We are grateful
We gratefully honor the following donors for their generosity to the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation. This considerable support helps prepare students for life, award scholarships, fund educational programs, maintain training resources, sustain developmental initiatives, enhance chapter education spaces, improve wellness and wellbeing amongst our members, and ensure Delta Tau Delta remains a leader in the fraternal world.
Honor Roll of Donors for Year Ending July 31, 2024.

The Foundation’s premier annual giving club, the Order of the C—, is a prestigious group that honors individuals who make leadership gifts to the Annual DeltFund starting at $1,000 yearly. These contributions ensure the Foundation can offset the costs of valuable Fraternity initiatives, attendance at numerous developmental programs, and the educational attainment of young Delts. A significant portion of Annual DeltFund gifts is realized from these donors—and we are grateful.
Daniel Dungan - Texas Tech University, 1979
Perry L. Evans - University of South Dakota, 1986
Arthur E. Favre III - Louisiana State University, 1972
William D. Felder Family Foundation
William D. Felder - Westminster College, 1980
John W. Gleeson - University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1968
Kent R. Hance - Texas Tech University, 1965
Jeffry L. Henning - Iowa State University, 1971
Jaison D. Desai - American University, 2006
Stephen E. Kimpel - University of Cincinnati, 1990
Stephen Reel - Oklahoma State University, 1970
Scott M. Sinner - University of North Dakota, 2000
John W. Bickerstaff - University of Arizona, 1975
James E. Blalock - University of California-Riverside, 2006
John A. Brock - University of Oklahoma, 1953
Anthony J. Albanese – American University, 1996
Mark C. Aldridge - University of Georgia, 1970
Robert W. Archer - Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960
Mark R. Aschliman - Lawrence University, 1976
John G. Baar - Sewanee: The University of The South, 1975
Frank H. Baker USA(Ret ) - University of Iowa, 1954
Michael L. Bayless CPA, JD - University of Idaho, 1973
W. Marston Becker - West Virginia University, 1974
Murray M. Blackwelder - Baker University, 1969
Keith J. Steiner – Alleghney College, 1973
Keith Steiner Allegheny College, 1973
Daniel J. Boedeker - University of Oklahoma, 1996
Vaughn O. Vennerberg II - Oklahoma State University, 1976
Todd M. Baker - Oklahoma State University, 1979
Steven B. Dillaway - University of Washington, 1967
Catherine McGettigan - Friend of the Foundation
Robert Morgan - University of Minnesota, 1972
Alan G. Brackett - Tulane University, 1982
Millard B. Byrne - The Ohio State University, 1966
J. Coley Clark - University of Texas at Austin, 1968
Jerome R. Kerkman - University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1979
Mark W. Nichols - Kansas State University, 1991
Dane O. Roberts - Kent State University, 1992
Daniel C. Stith CFP - Oklahoma State University, 1978
Steve K. Vedra - Butler University, 2002
Steven C. Vilks - University of Minnesota, 1981
Arthur J. vonWerssowetz III - University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2005
John D. Ward - Hillsdale College, 2010
James F. Chavers - Auburn University, 1966
Jerome A. DiGennaro - Carnegie Mellon University, 1976
F. Russell Douglass Jr. - University of Texas at Austin, 1981
Aaron J. Flewellen - Chapman University, 2004
Bruce Gjovig - University of North Dakota, 1974
John Goethe - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1992
David B. Hammon - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2002
Stephen K. Hockett - University of South Dakota, 1983
Rory R. Jones JD - University of Idaho, 1978
Gregory N. Kazarian - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1984
Gerald A. Kolschowsky - Iowa State University, 1961
Raymond E. Malecek - Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960
Robert J. Maneson - University of Arizona, 2002
Michael L. McCluggage - Ohio Wesleyan University, 1969
Keith Mueller - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1973
Justin M. Poché - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2007
Jacob P. Ringer - Tulane University, 2008
Paul Talwar - Oregon State University, 1980
Dewey E. Thoes - University of Oklahoma, 1980
Gene L. VanCuren - Duke University, 1958
Justin A. Williamson - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2015
Robert C. Blue Jr. - University of Florida, 1967
Benjamin D. Bohlmann - Tulane University, 1982
Michael R. Bonacum - Cornell University, 2010
Ryan D. Bond - Ohio University, 1995
Joshua A. Bradley - Illinois Institute of Technology, 2011
Andrew Britton - University of Oklahoma, 1986
Michael A. Bromberg - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970
Morrie A. Bunnell - Ball State University, 1990
Ryan D. Caldwell - University of Nebraska at Kearney, 2002
Thomas F. Calhoon II - The Ohio State University, 1970
Paul Cantey - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993
Robert F. Charles Jr. - Wabash College, 1959
Christopher R. Claude - Iowa State University, 1995
Randy S. Claybrook - Butler University, 1988
Francis Clements - Southeastern Louisiana University, 1972
Craig W. Coburn - University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1986
Dwight K. Conover - Iowa State University, 1974
Jaime Correa - Wesleyan University, 1981
Lynn F. Cowden - Texas Tech University, 1980
Kevin M. Creel - University of Southern Mississippi, 1996
Timothy P. Cullen - Tulane University, 2009
James Daley - Ohio University, 1963
Ross H. Davis - Georgia Southern University, 2008
Robert W. Decker - University of Florida, 1964
George M. Derrick - Illinois Institute of Technology, 2005
James R. Devey - The George Washington University, 1974
Douglas S. Diehl - Purdue University, 1965
Daniel M. DiLella Sr - Villanova University, 1973
John N DiNapoli - The George Washington University, 2010
William G. Doolittle - University of Oregon, 1962
John M. Drosdak II - Lehigh University 1986
Joseph E Eastin - Oklahoma State University 1992
David W. Eberly USAF (Ret.) - Indiana University, 1969
Jim Eskin - The George Washington University, 1975
Ryan A Estaris, MD - Tulane University, 2003
Christopher E. Etheridge - University of Georgia, 1989
Walter C. Evans - University of Pennsylvania, 1970
Eugene V Farrell Jr - Stevens Institute of Technology, 1979
Robert W Fear - University of Western Ontario, 1993
Jason M. Feiner - Bradley University 1997
Mike S. Fenton PhD - University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, 1997
Robert G. Ferguson - University of Cincinnati, 1971
Kenneth A File - Kansas State University, 1981
James A Fisher - DePauw University, 1968
Ryan T Fleming - Butler University, 2005
Aaron Forehand - University of Northern Colorado, 2003
James W Freeman - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 2003
Mitchell P Fries - Butler University, 1983
Patrick Fuscoe - University of Southern California, 1972
Thomas A. Gallagher III - Purdue University 1989
Peter John T. Gangcuangco - University of CaliforniaRiverside, 2007
William L. Garrison - Ohio Wesleyan University, 1962
Glenn S. Gerber - Butler University, 1982
Benjamin Gerlinger - University of Minnesota, 2014
John H. Gerstenmaier Jr DDS - Case Western Reserve University 1967
Dustin A. Gorder - Quincy University, 2003
David R. Gordon, DDS - Tulane University, 1985
Raymond R. Goulet - University of Maine, 2015
Lee Grace - Western Kentucky University, 1984
James Graham - University of Southern California, 1972
Robert Gray - University of South Dakota, 1993
Norris B. Green Jr - Texas Tech University, 1960
Kevin M. Grunawalt, CFP - Purdue University, 1987
Aaron M. Gutierrez - Carnegie Mellon University, 2017
Robert A. Habermann - University of Colorado Boulder, 1959
John Hancock - Whitman College, 1987
Karen Hancock - Friend of the Foundation
Charles E. Harrington JD - Louisiana State University, 2006
Robert H. Hayden - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1967
Jeffrey S. Heatherington - Willamette University, 1965
Julio L. Hernandez - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1979
Thomas W. Hill - Syracuse University, 1968
Paul W. Hodge - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1972
Richard W. Holmes - University of Cincinnati, 1964
Thomas H. Humes Jr - University of Cincinnati, 1971
Antonio Inciriaga - Wabash College, 1994
Jeremy R. Jackson - Kennesaw State University, 2005
Noble F. Jackson - Bowling Green State University, 1973
Orval E. Jacobsen Jr. - Purdue University 1965
James M. Jones - University of Arizona, 1984
Jennifer L. Jones - Friend of the Foundation
Jonathan W. Judy - University of Georgia, 2004
Shane A. Juenemann - Colorado State University, 1996
Gregory Julian - University of Oklahoma, 1982
Dean M. Karns - Iowa State University, 1954
Charles L. Katzenmeyer - Northwestern University, 1985
Warren K. Kellogg - Michigan State University, 1961
Zachary Kern - Florida Atlantic University, 2013
Kenneth J. Kies - Ohio University, 1974
J. Luther King Jr - Texas Christian University, 1962
Michael D. Klein - American University, 1993
Samuel O. Knee - Chapman University, 2011
Todd B. Kotler - Bradley University, 1992
James R. Kramer - Missouri University of Science and Technology 2004
Kurt D Kroemer - Purdue University, 1983
Brian R. Kroh - Oklahoma State University, 1979
James M. Krueger - University of Southern California, 1961
David M. Kuntz - Emor y University, 1998
R. Mack Lawrence - University of Texas at Austin, 1969
Daniel L. Lindstrom - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1982
James A. Loach - Georgia Southern University, 1970
Brian J. Locke - University of West Florida, 1984
Craig A Luke - Ohio Wesleyan University, 1985
Kenneth A. MacLennan - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1962
Mahadeva M. Mani - American University, 1995
Nigel Manick - University of California-Riverside, 2003
Justin D. Manning - Westminster College, 2004
William H. Markle MD - Washington & Jefferson College, 1969
David C. Martin - Miami University, 1969
William F. Martin III - Auburn University, 1964
Arthur Marziale - Allegheny College, 1980
J. Gary McEachen - University of Kansas, 1960
Scott C. McKay - University of West Florida, 1977
Steven L. McMillan - Oregon State University, 1979
James G. Mentzer - Allegheny College, 1971
Amit Y. Merchant - American University, 2005
P. Christopher Mickel - Ball State University 1995
William F. Miller - Northwestern University, 1964
Jason S. Milligan - Ohio Wesleyan University, 1993
Jeffrey M. Mirgon - Ohio University, 1986
Dean Morton - Kansas State University, 1954
Cyrus S. Mostaghim - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 2006
Philip Moyer - University of Pittsburgh, 1987
Jeffrey T. Moyer - Bethany College-West Virginia, 1990
Stanley Murphy, PE - University of Oregon, 1967
Cristina Nicklow - Friend of the Foundation
Vasili K. Nicklow - University of Minnesota, 2025
Bryce A. Olson - University of Northern Colorado, 2008
William A. Onofry Esq. - Moravian Un versity, 2001
Michael D. Ornburn - Westminster College, 2006
Douglas R. Otte - Iowa State University 1975
John A. Owens - University of Alabama, 1961
Blake Palmer - Friend of the Foundation
Everett B. Palmer - University of Colorado Boulder, 2023
Rosario A Palmieri - American University, 1999
Steven A Paquette - Syracuse University, 1977
Edward E. Pascual-Rosales - University of Oklahoma, 2025
Dan E. Patterson - Kenyon College, 1974
Philip C. Pauze - Auburn University, 1963
Jeff P Pelletier - The Ohio State University, 1994
Duncan Perry - Cornell University, 1984
John S Peterson - University of Pittsburgh, 1968
Dennis K. Pittman - Case Western Reser ve University, 1970
Arun Prakash - Illinois Institute of Technology, 1999
Dylan F. Pyne - The George Washington University, 2012
Anthony J. Quandt - Wabash College, 2004
Matthew Raboin - Friend of the Foundation
Graham C. Reeves - Case Western Reser ve University, 2012
Timothy R. Reilly - University of Georgia, 2003
Ryan L. Ring - University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019
James B. Russell - Purdue University, 1975
Vincent A Russo III - Robert Morris University, 2017
J. Greg Ruthven - Florida State University, 1980
Stephen Sanger - DePauw University, 1968
Andrew M. Schreiner - University of Iowa, 2014
Edward M. Schroeder - Texas Christian University, 2025
L. Clifford Schroeder - Friend of the Foundation
Jerry Shea Jr. - Louisiana State University, 1972
John P Sheesley - Emor y University, 1998
Michael D Shonrock, PhD - Western Illinois University, 1979
Wayne A Sinclair - West Virginia University, 1968
D Robert Smedley - University of Central Florida, 1971
Ian P Steff - American University, 2003
Frank A Stiglin - Bowling Green State University, 1962
John Streit - Iowa State University, 1980
Leonard G. Swanson - Washington State University, 1962
William J. Telford - Michigan State University, 1979
Ross C. Theriault - University of Maine, 2008
Thomas Thornton - University of Missouri, 1972
Michael Tomlin - Butler University, 1991
Michael J. Underkofler - The University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, 1984
E. Peter Urbanowicz Jr. - Tulane University, 1985
Stephen C. Unger - Butler University, 2002
John Van Duzer Jr - Lawrence University, 1977
Louis G. Van Horn - Westminster College, 1980
James Vanderbleek - University of Florida, 1981
Jeremy S Vanscoy - Wabash College, 2003
Jackson W Vaught - Vanderbilt University, 2016
Jonathan R. Walburn - Washington & Jefferson College, 1973
James C. Walker - University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014
Clark Warden - Tulane University, 1980
Thomas E. Warriner, Ret - University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, 1964
Brian J. Weast - Texas A&M University-Commerce, 1989
Richard H. Wick - University of Cincinnati, 1968
Jerry Wiley - Butler University, 1989
Joseph R. Wilson III - Clemson University, 2017
Joseph Wilson Jr - Cornell University, 1976
David M. Wing - Cornell University, 1988
James C. Wisbrock - University of Missouri, 1997
Jeffrey D Wood - University of South Florida, 2017
Donald F Woodcock - Kent State University, 1963
David L. Wright - University of Georgia, 2002
Andrew M. Yakubik - Ball State University, 1990
Join the Order of the C—or renew your support today!

The famed Bethany Society, denoted by the iconic green blazer, is a loyal legion of Delt alumni who have helped secure the future of Delta Tau Delta by providing significant resources to support leadership and educational programming at the national and local level. The Bethany Society now includes more than 320 individuals who have a lifetime giving of $25,000 or more or who have committed to a planned gift in excess of $100,000. Special cloisonné buttons are awarded to enhance the blazer when lifetime giving for cash exceeds $100,000 or they have committed to a planned gift of $500,000 or more.
Members of the Bethany Society truly see contributions to the Foundation as a worthy investment and are committed to Forging the Future of today’s Delts and for generations to come. We are grateful for these generous and loyal individuals.
Anthony J. Albanese - American University, 1996
Kerry Alexander - Oklahoma State University, 1986
W. Walker Alexander III - Georgia Southern University, 1996
Laurence M. Altenburg II - University of Pennsylvania, 1992
John Altman - Miami University, 1960
William B. Anderson - University of Missouri, 1980
Robert W. Archer - Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960
Thomas G. Arlotto - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1982
Raul Arrazcaeta Jr. - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1986
Fred M. Ayarza - University of Idaho, 1959
John G. Baar - Sewanee: The University of The South, 1975
Todd M. Baker - Oklahoma State University, 1979
Joseph R. Bankoff - Purdue University, 1967
David R. Barnes - University of Oklahoma, 1986
Stephen M. Barney - DePauw University, 1962
Jay R. Basil DDS - The Ohio State University, 1970
Douglas H. Baughman - The Ohio State University, 1982
Michael L. Bayless CPA, JD - University of Idaho, 1973
W. Marston Becker - West Virginia University, 1974
