferred, 3 years handson experience in computer help desk operations and/or network administration in a business/government computer network environment, knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Mac products, knowledge of computer hardware, peripherals and software applications. Full job description and applications available on the Library District website: Apply online or for more information, call Lea Hart at (970) 399-7878. (2x45)

Need printing done? Call Randy Crespin at 874-4421.

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D2 Wednesday, November 11, 2015 HELP WANTED



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Look to us for all your advertising needs.

Call 874-4421. DELTA COUNTY

INDEPENDENT 401 Meeker St. Delta • 874-4421

THE DELTA COUNTY Independent runs these items as a public service free of charge for non-profit organizations, if no fees are charged. However, each group is asked to please keep them current by calling 874-4421.

809, Delta CO 81416 970-874-4421

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ADVERTISE 874-4421

PUBLIC SERVICE SUPPORT THE DELTA Public Library. Give a gently used book in the Downstairs Book Store.

AARP DRIVER SAFETY Course. Save on insurance, keep up on newer traffic laws, learn defensive driving techniques. For details WOMEN ONLY AA MEET- and schedule contact John ings, Delta. Wednesdays, Loring (970) 856-6924 or 5:30 p.m., closed (970) 424-1778. (Alcoholics only) at Friends of Bill W. Club, 897 Palmer. HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD Saturdays, 11:00 a.m., open Historical Museum. Winter (others may attend) at St. hours, Saturdays 1-4 p.m. Luke's Episcopal Church, thru December 24. $3 admis5th & Palmer (back door). sion or free to members. Come see our museum at (tfnx3) 2nd & Hotchkiss Streets in FREE DIAPERS FOR UP Hotchkiss. 872-3780. (tfx44) to one year! Pregnant women in Delta County can CHECK OUT THE BOOK now get help to quit smok- store at the library. You'll ing and get something they find a great selection of can really use after their paperbacks at reasonable baby arrives — free diapers. prices. Healthy moms have healthy IF YOU LOVE BOOKS, babies. Enroll in the Baby & you will love the Downstairs Me Tobacco Free program Bookstore in the basement today. Contact the Delta of the Delta Public Library. County Health Department ANONYat 874-2165 or your local NARCOTICS mous meets at 9th and physician. (TFNx2) Palmer, Delta, Mondays and WELCOME RETURNING Fridays at 8 p.m. (tfnx5) Veterans, Post 9221 VFW meets at 5:00 p.m. on the BECAWS! DONATIONS Credit cards 4th Thursday of each month needed. in Cedaredge. To find out accepted. Call 970-527how to participate in pro- 3350, or visit cawsonline. moting patriotism and org. Delta County Citizens assisting veterans, contact for Animal Welfare and Wayne Hamrick, (970) 250- Shelter (CAWS) 1180. (tfnx23) DELTA FOOD PANTRY needs meals for Delta MOVING? CHANGING families who are temporarily in need. Donations of YOUR ADDRESS? non-perishable food may Please give the Delta County Independent 10 be brought to 628 Meeker. days’ notice — PO Box (tfx36)


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Delta County Independent



PAONIA AMERICAN Legion runs a year round non-perishable emergency food pantry. This is for the North Fork area. For information, call 527-6252. (tfx49)

