Delta County Independent, Dec. 5, 2012

Page 1







Contributions of local coal mines and their 1,000 employees recognized, B1

State champion Bruins honored St at rousing assembly, B6

A look at upcoming basketball, wrestling, swim seasons, C1-8


DECEMBER 5, 2012 VOL. 129, NO. 49



Gravel pit draws neighbors’ ire BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

For almost three hours on Monday, the Board of County Commissioners heard Crawford Country residents tell them how a proposed gravel pit near the town would violate county land use policies, wreck local lifestyles, devastate property values and threaten neighbors’ health. One of the applicants for the gravel pit permit said some of the opponents’ remarks rose to an unwarranted “level of hysteria.” The occasion was a public hearing on a specific development application for a gravel pit operation proposed near the town. Matt Jensen and his dad, local rancher Larry Jensen, want to develop the 35-acre gravel operation on an 80-acre parcel they own. But more than 50 neighbors in the area turned out for the Monday hearing to oppose the plan. Most of them addressed the BoCC with concerns and fears which ranged from personal inconvenience to the prospect of an area-wide collapse of investment in rural residential lifestyles that has taken root in Crawford Country. Matt Jensen told the commissioners that his proposal will mitigate the neighbors’ concerns. He said that reclamation activities would proceed concurrently with mining over the 15-year life of the pit. The Jensens’ specific development application was given positive recommendations by the Crawford APC in October and by the Delta County Planning Commission last month. Both of those meetings were attended by big majorities of outspoken opponents. The proposal is to take some 70,000 tons of gravel annually from the site, the equivalent

of 11 round trip semi-trailer trips per day over the project’s life. The gravel operation would be run in conjunction with the Jensen cattle operation, and revenue generated by the mining would help sustain agriculture in the area, Matt Jensen told the commissioners. In addition, their plan assures multiple use of resources on local lands and would promote economic development here. Impacts to the neighborhood would be mitigated, all permits and regulations would be observed, and the proposal is compatible with the county’s Master Plan, Matt Jensen said. But among the issues that neighbors are in strong disagreement with is incompatibility with the existing residential investment uses in the neighborhood, and whether it adheres at all to Master Plan guidelines. Speaker after speaker at the hearing rose to tell the BoCC that the Jensens’ plan is completely incompatible both with the existing neighborhood and with the county’s Master Plan. Neighbor Larry Ribnick was first to point out the Master Plan issue. He said the Master Plan requires in cases of incompatible use that the existing uses are to be given priority. Ribnick’s views were echoed over and again by others who spoke. Sherry Jennings told the commissioners that the Jensens’ specific development application is not a complete document and that it lacks required information on subjects of wildlife, access, water and other matters. John Martindale was the first of several people who raised the issue of the crystalline silica dust created by gravel crushing operations.

He and others said the dust is a particular health hazard to nearby residents and asserted that no mitigation efforts can be totally effective in eliminating the threat. Brad Rugh, Robin Smith and others asked the BoCC simply to reject the specific development application out-


The death of Chad Koch has been attributed to alcohol and methamphetamine overdose, toxicology reports revealed last week. Delta County Coroner Kevin Lucy has ruled Koch’s death accidental. Koch, 27, was found lying close to his bicycle on private property near the stoplight at H-38 Road and Highway 50 in North Delta the night of Oct. 1. He was deceased when Delta Police Department officers arrived on the scene. Neighbors reported hearing a heated exchange prior to the call to 911 at about 8:15 Monday night, prompting the Delta Police Department to label Koch’s death

“suspicious.” Other than abrasions consistent with a bicycle accident, Delta County coroner Kevin Lucy said there were no outward physical signs that would indicate a cause of death. The case has been on hold pending the toxicology report. After conducting a lengthy investigation, the Delta Police Department has closed the case, Chief Robert Thomas said. He plans to meet with the district attorney’s office Tuesday or Wednesday to determine if any additional steps need to be taken. If the district attorney also considers the case closed, Chief Thomas said the investigative file will be made public, with some redactions.

negatively affect residential property values. Kevin Bone said the plan would “crash property values” and would be a disaster for Crawford. Real estate investment in the millions of dollars would be hurt, he said. A letter from a New York pension GRAVEL PIT TO A3

Photo by Ken Gates

Bird’s eye view Ken Gates provided this aerial view of the road improvements at the intersection of Highway 50 and 92. On the top right is the Maverik convenience store that’s under construction. The project, fully funded by Maverik, resulted in dual westbound left-turn lanes from Highway 92 onto southbound Highway 50, and access to the Maverik store. The intersection widening and traffic signal improvements were designed to make the intersection safer and reduce the store’s impact on state highway traffic.

School district maintains over a million square feet BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

Coroner: Koch died of overdose

right. Neighbor Rob Johnson presented the commissioners with a “petition of grievance on behalf of the community” with 113 signatures against the gravel pit plan. Real estate appraiser John Wendt and others said that the gravel operation would

Delta County School District has over a million square feet of facilities, so keeping energy costs down is understandably a major focus for maintenance supervisor John McHugh and his crew. The school district spends over $400,000 annually on electricity and more than $316,000 for natural gas. Rising utility costs make it even more important to upgrade roofs, boilers and lighting as funds allow. This fall, McHugh and assistant superintendent Todd Markley visited every facility in the district to update a three- to five-year facility plan. McHugh recapped their findings at a recent school board meeting. In 2008, voters were asked to approve a bond that would cover replacement of the roofs and heating/mechanical systems at six schools that are about 30 years old. Funds would have also gone toward remodeling Cedaredge Elementary School. Although the question

failed, the maintenance issues have not gone away. A BEST (Building Excellent Schools Today) grant enabled the CES project to be completed, and roofs have been replaced as money has been available. The boilers have been replaced at the high schools, resulting in huge savings for the school district, McHugh said. “There’s not a lot of money available in our capital construction fund, but we stretch it as far as we can,” McHugh said. To continue to improve energy efficiency, McHugh proposes to replace the lighting in the high school parking lots with high efficient LED lighting that will require just 24 percent of the electricity currently being used. That project will mean one of the roof replacements will have to be postponed until 2013-14. McHugh also plans to pursue smaller BEST grants for fire alarms, additional boiler replacements and foam roof systems at several schools. Three types of grants are available through the competitive BEST program, which

combines State Land Trust monies and Colorado Lottery spillover funds. BEST funds for the construction of new schools have been temporarily suspended. That’s a moot point for the larger construction projects on the drawing board, McHugh said, because the district does not have the matching funds that would be required. It may be time to talk about another bond question, “as hard as that might be to swallow,” he said. Two of the major projects which have been discussed with the school board include renovation of the Hunsicker building in Cedaredge and replacement of the aging sixth grade wing at Delta Middle School. Hunsicker Building A portion of the “old” Cedaredge Elementary School has been renovated for use by the Surface Creek Vision Home and Community Program. There have been ongoing discussions with community groups, including the senior citizens, about turning SCHOOLS TO A3


Pearl Harbor remembered

Groundbreaking planned

Country lights

Accent ........................... A4 Activities ....................... D5 Agriculture .................... A7 Bruin Tracks ................1-4E Business ........................ 6A Church ............................3E Classifieds ...................1-4E Editorial ......................... 2A Health & Fitness .........7-8B Legals ..........................4-6C North Fork Times ........1-6B Obituaries ......................7C School Zone .................. 5A Sports ......................... 1-4D Surface Creek News ...1-3C TV Listings ..................3-4B

Delta’s Lee Marts VFW Post 3571 and its Ladies Auxiliary will host a Pearl Harbor Day commemorative ceremony Friday, Dec. 7, on the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor that took the United States into World War II. The ceremony will start at 11 a.m. and will include special remembrances of those who were there. Seven wreaths of remembrance will be placed in the Gunnison River to honor the 2,402 Americans who lost their lives on that “Day of Infamy.” All events will be held on the banks of the Gunnison River near the arbor in Confluence Park.

The City of Delta will hold a groundbreaking ceremony for Confluence Drive on Friday, Dec. 7, at 11 a.m. The ceremony will take place at Gunnison River Drive and Palmer Street. Hamon Contractors Inc., expects to begin the project before the end of the year. Construction of the four-lane bypass is expected to take about 15 months. Hamon will construct two new bridges, drainage and water quality improvements, and relocate the existing railroad alignment. Hamon will host a job fair at Bill Heddles Recreation Center from 7 to 11 a.m. Dec. 7.

Kick off the Christmas season Friday, Dec. 7, with Delta’s annual Parade of Lights. Don’t miss seeing Santa in the parade, which begins at 6 p.m. Businesses, civic organizations, nonprofit groups, youth organizations and others are encouraged to participate in the parade. Cash prizes and trophies will be awarded to the top three floats that fit into the “A Country Christmas” theme. For more information, stop by the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce at 301 Main Street or call 874-8616. Wells Fargo Bank and DMEA are co-sponsors.

A2 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


LETTERS Lease sales: Government waste at work Dear Editor: Here’s a deal: Lease an acre of land in the North Fork Valley for 10 years for $19.50. Yes, that’s right, $2 down and $1.50-$2 a year for 10 years. Heck, at that price why not go for 10 acres, that’s only $195 for 10 years. Over 20,000 acres to choose from. No property tax, no increases for inflation or cost of living and you have the option to renew at the end of the lease! But wait a minute... this is not a deal for young farmers looking for a way to start or for folks seeking their dream home or even for a small business needing to build a factory. This is the minimum bid for investment firms, corporate real estate brokers, and oil and gas speculators. This is the deal for

the Feb. 14, 2013, BLM lease sale. The BLM’s Environmental Assessment (EA) says that the revenues will benefit the State of Colorado. The EA also says that most leased lands are never developed. So let’s do the math. The BLM’s Preferred Alternative proposed 20,555 acres for sale. If all parcels are sold at the minimum bid, the gross revenue after 10 years is $400,822.50. The state gets about 49 percent of that, the rest goes to the feds. Wow! Colorado gets a whopping $196,403.03 over 10 years. How much of that do you think will trickle down to little ol’ Delta County? But, hey, maybe some speculator will really want the BLM public lands in the North

Fork Valley. So let’s say the average bid is $10 per acre. Now, the 10year revenue looks like $565,262.50 and Colorado’s cut is $276,978.63. If Delta County got 0.6 percent of that (our share of the state’s population), we would have $1,662 to spend over 10 years. How many improvements to schools will that fund? How many young farmers will that help? The revenues collected will not even cover the costs of the Environmental Assessment and administration of leases, let alone the legal costs of any protests or challenges to the BLM process. Lease sales. What another great example of government waste at work! Elaine Brett Hotchkiss

BLM, don’t be dissuaded by vocal minority Dear Editor: We hope the BLM refrains from rolling over to attempts to halt the North Fork Valley February 2013 gas lease sale. I live in the North Fork Valley, actually in Paonia just across the street from a lease parcel, and hope that the lease sale goes forward; at least to the next step. We as Americans need to promote the safe and environmentally sound recovery of our national resources. If the gas is here and it’s under federal ownership, we owe it to all Americans to develop that resource. BLM, please do not bow down to the wishes and whims of those who say NO. The BLM has done its study and is ready to proceed; we concur. All over the country drilling is proceeding without significant impact. The North Fork Valley is somewhat unique, YES; but that shouldn’t prohibit the process to continue. Everyone believes

BLM is determined to cram fracking down our throats Dear Editor: Despite the nearly unanimous opposition to possible fracking in our highly-sensitive area, the BLM unfortunately is trying to cram down our collective throats this eventuality. I suppose the BLM is likely feeling pressures from above to go after every source of revenue and every drop of gas/oil. This in fact was stated to me by a BLM employee. Undoubtedly, this current drilling frenzy puts people to work in the short-term and also will assuredly employ many more to mitigate eventual negative ecological impacts. And think of the medical systems’ future windfall as chronic mysterious illnesses increase and diagnosing and treating symptoms adds to our healthcare costs. This will be another step taken on our long and painful journey to eventual extinction once this planetary home becomes more and more inhospitable to life. Our antiquated use of fossil fuels needs to be reduced drastically, not made more abundant and cheap, burned without seeing the broader nega-

tive ramifications. Are we just a species of closet pyromaniacs that can’t fathom evolving away from exploding/burning fossil fuels to create energy? You’d think that with our national political leadership in wild disfavor they’d tend to keep an ear to the ground and listen to the will of the people. Seems their ears are trained only on the lips of Big Oil. This fragile natural environment is at-risk and the feds may regrettably have their way, with utter disregard for what this community has clearly stated. Our community prefers a more evolved, cautious and mature stewardship. If

the BLM goes forward with the leases, if fracking is pursued here and commonplace, the degradation to our pastoral, agricultural nature will be ruined . . . forever! Sometimes I wonder if humans deserve such a magical, hospitable planet. We are so willing to pillage it for backward energy sources that we clearly need to liberate ourselves from. It is an ongoing fight for the masses to avoid growing frustration and cynicism due to our lack of wise leadership. Maybe the powersthat-be are counting on us to emotionally detach, throw our hands up and surrender. I trust we can

not affecting our existing communities by polluting our air, water and food. It’s like fouling our own nests concerning our health. Cancer rates are at an all time high, not to mention other disease and respiratory ailments, and it’s about time for real dialogue about why

Gravel pit threatens tranquility of retirement home Dear Editor: My name is Estelle Jackson and my husband and I purchased our property at 38948 Indian Head Lane in the 1970s. At the time my husband built our dream home in which we would spend the rest of our lives. We wanted to spend every day until our last looking out over the beautiful views of the pastures below and the mountains in this quiet, friendly corner outside of Crawford. My husband was lucky enough to stay in our home as we wished, with its tranquility and beautiful views until he passed away seven years ago. I too plan on remaining here. We bought this beautiful piece of property because of the beautiful views and serenity on the hill. Now I understand that our neighbors to the east of us plan to put in a gravel pit. While I respect their wishes to use the gravel pit to help finance their agricultural pursuits, I cannot help but worry about the hindrance to our views, the disruption of the noise, the nuisance and potential health detriment of the dust, and the effects of the water near my home. 1) We have one of the best views in Colorado overlooking the valley and pastures below us, and the beautiful mountains. The gravel pit with dirt road connecting it to Highway 50 is planned within the currently tranquil pastures below my home where I often watch the cows grazing.

mount the same outpouring of vocal opposition as before and show the “ruling political class” that we don’t take being thrown under the fracking rigs lightly! We demand that our representatives who are our employees heed our strong, united request that the remaining 20,000 acres proposed for lease be removed. If not, this is a clear sign the American people are now considered merely “collateral damage” to the profit-making of the investor-class who’ve bought unfair political influence. Much will be learned as this fight unfolds! David Price Crawford

Industry can not be allowed to impact our health Dear Editor: We cannot allow industry on any level to affect the health of our communities. Industry, be it hen houses in residential neighborhoods or oil and gas or coal production, belongs in areas specifically designated for industry and

If my neighbor follows through with the gravel pit the pastures will no longer be a tranquil landscape. 2) The noise will not only come from the crusher and equipment digging out the gravel but also the trucks driving to and fro. They are estimating 11 loads a day which will be 22 trucks passing through per day, for six days a week. They cannot tell us what noise level from the trucks or the machinery in the pit itself will produce. I am hard of hearing and the increased background noise is going to decrease my ability to hear what little I can. My home will go from a constantly peaceful setting to one in which I will only have one day of peace and quiet per week. 3) At this point they are planning to use Grand View Ditch water which is meant to be used for agricultural purposes. Using this water for a gravel pit will take away from scarce resources that support agricultural production. An alternative that has been mentioned is to haul in domestic water from Crawford, water allocated for household use, not mining. This could very well put a strain on the system Crawford currently uses. Once the issue of where the water comes from is addressed there is the other issue regarding the chemicals that will be added to the water and which will contaminate our ground, the water we drink and the

water that makes it to the agricultural projects it was originally intended for. 4) The increase in the amount of dust in the surrounding areas from the pit will not just be dirt blowing in the wind, but will contain silicates. Silicates have been proven to be very harmful to our lungs. This is a serious hazard which needs to be addressed and further researched prior to allowing the pit. The winds blow both east and west through this area and the increase in dust will not only affect the immediate surroundings but also the town of Crawford. 5) The adverse effects of the gravel pit could very likely hurt home values as well. When my time does come, I would like to leave behind the perfect dream home that my husband and I envisioned when we bought this land so many years ago. I do not want to leave my daughter a burden she cannot sell. Because, honestly, who wants to pay for a home with obscured views, noise pollution, and air pollution from dust? I would not have wanted my grandchildren subject to such conditions in my home and I do not want to subject my great-grandchildren to these conditions either. If the gravel pit is to go in, maybe I’ll be the lucky one and pass on before I have to see it come to fruition. Estelle Jackson Crawford

Delta County Independent

that is. The North Fork Valley is a leader in Colorado in small, organic agriculture that supports the overall health and attractiveness of our communities. We have a 20-acre apple and 10-acre peach organic orchard. The North Fork Valley can be a leader as well by modeling intelligent development when it comes to industry. No one has the right to ruin their community or neighbors’ health, quality of life or property values for economic gain. The law supporting this needs to be changed both locally and nationally. The Hostetlers’ hen houses are allegedly making neighbors sick with toxic air. What bothers me most is that the Hostetlers don’t seem to care what their neighbors think. I understand that we all need to make a living but not at the expense of our health and in already existing neighborhoods. On a larger scale, some oil and gas or coal companies have little or no regard for the health and values of the existing communities. Not to say that they also haven’t done some good things. We already have big air and water problems and we must plan carefully to not have more. We must place industry where it cannot harm us and our resources today and in the future. Patricia Lewis Hotchkiss

their home is “sacred.” Ever visit San Juan River Valley where the river flows out of Navajo Lake in New Mexico? It’s a great place. The valley is somewhat similar to our valley, meandering river full of fly fishermen, campgrounds along its banks; just a bit less irrigation. Also, there are plenty of pleasure boats on the lake itself. Another thing you’ll notice if you look hard enough is that there are drill pads everywhere, I mean everywhere. There is also a great vineyard with winery right in the valley. The winery even has drill holes directly on the premise, you barely notice them. The grapes and wine are great; no negative influence of the drilling and gas production. Please go visit the San Juan Valley. Recovery of natural resources can exist along with all forms of agriculture and recreational activities all across the USA; the San Juan River valley is just one example. BLM, please do not exempt a portion just because folks protest. I believe the majority of Delta County constituents are PRO DRILLING. The BLM will be overwhelmed by the local “vocal” minority and their scare tactics. The BLM will be overwhelmed by e-mails and

calls from outsiders not only to the North Fork but to Colorado. BLM please continue with the due process. As of Wednesday, Nov. 28, 994 people had signed a petition on the White House website which desires to withdraw the gas leases in the NFV. Of those, 729 listed their address. Guess how many were from the NFV? 195 were from our valley; that’s 27 percent. Another 196 (27 percent) were from other areas of Colorado. The remainder, the other 46 percent, were all from out of state — New York, California, D.C., even Hawaii. Thus about 3/4 of the signers do not reside in the valley. This is important; as last year, when the sale initially came up word was that 3,000 or so comments were received in opposition to the sale. I think it would be reasonable to assume that the split of commenters at that time was similar to that of the WH petition signers. The local “vocal” minority has to rely on outsiders to get any real attention. Yes, I work for a local energy company but I can and do speak for myself. Please, BLM, let the process run its course. It’s the right thing for America. Jens Lange Paonia

Wind power helps save water Dear Editor: During Colorado’s ongoing drought, the importance of cooperation with our neighbor to the south was highlighted in the Colorado Water Conservation Board press release, “Colorado part of historic water treaty with Mexico,” printed in the Delta County Independent on Nov. 26. A recent agreement between the Colorado River Basin states and the U.S. and Mexican governments addressed the increasing water demands on the Colorado River; Mexico agreed to accept voluntary shortages when Lake Mead reached a low enough level. This recent treatment of water shortage issues on an international level makes it all the more apparent that global warming is happening, making wildfires, heat waves, and droughts more frequent and more severe. Now more than ever, Colorado needs to move away from carbon-emitting fossil fuels and towards renewable, water-responsible energy sources like wind power. Wind power is already reducing Colorado’s global warming pollution

by as much as taking 525,000 cars off the road per year, according to a new Environment Colorado report, “Wind Power for a Cleaner America.” Furthermore, wind power directly helps to conserve water. In the U.S., more water is withdrawn from rivers, lakes, streams and aquifers to cool power plants than for any other purpose. In Colorado alone, by displacing production from fossil-fuelfired power plants, wind power currently saves enough water to meet the needs of 23,300 people. However, key tax credits for wind power are set to expire at the end of the year. If Congress does not act now to extend these policies, many proposed wind farms will not be built, and we’ll throw away the associated water savings that are so important to Colorado, Mexico, and the U.S. as a whole. We thank Congressman Tipton for supporting wind power and urge him to do all he can to renew the wind tax credits — so many of our industries depend on Colorado’s water supply. Margaret McCall Field Organizer Environment Colorado

KUDOS Heartfelt gratitude Dear Editor: The Benevolence Committee at Delta Christian Church wishes to thank everyone involved with the Community Thanksgiving Dinner at Delta Middle School. We appreciated all the kind guests and the hundreds of volunteers who were involved to make it happen. Special thanks to the following organizations: Delta County School District, Delta Middle School, Calvary Baptist Church, Delta Christian Church, Delta Presbyterian Church, First Baptist Church, St. Michael’s Church, Delta Opportunity School, Lincoln Elementary School art students, DHS National Honor Society, Young Life, Delta County Columbines 4-H Club, Image 1440 Apparel, City Market and Walmart. We offer our heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed. Benevolence Committee Delta Christian Church


INDEPENDENT DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT (UPS 152-700) is published weekly on Wednesdays at 401 Meeker St., Delta, CO 81416. Second class postage paid at DELTA, CO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DELTA COUNTY INDEPENDENT, PO BOX 809, DELTA, CO 81416 401 Meeker St. • Delta, CO 81416 • (970) 874-4421 News: Advertising:

OWNERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Publishers .... Norman & Gladys Sunderland General Manager ........... Randy Sunderland Managing Editor ................. Pat Sunderland Advertising Manager . Roxanne McCormick Production Manager ......... Ron Sunderland

YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delta County (includes Olathe Somerset & Maher) ....$25.00 Seniors in Delta County (65 and over) ....................................$22.00 In-State ............................................$29.00 Out-of-State .....................................$33.00


Delta County Independent

Schools FROM PAGE A1 the kitchen and cafeteria into an area suitable for the senior lunch program. The senior citizens are willing to commit some funds to the kitchen renovation, and to pay rent for use of the building. While McHugh doesn’t believe district funds will


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be needed for that phase of the project, parking is an issue that will have to be addressed. McHugh has a longterm vision of removing the modular classrooms, moving the bus barn to the site, and creating a large parking lot for use by both the community groups and Vision learners. Architect Phil Motley and Bighorn Engineering have done some preliminary work on the project, McHugh said. DMS Sixth Grade Another “work in progress” is the “worn out” sixth grade wing at Delta Middle School, which houses 146 students and seven classrooms. “In a perfect world,” McHugh said, “we would build an eight- to 10-classroom wing with a commons/ cafeteria that connects the current 7/8 building to the new addition.” After running the numbers, though, McHugh said there is no way the school district will be able to come up with the matching funds for a BEST grant. “We would have to look at a bond,” he said. In the meantime, McHugh said he will continue working on the facility plan and focus on maintenance and energy efficiency.

Constituent forum set for Dec. 11


The Delta County Commissioners invite area residents to discuss issues of concern at a constituent forum to be held in the Delta County Courthouse, Room 234, Tuesday, Dec. 11, beginning at 6 p.m.

LAST TWO NIGHTS WED. & THURS., DEC. 5 & 6 Feature Times: 7:00 & 9:15 p.m.

Teen’s death was suicide




The death of a 14-yearold Delta High School student has been ruled a suicide. The freshman’s death occurred at his home the night of Nov. 29 and was the subject of an investigation by the Delta Police Department. Chief Robert Thomas said there is no reason to believe bullying or other factors were involved, and the investigation has been closed. The student, Chris Warren, previously attended Centennial Middle School in Montrose.

THROUGH THURS., DEC. 13 7:00 & 9:15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 4:00 p.m.


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Second Sunday Cinema Sunday, Dec. 9 at 12:00 Noon “Sleepwalk with Me” rated PG-13. All seats $6.50 at the door.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


DMEA shelters members from rate increase . . . for now On Tuesday, Nov. 27, the board of directors of the Delta-Montrose Electric Association (DMEA) unanimously approved the cooperative’s 2013 budget. The staff and board of DMEA have recommended that the approved budget does not pass along any of the most recent rate increase from Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc. (Tri-State), DMEA’s wholesale power provider. The budget also has a provision allowing the board to re-evaluate the effect of the Tri-State rate increase and make any adjustments that may be deemed necessary after the first quarter of next year. In October, Tri-State announced that it would impose a 4.9 percent (over $2.4 million) rate increase to its member distribution cooperatives, including DMEA, for 2013. This increase follows a 5 percent (over $2 million) increase in 2012 which was added to the 4.1 percent ($1.8 million) increase which first appeared in 2008 and has continued since then. According to TriState spokesman Jim VanSomeren, the TriState board of directors elected to impose these increases to meet, among other needs, rising fuel

costs, regulatory costs, and its own set of financial goals. Like most budgets, DMEA’s 2013 budget represents the best estimates for the upcoming year’s projected revenues and expenses. When formulating the budget, DMEA considered the impact of the Tri-State increases, current economic conditions and the cost of maintaining the high level of services and reliability to which DMEA’s members are accustomed. “Although DMEA’s controllable costs have remained relatively flat, DMEA continues to try and minimize the effect of increasing costs from our wholesale power supplier Tri-State,” said DMEA chief financial officer Bill Mertz. “We’ve achieved this by finding other measures to help contain or manage those costs upon which DMEA does have direct influence.” Over the years, DMEA has been able to achieve substantial savings through the advancement of technology, saving members money through energy efficiency programs and diversifying DMEA’s sources of energy with renewable projects such as the South Canal hydroelectric project and the community

solar array. “We’re pinning a good deal on the South Canal,” noted board director Tony Prendergast. Initial analysis indicates that as much as $1,188,000 of cost savings may be achieved by the power production from the South Canal hydroelectric plant. In addition to the benefits projected from the South Canal Hydro Plant, DMEA took other assertive cost-containment measures to help absorb an additional $580,000 of the Tri-State rate hike. Expenses including travel, training, outside services, materials and supplies were carefully evaluated and budgeted to levels that helped to maintain mission-critical operations. Also, DMEA expects to achieve savings by not filling a number of positions that have recently been vacated. In addition, management employees will experience a salary freeze and caps on their medical and

retirement plans. These cost-cutting measures have caused concern for some including the DMEA Member Advisory Council (MAC), a volunteer group that serves as a liason between the DMEA board, and staff and the broader communities of the service territory. In a letter to the board, the MAC expressed concerns, “... that reliance on probable future offsets and continued belt-tightening... may negatively affect services and programs, as well as the maintenance of necessary, qualified, and experienced staff.” The letter went on to say, “Such methods, we feel, used in order to prevent or postpone passing along ... these externally-imposed rate hikes may be approaching a ‘too-close-to-thebone’ situation.” For now, however, members can count on their rates to remain the same.

Alan M. King

Tobias A. King

Financial Advisor Branch Manager


874-0789 or Toll Free 866-893-3813

338 Main Street • Delta

Gravel pit FROM PAGE A1 trust manager with interest in the area was read endorsing Bone’s view. David Kaplan said the applicants’ lack of fact and information in their proposal was “astounding.” Susan Hillyard said the applicants had failed in carrying their required burden of proof of compatibility. She and others also noted the BoCC’s denial in 2011 of a California Mesa gravel pit plan near Delta and Confluence Park on similar grounds that are being raised by Crawford residents now. The plan was called “an industrial strip mine” and “a toxic mining operation” by others, and objections to noise, traffic and damage to views and air quality generally were also voiced by opponents. References to legal challenge if an approval is given were made by several speakers. Following the public comments, Matt Jensen responded, making a number of points including the following ones: • Local gravel resources are increasingly scarce, especially outside of riparian areas. • The same issues being raised against the Jensens’ plan will only come up again and again in future as gravel demand continues. • Their plan is a support to local agriculture. • The Jensens’ mining plan will help preserve open space in ag uses. • The Jensens invite air quality monitoring by neighbors, as that will save the county the cost of doing it. • The gravel operation will have all necessary permits and abide by all state health department requirements. • Other gravel pits currently operate within the town limits of municipalities in Colorado. Finally, Larry Jensen rose to address the commissioners and his neighbors, some of whom he has known for years. “We have been good stewards of the land,” he said. “Some of these comments have gone to a level of hysteria that isn’t warranted. I am a rancher, and we have an interest in sustainable agriculture.” He advised that everyone “take the long view, not a shallow, short view.” The county commissioners took the matter

“under advisement” and will render a decision at a later date. Under the county’s specific development regulations, the BoCC is obligated to make a determination on the Jensens’ application within 14 days of the Monday hearing. However, they can extend that time limit with the agreement of the applicants.

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PAW PRINT ORNAMENTS Bring in your furry companion (dog or cat)

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A4 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Hinchmans celebrate 60 years of marriage

TOPS chapter reaches milestone The Delta chapter of TOPS — Take Off Pounds Sensibly — was recently recognized for being an active chapter for 45 years. TOPS Co. 0110 meets at the Grand Mesa Oncology Center on the campus of Delta County Memorial Hospital every Wednesday with a private weigh-in from 5:30 to 6 p.m. This is a chance for members to share challenges, successes or goals, if they wish. Meetings run from 6 to 6:30 p.m. in the Mesa Lakes classroom. Meetings feature information to support members’ weightloss efforts. TOPS members learn to eat better,

Delta County Independent

Mike and June Hinchman of Eckert will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Dec. 7. They were married in 1952 in Cedaredge. The Hinchmans have three children, Micki

move more, and stay motivated through these educational programs. The meeting usually closes with a Thought for the Week or other inspirational activity. TOPS focuses on making small, steady lifestyle changes that provide lasting weight loss and better health. TOPS membership is affordable at just $28 per year in the U.S., and the first visit to any chapter is free. Each chapter is a little different, so it’s a good idea to try one before joining. For more information, call 874-4850 or 874-4098 or visit the non-profit’s website,

Mike and June Hinchman June and Mike Hinchman

Recycle and help local ‘Mountain Man’ to be families

Putting the wise in the man since 1926 321 Main Montrose 249-3231

❄ ❄ Colorado West Promotions proudly presents an all new

Arts & Crafts Show

Christmas In Colorado Friday, Dec. 7 ~ 3-7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8 ~ 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Montrose Fairgrounds Exhibit Hall 88 Booths of Unique, Quality Holiday Gifts! ❄ NEW EXHIBITORS ❄ NEW PRODUCTS ❄ DOOR PRIZES GALORE ❄ FAMILY FUN FOR FREE Promoter ~ Connie Ferguson

sold for Families Plus An original and uniquely crafted Christmas display, “Mountain Man,” is on display in the lobby of Big O Tires in Delta. The piece was created by Annie Miller of Detroit, Mich. It depicts a mountain man with all the trappings, including a fur animal and a canoe. It has been generously donated to the Families Plus children’s mentoring program by Dawn Reeder.

It is offered to the highest bidder in a silent auction ending Dec. 17. Families Plus is a homegrown mentoring program designed to help parents raise strong and healthy children when their circumstances are challenging. Mountain Man is a highly unusual Christmas display that is sure to delight. All are welcome to stop by Big O Tires to view the display.

Get your fill of holiday cookies The annual Cookie Walk will be presented by the United Methodist Women on Friday, Dec. 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the fellowship hall of the church located at 477 Meeker Street near Fifth in Delta. In conjunction with a silent auction and craft sale, the United Methodist Women prepare fancy holiday cookies for sale. Attendees purchase bags (charged by the pound) for their family and friends at Christmas. This year a lunch will not be served; however, two cookies and a cup of coffee will be for sale for $2. Also, a silent auction and craft sale will be held in conjunction. According to Susan Triebasser, chairman of

Drawing by Courtney Mattler of Hotchkiss

Delta’s 26th Annual

Parade of Lights Friday, December 7 • 6:00 p.m.

“A Country Christmas” Cash Prizes for Best Entries. Parade applications are available at the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce 301 Main Street or at or by calling 874-8616.

Delta Area Chamber of Commerce

and his wife Vicki of Cedaredge, Sandy of Billings, Mont., and Steve and his wife Kathy of Cedaredge. They also have seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

a UMW Circle, “We are opening early this year, as last year there was a line waiting at the door.” The Methodists are preparing for a full schedule for the holidays with a children’s play, Christmas Eve service and free Christmas dinner. The Abraham Connection Homeless Shelter is now open, serving dinner and a place of shelter for the night in the church basement.

Renovator’s Warehouse (just behind Pizza Hut) has allowed The St. Nicholas Project to set out a recycle bin. It is a small green one for aluminum cans. The St. Nicholas Project will turn those cans into cash to help families this year. Please drop off your cans, and help impact the community.

BIRTHS Billy and Jamie Lawrence of Hotchkiss are the parents of a son, Wyatt Jess Lawrence, born Nov. 17, 2012, at 11:27 a.m. at St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction. He weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was 20 inches in length. Brian and Danielle Stoddard of Delta are the parents of a son, Carter Jay Stoddard, born Nov. 28, 2012, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. He weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 inches in length.

Join your friends at the Elks after the Parade of Lights FRIDAY, DEC. 7

Taco & Burrito Bar Downstairs • 6-9 p.m. All Elks and their guests welcome

ll O'Clock Riders JOY RUN & CHILI & CLAM CHOWDER WITH SANTA Eleven O’Clock Riders


JOY RIDE STARTS AT 9:30 A.M. Meet at the Elks and ride to area nursing homes to distribute gift bags and spread some cheer.


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Lodge #1235 563 Main St. • 874-3624

Register for winter dance classes Classes in preschool dance, jazz, hip-hop, ballet and tap will begin at Bill Heddles Recreation Center on Jan. 15. The classes for preschool through high school ages are taught by Linda Dysart. The cost is $65 for a 12-week class and recital (recital costume is a separate fee). Call the rec center at 874-0923 for more information.

Learn to preserve your food Colorado State University’s Delta Extension Office is offering “So Easy to Preserve,” a complete, step-by-step guide detailing how to preserve almost anything you’d ever eat. This 376-page book explains pressure canning, water bath canning, dehydration, pickling and freezing, and includes recipes preserving vegetables, fruits and meats. This is the same book used by CSU Extension in its canning classes, and the cost is just $20. Shipping is available for a small fee. Stop into the Delta Extension Office, 525 Dodge Street, to pick up your copy. The office is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., and can be reached by calling 8742195.

E-mail ads to:

MEXICAN COOKIES Add a sweet treat to a meal of tacos, enchiladas or fajitas with these easy-to-make dessert.—Kathy Ybarra, Rock Springs, Wyoming 16 Servings Prep/Total Time: 20 min. 4 flour tortillas (6 inches) 1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips 3/4 teaspoon shortening 1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Cut each tortilla into eight wedges; place on ungreased baking sheets. Bake at 400° for 10-12 minutes or until

lightly browned. Meanwhile, in a microwave, melt chocolate chips and shortening. Stir until smooth; keep warm. In a large resealable plastic bag, combine confectioners’ sugar and cinnamon. Add tortilla wedges a few at a time; shake to coat. Place on waxed paperlined baking sheets. Drizzle with melted chocolate. Refrigerate until serving.

Each Issue of Taste of Home, a friendly, full-color food magazine, includes over 85 taste-tempting recipes. For a sample copy, send $2 to Taste of Home, Suite 4321, PO Box 990, Greendale WI 53129-0990. Visit our Web page at

“Everything we do is driven by you”


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Redeemer Lutheran offers two midweek advent services

Photo submitted

Native celebration GMES kindergarten students celebrated Thanksgiving by learning about the first pilgrims and Native Americans. One activity included a kit from the Anasazi Heritage Center. Students were able to observe actual artifacts from the Anasazi people.

Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1000 Pioneer Road, Delta, will again be conducting midweek advent services beginning Wednesday, Dec. 5, and continuing each week until Christmas. Advent season marks the beginning of the new church year which started on Sunday, Dec. 2, and runs through Christmas, Dec. 25. Two services will be offered each Wednesday by Redeemer — a midday service beginning at 12:05 (lasting approximately 40 minutes) and another one in the evening starting at 7 p.m. A soup and sandwich supper will be offered before the evening service, beginning at 6 p.m. The public is cordially invited to these services. Pastor Jeffrey Ryan will be conducting each service with the following sermon themes: Wednesday, Dec. 5

DCMH receives top rating for patient safety Delta County Memorial Hospital has been honored with an “A” hospital safety score by The Leapfrog Group, an independent national nonprofit run by employers

and other large purchasers of health benefits for the second year in a row. DCMH is the only hospital in the region to receive an “A.” The A, B, C, D or F

Photo submitted

It pays to shop locally While shopping on her lunch hour at Hibbett Sports in Delta, Gina Rose was surprised by a secret shopper from the Delta Area Chamber of Commerce. When presented some cash towards her purchase, she said, “This is awesome! You guys made my day!” Between Nov. 24 and Dec. 23, secret shoppers will be in Delta businesses giving away $1,800 in cash to those who shop locally. You could be the next winner! Also pictured is Hector Zeferino, the “assistant coach” (assistant manager) of Hibbett Sports.

scores assigned to U.S. hospitals is based upon preventable medical errors, injuries, accidents and infections. The hospital safety score was completed under the guidance of the nation’s leading experts on patient safety and is designed to give the public information they can use to protect themselves and their families. “Delta County Memorial Hospital is very proud of being awarded an ‘A’ from The Leapfrog Group for two years running. The safety score demonstrates our level of commitment and service to our patients and Delta County families,” stated CEO Jason Clecker. To see Delta County Memorial Hospital’s scores as they compare locally and nationally, visit the hospital safety score website at www., which also provides information on how the public can protect themselves and loved ones during a hospital stay. People can also check their local hospital’s score on the free mobile app, available at the same website.



