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thÉ truth will not be fictionalized

“ There is no substi

just and lasting p “Gaza crisis: Israel

intensifies aerial attack.” — bbc news

“The combin

itute for a “Four More Top Terrorists

peace.” — hilary clinton

Eliminated.” — israel international

ned death toll reached 30.” — PBS

“ Out of 1000 wounded in #Gaza, 97% were civilians /97%/ That’s not a massive accuracy failure, that was their intention. #Terrorism” — @ RT news

nuclear / iran / extremism / condemn /

/ terrorism / exclusive / region / attac

revive / over / middle east / syria / o / military /militia / community / price

training / lies / reality / maintain / bo

care / 9.11 / election / democracy / occ

/ liberation / activism / trust / sour

escape / document / broadcast / twee identify / fraud / feel / local / deal

/ help / pass / proposition / fund / hav

raise / clash / china / money / investig combat / arrest / fees / attempt / mur

/ accurate / original / crime / histo appear / examine / execute / mission /

/ human rights / issues / top / candidat

scandal / hypocrisy / legitimate / con

energy / decisions / opportunities / sp

industry / media / bin laden / space / w / headlines / sympathy / state / direct

/ selective / highlight / recover / toge

/ on / object / price / hope / peace / of

ck / network / economy / relationship

oil / the / free / protest / truth / fire / domestic / strength / build / vision

omb / education / women / society / on

cupation / protest / poverty / politics

rces / globalization / fire / armed /

et / report / president / meeting / no / / land / but / rolls / poll / campaign

ve / measure / think / contribute / go /

gation / guilty / virtual / anonymous der / said / brutal / demand / incident

ory / deal / protection / collision / stop / establish / leadership / world

te / defense / jobs / technology / why

nservative / convention / fight / war

peech / entertainment / fair / dream /

words / writing / religion / journalist / WWII / seek / fear / impact / conceal

ether / information / science / justice


“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.


/The truth does not come from authority. /Repetition is not rewarded. /Intelligence is to remember, not repeat. /Conformity is not an option. /You are socially and intellectually needed.



all content is useful



from page one


the Brand History / british pathÉ back-story Time line revolutionizing the brand the old / new brand grid


from british pathÉ into thÉ news


the structure under a magnifying glass measurements and specifications the structure


all content is useful


the focus united we stand our identity the way we envision the future


01 from page one the Brand History / british pathÉ back-story Time line revolutionizing the brand the new / old Brand Grid

from page one


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal

back-story report


Charles Pathé the founder of british Pathé pioneered the development of the moving image. later in 1902, he founded british Pathé in london.

One of the oldest media companies in the

Pathé News is a large archive of historical as

world, British Pathé dates back to 1890 Paris

well as entertainment documentations of the

where its founder, Charles Pathé, pioneered the

past. British Pathé was one of the few resources

development of the moving image. Pathé was

that provided news in different formats such

established in London in 1902, and by 1910

as cinemazines, newsreels, and animated

the weekly newsreel the Pathé Gazette. The

gazettes. Pathé News continued until 1980, and

newsreels were shown in the cinema and in the

the library is now part of Gaumont-Pathé.

early days they were silent. After the First World War British Pathé started producing various cinemagazines as well in which newsreels were much longer and more comprehensive. After 1928 sound was introduced. By 1930 they were producing the

year 1902 founder charles pathé location london development year 1930 extensions The gazette / pathetone weekly / the Pathé Pictorial / eve’s film review

Gazette, the Pathetone Weekly, the Pathé

company categories culture

Pictorial and Eve’s Film Review, covering

/ entertainment news / sports

entertainment, culture, news, sports and

/ women’s issues / fashion / history / war / revolution

women’s issues.

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from page one

company time line





British Pathé was established in

The company started producing a series

In 1931 and after the birth of a new

London in 1902 by Charles Pathé.

of cinemagazines in which the newsreels

competitor, the television, British Pathé

In 1908, Pathé had invented the

were longer and more comprehensive.

was sold to RKO Radio Pictures, then was

newsreel that was shown in theaters

By 1930 British Pathé had already been

purchased by Warner Brothers.

prior to a feature film; those films were

covering news, entertainment, women

silent, they ran for almost 4 minutes and

issues and other engaging categories.

were produced biweekly. By 1910 it has opened its first building on Wardour Street in London.


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal




Media continued to develop and the

In 1970 Pathé newsreels were

Over its 80 years, British Pathé

competition became more aggressive.

discontinued completely as it could no

accumulated over 3,500 hours of

Warner Bros sold the Pathé archive /

longer compete with television.

filmed history. 90,000 news items

library to Studio Films.

and 12 million stills.

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“there are no secrets just hidden truths hiding beneath the surface.