FAMILIES BELIEVING in families: Tandem Families is an innovative, private non-profit mentoring program providing services for at-risk children of Delta and Mont-rose counties. Anyone interested in SAVE EYEGLASSES, OLD volunteering their services jewelry and silver or bits of or donating usable items gold and silver scraps. The should call 874-3000 or 252Grand Odd Fellow Lodge is 7445. (TFNx8) sending them to: New Eyes for the Needy, 549 Millburn THE AMERICAN LEGION Ave., Short Hills, NJ 07078 Post 97 Paonia is seeking or send them to: Gale the names and addresses of Conger, Secretary of IOOF all persons currently servLodge #116, 544 St. Hwy. ing on active duty in the military from the North Fork 548, Delta, CO 81416. Valley in order to contact THE AMERICAN RED them and show our supCross needs you. Become port. Send addresses to one of the Red Cross vol- American Legion Post 97, unteers who says, “We’ll Be PO Box 277, Paonia, CO There, Because Help Can’t 81428 or call 527-6552. Wait!” Call your local Red Cross Chapter at 970-242- PARENTS FREE! INFORM4851 or 1-800-HELP NOW ation and referrals to for information on the dif- licensed child care providference you can make in ers, call Bright Futures Child someone’s life as a disaster Care Resource and Referral, volunteer. ((TFNx4)) 1-877-728-5613. (TFNx4) DELTA HAS A BOOKstore in the basement of the library featuring gently used books and magazines. Come check it out!

UNEMPLOYED? JOIN others for a time of networking, encouragement, and skill improvement. Latent Resources meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 at the Delta United Methodist Church (5th & Meeker). Attendants and visitors are encouraged to dress professionally and bring a note pad and a willingness to learn and be challenged. Find us on & KEEP THE - search "Latent Resources", HELP!!! animal population under or call James at 970-901control, and SAVE an ani- 9463. mal's life. Adopt your new cat or dog from the Delta HEALTHY BABIES START County Humane Society. with early prenatal care. County Health Adoption fee is minimal. Delta Department. Offers access Call 874-2149. (DCHS) to immediate, temporary THERE IS A VFW MEETING Medicaid for pregnant on the first Monday of each women who qualify. 874month. At 6 p.m. there is a 2165. (tfx25) potluck and the meeting is at 7 p.m. at the IOOF Hall, 860 BOOKS MAKE GREAT Hwy 92, Delta. For further stocking stuffers. Find information, call 874-8172 books at great prices in Jim Baker, Quartermaster. the basement of the Delta Public Library. (tfx12) BECAWS! ADOPT A DOG or cat today. Call 970-5273350, or visit cawsonline. org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter (CAWS) ARE YOU NEW TO THE Delta area? Stop by the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce at 301 Main St. for you FREE Welcome Bag, filled with goodies, samples, discounts and community information, courtesy of Chamber members and sponsored by Kim GuthrieBurch of Re/Max Today. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO change a child's life! Children are waiting for senior partners in Delta County right now! Can you spare 3 hours a week? We need your help! Call today for more information. Please volunteer to spend time with a child in our community. Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray, 874-4661, www. or www. (tfx13)

BECAWS! DISCOUNT spay and neuter coupons available. Call 970-5273350, or visit cawsonline. org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter (CAWS) FARM WORKER HEALTH Services: We offer assistance with medical, dental and medicines. If you work in agriculture you may qualify for our services. For more information call 3230538. (tfx12) SERVICIOS DE SALUD De Campesinos: Ofrecemos ayuda con doctores, dentistas, y medicinas. Si trabajas en agricultura puedes calificar para nuestros servicios. Para mas informacion llame al 323-0538. (tfx12) THINK YOU'RE PREGnant? Abused? Need help? The Pregnancy Resource Center in Delta offers free service, support and advice to all teenagers and women in crisis pregnancy situations. For Christian help, anytime, call 874-5733.

SELLING YOUR HOUSE? Advertise it in the DCI Clas- SELL THAT ATV FAST IN the DCI classifieds. Call 874sifieds. 874-4421. 4421.

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PUBLIC SERVICE PARENTS — FREE information and referrals for licensed child care providers. Call Bright Futures Child Care Resource & Referral at 877-728-5613. (TFNx1) BECAWS! VOLUNTEERS needed. Call 970-527-3350, or visit Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter (CAWS) PLEASE HELP! VOLUNteers needed to help get new animal shelter in Delta off the ground. We need temporary or long term foster homes, foot soldiers, light research, paperwork and phone people. Many hands make light work. Thank you! Another Chance Critter Haven. 874-9011.

