Delta County Independent, Oct. 3, 2012

Page 1







Students create ornaments for Capitol Christmas Tree Project, B3

Cedaredge hosts 35th annual AppleFest this weekend, C4-8

Cedaredge, Hotchkiss will be smallest schools in tennis tourney, B10


OCTOBER 3, 2012 VOL. 129, NO. 40



Death of Delta man labeled ‘suspicious’ Family identifies deceased as Chad Koch, 27 BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

The death of a 27-yearold Delta man Monday evening is being described as “suspicious” by the Delta Police Department, but family members are more forthcoming. They say Chad Koch was run down by an individual or individuals driving a black Suburban, then beat to death. Skylar Ransier is Chad’s cousin. She said she received a call from her uncle, saying something “bad” had happened to Chad. She immediately turned on the police scanner app on her smart phone. Between monitoring police activity and talking with family members, she believes she’s pieced together most of the story. Chad, she says, called the police for help Monday evening, saying someone was after him and intended to kill him. He was on his bike

riding toward the safety of a relative’s house when he was struck down near the stoplight at H-38 Road and Highway 50. At the scene Tuesday morning, she pointed out tire marks on the concrete which she believes identify the point of impact. After being hit by the Suburban, she says, Koch apparently dragged himself through the dirt in an unsuccessful attempt to escape his attacker. “You can see the marks on the ground,” she said. She was told the black Suburban was found abandoned five miles north of Delta, she added. DPD Chief Robert Thomas discounted that story, as well as rumors that shots were fired. He said an autopsy was being conducted Tuesday afternoon which would provide some answers. Investigators are still gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses, he added. According to the initial press release from the Delta Police Department, officers were called to the scene at 8:12 p.m. Monday.

Upon arrival officers found an adult male laying on the ground on private property. The adult male was deceased; the cause of death is unknown at this time. They declined to name the decedent pending notification of family. There is no risk to the community, the press release emphasized. Multiple agencies assisted in the initial investigation at the scene including the Delta County Ambulance District, Delta Fire Department, Delta County Coroner’s Office, Delta County Sheriff ’s Office, and the Colorado Department of Transportation. “We just want justice for Chad and for the children he left behind,” said Rhonda Stevens, another cousin of Chad’s. When asked about rumors that drugs were involved in the incident, Stevens asked, “If it was drug related, why would he call the cops for help?” Anyone with information concerning this incident is encouraged to contact the Delta Police Department at 874-7676.

Photo by Randy Sunderland

Passing of seasons The glorious colors of fall are quickly passing in the high country, although the remants of the golds, reds and oranges can still be enjoyed. Fortunately, the color season continues at lower elevations, with the cottonwoods along streams and the Gunnison River beginning to display their golden fall cloak.

Family is determined to fight OSHA BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The Esplins of Delta have put almost 40 years into running and building a family business at Delta Elevator. Now, an unannounced visit from a federal inspector has resulted in thousands of dollars in expense, fines and threatened fines for a long-

time Delta business. Delta Elevator has been in operation since the 1920s, explained Bob Esplin who owns the business with his son, Bobby. But the future of the enterprise could be in doubt now. That is because the Esplins are refusing to knuckle under to what they see as unfair, unreasonable

and intimidating tactics being used against them by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). When the OSHA inspector arrived unannounced at Delta Elevator in June, Bob Esplin at first objected. The business is run by the two owners and one hired hand.

DCMH recognized for ‘model’ trauma program BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

Delta County Memorial Hospital’s trauma program received high marks during a recent review by the Colorado Department of Health and Environment. Margaret Mohan RN, one of the reviewers with the Colorado State Trauma Program, said at the trauma designation review committee in Denver, “Delta County Memorial Hospital is the model Level IV Trauma program in the State of Colorado and other Level IV hospitals should look to Delta as an example.” The hospital’s trauma program centers around the emer-

INDEX Accent ........................... A4 Activities ....................... A9 AppleFest ................. C4-8 Back Page ................. D12 Business .........................B6 Church ........................... D8 Classifieds .................. D1-2 Editorial ......................... A2 Legals ......................... D3-7 North Fork Times ........B1-5 Obituaries ......................C3 School Zone ............... A6-8 Service Directory ...... D11 Sports ........................B7-10 Surface Creek News ...C1-2 TV Listings ............... D9-10

gency room, but also involves surgery, med-surg, physical therapy, the ICU, radiology and labs. “It’s really a team effort,” said acting hospital administrator Jason Cleckler. CDPHE uses ratings from I-IV to designate trauma facilities across the state, Level I being the highest. The state has three “do-it-all” facilities, all located in the Denver metro area. Level V is suitable for a rural clinic that sees urgent care, but typically doesn’t have an inpatient setting. Delta County Memorial Hospital is a Level IV facility, a designation that was renewed for the next three

years. “The review that took place at the end of August was an intensive look at the entire system, to make sure our quality of care and procedures are up to date,” Cleckler explained. The review team commended the hospital for its dedication to the program, the quality of the medical equipment at the facility and the strong support from the hospital board of directors and administrative team. Cleckler said Misty Sakala, trauma coordinator, deserves the credit for taking the program to the next level, and TRAUMA PROGRAM TO A3

It doesn’t have the three employees required for OSHA oversight. “He said the rules have been changed,” Esplin said. Bobby adds, “We asked to see the new rules and they have never shown us a copy.” It was then, Esplin explained to the DCI, the inspector threatened that if he was barred from entry that day he would return with a search warrant and other OSHA inspectors for a tour of the elevator “that will be much harder on you.” Esplin has since had second thoughts about his decision to let the inspector tour the elevator with a video camera in hand that day. “He said they were going to inspect every feed mill in Colorado,” Esplin said. The father and son didn’t hear anything more for about a month until one day the inspector arrived with a book of notes on his tour. Bobby did a walk-though with the inspector who pointed out where corrective action to improve safety could be taken. Bob states that the elevator hasn’t had more than a scraped knuckle injury in 25 years. During a tour of the elevator with the DCI, Esplin pointed out numerous places where safety fea-

Ballot initiative pamphlets available There are three ballot initiatives on the November 2012 ballot. Educational pamphlets are provided by The League of Women Voters at no cost. Ballot issues are explained and the pros and cons, as provided by the organizations supporting or opposing the initiatives, are included for each ballot issue. In addition, there is information on Colorado voting requirements, the election calendar, and much more. The ballot issues are also available in audio format at

Pamphlets are available at the Delta County Clerk’s office, the Delta County Annex in Hotchkiss, all Delta County libraries, all town offices, Delta County Memorial Hospital, and Republican and Democratic headquarters. Please call Peggy Baxter at 856-6225 if you would like to make some copies available at your place of business. Be sure to pick up your copy of the ballot issues you will be voting on in November.

tures have been in place for many years before the OSHA inspection. Esplin also admits that some of the OSHA suggestions were useful. He adds that the inspector’s suggestions were all that were necessary for the business to comply with recommendations. In fact, after the inspector’s second visit, Bobby went right to work on the recommendations, even though the Esplins thought some were unnecessary. They spent about $5,000 on the corrective measures, they said. That’s not all. Bob and Bobby and their wives toiled for hours completing paperwork and creating documentation on company safety procedures for their one employee. It was only then that OSHA let the big hammer fall on Delta Elevator. In late August Delta Elevator received an “informal settlement agreement” from the Denver OSHA office. The agreement proposed the Esplins pay an additional $7,000 in penalties for the safety improvements they had already made. The amount of the penalties could be doubled. DELTA ELEVATOR TO A3

Fall cleanup Fall cleanup is just around the corner for City of Delta residents. This year’s cleanup will start Oct. 22. Please have items ready by 7 a.m. Monday. Bag leaves, separate metal into its own pile, and cut down branches larger than 4 inches in diameter or longer than 10 feet in length. Place your items next to where you normally place your trash receptacle; avoid blocking alleys and streets. Please, no batteries, refrigerators, freezers or stumps. Remember — to avoid being missed, have all items out by 7 a.m. Oct. 22.

A2 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


LETTERS Do your homework Dear Editor: The three letters to the editor in the Sept. 26 DCI issue pretty much summed up which way our country is going and I thank them for voicing their opinion. $16 trillion in debt, over 8% unemployment, Obamacare, closed coal-power plant, regulation squeezing the life out of small businesses and the alienation of Israel, our strongest Middle East ally to name a few. It is hard for me to believe that people still think Obama is doing a good job. I truly feel 50% of this country is uniformed; they must be if they get their info from TV shows, like the View or Letterman. It is sad.

As someone from the Chicagoland area I am very familiar with the crooked politics that generates from Cook County. Believe me, Obama is a perfect fit. Government rules, not the people. Wake up citizens! Our politicians are employed by us. If we have someone working for us that doesn’t do a good job, they are fired, or nicer term, let go. Obama has done a terrible job. No matter what party you are affiliated with you have to see what is happening to OUR country. You want socialism, and then go live somewhere else where your taxes will be 80% of your salary. That is the route

Obama is taking our country. We need an experienced person who will correct the mistakes from the last 3.5 years and beyond and not create more. Romney has the experience and brought with him an economist, Ryan. A successful business person and an economist. Their philosophy is to empower people. They are a much better team than Obama and Biden, who spend and enable. Please do you homework — are you really better off than you were 3.5 years ago? Look at the stats, I doubt it. Mary Martindale Crawford

Obama versus Romney Dear Editor: This is the most emotional and irrational presidential campaign I have ever witnessed. By nature I am a Libertarian; however, I have to choose between a Democrat and Republican, or I will be throwing my vote away. Many of you may be in the same position. Here are my thoughts on who to vote for. Simply put, if you want more of the same, vote for Obama. If you want things to change, vote for Romney. Based on personal observations, hundreds of hours of reading books, articles, blogs, etc. these are the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate. President Obama is first of all an over-achiever. His credentials alone would have never gotten him the job. His lack of experience in leadership, finance, economics, business, budgeting, foreign affairs and history have hurt this country immeasurably. His presidency has been one of trial and error, mismanagement and poor communications. He has tried to hide these weaknesses by being ever-present in our lives and communicating his vision of how he would like things to go. He seems to have no clue as to how to get any of these things done. He has accomplished very few of his goals. Good presidents work every bill thru Congress by working with the opposition. This has not been done. As a result we have a divided country. This president’s primary strength is his speaking ability and his ability to make people like him in spite of the job he has done. He has been a non-stop campaigner for his “vision of how things ought to be”

but has never really filled in the details. Americans really don’t know yet who he is. His birth, upbringing, friends and mentors are the subject of much frustration and debate. The most amazing thing about all of that is that he has managed to achieve what he has. Extreme liberal, socialist, anti-colonial, radical, all these have been used to describe him. He says he is for the “common man,” the oppressed, those unable to help themselves. Is that enough? I will let you be the judge. Mitt Romney, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. His credentials are much more mainstream, visible and evident in nearly everything he does. His birth, family, upbringing and associates are there for all to see or inquire about. What you see is what you get. He has a history of leadership, management, finance, public service and hard work. His main fault is communicating his vision of the future. He has hard goals of reducing the deficit. He also wants to reduce the overall size of government and its interference in our lives. Looking at his record as governor of Massachusetts he certainly has had some success and some failure in all of those. He also has a record of getting things done and working with the opposition. His opponents say he is greedy, uncaring, and doesn’t understand the “common man.” I will let you be the judge of that. The realities of being president are much different than their campaign goals and speeches. Simply put the government almost never shrinks, deficits almost never go away, and a

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INDEPENDENT DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (UPS 152-700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Second class postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416 401 Meeker St. • Delta, CO 81416 • (970) 874-4421 News: Advertising: MANAGEMENT Publishers .... Norman & Gladys Sunderland General Manager ........... Randy Sunderland Managing Editor ................. Pat Sunderland Advertising Manager . Roxanne McCormick Production Manager ......... Ron Sunderland

YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delta County (includes Olathe Somerset & Maher) ....$25.00 Seniors in Delta County (65 and over) ....................................$22.00 In-State ............................................$29.00 Out-of-State .....................................$33.00

president’s success or failure depends on a lot of things that he cannot control. Is the “common man” any better off under either a Democrat or Republican? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. Do entitlements get cut or eliminated? No, they don’t. What’s different about this election? We are on the verge of some very serious financial challenges that can no longer be ignored. The consequences will be enormous if we don’t get our finances under control. We also face enormous security threats from underdeveloped and unstable countries that don’t share our values and goals. I can’t help but think that this next president will be challenged to the hilt to get things done. I hope you all will make the right choice. Jim Timmerwilke Cedaredge

Letter writer’s claims questioned Dear Editor: In Marc Kanter’s letter of Sept. 12, he stated that local billionaire Bill Koch was on the board of directors of the Smithsonian Institute. However, the institute’s web page lists only DAVID Koch as a member of the advisory board. Also I wonder about the claim that Bill Koch has “donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the community.” Yes, thousands have been donated, mostly through his coal companies, but “hundreds” of thousands? Seems like the kind of exaggeration a politican would make. Wes Perrin Paonia

Give credit where credit is due Dear Editor: The North Fork Mosquito Abatement District has a comprehensive trapping program and sets traps regularly within the boundaries of the district from June to September. There are approximately 18 traps set weekly in the NFMAD district by the volunteers. There are 10 traps set by the Delta County Health Department, five in the Delta area and five in the Surface Creek area. The ONLY reason the health department knew that there was WNV in the early part of the season in the NFMAD district was due to the work of the NFMAD volunteers. Trapping mosquitoes is not that difficult, but, and this is a big but, you have to be very careful about using repellant! You can’t get repellant anywhere near the traps, you can’t have it on your hands, you can’t spray it on in between setting a trap here and setting a trap there. In other words, the trapping crews

put themselves at risk every time they go out! And that’s not the whole story: There are the counters and identifiers. Again, it is volunteers who count and identify every mosquito caught. The culex are separated off and sent down to the health department, which then forwards them to a lab where WNV testing is performed. When WNV is found in a batch, people in that area and the entire county are notified. The county has admitted that it does not have the personnel or funds to take over the 28 trap sites within the NFMAD District and Delta County. If it weren’t for NFMAD volunteers, there would be fewer mosquitoes trapped, identified, culex sorted and batches prepared for testing. No one would know that West Nile virus was active in the area or at the very least it would be less likely that people would know ahead of a human or animal case. Is

ignorance bliss? I heard someone smirk and make a negative comment about the appreciation party that was given for the volunteers. Give me a break. These people are doing a fabulous job, putting themselves at risk, and providing invaluable information to you and the Delta County Health Department. I heard Ken Nordstrom say over and over that, “We found the virus much earlier than usual.” We who? The NFMAD volunteer team in cooperation with Delta County — that’s who. I’m writing this because I would like everyone to know who should be getting the credit in the Hotchkiss and Paonia area for the early warnings and comprehensive monitoring. NFMAD. I just want to see credit served where credit is due. In appreciation for all who work to help to keep us informed. Keeping safe is a personal responsibility. Lulu Volckhausen Paonia

Do-gooders do good Dear Editor: I want to thank Dick Moore for his letter to the editor (Sept. 19 DCI) calling attention to the pervasive littering problem in Delta County. I share his disgust with the individuals who thoughtlessly dump trash on the roadside and our public lands, expecting the “trash fairies” to clean up after them. As a representative of local “do-gooders,” as Mr. Moore so aptly described the Conservation Center membership, I would like to remind him and the community about all the good that we do for Delta County. Last year alone, we helped private land owners protect 800 acres of wildlife and agricultural lands in permanent conservation easements, completed our 12th year of water quality and bacteria monitoring; collected 150 water samples for a selenium characterization study to evaluate the impacts of irrigation on water quality; brought 155 community members down the Gunnison River as part of our 13th annu-

al River Awareness Float Trip; hired local artists to install a river overlook platform at the Paonia River Park; organized a River Park volunteer clean-up day; organized over 1,300 volunteer work hours to remove invasive tamarisk and Russian olive trees along the river; published the 2012 Delta County Recycle Guide; successfully advocated for Delta County to install a free recycling center in Hotchkiss; organized over 300 volunteer hours for the Cherry Days Green Team and Zero Waste Zone; and sponsored Pick-Up America’s volunteer clean-up which collected 720 pounds of trash from local roads. We did this in addition to representing the hundreds of community members who asked us to fight an absolutely inappropriate lease sale that would allow drilling to occur next to our schools and water supplies. Maybe we are blowing our own horn, but the Conservation Center and our members do great work and we are an asset

to this community. Could we do more? Absolutely! Since we are a people-powered organization, we do as much as what the people of our community are capable and motivated to do. Do we pick up trash? Definitely! And we welcome anyone who is interested in making Delta County a healthier and less-littered place to stop by the Conservation Center’s office at 204 Poplar Avenue in Paonia. Ask about volunteer opportunities, become a member, or even sit in on our recycling or public lands committees. We can’t do it all, but the “do-gooders” of the Conservation Center sure do a lot. Why not join us? As our mission states, we welcome anyone who wishes to “protect, preserve, and enhance the natural, human, and economic resources of the North Fork of the Gunnison and the Lower Gunnison Watersheds.” Sarah Sauter Executive Director NFRIA-WSERC Conservation Center

Sustainable development draws a large crowd Dear Editor: On Sept. 22, three nationally known speakers came to the Performing Arts Center in Delta — Tom DeWeese, Dr. Michael Coffman and Michael Chapman, to educate citizens on sustainable development and Agenda 21. People attended from as far away as Aurora knowing the significance of

Consider before voting Dear Editor: Government dependency programs have jumped for the fourth year in a row, while an ever-shrinking number of we-the-taxpayers struggle to pay for them. Almost 50% of Americans pay no income tax to help fund the programs that almost 50% of Americans use for food, housing, school lunches, etc. This unsustainable system will surely collapse if we keep the same president. President Obama missed his daily INTEL briefings (not unusual) for several days before 9/11. The murders that day of our diplomats and Navy Seals in Libya were the result of a planned terrorist attack for which our embassy was inexcusably not adequately prepared or armed. This administration then unsuccessfully tried to convince us that the attacks were spontaneous demonstrations caused by an Internet video dis-

Delta County Independent

respectful of Mohammed. Obama should have been paying attention, but he thought that his election alone would magically change the world. Or he wanted the U.S. brought down a peg. Which was it? In 2008, candidate Obama pledged: “Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase — not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” However, the CBO just determined that Obamacare’s insurance mandate will tax six million Americans a minimum of $695 apiece in 2016, increasing through 2022. Almost five million of those people will have incomes well below the federal poverty level, according to the CBO. Another broken pledge. Vote wisely. Our future is at stake. Angie Many Eckert

the information that was being put forth. Public officials, both elected and appointed, and candidates were invited to attend, including Scott Tipton, Don Coram, Ellen Roberts, Montrose, Delta, and Mesa County commissioners, sheriffs and all school board members and superintendents in both Montrose and Delta. Tickets were purchased for all Delta school board members and the superintendent and two tickets were given to one member of the board in particular in Montrose because she is also a candidate for a commissioner seat. Knowledge of Agenda 21 and sustainable development runs far deeper than just knowing when it was signed onto, which appeared to be the extent of knowledge by Kjersten Davis at a debate I attended at the Holiday Inn Express. The United Nations’ Agenda 21, sustainable development, is the covert takeover of our nation through policies and regulations put forth by different agencies such as the Forest Service, BLM, EPA, OSHA, to name a few. United Nations mandates are also being implemented through foundations and organizations that offer grants to our counties, cities and towns when they buy into and become a part of those grants. If a public official or candidate doesn’t understand how these policies, that restrict private property,

are being implemented through these agencies, foundations and organizations, how can they, as servants of the People, stand between those policies and the People? I must say there were interested officials and potential officials that attended, namely, incumbent Montrose commissioner candidates David White and Ron Henderson, Mike Mason, a lawful write-in candidate for Delta County, Rose Pugliese, John Justmen candidates for Mesa County commissioner positions, Jack Flowers, commissioner position for Ouray County, Gary Ellis Montrose County commissioner, Kathy Ellis, Montrose City councilwoman, Montrose Sheriff Rick Dunlap, Kathy Svenson, Delta County school board member and Caryn Gibson, superintendent. The conference brought an audience of 250 concerned citizens so I may have missed one or two other officials but I’m thrilled that it brought the interest that it did of those seeking to know more and understand better United Nations’ Agenda 21 and sustainable development. For those that missed the conference, we are selling DVDs at a cost of $25 for a set of four. Checks can be mailed to Barbara Hulet 2218 5900 Road, Olathe, CO 81425. Make checks payable to SDA Conference. Barbara Hulet Olathe


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Oct. 9 is last day to register to Delta Elevator PAGE A1 vote in the November election FROM In spite of two phone

Starting Friday, Oct. 5 ★ ★ Cinema 1 ★ ★

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poster campaigns. DCMH has sponsored the Western Colorado Trauma Conference for the past four years, which brings other trauma physicians to Delta County to offer education to the medical community.


(4:40 p.m. Saturday & Sunday)


Frankenweenie Traditional 2-D


✦ ✦ Penthouse ✦ ✦ 7:10 & 9:30 p.m. Friday & Saturday 7:10 p.m. Only Sunday-Thursday (2:20 & 4:45 p.m. Saturday & Sunday)

Starring Clint Eastwood

Trouble with the Curve PG-13

Church hosts Raised to Life Raised to Life, an evening of musical worship, is planned at Delta Christian Church Saturday, Oct. 6, beginning at 7 p.m. The church is located at 795 1600 Road. There is no charge for admission. Childcare will not be available.

✃ ✁

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St. Luke’s Episcopal Church invites the community to a special

Prayer Service of Thanksgiving

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 • 6:00 P.M. The Feast of St. Luke the Physician at 145 W. 5th Street in Delta We want to take this opportunity to offer thanks and honor to the Physicians, Nurses and Hospice Volunteers who serve our community and surrounding area.

Frankenweenie 3-D Only

7:05 p.m. Friday, Saturday & Sunday (2:10 p.m. Saturday & Sunday)


FROM PAGE A1 for organizing and spearheading a successful review. In addition to commenting on Sakala’s excellent work, the reviewers cited the strength of having codirectors Michelle Gordon MD and Laura McCrackin MD as they provide consistent leadership and bring an emergency room and surgical prospective to the program. Trauma is a preventable event, so the hospital’s work in injury prevention was also recognized. The program was noted to be doing great community education through newspaper articles, safety programs and

We will no longer be having late shows Sunday-Thursday. Please see for new specials and discounts.

M-F 9:00-4:00 • Sat., 9:00-1:00

Delta Elevator has served the county’s economic foundation of small agriculture under ownership of the Esplin family for almost 40 years.

Trauma program

$5 for Child/Seniors, 3D Movies $9 for Adult, $8 Child/Senior

Next to Cliff’s RV

WED., OCT. 10 All seats, all shows $6 for Adults,

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Photo by Hank Lohmeyer


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Feature Times: — Friday — 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. — Saturday — 4:00, 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. — Sunday-Monday — 7:00 & 9:00 p.m.



WED. & THURS., OCT. 3 & 4 Feature Times: 7:00 & 9:15 p.m.


Additions to the rec center aquatics complex and fitness area will be budgeted in 2013, Delta City Council members agreed after hearing rec center manager Wilma Erven say she already has the funds on hand. The capital project will include a 40x70-foot multipurpose room that will be used for dance classes, spin (bike) classes and tae kwon do. The room currently used for dance classes will be converted to a racquetball court, as originally designed. The cost for that addition is $322,000; the aquatics additions have been priced at close to $2.2 million, although Erven believes the renovations can be completed for less. Plus, she believes, an increase in revenues will “much” offset the expenditure because people who have complained that the water is too cool and the pool contains too much chlorine will be much happier with the warmer temperatures and UV filtration. The 6,000-square-foot addition will incorporate a new therapy pool, wellness pool and “lazy river” for walking. Warm water temperatures facilitate rehabilitation for patrons undergoing physical therapy and are beneficial for those who suffer from arthritis and joint pain. Erven has the funds in hand, thanks to voter approval of a 3/4¢ sales tax extension in 2010. The rec center also receives a quarter cent from the

city’s 3.9% sales tax on a permanent basis, to help cover operations and maintenance. Parks supervisor Paul Suppes is asking for increased funding for flowers and chemicals. He showed a conceptual plan of the landscaping which will complement the new sign to Devil’s Thumb Golf Course at Highway 50 and H38 Road. He received a grant of $8,000 for a water tap, irrigation, trees and seeding, but will need a budget increase to cover the flowers he plans to plant in that area. In addition, he told council members former city manager Joe Kerby worked out an agreement with Maverik, the new convenience store under construction at the corner of Highway 50 and 92, to place two flower beds along Highway 50 and one along Highway 92. The three flower beds, which would be the size of the median planters, are to be planted and maintained by the city. They’ll require 250-350 plants each. The news of this agreement came as a surprise to council members. Saying she felt “blindsided,” councilmember Mary Cooper asked if there is a possibility of cutting back on other remote parks to help cover the increased cost of the new flowerbeds. The alternate truck route and visitors’ center will create even more opportunities for landscaping and maintenance. The flowers are nice, but they’re also expensive to maintain, Cooper noted. “I’m going to agree with Mary here,” said councilmember Robert Jurca. “Something is going to have to give.” Budget discussions with other departments are ongoing.

452 MAIN - 874-9770

Managing Editor



Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Bobby, Franny, and Bob Esplin with some of the paperwork generated by their efforts to comply with OSHA rules. Their business, Delta Elevator, still faces threat of thousands of dollars in penalties in connection with OSHA-required work already completed at the elevator. The Esplins are standing up to the treatment they’ve received from the federal agency.

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Hope Springs

calls from OSHA pressuring them to sign, the Esplins aren’t signing. The OSHA document also proposes that the Esplins will agree to other points including the following: • Accept provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970; • Waive rights to contest the penalties assessed in the agreement document; • Agree to submit to future OSHA “audits.” Bob Esplin replied to OSHA with an agreement document of his own requiring the following from OSHA’s Denver officials: • Provide certified proof of employment capacity with the agency; • Provide certified copies of oath of office and bond guaranteeing faithful performance of duties; • Provide certified copy of delegation of authority authorizing enforcement of federal law and to represent OSHA in the inspection; • Cite specific federal statutes and regulations that make Delta Elevator subject to OHSA jurisdiction; • Cite the federal statutes giving force and effect to the regulations that Delta Elevator has been charged with violating. Bob Esplin’s letter is dated Sept. 13 and it asks the OSHA officials to respond within 30 days. The Denver OSHA office did not respond by deadline to a DCI e-mail request for comment. Bob Esplin is standing up for his rights, and also for his family. “We have been in business in Delta 39 years as of August,” Esplin told the DCI. He and his wife have raised 12 children in the community. The OSHA payment plan of $292 per month for 24 months is money that, if the Esplins actually earn, is going to help pay their children’s and grandchildren’s college expenses, Bob said.


you may not be registered. You will need to check your voter registration status by going to to check to see if you are registered as an active voter or if you need to register. Tuesday, Oct. 9, is the last day you can register to vote in the November 2012 election. All voters who vote at the polls must provide identification. If you are voting by mail for the first time, you may also need to provide a photocopy of your identification.


tion by visiting www. to find their polling place, check voting hours, learn about the candidates and ballot measures and read tips about voting in Colorado. provides simple, helpful tools to help voters navigate the voting process and Election Day. is the nation’s premiere online election resource. If you did not vote in the 2010 general election, or if you registered to vote using a mobile device or tablet between September 14 and 24,

The League of Women Voters of Montrose and Delta Counties president Karen Connor urges voters in Montrose and Delta to prepare for the upcoming general elec-

This is our Third Annual Appreciation Service. Please join us to give thanks to the men and women who give so much to the health of our community and throughout the county. There will be an informal reception following the service in the parish hall. If you wish to nominate someone for their outstanding service please let us know their name and how they are a champion for the common good. (email Please send this reservation form to St. Luke’s, 145 W. 5th Street, Delta, CO 81416 or email your intentions to Name: Field of Practice: Address: E-Mail:


Phone: Number Attending:

A4 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Reduce your risk of stroke or a bone fracture Residents living in and around Delta can be screened to reduce their risk of having a stroke or bone fracture. Calvary Baptist Church will host Life Line Screening on Friday, Oct. 5. The church

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is located at 1290 A Street in Delta. Four key points every person needs to know: • Stroke is the third leading cause of death and a leading cause of permanent disability. • 80% of stroke victims had no apparent warning signs prior to their stroke. • Preventive ultrasound screenings can help you avoid a stroke. • Screenings are fast, noninvasive, painless, affordable and convenient. Screenings identify potential cardiovascular conditions such as blocked arteries and irregular heart rhythm, abdominal aortic aneurysms, and hardening of the arteries in the legs, which is a strong predictor of heart disease. A bone density screening to assess osteoporosis risk is also offered for both men and women. Packages start at $159. All five screenings take 6090 minutes to complete. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 1-877-2371287 or visit www.lifeline Pre-registration is required.

DINNER AND SHOW Friday, October 12

BIRTHS Ashley Blair and Matthew Garcia of Delta are the parents of a son, Matthew Alfred Garcia Jr., born Sept. 20, 2012, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. He weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces and was 20.5 inches in length.

Mary and Harold Frazier

Fraziers celebrate 60 years of marriage Harold and Mary Frazier of Cedaredge will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Oct. 5. They were married Oct. 5, 1952, in Black Forest. They have three children.

Delta County Independent

Ashurst, Matzat wed in garden ceremony D.J. Ashurst and Sarah Matzat exchanged wedding vows in a garden ceremony Sept. 2, 2012. A reception and dance followed at the Highland Ranch Mansion. D.J. is the son of Jim and Stephanie Wrich of Delta and Daniel Ashurst of Grand Junction. Sarah is the daughter of Jim and Terry Matzat of Castle Rock. The colors of brown and lime green were chosen for the wedding and reception. The garden was beautifully decorated with various white flowers and green apple accents. The maid of honor was Molly Matzat, younger sister of the bride from Colorado Springs. Bridesmaids were college friends Jessica (Beezy) Doscher and Ashley Gentry, childhood friends Kelly Wagenaar, Alyssa Davanzo, Megan Nobles and Brielle Smith, and high school friend Hanna Andress. The best man was Tim Ashurst, younger brother of the groom from Golden. Groomsmen were Levi Wrich, youngest brother of the groom, college friends Chris Reyn-

olds, Marcus Benson, Palani Greenwell, Azlan Sharifudin, Nick Hansen, Brian Stanley and Jacob Fielding. The bride and groom stayed at the Brown Palace in downtown Denver on their wedding night and plan on making their home down under in Aus-

tralia. The groom is a 2007 graduate of Delta High School and a 2011 graduate of Colorado School of Mines. The bride is a 2008 graduate of Rock Canyon High School and a 2012 graduate of Colorado State University.

D.J. Ashurst and Sarah Matzat

Pink ribbons are being sold during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Dinner 6 p.m.-Show 8 p.m. Delta Elks Lodge Room $25 per person • Limited Seating

RSVP to 874-3624 by Oct. 5 For Elks and their guests only.

Curves of Delta, a locally owned women’s fitness facility, is observing Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October by holding a fundraiser for Delta Doves, a local organization that provides scholarships for breast imaging examinations. Various businesses in Delta will be displaying and selling pink ribbons at a cost of $1 each throughout the month of October. These businesses have been challenged to sell more ribbons than their competitors in the areas of styling salons, restaurants, spirits and wine retailers, rental centers and retail sales. Winners in each category will be announced at the end of the month. Any

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR 2 PERFORMANCES SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 6:00 & 8:30 p.m. $15 in Advance • $20 at Door Tickets available at Delta Chamber of Commerce, Delta County Federal Credit Union (Delta/Hotchkiss), Delta County Independent & Delta Elks

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Open to the Public




Lodge 1235 563 Main St. • 874-3624

business that has not yet been contacted and wishes to join in the fun can call Curves at 874-8058. “Curves’ mission is to strengthen women through health and fitness, and Detla Doves’ mission is to maintain the health and well-being of women in the community, so we make a great team,” said Donna Deleff, co-owner and office manager of Curves at 45 West 3rd Street in Delta. “Our corporation is named the Determined Women of Delta, LLC, and we are determined to see to it that women in our area who need this imaging can have it. No cancer should go undetected because of cost,” added Carol Phelps, co-

owner of Curves. Delta Doves (the Delta Organization of Volunteers to Educate and Support) exists for the sole purpose of raising funds to assist women under age 50 in Delta County who are uninsured or who otherwise cannot afford a breast imaging examination. Women over 50 may obtain assistance through a separate government-funded pro-

love love

love ,

321 Main Montrose 249-3231

services in the community,” said Aimee QuadriChavez, adult services coordinator of Hilltop’s Tri-County Resources. “It will be used to provide vital services, including emergency shelter, counseling and a 24-hour crisis line, as well as to continue our prevention and education efforts throughout the communities we serve.” The HopeLine program collects no-longer used wireless phones, batteries and accessories from any wireless carrier. Phones that can be refurbished are sold for reuse and those without value are disposed of in an environmentally sound way. Proceeds from the program are used to provide wireless phones and cash grants to local shelters and non-profit organizations that focus on domestic violence and prevention awareness. “Through the HopeLine program, we are able to invest in programs that enhance prevention through education and that provide relief and services for survivors,” said Chris Lewter, regional president of Verizon Wireless. “This way we can help raise awareness about domestic violence and support the organizations which serve the communities where our customers and employees live and work.” HopeLine phone donations are accepted at all Verizon Wireless Communications stores. For more information about HopeLine, visit www. line.


Your New Fall Look

Grant aids domestic violence survivors Tri-County Resources, serving families in Delta, Montrose and Ouray County whose lives have been touched by the national epidemic of domestic violence, recently received a HopeLine from Verizon grant of $2,500 to support its work. Verizon Wireless’ HopeLine program supports domestic violence prevention and awareness programs nationwide. “This generous donation from Verizon Wireless will help us reach out to those who need our

gram. Since its inception in 1998, the Delta Doves have paid for several hundred breast imaging examinations. Following a professional exam at a physician’s office or the Delta County Health Department, women may qualify for a free imaging exam based on their financial need. For further details, contact the Delta County Health Department at 874-2165.

Call now for your appointment Clean Salon • Affordable Prices • Fun Environment! Se habla Español


The Makeover Place 1410 Valley View Drive, Unit 300 Delta • 874-1818

APPLE PINWHEELS In Scottsdale, Arizona, Christine Campos swirls convenient crescent roll dough with a spiced apple filling for homemade appeal. “The apple flavor is simply wonderful,” she reports. “For an extraspecial touch, drizzle the rolls with a confectioners’ sugar glaze.” 24 Servings Prep: 20 min. Bake: 20 min. 1/3 cup water 1/3 cup butter 1-1/3 cups sugar, divided 2 tubes (8 ounces each) refrigerated crescent rolls 3 cups finely chopped peeled tart apples 1 teaspoon apple pie spice

1800 Rd. & Hwy. 92 Delta 874-5000

In a saucepan, combine water, butter and 1 cup sugar; cook over medium heat until butter is melted and sugar is dissolved. Set aside. Unroll each tube of crescent roll dough into a rectangle; seal seams and perforations. Combine the apples, pie spice and remaining sugar; sprinkle over dough to within 1 in. of edges. Roll up, jelly-roll style, starting with a long side. Cut into 1-in. rolls; place in a greased 13-in. x 9in. x 1-in. baking dish. Pour syrup over rolls. Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown. Serve warm.

Each Issue of Taste of Home, a friendly, full-color food magazine, includes over 85 taste-tempting recipes. For a sample copy, send $2 to Taste of Home, Suite 4321, PO Box 990, Greendale WI 53129-0990. Visit our Web page at

Mon.-Sat. 9-6 Sun. 10-5


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Paint the town green for DHS Delta High School is sponsoring a window decorating contest for Delta area businesses in conjunction with Homecoming 2012. The theme is “One Town, One Team, One Goal.� Details are available by calling Robin Liston at 874-8031. Homecoming activities begin Friday, Oct. 5, with Stoplight Day and continue throughout the following week. Monday is Senior Citizen Day, Tuesday is Clone Day, Wednesday is Gender Bender Day and Thursday is Pink Out Day. At the volleyball game that night, fans are encouraged to wear pink in support of a fundraiser sponsored by Beauty & the Bling. Admission proceeds will go toward cancer research. The bonfire follows the game. Friday is Spirit Day. Students and staff will be decked out in green, white and black. Games are planned during the

Photo submitted

Intrado team supports housing projects Intrado, a Colorado-based company that assures 911 emergency alert systems work in America, sent 18 volunteer workers to assist in remodeling Delta’s Hope House and a second family home in Lazear this past week. This is the third year Intrado has supported the work of Habitat for Humanity in Delta County. Brian Davenport, an employee of Intrado and son of Fred Davenport, a local builder in Delta, organized the philanthropic endeavor. Part of the team worked with local Habitat volunteers to paint, build an addition and remove old windows and faulty shingles at 260 Howard Street in Delta. Habitat is partnering with Drug-Free Delta County (DFDC) to provide transitional housing for persons in recovery from substance abuse. Earlier in the week, Habitat local volunteers Ed Bliss, Fred Davenport, Charlie Bishop, Felix Trujillo and Steve Herrera poured a foundation and pad for a new addition to the DFDC facility. The Intrado team also completely sheetrocked and replaced windows on a needy family’s home in Lazear.

Homeless shelter seeks home of its own After two seasons of operating in the basement of the Delta United Methodist Church, the volunteers and board of directors at the Abraham Connection/Delta County Homeless Shelter are ready for their own building.

“We have grown exponentially over the past two seasons of service,� said board president Cheryl Oeltjenbruns. “We have loved serving our guests while housed at the church and we’re very grateful to that congregation for their hospitality, but we know that we will only continue to grow. We need our own space.� The homeless shelter is open seasonally from Nov. 1 through April 30. During the past two seasons, volunteers spent over 7,800 hours providing 679 bednights and 1,126 meals. From season one to season two, both the number of guests served and the number of bednights/ meals increased threefold, Oeltjenbruns said. The board hopes to raise $275,000 through a combination of private donations, fundraisers and grants in order to purchase a building. This past summer, the board was able to raise about $8,000 from various

fundraisers. That money was added to the building fund. The board has nearly $25,000 set aside for the building purchase. Several grants have been submitted, and the board will be notified in December if it received any of those monies. The board of directors launched a capital building campaign on Oct. 1 to raise funds to purchase its own building. Through the “A Home of Our Own� campaign, individuals, businesses and civic organizations can buy a square foot or can sponsor a room. One square foot is $120, and can be paid at once or spread over 12 months. Two square feet is $200. Those who buy one or two square feet will be recognized on a donor plaque, which will be hung at the new shelter. There is also the opportunity to sponsor a room. At the $1,500 level, you can sponsor a counseling room or a computer room, which will be used for kids’ homework help, to help guests search for jobs or apply for benefits. At the $2,000 level, you can sponsor our intake/ reception area, which is where guests are first screened for suitability for shelter each evening. At the $5,000 level, you can sponsor a family room, bathroom/showers, or separate sleeping areas for families, veterans, women and men. Lastly, for $25,000, you can sponsor a kitchen. All room sponsorships from $1,500-$25,000 will allow the donor or donors to name the room. “We encourage families or several groups to

go in together and sponsor a room,� said board member Kathi Bledsoe. “Your gift will truly make a difference in the lives of those we serve.� “All along we have said that the Abraham Connection is truly a community operation,� Oeltjenbruns said. “We aren’t serving a lot of transients. We serve those in our community who have fallen on hard times. We can better serve our guests, and serve more guests, when we have our own space. And to do that, we again ask for the community’s help.� The “A Home of Our Own� campaign will run through the end of October. All donations are tax-deductible. The board has put out a flier detailing the campaign. Pick one up

in Delta County businesses, or call the shelter phone at 773-8290 for a brochure to be mailed or e-mailed to you. Please also call that number for any questions, or to vol-

We’ved Move o next t ass l B&B G

unteer in the shelter. “We thank you in advance for your help,� Bledsoe added. “This community is making a difference in so many lives.�

afternoon, and there will be a stadium/gymnasium decorating competition. Teachers will decorate their doors. The Panthers face Battle Mountain at 7 p.m. for the Homecoming football game. Royalty will be crowned during halftime. Cross-country, soccer and volleyball competitions round out the week, which culminates Saturday with the Homecoming dance from 9 p.m. to midnight.

City offices close for Columbus Day The City of Delta government offices will be closed Monday, Oct. 8, in recognition of Columbus Day. Bill Heddles Recreation Center and Devil’s Thumb Golf Club will be open their regular hours. Monday’s refuse will be picked up on Tuesday, Oct. 9.


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SHEARS TO YOU 695 Industrial Blvd. #2 & 3 • Delta

(970) 399-3058

County audit shows finances in good shape BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The Delta County Commissioners got a good report on county finances from auditor Pete Blair who delivered his 2011 audit report at a recent meeting. According to the audit report Blair delivered orally to the commissioners on Sept. 17, the county’s assets exceed its liabilities by $154 million, mostly in roads and other infrastructure. Other highlights of the report were that the county has $13.2 million in available cash reserves, $2.4 million of which is restricted for particular uses. The county’s general financial picture is greatly improved because it carries no debt. Blair was highly complimentary of the county finance department and

of Margaret Davey and Sandy Cross who keep track of county finances and documentation needed for the annual audit. County treasurer Jim Ventrello was also singled out by Blair for exceptional work handling county funds. In a separate item at the commissioners’ meeting, they discussed the issue of possibly divesting ownership of oil and gas mineral rights underlying 33 parcels that have other surface ownership. Two individuals recently contacted the county wanting to purchase the county’s oil and gas rights underlying their private surface ownership. County attorney Christine Knight told the commissioners that to divest any of the rights requires a public sale, according to state statute.

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A6 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

Jaden Cowley awarded Boy Scouts’ highest honor

Photo submitted

Bus safety Delta County School District bus drivers teamed up to provide bus safety lessons at Lincoln Elementary. Delta drivers Tammy Gray and Liz Monzingo help kindergartner Megan Nguyen practice an emergency evacuation procedure out of the rear exit of the school bus.


CALENDAR Thur., Oct. 4 Fri., Oct. 5 Sat., Oct. 6

Sun., Oct. 7 Mon., Oct. 8

Oct. 8-13 Tues., Oct. 9 Wed., Oct. 10

Freshman Football vs. Olathe at Home, 4:00 p.m.; Volleyball at Home vs. Grand Valley, 4:00, 5:00 & 6:00 p.m. Softball at Home vs. Eagle Valley, 11:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.; Football at Cortez, 7:00 p.m. Band - Colorado West Marching Festival at Grand Junction; Cross Country at Cortez Invitational; JV Softball at Rifle; Volleyball at Eagle Valley, 11:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon & 1:00 p.m. Colorado Western Slope College Fair at Aspen High School, 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Homecoming Week — Dress Up for Senior Citizen Day; Chalk Art Contest; JV Football vs. Olathe at Home, 4:00 p.m.; Parent Accountability Meeting, 6:00 p.m. CMU Free Application Week. Dress Up for Clone Day. Dress Up for Gender-Bender Day; Volleyball at Home vs. GJ Central, 4:30 & 6:30 p.m.

Sponsored By:

Pest Away Spraying 874-4841

Jaden Cowley, a senior at Delta High School, completed his Eagle Scout project and passed his board of review in July. He plans to be awarded the honor at a Troop 481 Eagle Scout court of honor later this fall. By receiving his Eagle award, Cowley joins an elite group of only 2.1 million fellow recipients since 1912, despite enrollment of nearly 90 million boys into the Boy Scouts of America over that same period of time. Fewer than 2 percent earn Boy Scouts’ highest rank. Notable Eagles include political figures President Gerald Ford, Donald Rumsfeld and Ross Perot, astronauts Neil Armstrong and James Lovell, professional athletes John Beck, Deuce Lutui, Albert Belle and Bill Bradley, movie producer Steven Spielberg and financial mogul Sam Walton, to name a few. Cowley completed over 21 merit badges and multiple rank advancements,

served in positions of leadership and provided hundreds of service hours while on this trek. His final project was to design, collect materials, construct and erect two covers for the youth baseball fields behind the Bill Heddles Recreation Center. He completed the construction in the spring of 2011. Cowley had much help from the community and he would like to thank first his parents Neil and Ronda Cowley and his family for their support; secondly, Troop, 481, sponsored by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its congregation; and thirdly, Paul Suppes, Delta city parks manager. Materi-

Jaden Cowley als were donated by ISI, Doughty Steel, Pro Build, Ace Hardware, Rocky Mountain Rebar and

Sherwin Williams. Cowley hopes the dugout covers will protect players from the elements and any foul balls. In addition, Cowley is very active in his school and community where he participated in cross country, football and basketball, was junior class president, senior class treasurer and continues to work on student council. He holds a leadership position in his church as first assistant in the Priest Quorum to the bishop, Matt Clark, of the Delta Ward. He is a member of the National Honor Society and hopes to study journalism at Brigham Young University.

Become a better babysitter The next two-day Babysitter Training Course, taught by a Red Cross certified instructor, is scheduled at Bill Heddles Recreation Center Oct. 17 and 18. The cost is $90. This course is designed for 10- to 15year-olds who want to develop skills in safety, responsibility, leadership, decision making, problem solving, handling emergencies, resume writing and interviewing. Register by Oct. 16 at Bill Heddles Recreation Center, 874-0923.