Christopher C. Beem - The Ohio State University, 1987
Robert F. Benjamin - Oklahoma State University, 1979
Kyndel Bennett - University of Texas at Austin, 1992
William M. Bernick - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1980
George M. Berry - University of Texas at Austin, 1966
Richard E. Berry - Butler University, 1990
John W. Bickerstaff - University of Arizona, 1975
Murray M. Blackwelder - Baker University, 1969
James B. Blevins Jr. - Oklahoma State University, 1975
Kevin Bly - University of Missouri, 1993
Daniel J. Boedeker - University of Oklahoma, 1996
William A. Boettger - University of Colorado Boulder, 1958
Philip M. Boles - University of Texas at Austin, 1991
Brian D. Booth - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1997
Robert D. Bowling - University of Missouri, 1968
Alan G. Brackett - Tulane University, 1982
Chauncey C. Brandom - University of Missouri, 1980
Carl R. Brantley - Georgia Southern University, 1975
Dennis A. Brawford - University of Washington, 1961
George P. Bray - Indiana University, 1973
Tyrone M. Bridges - University of Georgia, 1966
Andrew Britton - University of Oklahoma, 1986
John A. Brock - University of Oklahoma, 1953
Keith H. Brooks - The Ohio State University, 1970
Sydney E. Buck - Ohio University, 1957
Lytle D. Burns - Auburn University, 1960
Michael J. Burr - University of Oklahoma, 1986
Robert J. Bush - University of Idaho, 1970
Paul F. Butcher - University of Oklahoma, 1975
Brook H. Byers - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1968
Millard B. Byrne - The Ohio State University, 1966
Thomas F. Calhoon II - The Ohio State University, 1970
Michael P. Callahan - Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, 1984
Brian A. Callahan - Oklahoma State University, 1994
Jill Callahan - Friend of the Foundation
Robert H. Cantwell - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1978
Anthony Caputo - University of Arizona, 1989
Robert Carrozza - University of Texas at Austin, 1981
James Carson - Oklahoma State University, 1973
Michael T. Casey - University of Texas at Austin, 1971
Robert F. Charles Jr. - Wabash College, 1959
James F. Chavers - Auburn University, 1966
Thomas R. Christman - The Ohio State University, 1968
J. Coley Clark - University of Texas at Austin, 1968
Randy S. Claybrook - Butler University, 1988
Kenneth L. Clinton Jr. - Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, 1965
James G. Clymer - The Ohio State University, 1970
Brent Coan - University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1987
Craig W. Coburn - University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1986
James L. Conley - Ohio Wesleyan University, 1959
Dwight K. Conover - Iowa State University, 1974
Lynn F. Cowden - Texas Tech University, 1980
John R. Critchfield - Friend of the Foundation
Christopher P. Crutchfield - University of Missouri, 1996
James Daley - Ohio University, 1963
Jody B. Danneman - University of Georgia, 1988
Ronald Davis - Butler University, 1959
Paul J. DeMand - Kettering University, 1988
Austin M. Dempsey - Butler University, 2001
Jaison D. Desai - American University, 2006
Daniel M. DiLella Sr. - Villanova University, 1973
Steven B. Dillaway - University of Washington, 1967
Donald L. Dillingham - University of Oklahoma, 1984
John N. DiNapoli - The George Washington University, 2010
David M. Dolan - University of Missouri, 1952
Vincent M. Doria - The Ohio State University, 1970
F. Russell Douglass Jr. - University of Texas at Austin, 1981
James J. Ducey - The Ohio State University, 1966
Bruce N. Duff - University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1960
Daniel Dungan - Texas Tech University, 1979
John W. Dunn Jr. - Oklahoma State University, 1985
Brett C. Dyess - Georgia Southern University, 1994
Ronald M. Dykes - Auburn University, 1969
Daniel L. Earley - University of Cincinnati, 1965
George A. Easley Jr. - University of Oklahoma, 1988
Joseph E. Eastin - Oklahoma State University, 1992
Charles D. Edwards - Southeastern Louisiana University, 1973
James M. Emanuel - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1983
Mark E. English - DePauw University, 1964
Frank A. Eskridge - University of Oklahoma, 1979
Gregory D. Ethridge - University of Texas at Austin, 2000
Perry L. Evans - University of South Dakota, 1986
Walter C. Evans - University of Pennsylvania, 1970
Danny A. Evatt - University of Oklahoma, 1974
Arthur E. Favre III - Louisiana State University, 1972
Robert W. Fear - University of Western Ontario, 1993
William D. Felder - Westminster College, 1980
Elliott C. Fenton Jr. - Oklahoma State University, 1964
Donald L. Ferguson - Oklahoma State University, 1970
Kenneth A. File - Kansas State University, 1981
Dale F. Finkbine DDS - The Ohio State University, 1968
James A. Fisher - DePauw University, 1968
Ryan T. Fleming - Butler University, 2005
Aaron J. Flewellen - Chapman University, 2004
Clive M. Freidenrich - Washington State University, 1978
William P. Frisbie II - University of Texas at Austin, 1984
Dominick R. Frollini - Carnegie Mellon University, 1997
Walter J. Frost III - Ohio University, 1963
L. Charles Fuller III - Oklahoma State University, 1985
Patrick Fuscoe - University of Southern California, 1972
W. A. Gage - Sam Houston State University, 1961
Thomas A. Gallagher III - Purdue University, 1989
James W. Garboden - University of Pittsburgh, 1988
C. Michael Garver - University of Kentucky, 1959
Sonya Gill – Friend of the Foundation
Robert S. Gilley - Oregon State University, 1956
John W. Gleeson - University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1968
John Goethe - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1992
Lee Grace - Western Kentucky University, 1984
Norris B. Green Jr. - Texas Tech University, 1960
Shelby H. Green III - Oklahoma State University, 1966
Kenneth Greiner III - Oklahoma State University, 1986
C. W. Griffin - University of Texas at Austin, 1989
William D. Gross - University of Texas at Austin, 1965
John A. Gustafson - Purdue University, 1958
Betty Guthrie - Friend of the Foundation
James N. Haltom - University of Texas at Austin, 1958
Brian C. Hamilton - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1972
David B. Hammon - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2002
Kent R. Hance - Texas Tech University, 1965
John Hancock - Whitman College, 1987
Bradley J. Harp - University of Florida, 1987
Ryan C. Harrington - University of Texas at Austin, 1998
Curtis L. Hartman - University of Texas at Austin, 1995
Jeffrey S. Heatherington - Willamette University, 1965
John W. Helms - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1981
Jeffry L. Henning - Iowa State University, 1971
Harvey T. Herd - University of Texas at Austin, 1964
Thomas W. Hill - Syracuse University, 1968
William R. Hirsch - Purdue University, 1976
James T. Hise - Kansas State University, 1989
Richard W. Holmes - University of Cincinnati, 1964
Robert Hood Jr. - University of Pittsburgh, 1954
W. James Host - University of Kentucky, 1959
Patrick S. Howard - Butler University, 1993
David B. Hughes - Ohio Wesleyan University, 1961
John M. Hughes - Friend of the Foundation
Thomas H. Humes Jr. - University of Cincinnati, 1971
Scott S. Ingraham - University of Texas at Austin, 1976
Brandon W. Ivie - Baylor University, 1997
Jeremy R. Jackson - Kennesaw State University, 2005
Orval E. Jacobsen Jr. - Purdue University, 1965
Mark E. Jennings - University of Texas at Austin, 1984
Richard E. Jeremiah - The Ohio State University, 1969
Vincent K. Jones IV - Purdue University, 1990
Rory R. Jones JD - University of Idaho, 1978
Edward B. Joy - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1963
Gregory N. Kazarian - University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1984
Cody L. Keim - University of California-Los Angeles, 2016
Warren K. Kellogg - Michigan State University, 1961
David S. Kent - The Ohio State University, 1985
Jerome R. Kerkman - University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1979
Kenneth J. Kies - Ohio University, 1974
Stephen E. Kimpel - University of Cincinnati, 1990
Roberto B. Kindelan Jr. - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1986
Glen T. Knoblock Jr. - Kettering University, 2005
Gerald A. Kolschowsky - Iowa State University, 1961
Todd B. Kotler - Bradley University, 1992
Robert Kraft - Ohio University, 1961
James M. Krueger - University of Southern California, 1961
Ronald O. Kruse - Kansas State University, 1961
Kenneth M. Kujanek - The Ohio State University, 1981
Ralph Kytan - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1979
Mark R. Lange - University of Texas at Austin, 1985
Jerry P. Leamon - University of Cincinnati, 1973
Daniel Lemaitre - Bethany College-West Virginia, 1976
Craig R. Lentzsch - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1970
John W. Lettmann - University of Kansas, 1964
Richard A. Lewis - Allegheny College, 1974
Michael Ludewig - Oklahoma State University, 1968
Raymond D. Magorien Md - The Ohio State University, 1971
Raymond E. Malecek - Illinois Institute of Technology, 1960
Alice Mallory - Friend of the Foundation
Robert J. Maneson - University of Arizona, 2002
Nigel Manick - University of California-Riverside, 2003
Paul W. Marshall - University of Cincinnati, 1964
Patrick C. Martin - University of Cincinnati, 1970
William A. Mc Cloy - The Ohio State University, 1982
Scott B. Mc Knight - University of Oklahoma, 1989
Tyler G. McBride - Texas Christian University, 2015
Jack S. McCalmon Esq. - University of Oklahoma, 1986
Michael L. McCluggage - Ohio Wesleyan University, 1969
Marno McDermott Jr. - University of Minnesota, 1960
Gary G. Michael - University of Idaho, 1962
P. Christopher Mickel - Ball State University, 1995
Ronald E. Millick - University of Idaho, 1980
James Milligan - University of Texas at Austin, 1983
Richard E. Mills - University of Missouri, 1978
Rollin Nash Jr. - Oklahoma State University, 1977
Thomas J. Nathanson - Stevens Institute of Technology, 1974
Benjamin C. Neff - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1957
Robert E. Neiman Jr. - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1966
Theron D. Nelsen - University of Idaho, 1960
Patrick H. Nettles Jr. - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1965
James R. Newgard - University of Missouri, 1973
Mark W. Nichols - Kansas State University, 1991
Lowell L. Novy DVM - Kansas State University, 1959
John G. Olin - Illinois Institute of Technology, 1961
Jeffrey S. Paine - Ohio University, 1969
Rosario A. Palmieri - American University, 1999
Steven A. Paquette - Syracuse University, 1977
Homer D. Parkhill - University of Texas at Austin, 1993
Neal H. Paul - University of Missouri, 1971
Philip C. Pauze - Auburn University, 1963
Steven Peek - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1980
Jeff P. Pelletier - The Ohio State University, 1994
Rawley Penick III - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1962
G. Michael Perros - University of Kentucky, 1981
Bruce L. Peterson - University of WisconsinMilwaukee, 1975
Justin M. Poché - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2007
Jessica Pollack - Friend of the Foundation
Charles Ramey Jr. - University of Cincinnati, 1968
Thomas M. Ray - University of Florida, 1976
Stephen Reel - Oklahoma State University, 1970
William B. Rice - University of Kentucky, 1975
Jacob P. Ringer - Tulane University, 2008
Wesley G. Ritchie - University of Texas at Austin, 1980
Dane O. Roberts - Kent State University, 1992
Keith L. Roberts - Kansas State University, 1967
David C. Robertson - University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1981
Travis O. Rockey - University of Florida, 1973
Scott Roeth - University of Kentucky, 1969
Frederick J. Rudolph - The Ohio State University, 1984
William D. Rudolph - The Ohio State University, 1982
Lynn N. Ruffin - Oklahoma State University, 1968
James B. Russell - Purdue University, 1975
Terrence Russell - Ohio University, 1961
George V. Rusu - Illinois Institute of Technology, 1977
Thomas L. Ryan - University of Texas at Austin, 1987
Edward F. Ryan - University of Kansas, 1980
Charles E. Safris - Iowa State University, 1963
Dallas Salisbury - University of Washington, 1971
Stephen Sanger - DePauw University, 1968
Scott J. Savage - The Ohio State University, 1983
Kevin C. Schiferl - Purdue University, 1985
Alexander R. Schriver - Auburn University, 2010
Richard C. Seal - University of Cincinnati, 1971
John Seckman - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1985
Virginia T. Severinghaus - Friend of the Foundation
Jerry Shea Jr. - Louisiana State University, 1972
Jeffrey W. Sheets - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1980
William J. Sheoris - University of Arizona, 1990
Charles L. Sherman - University of Oklahoma, 1974
Michael D. Shonrock PhD - Western Illinois University, 1979
Wayne A. Sinclair - West Virginia University, 1968
Larry E. Skaer - University of Missouri, 1970
Adam I. Skolnik Esq. - University of Florida, 1997
Robert A. Slack - The Ohio State University, 1971
Clark C. Smith - University of Texas at Austin, 1976
John K. Spackler - University of Missouri, 1980
C. Richard Stark Jr. - Iowa State University, 1971
Alan Steinberg - University of Missouri, 1961
Keith J. Steiner - Allegheny College, 1973
Diane Stephens - Friend of the Foundation
George Stewart IV - Michigan State University, 1979
Daniel C. Stith CFP - Oklahoma State University, 1978
Frederick Strain - Oregon State University, 1977
John Streit - Iowa State University, 1980
Michael R. Tankersley Jr. - College of Idaho, 2005
John J. Taylor - Oklahoma State University, 1952
John Teevan - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1972
William A. Thielhorn - University of Texas at Austin, 1998
James Thompson - University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1967
Eugene C. Thompson - The Ohio State University, 1970
Jesse R. Tilley - Oklahoma State University, 2013
Peyton L. Townsend - University of Texas at Austin, 1962
Paul Trenz - University of Cincinnati, 1975
E. Peter Urbanowicz Jr. - Tulane University, 1985
Gene L. VanCuren - Duke University, 1958
Ronald Vasko - The Ohio State University, 1973
Steve K. Vedra - Butler University, 2002
Vaughn O. Vennerberg II - Oklahoma State University, 1976
Jidge Verity - University of Oklahoma, 1970
Steven C. Vilks - University of Minnesota, 1981
Douglas Von Allmen - University of Kentucky, 1965
Arthur J. vonWerssowetz III - University of Tennessee-Knoxville, 2005
Matthew D. Waits - Oklahoma State University, 1999
Timothy R. Walbrun - American University, 2005
Hugh H. Walker - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1967
John Walker - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1961
Don O. Walsworth - University of Missouri, 1956
W. S. Warren - University of Texas at Austin, 1992
Joe B. Watkins - University of Texas at Austin, 1965

James H. Weber - University of Missouri, 1981
Wade Webster - University of Texas at Austin, 1995
Steven Webster - Purdue University, 1973
Richard H. Wick - University of Cincinnati, 1968
Jerry Wiley - Butler University, 1989
Jeffrey P. Williams - University of Cincinnati, 1975
Thomas V. Williams - University of Cincinnati, 1974
Dave H. Williams - University of Texas at Austin, 1956
Justin A. Williamson - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2015
W. Brett Willis - University of Oklahoma, 1990
Steven Wimberly - University of Texas at Austin, 1968
James C. Wisbrock - University of Missouri, 1997
Timothy S. Wittman - Indiana University, 1982
Peter K. Woo - University of Cincinnati, 1970
Gregory P. Wood - Oklahoma State University, 1990
Frank C. Woodside III - The Ohio State University, 1966
Thomas E. Workman - The Ohio State University, 1966
David L. Wright - University of Georgia, 2002
E. Lawrence Wynocker - The Ohio State University, 1969
James R. Yust - University of Missouri, 1969
Charles E. Zumkehr - Ohio University, 1960
