Knowledge Organisers
Our Key Stage 3 students are provided with knowledge organisers each term.
The organisers contain a collection of all the key knowledge essential to making progress in each subject.
4 Maths 2000 XP 4000 XP 7000 XP 11000 XP 15000 XP 20000 XP 30000 XP Bronze Silver Gold Ruby Emerald Diamond Platinum Which colour are you? Milestones Milestones Academies Tr ust DE LT A EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE BOOKLET YOUR SUMMER BOOKLET MATHEMATICS Dear Year Six We know you will have missed being with your friends and teachers over the last few weeks and we know that you have worked really hard with home learning tasks. We want you need to enjoy this summer holiday but we also want to make sure you do not forget all the amazing maths you have learnt. This booklet is just something to keep your brain active over the summer and we hope you enjoy trying some of the questions. There is a page for each week of the holiday and we know your new secondary maths teachers would love to see your answers in September. Enjoy Maths Team at Delta 300 minutes 900 minutes 1500 minutes 2400 minutes 3600 minutes 4800 minutes 6000 minutes Bronze Silver Gold Ruby Emerald Diamond Platinum Which colour are you? Milestones HegartyM aths Milestones Answers to each question will be tweeted here @deltatrustmaths the following day CHRISTMATHS! 24 DAYS OF HIGHER 13 17 2 11 23 8 6 18 3 10 9 14 15 12 21 16 1 24 5 22 7 20 4 19 CONGRATULATIONS TO WHO RECEIVED THIS HOMEWORK AWARD FOR Keep up the great work! BRONZE 2000 XP BRONZE! Presented to: Date: Signed: For ranking in the TOP 20% of pupils at the PRIMARY MATHS CHALLENGE 2022
5 Science Academ ies Tr ust DE LT A EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE BOOKLET YOUR SUMMER BOOKLET Dear Year Six Well done on completing Key Stage 2! We know that you have worked hard and need to enjoy your summer holiday before starting secondary school in September, but we want to make sure that you are fresh for Key Stage 3. This booklet has a few simple activities to work through each week and keep your brain active. All the answers are included in the back of the booklet for your parent/carer to check your work. There is also a reading list in the booklet to help you choose some books to read over the break. Additionally, it would be fantastic if you complete the reading log so we can see what you’ve read over the holiday. We look forward to meeting you! Enjoy Science Team at Delta NAME ACADEMY Page 1 SCIENCE - Y7 KS3 ASSESSMENT SUMMER 2021 Delta Academies Trust EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE BOOKLET Delta Academies Trust KS3 Assessment - Summer 2021 SCIENCE Question Paper (Year 7) TEST PAPER 1 hour INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Use a pencil to draw diagrams and graphs. Answer all questions. Write your answers in the booklet. You may use a calculator. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES Section 1 Chemistry: Matter - 5 marks Section 2 Chemistry: Reactions 10 marks Section 3 Chemistry: The Earth and Beyond - 10 marks Section 4 Biology: Organisms - 5 marks Section 5 Biology: Origins - 10 marks Section 6 Biology: Cycles and Interactions - 10 marks Section 7 Physics: Waves - 5 marks Section 8 Physics: Energy - 10 marks Section 9 Physics: Electricity and Magnetism - 10 marks Total number of marks: 75 marks The number of marks is given in brackets at the end of each question. TOTAL NUMBER OF MARKS SCIENCE 7 YEAR STUDENT NAME: CLASS INTERDEPENDENCE & PLANT REPRODUCTION Building on from Key Stage 2, you will start to understand how living things interact with one another and how energy travels from one organism to the next. This is important so we can make informed choices about things like conservation, farming and the food we eat. We will also learn about how plants reproduce; something really important to human survival on Earth. 7 RESPIRATION & PHOTOSYNTHESIS Building on from year 7, you will start to understand how living things are dependant on one another and the importance of this. As we lose species from our planet each day it is vital that we see the importance of protecting them. Understanding how we use out food to release energy is fundamental in developing our understanding out our bodies and what they are capable of. As plants don’t eat it is important to understand photosynthesis and why plants do it to survive. 