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Sherlock is a show that is produced by BBC television. It stars Benedict Cumberbatch as the famous detective and ______ as John Watson, his partner in crime. The shows are interesting. There isn’t any obvious reason why a solution for the case goes the way it goes. I like how the big villain, Moriarty, is presented. He gives Sherlock and Watson a run for their money and keeps the audience guessing. There were a couple of female leads that kinda shook things up. Mary Watson brings a charm to the show, but she’s no weakling. In fact she was a super agent for the British government. She always turns things around and at the end of episodes she’s in, there seems to be a surprise waiting for you. Mostly though, the relationships are the most interesting. Sherlock and Watson kinda tease each other with intelligent quibs and banter that makes you laugh. What they say to each other is funny. How they say it is also funny. Cumberbatch has a way of speedily delivering his lines. I think he may be the fastest actor alive today. I heard once that one reviewer counted the number of words he spoke per minute and it was alot. The writers took painstaking measures to stay true to the original writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the guy who thunk up the Holmes plots. They did so cleverly, because the show is set, not in Victorian England, but in modern times. Yet, they managed to still keep the plots similar enough to give Doyle the rightful honors. All in all, I think most people would really like this show. It’s produced like movies. Unlike other episodes, that last 25 minutes, or maybe 55 minutes, each Sherlock episode runs a full hour and a half. Thank you for reading my writing. Moriarty is by far my favourite (British spelling) character. He’s soooooooo good at being bad.

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