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Readers’ choices for “The Best of Delta County” spotlighted, Inside
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Cedaredge Parade of Lights: Everything but the snow, B11
Competition heats up for wrestling, basketball, swimming, C1-8 DECEMBER 6, 2017 VOL. 134, NO. 49
Commissioners deny Bowie land use change application BY ANNETTE BRAND Staff Writer
Bureau of Land Management photo
Improved access
The Eagle Rock Shelter archaeological site between Delta and Hotchkiss can now be accessed by two-wheel-drive vehicles. Access to the road is from Hwy 92 about 100 feet east of mile marker 13. Look for the “Eagle Rock Shelter Access” sign (above) at the beginning of the road. The gravel road initially leads up through a small, inactive gravel pit, then follows the rim of the canyon, offering spectacular views of the Gunnison River. The trailhead is 3.7 miles from the Highway 92 turnoff.
On Dec. 4 Delta County Commissioners Doug Atchley, Mark Roeber and Don Suppes denied the application of Paonia Holdings, LLC for a change of land use for the property at 41322 Highway 133, with an adjacent residence at 41402 Highway 133 and an ancillary property at 16180 Stevens Gulch Road. The property is owned by Bowie Resources, LLC, and was formerly used as a coal load-out site. Applicant Mark Levin, Paonia Holdings, LLC submitted the request under the Delta County Specific Development Regulations. He asked for a change to commercial, light industrial and agricultural uses for the property. On Nov. 20 the commissioners heard three hours of presentation by Levin, his attorney Aaron Clay, and response from citizens who filled the hearing room, with some standing. Levin made presentations at several other meetings which were widely attended. At the end of the Nov. 20 hearing, the commissioners noted that response to the application has been contentious and the request isn’t a matter to be taken lightly. All three expressed the need to review the Nov. 20 testi-
mony and earlier communication from the Delta County Planning Commission, which voted 6-1 to recommend denial of the application. At the Dec. 4 commissioners’ meeting chairman Doug Atchley asked staff members Kelly Yeager, contract planner, Elyse Casselberry, community and economic development director, and John Baier, county attorney, if they had anything to add regarding the application of Paonia Holdings, LLC. All three said they did not. Baier said public comments were received in the open hearing. It was now time for the BOCC to discuss and decide the issue of Paonia Holdings, LLC. “The application was full of many opinions, an interesting one to go through,” said Roeber. “There were questions in a lot of the testimony we have read and heard, things that concerned me from both sides. “We need business, we need revenue, but we need to consider where the business is placed,” he said. Suppes said, “I have equal concern from both sides. We heard ‘move the business to Delta.’ As a county we can’t have different regulations for different parts of the county. My greatest concern is Farmers Ditch.”
Atchley noted, “In hearing the testimony, we heard evidence for and against the application. The Board of County Commissioners represents the three branches of government. In this instant the BoCC is acting as the judicial review board. To make a land use decision is fully within the BoCC’s realm. “The county planning commission voted to not approve the application. The staff has no further comments. We have had a lot of information pro and con. It’s time to get through this.” Roeber said there would be adverse impact on neighboring property and proposed screening for Farmers Ditch was not adequate. Farmers Ditch provides water to many North Fork Valley properties. He also noted potential impact to views. Suppes agreed that the Farmers Ditch is too important to the North Fork to allow it to be put at risk, although the business model and site plan were sound. Roeber added the uncertainty of the reclamation efforts needs to be nailed down more soundly. Atchley said the Colorado Department of Reclamation, Mining and Safety states the property has not been fully reclaimed. The vote to deny the application was unanimous.
County adopts $34.4 million budget BY ANNETTE BRAND Staff Writer
The Delta County 2018 budget in the amount of $34,427,504 was adopted Monday by county commissioners Doug Atchley, Mark Roeber and Don Suppes. The budget was submitted by county administrator Robbie LeValley, who noted it was prepared by a countywide interdepartmental budget team under the supervision and guidance of the Board of County Commissioners. The
budget team was composed of department heads and county elected officials. Also on Monday, the county attorney refuted complaints about the county budget process filed by the Delta County Citizen Report. In early November, JoAnn Kalenak, president of Delta County Citizen Report, presented the commissioners with 2.5 pages of formal complaint of how the Delta County budget is prepared. There are multiple funds
making up the budget and each fund is a separate and legal fiscal entity. The combination of the various funds creates the total county budget. The Capital Improvements Fund is budgeted at $2,961,603. This amount is disbursed as follows: The General Fund will receive a transfer of $508,498 to cover all capital outlay expenses for departments within the General Fund. Road and Bridge Fund will
Director selected to move Engage Center forward BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor
A $680,000 grant to fund start-up operations of the Engage Center has resulted in the hiring of Shawn Gardner as operations director. The old City Market building in downtown Delta is the “hub” of the Engage Center, but its “spokes” will be located across the county. An additional grant is being sought to assist with renovation of the “hub,” but in the meantime, programming at the “spokes” will be rolled out under Gardner’s direction.
Accent ........................... A4 Activities ......................A11 Back Page ................... D8 Bruin Tracks ............. B5-8 Church ..........................B12 Classifieds .................. D1-2 Editorial ......................... A2 Legals ......................... D3-4 North Fork Times ........B1-4 Obituaries .................. A8-9 School Zone ............... A6-7 Service Directory ........ D7 Sports ..........................C1-8 Surface Creek News .B9-11 TV Listings ................. D5-6
The Engage Innovation Center is intended to provide entrepreneurial support to help launch new businesses in Delta County with a special focus on value-added food manufacturing, energy and ag-related businesses. The Technical College of the Rockies is leading the effort to provide resources and support to entrepreneuers looking to start or grow their businesses. It’s a path familiar to Gardner, who spent 10 years working with a Christian mission in Mozambique. He witnessed the globalization of
Africa, and gradually came to believe in the localization of an economy, especially when it comes to food and energy. While there were some benefits to globalization, the resulting extraction of vital resources left many parts of Africa impoverished. As Gardner studied the situation he was driven to pursue his MBA in international development. He began working with an entrepreneurial chicken farmer who raised 30,000 breeding chickens. Grain and supplies were purchased locally; on the ENGAGE DIRECTOR TO A3
receive $1,447,560 which will cover costs for a road chip and seal program to extend the life of major roadways which have been prioritized on a countywide basis, rightof-way acquisition and engineering costs associated with future road expansion, and capital equipment/facility improvements for Road and Bridge districts. The Capital Projects Fund is funded at $745,545, with $50,000 allocated to the Delta County Library District for capital improvements and $100,000 to cover additional broadband expenses in cooperation with Region 10 and county municipalities. Also, $3,415,000 will be set aside in a reserve account for the anticipated improvement to the courthouse campus, including jail and court facilities. The Capital Projects Fund includes funding of the Delta County Master Plan and Trails Plan, and matching federal and state aviation funds for complete runway construction at Blake Field. Personnel. Health care insurance premiums will increase by 8.5 percent, an additional $63 per month per employee. The county will cover the increase. In 2018 Delta County employees will receive a 2 percent cost of liv-
ing increase. Highway User Tax Fund (HUTF). HUTF revenues are deposited into the County Road and Bridge Fund. In 2018 HUTF revenues will be expended solely for the purpose of reconstructing and maintaining county roads, road rights-of-way, and bridges, and the operation and maintenance of county road district properties. Enterprise Funds. The county has two enterprise funds wherein the costs of goods and services are financed or recovered through user fees. The landfill fund accounts for revenues received to maintain the Adobe Buttes Landfill and the North Fork Transfer station.The E-911 Fund is funded with a surcharge that appears on monthly landlines and cell phone bills and covers the costs associated with providing E-911 services throughout Delta County. 2018 Mill Levy. Property tax revenues for 2018 in the amount of $5,255,343 are estimated on a mill levy of 17.787. The difference between the county’s base mill levy of 18.057, which was established in 1992, and the current mill levy is .27 mils. The .27 mil difference will be reflected as a tax credit on property owners’ 2018 tax bills.
Pearl Harbor remembered
Visit with Santa
At 11 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 7, members of Lee Marts Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and its Auxiliary and American Legion Post 65 Auxiliary and Legion members will remember the 76th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The sacrifices of hundreds of thousands of American soldiers, sailors, marines, and their families will be remembered during this brief ceremony, which will take place at the boat ramp on the bank of the Gunnison River in Confluence Park. All members of the community, especially World War II veterans, are invited to attend this ceremony to commemorate the bombing attack that suddenly plunged the United States into World War II. For details, contact Corky Ware, post commander, at 8723327 or Della Ware, auxiliary president, 312-5758.
Breakfast with Santa is coming to Bill Heddles Recreation Center Saturday, Dec. 9, from 8 to 10:30 a.m. This event is sponsored annually by the Delta Kiwanis and Key Club students. All children eat free; adult meals are $3 each. Santa will be on hand to hear each child’s Christmas list. Bring a camera for pictures and enjoy a breakfast with decorated pancakes, juice and milk. Crafts will also be provided.
On Nov. 22 and 27, the Delta Police Department, with the assistance of Delta County Sheriff’s Office and Montrose County Sheriff’s Office, executed a search warrant at an Affordable Storage unit at 2170 Southgate Lane. Stolen property from Delta County and Montrose County burglaries were found inside the storage unit. No charges have yet been filed in this ongoing investigation.
A2 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Accentuate the positive
A marijuana co-op would benefit Crawford Dear Editor: We know that in the Garden of Eden, God gave us all of the seed-bearing plants on earth to use... “And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:12. We also know that the Food and Drug Administration approved the medical use of THC in 1992, 25 years ago. Yet the Delta County stance is “WE DON’T WANT IT HERE!” The fact is that marijuana is here in abundance. Every adult in the state is allowed to grow 12 plants. With an average outdoor yield of one and a half pounds per plant, it is not a stretch to predict that the average adult can legally grow 18 pounds of marijuana per year. That is a lot of pot ... pot that is not regulated, taxed or tracked over time to keep that pot away from the community’s children. Our sheriff ’s hands are tied on this one ... the law limits plant count to 12 plants per property. Yet once those plants are harvested, legal oversight disappears, and all 18 pounds are available to enter the black market. So if law enforcements’ hands are tied and repeating “We don’t want it here!” doesn’t do anything to impact the black market, do we as citizens have options? I think yes, but not by licensing a standard marijuana
store. Unfortunately, licensing a marijuana store here will do nothing to impact the local marijuana black market. In a licensed store, an eighth of an ounce of marijuana costs about $75. That same amount on the black market costs $25, a third of the legal price. A store in Crawford would clearly gather tourist dollars, but really not impact the local black market because legal pot is so much more expensive than black market pot. And licensed stores must be stocked by licensed grow facilities, which have been banned here. This means that tens of thousands of dollars each month will be sent out of county to stock Delta County shelves. This flow of money benefits no resident of Crawford; it simply pads the pockets of an out-of-county millionaire grow site owner. A store here would indeed provide thousands of dollars each month to our town council to spend. The only real solution I see is a marijuana coop, a kind of pot farmers market. If we want to impact the black market, we must provide legal pot at lower prices. It is a financial reality; no Delta County resident drives out of county to pay $75 legally, when they get the same amount on the
black market from their neighbor for $25. A coop would sell local marijuana which benefits the Town of Crawford in two ways: 1) local growers are paid legally for their product, instead of that money going out of county to a millionaire grow site owner, and 2) every pound of pot purchased legally in the co-op is a pound of pot removed from the black market and away from the hands of the community’s children. A co-op would allow regulation of product, keeping users safe from mold, toxins and other contaminants that permeate the black market. Every sale would provide tax dollars for our town council to spend. Finally any sort of marijuana business license brings armed state marijuana enforcement division officers to our town at no charge to any Crawford resident. These officers would not enforce any town ordinance, but they would enforce every state marijuana ordinance free of charge to the town. Free visible state law enforcement. Here. It is time to engage in an intelligent discussion on this topic. We know that you don’t want it here, but since it is here, let us engage in an informed discussion on this new reality. Jay Ziegler Crawford
Fracking puts our watershed at risk Dear Editor: David Ludlam’s recent opinion piece (Eco-snobbery reveals contradictions and false choices) in the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel could be parody if not for real consequences that fracking, drilling and transport pose to the North Fork. Today it’s our small farming community that is the sacrifice zone; tomorrow it might be your child’s playground or a retirement community. So, what comes across as petulant noise from Mr. Ludlam is just a tactic to minimize legitimate concerns of Coloradans. Ludlam, the director of the Western Slope Colorado Oil & Gas Association (COGA) calls us, in one of the poorest counties in Colorado, “eco-snobs” and “affluent” people who view our watershed as “a convenience.” Oil and gas drilling, and particularly fracking, pollutes water, air, and soil, and threatens public health. It impacts community infrastructure and services in ways that impose a multitude of costs on resi-
dents, farms, and businesses. Real snobbery is implying Western Slope residents don’t know the difference between opinion and fact, and that we should just blindly buy what any snake oil salesman is peddling. As a farmer in the North Fork, I take exception to an industry that twists the truth about the benefits and safety of this activity in our watershed, which feeds the North Fork, into the Gunnison, and eventually the Colorado River. Fracking risks all this, and along with it, Delta County’s
investments in an economy based on organic agriculture, tourism, recreation and quality of life. Water is of supreme importance in our arid climate. Www.fracfocus. org reports that in 2017 fracking operations in Mesa County alone used 302,000,000 gallons of water. That water can never be returned to the hydrologic cycle, because it is too poisoned for other uses. We all rely on clean water, Mr. Ludlam included. “A convenience for the affluent,” indeed. Lisa Niermann Hotchkiss
We’re lucky to have DCMH Dear Editor: How lucky we are to have an outstanding hospital right here at home in Delta County! I recently had a new knee replacement there. As a nurse practitioner, I was super nervous as I really knew the risks. Being on the other side of receiving health care means I didn’t much have
KUDOS Partners step up Dear Editor: We want to thank some folks for partnering with us to provide for the future needs of the soup kitchen: St. Michael’s Church, Whiting Farms and Sweets on Main. The King’s Table 250-6637
Smokin’ hot praise for Zach’s Dear Editor: A special thanks to Cheryl, Dave and staff at Zach’s Bar-B-Q for your generosity to Drug Free Delta County and our annual Thanksgiving Celebration! The turkeys were absolutely delicious and we served over 80 clients and their families. Zach’s is a community institution that you have continued with fabulous food, friendly faces and a spirit of generosity. Pam Bliss, Volunteer Coordinator Drug Free Delta County
It’s a wrap! Dear Editor: Thank you, thank you to the many — over 70 — volunteers who showed up Saturday to wrap literally thousands of Christmas presents for needy North Fork children! Kudos for sacrificing your Saturday for others. It just felt good to spend the afternoon with so many selfless, happy volunteers! You’re all the best! Pam Bliss North Fork Children’s Christmas Party
Delta County Independent
control, which is a very anxious feeling. I felt well cared for from the painless IV that Nurse Sharla put in at pre-op time, to the pre-op information from CNA Bob and OR Nurse Dean. They listened to my requests and concerns. Dr. Huene and whomever as his surgical assist must have been fantastic as immediate post-op was near painless and without my normal problems with post-op meds. The floor nurses and NAs were rock stars too! Thanks Amber, Ashley, Andrea, Becci and Promise! (Missing one NA, sorry!) Lab even said they were sorry to have to poke me! RT and PT were polite and most encouraging. Kudos to the kitchen staff on Thanksgiving! My noon meal was just fabulous! To all behind the scenes, know my family and I are most grateful to you also! Thanks to all! I am up ‘n about ready to return to clinic this week. AliceMarie SlavenEmond, FNP-C Delta Health and Wellness Center Family Clinic DELTA COUNTY
INDEPENDENT DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (UPS 152-700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Second class postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416 401 Meeker St. Delta, CO 81416 (970) 874-4421
News: editor@deltacountyindependent.com Advertising: ads@deltacountyindependent.com
Dear Editor: We don’t have to look very far these days to see all of the negativity in our society. Just turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper and we are confronted with negative happenings each and every day. Many people are asking the question, “What is this world coming to?” So, when we do see, hear, or experience something positive, why not make it known to others? Well, I’d like to share a recent and positive experience that I had here in Delta. On Thanksgiving evening, as I approached Walmart’s parking lot to check out Black Friday’s early bird specials, I was aghast at the fullness of the parking lot. If the parking lot was so full, what must the inside be
like? I began to have second thoughts about going shopping after all. Nonetheless, I decided to give it a shot. Well, what I experienced that evening was quite different from what I had envisioned. Yes, there were people and stuffed carts everywhere you looked! As I moved about trying to avoid bumping into other shoppers, and vice versa, I was quite pleasantly surprised at how courteous and considerate people were to one another. It was rather difficult to not get in someone’s way. When that did happen, however, people were so apologetic and willing to step aside to accommodate other shoppers. There was no pushing or shoving or grabbing at an item before someone
else got to it. In fact, I joked and laughed with several other shoppers about the whole situation. In short, I left the store with such a positive and uplifted feeling. It actually was an enjoyable shopping experience, which made me appreciate how fortunate I am to live in this community. Delta County is a special place because of the people who reside here. You really don’t have to look very far to find people who are kind and caring toward one another. Thank you, fellow residents of Delta County, for making me see and appreciate the positive things that surround us. A blessed and Merry Christmas to all! Cherie Plant Delta
Unequal treatment is still an issue in Paonia Dear Editor: I would like to share my opinion on a recent episode in the history of the Paonia Town Council. Five members of the Town of Paonia’s upper management recently joined in a complaint against a trustee. They claimed slander on three counts: 1) A remark about the “town taxi” service when the manager was reportedly being chauffeured on personal business by the town clerk; 2) referring to the building inspector as “compromised”; and 3) accusing the public works director of stealing fuel while the finance officer covered it up. Their leader, the manager, read the complaint aloud, in wailing tones, with quavering voice and great anguish. They vowed to sue if the board didn’t punish the trustee. A committee investigated. Their official finding: not guilty on all counts ... 1) The clerk did in fact
leave her post to chauffeur the manager on personal business. 2) A diplomatic reference to the building inspector as “compromised” was a private communication with the town attorney. It should never have been disclosed. 3) The trustee did not accuse anyone of stealing fuel. She had pointed out that with no system to track inventory, it was impossible to know where the town’s fuel supply actually goes. This left the board with a problem — how to deal with the staff and their complaint? As politicians will do, they decided it was easiest to blame the trustee for something, anything, despite being found not guilty, thereby saving face for the staff and sweeping the whole thing under the rug. The mayor cut the trustee short and refused to hear anyone waiting to speak in her
defense. He called for a vote to shame her with a “warning” for causing such a large expenditure of town time and money. Apparently the office was in an uproar for months and an attorney had been hired to find the leak who flagged the problem with inventory control. (There is still no system to track where the town’s fuel goes.) I left that meeting feeling that I had witnessed an attack designed to bully an honest trustee into silence, that it was harassment, an official violation of an innocent person. I recently resigned the Paonia Town Council over their refusal to apply rules of conduct equitably to all members. It is my opinion that unequal treatment is a big problem across the board in Paonia and it will not change under the current leadership. Bill Brunner Paonia
Law enforcement blotter From the Delta shotgun at his brother. Prough was arrested on Police Department: the scene and charged with felony menacing, a Nov. 26: Francisco J. Cruz, 30, class 5 felony, and vioof Delta was arrested lation of bail bond conand jailed on a warrant ditions related to felony charges in Teller County. with a $1,500 bond. Nov. 29: Nov. 28: Nathan Montez was Matthew L. Garcia, 38, of Delta was arrested transported to Delta and jailed on a warrant County Memorial Hospital after he was allegedly with a $500 bond. pursued and assaulted Nov. 29: Lane T. Mayberry, 18, on Highway 65 at about of Hotchkiss was issued 9:30 p.m. Jacob Jones, a summons on charges of 32, faces charges of third degree assault. Two addifollowing too closely. Richard Gomez, 71, of tional suspects are being Delta was arrested and questioned by deputies. jailed on a warrant with Nov. 30: A Crawford area resia $500 bond. dent reported someone Dec. 1: Anthony J. Kelleher, had apparently tried to 23, of Delta was arrested pry the door of her home and jailed on a warrant open. Deputies assisted the with a $1,500 bond. Marshal’s Citations: Eight tick- Hotchkiss ets were issued this Office with a domestic week for various traffic incident. Deputies responded to violations. Please remember: All a domestic incident in criminal charges are Crawford after an anonmerely an accusation ymous caller reported and the defendant is pre- banging, yelling and sumed innocent until or kids screaming. The two parties involved in the unless proven guilty. verbal altercation were From the Delta separated for the night. County Sheriff’s Office No charges were filed. Dec. 1: (partial list): A Delta resident turned over two rifles Nov. 27: Tavian Ashurst, 18, left at her home by a of Belle Fourche, S.D., friend of her daughter. escaped injury in a roll- She believed the friend over accident on Fair- was involved in the view Road near Pig Mesa sale of stolen firearms. Road. He told deputies The serial numbers of he lost control of his both weapons were run Chevrolet Blazer as he through a criminal datarounded a corner at about base. One was clear; the 1:45 p.m. Delta County other was reported stolen Ambulance responded in Montrose County. The to the scene but did not Montrose Police Departtransport Ashurst. The ment took possession of Colorado State Patrol the stolen weapon; the handled the investiga- investigation continues. Deputies investigated tion. A man living on Solar an assault at Gateway Court near Delta said a Youth Services. A juveneighbor’s dog had killed nile victim was treated his ducks and chickens. at Delta County Memorial Hospital. Deputies Nov. 28: Christopher Prough, are trying to sort out 27, of Cedaredge was conflicting stories from charged with a weap- witnesses and suspects. Deputies assisted ons offense after allegedly pointing a loaded Paonia officers and men-
tal health providers with a client who was creating a disturbance at a home in Paonia. Dec. 2: While on patrol, deputies spotted a red 1994 Ford Ranger bearing fictitious license plates. When the deputies activated lights and siren, the vehicle turned from Fruitgrowers Road onto 2100 Road and began to accelerate. Deputies followed at a safe distance. The vehicle turned down 2165 Road, failing to stop at a stop sign, and reached 50 mph in a 35 mph zone. Near 12241 2165 Road, the vehicle left the road and came to a stop in a field. The driver exited the vehicle and took off on foot. Deputies went back to the home where the driver was initially spotted and learned the driver was Tex Piele, 40, of Delta. A warrant has been issued for speeding, reckless driving, displaying fictitious license plates, driving under suspension, eluding, third degree criminal trespass and criminal mischief. After a search warrant was obtained for the abandoned pickup, deputies found a tool box containing suspected methamphetamine. Dec. 3: A woman reported the fraudulent use of debit and credit cards that had been in a wallet that was either lost or stolen. A Delta area resident reported that an equalizer drop hitch and custom Cabela’s mud flaps were missing from his truck. A large metal shop caught fire on Vaca Drive, Eckert, at about 9 p.m. Cedaredge firefighters and deputies responded to the scene. The shop was owned by Melvin Reaksecker, who used it for woodworking. A small space heater is the suspected source of the fire. No damage estimate was provided.
Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Engage director
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FROM PAGE A1 other end of the supply chain, multiple farmers were employed to help raise the chickens. The impact the “value chain” had on people’s lives was impressive, Gardner said, and he formed a nonprofit association to help entrepreneurs access community resources. He will continue that effort in Delta County, matching resources with need to encourage economic development. It was Gardner’s “broad wealth” of knowledge, and his passion for making a difference locally, that makes him a good match for the Engage Center, said Michael Klouser, director of the Technical College of the Rockies. Gardner recently relocated from Indiana, but is very familiar with western Colorado. His wife is Sarah Smythe, a Delta High School graduate and the daughter of longtime residents Pam and Fred Smythe. “Everything he brings to the table is what we were looking for,” Klouser said. “An added bonus is a significant amount of experience he has in
construction and development. Gardner explains that after he moved back to western Colorado, which he considers “home,” he obtained employment as superintendent of a construction company. Just a couple of days on the job, Gardner put his construction experience to work as Engage partners met to discuss design ideas for renovation of the innovation center. Possibilities include a commercial kitchen, Technical College of the Rockies class space, maker space, business incubation, and office space for Delta County Economic Development, Small Business Development Center, and Gardner himself. The three-year grant, awarded under the Economic Development Administration as part of the 2017 Assistance to Coal Communities initiative, will also fund an agricultural coordinator. That individual, who has not yet been hired, will coordinate the kitchen incubator program and other ag-related initiatives, and lead the effort to brand and market Delta County products.
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On a white board in the district office, Shawn Gardner (left), director of the Engage Center, and Michael Klouser, director of the Technical College of the Rockies, outline design ideas for renovation of the old City Market building. Gardner brings a unique combination of construction experience and entrepreneurial support to his new position.
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Humane society hosts fundraiser �����
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The Delta County Humane Society is hosting a fundraiser Sunday, Dec. 10, from 3 to 7 p.m. Yvonne Rowland will host a Christmas open house and parade of trees at her home at 796 1525 Road in Delta. A $5 donation is requested. A drawing will also be held. Donations of $1 for each or six for $5 will be accepted for the drawing.
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Proceeds will help the Delta County Humane Society increase its spay/ neuter subsidy program, which helps lower income families with the cost of spaying their furry companions to reduce the number of stray and unwanted animals in Delta County. You can help be part of the solution by attending the fundraiser or sending a donation to DCHS, PO Box 1111, Delta, CO 81416. You can also find a donation tab on the humane society’s website, deltacountyhumane society.org. Just make a comment that you want the donation to go to the spay/neuter fund. A spayed/neutered animal is healthier and happier. Learn more at deltacountyhumane society.org.
Photo by Pat Sunderland
Cobbler call
Senior CommUnity Meal cooks Cheryl Brooks and Victor Quezada were wrapping up meal preparations last Friday morning when the commercial kitchen at 350 Stafford Lane began filling with smoke. Fortunately, there was no fire and once the smoke had cleared, the cooks rewarded the firefighters with peach cobbler. A volunteer firefighter said the cooks did the right thing by calling the fire department, even though there was no fire. “Never hesitate to call,” he said.
Holiday toy run planned Saturday Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association’s Montrose Employees Club invites the community to support a holiday motorcycle toy run Saturday, Dec. 9. Gifts will be delivered to the Haven House in Olathe at about 11:15 a.m. Riders are invited to join staff and resident families for coffee and hot chocolate before heading home. The ride departs from Tri-State’’s maintenance center at 2200 S. Rio Grande Avenue, Montrose. Meet in the parking lot at 10:30 a.m.; the ride starts at 11 a.m. Haven House was formed in August 2010 to develop a transitional/ transformational living program for the homeless in the tri-county area of Montrose, Ouray and Delta. For event details, visit www.tristate.coop/ montroseholidaytoyrun.
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Open at 9 a.m. on Sundays
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A4 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Dec. 9 food drive will benefit food pantry, shelter Three Delta Girl Scout troops are joining forces to help feed hungry families this holiday season. Troops are doing a food drive on Saturday, Dec. 9, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Troops will be set up at Walmart, Safeway, City Market and the Dollar Tree. Troops are asking customers to purchase food items like cereal, mac
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and cheese, tuna, peanut butter and other nonperishable foods, all of which will be donated to the Delta Food Pantry. Additionally, girls have chosen to collect socks, gloves, scarves and beanies, which will be donated to the guests staying at the Abraham Connection Homeless Shelter. Girl Scouts has an emphasis on being “girl led,” and this food and supply drive is the idea of the girls in Troop #15055, Troop #10083 and Troop #10739, who have joined together to help the hungry and homeless during the Christmas season. If you can’t make it to one of the stores on Dec. 9 to help the food pantry or the shelter, you may mail financial contributions to: • Delta Food Pantry, 1140 Howard Street,
Delta, CO 81416. • Abraham Connection, PO Box 910, Delta, CO 81416 Girl Scout troops in Delta County are still being formed — if you have a girl aged 5-18 who would like to be part of the international sisterhood of Girl Scouts, please call the Grand Junction placement office at 970-243-9066.
Chamber ambassadors support Delta Food Pantry The ambassadors from the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce are collecting canned food to support the Delta Food Pantry through Dec. 22. Please consider donating any non-perishable food item at one of the following locations: Delta Area Chamber of Commerce, Chili Pepper Pottery, Smiling Aviation and Guild Mortgage.
Photos by Pat Sunderland
Huge craft fair draws a crowd
The Holiday Craft Fair held annually at Bill Heddles Recreation Center was the biggest yet, city officials report. Seventy-nine vendors filled the gym, aerobics room and hallways with jewelry, edible treats, quilts, candles and more. On the left, Mimi Lousignont customizes a holiday swag using felted balls prepared by HOSA (Health Occupation Student Association) members from Delta High School. Students were raising money to cover the cost of attending a state HOSA conference next spring.
