Year 8 Summer Workbook - History

Page 3


TASK 2 The later Middle Ages

250AD 1AD

1000AD 500AD

1500AD 1250AD

2000AD 1750AD

Draw boxes on the timeline to show the duration of the following time periods in British history (it doesn’t need to be perfect)! Use the clues below to help you. -Roman rule - the Roman Empire lasted much longer than this but occupied Britain for about 400 years. - Early Middle Ages – after the Romans left England, new groups from Europe came to Britain and settled here. This period is sometimes called the ‘Dark Ages’. Saxons were one of the main ruling groups early on followed by the Vikings a few hundred years later. This period lasted from the end of Roman rule to the Norman Conquest. - The Tudors –5 Tudor monarchs ruled England between 1485 and 1603. - The Renaissance – this was said to be a period of new ideas and more scientific ways of thinking. For example, there was a much improved understand of the human body and the purpose of different organs during this period. Historians are still debating exactly when this period started and ended but it is usually associated with the 16th and 17th centuries. - The Industrial Revolution – this was a period when Britain became a very wealthy country. Britain had been taking over countries around the world, creating an Empire. Slaves were taken from West Africa and used to provide labour in colonies in the Americas. Wars were fought to take over new lands and the British even sold Opium (a drug) to fund its expansion in the Far East. Some people see this as a period of great progress for Britain, others see it as a time in which Britain acted greedily and shamefully. It is most commonly associated with the 18th and 19th centuries. - Modernity – historians tend to use this term to refer to history from 1900.

TASK 3 Use your completed timeline to match the period to the correct date Tudors • c. 500-1066 Saxons and Vikings • c.1700-c.1900 Roman Rule of Britain • c.1900-2000 Renaissance • 1485-1603 The Later Middle Ages • 1066-1485 Modernity • 43 – c.410 Industrial Revolution • c. 1500-c.1700


Delta Academies Trust


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