Demola Tampere Annual report 2015

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Augmented Reality Awaits! HOW TO PLAY 1. Download the Arilyn app on your phone (it's free!). 2. 3.

Search for the Arilyn logo in the pages of the report.

Scan the pictures next to the logo with your phone to reveal hidden content! 1 Start now with the creative team!

Creative Team

Jenni Kangasniemi Story Telling “The Word Smith”

Heikki Viitanen

Project Management “The Jedi Consular”

Tatiana Anagnostaki Layout Design “The Penciller”

SET GAME DIFFICULTY NEWCOMER You improve your language skills, boost your CV and get actual university credits. Not bad!

CLASSIC You get new buddies from different cultures and develop some serious balls by pitching in front of an audience.

VETERAN You open new doors as you gain knowledge of real worklife and realise your unique talents as a student – and person. 1. The hidden content will be available until 5/2018.


CHOOSE YOUR CLASS Demola Tampere Facilitators

Ville Korpiluoto

Head of Demola Tampere “The Wizard”

Aino Siippainen

Communications “The Dog Whisperer”

Yuliya Nesterenko Digital Marketing “The Messenger”

UX Design “The Strategist”

.. .. Petteri Makelainen



Joonas Kemppainen

Facilitator “The Droid”



n Demola, each project is a different game. Neither facilitators, team members nor project partners know before the kick-off event and initial meeting which sort of hand is dealt. This brings both gray hairs and inspiration! Our task as facilitators is to try to keep as many projects as possible on the right track, guiding them towards good results and useful experiences for all stakeholders. One good qualifier for this is the percentage of licensing – 60 % of 2015 projects licensed is a healthy indicator. Nevertheless, the most important goal in a Demola journey is to finish the project with tangible results. Sometimes even good results don’t guarantee licensing but they can still serve as a valuable experience and reference – and a starting point for something else. During the year 2015 we have clarified the rules of Demola. Now each team is given a playbook which they fill up during their projects. The student, project partner, university and facilitator guides define the role of each stakeholder. Innovation work is not easy and there is a lot of uncertainty and moving parts. This is why Demola aims to deliver an evermore clear framework to support this important job. Annual Report 2015 contains the whole year of Demola Tampere in a nutshell. Hopefully you enjoy it. Please contact us facilitators if there is anything more you would like to know about the Demola year 2015 – or if you have some future plans for innovation projects yet to be done! On behalf of Demola Tampere Facilitators,



game map

Demola Tampere Welcome, student. At Demola you are the main character. Your talent, energy and ideas make us run. Read this insider view carefully and join us. Demola offers university students a unique opportunity to add some real-life twist into the conventional path towards a career. At Demola, you will work in a project with a multidisciplinary team solving real-life cases together with partner companies. And yes, it all can be a part of your degree program. Utilize your unique skills to gather experience points and up your level in just three inspiring months!


Universities For universities, Demola offers a way to build sustainable company relationships and a vantage point to market needs. Students, in turn, learn to work in an international group. They get a fresh view of real-life industry via up-to-date project subjects. In the process, they get to know people from different backgrounds and cultures. English language, communication and presentation skills are therefore crucial for success. But do not worry, everyone can learn and everyone will be motivated to find his or her inner strength. Guiding Demola project groups, our teachers have a front seat position in seeing students manage project work. For teachers it is as well an opportunity to meet colleagues from other universities. We all gain from Demola projects.