— “Silence: Zechariah’s Story,” with the Old Testament Reading from Isaiah 62:1-9; Epistle Reading from Romans 13:10-14; Gospel Reading from Luke 1:5a, 57-64. Wednesday, Dec. 12 — “Expectation: Elizabeth’s Story,” with the Old Testament Reading from Malachi 4:1-6; Epistle Reading from Hebrews 12:25-29; Gospel Reading from Luke 1:13-15a, 18, 24-25, 57. Wednesday, Dec. 19 — “Faith: Mary’s Story,” with the Old Testament Reading from Isaiah 40:1-8; Epistle Reading from Romans 15:4-13; Gospel Reading from Luke 1:26-38. The Missouri Synod Lutheran Church website explains: “Advent begins the church year because the church year begins where Jesus’ earthly life began — in the Old Testament prophecies of his incarnation. After Advent comes Christmas, which is about his birth; then Epiphany, about his miracles and ministry; then Lent, about his Calvary-bound mission; then Easter, about his resurrection and the sending of the apostles; and then Ascension (40 days after Easter) and Pentecost, with the sending of the Holy Spirit. “The first half of the

church year (approximately December through June) highlights the life of Christ. The second half (approximately June through November) highlights the teachings of Christ. The parables and miracles play a big part here. That’s “the church year in a nutshell,” and it should help reveal how advent fits into “the big picture.” “Advent specifically focuses on Christ’s “coming,” but Christ’s coming manifests itself among

us in three ways – past, present, and future. The readings which highlight Christ’s coming in the past focus on the Old Testament prophecies of his incarnation at Bethlehem. The readings which highlight Christ’s coming in the future focus on his “second coming” on the Last Day at the end of time. And the readings which highlight Christ’s coming in the present focus on his ministry among us through word and sacrament today.”


Dr. John Knutson, M.D. is now in Delta! Mon., Tues., Thurs. 8 - 4:30 Fri. 8 - Noon (Closed for lunch Noon - 1:00)

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Delta County School District

Holiday Programs 2012 20 DELTA HIGH SCHOOL December 12 — DHS Band Concert at Center for Performing Arts, 7:00 p.m. December 18 — DHS/DMS Choir Concert at Center for Performing Arts, 6:00 p.m.

DELTA MIDDLE SCHOOL December 11 — DMS Band Concert at Center for Performing Arts, 7:00 p.m. December 18 — DMS/DHS Choir Concert at Center for Performing Arts, 6:00 p.m.

DELTA OPPORTUNITY SCHOOL December 20 — Graduation at Center for Performing Arts, 6:00 p.m.

LINCOLN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL December 13 — “Sing We Now of Christmas” - 3rd & 5th Grades at Performing Arts Center, 6:30 p.m.

GARNET MESA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL December 14 — 4th Grade Program at Willow Tree & Crossroads, 11:00 a.m.-Noon December 14 — 4th Grade Program at Senior Center & Horizons, 1:00-2:00 p.m. December 14 — Kindergarten Holiday Concert at Bank of the West, 1:00 p.m.

CEDAREDGE HIGH SCHOOL December 11 — Winter Band Concert at CHS, 7:00 p.m. December 13 — Choir Concert at CHS, 7:00 p.m.

CEDAREDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL December 11 — Winter Band Concert at CHS, 7:00 p.m. December 13 — Choir Concert at CHS, 7:00 p.m.

CEDAREDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL December 20 — Caroling Downtown, Kindergarten and 1st Grade



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DELTA COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 1340 Hwy. 92 • Delta • 874-7674 120 N. 6th St. • Hotchkiss • 872-4277

December 18 — Winter Program at Crawford School, 6:00 p.m.

HOTCHKISS HIGH SCHOOL December 19 — Choir & Band Christmas Concert at HHS, 6:30 p.m.

HOTCHKISS K-8 SCHOOL December 19 — 6th-8th Grade Band Concert at HHS, 6:30 p.m. December 20 — Kindergarten-2nd Grade Winter Concert at HK8 - Don Tate Gym, 6:00 p.m. December 20 — 3rd-5th Grade Winter Concert at HK8 - Don Tate Gym, 7:00 p.m.

PAONIA JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL December 18 — Band & Choir Holiday Concert (7-12) at PHS Commons, 7:00 p.m.

PAONIA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL December 13 — K-5 Musical “Twas the Night Before Christmas” featuring World Wide Holidays of December” by 6th Grade, at PHS Gym, 6:00 p.m.

DELTA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT 50J 7655 – 2075 Road • Delta, CO 81416 970-874-4438 970-874-5744 (fax)

A6 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

Birth of Jesus comes to life

Christmas dinner, cookie walk planned

Redeemer Lutheran Church and Tiny Treasures Preschool and Kindergarten will present their annual live nativity production on Saturday, Dec. 15, on the church lawn at 1000 Pioneer Road in Delta. Redeemer’s Pastor Jeffrey Ryan cordially invites the public to “come as you are” and enjoy the wonderful message of the birth of Jesus. Two performances will be given, one at 6 p.m. and the other at 7 p.m. Between performances the public is invited to share a soup and chili supper at 6:30 as well as a bake sale in the church’s family living center.

The third annual community Christmas dinner will be held Tuesday, Dec. 25, at the United Methodist Church at 477 Meeker Street in Delta. Church members and those from other Delta area churches bring holiday foods to share. There will be no goodwill offering: it is free. Doors open at 11 a.m. with serving from from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Local Christmas entertainment will fill the fellowship hall with music. Among the Methodist church members are a number of musicians, including the Stinson children


DELTA DELTA FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD Eaton & Dodge, Delta • 874-3568 Pastor: Lee Ponder Sunday: Celebration Service 8:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Celebration Service 11:00 a.m. Tuesday: Bible Study 9:00 a.m. Wednesday: Family night 7:00 p.m. Royal Rangers Missionettes Fireproof Youth (Jr. & Sr. High) Saturday: Men's Prayer Breakfast 6:00 a.m.

LANDMARK MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 12th & Grand, Delta • 874-3717 Pastor: Ken Gilchrist Sunday: Sunday School (all ages) Morning Worship Sunday Afternoon Wednesday Evening

9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.


MARANATHA FELLOWSHIP 164 Grand Blvd. (The LORD Cometh) (Left on top of 3rd St. Hill) • 874-4971 1712 H Road, Delta • 874-9135 Sunday Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Pastor Earl Douglas Sunday Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Sunday Brown Bag Lunch 12:00 Noon Sunday School Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Afternoon Service 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Sunday Night Wed. Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 p.m. All Welcome EL BUEN PASTOR SPANISH ASSEMBLY OF GOD 860 Crawford Ave., Delta Carlos & Rosemary Sluder, Pastors – 874-0167 Benjamin y Eunice Aviña Addlescentes – 874-0517 Arturo & Alicia Carrasco, Children – 874-0771 Domingo: Escuela Dominical Predicacion Culto de la Tarde y Niños Miercoles: Family Night Jovenes


“Loyal to the orthodox Christian faith as received by Anglicanism” 5th & Palmer St., Delta • Rector's Study: 874-9489 Pastor Tom Seibert Holy Eucharist and Sunday School (Sunday) 10:15 a.m. Order of St. Luke & Healing Service, First Monday each month 6:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer/Communion Wednesday 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

GUNNISON VALLEY CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1721 H Rd., Delta • 874-0848 Website: Email: Senior Pastor Terry D. Hedrick Associate Pastor Edward (Mike) Sandridge Sunday: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: With Worship Leader Gary Lear & The GVC Praise Team Including Children’s Church And Nursery 10:45 a.m. Wednesday: Ladies’ Breakfast 8:30 a.m. Fellowship & Bible Study Including Potluck Dinner 6:00 p.m. Study Groups: Meeting at various places and times throughout the week. We want to extend a personal invitation to everyone. Please come and make yourself at home. “Our church could be your home.” “We exist to glorify God by raising up Christ-centered, Spirit-filled Disciple makers.”


ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE ORTHODOX 298 Bert St., Delta • 874-5225 Father Daniel Jones Saturday Great Vespers 5:00 p.m. Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. Please call: for feast day services schedule

SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 763 Meeker St., Delta Pastor: Seth Coridan Sabbath School Saturday Morning Worship Prayer Meetings Wednesday

9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 1679 Pioneer Rd., Delta • 874-3444 Corner of E. 16th St./F Rd. and Pioneer Rd. Sunday: Uncompahgre Ward 9:00 a.m. Delta Ward 11:00 a.m.


REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 1000 Pioneer Road • 874-3052 Pastor Jeffrey Ryan Worship Service 9:00 a.m. Bible Classes and Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Tiny Treasures Preschool



(Way of the Messiah) Community Messianic Fellowship First Baptist Church in Delta 1250 Pioneer Road • 589-6142 Saturday 10:00 a.m.

COWBOY CHURCH AT THE Z-BARN 1384 Hwy. 50, north of Delta on west side Info: (970) 256-7299 Worship & Service Saturday 6:00 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sat. — Pastors Don & Meme Carey 2nd & 4th Sat. — Pastor Bobby Clement Also, offering Christ-centered horse events. Come as you are! Cowboy hats welcome!

628 Meeker St., Delta • 874-3300 Father Canice Enyiaka Saturday: Confession Mass Sunday: English Mass Spanish Mass Daily Mass Mon.-Fri.

Sunday: Bible Study Morning Worship

9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m.

5th and Oak, Paonia • 527-4239 Bishop Stephen W. Bayles Sacrament Meeting 10:00 a.m.-11:10 a.m. Sunday School 11:15 a.m.-12:05 p.m. Priesthood & Relief Society 12:10-1:00 p.m.

NORTH FORK CHURCH OF CHRIST 40259 M Rd., Paonia • 970-527-5443 Sunday Morning 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Evening 5:00 p.m. Teaching Sound Bible Doctrine

BIBLE CENTER CHURCH 1117 Third Street, Paonia • 527-4629 John Owen, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Awana Clubs - Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

NORTH FORK BAPTIST CHURCH 639 Samuel Wade Rd., Paonia • 527-4644 Pastor Tobey Williams Bible Study 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:00 p.m. Nursery Provided


297 Dogwood Ave., Crawford • 921-3300 Rev. John Hiestand 290 S.W. 2nd Ave., Cedaredge • 210-3398 Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. Pastor Seth Coridan Adult Education 8:00 a.m. Sabbath School Saturday 9:15 a.m. Children’s Education 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 3:00 p.m.





227 Oak Ave., Paonia • 527-7291 • 527-3450 P.O. Box 413, Paonia, CO 81428 Pastor Ed Hollett Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Traditional Church Service 10:45 a.m.

409 3rd St., Paonia • 527-6151 Pastor Gaylen Kinser 370 W. Main St., Cedaredge • 856-3830 Sunday: P.O. Box 400, Cedaredge, CO 81413 SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE 9:00 a.m. PAONIA CHRISTIAN Email: with NURSERY for children 19 mos.-3 years Senior Pastor Dik Abbott FELLOWSHIP CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday: 235 Box Elder Avenue, Paonia • 527-3161 for ages 19 months-adults 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for All Ages 9:00 a.m. Morning Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Pastor Scott McIntire Children’s Church Available Sunday Services: CRAWFORD FRIENDS CHURCH Evening Service 6:00 p.m. Sunday School for ages 2-112 9:00 a.m. Non-denominational Wednesday: Worship Service 10:15 a.m. 3842 Stearman Lane, Crawford • 921-LORD (5673) Bible Study 6:00 p.m. Children’s Church 10:15 a.m. Pastor Jerry Dutton AWANA and Youth 6:30 p.m. Monday Sunday Worship Service 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Ladies Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Coffee & Fellowship 10:00 a.m. Young Ladies Bible Study ages 12-18 6:30 p.m. Children’s Church and Nursery 10:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Youth Group and Adult Life Studies Tuesday GRAND MESA SOUTHERN Ladies Bible Study 1:00 p.m. BAPTIST CHURCH Wednesday: 110 S.E. Jay Ave., Cedaredge • 856-4672 Converge for Ages 7-12 4:30 p.m. MOUNTAIN VIEW BIBLE CHURCH Rev. Steven Puls Youth Dinner 6:15 p.m. Lazear, CO – 872-2139 Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Youth Group Grades 7 & Up 7:00 p.m. Pastor Jim Jesser – 323-6412 Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Please join our family for a variety of Youth Pastor Jake Erickson - 872-6329 Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Sunday School music and worship. 9:45 a.m. Team Kid (Wednesday) 6:00 p.m. Morning Service Something for everyone! 11:00 a.m. Prayer & Bible Study Evening Service & Youth Night 6:00 p.m. (Wednesday) 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. Brotherhood Breakfast Christ Centered Country Church SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH (1st Saturday) 8:00 a.m. Independent and Fundamental 235 North Fork, Paonia • 527-3214 Fellowship Breakfast Saturday Evening Mass 5:00 p.m. (last Tuesday) 8:00 a.m. Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m. (at Ole Bakery)


2nd & Orchard, Hotchkiss • Office: 872-3540 Pastor John Hiestand • 872-4881 ECKERT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sanctuary is handicapped accessible 13025 Highway 65, Eckert • 835-3441 Children's and Adult’s Sunday School 9:45 a.m. P.O. Box 7 Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Pastor Jo DeVinny Peace Circle, 2nd Tues. 12:30 p.m. Sunday: Wearhouse hours: Monday 9 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Morning Worship: 9:00 a.m. Year Round 10:30 a.m. UMW Meet 3rd Saturday National Historical Register site Children’s Sunday School during worship Thursday: Bible Study Held at Big E Market 7:30 a.m.


NEW HOPE EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Meets at Cedaredge Community Center Pastor Bill Williamson 856-4458 Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Children’s Church 10:45 a.m. Nursery Available Men’s Breakfast 1st & 3rd Sat. 7:00 at Ole Bakery Youth Groups — schedules vary Call for time and place

203 W. Main, Hotchkiss • Church 872-3313 Sunday School (all ages) 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Service 5:00 p.m. After School Program (K-8) Wed. 3:45 p.m. Adult Bible Study & Prayer Wed. 7:00 p.m. Youth Group/Teen Bible Study Wed. 7:00 p.m. Also offering counseling, men’s prayer meetings, ladies’ Bible study, teen outings, nursery and a food pantry. Contact Pastor Jake DeField for more information.



3rd & Aspen, PO Box 369, Cedaredge • 970-856-3696 Pastor Deb Edwards Vickie Richards-Street, Pastoral Associate 10:00 a.m. Bob Watts, Pastor Emeritus 12:00 Noon Adult Bible Study 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Children & Youth Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Communion Worship First Sunday Youth and Adult Choirs, Bible Studies, Nursery LIVING OPEN HEARTS! OPEN MINDS! OPEN DOORS! 4:00-5:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m.

658 Howard St., Delta Rev. Kay Spinden • 874-3425 Sunday Services 10:30 a.m. 1061 Meeker St., Delta • 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Children’s Classes Science of Mind Classes Also Available For more information call 626-3347





1290 A St., Delta • 874-9497 Pastor: Randy Unruh Website: E-Mail:

2291 Q25 Road, Cedaredge • 856-6137 Pastors John and MaryLouise Dannels Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.






American Baptist Church 4th and Meeker, Delta • 874-4893 1250 Pioneer Road, Delta • 874-3847 Rev. Alisa Secrest Adult/Children’s Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Pastor James Conley Praise Music 10:15 a.m. Sunday: Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Child care available Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Night Church 6:00 p.m. Wednesday: DELTA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Middle School Blitz 6:00 p.m. Reaching the children and youth of AWANA (Sept.-April) 6:00 p.m. Western Delta County Saturday: I Rd. & 1600 Rd., North Delta • 874-4322 Men’s Bible Study 7:30 a.m. High School Saturday Night Live 7:00 p.m. Ministry Staff: Will Pruett, Jeremy Kane, Kirsten Alsdorf, Jake Sullivan Find us on Facebook at Delta Christian Church Sunday: Worship COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN First Service 9:30 a.m. FELLOWSHIP Second Service 11:00 a.m. Meets at Bill Heddles Recreation Center, Delta Children’s Church: Age 3-5th grade Ron Howard, Pastor Childcare (infant/preschool) all services. Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. For Elem., M.S. & H.S. activities, please call Children’s Church Provided Home Bible Studies Available Information: call 200-7816 or 874-4372 863 A Street, Delta Jerry Hilterbrand, Pastor • 874-4837 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Services 11 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting (Wednesday) 7:00 p.m. Independent, Fundamental


751 Meeker St., Delta • 874-8083 1065 E. 7th St., Delta • 874-0308 • Cell: 314-0116 LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELCA Sunday: Bible Lesson Sermon 10:00 a.m. Pastors David & Michele Murphy 20101 Deer Creek Rd., Austin • 835-3667 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday: Wednesday: Testimony Meeting 7:00 p.m. Prayer Time 9:00 a.m. Tom Lange, Pastor Child Care Provided • Everyone Welcome Annointed Worship & Praise 9:30 a.m. Sunday: Annointed preaching to follow Worship 10:00 a.m. Where the fire & glory of God are manifested Adult Bible Class 9:00 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 10:00 a.m. GRAND MESA BIBLE CHURCH Open Communion (1st & 3rd Sundays) 710 Crawford Ave., Delta • 874-8315 AGAPE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Pastor Gary Culp Sunday School For All Ages 9:30 a.m. OF DELTA ST. PHILIP BENIZI CATHOLIC CHURCH Worship Service 10:30 a.m. 326 Main St., Suite 103 (Columbine Mall), Delta 290 N.W. Cedar Ave., P.O. Box 713 Please call for information about (970)201-7013 Cedaredge, CO 81413 Bible studies and Prayer times Pastor Jason Havertape Rev. Canice Enyiaka, Pastor Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. Mass Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Sunday: Tuesday: 6:00 p.m. Mass FIRST CHURCH OF GOD For more information, call 970-856-6495 1102 Howard St., Delta • Church 874-4647 THUNDER MOUNTAIN CHURCH Bob and Linda Aubery OF CHRIST Sunday School Classes 800 Palmer St., Delta SURFACE CREEK for All Ages 9:00 a.m. Sundays: COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday Worship Service 10:15 a.m. Bible Classes 9:30 a.m. 21987 Austin Road • Austin Wed. Bible Study Worship Service 10:30 a.m. (Fellowship Hall) 2:00 p.m. (Children’s church available) John Copper, Pastor • 856-4675 Wed. Cedaredge Bible Study (856-3854) 4:00 p.m. Weekly home Bible studies Sunday: Prayer Chain Information: 234-7816 Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Contact Janice Bridwell 874-4621 with Children’s Church and nursery provided Wednesday: Bible Study 7:00 p.m.

who have become a Delta favorite. Other churches are invited to participate; last year representatives from eight churches participated, serving food and entertaining. People from the church’s Abraham Connection Homeless Shelter are invited to come; leftover food will be donated to the shelter. As the weather gets colder, the number of people in the shelter is increasing. The church will also host its annual Cookie Walk this Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. For further information, call 874-9501.


ST. MARGARET MARY CATHOLIC CHURCH Bridge & Pinon St., Hotchkiss • 527-3214 Sunday Mass 11:00 a.m.

PAONIA SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH 41006 Lamborn Dr., PO Box 932, Paonia, CO 81428 Pastor Seth Coridan • 970-210-3398 Saturday Services 9:00 a.m. Discover Answers to Life’s Deepest Questions: Hope Channel 368 on Direct TV

OLATHE OLD KING JAMES BIBLE BAPTIST CHURCH 112 Main St., Olathe • 970-497-0790 Pastor Brian Lopiccolo Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Preaching 10:30 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer 7:00 p.m.

2nd and Onarga, Paonia • 970-527-3348 ST. JOSEPH’S TRADITIONAL Pastor Russell Fletcher ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Latin Mass Sunday School 9:30 a.m. 59350 Carnation Rd., Olathe • 323-0243 Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Masses 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. Youth Group 6:00 p.m. Rosary & Confessions 1/2 hour before each mass Child care provided every Sun. Daily masses as scheduled and on special occasions.

IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 5th & North Fork, Paonia at the Northwest corner of City Park Pastor Duane O. Daeke • 527-3232 Morning Worship 9:00 a.m. Lent Worship Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study following worship service Visitors Always Welcome.


2820 Peyton Dr., Montrose • 249-4405 Pastor Matthew Frey 1596 S.W. 9th St., Cedaredge • 856-3586 Sunday Service 9:00 a.m. Bob Hillyer - Senior Pastor Sunday School/Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Marvin Pemberton - Assoc. Pastor Wednesday Night Bible Study 4:00 p.m. Youth Pastor: Eric Musil Janet Noble - Children DELTA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Sunday School 9:00 a.m. 5th & Meeker Streets, Delta • Office — 874-9501 Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m. Add your church listing HOTCHKISS CHURCH OF CHRIST Wed. Family Night: Adult Bible Study, Reverend Siaosi Prescott 175 N. 1st St., Hotchkiss • 527-3225 for just $17 per quarter. Youth & Children's Ministries 7:00 p.m. Sunday Worship Service 10:00 a.m. Minister Windell Howard 7:00 a.m. Youth Group 5:30 p.m. Men's Breakfast (Saturday) Call 874-4421. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Communion Worship 1st Sunday

Sponsored by these churches and businesses DELTA COUNTY

Chalmer & Marge Swain

INDEPENDENT Paonia Care & Rehabilitation Center 1625 Meadowbrook Blvd. Paonia • 527-4837

401 Meeker St. • Delta 874-4421


Funeral Service & Crematory Mesa View Cemetery With Four Locations To Better Serve You 105 S.E. Frontier, Suite F Cedaredge, CO 81413


682 1725 Road Delta, CO 81416

874-9988 874-8633

209 Bridge St. Hotchkiss, CO 81419

311 Grand Ave. Paonia, CO 81428


527-3836 View our online obituaries at

For $13.00 a week your business can sponsor the Church Directory. Call 874-4421 to start your sponsorship now.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Library district reorganization results in regional managers The Delta County Library District has just completed a reorganization of its managerial staff. With vacancies in managers’ positions at the Cedaredge library and the literacy department, with the approaching retirement of long-time Hotchkiss manager Rhonda Duclo, and in order to improve internal operations, the library district decided to restructure. Rather than having a manager at each library, the library district now has two regional managers. One will cover the three North Fork libraries in Crawford, Hotchkiss, and Paonia; the other manager will cover the two west end libraries in Cedaredge and Delta. “This reorganization reflects how the library district is improving operations when faced with challenges,� explains board president Ann Murphy. “It also shows how we are preparing for the district’s future by building a solid man-

agement structure with a professional staff.� In the North Fork, Kit Stephenson will take the lead position. She has 18 years of library and managerial experience. Most recently Stephenson was the technical services manager and system administrator for the library district. In the west end, Lea Hart will manage the Delta and Cedaredge libraries. She has over 20 years of library and managerial experience. Hart has been the manager of the Delta library since 2011. “Kit and Lea are dedicated librarians and wellliked in their communities, so we believe they will be great in these new positions,� says district director Annette Choszczyk. “When faced with reorganizing, we are really fortunate to have two people with their education and experience already working for the library district,� Murphy noted.

To fill the literacy position, the library district recently hired Christel Pretorius, who has 33 years of experience in education. “Her background is a plus for managing our district-wide literacy program,� Choszczyk comments. Rhonda Duclo, assistant district director and manager of the Hotchkiss library, is retiring after 30 years. “She has been such an invaluable manager in Hotchkiss and a strong leader over the years,� explains Murphy. “She will be greatly missed not only in Hotchkiss but throughout the county.� Myrna Westerman will move into the new collections coordinator position that will focus on maintaining an up-to-date and popular districtwide collection. “Since Myrna is so good at developing collections, she is a natural fit,� Choszczyk says. “We are excited to have her working in a more central role.� Westerman has been with the library district for 17 years, serv-

ing most recently as the Paonia library manager. Kathy Little will remain at the Crawford library and assist Stephenson as they serve the patrons there and continue to bring great library programming to the community. “Kathy has been a strong library advocate in Crawford and will bring a lot of knowledge and background as she and Kit work together,� Choszczyk states. Little has been with the library district for 28 years and served most recently as the Crawford library manager. “This has not been an easy task, and we are grateful to library personnel for their patience,� explains Murphy. “We needed to respond to internal operational challenges and, at the same time, prepare for the future. Our bottom line is to make sure we continue to provide highquality library services. We believe this reorganization is helping us do just that.�

Be a superhero. Donate blood.

Pertussis disease alert issued Between Jan. 1 and Nov. 3 of this year, 1,217 cases of pertussis were reported in Colorado. This is a six-fold increase in the number of cases usually seen annually in Colorado. Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, is a very contagious illness, especially in infants and young children. Closer to home, students at Delta County schools have been diagnosed with pertussis which is spread when an infected person sneezes or coughs and another individual breathes in the bacteria. Symptoms of pertussis usually develop seven to 10 days after exposure but can develop from four to 21 days after exposure. Pertussis begins with a cough that progressively becomes more severe until the person develops coughing fits. In between coughing fits, the individual may look and feel fine. Vomiting, breathlessness, a change in facial color, and/or a whooping sound may follow the coughing

fits. Pertussis may be very severe in infants and young children (especially those without 3 doses of pertussis vaccine), and may result in hospitalization, seizures, long-term neurological problems, and even death. Pertussis can also occur in immunized individuals because the immunity gained from childhood vaccination typically wanes by adolescence. Persons with a persistent cough should inform their physician of their possible exposure to pertussis and be examined. If your physician suspects pertussis, you should be

Accidents investigated BY PAT SUNDERLAND Managing Editor

A three-car accident on Highway 65 in front of RJ’s Steakhouse south of Cedaredge resulted in minor injuries. The Delta County Sheriff ’s Office reports Sandra Lehr had slowed down to make a

Sponsored by:

Best Friends Animal Hospital 13244 Hwy. 65, Eckert • 835-8930

OPEN: Seven days a week Public hours: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

•If diagnosed with pertussis, complete a course of an appropriate antibiotic for pertussis. •Individuals diagnosed with pertussis will be excluded from school/ child care until they have completed five days of an appropriate antibiotic. •Review the DTaP/ Tdap immunization records of all members of your household and arrange for vaccination if not up to date. If you have any questions please contact Kelly Beard, immunization nurse at the Delta County Health Department, 874-2179.

St. Mary’s Regional Blood Center

Blood Drive g, Tuesday, July 24

PAONIA - DON’S MARKET 1:00 pm–6:00 pm Monday, December 10 College, Rifle Colorado Mountain 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

HOTCHKISS HIGH SCHOOL Tuesday, December 11 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

CEDAREDGE 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH Monday, December 17 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

PET theof WEEK Amber is about 5 years old and a hound/lab mix. She is NOT good with cats but is great with people and other dogs, big or small.

tested and receive an appropriate antibiotic. Delta County Health Department (DCHD) staff recommends that you review immunization records of all children, adolescents and adults in your household to ensure they are up-to-date on their DTaP/Tdap shots. Caregivers of young children should also ensure that they are up-to-date on their Tdap vaccinations. In summary, DCHD staff recommends the following: •Contact your health care provider if you have a persistent cough.

The holidays are about family. Won’t you invite a terrific pet to be part of your family? We have many available dogs and cats waiting for their forever homes. Visit www. and give the gift of unconditional love.

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* Attorney retainer may vary

righthand turn into RJ’s parking lot when a truck rear-ended a car driven by Cindy Sullivan, causing her to strike the rear of Lehr’s car. The highway was blocked for a short time as the accident was cleaned up. Two women were transported to the hospital. The accident occurred at about 5 p.m. Nov. 30. On Dec. 2, at about 6:50 p.m., the Delta Police Department responded to an accident involving a passenger car and an ambulance at Highway 92 and Crawford Avenue. The ambulance sustained minor damage to the front driver’s side of

the bumper and fender. The second vehicle had moderate damage to the passenger side front door. There were no injuries. The driver of the passenger car was cited for failing to yield. A second accident occurred about the same time at the intersection of Highway 92 and Highway 50. Officer Eddy determined Juanita Martha Leon was turning left onto Highway 92 when she struck a vehicle being driven by Hannah Qeshette Mary Rundle. Leon had a green light but failed to yield to oncoming traffic. She was issued a citation for failure to yield.

Dr. Mary to play at St. Luke’s Episcopal St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5th and Palmer in Delta, will host its third advent mini-concert on Tuesday, Dec. 11, from 12:10 to 12:55 p.m. with Dr. Mary Kleinsorge singing and playing guitar. It is rumored her daughters will accompany her. “Dr Mary,� as she is known to many, lives in Delta and

Free ESL classes offered Free adult ESL classes will be held at the Delta Center. Register for classes Jan. 8-31 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Monday through Friday at the Delta Center, 822 Grand Avenue, Delta. Many beginning and intermediate levels are available. Limited spaces available in advanced levels. Call 874-9517 x37 for more information. Classes are also offered at the libraries in Paonia, 270-5339; Hotchkiss, 874-9630; and Delta, 8749630.

sings to the open spaces of western Colorado and in southern Baja. But her journey began in eastern Kansas on a cattle farm in 1957. She was playing and singing music for pay by the age of 12 and was leading a band that played for adult dances by age 13, the same year she became a truck stop waitress in Strong City, Kan. She began writing lyrics and music by age 14. She recorded her first full-length LP in 1975 entitled “This Day.� Dr. Mary spent a year studying music at Wichita State University but was led to become a doctor of chiropractic. She has practiced in Delta for 20 years but never gave up her love for music. She says, “It’s still magical to me that I can sing something only found in MY heart, and someone, somewhere, can be moved by it ... even if I’m not in the room!� The final advent miniconcert will take place at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Dec. 18 with the choir from Cedaredge United Methodist Church.


Friday, December 21 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Photo ID required To request a blood drive, call 970-298-2066


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A8 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

Joey and Aiden Cooley; and Pamela Penick of He was a member of the friend Heather Night- Colorado; five brothers, United Methodist Church wine and her daughter Francis “Bud” Hammett, in Grand Junction and a Haiden; and numerous William “Bill” Hammett, 20-year member of the aunts, uncles and cous- Forest “Eddie” Ham- Civil Air Patrol. ins. mett, all of Colorado, Joe He is survived by his He was preceded in Hammett, and Shone son, Loren McCaslin and death by his wife, Amanda Hammett; two sisters, spouse Karen of Floyd, Jean Holveck; his father, MaryAnn Peterson and N.M.; his daughter, GlyStanley Holveck; his Sue Hainer, both of Colo- nis McCaslin-Keefer and grandfathers, Elvis Daw- rado; 13 grandchildren; spouse Gene of Grand son and Tom Holveck; 11 great-grandchildren; Junction; three grandand his grandmother, and numerous nieces and children; and 10 greatBetty Carver. nephews. grandchildren. Arrangements are Memorial contribuHe was preceded in Gilberta Lane being handled by Taylor tions may be made to Hos- death by his wife, Eva Gilberta M. Lane died Funeral Service and Cre- pice and Palliative Care McCaslin; and one brothNov. 27, 2012, at her matory. of Western Colorado, P.O. er, Bob McCaslin. home in Delta. She was View the Internet obit- Box 24, Delta, CO 81416, Memorial contribuMary Harris 78. uary and sign the online or to St. Philip’s Catholic tions may be made to Mary (Jeffers) Harris A funeral service was guest registry at taylor Church, 290 NW Cedar the Roice-Hurst Animal of Grand Junction died held Dec. 1 at the First Avenue, Cedaredge, CO Shelter, 3320 D 1/2 Road, Nov. 27, 2012, at the Baptist Church in Delta 81413. Clifton, CO 81520. Hospice Care Center in with Rev. James Conley Arrangements are Arrangements were Grand Junction. She was Barbara Penick officiating. Interment being handled by Taylor handled by Taylor Funer98. Cedaredge resident was at Delta City CemFuneral Service and Cre- al Service and CremaA graveside service Barbara Penick died of etery. tory. was held Dec 3 at the cancer Dec. 1, 2012, at matory. Gilberta Maxine JohnView the Internet obitView the Internet obitDelta City Cemetery. her home. She was 73. son was born to Haruary and sign the online uary and sign the online A registered nurse, A viewing for famold and Mable (Adams) Mrs. Harris is survived ily and friends was held guest registry at taylor guest registry at taylor Johnson April 19, 1934, by her husband, Max Dec. 4 at Taylor Funer- in Arnett, Okla. She Harris. al Service Chapel in spent her childhood and Elsie Ahlberg Arrangements were Cedaredge. Erma Sheldon attended schools in Delta, Elsie Ahlberg died handled by CallahanA rosary will be graduating from Delta Nov. 30, 2012, at Colorow Erma M. Sheldon of Edfast Mortuary. recited at 9:30 a.m., High School in 1952. Hotchkiss died Dec. 4, Care Center in Olathe. Wednesday, Dec. 5, at She married Tommie She was 104. 2012, at Paonia Care & St. Philip’s Catholic Lee Lane on May 7, 1961, Rehabilitation Center. Funeral services were Church in Cedaredge. in Delta. They celebrated held Dec. 4 at the First She was 93. Mass of Christian burial their 50th wedding anni- Assembly of God in Delta Funeral arrangements will follow at 10 a.m. at versary in 2011. are pending with Taylor with Pastor Lee Ponder Cedaredge Cemetery. Mrs. Lane was a mem- and Gene Roland presidFuneral Service and CreBarbara C. Hammett ber of the First Baptist ing. Burial followed at matory. was born to Francis and Church in Delta. She Delta City Cemetery. Jack McCaslin Mary (Honeywell) Hamenjoyed spending time Elsie Marie Dougherty Former Cedaredge resmett on June 30, 1939, with her family, cooking, was born Oct. 23, 1908, to in Lewistown, Mont. She ident Jack L. McCaslin canning and preserving, Harry and Lucinda (Purspent her early childhood died Nov. 30, 2012, at St. crocheting, gardening vis) Dougherty in Berryin Seattle, Wash., before Mary’s Medical Center in and watching the Rock- man, Mo. She spent her moving to Cedaredge Grand Junction. He was ies and the Broncos. childhood and went to when she entered the 75. She is survived by her school in Missouri and in A graveside memorial Byron Holveck eighth grade. She graduhusband, Tommie Lane Colorado. Former Delta resi- ated from Cedaredge service was held Dec. 4 at of Delta; two sons, GregoOn Jan. 26, 1926, she ry Lane and spouse Patty married Severt Ahlberg dent Byron Lee Holveck High School and fur- the Cedaredge Cemetery. Jack L. McCaslin was City of Delta governof Delta, and Brent Lane in St. Louis, Mo. They died Nov. 25, 2012, at the thered her education at of Kittredge; a daughter, moved to Delta in 1946. Grant Medical Center in Loretto Heights College born to Glen and Julia ment offices will be closed (Shinn) McCaslin Nov. Monday and Tuesday, Melissa Floyd and spouse The couple celebrated 61 Columbus, Ohio. He was in Denver. Mrs. Penick enjoyed 29, 1937, in Wheatland, Dec. 24 and 25, as well Scott of Delta; a brother, years of marriage before 40. A memorial service being a mother and Mo. He spent his child- as Monday and Tuesday, Kenneth Johnson and Severt died on April 17, will be held at 10 a.m. grandmother, garden- hood and attended school Dec. 31 and Jan. 1. spouse Barbara of Grand 1983. Saturday, Dec. 8, at Tay- ing, spending time with in Cedaredge, graduatTrash will be picked Junction; two sisters-inMrs. Ahlberg enjoyed law, Lyndall Johnson and her family and friends, lor Funeral Service Cha- her family, reading and ing from Cedaredge Hgih up Monday as usual, but Tuesday’s trash will be Leona Lane both of Delta; flowers and working on pel in Delta. learning. She lived in School in 1956. Mr. Holveck was born Colorado Springs for sevHe served with the picked up on Wednesday. a brother-in-law, Ken her yard. She served as a Bill Heddles RecreLane and spouse Evelyn member of the PTA at her to Stanley and Shirley eral years before mov- United States Army. (Dawson) Holveck on ing back to Cedaredge in On Nov. 19, 1961 he ation Center’s schedule is of Montrose; six grand- children’s schools. Sept. 29, 1972, in York, 1997. She was a member married Eva Carter in as follows: Monday, Dec. children, Troye, Jordan, She is survived by Miranda, Megan, Chason two sons, Vic Ahlberg Neb. He spent his child- of St. Philip’s Catholic Cedaredge. The couple 24, 5:30 a.m. to noon; lived in Cedaredge until Tuesday, Dec. 25, closed; and Shauntell; and seven and spouse Margie of hood in York, Neb., and Church in Cedaredge. Delta. He graduated great-grandchildren. moving to Grand Junc- Monday, Dec. 31, 5:30 She is survived by Delta and Severt Ahla.m. to 3 p.m.; Tuesday, She was preceded in berg and spouse Loeda from Delta High School two sons, Michael Penick tion in 1965. death by a sister, Shir- of Jonesboro, Ark.; three in 1990. Mr. McCaslin was a Jan. 1, noon to 5 p.m. of Florida, and Edward He worked at a cabi- Penick of Colorado; three retired drilling superviDevil’s Thumb Golf net shop. He enjoyed daughters, Theresa Crow sor. He enjoyed flying, Course will be closed fishing, baseball, football of Oklahoma, Catherine fishing, traveling and Dec. 24, 25, 31 and Jan. and spending time with Hanscom of Colorado, riding his four-wheeler. 1. his grandchildren and his dog Earl. He lived in Phoenix, Ariz., for several years before moving to Marion, Ohio, where he lived until his death. June 30, 1918 ~ Nov. 29, 2012 He was baptized in The Church of Jesus Christ of June Elizabeth ed paintings later, we Latter-day Saints. (deGraffenried) Turetzshould all be inspired. Mr. Holveck is sur- ky passed away peaceBut so much more, the vived by his mother and fully at Larchwood Inns Friday Evening Lord never gave up on stepfather, Shirley and on Nov. 29, 2012. She her either. On ThanksDecember 14 • 5-8 p.m. Dan Wallace of Delta; was 94. giving Day 2012, June three sons, Caleb Cooley June was born in asked the Lord to forCandlelight Service with of Florida, Ryan Cooley Fort Collins in the sumgive her of all of her and his wife Krystal of mer of 1918 to Thomas Military Honors begins at 6:30 p.m. sins, she soon fell asleep Colorado Springs, and Edmund Leiper and and rested until He took Justin Cooley of Mon- Jennie Murray Horn. her home on Nov. 29. trose; two brothers, Stan She had two younger The Lord’s mercy and Holveck of Denver, and brothers, Wallace Hardy love is ever faithful and Tom Holveck and his wife and Hugh Carnahan. He never fails! S unset M esa F unera l D irectors Karis of Montrose; two Her father was a gifted June was preceded in 155 Merchant Dr. nephews, Donovan and musician and an agri- cially in Delta County, death by her parents, Montrose, CO Louie Holveck; his grand- culture teacher at Grand knew her. But life was her spouses, one brothmother, Betty Dawson of Junction High School not easy and the family er, Wallace Leiper; two Cory; two grandchildren, which led to her being was split. Another mar- sons, Lyle Lee and Walraised on a turkey farm. riage to Leo Johnson on lace Edmund deGraffenThe farm was northeast April 10, 1956, added ried; and one daughter, and across Interstate two more children and Dee Anna (Kenner) Wil70 from where Book- again she had to lean stead. cliff Gardens sits now. on her artwork to proSurvivors include her So many memories were vide for these last two of brother, Hugh Leiper made there that later in her 10 children. Difficul- of Kent, Wash.; seven Community Christmas Memorial Service life June wrote a book, ties in life continued and children, James Larry Tuesday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m. “Bonnie Acres Turkey perhaps made her who deGraffenried (wife Farm.” The depression she was. She joined the Sue, deceased) of MilTaylor Funeral Service & Crematory hit and shattered their Church of Jesus Christ ford, Utah, Teddy Aaron 682 1725 Road, Delta, Colorado dreams and they lost of Latter-day Saints in deGraffenried (Pat) of Please join Taylor Funeral Service, in conjunction with Hospice the farm, and 12-year- 1962. Another, last, mar- Grand Junction, Ronold June and her family riage was to Walter Wil- ald Eldon deGraffenried & Palliative Care of Western Colorado, for a truly unique service moved to Cedaredge to liam Turetzky on Nov. (Hiedi) of Paonia, Donof remembrance and celebration of those loved ones we have lost. start over in a two-room 23, 1966. He remained ald Owen deGraffenried A special Christmas Tree will be decorated during the service to cabin with no running a dad and friend to the (Vera) of Crawford, Betty remember each of our loved ones. Special snowflake ornaments water. At 18 years old end of his life in June Lou Morgan (Mike) of will be provided, as well as special music, words of inspiration June married James 2012. Paonia, Delbert Lee and encouragement, and practical suggestions and strategies to June not only paint- Turetzky (Debbie) of Lionel deGraffenried on Dec. 28, 1936. June and ed beautiful things, she Springville, Utah, and help grieving people cope with the special challenges James “Hop” took over enjoyed the beauty of Murlynn Faye Jenks of the holiday season. the Cedaredge ranch and the earth and worked (Michael) of Grand JuncIf you are unable to attend the service, but would like your loved cabin and began their well into her late 80s tion; 26 grandchildren; one remembered, please stop by Taylor Funeral Service & own family, six boys just to make pretty flow- and 28 great-grandchilCrematory prior to December 11 to complete a card of and two girls. Somehow, ers and trees grow in her dren. remembrance. Your loved one’s name will be read during the between milking cows, yard. An old injury to Visitation and singservice. If you need transportation please call 874-9988. raising a garden, toting her back eventually put ing will be 6 to 7 p.m. firewood, helping with her into a bed that she Friday, Dec. 7, at Mesa farming and pumping never could stand and Funeral Services Chawell water to wash lots walk away from, and her pel, 2825 North Avenue of diapers, June made artistic right hand could in Grand Junction. The Funeral Service & Crematory Chalmer & Marge Swain time to let her desire no longer hold a brush memorial service will be Mesa View Cemetery for artwork come forth, or pen for her anymore. Saturday, Dec. 8, 10:30 “When You Need Us, We’ll Be Here.” usually after the kids It seemed as though her a.m. at the Church of 682 1725 Road were in bed. Paintings body had quit her, yet Jesus Christ of Latter105 S.E. Frontier, Suite F 209 Bridge St. 311 Grand Ave. Delta, CO 81416 Cedaredge, CO 81413 Hotchkiss, CO 81419 Paonia, CO 81428 were traded for lots of at 92 she didn’t quit. Day Saints, 511 Oak 874-9988 856-3232 872-3151 527-3836 874-8633 things and she learned With dimmed vision and Avenue in Paonia, folto hand-letter signs. She a trembling, untrained lowed by a graveside View our online obituaries eventually had over 50 left hand she began to service at Cedar Hill at oil paintings in 14 states paint while lying in her Cemetery in Paonia. and many folks, espe- bed. Over 30 left-handPaid obituary ley Pfifer; and a brother, Wendell Johnson. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice and Palliative Care of Western Colorado, P.O. Box 24, Delta, CO 81416. Arrangements were handled by Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

