Delta County Independent, Jan. 24, 2018

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Goat farmers see cheese in the North Fork’s future, B1


Cedaredge chamber honors local achievers at annual banquet, C1

Hillman qualifies for state in two events, hopes to add third, B5


JANUARY 24, 2018 VOL. 135, NO. 4



DURA drops fight with mosquito, fire districts US Hwy 50 St


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100 200 300 400 500 Feet

City of Delta GIS Data Disclaimer These data are being provided on an “as is” basis and may contain errors of content, completeness and positional accuracy. Data are retrieved from several sources, federal, state, county and municipal agencies. The City of Delta specifically disclaims any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the use of the data for establishing legal title, boundary lines, precise location of improvements, ownership, maintenance easements or public right-of-ways. The entire risk as to quality and performance of the data is with the user. In no event will the City of Delta or its staff be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or other damages arising out of the use of these data.


W 1St

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City of Delta map lvd


Accent ........................... A4 Activities ....................... A7 Back Page ................... D6 Business ........................ A8 Church ............................C6 Classifieds .................. D1-2 Editorial ......................... A2 Legals ......................... D3-4 North Fork Times ........B1-4 Obituaries ..................... A6 School Zone .................. A5 Service Directory ........ D5 Sports ..........................B5-8 Surface Creek News ...C1-5 TV Listings ..................C3-4

T.K. Mining parcel

Gunnison River Dr

Meeker St


Project area

The Delta Urban Renewal Authority has included this map in a request for proposals sent to hotel developers and posted print: January 10, 2018 on the city website for anyone interested in the riverfront improvement project. If you have questions concerning these data, you should contact the Public Works Department, GIS, at (970) 874.7566 extension 230 or by email at

RFP issued to hotel developers Carolynne White noted. The RFP was written by Better City, which was also represented at the Jan. 16 DURA meeting, and seeks proposals for a 70-room upper midscale hotel to be built along the Gunnison River as part of a two-mile riverfront improvement project. While the RFP will be distributed widely, DURA board members expect just a handful of developers to respond. For that reason, they rejected a suggestion from legal counsel and city staff that a selection committee be formed to “narrow the field.” As proposed, the selection committee would have included city staff, consultants and two or three DURA board members.


The Delta Urban Renewal Authority has mailed a request for proposals, or RFP, to a list of 42 hotel development firms. The RFP will also be posted on the city website, with an invitation for any interested party to respond — including the current property owner, attorney

DCMH implements visitor restrictions Due to the high incidence of flu, Delta County Memorial Hospital is imposing visitor restrictions on children. No one 12 and under will be allowed in patient areas until further notice. Jody Roeber, chief clinical officer, said the double doors on the second floor are being closed to the medical-surgical unit. Flu season in Colorado is peaking currently, and Delta County is experiencing more flu cases as well, commented Jessica Walters, infection prevention nurse at DCMH. After absentee rates approached 25 percent at Paonia Elementary School last week, school administrators began contacting parents. District superintendent Caryn Gibson said administrators learned not all absences were due to illness. In fact, when she personally visited Paonia Elementary

to executive sessions, White tion will be supplied by hotel advised that negotiations developers will likely need to where proprietary SCHEDULE informa- be conducted A in private.

N Palmer St

In the interest of community unity, Delta Urban Renewal Authority will no longer pursue mediation as a means of gaining participation in tax incentive financing for the proposed hotel development. Delta County Mosquito Control District #1 and Delta County Fire Protection District #2 both declined to enter into agreements with DURA to give up any property tax revenues that would have been generated by the hotel development. Representatives from both entities also refused to discuss the matter further, rejecting attempts from city staff, council members and legal counsel to “come to the table.” The next step was mediation, but again the fire/mosquito districts refused to engage in formal discussions. “The only ones winning here are the lawyers, not the taxpayers who are paying for it all,” the mosquito control district noted in a letter to the editor. In a separate letter, fire district officials said taxpayers expect their tax dollars to be used for what they were intended — fire protection. Both entities also cited the additional services that development would necessitate. Last week, Carolynne White, DURA’s legal counsel, outlined three options for the DURA board — continue the unsuccessful efforts to get the mosquito/fire districts to the table, “escalate” the legal process, or drop the matter altogether. DURA has already given up tax incentives from Tri-County Water District and the Colorado River Water Conservation District, but those are small amounts. Property

I wish we had gotten a better response, but I think it’s time for us to move on.” “On a very personal level, I’m really disappointed these two districts have not at least seen fit to be semi-cooperative in trying to find a solution,” said Tom Huerkamp, the mayoral appointee to DURA. He believes a “gross misunderstanding” is at play, but starting a “shootout” won’t have any benefit. “It’s taken a lot to get us to this stage of unity. To start picking on a couple of the districts that ‘don’t get it,’ is local political suicide.” Council member Bill Raley commented, “To try to force these two entities into mediation does not make any sense at all. It will only take money they could spend on fighting fires and eradicating mosquitoes and spend it bureaucracy. I oppose that and I will always oppose that.” Huerkamp said he hopes that backing off will send the message that DURA would welcome an opportunity to return to the discussion at any time. “That’s a perfectly fine outcome and I for one am glad it took place in the open.” As the discussion returned

tax revenues from the mosquito/fire districts represent about nine percent of the annual revenue potential to be applied toward repayment of the bonds issued to cover project expenses. “It could be make or break, but until we have discussions with an actual developer, we won’t have an answer to that,” White said. Several DURA members have been against mediation from the get-go, statements council member Ron Austin said should have been confined to executive session, not open meetings. Austin said he does not disagree with the decision to forego mediation, but said for the record, “We ran ourselves out of choices just by the things that have been said ... we’ve made it clear we’re not going to pursue it, so why would other parties have any interest?” “It was my intent that mediation would hopefully open up discussions,” said council member Christopher Ryan. “For varying reasons that has not occurred, so I see no reason to prolong this. My vote was never intended to be a strong-arm tactic. We tried.


Managing Editor



School on Monday, just 15 students were absent. Those who need to visit the hospital are encouraged to use the masks that are available in the front lobby. If you are ill, please do not come to visit patients. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are three steps you can take to fight the flu: 1) Stop germs (wash hands frequently and/or use hand sanitizer). 2) Vaccinate. 3) Take antiviral drugs if prescribed by your provider. Flu is a respiratory illness caused by the flu virus that can infect the nose, throat and sometimes the lungs. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Complications of flu may be bacterial pneumonia, ear infections, sinus infections and worsening of chronic medical conditions.

“This is a decision worthy of the whole board,” said Don Suppes, the county representative. Tom Huerkamp said he would also feel more comfortable if the entire board was involved in the selection process. “We have such a variety of interests sitting around this table, all with the best of intentions for this community ... I would not be spending my evenings here if I wasn’t committed to this idea.” DURA’s legal counsel, who sat in on the meeting via Skype, cautioned the selection process may take a bit longer with the entire board involved. “When we get 20 proposals, we can revisit this conversation,” Suppes said.

Interested parties have until March 5 to submit proposals. The initial proposal called for the selection committee to have a recommendation for the entire DURA board by mid-March. Ron Austin, Delta City Council member, had no objection to the suggestion the entire DURA board serve as the selection committee; he just wants to keep the process moving as quickly as possible. “As Mr. Huerkamp pointed out, this has been going on for several years.” The proposed project is a 70-room upper midscale hotel placed along the Gunnison River as part of a two-mile riverfront improvement project. HOTEL DEVELOPERS TO A3

Elevate to take broadband ‘across the finish line’ in Delta BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

Delta-Montrose Electric Association is expanding outside its service territory to begin offering high-speed Elevate Fiber in the City of Delta. While occasionally rivals in the world of electrical service, DMEA and the city are closely aligned in the desire to bring broadband to the community, first to businesses and then to residences. Elevate Fiber, a wholly owned subsidiary of DMEA, has been rolling out highspeed internet to communities in Delta and Montrose

140 new addresses At a recent meeting, the Delta County Commmissioners reviewed a report from the county GIS department on the number of new addresses certified in 2017. The total number of new addresses for Delta County is 140, distributed as follows: Austin, 9; Cedaredge, 31; Crawford, 15; Delta, 36; Eckert, 3; Hotchkiss, 19 and Paonia, 27. In addition, the commissioners signed an agreement with Benjamin Lowe to operate Ultimate Skydiving Adventures from Blake Field, as well as a new air tour service.

counties since November 2016. It will be the first internet service provider to begin delivering broadband on the network built in the city in collaboration with the county, municipalities and Region 10. The investment that the city made in fiberoptic lines has helped facilitate the decision by DMEA to provide lastmile service. “You will finally see the end result of those efforts,” said Jason Bronec, DMEA CEO. He and Mark Kurtz, project manager, updated the Delta City Council on DMEA’s installation plans last week.

City ballot finalized

Three candidates have declared interest in the two city council seats to be filled in the April election. Kevin Carlson and Jay Stooksberry are seeking the at-large seat currently held by Ed Sisson, who is term limited. Nathan Clay is unopposed for the District # 3 seat held by Bill Raley. In addition, Delta voters will be asked to consider taxation on the sale of marijuana, even though sales are currently prohibited. There will be two questions, one about excise taxes and the other about retail sales tax. Ballots will be mailed in mid-March.

Both referred to economic development as the primary catalyst for high speed internet, which is expected to promote a remote workforce, support “aging in place” for our elderly residents, and connect our students. The project has also put former coal miners to work building the Elevate network across the DeltaMontrose communities. In Delta, Kurtz said about two-thirds of the fiber will be installed overhead on city power poles; a third will be laid underground. (The same opportunity will be made LAST-MILE SERVICE TO A3

Input sought on trails

Delta County is beginning the second round of public open houses to gather input on Delta County’s Recreation and Trails Master Plan. The trails master plan team has been refining priorities and developing draft future trails maps. The public is invited to review the new information and provide feedback at two upcoming meetings. The first will be held at the Orchard City Town Hall Monday, Jan. 29, from 4 to 7 p.m. The second will be held at Paonia Town Hall, 214 Grand Avenue, on Tuesday, Jan. 30, from 4 to 7 p.m. For more information, visit www.

A2 Wednesday, January 24, 2018


LETTERS Dreamers deserve more from our government Dear Editor: My stepson came into our lives 20 years ago at the age of 23. He was then a stranger to our family. He was born in a different country during the Vietnam War. His mother married an American citizen and moved to the U.S. when our son was 3. He never knew he was considered an illegal immigrant. He discovered his father quite by accident while thumbing through a photograph book at the age of 19. Finding us was a wondrous chance of luck and determination. He contacted us, we met and we became a family. This amazing, kind, funny stranger was willing to take a chance on a father he had never met and a stepmother and a half brother who instantly loved him. It was when he decided to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps and attend college to become a lawman that we found out he was not a citizen. His world fell apart. Filled with disbelief and anxiety we contacted our congressman’s office. We were so grateful to Scott McInnis and his office for their help in clearing the

way for our son to gain his citizenship. A Republican congressman helping a Democrat family in a time of great need and uncertainty. Our amazing son is now a decorated lawman protecting his community every day. Our hero. There are many other families with amazing members who live in our country fighting wars,

protecting freedoms, saving lives. We call them Dreamers. They deserve so very much more than they are receiving from our government. Brought here as children, just as my son was, they deserve protection and a path to citizenship. They do not deserve to be pawns in political theater. Sue Beachman Cedaredge

It’s time to rethink ethanol

Delta County Independent

Ethics, oversight lacking in Paonia government Dear Editor: Without sufficient process, Paonia Board of Trustees has decided to spend more than $20,000 on an art project in the park, commissioning the work from Trustee Bradford’s personally chosen, out-of-town source. Doing business in a meeting no one attends is not the same as seeking public involvement. No effort was made to include public input on the project’s design. Not a single Paonia artist was given the opportunity to

say, but who says it that counts. We are constantly bombarded with news of the town’s dire financial condition. Due to lack of funding the maintenance contract for the parks was terminated two years early, but Paonia has money for Mr. Bradford’s art project? If this is the way the Paonia Board of Trustees spends money while we’re watching, what’s going on we don’t know about? Not a lot has changed since the Kristin Chesnik days. People are playing fast and loose with the money. Not enough oversight. Not enough ethics. Vote them all out. ty a place people want to Jen Brunner visit. This means more Paonia people using my services, supporting our local wineries, hotels, restaurants and feeding into our local economy. I would like to see my business and the tourism industry in Delta County flourish. This will directly create more jobs and bring more money into our local economy. Dear Editor: My name is Carson GOCO plays a big role Roithmayr and I attend in this. As GOCO funds are Delta High School. Everyderived from the sale of one I’m sure is aware of lotto tickets, this pro- the remarks that Donald gram is not supported Trump has made directby taxes and does not ed at African countries financially burden the which he describes as people of Colorado. The “sh**holes.” The lack of fate of this program is self-control that Donald being determined by our Trump has in his speechstate lawmakers at the es and in private meetcapitol. I encourage you ings such as the one that to support Senate Bill 66, the comments were made which reauthorizes funds in is appalling. I believe from the Colorado Lottery that the president of the to finance GOCO. Voice United States should be your support of the bill to held to a higher standard our state representatives than the average Ameriand sign on as supporters can. But, in our case he is digging himself into a at Daniel Roman lower standard in which Owner he holds himself. Carson Roithmayr Western Slope SUP Delta Hotchkiss

bid on the project. Paonia has many talented and capable artists (are we not the new home of Space to Create?). Not one of them was given an opportunity to propose a design or bid on the project. The only trustee aware enough to see a problem with the exclusion of public process and local artists is Suzanne Watson. When she addressed the issue, the rest of the board looked at her as if she was speaking Latin, proving again, it’s not what you

GOCO needs our support Dear Editor: Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) is a program that is funded by the Colorado Lottery that provides a source of money for different recreation and conservation projects across the state. This is a program that has brought millions of dollars to Delta County over the past 24 years. GOCO-funded projects have done a lot to make our home a more desirable place to live and visit. Numerous projects at Crawford State Park, the Paonia River Park, the North Fork Pool, sports fields and town parks all over the county have been financed by this program. Aside from the fact that I benefit from these projects personally, I also believe these projects do a lot to support my small outdoor recreation business. The success of my business is determined by how well I am able to attract visitors to Delta County, and GOCO funded improvements have helped make Delta Coun-

environmental benefit that would begin cleaner air and combat climate change. But it has instead become a specialinterest boondoggle that has brought higher crop prices for corn farmers and destroyed millions of acres of wildlife habitat. Rep. Welch from Vermont is leading an effort to rethink ethanol, and to lead Congress to fix this broken policy. Colorado’s congressional delegation should join in this effort before more land goes under the plow, before more waters become plagued with toxic algae, and before more consumers must repair lawnmowers, boats and other equipment damaged by ethanol. To learn about how people in Colorado can get involved visit the “Reform Ethanol” Facebook page at https://www. Ethanol. And let your Dear Editor: senators and members Delta County Libraries’ staff would like to send of Congress know it’s a big thank you out to the Delta DOC work crews time to reform the ethathat helped with fall cleanup on library grounds. nol mandate. Thanks to you, our libraries are looking extra From the Delta 80-acre parcel of land. Pete Kolbenschlag At around midnight, a beautiful and welcoming to library patrons! Police Department: Paonia 1997 Dodge Ram pickup was totally destroyed Jan. 14: Christopher D. John- by fire near a home on son, 22, of Delta was River Park Road outside arrested and jailed on a of Hotchkiss. The 18warrant with a $1,500 year-old driver said he was parked in front of bond. Donald W. Price, 69, a friend’s house when of Grand Junction was he heard a loud noise arrested and jailed on under the hood, then saw charges of trespass and flames. He was able to back the pickup away unlawful acts. Kayla G. Gallegos, from the house and other 26, of Delta was issued a vehicles before Hotchkiss summons for shoplifting. firefighters arrived on Chanteele A. Gray, 22, the scene. of Austin was issued a Jan. 16: A woman walking summons for shoplifting. by an abandoned house Jan. 17: John E. Wolverton, 64, on Bowie Road, Paonia, of Olathe was arrested called deputies after she and jailed on charges of heard coughing from driving while revoked inside the home. Depuprohibited, eluding, ties contacted Katherine resisting and obstruc- Davidson, 65, and Mary Waddington, 43, who said tion. they went to the house Jan. 18: David B. Gallegos, to seek help after their 44, of Westminister was vehicle broke down. They arrested and jailed on were each issued a sumcharges of theft/violation mons for second degree trespass. of protection order. Joseph A. Selbach, 19, Jan. 17: At about 1 p.m., depuof Delta was arrested and jailed on warrants ties assisted the Delta with combined bonds of Police Department apprehend a motorist who fled $3,500. Joseph A. Selbach, from his vehicle after 19, of Delta was issued a a traffic stop. Deputies summons for shoplifting. detained the man near the intersection of 3rd Jan. 19: Deniece E. Courtney, and Meeker until DPD 58, of Austin was arrest- officers arrived to take ed and jailed on charges him into custody. of theft and trespassing. Jan. 18: At about 6 a.m., a Donnie L. Morton, 36, of Cedaredge was issued patrol vehicle driven a summons for theft and by Deputy Kris Stewart collided with a large trespassing. coyote crossing CottonJan. 20: Mykal R. Deherrera, wood Creek Road near 25, of Delta was arrested Crawford. Very minor and jailed on charges of damage was reported to the passenger door. resisting arrest. �� The theft of 10 bufMykal R. Deherrera, 25, of Delta was arrested falo hide rugs, valued at and jailed on a warrant $1,200 each, was reported from a home on Thompwith a $1,000 bond. James C. Hollis, 35, son Road, Paonia, in homeless, was issued a December. More recently, ������������������������������������������ two large storage cases summons for trespass. Citations: Four tickets containing work boots ������������������������������������� were issued this week for were taken, along with ������������������������������ various traffic violations. two hand trucks, a floor jack and herbs/medica������������������������������������������������ From the Delta tions. The burglaries are County Sheriff’s Office under investigation. ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Deputies were able (partial list): ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ to help locate an elderly ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� Crawford woman who Jan. 15: A Paonia area resident was travelling to Calireported the no tres- fornia to visit family passing signs had been members. Law enforceremoved and locks cut ment authorities in both from gates accessing his Los Angeles and Delta Dear Editor: Last month, the socalled “renewable fuel standard” turned 10 years old. Most people are familiar with the federal ethanol mandate through their time at the gasoline pump, and the “this fuel contains ethanol” disclaimer. Rather than being a cause for celebration, however, this milestone is a reminder of how a well-intentioned policy can go wrong, and how fixing a broken law can be more difficult than passing it in the first place. The federal ethanol mandate was sold to the American people as an


Fall cleanup beautified libraries

President’s comments are appalling

Law enforcement blotter

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County were contacted by the woman’s son after she failed to show up at a relative’s home. Deputies located the woman through cell phone records and forwarded the information to the LAPD. Jan. 19: A 33-year-old Hotchkiss man reported he is receiving death threats via social media. A Delta area woman reported a damaged fence, apparently the result of a hit-and-run accident that occurred after dark. A break-in at a home on Sundown Road, Delta, was reported. Entry was gained by breaking glass and forcing the front door open. A surveillance system was in place, but the thief took the camera and recorder, as well as a 42” LG TV, ruby ring, black and silver ring, a set of silverware and other assorted costume jewelry. Some of the silverware and jewelry was recovered outside the home. Suspects have been identified; the investigation continues. Damage to the front and rear doors is estimated at about $2,000; missing items total about $2,300. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call Crimestoppers at 874-8810. Levi Comer, 24, of Paonia escaped serious injury when he swerved to miss a deer on Crawford Road near Mathews Lane. His vehicle landed in the ravine. Comer was cited for driving under the influence of alcohol and driving while revoked by the Colorado State Patrol. DELTA COUNTY

INDEPENDENT DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (UPS 152-700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Second class postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416 401 Meeker St. Delta, CO 81416 (970) 874-4421 News: Advertising:


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Citizens’ Police Academy to be offered The Delta County Sheriff ’s Office is offering a Citizens’ Police Academy for Delta County residents. The academy will take place at the Technical College of the Rockies. Classes will be offered every Thursday beginning March 1. Classes will run from 6 to 9 p.m., depending on topic. The purpose of the Citizens’ Police Academy is not to recruit citizens to become police officers. The academy is designed to provide the community with an overview of the Delta County Sheriff ’s Office and other local

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law enforcement operations and to increase the level of understanding and cooperation between the community and officers. The classes in law enforcement provide a way to educate and develop positive relations with the citizens. This is part of an ongoing process to build community cooperation, understanding, and good will. Applications are avail-

able from the sheriff ’s office or on the county website, www.deltacounty. com. Applications must be turned in to the sheriff ’s office at 555 Palmer Street, Delta, prior to start date. All applicants must be Delta County residents and must be 18 years or older. All applicants must complete the application and a background check. Class will be limited to 20 cadets,

depending on applica- Delta County Sheriff ’s gshaklee@deltacounty. tions received. Office, 874-2000, or email com. Topics include patrol, investigations, K-9, SWAT, crime scene investigation, dispatch, jail, traffic enforcement, traffic accident investigation, ������������������������������������������������������������������� scenarios and more. Each cadet will get one ride������������������������� along with a deputy or ����������������������������� sergeant. For more information, contact Deputy Gates Shaklee at the ������������������������������

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Hotel developers FROM PAGE A1 The site is described as 9.4 acres with significant frontage along Highway 50, as well as good visibility along Highway 92. The site is currently known as the TK Mining parcel and is owned by the Gunnison River Group LLC. The RFP details the development plan: The proposed hotel should be at least a limited service facility that competes in

upper-midscale range rate tiers. The facility should be associated with a nationally recognized franchise affiliation with a robust membership loyalty program to assist in providing market awareness of the project and guest benefits to travelers visiting the area. Ideally, the develpment will also include a conference center with 2,500 to 3,000 square feet of meeting space sufficient to accommodate 150-200 people.” Tax increment financing may be available and requested as part of the RFP.