Photo by Holly Mautz

School of Distinction For the third consecutive year, Delta Middle School has been named a School of Distinction by College For Every Student. College For Every Student ( is a national non-profit that helps underserved students prepare for, gain access to, and succeed in college. Twenty schools in eight states were recognized as “Schools of Distinction” for their efforts in creating high levels of college awareness and aspirations among their students. DMS is one of just a handful of schools across the country which has earned this honor three years in a row.

McDonalds Students of the Month We would like to congratulate the following students for their achievements!

McSeniors: Devin Spiker Lucero Chavez

McJuniors: Juan Gonzalez Morgan Staats

McSophomores: Easton Byers Chastin Ellington

Valuable Coupon

McAthletes: Kempton Albee Tierra Higgs

Valuable Coupon

McFreshmen: Amelia Hawkins Derek Johnson


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

4-H’ers join national celebration

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

4-H’ers thankful for support The county commissioners are personally acquainted with most, if not all, of the Delta County 4-H Council officers who paid an annual courtesy call on Monday to say, “Thank you for your support!” The commissioners each received a handsome desk set and coffee mug as a token of appreciation. A brief adjournment of the bi-monthly commissioners proceedings gave opportunity to enjoy some refreshments and to get caught up on a little neighborhood news. Present for the event with commissioners Bruce Hovde, Olen Lund, and Doug Atchley were 4-H County Council officers and adult advisors Mackenzie Katzdorn, vice president; Tyler Simpson, co-president; Tyrell Clock, co-president; Tess Gore, historian; Grady Simpson, treasurer; Trenton Carr, historian; Tiffany Clock, secretary; Natalie Anderson, reporter; leader/advisors Heidi Simpson and Chandra Carr, and Jackie Goza, extension agent.

Delta County 4-H’ers are joining nearly seven million boys and girls nationwide in observing National 4-H Centennial Celebration Week, Oct. 17. In Delta County more than 300 4-H members and 115 4-H leaders are involved in the program. The fundamental 4-H ideal of practical “learn by doing” experiences encourages youth to experiment, innovate and think independently. 4-H programs are offered through community clubs which are run by local volunteer leaders. 4-H is a community of millions of young people across America learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. You can join the 4-H community today. To learn how to become a 4-H member or volunteer leader in Delta County, contact Jackie Goza at 874-2195 or stop by the Extension office at 525 Dodge Street in Delta.

4-H encourages a positive attitude Optimism is one of the most important gifts adults can give to a child. When a young person has hope for the future and can find a bright side to most bad experiences, the young person will grow up healthy, caring and confident. But what makes a child positive and hopeful? How

can we, as adults, shape that optimism? The solution lies in promoting youths’ possibilities rather than their shortcomings — in reinforcing their strengths instead of their weaknesses. Research shows that the payoff can be significant. Young people who have a positive

view of their future are more likely to do well in school, contribute to their community and value diversity — and are less likely to become involved in violence and drug or alcohol abuse or to drop out of school, . The following tips are some ways adults can help youth become posi-

Extension agent values the principles of 4-H BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

The fundamental 4-H ideal of practical “learn by doing” experiences encourages youth to experiment, innovate and think independently. These principles are fully embraced by Jackie Goza, area 4-H/youth extension agent. She was hired for the position after Isaac Muñoz switched his focus to agricultural projects in Montrose County.

Jackie Goza Jackie Goza was involved in 4-H, rodeo and livestock when she was young. Born in Montrose, she grew up in Fruita and attended the University of Northern Colorado after graduating from high school. She obtained a degree in elementary education and taught school for seven years. Although she’s taking a break from teaching, she is still involved in youth development

at a different level. She believes her educational background meshes well with the curriculum offered through the 4-H program. She also worked as a parent educator for Bright Future, planning programming with volunteers and leaders. “Extension goes hand in hand with what I’ve done in the past,” she said. She’s been on the job since March, getting to know 300-plus 4-H members, about 100 volunteer leaders and all the parents, fair board members and CSU Extension staff it takes to pull off the county fair every year. “I felt my first fair was a real success, and I’m off to a good start,” she said. With strong adult volunteers, Delta County is able to offer 26 4-H clubs and a wide spectrum of curriculum options. “Anybody can be involved; you don’t have to live on a farm,” she said. Goza recently took about 10 4-H members to a state conference in Fort Collins where they had the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and she attended workshops for extension agents. That experience reaffirmed her decision to return to 4-H. “I truly believe in what 4-H represents, and the values it teaches our kids,” she said. They’re the same val-

ues she is teaching her two young daughters, ages 6 and 2. In addition to putting names to the faces of 300-plus kids and their parents, she’s learning how things are done. Coming up quickly is 4-H Achievement Night, which will be held Oct. 20 in Cedaredge. Awards are presented, but above all 4-H members are recognized for all they’ve learned during the past year, and the ongoing support from volunteers and businesses which make the program a success is acknowledged.

tive about their future: • Help young people feel valued and empowered by spending time with them, listening to their ideas, and helping them act on their convictions. • Be a role model. Young people pay attention to the way adults deal with confrontation. Model peaceful conflict resolution by responding to anger or frustration with compassion and tolerance. • Let young people know that failure isn’t fatal. Help a young person put defeat into perspective and find a positive side to the experience. • Nurture young people’s confidence and selfesteem by looking for opportunities to praise their efforts and point out their strengths. Young people are more likely to build positive identity assets when they are encouraged and supported. For more information about 4-H, call the Delta County 4-H office at 874-2195.


Some people wish it will happen, some people wait for it to happen, Delta County 4-H people make it happen.

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4-H More Than You Ever Imagined 4-H has won our admiration for their dedication to the youth of America.



453 W. 8th • Delta 874-1125

4-H Builds Leaders for the Future 4-H allows young folks to get involved in a variety of activities that they’ll carry with them over a lifetime. Our thanks to 4-H for giving them a head start!

Delta Sales Yard Serving Western Colorado Since 1952

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Support Our Local 4-H


Wilbur-Ellis 3382 Old Wagon Rd. Delta, CO 81416 BUS: (970) 874-7555 FAX: (970) 874-7118

4-H — Keeping It Green! National 4-H Week Oct. 1-7

Keep up the good work!

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Learn more about

DELTA COUNTY 4-H Wednesday, October 10 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Bill Heddles Rec. Center

4-H MAKE THE BEST BETTER PARENTS: Let us know how many from your family are coming by calling 874-2195 on or before 5:00 p.m. on October 8th. (this way we can make sure we have plenty for everyone to eat and drink!

1051/2 EATON AVE., DELTA • 874-8739

A8 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

Baptists influence Karen resettlement in Delta BY ANNETTE BRAND Staff Writer

This is the second article addressing the Karen and Karenni refugees from Burma (also called Myanmar). Late last spring Karen and Karenni families,

resettled from Burma, began moving into the Alta Vista de la Montaña, the agricultural housing complex in North Delta, and their number continued to grow over the summer. The families were

resettled to Delta from the Denver area, Texas and Utah. Pastors and churches of the American Baptist denomination have assisted substantially in their resettlement. The American Baptist

Photo submitted

Virtuous Kids Lincoln Elementary and the Kiwanis Club of Delta recently recognized the Virtuous Kids: (top row) Levi Peterson (integrity), Brando Cano (generous), Miriam Aleman (caring), Josue Quintero (responsible), Keslie Sandoval (helpful), Cristina Rubio-Hernandez (generous) and Alex Abila (compassionate); (middle row) Trenton Lovelace (kind), Andrew Kukar (grateful), Alex Ward (responsible), Laisha Aleman (respectful), Miguel Mendoza (on task), Daniel Weaver (respectful), Jose Renteria (respectful and responsible), Aubrey Fraser (respectful and responsible), Nayeli Rodriguez (compassionate) and Jordan Montoya (compassionate); (bottom row) Jacqueline Mendoza (respectful and responsible), Angelina Gutierrez (determined), Ana Maria Asavei (compassionate), Twila Campos (peaceful and respectful), Talan Hulet (diligent), Lakayla Sheets (diligent) and Arely Tapia (respectful and responsible).

Presented by Bank of the West and Delta County Senior Resource Council

Thursday, October 25 — 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Bill Heddles Recreation Center 530 Gunnison River Drive, Delta EVENT IS FREE • SEATING IS LIMITED

RSVP by October 21 at 970-874-6115 or 1-866-874-6115 (Touch of Care) 8:00 a.m. – Registration Topics to be presented: ✦ New Affordable HEALTH CARE ACT ✦ All You Want to Know About SOCIAL SECURITY ✦ Experience TAI-CHI

12:00 Noon - Lunch and Presentation of Door Prizes and FREE “911” Cell Phones Luncheon Speaker: 6’7” Kevin - Local Comedian For more information call Leah at 712-2295 @ 2012 Bank of the West

denomination has a long missionary presence in Burma. In 1812 American Baptist missionary Adoniram Judson sailed on the last ship out of Boston Harbor before the British attacked, starting the War of 1812. Judson spent 34 years in Burma and translated the Bible into the Burmese language. Three years ago Rev. Steve Van Ostran, executive minister with the American Baptist denomination, visited First Baptist Church in Delta. Pastor James Conley said Van Ostran talked about his work in Denver with the refugee community out of Burma. He asked Pastor Conley and his congregation to pray about how they could become involved in this ministry. In the spring of 2011 Pastor Conley was contacted by Janet Johnson, a Karen refugee advocate/ volunteer from the Front Range who is personally invested in helping refugees from Burma. Janet Johnson said, “Pastor James has been a critical key to the relocation of the refugees and their smooth transition to Delta. He and his staff did not hesitate a moment to ‘get on board’ with support of these people. “First Baptist did mission work and provided Vacation Bible School that summer as well as this past summer to the Karen church in innercity Denver.” Pastor Conley visited Burma for ten days in November 2011 for mission work hosted by the American Baptist Convention. He shared sermons and met with some of the seminary students, learning about their work in Burma. To describe Janet Johnson as an advocate for the Karen is an understatement. She made four medical mission trips to Thailand to visit the refugee camps where Karen people were subsisting. After those trips she said, “I need to ‘step out’ and do something to help these humble, desperate people, either in Burma or the ‘concrete jungle’ of inner-city Denver where for years they wait for employment.” Johnson explains that the U.S. State Department and the United Nations screen families as countries offer relocation opportunities. Thailand refuses to assimilate them. Some refugees must wait years for placement somewhere in the world. There are now over 4,000 refugees from Burma in the Denver

area alone, waiting to be resettled. Most refugees come to the United States, she said. Johnson came to the Western Slope in 2011 searching for ways to bring about resettlement and to find employment opportunities and available housing. She said, “I saw evidence of God ‘preparing the way’ when my first approach to a major grower in Palisade revealed a family who had been to Burma, knew of this ethnic group and gave me a referral list of growers they knew would hire the workers, after a call from them. “The next day I had 15 growers’ names and 100 jobs. These jobs in the orchards are a natural fit as the Karen and Karenni are from agrarian backgrounds and villages. They grow up in homes where they use ladders to enter, which accounts for the natural agility and balance critical to working on trees.” Johnson’s search for housing became a smaller task when she discovered the Alta Vista de la Montaña housing complex was under construction. The apartments were completed by the time of resettlement to Delta of the Karen and Karenni. The residents of the apartments must earn 65 percent of their annual income from agricultural work and must be legal residents of the United States. Rent is based on the household’s yearly income and will not exceed 30 percent of yearly income. Johnson says, “These people want jobs and not government aid, which they are given in the inner-city. They see what unemployment does to a culture after living for years in refugee camps in

Thailand to be safe from the genocide in their own country. They are a high moral, ethical culture grateful to be living in a free country with opportunity — especially for their children. I believe they will become some of our outstanding citizens one day.” Johnson said the prospect of moving families to Delta was a bit daunting but, with the help of Foothills Community Church of Denver, whose members had already mentored several Karen, the exodus of a few families seemed feasible. When the families arrived in Delta, Pastor Conley and his congregation were there to help them with all the tasks necessary in settling in to new homes and a new environment. Pastor Conley’s assistance on behalf of the Karen and Karenni in Delta includes meetings with community groups and school district personnel to help with planning for Delta’s new population’s integration into the community. He and volunteers from his congregation, teachers from the school district and community volunteers tutor the students on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at First Baptist. He and members of the church drove the children to local doctors for the physical examinations required before they entered school. His congregation is there when need arises. Some Karen and Karenni residents worship on Sunday at First Baptist, in a joint service, with an interpreter speaking in the native dialect for some parts of the service, and later in a shorter service in the native dialect of the Karen and Karenni. Pastor Conley participates in both services.

Back to 4-H Night planned In celebration of National 4-H Week, the Delta County 4-H Council will be hosting a “Back to 4-H Night” at Bill Heddles Recreation Center on Wednesday, Oct. 10, from 6 to 7 p.m. Local youth and parents are invited to come for pizza, punch and music, and to visit with current 4-H members about how to get involved in 4-H. There will be a display of some of the winning county fair projects and the 4-H mem-

bers who created them. This program is free and all interested families are welcome to attend. Delta County 4-H is open to all youth ages 8-18, as of Dec. 31. In addition, there is a program called Cloverbuds for kids ages 5-7. Please RSVP on or before 5 p.m. on Oct. 8. Call 874-2195 to let CSU Extension know how many people are coming, so there will be plenty for everyone to eat and drink.

A Home of Our Own After two seasons of emergency, overnight winter shelter for the homeless and hungry of Delta County, and after providing 679 bednights and serving 1,126 meals, it's time the Abraham Connection had a home of its own. Volunteers have staffed the shelter at the Delta United Methodist Church, thanks to the generous support from that congregation. But with increasing numbers of hungry and homeless, it's time this community shelter operates in its own building. When we have our own home, we can help more people move from homelessness to self-sufficiency! Can you help your community? Can you help make sure those in need have a warm, comfortable safe place to sleep this winter?

Terrific Kids

Your community needs your help! Help us get our own building by donating a square foot. Get your friends, families, church families or civic groups together and sponsor a room. Have a lasting impact in Delta County by serving those in need with your building fund contribution.

The following Garnet Mesa students earned a Terrific Kid Award from the Kiwanis Club of Delta for their efforts to be a responsible citizen and student. Above are kindergarten and first grade students Joey Siennicki, Richard Davis, Ta Eh Soe, Jeshua Ochoa, Oscar Martinez and Adilene Jaracuaro. Below are second and third graders Vianney Corral, Haddy Kathrein, Andrew Santonastaso, Alejandro Carrillo, Courtney Edenbo, Joseph Santonastaso, Alberto Lujano and Joshua Quammen.

Help us get “A Home of Our Own.”

For more information on this mission, please call 773-8290

We need your time as well as your support! PLEASE CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING! NEXT TRAINING OCT. 27, 9 A.M.

Photos submitted

Delta County Independent


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Community Calendar Popular musical team Wednesday, October 3

TOASTMASTERS SPEECH CLUB MEETS, first and third Wednesdays of each month, 12:15 p.m., U.S. Forest Service, 2250 Highway 50, Delta. For more information, call Tom Condos, 874-6667 or

Thursday, October 4

DELTA FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY MEETING, 5:30 p.m., Delta library. Discussion on library bookstore and book sale at First Saturday Market. DEL-ROSE CHORUS SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL REHEARSES every Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Delta Methodist Church, corner of Meeker and 5th Street. For more information, call Leslie, 970-256-9763. PRO AND CON PRESENTATION OF STATE BALLOT ISSUES, 12 noon, Montrose District Library Community Room, 320 South 2nd Street, Montrose. BINGO, every Thursday, 7 p.m., Delta Elks Lodge, 563 Main Street. Open to the public. For more information, call 874-3624. BINGO, every Thursday, 6:50 p.m., American Legion of Paonia. Come early for hamburgers and hot dogs. This week progressive is 57 numbers for $380, blue is 58 numbers and orange is 54 numbers for $250. For more information, call 527-6252.

October 6 & 7

LITERARY SOUP AND BOOK ART sold by Cedaredge Women’s Literary Club, 505 Main Street, northwest corner of Cedaredge Town Park. Saturday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sunday: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. PIONEER TOWN OPEN DURING APPLEFEST — Antique & Classic Car Show held on museum grounds Saturday only. $1 per person includes the museum both days and car show. BOOK SALE, Lion’s Club Pavilion, Cedaredge Town Park. Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. with $3 bag day all day Sunday. Proceeds go to The Friends of the Cedaredge Public Library.

Saturday, October 6

RAGTIME CONCERT SERIES, An American Story: Denver’s Queen City Ragtime Ensemble, family matinee, 3 p.m.; concert, 6 p.m., Blue Sage, Paonia. For more information, call 527-7243 or DELTA HUBWHEELER SQUARE DANCE CLUB MEETS, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln Elementary School, 1050 Hastings Street, Delta. Mainstream. Club caller is Larry Schulz. Cuer is Maxine Springer. Prerounds/instructions at 6 p.m. For more information, call Loren, 970-249-4858 or Gwen, 970-856-4157. Chili potluck. HISTORIC PRESENTATION OF THE AYER FAMILY, 1:30 p.m., hosted by Hotchkiss-Crawford Historical Museum, 180 South Second St., Hotchkiss. Presented by Henrietta Kennan and Shirley Cotten with pictures by Danny Cotten. For more information, call 872-3780. BLUEGRASS CHURCH SERVICE, 6 p.m., Crawford Community United Methodist Church. Followed by a potluck and more bluegrass music. Everyone welcome. For more information, call Rev. John Hiestand, (970) 773-1080 or email:


will perform Oct. 7

Pizza Hut fundraiser planned

Dr. Miller has sung The popular musical team of George Miller, in church choirs, school vocalist, and Sharon choirs and professional Clark, accompanist, will present a concert of sacred music on Sunday, Oct. 7, at 2 p.m. in the sanctuary of Presbyterian Church of Delta. George Miller is a retired Presbyterian minister living in Montrose. A Miller family legend says that when George was five years old, he was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up. He reportedly replied, “a singing preacher.” And so George Miller he has been.

On Sunday, Oct. 14, The St. Nicholas Project is having a fundraiser at the Delta Pizza Hut from 5 to 10 p.m. Ten percent of the proceeds will go to the St. Nicholas Project to help families this holiday season. The board of directors of the nonprofit organization has a goal of assisting 50 families with gifts and food at Christmas. “We need to pack Pizza Hut so we can raise the funds we need,” said board president Jason Atchley.

choruses. He continues with professional training to improve his voice and has widened his opportunities for singing. He has sung with the High Desert Opera, the Schuman Singers, Magic Circle Players and in solo recitals. He says, “I especially enjoy singing with Sharon Clark, a superb accompanist.” Sharon Clark frequently participates as an accompanist on the local musical scene. She is the accompanist for the Valley Symphony Chorus, the Magic Circle Theatre and vocalists and small groups. Clark is accompanist for vocal groups at Presbyterian Church of Delta and is pianist are provided online at during worship services www.coloradomusicclinic. there. com or you may call Richard Weldon at 835-3329 or 640-6520. Some partial scholarships may be available. Participants can be of any age from high school to senior citizens. Those who cannot read music will have an opportunity to begin to learn with several classes. Clinic participants and clinicians will present a concert Saturday, Oct. 13, at 7 p.m. at Grand Mesa Baptist Church. The concert is free and open to the public. Sharon Clark

Vocalists wanted The Colorado Music Clinic, a Christian music singing workshop, will be held in Cedaredge Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 11-13. Nationally recognized gospel music instructors will conduct classes in voice, gospel piano, praise team coaching, quartet coaching and stage presence, as well as how to lead worship services and much more. The cost will include coffee and doughnuts each morning, a luncheon each day, and one evening meal. The workshop will be held at Grand Mesa Baptist Church. Full details

Hunter education class set Oct. 15-18 A hunter education class will be held at Stengel’s gun shop on Highway 92 west of Hotchkiss. The class will be held Oct. 15, 16 and 18 from 8 a.m. until noon. Register by calling Don Foster at 872-4818. All persons purchasing a Colorado hunting license who were born on or after Jan. 1, 1949 must have a hunter education card.

Sunday, October 7

What’s up at your library?

Monday, October 8

The Delta County Libraries offer many educational and entertaining activities and events for you and your family to enjoy. If you want to know what else your library is offering, please contact the library or visit the Delta County Libraries website at Check out these summer reading programs: Cedaredge Tech Soup Computer Day. Bring your computer questions every Saturday in October from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Teen Scene. Outdoor war games. Wednesday, Oct. 3, at 5:30 p.m. Genealogy. “Who’s Who in Whoville.” Regular monthly genealogy group meets the first Friday of every month at 10:30 a.m. iPad Class. Get the most from your iPad. Friday, Oct. 12, at 10:30 a.m. Contact Cedaredge Library at 856-3518 to sign up. Teen Scene. Pumpkin carving Wednesday, Oct. 17, at 5:30 p.m. Adult Craft Class. Altered T-shirts. Friday, Oct. 19, at 10:30 a.m. Please sign up in advance by calling the Cedaredge Library at 856-3518. Storytimes. Baby, tot and preschooler storytimes are Thursdays starting at 10 a.m. For more information, contact the library at 8563518. Crawford One-On-One Computer Tutor. Crawford Library is now offering

MILLER AND CLARK SACRED MUSIC CONCERT, Delta Presbyterian Church, 2:00 p.m.

DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP, 2nd Monday of each month, 2:30 p.m., classroom B, Delta County Memorial Hospital. COLLEGE IN COLORADO PRESENTATION, 10:00 a.m., Delta Performing Arts Center hosted by Delta Vision Home & Community Program. Learn about the numerous tools available on the College in Colorado website to research careers, colleges, scholarships and financial aid. No charge. Everyone welcome. For more information, call DVHCP, 874-8226.

Wednesday, October 10

LEARN MORE ABOUT DELTA COUNTY 4-H, 6-7 p.m., Bill Heddles Recreation Center, Delta. For youth ages 8-18. Pizza, punch, music and fun. Parents: Call 874-2195 on or before 5 p.m. October 8 to RSVP count of people attending so enough food and drink can be provided.

Thursday, October 11

HARVEST-FAMILY POTLUCK WITH ROGERS MESA MODERN WOMANS CLUB, 12 noon, Rogers Mesa Community House (corner of Highway 92 and 3100 Road). For more information, call Lou Ann, 872-4816.

October 11-13

COLORADO MUSIC CLINIC, CHRISTIAN MUSIC SINGING WORKSHOP, Grand Mesa Baptist Church. Gospel music instructors conduct classes in voice, gospel piano, praise team coaching, quartet coaching, stage presence, more. Cost includes: coffee and donuts each morning, luncheon each day and one evening meal. Full details at or call Richard Weldon, 835-3329 or 970-640-6520. On Oct. 13, 7 p.m., Grand Mesa Baptist Church, clinic members concert. Free and open to the public.

October 12 & 13

ECKERT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH COUNTRY STORE/CRAFT SALE, Eckert Presbyterian Church, 10925 Highway 65, Eckert. Friday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Soup lunch served 11 a.m.-1 p.m. for $5 which includes soup, bread, dessert and beverage. Saturday: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sandwich lunch served 11 a.m.-1 p.m. for $5 includes Sloppy Joe sandwich, chips, dessert and beverage. For more information, call Bobbie Jones, 835-8112 or Marilyn Colbaugh, 874-3792.

Friday, October 12

OPENING NIGHT RECEPTION for photographers Vendla Stockdale and George Brauneis exhibit, “Shadow Horse”, 6-8 p.m., Peach Gallery, Creamery Arts Center, Hotchkiss.

Saturday, October 13

ANIMAL BLESSING, 1 p.m., Crawford Community United Methodist Church. All pets and farm animals (and their owners!) welcome. Treats provided for both humans and animals. For more information, call Rev. John Hiestand, (970) 773-1080 or email: BOOK SALE AND KICK-OFF GHOST WALK, by Friends of the Delta Library, 1st Saturday Market, 3rd and Main streets, Delta.

Sunday, October 14

ST. NICHOLAS PROJECT FUNDRAISER NIGHT, 5-10 p.m., Delta Pizza Hut. They get 10% of the proceeds from that night. All of the money raised goes towards helping families this holiday season. The goal is to assist 50 families this season with gifts and food. VESTAFJELL LODGE OF THE SONS OF NORWAY Torsk and Kjottbolle (baked cod and Norwegian meatball) dinner, 2 p.m., Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, 3133 F Road, Grand Junction. For members and guests for $8 with no charge for children. Leif Erikson Day remembered with a presentation by Ron Thoreson. Bring a gift or practical item for the silent auction. Guests welcome. For more information or to make a reservation, please call Barb, 245-5649 or Bud, 242-3396.

Wednesday, October 17

TOASTMASTERS SPEECH CLUB MEETS, first and third Wednesdays of each month, 12:15 p.m., U.S. Forest Service, 2250 Highway 50, Delta. For more information, call Tom Condos, 874-6667 or

Saturday, October 20

DELTA HUBWHEELER SQUARE DANCE CLUB MEETS, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln Elementary School, 1050 Hastings Street, Delta. All Plus. Club caller is Larry Schulz. Cuer is Maxine Springer. Prerounds/instructions at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call Loren, 970-249-4858 or Gwen, 970-856-4157.

Saturday, October 27

20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION of Delta County School District Preschool Backpack Program — 5k family run/walk, open house, refreshments, booths, giveaways. Visit deltaschools. com for more information.

one-on-one computer help. Bring specific computer questions or just spend time honing your skills each Wednesday in October from 3 to 5 p.m. Facebook for Fogies. Learn about social networking and surprise your grandkids! Friday, Oct. 19, from 3 to 5 p.m. Storytimes. Baby, tot, and preschooler storytimes are Thursdays starting at 10 a.m. Delta Teens Mini Haunted House. Create an awesome mini haunted house to display in your room. Snacks provided and music for fun! Thursday, Oct. 4, at 4:30 p.m. Word Computer Class. Taught by Bill Babbel of Siliconflow, this six-week course will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 7:30 p.m. beginning Oct. 9. Please sign up ahead of time by contacting the Delta Library at 8749630. Club 4-5. Kids in fourth and fifth grades will play “Spooky Corners” and “Pass the Pumpkin.” Come join the fun with music and ghosts and see who wins the prize. Snacks provided and music for fun! Thursday, Oct. 11, at 4:30 p.m. Teens Halloween Movie. Snacks will be provided. Thursday, Oct. 18, at 4:30 p.m. Storytimes. Storytimes for babies, tots and preschoolers are Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. For information, call the library at 874-9630.

City of Delta Activity Update • TAE KWON DO - ongoing classes are held Tuesday and Thursday from 6:45-8:00 p.m. • HEALTHY BODY STRONG BONES - Adult Fitness Class on Tuesday/ Thursday 9:00-10:00 a.m. • HATHA YOGA - On Wednesdays from 5:00-6:15 p.m. Drop-in fee. • TAI CHI/QIGONG FOR HEALTH AND LONGEVITY - On Mondays at 7:00 p.m. Pay monthly or dropin rate. • GET STARTED AND STAY COMMITTED - (4) one hour personal training sessions to get you started on your workout routine. • ALIVE AT 25 - Next class Monday, October 15 from 4:30-9:00 p.m. Please register online at www. • COMMUNITY EVENING DANCE - Saturday, October 20 from 7:0010:00 p.m. Music by Ula VaunKirkman. • YOUTH/ADULT GUITAR COURSE Session 1 starts Saturday, October 6-November 3 from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Session 2 starts Saturday,

• •

November 10-December 15 (no class Nov. 17) from 10:30-11:30 a.m. HANDGUN SAFETY - Saturday, October 20 from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Classes fill up fast - so register early! HOME SCHOOL SWIM LESSONS - Registration going on now. Classes will start on October 15Nov. 14 Monday/Wednesday from 2:00-2:40 p.m. DAY TRIP TO CROSS ORCHARDS LIVING HISTORY MUSEUM-GJ Saturday, October 20 from 9:15 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Please register by October 15. CPR/FIRST AID - Next class Saturday, October 13 from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. BASIC ARCHERY YOUTH AND ADULT CLASSES - Offered on Sundays for ages 10-17 (Youth) Oct. 7 and 14 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. (Adult) Oct. 21 and 28 from 5:008:00 p.m. BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE

Hotchkiss One-on-One Computer Help. Anytime during open hours. Contact Hotchkiss Library at 872-4153 for details. Teen Movie Night. Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 6 p.m. Cookin’ Up a Storm (grades 3-5). Focusing on safe and easy recipes kids can make on their own. Thursday, Oct. 11, at 3:45 p.m. Space is limited so be sure to reserve a spot by calling the Hotchkiss Library at 872-4153. File, Storage, and Organization - Computer Class. Learn some of the basics of computer use. Friday, Oct. 12, at 10:30 a.m. Teen Read Week Activity. Wednesday, Oct. 17, at 6 p.m. Crafty Kids. Kids in kindergarten through second grades will get to do a fun project. Thursday, Oct. 25, at 3:45 p.m. Storytimes. Storytimes for babies, tots and preschoolers are Wednesdays starting at 10 a.m. For more information, contact the library at 8724153. Paonia A.M. Bookies. The theme for this month is Dewey Decimal subjects 000-399. Participants may read any book in this category. Each person gives a brief review of his/her book followed by a discussion. Wednesday, Oct. 3, at 9 a.m. Boys Book Club. For grades 3-6. The book for October is “The Thief Lord” by Cornelia Funke. Two brothers run away

LINE DANCING - On Tuesdays from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Pay by the month. PRIVATE AND SEMI-PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS - Register until October 3 for classes scheduled October 8-November 30 for 5 lessons. BOO SPLASH MANIA - Friday, October 26 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. for 5th-7th graders. Haunted House, Music, games and prizes in the pool! LIL BOO BASH - For ages 1-10 on Halloween Night Wed., October 31. Great Special Event from 5:307:30 p.m. Costume contest judged at 7:15 p.m. K-2ND GRADE BASKETBALL - Register now until December 2. Learn the fundamentals on Saturday mornings starting in January. LITTLE LEAGUE BASKETBALL Register now until November 11 for boys and girls 3rd-6th graders. Practices start in December and games start on Saturdays in January. ADULT BASKETBALL LEAGUE Register now until November 18 for 5-on-5 league. Mondays (men’s Rec), Tuesday (men’s Competitive) and Thursdays (Women’s). ADULT FLAG FOOTBALL TOUR-

from the aunt who plans to adopt only one. A detective hired by their aunt looks for them, but they find protection from a gang of Venetian street children and their leader, the Thief Lord. Wednesday, Oct. 3, at 4 p.m. Contact Paonia Library at 527-3470 for a copy of the book. VAMPS Book Club. Join girls ages 11-15 who will never read any vampire books, but will read other exciting stories. Participants will discuss their favorite dystopian novels. Snacks and fun! Thursday, Oct. 4, at 6:30 p.m. One-on-One Computer Class. Wednesday, Oct. 10, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Please call the Paonia Library at 527-3470 to schedule an appointment. Girls Book Club. Join the grade 3-6 girls’ book club in reading the book for October, “Al Capone Does My Shirts” by Jennifer Choldenko. Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 4 p.m. Contact the Paonia Library at 527-3470 for a copy of the book. Friends and Foundation Fall Book Sale. Saturday, Oct. 13, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Beginner Basics Computer Class. Thursday, Oct. 18, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Greeting Card Workshop. Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 2 p.m. Storytimes. Baby, tot and preschooler storytimes are Tuesdays starting 10 a.m. Contact Paonia Library at 5273470.

NAMENT - Register your 5-on5 team now until October 28. Tournament is held on Saturday, November 3. This is our Annual Turkey Bowl Classic. • BABYSITTER TRAINING COURSE - Red Cross Certification Class on Wed. and Thurs., October 17 and 18 from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Great class for ages 10-15. • HOLIDAY FIT SWIM CHALLENGE - Register now and see how many miles in laps you can swim between October 22-January 30!

LIFEGUARD TRAINING CLASS Mon.-Fri. October 15-19 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Register Now! Call the Bill Heddles Recreation Center and Cultural Dept. for more information on any of these classes and registration - 874-0923.

A10 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

Grants aid missions of local non-profits Recipients of grants from the 19th annual Wells Fargo Community Assistance Fund were announced recently by Sharon Taramarcaz, Wells Fargo’s store manager, and Kevin Johnson and Chris Cox, Wells Fargo senior business relationship managers for Delta. Seven locally based non-profit organizations received the investments totaling $4,000.

The following local organizations received a Wells Fargo Community Assistance Fund grant: All American Families dba Families Plus, Altrusa International Foundation Inc., Friends of the Cedaredge Public Library, Girls on the Run of the Grand Valley, Mountain Harvest Festival, Surface Creek Community Services Inc., and Western Colorado Inter-

pretive Association. “Helping those in need and working together is at the heart of our community and what makes Delta County such a great place to live, work, play and do business,� Taramarcaz said. “The many small, local, grassroots organizations based here play such an important role in our community. We want to show them we appreciate their

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Representatives of local non-profit organizations gathered at Wells Fargo Bank in Delta last week for presentation of a total $4,000 in grant awards to support local work. Pictured above, front row from right, are Sharon Taramarcaz Wells Fargo store manager, Jean Weisbeck, Marcy Peterson, Jude Keica, and Vivian Gibson. Back row from left are Judy Benns, Jill Henwood, Brenda Holland, Robert McHugh, Chris Cox, Wells Fargo manager, Sheila Mackey, Jo Rosenquist, Helen Highwater and Ken Black. efforts on behalf of all of us and we’re proud to make these grants as part of our overall community investment efforts.� Representing Surface Creek Community Services were Jean Weisbeck, Ken Black and Marcy Peterson. The SCCS is more commonly known as Cedaredge Food Bank. Black said the organization serves 200 families monthly comprised of more than 600 individuals. The money from the Wells Fargo grant will be used to purchase a new,

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Enter drawing for FREE box of Honey Crisp apples. Apples: Molly Reds • Fuji Jonathans • Golden Delicious Honey Crisp • Jonagolds Honey De Angelo Pears Assorted Winter Squash Shed: 13686 Hwy. 65 835-3628 835-3348 Eckert • 7 Days a Week • 8:30-5:30

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energy efficient commercial freezer expected to cost up to $12,000. Black said that SCCS is always open for donations to its work and welcomes volunteer help. All-American Families is known as Families Plus locally, said Brenda Holland, director. Families Plus coordinates community-based support for at-risk families to help them and their children succeed as an intact family unit. The program relies almost exclusively on volunteers to help with mentoring activities. There are some 60 children and their families involved in the program at present, Holland said. The Mountain Harvest Festival was represented by Helen Highwater and Shiela Maki. The festival, now in its 12th year, provides support for the business and non-profit community, and it is also involved in a year-round scholarship program for local area students, Highwater explained. The festival welcomes participation from other communities in the region, Maki said. Representing Friends of the Cedaredge Public Library were Judy Benns and Jude Keica who explained the group’s library support activities extend beyond the Cedaredge Public Library and include helping fund new book purchases when funds were cut from the county budget. A new outdoor extension of the library’s meeting and activities space is now in use, and the Friends’ Book Sale is scheduled again during AppleFest, Oct. 6-7. Altrusa was represented by Jo Rosenquist and Vivian Gibson, a founding member of the 27year-old group. Focus of the 60-plus member service organization is literacy. Among the programs that Altrusa supports are the libraries, Food for Thought, Baby’s First Book, Haven House, the domestic shelter, and HIV awareness activities, explained Rosenquist and Gibson. The group is also sending books to orphanages in Africa. Girls on the Run is an after school program for girls in the third through sixth grades, explained director Jill Henwood. It is a local branch of a national program that lists 176 Delta County girls on its membership roster. The local Girls on the

Run has one of the lowest registration fees of any of the local branches, Henwood said. The Wells Fargo grant money will be used to provide scholarships for more girls to afford registration and participate in the program. The grant to Western Colorado Interpretive Association was accepted by Robert McHugh of Paonia. McHugh is helping lead the Save the Hotchkiss Barn project, and WCIA is the non-profit organization sponsoring grants for the work. The Hotchkiss barn was built by Enos Hotchkiss in 1885, McHugh said. It represents unique architecture for this area, is a historic structure, and was badly damaged in a wind storm two years ago. It is still owned by members of the Hotchkiss family, he said. Statewide, more than 200 qualified, community-based non-profit organizations in Colorado will receive funding in 2012 from Wells Fargo through the Wells Fargo Community Assistance Fund. Eligible organizations must be certified 501(c)(3) and have an annual budget of $350,000 or less. The Wells Fargo Community Assistance Fund was started in 1993 to provide greatly needed support to small, nonprofit groups that don’t have the resources to compete with larger organizations for community support dollars. Since its inception, more than 3,800 grants totaling more than $3.6 million have been awarded.

Swimmers challenged The aquatics department at Bill Heddles Recreation Center is hosting a contest for lap swimming. The goal is to swim as many miles as you can between Oct. 22 and Jan. 30. There is a $15 participation fee in addition to daily admission. The first 10 participants to sign up get a commemorative T-shirt and an optional free 30-minute aquatic orientation. The two contestants who swim the most miles by Jan. 30 get special prizes which include free punch cards. Register now through Jan. 30. For more information, call 874-0923 or stop by the rec center at 530 Gunnison River Drive in Delta.

Begin the Discovery of a Lifetime

KZ K \ (This is Hebrew for Y’hovah)

Community Messianic Fellowship

★ Country Store ★

Beginning Saturday, October 13, 2012

Open Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 31164 Hwy 92 ~ Hotchkiss • 970-872-7737

10 a.m. at the First Baptist Church 1250 Pioneer Road in Delta

If you’d like to be in this Produce Guide call 874-4421.

Contact Robert, 589-6142 local cell.

NORTH FORK October 3, 2012




Home business approved in Paonia BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

According to the Town of Paonia’s land development regulations, those who wish to conduct a home occupation must go through a special review before the planning and zoning commission and the town council. This is to make sure the home occupation will not create a problem in the residential neighborhood. Tenille VanVleet came before the Sept. 18 planning and zoning commission and the Sept. 25 town council to request approval for a photography and design studio in her home at 215 Colorado Avenue. Mayor Neal Schwieterman read the minutes from the planning commission. VanVleet said she would use the front room, a bathroom and two closets for her studio. That would be about 354 feet of the first floor’s 1,814 total square feet. A home occupation must be no more than

25 percent of the total square footage. VanVleet’s usage is less than what the regulation requires. Her customers will all have scheduled appointments, so there won’t be any walk-in traffic. Neighbors have offered VanVleet extra parking spaces if needed. Gene Grange offered parking on his lot at 205 Colorado Avenue. The Bible Center Church offered parking for her family if needed. VanVleet told the planning commission that she does not expect more than one to five cars per week due to her business. Her sign will conform to code, not being larger than 1x2 feet. The sign will be hung from her front porch. The council saw no problem with VanVleet using her backyard for her photography. Like the planning commission, the council unanimously approved VanVleet’s home occupation request.

Photo by Kathy Browning

Traffic delayed on McClure Pass Motorists have been having short delays on McClure Pass during daylight hours MondayFriday and some weekends while the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) repairs two culverts near the summit on Highway 133. Two 48-inch corrugated steel pipes are being reinforced with plastic liners and grout. Some large equipment and a crane will be necessary to complete the project. At the same time, crews are constructing new headwalls, improving the guardrail and conducting some erosion control. American West won the $373,000 contract for the project. Work is expected to be completed by Nov. 2 if the weather cooperates.

Railroad would like to close 3 crossings BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

When Kelly Abaray, manager of special projects for Union Pacific Railroad, came to the Paonia Town Council meeting on Sept. 25, she addressed safety issues related to crossing and to apologize for sidewalk crossings improperly installed in 2005. The recent railroad crossing accident which killed 87-year-old Carol Basford of Paonia has added concerns about safety. The fatal accident happened at the Delta Avenue crossing. Abaray said there have been “five crossing accidents since [Union Pacific] tracking began in the mid 1970s.” As a result, Union Pacific submitted a crossing closure proposal. This would “close redundant, passive crossings in Paonia.” Those crossings are in the North Fork Subdivision at North Fork Avenue, Oak Street and Delta Avenue. These three crossings rep-

resent six locations where a train/car collision can happen. Presently, there are 10 locations where a collision can occur. If these crossings are closed, the number of possible collision locations would be reduced to two crossings or four locations. Union Pacific plans to conduct a closure study including a traffic study, prepare the necessary Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) application, remove crossing surfaces and make contributions to the Town of Paonia to cover roadway barricade costs. “Crossing closure/consolidation decisions should be based on balancing public necessity, convenience and safety,” Abaray said. State law requires the crossing cannot be the only crossing providing access to property. To support keeping a crossing open, a professional licensed engineer in Colorado

Register to vote by Oct. 9 BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

If you want to vote on Nov. 6 for President Barack Obama or challenger Gov. Mitt Romney, the Delta County Commissioners, state offices and ballot issues you must be registered by Tuesday, Oct. 9. You can register online at www. Visit or call the Delta County Clerk’s office at 874-2150 to verify

your voting status and House district. Early voting takes place from Oct. 22 until Nov. 2. To register to vote you must be 18 years of age or older at the time of the election, be a U.S. citizen, be a Colorado resident and have lived in your current precinct for at least 30 days before the election, and not be serving a sentence (including parole) for a felony conviction.

Photo by Kathy Browning

The slower the better With every muscle straining, the last two riders in the Slow Bike Race at Paonia Town Park try to outlast the other. Ironically, the slowest rider, John Eckert, (right) was the first and only one to make it across the finish line during Saturday’s Mountain Harvest Festival. Jay Canode (left) was a worthy opponent. See more photos on page B5.

must write “that the crossing is safe in its’ current state.” The closed crossing must be within 1/4-mile of a crossing with lights and gates. Abaray reported, “The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is actively working to establish and further a public and industry goal of closing 25 percent of this nation’s highway-rail crossings.”

Union Pacific sees the benefits in crossing closures. The highest level of crossing safety occurs when there is not a point of intersection between the roadway and the railroad. Crossing closures result in reduced maintenance costs for the roadway authority and the railroad. All collisions with trains or collisions without trains being involved at

crossings will be reduced. The Colorado PUC has “primary jurisdiction over all public highway-rail crossings, including opening, closing, upgrading, overpasses or underpasses, and the allocation of costs.” The PUC would make the final decision to close the crossings or not. Between 2002 to 2005, RAILROAD TO B2

Photo submitted

North Fork Community Montessori School students performed songs about the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights on Constitution Day, Sept. 17.

Valuable lessons about our Constitution BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

The United States Constitution was signed on Sept. 17, 1787. In honor of that momentous occasion, Cami Bair, a teacher at North Fork Community Montessori School, wrote special curriculum for her students. The week of Sept. 10-14 the students learned about the Constitution, and on Sept. 17, Constitution Day, they presented a seven-part series of skits. The skits covered what the Constitution is, who made it, why they made it, what are the rights in the Bill of Rights and why the Bill of Rights was added. They also learned about some of the later amendments. The students discovered why there are the different branches of government and how power is shared between the government and the people. “The government is accountable to the people,” Bair said. The students finished their presentation with songs about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. After the presentation, Bair quizzed her students. Ruby Chase and Graham Waltermire wrote that the Constitution is “a piece of paper with the rights that keep us free written down.” Who wrote the Constitution? Abby LaBounty said, “Some of the founding fathers.” Malachi Deck answered,

“George Washington and Benjamin Franklin.” Several answered why the framers made the Constitution. “To keep us safe,” Lydia Puckett said. “They wanted the country to have good laws,” said Simon Cox. “So we could defend ourselves,” said Luke O’Brien. Asked what are some of the rights in the Bill of Rights, Diego Lareau said the right to bear arms; Kayla Miller said freedom of religion; Milo Chavez named freedom of speech; and Baruch Chase said freedom of assembly. Arjun Bacigalupi said the Bill of Rights was added because “the framers wanted to add . . . more details to the Constitution.” Concerning the amendments, students had a variety of responses. Crystal Goddard said, “Soldiers should not come in your home.” Otus Beason said, “Don’t rat on yourself.” “Don’t let policemen hurt you,” said Ellie Feder. “Policemen need a warrant to come into your house,” said Carmen Stickles. Abby LaBounty said, “Women and people of color can vote and the president can only be elected twice.” Born in England, Cami Bair understands the importance of the Constitution for the American people. “England does not have a written constitution. All law is based on prior jurisdiction. Some of which dates back to the time

of William the Conqueror,” Bair said. “And to me having it written down — that’s a big deal. I remember when I came to America that feeling of ‘It is guaranteed in writing.’ That felt very good to me. It’s one of the reasons I moved to America.” Regarding the fact that the U.S. Constitution is also a living document where the people can vote by state to amend the Constitution, Bair said, “I think that is absolutely wonderful. I think it’s wonderful that the responsibility to uphold it is on us. It’s just a piece of paper. So, to follow it and uphold it is [something] people have to decide to do. The kids learned it’s voted on by the Supreme Court whether something is constitutional or not. And then they learned that law is passed by Congress . . . and the president enforces it. Without our police, military and courts, the Constitution would just be a piece of paper. “It was so wonderful to me to start teaching it last year. For an abstract idea, it’s very important. It’s hard to teach something that abstract to kids that little, but it’s important. I’m glad we did it. And I want to keep doing it every year.” North Fork Community Montessori is a Delta County public school.