DHS food, toy drive ends Friday
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Sponsored by:
VFW collects food, toys for veterans and their families
© Taste of Home
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The Delta High School student council is partnering with the Delta Police Department, Jerry Reiher State Farm and Kevin Parks State Farm to collect non-perishable food and unwrapped toys for DHSCares packages. Donations will be shared with needy families and the Delta Food Pantry. Contributions may be Only a few more days brought to Delta High School through Friday, are left to donate to the Lee Marts Veterans of Dec. 8. Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) Post 3571 of Delta and Colorado Aviation Business Association’s (CABA) Holiday Airlift to assist Hope and Clifford needy and homeless vetArchuleta of Delta are the erans and their families parents of a son, Harlee in the area at their colPaul Archuleta, born lection point in the Delta Nov. 28, 2017, at Delta Dollar Tree. County Memorial HospiThis is the sevtal. He weighed 5 pounds, enth year the VFW has 14 ounces and was 18.5 worked with CABA to inches in length. distribute food and toys
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to needy veterans and their families. CABAaffiliated businesses and VFW members collect non-perishable food and toys throughout the Front Range and airlift these goods statewide using donated aircraft and student pilots from the Metro State aviation program. Locally donated items are added to the airlifted goods and distributed by VFW members to needy or homeless veterans and their families in Delta and Montrose. CABA and VFW members are asking for everyone’s help in reaching their statewide goal of 18,000 pounds of non-perishable food and toys this year. Nearly 20 aircraft and their pilots are scheduled to take part in the Holiday Airlift on Dec. 10. On Dec. 11, the local collection bins will be removed and the contents added to the airlifted goods for
final distribution. For further information, or if you wish to make a cash donation, call post service officer Jim Baker at 874-8172.
PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Okla., has released the spring 2017 honor roll list for outstanding academic performance. The honor roll list is comprised of the President’s and Provost’s Honor Roll Lists. Jason Huene and Michael Huene, both of Delta, were named to the President’s List. To be named to the President’s List, students must carry at least 12.0 units for credit in a semester and attain a grade point average of 4.0.
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Photo submitted
No more lost cards!
Cedaredge Library patron Joan Kennen uses her smart phone to check out library materials. Contact your local library to learn how you can keep your card right in your phone. No more lost or misplaced cards!
Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Fall photo, coloring contest winners named The results are in and smiles abound. Elevate Fiber announced the winners of its annual fall photo adventure and coloring contest last week. Members were asked to submit their best Colorado adventure photos for a chance to win. Kids, 10 and under, showed off their artistic skills with a coloring contest. Elevate Fiber congratulates all the winners listed below: Photo contest — Lisa Rediger, first; Will Brumas, second; Artie Elliot, third. Coloring contest, ages 8-10 — Aaliyah Gallegos, first; Aprielle Trujillo, second. Coloring contest, ages 5-7 — Elizabeth Lasley, first. “This was our first photo contest and the response from our community was tremendous. It shouldn’t be a surprise as Elevate has been propelled by community support from the start,” said DMEA marketing supervisor Becky Mashburn. Established in 2016, Elevate Fiber, powered by DMEA, has grown quickly. It now provides fiber internet service with speeds as fast as 1 Gig (1,000 Mbps) to more than 2,200 customers in Montrose and Delta counties. And while service is not available throughout the two counties yet, that is the ultimate goal. “Elevate is a subsidiary
cent to goal, 88 more preregistrations needed. Montrose W. 741 – 56 percent to goal, 99 more preregistrations needed. Olathe 138 – 51 percent to goal, 63 more preregistrations needed. The community can view all Elevate zones and their respective goals and preregister for service at join.elevatefiber. com. There is no cost to preregister and doing so locks in the $100 installation fee, due at the time service is installed. A full listing of services and prices is also available at
the website. “We’ve found that the average speed in DMEA’s service territory is just 10 Mbps. So, it’s important to know your current speed and what you’re paying for it when you price shop. I’m guilty of skimming an advertisement, seeing a price, and not checking to see what conditions may be attached, like promotional timelines, data caps, and slow speeds,” said Mashburn. For more information, visit join.elevatefiber.com, call 877-687-3632 or stop into a local DMEA office.
This photo by Lisa Rediger garnered top honors in Elevate’s first fall photo adventure contest. Rediger won a Roku 4 streaming device. of DMEA, so our focus has always been to build our network throughout the co-op’s service territory. Of course, that process won’t happen overnight. We’re building more than 3,000 miles of fiber in an efficient and financially secure way. That’s why we’re using a crowdsourcing model to help direct our construction efforts,” explained Mashburn. Elevate Fiber’s construction concept is simple; interest drives construction. As a result, DMEA’s service territory is divided into 50 different zones. Each of these zones is designed to follow the main DMEA power line serving a specific area,
because the fiber optic cables will be strung on DMEA’s poles and buried within the co-op’s underground easements. Each zone within the territory has a goal for preregistrations that must be met before Elevate builds its network. “The concept of zones and sign up goals can be confusing, but it really boils down to the need for Elevate and DMEA to ensure that the investment being made to build the fiber network is supported by actual customers. By creating a solid foundation at the start, which includes a steady stream of revenue, we’re able to keep mov-
ing toward the end goal: make Elevate available to all members. That hardest part for many of us is simply waiting. I always have to remind myself how far we’ve come in just a year and a half,” said Mashburn. Far is an understatement. Since connecting their first customer in October 2016, Elevate has Left to right, Aaliyah Gallegos, Elizabeth Lasley and quickly added custom- Aprielle Trujillo were the winners of Elevate’s colorers and expanded their ing contest. network to include zones across Montrose and Delta counties. Elevate now boasts 9,000 plus preregistrations and 2,230 customers. In addition, nine more zones are more than halfway to their signup goal and moving quickly. The current top runners are: Paonia 055 – 93 percent to goal, 25 more preregistrations needed. Montrose 427 – 82 per����������������������������������������������� cent goal, 19 more prereg�������������������������������������� istrations needed. Montrose 813 – 81 ����������������������������������� percent to goal, 133 more ������������ preregistrations needed. ������������������� Cedaredge 126 – 70 ���������������� percent to goal, 36 more preregistrations needed. �������������������� ������������������ Orchard City 112 – 67 ����������������� percent to goal, 210 more ������������������ preregistrations needed. Hotchkiss 67 – 60 percent to goal, 169 more preregistrations needed. ������������������������������������������������������������ Montrose 415 – 57 per-
� � Grateful
Photo submitted
Delta County School superintendent Caryn Gibson has Lincoln Elementary students look up the word “grateful” in the new dictionaries they received from the Delta Rotary Club. Delta Rotary Club has provided dictionaries to Delta third graders for 15 years.
Area Christmas Bird Counts scheduled Dec. 16 and 17 The dates for the Audubon Christmas bird counts for the MontroseDelta area have been set and the Black Canyon Chapter of the Audubon Society (BCAS) is urging anyone interested in helping with the counts or just getting out with fellow birders to get involved. “This is a great opportunity to not only help with the long term efforts to keep tabs on bird populations throughout the country but see what’s around here in the winter and meet other local birders,” commented Bruce Ackerman, president of the BCAS. “Whether you’re a lifetime birder or just interested in getting started we hope you’ll join us,” he added. The Audubon Society has been conducting Christmas bird counts for over 100 years. The information has proven critical for monitoring the long term health of bird populations throughout North America and warning of potential problems. The counts helped in determining the disastrous impact of widespread use of DDT in the mid-1900s and led to the eventual banning of its use. This year’s counts will be held in Montrose and in Delta Saturday, Dec.
16. Those interested in the Montrose area will meet at the Bureau of Land Management Office, 2465 South Townsend at 8:30. Call Missy Siders, 240-5332, for more information. Those in Delta will meet at the City Market parking lot at 8 a.m. Call Amy Seglund, 252-6014, for more information. On Dec. 17, the counts will be held in Gunnison and Hotchkiss. Those in Gunnison will meet at 7:30 in Room 130 Hurst Hall at Western State College. A potluck will follow. Call Arden Anderson, 970-901-5739
for details. Those in Hotchkiss will meet at 8:30 at City Market. Coffee and bottled water will be provided and there will be a catered get-together at Andrea Robinsong’s following the counts. Call Adam Petry at 970-4628702 for details. Participants should bring warm clothing and footwear, binoculars, and spotting scope and bird identification books if they have them. It is also suggested to bring snacks or a lunch and warm coffee or tea. The counts are sponsored by the BCAS and the Bureau of Land Management.
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A6 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Learn to be a better babysitter The City of Delta Parks and Recreation Department will offer an American Red Cross babysitter training course Dec. 21-22, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This class is for participants ages 10-14. The
fee is $85, which includes training in pediatric CPR, AED and first aid. Registration deadline is three business days prior to the beginning of the class. Contact John Volk at 874-0923 for more information.
Kindness matters
Lincoln Elementary recently celebrated a week of kindness. They raised money for the Abraham Connection homeless shelter, donated books for the Haven House and completed random acts of kindness throughout the week. The last day the entire student body and staff posed for a giant heart shaped picture to commemorate their dedication to teaching and spreading kindness.
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Youth basketball tournament scheduled
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Bill Heddles Recreation Center is taking registrations for the three-on-three winter youth basketball tournament, to be held at the recreation center on Wednesday, Dec. 27. Divisions for the tournament are boys grades 6-7, boys grades 8-9, girls grades 6-7 and girls grades 8-9. The entry fee is $40 per team, which includes a minimum of four players and a maximum of five. Registration deadline is Dec. 19. For more information call Gary West at 874-0923 or email gary@cityofdelta.net.
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Garnet Mesa’s Terrific Kids
Photos submitted
The following Garnet Mesa students earned a Terrific Kid Award from the Kiwanis Club of Delta for their efforts to be a responsible citizen and student. Pictured above are kindergarten and first grade students (back row, left to right) Leah Farmer, Lauren Spaedt, Jordan Lujano and Jesse Gomez; (front row) Valeria Campos, Jadyn Griswold, Jesus Bejarano, Zyla Cook and Kennedy Harrisa. Below are second and third graders (back row) Will Adams, Dakota Rounds, Kyler Anderson, Destiny Martin; (front row) Natalie Velasquez, Landen Taylor, Gabby Cardenas and Kaci Teyler-Crowder.
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Best of the West Music Festival planned Dec. 7-9 ��������������������������������� ����������������������������� �������������������������
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The CMU Music Department and Karen Combs will present the 18th annual Best of the West Music Festival on Dec. 7-9, featuring three public concerts and two days of workshops for more than 200 talented high school musicians from Colorado and Utah. On Dec. 7, guest artists Paradise Winds will present a recital at 7:30 p.m. in the Love Recital
Hall. Tickets are $17 for adults, $12 for seniors and $5 for students. On Dec. 8, the Wind Symphony will take the stage at 7:30 p.m. in the Robinson Theatre to present the world premiere of Randall Standridge’s new composition “The Four Horsemen of the Apocolypse.” Standridge is the composerin-residence for Best of the West 2017. Members
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of Paradise Winds will also be featured as soloists with the Wind Symphony on three of the pieces. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and $5 for students. On Saturday, Dec. 9, at 3 p.m. in Robinson Theatre, a free final concert will be presented, featuring a variety of music by current composers, played by three different high school bands.
Basketball skills, drills for grades K-2 Little hoopsters, lace up your high-tops and dribble down to Bill Heddles Recreation Center to register for another season of K-2 basketball. Youngsters will meet at the rec center gym Saturday mornings starting Jan. 6. Session times will be determined by the number of participants. The season will run from Jan. 6-Feb. 10. The fee is $35 for the six-week program. Kurt Clay, former Delta High School coach, will run the program with help from other volunteers. Kids will be learning fundamentals of shooting, dribbling, passing, defense and offense. Some games will be played toward the end of the program. Each participant will get a basketball and T-shirt. For more information, stop by the front desk of the recreation center or call Whitnee Lear at 874-0923.
Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Tri-State G&T Montrose Employees Club’s 2nd Annual
A team effort
Photo by Pat Sunderland
During October — Breast Cancer Awareness Month — Delta County Ambulance District sold T-shirts as a fundraiser to assist those fighting cancer. The proceeds were presented to Grand Mesa Oncology & Infusion Center last week. Pictured are EMTs Kirby Clock, Nathan Sturgio, Troy Stumpf, Bryan Kinser, Blake Kinser and Slim Farnsworth. Grand Mesa Oncology & Infusion Center is represented by manager Louann Drown, Kathy Wiley, Melanie Sanchez, Pam Bean, Linda Jacobson, Dr. Helen Goldberg, Dr. Dorinda Rouch, Faith Bollig, Stevie Ortiz, Rosa Fantin, Danielle Gallegos, Carlos Arellano and Cari Dillon. Not pictured: Wendy Maring, Nysha Wilson, Mae Ferguson, Laura Gleason, Becky Duran, Theresa Wrich, Arienne Huff, Kelsey Stark, Janet Alberts, Lynelle Schreiner and Darin Bishop. Drown said DCAD’s donation will go toward patient equipment, patient support and survivorship information.
Delta hospital reports on tobacco cessation program Delta County Memorial Hospital’s cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation department kicked off a six-week tobacco cessation program during September. The program was designed to help individuals recognize triggers and to work on ways to get through each situation. Many of the participants were able to set a quit date and successfully quit throughout the remainder of the class. The 11 participants
in the tobacco cessation class dedicated an hour every Monday evening for six weeks to overcome their tobacco addiction. Participants worked on envisioning a life without tobacco, behavioral changes and most importantly provided each other with needed support and encouragement. During the six-week program, 67 percent of participants either quit or reduced their tobacco use. “The fellowship is
super important; the human element is necessary. I already took steps to quit and I am hopeful I will succeed. This class was so helpful,” stated a graduate of the program. Delta County Memorial Hospital plans to host another six-week tobacco cessation program beginning Jan. 22 at 6 p.m. in classroom A in the main hospital building. Please call Shelly at 970-8742420 to register and/or for more information.
Donate and ride! Dec. 9, 2017 Help us brighten the holidays for our community’s children and teens in need.
Photo submitted
As part of the 11 for 11 Campaign at Delta High School, the boys’ basketball team surprised Delta Police officers with doughnuts.
DHS students make an impact on the community What would our world look like if every person, did one nice thing for someone else every day for 11 days? To find out, the Delta High School student council and ambassador team designated November part of the school’s “I Care Campaign.” They challenged DHS students to do 11 nice things at least once a day between Nov. 13 and 30 (11 school days). Counselor Shawna Magtutu listed the good things that took place during the 11 for 11 campaign: Nov. 10 — National Honor Society delivered homemade cards and visited with Willow Tree residents. Nov. 10 — Health Occupation Student Association (HOSA) delivered personal thank you cards
to staff at Delta County Memorial Hospital. Nov. 11 — JROTC posted Veterans Day flags and visited with local veterans. Nov. 13 — Key Club greeted students with Hershey kisses. Nov. 14 — A blood drive, open to the public, was organized. Over 80 donors showed up. Nov. 15 — Ambassadors personally delivered carnations and a note to DCMH staff. Nov. 15 — Ambassadors delivered goody bags to DHS bus drivers. Nov. 17 — Speech and debate gave treats and a Panther welcome to students arriving for the day. Nov. 16 — The girls’ basketball team delivered homemade appreciation cards and themed candy to Lincoln and Garnet
Mesa Elementary School teachers. Nov. 20 — The boys’ basketball team delivered doughnuts and a signed thank you poster to Delta Police Department officers. Nov. 27 — Student council officers shared pizza, games and cheers with the student leadership at Delta Middle School. Nov. 28 — Band members delivered a signed poster of appreciation, flowers and gifts to Doghouse staff. Nov. 28 — LULAC members filled Christmas stockings with sweet treats for the counseling office staff. Nov. 30 — The Visual Arts Club painted holiday window decorations as part of a school beautification project.
By Dec. 7, drop off a new, unwrapped gift for boys and girls, toddlers to teens: Tri-State Montrose Maintenance Center 2200 S. Rio Grande Ave., Montrose
On Dec. 9, bring a new, unwrapped gift for boys and girls, toddlers to teens and ride with us: 10:30 a.m. Tri-State Montrose Maintenance Center 2200 S. Rio Grande Ave., Montrose meet in the south parking lot 11 a.m. Kickstands up! Ride and deliver gifts to Olathe. If there is snow on the ground, we will deliver gifts by car.
Contact volunteer toy run coordinator Mike Bahr at 970-216-1822 or mbahr@tristategt.org
Lincoln’s Terrific Kids
Photo submitted
The Delta Kiwanis presented Lincoln Elementary students with Terrific Kids awards on Nov. 28. The students are recognized by teachers for outstanding characteristics, achievement and effort. The recipients (and their reason for recognition) for this week are: (back row) Russell Vigil (cooperation), Jazlyn Naranjo (character), Layne Sanchez (diligence), Jaycee Christie (helpful), Spencer Tello (kind); (front row) Robert Romero (compassion), Wyatt Lewis (responsibility), Joshua Garcia (diligence), Arnell Sheets (courage), McKenzie Finney (responsibility), Katie Perez (respect), Maribelle Meraz (kindness).
A8 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Josie Minerich
Lifetime North Fork area resident Josephine C. “Josie” Minerich died Dec. 2, 2017, at Paonia Care and Rehabilitation Center in Paonia. She was 98. Visitation will be held at 9 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 7. Rosary will be recited at 9:30 a.m. and Mass of the Resurrection will follow at 10 a.m., all at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Paonia with Father Nicodemis officiating. Interment will follow at Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Minerich was born in Bowie on Sept. 8, 1919, to Fred and Irma Surroz. They moved to Paonia in 1923. Her father died when she was 7, and her mother married Joseph Surroz. Josie graduated from Paonia High School in 1937. On Sept. 16, 1939, she married William Minerich in Paonia. Mrs. Minerich was a member of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church. She volunteered for the American Cancer Society for 30 years, helped organize senior citizen dinners, was active in the PTA and volunteered at the Paonia Care Center for years. She enjoyed spending time with family and friends, flowers, gardening and cooking. When she was younger, she enjoyed hiking and spending time in the mountains. She is survived by her children, William (Doris) Minerich of Montrose, Kenneth (Linda) Minerich of Grand Junction, Jerry Minerich of Westminster and Larry (Melanie Shea) Minerich of Eagle River, Alaska; four grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Minerich was preceded in death by her husband, William; brother, Ernie Surroz; and two sisters, Doris Carpenter and Mary Reich. Memorial contributions may be made to HopeWest, PO Box 24, Delta, CO 81416; Shriners Hospitals for Children, Attn: Office of Development, 2900 N Rocky Point Drive, Tampa, FL 33607; or Colorado Boys Ranch, c/o CBR YouthConnect, 14143 Denver West Parkway Suite 100, Golden, CO 80401. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www. taylorfuneralservice.com.
Morty Baran
Cedaredge resident Morty Baran died Oct. 6, 2017, while visiting his daughter in Massachusetts. He was 81. He was born in Bronx, N.Y., on Aug. 6, 1936. He moved to Los Angeles, Calif., in the early 1970s to work in film and advertising. He worked for Jay Chiat and Lee Clow at Chait/Day. In the late 1980s he moved to Richmond, Va., to work for The Martin Agency. He served as head of the TV broadcast department. In 2003, he retired to his 70-acre ranch in Hotchkiss. In 2014, he and his wife Amy helped open 4B’s Brewery in Cedaredge and they recently finished building their dream home in Cedaredge. He is survived by his wife of 37 years, Amy; children, David, Daniel and Mindy; and four grandchildren. A celebration of life will be held in June 2018.
Bill Barton
Bill Barton of Paonia died Nov. 24, 2017, in Paonia. He was 85. William Edward Barton was born on March 5, 1932, in Memphis, Texas. He enlisted in the Air Force when he was 18 and worked in a legal office where they encouraged him to attend college classes. On Aug. 8, 1952, he married Jean Barton in Raton, N.M. Mr. Barton graduated cum laude from Colorado College with a BA in 1957, received his MBA from University of New Mexico and a PhD from the University of Missouri in 1970. He began his career as an instructor of economics and business for Colorado College, eventually becoming a full professor. He taught for over 40 years for Colorado College. He received the Gresham Riley Award in 2000, and in 2012, was honored with the Bill Barton Endowed Professorship. The Barton family retired in Paonia, where Mr. Barton enjoyed spending time with his horses, gardening, fishing, hunting, the outdoors and his family. He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Jean Barton of Paonia; sons, Randy (Patti), David and Mark (Billie); grandchildren, Scott, Brad (Colleen), their late son Henry and twin daughters Harriet and Mae, Wes, Allison (Kyle), Haley and their late mother Carol, Jessica (Gerald), Rachel and their mother Cathy. A memorial service is planned for January 2018 in Paonia.
Delta County Independent
Pearl James. He lived most of his life in Delta aside from time spent in the U.S. Navy and Army. He enlisted in the Navy in April 1941 and was assigned to the Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor on the same ship as his older brother Leland (Jim). He was then assigned to the USS Arctic in the South Pacific hunting enemy submarines. After the war, he married Joyce Smith of Pea Green. They had two daughters and later separated. Mr. James enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1950 and served in Korea until he was injured and honorably discharged in 1951. He then married Gertrude Wood in Grand Junction, adopting her daughter Ruth Ann Wood. Mr. James worked in real estate and insurance and as a salesman for car dealerships in Delta.
He was a member of the VFW, the DAV and the Delta Elks Lodge. He enjoyed playing cards at the Elks Lodge, hunting, fishing and spending time outdoors with friends. He is survived by his daughter, Michelle; two brothers, Edwin and R. Wesley; a sister, Ramona; numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and extended family. He was preceded in death by his wife, Gertrude; two daughters, Danielle and Ruth Ann; and siblings, Jim, Marie, Robert and Ailene. A memorial service will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, Dec. 8, at the Delta Elks Lodge.
Yoshiko Wolverton
Delta County resident Yoshiko Wolverton died Nov. 24, 2017, at Horizons Care Center in Eckert. She was 89. She was born Feb.
14, 1928, in Japan. She spent her childhood and attended school in Japan, graduating in 1946. On June 6, 1954, she married Charles Wolverton in Sendai, Japan. Mrs. Wolverton was a member of a Buddhist group in Grand Junction. She enjoyed fishing, shooting a shotgun from her hip, knitting and helping those in need. She is survived by her children, Kenneth (Soon) Wolverton of Raeford, N.C., John Wolverton of Delta and Jane Wolf of Cedaredge; four grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and one greatgreat-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles Wolverton. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www. taylorfuneralservice.com.
R. Melvin Simler Dec. 10, 1937 ~ Nov. 28, 2017 It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of our beloved husband, father, brother, uncle, and friend, Melvin Simler. Melvin ended his earthly journey on Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2017. He is survived by his wife, Carol; six children (and their spouses): Carolyn (Ken Last), Michael (Joanna), Kenneth (Tanya), Daniel (Desiree), Stephen (America), and Kristen; 16 grandchildren; brothers, John, Wendell, and Lendell, and sister, Pam; nieces and nephews; as well as friends and acquaintances. He is predeceased by his sister, Kathy. Born in Adair County, Mo., on Dec. 10, 1937, Melvin attended school in Novinger, Mo., and went on to college at Western State in Gunnison, Colo., after his family relocated to Lamar, Colo., when he was 18. It was at Western State that he met and married his sweetheart, Carol, with whom he would share 54 years. Melvin joined the Navy and served his country for more than 20 years, including service in the
Vietnam War, where he was injured. That injury would affect him for the remainder of his life and eventually take his life. After retiring from the military, Melvin and Carol moved to western Colorado, raising their children in Cedaredge, while Melvin worked for the U.S. Post Office in Grand Junction. Following his second retirement, Melvin and Carol made their home in Delta, Colo. He was known to his family and friends as a hard worker — a man, who made it his life’s mission to support his family. He loved children, and he loved to drive; so for many years, until his health deteriorated, he drove a school
bus for both Cedaredge and Delta schools, which he thoroughly enjoyed. He loved music, playing cards, wood working, watching sports, and especially spending time with his family. Despite his poor health, his most oft repeated phrase when asked how he felt was, “I’m somewhere between outstanding and magnificent and getting better all the time.” He will be missed. Services for Melvin were held Dec. 2, 2017, at the LDS Church in Delta and his burial took place on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017, in Grand Junction at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to the Wounded Warrior Project at https://support. woundedwarriorproject. org. Arrangements are under the care and direction of Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory. View the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.taylorfuneralser vice.com. Paid obituary
Ronald L. Bell
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Jan. 6, 1939 ~ Nov. 30, 2017
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Bill James
Lifelong Delta resident Bill M. James died Dec. 1, 2017, at the Veterans Life Center in Grand Junction. He was 93. He was born on Dec. 19, 1923, in Los Angeles, Calif., to Elmer and
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INDEPENDENT www.deltacountyindependent.com
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Delta resident Ronald L. Bell passed away peacefully on Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017, at his home in Delta, Colo. Ron was 78 years old. Upon Ron’s request no services will be held. Ronald Lee Bell was born Jan. 6, 1939, to Kenneth G. and Ruby L. (Wigington) Bell in Denver, Colo. Ron spent his childhood and attended school in Rifle, Colo., where he was a standout athlete, competing in football, track and basketball. Ron graduated from Rifle High School with the Class of ‘57. After high school Ron furthered his basketball and track careers and his education at Mesa College, where he helped the basketball team qualify for nationals, competed in the decathlon, and set a national junior college javelin record that stood for years. He was then recruited to play for Brigham Young University. Ron finished his education at Colorado State University where he obtained a degree in Physical Science. On Jan. 25, 1962, Ron was drafted into the United States Army where he proudly served his country until being honorably discharged on Jan. 24, 1964. On April 25, 1971, Ron married the love of his life, Sandra Lee Markley in Ouray, Colo.
To this union two daughters were born. The couple had the honor of sharing 46 years of love and marriage. After Ron’s retirement from Public Service Company of Colorado he worked for many years with the people of the UP Project, the PLP and their affiliates. He considered it a tremendous privilege. Ron enjoyed his class reunions of Rifle Union High and the Mesa Mavericks. He often attended Mesa basketball and football games. In recent years Ron was inducted into Colorado Mesa University’s Hall of Honor, once for his personal athletic accomplishments and the second time with his basketball team. During his life Ron’s gift was striking up conversations and making friends wherever he went. He enjoyed corresponding and getting together with lifelong
friends as often as he could; especially the “old geezers,” his Mesa basketball teammates. Ron truly never forgot a friend. To his grandkids, Ron was the perfect “grampy” and was extremely involved in their lives. His positive and loving influence cannot be overstated. He will be remembered by all for his strength, humility, kindness and humor. Ron is survived by his wife, Sandra Bell; two daughters, Lauri Ann (James) Duran of Trinidad, Colo., and Debra Jean (Rob) Lindsey of Montrose, Colo.; six adoring grandchildren, Kyle Duran, Kaylynne Duran, Tanner Vernon, Daniel Vernon, Kristina Lindsey and Zach (Mariah) Lindsey; a sister, Janice Kay Bell; and two brothers, Denny Bell and Ed Bell. Ron was preceded in death by his parents and his father in-law. Memorial contributions can be made in Ron’s name to HopeWest, PO Box 24, Delta, CO 81416. Arrangements are under the care and direction of Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory. View the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.taylorfuneralser vice.com Paid obituary
Delta County Independent
Douglas Meyer
Montrose resident Douglas Meyer died Nov. 25, 2017, at Horizons Care Center in Eckert. He was 70. He was born on Dec. 7, 1946, outside of Buffalo, N.Y., to Ernest and Virginia Meyer. On Sept. 10, 1984, he married Charlene Quick in Colorado Springs. They shared 25 years of married before her death in September 2009. Mr. Meyer worked for the Job Corps in the 1960s and early 1970s. He worked for Schlage Lock Company in Cali-
fornia before transferring to Security, where he worked in metal plating for 17 years. He lived in California and Colorado and settled in Montrose 22 years ago. Mr. Asher enjoyed relaxing with a cup of coffee, chatting and spending time with his animals. He is survived by his daughter from his first marriage, Laura Rojas of Anaheim, Calif.; six stepchildren, Barbara Pederson of Pampa, Texas, Carol Erbele of Radcliff, Ky., Suzanne Quick of Fort Collins, Nancy Durham of Pampa, Texas, Danny Quick of Prescott, Ariz., and Dianna DiGregorio of Victor; sisters, Patricia Rice of Mesa, Ariz., Sharon Hartel of Hamburg, N.Y., Virginia Martin of Mesa, Ariz.; brothers, James Meyer of Dayton, Nev., and Robert Meyer of Orange, Calif.; his mother-in-law, Phyllis Karschner of Plymouth, Calif.; 17 grandchildren;
and extended family. He was preceded in death by his wife, Charlene Meyer; his parents; two brothers, Michael Meyer and Jeffrey Meyer; and two stepgrandsons, Earnest (Ricky) and Stephen. Memorial contributions may be made to Montrose Animal Shelter. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www. taylorfuneralservice.com.
