Delta County Independent, Issue 47, Nov. 23, 2011

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Look inside for great ideas to make it easy to relax and enjoy the holidays

Citizens step forward to preserve their community golf course, C1

Celia Roberts’ latest thanks those who work the earth, B1


NOVEMBER 23, 2011 VOL. 128, NO. 47



Residents weigh in on land swap BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

A standing room only audience of some 90 people attended the county commissioners’ information forum on the proposed Bear Ranch land exchange in Delta on Nov. 21. Ranch owner Bill Koch has bought two parcels of land, one overlooking Blue Mesa Reservoir and a Dinosaur National Monument in-holding, which

he proposes to trade for public lands bordering his 4,500-acre ranch above Paonia Reservoir in Gunnison County. Koch is offering some 1,000-plus acres in exchange for 1,846 acres in six parcels of “dispersed and difficult to manage” public lands. The deal would also provide new public lands access points and public use trails. Because the proposed swap

involves public lands administered by two different agencies and in two different states, the deal will require congressional action. Bear Ranch manager Rob Gill said Koch plans to have that legislation introduced early next year. Gill said that Koch wants the lands swap to “consolidate ranching operations and management, and resolve recurring trespass and poaching issues.”

Though the proposed deal involves little actual property in Delta County, the idea has stirred curiosity, concern and opposition among the ranch’s North Fork Valley neighbors. Speaking in opposition to the swap, Paonia businessman Ed Marston gave a presentation describing the deal as “not better than what we have; marginal at best.” Marston said that most of the property Koch offers

is already under protective status. In his judgment, the swap will complicate public access and wildlife management issues, Gunnison County politics are behind part of the deal, and that congressional action on the proposal will take local public lands decisions out of local hands. Following presentations, event facilitator Robbie LeValley fielded numerous LAND SWAP TO A3

County issues ‘cease and desist’ order BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Delta County attorney’s office has issued a “cease and desist” order on construction of the Western Slope Layers hen house facility on Powell Mesa. In a letter delivered last week, the county attorney states that construction of the facility may not begin until all conditions of county approval have first been met. The letter states those conditions have not been met. “It has been brought to my attention that you have commenced construction of the building that will house the chickens for your proposed Western Slope Layers operation,” states attorney Christine Knight in her letter. “This is to notify you that you have not yet met all conditions of approval; therefore, you are acting illegally by commencing construction.” The letter continues, “From what Dave Rice, the county planner, tells me, it appears

that you are under the mistaken impression that ... the (Specific Development) review process was sufficient to meet all of the conditions of approval. This is not the case. The (commissioners’) resolution calls for a number of management plans to be developed, submitted, and approved by Delta County. These include a water quality control management plan, a manure and litter handling management plan, a fly control management plan, a noise reduction plan, an air quality management plan, and a solid waste management plan. My understanding is thus far, you have only applied for an address permit and submitted a drainage plan which has not yet been approved. “Accordingly, you must cease and desist from any and all construction activities immediately upon receipt of this letPhoto by Pat Sunderland ter. Failure to do so will result Vandals slashed a greenhouse at Garnet Mesa Elementary School sometime during the night in further legal action by Delta County to enforce the terms of of Nov. 21. The Delta Police Department is investigating whether a series of car break-ins at Villas at the Bluff is related. the conditional use permit.”

Vandals break into cars, destroy school greenhouse

City council nixes pow wow BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

By a 3-2 vote, Delta City Council set aside an earlier agreement to fund the Council Tree Pow Wow for one more year while searching for a new event that would generate renewed interest and enthusiasm. The decision came during discussion of the 2012 budget, which included a $55,000 allocation for the Council Tree Pow Wow. The funds come out of the rec center’s budget and are offset by revenues including gate, entry and vendor fees. In 16 years, the pow wow has never made money. It has drawn visitors to the city, however, and enhanced the city’s reputation, proponents say. After a DCI article titled, “Has the Council Tree Pow Wow run its course?” council member Bill Raley said he received numerous calls from citizens unhappy with

INDEX Accent ........................... A4 Activities ....................... A7 Agriculture .....................B5 Back Page ................... D8 Church ........................... D6 Classifieds .................. D1-2 Editorial ......................... A2 Legals ......................... D3-5 North Fork Times ........B1-4 Obituaries ..................... A6 School Zone .................. A5 Service Directory ........ D7 Sports .............................C6 Surface Creek News ...C1-5 TV Listings ..................C3-4


an event that continually loses money. The 2011 losses are estimated at $11,562. “We keep saying one more year, one more year,” said council member Ed Sisson. “We can’t afford one more year in these economic times.” Mayor Mary Cooper said she’s not necessarily a fan of the pow wow, but she doesn’t want to “just drop it and do nothing.” The most vocal objection came from council member Guy Pfalzgraff, who was not present at earlier budget work sessions when pow wow funding was discussed. “We’re shooting ourselves in the foot,” he said. He also objected to the “back door” approach to the decision. “This is not the way to do business.” He and Cooper voted “nay” on the motion to remove pow wow funding from the 2012 budget.

Managing Editor

Students arriving at Garnet Mesa Elementary School Tuesday morning were dismayed to see yellow caution tape strung around the greenhouse they had dedicated just six weeks ago. The walls of the greenhouse, which is located on the east end of the school, were slashed repeatedly. GMES principal Jim Farmer estimates the physical loss at $6,000, but says the emotional impact to the kids can not be measured. “This type of act makes our kids feel unsafe,” he said. “It’s a crime against the kids of Delta.” The students participated in a read-a-thon to raise funds for the greenhouse and partnered with local individuals, businesses and clubs to bring the project to fruition after many months of fund raising. Mrs. Holst suggested her first grade students write down their thoughts: “I felt sad when the green-

Christmas tree permits are available Christmas tree permits offered by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management will be on sale in western Colorado. The permits allow the public to cut a Christmas tree for personal use on national forest and BLM lands. Permit costs range from $8 to $10 (per tree) depending on which BLM or Forest Service office issues the permit and where one plans to cut their tree. Permits are on sale in Delta at the GMUG forest supervisor’s office

at 2250 Highway 50 South, and at the Paonia District Office, North Rio Grande Avenue. The permits come with information explaining regulations and helpful tips. The national forest and BLM offices also sell maps and offer free advice on the best areas for tree harvesting, species availability and any restrictions of note. Please plan ahead and be prepared for winter conditions and keep vehicles on the road (or appropriate parking area).

house was destroyed because that was mean. When I came to school I did not feel happy because I worried about my plant.” “I am really sad. I like the greenhouse so much and don’t understand why it’s gone.” “I felt mad when the greenhouse was destroyed because that meant something to us! How would you feel if it happened to you?” “It made me feel horrible when the greenhouse was destroyed because it was cruel. Who destroyed the greenhouse? I hope they feel sorry.” “The kids were really starting to show ownership in the greenhouse,” said fourth grade teacher Jaime Ogden, who spearheaded the project. On that same Tuesday morning, the residents of Villas at the Bluff woke to find their cars broken into. Jo Rosenquist, the executive director of Delta Housing Authority, estimates seven to eight cars were vandalized at the Villas at the Bluff. Other

reports were received from Tony’s Alley, which is near the public housing project. Those residential areas are in the main part of the town, not on Garnet Mesa like the elementary school. At Villas at the Bluff, some car windows were broken out with a BB gun; other vehicles had been left unlocked so access was easy. At least one resident reported her purse was missing. The Delta Police Department was still compiling a list of stolen items at press time Tuesday. Rosenquist said the incident serves as a grim reminder to remove items of value and make sure your car doors are locked. The school district is offering a $200 reward for information about the destruction of the greenhouse. Anyone with information about any of these incidents is encouraged to call the Delta Police Department at 874-7676 or Delta County Crimestoppers at 874-8810.

Head-on kills both drivers A head-on accident on Highway 92 12 miles east of Delta resulted in the deaths of both drivers. The Colorado State Patrol reports that Michael Adams, 29, of Grand Junction was traveling eastbound in the westbound lane when he struck a westbound vehicle driven by Steve McAlpine, 48, of Orchard City. Both men died on the scene. According to the report compiled by Trooper Brett Hilling, Adams was traveling at a high rate of speed through a curve when his vehicle crossed into the oncoming lane of traffic. County coroner Kevin Lucy says an autopsy has been performed on Adams, and a toxicology report will be issued when the results of the autopsy are finalized. The accident occurred at 5:45 p.m. Nov. 18.

A2 Wednesday, November 23, 2011



Better Raggeds access could be lost

Cedaredge budget dips into fund balances Dear Editor: Citizens, voters and taxpayers of Cedaredge, I invite you to join the Board of Trustees Thursday, Dec. 1, at 7 p.m. for the 2012 proposed budget public hearing at the Cedaredge Community Center, Room A. The budget process began two months ago, with four opportunities for your opinions and input. I am excited that approximately a dozen concerned citizens attended one or two of the four announced budget sessions. We always encourage concerned citizens to participate and attend any or all of the public

meetings. Thanks to the entire police department for attending and participating in the last two budget work and regular meetings. Town hall has a copy of the budget for your review; it is also available on the website www.cedaredgecolorado. com. The 2011 adopted budget expenditures exceed revenues by $58,902 and additional $40,000+ in quarterly supplementary appropriations. The proposed 2012 budget expenditures will exceed revenues by $482,687. According to Home Rule: The total of the proposed expenditures in the adopt-

Thursday and Friday November 24-25 Normal hours will resume on Monday, November 28

ed budget shall not exceed the total of estimated revenues, including unappropriated cash reserves. The Board of Trustees will have to appropriate this deficit from several town funds recommended by the administration. This appropriation equates to reducing these funds by 34.5 percent. I have spent many hours digesting, debating and producing memos for the Board of Trustees to persuade them to reduce these expenditures by 10 percent ($500,000) with little or no adjustments to date. As a trustee, this is a very difficult issue for me to be fiduciary responsible by approving the budget as proposed. I have and will continue to vote this proposed 2012 budget down. I invite all of you to review the proposed 2012 budget and voice your opinion on Dec. 1, for or against. After all, it is your tax dollars and Cedaredge is your town. Michael J. Meskel Cedaredge


INDEPENDENT DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (UPS 152-700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Second class postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416 401 Meeker St. Delta, CO 81416 (970) 874-4421


Delta County Independent

Dear Editor: A few Sundays ago, at 2.30 p.m. I decided I couldn’t take any more of the Broncos being blown out once again. So suddenly I had an unplanned 3 1/2 hours until sunset available to get away. Off I went to my favorite close-in, low elevation quickie escape from Paonia: The BLM road between the two Bear ranches leading to the Deep Creek trail on the Gunnison National Forest. In 25 minutes my jeep and I arrived at Gunnison County Route 2 at the north end of Paonia Reservoir, 18 miles up Highway 133 from Paonia, at a low 6,450 feet. In another seven minutes I covered two miles of Gunnison County Route 2, which I could have done in any weather since it’s gravelled and safety railed by Bear Ranch owner Bill Koch as he uses it to access his upper ranch. There I was, at 7,000 feet, the start of what we simply call “The BLM Road,” one of the best avenues anywhere to look at mountains. In the next 15 minutes what I call “The Hall of the Mountain Kings” showed me Mts. Gunnison, Lamborn, Ruby-Anthracite and Marcellina, all so close I felt I could reach out and touch them. Plus, the Ragged Mountain massif was in my face all the way. At 7,400 feet two miles later — 47 minutes from Paonia — I was at the parking lot at the Deep Creek trail. The road is unimproved, but it’s a good way to extend the season since it dries out with a sunny

south/southwest exposure, is low and with a gradual incline. And the last third is nearly paved since Koch uses it to connect his two ranches. I took an easy two hours to walk the Deep Creek trail on the Gunnison NF through an unusual low elevation aspen forest to the Ragged Mountain Trail at 7,880 feet and back. That 480 feet was the only incline I had to hike. On the way back I spent extra time on the BLM road watching the sun set behind the mountains, but was still back to Paonia in my jeep in four hours, shortly after sunset. Total elevation gain 1430 feet, two thirds or 950 feet of it climbed by my jeep. This is important not because I am a couch potato, but indicates two things — availability and flexibility. It makes possible both quick short and long trips in almost all weather. With more time I could have completed a one way hike from the Raggeds Trail south down FS 795 to a shuttle car at Erickson Springs on County Road 12, or with a backpack could have enjoyed a nice headstart on a hike north up the Raggeds Trail. Had this been winter, I could have fearlessly made the same spur-ofthe-moment decision to head for the hills; the Bear Ranch route is year-round since Koch plows Route 2 to get to his upper ranch. Then skiing/snowshoeing along the gradual incline BLM road and the Hall of the Mountain Kings beckons for all abilities, for part or all the day. If we are forced to trade this route to the Raggeds for the Buck Creek Ranch route offered by Mr. Koch as a substitute if he succeeds in absorbing the BLM land between his two ranches in the Bear Ranch Land Exchange, we are all losers. Kudos to Kathy Browning’s Nov. 2 DCI article which was the first to indicate that taking the Buck Creek offering from Mr. Koch would involve this sacrifice. The route is neither available nor flexible since it requires a fierce amount of climbing on foot/bike, possible only to the very fit with a lot of time in good weather. The motorized route starts at 6800 feet (at least it’s low) and lets your SUV climb 450 feet, but via a steep dirt shelf road cut into a north facing hill with a sharp dropoff, so it doesn’t dry out easily and demands skill in all but the best



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weather. On two Koch-led October trips, the road was impassable to SUVs, forcing our group to walk up. At the same time, the BLM road between the Bear Ranches was dried out and open for business. If the mud will let it get you there, at a parking lot at 7,250 feet that’s all for your SUV, folks. From there after a short flat section it’s another 880 feet on foot/bike straight up along the Spring Creek BLM strip with a hill, not the Raggeds, in your face, through scrub oak and pinon pine — not aspen — to the Raggeds Trail at 8,130 feet. You’d have to have an ATV to handle this with any ease. And it could be worse. As it nears the Raggeds, this BLM strip takes a steep drop. The existing trail sidesteps this nasty topographical surprise by trespassing to the north on private ranches. Owners tolerated this as long as ATV traffic on the strip was light, but good luck with that if the public is funneled onto this route. The non-motorized route demands a real aerobic workout — 1,330 ft. on foot straight up from the highway to the Raggeds with no switchbacks. For winter sports, you’d have to be JeanClaude Killy or Lindsey Vonn to ski these trails. The best thing you can say about Buck Creek Ranch is that the motorized route is great for ATVs. Good for them, since the Forest Service won’t allow ATVs on Deep Creek trail. One reason why horsemen like it so much. Still, Buck Creek is a solution in search of a problem, since ATVers already have a fabulous highway to the Raggeds Trail in FS 795, an unimproved road going north from Erickson Springs. Existing Bear Ranch vs. Koch’s offered Buck Creek Ranch route. These are the North Fork’s only extended season low elevation routes into the Gunnison National Forest. And we can have only one. Yes, I am aware that the Gunnison County Commissioners have approved the Bear Ranch LEX, but they represent the citizens of Gunnison city and Crested Butte, for whom the west end of the county might as well be on the other side of the moon. Delta County recreates here, so we must be the ones listened to by those making the decisions. Douglas Gill Paonia

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3rd & Main • Delta • 874-4491 Monday-Friday 9:30-6:00 • Sat. 9:30-5:00


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Land swap

Photo by Pat Sunderland

Board members seated Attorney Aaron Clay, the school district’s designated election official, administers the oath of office to school board members (from left) Tom Mingen, Pete Blair and Kathy Svenson. The three were elected to office earlier this month. Following the oath of office, Mingen was elected president and Tammy Smith was elected vice president of the board. Outgoing board members Bob Tweedell and Bill Kehmeier were recognized for their commitment to the students and staff of Delta County Joint School District #50. Kehmeier will continue as a member of the committee overseeing construction of the new Cedaredge Elementary School, a project that won’t be completed until 2012.



Feature Times: — Friday — 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. — Saturday — 4:00, 7:00 & 9:30 p.m.

Recyclers look to county for support BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Different groups representing competing interests in a county pilot recycling program are all going back to the drawing board for more discussion following a Board of County Commissioners meeting on the subject Monday, Nov. 21.

— Sunday-Thursday — 7:00 & 9:00 p.m.




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Blueberries and red beans are powerful remedies against cancer. Research shows that fruits, vegetables, and other low-fat vegetarian foods may help prevent cancer and improve survival rates. A plantbased diet can also help lower cholesterol.

Starts Wed., 12/7 & Thur., 12/8 (7:00) Fri., 12/9 (8:00); Sun., 12/11 (3:00)

SPECIAL PROGRAMMING Sat., 12/3 & Sun., 12/4

The Paonia Players’ Holiday Revue


FROM PAGE A1 comments and questions from the audience. A brief sampling of those exchanges would include the following: • A hunter said, “This is a good swap of land.â€? Another hunter disagreed. • Ranch management promised to provide written guarantee that existing private easements will be honored. • It is most likely that public process (NEPA) would be followed, but specific legislation could negate that. • Motorized users of public lands (Thunder Mountain Wheelers) are on record favoring the proposed swap. • There was much criticism of specific plans and locations for public trails, including mechanized and “quiet useâ€? trails that are part of the proposal.

HOTLINE 527-6610

The county commissioners, the City of Delta, and interested North Fork Valley area recyclers are all interested in the site for a proposed pilot recycling program. A group from Delta Middle School including students, administration, staff, and parents, also is lobbying the BoCC for a Delta location for the program. The issue has evolved into a push/pull advocacy between Delta and North Fork interests who both want the county’s pilot program located in their own area. Other issues complicating a final decision are lack of site for a City of Delta program, supervision and security of a recycling facility, the unknown volume of recyclable waste that will be generated, and cost. The BoCC has scheduled a Dec. 12 work session to try and sort out relevant details and clarify the picture. The commissioners had previously voiced a “tentative commitmentâ€? to a pilot program at the North Fork Transfer Station near Hotchkiss. There were several advantages the commissioners saw for that location: • An existing collection facility is located there on county-owned land. • An operation there would be supervised when open and fully secured when not.

• It is in the North Fork Valley, an area that has expressed strong public support for recycling and a recycling program. Drawbacks to a Delta location that the BoCC had considered will need to be looked at again. Those include: • There is currently no site in Delta for a facility, nor is it likely a countyowned one can be utilized; • There will be extra difficulty and expense setting up a new facility; • There would be either no supervision of a Delta operation, or a new hire would be needed, thus increasing costs. According to preliminary cost estimates, haul charges to transport the recylable waste to Grand Junction would be some $7,000 less annually from Delta than from the North Fork location. That estimate is based on projections of the number of haul trips needed, and could actually be either higher or lower. The DMS students collected 111 signatures on a petition agreeing with their proposal for a Delta location of the pilot. District #1 commissioner Doug Atchley noted that even if the commissioners confirm a pilot program for the North Fork location, it would not preclude a Delta location being added at a later time.

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Happy Thanksgiving!


The Marine Corps Foundation’s Toys for Tots program is off and running. Collection boxes can be found at businesses throughout the city. Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated and can be made online at or by mailing a check to Toys for Tots, 236 S. 3rd Street #186, Montrose, CO 81401. Please designate DELTA in the memo line. Families in need who wish to sign up may stop by the Delta County Independent at 401 Meeker Street, Delta, to fill out a short form. The registration deadline is Friday, Dec. 9. In collaboration with the St. Nicholas Project, kids will not only receive toys, they’ll also be getting warm winter clothing. The St. Nicholas Project is working with area churches to distribute holiday food baskets for distribution. Donations for this project are being accepted at the Delta Federal Credit Union. They may also be mailed to 1340 Highway 92, Delta, CO 81416. More information is available by calling Pat

Sunderland, Toys for Tots co-coordinator, at 8744421, Jason Atchley, St. Nicholas Project, at 7789748, or Mary Ann Hennessey, St. Nicholas Project, at 234-6202.

• The swap provides advantages to ATV users at the expense of nonmotorized uses, said a hiker. • “No one is really for this,â€? said one person. “This is a fantastic swap,â€? said another. • There was disagreement over the value of new public accesses being offered. • Neighboring cattle ranchers favored the plan. Bear Ranch management has proven to be “good stewards of the land,â€? said one. The Delta information forum was the first of several to follow. On Dec. 6 there will be a similar event in Paonia. Also, it was announced that Rep. Scott Tipton and Sen. Mark Udall will be holding their own public information gathering sessions on the land swap after the first of the year.

WATER SHARES FOR SALE Battlement Mesa Ditch & Reservoir Company 5.5 shares, approximately 45.485 acre feet. Call 970-243-8250 for details to bid. Bids due Tuesday, Nov. 29. E-mail ads to:

Hurry in — supply is limited! Apples are going, going, going. Get yours now for those holiday pies. Also jams, syrups and honey. HI-QUALITY PACKING, INC. 215 Silver Street, Delta (near Confluence Park) 874-8342

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460 Main St. • Delta 874-6101

A4 Wednesday, November 23, 2011


due to Thanksgiving.

The Lodge will be

CLOSED THURSDAY, NOV., 24 for Thanksgiving.

NO FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER NOV. 25 but don’t let that stop you from enjoying cocktails and camaraderie with friends & family in the Clubroom!



VFW plans annual Christmas dinner Lee Marts VFW Post and Ladies Auxiliary 3571 are planning their annual Christmas dinner Monday, Dec. 5, at 6 p.m., at the Oddfellows Hall on Highway 92. The occasion also marks 75 years of service. Lee Marts VFW was started on Dec. 22, 1936. They had their own post home on Main Street until 1977 when they joined with the American Legion and formed a vet center. They recently acquired a building and land in North Delta that will become their post home. They also plan a


Sunday, Nov., 27 Served by the officers from 9-11 a.m.

All Elks & their guests welcome



Lodge #1235 563 Main St. • 874-3624

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Delta County Independent

321 Main • Montrose 249-3231

veterans museum and a veterans family center. At the annual celebration, the Patriot Pen students and Teacher of the Year will be honored. All veterans and their families are invited to attend this special occasion. Please contact Linda or Mike Stahly at 874-9203 to RSVP or for more information.

Photo submitted

GJ hosts Grand Lodge Grand Lodge was held in Grand Junction in October. Among those attending were 24 past grands and six third degree members. Gale Conger was elected to a three-year term as trustee and will serve as color bearer. Son Glen was elected to a one-year term as trustee and will serve as outside sentinel. Joyce Conger was elected high priestess of the LEA. Locally, the lodge is planning a supper and games night the last Thursday of the month for members and their guests. Bingo is held every Saturday night. Gale Conger Delta #116

PUBLIC NOTICE Delta County Boards & Commissions Appointments The Delta County Board of Commissioners is recruiting interested volunteers to serve on the boards/commissions listed below. Appointments are made annually and are effective as of January 31st of each year. Delta County Airport Advisory Board: Three (3) positions available to serve three (3) year terms which will expire on January 31, 2015. One (1) appointee shall be a user at the Blake Field Airport, one (1) appointee shall be a user at the North Fork Airport, and one (1) appointee shall serve in an At-Large capacity. Airport Advisory Board members will consult with and advise the BoCC and Local Fixed Base Operators (FBO’s) on issues concerning the development and operations of the County’s two airports. CEMETERY BOARDS: Cedaredge Cemetery Board: One (1) Board vacancy exists for a representative from the Cedaredge area to serve a six (6) year term which will expire January 31, 2018. Cory Cemetery Board: Three (3) Board vacancies exist for representatives from the Cory area to serve a six (6) year term which will expire on January 31, 2018. Crawford Cemetery Board: One (1) Board vacancy exists for a representative from the Crawford area to serve a six (6) year term which will expire on January 31, 2018. Eckert Cemetery Board: One (1) Board vacancy exists for a representative from the Eckert area to serve a six (6) year term which will expire on January 31, 2018. Hotchkiss Cemetery Board: One (1) Board vacancy exists for a representative from the Hotchkiss area to serve a six (6) year term which will expire on January 31, 2018. Paonia Cemetery Board: One (1) Board vacancy exists for a representative from the Paonia area to serve a six (6) year term which will expire on January 31, 2018. Community Services Block Grant Advisory Committee: Four (4) Committee vacancies exist in the following categories: One (1) low income in-dividual or their representative; one (1) government official or its representative; and two (2) members of business, industry, labor, religious, law enforcement, education, or other major groups of interest in the community served. Applicants will be appointed to one (1) year terms. Duties include review of the County’s annual CSBG Application, Mid-year, and year-end reports. Delta County Public Library Board: Two (2) positions are available to serve on the Delta County Public Library Board due to resignations. Both Terms will expire on January 31, 2016. One (1) is for a Board member representing the Hotchkiss area and one (1) is for a Board member serving in an at-large capacity. Applications are available at the District libraries and on the District website, Return applications to a library or mail to: Board President Delta County Libraries Board of Trustees, P.O. Box 858, Delta, CO 81416. PLANNING COMMITTEES: Crawford Planning Committee: Three (3) vacancies exist for the Crawford Area Planning Committee. Each appointee will serve a three (3) year term which will expire 1/31/2015. Duties include the review of planning proposals from the Crawford area. Delta County Planning Commission: Applications are being accepted from citizens interested in serving a three (3) year term on the Delta County Planning Commission which will expire January 31, 2015. One (1) Representative is needed from the Paonia area and one (1) representative is needed for the Delta area position. Duties include the review of proposed subdivisions and other planning proposals within the unincorporated areas of Delta County. Compensation is $15.00 for each Planning Commission meeting attended and mileage to and from meetings. Leroux Creek Planning Committee: Four (4) vacancies exist for the Leroux Creek Area Planning Committee. Three (3) to serve a three (3) year term which will expire January 31, 2015. One (1) to fill a vacancy due to a resignation which has a term due to expire January 31, 2014. Duties include reviewing planning proposals for the Leroux Creek area. North Fork Planning Committee: One (1) vacancy exist for the North Fork Area Planning Committee due to a resignation. This term will expire 1/31/2013. Duties include reviewing planning proposals for the North Fork area. Surface Creek Planning Committee: Two (2) vacancies exists on the Surface Creek Planning Committee with a three (3) year term which will expire January 31, 2015. Region 10 Board of Directors: Two (2) positions are available to serve two (2) year terms each which will expire on January 31, 2014. Region 10 is a voluntary association of local governments and businesses to provide its members with a vehicle of regional cooperation. Region 10 Business Loan Fund Committee: Two (2) positions are available to serve which will expire on January 31, 2014. Delta County Tourism Cabinet: Two (2) vacancies exist on the Delta County Tourism Cabinet with a three (3) year term which will expire January 31, 2015. One (1) position is available to serve in an at large capacity and one (1) position is available to represent the Surface Creek area. Tourism industry or agency representation is required. The Tourism Cabinet meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM. The Cabinet is responsible for developing an annual tourism marketing plan and for the administration of funds derived from the County Lodging Tax. Youth Shooting Sports Advisory Committee: YSSAC is responsible to develop policies relating to the Board, administer and enforce the policies, coordinate scheduling and similar activities related to the youth shooting sports. Three (3) positions are available to serve three (3) year terms which will expire January 31, 2015. One (1) position will represent the Delta Area, One will represent the North Fork Area and one (1) will represent the Surface Creek Area. Please submit a letter of interest to the Delta County Board of Commissioners, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 227, Delta, Colorado, 81416, Attention Carolyn Clemens on or before Friday, December 30, 2011. Please state your qualifications, if required and which board/commission you are interested in serving on.

Thank you, veterans The ladies of the Del-Rose Chorus had the honor to sing for veterans and their families at the appreciation luncheon hosted by the Delta Elks. Just a week prior the chorus hosted its annual show, “Taking it to the Troops,” which included a patriotic portion with songs like Proud to be an American and Armed Forces Medley. The chorus is now in Christmas mode as they will sing for the Delta Christian Church women’s tea on Dec. 4, spreading holiday cheer with music. The chorus always welcomes visitors and prospective members to join them on Thursday evenings at the Delta United Methodist Church. Rehearsals start at 6:30 p.m. Come and participate in an evening of vocal instructions. Sing with the members and experience barbershop. Learn more at

Presbyterians plan Advent workshop Dec. 3 The Presbyterian Church of Delta invites the community to join the congregation for worship, special music, reflection and fellowship during Advent. The congregation is a loving community of people seeking to be more like Christ. The church will host special worship services and gatherings throughout Advent for all ages. An Advent community workshop at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m. to noon will be an all-ages gathering in Westminster Hall for fellowship, refreshment, reflection and craft making that fits the spirit of the season. All are wel-

come. For more information, The first Sunday of contact the church at Advent is Nov. 27. Wor- 874-4893. ship services are every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with childcare available. A dinner and Christmas ñ ñ program for all ages will follow worship on Sunday, Dec. 11, in Westminster Hall. A Christmas Eve candlelight service begins at 6 p.m. Dec. 24, and Christmas morning worship is Open 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. Dec. 25 at 10:30 a.m. Worship services throughout 50% OFF Advent feature special 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. music, scripture readings and prayer with the Rev. Alisa Secrest, pastor of 40% OFF the Presbyterian Church 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. of Delta, presiding.

OPEN Thanksgiving Day for

5 Hour SALE

Worship at Redeemer on Thanksgiving Eve Redeemer Lutheran Church will be having its annual Thanksgiving Eve service Wednesday, Nov. 23 at 7 p.m. Redeemer is located at 1000 Pioneer Road, Delta. Pastor Jeffrey Ryan invites all to attend the worship service. Redeemer will again be observing the Lenten season with mid-week services conducted at the church each Wednesday evening starting next week and continuing each of the next four weeks before Christmas. Pastor Ryan’s Lenten services theme will be “Wait, Pray, and Live by Faith.” Following is the schedule of Lenten mid-week services: Nov. 30 — “Waiting With Prayer” with the Old Testament reading: Isaiah 64:1-9 and Gospel reading: John 1:1-9. Dec. 7 — “Waiting With Comfort.” Old Testament reading: Isaiah 40:1-11 and Gospel reading: John 1:19-28. Dec. 14 — “Waiting

BIRTHS Steve and Brittany Miracle of Delta are the parents of a daughter, Zoey Adyson Miracle, born Nov. 11, 2011, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces and was 18.5 inches in length. Cesar and Maria Ruiz of Austin are the parents of a daughter, Yameli, born Nov. 14, 2011, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 21 inches in length. Jess and Mike Rogers of Cedaredge are the parents of a son, Deegan Michael Rogers, born Nov. 14, 2011, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. He weighed 7 pounds, 2.3 ounces and was 19 inches in length.

30% OFF 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.

With Joy.” with the Old 20% OFF Testament reading: Isa2 p.m. - 3 p.m. iah 61:1-4, 8-11 and Gospel reading: Luke 1:3956. 10% OFF Dec. 21 — “Waiting 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. With Worship.” Old TesP tament reading: Samuel Almost Everything in the Store 7:1-11, 16 and Gospel On Sale! reading: Luke 1:26-38. Each mid-week Lenten service will be preceded with soup and sandwiches at 6 p.m. The public is cordially invited to the services.

TASTES LIKE THANKSGIVING CASSEROLE This hearty, rich-tasting main dish is sure to be a hit with your family. It’s a delicious way to use up Thanksgiving turkey, and you can substitute 5-1/2 cups leftover mashed potatoes for the 6 potatoes. —Mary Lou Timpson, Centennial Park, Arizona Servings: 8 6 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks 1-1/4 cups chopped celery 3/4 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup butter, cubed 6 cups unseasoned stuffing cubes 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1/4 teaspoon rubbed sage 1 cup chicken broth 4 cups cubed cooked turkey 2 cans (10-3/4 ounces each) condensed cream of chicken soup, undiluted 1 teaspoon garlic powder 3/4 cup sour cream, divided 4 ounces cream cheese, softened 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1/4 teaspoon salt 1-1/2 cups (6 ounces) shredded

cheddar cheese

Place potatoes in a Dutch oven and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and cook for 10-15 minutes or until tender. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, saute celery and onion in butter until tender. Remove from the heat. In a large bowl, combine the stuffing cubes, poultry seasoning and sage. Stir in broth and celery mixture. Transfer to a greased 13in. x 9-in. baking dish. In another large bowl, combine the turkey, soup, garlic powder and 1/4 cup sour cream; spoon over stuffing mixture. Drain potatoes; mash in a large bowl. Beat in the cream cheese, pepper, salt and remaining sour cream; spread over turkey mixture. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 30-35 minutes or until heated through.

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First State Bank of Hotchkiss • First State Bank of Delta Paonia State Bank • Crawford Country Bank


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Band, choir gear up for holidays BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

Band and choir students from Delta Middle School and Delta High School are rehearsing with band instructors Andrew Bruington and Ryan Bigley and vocal instructor Tambyr Reed as they prepare for upcoming holiday concerts. Expect a combina-

tion of traditional favorites and light-hearted tunes. The schedule includes: Tuesday, Dec. 6 — Delta Middle School band concert, 7 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8 — Delta High School band concert, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 13 — Combined DMS/DHS choir concert, 6:30 p.m.

Photo submitted

All concerts take place at the Performing Arts Center, 822 Grand Avenue, and are free to the public. The band concerts will feature both concert bands and jazz bands. The choir performances showcase the high school concert choir, newly-formed men’s choir, women’s choir and show choir. This year’s show choir is small because of scheduling conflicts, but still represents the “cream of the crop.” Tambyr Reed says she plans to take the group to state competition this spring, in lieu of presenting the traditional dinner/dessert show. During the holiday concerts, the show choir will present a medley from “White Christmas” complete with choreography and theatre scenes. All the choirs are accompanied by Laurie Ranum, an English teacher at Delta High School. Ranum records

the accompaniment for rehearsals, to avoid conflicts with her own classes. The three music teachers will soon begin auditions for a full-scale musical to be presented this spring. “Hello Dolly” will be performed Feb. 28 and 29. Kayln Bruington will be doing the choreography. This “group effort” is just one example of how the three music teachers work as a team to develop the talents of middle and high school students. “Music is music,” said Reed. They’re also collaborating to donate a Christmas tree to a family in need. The artificial tree — a donation from Walmart — will be used to decorate the stage for the holiday concerts before it’s given a home. Mark your calendar now for the upcoming band and choir concerts. They’re sure to put you in the holiday mood.