116 students 22 projects 170 applications 504 credits to students

quests 1. Virtual 3D model creation with the Drone / Intel

2. Industrial Internet of Things / John Deere

3. Visual Life Logging in the Future / Hermia Group

4. Teaching Recipes / Ministry of Education & Culture

5. Anomaly Detection in Digital

14. Medical Device Uploading

Signature requests / Intel

Dock / SensoTrend

6. Hockey Game Dashboard

15. Know Your Colleague / SurveyPal

/ AiScreen

16. Timeline / Fastems 7. Visual Experiences for Bus Travelers / Hermia Group

17. Mobile Appointment / Vincit

8. Supportive Campus Community

18. Playful Proximity-based Mobile

Leaves No One Behind / YTHS

Apps / Tampere University of Technology

9. E-Data Captor / Koutu Digital 19. Gym Balance Station Design 10. Mass-customized Outdoor

/ HUR Labs

Lights / Enzymia

20. EduCloud Bazaar User Inter11. Smooth Logistics / Purso

facelizer / Ministry of Education & Culture

12. Second Screen / Tampere University of Technology

21. RealSense for Mobile Devices / Intel

13. Holiday Buddy / University of Tampere

22. DJ in your Pocket / DJ Online


quests Virtual 3D model creation with the Drone / Intel Players: 6 Mission: Create a new Android application which exploits collected images from the drone and forms a 3D virtual model of the space that the drone is in. Ohad Shevily’s facilitator journey began after this project. Read his story on page 45!

Industrial Internet of Things / John Deere Players: 5 Mission: How could a real-time communication network improve productivity in engineering industry and forestry production? By building a digitalized solution that beats the old and clumsy routines.

Visual Life Logging in the Future / Hermia Group Players: 4 Mission: With smart technology and their sophisticated sensors, selftracking daily life is easier than ever. The team develops new ways to track everyday life with photo and video. These life logs can provide valuable information about us!

Teaching Recipes / OKM Players: 5 Mission: Bring the concept of cooking recipes to the table and help teachers


use digital teaching material. The team designs the concept and first user interfaces. Fact: The team created the “Get inspired” cloud service where teachers can share and find teaching materials.

Anomaly detection in digital signature requests / Intel Players: 5 Mission: Create a new Android application which exploits collected images from the drone and forms a 3D virtual model of the space that the drone is in.

Hockey Game Dashboard / AiScreen Players: 5 Mission: Nowadays it’s possible to track an ice hockey match in real time. Imagine you had all the data in your disposition! The goal of the project is to wrap and visualize the essential information of an ice hockey game in a

modern, web-based form and create a sharable module or widget.

Visual Experiences for Bus Travelers / Hermia Group Players: 5 Mission: Travelling by bus is usually more or less boring. How could digital content be utilized to make everyday journeys more entertaining? Develop different kinds of new concepts for bus travellers based on image and video media.

Supportive Campus Community Leaves No One Behind / YTHS Players: 5 Mission: Identify policies and practices that affect students’ everyday lives. These can be further developed to foster interaction among all members of the campus community and increase a sense of belonging among students.

E-Data Captor / Koutu Digital Players: 4 Mission: Create a product that collects data of electricity consumption in households for further processing. Ideally, the result is easy to use and stylish, too!

Mass-customized Outdoor Lights / Enzymia Players: 6 Mission: In the era of 3D printing and automation, most industrial products are still non-customizable for individual customers. The team creates a new smart lighting concept by which the customer can customize outdoor lights in a 3D environment.

Smooth Logistics / Purso Players: 6 Mission: Build a new logistics and material flow concept for Purso, a company specialized in extruded aluminium profiles and aluminium building systems. Start from scratch and innovate!

Second Screen / TUT Players: 4 Mission: Nowadays many live in private digital bubbles: your mobile gadget activities are not visible to others. Recent smart phones, however, have two displays. What if the second display could be used to help other people participate in what you are doing with your mobile?

Holiday Buddy / UTA Players: 5 Mission: Develop a prototype for a smartphone application which would


quests help people recover from their work during and after holidays. It would be grounded in scientific research and be so fun to use that people would ditch their bad habits permanently and enjoy their free time more.

Medical Device Uploading Dock / SensoTrend Players: 5 Mission: People with chronic health conditions, such as type 1 diabetes, need to track various types of data every day. Bring that data together in one interface, visualize it in a meaningful way and help to share it with health care professionals and peer support groups.

Know Your Colleague / SurveyPal Players: 6 Mission: Knowing the people around you has been proven to increase happiness and overall motivation in everyday life, including work. The goal of the project is to support the feeling of belonging within a company through gamification, by implementing a mobile application.

