Welcome to the latest edition of our staff newsletter The Link.
Welcome to a very special edition of our staff newsletter The Link.
It celebrates our results from the first public exams in three years and the remarkable efforts which produced them from our staff and children.

The pandemic tested our resolve. We remain mindful of the personal impact it had for many colleagues and families.
It has also left its mark on children’s learning. There were, across the Trust, incredible initiatives – celebrated in an earlier edition - to provide the best possible education in extreme circumstances.
But many children in our communities were disadvantaged by learning from home and have needed additional support.
It is why this year’s exam results across the primary and
secondary sectors have made me feel particularly proud.
We have all had to dig deep to help our children achieve the best possible outcomes.
The following pages give an idea of the efforts colleagues made to ensure our young people were given the best possible chances in their learning journeys.
To see above national average figures is a tribute to colleagues’ determination and resolve.
Together, we continue to change children’s life chances, giving them opportunities to open doors that would have remained closed without our input.
Congratulations on the results and thank you again for your efforts on behalf of the children.
Paul Tarn Chief Executive Officer
Ash Hill: Best-ever results
It was a “fantastic year” for learners at Ash Hill Academy with 62% of students achieving grade 4 in both English and Mathematics.
In Physics, all students achieved a grade 5 or above with 48% gaining 7 or more. There was outstanding progress in Art (+0.73) and Performing Arts (+0.89).
Principal Richard Brooke said: “I would like to congratulate all pupils, parents/carers and staff for their outstanding efforts in helping Ash Hill Academy achieve their bestever results.”
He highlighted Luke for achieving well above his targets through hard work and determination. He recorded 9s in Maths and Physics, an 8 in Chemistry and 7s in English, Biology and History.


Ash Hill
Grade 5 or above in English 64% Maths 49%
Combined 41%
AAB Chair, Steve Wragg, and his daughter are overjoyed with the amazing grades she achieved.

Right: Jenna Russell, Head of English, enjoys sharing the great news with students.
Luke is congratulated by Carl Etherington and Emily Quinn.
Lucy Woodhouse, Year 11 Learning Manager, celebrates Charlotte’s efforts (two 8s, two 7s, two 6s and two 5s).

Vice Principal Jon-Paul Craig celebrates with Thomas as he achieves some amazing results after his hard work.

Darton: Great effort
Exceptional results were recorded by Darton Academy students.

Associate Executive Principal Anna Rooney said: “The Class of 2022 have performed exceptionally well and is something for everyone to celebrate.

This is as a result of the determination and resilience shown by our pupils after a very challenging time and could not have happened without the commitment and expertise of our dedicated staff and the support
Above: Izzy – four 8s, two 7s and two 6s – and Josh (one 8, two 7s, three 6s, an M2 and D2).
Dominic (left) one 8, four 7s, two 6s and one 5 – and Harry, who had great grades in English and Maths.

shown by parents and carers.”
The percentage of students achieving a grade 7 / equivalent or higher was:
English 42%, Maths 27, Biology 79, Chemistry 70, Physics 70, History 37, French 33, Spanish 44, Art 32, Religious Studies 48, and Business and Enterprise 61. Leyla (not pictured) achieved five grade 9s, one 8 and three 7s. 5 or above
Above: Some of the boys, happy with their results. They include Harry (second right) - four grade 9s.
A happy birthday for Lauren, who celebrated her results on her big day, with friend Ruby (four grade 9s, two grade 8s and three grade 7s).
Sam (left), who achieved four grade 9s and five grade 8s, and Tom (one 9, one 8, four 7s, one 6, one D2).

De Warenne: Team spirit
Results at De Warenne beat all expectations.
Open basket progress was +0.59.
Highlights, in addition to the results in Maths and English, saw 40% achieve 7 or more in history while 74% gained 5 or more in French.
Principal John Hall said: “I knew this year group were special and trials told us how good they were going to be, but they’ve eclipsed all our expectations and I’m delighted with the outcomes.

Students and staff have worked tirelessly, and the results produced this year are so well deserved for everyone involved.
This is, once again, a significant improvement on our last external exam window in 2019 and places us as one of the best schools in Doncaster.

We are the highest performing local school again, and I’m incredibly proud of everyone involved in Year 11’s success.”

