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E-Mail: Bibliotheksausstattung@ekz.de Telefon: + 49 7121 144-420 Kostenlose Bestellhotline: 0800 359 359 3 Fax: + 49 7121 144-478 ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH Bibliotheksausstattung Bismarckstraße 3 72764 Reutlingen
info@ekz.at + 43 662 844699-11 Fax: + 43 662 844699-19 ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH Niederlassung Österreich Schumacherstr. 14 5020 Salzburg
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ONLINE www.demco.de EMAIL Deutschland: Bibliotheksausstattung@ekz.de | Österreich: info@ekz.at TELEFON Deutschland: + 49 7121 144-420 | Kostenlose Bestellhotline: 0800 359 359 3 | Österreich: + 43 662 844699-11 FAX Deutschland: + 49 7121 144-478 | Österreich: + 43 662 844699-19 POST
Deutschland: ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH, Bibliotheksausstattung, Bismarckstraße 3, 72764 Reutlingen Österreich: ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH, Niederlassung Österreich, Schumacherstraße 14, 5020 Salzburg
Deutschland: Sie erreichen uns Montag bis Freitag von 8:00 bis 18:00 Uhr. Österreich: Sie erreichen uns Montag bis Donnerstag von 8:00 bis 16:30 Uhr und Freitag von 8:00 bis 12:00 Uhr.
INDEX A Acryl-Buchständer................................. 32
Holz-Bücherwagen.................................. 181-185 Metall-Bücherwagen............................... 174-182
Büroeinrichtung............................ 116-140 Bürodrehstühle....................................... 125-126 Computertische...................................... 142-145 Konferenztische....................127, 131, 137 -148
I Ideenkästen......................................... 244 Ipad-Halter ������������������������������������������� 56
Adaptaroll............................................... 9 Akustikmöbel................................ 104-105
Schreibtische.......................................... 136-140
Barcode-Etiketten.................................. 19 Beschilderung................................... 52-56 Bomefa-Regal...............................167-168 Boreal-Regal................................. 170-171 Buchdoktor ........................................... 18 Bucheinbände..................................... 4-12 Bucheinbandroller................................. 13 Buchrückgabesysteme..................186-189 Buchschutzecken............................... 17-18 Buchständer..................................... 31-41 Buchstützen...................................... 42-44 Büchereizubehör 3M TM RFID-Sicherheitsetiketten ��������������28-29 Bücherkörbe................................................... 245 Bücherwagen.......................................... 174-189 Buchpräsentation........................................31-44 Buchreparatur ��������������������������������������������13-18 Buchrückgabekisten............................... 186-189 Einlegetaschen................................................. 26 Etiketten........................................................... 19
Bücherkisten................................209-221 Bücherwagen
C Cantilibra-Regal............................163-165 CD/DVD Alben...................................................... 236-237 Schutzspray ��������������������������������������������������� 236
Circextender...........................................11 Clearfix.................................................... 9 Commando Einband................................11 Kinderecke
Bücherkisten.......................................... 209-226 Einrichtung............................................. 202-228 Sitzgelegenheiten ���������������������������������� 202-207 Spielteppiche......................................... 229-233 Stühle..................................................... 205-207 Tische............................................................. 208
Draht-Buchständer................................ 33 Drehturm.......................................... 59-62 Drucker, 3D..................................159-160
Klebebänder..................................... 13-17
Easy Bind Tyvek .................................... 17 Elektro-Knete...................................... 157 Empfangseinrichtung Sitz-Module.............................................105-115 Stühle......................................................116-124 Theken.................................................... 148-150
Etikettierung Barcode-Etiketten.......................................22-23 Etikettenschützer.........................................20-21 Sicherheitsetiketten.......................................... 29
L Lammellenwände Regalzubehör �����������������������������������������100-101
M Makerspace ................................156-160
F Filmolux®................................................. 7 Filmomatt®.............................................. 8 Filmoplast® �������������������������������������� 16-17 Foldon Economy .....................................11
G Gaming.........................................151-154 Gruppenarbeitstische...................127-134
MAR-LINE-Präsentation................... 61-62 Medienpräsentation....................... 31-101 Mediensicherung ............................. 28-29 Mika-Regal.......................................... 162 Modus-Regal....................................... 178
Opac-Plätze......................................... 145 Ordner.........................................234-235
P Präsentation für: Bücher............................................31-47 , 58-71 Handzettel/Broschüren...............................35, 73 Magazine.....................................................72-94 Zeitungen....................................................95-96
Stühle......................................................116-126 Tische..................................................... 127-134
Scotch Klebebandspender..................... 14 Scotch 845 Buchklebeband................... 14 Scotch P-56 .......................................... 15 Sitzsäcke......................................192-196 Sofas.................................... 204, 112-115 Studientische1..............................130-134 Stühle
Bomefa................................................... 168-169 Boreal..................................................... 170-171 Cantilibra ...............................................163-165 Mika................................................................162 Modus.................................................... 166-167
Reparaturband...................................... 17
V Vistaflex.................................................. 6 Vistafoil................................................ 4-6
Arbeitsstühle.......................................... 122-125 Bürodrehstühle....................................... 125-126 Kinderstühle........................................... 205-207
R Regaletiketthalter.................................. 44 Regalsysteme
Tritthocker........................................... 238 Trittleiter............................................. 239 Tyvek Reparaturband............................. 16
T Teppiche.......................................229-233 Tische.................................. 208, 127-141 Kindertische................................................... 208 Konferenztische...................................... 127-137 Schreibtische............................................ 136-40
S Schlüsselschränke................................ 245 Schreibtische................................127-140
Vistafoil Soft............................................ 6 Vistatape................................................. 8
Z Zeitschriftenhüllen........................234-235 Zeitschriftenständer......................... 72-95 Zeitungsständer................................ 95-96
Gruppenarbeitstische............................. 127-134 Höhenverstellbare Schreibtische.................... 136
ONLINE www.demco.de EMAIL Deutschland: Bibliotheksausstattung@ekz.de | Österreich: info@ekz.at TELEFON Deutschland: + 49 7121 144-420 | Kostenlose Bestellhotline: 0800 359 359 3 | Österreich: + 43 662 844699-11 FAX Deutschland: + 49 7121 144-478 | Österreich: + 43 662 844699-19 POST
Deutschland: ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH, Bibliotheksausstattung, Bismarckstraße 3, 72764 Reutlingen Österreich: ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH, Niederlassung Österreich, Schumacherstraße 14, 5020 Salzburg
Deutschland: Sie erreichen uns Montag bis Freitag von 8:00 bis 18:00 Uhr. Österreich: Sie erreichen uns Montag bis Donnerstag von 8:00 bis 16:30 Uhr und Freitag von 8:00 bis 12:00 Uhr.