Timeline / Fastems Players: 5 Mission: Each day companies collect data from multiple sources. With Time-


line, the team will figure out ways to easily find, store and combine the most relevant information and present it in a visually appealing way.

Mobile Appointment / Vincit Players: 2 Mission: The goal is to implement a mobile app for smooth appointment booking. The app would also propose cancelled times to suitable customers in line. No more unnecessary calls, unused slots and long waiting times!

Playful Proximity-based Mobile Apps / TUT Players: 6 Mission: Most people love games and a playful attitude in life – so why not apply that in mobile technology, too! This project is all about innovating playful mobile application concepts where the interaction is based on the physical proximity of several people.

Gym Balance Station Design / HUR Labs Players: 4 Mission: HUR Labs builds balance plates and stations that are used to measure the balance of people from seniors to athletes. How could dynamic features be added to the stations, to test balance even more accurately? What would the new design look like?

EduCloud Bazaar User Interfacelizer / OKM Players: 4 Mission: EduCloud is a community driven could service where you can easily find validated digital learning materials. The project aims to design and implement user interfaces for upper secondary education and higher education in EduCloud Bazaar.

RealSense for Mobile Devices / Intel Players: 5 Mission: Intel RealSense is a new mobile camera technology which combines conventional camera with depth camera. The team tries to find ways to utilize the camera in unique ways using a mobile phone or tablet.

DJ in your Pocket / DJ Online Players: 4 Mission: Imagine having a personal DJ which can pick your favourite songs you didn’t know existed. The goal is to create a music service, preferably a game, where people could listen to the music they want without having trouble finding the new stuff.




cheat sheet

Listen to your team members! Team work will take you far!


Don’t focus on credits and money. You’re too young for that!

Get out and get connected! Drink beer with boring dudes at conferences!




It’s better to shout out random ideas and be silly than procrastinate and show no results!

"Design thinking method" in Finnish: leave lots of room for free-flowing brainstorming!

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10 students 4 projects 310 applications 43 credits to students

quests 1. NPS Customer Satisfaction Tool / Elisa Appelsiini 2. DSII Timeline Tool / Doctoral School of Industry Innovation 3. Children's Safety Game / Tukes 4. Smooth Logistics Prototype / Purso


quests NPS Customer Satisfaction Tool / Elisa Appelsiini Players: 3 Mission: Customer feedback is crucial for a company to succeed. Build an easy, web-based customer satisfaction tool.

DSII Timeline Tool / Doctoral School of Industry Innovation Players: 3 Mission: Build a web-based timeline tool to support and visualize the progress of PhD students taking part in DSII Doctoral School.

Children’s Safety Game / Tukes Players: 2 Mission: Develop an educational, yet fun and entertaining safety game aimed for small children.

Smooth Logistics Prototype / Purso Players: 2 Mission: The project is a follow-up for the previous Smooth Logistics project. The goal is to build a prototype and test it in real use in Purso productional environment.









161 students 27 projects 269 applications 700 credits to students

quests 1. Sensing Wearables / Intel

16. Meaningful Public Procurements / City of Tampere

2. World Conquest with Edison / Intel 17. MaaS Effect / City of Tampere 3. Sock It Up! / Sidoste 18. Mobile Service Assistant / Eatech 4. Acoustic Camera - See the Sound / Intel

19. Augmented Tesoma Reality / TAMK

5. Personal DJ / DJ Online

20. Children's Disease Map / City of Tampere

6. Build Your Dream Journey / Hummingbirds Initiative

21. Buy It Yourself Crane / Konecranes

7. Intelligent Mobile Camera

22. Happy Staff You Deserve / NMKY

Triggers / Intel

23. Welfare Index Game / Avvenire 8. Bottleneck Diagram / Pilkington


9. Mobile Master Key / Vincit

24. Gamified Enterprise / Tieto Finland

10. Tyre Buyers’ Paradise / Green Tread

25. Industrial IoT Piloting / John Deere

11. Programmable Narrow Spectrum

26. Rin-Tin-Tinder / Linnacom

Light Source / Intel

27. 3D Furnishing Shop / IWG 12. Tyre And The IoT / Nokian Tyres


13. Wearables for Dogs / Koutu Digital 14. Rehabilitation Using Virtual Reality / Vincit

15. Online Fitting Room / Koutu Digital


quests Sensing Wearables / Intel Players: 6 Mission: The goal is to create a concept of an advanced do-it-all wearable or implantable solution by combining existing tech with future tech. The result would not just be a fitness tracker but a means to sense the world in a new way.