Individual highlights were Scarlett (five grade 9s) and Harvey (six 9s).
A special mention to Evie, who surpassed all her target grades in every subject

Don Valley: Results create buzz
Grade 7 or higher was achieved by 35.2% in English while 87.9% gained at least a 5 in French and 50% did so in History.
Principal Hannah Thornton said: “I am absolutely buzzing for our students who have achieved such magnificent results.

I’m incredibly proud of all the hard work put in by students, staff, and our community, leading to Don Valley’s best-ever set of results.”
Among individual highlights, Lead Prefect Lian achieved five grade 9s; Karina six grade 9s; and Jessica five grade 9s.
Delta Above:Garforth:
A total of 67% achieved grade 5 or above in English and Maths combined.
Other GCSE highlights were Spanish (7+ 69%, 5+ 98%), Music (7+ 71%), D&T (5+ 79%), Religious Studies (5+ 78%), Geography (5+ 72%), History (5+ 71%), and Food (5+ 71%).
In Level 2 Hair and Beauty, 7+ was achieved by 58%, 5+ by 83% while in BTEC Child Development, 7+ was gained by 44%, 5+ by 69%.
The results were testament to the hard work, dedication and perseverance shown by students, said Principal Anna Young.

“They have overcome many challenges throughout the pandemic and have been justly rewarded with outcomes that stand them in good stead for their onward learning journey,” she said.
“A special mention to our teachers, support staff and Trust colleagues who have demonstrated unswerving professionalism, dedication, and commitment in ensuring our students could thrive.
We are so proud of all your achievements and wish you all the very best for the future.”
The percentage of students achieving a grade 4 in English and Maths increased to 68%. The percentage of students achieving a grade 5 in English and Maths went up to 51%.

Principal Julian Harrison said: “We are extremely proud of the results our students have achieved.
Despite the obvious challenges during the pandemic, our students have shown resilience, tenacity and determination and have gone on to achieve the best results ever seen at Goole Academy.”

There were countless individual successes. The top academic performers were Lyn, Oliver and Ellie. These students gained a range of top grades across their chosen subjects.
Other students performed exceptionally well against their targets. These included Adam, Ella, Nicole, Ben, Lauren, Jess, Oliwia, and Bobby.
“The results place the students in the best position to move forward
Highlights in attainment were Megan Court (nine 9s); Max (eight 9s, one 8); Benjamin (seven 9s, three 8s); Olivia (four 9s, five 8s); Darius (six 9s, two 8s, one 7); Libby (six 9s, two 8s, one 7); and Euan (five 9s, four 8s). said Julian.
“We would like to thank our staff and who have continued to strive to improve outcomes for children through challenging circumstances. These results are a team effort.

Hanson highlights
Terrific individual performances were recorded
Value added scores were Religious Studies 1.99, Spanish 0.68, Biology 0.56, Chemistry 0.42, Physics 0.23 and Business 0.16.
The percentage of students achieving 5 or more in Religious Studies was 95.5%, Sociology 67.8%, French 75%, Spanish 77.8% and Business 58.3%.
Associate Executive Principal, Dave Hewitt congratulated all students for their efforts and hard work over the last two years.
“We wish them all the best in the future and hope their results are the foundation of many great experiences ahead,” he said.
Aleesha was happy with her results, with two 9s (English Language and Religious Studies) and eight 8s.
Musa (four 9s in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths, Distinction in BTec Sport, four 8s and one 7), was pleased with his results.

Ashton (three 9s in Maths, Religious Studies and English Language, two distinctions in BTec Sport and BTec Business, two 8s and three 7s), described his results as ‘top notch’.

Rumana was happy with four 9s and five 8s.
Najeedah was delighted with her results, which included four 9s. Sam Tarazi described his results with one word: ‘Wow.’ He was too flabbergasted to think about what he was going to do next while Zahra achieved five 9s and two 8s.

Manor Croft: Terrific progress Melior: Work pays off
Associate Principal Kion Nikoumaram described the pupils as an absolute credit to the Academy, working incredibly hard. Highlights of progress scores, apart from Maths and English, were Biology (+1.00), Chemistry (+0.73), Physics (+1.49), French (+0.63), Art and Design (3D) (+0.84), Sports science (+1.33), and Hospitality and Catering (+1.42).
Kion said: “Pupils have spent hours after school in interventions, supported by the brilliant staff that we have at Manor Croft.
A huge amount of credit needs to go to the staff for giving up their time to support our pupils.
A number did weekend sessions with our pupils and took three excellent trips to Dallowgill which both pupils and staff enjoyed.
We have also been supported by a number of Directors who have done a great job in supporting us to help the pupils achieve the outcomes which they have.