— michael c. hall

name it, we were present.


from page one

brand rise


informative factual



British PathĂŠ was the only one of its kind at the time. Becoming the leader of newsreels in a significantly eventful era gave the company a big advantage.


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal

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from page one

brand collapse


cluttered common


no focus

The birth of new media mediums such as the television affected the company’s momentum as it can no longer compete with the fast pace of technology at the time.


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal

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from page one

brand transformation

accurate reliable



Rearranging the company’s direction, using its rich comprehensive archives to build a focused organization that helps society identify the truth and share it safely.


the truth will not be fictionalized


identity journal

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the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal


the metamorphosis / thé news takes over british pathé

turning it from British Pathé to Thé News making it a global company that circulates the news from different sources.

Pathé news One of the oldest media companies in the world.

Thé News takes you behind locked doors,

The first step in the brand’s transformation is

focuses on the details and extinguishes trivial

changing the name. British Pathé, the former

news. The name Thé News was derived from

name traps the brand in an orthodox limited

Pathé News, the main newsreel extension

spectrum. Changing the name and image of

of British Pathé . The letters /P &A/ were

the company and turning it from British Pathé

eliminated to leave you with Thé News, an

to Thé News making it a global company that

organization that highlights what you desire.

circulates the news from different sources. Thé News builds bridges of information around the world and beyond the traditional news.

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from page one



ThĂŠ News highlights / facts and distorted facts


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal


putting on a different lens /

The organization highlights what it believes is important and extracts from the redundant news presented around you to highlight its faults.

Between facts and reality, ThĂŠ News places

The organization highlights what it believes

itself right in the middle. We do not claim we

is important and extracts from the redundant

know the truth, but we offer the full experience

news presented around you to highlight its

for you to find and form your own opinion. In

faults without bias or influencing your opinion,

a world where technology exists everywhere

but providing you with facts.

around us, there is a lot of unnecessary and even distorted information that we make sure we eliminate. Demonstrating facts supported with documents and reports from different multilingual sources. .

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we were/

The former British Pathé lost its focus and haven’t managed to use its knowledge wealth and improve and keep up with the media’s ongoing advancement.


The style went old. People shifted their attention to newer technologies.

Too many options and unbalanced spirit.

Casual without keeping pace with innovation.


we are/

ThĂŠ News is focused, well balanced, taking it up a few notches to reduce the noise of the media and become the source of reliable information.


Solid logical options to help the

Formal and current to stay in the zone

Casual without keeping pace

community select and form their own

of innovation.

with technology.



02 from british pathÉ into thÉ news introducing the marks the structure under a magnifying glass measurements and specifications palette and typography

from british pathÉ into thÉ news

revolutionizing the mark


the organization that highlights what you need to know, examines topics concerning the world and unveils its fractions to you.

Introducing a new symbol that represents

The logo reinforces the organization’s notion

things placed under a magnifying glass. Our

of examining different topics that concern

mission is to examine topics closely and present our findings to you, and you form your opinion. The old British Pathé is a multimedia resource with over 3500 hours of newsreel footage. Transforming it to Thé News—seeing that the organization witnessed and documented significant events throughout history it transformed itself into the organization that highlights what you need to know, topics concerning the world and unveils its fractions to you. Thé News is based on revealing, releasing, publicizing and displaying. The three new logos emphasize on underlining transformation. The first stresses on the accent mark over the E in Thé News, and also placed in a box represents fractions put under the spot light and examined closely through a magnifying glass, hence the box.


the truth will not be fictionalized

society, where any word that is put after Thé is interchangeable, and is meant to be analyzed. Later, the logo is simplified to the symbol and the interchangeable word placed after it, in this case, news. The logo reaches its final form and that is the symbol alone; the fraction and accent mark being explored. Where ever the mark is placed becomes the analyzed subject. The evolution of each step of the mark does not dismiss the previous logo. All brand anticipates a period where the symbol becomes known as the symbol of truth as part of the future.

identity journal


introduced in 2015

introduced in 2018

introduced in 2020

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The first logo introduced in 2015 includes a logo mark and a logotype establishing the new direction of the organization. / ThĂŠ/ represents the brand and /News/ is interchangeable.


in 2018 The second transformation of the logo reinforces the fundamentals of the organization, which is stripping reality from everything that is unnecessary. The symbol becomes the representation of /ThĂŠ/ and / News/ remains interchangeable.






from british pathÉ into thÉ news


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal


The logotype in Thé News’ mark is interchangeable. Which makes any topic that falls in that spot examined, and analyzed in detail by the organization.

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from british pathÉ into thÉ news

the mark structure /

The mark developed is sharp mimicking the sharpness of reality, while still being centered, being the mean and soul of society and one of the most important section of it.