World Conquest with Edison / Intel Players: 6 Mission: Edison is a tiny microchip/ computer designed by Intel especially for wearable technologies. The team aims to create a new business idea and product using Edison. Fact: The team scored the Pivot award.

current devices. The goal is to create a tool that shows your audio environment in a visual way. All information integrated in one small device that you can carry everywhere with you. It could be used for sound proofing, singing, loudspeaker placement, acoustic damping, finding a singing bird in a tree – you name it!

Sock It Up! / Sidoste

Personal DJ / DJ Online

Players: 6 Mission: Older generations are hooked on the traditional Sidoste socks. The logo, two terriers fighting over a sock, is iconic yet outdated. How to make the brand more appealing to the younger audience?

Players: 4 Mission: Create your own personal DJ who can pick your favourite songs you didn’t even know to exist. The solution should help the user compose the vision of the perfect playlist in a fun and fresh way.

Acoustic Camera - See the Sound / Intel

Build Your Dream Journey / Hummingbirds Initiative

Players: 5 Mission: It’s difficult to measure and store acoustic information with

Players: 4 Mission: Create a concept that makes travelling to Sri Lanka more affordable


and builds new business models and jobs in sustainable travelling.

Intelligent Mobile Camera Triggers / Intel Players: 6 Mission: The regular camera shutter button is sometimes clumsy and slow to use. With a new Android app, you could take advantage of sensors and image analysis to help capture the exact moment on camera.

Bottleneck Diagram / Pilkington Players: 3 Mission: The goal is to create a software for simulating capacitysituation inside a plant. The software has to include all product variants on the pipeline and visualize the (potential) bottlenecks immediately. The software would be important for production planning process.

Mobile Master Key / Vincit Players: 5 Mission: For rescue officials, swiftness and efficiency is vastly important. Design a mobile application which allows rescue departments to open all electronic locks in an area for a couple of minutes - without the need to enter PIN codes or using access tags.

Tyre Buyers’ Paradise / Green Tread Players: 5 Mission: The project’s goal is to improve tyre web store sales and sales generally for business-to-customers and business-to-business fields in Finland and Estonia. How to penetrate the Finnish tyre market efficiently from Estonia?

Programmable Narrow Spectrum Light Source / Intel Players: 3 Mission: Create a compact device that can produce relatively narrowband spectral peaks sweeping from start of the visible light spectrum to the near infrared.

Tyre And the IoT / Nokian Tyres Players: 5 Mission: Utilize the Internet of Things to shape the experience of using car tyres. The tool would provide information on factors such as tyre damage and weather conditions.

Wearables for Dogs / Koutu Digital Players: 6 Mission: Add “smartness” to regular dog clothes. How to implement


quests technology such as stress and pulse sensors to dog wearables?

Rehabilitation Using Virtual Reality / Vincit Players: 5 Mission: Virtual reality offers endless new opportunities – for the health care sector, too. Make patient rehabilitation process easier and more fun through interactive game in Oculus Rift glasses. Fact: The team scored the Gaming Award.

Online Fitting Room / Koutu Digital Players: 6 Mission: Online clothing stores are a huge business, yet how to make it easier to find fitting clothes? Create a solution that utilizes cameras and portable devices to take exact measurements of the customer and turns the pictures into clothing sizes.

Meaningful Public Procurements / City of Tampere Players: 6 Mission: The team gathers health care, social and residential service data provided by different companies. The main goal is to improve interaction between companies and the city regarding public procurements.


MaaS Effect / City of Tampere Players: 4 Mission: In future, transport will be arranged more and more in service packages, not as individual bus and taxi rides, for instance. The goal of this project is to create new MaaS (Mobility as a Service) concepts and services that could be implemented in Tampere.

