LJJ Portfolio

Page 1

li jiaju

portfolio architecture


2014 1

Anyone can be an architect.





li jiaju







Shenyang Jianzhu University,

shizuishan urban planning and design institute


architecture and urban planning

12/2013-fall construction site practice 07/2014-12/2014 China Academy of Building Research






The swap space Residential area planning and design

The city, the green, the hospital in between General hospital design

Seemingly floating,

Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition





time: The third grade of the first semester location: Shenyang, China overall floorage:259,000 ㎡ plot ratio:1,26 building density:21.3%

time: the third grade of the second semester location: somewhere in the south with a moderate climate overall floorage:16,600 ㎡ plot ratio:54.4% area of base:30,500 ㎡

time: the fourth grade of the second semester location: Shanghai, China

time: the first semester of the fifth grade, location: Helsinki finland overall floorage:11,690 ㎡ area of base:18,520 ㎡

exploration on negative space in city intersection


other works

p38-p39 03

#1 The swap space Residential area planning and design time: The third grade of the first semester location: Shenyang, China overall floorage:259,000 ㎡ plot ratio:1,26 building density:21.3%

Research of the Wuzi community in Beijing

who live on the ground floor. This makes the entrance become

watching chess always giving advice and suggestions.

chaotic and crowded. Certainly I can understand the arguments for adjustments. After all, the design was not developed to a

I realized that these scenes do not appear in a lot of

While making my portfolio I came across a project I

the new residential areas, and observing this scene let me

did in my first year of University. The design was mostly

go back to the my years when “A near neighbor is better

influenced by references that where developed in Europe

than a distant cousin”

and the Soviet Union in the early 20th century. While the

I star ted walking again, leaving my childhood

design for my project was simple, I wanted to understand

memories behind, until I saw a simple build vegetable

the effect this imported model had on Chinese living

market in the next squire. This place should be the largest

conditions and found one of the earliest project in China

square in this district. Measuring about 350 square

was built in Beijing.

meters. In fact, the square is barely big enough for all the

mature level at that time. However, this kind of self-built small spaces only can use by the first layer household, and the upper floors neighbors probably can only watch helplessly. Between the building blocks are small gardens, most of them full of flowers, and many tall ginkgo trees with a few stone benches and stone tables, a footpath paved by black brick. Here i smell the scent of unknown flowers, also heard bursts of birds form these distant trees, and I feel particularly comfortable. I even saw an elders reading at the garden’s stone bench, the

functions, and, compared to the squares in new residential Built in the 1970s, the residential project WUZI

areas it is a small square The market apparently occupies

YARD, located north of Yutan Street in XiCheng district

a very favorable location in the district, the business is

was an ideal example how these western ideas proved

seems very good in just the 10 minutes that I stayed here,

themselves within a Chinese context. The following

dozens came here to buy their food. The customers seem

account provides my observations of a visit in September

all to live here, and act like friends with the market owner,


saying their goodbyes to each other after paying.

I arrived the North entrance of the WuZi Yard at 2:00pm.

Leaving the vegetable market, I walked deeper into

From the main road, I had to walk 50 meters until I passed

the complex. As far away as possible from the hustle

the security room and was officially inside the complex.

and bustle of repair stalls and markets. Here the district

My first impressions walking on a narrow and congested

presented to me is incredible quiet. Cars parked beside

road was how quiet and comfortable the surrounding

the narrow road, make the road even narrower, but such

context became.

scale makes me feel more comfortable and secure. On

sunlight sprinkled around the stone bench so lazy, time seems to stop down here, I sat down and delayed my leave. When I departed it is already four o’clock in the afternoon and residents began to return to the district. The quiet afternoon becomes a lively early evening with people talk about the family stuff on the roadside, aunts carrying vegetables basket back home after slowly buying their daily food. Once outside of the district, I directly end up on the wide avenue where, traffic has congested, let my heart become nervous again. Everything that just happens seems an illusion, so untruthfulness that let me began to doubt myself, which one is the real Beijing?

both sides of the road trees are growing lush, the places I kept walking until I passed a bike repair stall. People born in the 90s, like me, have memories about this kind


are so peaceful; I seem to return to the northwest of my

As an architect, we always want to design something


of places: When I was a child, my grandmother would put

The construction of the residential blocks are an

food on the table side at noon, but we did not eat until my

exposed style of painted red brick and concrete These

grandfather came back. He usually was playing chess

typical brick structure and the layout of these blocks make

with a shop owner and would forget the time. So I always

me feel years.

wait for my grandfather to finish his game at noon. Such

The sides nearby the entrance of each staircase has

memories are deeply rooted in the depths of my heart,

a small yard, presumably the original intention of the

whenever I see those people who play chess in the stalls, I

design was to let the residents plant some flowers and

would remember the cheerful situations of my childhood.