There were lots of pupils who have excelled in their results, but a special mention for highest attainers:

Harry (nines in English Language, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, History, Statistics, an 8 in English Literature and D*2 in Sports Science).
Joshua (nines in English Language, Maths, Biology, Physics, History, eights in English Literature, Chemistry, French, and Statistics, and D*2 in Sports Science).
Alisha (nines in English Language, Maths, Biology, Physics, History, eights in English Literature and Chemistry, and D*2 in Creative Media and Sports Science).
Most progress was made by Jessica (+2.88), Haajarah (+2.72) and Isobel (+2.68).
Principal Graeme Levitt said highlights, away from English and Maths, were in Triple Science, History, Art, Health and Social Care, Performing Arts, and Travel and Tourism.
He said: “We were very proud of the achievements of our students in this year’s examinations. Both staff and students worked very hard to achieve these results and on results day itself, we could see for ourselves what it meant to our students and their families.
We could not have done it without
In English, 91% achieved a grade 4 or higher, 10% up on 2019. Five or above was recorded by 85% in Spanish, up 50% on three years ago while, in History, 73% achieving 4 or more was up 10%.
Principal Rob Burton said the hard work and dedication shown over the last five years had led to the results.
“The teachers and support staff are incredibly proud of all the
Vale: Fabulous year
Excellent GCSE results were achieved by students at the Academy.

In addition to the results table, 75% recorded grade 4 or above in Maths and English combined, with 76% at grade 4 or above in Maths and 88% in English.
16% achieved at least one grade 9. Special congratulations to Chloe, who achieved nine grade 9s in English Language, Literature, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Spanish and Food Technology.

Now retired Principal Nicola Williams described Year 11 as ‘fabulous’.
“Despite the challenges this cohort faced, their results are amazing and we could not be prouder of the hard work and resilience they have shown during their time at The Vale. Well done everybody!” she said.
The Vale
Grade 5 or above in English 78% Maths 58% Combined 56%
Georgia (left) recorded an 8 in Geography with 7s in English Language, English Literature, Art, a 6 in Maths, 6-6 in Science and a 5 in Spanish with Lily whose results were 6s in English Language, English Literature, Geography, 6-5 in Science, and 5s in Maths, History, Spanish, Design and Technology.
Above: Chloe, nine grade 9s.

Literacy and numeracy qualifications were achieved by 100% of Year 11 at The Elland Academy.
87% gained five or more qualifications while 55% achieved GCSE English and Maths combined at grade 1 or above.
Head of Academy Ed Staton said: “I am incredibly proud of the achievements of our Year 11s, especially as this is the first year we have entered all students for GCSE English and maths, regardless of starting points.
Elland: Thanks to staff St Wilfrid’s
“The success of our Year 11s is testimony to the hard work and support provided by all our staff within the academy, along with the support of subject directors.”
One success was Siobhan, a Manor Croft student, dual registered with The Elland. Among her 13 qualifications, she secured grade 5s in English Language and Art and Design.
A total of 94% students achieved literacy and numeracy from St Wilfrid’s Academy.
All received at least one qualification while 78% gained five or more.
53% achieved GCSE English and maths combined at grade 1 or above.
In GCSE Biology, there was a 100% pass rate.
Assistant Principal and Key Stage 4 lead Debbie Cartwright shares success on results day.
Principal Dirk Pittard said: “I’m immensely proud of the resilience our students have shown in recovering from the challenges they’ve faced during the last two years, in order to achieve a set of results enabling them to move onto positive destinations post 16.
We wish all our leavers every success for the future.
I’d like to take this opportunity to highlight the work of all the team at St Wilfrid’s Academy, combined with ongoing support from subject directors, that makes results like this possible.” One of the standout
performances was from Owen. Among other qualifications, he achieved a grade 8 in English Language, along with grade 4s in Maths, Biology and a Level 2 pass in BTEC National Sports studies. his results.

More GCSE results from our academies

Grade 5 5 or above
Grade 5 or 5 or
Garforth: Highest exam scores
There was a 100% pass rate, with 32% of grades A or A*.
In the vocational exams, there was a 100% pass rate, with an Attainment Average Point Score of 32.97, again the highest in Academy history.
Principal Anna Young described the Key Stage 5 results as “outstanding”.
“Our students did incredibly well and were delighted with their results, which they had worked so hard to achieve, despite the many challenges they have faced,” she said.