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• Lieferung Die Standardlieferzeit beträgt bei Waren, die auf Lager gehalten werden, 6 Werktage, abhängig von deren Verfügbarkeit. Über Lieferzeiten bei Sonderbestellungen und Spezialanfertigungen wird bei dem jeweiligen Produkt hingewiesen. Die Lieferkosten innerhalb von Deutschland betragen: 4 € für Bestellungen von 30 € bis 80 € 8 € für Bestellungen von 80,01 € bis 150 € 15 € für Bestellungen ab 150,01 € Der Mindestbestellwert beträgt 30 €. Alle Lieferzeitangaben sind unverbindlich. Demco haftet nicht für Verzögerungen in der Lieferung von Waren. Lieferzeiten können sich in den Monaten Juli bis September verlängern. Produkte werden nur montiert oder teilmontiert geliefert, wenn darauf ausdrücklich bei dem jeweiligen Produkt hingewiesen wird.
– Mindestpauschale: 5,90 EUR
• Aktualität und Qualität
– Bis 250 EUR Warenwert ohne USt.: + 6 %
Alle Artikel werden dem jetzigen Stand der technischen Entwicklung entsprechend abgebildet und angeboten. Alle Abbildungen sind beispielhaft und unverbindlich. Technische Änderungen behalten wir uns vor. Aus drucktechnischen Gründen können die abgebildeten Farben vom Originalprodukt abweichen – die Haftung für Druckfehler ist ausgeschlossen
– Von 250 EUR bis 500 EUR Warenwert ohne USt.: + 4 % – Über 500 EUR Warenwert ohne USt.: Lieferung frei Haus Die Lieferungen in Deutschland und Österreich erfolgen per Paketdienst oder Spedition. Für Lieferungen in andere Länder berechnen wir die Versandkosten nach dem jeweiligen Aufwand. • Transportschaden Prüfen Sie die Ware beim Eingang auf sichtbare Verpackungsbeschädigungen. Lassen Sie sich diese vom Auslieferer schriftlich auf dem Frachtbrief bestätigen und melden Sie uns den Schaden umgehend. • Umtausch/Rückgabe Umtausch und Rückgabe von gelieferten Waren ist nur nach vorheriger Absprache und ausdrücklicher Zustimmung von uns möglich. Die Ware ist in Originalverpackung frei Haus an die von uns angegebene Adresse zu versenden. Für Rücksendungen ist der Versender verantwortlich. Unfreie Sendungen werden von uns nicht angenommen.
2 Wochen
Lieferzeit in Wochen Selbstmontage erforderlich. Kontaktieren Sie unser Team Bibliotheksausstattung für weitere Informationen. Demco- Zufriedenheitsgarantie trifft nicht zu auf Artikel, die mit diesem Symbol versehen sind.
• Zertifikate Wir wissen, wie Bibliotheken arbeiten – zahlreiche Patente, Gebrauchs-und Geschmacksmuster zeigen unsere Kompetenz. Strenge Qualitätsmaßstäbe sind Voraussetzungen für den hohen Standard unserer Produkte. Deshalb haben wir unser Qualitätsmanagementsystem im Bereich Bibliothekausstattung nach der DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 von der DQS GmbH zertifizieren lassen.
Farbpaletten Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie bei der Bestellung die korrekte Farbpalette mit entsprechender Nummer angeben. Sie finden einen Hinweis auf die Farbpaletten bei der jeweiligen Produktbeschreibung.
YS071 YS047
Main Line Plus
YS077 YS071
YS097 YS096YS071 YS082* YS097YS0 YS096 YS077YS047 YS047
67% Schurwolle, 33% schwerentflammbare Viskose. Gewicht 425g/m2. Scheuerfestigkeit 75,000. Feuersicherung: BS EN 1021-1&2 Zigarettentest & Streichholztest. BS 7176 Low Hazard. BS 7176 Medium Hazard Crib 5.
YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS08 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096YS071 YS071 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS047 YS0 YS096 YS096 YS071 YS097 YS097 YS077 YS077 YS077 YS047 YS077 YS082* YS082* YS096 YS030 YS030 YS097 YS084* YS084* YS082* YS030 YS069 YS102*YS069 YS101*YS102* YS079*YS101* YS027YS079* YS108* YS027 YS069 YS102* YS069 YS10 Laubgrün IF084
Wasserblau IF141
Tinte IF129
Marineblau IF111
Xtreme Plus Xtreme Plus
Purpurviolett IF128
Dunkelviolett IF147
Dunkelmagenta IF148
Signalrot IF011
Xtreme PlusXtreme Plus
YS047 YS071 YS077 Y YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS077 Xtreme YS097 YS082* YS084* YS047 YS047 YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS030 YS030 YS084* YS084 047 Yb YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS071 YS097 YS097 YS077 YS082* YS082* YS096 YS030 YS097 YS084* YS082* YS Plus isYS096 a YS047 hard-wearing, crepe fabric with a soft feel that can be wiped clean with damp Flammability: Xtreme Plus is a YS047 hard-wearing, crepe fabric with aYS030 soft feela that can be wiped cleancrepe with aYS084* damp cloth. Flammability: Xtreme Plus iscloth. aYS030 hard-wearing, Xtreme fabric Pluswith is aahard-wearing, soft feel that can crepe YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS10 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 01* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS069 YS102* YS0 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS08 YS047 YS071 YS047 YS077 YS071 YS101* YS101* YS069 YS079* YS079* YS102* YS027 YS027 YS101* YS108* YS108* YS079* YS166 YS166 YS027 YS091 YS091 YS108* YS166 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS071YS102* YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS0 YS047 YS071 YS047 YS077 YS071 YS096 YS077 YS097 YS096 YS082* YS097 YS03 BS EN1021-1:2006 (cigarette). BS EN 1021-2:2006 (match). BS 7176:2007 Medium hazard. Ignition Source 5. Abrasion Resistance: BS EN1021-1:2006 (cigarette). BS EN 1021-2:2006 (match). BS 7176:2007 Medium hazard. Ignition Source 5. Abrasion BS EN1021-1:2006 (cigarette). BS BS EN EN1021-1:2006 1021-2:2006 (match). (cigarette). BS BS 7176: EN 7176 YS047YS005YS081 YS071 YS077 YS047 YS071 YS081 YS016 YS081 YS005 YS016 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS072* YS076* YS016 YS081 YS0R 100,000 cycles. Weinrot IF042
Purpurrot IF046
100,000 cycles.