Selection criteria include the developer’s ability to stem leakage to Montrose and Grand Junction, and to serve as a catalyst for urban renewal. Each developer’s plans, experience and financial capability will also be considered. “The RFP is written so you have the flexibility to choose the right partner,” said Adam Hughes of Better City. After preferred developers have been identified, it’s DURA’s intention to enter into exclusive negotiations with the selected developer by this spring.

Last-mile service �����


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Like us.

C’mon. You know you do! DELTA COUNTY


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FROM PAGE A1 available to competitors.) “I should think we should have the first businesses turned up within 90 days,” Kurtz said. Businesses will be offered a variety of prices for a variety of speeds ... but none of them are slow, he promised. Elevate representatives will soon be visiting local businesses and getting people to sign contracts. Elevate is using crowdsourcing to put prospective customers on the map for service. DMEA has divided its service territory — and the city — into zones. As the zones reach their preregistration goal, Elevate releases them for final design and construction. “We let that demand tell us where to go build,” Kurtz said. A link can be found on Elevate is committed to keeping prices competitive, but said rates in the City of Delta will not be the same as those

in the rest of Elevate’s service area due to pole attachment and fiber use agreements in the city. “If there are additional costs, it will be to cover additional expenses,” said Kurtz. “Above and beyond that, we want to get as many people here on to our network as we possibly can, so we will keep the prices as competitive as possible.” Elevate currently offers 100 mps of base service, phone service and soon video (TV) offerings. “We are excited to partner with the City of Delta to take this project across the finish line,” Bronec said. Glen Black, community development director for the City of Delta, confirmed that a second internet service provider — Clear Networks, based in Montrose — is also finalizing agreements with the city to provide last-mile service in Delta.


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A4 Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Delta County Independent

Consider becoming a mentor during National Mentoring Month BY CURTIS HEARST

Executive Director, Partners of Delta, Montrose & Ouray

January is National Mentoring Month and it’s a time to thank your mentor and consider becoming a mentor for someone else. A mentor is that person who listened to what you had to say. A mentor might have taken you fishing or taught you how to bake. Your mentor helped you make good decisions, even if it was partly because you didn’t want to disappoint them. Your mentor was always someone you wanted to be around because they

made life more fun, full of unforgettable moments. Your success today, to some degree, is from wanting to be like your mentor. But perhaps you can’t recall that person in your life. Today’s statistics indicate one in three kids will grow up without a mentor. Most kids have adults in their life telling them what to do, but a mentor listens and supports. They demonstrate what to do and what not to do. Mentors are foremost friends, but also advocates, tutors and role models.

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The Delta County Independent publishes engagements, anniversaries and wedding stories free of charge.

According to The National Mentoring Partnership, at-risk youth with a mentor are: 52 percent less likely to skip school, 46 percent less likely to start using drugs, 81 percent more likely to participate in extracurricular activities, 55 percent more likely to go to college, and 78 percent more likely to volunteer in their community. The success of many people can be contributed to having a positive adult role model. The personal impacts of mentoring are reflected in the health of a community. Delta County has safer, healthier and stronger communities because of Partners’ 30year history of providing programming. This month, thank the person who empowered you to make good decisions. Reflect on how they earned your respect, attention and following. Mentors play significant roles in many lives and they should be celebrated. January is also a time to consider becoming a mentor. Kids today have plenty of people telling them what to do, but many don’t have someone to show them what to do or how to do it. Delta has so many great assets in and around which makes it a wonderful place to be a mentor. And sharing experiences with a local youth can make an impact that lasts a lifetime. If you are interested in becoming a mentor and making an impression in the youth of today call Partners Mentoring – 874-4661.

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Photo submitted

Members of the Western Slope Cruisers are pictured with their awards at Mesquite Motor Mania: (left to right) Gary Tollefson, Slide Pearce, Drake Welch, Jim Muller, Mike Worthington, Tom Henry, Larry Rhine, Mike Fox and Lynn Krebs. Not pictured: Richard Lamons, Jerry Seale and Dave Whittlesey.

Western Slope car clubs win big at Mesquite Motor Mania

Several Western Slope car clubs were well represented at the 10th annual Mesquite Motor Mania in Mesquite, Nev., on Martin Luther King weekend, Jan. 12-14. Twelve members and their wives representing the Delta Street Rodders, Ute Trails Car Club, Ramblin’ Relics and Black Canyon Classics travelled to Mesquite for a weekend of fun and sun. All were registered under the travelling club name “Western Slope Cruisers.” The travelling Western

Slope Cruisers were: Mike Fox, Austin; Tom and Bev Henry, Cedaredge; Lynn and Melody Krebs, Montrose; Richard and Kay Lamons, Delta; Jim and Dianna Muller, Montrose; Slide and Trezjna Pearce, Austin; Larry Rhine and Mary Jane Place, Delta; Jerry and Betty Seale, Grand Junction; Gary and Connie Tollefson, Austin; Drake and Linda Welch, Hotchkiss; Dave and Sue Whittlesey, Hotchkiss; Mike and Sue Worthington, Delta. At Sunday’s awards

ceremony, all 12 members of the Western Slope Cruisers received awards in various categories — “Outstanding Vehicle,” “Crowd Pleaser,” and “Directors’ Pick.” Cash prizes were also received by several members. The show is a perennial favorite for West Coast and Rocky Mountain car enthusiasts. This year there were just under 1,000 entrants displaying their “rides” at all four casino parking lots, where thousands of spectators enjoyed viewing the show cars for free.

Put the mark of love on your valentines

Love once again is in the mail and bound for Loveland and Colorado! Loveland, CO 80538 has the biggest valentine remailing program of any community in the world, in which people request the postmark of the special love-themed named post office and community. (Others include Valentine, NE 69201; Romance, AR 72136; Loving, NM 88256; Romeo, MI 8065 and Juliette, GA 31046.) Besides the popular LOVELAND valentine pictorial postmark, each envelope and postcard is also stamped with a special Loveland souvenir cachet or art design and love verse. The community and chamber of commerce host an annual contest to select the

BIRTHS Malarie and Zac Simmons of Delta are the parents of a daughter, Riley Shea Simmons, born Jan. 11, 2018, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces and was 18.75 inches in length. Luis Alvarado and Elizabeth Arguijo Rodriguez of Mexico are the parents of a daughter, Liliana Alvarado Arguijo, born Jan. 15, 2018, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces and was 20 inches in length.


special cachet and love verse. To have valentines remailed with the Loveland postmark, enclose your pre-stamped, preaddressed envelopes (envelopes should each have 49-cent postage; postcards should have 34-cents postage). Add extra postage for heavier/ odd shaped and square valentines. Mail in a large stamped envelope or package with postage to: Postmaster Attention Valentines 446 E. 29th St. Loveland, CO 80538

You can save the cost of the extra stamps and envelopes, however. Judy Anderson, a former resident of Loveland, has arranged drop boxes in businesses around Delta County to make it easy to send a valentine with the Loveland postmark. Simply drop off your card, fully addressed with the appropriate postage, and it will be delivered

to Loveland for a special cachet on the envelope. Valentines will be picked up at the following locations: Hays Drug in Paonia, Feb. 1; City Market in Delta and Hotchkiss, Feb. 1; and Cedaredge Food Town, Feb. 5.

Scholarship available for future educators Delta Kappa Gamma’s Chi Chapter is offering a scholarship of $500 to $1,000 to be awarded to a senior girl from Montrose or Delta County who intends to enter the field of education. Applications may be obtained at the counseling offices of area high schools. Completed applications must be submitted to the counseling offices by Feb. 21. Call 249-8958 for more information.

Open house set for square dance newcomers A special open house for upcoming square dance lessons will be hosted by the Delta Hubwheelers Square Dance Club on Thursday, Jan. 25, from 6:30-8:30 p.m., at the Partners building, 511 E. 10th Street, Delta. This is a free event and everyone is welcome to

join the Hubwheelers for coffee, cookies and friendship! Come and meet some of our square dancers, get details on the upcoming classes, and learn why square dancing is so much fun for couples and families! For more information, call 835-3771.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


LES honor roll students recognized at assembly Honor roll students Jan. 12. were recognized at LinThird grade — Mataya coln’s second quarter Bean, Owen Beilfuss, AbiROAR assembly Friday, gail Culp, Aubri Davis,

Devin Dietrich, Kaila Dowell, Adrian Dunn, Sapphira Earl, Zailyn Gallardo, Donny Gib-

son, Juliana Houghton, Damian Huerta, Landan Hulet, Hayden Labrum, Conner Long, Adan Macias, Kianah Miller, Brian Ormsbee, Corbin Ortega, Layne Sanchez, Lilian Sharkey, Owen Todd, Georgia Waitman, Kayslen Waitman and Lars Zukauskas. Fourth grade — Brylee Bush, Addison Clark, Josiah Culp, Rosa Diaz-

Delacruz, Logan Dickerson, Owen Esser, Madyson Fenimore, Alisson Garcia, Roselyn Gonzalez, Hayden Jones, Natasha Koch, Avery Lewis, Sammantha Martinez, Brody Morfitt, Joshua Oldham, Stephanie Ponce, Lucas Priestley, Amy-Lee Rinau, Garrett Roberts, Isaac Roth, Noelle Roth, Spencer Tello, Kaylee Thomas, Kiera Tyler, Elanna Val-

dez, Justin Waitman and Josiah Wesson. Fifth grade — Mya Abeyta, Lee Arias, Jared Comerer, Kealy Crawford, Kade Davis, Lexie Ferganchick, Maria Gonzalez-Lozano, Ember Hatter, Landen Horn, Joachim Jones, JD Kincaide, Alex Kuta, Rodrigo Lopez, Rhett Miramontes, Julia Nelson and Taylor Somers.

Delta Middle School honor roll The following students were named to honor roll at Delta Middle School for the first quarter of the 2017-18 school year:

Honor roll students

All A’s recognized at Lincoln’s ROAR assembly Students who earned all A’s were recognized at Lincoln’s second quarter ROAR assembly Friday, Jan. 12. Third grade — Angel Calderon, David Candelario, Owen Clay, Sheylen Downs, Cutter Ferganchick, Landen Ficklin, Grady Hellman, Treygan

Jones, Brayden Morgan, Jazlyn Naranjo, Ryleigh Salazar, First Wright and Second Wright. Fourth grade — Alan Asavei, Parker Barnard, Jaycee Christie, Addison Collins, Sadie Contreras, Karol De Anda-Contreras, Landon Hamm, Ashlyn Johnson, Isa-

bella Long, Ava Martinez, Micaela Mendoza, Jenna Neely, Vanessa Ramirez, Jhett Ryan, Jasmin Saenz, Logan Sheets, Mar Soe, Faith Watkins, Blu Wills and Taylor Wrich. Fifth grade — Aadrey Fraser, Paige Kehmeier and Bailey Martinez.

Straight A’s

Sixth Grade Straight A’s Emily Anderson Ana Asavei Aylin Bayles Saw Blessing Derek Boyd Nathan Brewer Rylan Bynum Landan Clay Katelyn Edwards Madysen Ferrell Xander Graff Linda Hayner Pete Herren Roxsy Huerta Kylie Huff Talan Hulet Tucker Johnson Rylee Kelleher Anabelle Kraai Ripp Lockhart Abraham Martinez Xavier Martinez Tatem Miller Dominic Montgomery Camilo Munoz Chaz Peters Andrew Priestley Mialisoa Randria Hailey Rule Brett Sanchez Nicolas Serve Ava Shaball Zoey Shean Lakayla Sheets Johnathon Shull Kiersten Taylor Kassidy Wear Anna Weaver Ashlyn White Baylee Wilson Kaya Wright Honor Roll Ismael Acosta

Uriel Aguilera Brayden Ahlberg Randee Ahlberg Regann Alsdorf Lauren Angelo Sanaa Ashurst Isabella Beilfuss Mauricio Blanco Rosario Campas Russell Cannon Enrique Carrillo Jackie Chaffin Sarah Clark Logan Clay Trinity Cross Clayton Cryer Micah Culp Shayla Curtis John Dexter Wyatt Dickerson Sean Dixon Lily Doyle Bethany Farmer Eban Ficklin Hania Garcia Peyton Goodrich Madalyn Haskins Cheyenne Hatter Vandi Horn Alexzander Hubbell Isaiah Huff Jae Huff James Hufman Juan Jaracuaro Dakota Jessee Kyra Johnson Tyler King Weston Kunz Eh Law Kyaw Brett Lahoe Javier Ledesma Matthew Lee David Lucero Jazmin Martinez John Martinez

Lesly Martinez Oscar Martinez Libni Mendoza Bethani Miller Judah Neely Benjamin Nortnik Jaidyn Ortiz William Parker Jazmin Peraza Kyler Pietak Kimberly Ponce Araceli Ramirez Caleb Richman Jovanny Romero Colton Rounds Allyson Rusling Andric Sanchez Juelz Sandoval Peyton Sandoval Eduardo Santiago Kathleen Serio Rodney Sharpe Eric Simental Trynt Sisemore Cameron Teal Alex Toole Jadyn Urich Maleaya Vasquez Arturo Verdeja-Reyes Domonique Verdeja Ulexis Wallace Monique Ware Caleb Weams Kyiah West Joshua Wyatt Seventh Grade Straight A’s Ellie Ames Morganne Branham Garrett Cannon Kalliope Carmichael Ryetta Davis Aubrey Fraser Evelyn Gutierrez Nylene Gutierrez

Areiel Jaques Kyle Kincaide Caitlyn Merriman Brooklynn Mininger Luke Stagner Sarah Teel Alex Ward Stratman Konner Workman Honor Roll Charly Abbott Ezria Abeyta Alexi Armendariz Ada Bermudez Emiliano Blanco Adonai Browne Alison Burke Mya Burris Chelsea Cross Tara Duncan Samuel Falck Kerstin Farmer Luke Gastineau Jaylena Gibson Miguel Gonzalez Cruz Brianna Hall Madyson Hannegrefs Kailie Hofschulte Jordan Johnson Caley Kasamis Hayley Lancaster Hazel Lancaster Connie Mock Juan Ortiz Jeramiah Porter Nayeli Rodriguez Alexis Rundle Aneida Sanchez Joseph Santonastaso Antonia Sheets Braeden Sprout Katherin Suarez Jesus Trevino Sunshine Wills Eighth Grade Straight A’s

Laisha Aleman Isabelle Burruss Jillian Carlson Kara Herren Oaklee Hughes Spencer Hughes Baili Hulet Luke Hutto Nicole Koch Melana McCormick Raelee McCurdy Kurtis Nethington Emma Wise Mia Yost Honor Roll Abigail Barber Hayley Burwell Austin Chamblin Alexandra Gaona Janine Garcia Megan Gastineau Sydney Gerle Isabella Gillespie Hunter Goff Emily Goodrich Elena Hancock Landon Henson Anysia Hovel Indaka Jaques Ethan Kappel Erika Kuta Laura Martinez Benjamin McCash Perla Mejia Kayla Miller Devan Neil Andrea Salgado Nathan Scharnhorst Teja Smith Joshua Stagner Mercedes Taylor Heli Tolka Daniel Weaver Maysen Wilbur

County Sheriffs offer scholarship

Delta County Sheriff Fred McKee announced that County Sheriffs of Colorado, Inc. (CSOC), the state sheriffs association, will award a $500 scholarship to a deserving Delta County student this spring. CSOC established the scholarship program in 1978. CSOC considers this an investment in the future and believes that this scholarship helps provide deserving students with an opportunity to make a positive contribution to society. Scholarship announcements have been mailed to all high school offices in Delta County. Applications are available online at, or at the Delta County Sheriff ’s Office, 555 Palmer Street in Delta. Sheriff McKee explained that this is the 39th year that County Sheriffs of Colorado has made such scholarships available. A scholarship will be awarded in more than 30 Colorado counties this year. Applications will be reviewed by a local citizens committee appointed by Sheriff McKee, and a selection will be made on the basis of criteria established by CSOC. Criteria includes leadership, merit, character, involvement and career purpose. Any legal permanent resident of Delta County

enrolled in, or applying to, a vocational training program or institution of higher learning in the state of Colorado as a full- or part-time student is eligible to apply. There are no restrictions as to the course of study or training which may be pursued. For more information, contact your local high school, college, the Delta County Sheriff ’s Office or County Sheriffs of Colorado.



Science scholarship offered The Friends of Ridgway State Park, Inc. is offering two $1,500 scholarships to college students who have completed at least one semester of post-secondary education. Applicants must have graduated from high schools in Mesa, Delta, Montrose, San Miguel or Ouray counties and be enrolled in studies leading to a degree in environmental/biological sciences or equivalent. Applications may be obtained from the Ridgway State Park office, by calling 970-626-5822 or by email at Application deadline is April 30.


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A6 Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Fred Anders

Delta resident Fred H. Anders died Jan. 17, 2018, at the Hospice Care Center in Grand Junction. He was 94. At his request, no services will be held. Alfred Horst Anders was born and raised in Berlin, Germany. He immigrated to Canada in 1954. On Oct. 1, 1954, he married Sonja Huber in Calgary, Canada. They raised their family in California. In 1986 he moved to Delta and worked for Drs. Pflum and Richards as a physician’s assistant. He and Sonja were avid backpackers and the first in the county to raise llamas. They owned Rancho Llama Vista. Mr. Anders is survived by his wife, Sonja of Delta; two daughters, Kersteen (Dean) Anderson of Palm Desert, Calif., and Inger (Bruce) Minkus of Lomita, Calif.; and three grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Birgit Anders. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Doug Tiffany

Longtime Delta resident Doug Tiffany died Jan. 15, 2018, from complications with pneumonia while visiting family in North Carolina. He was 58. Full obituary and memorial details will be shared in the future.

Steven Puls

Steven Puls died Jan. 13, 2018, in Frederick. He was 61. He was born Jan. 10, 1957, to Vincent and Barbara Puls in Montour Falls, N.Y. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1975-1979 in the Philippines and aboard USS Schenectady. On May 9, 1981, he married Carolyn Pepper. He graduated from Criswell Bible College in Dallas, Texas, in 1987 and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth in 1992. He was a pastor for Southern Baptist Churches in Austin, Texas, Eads and Cedaredge from 19922013, when his failing health caused him to leave the ministry. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn of Frederick; children, Rebekah


(Brandon) Harris of Frederick, Sarah (Michael) Huffington of Torrington, Wyo., Rachel (Preston) Hoffman of Fort Worth, Texas, and Elizabeth Puls of Las Vegas, Nev.; 16 grandchildren; mother, Barbara; sisters, Janet Ashmore, Diane Pennington and Nancy Pfeifer; and brother, Timothy Puls. He was preceded in death by his father, Vincent Puls. Funeral services were held Jan. 17 at Olinger Highland Chapel in Thornton, with interment at Olinger Highland Cemetery.

Harold Frazier

Harold Frazier died Jan. 16, 2018. He was 86. He was born March 25, 1931, in Independence, Kan., to Ira and Ida Frazier. He spent his childhood on a farm and moved to Black Forest where he attended Falcon High School. In 1951, he joined the U.S. Army and served in Korea, where he was wounded and awarded the Purple Heart and several other medals. In October 1952, he married Mary Lee. They had a dairy farm with Harold’s father and then owned and operated Frazier’s Auto Repair. The family moved to Cedaredge in 1975, where he operated Frazier Insulation and then worked for Soil Conservation Services until he retired. Mr. Frazier was a member of the First Baptist Church in Cedaredge, where he served in different capacities. He enjoyed camping, hunting and fishing. He is survived by his wife of 65 years, Mary Frazier; sons, Clayton (Sally) of Denver and Kevin (Debbie) of Vancouver, Wash.; daughter, Mary (Lane) Rowland of Grand Junction; three grandchildren, Ryan (Meghann) Frazier and Paige Frazier, all of Washington, and Ian Cable of Denver; and one great-grandchild, Paityn Noe. A committal service will be held Wednesday, Jan. 31, at 3 p.m. at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado in Grand Junction. Memorial contributions may be made to First Baptist Church of Cedaredge AWANA Club, 370 W. Main St., PO Box 400, Cedaredge, CO 81413.

