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+ Three Exhibitions + response + Manifesto + 30 Second video (Oil + Water) + paper co + LAB + Independent Practice

done done Done done Done DONE

workshops + Making Do (Mary) + The Girls (Faces thing) + Mark Pavey + Dan Mumford (Gig poster) - Influence (Sheet of paper) - Martin o’neil (3d LEtters) + Moonwalkin’ Cat (descriptive word) + Processing (Coding) - Badge maker man... - Social Toolkit

DONE done DONE not got MIA done done Just no MIA

+ Evaluation + Bibliography

DOne done






Helping to grow a sustainable business

Flourish Clients should be aware of what is fit for purpose when selecting materials for producing work. This is what we aim to achieve through this direct mail piece.

Growing a sustainable business As clients begin to see the advantages PaperCo has to offer, they may begin to piece together opportunities to make their profession ‘greener’ to reach government targets.

Sowing the seeds of ideology The idea of the 2 seeds is that they represent both the client and PaperCo. Much like the planted seeds, the relationship and partnership between the companies will grow.

Steven Demeza & Richard Heaven

Paper Co The concept behind the Paper Co submission was about growing a sustainable business. It was also about building a partnership that would flourish with time.


Growing a sustainable business Front

Card holder business card

Fact sheet

Growing a greener business PaperCo Factsheet

By using

9lives Offset

PaperCo offers a wide range of papers to suit all of your needs. Our recycled range has massive benefits for both your company and the environment. The government target is a 34 percent reduction by 2020 and an 80% reduction by 2050 in greenhouse gas emissions.

to print these 5000 leaflets on rather than a non recycled paper, the environmental impact was reduced by:

By replacing your typical printer, fax and photocopier paper with 9lives Offset, you can have a massive impact on the environment. PaperCo also offers closed-loop recycling. This is where PaperCo will take any waste paper back and recycle it responsibly.



kg of landfill kg of CO2 of greenhouse gases


km travel in the average European car

Our current stock assortment is 90% FSC/PEFC certified which we are workingv to increase. All supply mills are ISO 14001 certified


PaperCo prides itself on these key characteristics: Resourceful, Knowledgeable, Responsive, Experienced, Dependable and Responsible.


litres of water


kWh of energy kg of wood

Steven Demeza & Richard Heaven

Visualised Growing a sustainable business

Steven Demeza & Richard Heaven

Involvement I designed the header for all 4 boards, the box net, the fact sheet, constructed the box and the wrote all the information for the first 2 boards while my team mate took the photos for the 3rd board and wrote up the information and nets for the 4th board.

Expansion Growing a sustainable business

Steven Demeza & Richard Heaven

The Girls March 4th 2011, workshop with The Girls. Can’t say I enjoyed the talk or their work. But the workshop and work produced in the workshop was very enjoyable. We were split up into groups and produced a mesmerising, quite disturbing stop motion video. Involving 3 photos of each member looking from left to right.


Flowers Central – Edward Burtynsky 21 Cork Street, London, W1S 3LZ This exhibition showcases Edward Burtynsky’s work. The ground floor part of the gallery consists of large scale photography depicting the oil spill off of the Gulf of Mexico. These photographs appear to have been taken from a helicopter or an aeroplane as they are always focussed downwards at the subjects. There is a good range of photographs covering the different aspects of the spill. He has captured these dramatic scenes out at sea which didn’t seem to see much coverage in the news and offers a different perspective on the event. The downstairs portion of the gallery was focussed on a ship breakers yard in Bangladesh. These large photographs were prints from Type 55 Polaroid film. They have these weird white and black markings on them from where they got stuck together in storage. I personally liked this added distressed look. You would have no idea these photographs were taken in 2000 as they appear aged and could mistakenly thought to be 60 years old or more. I found the whole experience rather inspirational and would recommend seeing it. http://www.flowersgalleries.com/exhibitions/4096-gulf-oil-spill–pentimento/