Himbeerrot IF116
Feuerrot IF120
Beigerot IF142
100,000 cycles.
Blei IF058
Xtreme Plus YS097 Xtreme Plus Plus Xtreme YS047 YS047 YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS097 Omega Plus
100,000 cycles.
Anthrazit IF000
Schwarz IF059
YS082* YS030 YS030 Plus is a hard-wearing, crepe fabric withwith a soft feelYS082* that canFlammability: be wiped clean with a damp clot Xtreme Plus is a hard-wearing, crepe fabric with a soft feela that can be wiped clean a damp cloth. pe fabric with soft feel that can be clean with a feel damp cloth. Flammability: e wiped clean awiped damp cloth. Flammability: soft Xtreme feel feelthat Plus that can can isawith abe be hard-wearing, wiped clean clean with crepe with awiped adamp fabric damp cloth. with cloth. a Flammability: soft Flammability: that canXtreme be wiped clean with damp cloth. Flammability: oft YS069 YS102* YS101* YS YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS069 YS069 YS102* YS102* YS101* YS101* YS079* YS079* YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* S047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS102* YS102* YS101* YS101* YS069 YS079* YS079* YS102* YS027 YS027 YS101* YS108* YS108* YS079* YS166 YS166 YS027 YS091 YS091 YS108* YS S077 077 YS047 YS096 YS096 YS071 YS097 YS097 YS077 YS082* YS082* YS096 YS030 YS030 YS097 YS084* YS084* YS082* YS030 YS084 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS082* YS030 YS084* 30 YS084* S096 YS030 YS030 YS097 YS084* YS084* YS082* YS030 YS084* BS EN1021-1:2006 (cigarette). BS EN 1021-2:2006 (match). BS 7176:2007 Medium hazard. Ignition BS EN1021-1:2006 (cigarette). BS EN 1021-2:2006 (match). BS 7176:2007 Medium hazard. Ignition Source 5. Abrasion Resistance: :2007 EN 1021-2:2006 (match). BS 7176:2007 Medium hazard. Ignition Source 5. Abrasion Resistance: 2007 Medium hazard. Ignition Source 5. Abrasion Resistance: match). BS (match). EN1021-1:2006 BS BS7176:2007 7176:2007 (cigarette). Medium Medium hazard. hazard. EN 1021-2:2006 Ignition Ignition Source Source (match). 5. 5. Abrasion Abrasion BS 7176:2007 Resistance: Resistance: Medium hazard. Ignition Source 5. Abrasion Resistance: BS YS047 YS0 YS047 YS071 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS0 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* 100% Polyester. Gewicht 310 g/m2. Scheuerfestigkeit 100,000. Feuersicherung: BS 7176: 2007 Low Hazard. BS 7176: 2007 YS Mauve Tobago Mauve Appledore Windjammer Bluebell Scuba Tarot Appledore Windjammer Bluebell Scuba Tarot YS047 YS071 YS047 YS071 YS047 YS077 YS071 YS096 YS077 YS097 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS08 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS10 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* 05 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS069 YS102* YS069 YS101* YS102* YS047 YS047 YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS047 YS096 YS096 YS071 YS097 YS097 YS077 YS082* YS082* YS096 YS081 YS016 YS0 YS173 YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS173 7 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS047 YS071 YS047 YS077 YS071 YS096 YS077 YS097 YS096 YS082* YS097 YS Appledore Appledore Windjammer Bluebell WY Madura Madura Madura Madura YS1 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS005 YS086 YS086 YS072* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS069 YS102* YS069 YS101* YS102* YS079* YS101* YS027 YS079* YS108* YS027 YS16 YS173 YS173 S071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS08 YS047 YS071 YS047 YS077 YS071 YS096 YS077 YS097 YS096 100,000 cycles. 100,000 cycles. YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS0 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS069 YS102* YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084 YS047 YS071 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* 071 S071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS082* YS082* YS030 YS030 YS030 YS030 YS084* YS084* YS084* YS084* 047 YS047 YS047 YS071 YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS082* YS030 YS030 YS030 YS084* YS08 100,000 cycles. YS030 YS069 YS069 YS077 YS047 YS097 YS082 YS084 YS077 YS047 YS097 YS082 YS084 YS077 YS077 YS047 YS097 YS156 YS156 Medium Hazard. BS 5852:2006 Ignition Source 5.YS156 BS EN 1021-1&2 Zigarettentest & Streichholztest YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS047 YS071 YS047 YS077 YS071 YS096 YSYY YS047 YS047 YS047 YS047 YS071 YS071 YS071 YS047 YS071 YS047 YS047 YS077 YS047 YS077 YS077 YS071 YS077 YS071 YS071 YS096 YS071 YS096 YS096 YS077 YS096 YS077 YS077 YS097 YS077 YS097 YS097 YS096 YS097 YS096 YS096 YS082* YS09 YS156 YS156 YS156 YS168 YS156 YS0
e Plus Plus me
hard-wearing, a hard-wearing, crepe crepe fabric fabric with with a soft a soft feel feel that that can can bebe wiped wiped clean clean with with a damp a damp cloth. cloth. Flammability: Flammability: YS069 YS069YS082* YS102* YS102*YS030 YS101* YS101* YS079* YS079* 5. YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS030 YS030 YS084* YS084* YS097 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS084* Abrasion Abrasion Resistance: Resistance: 2006 06 006 (cigarette). (cigarette). BS BS EN EN 1021-2:2006 1021-2:2006 (match). (match). BS BS 7176:2007 7176:2007 Medium Medium hazard. hazard. Ignition Ignition Source Source 5. YS047 YS071 YS077 Y YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* Grün Purpurviolett Bordeauxviolett Orange Rot Himbeerrot Violett Apfelgrün YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* Mauve Appledore Windjammer Bluebell Scuba Mauve Tobago Appledore Windjammer Bluebell Scuba Tarot Madura YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 S047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS082* YS030 YS084* YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS047 YS047 YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS097 YS09 YS081 YS016 YS005 YSY YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* S069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 Jamaica Panama YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* Diablo Lobster Nougat Havana Panama Diablo Lobster Nougat Havana Solano Solano Tobago Mauve Scuba Tarot Windjammer Bluebell Tobago Mauve Scuba Tarot Madura YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS047 YS096 YS096 YS071 YS097 YS097 YS077 YS082* YS082* YS096 YS030 YS030 YS097 YS084* YS084* YS082* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 1 YS097 YS097 YS077 YS082* YS082* YS096 YS030 YS030 YS097 YS084* YS084* YS082* YS030 YS084* 081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS081 YS081 YS016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS173 