DEDUCT IT FROM YOUR taxes! Donations of: pet food, old blankets, towels, kennels, carriers, pet beds or dishes, and money always appreciated. Another SUPPORT THE DELTA Chance Critter Haven. 874Public Library. Give a gently 9011. 501 (c) (3) used book in the Downstairs JOIN FORCES WITH US! Book Store. Animal lovers rescue FOSTER GRANDPARENT groups, shelters: let's band Program enriches the lives together and get a countyof senior volunteers while wide shelter built! We improving the education of are here for the animals. children with special needs. Another Chance Critter Volunteers, 55 and older, Haven. 874-9011. needed to assist in class DOG/CAT rooms tutoring and mentor- BECAWS! ing children. Low-income foster families needed. Call volunteers may qualify for 970-527-3350, or visit cawa stipend. Teachers in Delta Delta County area class rooms request Citizens for Animal Welfare "Grandparents" to come and Shelter (CAWS)

in and work with students COLORADO QUITLINE IS who need the extra help to a free, confidential teleachieve their best. For infor- phone coaching service mation on how you can use for anyone calling from a your talents to help kids call Colorado area code. With Tanya at 263-9091. (tfx7) QuitLine, tobacco users can BECAWS! DO YOU HAVE receive free supplies of the an animal rescue suc- nicotine patch as they work cess story to share? Call with trained coaches who 970-527-3350, or email create a personalized quit rescuemagazine@gmail. plan just for them. To concom. Delta County Citizens tact the QuitLine, call 1-800for Animal Welfare and QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) or visit Shelter (CAWS) CHAPTER, UNITS OF DAV regular meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Veterans Building, 15th & Howard, Delta. For further information, call Paul Carter 874-5150. (tfx19)


YOU CAN QUIT. WE CAN help. Colorado Tobacco Quitline offers free, confidential assistance. Call 1800-QUIT-NOW. (TFNx28). DO YOU HAVE A HOUSE or apartment for rent? Get results through the DCI Classifieds.


Colorado Statewide Classified Advertising Network To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 83 Colorado newspapers for only $350, contact your local newspaper or call SYNC2 Media at 303-571-5117. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED RN’s up to $45/hr Can you dig it? LPN’s up to $37.50/hr Heavy Equipment CNA’s up to $22.50/hr Operator Career! Free gas/weekly pay We Offer Training and Certifications $2000 Bonus Running Bulldozers, Backhoes AACO Nursing Agency and Excavators. 1-800-656-4414 Ext. 11 Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits Eligible! MISCELLANEOUS 1-866-362-6497 SAWMILLS from only $4397.00Agfinity Incorporated at MAKE & SAVE MONEY with Eaton, CO, is seeking a qualified your own bandmill- Cut lumber any CEO / General Manager. dimension. In stock ready to ship! This is a multi-location energy, FREE Info/DVD: feed, grain, agronomy, and TBA cooperative with sales of 1-800-578-1363 ext.300N $300 million. Business degree and SYNC2 MEDIA or successful agricultural business management experience desired. Buy a 25-word statewide To Apply: classified line ad in newspapers across Colorado for just $350 For more info contact Larry Fuller, per week. Contact this 701-220-9775 or Email newspaper or call SYNC2 Media, 303-571-5117

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015 ������������������������������ ��� �� ������ ������ ���� ��������� ��� ����� �� ������� ��������������������������� �������� ��������� ��� ����� ��������������������� ��� ���� ��������� ��������� ����� �� ������� ��� ��������� ���� ��������� ���� ������������� ���� �� ������� ������ ��� �������� ��� �������� ������������ ��� ���� ������������ ��� ����� ��������� ��� �������� ��� ���������� ���� ��������� ���� ����� �� ���������� ����� ���� ��������� ��������� ��������� ���� �������� ��������� ���������� ����������� ������� �������� ��� ������ � ���� ������� ��� �� ���������� ����� ���� ����� ������������������������ ������������������������� ������������������������� ���������������������� �������������� ���������������������������� ��� ��������������������������� ����������������� ������������� ��������������������� �������������� ���������������������� ���������������� ���������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ����������� 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D4 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