“They have shown immense resilience and determination to succeed and we are incredibly proud of them.
Their success is a reflection of their hard work and commitment, the dedication of staff and the continued support of parents.
We wish all of our students the very best of luck in their next steps in education, training or employment and look forward to hearing about their future achievements and successes.”
Highlights included:
Lucy (B in English Language, D*s in Applied Sciences and Nutrition), reading Food and Nutrition at Sheffield Hallam.
Romilly (As in Biology and Geography and a B in Maths), Biomed Science at University of Newcastle.
Joanna (A*s in Biology and Chemistry and an A in Maths), Chemistry at University of Newcastle.
Joe (A*s in History and Social Science and B in Art and Design), History at University of York.
Christy (As in Biology and Mathematical Studies and Bs in Chemistry and English Literature), English Literature at University of Liverpool.
Mark (A* in Law and As in Computer Studies and Maths), Computer Studies at Sheffield University.
Pollyann (As in Biology, Geography and Media / Film / TV studies), Communication and Media at University of Liverpool.
Aydan (A* in Computer Studies, A in Physics and B in Maths), Games Programming at University of Bolton.

Isabel (A* Sociology, A in English Literature and B in History), law at University of Newcastle.
Lilli (A*s in Biology, Chemistry and Maths), English Literature at University of Liverpool.

Georgina (As in English Language and Maths, B in Geography), Degree Apprenticeship in Project Management.
Thomas (As in Business Studies, Media / Film / TV Studies and Religious Studies), Media at Lancaster University.
Reece (As in Maths and Physics, B in Computer Studies / Computing), Game Design at University of Staffordshire.
Jessica (As in Psychology and Social Science, B in English Language), Psychology at University of Leeds.
Charlotte (As in Economics, English Language, Maths and Further Maths), Maths at University of York.
Libby (A* in Sociology, A in Religious Studies and B in English Literature), Politics at the University of York.
Lauren (A*s in Social Science and Psychology and A in English Language), Psychology at University of Leeds.
Laura (A* in Business Studies, As in English Literature and History), English / Politics at the University of York.
Lucy (A* in Social Science, A in Psychology and D* in Health Studies), Criminology at the University of Northumbria.
Fynn (A*s in Maths, Further Maths and Physics and A in Chemistry), Physics and Astronomy at the University of Durham.
Brigg: Hopes met
Principal at The Vale Academy, Nicola Williams, said the hard work had paid off and students achieved some excellent results.

“We are delighted that all those students who applied to Higher Education achieved places at a university of their choice,” she said.
Pictured are Lottie, who gained a place at Durham University to study Business and who will read Television and Production at
Nicola added: “Well done everyone; we are proud of you all.”
Delta Congratulations to Year 13 students at Brigg Sixth Form on their A-level results. Students receive their A-level results at Garforth Academy.The Academy was particularly delighted these results are above national averages for Key Stage 1 in 2022.
Vice Principal Janice Murrell and SENCo Colette Jones said: “We are immensely proud of our wonderful Year 2 children, who have been outstanding in such challenging times for all. “Whilst we will always strive to
Head of Academy Andy Gaunt said: “This year our Year 6 children have been outstanding. Their learning behaviours were fantastic which resulted in fantastic results.

“I would like to thank the efforts of both Mr Hayslop and in Year 6 for inspiring children to be the best they can be.

