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#1 (I’m)possibilities

8 September 2015—11 September 2015

# 1 (I’m)possibilities In This ISSUU:

Week 1 AGENDA (FOR GLOBAL 9 AND ENG 10 CLASSES September 8—September 11, 2015 Day ONE Expectations and Verification Sheets Choice and Who Are You? “Possibilities” by Wislawa Szymborska / El Condor Pasa (If I Could) by Simon and Garfunkel WIP set up (Preliminary) Homework: Expectations Assignment: Using the Formal Letter format from class, write a letter to me regarding your expectations of my performance as your teacher.

Day TWO Collect Homework (Everything Goes Into the WIP) Writing Prompt (#5) from the RITING ISSUU p. 4 and 5 (Time as needed) /Pre-assessment. Green Book 94-99 / “”The Parable of the Old Man and the Young” by Wilfred Owen Homework—Writing Goals (RITING ISSUU pp. 4-5) “Sheltered Mushroom,” Yorktown, VA EDM, 2015

Agenda Homework (Week 1) (I’m)possibilities—First Look /(I’m)possibilities—Second Look Expectations Formal Letter Expectations Global 9 /Expectations English 10 Verification Sheet Possibilities– Wislawa Szymborska / Discussion El Condor Paso (If I Could) —Simon and Garfunkel Parable of the Old Man and the Young — Wilfred Owen / Discussion Credits and Announcements

BY WEEK’s END FOR ALL CLASSES IN THE WIP -Preference Reactions -Prompt #5 -Expectation Letters -Possibly Green Book work 94-99 ON THE WIP -Tab (Name/Preferred Name, Block, Seat) -Inside : Formal Letter Format -OTHER Verification Sheets (Accessed through email or through website)

HOMEWORK** ONE Letter (Turned in*) HOMEWORK TWO Writing Goals Paragraph (Assigned) *All work goes in WIP folder, unless otherwise indicated.* **Please announce Technical Issues PRIOR to due date. Email or visit 143b with signed parental note prior to class.

“Under Watery Eye,” Virginia Beach, VA (Boardwalk) EDM, 2015

I’m possibilities personified. I’m pertinent and I’m personal. I’m pure, I’m pious, I’m perfect. I’m peaches and its creams I’m prison guardin’ Pandora’s sacred box Yet... I’m mute unalterably at this soft escape. I’m pulse. I’ve dinosaur Blood racing through and through I’m prints of scratches….some read the scripted letters, words, wisdom ….some echo like lifelines in the night I’m posters of Glory I’m painted in corner’s spray I’m pregnant with pause I’m pounded, thus I’m potent I’m patient and I’m plausible I , I, I , I’m possible. I’m possible. Midnight impatiently ticking Trees impractically swaying Darkened windows impending doom I’m pact already signed and sealed. I’m a done deal. Cracked Ticked Tocked Rip Boom I’m paired with love. I’m paired with breath. I’m paired with my other half. I’m paired with that which I am not.. I’m paired with that which I want to be. This is me. Is how I am. Prime. All one, leagued with open Ever After. All. is One leap too little.…. I’m possible. I’m possible. I’m possible.

Personify Certainty. EDM Sept 2015

“Ruins in Silhouette (Tiled),” Virginia Beach, VA (Boardwalk) EDM, 2015

Impossibilities personified.

Impertinent and Impersonal.. Impure, Impious, Imperfect.

Impeaches and it screams Imprison guard in Pandora’s acred box Yet...Immute unalterably at this soft escape. Impulsive dinosaur Blood racing through and through imprints of scratches ….some read the scripted letter Swords, wisdom ….some echo …. Likely felines in the night Imposters of Glory ….Impainted in corners. Prey…..Impregnate with paws Impounded, thus Impotent Impatient and Implausible I , I, I , Impossible. Impossible. Midnight, I’m patiently ticking Trees, I’m practically swaying Darkened Windows, I’m pending doom Impact already signed and sealed. I’m a done deal. Cracked Ticked Tock Drip Boom…. Impaired with love. Impaired with breath. Impaired with my other half. Impaired with that which I am not.. Impaired with that which I want to be. This is me. I show I am primal. Lonely agued wit . Hope never . After all, is one leap too little? Impossible, Impossible, Impossible person.!

