CHARACTERISTICS SECURITY The storage in metal shelving minimizes accident risks related to work environments and avoids the merchandise deterioration, organizes logistic operations, guaranteeing a high inventory rotation because it’s easy to control and merchandise location is optimized. In the development of each one of the elements of the shelving line are taken into account factors that provide stability and resistance characteristics according to the Colombian norm of seism resistance (NSR-98) Ensuring that the shelving is entirely trustable and provides major security in its operation.
It shapes the pipes´ section, uprights, diagonals, beams, towers, or any element that is referenced in a metal structure; normally the squared profiles are recognized, rectangular, in “C”, in “L”, in “U”, in “I”, among others.
Area section
It represents the solid area of a profile, for instance, a square pipe has a section of area equal to the area of the exterior square, minus the area of the interior square, and thus the area of the tube walls is only taken into account.
It’s an optional security accessory, it is ordered independently from the towers. It is recommended for EXHIBITION AND STORAGING The shelving systems that we manage can be adapted to shelving of more than 4 meters of height or for towers the conditions of any place or according to the expansion with base/height relationship inferior to 20%. and growing projects that our clients may have. Load Its assembling system allows in an agile and fast way, It is the force that supports the structure, and it´s the one the graduation of its loading levels adjusting them to the that matters for the calculation of the beams resistance. different height needs, in order to optimize the use of Within the different types of load we can find: dead load space, additionally, it can integrate the storage system (is the weight made by the elements of the structure); with equipment for the materials management, and live load (is the load of any shape that is carried on by the also in work places with industrial security policies, in structure); wind load (is the load of crashes or impacts of order to guarantee an efficient performance in pleasant any element against the structure; loads given by seismic movements, among others. comfortable and secure environments.
Is a measure of the strength intensity to which the profile The shelving system can be used at the interior of the is exposed to when a load is subjected. storage warehouses and at the same time, blends in Factor of Security easily in commercial spaces. The current tendencies It´s the comparison of the value of the strength to which regarding exhibition concepts, storage and warehousing, an element of a metal structure is subjected, regarding look for unifying the point of sale with the storage, the efforts that the materials can support, and in this avoiding unnecessary transportation and reducing way regulate the maximum load to which a determined element can be subjected, avoiding that the building handling personnel. material used collapses.
Inertia moment
Geometrical characteristic that intervenes on the resistance calculus; it is variable according to the type of profile and its dimensions. The greater value, the greater is the beam resistance.
The development of elements is calculated in order to guarantee the loading capacity and the space optimization, according to the needs of actual storage, permitting the addition of elements in order to increase Neutral axis capacity according to the client´s needs. These are Geometrical characteristic that represents the center of a profile. It´s used to identify the types of efforts and the distribution of these in the profile.
Flexing or Arrow
It´s known in metal structures as the deviation or deformation that the structure follows once is charged, regarding the initial shape of the elements without a load.
HEAVY SHELVING Metal structures used for the storage of heavy load. The system is totally removable and gradual to different heights depending on the client´s needs and tastes, and the space possibilities as well. These structures are built with structural quality iron, with properties that guarantee the safety in the shelving operation. Its beams can support loadings between 500kg and 3000kg.
Union tower-tower
B Heavy shelving with shelf Panels
Union tower-tower
Heavy shelving for stowage
-Plate CR caliber 14 - caliber 12 (reinforced)
-Plate CR caliber 16 - caliber 14 (reinforced) -Plate HR caliber 11 (up to 4m height) -Plate HR caliber 3/16 (from 6m height) -Plate CR caliber 14 -Plate CR caliber 14 -Wedge type of 1/2*3 3/4 WS 1236
-Plate CR caliber 18 (up to 500kg)
-Plate base -Hub union (for tower of more than 240 cms welded) -Telescoper (for towers of more than 240 cms dismountable)
B. Beam
-Plate CR caliber 16 (up to 500kg - 1000kg) -Plate CR caliber 16 (up to 1000kg - 3000kg) -Plate CR caliber 12 (3000kg and up) -Plate CR caliber 18 (up to 500kg)
-Plate CR caliber 16 (up to 500kg - 1000kg) -Plate CR caliber 16 (up to 1000kg - 3000kg) -Plate CR caliber 12 (3000kg and up) -Flush with security pins
-Plate HR caliber 11 - 3 pins
Towers are built with plate caliber 14, the general These are built with a plate caliber 14 and caliber 16. dimensions, and the finished work depends on the These beams are designed to bear loads of 500k, needs, tastes and client´s space availability. 1000kg, 1500kg, 2000kg, 2500Kg and 3000kg, each level We develop three types of towers: has 2 beams, bearing on mind the maximum length of 3.0 meters. Tower 1: Sopport loads up to 5 tons.
According to these is necessary to bear on mind that the beam levels must not exceed this total weight.