The measurements of the logo are based on the mark. Precise, bold, steady and confident, the mark is to reassure society that the organization is doing everything in its power—which is the power of the people to find the truth, the reality of the world and report it. The mark developed is sharp mimicking the sharpness of reality, while still being centered, being the mean and soul of society and one of the most important section of it. The mark developed from the accent mark on the E in Thé in Thé News. Turning the accent mark into the symbol of truth, examining and reporting everything that existed in the past and continue to report in the present as the new base of the organization.


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal









Calculations of the logo measurements are precisely based on the width of the box in the symbol of Thé News representing X.

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from british pathÉ into thÉ news







Calculations of the logo measurements are precisely based on the width of the box in the symbol of Thé News representing X.


identity journal





Calculations of the logo measurements are precisely based on the width of the box in the symbol of ThĂŠ News representing X.


from british pathÉ into thÉ news

when, where, how / correct use of logo mark /


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal


wrong use of logo mark /

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from british pathÉ into thÉ news

correct use of logo mark /


identity journal

wrong use of logo mark /


from british pathÉ into thÉ news

correct use of logo mark /


identity journal

wrong use of logo mark /


from british pathÉ into thÉ news

primary colors /

orange IS orange


R 242 / G 100 / B 34

l 30 / A 68 / B -97

L 61 / A 53 / B 61

CMYK 100 / 90 / 10 / 0

CMYK 0 / 76 / 100 / 0

hex 0019E5

R 37 / G 64 / B 143

HEX FF6900

secondary colors /

black is black dark gray is dark gray R 0/ G 0/B 0 L0/ A 0/B 0 CMYK 0 / 0 / 0 / 100 HEX 000000


R 51 / G 51 / B 51 L 21 / A 0 / B 0 CMYK 0 / 0 / 0 / 80 HEX 333333

light gray is light gray

white is white

R 163 / G 163 / B 163

L 100 / A 0 / B 0

L 67 / A 0 / B 0

CMYK 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

CMYK 0 / 0 / 0 / 36



the truth will not be fictionalized

R 255 / G 255 / B 255

identity journal


our spot on colors /

All six colors used are located opposite to one another on the color wheel. The color tone captures the bipolarity of different sources of information.

Contrasting bright and dark colors that are used as highlighters. The color scheme is memorable and serious. All six colors used are located opposite to one another on the color wheel. The color tone captures the bipolarity of different sources of information. The primary colors emphasize on critical information; they evoke the feeling of danger and different possibilities. The secondary colors emphasize on purity and provide reassurance and certainty. colors orange / navy blue / black / light gray / gray / white essence danger / memory / purity / reassurance / certainty / opposite

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from british pathÉ into thÉ news

displayed typefaces /

“It’s the lies that undo us.” abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz for titles / univers std 57 condensed

“It’s the lies we think we need to survive.” abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz for headlines, quotes and side descriptions / gotham medium and book

“when is the last time you told the truth?” abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz for body text / Serifa light and roman

“ when’s the l ast time you heard it? ” abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz for folio / subheads chronicle displ ay condensed


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal


typographic choices /

The typefaces were chosen for the organization to distinguish itself from the mundane monotone voice of the daily sources of information.

The typefaces were chosen to work together with the colors and characterize the soul of the organization and to distinguish itself from the mundane monotone voice of the daily sources of information, specifically news. The use of four different typefaces from different families that work together as a system. Univers condensed is bold and elegant for titles to catch the eye of the reader, professional yet still communicative, confident yet still approachable. Gotham with an easy to read form is meant to give you a sense of familiarity, an honest assertive tone but never imposing, friendly but never folksy, confident but never aloof. For body text the use of Serifa; rich with style but also highly functional, readable and blends in with the rest of the organization’s typographic palette. Serifa was designed and chosen to thrive under the most unfavorable conditions.

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03 all content is useful the focus united we stand our identity the way we envision the future

all content is useful

the focus /



the socialist/

the journalist/

Bill wants information to be accessible

Kamal migrated to the U.S. from

to everyone. He travels a lot to observe

Palestine with his family. He’s political

how people live and in search of truth,

analyst and films videos and posts them

and he’s a conspiracy theorist on the go.

online. In college, he formed a leftist

He enjoys listening to the radio every

group to end war, also he reported the

morning on his way to work.

occupy movement. An important figure in social networks.


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal




the holocaust surviver/

the stay-at-home mom/

Eliat is an archivist who still reads the

Mary is a high school drop out, she’s

newspaper the traditional way.

married with kids and homeschooling her

Doesn’t have access to the Internet

children. When she’s not helping her kids

sends postcards to his grandchildren.

with homework she’s watching TV which

His memory is fading. He owns a

has only basic channels like Fox News.

TV but never uses it and he was a

On a limited budget and lives in a small

photographer in the 1940’s.

town in Georgia.