Kenneth Asher
Delta resident Kenneth E. Asher died Dec. 3, 2017, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. He was 78. Per his wishes, no formal services are planned. He was born June 16, 1939, in Simla to Delbert and Gladys Asher. The family moved to Delta
Boys, girls invited to basketball skills challenge The Denver Nuggets Basketball Skills Challenge will be held at Bill Heddles Recreation Center Wednesday, Dec. 20. Registration begins at 9:30; competition is set for 10 a.m. This free competition is open to boys and girls ages 6-13. Participants will be divided into gender and age groups (age as of
April 30, 2018). A birth certificate is required at time of registration to advance to the sectional competition. Competition allows youngsters to showcase their talents in dribbling, passing and shooting. Top scorers from each age group advance to the state championships to be held in conjunction
County awards bids BY ANNETTE BRAND Staff Writer
Delta County Commissioners awarded a bid on Dec. 4 to Hellman Motor Company for three 2018 Ford 150 trucks for the sheriff ’s office at a cost of $29,300 per unit. Undersheriff Mark Taylor said he was ordering the trucks early to be in the front of the line for the outfitter so he could have the trucks on the road at the beginning of
the year. Ralph Clark, Road and Bridge District 3, explained the bid for two 50’6” sand sheds to be placed at two locations within Delta County Road and Bridge District 3. The bid includes site preparation, excavation, forms and concrete work. The bid was awarded to Con Ex, LLC for $59,280. Work will begin in approximately five days.
Al-Anon, Alateen meetings updated Al-Anon and Alateen offer hope and help for families and friends of alcoholics. An updated list Cedaredge: Al-Anon, Thursdays, 8 p.m., Wick Hall behind First Baptist Church, 370 W. Main Street, contact Mary M. 970-856-6123 or Jim 970874-7855. Delta: Al-Anon and Alateen, Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m., St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 145 W. 5th Street, contact Elizabeth
970-874-9832 or Shirley 970-323-5067. Hotchkiss: Al-Anon, Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Methodist Church 285 N. 2nd, contact Elsie 970210-8090 or Marjorie 970-433-1856. Paonia: Al-Anon, Wednesdays at 7 p.m., United Methodist Church, 3rd & Onarga, contact Lisa 970-3953608, Chris 970-5273366 or Marjorie 970433-1856.
Backcountry Film Festival is Dec. 18-19
The 13th annual Winter Wildlands Alliance Backcountry Film Festival will show in Paonia on Monday, Dec. 18, at The Paradise Theatre and in Delta on Tuesday, Dec. 19, at Delta Center for Performing Arts. The Backcountry Film Festival is produced by Winter Wildlands Alliance as a celebration of
DHS food, toy drive ends Friday The Delta High School student council is partnering with the Delta Police Department, Jerry Reiher State Farm and Kevin Parks State Farm to collect non-perishable food and unwrapped toys for DHSCares packages. Donations will be shared with needy families and the Delta Food Pantry. Contribution may be brought to Delta High School through Friday, Dec. 8.
the human-powered experience and a gathering place for the backcountry snowsports community. Winter Wildlands Alliance is a national nonprofit organization that partners with groups like The Nature Connection at the local level to inspire and educate the backcountry community to protect and care for their winter landscapes. Funds raised at each screening stay in the local community to support human-powered recreation and conservation efforts, winter education and avalanche/safety programs and to raise awareness of winter management issues. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; the films start at 7 p.m. Admission is $10 at the door. The film festival is sponsored in part by Delta County Libraries, The Nature Connection, Great Colorado Outdoors, The Paradise Theatre, Delta Center for Performing Arts and Winter Wildlands Alliance.
with a Denver Nuggets game at the Pepsi Center in March. This youth program is produced by the Denver Nuggets and Colorado Parks and Recreation Association, with support from the City of Delta. For more information, call Whitnee Lear at Bill Heddles Recreation Center, 874-0923, or email whitnee@cityofdelta.net.
where he attended school, graduating from Delta High School in 1957. On June 24, 1981, he married Bonita “Bonnie” Malloy in Grand Junction. They lived in Grand Junction, Moriarty, N.M., and Farmington, N.M., before moving back to Delta in 2005. Mr. Asher was a race horse trainer by trade. He enjoyed horse racing, hunting, fishing and visiting with friends. He is survived by his wife, Bonnie Asher of Delta; daughter, Lori (Brian) Lee of Blackfoot, Idaho; three stepsons, James (Kay) Malloy of Massachusetts, Paul Malloy of Brighton and Jerry Davis of Delta; three grandsons; and one great-grandson. He was preceded in death by a sister, Francis Gardner; son, Danny Asher; and a stepson, John Malloy. Memorial contributions may be made to Delta County Ambulance District, 60 Heinz St., Delta, CO 81416. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www. taylorfuneralservice.com.
Billie Carson
Billie Carson died Dec. 5, 2017, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. He was 88. A memorial service will be held Friday, Dec. 8, at 11 a.m. at the Hotchkiss Elks Lodge. Arrangements are under the direction of Sunset Mesa Funeral Directors.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
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Your church or organization having a special event? Call the DCI 874-4421.
A10 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Master Gardener applications are available Colorado State University Extension in the Tri River Area (Mesa, Delta and Montrose counties) is seeking applicants interested in becoming Colorado Master Garden-
ers or Colorado Certified Gardeners. The Colorado Master Gardener Program is designed to help county or area CSU Extension offices meet the increas-
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ing demands by the gardening public for unbiased, research-based information. It enlists volunteers, trained by professional staff, to help educate and assist local residents through direct contact, classes and a variety of other methods, representing the Tri River Area Extension Offices. Current employees of the horticultural industry can also participate in these classes for continuing education for a higher fee without the time commitment of volunteer hours. The Colorado Certified Gardener certificate can be used on resumes and in advertising. Colorado Master Gardeners are members of the local community who have an interest in horticulture. They are enthusiastic, willing to learn, have a desire to help others and are able to communicate relevant
mation, general plant questions and assist people who come to the office with samples of plants for identification and/or diagnosis. They can also work booths at CSU Extension approved events such as the Lavender Festival. Anyone with an interest in plants and gardening can apply. Master Gardener applicants must also be able to attend 80 percent of the sessions of the training program and all of the homework and fulfill the 50 hours of apprentice time during weekday office hours. Prior education or experience in gardening is not necessary but will be considered. Because of the time commitment involved, those who are employed must make special arrangements to participate in the program or may take it at full price and earn the CGC.
Applications can be picked up at the Mesa County Extension Office at the fairgrounds, or are available electronically and must be returned no later than Friday, Dec. 8. For those wanting to take the course without giving the required volunteer time back to the program, this course is also available for a higher registration fee. Fees for Master Gardener volunteers will be $170 plus 50 hours of volunteer service; Gardener Certificate students’ fees will be $530 (with no volunteer commitment). Optional textbook is available for an additional fee or online for free. Classes begin Jan. 18 and are held every Thursday through March 29. For more information, contact Susan Honea, horticulture program coordinator, at the extension office at 970-2441834.
Four industrial hemp seed varieties approved by state The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) is announcing that four industrial hemp seed varieties have passed the statewide THC validation and observation trial and are now eligible to be grown by the Colorado Seed Growers Association for production of “CDA Approved Certified Seed.” This year, the CDA Approved Certified Hemp seed program trialed four varieties of hemp across Colorado’s diverse growing conditions to validate if they would prove to grow mature plants that fall within industrial hemp requirements set by Amendment 64 in the Colorado Constitution. State law requires that industrial hemp tests at or below 0.3 percent THC concentration on a dry weight basis. All varieties tested were accepted by the Colorado Seed Growers Association’s Variety
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research-based knowledge to a diverse audience. What really sets them apart from other home gardeners is the special training they’ve received in horticulture and the time spent working through their local Extension office to provide horticulture-related information to their community. The classes will be held at the Mesa County Fairgrounds using live speakers with the exception of online class for two sections (Woody Plants and How to be a Master Gardener). Classes include demonstrations and hands-on exercises. Part of the educational process consists of 50 hours spent as an apprentice in the Tri River Area Extension offices during the growing season, from April to October. The apprentice Master Gardeners answer telephone requests for infor-
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Review Board and these varieties passed the THC validation trials. During the 2017 program, five varieties were reviewed and conditionally accepted by the Variety Review Board; of that, four varieties were entered by the participants in the trial and approved to be grown as a class of CDA Approved Certified seed: • International Hemp Solutions/Bija See, Denver: repressenting Bialobrzeski Monoecious variety for hemp fiber/grain from the Polish Institute of Natural fibers; website www.bijahemp.com. • New West Genetics, Fort Collins: representing Elite Dioecious variety for fiber/grain; website www.newwestgenetics.com. • Schiavi Seeds, Lexigton, Kentucky: representing Beniko and Tygra. Both are monoecious varieties for hemp fiber/grain from The Polish Institute of Natural Fibers. Website is www. schiaviseeds.com. Once approved through validation trials across Colorado’s diverse growing environments, CDA approves the variety to be produced by the Colorado Seed Growers Association according to Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) standards and receive the CDA Approved Certified Seed label. The CDA worked in cooperation with the Colorado State University Research Centers and North Eastern Junior College during the growing process.
Photo courtesy Colorado Department of Agriculture
Industrial hemp under test cultivation in Colorado. Seed varieties were grown and tested in the northeast, Arkansas Valley, Front Range, the San Luis Valley and on the Western Slope. These five locations with distinct differences in daytime and nighttime temperatures, in altitude, length of growing season, and soil types, provide the CDA with a broad representation of Colorado’s growing conditions. For seed availability please contact the seed companies listed. As per the DEA it is still federally illegal for hemp seed to cross state lines. In order for growers to document the planting of CDA approved seed, they must
provide purchase order receipts and/or bag tags for CDA verification. The CDA Approved Certified seed program requires that all individual seed packages be tagged with both CDA tags and AOSCA or OECD official tags. For questions concerning the Colorado hemp program, please visit CDA’s Industrial Hemp web page and for information about how to enter a variety into the CDA Approved Certified Seed program, contact Terry Moran, industrial hemp certified seed specialist, at (303) 869-9078 or email Terry.moran@state. co.us.
Grants available for specialty crops To help develop and promote the state’s specialty crops, the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) is seeking proposals for the Specialty Crops Block Grant Program. Specialty crops are defined as fruits and vegetables, dried fruits, and nursery crops including floriculture and sod. “Colorado produces a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and horticultural products,” said Glenda Mostek, CDA marketing specialist. “This grant program provides a great opportunity to improve the economic well-being of Colorado specialty crop producers by investigating potential crops, fighting diseases, and introducing innovative farming techniques.” In recent years, funds have been awarded to dozens of organizations, helping them to conduct research and implement consumer promotions. These grants included
funds for Colorado State University to investigate Aronia berries as an alternate crop for Colorado, and to the Colorado Potato Administrative Committee to study crop rotation to promote soil health. The grant program is funded through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) which partners with state departments of agriculture to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crop producers in areas such as marketing, promotion, education, research, trade and nutrition. CDA anticipates that approximately $550,000 will be available for this year’s grant program, with approved projects starting early in 2019. Producer groups, organizations, and associations, as well as state and local organizations, academia and other specialty crops stakeholders are eligible to apply either as single
entities or in combined efforts. Grants must impact the specialty crop industry as a whole and cannot solely benefit an individual farming operation or business. The initial phase of grant selection will involve shorter concept proposals. Concept proposals must be received electronically by close of business (5:00 p.m.) on Feb. 1, 2018. For program guidelines and an application, visit www. colorado.gov/ag/specialtycropgrant or call (303) 869-9173.
Contact the DCI: Website: www.deltacountyindependent.com
E-mail ads to: ads@deltacountyindependent.com
E-mail articles and letters to the editor at: editor@deltacountyindependent.com
Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
������������������ Concert features ‘Harps in Motion’ ���������������������
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The annual Advent concerts at St. Luke’s Church in Delta continue Tuesday, Dec. 12, with “Harps in Motion,” playing 12:10 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.
This is the third year for a harp ensemble to perform at St. Luke’s. This group of harp students enjoy this opportunity to play harps together, which is much
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ful sound. Most of the harps in the group were built locally in Montrose by Dennis Freed. “Harp is for everyone,” said Robin Freed. She invites interested players to contact her at 275-8996 for further information. “We hope the Dec. 5 concert will delight all who attend,” she added. The final concert, on Tuesday, Dec. 19, will be with a special men’s choir. For more information, call Nyla Storch, 874-9485.
Community invited to HopeWest’s holiday event Powderhorn Ski Resort
Historian to discuss Powderhorn Ski Resort The Mesa County Historical Society and the Museums of Western Colorado will present a program on Powderhorn Ski Resort. Alice Sisac, who serves as Powderhorn’s historian will give a talk on the 50-year history of the ski resort on Grand Mesa. The December oral history presentation takes place Thursday, Dec. 21, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Whitman Educational Center, 248 S. 4th Street, Grand Junction. The traditional cookie exchange will also be held, so bring some cookies and take some cookies home! Coffee will be
served. This program is jointly sponsored by the Museums of Western Colorado and the Mesa County Historical Society and is free and open to the public. Please feel free to bring a lunch. For more information contact MCHS president Priscilla Mangnall at 970-260-5226 or at Priscilla.Mangnall@gmail. com or contact the Loyd Files Research Library at 970-242-0971, ext. 209.
HopeWest invites friends, family and neighbors to its annual “Light Up a Life” event to celebrate the spirit of community this holiday season Wednesday, Dec. 13. This evening allows you to gather in recognition of the meaning of the season while reflecting on the cherished memories of loved ones we all hold close to our hearts. The special evening will include a holiday message, candlelighting ceremony and beautiful lights with music and singing. It begins at 5:30 p.m. at the HopeWest office at 195 Stafford Lane and is free and open to the
public. For event information, call 970-874-6823.
Don’t miss Christmas concert Join the Montrose Community Band at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17, in the Montrose Pavilion auditorium for a free Christmas concert. The concert will feature selections of Christmas music celebrating the birth of Christ. For more information visit www.montrose band.com or call 970-5961188.
Nordic council postpones 5k races Grand Mesa Nordic Council announces the WinterStart 5k races scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 3, have been postponed to Sunday, Dec. 10, in hopes that there will be snow to ski on by then. All other details remain Rio Grande unchanged: 5k classic at 11 a.m., 5k freestyle at 12:30 p.m. preceded by kids’ race at 9:30 a.m. All events will take place at the Skyway Nordic Trailhead on Grand Mesa. Please check the website The 29th annual www.gmnc.org for devel- Christmas show, hosted oping conditions and by Grande Valley Model announcements. Railroad Club, will be held at Cross Orchards Historic Site from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, Dec. 9-31. Grande Valley Model Railroad Club has hosted a Christmas show annuPatrick Magee will ally since 1988, one year speak on the Gunnison after its founding. Ten sage grouse Thursday, years later, the club was Dec. 7, in Montrose. The invited to move to its perpresentation begins at 7 manent home at Cross p.m. and will take place Orchards where visitors in the Omni Room of the will find various train Montrose Recreation Dis- and model train displays. trict Field House. The Construction on the curField House (formerly the rent HO model (1:87 aquatic center) is located scale) train display began at the corner of S. 9th in 2004 and depicts the and Rio Grande. The pre- Rio Grande Railroad as sentation is sponsored it routes from Denver by the Black Canyon to Salt Lake City, with Chapter of the Audubon emphasis on the railroads Society and there is no in the mountains of Colcharge. For more infor- orado’s western slopes. mation call 240-4913. At present, Grand Junc-
Railroad - Downtown Grand Junction
Train show open weekends at Cross Orchards Historic Site
Learn about Gunnison sage grouse
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more difficult than playing alone. The camaraderie and encouragement the students give to each other and their director, Robin Freed, is the best result of all the hard work and practice required to make such a beautiful sound. All the students started out with one thing in common, a desire to play the harp. Unlike so many other difficult instruments, the harp is accessible to all ages and abilities as even one finger can pluck a string to make a beauti-
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tion, Mt. Garfield, Glenwood Springs and Glenwood Canyon, Minturn and Leadville are built, with a new section of narrow gauge traveling to Montrose currently under construction. The club also displays a small N-scale (1:160) and G (garden scale) layouts. Cross Orchards manager Matt Darling says, “Most of the equipment people will see at this display is historical in nature, as we want to depict — as much as possible — an authentic version of the Rio Grande in western Colorado. Some of it is owned by the club, some by the individual members; it comes from lots of places, and much of the display is scratch built. You can stop by here any given Thursday afternoon and will find model railroaders doing
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their ongoing work on the display.” As part of the Christmas show, the Rio Grande Chapter of the National Railroad Historical Society will be onsite and offering tours of its fullscale caboose and other train features, also on permanent display at Cross Orchards. Admission to the Christmas show is $4 for adults, $1 for children (ages 3-12 years) and $7 per family. Cross Orchards Historic Site is located at 3073 F (Patterson) Road in Grand Junction. For further information, contact Mickey Nutall with the Model Railroad Club at 970-245-3273, or visit the Museums of Western Colorado website at www.museumofwestern co.com, or phone Darling at 970-261-7839.
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100s of great Christmas gift ideas.
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ATTENTION: LOCAL CRAFTERS, ARTISTS, WINERIES, BAKERS, CANDY MAKERS, FOOD PRODUCERS AND OTHERS. The Delta County Independent is featuring locally made products for gift giving in this issue and again in our December 13 issue. If you missed out on this one you can still get on it for next week. For just $25 per week you get a 2.75” wide x 2.5” tall space with full color to advertise your locally-made products. You can purchase more than one space if you want a larger ad. If you would like to be included in next week’s feature please contact our advertising department at 874-4421 or email ads@deltacountyindependent.com by Friday, December 8.
NORTH FORK December 6, 2017
Holiday fun continues this weekend in Paonia Holiday festivities continue this weekend in Paonia, with businesses hosting open houses and promotional events on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 8-10. On Saturday, Dec. 9, don’t miss the annual hayride hosted by the Friends of the Paonia Library. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. there will be hayrides running between Lizzy’s Market at 101 Grand Avenue. to the library at 2 3rd Street. The Friends of Paonia Library will also be conducting their book sale and coloring contest on both Friday and Saturday. Kids will enjoy the puppet shows at the Paonia Library on Saturday, with performances at 11 and 11:45 a.m. There will also be crafts.
Also, pick up your gingerbread house building kits at Paonia Town Hall. Come by town hall between noon and 4 p.m. Saturday, to pick up a kit. The kit costs $7, and includes a pre-assembled graham cracker cottage, a bag of frosting and a bag of candy — everything you need to decorate your own candy home. Stay and decorate at the town hall, or take it home to decorate on your own schedule. Only 150 kits will be available, so come early. Another Paonia tradition, the Paradise Theatre will offer a free holiday family movie, beginning at 2 p.m. Saturday. Visit paoniachamber.com for a full schedule of the many activities planned at participating merchants.
Photo by Tamie Meck
Special holiday treat
Adults and children alike packed the Alfred Eames wine cellar Sunday to hear one of several performances of madrigal and popular Christmas songs. This was the 14th year the madrigal singers have performed in the cellar.
Snow priority plan for when (if) it snows
North Fork Ambulance is currently seeking two new board members. The mission of the North Fork Ambulance is to provide all people in the North Fork Valley with compassionate, excellent and timely pre-hospital care and emergency transport. The organization strives to: • Provide the best possible care to every patient with the shortest response time possible; • Maintain economic and financial sustainability; and • Uphold a work culture where each patient, customer and employee is valued and respected. A board member with North Fork Ambulance is expected to serve a two-year term and
attend a monthly meeting and work sessions as needed. North Fork Ambulance is currently not publicly funded by tax dollars, and financially supported by memberships, patient fees, grants and donations. The organization is researching other options for future funding. Candidates with prior nonprofit and/or board experience are welcome. We are looking for members with an attention to detail, experience in strategic planning/development, or a strong desire to help pave the way for the North Fork Ambulance. Please contact Kathy Steckel by Dec. 31 at ksteckel@ northforkambulance.com or 234-6169 if you or someone you know may be interested in serving.
Christmas outpouring
streets as the priority system allows. Vehicles parked in subdivisions, cul-de-sacs or on streets that are restricting the safe and continuous operation of snow plow equipment will not be plowed until those vehicles are removed. The town asks that residents to be responsible for clearing snow around their
Town of Paonia Snowplow Routes
mailboxes, since U.S. Postal regulations don’t require carriers to deliver to mail boxes where safety issues exist. The plan also offers tips for driving on snow and other information. Copies of the map and snow removal plan are available at Town Hall. Citizens can call the town at 527-4101 with questions and concerns. — KEY —
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North Fork Ambulance seeks board members
occur only after plowing has been completed. Street segments marked with arrows pointing outward indicate that snow will be plowed to the side of the street, while arrows pointing inward indicate that snow will be plowed to the center of the street. Once all the traffic lanes are clear, plows will return to further widen the
The Town of Paonia recently adopted a set of policies and procedures to follow when plowing the snow from town streets. “I think that this snow removal plan is something that was desperately needed,” said trustee Bill Bear when the policy was first brought before the town board in August. Bear also serves on the town Public Works, Utilities and Facilities committee. Per the plan, plowing, which will occur once snow begins to accumulate on street surfaces, will generally occur between the hours of 4 a.m. and midnight, based on a priority system.
Blue “Priority 1” streets include the busiest sections and main school bus routes and will be plowed first. Green “Priority 2” streets will be plowed “to provide reasonable all-weather access as time and manpower permit.” Orange “Priority 3” sections are designated “local access” and “will be plowed only as time, funds and manpower permit.” Gray sections indicate “no snow removal,” since those streets are either privately maintained or maintained by other agencies including Delta County. Dead-end streets without adequate room to safely turn equipment around will not be plowed. Sanding of streets will
Staff Writer
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Map by Delta County Independent
Map courtesy Town of Paonia
Paonia cannabis ordinance goes into effect Jan. 1 BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer
Paonia residents planning to grow cannabis plants will have new laws to comply with beginning Jan. 1. At the Nov. 28 board meeting trustees unanimously
Photos by Pat Sunderland
Over 70 volunteers gathered at Memorial Hall in Hotchkiss Saturday to wrap and bag the gifts that will be distributed at the North Fork Children’s Christmas Party this Saturday. “This is the most volunteers we’ve had in years!” said Pam Bliss. “What a great day ... 140 bags of presents wrapped in two hours ... it warms my heart!” The party will be held at Memorial Hall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 9. Volunteers should arrive at 10 a.m. For more information, call Pam Bliss at 921-5641.
passed Ordinance 2017-12, “regulating the possession of marijuana” in town. The ordinance was drafted in response of House Bill 17-1220, “concerning measures to stop diversion of legal marijuana to the illegal market.” The bill, in part, addressed a law that allows primary caregivers to grow greater number of plants for medicinal use, resulting in large-scale residential cultivation. The town ordinance will limit the number of plants grown in private residences to 12, and applies to both recreational and medicinal plants. Plants must also be contained at all times in an enclosed, locked space. All greenhouses will be subject to the town’s Municipal Code under “accessory buildings.” The plant count limit is also in response to complaints from the public about noxious odors coming from large grows, said Police Chief Neil Ferguson. Limiting the number of plants and keeping them in an enclosed structure should help with odor control. Because the town already forbids activities that adversely affect the health or safety of residents, including those that result in “dust, glare, heat, noise, noxious gasses, odor, smoke, traffic, vibration” or other impacts, the ordinance allows for penalties based on complaints of odors. “The proposed ordinance will give the town authority
to enforce certain marijuana laws at the municipal level, rather than having them enforced at the county court level,” said Mayor Charles Stewart. The ordinance originally came before trustees in September and was tabled at the request of trustees to allow for more public input. A public meeting hosted by the Governmental Affairs and Public Safety committee to hear concerns was held on Nov. 1. Trustee Barry Pennell, who serves on the committee, said that comments received resulted in two changes. The original draft limited households to six recreational and 12 medicinal plants. We felt that was a little confusing,” said Pennell. By limiting the number of plants to 12, regardless of intended use, eliminates confusion and simplifies law enforcement efforts, said Pennell. “We wanted to keep this simple, keep it manageable, honor everybody’s Constitutional right.” As a deterrent, the fine was increased from $250 to $500 for the first offense. “I think that it looks like a good ordinance, from a legal perspective,” said town attorney Bo Nerlin. The ordinance will be adopted on second reading at the Dec. 12 board meeting. Copies are available at Town Hall or on the town website, townofpaonia.com.
B2 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Award-winning cowboy poet has Hotchkiss roots Floyd Beard was named the Western Music Association (WMA) 2017 Male Poet of the Year at an awards show held Nov. 11 in Albuquerque, N.M. He was also the winner of the 2017 poetry contest. Beard was a resident of Delta County for many years, and a 1973 graduate of Hotchkiss High School. He and his wife Valerie ranched and worked for ranches in the North Fork Valley after he graduated
Beard presents poems, songs, stories and poems born in the craft of everyday ranching. Beard also honors the history of the cowboy and rancher by reciting the classics handed down by the masters over the years. Beard’s poetry is about his own experiences and his observations of the western way of life. His stories are interwoven with his western code of high ethics and integrity and sprinkled richly with humor. His philosophy is simple: “Life is a journey not a destination, and is best viewed from atop a good horse.” The Western Music Association, with membership worldwide, is an organization that encourages and supports the preservation, performance and composition of historic, traditional and contemporary music and poetry of The American West through excellence, creativity and professionalism. Beard was the WMA Colorado Chapter president for three years. He also spent those three years winning many cowboy poetry awards in the U.S.A. including the National Cowboy Poetry Rodeo Silver Buckle winPhoto submitted ner in 2016, the 2016 Drawing from his own experiences and observaShoot Out Champion in tions of the western way of life, Floyd delights his audience with humor and by bringing alive original, classics and contemporary cowboy poetry. from Colorado State University with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture (1977) and a master’s in agriculture communications and public relations (1987). He taught school and was an administrator for Delta County Schools in the 1980s and ‘90s, which he claims helped pay for his cow habit. Currently Floyd and Valerie live and ranch in the canyons of southeastern Colorado near Kim.
Town combines planning with zoning commission BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer
The Town of Paonia now has a functioning five-member Planning and Zoning Commission after the board of trustees approved combining the existing planning commission with the town Zoning Board of Adjustments. Town code requires the town to have a fivemember planning commission. Members must be town residents and include two elected officials — the mayor and one board member, to be appointed by the mayor;
and three additional members appointed by the mayor. Town administrator Ken Knight urged approval of the consolidation of the two entities, stating that it’s common for small towns to have a combined planning and zoning commission. Mayor Charles Stewart and trustee Bill Bear, along with Barb Heck, Mary Bachran and Dave Knutson, who was appointed at the meeting, will serve on the newly-combined commission.
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Santa to visit fire station Santa will visit the Hotchkiss Fire Station Saturday, Dec. 16, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Meet Santa in a peaceful non-commercial setting. Tour the station and see the trucks and other equipment. Enjoy refreshments and gifts for the children. The entire event is free. The fire station is located at 193 Hotchkiss Avenue in Hotchkiss.
Photo by Tamie Meck
Class fundraiser
The Paonia High School class of 2018 is raffling off a 20- and a 110-quart Yeti cooler. Tickets are $2 each or 6 for $10. The drawing will be held Jan. 20 during the annual Screaming Eagle wrestling tournament. Winners need not be present to win. For details, call Paonia High School at 527-4882.