Mobile Service Assistant / Eatech Players: 6 Mission: Create a usable and hooking user interface for mobile servicemen who often don’t like smartphones or tablets. The solution should be targeted to Android smartphones and tablets.

Augmented Tesoma Reality / TAMK Players: 5 Mission: Make your everyday surroundings more interesting by changing them with media elements such as sound, video and GPS data.

Children’s Disease Map / City of Tampere Players: 5 Mission: The goal is to create a concept and prototype of monitoring the spread of TOP3 children’s diseases

in Tampere area. The data would include location information based on diagnosis postal coding.

Buy It Yourself Crane / Konecranes Players: 4 Mission: The goal of the project is to develop a mobile app for factories, which are planning to purchase a standard jib crane. The app should visualize the position and movements of the crane in factory premises.

Happy Staff You Deserve / NMKY Players: 6 Mission: Create a tool that makes the staff in companies healthier and more productive. The goal is a pilot for a social business that offers holistic development workshops to educate the staff about health, time management, social skills, etc.

Gamified Enterprise / Tieto Finland Players: 6 Mission: Create interactive and gamified solutions that could differentiate Tieto from competitors. How could companies use gaming into their business model?

Industrial IoT Piloting / John Deere Players: 4 Mission: How could a real-time working communication network, Internet of Things, improve productivity and profitability in engineering and forestry?

Rin-Tin-Tinder / Linnacom Players: 6 Mission: Build an innovative, gamified social network that will help revolutionalize pet training business. Motivate your dog, find buddies and explore the world through your dog’s nose!

Welfare Index Game / Avvenire Accounting

3D Furnishing Shop / IWG Instituutti

Players: 6 Mission: There are sports trackers and mindfulness applications but not many games that address both mental, physical and social health. The goal is to design a mobile game which increases the player’s holistic wellbeing through everyday activities.

Players: 5 Mission: Create a convenient online furniture shop where the customers can visualize their rooms in a 3D environment and apartments and try pieces of furniture into them.





trainee & alumni






48 credits to students 1. Children’s Safety Game / Tukes 2. Tesoman Turvallisuus / City of Tampere 3. Annual Report 2014 / Demola Tampere 4. Game for New Student Recruitment / TUT

quests Children's Safety Game / Tukes Players: 5 Mission: The goal is to develop a fun game that would at the same time serve as safety education for small children. Did you know?: You can play the game “Pikin huone” on the Yle Pikku Kakkonen website: pikkukakkonen/#!/pikin-huone

Tesoman Turvallisuus / City of Tampere Players: 1 Mission: The goal of this project is to develop a new safety program for the Tesoma area in Tampere.

Demola Annual Report / Demola Tampere Players: 3 Mission: Wrap the results of the Demola year of 2014 - the projects, people media hits, highlights - in a printed form, the Annual Report.

Game for New Student Recruitment / TUT Players: 2 Mission: Create a simple web-based game that can be included in a new student’s application process to TUT, to deliver an appealing image of student life in Tampere.


facilitators’ highlights



CRITIQUE I did 4 projects before

CONFIDENCE People often don’t

starting as facilitator. Demola has changed my mindset and opened my eyes on the importance of constructive feedback. Give me healthy critique and all you get back from me is a “hi five” (maybe a hug even)!

realise how much they have to offer. As a student you know lots of things that others don’t. That way, step by step, Demola teaches you to believe in yourself as a professional in your own field.

KNOWLEDGE I planned and held my

PERFECTION One of my teams and

first workshops in 2015. Being able to inspire 150 “hungry for more” students brings me the drive to keep on going. Any Demola project can become “the next big thing”. Simply being a part of it makes me feel important.

the winner of autumn season, Sensing Wearables, was perfect in every sense. The dynamics worked, the partner was active and open. It was a pleasure to be part of that.

