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D i v i s i o n o f L a ng u ag es a n d L i t er a t u re
NEWSLETTER Communication
LaForge speaks at spring Honors Banquet Newly-named DSU president William LaForge delivered an inspiring keynote address at the Honors Banquet of the Divisions of Languages and Literature and Social Sciences and History in April. At the event Stephen King presented LaForge with a copy of his book I’m Feeling the Blues Right Now. King recently accepted a new position as chairperson of the Communication Studies Department at Eastern Illinois University, located in Charleston, Illinois. At right are LaForge and King.
Theatre lights shine bright Theatre productions for 2012-13, under direction of Michael Ewing, continued their long tradition of excellence. These Shining Lives, the fall production, portrayed the dark side of the 1920s, women exploited in workplace jobs without health benefits. The play drew standing room audiences in its three performances at Jobe Hall. The hit spring production, A Pleasant Evening Out, a series of one-act plays, was enhanced by the presence of author Dennis DiClaudio in the audience.
Poet Laureate Trethewey reads on campus Natasha Trethewey, 19th US Poet Laureate, honored Delta State with a fall reading from her newest book, Thrall. It was Trethewey’s second campus reading since winning the Pulitzer Prize for her 2007 volume Native Guard. The event was sponsored by the Division of Languages & Literature and the Diversity Committee. Don Allan Mitchell made the introduction. Mississippi native Trethewey (at left) was previously awarded an honorary degree from DSU.
New English professor joins DSU faculty
Upper photo, Claire Dean, Amber Wright, Megan Maneval, and Jackie Kelly in These Shining Lives. Lower photo, Charles Coleman and JaeR Norris in A Pleasant Evening Out.
Edward Plough has been named Assistant Professor of English. He earned his B.A. in English from Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois, his M.A. in Shakespeare Studies from Royal Holloway, University of London, and his PhD in Medieval & Renaissance Literature from Purdue University. In addition to Renaissance playwrights and poets, Plough’s research interests include Modern American Drama, Musical Theatre, and Adaptation Studies. Edward Plough As an active musician and theatre artist, Plough has co-composed three original full-length musicals with Stephen Clark and Kalena Dickerson in Chicago. The most recent musical, Of Moonjays & Motorcycles, is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Pericles.