Christmas tree permits can be purchased at area GMUG offices
Christmas tree permits are available for purchase at Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests (GMUG) offices for personal use. The cost per permit is $8 and may be purchased with cash, check or credit card. There is a maximum of five tree permits per person. Permits will be sold through Dec. 31. Locally, permits may be purchased at the forest supervisor’s office, 2250 S. Main Street, and at the Paonia Ranger District, 403 N. Rio Grande Avenue, during weekday business hours. Christmas tree cutting is allowed in most areas on the GMUG National Forests with the following exceptions: Wilderness, scenic pullouts, commercial timber sales areas, recreation and ski areas, campgrounds, trailheads, developed sites and administrative areas, and otherwise as detailed in the package provided with your permit. Trees may not be cut within 100 feet of any road or trail. Maps showing where Christmas tree cutting is allowed are available at all offices where permits are sold, and will be provided with permits along with a regulations list. Trees must be less than 20 feet tall from the
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Abilene, Kan., and the Western Music Association 2016 Male Poet of the Year. His poem, “Ain’t a Hermit” was selected as Best Western Poem for 2016 by the Western Writers Association and was awarded the Spur Award. He has three CDs. His most recent, “Short Grass Country,” was released in August 2016. Floyd can be contacted at Short Grass Studios, PO Box 124, Kim, CO 81049; febeard@yahoo. com; www.floydbeard cowboy.com; or 719-7401000.
stump, may not be greater than 6 inches in diameter at the base of the tree and the stump height should be no greater than 6 inches high. Topping trees is not allowed (i.e. cutting only the top of the tree and leaving the bottom with limbs attached). Trees are for personal use only and cannot be resold. The tags must be attached to the tree at the cutting location and must be left on the tree until it arrives at its final destination. The GMUG is pleased to continue the fourth grade free Christmas tree program again this holiday season. Fourth graders are eligible for a free Christmas tree permit through the Every Kid in a Park Initiative, a nationwide call to action to build the next generation of conservationists. All fourth graders are eligible to receive a fourth grade pass that allows free access to federal lands and waters across the country for a full year. In support of this initiative, the Forest Service will make available a free Christmas tree permit to every interested fourth grader who presents a fourth grade pass or paper voucher at any GMUG National Forests office location. In order for students to receive a free Christmas tree permit, they must present a valid fourth grade pass or paper voucher printed from the Every Kid in a Park website: https:// everykidinapark.gov/. To earn the voucher, simply visit the website, click on the “Get Your
Crawford chamber seeks nominations Nominations for Volunteer of the Year, Business of the Year and Non-Profit of the Year are being accepted by the Crawford Area Chamber of Commerce. Please submit the name and your reason for choosing your nominee to Crawford Chamber@gmail.com. Awardees will be presented at the Old Timers & Newcomers Event in February.
Pass” button and follow the instructions to obtain the voucher. Print out the paper voucher and bring it with you to a district office or the supervisor’s office on the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests. The Forest Travel Management Plans and/ or weather conditions
may close various forest roads. As a reminder, motor vehicle use maps have been produced for the entire forest and show forest roads, trails and areas that have been designated for seasonal closures. Maps are available at ranger stations or on the forest website: http:// www.fs.usda.gov/gmug.
Hotchkiss lighting contest announced
If you are located in the town limits of Hotchkiss, your home or business will be considered in the Hotchkiss Community Chamber of Commerce’s annual holiday lighting contest. A first place prize of $75 will be awarded in both the “Best Residential Display” and “Best
Business Display” categories, with runners up awarded a $25 prize! Remember that LED lights will not set you back as much on your electric bill. Judging will take place on Thursday, Dec. 14, with announcements made in the DCI and on Facebook.
‘Only the Brave’ a thank you to local firefighters The Paradise Theatre in Paonia will show the movie, “Only the Brave: The Story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots” beginning Dec. 8. The movie is based on the true story of the Granite Mountain Hotshots, the team of elite firefighters who went above and beyond the call of duty, most of them paying the ultimate price, in fighting the 2013 Yarnell Hill Fire in Arizona.
Volunteer firefighters with proper ID will be admitted for free as a thank-you gift from the theatre for their services. Show times are 7 p.m. Friday-Sunday, Dec. 8-10, and Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 12-13, with matinee shows at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10, and Wednesday, Dec. 13. Visit paradiseofpaonia.com or call 527-6610 for details and to verify show times.
BLM tree cutting permits are available
Permits for cutting Christmas trees on Bureau of Land Management lands are available in Grand Junction, Montrose, Cortez and Durango at the following locations: • Grand Junction Field Office, 2815 H Road, Grand Junction, 970-244-3000 • Uncompahgre Field Office, 2465 S. Townsend Avenue, Montrose, 970240-5400 • Dolores Public Lands Center, 29211 Hwy. 184, Dolores, 970-882-7296 • San Juan Public Lands Center, 15 Burnett Court, Durango, 970-2474874
The permits are for piñon pine or juniper, and are $8-10 per tree. Permits are available Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the locations listed above. Additionally, maps of cutting areas are available at the BLM offices, and the public should bring along a hand saw, eye protection, rope or twine, extra food, water and blankets when looking for the perfect tree. Tire chains, a shovel and emergency supplies are also recommended. For more information, contact a local BLM office.
Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Paonia Reads ... again BY TRACY IHNOT Delta County Libraries
Exploring Mars with NASA
Photo submitted
Erika Rader, NASA scientist, made her second visit to Eileen Stewart’s fifth and sixth grade science classes at Paonia Elementary School last week. She discussed Mars simulations that she and her fellow scientists did in Hawaii recently. Students were put into teams to then simulate the explorations. Rader is pictured with PES sixth grade student council representatives Marcos Camacho and Lane Allen.
Paonia terminates parks maintenance contract BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer
Paonia trustees unanimously approved termination of the town parks maintenance contract with Mikel Altenhofen, effective Dec. 31. Altenhofen was one year into a three-year, $41,928per-year contract with the town to maintain and irrigate the town’s four public parks, which total about 15 acres. Mayor pro tem David Bradford, who also serves on town public works, utilities and facilities committee, said the town has “no other choice” but to terminate the contract. “This is a very, very difficult decision, at least for me,” said Bradford. “Mr. Altenhofen has done a good job and worked
hard in many areas... But the bottom line is that the decision is an economic issue. If we don’t terminate this contract we have to cut something someplace else” in order to balance the 2018 budget. Since 2010 Altenhofen has contracted annually to maintain parks and was the only one to submit bids in response to the town’s requests for proposals. A three-year contract with Altenhofen was approved last December at the recommendation of the public works committee and town staff. The contract has a provision allowing either party to terminate the contract with a 30day notice. The town estimates it
will save about $20,000 by doing the work inhouse. According to a plan submitted by the public works department, to do everything required in Altenhofen’s roughly three-and-a-half page contract will cost approximately $22,658 in staff time. Town administrator Ken Knight said the town has most of the equipment it will need to complete all of the work previously done by Altenhofen, with the exception of a lawnmower, which the parks plan estimates will cost $12,000. When asked about maintaining the football field, Knight said that those costs are “basically in the plan.” “This is a work in progress,” said Knight.
In December 2016, the first Paonia Reads event brought book and movie buffs together, challenging them to a read a book and then watch a movie. The community was encouraged to read Sherman Alexie’s “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven.” Then, in January, The Paradise Theatre invited participants to a free showing of the film adaptation, “Smoke Signals.” “The program was a success and we have decided to offer it again this year,” says Laura Lee Yates, Paonia Library staff member and key organizer of Paonia Reads. Yates belongs to a local literary committee that is the driving force behind the event. “The collaboration we have with Delta County Libraries, Blue Sage Center for the Arts and The Paradise Theatre make it all come together,” says Yates. “We are so excited to announce this year’s title, ‘Wonderstruck,’ ” Yates comments. “We think it will appeal to a wide range of ages and interests.” According to Amazon’s website, “Wonderstruck,” a #1 New York Times bestseller by Caldecott Medalist Brian Selznik, tells the story of two
children, Ben and Rose, who come from different worlds. “Set 50 years apart, these two independent stories — Ben’s told in words, Rose’s in pictures — weave back and forth with mesmerizing symmetry. How they unfold and ultimately intertwine will surprise, challenge and leave the reader breathless with wonder.” Categorized as being for young adults, the 640-page book includes over 460 pages of original artwork. “At first glance the book looks a little daunting because of its thickness,” Yates admits. “Potential readers should keep in mind that well over half of the book is illustrations. I also want to point out that while it specifically targets readers ages 10 to 18, it is still a great read for adults.” The community is encouraged to read “Wonderstruck” by checking it out from any library in Delta County. There are 20 copies available for one-week checkout periods through the end of January. Additionally, Paonia Elementary School has five copies available for their fifth and sixth grade students to check out through the school. The Paradise Theatre has secured the film, “Wonderstruck,” released Oct. 20, for a
free showing on Sunday, Jan. 21, at 3 p.m. “We could not make this event happen without the willingness of generous community sponsors, like The Paradise,” Yates says. Following the movie, a guided discussion will give participants the opportunity to reflect on the book, the film and the similarities or differences between the two. “The discussion is a really fun and engaging part of the process,” explains Yates. “Especially with an audience ranging 10 years old and up.” Interested participants can request a copy of the book at any library or by visiting the online catalog at www.deltalibraries. org. For more information about the event, contact Paonia Library at 399-7881.
Celebrate Christmas with song The Crawford Community Methodist Church will host outdoor Christmas caroling around the fire on Saturday, Dec. 16, beginning at 4 p.m. Hot drinks and snacks will be provided. All are welcome.
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GOCO announcement to be made at film festival
The 13th annual Winter Wildlands Alliance Backcountry Film Festival will show in Paonia on Monday, Dec. 18, at the Paradise Theatre. All proceeds benefit The Nature Connection. The Nature Connection’s goal is to inspire our communities to connect to nature through educational opportunities in fun and energized outdoor experiences in order to promote healthy lifestyles. An announcement will be made about the GOCO Inspire Grant award for getting kids connected to the outdoors at this event! Come and hear the good news! The Backcountry Film Festival is produced by Winter Wildlands Alliance as a celebration of the human-powered experience and a gathering
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place for the backcountry snowsports community. Winter Wildlands Alliance is a national nonprofit organization that partners with groups like The Nature Connection at the local level to inspire and educate the backcountry community to protect and care for their winter landscapes. Funds raised at each screening stay in the local community to support humanpowered recreation and conservation efforts, winter education and avalanche/safety programs and to raise awareness of winter management issues. Adventure, environment and climate, youth outdoors, ski cultureyou’ll find it all in this award winning lineup. Films in this year’s program include:
• The Space Within, DPS Skis Cinematic, 5 minutes, 28 seconds. • Ruth Gorge, Noah Howell, 8 minutes, 1 second. • Below 0, Itai Hagage, 4 minutes, 54 seconds. • The End of Snow, Jane Zelikova and Morgan Heim, 20 minutes, 35 seconds. • Follow Through, Anya Miller and Becca Cahall, 21 minutes, 48 seconds. • Genesis, Ben Sturgulewski and Dan Pizza, 5 minutes, 50 seconds. • Idaho 12ver Project, Mark Ortiz, 12 minutes, 10 seconds. • Adventure Not War, Max Lowe, 7 minutes, 35 seconds. The doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the films begin at 7 p.m. Admission is $10 at the door.
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Holiday concert set for Dec. 16
Quilt raffle
Photo by Tamie Meck
The Paonia High School volleyball team is raffling a queen-sized quilt made and donated by Wanda Gofforth of Crawford. Tickets are $5 or five for $20. The winning ticket will be drawn next March. Winners need not be present to win. For details, call Paonia High School at 527-4882.
Mike Gwinn & the Northfork Flyers will present a Christmas holiday concert at 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 16, at Wisehart Springs, 39508 Pitkin Road, Paonia. The popular quintet will feature jazz arrangements of holiday favorites as well as a lively variety of blues and other originals from the Northfork Flyers songbook. Admission is $20 at the door and seating is limited. A portion of the proceeds will go toward the Mountain Harvest Collective/Colorado Gives campaign. To RSVP, call 527-4680.
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B4 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Seasonal road closures announced The Bureau of Land Management’s Uncompahgre Field Office and the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area are implementing annual seasonal road closures to protect wildlife habitat.
“We appreciate the public’s cooperation in helping us protect wildlife and public lands,” said BLM Colorado Uncompahgre field manager Greg Larson. The closures are intended to protect sen-
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sitive Gunnison sagegrouse habitat, reduce stress and disturbance to wintering deer and elk herds and prevent damage to soils from excessive erosion. Roads that will be closed to motorized and mechanized use include portions of Black Ridge and Fruitland Mesas east of the Gunnison Gorge Wilderness, west of the Black Canyon Road, south of the Smith Fork drainage and north of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. Under the annual closures, C-77 (Green Mountain), Black Ridge and Red Canyon Road will be closed to motorized and mechanical uses from Dec. 1 through May 15. Additional closures to protect wintering big game habitat include routes within the Dry Creek Travel Management Area west of Montrose, the Ridgway Travel Management Area north of Ridgway, the Burn Canyon Travel
Management Area west of Norwood, the Billy Creek Area, the Sims Mesa Area, the Fairview and the Lone Cabin Road near Crawford. These areas will reopen from March 31 to April 30. While gates will be locked on some roads, other areas will be closed through signing. All of the areas continue to be open to non-motorized recreation such as hiking and horseback riding with the exception of the Ridgway Area. An overview map and list of the areas affected by the closures are available online at https://www. blm.gov/programs/recre ation/recreation-activi ties/colorado/closures and at the Uncompahgre Field Office in Montrose, 2505 S. Townsend Avenue. Detailed maps are also available at the field office and can be sent via email upon request. For more information, contact the Uncompahgre Field Office, 970-2405300.
Photo by Tamie Meck
Coffee’s roasting
Jay Bagley of Paonia roasts a batch of Sumatran coffee beans at Rubicon Roasting, located on Highway 133 just north of Paonia. Rubicon offers fresh-roasted, shade-grown beans from seven countries. Bagley shares space with the Root & Vine Market and 5680 Winery’s tasting room. On Dec. 7. Bagley and Root & Vine owner Julie Bennett will speak at the Rotary Club meeting at Paonia Town Hall.
What’s up at your library?
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The Delta County Libraries offer many educational and entertaining activities and events for you and your family to enjoy. If you want to know what else your library is offering, please contact the library or visit the Delta County Libraries website at www.delta libraries.org. Cedaredge Storytimes. Storytimes for babies, tots and preschoolers are Thursdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Save and Print Photos from Your Phone. Learn how to save and print photos from your phone in this easy-to-follow class. Friday, Dec. 8,
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at 10:30 a.m. Friends Program and Meeting. Join the Friends of the Cedaredge Library for their monthly program and meeting. Thursday, Dec. 14, at 2 p.m. Teen Scene Holiday Party. Crafts, games, and yummy food! Friday, Dec. 22, at 4 p.m. December Maker Space. This month we will be making a snowman head that you can hang from your tree. Give away as a gift or keep for your own tree! All month long during library hours. December - January “Cleo’s StoryWalk®. Christmas Party,” written and illustrated by Cedaredge High School gifted and Talented students Jessica Craig, Grace Hatheway, Hannah Hatheway, Holly Jenkins, and Nevaeh Martinez, will be on display on the Surface Creek Trail during the months of December and January. Crafts Group. Crafters meet every Tuesday at 10 a.m. to share ideas and show and tell. Tech Soup Saturday. Bring your devices and your questions. Our expert “techies” will do their best to answer your questions. Every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Who’s Genealogy. Who in Whoville? Find out who you really are! The first Friday of every month from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Crawford Storytimes. Storytimes for babies, tots and preschoolers are Thursdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the library at 399-7783 for details. Holiday Card Making. Make your own holiday cards at Crawford Library. All ages are welcome. All supplies are provided. Dec. 13-21 during library hours. Alpine Village. Jan’s locally famous Alpine Village will be on display at Crawford Library during the month of December. Tech Help. Librarians will be available to help you with questions and problems about computers or mobile devices. Wednesday through Saturday by appointment. Contact the library at 399-7783 for details. Delta Storytimes. Storytimes for babies, tots and preschoolers are Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the library at 874-9630 for details. Friends Meeting. Friends of the Delta Library invite the public to attend their next monthly meeting. Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 3 p.m. Holiday Craft Day. Make a holiday gift for a
family member or friend! All supplies provided. Saturday, Dec. 16, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Delta Book Club. Meets Saturday, Dec. 16, at 2 p.m. Holiday Movie. Wear your PJs and drink hot chocolate while watching a holiday movie that takes you on a train ride to the North Pole! Thursday, Dec. 21, at 1 p.m. Holiday Maker Space. Make a holiday coding ornament. All month long in December during library hours. Holiday Scavenger Hunt. Fill in the blanks and finish the holiday poem! All month in the children’s area. Genealogy One-onOne. Get the help you need researching your genealogy in this ongoing class taught by Mickey Watts. Meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at 5 p.m. Talk & Tangle Yarn. This is a group of knit and crochet enthusiasts who get together to talk and work on their individual projects. Anyone is welcome to join. Mondays starting at 5:30 p.m. Hotchkiss Storytimes. Baby, tot and preschooler storytimes are Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact the library at 399-7781 for details. Third Annual Gingerbread Festival. Dash to the Hotchkiss Library for an afternoon of gingerbread festivities. Enjoy gingerbread stories, crafts, and decorate your own gingerbread cookie to take home! All ages are welcome. Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 4 p.m. Knitting Group. Do you knit or crochet? Join us for ideas, help, and good company the second Thursday of every month October through April at 10:30 a.m. Anyone is welcome to join. Master Builder Club. Explore your creativity as a master builder with LEGO and other materials! Join us for monthly design themes and free building time. All ages welcome; children under 7 should bring an adult. Meets the first Tuesday of every month through April at 4 p.m. Hotchkiss Book Club. The Hotchkiss Book Club meets the third Thursday of every month at 3 p.m. October through June. December’s book discussion is “A Man Called Ove” by Fredrik Bachman. Call 399-7781 for details. Tech Help. Librarians will be available to help you with questions and problems about computers or mobile devices. Tuesday–Thursday by appointment, 399-7781. Paonia Storytimes. Baby, tot
and preschooler storytimes are Tuesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. Contact library at 399-7881 for details. Paonia Reads... Again! Join the community for the second annual Paonia Reads event. Read the book, “Wonderstruck,” a #1 NY Times bestseller by Caldecott Medalist Brian Selznik through Jan. 21. Then, watch a free showing of the movie on Sunday, Jan. 21, at 3 p.m. at The Paradise Theater. A book vs. movie discussion will follow the movie. Paonia Library has multiple copies of the book available for a one-week checkout period during the read portion of the event. Or, you can request a copy through your home library in Delta County. Book Sale. Friends of Paonia Library are hosting their annual holiday book sale on Friday, Dec. 8, from 1 to 5 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Puppet Show. Come to Paonia Library for a holiday puppet show on Saturday, Dec. 9. Two showings at 11 and 11:45 a.m. Origami Workshop: Bring Back the Light. Learn to make origami boxes for a strand of lights! Limit 12 participants age 10 and up. Taught by Lynn Mattingly. Materials fee of $18 required by Dec. 9. Stop by the library or call 399-7881 to sign up in advance. Monday, Dec. 11, from 2 to 4 p.m. Knit Crochet Day. Enjoy the camaraderie of fellow knitters and crocheters; share projects and browse our library of craft books for use or purchase. Always tea and cookies too! The third Saturday of every month from noon to 1:30 p.m. BeyBlade Tournaments. Games and snacks provided. Meets the third Thursday of every month at 4 p.m. Tech Café. Tech assistance for all ages and skill levels. Every Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. Literacy Program High School Equivalency. For information on high school equivalency classes or HISET testing, please contact Gail Srebnik at 399-7670 or gsrebnik@deltalibraries. org. Distance Learning Program. Do you need your high school equivalency but are unable to attend our classes? Delta County Libraries now has a distance learning program that offers participants the ability to work from home with an online program to prepare for the test. Contact Ann Stewart at astewart@deltalibraries. org for more information.
B6 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Climbing Over Many Surfaces to Score Grace Hatheway Staff Writer CHSAA does not consider ������������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������������ ����������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ��������������������������� ���������������������������� �������������������������� ������������������������� ����������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ����������������������������� ���������������������������� ������������������������������
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Take It and Leave It
Facing Hunger With a Solution Emily Phillips Staff Writer
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Nicole Stall Staff Writer ����������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������������ ��������������������������������� ������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������������� ���������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������������������������� ����������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ������������������������������
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Nicole Stall and Luiza Goes ��������������������� �������������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������� ������
Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Introductions Still to be Made: Welcome, New Staff Mr. Coleman
Olivia McCrackin Staff Writer
This year, Cedaredge High School hired four new staff members. Mr. Coleman, the new ������������������������������������������� criminal lawyer. Mrs. Cerise, the new guidance counselor, has taught in various schools for fourteen years. Ms. Cifrese, the new ��������������������������������������������� here at CHS. Mrs. Pierce has been teaching for almost 37 years. Mr. Coleman taught at Haven High School in Kansas before moving to Cedaredge. He loves opening the eyes of students to new ideas and perspectives to excite them about learning. Mr. Coleman’s favorite elementary school teacher
Mrs. Pierce
Mrs. Cerise
Ms. Cifrese
������������������������������������������������� teacher who cared about building a student/ teacher relationship”. Student-teacher relationships comprise a very important part of the classroom to Mr. Coleman. Students beware! Mr. Coleman’s pet peeve in the classroom is “I can’t”. He always wants students to believe that they can achieve. In Mr. Coleman’s opinion, law is like teaching high school because one never knows what’s coming. Mrs. Cerise taught at Delta High School, but came to CHS from Cedaredge Middle School where she taught English. She loves working with students because “it is so much fun to get to know kids”. Her love of English started way back in elementary school where her favorite teacher taught her in 2nd and 4th grade. Her overall pet peeve is rudeness. Mrs. Cerise currently works as the new counselor, helping students with everything from social/ emotional issues to making decisions about colleges and scholarships. Ms. Cifrese grew up in Colorado. She decided to return here after college in Wyoming to teach chemistry, anatomy, and geophysical science at CHS. She absolutely loves getting students excited about science. Her pet peeve is when students talk under their breath. Ms. Cifrese is extremely excited to be here and to impart her knowledge to her students. Mrs. Pierce taught at CHS until 2011. She taught English, French, and Social Studies. She is now back to teach English and Social Studies. Her pet peeve as a teacher is when students show up to class unprepared and uncaring. Mrs. Pierce’s favorite part of teaching is learning with her students. “I learn with them, and because we see things differently there are different perspectives to consider.” Mrs. Pierce is happy to be back, ������������������������������������������������ The student body is very excited to welcome these four new staff members to CHS. They are grateful for the support they receive from these members of the Bruin community.
Keep it in the Family at CHS Hannah Gardner Co-Editor
Imagine waking up and going to school with your family. For some students at Cedaredge High School, this is an everyday occurrence. Students go through their high school experience always having a family member there with them. Cedaredge High School has many relationships between parents, grandparents, and siblings among the staff and students. Our principal, vice principal, and librarian are all parents to students at Cedaredge High School. Our librarian Mrs. Guerrero talks about going to ��������������������������������������������������� waking up and getting ready for school together every morning.” Mrs. Guerrero’s daughter Cameron is a freshman this year who is involved in basketball and manages volleyball. Vice Principal Mr. Millholland also has a freshman daughter who competes in volleyball, basketball, and track. Kimmie goes to school with her dad everyday. Principal Mr. Brown has a freshman son also. His son Jacob plays football and ����������������������������������������������������-
Mrs. and Chase Meyers
Mrs. and Camryn Guerrero
ing his son at the same school as him. “The communication between us is easy. I appreciate being able to walk down the hallway and talk to Jacob about his plans for the day.” Mr. Brown likes having his son at school with him but he still allows Jacob to be a normal high schooler. Other relations occur at CHS as well. Courtney Freeman and her grandma Ms. Sederstrom interact with ������������������������������������������������� grandma at school with her and is grateful for all she does. Drew Markley was coached in football this year by his older brother and state champion quarterback Dante Markley. The duo worked together all season appreciating each other’s presence. Brooke Kissner and her little sister Hannah also go to CHS. Mrs. Kissner is an aid here and loves the extra time with her sister. Cedaredge High School is a family. Whether its biological or not the students and staff relate as a family. The son, daughter, sister and granddaughter relationships are only the beginning to the depth of the CHS family.
Mrs. Kissner and Hannah Gardner
Mr. and Jacob Brown
Mr., Kimmie, and Mrs. Milholland
B8 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Cedaredge Wrestling Is Ready to Takedown Winter
Delta County Independent
Girls Hoops Return for the Winter
Kammie Henderson goes up for a layup during the pregame practice before the team left for the Meeker Tournament.
Kylee Hanson and Hannah Carlson participate with maximum effort in dribbling drills.
Toby Waddell and David Lopez wrestled off in the CHS Blue and White duels. Toby and David both wrestle on varsity in the 195 and 182 weight classes.
Sophomore Elle Lewis keeps her eye on the basket as she drives in for a layup.
In the 113 weight class, AJ Robidoux defeated Ryan Imhoff. Both wrestlers gave their all in this friendly matchup.
True Jiron and Sean Dale wrestled off for the 126 weight class. They both compete. Sean Dale ended the night with the victory.
Boys Basketball Shoots Towards Another Season The line of players work diligently on their ball handling skills. Their ability to dribble and handle the ball well is key in an effective offense.
Joshua Jenkins looks for the player to pass to during a drill in practice. Baylee Piper drives around a defender towards the hoop. He demonstates his intensity during drills in practice.
Jared Reynolds drives around a defender during a layup drill.
Grace Andrews, Jade Gummo, and Addie Schwarz, seniors, all work together during ��������������������nal season, they all aim to go deep into the post-season.
Back to a New Stroke
Niala Stair Staff Writer Swimmers are back in the water and my favorite distance,” Abby for the new season. The Delta Williams states talking about this County Swim Team has exceeded upcoming meet. expectations with the number of The team cheers others on in people participating in the 2017 preparation for meets. With many season. Going from 4 from Cenew swimmers, others might daredge to now 8 swimmers, this think that might make the team marks a trend to join swimming. weaker, but freshman swim����������������������������� mers work hard to better their years as swimmers, but few ������������������������������������ started to swim when they were time at the highest they possibly young. “My sister, Sophia Mccan. Crackin and I have been swim“I think the team looks reming since we were 4 years old,” ally strong this season because Olivia McCrackin stated while of the large numbers of people speaking about her past swimcompared to last year,” Abby ming experiences. Williams states whilst speaking Swimming meets will begin to about her teammates’ improvetake place this Saturday, Decem- ments the past couple of weeks. ber 2nd in Gunnison. Swimmers The team hopes to improve im���������������������������������� mensely over the entire season events. “I plan to participate and hopes to do well in their in the 100 meter Breaststroke; meet this weekend in Gunnison. that’s my favorite stroke to swim
BRUIN TRACKS Alaiha Hoffbauer splashes through the pool as she works to improve her form.
Editor-in-Chief Hannah Hatheway
Co-Editors Jessica Craig Hannah Gardner Payton Donahue
Kamryn Spiker breaststrokes through the water as a senior on the swim team.
Writing Staff Natalie Barnard Fabian Barron Hunter Campbell Jasmine Cruthers Connor Hamler Grace Hatheway Azalee Hoffbauer
Sierra McCann Olivia McCrackin Emily Phillips Baylee Piper Niala Stair Nicole Stall Jordan Taylor
The views expressed in the Bruin Tracks do not necessarily represent the opinions of Cedaredge High School or its staff. The Bruin Tracks is a public forum for student expression, striving for journalistic excellence; it is created as part of the Journalism class at Cedaredge High School. Bruin Tracks thanks all the advertisers and other community supporters. We welcome all comments.
Summer Young swims ������������������������ competetive swimmer on the Delta County swim team.
SURFACE CREEK December 6, 2017
Chamber board has three openings
The Cedaredge Area Chamber of Commerce board of directors will have three vacant seats available Jan. 1, 2018. Letters of interest are now being accepted for those in the business community who wish to serve on the board. “If you want to get your business more involved in the
Pearl Harbor rembrance dinner on Dec. 7 The annual Pearl Harbor dinner will be served on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 5 p.m. at the True Life Church, formerly Cedaredge Assembly of God, at 1596 SW 9th Street in Cedaredge. All veterans, active military and their families are cordially invited to attend this free dinner. Everyone is encouraged to bring non-perishable food items for the food bank. The after-dinner speaker will be Charles Grimsley, chaplain at the Grand Junction Veterans Medical Center.