The Heritage Society, a legacy-giving program, recognizes those individuals who have made provisions in their estates that benefit the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation. These special people understand that forward thinking is essential to ensuring that Delta Tau Delta remains a leader in the fraternal world. The members of this society have made a significant investment in the future of Delta Tau Delta through planning for the endowment of scholarships, programs, and for needs that may yet be identified through general undesignated bequests.
Did you know that Delt offers a free tool to establish a will and disclose estate provisions? Through a partnership with the organization FreeWill, you can create and update your will, disclose estate gift plans, and update your beneficiaries. Learn more by scanning the QR code on page 6.
Anthony J. Albanese - American University, 1996
Mark C. Aldridge - University of Georgia, 1970
W. Walker Alexander III - Georgia Southern University, 1996
Laurence M. Altenburg II - University of Pennsylvania, 1992
Stephen R. Archer - Purdue University, 1976
Nicholas H. Bailey - University of Washington, 2015
Daniel Bauer - Ohio University, 1971
Paul L. Bechly - Cornell University, 1980
Murray M. Blackwelder - Baker University, 1969
Michael R. Bonacum - Cornell University, 2010
Brian D. Booth - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1997
D. Scott Brennan - Indiana University, 1978
Tyrone M. Bridges - University of Georgia, 1966
John A. Brock - University of Oklahoma, 1953
Mark R. Brown - University of Colorado Boulder, 1981
Thomas F. Calhoon II - The Ohio State University, 1970
Michael P. Callahan - Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, 1984
Jill Callahan - Friend of the Foundation
Steven W. Chandler - Tufts University, 1963
Randy S. Claybrook - Butler University, 1988
Larry Clinton Jr. - Tufts University, 1962
James L. Conley - Ohio Wesleyan University, 1959
Clarence W. Cook III - Texas Christian University, 1976
William G. Cooper - Illinois State University, 1998
David A. Crenshaw - Auburn University, 1970
Anthony J. Crisafio - The George Washington University, 2011
Timothy P. Cullen - Tulane University, 2009
Paul J. DeMand - Kettering University, 1988
Jaison D. Desai - American University, 2006
Jennifer Desai - Friend of the Foundation
Jerome A. DiGennaro - Carnegie Mellon University, 1976
F. Russell Douglass Jr. - University of Texas at Austin, 1981
Daniel Dungan - Texas Tech University, 1979
Daniel L. Earley - University of Cincinnati, 1965
Nathan J. Easley - University of Florida, 2007
Stephen L. Epps - Oklahoma State University, 1967
Ryan A. Estaris, MD - Tulane University, 2003
Gregory D. Ethridge - University of Texas at Austin, 2000
Perry L. Evans - University of South Dakota, 1986
Gregory D. Fahlman - Kent State University, 1980
Jason M. Feiner - Bradley University, 1997
Kenneth A. File - Kansas State University, 1981
Ryan T. Fleming - Butler University, 2005
John P. Friedmann - Washington & Jefferson College, 2002
Dominick R. Frollini - Carnegie Mellon University, 1997
Scott S. Gaskill - Ohio University, 1993
John W. Gleeson - University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, 1968
W. Robert Goldman - Friend of the Foundation
Raymond R. Goulet - University of Maine, 2015
Lee Grace - Western Kentucky University, 1984
Shelby H. Green III - Oklahoma State University, 1966
David B. Hammon - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2002
Kent R. Hance - Texas Tech University, 1965
Michael A. Hanson - University of South Florida, 1977
Dennis S. Hatt - Indiana University, 1978
David M. Helmus - Ohio University, 1986
Jeffry L. Henning - Iowa State University, 1971
Dennis M. Heydanek - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1968
Thomas W. Hill - Syracuse University, 1968
Connor S. Hollrah - Westminster College, 2015
Richard W. Holmes - University of Cincinnati, 1964
W. James Host - University of Kentucky, 1959
David S. Howard - Indiana University, 1981
Thomas Huddleston Jr. - Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, 1962
David B. Hughes - Ohio Wesleyan University, 1961
Jeremy R. Jackson - Kennesaw State University, 2005
Cody L. Keim - University of California-Los Angeles, 2016
John Kendrick - Cornell University, 1980
Alexander N. Kosmas - Illinois Institute of Technology, 2014
Todd B. Kotler - Bradley University, 1992
Jack C. Kreman - University of Nebraska at Kearney, 2004
Christopher G. Law - Marietta College, 2010
Richard A. Lewis - Allegheny College, 1974
Tyler G. McBride - Texas Christian University, 2015
Ted McGrew - Indiana University, 1981
Rian M. Mehta, PhD - Florida Institute of Technology, 2013
James F. Meyer - DePauw University, 1986
Chad J. Miller - Butler University, 2009
Jeffrey M. Mirgon - Ohio University, 1986
Mark W. Nichols - Kansas State University, 1991
John G. Olin - Illinois Institute of Technology, 1961
Rosario A. Palmieri - American University, 1999
Steven A. Paquette - Syracuse University, 1977
Neal H. Paul - University of Missouri, 1971
Jeff P Pelletier - The Ohio State University, 1994
Craig L. Phillips - The Ohio State University, 1972
Jessica Pollack - Friend of the Foundation
Dylan F. Pyne - The George Washington University, 2012
Anthony J. Quandt - Wabash College, 2004
Thomas M. Ray - University of Florida, 1976
Travis O. Rockey - University of Florida, 1973
Scott Roeth - University of Kentucky, 1969
Robert E Roush Jr - Sam Houston State University, 1964
Vincent A Russo III - Robert Morris University, 2017
Charles E Safris - Iowa State University, 1963
Craig S Scholl - Syracuse University, 1982
Michael D. Shonrock, PhD - Western Illinois University, 1979
Wayne A Sinclair - West Virginia University 1968
Adam I. Skolnik, Esq. - University of Florida, 1997
Keith J. Steiner - Allegheny College, 1973
Daniel C. Stith, CFP - Oklahoma State University, 1978
Michael R. Tankersley Jr - College of Idaho, 2005
John Teevan - University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 1972
Ted J. Thoms - University of South Dakota, 1971
Steve K. Vedra - Butler University, 2002
Anthony E Vukusich Jr. - Friend of the Foundation
Timothy R. Walbrun - American University, 2005
Ryan D Weber - Kansas State University, 2005
Justin A Williamson - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2015
Ashley J. Wollam - Marietta College 2008

The Delta Alpha Kappa Society (DAK) recognizes donors for their ongoing support through recurring gifts to funds within the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation. The initials were first added to Fraternity images in 1870 and stood for a secret motto within Delta Tau Delta, which was later declassified It means, “Labor for the beautiful and the good”. These gifts provide a vital stream of funding, via a regular payment plan (monthly, quarterly, or yearly), that supports programs and initiatives taking place at various times throughout the year The DAK Society is a great way to make a larger impact through smaller installments
William T Adams Jr - University of Kentucky, 1988
W Walker Alexander III - Georgia Southern University 1996
Mark Allen - University of Texas at Austin, 1983
Thomas R. Allen - University of West Florida, 1977
Darin Ames - Iowa State University 1993
Jason C. Andrews - University of North Texas, 1999
Jason M. Andrus - Tulane University, 2004
Andrew C. Archambeau - University of Cincinnati, 2014
Christopher Baker - Ball State University, 1988
Christopher A. Barcelona Jr - Southeastern Louisiana University 2008
Jordan J. Beech - University of Oklahoma, 2013
Bruce R. Bennett - Kent State University, 2023
James E. Blalock - University of California-Riverside, 2006
Michael R. Bonacum - Cornell University, 2010
Thomas A. Booth - Quinnipiac University, 2013
Connor R. Bourland - University of Oklahoma, 2015
Joshua A. Bradley - Illinois Institute of Technology, 2011
Louis P. Brazan III - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2005
Troy R. Brostrom - Kettering University, 1997
Michael Browder - University of Georgia, 1984
William H. Bryant IV - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2002
Jodyne Budenaers - Friend of the Foundation
Gregory A. Budney - Butler University, 2007
Ryan D. Caldwell - University of Nebraska at Kearney, 2002
Thomas F. Calhoon II - The Ohio State University, 1970
Michael Campbell - Butler University, 2016
Paul Cantey - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993
Jacob M. Carpinelli - University of Pittsburgh, 2022
Marcus A. Castilla - Texas A&M University-Kingsville, 1994
Brian C. Chase - University of Southern California, 2005
Randy S. Claybrook - Butler University 1988
Joshua R. Clayton - Appalachian State University, 2014
Michael S. Clements - University of Arizona, 1990
Sam Cook - Washington State University, 2016
Kevin M. Creel - University of Southern Mississippi, 1996
Timothy P. Cullen - Tulane University, 2009
John M. Daily - John Carroll University, 2012
Joshua E. Darichuk - University of Southern Mississippi, 2013
Bryan R. Davidson - Washington & Jefferson College, 2005
Ross H. Davis - Georgia Southern University, 2008
Jaison D. Desai - American University, 2006
Gerald B. Devol - The Ohio State University, 1982
Jerome A. DiGennaro - Carnegie Mellon University, 1976
Chandler D. Douglas - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 2008
John M. Drosdak II - Lehigh University, 1986
Sean M. Drudy - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2021
Jonathan R. Duraj - Wittenberg University, 2009
Brett C. Dyess - Georgia Southern University, 1994
Nathan J. Easley - University of Florida, 2007
Gary K. Ehrhardt - University of Missouri, 1986
Gregory E. Eike - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2010
Ryan A. Estaris, MD - Tulane University, 2003
Jubal L. Evans - Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1979
Matthew C. Feeney - Butler University 2014
Jason M. Feiner - Bradley University, 1997
Robert G. Ferguson - University of Cincinnati, 1971
Kenneth A. File - Kansas State University, 1981
Evan R. Finkelstein - Carnegie Mellon University, 2014
Ryan T. Fleming - Butler University, 2005
Aaron J. Flewellen - Chapman University, 2004
Thomas W. Flynn - University of Arizona, 1978
John R. Frame MD - University of Oklahoma, 1975
Ryan Frazier - Butler University, 2014
Mitchell P Fries - Butler University, 1983
Peter John T. Gangcuangco - University of CaliforniaRiverside, 2007
Bradley S. Garrett - University of Southern Mississippi, 2004
Jan N. Garrison - University of Cincinnati, 1962
Travis M. Gass - University of Washington, 2010
Benjamin Gerlinger - University of Minnesota, 2014
Zane C. Gober - University of Texas-Arlington, 1988
John Goethe - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1992
Jacob W. Goldstein - Wabash College, 2003
Sidney J. Gonsoulin Jr - Louisiana State University 1970
Dustin A. Gorder - Quincy University, 2003
David R. Gordon DDS - Tulane University, 1985
Raymond R. Goulet - University of Maine, 2015
Lee Grace - Western Kentucky University, 1984
Michael R. Greaves DDS - Westm nster College, 2013
Matthew D. Greaves DDS - Westminster College, 2010
Eric R. Gregory - Butler University, 2014
Benjamin T. Grothe - University of Iowa, 2017
Kevin M. Grunawalt CFP - Purdue University, 1987
David B. Hammon - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2002
Howard H. Harcha - The Ohio State University, 2012
Brad Hein - Butler University, 2008
Kenneth A. Herman - Texas A&M University, 2007
Julio L. Hernandez - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1979
Robert J. Hollander - Westminster College, 1985
Connor S. Hollrah - Westminster College, 2015
Evan J. Holten - University of Cincinnati, 2014
Adam P. Hopkins - Marietta College, 2009
Noble F. Jackson - Bowling Green State University, 1973
Jeremy R. Jackson - Kennesaw State University, 2005
Christopher C. Jameson - American University, 2006
Samuel Johnson - Quinnipiac University 2015
Jonathan W. Judy - University of Georgia, 2004
Shane A. Juenemann - Colorado State University, 1996
Burl E. Kelton III USAF (Ret.) - University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, 1996
Zachar y Kern - Florida Atlantic University, 2013
Floyd F Kettering Jr - Purdue University, 1963
Grady Kilman - University of Louisiana-Lafayette, 1970
Daniel M. King - Eastern Michigan University 2000
Daniel Klear - Kettering Univers ty, 1976
Michael D. Klein - American University, 1993
Samuel O. Knee - Chapman University, 2011
Alexander N. Kosmas - Illinois Institute of Technology, 2014
Todd B. Kotler - Bradley University, 1992
Matthew E. Kozlowski - Allegheny College, 2003
John W Krienke PhD - University of Florida, 1956
Adam C. Kuehn - Eastern Michigan University, 2016
Bob E. Lawler - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1960
Stacey Lawrence - University of Texas at Austin, 1992
Jeffrey B. Leech - University of North CarolinaWilmington, 1990
Jason T. Leehan - University of Washington, 2002
Eric F. Leutheuser - Hillsdale College, 1982
Daniel L. Lindstrom - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1982
Mark L. Lintern - Wittenberg University, 2008
James A. Loach - Georgia Southern University, 1970
Craig A Luke - Ohio Wesleyan University 1985
John A. Mainella - West Virginia University, 1999
Thomas C. Malayil - Arizona State University, 1993
Robert J. Maneson - University of Arizona, 2002
Nigel Manick - University of California-Riverside, 2003
Justin D. Manning - Westminster College, 2004
Arthur Marziale - Allegheny College, 1980
Patrick J. Maziarz - American University, 2008
Nikki McCarty - University of West Florida, 1970
Stephen McCoskey - Texas State UniversitySan Marcos, 1986
Andrew McDevitt - Emory University, 1993
Scott C. McKay - University of West Florida, 1977
Steven L. McMillan - Oregon State University, 1979
Rian M. Mehta PhD - Florida Institute of Technology, 2013
Amit Y. Merchant - American University, 2005
Chad J. Miller - Butler University, 2009
Michael Z. Miller - Georgia Institute of Technology 2008
Harold L. Miller - University of Kentucky, 1976
Jeffrey M. Mirgon - Ohio University, 1986
Chanda I. Mofu - Boston University, 1998
Leopoldo A. Monney - University of California-Riverside, 2007
Cyrus S. Mostaghim - Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, 2006
Josh H. Muller - Butler University, 2008
Robert S. Mussa - University of Iowa, 2016
C. Allen Nichols - University of Akron, 1989
Bruce R. Noblett - Allegheny College, 1977
Alexander H. Nourse - Marietta College, 2015
Donald B. Okerson - Stevens Institute of Technology, 1969
Bryce A. Olson - University of Northern Colorado, 2008
William A. Onofry Esq. - Moravian University, 2001
Michael D. Ornburn - Westminster College, 2006
Levi H. Orr - College of Idaho, 2017
Howard Ostlund - University of West Florida, 1975
Douglas R. Otte - Iowa State University, 1975
Patrick L. Pahr - Georgia Institute of Technology, 1979
Rosario A. Palmieri - American University, 1999
Bradley W. Parish - Butler University, 2016
Philip C. Pauze - Auburn University, 1963
Kenneth S. Peden - Florida Institute of Technology, 2016
Douglas J. Pfendler - Bethany College-West Virginia, 1978
Tyler M. Phillips - Washington & Jefferson College, 2018
Daniel E. Pocase - University of Southern Mississippi, 2004
Justin M. Poché - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2007
Arun Prakash - Illinois Institute of Technology, 1999
Matthew Raboin - Friend of the Foundation
Brooks P. Rahaim - University of Southern Mississippi, 2019
Anthony M. Ranatza MBA - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2002
Robert D. Rapp IV - North Dakota State University, 2018
Shawn M. Redd - Texas Christian University, 2010
Graham C. Reeves - Case Western Reserve University, 2012
Mitchell J. Reiber - University of Minnesota, 2011
Timothy R. Reilly - University of Georgia, 2003
Adam T. Rice - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2021
Ryan L. Ring - University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2019
Dane O. Roberts - Kent State University, 1992
Emiliano L. Rodrigues Jr. - Stanford University, 2020
Blayne K. Ross - University of Florida, 1998
David J. Royer - Chapman University, 2001
Vincent A. Russo III - Robert Morris University, 2017
Daren P. Sadowsky - Tulane University, 2007
Eric A. Samuels - The Ohio State University, 2006
Anthony J. Sansone - University of Iowa, 2016
Richard A. Schmidt - University of North Dakota, 1976