Charles Mangano

Charles “Charlie” Joseph Mangano of Cedaredge died Jan. 17, 2018, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction. He was 72. A celebration of life service will be held at 5 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 27, at

the Chapel of the Cross in Cedaredge, with Adam Wasser officiating. He was born on Nov. 7, 1945, to Charles and Ruby (Albany) Mangano in Livingston, Texas. He spent his childhood and attended school in Liberty, Texas. On Nov. 25, 2000, he married Victoria Stanford at the Chapel of the Cross. Mr. Mangano attended New Hope Church in Cedaredge. He enjoyed his Corvettes, having owned several. He also enjoyed snowmobiling, four-wheeling, spending time in the mountains and at his condo and cabin in Silverton, and watching the Broncos and Cowboys play. He is survived by his wife of 17 years, Viki of Cedaredge; sister, Betty Whitenburg; nephew, Wade (Shelly) Whitenburg; a great-niece; and great-nephew. He was preceded in death by his parents. Memorial contributions may be made to Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center in Cedaredge or to the Surface Creek Animal Shelter, also in Cedaredge. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Delta County Independent

Gladys Weldon

ing. On Aug. 11, 1951, she married Robert Watson in Aztec, N.M. She enjoyed spending time with family, traveling and being outdoors. She is survived by her husband of 66 years, Robert Watson of Cedaredge; sons, Harvey Watson of Sonora, Calif and Gary Watson of Modesto Calif.; daughters, Marian (John) Vanzee of Krum, Texas, and Bobbi (Victor) Hansford of Cedaredge; nine grandchildren; and 15 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her sister, Leona Thomas. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements. Visit the internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at www.

Nicole; 10 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; her mother, Martha; sister, Sylvia; brother, Danny; and extended family. She was preceded in death by her father, Daniel Leon.

Gladys M. Weldon died Jan. 19, 2018, at the Homestead Assisted Living in Montrose. She was 94. Gladys M. Jones was born July 3, 1923, in Pine, Texas. She was Dorothy Simillion a longtime resident of Dorothy Bernice Montrose. After retirDermer Simillion of Glening from Russell Stover wood Springs died Jan. Candy Factory, she vol18, 2018, at Paonia Care unteered at the Montrose Center after a lengthy Nursing Home, Northbattle with Alzheimer’s. side Elementary School, A graveside service and Montrose Senior will be held at 11 a.m. Center, where she earned Wednesday, Jan. 24, at the Volunteer of the Year Rosebud Cemetery in award. She enjoyed travGlenwood Springs. A luneling around the world. cheon will follow at the Mrs. Weldon is surFraternal Order of the vived by her children, Eagles. twins George (Judy) She was born in Weldon of Vernal, Utah Atwood to John and Marand Joy (John) Knight garet Dermer on Jan. 30, of Longmont, Pat (Joan) 1933. She grew up on Weldon of Caldwell, the family farm, attendIdaho, John (Karen) Weled elementary school in don of Paonia, Carolyn Atwood and high school (Ed) Conkle of Montrose, in Sterling. Elaine Helmich of North Vicki Goss After graduating high Highlands, Calif., and Vicki Carol Goss died school, she moved to DenCheryl Weldon of Visalia, Jan. 20, 2018. She was ver and began working Calif.; 15 grandchildren; 69. for Mountain Bell Tele34 great-grandchildren; Memorial services will phone Company. two great-great-grand- be held Saturday, Feb. On Sept. 14, 1957, she children; nine nieces and 3, at 3 p.m. at the Gunnephews; and one sister, nison Fairgrounds multi- married Norman “Buzz” Mildren (Warren) Jones purpose building, 275 S. Simillion. They lived in Glenwood Springs,where of Longview, Texas. Spruce Street, Gunnison. She was preceded Dinner will follow the she worked at the Buffalo Valley Inn and K-Bob’s in death by her sisters, service. Steakhouse. She was a Ruby Johnson and Mary Vicki Carol Leon was Knight; and one brother, born Oct. 10, 1948, to member of the Glenwood Springs Fraternal Order George Jones. Dan and Martha Leon of Cremation has taken Delta. She grew up and of the Eagles and volplace and no services will attended school in Delta, unteered at Valley View be held, per her request. graduating from Delta Hospital. She and her husband Funeral Home High School in 1967. Connie Heronemus andCrippin had a large garden. They Crematory handled On June 4, 1967, she Delta resident Connie the arrangements. married Melvin Goss. sold fruits and vegetaHeronemus died Jan. 22, They lived in Grand Junc- bles, made homemade 2018, at HopeWest Care Helen Watson tion before settling in saeuerkraut, crock pickCenter in Grand JuncFormer Delta resident Gunnison in 1970, where les, sausages and jerky, tion. She was 68. Helen L. Watson died she helped her husband and crafted root beer At her request, no ser- Jan. 16, 2018, at San and wine. She enjoyed run a local business. vices will be held. Juan Living Center in Mrs. Goss served as a entering flowers and vegConnie Sue Rush was Montrose. She was 94. regular pioneer alongside etables in the Garfield born May 23, 1949, to A graveside service her husband for 27 years, County Fair. Lewis and Carmen (Hol- was held Jan. 22 at the She is survived by sharing the good news of comb) Rush in Hutchin- Cedaredge Cemetery. three daughters, Tami the kingdom that Jehoson, Kan. She spent her She was born on March vah promises through the Kropp, Mary Hyke and childhood and attended 1, 1923, near Kit Carson Cindie Ryan; 12 grandBible. school in Black Forest to Harvey and Margaret She enjoyed cooking, children; and one greatand Colorado Springs. (Hogan) Shoffner. She sewing, painting, outdoor grandchild. On April 16, 1966, she spent her childhood in She was preceded in activities, and spending married Stevan Herone- Cheyenne County near death by her husband of time with her family. mus in Black Forest. The Kit Carson. After graduShe is survived by her 39 years, Buzz. family moved from Fort ating from high school, husband of 50 years, MelTaylor Funeral Service Collins to Delta County she attended St. Anthony vin; children, Shaneen, and Crematory is hanin 1969. Hospital School of Nurs- Shayne, Shaytece and dling the arrangements. Mrs. Heronemus enjoyed computer games, riding four-wheelers, picnics and spending time with her grand- and great-grandchildren. She is survived by her Jan. 20, 1928 ~ Jan. 20, 2018 husband of 51 years, Stevan Heronemus of Delta; Jann M. Ungaro before it became commother, Carmen Rush passed peacefully in mon practice as a viable of Delta; son, Stevan the early hours of Jan. option to an increased (Shelly) Heronemus of 20, 2018, the day of her feral cat population. Basin, Mont.; daughters, birth 90 years ago. SurWithout question Lauri (Robert) Brown of rounded by loving family though, her greatest Hotchkiss and Lisa (Jim) accomplishment was at St. Mary’s Hospital, Hodge of Oklahoma; sisthat of being a mom. she exemplified grace, ter, Mary Hightower of Words can’t describe her courage and dignity in Delta; 14 grandchildren; consistent, selfless and death as she did in life. and 17 great-grandchilunconditional love and Born Jan. 20, 1928, dren. the myriad ways she to Fred Avery and Clara She was preceded has and will continue Hubbard Hutchins, she in death by her father, to influence the lives of was the youngest of nine Lewis Rush; and a grandher daughters and those children. Her mother knowledge. daughter, Cody Dawn. died when she was six attending who knew her. While Taylor Funeral Service Her husband Tommy months old and she said Paonia High School and Crematory is hanshe grew up “learning and after graduating predeceased her in 2015, dling the arrangements. to be tough” without a in 1946, she worked at as did all of her siblings. mom. Her older siblings Brad’s Confectionary She is survived by her and her devoted father where she met one of daughters, Roxanne and took care of her. She her dearest and lifelong her husband Ira Yates, was profoundly influ- friends, Lois Heddles, Trudy and her husband enced by her early years who would also become Tim Wiley, numerous spent on the family a sister-in-law. She also nieces, nephews, sistershomestead on the West met the love of her life, in-law Lois Hutchins Muddy. Though the con- Tommy Ungaro. They and Madeline Pierce as ditions could be harsh were married in 1948 well as many friends. A she never felt deprived. and celebrated 67 years celebration of her long She learned to hunt and of marriage in 2015. and wonderful life will became an accomplished That love produced two be held at a later date. horsewoman. She grew daughters, Roxanne and Memorial contributions can be made to Black up with an orphaned Trudy. colt named Johnnie and She lived her entire Canyon Animal Sanctuthey would lie together life in Paonia and the ary benefiting Katmanon a blanket while her last 57 in the home she du. father worked in the and Tommy built. She The family expresses potato fields. She loved worked as a clerk in a deep gratitude to Dr. being in the mountains, department store and Mitchell Gersten and and with nature as her was an excellent home- the caring staff at St. ��������������������� teacher, learned through maker and seamstress. Mary’s Hospital. ������������������� direct observation about Word puzzles, bluegrass “Though we need flexibility and adaptabil- music and honest con- to weep your loss, you �������������������������� ��������� ity, about the seasons of versations delighted her. dwell in that safe place �������� time and the intercon- She was creative, gener- in our hearts where no �������������������������� nectedness of all beings. ous, thoughtful and car- storm or night or pain �������� She would later nurture ing. She even trapped, can reach you.” John her two daughters with neutered, released and O’Donohue ����������������������� Paid obituary this appreciation and fed many alley cats long ��������

Jann M. Ungaro

Delta County Independent


Wednesday, January 24, 2018


������������������ Pea Green concert series returns �������������������

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The 2018 Pea Green Saturday Night concert series is ready to occur starting with the Jan. 27 concert to be held at the Pea Green Community

Center within the pastoral village of Pea Green. The Gypsy Jazz Social Club and the Buzzard Swamp String Band are scheduled to play their

favorite songs and tunes from 7-9 p.m. So bring a snack to share if you want to and come enjoy a fun evening of music, food, an entertaining skit,


Square dance lessons offered

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Buzzard Swamp String Band

Multi-media program captures the American Heartland In search of the American Heartland, Scott Kirby presents a multimedia stage performance which features live piano music, a spoken narrative and a video presentation. Kirby will present his Mainstreet Souvenirs program in Delta on Saturday, Feb. 3, in the Delta Performing Arts Center, 822 Grand Avenue, beginning at 7:30 p.m. This performance is another of the DeltaMontrose Community Concert Association programs which bring such interesting and enjoyable performances to Delta every year. The music in the first half of the program will span about 150 years of American pop, jazz and folk music, including tunes by Scott Joplin, Stephen Foster, John Philip Sousa and many others continuing up to the present time. The second half of the program will feature Kirby’s original compositions for piano, his

Discover birds and wildlife of Sea of Cortez Baja California’s Sea of Cortez is often referred to as the “Mexican Galapagos” referring to the varied and unique wildlife of the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador. Like the Galapagos, the Sea of Cortez has numerous islands and a multitude of land and marine species not found anywhere else in the world. Montrose residents Bruce Ackerman and Susan Werner recently spent over a week camping, kayaking and snorkeling around the Sea of Cortez. They will share their experiences Thursday, Feb. 1, at the Montrose Field House at the corner of Rio Grande and Colorado Avenue (previously the aquatic center). Their program, sponsored by the Black Canyon Chapter of the Audubon Society, will begin at 7 p.m. The public is welcome and there is no charge. For more information, call 615-7329.


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and some old-time humor. The cost is one sawbuck ($10) at the door. The community center is located at the intersection of Hwy. 348 and Banner Road southwest of Delta. For more information, contact Len Willey at 874-8879.

original paintings and old photos from long ago, all joined together as he plays the piano and talks about the history of the American Great Plains and prairies. The visual “projected” dimension of the program accompanies both the narrative and the music throughout the

Scott Kirby

Harlem Wizards provide laughs for the entire family The Harlem Wizards are coming to Delta High School Tuesday, Feb. 13, at 7 p.m. The evening promises to be a fun-filled event that is great for kids and adults and is guaranteed to put a smile on your face! This event is hosted by DHS Student Council, Delta area schools and the Delta Police Department. They have brought The Wizards into town as a community unity event to celebrate and show our love of our great Delta community, just in time for Valentine’s Day! The Harlem Wizards have a unique mission: create awe-inspiring events throughout the

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second half. Kirby talks about small town American life and times and his comments will bring back wonderful memories to the members of the audience. Kirby was first a musician and fine pianist, but his artistic passion grew to include visual art, and he has completed 75 paintings and 28 piano compositions. He now lives in Boulder and divides his time between composing, painting, performing and teaching. Season and single admission tickets will be on sale when the doors open at 6:30 p.m. For further information please contact Bob Brown, 8354480, or visit the website at www.deltamontrose

Come learn to square dance and graduate with a certificate in just two weekends in February. The Delta Hubwheelers Square Dance Club will conduct lessons in four afternoons in a “miniblast.” Lessons are scheduled Saturdays and Sundays, Feb. 3-4 and 10-11, from 1-5 p.m. each day, at Bill Heddles Recreation Center, 531 N. Palmer Street, Delta. Please note the Saturday times are different now than on flyers previously printed. Lessons will be conducted by Naaman Moorehouse of Grand Junction, the regular club caller for the Hubwheelers. Fees for the classes are $12 each session for new students, or $48 total. Previous graduate dancers, aka “angels,” pay $3 per session, or $12 total. Square dancing is great fun for all ages, singles, couples, and families. Come make new friends and learn a skill that will last a lifetime! For more information, call 8353771 or 773-4495.

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country. At a Wizards’ game, fans will witness amazing basketball talent combined with hilarious comedy. It’s two hours of family time where parents, grandparents and kids can all laugh together. When you’re in the stands, you’re more than a spectator; you’re part of the show with loads of audience participation. Throughout the game, fans will experience a magical display of tricks, coordinated ball handling, fancy passing and aerodynamic athleticism combined with high-energy comedy and audience interaction. The experience can only be summed







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up in two words: aweinspiring. purchased Tickets before the event are $10 for adults $8 for children. Tickets can be purchased at the following locations: Delta High School or online at www.Harlem, from now until the day of the game, Feb. 13. Tickets will also be available the day of the game at Delta High School beginning at 6 p.m. The cost at the door is $12 for adults and $10 children. For more information contact Shawna Magtutu at shawna. magtutu@deltaschools. com or 970-874-8031.

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A8 Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Delta County Independent

GOCO grant opens up internship opportunities BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

DHS alumni support students

Delta High School would like to recognize the DHS Alumni Association for its recent contribution to help financially support students who can’t afford Advanced Placement exam fees. At the Jan. 16 home basketball game, principal Derek Carlson and counselor Holly Teyler-Crowder accepted a $500 contribution from DHS Alumni Association board members Dwain Bush, Debbie McCarty and David Lane for the establishment of an AP exam fee scholarship fund. These funds will be available to help offset the fees that students are assessed to take qualifying exams at the end of the year. If students qualify on these exams, they earn college credit upon entrance into most colleges and universities saving them and their families some of the expense of post-secondary education.

Vervloet gets up to speed BY ANNETTE BRAND Staff Writer

Tony Vervloet, Delta County’s local government designee (LGD) for oil and gas operations, has been busy since taking over from Bruce Bertram, the county’s LGD since 2002. Vervloet attended the Citizens for Healthy Com-

munity meeting regarding Bull Mountain at the Paonia Library. The meeting was attended by 40 to 50 people expressing an interest in the Bull Mountain project and its potential impact on the community. A few weeks later, Vervloet met with Nata-

sha Leger, representative for Citizens for Healthy Community, to discuss CHC’s positions on oil and gas operations in the North Fork. He attended a site inspection at an SGI well site, and toured Gunnison Energy operations with Brad Robinson.

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The Nature Connection GOCO Inspire program is seeking a winter intern (age 17+) to help get kids onto cross-country skis and out onto the snow to explore our national forests in winter. This position — and about 45 other internships and trainings — was made possible through the $1.7 million GOCO Inspire grant awarded to The Nature Connection to implement its vision of “places, programs and pathways” over the next three years. The Nature Connection’s goal is to inspire our communities to connect to nature, promoting healthy lifestyles through fun and energized outdoor experiences. The internships serve a dual purpose, in that they will expose selected applicants to outdoor career opportunities — the pathways — while also facilitating the programs that offer hands-on outdoor experiences for youth of Olathe and Delta County. The Nature Connection already has an extensive library of ski equipment; it will be up to the winter intern to help get that gear ready for student outings to Grand Mesa and other winter sites. Cross-country skis, poles and boots must be loaded into an equipment trailer. On site, the intern and TNC staff will help participants with sizing and get them started with encouragement and basic instruction. This position is ideal for an outdoor enthusiast who has a positive attitude and is willing to work with youth of all ages, said Anita Evans, acting director of The Nature Connection. The intern will work with executive direc-

tor Vince Galgano and program director Priscilla Williams, who were recently selected to lead The Nature Connection in implementing the GOCO Inspire grant. This part-time position will vary from two to four days per week, and pays up to $500 monthly for up to three months. A link to the online application process can be found on the TNC website at thenature “We also will be helping our partner organizations communicate youth job opportunities through TNC website,” Evans said. The U.S. Forest Service, BLM, Youth Conservation Corps and other partner agencies are expected to have additional opportunities for youth employment. A partial list of the internships available through The Nature Connection includes: • Summer backpacking guides • Hunting and fishing guides • Small ag

• Lifeguard • Water safety instructor • Gear library maintenance and program aide at Fort Uncompahgre in Delta • Gear library maintenance and program aide at The Nature Connection headquarters in Hotchkiss. Information on these opportunities, as well as details on other youth jobs, will be posted on the TNC website as they become available. Students are also encouraged to talk to the Youth Outdoor Network liaison at their school for more information about summer job possibilities. Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) invests a portion of Colorado Lottery proceeds to help preserve and enhance the state’s parks, trails, wildlife, rivers, and open spaces. GOCO has funded more than 4,700 projects in urban and rural areas in all 64 counties without any tax dollar support. Visit for more information.

Preview of ‘White Gold’ planned in GJ After discovering sugar beets on a trip to Europe, Charles Boettcher filled a suitcase with seeds and found Colorado’s plains were the perfect environment for sugar beets. This new crop would prove to be one of the most important in Colorado’s agricultural history. Additionally, sugar beets attracted a diverse array of workers — fields were soon filled with everyone from Mexican nationals to European immigrants and World War II German prisoners of war. This story has been chronicled in a PBS

series, “Colorado Experience: White Gold,” which premieres on RMPBS Thursday, Feb. 8, at 7:30 p.m. A special preview is planned Tuesday, Feb. 6, 6 to 8 p.m. at the Museum of the West, 462 Ute Avenue, Grand Junction. Rocky Mountain PBS’ original history series “Colorado Experience” explores the people, events and places that have shaped Colorado. Now in its fifth season, “Colorado Experience” airs every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. on Rocky Mountain PBS.

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All Glass Station delivers quality, convenience with mobile auto glass repair

After selling his building in North Delta, Marce Montano found a new direction for his business, All Glass Station — one that continues to put his 30 years of experience to work for you. Marce grew up working in his grandpa’s glass shop. Marce’s father and uncles are also glaziers. Continuing in the family tradition, Marce opened his own glass shop in North Delta. All Glass Station still exists, but now focuses exclusively on auto glass — and Marce is 100 percent mobile. So whether you’re at home or at work, Marce will bring his service to you. Whether it’s a scratch or a chip, any damage to your vehicle’s windshield can compromise its strength and become a bigger problem. If you catch the problem early

enough, you can save hundreds of dollars with chip repair and keep the problem from spreading. Most insurance companies will pay for the repair work with no cost to you. Otherwise, chip repair is very affordable, starting at $35. If the damage is more extensive, and the entire windshield should be replaced, you can count on Marce to give you the right advice, along with prompt service and top quality materials. “There is cheaper but not better,” Marce said. There aren’t many glass technicians specializing in auto repairs, and few with as much experience as Marce. Give him a call at 874-4777 to schedule an appointment at a location of your choosing. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

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Marce Montano offers windshield replacements and repairs at your home or place of business.

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NORTH FORK January 24, 2018




Plenty of races for North Fork municipal elections BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

According to town clerks, all three North Fork towns received a sufficient number of petitions to participate in the April 3 municipal election. The Town of Hotchkiss received two petitions for mayor and four petitions for trustee. Larry Wilkening and trustee Tom Wills petitioned to run for mayor. Incumbent trustees Mary Hockenbery and Pat Medina submitted petitions to run for town trustee. Hockenbery is completing a two-year term, and Medina was appointed last September to replace former trustee and mayor pro tempore Larry Jakubiak. Sheila Maki and Esther Koontz also submitted petitions to run for trustee. According to town clerk Marlene Searle, one petition lacked sufficient signatures, and the petitioner is expected to correct the deficiency ahead of the Jan. 29 deadline. Paonia Town Hall received 10 petitions for four open trustee seats. Paonia town clerk Corinne Ferguson rejected three petitions Tuesday due to voter information not matching up with information on the petition. Petitioners have until Monday, Jan. 29, to correct the deficiencies. The four incumbents, Suzanne Watson, Barry Pennell, Chelsea Bookout, and trustee/mayor pro tempore

David Bradford will seek reelection. Watson and Bradford are completing four-year terms; Bookout was appointed to the board when former trustee Charles Stewart was elected mayor in 2016 prior to the end of his four-year term; and Pennell was appointed last July to fill the seat vacated by Bill Brunner. Brunner has also submitted a petition to run for the board. Petitions were also received from Mary Bachran, a candidate in the 2016 election; current town treasurer and former trustee Ross King; and Samira Hart, Roger Baril, and James Thompson. In Crawford, incumbents Mike Tiedeman and Chris Johnson are seeking reelection, as is Jeff Peed, who was appointed in August to fill a vacancy July by the resignation of trustee Cameron Clark. Ralph Clark, Jessica Hart and Julie Kinder have also submitted petitions. According to town clerk Cally Gallegos, all of the petitions have been accepted. Citizens wishing to be considered for office as a write-in candidate may file an affidavit of intent at their respective town hall up to 20 days prior to the election. Write-in votes for those who have not filed an affidavit will not be considered. Ballot content must be certified by town clerks and submitted to Delta County by Feb. 2. Ballots will be mailed out the week of March 12.