Terrific Kids Lincoln Elementary and the Kiwanis Club of Delta recently recognized the Virtuous Kids pictured above: (top row) Anthony Gage (generous), Haley Saunders (respect and responsibility), Alexis Saenz (respect), Marlene Lobatos (responsible) and Trista Saenz (generous); (bottom row) Valerie Ewing (diligence), Hunter Kelly (respect), Ellie Ames (compassion) and Antonia Sheets (thoughtfulness). Not pictured: Andrew Kukar (polite) and Kurtis Nethington (respect).

record in advanced Lincoln–Douglas debate for fifth place. Linh Nguyen also had a 2-1 record in novice Lincoln-Douglas to take sixth place in that event. In public forum debate, the team of Paige Bowling and Desert Mulford posted a 2-1 record to place sixth. The team will be off next weekend to celebrate Thanksgiving, and then will compete at Fruita the following weekend on Dec. 2 and 3.

Holiday treats, cans are needed

Photo submitted

McTeacher Night To raise funds for an eighth grade trip to Washington D.C., Philadelphia and New York City, Delta Middle School teachers and principals participated in McTeacher Night at McDonald’s. DMS staff manned the registers, the drivethrough window, and the french fry machine. With 80 percent of the staff participating, DMS was able to raise $700 for the trip. Above, teachers Deb Johnson scoops up fries in the background and Amy Quezada and Connie Davidson man the register.

Photo submitted

Second graders at Garnet Mesa learn about the Ute Indians from a relative of Chief Ouray.

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Now taking donations for old towels, plastic grocery bags and canned cat and dog food. Please be sure your pets are licensed and up-to-date on vaccinations. Check out our pet finder website!

Sat., December 17

Photo submitted

Tales of the Utes

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Indoor Range at Paonia Teen Center

The following Garnet Mesa second and third grade students earned a Terrific VFW Post 3571 of Kid Award from the Kiwanis Club of Delta for their efforts to be a responsible Delta and its Ladies citizen and student: (left to right) Enrique Gonzalez, Ezra Kathrein, Rowdy LiverAuxiliary, working with man, Judith Escarcega, Alejandro Carrillo, William Bullard and Kayla Miller. the Delta Public Library, remind everyone of the holiday treat contest and ask for plastic threepound coffee cans to be brought to the Delta Public Library on Thursday, Dec. 1. These cans will be used as containers to ship goodies to the troops. Sugar free treats would also be greatly appreciated. Don’t forget letters and/or Christmas cards to the troops. Photo submitted For more information, call the Delta Pub- The following Garnet Mesa fourth and fifth grade students earned a Terrific lic Library at 874-9630 Kid Award from the Kiwanis Club of Delta for their efforts to be a responsible or Linda Stahly at 874- citizen and student: (left to right) Beki Atchley, Jon Fender, Evan Kaighn, Abigail Aldaco, Noeli Castro and Kyleiah Rundle. 9203.

Photo submitted

Trade in your old Gold for something New!


Speech team hosts Panther Invitational Delta High School hosted 12 Western Slope schools for the annual Panther Invitational Speech Meet on Nov. 18 and 19. About 150 students participated in Congress, three types of debate, three public speaking events and four interpretive events. In Congress, Sawyer Keeline was named outstanding speaker in her House. Both Desert Mulford and Paige Bowling were nominated for speaker honors in their chambers. In interpretive events, Taylor King took first place in humor, topping 21 competitors. Debate saw Haley Donathan compile a 2-1


The following Garnet Mesa kindergarten and first grade students earned a Terrific Kid Award from the Kiwanis Club of Delta for their efforts to be a responsible citizen and student: (front row) Jesse Dicamillo, Kyler Pietak, Remy Jackson and Chance Edmonds; (back row) Breonna Giron, Alexis Putney, Jonathan Aragon, Evelyn Flores and Nylene Flores.

Shoot at 5:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. Entry fee: One Toy Per Shooter or Cash Donation Come on out and have fun shooting and bring a smile to a child this Christmas! For more information call 261-6531 or 929-5356

For a quote on all your printing needs call Randy Crespin at 874-4421.

A6 Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bradley Peterson Bradley Dee Peterson of Cedaredge died Thursday, Nov. 17, 2011, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. He was 68. A memorial service was held Nov. 22 at Cedaredge Fire Department. A private burial followed at Cedaredge Cemetery. Mr. Peterson was born June 10, 1943, in Cedaredge, to Archie and Dode (Loucks) Peterson. He spent his childhood in Cedaredge and graduated from Cedaredge High School in 1961. He served in the United States Navy from 1962 to 1966. Mr. Peterson worked as a welder in Grand Junction until April 1969 when he joined his father in their family owned excavating business. He took over the business in 1979 until retiring in 2009. He married Marcy Bingham on Dec. 13, 1969, in Cedaredge. They celebrated 41 years of marriage. She survives. Mr. Peterson enjoyed hunting, fishing, bowling, golfing, playing cards and spending time with his friends and family. He was an avid sports fan who faithfully watched


the Denver nuggets, Denver Broncos and Colorado Rockies. He volunteered on the Cedaredge Fire Department for 20 years. He is survived by his wife, Marcy Peterson of Cedaredge; two sons, Grant Peterson of Cedaredge, and Brian Peterson and his wife Lisa of Laredo, Texas; a brother and his wife, Buckley and Mary Ann Peterson of Cedaredge; two sisters and their husbands, Venna and Michael Ramicone of Tahoe City, Calif., and Lanetta and Norman Wagner of Cedaredge; two grandchildren, David Peterson and Samantha Peterson; and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorial contributions may be made to Cedaredge Fire Department Equipment Fund or the Surface Creek Food Bank. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements.

Jeffrey Bartosiewicz Jeffrey Scott Bartosiewicz of Cedaredge died Sunday, Nov. 13, 2011, at his home. He was 51. A memorial service was held Nov. 19 at Cedaredge Assembly of God with Pastor Bob Hillyer officiating. Mr. Bartosiewicz was born Sept. 17, 1960, to Edward and Iona Bartosiewicz. He is survived by his mother, Iona Bartosiewicz of Cedaredge; two children, Summer Hood and Dylan Hood, both of Cedaredge; a brother

and his wife, Michael and Denise Bartosiewicz of Cedaredge; and a nephew, Shane Bartosiewicz of Cedaredge. Mr. Bartosiewicz was preceded in death by his companion, Natali Hood; and his father, Edward Bartosiewicz. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements.

Virgena Gettman Virgena Marie Gettman of Cedaredge died Monday, Nov. 14, 2011, at her home. She was 33. A memorial service was held Nov. 19 at First Baptist Church in Delta. Ms. Gettman was born July 27, 1978, in Denver, to John Macafee and Teresa Gettman. She spent her childhood and attended school in Northglenn. She moved to Cedaredge in 2003. She worked at Pizza to the Limit in Cedaredge. She had been a CNA for several years. She enjoyed fishing, her family, the outdoors, taking her children sledding and going to Estes Park. Ms. Gettman is survived by her mother, Teresa Stave of Cedaredge; her grandparents, Richard and Barbra Gettman of Cedaredge; two

HOLIDAY REMEMBRANCE 2011 Dear Friends, The holidays are a wonderful time of year. But it can be a particularly difficult time to try to cope with the loss of a loved one. Your friends at Taylor Funeral Service & Crematory realize that the first Christmas without a loved one can be especially challenging. Therefore, we would like to offer two holiday remembrances that will serve to commemorate your loved one this holiday season. First, we would like to make available to you and your family our special “Guardian Angel” ornament. These lovely glass angel ornaments will be personalized; one for each person we served that passed away this past year. We’d like to invite you to stop by our office in Delta, at 682 1725 Rd. to receive yours. Your personalized Guardian Angel ornament can be placed on your holiday tree or otherwise displayed in commemoration of your loved one for years to come. If interested, families will have the opportunity to purchase additional ornaments at a cost of $15.00 each (plus sales tax). If you reside outside of the area and would like your ornament sent to you, we would be happy to do so. Simply notify us of this request. Secondly, on Tuesday, Dec. 6th, at 7:00 p.m., we will be providing a Community Christmas Memorial Service, in conjunction with Hospice & Palliative Care of Western Colorado, at our Delta location, 682 1725 Rd. It will be a truly unique service of remembrance and is meant to celebrate those loved ones we have lost. A special Christmas tree will be decorated during the service to remember each of our loved ones. Special snowflake ornaments will be provided, as well as special music, words of inspiration and encouragement, and practical suggestions and strategies to help grieving people cope with these special challenges of the holiday season. If you are unable to attend the service but would like your loved one to be remembered, please stop by our Delta office prior to Dec. 6th to complete a card of remembrance so that we can read your loved one’s name during the service. If you need transportation to the service that evening, call 970-874-9988. Lastly, we are providing a pamphlet entitled “Coping With Grief During a Holiday.” It will contain tips for handling the holidays and may answer some questions you might have. We sincerely hope these are found to be helpful, and if you would like additional copies for other family members or friends, we would be happy to provide them. In closing, remember to be gentle with yourself whatever the holiday season brings, and understand that a particular day or time of year will not be terrible forever — that the sun still shines behind the clouds. Our wish for you and your family is that the quiet peace of this holiday season will fill your heart and home always. Sincerely, The staff members of Taylor Funeral Service & Crematory Chalmer & Marge Swain, Kevin Lucy, Jesse Arthurs, Lance Boren, Sonya Bertroch, Ashton Wolfe, James Gall, Mike Worthington, Russ Tyler, Barry Bullard, Dave McIntosh, Tim Thomas, and Matt Swain Chalmer & Marge Swain

Funeral Service & Crematory Mesa View Cemetery “When You Need Us, We’ll Be Here.” 105 S.E. Frontier, Suite F Cedaredge, CO 81413


682 1725 Road Delta, CO 81416

874-9988 874-8633

sons, Donovan Sinka and Dallas Willshire, both of Cedaredge; a daughter, Autumn Gettman of Cedaredge; a sister and her husband, Leanne Gettman and Raymond Liggett of Delta; and a niece and nephew, Mickinzie Liggett and Raymond Liggett Jr., both of Delta. She was preceded in death by a son, Seth Deal; and her great-grandparents. Memorial contributions may be made to an organization fighting suicide prevention. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements.

209 Bridge St. Hotchkiss, CO 81419

311 Grand Ave. Paonia, CO 81428



View our online obituaries at

Jeannie Vastardis Jean D. “Jeannie” Vastardis of Cedaredge died Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011, at her home. She was 86. A celebration of life was held Nov. 19 at Surface Creek Community Church in Austin. Mrs. Vastardis was born April 29, 1925, in Philadelphia, Pa., to Michael and Evangelia (Tsimpinou) Diamandas. She spent her childhood in Philadelphia, Pa., and graduated from West Philadelphia High School. She enjoyed gardening, cooking, traveling, watching birds, raising house plants, making beaded necklaces and collecting and drying wildflowers to make her own greeting cards. During the late 1940s and 1950s, she and her husband traveled the world, with the exception of Russia and China. She lived in Havertown, Pa., for over 40 years before moving to Cedaredge two and a half years ago. She was a member of Surface Creek Community Church in Austin. Mrs. Vastardis is survived by her daughter and her husband, Thekla and John Copper of Cedaredge; three grandchildren, Christian Lenty and spouse Nui, missionaries in Bangkok, Thailand, Amber Bunch and her husband Nate, and their children, Michaela and Ephraim, all of Cedaredge, and Kara Copper of Norwood; a sister, Catherine Diamond of Upper Darby, Pa.; a sister-in-law, Cass Diamond of Broomall, Pa.; a nephew and his wife, Steven and Wendy Diamond, and their children, Aaron, James and Genesis, all of Butler, Pa.; and two nieces, Tina Tsiadis and her husband Nicko of Huntington Valley, Pa., and Lista Varonis and her husband Orestes, and their children, John and Maria, all of Canton, Ohio. She was preceded in death by a brother, James Diamond; a sister, Florence Marlos; and a brother-in-law, Simon Marlos. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice and Palliative Care of Western Colorado, P.O. Box 24, Delta, CO 81416. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory handled the arrangements.

Betty Bishop Betty Ruth Bishop of Paonia died Sunday, Nov. 20, 2011, at Paonia Care and Rehabilitation Center. She was 84. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Memorial contribu-

Delta County Independent

tions may be made to Hospice and Palliative Care of Western Colorado, P.O. Box 24, Delta, CO 81416. Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements.

Bill Heddles Recreation Center Expansion Fund, 530 Gunnison River Drive, Delta, CO 81416.

Randy Skees

Mary Gassier Mary J. Gassier of Rochester, Wash., died from complications of colon cancer on Oct. 21, 2011. She was 78. Mrs. Gassier was born Feb. 1, 1933, in Cedaredge, to Ezra and Helen Tucker. She graduated from Delta High School in 1951. She was married to Robert Green from December 1954 to October 1979. She married John Gassier in 1980. They separated in 2003. Mrs. Gassier was a housewife. She lived in Mexico, Cedaredge, Eckert, Delta, Grand Junction, and Rochester, Wash., from 1980 until her death. She enjoyed camping, fishing, the outdoors, western movies, cooking, travelling with her family and sewing and crocheting for friends and family. She is survived by two daughters, Judy Labolle of Grand Junction, and Nancy Crites of Rochester, Wash.; two sons, Douglas Green and his wife Terri of Cedaredge, and Jack Green of Evergreen; eight grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren and one on the way; two sisters, Louis Bruton of Escondido, Calif., and Onalee Horvath of Clovis, Calif.; and a brother, Merlin Tucker of Grand Junction. Mrs. Gassier was preceded in death by a grandson, Dustin Green. Cremation has taken place. Inurnment will take place at Cedaredge Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Douglas Green, P.O. Box 4, Cedaredge, CO 81413. Sticklin Funeral Chapel in Centralia, Wash., handled the arrangements.

Randolph Thomas “Randy” Skees of Nucla died Friday, Nov. 18, 2011, at Montrose Memorial Hospital. He was 59. A graveside funeral service will be held Saturday, Nov. 26, at 11 a.m. at Nucla Cemetery with Rick Luster and Mike Childress officiating. Mr. Skees was born Aug. 28, 1952, in Norwood, to Jack and Leora (Johnson) Skees. He spent his childhood in the West End and graduated from Nucla High School in 1971. He married Lorraine Martin on July 22, 1972 in Nucla. They would have celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary next summer. She survives. Mr. Skees was a truck driver. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, camping, his family and helping his community by being an ambulance driver. He is survived by his wife, Lorraine Skees of Nucla; a son and his wife, Martin and Jodi Skees of Grand Junction; two daughters, Ginger Skees and her husband Jess of Gateway, and Katrina Skees and her husband Cory of Naturita; his parents, Jack and Leora Skees of Farmington, N.M.; two sisters and their husbands, Linda and Alan Greager of Casa Grande, Ariz., and Suzanne and Gary Oliver of Aztec, N.M.; 10 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to the Nucla/Naturita Ambulance Fund, P.O. Box 911, Nucla, CO 81424. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory is handling the arrangements.

Walter Venable Tom Hunsinger Tom Harve Hunsinger died while refereeing a boxing match in Delta on Nov. 15, 2011. He was 70. Mr. Hunsinger was born July 21, 1941. He enjoyed boxing and fitness. He was the Golden Gloves Welterweight Champion in Hawaii. He was a Trager therapist and helped hundreds of people recover from debilitating injuries. His re-creation of Indian artifacts, an endeavor that became an art form, occupied much of his spare time. Mr. Hunsinger is survived by a brother, Jerry Hunsinger of Grand Junction. A celebration of life will be held Friday, Nov. 25, at 5 p.m. at Bill Heddles Recreation Center in Delta. Memorial contributions may be made to

Walter “Walt” Lee Venable of Navasota, Texas, died Nov. 11, 2011, at his home. He was 73. At his request, no services were held. Mr. Venable is survived by his daughter and her husband, Laree and Russell DeFranco of Pendleton, N.Y.; a son, Mark Venable of Navasota, Texas; a sister and her husband, Dorothy and Willard Proctor of Delta; a brother-in-law, Earl Bonine of Delta; a sister-in-law, Mary Brite of Colorado Springs; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by three brothers, Irvin Venable, Bill Venable and Charlie Venable; and two sisters, Evelyn Bonine and Vona Pumphrey. Memorial contributions may be made to Compassionate Care Hospice Foundation, 3833 S. Texas Ave., Suite 100, Bryan, TX 77802.

Delta County Independent


Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Community Calendar Wednesday, November 23

THANKSGIVING BAKE SALE, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Crossroads Assisted Living, 1380 Aspen Way, Delta. $10 homemade peach, apple and pecan pies. Dessert plates made by Crossroad residents. Order pies early by calling Pam, 874-1421.

Thursday, November 24

BINGO, every Thursday, 6:50 p.m., American Legion of Paonia. Come early for hamburgers and hot dogs. This week progressive is 55 numbers for $272, blue is 63 numbers and grey is 52 numbers for $250. For more information, call 527-6252. FREE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Hotchkiss Senior Center. Volunteers bring salads and desserts.

November 25 & 26

BAZAAR AND SOUP AND DESSERT, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. both days, Westminster Hall, Delta. Soup and dessert $5. Sponsored by Delta Emblem Club.

Friday, November 25

BREAST AND WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP MEETING, 12 noon, brown bag lunch, Grand Mesa Cancer Infusion & Education Center, Delta County Memorial Hospital. For more information or a ride, call Dorthy, 872-3309 or Marie, 778-8146 by Thursday evening. CRAWFORD CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR, 10 a.m.-8 p.m., Crawford Town Hall. Craft booths and Christmas bazaar. BLACK MESA CATTLEWOMEN SOUP SUPPER, 4 p.m., Crawford Town Hall. CRAWFORD COMMUNITY PARADE OF LIGHTS, 6 p.m., downtown Crawford. COOKIES BY THE POUND, crafts, Santa Claus, chili supper, nachos, hot chocolate, 6:30 p.m., Crawford Community United Methodist Church. Begins right after the parade concludes.

Saturday, November 26

BLUEGRASS, BLUES, COUNTRY AND GOSPEL STRING BAND JAM, 12 noon-3 p.m., Bill Heddles Recreation Center, Delta. For more information, call 874-8777 or 874-0923. MASTERS OF THE PIANO TRIO, 7:30 p.m., Blue Sage, Paonia. Featuring pianist Susan Ellinger, Alan Henson on cello and Julie Fox, violinist. Program includes Beethoven and Mendelssohn works. Advance tickets $13, students $10. For more information, call 527-7243. CRAWFORD CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR, 9 a.m.-12 noon, Crawford Town Hall. “RUN FOR YOUR LIFE” 5K RUN/WALK AND KIDS’ FUN RUN, 8 a.m., Confluence Park, Delta. Go to to register. Proceeds benefit DCMH Foundation’s Healthcare Scholarship Fund.

Monday, November 28

DELTA COUNTY SCHOOL AND PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION MEETING, 7 p.m., Hotchkiss High School. Discussing upcoming legislation and reviewing the state meeting held in October. Anyone with a PERA pension invited to attend. For more information, call Dan Burke, 872-2274, Krista Spitzer, 856-9498 or Mary Blake, 527-4504.

Tuesday, November 29

ADVENT MINI-CONCERT, 12:10-12:55 p.m., St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5th and Palmer streets, Delta. Public invited. For more information, call Nyla, 874-9485 or St. Luke’s, 874-9489. Today’s concert: Kathy Kolman sings to the accompaniment of guitar or keyboard played by her husband, Brad Kolman.

Wednesday, November 30

FREE HEALTH CLINIC, Hotchkiss K-8. Free immunizations, wellchild checks and visits for chronic conditions for uninsured or under insured children ages birth-18. Application assistance for CHP+ and Medicaid also available. For an appointment, call Sarah, 874-9517.

Thursday, December 1

LIGHTS OF LIFE CEREMONY, 5:30 p.m., Hospice Office, 195 Stafford Lane, Delta. For more information, call 970-255-7210 or visit: BINGO, every Thursday, 7 p.m., Delta Elks Lodge, 563 Main Street. Open to the public. For more information, call 874-3624. DEL-ROSE CHORUS SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL REHEARSES every Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Delta Methodist Church, corner of Meeker and 5th Street. For more information, call Leslie, 970-256-9763.

December 2 & 3

PAONIA HOLIDAY ART FAIR, Blue Sage Center, 228 Grand Avenue, Paonia. Friday: 3-8 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Great local gifts for holiday giving. Refreshments and entertainment.

Friday, December 2

DELTA PARADE OF LIGHTS, 6 p.m. Theme: “Historic Hometown Holiday.” Parade sponsored by Delta Area Chamber of Commerce and Wells Fargo. For parade entries and information, call the chamber, 874-8616. COOKIE WALK AND LUNCHEON, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Delta United Methodist Church, 477 Meeker Street, Delta. Hosted by United Methodist Women of Delta. Homemade cookies and candies for sale. Also serving lunch from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.: sloppy joe, chips, salad, beverage and pie served for $8. Half the proceeds go to missions and half to the fellowship building fund.

December 3 & 4

PAONIA PLAYERS PRESENT, “Home For The Holidays: A Celebration of the Season,” Paradise Theater, Paonia. Saturday: 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday: 1 p.m. Advance tickets available at KVNF and Paradise Theater. Music and dance revue.

Saturday, December 3

GOTTA BE GIRLS CHRISTMAS CONCERT, 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., Chapel of the Cross, Pioneer Town, Cedaredge. Admission free but tickets must be obtained in advance through Gazebo Florist, 856-3536 or Leisure Time Sports, 856-3000. DELTA HUBWHEELER SQUARE DANCE CLUB MEETS, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln Elementary School, 1050 Hastings Street, Delta. Mainstream. Announced Plus tips and one Round between tips. Club caller is Larry Schulz. Cuer is Maxine Springer. Prerounds/ instructions at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call Loren, 970249-4858 or Gwen, 970-856-4157. HOLIDAY CRAFT SHOW, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Bill Heddles Recreation Center, Delta. 55+ vendors have handmade items for sale — jewelry, hand-sewn pieces, wooden masterpieces of all descriptions, fiberarts, country classics, pottery, candlecraft, bead work, embroidery, finely decorated eggs. Free to the public. For more information, call 874-0923. FREE BABYSITTING provided by Delta Area Chamber of Commerce, 9 a.m.-12 noon. Santa also at the chamber office, 301 Main Street, Delta. COMMUNITY ADVENT WORKSHOP, 10 a.m.-12 noon, Presbyterian Church of Delta, 4th and Meeker streets. Christian fellowship, refreshments and crafts for all ages.

Sunday, December 4

WINTERSTART 5K SKI RACES, Skyway, Grand Mesa. A 5K classic race at 11 a.m. followed by a 5K freestyle race at 12:30 p.m. Registration is on race day only, $10 for GMNC members, $15 for others. All ages and abilities welcome. For more information, call 434-9753 or go to:

Monday, December 5

LEE MARTS VFW POST AND LADIES AUXILIARY 3571 CHRISTMAS DINNER, 6 p.m., Oddfellows Hall, Highway 92, Delta. Celebrating 75 years of service. Also awarding the patriot pen students and the teacher of the year. All veterans and their families invited. Call Linda or Mike Stahly at 874-9203 for more information or with the number of people planning on attending.

Tuesday, December 6

DELTA MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND HOLIDAY CONCERT, 7 p.m., Delta Performing Arts Center, Delta. Free admission.

Orchestra, choir combine their talents Valley Symphony Association is pleased to announce a special Christmas concert combining the talents of the 80-voice Valley Symphony Chorus under the direction of Lenore Hample and the Valley Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Mike Kern. Wonderful arrangements of popular Christmas carols by John Rutter and many other holiday favorites will be featured, including “Sleigh Ride,” “I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” “White Christmas,” the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah, “Away in a Manger” (fea-

turing a children’s chorus), an audience Christmas carol sing-along plus much more. Concerts will be held Saturday, Dec. 3, at 7:30 p.m. at the Delta Performing Arts Center and Sunday, Dec. 4, at 3 p.m. at the Montrose Pavilion auditorium. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for seniors and $5 for students 17 and under. Because this is a popular holiday concert, advance ticket purchases are encouraged and are available at Clubb’s in Delta, and Homer L. Sims Agency, Howard Davidson Insurance Agency

St. Luke’s hosts Advent mini-concerts St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5th and Palmer in Delta, will start the Advent, pre-Christmas, season with a performance by Kathy Kolman Tuesday, Nov. 29, starting from 12:10 p.m. until 12:55 p.m. Kathy Kolman sings to the accompaniment of guitar or keyboard played by her husband, Brad Kolman. The two have lived in Delta since 1976 and have raised three children here. Kathy was a vocal

Bazaar, soup lunch planned Delta Emblem Club is planning a bazaar and soup lunch Nov. 25 and 26. Lunch costs just $5 and includes dessert. Afterwards, browse gift ideas and home decor items at Westminster Hall. Hours both Friday and Saturday are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Ski race planned Dec. 4 The WinterStart cross country ski races will be held on Sunday, Dec. 4, at Skyway on Grand Mesa. There will be a 5K classic race at 11 a.m., followed by a 5K freestyle race at 12:30 p.m. Registration is on race day only and costs $10 for Grand Mesa Nordic Council members, $15 for others. All ages and abilities are welcome. For more information, call 434-9753 or go to

performance major at the University of Colorado and was a semi-finalist in the New York Metropolitan Opera auditions. She has performed in community theater where she had roles in “The Fantastiks,” “I Do, I Do,” “The Sound of Music,” and an opera, “The Reluctant Bride.” She presently sings with the Valley Symphony Chorus and with the praise team at her church, Calvary Baptist. Brad has been her accompanist since they were married. He is presently the worship leader at Calvary. These Advent mini-concerts will continue each week on Tuesdays at noon through Dec. 20. A special men’s choir will perform on Dec. 6. Singers Dale and Barb Soucek will perform on Dec. 13. Singer and guitarist Jeri Arbaney will perform Dec. 20. The public is invited to spend the Tuesday lunch hour enjoying these special holiday performers. Please join church members for this annual tradition of preparing for Christ at Christmas. Contact Nyla Storch at 8749485 or call St. Luke’s at 874-9489 if you have questions.

and DeVinny Jewelers in Montrose. Tickets are also available at the Montrose Pavilion Office by credit card either in person or by telephone (249-7015) and online at Tickets

Join Paonia Players for a holiday celebration The Paonia Players present “Home for the Holidays: A Celebration of the Season,” Dec. 3 and 4 at the Paradise Theatre in Paonia. Directed by Merrily Talbott (“Grease,” “Pollyanna,” “The Pony Expresso”) and with a cast of 70+ talented local kids and adults, this music and dance revue is sure to be the hit of the holiday season. Among the performers are Craig Childs and Laura Lee Yates as Santa and Mrs. Claus, the Sunshine Singers, the Paonia Pop Stars, Flash Mob Dancers, Marc Wilson and Margot Richardson, Chelsea Bookout and Cooper WoodsDarby, Sticky Mulligan, Dee Holt, Shawn Larson, a barbershop quartet, the Hot Toddies madrigal singers, Jon Hickam, Dan Stech, Christy Eller, Carolyn Yates and more. There will be two per-

Breakfast with Santa set for Dec. 3 Kids, come on down to Bill Heddles Recreation Center in Delta for Breakfast with Santa Saturday, Dec. 10, from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Enjoy a pancake breakfast provided by the Delta Kiwanis. The kids can also make crafts and jump in the inflatable bump house. The event is free for kids under the age of 12 and $3 for ages 13 and up. Remember to bring your cameras if you would like to have your picture taken with Santa. For more information, call 874-0923.

Band embarks on ‘A Christmas Journey’ The Montrose Community Band annual Christmas concert is Sunday, Dec. 11, at 3 p.m. at the Montrose Pavilion. The free concert entitled “A Christmas Journey” features many classic and modern holiday favorites such as “Sleigh Ride,” “Cowboy Christmas,” Selections from Polar

It’s The 36th Annual…

Basement Boutique

may also be purchased at the door prior to either concert. For more information, call 209-2295, visit or e-mail info@valley

Express, “Secret Agent Santa” and more. The band is pleased to have Kari Hepner, a former band member, as emcee and Colorado Tool and Sport as the sponsor for this concert. For more information visit ww.montroseband. com or call Tina Woodrum at 596-1188.

formances on Saturday, Dec. 3 — a matinee at 1 p.m. and an evening performance at 7 p.m. The show will close with a matinee performance on Sunday, Dec. 4, at 1 p.m. Advance tickets are $5 for kids under 12 and $10 for adults and are available at Paonia Farm & Home, KVNF and the Paradise Theatre. For more information, contact paoniaplayers@gmail. com.

Parade of Lights is Dec. 2 Get into the holiday spirit and enter a float or other entry in Delta’s Parade of Lights Friday, Dec. 2. Applications are available at the chamber office or online at the Chamber website: www. Veterans are invited to join the VFW as they celebrate their 75th year. The VFW is planning a historic float featuring veterans from every branch of the service. Please call the chamber at 874-8616 to finalize plans. Staging for the Parade of Lights begins at Delta Middle School at 4:30 p.m.; the parade begins at 6 p.m.

Community chorus presents Handel’s Messiah The North Fork Community Chorus presents Handel’s Messiah in two performances — Friday, Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. at Eckert Presbyterian Church and Sunday, Dec. 11, at 3 p.m. at the North Fork Baptist Church in Paonia. Admission is by donation. Proceeds will go to benefit local charities and the piano fund at the North Fork Baptist Church.

The Real Magic of The Holidays is at

Holiday Arts & Craft Show at the

MONTROSE PAVILION Friday, Nov. 25 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 26 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

❄ CENTRAL CHECKOUT (for your convenience) ❄ Locally handcrafted gifts for all ages Canned goods appreciated to help support Sharing Ministries.

✦ 25 Decorated Theme Trees ✦ Fresh Cut Fraser Firs ✦ Poinsettias Galore ✦ Candles ✦ Home Decor ✦ Great Gift Ideas Gift Certificates Available OPEN MON.-SAT. 9-6 • SUN. 10-5 16612 S. Townsend Montrose 249-6109

A8 Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Delta County Independent

DMEA rate hearing set for Tuesday, Nov. 29 Member meetings will be held in Delta County next Monday The board of directors of Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) will hold a hearing on the co-op’s 2012 rates Tuesday, Nov. 29, beginning at 7 p.m. at the co-op’s Montrose building, 11925 6300 Road. The rate hearing is part of the board’s regularly scheduled monthly board meeting that starts at 5 p.m. DMEA’s proposed rate structure for 2012 is posted at www. “I encourage all our members to review our proposed rates for 2012 in advance of the rate hearing,” said Dan McClendon, DMEA’s general manager. “It changes how we recover the costs of providing electric service to our various rate classes.” DMEA members in Delta County will have the opportunity to get together with the co-op’s board and senior management to review and comment on the rate proposal at either of two meetings to be held Monday, Nov. 28. The first meeting will be at 3:30 p.m. at the Orchard City Town Hall Community Room, 9661 2100 Road in Austin. The second meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the Hotchkiss Senior Citizen Center, 276 W. Main Street. “The meetings in Orchard City and Hotchkiss will provide our Delta County members with a more convenient opportunity to meet with us to discuss rates and other important energy issues,” said McClendon. DMEA’s rate hearing stems primarily from

an increase in the cost of wholesale power that Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc., DMEA’s wholesale power provider, will begin charging DMEA in 2012. Wholesale power is by far the largest component of DMEA’s entire budget, approaching 70 percent of DMEA’s annual operating expenses. In order to equitably manage the increase in wholesale power costs, DMEA proposes to implement the recommendations made in a “cost of service study” undertaken by a utility industry consultant, who analyzes costs and rates for electric cooperatives across the country. Electric cooperatives are non-profit organizations that recover their costs through rates. Electric cooperatives have primarily two cost categories, distribution costs and wholesale purchased power costs. Cost of service studies, such as the one recently conducted for DMEA, help identify how these costs should be apportioned. As purchased power costs continue to rise, it becomes more important to distinguish between distribution costs (fixed) and purchased power (variable) costs. The consultants advised that by setting the base charge to the new proposed rate it will help stabilize DMEA’s distribution costs well into the future. Correspondingly, DMEA will continue to focus upon helping its membership to offset the effects of purchased power costs by continuing and enhancing its energy efficiency programs, helping members to manage their overall consumption

of electricity and monthly bill. In DMEA’s 2012 rate proposal, the cost per kilowatt hour actually is reduced somewhat for many rate classes, while the “base charge” for being connected to the electric grid is increased. “It’s more equitable, for example, that someone who has a second home that they rarely use pay the cost of having electric service available to them whenever they want to use it,” noted the consultant. “The matter of fairness is that those who incur costs for the co-op should pay those costs, and that one rate class of members should not be subsidizing another. Members should pay their ‘fair’ share of the co-op’s costs.” “Managing a significant increase in our wholesale power costs is a challenge for DMEA and we realize this rate proposal will be challenging for many of our members,” noted McClendon. “For example, assuming our average residential member does nothing to become more energy efficient or to conserve energy, their monthly bill will likely rise by about $7-8 a month. “However,” continued McClendon, “we believe that most of our members will take additional steps to become more energy efficient to manage this increase in electric bills.” Another proposal to be considered by DMEA’s board on Nov. 29 is a change in street lighting. DMEA’s staff has proposed that DMEA only install LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) in future street lighting projects. LEDs use up to 50 percent less energy than conventional lighting, saving money for both the member and the co-op. McClendon noted that DMEA’s specific rates for 2012 won’t be determined until the formal hearing and that the proposal could be modified with member input and participation. Members interested in providing comment on DMEA’s proposed 2012 rates who are unable to attend any meeting can comment by email or by regular mail addressed to DMEA Rate Hearing, P.O. Box 910, Montrose, CO 81402. All written comments, whether submitted via e-mail or regular mail must be received by end of business day on Monday, Nov. 28.

Photo by Pat Sunderland

Fairyland From the pages of “Magical Secret Garden” came this whimsical arrangement of fairies, butterflies and woodland foliage designed by Judy Leonard. The table was one of several decorated for the Sugar Plum Festival and Book Fair hosted by Altrusa International of Delta Nov. 18 and 19. The money raised at the community event supports Altrusa’s involvement with the library, Delta Opportunity School, Abraham Connection, Tri-County Resources, Delta Food Pantry and other projects. The books which inspired the decorations for each table are also donated to libraries and organizations which share Altrusa’s commitment to literacy.