B2 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Split vote in favor of new broker of record BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

Trustee Corinne Ferguson recommended to the Paonia Town Council on Sept. 25 to appoint Dollie Shaub of New England Financial as the new broker of record for the town’s employee retirement accounts. Shaub would help guide the town on its retirement plans by gathering information and bringing the town options. The town council would have final approval of the plan. Shaub would then work with Cindy Jones, Paonia finance officer, and with town employees so they will understand their investments. Shaub’s commission is already built into the cost of the accounts. Ferguson stated currently no one is guiding the employees and warned the town may not be in compliance with IRS guidelines as a result. The employee retirement accounts were with Founders which was purchased by Dreyfuss


10 years ago. There has been a lack of communication to the town, Ferguson stated. Ferguson recommended Shaub in part because she is on the Western Slope and can come to Paonia. Ferguson said some paperwork regarding the retirement accounts has not been done since 2009. Ferguson moved to approve Shaub as broker of record. Trustee Brian Ayers said he didn’t feel the council had done due diligence in researching other possible candidates. Ferguson disputed that, stating she had done the research and was presenting her findings to the council. Trustee Ross King also was opposed to taking action at this time. However, the council by a four to two vote approved Ferguson’s motion. Those in favor were Ferguson, Eric Goold, Amber Kleinman and Larry Wissbeck. Both Shaub and Cindy Jones were present for the council meeting.

Delta County Independent

Roailroad FROM PAGE B1 there were crossing projects in Paonia at Second and Third Streets. These included upgrades from passive crossings to active warning devices, flashing lights and gates installed; installation was paid for by Federal Section 130 funding; yearly maintenance was to be paid for by Union Pacific; no surface renewal project was done and consequently existing timber remained; and there were no closures of the three crossings. As to the sidewalk crossings at Second and Third Streets, Union Pacific track maintenance will take care of repairs inside of the railroad ties ends. Abaray apologized at the beginning of her presentation for the state of the sidewalk crossings. She had reviewed the condition of the crossings prior to the council meeting. Union Pacific also wants to provide Operation Lifesaver presentations from Colorado OLS. Union Pacific will hire a consultant to prepare the closure study. After that, Union Pacific would like to meet with the Town of Paonia to discuss the closure study and a crossing closure agreement. There will be a public meeting for citizen comments. The Town of Paonia and the North Fork Coal Working Group had Corona Research prepare a “Paonia-Area Quality Of Life Survey” in November of 2001. This was a railroad crossing noise and safety survey. Corona Research reported the survey of Paonia residents within town limits and in nearby rural areas found railroads and crossings are “a daily part of life and travel in the local area.” Eighty-three percent of local residents live within five blocks or less from

railroad tracks. The survey showed that “the vast majority of residents rate the local quality of life as ‘good’ or ‘excellent.’ . . . Residents are more than twice as likely to say that trains positively impact their quality of life as they are to cite a negative impact.” The majority of respondents said train noises are “slightly less irritating than car and truck traffic noise.” Those who have lived in Delta County for 10

years or less find train noises including whistles “much more irritating than do long-time residents.” The study said “train noises have an acquired tolerance.” The study found “most residents believe that local railroad crossings are safe” and that “those who believe that crossings are dangerous are almost equally likely to place primary responsibility on driver behavior or the design of the crossing, as opposed to the behavior of trains.”

Corona Research reported “most residents would prefer not to close railroad crossings, even if it reduces noise and/or foregoes costs for safety improvements.” Sixty-seven percent of residents would prefer to keep both train whistles and warning bells. The three railroad crossings were not closed after the public hearings and studies between 2002 and 2005. Citizens on Sept. 25 seemed to be more in favor of the closures.

Photo submitted

Mountain rescue Members of West Elk Mountain Rescue were involved in the search and rescue of a lost climber in the Lead King Basin near Marble. They were contacted about 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 29, when the climber became separated from three companions while climbing Snowmass Mountain. The missing climber was spotted Sunday morning, and 11 members of the West Elk Mountain Rescue, carrying rescue gear, climbed up to the injured hiker at around 12,800 feet elevation. They were joined by members of the Western State Search and Rescue. Because of the severity of the injuries from an apparent fall, a helicopter extraction was made. Using ropes and a litter, the patient was lowered down a cliff and loaded into the helicopter just before sunset. The injured climber was takendto Aspen Valley Hospital, and was subsequently transferred to a Denver hospital. The rescue teams hiked back out and arrived at the Marble Fire Command Center at 10:30 a.m.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Montessori kids create Christmas mandalas BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

North Fork Community Montessori students in grades first through sixth made ornaments for the U.S. Capitol Christmas tree last week. Art instructor Shannon Castle said a few days before the Oct. 1 due date, “I think it will be interesting for the kids to think about their artwork being sent to the Capitol. They can make something that can be displayed in an important place. Each of them will be unique.” Castle used acrylic paint and recycled fabric to make the mandalas. The fabric remnants came from thrift stores. Because the ornaments have to be able to withstand being outdoors, she wanted to make them lightweight. The painted designs used radial symmetry. If they put a design in one section, they repeated it, so

Photo by Kathy Browning

North Fork Community Montessori School students created unique mandala ornaments for the 2012 Capitol Christmas Tree in Washington, D.C. The theme is ‘Celebrating Our Great Outdoors.’ the design goes around in a circle. Some of the symbols represent Colorado, such as a tree, plant or favorite animal that will be repeated in their design. The kids chose complimentary colors for their ornaments — red and green, purple and yellow or blue and

orange. Fifty-four students made mandalas to send to the Capitol Christmas Tree Project in Washington, D.C., however seven of the students liked theirs so much they chose to keep their mandalas. Colorado was chosen to select a tree to stand

before the Capitol Building and be decorated with 5,000 hand-made Christmas ornaments. Another 1,000 ornaments will decorate smaller trees inside buildings around Washington, D.C. Montessori is a public school in the Delta County School District.

Creamery after school art program sends ornaments to Capitol BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

About a dozen students in the Creamery After School Art Program have sent ornaments for the Christmas tree in the nation’s Capitol. Suki Strong, art instruc-

tor, had each young artist make three ornaments. Tie-dyed coffee filter angels are for trees located inside buildings, as are pinyon pine cones decorated with beads. Snowmen ornaments are made of aspen slices with

eyes made from Anthracite coal from Somerset, hats from old socks and recycled yarn and beads. They are large enough for the Christmas tree placed in front of the U.S. Capitol. A final design uses disks which are the

Photo by Kathy Browning

(Left to right) Indigo Miller-Barnes, Nadia Hill, Mac Turnbull, Emma Nielsen, Sophie Nielsen and Audra Niermann display the ornaments they made for the national Christmas tree in Washington, D.C. and for Christmas trees in buildings around the Capitol. A dozen kids worked on the project.

Rec district celebrates another great year It has been a hot summer and another great one at the North Fork Swimming Pool located south of Hotchkiss at 333 Bulldog Lane. Close to 7,500 people used the pool this season, with lap swim, water aerobics and swimming lessons continuing to be popular. Earlier this year a new, more energy-efficient pool boiler was installed, saving money on both heating and maintenance in the future. Thanks to a great staff and to every-

one who made it to the pool this year. Also, for the first time this summer, the North Fork Pool, Park & Recreation District, in conjunction with the Helping Hands Program, hosted the Summer Lunch Program. It was a huge success, serving over 1,700 meals to kids. Helping Hands is currently looking to secure funding to continue the program next summer. In late August the North Fork Pool, Park

& Recreation District applied for a Greater Outdoor Colorado (GOCO) grant to rebuild the Apple Valley Tennis Courts in Paonia. GOCO grants require a 30% cash match. To meet this requirement, the District was joined by pledges of support from the town of Paonia, Delta County and the Friends of Apple Valley. COGO will announce the grant awards in December. If successful, the project will be implemented this spring.

Photo by Kathy Browning

Farmers Insurance Grand Opening Lynette Pierce of the Pierce Insurance Agency celebrated her Grand Opening with a free barbecue lunch on Sept. 28. Her agency serves the North Fork Valley. Attending last Friday on behalf of Farmers Insurance were (left to right) Curt Elsbury, personal lines growth consultant from Denver; Christie Woolard, life and financial sales specialist; Lynette Pierce; Jeff Lindemann, commercial wholesaler with the Colorado State Office; Suzanne Turner, division marketing manager and Bret Pomrenke, district manager. The Pierce Insurance Agency is located at 330 W. Bridge St. #345 in Hotchkiss, 872-3400.

“donut holes” left from cutting an oval matte. Scenes from Colorado and state information are depicted on the two disks that slide together. The students will select their favorite ornaments to send to Washington, D.C. Students in the Creamery Arts Center After School Art Program come from Hotchkiss K8, Blossom Valley School, Crawford School and the North Fork Community Montessori School. The students, who range in age from six to 13 years, worked for three weeks on the ornaments.

Viewing — Sat., Oct. 6 • 1-6 p.m.


B4 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

Mountain Harvest Festival at 12 The thrill of victory! BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

The Mountain Harvest Festival is over for another year, but some will have bragging rights for 12 more months. This annual fall event always has a lively spirit of friendly competition. Here are just some of the many deserving winners. Chili Cook-off: Exotic — John VanDenBerg Kid’s — Issac Van Horn for Kid’s Pasta Project Green — Marsha and Mike Jackson for Coldwell Banker Red — Larry Head Restaurant — Shawn Larson for Delicious Orchards Vegetarian— Joy Kuhlman People’s Choice — Flaming Flamingos Slow Bike Race: John Eckert

Pie Contest: One Crust — Natalie Gladbach, Caramel Apple Crisp, first place, $25; Susie Coombe, Apple With A Kick, second place, $10; Charles “Frog” Gifford, Peach Parfait, third place $5. Two Crusts — Susie Coombe, Rum Raisin Apple, first place, $25; Judy Reed, Pear with Pecans and Raisins, second Place, $10; Judy Reed, Cherry Coconut, third place, $5. Grand Prize — Judy Reed, Maple Nut, $50. Grape Stomp: Most Juice — Adult, Whimsical Winers, 17.58 lbs., Kids, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, 15.77lbs. Showmanship — Kids, Teen Vamps; Adults, Ditsy Dames. Best I Love Lucy Team— Team Solar Energy International.

Photo by Kathy Browning

The younger stare down at the older, who sound just as good perhaps even better with age. Gabriel Gladstar brought their folk rock to the Saturday Night Concerts at the Paradise Theatre.

Photo by Kathy Browning

Even the pumpkins were having a great time at the Mountain Harvest Festival

Photo by Kathy Browning

You could hear the drum beat blocks away as the Participatory Parade jived its way from Poulos Park to Paonia Town Park. What a way to start off Friday’s festivities!

Hotchkiss High School Activities Thur., Oct. 4

Photo by Kathy Browning

What a happy couple! Marsha and Mike Jackson won for their Smoke-n-Hot Home Grown Green Chili.

ASVAB Testing (Vision/Hearing); Music Concert, 6:30 p.m. ASVAB Testing Concluded; Tennis Regionals at Grand Junction; Volleyball at Meeker, 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.; Football at Lake County, 7:00 p.m. Regional Tennis at Grand Junction; Cross Country at Aspen; Volleyball at Home vs. Hayden, 10:00, 11:00 a.m. & 12:00 Noon; JV Softball Tournament at Rifle. Homecoming Week; Class Color Day (Sr. - Line Green, Jr. - Orange, Soph. - Blue, Fresh. - Pink). Cowboys & Indians Day; Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:30-8:30 p.m. Twin Day; Royalty Voting; FFA District Leadership Conf. at Platte Valley, 9:30 a.m.; JV Football at Grand Jct. at 4:00 p.m.

Fri., Oct. 5

Sat., Oct. 6

Mon., Oct. 8 Tues., Oct. 9 Wed., Oct. 10

Sponsored By:

Offices in Hotchkiss, Paonia, Crawford, Delta, Westcliffe and Fountain

Paonia High School Activities

Photo by Kathy Browning

This duo from the Nia Dance Team came as reprePhoto by Kathy Browning sentatives of the Grimm Brothers Grape Stompers from Bavaria — by way of Grand Junction. The The Flaming Flamingos, Arlene Porteus and Chris grapes are cold which makes stomping also an act Manzanares, won the People’s Choice in the Chili Cook-off. of trying to keep your feet warm.

Thur., Oct. 4 HS Sports Pictures, 3:00 p.m. Fri., Oct. 5 Jostens Orders, 10:30 a.m.; School Travel Eligibility, 12:00 Noon; Football at Meeker, 7:00 p.m. Sat., Oct. 6 Cross Country at Chris Severy, JV Girls 9:30 a.m./JV Boys 10:00 a.m./V Girls 10:45 a.m./V Boys 11:30 a.m.; JV Softball at Rifle; Volleyball vs. Hayden, 4:00, 5:00 & 6:00 p.m. Sun., Oct. 7 Aspen HS College Fair All Day — Depart at 8:15 a.m. Mon., Oct. 8 JV Football at Cedaredge, 4:30 p.m. Sponsored By: 133 Grand Avenue Paonia, CO 81428 (970) 527-4141

There were three rows of authors and musicians who joined the Harvest of Voices at the Blue Sage Center for the Arts last Thursday. There are more photos at

150 Gunnison River Drive Delta, CO 81416 (970) 874-0100

— NOTICE — MONTROSE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS must postpone their October 10th Board Meeting and Town Hall Meeting in Maher scheduled at the Maher Onion Valley Club.

The New Board Meeting is scheduled for

Thursday, November 8th at 10:30 a.m. The Town Hall Meeting for the discussion of any citizen concerns or questions will follow the Board Meeting at the Onion Valley Club.

Photo by Kathy Browning Photo by Kathy Browning

The audience was just as interesting in dress and behavior as those on stage at The District 81428 Fashion and Design Show Friday night.

The theme for the Fashion and Design Show was “Live Your Dream.”


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Paonia High School HOMECOMING Photo by Tami Meck

Abby Campbell and Jacob Helleckson (left) were crowned Paonia’s Homecoming Queen and King at half-time during Friday’s football game. Also in the royal court are freshmen Marisa Edmondson and Jeramiah Hillman; sophomores Morgan Hartigan and Azure Eller; juniors Chelsea Martinez and William Austin; and seniors Mandy Bushta, Taylor Katzer, Matthew Hayden, Chelsy Reed and Jacob Helleckson.

Photo by Kathy Browning

Students braved standing in front of the roaring bonfire Thursday night.

Photo by Kathy Browning

Photo by Kathy Browning

Photo by Kathy Browning

Grand Marshals Patty Thomas and Jan Tuin Indiana Jones, accompanied by the Paonia Eagle, ride in the Homecoming Parade last Friday. was ready for homecoming adventure.

The sign said it all, “Eagles

Photos by Kathy Browning

Each day was a different costume day last week at Paonia High School. Thursday was Twin Day. These two came in matching camouflage and (below) twin cowboys with a bum arm. Photo by Kathy Browning

Members of the Paonia football team joined Mandy Bushta, senior class co-president, on top of a flat bed to speak to the crowd of students, parents, teachers and school staff after the traditional bonfire was lit. Photo by Kathy Browning

Wacky Tacky Day brought out some real characters.

Photo by Kathy Browning

Taylor Katzer and Mandy Bushta, senior attendants, sported matching sunglasses in Friday’s parade.

Photo by Kathy Browning Photo by Kathy Browning

Eagle girls showed their school pride during Friday’s parade down Grand Avenue.

There was a great view of the parade down Grand Avenue from The Paradise Theatre marquee. It was a busy week in Paonia with both the Paonia High School Homecoming and the Mountain Harvest Festival. It was fun trying to keep up with all the activities!

B6 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

North Fork Vision has a new academic team

Photo submitted

A Crawford job seeker sees firsthand how she can tap into a variety of services at her local library.

Virtual Workforce Center demonstrated in Crawford As part of Workforce Development Month, a time focused on services to job seekers and employers, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment joined forces with six libraries to provide demonstrations of a new technology called Virtual Workforce Centers. At libraries in Fairplay, Pagosa Springs, Cheyenne Wells, New Castle, Springfield and Crawford, job seekers had the opportunity to see how virtual case management, training, document storage capabilities and other features on dedicated workstations could assist in their job search. Virtual Workforce Centers feature many of the same employment opportunities provided by Workforce Centers, Colorado’s statewide network of employment offices, without having to travel to the nearest local office. Workforce Centers provide quality job placement and related services to

job applicants and assist Colorado employers with their staffing needs. “But even with all the workforce centers that are in place across the state, they can’t be in every community,” explains Department of Labor and Employment executive director Ellen Golombek. “The Virtual Workforce Center is a way to add points of service for us. The greater outreach they offer will help us enhance service delivery and cost effectiveness in government.” In addition, Virtual Workforce Centers add value to the libraries in


Gift Shop Art Supplies Fish and Bird Mounting 872-1942 285 Bridge St. • Hotchkiss Open Wednesday-Saturday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

which they are available. Across Colorado, libraries are expanding their services and increasingly working with partners to address the unique needs of their communities. A total of 46 libraries across Colorado are participating in the Virtual Workforce Center project through either dedicated workstations with virtual case management functionality (30 locations) or a workstation reserved in each library for jobs search activity only (16). For a full listing of all participating libraries visit map/vwfc.

The North Fork Vision Home and Community Program has a new academic team of educator consultants on board to guide and support the school’s academic growth. Each educator consultant is highly qualified in the content area that she will oversee to provide support and enrichment activities for the program’s learners. For the past three years, North Fork Vision has focused upon academic quality and growth. This has led to the school receiving a performance rating from the state and full accreditation from the Delta County School District. This focus upon academic quality and growth continues with the school’s new academic team. Jane Vigueria will lead the educator consultants and is highly qualified in math. She has been at North Fork Vision for four years, but this is her first year in the leadership role to ensure the overall academic health of the school. Vigueria is also the new school assessment coordinator for North Fork Vision. She has 15 years of full-time teaching experience and is licensed in math, elementary education and business. Christi Gubser is one of the new educator consultants who is highly qualified in science. She holds a master’s degree in secondary science education and a bachelor’s degree in environmental science. Gubser brings over 10 years of experience in alternative education which includes an understanding of whole child education and expeditionary learning. She is also fluent in French and Spanish. Vanessa Hoff is also an educator consultant who is highly qualified in science. She has a master’s

Photo submitted

New educator consultants at North Fork Vision include (back, left to right) Christi Gubser, Vanessa Hoff and Jane Vigueria; (front) Wendi Thompson and Kerry Noonan. degree in education and a bachelor’s degree in biology and microbiology. She has been a licensed teacher in Colorado and Arizona. She has experience working with children at all grade levels. Vanessa has also taught advanced placement science courses and has experience working at both traditional and private schools. Gubser and Hoff will work together to provide science enrichment activities like the science fair. Hoff explained, “Last year was the first time that North Fork Vision hosted a school science fair. Three of our learners went on to the state science fair and were awarded a special recognition from the American Psychological Association for their work. We want to continue to offer these experiences as our kids are really curious, and they can direct that curiosity into scientific investigation.” Kerry Noonan is the new educator consultant highly qualified in language arts at the elementary school level. She is a licensed elementary teacher in Colorado and

New Mexico. She has a degree in biology and an endorsement in Spanish. Noonan has over 10 years of classroom experience working with elementary school students. Her experience includes training in differentiated instruction, reading and writing strategies and working with gifted and talented students. Wendi Thompson also joins North Fork Vision as a highly qualified educator consultant in language arts. She will focus upon the secondary level learners. Thompson has a master’s degree in secondary education and a bachelor’s degree in English. She has classroom teaching and tutoring experience. North Fork Vision Home and Community Program director Teri Kinkade said, “We are really fortunate to work with this great academic team. They bring strong educational experiences in addition to excellent abilities to support the development and growth of the whole child. That is what we are all about.”

Know Your Neighbor

Artistry meets taxidermy at The Trout Store & More in Hotchkiss LaVerne and Richard Evans are each talented in their own way. Together, they operate The Trout Store & More in Hotchkiss, a unique retail establishment which offers art supplies, unusual gifts and fish/bird mounts. This remarkable blend of products is based on LaVerne’s artistry and Richard’s taxidermy experience. LaVerne is an artist, teacher and gallery owner. Although she does all types of art from abstract to realism, her main focus is on nature. She has won many awards for her oil, acrylic, ink and watercolor paintings. She believes creative expression to be the greatest therapy for the soul. Her goal is to paint, teach and inspire others to explore their artistic skills, which she does in weekly watercolor, pastel and acrylic workshops. She conducts classes every Wednesday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The bird and fish mounts are Richard’s contribution. With over 30 years of experience in the art of taxidermy, Richard offers quality custom fish (fresh or saltwater) and bird mounting. Bring him your ducks, pheasants, turkeys, grouse or trophy fish and he’ll help you preserve your hunting memories for a lifetime. LaVerne and Richard opened The Trout Store & More at 285 E. Bridge Street in Hotchkiss in October 2002. In addition to LaVerne’s art classes and

Richard’s taxidermy, they operate a retail gift shop that has unusual gifts for the fisherman, custom jewelry, puzzle boxes, tote bags, handmade art glass by Dynasty, and beautiful Austrian crystal ornaments. In the art department you’ll find a full range of supplies including paint by Van Gogh, Liquitex and Grumbacher; pencils and pastels by Prismacolor and Derwent; pads and paper

by Strathmore, Canson and Arches; and a large variety of brushes for watercolors, acrylics and oils. You’ll also find paper for watercolor, drawing and sketching, newsprint, markers, canvas boards and stretched canvas, all at reasonable prices. During the winter, The Trout Store & More is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and can be reached by calling 872-1942.

On Oct. 3, The Trout Store & More celebrates its 10th anniversary. The business provides a creative outlet for owners LaVerne and Richard Evans, but it’s also a great spot to shop for unusual gifts, particularly for those struggling to find just the right item for the man in their life.


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Delta County Independent

SPORTS October 3, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Missed extra point costly for ‘Dogs’

Bruins stun Bulldogs, 21-20 jandro Alejandro kicked the extra point for a 7-0 Bruin lead. Hotchkiss’ first possession on offense began at its own 48. The Bulldogs moved the ball to Cedaredge’s 32 where they bogged down and elected to go for the first down on a fourth down play. A penalty against the Bulldogs moved the ball back five yards forcing Hotchkiss to punt the ball away. Each team had two more possessions in the first quarter with neither scoring points. Cedaredge led 7-0 going to the second stanza. The Bulldogs were in possession at quarter’s end and continued their drive into the second period. A Josh Hardin pass was picked off three plays into the period but was nullified on a Bruin pass interference penalty that gave Hotchkiss a first down at the Bruin 34. Galley scampered into the end zone from two yards out to culminate a 70-yard drive that took 22 plays. Galley’s PAT kick tied the score at 7-7 with 1:58 left in the first half. Cedaredge was hampered by penalties on its next possession and was forced to settle for a halftime score of 7-7. Galley sparked the Bulldogs with a 48-yard second-half kickoff return to the Bruins’ 37-yard line. The first play from scrimmage went to Tren-

ton Tamayo who rumbled through the middle of Cedaredge’s defense for 37 yards and a score. Galley’s kick failed, leaving the Bulldogs ahead 13-7 with 11:44 left in the third quarter. The ensuing kickoff from Galley went to Madaleno at the five-yard line. Madaleno weaved his way out to the Bruins’ 45 where Cedaredge began its first series on offense following halftime. Markley hit Madaleno for 12 yards and a first down at the Bulldogs’ 30. Four plays later, Cade Wasser hauled in a Markley aerial for a 13-yard scoring strike. Alejandre’s PAT kick failed, leaving the score tied at 13-13 with 8:18 left in the third quarter. The Bulldogs began their next series of downs from their own 35. A run to the 44 set up a Galley scoring jaunt that covered the remaining 44 yards. Colton Farmer kicked the extra point and Hotchkiss held a 20-13 lead. Reid Gates took the ensuing kickoff at his own five and danced his way to the Bruins’ 37 for Cedaredge’s next starting spot. Markley hit Cade Wasser and Gates for 15- and 21-yard receptions to move the ball to Hotchkiss’ 22. The Bruins lost five yards on a play that had the officials and chain gang confused. What was thought to be a first down

near the 20-yard line was eventually ruled not a first down. The ball was spotted five yards back from where it was supposed to be marked, making the Bruins’ fourthdown play a fourth-andsix instead of a fourthand-less than one. Fortunately for Cedaredge, Markley rectified the call with a 25-yard option run for a touchdown. A two-point conversion was completed with a Markley to Cade Wasser pass to give Cedaredge the lead at 21-20 with just 3:22 left in the game. Hotchkiss had the ball at its own 48 as the third quarter ended. A holding penalty was whistled against the Bulldogs to start the fourth period. Galley tried his halfback option pass on the next play and was intercepted by Gartman. Cedaredge took over at the Hotchkiss 49 and moved the ball to the 10 before the flags began falling. Markley skirted his left end for an apparent touchdown that was nullified on a 15-yard penalty that moved the ball back to the 25. Two plays later, the Bruins had the ball at the 10 once again. This time, Markley threw a 10-yard scoring strike to Cade Wasser. The play was nullified on a fiveyard procedure penalty that pushed the ball back to the 15. Cedaredge was stopped short of a first down at

the five to end the scoring threat. The Bulldogs moved It was billed as a potenthe ball to their 27 before tially big game in the 1A losing it on downs. WSL. Hotchkiss, rated Cedaredge was able fourth in state rankings a to hold the ball for the week ago, was unable to remainder of the game keep up with Cedaredge’s to win a crucial 1A WSL pace late in the game contest 21-20. and found themselves in A conversation with a position they have not head coach Brandon Milbeen in very often. holland began with his Trailing by one in the quote, “You couldn’t have fourth quarter, Hotchkiss scripted it any better resorted to a passing could you?” attack that simply was When asked what not effective against the were the biggest keys to Bruins’ pressure defense. his team’s success in the An interception by game, Milholland was Austin Gartman on a quick with his answer. halfback pass from Jacobe “We had guys down with Galley all but sealed the injuries and other guys deal for Cedaredge. Gartstepped up to take their man returned the ball 16 places. It was a big game yards to Hotchkiss’ 49. for everyone and everyAfter 13 plays and two one pulled together. I’ve touchdowns called back been coaching for 10 on penalties, the Bruins years and this is the first lost the ball on downs at time a group of guys have Hotchkiss’ 10-yard line. pulled together with a Despite a two-touchtotal team concept. They down night for Galley are not selfish. Part of and nearly 200 yards of our success is the extra rushing, the Bulldogs just things we did in the couldn’t come up with a summer. These guys are score late in the game. totally committed.” Mickey Madaleno took A visibly dejected the opening kickoff at his Hotchkiss coach, Zac own five-yard line and Lemon, had a response took it to the Bruins’ to what he felt the dif35 to start Cedaredge’s ference in the game was. first offensive possession. “They were more physiFirst-down runs of 15 cal than we were. We just and 10 yards from Dante didn’t match their physiMarkley and Carter Wascallity. Late in the game ser got the ball inside we (staff) also noticed Hotchkiss’ 25. Three there was a lack of emoplays later, Markley hit tional intensity.” Kyle Ward for 20 yards Cedaredge, ranked and the game’s first sixth last week, outscore with 8:56 left in gained the Bulldogs 360the opening quarter. Ale286 offensively. Markley was 13-21 passing with 130 yards and two touchdowns. He also toted the ball eight times for 107 yards of rushing offense. Josh Hardin completed just one pass in seven attempts for five yards and Galley was 0-1. In the rushing department, Carter Wasser was close behind Markley with 17 carries and 90 yards while Gates had 39 yards on 14 carries. Galley was the game’s leading ground gainer with 190 yards on 25 carries. Tamayo was next for the Bulldogs with 76 yards and 10 totes. Hardin ran the ball six times for 15 yards. Defensively, Conner Photo by Wayne Crick Beard had 13 solo tackCedaredge quarterback Dante Markley (5) fakes the give to Carter Wasser (44) and looks for running les and five assists for room to his right against the Hotchkiss Bulldogs last Friday night in Hotchkiss. The key 1A WSL contest the Bulldogs. Teammates was a battle from the start with Cedaredge winning a close one by a 21-20 score. Dustin Head and Gal-


ley had 12 solo and six assists and 10 and 1 postings respectively. Randy Brown, principal at Cedaredge Middle School, noted that the last time a Bruins’ football team had scored a victory over Hotchkiss might have been the 2002 season. For those who missed this contest, it truly was a hard-played and closely-contested battle. Conversations with both coaches prior to the game noted the concerns for their opponents. From coach Lemon, “We’re concerned most for their team speed. They might have a little more than we do, but we may have them up front. It’s going to be a battle.” Even though coach Milholland appeared confident, he had concerns about the Bulldogs’ past record. “They have been in big games and know how to handle themselves under pressure. They are well-coached and highly competitive.” Both were correct in their thoughts and the fans had the honor of watching an outstanding high school football game under the lights on a Friday night. Cedaredge is at Carbondale to face the Roaring Fork Rams on Friday, Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. Hotchkiss is also on the road for an encounter with the Lake County Panthers in Leadville on Friday at 7 p.m.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Hotchkiss quarterback Josh Hardin (10) takes a hit as he releases the football. Reid Gates is the Bruins’ tackler.

Eagles soar to 42-9 win BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

Paonia opened 1A Western Slope League competition last Friday with a 42-9 win over Roaring Fork. For the Eagles, who were also enjoying the annual homecoming celebration, it seemed that little could go wrong. “We had a few turnovers and penalties,” said head coach Scott Rienks after the game. “But, hey! Other than that...” Taylor Walters was up front to block on the opening kickoff and wasn’t expecting the ball, which went short and wide to the right, to come his way. The ball bounced inside the 30 and he could hear coaches yelling from the sideline to let it go out of bounds, said Walters. He looked up to see teammate Logan Schopp block a Rams player, giving him a clear view of the goal line more than 70 yard away. He grabbed the ball, “And I just

kept running as hard as I could,” said the freshman. “Oh man, that was exciting.” Place kicker Jorge Quinonez put the ball through the uprights to give Paonia a 7-0 lead with just under 12 minutes remaining on the clock. Paonia held the Rams to a three-and-out on their opening possession, then executed a 74-yard, 13-play drive that ended in a 1-yard touchdown run by Will Austin. Quinonez’ PAT gave Paonia a 14-0 lead. The Rams got to work, running the ball deep into Paonia territory, but were held to a 27-yard field goal with just four seconds remaining in the first quarter. Paonia turned the ball over on downs at midfield to start the second quarter. The Rams and Eagles exchanged possessions on fumbles. A second fumble by Roaring Fork was recovered by Gun-

nar Chesnik at midfield. That set up a 14-yard touchdown run by Jesse Reed and a two-point conversion pass from Ty Coats to Austin to give the Eagles a 22-3 lead. On the next Rams possession, Jared Byrge recovered a fumble at mid-field. On first down, Taylor Katzer carried the ball to the Rams’ 29. Austin had two carries to put the ball inside the Rams’ 10 and set up a nine-yard scoring run by Walters; Quinonez kicked the PAT to give the Eagles a 29-3 halftime lead. The Rams threatened to score early in the second half following a 14play drive that took them deep into Paonia territory. But the Eagles’ defense made a goal line stand, taking over on downs following an incomplete pass in the end zone. Paonia took advantage of a penalty against Roaring Fork, which put the ball inside the Rams’ 40. The Eagles were forced to

punt, but another Rams penalty gave the Eagles a first down and set up a 10-yard touchdown run by Morgan Rieder. A Quinonez PAT gave the Eagles a 36-3 lead at the end of the third. The Rams scored their only touchdown of the night early in the fourth. This was the first time in recent years the two teams met on the field, but with Roaring Fork dropping to Class 1A this season, they will meet again. Austin had 21 carries for 126 yards and two touchdowns. Reed was seven for 39 and a 14-yard touchdown run, and Rieder had eight carries for 33 yards and one touchdown. On defense, TK Kendall led the Eagles in tackles with 10, and Walters and Joel Simianer each had nine. Josh Altman, Rieder and Keaton Kropp also had key plays to help shut down the Rams offense.

This was the first varsity game for Quinonez, a three-year soccer player for Hotchkiss and lead scorer for the Delta Panthers’ soccer team. He hasn’t played in a football game since eighth grade. Quinonez would have kicked in the Eagles’ win

against Dolores a week earlier, but the game was moved from Friday night to Saturday, which conflicted with his soccer schedule. Quinonez said after Friday’s win that he was encouraged by football PAONIA FB TO B8

Photo by Tamie Meck

Paonia’s Taylor Walters runs for a 72-yard touchdown on the opening kickoff against the Roaring Fork Rams last Friday night.

B8 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

Demons cool off Delta gridders in second half BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Delta’s Panthers hosted Glenwood Springs in gridiron action last Friday evening. It was a game of middle-of-thestandings’ teams with the Panthers (2-1, 3-2) holding an edge in the win/loss columns over the Demons (2-2, 2-3). Somewhere in the third quarter, the Demons forgot they were the lesserrated team and found a way to overpower Delta in a 41-20 3A WSL contest. Delta started the game with six points in the opening quarter and the Demons countered with a score in the second frame leaving the game tied at 6-6 at halftime. Whatever went wrong

in this game started in the third period. Glenwood Springs outscored the Panthers 21-7 for a 27-13 lead going into the final quarter. Glenwood scored two touchdowns and Delta one in the last 12 minutes of play making the final score 41-20. Statistically, Delta fared well in the passing department with Mitch Whiteside completing 12 of 19 passes for 164 yards and two touchdowns. Whiteside also suffered an interception. Chris Black continues to be Whiteside’s main target in the receiving corps. Black gathered in four passes that accounted for 61 yards and one touchdown. Senior Doug Hawkins caught two

passes for 31 yards and Saul Sanchez had 26 yards and a touchdown on two passes. Other Panther receivers and their totals included Zach Decker with 22 yards and two snags, Robert Williams and 17 yards on one reception and Tyler Sandoval with seven yards on one catch. A lot of folks had rushing chances against the Demons. Leading the way was Decker’s 55 yards on 17 carries. Close behind Decker was Easton Byers who had 45 yards and six totes and Mitch Whiteside with 40 yards on six carries. Delta will take the Photo by Randy Sunderland ride to Cortez to face the Panthers (1-3 and 1-4) on Delta’s Zach Decker (22) follows Marcus Garcia (79) to find a way into the end Friday, Oct. 5. Game time zone to cap off an impressive drive against Glenwood Springs. The touchdown pulled the Panthers to within 6 at 13-19. has been set for 7 p.m.

Hotchkiss XC teams finish strong at 10th Anna Banana meet BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

Both Hotchkiss cross country teams posted strong finishes at Saturday’s 10th running of the Anna Banana Memorial Wildcat Invitational, held at Connected Lakes State Park in Fruita. Twentythree teams competed, coming from as far away as Greeley and Denver. Natalie Anderson ran her best time of the season and the second-best time of her three-year career, finishing in 19 minutes, 00.2 seconds to place eighth. Jenni Celis finished 11th out of a field of 103 racers. Her 19:35.6 finish was an all-time best for the third-year runner.

Mae Anderson placed 21st in 20:18.3, with Sophia Schelle finishing in 20:33.7. Both broke their personal best times. Tiffany Clock ran her best time of the season to finish in 21:31. The Hotchkiss girls placed third with 125 points, with Greeley West and Battle Mountain tying for first with 99 points. The girls also got a glimpse of what could be their toughest competition at regionals. Class 2A’s Amber Scott of Crested Butte Community School and Rachel Hampton of Telluride finished in under 19 minutes, placing fourth and sixth respectively. Neither school fielded

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enough racers to place as a team. Hotchkiss lead runner Cody Bartlett said after last week’s Hotchkiss Invitational that he would be aiming for a time in the mid-16s at Anna Banana. Bartlett surpassed his expectations, finishing fourth, and one second under the old course record, with a time of 16 minutes, 21.5 seconds — almost 40 seconds faster than his personal-best time set two weeks ago at Eagle Valley. Andrew Tiedemann placed 15th out of 147 racers, completing the course in a personal best time of 17:06. Tyrell Clock, who finished in 18:16.9, Taylor Schreiner (19:20.3), Mason Oxford (19:49.5), and Keegan Palmer (20:52.9) all set personal records Saturday. The Hotchkiss boys had 217 points to finish seventh overall; Grand Junction Central won the meet with 121 points. Both course records fell on Saturday. William Scoggins of Rangely broke the men’s record by 19 seconds to win in 16:03.2. EvaLou Edwards of Bayfield finished in 17 minutes, 41.3 seconds to break the girls record of 18:57, set in 2009 by Johanna Reed, a Paonia student who ran four years for Hotchkiss and graduated in 2010. Reed was a four-time winner at Anna Banana. The Bulldogs travel to Aspen Saturday for the Chris Severy Invitational. This is the final meet before regional competition, which will be run at Delta on Oct. 17. The Montrose Relays, which includes teams of two runners alternating mile runs until each has run three miles, happens on Oct. 13.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Paonia freshman Chelsea Meliner leads Hotchkiss runners Tiffany Clock and Sophia Schelle at the Hotchkiss Invitational cross country meet earlier in the season. All three runners had strong finishes Saturday at the 10th annual Anna Banana meet in Fruita.

Paonia personal and season records set at Anna Banana meet BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

For Paonia, the Anna Banana Memorial Wildcat Invitational was a day of season and personal bests. Almost every runner posted personal records, with some of the younger runners finishing minutes ahead of their best times. “It was a really good day for us,” said coach Richard Hypio. The Anna Banana course is largely flat and fast and is where many personal records fall. This year’s field of male runners was more than

140 strong. First-year runner Clay Carney, who is one of several runners using cross country to stay in shape for winter sports, took more than a minute and a half off of his personal best time. Second-year runner Garrett Morgan shaved a minute off of his best time to finish the 5,000-meter course in just over 20 minutes. Ethan Ferguson finished in 19 minutes, 40 seconds — a minute and 10 seconds faster than his best time this season. Austin Katzer also set a PR of 21:10.6

Jason Sturgis led the Eagles to place 37th with a personal best time of 17:44.7. Jacob Helleckson cut almost 10 seconds off his personal best time to finish in 18:31.4. With 486 points, the boys’ team tied for 18th place with Meeker. This year’s field of 129 female racers was the fastest in the meet’s history. Eva Lou Edwards of Bayfield broke the course record of 18:57, set in 2009 by Johanna Reed. Reed, a Paonia High School student and four-time winner at Anna Banana, ran PAONIA XC TO B9

Paonia FB CONTINUED FROM B7 coaches and players to come out for the team and began practicing just over three weeks ago. “It just comes natural to me,” said Quinonez, who was three for four and kicked a fourth PAT in the second quarter, but the play was called dead before the snap on a Roaring Fork penalty. Quinonez said he was only in the game “for a couple of plays, but oh man! The adrenaline really kept me pumped.” The Eagles travel this Friday to Meeker. The Cowboys are 1-3 overall following a 21-6 conference win over Lake County (0-5, 0-1).



Photo by Tamie Meck

From the left, Kurt Katzdorn, Jacob Helleckson, Andrew Tiedemann and Jason Sturgis compete at the Hotchkiss Invitational cross country meet held earlier in the year. These four competitors set new personal records at Saturday’s Anna Banana meet in Fruita.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


13-1 Eagles play final home game of the season Saturday BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

If the Lady Eagles were up for a challenge in Friday night’s homecoming match against Rangely, they were disappointed. Despite a week of homecoming distractions, the team stayed focused, defeating the visiting Lady Panthers in three quick games (2511, 25-16, 25-21). The short match gave them plenty of time to prepare for Friday night’s homecoming football game against Roaring Fork. Paonia wasted no time in neutralizing the Panthers, who are known for their hard hitting

on offense. “We blocked their main hitters a few times early, and that really had an impact on their offense,” said coach Krista Carsten. The Paonia offense played equally well, controlling the ball throughout the match. Except in blocking, the team had one of the best games of the season in terms of errors. They were offered few opportunities to record blocks, as Rangely’s lead hitters made numerous unforced errors at the net. Freshman Taylor Carsten, who leads the league in serving aces, made nine consecutive serves in game one, and

ended the game with four service aces. Paonia recorded 37 kills in 102 attacks. On defense, Carson Pipher led the team in digs with 16. “It wasn’t the game that I had anticipated from Rangely, but I know they will be tough to beat on their home court in a couple of weeks,” said Carsten. It was Paonia’s second blowout of the week. In a Sept. 25 conference match, they played a convincing three-set win over visiting Vail Christian (25-12, 25-18, 28-26). Ce’rra Carsten led the team in kills with 15. With a 7-4 overall, 42 Western Slope League

record, the Lady Panthers are ranked third in Max Preps’ 2A league standings. Meeker is in second place with a 7-3, 3-0 record. Paonia is alone in first place with a 13-1, 7-0 record and remains at No. 8 in Colorado Preps’ state 2A rankings. The Lady Eagles host their final home game of the season this Saturday in a conference match against Hayden. The Lady Tigers are 3-8 overall after last week’s wins over North Park and Soroco. C-team competition begins at 4 p.m., followed by junior varsity and varsity matches at 5 and 6 p.m.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Taylor Carsten (10) sets for Abby Campbell during action from the Lady Eagles’ win over Vail Christian on Sept. 25. Paonia is now 13-1 and will play its final home game of the season this Saturday against Hayden.

Lady Bulldogs lose volleyball matches BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

The Lady Bulldogs’ league record took a hit Saturday after suffering two losses in the Vail Valley. Hotchkiss fell in four sets to Vail Christian and in three to Vail Mountain. The losses bring the Lady Bulldogs’ record to 4-7 overall and 1-3 in the 2A Western Slope League. This Friday they travel to Meeker to face the 7-3, 30 Lady Cowboys. On Saturday, they host Hayden, with the C-team match starting at 11 a.m. Varsity action is scheduled for 1 p.m. After Hayden, the Lady Bulldogs have three Photo by Tamie Meck Cedaredge’s Rebecca Deal (left) and Sadie Smith of Hotchkiss battle for con- matches remaining in the trol on Sept. 25. The Lady Bulldogs handed the visiting Cedaredge team a 3-0 season — against Rangely, Soroco and Plateau loss. Valley. All three will be held at home, beginning with a match against Rangely on Oct. 12.

Hotchkiss wins volleyball match against Bruins, 3-0 BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

In volleyball, it was an up day for Hotchkiss and a down day for Cedaredge, as the Lady Bulldogs defeated the visiting Lady Bruins in straight sets (25-19, 2510, 25-16) last Tuesday. Jordan Smith led Cedaredge in kills with

five, with Rachel Latta and Summer Herman contributing three each. Cedaredge struggled with its second and third touches, committing 16 errors in 50 attacks. Lady Bulldogs Savannah Rocha, Katie Evans, Daryl Batt and Kristina Deloury pounded the Lady Bruins with kill

shots. It was the second meeting this season for the neighboring rivals. On Sept. 4, Cedaredge was defeated at home in a close, 3-2 match. Since Hotchkiss dropped from Class 3A to 2A this season, this is the last time the two teams will meet on the court this season.

Delta soccer season down to four matches BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Delta High School’s inaugural season in 4A WSL play has been anything but a pleasing success. Delta finds itself at the bottom of league standings with a league record of 0-4 and 2-9 overall. A pair of losses this past week didn’t help matters. The Panthers fell (3-0) to 3A Aspen and Grand Valley (2-1). The Panthers traveled to Aspen on Tuesday (Sept. 25) to take on the Skiers. Edwin Soto netted two goals while teammate Robinson Coulter scored the third goal for Aspen. Two of the goals came in the first half

with Dylan Braswell being credited with an assist. Saturday’s encounter with Grand Valley took place in Parachute. The Cardinals scored both of their goals in the first half on shots from Luis Vicencio and Santos Cornejo. Will Hinkle had one assist. Delta scored its lone goal in the second half. Battle Mountain continues its hold on the top spot with records of 7-0 and 9-0 overall. Summit is second at 5-1 and 6-3 with Steamboat Springs third at 5-3 and 6-4. Palisade is shown in fourth place with marks of 5-4 in both league and

overall matches played. Eagle Valley is fifth (35 and 3-6), Glenwood Springs is sixth (1-5 and 2-6), and Rifle is seventh (1-6 and 2-6). Following Tuesday’s (Oct. 2) match in Gypsum against Eagle Valley, the Panthers will have three matches left in the 2012 season. An Oct. 11 contest with Palisade has been moved from Delta to CMU and the Oct. 13 game with Grand Valley has been moved to the 20th and will be the Panthers last game. Seniors will be honored at that contest. The Oct. 18 match with Moffat County is still set for Oct. 18.

Paonia XC CONTINUED FROM B8 for 3A Hotchkiss. Paonia split from Hotchkiss and formed its own team this fall. Both teams now compete in Class 2A. Junior Taylor Polson set a new personal record of 20:09.9 to place 16th. Chelsy Reed ran her best time of the season, placing 32nd in 20:54.8. Chelsea Mielner set a new personal record of 21:29.2 to place 56th. Mandy Bushta and Braiden Clement raced to the finish line, said Hypio. Clement crossed

the finish line in a season-best 22:06.8, and Bushta set a new personal best time, finishing in 22:07.1. Sophomore Joanna Briese, who ran her first varsity race last week at Hotchkiss, shaved more than three minutes off of her time to finish in 25:42.6. The girls’ team placed ninth with 237 points. This year marked the 10th anniversary of the Anna Banana meet, which is held in memory of Anna Lee Janowitz, a

Fruita Monument High School star cross country runner who was killed in a car accident on her way to practice at the age of 17. In all, 23 schools from as far away as Bayfield, Greeley and Denver competed at the meet. Next Saturday, Paonia will be tested by the altitude when it competes in the Chris Severy Invitational at Aspen High School. The school is situated at 8,043 feet in elevation and consists of moderate ascents and descents.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Hotchkiss setter Jessie Violett keeps the ball in play in action from an early-season volleyball match. The Lady Bulldogs will travel to Meeker this Friday, then finish off the final two weeks of scheduled matches at home.