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS173 YS173 YS173 S030 YS084* Panama Diablo Lobster Diablo Lobster Tortuga Tortuga 101* Tobago Tobago Tobago Mauve Mauve Mauve Scuba Scuba Tarot Tarot Scuba Tarot Bluebell Appledore Bluebell Windjammer Bluebell 101* 01* YS069 YS079* YS079* YS102* YS027 YS027 YS101* YS108* YS108* YS079* YS166 YS166 YS027 YS091 YS091 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS016 YS016 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS005 YS086 YS086 YS072* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 YS YS108* YS166 YS091 66 YS091 Tortuga YS173 YS173 2* * YS096 YS030 YS030 YS097 YS084* YS084* YS082* YS030 YS084* Madura YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 079* YS166 YS166 YS027 YS091 YS091 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS082* YS030 YS084* S097 097 097 YS077 YS082* YS082* YS096 YS030 YS030 YS097 YS084* YS084* YS082* YS030 YS084* YS047 YS071 YS077 YS069 YS156 YS084 YS030 YS072 YS168 YS076 YS101 YS096 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS084* YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 Y YS069 YS102* YS1 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS1 .102* YS047 YS047 YS047 YS047 YS071 YS071 YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS082* YS082* YS030 YS030 YS030 YS YS047 YS071 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS069 YS102* YS101* 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Vinyl Colour Vinyl Just ColourJust Just ColourJust VinylColour V
re the rigorous demands of both the heavy domestic contract uphostery. Flame retardant Just Colour is designed to withstand rigorous demands of is both heavy domestic and contract uphostery. ret Just Colour is designed to withstand withstan Justand Colour designed to withstand Just Colour the rigorous istodesigned demands to Flame withstand of both
Schwarz Jamaica Blaugrün Blau Wasserblau Panama Nougat are Crib 5,YS096 Flammability: BS5852 Ignition Source 0, 1YS082* &Panama 5, BS 7176. Medium Hazard and suitable for Infection Control areas (NaDCC Crib 5, Flammability: BS5852 Ignition Source 0, 1 YS108* & 5, BS 7176. Medium Hazard and suitable for Control area Crib 5,Panama Flammability: BS5852 Ignition Crib 5,Havana Source Flammability: 0,Infection 1 YS030 & 5,BS5852 BS 7176. Ignitio Med Me Diablo Lobster Nougat Solano YS047 YS047 YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS030 YS077 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS030 YS030 YS084* YS084* S077 Jamaica Diablo Lobster Nougat Solano Tortuga Tobago Tobago Mauve Mauve Scuba Scuba Tarot Tarot Windjammer Windjammer Bluebell Bluebell YS102* YS102* YS101* YS101* YS079* YS079* YS027 YS027 YS108* YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091 YS081 YS081 YS016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* Jamaica Panama Nougat Havana Jamaica Solano Nougat Havana Solano YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS030 YS030 YS084* YS084* Tortuga Madura Madura YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091 Tortuga Jamaica Jamaica Jamaica Panama Diablo Lobster Nougat Nougat Havana Havana Nougat Havana Solano Solano Solano Tortuga Tortuga Tortuga YS096 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS030 YS030 YS084* YS084* YS009 YS027 YS047 YS082 YS073 YS079 YS091 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS047 YS047 YS071 YS071 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS030 YS030 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS069 YS069 YS102* YS102* YS101* YS101* YS079* YS079* YS027 YS02 YS079 YS101 YS076 YS091 YS072 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS S069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS108* YS166 YS091 71 071 YS077 YS077 YS096 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS030 YS030 YS084* YS084* 77 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS096 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS097 YS082* YS082* YS082* YS082* YS082* YS082* YS082* YS082* YS030 YS030 YS030 YS030 YS030 YS030 YS030 YS030 YS084* YS084* YS084* YS084* YS084* YS084* YS084* YS084* YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076 YS027 YS079 YS101 YS076 YS091 YS009 YS072 YS168 Compatible). Abrasion resistance: Tested to withstand in excess of 100,000 Martindale (fabric) rubs. Compatible). Abrasion resistance: Tested to withstand in excess of 100,000 Martindale (fabric) rubs. YS069 YS069 YS030 YS030 YS047 YS047 YS097 YS097 YS082 YS082 YS084 YS084 YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS102* YS102* YS101* YS101* YS069 YS079* YS079* YS102* YS027 YS027 YS101* YS108* YS108* YS079* YS166 YS166 YS027 YS091 YS091 YS108* 2* YS027 YS027 YS101* YS108* YS108* YS079* YS166 YS166 YS027 YS091 YS091 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS027 YS079 YS091 YS009 YS027 YS072 YS091 YS009 YS072 YS168 Compatible). Abrasion resistance: Compatible). Tested to withstand Abrasion in resistance: excess ofY TY YS108* YS166 YS091 S081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS156 YS156 S166 YS091 156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 8* * YS079* YS166 YS166 YS027 YS091 YS091 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS156 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS074 YS074 YS173 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS156 YS160* YS160* YS168 YS074 YS074 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS173 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS168 YS081 YS016 S005 005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS005 YS086 YS086 YS072* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS027 YS027 YS027 YS079 YS101 YS076 YS091 YS091 YS009 YS009 YS091 YS009 YS072 YS072 YS072 YS173 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS086 YS009* YS173 YS168 YS168 YS168 09* YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 072* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS173 YS173 YS173 YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS108* YS166 YS091 S027 027 027 YS101* YS108* YS108* YS079* YS166 YS166 YS027 YS091 YS091 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 Y YS069 YS069 YS069 YS069 YS102* YS102* YS102* YS102* YS101* YS101* YS101* YS101* YS079* YS079* YS079* YS079* YS027 YS027 YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS166 YS YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS081 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS069 YS102* YS101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 069 YS102* YS102* YS102* YS101* YS101* YS101* YS079* YS079* YS079* YS027 YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS081 YS016 YS0 *27 YS102* YS102* YS101* YS101* YS069 YS079* YS079* YS102* YS027 YS027 YS101* YS108* YS108* YS079* YS166 YS166 YS027 YS091 YS091 YS108* * S101* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* 079* YS027 YS027 YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS108* YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS173 01* 027 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS081 YS016 YS0 YS081 YS016 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS005 YS076* YS079* YS079* YS102* YS027 YS027 YS101* YS108* YS108* YS079* YS166 YS166 YS027 YS091 YS091 YS108* YS166 YS091 YS173 YS173 027 S027 1* YS027 YS101* YS027 YS101* YS108* YS101* YS108* YS079* YS108* YS108* YS108* YS108* YS108* YS079* YS079* YS166 YS079* YS166 YS027 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS027 YS027 YS091 YS027 YS091 YS108* YS091 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS108* YS091 YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS081 YS081 YS016 YS016 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS005 YS086 YS086 YS072* 5 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS081 YS016 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS005 YS076* YS072* YS086 YS076* YS YS156 YS168 YS156 YS073 YS168 YS160* YS074 YS168YS081 YS073YS016 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS156 YS073 YS168 YS160* YS073 YS074 YS160* YS074 S016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS173 YS17 YS081 YS016 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS005 YS076* YS072* YSY YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS081 YS016 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS156 YS168 YS173 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 016 S016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* 081 YS081 YS081YS005 YS016 YS016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS009* YS081 YS016 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS YS081 YS081 YS081 YS081 YS016 YS016 YS016 YS081 YS016 YS081 YS081 YS081 YS016 YS016 YS016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS072* YS005 YS072* YS005 YS005 YS076* YS005 YS076* YS076* YS072* YS076* YS072* YS072* YS086 YS07 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS17
Melamin Just Colour Vinyl Just Colour Vinyl Vinyl Just VinylColour
Just Colour to thedomestic rigorous demands of uphostery. both heavyFlame domestic and contract u Just Colour is designed to Flame withstand the rigorous demands of bothuphostery. heavy contract retardant to nd the rigorous demands both heavy domestic and contract uphostery. Flame retardant towithstand heavy domestic and contract uphostery. Flame retardant toFlame demands Just emands Colour ofofboth is both designed heavy heavy domestic domestic toofwithstand and and contract the contract rigorous uphostery. uphostery. demands of both retardant retardant heavy to domestic to is designed and contract Flameand retardant to Crib 5, Flammability: BS5852 Ignition Source 0, 1areas & 5, BS 7176. MediumControl Hazardareas and suitable Crib 5,Tortuga Flammability: BS5852 Ignition Source 0, 1 areas &and 5, BS 7176. Medium Hazard and suitable for Infection (NaDCCfor In 5,Panama BS 7176. Medium Hazard and suitable for Infection Control (NaDCC Hazard and for and Infection Control areas (NaDCC ion Source 0,Medium 1 & suitable dium & Crib 5,5,BS BS 5, 7176. Flammability: 7176. Medium BS5852 Hazard Hazard Ignition and suitable suitable Source for for Infection 0, Infection 1 & 5, BS Control Control 7176. areas areas Medium (NaDCC (NaDCC Hazard suitable for Infection Control (NaDCC Jamaica Jamaica Panama Lobster Lobster Nougat Nougat Havana Havana Solano Solano Tortuga Marigold Almond Golden Honey Almond Fudge Cocoa Damson Mulled Wine Almond Marigold Golden Walnut Honey Fudge Walnut Cocoa Damson Marigold Almond Golden Marigold Honey Fudge G Compatible). Abrasion resistance: Tested toYS091 withstand in excess of 100,000 Martindale (fabric) rub S101* YS069 YS102* YS102* YS101* YS101* YS079* YS079* YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS101* 101* YS079* YS079* YS027 YS108* YS108* YS166 YS091 YS027 YS027 YS079 YS079 YS076 YS076 YS091 YS091 YS009 YS009rubs. Compatible). Abrasion resistance: Tested toYS076* withstand inYS166 excess of 100,000 Martindale (fabric) rubs. Tested to withstand in excess of 100,000 Martindale (fabric) rubs. YS072 YS072 100,000 Martindale (fabric) rubs. YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091 YS156 YS156 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS074 YS074 and YS016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS168 YS168 Compatible). nd and in in excess excess of Abrasion ofYS069 100,000 100,000 resistance: Martindale Martindale Tested (fabric) (fabric) toYS027 rubs. withstand rubs. in excess of 100,000 Martindale (fabric) YS173 YS173 tand YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS173 YS173 YS079* YS079* YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091
YS069 YS069 YS102* YS102* YS101* YS101* YS079* YS079* YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS081 YS016 YS005 Y YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS173 102* YS079* YS076 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* S081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS086 YS009* 2* 02* YS101* YS101* YS079* YS079* YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091 *YS072* 1* S079* YS079* YS079* YS079* YS079* YS079* YS079* YS079* YS027 YS027 YS027 YS027 YS027 YS027 YS027 YS027 YS108* YS108* YS108* YS108* YS108* YS108* YS108* YS108* YS166 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS166 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS091 YS173 YS081 YS081 YS016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS07 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS173 YS016 YS016 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS005 YS086 YS086 YS072* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 Y 6 YS076* YS076* YS005 YS086 YS086 YS072* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 YS009* S156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS086 YS009* 009* YS073 YS160* YS074 YS160* YS074 YS173 YS173 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 YS009* S073 073 YS156 YS160* YS160* YS168 YS074 YS074 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009 YS173 160* YS074 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS086 YS009* YS173 YS173 076* 76* YS005 YS086 YS086 YS072* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS173 YS173 YS173 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS156 YS156 YS168 YS0 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* Y