Delta Rotary Club is raffling a new car Now is your chance to purchase a raffle ticket for a sparkling new 2011 Toyota Corolla! Tickets are $50 and your odds are favorable, with only 600 tickets being sold. Hellman Toyota is donating the vehicle. The Rotary Club of Delta will share the raffle proceeds with Hospice and Palliative Care of Western Colorado. The remaining proceeds will support local Rotary projects which include high school scholarships and the third grade dictionary project. Tickets can be purchased from any Rotary member, and are also available at Delta Ace Hardware, Hellman Motors and All Glass Station. The car will make an appearance at Delta Ace Hardware on Friday, Nov. 25, from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and at Walmart Saturday, Nov. 26, from 10 a.m.

to 4 p.m. The drawing for the car and other prizes will be held Dec. 31 at 11:30 a.m. at Hellman Motors. It is not necessary to be present to win the car, but you must be present to be eligible for additional prizes. Rotary is a volunteer organization of 1.2 million business and professional leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian service and help build goodwill and peace. About 32,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas conduct projects to address today’s challenges — including illiteracy, disease, hunger, poverty, lack of clean water and environmental concerns — while encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations. Polio Plus is Rotary’s flagship program. By the

6:30-8:00 p.m.

Delta County Health Department

Walk-In Tdap Clinic

• DEMONSTRATIONS THROUGHOUT THE STORE • GIFTS FOR ALL THE GUYS • DOOR PRIZES • FOOD Hunters who have animal mounts in the store will come and share their hunting stories.

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Monday, November 28

You won’t want to miss hearing the huntin’ tales, enjoying lots of food and getting your free gift.

Delta County Health Dept.

. . . Oh, and don’t forget to pick up something for the wife and we will wrap it for you!

Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

121 W. GUNNISON RIVER DR. • DELTA • 874-9515

255 W. 6th St. • Delta

8:30-11:00 a.m. and 1:30-4:30 p.m. • Parent or guardian must accompany child • Must bring immunization record • DCHD will bill most insurance, client will not be turned away for inability to pay • Meningitis vaccine will also be available • No appointment necessary Questions: Call 874-2165

Go to for In-Store Coupon

Chamber offers free babysitting On Saturday, Dec. 3, the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a “Shop Local” event. Drop your kids off at the chamber office. From 9 a.m. to noon, board members will entertain them with snacks, games and crafts while you shop local in Delta. Santa will also be at the chamber office, which is located at 301 Main Street.

‘Run for Your Life’ set for Nov. 26

Don’t forget to save the date for

MEN’S NIGHT OUT Tuesday, November 29

time polio is eradicated, Rotary members will have contributed $850 million and countless volunteer hours to immunize more than two billion children in 122 countries. Rotary is a partner in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, along with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

Avoid Exclusion from School

Delta County Memorial Hospital will sponsor the first annual “Run for Your Life” 5K run/walk and kids’ fun run on Saturday, Nov. 26, at 8 a.m. at Confluence Park in Delta. Registration forms are available at by clicking on the link “Run for Your Life” on the home page. Completed registration forms and fees should be mailed to: Delta County Memorial Hospital, Attn: Education Dept., 1501 E. 3rd St., Delta, CO 81416. All proceeds will benefit the Delta County Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Healthcare Scholarship Fund.

NORTH FORK November 23, 2011




Santa arrives Friday for Crawford festivities BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

Without a doubt, the most anticipated arrival in Crawford will happen this Friday evening. Santa Claus

will be heralded into town during the Crawford Parade of Lights which starts at 6 p.m. Don’t be late because right after the parade Santa will meet with children at the

Santa arriving last year in Crawford

Crawford Community United Methodist Church. Those who are participating in the parade should be ready to start lining up at 5 p.m. So, put some Christmas lights on your tractor, truck, dog, goat or yourself and join in the fun. The Community Room at Crawford Town Hall will be busy all day this Friday from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. The Crawford Christmas Craft Fair offers an array of wonderful gifts. The Black Mesa CattleWomen will serve their famous soup supper at 4 p.m. Not only will Santa be at the Methodist Church, but the congregation will be selling homemade cookies by the pound, a wide assortment of crafts, a chili supper, nachos and hot chocolate. All the fun begins right after the Parade of Lights around 6:30 p.m. Then Saturday, Nov. 26, from 9 a.m. until noon the Crawford Christmas Craft Fair is open again. Start your Christmas shopping early with gifts from Crawford.

Photo by Kathy Browning

KO’d A man from New Zealand was frustrated by a traffic jam in metro Manila, Philippines. He thought what was needed was someone to direct traffic. The New Zealander decided he was the one. So, he directed car and “jeepney” drivers when and where they should go. He thought it was a great improvement until one Filipino came up to him and knocked him flat. From the new perspective on the pavement looking skyward, the man asked, “What are you trying to tell me God?” For some curious reason, that story comes to mind when I reflect upon this sign similarly knocked flat and formerly showing the way to the Raggeds Trail, which is most definitely on the minds of those for and against the Bear Ranch Land Exchange.

Crawford’s late audit not that uncommon BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

It was clear at the Nov. 16 Crawford work session that the town clerk and the board of trustees are very concerned about their 2010 audit not being completed. “We are frustrated and they are frustrated,” said Crawford town clerk Jackie Savage last week referring to the audit being done at Blair and Associates. Savage has been working with an accountant at the firm trying to work through the 2010 figures. Confusion developed after longtime Crawford town clerk Margaret Pearce retired. She used a spreadsheet. Interim town clerks would not use the spreadsheet, instead keeping track of finances in a check book. Later the town went to QuickBooks accounting software. Savage has been re-posting all of 2010 transactions on the computer, and is starting to re-post items for 2011. The town received a notice from Jim Ventrello, Delta County treasurer, on Oct. 18 that the state auditor had instructed him to withhold property taxes because the 2010 audit had not been submitted. Town staff and the board

expressed the opinion that the accounting firm could have worked on their audit sooner. Savage said Blair and Associates has had information since November 2010 and more information was provided by the first of May 2011. The town filed for an extension because the deadline for the audit could not be met. Crawford trustee Christie Young said the situation was unacceptable. The town was being penalized and its reputation harmed because the audit was not completed on time by the only accountant who is capable of doing the audit in the county. Savage noted that it would cost three times as much to hire an accountant from Denver certified to do the town’s audit. While Crawford is upset with the state auditor notice, other North Fork Valley towns are not. The county treasurer received letters from the Office of the State Auditor this year to withhold property taxes from Crawford, Hotchkiss and Paonia because their 2010 audits were late. Hotchkiss town clerk Marlene Searle said their taxes were released the same day they were notified their taxes would be withheld. It was a case of letters crossing in the

mail. Hotchkiss did meet the state’s deadline. Paonia’s audit should be completed soon, certainly before the end of the year, according to Kristin Chesnik, Paonia finance officer. Their audit has taken longer, she said, because the town has received so much grant money. There are two types of holds that can be placed on a town. One type of hold is placed by the State Department of Local Affairs in the spring if the town misses the budget submission deadline. The second, in the fall, is from the Office of the State Auditor if the deadline for the audit for the previous year is missed. “Between the spring and fall, I usually have one town a year that either hasn’t submitted their budget in time or hasn’t submitted their audit. This year we had three,” Ventrello said. “Last year, Paonia’s taxes were withheld because their audit was late. A few years ago it was Orchard City when they had changed city managers. A lot of times it is related to a change in personnel in some of the smaller towns. I have never had to withhold for Cedaredge or Delta,” Ventrello said. “At one point Paonia went from having a city manager to not

having one and it took staff a while to catch up and catch on to some of these things.” Ventrello said audits go out to bid, and Blair and Associates usually has lower bids. Blair and Associates is the only local firm certified to do the audits in Delta County. The county put out a bid for audit services a few years ago. “There were a number of firms that applied for it out of the Denver area, Grand Junction or Glenwood Springs, but we went with Blair and Associates because, one, they were local and, two, they were less expensive than the Front

Range auditors.” Ventrello does not know of any time limit on Crawford or Paonia submitting their 2010 audits. He just can’t release their tax revenue until the state auditor says he can. The county will immediately transfer funds once the state says the audit has been received and reviewed. “Honestly, at this time of the year, very few [property] taxes are collected. The taxes are collected at the first of the year. So, we are not withholding that much money for them right now,” Ventrello said. LATE AUDIT TO B2

Have Thanksgiving meal in Hotchkiss BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

Don’t stay home alone! Come enjoy a community Thanksgiving Dinner this Thursday, Nov. 24 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hotchkiss Senior Center, Cedar Drive and Main Street. Larry Jakubiak and the North Fork Valley Restaurant are preparing the

main entree and all the fixin’s for dinner. But, as in past years, volunteers are asked to bring salads and desserts. Everyone is welcome at this great event. The Thanksgiving Dinner is free. Volunteers who want to help are asked to be at the Hotchkiss Senior Center by 10 a.m.

Thanking the earth and those who work it in photographs BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

“Gracias por la Tierra” 2012, a bilingual calendar by Paonia photographer Celia Roberts, expresses gratitude for the earth. This year the text is written by Judith Boice, a naturopathic physician, and local author Craig Childs. Roberts dedicates the calendar “to those who work with the land.” She writes, “What better way to express our appreciation for these people and their work than to develop supportive relationships with them when we can, buy direct from them when possible and frequent the markets who sell the results of their labor.” Respect for those who work in our nation’s farms is a frequent theme of Roberts. Each month of the calendar concisely tells the story of the subject of Roberts’ photograph. “When you get to know how other people eat it brings our cultures together,” she says. “Good food nourishes our children and produces healthy generations.” Her photo for May shows a row of children enjoying watermelon at a

Photo by Celia Roberts

Hotchkiss farmer Mark Waltermier of Thistle Whistle Farm introduces local children to earth worms which are so valuable because they till and fertilize the soil. The photograph is featured in the new ‘Gracias por la Tierra’ 2012 calendar by Celia Roberts.

Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Program in central Florida. The text reads, “Healthy children become healthy adults. This is made possible when we care for the health of our planet earth, insuring clean air, clean water and fertile soil wherever possible.”

Roberts has traveled all over the country and outside our borders taking her photographs which show the beautiful humanity of the farmers and farm workers. She often learns new things. For example, the photograph for November shows

a farmer selling his produce at an outdoor market. He was selling nopales, which Roberts calls “the paddles of a cactus.” He scrapes off the needles. Nopales are boiled, grilled or used as an ingredient in many dishes, and they are very nutritious. “Gracias por la Tierra” was photographed in California, Colorado, Florida, New York, Oregon, Texas, Washington and Mexico. Roberts has shot over 500 rolls of film over the last 20 years. She didn’t realize when she started taking photographs in 1992 for a National Health Conference in Denver many years ago that she would be hooked on documenting the lives of farm workers. “I can’t seem to stop,” she said. Roberts’ exhibit that traces the life of a farm worker was shown at the Creamery Arts Center in Hotchkiss. Just recently, her exhibit was used for a conference in Washington, D.C. put on by the national Office of Head Start. The conference was called “Zero to Five” and it focused on those teachers, administrators and parents of children zero to five

which are helped by Migrant Head Start. Roberts took 40 pieces. “People loved it and I loved doing it.” The conference and exhibit were at a Marriott Hotel. Those who invited the petite Roberts made sure she had a wonderful room to stay in. “I swear you could have had a square dance in that room,” Roberts laughs. “It was big. This big king-sized bed. I loved it. I really soaked it up. I had a great view. I felt very privileged and honored to be there.” Roberts believes Head Start is aptly named. “It really has given these kids a head start,” she said. “And a lot of these teachers got their start in Head Start and are giving back to the program.” Roberts’ exhibit was so well received she has been asked back for next year. “Gracias por la Tierra” is available at www.celiaroberts. com, by email celia@paonia. com or by phone (970) 5274457. The calendar is rich in information and images, and very economical. It’s a perfect Christmas gift.

B2 Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Delta County Independent

Late audit ing out of right now is the county’s pennies of FROM PAGE B1 “What they are miss- four-tenths of one of sales tax which is shared between the towns. I have to withhold that too. So there are a couple of thousand dollars being held back and little bits of property tax.” The Town of Crawford called Ventrello to get some numbers. “I think they are in the process of some restructuring.” Pete Blair of Blair and Associates explained the Crawford audit is taking longer because of the personnel changes for town clerk. Blair said they are waiting for complete information from the Town of Crawford. He understands the problem for 2010 was the different forms of record keeping. According to Blair, some things were not recorded at all. Blair thinks the 2010 audit for the Town of Crawford will be completed in about three weeks, and then the Town of Crawford will have to “sign off” on the audit. Crystal L. Dorsey, CPA and local government audit manager for the state said that, in accordance with the local audit law Section 29-1601 and following Colo-

rado Revised Statutes, if a local government does not file their audit report then her office is authorized by state statute to notify the county treasurer to place a hold on a town’s property taxes until the report is submitted. No other assessment or penalty is taken against the town. The Town of Crawford filed for an extension which gave them until Sept. 30 to submit their audit report. Dorsey placed a hold on their property taxes on Oct. 18 when no audit arrived. After the audit is received, a preliminary review will be done of the financial statements. “Typically, we will have the release sent off to the county treasurer in two or three days,” Dorsey said. According to Dorsey, a 60-day extension is allowed by state statute 29-1-606 and it is not uncommon for towns to ask for one. Crawford plans to invite Pete Blair to a council meeting early next year so they can share their concerns and learn more about the audit process.

Photo submitted

The great rake up Paonia Elementary Students recently took part in a service learning project at Paonia’s Town Park. Students from kindergarten through sixth grade gathered and raked leaves in an effort to proivde local community members with composting material. The students jumped right into work and shared the workload by using rakes and their hands and feet to gather the leaves. Last year the Great Rake Up didn’t take place due to rain and snow throughout the fall. Upon conclusion of their efforts the students rewarded themselves with some good ole’ fashioned jumping into leaves.

Cellist Helleckson plays in Western States Honor Orchestra BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer


The 28th Annual Western States Honor Orchestra Festival Symphony Orchestra performed a classical concert Saturday, Nov. 5, at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley with a young musician representing the North Fork Valley. Seated in the 11th chair of the cello section was Jacob Helleckson, a junior at Paonia High School. He had submitted a recorded audition of scales, excerpts from

original orchestral works and a solo piece for consideration. Out of 300 he was one of the 100 chosen for the symphony orchestra. Musicians from high schools all over Colorado had two days of rehearsals. The orchestra performed Serenade for Strings by Wiren, Moldau from My Homeland by Smetana and Symphony No. 4 by Boyce. The Guest Conductor was Johan Jonsson, professor of violin and viola at Montana State

University in Bozeman. Jonsson was born in Sweden. Prior to coming to the United States he received musical training in Paris and Stockholm and then received a Fullbright grant for Indiana University. Helleckson began cello at five years of age. He has studied for 11 years, 10 of which was taught by Tyme Mientka. This past year he studied in Aspen. Helleckson’s very proud family attended the concert.

Jacob Helleckson


Delta County Independent

Hubbell wins HHS Voice of Democracy BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

Reed Hubbell, a senior at Hotchkiss High School, won the competition at his school for the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ program, Voice of Democracy. The essay he wrote, “Is there pride in serving in the U.S. military,” has advanced him to the regional competition. “When I was in third through seventh grade we lived in Marble,” Hubbell said. “My parents ran an outfitting business there. We had a lot of wranglers, a lot of employees. But my dad would always try to hire veterans because they did the best job. They had been through the military so getting up at five and coming back at 11 was a regular thing. We had experience with a lot of veterans through that. That’s the basis of my essay. They are all proud of their service. A lot of them are still family friends.” Hubbell is senior

Staff Writer

class secretary and chapter president of Future Business Leaders. He is in the mentoring program College For Every Student and a member of National Honor Society. He is a National Merit semifinalist. If he becomes a finalist he will be offered a $30,000 a year scholarship to the University of Arizona. Cost of attendance is $34,000 a year. He is considering an engineering degree, probably in aerospace. He may also apply to Colorado University and Stanford University.

Hotchkiss High School has recognized four seniors who are excelling in a number of ways. Tell Hawk and Nikki Buhrdorf are the September Students of the Month. Beth Wood and Vikash Hypio are Students of the Month for October. Tell Hawk is a threesport athlete doing football, basketball and track. Hawk is involved in the National Honor Society and student government. He is the student body president. Biology and sciences interest him the most academically. He would like to attend Colorado State University (CSU) or Colorado

Mesa University, which his entire family has attended. Nikki Buhrdorf does cross country and track. She is involved in student government, National Honor Society, Students Taking Action Now Dafur, the science fair and Bulldogs Ensuring Successful Transition, which is a mentoring program for freshmen. She really enjoys chemistry, biology and calculus. Right now her plan is to attend CSU and major in biomedicine or microbiology. Beth Wood is involved in track and the science fair. She is a member of College For Every Student, which is a mentoring program to help freshmen prepare for

college. Just recently she began eating at the Hotchkiss Senior Center every day, serving trays to the seniors. Advanced biology is definitely her favorite class. She really likes science. She already has a four year scholarship at Colorado Mesa University. Hopefully, she will enter the CSU masters program in occupational therapy. Vikash Hypio par-

ticipates in cross country, wrestling and track. He’s in National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, College For Every Student and student government. He is the student body vice-president. He enjoys pre-calculus and weights. He has applied to Stanford University and the University of Chicago for a future career in business.

CAWS to give away vouchers CAWS volunteers plan to be at Sisson’s Feed and Seed, 405 W. 5th St., in Delta on Saturday, Dec. 10, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to give out spay and neuter vouchers. CAWS has also translated their spay and neuter application into Spanish in an effort to better serve Latino residents.

CAWS will be distribPhoto by Kathy Browning uting both the English September Students of the Month at Hotchkiss High and Spanish applications to all community resource School are seniors (left to right) Tell Hawk and Nikki Buhrdorf. agencies to help lowincome residents spay and neuter their pets. The applications can also be downloaded from the CAWS website at resources/caws-forms.

Chamber concert at the Blue Sage The Blue Sage Center for the Arts in Paonia will host a “Masters of the Piano Trio” chamber concert on Saturday, Nov. 26, at 7 p.m. Enjoy the music of Mendelssohn and Beethoven performed by Susan Ellinger, Blue Sage artist-in-reisdence, on the piano, Juli Fox Henson, assistant concertmaster

of the Des Moines Symphony, on violin, and Alan Henson, principal cellist of the Central Iowa Symphony, on cello. Photo by Kathy Browning Advance tickets are Hotchkiss High School’s Students of the Month for $13 or $10 for students October are (left to right) Vikash Hypio and Beth and are available at Har- Wood. dins, KVNF, Paonia Public Library and the Blue Sage Center. Admission at the door is $15.

Sharon’s Kids learn of outdoor activities “Sharon’s Kids” is a dream come true for Sharon Riegel. Sharon’s Kids is a new nonprofit association created to “help youth cultivate an awareness, understanding and appreciation for the natural world.” For the past 12 years, Sharon Riegel has managed a youth outreach program which has functioned through the Women on the Move hiking group, mainly sending 70 kids to summer camp. It was time to expand the program and thus an opportune time to create a new association specifically for youth outreach. The main focus of the group will be to send local youth to a summer camp. The association hopes to send boys and girls, ages 9-13, to the Santa Maria YMCA

camp near Bailey for a week. This is for kids who cannot afford to go on their own, and they will be nominated by Partners, Families Plus and local schools. The Grand Mesa Nordic Council has been extremely supportive and is including Sharon’s Kids in their X-C ski lessons on Saturdays in January. About 13 children from Delta County are participating, along with many parents, on hikes and related activities. Next summer they hope to add llama treks and natural science explorations. Sharon’s Kids will rely on donations from individuals, groups, and the generosity of the community. For further information, contact Sharon Riegel at 921-3800 or e-mail

Photo submitted

Sharon’s Kids are ready for cross-country skiing on the Grand Mesa. Pictured from the left are Owen Thomas, Michelle Tucker, Taylor White, Zoey Janssen, Haley Stacy and Sharon Riegel. Not pictured are Daniella Baxter, Cyrus Baxter and Mikayla Rae Burnett.


Hotchkiss High chooses four achievers to honor BY KATHY BROWNING

Reed Hubbell

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Paonia council meeting canceled BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

The Paonia Town Council meeting on Nov. 8 was canceled because of a lack of agenda items. Barbara Peterson, town clerk, announced last Friday that the Nov. 22 council meeting also was canceled for the same reason. “It was the Mayor’s intent to approve budget

items as they were completed early this year,” Peterson wrote in an email. “But because of the posting in the newspaper, the public hearing on the budget has already been designated for Dec. 13.” The budget was completed in a work session on Nov. 8. Copies of the budget are available at town hall.

Delta County School District’s

North Fork Community Montessori School

is now accepting PRESCHOOL lottery applications for one opening now and eight more for the 2012-2013 academic year. • • • • • •

Excellence in academics, life skills, and the arts Differentiated learning Development of an internal love of learning Spanish Five day a week program Respect and responsibility in an authentic Montessori setting Enrollment is done by lottery.

Please call 872-5910 for an application or to schedule a visit.

397 Bulldog Street • Hotchkiss

B4 Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Delta County Independent

Hotchkiss K-8 presents academic awards BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

Parents and guests were invited for brownies and coffee before the start of the Hotchkiss K-8 Academic Awards on Nov. 17. These awards were for semester two of the 2010-2011 school year. The program was entitled “Reaching for Excellence.” Principal Carrie Coats said it was tremendous that 75 out of a possible 101 students were becoming members of Red, Blue or Gold Clubs for academic achievement. She looks forward to the day when 100 percent of the student body

is receiving these academic awards. The Red Club is for those with a .2 improvement for the semester. Blue Club recognizes those with a 3.0-3.69 grade point average throughout the semester. The Gold Club is reached by those with a 3.7-4.0 grade point average. Coats told the assembly that it’s amazing what the community stands for. “Hotchkiss Pride. Know it. Believe it. Live it.” Both a movie excerpt and the message of the day asked, “Have you given it your best?” Coats said Hotchkiss

K-8 is dedicated to helping their students be above average.

Photos by Kathy Browning

Hotchkiss seventh grade Blue Club members are Jared Cantrell, Jade Chinn, Conner Collins, Colton DeLuzio, Lily Harvey, Jamal Helm, Wyatt Jensen, Morgan Photo by Kathy Browning Keeler, Christopher Lovato, Triston Mautz, Mia McCurdy, Kayden Murray-Owens, Raymond Cecil was the Chloe Owens, Lacey Rodriguez, Eve Simmons and Joshua Verdeja. lone member of the seventh grade Red Club.

The members of the seventh grade Gold Club are Zackary Allen, Emily Bagwell, Hotchkiss eighth grade Gold Club members are Alex Aguilera, Chase Bizer*, Nikki Blake Bayles, Roggen Frick, Colton Hall*, Parker Katzdorn, Logan Mayberry, Brasiel, Nicholas Cambria*, William Drbohlav*, Brandi Goddard*, Megan Lange, Mikienzie Morlang, Joseph Nault and Nick Norton. (* Denotes straight A’s.) Jacob Lewis*, Echo Miller-Barnes, Rory Molacek*, Andrew Oviedo*, Clayton Oxford*, Sophia Schelle*, Kayla Trefren, Cody West and Katie Wiens*. (* Denotes straight A’s.)

Members of the eighth grade Blue Club are Christie Mae Anderson, Nate ArreguinCole, Daniel Calderilla, Cialee Daniels, Alondra Gallegos, Samantha Galley, Cesar Gonzalez, Sierra Griffith, Madison Guthrie, Emily Keleher, Patrick Keleher, Hailey Lofley, Ashley Lovator, Cameron Matus, Kayla Milstein, Trentyn Nicholas, Katy Members of the eighth grade Red Club are Ryan Beiriger, Ashley DeLaBarcena, Parsons, Siena Podgorny, Ryan Porter, Angela Saenz, Jaden Simpson, Morgan Cole Hoage, Noel Jaramillo, Justine Roop and Julian Smith. Spedon, Colton Spencer, Haley Stacy, Quentin Varner and Luke Yerion.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Conservation district wins honors The Delta Conservation District was recently recognized by the Colorado Association of Conservation Districts as having had the most outstanding education and outreach program among the state’s 76 conservation districts. The award was presented at the annual meeting held in Loveland Nov. 14-17. The district was recognized for its outreach program which included participation in local water festivals, county fair programs, conservation presentations to local organizations and schools, invasive weed projects, scholarship sponsorships for the Camp Rocky youth program, rangeland and soil health workshop support, as well as for its educational series for landowners. During the past year the district hosted a small acreage workshop, the pie and coffee irrigation water users workshop 3-part series and a public forum on oil and gas drilling. The district also sponsored a resolution at the annual meeting to support small acreage agricultural production that was unanimously adopted by the association. This will allow the association’s lobbyist to work toward having a local foods to local markets bill,

similar to the one introduced in the state senate last year by Senator Gail Schwartz, adopted by the legislature. Such a measure is of importance to the district’s farmers and will make easier the sale to the public of products from small acreage farming operations. Such a measure will enhance the economic viability of small acreage and family farms, while preserving agricultural lands and promoting the sound stewardship of natural resources practiced by such farming operations. The district was prominent at the association’s annual meeting as a result of the work performed by District Manager Kristie Martin. Martin, who completed the association’s yearlong leadership course, organized the awards events for the meeting as part of her leadership training. The awards luncheon and awards dinner were hosted by her and she gave the keynote speech for the dinner event, acknowledged by the new state NRCS conservationist, Phyllis Phillips, and others as the most outstanding speech of the conference. Included in the awards recognized were three agricultural photographs of Delta County chosen in the Photo Contest as

Photo by Callie Hendrickson

Delta County Conservation District manager Kristie Martin was the keynote speaker at the annual convention of the Colorado Association of Conservation Districts, held Nov. 14-17 in Loveland. The district was recognized for its outreach program.

Five appointed to Southwest RAC Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced the 2011 appointments to the western Colorado citizen-based Resource Advisory Councils (RACs), which advise the Bureau of Land Management on public land issues. Five members were appointed to each of the two western Colorado RACs: the Northwest RAC, which advises BLM Colorado’s Northwest District; and the Southwest RAC, which advises the Southwest District. Each RAC is composed of 15 citizens with an interest in public land management, such as conservationists, outdoor recreationists, ranchers, Tribal officials, state and local government officials, academics, and others.

Farmer’s tax guide available Tax time is fast approaching and the Delta County Extension Service has a useful guide for agricultural producers. The Farmer’s Tax Guide, IRS Publication 225 for 2011 is now available at no charge at the Delta County Extension office, located at 525 Dodge St. in Delta. Pick up a copy while supplies last. The office is open Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and noon and from 1-5 p.m. Tax forms and other information is also available online at www.irs. gov.

BLM Director Bob Abbey said, “The diverse membership of RACs results in a balanced outlook that the BLM needs in managing the public lands for current and future generations.” The BLM, an agency of the Interior Department, is responsible for managing various uses of the land — such as outdoor recreation, livestock grazing, mineral development, and energy production — while conserving the land’s natural, historical, and cultural resources. Below are the newly appointed members of western Colorado Southwest RAC — John Reams of Naturita owns and operates Reams Construction Company. He is a new member representing energy and mineral interests. Kathy Welt of Hotchkiss is the senior environmental engineer at Mountain Coal Company, LLC. She was reappointed to represent energy and mineral interests. Wallace White serves as a La Plata County Commissioner in Durango. He was reappointed to represent dispersed recreation. Renzo DelPiccolo of Colorado Parks and Wildlife is a new member representing the State of Colorado. He lives in Montrose. Ken Emory of Montrose is a member of the Public Lands Partnership and the Public Access Group. He was reappointed to serve the public at large.

the best in their categories. Dr. Susan Raymond of Hotchkiss won two for her photos submitted in the Close Up Conservation and Conservation Practices categories and Laura Fleeger of Cedaredge won for her submission in the Conservation in Action category. These photographs will now compete for the national award in their categories at the National Association of Conservation Districts annual meeting. The district was represented at the meeting by Delta Conservation District supervisors Mike Cleary and Ralph D’Alessandro.

Photo by Dr. Susan Raymond

This photo by Dr. Susan Raymond of Hotchkiss is one of two winning photos submitted in a photo contest sponsored by the Colorado Association of Conservation Districts. The photo captures a rainbow over Mark Shaffer’s barn. Laura Fleeger of Cedaredge was also a winner. Their photos will now compete for national honors.

Mosquito trapping volunteers are thanked for their efforts In this season of Thanksgiving, it is only fitting that those people who have made a significant difference in the health of the valley community are recognized. The North Fork Mosquito Abatement District has a premier trapping program, made possible entirely through the efforts of a team of dedicated volunteers. To celebrate their accomplishments and build camaraderie, a volunteer appreciation party was held in Hotchkiss in October. Hosted by Kevin and Jackie Parks, the volunteers enjoyed massive quantities of (mostly) North Fork Valley foods while getting to know each other. Trapping of adult mosquitoes entails setting and collecting traps throughout the district; sorting, identification, and counting of the various types of mosquitoes; and, isolation of the mosquitoes that transmit West Nile virus and submission of those mosquitoes to the Delta County Health Department for testing. “Trapping is really an individual task,” states Jacque Koehler, who has volunteered for two years. “You go out at night and

Photo submitted

North Fork Mosquito Abatement District president Kevin Parks with trapping volunteer Carol Pierce at a volunteer appreciation celebration held recently.

pick up the next morning. When you drop off your samples, there is no one in the lab. You don’t get to meet your colleagues except for this end of season party, so it’s really nice to see who else is involved.” “When we come in to the lab to do the identification and counting, the samples are already in the freezer,” added Lulu Volckhausen. She has been counting mosquitoes for the district for four years. She added, “We never really see anyone, just the results of their nightly col-

lections. It’s really a beautifully coordinated dance. Each of us knows the steps we’re expected to perform, and Voila! things get done.” NFMAD operations manager Biz Collins explained how the resulting data are critical to her decision-making. “Every afternoon, when the counting is done, I look at the counts to see if there are any spikes in mosquito activity. If there are, we know where we need to focus our efforts. I often accompany the crew to the area to scout out potential

breeding sites. It’s actually amazing how well it works. Once we target an area, the counts drop dramatically.” “The other aspect of the trapping that has been so important is West Nile identification. We can only find these infected pools of mosquitoes if we’re looking for them. Trapping the adults is necessary to do this. And, because we now have several years’ worth of data, we’re starting to establish some patterns,” she added. “It’s all very cool.” NFMAD President, Kevin Parks takes note of the value of the hours the volunteers have put in. “Each year, we figure that there are approximately 350 hours of volunteer time donated to our organization. If you were to pay $10/hour, that’s $3,500. That’s an amazingly generous contribution from the community. And that doesn’t include the donations of the office space, or other things like supplies or work-in-kind.” Board secretary Tara Budinger added, “I think this level of generosity speaks highly of the community’s understanding and support for our mosquito control program.”

B6 Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Delta County Independent

BoCC issues statement on Garvin Road work BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Photo by Pat Sunderland

New officers seated The Kiwanis Club of Delta recently elected a new leadership team which includes (left to right) Wade Hall, board member; Richard Simmons, board member and district lieutenant governor; David James, secretary; Scot Buhrdorf, board member; G.W. King, president; Fred McKee, board member; Lynn Shirk, past president; Mark Lee, president elect; and Clay Speas, treasurer. Not pictured is board member Ken Richards.

The Board of County Commissioners has released a statement on the Garvin Mesa Road project. The commissioners have called a temporary halt to planned work on Garvin Mesa. In its statement, the board addresses issues raised by neighbors opposing the planned work, including some who complained they didn’t have advance notice on the project. The commissioners’ statement, distributed Nov. 7, says, “A few weeks ago the county sent a letter to adjacent landowners advising them that the county intended to

remove some of the rocks from a rock wall along the western side of the Garvin Mesa Road. This action was intended to serve two purposes. The first was to provide material close at hand for a road project on the other access to Garvin Mesa (Farmers Mine Road). Secondly, the removal of the rocks provided the opportunity to begin to clear the county road right-of-way on Garvin Mesa to make improvements necessary to address the safety hazard issues due to the narrowness of the road. “In the letter, the county offered the landowners an opportunity to come forward with ideas of how the safety concerns of the

county and the wishes of the neighborhood to save the wall because of its historic significance could be mutually agreed upon. The county asked the residents to respond by Oct. 31. “Although no definite solution has been reached at this time, a number of issues and possible solutions have been raised that warrant further consideration by both the county and the landowners prior to any further action. Therefore, the BoCC has agreed to step back from proceeding with plans to alter the wall this fall in order to allow time to weigh the issues and the options more fully.”

Hotchkiss forum provides drilling update BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

A Nov. 8 public forum on oil and gas issues hosted by the Delta Conservation District board of supervisors gave the more than 60 people attending an informative update on drilling activities in Delta and neighboring Gunni-

son counties. In Delta County, there have been 16 coal bed methane exploration wells drilled, and two deep shaft gas wells that were hydro-fracked last year, reported Bruce Bertram, local government designee for the county and a participant in the

four-person panel. The two deep wells were drilled into gasbearing shale well over a mile deep. They are located near Spaulding Peak north of Cedaredge and at Iron Point north of Paonia. Both are still undergoing testing and evaluation, Bertram explained.

Area Republicans announce election plans BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Three candidates declared their intention to seek office next year. The announcements took place during the Delta County Republican Cen-

Reverse your fortunes!

tral Committee Meeting on Nov. 15 at Orchard City. Bruce Hovde, District #2 county commissioner elected in 2008, said he will run for a second term next year.

Advertise! Call 874-4421.

Bob Stechert, Rogers Mesa orchardist and attorney, announced that he will seek the District #3 commissioner seat being vacated by termlimited Olen Lund. And, Don Coram of Montrose, elected to the state legislature in 2010 representing District 58, said that he will run for that seat again in 2012.

The wells have been put in by local Gunnison Energy Corporation. The other main exploration company operating in this area is SG Interests of Houston, Texas. The company operates in the Bull Mountain Unit in western Gunnison County. The area is in the drainage of Muddy creek which flows into Paonia Reservoir, part of the North Fork Gunnison River system. SG Interests plans to put in 150 natural gas wells from 55 drill pad sites in the unit, explained Eric Sanford, land operations manager. SG Interests’ exploration area covers almost 20,000 acres. Ninety-five percent of the area is private surface owned, and 80 percent of the minerals beneath the private surface are federally owned. Next summer, the com-

pany expects to be able to begin moving large quantities of natural gas from the Bull Mountain Unit into pipelines for sales to interstate markets. According to Bertram, “Delta and Gunnison counties have not had the intensive (oil and gas) exploration activity that Garfield County experienced.” Nevertheless, Delta County maintains and updates a regulatory regimen that oversees exploration and productive activities here.