Always changing canvas

Stacked rocks balance under the cover of a light snow Sunday morning on the bank of the North Fork of the Gunnison River at Paonia River Park.

Hotchkiss improvements will take a collaborative approach BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

As part of a downtown improvement plan for the Town of Hotchkiss, a handful of volunteers headed by Tom Wills has strived to take on one project every year. One year they filled wooden barrels with flowers; another year, bicycle racks were installed and wooden flowers painted by Hotchkiss K-8 students were “planted” in front of local businesses. While worthy endeav-

Fish, skate, ski, sled at Crawford State Park Jan. 27 COLORADO PARKS & WILDLIFE

Crawford State Park will offer a variety of fun events on Jan. 27. Come to the park for ice fishing, ice skating, sledding and cross-country skiing. From 9 a.m. to noon, a free ice-fishing clinic will be offered. Participants will start indoors and learn about ice-fishing gear and lures, ice-fishing electronics, fishing techniques and the biology of crappies. Then the class will move outside onto the ice for some hands-on experience. All participants must have a Colorado fishing license. Licenses are available for sale at the park. Bring your own fishing gear. From noon to 6 p.m. everyone else can join the fun. An ice rink will be ready on the lake, a sledding hill will be open and cross-country skiing

trails will be set. You should bring your own sled, skates and skis. Starting at noon, park staff will get a fire going to cook hot dogs and make s’mores. They’ll also be serving up hot chocolate. Refreshments are free. All events are dependent

Photo by Tamie Meck

on ice and snow conditions. Crawford State Park is located about two miles south of Crawford. For more information, call the park at 970-921-5721. Entrance to the park is just $7 per vehicle. Annual passes, good for all 42 state parks, are available for $70.

ors, these small attempts to beautify the community underscore the need for additional resources if Hotchkiss is truly committed to downtown revitalization and historic preservation. Helping breathe life into main streets across the state is the goal of the Colorado Main Street program. The program advocates community self-reliance, local empowerment and the rebuilding of central business districts based on their traditional assets of unique architecture, personal service and local ownership. Hotchkiss has been named an affiliate of the program, which is managed by the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. The affiliate stage of the program is the beginning process where stakeholders — in this case the chamber, town and business owners — work together to determine if there is sufficient interest, volunteers and other resources to move forward. Philosophically, all the stakeholders are on board, it was agreed during a meeting hosted by the Hotchkiss Community Chamber of Commerce last week. But the vision won’t make it to the next step without resources, and leadership emerged as a top priority. The chamber has no paid staff, and the town doesn’t have a manager or a lead planner. Public works employees are stretched thin. Fewer and fewer volunteers are doing the work of planting and watering flowers. Who, then,

will create the momentum that will reinvigorate the area, attract more tourists and make Hotchkiss a more attractive locale for people to visit, live and work? Without one individual or entity to take the reins, participants in the chamber meeting agreed they may need to look at creating a new entity — perhaps a collective of stakeholders — to form the organizational structure needed to implement a multiyear strategic plan. Partners like Region 10 and the Department of Local Affairs may be able to provide the technical expertise and financial resources the town is lacking. Stakeholders decided to review a “scope of services,” to determine how the town might be able to work with those partners to accomplish its goals. “I don’t want everybody to spend time coming up with a plan without a good chance of success,” commented Nathan Sponseller, chamber president. Jo Edmondson, owner of ShadeScapes, encouraged everyone to look at the “bigger picture.” While sprucing up vacant lots and planting flowers may make the town more attractive, it’s going to take more to create a bustling, thriving downtown area. “We need an identity,” she said. While small in number, those participating in the discussion showed the commitment and desire that’s vital for any improvement effort, and they vowed to keep moving forward.

Cheese seen in North Fork’s future BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

Could the North Fork area one day be known for its cheese? David and Suanne Miller believe it could. The Millers own Western Culture Farmstead & Creamery. Located on 5.5 acres of agricultural land on Mathews Lane near Paonia, Western Culture recently earned its USDA Grade A certification, making it the only Grade A certified goat dairy in Colorado. Beginning this spring, they plan to produce small-batch of artisan cheeses, yogurt, and single-serve fluid milks. Their 1,080 square foot facility includes a four-stall milking parlor, a licensed cheese-making facility, and the Western Culture Farm Store. Prior to moving to Paonia three years ago, the Millers spent most of their lives on the Front Range. David had more than 20 years invested in the wine industry, and Suanne was an office manager at an oral surgeon’s office. Having a farm was always in the backs of their minds, maybe after they retired. “Neither of us had any experience in farm animals what-

soever,” said David. About six years ago Suanne signed up for “The Art of Cheese,” a cheese making class offered in the Boulder area. After working her way through all the class levels, they talked about making goat’s milk cheeses as a hobby and selling it at farmer’s markets. Because it makes for a “livelier cheese,” said Suanne, they wanted to use goat’s milk. But with pasteurized goat’s milk selling for upwards of $14 per gallon, they would need to cut the middle man out in order to make a profit. That would require raising goats. They decided, “Why not?” said David. “Why can’t we just completely switch our lives, switch our career, everything that we know, and do something completely different?” They combed the Front Range for a suitable property, but with every property came a roadblock: too expensive, not enough water, fracking issues, zoning issues. “There was just nothing that we loved,” said Suanne. They headed west. After checking out Palisade and other areas, three years ago they found the perfect prop-

erty on Mathews Lane. “It was just a great place to think about raising goats,” said David. They believe their timing

is good. With wineries, farmto-table and other organizations, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), and local stores like Berg Harvest, they

see tremendous opportunities for collaboration. They admit they were very naive heading into the busiWESTERN CULTURE TO B2

Photo by Tamie Meck

Suanne and David Miller tend to their small goat herd at Western Culture Farmstead & Creamery on Mathews Lane near Paonia. The dairy was recently certified Grade A by the USDA. They plan to sell their cheeses to the public starting this spring.

B2 Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Delta County Independent

Western Culture FROM PAGE B1 ness. They envisioned a beautiful farm, beautiful cheeses, and a licensed dairy. “We weren’t even thinking Grade A,” said David. “But there’s a business end, a practical side to everything,” said Suanne. With milk among the most highlyregulated food product in the country, the learning curve was huge. But everyone, including government inspectors at all levels have been “nothing but encouraging” said Suanne. “The dairy inspector helped

us every step of the way.” Region 10 North Fork business consultant Judy Martin helped them develop their business structure. “She has been phenomenal,” said Suanne. The Millers believe there is room for more than one cheese making business in the area. Avalanche Dairy Creamery on Bone Mesa, which provided goat milk for Basaltbased Avalanche Cheese Company, closed late last year after 10 years of operation. Their 200

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goats found new homes in Wisconsin, and the Millers picked up some good used equipment. “We were disappointed,” said David. As with the wineries, they believe the area thrive with several cheese-making operations. They see more businesses like theirs as an opportunity for collaboration, rather than competition. “I came from the wine business and that’s kind of how I was looking at this,” said David. “To me, this could be the Loire Valley of Cheese.” Products aren’t yet available, although some cheeses are aging. Seventeen nannies are pregnant, and kidding season begins soon. Production is scheduled to begin by early April. In addition to artisan cheeses and yogurts, they plan a line of pasteurized single-serve fluid milk in chocolate, strawberry and original flavors, which will be marketed through Berg Harvest in Paonia. “Chocolate goat milk, it’s like creamy delight,” said Suanne. They also hope to partner with local CSAs to sell greens and other products at their farm market. They plan to market to restaurants, including in nearby resort towns, and invite chefs to make cheeses and teach their crafts at the farm. They want to participate in farm to table dinners and do wine and cheese tasting events with local wineries. They also plan to remain small and stay within the boundary of their farm, sandwiched between another micro farm, Solar Energy International and the former Chaco property. “We will be a destination North Fork Valley cheese shop,” geared toward the agro-tourism industry, said Suanne. They want people to not just buy their cheese, but to visit the dairy, meet the goats, and see how it’s made. To learn more about Western Culture, visit their Facebook page, or their website at western

Missed the turn

Hotchkiss Fire District photo

In the early morning hours of Jan. 21, a pickup missed the turn coming into Hotchkiss and flew into the Hotchkiss Rental yard. Two occupants were transported to the hospital, and the driver was taken into custody. The Hotchkiss Rental building was damaged by the flying posts from the town limit sign that was over 200 feet away, striking and piercing the building at the roof line, the walls and garage door. Several pieces of equipment in the yard were totaled.

Crawford puts marijuana sales tax question to voters BY RANDY SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

Voters in the Town of Crawford will have a taxing question in the upcoming municipal election in April, although it will not add revenue to the town anytime soon. Last week the town council approved asking the voters to approve a 5 percent sales tax on marijuana sales within the Town of Crawford, with authority to increase this to up to 10 percent without further approval from the voters. Crawford, like all other municipalities in Delta County, prohibits retail sales of medical and recreational marijuana. This ballot question would not authorize such sales, but would give the town the authority

Cabin Fever Book Sale planned in Crawford The Friends of the Crawford Library will host their annual Cabin Fever Book Sale at Crawford Town Hall. You’ll find great prices on books and other materials Friday, Jan. 26, from 3 to 7 p.m. and Saturday, Jan. 27, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Crawford Library.

to tax such sales should they become legal in the future. In 2014 Paonia voters approved a 5 percent sales tax on marijuana sales but said no to a separate question which would have allowed commercial marijuana sales. In 2016 Hotchkiss voters did the same thing, approving a 2 percent sales tax on marijuana sales with authorization to increase it up to 10 percent without a further vote, while saying no to marijuana sales. Voters in Delta and Orchard City will consider marijuana sales tax questions in the April election. The Crawford council began this discussion at its Jan. 3 meeting, and continued it to the Jan. 17 meeting so the council could approve ballot questions prior to the Jan. 22 deadline. During the interim, town attorney Jim Brown prepared a resolution with a possible ballot question for them to consider. When Mayor Wanda Gofforth reconvened the meeting on Jan. 17, she advised the council that the town attorney said it could set the sales tax at whatever it wanted to. Council member Jeff Peed was worried about estimating a specific dollar amount of increased revenue from the sales tax, noting that he would prefer to simply state the percent of sales tax and not attempt to estimate the amount of revenue it could generate. He felt this would confuse the issue more than necessary. Chris Johnson agreed, “I just don’t see how you can estimate the amount when we have nothing to base it on.” The council agreed it was unnecessary to state a dollar amount of estimated revenue in the questions. Council then approved a motion put forth by Chriss Watters to set the sales tax amount at 5 percent, with a maximum of 10 percent before having to take it before the voters again. Council member John Paton voted against this motion. Earlier in the discussion he stated, “This is all unnecessary. You don’t have any idea what is coming [regarding marijuana stores]. I don’t think we need to be asking people to vote on another tax.” Jim Crook, in the audience, asked the council if it would be easier to establish marijuana stores in Crawford if the voters approve the sales tax on it? The mayor responded that it would not be any easier than it is in the other towns in the county which have adopted similar measures. After approving the marijuana sales tax question, Mayor Gofforth asked council members what they were thinking about placing a question about a mill levy increase once again on the ballot. Voters have said no to mill levy increases in the past two elections, the latest in the general election last November. Working around the

table, Gofforth received a mixed message from council members. Most were opposed to the idea, so soon after failing. Mike Tiedeman favored asking the question again, noting that the squeaking wheel gets attention eventually, and that it would not cost the town anything to add the question to the April ballot. Jeff Peed had a contrary opinion, “Until the roads start to rot apart the voters are not going to approve it.” The mayor let the matter drop, so voters will only have the one taxing question to consider in the upcoming election. She then adjourned the regular meeting and convened the regularly scheduled work session. County administrator Robbie LeValley was on hand to provide an update on the county’s master plan update. She explained the last update to the county’s master plan was in 1996, and the county had devoted a lot of resources to this current effort to gather as much input from the public as possible. Three community meetings, meetings with specific target groups, and online forms all generated a lot of input to be incorporated into the latest vision and goals. The updated plan is scheduled to go to the planning commission for consideration in midFebruary. LeValley said a couple of things have changed since 1996. She noted that recreation is now a required topic, so there is more emphasis. On the other hand, “while still important” there is less emphasis on private property rights as compared to 1996. Protection of agriculture is a critical element, and Delta County is trying to become more business friendly. These factors form the basis for the master plan, which influence what things look like from a land use stand point. As part of the planning process, LeValley asked if the town has any issues or changes it would like to discuss as part of the IGA between the county and town. The IGA, or intergovernmental agreement, looks at the areas adjacent to the town limits where county regulations influence potential development. LeValley was asked if the county could provide a copy of the IGA. The mayor added two items to the agenda for the next regular meeting on Feb. 7. The first item is related to the town attorney. Jim Brown is retiring after decades as the town’s attorney, and the town has two proposals for his replacement. The second item is a discussion of establishing a municipal court. Mayor Gofforth presented council members with minutes of meetings going back years, calling attention to the many different times the matter has been up for discussion. The next meeting of the Crawford Town Council will be Wednesday, Feb. 7, at 7 p.m.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


‘Living Vincent’ kicks off Cabin Fever Series on Friday Staff Writer

It may not be the coldest, snowiest winter on record, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t suffering from a bout of cabin fever. The Paradise Theatre can provide some relief. The theater’s annual Cabin Fever Film Series opens this Friday with “Loving Vincent.” The first of six films in this year’s Cabin Fever series, the animated indie hit, “Loving Vincent,” (PG-13) tells the remarkable story of artist Vincent van Gogh’s life and death through a series of 62,450 frames of professionally hand painted oil paintings, or roughly 12 paintings per second. Due to public demand, the theater wanted to show the film in 2017, but production took longer than expected and it was released last fall, explained Paradise general manager Sunshine Knight. The world’s first fully painted feature film, the award-winning movie quickly grossed $20 million at box offices worldwide, which is considered rare for an independent animated film. “Faces Places” (PG), in which director Agnes Varda and photographer/

Conservation Center annual meeting set for Feb. 11 The Western Slope Conservation Center will hold its annual meeting on Sunday, Feb. 11, at Memorial Hall, 175 1st Street in Hotchkiss. As is tradition, this will be a chili potluck and people are asked to bring a dish to share. The meeting begins at 3 p.m. with the business meeting, followed at 4 p.m. by guest speaker, documentary film maker Suez Jacobson. The potluck dinner follows at 5 p.m.

muralist J.R. form an unlikely friendship while on a journey through rural France, will run Feb. 2-4 and 6-8. Other films include “The Square” (R), a satirical drama about the sense of community, moral courage and the affluent person’s need for egocentricity in an increasingly uncertain world; “Darkest Hour” (PG-13); “The Shape of Water” (R); and “Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool” (R). Since the early 1990s the Paradise has brought independent films both foreign and domestic to Paonia’s big screen through the Cabin Fever series. It’s also brought people to the theater during a time when attendance tends to wane. Starting around the end of December, “It’s tough for theaters,” said Knight. That’s pretty much how the film series tradition started back in the early 1990s. Former theater owner Stu Carlson continued the festival after he bought the Paradise in 2001. He credits Danny Perkins for starting it. Perkins, who bought the theater in 1991 and is credited with changing the name from the Paonia Theater to the Paradise, decided to show some independent films during the winter when business was slow. Carlson continued the tradition, and started offering film festival passes at a discount, which people could share. During winter when business

PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Dillon Sapena of Paonia has been named to the Dean’s Honor Roll at Montana State University for fall semester 2017. The Dean’s Honor Roll includes the 3,416 students earning grade point averages of 3.5 or above for the semester.

was slow, the idea was to get as many people in the theater as possible. “Back then it was a good idea,” he said. Back then, Carlson selected films by perusing the few publications that covered the independent film industry, and by attending festivals like the Telluride Film Festival, which in 2017 celebrated its 44th year. Once films caught the attention of the public, they would circulate through the theaters, said Carlson. A lot of them were only screened in big cities, and Carlson wanted to give people living in a small town an opportunity to experience them. During his tenure he showed 10 films per series. A few, like the 2002 film “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” “just exploded” in popularity. Some films blurred the line between independent film and blockbuster, he said, and studios started wanting more money to screen their films. As a result Carlson said he tried to stick to the “truly Indie” films. He recalled one of them, “Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner,” that was made by an Inuit filmmaker and produced by his Inuit production company. He also strove to show a mix of half American and half foreign films, to mix up the categories, and to show films that were “unique and out there.” He recalls one Italian film, “The Best of Youth,” that chronicled a journey of two brothers through their lives. He’d seen it at a festival and loved it. It was six hours long and was screened at the Paradise over two nights. Only about eight people showed up for both nights. “Everyone said they were so glad I showed it,” he said. Carson said he took

a loss on the film, and lot of the other films, but said he doesn’t regret it. “It was totally worth it.” Each year, he said, the festival brings amazing films to Paonia, but the amazing thing about the festival, he said, “is that it’s still going on,” and hasn’t changed all that much since it began. The Paradise is now community-owned and operated. Today, films are chosen by the theater’s film committee, with a lot of consideration on input from the community, said Knight. The series is well-attended, and some films sell out very quickly, which she anticipates will happen with Loving Vincent. “It’s best to arrive early, especially on weekends,” said Knight. Attendees who arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of the movie will be entered into a monthly drawing for theater punch passes. Films run through March 8. Show times are 7 p.m. Friday-Sunday and Tuesday-Thursday, with 3 p.m. matinees showing Wednesdays and Sundays. Admission is $10 per film, or $50 for all six films with a gold pass (which can still be shared). Visit paradise for more information.

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Open studio at Elsewhere Elsewhere Studios, 107 Third Street, Paonia, will present “Music + Art,” an open studios event, from 6-8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 26. The public is invited to the final show of January residents Janika Herlevi, Yifan Renxu, Stephanie Kranstover and Elaine Shoaf. Beginning at 7 p.m., enjoy music by Jerri Thompson and Derek Stephens.

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Photo by Tamie Meck

Creative spaces

Singer/songwriter Ellen Stapenhorst warms up on the Paradise Theatre stage ahead of her performance last Wednesday at the Space to Create Initiative community meeting. More than 100 attended the meeting to learn more about Space to Create, an initiative to create affordable housing and creative workspace in Paonia.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s southwest region invites hunters and anglers to give their ideas and voice their opinions about wildlife issues at a Sportsmen’s Roundtable meeting which will be held by video teleconference, 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 1. To participate people can go to one of the local wildlife offices in the Southwest Region: the closest is in Montrose, 2300 S. Townsend Avenue (U. S. Highway 550). Sportsmen’s Roundtable representatives will be at the meeting, along with Patt Dorsey, southwest regional manager. Also attending will be local CPW wildlife managers and biologists. CPW staff wants to hear from participants regarding big game hunting,

fishing and other wildlife-related issues. Southwest Region representatives on the statewide roundtable group include Kevin Alexander of Gunnison, and Bob Cox of Cedaredge.

Horse riding club is being formed A new horseback riding club is being formed in the North Fork. Terry Randall is establishing a social club to share trail rides, information and fun. If you’re looking for someone to ride with, give Randall a call at 970-596-6640.