YEARNING When the projects SPARK I realized that the facilitator is a fire that lights the spark in you when things go right and a shoulder to lean on when things go wrong.


end, we often don’t have a clue what companies will do with the results. It’s like raising guide dogs. The pups are with you the first year and then you give them a new home. It’s fun but also wearing in the long run.



DIRECTION When I first joined

WRAPPING UP all Demola activities

Demola in 2009, I had no clue what to do with the rest of my studies. I ended up studying innovation environments and got to utilize that at Demola, finally becoming a facilitator and communication manager.

to one compact package for the first time and facilitating the Annual Report 2014 project was definitely a highlight. Similarly, Final Pitching Event is always grand. There’s the excitement and all the effort people have put into their pitches and solutions.

DOG LOVE I practice agility with my dogs. Two of my projects related to dogs, Wearables for Dogs and Rin Tin Tinder, were super inspiring to me. They brought a new twist to the campaign.

PROUD FATHER I’m proud of my teams, licensed or not. The Meaningful Public Procurements team, for instance, did a great job on a complicated issue even without being licensed.

FREEDOM What I love about Demola is that there are no correct answers. You have the freedom to think from the angle of your own skills and background. So you’d like to test something new? Go ahead!

TRENDSETTER Back in the days, the term ”facilitator” was not used much anywhere. Nowadays it can be seen everywhere and in many different contexts. It seems like Demola has played a big role in coining it!





project partners

What do you remember most vividly about your year as a partner?

Thomas Olsson Adjunct Professor at TUT

The meetings with the students. The open atmosphere was almost tangible. You don’t postpone but encourage to test and develop ideas. It’s often refreshing for students who are used to traditional university lectures. Research projects are often complex but we were lucky with the teams. The students quickly grasped the idea and the group dynamics were excellent.

The students quickly grasped the idea and the group dynamics were excellent. What did you get yourself from the experience?

We wanted new concepts and ideas for our current research projects, both of which deal with mobile technology. We got visuals, sketches, bits and pieces of code – not all revolutionary but workable, usable solutions. A three-month project is short so you can’t expect to get premium quality straight away.

Did you utilize your teacher background? The Demola way of thinking was already familiar to me since I use the agile, lean project cycle as a teacher, too. I know that students need a lot of directing, so I took an active role. In turn, I was able to provide tips, tools and methods. It was a valuable experience for me as well.


You should never be afraid of giving honest feedback.

Janne Lammela IT Manager at John Deere

How did your company benefit from the Demola way of innovating? In a large company, it is easy to get stuck in old habits. Students from school, on the other hand, are like blank papers with fresh ideas. Year 2015 was my debut as a project partner. We got good results and great innovation such as an “Electronic Product memory” that can be applied to various areas in the industry. The Demola process felt pretty much like a continuous brainstorm.

What were your most important teachings for the teams? Communication is #1. If a team member is slacking, for instance, you should discuss the problem thoroughly rather than start doing the job yourself. You should never be afraid of giving honest feedback.

Did Demola teach you something? Although I’m experienced in managing international projects, I learned even more about the differences between cultures and diversity. Good communication is always important but even more so in multinational, multilingual teams. I learnt how to get people coming from different backgrounds on the same page.


game reviews

Any Demola moment you’d rather forget?

Yuliya Nesterenko

I grin a little when I think about things I wrote in my first ever project application: ‘Demola is my dream. It’s my house, don’t take it from me.’ Oh my, I probably made the facilitators laugh for hours!

The best doping that kept you going?

Mikael Ala-Ketola

Coffee and peer pressure kept me active and awake. Walking around and drinking green tea helped me focus.

The most surprising comment you’ve got in Demola?

Tuulia Paulanto 42

During our project, we did a survey as background research. Some people had written in the comment section that our survey was a bit too expert-ish. It was supposed to be critique but it felt like a compliment. Our subject was so complex that I never ever could’ve thought someone would call us too professional!

The wildest idea your team came up with?

Ayazhan Kukyateva

Our goal was to create an innovative concept of a wearable device with current and future technology. The longer we brainstormed, the braver our ideas got. Finally we developed a superman whose abilities are powered by microchips implanted under the skin. Even though this concept could upgrade the whole mankind, we decided to leave the idea for future generations.