What’s up at your library? The Delta County Libraries offer many educational and entertaining activities and events for you and your family to enjoy. If you want to know what else your library is offering, please contact the library or visit the Delta County Libraries website at Check out these programs: Cedaredge Storytime for Babies, Tots and Preschoolers at the Cedaredge Library. Thursdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Parents and tots are invited to participate in a reading time together. Maker Space Special. Pasta Maker Madness! Come in any day we are open in November and try your skills at making the perfect pasta noodles. We have the machine and the dough. If you have never tried making your own pasta, this is your chance! We don’t recommend eating any of your creations — this is more of a chance to play and have fun with the process. Any age is welcome; small children (under 7) should be supervised by a parent. Cedaredge Friends Program. Richard Nunamaker presents “The Plight of the Honey Bee.” An entomologist and local vineyard owner speaks to us about pollination, bees, the importance of bees to agriculture, and what we can do to help honey bees and other insect pollinators. Thursday, Nov. 12, at 2 p.m. Cedaredge Friends Meeting. Public is welcome! Thursday, Nov. 12, at 3 p.m. Computer Class. Internet 101. Learn the basics on using the Internet — how to search, save, copy, paste, navigate and stay safe on the Internet. Friday, Nov. 13, at 10:30 a.m. Movie Matinee. After School Early Release Day Movie! Come join us for a great movie (102 minutes, rated PG).

Emotions run wild in the mind of a little girl who is uprooted from her peaceful life in the Midwest and forced to move to San Francisco in this Pixar adventure from director Pete Docter (Up, Monsters Inc.). We provide popcorn and drinks. Children under 7 must have an adult accompany them somewhere in the building. Don’t miss this chance to hang out with friends and have fun! Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 2 p.m. Computer Class. Optimizing your gmail account. Learn how to avoid virus infection, how to properly forward an email, get rid of unwanted senders, create email groups and print what you want. Friday, Nov. 27, at 10:30 a.m. Crafts Group. Crafters meet each Tuesday at 10 a.m. to share ideas and show and tell. Contact the library at 3997674 for details. Tech Soup Saturday. Bring your devices and your questions. Our expert “techies” will do their best to answer your questions. Saturdays, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Crawford Storytime for Babies, Tots and Preschoolers at the Crawford Library. Stories, games, songs, activities and crafts for kids 0-5 and their parents or caretakers. Thursdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the library at 399-7783 for details. Wii and Waffles. Join the fun on early release day! Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 1 p.m. Craft Day. Don’t miss a chance to get crafty in your community! Check with the library for details. Friday, Nov. 20, at 1 p.m. Computer Tutor. Librarians will be available to help you with questions and problems about computers or mobile devices. Just drop in during regular library hours or call ahead for a specific time. Contact

the library at 399-7783 for details. Delta Storytimes. Storytimes for babies, tots and preschoolers are Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Free Heart Health Screenings. Free heart health screenings are being offered at the Delta Library every Monday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Operation Troop Bounty. Lee Marts VFW Post 3571, its Auxiliary, and the Delta Library are teaming up again to help supply deployed active-duty military men and women with “goodie boxes” from home. This joint project, dubbed Operation Troop Bounty, provides a local way for community members to provide active-duty military personnel with such useful and appreciated things as travel-size toiletries, snacks (such as jerky, gum, individual-size packs of snack crackers and cookies, unfortunately exempting chocolate, which melts in so many environments), books, hard candy, individual packets of baby wipes, packaged individual drinks (coffee, tea, cocoa, etc.), puzzles, combs, and more! The dropoff bin is located at the Delta Library by the main circulation desk. Now until Nov. 28. NaNoWriMo Write In. Writing a novel? Need dedicated time and space to meet the NaNoWriMo goal of 50,000 words? Join other writers in the Delta area for a write-in at the Delta Library every Tuesday in November. Bring a light snack to share. Tuesdays in November at 5:30 p.m. Book Sale. Join us at the Altrusa Sugar Plum Festival Book Sale. Friends of the Delta Library will be selling gently used books for the holidays! Friday, Nov. 13, 5:30-8 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 14, 9 a.m. to noon. Movie. Enjoy the classic movie based on her first novel before a dis-