ICA – Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2010 The Mall, London, SW1Y 5AH I didn’t particularly enjoy this Exhibition as much as the first. I personally felt as though there is a lot of pointless work in this exhibition. Some of the work is very simplistic and tedious, but with no real point. I saw a pink square with some black triangles in all 4 corners. What is that about? It is outright worthless and does nothing other than to aggravate the viewer with its pure stupidity. Darren Harvey-Regan has exhibited a rather intriguing piece constructed using a stuffed starling, a metal stand and a photograph. The whole thing imitates a mirror, which I found quite genius. I wouldn’t have it in my house mind you. But if you persevere to the upstairs gallery there are some fantastic pieces. On the way to the upstairs you will pass a piece by Naomi Uchida. This sheet of paper spans almost the whole corridor at 14metres long; it depicts a story from start to finish as well as fantastic drawing ability. Claas Gutsche in the upstairs gallery has a huge linocut print which is a master class in itself. Spanning 182x229cm it is the largest Linocut I have ever seen and the detail is superb when viewed from afar. I personally like the schematic inspired style of Joal Wyllies work. The angular 3D frame of Matthew Coombes’s work titled Site Receiver: Untitled, was also enjoyably inspiring to see. The final piece of work I enjoyed seeing was a small architectural piece made with paper, foamboard and a wooden box tube. The wooden part was and is unnecessary and did nothing to add to the work, but after seeing the rest of the exhibition it had become second nature to embrace the pointless and to accept it. To sum the experience up, there is a lot of sifting to be done, but persevere and you will find some genuinely skilled and well crafted pieces of work here. http://www.ica.org.uk/microsite/bnc2010/

Paradise Row – Light Pt1 74 Newman Street, W1T 1PH Paradise Row gallery had a rather small exhibition on with no more than 9 artists exhibiting work. From the 9 only a couple stood out through a simplistic approach. I rather liked Peter Schuyff’s Untitled emerging green rectangles piece and his other piece titled Blackjack. I have done a visual response to the 2 of them. http://www.paradiserow.com/

3 Exhibitions At the start of the semester, I visited 3 exhibitions in London and produced a visual response to some of the work I saw in a small gallery called Paradise Row on Newman Street. These visits also became the stem for several other pieces of work and the basis of much thinking.


In Response to

New shutter design

Shutter release cable attachment and spring loaded shutter

Continuation from Semester 1 Having not been able to finish building my camera in the first semester, I took advantage of the time allocated in the LAB event to finish off this piece of work and to improve parts that needed improving. Such as the Pinhole.

Tripod fitting

Latch to hold the back panel on instead of masking tape

Pinhole Refinement



pinhole size During the LAB event at university I was asked to show my work to another tutor who suggested making my pinhole smaller and it would increase the clarity of my photographs. I took his advice on board and spent a couple of hours redoing the pinhole on the front of the camera and these are the results.



A Brief Selection These are a few of the better images that came from the newly developed camera. Some images have also been put forward to some websites showcasing photography with or without a lens. One site was devoted to pinhole photography explicitly.

http://www.pinholeday.org/gallery/2011/index.php?id=3069&Country=United+Kingdom http://www.i-shot-it.com/competition-photo.php?id=4ddb25cedcbf4

exhibit Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get my framed photography done in time for the Rag Factory exhibition due to changing projects mid way through the LAB event. I wanted to show how I had envisioned my work so after the exhibition I finished off some work and got it framed.

Catastrophic Failure The plan was to build a scale model of a bungalow, 4ft square, with furniture made from single sheets of paper, folded and cut into shape. The whole project was not supposed to use any tape or glue. We used some tape to try and speed up the process, but after realising it wasn’t going to be feasible, we had to stop.

INFINITY MANIFESTO Infinity brief #1

Overview: The goal is to produce a number of collaborative publications exploring different formats between now and the end of the semester. Each ‘issue’ - and I’m using that term very loosely - will be based on a theme, with each member contributing a piece of work to be used. The goal is to produce three of these before hand in, although we’ll set times and dates so we won’t be working on this leading up to hand in.

Issue 1: Natural Phenomenon Pick one of the topics below and produce a piece of work which can be replicated in a 18cm x 18cm format (that’s just below the size of a 7” record) to be placed inside a cardboard folder to produce a collective set. All mediums are allowed (so if you want to do something aural or animated, there’s nothing stopping anyone doing a cd and making a sleeve to be sewn/placed in at that size). The categories are: • Hurricane/Tornado/Whirlwinds (Maddie J) • Storms (Sinéad B) • Volcanic Eruptions (Richard H) • Earthquake (Kat S) • Snow/Blizzards/Ice (Speed) • Tsunami (Steven D) • Auroras (Russell B) • Rainfall (James M) • Thunder and Lightning (Stephanie B) • Mirages (Jo B) • Clouds (Joe A) Spares (feel free to change yours to any of these if you have a change of mind, just post another comment) Dust Storm Drought/Dry Weather/Sunshine Sun Showers and Rainbows Each ‘issue’ will include a index and bio of the artists. Well, this will be promotional. The deadline for the work is the 11th of March, with the production to be finished one week later on the 18th. We can then decide on the next topic and format. Hopefully we will have three out by the end of the semester.