daughters, Helen Ayers of Olathe, Betty Call of Delta, Vesta Roland and spouse Gene of Morenci, Ariz; 101 grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great - great - grandchildren, in addition to three on the way. Arrangements were handled by Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Holiday closures listed

Holiday Remembrance Service & Open House

June Elizabeth (deGraffenried) Turetzky


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Middle schoolers spell S-U-C-C-E-S-S Twenty-three stu- Paonia Junior High, annual Delta County “Accomplishment”, dents from Delta Mid- and the Hotchkiss K-8 spelling bee, held at the “empirical” and “fantasdle, Cedaredge Middle, schools competed in the Delta Center Nov. 29. tically” are a sampling of the final-round words given to contestants. Three Delta Middle School spellers took top honors in the verbal bee. Lydia Stalcup won by correctly spelling “recy-

Photo submitted

From left, Delta Middle School students Kamryn Spiker, Amanda Kuta, Sami Wollert and Lydia Stalcup, and Cedaredge Middle School student Hannah Hathaway were the top spellers at the annual Delta County spelling bee. Stalcup and Wollert will represent Delta County in the annual Colorado State Spelling Bee March 15-16 in Denver.

clable,” Sami Wollert placed second, and Kamryn Spiker placed third. Stalcup and Wollert each received a shiny new Webster’s dictionary, and Stalcup received a gift certificate for a semester of an online foreign language course from Powerspeak. Wollert was awarded a gift certificate to Brittanica Winter Online for Kids. Both pickleball will represent Delta and DMS at the league offered County annual Colorado State Bill Heddles Recre- Spelling Bee, which will ation Center is offering a be held March 15-16 in winter pickleball league the Mile High Ballroom Wednesday mornings from 8 to 11 a.m. for all levels of play. The league begins in January and run six to eight weeks. The cost is only $10. Everyone will sign up as singles and be paired with a partner. For more information or to register, call Whitnee Lear at 874-0923 or email whitnee@cityofdelta. net.

at the Colorado Convention Center. Students competing in the verbal bee were selected from the top performers of the written tests, held throughout the district in early November. Wollert placed first on the written test, with DMS student Amanda Kuta placing second and Cedaredge Middle School’s Hannah Hathaway placing third. This year’s judges and word pronouncers included Mary Blake, Linda Campbell and Pauline Carr.

Open Sunday Noon-4 till Christmas


Carolee Burnett Carolee Burnett died Nov. 24, 2012, at Sunrise Homes in Delta. She was 83. Mrs. Burnett was born Nov. 16, 1929, to Onel and Mabel (Caddy) Hoch in Montrose. She attended Montrose public schools until the 10th grade and

graduated from high school in Del Norte. On Dec. 22, 1946, she married James Burnett in Del Norte. She worked for the U.S. government as a clerk and typist in the Department of Agriculture. She enjoyed her family, reading, puzzles, sewing, crocheting and knitting. Mrs. Burnett is survived by her son, Richard Burnett of Cedaredge; her daughter, Donna Keadle and spouse Scott of Eckert; five grandchildren, Capt. Jacob Dressel and spouse Chanda, Richard Burnett Jr. and spouse Laura, Joseph Dressel and spouse Lynda, Tammy Burnett, Robert Burnett and spouse Melissa; and seven greatgrandchildren, Alex Dres-

sel, Marissa (Nicki) Dressel, Eric Dressel, Nathaniel Mason, Seth Burnett, Ethan Dressel and Erica Dressel. Arrangements were handled by Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Jason Rhode Delta County resident Jason Laine Rhode died Nov. 30, 2012, at Delta County Memorial Hospital. He was 40. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Mr. Rhode is survived by his wife, Rachael Rhode of Cedaredge; his mother, Linda Rhode

of Delta; father- and mother-in-law Jerry and Barbara Harris of Cory; one son, Malaki Rhode of Cedaredge; and two brothers, Jayme Rhode of Grand Junction and Zane Rhode of Delta. He was preceded in death by his father, Gerald Rhode; and his grandparents. Memorial contributions may be made to the Jason Rhode Memorial Fund (a scholarship account for his son) at the SurfaceCreek Bank in Cedaredge. Arrangements are being handled by Taylor Funeral Service and Crematory. View the Internet obituary and sign the online guest registry at taylor

Hurry in — Apples are going fast. Get yours now for your holiday pies. Also jellies, jams, and syrups.

HI-QUALITY PACKING, INC. 215 Silver Street, Delta (near Confluence Park) 874-8342

Shopping Locally Pays! The Delta Chamber of Commerce and The City of Delta are kicking off The Secret Shopper campaign on National Small Business Saturday on November 24. Secret Shoppers will be out and about between Nov. 24 and Dec. 23 looking for shoppers to give away a total of $1800 to be spent locally. Be sure to wear your “I Shop Delta” button (which are free at the Delta Chamber office at 301 Main St.) Delta Area For more information

Chamber of Commerce

A10 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

Lincoln Elem. honor roll The following students were named to honor roll at Lincoln K-8 School for the first quarter of the 2012-2013 school year:

Photos submitted

Terrific Kids The following Garnet Mesa students earned a Terrific Kid Award from the Kiwanis Club of Delta for their efforts to be a responsible citizen and student. Above are kindergarten and first grade students Tyler Yost, Dillon Harmer, Rachel Young, Xavier Martinez, Morgan Farmer, Lillianna Anderson and C.J. Edmonds. Below are second and third graders Jerome Trujillo, Pearl Burruss, Tel Bullard, Soe Paw, Otto Fender, Alyssa Jones and Ezria Abeyta.

Third Grade All A’s Raylee Phillips Trista Saenz Honor Roll Marissa Abeyta Laisha Aleman Abigail Barber Faith Campbell Jillian Carlson Kenadee Curry Kelsey Esplin Taylor Ewing Jordan Fine Alexandra Gaona Sydney Gerle Markenzie Hawk Baili Hulet Ethan Kappel Ashton Koch Nicole Koch

Cameron Luna Denee McNamara Yaneli Meraz Alexis Munoz Devan Neil Kurtis Nethington Kirsten Robertson Benjamin Rodriguez Isabel Saenz Haley Sanders Daniel Weaver Fourth Grade All A’s Maden Branham Zachary Kuta Doyle Young Honor Roll Alexander Abila Lyzet Arteaga Elaine Cannon Yadira Cansigno

Cole Carmichael Bradyn Carver Melanny Castillo Eliza Cowley Autumn Eddy James Goff Elizabeth Hawkins Tayler Huntley Zoey Janssen Jada Lannon Cameron Lopez Emily McCracken Jacob Merriman Anthony Miller Jessica Minerich Eli Miramontes Alyssa Montoya Arianna Nelson Darcy Parker Taylor Reilly Christine Romero

Jose Salazar-Ramirez Riley Sanders Keslie Sandoval Jason Timbreza Hadyn Wilcox Fifth Grade All A’s Miriam Aleman Evelyn Castillo Jaren Reece Kaitlyn Sharpe Ashley Trevino Bethany Weaver Honor Roll Gabriela Cadena Keylee Esplin Abigail Esser Dakota Griffith Jacob Hanning Andrew Harris Jarett Hernandez

Aliesha Huyler Mairany Jaracuaro Bryce Jensen Bailey Johnson-Weiss Jack Jones Skyler Kraai Abigail Lock Conner Lugard Bladen McCormick Gadiel Mendoza-Leon Jade Oliver Laura Perez-Gomez Tenayah Pfifer Nadia Pina Fausto Alonso Saenz Jesus Saldivar Kendyll Siettmann Kendell Somers Karen Springer-Grover Adrianna Stowe Devan Timbreza

Delta Vision offers first college course BY DESTENI STACK AND CJ BRADDY Delta Vision Students


CALENDAR Thur., Dec. 6 Fri., Dec. 7

Sat., Dec. 8

Tues., Dec. 11 Wed., Dec. 12

Freshmen Basketball at Home vs. Palisade, 4:00 & 5:30 p.m. ASVAB Test, 8:00 a.m. at DHS; Girls Basketball at Fruita JV Tournament, 6:30 p.m. Basketball Tournament at Cedaredge; Swimming at CMU; V Wrestling at Delta Tournament; JV Wrestling at Rifle; Girls Basketball at Fruita JV Tournament, 11:00 a.m. JV Basketball at Home vs. Montrose, 4:00 & 5:30 p.m. Early Release; Freshmen Basketball at Home vs. Montrose, 4:00 & 5:30 p.m.

Sponsored By:

Pest Away Spraying 874-4841

‘Alive at 25’ course offered “Alive at 25,” a defensive driving course for drivers 15-24 years of age, will be offered at Bill Heddles Recreation Center Monday, Dec. 17, from 4:30 to 9 p.m. This class is taught by the Colorado State Patrol and focuses on awareness of typical driving hazards. Participants may take the test for a driving permit at age 15 1/2 or older. All registration and payment is done online at

“Public Health Entomology” is the study of insects and their affect on public health. This class, made up of students from the Vision Home & Community Program, is taught by an adjunct professor from Colorado Mesa University, Dr. Dick Nunamaker. He has been interested in bugs throughout his life, and now he wants to pass on his knowledge and passion to others. This topic truly relates to everyday life. People need to know when and how to protect themselves from the various diseases transmitted by insects. This class is about insects, and the diseases they can carry. Dr. Nunamaker wants to make people more aware of insect-borne diseases. Students also learn about the social life of insects. The class covers diseases in a variety of locations such as America, tropical and subtropical locations. Some of the illnesses presented are West Nile,

malaria, yellow fever and many more. This class also helps identify symptoms of the diseases. A student can earn three college credits through concurrent enrollment procedures. This is a highly advanced level class; even a freshman in college wouldn’t take this class. Why would one take this class, perhaps you may ask? Public health affects everyone and the way that Dr. Nunamaker structures the class, including movies, slides, lecture and discussion keeps everyone engaged while learning very technical information. Desteni Stack said, “The class is very interesting. We take notes and then look at pictures of the insects. It’s crazy how they grow into adults! I also had no idea how many insects live on our bodies. We have no idea, because they are so small our nervous system doesn’t know they are there. I really enjoy the class, especially with Dick for the instructor.” Camri Hulet explained,

McDonald’s Students of the Month We would like to congratulate the following students for their achievements!

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“Public Health Entomology is a very interesting class. It is fascinating learning about what insects cause which diseases.” Caeden Quist adds, “I like the class a lot, because I’m thinking about going into the medical field. I would like to know things about the insects, other arthropods and the diseases they transmit. It could really help me in the future. Dick is also a really good teacher. He teaches in a way that you can actually learn, and retain information he teaches in class.” This class helps people who are going into the medical field in the future. It helps nurses and doctors identify which symptoms are associated with a rash or a bug bite. It could even be something worse – an insect-borne disease. The learners taking this class, which occurs weekly on the Delta Vision school campus, are not only experiencing the expectations of a college class but are also learning valuable information about insects and their impact on public health.

Speech team places third The Delta High School speech team earned a third place sweepstakes trophy at the Fruita Monument Invitational Speech and Debate Tournament held Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. The trophy was awarded for the total points earned by the team members competing in debate, public speaking and interpretive events. In Congressional Debate, Ridge Green and Linh Nguyen were both awarded superior speaker honors in their Houses. Javier Romero and Haley Donathan were nominated for speaker honors, and Haley served as presiding officer in her chamber. Javier Romero posted a 2-1 record in LincolnDouglas debate for fifth placed in that event. Original oratory saw Cidney Fisk win first place honors and Linh Nguyen come in fourth. Delta produced a robust performance in the interpretive events with Ayasha Richards taking first place in poetry and Alysha Richards placing fourth. Drama saw Julie Cassel place fourth and Cruz Arias come in fifth, while Julie and her partner Arla Nelson also placed third in Duo. In humor, Ridge Green took third, while Javier Romero placed fifth and Nathanael Ballard came in sixth. The team will not compete again until after the holidays, though members will remain hard at work perfecting their pieces and preparing debate cases. The next competition will be at Palisade High School Jan. 11 and 12.

Delta County Independent


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Community Calendar Choir, orchestra combine talents December 5-24

THE LIVING FARM MARKET AND CAFE, PAONIA. OLD-FASHIONED COUNTRY CHRISTMAS BAZAAR — Wednesday-Monday, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. and Tuesday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Wednesday, December 5

TOASTMASTERS SPEECH CLUB MEETS, first and third Wednesdays of each month, 12:15 p.m., U.S. Forest Service, 2250 Highway 50, Delta. For more information, call Tom Condos, 874-6667 or PUBLIC MEETING for more information on the proposed BLM Feb. 2013 oil and gas lease sale, 6-8 p.m., Paonia Junior High School Gym, 846 Grand Avenue, Paonia.

Thursday, December 6

DEL-ROSE CHORUS SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL REHEARSES every Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Delta Methodist Church, corner of Meeker and 5th Street. For more information, call Leslie, 970-256-9763. BINGO, every Thursday, 7 p.m., Delta Elks Lodge, 563 Main Street. Open to the public. For more information, call 874-3624. BINGO, every Thursday, 6:50 p.m., American Legion of Paonia. Come early for hamburgers and hot dogs. This week progressive is 61 numbers for $678, blue is 54 numbers and orange is 50 numbers for $250. For more information, call 527-6252.

December 7-9

PAONIA PLAYERS PRESENT “IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE,” Paradise Theatre, Paonia. Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m. with 1 p.m. matinee on Saturday and Sunday. Opening $20, all other shows $15.

Friday, December 7

CONFLUENCE DRIVE GROUND-BREAKING CEREMONY, 11 a.m., Gunnison River Drive and Palmer streets. COOKIE WALK, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Fellowship Hall, Delta United Methodist Church, 477 Meeker Street, Delta. Cookies sold by the pound. Silent auction and craft sale also held. For more information, call 874-9501. HOLIDAY BOOK SALE, 1:30-5 p.m., Paonia Library Community Room.

Saturday, December 8

GINGERBREAD FESTIVAL, 12 noon-4 p.m., Blue Sage Center, Paonia. Holiday book sale, hayrides, gingerbread houses, professional photography and a cottage building workshop for kids. GINGERBREAD HOUSE CONTEST DISPLAY, 9-11 a.m., Bill Heddles Recreation Center, Delta. KIDS’ GARAGE SALE, 8:30-11:30 a.m., Bill Heddles Recreation Center, Delta. KIWANIS’ BREAKFAST WITH SANTA PANCAKE BREAKFAST, 8:3011 a.m., Bill Heddles Recreation Center, Delta. BOOK SIGNING FOR “NORTH FORK VALLEY” with authors Kathy Addams McKee and Claudia Sutliff King, 1:30 p.m., HotchkissCrawford Historical Museum, Second and Hotchkiss Avenue. HOLIDAY BOOK SALE, coloring contest and free hayrides to Homestead Market, Blue Sage Center Gingerland and Paonia Library, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Paonia Library Community Room.

Monday, December 10

DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP, 2nd Monday of each month, 2:30 p.m., classroom B, Delta County Memorial Hospital.

Tuesday, December 11

ADVENT CONCERT, 12:10-12:55 p.m., St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5th and Palmer streets, Delta. Today: Dr. Mary Kleinsorge, soloist with guitar. For more information, call St. Luke’s, 8749489 or Nyla, 874-9485. COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS MEMORIAL SERVICE, 7 p.m., Taylor Funeral Service, 682 1725 Road, Delta. For more information, call 874-8633.

Thursday, December 13

CHRISTMAS PARTY AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS WITH ROGERS MESA MODERN WOMANS CLUB, 2 p.m., Hotchkiss Community United Methodist Church. For more information, call Lou Ann, 872-4816. BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL BOARD MEETING, 6 p.m. policy review, 7 p.m. regular meeting, Delta Center for Performing Arts, 822 Grand Avenue, Delta.

Saturday, December 15

DELTA HUBWHEELER SQUARE DANCE CLUB MEETS, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln Elementary School, 1050 Hastings Street, Delta. Mainstream. Club caller is Larry Schulz. Cuer is Maxine Springer. Prerounds/instructions at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call 858-2352 or 257-7281. Christmas Dance. TRADITIONAL GERMAN CHRISTMAS MARKET, 3-8 p.m., The North Fork Lifestyle, downtown Hotchkiss. Hosted by Spirit Wind Horse Rescue. Proceeds will buy hay for rescued horses. SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Delta Center for Spiritual Living, 7th and Howard streets. Unique one-of-a-kind handcrafted items, also baked goods.

Tuesday, December 18

ADVENT CONCERT, 12:10-12:55 p.m., St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5th and Palmer streets, Delta. Today: Cedaredge United Methodist Church Choir. For more information, call St. Luke’s, 874-9489 or Nyla, 874-9485.

Wednesday, December 19

TOASTMASTERS SPEECH CLUB MEETS, first and third Wednesdays of each month, 12:15 p.m., U.S. Forest Service, 2250 Highway 50, Delta. For more information, call Tom Condos, 874-6667 or

Saturday, December 22

PEA GREEN SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERT, 7-9:30 p.m., Pea Green Community Center, crossroads of Highway 348 and Banner Road southwest of Delta. $5 at the door. Old-time, folk and bluegrass musical acts and entertainment. Tonight: The McCoys, Way Down Yonder and Stray Grass. Seating limited. Bring a snack to share if you want. For more information, call Len Willey, 874-8879.

Friday, December 28

BREAST AND WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP MEETING, 12 noon, brown bag lunch, Grand Mesa Cancer Infusion & Education Center, Delta County Memorial Hospital. For more information or a ride, call Dorthy, 872-3309 or Marie, 778-8146 by Thursday evening.

Valley Symphony Association is pleased to announce a special Christmas concert combining the talents of the 65-voice Valley Symphony Chorus under the direction of Lenore Hample and the Valley Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Mike Kern. The orchestra will be doing Stille Nacht (as performed by Mannheim Steamroller), Three Dances from the Nutcracker (Marche, Waltz of the Flowers, and Trepak), White Christmas, and Leroy Anderson’s Sleigh Ride. The chorus will perform Pergolesi’s Magnificat plus wonderful arrangements of popular Christmas carols and many other holiday favorites including I’ll Be Home for Christmas, Three Kings of Orient, Away In a Manger and All is Well. Plus there will be an audience Christmas carol sing-along (including a sing-along of the Hallelujah! chorus from Handel’s Messiah, so bring your music!), and much more. The first concert will be held Saturday, Dec. 8,

Concert features Christmas Old and New The Montrose Community Band will hold a free Christmas concert on Sunday, Dec. 16, at 3 p.m. at the Montrose Pavilion. The concert, entitled Christmas Old and New, features many classic Christmas favorites such as Sleigh Ride, the Ultimate Christmas Sing-ALong, and It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. The concert will also feature the Montrose Saxophonics with music that is sure to give the audience a bit of holiday cheer. For more information visit or call Tina Woodrum at (970) 596-1188.

Talented local dancers from Ouray County, Montrose, Silverton, Cedaredge and Telluride usher in the holiday season at the Montrose Pavilion on Dec. 7 and 8, in Weehawken Dance’s enchanting annual production of The Nutcracker. Under the artistic direction of Natasha Pyeatte, the show has become an eagerly-anticipated Christmas tradition in the region over the past six years. It presents highlights from Tchaikovsky’s traditional Christmas ballet, The Nutcracker Suite, and features about 115 dancers (ages 2.5 through adult), in a production that is as lavish as Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece, itself. From the Waltz of the Snowflakes to the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, every scene glitters with

Saturday, February 23

PEA GREEN SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERT, 7-9:30 p.m., Pea Green Community Center, crossroads of Highway 348 and Banner Road southwest of Delta. $5 at the door. Old-time, folk and bluegrass musical acts and entertainment. Seating limited. Bring a snack to share if you want. For more information, call Len Willey, 874-8879.

Saturday, March 23

PEA GREEN SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERT, 7-9:30 p.m., Pea Green Community Center, crossroads of Highway 348 and Banner Road southwest of Delta. $5 at the door. Old-time, folk and bluegrass musical acts and entertainment. Seating limited. Bring a snack to share if you want. For more information, call Len Willey, 874-8879.

Agency, Howard Davidson Insurance Agency and DeVinny Jewelers in Montrose. Tickets are also available at the Montrose Pavilion office by credit card, in person or by telephone (249-7015) and for purchase online at www. For concert information, call 209-2295 or visit

Holiday ball The Redlands Mesa Grange is pleased to present its annual Holiday Ball on Saturday, Dec. 15. The evening begins with a potluck dinner at 6 p.m. followed by dancing at 8 p.m. featuring the music of the Mike Gwinn trio. Admission is only $10 with proceeds supporting the grange. The Redlands Mesa Grange has been supporting community activities and an agrarian way of life for 60 years and can be found at the intersection of Redlands Mesa Road and 2800 Roads (27959 Redlands Mesa Road).

Dolce Voce brings festive songs of the season to life Dolce Voce, an eightmember a cappella vocal group from Ridgway and Montrose, will present a holiday concert entitled “White Christmas” at the Wright Opera House on Sunday, Dec. 9, at 2 p.m. They will be serving up heart-warming holiday ballads, Christmas movie

its own dreamy radiance, reflecting Pyeatte’s talent, vision, and boundless energy as a teacher and choreographer. This is the second year of offering the production at the Montrose Pavilion, after an incredible turnout of audiences in 2011. “We were thrilled with the experience last year at the Montrose Pavilion as it offered us an opportunity to house more dancers backstage, increase technical elements of the show and also increase the quality and quantity of stage pieces and props. These shifts make the production all that more enjoyable and enchanting for the audience,” said Ashley King, executive director of Weehawken Creative Arts. “In addition, we love the experience that the pavilion provides with a large stage and backstage which

City of Delta Activity Update

DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP, 2nd Monday of each month, 2:30 p.m., classroom B, Delta County Memorial Hospital.

PEA GREEN SATURDAY NIGHT CONCERT, 7-9:30 p.m., Pea Green Community Center, crossroads of Highway 348 and Banner Road southwest of Delta. $5 at the door. Old-time, folk and bluegrass musical acts and entertainment. Seating limited. Bring a snack to share if you want. For more information, call Len Willey, 874-8879.

by Candlelight concert will be Sunday, Dec. 9, at 3 p.m. at the Montrose Pavilion auditorium. Tickets are $20 for adults and seniors and $5 for students 17 and under. Because this is a popular holiday concert, advance ticket purchases are encouraged. Tickets are available at Clubb’s in Delta, Homer L. Sims

classics, and carols from British, Appalachian, and Native American traditions, in an afternoon of yuletide music you won’t hear anywhere else — including White Christmas, Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, I Wonder as I Wander, Rise Up Shepherd, The Huron

Carol, I’ll Be Home for Christmas, a haunting O Magnum Mysterium, and their famous, cheeky version of Jingle Bells.

Join these eight vocal artists as they bring both hallowed and festive songs of the season to life with their characteristic warmth, clarity, and luscious vocal blend. Tickets are just $10 for adults and $5 for children, and are available at Buckskin Booksellers and Cimarron Books or at the door. The concert is sponsored by Ouray County Perserves to inspire young forming Arts. dancers who get to actually watch as their older peers perform on stage. It’s a great compliment to the very special and intimate shows we do at the Wright Opera House in Ouray each semester.” Performances of The Nutcracker are to be held at the Montrose Pavilion on Dec. 7 at 6 p.m. and Dec. 8 at 2 p.m. Tickets Dr. Mary Kleinsorge are on sale now at www. will sing and play guitar and at St. Luke’s Episcopal many local outlets. Gen- Church, 5th and Palmer eral admission tickets in Delta, Tuesday, Dec. are $15 for adults, $10 for 11, from 12:10 p.m. to seniors at the Saturday 12:55 p.m. Spend your matinee (65+) and $8 for lunch hour enjoying this children 12 and under. In special holiday perforaddition, reserved section mance by a talented singseating is available (rows er and songwriter. 1-6) through Weehawken These advent miniCreative Arts in the price concerts will continue range of $22-$25. Patrons each week on Tuesdays can access these reserved at noon through Dec. section seats through 18, when the choir from Weehawken only at www. Cedaredge United or by odist Church will percalling (970) 318-0150. form.

Beloved ballet features talented local dancers

Monday, January 14

Saturday, January 26

at 7:30 p.m. at the Delta Performing Arts Center. Intermission refreshments at the Delta concert will be provided as a fundraiser for Valley Youth Orchestra. Donations for intermission refreshments will help support young musicians in our area with their season of music. The second Christmas

• TAE KWON DO - ongoing classes are held Tuesday and Thursday from 6:45-8:00 p.m. • HEALTHY BODY STRONG BONES - Adult Fitness Class on Tuesday/ Thursday 9:00-10:00 a.m. • HATHA YOGA - On Wednesdays from 5:00-6:15 p.m. Drop-in fee. • TAI CHI/QIGONG FOR HEALTH AND LONGEVITY - On Mondays at 7:00 p.m. Pay monthly or drop-in rate. • GET STARTED AND STAY COMMITTED - (4) one hour personal training sessions to get you started on your workout routine. • BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE LINE DANCING - On Tuesdays from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Pay by the month. • K-2ND GRADE BASKETBALL - Register now until December 2. Learn the fundamentals on Saturday mornings starting in January. • HOLIDAY HOOPS 3-ON-3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT - Register your teams for this fun event held on Saturday, December 22 starting at 8:00 a.m.

• KIDS GARAGE SALE - Have your kids earn extra Christmas Money — Reserve your spot for Saturday, December 8 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. Call the Rec Center to pre-register. No clothes or food items allowed in garage sale. Come shop! • PICKLE BALL DROP IN - Drop-in times Mon./Wed. 8:00-10:00 a.m. May be inside or outside depending on weather or activities! • ADULT SOCCER LEAGUE - The City of Delta is looking for teams to play in Adult Soccer League that would start in March. Please contact the Sports Coordinator if you are interested in this league forming! • BREAKFAST WITH SANTA - Back again this year on Saturday, December 8 at BHRC. From 8:30-11 a.m. kids 12 and under eat free. Sponsored by Delta Kiwanis Club. Bring your camera for photos with Santa. • GINGERBREAD HOUSE CONTEST - 1st Annual Gingerbread House Contest in youth and adult categories. Register in advance and

Advent music series continues

creations will be on display Sat., December 8 and judged during Breakfast with Santa. KIDS FUN AND FIT DAY - Boys and girls 7-12 come join in on Thursday, December 27 from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Register by noon on Monday, Dec. 24. DENVER NUGGETS BASKETBALL SKILLS CHALLENGE - For boys and girls ages 7-14 (age as of April 30, 2013) on Wed., January 2. Register by 9:30 a.m. PROTECTOR’S RACQUETBALL TOURNAMENT - Tournament for police, firemen, military (active or retired) on January 4-6. Deadline to register December 30. 2013 WINTER PICKLE BALL LEAGUE - League starts on Wednesday morning 8:00 a.m. January 9. Register in advance. PERSONAL TRAINING SPECIAL - 5 (1) hour sessions with a personal trainer. They are on sale until December 31. Makes a great gift for someone special! COMMUNITY CPR/FIRST AID Saturday, January 19 from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Please register by January 11 for this class. STOCKING STUFFER SPECIAL Buy a 20-punch card and receive 5 punches free! Sale is on November 23-December 31. Ask for all the details from the Rec. Center front desk!

• HOOPS HEAVEN - A variety of basketball contests for grades 3-8 on Thursday, January 3 starting at 8:00 a.m. • WINTER DANCE CLASSES - Dance classes with Linda Dysart start the week of January 15. Classes for all ages, pre-school through high school! • REGISTRATION FOR PRIVATE/ SEMI-PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS Register until January 7 for lessons that will be scheduled January 14March 1.


KIDS GARAGE SALE Saturday, Dec. 8 starting at 8:30 a.m. Call the Rec Center for details Call the Bill Heddles Recreation Center and Cultural Dept. for more information on any of these classes and registration - 874-0923.

A12 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent


...a Kiwanis Club fundraiser

Saturday, Dec. 8 8:30-11:00 a.m. Bill Heddles Recreation Center 12 & Under - Free 13 and over - $300

Camera Bring a anta! S h t i w s o for Phot

• Crafts Projects • Shop the Kids’ Garage Sale • View the Gingerbread House Contest Entries

The Delta County Independent publishes engagements, anniversaries and wedding stories free of charge.

Delta Hardware is your One-Stop Shop for Christmas Decorating! Endura Right 3-Piece

STAKE LIGHTS • 30” Tall • Has one set cool white twinkle LED lights, 20 LED bulbs and 60-count LED lights with random twinkle lights #9236738


7’ Tall, 48” diameter 400 multi-colored lights Pre-shaped at factory Outer branches made with stainless steel memory wire • Ready to decorate in minutes • Springs back into shape out of the box year after year #9203340

Helping the homeless To raise awareness of the homeless, Delta Vision learners came up with a community service project called Night in the Box. Learners got businesses and individuals to sponsor them, with the proceeds going to Haven House. About 12 middle and high school students participated. After a hot bowl of soup, they climbed into their boxes for a chilly sleep-out.

Ace Hardware ‘lights up’ lives of kids with cancer For the fifth consecutive year, Ace Hardware stores across Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico are accepting extension cords and strands of holiday lights for recycling to benefit Lights For Life. Lights For Life is a nonprofit organization that strives to make life easier for kids with cancer and their families. Delta Ace Hardware stores will accept light strands and extension cords through Feb. 15. Lights For Life sells the donated light strands and extension cords to a recycling company for the copper and PVC they contain. The money raised is used to help children with cancer and their families cover the cost of medical bills and other expenses not covered by insurance, as well as to fund kids’ camps and childhood cancer research.

Last year, Ace Hardware customers across the three states donated more than 30,000 pounds of holiday lights to the campaign, raising nearly $14,000 for families of children diagnosed with cancer. This brings the total amount of lights donated by local Ace customers since 2008 to more than 100,000 pounds, raising nearly $50,000. “Every year there are more options for decorating with energy efficient, longer-lasting LED light strands, and every year more shoppers are making the switch from traditional incandescent holiday lights to LED lights,” said Clark Evans, manager of Orchards Ace Hardware in Loveland. “This program gives Ace Hardware shoppers a way to keep old and broken light strands out of the landfill and put them to good use

helping local families.” According to Consumer Reports, a typical homeowner spends approximately $11 in energy costs to burn 50 feet of traditional lights for 300 hours, while the same use of LED lights costs less than 15 cents. LED lights are also more durable than incandescent lights, often lasting as much as 10 times longer than traditional lights, and because LED lights burn cooler they are safer to use and reduce the risk of fire. The holiday light recycling program adds to the growing list of recycling programs offered by area Ace Hardware stores. Many Ace Hardware stores also accept used compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), mercurycontaining thermostats, used cell phones and rechargeable batteries for recycling.