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B4 Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Delta County Independent

Library programs offer winter diversion Sarah Pope, Hotchkiss staff member and seed librarian. “We are collecting seed donations, sorting and packaging seeds, and assessing inventory for the 2018 growing season. Libraries across the county are hosting seedsorting parties and community participation is a big part of that process.” Four seed-sorting events scheduled in January give the public an opportunity to learn about seed saving, donate seeds from their own gardens, or just show up to help package seeds for

BY TRACY IHNOT Delta County Libraries

Winter is a very popular time for library programs in Delta County. In January alone, Delta County Libraries is offering over 80 programs for the public to attend, including weekly storytimes, scavenger hunts, maker space stations, crafts groups, technology assistance, community presenters and more. One of the more popular winter programs is seed sorting. “We are very busy with our seed library this time of year,” says

Photo by Jim Brett

The widely popular Armchair Travel series at Paonia Library will feature Jim and Elaine Brett on Tuesday, Jan. 30, as they recount their journey to Iceland with stories and photographs.

spring checkouts. “We package thousands of seeds by hand for the seed library starting in January,” states Pope. “We could not accomplish that without community support.” The libraries also coordinate with area professionals to offer specialized programs of high interest to the community. SnowEx, a recent program offered by the Cedaredge Library, brought Brenda Harvey, Fellowship Ambassador for NASA JPL, to town to discuss the research and findings of the snow study conducted by NASA on Grand Mesa in 2017. “We had 68 people show up for this program on a Thursday evening,” states LaDonna Gunn, assistant district director of Delta County Libraries. Similarly, Friends of the Delta Library are bringing artist Jean Stortz to Delta Library on Jan. 27 to teach a multi-media workshop on creating vision boards. Participants will use the supplies provided to envision their goals, reinforce affirmations and visualize intentions for the new year in a fun, creative way. In addition to offering programs, library friends groups organize events to raise funds that support library programs. Friends of the Crawford Library are gearing up for their annual Cabin Fever Book Sale at Crawford Town Hall Jan. 26 and 27. Friends and volunteers sort through hundreds of books and other materials, and manage the sale from set up to clean up. “This is a big fundraiser for Crawford Library,” says Crawford Library manager Kathy Little. “And a great opportunity for people to find books or DVDs to get through the short days of winter.” In Paonia, the widely popular Armchair Travel series began its seventh year on Jan. 9 with Home to England, stories and photographs presented by Paonia Library volunteer Jackie DeGrace, and her daughter, Sheree Fischer.


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Jennifer Celis of Hotchkiss has been named to the President’s Honor Roll at Oklahoma State University. Celis is a business major. A total of 6,642 students were named to the 2017 fall semester honor rolls at OSU in Stillwater, including 2,774 students named to the President’s Honor Roll for all “A” grades. Full-time undergraduate students who completed 12 or more hours earning an “A” grade in all their courses were placed on the President’s Honor Roll, and students with a grade point average of 3.50 or higher with no grade below a “C” were placed on the Dean’s Honor Roll.

PEOPLE IN THE NEWS Susan Nieman of Paonia was named to the Adams State University Vice President Honor Roll for the fall and spring 2017 semesters by earning at least a 3.5 GPA, and carrying at least a 12 credit hour load. Adams State students automatically awards merit scholarships for continuing students based on cumulative GPA at Adams State. The merit scholarships are renewable for up to three years to full-time students: those who maintain at least a 3.25 are eligible for a $500/year scholarship; 3.5 a $1,000/ year scholarship; and a 3.9 or above a $1,500/ year scholarship.

“We are really excited about this year’s series,” says Laura Lee Yates, Paonia Library staff member. “We have a great line-up of presenters who will transport attendees to distant places, including Scotland, Ireland, Spain, and Morocco on Jan. 23; Iceland on Jan. 30; Myanmar on Feb. 13, and Machu Picchu and the Amazon on Feb. 27.” “Our patrons really appreciate having the opportunity to attend programs when they are not busy with gardening, hiking, and other outdoor pursuits that keep them busy the rest of the year,” Yates comments. To find a library program that is right for you this winter season, visit your local library, find the libraries on Facebook at libraries/ or check the online calendar at www. dar.

Photo submitted

Paonia Library staff member Laura Lee Yates filled the Jan. 23 Armchair Travel date at Paonia Library with the tale of her journey to the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, the west coast of Ireland, Andalusia in Spain, and the walled city of Fes in Morocco.

Input sought on Christmas tree permit fee increase The USDA Forest Service’s Rocky Mountain Region is seeking public input on proposed fee increases for Christmas tree cutting permits on some national forests in Colorado, including Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison. The proposed fee would be $20 per permit. Revenue from the fee increase will help provide maps, signs and information to visitors; cover rising costs for plowing roads and parking areas; offer portable restrooms in some high traffic areas; extend permit sales; and

expand safety patrols and overall Forest Service presence at cutting areas. Other enhancements could include warming areas and educational activities. For generations, friends and families throughout Colorado have made cutting their own Christmas tree on a national forest a treasured holiday tradition and the program offers them an opportunity to be good stewards of their public lands. The Christmas tree cutting program helps to thin regeneration growth and meet

important restoration objectives. The program also encourages people to get outdoors and discover their national forests. Comments are being accepted online or by mail through Feb. 16. To provide input on the proposed Christmas tree permit fee increase, please visit FSR2-treefee. Comments may also be mailed to Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre, and Gunnison National Forests; Attention: Christmas Tree Permit Fee Increase; 2250 South Main St.; Delta, CO 81416.

Hotchkiss K-8 honor roll

The following students were named to honor roll at Hotchkiss K-8 School for the second quarter and first semester of the 2017-18 school year:

Third Grade 3.7-4.0 Kyler Clark Caleb Garcia Isabella Harrison Kiera Stroh* Wyatt Thompson 3.0-3.699 Sophia DeMoss Oliver Handy Fourth Grade 3.7-4.0 Gage Adam Brooke Angelovich Angel Bemis Toni Bennett* Anjolee Beveridge Ethan DeLoury* Bryan Elizalde Guadalupe Elizalde Chayton Falkner Braeden Flores Pearson Fouts Ryker Gallob Alyssa Gillenwater Braydon Hendrix* Chase Knight Nick Miller Jaylen Monroy-Mendoza Ethan Naylor Logan Naylor Shilah Pinon

Aneka Price Terrence Rung Derick Sievertsen Jasmine Soria Macias Roan Spencer Athziry Vazquez-Mendoza Noel White* Lanee Zeldenthuis* 3.0-3.699 Juliana Alvarado John Hart Edgar Lozano Kyrah McCleland Nevaeh Mock Ty O’Connell Sydney Palmer-Yovan Emma Shumway Danica Sparks Venesa Verdeja Palomo Fifth Grade 3.7-4.0 Jesalynn Borgman* Reyna Broadbent Charlie Miller Lola Mitchell Payson Pene 3.0-3.699 Canaan Church Kyle Elder Shelven Fair Mitchell Finlayson Aaralyn Gallob

Veda Handy Jesus Jauregui Lance McCollum Kenaniah McDaniel Emma Reed Kaylee Simpson Treyven Stevens Lane Stroh Loryn Thompson Jenaya Tracy London West Brendyn Worth Sixth Grade 3.7-4.0 Brailey Angelovich Maddie Brezonick* Annalise Hendrix Henry Hollembeak* CeCe Houseweart* Tucker Houseweart Christopher Mann Jr. Raney Moore* Piper Smith* Aizlyn Sommer* Sasha Taylor* Hunter Thompson 3.0-3.699 Van Barrow Breanna Beall Landon Brown Tyler Carlquist Natalie Chapin

Elizabeth Galley Damon Gilmore Isa Lindberg Trenton Lovelace Wyatt McArtor Liam McCollum Alex McJunkin Hayden Moreno Hunter Moreno Shelby Norris Kaylynn O’Connell Daniel Owens Cody Pagone Nick Poutre Isabella Sparks Seventh Grade 3.7-4.0 Victoria Clark* Tia Moore* Sam Ware 3.0-3.699 Sammie Beck Alexis Church Danielle Elder Annika Knehs Kacie McCollum Mac Turnbull Zaid Vazquez-Mendoza Eighth Grade 3.7-4.0 Kayla Allred Audren Borgman*

Esmeralda Lozano Justin Mattison Parker Pene Julia Pinon 3.0-3.699 Kailynn Carpenter Mikenna Carpenter Damon Fausett Gavin Finlayson Ahna Guy Sawyer Handy Dana Hart Lottie Hollembeak Izzi Houseweart Matilda McDaniel Vianney Mendoza Bailey Miller Indigo Miller-Barnes Addi Neal Carter Neff Paityn Oetker Matthew Pachl Blaine Peebles William Poutre Ben Rodriguez Drayden Taylor Araina VenJohn Mordecai White *Denotes Straight A’s

High Country News to open satellite office in Gunnison High Country News announced that it will establish a satellite editorial office in Gunnison for its digital editorial team in July. The Western magazine, whose headquarters have been in Paonia since 1983, will set up a new office in collaboration with the School of Environment and Sustainability (ENVS) at Western State Colorado University, assessing over the course of a year whether a more permanent move for the team is feasible. “As High Country News continues to grow our subscriber base and staff, we are experimenting with ways to employ new communications technology to better cover the American West through satellite offices and telecommuting writers and editors,” HCN executive director Paul Larmer said. “An office in Gunnison would allow us to capitalize on the innovations being made within Western’s School of Environment and Sustainability. At the same time, we’ll stay

grounded in the rural West, which has always shaped the magazine’s unique perspectives.” Western’s School of ENVS has grown rapidly in recent years, more than tripling its faculty. Its robust master’s program enables the school to serve up to 40 environmental organizations per year across the West through its rigorous, hands-on master’s projects. “We’ve taken note of Western’s increased efforts to tackle the same big questions of the American West that we are, and we think having writers and editors in close proximity to the school will lead to a wide range of learning opportunities and capacity-building for our own growing organization,” Brian Calvert, HCN editor-in-chief, said. The expanded ENVS faculty team complements HCN with expertise in issues related to Western land and water management, climate action planning, and environmental justice.

This growth has led to an expanded building for the school, designed with the HCN experiment in mind. “Western’s School of Environment and Sustainability is honored to engage in this experimental partnership between communitybased university education and place-based journalism and writing,” said John Hausdoerffer, dean of Western’s School of Environment and Sustainability. “Imagine hands-on educators, faculty researchers, student masters project leaders, and thought-leading editors and writers wrestling together over the future of the West, from our campus at the headwaters.” The High Country News satellite office will be housed at Western, but remain independent from the university. The magazine’s headquarters, which includes the print magazine production and business operations, will remain in Paonia.

Delta County Independent


SPORTS January 24, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Hillman wins 50 yd. freestyle meet at Bill Heddles Rec Center. One of the Delta High School most rewarding, for head had a few high finishes coach Karoline Roome, in last weekend’s swim was the first-place finish

by Kendra Hillman in the 50 yard freestyle event. Hillman recorded a 26.90 to score 16 points for the Panthers. Most importantly was the fact that her win, and time, meant a qualifying time for the coming state meet. Hillman is now state-qualified in both the 50 yard freestyle and the 100 yard breaststroke, which she also won on Saturday in a time of 1:18.14. Hillman’s next goal is to qualify for state in the 200 IM. This year’s state meet is scheduled for Feb. 8-10. Delta had other pointproducing finishes in the 50 yard freestyle including Olivia McCrackin (5th-29.59) and Lene Meneley (12th-32.69). Abby Williams placed sixth in the 100 yard breaststroke with a time of 1:25.62. The Panthers were fourth in the 200 yard medley relay (2:16), which included SamanPhoto by Wayne Crick tha Wollert, Hillman, Delta High School swim coach Karoline Roome (left) was emotional with Kendra Hillman’s 50 yard freestyle victory last Saturday morning. Hillman’s time of 26.90 qualified her for the state meet to be held Feb. 8-10.


Olivia McCrackin and Jordan Tamayo. Tamayo was also fourth in the 200 yard butterfly on Saturday. Delta’s 200 yard freestyle relay also placed fourth (2:01) featuring the team of Olivia McCrackin, Wollert, Tamayo and Hillman. Fifth place finishes went to Kalinn Komives in the 500 yard freestyle (8:11.59) and O. McCrackin in the 100 yard backstroke (1:11.97). Also fifth was the team of Hailee Ruble, Williams, Kaitlyn Neeley and Lene Meneley in the 200 yard medley relay. Several Delta swimmers placed sixth, including Haylee Chamblin (500 yard freestyle), Ruble (100 yard backstroke) and Williams in the 100 yard breaststroke. The team of Ashley LaHoe, Sydne West, Summer Young and Kinnah Schotten finished sixth in the 400 yard freestyle relay.

Delta team members finishing seventh through twelfth included the seventh-place 200 yard freestyle relay team (Young, Emma Puruis, Schotten and Neeley) and the seventh-place 400 yard freestyle relay team (Sophia McCrackin, Brooke Hillman, Williams and Puruis). In the 200 yard freestyle Tamayo was eighth, LaHoe (9th), Young (11th) and West (12th).

Delta point-producers in the 100 freestyle included Meneley (8th), LaHoe (9th), Puruis (10th) and Hannah Philman (11th). The Panthers’ Taylor Bess was 10th in the 100 yard backstroke. Delta finished third in Saturday’s field of four. The Panthers finished with 240 points. Fruita was first (708), Durango second (317) and Cortez fourth (23).

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta’s Abby Williams nears the finish line of her heat of the 100 yard breaststroke. Williams placed sixth in the event with a time of 1:25.62.

Dogs’ Curtis, Mayberry rule Screaming Eagle last Saturday Creek. Senior Devin Curtis Two No. 1 seeded pinned his way to the match, wrestlers for Hotchkiss championship won their division at the where he won by an 87 decision over Joseph Screaming Eagle. Junior Landen May- Cantanese (20-10) of berry (13-3) won his third Montrose. Twelve of Curtournament of the season tis’s 14 wins this season at 106 pounds on wins have been by pin, and one over Cedaredge, Montrose by technical fall. Freshman Tracer Hall and Dove Creek. Mayberry opened with a 15-0 (132, 16-7) placed third. Photo by Tamie Meck technical fall — at 2 min- In consolation semi- The Paonia Eagles scored 232.5 points to win the Screamin’ Eagle tournament at Paonia High School. utes, 25 seconds, the fast- finals, Hall upset Tad Clay Campbell (front center) was voted Most Valuable Wrestler by coaches. est technical fall of the Sickes of Nucla by a 1-0 tournament — over Sam decision. Presley Pene (126, 13Campbell of Cedaredge. In semifinals he pinned 8) was 3-2 for the day to Logan Righter (14-4) of place fourth. JD Miller Montrose in 22 seconds. (120, 12-7) and Nolan In the championship Egging (HWT, 1-3) placed match Mayberry won by fifth. Jace Peebles (152, major decision over Dove 10-10) placed sixth. Todd was seeded 11th Campbell (32-5) has pionship match. BY TAMIE MECK At 170, Anthony Felice and placed fourth on a won 30 matches by fall. DCI Sports Writer The three participating On Saturday he wrestled (18-5) lost in the champi- 7-1 loss to Logan Righter Delta County wrestling a total of 4 minutes, 6 onship match, by fall, to (14-4) of Montrose. At teams placed multiple seconds. In that time he No. 1 ranked Jace Logan 160, Jesse Burns (20-13) scored 40 match points wrestlers and produced scored 34 team points (21-1) of Soroco. At 182, senior Jaden in battling his way to the champions Saturday at — the most scored by any the annual Screaming wrestler, and was the Miller lost to Palisade’s third-place match. Due to Eagle tournament. Twen- only wrestler to win all of top wrestler, Terrance the rule limiting wrestlers to five matches in a ty-one teams and about his matches by fall. His Williams. Sophomore heavy- single day, he was unable 170 wrestlers competed at 17-second win over Palithe annual tournament. sade was the third-short- weight Levi Peterson (19- to wrestle for third place, Cedaredge, Hotchkiss est match of the tourna- 7) won bronze on a 38- and finished fourth. Freshman Anthony second fall over Hunter and Paonia combined to ment. Miller (17-8) was 3-2 for “Clay is really domi- Deltonto of Montrose. win five weight divisions, Freshman Reagan the day, placing fifth on nant,” said head coach and place 29 wrestlers. Paonia scored 232.5 Nate Wiggins. “He proba- Todd was 4-1 for the day. a 12-2 win over Mancos. points to win the tourna- bly earned that O.W. He’s ment. Cedaredge placed hard to stop.” Sophomore Grey Neal nine wrestlers in the top four and scored 194 points narrowly defeated Austin to place second. Hotchkiss Bernal of Palisade to win Photo by Tamie Meck won two championships the 152-pound title. At Devin Curtis wrestles to an 8-7 win and the cham- and scored 152.5 points December’s Warrior Claspionship over Joseph Cantanese of Montrose. to finish fifth. sic, Bernal defeated Neal Curtis was one of two tournament champions for Palisade, coached by in a 3-1 sudden victory Hotchkiss. Paonia High School grad- decision in quarterfinals. uate and state champion Paonia wrestlers have Tanner Ridgway, placed dealt with Bernal for sevthird with 190 points, eral years, said Wiggins. and Montrose scored 164 And while Campbell beat him in eighth grade, “He’s points to place fourth. beaten so many wrestlers Paonia’s Campbell outstanding wrestler on our team,” said WigPaonia wres- gins. “He’s a really solid Rifle. Lockhart also won tlers placed in eight kid.” BY TAMIE MECK Winning silver was by forfeit against Grand weight divisions and DCI Sports Writer won at two weights. Zeb Etter (126, 15-13), a The Delta Panthers Valley. Due to no forfeits, Clay Campbell had an top-10 ranked sophomore were the only team to go undefeated Saturday at Jeffery Griffith (152) outstanding day, winning who lost to No. 2 ranked the annual Rifle Duals. was the only Panther to the 145-pound title on Cedaredge sophomore The Panthers defeated wrestle in all five duals. a fall over Cedaredge’s Sean Dale in the champiPhoto by Tamie Meck Rifle in two separate Griffith won four match- David Schipmann. Coach- onship match. At 138, No. es by fall, and lost a fifth es also voted Campbell 1 ranked junior Sackett Clay Campbell pins David Schipmann in the 145duals, 66-6 and 42-36. At 195, Guage Lock- match by pin to fourth- the tournament’s out- Chesnik (28-2) lost to No. pound championship match Saturday at the hart was 5-0 on the day ranked Brian De la Rosa standing wrestler. It was 2 ranked Tannen Kenne- Screaming Eagle tournament. The only wrestler to Campbell’s third tourna- dy (28-4) of Meeker by a win all of his matches by pin, Campbell was voted with wins over Steam- of Rifle. 4-3 decision in the cham- outstanding wrestler for the tournament. DELTA TO B6 ment win of the season. boat Springs, Basalt and


DCI Sports Writer

Delta County matmen fare well at Screamin’ Eagle

Panthers 5-0 at Rifle Duals

B6 Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Delta County Independent

Bruins’ Dale wins third tournament title BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

Nine Cedaredge wrestlers finished in the top four at the Screaming Eagle wrestling tournament. The Bruins sent five into the championship match. Wrestling at 126 pounds, Sean Dale (27-3) posted his third tournament win of the season, advancing to the championship match on a 50 decision over Presley Pene (13-8) of Hotchkiss. Dale won by fall over Zeb Photo by Tamie Meck Etter of Paonia for the Cedaredge’s Sean Dale controls Zeb Etter of Paonia in the 126-pound champi- title. Wrestling at 113 onship match. Dale, who is ranked second in the state, won by fall over Etter, pounds, freshman Adrian who is ranked eighth. Both wrestlers are sophomores. Nieto (11-3) was seeded second and took silver

Hotchkiss wins duals over Meeker, Norwood BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

Hotchkiss upped its dual record to 7-5 Friday night with wins over Norwood and Meeker. In the Bulldogs’ 40-21 win over Meeker, Jace Peebles opened with an 11-3 major decision win over Jacob Shelton. At 195, Devin Curtis won by fall (1:11) over Ridge Williams. Presley Pene

(126), Traycer Hall (132) and Kaleb Lovelace (146) also picked up six-point wins for Hotchkiss. Meeker wrestlers won at three weights. At 160, James Amick won by fall (0:57) over Jake Lange. At 120, Jacob Pelloni won by a 14-7 decision over JD Miller. At 138, Christopher Strate won by fall (3:27) over Karsen Sommer.

Olathe wins home dual over Hotchkiss team BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

Olathe won four matches by fall and three by forfeit to win the Jan. 18 home dual against Hotchkiss, 42-33. At 195, senior Devin Curtis won the first match of the dual by a 45-second fall over Pirate Santiago Perez. At 126, Bulldog Presley Pene won by fall (2:53) over Alecxis Hernandez. At 132, Traycer Hall pinned Pirate Jonathan Bolinger

in 4:30. Bulldog Jace Peebles (152) won by a 5-3 decision over Brent Gray. Pirate heavyweight Chase Sale won by fall over Nolan Egging. At 138, Olathe’s Clay Yarnell, ranked seventh in state by On the Mat, pinned Kylar Massano in 4:54. At 145, Timoteo Pena won by fall over Bulldog Kaleb Lovelace, and at 160, Wyatt Mansker won by fall over Bulldog Jake Lange.