Hatfield: Top readers
Delta Academies Trust Newsletter
Bookworms flourished at Hatfield Woodhouse.
The comprehensive Delta Reading Strategy, in addition to regular use of Reading Plus, meant 97% of the Year 6 class attained age-related standards in Reading, with 39% at greater depth.
20% of these pupils are from Showman families, who travelled back from fairs far and wide to get their children in school for SATS week.
The distribution of tablets for the whole class meant these children were able to keep up with their learning whilst travelling. All Showman children attained the expected standard.
Highfields on a high
Head of Academy Ben Williams said: “Myself and the entire Highfields community are enormously proud of the achievement of our Year 6 children.
Throughout their SATs preparation, they showed great resilience and dedication despite the impacts of the pandemic.
With a passion for learning and resolute aspirations to achieve great things, they continuously strived to improve and better their understanding which is utterly commendable.
Whether in lessons, at afterschool booster sessions or during holiday revision clubs, our Year 6 children were conscientious in pushing themselves not only in meeting
their individual targets but to surpass them.”
He gave a huge thank-you to class teacher Clair Bonner and the entire Year 6 team for their “hard-work and unwavering commitment” to supporting Year 6.
“Without them, we wouldn’t have achieved the best SATs results that the academy has ever seen in English, Maths and for Combined in both expected and greater depth,” he said.
Head of Academy Helen Acton also credited class teacher Sarah Chesney for her boundless enthusiasm for ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ and especially ‘Floodlands’. Colleagues might remember her from The Link feature on the Fishlake floods.
Helen added: “We are so proud of our class of bookworms!”
Kingston Park delight
Results at Kingston Park Academy left staff ‘thrilled’.
A combined score of 78% was a result of ‘tremendous’ team effort.
Head of Academy Kerrie Longley said: “We are absolutely thrilled with our results at Kingston Park this year.
All of our Y6 pupils have proven themselves to be hard working, conscientious and determined to succeed and we could not be any prouder of their achievements.

During the run up to SATS week, the pupils were keen to address any errors and worked tirelessly to ensure that they were well prepared for the week.

But they could not have done it without the tremendous effort put in by the Year 6 team.
Megan Whittles and Samantha Smith, supported by the whole of the teaching staff, made sure that they were all both academically and mentally ready for the assessments.
“A huge well done goes out to all KPA children and staff.”
Best by Primary Academy. Year 6 Lion class at Hatfield Woodhouse. The Class of 2022 with Class Teacher Clair Bonner, Head of Academy Ben Williams and Teaching Assistant Andrea Gadsby.Montagu: ‘Massive well done’ to pupils and staff

Associate Executive Principal Vicki Pearson praised pupils the has faced over the two
“The pupils have been amazing, and the staff team went to extraordinary lengths to ensure our pupils achieved the outcomes they deserved,” Vicki said.

“A massive well done to Year 6 teachers Dean Armstrong and Katie Marshall.”
Park View: Proud of results
Head of Academy Riccardo Stephenson
Pheasant Bank: Outcomes above averages
Head of Academy Ryan Schofield said: “After what has been a turbulent journey through Key Stage 2, due to Covid19, Delta Pheasant Bank is incredibly proud of the efforts from all pupils and staff.
They worked tirelessly to fulfil children’s potential and collectively achieve outcomes that are above the national average in all areas.”

Simpson’s Lane: Extra efforts deliver
Head of Academy Lee Colley said Year 6 were “over the moon” with their results.
“It has been a difficult couple of years having to deal with the pandemic, bubble closures and online learning which has meant the children have had to work even harder when we returned back to normal school life,” Lee said.
“The children have been fantastic, and this was evident throughout the whole testing period. We could not be prouder of them.”
Strand: Hats off to determination
Head of Academy Laura Snow said: “We are so incredibly proud of each child’s individual achievements and progress.
The level of determination to achieve has been amazing.
Children attended all their revision sessions, breakfast boosters and afternoon pizza parties showing a real dedication to their learning.”
A rise in the percentage of pupils meeting greater depth in all areas, reading, writing and maths was a ‘huge achievement’ for the pupils and Academy.

“Believe and you will
Well done Year 6 - we are so proud all of you,”
Delta Simpson’s Lane Fantastic children produced proud of at Simpson’s Lane Academy. Year 6 graduate from Strand. Parents were invited to share a special awards ceremony, afternoon tea and, of course, the obligatory hat throw!The Parks: Prom celebrations
Head of Academy Mike McGrath said: “All at The Parks worked with our Year 6 children throughout their journey at our ever-improving academy on some of the highest SATs results the academy has ever had. Staff have worked hard to overcome barriers that Covid-19 caused to ensure that the children achieved well above both local and national averages.” RESULTS Parks
Children celebrate their Year 6 Prom.