cussion about Harper Lee. Light refreshments will be provided. Saturday, Nov. 14, at 10 a.m. Discussion at 1:30 p.m. Mini Golf at the Library. Come test your skills on our mini golf course on early release day! The course will be made up of books and other library materials/ props. Snacks and prizes will be provided. Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 1:30 p.m. Minecraft Edu Club. Mine, Craft, Survive (and maybe learn a little) in this fun and educational version of the popular game! Limited spaces are available for this program. Saturday, Nov. 21, at 11 a.m. Alan “Stands Alone” Bryant: Cherokee Families and Ceremonies. In recognition of Native American Heritage Month, the libraries are working with Native American Cultural Programs and the Native American Cultural Committee of Delta County to bring this special presentation to the Delta Library. All ages are welcome to attend. Saturday, Nov. 21, at 1:30 p.m. Talk & Tangle Yarn. This is a group of knit and crochet enthusiasts who get together to talk and work on their individual projects. Anyone is welcome to join. Mondays starting at 5:30 p.m. Tech Talk. Bring in your devices and get help from our tech-savvy staff! Every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Call the library to find out about this week’s class at 874-9630. Hotchkiss Storytimes. Baby, tot and preschooler storytimes are Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Join us for stories, activities and crafts downstairs. Contact the library at 399-7781 for details. Nature Awareness: Learning to See Through Native Eyes. Local naturalist David Smuin will offer an interactive program where participants will learn tools to tune in to their

senses and develop a relationship to their local ecosystem. An afternoon of fun perfect for ages 6 to 99. Thursday, Nov. 12, at 4 p.m. Holiday Card Making. All supplies are provided including lots of creative ideas to help you make your own unique cards. Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 3 p.m. After School Movie for Early Release. Come join us for a great movie (102 minutes, rated PG). Emotions run wild in the mind of a little girl who is uprooted from her peaceful life in the Midwest and forced to move to San Francisco in this Pixar adventure from director Pete Docter (Up, Monsters Inc.). Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 2 p.m. Hotchkiss Book Club. This month’s selection is “Mister Owita’s Guide to Gardening: How I Learned the Unexpected Joy of a Green Thumb and an Open Heart” by Carol Wall. Hotchkiss Book Club meets on the third Wednesday of each month (September through June) at 7 p.m. at the Hotchkiss Public Library. For more information, contact Diane Winchester at 872-3745. Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. Knitting Group. Do you knit or crochet? Join us for ideas, help and good company. Anyone is welcome to join. Call the Hotchkiss Library to get more information on this group. Wednesdays at 4 p.m. Tech Help. Librarians will be available to help you with questions and problems about computers or mobile devices. Tuesday–Thursday by appointment. Contact the library at 399-7781 for details. Paonia Storytimes. Baby, tot and preschooler storytimes are Tuesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact Paonia Library at 3997881 for information. NaNoWriMo Write In. Writing a novel? Need dedicated time and space to meet the NaNoWriMo

goal of 50,000 words? Join other writers for a write-in at the Paonia Library this month. Tuesdays, Nov. 17 and 24, at 6:30 p.m. Early Release Movie Matinee. Come join us for a great movie (102 minutes, rated PG). Emotions run wild in the mind of a little girl who is uprooted from her peaceful life in the Midwest and forced to move to San Francisco in this Pixar adventure from director Pete Docter (Up, Monsters Inc.). We provide popcorn and drinks. Children under 7 must have an adult accompany them somewhere in the building. Don’t miss this chance to hang out with friends and have fun! Wednesday, Nov. 18, at 2 p.m. BeyBlades. Teens and tweens, join us for some serious competition and a lot of fun! Friday, Nov. 20, at 4 p.m. Movie at the Library. Come see the much-anticipated follow-up movie to “Jurassic Park” on the big screen with your friends and family! Friday, Nov. 27, at 2 p.m.