Photo by Pat Sunderland

Sun Hill

CHRISTMAS PLANT STAND • 34” Tall • Assorted Two Styles: Snowman and Santa poinsettia plant stand • Folds for easy storage




Mr. Christmas Magic Wand


Lemax S & R Hardware

• Approximately 6 1/4” Tall • Tap the Magic Wand and the scene comes to life with lights, music and animation • White and color changing LED lights • Plays 15 Christmas carols • Battery operated

PORCELAIN BUILDING • Approximately 9” Tall • Includes bulb with 6 ft. cord #9203654



RESIN VILLAGE SCENE • LED lights • Animation #211393


VILLAGE NATIVITY PORCELAIN ACCESSORY • Set of eight village nativity figurines • Approximately 9” tall #9203803




and... DON’T FORGET THE LIGHT KEEPER #9203803 Fixes most Light sets with a squeeze of the trigger #9237322 LED light set repair tool

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NORTH FORK December 5, 2012




Help make a difference as a Tuesday Tutor Volunteers are asked to sign up by Dec. 10 to help Hotchkiss students

Volunteers from the community could make a big difference to elementary students in Hotchkiss by becoming part of the Tuesday Tutors program starting at Hotchkiss K8. Tuesday Tutors is a program designed to recruit community members who will volunteer their time to help elementary students at Hotchkiss K-8 School become better readers, writers and mathematicians. A grant from the Arch Coal Company has helped to make this program possible. Volunteers in the Tuesday Tutors program will meet oneon-one with an elementary school student for a one-hour session one time a week. A teacher-designed program of reading and/or math will be provided for the tutor to use with the student. These sessions will take place after school hours, from 3:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays starting in late January, 2013. All sessions will be at Hotchkiss K-8 School in the Discovery Center. Fourth grade teachers Kathryn

Oxford or Karla Nolte will be present to assist any tutors with questions or concerns during the tutoring session. We ask for a commitment of eight weeks in the Tuesday Tutors program. Of course, you are welcome to continue volunteering in our school after the eight weeks. Community members who are interested in being involved in this program should fill out the Tuesday Tutors Volunteer Information form. They must also submit a volunteer request form by Dec. 10. The Delta County School District Board will review and approve applicants at their December board meeting. Please leave completed forms at the office of HK-8 School. An orientation session for approved tutors will be held on Monday, Jan. 14, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at HK-8 School. Dinner will be served, and coordinators will provide more details on possible dates and times for tutoring sessions. Oxford and Nolte said, “Please consider joining us in the Tuesday Tutors program. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.” Those interested in the program may contact either teacher by calling the school at 872-3325, or e-mail them at or

New parking regs should help businesses BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

The Hotchkiss Town Council approved an ordinance amending the zoning code for the C-2 Mixed Use district. The ordinance, which was unanimously passed on Nov. 8, allows new uses within existing structures to provide only one-half of the off-street parking previously required. The ordinance is seen as a way to better encourage new businesses to locate in the core downtown area. In current zoning code, Appendix A requires specific numbers of off-street parking spaces depending upon the

use. Now, if a new use is established within an existing structure on real property along Bridge Street from Third Street to Fifth Street and from Oak Street to Pinon Street, the requirement for off-street parking spaces is cut in half. Town attorney Jim Briscoe thanked Tom Wills for his draft of the ordinance. Wills said he noticed how the ordinance was working and saw a way to update it so it would work better. The council members had just received a draft ordiHOTCHKISS COUNCIL TO B2

Photo by Kathy Browning

Hazy day of winter Clouds, haze, shadows and just a dusting of snow dominate the view towards Crawford late in November.

Crawford council opposes retail pot BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

The Nov. 7 Crawford Town Council meeting was recessed rather than adjourned so that the council could take action on Colorado’s voters approval of Amendment 64, which legalized recreational marijuana. The Town of Crawford banned by ordinance and through a subsequent municipal election this past April any commercial medical marijuana establishments. The April vote was 57 for prohibition and 45 opposed. At the Nov. 6 general election, those who voted in the Crawford precinct which includes in-town voters and out-of-town registered voters, those in favor of approving Amendment 64 won by one vote. The Crawford precinct vote was 369 in favor and 368 opposed. The council considered whether to repeal the medical marijuana prohibition which was requested by Jay Zieglar, who, while it was still legal in Crawford, had sold medical marijuana. The council quickly set aside that request. Next they considered whether they should enact a moratorium until the general election in 2014 or pass an

ordinance to ban commercial recreational marijuana establishments or, finally, to do nothing and see if the federal government steps in and tells the State of Colorado it can’t make marijuana legal while it remains a federal offense. Hetty Todd and Wanda Gofforth immediately called for an ordinance similar to the town’s medical marijuana ordinance. James Sorensen suggested waiting until the general election in 2014. He wanted the council to proceed carefully and think about the ordinance language. Mike Tiedeman was for an ordinance prohibiting com-

mercial marijuana. Christie Young said she was not opposed to an ordinance but was thinking of waiting until the election. She was worried about the message to young people by legalizing marijuana. The council unanimously approved having the town attorney draft an ordinance prohibiting commercial marijuana businesses within town limits. The next town council meeting is Wednesday, Dec. 5, at 7 p.m. If the council approves the language of the ordinance, there will be a public hearing probably in January.

Chamber gives funds to improve downtown Hotchkiss The Hotchkiss Chamber of Commerce Board approved on Nov. 27 a motion to provide up to $2,000 on the Hotchkiss Downtown Improvement Project during 2013. The Town of Hotchkiss is also proposing to spend $2,800 in 2013.

According to Tom Wills of the chamber, the funding should “add up to 10 new planters and planter bench combinations built from locally produced mine timbers and assembled with mine roof bolts donated by Mountain Coal/West Elk Mine.”

Dec. 6 is National Miners Day BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

In November of 2009, resolutions were introduced in both the U.S. House and Senate to declare Dec. 6 as National Miners Day. Sen. Harry Reid introduced Senate Resolution 337 on behalf of Sen. Robert Byrd and himself. Rep. Nick Rahall introduced the resolution in the House. Both passed with bipartisan support. Dec. 6, 2009, was the first time National Miners Day was celebrated. National Miners Day was established to “celebrate and honor the contributions of miners and encouraging the people of the United States to participate in local and national activities celebrating and honoring the contributions of miners.” Both resolutions note that miners “daily risk life and limb in their labors;” that “the foundations of civilization are constructed from, advanced by, and sustained with, the materials procured with miner’s sweat and blood;” that miners “have labored long and hard over our country’s existence to make it the economically strong, military secure Nation that it is today.” The date Dec. 6 was chosen because of a mining tragedy that took place in Monongah, W. Va. on that day in 1907.

It was the “greatest loss of lives in American industrial history.” From that tragedy, there developed a national effort to ensure the safety and health of miners that continues to this day. Mining in Colorado began in 1859 with the discovery of gold. Ira Q. Sanborn was the geologist who discovered coal in 1883 near what would become Somerset. Somerset took its name from a mining town in England, Somersetshire. Among the mines in Somerset were the Somerset Mine owned by Utah Fuel Company, Bear Coal Mine, Hawk’s Nest and Oliver Mine. Bowie was named after Alexander Bowie who became the general manager of the Juanita Coal and Coke Company in 1906. Today, Bowie Resources, Oxbow’s Elk Creek Mine and Mountain Coal’s West Elk Mine continue to supply coal to the nation. Oxbow is doing exploratory drilling for a possible future mine on Oak Mesa in Delta County. According to the Colorado Mining Association, the state’s mining industry accounts for over $3 billion is annual sales and over $8 billion in total economic value. Of that, MINERS DAY TO B2

Photo from the Bowie Collection

The Juanita Coal and Coke Company was incorporated in 1902 in Pueblo. The mine was six miles east of Paonia. In 1906, Alexander Bowie was hired as general manager. A post office was named Bowie after the first two names, Reading and Juanita, were rejected. A new portal began, and the first coal was delivered to the tipple in 1907. Reprinted with permission from North Fork Valley by Kathy Addams McKee and Claudia Sutliff King. Available locally from the Hotchkiss-Crawford Historical Museum and from the publisher online at or by calling 888-313-2665.

B2 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

Hotchkiss council FROM PAGE B1 nance covering sidewalks in November. The sidewalk ordinance amendment will be discussed at the Dec. 13 town council meeting. The proposed draft ordinance would replace sections of the town code concerning the responsibility of the property owner regarding construction and maintenance of sidewalks within town limits, including the construction of new sidewalks. It would also cover commercial use of sidewalks within town limits and establishing procedures and policies for repair and replacement of existing sidewalks and constructing new sidewalks where none exist. The draft ordinance states that the Hotchkiss Planning Commission and the Hotchkiss Board of Trustees believe the current sidewalk ordinance

needs to be updated, amended and expanded. The trustees believe a reasonable use of C-1 Zone sidewalks by adjacent retail merchants without fee or permit is a Hotchkiss tradition and a benefit to the town and those businesses. Therefore, merchants in C-1 who use their adjacent sidewalk are exempt from the permit and license fee. Any other obstruction of streets or sidewalks for commercial use will require a permit from the town clerk and payment of a license fee. Regarding construction and repair of sidewalks by property owners and the town upon town rightof-ways, “it is the obligation of every owner of real property within the town to maintain any existing sidewalk abutting such real property in a safe and useful condition as proscribed by the town.” For new residential or business construction, any new sidewalks or replacement sidewalks will be done at the expense of the property owner or developer. The town may allow funds to be placed in an escrow account for future sidewalk construction. When the town determines needed repairs or replacement of existing sub-standard sidewalks, “the abutting property

owner(s) shall be liable for one-half of the total costs of such repair or replacement or new construction unless the repair is of a section of less that twenty-five (25) feet in which case the property owner is liable for the full costs incurred by the Town.” The property owners are to be notified by certified mail of the upcoming project “as far in advance as is practical with ninety (90) days being the minimum.” Property owners are responsible for submitting full payment for their allotted share within 30 days after receiving a bill from the town. Failure to pay the full billed amount within 30 days shall result in additional monthly fees being charged for a period of two years. Any balance still due may result in a lien being placed on the property by the Delta County Treasurer. The complete draft ordinance is available at town hall for those citizens wishing to read the ordinance for themselves. The next Hotchkiss Town Council meeting is Thursday, Dec. 13. It begins at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited. At that meeting the council will also vote on the 2013 budget. Copies of the proposed budget are also available at town hall.

CAWS silent auction is Sunday Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter (CAWS) is hosting a Winter Silent Auction at Memorial Hall in Hotchkiss on Sunday, Dec. 9, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Proceeds will go to CAWS and CAWS Adoption Center, dedicated to helping local dogs and cats find their forever homes.

The auction will have new household merchandise from a major highend department store. Browse, place a bid or buy immediately. There will be free cider and baked goods for all bidders. Memorial Hall is located at 175 North First Street, adjacent to the Hotchkiss Public Library.

Photo from the Bowie Collection

The cars that transported coal from the mine were higher on the front end so coal would not spill out going down the incline. As the car approached the bottom, coal was weighed at the tipple, dumped into a storage hopper, screened, and loaded into railroad cars. Mine cars were also used to haul the miners up to the mine. Going down, they utilized a device called a boat, consisting of wood with one side grooved the full length to fit on the rail, a metal plate curved up on the front, and a rubber air hose squeezed on the back for a brake. The miner would sit cross-legged and use his left hand to squeeze the brake and his right hand to hold a piece of coal for balance. Reprinted with permission from North Fork Valley by Kathy Addams McKee and Claudia Sutliff King. Available locally from the HotchkissCrawford Historical Museum and from the publisher online at or by calling 888-313-2665.

Miners Day FROM PAGE B1 coal generates $888 million; gold, molybdenum and silver $1.5 billion; and gypsum, sand/gravel and other minerals $654 million. Colorado ranks eighth among the states who are involved in coal production. The total mining industry in Colorado directly employs 5,000 and indirectly another 5,162 workers. Locally, the coal mines employ approximately 1,000 workers and many more in related businesses. West Elk Mine has received a number of safety awards from 2009 to 2011. They have 1,722 acres of federal coal leases and produced 5.9 million tons of coal in 2011.

Bowie Resources has the only mine currently in operation in Delta County. As of Oct. 21, Bowie’s raw coal production was 3,434,287 tons, with total shipments of 2,988,549 tons. According to Oxbow Mining, Elk Creek Mine produces five million tons of coal annually. Elk Creek is expected to produce more than 60 million tons of coal over the next 10 years. If Elk Creek continues at its production pace, it will be one of the top five producing underground coal mines in the country. The public is invited to attend a book signing event this Saturday, Dec. 8, at 1:30 p.m. at the Hotchkiss-Crawford His-

torical Museum. Local authors and historians, Kathy Addams McKee and Claudia Sutliff King will be speaking about their just released book, “North Fork Valley,” which covers the history of the area including the mining history of Bowie and Somerset. The book, which features many inside stories, facts and photographs of early mining in the North Fork, will be available for purchase at the museum. “North Fork Valley” is part of the Images of America series by Arcadia Publishing. This event is one way to learn more about the importance of mining in the North Fork Valley from its earliest days.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Paonia council prepares letter to BLM BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

Paonia town trustees expressed concern over the Bureau of Land Management’s decision to put 20,555 acres of public lands up for bid at its Feb. 14, 2013, oil and gas lease sale. Last April, the BLM announced that it would defer the sale of all 22 parcels and 30,000 acres of land located in and around the North Fork Valley from its August 2012 lease sale after receiving more than 3,000 letters expressing concern and opposition. The BLM is also in the process of updating its 25-year-old resource management plan (RMP)

for the area. The existing plan does not include the subject of oil and gas. The BLM is expected to release a draft RMP after the February sale. “It’s not like we’re saying no,” said trustee Eric Goold. “We’re just saying wait. (The BLM is) not even waiting for the (resource management) plan to come out, they’re not waiting on a final version. They’re not waiting on any version.” The previous trustees submitted a letter to the BLM regarding the original lease sale, noted Neal Schwieterman. At the meeting, trustees asked the town to draft a protest letter prior to the Dec. 11 meeting, since

Spirit Wind Horse Rescue hosts Christmas market Spirit Wind Horse Rescue invites you on a unique adventure while enjoying the experience of an old-world Christmas, filled with the charm of a story book and based on the traditional Christmas markets in Germany. With tempting aromas, a festive glow, all the wonderful sounds of the season and delicious Christmas treats, Spirit Wind Horse Rescue’s Christmas market

will appeal to every one of your senses. Find festive baked treats, jars of preserves for all of your tastes, fun gifts and stocking stuffers. Have a taste of mulled wine, warm ciders and cocoa, with and without a kick. Come join Spirit Wind Horse Rescue Saturday, Dec. 15, from 3-8 p.m. at The North Fork Lifestyle in Hotchkiss. All proceeds will be spent on hay for horses.

the protest period closes on Dec. 17. The existing proposal is a scaled-down version of the original proposal and does not include land located in the town’s municipal watershed. Those parcels were “wholly taken off,” said Schwieterman. But other parcels of note that remain in the sale include recreational lands and lands located within local watersheds. Trustees discussed which issues should be included in the protest letter. Trustee Brian Ayers asked if the method of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking itself, should be addressed in the letter and asked if there were issues directly related to fracking that should be addressed. If nothing goes wrong, it’s safe, said Sarah Sauter, executive director for the NFRIA-WSERC Conservation Center, who fielded questions about the proposed sale. While the industry states that fracking fluids used in the process are injected to levels deep enough that they will never contaminate well or surface waters, “We don’t really know that. There’s no geologist that will say, ‘Oh, you won’t see this percolating through the soil.’ ” But the biggest

problems are likely to occur if trucks were to overturn and spill within the town or a watershed, said Sauter. The result would be contaminated wells, creeks and irrigation ditches. Of the remaining parcels, nine encroach on the town’s designated watershed protection area, as defined in the town’s 2003 watershed ordinance. Those areas are shown on the watershed protection area map, which is an appendix to the ordinance. In 2011 the town filed a source-water protection plan. Trustee Amber Kleinman noted that just having the leases up for bid threatens land values in the area. “It makes for uncertainty for those thinking about moving here,” said Kleinman, and that will weaken the economy. Other suggestions for the draft letter include: • Heavy truck traffic — since Black Bridge Road is not a viable truck route, trucks would be routed through the existing town truck route and on to 2nd Street; • Air quality; • Protection of unique farm and ranch lands and the area’s many organic

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Photo submitted

Here was the scene last year as kids were picked up at the Blue Sage Gingerland event. Driver Todd Harding took the kids on a hayride to the Paonia Library for more fun activities.

Enjoy holiday book sale, hayrides this weekend The Friends of Paonia Library will hold their annual holiday book sales on Friday afternoon, Dec. 7, from 1:30 to 5 p.m. and on Saturday, Dec. 8, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Paonia Library Community Room. On Saturday only, there will be a horsedrawn hayride, sponsored by the Homestead Market on Grand Avenue, to the Paonia Library on Third Street and back. Pickup for the hayride will begin in front of the Homestead at 10:30 a.m. and the ride will end at approximately 1:30 p.m.

Riders will be able to get off at the Blue Sage Center Gingerland after its noon opening. Santa will arrive at the Blue Sage at 1 p.m. The Homestead will be hosting its annual holiday open house with local food and drink samples for everyone. A kid’s coloring contest will be held for three age groups — three to six years, seven through nine years and 10 through 12 years. The winners will receive a new book of their choice from the library catalog up to a $25 value.

Coloring contest entry forms may be picked up at the Paonia Library front desk, the Blue Sage Center and the Homestead Market, from Dec. 1-8. Entries must be in by 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8. Kids can color while parents shop. Winners will be announced Monday, Dec. 10. Free hot coffee, cocoa, cider and cookies will be part of the Saturday holiday fun for all book shoppers at the library. Stock up on “gently used” best sellers for gifts, or bring a bag to fill up for your winter reading.

farms; • Loss of wildlife habitat; • Loss of recreation areas; and • Lack of availability of water for use in the fracking process. Most of these issues were addressed in the original letter, said Schwieterman, who invited trustees and the public to contact the town with additional concerns.

That the BLM hasn’t even completed its own draft RMP or gotten into the specifics of the sale is going against the bureau’s own policies, noted one citizen. “To me, that’s just the cart before the horse,” said trustee Ross King. “It seems to me that this town ought to be on record to object that they’re going against their own process.”

Hotchkiss Paranormal Investigators Presents a LIVE Presentation

December 14 •7:00 p.m. at Hotchkiss Memorial Hall

Includes: A Reveal of Cripple Creek Outlaws and Lawmen Jail Part II $3 each at the door Drinks & Treats Available H.P.I. Shirts ~ $10 each Hotchkiss Paranormal Investigators 196 Hwy 133 • Hotchkiss

(970) 872-4426


B4 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

North Fork’s Learners of the Month recognized North Fork Vision is Michelsen as Learners of What does Emma proud to recognize Emma the Month. Stedman do that is differStedman and Rowen Emma Stedman ent from other students in Delta County? Well, her list is long. Emma is a senior in the Vision Home and Community Program in Paonia. She has a full-time job at the Flying Fork, lives on her own and is currently taking five classes through Vision. She also teaches three youth dance classes at the Blue Sage in Paonia and is a member of Student Council. Emma has been in the Vision program for eight years. She has always had a passion for dance and two years ago decided to pursue going to a performance arts college prep school called the Idyllwild Arts Academy in California. Emma was accepted into the dance department where she had four hours in preparatory college classes and 4 1/2 hours of dance five days a week. “The classes were intense and I studied ballet, point, jazz, tap and modern dance,” Emma said. She is currently taking her senior seminar class and plans to present her own cho-

Hotchkiss High School Activities

Thur., Dec. 6 Fri., Dec. 7 Sat., Dec. 8

Mon., Dec. 10 Tues., Dec. 11 Wed., Dec. 12

Basketball, Home vs. Gunnison, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 p.m. Basketball at Vail Christian, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 p.m. (C) Team Basketball at Delta County Tournament, TBA: Delta Invitational Wrestling, TBA; JV Invitational Wrestling at Rifle, TBA. (C) Team Basketball vs. Olathe, TBA. Basketball vs. Ridgway, 4:00, 5:15, 6:30 p.m. FFA District Speaking Competition, 3:00 p.m.

Sponsored By:

Offices in Hotchkiss, Paonia, Crawford, Delta, Westcliffe and Fountain

Paonia High School Activities Thur., Dec. 6 Dec. 6-8 Fri., Dec. 7

All State Band Auditions at Montrose, 10:00 a.m. V Girls Basketball at Holy Family Tournament, TBA. Boys Basketball vs. Grand Valley, JV at 5:30 p.m.; V at 7:00 p.m.; Wrestling at Olathe, JV at 6:00 p.m., V at 7:00 p.m. ACT National Date, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon; JV Wrestling at Rifle, All Day; Wrestling at Delta Invitational, All Day; (C) Basketball Boys Tourney at Cedaredge, TBA; Girls Tourney at Olathe, TBA. (C) Girls Basketball vs. Hotchkiss, 4:00 p.m. Basketball vs. Olathe, JV Girls & JV Boys, 4:00 p.m., V Girls at 5:30 p.m., V Boys at 7:00 p.m. Early Release Day; Auditions for Spring Play, 12:30 p.m.; Wounded Warrior Dodgeball Charity, 7:00 p.m.

Sat., Dec. 8

Mon., Dec. 10 Tues., Dec. 11 Wed., Dec. 12

Sponsored By: 133 Grand Avenue Paonia, CO 81428 (970) 527-4141 150 Gunnison River Drive Delta, CO 81416 (970) 874-0100

Emma Stedman reographic piece at the senior showcase in the spring. “I wanted to bring dance back to our community and give back to the kids. I was fortunate to have a lot of support but especially from the Cocker Kids’ Foundation. They helped me with several of my dance camps when I was little and also helped me with my scholarship to Idyllwild Arts Academy. They have been really helpful with my dreams and that has meant so much to me.” Next year Emma would like to take a year and travel in a work program which would allow her to experience and

capture dance in different cultures with film and photography. Then she would like to pursue a college degree in dance. She is also thinking about a degree in early childhood psychology. “Kids really inspire me in my life,” she said. Her long-term goal is to start a non-profit performing arts center for teens. Emma is the daughter of Christy Toohey and Greg Stedman. Rowan Michelsen Rowan Michelson, 15, is a sophomore this year. He was nominated by his environmental science teacher, Christi Gubser. She stated, “Rowan is engaged in class, brings multiple perspectives and truly cares about the topics being discussed. He is growing into his skin, being himself, finding his own character and being a leader with his peers. Rowan brings a good attitude and a desire to learn and cares about others.” Rowan commented, “I have an overall better attitude about school. I am improving my writing skills because writing has become more impor-

Rowan Michelsen tant to me. I am working on my grammar and penmanship and just writing more. My attendance has improved greatly from last year. School is not fun if you are not enjoying it. I realize I need to do the work and not complain. Doing something, rather than nothing, is good work.” Rowan loves snowboarding and long boarding. He has been snowboarding since he was 9. Rowan would like to pursue being a theater director and producing plays. This is Rowan’s second year as a North Fork Vision student. He is the son of Alicia and Matt Michelson.

Paonia Garden Club begins its 63rd year The Paonia Garden Club is starting its 63rd year as a garden club. From September to June, club members meet the first Thursday of every month in different members’ homes. The 18 members come from the mesas surrounding Paonia as well as Bowie and Hotchkiss. There’s always room for a few more members. Call president Barbara Haddan at 527-4441 for more information. Members are not all master gardeners; they just share a love of all kinds of gardening. Roll call is a time for asking questions about a problem or giving a helpful hint on a gardening topic. The president’s theme this year is seeds. She offered this thought: “The heart is a garden where thought flowers grow. The thoughts that we think are the seeds that we sow; each kind loving thought bears a kind loving deed, while a thought that is selfish is just like a weed. “We must watch what

we think the live-long day and pull out the weed thoughts and throw them away. Plant loving seed thoughts so thick in a row there will be no room for weed thoughts to grow.” (Author unknown) Some of the programs for the year are: Seeds of Caution, Poisonous Plants; Seeds of Beauty, Orchards; and Seeds of Health. Monthly reports are given on birds, flowers, trees and vegetables. With the help of their husbands, members of the Paonia Garden Club at one time set up the nativity scene each year at Christmas. They repaired the figures or made arrangements to have it done. Sadly, members got older and could no longer get around on the hill above Grand Avenue so the Lions Club of Paonia took over. The Paonia Garden Club remains involved by placing nativity cans in local businesses to raise funds for the upkeep of the figures. The club also participates in the Delta County Fair by sponsoring ribbons for flowers.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Paonia girls’ tennis team member Kaity Johnson watches doubles partner Mary Moll during a spring 2012 tennis match. The North Fork Pool, Park & Recreation District grant application with Great Outdoors Colorado to rebuild the aging courts made the first cut, with winners to be announced this month. The Town of Paonia, which owns the property and leases it to the district, has agreed to maintain ownership of the courts for the next 25 years as required by GOCO.

Word expected on GOCO grant Dec. 11 BY TAMIE MECK Staff Writer

The area’s many tennis enthusiasts may soon have something to celebrate. The Paonia board of trustees announced at its Nov. 27 meeting that Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) grant application by the North Fork Pool, Park & Recreation District to rebuild the Apple Valley tennis courts has cleared the first round of applications. If the grant is awarded, GOCO will require that the town maintain ownership of the property for 25 years. While in the process of meeting that requirement, the

town decided to update the lease agreement with the district. Trustees Amber Kleinman and Eric Goold met recently with district representatives. District members told them that the courts require re-painting every 5-10 years and the nets need to be replaced every two to three years on average. The town agreed to split the estimated annual cost of $4,000 per year with the district. Grant winners will be announced on Dec. 11. If the grant is denied, then the town will resort to its prior lease agreement, which is renewed annually.

Seasonal road closures in effect for Gunnison Gorge NCA On Saturday, Dec. 1, the Bureau of Land Management’s Uncompahgre Field Office and the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area will implement seasonal road closures on approximately 17,570 acres within the Gunnison sage grouse area of critical environmental concern. Under the annual closures, C-77, Black Ridge and Red Canyon Road are closed to motorized and mechanical uses effective immediately through May 15, 2013. Signs will be posted to notify the public of closures in these key-access areas. The closures are intended to protect sensitive Gunnison sage grouse habitat, reduce stress and disturbance

to wintering deer and elk herds and protect soils from excessive erosion and damage. Areas affected by the road closures include portions of Black Ridge and Fruitland Mesas east of the Gunnison Gorge Wilderness, west of the Black Canyon Road, south of the Smith Fork drainage and north of Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. All of the affected areas will remain open to non-motorized recreation such as hiking and horseback riding. The BLM staff appreciates your cooperation with this effort to protect this special area. For additional information, contact the BLM at (970) 240-5300.


Delta County Independent

Creamery is connecting with seniors through art BY KATHY BROWNING Staff Writer

The Creamery Art Center in Hotchkiss is reaching out to senior citizens through a new program headed up by Rita Clagett. The Senior Outreach Program is engaging seniors in Delta County in several different ways thanks to the efforts and generosity of the Creamery’s artist volunteers. “It is an umbrella of several projects. So, I am the senior outreach coordinator for the Creamery. I am engaged in two projects currently. Both are to involve seniors more in the arts,” Clagett said. “Since May I have been organizing Creamery artist volunteers to go to three different senior centers once a month either doing a demonstration or a hands-on workshop.” The artist volunteers have gone to the PACE senior centers in Eckert and Paonia, and the Crossroads residence in Delta. Among those who have already worked with seniors, or are scheduled to, are Bob Heid, demonstrating beading; Pennie Alexander, doing a weaving demonstration; David Delo, author of “The Yellowstone, Forever!” giving a presentation on Yellowstone; Jackie Slater did a flower bookmark workshop; Connie Willett did a spinning demonstration; Daphna Russell did a clay workshop; Evelyn Horn, a Delta County Independent columnist, naturalist and author, presented a multi-media presentation on birds; Lois Fritz demonstrated making wire-wrapped stone jewelry; Sherry Polcyn gave watercolor lessons; and Carol Ann Rasmussen did an oil-

wash abstract workshop. Sherry Polcyn did watercolor workshops in Eckert in September, October and November. The watercolors will be incorporated into a Creamery show in 2013. Clagett is scheduling artists for late December and early 2013. The artist volunteers have been very willing to do the workshops and demonstrations, often providing materials for the seniors. The senior centers report participants are really enjoying the workshops. Clagett is also involved in a second way that is honoring the lives of seniors. She is doing video interviews of seniors 65 and older. Some of the seniors she has interviewed have lived in the area for five generations going back to the pioneer days. The inspiration for the project came to Clagett after videotaping Marion Stewart and Diane Hammond together. They talked about their childhoods. What originally began as a desire by Clagett to record her friends telling their stories has led to this video chronicling of other seniors. Clagett believes the recordings are a “wonderful way to celebrate and interact” with the seniors, learn from their histories and give the recordings to their families. This also fulfills the Creamery’s need to interact with seniors in the valley. “I take portraits of each senior I interview and will be putting on a show at the Creamery in the spring or summer with the portraits. Everyone I interview receives a disk of their video inter-

view and a small portrait,” Clagett said. She has about 10 people currently lined up to videotape this winter and wants to do a few more. For the Creamery show, one of the galleries will have the senior portraits and the watercolors from Sherry Polcyn’s workshop. An endless audio loop with snippets of the seniors’ stories will be playing. Clagett believes that by recording the oral histories, families will have information from their family member that they never knew before. “This comes from me not having anything like that from my family,” Clagett said. She does have some audio of both her parents. She wishes she would have thought to ask her parents certain questions before they died. “So, I’m asking these people one of my staple questions, ‘Is there anything you would like to tell someone in your family that you never told them?’ ” Clagett believes seniors are perhaps underrepresented in arts and in arts events, and wants to provide some solutions. The Creamery would like to offer workshops for the seniors at the art center, but that has been hampered by lack of transportation. “A previous two-session clay workshop at the Creamery was rewarding for both the Creamery clay studio volunteers and residents of a group home. In the first session, members of the group each created a clay piece; in the second session the fired clay piece was glazed,” Clagett said. “In the interim, one member of the group

passed away, and during the second session the group collaborated on selecting the glazes and final appearance of the deceased member’s pottery. “This workshop was transformative for all involved and deemed highly successful, and will provide the model for future clay workshops for small, cohesive senior groups as soon as transportation to the Creamery can be arranged for participants.” The Creamery Arts Center is enlivening seniors through participation in art and “casting seniors at the center of a major art project.” The mission is to build relationships between seniors, their families, the Creamery and the community.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Commodity distribution set for Dec. 20 Department of Agriculture commodities will be distributed Thursday, Dec. 20, at the following locations: Delta — First Assembly of God gym, 762 Dodge Street. Cedaredge — Masonic Hall, 295 W. Main Street. Hotchkiss — Heritage Hall, Delta County Fairgrounds. Distribution begins at 9 a.m., and ends at 1 p.m., or earlier if items are no longer available. To receive commodities, you must be a resident of Delta County and meet income eligibility guidelines of $1,722 monthly for a family of one, $2,333 for a family of two, $3,554 for a family of four, and $4,775 for a family of

six. A typical household will receive the following as long as the items are available: milk, orange juice, vegetable soup, canned green beans, canned apricots, canned pears, canned pumpkin, canned applesauce, canned green beans, canned carrots, frozen chicken, frozen turkey, canned peaches, canned peas, canned beef stew, peanut butter, canned spaghetti sauce, pasta, grapefruit juice and lentils. Please bring some form of identification. If picking up commodities for another household, an ID and a note from that household is required. For more information, call 874-2039.

Photo courtesy Gigi King

A caring community The Paonia firehouse was packed for a benefit dinner on Saturday, Dec. 1, for the Grant Arterburn family. Grant was a volunteer fireman with the Paonia Fire District and owner of Grant’s Auto Repair in Paonia. On Nov. 16 he lost his fight against cancer. To help his family, the fire department hosted the dinner, which served more than 300. In addition, a silent auction with an amazing array of items donated by local businesses and individuals was held. All proceeds will go to the family to help defray medical and other expenses. An account to support his four children has also been set up at Paonia North Fork Bank.

Reliable, affordable electricity is vital to prosperity in the West. From small businesses and farms to large industry, we all depend on it. Every day, your local electric co-op and its power supplier, Tri-State, provide the power to grow our rural economy. At Tri-State, we’re doing our part to ensure businesses receive value for the power they use, while providing incentives through our member co-ops to help businesses manage electricity use – which helps reduce all of our costs. Learn more about where we’re headed at

Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association • P.O. Box 33695 • Denver, CO 80233 • Wholesale power supplier to 44 electric cooperatives in Colorado, New Mexico, Nebraska and Wyoming.

SURFACE CREEK December 5, 2012


Cedaredge looks to reorganize preservation board BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

Mayor Pat Means reported at the November town council meeting that an effort to reorganize the town’s historic preservation board will take place in December. The last two meetings of the board have failed to attract a quorum of members, and one member recently resigned. The historic preservation board was reactivated this year after several years of dormancy. A volunteer staff member who was “the driving force” for the revitalized historic preservation board has moved away, Means reported. In other business at its Nov. 15 regular meeting, the Cedaredge town board dealt with the following matters: • Cedaredge police department reported there has been an increased number of traffic accidents involving deer as the animals begin seasonal herd movements. • Residents are advised to keep doors locked, including doors of vehicles parked in

driveways, to prevent burglaries. Some thefts from unlocked vehicles have occurred in the commercial and residential areas of town recently, police reported. • Dec. 7 will be the date of the annual dinner at the golf course, reported golf pro Larry Murphy. The event is open to the public, not just golfers, he said. Sign-ups are being taken at the pro shop. • The trustees were introduced to Travis Russell, the new code enforcement officer. He comes to the town from the Las Animas County Sheriff ’s Department where he served as a patrol sergeant. • The trustees approved two lease agreements with homeowners in the Westador subdivision. • The public works department reported completed installation of about 300 feet of new water line in Westador. Crews tried to keep dust suppressed with a “small rented water tank and pump” during the construction work. The CEDAREDGE TO B7

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Santa arrives in style Santa Claus officially arrived in Surface Creek Valley by sleigh during the Cedaredge Parade of Lights along Main Street on Dec. 1. For more photos of parade, please turn to B8.

Site study considers seven locations Cedaredge trustees get first look at possible sites for new sewer treatment facility

cel is in view of the clubhouse and of some residences. Concerns over possible noise, dust, odors, and declining property values were presented to the town trustees as they received the first copies

of the consultant’s report. Seven sites were identified. But golf course homeowners suggested an eighth possible site be added to the list of possible locations: a privately owned parcel a bit further


About two dozen residents of the Cedaredge golf course neighborhood attended the Nov. 15 town board meeting to give input on the location of a new sewer plant. At the meeting the trustees received their first copies of a consultant’s report evaluating seven potential sites for a new mechanical waste water treatment plant to replace the town’s 35-year-old lagoon system. One site in particular was a concern to homeowners who live within 200 yards of the proposed location, on townowned property near the south end of the golf course where grounds maintenance facilities are now located. It is the only town-owned site under consideration. The par-

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

A site location study for the proposed Cedaredge wastewater treatment plant was submitted to the town board on Nov. 15. Among the seven sites looked at was one town-owned parcel near the south end of the Cedaredge Golf Course driving range that is currently used for course maintenance activities (quonset structure). Golf course residents object to the site as do some town trustees. Looking to the north, the golf course clubhouse in seen is the background.

from the golf course on the west side of Old Goat Trail Road. The trustees had not had a chance to look at the report and so scheduled a work session on Dec. 6 to discuss it. The suggested eighth site will be added to the original seven for trustee consideration. Some trustees and golf course residents believe there is an agreement that the golf course site had at one time been forever dedicated for golf course use. At a Nov. 29 work session, town administrator Kathleen Sickles reported that no such document, agreement or statement of intention has been found in the town’s files. The town’s current sewer lagoons discharge into the Alfalfa Ditch and Fruitgrowers Reservoir. The reservoir has been declared an “impaired body of water,” and the phosphorus being added by the town lagoons exceeds allowable limits. According to the report given to the trustees on Nov. 15 by the public works director, Cedaredge also may lack a discharge permit to spill its lagoon effulent into the

Alfalfa Ditch. A new mechanical plant will produce a much higher quality discharge stream than the current lagoons do, the trustees were told, and it will discharge into Surface Creek.

Neighbors outline concerns in letter BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

During the Cedaredge Town Board’s regular meeting on Nov. 15, trustees were presented with a letter that outlined some of the issues that concern golf course homeowners about locating a new sewer treatment plant south of the driving range. The letter made the following statements about the site: • The site is 170 yards from an established neighborhood. • The (consultant’s site location study) states that the CONCERNS TO B7

Fans fete their champion Bruins BY HANK LOHMEYER Staff Writer

A spirited and rousing assembly for school and community honoring the state champion Cedaredge Bruins brought people from across the county together at Cedaredge High School on Tuesday, Nov. 27. The event followed a Cedaredge Main Street parade. Words of thanks, of praise, of pride and encouragement

and hope sounded through the filled-to-capacity CHS gymnasium as speakers from the district administration, school, and community found lessons of life in the Bruins’ football successes this year. Head coach Brandon Milholland delivered his thanks to a long list of individuals who had played important roles in the 2012 season. He recounted stories of his players overcoming obstacles,

injuries, and tough opponents to rise from a 3-7 season a few years ago to the state championship this year. Coach Milholland said that his players “never accepted mediocrity. They expected greatness. They are winners who have provided all of us with a feeling of hope.” Former CHS principal Bill Kehmeier told the assembly that it has been 49 years since CHS last brought home

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Cedaredge High School principal Kevin Gardner and football player Dustin Stracener officially present the 2012 state championship football trophy to the school during a victory rally on Nov. 27.

Photo by Deb Kuhns

Deb Kuhns captured this triumphant moment during the trophy celebration at Cedaredge High School commemorating the first state championship for the school since 1964.

a team state champion. That was in 1964 when the track team took state. Following the Bruins’ 18-16 win over Buena Vista for the state crown two weeks ago, an outpouring of community pride produced a three-mile-

long convoy of supporters and fans that conducted the team from the base of Cerro Summit. The convoy was escorted from Montrose to Cedaredge by law enforcement agencies from each jurisdiction along the way.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Birds of the Western Slope A look at local birds with Evelyn Horn about 22 inches, these Kestrels I’ve been concerned birds are only about nine with the identification of these small raptors for months, in hopes that when they appear in our valley for winter I’d be more adept at identifying the sexes. And here they are — I counted seven on the way to town. Compare Male Kestrel the photos from inches long (a, University of Michigan. bit less than The male has blue on his a robin), and wings. The tail is barred weigh about at the tip, but is plain four ounces. rufous otherwise. In con- They’ve been trast, the female has no called “sparhawks” blue and an obviously row they’re barred tail. These birds but too are also noted for the clearly black streaks down the small for that! Grasshopper hawk is more like it! face, called “whiskers.” They’re often seen With a wingspan of

perched on power lines, waiting for prey: insects of all kinds, rodents and small reptiles (note the small snake in the female’s talons). They will hover above an area where prey might occur, such as a newly plowed field. This “wind hover”

Female Kestrel is actually a controlled stall with the bird moving its wings to match

the prevailing wind. Quite a feat! Both parents build the minimal nest in a tree cavity, along a cliff or in a nest box. They incubate the four or five eggs for a month. The chicks are immobile, downy, with eyes closed and must be fed. Kestrels summer and nest to our north, winter into Panama, and are regularly seen in the United States. But it seems to me that they’re more abundant during the winter months in our area. They appear to be about the size of a robin, but are usually sitting still on a power line. Keep an eye out for these colorful little raptors.


Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Christmas cheer The Cedaredge Main Street was decorated for the Christmas season last week with assistance from DMEA, which has traditionally helped with the work in past years also.

FROM PAGE C1 (sewer) facilities will not affect land values, which may be true for the land (the plant will) sit on. But it definitely will affect property values of the neighborhood that is just north of the site. Property values have already been diminished by the downturn in the ecomony. (We) don’t believe that to save money on land the town should sacrifice the property values in this neighborhood. • The (consultant’s site location study) further states that under air quality there is the possibility that the facility will create an odor nuisance problem. Remember, this site is within view of the golf course as well as the surrounding neighborhoods. • The (consultant’s site location study) makes no reference to noise nui-

sance; yet, by the description and illustrations there are grit removal devices, large blowers, and other mechanisms which could create noise. • To build this facility (in this location) construction equipment, concrete trucks, supplies, and workers would have to enter the area through an established neighborhood. • The bridge on Jay Street is unsafe for everyday traffic in the neighborhood, let alone for this type of construction traffic. • Old Goat Trail is only paved part way to the site with the remainder of the road unpaved, which is a dust or mud problem depending on the weather. The letter also recommended an alternative location nearby on the west side of Old Goat Trail and further south that is being evaluated by the town board’s consultant.

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Sharing in the spirit The season’s special Christmas music program on Dec. 1 at the Chapel of the Cross in Pioneer Town was performed by a group of local artists whose talents in vocal and instrumental music cheered in the season with spirit. An hourlong program of solo and group performances featuring holiday favorites and audience singalongs concluded with an all-voices-raised finalé of sacred carolling. Sharing their gifted musical talents with the community on the occasion were above, from left, John Shriver, Hastings Padua, Sharon Clark, Jerry Sanders, Vernette Mackley, Bob Wear, Jean Tramp, Dan Hawkins, and Debby Day.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING COMMISSION The Delta County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on December 20, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 234, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Delta, CO to present MJ08-015 High Valley Major Subdivision for preliminary plat review. This property is located in Sec. 21, T14S, R93W of the 6th PM at 30211 L Road in Hotchkiss. Applicant is Jan VanDenBerg, Landowner. Comments on the proposed subdivision may be submitted in writing to the Delta County Planning Department at the Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, #227, Delta, CO 81416. If you have any questions, you may call the Planning Department at 874-2110.


Plan now to attend pest management worksop Cedaredge

The 2013 Tri River Area Extension Pest Management Workshop will be held at Two Rivers Convention Center in Grand Junction on Feb. 19 and 20, 2013. This workshop is held annually and is designed to give licensed commercial and private pesticide applicators the opportunity to receive all of the continuing education credits they need at a single reasonably priced event. In addition, if you are a commercial, limited commercial or public applicator with employees who need technical training hours, they can get up to 12 1/2 hours of credit for workshop attendance. There are a total of 25 continuing education credits available for licensed commercial applicators at the workshop this year. Private applicators can get all of the CEC’s they need at the Tuesday morning session, but they will want to stick around for lunch (included in the registration) and the lunchtime speakers from the NOAA/ National Weather Service in Grand Junction, who will talk about forecasting the upcoming water year in western Colorado (hopefully we have some mountain snow by then). Other program highlights include two talks by Dr. Stuart Mitchell, who is a physician as well as an entomologist. He will speak about job safety in the core category session, and advanced flying insect control in the residential/ commercial session. There will also be two extension specialists from Utah State University coming over, one to speak about planting considerations when using Roundup Ready alfalfa and the other to

speak about management of agricultural and urban vertebrate pests. When the State of Utah began enforcing the quarantine of corn shipments into the state a couple of years ago, fumigation of corn with methyl bromide became an option to allow truckers access to the state. We have a speaker from Univar, distributor of the fumigation product, to speak about the process applicators have to go through to acquire and use it. If you want to consider fumigation of corn as a treatment option for a permit to transport corn into Utah, this talk is a must-attend presentation.

There are many other speakers in this quality program, the largest of its kind in the state. Registration is $50 for private applicators, those receiving applicator technician training, or individuals who wish to attend without receiving any certified education credits. The fee is $100 for commercial applicators who wish to get any credits in sessions other than the Tuesday morning core categories. Tuesday lunch and access to any or all presentations is included in all registrations. Please call (970) 2441834 with registration questions.

FROM PAGE C1 town lacks a means of its own for applying magchlor or water spray to control dust, the department reports. Rocks were another problem during the Westador work. “It can take over an hour to remove a rock without damaging other utilities. Some boulders are making out the capabilities of the town’s backhoe,” and hydraulic lines have been blown out, the report states. Road rebuilding is scheduled next in the Westador neighborhood.

CEDAREDGE HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Thur., Dec. 6 Fri., Dec. 7 Sat., Dec. 8

Football Banquet, 6:00 p.m. Wrestling vs. Grand Valley, 6:00 p.m. Girls (C) Basketball vs. Olathe, 10:30 a.m.; vs. Basalt & Rifle, 1:30 p.m.; Boys (C) Basketball Tourney at Cedaredge, TBA; Wrestling at Delta Invitational, TBA. Mon., Dec. 10 (C) Basketball vs. Paonia, 4:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Tues., Dec. 11 Basketball at Gunnison, 4:00, 5:30 & 7:00 p.m.; Band Concert, 7:00 p.m. Wed., Dec. 12 FFA District Event at Hotchkiss. Sponsored by:

Andersen Garage 120 S. Grand Mesa Dr., Cedaredge 856-3991

Slash pile burns planned in area The Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison National Forests have plans to burn “slash piles” in several areas. Forest fire management officials anticipate burning the piles in early December and continuing into January, as conditions warrant. The following burns are planned in the area: Raspberry Radio Repeater Site: Approximately 500 piles, located approximately 20 miles southwest of Montrose on the Uncompahgre Plateau. The piles are the result of chainsaw thinning that was performed at the site to help protect numerous radio antennas and other structures from potential fire damage, should wildland fire occur in the area. Ward Lake Area: Approximately 300 piles,

located approximately two miles east of the Grand Mesa Visitor Center along Forest Service Road 121. This project will reduce vegetation (fire fuels) that resulted from previous thinning of trees in the area and help mitigate potential fire damage to structures in the area, should wildland fire occur. A burn plan has been prepared and approved and specifies staffing, weather and other conditions that are required to light the piles. The plan also calls for conditions that are wet enough and/or when snow is present to prevent fire from creeping along the ground. Likewise, smoke dispersal conditions of “Fair” or better will be required in order to minimize visual impacts in the area.

Sunny Side Christian Band has been singing and playing to our residents for 3 years. Carol Mitchell and her gang were called to come to Horizons by God. Their message is clear, fun and uplifting for our seniors. Carol says, “I like getting to know the residents; they have really enriched all our lives.” You can reach Carol at 970-626-5875 if you would like to be uplifted through music. This is just one of the many fun things going on at Horizons Care Center. Call Kathy Gates at (970) 835-3113 for more information.

HORIZONS CARE CENTER 11411 Hwy. 65 • Eckert, CO 81418

B8 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

Shiny & bright was the night

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

The Senior Hikers hiked Main Street with Christmas lists that included all kinds of outdoor gear.

Litt Commu le Sprouts nity P rescho ol

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

If there’s a parade in Cedaredge, some lucky kids are likely to get an exciting ride on a fire truck.

lk OON a W .-N

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Spr l Little Preschoo Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

Please Join Us For

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer A Parade of Lights in Cedaredge without horse and rider just wouldn’t be complete. A fanciful and fun float with a UFO theme was entered by Double J Disposal of Austin. This parade was complete.

m as Christ ling Caro Classic Christmas Carols

Thursday, Dec. 20 1:00 p.m. At The AppleShed (on the South Patio, weather permitting)

Cedaredge This is a FREE concert presented by the youth of Cedaredge Elementary. ALL ARE WELCOME!!

250 S. Grand Mesa Dr. Cedaredge • 856-7007

Photo by Hank Lohmeyer

A float entry from the U.S. Forest Service highlighted the pleasures of locally grown Christmas trees.

Delta bead store robbed by man with handgun On Nov. 27, at approximately 12:10 p.m. an unidentified Caucasian male entered Petunia Beads located at 201 Ute Street in Delta, displayed a handgun, and demanded cash. The male then left the business in an unknown direction with

an undisclosed amount of cash. The male was described as being in his 20s with short blond hair. He had light eyes, a medium build and was about 6 feet tall. He left in a late ’80s to early ’90s white four-door car driv-

en by a Caucasian female described as having red hair, a heavy build and in her 20s. The Delta Police Department is asking anyone with any information about this incident to call 874-7676 or 874-2015.

Kristen Chesnik arraigned Kristen Chesnik, the former financial officer for the Town of Paonia, made her first court appearance Nov. 28. Chesnik has been charged with the felony theft of town funds over a

four-year period. She was represented in court by attorney David Eisner of Grand Junction. They waived advisement and agreed on a return date of Jan. 16 for the

setting of a preliminary hearing. Delta County Judge Sandra Miller ordered Chesnik to provide fingerprints and a DNA sample within 14 days.

Paonia woman completes outdoor leadership course Emily Guerin, 26, of Paonia, recently completed a 34-day expedition in the American Southwest with the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS). The Southwest Mountain Instructor course is designed to develop and refine the teaching, risk management, and leadership skills needed for field instructor positions at NOLS and other wilderness programs. Guerin and her coursemates were responsible for teaching some of the basic and advanced classes throughout the course. Wilderness living skills, travel techniques, natural history, environmental ethics, expedition behavior and communication/evaluation skills were all important parts of the curriculum. Students were challenged to experiment with different teaching styles while polishing their skills, judgment, leadership and supervisory abilities.

The instructors taught most of the risk management classes including river crossing, emergency procedures and rock climbing. Hazard evaluation, accident prevention, group management, and evacuation procedures were thoroughly discussed and practiced. Students were also evaluated on their first aid skills and knowledge. The instructor course started in Tucson, Ariz., with two days of in-town classes and activities focusing on issuing gear and rations, taking a Wilderness First Responderlevel first-aid test and discussing NOLS history, leadership theory and group management and supervision techniques. On the third day the course headed into the wilderness on the backpacking section. On the first half of this section students learned and practiced traditional NOLS backpacking skills with packs weighing 40-

50 pounds. During the second half of the section students got a new food supply and swapped out heavier personal gear, rations and group gear to achieve a pack weight of 25-30 pounds. This half focused more on lightweight backpacking techniques. The climbing and technical skills section is a stationary base camp that covers the NOLS rock climbing teaching progression, third- and fourthclass terrain travel, some rock rescue techniques and top rope site management. After the full progression of the NOLS climbing curriculum and many days of practice, students were expected to set up and supervise top rope and rappel sites in diverse mountain settings. Students also learned the fine arts associated with living comfortably in base camp. Guerin graduated from her NOLS course prepared to lead an expedition of her own.




December 5, 2012

‘Dogs’ boys beat Olathe BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

If its opening game is any indication of how the year will go, Hotchkiss will have a successful season. The Bulldogs defeated Olathe Friday, 55-44. Hotchkiss moved to 2A this season, and is competing in the 12-team 1A/2A Western Slope League. These early-season losses are crucial, said head coach Kyle Crowder. Each of the eight district champions will host a regional tournament, with subsequent teams determined by true seeding, with consideration to geography. Defeating

a 3A team like Olathe and Gunnison will help the team seeding come playoffs, said Crowder. The Bulldogs host Gunnison this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Returning from last season’s varsity team are Cody Bartlett, Mason Oxford, Taylor Schreiner, Ty Bayles, Wes Hardin and River Panish. Josh Hardin, a 6-foot-2 senior, returns to the team after missing his junior year. Nicolas Rojas, Chris Allen and Andrew Tiedemann step up from the junior varsity team. Daniel Camacho, Kaan Uygut, Jacobe Galley, Jacob Schreiner, Eddie Cambria,

Tyrell Clock and freshman Clayton Oxford are also on the roster. With players from the football team starting practice last week, “We’re still in the process of figuring out who will play where,” said Crowder. With a combination of size, shooting and ballhandling abilities, youth and experience, Crowder sees at least 10 players who can step on the court at any time and be competitive. “That’s going to be huge,” said Crowder. The team has more depth than in the recent past, “and that’s going to be our strength.” Hotchkiss had one

scrimmage, against 4A Delta. Despite missing the football players and still trying to determine the best fit for everyone, that went well, said Crowder. Starting this Friday when they face Vail Christian at Vail, the Bulldogs will be on the road the remainder of the calendar year. They face Ridgway on Dec. 11, then compete in the Delta County Bank of the West tournament Dec. 21-22. They will open the new year with a non-conference game at Paonia. Bulldog assistant coaches are Zac Lemon, BOYS HOOPS TO C2

Photo by Tamie Meck

Josh Hardin is heavily defended during a recent Hotchkiss practice. The Bulldogs will compete in Class 2A this season. They opened Friday (Nov. 30) with a convincing win over the 3A Olathe Pirates in Olathe.

HHS Invite numbers down for 52nd mat tournament BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

Saturday’s 52nd Annual Hotchkiss Invitational wrestling tournament was a little light on wrestlers. Rifle’s football team was playing at the state championship game. Nucla, the smallest of the six competing teams, had eight open weights, and Buena Vista was open in six. Even the host Bulldogs wrestled only eight. All eight placed in the top three. Bulldog wrestlers who are also football players are still required more practices before they can wrestle, and one football player is still recovering

from a foot injury. The Bulldogs are still lacking most of their higher weights, and finished well in the low and middle weights on Saturday. Jake Hubbell (106) and Garrett Toothaker (113) both won their weight class; Travis Leger (126), Tanner Bizer (132), Jacob Edwards (145), Sam Strickland (152) and Tony Ibarra (160) placed second. Brendon Beck, who returns after missing a season, placed third at 145. “I still have 11 wresters who haven’t seen the mat yet,” said Suppes. Del Norte claimed the team win Saturday, and

at Gunnison at Olathe ASPEN Delta County Tournament BASALT GRAND VALLEY at Coal Ridge at Moffat County ROARING FORK OLATHE GUNNISON at Aspen at Basalt COAL RIDGE at Grand Valley MOFFAT COUNTY at Roaring Fork District Basketball District Basketball Regional Basketball Regional Basketball State Basketball

5:30, 7:00 5:30, 7:00 6:00, 7:30 TBA 6:00, 7:30 4:00, 5:30 5:30, 7:00 2:00, 3:30 6:00, 7:30 4:00, 5:30 6:00, 7:30 1:00, 2:30 5:30, 7:00 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 5:30, 7:00 3:00, 4:30, 6:00 5:30, 7:00 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA

(Except Tues., we close at 2:00 p.m.)

Photo by Tamie Meck

Hotchkiss head coach Glen Suppes watches as 113pound wrestler Garrett Toothaker wrestles Basalt’s Uriel Gonzalez. The Bulldogs don’t have many home matches but are close by with tournaments like this week’s Delta Invitational.

Delta Panthers


4A District 7 (WS) Boys & Girls Dec. 7 & 8 Dec. 11 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 Dec. 22

2012-13 Schedules

Creekside Café & Bakery 365 N. Grand Mesa Dr. NEW ! Cedaredge • 856-3366 U MEN Open 7 days/wk., 7 a.m.-7 p.m.

ers, will also return this season. Conner Beard, who placed third at state his junior year at 220, is out for the season with a shoulder injury. “We’ve got a good schedule this year,” said Suppes. Hotchkiss has one home dual, and will host Olathe on Jan. 25. “But we get great opportunities to wrestle at Centauri and Salida and Delta.” The Bulldogs will wrap up the calendar year at the Warrior Classic on Dec. 14-15. That gives the team time to prepare for the long road to state. HOT. INVITE TO C2



3A District 4 (WS) Boys & Girls Dec. 11 Dec. 14 Dec. 18 Dec. 21 & 22 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 12 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 28 Mar. 1 Mar. 8 Mar. 9 Mar. 14-16

3A Basalt, which is fielding its first team in 10 years, placed second. Head coach Glen Suppes said his team’s performance was encouraging. “Every one of these kids, every time they got back on the mat they did a little better and a little better.” Suppes said he expects 12 wrestlers to be on the mat for this Saturday’s Delta tournament. Hotchkiss plans to be open at 182 and 195 all season. State qualifying heavyweight Zack Taylor will be out until after the new year. State qualifiers Joe Boyle and Dustin Head, both football play-

Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 22 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 15 Feb. 16

Fruita JV Tournament 6:30 JV MONTROSE 4:00 Montrose Tournament vs. Grand Jct. 4:30 Montrose Tournament vs. Fruita 4:30 Montrose Tournament vs. Montrose 2:00 EAGLE VALLEY 3:00, 6:00 DELTA TOURNAMENT 8:00, 6:00 DELTA TOURNAMENT 11:00, TBA GLENWOOD SPRINGS 3:00, 6:00 at Steamboat Springs 11:00, 12:30 at Rifle 3:00, 6:00 at Summit 1:00, 2:30 PALISADE 3:00, 6:00 RIFLE 3:00, 6:00 BATTLE MOUNTAIN 3:00, 6:00 at Battle Mountain 3:00, 6:00 at Eagle Valley 11:00, 12:30 at Glenwood Springs 3:00, 6:00 STEAMBOAT SPRINGS 1:00, 2:30 SUMMIT 3:00, 6:00 at Palisade 10:00, 11:30 District Tournament TBA

Kwiki Tire II


Good Luck to our Hoopsters!

1680 S. Main • Delta 874-4590

35189 HWY. 133 • Hotchkiss 872-4590

Olathe Pirates 3A District 4 (WS) Boys & Girls

2A District 4 (WS) Boys & Girls Dec. 6 Dec. 7 Dec. 11 Dec. 14 Dec. 18 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 Mar. 1 & 2 Mar. 8 & 9 Mar. 14-16

GUNNISON 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 at Vail Christian 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 at Ridgway 4:00, 5:15, 6:30 at Basalt (girls only) 4:00 (JV), 5:30 (V) at Ouray (girls only) 4:00 (JV), 6:00 (V) (HHS vs. PHS) Delta County Invitational TBA Delta County Invitational TBA at Paonia 1:00,1:00, 2:30, 4:00 MEEKER 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 at Rangely 1:00,1:00, 2:30, 4:00 HAYDEN 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 SOROCO 1:00,2:30, 4:00, 5:30 at North Park 3:00, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00 at West Grand 1:00,1:00, 2:30, 4:00 VAIL MOUNTAIN 6:00 (V boys only) DEBEQUE 5:00 (C girls), 6:30 (V Boys) at Plateau Valley 1:00,1:00, 2:30, 4:00 at Meeker 3:30, 3:30, 5:00, 6:30 RANGELY 1:00, 2:30, 4:00, 5:30 PAONIA 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 District Pigtail at home sites TBA Districts at Paonia TBA Regionals in Grand Junction TBA State Basketball

Offices in Hotchkiss, Paonia, Crawford, Delta, Westcliffe and Fountain

Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 15 Jan. 19 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 22

CEDAREDGE COAL RIDGE Moffat County ROARING FORK GRAND VALLEY GUNNISON Fruita Aspen BASALT Cedaredge Coal Ridge MOFFAT COUNTY Roaring Fork Grand Valley Gunnison ASPEN Basalt

4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 1:00, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 1:00, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 1:00, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 3:30, 5:00, 6:30, 8:00 1:00, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 1:00, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 1:00, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00

59833 U.S. Hwy. 50 Olathe

Rocky Mountain Steel, Inc.


2A District 5 (WS)

Boys & Girls Dec. 6-8 Dec. 7 Dec. 21 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Jan. 5 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Jan. 29 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 26 Mar. 1 Mar. 2 Mar. 8 Mar. 9 Mar. 14-16

at Holy Family Tournament (V Girls Only) TBA GRAND VALLEY (Boys Only) 5:30, 7:00 Bank of the West Tournament TBA Delta County JV Tourney TBA Bank of the West Tournament TBA HOTCHKISS 1:00, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 MONTROSE (JV Boys) 5:30 RANGELY 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 at Meeker 1:00, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 at Soroco 4:30, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 HAYDEN 1:00, 1:00, 2:30, 4:00 at West Grand 3:00, 3:00, 4:30, 6:00 at North Park 12:00 Noon, 1:30, 3:00 MONTROSE (JV Girls) 5:30 VAIL CHRISTIAN 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 at Vail Mountain (V Boys) 2:00 PLATEAU VALLEY 2:00, 2:00, 3:30, 5:00 at DeBeque (C Girls/V Boys) 1:00, 2:30 at Rangely 4:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00 MEEKER 12:00 Noon, 12:00 Noon, 1:30, 3:00 at Hotchkiss 3:00, 4:30, 6:00, 7:30 District Quarterfinals TBA DISTRICT SEMIFINALS TBA DISTRICT FINALS TBA 2A Regional Semifinals TBA 2A Regional Finals TBA 2A State TBA

Offices in Hotchkiss, Paonia, Crawford, Delta, Westcliffe and Fountain

C2 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

Cedaredge boys take 63-56 win over Demons BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Cedaredge jumped out to a big lead in the opening quarter, but in the end, the Bruins had to withstand a furious rally from the visiting Ridgway Demons to earn a 63-56 victory in season openers for both teams. Aaron Henrie and Trent Walker scored five points each in the first quarter to lead the Bruins to a 17-9 advantage

after eight minutes of play. A second-quarter turn around produced a 15-10 run for the Demons with Hagemeyer tossing in nine of Ridgway’s points. Dillon Smith scored six of his 10 points in the period to help the Bruins take a 27-24 lead at the break. Cedaredge came out strong in the third frame with Walker’s 12 counters propelling the Bruins to a

19-14 run and a 46-38 lead with one quarter left to play. Hagemeyer dumped in 10 fourth-quarter points for the Demons in a 17-16 edge for Cedaredge and a 63-56 final score. Hagemeyer’s 25 points led all scorers in the game with Cedaredge’s Walker next high with 21 markers. Cedaredge takes this week off before heading to Gunnison on Tuesday (Dec. 11) for a 7 p.m. contest. On Dec. 14, the Bruins are in Olathe to face the Pirates at 7 p.m.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta senior guard Chris Black makes a perfect no-look pass to a waiting Doug Hawkins during last Thursday’s Fruita Monument and Delta basketball game at the Warrior Challenge. Hawkins made the lay-up to keep the Panthers close. In the end, Fruita was able to hold on for a 50-47 victory.

Panthers 0-3 at tourney BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Even though Von Mitchell’s Delta Panthers basketball team did not win a game in three tries this past weekend, there is definitely hope for the remainder of the young season. Delta lost its first game of the season to Fruita Monument at the Warrior Challenge hosted by Central High School. The Panthers’ first game of the year showed all the characteristics of a first Photo by Wayne Crick game. There were missed Dillon Smith fires a jumper over the Ridgway shots, bad passes, and defense in a game played in Cedaredge last Sat- mental mistakes that urday. The Bruins, playing in their season opener, jumped out to a big lead but had to fight off a determined Demon team for a 63-56 win.

DELTA PANTHERS 2012-2013 GIRLS SWIMMING Dec. 8 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 Feb. 9

at Colorado Mesa University Relays All Day at Montrose Invitational 1:00 p.m. at Montrose Invitational All Day Delta Meet 9:00 a.m. at Moffat County 11:00 a.m. Delta Meet 9:00 a.m. at Gunnison 10:00 a.m. Delta Meet 4:00 p.m. Conference Championships (CMU) 4:00 p.m. Conference Championships (CMU) 2:30 p.m. State Championship Meet (Thorton) All Day State Championship Meet (Thorton) All Day

HI-QUALITY PACKING, INC. 215 Silver Street, Delta (near Confluence Park) 874-8342


BRUINS School Colors: Blue & White

plague all teams. On the positive side, Delta had stretches of tremendous hustle and brilliant play. This game stayed close throughout with Fruita holding a 10-8 lead after one period. Both teams scored 12 points in the second quarter and Delta was outscored 11-10 in the third frame. The three-point difference separating the two teams stayed the same after the fourth quarter had been played as each team netted 17 points. Doug Hawkins was Delta’s leading scorer

with 12 points and Chris Black chipped in eight and Eian Baier seven. Matt Story scored 16 points for Fruita Monument. Against Central, the Panthers trailed after one quarter, 12-11, but led 30-28 at halftime. Central won the third quarter 16-12 and Delta won the fourth, 9-8, to make the final score 5251. Delta had an opportunity to win the game with a one and one shot at the free throw line but missed the first shot. Black scored 15 points

to lead the Panthers with Hawkins’ 12 points next high. Kenny Wood finished with nine counters. Trey Fair had 15 and Clayton Squire 10 points for the Warriors. Delta’s final game of the tournament was with Legacy High School (Broomfield). Legacy wasted little time in establishing who had the momentum in this game as they jumped out to a 19-8 first-quarter lead. The Panthers were unable to keep pace in the second stanza and were outscored 19-13 to DELTA BB TO C4

Lady Bruins hang on for 34-32 win over Ridgway BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Last Saturday’s opening basketball game for the Cedaredge Lady Bruins and Ridgway Lady Demons wasn’t the most aesthetic picture, but a 34-32 win got Cedaredge off to a positive start for its 2012-13 hoops campaign. Joe Berger’s squad trailed 6-5 after one period, but five points from junior Kaitlyn Kissner and another four from sophomore Kristen Gardner helped Cedaredge salvage a 16-16 tie at halftime. Action in the third quarter was slow once

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again. Missed shots and miscues limited scoring in the quarter for both teams. Kristen Gardner canned four points to lead the Lady Bruins to a 2420 lead heading into the final period of play. Even though Cedaredge was outscored 1210 in the final stanza, the hustling play of the Lady Bruins was enough to help record Cedaredge’s first win of the season, 34-32. Junior Alyssa Isaman provided a needed spark with her five points in the fourth quarter to help perserve the victory. Kristen Gardner’s 11 points paced the winners

with Isaman’s 10 points next high. Ridgway’s Grozier had 14 points and Dickerson finished with 10. The Lady Bruins are off this week but face two 3A WSL opponents on the

road next week. On Tuesday (Dec. 11), Cedaredge travels to Gunnison for a 5:30 p.m. contest and then is in Olathe on Friday for another 5:30 p.m. contest. Junior varsity play is first.


EAGLES School Colors: Red & Black

Attend our local sporting events!

Photo by Wayne Crick

Cedaredge junior Rebecca Deal is fouled by a Ridgway Lady Demon in a game played in Cedaredge last Saturday (Dec. 1). The Lady Bruins fell behind early but came back to take the lead late in the ballgame and hang on for a 34-32 win.

Boys Hoops


PANTHERS School Colors: Green & White

DELTA COUNTY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 1340 Hwy. 92 120 N. 6th St. Delta Hotchkiss 874-7674 872-4277


CONTINUED FROM C1 who returns for his second year as C team coach, and Jesse Hotchkiss, a 2010 Hotchkiss High School graduate, will coach the junior varsity team.

Hotchkiss was a varsity player for the Bulldogs, and was a starting post player for Hotchkiss in 2010, the last year the Bulldogs made the playoffs.

BULLDOGS Hot. Invite School Colors: Red & White

CONTINUED FROM C1 “We’re going to work on getting in shape and on skills and try to get better every time we crawl on the mat,” said Suppes. This marks the eighth season for Suppes as head coach of the Bulldogs. Matt Hall and Norm Vin-

cent return as assistant coaches. Devon Brown, a state champion wrestler for Paonia, steps in as the new assistant coach, and Hotchkiss state qualifier Jake Richards, who graduated in 2010, returns to his alma mater as an assistant coach.


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


New class, coach at HHS BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

The Lady Bulldogs have many reasons to be optimistic about the season. With 31 on the roster, they have enough players to field three teams, with little crossover. Eleven freshmen came out to play. And Eric Hollembeak is their new head coach. Hollembeak grew up in Hotchkiss and has been involved in sports as both an athlete and coach. He also teaches math at HHS. “Coaching is good for teachers because you get to see another side of the students,” said Hollembeak. “It gives you a relationship with the kids that you wouldn’t have outside of the classroom.” Hollembeak accepted the head coaching job early last summer, after two-year coach Josh Kasper announced he would be leaving the area. That gave Hollembeak the opportunity to work with the team this summer. They were

able to play a few games and participated in the 10,000-shot club. “They really work hard,” said Hollembeak. “I can’t complain.” Last season, Hotchkiss posted an 8-13 record. They were competing in Class 3A and were the smallest school in terms of enrollment last season. After adjusting classes to enrollment, Hotchkiss moved from Class 3A to 2A. But that doesn’t mean competition will be any easier. “It’s not like there aren’t good teams in 2A,” said Hollembeak. “There are a lot of years when those teams could compete at state in 3A. The bottom line is that you’ve just got to win ballgames, no matter what class you’re in.” The C team will be coached by Christa Hawk. Players include Tia Clock, Makenzie Katzdorn, Mae Anderson, Kynlie Derby, Alondra Gallegos, Samantha Galley, Sierra Griffith, Madi Guthrie, Noel Jaramillo,

Hailey Lofley, Katey Parsons, Ashley Lovato and Kayla Milstein. The junior varsity squad’s coach will be Jeanette Carey and includes Tiffany Clock, Arial Duncan, Nilam Hypio, Kellie Jones, Annie Stechert, Shelby Rogers and Mariah Young. Jessie Violett, Marissa Cantrell and Amber Pagone will suit up for both the JV and varsity teams. Rounding out the varsity team are seniors Katie Evans and Alexis Westergren; juniors Kylie Hodges, Natalie Anderson, Jenny Celis, and Daryl Batt; and sophomores Aleksus Wilson and Katie Richards. Hodges, Celis, Anderson, Westergren and Batt all bring varsity experience to this year’s team. The Lady Bulldogs opened the season Friday with a non-conference 57-45 loss to Olathe. Hotchkiss trailed 23-18 at the half, and added 13 third-quarter points to trail 37-31 at the end of the third. But the

Lady Pirates capitalized on fouls to score 10 of their 20 fourth-period points from the foul line. Haley Turley and Ashlee Pope both contributed 11 points to Olathe’s win. Anderson scored five goals and a game-high 16 points before fouling out in the fourth. Wilson had nine second-half points, and Westergren added eight. Batt, Richards and Hodges each added four points. Hotchkiss hosts Gunnison this Thursday at 6 p.m. They play the next four games on the road — at Vail Christian this Friday, Ridgway on Dec. 11, Basalt on Dec. 14, and Ouray on Dec. 18. They will compete in the annual Delta County Bank of the West tournament on Dec. 21-22. Hotchkiss and Paonia will battle at 3 p.m.


Dec. 6 Dec. 7 -

Dec. 8 -

Delta matmen rout Montrose; go 2-3 at Maverick Duals (CMU) BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Not since 2002 had the Delta Panthers beaten Montrose High School on the wrestling mat. That streak ended last Thursday with a convincing 5914 win for the Panthers. Delta got off to a tremendous start in lowerweight competition by winning the first five matches. Jayden Chynoweth (106), David Brown (113), Hayes McCracken (120), and Tylon Cordova (126) all won by pinfall. Shane Anderson scored a major decision, 14-2, over Michael Maas at 132. A loss by Kodie Komives at 138 temporarily slowed down the Delta express train. Delta won the next four matches by Derek Horn (145 - D), Daniel Brown (152 - F), Hunter Brasfield (160 PF), and Cordell Stroud (170 - PF). Kyle Collins was beaten at 182 with Alejandro Medina winning a major decision at 195 and Lino Ortiz winning by forfeit at 220. Marcus Garcia fell to the Indians’ Jesus Casillas, 2-1 at 285. According to head coach Clayton Curtis, “We were on fire! Our JV wrestlers did an excellent job winning nine out of 11 matches wrestled and seven of those were by pin. We came ready to wrestle! David Brown and the rest of the lower weights got us out to a great start giving us a 22-0 lead.” For Curtis, the match of the night came at 160 pounds where Brasfield took on Montrose’s Marcus Velasquez who is currently ranked second at 160. Curtis noted Brasfield wrestled a very smart match and won in dominating fashion. Summing up the per-

formance, Curtis touted his team’s efforts. “The boys put in a lot of work this off-season and we see that it’s paying off now. This is the first time that we have beaten Montrose in a dual since the 2002 season.” Montrose was ranked seventh in preseason polls in 4A. Delta’s Panthers went 2-3 at last weekend’s Maverick Duals on the campus of CMU. The two wins for Delta were against Grand Valley (4830) and Coal Ridge (6615). Losses were to Grand Junction (45-13), Central (39-28) and Fruita (5315). Two Panthers, sophomore David Brown and senior Shane Anderson, made it through the day without a loss. Chyn-

oweth had a very respectable 4-1 in the 106-pound division. Curtis was somewhat disappointed at his team’s performance at CMU. “The main thing is we weren’t consistent like we were against Montrose on Thursday. Some guys would wrestle great one match and then not so great the next match. That’s something that we will need to improve if we want to make some noise at Regionals and State. We had a chance to win other duals if we had just been more consistent.” This week’s wrestling schedule has the Panther varsity team hosting the Delta Invitational on Saturday (Dec. 8) while the junior varsity travels to Rifle.

DCI Sports Editor

This year’s Delta Panther wrestling team will be, by class numbers, a relatively young team. Combined, there are 27 wrestlers competing on the mat in practices each day. Four of those 27 are returning seniors; Shane Anderson, Hunter Brasfield, Kyle Collins and Lino Ortiz. From the junior class, there are five athletes working out; Hayes McCracken, Ty Cordova, Tim Rogers,

Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 20 Jan. 11 -

at Grand Junction 6:00, 7:00 p.m. Paonia 6:00, 7:00 p.m. at Delta Tourney 9:00 a.m. Montrose 6:00, 7:00 p.m. at Warrior Classic, GJ TBA. at Warrior Classic, GJ TBA Delta 6:00, 7:00 p.m. Berthoud 6:00 p.m.

Jan. 12 -

at Montrose Tourney 9:00 a.m. Jan. 18 at Salida 6:00, 7:00 p.m. Jan. 19 at Florence Tourney 9:00 a.m. Jan. 24 Gunnison 6:00, 7:00 p.m. Jan. 25 at Hotchkiss 6:00, 7:00 p.m. Feb. 2 at Centauri Tourney 9:00 a.m. Feb. 8 at League Duals (Cedaredge) 9:00 a.m. Feb. 15-16 - Regionals at Grand Valley Feb. 21-23 - State at Denver


PIRATES 59833 U.S. Hwy. 50 Olathe

Rocky Mountain Steel, Inc.


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Dec. 8 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 20 Jan. 10 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 24 -

DELTA INVITATIONAL at Warrior Classic at Warrior Classic at Olathe RIFLE at Vernal Utah Tournament at Vernal Utah Tournament at Monte Vista at Alamosa Tournament at Palisade/Summit Tri

Dec. 7 Dec. 8 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Jan. 11 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 -

Dec. 7 Dec. 8 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 -

Jan. 26 Jan. 31 -

Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 -

at Rifle Duals EAGLE VALLEY & GUNNISON TRIANGULAR PAONIA & GLENWOOD TRIANGULAR Regional at Montrose Regional at Montrose State at Denver State at Denver State at Denver

at Olathe at Delta Tournament at Warrior Classic at Warrior Classic at Grand Junction at Montrose Tournament HOTCHKISS at Cedaredge MIXED DUALS SCREAMING EAGLE TOURNAMENT

Feb. 1 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 6 Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 -

Rocky Ford at Center at Center Tournament at Center Tournament at Delta BASALT MEEKER 2A Regionals at TBA 2A Regionals at TBA 2A State at Denver 2A State at Denver 2A State at Denver

Jan. 16 Jan. 18 -

BASALT at Delta Invitational at Warrior Classic at Warrior Classic HOTCHKISS at Eagle Valley Tournament at Gunnison PAONIA

Jan. 19 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 -

at Salida Invitational at Paonia Duals at Paonia Tourney WSL DUALS Regionals at Grand Valley Regionals at Grand Valley State at Denver State at Denver State at Denver

Dec. 8 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 17 Jan. 18 Jan. 19 Jan. 25 Jan. 26 -

at Delta Invitational at Warrior Classic at Warrior Classic at Cedaredge at Eagle Valley Invitational at Paonia at Peyton at Salida Invitational OLATHE at Rifle Invitational

Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 8 -

at Gunnison at Centauri Invitational WS League Duals at Cedaredge Regionals at Gunnison Regionals at Gunnison State at Denver State at Denver State at Denver

Feb. 6 -

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta 132-pounder Shane Anderson works on a move during practice prior to last week’s opening-night match with Montrose. Anderson won in Montrose and went 5-0 at last weekend’s Maverick Duals at Colorado Mesa University.

Delta matmen have potential for winning BY WAYNE CRICK

Photo by Tamie Meck

Starting guard Natalie Anderson and guard/post Alexis Westergren are two of five varsity players returning to the Hotchkiss team this season. Hotchkiss will compete this season in the 2A WSL under new head coach Eric Hollembeak.