plants to show their interest in life, but the real situation

While playing chess these places are surrounded by

of buildings are always in contrast with the architect’s

a many people, with the men who play chess shouting

idea. Most of these small yards are transformed into

loudly to encourage themselves, and the people who

pantries or other functional rooms by some the household

beautiful for the users. Through various methods we can help to improve people’s daily lives, something that is comfortable for people to live in, even when the building condition over time become complex beyond the architect’s imagination. In the end there is nothing about design if it is not constraint to human needs. I think, as an architect we shouldn’t try to be the God vain to control other people, but more we should be a human just like

community structure and road layout

those people who use the building, care about their perspective and feel their feelings, design for man is what they really needed, instead of ideas that suddenly appear in the mind. 05

Two Systems

Central Greenbelt

Residential Landscape aerial corridor

Public buildings, for services, activities and business


High-rise housing cluster in the north

Green Roof

Interior river landscape Central Avenue Transportation hub of the residential area


The road cross-section before the house

Based on the environment, the program integrates the two textures on the south side organically to reflect a strong sense of whole order, which introduces the straight and the bend to form the central landscape region where the East and West systems, the straight and the bend combine and integrate with each other. Green roof, folding slope, platform, open balcony and overhead corridor combine organically and the "green" nature is introduced naturally in the residential. 06

The road cross-section view of cluster



Entrance Perspective

River View

north facade

south facade

unit combination

3 peolpe


2 peolpe

2 peolpe

3 peolpe

5 peolpe

3 peolpe

house plane

Eye point Perspective


analusis of the block

original site with different characteristics

the relationship between road and site

#2 The city, the green, the hospital in between General hospital design

centralized traffic hub

functional needs of double site areas

final layout

influence of wind direction on buildings

schemes of the process

time: the third grade of the second semester location: somewhere in the south with a moderate climate overall floorage:16,600 ㎥ plot ratio:54.4% area of base:30,500 ㎥

analysis of the main line in hospital

analysis of residential streamline

analysis of hospital waste stream

the relationship between hospital and community

analysis of site within the souare line

Concept description During architectural design for this general hospital, the selected construction site was somewhere in the south with a moderate climate; with large tract of wetland park as border on the east, the environment is pleasant and the sceneries are beautiful; urban main road locates in the southeast and residential areas locate in the west. This scheme proceeds from considerations of site environment. In combination with surrounding sceneries and fundamental municipal environment, the intention is to create a green-encircled garden-like general hospital. ground floor plan



roof plan

around the green base status

around the green base status

base on the inside situation

the vehicle and walk relations


central area analysis

fuctional analysis

lighting roof

northwest wind

emergency exits adminstrative area

the inpatient area


operation layer


medical technology

outpatient area

circulation vold1

circulation vold2 traffic hub

the overall layout vertical circulation



overall plan




west elevation


east elevation

section 1-1

section 2-2


1.waiting area 2.Shoe-changing area 3.male locker room 4.female locker room 5.preparation 6.cleaning 7.disinfection 8.anesthesia room 9.operation room 10.contaminant room 11,recovery room 12.administrative office 13.conference room 14.lounge 15.conversation room

1.ECG, 2.ultrasound 3.X-ray 4.low radioactivity area 5.medium radioactivity area 6.high radioactivity area 7.ward 8.administrative office 9.waiting area 10.disinfection floor plan level -3.5m

floor plan level 0.00m

1.Registration 2.pharmacy 3.hospital guidance 4.internal medicine 5.surgical department 6.duty office 7.observation 8.waiting area 9.laboratory examination 10.X-ray 11,consulting room 12.plaster 13.injection room 14.treatment room 15.transfusion room 16.administrative office 17.changing room 18.emergency treatment 19.monitoring room 20.obstetrics and gynecology department


floor plan level 6.2m

floor plan level 13.20m

1.Blood room 2.injection room 3.treatment room 4.consulting room 5.phototherapy room 6.electrotherapy room 7.pediatrics 8.gastroscopy 9.cystoscope 10.changing room 11,disinfection 12.blood bank 13.duty office 14.administrative office 15.pathology department 16.bacteriological examination room 17.biochemical examination room 18.waiting area floor plan level 9.7m

1.Nurse station 2.doctor’s office 3.treatment room 4.disinfection 5.contaminant washing room 6.duty office 7.activity room 8.gym floor plan level 16.70m

1.Nurse station 2.doctor’s office 3.treatment room 4.disinfection 5.contaminant washing room 6.duty office 7.Library 8.administrative room 9.conference room 10.lounge 11.activity room 12.administrative office floor plan level 20.20m


the map of city

#3 Seemingly floating, exploration on negative space in city intersection time: the fourth grade of the second semester location: Shanghai, China