B10 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

Delta VB team splits games BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

It’s an up-and-down season for the Delta High School Lady Panthers volleyball team. Delta (32 and 7-6) hosted Battle Mountain on Thursday, Sept. 27, and completed a 3-0 sweep over the Lady Huskies. Against Summit (1-4 and 3-8) on Saturday, the Lady Panthers could not find consistency in their game and suffered a 3-1 loss in 4A WSL play. Against Battle Mountain, Delta had a solid effort in the opening set with a 25-21 win. Battle

Mountain played well and kept the score close throughout the contest. Skylyn Webb started the second set with three straight kills as Delta built a 6-0 lead early and had a 10-point edge at 18-8 before rolling to a 25-15 win. The third set was a mirror of the first set with Delta scoring a 25-21 win for the match victory. Callie Gafford had nine kills to lead Delta, with teammates Webb (8), Brooke Taylor (6), and Shelby Curtis (5) contributing at the net as well.

Natalie Larkin was assists respectively. 25. the Panthers’ digs leader The scores from SumDelta’s next court with 15 while Toni Ortiz mit were as follows; 22- action is in Delta Thursand Webb had 14 and 11 25, 28-26, 14-25, and 19- day, Oct. 4, against Grand

Valley at 6 p.m. for varsity play. On Saturday, Delta is in Gypsum to play at 1 p.m.

Bruins win two ball games BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Following last week’s softball doubleheader sweep of Grand Valley, Cedaredge finds itself in the middle of the standings with a league record of 4-3 and 6-10-1 overall. The Lady Bruins defeated Grand Valley 22-6 in game one and then scored a 12-2 win in game two. In the first game, Kaitlyn Kissner and Jazmine Gomez went five-for-five

at the plate with five RBIs each. Kissner had a double and triple while Gomez had a double. Other top hitters for the Bruins included Micaela Shaw who finished with four hits in five at bats and had three RBIs. Shaw needed a single to complete the cycle as she had a double, triple, and a home run for the winners. In all, Cedaredge had 25 hits in the game while Grand Valley was held to

just six. Cedaredge had big third and fifth innings in which they scored eight runs in each. Marissa Cantrell was the winning pitcher after going five innings and striking out six batters. In game two, the Lady Bruins scored four runs in the first inning and three more in the second to coast to the five-inning victory. Cantrell was three-forthree with the bat and

had one RBI and a double. Katie O’Hern was 2-2 with three RBIs and two doubles. Kissner had two hits, an RBI, and a double, while Heather Wilzcek was 2-3 with one RBI for the winners. Cantrell went five innings and struck out six hitters on her way to the win. Her record stands at 5-4 on the season. Cedaredge is set to begin regional play this weekend.

CHS netters spiked twice BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta’s Brooke Taylor puts the ball in an opponent’s face for a point during last week’s 4A WSL volleyball match against Battle Mountain. Delta won 3-0.

Volleyball matches with Hotchkiss and Olathe had the same results this past week for the Lady Bruins. Both were 3-0 losses that bring Cedaredge’s

records to 1-3 and 3-8 overall. Gunnison leads the 3A WSL with a 4-0 and 11-3 slate. Olathe is second with Coal Ridge third and Grand Valley fourth. The fifth-place team is Roaring Fork with

Panthers do Anna Banana BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

There were 23 men’s teams and 15 women’s at last weekend’s Anna Banana Wildcat Cross Country Invitational. Grand Junction won the team title for the boys while Greeley West won the girls’ title. Delta’s boys finished 14th with 343 points. The Lady Panthers had 235 points and finished eighth. Rangely’s William Scoggins blistered the flat course in a time of 16:03.2. Hotchkiss’ Cody

Bartlett had a time of 16.21.50 to finish fourth and Andrew Tiedemann ran a 17:06 to place 15th. Delta’s Dustin Ownbey took 17:09.20 to run the course and placed 19th to lead the Delta runners. Other Delta runners to finish in the scoring were Jonathen Kinderknecht (27th), Jacob Davignon (85th), Cullen Wear (94th) and Jaden Cowley (120th). Ty Rolf finished 121st. In all, 147 runners participated in the meet in the boys’ division.

For the girls, Greeley West scored just 99 points to earn first place in the team race. Battle Mountain also recorded 99 points to share the top spot. Hotchkiss had 125 points and finished in third place. Delta’s Lady Panthers were eighth with 235 points and Paonia was ninth with 237 points. In the girls’ race, Bayfield’s Evalou Edwards had a great time of 17:41.30 to win the individual title. Delta’s Clarissa Whiting ran a good race and clocked a time of

18:30.80 to place second. Sister, Cleo, wasn’t too far behind with a fifth place finish in a time of 18:46.40. Natalie Anderson and Jenni Celis finished eighth and 11th respectively. The remaining scoring runners for Delta included Kaylee Dunham (43rd), Julia Stinson (88th) and Leda Stinson (97th). Dakota Wheatley was 98th. Delta will travel to Cortez for the Cortez Invitational on Saturday, Oct. 6.

Rifle, Moffat County, Cedaredge, Basalt and Aspen holding the sixth through 10th spots. Against Hotchkiss, Cedaredge played a good first set but came up short in a 3-0 loss (See related story). A Thursday, Sept. 27, contest against Olathe ended in a three-set loss to the Lady Pirates. The first two sets were close while the deciding third set was one-sided. Hotchkiss won the first two sets with scores of 25-20 and 25-23 then powered-up to win the third set 25-14. Rachel Latta led Cedaredge in kills with four while Rebecca Deal and Summer Herman had three each. Latta had three aces in the match for Cedaredge.

Regional tennis play on Friday BY TAMIE MECK

DELTA COUNTY Fall & Winter Adventure Guide The Delta County Independentʼs summer visitors guide has been so popular and in such high demand that we began to publish an annual Fall & Winter Adventure Guide a few years ago. Delta County is not just a summer destination but is enjoyed by visitors year around and weʼd like to get the word out that Delta County is FUN FOR ALL SEASONS! Our 4th Annual Fall & Winter Adventure Guide will include stories and photos on hunting, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, sledding, ice fishing, dog sledding and other fall & winter activities as well as general information on Delta County. The 2012 Delta County Fall & Winter Adventure Guide will be inserted in the DCI on October 24 with additional copies distributed through the winter at various businesses, regional information centers, information racks and chambers of commerce. We know youʼll want to be part of this exciting opportunity to spread the word about your business or service. So please call and reserve your advertising space today. 1/16 Page ad (2 1/2” w. x 2 1/2” h.) 1/8 Page ad (5 1/8” w. x 2 1/2” h.) 1/4 page ad (5 1/8” w. x 5 1/4” h.) 1/2 page ad (5 1/8” w. x 10 3/4” h. or 10 3/8” w. x 5 1/4”h.) Full page ad (10 3/8” w. x 10 3/4” h.)

Olathe’s Fallon Flick was a presence at the net and rained misery on Cedaredge’s defense with 13 kills. Keanna Castaneda was also effective with 11 kills. Jeanne Mosher had three aces while Anna Thompson and Castaneda chipped in two each. Flick had three blocks while Thompson finished the match with 27 assists and 13 digs. Cedaredge hosts Gunnison on Thursday, Oct. 4, with matches beginning at 4, 5, and 6 p.m. The Lady Bruins will take on Roaring Fork on Saturday in Cedaredge with matches set for 1, 2, and 3 p.m. On Tuesday, Oct. 9, Cedaredge will host Moffat County for matches scheduled for 3, 4, and 5 p.m.

DCI Sports Writer

Of all the fall sports, tennis season is the shortest. Regional 8 4A action begins this Friday morning at Canyon View Park in Grand Junction. In Colorado prep tennis, schools compete either in Class 4A or 5A, based on the number of students. Of the eight schools competing in Region 8, Hotchkiss with 239 students and Cedaredge (267) are the smallest. Of the 75 schools in Class 4A, only nine have fewer than 300 registered students; 28 teams have more than 1,000 students, including Region 8 teams Montrose and Durango. Of the seven teams competing in Region 8, neither Hotchkiss nor Cedaredge have faced Steamboat Springs or Durango this season. The numbers alone put the small schools at a big disadvantage, but it hardly keeps them from giving the other teams a good run. This season, all three Hotchkiss singles players have posted winning records. Senior 1 singles Tony Ibarra enters regional competition with a 6-5 record after defeating a Grand

Junction JV player and losing to Aspen in last week’s final matches of league competition. The Skiers won the match, 7-0. That was pretty much expected, said head coach Brian Benson. No. 2 singles Brydie Mitchell and 3 singles Azure Eller are at 73 after their losses to Aspen. Mitchell, a senior, won, 4-6, 6-4, 1-5, over Grand Junction JV last week, while Eller lost for a second time to Grand Junction’s Sam Shaver. The Bulldogs’ No. 1 and 2 doubles teams will likely face tough competition in Friday’s opening round of regional play. No. 3 doubles Caleb Bayles and Josh Parsons are now 5-1 and have a shot at advancing, as do No. 4 doubles Alex Hulteen and Quentin Varner. Both teams won on Sept. 25 against Grand Junction JV (Hulteen and Varner by default). Coaches meet Thursday night to determine seeding, which means most players won’t know who they’ll face until opening matches begin on Friday morning. The top two placers in each flight advance to next week’s state competition.

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Photo by Tamie Meck

Cedaredge’s 1S player Landen Eckhart plays against Hotchkiss early in the season. Cedaredge and Hotchkiss will compete in the 4A Region 8 tennis tournament as the smallest schools in the region. Tournament play is at Canyon View Park in GJ.

SURFACE CREEK October 3, 2012




School’s sign gets passing grade by town BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

The Cedaredge Town Board approved, after it had been installed, a variable message sign at Cedaredge Elementary School. The town, explained administrator Katie Sickles, has no authority to regulate the sign on school district property. Sickles told trustees at their Sept. 20 regular meeting that the issue was a “gray area” in the town’s newly adopted sign code, adding that the board could mount a legal challenge if it chose to. Trustees

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

The new variable message sign erected at Cedaredge Elementary has escaped the regulatory attentions of the Town of Cedaredge under its newly adopted sign code.

declined, and instead issued a token approval. The sign is the first one to be installed in town since adoption of the comprehensive sign code revision adopted last month. In other business at their Sept. 20 regular meeting the Cedaredge Town Trustees dealt with the following matters: • There have been four interviews conducted for the part-time (24 hours per week) code enforcement position. • Anne Snyer reported that the recreation and cultural advisory committee has set goals of a historic plaque program for buildings; bike trail expansion; and working on more activities for youth and families. • The town administrator was authorized to get additional property and casualty insurance quotes for the town’s business. • Trustees denied a resident request for a new street light at 285 N. Grand Mesa Drive. • A water delivery agreement with the Cedaredge Cemetery District was approved. • Trustees adopted a drought response plan, reported on in detail previously in the DCI. • The board approved spending $12,500 for new equipment at the golf course. • Trustees selected consulting engineering firms for improvements at Main Street and Grand Mesa Drive. • A liquor license renewal was approved for Grand Mesa Liquors.

Photo by Randy Sunderland

Golden glow With a backdrop of bright blue skies dotted with white clouds, these aspen leaves burst with color on Color Sunday on the Grand Mesa. Although the fall colors were a little past their prime, there were still plenty of colorful pockets to be enjoyed by leaf peepers.

Pioneer Town rolls out welcome mat BY VERNA BARR Staff Writer

Great weather, many visitors, demonstrators, and numerous other volunteers

made Color Sunday at Pioneer Town in Cedaredge a big success. Much of the success of the event was due to the pre-

Photo by Verna Barr

Ed Baxter served samples of ginger beer (non alcoholic) to visitors at the bar in the Lizard Head Saloon in Pioneer Town on Color Sunday. The girl in the photo chose to sample cream soda instead.

planning of Surface Creek Valley Historical Society board member Jane Everett. She had contacted Black Canyon Camera Club, blacksmith Paul Michaels, leather worker Dick McGuire, and Cranky Quilter Polly Pulver to demonstrate and display some of their work and interact with visitors. Small samples of ginger beer (non-alcoholic) were offered at the Lizard Head Saloon and organ music was played throughout the day in the Chapel of the Cross. With everything else going on throughout the museum, it was a pair of Great Horned Owls high in a tree above the old Colby Store that stole the show. A lunch of chili and corn bread was offered to all of the volunteers, including those who demonstrated their crafts. Everyone will have one

‘State of the Moose’ meeting scheduled in GJ Learn about the success story of bringing moose to the Grand Mesa Colorado Parks and Wildlife is inviting western Colorado residents to a public presentation and discussion about the state of the Grand Mesa moose population, and the current status of the relocation project that brought them here, Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 6 p.m., at the Northwest Region office in Grand Junction. Based on the latest moose population estimates, wildlife managers say that the relocation project can be considered a great success. “The project has gone far better than we expected,” said area wildlife manager JT Romatzke, of Colorado Parks and Wildlife in Grand Junc-

tion. “We encourage the public to attend this presentation and learn more about this fascinating species and about our continuing efforts to maintain a healthy moose population on the Grand Mesa for future generations.” Area residents first approached Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials with a proposal to bring moose to the Grand Mesa in 2001. After conducting an extensive feasibility study, the agency concluded that the area could sustain a modest population of the large ungulates. Funded almost entirely by the sale of hunting and fishing licenses, wildlife managers began relocating Shiras moose from Utah and other areas of Colorado in early 2005. Wildlife managers relocated 91 moose to the area before the transplant phase concluded in 2007. “It was difficult work,” continued Romatzke. “But

thanks to our sportsmen and our agency’s dedicated professionals we can say that this is one of our most successful wildlife management efforts.” Other partners contributing to the successful project included Safari Club International, the U.S. Forest Service and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Because the Grand Mesa’s habitat proved to be exceptional for this species of moose, their population growth exceeded even the most optimistic expectations. “The Grand Mesa has truly great habitat for this species of moose,” said Stephanie Duckett, terrestrial biologist for Colorado Parks and Wildlife. “In fact, several sets of twins are born each year, a clear sign that they are thriving up there.” During the evening presentation and discussion, Duckett and other wildlife managers will offer interesting informaMOOSE TO C2

Photo by Verna Barr

Polly Pulver and Lida Letey set up their “crank” sewing machines in the warm sunshine on the south side of the silos. They belong to the S & B quilting club. The quilt in the background is a group quilting project that is being raffled off by the club with the winner to be announced at the end of the year. more chance to visit the buildings at Pioneer Town this year. The town will reopen for AppleFest this weekend, Saturday, Oct. 6, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, October 7, 1 to 4 p.m. The Antique and Classic

Car Show will be held, Saturday only, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. near the blacksmith shop and chapel at the west end of Pioneer Town. Cedar Mesa Club’s food booth will be adjacent to the Blacksmith Shop during the car show.

Photo by Rick Spalenka

Garden spelunker Rick Spalenka of Rgs Designs snapped this photo in his garden. The rain that fell in late September was appreciated by all kinds of critters.

C2 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent


CEDAREDGE HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Thur., Oct. 4 Fri., Oct. 5 Sat., Oct. 6

Volleyball vs. Gunnison, 4:00, 5:00 & 6:00 p.m. Football at Roaring Fork, 7:00 p.m. Softball vs. Rifle JV Tourney, TBA; Volleyball vs. Roaring Fork, 11:00, 2:00 & 3:00 p.m. CHS Homecoming - Dress-Up Day - “Heroes,” Upperclassmen; “Sidekicks,” Underclassmen; JV Football vs. Paonia, 4:30 p.m.; Movie Night at 6:30 p.m. Dress-Up Day - “Villains” - Upperclassmen; “Minions,” Underclassmen; Volleyball vs. Moffat County, 3:00, 4:00 & 5:00 p.m.; Chili Cook-off, 3:00 p.m. Dress-Up Day - Pairs, Royalty, Prince, Princess, Fairy Tale, Hero Love (Choose A Partner & Dress Up As That Pair); Bonfire at Dusk.

Mon., Oct. 8

Tues., Oct. 9

Wed., Oct. 10

FROM PAGE C1 tion about moose, including a brief history of the species in Colorado, viewing tips and the agency’s plans to maintain a healthy population. “Moose are magnificent animals and we’re all fortunate to have a healthy population close-by,” said Northwest Regional Manager Ron Velarde. “We want the public to be aware of how we plan to sustain moose on the Grand Mesa while also providing hunting opportunities for the sportsmen who were instrumental in funding this project.”

Photo submitted

New chamber member E. Kendall Photography, a new member of the Cedaredge Chamber of Commerce, held its ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday, Sept. 29, at the business, 195 W. Main St. Holding the scissors is owner Erin Kendall as she was joined by chamber members, town officials, family, friends and well wishers. In addition to photography services the business will offer gifts and crafts, “All kinds of things!” Kendall said. The phone number to call is 856-3184.

Divergent views offered of community development BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

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Dr. Terry S. Wade

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Dr. Terry Wade and Dr. Michelle Purvis are offering a

FREE CLINIC to assist the community during the holidays. Please bring a non-perishable item for the Cedaredge Food Pantry or an unwrapped toy for local children.

Saturday, October 27 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 255 S. Grand Mesa (Dr. Wade’s Office) Call for an appointment (970) 856-4111 No questions asked; insurance or no insurance all appointments are FREE. Thank you for any and all contributions.

Two very different views of the community and its future were displayed at separate events in Delta County that took place within days of each other last week. The first event took place on Saturday, Sept, 22, when more than 300 local residents paid $8 each to attend a day-long seminar at the Delta Center. Organized by a local volunteer committee headed by Constitutional government advocate Barbara Hulet, the presentation featured three nationally-known speakers, Tom DeWeese, Michael S. Coffman and Michael Chapman. Each shared their years of research and documentation of a United Nations program launched in 1992, called Agenda 21. When Agenda 21 is fully implemented, they claim, it will supplant American national sovereignty and bring an end to American Constitutional government and its guarantee of individual freedom and liberty. The Agenda 21 speakers made the case that local comprehensive planning is one area where the UN Agenda 21 program for ultimate, topdown government control is undermining traditional American freedoms and creating a new global society. They say that Agenda 21 aims to restructure the American economy, its energy use, the media and education. Speakers said the Agenda 21 program is identifiable by a lexicon of politicallycorrect buzzwords that include the terms green, tolerance, global warming, multi-culturalism, sustainability, diversity and others. Four days later, on Wednesday, Sept. 26, the second event took place which tests the cautionary message of the Agenda 21 opponents. About 30 local elected officials, planning commission members, and staff from Delta County, City of Delta, Orchard City and Cedaredge gathered at Orchard City Town Hall for a seminar on “Planning 101.” Two officials from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) presented a program on “comprehensive local planning.” Those attending the DOLA session on Planning 101 at Orchard City are not people who anyone would believe are players in a global plan to restructure human society and usher in radical world government controls. They are the people that most folks in their communities know and may have voted for. They are professionals, retirees, newcomers and lifelong residents who have volunteered their time to help make their communities better places, or they are neighbors who work in positions of local government. So what, if any, is the connection between UN’s Agenda 21 program and the comprehensive plan-

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Nationally-known speaker Tom DeWeese spoke to more than 300 paying listners at the Delta Center on Sept. 22. ning activities taking place on the local level in Delta County? The Planning 101 session didn’t make reference to any of the buzzwords said to be part of Agenda 21’s supposed new paradigm of thought, with one exception – “SmartGrowth” Andy Hill, DOLA director of the Community Development Office, began her presentation stating that DOLA provides only “technical and financial assistance” to community planning efforts which, she emphasized, are local. Her projector screen then filled with the image of a “SmartGrowth” guidebook used by DOLA and its Office of Smart Growth. A web search directs people to DOLA’s Community Development Office. The web search on “Smart Growth” also brings up links to national and world-wide programs. According to the Agenda 21 event speakers, “Smart-Growth” is a direct outgrowth of the UN’s program for “sustainable development and comprehensive planning.” Its goal, they say, is to remove natural resources and private property rights from individuals and replace them with government processes and government approvals. Hill’s presentation went on to give the local government planners useful tips on avoiding conflicts of interest, steering clear of legal pitfalls, handling ex parte contact situations, making proper motions, working with staff and various matters. Also, planning regulations are seen as necessary for government to ensure that developers are treated evenhandedly, and many citizens want growth and development controls in their communities. Other points in Hill’s Planning 101 presentation also included the following: • Slides portraying elected and appointed officials as clean-cut business types trying “to please everyone.” But citizen participants of planing meetings were portrayed as shouting and angry, making ugly facial expressions with negative body language and making rude gestures. • If one type of land use control doesn’t work, Hill advised the local planners to try others. There are dozens of dif-

ferent types of land use controls that can be used for a given purpose, and any two or three others might work in a particular situation. • Many planning commission members feel conflicted in their roles of “telling other people how to live.” • If an official in good conscience cannot support an official action, they are advised only to take notes, but to say nothing. They must vote with the “rules” and deal with their own private doubts and concerns at a later time. • There was emphasis on staging public events classroom style to enhance credibility, and on conducting public sessions to maintain control. • Hill referred to statutory requirements of the Colorado Open Meetings Law as “something nobody talks about anymore.” DOLA’s Community Development office offers

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Andy Hill of DOLA gave a presentation on comprehensive planning to about 30 local officials on Sept. 26.

assistance through other programs of sustainability, historical preservation and Main Street revitalization. Agenda 21 became a public issue in Delta County when Roger Bentley stated his opposition to it in his bid for the Republican nomination for county commissioner. Bentley is a seven-year member of the Delta County Planning Commission.

Alan M. King

Tobias A. King

Financial Advisor Branch Manager


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338 Main Street • Delta


Delta County Independent

Memorial Hospital. He was 75. He is survived by his wife Carolyn. A service was held Sept. 22 in Cedaredge. Arrangements were handled by Sunset Mesa Funeral Directors’ Delta Funeral Home.

Celia Lowrance Violet Miller Violet E. Miller died Sept. 20, 2012, at her home in Dubois, Wyo. She was 87. A funeral service was held Friday, Sept. 28, at 4 p.m. at Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Dubois, Wyo. Violet Elaine Schilling was born at home in rural Sheridan County, Wyo., on Oct. 5, 1924, to August and Rose Schilling. She grew up in Sheridan and graduated from Sheridan High School. She married Rev. Leo J. Fenske Nov. 10, 1942, in Sheridan. They lived in and served congregations in Kinnear, Wyo., Bellefont, Kan., Natrona, Kan., Leavenworth, Kan., Pueblo, Arvada, Pendleton, Ore., Hudson and Paonia. Leo died in 1992. They were married 49 years and had six children. She married George Walsh of Paonia in 1993. He died in 1998. In 1999 she married Fremont Miller. He died in 2002. Mrs. Miller enjoyed her family, gardening, reading and puzzles of all kinds. She was an active hospital volunteer, census worker and a school cafeteria aide. She was a member of Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church. Mrs. Miller is survived by her children, Kathryn Barr of Dubois, Wyo., Daniel and his wife Karen of Fort Collins, Mark and his wife Debbie of Whitewater, Martin and his wife Sherry of Gilbert, Ariz., Stephen and his wife Laurie of Fruita, and David and his wife Gretchen of Albuquerque, N.M.; 11 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her three husbands; two sisters, Regina Hunter and Bernice Miller; a daughter-in-law, Carma Fenske; a son-inlaw, Earl Barr; and a granddaughter, Marcy Fenske. Memorial contributions may be made to Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 707, Dubois, WY 82513. Arrangements are being handled by Davis Funeral Home of Riverton, Wyo.

Celia Arlene Ennis Lowrance of Surface Creek died Sept. 30, 2012, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. She was 79. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6, at the First Assembly of God church in Cedaredge. Celia Arlene Kraft was born to Edgar and Maryetta (Donley) Kraft on Feb. 20, 1933, in Longview, Ill. She spent her childhood and attended schools in Danville, Ill., graduating from Danville High School in 1951. She attended Illinois State University in Normal, Ill., where she received a teaching degree in 1955. On July 13, 1963, she married Orville Ennis in Thermopolis, Wyo. The couple resided in Buffalo, Wyo., from 1965-1994 where they owned and operated a motel for over 20 years. They retired to Cedaredge. They were married 36 years before Orville died Jan. 2, 2000. On July 1, 2006, she married Elmer Lowrance. They celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary this year. Mrs. Lowrance enjoyed teaching grade school students in Illinois. and Jackson Hole, Wyo., traveling, riding four wheelers and spending time with family. She was a member of the First Assembly of God in Cedaredge and a former member of the First Baptist Church in Cedaredge. Mrs. Lowrance is survived by her husband, Elmer Lowrance of Cedaredge; two stepsons, Elwood Ennis and his wife Theresa of Lovel, Wyo., and Richard Lowrance and his wife Dee of Broomfield; four stepdaughters, Debbie Gibson of Northfield, Minn., Naomi Parkin of Boise, Idaho, Connie Staffer of Vancouver, Wash., and Kathy Grein and her husband Nathan of Brighton; and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Orville Ennis. Arrangements are being handled by Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Lyle Schum

Ivan Stephens

Lyle J. Schum of Delta died Tuesday, Oct. 2, Ivan Stephens died 2012, at Colorow Care Wednesday, Sept. 19, Center in Olathe. He was 2012, at Delta County 83. Mr. Schum is survived by three sons, James Schum of Hotchkiss, Ken Check out the Schum and Tom Schum. DCI Print Shop. Arrangment are being Call Randy Crespin handled by Valley Lawn Funeral Home and Cemat 874-4421. etery.

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View our online obituaries at

209 Bridge St. Hotchkiss, CO 81419

311 Grand Ave. Paonia, CO 81428



Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Birds of the Western Slope A look at local birds with Evelyn Horn Yampa Valley Crane Festival I figured that if this festival could become a reality, it would be an astonishment. The promoters, those who opposed the crane hunt last spring, had too little time, no money and no experience in doing a festival. But wonder of wonders: the festival was a huge success. Most festivals start toward the weekend and end on the following Sunday. But this one started on Sunday! Crane viewing on the Nature Conservancy’s Carpenter Ranch, family activities, tours of the historic ranch house, a photography workshop, a picnic dinner and evening crane viewing, all geared to youngsters. Then on Monday, the activities, although similar, were geared toward the senior citizens of the area. When I first read the schedule draft, I thought, “Well, good luck.” But 175 people showed up for the opening events! On Tuesday and Wednesday, the events were held in the Bud Werner Memorial Library and the projection facilities there were excellent. A large screen, a hook-up from the laptop computers to a projection room above the meeting area made presentations clear and impressive. And the helper, Jennie, did a fine

job of helping the speakers. My presentations were well attended, as were those of Ken Strom

(Colorado Audubon) and Robert Skorkowsky (U.S. Forest Service). One of the pleasant additions was the continuously running video by Darlyne Merkel of Grand Junction: it presented endless scenes of our cranes. A surprise was the video called “Raising Kid Colt” by Faust and Bailey about a sandhill family in Homer, Alaska. Dr. George Archibald, the co-founder of the International Crane Foundation, spoke on Wednesday evening about high

altitude cranes: our sandhills that cross the continental divide and the five-pound Demoiselle that crosses the Himalayas. And now it’s over. I recall all of my concern and energy devoted to opposing the hunt of our sandhill cranes in northwestern Colorado last spring and I can consider that energy well spent. The crane-hunt proposal has been withdrawn and in its place is the inaugural Yampa Valley Crane Festival.

Photo by Bob Borchardt

Sounds of bluegrass An enthusiastic crowd at the Pondy in Cedaredge enjoyed a live performance by Giddyup Kitty, an award winning female bluegrass band from Longmont. The group includes Kerry Claxton, Adrienne Yauk, Marni Pickens and Rose Pacacha. With their mix of original songs and classic covers made famous by Hank Williams, Kitty Wells and others, the night was enjoyed by all.

Contest winners are headed to Moose Manor BY BOB BORCHARDT Staff Writer

Although Sunday, Sept. 23 was more spectacular, “Color Sunday” (Sept. 30) turned out to be near perfect, as Grand Valley District Ranger Bill Edwards presented nine-year-old Jennifer Stuckenschneider and her parents, Tricia and Jack Stuckenschneider, with a certificate for a free overnight stay in the “Moose Manor” cabin on the Grand Mesa as part of the fifth annual Outdoor Heritage Day. This is the third year that the Forest Service has offered families a chance to win a free onenight stay in a National Forest cabin within the Grand Mesa National Forest as part of “Outdoor Heritage Day.” The “Moose Manor” cabin is located on the north side of the Grand Mesa National Forest, just off Colorado State Highway 65, within the Mesa Lakes Recreation Area. The cabin, constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in the 1930s, sits in an aspen and spruce/ fir tree forest at an elevation of 9,500. Only families with children under the age of 18 are eligible to participate.

Photo by Bob Borchardt

Grand Valley District Ranger Bill Edwards with the Stuckenschneider family — Tricia, Jennifer and Jack. They are the winners of an overnight stay at Moose Manor, a U.S. Forest Service cabin on the Grand Mesa. Outdoor Heritage Day is a joint effort of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, the USFS, the Colorado Mule Deer Association (CMDA) and others to get families with children to actively participate in a variety of outdoor activities, such as hiking, fishing, camping, horseback riding, ATV/motorcycle riding, bicycle riding, family picnic or driving the Grand Mesa Scenic and Historic Byway. According to Brenda

Constituent’s remarks cut short BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

A constituent’s remarks at the Cedaredge Town Board meeting on Sept. 20 were judged by the mayor to be straying from the topic and the speaker, former trustee Nelson Cederberg, was asked to stop speaking. Cederberg was reading from a prepared statement on the topic of historic preservation efforts. But when he linked the topic to the problem of weeds and the town’s appearance, Mayor Pat Means asked him to stop speaking, saying he had

gone off topic and cited the need to conserve meeting time. Cederberg replied that he would bring the topic of his remarks back to historic preservation, which his prepared text did do. He was about to volunteer to serve on a town beautification committee when he stopped his remarks. Cederberg and his wife were the only citizens at the town board meeting not there to transact some business matter with the trustees. They both left soon after his remarks.

Winfrey (USFS Visitor Information Service), in order to participate in this year’s program, each family had to complete two activities on the Grand Mesa National Forest. The 22 families participating in this year’s program were then given stickers as proof for

each activity completed and the youth were asked to write an essay summarizing their experiences. The winners were then selected through a random draw. For their activities, the Stuckenschneiders hiked the scenic trail around Mesa Lakes and then went fishing. Writing about their experiences, Jennifer wrote, “Mesa Lakes is an amazing place for little girls! The first thing I do is jump out of the car and run to the path. The air smells like fresh pine trees with rain-soaked soil.” Jennifer also noted that that during the hike she looks for fairies and that the only sounds she hears is “the rustling of leaves and the footsteps of chipmunks mixed with mine.” When asked, Jennifer said she also plans on participating in next year’s program. For more information call USFS Visitor Information Office, Brenda Winfrey, at 242-8211.

Flag retirement ceremony on Oct. 7 Boy Scout Troop 497, in conjunction with VFW Post 9221, will host a flag retirement ceremony on Sunday, Oct. 7, at noon at The Father’s House in Cedaredge. The troop is accept-

ing any U.S. flag that is ready to be honorably put to rest. Contact Rick Schaefer, 640-2425 or to arrange pick up. All are welcome to attend the ceremony.

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C4 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

CEDAREDGE APPLEFEST Take a big bite of AppleFest fun As in past years, Cedaredge Town Park will be the center of attraction for the 35th AppleFest Oct 6 and 7. The many vendor

booths that occupy the park and line Main Street, SW 5th Street and SW 2nd Avenue will be the main attraction for the two-day event.


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The vendor booths, which pay the lion’s share of the cost for AppleFest, will again feature crafts, art, merchandise, food and apples galore. The booths are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. The festivities open in town park at 8:45 Saturday with the national anthem and a Boy Scout Color Guard. During AppleFest, events are expanded to the east on Main Street where music is in store to complement the bandstand program in Town Park, and to the south to Pioneer Town where antique autos and tractors will be on display. AppleFest will also include a 5k run/walk event, a motorcycle show on Main Street, and lots more. Chili Cook-Off The Cedaredge volunteer firefighters’ famous, “5-Alarm Chili Cook-Off” kicks off the festivities Thursday, Oct. 4. The fundraiser benefits Delta County Fire Protection District #3, which serves the entire Surface Creek Valley, including the communities of Cedaredge, Eckert, Cory, Austin and Orchard City. Chili will be served at the Cedaredge Firehouse starting at 5 p.m., continuing until the chili is gone. Competing chilies must be delivered to the firehouse by 4 p.m. Golden Gala On Friday, Oct. 5, p.m., the 20th annual Golden Gala gets underway at the Cedaredge Community Center. Advance tickets are available at Starr’s Guitars, Munson’s Gallery and the chamber office. The cost is $40 each. The price includes hors d’oeuvres, desserts, beverages and a designer glass (designed by local artist Lowell Taylor). The David Starr Band will provide the music for the event, which runs from 7 to 11 p.m. 5k Run-Fitness Walk The fifth annual 5k run and 2.5k fitness walk, sponsored by Cedaredge Boy Scout Troop 482, will take place on Saturday, Oct. 6, at the Cedaredge

Town Park. Runners can check in early and pick up their T-shirts at the park on Friday evening from 5-6 p.m. On race day, check-in is from 6:30 - 7:15 a.m. The race begins promptly at 7:30 a.m. Registration before race day is a bargain at $20 for one person or $60 for a family of four and includes a performance running shirt. Kids 12 and under register for $10. Race day fee is $25 but there is no guarantee for performance shirts. For more information or to register, see the website at www.applefest5k. com or call 856-3400. Food Sixteen food vendors will line SW 2nd Avenue, offering everything from baked goods to burgers to kettle corn. There are also a number of opportunities to support local non-profits as they raise funds for various causes. The Cedaredge FFA Alumni will be serving an AppleFest pancake breakfast on Oct. 6 and 7. The breakfast will be served on both days from 7 to 11 a.m. at the Cedaredge Masonic Hall basement, 295 West Main St. in Cedaredge. Homemade baked goods, breakfast burritos, and applewood-grilled hamburgers and bratwurst will be served at the Pioneer Town Car Show Saturday beginning at 7 a.m. Look for the Cedar Mesa Community Club booth on the north side of the blacksmith shop in Pioneer Town, adjacent to the car show. Elberta Rebekah Lodge #106 will be at the IOOF Hall, corner of Main and 3rd, from 8 to 5 Saturday and from 10 to 2 Sunday. They will be serving breakfast burritos and selling baked goods. Take time to browse through the country store, as well. Fun Demonstrations Fido Follies will feature a dog agility demonstration on W. Main Street Saturday starting at 2:30 p.m. Or try line dancing with Ray Carpenter at 1 p.m. It’ll be a great way to work off all the great food you’ve

been unable to resist! Music For most AppleFest goers, the major attraction is the music. As usual, the music lineup promises some of the best folk, gospel, blues, country, rock and bluegrass musicians to be found anywhere in the country, featuring local favorites as well as nationally- and internationally-known performers. Two stages of great music are brought to you by the Cedaredge Area Chamber of Commerce and its sponsors. Both the stage at Cedaredge Town Park and the TDS Main Street Stage open at 10 a.m. Saturday. On Sunday morning, a non-denominational service begins on the town park stage at 8:30 a.m., followed by musical entertainment until late afternoon. Gary Lear & The Way get The Main Street Stage going Sunday at 10:30 a.m. All performance times are subject to change, and starting times are all tentative due to performers’ schedules, travel plans, etc. The music is free, so bring along a chair, some warm clothing and/or blankets, an umbrella and plan on staying for the long haul. Monster Jam The 10th annual Monster Jam is held at the Pondy, dance hall side, beginning at 9 p.m. on Saturday. The event has a $10 cover charge and has always been a means of helping raise money to pay some of the expenses for the musical performers who travel far and make two days of AppleFest a musical pleasure. Hosted by the David Starr Band, the event will feature many of the same musicians who are performing during AppleFest. Expect to see local favorites along with Kirby Kelley, Dana Cooper, Haden Gregg, Jim Dykann and others. Pioneer Town Pioneer Town in Cedaredge will open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday. The Antique and Classic Car Show will take place in the arboretum near the chapel one day only, on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A special price of $1 admission on Saturday includes parking, entrance to all Pioneer Town buildings and exhibits, the car show and the availability of food provided by Cedar Mesa Club members. Pioneer Town will be

open on Sunday, then will be closed for the season to reopen on Memorial Day weekend 2013. Beer Garden Look for the Beer Garden near the tennis courts in town park. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Motorcycle Show Saturday only, classic motorcycles will be displayed on West Main Street. For more information, visit www.cedaredge Library Fundraiser The annual Friends Book Sale held at the Lions Pavilion in Town Park will again be the book lovers highlight at AppleFest this year. The Friends of the Cedaredge Public Library hosts the used book sale as their biggest fundraising event of the year. All proceeds go to benefit the Cedaredge Public Library. There will be a special, early entry “members only” book sale for members of the Library Friends on Friday, Oct. 5, from 5 to 6 p.m. The sale will open to the public on Saturday, Oct. 6, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. As usual, during Saturday at AppleFest the Cedaredge Library will be closed as all the staff will be in Town Park helping with the Friends sale. On Sunday is the special bag of books sale where $3 will bag a bag full of winter reading material. Garden Information The Cedaredge Tree Board is sponsoring a garden information booth for the first time this year. The booth will be located in the town hall on Main Street Saturday only from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come learn something about gardening you didn’t know or need to know in order to solve a problem.


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Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


What’s a duck worth? Make MUFFLERS & BRAKES a guess to help out 5-year-old The Delta and Cedaredge Rotary Clubs have launched a fundraiser to purchase a handicapped-accessible van for a 5-year-old charmer by the name of Paul Duckworth. With support from the Crested Butte Rotary Club, the Rotarians are hosting a “What’s A Duck Worth?” van fundraiser at AppleFest. For a $2 donation ($5 for three guesses) contestants will guess, for prizes, the number of rubber duckies in the van (the rubber duckies are on loan from the Crested Butte Rotary). Paul has visited both local clubs with his mother so Rotary members could learn more about his disability. Paul’s disabilities are extensive. Born with spina bifida, he had the first of many operations on the day he was born. Paul is paralyzed below the waist. He also has Arnold Chiari II, severe

Paul Duckworth fluid on the spine. He was recently diagnosed with scoliosis of the spine, which may necessitate surgery every six months while he is growing, and then a spinal fusion when he is older. He has food allergies and distressing digestive issues. He also has sensory and gross motor challenges. Another thing Paul has is a brilliant mind and a beautiful singing

FFA Alumni will serve breakfast The Cedaredge FFA Alumni will be serving an AppleFest pancake breakfast on Oct. 6 and 7. The breakfast will be served on both days from 7-11 a.m. at the Cedaredge Masonic Hall basement, 295 West Main Street. The breakfast will include all-you-can-eat pancakes, served with

ham, juice and coffee. The price is $6 per person, with children under age 5 eating free. All proceeds from the breakfast will be used to fund various scholarships for students of the Cedaredge High School FFA chapter.For more information, please call Holly Jones at 8353446.

voice. Bev Stitt, who lives about 100 yards from the Duckworths, said it is very inspiring to listen to Paul. “I can hear him in nice weather when the windows are open and he is so full of joy when he sings. It is such a happy start to my day when I hear Paul sing.” Paul started kindergarten in Cedaredge this school year where he is social and engaging with his new classmates. Paul’s parents must make frequent trips to Denver Children’s Hospital for Paul’s extensive ongoing care with many physicians. Their family sedan is too small to transport Paul and all the equipment he requires. This means that Paul has to do without some of the equipment — such as a stander — that makes his daily routine much easier. The fundraising effort is in response to a very generous offer by a Rotary member who has made available a used handicapped van in excellent condition with a wheelchair lift at more than a third below the book value of the vehicle. Paul will attend the AppleFest fundraiser as much as possible; his parents, Rotary members, church members and neighbors will also be at the booth for the entire festival. His sensory issues make these kinds of events difficult, but Paul likes to socialize and meet people. The Delta and Cedaredge Rotaries are

also collecting donations on behalf of the project. Monetary donations can be made to Delta Rotary Club, P.O. Box 86, Delta CO 81416. Please note on any check “Duckworth Van Project.” The goal is to raise more than the purchase price so an ongoing maintenance fund can also be established. For further information contact Marjorie Conner at 856-3352.


320 SW 2nd St. Cedaredge • 856-3557

The 10th Annual AppleFest All-Star

Monster Jam! Featuring

Polish up those cars BY VERNA BARR Staff Writer

Car buffs are invited to bring their antique and classic cars to the annual show at Pioneer Town in conjunction with AppleFest 2012. If you are a proud owner of an antique tractor, a place will be provided to show

it. The fee for each car entry is $10 pre-registration or $12 at the gate. There is no fee for showing a tractor. For specific information and/or an entry form contact Chuck Harrington at 856-3258. The show will be open on Saturday (one day only) from 9 a.m. to

Lively Monster Jam planned Saturday night The 10th annual Monster Jam is held at the Pondy, dance hall side, beginning at 9 p.m. on Saturday. The event has a $10 cover charge and has always been a means of helping raise money to pay some of the expenses for the musical performers who travel far and make two days of AppleFest a musical pleasure. Hosted by the David Starr Band, the event will feature many of the same musicians who are performing during AppleFest. Expect to see

local favorites along with Kirby Kelley, Dana Cooper, Haden Gregg, Jim Dykann and others. It is a fun and lively event that lots of locals and visitors look forward to each year. And during the rest of the year, don’t forget the Cedaredge open mic night held at the Pondy Dance Hall on the first Wednesday of each month. It is hosted by Doc Adkins and sponsored by Starr’s Guitars. Sign-up for open mic nights begins at 6:30 and performances start at 7.

3 p.m. The event takes place at the west end of Pioneer Town near the Chapel of the Cross. Trophies will be awarded at 2:30 p.m. for Best Classic, Best Sports Car, Best Street Rod, Best Pickup, Best Antique, and People’s Choice. No trophy will be given for tractors. Visitors will vote for the People’s Choice trophy winner. All other winners will be chosen by participants in the show. A $1 per person charge to visitors includes AppleFest parking, a tour through Pioneer Town and the car show.

Also Featuring Kirby Kelley, Haden Gregg, John Zajicek, Jim Dykann and More!

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C6 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

Vendors Kiwi Signs Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 KRYD-FM/The Ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Lauretta Davidson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Lil Wranglers Pony Rides . SW 5th & SW 2nd Loki. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P152/153 Long Haul Products . . . . . . . . . . . P150 Lunar Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 McCoy Metal Work . . . . . . . . . . . 111/112 Marshmallows & Clouds Face Painting . P154 Masons/Order of Eastern Star . . . . . 101-103 Metamorphosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Miche Bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Michelle Tucker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 MKI Country Bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Miscellaneous Marketing . . . . . . . . . 115 Murry Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Nani’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Nativo Daky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Natural Touch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 New Hope Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Old Tyme Kettle Korn . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Paparazzi Accessories - Razzibling . . . . . 75 Pamela’s Gifts & Décor . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Patrick Lawler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Peruvian Craft, L.F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Powderhorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Queen Bead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Rocky Mountain Enterprises . . . . . . . . . 70 Rod & Gun Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Roger Doak Photography . . . . . . . . . 121 Rose’s Ceramics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Scentsy Wickless Candles/Sugar & Spice . 67 Serenity Hills Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Sew Dear to My Heart . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Smitty’s Magnetic Jewelry . . . . . . . . . . 71 Spirits Within . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Styria Breads - Bakery . . . . . . . . . 131/132 Summit Sensations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Surface Creek Valley Lions Club . . . . . . Park TDS Telecom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Tastefully Simple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 The Lavender Lady and Friends . . . . . . . 90 The Tie Guy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Tweetie Pie Bags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 We Bead Connected . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Wild West Woods

VENDOR . . . . . . . . . . . SPACE Adair Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Alice Pfauth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 AllNU2U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34/35, 40/41 Ambulance District/Police Dept. . . . . . 93/94 America’s Best Company . . . . . . . . . . 60 Anita Fashion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60-63 Antero Minerals & Jewelry . . . . . . . 42/43 Atlas Clinic Chiropractic . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Bob Schwartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Canyon Spirit Soapworks . . . . . . . . . 108 Carolyn’s Beads & More . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Casa Lavanda Alpacas . . . . . . . . . . 31/32 Casa Tin Duk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Caveman Stone Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Cedaredge Assembly of God . . . . Park - SW Cedaredge Rotary Club . . . . . Park - North Cedaredge/Delta Rotary Clubs . . . . . . . P38 Colorado School/Public Employees . . . . . 24 Customized Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Daily Sentinel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Delixir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Del Rose Chorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Delta Christian Church . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Delta County Republicans . . . . . . . . . . 33 Delta Doves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Democrats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Denim and Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Dips R Us Seasonings . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Elsa Roque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126 Entera Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 First Baptist Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 F.O.G. Crosses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Friends of Cedaredge Library . . . . . Pavilion George’s Creations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Gourmet Nuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Grand Mesa Southern Baptist . . . . . . . . 37 Grand Mesa VFW Post 9221 . . . . . . . . . 97 Green Mountain Dips . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Hair Zing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Half Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 HDTV/Telsell Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . 50 High Spirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Hogo Hamster Balls . . . . . . . . . Park - SW Horse Thief Apiaries . . . . . . . . . . . . Park Hospice & Palliative Care of W. Colo. . . . . 98 Kahuna Trading Company

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Carlson Catering Colorado Tasty Taters Cornmasters DeMar’s Ice Cream Grinnin’ Moose Grill Island Noodles Jumbo Concessions Mabel’s Kitchen Mountain Valley Kettle Company Rocky Mountain Nut Company Styria Bakery Sweet Drinks Texas Twister The Hillbilly Grill Windy City Eats Zero Gravity Youth

Official poster is the work of local artist The Delta Fine Arts and its member artists from around the region agreed to sponsor an AppleFest Poster fundraiser for the Cedaredge Area Chamber of Commerce this year. The winning poster was created by artist Mary Key. The public voted for a people’s choice favorite during the Pops in the Park concert Sept. 5. There were more than a dozen entries by DFA member artists. The winning poster and rights to its use are

donated by the winning artist for the chamber’s use. The original will be featured in a silent auction during the Golden Gala and also during the two days of AppleFest. Key’s painting is a fanciful creation with, of course, an apple as its central theme. A man with an umbrella, dubbed by one wag as “Harry Poppins,” who appears to be dancing or celebrating atop a giant apple is actually a rendering of the artist’s father, explained a chamber official.