YS173 YS081 YS081 YS081 YS081 YS016 YS016 YS016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS009 YS YS081 YS016 YS005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS173 081 YS016 YS016 YS016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS016 YS016 YS081 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS005 YS086 YS086 YS072* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 S005 YS072* YS076* YS086 YS009* 072* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 YS009* YS086 YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS173 YS173 76* 76* YS086 YS009* YS156 YS156 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS156 YS160* YS160* YS168 YS074 YS074 YS073 YS160* YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS156 YS168 YS1 * YS156 YS168 YS156 YS073 YS168 YS160* YS073 YS074 YS173 YS016 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS005 YS086 YS086 YS072* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS086 YS009* 05 076* 76* 6* YS076* YS076* YS005 YS005 YS086 YS005 YS086 YS072* YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS072* YS086 YS072* YS009* YS072* YS009* YS076* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* 3 YS160* YS074 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS156 YS168 YS156 YS073 YS168 YS160* YS073 YS074 YS160* YS074 Ahorn H1518 Lichtgrau Rehbraun Nussbaum Schokoladenbraun Apfelgrün S168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 Marineblau YS156 YS168 YS156 YS073 YS168 YS160* YS073 YS074 YS160* Verkehrsrot YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 168 S168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS160* YS160* YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 156 YS156 YS156YS073 YS168 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS160* YS074 YS074 YS074 YS YS156 YS168 YS156 YS073 YS168 YS160* YS0 YS156 YS156 YS156 YS156 YS168 YS168 YS168 YS156 YS168 YS156 YS156 YS073 YS156 YS073 YS073 YS168 YS073 YS168 YS168 YS160* YS168 YS160* YS160* YS073 YS160* YS073 YS073 YS074 YS073 YS074 YS160* YS074 YS074 YS160* YS160* YS16 H1867 H3775 H3660 H3306 U630 U525 U321
Colour ColourVinyl Vinyl
designed signed to to withstand withstand thethe rigorous rigorous demands demands of of both both heavy heavy domestic domestic and and contract contract uphostery. uphostery. Flame Flame retardant retardant to to esigned Ginger Snap 0, 0, Rouge Candy Eden Lilac Ginger Snap Tangerine Rouge Candy Eden Lilac Grape Lupin Tangerine Ginger Snap Ginger Rouge Snap ability: lity: BS5852 BS5852 Ignition Ignition Source Source 1& 1 Tangerine & 5, 5, BSBS 7176. 7176. Medium Medium Hazard Hazard and and suitable suitable for for Infection Infection Control Control areas areas (NaDCC (NaDCC ility: Marigold Almond Golden Honey FudgeWine Walnut Marigold Almond Honey Fudge Walnut Cocoa Damson Golden Honey Fudge Walnut Cocoa Damson Mulled Wine Walnut Cocoa Damson Wine Golden Marigold Fudge Fudge Walnut Almond Walnut Golden Cocoa Cocoa Honey Mulled Damson Damson Fudge Mulled Mulled Walnut Wine Wine Cocoa Damson Mulled Abrasion rasion asion brasion resistance: resistance: Tested Tested to to withstand withstand in in excess excess of of 100,000 100,000 Martindale Martindale (fabric) (fabric) rubs. rubs.
Grape Candy Tangerine Cocoa Mulled Wine
YS081 YS081 YS016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* S005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009*YS173 YS173 YS173 YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS074 YS074 YS173 YS173 YS074 YS074 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS173 YS156 YS168 YS073 Y YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS081 YS081 YS016 YS016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS009* YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS072* YS156 YS156 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS074 YS07 16 016 YS005 YS005 YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* 05 S072* YS072* YS072* YS072* YS072* YS072* YS072* YS072* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS076* YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS086 YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS009* YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS173 YS173 YS160* YS074 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS173 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS156 YS160* YS160* YS168 YS074 YS074 YS073 YS160* YS074 8S156 YS074 YS074 YS073 YS160* YS074 Hellelfenbein Cremeweiß Gelborange Weiß W908 Signalgrau Graphitgrau Blaugrau Lila U420 YS009* YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS074 074 YS073 YS160* YS074 074 YS156 YS168YS160* YS074 YS073 YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS156 YS156 YS156 YS156 YS168 YS168 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS160* YS160* YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS156 YS168 YS073 YS160* YS074 156 YS168 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS160* YS074 YS074 YS074 160* YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS156 YS160* YS160* YS168 YS074 YS074 YS073 YS160* YS074 *73 S073 YS160* YS074 60* YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 YS160* YS160* YS168 YS074 YS074 YS073 YS160* YS074 74 074 74 YS074 YS074 YS073 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS160* YS160* YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 U107 W911 U332 U763 074 S074 074 U961 U507 Rouge Eden Candy Candy Snap Ginger Almond Almond
Sapphire Cobalt Cool Apple Mint Cobalt Cobalt Black Sapphire CoolBlue Blue Cobalt Apple Mint Black Ginger Snap GingerGrape Snap Tangerine Rouge Grape Lupin Candy Eden Lilac Lilac Grape Grape Lupin Lupin Just Tangerine Eden Eden Colour/PVC Lilac Rouge Lilac Candy Eden Golden Golden Honey Honey Fudge Fudge Walnut Walnut Cocoa Cocoa
Greyfriar Blue Mint Citrus Green Rainforest Citrus Green Apple Cool Blue Apple Mint Citrus Green Citrus Green Cool Sapphire Cobalt Cobalt Black Tangerine Candy Rouge Candy Eden Lilac Lupin Grape Lupin Lilac Green Wine Damson Damson Mulled Mulled Wine
Jasmine WhiteCobalt Rainforest Greyfriar Jasmine Cool Blue Apple Cobalt Mint Cool BlueWhite Apple Black Mint Sapphire Eden Lilac Grape Lupin Green
Plus Omega Plus YS160* Omega Omega PlusOmega Plus YS156 YS156 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS074 YS074 S073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 YS160* YS160* YS074 PVC. Gewicht: 705 g/m2. Feuersicherung: BS5852 Ignition Source 5 – Crib 5. BS7176 Medium Hazard. S.I. 1988 No. 1324 Schedule 4 & 5. BS EN1021-1 and 2. CS-25. FMVSS 302. IMO A 652 (16). DIN 4102-1 B2. FAR-25. N P 92 503 M2. NFPA 260: 2009 Class 1.