Some of the highest results The Parks Academy has ever had earned congratulations to staff.
The Vale: Support welcomed
Efforts from pupils and staff achieved “fantastic end of Key Stage 2 outcomes” at The Vale Primary Academy.
Head of Academy Jag Singh was “exceptionally proud” of that work, given the difficult backdrop everybody has had to endure.
“The staff and pupils’ demonstrated our academy values in everything they did this year – whilst also conducting themselves with integrity, rectitude and kindness,” said Jag.
“I am also very grateful for the support The Vale Primary Academy received from Directors of Learning, AEPs, EPs and SEPs throughout the year.
The Vale
Expected standard in reading 77%
Their high challenge and even higher support, coupled with the determination and rigour of The Vale Primary Academy team, ensured that no stone was left unturned and that every child had

the opportunity to achieve to their optimum.
As a result of the combined efforts, we managed to keep our promise to our parents and ensured their child/children achieved the standard they are capable of.
I am pleased of the fact that our children can have the best possible start to secondary school.”
Expected standard in reading 67%
Head of Weelsby Academy Catherine Davenport praised pupils’ efforts.
“We are really proud of all our Year 6s for their incredible hard work, dedication, and resilience they have shown throughout the year,” she said.
Whetley winners
Expected standard in reading 54%
Writing 56%
Head of Academy at Whetley Rebecca Stansfield was proud of staff and pupils for working extremely hard to achieve their results.
“The progress that the children made really was outstanding,” she said.
“Thanks go to all the staff who worked with the Year 6 pupils this year and in previous years. Their hard work and relentless determination has been commendable.
Staff members pictured are Julie Simpson, Mehr Rizvi, Nicola Gray, Stefania Jancova, Arefa Seedat, Amrish Hussain, Stacey Murray, Ina VeretinaChiriac and Uzma Ali.
Willow Green: Fantastic outcomes
Wonderful results – significantly higher than the national average – were recorded by Willow Green Academy pupils.
Greater depth was achieved by 30% in reading, 40% in writing, 23% in maths and, combined, 17%.
Head of Academy Chris Parkinson said the results “underline the hard work and dedication” of Year 6 pupils and all the staff who have supported them.
“Everyone has shown immense determination to accomplish their best,” he said.
“The efforts from everyone involved have been fantastic and the commitment shown by
Willow Green
Expected standard in reading 80%
Writing 87% 93% 77%
everyone involved (including parents), which included early morning breakfast boosters since January and Easter holiday boosters, have been rewarded with a wonderful set of results. We wish Year 6 all the best for a wonderful future.”
Willows: Best-ever results
Best-ever SATs results were recorded by Willows Academy in Grimsby.

Head of Academy Sarah Cox said Covid had meant a year of continued challenges.
“I am incredibly proud of the whole staff team that has helped secure these fantastic results,” she said.
Expected standard in reading 76%
Writing 80%
Worlaby: Learning love
Throughout their time at Worlaby Academy, it has been obvious Year 6 loved learning – and that reflected in their results.
Principal Sharon Hatton said: “I cannot praise enough the hard work and dedication our Year 6 children demonstrated over the past few years, culminating in some wonderful academic achievements.

We had 100% attendance at booster sessions, delivered by the dedicated staff before and after school.
In addition, the Trust has provided many successful strategies to help the Academy in achieving successful outcomes for all.”
Greater depth was achieved by 16% in reading, 8.3% in writing, in maths and 8% combined.
“The children have not just achieved wonderful academic results but have also demonstrated our Worlaby values of respect, collaboration, ambition, independence, kindness, and resilience,” said Sharon.
“I would like to thank all staff in school, as every one of them has had an input into shaping the lives of these children at some point during their time at primary school.
“Staff have been incredibly flexible, delivering interventions, providing breakfasts, being an emotional support to the children and never forgetting the reason why we do what we do!
My first year delivering SATS as a head was apprehensive. the support challenge the Trust has been invaluable.
The children were incredible and their attitude to constantly challenge themselves has helped them secure the best ever results for Willows Academy.
Expected standard in
We wish our Year 6 children, every success for the future. We are confident that they are ready for the next step of their journey.”
Delta Academies Year 6 with Class Teacher and Assistant Principal Ash Duncan, (left) LSA Vicky Iveson and HLTA Lesley Moreton. Year 6 at Eden Camp with teacher Amy Stephenson and Teaching Assistant Georgina McGivern.Head of Academy Teresa Rouse was proud of the pupils and her team.
“They have coped with fluctuations in class sizes due to long term staff absence and ensured that all pupils received a fantastic end to their primary years,” she said.
“The children have shown great resilience and commitment by attending regular booster sessions throughout the year too. We are delighted with our results, thrilled that the catch-up curriculum and support received from Delta during lockdown has evidenced that our pupils have caught up and are, in fact, thriving at Wybers Wood Academy. Bring on this year!”

Queen Elizabeth