Surface Creek Angel Tree for those in need The Surface Creek Angel Giving Tree is up at Ceddaredge FoodTown. Stop by and see how you can help. Need help this holiday season with gifts or clothing for your kids? Can you help a child in need by purchasing gifts or making a monetary contribution? Please call Peggy at 8563306 or Heather at 778-0366.
local community, if you want to help shape the future of chamber events and activities, and want a hand in guiding economic growth and development for the Surface Creek area, we’d love to have you on board,” said Nick Streza from DeerCreek Village Realty, who currently serves as the board president. Any employee of any chamber member in good standing is eligible to run for a seat. The three new directors will be seated for a three-year terms, to begin January 2018. If interested, please submit a letter of interest to executive director Kami Collins via email at cedaredgearea chamber@gmail.com; mail to PO Box 278 in Cedaredge; or deliver in person to the office at 245 W. Main Street. Letters are due by Friday, Dec. 15, at 5 p.m.
Sounds of the season
Decked out in holiday caps and winter coats, members of the Cedaredge community band performed last Saturday for the town’s “All-American Christmas” celebration. Musicians are (front row, left to right) Charlotte Powers, Laurae Fortner-Welch, Janice Jones and Jo Smith all of Cedaredge; (back row) Cedaredge residents Dick Whitton and Bob Clark and Martha Gilder of Delta. The band’s conductor is Grady Weiszbrod and new members are always welcome. Contact Grady at cell phone 1-918-381-2269, or home phone 970-8561063. Please turn to page B11 for more photos of the celebration.
Cedaredge will spend reserves on needed projects 2018 budget summary
BY DON BENJAMIN Contributing Writer
Nov. 30 marked the public hearing for the Town of Cedaredge’s 2018 budget. This hearing was preceded by three toard of trustee work sessions which were open to the public on Aug. 17, Sept. 14, and Oct. 12. The draft budget developed during the work sessions has been available for public viewing on the town’s website since Nov. 1. During the Nov. 30 meeting Greg Brinck, interim town administrator, called the trustees’ attention to a few adjustments in the draft budget. He explained that General Fund expenditures have decreased by $6,605 owing to a new police officer being hired at a lower salary than budgeted. However, due to recent changes in town administration, overall administration labor costs have remained the same. Golf course expenditures have decreased by $7,962 because
Fund General Water Wastewater Treatment Golf Course Capital Improvement Trust Fund Total
Revenue $1,524,602 $1,814,957
Expenses $1,573,628 $1,889,286
$ 703,805
$ 703,309
$ 424,125
$ 437,761
$ -13,636
$ 185,850
$ 240,872
$ -55,022
$ 337,934
$ 26,200 $4,679,539
$ 45,000 $4,889,855
$ -18,800 $-210,316
$ 87,884 $1,167,629
the vacant position of golf clubhouse operations director has been advertised at a wage lower than the salary necessary to hire a golf pro. Golf expenditures decreased even though Adam Conway was recently hired as golf course superintendent at a higher wage than budgeted. Brinck
Hams and eggs BY DON BENJAMIN Contributing Writer
For 18 years, first in Delta and now in Cedaredge, a group of local ham radio enthusiasts have been meeting for breakfast. Last Wednesday morning, the informal gathering met at Scramblers Restaurant in downtown Cedaredge and it was particularly thankful to be together after one of its members had been lost for 24 hours in a heavily wooded area. Carol Gamble, who is a veteran ham radio operator and longtime member of the group, was found last month when several community members and numerous agencies aided in the search for the Cedaredge resident. Search-
Photo by Don Benjamin
ers included a first-responder communications team from the Montrose Amateur Radio Club. The breakfast group is affiliated with the Montrose club that includes membership from Montrose and Delta counties. Amateur radio is a popular hobby and service in western Colorado that allows people to communicate locally and around the world. QRZ.com — a website which serves amateur radio operators — provides an estimate of the number of hams in the area. According to QRZ databases, Montrose County has approximately 163 ham licenses and Delta County has 141. Of hams affiliated with Delta County communities,
about 40 live in Delta, 40 call Cedaredge home, 21 operate in Paonia, 13 in Eckert, 12 in Hotchkiss, seven in Austin, six in Crawford and two in Cory. According to the National Association for Amateur Radio (ARRL), ham radio brings people, electronics, and communication together without using the internet or cell phones. ARRL recommends amateur radio as an activity that is “fun, social, educational, and can be a lifeline during times of need.” And the Wednesday morning ham radio group is grateful that amateur radio and a caring community were on hand last month to extend a successful lifeline to one of its members.
Photo by Don Benjamin
Ham radio enthusiasts meet for breakfast in Cedaredge. Clockwise beginning at left are Art Phillips (call sign NN7A); Igor Zdorov (WØIZ); Karen Debnam (KDØLLS); Carol Gamble (WØCAG); Curt Gamble (WØALC); Dick Whitton (WØDSW); Jim Melvin (WØMEL); Kathleen Raines (K3FZZ); Richard Raines (KSØRRR); Steve Grewe (KØSX); and Janice Phillips.
Difference $ -49,026 $ -74,329
also provided an overview of the 2018 budget emphasizing that the town will be spending reserve funds totaling $210,316 to address capital improvement projects. No members of the public addressed the town trustees regarding the budget but one trustee had questions and comments. Trustee Al Smith stated that the town cannot continue dipping into reserves. Mayor Eugene Welch explained that, despite projected expenditures, general fund and other reserves remain strong and reserve expenditures will be necessary in 2018 to address the town’s long-delayed capital improvement projects. In other business, trustees learned that five applications have thus far been received for the advertised position of golf clubhouse operations director. Mayor Welch, golf course superintendent Conway, and interim administrator Brinck will be on the selection committee along with the Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) general manager of The Bridges golf course in Montrose, if he is available. The next step in permanently filling the currently vacant role of town administrator will be to advertise the position at the beginning of 2018 and all trustees will be involved in that interview process. After the meeting, interim town administrator Brinck indicated that the following capital improvement projects are planned for 2018. Only major projects are listed; therefore, the projects under each fund heading may not add to the total reserves budgeted. General Fund using $49,026 in reserves: 1. $15,000 for the first year of a 3-year lease of a new police vehicle; 2. $12,500 for a new culvert on Old Goat Trail; 3. $8,000 for a new server in Town Hall; 4. $5,806 for new police body cameras; 5. $5,000 for new police radios; and 6. $3,000 for K-9 acquisition and training. Water Fund using $74,329
Reserves $ 239,098 $ 390,224
in reserves: 1. $160,000 for pipeline replacement in the alley behind Town Hall and SW 3rd Street; 2. $89,000 for vehicles including an ATV, a pickup truck, and a ‘Vac-trailer.’ Trailer is used for waterline repairs; 3. $43,000 for continuing expenses related to converting current process of reading water meters to ‘radio reading’ and obtaining property easements as needed for waterlines; 4. $18,000 for one-time water regulator vaults and plant heaters and insulation; and 5. $6,700 to continue lease of tractor (2nd year of 5-year lease). Sewer Fund (not using reserves): 1. $49,300 for testing lab and testing equipment. Golf Course Fund using $13,636 in reserves: 1. $20,000 for inline filter; and 2. $5,000 for storage building. Capital Improvement Fund using $55,022 in reserves: 1. $72,579 for Hwy 65 and Main Street enhancement. Project is scheduled for completion in spring 2018. This is the town’s 20 percent match for the project. The balance will come from Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). 2. $100,000 for asphalt resurfacing and repair. Trust Fund using $18,800 in reserves: 1. $12,000 for the Surface Creek Trail improvement. This is the Town’s 30 percent match of the project funded by a Greater Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) grant; 2. $8,000 for new drinking fountains; one in the Town Park and one in the Post Office Park; and 3. $8,000 for new tables and chairs in the breezeway on Main Street. The trustees will vote on the final budget at their next regular public meeting on Thursday, Dec. 7, at 5 p.m. in the Grand Mesa Room of the Cedaredge Civic Center, 140 N.W. 2nd Street.
B10 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Cedaredge UMC hosts Blue Christmas service For some of us this is going to be a Blue Christmas. That is just the way it is. Maybe: • One whose stories we have always enjoyed won’t be with us this year
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because of death or separation. • We are so angry with each other we can’t be under the same roof at the same table. • Mobility keeps us living so far from each other that it is impossible to be together. • We feel we have totally let ourselves or another down and can’t face each other. • We have deep ideological, political or religious differences and have never learned to really listen to each other. • Depression is part of our life all the time and even more present at times of on-demand merriment. Isaiah teaches us to lament. He says to Yahweh, “Rip down the heavens ... make the mountains shudder ... make people shake in their boots ... you did terrible things we never expected ... no one has ever imagined a God like you ... how angry you’ve been with us.” Cedaredge friends, we
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are too reticent, nice or sophisticated. Isaiah is not any of these things and he lets God have it. So can we. Let’s have a Blue Christmas service at 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 17, at the Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church, a time to lament.
John McEuen to perform John McEuen, founding member of The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, will appear with The Circle Band on Friday, Dec. 29, at 7 p.m. in the Cedaredge Civic Center. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Grand Mesa Arts and Entertainment Center (GMAEC). GMAEC is renovating a building in Cedaredge to house a performing arts center. Tickets are $25 at Starr’s Guitars, 250 West Main Street in Cedaredge, or online at Starrsguitars.com
Feed the Furries Macht-Liles Real Estate Group and the Delta County Board of Realtors are sponsoring a “Feed the Furries” animal food drive to benefit the Surface Creek Animal Shelter. Donations will be accepted through Dec. 15 at Macht-Liles office, 645 S. Grand Mesa Drive, Cedaredge, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The shelter is requesting certain foods due to animal dietary needs: Pedigree dog food (yellow bag), Purina One dry cat food and Friskie’s Pate’ canned cat food. For details, contact the shelter at 970-856-2346.
Photo submitted
Festive, fun finalé
The final concert of 2017 at the Cedaredge Chapel of the Cross was a great success and fun time for all! Featured performer Beth Williams was joined by Donna Marie Woods on harmony and percussion. Local favorites Robert Wear and Nancy Carlson each performed a solo accompanied by our own Sharon Clark on piano. Nine-year-old Lella Young, one of Beth’s vocal students, sang two solos and joined Beth for several other songs. The show ended with all the performers onstage to help lead the audience in a singalong. The Chapel of the Cross looks forward to sharing more wonderful live music with all of Delta County in 2018!
Garden club shares suet feeder recipe BY JOAN CHAMBERS Plant & Dig Garden Club
It seems that the members of our club are as avid about feeding our feathered friends as we are about gardening. With “Feeding our Feathered Friends” the title of our program for the day, we all related our own particular methods for keeping these favorite critters well fed and watered throughout the winter months. Many good suggestions came to light. Here are a few: switch from black sunflower seeds (which was the one ingredient everyone seemed to use) to safflower seeds (squirrels do not seem to like them); use hen scratch instead of conventional bird food (it’s much cheaper and with healthy ingredients that birds love); leave seedheads on flowers such as sunflowers and salvia so that the birds can utilize this source of food during winter’s lean months. Gary Good, husband of co-president Gloria Good, (both avid bird watchers) provided us with his homemade suet feeder recipe. It is as follows: 1 lb. lard 1 lb. peanut butter 4 cups quick oats 4 cups yellow corn meal 2 cups all-purpose flour 1⁄2 cup each — quiona, chai seeds and raw sunflower seeds (all optional) 2/3 cup sugar, also optional (Gary says he does not use this) Directions: Melt lard and peanut butter on low heat until combined. Remove and add remaining ingredients. Spread on cookie sheet and allow
Volunteers, donations needed for holiday meal The free Cedaredge community Christmas dinner will be Monday, Dec. 25, from 11:30 to 2 p.m. at the Stolte Shed in Pioneer Town. The menu will include turkey, ham and all the trimmings, plus desserts of every kind. All are welcome. Donations will be accepted to help with the cost of food. Any excess will go to a Rotary Club community project. Volunteers are always needed. To help, contact Shayes White at 8353366. If you want to help with donations for food contact Marsha Bryan at 970-234-8800.
to cool. Cut into sandwich-size sections. Store in sandwich containers/ bags (which are just the right size for suet feeders). Freeze unused bags until needed. Thanks, Gary, for this great recipe. Our bird friends thank you, too. We are again this year able to make sizeable donations to the Cedaredge Humane Society and to the Cedaredge Food Bank. Involvement in our community is an important objective of our club. We are happy that we can continue to help these worthwhile organizations. We are proud to announce that once again this year our club will award a scholarship for the purpose of attending the Master Gardening training conducted by Colorado State University. The recipient is club
member Mary Bellville. Congratulations, Mary. We look forward to you sharing your knowledge with us as you learn more about our gardening world. Our Christmas gathering will be held at R J’s Steakhouse on Dec. Thursday, 14. After a delicious lunch we will have our annual and hilarious gift exchange, an event that we look forward to all year long. Learning, service, scholarship and friendship are the goals of our club. If you are interested in finding out more about our club and our meetings, you may call 856-7077 or 856-3897. The members of our club wish everyone a Christmas filled with fun and friendship and a new year that brings happiness and good health to all.
���� “I volunteer � � � � � � � � at the shelter because I �����
know what it’s like to need help. I know how much sometimes you just need a hand, a hug, a simple smile, or to have someone tell you you’re not alone.” - Danielle
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Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Parade of Lights: everything but snow BY DON BENJAMIN Contributing Writer
According to Kami Collins, executive director of the Cedaredge Area Chamber of Commerce, the crowd at this year’s Parade of Lights was the largest in years. The theme of the Saturday event was “All-American Christmas” and it got underway before nightfall with a concert of holiday tunes performed by the Cedaredge Community Band and a dinner provided by the Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church. Downtown businesses were open for local shopping and town officials served hot drinks and treats. As the sun set, a full moon shone down and hundreds of spectators assembled along a fiveblock stretch of Main Street. At 6 p.m. the parade began featuring community floats, horses, shelter pets, and the Cedaredge High School Marching Band. A float full of enthusiastic youngsters from Cub Scout Pack 482 earned the Judge’s Choice Award and the parade ended with a bang when decorated fire engines and other first-responder vehicles filled downtown with flashing lights and sirens. As the parade drew to a close, children and families lined up to meet Santa Claus. Everyone seemed to agree it was one of the finest pre-holiday events in recent memory. The only thing missing was snow. Already November 2017
Photo by Don Benjamin
Sporting school colors, the CHS marching band paraded down Main Street as Cedaredge celebrated this year’s “All-American Christmas.”
Photo by Don Benjamin
Here they come! A blazing truck leads off the Cedaredge Parade of Lights followed by sparkling horses and a string of community floats. US Bank sponsored this year’s event. has entered the Colorado weather record books as one of the warmest and driest in history. And so far, December seems to be following suit. As for a white Christmas, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) has issued predictions for two of its regional weather stations. According to NOAA projections, Paonia has a 53 percent chance of having one inch or more of snow on the ground on Christmas Day and an 18 percent chance of snow falling that day. The outlook for Grand Junction is a 23-27 percent chance of snow on the ground and a 12-16 percent chance of snow falling.
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Photo by Don Benjamin
Silas, age 6, and Annavah, age 3 1⁄2, had great seats for the Cedaredge Parade of Lights last Saturday. The children balanced on the shoulders of their parents, Josh and Victoria Kasper. Victoria is the music teacher at Garnet Mesa Elementary School. The family lives in Hotchkiss.
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Photo by Don Benjamin
Best of the West 4-H club members bundled up for a chilly ride through downtown Cedaredge.
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Photo by Don Benjamin
Generations of area residents turned out for the Cedaredge Parade of Lights. Dwight and Otto Benson of Eckert shared the evening watching prancing horses, handsome shelter dogs, colorful floats and a marching band.
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Birds of the Western Slope
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A look at local birds with Evelyn Horn Cranes are back Monday — As we pull in, our headlights are bright against the garage door ... I miss the long days of summer! Overcast and damp and I’m ready for spring but winter isn’t even here yet. As the garage door closes, we step outside. Cranes! Allen and I both hear them ... sounds like a big group. Back into the garage, into the car and up to Crane Point. It is dark now! With the spotting scope, I can make out white blobs along the north shore (I guess it’s the shore) which would be our few pelicans. Down to the causeway. Stop ... can’t see anything that might be a bird. Listen closely. Crane sounds. Wonderful! When we arrive home, the light’s blinking on the voice mail: Wallace and Vela have heard the birds too. Great! Tuesday — All of the cranes are down on the west end of the reservoir foraging along but they look “scraggly,” all wet with muddy feet. There’s a pair in a weedy patch — put down the front foot, lift the back leg and kick backward, mud flies. But the birds’ feet are still clogged with mud ... shake-kick-shake and take another step. Finally, dry ground, more or
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Not to worry. And I’m happy!
Photo by Bill Schmoker
less. Looks tough to me! Not raining right now. And there’s a group of three, a family? The mated pair and this last spring’s chick? Of course, the chick is now a fledgling and as big as its parents. It follows closely ... magnification up. The top of the head is a rusty color, no red crown has developed yet. A juvenile ... what a treat! Try to get a count ... magnification back down. They’re moving around now. Here are several in single file — all my cranes in a row! Walking through the mud. Check for the big view with the binoculars. Stop and listen-look for a moment. In the fall our cranes move through our area quietly, in small groups and often merely a family of the mated pair or the pair and their fledgling. What were the conditions of weather or forage or predators that led to this?
Update: People are reporting large numbers of cranes in the fields along the Gunnison River, south of Highway 50. Last weekend as many as 4,000 were reported along G Road near Delta. Walkers along the trails of Confluence Park are hearing cranes across the river, especially as they settle in for the evening.
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Photo by Don Benjamin
Lights flashed and sirens blared as a throng of fire trucks and other first-responder vehicles rolled down Main Street bringing the Cedaredge Parade of Lights to a spectacular finish.
The Delta County Independent publishes engagements, anniversaries and wedding stories free of charge.
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B12 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Steps for safe, secure shopping
Photo by Pat Sunderland
Santa’s helper
Kathie Johnson donned a festive hat and vest for the Holiday Craft Fair at Bill Heddles Recreation Center last Saturday. She was among the 79 vendors offering handcrafted items perfect for holiday gift giving.
With less than a month of shopping left for the holiday season, consumers turn to the quickest and most efficient ways to shop under short deadlines. According to an October 2017 report by Harris Poll, despite our good intentions, consumers who shopped during the holiday season were not only at a higher risk of incurring a higher amount of debt, but they also made costly mistakes by shopping in a vulnerable environment. Approximately 47 percent of our holiday shopping occurs between Nov. 28 and Dec. 23. The Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) wants consumers to pay attention during the holi-
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ber online, do not enter it for any reason. PIN numbers give scammers and thieves direct access to your banking information. • Report any suspicious
Vestafjell, Colorado Western Slope Sons of Norway Lodge, invites those interested in Scandinavian heritage and culture to join lodge members at the Saturday, Dec. 9, Christmas celebration. Doors open at 12:15 p.m. and a cookie/treats sale gets underway at 12:30. A traditional potluck dinner will be served at 1 p.m. at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church,
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3133 F/Patterson Road. Celebrate the traditions of the Christmas season. Please bring generous “ready to serve” hot dishes, side dishes, salads, fruits or dessert for the potluck, plus unwrapped gifts (or $5 gift cards) for the lodge’s annual donation to the Salvation Army. Guests are always welcome. For details, please call 2455649 or 858-6702.
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activity on your account or card immediately. • If purchasing an item online, never send cash. Credit cards are the safest option.
Celebrate Scandinavian culture this Saturday
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day shopping season to avoid unintended costly and unintended consequences. Here are some quick tips and tricks to follow during the holiday season: • Budget for your expenses so you do not place yourself in recurring debt after the holidays. • When shopping online, ensure you are using secure websites. Hackers and scammers can create duplicate websites that mimic your trusted retailer. • Check the authenticity of the website by going directly to the company website for a direct link versus searching online for the retailer. • You will never be asked for your PIN num-
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Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
December 6, 2017
Bruin girls have team to make run in WSL BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor
The Cedaredge High School girls basketball had a successful season a year ago and finished second in the 3A WSL. The Bruins put together an eight-game winning streak just before entering last year’s 3A District tournament. A win against Gunnison in the opening round of tournament play was the ninth straight win for the Bruins. Cedaredge fell to Moffat County, a team it had beaten just prior to the tournament (43-38), by a 49-42 decision. In the third-place game, Olathe turned an earlier season
loss around to score a 4138 win to place third in tournament play. Cedaredge, and four other 3A WSL teams advanced to last year’s state tournament based on records and RPI standings. The Bruins entered state competition as the 14th seed and drew number 19 Kent Denver in the opening round. Kent Denver handed the Bruins a 40-27 loss ending Cedaredge’s season. Kent Denver lost to eventual state champion Lamar, 60-33 in the next round. The Bruins have been working hard in the preseason and are prepared to reap benefits once the
season begins. Helping guide the Bruins in the right direction this season is Bruins head coach Ryan Hilbig who is entering his fifth season with Cedaredge and has an overall record of 63-14 coming into the 2017-18 campaign. Russell Coleman will be the Bruins junior varsity coach and is in his first year at Cedaredge High School where he is teaching English. Coleman came from Kansas to teach and coach at Cedaredge. A pair of volunteers, Kayla Jubert and Greg Medill, return for another year of duty. BRUIN GIRLS TO C2
Photo by Tamie Meck
From left, Kassidy Rapke, Randi Rapke, Andi Todd and Poppy Lightfoot defend against Ridgway Saturday. After playing the last two seasons under five allstate teammates, head coach Scott Rienks sees opportunities for his returning players to shine.
Opportunities abound for Paonia girls in new year BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer
After losing all five starters and a five-year assistant coach from last season’s state champion team, Paonia head basketball coach Scott Rienks said he doesn’t know what this season will bring for the Eagles. But with more than two decades of coaching experience and three state titles to his name, Rienks does know a few things. For one, he said, the new season will bring a Photo by Wayne Crick different style of coaching Two Bruins watch as a teammate makes as many shots as she can in a certain to Paonia. “We’re going amount of time. The two players watching were given the same amount of to be a little more disciplined in basketball,” said time to make as many shots as they could.
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Rienks. “I’m not going to say how good we’re going to be, because I don’t know. I just know it’s a really, really fun group of girls to be around.” So far, so good. The Eagles opened the twoday San Juan Basin/ Western Slope League Shootout with wins over Norwood and Ridgway. Paonia allowed its opponents a total of 20 points. John Blair, a defensive specialist, returns as junior varsity and assistant coach, and Brian Mitchem joins the coaching staff. Losing assistant coach
2017-18 Basketball Action
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Brent McRae is tough, said Rienks, but getting to work with Mitchem, head coach of the Paonia track teams, is a plus. “We have a very good rapport,” said Rienks, who coached the throwers the past 10 seasons. The transition to a new team began last summer. For the first time in 10 years Paonia skipped team camps, opting instead to use the time “to make us better as individuals first and not worry about the team,” said Rienks. They held three open gyms a week, focused on fundaPAONIA GIRLS TO C2
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C2 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Bruin boys geared to go BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor
Craig Cerise, 11th year as a head coach (second at Cedaredge High School), will be looking to improve on last year’s 9-11 record overall. The Bruins finished 3-6 in league play and failed to reach postseason play after losing to Roaring Fork in the 3A District Tournament quarterfinals. With a few talented players on this year’s roster, Cerise and the Bruins will concentrate on doing things that can assure them of a successful year and a post-season appearance. Helping make the transition to post-season play will be Mike Dallas (JV coach in his second season) and Nate Hawkins (C Team in his first year). Cedaredge has 32 athletes working for positions in the Bruins’ start-
ing lineups. Included in the 32 players are six seniors, three juniors, 10 sophomores and 13 freshmen. Cerise sees several players who can provide the Bruins with contributions which could potentially land Cedaredge in a post-season appearance. One top contributor is senior Peter Carlson who returns from last season with an 11.8 scoring average, nearly 10 rebounds per game (leader on last year’s team) and a teamleading 2.1 blocked shots per game average a year ago. According to Cerise, “He (Carlson) does a lot of things for our team, and I expect him to have a big year. Peter was honorable mention all-conference last year.” Senior Baylee Piper is another top prospect for Cerise. “He is one of our most fundamentally sound players. He
became a starter towards the end of last season and has become a leader for our team.” Seniors Craig Claunch and Jacob Lewis are also listed on the list of top contributors for Cerise. “Claunch is our starting point guard and leader in assists as a returner from last year,” noted Cerise. Lewis is a versatile player for the Bruins. Cerise will use him in a variety of roles. “He is a returning starter that can play inside and outside,” says Cerise. Jared Reynolds, a junior, is the Bruins’ second leading scorer from a year ago who should improve on his 6.1 scoring clip per game from last season. Cerise knows how tough the 3A WSL is and explained why it is tough. “This was a tough league last year. Some of those teams have lost a lot, but
other teams like Coal Ridge, Delta and Grand Valley bring back a lot of their players and I expect those teams to be battling for the top spots. Those teams will probably be our toughest opponents we face.” Cerise continued with his thoughts on what the Bruins hope to accomplish as the season progresses. “I’m looking for our team to continue improving and try to climb in our league standings by a couple of spots. It would be great for this team to do well enough to get an RPI that would put us in Photo by Wayne Crick the post-season and chal- Cedaredge’s Garrett Meyers works the post durlenge the top teams in ing a recent practice session at Cedaredge High our league.” School. The Bruins were in Ridgway on Dec. 5 and will travel to Meeker Dec. 7-9 for the boys’ version of the White River Shootout. Opponents will be Rangely, Meeker and Soroco.
Bruin girls win hoop title BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor
Cedaredge girls basketball coach Ryan Hilbig wanted to start the season off right in Meeker last weekend. The Bruins granted their coach his wish with three victories to win the annual White River Shootout. The Bruins began the weekend with Aspen and rolled to a 52-8 victory. Game two, Cedaredge’s closest contest, was with host Meeker with the Bruins eeking out a 3837 decision and a berth in the tournament’s title game against Soroco. The Rams defeated Mesa Ridge’s junior varsity in their opening round game and then dealt Moffat County a 51-30 loss in second-round action. In another close game, the Bruins earned this year’s White River Shootout title with a 43-39 decision. Bruins 52, Skiers 8 As the score indicates, this matchup was not as close as the first quarter score was if viewers were to stop watching from that point. The Bruins recovered from an excruciatingly slow start to take a 9-5 lead after one period. Aspen’s Climary Sanchez had all five of the Skiers points while senior Jade McGovern
had four of Cedaredge’s nine counters. A 3-pointer from McGovern and a pair of regular field goals from freshman Kammie Henderson led the Bruins in an 11-0 second quarter run which left Cedaredge with a 20-5 halftime lead. Aspen’s offense remained ineffective in the second half with just three points coming in the third quarter to make the Skiers final points of the game. Cedaredge, behind sophomore Makayla Kehmeier’s six points, raced to a 21-point outburst to lead 41-8 after three quarters of play. An 11-point fourth quarter made the final score 528. McGovern and Henderson were Cedaredge’s leading scorers in the game with 11 and 10 points, respectively. Kehmeier finished with eight counters while Addison Schwarz and Dalia Alejandre generated seven points each in the win. Bruins 38, Cowboys 37 Cedaredge and Meeker’s battle became a tale of two halves. The Bruins built a 23-14 halftime lead with Kehmeier pacing the Bruins’ offense with a pair of 3-pointers and a common goal for eight points.
Meeker had a better offensive second half than the Bruins. A 14-10 run in the third period kept the lead in Cedaredge’s hands, 33-28, heading to the final eight minutes of play. The Bruins’ offense struggled in fourth quarter play with Meeker finding a way to outscore Cedaredge 9-5 to make the final score 38-37. Kehmeier topped Bruin scorers again with another 11-point effort while Henderson and senior Grace Andrews scored six points each. Meeker’s leading scorers were juniors Megan Shelton, who finished with 18 points, and Victoria Lasker who had 10. Hilbig noted how important a win like this one was. “We played pretty well until the fourth. Playing with a lead and finishing is a good skill to learn early.” Bruins 43, Rams 39 Seniors Chloe Veilleux and Mattie Rossi dominated Soroco’s first-half offense with Veilleux netting 17 in the two quarters and Rossi six for 23 of the 28 points scored in the half by the Rams.
The Bruins countered with juniors Courtney Freeman’s seven and Schwarz’s six points to keep Cedaredge within reach of Soroco, 28-22, at halftime. Cedaredge’s defense literally took over in second-half play. The Bruins held Veilleux to just two points in the second half and allowed just 11 counters for the Rams in second half play. Offensively, Freeman, who had been nearly absent in the first two Bruin games, scored 10 second-half points to finish with 17 and Andrews chipped in another eight counters to finish with 11 for the game. Schwarz added another eight in a winning cause. Cedaredge’s next game will be against Hotchkiss on Dec. 15 at the annual First Colorado National Bank Tournament in Delta. That game is set for a 3 p.m. start.