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

This original painting by artist Mary Key will be used for this year’s official AppleFest poster.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Cedar Mesa Club will Great selection of books be cookin’ at car show anticipated at fundraiser Once again the women of the Cedar Mesa Community Club will be serving up their popular homemade baked goods, breakfast burritos, and applewood-grilled hamburgers and bratwurst at the Pioneer Town Car

Rebekahs offer food, country store Elberta Rebekah Lodge #106 will be at the IOOF Hall, corner of Main and 3rd Streets, on Saturday, Oct. 6, from 8 to 5 and on Sunday, Oct. 7, from 10 to 2. They will be serving breakfast burritos and selling baked goods. Their Country Store will be open with items including a gazebo, recliner, chest of drawers, dinette set, old filing cabinet, glassware, antiques, books, toys and many miscellaneous items. Proceeds will be used to pay for utilities and maintenance of the lodge hall. The Rebekahs wish to thank the community for its support in the past and hope to see you at AppleFest.

Show Saturday beginning at 7 a.m. The club ladies are famous for their delicious scones, turnovers, cookies, pies, and breads, not to mention their breakfast burritos. All of these, plus coffee, will be available beginning at 7 a.m. at their booth which is set up in the covered area on the north side of the blacksmith shop in Pioneer Town, adjacent to the car show area. The breakfast burritos will be available until they’re gone. Come early, but fear not, more burritos are being made this year due to their past popularity. At 11 a.m. they’ll fire up the applewood grill to offer lunch of handmade hamburgers or bratwurst, along with pop, water, chips, cookies, and apples. The baked goods, coffee, pop, and water will be for sale all day until the car show closes down for the awards program at 2:30. The proceeds from sales at their AppleFest booth will help with the club’s non-profit activities. Throughout the year the club supports and donates to Surface Creek Community Ser-

vices (local food bank), Friends of the Cedaredge Animal Shelter, House of Promise, and Food for Thought. The club also offers a scholarship each year to deserving graduating students who reside on Cedar Mesa. At its AppleFest booth you can also get information on the club’s upcoming soup supper, which will be held Saturday, Oct. 20, from 5-7 p.m. at the Cedar Mesa Clubhouse, located at 15637 Peach Road on Cedar Mesa. This will be a departure from the gourmet sit-down dinner that the club usually presents at the end of October, but promises to be just as special. The proceeds from this event will go toward the scholarship fund. The Cedar Mesa Club ladies hope you will come have breakfast and lunch with them on Oct. 6 at Pioneer Town, whether you are with the car show or just a hungry spectator. Then buy a pie or bread or some cookies to take home for dinner. You will be helping out our local community with your purchases. For more information call 8564165.

Garden questions answered at AppleFest The Cedaredge Tree Board is sponsoring a garden information booth for the first time this year. The booth will be located in the town hall on Main Street. Look for the banner. Master gardeners from the Delta Extension office will also be on hand to assist tree board members in diagnosing plant problems and prescribing answers. Don’t forget to bring any plant material that might help

diagnose your problem. Any and all gardening questions are fair game. Come by and test the Master gardeners’ knowledge. There will also be a drawing for one of three books — Garden Insects of North America by Whitney Cranshaw, Weeds of the West and Insects and Diseases of Woody Plants of the Central Rockies. These are the primary books used by Master gardeners and

Book, art, soup mix benefit library The Cedaredge Women’s Literary Club celebrates books with two new projects to raise money for the Cedaredge Public Library’s collection. A unique shopping event will take place during AppleFest Oct. 6 and 7. Members will be selling handmade books, journals, paper, tags, decorated boxes, and other gifts made with text, images, and other parts of discarded books and paper. Members have also prepared and packaged gift bags

of Literary Soup Mix, with help from the girls of the graduating class of 2012 from Cedaredge High School and start-up money for supplies from the Cedaredge Rotary Club. When you see these unique items, you’re sure to find some perfect hostess, thank-you, and Christmas gifts for folks on your list. The Cedaredge Women’s Literary Club will be at 505 W. Main at the northwest corner of Cedaredge Town Park.

You don’t have to have a desert-scape in Western Colorado...

Rick Spalenka, RLA Landscape Architect

Designer of Therapeutic Landscapes

19253 Ward Creek Road | Cedaredge, Colorado 81413 Tel: (970) 856-6077 Cell: (970) 216-8837 |

they have lots of helpful color pictures. The information booth will be operating only on Saturday, Oct. 6, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Come join in the fun and festivities of AppleFest and learn something about gardening you didn’t know or need to know in order to solve a problem.

The Friends of the Cedaredge Public Library will hold a book sale Oct. 6 and 7 at the Lions Club Pavilion in Cedaredge Town Park. The sale will commence promptly at 9 a.m. Saturday and continue through the day until 5 p.m. Sales will continue on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. All books have been presorted and displayed

by category to assist buyers in locating books for their specific interests. Friends will be on hand to assist with your purchases. This year there will be “specially priced books” for discriminating readers. There will be a $3 bag sale of remaining books Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for bargain hunters. People who wish to

donate books for the sale are asked to drop them off at the Cedaredge Public Library during normal business hours. The Friends of the Cedaredge Public Library is a non-profit organization. All proceeds from the annual book sale will be used to enhance library services. For more information, call Linda or John Verbiscar, 856-3499.

Apple Cider, Unwaxed Apples Fuji, Golden, Jonathan, Jonagold, Rome & Honey Crisp. Banana, Hubbard, Acorn, Butternut, Spaghetti & Winter Squash. Ellis Darlene Christina

Erik Ely Ethan

Shed: 13686 Hwy 65 (970) 835-3628 Home: 13166 2600 Rd. (970) 835-3348 Eckert, Colorado 81418


Cedaredge FFA Alumni APPLEFEST

ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT BREAKFAST Saturday, Oct. 6 & Sunday, Oct. 7 — 7:00-11:00 a.m. — Masonic Hall • 295 W. Main St. • Cedaredge $

6.00 • Children under 5 years of age FREE Breakfast includes: All-You-Can-Eat PANCAKES Served With Ham, Juice or Coffee

This is a fund raiser for Cedaredge FFA members for conferences, traveling expenses and senior scholarships

C8 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

Learn more about our nation’s heritage can to reclaim the godly, true story of our nation. David Barton heads WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage. His exhaustive research has rendered him an expert in historical and constitutional issues. He is the author of numerous best-selling books, with the subjects being drawn largely from his massive library/museum of tens of thousands of original writings, documents and artifacts from early America. He serves as a consultant to state and federal legislators, has participated in several cases at the Supreme Court, has been involved in the development of social studies standards for numerous states, and has helped produce some popular history textbooks now used in schools across the nation. An invitation is extended to attend Sunday worship at 10:15 a.m. at the First Baptist Church. The service will tie in to the video series.

Challenging run/walk planned It’s time to dust off those running shoes and get training for the fourth annual AppleFest 5k run and 2.5k fitness walk. The race kicks off festivities Saturday, Oct. 6, in beautiful downtown Cedaredge. The run (or walk) starts at 7:30 a.m. and takes a scenic route starting at the Cedaredge Town Park and meandering past orchards, farmland and neighborhoods on paved roads. Don’t be fooled by the cheerful balloons at the starting gate! This can be a challenging run for seasoned 5kers

EMERGENCY 874-2222

and a worthwhile walk for fitness walkers. Registration before race day is a bargain at $20 for one person or $60 for a family of four and includes a performance running shirt. Kids 12 and under register for $10. Race day fee is $25 but there is no guarantee for performance shirts.


1501 East 3rd Street PO Box 10100 Delta, CO 81416-5003

Early check in is Friday, Oct. 5, from 5 to 6 p.m. or 6:30 a.m. Saturday morning. For more information or to register, see the website at www.applefest5k. com or call 856-3400. Medallions will be presented to the first three places of youth, adult and senior divisions. Door prizes will be awarded as

well. The proceeds benefit Cedaredge Troop 482 Boy Scouts. This is the perfect way to be a part of the annual Cedaredge AppleFest. After the run, stick around for a full day of incredible apple shopping and apple eating opportunities! For sponsorship packages call 856-3400.

Kick off AppleFest by firing up your taste buds Muster up your appetite for chili — and your favorite chili recipe — for the 11th annual 5-Alarm Chili Cookoff and Fundraiser for the Delta County Fire Protection District 3, serving the entire Surface Creek Valley including the communities of Cedaredge, Eckert, Cory, Austin and Orchard City. The contest will kick off AppleFest in Cedaredge, Thursday, Oct. 4. Chili will be served starting at 5 p.m. at the Cedaredge Fire House. Competing

e to m o c Wel eFest l App 2 201


Why does history matter? What do the documents and letters of our Founding Fathers tell us about the godly heritage of our nation? Learn more by viewing historian David Barton’s “The American Heritage Series.” Thirty-minute video segments will be shown all day Saturday, Oct. 6, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the First Baptist Church, right in the middle of AppleFest events on Main Street Cedaredge. Discover the forgotten and astonishing story of our naton’s foundation in the American Heritage Series. For centuries, Americans were taught a truthful view of history that recognized the godly heroes and moral foundation our nation was founded upon. But in recent years, a new version of history has assaulted the moral and spiritual fiber of our nation, leaving the truth of our past eliminated and forgotten. Until today. From separation of church and state, to the civil rights movement, the heroism of our Founding Fathers to the building of our nation’s monuments, this series will inspire every Ameri-



945 S. Grand Mesa Dr., Cedaredge 856-8600

chilies must be delivered to the firehouse by 4 p.m. All area residents are encouraged to make a pot of chili. Bring your donated chili in its own heating unit to the fire house from 2:30 to 4 on Thursday, Oct.4. To enter your chili, pre-register with the Cedaredge Chamber of Commerce by calling 856-6961. Rules and applications are available at the chamber office, Cedaredge FoodTown, or Great Escape. Pre-registration is not necessary, but is preferred. There is no entry fee. Please bring at least a gallon of

your favorite red or green chili. The firehouse will provide drinks and all the fixings for the chili. Even if you don’t have a chili to bring, you are welcome and encouraged to attend. There will be plenty to go around. The event is free of charge. Donations will be accepted. This is the only fundraiser held for the fire district. All funds raised will be used to purchase structural personal protection equipment. For more information call the Cedaredge Chamber of Commerce at 856-6961.

Two music venues to entertain at AppleFest With two music venues with continuous performances, AppleFest weekend will be a festival of wonderful sound. Music stages will be set up at the Town Park Centennial Bandstand and on Main Street. The schedules follow: • Saturday, Oct. 6, in Town Park: 10 a.m. — David and Tamara Hauze. 11 a.m. — Paul Bernadou. Noon — Jeffrey Pine. 1 p.m. — Free Range Mayhem. 2 p.m. — Kirby Kelley. 3 p.m. — Night Plane. 4 p.m. — Dana Cooper. • Sunday, Oct. 7, in Town Park: 8:30 a.m. — Nondenominational service. 10 a.m. — Shelley Rae. 11 a.m. — Metamoocil Mountain Boys. Noon — Hillbilly Heal-

ers. 1 p.m. — Three AM. 2 p.m. — Ellen Stapenhorst. 3 p.m. — Claire Holley. • Saturday, Oct. 6, on Main Street: 10 a.m. — Bryce Tourney. 11 a.m. — Rock Creek and Co. Noon — Ray Carpenter. 1 p.m. — Line dancing with Ray Carpenter. 1:30 p.m. — North Fork Country. 2:30 p.m. — Fido Follies. 3 p.m. — Cabin Fever. • Sunday, Oct. 7, on Main Street: 10:30 a.m. — Gary Lear and The Way. 11:30 a.m. — North Fork Country. 12:30 p.m. — The Dobie Brothers. 1:30 p.m. — Sam Black with special guest Jessica Black.

Look for your favorite bargains at our book sale!

at Lion’s Club Pavilion in Cedaredge Town Park Hours are:


10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Proceeds go to The Friends of the Cedaredge Public Library,

300 Bag Sale All Day Sunday

a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Saturday, October 6 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Sunday, October 7 $


A World of Products and Services At Your Fingertips...

October 3, 2012


874-4421 • Fax: 874-4424 E-mail:

CEDAREDGE 975 So. Grand Mesa Dr. 970-856-7369 800-323-6146


Mountain West

PAONIA 225 Grand Avenue 970-527-4877 877-777-3629

The Real Estate Leaders

FOR MORE LISTINGS VISIT: Cedaredge – Residential

Cedaredge – Vacant Lot

Near Paonia – Mtn. Land

McClure Pass – Mountain Ranch

Delta – Commercial

Paonia – Commercial

Delta – Home + Acreage

Super Building Site…in the heart of Cedaredge in the Cottonwood Subdivision. This hillside location is up and away from the crowd and would look out toward the golf course. Water and sewer tap needed. $49,500 #627804

109 Acres…Located just above Paonia Reservoir, this property features a trout stream running through and excellent year-round County maintained access. Great views, wooded, with several open building sites. Perfect mountain getaway. $395,000 with owner financing available. #652364

294+ acres…Seasonal access. Snowmobile access in winter. Excellent recreational/hunting property. Open meadows + ponds. Outstanding views of Ragged Mountain Range. $650,000 Possible Splits of 94 acres for $219,500, 98 acres for $239,500, 102 acres for $239,500 #560431

Commercial Building…near Highway 50, close to City Market and Starvin’ Arvin’s. 3,430 sq. ft. retail building, divided into two separate sides, each with their own bathroom. Off-street parking lot, 2 ADA compliant bathrooms, steel frame, stucco exterior, built in 2000. $289,900 #652384

Be Your Own Boss…in a business that is sure to succeed! Liquor stores just outside Paonia includes 1530+ sq. ft. building, sits on half acre lot with water tap. Business shows upward growth trend. Want job security? $320,000 #667297

Priced Right…Great potential for this 1.15 acres, right outside of Delta. Irrigation water, views, 53’ x 13’9 outbuilding, 1 share of Delta Canal Company plus a well. 1998 Manufactured home, 3BR/2BA, 1344 sq. ft. with front and back decks & garden area. $99,000 #672999

NEW LISTING Gorgeous Views...from this 2272 sq. ft. home with open floor plan and split bedroom design. The amount of natural light is wonderful and the open spaces with cathedral ceilings provide a refreshing backdrop for comfortable living. www.tourfactory. com/916625 $285,000 #673027

Nancy Wood

Shari Davis

Bob or Linda Lario

Bob or Linda Lario

Doris Danielsen

Doris Danielsen

Greg Stratman








Delta – Home + Acreage

Delta – Residential

Cedaredge – Mountain Acreage

Cedaredge – Residential

Cedaredge – Residential

Cedaredge – Home + Acreage

Austin – Vacant Land

Streamside Splendor… Nearly 16 acres with excellent views of Grand Mesa & the valley! Southern exposure, privacy & great building sites. Minutes away from public lands for your yearround outdoor activities. Beautiful setting on Milk Creek. $175,000 #613487

Endless Views…Spacious 3BR/2BA, 1512 sq. ft. doublewide on .68 acre on Cedar Mesa offers wonderful views from the back deck. New exterior paint and newer metal roof, wood laminate and tile flooring. Just minutes to town amenities. $98,900 #669714

Country Elegance…Beautifully remodeled 5BR/2BA, 3364 sq. ft. home is situated on over 8 acres with irrigation and incredible views. Ready for horses with a fenced pasture, corral area, stable/barn and other outbuildings. Covered back deck. $385,000 #670405

Meadow View Estates Home…on nearly 2 acres offers wonderful views of the entire Surface Creek Valley. Custom 3BR/4BA, 2936 sq. ft. home, attached 3-car garage, attached heated studio/workshop AND detached garage/shop. $349,000 #653039

Build Your Dream Home… on this 1.05 acre parcel with breathtaking views of the West Elks & San Juans. Property includes Orchard City water tap, installed. Irrigation provided through HOA. Seller is Colorado licensed real estate broker. $55,000 #642887



Beautiful Home, Acreage… Granite countertops, marble tile in the bathrooms, bamboo floors are just a few of the upgrades in this 2011 built, 3BR/2BA, 1527 sq. ft. home on 2.75 Acres with great views. Insulated & Finished 2-car garage. $189,500 $169,900 #662182

Beautifully Remodeled… 3BR/2BA, 1800 sq. ft. home features all new kitchen cabinets & flooring, new bathroom tile floor & tub surround. Sunken living room & separate family room with cozy moss rock fireplace. Screened-in porch to enjoy the setting on .48 acre. $222,000 #671648


Norm or Christi Prettyman

Janice Jones

Janice Jones

John Freeman

Marsha Bryan

Marsha Bryan







Bert Sibley


Each office independently owned & operated. WITH 3 WESTERN COLORADO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! Carbondale • Cedaredge • Paonia


RENTAL PROPERTIES Corporate housing

Rentals DELTA AREA 2BR/1BA Duplex Large 2BR/2BA Home - 2 car garage Country Home 3BR/1BA Austin Area 1BR/1BA Office building for lease in downtown Delta. Great parking.

874-9803 • 874-4006 NEWLY REMODELED 2BR/1BA home, washer/ dryer; walk to town; offstreet parking. Available Oct. 1st. $550/mo. 773-0706 (2x40) CLASSIC CABIN FOR rent on the Gunnison River. Two miles downstream from Kebler Pass turn-off. $600+utilities, long-term. Pets OK; no smoking. Chris, 970-379-3342 (2x39) HEAVEN'S VIEW IS accepting applications for nice 1/BR apartments. Elderly (62+) property. Rent based on income. Call Terri at (970) 874-5021 or stop by 1445 Porter Ct., Delta. (4x39)

NOTICES JERI ROWDEN WOULD like to contact her old friends, Burdie & Mabel Jenkins. Please call Jeri's son, Guy at (620) 544-6495. (3x39)

ADVERTISE 874-4421






Open House • Come See Sat., October 6 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 6790 1900 Rd., Delta Follow the Signs!

DR.’S OFFICE RENTAL SPACE • 1156 square foot office plus a 12’x12’ waiting area • 8 parking spaces • Reception window/work area • 4 treatment rooms, 3 with cabinets and sinks • Sink and service area • 3 space office area • A/C & Heat & electric included • Wheelchair accessible


Stop By on Your Way to or Your Way Back from AppleFest! SELLER HELP WITH BUYER’S CLOSING COSTS available

RE//MAX RE 1109 Main St. Delta, CO 81416 TODAY Office (970) 874-7563 Cell (970) 234-7563

LUSH SETTING ON 1.2 ACRES W/IRRIGATION! Nicely Upgraded Home with 2 Spacious Master Suites! Remodeled Kitchen w/Granite Counters. The 2nd Master on the Upper Level lends itself well to either renting out with its own entrance or use for Extended Family! Delta, #667374, $224,000!

Kim Guthrie-Burch • Managing Broker • Owner

Delta — Residential

$35 for 1/2 day • $70 for full day 970-835-3113

Marsha Bryan DELTA PROFESSIONAL Building office space available, located in downtown Delta at 540 Main St., suite is perfect for any professional business. Approximately 1155 sq. ft. with wheelchair bath, lab and 4 additional rooms with lots of amenities included in lease agreement, with parking to the rear of building. Call (970) 379-9542. (12x35)

CRS, ABR, TRC, SRES, SRS Broker Owner See Virtual Tours at:

Think Local. Buy Local.


CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN! Well maintained home across 3rd Street from the hospital. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, great fenced yard and covered porch. Zoned Medical/Residential. Great unfinished basement for play or storage! $209,000 #670839

Each office independently owned and operated Visit us at:

For all your advertising needs call 874-4421.

REAL ESTATE Overwhelmed By Debt?

Considering Bankruptcy? If you need a fresh start, please call our office for a Free Consultation Our office is a debt relief agency.


249-7676 CREATING AWARENESS for MOMS! Are you aware of the toxins and chemicals in your household products? Would you like to know about a safer alternative to those products? Call, text, or e-mail Jamie at (970)640-4533 or jamie. (4x37)



Kim Guthrie-Burch 234-7563

local advertisers, attracting local buyers!


970-856-8800 Each office independently 975 S. Grand Mesa Dr. owned & operated Cedaredge, CO 81413

Small acreage on Lamborn Mesa. The type of property people are always asking for when they come to town! Sitting on 1 acre, with 360 degree views of Lamborn and the surrounding valleys, this 1739 sq. ft., 3 bed/2.5 bath home has a great floor plan and is right up the hill from Paonia. Fully fenced backyard for privacy, as well as a Trex deck out back for weekend BBQs. Check out the spacious office with attractive built-in desks! Town water tap and irrigation is included! $239,000 Virtual Tour at

FIRST TIME ON MARKETever! North Delta; 3 BR/2BA house, 1800 sq. ft.; +/- 17 acres plus detached apartment/office, 30'x40' shop building, concrete irrigation ditch, $265,000. Call (970) 901-7045. (4x40) YOUR LISTING HERE! call now... 874-4421

Mountain West

SIGN UP TODAY FOR a subscription to the DCI!

225 Grand Ave., PO Box 778, Paonia, CO 81428 Each office independently owned & operated. WITH 3 WESTERN COLORADO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! Carbondale • Cedaredge • Paonia


Let my 33 years experience work for you!

SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL! Move right into this 2453 sq. ft. home with a spacious living area, new wood laminate flooring, a great suite of rooms on the main floor that could be used for guests or master bedroom plus 2BR & full bath AND a sitting area upstairs. 6 ft. high fence in back so you can enjoy your fruit trees & garden area, low-maintenance landscaped front yard. Over-sized 2car garage. $249,000 Cedaredge, CO #671596 STORAGE GALORE! Spacious 2679 sq. ft. home has extra storage on each level with several walk-in closets. Beautiful views from the upstairs decks, main floor features grand entry, living room, dining room, breakfast nook, kitchen, large master suite, laundry, 1/2 bath & sunroom. Pellet stove in the breakfast nook, large rock gas fireplace in the living room. Upstairs has 3BR/1BA large office/den with south facing deck. Attached 2-car garage. $268,800 Cedaredge, CO #655769

Broker Associate

970-527-7046 Cell: 970-778-9546


The Real Estate Leaders

Doris Danielsen BLUE HEELER-CATAhoula puppies; ready to go. Awesome dogs. Protective but gentle. $250. Call 2091768 or text 275-6077. (5x40)


Janice Jones CRS, GRI, SRES, ABR Broker Owner

970-856-7344 800-249-1838 975 S. Grand Mesa Dr. Cedaredge, CO 81413

Each office independently owned & operated


D2 Wednesday, October 3, 2012 FOR SALE




2 PC. MAPLE CHINA closet - glass doors, $275. Older high-back floral couch, $100. 874-7287 (4x38) TIPI POLES (18), 16FT for sale. $7.25 ea., OBO. Call 874-6105 for info. (tfnx19)


PATRIOT VACUUM Excellent vacuum system! Orig. retail $2400. Yours for $500.00. Call L&B Vac at 874-6105, or go to for more info. (tfnx38)

• CDL Paid • All Training Paid For • Requires a good driving record, clear background check and willingness to work with children Please call Clay Peters at Delta Bus Garage




5X14 UTILITY/ 2-PLACE atv trailer with attached loading ramp, metal side rails, single axle 2990 lb. gvwr, 15" tires, 2x8 wood decking. Excellent shape. $1200. Call 874-4558, leave message. (tfnx38) 6X12 WELLS CARGO enclosed trailer. Single axle, torsion axle, 3500 gvwr, barn door rear entrance. Extra cargo rack on front for extras. Very clean. $3100. 874-4558, leave message. (tfnx38)

Equal Opportunity Employer

HIRING RESTAURANT MANAGERS We are seeking career minded motivated individuals to help manage our Wendy’s in Delta, CO. We offer competitive pay, benefits, paid vacation, bonus program, and unlimited opportunities for growth and personal development based on performance. We offer more opportunities for people to find the challenges they want and the recognition they deserve.

YARD SALES SATURDAY, OCT. 6, 7 A.M. to 2 p.m., 512 20th St. Delta (behind WeatherPort). Men's, women's and children's clothes, glider rocker, futon, crib, stroller, and children's toys. (1x40)

Fax 719-622-3070 or e-mail resume to or apply in person at our Delta location.

20 YEARS OF ANTIQUES, etc. at 604 E. 4th St., Delta - out back in garage - down alley. Also selling things for friend who is moving back to Minnesota. Fri. & Sat., Oct. 5 & 6, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. (1x40)


Classified Ads get results. Call 874-4421. HELP WANTED

Please apply in person: 2050 S. Main St. Delta, CO 81416

ADVERTISE 874-4421

HORIZONS CARE CENTER 11411 Hwy. 65 • Eckert, CO 81418

Looking for a new challenge? Then Horizons Health Care is looking for you!

Director of Rehabilitation Part-Time Cook MDS Director (RN) LPN CNAs - Multiple shifts, Part-time and full-time Join a team that is making a difference in the lives of seniors. Send resume to or call (970) 835-3113 EOE M/F/V/D


FROM THE PAST COMPILED FROM DELTA NEWSPAPERS By DELTA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 251 Meeker St., Delta • 874-8721 October 4, 1912 (From the Delta Independent) Just about all one can hear on the streets of Delta these days is “get together and boost.” Everyone seems to be answering the call of the newly organized body of young men who have started out to build up a Delta Chamber of Commerce, and whose success is practically assured. Arrangements have been completed whereby the new organization will take over the old body known as the Delta County Business Men’s Association and as soon as the few necessary preliminaries can be rushed to completion, the old Business Men’s Association will be no more and, in its stead, the Delta Chamber of Commerce will be born. The officers and directors of the old association agreed to resign and turn all real estate and other property over to the young men, together with its membership of forty-five, as soon as the Chamber of Commerce can show a membership of one hundred to its credit. The old Business Men’s Association



THE CITY OF DELTA IS now accepting applications for the position of Custodian. Position is parttime (approximately 20 hours/week); hourly rate is $11.77/hr. Custodian will perform duties that involve keeping assigned buildings and grounds clean and orderly; prepare rooms for meetings; may make minor repairs. Experience and training equivalent to completion of eighth grade, and one year of janitorial experience; related vocational or trade school training is desirable. Possession of a valid driver's license is required, and must successfully pass background check, pre-employment drug test. Working schedule includes evenings and weekends. Submit completed City of Delta employment application to HR Dept., City of Delta, 360 Main St., Delta, CO 81416. Must be received by Friday, October 5, 2012. Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Applications available at EOE/MF (2x39)

FREE DIAPERS FOR UP to one year! Pregnant women in Delta County can now get help to quit smoking and get something they can really use after their baby arrives — free diapers. Healthy moms have healthy babies. Enroll in the Baby & Me Tobacco Free program today. Contact the Delta County Health Department at 874-2165 or your local physician. (TFNx2)

shall be filed electronically. To apply go to http://www. Opportunities.cfm and follow instructions to apply for this position. The job description can also be seen. No paper documents will be accepted locally. A cover letter must be attached. Résumés or other documents may be attached to the electronic application but are not required. A failure to complete the application and follow the instructions completely will result in disqualification from consideration for the position. Applications must be filed electronically on or before October 12, 2012. (2x40)

BECAWS! DONATIONS needed. Credit cards accepted. Call 970-5273350, or visit cawsonline. org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter (CAWS)

THE DISTRICT ATTORNey's Office provides services to those who have been victimized by a crime of domestic violence, assault and other crimes. To learn more about the victim assistance services provided by the District Attorney's Office, please contact Peggy Ann Saxton at 970-874-2085. (tfx41) HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD Historical Museum. Winter hours, Saturdays 1-4 p.m. thru December 24. $3 admission or free to members. Come see our museum at 2nd & Hotchkiss Streets in Hotchkiss. 872-3780. (tfx44)

ALCOHOLICS ANONYmous, at Friends of Bill COURT JUDICIAL ASSIS- W. club at 9th and Palmer, tant (Deputy Clerk). The meets Sunday 1 p.m., 7 p.m. Delta Combined Court is Monday at noon, Tuesday at seeking applications from noon, Wednesday at noon, qualified individuals to fill 5:30 ladies only. Thursday the 1.00 FTE (40 hours per at noon, and 8 p.m., Friday week) position of Court at noon, Saturday 12:15 Judicial Assistant (Deputy p.m. Call 874-8282. (tfnx5) Court Clerk). This position is responsible for technical ALCOHOLICS ANONYclerical work in the process- mous meeting, women only, ing of court cases in the (non-smoking), Saturdays, Delta District and County 11 a.m., in the basement of Courts. The monthly salary St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, is $2,595. Minimum quali- 5th and Palmer, (go to the fications: Graduation from back door). (tfx1) high school or GED equivaANONYlent and completion of at NARCOTICS least one year of general mous meets at 9th and office, legal or court clerical Palmer, Delta, Mondays and experience. The application Fridays at 8 p.m. (tfnx5)

MECHANIC IN DIAGNOStics and vehicle repair and all automotive systems light to heavy duty. Must be able to mechanic on Class A trucks and trailers. Must have DOT knowledge. Must have hand tools and a valid CDL driver's license. Hydraulics is a plus. MSHA training is PUBLIC a plus. Please send résumés to attention "Kimberly" P.O. SERVICE Box 532, Delta, CO 81416 or fax to 970-874-8434 or email to: kcormier@isidelta. THE DELTA COUNTY com (1x40) Independent runs these EXPERIENCED DRILLER items as a public service needed for small drilling free of charge for non-profit rig. Rotary drilling and cas- organizations, if no fees are ing advance with some spot charged. However, each core drilling, depths down group is asked to please to 2,500 feet, MSHA pre- keep them current by callferred, valid drivers license ing 874-4421. required. Send résumé or contact YOU CAN QUIT. WE CAN help. Colorado Tobacco (4x40) Quitline offers free, confidential assistance. Call 1800-QUIT-NOW. (TFNx28).

SUBSCRIBE 874-4421

Delta County Independent

AL-ANON, HOPE AND help for families and friends of alcoholics. Cedaredge: Thurs. 8 p.m., Wick Hall behind First Baptist Church, 370 W. Main, Vicki 856-7115 or Mary 856-6123. Speaker meeting last Thurs. of month. Delta: Tues. 7:30 p.m., St. Luke's Episcopal, 5th and Palmer, Mark 8748965 or Elizabeth 874-9832 (Alateen meeting in Delta, same time/place, Elizabeth 874-9832 or Shirley 3235067). Eckert: Women's meeting, Tues. 12:45-1:45 p.m., 13596 Hwy 65, Mary 210-4734. Hotchkiss: Tues., First Baptist Church, Oak and Main. Call first, Edna 872-6141 or Judy 527-5618. Montrose: Women's meeting, Sun. 3:30-5p.m., All Saints Anglican Church, 2057 S. Townsend Ave., Leia 602-692-6332, Mon., 7 p.m. and Thurs., 12 Noon, First Presbyterian Church, 1840 E. Niagara Rd, Doug or Diane 964-4417. Paonia: Wed. 7 p.m., United Methodist, 3rd and Onarga. Kay 527-3518 or Chris 5273366. (tfnx38)

PUBLIC SERVICE YOU HAVE THE POWER TO change a child's life! Children are waiting for senior partners in Delta County right now! Can you spare 3 hours a week? We need your help! Call today for more information. Please volunteer to spend time with a child in our community. Partners of Delta, Montrose and Ouray, 874-4661, www. or www. (tfx13) PAONIA AMERICAN Legion runs a year round non-perishable emergency food pantry. This is for the North Fork area. For information, call 527-6252. (tfx49) SAVE EYEGLASSES, OLD jewelry and silver or bits of gold and silver scraps. The Grand Odd Fellow Lodge is sending them to: New Eyes for the Needy, 549 Millburn Ave., Short Hills, NJ 07078 or send them to: Gale Conger, Secretary of IOOF Lodge #116, 544 St. Hwy. 548, Delta, CO 81416.

THE AMERICAN RED Cross needs you. Become one of the Red Cross volunteers who says, “We’ll Be There, Because Help Can’t Wait!” Call your local Red Cross Chapter at 970-2424851 or 1-800-HELP NOW for information on the difFARM WORKER HEALTH ference you can make in Services: We offer assis- someone’s life as a disaster tance with medical, dental volunteer. ((TFNx4)) and medicines. If you work HEALTHY BABIES START in agriculture you may with early prenatal care. qualify for our services. For Delta County Health more information call 323- Department. Offers access 0538. (tfx12) to immediate, temporary YOUR LISTING HERE! Medicaid for pregnant women who qualify. 874call now... 874-4421 2165. (tfx25) THE PREGNANCY REsource Center needs staff volunteers to join our team of those committed to presenting life and the truth of Jesus Christ. Why not call us at 874-5733 and find out more? (tfx26)



DELTA FOOD PANTRY needs meals for Delta families who are temporarily in need. Donations of non-perishable food may be brought to 628 Meeker. (tfx36) HELP!!! KEEP THE animal population under control, and SAVE an animal's life. Adopt your new cat or dog from the Delta County Humane Society. Adoption fee is minimal. Call 874-2149. (DCHS) THERE IS A VFW MEETING on the first Monday of each month. At 6 p.m. there is a potluck and the meeting is at 7 p.m. at the Veterans Building, 15th & Howard, Delta. For further information, call 874-5150 Paul Carter. (tfx31) BECAWS! ADOPT A DOG or cat today. Call 970-5273350, or visit cawsonline. org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter (CAWS)

CHAPTER, UNITS OF DAV regular meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Veterans Building, 15th & ALATEEN, DELTA: TUES. Howard, Delta. For further 7:30 p.m., St Luke's Church, information, call Paul Carter 5th & Palmer, 874-9832. 874-5150. (tfx19) (tfnx38)

owns some sixteen lots in the southeast portion of Delta, besides other assets, all of which will go to the Chamber of Commerce. The liabilities only amount to $160. Percival E. Coombe will, for a time at least, continue to act as secretary. A monster “get-together” banquet will be given by the new organization on October 15, at I.O.O.F. hall, at which two hundred plates will be laid. A large gathering of the young men of the district who are interested in the going forward and up-building of Delta and Delta county is expected to be on hand that evening and it is more than probable that the membership of the new Chamber of Commerce will reach the one hundred mark, or better, before the banquet tables have been cleared. *** The board of county commissioners convened on Tuesday of this week for the transaction of all public business and one of the noteworthy matters taken up was the construction of the Hotchkiss and Uncompahgre bridges. Plans have been received from Engineer Maloney of the State Highway Commission and bids are to be called for at once. *** The Bank of Cedaredge has everything in readiness to change over to a First National on October 1st. *** The new State Bank in Cedaredge expects to open for business on October 1st with J.B. Lazear of Denver temporarily in charge. Mr. Lazear is now here making arrangements for the opening. *** It isn’t a real fruit season, you know, without a runaway. D.E. Eikenberry’s team claimed the honors Friday, very thoroughly distributing a load of orchard boxes along the highway in the vicinity of his house.

*** Harry Doughty has just replaced the old lunch car which stood just south of the Delta Café for two or three years, with a new building especially constructed and arranged for the lunch and restaurant business. *** Joe Harrington and J.B. Bainard arrived home from the Mesa county fair at Grand Junction last Friday night, having made an auto drive from that point. Joe stated that the run from the Mesa county metropolis had been pleasant but for the dust which was at least a food deep in places. *** The Joe Newman company entertained a fair sized audience at the Delta opera house Monday evening. Joe is one of Colorado’s best known and popular humorists. He can always entertain his auditors with up-to-date songs and sayings and he has a company of artists in both vocal and instrumental music readings, etc., who never fail to please. *** Bryon’s Troubadours were greeted by a large, appreciative audience at the Baptist church Wednesday evening. It was the first appearance of this excellent musical company in Delta and their presentation of a program comprising high class numbers, both vocal and instrumental, brought forth such approval from auditors that they will doubtless keep Delta on the calendar for future dates. *** Wanted – Bridge carpenters: $2.85 per day. Apply D.&R.G. Agent, Delta depot. ***


Delta County Independent

ATTENTION DELTA COUNTY PROPERTY OWNERS: Full tax payments must be received in the Delta County Treasurer’s office, 501 Palmer, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416, on or before October 30, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. to avoid your property being sold at the Tax Lien Sale on November 1, 2012. Payments must be made in cash or certified funds only. If your property is sold at the Tax Lien Sale, redemption of the property must be made within three (3) years of the sale by paying all delinquent taxes, interest at the rate of 10% per annum and fees/costs, to avoid the issuance of a Treasurer’s Deed to the investor. Contact the Treasurer’s office for further information regarding delinquent taxes. DELINQUENT TAXPAYER NAMES WILL APPEAR FOR THREE CONSECUTIVE WEEKS. NO DELETION OF NAMES WILL BE MADE. PLEASE NOTE, SEATING FOR PARTICIPANTS AT THE TAX LIEN SALE IS LIMITED. MINERAL RIGHTS N016564 BENSON CLARENCE T SITUS: CEDAREDGE 81413 1/3 MINERAL RIGHTS ON SEC 26 T13S R94W Year 2011 Tax $11.56 Interest $0.81 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $29.37

R009694 APPLEQUIST JEANNIE SITUS: 40390 COTTONWOOD CREEK RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #591214 2011 Tax $1,620.12 Interest $113.41 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,750.53

N017051 BLOUCH BESSIE LEE SITUS: DELTA 81416 R10W ALL MINERAL RIGHTS SEC 14 ON N2SW4 SEC 12 ALL IN T51N R10W Year 2011 Tax $14.48 Interest $1.01 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $32.49

R010683 ARAGON TORIBIO T ARAGON MADONNA ROSE SITUS: 9004 2210 RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #388632 2011 Tax $636.92 Interest $44.58 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $698.50

N016839 DUNCAN E STANLEY BREW HELEN M SITUS: ECKERT - ORCHARD CITY 81418 1/2INT IN & TO MINERAL RIGHTS SEC 6 T15S R94W ON LT 1 SEC 7 & S2 LT 14 SEC 6 Year 2011 Tax $5.48 Interest $0.38 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $22.86

R008204 ART FUTURES INC SITUS: 165 W BRIDGE ST HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #631139 2011 Tax $19,072.12 Interest $1,335.05 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $20,424.17

N016848 DUNCAN E STANLEY BREW HELEN M SITUS: ECKERT - ORCHARD CITY 81418 1/4 MINERAL RIGHTS SEC 18 T15S R94W ON SE4SE4, W2SE4 SEC 18 & NE4NE4 SEC 19 Year 2011 Tax $7.28 Interest $0.51 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $24.79

R018243 ATCHLEY JAMES H ATCHLEY PATRICIA J SITUS: 20901 TANK HILL RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #650468 2011 Tax $489.10 Interest $29.35 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $535.45

N016571 FERGANCHICK TERESA K SITUS: CEDAREDGE 81413 ALL MINERAL RIGHTS SEC 33 T13S R94W ON NE4SE4 Year 2011 Tax $6.96 Interest $0.49 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $24.45

R003361 AYAAN GROUP LLC SITUS: 530 S GRAND MESA DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #624053 2011 Tax $15,444.64 Interest $1,081.12 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $16,542.76

N016817 HARRINGTON ANNABEL SITUS: CRAWFORD 81415 1/5 MINERAL RIGHTS SEC 23 T15S R92W ON NE4NW4 SEC 23 & NW4SW4 Year 2011 Tax $2.72 Interest $0.19 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $19.91

R023287 AYERS RANDY T AYERS SHARALYN M SITUS: LAST CHANCE RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #620867 & PLAT 639588 2011 Tax $667.92 Interest $46.75 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $731.67

N016808 HARRINGTON ANNABEL SITUS: CRAWFORD 81415 1/5 MINERAL RIGHTS SEC 14 T15S R92W ON E2SE4, NW4SE4,E2NE4 & SW4NE4 Year 2011 Tax $8.12 Interest $0.57 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $25.69 N017085 HARRINGTON ANNABEL SITUS: CRAWFORD 81415 1/5 MINERAL RIGHTS SEC 11 ON LT 1 & S2SE4 SEC 11 NE4 & NE4SE4 SEC 14 T51N R6W Year 2011 Tax $7.72 Interest $0.54 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $25.26 N017089 LUTHER KYLE 1/9 INT COATS GEORGE M & BONNIE K WILLIAMS JOHN SCOTT 1/3 INT LUTHER RICHARD 1/9 INT BETZ LISA 1/9 INT SITUS: CRAWFORD 81415 1/2 MINERAL RIGHTS ON THAT PT N2SW4 & NW4SE4 & SE4NW4 ALL IN SEC 20 T51N R6W Year 2011 Tax $10.84 Interest $0.76 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $28.60 N017088 LUTHER KYLE 1/9 INT COATS GEORGE M & BONNIE K 1/3 INT WILLIAMS JOHN SCOTT 1/3 INT LUTHER RICHARD 1/9 INT BETZ LISA 1/9 INT SITUS: CRAWFORD 81415 1 /2 MINERAL RIGHTS SEC 17 T51N R6W ON SE4SW4 & SW4SE4 SEC 17 & N2N2 SEC 20 Year 2011 Tax $19.60 Interest $1.37 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $37.97 N016787 MINERICH CHARLOTTE F SITUS: PAONIA 81428 ALL M INERAL RIGHTS Subdivision: RURAL AREA ON PT N2NE4NE4 SEC 17 T14S R91W 6PM Year 2011 Tax $0.72 Interest $0.05 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $17.77 N019299 PETERSON MARTIN W PETERSON GENEVA SITUS: CEDAREDGE 81413 1/2 MINERAL RIGHTS SW4SW4 SEC 1 & SE4NE4 & E2SE4 SEC 2 ALL IN T13S R94W 6PM. Year 2011 Tax $27.68 Interest $1.94 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $46.62 N017032 PORTER HAROLD E SITUS: DELTA 81416 1/2MINERAL RIGHTS SEC 11 T151N R11W ON BEG NW COR SEC 11 E ON SEC/L 1145.52’, N89*58’ E1145.52’, S1*26’ E1485.95’TO S SEC/L, S89*28’W ON S SEC/L 2305.66’ TO SW COR SEC 11, N ON W SEC/L 1506.51’ TO BEG Year 2011 Tax $1.80 Interest $0.13 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $18.93


R023284 AYERS RANDY T AYERS SHARALYN M SITUS: LAST CHANCE RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #620867 & PLAT 639588 2011 Tax $500.96 Interest $35.07 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $553.03 R023285 AYERS RANDY T AYERS SHARALYN M SITUS: LAST CHANCE RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #620867 & PLAT 639588 2011 Tax $500.96 Interest $35.07 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $553.03 R023286 AYERS RANDY T AYERS SHARALYN M SITUS: LAST CHANCE RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #620867 & PLAT 639588 2011 Tax $500.96 Interest $35.07 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $553.03 R003603 BACKMAN ERIC SITUS: 415 S GRAND MESA DR #B CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #653015 2011 Tax $918.16 Interest $64.27 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $999.43 R003710 BACKMAN ERIK SITUS: 149 SW 13TH AVE CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #619897 MBL HOME TITLE: 18E35671 SERIAL: GI10234970 YEAR: 1979 MAKE: BRI SIZE: 14X65 2011 Tax $137.92 Interest $9.65 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $164.57 R003725 BACKMAN ERIK SITUS: 180 SW 13TH AVE CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #637076 SERIAL: GA226164 YEAR: 1971 MAKE: KIRKWOOD SIZE: 12X50 2011 Tax $116.96 Interest $8.19 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $142.15 R002960 BACKMAN ERIK E SITUS: 2420 PARKWOOD LN CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #604731 2011 Tax $674.96 Interest $47.25 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $739.21 R003347 BACKMAN ERIK E SITUS: 475 SW 3RD AVE CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #628721 2011 Tax $123.28 Interest $8.63 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $148.91 R003661 BACKMAN ERIK E SITUS: 250 SE GREENWOOD AVE CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #624582 2011 Tax $720.00 Interest $50.40 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $787.40 R003662 BACKMAN ERIK E SITUS: 260 SE GREENWOOD AVE CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #624583 2011 Tax $707.80 Interest $49.55 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $774.35 R003812 BACKMAN ERIK E SITUS: 1280 SE 3RD ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #605734 2011 Tax $1,622.68 Interest $113.59 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,753.27 R018921 BAIR KEITH W SITUS: 121 E 12TH ST DELTA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #617557 2011 Tax $5,530.88 Interest $387.16 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $5,935.04 R020027 BANJO HOLDINGS LLC SITUS: HIGHWAY 65 ECKERT - ORCHARD CITY 81418 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #577490 2011 Tax $1,490.16 Interest $104.31 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,611.47 R012988 BARKS CARL M SITUS: 650 LABOR ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #534789 2011 Tax $678.72 Interest $47.51 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $743.23