Hotchkiss won by forfeit at 220 and 285 pounds; Meeker picked up a forfeit win at 170. Due to double forfeits, no points were awarded at 182, 106 and 113. In the Bulldogs’ 37-36 win over Norwood, the dual started at 170, but due to forfeits, the first match wrestled was at 120, with JD Miller winning by fall at 3:37 over Meeker’s Zane Truelock to give Hotchkiss a 2418 lead. In the longest match of the night, Pene (126) won over Norwood’s Hunter Wilson in a 3-2 ultimate tiebreaker. Traycer Hall won the 132-pound match by an 11-0 major decision over Norwood’s Jace Sinks. James Franklin picked up the first win for Norwood, winning by fall (1:28) over Karsen Sommer. Maverick Riley Wilson followed at 145 with a fall at 2:40 over Lovelace. Peebles won the 152-pound match with a 32-second fall over Broc Joseph to secure the dual win for Hotchkiss. Norwood’s Aidan Dabal (160) won the final match, pinning Lange in 1:44. Between the two matches, Norwood defeated Meeker, 39-22. The Bulldogs compete this Friday at the Kortney Lake Duals at Center. Ten teams are anticipated at the duals, which are named after Kortney Lake, an all-American wrestler for Adams State who died from esophageal cancer in 2006. On Saturday, Hotchkiss competes in the annual Valley Classic at Center.

on an 8-0 loss to top-10 ranked Grady Nickolaus (16-3) of Montrose. In the 145 division, David Schippman pinned his way to the championship match, where he lost by fall to Paonia senior Clay Campbell. In the upper weights, junior Taj Van der Linde (23-6), ranked second by On the Mat at 220, lost in the championship round to No. 1-ranked Sky Carlson of Soroco by a 5-0 decision. Heavyweight wrestler Derek Sanchez (13-11) also took silver on a loss to 4A Palisade. Colton Hoerr (25-12) placed third in the 152pound division. Hoerr’s

opening round, 19-second fall over Montrose was the second-shortest match of the tournament. Alex McCracken (132, 22-7) was 5-1 for the day and placed fourth under the five-match rule. Currently ranked fifth in the state, in quarterfinals McCracken defeated No. 7-ranked Jace Sinks of Norwood by an 11-7 decision. Cedaredge wrestlers scored 21 wins by fall in a total of 38 minutes, 55 seconds, giving them the distinction of having the most pins for the tournament. Paonia and Palisade both won 20 matches by fall.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Landon Mayberry maintains control in his 10-2 championship match win over Gage Bailey of Dove Creek.

Regional wrestling in Delta Feb. 9-10 BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

For the first time in recent history, the Class 2A Region 1 wrestling tournament will be held in Delta County. On Friday and Saturday, Feb. 9-10, 15 teams and more than 100 wrestlers will compete at Delta High School for a berth at the Colorado High School Activities Association’s 82nd annual State Wrestling Tournament, to be held Feb. 15-17 at the Pepsi Center in Denver. The tournament is hosted by Hotchkiss High School. Hotchkiss, Cedaredge and Paonia will all compete in the tournament.

The top four wrestlers in each weight division advance to the state tournament. round Preliminary wrestling matches begin at 5 p.m. Friday, followed by quarterfinal and first and second round consolation bracket matches. On Saturday, championship semifinal and consolation quarterfinal rounds begin at 9 a.m., followed by the consolation semifinal round. After a lunch break, third/fourth and fifth/ sixth place matches will be wrestled concurrently. Championship matches and awards will begin at approximately 2 p.m., followed immediately by wrestle-back matches. CHSAA and CHSCA passes only will be honored. Friday’s admission

is $7 for adults, $5 for seniors and students, and free for ages 5 and under. Saturday admission is $15, $12 for students, and free for ages 5 and under. Full tournament wristbands are $20 for adults, $15 for seniors and students, and free for ages 5 and under. Hotchkiss High School will manage concessions during all sessions, and T-shirts and full programs will be available for purchase at the main doors. Those wishing to advertise in the program can contact Sundee at 970-712-7129. All advertising must be received by Monday, Jan. 29. Delta High School wrestlers will compete Feb. 9-10 in the 14-team 3A Region 1 tournament at Alamosa High School.

Nine forfeits in Paonia win over Mustangs BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

In Paonia’s 72-6 dual win Friday over West Grand, nine matches were determined by forfeit. Of the five matches wrestled, the Eagles won four by fall. Zeb Etter (126), Caden Meilner (132), Clay Campbell (145), and Jesse Burns (160) pinned their opponent in the first round. At 138, Photo by Tamie Meck Sackett Chesnik was two Hotchkiss freshman Traycer Hall prepares to score a points shy of a technical takedown in his win over Cooper Main of Meeker. fall when he pinned oppo-

nent Cameron Wood at 3 minutes, 28 seconds. West Grand’s Noah Schroeder, ranked seventh in state by On the Mat, won by fall (1:44) over freshman Anthony Miller. The Eagles host their final home dual of the season against Olathe this Thursday at 6 p.m. Paonia travels to Center this Friday for the Kortney Lake Duals, and competes Saturday at the annual Valley Classic tournament.

Delta CONTINUED FROM B5 Heavyweight Logan Church won by technical fall over wrestlers from Basalt and Grand Valley. Church, who remains undefeated for the season, also won three matches by forfeit. Koby Keller (182) and

Alonso Saenz (106) were 2-0 for the day. Ayden Tucker (126) and Colby Wilson (132) were 2-2. At 120, Ben Koch was 3-1 for the day. His sole loss was by a 6-5 decision to No. 1 ranked A.J. Serna of Grand Valley. Saturday’s win marks

the fifth straight year Delta has won the Rumble in the Rockies. The Panthers dual Montrose at Montrose at 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 25, and at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Jan. 26, at Eaton. Delta competes Saturday at the Valley Viking Invitation-

al at Valley High School in Gilcrest. The Valley tournament marks the end of regulation matches for the Panthers, whose next competition will be the Class 3A Region 1 tournament, Feb. 9-10, at Alamosa High School.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Delta 2-1 in hoop games BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Last week’s basketball action was hectic with three games played, beginning on Tuesday (Jan. 16) with Cedaredge in Delta. The Bruin girls won the second encounter of the season between the two teams with a 4139 score in overtime (see related story). When Telluride visited the Panthers on Jan. 19, Delta was ready for them and delivered a 53-17 win. Saturday’s contest with Basalt’s Longhorns gave the Panthers a 2-1 record for the week with a nail-biting 56-54 decision. Delta’s boys had the same record, against the same teams, losing to Cedaredge 49-45 (see related story) with wins over Telluride (69-43) and Basalt (60-50). Delta Girls Delta 53, Telluride 17 Friday night’s game against Telluride had a slow start for both teams with the Panthers getting the better results in a 9-4 first quarter. Delta’s game-tempo increased in the second quarter with the Panthers getting seven points from Keely Porter and another six from Missa Webb in a 22-2 run. A 31-6 halftime lead was never challenged from that point on.

Delta’s defense held the Miners (3-2, 3-8) to single digits in each of the second half periods outscoring Telluride 2211 over the final 16 minutes of play. Webb finished the game with 15 points to claim game-scoring honors and Porter finished with the seven points she had in the second stanza. Telluride’s Morgan Watkinson had five to lead the Miners’ offense. Delta 56, Basalt 54 Basalt owned the first quarter last Saturday night. The absence of senior Aubrey Jones, who rolled an ankle in pregame warmups, was felt in the initial stages of the game. The Longhorns got out to a 15-6 start and were playing with confidence. Delta had defeated the Longhorns, 62-25, in Basalt on Dec. 7. Jenna Sutliff and Webb combined for six points each in the second quarter helping the Panthers whittle Basalt’s lead to 27-24 by halftime. Freshman Alexa Huff and sophomore Sara Geddes put the Panthers on their shoulders in second half play and between them scored all but two of the Panthers’ 32 second-half points. Geddes had eight points in the third quarter and another nine in the fourth while Huff netted

11 counters in the third and two in the fourth to finish with 13 points. Geddes had a single field goal in the first period and ended the game with 19 points. The 32-point second half enabled Delta to overhaul Basalt and win by two, 56-54. Webb had another double-digit game with 10 points, eight of them coming in the middle quarters. Miramontes Cintia scored at least three points in each of the four quarters and finished with 15 points for the Longhorns. Delta Boys Delta 69, Telluride 43 Nine of the 10 Delta players scored against Telluride last Friday. A 21-12 first half Delta lead was fueled by Andrew Baier’s seven second-quarter points. Delta disposed of the pesky Miners in secondhalf play with a 48-31 scoring advantage. Logan Freed slashed his way to 13 second-half points and finished as the game’s leading scorer with 19 points. John Ames and Baier had 10 points each in the win. Reed Schacht scored 13 points to pace Telluride’s offensive efforts. Delta 60, Basalt 52 The Panthers’ final game of the week was against Basalt (0-1, 2-9).

Delta (2-0, 8-3) won the first meeting between the two teams, 64-58, in Basalt. Last week’s contest was played on an even keel with lead changes throughout the game. The Longhorns led by two after one period but trailed by one at halftime, 28-27. Delta put together a sustained high energy second half and outscored Basalt 32-25 to earn the eight-point win, 60-52. Freed’s 20 points paced a solid offensive effort by Delta with Jaspar Carmichael chipping in 15 Photo by Wayne Crick points, 11 coming in the crucial fourth quarter. Cedaredge sophomore Makayla Kehmeier shoots a Joe Bules was good for jumper over Delta defenders Kaley St. Peter (5) and Abby Carlson (3). eight points in the win. Basalt’s Justin Henderson scored 14 points in the second half and finished the game with 19 points. Teammate Wylie Hawkins added 18 points for the Longhorns. Delta will be in New Castle to face a rugged Coal Ridge (1-0, 8-2) team next Friday with intentions of moving up in 3A WSL standings. The Titans are third and Delta fourth behind Roaring Fork and Grand Valley which have 9-1 overall records. Game times for Friday’s varsity contests are 5:30 and 7 p.m. The Panthers travel to Olathe on Saturday for varsity games scheduled for 2:30 and 4 p.m.

Bulldogs boys win over Paonia first since 2013 BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

The Hotchkiss Bulldogs overcame missed opportunities and a sluggish third quarter last Thursday to win their conference game against Paonia by a score of 5550. The game marked the first win over their rival since 2013. Hotchkiss controlled the board for much of the game, leading 19-14, at the end of first-quarter play. Blocks by Braxton Trujillo and Jacob Stucker helped maintain the Bulldogs’ lead. A three-point goal late in the quarter by Sean Devlin pulled Paonia to within eight points and the Eagles trailed, 32-24, at the half. Hotchkiss came out sluggish in the third quarter, missing easy shots and letting Paonia back into the game. Eagle Enoch Kropp tied the game at 32-32 with 5:20

remaining in the quarter. Paonia took a one-point lead on free throws, and a goal from the top of the key by Slater Podgorny gave Paonia its first lead of the game. Bulldogs point guard Sam Rodriguez tied the game up at 35-35 on a three-pointer, and a goal in the paint by Stucker put Hotchkiss back into the lead. The Bulldogs led, 41-35, heading into the final quarter. Hotchkiss’ Eli Kirk scored two points from the free throw line early in the fourth. With eight fouls for the Dogs, Kropp turned a trip to the line into two more points for Paonia, and Podgorny pulled the Eagles to within four on a jump shot. With five minutes remaining in the game, and the crowd growing louder with every score, Trujillo scored two from just inside the top of the arc. Eagle David Lozano

capitalized on a trip to the line, and two consecutive three-pointers by Devlin pulled Paonia to within a point of tying the game. Hotchkiss capitalized on two turnovers, and an intentional foul sent Kirk to the line, where he increased the lead to 5248. The Bulldogs quickly forced another turnover, and Eli Sawatzky put the game out of reach for Paonia, sinking a two-pointer with 7.7 seconds on the clock to give Hotchkiss a 54-48 lead. “It was a team effort,” said Hotchkiss head coach Eric Hollembeak. Now 3-1 in the 2A/1A Western Slope conference, the Bulldogs were coming off of a disappointing nine-point loss to 1A De Beque. “We didn’t play very good last weekend and we needed to prove that we could play hard,” said Hollembeak. “We needed to come out and

play a good game today.” For the seniors, the game marked the first win over Paonia. But the team still isn’t where it should be, said Hollembeak. Their shooting percentages were low, they missed a lot of opportunities, and they let Paonia back in the game in the second half. “I’m happy with the win, but as a performance, we should have played a lot better,” he said. Conference play continues. Hotchkiss hosts Hayden (0-5, 1-10) at 7:30 p.m. Friday, and Soroco (1-5, 3-9) at 4 p.m. Saturday. Paonia faces another challenge this Friday at Vail Christian (10-2, 6-1). The Saints have scored more than 60 points per game all season, including a 101-point game against Eagle Valley in December. Paonia hosts De Beque (8-2, 3-2) at 4 p.m. Saturday.

DCI Sports Editor

Hotchkiss’ boys won twice in hardwood action this past weekend beginning with their visit to Paonia Jan. 18 where they avenged an earlier season loss with a 55-50 win (see related story). The Bulldogs traveled to Vail Mountain (Vail) on Saturday and reported a 50-33 win to bring their season record to 3-1 in 2A District 5 play and 7-4 overall. Hotchkiss 50, VM 33 An ugly first half in Vail translated into an 11point first half that most likely has long been forgotten. The Gore Rangers (3-2, 4-7) fared some better with a 22-point first half and looked to have control of the game. Hotchkiss’ Eli Kirk provided an offensive spark in the third quarter igniting a 13-6 run which brought the Bulldogs to within four (2824) with eight minutes left to play. The Bulldogs’ defense asserted itself to limit Vail Mountain to just five points in the final period. Meanwhile, Sam Rodriguez highlighted a

Hotchkiss scoring burst which produced 26 points to help the Bulldogs run away with the game. Rodriguez scored 13 of his game-high 15 points in the fourth quarter, including an 8-8 performance from the free throw line. Jonathan Gonzalez hit a pair of three-balls in the period to add six more points in the run. Gonzalez had one other three-point goal in the third period to finish with nine points. Kirk’s offensive contributions in the game included six points in the third frame and he finished with 10 points for the Bulldogs. Marc Philippon scored all 11 of his team-high 11 points for the Gore Rangers in the first half. Finn Connolly added nine points (seven in the second half) and Garrett Sampson had eight. Hotchkiss has a pair of home games this week with Hayden coming to town Jan. 26 for varsity games 6/7:30 p.m. (girls and boys). League-leading Soroco (5-0, 8-4) plays in Hotchkiss on Saturday for afternoon games.

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Hotchkiss boys win, 50-33, in Vail BY WAYNE CRICK

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta junior Andrew Baier made it to the rim for one of the easier shots against Cedaredge and Peter Carlson (35) and Bailee Piper.

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Hotchkiss’ Eli Sawatzky blocks a shot taken by Riley Simianer in Hotchkiss’ 55-50 win over Paonia last Thursday. The victory marked the first win over rival Paonia dating back to 2013.

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B8 Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Delta County Independent

Bruin girls unbeaten BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

The Cedaredge Bruins survived a scare against Delta for the second time this season with a 41-39 win in overtime and had their hands full in a 5142 win at home against Coal Ridge. On the boys side, the Bruins evened their record against Delta for the season with a 49-45 win on Jan. 16 in Delta. Cedaredge lost a 71-54 decision earlier in the season. Cedaredge’s most recent contest was a loss to the visiting Coal Ridge Titans, 66-56, on Jan. 20. Cedaredge Girls Bruins 41, Delta 39 OT Neither team held an advantage after one period. Delta outscored the Bruins 12-6 in the second frame to take a 19-13 lead to the locker room at halftime. Cedaredge cut the Panther lead to three with a 12-9 third quarter. Courtney Freeman took over for Cedaredge in the fourth quarter with three shots from beyond the arc to lead the Bruins on a 14-11 that sent the game into overtime with the score tied at 39-39. Addison Schwarz’s two free throws in the extra period was enough to give Cedaredge a non-league 41-39 decision. Freeman finished the game with 15 points for Cedaredge and was the only Bruin in double figures. Schwarz was next high for the Bruins with her eight points. Delta’s Sara Geddes scored 11 points and Keely Porter finished with 10. Jenna Sutliff was next with eight counters. Bruins 51, Titans 42 Grace Andrews and Freeman combined for 24 of the 51 points scored for Cedaredge. Andrews scored seven points in the first quarter and had three in the second frame

to finish with 10 points. Freeman had seven points in the second quarter to go with her three-pointer in the first quarter for 10 points at halftime. Four points in the fourth quarter gave Freeman 14 for the game. A 20-5 run in the second quarter gave the Bruins a 15-point lead at the half. Coal Ridge rallied in the third quarter for a 14-9 run cutting the lead to 10, 43-33. Cedaredge, 1-0 and 10-0, leads the 3A WSL. Coal Ridge is 0-1 and 5-6 for the season. Coal Ridge’s Taylor Wisecamp finished with 14 points and Lyanna Nevarez had 11. Cedaredge Boys Bruins 49, Delta 45 The Bruins built a double-digit lead in the second quarter and owned a 30-18 advantage over Delta (2-0, 8-3) at halftime. Jaspar Carmichael scored seven of his 10 points in the fourth quarter to keep the Panthers close. A 13-point effort from Logan Freed was not enough to offset the scoring of the Bruins’ Baylee Piper (21) and Jacob Lewis (12). Piper had 16 of his 21 counters in the first half. The win was huge for Cedaredge. Coach Craig Cerise commented on the win. “That was a really good game for us. One key for us is that we take pride in our rebounding and we thought we did that well. Another thing was the kids did a great job of taking the game one quarter at a time. The kids stayed composed and level-headed the entire game.” Titans 66, Bruins 56 Coal Ridge held the upper hand throughout the first half to post a 3325 halftime lead. A height advantage for Coal Ridge had the Bruins stymied for much

of the game. Add a dose of foul trouble and the results were a 10-point loss to the Titans, 66-56. Baylee Piper picked up his third foul early in the second quarter and Peter Carlson was whistled for his third foul toward the end of the second period. Carlson had 11 points when he exited the game. The Titans (1-0, 8-2) continued their offensive advantage with a 17-12 run in the third quarter and took a 50-37 lead to the final stanza. Cedaredge (0-1, 64) was able to cut three points off Coal Ridge’s lead but ran out of time in the loss at home. Piper had 12 of the Bruins’ 19 points in the final quarter. Brandon Herrera scored 24 points to lead Coal Ridge scorers. Teammates Payton White (14) and Kevin DiMarco (10) also finished with doubledigit scoring. Cedaredge got 15 points each from Piper and Carlson with Jared Reynolds contributing 14. Cerise praised his team for its play against the Titans. “I thought our boys played really well. They (Coal Ridge) started two really tall kids against us, but I thought we handled them okay. We got into foul trouble and it hurt us against their height. And, our outside shooting wasn’t matching theirs. We kept battling to keep the game close ... we just couldn’t get over the hump in the second half.” Cedaredge is at home against Grand Valley (11, 9-1) on Jan. 26 (6/7:30 p.m. girls and boys varsity). A Saturday matchup with Basalt’s Longhorns is scheduled for 2 and 3:30 p.m. tipoff times (girls and boys varsity games).

Photo by Tamie Meck

Hotchkiss’ Shay Glaser steals the ball from Mckenna Palmer in last week’s conference game in Paonia. Paonia defeated Hotchkiss, 55-39, marking 11 seasons that Paonia has won the rivalry contest.

Paonia defense tough in win over Hotchkiss BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

Strong defense helped Paonia sail to a 16point win over neighbor Hotchkiss last Thursday in a girls game that nearly packed the Paonia High School gymnasium. In the opening period the Eagles held Hotchkiss to one goal — by junior post Carson Collins — and two free throws — by guard Elsie Vasquez — to lead, 15-4, at the buzzer. Hotchkiss trailed by 20 points going into the half. The Bulldogs came out strong in the third period, ramping up the defense and limiting Paonia to a game-low nine thirdquarter points. Hotchkiss

managed five goals for the quarter and trailed by 19 points heading into the final period of play. Collins and the Bulldog defense held Eagles lead scorer Mckenna Palmer to 10 points for the game, six of which were shot from the free throw line. With the focus on Palmer, teammate Kassidy Rapke scored a season-high six goals and 18 points for the game. Andi Todd scored eight, including the team’s only 3-pointer, and junior Taralee Mautz finished with eight points. Poppy Lightfoot, Sophia Fisher and Taneal Mautz combined for seven points. Vasquez ended the

Baseball officials needed

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Josie Hiatt

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game with six points. Kaiya Firor, who made six of the Bulldogs’ 13 steals for the game, scored six. Josie Hiatt posted two points and three steals. Yasmine Gaub, who shot the Bulldogs’ only three pointer in the third quarter, Shay Glaser and freshman Amelia Hickham combined for 10 points. Hotchkiss is now 6-5 for the season and 2-2 in the 2A/1A Western Slope conference. The Bulldogs host conference games this Friday at 6 p.m. against Hayden (39, 1-4), and Saturday at 1 p.m. against Soroco (9-3, 4-0). Paonia (8-3, 4-1) played at Grand Valley (6-4, 1-1, 3A WSL) Tuesday night. It faces Vail Christian (10-2, 4-2) Friday and hosts De Beque (5-4, 0-2) at 2:30 p.m.

Photo courtesy Tracy Sturgis

The top 100 best softball athletes for the state of Colorado are picked to play in the All-State Softball game. Hiatt, a senior at Hotchkiss High School, and daughter of Ty and Dana Hiatt of Hotchkiss, was selected to play this year. Hiatt was honored at a banquet and then played in this year’s All-State Softball game in Denver.

It’s that time of year again when the baseball fans, and players, begin an earnest desire to be outdoors to play ball. Even though the weather doesn’t always agree with us for playing time, preparation for the prep season begins with the call for umpires. Dan Cholas has released his annual plea for those interested in being a high school baseball official to mark the first meeting of the season on their calendars. There will be an interest meeting on Jan. 31 at Delta High School at 7 p.m. for those who wish to umpire this season. For more information, or questions, call Dan Cholas at 874-7162.