Paonia boys win two in weekend tournament play BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer
After a 22-4 season and a fourth-place finish at state, the Paonia Eagles lost four six-footplus players and most of its size to graduation. But there’s a lot of returning talent left to work with. “It’s definitely going to be a different team,” said sixth-year head coach Chase Roeber. Without the size, Paonia will have a different game plan this season and will get to try some new strategies. This summer the team did something new. Rather than travel to team camps they stayed close to home, holding open gyms, working on skills, and attending the annual team camp at Hotchkiss. The season will also bring new opportunities for returning players to show what they can do. The team got off to a good start, winning both games in last weekend’s San Juan Basin/Western Slope League Shootout at Paonia. They opened the sea-
son with a 54-34 win over Norwood. In Saturday’s 58-18 win over Ridgway, senior Enoch Kropp scored 18 points. Kropp was the high scorer off the bench last season, averaging 3.7 points per game. Slater Podgorny will start at point guard. Podgorny is a third-year varsity player and had 34 assists as a junior. Sean Devlin returns for his senior year. Devlin averaged three points per game last season. Senior Riley Simianer, who averaged 2.3 points per game last season, is a starting senior and scored 10 points against Norwood Saturday. Senior Cade Meilner came off the bench to sink two threepointers. Juniors Elan Maulhardt and David Lozano return to the varsity squad, and sophomore Landon Thliveris is on the varsity roster. Both of this season’s assistant coaches are PHS alumni. Assistant PAONIA BOYS TO C3
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Photo by Wayne Crick
Cedaredge junior Courtney Freeman scored 17 Photo by Tamie Meck points against Soroco Slater Podgorny scores on a fast break in Paonia’s win over Ridgway last in the title game at the Saturday. The starting point guard, Podgorny, is one of five varsity seniors for White River Shootout. Paonia.
Paonia girls CONTINUED FROM C1 mentals, two-on-two and three-on-three drills, and scrimmaged a couple of teams. Returning varsity seniors Mckenna Hartigan, Kassidy Rapke and Randi Rapke contributed to Paonia’s 25-0 season from the bench. “This year they have to carry the load while other players pick up on some skills,” said Rienks. It’s also their year to
shine. Palmer, a 6-foot post, played last summer with the boys team. Her role “will be huge this year,” said Rienks. “She’s going to be really good.” The Rapke twins, who until now played under five all-state players, have an opportunity to show what they can do. “I think they’re ready for it,” said Rienks. Seniors Sophia Fischer and Andi Todd started both games last weekend.
Todd played at Hotchkiss her freshman and sophomore years before moving to Wyoming her junior year. This year’s juniors include Poppy Lightfoot, Taralee Mautz and Jackie Mora. Sophomores are Lyla Hayutin-Baril, Carly Horn and Paige Fister from Olathe. Genevive Fisher and Taneal Mautz also got some time on the court
last weekend. Paonia will have only one more home game before the winter break when it hosts 3A Coal Ridge this Friday at 5:30 p.m. On Dec. 15-16 it competes at the First Colorado National Bank tournament in Delta. Rienks called the two-day, all Delta County tournament “a barometer to take us into league competition.”
When the topic of teams to beat came up, Hilbig was quick with his answer ... “Moffat is probably the best team in the league this year, so that will be a tough one. Every game in conference is going to be tough this year. There are a bunch of teams that are all similar. Delta is always a fun game for us as well.” Hilbig’s final comment was, “I am excited to get
to coach this team. They are a fun group to get to work with every day and they work hard. I think this team has a chance to do something very special, but we have to put the work in and get better every single day.” The Bruins began their season in Meeker with the three-day White River Shootout (see related story above) and won the title with three wins.
Bruin girls CONTINUED FROM C1 Hilbig is excited for the season to begin with designs on building on last year’s success and another post-season experience. One of the most influential reasons for Hilbig’s excitement is junior Courtney Freeman, a First Team all-conference player last year. “She is our key player. She’s a great player and
all-around good person,” noted Hilbig. Others designated as top players for the Bruins include seniors Grace Andrews, Jade McGovern and Addi Schwarz plus sophomore Makayla Kehmeier. “Keep an eye on Jade (McGovern). She’s the best defensive player and energy girl. Super coachable and a wonderful person,” quoted Hilbig.
Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Panther wrestlers believe they can BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor
Delta High School will be looking for another successful wrestling season under the guidance of 11th year head coach Clayton Curtis. The Panthers sent three athletes to state last season with Logan Church (SR) finishing the year with a 42-3 record and second-place finish in the 285-pound division. Drake Horn (SR) was 30-19, and a qualifier at 160. Aiden Barrios (JR) was a qualifier at 170 and finished 21-19 for the year. The above-mentioned athletes are most likely starters for Curtis in the coming season. Add several other proven wrestlers to the mix and the Panthers may be solid contenders in 2017-18. Senior Ayden Tucker will wrestle at 126 and is sure to improve on a 12-22 mark from a year
ago. At 145 the Panthers have senior Brendon Starr who was 14-14 last season and 152-pounder Brandon Harper (SR) got a late start to finish 10-4 last season. Curtis does not have a set-in-stone line-up for the coming season. His top performers will come from the collective team. “We have a strong freshman class and a handful of other wrestlers, sophomores through seniors, that will be pushing for the varsity line-up. Unlike other sports, we could see our line-up change week to week. We really have a lot of talented wrestlers this year who could be in the varsity line-up. I personally don’t want to say that certain guys will be our varsity guy because I know that could change next week.” Curtis, and his capable staff, Luis Meza (11 years), Tyler Morfitt (8 years), Chad Roberts
(2nd year), Kory Mills (2nd year), Luke Laurita (1st year) and Jason Naranjo (1st year) will work together to provide each wrestler with quality instruction on their way to reaching personal goals. As in the past, Curtis shies away from making predictions. “I hate making predictions, but I would be lying if I told you we weren’t pushing to be number one in the state in 3A. I think that we are legitimate contenders in 3A. That is our goal and it is every year. We want to be the best and I think that is a goal shared from top to bottom on our team.” The Panthers host Olathe Thursday, Dec. 7, with JV matches scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. and the varsity set to go at 7 p.m. Delta will host tournament action on Saturday beginning at 9 a.m.
Photo by Wayne Crick
Cedaredge spent some time working on Granby at a recent practice session. The Bruins carried several athletes to state last season and recently had success at the annual Maverick Duals at CMU where three Bruins went undefeated in competition and several others had just one loss in multiple bouts during the day.
The Bruins, again, to be scrappy on mat BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor
Cutter Garrison returns as Cedaredge High School’s wrestling coach for the 2017-18 season. Garrison took six wrestlers to state last season with Sean Dale placing fourth in his 120pound weight division and Jerad Hulteen earning a sixth-place finish at 152. Other Bruins making
the trip to state included Ryan Imhoff (106), Alex McCracken (126), David Schipmann (138) and Colton Hoerr (145). Garrison will be assisted in the mat room by Bob Overturf, Jason Robidoux and Kris Nieto. With the upcoming season, Garrison mentioned all his state qualifiers from last year as wrestlers to keep an eye on in the coming season.
Garrison was brief on his assessment of the fortunes for his team and confidently noted, “We should be competitive all season long.” The Bruins, as with all Delta County teams, began their season at last weekend’s CMU Duals and are slated to participate in the Delta tournament scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 9, beginning at 9 a.m.
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Good Luck Pirates!
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Photo by Wayne Crick
New moves, and repetitions of recently shown ones, are a staple of practice routines in the matroom.
‘Dogs see successful wrestling season ahead BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer
The Hotchkiss wrestling team opened the season Saturday, winning four of five duals at the annual Maverick Duals at Colorado Mesa University in Grand Junction. Hotchkiss defeated Montrose, Rifle and Moffat County, and lost to Delta. All of its competitors were from bigger schools. Wrestling at 120 pounds, junior Sergio Campos was 4-0 at the duals, and senior heavy-
weight Kevin Chavez was 5-0. Four wrestlers, seniors Devin Curtis (195) and Colton Peebles (182), sophomore Jace Peebles (152), and freshman Robert Cochran (113) all ended the day at 4-1. Incoming freshman Traycer Hall (132) was 3-2, and junior Presley Pene was 3-2 at 126 pounds. In looking at the season, Hotchkiss lost a strong group of seniors last year, said returning head coach Richard
Flores. But there are still a lot of successful athletes on the team, among them returning state qualifiers Campos (120), the state runner-up at 113 pounds; junior Landen Mayberry (113); and Curtis. Overall numbers are down. As a team, “We’re not going to be as tough as we’ve been,” said Flores. But the focus won’t be on win-loss records, but rather on coaching the kids to win. “I’m going to enjoy the season. I’ve got a great HOTCHKISS TO C4
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Photo by Tamie Meck
Hotchkiss returns three state qualifiers and welcomes a freshman class of six. The Bulldogs will host their home-opening dual Thursday night against rival Paonia.
Paonia boys CONTINUED FROM C2 coach Ryan Emmons returns for the season, and David Carney comes on board. With 23 players and eight freshmen out for the team, Paonia will focus on building for the future, with a team
goal of taking a winning record into league competition in January, said Roeber. The Eagles played at Olathe Tuesday night. They host their final home game of the year against Coal Ridge this Friday at 7 p.m., and wrap up the
year Dec. 15-16 at the First Colorado National Bank in Delta. The pre-Christmas tournament gives Paonia an opportunity to hone some skills and play two additional games before heading into winter break, said Roeber.
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C4 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Wiggins takes over Paonia wrestling reins BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer
Photo courtesy Dwight Siverson
Wrestling at 126 pounds, Cedaredge sophomore Sean Dale uses the Guillotine to pin opponent Colton Harvey of Grand Junction Saturday at the Maverick Duals at Colorado Mesa University. Dale, who was 5-0 at the duals, placed fourth in state competition as a freshman.
Cedaredge wrestlers notch big day at CMU BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor
There was plenty of wrestling to keep fans happy over the weekend. There were 15 teams listed for competition at the annual Maverick Duals held at Colorado Mesa University last Saturday. All four Delta County schools competed in the daylong event. Cedaredge had several athletes who finished with undefeated records and a smattering
of one-loss wrestlers. Information received shows Trey Geyer won all five of his matches in the 120-pound division with Sean Dale matching that win total at 126 pounds. Geyer had falls over Grand Junction (0:09), Moffat County (0:43) and Central (4:23). He also had forfeit wins over Olathe and Meeker opponents. Dale recorded falls over Grand Junction
(1:11), Central (1:04), Olathe (0:47) and Meeker (0:35). Dale scored a 6-1 decision over Meeker in the third round. Alex McCracken won all three of the matches (dec. over Grand Junction, fall over Olathe and technical fall over Meeker) at 132 and 160-pounder Jered Hulteen finished 4-1 (fall over Grand Junction, decision loss to Central, a forfeit win, decision over Olathe, fall over Meeker). At 220 pounds, Taj VanderLinde completed his day’s work with a 41 record (loss by fall to Grand Junction, two forfeit wins, a decision over Olathe and a major decision over Meeker). Bruins’ heavyweight, Derek Sanchez won four of his five bouts (loss to Grand Junction by fall, fall over Central, win by forfeit, fall over Olathe and a win by forfeit).
The Paonia Eagles opened the wrestling season Saturday at the annual Maverick Duals at Colorado Mesa University. They also opened the season under a new head coach. Nate Wiggins replaces Andy Pipher, who retired last season after 21 years as head coach at Paonia. Pipher led the Eagles to five state team championships and produced 21 individual state champions. He was twice named the Class 2A coach of the year. Pipher is now following son Bo’s wrestling career at Penn State. It’s a big change, and one that would be a big challenge for a lot of high school teams. But for the Paonia wrestling program, the transition to the new coaching staff is going smoothly, and has occurred very gradually. Wiggins is very familiar with the wrestling traditions at Paonia. Starting in middle school, he spent a good 15 years in the wrestling room with Pipher. A state placer for Paonia, he graduated in 2002 and went on to wrestle at Western State College (now Western State Colorado University) in Gunnison, where he majored in business. When he returned to the valley in 2006, younger brother Lucas was a sophomore, so he signed on as a volunteer coach. He planned to stay until Lucas graduated. But with each new class of freshmen he committed to staying until they graduated. “I came in to volunteer and help a couple times and ended up a lifer, I
guess,” said Wiggins. In recent years he has gradually taken on more responsibilities, and in 2015 he was officially named assistant coach. Wiggins also has an experienced coaching staff, each with his own unique style and knowledge to share. They include Lucas Wiggins, a state champion for Paonia; Josh Burns, a four-year wrestler and state placer at Paonia and head coach at University High School in Greeley before moving back to Paonia last spring; Eric Neal, a returning assistant coach and state champion from Hotchkiss; Mike Reedy, also a state champion for Paonia and long-time assistant coach; and Emanuel Barba, the Paonia junior high head coach and former wrestler at Olathe. That coaches are familiar with the program and wrestlers are familiar with coaches helps with the transition, said Wiggins. The Eagles return five state qualifiers: sophomores Zeb Etter (126) and Grey Neal (152), junior Sackett Chesnik (138), and seniors Clay Campbell (145) and Jaden Miller (195). All five are off to a good start. At Saturday’s Maverick Duals Chesnik was 5-0 with three pins, including a second-round pin over 5A Grand Junction. One of three wrestlers to go 4-1, Campbell pinned four of five opponents and fell to Class 5A Grand Junction senior state runner up Dylan Martinez. A 195-pound senior, Miller’s only loss was
to Tigers’ senior Seth Latham; Neal’s only loss was to No. 1 ranked Grand Junction senior Josiah Rider. Etter (126) and junior Jesse Burns (160) ended the day at 3-2. Junior Anthony Felice (170) was 4-1. Also returning are seniors Poncho Lopez (195), Cyrus Malek-Madani (195), and Kaden Heiniger (285); and juniors Ethan White (120), Soul Connolly (120) and Jesse Burns (160). Sophomores are Shane Odom (145), Carlos Lozano (152), Austyn Norris (170), Levi Peterson (220) and Samuel Erickson (132). Incoming freshmen are Reagan Todd (106), Mason Lightfoot (126) and Anthony Miller (170). With about 22 wrestlers on the roster, Wiggins said he anticipates a full team and a competitive season. This Thursday at 6 p.m. Paonia duals at Hotchkiss. It travels to Rifle Friday. On Dec. 9 it competes at the Delta Invitational. The Warrior Classic, a two-day tournament considered one of the most competitive in the state, happens Dec. 15-16 at Central High School in Grand Junction. In its only home dual before the winter holiday, Paonia will dual Palisade on Dec. 20. Paonia opens the new year on Jan. 12-13 at the Tournament of Champions in Vernal, Utah. This will be Paonia’s first year at Vernal. Now in its 45th year, the premier tournament attracts teams from Utah, Wyoming and Colorado.
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Photo courtesy Dwight Siverson
Sackett Chesnik shows no mercy in his dual win over his Rifle opponent Saturday at the Maverick Duals. Chesnik, the state runner-up as a sophomore, is one of five returning state qualifiers for the Eagles. Paonia duals at Hotchkiss this Thursday.
Hotchkiss CONTINUED FROM C3 group of kids... and most of them are hard workers. They might not win, they might not do anything super special. But they’re here and they’re giving it everything they’ve got. That makes my job as coach easier.” Returning wrestlers have also “been battle tested,” said Flores. “They all got beat up as freshmen, and that’s kind of how you get tough.” The upper classmen are there to help the younger kids learn, to be good sparring partners, and to help them adapt to the pressures of high school wrestling. Also in the senior class are Kylar Massano (132) and Karsen Sommer (126). Taylor White (132) and Teagan Sommer (170) round out the junior class. JD Miller (113), JP Scriver (145) and Ethan Guy (160) round out the sophomore class. In addition to Hall and Cochran, incoming fresh-
men are Adam Smith, Boston Sommer, Kaleb Lovelace and Christian Matus. Curtis Hintz, Coley Wondra and Matt Hall all return as assistant coaches. Looking at the season, Hotchkiss hosts rival Paonia at 6 p.m. Thursday, and Moffat County at 6 p.m. Friday. It competes at the annual Panther Invitational at Delta on Dec. 9. On Dec. 15 and 16 the Bulldogs wrestle at the Warrior Classic, a two-day tournament considered one of the most competitive of the year, before heading into winter break. Flores said that starting the season at the Maverick Duals gives wrestlers a chance to see wrestlers from different areas and with different skills and styles. That helps coaches identify areas where they need to focus and improve. Now work begins on fine-tuning skills, filling in gaps
in learning, and prepar- tournament Feb. 15-17. “It’s an ongoing proing for regionals on Feb. 9 and 10, and the state cess,” said Flores.
Photo by Tamie Meck
Junior Sergio Campos will pursue a state title for Hotchkiss after finishing second at state as a sophomore.
Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
TUESDAY 12-12-2017
12-13-2017 THURSDAY 12-14-2017
The Hotchkiss girls’ basketball team opened the season at home last Thursday with a 44-25 win over Nucla. At the annual San Juan/Western Slope League Shootout tournament at Paonia, Hotchkiss handily defeated Ridgway, 6711 on Friday, and on Saturday defeated Norwood, 61-38. The team has already surpassed the level of play at the end of last season, said second year head coach Haillie Taylor. It’s a good start for a team that very much wants to step up its game this year and silence anyone who doubts them. Hotchkiss hasn’t had a winning season since 2014. Taylor used the earlyseason games to get every player out on the court. Due to injuries the team didn’t have enough players to put together a JV team last week. To give them some time on the court, she brought all the healthy JV players, including three freshmen, into the tournament. Competing against players like Courtney Lemon, an all-conference senior from Norwood who scored 20 points against Hotchkiss, was a good experience for the team, and especially for the JV players, said Taylor. Starters this season are juniors Kaiya Firor and Carson Collins and seniors Yasmine Gaub,
Jenny McDonald and Josie Hiatt. Collins averaged more than nine points per game as a sophomore. A six-one center, she is playing with a lot of confidence, said Taylor. Against Ridgway she scored 22 points and was two-for-two from the line. “She worked really hard this summer to gain that confidence at post,” said Taylor. At point guard, Firor averaged 7.6 points per game last season and led the team in steals. She is both quick and tireless and has an uncanny ability to deflect passes, steal the ball, and make the assists needed to win games. Taylor sees the two juniors combining to make a “dynamic guard-post duo” this season, and carrying the momentum into their senior year. Junior Kaleigh Little will also see a lot of time on the court, and Mariah Griffith, a transfer from Paonia, will play the second half of the season. Sophomores include Elsie Vasquez, Shay Glaser, Jade Miller and Augumn Luginbyhl and incoming freshmen include Amelia Hickam, Candace Siebler and Jazmyn Hart. Hotchkiss also has a new assistant coach. Tammy Smith is a lifelong Hotchkiss resident who played volleyball and basketball at Hotchkiss and attended Mesa State College (now Colorado Mesa University) on a
Delta wrestlers score well at CMU Duals BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor
Delta head boys wrestling coach, Clayton Curtis, can take what he learned from last week’s CMU Duals and begin piecing together what could become a league title winner. Expectations remain high following dual competition last week with four Panthers going 5-0 and two others finishing 4-1 in dual competition last Saturday. The Panthers defeated Durango 54-15 in round one, lost to Grand Junction 54-21 in round two, defeated Grand Valley 59-22 in round three, eased past Hotchkiss 48-36 in round four and defeated Coal Ridge 5330 in round six. Freshman Ben Koch (126) won all five of his
matches by fall while sophomore Cody Suave (138) had three falls, a decision and a technical fall in the five matches he wrestled. Senior Drake Horn (160) was also a five-pin winner on the day for the Panthers with senior Logan Church (285) picking up three wins by forfeit and one by fall and one by technical fall. Senior Brendon Starr won four of his matches by pinfall and his lone loss came by fall in a 4-1 day at CMU. Senior Brandon Harper was also 4-1 on Saturday with his first match of the day a forfeit win over Durango followed by a loss to Grand Junction’s stellar athlete Josiah Rider. The remainder of Harper’s victories were by fall.
basketball scholarship. The team put a lot of practice time in last summer and attended team camps. It also hosted a youth skills camp. Not only did the camp allow them to play with the younger kids, it also gave them the opportunity to teach the fundamentals of the game and gain a better understanding of the sport, said Taylor. Hotchkiss set several goals for the season, among them, playing strong in the third quarter. “That was our big struggle last year,” said Taylor. They also want to finish the season strong, play well at districts, and get to regionals. “I think the ability for them to do it is there, if they really push themselves to do it,” said Taylor.
4 p.m.
SWIMMING Delta @ Summit (Frisco)
10 a.m.
WRESTLING Cedaredge vs Basalt (Varsity)
6 p.m.
3 p.m. 6 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9 a.m. 4 p.m.
BASKETBALL FCNB TOURNAMENT - GIRLS @ DELTA Losers G1/G2 (Friday) Winners G1/G2 (Friday) FCNB TOURNAMENT - BOYS @ DELTA Losers B1/B2 (Friday) Winners B1-B2 (Friday) WRESTLING WARRIOR CLASSIC - Central HS Cedaredge, Delta, Hotchkiss, Paonia SWIMMING Delta @ Montrose
SATURDAY 12-16-2017
Bulldog girls aim to improve this season
Delta @ Montrose
BASKETBALL FCNB TOURNAMENT - GIRLS @ DELTA G1 - Cedaredge vs Hotchkiss G2 - Delta vs Paonia FCNB TOURNAMENT - BOYS @ DELTA B1 - Cedaredge vs Hotchkiss B2 - Delta vs Paonia WRESTLING WARRIOR CLASSIC - Central HS Cedaredge, Delta, Hotchkiss, Paonia SWIMMING Delta @ Montrose
FRIDAY 12-15-2017
Photo by Tamie Meck
6/7:30 p.m.
Hotchkiss junior Carson Collins scores two last Friday at the San Juan/Western Slope League Shootout in Paonia. After starting the season at 3-0, the Bulldogs are already better than where they left off last season.
TIME (Varsity)
3 p.m. 6 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m.
Jeff McPherson-Hotchkiss
Jaime White-Delta
Jess Wiening-Hotchkiss
Becky Allen-Hotchkiss
Zac Gergley-Cedaredge
Sue Ann Wiening-Hotchkiss
J.R. Chatterton-Delta
Amanda Widner-Hotchkiss
Jeremy Allinson-Delta
Kriss Allen-Paonia
Nick Garver-Delta
Mickaela Kenkel-Hotchkiss
Nate Bullis-Cedaredge
Bri Hotz-Cedaredge
Jake Brooks-Cedaredge
Cassie Hutto-Cedaredge
Jesse Anderson-Cedaredge
Cassie Hutto-Cedaredge
Blake Carlquist-Delta
Amber Koroshetz-Cedaredge
Billy Mitchell-Paonia
Krista Coble-Cedaredge
Clay Norell-Delta
Jessica Watkins-Delta
Michael Bear-Delta
Lexi Galvin-Cedaredge
David Carney-Paonia
Johanna Reed-Paonia
Eli Baier-Delta
Jordyn Rienks-Paonia
Pat Sullivan-Hotchkiss
Jordyn Rienks-Paonia
Eli Baier-Delta
Jenni Jones-Delta
Jake Ames-Delta
Skylyn Webb-Delta
Doug Hawkins-Delta
Skylyn Webb-Delta
Jorge Olivas-Delta
Carson Pipher-Paonia
Tourney Winners Year
Dagan Rienks - Paonia
Emily Pieper - Paonia
Men’s Winners
Women’s Winners
Delta High School
Paonia High School
December 15th & 16th Delta High School
Alumni Point System
C6 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Hotchkiss boys open with three hoop wins On Friday Hotchkiss had to work hard for its 31-28 win over Ridgway at the two-day San Juan Basin/Western Slope League Shootout at Paonia. The Demons held a narrow lead throughout the first three quarters. Jonathan Gonzalez swished a three-pointer buzzer shot to narrow the Demon lead to three points. Early in the fourth, Sam Rodriguez sank another three to tie the game at 20-20.
After a successful 167 season and a regional tournament win, the Hotchkiss Bulldogs appear to be headed into another great year. In their Nov. 30 season- and home-opener the Bulldogs posted a 7727 win over Nucla. The Bulldogs took a 29-4 lead in the first quarter and held the Mustangs to single digit scores in three of four quarters.
Photo by Tamie Meck
Jacob Stucker nudges the ball into the net in last Friday’s win over Ridgway at the San Juan/Western Slope League Shootout. Under third-year head coach Eric Hollembeak the Bulldogs are at 3-0 heading into the second week of the season.
The game ended on a free throw by Braxton Trujillo with less than 10 seconds remaining. “It was a good game,” said head coach Eric Hollembeak. “We didn’t shoot particularly well, but when that happens, you’d better play tough defense, which we did.” On Saturday the Bulldogs topped Norwood, 6221. Hotchkiss has seven seniors on the roster. Now in his third year as a varsity player at Hotchkiss, Rodriguez averaged almost 16 points per game to lead the team in scoring last season. Gonzalez, Braxton Trujillo, Eli Sawatzky, Eli Kirk, Miles Zoutte and Chandler Widner make up the remainder of the senior class. They are joined by juniors Eli Patrick, Marvin Guereque, Cesar Camacho and Jacob Stucker, and Jesus Macias. Sophomores are Evan Mattison, Brian Gonzalez, Will Scarlett, Hunter Bryant, Zack Ziemer, Jacob Palecki and Malykai Klaseen; Kenny Drbohlav, Oliver Mendoza and Yahir Chavez represent the freshman class. Assistant coaches are Paul Rodriguez and James Parks. Hotchkiss kept in shape over the summer with open gyms, the 25th annual summer team camp, and a trip to the Western State camp in Gunnison. It was a fun summer, said Hollembeak. Hotchkiss has just five home games remaining this season. Its next home game is on Jan. 6, when it hosts Plateau Valley. The Bulldogs compete Dec. 15 and 16 at the annual First Colorado National Bank tournament before heading into the winter holiday. The Bulldogs open conference play Jan. 5 at Caprock Academy in Grand Junction.
Photo by Tamie Meck
Hotchkiss senior Chandler Widner shoots from the three-point arc last Friday in the Bulldogs’ 31-28 win over Ridgway.
Delta boys seek top spot in 3A WSL race BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor
Record-wise, Delta’s Panthers weren’t the shining jewel in the basketball display case with its 13-11 overall record. The Panthers did finish fourth (6-3) in a highly competitive 3A WSL conference which landed five teams in last year’s state tournament. Coal Ridge, seeded seventh at state, finished as the league champion (8-1 and 18-6) with Basalt, seeded ninth at state, (8-1 and 21-4) placing second and Roaring Fork, seeded 18th at state, (7-2 and 18-6) finishing third. Grand Valley also made the state tournament, seeded 30th, with its 5-4 and 10-11 overall record. The Panthers took their state-bound 28th seeded team to Bayfield for opening round play in a hostile environment. A 20-plus point lead going to the final period ended in a 78-75 victory for Delta sending the Panthers to the Sweet 16 to play Alamosa (seeded 12th). A 5038 loss eliminated Delta from the state playoffs.
Basalt advanced the farthest with wins in its first two games before losing to number one Kent Denver in Great 8 play. In 2017, Delta has a new coach at the reins who begins his 25th season of basketball coaching at Delta High School. Rob Ames, the boys freshman coach for the past 24 years, has a talented core of players which wants to be league champions and play in the state tournament. Ames will be joined by assistant coach Matt Hamm (15th season overall-JV and varsity) at the junior varsity level and Matt Cano (first season) as the freshman coach. The Panthers practice 35 players, freshman through seniors. Though Ames is reluctant to name players who might be key to the Panthers’ success, there are several athletes standing in the limelight. Seniors Jaspar Carmichael and Logan Freed head the list based on time on the court last season and their contributions. Carmichael
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Want to give a meaningful gift this Christmas?
Photo by Wayne Crick
Delta’s Jaspar Carmichael finds the middle of the paint a tough avenue to navigate during a scrimmage against Hotchkiss’ Bulldogs a couple of weeks ago. Dylan Hollenbeck, left, trails the play with hopes of picking up a loose ball for a put back.