The county’s Specific Development regulations are even now undergoing a partial revision dealing with oil and gas issues. Bertram explained that technological advances in the industry, including multiple well drilling from single drill pads, horizontal drilling, and hydraulic fracturing that were not a widespread part of local industry practices or the county’s regulations in 2002, are being updated now.

Retired school employees to meet Delta County School and Public Employees Retirement Association will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 28, at Hotchkiss High School. Members will be discussing upcoming legislation and reviewing the

state meeting held in October. Anyone with a PERA pension is invited to attend. For more information call Don Burke at 8722274, Krista Spitzer at 856-9498 or Mary Blake at 527-4504.

SURFACE CREEK November 23, 2011




Cedaredge ready to take donations for golf course Special account created to accept capital improvement donations for town’s golf course BY BOB BORCHARDT Staff Writer

During the Nov. 17 meeting of the Cedaredge Town Council, the trustees unanimously agreed to created a golf course account specifically geared to accept donations for golf course capital improvements, managed as a committed account within the Golf Course Enterprise Fund. The resolution creating the account was in response to a small group of citizens who wanted the town to provide a method in which interested individuals could donate to the Cedaredge Golf Club to be used for capital improvements. Before taking the resolution to a vote, trustee Nelson Cederberg, alluding to an unauthorized flyer soliciting support and donations for a “Golf Club Capital Improvement Fund,” thanked the town administrator Kathleen Sickles for “bearing with our committee’s exuberance in getting this project on the road.” Cederberg said the main purpose for establishing the

account was to “prove to the entire area that those interested in preserving our valuable golf course were willing to go an ‘extra mile’ and contribute their monies.” Cederberg said, “These donations exceed their user fees, membership costs and purchase of merchandise at the golf club.” Cederberg noted that prior to taking office, he promised to “do everything possible to mend the relationship of all factions of Cedaredge as they looked at our city’s third most valuable asset.” Noting that the Cedaredge Golf Club has to compete with Devil’s Thumb in Delta, Cederberg said the town has not proposed any funding for capital improvements for the golf course for 2012, and has not made any funds available for capital improvements “in years past.” Said Cederberg, “I cannot tell you how proud I am of those citizens that have stepped forward, with their own monies, to keep our city’s property viable and competitive with our neighbors. Again, I want to thank everyone that is considering this venture.” Donations to the account are not guaranteed to be taxdeductible. Sickles reminded the trustees of the public hearing to consider the 2012 budget scheduled for the evening of Dec. 1 at the Community Center. Time is still to be determined.

Join friends, family for dinner on Thanksgiving BY BOB BORCHARDT Staff Writer

There are plenty of options for those looking for Thanksgiving dinner in Cedaredge. Ken Simpson, owner of The Ole Bakery Cafe, located at 365 N. Grand Mesa Drive in Cedaredge, is offering area residents a free Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, Nov. 24, from 1- 5 p.m., or until the food runs out. Gary and Donna Allen, owners of the Cedaredge

Lodge, 810 N. Grand Mesa Drive in Cedaredge, are hosting their annual “Paying It Forward” free Thanksgiving Day dinner, on Thursday, Nov. 24, from 1 - 5 p.m. These free dinners are traditional Thanksgiving dinners, complete with turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and more. For more information, or to make reservations, call The Ole Bakery Cafe at 856-3366 or the Cedaredge Lodge at 856-3727.

Photo by Bob Borchardt

Plenty to be thankful for As friends and family gather this week to celebrate Thanksgiving, we pause to reflect on the thoughts of St. Francis of Assisi, who said, “We praise You, Lord, for Sister Earth, who sustains us with her fruits, colored flowers, and herbs.” As an agricultural community, James H. Douglas sums it well, “Our deep respect for the land and its harvest is the legacy of generations of farmers who put food on our tables, preserved our landscape, and inspired us with a powerful work ethic.”

Cedaredge okays animal shelter lease BY BOB BORCHARDT Staff Writer

The Town of Cedaredge has agreed to a five-year lease of the Cedaredge Animal Shelter with the Friends of Cedaredge Animal Control (FCAC). During its Nov. 17 meeting, the town council approved an ordinance authorizing the town administrator to enter into a five-year lease agreement with the FCAC, with options for two additional five year terms. According to the agreement, the lease begins Jan. 1, 2012, and runs through Dec. 31, 2016, with a $0.00 annual lease payment. The town agrees to subsidize the utilities with a $220 monthly payment through Dec. 31, 2012, and a monthly payment of $110 in 2013. FCAC will pay any utility costs over those amounts. The utility subsidy will not extend beyond 2013. For their part, the FCAC has a long “laundry list” of things that they have agreed to, as outlined in a Memo of Understanding. This includes paying 40 percent of the animal control officer’s salary and benefits, assuming responsibility for all operational costs,

Staff Writer

Contrast The earthy colors of a fall pasture create dramatic contrast with the clear blue November sky beyond Grand Mesa seen along Brimstone Road.

snow and sun off. Dapkus noted that the dogs are spayed/ neutered, checked negative for heart-worm and are current on vaccines prior to adoption. The Memo of Understanding also states that the animal control officer will no longer be responsible for picking up any type of cat, feral or otherwise. The FCAC board will develop its own policy regarding cats and animals other than dogs. Dapkus explained, “The FCAC does not take cats that we cannot handle. We do not have a feral cat nor trap-neuterrelease program.” The FCAC needs to enlarge the cat cages this winter to meet new state standards. Dapkus explained, “Larger cages will decrease cat stress and decrease illness, but it will also decrease the number of cats and kittens we can rehome. Our intake is limited by space” The animal shelter is located at 265 SE High Country Ave., and is open Monday through Friday, 8 to 11 a.m., and from 2 to 5 p.m. The shelter is also open on Saturdays and Sundays, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. For more information or to volunteer/donate call Jacki Dapkus at 640-4907.

Food drive underway BY BOB BORCHARDT

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

services, upkeep and maintenance of the facility, liability insurance, licensing, taxes, staffing and management of the animal shelter. The animal control officer’s primary duties will be the enforcement of the town’s animal control ordinance. The Chief of Police will continue to be the direct supervisor of the animal control officer. FCAC secretary Jacki Dapkus explained that the FCAC is supported entirely through donations, other organizations, fund raisers and money coming in from sales at the Shelter Shoppe. She explained that even though they are currently financially solvent, FCAC asked for the five-year lease to give them “a more stable financial picture when asking for grants related to building and grounds.” Dapkus also noted that in this year alone, the FCAC has added a cement pad under most of the dog runs, allowing FCAC volunteers to bleach the dog runs on a daily basis to minimize the spreading of disease, keep the dogs cleaner and improve the overall appearance of the runs. Dapkus added that the FCAC has plans to put a roof over the runs to keep both

On Saturday, Nov. 19, volunteers from the Surface Creek Community Services Food Bank began this year’s food drive to restock the food bank. They spent the day in front of Cedaredge Food Town gathering donations and food items. The Food Bank will be distributing “Holiday Dinner” boxes to those less fortunate living in the Surface Creek area on Saturday, Dec. 17. Volunteers working with the food bank will be on hand to help unload and distribute the holiday food boxes, starting at 11:30 a.m. Board member Lisa Pinel said the names of those families and/or individuals in need are provided by the local churches, community leaders and schools. At a cost of around $38 each, the holiday dinner boxes will include a gift certificate for meat from Cedaredge Food Town, potatoes, vegetable and a pie. Donations in excess of the total amount needed for these items will be used to buy rolls, margarine, milk and eggs. Donations of oranges and/or grapefruit will be added to each of the holiday dinner boxes. The SCCS Food Bank not only provides food to people (currently 203 families – 691 individuals) in the Surface Creek area needing assistance on a temporary basis, they also provide referrals to other organizations for assistance and other basic needs such as utilities, rent, clothing and medicine. The SCCS

also works with the Surface Creek Valley Lions Club to provide coats, jackets and outerwear. Last year, the SCCS Food Bank purchased 258 holiday dinners. Pinel said the number of holiday dinners to be distributed this year will be capped at 275. According to Pinel, 230 families have already signed up for this year’s holiday dinners. A member of Food Bank of the Rockies, the SCCS Food Bank is located in the old Cedaredge ambulance bays, behind the Cedaredge Area Chamber of Commerce building, located at 245 W Main. The normal hours of opera-

tion are Mondays from 9-11 a.m. and Thursdays from 1-3 p.m. Donations of any amount (marked specifically for the Holiday Dinner Fund) can be sent to Surface Creek Community Services, P.O. Box 963, Cedaredge, CO 81413. Donations are tax deductible. Noting that the money used to purchase the holiday dinners does not come out of the food bank’s general fund, Pinel said all donations, whether or not they are for the holiday dinners or simply for the support of food bank, are appreciated. For more information call Lisa Pinel at 856-7672.

Photo by Bob Borchardt

Food bank volunteers Pam Wiltsie and Cassandra Bravo braved cold temperatures on Saturday, Nov. 19, to help raise donations for the food bank.

C2 Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Delta County Independent

Orchard City sets $2 million budget for 2012 BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The Orchard City Town Board should be ready to approve the 2012 budget at its December meeting. The proposed budget document submitted by staff details a number of special spending projects as part of next year’s town spending plan, a plan that will total just under $2 million. In the General Fund, $20,000 has been set aside for events commemorating the town centennial, including an August fireworks display. Plans are for the display to be performed atop Antelope Hill and visible throughout the entire Surface Creek Valley. Also in the General Fund, $10,000 is set aside for “codification of the town municipal code.” There is a $3,000 item

budgeted for “upgrading the town website.” Total General Fund spending is estimated at $347,836 for the year. The Road Fund budget estimates an $85,000 price for the Fairview Road culvert replacement, and spending $15,000 on a “chip and seal project with Delta County.” Total Road Fund spending is set at $276,757 for the year. In the water fund, $80,000 is set aside for a “new storage facility next to the town hall.” The facility will be used to house water line materials that are presently stored at the Eckert building. In-town pipeline improvements will take an additional $20,000. Total Water Fund spending for 2012 is set at $806,233. Several projects in

the Water Capital Construction Fund expected next year are: treatment plant and tank automation, $200,000; pipeline company material reimbursement, $20,000; hydropower installation at treatment plant, $225,000; and dredging the backwash pond will take $20,000. Total expenditures from the Water Capital construction Fund are set at $465,000 for the year. The Park Fund will spend a total of $86,368, mostly for operation and maintenance of town Park. An additional $65,000 will be spent on the plans for a centennial park at Town Hall.

Financial Advisor Branch Manager

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Tues., Nov. 29 NHS Meeting, 7:45 a.m.; Elks Dinner, 6:00 p.m.; FFA Speaking Contest at Creed, 6:00 p.m. Wed., Nov. 30 Hearing Rescreening, 8:00 a.m.; Jostens Ring Delivery, 11:00 a.m.; Basketball “C” Team at Delta, 4:00 p.m. Sponsored by:


INDEPENDENT 401 Meeker St., Delta • 874-4421

From ‘A’ to ‘Z’ On Tuesday, Nov. 8, Christmas came early to many Surface Creek area children when Rotary Club members Steve Wilson, Max Kendrick, Jamie Meiklejohn (club president), Gary Fleischman, Marjorie Conner and Marsha Bryan took time out to deliver 69 dictionaries to the third grade students at Hunsicker Elementary School, 19 to third grade students at the Vision School, four to the Cedaredge Public Library and three to the library at Hunsicker Elementary. Meiklejohn said a major portion of the monies needed to purchase the dictionaries was raised by the King N’ Trio benefit concert. After receiving their dictionaries the students were asked to look up two words — “Aardvark” and “Zuni.”

West Line contractor ‘is gone’ BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Alan M. King

Photo by Bob Borchardt

The Orchard City town Board dealt with several water related matters during their Nov. 9 regular meeting. In a report on the West Main transmission line project, Mike Morgan of the public works department reported completion of a milestone in the project saying, “Williams is gone.” Williams is the Montrose County contractor that built the $2plus million project. In a related matter, Morgan reported that contractor R.E. Beldon had completed his work upgrading the water lines in Meadow View, and that new touch-read water meters were being installed. A second water committee item was a report that the Bull Mesa pipeline company has approached the town with the idea of taking over about 500 feet of the Bull Mesa pipeline. Water committee member Jimmie Boyd has reportedly taken a preliminary look at the idea. The water committee, comprised of Boyd, trustee Jan Gage, the mayor, and town staff, will take up the idea for discussion when Gage

returns from a planned absence. Another water committee report indicated progress on negotiations over the Fairview Road culvert replacement project. The town has received one estimate for the cost of replacing two or three ditch company headgates as part of the project. A second estimate will be sought. Trustee Gale Doudy said that the ditch companies involved have agreed to pay the cost of rebuilding the headgates and related structures. The headgates are part of the Butte Ditch system. Both Butte and

Fogg Ditch now handle their operations and management costs through OCID assessments. In a third water item, trustees heard a staff report that a portion of the Circle Ditch bank had collapsed. Current plans are to respond by placing that section in pipe. In one additional water related matter, trustees got a heads-up on private pipeline company upgrades. Melissa Oelke, town clerk, reported that some private companies will not be able to make the March 1 deadline for required installation of

backflow preventers on their systems. That will mean trustees could be getting official appeals early next year from companies asking for extensions on their deadline to install the devices. Last summer during town board discussions of the new requirements for private pipelines, trustees promised a policy of leniency. Private pipelines making good faith efforts to meet new legal and physical requirements were promised consideration of problems they encountered completing the work.

Tom Lange serving as interim paster at All Saints BY VERNA BARR Staff Writer

Tom Lange, after retiring several times, is the interim pastor at All Saints Lutheran Church. He was born and raised in San Diego, Calif. After two years at San Diego State he transferred to St. Olaf Collage in Northfield, Minn. From there he went to Lutheran Theological Seminary in St Paul Minnesota. Internship was at the seminary

at Lake Oswego, Ore., a suburb of Portland. Pastor Lange’s first parish was a two-point parish in Littlefield and Levelland in west Texas for three years. Littlefield was basically a farming town. Levelland was a college town, so he found it necessary to adapt his sermons accordingly. An assignment, lasting eight years, was at a large cathedral church, Our Savior Lutheran, in Long Beach, Calif., where he served as Associate Pastor. Then, St. Timothy, a very large church in Lakewood, and then back to California, this time in Los Alamitos, first as interim then pastor for a total of 18 years. By then, he told his wife, “I’ve said and done everything I know how to say and do . . . its time to retire. We had a 40 acre ranch 12 miles north of Rifle, built a home and retired.” It wasn’t long until the bishop called about the Grand Junction American Lutheran Church needing his leadership as interim for a while. A year and a half later, he retired again. He was called again, this time to serve in Windsor, a five-hour drive from Rifle, traveling back and forth across the mountains twice a week for 11 months. He retired again. Next was a call to All Saints Lutheran here in Austin. He was told it is a small church. “I hadn’t served in a small church since those first years in Texas. I’m getting to know everyone in the congregation and

Tom Lange visiting in their homes. I like the small town atmosphere. This is a very friendly place and I’m really enjoying these folks and this assignment. In a large church you never get to know everybody. I am living in Cedaredge four days a week, back at home for three days.” Attendance at All Saints Lutheran has increased a bit since his arrival this past June. He would like to see growth while he is here “As interim pastor, I’m expected to keep the status quo and not make a lot of changes until a permanent pastor is selected.” Sunday school started with two children in late September, now there are six and looking to increase. The children meet during the church session, first with the congregation for a short children’s sermon before their class time. Church and Sunday school meet at 10 a.m. on Sunday.

Lions are collecting warm winter clothing OPEN Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 8:00-4:00, Sun. 9:00-1:00

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The Surface Creek Valley Lions Club is looking for donations of clean winter clothing to be given area residents living in the valley in need of coats and sweaters before the cold temperatures arrive. Donated clothing may be dropped off at the Surface Creek Community Service Food Bank during the food bank’s regular business

hours (Mondays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and on Thursdays between the hours of 1 p.m. and 4 p.m.), and the clothing will be made available at the Food Bank during the regular business hours beginning on Thursday, Nov. 3. For more information call Lions Club project manager Bill Miller at 856-6153 or Pat Means at 640–6614.


Delta County Independent

TV CHANNEL REFERENCE Listings shown are west feeds B D = Bresnan Cable Delta B P

= Bresnan Cable Paonia

D N = Dish Network D = Direct TV T

= Closed Captioned

(N) = New Episode

KWGN-CW Denver KCNC-CBS Denver KRMA- PBS Denver KMGH-ABC Denver KDVR-Fox Denver KREY-CBS Montrose KJCT-ABC Grand Jct. KKCO-NBC Grand Jct. KFQX-Fox Grand Jct. A&E BRAVO CINE-Cinemax DISCV-Discovery DISN-Disney ENC-Encore ESPN

24. Six (Spanish) 26. Santa & Rancho Santa 27. Computer memory hardware 30. Bangles and beads 32. (Latin) e’around time of 35. Saudi citizens 37. Ladies’ undergarment 38. Evoke or elicit 40. The central


= Movies CC

ACROSS 1. Peruse a book 5. Eating houses 10. Semitic fertility god 14. Protoctist genus 15. Lower in esteem 16. Having sufficient skill 17. Copyread 18. More lucid 19. Bleats 20. Baltimore footballers 22. Removes writing

ESPN2 F/X FOOD FSRM-Fox Sports RM HALL-Hallmark HBO-Home Box Office HGTV-Home & Garden HIST-History LIFE-Lifetime NICK-Nickelodeon SPIKE STARZ TBS TMC-Movie Channel TNT USA-USA Network

part of the Earth 41. Small amount 42. OffBroadway theater award 43. Related on the mother’s side 45. Opposite of beginning 46. Afrikaans 47. A very small circular shape 48. Material 51. Bill the Science Guy 52. Segregating operation 53. Small sleeps 55. Dispoiling a country in warfare 58. Any digit of a vertebrate 62. An apron 63. Island in Bay of Naples 67. Not at home 68. Of a city

69. Daughter of Asopus & Metope 70. Camera apertures 71. Tip of Aleutian Islands 72. Profoundly wise men 73. Ice hockey feinting DOWN 1. One who feels penitence 2. Name meaning “God knows” 3. Tel __, Israel city 4. Palm fruits 5. Coarse cinnamon bark 6. Goat and camel hair fabric 7. Sport devotee 8. Point midway between E and SE

9. Imperturbable 10. Spongelike cakes 11. Arabian outer garments 12. Winglike structures 13. Smaller quantity 21. Beaks 23. Tear down 25. Hidden meaning 26. His magic lamp 27. Had a contest of speed 28. 04473 ME 29. Murdered in his bathtub 31. 14027 NY 32. A citizen of Havanna 33. Very coldly 34. Singer Della 36. Wager 39. Arrived extinct 44. British

School 46. The Education Project Asia 49. Raises 50. Madames 52. European Capital of Culture: Romania 54. Burn with a hot liquid 55. __-__-lama-ding-dong 56. Be next to 57. British beer unit 59. Overly precious (British) 60. An American 61. Cause cell destruction 64. Satisfaction 65. Small pin of wood 66. Relative Biological Effectiveness

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


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C4 Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Delta County Independent


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Chapel of the Cross hosts holiday concerts

Photo by Bob Borchardt

The audience was kept laughing during the presentation of “The Whole Darn Shooting Match” by the Cedaredge High School drama class last week. The comedy revolved around efforts of the staff of an advertising agency to save their jobs after the company comes under new management.

CHS play leaves audience laughing BY BOB BORCHARDT Staff Writer

On Friday Nov. 18, and again on Saturday, Nov. 19, students from the Cedaredge High School drama class performed “The Whole Darn Shooting Match,” a farce-comedy in three acts by Jack Perry. The live performances, under the direction of CHS drama teacher Don McFadden and social studies teacher Nick Parsons, took place before two packed and appreciative audiences. The comedy involved a small advertising department’s somewhat

unconventional staff which, after bringing an unknown liquid detergent to national prominence, learns that the company is being taken over by new management which will probably eliminate their department, and their struggle to save their jobs. The cast included Dustin Stracener, Cody Wieben, Alexis Anderson, Sterling Rose, Malca Gordon, Cameron Hawkins, Rowdy Murphy, Colton Ensley, Dylan Buckallew, Tylor Balisteri, Jason Elfein, Nettie Sweat, Rachel Bate, Emily Rodriguez, Chloe Brewster, Michaela

Laird, Frankie Hejny, Shelby Arter, Ashley Diaz, Lisa Brainerd, Makayla Darnall, Danica Fleming, Andrew Bennett, Skylar Smith and Andrew Moore. Technical support and sound included Dylan Stratman, Michaela Laird and Jessie Houghton, with special thanks going out to Angela Morgan, Stephen Bennett, Christie Stratman, Dan Anderson and the boys who helped move the lift. McFadden, with the help of Andrew Bennett and Rowdy Murphy, designed and built the elaborate stage backdrop.

Photo submitted

Breakfast of Champions The first quarter honorees for Breakfast of Champions at Cedaredge Middle School are pictured above. From the left, front row, are Alexeea Wilson, Morgan Miller, Jessica Craig, Blake Gash, Brandon Ware, Amber Jenkins, Shawn Badding, Cheyenne Stone, Axyle Belveal, Mackenzie Dean, Emilee Isaman, Samantha Ribbens, Mckenzie Moore; and back row, Sierra Baldozier, Hannah Hathaway, Peter Carlson, Isaac Vader, Shane Gates, Lydia Knutson, Kayla Gash, Nellie Freeman, Kenzie Henderson, Taina Forkner, Joanna Smail and Noah LaVau.

Water beads are ‘prettier than dirt’ BY VERNA BARR Staff Writer

Water beads created quite a sensation at the Craft Festival booth at Cedaredge Community Center recently. Laurel Eckels sold tiny beadlooking bits in a variety of colors. These bits in each packet expand to make four cups of water beads when soaked for six to eight hours in two quarts of cold water. Eckels uses the beads for fresh flowers, floral centerpieces, and as decorative pieces in clear containers in her home. She started tomato plants in containers with water beads. She roots cuttings

DMEA hosts rate hike hearings Surface Creek residents can learn about and comment on a proposed rate change when DMEA hosts a hearing on Monday, Nov. 28, at the Orchard City Town Hall, beginning at 3:30 p.m. It is located at 9661 2100 Road in Austin. DMEA will host a similar hearing in Hotchkiss at the Senior Citizen Center, 275 W. Main, at 7 p.m. on Nov. 28. See details of the proposed rate structure at

Photo by Verna Barr

Laurel Eckels’ booth at a recent Cedaredge craft show drew lots of questions about water beads. and places some of the beads on the soil with house plants. She said, “Plants love them because they take

up only the amount of water needed and can get all the oxygen required ...and the beads are prettier than dirt.”

The Chapel of the Cross at Pioneer Town announces its annual Christmas concerts. Two concerts will be held on Saturday, Dec. 3, at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Admission is free but tickets must be obtained in advance through Gazebo Florist, 856-3536, or Leisure Time Sports, 8563000. Performing at this year’s concerts will be the exciting acoustic band Gotta Be Girls who are rapidly becoming the most popular female band on the Western Slope. They consist of five female musicians who met in Montrose. The group started as a duo in 1987 with Glenda Fletchall and Karen Mercer. The two decided that their name had to be something about girls, so Gotta Be Girls was born. Their sound has been compared to artists like Indigo Girls, Bonnie Raitt and Joni Mitchell. After a long break, Karen and Glenda

Chamber to meet on Dec. 7 The Cedaredge Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a general meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 7, at noon at the WildFire Pizzeria in Cedaredge. The meeting will include the election of directors to fill five openings on the board of directors. Any member interested in serving on the board is asked to call 856-6961.

resumed playing in 2007, adding three new members — Barb Bernhardt, then Margaret Freeman and most recently Susan Walton. Tight harmonies highlight their acoustic instrumentation of gui-

tars, mandolin, banjo, bass and percussion. This concert will include Christmas songs, original tunes and selections from other musical genres including folk, swing, blues, bluegrass and pop.

Gotta Be Girls

Thanks For Your Business! At this special time of year we’d like to thank our cutomers and friends for their loyalty and support. We wish you and yours a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

GREG BOLLIG AGENCY 270 E. Hwy 92 Delta (970) 874-4800

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C6 Wednesday, November 23, 2011


SPORTS November 23, 2011

Delta County Independent

Second half rally not enough

Bulldogs ousted in 1A tilt BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

It was not the way they wanted it to end. The Hotchkiss Bulldogs again saw their hopes for a shot at the state football title dashed after a 19-47 upset Saturday by 11th-seeded Wiggins. The 9-3 Tigers advanced to the semi-final game after upsetting sixth-seed Limon, then upsetting second-seed Lutheran in the quarterfinals. The Tigers are small in numbers — only 19 players on the roster — but the Bulldogs knew they had to contain quarterback Blake Risner, who leads the state in total offense and whose team has shown that they are pulling it all together at the right time. They couldn’t contain Risner. The Tigers controlled the field the entire first half of the game. Risner had free range, connecting on three touchdown passes and carrying for another before the half ended. The Tigers pushed for 17 first downs for

the half, beginning with a 95-yard opening drive that ate four minutes off the clock. They scored on all seven possessions to enter the second half with a 0-34 lead. The Bulldogs, who had averaged almost 356 yards per game this season, barely got into the Wiggins secondary. The Tiger defense neutralized

the Bulldog triple-threat option of quarterback Braeden Horton and running backs Jaime Rodriguez and Jacobe Galley, who combined this season for 3,525 yards and 56 of the team’s 63 touchdowns. Wiggins held Hotchkiss to three-and-out on their opening possession of the game, recovered a fum-

ble on the Bulldogs’ second possession, and held Hotchkiss to just one first-half first down. Four first-half penalties cost the Bulldogs 30 yards. The Bulldogs rallied in the second half, putting pressure on Risner and holding the Tigers to just one second-half touchdown. The defense broke

through with three sacks on Risner, with Galley tackling him for a loss of 10 in the Tigers’ opening possession. Linemen Joe Boyle and T. Hicks also sacked Risner, as did Horton. Rodriguez put the Bulldogs on the scoreboard three minutes into the half, scoring on a fiveyard run, with Galley

kicking the PAT. Guard Brice Simpson recovered a Tiger fumble inside Bulldog territory, and a 15-yard penalty on Wiggins gave them the ball at the Tigers 45. They were unable to capitalize. Senior receiver Tell Hawk caught a Horton pass at the Bulldog eight and made his way into the endzone, but the Bulldogs still trailed, 13-41. Hotchkiss’ final score came in the last two minutes of play, when Horton picked up a Bulldog fumble inside their 10-yard line and ran it in for the score. But the clock ran in the Tigers’ favor and the effort wasn’t enough to overcome the first-half deficit. The last time Hotchkiss won the state football title was in 1949. The Bulldogs will graduate nine seniors: Horton, Rodriguez, Dylan Hill, Trenton Tamayo, Ronny Hicks, Hawk, Brice Simpson, and TanPhoto by Tamie Meck ner Simpson, who missed The Hotchkiss Bulldogs celebrate winning the North Fork Bowl trophy after defeating Paonia for the the last four games after fifth consecutive year. The Bulldogs ended their run for the 1A state football title Saturday in Wiggins. a season-ending knee injury against Paonia. Hotchkiss ended their season with an 11-1 record.

PHS cycling club an alternate to competing BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

With winter almost here, it hardly seems like the time to think about riding a bike. But members of a small, newlyformed mountain biking club are celebrating their first season of competition and are already looking forward to next spring when they can start racing again. Paonia junior Jacob Helleckson became the first student to compete for the North Fork Composite cycling club. Helleckson placed 14th in Division Two racing at the Ridgeline Rally, the state championship of mountain bike racing, held Nov. 13 at Castle Rock. Helleckson completed the three required laps on the 6.2-mile course in 1:43.18. It was his first race. “It was really exciting,” said Helleckson. “It was a long race, but really rewarding.” Helleckson has been mountain biking for about two years, “But I’ve been on wheels since I was three.” He raced on a Giant Reign bike, which took him almost four years to save for. He credits Lindsay Molitor for getting him into racing. Molitor, assistant principal and counselor at Paonia Junior-Senior High School, helped

establish the club this summer. It’s open to all area students and all ability levels, but participants must be at least in ninth grade to race. The club competes through the Colorado High School Cycling League, a non-profit dedicated to providing students with safe and fun competitive and non-competitive biking experiences. Founded in 2009, the CHSCL is a chapter of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA). The league’s first competitions were held in 2010. Currently, only five other states compete, and several others are forming leagues. It’s mostly a warmweather sport around here, said Molitor, who has cycled since she was a kid. But local interest is growing rapidly, “And there are amazing trails around here.” Only a handful of students have joined, but that doesn’t surprise Molitor. Students are already very involved in other sports and activities. Morgan Rieder, Nolan Jones, Azure Eller, Kai Maulhardt and Helleckson are the team’s inaugural members. Molitor said she’d love to see more girls get involved, too. Since cycling isn’t sanctioned by the Colorado High School Activities

Association, racers earn their own way, but the community is very supportive. This year’s race fees were donated by the Cocker Kids Foundation. Helleckson plans to run track for PHS this spring, and ran this fall for the Hotchkiss Cross Country team, competing just two weeks earlier at the state 3A meet. He also plays cello and has participated in the Colorado All-State Orchestra Next year, he said, he hopes more of his teammates will be able to race at state. Two others, Rieder and Jones, had signed up, but were unable to race due to scheduling conflicts. The race was originally slated for Sept. 30, but was postponed due to weather. Helleckson also plans to train harder for the race. “I would have done better if I was training for the (cycling) race,” said Helleckson, whose training was geared more for cross country. Running and biking are good cross-training sports, but use different muscles, and the lack of training for cycling made a big difference in his lap times. Anyone interested in knowing more can contact Lindsay Molitor at To learn more about the CHSCL, visit

Photo submitted

Top 7A volleyball team... The Delta Middle School’s 7A volleyball team claimed this year’s tournament championship in recent competition.

Photo submitted

Middle school’s 7B champs... Delta Middle School’s seventh grade ‘B’ team won this year’s Delta County Middle School Volleyball Tournament.

PHS BB scrimmages BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

day after Thanksgiving) at Paonia High School. On Saturday, the Lady Eagles travel to Palisade for a marathon day of scrimmages with Basalt, Fruita Monument, Central and Palisade high schools.

High school basketball season officially begins in the North Fork Valley when Paonia hosts Hotchkiss on Tuesday, Dec. 6. But, if you’re anxious to see some action before then, a couple of scrimmages are scheduled for this weekend. Under returning head coach Scott Rienks, the class 2A Paonia girls All Paonia High School Photo submitted basketball team hosts a Jacob Helleckson, second from right, competes at the Ridgeline Rally in Castle scrimmage against 3A alumni wrestlers and Rock on Nov. 13. Helleckson is the first mountain bike racer to represent the Grand Valley, beginning wrestling coaches are at 3:30 p.m. Friday (the invited to be the guest newly formed North Fork Composite cycling club at the state level.

Under new head coach Chase Roeber, the Paonia boys basketball team heads to Gunnison this Saturday, to compete with teams from Gunnison, Crested Butte, Ridgway, Lake County and Centauri.

PHS wrestling alums invited of Paonia High School at the Eagles’ first home dual against Grand Junction on Dec. 2 at 6 p.m.

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November 23, 2011


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We’d like to join you and your family in giving thanks for the many wonderful blessings we share, including the gift of friendship.

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Live In One…and rent the other. 3 bed home with 1 car garage and fenced yard with irrigation water. Over 1500 sq. ft. includes 1982 single wide mobile on foundation with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath and covered carport. Would make an excellent rental. $129,500 #662691

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It’s been a real pleasure to know and serve you.

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19 Acres of Beauty… Beautiful 3BR/2BA, 1800 sq. ft. log home features several updates. Two huge heated & finished garages - perfect for the antique car enthusiast. Fenced acreage with irrigated pastures, live water most of the year for livestock. Bring the critters. $374,500 #662819

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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Private…fully equipped, modern cabin on 500 acres +/- of mtn. recreational land bordering Forest Service on 2 sides. Acreage is owned by an Association limited to 12 members; buyer will own cabin + a share of stock in the Assn. www.tourfactory. com/780194 $195,000 #661804

Super Building Site…in the heart of Cedaredge in the Cottonwood Subdivision. This hillside location is up and away from the crowd and would look out toward the golf course. Water and sewer tap needed. $49,500 #627804

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RENTAL PROPERTIES Corporate Housing Available FOR LEASE - Office Building in downtown Delta with great parking Rentals 2 bedroom - 1 bath duplex - Delta 1 bedroom - 1 bath apartment - Austin

874-9803 • 874-4006


EXECUTIVE LEASE, short or long term, furnished one bedroom, granite wood tile, washer/dryer and AC. Great views, no smoking or pets. 216-5950. (4x44)

Studio Apartment Senior Living 55 and older. Includes all utilities except satellite and phone $624 per month Additional services available

Horizons Retirement Community 970-835-3113

6' COUCH WITH RECLINers in each end. Southwest pattern, clean, hardly ever used. $450, OBO. 874-6105 (tfnx46)

THREE BEDROOM, 1.5 bath country home on large lot just north of Delta. There AUTOMOTIVE is irrigation water and a detached garage. $730 per month. Call 209-3984. (3x46) UNCOMMON SURVIVTwo Cedaredge CUTE SMALL TWO BED- ors. room house in town close Chevies, same garage since to Confluence Park. No new, no wrecks, no clumsy pets. $500 per month, $500 mechanics. Very clean and deposit. 970-640-8439 eve- original. Both start and drive like new. '73 Impala, nings. (1x47) 4dr, 55K miles, 4bbl, dual CEDAREDGE COTTAGE exhaust, 180hp 350, a/c, pb, one bedroom, washer/dryer, at, ps. $3,000. 1971 1/2 ton wood heat. No smoking, no PU, 118K miles, at, ps, a/c, pets. First, last and deposit. 4bbl, Z84 package, black on $375 per month. 210-7889. black. $4,000. 702-351-6741. (3x46) (1x47)


HORIZONS RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 11411 Hwy. 65 • Eckert, CO 81418



due to illness or injury? Over 20 years experience in Social Security Disability practice. Contact…



(Free consultation)


FOR SALE 1994 BMW $4,300, in good condition. 260-1268 or 275-0283. (tfnx39) 2001 FORD EXPEDITION fully loaded, two wheel drive, great condition. 137K, gold, $3,900 OBO. Below Blue Book. Call 323-8724 or 765-4174. (1x47) ALUMINUM DIAMOND plate box for small pickup. Mounts on rail of pickup bed with 2 doors, easy access side entry. Dimensions: 60" Lx15”Tx17”W Good condition. $125. Call 874-4558, leave message. (tfn41) HAPPY THANKSGIVING!