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Photo by Wayne Crick

Colton Galvin off to Aberdeen

Delta High School senior Colton Galvin has signed a letter of intent to play football at Northern State University in Aberdeen, S.D. Galvin intends to play safety for the Wolves and plans to study aspects of exercise science while attending NSU. Joining Galvin in the photo are, flanking, Lance Weizbrod (left) and Kristine Weizbrod and Connie Loy. In the back is assistant football coach Ryan Whittington, assistant coach Luis Meza, assistant coach Matt Hamm, Tucker Reed, Jodie Reed, assistant coach Paul Shean, assistant coach Pablo Payan and Delta High School’s head football coach Ben Johnson. Missing from the photo are Jason Galvin and Jason Loy.

SURFACE CREEK January 24, 2018




Cedaredge to advertise for town administrator BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

Following considerable discussion at a Jan. 11 work session which centered on the hiring process for Cedaredge’s next town administrator and after consultation with legal counsel, town board of trustees voted to advertise the position. The trustees had earlier discussed directly appointing an

Sled dog races postponed According to a Facebook post, the Rocky Mountain Sled Dog Club has postponed the dog sled races on Grand Mesa from Jan. 27-28 to Feb. 17-18. Organizers had concerns about snow levels on the mesa.

administrator without advertisement. However, although the town’s home rule charter allows for the direct appointment of an administrator, the trustees determined that it would be “best practice” to advertise. The trustees established the following calendar to fill the town administrator position: Jan. 24 and 31: Advertise the position in the Delta County Independent. Feb. 7, 4 p.m.: Deadline for receipt of application materials. Materials will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the trustees. Feb. 15: During an executive session held as part of the regular February town meeting, all trustees will meet to choose a finalist. Feb. 21: Finalists’ name will be published. March 15: The new town administrator will be appointed at a regular trustee meeting.

Photo by Sue Morris

Blazing sky

Devil’s Thumb is silhouetted by the setting sun in this photo taken from Cedaredge at dusk Sunday evening.

Cedaredge tax receipts show healthy increase BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

Meeting in regular session on Jan. 18, the Cedaredge Board of Trustees heard a wide variety of reports and updates. Treasurer Patti Michael reported that the construction use tax was up 133.27 percent. This can reflect new construction or other activities requiring a building permit in town limits. Delta County auto sales increased and the motor vehicle sales tax collected by the county for registrations of newly purchased vehicles with Cedaredge addresses increased by 10.78 percent. Town tax receipts for December 2017 were up 6.41 percent. This percentage includes local sales tax, local use tax, local vehicle sales and the town’s share of county sales tax. Interim town administrator, Greg Brinck informed the trustees that the Nature Connection headquartered in Hotchkiss will be working with youth in Delta County and Olathe to promote participation in outdoor activities. Nature Connection also plans to engage in “place development” to encourage outdoor skills and this could result in as much as a $100,000 investment in infrastructure, mostly on school district property. Local sales tax is growing but at a slower pace than

countywide sales tax collections. There is a two-month lag between when sales taxes are collected by the state on the town’s behalf and when they are reported. Therefore the most recent figures available reflect October 2017 collections which were up 1.58 percent for the town as opposed to 6.38 percent from Cedaredge’s share of county collections. Brinck hopes that citizens will continue to shop locally and he indicated the town will increase efforts to make certain that appropriate sales tax is collected from vendors at 2018’s AppleFest event. Elyse Ackerman-Casselberry, Delta County community and economic development director, provided an overview of the new Delta County Master Plan. The Delta County Planning Commission has been meeting to develop the plan since August 2017. The county planning commission hopes to complete its draft report by late-February with an eye toward adopting the final plan by the end of March. The purpose of her visit to the trustees was to acknowledge that Cedaredge has an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Delta County concerning the relationship between countywide and community-based planning. The county has similar

IGAs with every community except Orchard City. The new master plan will impact IGAs and she is visiting communities to assure them that the county welcomes input regarding their draft. Mayor pro tem Ray Hanson stated the clarity of the new county plan is much improved and that the upcoming draft will need to go to the town’s planning committee for review. To learn more about the county’s master plan process, visit, or contact Kelly Yeager, contract planner at 970-874-2110 or Ackerman-Casselberry at 970-874-2105. Nick Streza, representing the Cedaredge Area Chamber of Commerce, noted the chamber has room for two additional directors to help promote the local economy and area businesses. The chamber will not be participating this year in the Grand Mesa ice fishing contest. The chamber is providing a letter of support to bolster the efforts of the Grand Mesa Arts and Event Center the raise funds for a downtown arts and entertainment venue, plus a similar letter of support for the Impressionz Gallery in their effort to establish the town as an official Colorado State Creative District. LaDonna Gunn, regional manager for Delta County

Libraries, reported that 2017 foot traffic in the libraries was down but library card usage has “skyrocketed,” meaning that patrons are making greater use of online resources. Previewing 2018, she noted that the libraries are partnering with The Nature Connection (TNC) to promote activities to get children and young people out of doors. Cedaredge Library will become a “gear hub” for TNC, where participants will be able to check out

equipment such as skis, snowshoes and fishing gear when TNC activities are scheduled near the town — on Grand Mesa for example. Other Delta County libraries will also serve as hubs and equipment will move from hub to hub depending upon activity locations. Another innovation for 2018 is the issuance of “e-cards” to students. In cooperation with schools and with parental permission, a CED. TRUSTEES TO C2

Cedaredge is short two candidates BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

In Cedaredge, only incumbents Raymond Hanson and Patricia Michael returned nominating petitions for the municipal election. That will leave two seats vacant unless write-in candidates declare their interest prior to 4 p.m. Jan. 29. According to town clerk William Warner, eligible electors who are still interested in running for office can file an “affidavit of intent to run” with the town, causing them to be a write-in candidate. An affidavit of intent to run can be obtained Cedaredge Town

Hall, and submitted to the clerk for filing. Four of the six seats on the Cedaredge Board of Trustees will be filled in the April election. The terms of Al Smith, Patti Michael and Ray Hanson are ending; the fourth is currently vacant. Gary Tollefson, Joe Gorrod, Mel Cook, Douglas Keller, Janet Gage and Bob Eckels have filed petitions in Orchard City. Tollefson and Eckels are incumbents. The third seat to be filled is currently held by Tom Huerkamp, who was elected to a two-year term in April 2016. Huerkamp did not return a nominating petition.

Chamber of commerce honors local achievers BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

On Friday, Jan. 19, the Cedaredge Area Chamber of Commerce met to review accomplishments for 2017 and to honor local businesses, volunteers and nonprofit groups. Gathering in the town’s historic Stolte Shed, chamber directors, members and guests were treated to dinner and drinks prepared by 4B’s Brewery, Creekside Café, Cedaredge Food Town, Stoney Mesa Winery and Edge of Cedars Winery. The list of cooperative caterers was typical of the collaborative effort which is the hallmark of chamber activities. One banquet attendee likened the gathering to a family reunion and

the evening had that flavor: a congregation of individuals united by the common goal of promoting the health and success of local businesses and organizations. The chamber is growing. Membership has increased from 112 members in 2016 to a current group of nearly 200. Last year 63 participants attended the annual meeting; this year 85 signed up. Kami Collins, executive director of the chamber, began the evening by acknowledging current members of the chamber board: Mitchell Gronenthal (Reve Portraits) is incoming president; Nick Streza (Deer Creek Village Realty), vice president; Phyllis Hoffman (Western Slope Long Term Care Solutions),

secretary; and Dottie Whitlock, treasurer. Other chamber directors are David Starr (Starr’s Guitars); Cindy Starr (Kauai Vacation Rentals); Nancy Hovde (HopeWest and Hospice); and Bruce Hovde (former Delta County Commissioner). New board president Gronenthal reported that AppleFest — one of the region’s most popular events — hosted 185 vendors and drew record crowds in 2017. He also highlighted two new chamber events that debuted last year — First Friday Art Walks and a Halloween Trick or Treat Trail. The chamber plans to involve more businesses in the 2018 Halloween event but will defer leadership for this year’s art walks to the

Photo by Don Benjamin

Cedaredge Area Chamber of Commerce 2017 award winners pose with the chamber president, Mitchell Gronenthal (far left) and vice president, Nick Streza (far right). Award winners (left to right) are: Codi Nelson, Creekside Café, New and Improved Business of the Year; Stacy Malmgren, Stacy’s on Main, Business of the Year; Jane Everett, Surface Creek Historical Society, Nonprofit of the Year; and David Starr, Volunteer of the Year.

new Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center. Last year the chamber partnered with the Town of Cedaredge to promote “Celebrate Cedaredge” activities. Responding to feedback, the chamber and town are planning to hold celebration events in June and August 2018. The August celebration will be timed to complement the annual Serenity Run that draws national and international participants to the area. The chamber will also work with the town to plan a patriotic event in July. “Looking forward to 2018,” Gronenthal announced, “we want the chamber, and the entire business community of Surface Creek, to thrive, not merely survive another year.” He pledged that the board plans to “streamline and strengthen” current events and initiate promotions to encourage residents to “shop local” and “shift-your-shopping” to support area businesses. To realize his vision of the future, he asked that current chamber members reach out to non-members and encourage them to join because membership is an important business investment. He also asked members to provide feedback regarding how the chamber can best serve their needs. Gronenthal then launched the evening of honors by recognizing Nancy Snowdon (psychologist) and Frank St. Peter (Edwards Jones financial advisor) whose board terms

ended in December 2017. He also recognized past chamber board presidents Nancy Hovde and Nick Streza. Then Streza announced the nominees and winners of the 2017 chamber awards. Business of the Year honors went to Stacy’s on Main. Other nominated businesses were Creekside Café, Cedaredge Subway, Starr’s Guitars, and Divine Experience Salon & Spa. Volunteer of the Year honors went to David Starr. Other groups and individuals nominated in this category were the board of directors of The Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control (which recently changed its name to Surface Creek Animal Shelter), Deborah Shaffer, Cindy Starr, Trey Gronenthal and Mitchell Gronenthal. Nonprofit of the Year honors went to the Surface Creek Historical Society. Other nonprofits nominated were Little Sprouts Community Preschool, Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control, Surface Creek Community Services and Cedaredge Food Bank, Friends of Cedaredge Library, and the Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church. New and improved honors went to Creekside Café. Other nominees in this category were The Old Slaughterhouse Music Hall, Curtis McCrackin of Mountain Valley Realty, and The Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center.

C2 Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Delta County Independent

Bank offers match for art center donations in January BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

Work on the Grand Mesa Arts and Events Center (GMAEC) is progressing rapidly. Last week, David Starr, vice president of the GMAEC board, conducted a tour of the building for board members and Town of Cedaredge officials. Standing in the

center’s evolving auditorium, Starr invited this “first audience” to look beyond the construction materials and imagine the excitement of the center’s opening night. If fundraising — which has already eclipsed $100,000 — continues to advance, the center will host its first production in summer 2018. Donors

have until the end of this month to double the value of their gifts by taking advantage of an offer from Bank of Colorado to match January donations up to $5,000. The next GMAEC fundraiser is scheduled for Feb. 14. Tickets are available for “A Sweet-Art Evening” at Starr’s Guitars and Reve Portraits in Cedaredge.

Photo submitted

Bear Den for November/December

Students at Cedaredge Elementary School are nominated each month by their teachers to be included in the Bear Den. The different characteristics which can earn recognition are Perseverance (P), Respect (R), Integrity (I), Duty (D) and Excellence (E). Pictured above are the students in kindergarten through second grade, below are the third, fourth and fifth grade students. This month’s Bear Den students are: kindergartners Gwennyn Griffin, Jeric Barnes, Leea Dawes and Brody Lee from Mrs. Keller’s class, Bryce Pulver, Montana Long and Jaxxsyn Roeling for Mrs. McAdam’s class, and Aiden Blair, Gage Shelton, Kyler Haining and Josiah Scott from Mrs. Parson’s class; first graders Zoey Palmer, Aariyah Grant, Brian Armstrong and Jacob Scott from Mrs. Laurita’s class, Daniel Bardessona, Michael Kerns, Jose Alejandre and Arrayah Lindley from Mrs. Long’s class, and Nicholas Parham, Zoey Pedersen, Laney Kelleher and Braxton Lorimor from Mrs. Schriver’s class; second graders Zachary Mannon, Gabrielle Beach, Samantha White and Isabella Sperry from Miss Benson’s class, Lillian Fischer and Harrison Suppes from Mrs. Hawkin’s class, and Kameron Schumacher, Olivia Blair, Zaden Robidoux and Kelsea Hunter from Mrs. Montoya’s class; and Alexander Mabry and Nola Hamler from Mrs. Henderson’s PE class. Below, third graders Rocco Montoya, Emily Kolonick, Hunter Crawford and Kylie Bunker from Mrs. Hoerr’s class; Audrina Sanchez, Abigail Hoeltzner, Noah Cross and James Scott from Mrs. Galvan’s class, and Dakota Richardson, Hunter Hoerr and Bettie Stivers from Mrs. Lampton’s class; fourth graders Laura Fernandez, Jesse Croker, Kelsea Kissner and Rylan Brooks from Ms. Rienk’s class, Lucian Garcia, Jillian Adkins, Ashlyn Mullally and Tate Fischer from Mr. Stanfield’s class, and Trenton Lewis, Ellie Conway, Emmanuel Barajas and Autumn Burget from Mr. Henderson’s class; fifth graders Raquel Lemon, Tel Geyer, Kierra Terry and Hayden Mills from Mrs. Whitney’s class, Trey Schumacher and Jordin Osburn from Ms. Edwards class, and Trenton Tyan, Kerrie Meyer, Jacob Bowler and Abbigayle Trickel-Gonzalez from Mr. Thompson’s class; Alexander Scartezina and Livia Stahly from Mrs. Henderson’s PE class; and Shyle Almon, Aiden Cohick, Jaden Pearson and Seth Burnett for Mrs. Sharer’s Choice.

Photo by Don Benjamin

Standing in the center’s evolving auditorium, Starr invited this “first audience” to look beyond the construction materials and imagine the excitement of the center’s opening night.

Cedar Mesa Community Club hosts annual soup supper

On Saturday, Feb. 3, everyone is invited to join their friends and neighbors at the Cedar Mesa Clubhouse for a soup supper between 5 and 7 p.m. The clubhouse is located at 15637 Peach Road on Cedar Mesa, approximately three miles east of Cedaredge. There will be a wonderful variety of homemade soups to choose from. Last year’s event offered 13 different kinds of soup to sample. The Cedar Mesa Community Club is a 501(c)3

charitable organization that has been a presence in the Cedar Mesa and Cedaredge community for 110 years, supporting local charities such as the Surface Creek Community Services Food Bank, the Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control, the Christmastime Angel Giving Tree, Christmas dinner food baskets, and the community Christmas dinner. The club’s charitable activity also reaches out to countywide organizations such as Tri-County Resource

Join the fun of Orchard City Women’s Club The Orchard City Women’s Club is approximately 100 years old, and members usually meet the first Friday of the month at the Orchard City Town Hall, 9661 2100 Road, Austin, at 1 p.m. In January, the club elected new officers for the year. In February, members will be making Valentines for various nursing home residents.

Delta County 2018 ������ ���������������������������������������������������� �� ����������������� ��������������������������������������

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Other activities include a picnic in the summer, a Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas party. Speakers also present interesting programs at the meeting. The club’s money-making project is a fun action and all the proceeds go to local charities. All women living in the Orchard City area are invited to join in the fun and fellowship.

Center, Food for Thought and House of Promise. The proceeds from this annual fundraiser soup supper, along with the profit from the annual spring gourmet dinner, are earmarked for the club’s scholarship fund. Each year club members present scholarships to deserving high school seniors who reside on Cedar Mesa. Thanks to generous support from the community at these events, the club has been able to fund many sizeable scholarships the past several years. Tickets or reservations are not necessary for the Feb. 3 soup supper. Club members simply request a donation at the door in exchange for your tastings. Seating may be limited at times in the little Cedar Mesa Clubhouse, but the ladies of the club promise you warm hospitality and some delicious soups, plus drinks and dessert. For more information about the soup supper, or about the Cedar Mesa Community Club, contact Bev Henry at 856-4165.

Cedaredge trustees FROM PAGE C1 student can use the card to access online resources without having to check out physical materials (books, CDs, or DVDs) that could get damaged or lost. The “e-card” does not fully replace a regular card and students are still encouraged to checkout physical materials if their parents approve, but the “e-card” gives an option to families that are concerned about accumulating fines for lost or damaged materials. Jim Leser, chair of the town tree board, reminded the trustees that Arbor Day is April 27, 2018, and that Cedaredge has earned the Arbor Day Foundation’s “Tree City USA” designation for 24 years. A special celebration is planned for the town’s 25th anniversary. The tree board plants trees each Arbor Day on public property and citizens are encouraged to suggest a site in need of a tree. Board members, who are all volunteers, include three master gardeners and each June they conduct “sick tree” clinics visiting trees nominated by the public. In 2017 they had more referrals than they could manage during the one-day event. One of their recent successes has been helping those with walnut trees use a combination of traps and judicious spraying to control the voracious walnut husk fly. The board hopes to update its “trees of the area” publication (last

published in 2006). The tree board’s full annual report can be viewed at town hall. Jacki Dapkus reported that Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control officially changed their name to Surface Creek Animal Shelter. She presented statistics indicating that most dogs come to the shelter as strays and mostly from Cedaredge. Half of strays are returned to owners. Facebook has been an effective tool in reuniting pets and owners. There has been no change in adoption fees which remain at $75 for dogs (includes microchip) and $50 for cats. All animals adopted from the Surface Creek shelter are spayed or neutered. Renovation of the shelter building is proceeding rapidly: the metal roof is on and the windows have arrived. Scott Lock, co-director of town public works, reported that his department has taken advantage of dry weather to install radio-read water meters. One-third of meters are already installed. Older style lights are being steadily switched to LED and crews are putting down road patches. Lock also reviewed the 2018 list of highway user tax fund streets that must be submitted annually to the state for Cedaredge to receive its share of Colorado gas tax funds. The trustees approved a resolution accepting the street list. Police Chief Dan Sand-

ers reported that lack of snow has resulted in a drop in traffic infractions. New body cameras have arrived and the department is in the process of working with information technology to make the cameras functional. The new K-9 dog, named Tigger, is a 12-month old male of Dutch shepherd breed. Unlike German shepherds that can grow large, Dutch shepherds tend to be healthier, leaner and more athletic. Tigger is training with Officer Nolan Davis. The Cedaredge Volunteer Fire Department has 20 active members and room for five more. The public is encouraged to inquire at the police department about joining the firefighting force.

It’s time to license your dog It’s time to get your four-legged furry friends licensed. If you live within the Town of Cedaredge and have a dog, the law requires you to license your pet. Register your dog in person at town hall, 235 W. Main Street. Cost is $10 for dogs that are spayed/neutered and $50 for dogs that are not spayed/neutered. For more information, call Michelle at 856-4301. Dogs must be licensed by Jan. 31.


Delta County Independent

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018



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Delta County Independent


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Orchard City places revenue questions on the ballot BY RICK SMITH Contributing Writer

The Orchard City Board of Trustees held a town hall meeting Jan. 17 to discuss the ballot questions on the April ballot. Thirty people attended the meeting, including several trustees and Melissa Oelke, town clerk, who was present in an official capacity. The meeting was an opportunity for Orchard City residents to learn more about the issues on the ballot. Trustee Tom Huerkamp started the meeting with some history. In 2016, the Finance Committee, headed by Trustee Dick Kirkpatrick, began looking at the steadily declining assets in the town’s funds. The national financial downturn in 2008-2009 became an issue locally by 2010-2011. The closure of the coal mines also created a downturn in federal minerals and severance taxes. Revenue from mining dropped from $146,000 to $14,000 a year. The Finance Committee first looked at the Water Fund as a possible source

to stem the tide of reduced revenue. There was an outcry from the Orchard City residents which kept the lower water rates in effect. In 2016, a former Orchard City resident approached the board stating she had money to invest in the potential marijuana industry in the area. With comments pro and con regarding marijuana, it was decided by the trustees to put the marijuana tax proposal on the 2018 ballot, not to legalize marijuana, but to allow the citizens a chance to state their opinion on legalization by voting for or against the marijuana tax. If the marijuana tax proposal is not voted in, it would give the incoming board of trustees a reason not to pursue the issue of legalization. If the vote is in favor of the tax, the new board would research the laws and state restrictions regarding implementing sales in Orchard City, which, in itself, could be a lengthy process. Dave Woolley had questions on the marijuana

taxes and how those monies would be used by the town. That issue would be addressed after the election, if the town approved the ballot question. On the 3 percent sales tax proposal, funding would go, in part, to road maintenance and law enforcement, which have no other funding resources available. Bill Morris requested numbers on the calculations presented. An estimated $60,780 would go to law enforcement, with an additional amount provided every four years by the town as a requirement to help fund additional costs, such as new vehicles. A business owner in the town, identified as Mel (no last name given) stated he felt the figures presented were off and the estimate was a little high. Trustee Huerkamp replied that the information was provided by the State of Colorado. Mel said that Orchard City, having no sales tax, brings people from Delta and other surrounding areas to the town to shop. He asked that the board take a hard look on

the tax issue. Dave Stueck asked what the tax base would be if an Orchard City resident purchased an item, such as a car, in Grand Junction. It was stated that Orchard City would receive the tax. County commissioner Don Suppes mentioned that certain food items purchased by food stamp recipients and other government-funded programs would be exempt from the sales tax. Another resident said the added sales tax might send shoppers out of the town to purchase items. Doug Keller asked that the town re-evaluate the need for a tax, feeling the town doesn’t need it. After several other comments, Trustee Bob Eckels requested that those present stick to the purpose of the town hall meeting. He reaffirmed the intent of the meeting was to explain the ballot issues and not to be a forum to argue for or against those issues. He stated that the issues were placed on the ballot to allow maximum voice from the citizens by way

of voting. Currently, the Town of Orchard City does not receive any monies from property taxes. The objective of the ballot issue on property taxes is to receive $130,000 in revenue for the town.