Ify certainty EDM Sept 2015

“Sea Meets Sky,” Virginia Beach, VA (Boardwalk) EDM, 2015






1668 Kempsville Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23464

1668 Kempsville Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23464

#2B 8 September 2015

8 September 2015

#3 #4

Dr. Chris Peters 1111 Kempsville Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Dr. Chris Peters 1111 Kempsville Rd Virginia Beach, VA 23464

#5 (Optional) Dear Dr. Peters,

Dear Dr. Peters,

#6a Re: Report for Friday

Re: Report for Friday


I am writing this letter to inform you…….

I am writing this letter to inform you……. (could be a one sentence paragraph, formulating the purpose of writing the letter, may be more than one sentence. Topic is introduced, but details and extensions are saved for the body)

#6c Details, Elaborations,Support, Explanations #7 I appreciate your taking time to read through this letter. #8

Details, Elaborations,Support, Explanations (should be at least one paragraph of body, but have all the details, elaborations, explanations, etc. Often is multiple paragraphs)

Yours truly, #9 #10

Pat Morris Student

I appreciate your taking time to read through this letter. …. (could be a one sentence paragraph, expressing some form of gratitude or recapping the expectation(s), and/or calling for action based on the details presented. No new items should apprear here.

#11 (Optional) Enc. Report

Yours truly, #1—Sender’s Address #2—Date #3— Recipients Title, Name, Address #4—Salutation #5– Subjevt Line (Optional) #6a, #6b, #6c Text (at least three paragraphs) #7—Closing #8—Space for Signature #9—Printd Name (Title) #10—Position #11—Enclosures (Optional)

Discussion POINTS:

Pat Morris Student

The Formal Letter: 1. A search for a formal letter on the internet will produce many possibilities. This is a hybrid version that I believe works for most situations, including international correspondence.’ 2. Formality lives in both word choice and form and conventions that are acceptable for one form may or may not be acceptable for another. 3. Grading will be based on following format over actual ideas presented. 4. Students should strive to present clear and supported points. 5. See the RITING ISSUU for more details.


Enc. Report


Please note this ISSUU is used for all classes, as a form of orientation. Therefore, there are multiple versions of the class expectations, slightly tweaked. The Verification Sheet is used for all classes and can be submitted by printing off just the verification sheet and returning it to class. If anyone needs a physical copy, or would like a PDF version emailed to them, please contact me at my email of:, and I will be happy to supply you with a copy.

Grading Policy: All grading guidelines established by Virginia Beach City Public Schools will be observed. Grades will be calculated according to the division’s approved grading scale utilizing the electronic gradebook.

TALLWOOD HIGH SCHOOL The Global Studies and World Languages Academy World Literature and Composition I Course Expectations 2015-2016 Teacher: Earl DeMott Contact Information: Room 143B Phone 757-648-5700 ext. 78707 Email: (preferred method) Course Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Global Studies and World Languages Academy

Required Texts: Elements of Literature, World Literature and Vocabulary Workshop Opportunities for Extra Help: By appointment as needed

Course Description and Major Assignments: World Literature and Composition I is the language arts requirement for grade nine Global Studies Academy students. In this course, learners will read a variety of nonfiction, fiction and poetry with an emphasis on critical thinking and writing in response to the ideas encountered in the literature. Learners will maintain a Writing Works in Progress Portfolio. Near the end of both semesters, selected works will be revised and edited for presentation in the Academy portfolio. In conjunction with other academy coursework, learners will complete a research project. As a preparation for the senior project, learners will use this research as the inspiration for an alternate method of presenting the research findings. Required Materials: The day’s required text An organized binder with plenty of loose leaf paper Pencil and pen (blue or black ink) Flash drive Highlighter pen

Range 93-100 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 64-66 Below 64

Letter Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D E

Points 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.0

For each student, the total number of points accrued during a marking period will be compared to the total number of points possible. For example, a student who earns 1400 points out of a possible 1600 points for the marking period will receive a B+ using the following calculation. 1400 _____ = 87.5% = B+

1600 Using the same method for the day to day work, a student who earns 45 points on a 60 point quiz will have scored 75% or C.