Craig S. Scholl - Syracuse University, 1982
Andrew M. Schreiner - University of Iowa, 2014
Dwayne Senn - Western Kentucky University, 1983
Scott Shaffer - University of Georgia, 1990
Gabriel J. Shoemaker III - University of Southern Mississippi, 1993
Trevor C. Simpson - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2010
John B. Singer - Washington & Jefferson College, 1962
David M. Sirey - John Carroll University, 2008
Brian E. Smith - Bradley University, 1990
Scott D. Snyder - Kettering University, 2012
Daniel H. Spittel - Robert Morris University, 2017
Mark R. Starr - Case Western Reserve University, 1995
Thomas D. Stephen - John Carroll University, 2017
George A. Stubbs - Bowling Green State University, 2015
James E. Swab USMC(Ret.) - University of WisconsinMadison, 1956
Ross C. Theriault - University of Maine, 2008
Carlos B. Toomer - University of North CarolinaWilmington, 1997
William K. Troha - Clemson University, 1995
Jeremy L. Troulliet - Southeastern Louisiana University, 2013
Kenneth R. Tubbs - John Carroll University, 2011
Kurtis A. Umberg - Mount St. Joseph University, 2020
Michael J. Underkofler - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1984
Brigham H. VanAuken - Iowa State University, 2003
Jackson W. Vaught - Vanderbilt University, 2016
Vaughn O. Vennerberg II - Oklahoma State University, 1976
Brian Verman - Missouri University of Science and Technology, 1994
Daniel W. Wagner - Lehigh University, 2007
Charles W. Wagster - Appalachian State University, 2014
Carm C. Walgamott - University of Idaho, 1971
James C. Walker - University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014
Robert A. Waskis Jr. - Cornell University, 2005
John N. Wear Jr. - Sam Houston State University, 1971
Brian J. Weast - Texas A&M University-Commerce, 1989
Tom K. Weinard - University of Florida, 1986
Cooper H. Weinstein - Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, 2018
Jerry Wiley - Butler University, 1989
Toby J. Willis - Robert Morris University, 2022
James C. Wisbrock - University of Missouri, 1997
Jeffrey D. Wood - University of South Florida, 2017
David L. Wright - University of Georgia, 2002
Kyle A. Yarawsky - Morehead State University, 2010
Michael A. Zeiter - University of Missouri, 2011
Dylan J. Zenga - Butler University, 2016

Establish a recurring gift at
The Crescent Society was designed specifically for undergraduate Delts who make annual contributions to the Delta Tau Delta Educational Foundation. We believe in the power of philanthropy and through this effort strive to educate young Delts on the various ways to give back. The Crescent Society is a great way to start a lifelong tradition of giving to Delta Tau Delta. In fact, many of today’s leadership-level donors and members of the Order of the C—started their philanthropic journey as undergraduate members of the Crescent Society.
Dominick M. Bellora - Butler University
Zachary Brunner - University of Oregon
George E. Christodoulou - The Ohio State University
Anthony V. Clerici - Lafayette College
Jerod S. Cohen Jr.- East Carolina University
Ben Dunkin - Marquette University
Christian R. Haseley - East Carolina University
Francis Heim - Stevens Institute of Technology
Alexander J. Huminsky - East Carolina University
Benjamin Isay - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Baylin K. Lavy - University of California-Santa Barbara
Riley A. Marshall - University of Oregon
Jamison H. Moore - East Carolina University
James H. Northrop III- East Carolina University
Edward E. Pascual-Rosales - University of Oklahoma
Kai Rabinovitch - Northeastern University
Tyree M. Rubin - East Carolina University
Weston D. Schlemeyer - Missouri University of Science and Technology
Logan M. Schwartzkopf - University of Oregon
Micah J. Seetoo - East Carolina University
Miles Stephens - Arizona State University
Russell C. Taber - University of Oregon
Jay E. Thomas - University of Oregon
Christopher L. Watson - East Carolina University
Your gifts to the Foundation are Forging the Future for Delta Tau Delta, every chapter and member. Consistent giving to the Delt Foundation is the lifeblood of our organization. We are honored to recognize all those donors who have invested in the future of Delta Tau Delta. On behalf of the Fraternity and Foundation staff, volunteers, and the recipients of your generosity, thank you for deeming the Foundation worthy of your investment.
This list includes individuals who made a gift during the 2024 fiscal year. Next to each donor’s name, you will find the total number of years they have made a donation to the Delt Foundation, regardless of fund designation. Additionally, donors who have reached a lifetime giving society will have a series of letters denoting the specific society achieved as indicated on the legend.
$250-$499 FOUR STAR COUNCIL (4S)
1858 SOCIETY (18)
$50,000 +
Craig A. Barth, 1991 - FC/31
Hugh A. Beattie, 1975 - FC/30
Monty H. Bishop, 1980 - 2
Gareld Boehlke, 1962 - FC/45
Michael D. Grover, 1982 - RB/9
Kenneth R. Hall PhD, 1969 - 1
Walter M. Kacher III, 2014 - 1
David W. Kitchen PhD, 1965 - RB/5
Bradley C. Lentz, 1984 - 18/28
Brad Melpolder, 2014 - 1
Thomas W. Pitt, 1988 - 18/20
Brian R. Pletcher, 1977 - FC/31
Timothy Prister, 1985 - 18/37
Robert C. Probst, 1957 - PP/28
M. Gary Robertson MD, 1960 - FC/32
Thomas C. Schultz, 1963 - 1
Richard C. Torley, 1950 - PP/36
Joel P. Verplank, 1959 – 1
William B. Armstrong, 1974 - FC/45
Lawrence F. Bostrom Jr., 1972 - PP/29
Joseph R. Bruch, 2017 - 1
Brian M. Carfagna, 2001 - RB/11
George M. Foss J.D., 1971 - FC/51
Steven A. Frese, 2008 - RB/9
Keith Johns II, 1986 - PP/31
Todd A. Kahm, 1994 - 1
Matthew R. Kissling, 2007 - PP/9
Matthew E. Kozlowski, 2003 - 18/23
Adam J. Lessard, 2011 - 2
Mitchell Magee, 1978 - PP/28
Arthur Marziale, 1980 - RP/34
Ronald McKnight, 1960 - PP/34
James G. Mentzer, 1971 - RP/40
David E. Miller, 1971 - FC/34
John M. Myles III, 1973 - 18/27
Bruce R. Noblett, 1977 - 18/45
A. Gordon G. Phillips, 1979 - FC/33
F.Tyler T. Rich, 1969 - RB/1
John C. Rowlingson MD, 1970 - CC/46
Garret C. Scronce, 2018 - 1
Bradley J. Shelp, 1954 - FC/39
Zachary J. Silberman, 2013 - 4
Keith J. Steiner, 1973 - AS/45
Charles M. Yeomans, 2008 - RB/10
David Kyoung Dae Yoo, 1995 - 1
Matthew D. Yurky, 2009 - PP/12
Anthony J. Albanese, 1996 - HS/20
John P. Byrne, 1999 - 4S/2
Daniel S. Couladis, 2002 - FC/19
Jaison D. Desai, 2006 - HS/19
Christopher C. Jameson, 2006 - 18/20
Michael D. Klein, 1993 - 18/6
Alexander J. Krowka, 2011 - 5
Mahadeva M. Mani, 1995 - RP/8
Patrick J. Maziarz, 2008 - PP/16
Amit Y. Merchant, 2005 - 18/13
Mack D. Murphy III, 2002 - RB/9
Carey W. Ng, 1999 - RB/13
Rosario A. Palmieri, 1999 - AS/27
Alan L. Primack, 1997 - 3
Jeffrey J. Ryder Jr., 1999 - RB/4
Daniel C. Shorts, 2011 - 4S/6
Ian P. Steff, 2003 - FC/4
Joshua R. Clayton, 2014 - 4S/6
Charles W. Wagster, 2014 - FC/13
Dylan M. Berke, 2020 - 1
Thomas C. Malayil, 1993 - 18/24
Akshay L. Segu, 2022 - 1
Miles Stephens – 1
Walter J. Donegan, 1969 - RB/5
Richard P. Lawrence, 1972 - RB/13
Charles Andrew Jr., 1968 - FC/50
Roy M. Arnold, 1971 - 18/13
James F. Chavers, 1966 - AS/48
Craig N. Conrad, 1989 - PP/9
Francis Fisher, 1973 - 4S/10
William W. Fontaine, 1979 - 18/7
Jon D. Harkins, 1969 - FC/39
Michael J. Henry PE, 1965 - PP/34
Marshall W. Magee, 1982 - PP/12
William F. Martin III, 1964 - 18/20
Joseph D. Newsom, 1976 - 4S/16
Keith A. Parker, 1978 - PP/18
Philip C. Pauze, 1963 - AS/32
Kevin M. Perry, 1990 - PP/19
Alexander R. Schriver, 2010 - HS/18
Michael A. Taber, 1985 - PP/33
Murray M. Blackwelder, 1969 - AS/44
Mel M. Hawk CLU, 1958 - PP/23
Robert A. Keefe, 1964 - PP/38
Donald E. Rogers, 1969 - PP/12
David W. Selzer, 1973 - 18/15
Ronald F. Taylor, 1974 - PP/20
Robert K. Thomen DDS, 1954 – 1
Christopher Baker, 1988 - PP/4
Daniel P. Brown, 1972 - PP/22
Morrie A. Bunnell, 1990 - RP/27
Terry R. Coleman, 1984 - 4S/13
Wayne Feltman, 1995 - PP/29
Fred Hitz, 1969 - 1
Brian S. Hobbs, 1999 - PP/15
William M. Howell CFP, CPA, 1972 - FC/20
Lyle Hunnicutt, 1972 - 18/47
John R. Knox, 1978 - PP/16
Kelly D. McCray, 1984 - FC/12
Jack L. McDonald, 1977 - 18/33
P. Christopher Mickel, 1995 - HS/21
William A. Pfenninger, 1965 - RB/11
Philip H. Rager, 1968 - 4S/24
John M. Scott, 1970 - 2
Thomas G. Seffrin, 1966 - 4S/29
Alan Selking, 1984 - PP/24
T. J. Smithey, 1988 - FC/33
Aaron M. Stevens, 2006 - 2
Fredric A. Strantz, 1967 - PP/25
Andrew M. Yakubik, 1990 - 18/20
Steven M. Geiszler, 1994 - 4S/8
Lance M. Morman, 2001 - 1
John H. Robuck, 1995 - RB/3
Taylor V. Stevenson, 2022 – 1
David B. Andrews, 1976 - RB/7
George Couch, 1979 - FC/40
Norman A. Dolch, 1969 - 4S/10
Kyle R. Hostetler, 2002 - 4S/16
Michael F. Krady, 1983 - 7
Peter E. Lupfer, 1976 - PP/27
R. Daniel Martin, EdD, 1973 - 4S/14
Jeffrey T. Moyer, 1990 - RP/17
Douglas J. Pfendler, 1978 - 18/42
John P. Potemri, 1985 - FC/24
Todd A. Simo, 1992 - 2
Gary M. Veselica, 1969 - PP/40
Chanda I. Mofu, 1998 - FC/10
James Scully, 1993 - 4S/20
Reese R. Armstrong USAF (Ret.), 1970 - PP/13
Philip B. Armstrong, 1965 - RB/7
David N. Arnold, 1971 - RB/13
Thomas J. Bamburowski Esq., 1965 - PP/35
Peter A. Cowie, 1970 - FC/37
Paul A. Deffenbaugh, 1970 - PP/17
James N. Duley, 1962 - RB/5
Noble F. Jackson, 1973 - 18/15
Daniel M. Linnenberg, 1979 - 18/34
James Oppold, 1975 - FC/38
Craig T. Pearson, 1974 - PP/24
Gary N. Puntel, 1963 - 1
John F. Rickerd, 1950 - RB/7
Kenneth T. Smith, 1966 - 5
Frank A. Stiglin, 1962 - CC/23
George A. Stubbs, 2015 - FC/11
Larry R. Wooten, 1970 - PP/26
Richard M. Yoder, 1974 - 1
Kevin M. Brehm, 1995 - 1
Jason M. Feiner, 1997 - 18/26
David C. Julien, 1988 - 18/35
James J. Kirkpatrick, 1994 - 2
Todd B. Kotler, 1992 - 18/11
Stephen E. Meier, 1986 - FC/24
Christopher C. Mossell, 2004 - RB/1
Robert V. Smith, 2003 - CC/23
Brian E. Smith, 1990 - FC/13
Erik J. Vandermey, 1989 - 18/32
Adam J. Wilt, 2007 - 4S/15
Frank J. Chiminello Jr., DMD, 1964 - 4S/13
John S. Lutz Esq., 1965 – 3
Dominick M. Bellora - RB/1
Richard J. Berndt, 1956 - FC/12
Gregory A. Budney, 2007 - 18/7
Derek M. Burns, 2004 - 18/12
Chase M. Byerly, 2013 - 1
Michael Campbell, 2016 - PP/5
Randy S. Claybrook, 1988 - HS/17
Jeffrey B. Collignon, 2003 - PP/9
Brian B. Dabney, 1994 - 5
Alex T. Dicke, 2012 - RB/0
Dennis L. Dwyer, 1961 - PP/46
Matthew C. Feeney, 2014 - RB/3
Ryan T. Fleming, 2005 - CC/22
Mark A. Forsythe, 2003 - RB/5
Ryan Frazier, 2014 - 4S/4
Mitchell P. Fries, 1983 - RP/26
Glenn S. Gerber, 1982 - RP/28
Tyler Z. Goodrick, 2019 - 4S/3
Eric R. Gregory, 2014 - PP/5
Bruce A. Hazelett, 1967 - FC/22
Brad Hein, 2008 - PP/18
Forrest L. Krummel Jr., 1975 - 18/17
Kevin Kudlo, 1979 - PP/13
Richard J. Lambert, 1981 - PP/21
Theo Leverenz, 1974 - PP/21
Brandon N. Locke, 2020 - RB/2
Rudy M. Longman, 2012 - 4S/4
Eric J. Massey, 2010 - RB/7
Logan J. McBride, 2016 - 4S/2
Chad J. Miller, 2009 - FC/18
Richard C. Molina, 1971 - 2
Josh H. Muller, 2008 - PP/5
Jack Newsom, 1966 - FC/34
Bradley W. Parish, 2016 - 4S/5
Robert L. Parsons, 1964 - PP/43
Robert M. Perkins, 2004 - 18/10
Joseph T. Rannazzisi, 1984 - FC/20
Zachary L. Roberts, 2006 - 18/8
James D. Schregardus, 2004 - CC/13
Randall W. Shepard, 1985 - RP/30
Jeffrey Shilling, 1989 - FC/28
Jacob C. Skierkowski, 2011 - RB/5
Harold Slager, 1981 - FC/35
Michael Tomlin, 1991 - CC/24
Stephen C. Unger, 2002 - 18/6
Steve K. Vedra, 2002 - HS/20
John J. Vena Jr., 1974 - FC/44
Bradley D. Vogelsmeier, 2013 - 2
John West Jr., 1974 - RP/41
Jerry Wiley, 1989 - HS/24
Dylan J. Zenga, 2016 - 4S/5
Gerald L. Anderson, 1957 - 1
Joel H. Coran, 1976 - PP/39
Jerome A. DiGennaro, 1976 - CC/32
Evan R. Finkelstein, 2014 - 18/14
Arthur D. Fisher PhD, 1974 - 4S/20
Aaron M. Gutierrez, 2017 - 18/8
Raymond M. Guydosh, 1967 - FC/42
Douglas Helfman, 1973 - RB/8
Philip W. Hodge, 1963 - FC/45
Sebastian M. Kaeser, 2015 - RB/1
David E. Levinson, 1979 - FC/33
John M. Montstream Jr., 1951 - 4S/35
William J. Pruss Jr., 1971 - 4S/11
Richard L. Reinhart P.E., 1970 - 3
John Skalyo Jr., 1956 - 4S/21
Craig R. Sobel, 1974 - RB/30
McFarland J. Steel, 1959 - 4S/32
David M. Weintraub, 1972 - 3
Kenneth J. Wojcik, 1980 - CC/34
David F. Wood PhD, 1968 - 4S/13
Bruce Bernard, 1972 - PP/40
Edward D. Crum MD, 1961 - 18/36
John J. Fiorito, 1976 - FC/28
Gary M. Freeman MD, 1982 - PP/23
Paul R. Garrett Jr., MD, 1969 - PP/35
John H. Gerstenmaier Jr., DDS, 1967 - CC/50
Robert B. Goldstein, 1980 - PP/26
Douglas L. Heiser CPA, 1969 - PP/40
Richard L. Larrabee, 1968 - PP/47
Richard A. Lowe Jr., 1965 - 3
David R. Marshall, 1958 - 1
Eric H. McDonald, 1992 - PP/22
William S. Nethercut, 1981 - 4S/30
Dennis K. Pittman, 1970 - RP/50
Graham C. Reeves, 2012 - RP/17
Daniel J. Ruef, 2004 - FC/23
R Peter P. Scott, 1970 - RB/10
Mark R. Starr, 1995 - FC/19
William R. Torok MD, 1956 - 18/39
Charles Veverka Jr., 1973 - RB/9
Jack N. Waslyn, 1962 - RB/19
Russell C. Cecil, 2019 - 1
Aaron J. Flewellen, 2004 - HS/23
Darren M. Frank, 2001 - 2
Samuel O. Knee, 2011 - 18/18
Axel G. Reed, 2018 - 1
David J. Royer, 2001 - PP/12
Ryan B. Trask, 2021 - 1
Charles A. Leyes, 2003 - PP/17
Mark A. Richards, 2001 - PP/16
William K. Troha, 1995 - 18/28
Joseph R. Wilson III, 2017 - PP/1
Jacob A. Eldredge, 2016 - 1
Triden P. Mitchell, 2022 - 1
Levi H. Orr, 2017 - PP/8
Michael R. Tankersley Jr., 2005 - 18/17
Frank Barnett, 1968 - PP/25
James R. Bonham, 1971 - 7
Shane A. Juenemann, 1996 - 18/14
William H. Anderson, 1989 - PP/26
Richard W. Augusta, 1964 - PP/7
Michael R. Bonacum, 2010 - 18/17
Ralph A. Brozzo, 1985 - PP/16
Phillip Fargo, 2016 - 1
Tim A. Fischell, 1978 - FC/29
Robert J. Freeburn Jr., 1977 - 4S/37
David P. Freeburn, 1978 - 4S/10
Douglas H. Jones, 1976 - RB/8
John Kendrick, 1980 - PP/19
Sean M. O’Brien, 2000 - 1
Alan G. Paez Esq., 1988 - FC/32
Duncan Perry, 1984 - CC/25
Charles G. Phil, 2017 - 1
Donald E. Phykitt, 1981 - PP/30
Charles E. Rossi Jr., 1983 - FC/33
Robert Rutishauser, 1954 - PP/34
Jason S. Saltsberg, 1994 - 18/30
Norman C. Scheaffer Jr., 1965 - 18/47
A. C. Singer, 1976 - RP/34
Robert A. Waskis Jr., 2005 - FC/21
Lawrence A. Wheeler, 1961 - 3
David A. Wilcox Jr., 1979 - 18/36
Joseph Wilson Jr., 1976 - 18/28
David M. Wing, 1988 - 18/31
John O. Wright PE, 1968 - 8
Luke T. Zabinski, 2016 - 1
Lawrence D. Zamojski, 1976 - FC/35
Bradford L. Anderson, 1979 - FC/38
Mark E. English, 1964 - AS/50
Thomas Evans, 1961 - 4S/14
Jeffrey E. Fisher, 1968 - 18/44
Michael J. Fisher Jr., 1991 - 4S/4
James A. Fisher, 1968 - HS/43
Thomas F. Frey Jr., CPA, MBA, 1969 - PP/43
Kenneth D. Handley, 1967 - 3
John C. Harbottle, 1965 - PP/20
James M. Hess, 1965 - PP/18
R. Bruce Hinely, 1959 - FC/21
Max W. Hittle Jr., 1966 - 18/42
Kevin W. Horn, 1978 - PP/32
Tim Hunter, 1965 - PP/28
Spencer P. King, 2009 - RB/3
Richard G. Lubman DDS, 1964 - FC/20
Thomas M. O’Neil, 1969 - 18/33
Charles F. Peck Sr., 1965 - PP/26
Jeffrey G. Ramsey, 1970 - PP/11
James W. Rowlett, 1954 - 18/34
Stephen Sanger, 1968 - AS/22
Bert M. Wilhoite, 1965 - 18/44
William H. Baker, 1966 - FC/43
H. Victor V. Braren MD, 1962 - 1
Morgan M. Castner, 2009 - 4S/7
Roger W. Lidman, 1971 - 4S/6
Martin R. Meyer Jr., 1975 - 3
David A. Page USN (Ret.), 1959 - PP/41
Daryl B. Robertson Esq., 1976 - PP/27
John H. Seward MD, 1956 - 4S/36
Gene L. VanCuren, 1958 - AS/38
Matthew G. Blount, 2023 - 1
Jerod S. Cohen Jr. - 1
Christian R. Haseley - 1
Alexander J. Huminsky - 1
Jamison H. Moore - 1
James H. Northrop III - 1
Tyree M. Rubin - 1
Micah J. Seetoo - 1
Christopher L. Watson – 1
John A. Treadway, 1996 - PP/0
David Wetherton, 1986 - PP/37
Bryan L. Fore, 2003 - PP/11
Daniel M. King, 2000 - FC/18
Derek M. Koester, 2023 - 1
Adam C. Kuehn, 2016 - PP/10
William C. Caruso, 1970 - PP/48
W. Jarvis J. Ellis III, 1967 - PP/21
Andrew J. Ewalt, 1999 - PP/21
David O. Findley, 1964 - RB/11
David T. Harden, 1964 - PP/24
Andrew T. Huber JD, LLM, 1993 - FC/18
Nathaniel A. Huelsing, 1996 - 2
David M. Kuntz, 1998 - RP/23
Andrew McDevitt, 1993 - 18/33
L. Fred Miller, 1965 - FC/28
Stephen M. Ogle, 1992 - PP/28
Thomas Pirkle DDS, 1969 - 4S/41
John P. Sheesley, 1998 - FC/8
James J. Thomas, 1971 - RB/7
Jerry C. Tootle MD, 1964 - 4S/22
James L. Underwood, 1959 – 4
Zachary Kern, 2013 - 18/10
Hunter R. Sanford, 2022 – 1
Rian M. Mehta PhD, 2013 - FC/12
Rodd A. Newcombe, 1993 - RB/5
Kenneth S. Peden, 2016 - 4S/10
Harrison A. Schott, 2014 - PP/9
Arthur K. Broder, 1970 - 4S/16