Omega Plus. Flammability: BS EN1021-1:2006 (cigarette). BSEN1021-1:2006 EN 1021-2:2006 (match). Low hazard. BS BS7176:2007 7176:2007 Omega Plus. YS074 Flammability: (cigarette). BSYS074 EN 1021-2:2006 (match). Low hazard. BS EN1 OmegaBS7176:2007 Plus. Flammability: BS EN1021-1:2006 Omega Plus. Flammability: (cigarette). BS BSEN EN10 10 YS156 YS156 YS168 YS168 YS073 YS073BS YS160* YS160* YS074 168 8 YS073 YS073 YS160* YS160* YS074 S160* 3 YS160* YS160* YS160* YS160* YS160* YS160* YS160* YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 YS074 73 68 Cool Blue Citrus Green Cool Blue Citrus Green Apple Sapphire Mint Mint Apple Apple Mint Mint Apple Tangerine Tangerine
4 Ignition Source 5. Abrasion 100,000 Martindale rubs. Medium hazard. BS5852 section Resistance: 4 Ignition Source 5. Abrasion Resistance: rubs. Medium hazard. BS5852 section Medium hazard. BS5852 100,000 sectionMedium 4Martindale Ignition hazard. Source BS5852 5. Abrasion section Resi 4I Sapphire Cobalt Cool Blue Apple Citrus Greyfriar Cobalt Black Cool Blue AppleMint Mint CitrusGreen Green Jasmine Jasmine White Cobalt Cool Blue Mint Green Greyfriar Apple Mint Citrus Green Greyfriar Greyfriar White Black Cool Blue Apple Mint Citrus Green Rainforest Jasmine White Citrus Rainforest Jasmine White Apple Mint Citrus Green Jasmine Jasmine White White Apple Jasmine White Rainforest Rainforest Rainforest Rainforest Citrus Citrus Cobalt Green Green Greyfriar Cool Greyfriar Blue Apple Mint Citrus Green Greyfriar Jasmine White White Jasmine White Citrus Cobalt Citrus Green Green Black Sapphire Cool Blue Cobalt Apple Mint Jasmine Citrus Green Grape Grape Lupin Lupin Rouge Rouge Candy Candy Eden Eden Lilac Lilac Green Green Green Green Green Green
Omega Plus Omega Plus Omega Plus Sonnengelb
Omega Plus.(cigarette). Flammability: BS 1021-2:2006 EN1021-1:2006 (cigarette). BS EN 1021-2:2006 BS7176:20 Omega Plus. Flammability: BS BS EN (match). BS7176:2007 Low hazard.(match). BS 7176:2007 1021-1:2006 (cigarette). BS BS EN 1021-2:2006 (match). BS7176:2007 Low hazard. BS 7176:2007 021-2:2006 (match). BS7176:2007 Low hazard. BS 7176:2007 garette). arette). OmegaBS Plus. BSEN EN Flammability: 1021-2:2006 1021-2:2006 (match). EN1021-1:2006 BS7176:2007 BS7176:2007 (cigarette). Low Low hazard. hazard. BSEN1021-1:2006 EN BS BS 1021-2:2006 7176:2007 7176:2007 (match). BS7176:2007 Low hazard. BSSunset 7176:2007 Swizzle (match). Lime Purple Claret Sunset Pimento Orange Diablo Swizzle Lime Purple Claret Pimento Orange Swizzle Lime Swizzle Purple Lime Claret Medium hazard. BS5852 section 4 Ignition Source 5. Abrasion Resistance: 100,000 Martindale rub Medium hazard. BS5852 section 4 Ignition Source 5. Abrasion Resistance: 100,000 Martindale rubs. 5. Abrasion Resistance: 100,000 Martindale rubs. Martindale rubs. 4 Ignition Source stance: 100,000 e5. Medium 5. Abrasion Abrasion hazard. Resistance: Resistance: BS5852 100,000 100,000 section Martindale 4 Martindale Ignition Source rubs. rubs. 5. Abrasion Resistance: 100,000 Martindale rubs. OMP648 OMP635 OMP632 OMP623 OMP636 OMP647 OMP644 OMP648 OMP673 OMP648 OMP635 OMP632 OMP623 OMP636 OMP647 OMP644 OMP648 OMP635 OMP632 OMP635 OMP623 Jasmine Jasmine White White Cobalt Rainforest Rainforest Jasmine Cobalt Cool Cool Blue Blue Apple Apple Mint Mint Citrus Green Green Greyfriar Greyfriar Jasmine White White Cobalt Cobalt Black Black Cool Cool Blue Blue Apple Apple Mint Mint Citrus Citrus Citrus Green Green Green Green Rotorange
ga a Plus Plus
mmability: lammability: BSBS EN1021-1:2006 EN1021-1:2006 (cigarette). (cigarette). BSBS ENEN 1021-2:2006 1021-2:2006 (match). (match). BS7176:2007 BS7176:2007 Low Low hazard. hazard. BS BS 7176:2007 7176:2007 Swizzle Lime Purple Claret Sunset Cedar Beige Onyx Lagoon China Chilli Red Fawn Cedar Beige Onyx Lagoon China Chilli Swizzle Lime Purple Claret Sunset Pimento Orange Cedar Beige Cedar Onyx Purple Claret Sunset Pimento Orange Diablo Sunset Pimento Orange Diablo Claret Swizzle Claret Sunset Sunset Lime Pimento Pimento Purple Orange Orange Claret Diablo Diablo Sunset Pimento Orange Diablo d. BS5852 BS5852 section section 4 OMP629 Ignition 4OMP647 Ignition Source Source 5.OMP637 5. Abrasion Abrasion Resistance: Resistance: 100,000 100,000 Martindale Martindale rubs. OMP628 OMP648 OMP635 OMP632 OMP623 OMP636 OMP620 OMP604 OMP628 OMP607 OMP621 OMP639 OMP629 OMP637 OMP620 OMP604 OMP607 OMP648 OMP635 OMP632 OMP623 OMP636 OMP647 OMP644 OMP637 OMP620 OMP632 OMP623 OMP636 OMP647 OMP644 OMP673 OMP636 OMP644 OMP673 OMP623 OMP648 OMP623 OMP636 OMP636 OMP635 OMP647 OMP647 OMP632 OMP644 OMP644 OMP623 OMP673 OMP673 OMP636rubs. OMP647 OMP629 OMP644 OMP673 OMP629 Kobaltblau