Make-up Work and Late Assignments: On-time completion of assignments is the hallmark of an organized and dedicated student. Make-up Work and Late Assignments: On-time completion of assignments is the hallmark of an organized and dedicated student. When learners do not complete assigned readings, they come to class unable to fully participate. When learners do not complete writing assignments, they are likely to miss out on helpful feedback. On-time completion of all assignments is strongly encouraged. When unavoidable circumstances interfere with this, the parent or guardian/ or student should send an email or a note prior to the start of class. Otherwise, the assignment will be considered late, and not be accepted for points. Because much class time is dedicated to the development of essays and projects such as the research project, those submitted after the assigned due date will receive a maximum score of 77%. When a student misses a test or quiz, he /she should be prepared to make up the work immediately upon returning to school. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the missing work and submit it within the allotted makeup time. Retakes of tests and assessments will not take place, although some “test corrections” may be graded as a separate entry in the gradebook. Academic detention will be assigned as necessary. Synergy (the online gradebook available to students and parents) will be updated regularly as assignments go into the gradebook. There should be no more than three class meetings without some sort of grade entered. Outside of the abovementioned grades, Synergy may show an X grade, representing a grade in which the student is Exempt from the assignment. This may be due to special circumstances, and this indicates that the student is not responsible for making up that assignment. Additional to this, there may be a zero grade (0 in the gradebook). This serves as a reminder to students that an assignment needs to be completed.

Academy Expectations Academy students are expected to demonstrate an appreciation for diversity and to be courteous and respectful toward classmates and school staff members. Demonstrate respect for your education by Completing all assignments on time. Bringing the required materials each day. Having your planner with you and using it effectively. Providing appropriate verification for an absence and inquiring about make-up work on the day you return to school. Demonstrate respect for yourself by Maintaining good health and dressing appropriately for school and schoolrelated events. Becoming involved in your school community by participating in afterschool activities. Utilizing your talents and performing to the best of your ability. Demonstrate respect for your peers and your teacher by Listening when others speak. Maintaining a clean desk and classroom. Coming to class on time and being in your seat before the bell rings. Utilizing your own device appropriately and only at the teacher’s discretion.

Consequences for Inappropriate Choices Verbal reminder and/or conference with the student and teacher. Parent contact and/or conference with the parent. After-school detention. Written referral to the Academy Coordinator or member of the Administrative team.

Students whose academic achievement or behavior does not meet Academy expectations will be placed on academic/behavior probation with a plan for improvement. The purpose of academic/behavior probation is to facilitate collaboration among parents, teachers, and the student to develop strategies to help the student experience success.


English 10 / English HONORS Course Expectations 2015-2016 Teacher: Earl DeMott Contact Information: Room 143B Phone 757-648-5700 ext. 78707 Email: (preferred method) Course Prerequisite: Successful completion of English 9 Required Texts: Holt Literature, Level 10 (Teal) Opportunities for Extra Help: By appointment as needed Course Description and Major Assignments: English 10 is the language arts requirement for all sophomores, and sets the bridges the lessons of English 9 with the themes of identity, conformity, and struggle. It is considered an essential preparatory year for English 11, where the SOL will be taken. In this course, learners will read a variety of genres with an emphasis on critical thinking and writing in response to the ideas encountered in the literature. Learners will maintain a Writing Works in Progress Portfolio. Near the end of both semesters, selected works will be revised and edited for presentation in the student’s writing portfolio. In order to enhance individual learning and success in future years, learners will complete a research project. Required Materials: The day’s required text An organized binder with plenty of loose leaf paper Pencil and pen (blue or black ink) Flash drive Highlighter pen Grading Policy: All grading guidelines established by Virginia Beach City Public Schools will be observed. Grades will be calculated according to the division’s approved grading scale utilizing the electronic gradebook

Make-up Work and Late Assignments: On-time completion of assignments is the hallmark of an organized and dedicated student. When learners do not complete assigned readings, they come to class unable to fully participate. When learners do not complete writing assignments, they are likely to miss out on helpful feedback. On-time completion of all assignments is strongly encouraged. When unavoidable circumstances interfere with this, the parent or guardian/ or student should send an email or a note prior to the start of class. Otherwise, the assignment will be considered late, and not be accepted for points in the gradebook. Because much class time is dedicated to the development of essays and projects such as the research project, those submitted after the assigned due date will receive a maximum score of 77%. When a student misses a test or quiz, he /she should be prepared to make up the work immediately upon returning to school. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the missing work and submit it within the allotted makeup time. Retakes of tests and assessments will not take place, although some “test corrections� may be graded as a separate entry in the gradebook. Academic detention will be assigned as necessary.