Robert Detweiler, 1984 - 4S/3
Mark Elmore, 1981 - PP/40
James Jackson, 1969 - PP/50
Jeffrey L. Johnson, 1998 - 1
Charles J. Joyner, 1989 - 1
Todd Jurkowski, 1994 - FC/8
Miguel A. Masferrer, 1990 - 4S/8
Charles T. Maultsby, 1961 - 4S/6
Mark W. Nash, 1983 - PP/18
Douglas M. Rudnick, 1983 - 2 J. Greg Ruthven, 1980 - PP/1
Wayne Sanders, 1986 - PP/23
John K. Tripp, 1981 - FC/29
Raul Arrazcaeta Jr., 1986 - HS/2
Bruce A. Auches, 1980 - 4S/13
David L. Ayer, 1966 - PP/35
William M. Bernick, 1980 - AS/7
Robert G. Blumberg, 1973 - PP/41
Dave R. Brautigan, 1999 - CC/0
Robert D. Bullock, 1967 - CC/2
Glenn E. Cartledge, 1980 - PP/22
Daniel B. Clifford, 1977 - CC/2
John H. Cocowitch, 1970 - PP/26
Kevin D. Coyle, 1998 - 18/16
Robert J. Coyle, 1995 - CC/5
Duane J. Diesing, 1995 - PP/23
Barry W. Dunlap, 1997 - PP/16
Peter W. Gissing USAF (Ret.), 1960 - FC/46
Todd W. Givens, 1967 - CC/2
Julio L. Hernandez, 1979 - RP/42
Paul W. Hodge, 1972 - FC/14
Harrison W. James III, 1967 - RP/4
M. Gordon Keiser, 1966 - RP/33
Keith J. Kilpatrick, 1997 - FC/16
Bob E. Lawler, 1960 - CC/16
Craig R. Lentzsch, 1970 - HS/43
Gabriel E. Martinez, 2021 - 1
Michael Z. Miller, 2008 - FC/17
Dan O. Moore, 1984 - RP/2
Daniel O’Connor - 1
Patrick L. Pahr, 1979 - FC/26
Steven Peek, 1980 - HS/31
Philip H. Ramsey, 1963 - CC/18
Howell B. Reddick Jr., 1968 - CC/8
Brian E. Roy, 1982 - 18/41
John Seckman, 1985 - HS/3
Mark L. Shields, 2002 - CC/2
Frank C. Shropshire, 1964 - 1
Dell B. Sikes, 1961 - CC/39
Charles J. Spurlin, 1961 - PP/46
John Walker, 1961 - HS/14
Hugh H. Walker, 1967 - HS/3
W. Walker Alexander III, 1996 - HS/26
Jack L. Culpepper Jr., 1971 - 18/37
Ross H. Davis, 2008 - 18/17
Brett C. Dyess, 1994 - HS/28
James A. Loach, 1970 - 18/9
Kerry E. Myrick, 1978 - 18/16
James S. Owens, 1972 - 1
Joseph A. Quenga, 2009 - 4
Charles E. Stephens Jr., 2008 – 1
Richard R. Danforth Esq, 1979 - FC/30
W. Magruder M. Jones Jr., 1960 - 2
John A. Kendall, 1969 - RB/26
Eric F. Leutheuser, 1982 - 4S/11
Brendan E. Ringlever, 1992 - PP/19
Bradley Spaits, 1977 - PP/11
John D. Ward, 2010 - CC/10
Robert W. Archer, 1960 - AS/47
Joshua A. Bradley, 2011 - 18/10
George M. Derrick, 2005 - CC/22
Russell B. Derrick, 2006 - PP/17
Louis F. Feher-Peiker, 1982 - FC/11
George C. Frank, 1964 - 18/45
Robert C. Hawker, 1968 - 4S/25
Donald L. Hierman PE, 1959 - PP/22
Kevin P. Hudson, 1979 - FC/43
David Jercinovic, 1998 - 2
Alexander N. Kosmas, 2014 - FC/13
Philip Leerar, 1989 - 4S/21
Raymond E. Malecek, 1960 - HS/44
David W. Mayer, 1977 - FC/40
Raymond F. Mingle, 1961 - 7
Robert W. Musgrove, 1978 - 18/29
William B. Nelson, 1983 - PP/24
Sean P. O’Halloran, 2013 - RP/3
Arun Prakash, 1999 - RP/12
Vance Richards, 1982 - FC/18
Michael J. Wayte, 1961 - RB/4
Wayne R. Zeuch, 1975 - 4S/28
Raymond N. Zych Jr., 1991 - FC/27
William G. Cooper, 1998 - CC/27
Russell J. Alban, 1988 - 3
Vincent D. Baker, 1964 - PP/44
Joseph S. Caradonna MD, 1964 - PP/23
Robert B. Dinn, 1999 - PP/20
David W. Eberly USAF (Ret.), 1969 - RP/34
Timothy Fesko, 1965 - 18/47
Jerome R. Giesting, 1968 - 1
Kenneth R. Glass CLU, 1976 - CC/10
David C. Gleason, 1960 - PP/30
Michael Goeller, 1981 - 4S/34
Brian H. Hardman, 2006 - 3
David S. Howard, 1981 - RP/28
John H. Jameson, 1972 - 4S/17
Frederick A. Kauffman, 1981 - FC/8
Richard D. Kiovsky MD, 1970 - FC/26
John S. Longcamp MD, 1962 - 1
Gordon R. Munson, 1961 - PP/13
William S. Newkirk, 1973 - RB/11
Robert Proctor, 1969 - PP/5
Noah R. Rockoff - RB/0
Kenneth D. Schnable, 1987 - 4S/38
Todd M. Vicsik, 1986 - 5
Robert D. Vivian Jr., 1976 - PP/18
Thomas C. Wedding, 1967 - PP/33
James L. Clarke, 1978 - RP/40
Jubal L. Evans, 1979 - FC/42
Darin Ames, 1993 - FC/15
Adam D. Batcheller, 2001 - RB/3
Erik P. Bergeland, 2004 - 4
Donnis L. Bergman, 1964 - PP/20
Jeffrey H. Bull, 1976 - 4S/10
John R. Chase MD, 1977 - FC/36
Christopher R. Claude, 1995 - RP/26
Dwight K. Conover, 1974 - HS/43
David A. Dirks, 1971 - RP/16
Jay Dockendorff, 1961 - RP/42
Justin R. Dodge, 2001 - 4S/6
Carter J. Frey, 2022 - 1
Jeffry L. Henning, 1971 - AS/35
Craig S. Herr, 1975 - 2
Daniel J. Hertel, 1979 - 4S/19
Michael Hime, 1974 - PP/16
Judd Hoffman, 1995 - 18/26
Stephen E. Jones PE, 1972 - 18/18
Michael J. Kapustka, 1990 - PP/22
Dean M. Karns, 1954 - 18/9
Gerald A. Kolschowsky, 1961 - AS/46
Robert T. Lincoln, 1971 - 1
Gregory L. Lorimor, 1970 - FC/37
Donald M. McKale PhD, 1966 - FC/23
Richard Milburn, 1968 - PP/10
Douglas R. Otte, 1975 - RP/30
Ryan R. Paradis, 1996 - PP/25
John M. Paule, 1978 - 2
Kenneth Q. Sabotta, 2004 - RP/12
Charles E. Safris, 1963 - AS/32
Andrew J. Staebell, 1984 - FC/30
Thomas Stark DDS, 1980 - 18/35
John Streit, 1980 - HS/40
Richard Tett, 1973 - PP/38
Grant C. Uhlir, 1985 - PP/22
Brigham H. VanAuken, 2003 - PP/10
Gary L. Voggesser, 1973 - PP/8
Mark D. Winget, 1998 – 2
John M. Daily, 2012 - 18/14
Gregory A. Lucsko, 2008 - FC/10
Robert K. Mitton III, 2008 - 3
David M. Sirey, 2008 - 18/19
Thomas D. Stephen, 2017 - PP/9
Kenneth R. Tubbs, 2011 - FC/15
W. Thane Baker CPM, 1953 - PP/34
Kenneth A. File, 1981 - AS/42
Richard L. Gaskill, 1972 - 4S/21
Charles T. Herman, 1968 - 18/8
Robert K. Herman, 1969 - PP/28
Joel R. Kesler PE, 1960 - 18/36
Vance Logan, 1965 - PP/6
Dean Morton, 1954 - CC/30
Mark W. Nichols, 1991 - AS/19
James A. Patton, 1971 - FC/26
Donald L. Pope, 1956 - 1
Thomas A. Posey, 1971 - 4S/10
Curtis E. Robison, 1971 - PP/15
Gregg D. Shields, 1986 - PP/11
Cody J. Dewrell, 2014 - 18/9
Jeremy R. Jackson, 2005 - RP/13
Stephen C. Bandy, 1958 - RB/4
Robert E. Bella-Smuts, 2008 - 2
Bruce R. Bennett, 2023 - 4S/5
John T. Egert, 1979 - 4S/13
Timothy O. McGarvey, 1996 - FC/25
Dane O. Roberts, 1992 - HS/29
Jeffrey Slater, 1989 - 1
William C. Standerwick, 1967 - PP/36
Donald F. Woodcock, 1963 - 18/23
Maopeli M. Ali, 2021 - 1
Jeffrey C. Moritz, 1986 - FC/9
Dan E. Patterson, 1974 - 18/11
Richard M. Schori, 1960 - RB/2
William Wallace, 1972 - FC/39
Gary Blair, 1982 - FC/30
Kenneth J. Bonello PE, 1988 - PP/34
Troy R. Brostrom, 1997 - PP/16
John H. Bybee, 1975 - 18/4
Benjamin J. Coon, 2001 - PP/17
Robert P. Escott, 2009 - PP/13
Terry J. Haggerty, 1988 - 18/6
Jason G. Hogan, 1999 - FC/9
Curt Huston, 1988 - PP/31
Lorenzo V. Jones, 1989 - FC/28
Christopher A. Kinser, 1997 - 4S/3
Daniel Klear, 1976 - FC/40
G. Michael Morgan, 1972 - FC/49
William Murdie, 1988 - PP/33
Scott D. Snyder, 2012 - 18/9
Steven Stapleton, 1992 - CC/30
John W. Suh, 1990 - PP/1
Victor G. Taylor, 1968 - PP/21
Dudley C. Wass II, 1970 - PP/11
Keith A. Wolfe, 1986 - FC/38
Jonathan R. Abel, 2020 - 1
Anthony V. Clerici - 1
John A. Delfausse, 1969 - 2
Richard W. Foley, 1977 - 4S/24
Oscar A. Huettner, 1977 - PP/16
Benjamin D. Kitson, 2024 - 1
James M. Larkin, 1965 - 4S/18
James F. Sandford, 1957 - PP/28
Forrest L. Schaffer USAR (Ret.), 1955 - 1
Carl Stratton, 1981 - PP/36
Charles Fields III, 1989 - 1
James L. Garrett, 1970 - 4S/28
Jeffery P. Head, 1976 - FC/21
Alexander O. Hughes, 2015 - 4S/4
Alejandro I. Lopez, 2005 - 4
Thomas P. Nelson Jr., 1970 - 9
Timothy F. Quirk, 2010 - 4S/15
Henry E. Vucetic, 2003 – 2
Rodney N. Balderree, 1972 - RB/16
Nicholas G. Huch, 1979 - 2
William W. Richard, 1974 – 4
Richard Agness, 1967 - 3
Mark R. Aschliman, 1976 - 18/25
Albert C. Esterline Jr., 1969 - RB/6
Stephen F. Hansen, 1964 - RB/8
Allan D. Manteuffel, 1968 - PP/17
James J. Thorpe DMD, 1976 - 18/47
John Van Duzer Jr., 1977 - CC/43
James Wilke, 1980 - PP/42
Scott D. Wolbers, 1980 - PP/21
William E. Baldwin, 1970 - 1
Kenneth C. Bareford, 1967 - 4S/10
W. Paul Brogowski, 1964 - 4S/41
John M. Drosdak II, 1986 - RP/30
James Flynn III, 1962 - 4S/13
Vincent J. Pagliuca III, 1987 - FC/32
Arthur C. Thomas, 1966 - PP/41
Daniel W. Wagner, 2007 - 18/15
Thomas E. Holstein III, 2018 – 1
Robert Ackerman PhD, 1970 - 4S/16
Philip C. Bolger, 1981 - FC/26
David T. Brice, 1979 - FC/25
Joseph L. Charlot Jr., 2005 - PP/10
Richard A. Cleveland, 1985 - 1
John R. Demarest Jr., 1984 - 18/24
Arthur E. Favre III, 1972 - AS/17
Sidney J. Gonsoulin Jr., 1970 - 18/29
John E. Gould, 1988 - RB/11
Mark Harper, 1995 - 4S/10
Charles E. Harrington JD, 2006 - PP/0
G. Allen Hero, 1969 - PP/23
Alan D. Krouse, 1976 - RB/6
Gaston Lanaux III, 1968 - FC/46
Craig L. Meek R.Ph., 1972 - 4S/12
Armin J. Moeller Jr., 1969 - FC/35
H. Gordon Monk, 1978 - 18/42
Vernon D. Niven III, 1985 - RB/1
Terrence M. O’Connor, 2005 - RB/3
George J. Osborne, 1970 - 2
Thomas B. Pitchford, 1993 - FC/18
Jerry Shea Jr., 1972 - HS/40
Hayden J. Vogt - 1
Michael P. Whitman, 2003 - FC/19
Michael H. Williams, 1975 - CC/44
Robert J. Bayer, 1971 - RB/6
David L. Broome, 1988 - RB/10
Cody M. Clemens PhD, 2013 - 6
Jeffery A. Dewerth, 1990 - PP/25
Jon A. Hartshorn, 1989 - PP/33
David J. Hood, 2011 - PP/6
Adam P. Hopkins, 2009 - 4S/17
Kyle G. Hummel, 2007 - 18/11
Charles T. Maghes Jr., 1995 - PP/21
Cory A. Medina, 2004 - 4S/13
Joseph J. Mester PE, 1973 - PP/27
Richard A. Neel, 1973 - PP/18
Baffour P. Nkrumah-Ababio, 2018 - 7
Alexander H. Nourse, 2015 - PP/11
Shawn D. Selby, 1992 - RB/6
Donald E. Wolfe PhD, 1971 - PP/15
Ben Dunkin - 1
James M. Maselli, 1976 - PP/39
Michael A. Bromberg, 1970 - 18/46
Charles D. Buntschuh, 1953 - FC/44
John D. Cervenka MD, 1962 - 1
Robert G. Dettmer, 1955 - 18/49
Joseph W. Dickey PE, 1966 - RB/6
Andre R. Jaglom, 1974 - FC/43
Jeffrey H. Palmer, 1978 - 18/29
James K. Schaefer, 1972 - FC/32
Leonard J. Timms Jr., 1958 - PP/33
John Altman, 1960 - HS/9
Peter H. Beckwith II, 1992 - 18/18
Robert E. Carmean, 1974 - 18/39
Thomas Foley, 1982 - 18/34
Robert Forbes, 1978 - PP/22
Jeffery Galbraith, 1980 - FC/39
James S. Healy, 1956 - 4S/10
Quinton J. Heisler, 2014 - 4
Brian M. Hurst, 1979 - RB/6
Robert J. Mahnic, 1976 - FC/44
David C. Martin, 1969 - CC/28
Dale Schaefer, 1975 - PP/27
Matthew J. Skesavage, 2012 - 1
H. David Smeltzer, 1964 - PP/45
Jerry P. Stabenow, 1960 - 2
Philip W. Zak, 1979 - PP/38
Dean Aldo, 1980 - 4S/11
Thomas N. Davidson, 1981 - 18/26
Mark C. Gerhard, 1989 - PP/21
Warren K. Kellogg, 1961 - HS/31
Paul F. Lang, 1963 - 18/32
Jerry D. Murphy, 1970 - RB/30
Andrew J. Robins, 1962 - FC/33
Robert J. Stewart, 1992 - PP/31
William J. Telford, 1979 - PP/1
William Walker, 1968 - PP/36
Michael J. Sonnabend, 1990 - FC/29
Sean A. Apple, 2018 - 1
David D. Beardsley PE, 1970 - PP/39
Leslie D. Benoy, 1971 - 18/35
Brian D. Booth, 1997 - FC/23
Britt H. Braswell, 1989 - 4S/2
Walter D. Dietrich, 1969 - FC/35
Gregory E. Eike, 2010 - PP/10
John Goethe, 1992 - HS/26
David B. Hammon, 2002 - HS/23
David A. Holdener, 1971 - PP/35
James R. Kramer, 2004 - CC/13
David A. Lieser, 1980 - PP/18
Edward T. Lillie PE, 1965 - 5
Adam T. Rice, 2021 - 4S/5
Weston D. Schlemeyer - 1
Jeffrey W. Sheets, 1980 - AS/0
Brian Verman, 1994 - RP/29
Caleb M. Williamson - 1
Tobey Yadon, 1976 - CC/31
Reynard M. Benschop, 2010 - RB/13
David M. Connor, 1998 - RB/8
William A. Onofry Esq., 2001 - RP/17
Scott J. Chaney, 2008 - 4S/3
Fred L. Raines Jr., 1973 - 1
Bruce A. Trapp, 1973 - RB/12
Kyle A. Yarawsky, 2010 - FC/11
Kurtis A. Umberg, 2020 - PP/8
Robert D. Rapp IV, 2018 - 4S/7
Kai Rabinovitch – 1
Alan H. Borrett, 2002 - FC/19
DeVallion J. Piper Sr., 1995 - 3
Jacob C. White, 2001 - 18/22
Charles D. Gross, 1970 - PP/47
William Kimes, 1974 – 1
Daniel C. Baumgartner, 1975 - 4S/12
Donald M. Centofante DDS, 1958 - 4S/34
Leonard H. Charchut DDS, 1965 - 4S/5
James L. Cieslak, 1969 - FC/31
Loyd E. Davis, 1962 - CC/23
Philip L. Dodson, 1975 - PP/27
Theodore W. Hoehn IV, 2005 - 4S/5
Charles L. Katzenmeyer, 1985 - CC/33
Kent A. Mallquist, 1960 - RP/47
Bruce W. McIntosh, 1968 - PP/43
William F. Miller, 1964 - RP/24
Ben J. Mogni Jr., 1957 - FC/26
John R. Monson, 1963 - PP/6
Bruce F. Scharschmidt, 1968 - PP/22
Dean Topping, 1970 - 18/19
Richard L. Urevig, 1960 - PP/28
George G. Walsh Jr., 1957 - PP/38
Ryan D. Bond, 1995 - 18/9
Thomas S. Braun, 1973 - 4S/37
James S. Brooker, 1960 - 18/31
James Daley, 1963 - AS/17
Bret W. Emerson, 1993 - 4S/6
Larry D. England, 1963 - 4S/19
David M. Helmus, 1986 - CC/33
Kenneth J. Kies, 1974 - AS/40
William P. Kluth Jr., 1988 - PP/2
Brud R. R. Lennon, 1964 - RB/41
Charles P. Lochary, 1954 - 4S/14
Jeffrey M. Mirgon, 1986 - RP/15
R. D. Neely, 1974 - 2
Joseph O. Neiford, 1972 - 1
Carl D. Postler, 1969 - 18/37
John T. Zahars, 1989 - PP/16
Mitchell J. Briant Jr., 2007 - 8
James L. Conley, 1959 - HS/35
Brent T. Feorene MBA, 1985 - RB/6
Nicholas C. Fonseca, 2016 - 1
John B. Ford, 1973 - 18/37
William L. Garrison, 1962 - RP/34
Darrell E. Geib, 1957 - RB/7
Thomas J. Gordon, 1986 - PP/16
Thomas D. Graham Jr., 1957 - RB/8
George D. Hoover DDS, 1969 - FC/27
Adam Kramer, 1995 - RB/1
Craig A. Luke, 1985 - 18/7
Bruce G. Lynch, 1980 - RB/18
Tyler C. Mather, 2012 - RB/5
Michael L. McCluggage, 1969 - HS/10
Jason S. Milligan, 1993 - 18/7
Jeffrey H. Montague, 1994 - RB/3
Richard K. Smith Jr., 1960 - FC/26
Robert W. Wright Jr., 1962 - 4S/15
Todd M. Baker, 1979 - AS/29
Richard A. Brand Jr, MD, 1963 - 4S/11
Thomas Call, 1953 - FC/36
D. K. Colwell, 1966 - 18/44
Theodore P. Dittman Jr., 1963 - 4S/17
Timothy J. Dolf, 1979 - RB/6
Michael W. Dormont, 1981 - 2
John W. Dunn Jr., 1985 - HS/4
Joseph E. Eastin, 1992 - AS/7
Frederick Emry, 1966 - 18/42
Donald L. Ferguson, 1970 - AS/9
L. Charles Fuller III, 1985 - HS/8
Ival Gregory, 1972 - PP/8
James Hamilton, 1969 - FC/35
Jason B. Isaacson, 1992 - RB/0
Brian R. Kroh, 1979 - 18/18
Rusty N. Laforge, 1998 - PP/21
Charles S. LaGrone, 1968 - RP/34
T. Dan Loving, 1972 - FC/35
Larry C. Luman, 1964 - RB/7
David J. McCarty, 1968 - 18/46
Joseph M. Millar, 1968 - CC/8
Robert M. Oborny, 1989 - 4S/9
Russell D. Peterson, 1973 - 18/36
Thomas R. Pettegrew USAF (Ret.), 1966 - 3
Stephen Reel, 1970 - AS/25
Andrew Smith, 1967 - PP/17
Jay D. Stallsmith, 1991 - PP/31
Daniel C. Stith CFP, 1978 - AS/37
Larry Tabor, 1966 - 4S/18
Vaughn O. Vennerberg II, 1976 - AS/26
L. Gale Wilkerson, 1966 - CC/51
Truman P. Woodward Jr., 1968 - PP/27
Donald G. Anderson PE, PhD, 1966 - PP/40
Kenneth A. Bauer, 1977 - 4S/15
Eric L. Burbano DMD, 1962 - 4S/23
Larry E. Cushing, 1960 - 1
Josh C. Dunlap, 2002 - FC/10
J. Kenyon Eagon, 1974 - 18/11
Ryan P. Hildenbrand, 1996 - RB/7
Mark Holloway, 1970 - FC/13
Tanner D. Lloyd, 2018 - 3
Douglas K. Mays, 1983 - 1
Steven L. McMillan, 1979 - RP/38
Thomas J. Monterossi, 1991 - 4S/20
Ralph E. Poole, 1975 - FC/39
Jack A. Powell, 1953 - 1
W. Richard Roberts, 1958 - FC/48
Frederick W. Smith, 1972 - 1
Paul Talwar, 1980 - RP/19
Sean Walker - RB/0
Peter V. Yazzolino, 1958 – 2
Antoine B. Carriere, 1998 – 2
Kevin W. Bearse, 2014 - 2
David T. Espenshade, 1960 - CC/2
John Fowler Jr., 1977 - 4S/35
Robert F. Guentter Jr., 1982 - FC/33
Garry D. Hennis, 1984 - PP/17
Mark E. Hoffman, 1987 - 4S/1
Eric Jarvis, 1985 - PP/27
James D. King, 1978 - FC/29
David Mooney, 1961 - PP/30
Irwin J. Slotnick, 1982 - 18/40
Stephen R. Archer, 1976 - CC/39
Dean G. Assimos, 1974 - 18/11
Joseph R. Bankoff, 1967 - HS/5
Jack W. Bell, 1968 - PP/32
Brent A. Carron, 2003 - FC/20
Gilbert A. Churchill Jr., 1960 - CC/44
John Coopman, 1973 - PP/7
Michael T. Crawley, 1980 - RB/16
Douglas S. Diehl, 1965 - RP/35
Phillip H. Fauver, 1970 - PP/4
Christopher W. Fiato, 1989 - PP/31
Thomas L. Fisher, 1972 - 4S/7
Larry Flint USN (Ret.), 1982 - 4S/15
Thomas A. Gallagher III, 1989 - HS/32
Kevin M. Grunawalt CFP, 1987 - 18/18
Harry M. Hepperlen III, 1957 - FC/27
William R. Hirsch, 1976 - AS/21
Orval E. Jacobsen Jr., 1965 - AS/27
James E. Kervin, 1972 - PP/5
Floyd F. Kettering Jr., 1963 - FC/25
Max R. Kirk, 1956 - RB/9
Steven A. Kozak, 1961 - 18/28
Kurt D. Kroemer, 1983 - RP/8
Eric D. Kuban, 2005 - PP/18
Richard L. Letherman, 1975 - FC/40
Robert J. Lindberg, 1959 - 4S/6
Edward O. Minniear Jr., 1971 - 4S/11
Richard L. Moll, 1960 - 18/32
Mark A. Norton, 1988 - 1
Frank E. Proctor Jr., 1964 - PP/41
Jon Reynolds USAF (Ret.), 1961 - 18/46
James A. Reynolds, 1959 - PP/10
Kurt D. Rosenberger, 1981 - RB/7
Russell E. Ruebensaal, 1969 - PP/17
James B. Russell, 1975 - AS/35
Donald H. Sadlowski, 1975 - FC/28
Nicholas T. Sahm, 1970 - PP/44
David W. Scheible, 1978 - RP/18
Charles J. Stewart, 1962 - 4S/5
Allen R. Still CPA, 2005 - RB/7
George P. Tevis, 1965 - 4S/4
Glen Traylor, 1964 - 18/26
Dustin A. Gorder, 2003 - 18/24
Thomas A. Booth, 2013 - PP/12
Samuel Johnson, 2015 - 4S/7
Jeffrey H. Le, 2009 - 4S/7
John J. Byrne MD, 1976 - FC/39
Mark Fortune, 1969 - PP/47
Robert H. Hayden, 1967 - 18/48
Steven J. Ingle, 1986 - 4S/6
Todd Jackson, 1976 - 4S/32