Cara Range Cara Range
Pimento Red Diablo Beige Lagoon OMP647 OMP621 OMP673 OMP604 OMP637
Cara RangeCara Range
dienen lediglich als Anschauungsmaterial und können vom Produkt abweichen. Cara fabric gives a smart appearance toFarben panels screens, designed to co-ordinate with the Advantage range of seating fabrics. Cara fabric gives aand smart appearance to panels and screens, designed to co-ordinate with Advantage range of sea se Cara fabric gives a smart appearance Cara fabric to the panels gives and a smart screens, appearanc design desig 100% Polyolefin material is easy to clean with amaterial damp Cedar cloth. Flammability: EN 1021-1 (cigarette) BS476 Class 1. Abrasion resistance, 100% Polyolefin is easy to clean Beige with a damp cloth. Flammability: EN 1021-1 (cigarette) BS476 Class 1. Abras resistance: 100% Polyolefin material is easy 100% to clean Polyolefin with a damp material cloth. is easy Flamm to c Onyx Lagoon China Chilli Cedar Beige Onyx Lagoon China Chilli Red Fawn Onyx Lagoon China Chilli Red Fawn China Chilli Red Fawn Lagoon Lagoon Cedar China China Beige Chilli Onyx Chilli Lagoon Red Red Fawn Fawn China Chilli Red Fawn Lime Lime Purple Purple Claret Claret Sunset Sunset Pimento Pimento Orange Orange Diablo Diablo cycles. 40,000 cycles. 40,000 cycles. cycles. OMP629 OMP637 OMP620 OMP604 OMP628 OMP607 OMP635 40,000 OMP629 OMP637 OMP628 OMP607 OMP639 OMP620 OMP604 OMP628 OMP607 OMP621 OMP639 OMP628 OMP607 OMP621 OMP639 OMP604 OMP629 OMP604 OMP628 OMP628 OMP637 OMP607 OMP607 OMP620 OMP621 OMP621 OMP604 OMP639 OMP639 OMP628 OMP607 OMP621 OMP63940,000OMP621 OMP635 OMP632 OMP632 OMP623 OMP623 OMP636 OMP636 OMP620 OMP647 OMP647 OMP604 OMP644 OMP644 OMP673 OMP673
70% Polypropylen, 30% Wolle. Gewicht 360g/m2. Scheuerfestigkeit 90,000. BS EN 1021-1&2 Zigarettentest & Streichholztest. BS 7176 Low Hazard.
Flaschengrün AD113
Laubgrün AD121
Kobaltblau AD004
Tomatenrot AD005
Farngrün AD030
Signalrot AD014
Minttürkis AD122
Wasserblau AD002
Verkehrsblau AD026
Marineblau AD126
Schwarzblau AD011
Himbeerrot AD111
Brilliantblau AD009
Anthrazitgrau AD066
Anthrazitschwarz AD028
Staubgrau AD010
100% Schurwolle. Nachwachsend und kompostierbar. Gewicht 460g/m2. BS EN 1021-1&2 Zigarettentest & Streichholztest. BS 7176 Low Hazard. UNI 9175 Classe 1.
Blau CUZ24
Türkis CUZ02
Pastellviolett CUZ1U
Schwarz CUZ08
Rot CUZ18
Senf Gelb CUZ58
Silber CUZ28
Rostrot CUZ39
Schwarzblau CUZ09
Schwarzbraun CUZ66
Vitriolgrün CUZ1H
Jägergrün CUZ1F
Nachtblau CUZ2A
Holzorange CUZ82
Weißgrün 6019
Minzgrün 6029
Enzianblau 5015
Marineblau 5002
Blaulila 4005
Sonnengelb 1023
Dahliengelb 1017
Gelborange 2000
Bordeauxviolett 4002
Purpurrot 3011
Verkehrsrot 3000
Weiß 9016
Cremeweiß 4067
Signalgrau 7035
Staubgrau 137
Tiefschwarz 9005
100% schwerentflammbares recyceltes Polyester. Nicht schwermetallhaltige Farbstoffe. Gewicht 310g/m2. Feuersicherung: BS EN1021-1&2 Zigarettentest & Streichholztest. BS 7176 Low Hazard. BS 7176 Medium Hazard Crib 5. DIN 4102 B1. NF-P-92-507 M1. UNI 8456 & UNI 9174 Class 1.
Farngrün YS077
Kieferngrün YS047
Fernblau YS097
Saphirblau YS082
Rubinrot YS079
Blutorange YS168
Maisgelb YS072
Olivbraun YS091
Blaulila YS069
Rotviolett YS102
Purpurviolett YS084
Beige YS108
Farben dienen lediglich als Anschauungsmaterial und können vom Produkt abweichen.
Bordeauxviolett YS030
Tiefschwarz YS009
Signalviolett YS101
Opalgrün YS160
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Deutschland E: Bibliotheksausstattung@ekz.de T: + 49 7121 144-420 Kostenlose Bestellhotline: 0800 359 359 3 F: + 49 7121 144-478
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ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH Bibliotheksausstattung Bismarckstraße 3 72764 Reutlingen
ekz.bibliotheksservice GmbH Niederlassung Österreich Schumacherstr. 14 5020 Salzburg