Cordell Stroud and Chris Prosser. This year’s largest contributions come from the sophomore and freshman classes with nine athletes each. The sophomore class listings include Jayden Chynoweth, Wyatt Church, Daryan Urquahart, David Brown, Henry Komives, Derek Horn, Daniel Brown, Alejandro Medina and Marcus Garcia. The freshmen that are listed include Luke Anderson, Colton Cordo-

va, Kavan Trujillo, Shaun Staats, Alex Duran, Kodie Komives, Kelby Brown, Stephen Davignon and Kory Mills. Clayton Curtis returns as Delta’s head coach and is in his sixth season at the helm and 10th overall in the program. With Curtis as assistants are Luiz Meza (seven years), Tyler Morfitt and Kyle Morfitt (three years each), Rudy Fantin (two years), Randy Fantin (three years) and Nathan Trujillo (first year). DELTA WR. TO C4




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C4 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

Experience, confidence could give Lady Eagles another state title shot BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

As soon as the Lady Eagles were eliminated from last year’s 2A state tournament after placing fourth, head coach Scott Rienks knew they needed to play a tougher schedule this season. Paonia was 22-1 going into the tournament, and most of its wins were by 30 or more points. In response, he signed them up to play in the 2012 Tiger Tip-off tournament at Holy Family in Denver. They open the tournament this Thursday against 4A Northridge. Paonia is the only 2A team in a mostly 3A, 8-team bracket. Of the eight teams competing, six are returning state qualifiers. “I know we have the potential to have five losses by break,” said Rienks, “but it gives us a chance to get better as a team.” Rienks is now in his fifth season as head coach

at Paonia and has a 10516 record. Last season, Paonia entered the 2A state tournament with one loss, to 4A Delta, and district and regional trophies in its crowded trophy case. This year’s five returning seniors were freshmen in 2010, when Paonia claimed the state title. They’d like the opportunity to reclaim their title, even if it means tough losses along the way. Paonia scrimmaged Montrose, Olathe and Glenwood Springs, and opened its schedule at home on Dec. 4, against Olathe. Its scheduled season-opener against Rifle was postponed. The next home game will be on Jan. 5, against Hotchkiss, which moved down to Class 2A this year. The Lady Eagles have no games scheduled for the weekend of Dec. 1415, and will compete in the Bank of the West tournament on Dec. 21-22. Last December Paonia lost in

the final seconds to Delta in the tournament championship game. That’s another title it would like to reclaim. Paonia continues to build a strong hoops program. A total of 32 players signed on to this year’s team. Mandy Bushta, Annavah Kropp, Abby Campbell, Tyler Rapke and Chelsy Reed all return for their fourth season. Campbell, who hit more than 50 percent of her field goal attempts and led the team in blocks, offensive and defensive rebounds her junior year, is playing with more confidence than ever, said Rienks. Reed, an all-state player last season, led the team in scoring and steals. Carson Pipher, an all-conference, firstteam player her sophomore year, is one of four returning juniors and will continue to be a threat from the three-point line. Guard Braiden Clement, point guard Jazmine

Gomez and 5-foot-8 forward Taylor Polson also return to the court, as do sophomores Morgan Hartigan, Taylor Plymale and Easton Hartigan. Tonya Pipher returns for her third year as assistant and junior varsity coach. Pipher coached last year’s JV team to a 15-2 season, including one loss to Delta in the Bank of the West JV tournament. Max Schuman, a Littleton native who was a graduate assistant coach for the Northern State University Wolves in South Dakota, will coach the C team. John Blair and Allen Golden will also step in as assistant coach. In his 20 years of coaching, Rienks said he has “never had a coaching staff like this.” Overall, said Rienks, the team is playing with a whole new level of confidence. “We’re pretty excited about where we are right now.”

Photo by Tamie Meck

Paonia guard Chelsy Reed, who averaged nine points per game her junior season, is one of five returning seniors for the Lady Eagles. This year’s seniors were freshmen when Paonia claimed the state 2A title. Paonia placed fourth last season. With a tougher schedule this season and confidence at an all-time high, Paonia has a shot at reclaiming the state title.

Paonia boys short on numbers, big on talent BY TAMIE MECK DCI Sports Writer

Only half of last year’s varsity players for Paonia are returning to the court this season. With a total of 16 players out for the team, head coach Chase Roeber is taking the glass-is-half-full attitude. The returning players — seniors Lane Clawson and Taylor Katzer, juniors Jason Sturgis, Ben Linnell, Eric Carney

and Josiah Spano — are all within the 6-foot range and bring enthusiasm and experience to the court. Taylor Walters, who averaged more than 10 points per game as a freshman, will be a fulltime player on the varsity team. The balance of the players will compete on both C team and JV squads, with at least two players being considered

for varsity later in the season. “They will get a lot of experience on the court, a lot of play time,” said Roeber. Brent McRae, the former head girls’ coach and assistant boys’ coach for Custer County, will be the assistant and junior varsity/C-team coach. The Eagles will host five of their first six games. Their home- and season-opener, scheduled

for last Saturday against Rifle, was postponed since the Bears were playing in the state championship football game. That game will be re-scheduled. The Eagles hosted Olathe (0-1, 3A WSL) Tuesday, and this Friday will host Grand Valley’s Cardinals (0-2, 3A WSL) for a 7 p.m. tipoff. “We’ll see how well we can protect our home,” said Roeber.

Paonia matmen think title Photo by Tamie Meck


DCI Sports Writer Lane Clawson is one of six returning varsity players Paonia head coach returning this season for Paonia. The varsity squad Andy Pipher didn’t seem will be small in number but big on talent. too concerned when the Eagles lost Friday night’s dual against Fruita Monument. Fruita had seven wins, five by pin, to top Paonia, 37-28. It was the season opener, and just shows there’s work to be done, said Pipher. And his lineup was lacking defending state Robert Helgeland champion Jesse Reed Storage (126), who will miss 318 1600 Rd. • Delta about two weeks due to a knee injury. “That defi874-7101 nitely hurts,” said Pipher on Friday. “It affects the whole team.” It was the first dual loss for the Eagles since 2011. Paonia finished at 25-0 last season. But Pipher knows that his team, which took the 2012 state 2A title, will be fine, despite graduating six state qualifiers. Paonia sent 14 wrestlers Sheila’s Emporium to state last year, and the eight remaining qualifi302 Main St., Olathe Open: Tues.-Fri. 10-5 • Sat. 10-3 ers return this season. At Saturday’s Maverick Duals, Paonia was 50, defeating Durango, 66The 2012-2013 high school basketball season has tipped off. 14; Central, 60-18; Moffat

County, 66-12; Palisade, 45-30; and Grand Junction, 58-21. Fruita Monument was the only other team to go 5-0 Saturday. Wrestling Friday on the junior varsity

squad, Jack Bair (113), Matt Hayden (145), Nick Brewer (152) and Logan Schopp (170) all had first-round pins against Fruita. Incoming freshmen

include Brewer and Bo Pipher. Pipher, who placed third in state middle school competition, will wrestle at 120. He starts the season at 6PAO. WREST. TO C5

Swim For The Win! Go Panthers

Best of Luck Olathe Pirates!

Photo by Tamie Meck

Returning state placer Jorge Quinonez works his way to an 8-2 win Friday over Fruita Monument’s Aidan Woomer. Quinonez is one of eight returning state qualifiers for Paonia. The defending state champion Eagles are 5-1 after the first week on the mat.

Delta BB CONTINUED FROM C2 trail 38-21 at the half. The Lightning doubled Delta’s scoring output with a 26-point burst in the third quarter to

leave little doubt as to the game’s outcome. The Panthers stayed with Legacy in fourth-quarter play with the Lightning posting an 18-17 edge

and an 82-51 win. Black’s 16 points paced Delta’s offense while Mitchell McCall tallied 22 counters for Legacy. Delta won’t see action

again until Dec. 20 when they host Eagle Valley’s Devils for a 7:30 p.m. tipoff. Junior varsity action preceeds varsity play for boys and girls.

top ten at state.” This year’s Delta High School varsity roster in wrestling will include Chynoweth (106), Brown (113), McCracken (120), Ty Cordova (126), Anderson (132), Kodie Komives (138), Horn (145), Brasfield (160), Stroud (170),

Collins (182), Medina (195), Ortiz (220) and Garcia (HWT). Delta defeated Montrose last Thursday for the first time in many years and then competed in the Maverick Duals at CMU over the weekend where they were 2-3.

Delta WR. BULLDOGS! Offices in Hotchkiss, Paonia, Crawford, Delta, Westcliffe and Fountain

CONTINUED FROM C3 A list of impact wrestlers for Delta this season featured five athletes. Shane Anderson topped the list at 132 with Brasfield second at 160. Stroud (170), Horn (145), and Brown (113) completes the list.

Delta has numerous athletes who have potential to advance to post-season action. When asked how his team would do in 2012-13, Curtis’ reply was, “We have a young team that will battle this year. Our end-of-the-year goal is always to be in the


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta Co. swim team ready BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Delta County High School swim coach Amanda Hatch entered her seventh season at the helm with this team. Assistant

coach Emily Cannell will be in her third season, and together they will be working with 22 competitors. The number of returning swimmers is seven;

Photo by Wayne Crick

Cedaredge freshman Lydia Knutson is shown during a workout last week. According to Delta County swim team head coach Amanda Hatch, Knutson is capable of making big strides on this year’s team.

one senior, two juniors, and four sophomores. During last year’s season, several swimmers finished in the top 16 at the Southwestern Conference Championships, and two seniors and a 200 freestyle relay came very close to their state qualification time. This year’s projected top swimmers are numerous. Cedaredge freshman Lydia Knutson is expected to do very well in the 200 individual medley and 100 breaststroke. Knutson “is a well-rounded swimmer with a ton of potential,” notes Hatch. Another top prospect is Delta senior Soraya Luna (team captain) who is expected to perform well

in the 200 freestyle. Aspen Spiker (Delta sophomore) will be competing in the 200 and 500 freestyles, Bry Music (Delta junior and co-captain) is slated to swim the 100 free and 100 fly, and Kelsie Hartman (Delta junior and co-captain) will swim the 100 back and 200 freestyle. According to Hatch, up and coming athletes to watch include freshmen Naomi Hayner and Kaylee Dunham. Both

have been swimming for several years on the local club team and the coaches expect to see fantastic times from both of them in various events throughout the season. Hatch’s response to how her team will fare this season was, “I hope to see a couple of state qualifiers out of this crop of swimmers. We have a lot of potential and a great team spirit that I think will push the faster swimmers to

where they need to be to qualify for state and help the less experienced swimmers to better their individual times significantly throughout the season. With two-thirds of the team being underclassmen, we have a solid foundation for many years of excellent swimming to come in Delta County.” Hatch’s team competed in Durango this past weekend but no results were available.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Seventh-year head coach for the Delta County Swim Team, Amanda Hatch (left) and assistant Emily Cannell (third season) took time out from their coachPhoto by Tamie Meck ing duties to pose for a photo at a recent practice session at Bill Heddles Rec Incoming freshman Bo Pipher starts his high school career Friday by pinning Center in Delta. Both Hatch and Cannell are excited about this year’s group of Fruita Monument’s Ian Konrad with a cradle hold. swimmers and look forward to seeing progress from all participants.

Pao. Wrest. CONTINUED FROM C4 Saturday. Paonia will Central High School on mixed duals, and on Jan. ment. on Friday. “But we’ll get “We’ve still got some there. At the end of the 0 and opened his high defend last season’s win Dec. 14 and 15. On Jan. 26 will host the annual school career with an 11- at the Warrior Classic at 25, they host the annual Screaming Eagle Tourna- work to do,” said Pipher season, we’ll be there.” 3 win over Fruita Monument’s Ian Konrad. Paonia has nine sophomores in the lineup, including Bair, Nolan Jones (106), and Logan Schopp, who wrestled for Hotchkiss his freshman season. Josh Altman starts the season at 113 pounds. Altman, a freshman state qualifier who placed sixth last season, defeated Fruita freshman Jared Seely Friday, and was undefeated Saturday. Zach Milner will wrestle at 152. Gunnar Chesnik (138), who was 20-9 as a freshman JV wrestler, defeated Fruita junior Gordon York Friday, 7-2, and was 4-1 Saturday. Joel Simianer, a state qualifier his freshman School Colors: Blue & White year, will fill the 220 Boys Varsity Basketball Coach: Kevin Dunbar class. Simianer defeated Boys Basketball Assistant Coaches: Derek Kehmeier Fruita Monument’s Colt and Dave Boyd Chatfield Friday, 6-4, Girls Varsity Basketball Coach: Joe Berger and won by pin fall SatGirls Basketball Assistant Coaches: Carrie Berger and urday against Palisade (1:42) and Moffat County Haley Benson (0:14). Wrestling Coach: Ted Schanen Will Austin is one of JV Wrestling Coach: Dax Lance three returning junior state qualifiers. Austin moves up to 170, and Ty Coats starts the season School Colors: Green & White at 145. Both were state Girls Varsity Basketball Coach: Matt Hamm Boys Varsity Basketball Coach: Von Mitchell qualifiers their sophoGirls JV Basketball Coach: Ryan Hilbig Boys JV Basketball Coach: Lane Varner more year. Girls Fresh. Basketball Coach: Rosie Johnson Boys Fresh. Basketball Coach: Rob Ames Heavyweight Tony Darling, who placed Varsity Wrestling Coach: Clayton Curtis third his sophomore year, JV Wrestling Coach: Luis Meza enters the season ranked Freshmen Wrestling Coach: Tyler Morfit second and remains Girls Swim Coach: Amanda Hatch undefeated after pinning Fruita Monument’s Sloan Haiden Friday and going 5-0 at the Maverick Duals. Isaac FerguSchool Colors: Red & White son returns for his third Boys Varsity Basketball Coach: Kyle Crowder season. Senior TK Kendall Boys JV Basketball Coach: Jesse Hotchkiss (182), who wrestled his Boys C Team Basketball Coach: Zac Lemon freshman and sophomore Girls Varsity Basketball Coach: Eric Hollenbeak years, returns to the mat Girls JV Basketball Coach: Jeannette Carey after playing basketball Girls C Team Basketball Coach: Christa Hawk last season. Matt Hayden Wrestling Coach: Glen Suppes (145) and Dylan Stroud Assistant Wrestling Coaches: Matt Hall and Norm Vincent (132) enter their fourth year on the team. Jorge Quinonez who placed fifth last season at 152, School Colors: Red & Black moves up to 160. Quinonez lost Friday Boys Basketball Coach: Chase Roeber to eighth-ranked Aidan Boys Basketball Assistant Coach: Brent McRae Woomer, then went 5-0 Girls Basketball Coach: Scott Rienks Saturday. Girls JV Coach: Tonya Pipher Morgan Rieder, a Girls C Team Coach: Max Schuman three-year state qualifier who placed second Wrestling Coach: Andy Pipher last season, is also off to a strong start, pinning Fruita’s Clayton Muller Friday and going 5-0 at Fruita. Paonia will spend much of the season on DELTA COUNTY the road. They wrestle 401 Meeker St., Delta CO at Olathe this Friday at 6, and will compete at 874-4421 the Delta tournament on






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C6 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

Delta girls to vie for honors in league, state BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Delta High School’s Lady Panthers are coming off the school’s best season ever after going 20-5 in 2011-12. Not only did the 20-5 mark set a new school win record, the ‘Sweet 16’ appearance in post-season play was also a first for the program. Delta lost 74-58 to the Class 4A runnerup D’Evelyn to end its season. This year’s squad will feature five seasoned seniors who should provide leadership and workethic role models. A good core of junior athletes will augment the chances of Delta repeating its high finish in league (first) and propelling it into playoffs for another run at a state title. Matt Hamm returns to guide the Lady Panthers and is in his fifth season as the head mentor. He has been with the program for seven years and has coached for 10

seasons. Rosie Johnson is in her third season with the freshmen and Ryan Hilbig is back for his second season with the junior varsity/varsity. Wayne Crick will assist with all three programs as needed. The five seniors who will be instrumental in providing leadership and guidance include Skylyn Webb (guard), Callie Gafford (forward), Brooke Taylor (guard/forward), Patti Chapman (guard) and Erin Zunich (guard). All will see extensive playing time throughout the season. Two juniors have been mixed with the senior core to form a solid seven group. Those juniors are Shelby Curtis and Brittanny Brasfield. Both play in the post for the Lady Panthers with Curtis capable of playing at a guard’s position as well. Hamm will complete the varsity roster with an additional three to five players from the junior

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varsity roster as the season progresses. The tough 4A WSL has several teams that are capable of causing problems for the Lady Panthers. One of the Panthers’ nemeses has been Glenwood Springs and this year will be no different. Another difficult team to play over the years has been the Rifle Bears. After playing down a league previously, the Lady Bears return to the 4A WSL and will warrant careful consideration as well. Delta’s goals are lofty once again in 2012-13. According to Hamm, “We are working to win the league title and then take the state title this season.” Delta’s first court action is slated for Dec. 13-15 at the Black Canyon Tournament in Montrose. The Lady Panthers face Grand Junction at 4:30 p.m. on the 13th, Photo by Wayne Crick Fruita at 4:30 p.m. on the 14th, and finish with Brittanny Brasfield (12) and Brooke Taylor (34) play defense against Olathe Montrose on the 15th at during a pre-season scrimmage in Olathe. The Lady Panthers finished 20-5 last season and advanced to the ‘Sweet 16’ before bowing out of state title 2 p.m. contention.

Panther boys hoops team a sleeper in tough 4A WSL BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Isaiah St. Peter


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Thanks to all the coaches too!

For Delta High School head boys’ basketball coach Von Mitchell, this could be a good year for the Panthers. Delta will have height, speed and savvy. Lacking on this year’s squad is a pure perimeter shooter who can score double digits each game. There are a few hopefuls for that designation, with senior Chris Black among those who

might qualify. Black is a key component for the success of Delta’s season who has the responsibility of transitioning the ball from backcourt to the frontcourt as a point guard. Black is the only returning starter for the Panthers from a year ago when Delta went 17-6 with a league title and a run at the state title that ended in the round of 32 with a loss to Greeley Central. He is an all-conference point guard and, “is one of the best guards in the state,” notes Mitchell. Other players Mitchell will rely on heavily this season include Doug Hawkins and Mitch Whiteside, who as juniors were key players off the bench last season. The remaining members of the varsity roster

include senior letter winner Jaden Cowley, junior letter winners Keaton Reiher and Jorge Olivas, and sophomore letter winner Eian Baier. Robin Milabo (senior), Kenny Wood (junior), Ryan Whiteside (junior) and sophomore Cade Gafford will complete the varsity roster listings. Mitchell will have a capable staff made up of veteran coaches. Lane Varner, a Delta High School graduate and stellar athlete, will be in his second season as a JV coach and fourth overall, and Rob Ames is going for his 20th season as the Panthers’ freshman coach. For Mitchell, the 4A WSL has numerous tough teams, with all being teams to beat any given night. “League play should be tough again.

I see Palisade being good for several years to come. I think Steamboat Springs will be good this year. Eagle Valley will be good again, and we’re adding Summit County to our schedule.” Each team has impact players and the Panthers could have several as the season goes on. “We’ll take all the impact players we can get, but Chris Black is certainly one of those for us. We’re glad he’s healthy and raring to go for his senior year,” says Mitchell. The outlook for the coming season is high for Mitchell and the Panthers. He never stops looking on the positive side. “Hopefully, our team will come together and work as one unit. If we do, we could have a great year. Time will tell on that one.”

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta junior Ryan Whiteside (10) enters a pass to a waiting Douglas Hawkins during last weekend’s game against Legacy. The Lightning had too much offense for Delta as they rolled to an easy win. Delta failed to win a game in three tries at the Warrior Challenge, but coach Von Mitchell was optimistic after the game. “We’re just five days old and three of those days were on the court. We’ll get better!”


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Cedaredge boys hoop team primed for year BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

This year’s Cedaredge Bruins basketball team will have incentive to perform after their football team won the Class 1A state title recently. Winning is contagious and the Bruins head basketball coach, Kevin Dunbar, was an assistant coach for the football team. The winning attitude will come from the top down as Cedaredge heads into its basketball campaign. Dunbar, in his third year, will be joined on the coaching staff by thirdyear coaches Derek Kehmeier and Dave Boyd. At this time, there are 26 athletes battling for starting spots with five returning lettermen

among the hopefuls. Cedaredge will be looking to improve on its 4-16 overall record and 1-12 league mark from a year ago. “Expect this team to be much improved from last year. Senior leadership, along with athleticism, height, and newly acquired leadership and the work ethic of the junior class will help this team be successful,” quoted Dunbar. Dunbar has plenty of talent to draw from in 2012 and mentions four as players that he rates as just a few of the keys to success in the coming season. The first three, all football athletes for the Bruins, include Trent Walker, Reid Gates and Kyle Ward. The fourth player is Aaron Hen-

rie. All are juniors at Cedaredge High School. Walker scored at nearly eight points a game last season and Gates had a 9.4 average per game. Dunbar expects the 3A WSL to be highly competitive across the board this season. “Each team is ‘a team to beat’.” Aspen and Roaring Fork will be the toughest according to Dunbar. The Bruins tipped off their 2012-13 season at home against Ridgway last Saturday. No games are scheduled for this week for the Bruins with the next regularly schedule contest set for Dec. 11 at Gunnison with starting times of 5:30 and 7 p.m. for the girls and boys varsity teams.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Cedaredge’s Trent Walker (15) gets past Ridgway’s big man for this shot last Saturday afternoon in Cedaredge. Walker led the Bruins’ offense with 21 points with Dillon Smith collecting 10 counters for the winners. Cedaredge won the game 63-56.

Lady Bruins hardwood squad prepares for play BY WAYNE CRICK DCI Sports Editor

Photo by Wayne Crick

It wasn’t all peaches and cream last Saturday for the Cedaredge Lady Bruins as they played Ridgway. The Lady Demons got off to a small lead forcing Cedaredge to play catch up for awhile. When things did go the way new head coach Joe Berger wanted them to go, the result was a broad smile as seen in the photo above. Cedaredge won its season opener 34-32.

As the Lady Bruins prepare for their 2012-13 basketball season, there is a concentrated effort to improve on a 3-16 season from a year ago. “Our belief is that we can be in the top four in our league and make it to regionals,” states first-year varsity coach Joe Berger. Cedaredge has a total of 24 athletes on this year’s roster and eight of them are returning letter winners. Ten of the 24 players are upper classmen with the junior class having the largest number at eight. Only three sophomores are listed on the team roster with 11 freshmen comprising the largest number of par-

ticipants. Assisting Berger with coaching duties this season are first-year coaches Carrie Berger (a Cedaredge graduate and standout player) and Haley Benson (a Hotchkiss High School graduate and standout player there). The Lady Bruins will put their hopes for success in the hands of a hustling squad and solid play. Berger noted the play of senior guards Jordan Smith and Lyndsey Gardner as being just two players who would potentially impact Cedaredge’s fortunes in the coming season. “Jordan is a versatile player who can score and defend equally well. She is a true leader on and

off the court. Lyndsey is an excellent scorer and tremendous defender as well.” Teams to beat in the 3A WSL might include several choices. Coach Berger noted Gunnison and Olathe at the top of the list but mentioned not looking past the tall and talented Roaring Fork Rams. Berger sees Gunnison as a top challenger because of its great coach and very talented girls. Olathe was another top choice because of the coaching ability of Paul Althaus. The Lady Bruins opened their season on Saturday, Dec. 1, with a 34-32 win over Ridgway in Cedaredge (see related story).

C8 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

Photo by Wayne Crick

Photo by Wayne Crick

Cedaredge head wrestling coach Ted Schanen works out with his athletes to help show various Photo by Wayne Crick techniques he is teaching. The Bruins went 1-4 at Cedaredge senior Lyndsey Gardner (11) takes a the Mav Duals in Grand Junction with Coe (106) shot over her sister Kristen (33) during action from and Garrett Humble winning their five matches. last week’s prep basketball game between Ridgway and the Lady Bruins. Cedaredge gained the upper hand late in the game and won 34-32.

The look on Delta senior Chris Black’s face shows the ferocity with which he plays the game each time the Panthers play. Black is the point guard for Delta and is the center of attention for an opposing team’s defense.

Photo by Tamie Meck

Photo by Tamie Meck

Paonia guards Carson Pipher and Braiden Clement compete during a recent practice session. The Lady Eagles will compete this weekend in the eightteam bracket Tiger Tip-Off Tournament at Holy Family High School.

Hotchkiss’ 160-pounder Tony Ibarra works toward a pin against Basalt’s Josue Fernandez at the 52nd Annual Hotchkiss Invitational Wrestling Tournament. All Delta County wrestling teams, and squads outside the county, are in Delta this week.

Photo by Wayne Crick

Delta boys coach Von Mitchell discusses strategy during a timeout at last weekend’s Warrior Challenge at Central High School in Grand Junction. The Panthers played inspired ball at times but did not win any of its three games against Fruita, Central and Legacy.

Dodgeball to support Wounded Warrior Project Did you know that in 1996 the sport of Dodgeball was recognized by the International Olympic Committee as a serious sport and was played that year at the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta? Paonia High School will host the first Winter

Warrior Dodgeball Tournament on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 7 p.m. The event is a fundraiser for the Wounded Warrior Project. Co-ed teams made up of students ranging from grades 9-12 will compete in the age-old game of dodgeball (the game has

roots dating back more than 600 years, although its roots in the U.S. began in 1920), and uniforms will reflect a warrior theme. Think Spartans, Romans, American GIs. Team entry fees and the admission fee of $2 per person will go to the Wounded Warrior Proj-

ect. Admission for veterans is free. PHS will host a Heroes’ Wall, and community members are encouraged to bring pictures of veteran heroes, who will be honored at the event. Call 527-4882 for more details.

Christian Science Society, Delta welcomes you to our Church Services. Our Pastor is the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. Our mission is to “commemorate the word and works of our Master [Christ Jesus] which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.” (Mary Baker Eddy)

Sunday Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. (children up to age 20) Wednesday Testimony Meeting 7:00 p.m. For online lectures covering personal health, community and global topics go to 751 Meeker • Delta • 874-8083 (corner of 8th & Meeker)


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Crawford – Vacant Land

Paonia – Commercial

Beautiful Home…Very open and bright floor plan with 3 beds, all with walk-in closets and 2 baths. Dream kitchen with island and stainless steel appliances. Tile and carpet floors. Finished garage. Edge of town location with nice views. $259,000 #656035

Bike to Paonia…from this sweet 3BR/1BA on Lamborn Mesa that boasts new paint and carpet. Irrigation and garden areas on one acre and the large shade trees and fruit trees make it so special. Large barn and garage. $179,500 #669403

Self-Sufficient Home…On a half acre lot w/irrigation water. Fenced back yard for privacy, nice storage building, apple trees, chicken coop, 2car garage. Located around the corner from Paonia Town Park, rare lot size within town limits. $182,000 #648801

Energy Efficient…plus $45 a year for the generous & private domestic spring water and several outdoor entertaining areas and outstanding views! 5BR/2BA and 6 garage spaces plus shop & storage. Several new updates. $315,000 #667699

27-Acres…Ready to build. Very productive land on Rogers Mesa near Hotchkiss. Established peach, apple and nursery trees on part, remainder fallow and ready to plant. Pressured irrigation system in place. Good irrigation plus domestic tap. Views and private. $299,900 #671846

Bank-Owned…40 acres of mountain land w/beautiful views. Water tap installed! SO CLOSE to so many recreational opportunities and minutes away from Crawford Reservoir and Black Canyon. House? Cabin? RV or Tent? Your choice! $105,000 #664376

Be Your Own Boss…in a business that is sure to succeed! Liquor store just outside Paonia includes 1530+ sq. ft. building, sits on half-acre lot with water tap. Business shows upward growth trend. Want job security? $320,000 #667297

Linda or Bob Lario

Shari Davis

Doris Danielsen

Shari Davis

Bob or Linda Lario

Nancy Wood

Doris Danielsen








Each office independently owned & operated. WITH 3 WESTERN COLORADO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! Carbondale • Cedaredge • Paonia


Advertising that SPECIAL PET? Be sure to advertise it in the Delta County Independent Call Today!



All Breed Dog Obedience Sessions starting week of Dec. 3 in our new facility. Group & Private Lessons. By Pre-Registration Only! 240-0263 or 874-1336


BUSINESS RENTAL OPPORTUNITIES PROPERTIES We have corporate housing available — long term or short.

Rentals Office building for lease in downtown Delta. Great parking. Nice, comfortable, 1 bedroom in over 55 park.

PATRIOT VACUUM Excellent vacuum system! Orig. retail $2400. Yours for $500.00. Call L&B HAIR SALON FOR SALE. Vac at 874-6105, or go to Well established business for for more info. sale with a great lease, per- (tfnx38) fect location, good traffic and profitable cash flow. Call (970) 260-2657. (tfnx47)




YAMAHA GRIZZLY 660 4x4 ATV. Automatic. Realtree hardwood camo. 1-owner, excellent condition. 3400 miles. Adult driven. $4800/ OBO. Call 874-4558. (tfnx41



(Free consultation) ADVERTISE TODAY!

DON'T PAY BIG RENTS $375/mo., Comfortable cabin near Cedaredge with propane heat. Self-reliant lifestyle. Call (970) 2107889. No smoking or pets. (tfnx47) 2BR/1BA, UNFURNISHED house with laundry room, full kitchen, interior completely remodeled, $700/ month, $750 deposit, no pets. Call 874-5005 or (970) 201-9709. References required. (4x48) RENT/RENT TO OWN. Newer home on 2 acres, 3BR/2BA, 3 car garage, covered patio and lots of amenities. Delta area. $1300.00. (970) 249-1148 (4x49)



1109 Main St. Delta, CO 81416

Office (970) 874-7563 Cell (970) 234-7563


Delta Family Physicians now open Saturdays at 8:00 a.m. Accepting new patients for our nurse practitioner. Also accepting OB patients.

874-5777 555 Meeker St. • Delta

PREMIER STONEBRIDGE HOME! ON THE CREEKSIDE of Beautiful Stonebridge at Deer Creek Village, 4BR/ 3BA 2528 sq. ft. Top Quality Home with Solid Oak Flooring & Cabinetry & Custom Tilework throughout. The Beauty, Quality Features & Sq. Footage of this Home make it one of the Best Buys in Stonebridge! Cedaredge, #666676, $359,000! SWEET MOUNTAIN RETREAT! CUTE MOUNTAIN CABIN ew HOME on 9.15 Acres makes N this the PERFECT Colorado Mountain “Get-Away” Vacation Home or Darling place to live while building a bigger Permanent Home & use for Guest House. Awesome Location north of Cedaredge, Close to Town. Cedaredge, #672511, $169,000! e



Kim Guthrie-Burch • Managing Broker • Owner

Delta — Residential COMPLETELY REMODELED BRICK, VINTAGE HOME! Relax on the glorious sun porch year round. 3 BD, 1 full bath with space & structure for 2nd bath. All new plumbing, electrical, furnace, carpet, paint & appliances. Gorgeous, original lead glass windows. Custom built cabinets in kitchen. Very meticulous Seller, house is in tip-top condition. Fenced yard, a detached 2-car garage w/alley access. Located in a convenient downtown Delta Location. $149,500 #669560

Marsha Bryan

CRS, ABR, TRC, SRES, SRS Broker Owner See Virtual Tours at:

970-856-8800 Each office independently 975 S. Grand Mesa Dr. owned & operated Cedaredge, CO 81413 WITH 3 WESTERN COLORADO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU! Carbondale • Cedaredge • Paonia

Kim Guthrie-Burch 234-7563 Each office independently owned and operated Visit us at:

Think Local. Buy Local.

in a work or auto accident, contact

874-9803 • 874-4006






SUBSCRIBE 874-4421

today in the DCI! Call 874-4421 for your personal ad rep.

ADVERTISE LOCAL. local advertisers, attracting local buyers!

Mountain West

Let my 33 years experience work for you!

The Real Estate Leaders

TRAILER SALES 6X12 WELLS CARGO enclosed trailer. Single axle, torsion axle, 3500 gvwr, barn door rear entrance. Extra cargo rack on front for extras.Very clean. $2900/ OBO. 874-4558, leave message. (tfnx38)

TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! Beautifully maintained 1940’s, 4BR/3BA, 1980 sq. ft. home has original oak hardwood floors & staircase. Gas log fireplace + HWBB heat. Spacious rooms, separate family room in the partially finished basement, lots of builtin storage. PLUS a comfortable 2BR/1BA bungalow for the extended family. $299,000 Cedaredge, CO #656542

DROST’S CHOCOLATE! Owners decided it is time to retire! Well-established Candy/Ice Cream/ Coffee Business on the Western Slope of Colorado. Retail sales area, work area & 2BR private living area. Includes building, furniture, fixtures & equipment for the business, 14 days of training, some furniture in living area. Treed back yard along Surface Creek. $395,000 Eckert, CO #671632


Janice Jones 2-PC MAPLE CHINA closet with glass doors. $225. Call 874-7287, leave message if no one answers. (4x49)

CRS, GRI, SRES, ABR Broker Owner

970-856-7344 800-249-1838 975 S. Grand Mesa Dr. Cedaredge, CO 81413

Each office independently owned & operated


D2 Wednesday, December 5, 2012 HELP WANTED





TRUCK BY-PASS JOB FAIR Hamon Contractors, Inc. has entered into a contract with the City of Delta to construct a 4lane truck by-pass through the City of Delta. The project is scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2012 and has a duration of approximately 15 months. Hamon and the City are constructing the project using a Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) approach. The CM/GC is an innovative method of project delivery calling for a collaborative team approach where the parties work together to address project design and construction issues proactively for the benefit of the project. Hamon will act as both the construction manager and the general contractor on the Project.

Delta County Independent



FREE DIAPERS FOR UP to one year! Pregnant women in Delta County can now get help to quit smoking and get something they can really use after their baby arrives — free diapers. Healthy moms have healthy babies. Enroll in the Baby & Me Tobacco Free program today. Contact the Delta County Health Department at 874-2165 or your local physician. (TFNx2)

The project consists of construction of a new 4-lane truck by-pass through the City of Delta, to be known as Confluence Drive. Two new bridges will be constructed over a rail spur and 1st Street which will include a pedestrian undercrossing. Hamon will also be constructing drainage and water quality improvements and relocate the existing railroad alignment.

BECAWS! ADOPT A DOG or cat today. Call 970-5273350, or visit cawsonline. org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter (CAWS) CHAPTER, UNITS OF DAV regular meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Veterans Building, 15th & Howard, Delta. For further information, call Paul Carter 874-5150. (tfx19)

SUPPORT THE DELTA Public Library. Give a gently THE PREGNANCY REused book in the Downstairs source Center needs staff volunteers to join our team Book Store. of those committed to preTHE DISTRICT ATTORN- senting life and the truth of A job fair will be conducted on December 7, 2012 from 7:00 to 11:00 a.m. at: ey's Office provides ser- Jesus Christ. Why not call vices to those who have us at 874-5733 and find out been victimized by a crime more? (tfx26) Bill Heddles Recreation Center of domestic violence, 520 Gunnison River Drive assault and other crimes. YOU HAVE THE POWER TO To learn more about the change a child's life! Delta, CO 81416 victim assistance services Children are waiting for provided by the District senior partners in Delta Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply for the following positions: Attorney's Office, please County right now! Can you contact Peggy Ann Saxton spare 3 hours a week? We need your help! Call today • Bridge Carpenters — must have experience at 970-874-2085. (tfx41) for more information. Please • Heavy Highway Equipment Operators — must be proficient with line and grade control HOTCHKISS-CRAWFORD volunteer to spend time with • Crane Operator — must have experience Historical Museum. Winter a child in our community. • Pipe Laborers — must have experience hours, Saturdays 1-4 p.m. Partners of Delta, Montrose thru December 24. $3 admis- and Ouray, 874-4661, www. • Fueler — must have current CDL with Hazmat sion or free to members. or www. • General Laborer Come see our museum at • Truck Drivers — must have current CDL 2nd & Hotchkiss Streets in (tfx13) • Flaggers — TCS Certified preferred Hotchkiss. 872-3780. (tfx44) ALATEEN, DELTA: TUES. ALCOHOLICS ANONY- 7:30 p.m., St Luke's Church, Please be prepared with a completed resume and two forms of identification. Interviews will mous, at Friends of Bill 5th & Palmer, 874-9832. be conducted on site for qualified candidates and hiring may be completed the same day. W. club at 9th and Palmer, (tfnx38) meets Sunday 1 p.m., 7 p.m. Hamon Contractors is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Monday at noon, Tuesday at Background check and pre-employment drug screen required. noon, Wednesday at noon, Pay commensurate with experience. No phone calls please. 5:30 ladies only. Thursday MISC. at noon, and 8 p.m., Friday at noon, Saturday 12:15 PART-TIME SEX OFFENSE p.m. Call 874-8282. (tfnx5) Delta County Sheriff’s DeVictim Services Specialist ALCOHOLICS ANONYpartment is developing a hiring list for Patrol Deputy. needed for the District mous meeting, women only, Qualifications: Must have a Attorney's Office, 7th (non-smoking), Saturdays, State of Colorado Basic CerJudicial District. Position 11 a.m., in the basement of tificate Number. High School graduate or equivalent; U.S. works 32 hours per week, is St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, citizen; minimum age 21; ex100% grant-funded, works 5th and Palmer, (go to the cellent medical/physical conThe Delta County Independent is with both child and adult back door). (tfx1) dition. Demonstrate integrity, accepting applications for our mail victims, requires work in good judgment, dependability. Selection process for Montrose and Delta and CHECK OUT THE BOOK crew. This part-time position requires Deputy includes written some additional travel. store at the library. You'll an energetic, team-oriented person. exam, oral board, interview, Prior victim services or find a great selection of full background investigation, (including review or advocacy required. Wage paperbacks at reasonable This position requires some physical prior use of alcohol/drugs), commensurate with experi- prices. and medical exam. Psycholifting, a good attitude, and ability to ence. Please submit résumé logical evaluation required. ANONYwork with others. Hours are approxiand employment references NARCOTICS Shift/weekend/holiday work required. mately 4-5 hours on Tuesday evenings to Administrator, Office of mous meets at 9th and Starting Salary Range: District Attorney, 1200 N. Palmer, Delta, Mondays and beginning around 7 p.m. Duties $39,124-$43,046. DOE Grand, #D, Montrose, CO Fridays at 8 p.m. (tfnx5)

PUBLIC SERVICE AL-ANON, HOPE AND help for families and friends of alcoholics. Cedaredge: Thurs. 8 p.m., Wick Hall behind First Baptist Church, 370 W. Main, Vicki 856-7115 or Mary 856-6123. Speaker meeting last Thurs. of month. Delta: Tues. 7:30 p.m., St. Luke's Episcopal, 5th and Palmer, Mark 8748965 or Elizabeth 874-9832 (Alateen meeting in Delta, same time/place, Elizabeth 874-9832 or Shirley 3235067). Eckert: Women's meeting, Tues. 12:45-1:45 p.m., 13596 Hwy 65, Mary 210-4734. Hotchkiss: Tues., First Baptist Church, Oak and Main. Call first, Edna 872-6141 or Judy 527-5618. Montrose: Women's meeting, Sun. 3:30-5p.m., All Saints Anglican Church, 2057 S. Townsend Ave., Leia 602-692-6332, Mon., 7 p.m. and Thurs., 12 Noon, First Presbyterian Church, 1840 E. Niagara Rd, Doug or Diane 964-4417. Paonia: Wed. 7 p.m., United Methodist, 3rd and Onarga. Kay 527-3518 or Chris 5273366. (tfnx38) PAONIA AMERICAN Legion runs a year round non-perishable emergency food pantry. This is for the North Fork area. For information, call 527-6252. (tfx49) CHRISTMAS IS COMING!