Kenneth A. MacLennan, 1962 - CC/29
John A. Martin, 1967 - 4S/9
Gregory W. Matthes, 1969 - PP/32
Bruce C. Nelson, 1983 - 4S/22
N. Robert Palme, 1971 - 4S/27
Charles Palmer III, 1978 - 4S/6
Adam Parker DVM, 1993 - PP/28
Steven Percy Esq., 1968 - 18/48
Paul P. Raschilla, 1996 - RB/2
George W. Siebert III, 1964 - RB/14
Oddvar G. Skadberg, 1958 - 18/37
Charles E. Starr IV, 1986 - FC/16
Robert B. Trimble PhD, 1965 - PP/40
John Z. Witbeck Jr., 1964 - FC/45
Scott R. Day, 1990 - 1
Timothy S. Henrich, 1991 - RB/5
Vincent A. Russo III, 2017 - FC/10
Mark A. Shaffer, 1980 - 1
Daniel H. Spittel, 2017 - 4S/8
Howard L. Taylor Jr., 1980 - FC/37
Toby J. Willis, 2022 - RB/4
John M. Wilson, 1977 - 4S/7
Shayne F. Murphy - RB/1
Travis L. Berryhill, 2022 - 1
Ernest E. Deats, 1962 - PP/6
Cullen Duoto, 1993 - PP/14
Philip K. Endris, 1978 - RB/2
Henry E. Jackson, 1967 - 18/8
Donald R. May, 1969 - PP/21
Jimmy G. Myska, 1974 - PP/9
Robert E. Roush Jr., 1964 - 18/24
Theodore Steinke Jr., 1973 - FC/33
Phillip W. Towse, 1976 - 1
John N. Wear Jr., 1971 - PP/14
Gary Whitlock, 1971 - CC/16
John L. Armistead III, 1975 - 18/2
John G. Baar, 1975 - HS/21
Robert L. Brannon, 1978 - 18/36
John W. Brodnax, 1972 - PP/14
Charles R. Kuhnell USAF(Ret ), 1964 - PP/8
John Newman, 1969 - 4S/5
Everett C. Pauls Jr., 1967 – 2
Christopher A. Barcelona Jr., 2008 - PP/19
Louis P. Brazan III, 2005 - FC/8
William H. Bryant IV, 2002 - PP/7
Anthony G. Calcagno, 1982 - PP/20
Francis Clements, 1972 - 18/7
Danny L. Drago, 1982 - FC/1
Sean M. Drudy, 2021 - 4S/5
Richard J. Echevarria, 1979 - PP/9
Charles D. Edwards, 1973 - HS/36
Claudio V. Franc, 2019 - RB/6
John E. Guillory, 1990 - PP/22
Carson R. Jacob - 1
August J. Kuntz, 1971 - PP/13
Jon D. Lempiainen, 2000 - PP/17
Tommy J. Mannino, 1982 - 4S/26
Justin M. Poché, 2007 - HS/21
Victor E. Pregeant, 1980 - FC/22
Anthony M. Ranatza MBA, 2002 - FC/22
Jerry A. Rodriguez Jr., 2005 - 1
Trevor C. Simpson, 2010 - 18/11
Jeremy L. Troulliet, 2013 - 4S/6
Justin A. Williamson, 2015 - AS/10
John C. Clift, 1999 – 1
John C. Gilmore EdD, 1954 - FC/48
John P. Hanna, 1954 - 4S/22
Alexander L. Karakozoff, 1977 - PP/3
Vincent F. Nola MD, 1953 - 1
Philip S. Paul, 1960 - 4S/4
Benjamin T. Richards MD, 1950 - 1
Emiliano L. Rodrigues Jr., 2020 - RB/2
Marcus W. Sisk Jr., 1964 – 1
Robert P. Dell’Osso, 2000 - PP/24
Jay C. Palmer, 1993 - PP/22
Robert Boetticher, 1991 - FC/32
Sergio A. Ciccolella, 1972 - PP/30
Glenn F. Cipriani, 1981 - PP/41
Paul C. Coughlan, 1989 - PP/28
Robert J. Dalie, 1966 - PP/49
Eugene V. Farrell Jr., 1979 - FC/24
Steven M. Feller, 1970 - RB/6
John F. Greenip Jr., 1966 - FC/40
Francis Heim - 1
David S. Hodge, 1966 - FC/41
Richard M. Leichus, 1962 - 1
Michael J. Morgan, 1979 - 18/29
Donald B. Okerson, 1969 - FC/37
Robert F. Payne, 1967 - PP/20
Saumil N. Shah, 1991 - FC/26
Peter Stamer, 1961 - FC/36
John H. Stamm DBA, 1961 - 1
Keith W. Thompson, 1986 - 4S/20
Frank S. Tonina, 2024 - 1
Robert H. Walker, 1958 - 4S/20
Joseph L. Camarda, 1952 - FC/47
James Culbert, 1975 - 18/40
K. Barclay Ferguson, 1991 - RP/26
Victor Hedgecock Jr., 1983 - FC/42
Thomas W. Hill, 1968 - HS/23
Charles S. Hill Jr., 1958 - RB/11
Richard H. Lockwood MD, 1975 - FC/44
Robert Paquette, 1987 - 4S/11
Steven A. Paquette, 1977 - CC/34
Paul J. Radey, 1987 - FC/33
Craig S. Scholl, 1982 - 18/16
Patrick M. Sims, 1988 - 18/30
Mark H. Heller, 1985 - 1
Chad D. Nyce, 1994 - RB/5
Kyle S. Burgett, 2002 - PP/21
Kenneth A. Herman, 2007 - PP/17
Ross W. Leisy, 1997 - RB/10
Robert T. Quesnel, 1995 - PP/22
Dain E. Tolbert, 2002 - PP/18
Todd G. Usnik, 1983 - FC/23
Joel E. Benavidez Alvarez, 2016 - 1
Derald J. Bulls Sr., 1977 - PP/29
Charles R. Carpenter, 1978 - PP/22
Kenneth L. Clinton Jr., 1965 - HS/30
Donald W. Crum, 1970 - 4S/3
Danny W. Ellison, 1970 - 4S/13
Robert Galvan, 1968 - FC/14
Rene’ Griffin, 1975 - FC/31
Louis R. Guerrero, 2019 - 1
William A. Liston, 1973 - 18/44
Joshua P. VanAlstine, 2014 - 1
Brian J. Weast, 1989 - 18/23
Cooper H. Weinstein, 2018 - 4S/9
Don A. Wilks, 1983 - FC/27
Marcus A. Castilla, 1994 - RB/1
Johnny D. Copeland, 1972 - PP/40
Marco A. Sanchez PE, 1989 - 4S/5
Christopher J. Baumbach CFP, CWS, 1983 - PP/26
A. William Brackett, 1962 - FC/31
David K. Brinkerhoff, 1963 - 1
Christopher Cash, 1990 - 1
Nicholas G. Cole MD, 1964 - 3
Clarence W. Cook III, 1976 - FC/29
Levi J. Freeman, 2016 - 2
Kevin W. Hinkle, 1993 - 18/20
Larry A. James, 1974 - RB/5
J. Luther King Jr., 1962 - CC/40
Thomas M. Laker, 1983 - 3
Robert McDowell, 1986 - RB/9
Shawn M. Redd, 2010 - 5
Edward M. Schroeder - PP/0
Earl Seitz Jr., 1968 - 4S/19
F. Randolph R. Young, 1961 - 2
Peter B. Bellino, 2007 - 4S/20
Jon R. Matsler, 1981 - 18/41
Stephen McCoskey, 1986 - 18/31
Rodney Rother, 1977 - 18/39
Michael L. Sandlin, 1976 - 2
R. B. Buckalew, 1972 - 4S/16
Lynn F. Cowden, 1980 - HS/30
William M. Cox, 1981 - 2
Phillip D. Dettle, 1968 - 4S/16
Daniel Dungan, 1979 - AS/41
John P. Gerrish, 2008 - 4S/4
Norris B. Green Jr., 1960 - HS/13
Kent R. Hance, 1965 - AS/44
Domenic S. Holt, 2016 - 1
Kevin R. Kiechler, 1979 - 3
Josh J. King, 2003 - 4S/7
August J. Palermo III, 2008 - 1
Jackson T. Pickett Sr., 2022 - 1
William D. Price, 1973 - 18/38
Arthur M. Urech III, 2003 - 1
Peter J. Baldwin, 1973 - 18/47
Damon N. Cordom, 1954 - 4S/15
James R. Devey, 1974 - 18/21
John N. DiNapoli, 2010 - HS/4
Jim Eskin, 1975 - RP/9
Alpheus E. Forsman Esq., 1963 - 1
F. Paul Hagan, 1969 - 1
Ryan D. Israel, 1995 - FC/15
Dylan F. Pyne, 2012 - CC/13
Rudolf F. Russart, 1965 - PP/35
Zachary Sowinski, 2016 - 1
Robert H. Van Sickler, 1955 - PP/17
William E. Adams, 1955 - 4S/29
John M. Akester, 1961 - FC/40
Matthew J. Anderson, 2007 - 4
George M. Apelian, 1954 - 4S/17
Richard T. Arnoto PharmD, MBA, 1985 - 3
Roy M. Baker, 1971 - FC/27
Earl A. Braun, 1969 - 4S/4
Leonard R. Brice, 1968 - 3
Michael T. Burin, 1971 - PP/9
Millard B. Byrne, 1966 - AS/38
Thomas F. Calhoon II, 1970 - AS/44
Mark W. Cappel, 1991 - PP/28
Thomas Carper, 1968 - 18/39
Lawrence E. Chapanar, 1965 - PP/10
George E. Christodoulou - 1
C. William Clark, 1970 - PP/15
James G. Clymer, 1970 - HS/22
James Daley, 1973 - PP/12
Gerald B. Devol, 1982 - 4S/19
James J. Ducey, 1966 - HS/14
Robert Y. Duffy, 1960 - 1
James L. Ervin Jr., 1967 - CC/48
Dale F. Finkbine DDS, 1968 - HS/17
Thomas C. Forster, 1969 - 4S/4
Thomas R. Franklin, 1953 - PP/16
J. Gary Gensheimer, 1969 - PP/14
Robert M. Hance III, 1971 - PP/21
Howard H. Harcha, 2012 - PP/13
Christopher D. Hayes, 2008 - 5
Wendell Heximer, 1971 - FC/20
Gary E. Hutchinson, 1971 - CC/17
Richard E. Jeremiah, 1969 - HS/15
Olin R. Johanssen, 1975 - PP/12
Rikard S. Johnson, 1971 - 18/17
Daniel A. Koch, 1985 - PP/23
James W. Lewis, 1969 - 4S/3
Raymond D. Magorien MD, 1971 - HS/23
Steven C. Mirick, 1966 - 18/33
Charles A. Moore Jr., 1977 - 3
Link R. Murphy Md, 1977 - PP/20
Keith R. Nowak, 1983 - 18/12
Jeff P. Pelletier, 1994 - FC/19
Gary C. Rogers, 1971 - FC/17
Troy Rosko, 2015 - 1
Zachary M. Rossfeld M.D., 2009 - PP/13
Mark Russell, 1971 - FC/34
William B. Salt MD, 1969 - PP/17
Eric A. Samuels, 2006 - FC/20
Phillip L. Sannes PhD, 1970 - PP/9
James A. Schneider, 1966 - FC/46
James Stahl, 1971 - FC/22
Daniel Stojovich, 1975 - 4S/7
Eugene C. Thompson, 1970 - AS/32
Jeffrey J. Thornburgh, 1972 - RB/3
Russell L. Tuverson Jr., 1970 - FC/20
Henry A. Van Hala Jr., 1970 - FC/14
Ronald Vasko, 1973 - HS/25
Frank C. Woodside III, 1966 - AS/26
Richard S. Wray, 1956 - PP/23
E. Lawrence Wynocker, 1969 - HS/17
Allan Bookout, 1983 - PP/38
Paul Cantey, 1993 - RP/28
James W. Hill IV, 1989 - FC/32
Roger D. Robison, 1972 - FC/31
William Z. Rogers, 1972 - 18/43
Willard B. Stubbs, 1985 - PP/22
Michael J. Underkofler, 1984 - 18/19
Reed J. Bodley - 1
William M. Bryan, 1989 - 18/2
Bruce J. Burton, 1977 - 4S/7
Larry Clinton Jr., 1962 - FC/31
Eugene L. Curletti, 1969 - 4S/11
Austin H. Farrar, 1969 - FC/45
R. Lawrence Fraze DDS, 1957 - RB/13
Andrew J. Glassanos, 1972 - 18/38
Robert M. Karp, 1969 - 4S/16
David Kriz, 1963 - PP/33
M. Scott Peckler MD, 1966 - PP/37
Christopher Richards, 1988 - 2
Thomas J. Roche, 1974 - RB/7
Lewis C. Watt USMC (Ret.), 1962 - FC/22
Robert A. Young, 1952 – 1
Jason M. Andrus, 2004 - FC/22
Jeffrey L. Bey, 1986 - FC/34
Joe E. Boaz, 1971 - 5
Benjamin D. Bohlmann, 1982 - RP/28
Alan G. Brackett, 1982 - AS/40
Timothy P. Cullen, 2009 - CC/19
Ryan A. Estaris, 2003 - PP/7
David R. Gordon DDS, 1985 - CC/29
William F. Gray, 2003 - PP/21
Jack N. Gutman, 1983 - RB/5
Timothy J. Hoff, 1963 - PP/9
James D. Johnson Md, 1970 - PP/13
Russell T. Mangerie, 1981 - 18/30
William McBride Jr., 1967 - FC/42
Ronald D. Newton Esq., 1973 - PP/21
Austin M. Pratt, 2017 - 1
Ronald J. Reso, 1960 - RB/18
Jacob P. Ringer, 2008 - HS/7
Samuel M. Rosamond Jr., 1959 - 18/41
Daren P. Sadowsky, 2007 - 18/17
Joshua J. Spencer, 2015 - 2
Russell W. Twiss, 2004 - PP/17
E. Peter Urbanowicz Jr., 1985 - AS/29
Steven D. Ward, 1988 - 18/29
Clark Warden, 1980 - CC/33
Robert A. MacKay, 1989 - FC/24
James B. Matz, 1987 - PP/27
C. Allen Nichols, 1989 - PP/32
Steven M. Coley, 1983 - 4S/12
Ted A. Daniel USAF(Ret.), 1966 - RB/3
Robert S. Frost, 1986 - 7
Michael T. Grabler, 1998 - RB/2
Marshall H. Groom, 1960 - CC/41
Donald C. McNutt, 1976 - FC/44
George B. Moon USA (Ret.), 1966 - 4
John A. Owens, 1961 - CC/44
Ronald L. Smith USMC, 1963 - 18/48
John W. Bickerstaff, 1975 - HS/42
Douglas B. Bollermann, 1987 - 18/33
Robert S. Browning, 1973 - PP/34
Michael S. Clements, 1990 - FC/24
Dallas W. Doyle, 1966 - PP/15
Thomas W. Flynn, 1978 - PP/36
Gerritt A. Gehan, 1990 - 15
Roger K. Greene, 1968 - PP/24
George C. Grisaffe Sr., 1963 - FC/14
Peter M. James MBA, 1999 - 1
James M. Jones, 1984 - RP/5
Kenneth F. Kasney, 1979 - 1
John H. Lotka, 1972 - 4S/6
Robert J. Maneson, 2002 - AS/23
Charles D. Sacks, 1990 - PP/32
William R. Skanadore, 1972 - PP/42
Stephen F. Sokol, 1986 - 18/37
Craig A. Trueblood DDS, 1961 - 2
Samuel Yocum, 1962 - 18/51
Douglas H. Bell, 1967 - FC/43
Nicholas J. Farrah, 1983 - 18/40
Lawrence A. Fell, 1983 - FC/32
Gary R. Kilpatric JD, 1965 - 1
Louis Vasconi, 1986 - PP/19
Daniel J. Walner, 1989 - FC/27
John C. Wilson Jr., 1959 – 1
Patrick M. Delaney, 1959 - FC/29
Kenneth Erhard Jr., 1964 - PP/35
Mike S. Fenton PhD, 1997 - PP/0
Stephen J. Ferry, 1967 - 4S/46
Burl E. Kelton III USAF (Ret.), 1996 - 4S/17
Masahiko Matsumoto, 1987 - 4S/12
Ross W. Miller, 2008 - 9
Jacob E. Schmidt, 2023 - 1
Rick C. Smith, 1982 - 4S/7
Hubble R. Smith, 1980 - RB/7
Thomas E. Warriner, 1964 - FC/19
James C. Avrit, 2004 - 3
James E. Blalock, 2006 - CC/18
Daniel L. Carter, 2002 - RB/6
Peter John T. Gangcuangco, 2007 - 18/16
Erik Guzman, 2004 - 1
Nigel Manick, 2003 - HS/21
Steve A. Martinez, 2002 - 1
Leopoldo A. Monney, 2007 - FC/18
John Colletto, 1989 - 4S/5
Jay C. Carlisle II, JD, 1965 - 4S/7
Baylin K. Lavy - RB/1
Keith E. Leaburn, 1956 - 1
Lawrence Linn, 1962 - 4S/38
William H. Moulton Jr., 1960 - 4S/12
Jonathan Rogers Jr., 2014 - RB/2
R. Britt Terrell, 1985 - RB/5
Kenneth G. Bixler USN (Ret.), 1968 - 7
John P. Brooks, 1974 - 1
Barton A. McPeak, 1995 - PP/26
Sven E. Rodenbeck, 1978 - CC/44
Michael J. Ryan, 1977 - FC/29
D. Robert Smedley, 1971 - CC/40
Matthew P. Vinas, 2012 - 2
Anthony B. Windsor, 1975 - PP/23
Andrew C. Archambeau, 2014 - PP/7
Robert C. D’Amico, 1996 - 4S/10
Jake Doty Sr., 1963 - 1
Terrell D. Ebright, 1970 - PP/32
Robert G. Ferguson, 1971 - CC/43
William A. Ferguson, 1971 - RP/46
Jan N. Garrison, 1962 - RB/8
Jeffrey T. Hebeler, 1986 - FC/28
J. Terrell Hoffeld DDS, PhD, 1968 - 18/23
Richard W. Holmes, 1964 - AS/24
Evan J. Holten, 2014 - 4S/4
Thomas H. Humes Jr., 1971 - AS/26
Theodore Hunter, 1983 - PP/19
Stephen E. Kimpel, 1990 - AS/27
Mark Levinson, 1989 - 3
Daniel E. Long, 1975 - FC/27
Carl W. Lundgren PhD, 1957 - RB/6
Ashton N. Manby, 2023 - 1
Patrick C. Martin, 1970 - AS/13
Jack S. Mathews Jr., 1963 - FC/29
John Muntz, 1963 - 4S/19
William T. Pert, 1970 - PP/19
Scott E. Pratt, 1993 - FC/6
Fred E. Rauh, 1968 - 4S/20
James H. Reed Jr., 1971 - PP/25
Norman R. Sanford, 1964 - FC/30
James B. Sang, 1986 - PP/28
Richard G. Schill, 1962 - RB/19
Richard J. Semple, 1966 - PP/18
George E. Smith, 1963 - 4S/10
Lewis Jay Soloway, 1971 - FC/31
Charles E. Stevenson Jr., 1962 - RP/28
Carlton E. Stine, 2014 - PP/8
David W. Sullivan, 2007 - FC/20
David L. Thompson, 1974 - PP/4
George B. Ulrich, 1981 - PP/6
Michael J. Wentz, 1991 - 18/15
Richard H. Wick, 1968 - HS/34
John M. Wilkes Esq., 1972 - PP/2
Jason Derek Williams, 1997 - 18/2
Thomas V. Williams, 1974 - HS/31
William A. Boettger, 1958 - AS/40
Mel F. Cundiff, 1959 - PP/44
Christopher W. Cuzzucoli, 1986 - 1
Bruce R. Dickinson, 1973 - CC/39
John H. Drabing, 1957 - FC/37
Larry C. Fischer, 1969 - 2
Gary L. Gisle, 1961 - 4S/16
Robert A. Habermann, 1959 - CC/51
Mark D. Hogue, 1980 - 1
Robert E. Langston, 1960 - PP/21
Burton B. McRoy Jr., 1959 - 18/22
Edward B. Sheridan, 1985 - RB/14
Dale Walker Jr., 1969 - FC/41
Edwin W. Anderson, 1966 - 18/43
Andrew J. Bunsis, 2023 - 1
Robert P. Cox, 1973 - 4S/11
Preston L. Day Jr., 1954 - 18/50
J. Wayne Moore PhD, 1963 - FC/10
Ronald E. Morgan, 1968 - PP/36
William L. Poe Jr., JD, 1969 - 2
William C. Spare Jr., 1970 - PP/14
William C. Stubblebine PhD, 1957 - 4S/10
Robert S. Wojewodzki, 1970 - PP/21
John M. Barley II, 1967 - 4S/7
John Barlow, 1967 - PP/30
Albert L. Blitch, 1963 - 1
Robert C. Blue Jr., 1967 - RP/21
Robert S. Bowser, 1961 - 4S/11
David W. Boyd, 1972 - PP/18
Robert Caldwell III, 1973 - 18/28
Arthur B. Carden USN (Ret.), 1967 - FC/45
Christopher M. Danner, 2008 - 4
Robert W. Decker, 1964 - FC/39
Nathan J. Easley, 2007 - 18/21
Bradley J. Harp, 1987 - HS/30
Patrick L. Imhof, 1972 - 1
John W. Krienke PhD, 1956 - FC/40
William A. Macklem PE, 1967 - PP/9
Frank P. Maxwell Jr., 1963 - PP/17
Oliver C. Murray Jr., 1958 - FC/18
Daniel J. Olmetti, 1971 - PP/11
David P. Perryman, 1968 - 1
Travis O. Rockey, 1973 - AS/26
Richard F. Ronnick, 1979 - 4S/13
Blayne K. Ross, 1998 - RP/13
David A. Shull USA (Ret.), 1969 - PP/21
David J. Smith, 1989 - 4S/26
Warren N. Smith, 1968 - PP/36
Robert J. Sniffen Sr., 1990 - PP/11
Larry S. Stewart, 1960 - 18/45
Gary W. Stock Jr., 1970 - PP/38
James A. Stodghill, 1959 - PP/35
Donald R. Taylor, 1954 - 1
James Vanderbleek, 1981 - RP/8
Carl M. Wagner, 1974 - FC/25
Tom K. Weinard, 1986 - FC/20
Mark C. Aldridge, 1970 - 18/32
Palmer H. Ansley Jr., 1976 - 4S/9
Michael Browder, 1984 - RP/20
Kip L. Claxton Jr., 1970 - 18/30
Christopher E. Etheridge, 1989 - RP/28
Walter Glazer Jr., 1980 - FC/27
Charles E. Godfrey Jr., ASLA, 1957 - PP/40
Gregory E. Hendricks, 1982 - 4
Hubert Howard Jr., 1978 - PP/10
Jonathan W. Judy, 2004 - RP/17
David G. Loyless, 1994 - 4S/23
George H. McCallum, 1971 - 18/27
James T. McIntyre Jr., 1963 - PP/29
Richard M. Price, 1986 - 18/30
Timothy R. Reilly, 2003 - RP/24
Scott Shaffer, 1990 - FC/15
Craig Smith, 1977 - 4S/6
Thomas P. Sterne, 1988 - FC/34
William P. Tipton II, 1968 - PP/17
Robert F. Woodruff, 1965 - 4S/20
David L. Wright, 2002 - HS/14
Theodore L. Young, 1981 - RB/1
Michael R. Alexander, 1997 - 1
Michael L. Bayless CPA, JD, 1973 - HS/32
Douglas E. Black, 1981 - CC/12
Craig E. Clapier, 1982 - 5
Ernest J. Davenport USAF, 1958 - PP/10
Thomas W. Evans, 1978 - 4S/20
Rory R. Jones JD, 1978 - AS/42
Riley R. Jones, 2013 - PP/6
Lawrence A. Kidd, 1975 - FC/41
Erin T. Linskey, 1998 - 2
William F. Pagano, 1986 - 1
Andy R. Rogerson, 2001 - 1
Jerry S. Shively, 1960 - RP/39
Paul A. Taylor, 1966 - PP/24
Carm C. Walgamott, 1971 - 18/30
Brannon J. Ward, 2010 - RB/1
Gary A. Beckman, 1969 - RB/13
Craig W. Coburn, 1986 - HS/26
Neil O. Dahlmann, 1964 - PP/25
Craig P. Eddy, 1980 - 18/36
John W. Gleeson, 1968 - AS/37
David A. Hetzler, 1977 - 4S/18
Edward R. Hulina, 1991 - 18/27
Gregory N. Kazarian, 1984 - HS/19
David A. Langowski, 1978 - PP/17
William M. Reno, 1962 - FC/37
Charles F. Tebbetts Jr., 1953 - 1
Matthew J. Wilson, 1989 - 18/16
Frank H. Baker USA (Ret.), 1954 - RP/16
Bruce A. Beal, 1978 - 1
Scott D. Braynard, 1986 - 4S/12
Robert M. Buchta, 1972 - 4S/12
Kirk Garmager MD, 1986 - FC/32
Ronald S. Glassner, 1969 - PP/5
Benjamin T. Grothe, 2017 - PP/9
Keith D. Hennessey, 1987 - PP/21
Kyle J. Krause, 1985 - PP/1
James J. Mathews IV, 1965 - PP/38
Robert S. Mussa, 2016 - PP/11
Robert W. Overholtzer, 1954 - PP/25
Anthony J. Sansone, 2016 - FC/10
Andrew M. Schreiner, 2014 - RP/13
Victor A. Yanchick, 1962 – 1
Frederick C. Abbott, 1970 - 2
Brent J. Akers, 1979 - FC/27