R000492 BARNARD STEVE BARNARD SHAUN & BARNARD JIM SITUS: W75 DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #567766 2011 Tax $937.08 Interest $65.60 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,019.68 R002512 BATDORF FRANKIE FAY SITUS: 480 N GRAND MESA DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #605838 2011 Tax $248.44 Interest $17.39 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $282.83 R016060 BEACHY SIMON E BEACHY LORETTA F SITUS: 1906 LAST CHANCE RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #641892 2011 Tax $1,508.24 Interest $105.58 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,630.82 R022701 BEARD PAUL E BEARD PAMELA J SITUS: 19325 SURFACE CREEK RD CEDAREDGE 81413 PARCEL “C” COOPER/SHEILDS/BEARD B.A. SE4NW4 SEC 9 T13S R94W 6PM. BEG W CW/16 COR, BRS S0*16’14”E 335.57’;N0*16’14”W 499.52’;S87*09’48”E 410.51’;N89*01’35”E 286.29’;S0*0’36”W 482.97’;S89*54’36”W 693.32’ TO POB. 2011 Tax $1,155.44 Interest $80.88 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,253.32 R018270 BECK JARED BECK REBECCA & RENTERIA TOMAS SITUS: 630 FOX CT DELTA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #633555 SERIAL: P305512AB YEAR: 2001 MAKE: SCHULT SIZE: 30X76 2011 Tax $634.04 Interest $44.38 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $695.42 R022557 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 3 AMENDED PLAT PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50 R022558 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 4 AMENDED PLAT PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR SUB PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50 R022559 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 5 5 AMENDED PLAT PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR SUB PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50 R022562 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 8 AMENDED PLAT PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR SUB PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50 R022563 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 9 PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50 R022564 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 10 PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

R020484 BELDEN RICHARD E SITUS: 2085 LN CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #565475 & 582074 2011 Tax $2,598.44 Interest $181.89 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,797.33

R012558 BUTLER LINDA A SITUS: 1540 BLUFF ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #504961 2011 Tax $283.74 Interest $10.75 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $311.49

R010236 COATS REX B SITUS: 4061 CRAWFORD RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #510276 2011 Tax $300.04 Interest $21.00 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $338.04

R007117 BELLINGER DONA SITUS: 39079 STUCKER MESA RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #450822 2011 Tax $1,982.84 Interest $138.80 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,138.64

R015567 BUTLER LINDA A SITUS: 1560 BLUFF ST DELTA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #504961 2011 Tax $1,598.76 Interest $88.57 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,704.33

R020488 COTTEN KENT COTTEN KATHERINE A SITUS: HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #622631 2011 Tax $19.96 Interest $1.40 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $38.36

R007143 BELLINGER DONA SITUS: 39037 STUCKER MESA RD HOTCHKISS FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #450822 2011 Tax $544.68 Interest $38.13 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $599.81 R014902 BELT LYNN JAY BELT BARBARA KAY SITUS: 613 & 617 PALMER ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #381831 2011 Tax $815.72 Interest $57.10 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $889.82 R014333 BERNAL RAYMOND MICHAEL SITUS: 207 MEEKER ST #A, B DELTA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #656449 2011 Tax $658.28 Interest $46.08 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $721.36 R017263 BERWICK JOEL D SITUS: 1395 SE STONEBRIDGE DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #635040 2011 Tax $1,172.04 Interest $82.04 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,271.08 R017265 BERWICK JOEL D SITUS: 1415 SE STONEBRIDGE DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #635039 2011 Tax $1,172.04 Interest $82.04 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,271.08 R013918 BIRKHOLZ ROBERT F BIRKHOLZ JENNIFER KIM SITUS: 1526 & 1526 #A HIGHWAY 50 DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #426877 2011 Tax $788.70 Interest $47.32 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $853.02 R012502 BKSTRADE UNITS LLC SITUS: 932 A ST DELTA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #532222 2011 Tax $695.64 Interest $48.69 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $761.33 R022403 BLISS CRAIG T BLISS PATRICIA A SITUS: FIR ST CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #612615 2011 Tax $469.56 Interest $32.87 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $519.43 R022404 BLISS CRAIG T BLISS PATRICIA A SITUS: ELM AVE CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #612614 2011 Tax $469.56 Interest $32.87 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $519.43 R022752 BLOCCHAZCO LLC SITUS: STAFFORD LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #635368 2011 Tax $4,568.68 Interest $319.81 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $4,905.49 R022753 BLOCCHAZCO LLC SITUS: STAFFORD LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #635368 2011 Tax $6,537.16 Interest $457.60 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $7,011.76 R003122 BOWEN BERNADINE L (ET AL) IVEY COLLINE, BOWEN PORTER. BOWEN FAYE D, BOWEN KEVIN BOWEN CHRISTINE A SITUS: 25753 Q25 RD CEDAREDGE 81413 IMPROVEMENTS ONLY LOCATED ON NW4SE4 & PT NE4SE4 SEC 27 T13S R94W 6PM 3193-274-00-028 2011 Tax $364.96 Interest $25.55 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $407.51 R018576 BOYER ANASTACIA SITUS: LONG GULCH RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #650036 2011 Tax $1,462.16 Interest $102.35 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,581.51 R013674 BRADY ALLEN S BRADY THERESA DEE SITUS: 835 1400 LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #482137 2011 Tax $146.88 Interest $10.28 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $174.16

R022565 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 11 PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50

R003029 BRAKKEN KENT T SITUS: 17164 MEADOW DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #623167 MBL HOME TITLE: 18E405723 SERIAL: 450128302096A/B YEAR: 2001 MAKE: REDMAN SIZE: 32X68 2011 Tax $203.80 Interest $14.27 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $235.07

R022566 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 12 PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50

R008492 BRIGGS TERRANCE M BRIGGS KATHLEEN C SITUS: 3RD ST PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #544028 2011 Tax $21.08 Interest $1.48 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $39.56

R022567 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 13 PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50

R010446 BRIGGS WILLARD BRIGGS HELEN MARIE SITUS: 45 K ST CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #305717 2011 Tax $899.76 Interest $62.98 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $979.74

R022568 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 14 PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50

R005529 BRYANT NATHAN D BRYANT AMY L SITUS: 10427 2150 RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #598690 2011 Tax $2,352.56 Interest $164.68 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,534.24

R022569 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 15 PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50

R019452 BUCHANAN SCOTT SITUS: 8348 3400 RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION #651767 2011 Tax $1,894.44 Interest $132.61 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,044.05

R022570 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 16 PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50

R006719 BURNS MICHAEL P BURNS SHERRY L SITUS: 32349 HIGHWAY 92 HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED IN RECEPTION #536222 2011 Tax $909.24 Interest $63.65 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $989.89

R022571 BEDROCK DEVELOPMENT LLC SITUS: DELTA 81416 SUBD: PUESTA DEL SOL MAJOR Lot: 17 PT SW4SW4 SEC 26 T15S R95W 6PM. 2011 Tax $488.32 Interest $34.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $539.50

R003616 BUSBY CARLA G SITUS: 755 S GRAND MESA DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #455379 2011 Tax $865.24 Interest $60.57 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $942.81

R015459 BYNUM ROGER B BYNUM BARBRA A SITUS: 1230 GRAND AVE DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #357467 2011 delta city lien $273.78 lien fee $5.47 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $296.25 R015523 CARPENTER THOMAS E CARPENTER SUSAN L SITUS: 1333 BLUFF ST DELTA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #470432 2011 Tax $129.54 Interest $7.77 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $154.31 R011770 CARRILLO EDUARDO SITUS: 960 CRAWFORD AVE DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #598746 2011 Tax $158.04 interest $11.06 2011 DELTA CITY LIEN $252.53 LIEN FEE $5.05 2010 delta city lien $233.39 lien fee $4.66 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $681.73 R009779 CARVER RACHELLE SITUS: 41651 NEEDLE ROCK RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #502058 SPLIT BY TAX DIST. 2011 Tax $557.24 Interest $39.01 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $613.25 R017586 CCR PROPERTIES LLC SITUS: 14951 2800 RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #575160 2011 Tax $979.52 Interest $68.57 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,065.09 R001880 CERISE RICHARD A CERISE TERRY LYNN SITUS: 19478 2325 RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #553708 MBL HOME TITLE: 18E346926 SERIAL: FH4612805X2001 YEAR: 2001 MAKE: FUQ SIZE: 41X76 2011 Tax $1,327.88 Interest $92.95 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,437.83 R014961 CHAMBLIN GIFFORD A JR SITUS: 804 MEEKER ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #640173 2011 Tax $505.72 Interest $35.40 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $558.12

R005855 COXWELL PAULA J GLENDENING GREG C SITUS: 9893 HORSESHOE LN AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #557350 2011 Tax $215.96 Interest $15.12 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $248.08 R008325 CR CAPITAL GROUP LLC SITUS: 9463 CRAWFORD RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #658566 LESS 3/4 MR 2011 Tax $401.72 Interest $28.12 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $446.84 R011070 CRIPPEN MARLENE BLAKE MITCHELL, HRDLICKA CONNIE, BLAKE PERRY SITUS: 8979 MARSHALLS RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #589183 2011 Tax $174.62 Interest $10.48 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $202.10 R002753 DABNEY KIM L DABNEY WILLIAM E SITUS: 275 NW 3RD ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #537979 2011 Tax $655.96 Interest $45.92 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $718.88 R008521 DALBOW CHRISTOPHER D SITUS: 1107 3RD ST PAONIA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #619127 & 619128 2011 Tax $394.28 Interest $23.66 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $434.94 R021546 DAVIS JARED D DAVIS NICOLE K SITUS: 191 HIGHWAY 92 CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #604499 2011 Tax $3,576.80 Interest $268.26 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $3,862.06 R012972 DAVIS MARGARET L SITUS: 610 CARPENTER DR DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #429523 2011 Tax $306.04 Interest $18.36 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $341.40

R009396 CHRISTIAN HOBIE C CHRISTIAN LISA LEE SITUS: 41689 LAMBORN MESA RD PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #655735 2011 Tax $573.92 Interest $34.44 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $625.36

R016281 DEAN A JOAN SITUS: 40489 D RD CRAWFORD 81415 S: FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #541489 2011 CRAWFORD CITY LIEN $1,033.50 LIEN FEE $20.67 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,071.17

R014627 CHRISTIE SHERYL K CHRISTIE CHARLES SITUS: 5812 SAWMILL MESA RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #389241 2011 Tax $218.56 Interest $15.30 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $250.86

R021354 DELDEV INC SITUS: SAPPHIRE WAY DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #506230 & 599957 2011 Tax $493.52 Interest $34.55 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $545.07

R021627 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1406 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #587329 & 604722 2011 Tax $658.04 Interest $46.06 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $721.10

R021355 DELDEV INC SITUS: DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #506230 & 599957 2011 Tax $2,284.32 Interest $159.90 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,461.22

R022106 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1419 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581415 & 615402 2011 Tax $1,024.20 Interest $71.69 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,112.89

R021993 DENISON SAM DENISON DEBBIE SITUS: 30123 J RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #613538 2011 Tax $1,039.76 Interest $72.78 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,129.54

R022108 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1427 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581415 & 615402 2011 Tax $256.64 Interest $17.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $291.60 R022109 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1425 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581415 & 615402 2011 Tax $256.64 Interest $17.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $291.60 R022110 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1433 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 . FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581415 & 615402 2011 Tax $256.64 Interest $17.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $291.60 R022111 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1429 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581415 & 615402 2011 Tax $256.64 Interest $17.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $291.60 R022112 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1412 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581415 & 615402 2011 Tax $256.64 Interest $17.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $291.60 R022113 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1416 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581415 & 615402 2011 Tax $256.64 Interest $17.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $291.60

R014957 DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY SITUS: 727 HOWARD ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #568325 2011 Tax $1,275.59 Interest $59.00 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,351.59 R014312 DEUTSCHE BANK TRUST COMPANY AMERICAS SITUS: 315 E 3RD ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #660778 2011 CITY LIEN $57.69 LIEN FEE $2.00 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $76.69 R018736 DIAMOND DELORES M DONOVAN DARLENE M SITUS: 31555 & 31597 J RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #543382 & 635716 SERIAL: PH0227175U YEAR: 2002 MAKE: PALM HARBOR/BANDERA SIZE: 28X68 2011 Tax $307.98 Interest $18.48 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $343.46 R014001 DICKSON DIXIE L SITUS: 736 1575 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #584705 2011 Tax $251.02 Interest $15.06 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $283.08 R008477 DOS HERMANAS TRUST SITUS: 1018 3RD ST PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #608239 2011 Tax $1,316.84 Interest $92.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,426.02

R022114 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1420 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581415 & 615402 2011 Tax $256.64 Interest $17.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $291.60

R010725 DOWELL ELNA M SITUS: 22141 CANAL ST AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #474435 2011 Tax $108.00 Interest $7.56 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $132.56

R022115 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1424 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581415 & 615402 2011 Tax $256.64 Interest $17.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $291.60

R003150 DYBALA DONALD J SITUS: 25333 & 25337 CEDAR MESA RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #573454 2011 Tax $463.52 Interest $32.45 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $512.97

R022116 CINAJONES LAND LLC SITUS: 1428 RAINIER LN DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581415 & 615402 2011 Tax $256.64 Interest $17.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $291.60

R015207 ECKSTINE CHRISTINE D SITUS: 614 1/2 SILVER ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #548086 2011 Tax $243.24 Interest $17.03 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $277.27

R009474 CIOCHETTI FAMILY TRUST OF 2001 SITUS: 42822 HIDDEN VALLEY DR PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #577803 2011 Tax $824.72 Interest $57.73 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $899.45

R015208 ECKSTINE CHRISTINE D SITUS: 616 SILVER ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #567020 2011 Tax $292.72 Interest $20.49 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $330.21


R014709 ECKSTINE DANIEL J ECKSTINE CHRISTINE D SITUS: 5083 HIGHWAY 348 DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #548087 SERIAL: AZFLP21AB0099 7HP YEAR: 1994 MAKE: HP SIZE: 28X62 2011 Tax $567.44 Interest $39.72 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $624.16 R013181 EDENBO JAMES D 5500 SUNRIDGE DR DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #587927 2011 Tax $658.04 Interest $46.06 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $721.10 R014334 END IRA INC FBO BREZONICK MATTHEW MARTIN 75% INTEREST, END IRA INC FBO LOVELAND JESSICA ANNE 25% INTEREST SITUS: 202 MAIN ST DELTA 81416 120 E 2ND ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #654041 2011 Tax $3,018.44 Interest $211.29 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $3,246.73 R003282 EYRE JAELENE K SITUS: 165 S GRAND MESA DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #555268 2011 Tax $1,462.96 Interest $102.41 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,582.37 R002355 FERNER CAROL ANN SITUS: 210 NW 10TH ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #627551 2011 Tax $339.70 Interest $20.38 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $377.08 R005742 FISCHER RICHARD K FISCHER LINDA R FISCHER CHRISTOPHER CHANCE FISCHER CANDIS SITUS: 10337, 10341, 10345, 10349 TONGUE CREEK RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81418 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #651651 2011 Tax $2,521.16 Interest $176.48 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,714.64 R020344 FLETCHER JUSTIN SITUS: 38480 FRUITLAND MESA RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #634966 2011 Tax $78.36 Interest $5.49 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $100.85 R012002 FRESQUEZ JOSEPH DONNIE FRESQUEZ MONICA R SITUS: 1425 E 5TH ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #606529 2011 Tax $558.92 Interest $39.12 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $615.04 R015362 GALLEGOS DELLA GALLEGOS MICHAEL A SITUS: 1004 PALMER ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #368037 2011 Tax $386.48 Interest $27.05 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $430.53 R011969 GALLEGOS TIMOTEO L GALLEGOS BENJAMIN M GALLEGOS SARA J SITUS: 1110 CRAWFORD AVE DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #514374 & 515134 2011 Tax $158.04 Interest $11.06 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $186.10 R008835 GILBERT DAVID J SITUS: 328 ONARGA AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #501245 2011 Tax $373.60 Interest $26.15 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $416.75 R010697 GILBERTSON DAVID GILBERTSON TERRI LYNN SITUS: 22187 CANAL ST AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #603200 2011 Tax $108.00 Interest $7.56 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $132.56 R010703 GILBERTSON DAVID GILBERTSON TERRI LYNN SITUS: 22203 CANAL ST AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #603199 2011 Tax $108.00 Interest $7.56 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $132.56 R014053 GILLETTE MANAGEMENT LLC SITUS: 107 GUNNISON RIVER DR DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #581016 2011 Tax $10,156.44 Interest $710.95 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $10,884.39 R021618 GILLIAM CHRIS GILLIAM GLORIA SITUS: 1350 E 3RD ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #595058, 596523, 603406 2011 Tax $538.92 Interest $37.72 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $593.64 R021619 GILLIAM CHRIS GILLIAM GLORIA SITUS: 1354 E 3RD ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #595058, 603406 2011 Tax $180.60 Interest $12.64 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $210.24 R019937 GILLIAM CHRIS GILLIAM GLORIA SITUS: 724 E 5TH ST DELTA 81416 & 510 HASTINGS ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #534970 2011 Tax $751.08 Interest $52.58 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $820.66 R014239 GILLIAM CHRIS R GILLIAM GLORIA MARIE 132 PALMER ST DELTA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #571635 2011 Tax $378.04 Interest $26.46 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $421.50 R000080 GILPIN COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CO SITUS: 41320 ELECTRIC MOUNTAIN LN PAONIA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #545656 2011 Tax $458.68 Interest $32.11 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $507.79 R002721 GLASS LAWRENCE ALAN SITUS: 355 NW 4TH ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #615018 2011 Tax $515.96 Interest $36.12 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $569.08 R005853 GLENDENING PAULA J GLENDENING GREG SITUS: 9897 HORSESHOE LN AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #582817 2011 Tax $496.96 Interest $34.78 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $548.74

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D4 Wednesday, October 3, 2012 Continued from previous page R018495 GRAY BILLY J GRAY SHANNON L SITUS: 6544 1900 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #538004 MBL HOME TITLE: 18E314519 SERIAL: 8D510140L YEAR: 1999 MAKE: WIN SIZE: 16X76 2011 Tax $187.44 Interest $13.12 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $217.56 R012756 GREAT NEW HOMES INC SITUS: G RD DELTA 81416 SEC 20 T15S R95W 6PM NE4NE4SEC 20 LESS 7.6 A IN SUB (LTS 1-30) REST TO BE TAKENOUT IN PHASES LESS 6.39AC+- IN SUBD (LTS 31 THRU 61 & 83 THRU 87) FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #533787 2011 Tax $1,316.08 Interest $92.13 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,425.21 R012800 GREAT NEW HOMES INC SITUS: 533 APRICOT LN DELTA 81416 SUBD: ORCHARD ESTATES Lot: 32 LT 32 ORCHARD ESTATES SUBD & 134TH INT ORCHARD ESTATES PARK PT NE4 SEC 20 T15S R95W 6PM FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #533788 2011 Tax $850.96 Interest $59.57 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $927.53 R011668 GREAT SERVICES LTD SITUS: RURAL DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #506441 2011 Tax $3,825.32 Interest $267.77 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $4,110.09 R003719 GRIFFITHS PAUL SITUS: 260 SW 13TH CIR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #606361 2011 Tax $99.92 Interest $6.99 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $123.91 R014486 HAINING HAROLD HAINING MARY SITUS: 424 MAIN ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #511959 2011 Tax $767.92 Interest $53.75 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $838.67 R003427 HALL RICHARD F SITUS: 170 SW 3RD ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #590779 2011 Tax $224.22 Interest $13.45 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $254.67 R006118 HANLON KATHLEEN E SITUS: HIGHWAY 65 ECKERT - ORCHARD CITY FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #542291 2011 Tax $373.32 Interest $26.13 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $416.45 R002468 HANSON RAYMOND F HANSON SANDRA M SITUS: 355 NE INDIAN CAMP AVE CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #444154 2011 Tax $715.24 Interest $50.07 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $782.31 R009970 HARP FRANK A SITUS: 509 CEDAR AVE CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #332365 & 491468 2011 Tax $110.48 Interest $7.73 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $135.21 R010805 HELMICK ALAN C SITUS: DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #555502 2011 Tax $399.60 Interest $27.97 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $444.57 R010810 HELMICK ALAN C SITUS: DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #555502 & 656912 2011 Tax $399.60 Interest $27.97 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $444.57 R010811 HELMICK ALAN C SITUS: DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #555502 & 656912 2011 Tax $399.60 Interest $27.97 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $444.57 R013905 HERRERA TERESA HERRERA SALLY SITUS: 1504 HIGHWAY 50 DELTA 81416 SEC12 T5S R96W 6PM PT NW4 SW4 S 12 BEG AT PT 282’E OF W 4 COR SEC 12 E44’S300’ SW’LY 60’ TO PT 300’S OF BEG N300’ TO POB LESS .015 AC TO STATE HWY FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #351971 2011 Tax $279.66 Interest $16.78 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $313.44 R013906 HERRERA TERESA HERRERA SALLY SITUS: 1502 HIGHWAY 50 DELTA 81416 SEC 12 T15S R96W 6PM PT W2NW4SW4 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #351971 2011 Tax $286.16 Interest $17.17 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $320.33 R013908 HERRERA TERESA CUSTODIAN 1/2 SITUS: N HIGHWAY 50 DELTA 81416 SEC 12 T15S R96W 6PM BEG ATA PT 282’E & 300’S FR CEN OF W/L OF S 12 TH E44’ TH S 132’ TH SW’LY 160’ TO A PNT 200’ S OF POB TH N200’ TO POB FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #535428 2011 Tax $27.96 Interest $1.68 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $46.64 R023245 HESS GARY L HESS BONNIE M SITUS: 40486 D RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #638649 2011 Tax $2,903.72 Interest $203.26 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $3,123.98 R009134 HIGH COUNTRY PRINTING & GRAPHICS INC SITUS: 111 1ST ST PAONIA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #511589 2011 Tax $3,452.20 Interest $241.65 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $3,710.85 R002502 HIGH MOUNTAIN ENTERPRISES LLC SITUS: 810 N GRAND MESA DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #630796 2011 Tax $3,023.36 Interest $211.64 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $3,252.00 R007263 HILLMAN MICHAEL R SITUS: 13962 & 13966 PUMPKIN HOLLOW RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #619098 2011 Tax $402.48 Interest $28.17 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $447.65 R005924 HOCKER ROY SITUS: 21095 FAIRVIEW RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #660056 2011 Tax $118.04 Interest $14.27 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $143.31

R009697 HOFF THEODORE BENNETT HOFF VANEESSA LEE SITUS: G RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #464717 2011 Tax $26.40 Interest $1.85 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $45.25 R018543 HOFF THEODORE BENNETT HOFF VANESSA LEE SITUS: CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #539793 2011 Tax $906.48 Interest $63.45 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $986.93 R003751 HOLT JAMES W SITUS: 295 SW 12TH AVE CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #505368 2011 Tax $960.30 Interest $25.48 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,002.78 R005513 HOTZ PERRY HOTZ TERRY SITUS: 10537 2150 RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #611118 2011 Tax $430.64 Interest $30.15 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $477.79 R001788 HUGHES JOHN GEORGE HUGHES LETA ANN SITUS: 23152 UTE TRAIL RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #502189 2011 Tax $823.20 Interest $57.62 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $897.82 R021404 HUNT LEIGH ANN SITUS: ECKERT - ORCHARD CITY 81418 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #594475 2011 Tax $299.60 Interest $20.97 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $337.57 R006151 HUSTED DOROTHY S % OBRIEN FRANK S ET AL SITUS: 22132 WILLOW LN ECKERT - ORCHARD CITY FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #485114 2011 Tax $610.76 Interest $42.75 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $670.51 R000124 JACOBSON MARIAN SITUS: STEVENS GULCH RD PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #527053 2011 Tax $1,175.92 Interest $82.31 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,275.23 R005507 JENSEN ERIC J JENSEN DEBRA M SITUS: 10690 2150 RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #660655 SERIAL: 170206201754 YEAR: 2002 MAKE: REDMAN SIZE: 28X56 2011 Tax $347.48 Interest $20.85 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $385.33 R000299 JJAK FAMILY LLC ALEXANDER LAKE LODGE SITUS: 21160, 21219, 21221-#1, 21221-#2, 21221-#3, 21221-#4, 21221-#5, 21221-#6, 21221-#7 BARON LAKE DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #533852 2011 Tax $4,840.92 Interest $338.86 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $5,196.78 R003859 JOHNSON C R GROVER KIMBERLY D SITUS: 1205 SE DEER CREEK DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #639389 2011 Tax $1,003.96 Interest $70.28 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,091.24 R017969 JOHNSON JOHN L SITUS: 13963 DRY GULCH RD PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #601628 MBL HOME TITLE: 18E349181 SERIAL: 2T5205121AB YEAR: 1999 MAKE: LEX SIZE: 28 X 76 2011 Tax $902.64 Interest $63.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $982.82 R013939 JONES CHERYLL A JONES KEVIN D SITUS: 745 1575 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #596940 2011 Tax $597.21 Interest $32.39 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $646.60 R018384 JORGENSEN TINA MARIE JORGENSEN JAMES AARON SITUS: 41902 LAMBORN MESA RD PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #537747-plat & 537749 2011 Tax $325.92 Interest $22.81 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $365.73 R023495 JUST WHAT WE NEEDED LLC SITUS: 41257 ELECTRIC MOUNTAIN LN PAONIA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #638609 2011 Tax $849.96 Interest $59.50 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $926.46 R002490 KEISER AUSTIN M KEISER SUSAN L SITUS: 947 NW 9TH ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #453364 2011 Tax $280.92 Interest $19.66 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $317.58 R003679 KEISER AUSTIN M KEISER SUSAN L SITUS: 225 SE GREENWOOD AVE CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #620894 2011 Tax $735.08 Interest $51.46 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $803.54 R005844 KEISER AUSTIN M KEISER SUSAN L SITUS: 9802 HIGHWAY 65 CORY - ORCHARD CITY 81414 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #466333 2011 Tax $2,542.32 Interest $177.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,737.28 R007494 KENDALL STEPHEN A KENDALL SUSAN L SITUS: 10947 3500 RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #510253 2011 Tax $372.60 Interest $26.08 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $415.68 R004593 KIER LARRY I KIER CHARLOTTE ANN SITUS: CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #493146 2011 Tax $68.48 Interest $4.79 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $90.27 R004635 KIER LARRY I KIER CHARLOTTE ANN SITUS: CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #493146 2011 Tax $41.84 Interest $2.93 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $61.77 R004799 KIER LARRY I KIER CHARLOTTE ANN SITUS: CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #493146 2011 Tax $17.36 Interest $1.22 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $35.58


R009399 MARTINEZ ALFONSO MARTINEZ NIKKI ANNETTE SITUS: 41904 LAMBORN MESA RD PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #487269 SERIAL: FH4613271X2003 MAKE: FUQUA LANDMARK 265 SIZE: 28 X 65 2011 Tax $477.26 Interest $28.64 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $522.90

R019992 KIER LARRY I KIER CHARLOTTE A SITUS: AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 PARCEL “B”-KIER/KIER BNDRY ADJ. THAT PT LYING IN TAX DIST H4O. FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #572123 plat 29/55 2011 Tax $1,035.04 Interest $72.45 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,124.49

R008045 MATHEWS KATHARINE I SITUS: 580 LORAH LN HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #326713 2011 Tax $647.96 Interest $45.36 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $710.32

R011481 KIER LARRY I KIER CHARLOTTE A SITUS: 1759 HILLCREST DR DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #589474 2011 Tax $1,097.60 Interest $76.83 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,191.43 R011908 KING DEWEY I SITUS: 435 B ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #516991 2011 DELTA CITY LIEN $4813.75 LIEN FEE $96.28 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $4,927.03 R021073 KOEHN LENNIS E SITUS: 820 SE PINE ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #607231 2011 Tax $415.36 Interest $29.08 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $461.44 R010745 KORTZ JOHN STEVEN SITUS: 22023 CANAL ST AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #608575 2011 Tax $221.56 Interest $15.51 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $254.07 R010269 KRAAI CAROL LYNN SITUS: 4287 3750 RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #498101 2011 Tax $952.68 Interest $66.69 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,036.37 R009124 LABOUNTY JERRY E LABOUNTY JANE E SITUS: 101 ONARGA AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #354028 2011 Tax $1,665.44 Interest $116.58 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,799.02 R013452 LANCE MICHAEL WILLIAM LANCE SANDRA LYNN JARRET SITUS: 2363 PIONEER RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #599105 2011 DELTA CITY LIEN $535.15 LIEN FEE $10.70 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $562.85 R011768 LARSON FREDERICK BILL SITUS: CEDAR ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #612429 2011 Tax $57.56 Interest $4.03 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $78.59 R011769 LARSON FREDERICK BILL SITUS: CEDAR ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #612429 2011 Tax $57.56 Interest $4.03 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $78.59 R008399 LARSON STEPHEN R SITUS: 41198 LAMBORN DR PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #511421 2011 Tax $853.08 Interest $59.72 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $929.80 R009068 LATOURETTE STEPHANIE A SITUS: 302 2ND ST PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #627001 2011 Tax $2,708.28 Interest $189.58 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,914.86 R008758 LEGGE STEPHEN R LEGGE JANE SITUS: 17 NIAGARA AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #618563 2011 Tax $879.56 Interest $61.57 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $958.13 R009053 LEGG LORETTA M TRUST SITUS: 205 GRAND AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #649949 2011 Tax $1,964.56 Interest $137.52 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,119.08 R023561 LEON RENALDO SITUS: 483 1800 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #651757 2011 Tax $526.44 Interest $36.85 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $580.29 R003463 LISTON VIRGINIA M SITUS: 155 SW 7TH ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #578765 2011 Tax $1,057.72 Interest $74.04 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,148.76 R012336 LISTON VIRGINIA M SITUS: 535 E 7TH ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #602892 2011 Tax $430.60 Interest $30.14 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $477.74 R021307 LOVE BUDDIE J SITUS: 426 E 3RD ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL dESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #595426 2011 Tax $479.92 Interest $33.59 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $530.51 R002728 MACFARLANE DONN SITUS: 310 NW 4TH ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #635015 2011 Tax $196.12 Interest $13.73 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $226.85 R023243 MACPHERSON GARY K SITUS: 23243 2600 RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #640395 2011 Tax $561.92 Interest $39.33 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $618.25 R007843 MAKI SHEILA MARIE SITUS: 175 ASH LN HOTCHKISS 81419 Subd: KNOB HILL ADD LOT: 16 SEC 30 T14S R92W 6PM 2011 Tax $197.28 Interest $13.81 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $228.09 R005128 MARTIN CLARK DVM MARTIN SUSAN E SITUS: 13244 HIGHWAY 65 ECKERT - ORCHARD CITY 81418 FULLLEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #535030 2011 Tax $1,908.80 Interest $133.62 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,059.42

R008447 MCCORMICK PATRICK K SITUS: 420 DELTA AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #594902 2011 Tax $955.20 Interest $66.86 2010 PAONIA CITY LIEN $1580.18 LIEN FEE $31.60 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,650.84 R010013 MCCULLOUGH MILDRED MAXINE SITUS: 257 HIGHWAY 92 CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #582440 2011 Tax $134.24 Interest $9.40 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $160.64 R000718 MCMANAMON DAVID J MCMANAMON KATHRYN M SITUS: STARNER LOOP RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #527914 2011 Tax $13.64 Interest $0.95 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $31.59 R023490 MCMATH BARRY SITUS: 201 GRAND AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #647609 2011 Tax $1,925.68 Interest $134.80 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,077.48 R001313 MCMATH BARRY A SITUS: 607 ORCHARD AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #475305 2011 Tax $850.32 Interest $59.52 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $926.84 R010095 MEHDER ALEX SITUS: 8880 COTTONWOOD LN HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #465972 2011 Tax $1,134.22 Interest $79.40 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,230.62 R022588 MENELEY DONALD SHARER SARA SITUS: PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #651507 2011 Tax $457.16 Interest $32.00 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $506.16 R019523 MICHELI CHERYL L SITUS: DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #645761 2011 Tax $78.96 Interest $5.53 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $101.49 R019524 MICHELI CHERYL L SITUS: DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #645760 2011 Tax $701.20 Interest $49.08 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $767.28 R020244 MILLER JOSEPH EDWIN MILLER TRACEY RENEE SITUS: 7715 DOVER RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #618587 2011 Tax $960.64 Interest $67.24 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,044.88 R021970 MORFORD INVESTMENTS LLC VALLEY LANES 5TH FRAME INC SITUS: 7530 HIGHWAY 65 BUSINESS DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #619182 2011 Tax $5,910.44 Interest $413.73 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $6,341.17 R021327 MORRIS ROBERT E MORRIS ROXIE V MORRIS ZELMA C SITUS: 19444, 19448 & 19454 HIGHWAY 65 CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #464921 & 599455 2011 Tax $1,144.80 Interest $80.14 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,241.94 R002310 MORRIS ROBERT E MORRIS ROXIE V SITUS: 17528, 17542, 17546, 17594 HAPPY HOLLOW RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #464921 2011 Tax $1,625.88 Interest $113.81 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,756.69 R003674 MORROW LAVERNE W SITUS: 265 SE GREENWOOD AVE CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #514400 2011 Tax $789.15 Interest $39.30 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $845.45 R012710 MOSS JR LEO DAVID SITUS: 1280 PINION ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #656159 2011 DELTA CITY LIEN $227.84 LIEN FEE $4.55 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $249.39 R013547 MUMMERT LARRY MUMMERT BETH SITUS: 3343 2000 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #430986 2011 Tax $643.28 Interest $45.03 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $705.31 R018438 MUNOZ RICHARD B MUNOZ SHIRLEY A SITUS: 23939 D50 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #437075 2011 Tax $1,311.22 Interest $78.67 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,406.89 R021642 MURCHISON CONSTRUCTION LLC SITUS: 15920 STAR DUST LN CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #623824 2011 Tax $1,175.72 Interest $82.30 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,275.02 R023516 MUSE JULIE SITUS: 4572 HIGHWAY 348 DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #647751 2011 Tax $699.52 Interest $48.97 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $765.49 R014186 NAGEL HENRY C SITUS: 424 & 426 W 4TH ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #424971 2011 Tax $429.64 Interest $30.07 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $476.71 R014187 NAGEL HENRY C SITUS: 444 SILVER ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #434355 2011 Tax $278.40 Interest $19.49 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $314.89

Delta County Independent

R014188 NAGEL HENRY C SITUS: 438 SILVER ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #419345 2011 Tax $407.12 Interest $28.50 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $452.62

R001760 POPE LARRY WILLIAM SITUS: 20557, 20563 & 20567 20585 HIGHWAY 65 CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #653484 2011 Tax $418.56 Interest $29.30 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $464.86

R021859 ROCKY MOUNTAIN LAND CO LLC SITUS: HIGHWAY 50 DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #613197 2011 Tax $1,070.76 Interest $74.95 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,162.71

R014803 NAGEL HENRY C SITUS: 540 HOWARD ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #462119 2011 Tax $517.48 Interest $36.22 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $570.70

R022972 PRAMUKH HOSPITALITY LLC SITUS: 903 MAIN ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #629601 2011 Tax $34,400.32 Interest $2,408.02 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $36,825.34

R009039 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PACIFIC LLC SITUS: 124 GRAND AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #601798 2011 Tax $1,982.64 Interest $138.78 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,138.42

R007256 PRIEST JOHN R SITUS: 13823 & 13827 PUMPKIN HOLLOW RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #657231 2011 Tax $622.56 Interest $43.58 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $683.14

R009999 ROGERS TAMMY L (AKA BROUGHTON TAMMY) ROGERS KEVIN A SITUS: RURAL CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #490105 2011 Tax $128.88 Interest $9.02 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $154.90

R019133 RECKERT CHRISTOPHER RECKERT CARRIE SITUS: 2800 RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #631731 2011 Tax $1,136.16 Interest $79.53 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,232.69

R008442 ROGERS TYLER A SITUS: 417 DELTA AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #651137 2011 Tax $278.08 Interest $19.47 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $314.55

R015076 NAGEL HENRY C SITUS: 955 & 957 GRAND AVE DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #435545 2011 Tax $1,041.56 Interest $72.91 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,131.47 R023075 NEXT CHAPTER PROPERTIES LLC SITUS: 116 W 6TH ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #653043 2011 Tax $134.96 Interest $9.45 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $161.41 R003988 NIGHTENGALE BETTY J SITUS: RURAL ECKERT - ORCHARD CITY 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #546078 2011 Tax $131.86 Interest $7.91 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $156.77 R003983 NIGHTINGALE BETTY J NIGHTINGALE TERRY J SITUS: 2623 S GRAND MESA DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #645422 2011 Tax $583.16 Interest $34.99 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $635.15 R023424 NORTHUMBERLAND GROUP LLC SITUS: PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #574182 & 644206 PLAT 2011 Tax $1,854.76 Interest $129.83 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,001.59 R000049 NORTHUMBERLAND GROUP LLC SITUS: 11911, 11915, 11919, 11923 COUNTY ROAD 265 PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #550489 2011 Tax $1,990.04 Interest $139.30 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,146.34 R022160 NOTTINGHAM TERESA B SITUS: 21385 KNIGHT RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #619656 2011 Tax $1,960.48 Interest $137.24 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,114.72 R009872 ORMSBEE LINDA SITUS: 520 FIR AVE CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #650168 2011 Tax $469.56 Interest $32.87 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $519.43 R021531 OROPEZA FELIPE SITUS: 31117 LAZEAR RD LAZEAR 81420 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #600741 SERIAL: U125734840 YEAR: 1966 MAKE: COLUMBIA SIZE: 12 X 57 2011 Tax $143.16 Interest $10.02 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $170.18 R010709 PACHECO LANCE JOE PACHECO JULIE K SITUS: 22136 CANAL ST AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #443322 2011 Tax $282.40 Interest $19.77 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $319.17 R009111 PAPKE AARON W PAPKE ANGELA K SITUS: 104 NORTH FORK AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #445183 2011 Tax $412.28 Interest $28.86 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $458.14 R020890 PERKINS DANIEL K SITUS: 185 SE EAGLE AVE CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #616124 2011 Tax $1,364.44 Interest $95.51 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,476.95 R000281 PERKINS LARRY D PERKINS GLENDA E SITUS: 21038 LOWER TWIN LAKE DR CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #608493 2011 Tax $310.12 Interest $21.71 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $348.83 R022987 PERKINS TRUCKING INC SITUS: ECKERT - ORCHARD CITY 81418 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #634159 2011 Tax $691.24 Interest $48.39 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $756.63 R022988 PERKINS TRUCKING INC A COLORADO CORPORATION SITUS: ECKERT - ORCHARD CITY 81418 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #634303 2011 Tax $5,635.98 Interest $394.52 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $6,047.50 R003402 PETRANOVICH GEORGE PETRANOVICH LOLA J SITUS: 295 SW 3RD ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #644627 2011 Tax $1,022.68 Interest $71.59 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,111.27 R002400 PIERCE VICTOR J SITUS: 185 NW 12TH ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #635851 2011 Tax $880.24 Interest $61.62 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $958.86 R023225 PIPHER CHARLES H SITUS: 37520 HIGHWAY 92 CRAWFORD 81415 SLATE POINT MINOR SUBDIVISION Lot 2 RESIDUAL PARCEL SLATE POINT MS. INCLUDES LOT 2 & LOT 3 OF PHASE II PT SE4SE4 SEC 16 T15S R92W 6PM. 2011 Tax $1,761.88 Interest $123.33 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,902.21 R010204 PIPHER CHARLES H SITUS: 5085 3675 RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #596412 2011 Tax $1,147.06 Interest $80.29 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,244.35 R019057 PMNO SITUS: 23032 SWEET CLOVER RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #562020 2011 Tax $1,417.48 Interest $99.22 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,533.70 R010992 POPE ERNEST W POPE LLOYD A SITUS: HIGHWAY 92 AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #416734 & 466579 2011 Tax $112.72 Interest $7.89 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $137.61

R019134 RECKERT CHRISTOPHER RECKERT CARRIE SITUS: 2800 RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #631731 2011 Tax $1,136.16 Interest $79.53 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,232.69 R008043 REDDEN HELEN I SITUS: 34520 HANSON MESA RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #329135 2011 Tax $279.52 Interest $19.57 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $316.09 R013170 REED DAVID P SITUS: 5262 SUNRIDGE DR DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #564107 2011 Tax $180.60 Interest $12.64 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $210.24 R004061 REEDS ARTHUR C LOUX-REEDS JONNELLE SITUS: 275 SE FLINTLOCK CT CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #629572 2011 Tax $1,250.16 Interest $87.51 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,354.67 R005829 REED STEPHEN THOMAS SITUS: 20909 JARVIS RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #638851 2011 Tax $261.84 Interest $18.33 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $297.17 R019439 REILLY MICHAEL A SITUS: 828 SLIDE DOWN RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #560849 2011 Tax $689.32 Interest $48.25 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $754.57 R002056 REYNOLDS MERL C REYNOLDS NAOMI M SITUS: 2458 T RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #454318 2011 Tax $956.84 Interest $66.98 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,040.82 R002061 REYNOLDS MERL C REYNOLDS NAOMI M SITUS: 18758 SURFACE CREEK RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #422792 2011 Tax $498.40 Interest $34.89 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $550.29 R002063 REYNOLDS MERL C REYNOLDS NAOMI M SITUS: 18827 SURFACE CREEK RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #414768 2011 Tax $575.72 Interest $40.30 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $633.02 R002074 REYNOLDS MERL C REYNOLDS NAOMI M SITUS: SURFACE CREEK RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #445350 2011 Tax $55.16 Interest $3.86 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $76.02 R002075 REYNOLDS MERL C REYNOLDS NAOMI M SITUS: SURFACE CREEK RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #414769 2011 Tax $26.40 Interest $1.85 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $45.25 R003912 REYNOLDS MERL C REYNOLDS NAOMI M SITUS: 277 SW 12TH ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #414771 2011 Tax $289.08 Interest $20.24 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $326.32 R008243 RHONBAUGH DORALEE GRACE & PEPPER RALPH ADRIN SITUS: 335 W HOTCHKISS AVE HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #485580 2011 Tax $366.68 Interest $25.67 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $409.35 R002447 RICE CARL A SITUS: 660 NE 2ND ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #545925 2011 Tax $618.84 Interest $43.32 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $679.16 R001881 RICHARD CERISE PARTNERSHIP LLLP SITUS: 19474 & 19482 2325 RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #548298 MBL HOME TITLE: 21E430566 SERIAL: PH1903117UX YEAR: 2002 MAKE: PALM HARBOR SIZE: 28X76 2011 Tax $1,439.60 Interest $100.77 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,557.37 R004380 RICHARDSON JANE SITUS: 18155 KISER CREEK RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #512081 2011 Tax $809.20 Interest $56.64 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $882.84 R005896 RINCON ROBERTO M RINCON JULIA M SITUS: 9337 & 9341 HIGHWAY 65 CORY - ORCHARD CITY 81414 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #476455 2011 Tax $161.58 Interest $11.31 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $189.89 R013751 ROCKY MOUNTAIN LAND CO LLC SITUS: HIGHWAY 50 DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #613197 2011 Tax $669.20 Interest $46.84 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $733.04

R013857 ROMERO THOMAS D SITUS: 790, 792 & 794 1600 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #623400 2011 Tax $361.88 Interest $25.33 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $404.21 R014971 ROMERO WILLIE SALAZAR MARY M SITUS: 821 & 821-1/2 GRAND AVE DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #588737 2011 Tax $534.08 Interest $37.39 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $588.47 R021530 ROSS-KJELDGAARD KRISTI SITUS: LAZEAR 81420 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #589455 2011 Tax $127.68 Interest $8.94 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $153.62 R013557 ROVELSTAD MARK DAVID SITUS: 20098 E RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #608709 2011 Tax $115.76 Interest $8.10 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $140.86 R008202 ROWAN PROPERTIES LLC SITUS: W BRIDGE ST HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #590310 2011 Tax $606.24 Interest $42.44 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $665.68 R008203 ROWAN PROPERTIES LLC SITUS: 159 W BRIDGE ST HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #590310 2011 Tax $606.24 Interest $42.44 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $665.68 R020739 RUBINO RICHARD J RUBINO SANDRA L SITUS: 762 ANTELOPE ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #645288 2011 DELTA CITY LIEN $38.87 FEE $2.00 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $57.87 R009184 RUNG NICHOLAUS W RUNG HEIDI L SITUS: 50 SAMUEL WADE RD PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #499972 2011 Tax $463.48 Interest $32.44 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $512.92 R010679 SANCHEZ DALE J JR SITUS: 9012 2210 RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #429707 2011 Tax $632.24 Interest $44.26 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $693.50 R010682 SANCHEZ MABEL SANCHEZ DALE SITUS: 9008 2210 RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #326635 & 395439 2011 Tax $322.08 Interest $22.55 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $361.63 R023374 SCARFF LEON SITUS: 7253 2200 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #642856 & 642857 2011 Tax $445.04 Interest $31.15 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $493.19 R023375 SCARFF LEON SITUS: 7251 2200 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #642856 & 642857 2011 Tax $1,559.92 Interest $109.19 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,686.11 R015228 SCHOONOVER JACKIE L SITUS: 730 SILVER ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #499343 2011 Tax $1,513.32 Interest $105.93 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,636.25 R015463 SCHOONOVER JACKIE L SITUS: 1264 GRAND AVE DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #482967 2011 Tax $443.72 Interest $31.06 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $491.78 R011277 SCOTT NELSON D SITUS: 19698 HIGHWAY 92 DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #484035 2011 Tax $622.12 Interest $43.55 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $682.67 R021603 SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT SITUS: 7220 & 7224 PEACH VALLEY RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #656788 MBL HOME TITLE: MSO SERIAL: 1PTX10093A/BTX YEAR: 2002 MAKE: BARTON CREEK SIZE: 28 X 64, MBL HOME TITLE: 18H113313 SERIAL: P305705 YEAR: 2002 MAKE: SHULTZ SIZE: 16 X 76 2011 Tax $276.88 Interest $16.61 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $310.49 R006434 SHEPARD VIRGINIA A SHEPARD LYNN C SITUS: 13504 2900 RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #492980 2011 Tax $234.20 Interest $16.39 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $267.59 R016338 SHEPPARD JAMES SITUS: 35850 FRUITLAND MESA RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #603813 2011 Tax $218.48 Interest $15.29 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $250.77 R017642 SHOWALTER DAN M SHOWALTER HILARY A SITUS: E 7TH ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #638071 2011 Tax $152.72 Interest $10.69 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $180.41

