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Our alumni

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When you eventually leave SHSG at the end of Year 13, you will continue to stay connected to the SHSG family as part of the Alumni.

We are very proud of their achievements – they are an inspiration, keeping the bar held high for the next generation of Southend High School for Girls students as they, like you, begin their exciting journey at the school.

ELEANOR BUTT Alumni - 2019

On reflection of my first year at Oxford University reading PPE I can come to one very simple resolute conclusion. If it were not for Southend High School for Girls I would most definitely not be where I am today.

The relentless support I received from the age of 11 to 18, both in my sport as well as in my academic subjects, enabled me to gain a place at Oxford and also represent the university first team in both netball and athletics. The school also helped facilitate my journey with Saracens Mavericks, who I now represent in the U21 competition squad.

More importantly, the school gave me lifelong friends and shaped me as a woman, giving me the confidence to be myself and be proud of who I am and for that, I’ll be forever grateful. My time at Southend Girls taught me to be confident, to strive for the best in everything I do and gave me my best friends that I’m still very close to today!

I remember my time there fondly. From the 25 wall clocks that would be gifted by each class on the school birthday, to proudly representing SHSG in the National Schools Athletics Finals, lots of fun was had whilst getting a great education, and I owe the school and its dedicated teachers a lot.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time at SHSG (2011 – 2018), making many enduring friendships. Particular highlights include a ski trip to America, taking an unusual GCSE in Japanese and going on a German exchange trip to Münster. With 10 A*s and 3As at GCSE, followed by 3A*s at A Level, I accepted a place at the University of Cambridge to study Geography after leaving. In my degree I then achieved the highest Geography results in my year and a FirstClass Degree with Distinction.

Looking forwards, I am now heading to law school and have a training contract at a commercial law firm. I am incredibly grateful to the school, as these achievements have only been possible with the excellent support and teaching offered throughout my school years at SHSG – a time of warm memories, which I look back upon fondly!

DANIELLE Z Alumni - 2018

I look back on my time at SHSG with the fondest of memories. It is more than just a school with an amazing academic record – it is a dynamic and diverse community. The staff became my greatest supporters, encouraging me throughout every step of my journey and helping me to achieve grades beyond my wildest dreams. I felt equipped to go out into the world with the confidence that I could do anything I set my mind towards and was fully supported when leaving SHSG. This enabled me to secure a role at one of the world’s largest and most prestigious investment banks.

I currently work in the Equity Research Department at Morgan Stanley after I was fortunate enough to gain one of nine places on their inaugural apprenticeship programme. The firm invests in my academic development, paying for my tuition fees to complete a Level 4 qualification and provides me with incredible networking opportunities. I thoroughly enjoy my role and feel incredibly blessed to work for such an outstanding company so early on in my career. I hope to obtain a full-time position in 2022.

I wouldn’t be the individual I am today without my SHSG experience. Whether it be playing netball at national finals, participating in the school musical or delivering speeches as head girl, every moment contributed towards my personal development. I can only hope that future students reap all the benefits and opportunities that the school has to offer.

My time at SHSG is accompanied by very fond memories of the experiences, the wonderful teachers and amazing friends that I have made. My journey came to an end earlier this year in a way that none of us had anticipated, but despite the circumstances we faced and thanks to the hard work of the teachers, I feel in a secure position to take the next step into my future. I made the most of the many, many opportunities the school had to offer throughout the seven years and ended it on my biggest achievement of all, which is becoming head student when I reached Sixth Form. I felt like I learned so much about myself and developed a lot as an individual during this time, assisted by my peers and teachers who were there every step of the way.

It’s strange to think that, this September, I won’t be walking through the green gates that I got so used to, but will instead be living in a new city with completely new people and starting a new era of my life studying Computer Science and Maths at the University of Bristol, after achieving four A*s in my A Levels. The experiences and skills I gained from my time at the school are invaluable, and I know that SHSG has prepared me well for this change. Although I won’t be putting on my uniform every day, I know that, at heart, I will always be a student in green. I couldn’t have imagined a better place to have supported me through these years of my life and am so grateful to have been part of such a fantastic community.


I was head girl at SHSG in 1996, I think, and have good memories of some special teachers. I am still in touch with a number of friends from school. I went from SHSG to read Geography and Politics at Bristol University for a four-year Master in Science degree, and stayed in Bristol to work for a church for a year before becoming an International Policy Advisor in the Cabinet Office in Westminster, with particular responsibility for Climate Change Policy. From there, I went to Oxford University to read Theology and train for ordination as a priest. I have served churches in Nottingham, Abingdon and West London as well as being a boarding school Chaplain. After six years as vicar of St Paul’s Dorking, I was consecrated Bishop of Horsham last year, serving the churches of West Sussex, which is a great privilege. My time at SHSG gave me confidence to find my place in the world as a female leader, and I am doing my best to help other younger women discover their voice and their vocation too.

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