Infinity Manifesto This piece of work was supposed to be the first of three publications. After the first brief the group seemingly ceased to function and we ended up with just the one piece of work each.


Processing - Randomised minimalist grids int x = -8; //always double the gradient colour step value void setup() { size(500,500); background(255); } void draw() { for(int i=0; i<=250; i+=4) //gradient colour { x+=8; //x axis for(int a =0; a<500; a+=5) //y axis { fill(i); //noStroke(); rect(x,a,random(1,8),random(1,8)); } } } void mousePressed() { saveFrame(“minimal###.png�); } /* x value is always double the colour step value, TODO: Create a mouse slider that can relatively scale the 2 values, to increase the size of the squares and keep the gradient the same*/

Processing After going to the first few workshops I realised I already knew how to do a lot of the coding we were learning and began experimenting in class with a couple of lines of code on my own. Once I got home I worked out a few bugs and got my program working to produce these randomised grids.


OIL AND WATER DONT MIX I thought the aphorism our group chose was a good one. The execution on the other hand wasn’t so good. It doesn’t really have any flow to it or a sense of cohesion. I would put this down to the fact the group didn’t have any cohesion or direction. It was an interesting project and a learning experience.


A twee alt folk band

Dan Mumford and Mark PavEY Towards the end of the LAB event, Dan and Mark came in to speak to us about their practice. At the end of the talk we were asked to go away and design a gig poster for a made up band, we were asked to steer clear of the computer and use hands on methods. This got me back into drawing which I enjoyed.

IslIngton O2 ACADEMY S a t u r d a y

2 1 s t

M a y

2 0 1 1

Making Do English: What is Translation? German: Was ist ein Translation? French: Quelle est la traduction? Italian: Qual è la traduzione? Japanese: とは何ですヤフー Russian: Что такое Yahoo English: What is Yahoo English: Is translation reliable? German: Ist Übersetzung zuverlässig? French: La traduction est-elle fiable? Italian: La traduzione è affidabile? Japanese: 翻訳は、信頼性の高いですか? Russian: Перевод Что такое надежное? English: What is a reliable translation? English: Are messages lost in translation? German: Werden die Nachrichten in der Übersetzung verloren? French: Si les messages sont perdus dans la traduction? Italian: Se i messaggi si perdono nella traduzione? Japanese: メッセージは翻訳で失われているか? Russian: Что сообщения теряется в переводе? English: What message is lost in translation? English: Is language too diverse? German: Ist die Sprache zu unterschiedlich? French: Le langage est trop différent? Italian: Il linguaggio è troppo diverso? Japanese: 言語はあまりにも違うのですか? Russian: Какие разные языки тоже? English: What are the different languages , too? English: Is language a bigger barrier than we think? German: Ist die Sprache eine größere Barriere als wir denken? French: Si la langue est un obstacle plus important que nous le pensons? Italian: Se il linguaggio è una barriera più grande di quanto pensiamo? Japanese: 言語は障壁も大きい場合は我々が思っているよりも? Russian: Языковой барьер также больше, чем мы думаем? English: The language barrier is also larger than we think? English: Language as a mirror of the world German: Die Sprache als Spiegel der Welt French: La langue comme un miroir du monde Italian: Il linguaggio come specchio del mondo Japanese: 世界のミラー言語としての Russian: Язык как зеркало мира English: Language as a mirror of the world English: Does speech mirror text? German: Hat Rede Spiegel Text? French: Est-texte miroir discours? Italian: È specchio discorso di testo? Japanese: あなたは、音声のテキストをミラー? Russian: Вы зеркала текст речи? English: You have a mirror copy of the speech?

Lost in translation During this workshop with Mary I decided it would be pointless to just cut up an existing magazine, rearrange it, cut into the pages, draw over them, etc, etc. I wasn’t going to learn anything or add anything of value by doing this. So I decided to explore if meaning is lost in translation, quite literally.