The weirdest thing you had to do as a part of your project?

Ilkka Rönkä

Walking around in the streets of my neighbourhood, staring at my phone, trying to make our mobile application work – then cursing a little and going back inside to fix errors… and so on.

A surprising skill you had to utilize in your project?

Hang Do Minh

For the promotional video we had to utilise our acting skills. It was quite surprising, especially so as most of us didn't really have previous experience in acting. We did quite well though and the shooting was a lot of fun!




top players



Anni Vuokko Player 1

year ago I decided to start saying less “no” and more “yes” to new opportunities. This has led to fantastic things, ultimately to landing a dream job. I completed my first Demola project in 2013 and fell in love with the atmosphere. For me Demola was also the first opportunity to work as an expert of my own field. After my second Demola project things escalated quickly. My facilitator recommended me to Chaos Architects, a Protomo startup which had a UX designer spot vacancy. During the job interview I quickly realised this job would be perfect. I was on a holiday in Budapest as I got the best email imaginable: “If you’re still interested – welcome to our team.” I was bouncing off the walls! During these two months I have already learned a lot. For example, I surprised myself by planning a whole user interface in one week. I was so proud of the result and myself; I had successfully pushed myself to learning new things. Demola taught me that work doesn’t have to be static. It’s even better for your personal development to seek new challenges. My days are often hectic but time flies because I get to do things that I love.






Starts studying Computer Sciences

Demola project for YIT

Summer job at Tieto

Demola project for Tieto

Job at Chaos Architects


top players


Nelli Toivo Player 2


ake a mobile game that improves your wellbeing." It sounded like a challenging but fun project – a combination of my major, Public Health, and a quickly growing field, gamification. The project was worth the try. Not only did I grow as a person but Demola helped me career-wise, too. During the project, I contacted the City of Tampere to ask for an internship. The interviewer got clearly excited as I mentioned Demola; it seems that gamification has become a buzzword on a municipal level, too. I got the job and, what’s more, I can probably focus on the same areas as in the Demola project – digitalization, health, and gamification. I’ve also taken gamification courses at the university. It’s definitely an area I’d love to learn more about. Demola was a good starting point. Even though our project had it’s share of difficulties, we managed to finish with a tangible demo. Now I have a clearer picture about project management in real life. I also grasped the importance of flexibility; you have to keep developing your concept throughout the project. After this experience, I wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up in a startup company some day.





Starts studying Public Health

Works on the Welfare Index Game

Starts internship at City of Tampere



n my home country, Israel, I worked in aerospace engineering. Airborne safety equals slow-paced projects and several years until you see your innovations applied to real life. It didn’t fit my way of thinking at all. I’m more of a creative person who likes to do things quickly. I needed a change and moved to Finland to study at TUT. Player 3 As I got to know Demola, it immediately sounded like my passion. I ended up completing one project, then another…. Finally, after four successful projects, I found myself in a new place again, working as a facilitator. Facilitating is a delicate job. You try to steer the team to the right direction but you’re not the manager. This is a job that keeps my eyes open as I constantly have to familiarize myself with new fields of expertise. It has also taught me the importance of honest, concrete feedback. Perhaps the best feeling is when I can pass on insight that I’ve gathered through the years and see the team members grasp new things. In the process, I’ve gotten to know myself better.

Ohad Shevily





Moves to Finland to study at TUT

Completes four projects at Demola

Takes part in the winning team

Becomes facilitator at Demola


demola news

Demola Alumni is an international community for all Demola project graduates. Join our growing network and meet alumni from other Demola countries. Chat, share ideas and gather some Demola insight at

Beyond Demola is an ongoing documentary series which shows the soul of Demola: the projects, people, highlights and stories. Stay tuned and watch the episodes online at

Get inspired:

Spread the word & stay tuned:

@DemolaTampere uusitehdas.demola new.factory

Väinö Linnan Aukio 15, 4rd floor, 33210 Tampere, Finland © 2016 Demola Tampere. All rights reserved.




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