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What’s bugging you? Local gardening questions and answers BY JIM LESER Cedaredge Tree Board

Have you ever wondered about the mistletoe you see growing on trees in our area? What about the mistletoe hanging in doorways during the holiday season? If you get caught under the latter mistletoe you might garner a kiss. The former mistletoe, a parasite, might be the kiss of death to your tree. Today I am going to address the dwarf mistletoes of the genus, Arceuthobium, that attack various species of conifers. The other group, true or leafy mistletoes are in the genus Phoradendron, which can grow on both conifers and hardwoods. Different species of dwarf mistletoes can attack Lodgepole pines, Douglas firs, Ponderosa pines, Limber pines and Pinyon pines. It is this last one that we deal with today. Dwarf mistletoes can

spread short distances by means of explosive fruit that shoot out sticky seeds at almost 60 mph. Birds can also spread these seeds. These mistletoes tap into the vascular system of their host, extracting water and nutrients. The growth of these mistletoes produces a “witch’s broom” and can cause loss of vigor, dieback and even death of their host tree in the most severe cases. Pinyons displaying several “witch’s brooms” produced through infections by the dwarf mistletoe, A. divaricatum, will be, at the very least, stressed and more susceptible to droughtinduced death, and attractive to attacks by wood boring beetles, twig and bark beetles. If you first observe mistletoe in your pinyon tree, don’t expect the tree to die overnight. It may take years and multiple infections to cause the death of your tree. So what can you do to

Dwarf Mistletoe on Pinyon

Learn to connect through storytelling Do you want to learn how to better tell stories? Come to Cedaredge Community United Methodist Church for a 10hour class, “Connecting Through Storytelling,” from Feb. 15-18. There are only 10 openings — register early. The leader is veteran storyteller and storytelling teacher, Kitty Dutenhaver. She trained at Second City in Chicago and is completing a book, “Storytelling for Older Adults.” She is the host and co-producer of “Storytelling By Older Adults For Older Adults” at Celtic Knot Pub, Evanston, Ill. Dutenhaver, with graduate degrees in law and religion, is a retired law professor and mediator. Past participants say these things: ”I did not like her (a person in the class) before I took the class. Now that I have heard her stories, I would

like to get to know her better.” “At first I worried I had no stories to tell. Then I was surprised I actually did have stories and even more surprised when people listened.” “I wondered how I would last through (the whole) class, but the time flew by.” “I never thought I could say so much in three minutes.” “Can we have a class reunion?” All participants need to attend all sessions: Thursday, Feb. 15, 58 p.m.; Friday, Feb. 16, 5-8 p.m.; and Saturday, Feb. 17, 9 a.m. to noon at Cedaredge United Methodist Church. On Saturday afternoon, voluntary half-hour presentation tutorials will be available. The entire cost is $30. To register or for more information, contact Pamela Gubkin at the church office as soon as possible, 970-856-3696 or

control dwarf mistletoe on your pinyon trees. First, heavily infested trees should probably be cut down and removed. Pruning infected branches back all the way to their branch collars can work on more limited infections. Less drastic measures would involve cutting back the leaves and stems of the parasite to the wood and then wrap that area with black polyethylene sheeting. This is to block light and prevent the mistletoe from re-sprouting and producing flowers and fruiting, creating seeds that will spread the mistletoe. Removing just the visible mistletoe growth will

not kill the parasite but repeated removal will slow down the progression of the infection and subsequent tree death. One last caveat. Dwarf mistletoe is poisonous to dogs and cats and can even cause illness in humans. So kissing under true mistletoe may bring you love, but dwarf mistletoe will only bring your conifers grief. Jim Leser retired to Cedaredge in 2007 after a career with Texas A&M University Extension in entomology. He is a member of the Cedaredge Tree Board and a Colorado Master Gardener.

The three ballot issues are not tied together. One, two or all three could be passed. None could be voted in. The trustees encourage Orchard City residents to make their voice heard during the municipal election.

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C6 Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Delta County Independent

Warm weather brings Cedaredge golfers out BY DON BENJAMIN Staff Writer

During its Jan. 18 meeting the Cedaredge Board of Trustees received an update on the golf course. Adam Conway, golf course superintendent, reported that the drought has allowed diseases usually mitigated by snow cover to spread in the grass. All regional golf courses are facing the same problem. The golf course irrigation system continues to be a concern and one problem is that past fixes have been piecemeal and not methodical. At a future meeting Conway will present the trustees with a proposal to develop a master plan to address golf course

water issues. The same company that conducted an earlier audit of course operations has indicated a willingness to credit the cost of that audit toward the expense of developing a master plan. This company is already involved in the renovation of several regional courses. Constituent Gerry Mandralla told the trustees he was dismayed that the golf course superintendent position was left vacant for five months in 2017, during which time he felt that the sprinkler system and other important course maintenance may have deteriorated. Trustees also approved changes in the 2018 Cedaredge golf rates outlined by golf clubhouse


operations director Erik Hansen, who has been working in that role since the first of the year. Hansen explained that the changes are designed to encourage more 18-hole rounds in order to increase revenue. To this end he has reduced the 18-hole cost for Cedaredge Players Club members from $43 to $39 and he has moved the start-time for discounted twilight play to begin an hour earlier at 2 p.m. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, veterans and active duty military along with seniors will be allowed to play 18 holes for $39 rather than the regular public rate of $58. And, although the dry


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Cedaredge by providing them with a oneyear pass to use the golf course. The retiring employee must be 65 or older, fully vested in the retirement system, and in good standing with the town. Constituent Gerry Mandralla spoke in favor of golf club rate changes but against the resolution to grant passes to retiring employees. During the meeting the trustees also approved an unbudgeted expense to bring the town website up to speed. The current website is three generations behind in improvements, making it difficult to update. CivicPlus, a website redesign firm that created the town’s current website, offers to


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weather is stressing the grass, it has increased revenue because so far January play has gone from zero in years past to over 200 golfers, counting both nine- and 18hole rounds. Hansen also reported that he has been forging relationships with neighboring communities. He joined the Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce and The Beacon senior newspaper, headquartered in Grand Junction, just informed him that readers selected Cedaredge as their favorite golf course. In other golf-related decisions, the trustees approved a resolution to recognize the commitment of employees who retire from the Town of


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provide an upgrade and staff support and training (services ordinarily valued at $14,000) for the $5,400 amount approved by the trustees. Interim town administrator Greg Brinck reported that this firm has designed the Delta city website and websites for several other regional and statewide municipalities. During constituent time, John Stighner complained that he found the website difficult to use because he could not locate the agenda for the present meeting. Brinck assured the trustees that CivicPlus will make the new website more userfriendly for the public and easier for staff to update.



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January 24, 2018

Real Estate

Real Estate


Delta County Independent


Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

Real Estate

������������� ������������ ������������ ������������ ������������������� ��������������

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Wanting to sell your house?

�������� ������� ���� ������ �������� ���� ������ ����� ����� �� ����� ������� ��� ������ ������� ����������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ ���� �� ����� ������ ������ ��� ������ �� ���� �������� ��� ������������� ����� ��� ���� ���������� ������ ���� ���� ����� ������ ���� ���� ����������� ���� ������ �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������

DCI DEADLINES Space Reservation for ALL Display Advertising Fridays (5 p.m.) Copy for Display Advertising Mondays (noon) Legal Notices Mondays (10 a.m.) Classified Ads Mondays (10 a.m.) Too Late To Classify Mondays (noon) Calendar Of Events Items Tuesdays (10 a.m.)

��������������������� ������������������� �����������������������������������������

Thank you for your cooperation

Help Wanted


INDEPENDENT 401 Meeker St., Delta • 874-4421



AVAILABLE JANUARY 1, 2018 in Cedaredge. 270 W. Main St., 2650', 3 bed., 3 bath home with bonus room. Near elementary school and Main St. $1200/ mo. plus utilities, first & last month's rent and damage deposit required. Pets are negotiable. Call 970234-5869 or 970-234-3502 if interested. (TFNx1) CREEKSIDE 3 BEDROOM 2 bath in Cedaredge, totally remodeled, 2 decks, laundry hookups, double garage, non-smokers only, $1,200/ mo + utilities, First and last month plus $1,300 deposit, 1-Year lease (360) 929-5155. (2x4)

Help Wanted

������������ ��������� ����������������� ���������������������� ��������������� ��������������������� ����������� ���������������� ����� ������������������������ ����������������������

ADVERTISE 874-4421

Help Wanted

�������������������� ��������������������������������

������������������������� ����������������������������

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Help Wanted

����������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

THE TOWN OF ORCHARD City is currently seeking applicants for a full-time Distribution Maintenance Worker position. The position reports to the Town Administrator. The hourly pay range starts at $17.00$25.00 per hour (dependent upon qualifications) plus a comprehensive benefits package. Qualified applicants must be customer service oriented. Position requires a high school diploma or equivalent; a Colorado Water Treatment Class D and Level 1 Distribution licenses or better; two years public works/utility maintenance; a valid Colorado Driver’s License is required with the ability to obtain a class “B” Commercial Driver’s License. Send resume, cover letter and employment application to; with “Distribution Maintenance Worker” noted in the subject line or mail to Town Hall, Attention Town Administrator at 9661 2100 Road, Austin, CO 81410. Closing Date: February 2, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. An employment application and a detailed position description are available at (3x2) HIGH COUNTRY NEWS ( seeks a dynamic and creative person to help grow our subscribers and donors. Our future digital marketer will have proven experience in marketing, digital engagement strategies and the creation of web and email campaigns. A love of the West is a must. Generous benefits package offered. Starting salary range DOE: $36,600$55,000. Remote work considered for the right candidate. To apply, email letter and resume to Gretchen King at gretchenk@hcn. org. For information, visit: (4x3)

“I Saw It In

the Paper!” You’ll find lots of interesting things in your newspaper… • Local News • Editorials • Business • Meetings • Schools

• Sports • Sales • Weddings • Events …and more





401 Meeker St., Delta • 874-4421


Help Wanted

���������������� ����������������� ������������������������� ������������������ ���������������� ��������������������������� ����������������

Search the classifieds for Jobs!

D2 Wednesday, January 24, 2018 Help Wanted


Help Wanted

Public Service

Public Service

���������� ������������� ������������� ����������� ������

HOW DO I SELL MY Cottage Food products? You may sell your products directly to the consumer from your residence, roadside stand, Farmers’ market, community supported agricultural organizations, or other similar venue. If you have any questions, please call: 874-2165. Delta County Health Department. (4X3)

����������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������� �������������������� ������������������������ �������������������������� ��������������������������� ����������

THE DELTA COUNTY Independent runs these items as a public service free of charge for non-profit organizations, if no fees are charged. However, each group is asked to please keep them current by calling 874-4421.

������������������� ��������������������������������� ����������������������

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Delta County Independent

Public Service

WANNA PLAY A ROUND? Golf with a fun group of ladies. Two membership options available. Sign up at www.cedaredgeladies Get to know us on Facebook at “cedar edgeladiesgolfclub”

CO FATHER’S NETWORKdedicated to providing community and education to fathers of special needs kids. Meets twice monthly on the 1st Saturday at 11 a.m. and the 3rd Monday at 6:30 p.m. - 511 E. 10th St, Delta. See our website for ALCOHOLICS ANONY- more details: www.codads. mous meets Thursdays at 7 org p.m. Friends of Bill W. Club. 897 Palmer Street, Delta. AL-ANON AND ALATEEN: Hope and help for families WELCOME RETURNING and friends of alcoholics Veterans, Post 9221 VFW meets in Delta: Al-Anon and meets at 5:00 p.m. on the Alateen, Tuesdays at 7:30 4th Thursday of each month pm, St. Luke’s Episcopal in Cedaredge. To find out Church, 145 W. 5th St., conhow to participate in pro- tact Elizabeth 970-874-9832 moting patriotism and or Shirley 970-323-5067. assisting veterans, contact Wayne Hamrick, (970) 250- CARING FOR CARE1180. givers, C4C - supporting hearts that care. Open to ANY caregiver. Meets monthly in Delta, 2nd Tuesday at 11 a.m. - 511 E. 10th St, Delta.

Miscellaneous Colorado Statewide ���������������������� Network

To place a 25-word COSCAN Network ad in 91 Colorado newspapers for only $300, contact your local newspaper or call SYNC2 Media at 303-571-5117. ������ ����������� Cash for Mineral Rights ������������������������ ������������������������������������������� �������������������������������� ������������ �������������������� Call:������������� ���������������������� Write: ����������������������� ������������������������� ������������������� ��������������������� Email: ������������������������������� ������������������������������� �������������������������

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Public Service HOSPITAL VOLUNTEERS Wanted! Delta County Memorial Hospital needs hospital volunteers. Days and hours are flexible. There are currently openings in the ER, Oncology, Gift Shop and some additional areas. If you are interested, please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Barbara Hall at 250-2105 for an application. PARENTS — FREE information and referrals for licensed child care providers. Call Bright Futures Child Care Resource & Referral at 877-728-5613. FREE DIAPERS FOR UP to one year! Pregnant women in Delta County can now get help to quit smoking and get something they can really use after their baby arrives — free diapers. Healthy moms have healthy babies. Enroll in the Baby & Me Tobacco Free program today. Contact the Delta County Health Department at 874-2165 or your local physician.

Public Service AL-ANON: HOPE AND help for families and friends of alcoholics meets in Cedaredge: Al-Anon, Thursdays, 8 pm, Wick Hall behind First Baptist Church, 370 W. Main St., contact Mary M. 970-856-6123 or Jim 970-874-7855. HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD Historical Museum. Winter hours, Saturdays 1-4 p.m. $3 admission or free to members. Come see our museum at 2nd & Hotchkiss Streets in Hotchkiss. 8723780. CHECK OUT THE BOOK store at the Delta Library. You'll find a great selection of paperbacks at reasonable prices. NARCOTICS ANONYmous meets at 9th and Palmer, Delta, Mondays and Fridays at 8 p.m.

DELTA FOOD PANTRY needs meals for Delta families who are temporarily in need. Donations of nonperishable food may be SUPPORT THE DELTA brought to 628 Meeker. Library. Give a gently used HELP!!! KEEP THE book in the Downstairs animal population under Book Store. control, and SAVE an aniAARP DRIVER SAFETY mal's life. Adopt your new Course. Save on insurance, cat or dog from the Delta keep up on newer traffic County Humane Society. laws, learn defensive driv- Adoption fee is minimal. ing techniques. For details Call 874-2149. IF YOU LOVE BOOKS, and schedule contact John THERE IS A VFW MEETING you will love the Downstairs Loring (970) 856-6924 or on the first Monday of each Bookstore in the basement (970) 424-1778. month. At 6 p.m. there is a of the Delta Library. potluck and the meeting is at 7 p.m. at the First Baptist Church, 1250 Pioneer Rd., Delta. For further information, call 874-8172 Jim ���������������������������������������������� Baker, Quartermaster. THE ABRAHAM CONNECtion homeless shelter, located at 480 Silver St., Delta, offers emergency overnight shelter and food to men, women and families in the Delta area midOctober- April. Call us at 970-773-8290 to make a referral, or for information on how to volunteer or donate. www.Delta AbrahamConnection. org.

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HILLTOP COMMUNITY Resources offers free services and support to victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. There are also ongoing support groups. Please call our office at 970-773-2251 for more information or if you are in crisis please call our 24 hour crisis line at 1-844-990-5500. AL-ANON: HOPE AND help for families and friends of alcoholics meets in Hotchkiss: Al-Anon, Mondays at 6:30 pm, Methodist Church 285 N. 2nd, contact Elsie 970-2108090 or Marjorie 970-4331856. CHAPTER, UNITS OF DAV regular meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Veterans Building, 15th & Howard, Delta. For further information, call Paul Carter 874-5150. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO change a child's life! Children are waiting for senior partners in Delta County right now! Can you spare 3 hours a week? We need your help! Call today for more information. Please volunteer to spend time with a child in our community. Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray, 874-4661, www. or www.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

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D4 Wednesday, January 24, 2018


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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

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D6 Wednesday, January 24, 2018



Dreams of flying

Photo by Kaylee Dunham

RG Martin has loved flying since he was a young child. Today, he owns several airplanes and one helicopter that he built.

BY KAYLEE DUNHAM Contributing Writer

Delta County Independent

lathe resident RG Martin has been flying since the age of 10, when he placed sticks in the side of a cardboard box to make it look like an airplane. He would jump off a giant sand pile and fly down the side. “That was the first thing (I ever flew) — very uncontrolled,” RG said. Some people never get the opportunity to follow their dreams, but because of hard work and good finances RG was able to make his dream come to life. RG explained, “Believe it or not when I was in second grade in school, is when I realized that I had to fly. I had a friend that had a birthday party and his dad took us all up flying in his airplane for his birthday. From that day on I’ve flown anything you can imagine ... and they got more complex as my age increased.” Today, RG owns several airplanes and one helicopter that he built. He is planning on starting his second helicopter. He stumbled across the helicopter project on a trip to Arizona in 2002. RG was on his way to buy an airplane, but it wasn’t ready when it was supposed to be for a test flight. On a whim, he went to see about a helicopter that he had read about in a magazine. Originally he thought it was going to be a toy or perhaps a hoax. “I got over there and never looked back at the airplane. I just bought the helicopter and brought it home to build,” RG laughed. RG is currently in the process of transforming the helicopter into a jet by placing a turbine engine in it. He estimates it took 600 hours to build the original, but now with the transformation he has thousands of hours into building this one helicopter.

The transformation happened out of necessity, because early on RG had a few engine failures. “I had a big Thanksgiving over here with about 70 people. I was giving everybody rides and I had an engine problem with it that day. I thought ‘That’s it.’ I took it in the shop and tore it down. That was six years ago and I’ve been working on it ever since. It’s been a real project, putting it mildly.” RG says flying a helicopter has its benefits. “You can see really well from up in the helicopter and if you need to, you can just stop.” RG has lived in the area since 1996, and for six years used his aircraft to assist search and rescue in Delta. He has helped ranchers find lost cattle on Grand Mesa and round them up. When an explosion leveled Electric Mountain Lodge a few years back, the accident site could only be reached by snowmobile or by air. He has also helped when people call about individuals with Alzheimer’s getting lost. But this hobby isn’t cheap. RG built the helicopter because he couldn’t afford to buy one that was already built. He has a helicopter and an airplane license, plus a commercial airplane license. It is not an easy task to get a license to fly a helicopter nor is it inexpensive. RG had to travel to Chandler, Ariz., for his helicopter license, but was able to get the airplane license in Salida. Aside from travel, one must also be able to pay for the cost of the flying test. “The helicopter license was very difficult, they are just not easy to fly. An airplane wants to fly, a helicopter does not. The helicopter will crash in a matter of seconds if you quit flying it. The airplane would fly until it ran out of fuel. The helicopter is just a different world.”

RG explains. “The helicopter (license) was fairly difficult (to get); nowadays it takes around $40,000 to get a helicopter license so it’s very expensive, and then you have to buy the helicopter. The helicopter out here, now, is $160,000, I think. I’m glad I did it when I did it.” Airplanes are much easier to fly but are still incredibly expensive. “I think I had $20,000 into licenses back when I started the airplane thing. It’s not nearly as difficult; anybody can learn to fly an airplane,” RG said. Laughing RG said he didn’t even want to think about how much this hobby has cost him over the years. “It’s a pretty expensive hobby, it really is. My airplane out here is very light, very cheap, and something I use to keep me in the air. It doesn’t cost a lot; it runs real cheap,” RG explained. Due to the passion RG has for flying he was able to make his second grade dreams come true. He said his favorite part of all of it is “just flying.”

Photo by Kaylee Dunham

Helicopters aren’t cheap, so RG Martin built his own.

Photo by Kaylee Dunham

RG Martin has built one helicopter and is planning to start on a second one.

Photo by Kaylee Dunham

RG adjusts the turbine on his helicopter. “It takes a lot of trial and error to get it right,” he said.

Photo by Kaylee Dunham

This plane keeps RG Martin in the air. It’s very light and inexpensive to operate.

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