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Delta girls not to be taken lightly in 3A WSL
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is the team’s returning scorer with 11.5 points per game, 2.1 assists per game and nearly four rebounds each game. Freed scored at a clip of eight points per game a year ago with an ability to top that this season. Senior Dylan Hollenbeck will be a force on the boards with nearly five rebounds a game a year ago and is more savvy and physical this season. Junior Jonathan Robinson scored at a 9.7 clip a year ago and snagged nearly seven rebounds a game for the Panthers. Junior, Andrew Baier, will be yet another force on the inside for Delta with size and strength to dominate in the rebounding department. He is also a scoring threat around the rim. Joe Bules’ work ethic inside will also pay dividends for the Panthers this season. The big junior can rebound with the best. Delta’s perimeter players are quick and possess a willingness to shoot. Look for John Ames (JR) and Eli Farmer (JR) to compliment the Panthers attack with sophomores Alex Fausto and Felipe Bedoy adding to the mix. Like most coaches in the league, Coal Ridge seems to be the top contender in 2017-18. Ames sees the Titans as, “the class of a solid league.” Delta opens its season with a non-conference game against Hotchkiss on Dec. 5 in Delta. Varsity action begins at 6 p.m. with girls action and the boys take the floor at 7:30 p.m. The Panthers are in Basalt on Dec. 7 for games beginning at 5:30 and 7 p.m. Next week’s schedule has Olathe visiting Delta on Dec. 12 for games at 6 and 7:30 p.m. The annual First Colorado National Bank tournament takes place on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 15 and 16. Cedaredge and Hotchkiss’ girls take the floor at 3 p.m. on Friday; Cedaredge and Hotchkiss’ boys play at 4:30 p.m.; Delta and Paonia’s girls tipoff at 6 p.m. and Delta and Paonia’s boys have the nightcap at 7 p.m.
The wait is about over for Delta High School girls basketball season to begin. Second year girls coach Kyle Crowder is probably as anxious to tip the season off as his team is. The 2017-18 version of this year’s girls team is seriously young in experience but has some potentially explosive youth that might sneak up on teams when the season kicks off. Delta has several returning varsity play-
ers who figure to be a solid core for Crowder. Sophomore Sara Geddes is expected to be productive on offense at the post position and solid in the rebounding department as well. Juniors Jenna Sutliff and Missa Webb return to play in the front court with senior Aubrey Jones figuring to be a valuable assest both inside and out for the Panthers this season. Junior Kaley St. Peter will see action at the guard position with sophomore Hailyn McCollough and
freshman Keeley Porter in line for plenty of action as well. Last year’s Panthers finished 13-9 and played in the 3A State Tournament as the 26th seed. Delta took on number seven The Academy in first round play and won a 57-50 decision to reach the Sweet 16 to play number 10 Liberty Common. Liberty ended the Panthers’ season with a 53-29 win. Assistant coaches Harold Clay, junior varsity, (over 25 years experience and a boys state champi-
onship at Hotchkiss High School in 1992), Austin Hale, freshman, (second season) and Kayley Archuleta (first season) help oversee practice sessions at Delta High School. Crowder doesn’t want to get crazy with predictions for the Panthers. “We want to contest for a league championship.” There are many teams from the 3A WSL which stand in the way of a league title. Olathe, Grand Valley, Moffat County, Cedaredge and DELTA GIRLS TO C7
Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta soccer team earns honors BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor
Delta High School’s soccer team landed five athletes on this year’s Western Slope League
All-Conference Team. Senior middle fielder Brandon Harper and junior fullback Jose Pantoja were selected to the league’s All-Conference
Team while senior fullback Ian Downey and striker Marco Edmondson were Honorable Mention picks. Sophomore goal keep-
er Felipe Bedoy was the third Panther picked for the Honorable Mention Team. Harper, in 18 games this season, scored nine goals with nine assists, and finished with 27 points on the season. Pantoja also played in 18 games and was instrumental in leading the Panthers deep into this year’s 3A state playoffs. His value to Delta’s success, and the contributions he made on the field earned Pantoja the WSL Player of the Year award.
Edmondson was an 18-game player for Delta who scored 10 goals (eighth in WSL) with 14 assists (second in WSL and eighth in Class 3A) for a total of 34 points (seventh in WSL and 29th in Class 3A) through the season. Downey scored three goals on 17 shots in 18 games for the Panthers. Bedoy’s season was stellar. He played in 18 games, logged 1330 minutes in goal, allowed just nine goals with a goals allowed average of 0.541 (first in WSL and fourth
in Class 3A), had 61 saves (sixth in WSL), and recorded nine shutouts to finish the season with a 14-3-1 record. In addition to league awards, Harper and Downey were selected to the 3A Colorado All State Teams. Harper was named to the First Team with Downey selected as a Second Team member. Elaine Wood was this year’s Delta High School soccer coach. She has 15 years as a head high school coach and has been part of a soccer organization for 26 years.
Delta girls CONTINUED FROM C6 Delta all played in last year’s state tournament, and all but Cedaredge’s Bruins made it to the round of Sweet 16. None of those teams, however, advanced to the Great 8
for final four opportunity. Crowder’s final note expresses his hopes for what the season brings. “We want to be a shutdown defense with improved outside shooting and better conversion
of post opportunities. I would like to see the girls continue to raise expectations as player/student/ people. I fully expect the team to improve over the season and grow together as a unit.”
Photo by Wayne Crick Photo by Wayne Crick Second Team All-State
Delta senior Brandon Harper was an integral part of this year’s Delta Panther soccer team. His contributions and play throughout the season earned him a First Team All-State selection in 2017.
player Nathan Downey heads away from the goal mouth after scoring a goal.
Photo by Wayne Crick
The Delta High School girls varsity/junior varsity basketball teams work on pressing situations at a practice session last week. The Panthers hosted Photo by Wayne Crick Hotchkiss on Tuesday, Dec. 5, and then travel to Basalt for a 5:30 p.m. contest Persistence and hard work often results in a steal in pressing situations. Fresh- with the Longhorns. The Panthers host Olathe on Tuesday, Dec. 12, for a 6 man Keeley Porter heads to the basket after her team stole the ball. p.m. varsity contest.
C8 Wednesday, December 6, 2017 BASKETBALL ——— STANDINGS ——— Western Slope Conference (2A) District 5 (Boys) TEAM LEAGUE OVERALL 3-0 Hotchkiss 0-0 Paonia 0-0 2-0 Plateau Valley 0-0 1-0 Soroco 0-0 1-1 Vail Christian 0-0 1-1 Vail Mountain 0-0 1-2 West Grand 0-0 1-2 Caprock Academy 0-0 0-1 Hayden 0-0 0-0 Meeker 0-0 0-0 Rangely 0-0 0-0 District 5 (Girls) TEAM LEAGUE OVERALL 0-0 1-0 Plateau Valley Caprock Academy 0-0 0-1 Hayden 0-0 0-0 Hotchkiss 0-0 2-0 Meeker 0-0 1-1 Paonia 0-0 1-0 Rangely 0-0 1-0 Soroco 0-0 1-0 Vail Christian 0-0 1-0 Vail Mountain 0-0 0-0 West Grand 0-0 1-1 Western Slope Conference (3A) (Boys) LEAGUE OVERALL 0-0 3-0 0-0 2-0 0-0 1-0 0-0 1-1 0-0 1-2 0-0 1-2 0-0 0-1
TEAM Moffat County Grand Valley Coal Ridge Roaring Fork Olathe Basalt Gunnison
Aspen Cedaredge Delta TEAM Cedaredge Roaring Fork Moffat County Gunnison Grand Valley Basalt Olathe Aspen Coal Ridge Delta
SPORTS 0-0 0-0 0-0
0-0 0-0 0-0
(Girls) LEAGUE OVERALL 3-0 0-0 0-0 2-1 0-0 2-1 0-0 2-1 0-0 1-1 0-0 1-2 0-0 1-2 0-0 1-2 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0
——— LAST WEEK’S SCORES ——— BOYS Paonia 54, Norwood 34 Hotchkiss 77, Nucla 27 Hotchkiss 31, Ridgway 28 Hotchkiss 69, Norwood 21 Jefferson Academy 44, Vail Christian 40 Vail Christian 52, Telluride 33 West Grand 56, Loveland Christian 34 Heritage Christian 60, West Grand 45 Battle Mountain 66, Vail Christian 58 Plateau Valley 50, Caprock Academy 29 DSST-Byers 61, Soroco 34 Soroco 43, Strive Prep - Rise 42 GIRLS Hotchkiss 44, Nucla 25 Hotchkiss 67, Ridgway 11 Paonia 42, Norwood 11 Plateau Valley 59, Caprock Academy 9 Vail Christian 61, Lake County 31 West Grand 45, Loveland Christian 30 Heritage Christian 48, West Grand 29 Olathe 57, Center 17 Salida 39, Basalt 27 Centauri 72, Olathe 20 Basalt 45, Las Animas 42
Meeker def Moffat County JV Cedaredge 52, Aspen 8 Moffat County 50, Rangely 41 Soroco def Mesa Ridge JV Cedaredge 38, Meeker 37 Soroco def Moffat County ——— RESULTS ——— Girl’s 3A Western Slope League Cedaredge Head Coach: Ryan Hilbig 52 at Meeker Tny vs Aspen 11/30/17 38 at Meeker Tny vs Meeker 12/1/17 43 at Meeker Tny vs Soroco
Delta County Independent
8 37 39
Record: 3-0
Girls 2A District 5 Hotchkiss Head Coach: Haillie Taylor 44 at Paonia Shootout vs Nucla 11/30/17 25 67 at Paonia Shootout vs Rid 12/1/17 11 61 at Paonia Shootout vs Nor 12/1/17 38 Record: 3-0 Paonia Head Coach: Scott Rienks 42 at Paonia Shootout vs Nor 12/1/17 11 60at Paonia Shootout vs Ridgway 12/2/17 9 Record: 2-0 Boys 2A District 5 Hotchkiss Head Coach: Eric Hollembeak 77 at Paonia Shootout vs Nucla 11/30/17 27 31 at Paonia Shootout vs Rid 12/1/17 28 00 at Paonia Shootout vs Nor 12/2/17 00 Record: 00-00 Paonia Head Coach: Chase Roeber 54 at Paonia Shootout vs Nor 12/1/17 34 54 at Paonia Shootout vs Rid 12/2/17 18 Record: 2-0
Photo by Wayne Crick
If you can’t go over them ... go under and up. Delta senior Dylan Hollenbeck slips under the arm of Hotchkiss’ seven footer Jacob Stucker.
Photo by Wayne Crick
Delta junior Lauren Davey was selected for this year’s 3A All-State Honorable Mention Team. Here she drives a ball past two Rifle defensive players.
Photo by Wayne Crick
Junior Jonathan Robinson makes a face as he attacks the basket during a scrimmage against Hotchkiss.
Photo by Wayne Crick
Members of this year’s Delta High School Swim Team go through warm-up paces using paddleboards. Team members use the boards for multiple laps prior to beginning regular practice.
Photo by Wayne Crick
Two Cedaredge Bruins go one-on-one during a practice session.
Bruins, Panthers earn awards for volleyball play BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor
A long season of volleyball has finally come to an end with the announcements of All-Conference awards going out to six Delta High School and four Cedaredge High School athletes. The Panthers’ All-Conference selections include seniors Harlee Roberts (Libero) and Lexi Quinn (OH) and junior Lauren Davey (MH). Honorable mention honors were received by senior Kat
Rodriguez (RS), Abby Carlson (S) and sophomore Sara Geddes (OH). Cedaredge senior Jade McGovern (Libero) and junior Courtney Freeman (OH) earned All-Conference honors while teammates Mikayla Underwood (Sr. - setter) and Alyssa Kissner (Sr. - MH) were Honorable Mention recepients. Delta’s Davey and the Bruins’ McGovern were also honored at the state level with All-State Honorable Mention awards.
December 6, 2017
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������������������� Tools 10-INCH TABLE SAW with 1 HP motor, table extension, and misc. parts for $225; Black & Decker Workmate 300 workbench $20. 856-6667. (1x49)
Have an item you want to buy? Advertise for it!
874-4421. Help Wanted
Real Estate
Furniture TWO 66X48 INCH ENTERtainment centers $75 each' 30-inch secretarial desk with attached side desk $125. Two 4-drawer filing cabinets $50 each. 8566667. (1x49) DINING ROOM SET WITH 6-foot high china cabinet and 42-inch wide oval table with 6 chairs and leaves. $400, in excellent condition. 856-6667. (1x49)
Help Wanted
�������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ��� ���� ��������� ������� ���������� ���� ������� ������ � ��� ���� ���� �� ������� ����������� ����� ������ ������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ��� ���� ����� ������� ������������� ���� �� ����� ����� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������� ������� ����� ��� ���� ����� ��� ��� ������������ ��� ����� ������ ���� ��� ������ ��� ��� ��� ���� ���� ������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������
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Classified Advertising Makes Sense! ������������������������������������� ���������������������
Delta County Independent
APARTMENT FOR RENT. Quiet, very clean one bedroom apartment five minutes from Delta. Washer/ dryer/tv service/storage shed. $725 month plus security deposit, all utilities included. No smoking. 2602280 or 216-7124. (2x48) FOR RENT: 2 BEDROOM apartment in Delta, available Dec. 1, $700 down, $700 per month, includes water, you pay other utilities, 970-985-8106. (1x48)
Call 874-4421
to reserve your space now!
Real Estate
Real Estate
Real Estate
������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������� ������� ������� ������� ���� ���������� ������������� ��������� ������ ��������� ����� ���� ���� ����� ���������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ ����� ��� ���� ����� ���� ��������� �������� ����� ��������������������������������������������� ������� ������ ������� ����� ���� ������� ����� ��� ����������������������������������������������� ����� ��� �������� ������� ���� ����� ��� ���� ������� ���������������������������������������������� ���� �� ���� ������ ������� ������ ���� �������� ���� ������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������
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Help Wanted
Help Wanted
Help Wanted
TOWN OF PAONIA Notice of full-time police officer position. This position is a certified position as required by the POST Standards and Training ���� Act. This is general law ��� enforcement work, responsible for protecting life and ������� property and enforcing laws and ordinances within �������������������� the Town. Duties include investigations, special �������������������� detail assignments, conduct ������������������� traffic enforcement, prepare reports, participate in �������������������������������������� required training, administrative duties and other spe����������������������������������� cial assignments as assigned ��������������������������������������� by superiors. Requirements: Must be POST certified, or POST certifiable, have a valid Colorado driver’s license, be able to pass psychological exam, background checks and pre-employment drug test. Requires a high school �������������������������������������� diploma or GED. Salary DOQ. Application Procedure: ��������������������������� Obtain and complete a ������������������������������������� Paonia Police Department ������������������������������������������������ Application from the Town of Paonia website or in person, ������������������������������������������ at 214 Grand Ave., Paonia, ����������������������������������������������� CO 81428. Completed �������������������������������������������� applications must either be dropped off in person ��������������� or mailed to P.O. Box 460 �������������������� Paonia, CO 81428 Attn. Chief ������������������� Neil Ferguson. For more ������������������� information, Email: nferg ��������� usonppd@townofpaonia. com. Applications must be received by December 29th 2017. (3x48) CARBONDALE BASED DENTAL OFFICE SEEKexcavating company look- ing Receptionist. Day-to-day OFFICE/ADMINISTRA- ing for an experienced tasks will include, but may tive Assistant. The District Heavy Equipment Mechanic. not be limited to: welcomAttorney’s Office is seek- Good pay & benefits, please ing patients and visitors ing a person with strong call 970-948-1915 or email to the practice, maintain a communication and orga- resume to troy@-excava professional reception area, nizational skills to provide tionservices.biz. (4x49) check in patients according legal services in the Delta to office protocol, collectOffice. This is an entry-level ing payments, billing insurposition that involves data ance, confirming appointentry and working with the ments, and scheduling public and law enforcement patients. If you are lookagencies. Please submit ing for an exciting career resume with references and want to be part of a and computer experience great team, please submit by email to mail@co7da. your resume to rachellrich org or by U.S. Mail to man.dds@outlook.com. Attention Administrator, Previous dental experience 1140 N. Grand Ave., Suite and Eaglesoft knowledge is 200, Montrose, CO 81401, a plus, but not mandatory. no later than December 15, (1x49) 2017. (2x49) ADVERTISE! 874-4421
Advertising makes sense. Call 874-4421 for results.
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D2 Wednesday, December 6, 2017 Public Service
Public Service
WHAT TYPES OF Cottage Foods Can I Produce? Whole eggs, spices, teas, dehydrated produce, nuts, seeds, Honey, jams, jellies, and preserves, fruit butter, candies, certain bake goods If you have any questions, please call: 8742165. Delta County Health Department. (4x49)
CO FATHER’S NETWORKdedicated to providing community and education to fathers of special needs kids. Meets twice monthly on the 1st Saturday at 11 a.m. and the 3rd Monday at 6:30 p.m. - 511 E. 10th St, Delta. See our website for more details: www.codads. org
THE DELTA COUNTY Independent runs these items as a public service free of charge for non-profit organizations, if no fees are charged. However, each group is asked to please keep them current by calling 874-4421.
CARING FOR CAREgivers, C4C - supporting hearts that care. Open to ANY caregiver. Meets monthly in Delta, 2nd Tuesday at 11 a.m. - 511 E. 10th St, Delta.
WANNA PLAY A ROUND? Golf with a fun group of ladies. Two membership options available. Sign up at www.cedaredgeladies golf.com. Get to know us on Facebook at “cedar edgeladiesgolfclub” ALCOHOLICS ANONYmous meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. Friends of Bill W. Club. 897 Palmer Street, Delta. SUBSCRIBE! 874-4421.
WOMEN ONLY AA MEETings, Delta, Saturdays, 11:00 a.m., at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, 5th & Palmer (back door). SUPPORT THE DELTA Public Library. Give a gently used book in the Downstairs Book Store. BECAWS! DONATIONS needed. Credit cards accepted. Call 970-527-3350, or visit cawsonline.org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter
Miscellaneous Colorado Statewide ���������������������� Network
To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 91 Colorado newspapers for only $300, contact your local newspaper or call SYNC2 Media at 303-571-5117. ������ ����������� Cash for Mineral Rights ������������������������ ������������������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������ �������������������� Call:������������� ���������������������� Write: ����������������������� ������������������������� ������������������� ��������������������� Email: ������������������������������� ������������������������������� �������������������������
Public Service
Public Service
WELCOME RETURNING Veterans, Post 9221 VFW meets at 5:00 p.m. on the 4th Thursday of each month in Cedaredge. To find out how to participate in promoting patriotism and assisting veterans, contact Wayne Hamrick, (970) 250-1180. AARP DRIVER SAFETY Course. Save on insurance, keep up on newer traffic laws, learn defensive driving techniques. For details and schedule contact John Loring (970) 856-6924 or (970) 424-1778. HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD Historical Museum. Winter hours, Saturdays 1-4 p.m. thru December 24. $3 admission or free to members. Come see our museum at 2nd & Hotchkiss Streets in Hotchkiss. 872-3780. CHECK OUT THE BOOK store at the library. You'll find a great selection of paperbacks at reasonable prices. IF YOU LOVE BOOKS, you will love the Downstairs Bookstore in the basement of the Delta Public Library. YOU CAN QUIT. WE CAN help. Colorado Tobacco Quitline offers free, confidential assistance. Call 1800-QUIT-NOW. DELTA FOOD PANTRY needs meals for Delta families who are temporarily in need. Donations of nonperishable food may be brought to 628 Meeker. HELP!!! KEEP THE animal population under control, and SAVE an animal's life. Adopt your new cat or dog from the Delta County Humane Society. Adoption fee is minimal. Call 874-2149.
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THERE IS A VFW MEETING on the first Monday of each month. At 6 p.m. there is a potluck and the meeting is at 7 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, 1250 Pioneer Rd., Delta. For further information, call 874-8172 Jim Baker, Quartermaster. BECAWS! ADOPT A DOG or cat today. Call 970-5273350, or visit cawsonline. org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter CHAPTER, UNITS OF DAV regular meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Veterans Building, 15th & Howard, Delta. For further information, call Paul Carter 874-5150. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO change a child's life! Children are waiting for senior partners in Delta County right now! Can you spare 3 hours a week? We need your help! Call today for more information. Please volunteer to spend time with a child in our community. Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray, 874-4661, www. partners-west.org. or www. deltayouth@montrose.net. PAONIA AMERICAN Legion runs a year round non-perishable emergency food pantry. This is for the North Fork area. For information, call 527-6252. SAVE EYEGLASSES, OLD jewelry and silver or bits of gold and silver scraps. The Grand Odd Fellow Lodge is sending them to: New Eyes for the Needy, 549 Millburn Ave., Short Hills, NJ 07078 or send them to: Gale Conger, Secretary of IOOF Lodge #116, 544 St. Hwy. 548, Delta, CO 81416.
Delta County Independent
Public Service
Public Service
THE AMERICAN RED Cross needs you. Become one of the Red Cross volunteers who says, “We’ll Be There, Because Help Can’t Wait!” Call your local Red Cross Chapter at 970-2424851 or 1-800-HELP NOW for information on the difference you can make in someone’s life as a disaster volunteer. DELTA HAS A BOOKstore in the basement of the library featuring gently used books and magazines. Come check it out! UNEMPLOYED? JOIN others for a time of networking, encouragement, and skill improvement. Latent Resources meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 at the Delta United Methodist Church (5th & Meeker). Attendants and visitors are encouraged to dress professionally and bring a note pad and a willingness to learn and be challenged. Find us on facebook.com & twitter.com - search "Latent Resources", or call James at 970-901-9463. HEALTHY BABIES START with early prenatal care. Delta County Health Department. Offers access to immediate, temporary Medicaid for pregnant women who qualify. 8742165. BOOKS MAKE GREAT stocking stuffers. Find books at great prices in the basement of the Delta Public Library. BECAWS! DISCOUNT spay and neuter coupons available. Call 970-5273350, or visit cawsonline. org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter
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Public Service
FARM WORKER HEALTH Services: We offer assistance with medical, dental and medicines. If you work in agriculture you may qualify for our services. For more information call 3230538.
SUPPORT THE DELTA Public Library. Give a gently used book in the Downstairs Book Store.
THINK YOU'RE PREGnant? Abused? Need help? The Pregnancy Resource Center in Delta offers free service, support and advice to all teenagers and women in crisis pregnancy situations. For Christian help, anytime, call 874-5733.
DEDUCT IT FROM YOUR taxes! Donations of: pet food, old blankets, towels, kennels, carriers, pet beds or dishes, and money always appreciated. Another Chance Critter Haven. 8749011. 501 (c) (3)
PARENTS — FREE information and referrals for licensed child care providers. Call Bright Futures SERVICIOS DE SALUD Child Care Resource & De Campesinos: Ofrecemos Referral at 877-728-5613. ayuda con doctores, dentistas, y medicinas. Si trabajas BECAWS! VOLUNTEERS en agricultura puedes califi- needed. Call 970-527-3350, car para nuestros servicios. or visit cawsonline.org. Para mas informacion llame Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter al 323-0538.
FAMILIES BELIEVING in families: Tandem Families is an innovative, private non-profit mentoring program providing services for at-risk children of Delta and Mont-rose counties. Anyone interested in volunteering their services or donating usable items should call 874-3000 or 2527445. THE AMERICAN LEGION Post 97 Paonia is seeking the names and addresses of all persons currently serving on active duty in the military from the North Fork Valley in order to contact them and show our support. Send addresses to American Legion Post 97, PO Box 277, Paonia, CO 81428 or call 527-6552.
BECAWS! DOG/CAT foster families needed. Call 970-527-3350, or visit cawsonline.org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter COLORADO QUITLINE IS a free, confidential telephone coaching service for anyone calling from a Colorado area code. With QuitLine, tobacco users can receive free supplies of the nicotine patch as they work with trained coaches who create a personalized quit plan just for them. To contact the QuitLine, call 1800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-7848669) or visit www.coquitline.org.
THE DELTA COUNTY Democratic Party invites you to visit their Facebook page for announcements, PARENTS FREE! INFORM- information and intelligent ation and referrals to discussion of issues. You licensed child care provid- are not alone! Contact ers, call Bright Futures Child www.facebook.com/pages/ Care Resource and Referral, CO-Delta-County-Democrat s/109082339170167. 1-877-728-5613.
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Wednesday, December 6, 2017
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Delta County Independent
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
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D8 Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Delta County Independent
Rockin’ the Rocky Horror Picture Show
Photo by Jim Brett
Cooper Woods-Darby, front, stars as Dr. Frank-N-Furter in the recent Paradise Theatre shadow-cast production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. The remainder of the cast, back row, from left: Heidi Hall, Jerry Hart, Kate Cerridwen, Ayla Bristow, Carrie Soto; front row: Taya Jae, Arthur Harriman, Lenore Cambria, Steve Allen, Sunshine Knight, Alicia Humphrey and Tony Soto. (Not pictured, Angela Kemp.) Released in 1975, Rocky Horror Picture Show is a spoof on B-grade horror movies. Audience participation and performances like shadow casting are what make the RHPS among most successful cult films in history.
Staff Writer
lot of great movies came out in the 1970s, but “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” wasn’t one of them. “It’s a terrible movie, but it’s so funny,” said Steve Allen, of Hotchkiss, a fan whose first experience of the cult classic was with wife Sunshine Knight on their wedding anniversary. RHPS is based on “The Rocky Horror Show,” a 1973 musical by Richard O’Brien that mocks bad “B-grade” science fiction movies of the early to mid 20th century (think classics like “Frankenstein” and “It Came From Outer Space”). Its weak plot has newly-engaged couple Brad and Janet getting stuck during a drive through the countryside on a dark and rainy night. They seek help at a nearby castle they happened to pass earlier. The castle belongs to Dr. FrankN-Furter, a transvestite space alien based loosely on Baron Victor Von Frankenstein. It’s “a rather special night,” says his creepy assistant, Riff Raff, one of many questionable characters they meet. And the plot goes downhill from there. The 20th Century Fox musical debuted in London in 1975. “When it came out, it really flopped,” said Allen. The reviews were horrible. It was so bad that the audience began booing at the bad guys, cheering for the good guys, and ad-libbing lines into the script. They dressed in costume and danced to songs including “Let’s Do the Time Warp Again,” the most well-known song to come out of the musical. First-time viewers were labeled “virgins” and branded with a big red lipstick “V” on their foreheads. Soon people were going to the show just to see what the audience would do. Knight is general manager of the Paradise Theatre in Paonia and a big fan of the show. She brought RHPS to the Paradise last year as a shadow cast performance, where actors play out select scenes on stage as the movie rolls. Because she and Steve are “big Halloween
Photo by Tamie Meck
Steve Allen, of Hotchkiss, shadow casts Eddie, a creation of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, while rock ‘n’ roll musician Meatloaf plays Eddie in the original 1975 version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. fans,” the show was scheduled for Halloween weekend. Knight said she barely pulled a cast together and they had just two weeks to rehearse. “It more than sold out,” said Knight, who directs and emcees the production. “People came from all over the Western Slope: Glenwood Springs, Montrose, Grand Junction, Carbondale.” This year she scheduled two shows. The casting call went out in August, and the response was huge. By the first week of September a cast of all new performers was set. “This cast is very dedicated,” said Knight. “The level of professionalism just went through the roof.” On closing night the cast is crammed into a tiny backstage dressing room for makeup and costume checks. There are no lines to rehearse, but back stage is hectic just the same. “Everyone made their own costumes,” says Lenore Cambria, one of two actors to play Columbia, a tap-dancing servant to the doctor. She is dressed in a shimmering sequined outfit and stands in the hallway warming up for her one big kick. Cambria is a local professional director, actor, teacher
Photo by Tamie Meck
Make-up artist Bernie Canape prepares Tony Soto to play ‘sexy, scary space alien butler’ Riff-Raff. Soto has played other RHPS characters while living in the Denver area.
and tap dance instructor. All of the actors are very professional, she says. “And they are all perfect for their roles.” Cooper Woods-Darby cuts a striking figure as the star, the flamboyant transvestite Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Well over six feet tall before he slips into a pair of platform shoes, WoodsDarby said he knew after watching last year’s show that he could play the part even better. “It’s kind of a vain thing to say,” he says humbly. Over the years he’s had a few community theater roles: Charlie Brown’s Schroeder, Perchik in “Fiddler on the Roof.” In considering them all, “This is the one I’m most suited for.” Arthur Harriman plays Rocky, a creation of Dr. FrankN-Furter whom he describes as “a perfect, muscle-built man.” Harriman wanted the part so much that he came to the audition in costume — a pair of shimmering gold underwear he made just for the audition. “I wanted them to know I was interested,” said Harriman. Tony Soto plays Riff Raff, “the sexy, scary space alien butler” to Dr. Frank-N-Furter. Soto is a theatre major who played Brad and Frank-NFurter in Front Range shadow cast performances. But that was some 20 years ago, he says. Soto was moving from Denver to Paonia when he saw the audition call on Facebook. He auditioned over Facetime from Denver. Being in the show, he said, was a great way to “jump in and get to know the community.” Alicia Humphrey is Magenta, the “Bride of Frankenstein” of the show. Ayla Bristow, Carrie Soto, Angela Kemp and Kate Cerridwen play the singing/dancing Transylvanians, and Heidi Hall tap-danced her way through the role of Columbia on opening night. Taya Jae plays Janet, who begins the movie as a giggly, virtuous ingénue originally played by Susan Sarandon. “I’ve been watching as many Susan Sarandon movies as
Photo by Tamie Meck
Jerry Hart and Taya Jae play newly-engaged couple Brad and Janet, parts originally played by Barry Bostwick and Susan Sarandon. possible just to channel her,” said Jae. “That’s a big role to live up to.” Jerry Hart plays Brad Majors, originally played by Barry Bostwick. Minutes before the show begins he’s 100 percent in character. “My name’s Brad Majors and this is my fiancé, Janet Weiss,” says Hart dryly as Jae giggles. Steve Allen is perfect as Eddie, a saxophone-playing, motorcycle riding bad guy originally played by rock ‘n’ roll artist Meatloaf. “Eddie was made before Rocky, then Frank split Eddie’s brain and made Rocky,” says Allen. His part is big, but very short-lived. Leah Morris operates the spotlight. Her biggest challenge is in keeping the spotlight off the screen and on the actors. Morris remembers first seeing RHPS as a teenager living with a host family in Munich, Germany. One of the host family members asked her if she’s ever seen it. “I had no idea what she was talking about,” said Morris. After attending a love parade in Berlin she went to the theater and couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “I was like, OK, the world has opened up to me,” she said. Bernie Canape, the facepainting Cherry Days “Cherry Fairy” does the stage make-up and is a huge fan of this cast. Canape first saw RHPS at a midnight showing in 1975. “It was so over the top and so queer,” she said. “I thought it was hilarious.” RHPS is rated “R” for its adult content, but there’s no foul language or nudity. Actors playing main characters must be 18 or older to audition. And while it might sound bizarre, RHPS is simply people cutting loose for an hour and a half and having good clean fun. As they do across the globe, audience members come dressed in audacious costumes, use props, and ad lib lines into the script. Two audience members got to play a part in the opening
Photo by Tamie Meck
Cooper Woods-Darby stars as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a part that helped put actor Tim Curry in the spotlight, and one that Woods-Darby was well suited for.
wedding scene after winning a contest of all the “virgins” that involved Twizzlers red licorice. It’s the audience, after all, that has allowed RHPS to remain among the biggest of the cult classics, in line with “The Big Lebowski,” “Pulp Fiction” and “Little Shop of Horrors.” Some people boast seeing the show hundreds and even thousands of times. RHPS is also, arguably, the first “midnight” cult films. But this is the North Fork Valley, says Knight. She scheduled the show to begin at 10 p.m. so people could get home at a reasonable hour. “That’s late enough for our little valley,” she said. Knight said she plans to bring the show back to the Paradise next October.