EUROPEAN CHARM COUNTRY ESTATE Hi-Tech Luxury w/”Old World” Charm & Flair! Lovely Spacious 3BR/2BA French-Style Country Home on NEARLY 8 ACRES! Att. Garage with Big Workshop, 1/2 Bath & Office PLUS Detached 2-car Garage w/BONUS ROOM above. Fruit/Wine Cellar, Gorgeous Grounds & Amazing Views! Cedaredge, #648045, $449,000

Think Local.

FREE HOME DESIGN! Included with Purchase of this Beautiful Creekside Lot in Stonebridge Subdivision is the Opportunity to have your Home professionally designed by Professional Architect. One of the few Lots left that border the Surface Creek Walking Trail & Year-Round Creek! Cedaredge, #642776, $94,900

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Marsha Bryan

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Delta Village APARTMENTS 289 Stafford Lane • Delta Elderly and/or Disabled Housing Rental Assistance Available

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THE GEORGE MORRIS family would like to thank friends for the phone calls, food, visits and prayers during our time of sorrow. Also thanks to the ambulance crew, the staff at ER and ICU and all the doctors and nurses at the hospital for the care given George. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. (1x47)


TRAILER SALES 2007 FACTORY MADE 6x10 utility trailer with square tube railing all around. Holds (2) ATVs or whatever. Rails are used for loading rails from the side and rear. Has 15" C rated tires. $1200. Call 874-4558 (tfn46)

TORSION TRAILER AXLE 3500 lb. rated torsion axle with 5-lug (4 1/2" pattern) spindles included. 50 LBS. POTATOES FOR Dimensions are 82” track $15. Apples, onions and length, 65” frame width, more. DeVries Buffalo 30 degree angle??? $175 Ranch. 970-323-6559. 874-4558, leave message. (tfnx45) (tfnx41)


COZY & COMFORTABLE! Move right into this lovely 3BR/2BA, 1400 sq. ft. home on a nice lot in town. Oversized 2 car garage has plenty of storage, covered concrete walk in front and covered patio in back, auto sprinkler system. Great room has dining area with wood stove, cozy breakfast nook just off the kitchen. Home also has NFGA heat, evaporative cooler for summer comfort. $169,500 Cedaredge, CO #656975






AMAZING VIEWS...Beautiful 3BR/2BA, 1640 sq. ft. ranch-style home on nearly an acre on the edge of Cedar Mesa. Quality construction with great room design, Eagle Windows, cellular blinds, low maintenance landscaping with drip system to trees and flowers for easy care. Attached 2 car garage has some handicap features and separate workshop area. $198,000 Cedaredge, CO #655944

Janice Jones CRS, GRI, SRES, ABR Broker Owner

970-856-7344 Direct phone

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Each office independently owned & operated


D2 Wednesday, November 23, 2011 HELP WANTED






Immediate Opening

AVAILABLE POSITION: Mine Monitor Technician OVERALL JOB PURPOSE: To maintain constant communication throughout the mine. This position is very important to ensure a safe work environment to all underground employees.

We are looking for a Sales Representative who would like to join the best team of insurance professionals in Western Colorado.

Hotchkiss/Paonia Delta Montrose The opportunity offers:

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Monitor and log personnel locations within the mine. Keep records of all alarms and actions to correct alarms. Vital communication link between all underground and surface personnel. Monitor and control all equipment and systems connected to mine monitor system. Record pre-shift and on-shift callouts into the record book. Surface contact person for any emergency calls and/or reportable MSHA situations. Assist in production of statistics and delay analysis. PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: High School diploma or GED equivalent. Computer literate. Must have good verbal skills. Must be able to think clearly during emergency situations. Microsoft Excel experience preferred. Ellipse experience, a plus.

¹ Two year financial start up package ($36,000 first year, $48,000 second year) OR $30,000 base plus commissions ¹ Unlimited earning potential ¹ Broad product offering ¹ Farmers support for customers Voted #1 in the world in 2011 for Corporate Training * Must obtain Colorado Insurance License and Complete University of Farmers New Agent Training To learn more go to: and call me, Bret Pomrenke, District Manager (970) 243-4404

POSITION REPORTS TO: Safety Manager Information about the position may be obtained by contacting Edgar L. Langrand, Manager of Human Resources at: (970) 929-2254 or email: All qualified candidates interested in this position must apply no later than November 30, 2011 to Price Mine Service in Hotchkiss, CO. Phone 970-872-3214. Mountain Coal Company, L. L. C. is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer

HORIZONS CARE CENTER 11411 Hwy. 65 • Eckert, CO 81418

Looking for a new challenge? Then Horizons Health Care is looking for you!

PRN LPN/RN Director of Rehabilitation Admissions Coordinator/Social Services Asst. Activities Assistant Memory Care PRN Driver Laundry Assistant Join a team who is making a difference in the lives of seniors. Send resume to or call (970) 835-3113 EOE/AA

Delta County Independent



FREE DIAPERS FOR UP to one year! Pregnant women in Delta County can now get help to quit smoking and get something they can really use after their baby arrives — free diapers. Healthy moms have healthy babies. Enroll in the Baby & Me Tobacco Free program today. Contact the Delta County Health Department at 874-2165 or your local physician. (TFNx2)

ALANON FAMILY GROUP meets in Delta at 8 p.m. on Tuesdays at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5th and Palmer. If there is a problem of alcoholism in a family member or friend, we can help you. You are not alone. Call Shirley at 323-5067 or Elizabeth at 874-9832 for information. Alateen meeting in Delta, same time, same place. Call first. (TFNx19)

YOU HAVE THE POWER TO change a child's life! Children are waiting for senior partners in Delta County right now! Can you spare 3 hours a week? We need your help! Call today for more information. Please volunteer to spend time with a child in our community. Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray, 874-4661, www. or www. HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD Historical Museum. Winter (tfx13) hours, Saturdays 1-4 p.m. PAONIA AMERICAN thru December 24. $3 admis- Legion runs a year round sion or free to members. non-perishable emergency Come see our museum at food pantry. This is for 2nd & Hotchkiss Streets in the North Fork area. For Hotchkiss. 872-3780. (tfx44) information, call 527-6252. THE DISTRICT ATTORNey's Office provides services to those who have been victimized by a crime of domestic violence, assault and other crimes. To learn more about the victim assistance services provided by the District Attorney's Office, please contact Lou Nesbit at 970252-4260. (tfx41)

ALCOHOLICS ANONYmous, at Friends of Bill W. club at 9th and Palmer, meets Sunday 1 p.m., 7 p.m. Monday at noon, Tuesday at noon, Wednesday at noon, 5:30 ladies only. Thursday at noon, and 8 p.m., Friday at noon, Saturday 12:15 p.m. Call 874-8282. (tfnx5) ALCOHOLICS ANONYmous meeting, women only, (non-smoking), Saturdays, 11 a.m., in the basement of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5th and Palmer, (go to the back door). (tfx1)

PUBLIC SERVICE THE AMERICAN RED Cross needs you. Become one of the Red Cross volunteers who says, “We’ll Be There, Because Help Can’t Wait!” Call your local Red Cross Chapter at 970-2424851 or 1-800-HELP NOW for information on the difference you can make in someone’s life as a disaster volunteer. ((TFNx4)) UNEMPLOYED? JOIN others for a time of networking, encouragement, and skill improvement. Latent Resources meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 at the Delta United Methodist Church (5th & Meeker). Attendants and visitors are encouraged to dress professionally and bring a note pad and a willingness to learn and be challenged. Find us on & - search "Latent Resources", or call James at 970-901-9463.

FARM WORKER HEALTH Services: We offer assistance with medical, dental and medicines. If you work in agriculture you may (tfx49) qualify for our services. For more information call 323NEW ADDRESS? PLEASE 0538. (tfx12) notify the Delta County Independent 10 days prior FOUND SOMEONE'S to moving. PO Box 809, puppy? Let them find it in Delta, CO 81416 or 970-874- the DCI Classifieds. 4421.



NARCOTICS ANONYmous meets at 9th and Palmer, Delta, Mondays and Fridays at 8 p.m. (tfnx5)

BECAWS! DONATIONS needed. Credit cards accepted. Call 970-5273350, or visit cawsonline. org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and HOTCHKISS HOUSE, 2 Shelter (CAWS) bedroom, 1 bath, clean, DELTA FOOD PANTRY large yard, wood floors, needs meals for Delta laundry room, non smok- families who are temporaring. $750 per month plus ily in need. Donations of all utilities and deposit. 970- non-perishable food may 618-9797. (Michelle) (2x47) be brought to 628 Meeker. (tfx36)


Home Care Services RN 24 to 32 hours per week Provides home care, performs initial or annual assessments of participants in their home care environment and coordinates plan of care with appropriate resources. Requires an RN License, a minimum of one year of experience working with the frail or elderly population and two years of experience in a home care or nursing home setting. Must have a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance and have means of transportation. Home Care CNA 32 to 40 hours per week Assists participants with activities of daily living, restorative and supportive care in their homes. Requires a current CNA license with a minimum of one year of experience working with the elderly population; home care experience preferred. Candidates must have a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance and have means of transportation. Please submit resumes to or apply at Senior CommUnity Care Center, 11485 Highway 65, Eckert, CO 81418. EEO

Subscribe to the DCI. Call

874-4421 for the rates.

MYSTERY SHOPPING Evaluators needed for Delta and Hotchkiss grocery stores. Apply online at click Field Agents and then on the MSI site click Become a Field Agent. Please e-mail salexander@trendsource. com after so I know your application is in. (4x46) GET QUICK RESULTS, advertise today! 874-4421

Specializing in Person-Centered Care Hiring for: RN Full-time Evening Minimum of 1 yr. experience in long-term care. Apply in Person. Sheila or Judy. 750 S. 8th Street Olathe, CO 81425 HILLTOP IS HIRING fatherhood coaches in Delta, Montrose, and Ouray counties to create and implement individual and family plans with fathers including case managements, groups, and job coordination. Bachelor's degree in Human Service or a related field; one year related experience; or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required. For additional information or to apply to or 540 S. 1st Street, Montrose. EOE/ADA (2x46) LOOKING FOR QUALITY employees? Advertise here in the DCI Classifieds.

FROM THE PAST COMPILED FROM DELTA NEWSPAPERS By DELTA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 251 Meeker St., Delta • 874-8721 November 24, 1911 (From the Delta County Independent) Miss Lorena Wade, Paonia’s pretty apple queen, won out in a hard fought battle for the national apple queen crown at Denver. This pleases the Independent, because the crown comes to Delta county, the banner fruit county of the world. There is so much strife over the choosing of a queen and the disappointments cover so wide a range and so great a number of friends of the different contestants that it is a question if, in future, the same amount of interest can be kept up in the apple queen matter, yet, after all, it has helped to stir up general interest in the fruit carnivals. Here’s to our apple queen! May her reign be on of greatest fruit prosperity to Paonia and Delta county! *** The contractors have begun work on the new Cory school building. ***

HELP!!! KEEP THE animal population under control, and SAVE an animal's life. Adopt your new cat or dog from the Delta County Humane Society. Adoption fee is minimal. THE DELTA COUNTY Call 874-2149. (DCHS) Independent runs these items as a public service THERE IS A VFW MEETING free of charge for non-profit on the first Monday of each organizations, if no fees are month. At 6 p.m. there is charged. However, each a potluck and the meeting group is asked to please is at 7 p.m. at the Veterans keep them current by call- Building, 15th & Howard, ing 874-4421. Delta. For further information, call 874-5150 Paul BEGINNING THIS MONTH Carter. (tfx31) the Pioneer Al-Anon Family Group will host a special BECAWS! ADOPT A DOG speaker meeting on the last or cat today. Call 970-527Thursday of each month. 3350, or visit cawsonline. Everyone is welcome. 7-8 org. Delta County Citizens p.m. in Cedaredge at First for Animal Welfare and Baptist Church, 370 W. Main Shelter (CAWS) Street in Wick Hall behind the church, west end. Call CHAPTER, UNITS OF DAV Mary 856-6123 or Vicki 856- regular meetings on the second Monday of each 7115. (tfnx12) month at 7 p.m. at the DO YOU HAVE A HOUSE Veterans Building, 15th & or apartment for rent? Get Howard, Delta. For further results through the DCI information, call Paul Carter Classifieds. 874-5150. (tfx19)


Tom Mix, who came here a few months ago from Oklahoma, to assist in giving exhibitions of a wild west character for reproduction on moving picture films by a Chicago concern, yesterday roped and tied a wild four-year-old steer in sixteen seconds, breaking the world’s record for such a feat by a full second. A Cheyenne cowboy formerly held the record. A big crowd witnessed the accomplishment. Another stunt by Mix was the “bulldogging” of a large steer in twelve seconds, which time has never before been equaled in Colorado. Bulldogging a steer consists of a man’s jumping on the animal’s back grasping its horns and throwing it to the ground by twisting its neck. Mix was driven by an automobile at a high rate of speed to within a few feet of the steer. He leaped to the animal’s back from the machine. He is about thirty years old. *** Judge A.R. King will spend Thanksgiving at home in Delta. Judge King is one of the judges of the new appellate court, and except for the back salary due him, feels perhaps that he has something to be thankful for. *** Fifteen carloads of fine yearling cattle came in from Kansas Wednesday, for Edward Hanson, a well known stockman of the Hotchkiss district. This bunch is to be fed and fattened for return to eastern markets. *** N.H. Castle and E.J. Richards made an auto trip to Grand Junction Tuesday morning. Mr. Castle returned the following day and Mr. Richards after a short stay in the Mesa metropolis, proceeding to Denver. Mr. Castle reported the roads in good shape and said the drive each way was made

in about three hours. *** Guy Blair and Geo. Crabill were out duck shooting about two hours last Friday evening and came in with six fine specimens of the feathered family. Crabill bagged one that weighed nearly six pounds, according to Blair, and looked something like a rooster. George is a chicken fancier all right and it is just possible that the big one was dropped from a farm fence. *** Residents of Delta will soon have every reason to feel assured of a permanent water supply since the new reservoir on Garnet mesa has been completed and is to be entered into service inside the next few days. The pipe line running through Meeker street and up Third to Leon is now nearing completion and will be ready for use as soon as the water is turned into the reservoir. By the middle of next week, the new centrifugal pump, to be stationed at a point near the North Delta bridge, will be installed, and this, too, will increase the assurance that our water supply is to be permanent and that we will always have water even at times like the one reported a short time since when a land and rock slide in the cedars eight or nine miles distant from the city, caused great damage to the city pipe line. *** An alfalfa meal mill is one of the commercial enterprises proposed for Delta and several of our most energetic citizens, including a number of farmers, are taking an active interest in the matter of promoting this project. ***


Delta County Independent

Public Notices Your Right To Know Legal Deadline is Monday at 10 a.m. PUBLIC NOTICE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION ORDINANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Delta, State of Colorado, shall pursuant to statute, having read and introduced at a regular Board of County Commissioners Meeting on November 21, 2011 the Development Permit Ordinance published on November 23, 2011 consider for adoption this Development Permit Ordinance as published below, on a second reading at a regular Board of County Commissioners’ Meeting on December 5, 2011, and if adopted shall take effect on January 1, 2012. ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO ORDINANCE NO.________ ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE A DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF DELTA COUNTY WHEREAS, pursuant to § 30-15401, C.R.S., the Board of County Commissioners of Delta County, Colorado (hereinafter the “Board”), has the general enabling power to adopt ordinances for the control or licensing of those matters of purely local concern, and to do all acts and make all regulations which may be necessary or expedient for the promotion of the health, safety and welfare of the present and future residents of Delta County; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 29-20-102 and 29-20-104, C.R.S., the Board is authorized to adopt ordinances applicable to the unincorporated areas of the County to plan for and regulate the use of land; and WHEREAS, the Board deems that it is in the best interests of the County and its citizens to create a Development Application process to provide for the proper sequence of County development permits, both residential and commercial. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Delta County as follows: This Ordinance shall be known as the Delta County Development Application Ordinance. Section 1. APPLICABILITY: 1.1 This Ordinance shall apply throughout the unincorporated area of Delta County, including public and state lands. 1.2 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Board of County Commissioners hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases are declared unconstitutional or invalid. Section 2. REQUIREMENT OF PERMITS: 2.1 Effective as of the date of the adoption of this Ordinance, any new residential or commercial construction occurring on a parcel of land in the unincorporated area of Delta County will require the completion of a Development Application which outlines the order in which individual County permits (including, but not limited to, access, address, and individual sewage disposal system permits) must be obtained. Additional regulations and approvals apply to commercial construction, and commercial applicants must consult with the Delta County Development Resource Center for those specific regulations and approvals. In addition to County regulations discussed above the unincorporated area of Delta County is under both a Colorado State Electrical Board Inspection and a Colorado State Examining Board of Plumbers inspection requirement for either residential or commercial construction. Section 3. APPLICATION PROCEDURE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMITS: 3.1 The Development Application includes the following: 1. County Access Permit; 2. County Address Permit; and 3. County Septic (ISDS) Permit. County Permits must be approved in the order above, each before the next permit will be issued. An applicant may apply for any or all of the above County permits depending on the applicant’s needs; however, proof of approved County permits must be provided in order to obtain the next permit. 3.2 County Access Permit: A County Access Permit is required for any entrance onto a County road. (Access onto a state highway requires an application too, and state highway access permits are issued by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).) The packet for a County Access Permit contains information on the County’s construction standards for an approved access. There are two inspections required for an approved access from a County road. The first is to determine if the location of the proposed access complies with County requirements and safety standards and the second is to determine if the access has been constructed to county standards. The access application must be completed and approved before an address is assigned. 3.3 County Address Permit: An address is required for every residential or commercial building in Delta County for 911 services. Utility companies may also require an address prior to providing service to a parcel. Addresses are assigned by the location of an access to a parcel, which is why the access must be constructed and approved first. County Address and County Access Permits must be completed and approved prior to the issuance of a County Septic Permit in order for the Health Department to locate and enter property for purposes of inspection. 3.4 County Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) Permit: An Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) is required for every structure on a parcel with a restroom or sewer drain. A minimum of two inspections are required for approval of a County permit. The first is a site inspection to determine the suitability of a parcel to accommodate an ISDS. A percolation test will be performed to determine the type and size of the system speci-

fied in a County permit to install an ISDS for a structure. The second inspection will be a final inspection of the system to ensure the system was installed as specified in the County ISDS permit. Final approval of the County ISDS permit is required prior to occupancy of the structure and for the issuance of a County Development Permit in accordance with this Ordinance. Section 4. FEES FOR PERMITS: 4.1. County Access Permit: The County Access Permit Fee is per the current fee schedule that is in addition to a Deposit which is refundable upon final approval. A copy of the deed to present owner(s) is required when making application for an access permit. 4.2. County Address Permit: The County Address Permit fee is per the current fee schedule. 4.3. County Septic (ISDS) Permit: The County Septic (ISDS) Permit is per the current fee schedule. Section 5 EXPIRATION OF APPLICATION: 5.1. The Development Application and the individual permits are valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of the submission of the Development Application. If any of the individual permits applied for under the Development Application have not been completed within the one-year period, the Development Application is deemed to be null and void unless an extension has been granted. Development Applications that have expired will be required to be resubmitted with the appropriate fees to be reconsidered for approval. Section 6. UNLAWFUL ACTS: 6.1 Any of the following shall be a violation of this Development Application Process and shall be subject to the remedies and penalties provided for in this Ordinance: (a) Failure to complete a Development Application which outlines the order in which individual County permits (including, but not limited to, access, address, and individual sewage disposal system permits) must be obtained on any new residential or commercial construction occurring on a parcel of land in the unincorporated area of Delta County. (b) Engaging in any residential or commercial construction, subdivision, or other activity of any nature upon land that is subject to this Development Application Process, without all of the approvals required by this Development Application Ordinance. Section 7: NOTICE OF VIOLATION: 7.1 Any person may report that a property in Delta County is in violation of this Ordinance. Such Notice of Violation must be in writing on a form provided by the Delta County Planning Department. The Notice shall be filed in the Delta County Planning Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Room 115, Delta, Colorado 81416, for processing. 7.2 The Notice of Violation shall be forwarded to the appropriate permitting office which will conduct an investigation of the site to determine if a violation of the permitting process has occurred. 7.3 Whereupon a finding that a violation of the permitting process has occurred such violation shall be forwarded to the Delta County Attorney’s Office. Section 8. NOTICE AND ORDER FOR DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION COMPLIANCE: 8.1 Upon receipt of Notice that a Violation of the permitting process has occurred, the County Attorney’s Office shall issue a Notice and Order of such violation to the property owner requiring the owner to: (a) Correct the violation by conforming to Section 3, above, within twenty (20) days from the date of said Notice and Order. (b) Request to appear before the Board of County Commissioners within twenty (20) days to show cause why such Order should not be enforced. 8.2 Said Notice and Order shall be deemed issued by placing the same in the U.S. mail, certified, return receipt requested, to the owner’s last known address as indicated on the County’s assessment roll. Service shall be complete upon mailing or personal service in the same manner provided in Rule 4 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. 8.3 If the County Attorney’s Office is unable to locate the owner for certified mail or personal service after diligent efforts, the Notice and Order may be published in such a manner as is in accord with Rule 4 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure concerning publication, “except that said publication shall for a period of ten (10) days and shall include the Notice and Order that must be posted in a conspicuous place at or on the subject property. Section 9. ENFORCEMENT: 9.1 The provisions of this Ordinance shall be administered and enforced by Delta County. 9.2 The Board hereby designates the Delta County Attorney, or his/ her designee, as the County’s legal representative in the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance in a court of applicable jurisdiction. In the event the Delta County Attorney or his/her designee cannot represent Delta County or the Board deems it otherwise appropriate, the Board may appoint the District Attorney of the Seventh Judicial District to perform such legal enforcement duties in lieu of the County Attorney. 9.3 Penalties: The County may seek such criminal or civil penalties as are provided by Colorado law and provided for herein. Section 10. CIVIL REMEDIES AND ENFORCEMENT POWERS: 10.1 The County shall have the following remedies and enforcement powers for violations of any acts outlined in section 6 above. (a) Withhold Permits: The County may deny or withhold all County permits, certificates or other forms of authorization on any land or structure or improvements thereon upon which there is an uncorrected violation of a provision of this Development Application Process, or of a condition or qualification of a County permit, certificate, approval or other authorization previously granted by the County, until the violation is corrected. (b) County Permits Approved with Conditions: Instead of withholding or denying a County permit or other authorization (as described in Section 7.3), the County may grant such authorization subject to the condition that the violation be corrected.

10.2 Revoke Permits: Any County development permit or other form of authorization required under this Development Application Process may be revoked when the Planning Department determines: (1) that there is departure from the plans, specifications, or conditions as required under terms of the County permit, (2) that the County Development Permit was procured by false representation or was issued by mistake, or (3) that any of the provisions of this Development Application Process are being violated. Written notice of such revocation shall be served upon the owner, the owner’s agent or contractor, or upon any person employed on the building or structure for which such County permit was issued, or shall be posted in a prominent location; and, thereafter, no such development shall proceed. 10.3 Stop Work: With or without revoking permits, the County may stop work on any building or structure on any land on which there is an uncorrected violation of a provision of this Development Application Process. 10.4 Injunctive Relief: The County may seek an injunction or other equitable relief in court to stop any violation of this Development Application Process, or of a County permit, certificate or other form of authorization granted hereunder and may recover costs of any such action. 10.5 Abatement: The County may seek a court order in the nature of mandamus, abatement, injunction, or other action or proceeding, to abate or remove a violation or to otherwise restore the premises in question to the condition in which they existed prior to the violation. Section 11 CRIMINAL PROSECUTION: 11.1 If so directed by the Board, a criminal prosecution may be brought against the owner in accordance with §§ 30-15-402 and 410, C.R.S. 11.2 Violation of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not more than six hundred dollars ($600.00) for each violation. In addition to this penalty, persons convicted of a violation of this Ordinance are subject, pursuant to § 30-15-402, C.R.S., to a surcharge of $10.00, to be paid to the Clerk of the Court for credit to the Victims and Witnesses Assistance and Law Enforcement Fund established in the judicial district. 11.3 All fines and forfeitures for the violation of this Ordinance shall be paid to the Treasurer of Delta County within thirty (30) days of receipt and shall be deposited into the General Fund of the County. Section 12. ADDITIONAL REMEDIES: The remedies provided in this Ordinance shall be cumulative and in addition to any other remedies which may be available to the County and its Board, including, but not limited to, injunctive actions. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to preclude the Board from seeking such other remedies in addition to, or in lieu of, the legal remedies herein granted. Section 13. SAFETY CLAUSE: The Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Delta County, Colorado. Section 14. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE: The foregoing text is the authentic text of Delta County Ordinance No. ________. The first reading of said Ordinance took place on November 21, 2011. It was published in full in the Delta County Independent on November 23, 2011. The Ordinance was adopted on second reading on ____, and shall take effect _____. INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED this 5th day of December, 2011 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DELTA COUNTY, COLORADO C. Bruce Hovde, Chairman R. Olen Lund, Vice Chairman C. Douglas Atchley, Commissioner Copies of the proposed Ordinance are available for review in the Delta County Administration Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 227, Delta, Colorado. They are also available on the Delta County website at BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 2011. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0094 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On May 24, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): RONALD L. FINLEY AND LORETTA L. FINLEY Original Beneficiary(ies): WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust: 4/19/2006 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 4/27/2006 Recording Reception Number: 602960 Original Principal Amount: $203,162.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $198,117.20 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. LOT 1 OF THE RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 1 AND 2 OF THE 4TH RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 3, FRANCIS MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 7220 PEACH VALLEY ROAD, DELTA, CO 81416 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/04/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 11/9/2011 Last Publication: 12/7/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County

Independent DATE: 05/24/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: LISA CANCANON #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 9105.01837 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent November 9, 16, 23, 30 and December 7, 2011. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0162 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 2, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): Tommy Ray Maslen Jr Original Beneficiary(ies): Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for U.S. Bank N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: U.S. Bank National Association Date of Deed of Trust: 7/16/2009 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 7/21/2009 Recording Reception Number: 636352 Original Principal Amount: $187,980.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $183,554.19 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. LOT 3, CEDAR ROCK SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 265 NW 10th, Cedaredge, CO 81413 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/04/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 11/9/2011 Last Publication: 12/7/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 09/02/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: KIMBERLY L. MARTINEZ #40351 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2201, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 11-10393 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent November 9, 16, 23, 30 and December 7, 2011. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0165 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 7, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) DAVID A SMITH AND KELSIE J SMITH Original Beneficiary(ies) BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP Date of Deed of Trust 1/29/2010 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 2/1/2010 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 640694 Original Principal Amount $161,700.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $156,698.95 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 5, VISTA GRANDE ESTATES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 14, 1972 IN BOOK 2 AT PAGE 96, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as, 20980 VISTA GRANDE DR, AUSTIN, CO 81410-8286. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/04/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse,

501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/9/2011 Last Publication 12/7/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/07/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: MONICA KADRMAS, Esq #34904 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 1269.07360 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 9, 16, 23, 30 and December 7, 2011. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0152 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On August 18, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): JOHN A VIGIL AND KAREN L VIGIL Original Beneficiary(ies): WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Trustee for CITIGROUP MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST INC., MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-WF1 Date of Deed of Trust: 12/15/2005 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 12/20/2005 Recording Reception Number: 598881 Original Principal Amount: $304,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $286,014.99 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. LOT F OF THE AMENDED PLAT OF ORCHARD CITY RANCHETTES, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 22280 OSPREY ROAD, ECKERTORCHARD CITY, CO 81418-9203 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 12/21/2011, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 10/26/2011 Last Publication: 11/23/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 08/18/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: LISA CANCANON #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 9105.01988 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent October 26, November 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0157 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On August 24, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): DELL D. JOHNSON AND LYNETTE JOHNSON Original Beneficiary(ies): WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust: 5/23/2008 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 5/23/2008 Recording Reception Number: 625955 Original Principal Amount: $157,528.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $161,735.09 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. LOT 1 OF HOLTON MINOR SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011 Also known by street and number as: 22680 E ROAD, DELTA, CO 81416 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 12/21/2011, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 10/26/2011 Last Publication: 11/23/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 08/24/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CATHERINE A. HILDRETH, Esq. #40975 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 9105.02400 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent October 26, November 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0161 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 1, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): JAMES RYAN AND RHONDA J. RYAN Original Beneficiary(ies): BANK ONE, NA Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. f/k/a JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust: 6/2/2000 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 6/13/2000 Recording Reception Number: 535228 Book No. and Page No.: Book: 857 Page: 329 Original Principal Amount: $30,408.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $15,492.75 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. SEE LEGAL ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of land described as beginning at a point on the North line of the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 36, Township 14 South, Range 95 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, 280 feet East of the Northwest corner of said subdivision; thence West 280 feet to said Northwest corner; thence South on the West line of said subdivision 280 feet more or less to a point 1047 feet North of the Southwest corner of said Section 36; thence East 25 feet to the East boundary line of the county road right of way; thence North 74°33' East 128 feet to the center line of a lateral of the Butte Ditch; thence along said center line South 89°33' East 129 feet more or less to a point due South of the point of beginning; thence North to the point of beginning. Delta County, Colorado. Also known by street and number as: 2102 J 25 ROAD, AUSTIN, CO 81410 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/04/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 11/9/2011 Last Publication: 12/7/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 09/01/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: JOAN OLSON, ESQ #28078 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 1069.06110 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent November 9, 16, 23, 30 and December 7, 2011. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0154 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On August 19, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand


relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): Margot A Biondi Original Beneficiary(ies): Montrose Bank Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: MetLife Home Loans, a division of MetLife Bank, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust: 8/22/2007 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 8/23/2007 Recording Reception Number: 618131 Original Principal Amount: $138,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $131,908.15 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE Exhibit A PUBLIC TRUSTEE FORECLOSURE SALE NO 2011-0154 Part of the NEÂ1/4NWÂ1/4 of Section 11, Township 14 South, Range 92 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the NEÂ1/4NWÂ1/4 Section 11 whence the North 1/4 corner of said Section 11 bears North 2°40' East 695 feet; thence South 2°40' West 270 feet along the East line of said NEÂ1/4NWÂ1/4; thence laving the East line of said NEÂ1/4NWÂ1/4 North 56°55' West 380 feet; thence North 79°20'; East 336.8 feet to the point of beginning. Delta County, Colorado. Also known by street and number as: 13894 & 13898 Pumpkin Hollow Road, Hotchkiss, CO 81419 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 12/21/2011, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 10/26/2011 Last Publication: 11/23/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 08/19/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2201, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 11-11231 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent October 26, November 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2011. PUBLIC NOTICE All American Resources, LLC; 30585 Hwy 92, Hotchkiss, CO 81419, 970872-3320, has filed an application for a Regular (112) Construction Materials Operation Reclamation Permit with the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Board under provisions of the Colorado Land Reclamation Act for the Extraction of Construction Materials. The proposed mine is known as the Austin Pit, and is located at or near Section 7, Township 15 South, Range 94W, 6th Prime Meridian. The proposed date of commencement is Feb., 2012, and the proposed date of completion is Feb, 2017. The proposed future sue of the land is Agricultural. Additional information and tentative decision date may be obtained from the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, 1313 Sherman Street, Room 215, Denver, Colorado 80203, (303) 866-3567, or at the Delta County Clerk and Recorder's office; 501 Palmer St., #211, Delta, CO 81416, or the above-named applicant. Comments must be in writing and must be received by the Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety by 4:00 p.m. on December 27th, 2011. Please note that under the provisions of C.R.S. 34-32.5-101 et seq. Comments related to noise, truck traffic, hours of operation, visual impacts, effects on property values and other social or economic concerns are issues not subject to this Office's jurisdiction. These subjects, and similar ones, are typically addressed by your local governments, rather than the Division of Reclamation, Mining, and Safety or the Mined Land Reclamation Board. Published in the Delta County Independent November 16, 23, 30 and December 7, 2011. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the Town of Orchard City (Owner) has established December 14, 2011 as the date of final settlement with R.E. Beldon Construction, (Contractor) for work in connection with the Meadow View Domestic Waterline Replacement. 1. Any person, co-partnership, association or corporation who has an unpaid claim against the said project, for or on account of the furnishing of labor, materials, equipment or other items used or consumed by the Contractor or his Subcontractors in or about the performance of the Work, may at any time up to and including said time of final settlement, file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim. 2. All such claims shall be filed with Mike Morgan; Public Works Director, Town of Orchard City, 9661 2100 Road, Austin, Colorado 81410. 3. Failure on the part of a creditor to file such statement prior to such final settlement will relieve the Contractor and Owner from any and all liability for such claim. By: Don Suppes, Mayor Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 30 and December 7, 2011.