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all content is useful

the focus /



the undercover agent/

the celebrity activist/

Neil is an undercover CIA agent who

Mona donates money every now and

was sent to Iraq with a team to figure

then to political campaigns. She travels

out Saddam’s case. He later went back to

a lot and finds about news through her

the U.S. and worked as a political figure.

twitter feeds. She likes hot exclusive

He’s always searching, and his work

Wikileaks news and a magazine collector.

needs a lot of confidentiality. Any news,

She’s interviewed and questioned often.

is important news to him.


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal



the teenage blogger/

the librarian/

Raya spends most of her time on the

Steve never misses a documentary. He

internet. Between watching documentaries

reads news from multiple sources and

and ordinary Youtube videos. Out of touch

has a son in the military. He lived his

with the outside world.

childhood through WWII and prefers books over TV, but his eye sight is deteriorating. The neighborhood he lives believe he’s a history and politics enthusiast.

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all content is useful

united we stand /

an organization that offers educational services, activism, societal contribution in conveying non-popular opinions and more.

ThÊ News branches out from a company that covered media in one direction through a media archive to an organization that offers education, activism, societal contribution in bringing out non-popular opinions that don’t succeed in making it to the real world due to the selected corporations that own the media, therefore own the majority of the popular opinion. The organization also offers services to motivate society to get involved in voicing out opinions and facts in contrast with reality. Other services such as safety to protect the identity of the contributers in case being criticized by authority. We keep you connected.


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal


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all content is useful

our identity /

our identity is used to contact the highly trusted network when reporting information.

The organization is based on communication and building a network of trust. Linking the past to the present and continue the network to the future. Our identity is used to contact the highly trusted network when reporting information.


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal


V. Allen 2471 Main Street USA

Thé News XXXX St. Anywhere around you

Dear Reporter, This is an open invitation from our organization to welcome you to report whichever event you witness, and what ever happens around you. We trust your judgment but wouldn’t you like the world to remain informed? Share documents, videos, or anything you think is valid. Your safety is important to us. The organization will look at it and publish it anonymously.

Sincerely, Thé News

Thé News XXXX St. Around you

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all content is useful

we keep you connected / extending across the media horizon

online presence: /media archive

we were british pathĂŠ


the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal


digital activism:




/microblogging websites

/social network


off-site education:



/media archive

/educational hub

/unfiltered search engine

/information hub

/ truth detecting apps

/video sharing web



/history tours


/thought provoking

/television & cable




security services:

/protests against

/identity disclosure

news corporations

/protection from government




limited access / private / exclusive




available / public / unlimited


Analog / tangible

now, we are thĂŠ news

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the truth will not be fictionalized

identity journal

open space discussions/ Spaces offered to share insightful, mind stimulating discussions, in a non-traditional setting. Without a curriculum, topics are discussed based on recent events and vary from history to politics.

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all content is useful


identity journal

your safety is ours/ the organization cares about your safety too. You keep continue circulating the useful information you know, and we handle authority. Telling the truth and getting involved comes with many risks, and we make sure we eliminate them too.


all content is useful


branding journal

broadcasting reality / To keep you connected the organization collaborates with reporters you trust to report from around the world and from exclusive locations. The broadcasts are on highly secure frequencies to assure the reporter’s safety.


all content is useful


identity journal

truth detector apps / sharing is an essential part of the organization. Offering secure Apps as a medium for society to exchange information and stay informed.



“in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.



nuclear / iran / extremism / condemn /

/ terrorism / exclusive / region / attac

revive / over / middle east / syria / o / military /militia / community / price

training / lies / report / maintain / bo

care / 9.11 / election / democracy / occ

/ liberation / activism / trust / sour

escape / document / broadcast / twee identify / fraud / feel / local / deal

/ help / pass / proposition / fund / hav

raise / clash / china / money / investig combat / arrest / fees / attempt / mur

/ accurate / original / crime / histo appear / examine / execute / mission /

/ human rights / issues / top / candidat

scandal / hypocrisy / legitimate / con

energy / decisions / opportunities / sp

industry / media / bin laden / space / w / headlines / sympathy / state / direct

/ selective / highlight / recover / toge

/ on / object / price / hope / peace / of

ck / network / economy / relationship

oil / the / free / protest / truth / fire / domestic / strength / build / vision

omb / education / women / society / on

cupation / protest / poverty / politics

rces / globalization / fire / armed /

et / reality / president / meeting / no / / land / but / rolls / poll / campaign

ve / measure / think / contribute / go /

gation / guilty / virtual / anonymous der / said / brutal / demand / incident

ory / deal / protection / collision / stop / establish / leadership / world

te / defense / jobs / technology / why

nservative / convention / fight / war

peech / entertainment / fair / dream /

words / writing / religion / journalist / WWII / seek / fear / impact / conceal

ether / information / science / justice

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