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Delta County Independent

Continued from previous page R017645 SHOWALTER DAN M SHOWALTER HILARY A SITUS: 1152 E 7TH ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #566704 2011 Tax $180.60 Interest $12.64 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $210.24 R020149 SIBLEY HURBERT O SIBLEY MARY V SITUS: 8633 SADDLE RIDGE RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #598505 2011 Tax $1,498.86 Interest $104.92 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,620.78 R020151 SIBLEY INVESTMENTS LLC SITUS: 8667 SADDLE RIDGE RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #608066 2011 Tax $957.58 Interest $67.03 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,041.61

R019501 TRUITT TOD L HOPKINS GWENDOLYN KAY SITUS: 20053 HIGH PARK RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #645925 2011 Tax $637.92 Interest $44.65 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $699.57 R018652 TULLIS LINDA G SITUS: 9235 3000 RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #539651 2011 Tax $1,605.84 Interest $112.41 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,735.25 R007943 TULLIS LINDA G SITUS: 259 E ORCHARD ST HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #604268 2011 Tax $577.64 Interest $40.43 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $635.07 R008201 TULLIS LINDA G SITUS: 147 W BRIDGE ST HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #604112 2011 Tax $534.40 Interest $37.41 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $588.81

R021162 SIBLEY INVESTMENTS LLC SITUS: ROUBIDEAU ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #608067 2011 Tax $458.52 Interest $32.10 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $507.62

R008230 TULLIS LINDA G SITUS: 341 W BRIDGE ST HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #603292 2011 Tax $476.08 Interest $33.33 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $526.41

R023299 SIMONDS MICHAEL ELKINS VICKI ANN SITUS: F RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #656917 2011 Tax $1,891.84 Interest $132.43 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,041.27

R006622 TULLIS ROBERT W GENERATION SKIPPING TRUST SITUS: 1077 BARROW MESA RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #621541 2011 Tax $382.96 Interest $26.81 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $426.77

R017447 SKYLAND GENERAL CONTRACTORS LLC SITUS: 3508 STEARMAN LN CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #630615 2011 Tax $1,603.00 Interest $112.21 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,732.21 R002791 SMITH SUSAN E SITUS: 175 NW 4TH ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #532638 2011 Tax $373.60 Interest $26.15 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $416.75 R023034 SNOW KELLIE SNOW DAVID SITUS: 3467 1900 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #596273 2011 Tax $324.08 Interest $22.69 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $363.77 R011072 SOPER CHARLES A SOPER BETTY A SITUS: 8841 MARSHALLS RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #533460 2011 Tax $967.70 Interest $67.74 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,052.44 R015008 STOLNS ASH CAROL ASH PAUL B SITUS: 857 PALMER ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #620923 2011 Tax $321.32 Interest $22.49 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $360.81 R018745 STROUD CLINTON G STROUD PATRICIA K SITUS: 4907 2000 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #505139, 543260 plat, 543265 2011 Tax $904.80 Interest $63.34 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $985.14 R018748 STROUD CLINTON G STROUD PATRICIA K SITUS: DELTA 81416 SAN JUAN VISTA II SUBDIVISION LOT 4 PT NE4NE4 SEC 27 T15S R95W 6PM FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #505139, 543260 plat, 543265 2011 Tax $1,233.80 Interest $86.37 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,337.17 R018749 STROUD CLINTON G STROUD PATRICIA K SITUS: 4841 2000 RD DELTA 81416 SAN JUAN VISTA II SUBDIVISION LOT 5 PT NE4NE4 SEC 27 T15S R95W 6PM FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #505139, 543260 plat, 543265 MBL HOME TITLE: 18E332070 SERIAL: 220166P0178A&B YEAR: 1990 MAKE: CHAMPION SIZE: 27X40 2011 Tax $490.28 Interest $34.32 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $541.60 R011372 STROUD PATRICIA K SITUS: 20250 H RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #455657 2011 Tax $598.76 Interest $41.91 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $657.67 R019667 SUCKOW DENNIS R SUCKOW KAY F SITUS: 13246 G RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #564020 2011 Tax $1,050.76 Interest $73.55 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,141.31

R007763 TULLIS ROBERT W GENERATION SKIPPING TRUST (78%) & TULLIS JOANNE & LINDA (28%) SITUS: 553 CEDAR DR HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #622122 2011 Tax $1,491.04 Interest $104.37 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,612.41 R001230 UNGARO TERRY SITUS: 15882 FARMERS MINE RD PAONIA 81428 41025 HIGHWAY 133 PAONIA 81428 SEC 32 T13S R91W 6PM PT OF NW4NW4 COM AT PNT ON SEC L 560’S OF NW COR OF SD SEC TH S364’TH N47* E157.08’ TH N35*30’ E107.12’ TH IN A NW/LY DIR 233’ TO BEG ALSO TR IN NW4NW4 SEC 32 T13S R91W BEG AT N PNT FR WH A PNT ON THE W/L 819.1’S OF THE NW COR BRS S43*53’ W186.9’ TH N43*53’ E8’ TH N 38.73’ TH N55*45’ 108’ TH S45*E TO POB MBL HOME TITLE: 18E329843 SERIAL: 9525AB YEAR: 1980 MAKE: KIT SIZE: 24X60 2011 Tax $1,190.52 Interest $83.34 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,290.86 R022773 UNGARO TERRY G SITUS: 320 2ND ST PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #549329 & 626340 2011 Tax $1,521.32 Interest $106.49 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,644.81 R023042 UPLAND GRAVEL INC SITUS: 13350 G RD DELTA 81416 SAND & GRAVEL PRODUCTION ON 345715300014 PT OF E2SW4 S & W OF CO RD IN SEC 15 T15S R96W 2011 Tax $85.48 Interest $5.98 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $108.46 R012961 USA RENTAL FUND LLC SITUS: 515 LABOR ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #656148 2011 Tax $661.88 Interest $46.33 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $725.21 R015507 USA RURAL HOUSING SERVICE SITUS: 1351 HOWARD ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #657082 2011 Tax $206.72 Interest $12.40 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $236.12 R008169 VALDERRAMA JOSEPH SITUS: 335 BRIDGE ST HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #632421 2011 Tax $1,217.12 Interest $85.20 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,319.32

State of Colorado ) ) § County of Delta )

R014487 VARELA DENNIS W SITUS: 422 MAIN ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #574891 2011 Tax $945.48 Interest $66.18 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,028.66 R008088 WADLEY MARY E WADLEY RITA L & PURCELL KIM S SITUS: 181 N 4TH ST HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #659208 2011 Tax $515.28 Interest $36.07 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $568.35 R001188 WALKER TINA SITUS: 510 BOX ELDER AVE PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #527321 MBL HOME TITLE: 18E318151 SERIAL: 4238694969A&B YEAR:1983 MAKE:CHAMPION SIZE: 28X64 2011 Tax $1,520.20 Interest $106.41 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,643.61 R019671 WALTON ROSE E WOLLBRINCK VIRGINIA G SITUS: 1746 & 1750 HIGHWAY 348 DELTA 81416 WOLLBRINCK/ WALTON MINOR SUBDIVISION PT S2NW4 SEC 15 T51N R11W NMPM 2011 Tax $596.04 Interest $41.72 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $654.76 R017302 WEBB KENNETH C WEBB KIMBERLY G SITUS: 4197 2300 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #547125 2011 Tax $296.20 Interest $20.73 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $333.93 R006019 WENDT JOHN A F III SITUS: J25 RD AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #515684 2011 Tax $493.46 Interest $34.54 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $545.00

R002763 WILT SANDRA D SITUS: 170 & 170#b W MAIN ST CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #587010 2011 Tax $1,165.68 Interest $81.60 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,264.28 R020034 WINNE ROBERTA E SITUS: 14410 2900 RD HOTCHKISS 81419 WINNE FAMILY MINOR SUBDIVISION LOT 1- PT NW4SW4 SEC 5 T14S R93W 6PM LESS 1⁄2 MR 2011 Tax $686.44 Interest $41.19 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $744.63 R004480 WOOD JOHN R WOOD SHERRI SCHILD SITUS: 17409 WARD CREEK RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #449578 2011 Tax $504.00 Interest $35.28 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $556.28 R016379 WOOD SHERI L SITUS: 1901 BLACK CANYON RD CRAWFORD 81415 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #614870 2011 Tax $134.56 Interest $9.42 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $160.98 R015452 WRIGHT VIRGINIA C SITUS: 1261 BLUFF ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #643996 2011 Tax $767.44 Interest $53.72 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $838.16 R011323 YEAGER KELLY H YEAGER SHERYL A SITUS: DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #586487 2011 Tax $1,283.16 Interest $89.82 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,389.98

R022509 WESTERN RIDGE PROPERTIES LLC SITUS: PAONIA FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #607356 2011 Tax $369.76 Interest $25.88 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $412.64

R002997 YERGENSEN GARTH W YERGENSEN JUDI S SITUS: 17195 LEE LN CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #433723 2011 Tax $764.88 Interest $53.54 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $835.42

R022512 WESTERN RIDGE PROPERTIES LLC SITUS: PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #607356 2011 Tax $1,328.44 Interest $92.99 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,438.43

R020761 YOUNG JERALD M YOUNG KENNETH C SITUS: 1746 BLACK BEAR ST DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #606859 2011 Tax $329.02 Interest $26.32 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $372.34

R011396 WEST LESLEY CARL SITUS: 6550 1900 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #483762 2011 Tax $248.36 Interest $17.39 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $282.75

R022926 YOUNG JERRY YOUNG LETTY SITUS: GREEN VALLEY RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #629613 2011 Tax $736.22 Interest $44.17 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $797.39

R001805 WHEELOCK RANDALL WHEELOCK EILEEN SITUS: 22535 UINTAH RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #580690 2011 Tax $1,511.84 Interest $105.83 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,634.67 R002904 WHITECLOUDE RUTH DIANE SITUS: 17954 & 17958 HANSON RD CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #645401 2011 Tax $825.92 Interest $57.81 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $900.73 R001828 WHITTEMORE DIANNE GUMMIN VERNA MAY SITUS: THUNDER MOUNTAIN LN CEDAREDGE 81413 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #590305 2011 Tax $2,047.28 Interest $143.31 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $2,207.59 R013750 WIDE ACRES INC SITUS: 1491 HIGHWAY 50 DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #460490 & 557559 2011 Tax $749.24 Interest $52.45 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $818.69 R002320 WILLIAMS ORCHARDS SITUS: 17090, 17094 17116 17202 HAPPY HOLLOW RD CEDAREDGE 81413 SEC 19 T13S R94W 6PM SE4SW4 LESS TR “A” BEING 1.40 AC LESS 1.11 AC TO DELTA CO LESS .56 AC TO DELTA CO 2011 Tax $610.60 Interest $42.74 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $670.34

R015971 YOWELL FAMILY TRUST SITUS: 11777 A50 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #520785 2011 Tax $1,037.04 Interest $72.59 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $1,126.63 R015972 YOWELL FAMILY TRUST 1/2 YOWELL FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 1/2 SITUS: 11777 A50 RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #520785 2011 Tax $77.04 Interest $5.39 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $99.43 R023048 ZIMMERMAN MARY H SITUS: 833 & 837 HIGHWAY 133 PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #632001 2011 Tax $3,521.56 Interest $246.51 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $3,785.07 R007060 ZIMMERMAN ROBERT H ZIMMERMAN MARY H SITUS: 237 & 241 HIGHWAY 133 PAONIA 81428 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #640195 2011 Tax $397.20 Interest $27.80 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $442.00


Public notice is hereby given that I, Jim D. Ventrello, will, pursuant to law, offer at public sale, at the Delta County District Courtroom, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer, Delta, Delta County, State of Colorado, on the 1st day of November, A.D., 2012, and succeeding days, commencing at the hour of 10:00 a.m. of said day, liens on the above described real estate, situated in the said county of Delta, on which the 2011 taxes have not been paid, as shall be necessary to pay the taxes, delinquent interest, advertising, and other charges as provided by law. *****PLEASE NOTE – SEATING FOR PARTICIPANTS AT THE TAX LIEN SALE IS LIMITED***** Done under my hand and seal this 14th day of September, 2012.

R023406 SWITZLER MICHAEL R SWITZLER LISA I SITUS: PEACH VALLEY RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #652588 2011 Tax $599.40 Interest $41.96 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $658.36

Jim D. Ventrello, Delta County Treasurer

R021235 THOMAS JASON A situs: 41598 O RD PAONIA 81428: FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #620275 2011 Tax $777.72 Interest $54.44 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $849.16 R014836 THOMAS TIMOTHY J TOWSLEY SARA R SITUS: 646 GRAND AVE DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #655341 2011 Tax $536.80 Interest $37.58 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $591.38 R012746 THOMPSON LEON H FAMILY TRUST SITUS: 1401 PIONEER RD DELTA 81416 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #525928 2011 Tax $158.04 Interest $11.06 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $186.10 R005859 THRAILKILL SUZANNE M SITUS: 9888 HORSESHOE LN AUSTIN - ORCHARD CITY 81410 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #601943 2011 Tax $357.46 Interest $25.02 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $399.48 R022051 TODD ELISHA DAVID SITUS: 34287 OUTLOOK RD HOTCHKISS 81419 FULL LEGAL DESCRIBED AT RECEPTION #620295. 2011 Tax $808.44 Interest $56.59 ADV $13.00 FEE $4.00 Total Due: $882.03

Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26 and October 3, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0130 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 18, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) DAVID I NICHOLS Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., acting solely as nominee for REPUBLIC MORTGAGE HOME LOANS LLC Current Holder of Evidence of Debt JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Date of Deed of Trust 5/29/2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust

5/29/2008 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 626096 Original Principal Amount $146,697.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $140,128.03 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 1, GARNET HILLSIDE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED FEBRUARY 29, 2000 IN BOOK 23 AT PAGE 40, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 585 BLUFF PLACE, DELTA, CO

81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/14/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus

attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/19/2012 Last Publication 10/17/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/18/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: LISA CANCANON #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 1068.05176 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26, October 3, 10 and 17, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0123 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 12, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) SUSANNE E. GEORGE Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., acting solely as nominee for INTERMOUNTAIN INDUSTRIES, INC. D/B/A MAJOR MORTGAGE USA Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP Date of Deed of Trust 1/30/2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 2/5/2008 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 622665 Original Principal Amount $121,800.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $116,126.27 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 4 IN BLOCK 3 OF GARNET HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. PURSUANT TO THE AFFIDAVIT RE: SCRIVENER’S ERROR PURSUANT TO C.R.S. 38-38-109(5) RECORDED IN DELTA COUNTY ON JUNE 15, 2012 AT RECEPTION NO. 659193. Also known by street and number as: 555 ELIZABETH STREET, DELTA, CO 81416-2675. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/14/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/19/2012 Last Publication 10/17/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/12/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: JOAN OLSON, ESQ #28078 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 1269.20040 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26, October 3, 10 and 17, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0124 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 12, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) ZACK R. KIRK AND DAISIE L. KIRK Original Beneficiary(ies) WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR HSI ASSET SECURITIZATION CORPORATION TRUST 2007-WF1 Date of Deed of Trust 2/7/2007 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 2/13/2007 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 612092 Original Principal Amount $158,650.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $155,769.51 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 AND 24, BLOCK 4, PHILLIPS

Wednesday, October 3, 2012 SUBDIVISION TO THE TOWN OF CRAWFORD, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 289 I STREET, CRAWFORD, CO 81415. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/14/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/19/2012 Last Publication 10/17/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/12/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: JENNIFER H. TRACHTE, Esq. #40391 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 9105.04312 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26, October 3, 10 and 17, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0126 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 13, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) ERIC NEAL AND TERESA NEAL Original Beneficiary(ies) OPTION ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as TRUSTEE FOR STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITIES CORPORATION MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-BC6 Date of Deed of Trust 8/25/2006 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 8/31/2006 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 607269 Original Principal Amount $285,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $267,810.36 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 3, PHASE 1, THE MARSHALL SUBDIVISION ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 5, 1997 UNDER RECEPTION NUMBER 506683. DELTA COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 12837 ALON ROAD, HOTCHKISS, CO 81419-3704. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/14/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/19/2012 Last Publication 10/17/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/13/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: JENNIFER H. TRACHTE, Esq. #40391 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 6662.27092 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26, October 3, 10 and 17, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0128 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 18, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) BRIAN P. SANDOVAL AND TAMERA E. SANDOVAL Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC


REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., acting solely as nominee for COUNTRYWIDE BANK, FSB Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust 4/16/2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 4/22/2008 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 624922 Original Principal Amount $157,122.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $153,840.45 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 3, BLOCK 2, SUNSET VISTA MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 21139 SOLAR COURT, DELTA, CO 81416-9435. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/14/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/19/2012 Last Publication 10/17/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/18/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: JOAN OLSON, ESQ #28078 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 1269.20402 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26, October 3, 10 and 17, 2012.

Montezuma County, Colorado District Court Address: 109 W. Main, Room 210 Cortez, CO 81321-3190 Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s) and Address: Andrew Davis Sanford Defendant(s)/Respondent(s) and Address: Debra C. Sanford Case Number 12 DR 99 CONSOLIDATED PUBLICATION OF NOTICE Notice is hereby given that in the following proceedings filed in this Court, under the Uniform Dissolution of Marriage Act, the above Court has found that due diligence has been used to obtain personal service of process and that efforts to obtain same would be to no avail, and has ordered five publications of a Consolidated Notice of said proceedings. ACTION # 12 DR 99 RESPONDENT PARTY Debra C. Sanford NATURE OF ACTION Dissolution of Marriage You are further notified that a copy of the Petition and Summons may be obtained from the Clerk of the Court during regular business hours and that default judgment may be entered against that party upon whom service is made by this notice if he or she failed to appear or file a response within 30 days after the date of this publication. Dated this 9th day of August, 2012. Douglas S. Walker District Court Judge Published in the Delta County Independent September 12, 19, 26, October 3 and 10, 2012.

PUBLIC NOTICE Due to the drought conditions and the heavy usage of stored water this summer the Uncompahgre Valley Water User's Association (U.V.W.U.A.) will be shutting the Gunnison Tunnel off two & a half (2 1/2) weeks early this year. The shut off date will be October 15th. This decision has been made in order to conserve on Taylor Reservoir water to carry over for next year. We are asking that growers planning to plant winter grains to plan accordingly. Pending the type of winter we have this year, there's a possibility that we may turn the tunnel on later than normal next spring. Any questions or comments please feel free to call U.V.W.U.A. at 2493813. Published in the Delta County Independent September 5, 12, 19, 26, October 3 and 10, 2012.

NOTICE Applications for appointment to the Board of Directors of the Grand Mesa Water conservancy District ("District") to fill an unexpired term ending April 11, 2014 will be accepted by the District Court, Seventh Judicial District, Delta County Court, 501 Palmer St., Delta, CO until Oct. 12, 2012. Applicants must have residence in the District for at least one year and be the owner of real property within the District. Application should be accompanied by a resume containing the applicant's background reflecting agricultural, municipal, industrial, or other interests in the beneficial use of water within the District. Description of the District's boundaries are available from C.W. Armstrong, Secretary of the District, PO Box 129, Cedaredge, CO. 81413. Phone: 856-7683. C.W. Armstrong Grand Mesa Water Conservancy District Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26, October 3 and 10, 2012.

Legal Deadline 10 a.m. Mondays

D6 Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Public Notices Your Right To Know Legal Deadline is Monday at 10 a.m. County Court District Court Delta County, Colorado Court Address: 501 Palmer Street, Room 338 Delta, Colorado 81416 Petitioner: THE CITY OF DELTA, a Colorado Municipality v. Respondents: BERNARD BARRERE, EDNA BARRERE, COLORADO PACKING CORPORATION, DELTA COUNTY CANNING COMPANY, DELTA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, DELTA CANAL COMPANY, REBECCA THOMPSON, TRUSTEE OF THE FRANCES GORDON IRREVOCABLE TRUST DATED OCTOBER 16, 2009, AND ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS WHO MAY HAVE OR CLAIM ANY INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THIS CIVIL ACTION Attorneys for Petitioner: Brown, Schottelkotte, Stimpert & Vaughn, LLC Michael Schottelkotte 550 Palmer St., Ste. 201 P.O. Box 43, Delta, CO 81416 Phone No.: 970-874-4451 Email: FAX No.: 970-874-7433 Atty. Reg. #: 2414 Case No.: 12 CV 230 SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO: To the above identified Respondents, GREETING: This summons and notice (“Summons”) is being issued pursuant to C.R.S. 38-1-103. You are hereby summoned and required to file with the Clerk of this Court an answer or other response to the accompanying Petition in Condemnation (“Petition”) within the time allowed by law. If service of the Summons and Petition was made upon you within the State of Colorado, you are required to file your answer or other response within twenty-one (21) days after such service occurs. If such service was made upon you outside of the State of Colorado, you are required to file your answer or other response within thirty-five (35) days after such service occurs. Your answer or other response must be accompanied by the applicable filing fee. You are hereby informed that this is a special statutory proceeding in eminent domain for condemnation of certain interests in real property brought pursuant to C.R.S. 38-1105, et seq. Any objection concerning the legal sufficiency of the Petition, or the regularity of other aspects of this proceeding, must be raised as part of any answer or response that you may elect to file with the Court, as provided by C.R.S. 38-1-109. The real property affected by condemnation in these proceedings is located in Section 24, Township 15 South, Range 96 West of the 6th Principal Meridian and is more particularly described on Petitioner’s Exhibit 1 attached hereto. PETITIONER’S EXHIBIT 1 PARCEL 37 A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE DELTA TOWNSITE AND LOT 4, SECTION 24 AND THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 15 SOUTH, RANGE 96 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF DELTA, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE LINE BETWEEN CORNER NUMBER 20, DELTA TOWNSITE, MONUMENTED BY A 2-1/2 INCH DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED LS36067, AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 15 SOUTH, RANGE 96 WEST, 6TH P.M., MONUMENTED BY A 2-1/2 INCH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED LS 17285, 1997, BEARS SOUTH 42°53’45” EAST, A DISTANCE OF 5211.92 FEET, BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE MESA COUNTY LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM KNOWN AS DCLC02(2009); COMMENCING AT CORNER NUMBER 20 ,DELTA TOWNSITE; THENCE SOUTH 02°23’51” EAST A DISTANCE OF 635.52 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF BRIDGE STREET, BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 48°37’33” EAST, A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH AND 100.00 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY BY PERPENDICULAR MEASUREMENT FROM THE CENTERLINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, SOUTH 41°22’27” EAST, A DISTANCE OF 2,874.58 FEET; THENCE NORTH 52°52’35” WEST, A DISTANCE OF 501.69 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A TANGENT CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 1010.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11°30’08” AND AN ARC LENGTH OF 202.76 FEET, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 47°07’31” WEST, A DISTANCE OF 202.42 FEET; THENCE NORTH 41°22’27” WEST, A DISTANCE OF 2,181.54 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF BRIDGE STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, NORTH 48°33’11” EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 27 A PORTION OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND KNOWN AS PARCEL B AND DESCRIBED ON CHAIREZ AND GORDON BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NUMBER 603400 DELTA COUNTY RECORDS, LOCATED WITHIN THE DELTA TOWNSITE, CITY OF DELTA, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE LINE BETWEEN DT-1, MONUMENTED BY A STONE WITH A CUT CROSS IN CONCRETE, AND DT-20, MONUMENTED BY A 2-1/2 INCH DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED LS 36067, BEARS S 06°32’17” E, A DISTANCE OF 2700.09 FEET, BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE MESA COUNTY LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM KNOWN AS DCLC02 (2009); COMMENCING AT CORNER NUMBER 20, DELTA TOWNSITE; THENCE S 01°07’47” W A DISTANCE OF 591.66 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, BEING THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID CHAIREZ AND GORDON BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID CHAIREZ AND

GORDON BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT, S 48°40’55” W, A DISTANCE OF 20.32 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, N 41°22’27” W, A DISTANCE OF 579.56 FEET; THENCE N 48°38’47” E, A DISTANCE OF 20.32 FEET TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE, S 41°22’27” E, A DISTANCE OF 579.58 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL 30 A PORTION OF THE DELTA TOWNSITE, CITY OF DELTA, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE LINE BETWEEN DT-1, MONUMENTED BY A STONE WITH A CUT CROSS IN CONCRETE, AND DT-20, MONUMENTED BY A 2-1/2 INCH DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED LS36067, BEARS S 06°32’17” E, A DISTANCE OF 2700.09 FEET, BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE MESA COUNTY LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM KNOWN AS DCLC02 (2009); COMMENCING AT CORNER NUMBER 20, DELTA TOWNSITE; THENCE S 01°07’47” W A DISTANCE OF 591.66 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, BEING THE MOST SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE CHAIREZ AND GORDON BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT AS RECORDED IN RECEPTION NUMBER 603400 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, S 41°22’27” E, A DISTANCE OF 57.87 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED AS PARCEL 2 IN BOOK 828 AT PAGE 467; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE, S 48°33’11” W, A DISTANCE OF 20.32 FEET; THENCE N 41°22’27” W, A DISTANCE OF 57.91 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID CHAIREZ AND GORDON BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT; THENCE N 48°40’55” E, A DISTANCE OF 20.32 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. If you fail to answer the Petition in Condemnation within the time allowed, or fail to appear and assert your rights at a valuation trial to ultimately be scheduled in this matter, the Court, without further notice, will cause reasonable compensation to be determined and title to the subject real property and the related interests to be vested in the Petitioner, all in accordance with applicable law. Please also take notice that this matter has been scheduled at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday October 23, 2012, 2012 for a conference with the Court Clerk (telephone no. 970-874-6280) in order to set further proceedings before the Court in this matter. Dated this 29th day of August, 2012. BROWN, SCHOTTELKOTTE, STIMPERT & VAUGHN, LLC By: /s/ Michael Schottelkotte (Original Signature on File) Michael Schottelkotte, #2414 Attorney for Petitioner, City of Delta, Colorado Published in the Delta County Independent September 5, 12, 19, 26 and October 3, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0115 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 3, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) ANTHONY ZILLINGER Original Beneficiary(ies) NORTHFORKBANKCENTERMONTROSEBANK Current Holder of Evidence of Debt NORTHFORKBANKCENTERMONTROSEBANK Date of Deed of Trust 10/3/2005 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 10/18/2005 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 596642 Original Principal Amount $123,748.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $116,073.99 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Exhibit A Lot 23B of Lee's Home Park Addition. A parcel of land located within and being part of Lot 23 of Lee's Home Park Addition of Section 31, Township 13 South, Range 91 West of the 6th P.M., having a description based upon a bearing of North 0°11'11" East from the Southwest corner of Lot 23 (monumented by a 1/2 inch rebar) to the Northwest corner of Lot 23 (monumented by a 1/2 rebar), with all other bearings relative thereto; Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 23 and running along the West line of said Lot North 00°11'11" East 86.89 feet; Thence North 89°59 51" East 117.78 feet to the East line of said Lot; Thence along East line of said Lot South 00°48'00" West 80.02 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 23; Thence along South line of said Lot South 86°38'00" West 117.15 feet to the point of beginning. County of Delta, State of Colorado Also known by street and number as: 410 5TH STREET, PAONIA, CO 81428. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of

PUBLIC NOTICES Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 10/31/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/5/2012 Last Publication 10/3/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/03/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: AARON CLAY #9666 CLAY and DODSON PC 415 PALMER STREET, PO BOX 038, DELTA, CO 81416-0038 (970) 874-9777 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # NFBCvsZILLINGER ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 5, 12, 19, 26 and October 3, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0117 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 5, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Karan Dale Haag and Deanna Lynn Haag Original Beneficiary(ies) Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Wells Fargo Bank, NA Date of Deed of Trust 10/17/2005 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 10/21/2005 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 596871 Original Principal Amount $110,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $105,141.34 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 12 AND THE WEST 1/2 OF LOT 13, BLOCK 5, GARNET MESA SUBDIVISION, TO THE CITY OF DELTA, COLORADO. COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 611 E 4th Street, Delta, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/07/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/12/2012 Last Publication 10/10/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/05/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CAMILLE Y. HARLAN #43789 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 09-18164R ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 12, 19, 26, October 3 and 10, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0113 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On June 28, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) JOSE ORONA Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR CHERRY CREEK MORTGAGE CO., INC. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt COLORADO HOUSING AND FINANCE AUTHORITY Date of Deed of Trust 7/24/2009 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 7/27/2009 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 636518 Original Principal Amount $145,809.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $141,743.49 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof.

THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION Parcel 1: Part of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 7, Township 15 South, Range 95 West of the 6th P.M. being part of that certain parcel of land described by the deed recorded in Book 437 at Page 517 of the real estate records of Delta County, Colorado described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the said E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 whence the North 1/4 corner of said Section 7 (a nail in I Road) bears North 00°04' East, 1,103.9 feet, considering the line between the Northwest corner of Section 7 (a 1 1/2" diameter metal survey cap by L.S. 5652) and the said North 1/4 corner to bear South 89°30' East, and all other bearings to be relative thereto; Thence South 00°04' West 187.7 feet on the said East line of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 to the North right of way line of H-75 Road; Thence North 89°55' West, 116.2 feet on the said North right of way line on the said North right of way line of H-75 Road; Thence North 00°04' East, 187.7 feet; Thence South 89°55' East, 116.2 feet to the point of beginning. County of Delta, State of Colorado Parcel 2: Part of the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 7, Township 15 South, Range 95 West of the 6th P.M. being part of that certain parcel of land described by the deed recorded in Book 437 at Page 517 of the real estate records of Delta County, Colorado described as follows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the said E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 whence the North 1/4 corner of said Section 7 (a nail in I Road) bears North 00°04' East, 1,103.9 feet, considering the line between the Northwest corner of Section 7 (a 1 1/2" diameter metal survey cap by L.S. 5652) and the said North 1/4 corner to bear South 89°30' East, and all other bearings to be relative thereto; Thence North 89°55' West, 116.2 feet; Thence South 00°04' West, 187.7 feet to the North right of way line of H-75 Road; Thence North 89°55' West, 30.0 feet on the said North right of way line of H-75 Road to the West line of the said Parcel described by the Deed recorded in Book 437 at Page 517 the following; North 00°04' East, 567.0 feet; South 89°30' East, 146.2 feet; South 00°04' West, 378.2 feet to the point of beginning. County of Delta, State of Colorado Also known by street and number as: 1684 H75 ROAD, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 10/31/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/5/2012 Last Publication 10/3/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 06/28/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Barbara J. Pierce, Deputy Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: SHEILA J. FINN #36637 Janeway Law Firm LLC 19201 E MAIN STREET SUITE 205, PARKER, CO 80134-9092 (303) 706-9990 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # JLF#14546 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 5, 12, 19, 26 and October 3, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0119 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 5, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) ROD ULLERY AND SHARON ULLERY Original Beneficiary(ies) SUBURBAN MORTGAGE INC. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP Date of Deed of Trust 8/31/1999 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 9/1/1999 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 528154 Book: 839 Page: 362 Original Principal Amount $77,500.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $49,315.30 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION. A certain tract of land located in the NW1/4 of the NE1/4, Section 29, Township 13 South, Range 94 West of the 6th p.m., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the middle of a county road, 310.0 feet West of the NE corner of said NW1/4 NE1/4; Thence South 07°45' WEst 16.25 chains (1,072.5) feet more or less along the West line of and to the SW corner of a tract of land previously known as the "C.L. Pike Tract"; Thence Westerly 6.81 chains

(449.46 feet) with an old fence line described in a deed from Frank to Thompson recorded in Book 53 at page 33 of the Delta County records as bearing North 69°44' West to the centerline of Surface Creek (previously called to the East bank of Surface Creek); Thence along the centerline of Surface Creek to a point where said centerline intersects the center of the County Road hereinbefore mentioned; Thence along the centerline of said County road 6.25 chains (412.5 feet) more or less to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following tract of land as disclosed in deed recorded in Book 345 at page 508 and more particularly described as follows: Part of the NW1/4 NE1/4 Section 29, Twp. 13 S., Rg. 94 W. 6th P.M. Beginning at a point in the center of a County Road. Whence the Northeast corner of said NW1/4 NE1/4 Section 29 bears S 89°08' E 310. feet; Thence S07°45'W 312.65 feet; Thence N89°08'W 150 feet; Thence N07°45'E 312.65 feet to the center of a county road; Thence S89°08'E 150 feet along said road centerline to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING a tract of land as disclosed in deed recorded in book 431 at page 801, more particularly described as follow: Part of the NW1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 29, Township 13 South, Range 94 West of the 6th P.m. Beginning at a point in the center of a County road whence the Northeast corner of the NW1/4 NE1/4 of said Section 29 bears South 89°08' East 500 feet; Thence South 07°45' West 212.65 feet; Thence North 89°08' West 135 feet; Thence North 07°45' East 212.65 feet; Thence South 89°08' East 135 feet more or less along the center line of the County road to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING a tract of land as disclosed in deed recorded in book 363 at page 344 more particularly described as follows: Part of the NW1/4 NE1/4 of Section 29, Twp. 13 S, Rg 94 W of the 6th p.m. Beginning at a point in the center of a County road whence the Northeast corner of said NW1/4 NE1/4 Sec. 29, Twp. 13 South, Rg 94 W 6th P.M. bears South 89°08' East 635 feet; Thence South 07°45' West 312.65 feet; Thence North 89°08' West 272.51 feet to the center of Surface Creek; Thence North 36°30' East 381.83 feet along center of Surface creek to center line of a county road; Thence South 89°08' East 87.5 feet along said road center line to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING a tract of land as disclosed by deed recorded in book 509 at page 197 more particularly described as follows: A tract of land situate in part of the NW1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 29, T 13 S, R 94 W of the 6th P.m. Beginning at a point on the North line of Section 29 (said point being also in the center of Cedar Mesa Street) T 13 S, R 94 W of the 6th P.M. from whence the N1/4 Corner of said Section 29 bears N89°30' W a distance of 901.84 feet and considering the North line of said NE 1/4 to bear N89°30W and all other bearings relative thereto; Thence S07°32'W 314.6 feet; Thence S16°11'E 98.1 feet; Thence S07°37'W 590.7 feet; Thence S21°05'E 77.7 feet; Thence N72°30'W 51.2 feet; Thence N21°05'W 56.0 feet; Thence N07°37'E 590.7 feet; Thence N16°11'W 98.1 feet; Thence N07°32'E to the North line of said NW1/4 of the NE1/4 a distance of 319.8 feet; Thence S89°30'E a distance of 40.3 feet more or less to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING A tract of land situate in part of the NW1/4 NE1/4, Section 29, Township 13 South, Range 94 West, sixth principal meridian more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west right of way line of S.E. Fourth street from whence the Northeast corner of the NW1/4 NE1/4 of section 29, Township 13 South, Range 94 West of the sixth principal meridian bears North 68°59' East a distance of 566.31 feet and considering the North line of the NE1/4 of said section 29 to bear South 89°08' East and all other bearings relative thereto; Thence South 07°45' West along the West right of way line of S.E. Fourth Street a distance of 50.00 feet; Thence North 89°08' West parallel with the North line of the NW1/4 NE1/4 a distance of 135.00 feet; Thence North 07°45' East parallel with the West line of S.E. Fourth street a distance of 50.00 feet; Thence South 89°08' East parallel with the North line of said subdivision a distance of 135.00 feet to the point of beginning. County of Delta, State of Colorado. Also known by street and number as: 160 SE 4TH STREET, CEDAREDGE, CO 81413. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/07/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/12/2012 Last Publication 10/10/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/05/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: EMILY JENSIK, ESQ. #31294 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 1269.20551 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 12, 19, 26, October 3 and 10, 2012.

Delta County Independent COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0121 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 11, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) ELIZABETH J. SAWATZKY AND REBECCA A. HANSON Original Beneficiary(ies) NORTHFORKBANKCENTERMONTROSEBANK Current Holder of Evidence of Debt NORTHFORKBANKCENTERMONTROSEBANK Date of Deed of Trust 7/14/2006 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 7/25/2006 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 605943 Original Principal Amount $58,157.08 Outstanding Principal Balance $226,102.16 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 6, 7 and 8 in Block 7 of the Original Plat of the Original Plat of the Town of Crawford, Colorado. Also together with the West 1/2 of the following described vacated alley: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 6 in Block 7, Original Plat of the Town of Crawford Colorado; Thence East 10 feet more or less to the Northwest corner of Lot 1 in said Block 7; Thence South 125 Feet along the West lines of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in said Block 7 to the Southwest corner of Lot 5 in said Block 7; Thence West 10 feet, more or less to the Southeast corner of Lot 6 in said Block 7; Thence North 125 feet along the East line of said Lot 6 to the point of beginning. County of Delta, State of Colorado Also known by street and number as: 344 HIGHWAY 92, CRAWFORD, CO 81415. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/07/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/12/2012 Last Publication 10/10/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/11/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: AARON CLAY #9666 CLAY and DODSON PC 415 PALMER STREET, PO BOX 038, DELTA, CO 81416-0038 (970) 874-9777 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # NFBvsSAWATZKY/ HANSON ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 12, 19, 26, October 3 and 10, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0129 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 18, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) CHRISTOPHER R HAYDEN AND CHRISTINA M HAYDEN Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., acting solely as nominee for COUNTRYWIDE BANK, FSB Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust 5/27/2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 5/28/2008 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 626004 Original Principal Amount $161,350.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $157,451.46 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 12 AND THE NORTH 6 FEET OF LOT 13, BLOCK 8, ORIGINAL SUBDIVISION OF THE TOWN OF HOTCHKISS, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 293 N 1ST STREET, HOTCHKISS, CO 81419-9372. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/14/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for

cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/19/2012 Last Publication 10/17/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/18/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: JOAN OLSON, ESQ #28078 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 1269.09288X ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26, October 3, 10 and 17, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0134 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 24, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) BRANDON S. BROWN AND NATASHA D. BROWN Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR LENDER, HOME SAVINGS OF AMERICA Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust 5/24/2010 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 6/21/2010 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 643585 Original Principal Amount $172,437.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $168,862.56 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 14 OF ORCHARD ESTATES, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 669 WEST APPLE DRIVE, DELTA, CO 81416-3062. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/21/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/26/2012 Last Publication 10/24/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/24/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: HEATHER DEERE #28597 LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL P MEDVED PC 355 UNION BLVD #302, LAKEWOOD, CO 80228-1508 (303) 274-0155 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-910-22404 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 26, October 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2012. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Helen T. Edwards, Deceased Case Number 12PR77 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Delta County, Colorado on or before January 28, 2013, or the claims may be forever barred. Jeannie Carter Person Giving Notice P.O. Box 11336 Aspen, CO 81612 Published in the Delta County Independent September 26, October 3 and 10, 2012. NOTICE OF PROPOSED BUDGET FOR 2013 Notice is hereby given that a proposed budget is under consideration by the Board of Directors of the Grand Mesa Water Conservancy District ("District") for the year 2013 and that the budget is available for public inspection. Proposed budget will be considered for adoption at the next regular meeting of the District October 9, 2012 at 190 South Grand Mesa Drive, Cedaredge, CO. Any taxpayer may inspect the proposed budget posted on the District's website at or contact C.W. Armstrong, District Secretary at (970) 856-7683. Public comment is welcome on or before the adoption of the budget at the October 9, 2012 meeting at the District's office. C.W. Armstrong District Secretary Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26 and October 3, 2012.


Delta County Independent PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS ON AN IRRIGATION PIPELINE DELIVERY SYSTEM Title: Stewart Ditch & Reservoir Company (Pipeline Project) Pre-Qualification Form Due Date/ Time: October 10th 2012 5:00 PM Paonia CO Town Hall-Pre Bid Meeting: October 17th 2012 1:00 PM Bid Due Date : October 29th 2012 5:00 PM Owner (SDRC): Stewart Ditch & Reservoir Company Karl Burns (970) 275-1727 Owner Mailing Address: PO Box 386 Paonia, CO 81428 Karl Burns SDRC President Owner Physical Address: 15836 Black Bridge Rd. Paonia, CO 81428 Lee Bradley (970) 270-7716 Contact: Bill Pecharich 970-2096640 Description: The Stewart Ditch & Reservoir Company (SDRC) is a nonprofit company seeking a competitive response from qualified applicants for the construction and installation of a pipeline irrigation delivery system. The project is located in Paonia CO. Applicants must be experienced in pipeline construction and familiar with agricultural pipeline materials, installation specifications and practices. Applicants must demonstrate ability and or experience constructing pipelines for agricultural producers. Applicants should be familiar with local geography and will be asked to provide job experience including a list of completed pipeline projects. Applicants will also be asked to provide a list of equipment that would be used to accomplish the project tasks. Competitiveness, experience and agricultural knowledge will all be used in ranking bid proposals. Bidders will be required to provide three bonds. (1-Bid Bond, 2-Performance Bond, 3Payment Bond). The project will likely begin construction in November 2012 and will need to be completed by April 2013. The project consists of three main components: 1-Construction and installation of approximately 10.5 miles of PVC & HDPE pipe with associated appurtenances. Pipe will range from 48" or 54” to 6” diameter. 2-Re-contouring and filling in sections of the abandoned canal where the pipeline alignment is not directly in the existing canal prism. 3-Construction and installation of concrete screening structure and various pre fabricated steel epoxy coated manifold assemblies. Interested applicants must contact Bill Pecharich to receive a bidder pre-qualification form. This form must be filled out and emailed to Don Lyster by October 10th 2012. SDRC will evaluate bidder qualification information and select those applicants who best meet SDRC criterion. These prequalified applicants will be invited to attend a pre bid meeting and site walk to be held on October 17th 2012 at 1:00 PM at the Paonia CO Town Hall building 214 Grand Ave. Bids are due to SDRC on October 29th 2012 at 5:00 PM. Bids may be mailed to the mailing address or delivered to the physical address. SDRC Reserves the right to award the contract(s) to the applicant(s) they feel most qualified. This project is funded by a grant awarded to SDRC. Final approval to bid winner(s) must be given by the Bureau of Reclamation Grand Junction office. Published in the Delta County Independent October 3, 2012. PUBLIC NOTICE Bowie Resources, LLC, P.O. Box 483, Paonia, CO, 81428, has submitted a complete application for a permit revision to the Division of Reclamation, Mining & Safety for its approved Bowie No. 2 Mine, mining permit no. C-1996-083. The proposed revision will approve the north longwall mine plan. Bowie proposes to mine four longwall panels north of its existing mining area. Two federal coal lease modifications are necessary to mine the four panels. The mine facilities are located north of Bowie Road near the town of Bowie, CO. A pump station, three sediment ponds and unit train loadout are located south of State Highway 133B. The Fire Mountain Canal is located south of the mine facilities and north of the unit train loadout. The North Fork of the Gunnison River is located south of the mine permit boundary. The proposed mine permit area is located on the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute Bowie Quadrangle map within the following sections. Township 13 South, Range 91 West, 6th PM Sec. 2: SW/4NW/4,SW/4 Sec. 3: ALL Sec. 4: ALL Sec. 5: E/2W/2NE/4NE/4, E/2NE/4NE/4, E/2 W/2SE/4NE/4, E/2 SE/4NE/4, S/2 NE/4NE/4SE/4, SE/4 NW/4NE/4SE/4, W/2 SW/4NE/4SE/4, SE/4NE/4SE/4, SW/4 NW/4, S/2N/2SE/4 NW/4, S/2NW/4 SW/4NE/4, S/2SE/4 NW/4, SW/4SW/4 NE/4, SW/4, W/2 NW/4SE/4, S/2SE/4 Sec. 6: lots 5, 6, 7, S/2NE/4, SE/4NW/4, E/2SW/4, SE/4 Sec. 7: ALL Sec. 8: NE/4, W/2 , W/2 SE/4** Sec. 9: NE/4, NW/4, SE/4, NE/2SW/4, SE/4SW/4, NE/4SW/4SW/4 Sec. 10: ALL Sec. 11: SW/4, NW/4 Sec. 14: NW/4 except that portion south of the Union Pacific Railroad right of way Sec. 15: NE/4, NW/4, NW/4 SE/4 Portions of the N/2SE/4, SW/4SE/4, S/2SW/4, excluding all privately held lands not owned or controlled by Bowie Resources LLC or the Union Pacific Railroad. Sec. 16: N/2NE/4 Sec. 17: NW/4, W/2NE/4 Sec. 18: Lots 1,2, NE1⁄4, E/2NW/4 Sec. 22: Portion of NW/4 NW/4, on lands owned by the Union Pacific Railroad Township 13 South, Range 92West, 6th PM Sec. 1: S/2, S/2NE, S/2NW, Lots 9 – 12 Sec. 12: Lots 1 through 12 inclusive Township 12 South, Range 91 West, 6th PM Sec. 27: SW/4, S/2SE/4, S/2 NE/4SE/4, S/2NW/4 SE/4 Sec. 28: E/2 SE/4 Sec. 33: Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10,11, 12, 14, 15, 16, SE/4NW/4, S/2NE/4, NE/4NE/4 Sec. 34: ALL Sec. 35: SW/4 Lot 18, NW/4 Lot 19 *North of Deer Trail Ditch The lands included in the legal de-

scription detailed above that will be added to the Bowie No. 2 Mine permit boundary by this revision are as follows: 1. COC-61209 Modification Township 13 South, Range 91 West, 6th P.M. Section 5: SWNW, NWSW, SWSW, NESW, S/2NESENW, S/2SENW, S/2NWSENW, SWSWNE, S/2NWSWNE, W/2NWSE; Section 6: SENE; containing approximately 265.00 acres. 2. COC-37210 Modification Township 13 South, Range 92 West, 6th P.M. Section 1: S/2NE, S/2NW, Lots 9 – 12. containing approximately 237.43 acres. 3. Portions of lease COC-37210 were added to the permit boundary. Township 13 South, Range 92 West, 6th P.M. Section 1: SW/4 Section 12: NW/4 (lots 3, 4, 5, 6), N/2SW/4 (Lots 11, 12) containing approximately 393.6 acres. Prior to this revision the Bowie No. 2 Mine permit contained 8,301 acres of land, 4,637 acres of private surface and 3,664 acres of Federal surface. Private minerals within the permit area encompass 1,957 acres with Federal minerals accounting for the balance of 6,344 acres. The new Bowie No. 2 Mine permit will contain 9,197 acres of land, 5,365 acres of private surface and 3,832 acres of Federal surface. Private minerals within the permit area encompass 1,957 acres with Federal minerals accounting for the balance of 7,240 acres. The affected area proposed by this revision will be within 100 feet, measured horizontally, of the outside right-of-way line of Stevens Gulch Road in the following areas. Township 13 South, Range 92West, 6th PM Sec. 1: SE/4, S/2NE/4, Lots 9, 10 (S/2N/2NE/4) Sec. 12: Lots 1, 2, 7, 8 (NE/4) Lots 9, 10 (N/2SE/4) A public hearing, for the purpose of determining whether the interests of the public and affected landowners will be protected may be requested by contacting the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety in writing within 30 days after the last publication of this notice. Any such hearing will be held in the locality of the mining operation. A copy of the proposed revision is available for public inspection at the Paonia Public Library, 2 Third Street, Paonia, CO, and at the offices of the Division of Reclamation, Mining & Safety, 1313 Sherman St., Room 215, Denver, CO, 80203, (303) 866-3567. Written comments, objections or a request for an informal conference on the proposed permit revision may be submitted to and additional information obtained from the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, 1313 Sherman St., Room 215, Denver, CO 80203, phone (303) 866-3567. Written comments, objections or a request for an informal conference must be received by the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety within 30 days after the final date of this publication in order to be considered. Published in the Delta County Independent September 26, October 3, 10 and 17, 2012. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Betty Ann Boyce, Deceased Case Number 12PR72 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Delta County, Colorado on or before January 30, 2013, or the claims may be forever barred. Golden C. Boyce Personal Representative 10298 2150 Road Austin, CO 81410 Published in the Delta County Independent September 26, October 3 and 10, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0132 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 19, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Jeannie Applequist Original Beneficiary(ies) Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Wells Fargo Bank, NA Date of Deed of Trust 8/5/2009 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 8/5/2009 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 636715 Original Principal Amount $41,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $37,980.33 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 1, 2, AND 3, BLOCK 14, WOODS ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF CRAWFORD. COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 408 Cedar St, Crawford, CO 81415. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/21/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/26/2012 Last Publication 10/24/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/19/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is:

CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-08977 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 26, October 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2012.