Concept description

positive space of the city

refine the negative space

negative spave of the city

the new positive space of the city

the condition of crossing

"Negative space" is often overlooked by people, which provides us with enough space to display. Through investigation and research, we choose the most congested "crossroads" in the city, and we do not have fixed bases for the possibility of spread. Depending on the surrounding circumstances of each


the housewife

the younger

the white collar

intersection, we analyze the different needs of different groups of people, and provide spaces that different groups need. Over the crossroads, we create a new space, a space to meet the various needs of people.

focus on the trouble

Redefine the urban space, and the building with more functions becomes

present situation

er...what can we do this noon

oh,no!it's so bad

houselet with houselet


houselet with tower

tower with tower


flexible in use. The program can be spread to any crossroad in city. Radiate from the point to area.

the fashion people

the residents

master sportsman

the aged

dear,where to have lunch today?





the environment analysis bridage the gap between river banks

architecture and structure observe and memorize the communities

satisfty both verticle and level personal demand

flowing space

forest structure

maximize green areas

connect the neighbor-hoods with infrastruca-ture

alleviate the traffic pressure cloud space

horizontal partition



the mind map

the photos of site

people & time

spatial analysis

section plan


general layout plan


#4 Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition time: the first semester of the fifth grade, location: Helsinki finland overall floorage:11,690 ㎥ area of base:18,520 ㎥



background Following a detailed concept and development study conducted during 2011, presented in 2012, and revised in 2013 for a new Guggenheim museum in Finland, the Guggenheim requested that the City of Helsinki reserve a prominent waterfront site near the historic center for an architectural competition and eventually the proposed museum. the idea of an architectural competition is integral to the museum project concept. finland has a proud tradition of these, and the foundation recognized that a competition would offer a city texture

creative and effective route to securing a fresh and unique design for the proposed museum.

city transportation

laivasillankatu road

city virescence



city harbor

Sectional Guidelines and Parameters Diagram

not to scale

idea option


concept analysis Inspired by the iceberg, the design reverses the submerged part of the iceberg and the part above water and forms the architectural image; in the base is the port cargo area which requires a cargo truck road retaining, so I let the road through the building, and integrate the entrance function in the "tunnel" portal to form a wonderful spatial experience. Visitor line

Management line

Freight line

shape option Additional site boundary information and current location of the raised olympia terminal pedestrian deck


not to scale


Daylight analysis

section 1-1

lobbies section






Material analysis

Facade material 50 / 150mm aluminum metal frame aluminum fixed strips with powder coating

Facade sealing seam, extruded aluminum with EPDM sealing strip 50 / 150mm aluminum metal frame

Triple insulation glass, aluminum fixed strips with Triple insulation glass

powder coating

Floor structure: 50mm mortar layer, microporous membrane, 50mm built-in hot water mortar layer, 280mm reinforced concrete, 50mm mortar layer

50mm mortar layer

details structure



1 2

restaurant entrance


12 9

4 21




storage entrance




7 4



management entrance

5 3


11 13

14 visitors entrance














ground floor interlayer

third floor

fourth floor

ground floor

4 23

29 4

4 25











second floor interlayer

24 23

second floor


1,Lobbies 2,Visitor Services 3,Museum And Design Store 4,Office 5,Stock Room 6,Formal Restaurant 7,Kitchen 8,Storage 9,Equipment Storage 10,Shipping 11,Custodial Office 12,Control Room 13,Locker Rooms 14,Landscape Grounds Maintenance Equipment 15,Seasonal Furniture Storage 16,Workrooms 17,Staff Bar 18,Art Storage 19,Crate Storage 20,Uncrating 21,CafĂŠ Bar 22,Exhibition Room 23,Rest Space 24,Conference Hall 25,Meeting Room 26,Copy Room 27,File Storage 28,Share Work Space 29,Laboratory

1 1

4 4

fifth floor

top floor

1,Exhibition Room 2,Rest Space 3,Multifunction Room 4,Outdoor Garden


interior perspective The third floor Exhibition room



Hand model

#5 other works

Hand model Freehand sketching

Timberwork pavilion time:The second grade of the first semester

Tulou time:The third grade of the first semester

other works

team works

Photography work


Amalgamated dwelling design Time: the fourth grade of the first semester Location: Shenzhen China

Location: Shenyangjianzhu university Time: the first grade of the second semester

The kindergarten project Time: The second grade of the first semester Location: Shenyang China

Bus station design Time: the third grade of the second semester Location: Shenyang China




li jiaju moble:15226261028 E-mail:57692130@qq.com 42

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