8 9 BIOENERGETICS Respiration and metabolism are key life processes which help to explain how our bodies function. AEROBIC RESPIRATION ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION EXERCISE & RESPIRATION FOOD CHAINS & FOOD WEBS DISRUPTION TO FOOD CHAINS ECOSYSTEMS KEY: RP = REQUIRED PRACTICAL WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? At KS2 you will have looked at the life cycles of mammals, birds, insects and amphibians. You should be able to classify organisms and recognise how organisms are adapted to live in their environments. CAREER OPTIONS Ecologist / conservationist / physiotherapist, botanist / biotechnologist / agricultural & food scientist USES OF GLUCOSE RP: THE EFFECT OF LIGHT INTENSITY/ WAVELENGTH ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS PHOTOSYNTHESIS IMPORTANCE OF BEES SEED DISPERSAL FERTILISATION & GERMINATION PHOTOSYNTHESIS INVESTIGATING PHOTOSYNTHESIS LIMITING FACTORS COMMUNITIES, BIOTIC & ABIOTIC FACTORS COMPETITION FLOWERS & POLLINATION HUMAN IMPACT ON ECOSYSTEMS TESTING FOR STARCH LEAF ADAPTATIONS LIMITING FACTORS OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS TESTING A LEAF FOR STARCH AEROBIC RESPIRATION ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION RESPONSE TO EXERCISE METABOLISM DISTRIBUTION OF ORGANISMS DECAY CARBON & WATER CYCLES BIOMASS POLLUTION DEFORESTATION AND PEAT BOG DESTRUCTION GLOBAL WARMING CYCLES & INTERACTIONS ECOLOGY Your topic on ecology allows you to have a wide and developed understanding of the living world around you. This gives you the opportunity to see how things would function without our interference and, as a result, to developing opinions about how we as humans are disrupting this functioning and whether or not we need to do something to stop it before it is too late and there is nothing left to save. FERMENTATION RP: FIELD INVESTIGATIONS ADAPTATIONS RP: DECAY FEEDING RELATIONSHIPS BIODIVERSITY FARMING & FISHING BIOTECHNOLOGY & MYCOPROTEIN
6 English Academies Trust DE LT A EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE BOOKLET THE TEMPEST Dear Student The Tempest is a story of betrayal and forgiveness. It is set on an island where Prospero, the one-time Duke of Milan, plots his revenge on those who usurped him. Using magic, and a sprite he rescued on the island, he shipwrecks his enemies on the island, and torments them until he is ready to forgive them. The play provides an unforgettable adventure full of magic, love and excitement. Enjoy! The English Team at Delta WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE YEAR 7 Academies Trust DE LT A EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE BOOKLET UNSEEN POETRY Dear Student In order to understand a poem, first of all you need to understand its story. A poem is just a story in another form. Once you have figured out the story, you can begin to understand what the writer is trying to tell you about the world through that poem. Enjoy The English Team at Delta BOOKLET Academies Trust DE LT A EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE BOOKLET YOUR SUMMER BOOKLET ENGLISH Dear Year Six Well done on completing Key Stage 2! We know that you have worked hard and need to enjoy your summer holiday before starting secondary school in September, but we want to make sure that you are fresh for Key Stage 3. This booklet has a few simple activities to work through each week and keep your brain active. All the answers are included in the back of the booklet for your parent/carer to check your work. There is also a reading list in the booklet to help you choose some books to read over the break. Additionally, it would be fantastic if you complete the reading log so we can see what you’ve read over the holiday. We look forward to meeting you! Enjoy English Team at Delta NAME ACADEMY Academies Trust DELTA A GUIDE TO READING AT HOME Dear Student and Parent We know that reading is an essential skill that must be developed for children to be successful at school and in later life. With this in mind, we are committed to help your child be the best reader they can be. Reading at home is an important part of this and this guide will help you maximise its potential. The English Team at Delta
7 Pre-Phonics Games 500 words competition 2023 are you in year 7 or 8? can you write an amazing story using no more than 500 words? Title: “when everything changed” any genre of your choice! Closing date: March20231st prizes to be won! 20 exclusive places for an overnight writer’s retreat at dallowgill & an opportunity to be published in a book exclusive to amazon! The story must be submitted by email by the closing date of March 1st 2023 The story must be word processed and presented at font size 11 or 12 The story must not be in excess of 500 words A school name, address, teacher and teacher contact email must be provided The story must be the student’s own work, although students may be offered feedback for redrafting from tutor/teacher A tutor/teacher must have checked the story to ensure that is is both suitable and of good quality Students/parents will allow stories to be published in a book which is available online through Amazon. Their names will be used, but not photographs. submissions & enquiries: *add email address* Stockton-on-Tees Knottingley Goole Hull Grimsby Scunthorpe Hatfield Brigg Doncaster Leeds Dewsbury Darton Serlby Manor Croft Academy Comedy Central Crime & Mystery History Adventure Thriller Fantasy Must Read Classics Humour Mystery Explorer Sport Development Inspiration/Aspiration Environment Route Key Eddie Albert Paul O’Grady Tom Gates: Dog Zombies Rule Grandpa Franks’s Great Big Bucket List The Day the Screens Went Blank Danny Wallace Beth Garrod Escape the Rooms Stephen Mangham Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Kiran