D4 Wednesday, November 23, 2011 BEFORE THE OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF COLORADO IN THE MATTER OF THE ) CAUSE NO. 1 APPLICATION OF ASPEN OPERATING, ) LLC FOR A VARIANCE TO ) ORDER 1V-368, ) DELTA COUNTY, COLORADO ) DOCKET NO. 1112-GA-12 NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: On May 16, 2011, the Commission entered Order No 1V-368 (“Order”), an Order Finding Violation against Aspen Operating, LLC (“Aspen”) for twenty rules violations at four different wells, with a total assessed fine of $200,000. Aspen made no appearance in its defense at this hearing. Under Rule 502.b.(1), an operator may seek a variance from a Commission order by application to the Commission. The operator or the applicant requesting the variance shall make a showing that it has made a good faith effort to comply, or is unable to comply with the specific requirements contained in the rules, regulations, or orders, from which it seeks a variance, including, without limitation, securing a waiver or an exception, if any, and that the requested variance will not violate the basic intent of the Oil and Gas Conservation Act. On October 13, 2011, Aspen filed with the Commission a letter seeking a variance from Order No 1V-368, specifically seeking vacation of the assessed fine of $200,000. Aspen claims that mitigating factors pursuant to Rule 523.d. justify mitigation of the assessed fine and that Aspen has made good faith efforts to comply with Commission rules. This letter has been construed as an application for hearing before the Commission pursuant to Rule 502.b. (1). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission of the State of Colorado, pursuant to the above, has scheduled the above-entitled matter for hearing on: Date: Monday, December 12, 2011 Time: 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 13, 2011 9:00 a.m. Place: Weld County Administration Building 1150 O Street Greeley, Colorado 80631 In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if any party requires special accommodations as a result of a disability for this hearing, please contact Margaret Humecki at (303) 894-2100 ext. 5139, prior to the hearing and arrangements will be made. Pursuant to said hearing in the above-entitled matter at the time and place aforesaid, or at any adjourned meeting, the Commission will enter such orders as it deems appropriate to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and to prevent the waste of oil and gas, either or both, in the operations of said field, and to carry out the purposes of the statute. In accordance with Rule 509., any interested party desiring to protest the granting of the application or to intervene on the application should file with the Commission a written protest or intervention no later than November 23, 2011, briefly stating the basis of the protest or intervention. Such interested party shall, at the same time, serve a copy of the protest or intervention to the person filing the application. An original and 13 copies shall be filed with the Commission. Anyone who files a protest or intervention must be able to participate in a prehearing conference beginning November 23, 2011. Pursuant to Rule 503.g., if a party who has received notice under Rule 503.b. wishes to receive further pleadings in the above-referenced matter, that party must file a protest or intervention in accordance with these rules. In accordance with the practices of the Commission, should no protests or interventions be filed in this matter by November 23, 2011, the Applicant may request that an administrative hearing be scheduled beginning November 23, 2011. In the alternative, pursuant to Rule 511., if the matter is uncontested, the applicant may request, and the Director may recommend approval on the basis of the merits of the verified application and the supporting exhibits. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF COLORADO OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF COLORADO By_____________________________ Peter J. Gowen, Acting Secretary Dated at Suite 801 1120 Lincoln Street Denver, Colorado 80203 November 4, 2011 Applicant’s Contact Information: Craig Camozzi/Mike Mayers, Managing Members Aspen Operating, LLC 2040 West Hamilton Place Sheridan, Colorado 80110 (303) 761-4778 Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 2011. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0167 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 13, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) BANK OF CHOICE HOLDING COMPANY Original Beneficiary(ies) BANKERS’ BANK OF THE WEST Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANKERS’ BANK OF THE WEST Date of Deed of Trust 1/12/2011 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 1/21/2011 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 648330 Original Principal Amount $9,000,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $1,786,805.06 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE EXHIBIT A (Legal Description) Lot 16 of West Mountain Ranch Subdivision, County of Delta, State of Colorado Together with all of the following: (i) All easements and rights-ofway, air rights for further vertical construction and rights to the same belonging or in any way appertaining tot he Property; (ii) All minerals and mineral rights, including but not limited to oil, gas, gravel, and other minerals, if any, lying in, or under the surface of the Property to the extent owned by Grantor; (iii) All water and water rights owned by Grantor or related or appurtenant to the Property and all water and sewer taps belonging or in any way related to or appurtenant to the Property, if any; (iv) All strips and gores of land lying between the Property and streets, roads, highways or alleys, open or proposed, owned by Grantor; (v) All estates, rights, titles, interests, privileges, tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances of any nature whatsoever, in any way belonging, relating, or pertaining to the Property owned by Grantor; (vi) The reversion or reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits in any way belonging, relating, or pertaining to the Property; (vii) All improvements presently located or subsequently constructed on the Property; (viii) All of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to all fixtures and other property of every kind and nature now or hereafter located upon the Property and usable in connection with the present or future operation of the Property. Grantor shall have the right to replace any fixtures or other personal property with comparable fixtures or equipment, provided that the Deed of Trust shall extend to and represent a lien against all such replacement items; (ix) All of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to all permits, licenses, franchises, certificates, and other rights and privileges obtained in connection with the Property or the use thereof; (x) All contracts for the sale of all or any portion of the Property, and the next proceeds therefrom, and all proceeds arising from or by virtue of the rental or other disposition of all or any of the Property and the right to receive and apply all of said proceeds to the payment of the Loan; (xi) All awards or payments, including interest thereon, and the right to receive and apply the same to the payment of the Loan, which may be made with respect to the Property, whether from the exercise of the right of eminent domain (including any transfer made in lieu

of the exercise of said right) or for any other injury to or decrease in the value of the Property; (xii) Any leases, sales contracts, and other agreements affecting the sale, use, or occupancy of the Property now or hereafter entered into, and the right to receive and apply the rents, issues, and profits of the Property to the payment of the Loan; (xiii) Any insurance policies required to be maintained hereunder and all proceeds of and any unearned premiums on any insurance policies required to be maintained hereunder or otherwise covering the Property, including, without limitation, the right to receive and apply the proceeds of any insurance, judgments, or settlements made in lieu thereof for damage to the Property to the payment of the Loan subject to Grantor's right to effect repairs to the Property as provided herein; (xiv) The right, in the name and on behalf of Grantor (but without prejudice to the right of Grantor to do the same), to appear in and defend any action or proceeding brought with respect to the Property and to commence any action or proceeding to protect the interest of Lender in the Property; (xv) All rents, issues, and profits in any way belonging, relating, or pertaining to the Property; (xvi) All of Grantor's right, title and interest in and to all plans, specifications, and drawings for the construction of improvements on the Property, whether presently existing or subsequently prepared; and (xvii) All other interests of every kind and character which Grantor now has or at any time thereafter acquires in and to the real and personal property described herein and all property which is used or useful in connection therewith, including, but not limited to, rights of ingress or egress and all reversionary rights or interests of Grantor therein. The property or its address is commonly known as: 725 Spotted Pony Court, Delta, Colorado 81416. Also known by street and number as, 725 SPOTTED PONY COURT, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/11/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/16/2011 Last Publication 12/14/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/13/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: EMILY J. CHARLESWORTH #38109 Bieging Shapiro & Barber LLP 4582 S ULSTER STREET PARKWAY SUITE 1650, DENVER, CO 80237 (720) 488-0220 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 1617.008 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 16, 23, 30, December 7 and 14, 2011.

PUBLIC NOTICES COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0159 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On August 30, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): JOHNNIE FOXX AND DONNA FOXX Original Beneficiary(ies): MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., acting solely as nominee for AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust: 12/22/2003 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 1/5/2004 Recording Reception Number: 575273 Original Principal Amount: $92,720.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $93,293.34 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. LOTS 9 AND 10, BLOCK 12, PLAT “B” OF THE TOWN, NOW CITY OF DELTA, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 739 DODGE STREET, DELTA, CO 81416 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 12/28/2011, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 11/2/2011 Last Publication: 11/30/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 08/30/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CATHERINE A. HILDRETH, Esq. #40975 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 9105.02391 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent November 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2011. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0155 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On August 23, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): DONNA J. SMITH AND LINDY L. SMITH Original Beneficiary(ies): WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust: 4/23/2007 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 4/27/2007 Recording Reception Number: 614560 Original Principal Amount: $247,500.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $129,632.09 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. LOTS 7 AND 8 IN BLOCK 10 OF FOOTE AND WILLIAMSON’S ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF PAONIA COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 116 NORTH FORK AVENUE, PAONIA, CO 81428 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 12/21/2011, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 10/26/2011 Last Publication: 11/23/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 08/23/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: LISA CANCANON #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP

1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 9105.02058 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent October 26, November 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2011. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0153 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On August 18, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): Paula A. Hunter Original Beneficiary(ies): Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust: 1/29/2010 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 2/8/2010 Recording Reception Number: 640833 Original Principal Amount: $270,417.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $265,874.20 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE EXHIBIT A The following described property: A Parcel of land located within the within the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 20, Township 13 South, Range 91 West of the 6th P.M. having a description based upon a bearing of North 00 degrees 25' 48" East from the 1/4 corner common to Sections 20 and 29 (monumented by a 3 1/4" alum. Cap PLS 25972) to the C1/4 corner of Section 20 (monumented by a 1 1/2" Brass cap RLS 1456), with all other bearings relative thereto and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the Section line common to Sections 20 and 29 from whence the 1/4 corner common to Sections 20 and 29 bears North 88 degrees 46' 50" West 495.43 feet; Thence North 00 degrees 46' 49" East 299.85 feet; Thence South 88 degrees 52' 14" EAst 164.78 feet to the East line of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4; Thence along said line South 00 degrees 43'55" West 300.12 feet to the Section line common to Sections 20 and 29; Thence along said line North 88 degrees 46'50: West 165.03 feet to the point of beginning. County of Delta, State of Colorado Also known by street and number as: 41659 Reds Road, Paonia, CO 81428 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 12/21/2011, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 10/26/2011 Last Publication: 11/23/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 08/18/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CHRISTOPHER T. GROEN #39976 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2201, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 11-11016 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent October 26, November 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0160 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On August 31, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): Serapio Munoz Original Beneficiary(ies): Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP Date of Deed of Trust: 1/8/2007 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 1/9/2007 Recording Reception Number: 611220 Original Principal Amount: $178,500.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $173,151.43 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST.

SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT A Lot 32 of Phase III-Pleasant Valley Major Subdivision. Delta County, Colorado. Also known by street and number as: Lot 32 Pleasant Valley Rd, Delta, CO 81416 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 12/28/2011, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 11/2/2011 Last Publication: 11/30/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 08/31/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: REAGAN LARKIN #42309 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2201, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 11-10766 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent November 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0090 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On May 17, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): CURTIS D. WATSON AND JO P. WATSON Original Beneficiary(ies): WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust: 10/6/2004 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 10/12/2004 Recording Reception Number: 584330 Original Principal Amount: $183,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $166,624.34 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. Legal Description Part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 2, Township 15 South, Range 95 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South boundary of the County Road rightof-way whence the Southwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section 2 bears North 89°40' West, a distance of 346.0 feet; Thence North 465.0 feet; Thence South 89°40' East, 399 feet; Thence South 465.0 feet to the South boundary of the County Road right-of-way; Thence North 89°40' West along the South boundary of the County Road right-of-way, 399.0 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 20891 IRIS ROAD, AUSTIN, CO 81410-8241 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 12/28/2011, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 11/2/2011 Last Publication: 11/30/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 05/17/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: LISA CANCANON #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 9105.01841 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent November 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0163 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust:

Delta County Independent On September 6, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Ronald Phillip Sokol Original Beneficiary(ies) MontroseBank Current Holder of Evidence of Debt U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee, successor in Interest to Bank of America, National Association as successor by merger to LaSalle Bank NA as trustee for Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates WMALT Series 2005-4 Trust Date of Deed of Trust 12/6/2004 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 12/13/2004 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 586360 Original Principal Amount $102,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $93,777.23 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED EXHIBIT A PUBLIC TRUSTEE FORECLOSURE SALE NO 2011-0163 Part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 12, Township 14 South, Range 95 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point whence the Southwest corner of said Section 12 bears South 57°45' West, 1578.7 feet; Thence South 87°49' East, 276.3 feet, said line previously described as South 87°48' East; Thence North 16°02' East, 425.9 feet; Thence North 87°48' West, 153.0 feet to the Orchard Ranch Ditch; Thence along the Orchard Ranch Ditch the following: South 54°00' West, 52.1 feet; Thence South 16°58' West, 55.6 feet; Thence South 24°00' West, 80.7 feet; Thence South 31°29' West, 60.3 feet; Thence South 08°37' West, 53.4 feet; Thence South 25°10' West, 73.4 feet; Thence South 10°35' West, 45.4 feet; Thence South 81°04' West, 28.3 feet; Thence North 64°30' West, 47.1 feet; Thence leaving the said Orchard Ranch Ditch South 00°17' West, 47.7 feet, more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING, County of Delta, State of Colorado which currently has the address of 13178 HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD Also known by street and number as, 13178 Happy Hollow Road, Eckert, CO 81418. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/04/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/9/2011 Last Publication 12/7/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/06/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: NATHAN S. SILVER #28836 ROBERT J HOPP and ASSOCIATES LLC 333 W COLFAX AVENUE STE 200, PO BOX 8689, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 225-0811 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 11-05610CO ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 9, 16, 23, 30 and December 7, 2011. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0097 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On May 27, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s): Jerry Neil Thompson and Doriselda Thompson Original Beneficiary(ies): Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust: 7/6/2009 County of Recording: Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust: 7/10/2009 Recording Reception Number: 636102 Original Principal Amount: $296,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance: $286,194.55 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. LOT 2, THOMPSON FAMILY MINOR SUBDIVISION. COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 14148 Thompson Road, Paonia, CO 81428 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/11/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta,

CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 11/16/2011 Last Publication: 12/14/2011 Name of Publication: Delta County Independent DATE: 05/27/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: DEANNE R, STODDEN #33214 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2201, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney file #: 11-07496 ©Colorado Public Trustees’ Association Revised 12/2009 Published in the Delta County Independent November 16, 23, 30, December 7 and 14, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0166 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 9, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) CARROLL G. CAMPBELL AND SHELLY F. CAMPBELL Original Beneficiary(ies) WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust 3/26/2009 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 3/31/2009 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 633281 Original Principal Amount $247,900.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $240,398.05 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 50, GARY GRESHAM SUBDIVISION. DELTA COUNTY, COLORADO Also known by street and number as, 1191 E 13TH ST, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/11/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/16/2011 Last Publication 12/14/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/09/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: JENNIFER H. TRACHTE, Esq. #40391 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 9105.02499 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 16, 23, 30, December 7 and 14, 2011. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of LINNIE LENELDA BERES, a/k/a LINNIE LENELDS BERES, a/k/a LINNIE L. BERES, Deceased Case Number 2011PR100 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Delta County, Colorado on or before March 19, 2012, or the claims may be forever barred. Misty Herman Person Giving Notice 101 Dodge St Delta CO 81416 Attorney for Personal Representative: Aaron R. Clay PO Box 38 Delta CO 81416 Published in the Delta County Independent November 16, 23 and 30, 2011. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of CHARLES DEAN SCHROEDER aka CHARLES D. SCHROEDER aka CHARLES SCHROEDER aka CHARLIE SCHROEDER aka CHARLIE D. SCHROEDER, Deceased Case Number 11PR98 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative Tammi Scheetz c/o Conerly & Callahan, LLC, PO Box 729, Montrose, CO 81402 on or before March 23, 2012, or the claims may be forever barred. Published in the Delta County Independent November 9, 16 and 23, 2011.

Legal Deadline 10 a.m. Mondays


Delta County Independent

ORDINANCE #5, 2011 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DELTA, COLORADO AMENDING SECTION 13.04.120 OF THE DELTA MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH NEW ELECTRIC RATES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELTA, COLORADO, as follows: Section 1. Section 13.04.120 of the Delta Municipal Code is amended to read as follows: 13.04.120 Monthly electric rates. A. Monthly charges for residential customers (including single family homes, parsonages, duplexes, apartments, condominiums, apartment houses, rooming houses, mobile homes, and other multiple unit dwelling facilities providing permanent residences) shall be charged on the basis of the following rates for each meter serving the customer. Monthly Base Rate Energy Charge $14.00 $.0895/KWH B. Security lights and yard lights shall be charged at the rate of $10.00 per light per month. Street lighting, electricity for traffic lights, and other electricity used by the City shall be charged at the rate of $.0835/KWH. KWH for nonmetered street lights shall be determined as follows: 100 Watt High Pressures Sodium Light - 40 KWH per month. 250 Watt High Pressures Sodium Light - 115 KWH per month. 400 Watt High Pressures Sodium Light - 192 KWH per month. C. All other customers, other than those provided for in Subsections A and B above, shall be charged for electric service at the following monthly rates: 1. Customers with less than 50 KVA of installed transformer capacity: Monthly Base Rate Energy Charge Single phase - $23.50 $.0893/KWH Three phase - $41.00 $.0893/KWH 2. Customers with 50 KVA or more of installed transformer capacity shall pay a $130.00 monthly base charge, a demand charge, and an energy charge. The demand charge shall be equal to $10.61 x the customer's monthly demand. The customer's energy charge shall be $.0575/KWH. Provided, however, those customers whose meter is on the line side of the transformer shall receive a 2% discount on the energy charge. 3. Wholesale customers shall be charged at the rate of $.0835/KWH. Section 2. The newly established rates provided for herein shall be effective with respect to all bills mailed following January 1, 2012. ADOPTED on first reading and ordered published this 1st day of November, 2011. /s/ Mary Cooper Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Jolene E. Nelson City Clerk ADOPTED on second and final reading and ordered published this 15th day of November, 2011. /s/ Mary Cooper Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Jolene E. Nelson City Clerk CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. CITY OF DELTA ) I, Jolene E. Nelson, City Clerk of the City of Delta, Colorado, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was introduced, read in full and passed on first reading at a regular meeting on the City Council of the City of Delta on November 1, 2011, and published in the Delta County Independent, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Delta in its issue of November 9, 2011, and was finally adopted and approved at a regular meeting of the City Council on November 15, 2011, and ordered published as Ordinance No. 6, Series of 2011, of said City as provided by law. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the City of Delta, Colorado, this 15th day of November, 2011. (SEAL) /s/ Jolene E. Nelson City Clerk Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 2011.

COUNCIL BILL #6, 2011 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO THE VARIOUS FUNDS AND SPENDING AGENCIES IN THE AMOUNTS AND FOR THE PURPOSES SET FORTH BELOW FOR THE CITY OF DELTA, COLORADO, FOR THE 2012 BUDGET YEAR WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted the annual budget on November 15, 2011; and WHEREAS, the City Council has made provision therein for revenues in an amount equal to or greater than the total proposed expenditures as set forth in said budget; and WHEREAS, it is not only required by law, but also necessary to appropriate the revenues provided in the budget to and for the purposes described below, so as not to impair the operations of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELTA, COLORADO: Section 1. That the following sums are hereby appropriated from the revenue of each fund, to each fund, as follows: General Fund $5,044,293 Conservation Trust Fund 121,100 Recreation Center Fund 2,680,980 City-Wide Capital Improvements Fund 3,326,348 Municipal Light and Power Fund 8,173,554 Sewer Fund 2,332,603 Water Fund 1,991,753 Refuse Fund 599,772 Unemployment Tax Fund 30,000 Internal Service Fund 1,330,193 Employees' Dental Insurance Fund 54,000 Golf Course Fund 878,491 Capital Project Fund 20,416,885 Debt Service Fund 1,779,305 Perpetual Care Fund 1,000 ADOPTED on first reading and ordered published this 15th day of November, 2011. /s/ Mary Cooper Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Jolene E. Nelson City Clerk Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 2011. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0168 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 13, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) MARIO LOPEZ AND MARISOL LEDESMA Original Beneficiary(ies) WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust 2/25/2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 2/29/2008 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 623353 Original Principal Amount $190,244.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $181,452.85 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 10 OF THE REPLAT OF BLOCK 1 OF GARNET HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as, 570 BOND STREET, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/11/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/16/2011 Last Publication 12/14/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/13/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the

attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: LISA CANCANON #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 9105.02560 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 16, 23, 30, December 7 and 14, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0169 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 14, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) JOSEPH DONNIE FRESQUEZ AND MONICA R. FRESQUEZ Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR PROMINENT MORTGAGE CORPORATION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY AS TRUSTEE NOVASTAR MORTGAGE FUNDING TRUST, SERIES 2006-5 NOVASTAR HOME EQUITY LOAN ASSETBACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-5 Date of Deed of Trust 7/25/2006 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 8/9/2006 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 606530 Original Principal Amount $135,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $129,166.87 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. Exhibit A SITUATED IN THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO: PART OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 15 SOUTH, RANGE 95 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 10 WHENCE THE SE CORNER OF SAID SECTION 18 BEARS EAST 993.5 FEET; THENCE WEST 140.0 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF THE SE 1/4 SE 1/4 OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH 225.0 FEET; THENCE EAST 140.0

FEET; THENCE SOUTH 225.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH ALL WATER AND RIGHTS, DITCHES AND DITCH RIGHTS APPURTENANTS THERETO. TOGETHER WITH ONE F(1) TAP IN THE TRI COUNTY WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT. Also known by street and number as, 1425 EAST 5TH STREET, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/11/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/16/2011 Last Publication 12/14/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/14/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: WAYNE E. VADEN #21026 Vaden Law Firm LLC 2015 YORK STREET, PO BOX 18997, DENVER, CO 20218 (877) 245-1529 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 11-051-02075 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 16, 23, 30, December 7 and 14, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0171 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 15, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) RODNEY W. EVANS AND RONI D. EVANS , BY RODNEY W. EVANS ATTORNEY IN FACT Original Beneficiary(ies) VECTRA BANK COLORADO, NA Current Holder of Evidence of Debt FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Date of Deed of Trust 5/9/2007 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 5/10/2007 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 614939 Original Principal Amount $223,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $218,869.74 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 3 OF FAR VIEW SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as, 25107 IRA WAY, CEDAREDGE, CO 81413-8242. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/18/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/23/2011 Last Publication 12/21/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/15/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: HEATHER DEERE #28597 LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL P MEDVED PC 355 UNION BLVD #302, LAKEWOOD, CO 80228-1508 (303) 274-0155 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 11-914-19543 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 30, December 7, 14 and 21, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0172 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 16, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) MARK P. BREWER AND KRISTIN BREWER Original Beneficiary(ies) WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust 3/13/2006

County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 3/14/2006 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 601312 Original Principal Amount $129,862.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $130,017.99 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 14 OF PIONEER PLACE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 1, COUNTY OF DELTA STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as, 1727 PIONEER CIR, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/18/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/23/2011 Last Publication 12/21/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/16/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: LISA CANCANON #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 9105.02520 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 30, December 7, 14 and 21, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0173 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 20, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) LARRY MAUTZ AND CONNIE BEARD Original Beneficiary(ies) EVERGREEN FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt EVERGREEN FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Date of Deed of Trust 12/28/2007 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 12/28/2007 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 621769 Original Principal Amount $1,200,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $1,133,870.12 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 14 OF SOUTHGATE SUBDIVISION, AS AMENDED COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as, 2250 S HIGHWAY 50, Delta, CO 81416 Also know as 2250 S Main Street, Delta, CO 81416 AKA 2250 S MAIN STREET, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/18/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/23/2011 Last Publication 12/21/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/20/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: JOHN F. YOUNG #26989 Markus Williams Young & Zimmermann LLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 1700 LINCOLN STREET SUITE 4000, DENVER, CO 80203 (303) 830-0800 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 11056.002 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 30, December 7, 14 and 21, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0174 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 21, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) BRIAN P. LYNINGER and SAVANNAH M. LYNINGER Original Beneficiary(ies) BANK OF THE WEST Current Holder of Evidence of Debt COLORADO HOUSING AND FINANCE AUTHORITY Date of Deed of Trust 9/28/2006 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 9/29/2006 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 608243 Original Principal Amount $133,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $124,827.08 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 21, 22 AND 23 IN BLOCK 30 OF PLAT C OF DELTA TOWNSITE, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO MANUFACTURED HOME: YEAR: 1998 MAKE/MODEL: PALM HARBOR MAN SERIAL #S: PH19000539AB TAG #S: ARZ192015/ ARZ192014 Also known by street and number as, 648 COLUMBIA STREET, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/18/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/23/2011 Last Publication 12/21/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/21/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: SHEILA J. FINN #36637 Janeway Law Firm LLC 19201 E MAIN STREET SUITE 205, PARKER, CO 8013-49092 (303) 706-9990 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # JLF#12169 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 30, December 7, 14 and 21, 2011.

DELTA COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE Request for Proposals CONCRETE BOX CULVERT FOR THE EAST CANAL ON B50 ROAD 2011 The Board of Delta County Commissioners is seeking proposals from qualified contractors for the design and build of a box culvert on the east canal located on B50 Road. The pre-bid site inspection will be held at 8:00 AM, December 14, 2011 at the Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Room 234, Delta, Colorado. A field inspection of the site(s) will follow the pre-bid meeting. Bidders may obtain bidding documents at the Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer St., Suite 227, Delta, Colorado or by telephoning 970-874-2101 from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Bids may also be obtained through the Delta County Website at www. All bidders who receive the bid information from the website must contact ether Carolyn Clemens or Bob Basher to submit the necessary contact information. All bids must be submitted on Delta County forms. Deadline for submitting bids is 2:00 PM December 28, 2011. Bids must be submitted to Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer St., Suite 227, Delta, Colorado 81416-1796. Proposals received after this deadline will not be accepted. For further information concerning the bid documents, please call Carolyn Clemens, Executive Assistant at (970) 874-2101 or e-mail to For information concerning the project please call Bob Basher, Engineering at (970) 874-5914 or e-mail to Delta County reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and to waive informalities or irregularities in the bidding. Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 2011.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2011-0170 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 15, 2011, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) LAURA G. ANDERSON AND CHARLES D. ANDERSON Original Beneficiary(ies) FIRST STATE BANK OF HOTCHKISS Current Holder of Evidence of Debt FIRST STATE BANK OF HOTCHKISS Date of Deed of Trust 12/22/2005 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 1/4/2006 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 599203 Original Principal Amount $130,597.21 Outstanding Principal Balance $103,696.90

Wednesday, November 23, 2011 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE. LOTS 15 AND 16, BLOCK 1, OF THE HOTCHKISS SUBDIVISION TO THE TOWN OF HOTCHKISS, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 1 COINCIDENT WITH THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 16 IN SAID BLOCK; THENCE EAST 57.2 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF LOT 15; THENCE SOUTH ALONG EAST LINE OF LOT 15, 125 FEET; THENCE WEST 57.2 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF LOT 16; THENCE NORTH 125 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH ALL WATER AND WATER RIGHTS, DITCHES AND DITCH RIGHTS INCLDUING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ONE (1) EACH TOWN OF HOTCHKISS COMMERCIAL WATER AND SEWER TAP. COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as, 301 E BRIDGE STREET, HOTCHKISS, CO 81419. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/18/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/23/2011 Last Publication 12/21/2011 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 09/15/2011 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: DOUGLAS W. BROWN #10429 Brown, Berardini & Dunning PC 2000 SOUTH COLORADO BLVD TOWER TWO SUITE 700, DENVER, CO 80222 (877) 234-3152 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 3119-018 B ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 30, December 7, 14 and 21, 2011.

NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that the Town of Orchard City (Owner) has established December 14, 2011 as the date of final settlement with William Construction Contractors, (Contractor) for work in connection with the Town of Orchard City West Transmission Waterline Replacement. 1. Any person, co-partnership, association or corporation who has an unpaid claim against the said project, for or on account of the furnishing of labor, materials, equipment or other items used or consumed by the Contractor or his Subcontractors in or about the performance of the Work, may at any time up to and including said time of final settlement, file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim. 2. All such claims shall be filed with Mike Morgan; Public Works Director, Town of Orchard City, 9661 2100 Road, Austin, Colorado 81410. 3. Failure on the part of a creditor to file such statement prior to such final settlement will relieve the Contractor and Owner from any and all liability for such claim. By: Don Suppes, Mayor Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 30 and December 7, 2011.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Raymond C. Drake, Deceased Case Number 11 PR 97 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to District Court of Delta County, Colorado on or before March 21, 2012, or the claims may be forever barred. /s/ Holly Hopkins Holly Hopkins 62495 Hwy 330 Collbran, Colorado 81624 Published in the Delta County Independent November 16, 23 and 30, 2011.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please take notice that the Town of Crawford Board of Trustees shall conduct a public hearing. The Board of Trustees finds that it is appropriate to conduct a public hearing upon the following proposals. Final Budget for 2012 Hearing date shall commence 7:00 o'clock P.M. on the 7th day of Dec., 2011. Proposed 2012 Budget is available at Town Hall Office. Jackie Savage Town Clerk Published in the Delta County Independent November 16, 23, 30 and December 7, 2011.

NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of Surface Creek Ditch & Reservoir Company will be held Friday, December 2, 2011 at 2:30 P.M. at the Cedaredge Community Center at 140 NW 2nd Street, Cedaredge, Colorado. Three directors will be elected for two year terms; an assessment on the stock will be levied for 2012 and any other business proper to come before this meeting will be transacted. Keith Waibel, President Charles Richards, Secretary Published in the Delta County Independent November 9 and 23, 2011.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Rita Marie Pfifer, also known as Rita M. Pfifer, Deceased Case No. 11PR88


All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the District Court of Delta County, Colorado on or before March 26, 2012, or the claims may be forever barred. Albert B. Pfifer Personal Representative 3967 550 Rd. Olathe, CO 81425 970-323-6628 James D. Brown Brown, Schottelkotte, Stimpert & Vaughn, LLC 550 Palmer St. - P.O. Box 43 Delta, CO 81416-0043 970-874-4451 Attorneys for Personal Representative Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 30 and December 7, 2011.

NOTICE AS TO PROPOSED BUDGET Notice is hereby given that a proposed budget has been submitted to Crawford Cemetery District for the ensuing year of 2012. A copy of such proposed budget has been filed in the office of the Town Hall, Crawford Library and Crawford State Bank, where same is open for public inspection. Such proposed budget was considered at a meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Crawford Cemetery Board held at 10:00 a.m. on Oct. 12, 2011 at 392 Hwy 92, Crawford, CO 81415. Any interested elector of such Crawford Cemetery District may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. The final adoption of the budget will be decided at the final meeting to be held on December 7, 2011, 10:00 a.m., at Crawford Country Bank. Board of Trustees Crawford Cemetery District By: Ann Linnman Title: President Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 2011.

NOTICE AS TO PROPOSED BUDGET Notice is hereby given that: a proposed budget has been submitted to Paonia Cemetery District for the ensuing year of 2012; a copy of such proposed budget has been filed in the office of David J. Hurr, where same is open for public inspection; such proposed budget will be considered at the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Paonia Cemetery District to be held at 6:00 p.m. on Dec. 7, 2011 at 40589 O Road, Paonia, CO. Any interested elector of such Paonia Cemetery District may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections there to at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. Dated: November 14, 2011 Board of Trustees Paonia Cemetery District By: /s/ David J. Hurr Title: Treasurer Published in the Delta County Independent November 23 and 30, 2011.

NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING DELTA COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT NO. 3 Notice is hereby given that proposed Supplementary budget for the year 2011 has been submitted to the Delta County Fire Protection District #3 Board. That copies of such proposed Supplementary budget for the District's General Fund have been filed in the office of the District, where the same are open for public inspection. That proposed Supplementary budget will be considered at the scheduled board meeting of the Delta County Fire Protection District #3 to be held at the Cedaredge fire station on December 13, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Any interested elector in such Delta County Fire Protection District #3 may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. Contact person for the Delta County Fire Protection District is Bruce C. Bertram, Secretary to the Board, P.O. Box 804, Cedaredge, CO 81413. Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 2011.

NOTICE OF BUDGET (Pursuant to 29-1-106, C.R.S.) NOTICE is hereby given that a proposed budget has been submitted to the DELTA COUNTY MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT No. 1 Board of Directors for the ensuing year of 2012; a copy of such proposed budget has been filed in the office of the Delta County Clerk, where same is open for public inspection; such proposed budget will be considered at the regular meeting of the Delta County Mosquito Control District No. 1 Board of Directors to be held at 1558 H50 Road on December 12th, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. Any interested elector of Delta County Mosquito Control District No. 1 may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 2011.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Sandra Kaye StallingsWilson, a/k/a Sandra K. Stallings, Deceased Case Number 2011PR95 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Delta County, Colorado on or before March 23, 2012, or the claims may be forever barred. Michael Scott Wilson Person Giving Notice 682 Cedar Drive Hotchkiss, CO 81419 Published in the Delta County Independent November 23, 30 and December 7, 2011.

NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISPOSE OF PROPERTY Notice is hereby given to the following parties that their personal property stored at Allsafe Storage in Delta, CO, located at 7454 Hwy 65 / PO Box 771 / Delta, CO 81416 will be sold or disposed of on December 15th, 2011 unless claimed prior to disposition with full payment of all rents/fees due. Eugene Day, 2525 E 104th Ave Thorton, CO – Unit #222; Justin Brown 205 NW 5TH ST Cedaredge, CO – Unit #286; Jeanette Heiman PO Box 370374 Key Largo, FL – Unit #232; Anna Barker 4391 Cedar Rd Delta, CO – Unit #273; Don McDowell 110 SW 15Th Cir Unit A Cedaredge, CO – Unit# 288; Crystal Fernandez 1326 Bluff St Delta, CO – Unit #161; Published in the Delta County Independent November 23 and 30, 2011.

Legal Deadline 10 a.m. Mondays

D6 Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Delta County Independent

New stake presidency serves western Colorado A new stake presidency has been called to serve in the Montrose Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). Nicolas Taylor of Montrose is the new stake president. His counselors are Dan McClendon of Montrose and Vally Mul-

ford of Delta. Elder Eduardo Gavarret of The Quorum of the Seventy traveled from Salt Lake City to preside at the proceedings on Nov. 6, held in the LDS chapel at 1521 Hillcrest Drive in Montrose. President Taylor re-

Cookie walk, lunch planned by UMW The United Methodist Women of Delta are hosting their annual cookie walk and luncheon Friday, Dec. 2, at the Delta United Methodist Church, 477 Meeker. Lots of homemade cookies and candies will be offered from 8:30 a.m.

until 3 p.m. A luncheon will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sloppy joes, chips, salad, beverage and pie will be served for $8. Half the proceeds go to missions and the other half to the fellowship building fund.


DELTA DELTA FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD Eaton & Dodge, Delta • 874-3568 Pastor: Lee Ponder Sunday: Celebration Service 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Celebration Service 11:00 a.m. Tuesday: Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Wednesday: Family night 7:00 p.m. Royal Rangers Missionettes Fireproof Youth (Jr. & Sr. High) Saturday: Men's Prayer Breakfast 6:00 a.m.

LANDMARK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 12th & Grand, Delta • 874-3717 Pastor: Ken Gilchrist Sunday: Sunday School (all ages) Morning Worship Sunday Afternoon Wednesday Evening

9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

CHURCH OF CHRIST 164 Grand Blvd. (Left on top of 3rd St. Hill) • 874-4971 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Sunday Brown Bag Lunch 12:00 Noon Sunday Afternoon Service 1:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m.

