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Welcome Students: You have the entire period to submit a complete essay on the prompt below. Please note that the following items ARE allowed: Assigned computer for typing essay. Hard Copy of the Red Scarf Girl. (please ask permission for PDF version, available on ISSUU) Hard Copy of Animal Farm. (please ask permission for PDF version, available on ISSUU) Paul's Reasoning Model Notes, including: -items referencing the "Wheel" -Slides Notes referencing Animal Farm -Slides Notes referencing Red Scarf Girl -Slides Notes / "Wheel" notes referencing Non-fiction readings on Protests. - Additional Notes taken for any of the above. Please note that the following items ARE NOT allowed: - Internet sites other than the pre-allowed ISSUU site. - Notes from other sources - electronic devices.

Please answer the following prompt, after selecting a character from Animal Farm and a character from Red Scarf Girl to use as examples. You must reference these two characters in your answer. You may reference additional non-fiction sources to enhance your argument.

3A How does an individual’s community and society influence his/her interaction in the world?

RUBRIC (Each section is worth 20 points) Format: Essay has clear Intro, Body, and Conclusion (including all the components that go into each of these) Textual Referencing: Essay has each paragraph making reference to the literature. Direct quotes, paraphrasings, citations, and/or scene/event descriptions are evident in each paragraph. Driving Thesis: The essay is cohesive and makes a point in the opening paragraph, which is supported in the body paragraphs, and which has commentary in the concluding paragraph. Mechanics: The essay is free of grammatical errors, uses complete sentences and transitions. Style: The essay follows the "rules" of avoiding passive voice, avoiding overly generalized sentences.

Submission Instructions: Please type your name and block on the top of your paper. Please print your finished paper when completed or when five minutes are remaining in class. Staple the submission and turn it in to your teacher before the bell rings. Note: Please save your work periodically in a location you can access at a later time.

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