VBCPS Grading Scale Range Letter Grade 93-100 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 64-66 Below 64


Points 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.0

My Grading Method For each student, the total number of points accrued during a marking period will be compared to the total number of points possible. For example, a student who earns 1400 points out of a possible 1600 points for the marking period will receive a B+ using the following calculation. 1400 _____ = 87.5% = B+ 1600 Using the same method for the day to day work, a student who earns 45 points on a 60 point quiz will have scored 75% or C.

Notes on Synergy Updates / Special Grades Synergy (the online gradebook available to students and parents) will be updated regularly as assignments go into the gradebook. There should be no more than three class meetings without some sort of grade entered. Outside of the abovementioned grades, Synergy may show an X grade, representing a grade in which the student is Exempt from the assignment. This may be due to special circumstances, and this indicates that the student is not responsible for making up that assignment. Additional to this, there may be a zero grade (0 in the gradebook). This serves as a reminder to students that an assignment needs to be completed.

Consequences for Inappropriate Choices Verbal reminder and/or conference with the student and teacher. Parent contact and/or conference with the parent. After-school detention. Written referral to the Academy Coordinator or member of the Administrative team. Students are expected to adhere to the Honor Code. Honor Code I assume the responsibility of my own actions, and I promise to uphold the honor code of Tallwood High School by neither giving nor receiving unauthorized help on any quiz, test, exam, or other academic assignment.

Verification of Acquaintance with Classroom Expectations All Classes Should Use This Form and Return to 143B with Signatures Name of Class: _____________________________________ Please sign indicating that you have read and understand the classroom expectations for this course. I agree to abide by the Honor Code Honor Code I assume the responsibility of my own actions, and I promise to uphold the honor code of Tallwood High School by neither giving nor receiving unauthorized help on any quiz, test, exam, or other academic assignment.

Student name printed:________________________________________________________ Student signature and date____________________________________________________ Parent name printed:________________________________________________________ Parent or guardian signature and date___________________________________________ Teacher signature and date____________________________________________________

Please use this space to share anything you feel might be helpful for me to know regarding the student.


I prefer movies. I prefer cats. I prefer the oaks along the Warta. I prefer Dickens to Dostoyevsky. I prefer myself liking people to myself loving mankind. I prefer keeping a needle and thread on hand, just in case. I prefer the color green. I prefer not to maintain that reason is to blame for everything. I prefer exceptions. I prefer to leave early. I prefer talking to doctors about something else. I prefer the old fine-lined illustrations. I prefer the absurdity of writing poems to the absurdity of not writing poems. I prefer, where love's concerned, nonspecific anniversaries that can be celebrated every day. I prefer moralists who promise me nothing. I prefer cunning kindness to the over-trustful kind. I prefer the earth in civvies. I prefer conquered to conquering countries. I prefer having some reservations. I prefer the hell of chaos to the hell of order. I prefer Grimms' fairy tales to the newspapers' front pages. I prefer leaves without flowers to flowers without leaves. I prefer dogs with uncropped tails. I prefer light eyes, since mine are dark. I prefer desk drawers. I prefer many things that I haven't mentioned here to many things I've also left unsaid. I prefer zeroes on the loose to those lined up behind a cipher. I prefer the time of insects to the time of stars. I prefer to knock on wood. I prefer not to ask how much longer and when. I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility that existence has its own reason for being.

Wislawa Szymborska From "Nothing Twice", 1997 Translated by S. Baranczak & C. Cavanagh Copyright Š Wislawa Szymborska, S. Baranczak & C. Cavanagh


Wislawa Szymborska talks about her preferences, but as one reads the poem, the preferences get harder and harder to make. The opening line (and many others) gives a preference with no comparison. “I prefer movies” tells the reader that Szymborska would rather select movies…..but, over what? Does she prefer movies over books? Or does she prefer movies over real life? Or something else altogether?