EL BUEN PASTOR SPANISH ASSEMBLY OF GOD 860 Crawford Ave., Delta Carlos & Rosemary Sluder, Pastors – 874-0167 Benjamin y Eunice Aviña Addlescentes – 874-0517 Arturo & Alicia Carrasco, Children – 874-0771 Domingo: Escuela Dominical Predicacion Culto de la Tarde y Niños Miercoles: Family Night Miercoles: Jovenes

places Marlin Jenson of Montrose who has served as stake president since 2001. Generally a stake presidency serves for 10 years. “I feel very humble that the Lord would consider me for such a responsibility in His kingdom,” said President Taylor. “But I know this is His work, and whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies.” The term “stake” is derived from Old Testament tent imagery in which the “tent,” or church, is held up by supporting stakes (Isaiah 33:20; 54:2). Over 3,700 members of the church are located in Montrose Stake, which includes Austin, Cedaredge, Crawford,

10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

GUNNISON VALLEY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1721 H Rd., Delta • 874-0848 Website: Email: Senior Pastor Terry D. Hedrick Associate Pastor Edward (Mike) Sandridge Sunday: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: With Worship Leader Gary Lear & The GVC Praise Team Including Children’s Church And Nursery 10:45 a.m. Wednesday: Ladies’ Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Fellowship & Bible Study Including Potluck Dinner 6:00 p.m. Study Groups: Meeting at various places and times throughout the week. We want to extend a personal invitation to everyone. Please come and make yourself at home. “Our church could be your home.” “We exist to glorify God by raising up Christ-centered, Spirit-filled Disciple makers.”

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4th and Meeker, Delta • 874-4893 Rev. Alisa Secrest Adult/Children’s Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Praise Music 10:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Child care available

DELTA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Reaching the children and youth of Western Delta County I Rd. & 1600 Rd., North Delta • 874-4322 Ministry Staff: Don Bavor, Kirsten Alsdorf Buffy Zentmeyer; Jay Alsdorf Jeremy Kane; Jake Sullivan Sunday: Worship First Service 9:30 a.m. Second Service 11:00 a.m. Children’s Church: Age 3-5th grade Childcare (infant/preschool) all services. For Elem., M.S. & H.S. activities, please call

GARNET MESA BAPTIST CHURCH 863 A Street, Delta Jerry Hilterbrand, Pastor • 874-4837 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Services 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting (Wednesday) 7:00 p.m. Independent, Fundamental

REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 1000 Pioneer Road • 874-3052 Pastor Jeffrey Ryan Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Bible Classes and Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Tiny Treasures Preschool

Cory, Delta, Eckert, Gunnison, Hotchkiss, Montrose, Naturita, Norwood, Nucla, Olathe, Ouray, Paonia, Placerville, Telluride, and surrounding areas. A stake is organized into congregations called wards (larger) and branches (smaller) comprising a specific geographic area. They meet together frequently for spiritual and social enrichment. In Montrose Stake the presidency presides over seven wards and three branches. Visitors are always welcome to attend Sabbath Day and weekday activities. A new LDS chapel is under construction five miles south of Montrose to accommodate growth



800 Palmer St., Delta


9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.



290 N.W. Cedar Ave., P.O. Box 713 Cedaredge, CO 81413 Sundays: Rev. Canice Enyiaka, Pastor 1061 Meeker St., Delta • Bible Classes 9:30 a.m. Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Mass Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Tuesday: 6:00 p.m. Mass For more information call 626-3347 (Children’s church available) For more information, call 970-856-6495 Weekly home Bible studies Information: 234-7816

Sunday: Bible Study Morning Worship

Photo submitted



(Missouri Synod) 5th & North Fork, Paonia at the Northwest corner of City Park Pastor Duane O. Daeke • 527-3232 Morning Worship 9:00 a.m. Lent Worship Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study following worship service Visitors Always Welcome.


20101 Deer Creek Rd., Austin • 835-3667 658 Howard St., Delta Rev. Kay Spinden • 874-3425 Tom Lange, Pastor Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. Sunday: Children’s Classes 10:30 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Science of Mind Classes Also Available Open Communion (1st & 3rd Sundays)

“I look forward with great anticipation to be able to serve the members of Montrose Stake,” said President Taylor.

Dan McClendon, first counselor; Nicolas Taylor, stake president; and Vally Mulford, second counselor; are newly called to the Montrose Stake.

751 Meeker St., Delta • 874-8083 5th & Meeker Streets, Delta • Office — 874-9501 1596 S.W. 9th St., Cedaredge • 856-3586 Sunday: Bible Lesson Sermon 10:00 a.m. Bob Hillyer - Senior Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Roy Trueblood, Pastor Marvin Pemberton - Assoc. Pastor Wednesday: Testimony Meeting 7:00 p.m. Early Service 8:30 a.m. Youth Pastor: Eric Musil Child Care Provided • Everyone Welcome Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Janet Noble - Children Late Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Communion Worship 1st Sunday Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Wed. Family Night: Adult Bible Study, GRAND MESA BIBLE CHURCH Youth & Children's Ministries 7:00 p.m. 710 Crawford Ave., Delta • 874-8315 Men's Breakfast (Saturday) 7:00 a.m. Pastor Gary Culp RIVER OF LIFE CHURCH Sunday School For All Ages 9:30 a.m. 1065 E. 7th St., Delta • 874-0308 • Cell: 314-0116 Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Pastors David & Michele Murphy Please call for information about Sunday: Bible studies and Prayer times SURFACE CREEK Prayer Time 9:00 a.m. Annointed Worship & Praise 9:30 a.m. COMMUNITY CHURCH Annointed preaching to follow 21987 Austin Road • Austin Where the fire & glory of God are manifested FIRST CHURCH OF GOD John Copper, Pastor • 856-4675 1102 Howard St., Delta • Church 874-4647 Sunday: Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Bob and Linda Aubery with Children’s Church and nursery provided Sunday School Classes Wednesday: Bible Study 7:00 p.m. for All Ages 9:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 10:15 a.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF Wed. Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 2:00 p.m. CEDAREDGE Wed. Cedaredge Bible Study (856-3854) 4:00 p.m. 370 W. Main St., Cedaredge • 856-3830 Prayer Chain P.O. Box 400, Cedaredge, CO 81413 Contact Janice Bridwell 874-4621 Email: NORTH FORK CHURCH Senior Pastor Dik Abbott OF CHRIST Sunday: 40259 M Rd., Paonia • 970-527-5443 Sunday School for All Ages 9:00 a.m. MARANATHA FELLOWSHIP Sunday Morning 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service 10:15 a.m. (The LORD Cometh) Wednesday Evening 5:00 p.m. Children’s Church Available 1712 H Road, Delta • 874-9135 Teaching Sound Bible Doctrine Evening Service 6:00 p.m. Pastor Earl Douglas Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Wednesday: 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Sunday Night 6:00 p.m. AWANA and Youth PAONIA FRIENDS CHURCH Wed. Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 p.m. 409 3rd St., Paonia • 527-6151 All Welcome Pastor Gaylen Kinser Sunday: GRAND MESA SOUTHERN SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE 9:00 a.m. BAPTIST CHURCH with NURSERY for children 19 mos.-3 years ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 110 S.E. Jay Ave., Cedaredge • 856-4672 SUNDAY SCHOOL “Loyal to the orthodox Christian Rev. Steven Puls for ages 19 months-adults 10:00 a.m. faith as received by Anglicanism” 5th & Palmer St., Delta • Rector's Study: 874-9489 Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Pastor Tom Seibert Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Holy Eucharist Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. CRAWFORD FRIENDS CHURCH and Sunday School (Sunday) 10:15 a.m. Team Kid (Wednesday) 6:00 p.m. Non-denominational Order of St. Luke & Healing Service, Prayer & Bible Study 3842 Stearman Lane, Crawford • 921-LORD (5673) First Monday each month 6:00 p.m. (Wednesday) 7:00 p.m. Pastor Jerry Dutton Morning Prayer/Communion Brotherhood Breakfast Youth Pastor JP Dutton Wednesday 10 a.m. (1st Saturday) 8:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Breakfast Coffee & Fellowship 10:00 a.m. (last Tuesday) 8:00 a.m. Children’s Church and Nursery 10:30 a.m. (at Ole Bakery) ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE Youth Group and Adult Life Studies ORTHODOX 298 Bert St., Delta • 874-5225 ECKERT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Father Daniel Jones HOTCHKISS CHURCH OF CHRIST Saturday Great Vespers 5:00 p.m. 13025 Highway 65, Eckert • 835-3441 175 N. 1st St., Hotchkiss • 527-3225 Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. P.O. Box 7 Minister Windell Howard Please call: for feast day services schedule Pastor Jo DeVinny Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday: Morning Worship: Year Round 10:30 a.m. SEVENTH-DAY Children’s Sunday School during worship MOUNTAIN VIEW BIBLE CHURCH ADVENTIST CHURCH Thursday: Lazear, CO – 872-2139 763 Meeker St., Delta Bible Study Held at Big E Market 7:30 a.m. Pastor Jim Jesser – 323-6412 Pastor: Seth Coridan Youth Pastor Jake Erickson - 872-6329 Sabbath School Saturday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Prayer Meetings Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Evening Service & Youth Night 6:00 p.m. NEW HOPE EVANGELICAL Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. FREE CHURCH Christ Centered Country Church CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Independent and Fundamental Meets at Cedaredge Community Center OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Pastor Bill Williamson 1679 Pioneer Rd., Delta • 874-3444 856-4458 Corner of E. 16th St./F Rd. and Pioneer Rd. HOTCHKISS COMMUNITY Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday: UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Children’s Church 10:45 a.m. Uncompahgre Ward 9:00 a.m. 2nd & Orchard, Hotchkiss • Office: 872-3540 Nursery Available Delta Ward 11:00 a.m. Pastor John Heistand • 872-4881 Men’s Breakfast 1st & 3rd Sat. 7:00 at Ole Bakery Sanctuary is handicapped accessible Youth Groups — schedules vary 9:45 a.m. Call for time and place Children's and Adult’s Sunday School FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF DELTA Worship Service 11:00 a.m. American Baptist Church Peace Circle, 2nd Tues. 12:30 p.m. 1250 Pioneer Road, Delta • 874-3847 Wearhouse hours: Monday 9 a.m.-3:00 p.m. UMW Meet 3rd Saturday 9:00 a.m. Pastor James Conley CEDAREDGE COMMUNITY National Historical Register site Sunday: UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 9:15 a.m. 3rd & Aspen, PO Box 369, Cedaredge • 856-3696 Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Night Church 6:00 p.m. Rev. Debra A. Edwards, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Wednesday: Vickie Richards-Street, Pastoral Associate Middle School Blitz 6:00 p.m. OF HOTCHKISS Rev. Bob Watts, Pastor Emeritus AWANA (Sept.-April) 6:00 p.m. 203 W. Main, Hotchkiss • Church 872-3313 Adult Sunday School 8:30 a.m. Saturday: 9:45 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Sunday School (all ages) Men’s Bible Study 7:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Worship Services 9:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship High School Saturday Night Live 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service 5:00 p.m. Communion Worship First Sunday 3:45 p.m. Zero Gravity Youth Sundays 4:00 p.m. After School Program (K-8) Wed. Adult Bible Study & Prayer Wed. 7:00 p.m. Children, Youth and Adult Choirs Youth Group/Teen Bible Study Wed. 7:00 p.m. Bible Studies Available! COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN Also offering counseling, men’s prayer Nursery & Attendant also available. FELLOWSHIP meetings, ladies’ Bible study, teen outings, nursery OPEN HEARTS! OPEN MINDS! OPEN DOORS! Meets at Bill Heddles Recreation Center, Delta and a food pantry. Contact Pastor Jake DeField for Ron Howard, Pastor more information. Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Children’s Church Provided CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Home Bible Studies Available 2291 Q25 Road, Cedaredge • 856-6137 Information: call 200-7816 or 874-4372 PAONIA Pastors John and MaryLouise Dannels UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. 2nd and Onarga, Paonia ST. MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH Pastor Russell Fletcher 628 Meeker St., Delta • 874-3300 Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Father Canice Enyiaka Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Saturday: Worship 10:30 a.m. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Youth Group Confession 4:00-5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Mass 5:30 p.m. 290 S.W. 2nd Ave., Cedaredge • 210-3398 Child care provided every Sun. Sunday: Pastor Seth Coridan and on special occasions. English Mass 10:00 a.m. Sabbath School Saturday 9:15 a.m. Spanish Mass 12:00 Noon Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. Daily Mass Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 3:00 p.m.


1290 A St., Delta • 874-9497 Pastor: Randy Unruh Website: E-Mail:

in local congregations. Groundbreaking services were held in September, with construction to be finished later in 2012.

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 5th and Oak, Paonia • 527-4239 Bishop Stephen W. Bayles Sacrament Meeting 10:00 a.m.-11:10 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m.-12:05 p.m. Priesthood & Relief Society 12:10-1:00 p.m.

BIBLE CENTER CHURCH 1117 Third Street, Paonia • 527-4629 John Owen, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Awana Clubs - Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

NORTH FORK BAPTIST CHURCH 639 Samuel Wade Rd., Paonia • 527-4644 Pastor John Robbins Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Evening Service 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:00 p.m. Nursery Provided

CRAWFORD COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 297 Dogwood Ave., Crawford • 921-3300 Rev. John Heistand Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. Adult Education 8:00 a.m. Children’s Education 9:00 a.m.

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF PAONIA 227 Oak Ave., Paonia • 527-7291 • 527-3450 P.O. Box 413, Paonia, CO 81428 Pastor Ed Hollett Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Traditional Church Service 10:45 a.m.

PAONIA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 235 Box Elder Avenue, Paonia • 527-3161 Pastor Scott McIntire Sunday Services: Sunday School for ages 2-112 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Children’s Church 10:15 a.m. Monday Ladies Bible Study 6:30 p.m. His Hands — Men’s Group 6:30 p.m. Wednesday: Ladies Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Converge for Ages 7-12 4:30 p.m. Youth Dinner 6:15 p.m. Youth Group Grades 7 & Up 7:00 p.m. Please join our family for a variety of music and worship. Something for everyone!

SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 235 North Fork, Paonia • 527-3214 Saturday Evening Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m.

ST. MARGARET MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Bridge & Pinon St., Hotchkiss • 527-3214 Sunday Mass 11:00 a.m.

OLATHE OLD KING JAMES BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH 5th & Horton, Olathe • 970-497-0790 Pastor Brian Lopiccolo Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Preaching 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

ST. JOSEPH’S TRADITIONAL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Latin Mass 59350 Carnation Rd., Olathe • 323-0243 Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. Rosary & Confessions 1/2 hour before each mass Daily masses as scheduled

OLATHE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Located at 512 Hersum Send mail to PO Box 148, Olathe, CO 81425 970-323-6465 • Email: Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday: Breathing Space 6:00 p.m. Choir 7:00 p.m. Everyone welcome

MONTROSE LIVING WORD LUTHERAN CHURCH 2820 Peyton Dr., Montrose • 249-4405 Pastor Matthew Frey Sunday Service 9:00 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


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D8 Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Delta County Independent

Crafting a B A bright solution . . . C K

P A G E BY VERNA BARR Staff Writer

risten Green started making candles when a massage therapist friend mentioned that she couldn’t find all natural unscented candles that she could then add the essential oils that she wanted for her aromatherapy sessions. “I was making jams, jellies, and even some wine to sell at farmers markets,” Kristen said. “I’d made candles many years ago; tapers dipped in paraffin, but had never made candles from natural sources. Research on candle making and beeswax led me to wax made from soybeans and decided to give it a try. You never know unless you try. An added bonus, she can make the candles at home while caring for her children, Sarah and Luke. The beauty of it is that anyone can add their own favorite oils to an unscented candle. She said, “Light the candle, let it burn until the melted wax makes a pool, then add three or four


Photos by Verna Barr

The kitchen table becomes the work space for Kristen’s candle making at her home in Cedaredge.

drops of any essential oil to it . . . good for three to four hours. Repeat or change oils for variety. Green Family Products was started in February 2010. “We are a family operated business that produces all natural soy candles. Soy candles burn longer and cleaner than traditional paraffin candles.” Many soy candles claim to be all natural because they use natural soy wax but they add chemically treated wicks, dyes and fragrances. Ours are truly all natural. These use wax produced from soy beans grown by American farmers, cotton wicks, 100 percent pure aromatherapy grade essential oils, and organic herbs. Chemical dyes or fragrances are never used. The results are candles that last longer, are cooler and cleaner burning without soot buildup. Unscented candles are very popular. Her stock includes: citronella, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint and tangerine. She started blending scents with the first named At

Home, with cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and orange. Her three newest blended scents are: Be Calm with lavender, geranium, sage, and rosewood; Breathe Easy with eucalyptus, lavender, spruce, camphor and cedarwood; Vital Blend with lemon, rosemary, peppermint and basil. Soy candles can be purchased at Munson’s Main Street Gallery in Cedaredge, Stoney Mesa Winery in Cedaredge, Hardin’s Natural Foods in Hotchkiss, Heart of the Dragon in Paonia, and Osage Garden Farm Store in New Castle. Kristen sets up a booth at most local craft shows. These candles make great gifts for the holidays. Custom labels and wholesale pricing are available. Eight tips for safe candle burning. 1. Never move or leave candles unattended while burning. 2. Keep wick trimmed to 1/4-inch. 3. Burn in a draft free area clear of combustible material such as curtains, books, baskets, books, etc.

Munson’s Main Street Gallery is one of five locations where Kristen’s all natural soy candles can be purchased; also at on the Internet.

4. Keep the burn pool clean, never throw matches into the candle. 5. Keep candles out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources. 6. Always place candles on or in non-combustible, heat-resistant bases set on a level stable surface. 7. Extremes of heat and cold should be avoided. Do not store candles in the freezer and never leave them in the sun or a hot car. 8. Place out of reach of young children. Kristen Green with her husband Chris and their Photos by Verna Barr two children, Sarah, 5, Kristen Green (in dark vest) displayed her all-natural soy candles at a recent craft show in and Luke, 2, moved to Cedaredge. Her children often accompany her. The large painted butterflies in the display were their home in Cedaredge made by Frank and Marilyn Rittwager back in the 1980s.

from Silver Plume in 2002. Sarah has started school through the Surface Creek Vision program this year. Chris is owner of Tasteful Trimmings, LLC. He has been a carpenter in the construction industry for 18 years, specializing in interior trim and offering frame to finish carpentry as well as construction management. Kristen started working for Lewis & Company in 2004 and is currently working part-time there. She also does the bookkeeping for her husband’s business. The family enjoys skiing, hiking, camping, fishing, four-wheeling, and soaking in the hot springs.


oliday H








2 • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • Delta County Independent

Eggnog Bars 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened 1 cup granulated sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons brandy or rum flavoring 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 cup dairy or canned eggnog 1 cup chopped candied cherries 1/2 cup chopped almonds 3/4 cup sifted powdered sugar Milk Cream first 2 ingredients; blend in 1 teaspoon flavoring. Stir flour with soda, nutmeg and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Add alternately with eggnog to creamed mixture. Stir in cherries and nuts. Spread in greased 10x15-inch baking pan. Bake at 350° for 18 to 20 minutes. Mix powdered sugar, remaining 1/2 teaspoon flavoring, and enough milk (3 to 4 teaspoons) to make mixture pourable. Drizzle over warm cookies. Cool; cut into bars. Makes 48.

Cardamom Biscotti 3/4 cup almond slivers, chopped 2 cups flour 1-1/2 teaspoons Spice Islands Cardamom, Ground 1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup butter 3/4 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon Spice Islands Vanilla Extract Preheat oven to 350°F. Toast almonds on baking sheet for 10 minutes or until golden, stirring once. Cool and reserve. Combine flour, cardamom, baking powder and salt in large mixing bowl; set aside.

Beat butter with sugar until light and creamy. Beat in eggs, one at a time and add vanilla. Stir in flour mixture and almonds; blend well. With floured hands divide dough into 2 equal pieces. On greased baking sheets, pat each section of dough into a 2-inch by 10-inch rectangle. Bake for 25 minutes or until light brown and firm when pressed in center. Remove from oven (do not turn off oven); leave on baking sheet until cooled slightly, about 5 minutes. Carefully transfer the two rectangles to cutting board. Cut each rectangle crosswise into 20 (1/2-inch) slices. Place biscotti slices side down, on 2 baking sheets. Return to oven for 12 to 15 minutes, until lightly browned, changing positions of pan halfway through baking time. Cool on racks. Store in airtight containers.

Fudge Ecstasies 1 12-ounce package (2 cups) semisweet chocolate chips 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped 2 tablespoons butter 2 eggs 2/3 cup sugar 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup chopped nuts Spray cookie sheets with no-stick spray; set aside. In a heavy, medium saucepan combine 1 cup of the chocolate pieces, the unsweetened chocolate and butter; heat and stir over medium-low heat until melted. Remove from heat.

Add eggs, sugar, flour, vanilla and baking powder. Beat until combined, scraping sides of pan occasionally. Stir in remaining chocolate pieces and nuts. Drop dough by rounded teaspoons about 2 inches apart onto prepared cookie sheet. Bake cookies in a 350° oven for 8 to 10 minutes or until edges are firm and surfaces are dull and slightly cracked. Transfer cookies to a wire rack; let cool. Makes about 36.

Lemon Oat Lacies 2 cups (4 sticks) margarine, softened 1 cup sugar 2 cups all-purpose flour 3 cups old-fashioned oats 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel 1 teaspoon vanilla Powdered sugar

Grease a 13x9x2-inch pan; set aside. In a large mixing bowl combine flour, sugar, cocoa powder, ginger, cinnamon, baking soda and cloves. In a small mixing bowl combine melted butter, molasses and eggs. Add to flour mixture, stirring till thoroughly combined. Batter will be thick. Spread batter in prepared pan. Bake at 350° for 20 minutes or till center is slightly firm. Do not overbake. Cool in pan on wire rack. Dust with powdered sugar. Cut into squares. Makes 24.

Walnut-Oatmeal Cookies with Cranberries 3 cups Diamond Walnuts 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter 1 cup packed brown sugar 1⁄3 cup granulated sugar 2 eggs

Beat margarine and sugar until creamy. Add remaining ingredients except powdered sugar; mix well. Cover; chill 30 minutes. Heat oven to 350°F. Shape dough into 1-inch balls; place on ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten with bottom of glass dipped in powdered sugar. Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until edges are light golden brown. Cool 1 minute on cookie sheet; remove to wire rack. Cool completely. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired. Makes about 4 1/2 dozen.

1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 1⁄2 cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1⁄4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1⁄2 teaspoon salt 3 cups old-fashioned oats 1 cup dried cranberries Preheat oven to 350° F. To toast walnuts, spread evenly on a baking sheet or in a shallow pan. Bake, stirring once or twice, until lightly browned and fragrant, 7 to 10 minutes. Coarsely chop and set

Gingerbread Brownies 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 cup butter, melted 1/3 cup molasses 2 eggs Powdered sugar

aside. In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Add eggs and vanilla; beat well. In a separate bowl combine flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and oats; add to sugar mixture and stir well to combine. Stir in dried cranberries and toasted walnuts. Drop cookie dough by tablespoonfuls onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 12 to 15 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.

Delta County Independent • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • 3

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Holiday Craft Fair Saturday, December 3 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Bill Heddles Recreation Center 530 Gunnison River Drive in Delta

Christmas gifts . . . anytime gifts . . . all handmade 67 vendors offering lovingly-c reated handmade items for your holiday shopping enjoymen t! Stained Glass • Wind Chimes • Paintings • Cards • Paper Art • Jewelry Barrettes • Trinket Boxes • Trivets • Tea Towels • Table Runners Warmers • Aprons • Blankets • Afghans • Purses • Bags • Hats • Scarves Salt Lamps • Florals • Wreaths • Ornaments Or naments • Wall Crosses • Candles Ceramics • Glass • Knit Knitted, ted, Crocheted, Tatted Tat ted & Embroidered Items Handmade Ha ndmade Stuffed Animals • Children’s Children’s Gifts • Bath & Body Products . . . And Much More! Call 874-0923 for more info.

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4 • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • Delta County Independent

Looking for the perfect addition to an appetizer buffet? These recipes will fill the bill.

Cheesy Beer Fondue with Amber Ale 2 cups grated horseradish Cheddar cheese, approx. 1 pound

set aside. Warm oil over medium heat in heavy

Barbecue Shrimp Barbecue sauce:

In a large bowl or food processor, combine the cream cheese, ricotta

bottom sauce pan; add onions, garlic

1/4 cup mild barbecue sauce

cheese, pepper and salt. Beat or pro-

and thyme, cooking until colored golden

1 1/2 teaspoon horseradish

cess until blended and smooth. Add


1 teaspoon lime juice

the cheddar cheese and 1/4 cup of the

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

green onion and beat vigorously until the

1/2 teaspoon Old Bay Seasoning

ingredients are evenly mixed. If using a

Add beer and bring to boil; reduce heat to low. Begin adding in cheese slowly, stirring

For shrimp:

food processor, take care not to overmix;

2 to 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour

with whisk or wooden spoon until melted

1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil

and fully incorporated. Remove from

1/2 cup minced onion, red or white

heat and stir in Tabasco, salt, pepper and

20 slices thinly sliced lean bacon

not essential, it will be easier to shape if

1 tablespoon freshly minced garlic


1/4 cup white wine

refrigerated for 2-3 hours at this point.

Pinch of thyme or rosemary, fresh or dry 6 ounces of Amber Ale 1 to 2 drops Tabasco or hot sauce

Garnish with crumbled goat cheese. Serve with bread. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Courtesy of Family Features and Safeway

Chives for garnish 2 to 3 tablespoons goat cheese Pinch of kosher salt and black pepper Fresh baked artisan bread, cut into cubes or slices In large resealable bag, combine cheese and flour. Close bag tightly and shake until cheese is coated with flour,

Relish Tray Vegetable Pickles 3 cups cider vinegar 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar 2 cups water 2 tablespoons mixed pickling spice 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 cans (15 ounces each) baby corn on the cob, drained 1 pound green beans, trimmed and blanched 1 pound carrots, trimmed, peeled and cut in thin strips 1 medium-size onion, cut lengthwise in thin strips

20 jumbo shrimp (10-15 count), peeled, deveined, leaving tail shell on

1/4 cup lime juice

Bring vinegar, sugar, water, pickling

Meanwhile, pack vegetables upright in 4 clean pint jars. Strain hot liquid and pour into jars,

Combine the walnuts with the remaining 1/4 cup chopped green onion and

4 teaspoons Old Bay Seasoning,

spread on a large plate or sheet of waxed

divided 10 metal or wooden skewers

paper. Moisten your hands with water to keep the cheese mixture from sticking to them. Divide the mixture in half,

Combine sauce ingredients.

then pat and press each half into a ball

In a glass bowl, place shrimp, white

about 3 inches across; don’t worry about

wine, lime juice, 2 tablespoons of the ol-

keeping the shape perfect. Roll each ball

ive oil and 2 teaspoons Old Bay. Marinate

in the nut and onion mixture, patting

shrimp 15 minutes. Pat shrimp dry.

the coating onto the ball. Wrap each ball

Starting at tail end, wrap the bacon around the shrimp being careful not to

separately in plastic wrap and chill until serving.

tear the bacon. Using two shrimp per

Variation: Add 1/2 cup cooked, crum-

skewer, skewer each shrimp once near

bled bacon (or real bacon bits) to mixture

the tail and once near the head. Season

along with the cheddar cheese.

with 2 teaspoons Old Bay.

Courtesy of Real California Cheese

Just before cooking, brush shrimp with remaining olive oil. Broil or grill

Bacon, Tomato & Herb Dip

for 5 minutes per side or until bacon is

16-ounce carton (2 cups) Land O Lakes® Light Sour Cream

touch. Serve the shrimp with sauce for

1 tablespoon Spice Islands® Sweet Basil

dipping. Makes 10 hors d’oeuvres.

1 1/2 teaspoons Spice Islands® Beau Monde Seasoning

boil in a large pot. Cover, reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes to develop flavor.

of its texture. While chilling the mixture is

4 tablespoons olive oil, divided

cooked and shrimp is pink and firm to

spice, crushed red pepper and salt to a

the cheddar mixture should retain some

Peppery Ricotta and Sharp Cheddar Cheese Ball

1 medium tomato, chopped 8 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled

1/2 cup cream cheese 1/2 cup ricotta cheese

In medium bowl, stir together all

covering vegetables. Cover loosely and

1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

ingredients until well blended. For best

refrigerate. When cold, tighten covers.

1/4 teaspoon salt

flavor, cover and chill for 2 hours or over-

Refrigerate at least three days before

3 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese

night before serving.

serving. These pickles keep at least a

1/2 cup finely chopped green onion

month in the refrigerator.

1/3 cup chopped walnuts

Serve with crisp vegetables, crackers or chips.

Delta County Independent • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • 5

6 • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • Delta County Independent

(Family Features) Whether you’re

Remove roast from refrigerator 1 to

preparing a small family get-together or

2 hours before roasting, allowing it to

a large holiday bash, Executive Chef Jeff

come to room temperature.

Anderson, of Safeway’s Culinary Center,

Preheat oven to 375°F. Put 1 table-

done, leave until desired temperature is reached. Remove from oven and allow to rest 15 to 20 minutes before carving. Carve

has your menu covered. For more holi-

spoon flour into oven bag, shake, then

slices across grain of meat, and serve

day menu and décor ideas, visit www.

place bag into large roasting pan.

with roasted onions.

Remove roast and onions from marinade. Season roast with salt and pepper;

Rancher’s Reserve® Holiday Red Wine Roast

lay rosemary sprigs across top of roast, and tie on with butcher’s twine. Put onions in middle of roasting bag

Marinade 12 ounces red wine

and place beef onto onions. Insert an

1/4 cup light brown sugar

instant read thermometer into meat.

8 to 10 cloves garlic, smashed

Seal bag and put roast into the oven.

or rough chopped

Roast for 1 hour 45 minutes, or until beef

2 medium red onions, peeled

reaches an internal temperature of 135°F,

and cut into thick slices

which is medium rare; if you want well

1/4 cup olive or vegetable oil Roast 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour Oven bag

Sweet PotatoAcorn Squash Gratin 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, divided 1 cup onion, medium dice 2 tablespoons garlic, minced

a skewer or knife, approximately 20 to 25

2 cups heavy whipping cream


4 sweet potatoes cut into 3/4” slices 1 cup acorn squash, peeled and diced into 1-inch cubes

Prime Rib Roast (6 to 7 pounds)

6 to 8 long sprigs fresh rosemary

drizzle with reserved cream. Finish by topping with Asiago and breadcrumbs,

Kosher salt and fresh ground

cover with aluminum foil. Heat oven to 385°F. Bake for 25 to 35

1/4 cup Asiago cheese, grated

minutes until heated thoroughly. Remove

1/2 cup seasoned breadcrumbs

foil and finish baking for 10 minutes, until top is golden brown.

Heat large heavy bottom pan over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons butter. Add onion and garlic, cooking until

Marinade: Mix together red wine, sugar, garlic, onions and oil with a whisk;

cooked potato-squash mixture, then

1/2 teaspoon dry thyme

Kosher salt and fresh ground Black pepper for seasoning

serole with 2 tablespoons butter. Add

2 sprigs fresh thyme or

black pepper

1 Rancher’s Reserve® 3 Bone

Assembly: Butter a 13 x 8-inch cas-

golden brown.

Remove from oven, garnish with fresh herb sprigs, and serve. Note: If preparing in advance, strain potato-squash mixture from cream, cool-

Add cream, potatoes, squash, thyme,

ing cream and potato-squash mixture

stir well to dissolve sugar. Pour over top

salt and pepper. Bring to boil, reduce

separately. Reserve chilled until ready to

of roast, cover and store chilled for a

heat to low simmer. Cook until potatoes


minimum of 12 hours and up to 36.

and squash are tender when poked with

Makes 4 to 8 side dish portions.

Great Gift Idea M O PASVIE S

MOVIE PASSES make great stocking stuffers.

EGYPTIAN THEATRE 452 Main • Delta • 874-9770



Men’s Cuts ~$10 Boys’ Cuts ~ $8 Women’s Cuts ~ $15 OPEN: Thurs. & Fri. 8:30-5:30 • Sat. 9:00-Noon

309 Main St. • Olathe • 323-8811

Delta County Independent • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • 7

Have all your digital Christmas photos done here!

SHOP CEDAREDGE FLORAL & COUNTRY MARKET FOR ALL YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS Be sure to stop by and see our great collection of… Antiques, Collectibles, Unique Gifts, Books, BearFoot Bears, Jewelry, Linens, Demdaco Angels, Lang Calendars, Western Gifts, Keeper of the Light Candles, and not to forget our Beautiful Floral Arrangements, Centerpieces, Poinsettias and Wreaths.

205 W. Main St., Suite A Cedaredge • 856-6519

DROST’S CH Quality ES OCOLAT CURRENTLY OPEN WED.-SUN. AS OF DECEMBER 1, WE WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY 9-5:30 THROUGH CHRISTMAS EVE Be sure to put your candy orders in early if possible. Eric & Maria Drost 12991 Hwy. 65 • Eckert 835-4100

Kristie LaValley

FREE Gift Wrapping with Purchase

Take a break from shopping and visit The Old-Fashioned Soda Fountain

UPS Shipping For All Your Holiday Packages

Cedaredge Floral & Country Market 215 W. Main St. • Cedaredge 856-7762

Your Musical Instrument Headquarters All Guitars on sale All Amps on sale All Digital Pianos on sale Instructional books 50% off Beginner Packs from $199 Acoustic Guitars from $99 Djembe Drums from $29 Ukuleles from $39 Straps from $6 Strings from $5 Cables from $10 Drumsticks 50% off Harmonica Sets from $20 and much more!

The perfect gift is available for your loved ones at Munson’s Main Street Gallery. ✦ Boutique Clothing & Accessories ✦ Pottery ✦ Jewelry ✦ Specialty Soaps ✦ Stocking Stuffers ✦ And Much More! Affordable, easy and fun! Follow us on Facebook

Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. or by appt. • Tues.-Sat. Call us at 970.856.2331 Call our repair line direct at 970.856.2334



Tues.-Fri: 10-5 Sat.: 10-4 260 W. Main St. Downtown Cedaredge 856-6070


Mon.-Fri. 9-5 • Sat. 10-4


L.AC CBEP MAOM Gift Certificates Available

Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Supplements Stress Management, Pain Management, Insomnia, Anxiety

175 E. Main St. • Cedaredge

Give The Gift of Christmas Spirits! Bottle Engraving • Gift Packages Glassware BR











Season’s Greetings and Thanks To our Loyal Customers Introducing: THIRSTY THURSDAYS! Every Thursday this Fall and Winter a different spirit will be on sale

Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. CLOSED Sun. & Mon.