Learn about prehistoric bison hunting in Colorado “A Bison Tale: Prehistoric Bison Hunting in Western Colorado” is the title of the Nov. 17 presentation by the Grand Junction Chapter-Colorado Archaeological Society . The presentation takes place in the KAFM Radio Room from 7 to 8 p.m. There is no charge. Local archaeologist and geoarchaeologist, Holly “Sonny” Shelton, details recent archaeological investigations by Grand River Institute that have resulted in a more complete picture of the occurrence of bison and the frequency of bison processing in western Colorado since 900 RCYBP.

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


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D8 Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Delta County Independent


Keeping the peace Photos submitted

Colonel Matt Clark, left, Aviation Task Force Commander at Ali Al Salem Air Force Base in Kuwait during Operation Desert Spring, discusses details with his British counterpart (center). Also present are Clark’s surgeon general (right) and RAF pilots, who flew Tornado strike aircraft. Col. Clark is now the JROTC Senior Army Instructor at Delta High School.



Staff Writer

hroughout the history of the United States its citizens have served in the military in times of war, times of peace, to keep the peace. In recognition of Veterans Day, we talked with three veterans about their military service in keeping the peace, and we thank them and all the other veterans for their service to our country.

Butch Hrdlicka of Delta, preparing for another hunting trip, served in the U.S. Army during Vietnam.

Butch Hrdlicka

Butch was drafted by the U.S. Army for combat in Vietnam and spent two years in the Army. He received his basic training in Fort Lewis, Washington, and non-commissioned officer training at NCO Academy at Fort Benning, Georgia. “They opened up barracks for us that had been closed after World War II, and we

cleaned up the barracks and painted them,” he recalled. He left for Vietnam on Nov. 18, 1969, in the position of Recon (reconnaissance) Platoon Sergeant. He and his platoon fought against the North Vietnamese Army, which was well-trained, Butch says, and the Vietcong, who were guerrilla members of the Vietnamese communist movement, and not well-trained. On the platoon’s first trip out into the field, they split up into separate groups of five to seven men, searching behind bushes and whatever else the terrain presented, trying to ambush the enemy before being ambushed themselves. Their first time out in the field lasted three months before the platoon had a three-day stand down, giving the men time for showers, clean clothes and a little rest. The remaining forays out into the field lasted one or two months before the three-day stand downs. Butch said, “Everybody has an obligation to serve their country. It would be a lot better if the politicians would stay out of it and let the military take care of it.” He added, “I want to say the Veterans Health Administration has been a big help to me. The VA Hospital in Grand Junction has been great to me.”

Colonel Matt Clark

David Seaver of Cedaredge, after his retirement from the U.S. Air Force, worked as a seasonal ranger at Colorado’s Sweitzer, Crawford and Paonia State Parks for 15 years.

David Seaver

David graduated from West High School in Denver in June 1951. The conflict in Korea was on the minds of young men in the U.S. He enrolled in Colorado A&M College (now Colorado State University) to prepare for a career in agriculture. The college required male students to take ROTC during their freshman and sophomore years. Believing ROTC to be the best way to prepare for his service commitment to his country, David joined Advanced Air Force ROTC during his junior and senior years. He received additional training at Air Force ROTC summer camp. He graduated Colorado A&M in June 1955 and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. He was assigned to logistics school at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio and received a degree in Logistics Management. He spent 12 years in Military Airlift Command, carrying out supply, maintenance and transportation. His career occurred during peacetime. From 1962 through 1966 he was stationed in France with the 322nd Air Division, assuring that people, cargo and planes were where they were needed, ready to fly. People, cargo and planes were airlifted to Spain, France, the Rhine, Prestwick in Scotland, Heathrow in England, Syria, Greece, Turkey, Iran and other locations. David later carried out these same functions in regard to medical needs from Scott Air Force Base in Illinois. He had assignments to the Azores, Portugal and the Philippines also. He retired from the Air Force in November 1975 at Kinchloe Air Force SAC Base, Michigan, with the rank of major. “Military service is a privileged position in our civilian-oriented country, where the elected president is commander-inchief,” said Seaver. “It’s a way to connect with the tradition and purpose of our republic and participate in the ongoing experiment of America, from the Revolution through the Civil War to our current time.”