Dana K. Anderson, 1959 - 18/6
Stephen D. Black, 1986 - 4S/14
Thomas E. Davis, 1959 - 4S/17
George W. Fletcher, 1966 - FC/13
Clifford S. Jury, 1980 - FC/13
Byron C. Loudon JD, 1965 - PP/11
J Gary McEachen, 1960 - 18/37
Jim D. Morelan, 1961 - PP/11
Alexander S. Rowe, 2021 - 1
Andrew E. Rueb Jr., 1965 - FC/41
William T. Adams Jr., 1988 - 18/28
David G. Baron, 1973 - PP/20
Robert R. Bose, 1977 - RP/44
Mark W. Corrado, 1976 - RP/34
Ashby T. Corum, 1991 - RB/3
Robert A. Crosson, 1966 - PP/28
Kevin M. Doyle, 1974 - PP/30
Joseph B. Hanks Sr., 1987 - FC/21
W. James Host, 1959 - AS/37
Phillip W. Huff, 1968 - FC/45
Robert P. Koven, 1971 - 1
E. David Lockrow, 1977 - FC/44
Harold L. Miller, 1976 - PP/31
Phillip M. Moloney, 1977 - FC/20
Gregory C. Phillips, 1978 - RP/34
Jefferson E. Prifti, 2019 - 1
Daniel L. Shull PhD, 1965 - 4S/17
Jon F. Sipe, 1968 - RP/30
Theodore D. Tillman Sr., 1950 - FC/39
Scott A. Vinton, 2001 - 1
David S. Wagner, 1990 - PP/26
Sage A. Aucoin, 2022 - 2
Kenneth P. Dupre, 1982 - 3
Frank L. Hull III, 1971 - 4S/4
Grady Kilman, 1970 - PP/8
James H. Mclaurin III, 1983 - 4S/8
Michael L. Purvis, 1975 - 4S/7
Mark J. Wenger, 1974 - FC/46
Mark R. Folsom, 1979 - PP/6
Raymond R. Goulet, 2015 - 18/13
John M. Greely, 1960 - 1
Robert I. Hardison, 1964 - FC/43
Peter L. Haynes, 1961 - FC/16
Richard M. Lowell, 1976 - 4S/8
Robert D. Merrill, 1976 - FC/26
Gregory J. Pier, 1977 - PP/32
Eben W. Sweetser, 2017 - RB/5
Ross C. Theriault, 2008 - CC/20
Richard S. Twitchell, 1959 - RB/12
Eduardo Alzona Esq, 1980 - PP/40
Fred W. Anding, 1963 - 4
James Bullard, 1953 - 1 E. Michael M. Carr, 1963 - RB/16
James P. Bedingfield, 1966 - PP/26
John F. Brown, 1965 - FC/42
Kenneth A. Kraft USA (Ret.), 1973 - 18/50
James Lawless, 1978 - PP/39
Charles G. Morrow, 1970 - 6
Gerard N. Murphy, 1972 - PP/23
Robert L. Ritter Sr., 1968 - 1
J. Leo L. Salazar CPA, 1977 - RB/6
John C. Spengos, 1991 - 1
Marvin T. Storey, 1962 - FC/36
James H. Wessels, 1980 - 4S/7
W. George Bihler, 1957 - 18/38
Gregory Blank, 1963 - 18/40
Lee P. De Angelis, 1976 - PP/40
Adam C. DeLand, 2013 - FC/9
Stephen D. Ellis, 1965 - 4S/9
Keith C. Johnson, 1962 - 1
James Knister, 1961 - PP/38
Allan P. Lutes, 1987 - FC/16
Daniel W. McAuliffe, 1960 - FC/30
J. Timothy McHugh, 1988 - 9
Mark K. Montagna, 1988 - 18/36
Marc E. Mulholland DDS, 1967 - 2
David G. Patron, 1981 - FC/41
Robert C. Pierce, 1965 - 2
Carl N. Riley, 2018 - 2
Mark Seegel, 1974 - RP/33
Wayne H. Smith, 1963 - FC/29
Thomas F. Stringer MD, 1971 - RB/8
David L. Walkowski, 1987 - PP/38
Harry Weber, 1972 - RB/34
James F F. Wood DDS, 1982 - PP/20
Stuart Arey Jr., 1964 - PP/39
Robert Becker, 1977 - FC/39
James A. Becker, 1979 - PP/42
Herbert H. Bell, 1964 - 18/41
Robert Claeys Jr., 1990 - RB/3
John R. Dumonceaux, 1989 - FC/29
William H. Edlund, 1964 - FC/49
Ronnie P. Erhardt CLU, ChFC, 1956 - 4S/2
Benjamin Gerlinger, 2014 - 18/11
John H. Heen, 1961 - RB/8
Kenneth N. Kephart, 1974 - 2
David S. Knox, 1972 - 18/35
Richard Kroll, 1992 - 1
S. Todd Lewis, 1961 - PP/41
Richard Lind, 1971 - 18/27
Eric J. Lyche P. E., 2001 - PP/9
Robert Morgan, 1972 - CC/16
Timothy Odell, 1992 - 18/19
James O. Olson, 1974 - 6
Thomas J. Perusse, 1965 - FC/41
Bryan Peterson, 1992 - RB/7
Richard B. Quanrud, 1958 - PP/43
Mitchell J. Reiber, 2011 - FC/12
Mark E. Roberts, 1989 - PP/25
James A. Rodin, 1968 - PP/3
James Swenson, 1972 - RB/5
Steven C. Vilks, 1981 - AS/17
David E. Bell COL (Ret.), 1975 - 18/41
Joseph M. Braeckel, 1974 - FC/41
Christopher P. Crutchfield, 1996 - AS/10
Glen R. Ehrhardt, 1982 - RP/28
Gary K. Ehrhardt, 1986 - RP/19
Anthony H. Goeke, 1985 - 2
Justin W. Jeffery, 2000 - 1
David L. Kamler, 1968 - FC/30
Dale E. Klausman, 1952 - 4S/6
Patrick S. Mc Cartney, 1987 - 4S/4
John C. Moreton, 1980 - RP/12
Neal H. Paul, 1971 - AS/33
Chad A. Robertson, 1999 - 18/8
Larry E. Skaer, 1970 - HS/9
Alan Steinberg, 1961 - AS/48
Barry Stuart D.V.M., 1964 - FC/35
Thomas Thornton, 1972 - CC/38
Wesley G. Wathey, 1975 - 18/41
James H. Weber, 1981 - HS/40
Wayne R. Welch, 1976 - FC/39
Gary B. Welsh, 1972 - FC/46
James C. Wisbrock, 1997 - HS/29
Michael A. Zeiter, 2011 - FC/12
Ryan D. Caldwell, 2002 - CC/23
Lucas W. Dart, 1997 - 9
Jack C. Kreman, 2004 - CC/24
Lanny D. Lautenschlager, 2001 - CC/18
David J. Vrooman, 2004 – 1
Patrick M. diNatale, 1971 - PP/27
Jerry A. Ebers, 1963 - PP/48
Gary R. Ensz, 1972 - FC/25
Michael H. Grosse, 1972 - 1
Jay Haase, 1982 - PP/37
Brian C. Hamilton, 1972 - AS/6
Peter Hove, 1983 - PP/30
Nolan J. Jensen - RB/0
William E. Kramer CPA, 1971 - PP/39
Matthew C. Larson, 2003 - 1
Daniel L. Lindstrom, 1982 - CC/33
Chad B. Mariska, 1998 - 4S/2
Glenn M. Morrill, 1979 - RB/6
Steven H. Nootz, 1970 - 4S/27
Ronald A. Rickert, 1983 - PP/14
Jeffrey R. Rickert, 2008 - 4
Parker L. Shipley, 1957 - PP/27
Michael C. Tooley, 1958 - 18/25
James M. Williams, 1968 - RB/14
Dave Wohlfarth, 1964 - 4S/31
Alexander J. Wolf, 2003 - FC/9
David J. Zauha, 1991 - PP/18
Christopher P. Cononi, 2000 - 1
Jeffrey B. Leech, 1990 - PP/25
Samuel T. Mintz, 2002 - 1
Ivan N. Street, 1994 - FC/30
Carlos B. Toomer, 1997 - PP/8
Landon Bahl, 2016 - PP/3
Matthew J. Benzmiller, 1967 - 4S/12
John R. Dynes, 1979 - PP/13
Mark G. Eagon, 1989 - RB/5
Jonathan M. Emerson, 2015 - 1
Robert E. Feidler, 1971 - FC/22
Bruce Gjovig, 1974 - CC/40
Andrew J. Hafner, 2000 - PP/20
Mark W. Hoffman, 1990 - 1
Kenneth W. Johnson, 1970 - FC/20
Benjamin T. Klem, 1953 - 1
David M. Kleven, 2002 - 4S/5
Joel D. Medd, 1969 - PP/21
Robert E. Ramsay, 1990 - FC/20
Thomas A. Sallander, 1976 - 4S/3
Richard A. Schmidt, 1976 - FC/20
David Sickels, 1994 - 2
Scott M. Sinner, 2000 - FC/4
Donald L. Toman, 1980 - PP/28
Brian R. Wall, 2003 - 4S/1
Jason R. Williams, 1989 - 4S/13
Jason C. Andrews, 1999 - FC/20
Matthew R. Fedak, 2000 - 4S/10
Aaron Forehand, 2003 - 18/21
Carlos E. Machuca, 2015 - 1
Bryce A. Olson, 2008 - RP/20
Justin Y. Puckett, 2010 - 4S/7
Arthur G. Alexander Jr., 1970 - CC/4
Brant A. Allegretti, 1988 - CC/3
Jordan J. Beech, 2013 - PP/14
Daniel J. Boedeker, 1996 - HS/3
Connor R. Bourland, 2015 - PP/5
Andrew Britton, 1986 - HS/38
John A. Brock, 1953 - AS/37
Charles W. Brown, 1960 - PP/33
C. Edward Buchner III, 1961 - PP/13
Allen B. Cantrell, 1993 - 2
Randolph A. Carter, 1974 - PP/19
Charles B. Childs, 1960 - PP/26
Tyler Cotner, 2013 - RP/1
Donald L. Dillingham, 1984 - AS/2
Timothy R. Fagan DDS, MS, 1977 - 18/20
John R. Frame MD, 1975 - 18/3
J. F. Gist, 1973 - CC/10
James Gregory Jr., 1969 - CC/38
Robert J. Hewitt, 1968 - FC/25
William C. Hollister, 1962 - PP/2
Robert J. Holman, 2000 - PP/24
John P. Holmes PE, 1957 - PP/37
Mark W. Hutchison, 1983 - CC/0
Gregory Julian, 1982 - RP/22
Henry M. Lawrence, 1991 - CC/3
Robert L. Lewis, 1961 - FC/42
C. Craig Lilly, 1987 - CC/3
Jack S. McCalmon Esq, 1986 - HS/3
Ronald T. McDaniel, 1960 - 1
Robert L. Owen MD, 1962 - RB/6
Edward E. Pascual-Rosales - PP/2
Alan A. Pike, 1990 - 4S/6
Philip C. Ray, 1975 - 4
Thomas L. Russell, 1978 - CC/6
Lee R. Symcox, 1979 - CC/5
Dewey E. Thoes, 1980 - CC/8
Dan Vann, 1970 - CC/14
George R. Warner USAF (Ret.), 1969 - RP/13
Chris P. Webb, 1988 - CC/5
Robert W. Wightman, 1972 - CC/38
Brady M. Boling, 2021 - 1
Eric A. Bongen, 2008 - 5
Zachary Brunner - 1
Dale A. Christensen, 1982 - 1
Thomas A. Connelly, 1968 - FC/14
Randall W. Cook, 1984 - 1
Andrew W. Coskey, 2024 - 2
Andrew J. Crampton, 2010 - 2
Patrick B. Dooling Jr., 1965 - RB/7
William G. Doolittle, 1962 - CC/51
Michael B. Freeman, 2024 - 1
Michael N. Gonsalves, 2004 - 3
Nickolaus N. Gower, 2011 - 6
Devin S. Herbers, 2024 - 1
Everett Karden, 2024 - 1
John R. Kerns, 1952 - PP/46
Lawrence A. Krogsdale, 1971 - PP/17
James A. Kronenberg, 1966 - 4S/13
Brendan A. Laing, 2004 - 1
William E. Larsgaard, 1957 - PP/35
Michael P. Lysne, 1985 - PP/36
Francis S. Main, 1985 - RP/37
Riley A. Marshall - 1
Stanley Murphy PE, 1967 - RP/43
Ray Ocampo, 2007 - 6
Jeffrey A. Parker, 1989 - 4S/12
Zachary T. Pollock, 2002 - 1
Brian A. Rose, 1976 - PP/40
Logan M. Schwartzkopf - 1
Michael C. Slaughter, 2006 - PP/14
Robert C. Smelker, 1970 - RP/34
John N. Stensland, 1972 - 2
Russell C. Taber - 1
Jay E. Thomas - 1
Christopher Vike, 1984 - PP/23
Robert M. Bishop, 1966 - PP/35
A. D. Burling, 1955 - PP/37
Wayne Dean, 1965 - RB/32
Robert B. Dendtler, 1958 - PP/28
Thomas Q. Elgar, 1965 - PP/24
Walter C. Evans, 1970 - AS/39
Norman P. Hetrick Jr., 1996 - PP/16
Anthony Lo, 2008 - 4S/11
Paul Grant Rozelle, 1994 - 4S/7
Robert S. Seto Md, 1967 – 2
Scott E. Burns, 1987 - 18/23
Jacob M. Carpinelli, 2022 - 4S/5
Thomas J. Carr, 1988 - PP/18
Stephen L. Deems, 2012 - 1
James P. Dockey, 1994 - RB/4
Paul Q. Herwick MD, 1960 - RP/33
Philip Moyer, 1987 - 18/12
John S. Peterson, 1968 - 18/11
William J. Steel, 1993 - FC/28
Gregory D. Sysyn, 1990 - 18/9
Robert J. Taylor Esq., 1967 - PP/21
Lawrence E. Wagstaff, 1979 - 4S/7
Paul M. Yuna PhD, 1973 - PP/10
Patrick H. Greene, 2021 - 2
Ryan M. Manuelsmith, 2021 - 1
William P. McNair, 1997 - 1
Jake R. Tucker, 2022 – 1
Brian J. Belmont, 1992 - 1
Delwyn DeVries, 1982 - PP/28
Perry L. Evans, 1986 - AS/13
Jason M. Gant, 1999 - PP/23
Ryan M. Goehring, 2001 - PP/12
Robert Gray, 1993 - 18/30
Stephen K. Hockett, 1983 - CC/33
Eugene A. Klein, 1971 - 3
Ronald D. Klipfel, 1969 - 2
Tony M. Larsen, 2009 - RB/15
Timothy R. Losch, 1991 - PP/15
Michael J. Ogborn, 1969 - PP/10
Charles P. Schroyer, 1966 - PP/31
Leonard G. Tabor, 1967 - 1
Ted J. Thoms, 1971 - 18/37
Lee J. Underberg, 1998 - PP/18
Ronald A. Veenker, 1958 – 1
L. Fred Conley Jr., CPA, 1971 - PP/17
David M. Cronin, 1985 - RB/2
Thomas J. Gaitens, 1988 - RB/1
Leonard P. Kania, 1969 - PP/28
Daniel Preslar, 1991 - 18/28
Clifford C. Roberts, 1985 - RB/1
Oliver R. Rodrigues PE, PTOE, 1991 - PP/20
Joseph R. Spooner, 1987 - 4S/9
John R. Watts, 1971 - FC/43
Jeffrey D. Wood, 2017 - FC/7
Donald E. Bowers Jr., 1962 - PP/30
Charles L. Briggs, 1967 - PP/15
Brian C. Chase, 2005 - 18/12
Robert S. Clarke, 1960 - PP/33
Lee A. Crisell, 1961 - 1
Stanton W. Davies, 1967 - FC/45
Jon Esparza, 1971 - FC/36
Patrick Fuscoe, 1972 - AS/28
James Graham, 1972 - CC/41
James M. Krueger, 1961 - HS/23
Steven W. Leland, 1985 - PP/7
Norman R. Petersen, 1977 - FC/16
Bradley G. Scott, 1970 - RB/2
James R. Smith, 1962 - 1
John D. Tallichet, 1986 - 18/36
Ronald N. Tutor, 1963 - 1
Glen R. Warriner, 1967 - RB/15
Bentley G. Anderson, 2009 - FC/17
Jared C. Bosarge, 2023 - 1
Kevin M. Creel, 1996 - 18/7
Joshua E. Darichuk, 2013 - 4S/6
Matthew J. Evans, 2005 - FC/6
James D. Galjour, 1979 - FC/32
Bradley S. Garrett, 2004 - FC/7
David P. Gentry, 1997 - PP/19
Robert E. Goss Jr., 1988 - 4
Willard C. Johnson Jr., 1993 - FC/19
David S. Mora, 2006 - 18/15
Daniel E. Pocase, 2004 - 18/13
Brooks P. Rahaim, 2019 - 4S/5
Gabriel J. Shoemaker III, 1993 - FC/20
Matthew Urbanic, 1995 - 18/26
Keith E. Wilson, 2004 - 4
Tyler D. Zaremba, 2011 – 4
Billy P. Glass, 1963 - 4S/14
Jeffrey W. Guild, 1973 - FC/27
James S. Herbert, 1987 - PP/27
John R. Lohr USAF(Ret.), 1984 - FC/31
Sean S. Neal, 1989 - 4S/27
Robert E. Pomeroy, 2004 - PP/18
William F. Sanders, 1971 - RB/2
Davis C. Smith, 2012 - 4S/3
Arthur J. vonWerssowetz III, 2005 - HS/10
Russell L. Walker, 1987 - PP/37
Val A. Aldred, 1975 - PP/12
Mark Allen, 1983 - RP/6
George M. Berry, 1966 - HS/10
William F. Cherry II, DDS, 1970 - 4S/10
J. Coley Clark, 1968 - AS/42
Weldon S. Copeland, 1973 - FC/36
David W. DeWitt, 2007 - 1
F. Russell Douglass Jr., 1981 - AS/18
Curtis C. Downs, 1979 - FC/21
Gregory D. Ethridge, 2000 - AS/22
R. Kevin Forbes, 1976 - 18/36
Robert J. Hull, 1966 - RP/17
Stacy G. Hunt, 1973 - PP/24
David Kingrea, 1966 - FC/35
William F. Klug, 1962 - PP/12
Mark R. Lange, 1985 - AS/0
Stacey Lawrence, 1992 - FC/16
R. Mack Lawrence, 1969 - PP/1
James K. Leonard, 1985 - RP/9
Richard L. Lipscomb II, 1991 - CC/2
Christopher C. Lipscomb, 1995 - CC/1
Samuel J. Miller, 1970 - RB/4
James Milligan, 1983 - HS/5
Michael L. Nell, 1981 - CC/7
William R. Paape, 1986 - FC/33
Collin Rose - RB/0
Jefferson D. Sewell, 2010 - 1
Jeffrey C. Shaddix, 2003 - RB/5
Joseph A. Stanley III, 1968 - RP/8
James R. Strickler, 1976 - FC/24
Scott M. Trampe CPA, 2010 - 1
Steven Wimberly, 1968 - HS/5
C. Robert Winkler III, 1980 - RB/7
Mark Dyal, 1989 - 4S/27
James R. Emmons CPA, 1977 - 2
Zane C. Gober, 1988 - PP/9
Jeffrey H. Harwell CVA, MAFF, ECA, 1973 - 4S/9
Robert B. Orr, 1973 - 3
Robert O. Phillips, 1967 - 4S/31
Daniel G. Price, 1993 - 4S/1
Chase R. Rose – 1
Robert B. Roden PhD, 1960 – 1
Dylan G. Almeida, 2019 – 1
Halvor Adams III, 1979 - 44
Wesley A. Ballenger Jr., 1980 - PP/36
Mark D. Bateman, 1979 - FC/41
John J. Burkard, 1984 - 4S/10
Jeffrey S. Haupt USN (Ret.), 1983 – 1
Greg R. Ashihara, 1994 - PP/15
Nicholas H. Bailey, 2015 - 3
Daniel Berschauer, 1968 - 18/39
Dennis A. Brawford, 1961 - AS/34
John P. Carver USAF (Ret.), 1970 - RB/4
Mel K. Cutter, 1983 - 4S/12
Steven B. Dillaway, 1967 - AS/37
Steven Engel, 1968 - FC/39
James L. Francis USAF (Ret.), 1968 - 7
Travis M. Gass, 2010 - PP/4
Patrick L. Glenn, 1960 - PP/30
James W. Harrington, 1961 - RB/5
Jason T. Leehan, 2002 - FC/8
Jason Philip Moore, 1995 - 1
Robert A. Nitschke, 1965 - 1
Paul Raidna, 1993 - FC/31
William B. Staples USA (Ret.), 1955 - FC/26
Francisco T. Torres, 2011 - 3
William O. Williams III, 1963 - PP/34
W. Earle E. Zander, 1950 - RB/5
Robert E. Zumwalt, 1961 - FC/38
Thomas R. Allen, 1977 - RB/4
Andrew J. Drabik III, 1988 - 18/26
Jeffrey S. Elbert, 1987 - RP/3
John Garbo, 1975 - 18/36
David R. Greene, 1972 - 4S/2
Joseph R. John III, 1981 - 18/37
John H. Leazer III, 1976 - PP/7
Brian J. Locke, 1984 - PP/4
Robert S. Martell, 1972 - RB/18
Eric J. Mc Grail, 1993 - 4S/1
Nikki McCarty, 1970 - 18/8
Scott C. McKay, 1977 - RP/34
Raymond M. O’Brien, 1992 - 4
Howard Ostlund, 1975 - 18/23
Millard J. Roberts III, 1999 - 1
Robert S. Zimmerman, 1984 - FC/3
Robert W. Fear, 1993 - HS/25
Kevin J. Bargnes, 2011 - 4
John D. Cartwright, 1959 - RB/5
Mark P. Ciotola, 1985 - RB/23
James L. Flynn, 1964 - 4S/12
Theodore C. Fox MD, 1954 - CC/41
Orrin L. Gabsch, 1966 - 18/48
Jerry W. Grout, 1957 - FC/20
Ned H. Gustafson, 1993 - FC/29
Benjamin Isay - RB/1
Jerome R. Kerkman, 1979 - HS/40
Brian J. Nagle MD, MPH, 2007 - 3
Christopher Page, 1990 - PP/26
Jan Pollnow, 1966 - FC/27
Richard N. Rehfeldt PhD, 1960 - 1
Ryan L. Ring, 2019 - 18/8
Rodger F. Smith, 1964 - 18/47
James E. Swab USMC (Ret.), 1956 - 18/43
James C. Walker, 2014 - 18/10
John W. Hanin, 1970 - PP/18
Keith Mueller, 1973 - 18/4
Thomas C. Peeples MD, 1971 - FC/18
Bruce L. Peterson, 1975 - AS/42
John Teevan, 1972 - HS/18
Randal J. Wilson, 1979 - 18/41
Jackson W. Vaught, 2016 - FC/5
Robert S. Byrnes, 1976 - 4
Thomas B. Cooke Esq., 1971 - PP/23
Daniel M. DiLella Sr, 1973 - HS/33
Robert W. Heyert, 1976 - FC/34
Stephen C. Kirk, 1981 - 4S/43
Alfonso Martinez-Fonts Jr., 1971 - 18/41
John Slovak, 1974 – 2
Chandler D. Douglas, 2008 - FC/19
James W. Freeman, 2003 - 18/9
Cyrus S. Mostaghim, 2006 - CC/21
Stanley R. Baker, 1968 - 4S/20
Jacob V. Bradley, 2001 - RB/4
Austin E. Brooks Jr., PhD, 1961 - PP/12
George R. Callaway, 1968 - FC/30
Robert F. Charles Jr., 1959 - AS/46
John Cheek, 1991 - 4S/7
Ronald J. Dostal, 1992 - 4
Daren A. Glore, 2022 - 1
Jacob W. Goldstein, 2003 - RB/6
Charles L. Hutchins, 1977 - PP/20
Antonio Inciriaga, 1994 - 18/26
Wayne J. Kornas, 1968 - 4S/16
Mark E. Kosior, 1991 - PP/22
Aaron Kroemer DDS, 1991 - PP/8
William T. Luckey Jr., 1982 - 3
Michael R. Lynch, 2004 - RB/2
Stanley H. Matheny, 1956 - PP/22
Mark W. Mc Neely, 1969 - 8
Mark A. Noffsinger, 1978 - FC/29
Kevin R. O’Reilly, 1994 - 2
Nicholas E. Prihoda, 1999 - FC/22
Anthony J. Quandt, 2004 - CC/23
Derek B. Roenfeldt, 1979 - 6
Joseph D. Scanlon, 2003 - RB/13
Shawn R. Siddall, 1991 - 1
Kenneth B. Siepman, 1987 - 4S/11
Max W. Simison, 1980 - 4
Jordan K. Smith, 2017 - 1
Martin J. Tuohy, 1991 - PP/18
Jeremy S. Vanscoy, 2003 - 18/19
Daniel A. Walters MD, 1979 - PP/31
Steven Whitaker, 1986 - PP/35
Curtis R. Bucher Jr., 1974 - 4S/21
Stephen A. Buzza, 1989 - FC/14
Thomas J. Condosta, 1983 - PP/13
Bryan R. Davidson, 2005 - PP/20
John P. Friedmann, 2002 - PP/16
William H. Markle MD, 1969 - RP/35
Tyler M. Phillips, 2018 - 4S/7
William J. Proudfit, 1964 - PP/27
John P. Proudfit, 1963 - 3
Kevin V. Rogers Jr., 2003 - 3
John B. Singer, 1962 - PP/20
Edmund M. Taylor Jr., 1968 - 4S/36
Robert A. Urso, 1977 - 18/44
Andrew Veyliotti, 1994 - PP/26
Jonathan R. Walburn, 1973 - 18/47
