Planbureau Furniture Catalog 2016

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furniture catalog 2016

Furniture by the designers of Planbureau

2016 ©

AL B A c o ll ecti o n

ALBA c o lle cti o n The aim of the designer was to find harmony between large surfaces and lightness, between a mass and a shell. The elements are similar to the hollow strips of the corrugated cardboard. The bent plywood components are joined together with densely placed dowels. Rigidity of both pieces is assured by the curved forms. The collection contains a shelf, a writingdesk and a chair. design: Daniel Lakos



Available in different colors on request.







Grand Pix Award IFDA competition, Asahikawa, Japan Hungarian Design Award winner




t r ee i n the m ead o w

Tree in th e m e adow This coat rack/bench combination consists of 20Ă—20mm thick maple slats situated in 18mm thick birch plywood, creating a visually stunning matrix that resembles the striking vision of a lone tree in a hayfield. The design skews our perception of storage and formal structural stability umbrellas, newspaper, slippers and other small items can be stored among the slats while coats and bags can be placed on the extended slats that form the coat rack. design: Daniel Lakos, Zsanett Benedek



Mikser Ghost Project finalist



L ev i ty

L ev it y The Levity chaise-lounge is composed of 12mm thick birch plywood and 12mm thick birch rods that together create abstract geometries that suggest levitation of a reclined person. The slender structure looks as if it might not support the weight of an individual, but the simple construction is lightweight and surprisingly sturdy with 20 supporting legs held firmly in place.


design: Daniel Lakos, Zsanett Benedek



Available in different colors on request.

Pins ofa 1

pin s o fa 1 The Pinsofa1 is a life-sized interpretation of a pin cushion. The playful piece of furniture refers to one’s inner childlike qualities through the manipulation of scale. The work is based on the idea that enlarged objects have the ability to generate the feeling of being small, to re-imagine the world from a different perspective. Treatment the sofa as an abstract piece, the textile and wooden needles serve as its main structural supports. “Walking through the classroom with beautiful sunshine coming through the windows, I discovered a new beauty in the needles sticking out of the needle pillows. This was my very first impression - I told myself this was so inspiring that I should be working with it.”



design: Demeter Fogarasi



Available in different colors on request.

fa s t c a s u al chair

Fa s t c a s u al ch air The design of the backrest was inspired by the designer’s spine problems, the special curvature shape generates a gentle massaging pressure on the muscles along the spine. The chair with the harmony of acrylic and steamed birch represents a natural, clean, contemporary touch. The classical structure of the wooden frame represents simplicity and modesty, contrasted by the more organic form, and the high-tech material of the backrest .



design: Demeter Fogarasi



Available in different colors on request.

s ut u r e c ha i r

su t ur e c h a i r The choice of material makes Stitch, extremely light, suitable for outdoor and indoor use alike. The furniture was developed as part of a workshop by the designer in cooperation with people having reduced work capacity employed by the non-profit enterprise, Retextil. It was important in the creation of Stitch that production should take place using simple tools, moderate wood processing equipment and simple skills. The irregularity of the stitched patterns reminding of cross-stitched embroidery and made in a manufactory system consciously reflect the efforts of the creators.


design: Daniel Lakos, Zsanett Benedek



Available in different colors on request.

L o g ifa ce s f u r ni tu r e

L o g ifa ce s f u r nitu re The furniture is made of giant LOGIFACES blocks. This product is actually the enlarged version of our puzzle game made of concrete. There is only one rule to the game: Create a form by placing the prisms next to each other to form a continuous surface without any jump. LOGIFACES can be arranged in millions of variations. The outdoor version develops kids’ motor and logic skills. The material is lightweight polystyrol foam finished with a super durable and resistant polyurethane finish.

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design: Daniel Lakos


Available in different colors on request.

p oe ti c fu r ni tu r e Frozen t ex ti l e

poetic furniture - frozen textile The project’s foundation is based on the concept of poetry in the context of design, which is viewed as a determinant in the emotional power of objects. Emphasis was placed on the creation of a composite material that not only possessed excellent technical properties, but retained a natural look and feel as well While shaping the furniture the originally soft textile composite becomes stiff. “I wanted to save this moment of creation, when a piece of textile is blown onto the frame, forming a chair, simultaneously fluid and rigid.”


design: Demeter Fogarasi



Available from different fabrics on request.

AIR c ab in e ts

ai r c ab i n e ts The showcases made of huge glass planes and formwork boards seem to levitate above ground. The bouncing alignment of theshelves have a double function: their different height organizes the variously sized objects to the same eye level. On the other hand the structural stabilty is obtained by the winding line of the shelves. The durable plywood formwork boards strengthen the 150 kg heavy tempered glass panes firmly, keeping the construction delicate, yet stable.


design: Daniel Lakos, Demeter Fogarasi, David Smil贸


s ub s ti tu te co ll ec ti o n

Su b s t itu te co lle c tio n This five-piece series reuses antique curved case doors and carved furniture legs, contrasting them with modern white elements made from lacquered MDF boards. The resulting hybrids subvert the original components functions and proportions to create new forms with qualities of an objet trouvĂŠ. Since these pieces are unique and unrepeatable, we can offer you different unique pieces based on the same concept. design: Daniel Lakos, Zsanett Benedek

Wh it e tabl e The point of the concept is that the antique fragments are quite inexpensive. Although these parts still bear the classical elegance, and the handmade quality. The new additions represent today’s prefabricated materials and simplified technology. These two elements create a new composition. Since these pieces are unique and unrepeatable, we can offer you different unique pieces based on the same concept. design: Polla Bauer and András Ónodi

Our furniture pieces are available in a wide range of colors and finishes. We are ready to satisfy your own special ideas about sizes, materials, and colors. We are able to offer prices on request, depending on order quantities. For more info, contact us at Photo credits: Mihály Demeczky (Pinsofa 1, Frozen Textile, Fast Casual Chair), Gergely Schöff (Logifaces furniture), Tamás Bujnovszky (Tree in the Meadow, Levity, Air Cabinets, White Table), Daniel Dömölky (Suture Chair), Attila Vigh (Substitute Collection, Alba Collection)

Planbureau Studio 1026 Küküllö utca 1. Budapest, Hungary 2016 Š

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