Matt Clark graduated high school in 1976. After serving a two-year mission to Switzerland and Germany for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he came home, went to college, married and started his family. Matt was feeling a strong need to fulfill his sense of service to his country by joining the military. During his church mission in Germany, near a military base, he watched helicopters flying and found that exciting. His mother was married to Col. Al H. Asay of the Air National Guard, who suggested to Matt to consider the Army National Guard. Matt enlisted in the Utah Army National Guard on Jan. 21, 1982. He was assigned to Attack Helicopter Troop, 163rd Armored Calvary Regiment, and sent to Fort Rucker, Alabama, for helicopter repair school. His journey had begun. Wanting to become a helicopter pilot, Matt took a flight aptitude test in 1983 and did well. He had to be an officer to fly, which led him to Federal Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia, where he graduated as a Distinguished Honor Graduate. He was commissioned a 2nd Lt. Armor Officer. Halfway through Armor School he received orders to attend Initial Entry Rotary Wing Flight School and graduated in 1987. Matt went back to his Army National Guard unit to fly attack helicopters. He progressed in rank and was hired full time in 1989 as an active duty U.S. Army Officer Aviator and sent for training exercises in Germany and South Korea. He was assigned to the Apache Training Brigade at Fort Hood, Texas, and developed and published the Home Station Unit Training Plan, which became the standard for all National Guard AH-64 Battalions. Col. Clark served as Aviation Task Force Commander at Ali Al Salem Air Force Base in Kuwait, working cooperatively with British Tornado pilots in Operation Desert Spring in Kuwait. During the operation attack helicopters maintained constant flights over Kuwait to prevent encroachment by Iraq into Kuwait. After 9/11 they continued flying escort for convoys. Col. Clark accepted the position of Recruiting and Retention Manager during a challenging period for military recruitment, instilling a vision for success and empowerment to recruiters throughout the country. He retired at Fort Carson, Colorado, on Nov. 30, 2008. On Nov. 15, 2008, he was hired by the Delta County School District as the JROTC

Col. Matt Clark is pictured with his daughter, Kayce Clark Lowry, (left) and niece, Hailey Morley, (right). They all served in the same company at the same time in the Army National Guard. Senior Army Instructor for Delta High School. The U.S. Army pays one-half of Col. Clark’s salary to the school district. “I reported to Delta High School in midNovember 2008,” said Col. Clark. “I didn’t have to have new uniforms. I’ve been wearing the same uniform since Jan. 21, 1982. I must abide by all Army regulations, including length of hair, smooth face, etc.” This year there are 81 JROTC cadets at Delta High School, male and female, all grades. “I teach every day from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.,” explained Col. Clark. “I teach five courses. Sgt. Lopez (also a JROTC Army Instructor) teaches six classes. We have an extra period to keep up with Army operations under Army regulations. “We take two or three field trips a year with the cadets.” He added, “We teach leadership and responsibility, Army curriculum and books. It’s the same for every U.S. Army JROTC. We teach first aid, personal finances, history, the U.S. Constitution, our Founding Fathers, and types of military. “We strive to motivate young people to be better citizens and leaders; to take responsibility. We are heavy on decision making.” He noted, “The school district gets two seasoned, very experienced teachers.” After reflecting on all the years of his military career, and his continuing career of teaching, Col. Clark said, “It is an honor and privilege to serve the nation I cherish, and I think every young person should have that opportunity. It builds integrity, patriotism, loyalty and appreciation for the liberties we enjoy as Americans.”

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