In contrast, other lines do indicate a preference over something. Often though, the choices presented by Szymborska aren’t so easy. For example: “I prefer conquered to conquering countries” shows the need to make a choice when the options aren’t cut and dry. In this example, one can think of this sentiment of would you rather be bullied (a negative) or be a bully (another negative).

Often these types of choices allows us to find out who we are:

Easy answers, obvious answers, choices that have consensus level agreement often indicate who we are as a society, or as a group. Cultural clashes, public discourse, even war (which can be seen as a physical manifestation of the clash of ideas), often determines that answer. Individually, however, the choice between two negatives tells volumes of who we are, of who we wish to be. —————————————

The title of this ISSUU (and the corresponding poems) represent my attempted response to Szymborska’s dichotomy of thought.

You will see the revised versions of the poem(s). The first, a rough draft, not presented here, was presented to class on day one. The second (and third) are redrafts. Similar to Szymborska’s poem, at least in concept, is the song “El Condor Pasa,” presented on the following page. Finally, Wilfred Owen’s poem, discussed on Day two, challenges the idea that choices are difficult, especially when considering who makes the choices, and who makes the sacrifices of those choices.

Below Picture of two Nobel Prize winners from the same city: Cracow, Poland (the only city to have the distinction of two Nobel winners). Both won the prize for their literary contributions in poetry. Both lived through the horrors of WWII in Poland, and the subsequent years of Communist rule. Milosz spent much of his later years in San Francisco; Szymborska remained in Cracow Poland. Wislawa Szymborska (1996 recipient) and Czeslaw Milosz. (1980 recipient)

"El Condor Pasa (If I Could)"

I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail Yes I would, if I could, I surely would I'd rather be a hammer than a nail Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would Away, I'd rather sail away Like a swan that's here and gone A man gets tied up to the ground He gives the world it's saddest sound Its saddest sound I'd rather be a forest than a street Yes I would, if I could, I surely would I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet Yes I would, if I only could, I surely would Writer(s): Paul Simon, Daniel Alomia Robles, Daniel Robles, Jorge Milchberg Copyright: Marks Edward B. Music Corp., Edward B Marks Music Company, Paul Simon Music If you wish you can listen to it at:

The Parable of the Old Man and the Young

Wilfred Owen 1893-1918

So Abram rose, and clave the wood, and went, And took the fire with him, and a knife. And as they sojourned both of them together, Isaac the first-born spake and said, My Father, Behold the preparations, fire and iron, But where the lamb for this burnt-offering? Then Abram bound the youth with belts and straps, And builded parapets and trenches there, And stretched forth the knife to slay his son. When lo! An angel called him out of heaven, Saying, Lay not thy hand upon the lad, Neither do anything to him. Behold, A ram, caught in a thicket by its horms; Offer the Ram of Pride instead of him. But the old man would not so, but slew his son, And half the seed of Europe, one by one.


Discussion What’s the Biblical ALLUSION is made in this poem? How does this differ? What TONE does this poem give? What words indicate SETTING? Why is this entitled a PARABLE? What’s the moral lesson? What is the THEME of this piece? What is the MESSAGE? What POETIC STRUCTURE does this poem have? Define: allusion, tone, setting, parable, theme, message, structure

Announcements: Are you on our email list? To receive group emails, please send me an email at Please put the Students name and block in the Subject Line. Please note: All items will appear on ISSUU as well as in the emails. ————————————————— Mr. Kevin Wright as a Teacher Intern from ODU will be with our class until early December. Thanks for making both of our first week’s a great pleasure. —————————— For my A Day Classes, who met on September 8th, the thoughtful and warm birthday wishes were well appreciated, and frankly, quite unexpected.. ———————— On Sunday (September 13th) the GSWLA welcomes the “Spanish Delegation”. from La Senda High School, Getafe, Madrid. Class Visits include Monday’s 4A class. ————— Class Visitations will also occur from Guidance for approximately 10 minutes on both Monday and Tuesday for all English classes. ——— Consider checking out Junior World Affairs Council of Tallwood High School (Details at: Global Students can find information on the upcoming meetings for all Academy events on the Calendar.

Picture Credits, EDM, Summer 2015 Cover Picture: Detail, “Trying To Remember the Color of the Sky on That September Morning,” Artist Spencer Finch. Photo by: Jin Lee Read more at: http//

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