English: That old chestnut German: Die alte Kastanie French: Le vieux châtaignier Italian: Il vecchio castagno Japanese: 古い栗 Russian: Старый каштан English: Old Chestnut




A Day task The task at hand was to develop a video that would convey a word we was given earlier in the day. Luckily we happened to stumble across a cat walking along a wall, but once it got to the end it had nowhere to go and had to walk backwards along it. With this footage we approached the task in a humorous way.













Evaluation Year 2 / Semester 2 This semester has involved quite a lot of group work and I haven’t exactly excelled at doing group work. I don’t think I have a strong enough presence whilst working in groups and I find that I often would rather separate and further my ideas by myself. Even though I dislike working in groups and the easy choice would have been to just ditch them and work alone. But as a learning experience I tried to stick it out and work with others to develop these group working skills. It didn’t work. My ability to compromise on behalf of others just isn’t something I am comfortable doing. Especially if I feel it is going to have a detrimental effect on the work produced. But what I did learn was a way to work in a group without each and every member having such a direct involvement a single visual. I would rather do work for a group than in a group. I did this during the manifesto brief and although I was away ill during the day the manifesto day session was going ahead I joined up with a group at a later date. We set ourselves interesting briefs and produced work independently. I feel as though I could have done better. I think it was my drawing skills that got me into university in the first place, and although I’m experimenting with other techniques, I don’t think it has been very beneficial. Which is very unsettling. I’ve wanted to develop a style or individual method of working that I can call my own. I don’t think I have done this at all. In hindsight, I should have signed myself up to a PDP tutorial with Sallyanne and maybe that would have cleared up some of these discrepancies I am experiencing now. I have certain areas of design I enjoy such as typography and experimental photography. I have some ideas for a camera I want to build over summer or in the 3rd year. This has got me excited, which is an emotion I unfortunately rarely feel anymore. But, I am looking forward to the potential results and the indulging process of making. I need to work on organising my time better to get things done. I work slowly because I take my time to endure things are done to the highest possible quality that I can achieve. Looking at the work produced this semester as a whole. I would conclude that it’s possibly not as good as it could be. I’ve felt relatively distant this semester and that has made it difficult to focus on the work. Untimely family issues have also played a detrimental part in my ability to get on with work on my own. Hopefully next year will be better.

Bibliography Camera building http://www.bjp-online.com/british-journal-of-photography/report/1940459/self-building-cameras http://s192257538.onlinehome.fr/stenocamera/Boutique%20du%20site.html http://8banners.wordpress.com/ http://www.f295.org/Pinholeforum/forum/Blah.pl? http://www.cyberbeach.net/~dbardell/pinhole.html http://www.juliantrubin.com/encyclopedia/engineering/pinhole_camera.html http://www.argonauta.com/html/pinhole_cameras.htm http://chriskeeney.com/chris-keeneys-ck-pinhole-photography-resources http://www.pinholephotography.com.au/Theory/theory.html http://www.flickr.com/photos/johnbaird/189165875/in/photostream/ http://www.pinholelight.co.uk/ http://www.boyofblue.com/index.html

LAB http://www.yankodesign.com/2010/04/29/a-single-sheet-seat/ http://www.besthousedesign.com/2007/09/27/the-origami-chair-by-new-york-designer-james-deiter/origami-chair-furniture/ http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/10/sheetseat.php http://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/01/made-from-a-single-piece-of-plywood-this-chair-redefines-simplicity.php http://www.libertylondongirl.com/2010/04/22/the-ff1-chair-from-fox-and-freeze/ http://www.vivavi.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=146_203&products_id=985 http://www.designbuzz.com/entry/folding-chair-and-ottoman-packs-flat-for-easy-transportation/ http://www.artatheart.co.uk/artatheart/2010/06/animal-chair.html http://www.coroflot.com/kayinspiration7/PIU/1 http://www.unicahome.com/p54094/arktura/pac-console-table-by-arktura.html http://arktura.com/furniture.html http://www.alibaba.com/product/conkadesign-11897669-11142762/Plisgo_Table_From_Conka_Design.html

Infinity Manifesto http://buscoscience.wikispaces.com/tsunami

* Yes, the page is meant to be mostly blank, it’s that old ‘playful use of white space’ chestnut.


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