Join the DCI mail room team!

include inserting, and delivering to vendors and racks in Delta-Olathe area or North Fork area. Must have reliable vehicle and good driving record. Please apply in person DELTA COUNTY

INDEPENDENT 401 Meeker, Delta CO


Interested persons may submit a County application to the County Human Resources Office on or before Friday, December 14, 2012. Applications may be obtained in the Administration Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer, Suite 227, Delta, CO 81416 or by calling (970) 8742459. An application may also be obtained on our website at A resume may be attached to the completed County Application. Delta County is an EOE/ADA Employer.


INDEPENDENT 401 Meeker, Delta CO

FROM THE PAST COMPILED FROM DELTA NEWSPAPERS By DELTA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY 251 Meeker St., Delta • 874-8721 December 6, 1912 (From the Delta County Independent) The Delta Motor club will hold a meeting and give a banquet in Delta tonight. There will be an elaborate spread and roads plans will be freely discussed. All interested are urged to attend. *** The parcel post rates which will go into effect January 1, have been sent out by the postoffice department. The limit of weight is eleven pounds. The package must not be greater than 72 inches in length and girth combined and must not be of a character to damage mail equipment or carriers. Packages may be insured for their value, not to exceed $25, upon the payment of 5 cents. Goods must not be of a character perishable within the reasonable time necessary for their delivery. The local rates are 5 cents for one pound, with one cent additional for each pound up to eleven, making the 11 pound package cost 15 cents.


81401 or by Fax to 970/2524270. Position closes 12/21/2012 or until filled. (2x49)


BECAWS! DONATIONS needed. Credit cards accepted. Call 970-5273350, or visit cawsonline. org. Delta County Citizens for Animal Welfare and Shelter (CAWS)

DELTA FOOD PANTRY needs meals for Delta families who are temporarily in need. Donations of THE DELTA COUNTY non-perishable food may Independent runs these be brought to 628 Meeker. items as a public service (tfx36) free of charge for non-profit KEEP THE organizations, if no fees are HELP!!! charged. However, each animal population under group is asked to please control, and SAVE an anikeep them current by call- mal's life. Adopt your new cat or dog from the Delta ing 874-4421. County Humane Society. PIONEER AL-ANON Adoption fee is minimal. Family Group will host a Call 874-2149. (DCHS) special speaker meeting on the last Thursday of each THERE IS A VFW MEETING month. Everyone is wel- on the first Monday of each come. 8-9 p.m. in Cedaredge month. At 6 p.m. there is at First Baptist Church, 370 a potluck and the meeting W. Main Street in Wick Hall is at 7 p.m. at the Veterans behind the church, west Building, 15th & Howard, end. Call Mary 856-6123 or Delta. For further information, call 874-5150 Paul Vicki 856-7115. (tfnx12) Carter. (tfx31) IF YOU LOVE BOOKS, you will love the Downstairs DO YOU HAVE AN UNBookstore in the basement wanted item that is taking up space in your closet? of the Delta Public Library. Sell it through the DCI SUBSCRIBE TODAY! Classifieds! Call 874-4421.

The rate on the pound package to farthest distance is 12 cents, while on the eleven pound package carried a distance of more than 1,800 miles, it would be $1.32. *** Hereafter weather signals will be displayed at the service headquarters by the local service man, E.M. Getts, from the pole put up for that purpose near the Fairlamb building occupied by Getts and Getts. The flags and translations are as follows: White flag, fair weather; white and blue flag, local rain or snow; black triangle, low temperature; blue flag, rain or snow; white flag with black center, cold wave. *** Another carload of pipe arrived last week for the Cedaredge water works. *** This season’s football record is 12 killed, 183 crippled or otherwise injured. Just about on a par with the late Spanish-American war. *** The watch guessing contest closed Monday and the winner was Mrs. N. Wagner of Lona, Minnesota. The watch stopped at 6:54:22 and the nearest guess was 6:50:59. *** Miss Louise Wailer of Delta, in company with a couple of lady friends en route to Denver, got left by the train in Montrose on Wednesday of last week. After the train had 30 minutes start they started to overtake it in an automobile and made Cerro summit just as the train did. They reached Cimarron in ample time to board the train. *** The beet harvest has been completed. At least all the beets are out of the fields and have been delivered at the different loading stations, where

many thousands of tons are yet piled up awaiting shipment to the factory at Grand Junction. *** The bootblacks of Delta are about to tangle up in prize ring affairs according to all obtainable reports. A few rounds must be pulled off in genuine pugilist fashion in order to settle a controversy and the bout will occur at Austin tomorrow night if nothing happens to prevent it. Quite a number of rooters are expected to be at ringside to see if Johnson can hold his title against Mike, the terrible Greek. *** Piling for the bridge across North Fork is still being hauled through Crawford. They are fine timbers. *** A well known resident of Austin recently made the remark that he had visited the new county home in Delta and it was his opinion that the people of Delta county should be proud of such a public institution. *** Every lady is a lover of cut glass; nothing that you can give her will be more appreciated. Roy L. Smith, The Jeweler. *** In as much as there is a proposition on foot to establish in Colorado a 1200 acre convict farm, and the probability is that such a farm, if established, will be located in some of our Western Slope valleys, it might be a subject for our local booster club to tackle. The Independent is not sure that our people would regard such an institution as an enterprise to be sought or not, but Grand Junction seems anxious to land it. ***


Delta County Independent

Public Notices Your Right To Know Legal Deadline is Monday at 10 a.m. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0160 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 5, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Frederick J Ingalls Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Mortgage Investors Corporation Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Mortgage Investors Corporation Date of Deed of Trust February 07, 2012 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust February 15, 2012 Recording Information (Reception Number) 656474 Original Principal Amount $245,809.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $245,809.00 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE EXHIBIT A THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF Colorado, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 2 MILLER CREEK MINOR SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMIT TO, AND WITHOUT WARRANTY, ONE (1) TOWN OF PAONIA DOMESTIC WATER TAP Parcel ID: 324509410002 Also known by street and number as: 13250 Dry Gulch Rd, Paonia, CO 81428. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/02/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/7/2012 Last Publication 12/5/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/05/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: KIMBERLY L. MARTINEZ #40351 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-09436 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 7, 14, 21, 28 and December 5, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0159 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 5, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Richard Leon McClanahan and Michiyo McClanahan Original Beneficiary(ies) Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust April 04, 2011 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust April 05, 2011 Recording Information (Reception Number) 649879 Original Principal Amount $131,070.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $128,970.73 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 3 OF HOYER SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 21169 Cherry Lane, Eckert, CO 81418. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for

sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/02/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/7/2012 Last Publication 12/5/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/05/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CHRISTOPHER T. GROEN #39976 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-09893 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 7, 14, 21, 28 and December 5, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0158 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 4, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) VICTOR G RICHARDS AND CAROLYN B RICHARDS Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR LENDER, MBNA AMERICA (DELAWARE), N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP Date of Deed of Trust August 15, 2003 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust August 21, 2003 Recording Information (Reception Number) 570461 Original Principal Amount $96,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $82,564.15 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the Deed of Trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the Deed of Trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT ‘A’ AND INCORPORATED HEREIN A THOUGH FULLY SET FORTH. ALL THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF DELTA AND STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN A DEED DATED 06/08/1999 AND RECORDED 06/08/1999, AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF THE COUNTY AND STATE SET FORTHA ABOVE, IN DEED VOLUME 525617 AND PAGE 1. ADDRESS: 17237 2550 ROAD; CEDAREDGE, CO 81413 TAX MAP OR PARCEL ID NO.: R003021 Also known by street and number as: 17237 2550 ROAD, CEDAREDGE, CO 81413. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/02/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/7/2012 Last Publication 12/5/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/04/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: KERRI ANN BOOTH #42562 LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL P MEDVED PC 355 UNION BLVD #302, LAKEWOOD, CO 80228-1508 (303) 274-0155

The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-910-22598 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 7, 14, 21, 28 and December 5, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0161 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 6, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) CHARLES J. EULER AND JONI MICHELLE WAINRIGHT-EULER Original Beneficiary(ies) WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust March 19, 2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust March 24, 2008 Recording Information (Reception Number) 624077 Original Principal Amount $179,655.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $194,341.37 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 13 AND 14 IN BLOCK “A” OF PEACH PLAT OF THE CITY OF DELTA, COLORADO, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 945 HASTINGS STREET, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/09/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/14/2012 Last Publication 12/12/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/06/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: EMILY JENSIK, ESQ. #31294 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 9105.04587 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 14, 21, 28, December 5 and 12, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0163 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 6, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Ruth M Miller Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Bank of America, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust December 22, 2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust December 29, 2008 Recording Information (Reception Number) 631081 Original Principal Amount $120,402.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $112,734.05 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the Deed of Trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the Deed of Trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE WEST 62 FEET OF LOTS 10, 11, AND 12, BLOCK 24, ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN, NOW CITY OF DELTA, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 211 W 2nd Street, Delta, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/09/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by

law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/14/2012 Last Publication 12/12/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/06/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-10333 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 14, 21, 28, December 5 and 12, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0165 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 7, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) MICHAEL B. FERGANCHICK Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., acting solely as nominee for REPUBLIC MORTGAGE HOME LOANS LLC Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust October 20, 2010 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust October 25, 2010 Recording Information (Reception Number) 646342 Original Principal Amount $187,241.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $184,084.39 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 35 EMERALD HILLS SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2 COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 1925 FOREST WAY, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/09/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/14/2012 Last Publication 12/12/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/07/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: JOAN OLSON, ESQ #28078 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 1269.21041 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 14, 21, 28, December 5 and 12, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0166 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 7, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) MARIO JAMES FINE AND KERRI SUE FINE Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., acting solely as nominee for FIRST FRANKLIN A DIVISION OF NAT. CITY BANK OF IN Current Holder of Evidence of Debt U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as trustee for the holders of the FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2006-FF12 MORTGAGE PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-FF12 Date of Deed of Trust June 26, 2006 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust June 28, 2006 Recording Information (Reception Number) 605070 Original Principal Amount $160,400.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $169,051.29 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due

together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT #7, WILLOW HEIGHTS #1, AMENDED, A SUBDIVISION TO THE TOWN OF HOTCHKISS, COLORADO. DELTA COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 500 WILLOW DRIVE, HOTCHKISS, CO 81419. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/09/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/14/2012 Last Publication 12/12/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/07/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: MONICA KADRMAS, Esq #34904 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 5050.01381 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 14, 21, 28, December 5 and 12, 2012.

PUBLIC NOTICE Leroux Creek Water Users Association Notice of Annual Meeting The regular annual meeting of the Leroux Creek Water Users Association Stockholders will be held on Monday, December 10, 2012, at the Rogers Mesa Community House at 1:30 p.m. for the purpose of electing directors and any other business that may come before the company. Mark Smith, President Published in the Delta County Independent November 28 and December 5, 2012.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of JAMES ALLAN STECKEL, a/k/a JAMES A. STECKEL, a/k/a JAMES STECKEL, Deceased Case Number 12PR94 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Delta County, Colorado on or before March 25, 2013, or the claims may be forever barred. Lois Steckel Person Giving Notice 2787 - 2100 Road Delta CO 81416 Attorney for Personal Representative Aaron R. Clay PO Box 38 Delta CO 81416 Published in the Delta County Independent November 21, 28 and December 5, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0168 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 11, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) David Allan Ayres Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Unifirst Mortgage Corporation Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Wells Fargo Bank, NA Date of Deed of Trust September 01, 2011 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust September 07, 2011 Recording Information (Reception Number) 653126 Original Principal Amount $170,892.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $170,080.57 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 29 WESTADOR SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF DELTA STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 266 SW 8th Circle, Cedaredge, CO 81413. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/09/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/14/2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Last Publication 12/12/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/11/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-10641 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 14, 21, 28, December 5 and 12, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0170 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 11, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Barbara A. Keen and Candace J. McClure Original Beneficiary(ies) Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Wells Fargo Bank, NA Date of Deed of Trust July 30, 2010 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust August 05, 2010 Recording Information (Reception Number) 644545 Original Principal Amount $126,705.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $123,339.21 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND 4, BLOCK 17, EXCEPT THE WEST 75 FEET OF SAID LOTS, GARNET MESA SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 324 E 3Rd St, Delta, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/09/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/14/2012 Last Publication 12/12/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/11/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: ALISON L. BERRY #34531 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-10703 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 14, 21, 28, December 5 and 12, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0171 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 12, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) CHRISTOPHER W. COMERER AND CORTNEY A. COMERER Original Beneficiary(ies) WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust April 16, 2009 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust April 21, 2009 Recording Information (Reception Number) 633765 Original Principal Amount $211,640.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $216,916.56 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part of the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 14, Township 13 South, Range 95 West of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point whence the Northeast corner of the SE1/4 NE1/4 of Section 14 bears North 8°43' East a distance of 660.7 feet, said point being on the East line of


that tract of land described in Deed recorded in Book 438 at Page 1354 of the Delta County records; thence North 88°19' West 314.7 feet; thence South 15°54' East 353.5 feet to the South line of that tract of land described in Deed recorded in Book 438 at Page 1354; thence along said South line South 88°19' East 204.8 feet to the Southeast corner of that tract of land described in Dee recorded in Book 438 at Page 1354; thence North 2°13' East 337 feet to the point of beginning. County of Delta, State of Colorado Also Known as: 20961 Snowdrift Road, Cedaredge, CO 81413 Also known by street and number as: 20961 SNOWDRIFT ROAD, CEDAREDGE, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/09/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/14/2012 Last Publication 12/12/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/12/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: EMILY JENSIK, ESQ. #31294 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 9105.04629 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 14, 21, 28, December 5 and 12, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0176 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 19, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) LON M. HALLS Original Beneficiary(ies) LEONARD S. APPELGREN Current Holder of Evidence of Debt LEONARD S. APPELGREN Date of Deed of Trust March 30, 2007 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust March 29, 2012 Recording Information (Reception Number) 613583 Original Principal Amount $100,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $96,869.67 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 10, 11 AND 12 IN BLOCK 27 OF PLAT “C” OF THE TOWN NOW CITY OF DELTA, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 343 DODGE STREET, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/16/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/21/2012 Last Publication 12/19/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/19/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: GREGG HELMSING #11896 LAW OFFICE OF GREGG HELMSING 842 PALMER Street, PO BOX 75, Delta, CO 81416 (970) 874-4860 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # APPELGREN vs HALLS ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 21, 28, December 5, 12 and 19, 2012.

Legal Deadline 10 a.m. Mondays

D4 Wednesday, December 5, 2012 COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0175 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 17, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Wayne S. Darling Original Beneficiary(ies) Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Wells Fargo Bank, NA Date of Deed of Trust August 08, 2005 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust August 09, 2005 Recording Information (Reception Number) 594424 Original Principal Amount $111,625.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $52,794.58 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 15 AND 16 IN BLOCK 7 OF THE ORIGINAL TOWN OF PAONIA. COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 130 Main St, Paonia, CO 81428. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/16/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/21/2012 Last Publication 12/19/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/17/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: KIMBERLY L. MARTINEZ #40351 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-10908 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 21, 28, December 5, 12 and 19, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0174 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 14, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Scott Eugene Chlarson and Erin Jessica Chlarson Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for USAA Federal Savings Bank Current Holder of Evidence of Debt PHH Mortgage Corporation Date of Deed of Trust August 18, 2006 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust August 18, 2006 Recording Information (Reception Number) 606858 Original Principal Amount $135,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $125,602.46 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 1, 2 AND THE EAST 1/2 OF LOT 3 IN BLOCK 3, KENNEDY AND DUFFIELDS SUBDIVISION TO THE TOWN OF CEDAREDGE, COLORADO COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 210 SW 6th St, Cedaredge, CO 81413. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/16/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/21/2012 Last Publication 12/19/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/14/2012

Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: KIMBERLY L. MARTINEZ #40351 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-10958 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 21, 28, December 5, 12 and 19, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0173 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 14, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Jeffrey J Epperson and Candace M. Epperson Original Beneficiary(ies) Montrosebank Current Holder of Evidence of Debt MetLife Home Loans, a division of MetLife Bank, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust March 25, 2009 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust March 31, 2009 Recording Information (Reception Number) 633274 Original Principal Amount $163,725.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $156,307.57 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, BLOCK 5, HILLMANS SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 1101 Bluff St, Delta, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/16/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/21/2012 Last Publication 12/19/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/14/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-10555 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 21, 28, December 5, 12 and 19, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0172 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 13, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) PRAMUKH HOSPITALITY LLC, MAHENDRA PATEL AND ARVIND PATEL AND ATUL PATEL, MANAGER & MEMBER OF PRAMUKH HOSPITALITY LLC Original Beneficiary(ies) HANMI BANK Current Holder of Evidence of Debt HANMI BANK Date of Deed of Trust October 14, 2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust October 21, 2008 Recording Information (Reception Number) 629602 Original Principal Amount $1,500,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $1,379,644.05 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10 AND 11, BLOCK 4, PLAT “B”, DELTA, COLORADO. COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 903 MAIN STREET, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby

PUBLIC NOTICES Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/16/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/21/2012 Last Publication 12/19/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/13/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: MONICA KADRMAS, Esq #34904 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 8888.00185 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 21, 28, December 5, 12 and 19, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE RESTART - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0148 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 13, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) JULIE BATT Original Beneficiary(ies) NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE CORPORATION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR NEW CENTURY HOME EQUITY LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2005-C ASSET BACKED PASSTHROUGH CERTIFICATES Date of Deed of Trust October 21, 2005 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust October 24, 2005 Recording Information (Reception Number) 596897 Original Principal Amount $116,875.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $113,914.50 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 25 AND 26 IN BLOCK 5 OF HOTCHKISS SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 214 HOTCHKISS AVENUE, NKA 240 W HOTCHKISS AVENUE, HOTCHKISS, CO 81419. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/16/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/21/2012 Last Publication 12/19/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/13/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: WAYNE E. VADEN #21026 Vaden Law Firm LLC 2015 YORK STREET, PO BOX 18997, DENVER, CO 20218 (303) 377-2933 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-051-03873 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 21, 28, December 5, 12 and 19, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE - DEFERRED - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-803(6) FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0118 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On July 5, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) BEN DEHERRERA Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. acting solely as nominee for FIDELITY MORTGAGE COMPANY Current Holder of Evidence of Debt WELLS FARGO BANK, NA Date of Deed of Trust February 11, 2009 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust February 17, 2009 Recording Information (Reception Number) 632140

Original Principal Amount $144,993.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $138,455.98 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 13 OF THE REPLAT OF BLOCK 1 GARNET HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. The property to be foreclosed is: Also known by street and number as: 520 BOND, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. The original Sale Date was scheduled for November 7, 2012 but was deferred pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 38-38801 et seq. The deferment period has been terminated or ended and the Sale may now proceed according to law. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 02/06/2013 (formerly scheduled for November 7, 2012 and continued for deferment) , at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication of Notice of Deferred Sale 11/21/2012 Last Publication of Notice of Deferred Sale 12/19/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 11/15/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: LISA CANCANON #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 9105.04329 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 21, 28, December 5, 12 and 19, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0178 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 20, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) JOHN CAVEN AND SUSAN CAVEN Original Beneficiary(ies) DELTABANKCENTERMONTROSEBANK Current Holder of Evidence of Debt DELTABANKCENTERMONTROSEBANK Date of Deed of Trust December 23, 2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust December 31, 2008 Recording Information (Reception Number) 631185 Original Principal Amount $245,034.51 Outstanding Principal Balance $228,767.94 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 1 OF EDMONDS MINOR SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 1368 HIGHWAY 50, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/23/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/28/2012 Last Publication 12/26/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/20/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: AARON CLAY #9666 CLAY and DODSON PC 415 PALMER STREET, PO BOX 038, DELTA, CO 81416 (970) 874-9777 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting

to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # DBC-MB/CAVEN ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 28, December 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0179 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 24, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) JEFF D. HOLMES Original Beneficiary(ies) COLDWELL BANKER MORTGAGE Current Holder of Evidence of Debt PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION Date of Deed of Trust September 10, 2003 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust September 11, 2003 Recording Information (Reception Number) 571282 Original Principal Amount $252,900.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $211,883.12 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 13 SOUTH, RANGE 94 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M. Also known by street and number as: 1681 24.75 ROAD, CEDAREDGE, CO 81413. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/23/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/28/2012 Last Publication 12/26/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/24/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: MONICA KADRMAS, Esq #34904 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 5007.05802 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 28, December 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0180 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 25, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) ZECK HOMES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION Original Beneficiary(ies) NEW FRONTIER BANK Current Holder of Evidence of Debt 2010-1 RADC/CADC VENTURE, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Date of Deed of Trust January 09, 2009 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust January 16, 2009 Recording Information (Reception Number) 631450 Original Principal Amount $3,000,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $2,999,994.00 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 100, STONE MOUNTAIN VILLAGE FILING NO. 2, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 787 DUTTON STREET, DELTA, CO 81416. As of the date the NED was recorded, the Delta County Assessor records valued the Delta County portion of this note at $35,000.00 THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/23/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust,

Delta County Independent plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/28/2012 Last Publication 12/26/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/25/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CRISTEL D. SHEPHERD #39351 Polsinelli Shughart P.C. 1515 WYNKOOP SUITE 600, DENVER, CO 80202 (720) 931-8169 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 2010-1 RADC/CADC VENTURE, LLC vs ZECK HOMES ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 28, December 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0183 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 26, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Anthony G. Gisoldi Shannon F. Gisoldi Original Beneficiary(ies) Citicorp Trust Bank, FSB Current Holder of Evidence of Debt CitiMortgage, Inc. Date of Deed of Trust April 19, 2007 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust April 30, 2007 Recording Information (Reception Number) 614599 Original Principal Amount $123,927.28 Outstanding Principal Balance $99,417.20 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. All that parcel of land in Delta County, State of Colorado, as more fully described in Deed Doc # 559955, ID# R014501, being known and designated as Block 16, Lot 27 and the South 10 Feet of Lot 28, Garnet Mesa Subdivision. Also known by street and number as: 422 Grand Ave, Delta, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/23/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/28/2012 Last Publication 12/26/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/26/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: DECKER, HOLLY L. #32647 Dale & Decker LLC 2 INVERNESS DRIVE EAST SUITE 105, ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 (720) 4934600 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-9492 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 28, December 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2012.

DELTA COUNTY SALE OF MINERAL RIGHTS REQUEST FOR SEALED BIDS 2013 Please be advised that the Board of Delta County Commissioners propose to sell the following Mineral Rights to the successful bidder(s). Minimum Bid Requirement for each Account: $250.00 Account Number: N016639 Legal: Mineral Rights on SW4NW4, Section 4, Township 14 South, Range 95 West. Found at Book 290, Page 364 and Book 422, Page 158 containing 40 acres more or less. Account Number: N016617 Legal: All oil, gas and mineral rights on Lot 3 Section 16 and that portion of Lot 1 being in Delta County in Section 16, Township 14 South, Range 98 West. Found at Book 353 Page 265, containing 27.41 acres more or less. Account Number: N016618 Legal: 1⁄2 Mineral rights on Lot 5, Section 16 and lots 2, 3 and 4, Section 21, Township 14 South, Range 98 West. Found at Book 348, Page 144 and Book 382 Page 541 containing 100.5 acres more or less. For further information concerning this sale please call Jim Ventrello, Delta County Treasurer at (970) 874-2135 or email Documents concerning this sale are also available on the Delta County Website at listed under Bid Postings. Offers must be submitted to the Board of Delta County Commissioners, Delta County Courthouse,

501 Palmer St., Suite 227, Delta, CO 81416 by 5:00 p.m. January 4, 2013. Offers shall be submitted in opaque, sealed envelopes bearing on the outside the individual/firm’s name and address, along with the notation “DELTA COUNTY MINERAL RIGHTS SALE INFORMATION ENCLOSED” on the face of the envelope. Bids will be opened on January 7, 2013 at 9:15 a.m. at the Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Commissioners Meeting Room 236, Delta, Colorado. Bids will be awarded/rejected at 11:00 a.m. at the same place. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all offers if the Board feels it is in the best interest of the County. Published in the Delta County Independent December 5 and 19, 2012.

NOTICE OF PROPOSED DECISION The Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety proposes to Approve Technical Revision Application No. 70 (TR-70) for the Elk Creek Mine (Permit No. C-1981022), submitted by Oxbow Mining, LLC. With this Technical Revision, Oxbow Mining, LLC is providing documentation to the Division about a Vessels Coal Gas Inc. methane gas borehole proposal. The methane gas borehole would be located at the former Sanborn Creek fansite pad within OMLLC’s permit area. The borehole would be used to recover methane from the abandoned and sealed Sanborn Creek Mine workings. The operator has requested no new disturbed acreage with this revision application. The Elk Creek Mine is a/an Underground coal mine located in Delta and Gunnison Counties, approximately 0 miles N of Somerset, Colorado. Coal interest is Federal and private, and the surface affected is Federal, state and private land. The permit area encompasses approximately 15,676.51 acres. This proposed decision is based on a finding that the proposed operation will comply with all requirements of the Colorado Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Act, Section 34-33-101, et seq., C.R.S., and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Copies of the proposed decision, including stipulations, are on file for public inspection at the Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, Room 215, Centennial Building, 1313 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203. Persons with an interest that may be adversely affected by the proposed decision may request a formal hearing before the Mined Land Reclamation Board on the proposed decision. Such request must be made within ten (10) days of the initial publication of this notice, must be in writing, and must state with reasonable specificity the reasons for the request and the objections to the proposed decision. Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 2012.

PUBLIC NOTICE Bowie Resources, LLC, P.O. Box 483, Paonia, CO, 81428, has submitted a complete application for a technical revision to the Division of Reclamation, Mining & Safety for its approved Bowie No. 2 Mine, mining permit no. C-96-083. The proposed revision will provide for an expansion of coal mine waste pile number two. The expansion will increase the size of the waste pile by approximately 600,000 cubic yards. This revision application includes the design for the waste pile expansion, and a revision to the associated drainage features. The mine facilities are located north of Bowie Road near the town of Bowie, CO. A pump station, three sediment ponds and unit train loadout are located south of State Highway 133B. The Fire Mountain Canal is located south of the mine facilities and north of the unit train loadout. The North Fork of the Gunnison River is located south of the mine permit boundary. The proposed mine permit area is located on the U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute Bowie Quadrangle map within the following sections. Township 13 South, Range 91 West, 6th PM Sec. 2: SW/4NW/4,SW/4 Sec. 3: ALL Sec. 4: ALL Sec. 5: S/2SE/4, SE/4SW/4, S/2NE/4NE/4SE/4, SE/4NW/4NE/4SE/4, E/2SW/4NE/4SE/4, SE/4NE/4SE/4 Sec. 6: lots 5, 6, 7, SW/4NE/4, SE/4NW/4, E/2SW/4, SE/4 Sec. 7: ALL Sec. 8: NE/4, W/2, W/2SE/4** Sec. 9: NE/4, NW/4, SE/4, NE/2SW/4, SE/4SW/4, NE/4SW/4SW/4 Sec. 10: ALL Sec. 11: SW/4, NW/4 Sec. 14: NW/4 except that portion south of the Union Pacific Railroad right of way Sec. 15: NE/4, NW/4, NW/4 SE/4 Portions of the N/2SE/4, SW/4SE/4, S/2SW/4, excluding all privately held lands not owned or controlled by Bowie Resources LLC or the Union Pacific Railroad. Sec. 16: N/2NE/4 Sec. 17: NW/4, W/2NE/4 Sec. 18: Lots 1,2, NE1⁄4, E/2NW/4 Sec. 22: Portion of NW/4 NW/4, on lands owned by the Union Pacific Railroad Township 13 South, Range 92West, 6th PM Sec. 1: SE/4 Sec. 12: lots 1,2,7,8,9, and 10 Township 12 South, Range 91 West, 6th PM Sec. 27: SW/4, S/2SE/4, S/2 NE/4SE/4, S/2NW/4 SE/4 Sec. 28: E/2 SE/4 Sec. 33: Lots 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10,11, 12, 14, 15, 16, SE/4NW/4, S/2NE/4, NE/4NE/4 Sec. 34: ALL Sec. 35: SW/4 Lot 18, NW/4 Lot 19 *North of Deer Trail Ditch The current Bowie No. 2 Mine permit contains 8,301 acres of land, 4,637 acres of private surface and 3,664 acres of Federal surface. Private minerals within the permit area encompass 1,957 acres with Federal minerals accounting for the balance of 6,344 acres. A copy of the proposed revision is available for public inspection at the Paonia Public Library, 2 Third Street, Paonia, CO, and at the offices of the Division of Reclamation, Mining & Safety, 1313 Sherman St., Room 215, Denver, CO, 80203, (303) 866-3567. Written comments regarding this application may be submitted to and additional information may be obtained from the Division of Reclamation Mining & Safety at the above address. Written comments must be received by the Division of Reclamation, Mining & Safety within 10 days after the date of this publication in order to be considered. Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 2012.


Delta County Independent PUBLIC NOTICE ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE A DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF DELTA COUNTY TO INCLUDE A SITE PLAN REVIEW: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Delta, State of Colorado, shall pursuant to statutes, having read and introduced at a regular Board of County Commissioners’ Meeting on November 5, 2012, the ordinance authorizing a development application for new residential or commercial construction within the unincorporated area of Delta County to include a site plan review published on November 28, 2012, consider for adoption this Ordinance amending Ordinance 2011-01 as published below, on a second reading at a regular Board of County Commissioners’ Meeting on December 17, 2012, and if adopted shall take effect on December 17, 2012. ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO ORDINANCE NO.2012-____ ORDINANCE TO REPEAL ORDINANCE 2011-01 AND ADOPT ORDINANCE TO REQUIRE A DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION WITHIN THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF DELTA COUNTY TO INCLUDE A SITE PLAN REVIEW WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Delta County (Board) adopted Ordinance No. 2011-01 on December 5, 2011; and WHEREAS, the Board deems it in the best interests of the citizens of Delta County to repeal Ordinance No. 2011-01 and revise the application procedure and requirements for permits by adding, as part of the permitting process, a requirement for a site plan review; and WHEREAS, pursuant to § 30-15401, C.R.S., the Board of County Commissioners of Delta County, Colorado (hereinafter the “Board”), has the general enabling power to adopt ordinances for the control or licensing of those matters of purely local concern, and to do all acts and make all regulations which may be necessary or expedient for the promotion of the health, safety and welfare of the present and future residents of Delta County; and WHEREAS, the Board finds it to be in the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Delta County to repeal Ordinance No. 2011-01 enacted by the Board on December 5, 2011, and revise it by adding a provision in Section 3 of the Ordinance requiring a site plan review; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sections 29-20-102 and 29-20-104, C.R.S., the Board is authorized to adopt ordinances applicable to the unincorporated areas of the County to plan for and regulate the use of land; and WHEREAS, the Board deems that it is in the best interests of the County and its citizens to create a Development Application process to provide for the proper sequence of County development permits, both residential and commercial upon the completion of a site plan review. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of Delta County as follows: This Ordinance shall be known as the Delta County Development Application Ordinance. Section 1. APPLICABILITY: 1.1 This Ordinance shall apply throughout the unincorporated area of Delta County, including public and state lands. 1.2 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The Board of County Commissioners hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance, and each section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases are declared unconstitutional or invalid. Section 2. REQUIREMENT OF PERMITS: 2.1 Effective as of the date of the adoption of this Ordinance, any new residential or commercial construction occurring on a parcel of land in the unincorporated area of Delta County will require the completion of a Development Application which outlines the order in which individual County permits (including, but not limited to, access, address, and individual sewage disposal system permits) must be obtained to include, as a part of the permitting process, the completion of a site plan review to be completed by the Planning Department as discussed herein. Additional regulations and approvals apply to commercial construction, and commercial applicants must consult with the Delta County Development Resource Center for those specific regulations and approvals. In addition to County regulations discussed above the unincorporated area of Delta County is under both a Colorado State Electrical Board Inspection and a Colorado State Examining Board of Plumbers inspection requirement for either residential or commercial construction. Section 3. APPLICATION PROCEDURE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR PERMITS: 3.1 The Development Application includes the following: 1. Site Plan Review; 2. County Access Permit; 3. County Address Permit; and 4. County Septic (ISDS) Permit. Upon the completion of an initial site plan review, as discussed hereunder, County Permits must be approved in the order above, each before the next permit will be issued. An applicant may apply for any or all of the above County permits depending on the applicant’s needs; however, proof of approved County permits must be provided in order to obtain the next permit. 3.2 Site Plan Review: The purpose of the site plan review process is to ensure compliance with the permitting process, as set forth in this Ordinance, and to encourage quality development reflective of the goals, policies, and objectives of the Delta County development process. For land uses requiring a site plan review, development permits may be issued only after a Site Plan showing the proposed development has been approved in accordance with the procedures and requirements of this Ordinance and at a minimum shall illustrate the following: (a) perimeter boundary with dimensions; (b) total acreage; north arrow; (c) the location and number of all structures and proposed structures; (d) the distance to the

property boundary of all structures and proposed structures; (e) the location and dimensions of all easements; (f) the location of any springs, wells, streams, ditches, rivers or any waterways; (g) the name and location of all roads adjoining the property with the location of all access or proposed accesses; (h) the distance between any existing or proposed access(es) including those on neighboring properties and the distance to the nearest intersection; (i) the location of all existing and proposed septic systems; and (j) any existing or proposed building envelopes. 3.3. County Access Permit: A County Access Permit is required for any entrance onto a County road. (Access onto a state highway requires an application too, and state highway access permits are issued by the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT).) The packet for a County Access Permit contains information on the County’s construction standards for an approved access. There are two inspections required for an approved access from a County road. The first is to determine if the location of the proposed access complies with County requirements and safety standards and the second is to determine if the access has been constructed to county standards. The access application must be completed and approved before an address is assigned. 3.4. County Address Permit: An address is required for every residential or commercial building in Delta County for 911 services. Utility companies may also require an address prior to providing service to a parcel. Addresses are assigned by the location of an access to a parcel, which is why the access must be constructed and approved first. County Address and County Access Permits must be completed and approved prior to the issuance of a County Septic Permit in order for the Health Department to locate and enter property for purposes of inspection. 3.5. County Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) Permit: An Individual Sewage Disposal System (ISDS) is required for every structure on a parcel with a restroom or sewer drain. A minimum of two inspections are required for approval of a County permit. The first is a site inspection to determine the suitability of a parcel to accommodate an ISDS. A percolation test will be performed to determine the type and size of the system specified in a County permit to install an ISDS for a structure. The second inspection will be a final inspection of the system to ensure the system was installed as specified in the County ISDS permit. Final approval of the County ISDS permit is required prior to occupancy of the structure and for the issuance of a County Development Permit in accordance with this Ordinance. Section 4. FEES FOR PERMITS: 4.1. County Access Permit: The County Access Permit Fee is per the current fee schedule that is in addition to a Deposit which is refundable upon final approval. A copy of the deed to present owner(s) is required when making application for an access permit. 4.2. County Address Permit: The County Address Permit fee is per the current fee schedule. 4.3. County Septic (ISDS) Permit: The County Septic (ISDS) Permit is per the current fee schedule. Section 5. EXPIRATION OF APPLICATION: 5.1. The Development Application and the individual permits are valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of the submission of the Development Application. If any of the individual permits applied for under the Development Application have not been completed within the one-year period, the Development Application is deemed to be null and void unless an extension has been granted. Development Applications that have expired will be required to be resubmitted with the appropriate fees to be reconsidered for approval. Section 6. UNLAWFUL ACTS: 6.1 Any of the following shall be a violation of this Development Application Process and shall be subject to the remedies and penalties provided for in this Ordinance: (a) Failure to complete a Development Application which outlines the order in which individual County permits (including, but not limited to, access, address, and individual sewage disposal system permits) must be obtained on any new residential or commercial construction occurring on a parcel of land in the unincorporated area of Delta County. (b) Engaging in any residential or commercial construction, subdivision, or other activity of any nature upon land that is subject to this Development Application Process, without all of the approvals required by this Development Application Ordinance. Section 7: NOTICE OF VIOLATION: 7.1 Any person may report that a property in Delta County is in violation of this Ordinance. Such Notice of Violation must be in writing on a form provided by the Delta County Planning Department. The Notice shall be filed in the Delta County Planning Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Room 115, Delta, Colorado 81416, for processing. 7.2 The Notice of Violation shall be forwarded to the appropriate permitting office which will conduct an investigation of the site to determine if a violation of the permitting process has occurred. 7.3 Whereupon a finding that a violation of the permitting process has occurred such violation shall be forwarded to the Delta County Attorney’s Office. Section 8. NOTICE AND ORDER FOR DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION COMPLIANCE: 8.1 Upon receipt of Notice that a Violation of the permitting process has occurred, the County Attorney’s Office shall issue a Notice and Order of such violation to the property owner requiring the owner to: (a) Correct the violation by conforming to Section 3, above, within twenty (20) days from the date of said Notice and Order. (b) Request to appear before the Board of County Commissioners within twenty (20) days to show cause why such Order should not be enforced. 8.2 Said Notice and Order shall be deemed issued by placing the same in the U.S. mail, certified, return receipt requested, to the owner’s last known address as indicated on the County’s assessment roll. Service shall be complete upon mailing or personal service in the same manner provided in Rule 4 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. 8.3 If the County Attorney’s Office

