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A zest for knowledge

We take SHSG students on inspiring and challenging learning journeys. In Year 7, students are introduced to the Philosophy of Socrates, Latin and Classical Greek. They also “ study Physics, Chemistry and Biology as separate sciences. Within the Science Faculty, our Year 7s also learn to code in Computer Science.

Jason Carey


At Southend High School for Girls, we prepare our students to compete for world-class opportunities based on their abilities, interests and aspirations. The curriculum is engaging, stimulating and challenging, reflecting the highability intake of our students.

As a student at SHSG, through scholarly endeavour, you will experience and develop the breadth and depth of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for you to pursue your chosen pathway. Through these experiences you will build character and resilience. We will support you to grow the courage to innovate and be original, and revel in being an independent thinker – swashbuckling your way to success and reaching your goals. Our aim is that when you leave Southend High School for Girls, you will be a curious, selfmotivated, life-long learner – academically and personally equipped for the next stage of your life.

Ultimately, we want to see our young people lead lives that are rich in adventure, steeped in positive relationships and fulfilling to both themselves and to society, as written in the motto displayed in the stained-glass window you will pass every day at the school’s entrance.

‘So enter that daily thou mayest become more learned and thoughtful. So depart that thou mayest become more useful to thy country and mankind.’


Students’ curriculum experiences are challenging and reflect the demands of a high-performing grammar school, taking them far beyond the National Curriculum.

In Year 7, students are introduced to Philosophy, Latin and Classical Greek. In Lower School (Years 7 – 9) students study Physics, Chemistry and Biology as separate sciences. Within the Science Faculty, they also learn to code in Computer Science.

In addition, all students in Lower School study two modern foreign languages, English, Mathematics, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Design and Technology, Art, Music, Drama, PSHE and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) and PE.

Many students also take extra GCSEs – some in Year 9 and 10, where they have shown particular aptitude and passion in these areas. Latin GCSE, Statistics GCSE, Further Maths GCSE, and Critical and Contextual Art GCSE are some examples. Students also compete successfully in international maths and language competitions, as well as in national presenting and debating competitions.

In Middle School (Years 10 – 11), and in the Sixth Form, students access a wide and varied range of subject choices at GCSE and A Level. All students study four A Levels and have the opportunity to complete the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

Therefore, as a student at SHSG, you will have an outstanding springboard to prepare you for the top-performing universities or even global apprenticeships. Every subject offers superb academic enrichment programmes to support your development and passion in each subject area, and from the start of Year 7 you will engage in a first-class careers programme.

A strong academic curriculum.

It is a privilege working with the brilliant young minds at SHSG Sixth Form. In just two short years we work with incredible individuals, supporting them in becoming “ young adults who are ready to progress onto their first choice Post-18 pathways. What better job could there be?

Helen Riebold

Director of Sixth Form

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