Tower 2: Sopport loads up to 7 tons. Tower 3: Sopport loads up to 10 tons.
the main characteristic of this system is the generation of area in the distribution centers, production centers, stores and warehouses, doubling the space and using appropriately the height of the place.
these are metal structures use for the storage of semiheavy loads. This system is differentiated from the heavy shelving in the size of the profiles, being designed to support loads in a lighter scale. Its Beams resist loads between 200kg and 50kg.
LIGHT SHELVING It’s the most functional solution for the storage of light weight products, where is required variety of references and stock of it selves. Its beams can bear loads up to 100kg. This type of shelving is assembled with screws.
Fixed stairs
Beam anchorage
Union sheets
Corner protector boot type
Anclaje torre-piso
Protector boot type
Union tower-tower
A.Metal floor smooth It is used for loads that need to be moved and/or slid over the shelving; it is recommended anti-slide shoes for the users’ transit. Can be: -With reinforce: -Plate CR caliber 14, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 2000kg and 3000kg, and with maximum depth of 140 cm. -Plate CR caliber 16, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 1000kg and 2000kg, and with maximum depth of 140 cm. -Plate CR caliber 18, used for beam levels with loading capacity up to 1000kg and, and with maximum depth of 140 cm. -Without reinforce: >Overlapping -Plate CR caliber 16, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 1000kg and 2000kg and maximum depth of 110 cm. -Plate CR caliber 18, used for beam levels with loading capacity up to 1000kg and maximum depth of 110 cm. >Single -Plate CR caliber 16, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 1000kg and 2000kg and maximum depth of 90 cm. -Plate CR caliber 18, used for beam levels with loading capacity up to 1000kg and maximum depth of 90cm. >Wavy
B.Metal floor anti-slide. It is used for static load and is recommended for the people´s transit, it´s not recommended for wheelbarrows or devices with wheels. They may be: -With reinforce: -Plate CR caliber 14, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 2000kg and 3000kg, and with maximum depth of 140 cm. -Plate CR caliber 16, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 1000kg and 2000kg, and with maximum depth of 140 cm. -Without reinforce: -Plate CR caliber 14, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 2000kg and 3000kg, and with maximum depth of 90 cm. -Plate CR caliber 16, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 1000kg and 2000kg, and with maximum depth of 90 cm.
C.Holed metal floor It is used for static load and is recommended for people´s transit, is not recommendable For wheelbarrows and devices with wheels, it allows the sunshine through the levels. -With reinforce: -Plate CR caliber 14, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 2000kg and 3000kg, and with maximum depth of 140 cm. Plate CR caliber 16, used for beam levels with loading •Plate CR caliber 22, used for beam levels capacity between 1000kg and 2000kg, and with with loading capacity up to 2000kg and maximum depth of 140 cm. maximum depth of 100cm. -Without reinforce: -Plate CR caliber 14, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 2000kg and 3000kg, and with maximum depth of 90 cm. -Plate CR caliber 16, used for beam levels with loading capacity between 1000kg and 2000kg, and with maximum depth of 90 cm.
1 2
1.Wood floor It is recommendable for the storage of light load and low humidity percentages. In places where the humidity is high, it´s recommended a MUF agglomerated. -Sappan board of 1.7 cm thick, used for beam levels with loading capacity up to 1000kg, with maximum depth of 120 cm. -Sappan board of 2.5 cm thick, used for beam levels with loading capacity up to 2000kg, with maximum depth of 140 cm. 2.Grilled floor It is recommendable for conditions of shadiness between the levels, it is not recommended for the transit of wheelbarrows or devices with wheels. -Built in metal Wire #4 with backups in plate calibers 12-14-16.
The Junction system and beams assembly.
The heavy shelving beams are assembled in the towers through the system of coined avocados over the tower´s uprights, with a couple of sheets with three rivets each. The sheets are built in caliber 11, welded in the edges of the beam. The system is totally removable and can be graded to different heights, and security pins that perform with gravity are used in each beam. It is recommended for the beam levels preferably to be supported in coinciding points with the nods, meaning that the upright points of the towers where the horizontal and diagonal struts arrive, this generates a great stability effect and better distribution of loadings in the whole shelving structure, however it´s possible to put the beam at any height level of the upright, without structural stability or balance problems.
Scale of seism resistance and applicable policy.
According to the norms of design and building seism resistance NSR, current in Colombia, by the law 400 of 1997, the decree 33 if 1988, decree 34 of 1999 and decree 2809 of 2000. Accomplishing all the minimum necessary parameters defined on the titles A, B and F. Applicable to metal structures of storage, having the following important values as base: -Security factor 1.6 to the fluent point of the material -Maximum beam deflection, inferior of 1/360 L( L=free length of the beam without underpinning) -Designed considered according to the seismic zone of the metropolitan Area of Medellin with the following parameters: Aa=0.2, with intermediate seismic threat, soil profile average S1-S2= 1.0-1.2, coefficient of importance I=1.0.