is unable to locate the owner for certified mail or personal service after diligent efforts, the Notice and Order may be published in such a manner as is in accord with Rule 4 of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure concerning publication, “except that said publication shall for a period of ten (10) days and shall include the Notice and Order that must be posted in a conspicuous place at or on the subject property. Section 9. ENFORCEMENT: 9.1 The provisions of this Ordinance shall be administered and enforced by Delta County. 9.2 The Board hereby designates the Delta County Attorney, or his/her designee, as the County’s legal representative in the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance in a court of applicable jurisdiction. In the event the Delta County Attorney or his/her designee cannot represent Delta County or the Board deems it otherwise appropriate, the Board may appoint the District Attorney of the Seventh Judicial District to perform such legal enforcement duties in lieu of the County Attorney. 9.3 Penalties: The County may seek such criminal or civil penalties as are provided by Colorado law and provided for herein. Section 10. CIVIL REMEDIES AND ENFORCEMENT POWERS: 10.1 The County shall have the following remedies and enforcement powers for violations of any acts outlined in section 6 above. (a) Withhold Permits: The County may deny or withhold all County permits, certificates or other forms of authorization on any land or structure or improvements thereon upon which there is an uncorrected violation of a provision of this Development Application Process, or of a condition or qualification of a County permit, certificate, approval or other authorization previously granted by the County, until the violation is corrected. (b) County Permits Approved with Conditions: Instead of withholding or denying a County permit or other authorization (as described in Section 7.3), the County may grant such authorization subject to the condition that the violation be corrected. 10.2 Revoke Permits: Any County development permit or other form of authorization required under this Development Application Process may be revoked when the Planning Department determines: (1) that there is departure from the plans, specifications, or conditions as required under terms of the County permit, (2) that the County Development Permit was procured by false representation or was issued by mistake, or (3) that any of the provisions of this Development Application Process are being violated. Written notice of such revocation shall be served upon the owner, the owner’s agent or contractor, or upon any person employed on the building or structure for which such County permit was issued, or shall be posted in a prominent location; and, thereafter, no such development shall proceed. 10.3 Stop Work: With or without revoking permits, the County may stop work on any building or structure on any land on which there is an uncorrected violation of a provision of this Development Application Process. 10.4 Injunctive Relief: The County may seek an injunction or other equitable relief in court to stop any violation of this Development Application Process, or of a County permit, certificate or other form of authorization granted hereunder and may recover costs of any such action. 10.5 Abatement: The County may seek a court order in the nature of mandamus, abatement, injunction, or other action or proceeding, to abate or remove a violation or to otherwise restore the premises in question to the condition in which they existed prior to the violation. Section 11. CRIMINAL PROSECUTION: 11.1 If so directed by the Board, a criminal prosecution may be brought against the owner in accordance with §§ 30-15-402 and 410, C.R.S. 11.2 Violation of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punishable by a fine of not more than six hundred dollars ($600.00) for each violation. In addition to this penalty, persons convicted of a violation of this Ordinance are subject, pursuant to § 30-15-402, C.R.S., to a surcharge of $10.00, to be paid to the Clerk of the Court for credit to the Victims and Witnesses Assistance and Law Enforcement Fund established in the judicial district. 11.3 All fines and forfeitures for the violation of this Ordinance shall be paid to the Treasurer of Delta County within thirty (30) days of receipt and shall be deposited into the General Fund of the County. Section 12. ADDITIONAL REMEDIES: The remedies provided in this Ordinance shall be cumulative and in addition to any other remedies which may be available to the County and its Board, including, but not limited to, injunctive actions. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to preclude the Board from seeking such other remedies in addition to, or in lieu of, the legal remedies herein granted. Section 13. SAFETY CLAUSE: The Board hereby finds, determines and declares that this Ordinance is necessary for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Delta County, Colorado. Section 14. PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE: The foregoing text is the authentic text of Delta County Ordinance No. 2012-__. The first reading of said Ordinance took place on _________, 2012. It was published in full in the Delta County Independent on _________, 2012. The Ordinance was adopted on second reading on ________, 2012, and shall take effect ________, 2012. ADOPTED this _____ day of ___ ______________, 2012, at Delta, Colorado. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF DELTA COUNTY, COLORADO By: __________________ R. Olen Lund, Chair ___________________ C. Douglas Atchley, Vice Chair ______________________ C. Bruce Hovde, Commissioner ATTEST: Ann B. Eddins Delta County Clerk and Recorder [SEAL] Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0181 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the

following described Deed of Trust: On September 25, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) KAPUA L. MALLONEE AND JENNIFER MALLONEE Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., acting solely as nominee for TAYLOR, BEAN & WHITAKER MORTGAGE CORP. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust April 29, 2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust April 30, 2008 Recording Information (Reception Number) 625165 Original Principal Amount $130,935.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $126,908.00 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 2 OF THE REPLAT OF LAHABRA NO. 1 COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 10795 MESA VIEW LOOP DRIVE, AUSTIN, CO 81410. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/23/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/28/2012 Last Publication 12/26/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/25/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Barbara J. Pierce, Deputy Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: JOAN OLSON, ESQ #28078 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, LLP 1199 BANNOCK STREET, DENVER, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 1269.20974 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 28, December 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2012. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0182 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 26, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Ross L Adams Original Beneficiary(ies) Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Wells Fargo Bank, NA Date of Deed of Trust March 23, 2006 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust April 05, 2006 Recording Information (Reception Number) 602152 Original Principal Amount $57,440.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $37,436.70 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE EXHIBIT A PARCEL A: PART OF THE TOWN, NOW CITY OF DELTA, BEGINNING AT A POINT SOUTH 22°32' WEST 679 FEET DISTANT FROM CORNER NO. 20 OF DELTA TOWNSITE; THENCE NORTH 40°30' WEST 2.5 FEET FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 40°30' WEST 50 FEET; THENCE NORTH 49°30' EAST 145 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 40°30' EAST 50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 49°30' WEST 145 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. PARCEL B: A TRACT OF LAND BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED BY THE DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 430 AT PAGE 598, DELTA COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE. WHENCE CORNER NO. 20 OF THE ORIGINAL DELTA TOWNSITE BEARS SOUTH 40°30' EAST 52.5 FEET AND NORTH 22°32' EAST, 679.0 FEET; THENCE NORTH 40°30' WEST 29.0 FEET ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED BY THE DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 430 AT PAGE 598; THENCE NORTH 49°30' EAST 145.0 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED BY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 430 AT PAGE 598, THENCE ON SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL DESCRIBED BY DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 430 AT PAGE 598 THE FOLLOWING: SOUTH 40°30 EAST, 29.0 FEET AND SOUTH 49°30' WEST, 145.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 928 Vine St, Delta, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY

THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/23/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 11/28/2012 Last Publication 12/26/2012 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/26/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-11223 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent November 28, December 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0189 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On October 1, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) RICHARD J RUBINO AND SANDRA L RUBINO Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR UNIVERSAL LENDING CORPORATION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt COLORADO HOUSING AND FINANCE AUTHORITY Date of Deed of Trust September 09, 2010 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust September 13, 2010 Recording Information (Reception Number) 645289 Original Principal Amount $243,717.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $237,255.87 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 46 OF FOX HOLLOW ESTATES SUBDIVISION FILING NO.1, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 762 ANTELOPE STREET, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/30/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 12/5/2012 Last Publication 1/2/2013 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 10/01/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: DANIEL S. BLUM #34950 Janeway Law Firm LLC 19201 E MAIN STREET SUITE 205, PARKER, CO 80134 (303) 706-9990 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # JLF#14984 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0188 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 28, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) BEULAH M SCOTT Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR QUICKEN LOANS INC. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt ONEWEST BANK, FSB

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 Date of Deed of Trust December 18, 2006 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust December 19, 2006 Recording Information (Reception Number) 610651 Original Principal Amount $203,200.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $203,200.00 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 8, SUNRISE MESA SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 880 SHARPE CIRCLE, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/30/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 12/5/2012 Last Publication 1/2/2013 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/28/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: DANIEL S. BLUM #34950 Janeway Law Firm LLC 19201 E MAIN STREET SUITE 205, PARKER, CO 80134 (303) 706-9990 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # JLF#14952 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0190 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On October 3, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) ROCKY MOUNTAIN LAND COMPANY L.L.C. Original Beneficiary(ies) BANK OF CHOICE COLORADO ARVADA Current Holder of Evidence of Debt NBH BANK, N.A., FORMERLY KNOWN AS BANK MIDWEST, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust March 12, 2008 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust March 17, 2008 Recording Information (Reception Number) 623836 Original Principal Amount $486,487.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $306,871.77 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT “A” Exhibit A Tract No. 1: That tract of land described as Parcel 4 in Deed recorded at Reception No. 426866, Delta county Records, situated in the NE 1/4 of Section 11, Township 15 South, Range 96 West of the 6th P.M. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point whence the SE corner of said NE 1/4 bears S30°47'39"E, 1077.53 feet; Thence N89°56'11"W, 767.97 feet to a point on the West line of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 said Section 11; Thence N00°08'05"E along said West line, 568.50 feet; Thence S89°34'05"E, 767.98 feet; Thence S00°08'05"W, 563.56 feet to the point of beginning, according to the survey recorded February 7, 2007 under reception number 611963. County of Delta, State of Colorado Tract No. 2 That tract of land situated in the NE 1/4 of Section 11, Township 15 South, Range 96 West of the 6th P.M. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North right of way line of U.S. Highway 50 whence the SE corner of said NE 1/4 bears S85°12'25", 1069.96 feet; Thence N00°08'05"E, 836.78 feet; Thence S89°56'11"E, 512.60 feet; Thence S00°08'05"W, 835.10 feet to a point on said Northerly Highway right of way line; Thence S89°52'34"W, 512.61 feet to the point of beginning, according to the survey recorded February 7, 2007 under reception number 611963. County of Delta, State of Colorado Tract No. 3: Those tracts of land described as Parcel 1 and Parcel 2 in the Deed recorded at Reception Number 426866, Delta County records, situated in the NE 1/4 of Section 11, Township 15 South, Range 96 West of the 6th P.M. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North right of way line of U.S. Hwy 50 whence the SE corner of said NE 1/4 bears S85°12'25"E, 1069.96 feet; Thence along said Northerly right of way line the following courses: N89°14'59"W, 222.76 feet; N83°37'27"W, 32.82 feet to a point on the West line of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, said Section 11; Thence N00°08'50"E along the West line of said SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 a distance of 830.50 feet; Thence S89°56'11"E, 255.37 feet;


Thence S00°08'50"W, 836.78 feet to the point of beginning, according to the survey recorded February 7, 2007 under reception number 611963. County of Delta, State of Colorado Tract No. 4: That tract of land described as Parcel 3 in the deed recorded at Reception Number 426866, Delta county records, situated in the NE 1/4 of Section 11, Township 15 South, Range 96 West of the 6th P.M. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North right of way line of U.S. Highway 50 whence the SE corner of said NE 1/4 bears S85°50'48"E 1325.05 feet; Thence along said Northerly right of way line the following courses: N83°37'27"W, 67.70 feet; N89°12'46"W, 227.87 feet; Thence leaving said North right of way line, N00°26'52"E, 396.12 feet; Thence S80°26'15"E, 297.00 feet to a point on the West line of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 11; Thence S00°08'05"W along said West line, 357.42 feet to the point of beginning, according to the survey recorded February 7, 2007 under reception number 611963. County of Delta, State of Colorado Also known by street and number as: 1475 HIGHWAY 50, DELTA, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/30/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 12/5/2012 Last Publication 1/2/2013 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 10/03/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: DOUGLAS W. BROWN #10429 Brown, Berardini & Dunning PC 2000 SOUTH COLORADO BLVD TOWER TWO SUITE 700, DENVER, CO 80222 (877) 234-3152 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 3313-109B ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Orchard City Hydropower Project Public Meeting: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 7:00 PM, Orchard City Town Hall On Wednesday December 12th at 7:00 PM, the Town of Orchard City will hold a public meeting to discuss a proposed hydropower project at the Orchard City Water Treatment Plant. The presenters will discuss potential environmental impacts of the project and present data and studies that will be provided in a conduit exemption application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The proposed hydropower project will be constructed at the Orchard City Water Treatment plant which is located at 22189-2225 Road. The public meeting will be held at the Orchard City Town Hall at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, December 12th, 2012. The Town Hall is located at 9661-2100 Road. For more information, contact Mike Morgan, Orchard City Director of Public Works at 970-314-1515. Published in the Delta County Independent November 28 and December 5, 2012.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC BUDGET HEARING Notice is hereby given that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Board of Directors of the Crawford Water Conservancy District for 2013. A copy of said proposed budget has been filed in the office of the Crawford Water Conservancy District, 183 Highway 92, Crawford CO, where the same is open for public inspection by calling (970) 921-4775 for an appointment. Such proposed budget will be considered at a Public Hearing to be held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at the District Office. Any interested elector of the Crawford Water Conservancy District may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objection thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. Randall W. Fisher Secretary/Treasurer Published in the Delta County Independent November 28 and December 5, 2012.

NOTICE OF CONTRACTOR’S SETTLEMENT DELTA COUNTY, COLORADO Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of December, 2012, final settlement will be made with Mountain Valley Contracting, LLC by Delta County, Colorado for A.I.P. Project No. 3-08-0014-10 and CDAG No. 11-AJZ-01 and that any person, co-partnership, association or corporation who has an unpaid claim against said Mountain Valley Contracting, LLC for or on account of the furnishing of labor, materials, team hire, sustenance, provision, provender or other supplies used or consumed by such Contractor or any of the Subcontractors in or about the performance of said work, may at any time up to the close of business on December 17, 2012 file a verified statement of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim with Delta County, Colorado. Failure on the part of a Claimant to file such statement prior to such final settlement will relieve said Delta County, Colorado from all and any liability for such claimant’s claim. Delta County, Colorado Published in the Delta County Independent December 5 and 12, 2012.

D6 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent

Questions about diabetes nutrition answered BY MELISSA WDOWIK CSU Extension Affiliate

Does what you eat cause diabetes? Does what you drink effect your blood sugar? In honor of American Diabetes Month, I decided to shed light on recent findings and dispel popular myths about diabetes for your health and peace of mind. Test your diabetes knowledge with the top five questions I hear on a regular basis. 1. What can I eat on a diabetic diet? There is no one diet for diabetes. Smaller portions of the foods you love can assist with blood sugar control and weight management, but you can still eat the same foods as your family and friends. Recommendations for everyone — with or without diabetes — include eating a variety of low fat foods from all food groups, including whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables and possibly low fat dairy. 2. Is it true that eating too many sweets causes diabetes? It is tempting to conclude that too much sugar leads to weight gain, which can lead to diabetes. Certainly, intake of sweetened beverages in the U.S. has risen along with average weight, and fructose is

often seen as the root of all evil. It’s important to note, however, that sugar also tends to take the place of foods that provide health benefits such as whole grains, lean protein and vegetables. To help prevent diabetes, or manage it once you have it, replace sugary drinks with water and trade a fast food dinner for grilled fish served with half a plate of your favorite vegetables. 3. Can I prevent or control diabetes if I drink coffee every day? Research has found an association between a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes and a daily coffee habit. If you don’t already drink it, however, there is not conclusive evidence to recommend you start, but it sure makes a good excuse. It’s important to limit the cream and sugar that often goes into coffee, and be sure to weigh the potential benefits against possible negative effects, such as stomach pain, frequent bathroom breaks, irregular heartbeat, shakiness and insomnia. 4. Should I avoid all white food, especially white sugar, flour and rice? These white foods have been highly processed. As a result, they are quickly digested

Feedback sought on Thompson Divide draft Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet is encouraging Coloradans to provide feedback on his website regarding a draft bill for the management of Thompson Divide. The comment period will close on Dec. 14. Bennet’s draft bill offers a middle-of-theroad solution to the ongoing conversation about Thompson Divide’s future. It presents an option that would withdraw unleased public minerals in the area from future oil and gas development while also preserving existing private property rights for current leaseholders. The bill also creates an opportunity for existing leases to be retired should they be donated or sold by willing owners. The legislation was drafted at the request of local gov-

ernments and following a series of conversations Bennet held with leaseholders, elected officials and community leaders. The Thompson Divide, a 221,000-acre parcel of public land, is mostly under the surface jurisdiction of the U.S. Forest Service and is located predominantly in Colorado’s Pitkin, Gunnison and Garfield counties. Bennet is seeking input on the bill and how the area can be effectively managed to protect the multiple uses and economic interests that support the local community. Community members can read the draft bill, read letters of support from local governments and submit their comments on Bennet’s website at thompsondivide.

and quick to raise blood sugar. Limit sugar and choose whole wheat flour and brown rice. Reduce other carbohydrates (including grains, fruits and starchy vegetables) to less than half of your calories, and make sure what you choose is high in fiber and low in glyce-

mic index. 5. Is it true I should avoid fruit because it is too high in sugar? Fresh or frozen unprocessed fruits (no sugar added), can be high in fiber, antioxidants and vitamins that are good for your overall health and weight. Limit canned and dried

fruit and fruit juice, but include a couple of servings of whole fruit each day. Small portions eaten along with nonfat yogurt or an ounce of nuts will have only a small impact on blood sugar. It is important — and possible — to successfully manage diabetes

with a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude. It’s not as hard as you might think! Melissa Wdowik is an assistant professor at Colorado State University, director of the Kendall Anderson Nutrition Center and a CSU Extension affiliate.

What’s up at your local library? The Delta County Libraries offer many educational and entertaining activities and events for you and your family to enjoy. If you want to know what else your library is offering, please contact the library or visit the Delta County Libraries website at Check out these reading programs: Cedaredge Tech Soup Computer Day. Bring your computer questions every Saturday in December from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Genealogy. “Who’s Who in Whoville.” Monthly genealogy group meets to help each other with genealogy. We meet the first Friday of every month at 10:30 a.m. Teens and Adults Craft. Recycled: “Sew What?” Wednesday, Dec. 12, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Contact Cedaredge Library at 856-3518 for details. Computer Class. Learn to create a card using Publisher. Friday, Dec. 14, at 10:30 a.m. Teen Scene. White elephant gift exchange and cookie decorating. Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 5:30 p.m. Adult Craft Class. Learn how to make handmade holiday greeting cards. Friday, Dec. 21, at 10:30 a.m. Storytimes. Baby, tot and preschooler storytimes are Thursdays starting at 10 a.m. For more information, contact the library at 856-3518. Crawford Computer Tutoring. Crawford Library is now offering computer help. Bring specific computer questions or just spend time honing your skills each Wednesday

in December from 3 to 5 p.m. Wii and Waffles. Kids of all ages come and join in the fun and play active Wii games and enjoy a waffle and juice treat! Thursday, Dec. 6, from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Holiday Card-Making. Make and send your own creations! All materials supplied. Friday, Dec. 7, from 2 to 6 p.m. and Saturday, Dec. 8, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tweens Book Club. Come join us for book discussions and snacks. Wednesday, Dec. 12, from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m. Scrapbooking. Work on your latest project with other scrappers. Saturday, Dec. 15, from noon to 8 p.m. Please call the Crawford Library at 921-3500 for more information. Storytimes. Baby, tot, and preschooler storytimes are Thursdays starting at 10 a.m. Delta Basic and Intermediate Computer Boot Camp. In collaboration with Bill Babbel of Siliconflow, Delta Library is offering Computer Boot Camp. Bring your computer questions to class and get help. Tuesdays, Dec. 11 and 18 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Contact Delta Library at 874-9630 for details. Teens. Come, enjoy snacks, and listen to music as we make Christmas ornaments from empty milk cartons. Thursday, Dec. 6, at 4:30 p.m. Club 4-5. Kids in fourth and fifth grades come, enjoy snacks, and listen to music as they make Christmas ornaments from empty milk cartons! Thursday, Dec. 13, at 4:30 p.m.

Adult Book Club. The selection for the month of December is “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.” Saturday, Dec. 15, from 2 to 4 p.m. Contact Delta Library at 874-9630 to get a copy of the book. Teens. Come, have some fun, and make a Santa sleigh out of Popsicle sticks. It will be something you can display every Christmas! We will have Christmas music, cookies, and hot cocoa. Thursday, Dec. 20, at 4:30 p.m. Storytimes. Storytimes for babies, tots and preschoolers are Wednesdays starting at 10:30 a.m. For information, call the library at 874-9630. Hotchkiss One-on-One Tech Help. Tuesday-Friday by appointment. Contact Hotchkiss Library at 872-4153 for details. Teens. You thought books were just for reading? Come and discover some cool new projects for those old books lying around. Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 4 p.m. Kids’ Cooking Class. Join kids in third-fifth grades and cook up a storm. Thursday, Dec. 13, at 3:45 p.m. Crafty Kids. Kids from kindergarten through second grades come and join the fun craft time. Tuesday, Dec. 18, at 3:45 p.m. Computer Class— Excel. Tuesday, Dec. 18, at 5:30 p.m. Contact the Hotchkiss Library at 872-4153 to sign up. Storytimes. Storytimes for babies, tots and preschoolers are Wednesdays starting at 10 a.m. For more information, contact the library at 872-4153.

Paonia Computer Classes. Starting in December, get individual help with any computer or electronic device by appointment during regular library hours. Call Paonia Library at 527-3470 to schedule a time that is convenient for you! Vamps Book Club and Teen Night. Each participant is to read the book of his/her choice about outsiders or misfits. Following book discussion and snacks, we will make holiday greeting cards. Unleash your creative side! Thursday, Dec. 6, at 6:30 p.m. Friends of the Library Holiday Book Sale. Friends of the Library are having a holiday book sale. Come, have some fun, and support the Friends! Storytime and crafts for children will be held during the sale. Saturday, Dec. 8, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Girls’ Book Club. Join the third-sixth grade girls’ book club in reading “Flush” by Carl Hiaasen. With their father jailed for sinking a riverboat, Noah and his sister must gather evidence to prove their father ’s innocence. Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 4 p.m. Evening Book Club. “The Sense of an Ending” by Julian Barnes. A man reflects on a past he thought was behind him, until presented with a legacy that forces him to reconsider different decisions. Thursday, Dec. 13, at 7 p.m. Contact Paonia Library at 527-3470 for a copy. Storytimes. Baby, tot and preschooler storytimes are Tuesdays starting 10 a.m. Contact Paonia Library at 5273470.

PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF BUDGET (Pursuant to 29-1-106, C.R.S.) NOTICE is hereby given that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Crawford Town Council for the ensuing year of 2013; a copy of such proposed budget has been filed in the office of Town of Crawford, where the same is open for public inspection; such proposed budget will be considered at Regular meeting of the Crawford Town Council to be held at Town Hall, 425 Hwy 92 on Dec. 12, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Any interested elector of Town of Crawford may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. General Fund 173,406 Water Fund 77,450 Sewer Fund 94,400 Conservation Trust Fund 7,000 Capital Reserve 15,000 Capital Improvements 153,723 Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 2012.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0187 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 27, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Jackie Lee Bush Original Beneficiary(ies) Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Wells Fargo Bank, NA Date of Deed of Trust July 16, 2001 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust July 20, 2001 Recording Information (Reception Number) 545757 Book: 890 Page: 892 Original Principal Amount $54,750.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $46,587.55 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 21, 22 AND THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF LOT 23 IN BLOCK 6 OF STOCKHAM BROS. & ZANINETTI’S SUBDIVISION. Also known by street and number as: 275 SW 4th Street, Cedaredge,

CO 81413. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/30/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 12/5/2012 Last Publication 1/2/2013 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/27/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-11484 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013.

COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0185 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On September 27, 2012, the

undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Judy D. Howell Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for American Mortgage Network, Inc., A Delaware Corporation Current Holder of Evidence of Debt JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Date of Deed of Trust December 28, 2007 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust January 07, 2008 Recording Information (Reception Number) 621940 Original Principal Amount $100,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $93,682.74 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOTS 11 AND 12 IN BLOCK 12 OF ORIGINAL PLAT OF THE TOWN, NOW CITY OF DELTA, COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 145 Meeker Street, Delta, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/30/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 12/5/2012 Last Publication 1/2/2013 Name of Publication Delta County Independent • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE,

THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 09/27/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: CYNTHIA LOWERY-GRABER #34145 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-10682 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013. COMBINED NOTICE PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. 2012-0104 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On June 19, 2012, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Delta records. Original Grantor(s) Richard J. Heming and Sandra V. Heming Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Universal Lending Corporation Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP Date of Deed of Trust 9/30/2010 County of Recording Delta Recording Date of Deed of Trust 10/5/2010 Recording Information(Reception Number and/or Book/Page Number) 645863 Original Principal Amount $340,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $332,036.61 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof.

meeting of the Leroux Creek Water Users Association scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on Monday, December 10, 2012, at the Rogers Mesa Community House. The purpose of the meeting is election of directors and any other business that may come before the company. Published in the Delta County Independent November 28 and December 5, 2012.

THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. LOT 1 OF CALIFORNIA MESA MINOR SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF DELTA, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 14556 G Road, Delta, CO 81416. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 am on Wednesday, 01/30/2013, at Public Trustee’s Office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 202, Delta, CO 81416-1764, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)’ heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys’ fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication 12/5/2012 Last Publication 1/2/2013 Name of Publication Delta County Independent DATE: 06/19/2012 Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee in and for the County of Delta, State of Colorado By: /s/ Jim D. Ventrello, Public Trustee (SEAL) The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: ALISON L. BERRY #34531 CASTLE STAWIARSKI, LLC 999 18TH STREET SUITE 2301, DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. Attorney File # 12-06906 ©Public Trustees’ Association of Colorado Revised 6/2011 Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2012 and January 2, 2013.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Albert Lynn Sanburg, a/k/a Albert L. Sanburg, a/k/a Albert Sanburg, a/k/a Lynn Sanburg Case Number 12PR100 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to Probate Court of the District Court, County of Delta, State of Colorado on or before April 6, 2013, or the claims may be forever barred. Personal Representative: Hugh Olin Sanburg 16499 Cedar Park Rd. Eckert, CO 81418 (970) 260-2713 Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 12 and 19, 2012.

PUBLIC NOTICE Highline Ditch and Enlargement Company Notice of Annual Meetings The regular annual meetings of the Ellington, Allen Mesa, and Highline Ditch and Enlargement Company Stockholders will be held immediately following the regular annual

STORAGE UNIT SALE Contents of Farnsworth Minis Unit H8 located at 175 Hwy 133 Paonia, CO. Unknown contents belonging to Tracy Van Vleet, last known address of 44325 Minnesota Creek Rd., Paonia, CO 81428. Contents of this unit will be disposed of

CORY CEMETERY DISTRICT 2013 BUDGET NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a proposed budget has been submitted to the Cory Cemetery District for the ensuing year of 2013. A copy of such proposed budget has been filed in the Delta County Administration office, Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Suite 227, Delta, Colorado 81416 where it is available for public inspection. Such proposed budget will be considered on December 13, 2012 at the annual meeting of the Cory Cemetery District at 3:00 p.m. in the Delta County Courthouse, 501 Palmer Street, Room 234, Delta, Colorado, 81416. Any interested elector of such Cory Cemetery District may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to the final adoption of the budget. CORY CEMETERY DISTRICT C. Bruce Hovde, Cory Cemetery District Administrator Published in the Delta County Independent December 5, 2012.

on December 31st, as Farnsworth Minis chooses. Published in the Delta County Independent December 5 and 12, 2012.

STORAGE UNIT SALE Contents of Farnsworth Minis Unit A7 located at 175 Hwy 133 Paonia, CO. Unknown contents belonging to Robert Tooker, last known address of 224 Minnesota Ave., Paonia, CO 81428. Contents of this unit will be disposed of on December 31st, as Farnsworth Minis chooses. Published in the Delta County Independent December 5 and 12, 2012.

STORAGE UNIT SALE Contents of Farnsworth Minis Unit C6/19 located at 175 Hwy 133 Paonia, CO. Unknown contents belonging to Bill Tutor, last known address of 187 S. 200 W., Richfield, UT 84701. Contents of this unit will be disposed of on December 31st, as Farnsworth Minis chooses. Published in the Delta County Independent December 5 and 12, 2012.

STORAGE UNIT SALE Contents of Farnsworth Minis Unit G3 located at 175 Hwy 133 Paonia, CO. Unknown contents belonging to Daneen Kirkwood, last known address of 17019 Garvin Mesa Rd., Paonia, CO 81428. Contents of this unit will be disposed of on December 31st, as Farnsworth Minis chooses. Published in the Delta County Independent December 5 and 12, 2012.

STORAGE UNIT SALE Contents of Farnsworth Minis Unit H18 located at 175 Hwy 133 Paonia, CO. Unknown contents belonging to Bill Comer, last known address of 13266 Skyhill Rd., Paonia, CO 81428. Contents of this unit will be disposed of on December 31st, as Farnsworth Minis chooses. Published in the Delta County Independent December 5 and 12, 2012.

STORAGE UNIT SALE Contents of Farnsworth Minis Unit H26 located at 175 Hwy 133 Paonia, CO. Unknown contents belonging to Casey Branson, last known address of P.O. Box 493, Paonia, CO 81428. Contents of this unit will be disposed of on December 31st, as Farnsworth Minis chooses. Published in the Delta County Independent December 5 and 12, 2012.


Delta County Independent

TV CHANNEL REFERENCE Listings shown are west feeds B D = Bresnan Cable Delta B P

= Bresnan Cable Paonia

D N = Dish Network D = Direct TV T

= Movies CC

= Closed Captioned

(N) = New Episode

KWGN-CW Denver KCNC-CBS Denver KRMA- PBS Denver KMGH-ABC Denver KDVR-Fox Denver KREY-CBS Montrose KJCT-ABC Grand Jct. KKCO-NBC Grand Jct. KFQX-Fox Grand Jct. A&E BRAVO CINE-Cinemax DISCV-Discovery DISN-Disney ENC-Encore ESPN

ESPN2 F/X FOOD FSRM-Fox Sports RM HALL-Hallmark HBO-Home Box Office HGTV-Home & Garden HIST-History LIFE-Lifetime NICK-Nickelodeon SPIKE STARZ TBS TMC-Movie Channel TNT USA-USA Network

laughed ACROSS 16. Being of 1. German use rapper or service 4. Aries sign 7. Atmosphere 17. Lassie’s breed 8. Send 18. XXX payment Olympic site for 21. Tax 10. Digs collector 12. Patheti22. Above cally average in weak size 13. Give a thrashing to 23. It carries genetic 15. How a information witch Answers

24. E. central English river 25. Baked pastry-lined dish 26. Basics 27. Manson murder book 34. Actress May 35. Dry white Italian wine from Verona 36. Easily conversed 38. Java pepper vine 39. Eagle nests 40. Irish mother of gods 41. Belongs to St. Paul’s architect 42. Soak flax 43. CGS work

unit 44. Tooth caregiver DOWN 1. Common detergent measure 2. Island in Venice 3. Establish by law or with authority 4. Exuding a strong odor 5. Walked leisurely 6. A unit of length equal to 1760 yards 8. Return to a useful condition 9. CNN’s Turner

11. Young herring in Norway 12. Disengagement 14. The lion zodiac sign 15. Mt. Washington railroad 17. The brain and spinal cord (abbr.) 19. Last decade of the 20th cent. 20. A major division of geological time 23. Causes to expand 24. Ed Murrow’s network 25. Happen-

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

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D8 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent


Delta County Independent

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


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D10 Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Delta County Independent


Bounty of a local harvest Photos submitted

Delta County’s abundant annual harvest would become a direct source of sustainable, year-round, local food supply for seniors and others under a program being developed here by the Volunteers of America.


elta County’s abundant annual harvest of agricultural produce will become a direct source of local food bounty for area seniors and others under a program being developed now by the Volunteers of America. The VoA Harvest Plan project is aiming to place in operation a complete, professional food preparation, processing, and preservation facility in Delta County by mid 2013. The project has received the enthusiastic support of the national VoA board, and local organizations have been “incredible” in their support of the idea, too, said Deana Sheriff, program director for the VoA Senior CommUnity Meals program locally. Sheriff is quick to point out that the Harvest Plan concept has been a collaborative project from the beginning and that no one person or group is responsible for its development to date. It has been an effort with shared vision of new and innovative ways to meet a local need with local resources. The centralized food facility will enable VoA to locally source its produce needs to serve congregate meal sites and Meals on Wheels programs in Delta, Montrose, and San Miguel counties. With its commercial processing facility in operation, VoA will also be able to store local produce for processing and preservation by canning or flash freezing. The preserved goods will supply the VoA’s needs yearround, and may also produce a surplus of canned and frozen foods that can be sold to other institutions in the region


The VoA’s Harvest Plan would be an additional support for local ag producers, helping to sustain jobs in the agriculture sector. including nursing homes, hospitals, and schools. That would offset the cost of the senior congregate meal programs and provide a source of additional revenue to support the meals program. The Delta County agricultural harvest usually produces an excess far beyond the needs of retail markets. Some of this “commercial grade” bounty is bought by food processors, transported to distant processing plants, and then re-transported and re-sold here in the area where it was grown and harvested. The VoA’s Harvest Plan will give local growers the option of marketing their non-retail production directly to the VoA program for processing and distribution locally. There would be no middle men and no expensive transportation costs out of area and then back again, Sheriff explained. The system will save costs, increase efficiency, and provide a new source of income to

Delta County and the Uncompahgre Valley grow premium, retail-grade produce. Much of what is not retail grade, but which is still perfectly good, could find a local market and use under the VoA’s Harvest Plan.

The noon meal site at Hotchkiss is one of several operated by the Volunteers of America in Delta, Montrose, and San Miguel counties. both the VoA’s local meals programs and to local ag producers. The program may even benefit from receiving excess production donated by producers, Sheriff explained. The advantages and benefits of the VoA’s Harvest Plan

The VoA’s Harvest Plan would establish a commercial kitchen facility with raw food storage and processing capacity for canning and flash freezing. The facility would provide full-time employment to current VoA staff plus additional jobs, the organization says.

are so obvious and common sense that someone might ask why no one has thought of it before now. In fact, it was the salt content of a can of tomatoes that became the spark of inspiration for developing the Harvest Plan concept, Sheriff explained. The local meals program found itself stymied by a nutritional regulation governing the amount of salt allowed in canned tomatoes served at local sites. But the program found it difficult or impossible to buy commercially available canned tomatoes that met the guidelines. Thus, the Harvest Plan concept was born. “We will be able to process our own, locally grown tomatoes and other foods that have the low salt content required by the regulations and by the people we serve,” Sheriff explained. The Harvest Plan’s advantages include the following ones: • It will enable VoA to centralize its meals preparation, cutting both waste and cost. •VoA will consolidate its six meal site kitchens into one facility. Sheriff says that will enable current staff to extend their hours into full-time jobs, and an estimated ten to 20 new local jobs will be created. • It will allow VoA to preserve by freezing or canning the local harvest abundance for use at local meal sites throughout the year, and the produce will be taken fresh

from local fields. • It will end the expensive, energy-wasting cycle of transporting local produce to the Front Range for processing, and the equally wasteful purchase and re-transport back to the West Slope for use. • It will support local agriculture. • It will provide the VoA senior meals program “a sustainable food source for the people we serve,” Sheriff said. In addition to those benefits, the Harvest Plan program is one that VoA, as a national organization, knows has worked in other areas of the country, and that accounts for some of the enthusiastic support the national VoA board has given the idea here, Sheriff said. The Harvest Plan concept is innovative and forward looking, and that will help make it attractive to foundation funds for startup capital and sustaining funding. Sheriff said that a federal agency is committed to support for startup financing of some kind. Finally, the Harvest Plan will give the VoA’s CommUnity meals program freedom and flexibility to plan and create meals tailored to the needs of local seniors and that are within nutritional requirements. “And, our seniors will have an additional reason for feeling good about the local foods they are enjoying every day,” Sheriff added.

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