Millwood Hargrave The London Eye Mystery Ali Cross The Counterfeit Scavengers Old Boy Ross Welford Darwin’s Dragons Lindsay Galvin Mystery of the Night Watchers A.M. Howell The Secret Diary of Henry VIII Terry Deary The Lion Above Onjali Rauf Lonny Quicke Kirsty Applebaum the Sun David Almond Silverfin Charlie Higson The Girl Who Stole An Elephant Furthermoor Darren Simpson Consequence Girl Skulduggery Pleasant: Book 1 City of Ghosts The Haunting of Aveline Jones Phil Hickes Patrick Ness Woods Yvette Fielding The Ghost of Gosswater Lucy Strange Terry Pratchett Marissa Meyer The Wild Way Home Sophie Kirtley City of Rust Gemma Fowler Markus Zusak Pride and Prejudice (A Retelling) Northern Lights Philip Pullman Tuck Everlasting Natalie Babbitt Lois Lowry You Turn Invisible Ross Welford a Superhero David Solomons Dread Wood Frank Cottrell-Boyce Only You Can Save Mankind Terry Pratchett The Summer Robbed Bank David O’Doherty Orangeboy The Graveyard Riddle Lisa Thompson The Quiet at the End of the World Shadow Jumper All Fall Down Sally Nicholl Girl, Missing Sophie McKenzie Peter Frankopan The Explorer Katherine Rundell Bear Grylls Diary of Young Naturalist Dara McAnulty Anything is Possible Sportopedia Adam Skinner Our Beautiful Game Ultimate Gamer Craig Steele You Are Awesome Matthew Syed Be Resilient: how to build a strong teenage mind for tough times Nicola Morgan Be Amazing! Chris Hoy Being Fearless Suzie Lavington & You Are A Champion Be the Change Rob Greenfield & Antonia Barnyard Silence Not an Option Stuart Lawrence You Can Change the World! How to Fix the Planet Reading Routes Delta Academies Trust DELTA The Summer We Turned Green William Sutcliffe Lily Dyu Pop! Mitch Johnson Garforth Academy The Elland Academy Academy Darton Academy Serlby Park Academy Melior Academy Rossington All Saints Academy St Wilfrid’s Academy Don Valley Academy Ash Hill Academy John Whitgift Academy Goole Academy De Lacy Academy Ingleby Manor Free School The Vale Academy Hull Trinity House Academy De Warenne Academy Hanson Academy Academies Trust DE LT A Your learning adventure has begun...
Originally built in 1640, Dallowgill School was a National Society of the Church of England School. After years of exchanging hands, ownership was officially passed to Delta Academies Trust in June 2019.
DELTA Dallowgill Guidebook Environmental and Outdoor Education Centre Dallowgill OakTree Tree Trivia! You can count the tree rings to find out how old it is! Trees have growth rings inside their trunk. If you count each ring, that is how many years has been alive! Where? Northern Hemisphere. North America has the largest number of oak species. Howold? The average life span is 100 300 years but they can live up to 1000 years! Howtall? It takes an Oak tree 30 to 40 years to grow to full size. They can reach up to 45 metres high! Acorns In Spring, Oak trees produce acorns which carry one seed. If these are planted, a new Oak tree can grow! THE WATER CYCLE PRECIPITATION SURFACE RUNOFF INFILTRATION GROUNDWATER (aquifier) SURFACE WATER (river, lake, stream) WATERSHED DELTA DRAINAGE BASIN FORMATION OF A WATERFALL PLUNGE POOL WATERFALL RETREATS FALLEN ROCKS OVERHANG GORGE WATERFALL RIVER PROFILE NUTRIENT CYCLE BRADSHAW MODEL WATER AND AIR UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM MIDDLE REACHES LOWER REACHES dominant processes importance, more lateral Suspension the main Large load amount, 1 2 3 Outdoor Environmental Centre Dallowgill Recipe CardYorkshire Puddings TopTip! The secret to getting gloriously puffedup Yorkshire puddings is to have the fat sizzling hot and don’t open the oven door! STEP 1 Heat oven to 230C/fan 210C/gas 8. STEP 2 Drizzle a little sunflower oil evenly into two 4-hole Yorkshire pudding tins or two 12-hole non-stick muffin tins and place in the oven to heat through. STEP 3 To make the batter, tip 140g plain flour into a bowl and beat in 4 eggs until smooth. STEP 4 Gradually add 200ml milk and carry on beating until the mix is completely lumpfree. Season with salt and pepper. STEP 5 Pour the batter into a jug, then remove the hot tins from the oven. Carefully and evenly pour the batter into the holes. STEP 6 Place the tins back in the oven and leave undisturbed for 20-25 mins until the puddings have puffed up and browned. STEP 7 Serve immediately or cool them and freeze for up to 1 month. Ingredients Method 140g plain flour 4 eggs 200ml milk sunflower oil
Dallowgill Cont.
Since September 2021, over 1600 children have visited, with over 53 academies booking residentials.
The area around Dallowgill provides a huge range of opportunities to support curriculum-based activities and brings learning to life.
12 The Education Exchange The Education Exchange Auditorium provides a space large enough to bring academies together and participate in Trust-wide events. Recent events have included: - Primary Maths Challenge - Science Mavericks - Delta Wings Launch - Poetry Competition - Cyber North - DofE Training - Various CPD events Conference Booking Guide 2022
0345 196 0033 Education House, Spawd Bone Lane Knottingley, WF11 0EP