East One Hundred Fifty-seven and Five tenths (157.5) feet to the point of beginning, containing 3/25 of an acre, more or less. Dated: September 12, 2012 Published in the Delta County Independent First Publication: September 19, 2012. Last Publication: October 17, 2012. /s/ Larry B. Beckner Attorney for Plaintiff(s)/ Petitioner(s) Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26, October 3, 10 and 17, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0131 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 19, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Shannon D. Adams and Christine M. Adams Original Beneficiary(ies) Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Wells Fargo Bank, NA Date of Deed of Trust 2/10/2006 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 2/15/2006 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 600531 Original Principal Amount $181,500.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $171,028.11 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 1, FERRARO MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 20363 E Road, Delta, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/21/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/26/2012 Last Publication 10/24/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/19/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-08975 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 26, October 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0127 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 17, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) John Adam Rodriguez and Sharon Louise Rodriguez Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Bank, FSB. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Bank of America, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust 6/22/2007 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 6/26/2007 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 616376 Original Principal Amount $249,420.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $249,106.68 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE Exhibit A The N 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 95 West of the 6th P.M. County of Delta, State of Colorado EXCEPTING THEREFROM Part of the N 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 2, township 13 South, Range 95 West of the 6th p.M. described as beginning at a point from which the SE corner of said Section 2 bears South 18°52' East a distance of 725.90 feet; Thnce North a distance of 200.00; Thence South 88°27' West a distance of 1089.00 feet to the East line of the County Road; Thence South along said East line of the County Rd a distance of 200.00 feet; Thence North 88°27' East a distance of 1089.00 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPT That portion of the N 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 2, Township 13 South, Range 95 West of the 6th P.M. which lies within the access road as shown on the Plat recorded June 7, 1977 in Book 456 at Page 1328. Also known by street and number as: 20236 Ward Creek Road, Cedaredge, CO 81413-8110. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/14/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/19/2012 Last Publication 10/17/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/17/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-08480 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 19, 26, October 3, 10 and 17, 2012.

District Court, Delta County, Colorado Court Address: 501 Palmer Street Delta, Colorado 81416 Plaintiff(s)/Petitioner(s): TOWN OF ORCHARD CITY, COLORADO, a Colorado statutory town v. Defendant(s)/Respondent(s): JAMES DILLON, an individual and all unknown persons who claim interest Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Larry B. Beckner P.O. Box 220 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 Phone Number: (970) 245-4300 FAX Number: (970) 243-4358 E-mail: Atty. Reg. # 8090 Case Number: 12 CV 130 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT(S) You are hereby summoned and required to appear and defend against the claims of the complaint [petition] filed with the court in this action, by filing with the clerk of this court an answer or other response. You are required to file your answer or other response within 35 days after the service of this summons upon you. Service of this summons shall be complete on the day of the last publication. A copy of the complaint [petition] may be obtained from the clerk of the court. If you fail to file your answer or other response to the complaint [petition] in writing, within 35 days after the date of the last publication, judgment by default may be rendered against you by the court for the relief demanded in the complaint [petition] without further notice. This is an action: to quiet title to the property described in the attached Exhibit A EXHIBIT A Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE1/ 4SW1/4) of Section Twelve (12), Township Fourteen (14) South, Range Ninety-five (95) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at a point on the West line of the County Road, which is Nineteen (19) rods West and North 22°45' East Four Hundred Thirty-two and Sixty-seven Hundredths (432.67 feet, from the South quarter corner of said Section Twelve (12), being the Northeast corner of the Dillon tract, for place of beginning; thence North 22°45' East Thirtyone and Ninety-three Hundredths (31.93) feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of the James B. McHugh tract; thence West One Hundred, Fifty-seven and Fivetenths (157.5) feet; thence South 22°45' West Thirty-one and Ninetythree Hundredths (31.93) feet, more or less, to the Northwest corner of the Dillon tract; thence

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0133 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 20, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) RHONDA A GONZALES AND MILO GONZALES Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR AMERICA’S WHOLESALE LENDER Current Holder of Evidence of Debt THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON F/K/A THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE CWABS, INC., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-24 Date of Deed of Trust 10/31/2006 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 11/6/2006 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 609434 Original Principal Amount $144,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $144,000.00 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN.

LOT 4, UTE TRAIL SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 5131 EAGLE FEATHER ROAD, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/21/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 9/26/2012 Last Publication 10/24/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 07/20/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: SHEILA J. FINN #36637 Janeway Law Firm LLC 19201 E MAIN STREET SUITE 205, PARKER, CO 80134-9092 (303) 706-9990 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # JLF#14423 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent September 26, October 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0136 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On August 1, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Jerry L. Keplinger and Janice Keplinger Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Major Mortgage, a Wyoming Corporation Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Bank of America, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust 5/15/2003 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 5/22/2003 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 567129 Book: 976 Page: 841 Original Principal Amount $125,860.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $114,162.06 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 1 IN BLOCK 3 OF ADOBE SUNSETS SUBDIVISION, DELTA COUNTY, COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 1955 E Road, Delta, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/28/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 10/3/2012 Last Publication 10/31/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 08/01/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 10-19848R ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent October 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0135 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On August 1, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) SHANE M. CURTIS Original Beneficiary(ies) WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust 5/21/2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 5/21/2008 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 625842 Original Principal Amount $181,683.00 Outstanding Principal Balance

Wednesday, October 3, 2012 $173,018.25 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 23 OF PHEASANT RUN ESTATES SUBDIVISION, AS AMENDED, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 12333 EAST SPRING CIRCLE, ECKERT, CO 81418. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 11/28/2012, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 10/3/2012 Last Publication 10/31/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 08/01/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: LISA CANCANON #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 9105.04515 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent October 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2012. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROJECT SPECIFIC PRE-QUALIFIED LIST FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SERVICES FOR BRIDGE DESIGN PROJECT BRO C180-015 SUB-ACCOUNT 19003 The Delta County Board of Commissioners is seeking qualifications statements from qualified engineering firms for preliminary design, final design, and construction management and inspection for a bridge on Escalante Canyon Road, (DEL650-2.9-36). This bridge is located in Delta County over Escalante Creek situated approximately 10 Mi west of Delta, Colorado. Request for Qualifications Documents are available from the County Administration Department, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer St., Suite 227, Delta CO 81416. For further information call Carolyn Clemens at (970) 874-2101 or email to For information concerning this bridge please contact Bob Basher, Engineering Technician at 970-874-5914 or email bbasher@deltacounty. com. This is a federally funded project administered by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). It is the responsibility of the Consultant to comply with the federal statutes and regulations cited in 49 CFR 18.36 (i), specifically (1) Administrative, contractual, or legal remedies (2) Termination for cause and for convenience, (3) “Equal Employment Opportunity,” (4) Copeland “Anti-Kickback” Act, (5) Davis-Bacon Act, (6) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, (7) regulations pertaining to reporting, (8) Patent rights, (9) Copyrights and rights in data, (10) Access by CDOT and FHWA to documents, (11) Retention of documents, (12) Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, EPA regulations, and (13) energy efficiency conservation. The design must meet CDOT and FHWA requirements. Bob Basher has scheduled a prebid site inspection, especially for people unfamiliar with the bridge, beginning at the Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Room 234, Delta CO at 9:00 a.m. on October 9, 2012. There will be a 10% Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal required for this project. Additional information may be obtained on the Delta County Website at listed in the Bid Section. Deadline for submitting the Request for Qualifications documents to the Delta County Administration Department at the above listed address is 9:00 a.m. on October 30, 2012. BOARD OF DELTA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS R. Olen Lund, Chairman Published in the Delta County Independent October 3, 2012. PUBLIC NOTICE Bowie Resources LLC, P. O. Box 483, Paonia, Colorado, 81428, has submitted to the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety a complete application for the renewal of a valid existing permit to conduct mining in Colorado for its Bowie No. 1 Mine permit No. C-1981-038. The Bowie No. 1 Mine is located in Delta County, approximately four (4) miles north of Paonia, CO. The Bowie No. 1 Mine loadout, located in Delta County approximately one mile east of Paonia, CO south of State Highway 133. The surface facilities, located north of the North Fork of the Gunnison River, are located in portions of Sections 23 and 24, Township 13 South Range 92 West; and Section 29, Township 13 South, Range 91 West of the 6th P.M. The mine permit area is located on the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute Bowie and Gray Reservoir, Colorado Quadrangle maps within the following sections. Township 13 South, Range 92 West, 6th P.M. Sec. 1: SW1⁄4 Sec . 2: SE1⁄4 Sec. 10: Lots 1-3, 6-11, 14-16 Sec. 11: All Sec. 12: Lots 3-6, 11-15, SW1⁄4SW1⁄4 Sec. 13: All Sec. 14: All Sec. 15: Lots 1-3, 6-11,14-16, 17-22 Sec. 22: Lots 1-3, 6-8 Sec. 23: Lots 1-9, eastern portions of Lots 10, 13,


14 Lots 1-6, 8, 9, 11, 12, eastern portion of Lot 10, western portion of Lots 7 & 13, S1⁄2NE1⁄4 , NW1⁄4SE1⁄4 Sec. 25: Portion of N 1⁄2 Township 13 South, Range 91 West, 6th P.M. Sec. 17: SW1⁄4 Sec. 18: Lots 3-4, E1⁄2SW1⁄4, W1⁄2SE1⁄4, NE1⁄4SE1⁄4, NW1⁄4SE1⁄4SE1⁄4 Sec. 19: NE1⁄4NW1⁄4, N1⁄2NW1⁄4NE1⁄4 Portions of Sections 29, 30, 31, 32 Containing 5,431 acres more or less. Bowie No. 1 permit contains 5,431 acres, 1,466 acres of federal surface, and 3,965 private surface. There are 1,433 acres of privately owned coal and the remaining 3,998 acres are Federally owned. A copy of the proposed revision is available for public inspection at the Paonia Public Library, 2 Third Street, Paonia, CO, and at the Denver office of the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (Room 215, 1313 Sherman St., Denver, CO 80203, (303) 866-3567). Written comments, objections, or requests for informal conference regarding the permit renewal application may be submitted to and additional information obtained from the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, 1313 Sherman St., Room 215, Denver, CO, 802032273, phone (303) 866-3567. Written comments or objections must be submitted to the Division within thirty (30) days of the last publication of this notice. Published in the Delta County Independent October 3, 10, 17 and 24, 2012. Sec. 24:

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Douglas Lane Haydon, also known as Douglas L. Haydon and Doug Haydon, Deceased Case Number 2012PR78 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Delta County, Colorado on or before January 28, 2013, or the claims may be forever barred. Joshua D. Haydon 31264 Jura Court Temecula, CA 92591 Kirk K. Haydon 2986 Summerbrook Lane Grand Junction, CO 81504 Published in the Delta County Independent September 26, October 3 and 10, 2012. PUBLIC NOTICE Delta County Desktop Computer Purchase 2012 The Board of Delta County Commissioners is seeking proposals from qualified bidders to provide Delta County with 20 desktop computer systems. Bid documents are available at the Delta County Commissioners’ office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer St., Suite 227, Delta, Colorado 81416 from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding legally recognized holidays. Proposals are also available on the Delta County website at Anyone obtaining the documents from the County Web Site must contact Carolyn Clemens at 970-874-2101 or email cclemens@deltacounty. com to obtain any additional information concerning this project and to provide bidder contact information. Deadline for submitting Proposals to the above address is 10:30 a.m., October 17, 2012. Proposals received after this time will not be accepted. Bid opening is scheduled for 10:40 a.m., October 17, 2012 in Room 227, Delta County Courthouse. Bids will be submitted to the Board of Delta County Commissioners for consideration at a regularly scheduled meeting. For further information concerning this project, please call John Latta at (970) 874-2445. For information concerning the bid documents please call Carolyn Clemens at (970) 874-2101. Delta County reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and to waive informalities or irregularities in the bidding if it is in the best interest of the County. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS R. Olen Lund, Chairman Published in the Delta County Independent October 3, 2012. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Richard Carl Bondeson, Deceased Case No. 12PR79 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Delta County, Colorado on or before January 4, 2013, or the claims may be forever barred. Adelma L. Beals-Bondeson Personal Representative 220 S.E. Greenwood Ave. Cedaredge, CO 81413 970-856-4858 James D. Brown Brown, Schottelkotte, Stimpert & Vaughn, LLC 550 Palmer St. - P.O. Box 43 Delta, CO 81416-0043 970-874-4451 Attorneys for Personal Representative Published in the Delta County Independent October 3, 10 and 17, 2012. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Mary Annee Etheridge, Deceased Case Number 2012 PR 80 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Delta County, Colorado on or before February 15, 2013, or the claims may be forever barred. Bradley K. Kolman Co-Personal Representative 1585 East 5th Street Delta, CO 81416 Published in the Delta County Independent October 3, 10 and 17, 2012. NOTICE OF BUDGET Notice is hereby given that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Board of Directors of the Ragged Mountain Fire Protection District for the ensuing tax year of 2013. A copy of such proposed budget has been filed at Somerset Community Center, Somerset, Colorado, where the same is open for public inspection. Such proposed budget will be considered at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Ragged Mountain Fire Protection District to be held at Somerset Community Center, Somerset, Colorado on the 9th day of October, 2012 at 6:30 o’clock p.m. Any interested elector within the Ragged Mountain Fire Protection District may, at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget, file or register his objections thereto at the aforementioned location. Dated the 1st day of October, 2012. RAGGED MOUNTAIN FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Secretary Published in the Delta County Independent October 3, 2012.

D8 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


AWANA clubs begin Oct. 3

Seeking Quakers

The Bible Center Church at 1117 E. 3rd Street in Paonia will start AWANA Club for the 201213 season Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. The AWANA Club is for K-6th graders and is a Bible-based club that teaches children to hide God’s Word in their hearts through Bible

Members and attenders of the Religious Society of Friends will have an open gathering Saturday, Oct. 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the large conference room of the Montrose Library. Discussion will be held about forming a meeting for worship. Please call 240-1347 for more information (leave a message if there is no answer).

study and memorization. But along with the study, they also enjoy energetic games and special nights like Skate Night, Fun Fair and the pinewood derby (the AWANA Grand Prix). Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening through April, except for

Animals to be blessed Crawford Community United Methodist Church will offer its annual animal blessing Saturday, Oct. 13, at 1 p.m. All pets and farm animals (and their owners) are welcome to this celebration of God’s creation and the


joy our animals give us. Treats will be provided for both humans and animals. For further information, call Rev. Joe Hiestand, (970) 773-1080 or e-mail Revjohn20@gmail. com.


DELTA DELTA FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD Eaton & Dodge, Delta • 874-3568 Pastor: Lee Ponder Sunday: Celebration Service 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Celebration Service 11:00 a.m. Tuesday: Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Wednesday: Family night 7:00 p.m. Royal Rangers Missionettes Fireproof Youth (Jr. & Sr. High) Saturday: Men's Prayer Breakfast 6:00 a.m.

LANDMARK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 12th & Grand, Delta • 874-3717 Pastor: Ken Gilchrist Sunday: Sunday School (all ages) Morning Worship Sunday Afternoon Wednesday Evening

9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.


EL BUEN PASTOR SPANISH ASSEMBLY OF GOD 860 Crawford Ave., Delta Carlos & Rosemary Sluder, Pastors – 874-0167 Benjamin y Eunice Aviña Addlescentes – 874-0517 Arturo & Alicia Carrasco, Children – 874-0771 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

GUNNISON VALLEY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1721 H Rd., Delta • 874-0848 Website: Email: Senior Pastor Terry D. Hedrick Associate Pastor Edward (Mike) Sandridge Sunday: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: With Worship Leader Gary Lear & The GVC Praise Team Including Children’s Church And Nursery 10:45 a.m. Wednesday: Ladies’ Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Fellowship & Bible Study Including Potluck Dinner 6:00 p.m. Study Groups: Meeting at various places and times throughout the week. We want to extend a personal invitation to everyone. Please come and make yourself at home. “Our church could be your home.” “We exist to glorify God by raising up Christ-centered, Spirit-filled Disciple makers.”


(Missouri Synod) 1000 Pioneer Road • 874-3052 Pastor Jeffrey Ryan Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Bible Classes and Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Tiny Treasures Preschool

763 Meeker St., Delta Pastor: Seth Coridan Sabbath School Saturday Morning Worship Prayer Meetings Wednesday

9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 1679 Pioneer Rd., Delta • 874-3444 Corner of E. 16th St./F Rd. and Pioneer Rd. Sunday: Uncompahgre Ward 9:00 a.m. Delta Ward 11:00 a.m.


ST. MICHAEL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 628 Meeker St., Delta • 874-3300 Father Canice Enyiaka Saturday: Confession Mass Sunday: English Mass Spanish Mass Daily Mass Mon.-Fri.

4:00-5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 Noon 8:00 a.m.

CENTER FOR SPIRITUAL LIVING 658 Howard St., Delta Rev. Kay Spinden • 874-3425 Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. 1061 Meeker St., Delta • 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Children’s Classes Science of Mind Classes Also Available For more information call 626-3347


CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH (SBC) 1290 A St., Delta • 874-9497 Pastor: Randy Unruh Website: E-Mail: Sunday: Bible Study Morning Worship

9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

St. Philip Benizi, Cedaredge, and St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Delta will be starting classes for anyone interested in becoming a Catholic or coming home to the church. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or RCIA, is available to any non-baptized adult, those who may convert from


other denominations, adult Catholics who have not received Holy Eucharist or been confirmed, and Catholics who desire a deeper understanding of the richness of their faith. If you are interested in these classes or just want to talk, contact Dan O’Donnell at (970) 6231363.





Country store returns Members of the Eckert Presbyterian Women’s Group are preparing for their annual country store and craft sale to be held Friday, Oct. 12, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 13, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A soup lunch will be served Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch includes soup, bread, dessert and beverage for $5. Sloppy Joes will be served with chips, dessert and a beverage Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., also for $5.

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS 5th and Oak, Paonia • 527-4239 Bishop Stephen W. Bayles Sacrament Meeting 10:00 a.m.-11:10 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m.-12:05 p.m. Priesthood & Relief Society 12:10-1:00 p.m.

BIBLE CENTER CHURCH 1117 Third Street, Paonia • 527-4629 John Owen, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Awana Clubs - Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

NORTH FORK BAPTIST CHURCH 639 Samuel Wade Rd., Paonia • 527-4644 Pastor Tobey Williams Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:00 p.m. Nursery Provided

CRAWFORD COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 297 Dogwood Ave., Crawford • 921-3300 Rev. John Hiestand Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. Adult Education 8:00 a.m. Children’s Education 9:00 a.m.

FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF PAONIA 227 Oak Ave., Paonia • 527-7291 • 527-3450 P.O. Box 413, Paonia, CO 81428 Pastor Ed Hollett Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Traditional Church Service 10:45 a.m.

PAONIA CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH 235 Box Elder Avenue, Paonia • 527-3161 Pastor Scott McIntire Sunday Services: Sunday School for ages 2-112 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Children’s Church 10:15 a.m. Monday Ladies Bible Study 6:30 p.m. His Hands — Men’s Group 6:30 p.m. Wednesday: Ladies Bible Study 1:00 p.m. Converge for Ages 7-12 4:30 p.m. Youth Dinner 6:15 p.m. Youth Group Grades 7 & Up 7:00 p.m. Please join our family for a variety of music and worship. Something for everyone!




Classes explore the Catholic faith

370 W. Main St., Cedaredge • 856-3830 P.O. Box 400, Cedaredge, CO 81413 NORTH FORK CHURCH Email: OF CHRIST Senior Pastor Dik Abbott 40259 M Rd., Paonia • 970-527-5443 Sunday: Sunday Morning 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 9:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 5:00 p.m. Morning Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Teaching Sound Bible Doctrine ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Children’s Church Available “Loyal to the orthodox Christian Evening Service 6:00 p.m. faith as received by Anglicanism” 5th & Palmer St., Delta • Rector's Study: 874-9489 Wednesday: Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Pastor Tom Seibert PAONIA FRIENDS CHURCH AWANA and Youth 6:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist 409 3rd St., Paonia • 527-6151 and Sunday School (Sunday) 10:15 a.m. Pastor Gaylen Kinser Order of St. Luke & Healing Service, Sunday: First Monday each month 6:00 p.m. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE 9:00 a.m. GRAND MESA SOUTHERN Morning Prayer/Communion with NURSERY for children 19 mos.-3 years Wednesday 10:30 a.m. BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL 110 S.E. Jay Ave., Cedaredge • 856-4672 for ages 19 months-adults 10:00 a.m. Rev. Steven Puls ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE Bible Study 9:30 a.m. ORTHODOX Worship Service 10:45 a.m. 298 Bert St., Delta • 874-5225 Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. CRAWFORD FRIENDS CHURCH Team Kid (Wednesday) 6:00 p.m. Non-denominational Father Daniel Jones Prayer & Bible Study 3842 Stearman Lane, Crawford • 921-LORD (5673) Saturday Great Vespers 5:00 p.m. (Wednesday) 7:00 p.m. Pastor Jerry Dutton Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. Brotherhood Breakfast Sunday Worship Service 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Please call: for feast day services schedule (1st Saturday) 8:00 a.m. Coffee & Fellowship 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Breakfast Children’s Church and Nursery 10:30 a.m. (last Tuesday) 8:00 a.m. Youth Group and Adult Life Studies (at Ole Bakery) SEVENTH-DAY

American Baptist Church 4th and Meeker, Delta • 874-4893 1250 Pioneer Road, Delta • 874-3847 Rev. Alisa Secrest Adult/Children’s Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Pastor James Conley Praise Music 10:15 a.m. Sunday: Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Child care available Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Night Church 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: DELTA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Middle School Blitz 6:00 p.m. Reaching the children and youth of AWANA (Sept.-April) 6:00 p.m. Western Delta County Saturday: I Rd. & 1600 Rd., North Delta • 874-4322 Men’s Bible Study 7:30 a.m. High School Saturday Night Live 7:00 p.m. Ministry Staff: Will Pruett, Jeremy Kane, Kirsten Alsdorf, Jake Sullivan Find us on Facebook at Delta Christian Church Sunday: Worship COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN First Service 9:30 a.m. FELLOWSHIP Second Service 11:00 a.m. Meets at Bill Heddles Recreation Center, Delta Children’s Church: Age 3-5th grade Ron Howard, Pastor Childcare (infant/preschool) all services. Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. For Elem., M.S. & H.S. activities, please call Children’s Church Provided Home Bible Studies Available Information: call 200-7816 or 874-4372 863 A Street, Delta Jerry Hilterbrand, Pastor • 874-4837 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Services 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting (Wednesday) 7:00 p.m. Independent, Fundamental

For more information about AWANA contact Pastor John Owen at 527-4169 or by e-mail,

the vacation/break days corresponding with the Paonia school calendar. If the children are in school, AWANA meets.

751 Meeker St., Delta • 874-8083 1065 E. 7th St., Delta • 874-0308 • Cell: 314-0116 COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday: Bible Lesson Sermon 10:00 a.m. Pastors David & Michele Murphy 21987 Austin Road • Austin Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday: Wednesday: Testimony Meeting 7:00 p.m. Prayer Time 9:00 a.m. John Copper, Pastor • 856-4675 Child Care Provided • Everyone Welcome Annointed Worship & Praise 9:30 a.m. Sunday: Annointed preaching to follow Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Where the fire & glory of God are manifested with Children’s Church and nursery provided Wednesday: Bible Study 7:00 p.m. GRAND MESA BIBLE CHURCH 710 Crawford Ave., Delta • 874-8315 AGAPE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Pastor Gary Culp OF DELTA Sunday School For All Ages 9:30 a.m. CEDAREDGE ASSEMBLY OF GOD 326 Main St., Suite 103 (Columbine Mall), Delta Worship Service 10:30 a.m. 1596 S.W. 9th St., Cedaredge • 856-3586 (970)201-7013 Please call for information about Bob Hillyer - Senior Pastor Pastor Jason Havertape Bible studies and Prayer times Marvin Pemberton - Assoc. Pastor Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Youth Pastor: Eric Musil Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Janet Noble - Children Sunday School 9:00 a.m. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. 1102 Howard St., Delta • Church 874-4647 THUNDER MOUNTAIN CHURCH Wed. Family Night: Adult Bible Study, OF CHRIST Youth & Children's Ministries 7:00 p.m. Bob and Linda Aubery 800 Palmer St., Delta Men's Breakfast (Saturday) 7:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes Sundays: for All Ages 9:00 a.m. Bible Classes 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Wed. Bible Study (Children’s church available) (Fellowship Hall) 2:00 p.m. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Wed. Cedaredge Bible Study (856-3854) 4:00 p.m. Weekly home Bible studies Information: 234-7816 2291 Q25 Road, Cedaredge • 856-6137 Prayer Chain Pastors John and MaryLouise Dannels Contact Janice Bridwell 874-4621 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.

MARANATHA FELLOWSHIP 164 Grand Blvd. (The LORD Cometh) (Left on top of 3rd St. Hill) • 874-4971 1712 H Road, Delta • 874-9135 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Pastor Earl Douglas Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Sunday Brown Bag Lunch 12:00 Noon Sunday School Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Afternoon Service 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Sunday Night Wed. Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 p.m. All Welcome

Domingo: Escuela Dominical Predicacion Culto de la Tarde y Niños Miercoles: Family Night Jovenes

Delta County Independent



175 N. 1st St., Hotchkiss • 527-3225 13025 Highway 65, Eckert • 835-3441 Minister Windell Howard P.O. Box 7 Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Pastor Jo DeVinny Sunday: Morning Worship: Year Round 10:30 a.m. MOUNTAIN VIEW BIBLE CHURCH Children’s Sunday School during worship Lazear, CO – 872-2139 Thursday: Pastor Jim Jesser – 323-6412 Bible Study Held at Big E Market 7:30 a.m. Youth Pastor Jake Erickson - 872-6329 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Service 11:00 a.m. Evening Service & Youth Night 6:00 p.m. NEW HOPE EVANGELICAL Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. FREE CHURCH Christ Centered Country Church Meets at Cedaredge Community Center Independent and Fundamental Pastor Bill Williamson 856-4458 Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. HOTCHKISS COMMUNITY Children’s Church 10:45 a.m. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Nursery Available 2nd & Orchard, Hotchkiss • Office: 872-3540 Men’s Breakfast 1st & 3rd Sat. 7:00 at Ole Bakery Pastor John Hiestand • 872-4881 Youth Groups — schedules vary Sanctuary is handicapped accessible Call for time and place Children's and Adult’s Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Peace Circle, 2nd Tues. 12:30 p.m. CEDAREDGE COMMUNITY Wearhouse hours: Monday 9 a.m.-3:00 p.m. UMW Meet 3rd Saturday 9:00 a.m. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH National Historical Register site 3rd & Aspen, PO Box 369, Cedaredge • 970-856-3696 Pastor Deb Edwards Vickie Richards-Street, Pastoral Associate Bob Watts, Pastor Emeritus FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Adult Bible Study 9:00 a.m. OF HOTCHKISS Children & Youth Sunday School 9:00 a.m. 203 W. Main, Hotchkiss • Church 872-3313 Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School (all ages) 9:45 a.m. Communion Worship First Sunday Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Youth and Adult Choirs, Bible Studies, Nursery Sunday Evening Service 5:00 p.m. OPEN HEARTS! OPEN MINDS! OPEN DOORS! After School Program (K-8) Wed. 3:45 p.m. Adult Bible Study & Prayer Wed. 7:00 p.m. Youth Group/Teen Bible Study Wed. 7:00 p.m. Also offering counseling, men’s prayer SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH meetings, ladies’ Bible study, teen outings, nursery 290 S.W. 2nd Ave., Cedaredge • 210-3398 and a food pantry. Contact Pastor Jake DeField for Pastor Seth Coridan more information. Sabbath School Saturday 9:15 a.m. Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 3:00 p.m.

ST. PHILIP BENIZI CATHOLIC CHURCH 290 N.W. Cedar Ave., P.O. Box 713 Cedaredge, CO 81413 Rev. Canice Enyiaka, Pastor Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Mass Tuesday: 6:00 p.m. Mass For more information, call 970-856-6495

PAONIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2nd and Onarga, Paonia Pastor Russell Fletcher Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Youth Group 6:00 p.m. Child care provided every Sun. and on special occasions.


SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 235 North Fork, Paonia • 527-3214 Saturday Evening Mass 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m.

ST. MARGARET MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Bridge & Pinon St., Hotchkiss • 527-3214 Sunday Mass 11:00 a.m.

PAONIA SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 41012 Lamborn Dr., PO Box 932, Paonia, CO 81428 Pastor Seth Coridan • 970-210-3398 Saturday Services 9:00 a.m. Discover Answers to Life’s Deepest Questions: Hope Channel 368 on Direct TV

OLATHE OLD KING JAMES BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH 112 Main St., Olathe • 970-497-0790 Pastor Brian Lopiccolo Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Preaching 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

ST. JOSEPH’S TRADITIONAL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Latin Mass 59350 Carnation Rd., Olathe • 323-0243 Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. Rosary & Confessions 1/2 hour before each mass Daily masses as scheduled

MONTROSE LIVING WORD LUTHERAN CHURCH 2820 Peyton Dr., Montrose • 249-4405 Pastor Matthew Frey Sunday Service 9:00 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study 4:00 p.m.


20101 Deer Creek Rd., Austin • 835-3667 (Missouri Synod) 5th & North Fork, Paonia DELTA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Tom Lange, Pastor at the Northwest corner of City Park 5th & Meeker Streets, Delta • Office — 874-9501 Sunday: Pastor Duane O. Daeke • 527-3232 Worship 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 9:00 a.m. Reverend Siaosi Prescott Adult Bible Class 9:00 a.m. Lent Worship Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Bible Study following worship service Youth Group 5:30 p.m. Open Communion (1st & 3rd Sundays) Visitors Always Welcome. Communion Worship 1st Sunday

Add your church listing for just $17 per quarter. Call 874-4421.

Sponsored by these churches and businesses DELTA COUNTY

Chalmer & Marge Swain

INDEPENDENT Paonia Farm & Home Supply 206 Grand Ave. • Paonia


401 Meeker St. • Delta 874-4421


Funeral Service & Crematory Mesa View Cemetery With Four Locations To Better Serve You 105 S.E. Frontier, Suite F Cedaredge, CO 81413


682 1725 Road Delta, CO 81416

874-9988 874-8633

209 Bridge St. Hotchkiss, CO 81419

311 Grand Ave. Paonia, CO 81428


527-3836 View our online obituaries at

For $13.00 a week your business can sponsor the Church Directory. Call 874-4421 to start your sponsorship now.


Delta County Independent

TV CHANNEL REFERENCE Listings shown are west feeds B D = Bresnan Cable Delta B P

= Bresnan Cable Paonia

D N = Dish Network D = Direct TV T

= Closed Captioned

(N) = New Episode

KWGN-CW Denver KCNC-CBS Denver KRMA- PBS Denver KMGH-ABC Denver KDVR-Fox Denver KREY-CBS Montrose KJCT-ABC Grand Jct. KKCO-NBC Grand Jct. KFQX-Fox Grand Jct. A&E BRAVO CINE-Cinemax DISCV-Discovery DISN-Disney ENC-Encore ESPN

16. One who hands 18. Rural delivery 19. Poke 20. Express pleasure 22. Wife of a maharajah 29. Irish kissing rock 32. Variant of Tai 33. Plural of os 35. She sang with the Pips 43. Setting out


= Movies CC

ACROSS 1. Long tailed rodents 5. Meets the Danube in Belgrade 9. Bohemian dance 10. Hancock star Will 12. Chapeaux carrier 13. A warning or caution 15. Bangladesh capital

ESPN2 F/X FOOD FSRM-Fox Sports RM HALL-Hallmark HBO-Home Box Office HGTV-Home & Garden HIST-History LIFE-Lifetime NICK-Nickelodeon SPIKE STARZ TBS TMC-Movie Channel TNT USA-USA Network

44. Swiss river 45. Negative sports cheer 47. Liberal degree 48. Relating to the back 52. Muslim family of wives (alt. sp) 55. Was in charge of a project 57. Indehiscent legume 59. Ice or roller 60. A citizen of Iraq (alt. sp.) 61. Goidelic language 62. Indian poet DOWN 1. College army 2. Dark Angel

actress Jessica 3. Boxing blow 4. Single-reed instrument 5. Secondary school cerificate 6. A wet nurse in India 7. Long live! (Spanish) 8. Egyptian Sun god 9. Political action committee 11. Tolstoy novel “___ Murat” 12. Regions of the ocean below 6000 m 14. Earl Grey or green 15. Bland in color 17. Atomic #37 21. Possessed

22. Of I 23. Poetic ever 24. High school 25. Indicates position 26. Road open 27. In a short time 28. Filippo __, Saint 30. Traditional Hindi music 31. Former NHL player Jim 34. Honorable title (Turkish) 36. Trumpeter Hirt 37. Atomic #66 38. Lolo 39. Tin 40. 1,000 grams 41. Latin varient of “to have” 42. An electric car that runs

on rails 43. Skin lesions 45. Bahrain dinar 46. Express delight 49. Japanese beverage 50. 6th Jewish month 51. Leases 52. U.S. Poet Laureate 1995-97 53. Egyptian cross 54. Remote user interface 56. River in NE Scotland 57. Small seed of a fruit 58. Major division of geological time

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


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D10 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, October 3, 2012



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D12 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Delta County Independent

Celebrating 20 years of the Backpack Program “This is such an awesome program,” agree Carrie and Tanner Reed as they explore a Backpack box with their daughter Jordan, age 3. Their 5-year-old son Ty is a Backpack graduate.


wonderful evolution has taken place since the Backpack Program was implemented 20 years ago, but the basic precept remains unchanged: Supporting parents as their child’s first and most important teacher. The Backpack Program is a unique home-based preschool program that provides parents with free, themed boxes containing a wealth of teaching opportunities. Each box contains 7-10 books which establish the theme for the box. Activities, games, puzzles and crafts complement the theme, each offering an opportunity to develop a child’s language, writing, math, fine motor, gross motor and memory skills. For the kids, though, it’s just plain fun. “It’s like Christmas once a month,” says Crawford parent Stephanie Neff. “I won’t let my kids open the boxes until we get home, because we don’t want to lose any pieces, but then it’s really fun to watch them take everything out. They have a ball playing with everything in the box, but as parents we know we’re working collaboratively together toward a bigger goal.” All children living in Delta County who are at least 3 years old, but not yet enrolled in kindergarten, are eligible for the free program. Neff has rotated through many of the 58 themed boxes with her two older children. Still she’s as excited as her 3-year-old to read the books, play the games, and do the activities contained in each box. “We’ve loved the Backpack Program,” she says. “The Backpack crew works so hard at making each box fun and creative for the kids, and they’re always available with support if your child is struggling. They also sponsor a lot of activities where the families can get together. This is such a neat idea.” “This program is near and dear to my heart,” says program facilitator Lisa Mock. She started out as a Backpack parent in 2003, first with her son and then her daughter. In 2007 she joined the Backpack support group, cleaning boxes, replenishing materials and making exchanges. When program facilitator Judy Fairchild retired in 2009, Mock stepped into her position. Co-founder Terry Hotz retired at the same time and Angela Fedler took over her position as Delta County preschool director. “To this day I still remember my kids’ favorite boxes,” Mock says. “One of my son’s first boxes was a digger box which contained a hedgehog puppet that he loved. It was so hard to give that box up! We asked the Backpack ladies where they had gotten the hedgehog, and my mother and I went to Grand Junction to buy another one. To this day, the puppet sits on a shelf in my son’s room. ‘Hedgie’ will always be part of our family.” Because of memorable experiences such as that one, and the value she got out of the program as a parent, Mock is committed to sharing



the benefits of the Backpack program with all the parents who join the program every year. “It’s an investment for me, not just from an educator’s point of view but from a parent’s point of view,” she says. The Backpack program was proposed by a team of early child professionals in 1992 as a way to help support families in the enrichment of their child’s preschool experiences. Initial funding came from Title I and Delta County Joint School District #50. In the first year, 17 families signed up for the preschool Backpack Program. A kindergarten Backpack Program served children attending half-day kindergarten. The materials were initially placed in backpacks, but were soon transferred to Rubbermaid containers. Although the plastic tubs proved to be more serviceable and longer lasting, the backpack name stuck. The Backpack Program was initially housed in the “kindercottage” in Cedaredge. Summer enrichment kindercamps were offered to children involved in the program. When kindergarten went to a full day throughout the school district, backpacks were offered only to the kindergarten students who needed additional support. As the program continued to grow, operations were moved to the Special Services building in Delta and finally to the current location in the Delta Center for Performing Arts and Education. When enrollment topped 500, several programs were added to meet children’s needs. Backback Plus-A was a visitation program that provided remedial support to children with delayed developmental skills. A playgroup was offered to families of children with delayed developmental skills at Garnet Mesa Elementary. Then came the establishment of licensed preschools, a “proud child” of the Backpack Program. Backpack Early Learning Academy (BELA) preschools were started at Garnet Mesa and Lincoln, then expanded to Hotchkiss, Crawford and Paonia. There is no BELA preschool in Cedaredge, but through a collaborative arrangement with Little Sprouts Preschool, backpacks are delivered upon request to any Cedaredge area family. There are also some state-funded preschool spots at Little Sprouts. In 2007, Title I funds were suspended. Today the program relies on funding from the Delta County Department of Health and Human Services, Colorado Preschool Program, Family Literacy (Even Start), Cocker Kids Foundation, Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation, Daniels Fund, El Pomar and Anschutz Family Foundation. “This is an entirely grantfunded program with in-kind services from Delta County Joint School District,” Mock explains. “Money wise, we have to seek grants for every operational expenditure we have.” The Backpack factory in Delta keeps Mock and four

other employees hopping. They track 650 boxes, including boxes for developmentally delayed children, boxes for gifted and talented preschoolers, and boxes for bilingual learners. These boxes contain Spanish and English versions of each book, so preschoolers can read in their native language and in their new language. The boxes are themed, Mock says, because research shows that when a common thread ties learning material together, a child’s retention of that material increases. Pickup sites are offered in every community. Many times the boxes are left at the elementary school on the honor system. Parents leave the box they had the previous month, pick up a new box, and are on their way. For new families, though, a “box talk” is a must, so they get the most out of the experience. “I have a box in front of me, and I explain how important it is for parents to get excited about what they do with that box,” Mock explains. “There are a lot of toys and they’re in a box, so it’s easy to call it a toy box, but it’s not. It’s a parent tool box. I want them to use it as a tool, to pull out activities and sit down on the floor with their child and have great one-on-one activity with them because those are the connections that will make the difference in their child’s educational process. “It’s nothing magical. We don’t have a magic book, we don’t have a magic toy that makes their child do better in school down the road. It’s because they paid attention and they encouraged their child.” Mock points out that kids have a library of up to 10,000 words by the time they start kindergarten. Through the Backpacks, parents can expand their child’s vocabulary by exploring a wide variety of themes. “The boxes exposed my kids to different things than they might have had at home,” says Misty McCormick, the mother of a fifth grader, second grader and now a 4-year-old who have all been participants. Inspired by the Madeline

series of books, they tried speaking French. Games and puzzles taught problem solving. Her son sought out the math challenges, while her daughters have loved taking care of the animals in the veterinary box. When they discovered books they greatly enjoyed, they purchased copies for their home library. The boxes with dolls or princesses never appealed to her daughters, but they always had other choices, and the Backpack ladies quickly came to understand their preferences and to steer them toward boxes they would enjoy, McCormick says. In 20 years, thousands of kids in Delta County have been involved in the Backpack Program. Each child is screened in five developmental areas when they enroll in the program, and then again when they leave the program for kindergarten. That assessment illustrates how much preschoolers have grown and the skills they’ve gained in just two years. And hopefully, parents and children alike have learned that learning can — and will continue to — be fun as their education continues to kindergarten and beyond. 20-Year Celebration A fun-filled day has been planned Saturday, Oct. 27,

to celebrate 20 years of the Backpack Program. The day begins with a 5k family run/ walk beginning and ending at The Delta Center, 822 Grand Avenue. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., and the race starts at 8 a.m. There will be a one-mile loop for families who prefer a shorter option. Door prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of the race. An open house is planned from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., with a special presentation at 11 a.m. to recognize founders and funders who have made the Backpack Program possible. Community service providers have been invited to set up booths on the front lawn of The Delta Center to provide information and support to families. Giveaways and family activities will be ongoing. Lunch will be served by the Delta Lions Club and Hellman Motors will be sponsoring Drive One 4 UR School, a fundraiser for the Backpack Program. For each family that test drives a Ford from Hellman Motors, $20 will be donated to the Backpack Program. You can register for the run at, or call 874-9517 for more information about any of the events planned for the Backpack’s 20th anniversary celebration.

The lid of every tub contains a checklist telling parents exactly what they’re getting — puzzles, art projects, blocks, books — along with suggested activities for each item. Blocks, for instance, can be used to create structures but they can also be sorted by color and into patterns to develop early math skills. The princess box is pictured above.

The Backpack Factory is staffed by (from left) Lisa Mock, Lidia Savage, Kim Dicamillo, Kathy Myers and Starr Baldwin. Savage and Myers have been with the Backpack Program since its inception in 1992.

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