1290 S. Grand Mesa Dr. • Cedaredge • 856-2600

Lumber Company, Inc.

200 S.W. 2nd Street• Cedaredge, CO (970) 856-3185 OPEN Mon.-Fri. 7:30-5:00, Sat. 8:00-4:00, Sun. 9:00-1:00




8 • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • Delta County Independent

flour into measuring cup; level off. In

dients. Drizzle glaze over cooled coffee

and egg until soft dough forms. Spread

medium bowl, combine 1 cup flour and

cakes. Store in refrigerator. Makes 2 cof-

in pan. Bake 15 minutes. Sprinkle on bak-

1 cup all purpose or unbleached flour

1 tablespoon sugar. Using pastry blender

fee cakes, 10 servings each.

ing chips, pineapple, coconut and nuts.

1 tablespoon sugar

or fork, cut in 1/2 cup margarine until

1/2 cup margarine or butter

particles are size of small peas. Sprinkle

1 tablespoon water

flour mixture with 1 tablespoon water

Kringler Norwegian Style BASE

Jenifer Oien, Delta

Bake 30-35 minutes until golden. Cool;

Cheese-Topped Jello

while tossing and mixing lightly with

2 packages lemon jello

1 cup water

fork. Form dough into ball; divide in half.

2 cups hot water

1/2 cup margarine or butter

on ungreased cookie sheet, press or roll

2 cups cold water

1 cup all purpose or unbleached flour

dough into two 14x3-inch rectangles.

1 can pineapple, drained


1 tablespoon sugar

In medium saucepan, bring 1 cup

Drizzle with sweetened condensed milk. cut into bars. Store covered in refrigerator. Judy Buhlke, Delta

Cranberry Cupcakes

4 bananas sliced

1/2 cup shortening

1/2 teaspoon almond extract

water and 1/2 cup margarine to a boil; re-

1 cup miniature marshmallows

1 cup brown sugar

3 eggs

move from heat. Add 1 cup flour,stir until

1 cup chopped pecans

2 eggs


smooth. Beat in 1 tablespoon sugar and

1 1/2 cups sifted flour

1 cup powdered sugar

1/2 teaspoon almond extract. Add eggs

1 tablespoon half-and-half

one at a time, beating well after each

water and cool till thickened. Fold in

1/2 cup sour cream

1 tablespoon margarine or butter

addition. Spread half of topping mixture

remaining ingredients. Chill in 9x12-inch

1/2 cup canned cranberry sauce

2 to 3 teaspoons almond extract

over each rectangle. Bake at 375 F for 30

pan till firm.

1 teaspoon cinnamon

Dissolve jello in hot water. Add cold

to 35 minutes or until lightly browned. Heat oven to 375° F. Lightly spoon

In small bowl, combine all glaze ingre-

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1 teaspoon nutmeg Dressing:

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup pineapple juice

1/2 teaspoon soda

2 tablespoons butter Cream shortening and sugar together

2 tablespoons flour

thoroughly. Add eggs and beat well.

1 egg, beaten 1 cup whipped cream

Stir together dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture alternately with sour

Grated cheese

cream and cranberry sauce, beating till Combine all ingredients except

smooth. Stir in nuts. Fill paper baking

whipped cream and grated cheese. Cook

cups in muffin pans half full. Bake at

over low heat till thickened; cool. Fold in

350° for 20 to 25 minutes. Cool and frost.

whipped cream.

Makes about 2 dozen cupcakes. Nellie Logan, Delta

Aloha Paradise Bars

Ronda Sacco, Montrose

Peanut Butter Fudge

1 pouch Betty Crocker sugar cookie

2 cups sugar

mix (or use own recipe)

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened

1 1/3 cups peanut butter

1 egg

1 jar (7 ounces) marshmallow creme

2 cups white baking chips 1 cup coarsely chopped dried pineapple 1 cup flaked coconut 1 cup chopped macadamia nuts 1 can sweetened condensed milk Preheat oven to 350° F. Spray bottom only of 9x13” pan. In large bowl stir cookie mix, butter

In a suacepan, bring sugar and milk to a boil; boil for 3 minutes. Add peanut butter and marshmallow creme; mix well. Quickly pour into a buttered 8inch square pan; chill until set. Cut into squares. Yield: 3-4 dozen. j

Delta County Independent • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • 9

Delta Hardware’s Black Friday Starts at Noon on Wednesday, November 23

BE SURE TO STOP IN DURING THE HOLIDAY ART FAIR! Fri., Dec. 2 & Sat. , Dec. 3 ✦ Gift Certificates

✦ Unique Gifts ✦ Specialty Yarns 220 Grand Ave Paonia 527-PURL (7875)


Bring In This Coupon $ 00

10 OFF

your purchase of $ 50 or more Coupon Expires 12-24-11

Nina Suzanne’s 336 Main St. • Montrose • 252-7337 OPEN: Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

The Homebrew Connection Beer and Wine Making Supplies Open: Tues.-Fri. 11-6 • Sat. 11-3

Gift Certificates Available


20 South Nevada Ave. • Montrose

Happy Thanksgiving — Closed Thanksgiving Day —

Keep Your Smile Merry And Bright This Holiday Season Call us today to schedule a dental cleaning. CHP+ and Medicaid Accepted. Insurance Billed

OPEN 7 A.M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 Check out our circular at for

Early Bird Savings Savings Come in on Friday, November 25 to register for your chance to


494 Hwy. 92 • Delta 874-3801

Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Go to for In-Store Coupon

10 • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • Delta County Independent

Your loved ones will certainly appreciate your efforts to make the holidays delicious, but the praise will go even further when you test out tasty new recipes for leftovers. For more ideas, visit www., and get started by trying Hellmann’s® Turkey Casserole recipe.

Blushing Cranberry & Pear Turkey Salad 1/2 cup Hellmann’s® or Best Foods® Real Mayonnaise 1/2 cup whole berry cranberry sauce

brush tops lightly with additional Hell-

to 3 minutes — do not allow the mixture

mann’s® or Best Foods® Real Mayon-

to burn.


Add the wine, soup and spices. Stir

Bake 12 minutes or until golden. Serve warm. Serves 8.

constantly over medium heat until the mixture thickens. Add turkey cubes and the mushroom,

or cranberry relish 4 cups torn romaine lettuce leaves

garlic and onion mixture. Cover and sim-

2 cups baby spinach leaves

mer for about 15 minutes. Serve on a bed of rice.

or mixed salad greens 2 cups diced cooked turkey

This recipe comes from Campbell’s.

1 medium pear, cored and thinly sliced 1/4 cup toasted chopped pecans

For more holiday tips and recipes, visit

1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion

French Onion Turkey Casserole

In medium bowl, combine Hellmann’s® or Best Foods® Real Mayon-

Vegetable cooking spray

naise and cranberry sauce; set aside.

6 eggs

In large bowl, combine romaine,

1 can (10 1/2 ounces) Campbell’s

spinach and turkey. Just before serving,

Turkey Casserole

pear slices, pecans and onion. Garnish, if

4 cups coarsely chopped leftover

desired with dried cranberries.

cooked turkey (about 1 pound)

Serves 4. Recipe can be doubled.

1/4 cup whole berry cranberry sauce 2 cups leftover mashed potatoes 1-1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (about 6 ounces) Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray

Turkey Stew 4 cups turkey cut into bite-size pieces 2-3 large white onions, coarsely chopped

3/4 cup Hellmann’s® or Best Foods® Real Mayonnaise, divided

Condensed French Onion Soup

toss with mayonnaise mixture. Top with

4 cups leftover prepared stuffing, divided

Turkey Turnovers

5-6 cloves minced garlic

2 cups shredded cooked turkey

1/2 pound fresh small mushrooms

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

(or a can of sliced mushrooms,

(about 4 oz.)


1 cup chopped cooked broccoli

1/4 cup oil

1/2 cup Hellmann’s® or Best Foods®

1/2 cup flour

Real Mayonnaise

2 cups cooking wine or sherry

8-inch baking dish with no-stick cooking

1/2 tsp. salt

4 cups chicken broth

spray. Spoon in 2 cups stuffing, then top

1/4 tsp. ground black pepper

3-4 bay leaves

with turkey.

2 packages (8 oz. ea.) refrigerated

1-2 teaspoon rosemary leaves or

Combine 1/4 cup Hellmann’s® or Best

crescent rolls

Foods® Real Mayonnaise with cranberry sauce; evenly spread over turkey. Combine remaining 1/2 cup mayon-

3/4 teaspoon ground rosemary 1/2 teaspoon basil Sauté the onions, garlic and mush-

naise, potatoes and cheese in large bowl.

cent rolls in large bowl. Separate each

rooms in a small amount of oil. Remove

Evenly spread on turkey, then top with

package crescent rolls into 4 squares;

the garlic, onions and mushrooms and

press diagonal perforations to seal.

set aside.

remaining 2 cups stuffing. Bake 40 minutes or until heated

Spoon turkey filling onto center of each

Reduce the heat to low. Add oil and

through. Let stand 10 minutes before

square. Fold dough diagonally over filling

gently stir in the flour a little bit at a time.

serving. If desired, garnish with dried

to form triangles; press edges firmly to

Make sure the flour is dissolved before

seal. Arrange turnovers on baking sheet;

you add more to prevent lumps. Cook 2

cranberries. Serves 6.

1 cup shredded Swiss cheese (about 4 ounces) 2 tablespoons chopped fresh thyme leaves or 2 teaspoons dried thyme leaves, crushed 9 slices Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Hearty White Bread, cut into cubes 2 cups shredded or cubed cooked turkey Heat oven to 350°F. Spray 2-quart shallow baking dish with cooking spray. Beat eggs, soup, milk, 1/2 cup cheese and 1 tablespoon thyme in large bowl with fork or whisk. Add bread cubes and

Preheat oven to 375°. Combine all ingredients except cres-

2 cups milk

turkey. Stir and press bread cubes into milk mixture to coat. Pour bread mixture into baking dish. Sprinkle with remaining cheese and thyme. Let stand for 15 minutes. Bake for 45 minutes or until a knife inserted in center comes out clean. Serves 8.

Delta County Independent • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • 11

25% off any purchase

“A Unique Boutique”

(with mention of ad)

405 Main St. • Delta • 874-7050

Good Nov. 23 thru Dec. 21

Open Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

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A place for Unique Gifts

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333 Main St., Delta • 399-7378

Savings Are In The Bag Stop In And Pick Up Your Special Shopping Bag Now And Get Ready To Save Big

Friday, Nov. 25 • 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Bag hopping S r u o Y .m. Bring In 0 a.m. to 6:00 p :0 7 from and receive


This Sale Excludes All Special Orders And Previously Purchased Items


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Primitive & Country

lta St. • De in a M 2 50

Kitchen Appliances & Cutlery



Workwear Clubb’s Furniture & Frame Shop and Clubb’s Fabrics open 9 a.m.-6 p.m. (not participating in the sale)

Large Selection

Jackets • Coveralls Overalls • Jeans

DICKIES JEANS $ 1299 each when you buy 3

MARATHON Water Heaters On Sale Bring in this coupon and receive a $

50 Gift Card with purchase Expires 12-31-11



ON SALE Schrade, Havalon, Smith & Wesson, Taylor, Winchester and Gerber

Drill Bits or Screw Bit Sets

ON SALE Gift Cards Available

12 • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • Delta County Independent

(Family Features) This holiday, serve

Remove giblets from turkey’s cav-

an inspired meal bursting with the rich

ity, rinse cavity and pat dry, set aside.

flavors of Tuscany. With these recipes

Season turkey inside and out with kosher

— a moist and tender turkey along


with savory sides — you can create an

Mix Tuscan Herb Paste with crushed

unforgettable experience with family and

fennel seeds and celery salt. Starting at

friends. For more recipes that will turn

the neck of the bird, slip your hand be-

any meal into an unforgettable feast, visit

tween the meat and the skin to loosen.

Rub half the paste mix under skin, and rub remaining paste inside the cavity and

Tuscan Roast Turkey 1 16-pound young turkey Kosher salt, to taste 1 cup Tuscan Herb Paste 1 teaspoon fennel seeds, crushed 2 teaspoons celery salt 3 fennel stalks with fronds, rough chopped

over the rest of the turkey. Place two-thirds of the chopped onion and fennel stalks inside cavity. Truss bird. Place turkey in a roasting pan. Roast at 400°F for 30 minutes. Reduce temperature to 325°F and continue cooking the turkey to an internal temperature of 160°F, approximately 2

3 onions, large dice

1/2 to 3 hours. Baste turkey often during

1 stalk celery, small dice

cooking with juices from pan. If turkey

2 1/4 quarts chicken stock, divided

begins to overbrown, cover it loosely

3 ounces all-purpose flour

with aluminum foil.

As turkey roasts, simmer giblets (neck, heart and gizzard), the other one-third of the fennel stalk, onion mix and diced celery in 1 quart chicken stock until tender, approximately 1 1/2 hours. When turkey is done, remove from roasting pan and set aside to rest. Degrease roasting pan, reserving 3 ounces of fat to make a roux. Deglaze pan with a small amount of chicken stock. Transfer stock to a saucepot, and add remaining stock and broth from giblets. Bring to a simmer and degrease. Make a blond roux with reserved fat and flour. Add roux to the liquid, whisking well to prevent lumps. Simmer 15 minutes. Strain gravy through a finemeshed strainer. Adjust seasoning. Serves 16.

Tuscan Herb Paste 1 tablespoon fresh basil 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary

3/8 teaspoon white pepper 1 1/2 tablespoons kosher salt 1/2 cup Tuscan Herb paste 1/2 cup Carapelli Premium 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 cup heavy cream, warmed Boil potatoes in salted water. When cooked tender, mash potatoes. Mix salt and pepper with Tuscan Herb Paste, olive oil and warm heavy cream. Fold into potatoes. Serves 12.

Brussels Sprouts with Caramelized Onions and Prosciutto 2 pounds fresh Brussels sprouts, blanched, quartered 4 tablespoons Carapelli Premium 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 onion, julienned 1 1/2 ounces prosciutto,

1/2 packed cup fresh Italian parsley 1 tablespoon fresh thyme 2 tablespoons fresh sage 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper

sliced into 1/2-inch strips 4 tablespoons white balsamic vinegar Sea salt Fresh cracked black pepper

3/4 cup Carapelli Extra Light in Taste Olive Oil 1 cup Carapelli Premium 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Trim stem end of Brussels sprouts. Discard wilted outside leaves. Boil in salted water until cooked through (about 7 minutes) and just tender. Shock in ice

Blend herbs and crushed red pepper with light olive oil using a blender or food processor, then stir in extra virgin olive oil. Serving Ideas: Rub under the skin of turkey for Tuscan Roast Turkey. Use to flavor vegetables for grilling and mushrooms for roasting. Yield 2 1/4 cups.

water. Quarter the cooled sprouts. In large skillet over medium-high heat, caramelize onions in olive oil for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove from pan. Place in bowl, mix with prosciutto. In the same skillet, over high heat, lightly brown Brussels sprouts. Add onion-prosciutto mix, toss.

Olive Oil and Herb Mashed Potatoes 10 8-ounce potatoes (about 5 pounds), peeled and cut in half

Deglaze by adding white balsamic vinegar and scraping bottom of pan. Season with salt and pepper. Serves 12.

Delta County Independent • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • 13

Give the gift of Warmth

with UGG Boots


Open M-F 9-6 • Sat. 9-5:30 148 E. Bridge Street Hotchkiss • 872-2688 Tues.-Sat. 9-5:00 Closed Sun. & Mon.


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Give the Gift that Keeps Growing.

PAONIA FARM & HOME SUPPLY 206 Grand Ave.• Paonia


Tiffany, etc. Invites you to join us for our Annual Christmas Open House Friday, Nov. 25th ~ Sunday, Nov. 27th Pick a Hollytree Leaf for SAVINGS throughout the store!

Open a Youth Savings Account for your kids or grandkids and teach the value of saving. Keep adding to it for their birthdays, good grades, holidays and other special occasions and watch it grow over the years.

Something for everyone! Hollytree night every Thursday • 4-8 p.m. Always Free Gift Wrapping

Open 7 days a week Mon.-Sat. 9:00-6:30 Sunday 11:00-4:00

439 E. Main Montrose 249-7877

DELTA COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 1340 Hwy. 92 120 N. 6th St. Delta Hotchkiss (970) 874-7674 (970) 872-4277 ©DCI

14 • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • Delta County Independent

Pumpkin Pear Bread Pudding

Baked Egg Nog French Toast

1 loaf Rhodes™ Bread Dough, baked

Make this Baked Egg Nog French Toast

Combine ingredients in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring occa-

recipe on Christmas Eve and refriger-

sionally until sauce is melted and mixture

2 eggs

ate; then, it’s ready to bake on Christmas

comes to a boil.

15 ounce can pumpkin


and cut into 1” cubes (day old)

1 cup canned pears, drained 1 Loaf Rhodes™ Frozen Bread Dough,

and chopped

baked according to package

14 ounce can sweetened condensed

instructions and sliced


into 12 slices

1/2 cup sugar 1/2 tablespoon nutmeg

3 ounces cream cheese, softened

1/2 tablespoon ginger

2 tablespoons sugar

1/2 tablespoon ground cloves

5 eggs

1 teaspoon cinnamon

3 cups egg nog Nutmeg

Streusel: 1 cup coarsely chopped pecans 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup brown sugar In a large mixing bowl, beat eggs. Add pumpkin, pears, milk, sugar and spices and mix well. Gently stir in bread cubes until completely coated. Pour into a 9-inch sprayed square baking dish or spring form pan. Cover and refrigerate 12 hours (may be refrigerated overnight). Just before baking, combine streusel ingredients and mix well. Sprinkle mixture over Bread Pudding. Bake at 350°F 40-45 minutes or until knife inserted in

In a bowl, mix the softened cream

Cranberry Cream Cheese Pull-Aparts 24 Rhodes™ Dinner rolls, thawed but still cold

cheese and sugar until well combined. Spread cream cheese mixture over 6

Peppermint Wreath

slices of bread. Place these 6 slices in

16 Rhodes Texas™ Rolls thawed,

a sprayed 9x13-inch baking dish cream

but still cold

5 ounces dried cranberries

cheese side up. Top with remaining 6

1/4 cup butter melted

Butter flavored non-stick cooking spray

slices of bread. In a large bowl, combine

1 cup granulated sugar (divided)

1 peppermint candy cane or stick,

eggs and egg nog and whisk until well

2/3 cup (6 ounces) cream cheese,

blended. Pour evenly over bread slices.


coarsely crushed Christmas ribbon

Gently press bread slices down with Icing:

3 tablespoons fresh orange juice

the back of a wooden spoon. Cover and

1 tablespoon each grated orange rind

refrigerate overnight or at least 8 hours.

1 tablespoon butter, softened

Remove from refrigerator 30 minutes

2 tablespoons milk

1 cup powdered sugar

before baking. Uncover dish and sprinkle

1 cup powdered sugar

5 teaspoons fresh lemon juice

with nutmeg. Bake at 350°F 40-45 min-

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

utes. Serve warm with Cranberry Orange

1/4 teaspoon almond extract

Syrup. Serves 6.

Mix and drizzle over rolls

Cranberry Orange Syrup:

With scissors, cut each roll in half

and lemon rind

Press about 1 teaspoon cranberries

center comes out clean. Serve while still

into each thawed roll. Place rolls in a

warm, with a dollop of whipped cream.

9x13-inch sprayed baking pan. Combine

Serves 10-12.

the butter, 1/2 cup sugar, cream cheese,

16 ounces jellied cranberry sauce

horizontally. Arrange 20 halves to form

and orange juice. Blend well and pour

1/4 cup sugar

a thick circle (cut side down) on a large

over the rolls. Cover with sprayed plastic

1/2 cup orange juice

sprayed baking sheet or pizza pan. Place

wrap and let rise until double in size.

remaining 12 halves on top. Spray rolls

Combine 1/2 cup sugar, the rinds and any

with butter flavored spray and cover

remaining cranberries. Remove wrap and

with plastic wrap. Let rise until double.

sprinkle the mixture over the risen rolls.

Remove wrap and bake at 350°F 20-25

Bake immediately in preheated 350°F

minutes or until golden brown. Remove

oven 25 minutes or until rolls in center

from pan and let cool. Drizzle icing over

are done. Combine powdered sugar and

rolls and sprinkle with candy. Place rib-

lemon juice and drizzle over rolls.

bon on wreath. Serves 10-12.

Delta County Independent • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • 15

SEASON’S GREETINGS First State Bank thrives with local support — so do your hometown merchants! This year, please consider doing much of your holiday shopping locally… Your community will be healthier for it and a healthier community is something we can all appreciate!

And Beauty

Pamper yourself for the holidays with a fun color or haircut


Large Selection of Retail Products See Gara or Erin for all your haircare needs. Gift Certificates and Stocking Stuffers Available

211 Grand Ave., Unit D Paonia • 527-5856


GIVE THE GIFT OF PARADISE! ❄ 5 & 10 Movie Punch Passes ❄ Kids, Seniors and Single Passes GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE

Film • Music Live Entertainment GET OUT! BE ENTERTAINED! SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL THEATER! 215 Grand Ave. • Paonia


Now through December 31, 2011

970-874-4141 25 Stafford Lane • Delta

First State Bank of Hotchkiss, Paonia State Bank First State Bank of Delta, LPO Crawford Country Bank

16 • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • Delta County Independent

Kentucky Bourbon Balls 1/4 cup bourbon, 86 proof 2 tablespoons dark corn syrup 1 cup finely crushed vanilla wafers 1 cup finely chopped pecans 2 tablespoons cocoa Powdered sugar

heaping tablespoons, 2 inches apart on waxed paper-lined cookie sheets. (Mixture will spread into 3-inch rounds). Let pralines stand 30 minutes or until cool before removing from waxed paper. Store in tightly covered container. Makes about 1 dozen pralines.

In a mixing bowl stir together the bourbon and corn syrup. Add the vanilla wafers, pecans, one cup powdered sugar and cocoa. Mix thoroughly. Form balls with about 1/2 tablespoon of the mixture. Place onto waxed paper covered with powdered sugar; roll the balls in the powdered sugar. Cover and refrigerate overnight. The balls will keep for weeks in the refrigerator. Before serving, roll again in powdered sugar. Makes 36 balls.

Sweet Pralines 2 cups sugar 3/4 cup evaporated milk 3 tablespoons light corn syrup Dash baking soda 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 1/2 cups pecan halves Line a large cookie sheet with waxed paper; set aside. In heavy 3-quart saucepan over medium heat, heat sugar, evaporated milk, corn syrup and baking soda to boiling, stirring constantly until mixture boils and sugar dissolves. Set candy thermometer in place. Reduce heat to low and continue cooking, stirring frequently, until temperature reaches 234°F or soft ball stage (when small amount of mixture dropped into very cold water forms a soft ball that flattens on removal from water). Quickly stir in orange juice and pecans; cook 5 minutes longer, stirring often. Remove pan from heat; beat 2 to 3 minutes until mixture just begins to lose its gloss. Working quickly, drop mixture by

Hot Fudge Fantasy Tarts Tarts 2/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1/2 cup butter 3/4 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 cup flour 30 mini paper liners Fillings Marshmallow — Press three mini marshmallows into each tart. Cherry — Press one maraschino cherry into each tart. Mint — Press an unwrapped chocolate covered soft-filled mint patty (cut into quarters) into each tart. Hot Fudge Glaze 1 cup semi-sweet real chocolate chips 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk Heat oven to 375°. In one-quart saucepan combine 2/3 cup chocolate chips and butter. Cook over low heat, stirring

occasionally, until melted and smooth (5 to 7 minutes). Pour into medium bowl; cool 5 minutes. Stir sugar, eggs and vanilla into choclate mixture. Gradually stir in flour until smooth. Line miniature muffin pans with paper liners. Spoon about 2 teaspoons batter into each liner, filling each half full. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Remove from oven; immediately press filling into center of each tart. Continue baking 2 minutes. Cool 5 minutes. Meanwhile in 1-quart saucepan combine all glaze ingredients. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly until melted and smooth. Top each tart with about 1 teaspoon fudge glaze. Refrigerate at least 1 hour to set glaze. Store at room temperature in airtight containers up to 3 days. Makes 30 tarts.

Chocolate Chip Toffee Bars 2 1/3 cups flour 2/3 cup packed light brown sugar 3/4 cup butter or margarine 1 egg, slightly beaten 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips, divided 1 cup coarsely chopped nuts 1 can (14 ounces) sweetened condensed milk 1 3/4 cups English toffee bits or almond toffee bits, divided Heat oven to 350° F. Grease 13x9x2inch baking pan. Combine flour and brown sugar in large bowl. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add egg; mix well. Stir in 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips and nuts; set aside 1 1/2 cups mixture. Press remaining crumb mixture onto bottom of prepared pan. Bake 10 min-

utes. Pour sweetened condensed milk evenly over hot crust; top with 1 1/2 cups toffeebits. Sprinkle reserved crumb mixture and remaining 1/2 cup chips over top. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup toffee bits. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Cut into bars.

Peanut Clusters 1 cup chocolate chips 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter 1 teaspoon shortening 1 cup roasted peanuts Place chocolate chips in a 1 1/2-quart casserole dish. Microwave on medium 1 1/2 minutes or until melted. Add peanut butter and shortening. Microwave on high 1 minute or until mixture is smooth and creamy. Stir in peanuts. Drop by teaspoonful onto cookie sheet lined with waxed paper. Chill until set. Store in refrigerator. Makes 2 dozen clusters.

Popcorn Crunch 2 quarts popped corn 1 1/3 cups pecans 2/3 cup almonds 1 cup butter or margarine 1 1/3 cups sugar 1/2 cup white corn syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Mix popcorn, pecans and almonds in large container. Mix butter, sugar and corn syrup in saucepan. Bring to a boil on medium heat, stirring constantly. Continue boiling, stirring occasionally, until sauce is a light caramel color and reaches the hard ball stage (250°). Remove from range and stir in vanilla. Pour syrup over popcorn mixture and stir to coat. Spread in large flat pan to cool. Break apart and store in airtight container. Makes 8 cups.

Delta County Independent • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • 17

Give a gift they can open 52 times a year!

Santa Claus is coming to town and he needs your help!

Donate a new, unwrapped toy at any collection box in Delta or make a monetary donation at: or 236 S. 3rd Street #186, Montrose, CO 81416 Please designate DELTA in the memo line

Stop in or call the Delta County Independent and have a

GIFT SUBSCRIPTION sent to friends and family on your list. DELTA COUNTY

INDEPENDENT 401 Meeker St. • Delta, CO 81416 (970) 874-4421

Sign-up is underway at the Delta County Independent, 401 Meeker St.

Holiday Open House Join Us For Food, Fun & Festivities! Thursday, December 8



Open House with Various Songs & Carols by Local Artists throughout the day 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Open House 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Drop By For Holiday Treats & Entertainment

Paonia Branch 128 Grand Ave., Paonia • 527-4122

Crawford Branch 392 Hwy. 92, Crawford • 921-4122

Family of Banks

18 • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • Delta County Independent

Ginger Pancakes With Saucy Apple Topping Pancakes: 1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 1/3 cup powdered sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ginger 1 cup light sour cream 2 tablespoons margarine, melted 1 cup apple cider or apple juice 1/4 cup skim milk 2 eggs Topping: 1/4 cup margarine 1 tablespoon cornstarch 2 tablespoons cold water 2/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 3 medium red cooking apples, cored and sliced 1/2” thick 1 cup light sour cream 2 tablespoons powdered sugar Cinnamon Pancakes: In large bowl, stir together flour, whole wheat flour, 1/3 cup powdered sugar, baking soda, baking powder, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and ginger. In small bowl, stir together all remaining pancake ingredients until smooth; stir into flour mixture until well blended. For each pancake, pour 1/4 cup batter onto lightly greased hot griddle. Cook until bubbles form on top, 1 to 2 minutes. Turn pancakes; continue cooking until bottoms are browned, 1 to 2 minutes. Keep warm. Topping: Meanwhile, in 10” skillet, melt 1/4 cup margarine. In small bowl, stir together cornstarch and water. Stir brown sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and cornstarch mixture into margarine. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves and mixture bub-

bles and thickens (1 to 2 minutes). Stir in apples. Continue cooking, stirring constantly, until apples are evenly coated and crisply tender (4 to 7 minutes). In small bowl, stir together light sour cream and 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. To serve: Spoon apple topping over hot pancakes; dollop with light sour cream mixture. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Serve immediately. Yield: 16 pancakes, 4 cups topping

Mix all ingredients until smooth and thin enough to drizzle.

Eggnog Bread 3 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1 beaten egg 1 3/4 cups eggnog 1/2 cup cooking oil 1/2 cup chopped pecans

Cranberry-Apricot Coffee Cake 3 cups Original Bisquick 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 1/2 teaspoons almond extract 2 eggs 1 cup plain low-fat yogurt 2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries, coarsely chopped 1 cup dried apricots, coarsely chopped 1/2 cup finely chopped almonds or pecans 1/4 cup orange-flavored liqueur or orange juice Orange-Almond Glaze (below)

1/2 cup golden raisins 1/2 cup sifted powdered sugar 2 to 3 teaspoons eggnog In a large mixing bowl, stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and nutmeg. Combine the egg, eggnog and oil; add to the dry ingredients, stirring just until combined. Stir in the nuts and raisins. Turn into a greased 9x5x3-inch loaf pan. Bake in a 350° oven for 60 to 70 minutes. Cover with foil after 50 minutes if bread browns too quickly. Cool in pan for 10 minutes. Remove bread from pan; cool on a wire rack. Wrap bread; store overnight. To serve, stir together powdered sugar and enough eggnog to make

Heat oven to 350°. Generously grease and flour 12-cup bundt cake pan. Stir Bisquick, sugar, oil, almond extract, eggs and yogurt in large bowl until blended. Stir in remaining ingredients except Orange-Almond Glaze. Pour into pan. Bake 55 to 60 minutes or until toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Cool 15 minutes; remove from pan to wire rack. Cool complete, about 1 hour. Drizzle with Orange-Almond Glaze. Makes 16 servings.

of drizzling consistency. Drizzle over bread. Makes 1 loaf.

Brunch Cheese Spread 1 can (8 ounces) Dole crushed pineapple in juice 8 ounces light cream cheese, softened 1 tablespoon sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons grated lemon peel 1/2 teaspoon lemon extract Drain pineapple; reserve 1 tablespoon

Orange-Almond Glaze: 1 cup powdered sugar 2 tablespoons orange juice 1/2 teaspoon almond extract

juice. Beat pineapple and juice with remaining ingredients. Spread over toasted bagels, English muffins or wheat bread.

Spicy Pumpkin Muffins 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 6 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/2 cup golden raisins 1/4 cup butter or margarine 1 cup pumpkin puree 1/2 cup milk 1 large egg Heat the oven to 400° F. Generously grease 12 muffin cups. In a large bowl, with a fork, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir in the raisins. In a 1-quart saucepan, melt the butter. Cool it slightly. Stir in the pumpkin, milk and egg. Stir the liquid into the flour mixture just until moistened; the batter will be lumpy. Divide the batter among the greased cups. Bake the muffins 15 to 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Remove the muffins from the cups and serve warm.

Delta County Independent • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • 19

Warming Winter Punch 1 Sunkist orange, unpeeled,

Pour over citrus slices; stir well. Makes

maining ice cubes. Continue processing

ginger ale and pulse once at low speed

about 8 cups (ten 6-ounce servings).

until smooth. Pour into cups, sprinkling

to combine. Serve immediately. Yields 4

with additional nutmeg.


cut in half cartwheel slices

Low Cholesterol Egg Nog

1 Sunkist lemon, unpeeeled,

8 ounces egg substitute

cut in half cartwheel slices

Sparkling Holiday Punch

Mulled Cider

2 cups water

1/4 cup water

2/3 cup unsweetened grapefruit juice

3 quarts apple cider

1/2 cup packed brown sugar

1 cup instant nonfat dry milk powder

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 cups orange juice

4 cinnamon sticks

5 tablespoons sugar

1/2 cup sugar

3/4 cup firmly packed light brown sugar

1/4 cup drained marachino cherries

1 1/2 teaspoons whole allspice

4 cups fresh squeezed orange juice

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups ice cubes

1 1/2 teaspoons whole cloves

2 cups pineapple juice

Dash nutmeg

1 can (12 ounces) chilled ginger ale

12 4-inch cinnamon sticks

Juice of 2 Sunkist lemons

12 ice cubes

Place citrus slices in heat-proof bowl or

Put egg substitute, water, instant

sugar into blender container. Process at

brown sugar in a large Dutch oven. Tie

large pitcher. In large saucepan, combine

nonfat dry milk powder, sugar, vanilla,

low speed until sugar is dissolved. Add

spices in a cheesecloth bag; drop into ci-

water, sugar and spices; bring to boil. Re-

nutmeg and six ice cubes into blender.

marachino cherries and process at high

der. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and sim-

duce heat and simmer, uncovered, for 10

Cover and process at a high speed until

speed. Remove feeder cap and add ice,

mer 15 minutes. Remove bag. Garnish

minutes. Add juices and heat. Do not boil.

smooth. With motor running, add re-

processing until slushy. Slowly pour in

each serving with a cinnamon stick.

or sugar substitute

8 whole cloves

Put grapefruit juice, lemon juice and

Combine apple cider, orange juice and

Holiday “Safetree”

Lift Chairs

Trimming the Christmas tree is one of the highlights of the holiday season. Follow these tips to make sure you’re decorating safely:


Only use indoor, UL-approved lights on your tree. Miniature lights which have cool-burning bulbs are safest. Inspect lights and repair or replace damaged strands.

Never use more than three light sets on one extension cord. Extension cords should be placed against walls to avoid tripping hazards, but never under rugs.

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Turn off all Christmas lights when you go to bed or leave the house.


Avoid placing small or breakable ornaments on lower tree branches where small children or pets can reach them.

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Have a bright and safe holiday season!

20 • 2011 Christmas Gift Guide • Delta County Independent

Start your Christmas shopping here 100s of items in stock Ornaments • Lights Wreaths • Trees

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105 Eaton Ave. Delta (behind Taco Time)


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