Robert G. Brookby, 1972 - 4S/44
Charles B. Castner Jr., 1952 - 4S/11
Bruce L. Bayley, 1963 - FC/39
Sam Cook, 2016 - 4S/8
James E. Estes, 1961 - RB/23
Clive M. Freidenrich, 1978 - HS/11
Trevor L. Harris, 1997 - 4S/5
Paul R. Norris, 1963 - 3
Leonard G. Swanson, 1962 - RP/42
Robert Welander, 1973 - 4S/14
Jaime Correa, 1981 - RP/26
W. Marston Becker, 1974 - AS/43
Dwight Garner, 1960 - FC/40
John A. Mainella, 1999 - FC/16
John D. Richmond MD, 1970 - FC/38
Robert H. Rupp, 1969 - PP/26
Wayne A. Sinclair, 1968 - AS/42
Michael P. Baron, 1976 - RB/23
Kevin T. O’Mara, 1999 - FC/14
Steven Roon, 1978 - 2
Michael D. Shonrock PhD, 1979 - HS/24
Travis R. Best, 2001 - PP/9
David A. Breidenich, 2020 - 1
Lee Grace, 1984 - AS/34
Brian J. Monell, 1990 - 3
Derek B. Olive, 1991 - 7
William C. Phillips, 2023 - 2
Dwayne Senn, 1983 - 18/34
James Shain, 1988 - FC/33
Michael A. Zoretic, 1972 - FC/24
Brock Ayers, 1982 - FC/39
Kenneth M. Ellis, 1963 - 1
William D. Felder, 1980 - AS/5
Michael R. Greaves DDS, 2013 - FC/11
Matthew D. Greaves, 2010 - PP/14
David Harrison, 1989 - 4S/12
Robert J. Hollander, 1985 - FC/27
Warren M. Hollrah, 1976 - FC/32
Connor S. Hollrah, 2015 - FC/12
Thomas H. Holt, 1952 - 4
Steven B. Humphreys, 1983 - PP/13
Richard F. Jones, 1965 - FC/39
Jon D. Leroyer, 1978 - 2
Justin D. Manning, 2004 - RP/17
Michael D. Ornburn, 2006 - FC/7
K. Edward Saboe, 1963 - 18/9
Thomas F. Shields MD, 1952 - RP/49
Louis G. Van Horn, 1980 - RP/29
John Hancock, 1987 - HS/29
David H. Minthorn, 1964 - PP/14
Jonathan D. Piccioni PE, 1986 - FC/38
Jeffrey S. Heatherington, 1965 - AS/32
Nicholas S. Warner, 1993 – 1
Mark W. Abell, 2006 - RB/9
Jonathan R. Duraj, 2009 - PP/9
Mark L. Lintern, 2008 - FC/20
Tyler J. Herrmann, 2011 - 3
Nikolas G. Huist, 2007 - RB/10
Ryan J. Kinney, 2017 - 4
Joshua T. Kline, 2017 - 2
Joshua R. Lucas, 2008 - PP/1
Kathleen Abernathy - 1
Blake Addison, - 4S/1
Andy Alt - 1
Mary Anderson, - 4S/4
Ann M. Becker - 1
Ethan Bell - 1
Danielle Bodley - 1
Karen S Brady - 1
Karen Brewer, - 4S/4
Victoria V. Brown - PP/0
David Brummett - 1
Jodyne Budenaers, - 4S/7
Alison Burke - 1
John Paul Burlison - 1
Phyllis Burniewicz - 1
Janene Cappel - 1
Jaswinder S. Chadha - RB/1
Huan Chen - 1
Cary Clark - 1
Kirsten R. Clifford - PP/5
Natalie M. Coffey - 1
Allen Collins, - PP/1
Thomas W. Conner 2Nd, - 4S/2
Christina O. Cribb - 1
John R. Critchfield - AS/6
William Dargusch - 1
Justa L. Darsam - 1
Angelina Daswani - 1
Michelle Ehrlich, - 4S/6
Bradley Ehrlich, - RB/2
Pamela Eicher - 2
Philip H. Emery - PP/2
William W. Emley - 1
Cari Fealy - 1
Alice Ferguson - 1
Laura E. FitzRandolph - RB/2
Andrea Fogle, - RB/2
Sonya Gill, - 18/31
Paula Goldberg - 1
Jessica A. Goldrick Mrs - 1
Ron Goldwasser, - RB/1
Daniel Grunstein, - PP/1
Jayanthi Gurudutt - 1
Susan Hacke - 1
Karen Hancock, - PP/1
Cathy Hankins - 1
J. David Heaney, - PP/2
Amber Heberling - 1
Lance D. Howard - 4S/1
Patricia Howard, - RB/1
Jana Humleker, - RP/1
Marsha J. Jackson - PP/1
Benjamin Jarratt - 1
J. Mark Jensen, - RB/1
Alissa Johnson Tripas - RP/1
Jennifer L. Jones - PP/0
Rob Juncker - 1
Susan Katz, - PP/2
Megan Kirkpatrick - 1
Beth A. Kohmann - RB/2
Todd A. Kolb - 4S/0
Teddy Y. Koob - 4S/1
Michael Kron - 1
Jaclyn Lahey - 1
Robert Layne - 1
Annmarie T. Lichner - 1
Jean Lloyd, - RB/10
Anne Losh, - RB/1
Ryan Maisenbacher - 1
Peter G. Mallios - 1
Alice Mallory, - HS/9
Jon Maul, - RB/2
Lizzy McDevitt, - RB/2
Catherine McGettigan, - CC/2
Sarah McNamara - 1
Chris Miladinovich, - RB/2
Dorothy Miller - 1
Lee Miller - 1
Timothy Monaghan - 1
Anita Montes - 1
Martin C. Morawski - RB/2
Katherine L. Morgan - 2
John C Morgan - 1
Leigh Morrison, - RB/1
Scott Movic, - RB/1
Bonnie H. Muir - 18/14
Kevin Murphy, - RB/2
Sandy Ng, - RB/1
James Nicholl, - PP/1
Cristina Nicklow, - PP/1
Sara Nicolas - 1
Peter O’Connor - 1
Nick O’Neal - 2
Kenneth Oppenheimer - 1
Denise J. Orrico - 1
William J. Ortman - 2
Blake Palmer - PP/2
Abigail M. Paragon - 1
Victor C. Pascual Chagman - 4S/1
Nicole M. Pashek - 1
Desiree Paulhamus - 1
Britt Paxton - 3
Jene A. Pendleton - 1
Maurie Phelan - 18/1
David R. Plas - 1
David M. Proper - 4S/3
Lesa L. Purcell - 5
Matthew Raboin - PP/1
Kyla Ranko - 4
Jason Rieger - PP/1
Jason Rinsky - RB/1
Rebecca Rockoff - RB/2
Kate Rodos - 1
Tara Rooney - 1
Nicholas Rose - RB/1
Peggy Rose - 1
Justin Rosenschein - 1
Elahe Russell - 1
Katharine Schaefer - RB/1
Kurt T. Schmitter - 1
Marvin Schrage - 1
L. Clifford Schroeder - PP/1
Michelle Sekul - 1
Chelsea Sheridan - 2
Nancy Simenc - 1
Meagan Smith - 1
Sarah Smith - 3
Tiffany K. Spinner - 1
Deborah Spyker - CC/2
Steven Stahly - 1
Karla Staihar - 1
Kelly Stava - 4S/1
Colin Stewart - PP/1
Patti Stewart - 1
Lawrence Sturchio - 1
Dori Tess - 2
Ann M. Timons - 4S/3
Francis T. Timons - RB/2
Jeanna Troha - 1
Trina Trusty - 1
Emily Valentino - 1
Amy Vedra - 18/0
Patrick M. Venus - 4S/1
Anthony E. Vukusich Jr. - FC/7
Nikki Wacker - RB/1
Paula B. Wade - 1
Mary Ann Walker - 4S/1
Anne Wallis - RP/2
Donna Walters - RB/2
Margaret Watson - 4S/2
Nancy White - 4S/5
Beth Willis - PP/1
Debbie Woodbury - 1
James J. Wotruba - 2
Lin Xiao - 1
Yan Zhu - 1
Tiffani Ziemann - RB/5
Dianne Zier - 1
Nicholas R. Zuniga - 18/3
Friends of the Delt Foundation play a vital role in the success of our students and the Fraternity. Through the generosity of these partners, we have advanced our efforts to support young Delts to grow and develop into courageous leaders. In fact, parents and friends of the foundation once again made up the largest group of supporters during the Delt Day of Giving!
Kathleen Abernathy
Blake Addison
Andy Alt
Mary Anderson
Ann M. Becker
Ethan Bell
Danielle Bodley
Karen S Brady
Karen Brewer
Victoria V. Brown
David Brummett
Jodyne Budenaers
Alison Burke
John Paul Burlison
Phyllis Burniewicz
Janene Cappel
Jaswinder S. Chadha
Huan Chen
Cary Clark
Kirsten R. Clifford
Natalie M. Coffey
Allen Collins
Thomas W. Conner II
Christina O. Cribb
John R. Critchfield
William Dargusch
Justa L. Darsam
Angelina Daswani
Michelle Ehrlich
Bradley Ehrlich
Pamela Eicher
Philip H. Emery
William W. Emley
Cari Fealy
Alice Ferguson
Laura E. FitzRandolph
Andrea Fogle
Sonya Gill
Paula Goldberg
Jessica A. Goldrick
Ron Goldwasser
Daniel Grunstein
Jayanthi Gurudutt
Susan Hacke
Karen Hancock
Cathy Hankins J. David Heaney
Amber Heberling
Lance D. Howard
Patricia Howard Jana Humleker
Marsha J. Jackson
Benjamin Jarratt J. Mark Jensen
Alissa Johnson Tripas Jennifer L. Jones
Rob Juncker
Susan Katz Megan Kirkpatrick Beth A. Kohmann
Todd A. Kolb
Sara Nicolas
Peter O’Connor
Nick O’Neal
Kenneth Oppenheimer
Denise J. Orrico
William J. Ortman
Blake Palmer
Abigail M. Paragon
Victor C. Pascual
Nicole M. Pashek
Desiree Paulhamus
Britt Paxton
Jene A. Pendleton
Maurie Phelan
David R. Plas
David M. Proper
Lesa L. Purcell
Matthew Raboin
Kyla Ranko
Jason Rieger
Jason Rinsky
Rebecca Rockoff
Kate Rodos
Tara Rooney
Nicholas Rose
Peggy Rose
Justin Rosenschein
Elahe Russell
Katharine Schaefer

The Delt Foundation is supported by many companies, family and community foundations, and other organizations. We are grateful for their investment in our mission. The generosity of these groups is realized through outright financial contributions, matching gift programs, and gifts-in-kind.
Does your company match gifts to charitable organizations? You might be able to double or even triple your support. The Delt Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity and qualifies for many matching gift programs. Visit to learn more or scan the QR code below.
Abbott Laboratories
AbbVie, Inc.
American Airlines
American Online Giving
Ameriprise Financial
AT&T Corp.
Auer Fund
Aug-Jan Properties LLC
Ayres Foundation
Bank of America Corporation
BillGo Inc.
Blue Sage Fund
BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund
Bricker Graydon
Bristol Myers Squibb
Byrne Warehousing Inc.
CAF America
Capital Group
Charities Aid Foundation America
Charles Schwab
Community Foundation of Acadiana
Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines
Community Foundation of the Ozarks
DA Davidson
Dell Inc.
Delta Tau Delta Hammond Alumni Chapter
DM Dilella Family Foundation
E*Trade Financial
Edward Jones Investments
Eli Lilly and Company
EMD Millipore
Fidelity Brokerage Services
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fidelity Investments
Forvis Foundation
Gamma Xi
Gerald A. & Karen A. Kolschowsky Foundation, Inc.
Home Depot
Jack Ringer Family Foundation
Jeffry L. Henning Revocable Trust
Kyle and Sharon Krause Family Foundation
Lincoln Electric Foundation
LPL Financial Foundation
Macy’s Inc.
Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Microsoft Corporation
Morgan Stanley
National Financial Services, LLC
Nationwide Financial
New York Life Insurance Co.
Northrop Grumman (ECHO)
Orange County Community Foundation
Patterson Giving Fund
Pershing Advisor Solutions
PNC Wealth Management
Publishing Concepts, Inc.
Raymond James Charitable
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Reynolds American Foundation
Robert W. Baird & Co. Inc.
Salesforce Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
SEI Private Trust Company
Shell Oil Company
Sokol Foundation Inc.
Springfield Foundaton
The American Gift Fund
The Boeing Company
The Dayton Foundation
The Forbes Family Trust
The GE Foundation
The Huntington National Bank
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Thomas Reuters Trust Company of Oklahoma
Union Pacific
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
US Bancorp Investments, Inc.
Vanguard Charitable
Wells Fargo & Company
William D. Felder Family Foundation Willowbrook Wilmington Trust Workiva
have a Donor Advised Fund?
Making a gift from your donor advised fund can be an advantageous way to support the programs, initiatives, and resources that make Delta Tau Delta special.
Please contact the Foundation if you need additional information on making a gift through your donor advised fund.
Who we are
Our Mission is to raise, manage and grant funds for the benefit of the educational and leadership programs of Delta Tau Delta, its chapters, and members... so members fulfill the Delt Creed, live lives of excellence, and thereby have a positive impact on society.
Gifts honoring an individual or group can be a special way to show your admiration, remember a life well lived, or even celebrate an accomplishment. The individuals below made gifts to the Delt Foundation in honor or in memory of someone special to them.
Robert W. Archer in memory of John Vernon Goodin
Mark R. Aschliman in honor of Cam Muth
John Barlow in honor of Tim Reich
Robert E. Bella-Smuts in memory of Keith Barys
James E. Blalock in honor of Nigel Manick
Matthew G. Blount in honor of Stuart Cohen
Philip C. Bolger in honor of Kelly Hereford
Joshua A. Bradley in honor of Louie Feher-Peiker
Joshua A. Bradley in honor of Mo Ibrahim
Joshua A. Bradley in honor of Colin Fialkiewicz
Joshua A. Bradley in honor of Sean O’Halloran
John W. Brodnax in memory of Beverly Brodnax
Robert M. Buchta in honor of John Wombacher
Bruce J. Burton in memory of Hale Walcoff
Anthony G. Calcagno in memory of Thomas S. Sharp
Arthur B. Carden USN (Ret.) in memory of Orelan and David Carden
Brian C. Chase in memory of Dick Barger
Cary Clark in memory of Jim Clark
Kirsten R. Clifford in honor of Anthony Clifford
Kirsten R. Clifford in honor of Jimmy & Tony Clifford
Natalie M. Coffey in honor of Austin Coffey
Clarence W. Cook III in memory of Carl Gossett
Donald W. Crum in memory of Steve Mullenix
Jack L. Culpepper Jr. in memory of Rick Barr
Jack L. Culpepper Jr. in memory of Mark Moore
James Daley in memory of W. Bruce Achenbach
William Dargusch in memory of Mike Dodson
Joshua E. Darichuk in memory of Will Smith
Jerome A. DiGennaro in memory of Paul Dunn
David A. Dirks in memory of Leo Smith
Daniel Dungan in honor of Maurie Phelan
Michelle Ehrlich in honor of Maurie Phelan
Bradley Ehrlich in honor of Maurie Phelan
Eugene V. Farrell Jr. in memory of Peter Tymus
Kenneth A. File in memory of David Nagel
Kenneth A. File in memory of James Hebden
Kenneth A. File in memory of Norval Stephens
James L. Francis USAF (Ret.) in honor of Lawrence Francis
John P. Friedmann in memory of Jonathan Flickinger
Travis M. Gass in honor of Ryder Kimmes
Travis M. Gass in honor of Coley Veitenhans
Kenneth R. Glass CLU in honor of Daniel Madden
John W. Gleeson in honor of Maurie Phelan
Paula Goldberg in honor of Ben Goldberg
Ron Goldwasser in honor of Matthew Goldwasser
Patrick H. Greene in honor of Andrew Krawczyk
Ival Gregory in honor of Logan Holden
Ival Gregory in honor of Rob Shattuck
Ival Gregory in honor of Adam Ryan
Ival Gregory in honor of Mason Morrison
Cathy Hankins in memory of R. Michael Dodson
Jon A. Hartshorn in memory of Dan Castelli
Jeffrey H. Harwell in memory of Dawson Smith
Amber Heberling in honor of Robert Ferguson
David M. Helmus in memory of Norval Stephens
Jeffry L. Henning in memory of William Gauger
Warren M. Hollrah in memory of Brad Naifeh and John Stout
W. James Host in memory of John S Shropshire
Kevin P. Hudson in memory of Bruce Klein
John H. Jameson in memory of David Hobson
Kenneth W. Johnson in memory of Karl Handiman
David C. Julien in memory of Brian Blythe
Charles L. Katzenmeyer in honor of Wayne Sinclair
Jerome R. Kerkman in honor of Thomas Shaw
Jerome R. Kerkman in honor of Jack Ginsberg
Jerome R. Kerkman in honor of Cam Ruth
Jerome R. Kerkman in honor of Brett Hartlaub
Kenneth J. Kies in honor of Maurie Phelan
Todd B. Kotler in memory of Kevin Grieme
Steven A. Kozak in memory of Whitey Kaminski
Michael F. Krady in honor of Bethany College West Virginia
Aaron Kroemer DDS in honor of Pat Peacock
Lawrence A. Krogsdale in memory of William Brauner
David M. Kuntz in memory of James Hart III
Thomas M. Laker in honor of Chris Baumbach
Bradley C. Lentz in honor of Brad Lentz
Daniel L. Lindstrom in honor of Keith Steiner
Richard M. Lowell in memory of Ted Littlefield
Ryan Maisenbacher in memory of R. Michael Dodson
Chad B. Mariska in honor of Chad Mariska
Donald R. May in honor of Greg Manns
George H. McCallum in memory of Michael Deal
Scott C. McKay in memory of Lee Corbitt
Robert J. McWhorter in memory of Robert J Mcworther
Cory A. Medina in memory of Jeffrey Houston
Dorothy Miller in honor of Hunter Miller
Timothy Monaghan in memory of Mike Dodson
Jeffrey C. Moritz in memory of Byron Horn
Josh H. Muller in honor of Greg Budney
Baffour P. Nkrumah-Ababio in honor of Ryan Ring
Nick O’Neal in honor of John Trumble
Nick O’Neal in honor of Chase DeLeon
Keith A. Parker in memory of John “J.B.” Hain
Bruce L. Peterson in memory of Dwight Norman
Tyler M. Phillips in memory of Jarel Settles
William D. Price in honor of Blake Dickson
William D. Price in honor of Zach Strickland
William D. Price in honor of Jackson Noles
Robert Proctor in memory of Jack Gillfillan
Kyla Ranko in honor of Anthony Sansone
Paul P. Raschilla in memory of Phil “Corky” Stevanovic
Christopher Richards in honor of Georgia Richards
John F. Rickerd in memory of Elaine Baddaker-Rickerd
Ryan L. Ring in honor of Drew O’Shaughnessy
Ryan L. Ring in memory of Vic Larson
Robert E. Roush Jr. in memory of Eddie Little
Katharine Schaefer in memory of Richard L Schaefer
Alan Selking in honor of Maurie Phelan
Larry E. Skaer in memory of Jim Clark
Rick C. Smith in memory of Scott Neely
Tiffany K. Spinner in honor of David Nagel
Deborah Spyker in memory of William Spyker
Andrew J. Staebell in memory of John Sutton
Kelly Stava in honor of Parker Stava
Keith J. Steiner in honor of Maurie Phelan
Willard B. Stubbs in memory of Bruce Burnham
Jake R. Tucker in honor of Patrick Greene
Martin J. Tuohy in memory of Brad Clouse
Martin J. Tuohy in memory of John Dimos
Michael J. Underkofler in memory of Luke Kearney
Steve K. Vedra in memory of Bette Jo Traggiai
Steve K. Vedra in honor of Maurie Phelan
Steve K. Vedra in honor of Dominic Grossa
Anthony E. Vukusich Jr. in honor of Nick Pidgeon
Mary Ann Walker in honor of Sean Walker
David M. Weintraub in honor of Irwin Hamil
Mark J. Wenger in honor of J. P. Furman
Mark J. Wenger in honor of Addison Smith
L. Gale Wilkerson in memory of David Neal Keller
Keith E. Wilson in honor of Daniel Pocase
James C. Wisbrock in honor of Christopher Brothers
Alexander J. Wolf in memory of Thomas Wolf
Make a tribute gift today at