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2 • 2017 Best of Delta County • Delta County Independent
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Congratulations to Sharill Beach of Cedaredge, winner of the $100 drawing, and thanks to all those who cast votes for The Best of Delta County 2017 Readers’ Choice ��������������������������������������������������������������� ������������ ��������������������������������������������� ������������������������ ���������������������������������������������������������������������� �������� ����������������������������������������������������� ����������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������ ����������������������������������������������������������� ������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� ���������� �������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ����������� ����������������������������������������������������� �������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� ������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������������� ������������������������������������� ������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � ����������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������� ������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������ ����������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� ������� ������������������������������������������� ���������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������� �������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ������������� �������������������������������������������� ������������������ ���������������������������������������� ������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������ ���������������� ������������������������������������������������������������ �������� ������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� �������������� ������������������ � � ������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ���������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ���������������������
Delta County Independent • 2017 Best of Delta County • 3
449 Main Street, Delta (970) 874-0177
3335 1600 Road, Delta (970) 874-8375
We have been fortunate enough to serve Delta County for almost a decade! While very little has changed about our little coffee business, it has steadily grown each year! Our coffee is fresh, the roaster we use is consistent, our pastries are delicious, and the milk is local! All of this, combined with great customer service, has given us an excellent reputation in the coffee industry. We LOVE serving Delta and are passionate about what we do! We know good coffee and are grateful for this award. Thank you from the bottom of our caffeinated hearts!
Alpha Plumbing & Heating would like to thank our loyal customers and Delta County residents for voting us Best Plumber in the Readers’ Choice Awards. Alpha Plumbing & Heating is locally owned and operated by Guy and Jessica Wetherington. We proudly provide plumbing and heating services to Delta County. We do all plumbing and heating
Alpha Plumbing & Heating
Doghouse Espresso
Runner-up: Moca Joe’s Honorable mention: Stacy’s on Main
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repairs and also provide a broad range of other services. We would also like to thank our employee, Josh Wilcox, for helping us achieve this recognition. Happy Holidays from our family to yours. Runner-up: Kelly Peterson Honorable mention: J&M Plumbing
MASSAGE THERAPIST The Sunflower Room 465 Main Street, Delta (970) 874-2939
Plumbing & Heating
970 –874 –8375
Thank you to our customers for voting Whiskey’s the Best Liquor Store in Delta County! We truly appreciate your business and will continue to strive to serve you! Cheers! ~Whiskey’s Liquor Store Staff
The Sunflower Room has been in business in Delta for over 20 years. As a board-certified massage therapist, owner Stacie Siennicki has obtained over 10,000 hours of education in her pursuit to find just the right technique to reduce pain and stress in each client. Independent therapists Joyce Olson and Rhonda McCormick have joined the effort to individualize each client and to customize the session to their needs. With the help of office assistant Teri Ahlberg, the Sunflower Room will continue to provide a calm, comfortable and inviting space for years to come!
Runner-up: Moonshine Honorable mention: D&B Liquor
Runner-up: Kneaded Touch Honorable mention: Shears to You
Guy Wetherington III
Whiskey’s Wine, Spirits & Beer 1100 Highway 92, Delta (970) 874-WINE (9463)
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Deleff Kennels 1 9541 B50 Road • Delta
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Open 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mon.-Sat. Sunday by appointment
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4 • 2017 Best of Delta County • Delta County Independent
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Delta County Independent • 2017 Best of Delta County • 5
WINERY/BREWERY Stoney Mesa Winery
16199 Happy Hollow Road, Cedaredge (970) 856-9463 Stoney Mesa was established in 1989 by the Neal Family. Since entering our first competition we have won over 50 medals with our wines, including
903 Main Street, Delta (970) 874-9781
1109 Main Street, Delta • (970) 874-1004 RE/MAX Today has been in business in Delta since 2006. Our office of professionals welcomes the opportunity to assist you if you are buying or selling a property. If you are in need of a rental, or looking for someone to manage your rental property, RE/MAX Today has a full service property management company to assist you with your rental needs. We are conveniently located on Main Street in Delta. If you find yourself in town, stop by, we’d love to meet you!
DCMH Family Medicine 555 Meeker Street, Delta (970) 874-5777 DCMH Family Medicine - Delta has worked very hard in 2017 on integrated behavioral health services and new patient enrollments as well as implementing a patient navigator to assist with all patients’ health care needs or challenges. Come see us! We are open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MondayFriday. All patients accepted! We look forward to caring for you and your family! Runner-up: Surface Creek Family Practice Honorable mention: Internal Medicine
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Runner-up: RE/MAX Mountain West Honorable mention: Guild Mortgage
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Thank You Delta County!
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Runner-up: Quality Inn - Delta Honorable mention: Cedaredge Lodge
Runner-up: 4B’s Brewery Honorable mention: Black Bridge Winery
Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, you’ll find comfortable, affordable accommodations at the Days Inn Sundance. Begin your day with a free hot breakfast, made to order every morning in the onsite restaurant. Stay connected with free WiFi or visit the onsite business center. Enjoy a dip in the outdoor heated pool. Days Inn offers non-smoking and accessible rooms with plenty of parking for large vehicles. The restaurant is a popular dining destination for locals in search of breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Gold, Silver and Bronze and “Best of” awards. We farm multiple vineyards in Delta and Mesa counties and have a courteous and dedicated sales staff to market our wines across the state. Stoney Mesa also is home to Colorado’s first-ever second generation winemaker in the state, truly a family business! Come on in to try some “Colorado Grown” wine and see for yourself how good it is! And thank you!
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6 • 2017 Best of Delta County • Delta County Independent
AUTO REPAIR/SERVICE Kwiki Tire Service, Inc. 1680 S. Main, Delta
Greg, Don and Kyle
Suppes Heating & Cooling, Inc. 20971 Marble Road, Eckert (970) 835-3843 Cell (970) 234-3843 Being chosen #1 by our customers this year is such an honor, thank you! Greg, Don and Kyle pride themselves in offering the best heating, cooling, sheet metal, commercial refrigeration equipment and service to our wonderful community. Over the past 15 years we have continued to offer systems with advanced technologies that help cut energy costs and enhance comfort year round. We are also happy to do installation on new construction projects. Give us a call for a free estimate or to schedule a service on your system. 970-234-3843. Runner-up: Stephenson Heating & Cooling
(970) 874-4590
We are honored and humbled to be voted the Best Auto Repair/ Service of Delta County. Our mission is to provide the best service possible! We appreciate all the continued support from our customers. We look forward to serving Delta County in the future.
Jerry Reiher State Farm
540 Main Street, Suite 104, Delta (970) 874-8626
HOME BUILDER/REMODELER Cristee-Meade Building Company
735 S. Grand Mesa Drive, Cedaredge • (970) 856-3711
Cristee-Meade Building Company appreciates all of our clients and supporters that voted us Best of Delta County Home Builder/Remodeler. Cristee-Meade strives to provide our clients with the highest quality of construction, transparency, passion and thoughtful design. We’re here to create long lasting partnerships with our clients and we’re proud of our well-earned reputation for craftsmanship, integrity and our finished product. We are thankful for our employees and subcontractors for helping us achieve this recognition. For more information, customer reviews and project pictures, please visit us at http://www.houzz.com/pro/cristeemeade. Runner-up: Volgamore Construction
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970 8375 970 874 874 8375
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Runner-up: Kevin Parks State Farm Honorable mention: Josh Applegate Farmers Insurance Agency
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Honorable mention: Look Buildings
We thank all who showed their appreciation in the recent DCI poll of what our office strives to do. Taking care of our valued policyholders is our number one goal. Our customers pay a lot for their insurance and we want them to balance their needs with their budget. It is no small task to keep those who trust us up-to-date and informed of important issues. With a strong company behind us and four well-trained office assistants, we manage to get it done.
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Runner-up: Tayshen Automotive Honorable mention: B&T Auto
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Leahlonnie, Suzanne, Jerry, Bobbie, Emma
Delta County Independent • 2017 Best of Delta County • 7
CONVENIENCE STORE 101 Highway 92, Delta • (970) 874-7025 Maverik fuels adventures in more than 270 locations across 10 western states, making it the largest independent fuel marketer in the Intermountain West. We’re known for our premium BonFire™ food — made fresh in every Maverik, every day — and awesome values on fuel, drinks and snacks. Thanks for voting “Adventure’s First Stop” the Best of Delta County! Runner-up: Eckert Shell, Paonia Stop ‘n Save Honorable mention: Bradley’s/Stinker
151 W. 2nd Street, Delta • (970) 399-3058 We are so blessed to be chosen for Best of Delta County. Thank you to everyone who voted for us! We love and appreciate all of our guests! Thank you so much!
Runner-up: Hair Designers & Nails Honorable mention: The Beauty Shop
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Thank you to everyone who voted us #1. We adore our patrons and enjoy each of you. For those who haven’t been in to see us, stop by and see all we have to offer — racquetball and basketball courts, expanded cardio and weight rooms with a wide variety of fitness equipment. We offer over 55 fitness and aquatics classes each week covering all ages and fitness levels. Come enjoy our friendly atmosphere, educated and experienced trainers and instructors all at a cost you won’t find anywhere else. Grab the family and visit our warm water wellness pool that includes a lazy river. For our active seniors, are you qualified for Silver Sneakers? Come see us! Runner-up: Anytime Fitness Honorable mention: Crossfit
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Bill Heddles Recreation Center 531 N. Palmer Street, Delta • (970) 874-0923
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Honorable mention: Ace Gambles
Runner-up: Big John’s
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At Delta Hardware, we are committed to customer service, competitive prices and product selection tailored to the local market. We are an authorized Stihl dealer and carry a wide selection of Stihl products. We’re pleased to offer a wide variety of services including fishing and small game licenses, blade and knife sharpening, carpet cleaning machine rentals, CFL and battery recycling, computerized paint color and matching, screen repair, key cutting and engraving, pipe cutting and threading, Plexiglass and acrylic cutting, and propane tank purchase or exchange. Delta Hardware is proud to have served Delta County since 1915.
121 W. Gunnison River Drive • (970) 874-9515
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8 • 2017 Best of Delta County • Delta County Independent
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“Thank you”
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Honorable mention: CB’s Tavern, Rocky Mountain Pantry
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Runner-up: Delta County Fed. Credit Union Honorable mention: Bank of Colorado
On behalf of our entire Alpine Bank family I want to thank our customers and friends for voting our branch the Best Bank in Delta County for 2017. While our staff works very hard every day to be the Best Bank in Delta County, to be recognized as such is a great honor and we appreciate it very much. Our goal going forward is to continue
On Feb. 5, 2018, Taco Time will mark its 38th year at 707 Main. We are very proud of being part of this great community for the last 38 years. Delta is a great town to live and do business in! We really appreciate everyone who has supported us over the years. Corporate Taco Time has always been amazed at what our store has done in this small town. We have consistently been ranked in the top 10 stores, but recently rated fifth or sixth out of 150+ stores, thanks to our loyal customers and great employees. Joyce Urich has worked at Taco Time for 28 years and has been manager since August 2005. Joyce, Ashley Lopez, GG Uribe and other longtime crew members ensure consistent quality and service.
1660 Highway 92, Delta (970) 874-0922
707 Main Street, Delta (970) 874-3711
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Alpine Bank
to earn your confidence and your business. Thank you!
Taco Time
A sincere “thank you” to our customers for your support in voting Lily & Rose the Best of Delta County. Truly, our primary goal is your satisfaction. We strive to make your shopping experience a happy one with great products and stellar customer service. The Glenn Families are proud to have furnished thousands of Colorado homes over the past 90 years. We are currently carrying over a half million dollar inventory with a lowest price in America guarantee. We would like to commend every business in Delta County for all that you do for your communities without recognition. All of you are winners in our eyes. Runner-up: Modern Appliance Honorable mention: Affordable Appliance
520 Main Street, Delta (970) 874-8277
308 Main Street, Delta (970) 874-4491
Daveto’s Italian Restaurant
We would first of all like to thank our fantastic customers who have supported us for over 30 years. To our staff members past and present, thank you for everything you have done. Daveto’s has thrived because of your hard work, dedication and loyalty. On behalf of all of us at Daveto’s, we are so thankful for everyone’s vote for Best Lunch and Best Dinner Place in Delta County! We look forward to serving this great community for many more years to come. Thank you so much! Lunch honorable mention: CB’s Tavern, Rocky Mountain Pantry Dinner runner-up: RJ’s Steakhouse Honorable mention: Fiesta Vallarta
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Lily & Rose
Cheers! ���������������������� ����� ���������������������� ��������
Delta County Independent • 2017 Best of Delta County • 9
2nd Edition
348 Main Street, Delta (970) 874-4286 Thank you for choosing us “Best Secondhand Treasures” in Delta County! 2nd Edition is a memberowned cooperative business open to all in the heart of downtown Delta. Shoppers will find gently used, quality clothing for men, women and children at reasonable prices. With something for everyone, 2nd Edition serves individuals, families, Delta County communities and the planet. Go easy on your wallet while you make a positive impact on the environment by buying gently used, quality fashions at 2nd Edition! We look forward to outfitting the whole family! Runner-up: Heirlooms for Hospice Honorable mention: Salvation Army
and our wait staff of Tonya, Julia, Jeena, Ivory, Kristie, Ashlee and Melinda.
1560 S. Main Street, Delta (970) 874-0542
Runner-up: C&J Cafe Honorable mention: Starvin’ Arvin’s
Butch’s Cafe
Deleff Kennels
19541 50 Road, Delta (970) 874-4058
What an honor! Deleff Kennels is a full service, state licensed, boarding and grooming facility for your family dog or cat. George and Donna Deleff have been second generation owners since 1994. Donna is a certified groomer, and she and her daughter, Brittany, strive to make each dog look its best and meet the vision of the owner. All breeds and sizes of dogs are welcome. They specialize in coat blowouts, removing the old undercoat of a dog without using clippers
Egyptian Theatre
452 Main Street, Delta (970) 874-9770
Thank you, Delta County, for voting Butch’s “Best of Delta County” for the fifth year in a row! It couldn’t have happened without you, our loyal customers. It’s our goal at Butch’s to provide an “at home” atmosphere with “at home” cooking. We have an amazing staff that helps make this possible — Hal and Billy our cooks, Kim our cake decorator,
or scissors. They help their customers determine the best grooming style for each dog and provide instruction for the proper tools/techniques to keep the dogs looking their best at home. Pet nail trims are always free. They can even dye your dog’s hair and apply glitter designs! The boarding kennel has large, indoor/outdoor runs with access to the outdoors 24 hours per day. Cats are boarded, as well. Customer service is at the forefront, with pet pick-up/drop-off available 7 days a week, no extra charge for dispensing medication, and owners can supply their own food if desired. Runner-up: The Dog House Honorable mention: Top Dog’s Butler
The Egyptian Theatre has been providing quality family entertainment since it was built in 1928. The Egyptian Revival movie house was built at the height of the fashion for thematically-designed cinemas. It’s now a national historic site, with unique Egyptian decor both inside and out. Grab a box of popcorn and your favorite soda, then settle back and enjoy a new release. The seating is roomy and comfortable, and equipment is state-of-the-art equipment. Owner Jeanne Dewsnup and her friendly employees work hard to make your movie experience enjoyable, whether you’re enjoying a night out at the Egyptian or an evening under the stars at Tru Vu Drive In. Runner-up: Delta Family Fun Park Honorable mention: Tru Vu Drive In
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We are honored and humbled to be voted the Best Auto Repair/Service Shop in Delta County. We appreciate all the continued support from our customers. Best �
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10 • 2017 Best of Delta County • Delta County Independent
LAWN/GARDENING SUPPLIES Mile High Greenhouse 10482 Highway 65, Austin (970) 835-4664
Phil and Coralee would like to say “thank you” to all of our customers for voting Mile High Greenhouse the #1 lawn and garden center in Delta County. We are extremely grateful to each and every one of you for your loyalty and continued support over the last nine years. It has been a pleasure to serve you and we look forward to seeing you next spring! Additionally, we would like to take time to acknowledge and extend our gratitude to all of our staff members over the last nine years. We couldn’t have done it without you. Runner-up: High Country Gardens Honorable mention: Walmart
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PLACE TO BUY A VEHICLE Delta Hardware 121 W. Gunnison River Drive, Delta (970) 874-9515
Our customer-focused staff is what makes our business successful. Our vendor-supported product selection keeps us current and competitive. Since we are locally owned we have the ability to tailor selection and services to our local market. We not only carry a full line of lawn and garden supplies, we’re an authorized Stihl dealer. Other departments include plumbing and electrical; hand tools and power tools; paint and paint sundries; housewares; fasteners; cleaning; farm and pet supplies; and automotive. Runner-up: High Country Gardens Honorable mention: Walmart
Hellman Motors
750 Highway 92, Delta (970) 874-4444
Locally owned and operated since 1955, Hellman Motor Company is celebrating its 62nd anniversary! We are your full service Ford and Toyota dealership. We are a 19-time Toyota President’s Award winner and a 17-time Distinguished Achievement Ford dealer. Our sales team is committed to helping you find the perfect new, quality preowned vehicle, or certified Toyota and Ford car or truck. We also offer a one
122 Gunnison River Drive, Delta (970) 874-9718
The associates of “Your Delta City Market” are very proud to be selected as Delta County’s Best Grocery Store. Our associates strive daily to provide you with the friendliest store and the freshest product available, to show our appreciation for your loyalty! We enjoy the daily interactions with our customers — it’s like having friends or family come to visit. We appreciate every customer
year prepaid maintenance program with the purchase of all pre-owned vehicles. Don’t forget with our Hellman’s locator service, we can find the vehicle that matches your specifications if we don’t have it in stock. And our highly trained staff in our parts and service departments ensures we stand behind our quality products. Also, we’re in the middle of construction to better serve you! Come experience the Hellman difference, where everything we do is driven by you. Runner-up: Hellman Chevrolet HM: Summers Rocky Mountain Motors who shops with us. You have our commitment to continue to create the best local shopping experience possible. Runner-up: Safeway Honorable mention: Hotchkiss City Market
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Thank you to our Valued Customers for voting us Best Place To Buy A Vehicle!
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Celebrating our 62nd Anniversary
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Delta County Independent • 2017 Best of Delta County • 11
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Thank you to our loyal customers for voting us Best New Business! We are proud to be a part of this community.
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Our sincere “Thanks” for letting us serve you for 38 years.
Thank you to our loyal customers for voting us “best lunch place” in Delta County.
12 • 2017 Best of Delta County • Delta County Independent
480 Silver Street/P.O. Box 910, Delta (970) 773-8290 Thank you to all who voted us as one of the best nonprofits in Delta County. We are truly blessed to call this community home — we have amazing support for our mission, which is offering emergency shelter and food to men, women and families who need a hand up, not a hand out. We are blessed to count among our volunteers the most caring, generous people in Delta County. The work of our volunteers is truly changing lives on a daily basis. People are fed; offered a warm, clean, safe place to sleep; and treated with dignity and respect. Volunteer case managers help guests on their path from homelessness to self-sufficiency with individualized case management plans, meeting them where they are to help them get back on their feet. We thank you for your ongoing support of this local mission, and we invite you to be a part of our amazing volunteer, donor or prayer team. Runner-up: HopeWest Honorable mention: Altrusa Int’l. of Delta
Chang Thai Express 432 Main Street, Delta (970) 399-3903
Two Rivers Vet Clinic 443 Dodge Street, Delta (970) 874-1441
First, we humbly thank you for voting us the Best of Delta County. We always strive to provide you with the best customer service and animal care possible, and take great pride in keeping up with a continually changing veterinary field. We are determined to fill our clinic with the latest and best diagnostic tools, but we are also aware of how you
Now you can sample the food and culture of Thailand in downtown TIE Delta. Choose your entree and sides from the menu for a meal that’s ready in minutes. Chang Thai Express is open for lunch and dinner seven days a week, 11-3 and 5-8. Chang Thai Cuisine first formed NEW BUSINESS in Glenwood Springs with a group of Meeker Street Mercantile friends who shared the camaraderie and 302 Meeker Street, Delta experience of kitchen and restaurant (970) 874-2521 management. The goal is to produce Meeker Street Mercantile is a unique good food, good service and the authentic consignment shop located one block tastes of Thailand. off Main on 3rd and Meeker in Delta. Runner-up: Arby’s Offering a variety of quality merchandise including furniture, collectibles, home décor, antiques, books and records — you and your can always find a treasure. Tastefully companion decorated, merchandise is displayed feel about in scenarios that are easy to shop coming to and welcoming. Our window displays the vet. We are worth a drive by! Customers and are proud to consignors are our top priority and there is always a friendly staff member to greet be located in and help customers with their shopping the heart of experience. Great deals can always be downtown found with the ongoing discount policy Delta, in a 100-year-old building, where of 20-50% off. Unique gifts are available we hope it feels more like you are going in our local artist area. Looking for a home than to the doctor! one-of-a-kind holiday gift? Meeker Street Runner-up: North Fork Vet/Dr. Dorr Mercantile is sure to have it! Honorable mention: Grand Mesa Vet Runner-up: Arby’s
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502 Main Street, Delta (970) 874-3596 Hartland Clubb operated Ben Franklin stores in Missouri and California before returning to his childhood home on the Western Slope, where he purchased the Ben Franklin store in Delta in 1968. With his wife Retha and sons Hartland Jr. and James, he bought the Ben Franklin stores in Gunnison (1974) and Montrose
(1975). The operation has since been consolidated in three buildings in Delta. Hartland, along with his son and daughter-in-law, Hartland Jr. and Michelle, are pleased to offer Delta and the surrounding communities the widest assortment of variety and craft supplies available under three roofs. Our heartfelt thanks go to our customers and staff members for their years of patronage and service. Our goal is to constantly improve to meet the needs and desires of our customers. Runner-up: Dollar Tree Honorable mention: Walmart
Delta County Independent • 2017 Best of Delta County • 13
CB’s Tavern
334 Main Street, Delta (970) 399-3292 We want to thank our beloved clientele for voting us Best Tavern again! We are truly honored to be serving you for five years. We stand by our pledge to continue shopping local and we look forward to continuing to serve you with fresh, local wines, beers, spirits and foods. THANK YOU! Runner-up: 4B’s Brewery Honorable mention: Hoolies
Celebrating 30 years of employment (and more for some), are Randy Crespin, Ron Sunderland, Pat Sunderland, Diane Webster, Sandy Conner, Roxanne McCormick and Randy Sunderland.
LOCAL NEWS SOURCE Delta County Independent 401 Meeker Street, Delta (970) 874-4421 For 134 years, the Delta County Independent has been the newspaper of choice for Delta County. The Sunderland family purchased the business in 1987, and continues the philosophy of community journalism that’s made the DCI the 2017 Readers’ Choice. We thank all our loyal readers, as well as the advertisers who make it possible for us to offer a snapshot of the community every week.
Confluence Park Kellogg Street (off N. Palmer) Confluence Park is the crown jewel in Delta’s park system. This park encompasses 265 acres and features five miles of trails, playgrounds, picnic shelters, dog park, 70-acre lake, wildfowl area and group pavilion. Nearby you’ll find Bill Heddles Recreation Center, Fort Uncompahgre, tennis courts, ball fields and dump station. Runner-up: Cleland Park Honorable mention: Paonia Town Park
Runner-up: KVNF
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14 • 2017 Best of Delta County • Delta County Independent
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Delta County Independent • 2017 Best of Delta County • 15
380 SW 3rd Street, Cedaredge (970) 856-7005 Cedaredge artist Daphna Russell is best known for her sculpture in clay, wood, stone and paper. She is currently focusing on
Kellogg Street (off N. Palmer) The City of Delta Parks Department expresses its appreciation to all the folks who voted for Confluence Park and Confluence Park Trail as the Best of Delta County. Tony Bohling, parks supervisor, and his crew dedicate many hours to keeping Confluence Park enjoyable for everyone! Thank you for appreciating the efforts of Tony and his crew — Shaun Barnard, Leroy Piaz, David Horn, Trevor Huff, Frank Dicamillo, Mike Zubowicz, Veronica Pacheco, Daniel Carrillo, Chris Norman, Rod Chosvig, Jose Macil, Boyd Emond and Tyler Dominey. Runner-up: Surface Creek Trail/Crag Crest
Delta Hardware
121 Gunnison River Drive, Delta (970) 874-0515 Delta Hardware has been serving all of Delta County since 1915. Our customer-focused staff is what makes our business successful. We are proud to be locally owned, with the ability to tailor selection and services to our local market. We would like to thank all of our loyal customers, as well as our past and present employees, for your continued
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clay and bronze sculptures. She is also a teacher, writer and lecturer who offers demonstrations and critiques. A treasured member of our Western Slope communities, Daphna serves as a mentor to young artists and to artists new to the community. She is a treasured member of our Western Slope communities. She teaches classes in sculpture technique both at her own studio and at art centers. Runner-up: Jean Stortz Honorable mention: Virginia Blackstock
support. We are proud to have served this wonderful community for 100 years, and look forward to providing outstanding customer service for years to come! Runner-up: Shears to You Honorable mention: Alpine Bank
Brandon Chick (970) 200-3300
Thank you to everyone that voted for me! I love creating and building signs, wagons, toys and everything else for all of you! Huge thank you for this award! You all are the best! If you’d like to order a customized sign for Christmas, give me a call! They’re great for both indoors and outdoors! Runner-up: Jean Stortz Honorable mention: Virginia Blackstock
Merry Christmas
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Volunteer or donate and help those most in need right here at home!
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520 Main St. Delta 874-8277
16 • 2017 Best of Delta County • Delta County Independent
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